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100 Contoh Judul Tesis Tentang S2 Bahasa Inggris

  • December 22, 2023 – Dalam menjalani perjalanan akademis, penulisan Tesis merupakan langkah penting yang menuntut ketelitian dan pemilihan topik yang tepat. Oleh karena itu, artikel ini disusun untuk membantu mahasiswa dalam menemukan inspirasi dengan memberikan “100 Contoh Judul Tesis Tentang S2 Bahasa Inggris.” Pemilihan judul-judul ini didesain untuk memudahkan mahasiswa dalam mengeksplorasi topik-topik yang relevan dan memiliki potensi untuk diteliti. Dengan harapan, artikel ini dapat memberikan panduan yang bermanfaat bagi mahasiswa yang sedang mencari ide-ide sederhana namun bermakna dalam penulisan skripsi di bidang S2 Bahasa Inggris.

Definisi Tentang S2 Bahasa Inggris

“S2” atau “Master’s degree” adalah gelar akademis tingkat lanjut yang diberikan kepada seseorang setelah menyelesaikan program pascasarjana di tingkat magister. Program S2 biasanya memerlukan penyelesaian studi lanjutan, penelitian independen, dan penulisan tesis atau proyek akhir. Gelar S2 dirancang untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam dalam bidang studi tertentu, memperluas pengetahuan, dan mengembangkan keterampilan kritis. Program-program S2 dapat ditawarkan dalam berbagai bidang, termasuk ilmu sosial, humaniora, sains alam, teknik, bisnis, dan lainnya. Penerima gelar S2 diharapkan memiliki pemahaman yang lebih mendalam dan kemampuan untuk melakukan penelitian atau bekerja di bidang yang berkaitan dengan program studi mereka.

100 Contoh Judul S2 Bahasa Inggris

Berikut adalah contoh 100 Referensi Judul Tesis Tentang S2 Bahasa Inggris yang dapat Anda gunakan sebagai referensi untuk skripsi, diantaranya:

  • Pengaruh Strategi Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek terhadap Kemampuan Menulis Bahasa Inggris
  • Analisis Kecerdasan Emosional dan Prestasi Belajar Bahasa Inggris pada Mahasiswa S2
  • Evaluasi Efektivitas Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Digital dalam Peningkatan Kemampuan Speaking Bahasa Inggris
  • Perbandingan Keterampilan Berbicara antara Kelompok Pembelajaran Kolaboratif dan Individual dalam Konteks Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris
  • Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Think-Pair-Share dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Listening Bahasa Inggris
  • Dampak Penggunaan Teknologi Virtual Reality dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris
  • Analisis Strategi Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk Mahasiswa S2 dalam Menangani Kesulitan Gramatikal
  • Evaluasi Pengaruh Penggunaan Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek terhadap Keterampilan Menyimak Bahasa Inggris
  • Perbandingan Efektivitas Metode Pembelajaran Jigsaw dan Role Play dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris
  • Pengaruh Penggunaan Aplikasi Mobile dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menulis Naratif Bahasa Inggris
  • Analisis Strategi Pembelajaran Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris
  • Evaluasi Efektivitas Program Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Online pada Tingkat Pascasarjana
  • Perbandingan Pengaruh Pembelajaran Klasikal dan Pembelajaran Kontekstual terhadap Keterampilan Berbicara Mahasiswa S2
  • Penerapan Metode Penilaian Portofolio dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menulis Argumentatif Bahasa Inggris
  • Dampak Penggunaan Metode Game-based Learning dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris
  • Analisis Pengaruh Penggunaan Video Pembelajaran terhadap Peningkatan Keterampilan Mendengarkan Bahasa Inggris
  • Evaluasi Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris pada Tingkat S2
  • Perbandingan Efektivitas Metode Storytelling dan Role Play dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris
  • Pengaruh Penggunaan Aplikasi Podcast dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berbicara Bahasa Inggris
  • Analisis Strategi Pembelajaran Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Membaca Bahasa Inggris
  • Evaluasi Efektivitas Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris dengan Pendekatan Genre-Based
  • Perbandingan Pengaruh Penggunaan Metode Demonstrasi dan Simulasi dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris
  • Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem-Based Learning (PBL) dalam Peningkatan Kemampuan Menulis Deskriptif Bahasa Inggris
  • Dampak Penggunaan Aplikasi Augmented Reality dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris
  • Analisis Pengaruh Metode Cooperative Script terhadap Keterampilan Berbicara Mahasiswa S2
  • Evaluasi Efektivitas Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris dengan Pendekatan Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT)
  • Perbandingan Pengaruh Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek dan Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris
  • Penerapan Metode Penilaian Peer Assessment dalam Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Argumentatif Bahasa Inggris
  • Dampak Penggunaan Aplikasi Mobile dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berbicara Bahasa Inggris
  • Evaluasi Pengaruh Pembelajaran Kolaboratif dengan Teknologi Virtual Reality dalam Peningkatan Keterampilan Listening Bahasa Inggris

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Kumpulan Contoh Judul Tesis S2 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris UPI

