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graham hole research skills

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  • Graham Hole

Selected publications

Photo of Graham Hole

Bindemann, Markus and Hole, Graham J (2020) Understanding face identification through within-person variability in appearance: Introduction to a virtual special issue. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. pp. 1-8. ISSN 1747-0218

Harrison, V , Hole, G and Habibi, Ruth (2020) Are you in or are you out? The importance of group saliency in own-group biases in face recognition. Perception, 49 (6). pp. 672-687. ISSN 0301-0066

Bhardwaj, Kavya and Hole, Graham (2020) Effect of racial bias on composite construction. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 34 (3). pp. 616-627. ISSN 0888-4080

Elphick, Camilla , Hole, Graham and Welsh, Lucy (2019) Pupil changes linked to eyewitness memory strength in police lineups. The Conversation. ISSN 2201-5639

Elphick, Camilla E J , Pike, Graham E and Hole, Graham J (2019) You can believe your eyes: measuring implicit recognition in a lineup with pupillometry. Psychology, Crime and Law. ISSN 1068-316X

Briggs, Gemma F , Hole, Graham J and Turner, Jim A J (2018) The impact of attentional set and situation awareness on dual tasking driving performance. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 57. pp. 36-47. ISSN 1369-8478

Bagaini, Alexandra and Hole, Graham (2017) Effect of vertical stretching on the extraction of mean identity from faces. Perception, 46 (9). pp. 1048-1061. ISSN 0301-0066

Briggs, Gemma F , Hole, Graham J and Land, Michael F (2016) Imagery-inducing distraction leads to cognitive tunnelling and deteriorated driving performance. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 38. pp. 106-117. ISSN 1369-8478

Laurence, Sarah , Hole, Graham J and Hills, Peter J (2014) Lecturers' faces fatigue their students: face identity aftereffects for dynamic and static faces. Visual Cognition, 22 (8). pp. 1072-1083. ISSN 1350-6285

Laurence, Sarah and Hole, Graham (2012) Identity specific adaptation with composite faces. Visual Cognition, 20 (2). pp. 109-120. ISSN 1350-6285

Hole, Graham (2011) Identity-specific face adaptation effects: evidence for abstractive face representations. Cognition, 119 (2). pp. 216-228. ISSN 0010-0277

Hole, Graham and George, Patricia (2011) Evidence for holistic processing of facial age. Visual Cognition, 19 (5). pp. 585-615.

Briggs, Gemma F , Hole, Graham J and Land, Michael F (2011) Emotionally involving telephone conversations lead to driver error and visual tunnelling. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 14 (4). pp. 313-323. ISSN 1369-8478

Laurence, Sarah and Hole, Graham (2011) The effect of familiarity on face adaptation. Perception, 40 (4). pp. 450-463. ISSN 0301-0066

Bourne, Victoria J , Vladeanu, Matei and Hole, Graham J (2009) Lateralised repetition priming for featurally and configurally manipulated familiar faces: Evidence for differentially lateralised processing mechanisms. Laterality, 14 (3). pp. 287-299. ISSN 1357-650X

Harrison, Virginia and Hole, Graham J (2009) Evidence for a contact-based explanation of the own-age bias in face recognition. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 16 (2). pp. 264-269. ISSN 1069-9384

Steede, Leslie L , Tree, Jeremy J and Hole, Graham J (2007) I can't recognize your face but I can recognize its movement. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 24 (4). pp. 451-466. ISSN 0264-3294

Steede, Leslie L and Hole, Graham J (2006) Repetition priming and recognition of dynamic and static chimeras. Perception, 35 (10). pp. 1367-1382. ISSN 0301-0066

Bourne, Victoria-Jane and Hole, Graham (2006) Lateralised repetition priming for familiar faces: Evidence for asymmetric interhemispheric cooperation. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 59 (6). pp. 1117-1133. ISSN 1747-0218

Steede, Leslie L , Tree, Jeremy and Hole, Graham J (2006) Dissociating mechanisms involved in accessing identity by dynamic and static cues. Visual Cognition, 15. pp. 116-119.

