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Essay On The Value Of Time – 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay for Children


Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On The Value Of Time For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on the value of time for kids, paragraph on the value of time, short essay on the importance of time for kids, long essay on the value of time for children, what will your child learn from an essay on the value of time.

Time is a thing that has no beginning and no end. It is the most practical and useful thing. You cannot control the time, you cannot force it to go at a slower pace, and you cannot speed it up. It will work at its pace. Children can learn a great deal about it by writing an essay on the value of time for classes 1, 2 and 3.

Time is very precious – every day, every hour, every minute, every second is precious. Once it is gone, no one can recover it. So, it is important to understand the value of time. Once we start valuing our time and everyone else’s time, there is no going back. You become a responsible person who appreciates and respects everyone’s time. There are many ways by which you can waste your time, but there is only one way to save your time – be conscious of your time.

If we teach our kids about the value of time from childhood, they will develop into more responsible adults. This might help them appreciate their time better. Here are some key points that will help children in primary classes on the subject.

  • An essay has three sections: Introduction, Body, and Conclusion.
  • The introduction should include the definition of time and how it affects our lives.
  • The body should consist of the importance and value of time.
  • The conclusion should have tips on how to manage your time efficiently.
  • You can add some famous quotes and lines about the importance of time in our lives.

Time has a lot of value in everyone’s lives. Kids need to learn about the importance of time, which can be done easily by writing essays for classes 1 and 2. Given below are 10 simple lines for kids at the primary level on the subject.

  • Time is an invaluable asset, and one should not waste it.
  • Everyone should value their time and others’ time too.
  • Procrastinating can cause a lot of time wastage.
  • Management of time is crucial to maximising the benefits.
  • Time is unstoppable. Once gone, it cannot come back.
  • A person needs to value time to touch great heights.
  • Aligning work as per time is an important skill to succeed in life.
  • Every minute and every second should be utilised to the best.
  • Time is very precious for kids too, in their early ages.
  • It helps them in being disciplined to achieve whatever they want.

The value of time is not learned by reading books. One can only understand it by practising good habits to lead a disciplined life. Here is a value of time essay in English in 100 words.

We have all heard our elders saying that time waits for none; stop procrastinating and do your assigned job within the given time frame. Everyone emphasises the value of time, so you understand how much it matters. Time slips away from your hand like sand; you cannot hold it forever. It flies by. Time is finite but also infinite. Time is the most treasured thing in our lives that makes us disciplined and helps us lead a good life. Wastage of time can hamper our growth and success. We must use our time efficiently to excel in life.

Only if kids realise the importance of time, will they be able to achieve whatever they want in life. Reaching great heights requires lots of dedication and focus, which comes from proper time management. Let us go through a short essay on the importance of time for kids.

Time can be defined as the continuous happening of events. It is a very precious and limited entity. It can make our life boon or bane, depending on how we spend our time. Our failure and success largely depend on how much importance we give to our time. Proper time management can help us lead a happy and productive life. Time limits and deadlines make us work more efficiently towards the goal. The day we understand the nuances of time management can be a turning point in our lives. It is a pathway to success and prosperity.

Nothing comes easy in life. You always have to struggle a bit to achieve something. But if you are focused on achieving a goal, it is a cakewalk. This should be taught to our kids from an early stage. Here is an essay for students of class 3 in 500 words that can make them understand the value of time.

Time is like water; it always flows at a certain speed. It slows down; it paces up sometimes, depending on how we feel. But the truth is that time moves at a constant speed. Time can be designed as an indefinite process of events and occurrences. It is largely divided into past, present, and future. Past is something that has already happened, the present is something that happens in the current moment, and the future is something that can happen anytime in the near-far future. You cannot catch hold of the time; you cannot go back and forth in time.

What Is The Importance Of Time?

The importance of time is unparalleled. It cannot be explained in mere words. You only realise its importance once it is gone. And we still have not been able to invent the time machine that takes us back in the past and rectifies our mistakes and carelessness towards time. So, it is important to note that each day, hour, minute, and second passing is taking us close to our goal, and no second should be wasted. Time cannot be reversed; each moment should be spent wisely to maximise the benefit from it.

What Will Happen If We Don’t Value Time?

There are lots of distractions around us nowadays. While technology has benefited us, it also has a lot of things on the list of distractions. Internet, social media, video games, and many more have become a cause of time wastage for kids and adults. If we do not spend our time judiciously, it can hamper our dedication and focus toward our goals and success. One should be very time efficient while making a proper itinerary towards your goal.

How To Utilise Time In An Effective Way?

There are many ways by which you can utilise your time efficiently. Listed below are a few points to help you become more time conscious and time-efficient.

1. “Early to bed and early to rise…” 

“…makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise.” This quote by Benjamin Franklin can prove to be very beneficial for better time management skills. A person who sleeps better has efficient working skills and ethics.

2. Make a To-Do list 

By making a to-do list every day, you can easily organise your day to complete various tasks efficiently. It also gives you a sense of contentment and achievement if you manage to tick all the items off your list.

3. Prioritise 

It is important to prioritise tasks that are important to achieve. You can give priority numbers to tasks on your to-do list.

4. Organisation 

Better organisation of your things and day can help you long for more. An organised person stresses out less and sleeps better.

5. Delegation 

If a job does not require much of your attention, you can delegate it to someone else who is eager for some work. It can unburden you with unnecessary tasks.

6. Planning 

Planning ahead of time can always prove to be helpful. It gives you a clear idea of how everything will pan out.

7. No Wasting of time 

Be certain to indulge yourself in activities that are fruitful for you. Do not get involved in any distractions. It may feel good for a minute or two, but it will do more harm in the future.

Children will learn to value time. It will make them realise how important it is. It can help them achieve whatever they want if they manage their time properly. Once they realise the benefits of time management, it will not take much time for them to become a disciplined person. They will get an idea about what kind of distractions video games and mobile phones can be. Their prolonged usage can harm their focus and health.

Time is a precious quantity for everyone. If we respect our time, others will also respect it. There are many ways to waste our precious time, but it takes a little time to build ourselves into a focused person, which benefits us for life. If you are someone who has not realised its importance, it is never too late!

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Speech On Value Of Time | Value of Time Speech for Students and Children in English

February 8, 2024 by Prasanna

Speech On Value Of Time: Time is a very precious thing in our life. Time is something we should never waste in any way. We can spend a lot of time doing various works, but we can never get back the time we spent. That’s why most of the successful people consider time as more important and valuable than money.

We all should utilize our time in productive ways. If you master the technique of managing time to utilize your time efficiency, you can achieve anything in your life. Time helps you to attain more with lesser efforts.

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Long And Short Speeches On Value Of Time for Kids And Students In English

We provide a long speech and a short Speech On Value Of Time of 500 and 150 words along with ten lines on the same topic, respectively, for the readers.

These speeches will help children and students who might be required to give a speech on the same topic or assignment.

A Long Speech On Value Of Time is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A SHort Speech On Value Of Timeis helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Speech On Value Of Time 500 Words In English

Greetings and salutations to everyone present here.

It is always better to respect and follow the valuable time instead of regretting later as the time we have spent is never coming back. We all know about the proverb “Time and Tide wait for none,” It is apt for our life.

We all should think that the time we get is an opportunity to grab for a well-built future. We should teach our younger ones also about the value of time. Utilizing time for our loved ones also helps us and the society to grow towards a superior one.

The best and most effective ways of utilizing time are setting goals, making work lists, prioritizing tasks, having a good sleep, etc. We must set long and short term goals for the best utilization of time. These long and short term goals will help us to save time and be productive.

Goals and work lists help us as a driving force to keep us always motivated. When we start a new work, and then we start to do it regularly, firstly it will look a very uninteresting one. But, later, we will understand that this is increasing our productivity. Finally, these driving forces help us to achieve our goals.

Prioritizing tasks for our daily routines is a very effective way to manage time because we get to understand the importance of various tasks and jobs in our lives. Moreover, if we do similar works unitedly then, it also increases our productivity.

But, we should remember one thing that being productive doesn’t mean that we have to be involved in multiple works every time. Taking a sufficient amount of sleep and exercising are also parts of being healthy as well as productive. Exercising and sleeping maintain the right balance between our bodies and minds, which is essential for success in life.

There are few things related to time which we should always keep in our minds. They are punctuality, the importance of time management, courtesy, unpredictable future, etc.

To lead a better life, we all have to be punctual in every case in our daily life. People who treat time as an essential factor for a better life are always punctual and thus successful in life.

Another important factor for leading a successful life is the management of time. You have to be regularly involved in work to find a good result and complete without facing any problem.

None of us can predict our future. That’s why we should work hard from now and complete all our tasks on time to make our future bright. If we finish our work on time, we won’t have many works left to do at a time.

The proverb “killing time is not murder; it’s a suicide’ is applicable for those who don’t understand the value of time and don’t respect it. There are people too who give excuses for not completing work like they don’t have time for that. It’s not like they don’t have time; they don’t know how to manage time.

Short Speech On Value Of Time 150 Words In English

Short Speech On Value Of Time 150 Words In English

Time is one of the most valuable things in our life. We can not compare anything else with time. Once we have spent time doing something, it is never going to come back. Each and everything in this world is dependent on time.