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  • Beliefs And Practices On Ict Integration: A Case Of Digital-Native And Digital-Immigrant Efl Teachers
  • Creating Engagement In Argumentative Writing: A Case Of Dialogic Approach To Feedback
  • Digital Literacy Of Secondary English Language Teachers: Its Relation To Technology Integration And Training
  • Online Teaching And Learning: Efl Teachers’ And Students’ Perceptions, Teaching Practice And Teaching Challenges
  • Promoting Storytelling In Videoconferencing To Alleviate Secondary Students’ Speaking Anxiety A Case Study Of High School Students Who Study From Home During The Covid-19 Pandemic In Riau Province
  • The Analysis Of Teacher’S Lesson Plan And Its Implementation In The Teaching Of Procedure Texts: A Case Of Applying Genre Based Approach
  • Utilization Of Internationally Published Textbooks Within Curriculum 2013: Practice And Tension (A Case Study At Two Private Schools In Bandung)
  • Utilizing Webinar As A Medium In Teaching Speaking For Adult Learners In Indonesia
  • Web-Based Ted-Ed: Blended Learning In Teaching Speaking
  • Whatsapp Mediated Online Discussion In The Teaching Of English To Promote High School Students’ Higher Order Thinking Skills
  • Cultural Contents Of A Junior High School English Textbook
  • Exploring Nationalism Values In Senior High School English Textbooks
  • Gender Representation In The Two Efl Textbooks In Indonesian Senior High School: A Systemic Functional Linguistic Analysis
  • Graduates' Understandings, Actual Writing, And Challenges In Constructing Research Article Abstracts
  • Home And School Literacy Environment In Supporting The Teyl (Teaching English To Young Learner) A Case Study Of Upper-Level Students At One Primary School In Bandung
  • In Search Of Appropriate Classroom Management Strategy In Misbehaviors: Views Of Efl Teachers And Students
  • Policy, Practice, And Challenges In The Implementation Of Bilingual Education: A Case Study At An Elementary School In Bandung
  • Teacher’S Use Of And Students’ Responses To Teacher’S Gesture And Posture In The Teaching Of Writing Within The Genre Based Approach
  • Teacher-Student Rapport And Students' Speaking Performance In Elt
  • The Implementation Of Extensive Reading Program And Its Contribution In Enhancing Reading Comprehension For Senior High School Students
  • The Occurrences Of Hedges And Boosters In Elt Learners' Academic Written Discourses
  • The Realization Of Cohesion Through The Internal And External Conjunctive Relations In Efl Learners’ Exposition Texts
  • A Content Analysis On English Textbook For The Tenth Graders Entitled Bahasa Inggris Untuk Sma/Ma/Smk/Mak Kelas X
  • An Inquiry Into Educational Podcasting For Efl Learners In A Vocational High School: Learners’ Perceptions
  • Appropriating Indonesian Identity In An Eyl Classroom At A Private Primary School In Bandung
  • Assessing Teacher-Made Assessments Based On Higher Order Thinking Principles
  • Cultural Contents Of A Junior High School English Textbook When English Rings A Bell For Grade Vii
  • Efl Teachers' Perceived Language Proficiency And Teaching Effectiveness
  • Efl Teachers' Roles In Technology-Integrated Instruction Practices
  • Efl Teachers’ Perceptions And Strategies In Implementing Learner Autonomy
  • English Teacher'S Autonomy In The Instructional Planning Decision-Making In Indonesian Secondary Schools
  • Formulaic Expressions And Its Sociocultural Influences Found In Teacher-Student Interactions
  • Implementing Reading To Learn (R2L) To Scaffold The Teaching Of Writing Analytical Exposition Text For Disadvantaged Students
  • Incorporating Debate Into The Inquiry-Based Teaching To Improve The Students’ Higherorder Thinking Skills
  • Incorporating Four Resources Model And Song Lyrics To Promote Critical Literacy Practice In An Efl Classroom
  • Integration Of The Blog Into An Efl Writing Class Based On The Scientific Approach In Indonesian 2013 Curriculum
  • Investigating Students' Critical Thinking Questioning In Learning To Read A Narrative Text
  • Investigating Teachers’ Interpersonal Behaviors In Promoting Efl Students’ Participation
  • Learner Autonomy In Higher Education: Learning From Non-English Major Students’ And English Teachers’ Voices
  • Low English Proficiency Students' Anxiety And The Progress Of Their Oral Proficiency When Interacting With A Native Speaker
  • Penguatan Kemampuan Konjugasi Verba Bentuk ~Te Menggunakan Aplikasi Henkado
  • Promoting Reading Comprehension In An Efl Context : A Lesson Learned From An Expert
  • Reading To Learn (R2L): Teacher'S Implementation In The Teaching Of Hortatory Exposition Text In The Context Of Middle School In Indonesia : A Case Study In A Middle School In Cimahi
  • Reflective Teaching In The English Classrooms: Teachers’ Beliefs And Practices
  • Scientific Approach : Teacher’S Beliefs And Practices In An Elt Context
  • Speaking Anxiety Of Efl High School Students: Indonesian And Moroccan Cases
  • Systemic Functional Analysis Of Verbal And Visual Communication In Digital Storytelling: Potentials And Challenges For Pedagogical Implications
  • Teacher’S Beliefs About The Roles Of An English Language Teacher: A Case Study Of A Non-English Education Graduate Teacher
  • Teachers' Assessment Practices In English For Young Learners Classroom
  • Teachers’ Perception On Classroom Management, Assessment, And Teaching Strategy In English Teaching Before And After Lesson Study Impementation (A Mixed-Method Study At Senior High Schools In Bandung)
  • Technology Integration In A Secondary Vocational Efl Classroom: Process, Challenges And Perception
  • The Construction Of English Language Curriculum Of A Modern Pesantren In Indonesia
  • The Representational Meaning Of Images And Texts In Students' Powerpoint Slides
  • The Teachers' Use Of Semiotic Resources In Efl Classrooms: A Multimodal Analysis
  • The Use Of Authentic Materials In English As A Foreign Language (Efl) Classrooms
  • The Use Of Google Docs As An Online Collaborative Tool In Translation Class
  • The Use Of Ict In Efl Classrooms: Teachers’ Readiness, Implementation, And Challenges
  • The Use Of Illustrations In The Students’ Reading Comprehension : A Quasi Experimental Study In A Private College In Bandung
  • The Washback Effect Of Computer-Based English National Examination On The English Teaching Process
  • Using Games To Improve Students’ Speaking Skills : A Classroom Action Research
  • Video-Based Reflection For Teachers’ Professionalism Improvement: A Case Of Junior High School In-Service Teachers In Bandung
  • A Study Of Students’ Engagement In Enhancingtheir Communicative Competence In Task-Based Language Teaching: A Case Study In A Private Senior High School In Bandung
  • A Study Of Teachers’ Verbal Feedback On Students’ Oral Response In Efl Classrooms
  • An Analysis Of Students’ Needs For Designing An Esp-Based Syllabus In A Business School In Bandung
  • An Analysis Of Teacher Written Feedback On Efl Students’ Writing : A Descriptive Study Of The Second Graders Of Senior High Schools In Pekanbaru
  • An Analysis Of The English Needs Of Fifth Graders As Perceived By The Teachers In Several Schools In One Of The Subdistricts In Cirebon
  • An Error Analysis Of Efl Undergraduate Students' Writings Using An Automated Writing Evaluation Program
  • An Inquiry Into Identity Formation Of English For Specific Purposes Instructors
  • An Investigation Of Teaching Methods And Approaches Used By Senior High School Teachers In Riau
  • Analyzing An Efl Teacher’S Classroom Management In A Private Junior High School In Bandung
  • Assessing Efl Students’ Politeness Competence In The Realization Of Requests
  • Exploring Efl Learner Autonomy In The 2013 Curriculum Implementation
  • Exploring Teachers’ Beliefs And Classroom Practices Through Reflective Practice In An Efl Context
  • Fostering Learner Autonomy Through Project-Based Learning
  • Improving Efl Students’ Critical Thinking Skills Through Inquiry-Based Teaching
