Lovely Momhood

10 Important Qualities of a Good Mother!

I am certain that during your motherhood journey, you have asked yourself, “Do I have the qualities of a good mother?”

qualities of a good mom, mother

It is a normal part of the process to question your motherhood qualities, compare yourself with other moms, question your abilities, and even feel guilty at times.

Does that sound familiar?

I can tell you by experience that I have felt all types of ways during my motherhood journey. Often I think I am the most fantastic mom on the planet, and other times I feel like a total failure.

There are a lot of expectations that come along with motherhood. After all, we are raising tiny humans.

No, pressure, right?

There is no job like the job of a mother. There is no responsibility alike.

So, how exactly do we tackle that responsibility, and what qualities can help us become the best mom we can be? Well…

So, what makes a good mother?

So, what exactly makes a good mother?

Well, one that always looks put together, cooks gourmet organic dishes, speaks softly, and keeps her home shiny, tidy, and smelling fabulous… all… the… time!

Not so much! Unrealistic expectations of what makes a good mother only feed into the ridiculous idea that we, somehow, are a flawless machine!

The reality is that some days, we only want to use the toilet without a naked toddler singing the ABCs, standing on a step stool in front of the sink. Is that too much to ask?

So, it all comes down to the basics and common sense. It is finding a healthy balance of motherhood attributes that we naturally possess, acquire along the way, and constantly work to improve daily.

What are the Qualities Of A Good Mother?

important qualities of a good mom

As you read through these “qualities of a good mother,” the goal isn’t to achieve perfection. Or to feel guilty about not excelling at a particular quality.

Instead, the goal is to create awareness of these characteristics of motherhood that we should be working on. Remember, motherhood isn’t a destination; it is a journey. And every day, we are given a fresh start to try again.

So, if you have been wondering what are the characteristics of a good mother and what we can work to improve on, here are 1o Important Qualities of a Good Mother …

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1. Loving 

Out of all the qualities of a good mother, I believe being a loving mom is number one!

With love, all other characteristics can be worked on and improved on.

Love is the one critical ingredient. Loving our children doesn’t mean we always live in a love bubble, skipping in a field of flowers and butterflies.

Love is in the little moments of our everyday. Love is in the sacrifices, the messes; love is in the ordinary.

Love bears all and conquers all. Love is the reason we strive every day to provide for our children because we love them.

Tips for being a Loving Mom:

Although mothers show their love for their children in different ways worldwide, some acts of love towards our children are universal.

  • encouraging words
  • practicing present parenting
  • taking an interest in their day
  • engaging in loving conversations
  • being supportive

These are all just simple examples of how to be a loving mother.

Part of being a good mom involves being patient and calm.

This motherhood quality is a big one, and I feel it is a constant work in progress—at least for me.

There is so much going on that we aren’t always ready and willing to be patient with our children.

Characteristics of a patient mom include:

  • Letting our children express their thoughts without interrupting them.
  • Not losing our temper so quickly.
  • Allowing them to finish chores and activities at their own pace.

Learning to take a deep breath, cool down, and return to the situation will help us work on this critical “good motherhood quality.”

3. Role Model 

good mom qualities, mom role model

One of the best qualities of a good mother is teaching by example.

Being a good role model for our children is the best lesson we can ever teach. The “do as I say, not as I do” approach isn’t effective.

Our children will learn much more from what they see us do than from what we tell them to do.

So, every day, we should make a bigger effort to model behaviors and attitudes we want our children to adopt.

Examples of being a good role model include:

  • eating healthy
  • being kind to others
  • being honest

These are just a few simple examples of things kids learn by watching us do.

4. Consistent 

Consistency isn’t only a good motherhood quality but a necessary one to raise emotionally stable children.

Studies have shown consistency in parenting behaviors has important implications for a kid’s adjustment. From a social learning perspective, predictable responses to our children’s behavior may promote learning, as kids are given consistent expectations about their environment. According to attachment theory, youth may form secure attachments to their parents when parental behavior is consistently responsive to their needs.

To put things into perspective, imagine that your boss was utterly unpredictable. One day, he was lovely; the other day, he was an ogre. How would that impact your behavior around him? Wouldn’t that make you act a bit more guarded when he was around?

The same happens with our children but on a larger scale. We are supposed to be their constant, and when we aren’t, that can create emotional and psychological chaos.

In essence, the more consistent we are in how we interact with our children, discipline them, and set expectations, the more stable they become.

Consistency creates expectancy, which reduces stress, anxiety, and emotional swings.

5. Organized 

Okay, let’s face it. Some days are just all over the place, no matter how much we plan for things to go a certain way.

With that said, it isn’t a secret that being organized and having a plan helps us function better.

Kids, work, cooking, cleaning, errands, pets, bills, appointments, home maintenance projects, kid’s sports, fitness… I mean! I’m amazed that we find time to shower these days.

A game plan will help us establish a routine and create a schedule. This will allow us to give our children stability, consistency, and predictability, all of which help reduce anxiety and irritability.

If you need help in this area (and who doesn’t?), I highly recommend you check out the Printable Home Management Binder !

This little gem will help you manage and keep track of every single aspect of motherhood and your home life on a day-to-day basis, including:

  • Planner and Calendars
  • Personal Goals
  • All Things Kids
  • Medical Record
  • Health and Fitness
  • Cleaning and Organizing
  • Household Projects
  • Birthdays and Holidays
  • … and Extras!

Home Management Binder Printables, category images

6. Respectful 

When discussing the qualities of a good mother, being respectful is very important.

Because we are their mothers and “gave birth to them” doesn’t give us the right to overstep some boundaries.

It is important to remember that our children are their people, with their personalities, opinions, and limitations.

This is especially important to remember as our kids grow and develop their independence—a.k.a, in their teenage years.

It is our nature as moms to want to do what is best for them, even if it sometimes means stepping over some boundaries.

Examples of being a respectful mom:

Being a respectful mother can mean many things, but here are a few examples that can put this attribute of motherhood into perspective:

  • Never yell in your child’s face.
  • Treating them (and others) with respect.
  • Don’t call them names or use derogatory terms towards them.
  • Don’t talk down to your kids.
  • Allow them to have a say whenever possible.
  • Allow them to express their feelings.
  • When reprimanding younger children, kneel to their level and make eye contact.

You get the point. Treat your child with the same respect you expect in return.

7. Supportive and Encouraging

Another essential quality of a good mother is being supportive!

You can look back at your childhood and remember times when your parents were encouraging and supportive. I know I do!

Encouragement is something we all need. It creates a sense of pride and motivates us to push forward and work harder.

Children, in particular, need to hear from their parents that we support them. We stand behind them and will stand by them every step of the way. Behind every supportive mother stands a confident child—make no mistake!

8. Forgiving 

qualities of a good mother essay

Ohhhh….. forgiveness!

This is a tough quality for anyone to master. It takes practice, patience, and humility.

When it comes to our children, forgiveness is crucial to help our children thrive.

Because our children constantly learn and mistakes are bound to happen, it is key to be forgiving and flexible. Perfecting this quality is one of the most valuable things we should hope to obtain—not only as mothers but also as people.

Being quick to anger, holding a grudge, and being slow to forgive are poisonous to ourselves and our children.

By being forgiving mothers, we also model such behavior, thus indirectly instilling it in our children and leading by example.

Another point is that as mothers, we constantly tell our children to ask for forgiveness when they do something wrong. However, we must also remember that this also applies to us.

Forgiving ourselves is just as important as we are by far perfect!

When we forgive (our children or others), we free ourselves and other people.

Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, brawling, and slander, along with every form of malice.  Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ; God forgave you. Ephesians 4:31-32

9. Acknowledges Flaws

Acknowledging your flags is one of the most essential qualities of a good mother.

You see, being a good mother does not mean you are perfect, and our children must understand that.

When we acknowledge our flaws and choose to work on them, we teach our kids that perfection is unattainable. Instead, we should focus on being the best version of ourselves.

10. Flexible 

One thing we know about motherhood is that every day is different! And because of that, being flexible is vital to keeping our sanity.

As a checklist lover and to-do list enthusiast freak of nature, I can tell you that flexibility has been a work in progress. I function best with structure and a plan, and God knows that motherhood can be anything but structured or predictable.

It isn’t always about how we think things should be done and how we think things should go. We should always leave room for discussions and change of plans and allow our kids to make decisions.

Flexibility allows us to handle things as they come when they come—which helps us stay sane!

Tips for Improving

Related Articles:

  • 10 Qualities of a Productive Mom
  • 15 Productivity Hacks for Busy Moms
  • 5 Unexpected Places to Think Clearly for Moms 
  • 30 Funny and Trendy Mom Shirts (We Can All Relate To!)
  • Best Natural Cleaning Products (A Mom’s Guide)

So, do you possess all of the qualities of a good mother?

Probably not… and that is fine.

All we can do is aspire to do better and to be better.

One day at a time, one victory, and one mistake at a time. Leaving room for forgiving ourselves when things don’t go as planned and giving ourselves credit when we accomplish something great.

After it is all set and done, loving our children and trying to be the best version of ourselves are the best motherhood qualities we could ever possess.

The rest will find its way.