In real life, we see most people valuing money more than time. But, it is a fact that time is more valuable than money. Time is the only one that gives us money, prosperity, happiness, and whatnot. But no one can return the time we have already spent.

See more Speech and Essay Writing Topics like Speech On Value Of Time.

Time is a very essential resource for us. Everyone gets the same of time in a day, and we all should make the most out of that time. We should also remember that it is effortless to waste time, but we have to think about the right things. So, we must utilize time properly and respect it.

10 Lines On Speech On Value Of Time

  • Time is the only thing that never returns once you have spent it doing any work.
  • It always flows in a forward direction, which means time is irreversible. So, we should never waste time.
  • Most of us know that time can never be brought back, but we still waste it doing unnecessary things or doing nothing.
  • Most people grow a terrible habit of piling up all works for the last moment. They don’t utilize the time to get to finishing those works, and in the last moments, they complain about not having enough time.
  • All successful people respect the time and understand the importance of time in life. They are also very punctual.
  • They don’t waste time on unnecessary things, and, when they get free time, they do creative things. That means they utilize leisure time in productive ways.
  • A student who knows how important time is for his life can succeed in his future and lead a disciplined life through time management.
  • If we all want to manage our time, then we must make lists or works, prioritize tasks, and set goals to achieve.
  • Always try to finish your works first and then try to help others finishing theirs.
  • Remember one thing. A disciplined life with proper management of time will lead you to a better future.

10 Lines On Speech On Value Of Time

FAQ’s On Speech On Value Of Time

Question 1. Why is time valuable for us?

Answer: Time is something we should never waste in any way. We can spend a lot of time doing various works, but we can never get back the time we spent. That’s why most of the successful people consider time as more important and valuable than money.

Question 2. How can we be productive?

Answer: We must set long and short term goals for the best utilization of time. These long and short term goals will help us to save time and be productive.

Question 3. How do goals and work lists help us?

Answer: Goals and work lists help us as a driving force to keep us always motivated.

Question 4. How can we utilize time to make a better society?

Answer: We can utilize time for our loved ones like spending time with them, which helps society grow as a better on.

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Time is one of those tools that must be used wisely. An individual who manages his time effectively is likely to be more successful in life. We may compare two people, one who is productive and the other who is not, and discover that the only difference between them is in the utilization of time. Here we have provided both long and short speech on time for students of Class 5 to 12 along with 10 lines for writing a speech on importance of time for students of Class 1 to 4.

Long and Short Speech on Time

Long speech on importance of time.

Today, I am here to deliver a speech on the importance of Time in our lives. Every moving clock has played a role in our lives because it governs one of the most critical aspects of human life: time. Time has always been a central concept in human thought, and numerous ideas and concepts of time have been developed in the fields of philosophy, science, and literature. 

Time has been used as a gauge of movement in the philosophical field, for example. It is a part of several hypotheses of science, and psychology studies the development of the brain over time. Any living thing linearly moves through time, and we are all mortal. Nature follows the laws of time in the form of seasons and a birth-and-death cycle.

There are only 24 hours in a day for each of us, and no one else can live our time for us. As a result, in order to accomplish our objectives, we must make good use of our 24 hours. Getting the best out of each hour without deferring work. This will prevent a backlog of work from accumulating. To make the best use of one's time in life, one must be extremely disciplined and committed.

For our lives, time management is important. It is one of the most critical aspects of professional success in any area. For example, if we do not devote equal time to all of the subjects we study, we will not be able to achieve good grades in each of them, lowering our overall percentage. It teaches us patience as well as how much time should be dedicated to a specific activity or mission. For eg, our 20-point class test typically lasts half an hour or 45 minutes, while our final exams last three hours and are worth 100 points.

Each job necessitates a specific amount of time. We are wasting our time if we spend more time on that job. Time is a valuable commodity. It should not be thrown away.

Unfortunately, most people do not know how valuable their time is until later in life. Money that has been lost can be recovered; confidence that has been broken can be repaired, and an opportunity that has been missed can be replaced with another opportunity. When time is lost, however, it is lost forever. So, what makes time so valuable that we must make the most of it?

Have you ever heard the expression "time waits for no man"? That's what there is to it. The passing of time is unstoppable. It shows no mercy to anyone, whether rich or poor, popular or unknown, man or woman. Each person is given 24 hours a day to either use or waste. Time does not wait for anyone, but it does provide us with an equal amount of opportunity to pursue our goals or waste them. We are only given the power of memory to capture all of the wonderful moments that have made our lives worthwhile because they cannot be contained.

Short Speech on Time in English

Today, I am here to deliver a speech on Time. In life, time is highly valuable. It is far more crucial than money. It is due to the fact that money can be won again, but time cannot. Since time is more valuable than money, it should be spent with care.

All are bound by time because it is so potent. Everything is measured in terms of time. When someone is born, when they die, how long they lived, and so on. Nothing is unaffected by the passage of time.

Nobody is excluded from the passing of time. Time will continue to move at its own pace, regardless of whether an individual is wealthy, poor, of any religion, or any country. Many people are unaware of the meaning of time before it is gone.

We can never waste time because it has the power to make someone successful or, if wasted, a failure. A student, for example, works hard and devotes more time to his or her studies. In tests, he or she would do better. However, a student who wastes his or her time by being lazy and devoting more time to relaxing and neglecting his or her studies is wasting his or her time.

Despite the fact that we understand the importance of time, we are unable to properly coordinate it. The best approach is to prepare and split our time so that we can do various things in our daily routine such as feeding, sleeping, exercising, learning, and playing, to name a few.

We should not devote our time only to enjoy, but rather carefully divide it among things that will help us achieve our objectives as well as have a good life. If a person wants to be a football player, for example, he should spend more time playing and practising with his team.

In short, time is a tool that, when used properly, will improve the future and bring happiness into one's life.

10 Lines for Speech on Importance of Time

The only thing that can't be brought back once it's gone is time.

Since time is irreversible, we must think twice before squandering it.

Though we all understand that time cannot be reclaimed, people continue to waste it.

We are susceptible to getting involved in meaningless activities while neglecting to complete essential tasks.

People often have a poor habit of finishing their jobs at the last possible moment.

When people are pressed for time, they attempt to complete tasks as quickly as possible while sacrificing performance.

Productive people put a high emphasis on time and are renowned for their punctuality.

They never waste any time and instead make creative use of their spare time.

There are only 24 hours in a day, and everyone must complete their tasks within that time period by efficiently using each second.

When it comes to students, they must complete all of their assignments, chapter revisions, classwork, and plans within the assigned time period.



Speech about Value of Time [1,2,3,5 Minutes]

1 minute speech on the value of time.

Time is a valuable resource for everyone. It is the most valuable commodity that we can have. Time can be used in so many ways and it is an integral part of our lives.

The value of time has been debated many times and there are no definite answers to the question. Some people believe that time has a fixed value, while others believe that it varies depending on how much you are willing to spend on it.

It is important to know the disadvantages of wasting time.

Some of the disadvantages of wasting time are:

– People who waste their time on tasks that they are not good at will eventually become bored and frustrated with their work.

Quotes of some internationally famous personalities for Speech on Speech about Value of Time

  • “Time is money.”
  • “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”
  • “Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.”
  • “The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.”
  • “The future depends on what you do today.”
  • “Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.”
  • “The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.”
  • “Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action comes, stop thinking and go in.”
  • “It’s not enough to be busy; so are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?”
  • “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

2 Minutes Speech on the Value of Time

Time is a valuable resource for everyone. It is the one thing that we cannot get back.

The value of time is so high that it can be measured in dollars and cents. The value of time is also dependent on the person’s position and role in society.

This section discusses how to maximize the value of time, which can be achieved by making better use of our skills, knowledge, and experience.

We are living in a time when we have an abundance of information. With the rise of social media, we have access to more and more content than ever before.

This is not always a good thing. We need to be careful with how much time we spend on social media and what kind of content we are consuming.

We all have limited time, so it is important to know how to spend it wisely and productively.

Time is one of the most precious resources. It can be used to create wealth or destroy it. When you are trying to save time, you should also consider the disadvantages of wasting time.

Time is one of our most important resources, and we should not waste it unnecessarily. That’s why when you are trying to save time, you should also consider the disadvantages of wasting time.

3 Minutes Speech on the Value of Time

Value of Time is a term that is used to describe the importance of time. It is used in many different ways and can be defined in many different ways.

Generally, it refers to the amount of value that can be obtained from a given period of time. The value of time can also refer to the importance or significance of a given period or duration within an event.

The concept has been explored by various philosophers, economists, and psychologists over time.

Saving time can help you in many ways, including having more time for your family and friends, spending more time on personal projects, and improving your work-life balance.

There are many ways to save time in the workplace. Some of them include: setting up a smartphone calendar, using email reminders and alerts, using voice reminders or alerts, and scheduling meetings with colleagues or clients outside of office hours.

Time is one of the most valuable resources that we have. It can be used in many ways and with it comes benefits, but wasting time is never a good idea.

Human beings have a natural tendency to waste time on activities that are not beneficial for them or for their work-life balance. The following are some of the reasons why people waste their time:

1) They don’t know what they should be doing next and they don’t know how to take action.

2) They procrastinate and put off doing tasks until later because they feel like they will do them better if they wait until later.

3) They forget about small tasks such as scheduling meetings or following up with people who need help with something but aren’t urgent enough to be put on the top of their list of priorities.