  • Jigsaw With Crossword-Puzzle Game In Improving Students’ Mastery Of Accounting Vocabulary : A Mixed-Method Study At A Vocational High School In West Java
  • Junior High School Teachers’ Perception Of Teacher Professional Development
  • Learners’ Writing Ability In An Ielts Preparation Course: A Washback Model Of Learning Analysis
  • Oral And Written Feedback On Indonesian Efl Students’ Writing
  • Promoting Students’ Critical Literacy Through Narrative Text
  • Readiness And Commitment Of Senior High School English Teachers To Implement Curriculum 2013: A Case Of Indonesia
  • Scaffolding Strategies Used By The Experienced And Novice English Teachers
  • Students’ Learning Anxiety In An Efl Classroom: Levels, Causes And Anxiety Reducing Factors In Its Relation To Gender
  • Students’ Vocabulary Learning Strategies And Their Relationship With Students’ Vocabulary Mastery
  • Task-Based Learning In Efl Speaking Classroom: The Use Of English Conversation Gambits (A Quasi-Experimental Study At A State Senior High School In Bandung Regency)
  • Teacher Talk Realization In The Stages Of Scientific Approach: An Interpersonal Meaning Analysis Of Efl Classroom Discourse
  • Teacher’S Directive Towards Male And Female Students: Their Pedagogical Functions And Relation To Efl Classroom Interaction
  • Teacher’S Strategies And Challenges To Enhance Students’ Critical Thinking In Esp Classroom: A Talk-In-Interaction Analysis
  • Teachers’ Corrective Feedback On Young Learners’ Oral Errors In Efl Classrooms
  • Teachers’ Perception Toward The Promotion Of Learner Autonomy And Its Implementation In The Classroom :A Descriptive Study In A Senior High School In Bandung
  • Teachers’ Professional Development And Teachers’ Teaching Practice
  • Teaching Style And Students’ Motivation In Learning English As A Foreign Language
  • The Analysis Of Theme In Teachers’ Questions In Teaching Hortatory Exposition Text: A Case Of Experienced And Novice Teachers
  • The Embodiment Of Social Character Values In An Indonesian Efl Textbook : A Content Analysis
  • The Implementation Of Project-Based Learning (Pbl): Video Production As A Project In Teaching Speaking Skill
  • The Implementation Of Project-Based Learning (Pbl): Video Production As A Project In Teaching Speaking Skill : A Mixed-Method Study At A Private Vocational School In Bandung
  • The Manifestation Of Move-Step Patterns In Efl Students’ Research Articles: A Corpus-Based Discourse Analysis
  • The Practices And Challenges Of Teaching English To Young Learners At Primary Schools In Bandung
  • The Students’ Reading Anxiety And Reading Strategies In Efl Learning
  • The Use Of Edmodo As Blended Learning Platform In Teaching Speaking
  • The Use Of Powerpoint In Teaching Writing Within The Genre-Based Approach
  • The Use Of Schoology As A Blended Learning Platform In Teaching Writing
  • Using Authentic Materials In Fostering Students Listening Comprehension In An Efl Classroom
  • Vocational Teachers’ Perceptions Regarding The Use Of L1 In The Efl Classroom : A Case Study At A Public Vocational High School In Bandung, Indonesia
  • A Process-Genre Approach To Teaching Writing Hortatory Exposition Texts
  • An Analysis Of Oral Corrective Feedback To Scaffold Students In Learning Spoken English
  • Efl Teachers’ Perception And Practice On Formative Assessment
  • Oral Corrective Feedback In Adult Speaking Classrooms: Teachers’ Preferences And Students’ Attitudes
  • Perceptions Of Efl Teachers And Students On The Washback Effects Of The National Examinations In Thailand And Indonesia
  • Performance-Based Assessments On Students’ Speaking Skills Practiced By Senior High School English Teachers In West Java
  • Project Based Learning In Efl Writing: The Use Of Edublog: A Study At A Vocational School In Cimahi
  • Quick Response Codes In Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery : Classroom Action Research In One Vocational High School In Cimahi
  • Students’ Reading Comprehension And Their Attitude Toward Islamic Reading Texts: A Reading Instruction Study In A Private Islamic Middle School In Bandung
  • Tasks In Children’S Speaking Skill Assessment
  • Teachers’ Corrective Feedback On Students’ Oral Production In Efl Classrooms
  • Teachers’ Pedagogical Beliefs And Teaching Styles In Teaching English At University Level
  • Teachers’ Strategies In Promoting Student Questioning In Efl Classrooms
  • Teaching Writing Descriptive Texts Using Photographs In The Framework Of Genre Based Approach : A Quasi-Experimental Study Of Eight Grade Students At An Islamic Junior High School In West Lampung
  • The Effectiveness Of Process Approach In Teaching Writing Narrative Texts
  • The Effects Of Ict-Based Learning On Students’ Vocabulary Mastery : A Quasi Experimental Research In A Junior High School In Bandung
  • The Implementation Of Genre Based Approach To Teaching Writing Narrative Texts : A Qualitative Experiment In One State Junior High School In Musi Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatera Province
  • The Teacher’S Use Of Gestures, Proxemic Space, And Images In A Multimodal Classroom
  • The Use Of Authentic Materials In Reducing The Students’ Listening Anxiety: A Case Study In A Private Junior High School In Bandung
  • Using Google Docs As Online Collaborative Writing Platform For The Development Of Students’ Writing Skill
  • Whatsapp As A Mobile Learning Environment For English As A Foreign Language (Efl) Students
  • A Project-Based Efl Learning: Integrating Four Language Skills
  • An Analysis Of Cohesion In The Abstract Of The Theses Written By Undergraduate Students Of English Education Program At One State University In Bandung
  • An Authenticity Analysis Of Conversational Texts In The Indonesian Efl Textbooks
  • An Investigation Of Teacher Feedback On Students’ Writing And Their Opinion
  • Codeswitching In An Efl Classroom: Types, Functions And Students' Perception
  • Collaborative Writing And Critical Thinking
  • Content Analysis Of Two English Textbooks Written For The 2013 Curriculum
  • Critical Literacy In The Teaching Of Writing Hortatory Exposition Text Based On Genre Pedagogy Approach
  • Designing A Syllabus For An Academic Writing Course Based On Students’ Needs
  • Developing Islamic English Reading Course Syllabus : Preserving Islamic Ideology And Strengthening Students’ Language Proficiency
  • Efl Teachers’ Understanding In Developing Lesson Plan
  • Efl Writing Metacognition Of Students In An Indonesian Senior High School
  • Gendered Representations In Students’ Recount Texts
  • Intrinsic And Extrinsic Motivational Orientations For Learning English: After-School Activities And Academic Achievement
  • Learner’S Autonomy In Learning English As A Foreign Language : A Case Study At A State University In Bandung
  • Learner’S Autonomy In Learning English As A Foreign Languange : A Case Study At A State University In Bandung
  • Mood Realization In Efl Classroom Interaction: A Functional Grammar Approach
  • Mood Structure In Students’ Recount Texts
  • Needs Analysis In Designing An Esp Based Syllabus: English For Aviation
  • Pengembangan Kapasitas (Capacity Building) Dosen Lektor Kepala Dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Kinerja Dosen Pada Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Scaffolding In The Teaching Of Writing Discussion Texts Based On Sfl – Genre Based Approach
  • Senior High School Students’ Critical Thinking In Writing
  • Storytelling In Teaching Literacy In An Efl Classroom : A Descriptive Study Of Eighth Grade Students Of A Private Junior High School In Cipatat, West Bandung
  • Teacher’S Performance In Teaching Esp: A Case Study Of An Smk Teacher
  • Teacher-Made Multiple-Choice Test Construction And The Quality Of The Test Items
  • Teachers’ Perceptions Of Teacher Training Program For Professional Development:(A Case Study Of English Teachers In Cirebon)
  • Technological Pedagogical And Content Knowledge (Tpack) In Action: A Portrayal Of Novice Teacher Practice With Ict Integration Into Efl Class