What should we add to this “qualities of a good mother” list?

Don’t forget to pin this for later…

qualities of a good mother

I’ve been looking for the good qualities of a mom because I struggle. Your post is the first one that lists loving as the most important. I loved your post and that it was filled with grace. At the end, you acknowledged that each of us probably didn’t completely “pass the test” but we can strive to work harder each day. Thank you!

My pleasure Amber. Thank you so much for reading. I am so humbled this was helpful to you!:)

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Organized Motherhood

21 Characteristics of a Good Mom

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These 10 characteristics of good moms aren't hard to learn. You can be a great mom (and you can learn to have these traits, even if parenting is a struggle or you feel overwhelmed).

Parenting is tough work! We’re expected to do all. the. things. And do them well! But what are the characteristics of a good mom ? And how do you get those qualities?

It’s not easy being a mom, especially if you’re feeling insecure as a parent , but I’ve noticed that there are certain things that exceptional moms do well.

And for the rest of us? Luckily, these are good characteristics of a person that we can ALL learn, practice, and improve on. 😉

qualities of a good mother essay

Before you get totally overwhelmed, thinking that there’s no way you can do one more thing, note that these characteristics of a good mother are learned behaviors. They’re character traits that, if you’re not already doing, you can easily add with a little practice.

For each of these, I included a resource or tip to help you get there!

And, if you’re looking for inspiration (or pretty reminders to place on your desk), get theses printable characteristics in the Organized Motherhood Shop .

One of the first things new moms learn (aside from the importance of sleep) is patience.

Newborns cry, toddlers get into everything, and older kids try to test your limits. But it’s difficult for young children to learn patience, especially when adults struggle to model it.

Even on the most difficult days, like when your toddler clearly isn’t patient, staying patient as a mom is important. Not only will it help you model “good behavior” for your child, but it’ll also help you respond to your children with a level head.

Learning to have patience takes practice.

Just like you try to teach a toddler patience (waiting to turn the pages in a book, taking turns with toys, not eating a snack five minutes before dinner, etc.), moms need reminders, too.

Self-care goes a long way in staying patient, but if you’ve been struggling with finding time for self-care, or even if you feel guilty making the time, stop!

Here are some tips to make time for self-care so that you can be a good example of patience (and calm) around your kids.

Consistency is one of the easiest ways to make your child feel secure, yet it’s one of the most difficult things to do as a parent.

We want to be the good parent. The fun parent. The understanding parent.

But the consistent parent? That’s not fun!

parenting manual course - a training for good parents

The lesson on being consistent was one of my favorite sections of the Parenting Manual 1 01 course.

I struggle with giving in when my kids want to stay outside for 10 more minutes. I also make excuses, like when they don’t eat all their dinner and want a cookie (oh, I gave them too much food).

But we’re not doing our kids any favors when we give in.

Instead of teaching them that I’m a reasonable parent, I’m teaching my kids that they should whine when they don’t get their way.

When they go to school, do I really want them whining to their teacher because they would rather have recess instead of a math lesson? No!

By being consistent, you’ll show your kids boundaries. They’ll learn what’s acceptable, and they’ll feel more confident in their own decision-making.

Learning to be consistent, as with most parenting principles, is a difficult lesson. But once you learn how to be consistent, you’ll be amazed at the difference in your kids.

Get the Parenting Manual 101 HERE for the best ways to raise your kids well while keeping your cool.

From a former teacher, this course is filled with practical tips and ideas to be consistent while disciplining in an effective way.

Parenting with Love and Logic

Kids make mistakes. So do parents.

Good moms forgive their kids. Really good moms forgive their kids while helping them learn a lesson.

One of my favorite parenting books, Parenting with Love and Logic , shares tips to teach your kids lessons naturally.

Your child didn’t eat his lunch? Dinner will be delicious.

It takes the pressure off parents to discipline because kids will learn consequences naturally (obviously, it’s still the parent’s job to keep kids safe, so letting your child run in the street probably isn’t recommended as a natural consequence).

It’s ok to be upset when the kids break your favorite coffee mug, and Love and Logic helps you to see when it’s appropriate to show anger and when the kids need to learn from their mistakes.

But whether your kids do something to you or to someone else, forgiveness and lessons learned help them grow into a good person.

If forgiving children is one of the qualities of a good mother, then staying calm is also a requirement.

Motherhood is an emotional experience, and sometimes it’s hard to control your temper, even if you’ve never had a “temper problem” before.

When your patience is low, you’re tired, and you’re feeling stressed, it’s easy to lose your temper.

I’ll be the first to admit that I lose my temper more than I’d like to admit. The best thing that’s been helping me keep my temper in check is the anger management section of The Parenting Manual 101 . It’s perfect for both parents and kids. 😉

Learning to reframe my frustration so that I can stay calm instead of screaming or taking it out on my kids has been life-changing.

I’ll admit – I have days when this is more of a struggle than others, but I love the refreshingly honest way that this course helps you to control your temper and get the kids to manage their frustrations in healthy ways.

Organization isn’t just about keeping the toys and clutter minimized. Staying organized can also mean time management, something many moms struggle with.

If you struggle with organization, especially when it comes to handling your kids’ school papers, projects, activities, and everything else, start by writing everything down. I keep track of my meal plan, kids’ activities, cleaning schedule, and more in the Organized Motherhood Home Binder each week.

qualities of a good mother essay

Once you’ve gotten everything written down in one place, try applying the “touch it once” principle to everything you can.

When you bring in the mail or go through your kids’ papers, file, trash, or do something with them immediately. Your kitchen counters (and your kids’ teachers) will thank you.

You love your kids, but in the daily hustle, remembering to show unconditional love in little ways can be difficult.

When you’re throwing last night’s leftovers in a thermos for your son’s lunch or frantically trying to find your daughter’s shoes in the morning, love is probably the last thing you’re projecting.

Spending a couple extra seconds to hug your child as he runs out the door, make a “good day note” for his lunch box, or snuggle while reading an extra book at nap time is all it takes.

Get the Kids’ Letter Bundle for more “love note” ideas and ways to create special moments for your kids.

Your kids need you to be a good friend. Not to them, but to their friends’ moms. Despite the isolation of 2020, and even if you’re a single mother, parenting isn’t a solo act.

Being a parent forced me to step outside my comfort zone.

On one hand, it was nice to have other moms to commiserate with, but it was also a challenge. I had to talk to that mom on the sideline of my son’s baseball game instead of just snuggling into the couch with a good book, which is what I would’ve done pre-kids.

If you’re struggling to find or maintain friendships in motherhood, or even if you just want to be able to make conversation and exhibit good social skills by relating to the moms in your kids’ classes, I loved the wise advice in Never Unfriended by Lisa-Jo Baker.

Never Unfriended is an awesome book to read if you have toxic relationships or want to avoid them.

Fierce mamas wear their Mama Bear apparel with pride!

There’s a time and place to be fierce, but when it’s necessary, you need to know the best way to pull out the claws.

One time when being fierce is important is during times of medical emergencies or when you need to protect your child.

My kids have food allergies, so I’ve struggled to find a balance with being fierce.

While I have to protect my kids from potentially life-threatening foods, I struggle with being too forceful and offending family members. However, after several situations when people didn’t heed my polite reminders, I’ve realized that it’s ok to be fierce in order to protect my children.

On the other hand, there are times when you should not be fierce, like when you’re working   with your child’s teacher to correct behavior issues.

If it’s not a life-threatening issue, advice from trusted family members, friends, and teachers should be welcome.

Most people have your child’s best interests at heart. Even if you disagree with their opinion, in most situations, it’s best to take a balanced approach!


Siri is my best friend. For all my kids’ odd questions (how deep is the ocean? where do hippos live?), I ask my phone.

Chances are, you don’t know everything that your kids will ask. A knowledgeable mom doesn’t know everything, either (and if she did, I don’t think I’d want to be friends with her).

But a knowledgeable mom knows where to find answers to her kids’ questions (yes, Siri counts).

A knowledgeable mom also instills a hunger for learning in her kids. By having interesting conversations, asking questions, and listening to your kids, you can be a knowledgeable mom, even if you don’t know everything.

In addition to Siri, I love these conversation starter cards for kids . I get tired of asking my son, “What did you do in school today,” and I’m pretty sure he’s tired of answering the same question.

Just by going the extra step of talking to your kids and taking an interest in their activities, you’ll be able to show your love.

You’re loved more than you know. You’re braver than you even imagine. – Lisa-Jo Baker

Being a mom requires a bravery that you probably didn’t know you had.

Just making it through birth takes bravery.

But even after birth, you’ll need to be brave as you kiss your kids’ boo-boos. Brave as you send them off to preschool, then kindergarten, and then college. Brave as you raise them to be the people you always knew they would be.

Wouldn't it be nice to finally get healthy? Whether you want to lose weight or eat healthier, these 5 steps will help you create a plan you can stick with.

One of the characteristics of a good mom is to be healthy. This can be achieved by following a healthy lifestyle, which includes exercise and diet.

Being a mom is hard and it can get even harder if you don’t take care of your health. You are the role model for your kids and you want to set a good example.

So, what can you do to be a healthy mom?