5 Minutes Speech on the Value of Time

The value of time is immense and it is the most important resource that we have. It can be used to earn more money or just to keep up with our daily tasks.

The value of time is infinite and it is something that we cannot afford to waste. It can be used to earn more money or just to keep up with our daily tasks. We should make sure that we are not wasting our time on skillsets that we don’t have and instead focus on what we are best at – creativity and emotions.

The value of time is a tough concept to grasp. We have little control over the time we spend in our day-to-day lives. The best way to make sure that you are not wasting your time is by being aware of what you should be doing and what you should not be doing.

The Value of Time: Time is an invaluable resource that we all need in order to live a fulfilling life. It’s difficult to quantify the value of time, but we can use it as a tool for self-improvement and productivity.

Saving time is always an important aspect of our lives. In this day and age, where we are constantly being bombarded with new tools and technologies that can help us save time, it is more important than ever to find ways to do just that.

Now, i will tell you some disadvantages of wasting time.

Some of the disadvantages are:

-Loss of productivity: When you waste time, you are not doing anything productive. You might be watching TV or scrolling through social media. These activities do not help in increasing your productivity. In fact, these activities can even decrease your productivity because you are not focusing on what is important to you and what needs to be done.

-Wasting money: When you waste time, you might spend it on things that are not necessary or need to use your resources in a better way. For example, if you want to buy a new laptop but instead decide to watch TV for an hour, then that one hour cost $30 dollars which would have been enough for the laptop purchase if it was used efficiently.

-Loss of morale: If people around you see that you are wasting time and being irresponsible with your work then they will lose their morale and start losing.

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English Summary

Short Speech on Time Management in English for Students and Children

Dear Principal, teachers, and my dear friends. Very good morning to all of you. Today I stand in front of you to speak on the topic- Time management. I am presenting a short speech keeping the importance of our time in mind.

Time management is very important for our careers. It is one of the key factors to success in any field of work. For example, if we won’t devote an equal amount of time to all the subjects you study, we may not be able to score good marks in each of them and this will affect your percentage overall.

Each work requires a certain amount of time. If we are spending more time on that work, we are wasting our time. Time is money. It should not be wasted. It is so precious that once gone never returns.

Time management also teaches us to balance our lives. We should not spend our day doing just one task. When we make a time table for time management, we include everything in it. For example, food time, playtime, exercise time, study time, etc.

If we do not do time management, we may spend more time on a particular task and may completely avoid another. For example, people spend more time in the office and completely forget to exercise which affects their health.

In short, time management demands attention as it is very important for our overall well-being. I would request you all to manage your time and live a balanced life.

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Speech On Time Management For Students

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  • Apr 30, 2024

Speech on time management

Speech on Time Management: There are 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week and 365 days and 6 hours in a year. Some people utilize their time by learning new skills, while others waste theirs. Miles Davis, an American trumpeter and bandleader, once said, ‘Time isn’t the main thing, it is the only thing.’

The difference lies in good time management . The one who knows how to coordinate the tasks with proper organization, scheduling, prioritizing, eliminating distractions, and planning better knows how to manage time effectively. Apart from the essential features of time management, one´s attributes and capabilities. 

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2 Minutes Speech on Time Management

‘Greetings to all the teachers and students gathered here. Today, I stand before you to deliver my point of view on time management. In this speech, I have covered the methods and the three Ps of time management, Planning, prioritizing, and performing. Furthermore, I have also discussed some barriers to time management that can create hindrances while managing time effectively. 

Time management is the key to manage things effectively. A person who knows how to manage time effectively can handle any big or small task. So, is time management the key to managing things smartly? Certainly, Yes. The one who knows how to organize can beat up any task. 

Now the question arises, what are the essential factors to know for organizing the task?

Planning is the first and foremost thing one should consider before implementing a task. 

Setting priorities for the task is what should be performed first and what can be kept for done a little later, which is managing things with set objectives. This course of action determines and assesses one goal according to the current situation. 

The second P of time management is prioritizing. The best practice to implement prioritization is to assess and categorize one´s tasks. Now that you have planned the work, it is time to give preference to the work that needs to be done firsthand and can be left. To prioritize accurately, divide the section into critical, high, low priority, and unknown.

To follow up the chain, the last comes performing. Once our task is performed, prioritize time to achieve it. Make a to-do list, get a grip on the task, and complete the one you think is the most difficult; meanwhile, get rid of distractions. 

While performing a task accordingly, remember to take care of your health. Also, try technology if needed.

Performing the task according to the three Ps will make your time management effective, boost your confidence, and help you do well in your education or career.

Thank you!’

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10 Lines on Time Management 

Let us understand the importance of time management in a short but important way:

1. Time management is the key to managing your time accordingly.

2. The three Ps that help the one to manage your time are Planning, prioritizing, and performing.

3. One should know how to plan according to the time as it improves the work quality. 

4. Planning in time management should include prioritization according to the level of importance. 

5. While performing a task it is important to make a to-do list so that one can get the task completed on time.

6. Avoid distractions when completing a task.

7. Taking care of one´s health is important when one is going for the task to be completed. 

8. Time management impacts the health of an individual positively. 

9. If one needs to complete the quality of work then practice to do the work on time.

10. Time management is important as it maintains discipline in life. 

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Effective time management improves the quality of work and makes the one discipline.

Yes, good management skills are consistently effective in any organization or field.

The first step of effective time management is Planning.  

To improve time management skills, learn to get rid of distractions. 

Time management is the process of organizing the work, with planning, prioritizing, and performing.

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Deepika Joshi

Deepika Joshi is an experienced content writer with educational and informative content expertise. She has hands-on experience in Education, Study Abroad and EdTech SaaS. Her strengths lie in conducting thorough research and analysis to provide accurate and up-to-date information to readers. She enjoys staying updated on new skills and knowledge, particularly in the education domain. In her free time, she loves to read articles, and blogs related to her field to expand her expertise further. In her personal life, she loves creative writing and aspires to connect with innovative people who have fresh ideas to offer.

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  • Importance Of Time Management Speech [1,2,3 Minutes]

Time management refers to planning how to divide your time between specific activities. The key elements of Time Management are setting priorities, excluding non-priorities, goal setting, creating a suitable environment & developing the right habits.

There are a lot of benefits of time management. It can make a person more efficient, productive, and disciplined . The one who can manage his time is more prone to achieve goals within a set time. Apart from that, It boosts your confidence & reduces stress.

1 Minute Speech

“Time management is life management”. This is one of my favorite quotes which describes the meaning of time management in just a few words.

Before heading ahead to my speech on Time Management, I would like to wish you all the best wishes and also want to pay thanks for having me this valuable opportunity.

Time is a limited resource to anyone and so the most expensive. You can not buy it or extend it. But Time management is a process of planning your time between more and less important activities to fetch you faster results in any given field.

Nowadays time management is a need for everyone be it a student , office worker, or businessman. Each day you have only 24 hours to perform various daily activities. Time management assists you to bring efficient and more productive results out of your efforts. If you are not managing your time, you are wasting it.

Thank you, I hope you like my words.

2 Minute Speech on Time management

Most Reputable teachers and principle and loved friends. first of all, I want to wish you all the best wishes for the day. Also, I am very grateful for having a chance to deliver a speech on time management.

I want you all to answer a question; what is the most expensive thing for you? For me, it is time because it can not be expanded. You have only 24 hours in a day and a limited lifetime. But the good thing is that we can manage our time in a way that will achieve more in less time.

The term “time management” refers to dividing your time between your daily activities according to priorities. Time management consists of setting priorities, excluding non-priorities, goal setting , creating a suitable environment & developing the right habits.

Apart from that, in this busy era, students don’t get enough time to enjoy their childhood but if they properly schedule their time, they can get some time for other hobbies and entertainment. for working people, time management will help to free their time for their family and friends.

Time management tips

  • Have a master schedule
  • Prioritize your work
  • Use a checklist
  • Break down big tasks into smaller ones
  • Reward yourself for accomplishments
  • Eliminate distractions

If someone masters the skill to manage time, nothing can stop him from achieving success in life. The setting goal becomes his habit that gets faster and more accurate results. Plus, when you get frequent success, your confidence level boosts.

There is a lot to say but as a part of time management, I have to stop here. Thank you all.

Short Speech on Time management

3 Minute Speech on Time management

Time holds a crucial role in the field of science and human life. Everything you see is in the realm of time. Even, one of the most popular scientific theories  Einstein’s Special Relativity explains the relationship between space and time .

Before heading ahead to my speech on Time management I cordially welcome you all & I want to pay thanks for having me this great opportunity.

We all live in a three-dimensional world and time is considered the fourth dimension of reality which is used to describe events in three-dimensional space. As a part of existence, time is vital for the execution of universal processes.

Time has a feature that it does not stop in any condition. That is why it imposes a limitation on each and every element of the universe and so on humans. Now, you can understand how important is time and why it is necessary to manage your time.

Even though we can not regulate time but we have the option to use it properly by applying time management skills. Time management is nothing but dividing your time between activities according to priorities. The next question is what are the benefits of time management?

Benefits of Time Management

Time management has a lot of advantages listed below:

  • Time management gets you faster results
  • It gets you more work done in less time
  • It helps you prioritize your work
  • It boosts your self-confidence
  • Time management prevents procrastination
  • It prevents you from stress

How a student can manage his time

Here are some tips for students to manage time:

To sum up, If you know the art of time management, you will get success faster. If you are not managing your time, you are wasting it. Never waste your time as it never comes back.