  • Text Complexity Of Senior High School English Textbooks: A Systemic Functional Perspective
  • The Development And Implementation Of Lesson Plans In An Efl Classroom: A Case Study In A Senior High School In Aceh
  • The Implementation Of Authentic Assessment In The 2013 Curriculum
  • The Implementation Of Discovery Learning (Dl) For Teaching Spoken Production Of Descriptive Texts
  • The Implementation Of Intercultural Language Learning In An Efl Classroom : A Descriptive Study At A State University In West Java
  • The Implementation Of Project Based Learning (Pjbl) In Teaching And Learning English As A Foreign Language
  • The Implementation Of Task Based Instruction In Teaching Esp : A Qualitative Study Of Language Teaching Method In One Of Sekolah Bahasa In Bandung
  • The Implementation Of Task-Based Instruction (Tbi) In Teaching Speaking
  • The Implementation Of Video As Instructional Media In Oral Presentation Class
  • The Manifestation Of Character Values In Efl Textbooks
  • The Relationship Between Affective Factors And Speaking Performance
  • The Use Of Cohesive Devices In Efl Students’ Expository Texts : A Case Study In A High School Students In Kuningan
  • The Use Of Critical Pedagogy Principles In Teaching Efl Reading
  • Theme And Thematic Progression Analysis Of Undergraduate Student’S Thesis
  • Theme And Thematic Progression In Students’ Recount Texts
  • Theme-Based Instruction In Nurturing Literacy
  • Transfer Of Lexical Cohesion In A Translated Novel
  • Using Cooperative Learning In Teaching Critical Thinking In Reading (A Case Study At A Vocational School In Cimahi)
  • A Descriptive Analysis Of Teacher Talk In Leading The Teaching Learning Activities Through The Stages Of Scientific Approach: A Case Study In A Junior High School In Bandung
  • A Study Of English Article Choice: A Case Study Of Two Indonesian English Teachers
  • A Study On The Principals’ And English Teachers’ Perceptions About Curriculum 2013 And Its Implementation
  • Agenre-Project Based Approach To Teaching Writing Biographical Recount Text
  • An Exploration Of Learners’ Language Anxiety In Speaking Performance In Urban And Rural Secondary Schools
  • An Implementation Of Strategy Training In Toefl Listening Class: Case Study In One Language Center In Bandung
  • Annotation Feedbackin Edmodo Onstudents’ Procedure Text (A Quasi-Experimental At One College In Bandung, Indonesia)
  • Comprehensible Input, Explicit Teaching, And Corrective Feedback In Genre Based Approach To Teaching Spoken Hortatory Exposition
  • Context And Students’ Understanding On Phrasal Verbs : A Quasi-Experimental Study In One State Vocational School In Tasikmalaya
  • Critical Literacy In Junior High School
  • English Teachers’ Understanding Of The 2013 Curriculum
  • Evaluating An Efl Textbook For Tenth Grade Senior High School Students
  • Features Of A Moodle-Site For Teaching How To Wwite Narrative : Texts: A Case Study At The Eighth Grade Level Of A Junior High School
  • Four Square Writing Method (Fswm) Used In Process Approach To Teaching Writing Of Analytical Exposition Texts
  • Genre–Based Approach To Teaching Speaking : A Case Study At A State Junior High School In Bandung
  • Investigating Students’ Learning Motivation In Project-Based Learning
  • Investigating The English Needs Of Engineering Community At Indonesia University Of Education: A Descriptive Study At Indonesia University Of Education)
  • Investigating The Social And Natural Sciences Postgraduate Students’ Learning Strategies In Reading English Academic Text
  • Needs Analysis And Course Design For Economics And Business Students Of Vocational School: A Study In Pilot Project School Of 2013 Curriculum
  • Occasions In Accommodating An L1 In An Efl Context
  • Penggunaan Edmodo Sebagai Program Pembelajaran Campuran Dalam Pengajaran Menulis
  • Reading Profile Of Efl Undergraduate Students:(A Case Studyof Eighth Semester Studentsof English Education Programin A Private Collegein Subang )
  • Students’ Reading Engagement In Literature Circles A Study Of Literature Circles In Teaching Reading At A Junior High School In Bandung
  • Students’ Test Anxiety: Its Sources And Their Coping Strategies(A Study In One Of Vocational Schools In Sukabumi)
  • Teachers’ Pedagogical Beliefs, Knowledge And Classroom Teaching Practices: A Case Study Of Teaching English As A Foreign Language At University Level
  • Teaching Oral Communication Strategies In Efl Speaking Classes (A Quasi-Experimental Study In A Private University In Kuningan, Indonesia)
  • The Effectiveness Of Project-Based Learning And Problem-Based Learning On Efl Tertiary Level Students’ Writing Achievement
  • The Implementation Of Blended Learning Method Using Edmodo (A Social Networking Site) In Teaching Reading Comprehension : A Mixed-Method Study At A University In West Java
  • The Implementation Of Contextual Teaching And Learning (Ctl) In Teaching English Speaking Skill : A Case Study Of Eight Grade Students In A Junior High School
  • The Implementation Of Extensive Listening And Its Effect On The Students’ Listening Skill
  • The Implementation Of Readers’ Theatre To Improve Students’ Speaking: An Action Research In A Private University In Cianjur
  • The Implementation Of Scientific Method In Teaching English As A Foreign Language At Senior High School Level
  • The Use Of Social Media In Genre-Based Approach : A Case Study To Teach Argumentative Writing And Critical Thinking
  • Theme And Thematic Progression Analysis Of Analytical Exposition Texts
  • Transitivity System In Exposition Texts For Senior High School National Examinations
  • Translation Memory Software And Translation Teaching
  • Using Guiding Questions To Promote Students’ Critical Thinking
  • Using Movies In Teaching Listening: Its Effect, Implementation, And Students’ Attitudes (An Experimental Study In One Of State High Schools In Subang)
  • A Full Immersion Program: The Teachers’ And Students’ Perceptions And Its Impact On Student’S Sense Of Nationalism
  • A Scientific Approach To Teaching Esp (English For Specific Purposes) To Nursing Students : A Case Study At One Of The Institutes Of Health In Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia
  • An Analysis Of Autonomous Learning Strategies Used By Senior High School Students
  • An Analysis Of English Lesson Plans And Their Implementation In The Teaching Learning Process : A Case Study Conducted In A Vocational School In Majalengka, West Java
  • An Analysis Of Hedging Uses In Skripsi-S Employing Quantitative And Qualitative Research Method
  • An Investigation Into The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence And Students’ English Speaking Ability : A Study In One Of Private Universities In Bandung
  • Applying A Genre Based Approach To Teaching Writing A Recount Text A Case Study At A Junior High School In Bandung
  • Assessment Of Young Learners Of English : A Case Study In A Public Primary School In Bandung
  • Ateacher’S Written Feedback On Students’ Writing : A Case Study At One Senior High School In Bandung
  • Blended Learning; Incorporating Moodle Into Classroom Reading Comprehension Activities : A Case Study At A Senior High School In Pangkal Pinang
  • Captioned Video And Translation Teaching
  • Communicative Language Teaching In Speaking Class In One Vocational High School In Pangkal Pinang
  • Content Analysis Of An English Textbook
  • Demotivating Factors And Language Learning Strategies In English As A Foreign Language Writing Classes : A Mixed Method Study At Selected High Schools In Cimahi
  • Developing Students’ Writing Ability Through Reading To Learn Program (A Case Study In One Polytechnic In Bandung)
  • Dynamic Assessment In Reading Comprehension Classroom : A Case Study At One Private University In Bandung
  • Elementary School Students Foreign Language Anxiety
  • Experiential Meaning In The Students’ Interpretation Of Song Lyrics
  • Eyl Teachers’ Strategies In Conducting Speaking Assessments : A Qualitative Research In Five English Courses In Bandung