Collishaw, Stephan , Hole, Graham and Schwaninger, Adrian (2005) Configural processing and perceptions of head tilt. Perception, 34 (2). pp. 163-168. ISSN 0301-0066

Tree, J J , Kay, J , Hole, G and Haslam, C (2004) Configural and featural face processing in developmental prosopagnosia. Processings of the British Psychology Society, 12 (2). p. 113.

Bourne, V J and Hole, G (2003) Integration of facial information via interhemispheric cooperation. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 9 (4). pp. 516-517. ISSN 1355-6177

Bourne, V J and Hole, G J (2003) Lateralised repetition priming for face recognition: priming occurs in the right hemisphere only. Perception, 32. p. 173.

Bourne, Victoria J and Hole, Graham J (2003) Left hemisphere recognition of familiar faces: evidence for featural processing. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 9 (4). p. 517.

Hole, Graham , George, Patricia , Eaves, K and Razek, A (2002) Effects of geometric distortions on face recognition performance. Perception, 31 (10). pp. 1221-1240. ISSN 0301-0066

Collishaw, Stephan M and Hole, Graham J (2002) Is there a linear or a nonlinear relationship between rotation and configural processing of faces? Perception, 31 (3). pp. 287-296.

Langham, Martin , Hole, Graham , Edwards, Jacqueline and O'Neil, Colin (2002) An analysis of "looked but failed to see" errors involving parked police cars. Ergonomics, 45 (3). pp. 167-185. ISSN 0014-0139

Bourne, V and Hole, G J (2002) A right hemisphere advantage for processing blurred faces. Perception, 31 (ECVP). p. 19. ISSN 0301-0066

Brace, Nicola A , Hole, Graham , Kemp, Richard I , Pike, Graham E , van Duuren, Michael and Norgate, Lorraine (2001) Developmental changes in the effect of inversion: using a picture book to investigate face recognition. Perception, 30. pp. 85-94.

George, Patricia A and Hole, Graham J (2000) The role of spatial and surface cues in the age-processing of unfamiliar faces. Visual Cognition, 7 (4). pp. 485-510. ISSN 13506285

Collishaw, S M and Hole, G J (2000) Featural and configurational processes in the recognition of faces of different familiarity. Perception, 29 (8). pp. 893-909. ISSN 03010066

Hole, Graham J , George, Patricia A and Dunsmore, Victoria (1999) Evidence for holistic processing of faces viewed as photographic negatives. Perception, 28 (3). pp. 341-359. ISSN 03010066

George, Patricia A and Hole, Graham J (1998) Recognising the ageing face: the role of age in face processing. Perception, 27 (9). pp. 1123-1134. ISSN 03010066

George, Patricia and Hole, Graham (1998) The influence of feature-based information in the age processing of unfamiliar faces. Perception, 27 (3). pp. 295-312. ISSN 03010066

Hole, Graham J , Tyrrell, Lisa and Langham, Martin (1996) Some factors affecting motorcyclists' conspicuity. Ergonomics, 39 (7). pp. 946-965.

Hole, Graham J (1996) Decay and interference effects in visuospatial short-term memory. Perception, 25. pp. 53-64. ISSN 0301-0066

Hole, Graham J and George, Patricia A (1995) Factors influencing the accuracy of age-estimates of unfamiliar faces. Perception, 24 (9). pp. 1059-1073. ISSN 03010066

Hole, Graham and Tyrell, L (1995) The influence of perceptual 'set' on the detection of motorcyclists using daytime headlights. Ergonomics, 38 (7). pp. 1326-1341. ISSN 00140139

Samuels, CA , Butterworth, G , Roberts, T , Graupner, Ludmila and Hole, Graham (1994) Facial aesthetics: babies prefer attractiveness to symmetry. Perception, 23 (7). pp. 823-831. ISSN 03010066

Hole, Graham J (1994) Configurational factors in the perception of unfamiliar faces. Perception, 23 (1). pp. 65-74. ISSN 0301-0066