Long Speech on Time management

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10 Lines on Time

Time is one such thing that must be spent wisely. A person who uses his time in an efficient manner can never fail in life. We can compare two persons, one who is successful and another who is not and we will find that the only difference is of time. A successful person always spends his time wisely and efficiently whereas the other person has spent his time in a meaningless way or we can say that he has wasted his precious time.

We might have seen many people who complain that they have no time or they get less time to carry out or complete their work but the time remains the same for everyone; what matters is its proper utilization without wasting a bit of it. The better we utilize our time the more we reach towards our goal and the more we inch towards success.

Ten Lines on Time in English

We have provided 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on Time in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. You can add these lines in your essays and paragraph writing in your exam as well as in the school competition. These lines will also help you to gain knowledge about this topic.

1) Time is the only thing that cannot be brought back once it is gone.

2) Time is just irreversible, so we must think twice before wasting it.

3) All of us know that time once gone can never be brought back but still, people spend it carelessly.

4) We often get involved in useless things but ignore to do our important tasks.

5) People also have the habit of completing their tasks at the last moment which is a bad habit.

6) When people have less time, they try to finish the tasks fast compromising on efficiency.

7) Successful people always value time and showcase a sense of punctuality in their nature.

8) They never waste a bit of time instead they do the creative use of their free time also.

9) The famous proverb “Time and Tide Wait for None” also showcases the importance of time.

10) We must prioritize our tasks and finish the most important work first, then move to the next one.

1) As we know that money lost can be earned again but the time once lost cannot be recovered.

2) Today’s life has become so fast and competitive that one has to take great care of time, loss of one second can cost you more.

3) There are only 24 hours in a day and everybody has to finish their work within this time frame by utilizing every second properly.

4) If we talk about students then they have to do all their homework, chapter revision, classwork, and preparations within 24 hours.

5) A student who knows the importance of time can never fail in his entire life, he can succeed through his discipline and time management.

6) For making students successful, their parents and teachers can help them to make their routine which will help them to manage time efficiently.

7) The best way to avoid the tendency of being late and completing tasks on time is ‘Time Management’.

8) The first thing to manage time is to set our goals, once the goal is set we have to completely focus on it without wasting any time.

9) Next thing in time management is to prioritize tasks by making a list of tasks and keeping the important ones on high priority.

10) Always finish your allocated tasks first and then only try to help others.

5 Lines on India

1) Time never turns back.

2) It is more precious than money.

3) It teaches us the importance of life.

4) Utilizing time is necessary for being successful.

5) Proper management of time is important.

20 Lines on India

1) Time is the progression of events in hours, minutes, or seconds.

2) It is also a fundamental physical quality in the SI unit.

3) The SI unit of time is seconds.

4) A full rotation of the earth makes one day.

5) A day consists of 24 hours of time.

6) The clock is used as the physical representation of time.

7) Time always moves in the forward direction and can’t go back.

8) The sundial was the device used to measure time during the olden days.

9) The first invented clock was the pendulum clock in 1656 to measure time.

10) We must learn to respect the time and use it effectively in life.

11) Time is the measurement that is addressed by a process or activity.

12) It is measured by the clock or calendar.

13) Time is determined by the displacement of objects from one place to another.

14) The time has once gone can’t be brought back again.

15) We get 24 hours in a day to complete all our daily activities.

16) Time management is the strategy to do effective management of time.

17) Time is so precious that if utilized properly will give us success and happiness.

18) Time management gives us the scope of good opportunities.

19) There is no moment more absolute and important than your present.

20) We must learn to value time and not waste even a single second of life.

We must identify and recognize the importance and impact of time in our life. Scholars have said that “those who destroy their time, time destroys them”. So we should always try to make better utilization of each and every second in our life so that we could make our future better than our present. A disciplined routine with proper time management will always lead you to success in your life both personally as well as professionally.

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Speech on Value of Time in simple and easy words

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Table of Contents

We all know the value of time, but at times fail to catch up with it and in the end, we regret our failure. Time is crucial for everyone – be it a student, professional, politician, or homemaker – no one can afford to overlook the importance of time as everything will then start crumbling down and nothing will be achieved. Thus, keeping in mind the importance of this topic, we have covered speeches on the value of time. Our speeches, i.e. both short speeches on the value of time as well as long speeches on the value of time are comprehensive and easy to understand. They can be used as a reference point for all occasions – whether it’s for your school homework, any speech-giving ceremony, article writing, etc. Just browse through our pages and find meaningful topics being rolled out for you.

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Long and Short Speech on Value of Time

Speech on value of time 1.

My Loving Parents and all My Wonderful Friends – Warm Good Evening!

Firstly, I would like to thank my parents from the bottom of my heart for felicitating me by organizing this superb party. I know you are happier than me on my having scored 90 percent marks in the 12 th board examination. Secondly, I want to thank all my friends for gracing the occasion with their presence as the celebration will not be complete without you all.

There is no happiness as big as seeing the happy faces of your parents and making them feel proud. I owe this success to my parents who have taught me the value of time. Had they not guided me throughout my exam preparation and been my motivation, this success wouldn’t have been possible.

On today’s occasion, other than thanking my parents, I want to talk about the value of time so that my friends has something important to take back home in the end and also develop seriousness towards it by not simply whiling away their time. Friends, time is the most valuable thing in life and if you will destroy time then time will destroy you. Time is the most powerful of all and if you use it wisely only then success will touch your feet.

Of course, hard work is of paramount importance, but if you do not have good time management skills, then every planning collapses and nothing comes to your rescue. Therefore, it is important to keep a conscious watch over passing time and manage all your crucial tasks accordingly. After the results got declared almost everyone asked the same question, i.e. how did I manage my studies while being a part of various co-curricular activities? My answer was that the secret behind all this is my good time management skills taught by my parents. It is not difficult to manage time for the whole day as all one requires preparing a schedule for the whole day and acts accordingly. In fact, in the absence of time table it becomes difficult to manage a day’s task and everything appears chaotic.

In my opinion, it is a sound timetable that takes care of all your day’s activities and ensures that you do not miss out on any of your important activity of the day. Just prepare time slots as per your day’s activities and devote time hours to each of the day’s work using your discretion. Preparing the time table or following a schedule does not mean that you shun all your favorite activities and devote your complete time towards studies, it rather means that those 24 hours in a day should be so utilized that no activity is overlooked.

After following a proper schedule, you will realize that everything is falling into place and you are able to enjoy all your favorite activities without affecting your studies. Please don’t look amazed and try this exercise for yourself and bring a meaningful change in your life.

This is all I have to say! Now, I request all my guests to enjoy the party and dinner.

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Speech on Value of Time 2

Hon’ble Principal, Vice Principal, Teachers and Our Loving Students – Good Morning to everyone!

I, Nandini Sen, your English teacher, would like to take few minutes from your precious time since the assembly has got over now. Students, we have organized a small speech ceremony for today and the topic for the ceremony is “The Value of Time”. We all know that your board exams are approaching and hardly 2 months are left. You all must be worried and anxious about the exam preparation and whether you will be able to live up to your expectations and your parents’ expectations or not.

This is certainly not an easy time for you – it’s like a do or die situation for most of the students who literally develop exam fever during this time. However, I would like to say that it is good to be worried about exams till a certain point, but it is not good to completely get bogged down under the tension. At this time, you are required to not panic at all and give utmost importance to your time management ability because the more efficiently you will utilize time now, the more positive impact it will have on your exams.

It is said that haste makes waste, so as your senior most teacher and on behalf of all the teachers, I want to mention that indulge in your exams preparation with a calm mind and not with an intention to finish off the entire syllabus in one go. I am repeatedly saying to manage your time efficiently and devote sufficient time to each and every subject. Make sure that time slot given to every subject is sufficient enough to target your day’s tasks. After preparing the timetable, it will be your sole responsibility to follow it religiously. Any slight negligence on your part can cost you heavily.

As it is said that time and tide wait for none, so make the most of this time because this time will never come back again in your life and only regret will then remain for the lifetime, in case you do not use it efficiently. This 2-month time is enough to leverage your exam preparation and help you achieve your goals. If you conquer time then everything is possible. So let not this time slip away from your hand for nothing and make a wise use of it.

Other than studies, take out time for some refreshing activities too which will rejuvenate both your body and soul. An effective time management is one that allows you to enjoy your favorite activities during the day other than studies. Thus, in this manner your mind will be better prepared to absorb facts and concepts. Value time and time will value you – it’s a simple give and take relationship. Learn to manage your time using your best judgment and never overlook any important work of a day because the gross negligence of work can make you pay heavily for it.

As your teachers and mentors, it is our duty to keep you away from the danger and help you choose a path that brings you closer to your dreams. Now, if you have any questions or doubts, please feel free to ask.

Speech on Value of Time 3

Respected Senior Managers, Managers and My Dear Colleagues – Good Afternoon to one and all!

I am extremely overwhelmed because it’s my last day in the office today. Before I deliver my speech, please allow me to thank all of you for throwing such a wonderful party. I also want to thank all my senior managers and managers for giving me an excellent grooming and helping me evolve as a person who no longer gets scared at accepting challenges and can deliver any task effectively while meeting the deadlines. I wouldn’t have been the person that I am now without the mentoring of my seniors.