First of all, stop being lazy! Make time for exercise and make sure that you have a balanced diet. You need to make sure that you are getting enough vitamins and minerals, so try to include lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet.

It’s also important for moms to have a healthy lifestyle because it makes them more productive. Exercise helps moms maintain their weight, stay energized, and sleep better. Diet is important because it helps moms avoid health risks such as diabetes and heart disease.

We should not think about this as an obligation but instead as an investment in ourselves and our families. It will not only help us live longer, but also help us live healthier lives with the people we love most: our children.

Related reading:

  • How to Stop Being Lazy and Exercise
  • Characteristics of a Healthy Family
  • How to Create a Healthy Living Plan
  • Healthy Meal Planner to Crush Your Diet and Fitness Goals
  • Best Way to Track Health and Fitness Goals
  • The 6 Best Tips to Stay Healthy

Good Sense of Humor

Having a good sense of humour is an important part of parenting. It can help ease the stress of a difficult day and it can help your children learn to laugh at themselves.

But sometimes you might feel like you don’t have any funny material to work with, or that your jokes are stale.

Luckily, there are some great sources of humor that you can turn to for inspiration.

Here are some sources of humor that you might want to try:

  • Watching a comedy show or movie, both with and without your kids (depending on the appropriateness of the movie)
  • Reading a joke book (again, use your discretion, but there are some great kids’ joke books available)
  • Watching a comedian’s stand up routine on YouTube or a funny podcast (you can also make a girls’ night out of going to see a comedian)
  • Sharing funny notes in your kids’ lunches or putting them next to their beds or toothbrushes so they see them as soon as they wake up

Hard Working

Showing your kids hard work (and expecting hard work out of your kids) is necessary to build your kids’ work ethic and prepare them for the future.

Teach your kids how to have a sense of responsibility.

  • Characteristics of responsible parenthood: How To Raise A Responsible Child
  • 5 Ways to Raise Kids With a Good Work Ethic
  • Chore Ideas for Kids: An Age Appropriate List From Toddlers to Teens
  • Chore Chart Ideas for Kids

Meet your kids where they are. If they enjoy playing video games and board games, spend some quality time doing their favorite activities.

Spending family time together doing fun activities is a great way to build a good relationship with your kids. You’ll be able to talk to them more and find out what’s going on in your child’s life, which is especially important to do with older kids.

Keep the Kids Busy!

Get a FREE printable summer bucket list with fun activities to entertain the whole family.

While older kids may be busy with school activities and spending time with their best friends, it’s still important to show them that they have a loving parent available whenever they need.

Being a good mom means being available when your kids need you.

This is not always easy to do, especially if you are juggling a career and taking care of your family. But if you want to be the best mom for your children, then it is important that you find the time for them.

Plan scheduled time for fun activities, but also make sure you’re available to talk before and after school.

Another great idea is to set up a code word for older children. If they need help or are in a compromising position and need to get picked up, give them a code phrase that they can text or call and you will be available to get them – no questions asked.

We all know that being a mom is a tough job. It’s not easy to be positive all the time, but it is something that we should strive to do.

We should take care of ourselves and try to always be happy. We need to remember that our children are watching us and will learn from us, so we need to set a good example for them.

If we are not happy, then we can’t expect them to be either. A good mom is one who is always positive and looks on the bright side of things. This doesn’t mean that she is always happy, but she can find something good in every situation.

A good mom is not just the one who cooks, cleans and takes care of the kids. She is someone who can provide emotional support, listen attentively, and even make jokes with her kids.

Being a good mom also means being supportive of your children’s dreams and goals. It also means being open-minded to new ideas, different cultures, and lifestyles. It also means being a great listener.

A good mother is someone who is nurturing, caring, and takes care of her children, her family, and her friends. A good mom wants to make the world a better place for everyone in it.

A nurturing parent is also responsible for the child’s well-being and safety.

There are many ways in which a mother can be nurturing. For example, she can provide emotional support for her children and make them feel loved and accepted. She can also provide guidance to the children when they need it.

What Are the Qualities of a Nurturing Parent?

Good Role Model

The term “role model” is a descriptive term for someone who is seen as an example to others of how they should behave or what they should do.

A great mom is a good role model for her children. But she can teach them simple things by example, like teaching them to make their bed in the morning, clean their room, and brush their teeth before bedtime.

Many parents are not perfect, but they still want to be a good role model for their children. This can be difficult when you are struggling with your own issues. It is important to remember that the most important thing is to be the best you can be and provide an example of how to deal with life’s challenges.

When it comes down to it, the most important thing about being a good mom is showing your kids how to deal with life’s challenges.

A welcoming mom is always ready to help with whatever the child needs. She will not give up on them when they are struggling with something or when they are feeling down.

A welcoming mom will also take care of the child’s needs before her own and make sure that the child has everything they need in order to grow up into a healthy adult.

This characteristic is an important one because it helps to make sure that the children feel comfortable and at ease.

A good mom also creates a welcoming environment at home by creating a happy, comfortable home that both her own family and their friends enjoy visiting.

simple tips to create an inviting home

No one is a perfect mom, and it can be helpful to share some of your own mistakes to show how you persevered. This is a great way to share life lessons that had a tremendous impact on your personal growth with your kids.

Provide your children with a sense of security by establishing healthy boundaries.

Establishing healthy boundaries is important for both children and parents. Parents should establish these boundaries in a way that is consistent with the child.

The most important thing to remember is that children are not just small adults. They have different needs, desires, and personalities. This means that they will have different boundaries than an adult would. A boundary could be limiting screen time or establishing what they are allowed to eat or drink. These boundaries should be set up so they can feel secure while still being able to explore their own individuality and interests.

It is important for parents and children to have mutual understanding about what the boundaries are. The boundaries should be reasonable and should not be too rigid or too loose. Having clear boundaries will help the child feel more secure as they will know what is expected from them and what they can expect from others.

Boundaries With Kids by Henry Cloud

What to do if you’re struggling as a mom

If you’re struggling with one of these 21 characteristics of a good mom, help is available!

Start by enrolling in the Parenting Manual 101 , create your own mommy group , or join a support group.

Toddler time at your local library and kids’ sports are excellent places to meet like-minded moms.

Parenting is a tough road full of stressful situations, but it’s worth it to watch your kids grow into amazing people. Even if you feel like you’re struggling through this parenting journey, know that you’re not alone. You can do this, mama!

Related reading on Organized Motherhood:

  • How to Make Time for Self-Care (Without Neglecting Your Kids)
  • Let Go of Perfectionism
  • Time Management Resources for Busy Moms

Being Raised By a Single Mother Compared To a Single Father? – Child Development in Context

Monday 26th of April 2021

[…] position as partnered fathers because of the necessity of doing tasks generally associated with mothering (Dufur, Howell, Downey, Ainsworth, Lapray […]

Nicole Smith

Wednesday 23rd of August 2017

I am so happy I read this post tonight. Today was a very trying day with my little 5 years old love and 2 month old baby. And it was very refreshing to see all these kind reminders. I love how you linked to the resources too! Awesome post girl :)

Alison Lange

Sunday 27th of August 2017

Thanks, Nicole!

Crystal Green

Friday 18th of August 2017

These are some traits I strive to have. I love how you recommended so many awesome resources in this post too. You're right the first thing we learn is patience, but when the kids get older we seem to lose that skill along the way.

So true! It's hard to keep our expectations realistic as they get older, too.

Lisa (mummascribbles)

This is a fab list- I can relate to so much of This! Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday

Gentle Joy Photography

Wednesday 16th of August 2017

Great points... and yes, all are needed as a Mom..... and as a wife. :)

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Descriptive Essay

Descriptive Essay About My Mother

Caleb S.

Descriptive Essay About My Mother - A Guide to Writing

descriptive essay about my mother

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Have you ever wanted to convey the depth of your feelings and appreciation for your mother through words, but felt unsure about how to do it effectively?

Crafting a descriptive essay about your mother can be a challenging task. You want to capture her essence, the love she's given you, and the incredible person she is. 

But how do you put all those emotions into words that truly do her justice?

In this blog, we'll provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to write a heartwarming and meaningful descriptive essay about your mother. 

We’ll also provide essay examples to assist you in crafting an enhanced paper, complemented by valuable tips and guidance.

Let’s get started.

Arrow Down

  • 1. Descriptive Essay - What You Need to Know
  • 2. How to Write a Descriptive Essay About My Mother - 8 Easy Steps
  • 3. Examples of Descriptive Essay About My Mother
  • 4. Tips to Write a Descriptive Essay About Mother

Descriptive Essay - What You Need to Know

A descriptive essay is a type of essay that uses words to describe an object, person, experience, or place. The purpose of writing this type of essay is to provide the reader with a vivid and clear description of something. The writer must use sensory details, such as sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste to make the reader experience the topic.

When writing about a person such as your mother, you need to describe the characteristics that make her unique. It can include personality traits or experiences that make her special.

Reading a few essay samples will help you out! So read on to find good examples and tips.

How to Write a Descriptive Essay About My Mother - 8 Easy Steps

Writing a heartfelt and vivid descriptive essay about your mother requires careful consideration. 