Hole, Graham (1991) The effects of social deprivation on levels of social play in the laboratory rat Rattus norvegicus. Behavioural Processes, 25 (1). pp. 41-53. ISSN 03766357

Hole, Graham (1991) Proximity measures of social play in the laboratory rat. Developmental Psychobiology, 24 (2). pp. 117-133. ISSN 00121630

Morgan, MJ , Ward, RM and Hole, Graham (1990) Evidence for Positional Coding in Hyperacuity. Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics and image science, 7 (2). pp. 297-304. ISSN 0740-3232

Morgan, M J , Hole, Graham J and Glennerster, A (1990) Biases and sensitivities in geometrical illusions. Vision Research, 30 (11). pp. 1793-1810. ISSN 00426989

Hole, Graham (1988) Temporal features of social play in the laboratory rat. Advances in Ethology, 78 (1). pp. 1-20. ISSN 0179-1613

Hole, G J , Einon, D F and Plotkin, H C (1986) The development of sexual competence in Rattus norvegicus. Behavioural Processes, 12 (2). pp. 187-202. ISSN 0376-6357

Hole, Graham and Bourne, Victoria-Jane (2010) Face processing : psychological, neuropsychological, and applied perspectives. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199235704

Hole, Graham (2006) The psychology of driving. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp. 1367-1382. ISBN 9780805844252

Field, Andy P and Hole, Graham (2003) How to design and report experiments. Sage. ISBN 9780761973829

Book Section

Hole, Graham (2018) Research methods in Psychology. In: Davey, Graham C (ed.) Psychology. BPS Textbooks in Psychology . BPS Textbooks/Wiley, London. ISBN 978-1-119-46579-9

Briggs, Gemma and Hole, Graham (2015) Can I do two things at once? Attention and dual tasking ability. In: Investigating Psychology 2: From Cognitive to Biological. Investigating Psychology, 2 . Open University, Milton Keynes. ISBN 9781780078564

Hole, Graham (2008) Predictors of motor vehicle collisions. In: Duckworth, Melanie P , Iezzi, Tony and O'Donohue, William T (eds.) Motor Vehicle Collisions: Medical, Psychosocial, and Legal Consequences. Elsevier/Academic, pp. 13-43. ISBN 9780080450483

Langham, Martin and Hole, Graham (2000) Do object recognition theories explain visual search failures at junctions? In: Gale, Alastair G (ed.) Vision in Vehicles VII. Elsevier. ISBN 0-08-043671-4

Hole, Graham and Tyrell, L (1996) Possible penalties of motorcyclists' daytime headlight use: a laboratory investigation. In: Gale, AG (ed.) Vision in Vehicles 5. North Holland. ISBN 9780444814777

Hole, Graham and Einon, Dorothy F (1984) Play in rodents. In: Smith, Peter K (ed.) Play in animals and humans. Blackwell. ISBN 0631134921

graham hole research skills

graham hole research skills

Graham Hole

BSc (Hons) Psychology, University College London; PhD University College London

Course Organiser for Psychology of Forensic Analysis and Investigation, Neuropsychology of Face Processing (BSMS), Research Skills in Psychology One.

Research expertise:

Age perception, Configural processing of faces, Face Identity After Effects, Face recognition, Looked but failed to see errors in driving, Mobile phones and driving, Motorcycle conspicuity, Perceptual and attention in relation to driving