Other than my seniors, I also cannot thank enough my team members and my friends, who have always supported me at all times. Whether it was about fixing any errors, meeting deadlines, taking up challenging assignments or stretching their working hours at the time of crisis – I have always received your immense support. However, there also have been times when I failed hard and couldn’t deliver the projects as per the expectations. Earlier, I used to be reckless and very clumsy in my approach towards work. Despite that, I have learnt a lot from my past failures and learnt one very important lesson of my life, i.e. to value Time.

So my speech for today is not any clichéd one, but on the Value of Time. The reason why I have chosen this topic is because I want everyone to not undermine the importance of time and understand that we all can achieve anything we want; we have to complete determination and give time its due value. Time, as we all know, is an extremely crucial driving factor in our lives as it enables us to structure or organize our day to day activities. It is not possible for any one of us to escape the consequences of passing time recklessly. Moreover, we all are mortal creatures and prone to the aging process. So we cannot ignore time. If one makes a wise use of time – he/she earns experience and is able to hone skills over a period of time. Time is also a great healer whether it’s the external wound or internal ones. And, ultimately time is the only measure. Activities which are performed on time yield fruitful results and help you become successful in life.

So since the day, I began valuing time and started following a proper timetable I realized that things are actually falling into place. In fact, I started enjoying my work and lifestyle as a whole. It eventually boosted my morale and made me feel confident about myself. By just following time religiously, I found solutions to all my problems and it in fact gave a sense of purpose to my life. If time acts as a great healer then it also has the capacity to destroy things.

Thus, every individual should never lag behind it because time once lost will never come back again. What is there today will never be the same tomorrow so make the most of it. I hope my all friends are listening and those who never took time so seriously before will take back home a lesson and gear up from now onwards.

Now, I would request my senior manager and manager to come on stage and say a few words on my last day. I hope everyone’s journey in this organization will be as fruitful as mine and you all reach great heights of success in the days to come.

Speech on Value of Time 4

Respected Society Members and Our Dear Children – Warm Good Evening! I welcome you all to our society’s bi-monthly gathering.

Besides being the secretary of our Vatsali Apartment, I am also a teacher and to my disappointment from quite some time now, I am seeing that our society children are not paying attention towards their studies and are simply whiling away their time. Once you all are back from school, I just see everybody on the playground until it gets dark and then you all go home have your dinner and are off to bed. Except coming for your tuition classes, I always see you playing.

It’s good to engage in sports and enjoy your favorite activities, but it’s equally important to keep a watch on the passing time. If you will not utilize your time properly and end up just playing sports throughout, then you will lag behind in your studies and eventually you may face serious consequences in future. So today let me inform you about the importance of time and why is it vital to give it its due value.

Even though time doesn’t have a beginning nor an end, we can still measure it in terms of seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years. There are other words too associated with time, such as past, present and future. Time is never constant and keeps on flowing. What is today will not be there tomorrow so make the most of your present time. As it is said that “ One has to strike the iron when it is hot” , so it implies that use time when it is most appropriate for if you waste time, then time will waste you.

We require time in every walk of life. Whether we take rest, work or perform household chores – we need to devote sufficient attention. If we fail to devote sufficient time then the result will not be satisfying or even fruitful. Likewise, if you will ignore your studies or will not devote proper time then results will not at all be favorable. Other than studies or tasks, time is also required in building relationships and improving circumstances. Time is like that important ingredient in a dish with the scarcity of which no dish can taste good or the possible outcome can prove to be rewarding.

Everyone has 24 hours in a day and every person uses those 24 hours differently. Some use it dexterously and become successful in life and some simply waste it by doing nothing. But as your teacher, it becomes my responsibility to guide you and make you utilize time to your optimum capacity. Secondly, never postpone your work for future and do it there and then itself, thus it will help you eliminate unnecessary hassles. Also, be punctual in life and thus ensure the best utilization of time. Punctuality helps you avoid excessive work load and inconvenience. The doors of new opportunities open up if you utilize time well and give you handsome results.

In the end, I will just say that each one of us has only 24 hours time in a day. Therefore, learn to rule time rather than allowing time to rule you. By taking control of time, you will also be able to develop your capacity to focus on your goals so much so that when your focus is increased, your efficiency automatically gets increased and then you do not lose momentum. You learn to handle your daily tasks much more efficiently and also finishing it off speedily.

I hope that all my students have taken note of it and from now on will make the optimum use of time by devoting sufficient attention towards their studies.

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Speech on Value of Time for Students in English [3 Minutes*]

December 10, 2020 by Sandeep

Speech on Value of Time: The most precious asset in everybody’s lives is time. We should spend our time judiciously. Time is more valuable than money as time once lost can never be regained back. Successful and high flying people are excellent time managers. Productively using available time increases our efficiency and makes us more efficient. Strategically using time involves planning, prioritizing, setting goals and striking the right balance.

Speech on Value of Time 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Value of Time Speech in English, written in easy and simple words for class 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 school students.

Good morning to everyone present here. I am going to present a speech on, i.e. Value of Time.

Time is the most precious thing on this earth. It has been quoted by Folklore that “Time waits for no one”. All our lives revolve around time. It is vital for every one of us. Understanding the value of time is essential because once the time is wasted, it is not going to come back to any of us. It is better to follow & respect time instead of regretting about it later. Time is like an opportunity which is given only once.

People who understand the importance of life are always on time. Punctuality is the first step towards a successful life. If a person is not punctual, he needs to follow a lot of adverse consequences in his life. It misbalance the life around us. Next important thing is the management of time, it acts as a critical factor for success in anyone’s life. Especially in a student’s lifetime management is essential for overall growth.

Professionals also will not deny agreeing to the fact that time management is key to success. We all must learn the value of time not only for ourselves but also to respect the time other people invest in a particular activity. We all are aware that the future is unpredictable, so to keep us updated with the fast-changing world we all must respect time. Working hard & performing all tasks has no value if you do not do it on time.

Ovid says “Time is the best medicine”. Time has already proved us that with time all our wounds heels. Forgiveness is also a product of time, with passing time we start forgiving people for their misdeeds. I tried to highlight to you all the critical aspects of life. We all must remember that time is excellent; it is even above money. People who keep giving excuses for doing work are usually involved in wasting time leads to nowhere in life.

Everyone is given 24 hours & it entirely depends on the person how time is being managed & utilised. Understanding the value of time will lead us in the path of success. We all must realise that we cannot keep today’s hours for tomorrow; we need to spend every minute of our lives wisely. Stephen R. Covey quoted “The key is in not spending time, but in investing it.” I am glad that I got the opportunity to share my thoughts on Value of Time with all of you.

Short Speech on Value of Time 150 Words

A warm welcome to everyone over here. Today I ………… is going put forward my thoughts on Value of Time.

Time is, above all in our lives. Once lost, we cannot get back it. It always runs in the forward direction & never in the backward direction. Everything in the world needs time; nothing happens before time. If something is not done in time, that means we have lost time for forever. Now for us students understanding the importance of time is paramount. We all must realise that time management is the key to success.

Prioritising things & doing things on time is the key to success. It makes all our lives simpler. Let me give an example if we do not study every day & cope up with the syllabus; it will be challenging for us to complete the whole syllabus just before the exam. It is a simple example of time management. Starting from waking up in the morning to going to bed, we all must maximise the utilisation of this golden opportunity we get.

Time is valueless; it cannot be compared with the other physical things available in our life. Harvey Mackay quoted that “Time is free, but it’s priceless. You cannot own it, but you can use it. You cannot keep it, but you can spend it. Once you have lost it, you can never get it back”. He has just explained every aspect of time in his thoughts. We all must respect & value the time we have. Our thoughts should be proper utilisation of time without wasting a single minute. This will lead us in the path of glory & success.

Speech on Discipline

3 minutes speech on discipline.

Good morning everyone presents here. I stand before you to deliver a speech on discipline. Jim Rohan has beautifully quoted that discipline is the link between goals and success. Discipline is an act of rules and regulation which we follow from our childhood till the end of our life. A well-disciplined people perform their work in the right way and in a given time.

Speech on discipline

Source: pixabay.com

Discipline is something that keeps every person in control. It motivates a person to progress in life. Everybody follow discipline in his/her life in a different form. Although, everyone has his own prospect of discipline. Some person considers it a part of their life and some don’t. The temporary pleasure that gives is not the real pleasure of freedom.

Importance and Types of Discipline

Without discipline, the life of an individual will become dull and inactive. Also, a disciplined individual can control and handle the situation of living in a sophisticated way than those who do not. Besides, if you have a plan and you want to implement it in your life. Then you need discipline. It makes things easy for you to handle. It ultimately brings success to your life.

If we talk about the types of discipline, there are two types. The first type is induced discipline and the second one is self-discipline. Induced discipline is something that others impart us or we learn by seeing others. While self- discipline derives from within. We learn it on our own self. Self-discipline needs a lot of motivation and support from others.

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The Need for Discipline

We want discipline in almost everywhere in life. So, it is good to practice discipline from the early stages of our life. Self-discipline means different things to different persons. For students, its meaning is different. For an employee its meaning is different. And for children its meaning is different.