  • Gender And Modes Of Writing Narrative Text (A Cda Study Of University Students’ Writing In Sfl Framework)
  • Implementation Of Genre-Based Approach In The Teaching Of Descriptive Text Writing
  • Investigating Junior High School Students’ Critical Thinking In Reading
  • Investigating Students’ Writing Process In Descriptive Writing (A Case Study In One State University In Bandung)
  • Investigating The Use Of Portfolio Assessment In English Classrooms
  • Language Experience Approach (Lea) In Teaching Reading Comprehension: A Classroom Action Research In A Private University In Indonesia
  • Makna Leksikal Yang Terbentuk Oleh Derivasi Yang Mengandung Kombinasi Akhiran –Eun Dalam Bahasa Sunda
  • Oral Corrective Feedback For Students Of Different Proficiency Levels
  • Perceived Self-Efficacy Vs Actual Performance: A Case In Teaching Writing
  • Point Rewarding System As A Way Of Promoting The Authentic Assessment Embodied In The 2013 Curriculum : Action Research On Assessment Procedures And Their Impact On Students’ Learning Attitudes At A Junior High School In Bandung Barat Regency
  • Representasi Anas Urbaningrum Dan Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Dalam Pemberitaan Kasus Hambalang Di Harian Umum Pikiran Rakyat: Analisis Struktur Makro
  • Students’ Critical Thinking In Writing An English Exposition Text: A Case Study In A Private University In Ciamis
  • Students’ Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety (Flca) In Efl Classroom : It’S Levels, Sources And Coping Strategies A Case Study In A State University In Bandung)
  • Teacher’S Approaches To Teaching Writing And Its Portrayal In Students’ Written Texts : A Case Study At A Junior High School In Kabupaten Bekasi
  • Teachers’ Perception On The Implementation Of Lesson Study : A Case Study In Junior High School English Teachers Association In Kota Sukabumi
  • Teachers’ Questioning During Building Knowledge Of The Field In Genre-Based Learning
  • Teachers’ Understanding Of Text Types Inteaching Reading Of Efl Classrooms
  • Teaching English To Efl Young Learners Through Children Poetry
  • Teaching Reading Comprehension Through Number Heads Together With Teacher’S Scaffolding
  • Teaching Speaking Through Storytelling
  • Teaching Writing Multimodal Recount Text Using Genre Based Approach
  • Text-Based Syllabus Design And Its Implementation In Academic Writing Classroom : A Case Study Conducted To One Lecturer In One Public University In Bandung, Indonesia
  • The Contribution Of Cohesive Ties To The Cohesion Of Efl Students’ Expository Writing
  • The Effect Of The Five Finger Retelling Technique On Students’ Speaking Skill
  • The Implementation Of Audio Storytelling Technique In Teaching Listening Comprehension
  • The Implementation Of Differentiated Instruction For Students’ Oral Proficiency Development
  • The Implementation Of Writers Workshop As A Process Writing To Enhance Students Writing Abilities And Vocabulary Learning In A Kindergarten Setting
  • The Methods And Techniques Used In Teaching English At Two Private Primary Inclusive Schools
  • The Process Of Teaching Literary Translation: A Case Study At A State University In Bandung
  • The Use Of Dominoes Game In Teaching Vocabulary : A Classroom Action Research At A Junior High School In Cianjur
  • The Use Of Genre-Based Approach In Teaching Speaking : A Case Study At A Junior High School In Bandung Barat Regency
  • The Use Of Google Translate As A Learning Media For Improving Students’ Translation Skill : A Quasi-Experimental Study In One Of Vocational School In Kabupaten Bandung
  • The Use Of Mind Mapping In Teaching Young Learners Vocabulary
  • The Use Of Picto-Textual Glosses Text In Teaching Vocabulary And Reading To Young Learners : An Experimental Study At One Of Junior High School In Desa Sukaraja Baru, Palembang
  • The Use Of Picture Word Inductive Model In Teaching Vocabulary: A Study At The Seventh Grade Students Of A State Junior High School In Cidaun Cianjur
  • The Use Of Pictures In Teaching Vocabulary To Students With Mild Intellectual Disability :A Single Subject Research At Smplb Sungailiat
  • The Use Of Reciprocal Strategy In Teaching Reading Comprehension
  • The Use Of Shared-Reading Strategy To Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension
  • Thematic Structures In Students’ Research Papers And Oral Presentations:A Case Study Of Postgraduate Program In English Education At Upi Bandung
  • Tipe Pertanyaan, Respon Dan Praanggapan Yang Muncul Pada Interviu Investigatif Kepolisian
  • Vocabulary Learning Strategies (Vls) Of High-Achieving Indonesian Efl Undergraduate Students : A Descriptive Study Carried Out At One State University In Bandung
  • A Case Study On Peer Feedback Towards Efl Students In An International Classroom : A Descriptive Study Of Lab Reports
  • A Needs Analysis For Designing An Esp-Based Syllabus In An Islamic Studies Education Program
  • A Study On The Nominalisations In Polytechnic Students’ Texts
  • An Investigation Of Teacher’S Strategies In Teaching Listening
  • Coherence And Cohesion In The Background Section Of The Theses Written By Undergraduate Students Of English Education Program At One State University In Bandung
  • Developing An English Subject Syllabus For Chemistry Students : A Survey At A State University In Bandung
  • Developing Character Values In The Teaching Of Narrative Texts Using Genre Based Approach: A Case Study At A Senior High School In Bandung
  • Developmental Sequences Of Negation By Learners Of Efl:A Case Study On Seventh Grade Students Of One Private Secondary School In Bandung
  • Lesson Planning:The Development And Implementation In The Teaching Of English: A Case Study In A Senior High School In Cianjur, West Java
  • Lesson Study And The Improvements Of Teachers’ Pedagogic Competence In Teaching English To Young Learners
  • Meaning Negotiation In Classroom Interaction Between Teachers And Students In Fledgling International Standard School (A Case Study At Science Classrooms)
  • Oral Corrective Feedback And Learner Uptake In A Young Learner Efl Classroom A Case Study In An English Course In Bandung
  • Poetry And Students’ Reading Engagement: An Exploratory Study In An Efl Classroom At A Senior High School In Bandung
  • Reflective Teaching To Improve Novice Teacher’S Performance : Classroom Action Research In A Private Islamic Vocational Boarding School In Cianjur
  • Self-Selected Reading Activities By Learning Style Preferences:Promoting Reading Task Engagement In Tertiary Classroom
  • Students’ Test Anxiety And Its Correlation With Their Academic Performance : A Study Of Undergraduate Students At A Private Higher Education Institution In Bandung
  • The Effect Of Modified Teacher’S Question On Describing Things In Efl Classroom Interaction : An Experimental Study At A State Vocational School In Tasikmalaya
  • The Effectiveness Of Tpr (Total Physical Response) Method In Improving English Vocabulary Mastery Of Elementary School Children
  • The Effects Of Student Team-Achievement Division Cooperative Learning And Direct Instruction On Students’ Reading Comprehension Levels
  • The Preparation, Administration And Scoring Of English Speaking Tests At Tertiary Education Levels
  • The Realization Of Cohesion In The Sudents’ Argumentative Writing Performance
  • The Use Of Mind Mapping Techniques In Teaching Writing On Exposition Genre
  • The Use Of Talking Chips Technique In Teaching Speaking
  • Theme System Of Systemic Functional Grammar In Students' Narrative Texts
  • Verb Phrase Acquisition As Indicated Through Students’ Writing : A Cross Sectional Study On Undergraduate Students Of A Private Higher Education Institution In Bandung
  • A Case Study On Doctoral Scholarship Grantees Learning Speaking For Ielts
  • A Study On The Use Of Metacognitive Reading Strategies In Comprehending Reading Toefl Test Materials Among University Students
  • A Systemic Analysis Of High School Teachers’ Argumentative Writing :A Case Study In Bandar Lampung
  • Action Research On Improving Students’ Motivation In Speaking Through Contextual Teaching Learning