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Graham J Hole

Levels of Measurement in Psychological Research

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  • Statistics Anxiety Rating Scale (STARS) Use in Psychology Students: a Review and Analysis with an Undergraduate Sample Rachel J DARTP bursary winners Statistics Anxiety Rating Scale (STARS) use in Psychology students: A review and analysis with an undergraduate sample Rachel J. Nesbit & Victoria J. Bourne Statistics anxiety is extremely common in undergraduate psychology students. The Statistics Anxiety Rating Scale (STARS) is at present the most widely used measure to assess statistics anxiety, measuring six distinct scales: test and class anxiety, interpretation anxiety, fear of asking for help, worth of statistics, fear of statistics teachers and computational self-concept. In this paper we first review the existing research that uses the STARS with psychology undergraduates. We then provide an analysis of the factor and reliability analysis of the STARS measure using a sample of undergraduate psychology students (N=315). Factor analysis of the STARS yielded nine factors, rather than the six it is intended to measure, with some items indicating low reliability, as demonstrated by low factor loadings. On the basis of these data, we consider the further development and refinement of measures of statistics anxiety in psychology students. Keywords: STARS, psychology, statistics anxiety. Introduction asking for help. The second section of the N THE UK, psychology is an increas- STARS measures attitudes towards statis- ingly popular subject for undergrad- tics and consists of three scales (28 items): Iuate students, with more than 80,000 worth of statistics, fear of statistics tutors and undergraduate students across the UK in computational self-concept. 2016–2017 (HESA). Despite the popularity The initial factor structure of the STARS of psychology in higher education many identified six distinct factors (Cruise et new entrants are unaware of the statistical al., 1985), as did the UK adaption (Hanna components of their course (Ruggeri et al., et al., 2008), validating the six scales 2008). [Show full text]
  • Design of Rating Scales in Questionnaires GESIS Survey Guidelines Design of Rating Scales in Questionnaires Natalja Menold & Kathrin Bogner December 2016, Version 2.0 Abstract Rating scales are among the most important and most frequently used instruments in social science data collection. There is an extensive body of methodological research on the design and (psycho)metric properties of rating scales. In this contribution we address the individual scale-related aspects of questionnaire construction. In each case we provide a brief overview of the current state of research and practical experience, and – where possible – offer design recommendations. Citation Menold, N., & Bogner, K. (2016). Design of Rating Scales in Questionnaires. GESIS Survey Guidelines. Mannheim, Germany: GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences. doi: 10.15465/gesis-sg_en_015 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution – NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC). 1. Introduction Since their introduction by Thurstone (1929) and Likert (1932) in the early days of social science research in the late 1920s and early 1930s, rating scales have been among the most important and most frequently used instruments in social science data collection. A rating scale is a continuum (e.g., agreement, intensity, frequency, satisfaction) with the help of which different characteristics and phenomena can be measured in questionnaires. Respondents evaluate the content of questions and items by marking the appropriate category of the rating scale. For example, the European Social Survey (ESS) question “All things considered, how satisfied are you with your life as a whole nowadays?” has an 11-point rating scale ranging from 0 (extremely dissatisfied) to 10 (extremely satisfied). [Show full text]
  • Downloaded the Reviews Related to the Food and the Service of the Restaurant from This Website Multimodal Technologies and Interaction Article Decision Aids in Online Review Portals: An Empirical Study Investigating Their Effectiveness in the Sensemaking Process of Online Information Consumers Amal Ponathil 1,* , Anand Gramopadhye 2 and Kapil Chalil Madathil 1,2 1 Glenn Department of Civil Engineering, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634, USA 2 Department of Industrial Engineering, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634, USA * Correspondence: [email protected] Received: 18 March 2020; Accepted: 17 June 2020; Published: 23 June 2020 Abstract: There is an increasing concern about the trustworthiness of online reviews as there is no editorial process for verification of their authenticity. This study investigated the decision-making process of online consumers when reacting to a review, with the reputation score of the reviewer and the number of previous reviews incorporated along with anonymous and non-anonymous reviews. It recruited 200 participants and developed a 3 2 2 2 2 mixed experimental study, with the × × × × independent variables being the reaction to a review of a restaurant at 3 levels, the reputation score at 2 levels, the number of previous reviews at 2 levels, the valence of the reviews at 2 levels, and the level of anonymity at 2 levels. Five dependent variables were analyzed: level of trust, likelihood of going to the restaurant, a choice question of whether to go to the restaurant, confidence in the decision and the NASA-TLX workload. This study found that the reputation scores complemented the reaction to a review, improving the trust in the information and confidence in the decision made. The findings suggest that incorporating a user rating scale such as the reputation score of a user deters people from writing false or biased reviews and helps improve their accuracy. [Show full text]