Furthermore, the meaning of discipline changes with the phases of life and priority. Not everybody can be disciplined because it involves a lot of hard work and dedication. Also, it needs a positive mind and a healthy body. One has to be strict with discipline. So that he or she can successfully complete the road of success.

Advantages of Discipline

The disciple is a staircase by which the person can achieve success. It helps a person to concentrate on his/her goals in life. Also, it does not allow him/her derivate from the goal. Moreover, it brings perfection in a person’s life by training and educating the mind and body of the person. So that he or she can respond to the rules and regulations.

If we talk about professional life, then disciplined persons are always getting more opportunities than the undisciplined person. Also, it adds an exceptional element to the personality of the individual. Besides, the individual leaves a positive impact on the mind of people wherever she or he goes.

In conclusion, I may say that discipline is one of the key elements of our life. An individual can only be successful if she or he strictly live a healthy and disciplined life. Besides, the discipline also helps us in many ways. It motivates the person around us to be disciplined. Above all, discipline helps the individual to achieve the success that he or she wants in life.

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Harris makes a middle class economy pitch: 3 takeaways from North Carolina policy rollout

WASHINGTON — Vice President Kamala Harris said the inflation-battling agenda she spelled out on Friday is just the beginning of her economic plans that she'd try to turn into policy should she win the White House in November.

More detailed proposals to increase wages, help small business owners and fight poverty are still to come, the 2024 Democratic nominee for president suggested.

"In the weeks to come, I will address in greater detail my plans to build an opportunity economy," Harris said during an event in the 2024 battleground state of North Carolina.

Harris tailored her policy rollout to topics intended to help middle class Americans stretch their money further. Her proposals included a federal ban on price gouging  of food and groceries and tax credits for new parents and lower-income workers.

Food, rent, gas, back to school clothes, prescription meds — it all adds up, she said.

"Today I will focus on one element that's on the minds of many Americans as they pay their bills at the kitchen table or walk the aisle of a grocery store . And that is lowering the cost of living ," Harris said in Raleigh.

Here are three takeaways from her speech:

Harris puts housing front and center

Harris pledged that "by the end of my first term, we will end America's housing shortage" by building three million new affordable homes and rentals.

"And we will make sure that those homes actually go to working and middle class Americans , not just investors," she said.

Harris also said she would target artificially high rentals by fighting for a law that cracks down on the use of price-fixing software.

In one of the more detailed plans that Harris put forward on Friday, she said would offer up to $25,000 to first-time homebuyers to put toward down payments.

Emphasis on the middle class

Harris said for most of her childhood, her mother Shyamala was a renter. Her mother saved for more than a decade, Harris said, to buy her first home.

"I grew up in a middle class household ," Harris declared on Friday.

It was one of several anecdotes Harris has shared to make the case that she understands the needs of voters.

Harris said she worked at McDonald's while she was in college. She did it for spending money, she said, but saw first-hand how hard it was for coworkers who were raising families on their paychecks and working multiple jobs.

Turning the tables on Trump

Former President Donald Trump 's campaign has labeled Harris' proposed price controls as "socialist" and argued that her pledge to punish businesses accused of breaking the rules are rooted in authoritarianism.

At her event on Friday, Harris hit back. She described Trump's proposed tariffs as a "national sales tax" on everyday goods that Americans import.

Harris said his plan would cost a typical family $3,900 a year, a statistic included in a report that was released this week by the liberal Center for American Progress.

"At this moment when everyday prices are too high, he will make them even higher," she said.

Trump had hammered Harris in a North Carolina speech of his own and at a Thursday news conference that served as a prebuttal to the debut of her economic plans.

But on Friday, as she sough to turn the tables, she said, "He offered no serious plans to reduce costs for middle class families. No plan to expand access to housing or healthcare."

"And that, I think actually for most of us was not surprising," Harris added.

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Kamala Harris releases economic plan aiming to lower housing costs, end price gouging

By Nidia Cavazos , Kathryn Watson

Updated on: August 17, 2024 / 8:49 AM EDT / CBS News

Vice President Kamala Harris  unveiled her economic plans Friday in Raleigh, North Carolina, marking the first time she has released a major policy initiative since President Biden dropped out of the race last month. 

North Carolina is a key battleground state in November, and Harris is trying to persuade voters there and across the country that her policies can bring costs down and give Americans economic opportunity. Harris noted it was her 16th visit to the state since becoming vice president — and President Biden's first stop after the fateful debate performance that ultimately led to his departure from the race. 

Harris said she would offer more details about her economic plan in the weeks ahead but on Friday, she focused efforts to lower the cost of living. 

"When I am elected president, I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase economic security for all Americans," Harris said at Wake Tech Community College in Raleigh. "As president, I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans, like the cost of food. We all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed. But our supply chains have now improved. And prices are still too high." 

Harris also blasted former President Donald Trump over his economic policies. She said Trump would impose "what is in effect a national sales tax," referring to recent remarks Trump made about expanding tariffs on goods imported into the U.S. by 10-20%. 

Election 2024 Harris

New housing

Harris is calling for the construction of 3 million new housing units in her first four years in office. The Biden administration has previously called for the construction of 2 million new homes .

She wants to incentivize these new units with a tax break for builders who construct properties for first-time home buyers. She is also proposing a $40 billion fund to help local governments find solutions to the lack of housing supply. 

"There's a serious housing shortage. In many places, it's too difficult to build, and it's driving prices up," Harris said. "As president, I will work in partnership with industry to build the housing we need, both to rent and to buy. We will take down barriers and cut red tape, including at the state and local levels. And by the end of my first term, we will end America's housing shortage by building 3 million new homes and rentals that are affordable for the middle class." 

Campaign officials said Harris will call on Congress to pass the Preventing the Algorithmic Facilitation of Rental Housing Cartels Act, which would prevent landlords from using price-fixing algorithms to increase rents. She also wants lawmakers to pass the Stop Predatory Investing Act, a bill that would limit tax breaks for large investors and private equity firms that acquire single-family rental homes in bulk. 

"Some corporate landlords, some of them, buy dozens if not hundreds of houses and apartments," Harris said. "Then they turn them around and rent them out at extremely high prices. And it can make it impossible then for regular people to buy or even rent a home."

Harris will also propose providing Americans who have paid their rent on time for two years with up to $25,000 in down-payment assistance, with more support for first-generation homeowners. 

Expansion of Child Tax Credit

Harris is also proposing an expansion of the Child Tax Credit to provide a $6,000 tax cut to families with newborns. GOP vice presidential nominee and Ohio Sen.  JD Vance has proposed a similar  but more general $5,000 Child Tax Credit expansion. The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget pointed out that this Vance's proposal, which is 150% above the current $2,000 tax credit, could mean creating trillions in debt. "We could easily be talking about $2-$3 trillion in additional borrowing over the next decade," Marc Goldwein, senior policy director for the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, told CBS MoneyWatch regarding the Vance proposal. 

Vance has suggested his tax credit would not be subject to income thresholds, while Harris' proposal would apply to lower- and middle-income families.

Trump campaign senior adviser Brian Hughes said there's been "a lot of talk from the Harris campaign criticizing Senator Vance and campaign for advocating for policies that are pro-family and meant to support those who are raising children. So it is a bit ironic to see the Vice President Harris suddenly embrace policies that she seemed to stop at just a few weeks ago."

Harris also wants to restore the Child Tax Credit to the pandemic-era American Rescue Plan levels , which would give working- and middle-class families with children up to $3,600 per child. 

She is also proposing a Earned Income Tax Credit of $1,500 for those in lower-income jobs who aren't raising a child. The campaign also emphasized that Harris will ensure "no one earning less than $400,000 a year will pay more in new taxes." 

Both Vance's and Harris' proposals would require congressional approval.

Addressing inflation

In North Carolina, Harris also talked about how much higher prices are for specific goods like bread than they were pre-pandemic, something Mr. Biden has typically been less likely to do. 

In the first 100 days of her administration, Harris, according to a campaign fact sheet, would work to bring down the cost of groceries by working with Congress on a federal ban on price gouging on groceries and other goods and new authorities for the Federal Trade Commission and state attorneys general to enable them to impose penalties on rule-breaking companies.

"Look, the bills add up," Harris said Friday. "Food, rent, gas, back to school clothes, prescription medication — after all that, for many families, there's not much left at the end of the month." 

Extreme consolidation in the food industry has led to higher prices that account for a large part of higher grocery bills. Harris plans to crack down on unfair mergers and acquisitions that give big food corporations the power to jack up food and grocery prices and undermine the competition that keeps prices low for consumers. And her plan aims to support smaller businesses, like grocery stores, meat processors, farmers and ranchers, so those industries can be more competitive.

According to the most  recent CBS News poll , only 9% of registered voters rated the condition of the national economy as "very good," with the economy and inflation ranking as the top issue of concern consistently across 2024 polls. Inflation has cooled since its peak in June 2022, but many voters are still feeling financial strain. Prices are still 20%  higher overall than prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a statement, the Trump campaign accused Harris of trying to implement price controls, which it said "have been tried — and failed — throughout history as they inevitably lead to food lines, shortages, and skyrocketing inequality." The Trump campaign also blamed Harris' and Mr. Biden's economic policies for creating the problem, "aided and abetted by Harris's tiebreaking votes on trillions in inflationary spending."  However, economists have said that pandemic-related federal spending by both Trump and Mr. Biden fueled high inflation.