Here, we'll guide you through the process step by step, helping you express your feelings and admiration effectively:

Step 1: Choose a Focus

Decide on a specific aspect or trait of your mother that you want to describe. It could be her appearance, personality, nurturing qualities, or a particular event that showcases her character.

Step 2: Brainstorm Descriptive Words

Make a list of adjectives and descriptive words that come to mind when you think about your mother. Try to capture the essence of her being.

Step 3: Create an Outline

Organize your thoughts by creating a descriptive essay outline . Decide on the structure, such as the introduction, body, and conclusion, and what aspects you'll cover in each section.

Step 4: Start with a Hook

Begin your essay with an engaging hook or an anecdote that draws the reader in. It can be a personal memory or a captivating description of your mother.

Step 5: Descriptive Details

In the body of your essay, use sensory details to paint a vivid picture. Describe her appearance, mannerisms, and the emotions she evokes. Incorporate the descriptive words from your brainstorming list.

Step 6: Emotions and Memories

Share your personal emotions and memories associated with your mother. How does she make you feel, and what experiences have shaped your relationship with her?

Step 7: Use Metaphors and Similes

Employ metaphors and similes to enhance your descriptions. Compare her to elements from nature, objects, or anything that can add depth to your portrayal.

Step 8: Show, Don't Tell

Instead of simply stating qualities, show them through actions, interactions, and specific examples. Let the reader experience her through your words.

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Examples of Descriptive Essay About My Mother

Exploring essay examples can provide valuable insights for crafting an essay that deeply connects with your readers. 

Below, you'll find both a descriptive essay about my mother and an analysis of its content.

In the tapestry of life, one thread remains constant, unbreakable, and irreplaceable – the presence of a mother's love. I often find myself attempting to capture her essence in words, yet words can only scratch the surface of her remarkable being.

My mother's eyes, the color of a gentle ocean, hold a universe of warmth and kindness. They've witnessed every chapter of my life, and their embrace conveys a love that transcends language. The fine lines around her eyes, etched with years of laughter and concern, map out a life well-lived, reflecting the wisdom she imparts.

Her hands, weathered yet strong, hold the magic of healing. They mend not only physical wounds but also the deepest emotional scars. When her hand touches mine, I feel an unspoken assurance that everything will be alright.

In her presence, I find solace. Her voice, like a soothing lullaby, carries the weight of countless stories and memories. It's a voice that has cheered me through triumphs and whispered consolation during tribulations. The gentle fragrance that lingers around her, a blend of freshly baked cookies and the sweet embrace of a summer breeze, is uniquely hers, wrapping me in warmth and nostalgia.

Her hugs are my sanctuary, a fortress of unwavering protection. With her arms around me, the world outside fades into insignificance. I've weathered countless storms, knowing that her love will be my refuge.

My mother's smile, akin to the dawn's first light, illuminates our home. She is the embodiment of selflessness, her life a tapestry of nurturing and uplifting our family. Her culinary artistry creates a symphony of flavors and aromas, gathering us around the dinner table, where laughter and stories flow effortlessly.

She is more than a mother; she is a guardian angel, guiding me with her wisdom and unwavering support. Her love is an anchor in the turbulent sea of life, and her presence is a testament to the enduring power of a mother's love. In her, I've found my role model, my confidante, and my unwavering source of love. She is not just my mother; she is my hero.

Why This Descriptive Essay Works

Here are several reasons why this descriptive essay is effective:

  • Emotional Connection

The essay immediately establishes an emotional connection with the reader through its theme of a mother's love. The use of descriptive language and personal anecdotes invites the reader to empathize and relate to the feelings and experiences described.

  • Vivid Imagery

The essay employs vivid imagery to paint a clear picture of the mother and her attributes. The descriptions of her eyes, hands, voice, and smile create a sensory experience for the reader, making them feel as if they are present with the author.

The essay uses symbolism effectively to convey the depth of the mother's love. The mother's eyes, for example, symbolize her wisdom and the shared experiences with the author. The use of the mother's hands as a source of healing symbolizes her nurturing and caring nature.

  • Structure and Flow

The essay is well-structured and flows seamlessly from one descriptive element to another. 

It begins with a general introduction, moves into specific descriptions, and ends with a strong, heartfelt conclusion. This organization keeps the reader engaged and ensures a logical progression of ideas.

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  • Emotional Impact

The essay's emotional impact is profound. It not only describes the mother's physical attributes but also delves into the intangible qualities that make her special. The reader is left with a deep sense of appreciation for the role of a mother and the love she provides.

  • Relatability

The essay's theme of maternal love is universal, making it relatable to a broad audience. Most readers can connect with the feelings of love, protection, and guidance that the author describes. 

If you still find it challenging to write a descriptive essay, consider these additional examples for guidance.

Descriptive Essay About My Mother PDF

Descriptive Essay About My Mother My Hero

Descriptive Essay Example About Mother

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Sample Descriptive Essay About My Mother

Here is a video of another short essay example about mother:

Want to read descriptive essays on other topics as well? Here are more descriptive essay examples that will help you out!

Tips to Write a Descriptive Essay About Mother

Now that you’ve read the examples, let’s look at some tips that will lead you to essay writing success.

  • Start with the Basics

Begin by brainstorming ideas of what makes your mother special and why she is important to you. Think about her personality traits, accomplishments, quirks, and unique qualities. In addition, consider the ways that your mother has influenced you and shaped your life.

You can also practice your writing skills with other descriptive essay topics . So write away!

  • Create an Outline

Once you have all of your ideas written down, create an descriptive essay outline that will guide the structure of your essay. This should include sections for your introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

  • Capture Her Essence

Use vivid language to capture the essence of who your mother is. Utilize descriptive words and phrases that will help your reader understand who your mother is and what she means to you.

  • Show, Don’t Tell

Instead of simply telling the reader about your mother’s traits or accomplishments, use stories and examples to illustrate them. This will make your essay more interesting to readers.

  • Keep Your Tone Consistent

Maintaining a consistent tone throughout ensures a cohesive narrative without feeling disjointed or scattered. This keeps readers interested until they reach their conclusion!

  • Don’t Forget the Conclusion

Summarize the main points of your essay in your conclusion and provide a call to action for readers. Maybe you’ll leave them feeling inspired or motivated to do something special for their own mother.

  • Revise & Edit Diligently

Revision is key when putting together any written piece. Read over your work multiple times and fix any errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. Also improve any awkward phrasing or unclear ideas that might not be conveyed effectively enough.

To sum it up,

Writing a descriptive essay about your mother doesn't have to be difficult. With our guide and examples, you can easily write an effective essay that will make your mother proud! So get started today, and create the perfect essay for her!

By following these tips and examples, you will find it easier to write a meaningful descriptive essay about your mother. Good luck!

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Caleb S. has been providing writing services for over five years and has a Masters degree from Oxford University. He is an expert in his craft and takes great pride in helping students achieve their academic goals. Caleb is a dedicated professional who always puts his clients first.

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Qualities of a Good Mother: Essential Traits for Raising Happy and Healthy Children

October 27, 2023

As a mother, you want to be the best parent you can be for your child. You want to provide love, support, and guidance to help your child grow and thrive. But what exactly makes a good mother? What qualities should you possess to be the best mom you can be?

qualities of a good mother essay

First and foremost, a good mother is a loving mother. Love is the foundation of good motherhood. It is what allows you to be patient, compassionate, and understanding with your child. When your child feels loved, they feel safe and secure, which is essential for their emotional and mental well-being.

In addition to love, consistency is another important quality of a good mother. Children thrive on routine and predictability, and consistency helps provide that for them. It can be challenging to be consistent as a parent, but it is important to try your best to follow through on your promises and expectations. By being consistent, you are helping to create a stable and secure environment for your child to grow and learn in.

Understanding the Role of a Good Mother

Being a good mom is not an easy task. It requires a lot of patience, dedication, and love. As a mother, you are not only responsible for taking care of your children’s basic needs but also for being a role model for them. Your parenting style and the characteristics you exhibit as a mother will have a significant impact on your child’s development.

As a good mom, one of your primary responsibilities is to be a role model for your child. Your child looks up to you and learns from your actions. Therefore, it is essential to exhibit positive characteristics such as patience, kindness, and empathy. By doing so, you will be setting a good example for your child to follow.

Another important aspect of being a good mom is understanding the characteristics of a good mother. Some of the qualities of a good mother include being loving, patient, supportive, and understanding. These characteristics help create a nurturing environment for your child to grow and develop.

Your parenting style also plays a significant role in shaping your child’s development. It is important to have a balanced approach to parenting, where you provide your child with love, support, and guidance while also giving them the space to explore and learn on their own.

In conclusion, being a good mom is a challenging but rewarding role. By understanding the role of a good mother, the characteristics of a good mother, and adopting a balanced parenting style, you can create a nurturing environment for your child to thrive. Remember, you are not just a parent, but also a role model for your child.

Emotional Aspects of Motherhood

qualities of a good mother essay

Being a good mother is not just about providing physical care to your children. It is also about nurturing their emotional development. Here are some important emotional aspects of motherhood that you should focus on:

Expressing Unconditional Love

One of the most important things you can do as a mother is to express unconditional love to your children. This means that you love them no matter what, and you let them know that you love them. Even when your child makes a mistake or behaves badly, it is important to show them that you still love them. This helps your child develop a sense of security and self-worth.