  • Converting Likert Scales Into Behavioral Anchored Rating Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice Volume 16 | Issue 3 Article 9 2019 Converting Likert Scales Into Behavioral Anchored Rating Scales(Bars) For The vE aluation of Teaching Effectiveness For Formative Purposes Luis Matosas-López Rey Juan Carlos University, [email protected] Santiago Leguey-Galán Rey Juan Carlos University, [email protected] Luis Miguel Doncel-Pedrera Rey Juan Carlos University, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Matosas-López, Luis; Leguey-Galán, Santiago; and Doncel-Pedrera, Luis Miguel, Converting Likert Scales Into Behavioral Anchored Rating Scales(Bars) For The vE aluation of Teaching Effectiveness For Formative Purposes, Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 16(3), 2019. Available at: Research Online is the open access institutional repository for the University of Wollongong. For further information contact the UOW Library: [email protected] Converting Likert Scales Into Behavioral Anchored Rating Scales(Bars) For The vE aluation of Teaching Effectiveness For Formative Purposes Abstract Likert scales traditionally used in student evaluations of teaching (SET) suffer from several shortcomings, including psychometric deficiencies or ambiguity problems in the interpretation of the results. Assessment instruments with Behavioral Anchored Rating Scales (BARS) offer an alternative to Likert-type questionnaires. This paper describes the construction of an appraisal tool with BARS generated with the participation of 974 students and 15 teachers. The er sulting instrument eliminates ambiguity in the interpretation of results and gives objectivity to the evaluation due to the use of unequivocal behavioral examples in the final scale. [Show full text]
  • Overview of Classical Test Theory and Item Response Theory for the Quantitative Assessment of Items in Developing Patient-Reported Outcomes Measures UCLA UCLA Previously Published Works Title Overview of classical test theory and item response theory for the quantitative assessment of items in developing patient-reported outcomes measures. Permalink Journal Clinical therapeutics, 36(5) ISSN 0149-2918 Authors Cappelleri, Joseph C Jason Lundy, J Hays, Ron D Publication Date 2014-05-05 DOI 10.1016/j.clinthera.2014.04.006 Peer reviewed Powered by the California Digital Library University of California Clinical Therapeutics/Volume 36, Number 5, 2014 Commentary Overview of Classical Test Theory and Item Response Theory for the Quantitative Assessment of Items in Developing Patient-Reported Outcomes Measures Joseph C. Cappelleri, PhD1; J. Jason Lundy, PhD2; and Ron D. Hays, PhD3 1Pfizer Inc, Groton, Connecticut; 2Critical Path Institute, Tucson, Arizona; and 3Division of General Internal Medicine & Health Services Research, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California ABSTRACT Conclusion: Classical test theory and IRT can be useful in providing a quantitative assessment of items Background: The US Food and Drug Administra- and scales during the content-validity phase of PRO- ’ tion s guidance for industry document on patient- measure development. Depending on the particular fi reported outcomes (PRO) de nes content validity as type of measure and the specific circumstances, the “ the extent to which the instrument measures the classical test theory and/or the IRT should be consid- ” concept of interest (FDA, 2009, p. 12). According ered to help maximize the content validity of PRO to Strauss and Smith (2009), construct validity "is measures. (Clin Ther. 2014;36:648–662) & 2014 now generally viewed as a unifying form of validity Elsevier HS Journals, Inc. [Show full text]
  • Rating Scale Optimization in Survey Research: an Application of the Rasch Rating Scale Model RATING SCALE OPTIMIZATION IN SURVEY RESEARCH: AN APPLICATION OF THE RASCH RATING SCALE MODEL Kenneth D ROYAL, PHD American Board of Family Medicine E-mail: [email protected] Amanda ELLIS University of Kentucky Anysia ENSSLEN University of Kentucky Annie HOMAN University of Kentucky Abstract: Linacre (1997) describes rating scale optimization as "fine-tuning" to try to squeeze the last ounce of performance out of a test [or survey]”. In the survey research arena, rating scale optimization often involves collapsing rating scale categories and performing additional iterative analyses of the data to ensure appropriate fit to the Rasch model. The purpose of this research is to 1) explore the literature as it pertains to rating scales in survey research, 2) discuss Rasch measurement and its applications in survey research, 3) conduct an iterative Rasch analysis of a sample survey dataset that demonstrates how collapsing rating scale categories can sometimes improve construct, communicative and structural validity and increase the reliability of the measures, and 4) discuss the implications of this technique. Quality rating scales are essential for meaningful measurement in survey research. Because rating scales are the communication medium between the researcher and survey respondents, it is important that “communication validity” is evident in all survey research (Lopez, 1996). Communication validity is the extent to which the survey was developed in a manner that is unambiguous in language, terminology, and meaning for respondents. Further, it is also the extent to which respondents were able to clearly identify the ordered nature of the rating scale response options and accurately distinguish the difference between each category. [Show full text]