Throughout battleground states, voters often tell CBS News that the economy remains a top issue when heading to the voting booths. 

"Workforce development, creating job opportunities, making sure everyone can advance in different career fields," said Abraham Camejo in Las Vegas ahead of Harris' rally on Saturday when asked about economic priorities. "The policies that benefit big corporations and the middle class are different."

According to a recent  CBS News poll , on a question about policies that will improve people's finances, Harris trailed Trump with 45% of registered voters saying they'd be financially better off with the former president, compared to 25% for Harris. 

Eliminating taxes on tips

Harris' economic policy remarks followed her  pledge last Saturday at a rally in Las Vegas to eliminate taxes on tips and raise the minimum wage.

"When I am president, we will continue our fight for working families including to raise the minimum wage and eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers," Harris said recently at a rally that included Nevada Culinary union members. 

A Harris-Walz campaign official noted that her pledge would require legislation.

This marked the first time Harris made a proposal on eliminating taxes on tips for service workers, a similar idea to one first pitched by Trump in June, also at a rally in Las Vegas.  

In 2025, lawmakers are set to have a major opening on tax legislation given the expiration of some tax changes made during Trump's presidency in 2017. Control of Congress is likely to be a major factor on this issue, since Republicans held the House, Senate and White House when Trump's 2017 tax cuts became law. 

Aaron Navarro contributed to this report.

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Nidia Cavazos is a 2024 campaign reporter for CBS News.

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Trump zigzags between economic remarks and personal insults at rally in critical Pennsylvania

Former President Donald Trump on Saturday again sought to deliver a campaign message focused on the economy, but the Republican repeatedly swerved into non-sequiturs and personal attacks.


Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally at the Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Saturday, Aug. 17, 2024. (AP Photo/Laurence Kesterson)

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Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump arrives to speak at a campaign rally at the Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza, Saturday, Aug. 17, 2024, in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

The crowd waits for Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump to speak at a campaign rally at the Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Saturday, Aug. 17, 2024. (AP Photo/Laurence Kesterson)

Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump arrives to speak at a campaign rally at the Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Saturday, Aug. 17, 2024. (AP Photo/Laurence Kesterson)

Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump looks up at a campaign video at a campaign rally at the Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Saturday, Aug. 17, 2024. (AP Photo/Laurence Kesterson)

A supporter walks past a cardboard cutout of Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump before a campaign rally at the Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Saturday, Aug. 17, 2024. (AP Photo/Laurence Kesterson)

Merchandise is pictured before a campaign rally for Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump at the Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Saturday, Aug. 17, 2024. (AP Photo/Laurence Kesterson)

“Breakdancer for Trump” Victor Moon poses in a Donald Trump mask before campaign rally for Republican presidential nominee former President Trump at the Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Saturday, Aug. 17, 2024. (AP Photo/Laurence Kesterson)

A supporter takes a selfie with a person wearing a Donald Trump mask before a campaign rally for Republican presidential nominee former President Trump at the Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Saturday, Aug. 17, 2024. (AP Photo/Laurence Kesterson)

Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally at the Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza, Saturday, Aug. 17, 2024, in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

A supporters attends a campaign rally for Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump at the Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza, Saturday, Aug. 17, 2024, in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

A supporters cheers at a campaign rally for Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump at the Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza, Saturday, Aug. 17, 2024, in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Dave McCormick, the Republican nominee for Senate in Pennsylvania, arrives to speak at a campaign rally for Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump at the Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Saturday, Aug. 17, 2024. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Dave McCormick, the Republican nominee for Senate in Pennsylvania, speaks at a campaign rally for Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump at the Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Saturday, Aug. 17, 2024. (AP Photo/Laurence Kesterson)

Supporters cheer at a campaign rally for Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump at the Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza, Saturday, Aug. 17, 2024, in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

WILKES-BARRE, Pa. (AP) — Former President Donald Trump on Saturday repeatedly swerved from a message focused on the economy into non sequiturs and personal attacks, including thrice declaring that he was better looking than Vice President Kamala Harris.

Trump wound back and forth between hitting his points on economic policy and delivering a smattering of insults and impressions of President Joe Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron as he held a rally in northeastern Pennsylvania.

The former president has seemed to struggle to adjust to his new opponent after Democrats replaced their nominee. Over the past week, he has diverged during campaign appearances away from the policies he was billed to speak about and instead diverted to a rotation of familiar attack lines and insults.

As he attacked Democrats for inflation at the top of his speech, Trump asked his crowd of supporters, “You don’t mind if I go off teleprompter for a second, do you? Joe Biden hates her.”

Joseph Costello, a spokesperson for the Harris campaign, responded to Trump in a statement by saying, “Another rally, same old show” and that Trump “ resorts to lies, name-calling, and confused rants,” because he can’t sell his agenda.


“The more Americans hear Trump speak, the clearer the choice this November: Vice President Harris is unifying voters with her positive vision to protect our freedoms, build up the middle class, and move America forward — and Donald Trump is trying to take us backwards,” Costello said.

Trump’s rally in Wilkes-Barre was in a swath of a pivotal battleground state where he hopes conservative, white working-class voters near Biden’s hometown of Scranton will boost the Republican’s chances of winning back the White House.

His remarks Saturday came as Democrats prepare for their four-day national convention that kicks off Monday in Chicago and will mark the party’s welcoming of Harris as their nominee. Her replacement of Biden less than four months before the November election has reinvigorated Democrats and their coalition. It has also presented a new challenge for Trump.

Trump hammered Harris on the economy, associating her with the Biden administration’s inflation woes and likening her latest proposal against price gouging to measures in communist nations. Trump has said a federal ban on price gouging for groceries would lead to food shortages, rationing and hunger. On Saturday asked why she hadn’t worked to solve prices when she and Biden were sworn into office in 2021.

“Day one for Kamala was three and a half years ago. So why didn’t she do it then? So this is day 1,305,” Trump said.

To address high prices, Trump said he would sign an executive order on his first day sworn in as president “directing every cabinet secretary and agency head to use every power we have to drive prices down, but we’re going to drive them down in a capitalist way, not in a communist way,” he said.

He predicted financial ruin for the country, and Pennsylvania in particular, if Harris wins, citing her past opposition to fracking , an oil and gas extraction process commonly used in the state. Her campaign has tried to soften her stance on fracking, saying she would not ban it, even though that was her position when she was seeking the 2020 presidential nomination.

“Your state’s going to be ruined anyway. She’s totally anti-fracking,” Trump said.

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But he also meandered, going from ripping the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 to doing impressions of Macron’s French accent.

Trump laced in attacks on Harris’ laugh and said she was “not a very good wordsmith” and mocked the names of the CNN anchors who moderated the debate he had with Biden in June.

When he began musing on Harris’ recent image on the cover of Time magazine, he commented on the picture’s resemblance to classic Hollywood icons Sophia Loren and Elizabeth Taylor and then took issue with a Wall Street Journal columnist remarking earlier this month on Harris’ beauty.

“I am much better looking than her,” Trump said, drawing laughs from the crowd. “I’m a better looking person than Kamala.”

He also took issue with the way his style is typically portrayed in news reports.

“They will say he’s rambling. I don’t ramble. I’m a really smart guy,” he said.

Trump’s Saturday rally was his fifth at the arena in Wilkes-Barre, the largest city in Luzerne County, where he has had victories in the past two elections. Biden bested Trump in neighboring Lackawanna County, where the Democrat has long promoted his working-class roots in Scranton.

On Sunday, Harris plans a bus tour starting in Pittsburgh, with a stop in Rochester, a small town to the north. Trump has scheduled a visit Monday to a plant that manufactures nuclear fuel containers in York. Trump’s running mate JD Vance is expected to be in Philadelphia that day.

Some of Biden’s loyal supporters in Scranton, a former industrial city of 76,000, were upset to see party leaders put pressure on the president to step aside.

Diane Munley, 63, says she called dozens of members of Congress to vouch for Biden. Munley eventually came to terms with Biden’s decision and is now very supportive of Harris.

“I can’t deny the enthusiasm that’s been going on with this ticket right now. I am so into it,” Munley said. “It just wasn’t happening with Joe, and I couldn’t see it at the time because I was so connected to him.”

Robert A. Bridy, 64, a laborer from Shamokin, Pennsylvania, traveled on Saturday to the rally to show support for Trump. He said the election feels tight in this state and added that his union and a close friend are trying to convince him to vote for Harris and other Democrats, but he has voted for Trump since 2016.

Bridy called Trump a “working class guy like us.” Trump is a billionaire who built his fortune in real estate.

“He’s a fighter,” Bridy said. “I’d like to see the closed borders. He doesn’t mess around. He goes at it right away and takes care of business the way it should be.” ___

Price reported from New York. Associated Press writers Bill Barrow in Atlanta and Darlene Superville in Arlington, Virginia contributed to this report.


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Rental prices, insulin and grocery costs: Harris outlines her economic plans in NC

At a speech in north carolina, the vice president released her first clear policy directives since becoming the presumptive democratic presidential nominee..

Vice President Kamala Harris visited the battleground state of North Carolina Friday to outline her economic policy plan with an emphasis on cost-of-living concerns.

She said the American economy is the strongest in the world to a modest crowd inside a Wake Technical Community College automotive building just 20 minutes north of the state's capitol building, but not all Americans are feeling that in their everyday life.