  • An Analysis Ofstudents’ Needs For Esp Class Ina State Polytechnicin Lampung
  • An Efl Syllabus For Vocational High Schools: Its Relevance To The School-Based Curriculum And The Teachers’ Perceptions Of The Syllabus : A Case Study At A State Vocational High School In Cimahi
  • An Investigation Of Teachers’ Teaching Strategies In Accommodating Efl Students Vocabulary Learning:Case Study At A Senior High School In Garut
  • Analysis Of Translation Strategies And Meaning Transfer In Translating The Four Bilingual Children Storybooks : Indonesia - English
  • Applying Questioning Techniques In Teaching Reading Comprehension To Increase Students’ Reading Achievement :A Quasi- Experimental Study At Smk Negeri 1 Indramayu West Java
  • Approval Sheet Teachers’ Questions And Students’ Responses In Efl Classroom : A Case Study In A Public Senior High School In Bandung
  • Debating In Teaching Speaking Skill
  • Developing Students' Speaking Ability Through Storytelling
  • Distance English Education Program Evaluation At Universitas Terbuka
  • Efl Student Teachers’ Basic Teaching Skills Development Through Mentoring Process : A Case Study In One High School In Cirebon
  • Elicitation Techniques In Questioning Used By Content And Language Integrated Learning Classroom Teachers
  • Engaging Students By Usinghumorous Video Ads In English Listening Skill Subject : A Case Study At An Academy Of Secretary In West Java, Indonesia
  • English Student Book Evaluation In School Based Curriculum (Ktsp) Context : A Case Study Of “English Student Book” Published By Directorate General Management Of Primary And Secondary Education Nomor Panggil Tbing Mar E-2012
  • Exploring Students’ Problemsin Accomplishing Writing Task 1 Of Ielts Academic Module: A Case Study At An Eap Course In A Language Centre In Bandung, West Java
  • Incorporating The Principles Of Critical Discourse Analysis In A Reading Classroom
  • Indonesian Efl Students’ Patterns Of Reasoning And Logical Fallacies In Writing Expositions
  • Kemampuan Berbicara Dan Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Jurisprudensial Terhadap Siswa Kelas Xi Smk Citra Bangsa
  • Performance Based Assessment On Young Learners’ Speaking Skill
  • Power Relation And Severity Of Offense In The Strategies Of Apologizing By Indonesian Efl Teachers : A Case Study On Indonesian Efl Teachers At An English Course In Tasikmalaya
  • Students’ Anxiety In Speaking English
  • Students’ Strategies In Translating An English Text Into Bahasa Indonesia : A Case Study At The English Education Department Of Fpbs Upi Bandung
  • Teachers’ Strategies In Assessing Writing In An Eyl Context
  • Teaching Vocabulary To Young Learners Through I Tutor.Net As Edutainment Software : A Case Study At A Primary School In Subang
  • The Difficulties Faced And Reasons Expressed By Yapen Waropen'S Students Of English In Pronouncing Some English Phonemes Which Are Not Found In Ambai Language
  • The Effectiveness Of Cooperative Learning In Developing Students’ Argumentative Essays : A Case Study In An Efl Writing Class In A State University In Banten
  • The English Teachers’ Understanding Of Genre Based Approach: Application And Difficulties In Teaching-Learning Activities
  • The Implementation Of Genre Based Approach In Teching Writing Recount Texts : A Study At Madrasah Aliyah Negeri In Sumedang
  • The Needs For Incorporating Indonesian Culture Into Learning Material : A Case Study In Tourism Students Majoring Travel Business Management At One Of Tourism Institute In Bandung
  • The Role Of L1 In Efl Classroom : Perspectives Of Senior High School Teachers And Students (A Case Study At Two High Schools In Cimahi
  • The Teaching Strategy Of English As A Foreign Language (Efl) Literature Classroom At An Islamic University
  • The Use Of First Language (L1) In Eyl Classroom : A Case Study At Three Elementary Schools In Tasikmalaya
  • The Use Of Scaffolding In Teaching Speaking
  • Unveiling Rushdie
  • A Case Study Of Self-Access Center (Sac)In One Vocational School In Bandung
  • A Portrait Of Teacher Talk In Efl Classroom Interaction A Case Study At The First Grade Of A Senior High School In Pekanbaru
  • A Study On The Use Of Cognitive Reading Strategies Among University Students : A Case Study At A University In Garut, West Java
  • A Teacher’S Strategies In Expanding Discourse In An English As A Foreign Language (Efl) Classroom: A Case Study At A Primary School In Bandung Affiliated To An Islamic School In Singapore
  • Alih Kode Dan Campur Kode Dalam Ceramah Para Ustadz: Kajian Sosiolinguistik Terhadap Para Ustadz Di Kawasan Perbatasan Bandung-Sumedang
  • An Investigation Of Grammatical Metaphor In Students’ Writing And Its Effects On The Texts’ Written Characteristics
  • An Investigation Of Students' Strategies In Comprehending English Reading Materials :A Case Study At One Senior High School In Ternate
  • An Investigation Of The Writing Strategies Of Senior High School Students In The Process Of Writing An Analytical Exposition Text In English As A Foreign Language :A Case Study In One Senior High School In Batam
  • Classroom Interaction Patterns In Team Teaching Model In An Efl Classroom :A Qualitative Study At An Integrated Islamic Elementary School
  • Developing Students’ Speaking Ability Through Genre-Based Teaching :Action Research With The First Year Students In A Senior High School
  • Exploring Purpose And Identity In Students’ Technical Report Writing
  • Investigating The Difficulties Encountered By Students In Practicing Speaking In English Class” : A Case Study At A Senior High School In South Tangerang, Banten
  • Nalisis Struktur Dan Nilai Budaya Dalam Cerita Rakyat Masyarakat Wakorumba Selatan Di Sulawesi Tenggara Serta Model Pelestariannya
  • Researching Students’ Critical Thinking In Argumentative Texts: A Case Study In One State University In Serang, Banten
  • Students’ Strategies In Developing Speaking Skill: A Study At A University In Bandung
  • Studi Morfosintaksis Tentang Pemakaian Verba Transitif Dalam Alquran Surah Alkahfi
  • Teachers’ Strategies In Teaching Grammar To Young Learners : A Case Study At Six Elementary Schools In Bandung
  • Teaching Writing A Report Text : A Case Study At Smpn 6 Cirebon
  • The Evaluation System Of English Teaching In The Implementation Of School Based Curriculum (Sbc) For Vocational School : A Case Study At A Private Vocational School In Soreang, South Bandung, West Java
  • The Implementation Of Project Approach In Facilitating Elementary School Students In Reading Comprehension :A Study Of Fifth Grades Elementary School Students At One Of The Elementary Schools In Parongpong
  • The Influence Of Students’ Activities On Teachers’ Questions In Classroom Language Learning :Case Study Of Four Language Teachers At Two English Courses In Bandung, West Java
  • The Students’ Written Response Improvements In Literature Circles Program (A Case Study Of One Public High School In Demak)
  • The Use Of A Computer Game To Improve Students’ Ability In Mastering Vocabularies (A Quasi Experimental Study On Vocabulary Mastery In One Of Junior High Schools In Pamulihan, Sumedang)
  • Young Learners’ Vocabulary Improvement Through Audiovisual By Using Youtube Videos :A Case Study At Eep English Course In Bandung, West Java
  • A Portrait Of The Teaching Of Academic Writing In A School Of Business And Management In Bandung
  • A Profile Of Students’ Skills In Writing Literary Responses: (A Case Study At English Education Department, Indonesia University Of Education)
  • An Analysis Of Materials And Students’ Needs In Learning English : A Case Study At An Institute Of Higher Education Of Economics In Bandung
  • Exploring Efl Teachers’ Strategies In Teaching Reading Comprehension : A Case Study At A Junior High School In Riau
  • Flouts Of The Cooperative Principle Maxims In Sby’S Presidential Interviews
  • Improving College Students’ Writing Skills By Using Picture Books
  • Peer Feedback: Students’ Narrative Writing Development And Students’ Responses (A Case Study In An Esl Writing Classroom)