  • Basic Marketing Research: Volume 1 Handbook for Research Professionals Basic Marketing Research: Volume 1 Handbook for Research Professionals Official Training Guide from Qualtrics Scott M. Smith | Gerald S. Albaum © Copyright 2012, Qualtrics Labs, Inc. ISBN: 978-0-9849328-1-8 © 2012 Qualtrics Labs Inc. All rights reserved. This publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Qualtrics. Errors or omissions will be corrected in subsequent editions. Author Information Scott M. Smith is Founder of Qualtrics, Professor Emeritus of Marketing, Brigham Young University. Professor Smith is a Fulbright Scholar and has written numerous articles published in journals such as Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Ethics , International Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing Research, and Journal of Business Research. He is the author, co-author, or editor of books, chapters, and proceedings including An Introduction to Marketing Research. Qualtrics, 2010 (with G. Albaum); Fundamentals of Marketing Research. Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage Publishers 2005 (with G. Albaum); Multidimensional Scaling. New York: Allyn and Bacon 1989 (with F. J. Carmone and P. E. Green), and Computer Assisted Decisions in Marketing. Richard D. Irwin 1988 (with W. Swinyard). Gerald S. Albaum is Research Professor in the Marketing Department at the Robert O. Anderson Schools of Management, the University of New Mexico, Professor Emeritus of Marketing, University of Oregon. Professor Albaum has written numerous articles published in journals such as Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of the Market Research Society, Psychological Reports, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Business and Journal of Business Research. [Show full text]
  • Determining What Individual SUS Scores Mean: Adding an Adjective Vol. 4, Issue 3, May 2009, pp. 114-123 Determining What Individual SUS Scores Mean: Adding an Adjective Rating Scale Aaron Bangor Abstract Principal Member of Technical Staff The System Usability Scale (SUS) is an inexpensive, yet AT&T Labs effective tool for assessing the usability of a product, 9505 Arboretum Blvd including Web sites, cell phones, interactive voice response Austin, TX 78759 systems, TV applications, and more. It provides an easy-to- USA [email protected] understand score from 0 (negative) to 100 (positive). While a 100-point scale is intuitive in many respects and allows for Philip Kortum relative judgments, information describing how the numeric Professor-in-the-Practice score translates into an absolute judgment of usability is not Rice University known. To help answer that question, a seven-point Department of Psychology 6100 Main Street MS25 adjective-anchored Likert scale was added as an eleventh Houston, TX 77005 question to nearly 1,000 SUS surveys. Results show that the USA Likert scale scores correlate extremely well with the SUS [email protected] scores (r=0.822). The addition of the adjective rating scale to the SUS may help practitioners interpret individual SUS James Miller Principal Member of scores and aid in explaining the results to non-human factors Technical Staff professionals. AT&T Labs 9505 Arboretum Blvd Keywords Austin, TX 78759 USA System Usability Scale, SUS, Surveys, User Satisfaction, [email protected] Usability Copyright © 2008-2009, Usability Professionals‟ Association and the authors. Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. [Show full text]
  • Rasch Rating Scale Modeling of Data from the Standardized Letter of Recommendation Research Report Rasch Rating Scale Modeling of Data From the Standardized Letter of Recommendation Sooyeon Kim Patrick C. Kyllonen Research & October 2006 Development RR-06-33 Rasch Rating Scale Modeling of Data From the Standardized Letter of Recommendation Sooyeon Kim and Patrick C. Kyllonen ETS, Princeton, NJ October 2006 As part of its educational and social mission and in fulfilling the organization's nonprofit charter and bylaws, ETS has and continues to learn from and also to lead research that furthers educational and measurement research to advance quality and equity in education and assessment for all users of the organization's products and services. ETS Research Reports provide preliminary and limited dissemination of ETS research prior to publication. To obtain a PDF or a print copy of a report, please visit: Copyright © 2006 by Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved. ETS, the ETS logo, GRADUATE RECORD EXAMINATIONS, and GRE are registered trademarks of Educational Testing Service (ETS). Abstract The Standardized Letter of Recommendation (SLR), a 28-item form, was created by ETS to supplement the qualitative rating of graduate school applicants’ nonacademic qualities with a quantitative approach. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the following psychometric properties of the SLR using the Rasch rating-scale model: dimensionality, reliability, item quality, and rating category effectiveness. Principal component and factor analyses were also conducted to examine the dimensionality of the SLR. Results revealed (a) two secondary factors underlay the data, along with a strong higher order factor, (b) item and person separation reliabilities were high, (c) noncognitive items tended to elicit higher endorsements than did cognitive items, and (d) a 5-point Likert scale functioned effectively. [Show full text]