That's why she's unveiling an "opportunity economy" as she calls it. The main foundation to this plan, she said, is "building up our middle class."

"The middle class is one of America's greatest strengths," she said.

The proposal includes a ban on price gouging , funding to build affordable housing and tax cuts for young families and lowering grocery costs, among other things.

This was her first visit to the state and first time speaking in detail about her policy plans since President Joe Biden dropped out of the race and she received enough delegate endorsements to become the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.

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The economy, despite inflation cooling down, is still a top concern for many Americans, as USA TODAY reports. Both Harris and Donald Trump have been focusing on the topic, with Trump rallying in Western North Carolina on Wednesday focusing on the economy, and Harris taking a page from Trump's book saying she wants to stop taxing tips at a Las Vegas rally on Saturday.

Gov. Roy Cooper and Attorney General Josh Stein, who is running for the governorship, spoke before Harris took the stage. Cooper poked fun at how much attention North Carolina has gotten from the Vice President, saying "We had lots of practice at this. This is her 16th trip to North Carolina while being your vice president."

WTK: Harris' economic policy key points

Cost of renting, owning a home : Harris' plan includes building three million more housing units, tax incentives for builders who create starter homes and a $40 billion federal fund for innovative housing methods for use in local government.

Saving to buy a home is an issue close to her heart, Harris said, recollecting her adolescence.

"For most of my childhood, we were renters," she said, until her mother finally saved enough to buy a home.

"It just made us excited that she was so excited," she continued.

She also wants to work with Congress to pass the Stop Predatory Investing Act which would "curtail these practices by removing key tax benefits for major investors who acquire large numbers of single-family rental homes," according to the campaign's news release.

Additionally, she hopes to work with Congress on passing the Preventing the Algorithmic Facilitation of Rental Housing Cartels Act which would "crack down on these companies that contribute to surging rent prices," according to the campaign.

Notably, the Vice President also suggested a policy that would award families up to $25,000 for a first home down payment.

Prescription drug costs and medical debt: Harris wants to put a $35 cap on insulin for everyone, hasten Medicare negotiations and hold pharmaceutical companies accountable for blocking competition.

Grocery costs: She proposed a federal ban on grocery price-gouging, which would have to go through Congress. Harris also wants to give the Federal Trade Commission and states attorney generals more power to investigate companies that break the rules. Along with these plans, she wants to hone in on company mergers that lead to a lack of competition and higher prices for customers.

"I believe competition is the lifeblood of our economy," Harris said about the importance of her policy recommendations.

Cutting taxes: She said she wants middle class Americans to "keep more of your hard-earned money," through tax cuts that will impact more than 100 million Americans.

To do so, she would impose a Child Tax Credit that would give $6,000 in tax cuts to families with newborn children and increase the Earned Income Tax Credit.

Trump attacked Harris' economic track record at his rally in Asheville to a full crowd, blaming rent price increases on the Biden Administration and proposing a 10% to 20% tariff on foreign countries.

"Does anyone here feel richer under Kamala Harris than crooked Joe than you were during the Trump Administration? Is anything less expensive under Kamala Harris and Crooked Joe?" the former president said in Asheville.

And in a news release Friday in response to Harris' announcement, the Trump Rapid Response team said her plans emulate that of a "communist" and that price controls lead to "food lines, shortages, and skyrocketing inequality among citizens."

The state of the race in North Carolina

North Carolina remains in play for both candidates as Election Day draws nearer. In recent years, races have been won by razor thin margins and the state has a storied history of voting red in big elections. Despite the Republican voting streak, Democratic county party chairs have said Harris has ignited a new sense of excitement in voters.

Harris' visit comes days after a Cook Political Report poll showed her leading over Trump by 2 percentage points, which is a shift from months of Trump leading over Biden. That same poll, however, showed respondents were less confident in Harris' ability to handle the economy over Trump, USA TODAY reports.

Harris, and her running mate Tim Walz , will be in Chicago next week for the Democratic National Convention where they are expected to formally accept their nominations.

  • Speech Topics For Kids
  • Speech On Time Management

Speech on Time Management

Time management is very important for the smooth sailing of an individual. Why is it so important? Are you preparing a speech on time management? What is the relevance of this topic? What are the benefits that we acquire by managing time effectively? To know more, read this article.

Table of Contents

  • Speech on Time Management- What Is Time Management?

Prioritisation and Time Management

Benefits of time management.

  • Time Management- A Necessary Soft Skill

Frequently Asked Questions on Time Management

Speech on time management – what is time management.

Time management is the process of managing time effectively and efficiently so that an individual can allocate the right amount of time for performing the right activity. In simpler terms, it’s the ability to use time productively. Time management is a skill that allows individuals to perform everything they want without getting much stressed about time. Defining it in such short statements sounds cool and simple, right? The efforts to manage time efficiently, however, are huge. Have you ever wondered how some people manage to do things perfectly on time while others rush? It’s the beauty of time management skills that such people possess.

Sample Speech on Time Management

A few samples of speeches on time management are given below. Please go through them for your better understanding of the topic.

There will be occasions when we can’t get everything done on time. Even though we plan and schedule time and execute everything well, there might be more still left to be done. So the only possible solution that we have is working on things that really need attention. Prioritise things. Utilise time well and do what’s more important for you. Prepare a list based on your urgency and schedule your tasks accordingly. Make sure you are doing it on time, finish it perfectly, and shift to the next one. It’s the only possible way how things in life can be done.

We all live in a world where many things distract us. A notification sound from your mobile phone is enough to shift your focus away from your work. That itself is enough to waste your precious time.

To start with, learn how to prioritise your tasks. List everything down. Instead of thinking of a mega list of all things that you need to do, go for a small one. Enlist things of utmost importance, prepare it like a to-do list and place it somewhere you can see so that you will find it more often and will think of it. This is the simplest possible strategy to follow. All you need is a pen and paper, or you could just set a reminder on your mobile phone.

Stop procrastinating things. Don’t skip something if it has to be done or if it’s really important for you. If you keep procrastinating, you will not do it anytime soon. You will pass hours, days, and even weeks by just thinking about it rather than acting on it. There’s no point in waiting or wasting time for it. Nothing is going to change. So finish it fast and relax. Also try to follow the methodology of doing the most important tasks first. Prioritise and number the three things that are essential, and work on them with complete focus throughout the day. Once you start, you will see that proper time management is easy if you decide on a strategy and make sure that you stick to it.

Even if it is about the organisation and execution of events on time, time management offers a lot of benefits. When individuals manage time effectively, they can easily set big goals and can work to accomplish them. Let’s look at the benefits of time management.

Time management helps to reduce stress. It helps meet deadlines and soothe the work, which will eventually result in less stress and anxiety. Taking control of time helps individuals finish their tasks smoothly, and thus reduce the mental pressure to a great extent. It helps to bring work-life balance. This is one of the best benefits of time management. ‘Losing personal life because of work’ will probably be one of the complaints that any employee would share. Nearly 80% of employees are sharing this same complaint. So we can imagine how much importance work-life balance has in an individual’s life. When individuals have a good work-life balance, they can utilise more time for productive thinking and for their personal lives.

Time management helps you get more free time. Every single person needs free time. It is one of the basic things required for the growth of an individual. People must be offered freedom of choice, and be able to use some time of their own to think and act. It is always from free thoughts that great things are born. With enough free time, one can set big goals, spend more time with family and friends, pursue hobbies, deepen relationships, and even have the time to follow one’s personal interests. Good time management also improves the focus of an individual. As the individual receives abundant time, they spend more time on their work and bring out better results. With the improvements in the individuals’ ability to focus, they can easily neglect distractions and can fully concentrate on their work. Only then can they live a life of freedom, satisfaction, and happiness without which life is meaningless.

Time management – A Necessary Soft Skill

Time management is one of the top soft skills that a professional must have. Have you ever heard the term soft skills? Why are they decisive for a professional? In simple terms, soft skills are the skills that allow an individual to act professionally in a working space. These are the skills that differentiate a professional from an amateur. Soft skills are very important and necessary for excelling in life. Being an essential soft skill, time management is a vital thing when it comes to our profession.

If we organise events and arrange them for planning a day’s schedule, we can easily execute it in far less time. Time management helps give a proper structure to an individual’s workday and personal life. With the help of this skill, a professional can accomplish more in their day to day life. Time management also helps in creating a better working atmosphere. The ability to act wisely and meet deadlines during a period of uncertainty is always paramount. Improving the talent of managing time will undoubtedly benefit an individual’s professional as well as personal life.

What is time management?

Time management is the process of managing time effectively and efficiently so that an individual can allocate the right time for performing the right activity. In simpler terms, it’s the ability to use time productively.

What are the benefits of time management?

Some of the major benefits of time management are given below:

  • Time management helps to reduce stress.
  • Time management helps to bring work-life balance.
  • Time management gives you more free time.
  • Time management improves the focus of the individual.

What are the most effective prioritisation and time management strategies?

For planning a prioritisation and time management strategy, do the following:

  • List things down. Instead of developing a mega list of all things that you need to do, go for a small one.
  • Stop procrastinating things.
  • Do the worst things first.
  • Follow the methodology of doing the most important tasks.
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  2. Best Speech on Time for Students and Children in English

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  13. 1 and 2 Minute Speech on Value of Time

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  15. Importance Of Time Management Speech [1,2,3 Minutes]

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