  • Question Types, Modifications And Undrlying Reasons And Implications For Student Oral Production
  • Scaffolding Instruction In Teaching Hortatory Exposition Writing
  • Teaching Critical Reading To Tertiary Efl Students In Indonesia :A Research At A Private University In Bandung West Java
  • The Students’ Ability And Problems In Writing A Research Proposal
  • The Types Of Questions Used By The Teachers In Reading Class : A Case Study At Mts N Model Samarinda
  • Thematic Progression In Students’ Explanatory Texts: A Systemic Functional Linguistics Perspective
  • A Study On Cohesion In Three Articles Of Alwasilah
  • An Investigation Of English Pre-Service Teachers’ Performance : A Case Study In One Senior High School In Bandung
  • An Investigation Of The Construction Of The English Final Tests And The Tests’ Compliance With The Objectives Of The Program : A Case Study At Three Primary Schools In Purworejo
  • An Investigation Of The Students’ Methods, Strategies, And Difficulties In Translating English Texts Into Indonesian :A Case Study At One Madrasah Aliyah In Bandung
  • An Investigation Of The Teaching Of Reading : A Case Study At Three Level Classes: Acceleration, International And Regular Class At An International Standard State Senior High School In Sumedang Regency
  • An Investigation Of The Use Of English As A Mean Of Communication In Science And Math Classes Of Pilot International Standard School (Rsbi) : A Case Study At One Public Islamic Senior High School Of Pilot International Standard School In Pekanbaru
  • An Investigation Of The Use Of English As A Mean Of Communication In Science And Math Classes Of Pilot International Standard School (Rsbi) :A Case Study At One Public Islamic Senior High School Of Pilot International Standard School In Pekanbaru
  • An Investigation On The Implementation Of A Genre-Based Approach (A Case Study At Two Senior High Schools In Natuna Islands, Kepulauan Riau Province)
  • Analysis Of Teachers’ Use Of English Instructional Materials: From Preparation To Implementation :A Case Study Of English Instructional Material Use By English Teachers At Stia Lan Bandung
  • Developing Student’S Listening Ability Through Interactive Listening
  • Developing Students’ Speaking Ability Through The Provisions Of Activities In Accordance With Their Learning Styles
  • Efl Teachers’ Perceptions Towards Teacher Certification Program
  • English Teacher Professional Development:A Case Study Of Three Junior High School English Teachers In Pidie Regency, Nad
  • English Teachers’ Beliefs And Practices In Communicative Language Teaching :A Case Study Of English Teachers At An Mtsn In Jambi
  • Improving Students’ Ability In Writing Recount Paragraphs Through Webbing Technique : An Experimental Study
  • Scaffolding Through Webquest As A Means To Develop Students’ Writing Performance : A Case Study Of Webquest As Scaffolding For Students Of A Madrasah Aliyah In Yogyakarta
  • Students' Narrative Texts In Bahasa Indonesia And English : Correlation And Textual Features
  • Students’ Mastery Of Reading Skills And Its Correlation With Their Reading Comprehension Ability :A Study At The Second Year Students Of An Sltp In Lembang
  • Students’ Obstacles In Practicing Speaking English : A Case Study At Batam Polytechnic
  • Students’ Perception On The Teachers’ Use Of English At An Efl Context: A Case Study At One State Senior High School In Yogyakarta
  • Teacher And Students’ Code Switching In Efl Classroom: A Case Study At A Junior High School In Bandung
  • Teacher Talk In Efl Classroom : A Functional Grammar Analysis Of Mood
  • Teacher’S Strategies And Students’ Responses In Teaching Listening Skill In The Language Laboratory : A Case Study In A Junior High School In Tanjung Pinang
  • Teacher-Initiated Pre-Emptive Focus On Form And Learner Uptake In Communicative English Classes: A Case Study At An Smp In Bandung
  • Teaching English To Young Learners: A Case Study Of Three Elementary School Teachers In Solok, West Sumatera
  • Teaching English To Young Learners: Beliefs And Practices:A Case Study Of The English Teachers Of The Public Elementary Schools In Bandung Kulon Sub-District
  • Teaching Narrative Texts Through Journal : A Case Study At One Of International Secondary Schools In Bandung
  • Teaching Speaking Through Storytelling : A Case Study At A Year Ten Class Of A Man In Kendari
  • Teaching Writing Through Microsoft Word In Improving Students’ Writing Skills : An Experimental Study At A Madrasah Tsanawiyah In Garut
  • The Classroom-Based Assessment For Reading Comprehension : A Case Study At An Man In Makassar
  • The Correlation Between Students Reading Comprehension Of Indonesian Fiction And Their Writing Ability Of English Narra Tive Texts
  • The Implementation Of Reciprocal Strategy In Teaching Reading Narative Text
  • The Process Of Writing Textbooks :A Case Study Of Two English Teachers Who Write Textbooks
  • The Study Of Activating Students’ Content Schema In Teaching Reading Comprehension :A Case Study On Two English Teachers At An Smp In Lembang
  • The Teachers’ Use Of English Textbooks At A Madrasah Aliyah In Conjunction With The School Vision And Missions :A Case Study At A Madrasah Aliyah In Pangkalpinang-Bangka
  • Types Of Teacher Questions And Student Responses In Efl Classroom Activities :A Case Study Of Questioning In Smp In Mataram
  • Writing Processes And Meta-Cognitive Strategies Of Four Indonesian Tertiary Level Efl Students :A Think Aloud Protocol Based Study
  • A Survey Of Teachers’ Beliefs About English Teaching And Learning
  • A Typology Of Language Learning Strategies Used By Efl Students At Junior High School
  • An Investigation Of English For Spesific Purposes Program At A State Islamic University
  • Pembelajaran Menulis Karangan Narasi Dengan Teknik 5W + 1H
  • Problems In Translating English Biology Texts Into Indonesian
  • Readers’ Responses To The Novels Of Harry Potter
  • Teachers’ Perception On Characteristics Of A Professional English Teacher :A Case Study Of Three English Teachers
  • The Teaching Of Literature Using Reader-Response Approach (A Case Study Of The Third Grade Students Of One Private University In Sumedang)
  • The Techniques Of Teaching Narrative Writing:A Case Study At Smpn4 Pekanbaru, Riau Province
  • An Analysis Of Elementary School English Textbooks “Learning By Doing And English Have A Go”:A Case Study Of Fifth Grade English Textbooks Published In Bandung
  • An Analysis Of Syllabus And Material And Their Relevance To The Students' Need
  • Developing Materials Of An Efl Reading Courseware Prototype For 8Th Grade Students Of Junior High School
  • Empowering Students Through The Implementation Of Portfolio Assessment
  • Expressing Disagreement In Academic Settings Conducted By Efl Learners :A Case Study Of Post Graduate Program In English Of Upi
  • L Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Through Interactive Read-Aloud :Classroom Action Research At Smpn I Bandar Mataram, Central Lampung
  • Language Assessment For Young Learners :A Descriptive Study Of How Teachers At Three Elementary Schools In Eastern Part Of Bandung Assess Their 4Th Grade Students
  • Stakeholders' Expectations Toward The Teaching Of English At Tours And Travel Study Program: A Case Study At One Secondary Vocational School In Bogor
  • Students’ Perception On The Use Of English As A Medium Of Instruction: A Case Study At One Of Public Senior High Schools In Tanjungpandan Belitung
  • Teacher’S Strategies In Teaching English As A Foreign Language To Primary School Students
  • Teacher’S Use Of Textbooks In Teaching And Learning Processes
  • Teachers’ Understanding Of The Curriculum And Their Practice Of Using Efl Textbooks To Achieve The Learning Objectives
  • The Effect Of Teaching Programs Based On Learning Styles On The Students Achievement In Writing
  • The Efforts Of Autonomous Learners To Improve Their English
  • The Implementation Of Genre-Based Approach In An Efl Context