Managing Emotions

As a mother, you are likely to experience a wide range of emotions. It is important to manage your emotions in a healthy way so that you can be a positive role model for your children. This means that you should avoid taking out your negative emotions on your children. Instead, find healthy ways to manage your emotions, such as exercise, meditation, or talking to a friend.

Practicing Empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. As a mother, it is important to practice empathy with your children. This means that you try to understand how your child is feeling and respond in a supportive way. For example, if your child is upset about something, take the time to listen to them and offer comfort.

In summary, being a good mother requires you to focus on your child’s emotional development as well as their physical needs. By expressing unconditional love, managing your own emotions, and practicing empathy, you can help your child develop into a happy and healthy adult.

Practical Skills for Effective Motherhood

Being a mom is a challenging job that requires a variety of skills. Here are some practical skills that can help you be an effective mother.

Communication Skills

Good communication skills are essential for effective motherhood. You need to be able to communicate with your children in a way that they can understand. This means using age-appropriate language and being a good listener. It also means being clear and direct when you need to set boundaries or give instructions.

One way to improve your communication skills is to practice active listening. This means paying attention to what your child is saying and responding in a way that shows you understand. You can also try using “I” statements instead of “you” statements. For example, instead of saying “You need to clean your room,” you could say “I would appreciate it if you could clean your room.”

Problem Solving

As a mother, you will face many problems and challenges. Being a good problem solver can help you navigate these challenges and find solutions that work for you and your family. This means being able to think creatively and come up with new ideas. It also means being able to stay calm and focused under pressure.

One way to improve your problem-solving skills is to practice brainstorming. This means coming up with as many ideas as possible, even if they seem silly or unrealistic. You can also try breaking down problems into smaller, more manageable parts. This can make it easier to find solutions that work.

Setting Boundaries

Setting boundaries is an important part of effective motherhood. This means being clear about your expectations and enforcing consequences when those expectations are not met. It also means being consistent and following through on your promises.

One way to improve your boundary-setting skills is to be clear and direct. This means avoiding vague or ambiguous language and being specific about what you expect. You can also try using positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior. For example, you could offer praise or rewards when your child follows the rules.

Remember, being a good mom takes time and practice. By improving your communication skills, problem-solving skills, and boundary-setting skills, you can become a more effective mother and build stronger relationships with your children.

Personal Traits That Enhance Motherhood

qualities of a good mother essay

Being a good mother requires more than just providing for your child’s basic needs. It also requires a set of personal traits that enhance your ability to nurture and guide your child. Here are some of the most important personal traits that can help you become a better mother.

Being Optimistic

Optimism is a key trait that can help you navigate the ups and downs of motherhood. When you approach challenges with a positive attitude, you’re better equipped to find solutions and move forward. This doesn’t mean you should ignore the difficult moments, but rather that you should try to focus on the positive aspects of your situation.

Practicing Humility

Humility is another important trait that can help you be a better mother. When you’re humble, you’re more open to learning from your mistakes and accepting help from others. This can be especially important when you’re facing new challenges or trying to navigate unfamiliar territory.

Staying Adaptable

Motherhood is full of surprises, and staying adaptable is essential if you want to be successful. When you’re able to go with the flow and adjust to changing circumstances, you’re better able to handle unexpected challenges and make the most of new opportunities. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a plan, but rather that you should be prepared to adjust your plan as needed.

In summary, being a good mother requires a combination of personal traits that enhance your ability to nurture and guide your child. By being optimistic, practicing humility, and staying adaptable, you can become a more effective and confident mother.

Promoting Positive Behavior and Values

As a mother, one of your most important roles is to promote positive behavior and values in your children. Here are some sub-sections that can help you in this regard:

Role of a Tutor

Being a good mother also means being a good tutor. You can help your children learn new things and develop their skills. In addition to helping them with their homework, you can also teach them new subjects and help them discover their interests. This can help them become more confident and independent individuals.

Handling Criticism

Criticism is a part of life, and it is important for children to learn how to handle it in a positive way. As a mother, you can help your children develop a healthy attitude towards criticism. Encourage them to listen to feedback, learn from it, and use it to improve themselves. You can also teach them how to give feedback in a constructive way, so they can help others improve as well.

Volunteering and Value Teaching

Volunteering is a great way to teach your children about the importance of giving back to the community. You can volunteer as a family for a cause you care about, such as helping the homeless or cleaning up a park. This can teach your children the value of compassion, empathy, and social responsibility.

Teaching values to your children is also an important part of being a good mother. You can teach them about respect, honesty, kindness, and other important values through your words and actions. Encourage them to practice these values in their daily lives, and praise them when they do. This can help them develop into responsible and caring adults.

In conclusion, promoting positive behavior and values is an essential part of being a good mother. By being a good tutor, handling criticism positively, and teaching values through volunteering and daily life, you can help your children become confident, independent, and responsible individuals.

qualities of a good mother essay

Being a good mother is not an easy task, but it is one of the most rewarding experiences in life. To be a good mom, you need to have a combination of qualities, including unconditional love, patience, forgiveness, and empathy. You also need to be a teacher, a role model, and someone who knows their limits and doesn’t expect perfection.

In this article, we have discussed some of the most important qualities of a good mother. We talked about the importance of being affectionate and loving, consistent, and mindful. We also touched on the importance of being creative and having fun with your children.

Remember, being a good mother is not about being perfect. It’s about doing your best and being there for your children when they need you. So, take the time to nurture your relationship with your children, listen to them, and be empathetic to their needs. With practice, you’ll become an even better mom and create a strong bond with your children that will last a lifetime.

In summary, being a good mother requires a combination of different qualities, including love, patience, forgiveness, empathy, and creativity. By practicing these qualities and being mindful of your relationship with your children, you can become the best mom you can be.

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Qualities of a good mother for raising happy children

Mothers are the primary caregivers of their children and play an integral role in their development and well-being. A good mother provides love, support, and guidance to her children, helping them to develop strong self-esteem and confidence. In this blog post, we will discuss the essential qualities of a good mother that will quickly transform your family relationship if regularly practised.

Table of Contents

A goog mother playing with her daughter by lifting her on the legs while laying on the bed

“Mothers are like glue. Even when you can’t see them, they’re still holding the family together.” Susan Gale

Why is it essential to be a good mother?

A mother’s role in the upbringing of her children is paramount. Research has shown that a good mother is likelier to have emotionally secure, self-confident, and successful children in their academic and professional careers. A mother’s unconditional love and support are crucial in providing children with a sense of belonging, comfort, and stability.

Challenges of Motherhood

Guilt: Mothers often feel guilty about not spending enough time with their children, not being able to provide everything they need, or not being a “perfect” mother. It’s important to remember that no one is perfect, and it’s okay to make mistakes.

Lack of Support: Mothers may feel like they don’t have enough support from family, friends, or partners. It’s essential to reach out for help and build a support network of people who can offer emotional and practical support.

Work-life balance : Many mothers struggle to balance their parenting responsibilities with work and other obligations. Juggling multiple roles can be stressful and overwhelming, making finding time for self-care and relaxation challenging.

Self-Care: Mothers often put their needs last, focusing all their time and energy on their children. However, taking care of oneself physically and mentally is essential to provide the best care for their child.

Financial stress: Raising children can be expensive, and many mothers experience financial stress. Creating a budget and making wise financial decisions to meet your family’s needs.

What are the qualities of a good mother?

1. unconditional love and support.

A good mother provides her children with unconditional love and support. She accepts her children for who they are, regardless of their flaws or imperfections. Like a good father , she creates an environment that fosters trust, openness, and honesty. She allows her children to share their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgement or criticism.

2. Emotional Intelligence

A good mother is emotionally intelligent and attuned to her children’s emotional needs. She understands the importance of validating her children’s feelings and empathising when they experience strong emotions such as anger, sadness, or fear. She helps her children learn to regulate their emotions and cope with challenging situations.

3. Patience

Raising children can be challenging, and it requires a lot of patience. A good mother is patient and understands that children need time to learn and grow. She does not get frustrated or angry when her children make mistakes; instead, she offers guidance, support, and encouragement to help them overcome their challenges.

4. Flexibility

A good mother is flexible and adaptable to change. She understands that children’s needs change as they grow and develop, and she adjusts her parenting style accordingly. She is open to new ideas and approaches and willing to learn and grow alongside her children.

4. Communication

Effective communication is essential in any relationship; there’s no difference between a mother and her children. A good mother must communicate effectively with her children, both verbally and non-verbally. She must listen actively to her children, understand their needs, and respond in a way that shows them she cares.

The silhouette of a mum lifting her baby up by the beach with the sunset at the backdrop.

6. Consistency

Consistency is critical to effective parenting. A good mother establishes clear boundaries, rules, and expectations for her children and follows through with them. She sets a positive example for her children by practising what she preaches and modelling appropriate behaviour.