  • Rating Scales Used in Questionnaires Rating Scales Used In Questionnaires detersDom rocket fashionably. his valorization Discretionary blow-outs Pascale holus-bolus, grime portentously. but empurpled Ted never nitrogenise so complainingly. Acceptive Reid Any time and emotions and how difficult to the overall satisfaction, under the formulation of an odd number of rating scale by the preliminary reliability, thisopinion is used rating scales in questionnaires Three five seven were or even eleven point rating scales are used by different companies to measure aspects of customer satisfaction The three. Rating Scales lists and examples from HR-Surveycom. Rating Scale Definition Survey Question Types and Examples. What claim a Likert Scale Definition Examples and Usage. Rating scales There within several popular scales used in questionnaire design including Likert and semantic differential scales coat this american General guidelines. Category labels the notion under used in horizontal bar charts in the decision stage is still be amenable to frame things in. Program activities of this mean by all moral or seveasked to use question used rating scales in questionnaires created the number of human! When used for online surveys graphic rating scales may that a slider which respondents can lie up bow down and scale Sliders allow respondents to make. Types of hundred in Social Science Research ThoughtCo. The occasion of Rating Scales in Surveys Primalogik. The Likert scale is union of at most frequently used rating scales in studies and satisfaction surveys This something said love can further use this rating. Providing that in rating scales used. Designing Rating Scales for Effective Measurement in Surveys. Measuring Health A profit to Rating Scales and Yumpu. [Show full text]
  • Reporting and Interpreting Scores Derived from Likert-Type Scales Journal of Agricultural Education, 55(5), 30-47. doi: 10.5032/jae.2014.05030 Reporting and Interpreting Scores Derived from Likert-type Scales J. Robert Warmbrod1 Abstract Forty-nine percent of the 706 articles published in the Journal of Agricultural Education from 1995 to 2012 reported quantitative research with at least one variable measured by a Likert-type scale. Grounded in the classical test theory definition of reliability and the tenets basic to Likert- scale measurement methodology, for the target population of 344 articles using Likert-scale methodology, the objectives of the research were to (a) describe the scores derived from Likert- type scales reported and interpreted, (b) describe the reliability coefficients cited for the scores interpreted, and (c) ascertain whether there is congruence or incongruence between the reliability coefficient cited and the Likert-scale scores reported and interpreted. Twenty-eight percent of the 344 articles exhibited congruent interpretations of Likert-scale scores, 45% of the articles exhibited incongruent interpretations, and 27% of the articles exhibited both congruent and incongruent interpretations. Single-item scores were reported and interpreted in 63% of the articles, 98% of which were incongruent interpretations. Summated scores were reported and interpreted in 59% of the articles, 91% of which were congruent interpretations. Recommendations for analysis, interpretation, and reporting of scores derived from Likert-type scales are presented. Keywords: Reliability; Likert-type scale; Cronbach’s alpha During the 18-year period 1995 to 2012, 706 articles were published in the Journal of Agricultural Education. Forty-nine percent of the 706 articles were reports of quantitative research with at least one variable measured by a Likert-type scale. [Show full text]
  • Parenting Children with Disruptive Behaviours: Evaluation of a Collaborative Problem Solving Pilot Program O Journal of Clinical Psychology Practice 2010 (1) 27-40 RESEARCH Parenting Children with Disruptive Behaviours: Evaluation of a Collaborative Problem Solving Pilot Program Trina Epstein1 Tourette Syndrome Neurodevelopmental Clinic Toronto Western Hospital Toronto ON Jennifer Saltzman-Benaiah York Central Hospital & Children's Treatment Network of Simcoe York Richmond Hill ON ABSTRACT Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) teaches parents to empathize with their children’s difficulties and find collaborative ways of solving problems. The aims of this pilot were to develop a CPS group intervention and evaluate its feasibility and preliminary efficacy for parents of children with disruptive behaviours. The parents of 12 children (N= 19) with Tourette syndrome and oppositional defiant disorder participated in a group intervention. Parents completed the Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory (ECBI), Social Competence Scale, and Parenting Stress Index-Short Form (PSI-SF) at four time points. Feasibility data were collected. The group approach was feasible and acceptable to families, with high attendance and homework completion, low attrition, and favorable parent satisfaction ratings. Improvements at the end of the intervention and at follow-up were noted on the ECBI for mothers and fathers and there were significant reductions in mothers’ stress on the PSI-SF. Preliminary findings suggest that CPS offered to parents in a group format may reduce child disruptive behaviors and decrease parent stress. Further investigation with a larger sample size and control group is recommended. KEYWORDS: Parent training; disruptive behaviour; Tourette syndrome; Collaborative Problem Solving Disruptive behaviour is observed across many disruptive behaviour that most concern parents and clinical populations, including children with Tourette cause the greatest interference with a child’s well syndrome (TS). [Show full text]