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An Analysis Of Students’ Self Confidence In Speaking Skill At The Second Semester Of English Language Education Study Program Of FKIP UIR

Tunnisa, Khotika (2021) An Analysis Of Students’ Self Confidence In Speaking Skill At The Second Semester Of English Language Education Study Program Of FKIP UIR. Other thesis, Universitas Islam Riau.

176311008.pdf - Submitted Version

The ability to speak English is a challenge for students in Indonesia as a speaking skills that must be mastered by students when they learn English, one of the success in learning the language English can be measured by mastering English speaking skills, where the confidence to speak English must be improved again and must be trained every day so that the confidence to speak there's always a change and upgrade. The objective of the research is to know about students' self confidence in speaking skills at the Second Semester of English Language Education Study Program of FKIP UIR. This research used descriptive quantitative methode. The population of this research was the student second semester of english language education study program of FKIP UIR amounted to 68 student but the researcher choose class 2A as a sample consisting of 32 student which were taken by purpossive sampling. The instrument that used by the writer in collecting data is questionnaire using Google form and the total number of question consisted of 25 statement using Likert Scale with using close ended question. The result of the research it was found that the student self confidence in speaking skill was categorized as Less. From student self confidence in speaking skill we can see the student still have difficulties communication in speaking and lack of confidence. Therefore, it can be said that teaching learning process in self confidence in speaking skill was Less. So, reference in teaching plan for speaking especially on students' self confidence in speaking and analyze the characteristics of students in the process speaking can helps motivate students to improve their self confidence for understand their students’ abilities, and can predict correct oral English abilities, which can help students speak English. It was proved by looking at the category of the s tudent's self confidence score that is high, medium, precisely, less, low and very low.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
SponsorYulianto, YuliantoUNSPECIFIED

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    Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2021. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi kemampuan siswa dalam menulis teks recount dan untuk mengetahui kesulitan yang dihadapi siswa dalam menulis teks tersebut. ...


    Hopefully, this thesis will be examined as soon as possible. Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Advisor, Septia Dwi Jayanti, M.Pd. NIP.19890912201802012223. ... Maharani Suci. 2021. Persepsi Mahasiwa Jurusan Tadris Bahasa Inggris terhadap Netflix sebagai Media Digital Belajar Bahasa Asing terhadap Kemampuan Mendengar dan Berbicara Mahasiswa. Skripsi.

  18. PDF Students' Perception on English As Medium of Instruction Used by

    Sumiati, 2018 Persepsi Mahasiswa Terhadap Bahasa Inggris sebagai Bahasa Pengantar yang digunakan oleh Dosen Bahasa Inggris di IAIN Palangkaraya . Skripsi. Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa. Fakultas Tarbiyah ... thesis writing without which this thesis would not have come to its final form. Sholawat and salam always be bestowed to the last prophet

  19. PDF An Analysis of English Teachers' Strategies in Encouraging Young

    Skripsi S1 Jurusan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Tadris, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bengkulu 2020. Pembimbing: 1. Dr. Syamsul Rizal, M.Pd 2. Reko Serasi, M.A. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui strategi pengajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru bahasa Inggris dalam mendorong partisipasi siswa di kelas.

  20. PDF An Analysis of Multimodal English Texts And

    IndonesiaProf. Emi Emilia, M.Ed., Ph.D.NIP. 196609161990012001STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATIONI, Bernard Richard Nainggolan, declare that this thesis entitled "An Analysis of Multimodal English Texts and Teacher's Instruction in a Junior High School," submitted to fulfill the requirements for a master's degree in English Language Education at.

  21. PDF Improving Students' Writing Skill of Descriptive Text Through Guided

    Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Pembimbing: Dr .H. M. Farkhan M.Pd. Key Words: Descriptive Writing, Guided Questions, VIII-8 Class of SMP PGRI 1 Ciputat. Menulis merupakan salah satu keterampilan Bahasa Inggris yang harus diajarkan disamping keterampilan yang lain.

  22. PDF The Correlation of Students' Reading Motivation,

    Bahasa Inggris Universitas Islam Malang Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021. Responden penelitian ini adalah 60 siswa dari total dua kelas. Instrumen yang digunakan peneliti adalah angket dan tes kosakata dan pemahaman bacaan. Kuesioner digunakan untuk mengumpulkan informasi tentang motivasi membaca siswa.