7. Empowerment

A good mother empowers her children and helps them develop a sense of independence and self-reliance. She encourages her children to take risks and try new things, allowing them to learn from their mistakes and develop resilience. She fosters a sense of confidence and self-worth in her children, enabling them to tackle challenges with optimism and determination.

8. Nurturing

A good mother is nurturing and caring. She provides her children a safe and supportive environment where they can thrive and grow. She attends to their physical, emotional, and psychological needs, ensuring they feel loved, valued, and respected.

A good mother must have empathy for her children. She must understand their feelings and perspectives and show them that she cares. Empathy allows a mother to connect with her children on a deeper level and build stronger relationships with them.

10. Time Management

Raising children is a full-time job, and a good mother knows how to manage her time effectively. She balances her parenting responsibilities with other obligations, such as work or household chores, without compromising the quality of her children’s care.

The qualities of a good mother on display with a mum entertaining her toddler with water bubbles in the park.

Being a good mother is a full-time job! The mother’s roles are challenging but rewarding.

A good mum cares deeply for her children and is patient and dependable. She also communicates well and balances the limited time in performing the unending tasks of child raising.

Good mothers must also navigate challenges such as guilt, lack of support, balancing work and family, and self-care. By practising these qualities and facing these challenges head-on, mothers can provide their children with the love, support, and guidance they need to become happy, healthy, and prosperous adults.

How good is your relationship with your children?

I would love to hear your thoughts.

Please comment below, or let’s continue the discussion on  Twitter ,  Facebook ,  Instagram , or  Linkedin .

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12/03/2023 at 1:27 PM

One of the strengths of this post is that it is grounded in research and real-life experiences. The author draws on his own experiences as a child and a parent, as well as insights from psychology and sociology, to support his claims about what makes a good mother. He also provides examples and anecdotes to illustrate each of the ten qualities he lists, which makes the post feel more personal and relatable.

Another strength of this post is that it is positive and affirming. Rather than focusing on what mothers should not do, the author emphasizes what they should do, highlighting qualities like love, patience, and selflessness. This approach is refreshing and empowering, and it’s likely to resonate with readers who are looking for guidance and inspiration as they navigate the challenges of motherhood.

Overall, I would highly recommend this blog post to anyone interested in learning more about what it takes to be a good mother. The author’s insights are valuable and thought-provoking, and his writing is engaging and accessible. Whether you’re a mother yourself or simply curious about what makes a good parent, this post is well worth a read.

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12/03/2023 at 11:43 PM

Thanks so much, EMMANUEL, for your in-depth analysis of this post. I am encouraged by your kind words. Let’s celebrate our mothers and wives for their fantastic job!

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31/05/2023 at 3:18 AM

I have a very bad relationship with my oldest child.He is now forty and he blames me For a lot of the things in his life and the way he is and that he can’t have a good relationship with a female. I have tried to understand this but hes very disrespectful to me. When I try to talk to him. do you have any advice for me ?

02/06/2023 at 6:29 PM

Dear Camille,

I hope this email finds you well. I’m truly sorry to hear about the challenges you’re facing with your eldest son. I understand that this situation must be difficult for you, and I appreciate you reaching out for advice. Before I provide any suggestions, I would like to gather some additional information from you. This will help me gain a deeper understanding of the situation and enable me to offer more tailored guidance.

From your initial message, it appears that your son blames you for various aspects of his life, and he is struggling to maintain a positive relationship with females. It must be frustrating to feel disrespected when you attempt to communicate with him. I can imagine how important it is for you to find a resolution and improve your relationship with him.

In order to assist you better, could you please provide more details about the dynamics of your relationship with your son? Understanding the background and any significant events or experiences that may have contributed to the current situation would be helpful. Additionally, if you could share any specific instances or patterns of disrespectful behavior, it would give me a clearer picture of the challenges you’re facing.

Please feel free to send me a more detailed message through my email address. I assure you that all information you share will be treated confidentially. Once I have a better understanding of the situation, I will be in a stronger position to provide you with practical advice and strategies to address the issues you’re encountering.

Thank you for entrusting me with your concerns, Camille. I genuinely want to help you navigate through this challenging situation and work towards a better relationship with your son. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Warm regards, David

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09/08/2023 at 12:33 PM

Hello-Am a mother of 3-adults. My middle child cared for me at age 11.i suffered a stroke left me disabled,I couldn’t talk,walk,or do anything.My son blames me for his lost childhood years,my husband abandoned us.we were homeless,I was helpless. What can I do to build my relationship with my son & other children I lost my memory of my life & I’m a different mother to my children.How can I build our relationships. Any advice will help me.Thank you Carol p

11/08/2023 at 10:27 PM

Hello Carol, Thank you for sharing your heartfelt story. I can sense the challenges you’ve faced and your desire to rebuild relationships with your children. Remember that healing takes time, and open communication is key. Consider a family therapist to facilitate conversations with your son. Creating new positive memories together can also help mend bonds. Be patient and persistent in your efforts. Feel free to contact me directly on [email protected] for more discussion and insights. You’re not alone on this journey. Regards. David.

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16/07/2024 at 9:53 PM

Thank U For Ur Advice Actually I’m Asking On Behalf Of My Mother.thank U Very Much

22/07/2024 at 5:53 PM

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Essay on My Mother Influenced My Life

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Mother Influenced My Life in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Mother Influenced My Life


My mother has been the greatest influence in my life. Her love, care, and teachings have shaped me into the person I am today. She has always been my guiding star, leading me on the right path.

My mother taught me the importance of hard work and determination. She always said, “Hard work is the key to success.” This teaching has helped me to strive for excellence in everything I do.

She instilled in me the values of honesty, kindness, and respect for others. These values have helped me to be a better person and to treat others with kindness and respect.

My mother has always been my biggest supporter. She believes in me and encourages me to follow my dreams. Her support gives me the strength to face any challenges that come my way.

250 Words Essay on My Mother Influenced My Life

My mother has been the most important person in my life. She has shaped me into the person I am today. Her love and guidance have been a constant source of strength and inspiration.

Teaching Values

My mother taught me the importance of honesty, kindness, and respect. She always said that these values are more important than any material possession. This teaching has helped me build strong relationships and earn respect from others.

Importance of Education

She always stressed the value of education. She would often say, “Knowledge is power.” Because of her, I have always worked hard in school and have developed a love for learning.

Strength and Resilience

My mother is a strong woman. She has faced many challenges in life but has never let them bring her down. Her resilience has taught me to be strong and never give up, no matter how hard things get.

Love for Others

My mother has a big heart. She always goes out of her way to help others. Her kindness has taught me to be compassionate and caring.

500 Words Essay on My Mother Influenced My Life

My mother is the most important person in my life. Her influence over my life is something I can’t express in words. She has shaped my personality, my beliefs, and my values. She is my hero, my inspiration, and my best friend. This essay is a tribute to her and the significant influence she has had on my life.

Teaching Me Values

My mother is the first teacher in my life. She taught me how to be kind, honest, and respectful to others. She always said that our actions speak louder than words. By watching her, I learned to treat everyone with kindness and respect. She always showed compassion, even to strangers. This quality of hers has influenced me greatly. I try to be kind and helpful to everyone I meet, just like her.

Guiding Me Through Life

My mother has always been my guide. She helped me navigate through the ups and downs of life. When I was upset or faced a problem, she was there to support me. She gave me advice, comforted me, and helped me find solutions. She taught me that every problem has a solution, and we should never give up. Her guidance has made me a strong and resilient person.

Instilling Confidence

Confidence is one of the most important traits that my mother instilled in me. She always believed in me and encouraged me to pursue my dreams. She said that with hard work and determination, I could achieve anything. Her faith in me boosted my self-confidence. It gave me the courage to face challenges and strive for success.

Teaching Me The Importance Of Education

My mother always emphasized the importance of education. She said that knowledge is power. She encouraged me to study hard and do well in school. She helped me with my homework, and always made sure I understood everything. Her support and encouragement have played a significant role in my academic success.

In conclusion, my mother’s influence on my life is immense. She has shaped me into the person I am today. Her teachings, guidance, and love have made me a better person. She is my role model and my biggest inspiration. I am grateful for her influence and hope to make her proud.

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Essay on Mother for Students and Children

500 words essay on mother for school students.

First of all, Mother is a word which fills everyone with emotions . A Mother is certainly the most important human being in everyone’s life. Mother’s Love for her child certainly cannot be compared with anything. Her level of forgiveness is unmatchable. A Mother is capable of forgiving any wrongdoing. Mother is the most important woman in everyone’s life. A mother sacrifices her happiness for her child. No one else can care for their kids the way a Mother does.  A Mother is great and does not need anyone like me explaining that. This essay on Mother is a small attempt to discover the greatness of a mother.

essay on mother

Importance of a Mother

First of all, Mothers are highly responsible women. They certainly play a very important role in the upbringing of a chil d. Most noteworthy, Mothers play a huge role in determining a child’s attitude. Whether a child will be good or evil in the future depends upon the Mother. The moral values taught by Mother probably play a huge role. Individuals often remember their Mother’s values until old age. Hence, the Mother is responsible for the well-being of society. The future of society in a large way is the result of a Mother’s teaching.

qualities of a good mother essay

Mothers share a deep connection with their children. This connection certainly cannot be matched by anyone else. Even fathers fail to establish that type of understanding. The origins of this connection happen from infancy. Most noteworthy, a Mother can understand her infant child without communication. This certainly develops a strong emotional connection between a mother and child. This bond seems to carry into adult life. A Mother, it seems like, can always tell when we are feeling hungry.