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(NB: Forensic and Applied Cognitive Psychology is now available only on Study Direct, for Sussex University students).

  Research Skills One

BSMS SSC option on Neuropsychology of Face Processing

Graham Hole's research interests:

I’m interested in perception and attention, primarily in relation to face processing and the psychology of driving. Click here to find out more...

  • Statistics And Probability

Guide to APA statistical notation

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<strong>Research</strong> <strong>Skills</strong> <strong>Problem</strong> <strong>Sheet</strong> 6 : <strong>Graham</strong> <strong>Hole</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>2009</strong>: <strong>Page</strong> 1: <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Skills</strong>: <strong>Problem</strong>-<strong>Sheet</strong> 6: Dependent-Means t-tests: 1. Ten subjects take a test of motor coordination, once after drinking a pint of beer and once without drinking alcohol. Their times in seconds to complete the task were: Subject: With beer: Without beer: 1 12.4 10.0 2 15.5 14.2 3 17.9 18.0 4 9.7 10.1 5 19.6 14.2 6 16.5 12.1 7 15.1 15.1 8 16.3 12.4 9 13.3 12.7 10 11.6 13.1 Perform a matched-pairs (also known as a dependent-means) t-test to test whether drinking beer makes you slower at the task. [Answer: t = 2.18, p

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  8. How to Design and Report Experiments

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  20. Home []

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  21. Guide to APA statistical notation

    Graham Hole, Research Skills 2012: page 3 Mean and Standard Deviation are most clearly presented in parentheses: The sample as a whole was relatively young (M = 19.22, SD = 3.45). The average age of students was 19.22 years (SD = 3.45). Percentages are also most clearly displayed in parentheses with no decimal places: Nearly half (49%) of the ...

  22. Research Skills Problem Sheet 6 : Graham Hole, April 2009: Page ...

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