Mothers also are the emotional backbone of the family. They support everyone’s feeling in a family. Family members can certainly tell their emotions to Mothers without worry. An individual can share almost any secret with Mother. This is because Mothers have a huge level of trust with their family. Furthermore, Mothers have an extremely forgiving nature. Hence, even wrongdoing can be shared with a Mother.

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How to Support Mothers?

First of all, Mothers are precious gifts from God. Without mothers, life would certainly be dark and gloomy. Therefore, it is our duty to help and support our Mothers. One important way to do that is to help in chores. Individuals must try to do more household work. This would certainly reduce the burden of Mothers. Hence, this will also improve her health. Another way of supporting Mothers is to speak words of affirmation.

Most noteworthy, a Mother’s heart is made of gold. A few words of acknowledgment would fill her heart with happiness. There are probably several ways of doing so. One way is to praise the meal cooked by her. Above all, such acknowledgment should come on a regular basis.

A Mother is a gem in everyone’s life. She is the ultimate source of happiness for a child. Her contributions are certainly too great to imagine. Above all, her love is pure and innocent. To find a Mother who does not love is probably an impossible task.

Read some awesome Essay Writing Tips here.

FAQs  – Essay on Mother

Q.1 At what age a child forms an emotional connection with Mother?

A.1 A child forms an emotional connection with his mother from the age of infancy.

Q.2 Mention one way in which children can help their Mothers.

A.2 Children can help their Mothers by speaking words of acknowledgment. This is one way of certainly helping Mothers.

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8 Beautiful Qualities of a Mother

What makes a good mom? In this article, let’s explore several qualities of a mother that can help us develop a close relationship with our kids and thrive in motherhood.

Qualities of a Mother

We may not outwardly say it, but chances are, we’ve all thought it: I don’t know if I’m doing this mom thing right.

Maybe you find yourself not enjoying motherhood as you imagined, or overwhelmed with how much life has changed since having kids.

But I’m willing to bet that you carry many of the amazing qualities of a mother within. It’s not about aiming for perfection but developing the traits that lead to wholesome relationships with ourselves and our kids.

So, what makes a great mom? Let’s take a closer look at several qualities that come with motherhood. I hope the article reminds you of your many qualities, as it did with these fellow moms:

“Thank you so much for the well-written wisdom. Today is an exceptionally hard day, and reading your article is just what I needed to hear. Thank you for putting down into words how I feel, as well as giving me suggestions on how to make things better.” -Holly “Nina, thank you so much for your article. It was very encouraging!” -Cristina “Thank you so much for the amazing tips. It helps me to be a better mom.” -Estrella “I love this article! It’s very true and helpful. Some days it’s hard to know if I’m doing it right. Though I know no parent is perfect and every day it will seem like there are parenting fails, but there can also be many successes. Thanks for sharing this article!” -Shannon “Very well said! Being a mom is a tough job and we have to set ourselves to do the very best we could for our children. I’m far from perfect, but I’m getting a little better every day—a work in progress. Thanks for sharing this beautiful post, Nina!” -Veronica

Table of Contents

We’re not infallible, so we shouldn’t try to behave like we are.

There’s nothing worse than letting pride get the best of you, and kids need to know that adults make mistakes too. Perhaps there was a time when you felt like you were failing as a parent or tried to cover up something you did because you were embarrassed.

You can’t expect them to own up to their own mistakes if you never do so to yours. Use this as an opportunity to model how to apologize, even if just so that they can learn how to do the same to others. Be gracious and humble, and they will, too.

Humility is a gentle reminder that we’re on a path of lifelong learning.

To start, apologize for your mistakes. Swallowing your pride and saying you’re sorry can be difficult, especially with your kids. But think of the example you’re setting for them—and the kind of people you’d want them to be.

And don’t always try to be right. It’s easy to get into power struggles when you insist on “winning.” Learn to see their point of view and stop focusing on being right all the time.

Free email challenge: Feeling stuck in motherhood? Sign up for the Motherhood Motivation 5-Day Challenge ! You’ll get one actionable tip a day that will make you think (and act) about motherhood differently. You’ll also get my newsletters, which parents say they LOVE:

“All I can say is WOW! You read my mind. It can get overwhelming, but wow, your words exactly explained me. You helped me realize the issue I was having. I knew I had an issue but you helped me see what I needed to do. Thank you so much!!! You don’t know how big of a blessing you have become in my life. Teaching me parenting skills to be a better parent! Thank you!!” -Jaime G.

Motherhood Motivation 5-Day Challenge

Motherhood takes an emotional toll on even the strongest of women. Developing the  leadership qualities of a mother  and being the rock your child can rely on become more important than ever.

She needs you to reassure her fears and anxieties, to be the  one  constant that will make transitions less worrisome. That she’ll always have a place to go for comfort. You’re the steadying force in what can feel like a chaotic, confusing world.

So, how do you find strength to be there for her when you barely have enough for yourself?

To start, be calm and collected. Even if a situation frightens you, don’t project your worries and fears onto her. Remind yourself of what’s truly important, because so long as you have that, any other worry pales in comparison.

And remember all the obstacles in life you overcame during other challenging times—however difficult it was to go through that moment—you emerged stronger and better than ever.

Leadership Qualities of a Mother

Being a patient mom is key when it comes to motherhood. You’re less likely to yell or say things you might regret, like when it’s crunch time in the morning and you need to get out the door. 

You’re also more likely to accept your child’s behavior, from taking forever to put on his shoes to testing his boundaries. Patience reminds you that his behavior isn’t outright defiance—it’s part of his growing independence.

When you feel your patience waning, remember to take breaks. When I feel myself getting frustrated, I’ll tell my kids, “Mama needs space. I’m going to my room, and I’ll be right back!” It beats the alternative: getting frustrated and losing my temper (then feeling guilty it).

Then, slow down. It’s okay not to get everything done this second. Putting so much on yourself causes unnecessary stress. Be kind to yourself—it’s not the end of the world if you don’t get those bills paid/dishes washed/bed made this instant.

And practice how to respond calmly. Think about your patience with other people besides your kids. You may not be so snappy with your spouse, friends, or co-workers—don’t behave any differently with your kids.

patient mom

4. Respectful

One of the best ways  to be a good mom  boils down to respect. It’s easy to be snarky, bossy, sarcastic, or disrespectful to our kids, in ways we would  never  want others to treat them. So why do  we  do it?

Respect your child for being the unique person he is, not an extension of you. He’s a wonderful, independent person with a budding personality, his own tastes, likes and dislikes, wants and needs.

You might clash over ideals and opinions and disagree more than once, but these are never reasons to treat him any less respectfully.

For instance, ask yourself if you would…

  • be okay if your child treats another person the same way.
  • treat another adult that way.
  • be fine if another adult spoke to your child like that.

If the answer is no, then change course.

How to Be a Good Mom

5. Empathetic

Empathy is the ability to understand and even share what other people must be feeling. Responding to your child with empathy makes you wonder why he behaved the way he did instead of launching into full-on discipline mode.

You see, if you’re like many parents, you get sucked into power struggles when he misbehaves. Your eyebrows furrow, you raise your voice, and your hands are on your hips. You’ve lined up your arguments and feel all patience draining.

It’s you versus him. And if we’re being honest, it’s an unfair battle when we know who’s going to win (hint: you). But when you discipline with empathy, you’re not out to win or lose. Instead, you’re on the same side.

Imagine a teacher and a student gearing up for a big test. The teacher isn’t trying to outdo the student by taking the test and “winning.” Instead, she’s giving him the tools he’ll need to succeed. Teacher and student are on the same side, just as parent and child should be. This isn’t a battle to be won—you’re both on the same journey.

To practice empathy, ask why your child is behaving the way he is. Chances are, an underlying reason you haven’t even thought about is lurking beneath his behavior. Think about what he must be feeling and put yourself in his shoes. Would you have behaved the same way if it were you?

Then, show or tell him you understand what he must be feeling. Often we just want to be heard—your child is no different.

6. Authoritative

A good mom knows how to be responsive and nurturing while also showing authority and setting high expectations. After all, kids need boundaries to explore within safe confines.

When my little one started crawling, his pediatrician told me, “It’s your job to set boundaries, and it’s his job to explore within those boundaries.” That advice goes well into toddlerhood and beyond, don’t you think?

It’s our job as parents to provide resources and support so we can set our kids up to learn and grow. Being authoritative is a balance of warmth and support with consistency and high expectations.

How can you be more authoritative?

First, follow through with consequences. Inconsistency will confuse your child. She won’t know what to expect and might act out even more, especially when her actions aren’t met with consistent discipline.

Then, set your expectations and make sure she knows what they are. She can’t be held responsible if she doesn’t know what’s expected of her.

Lastly, give choices, which will empower and allow her to take ownership of her actions. She’ll be more inclined to comply if the choice was something she decided to do rather than something she was forced to.

7. Supportive

If you struggle with control, this one might be tough to hear.

We can raise our kids to follow our values, interests, and principles, but at the end of the day, we can’t form who they are as a person. Forcing them into interests or personalities that are more aligned with ours doesn’t respect their own passions.

One of the best ways to show your support is to encourage and be curious about your child’s hobbies and passions. Be involved. Provide the resources she needs to further her talents and interests.

And when it comes to personality, work with her temperament instead of forcing her to mold to yours. Maybe she gets overwhelmed with crowds, at which point you should reconsider forcing her to hug and greet everyone in your family. Perhaps she throws a lot of tantrums, which might mean giving her the tools to calm herself down.

It’s less about trying to change our kids so much as working with and appreciating who they are.

My son and I were busy scribbling in notebooks—he with his sketches and me writing notes for this article. He stopped midway and asked, “What are you writing about?”

“An article about what makes a good mom,” I said. Then I paused and asked him, “What do you think makes a good mom?”

Without skipping a beat, he responded, “Love.”

Isn’t that so true? Kids don’t need a ton of things, but a mother’s love is essential.

It’s the language that reassures them they belong in this world and to your family. Love binds the unspoken words that say so many things, from tending to a scraped knee to “I-love-you-to-the-moon-and-back” love .

You see, most of us agree we love our kids unconditionally. But do they know that? We smother them with kisses during happy times only to send them away to a timeout when they’re upset.

As I say in my book, Parenting with Purpose :

“We can’t judge their emotions, hugging and kissing them when they’re happy but withholding affection when they’re angry. Our kids will think, ‘Mom kisses me when I feel happy or excited, but then yells or ignores me when I feel sad, angry, or scared.’ We need to love and support them through all emotions—happy or sad, silly or angry. It boils down to this: The times we least feel like loving our kids are when they need us the most.”

Be there for your child, through all her emotions. She’ll know every one of her feelings is welcome. You don’t pick and choose which ones you’d like her to feel or withhold your affection when she’s upset.

She knows you love her no matter what, from tickles to tantrums, from “I love you’s” to hurtful words.

She’ll also feel like she can be herself. She doesn’t have to pretend or hide because she knows you accept her for who he is . The more confident she feels about your affection, the less she’ll misbehave.

Remind her that you love her for being who she is. That you’ll help her through her worst storms and won’t abandon her when she needs you most. That she doesn’t have to do anything to prove it—just being born is enough to deserve love.

The bottom line

I can’t think of any other time when being a mom is scrutinized the way it is these days. Motherhood is on display 24/7 thanks to social media, the news, and even gossip. We wage mommy wars on one another and hear differing opinions on everything, from everyone.

But in the midst of it all, what makes for a good mom—and a good person—are the basic characteristics of who we are. The qualities of a mother we’d want to pass on to our kids as well.

We may not always get this mom thing right, but with these qualities—empathy, strength, and love, among others—we see we’re doing better than we thought.

Get more tips:

  • Time Management for Moms
  • The “How Do You Do It” Working Mom Survival Guide
  • 3 Year Old Attached to Mom? Here’s What to Do
  • 9 Self Care Tips for Busy Moms (That You Can Actually Use)
  • Anger Management for Moms

Don’t forget: Join my newsletter and sign up for the Motherhood Motivation 5-Day Challenge below—at no cost to you:

qualities of a good mother essay

Nina Garcia is the founder of Sleeping Should Be Easy, a leading parenting resource and online blog. She has spent the last 14 years creating helpful content for parents through online courses and workshops, ebooks, newsletters, and the Sleeping Should Be Easy website.

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Very well said! Being a mom is a tough job and we have to set ourselves to do the very best we could for our children. I’m far from perfect but I’m getting a little better everyday, a work in progress. Thanks for sharing this beautiful post Nina!

You’re welcome, Veronica! Well said: it’s in striving to our our best and getting a little better every day that matters.

I am a single mother. So now she is everything for me in this world. I just want to be the best mother and give her all the happiness a mother can give to her child. I follow your blogs and I think this blog will help me a lot. Wish me good luck!

Fantastic, good luck Hannah! You’ve got this mama!

Very superb tips…Thank u..

Thanks, Sonali! I hope the tips come in handy.

I love this article! It’s very true and helpful. Some days it’s hard to know if I’m doing it right. Though I know no parent is perfect everyday and everyday it will seem like there are parenting fails, but there can also be many successes. You are right everywhere we turn there is someone pointing their finger, judging and making parents feel less than for whatever reason. It can take time, but eventually people can learn to ignore those fingers and do what they know to be best for their child and family. Thanks for sharing this article!

Thanks, Shannon! I’m glad the article resonated with you. It’s so easy to doubt ourselves, especially with all those fingers pointing. AT the end of the day, the qualities we need are fairly simple and straightforward, and done with the best intentions for our kids and families.

Their is really no way we can be good mothers without mentoring our children with great qualities you thoroughly dealt with. They are superb keys especially when backed up with prayers. They are really useful tools for me. I will share them with other mothers. Thanks and God bless your motherhood.

Right on, Julianah, and thank you!

Loving my kids everyday makes them more confident and happy.. Thank you so much for this amazing tips it surely help to be a better mom…

It’s so too Estrella! And you’re welcome—I’m glad you enjoyed the tips.

Nina thank you so much for your article it was very encouraging! Do you have an article for step-mothers as myself regarding parenting?

Thanks so much for your kind words, Cristina! At this point, I don’t have an article on step-parenting, but thanks for putting it on my radar.

Thank you so much for the well written wisdom. Today is an exceptionally hard day and reading your article is just what I needed to hear. Thank you for putting down into words how I feel, as well as giving me suggestions on how to make things better.

Oh Holly, thank you for your kind words! I’m so glad the article resonated with you and helped you when you needed it most. Big hugs! Hopefully the rest of your day went better.

Thanks for sharing this.

You’re welcome, Maria!

Oh, such a nice article. I agree with you on all points. It is such a wonderful time, the time you spend with your child. Mine is 3 years old and he us the miracle of my life. Sometimes I look at him, actualy daily and quite often, and just admire, without words, the miracle in him and the happiness in me. It makes me a complete person, with floeind rivers of love. Being my son’s mom is the greatest honour and the most pleasant “job” God gave me on Earth. Yes, above all things, it is the Love for our children.

I’m so glad you enjoyed the article, Oana! It’s amazing how kids can bring that sense of awe out in us 🙂

Your article was very helpful. Thank you It has helped me to inspire a letter to my daughter whom I have been estranged from. I want to remind her of all the things I did while raising her a a single mom. I thought creative should be added to your list. If your have anything on estranged mothers please let me know. And yes, I did all these things but life has brought me onto a dark path. Doubt has been eliminated, now I just want to let her know that she is loved.

Best of luck, Laura! I hope this is the beginning of a renewed relationship with your daughter.

I am a teenage girl and it was really sweet to read that! My mother truly has all these characteristics!

Aww, what a great thing to say about your mom <3

This article has really helped me. It’s not easy to be a mom especially when the kids are growing. Thanks so much for your help.

I’m so glad the article resonated with you, Janet <3 Thanks so much for letting me know!

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How To Write A Descriptive Essay On Mother?

Jason Burrey

Table of Contents

qualities of a good mother essay

Got a bit lost by trying to find out how to write an essay “the person I admire is my mother”?

Let’s start off with an obvious setting. Your mom is the most important person in your life but writing a good descriptive paper, where you explain what kind of person she is and why she is special, may be more than challenging.

Although you have to talk about your personal experience and feelings, you should also appeal to your audience’s senses and evoke emotions.

That is not easy.

We are about to provide you with all the necessary information, that would help you create an interesting, thought-provoking essay on mother, impress your teacher and classmates, and get a high grade.

What is a descriptive essay?

Let’s start with a simple definition.

Descriptive essay is a piece of writing where you describe something in a highly detailed manner, using sensory information and colourful words.

It can be an object, place, thing, experience, situation, or a person. It’s an artistic writing form, often poetic in nature. The purpose of this type of writing is to reveal the meaning of a subject, using sensory observation.

Actually, you have to create a detailed picture for readers with specific vivid words and evoke a strong sense of familiarity and appreciation. Your task is to describe something in a way the audience could see, hear or feel whatever you are talking about.

You can do it, utilizing illustrative language and including a lot of sensory details. It’s not enough to provide readers with several random facts; you should express your own feelings and appeal to your audience’s senses and emotions.

There are certain useful techniques you should follow if you plan to achieve these goals. But before we start discussing how to write a descriptive essay about a person, let’s talk about specific features of descriptive writing when it comes to creating an impressive paper on mother.

Specifics of essay on mother

In a strong paper on mother, you actually need to describe a person you love and it’s important to ensure that this description is sensory-based.

You should utilize the most specific concepts to help readers see your mother and understand what feelings she invokes in you.

You should show rather than tell readers what your mom is like and what kind of person she is.

Remember: when you just tell something, your words can be interpreted in a variety of ways, as words are vague. But when showing the picture via describing specific details, you create a vivid, real picture.

What are the qualities of a good mother essay? Let’s see.

  • The text is clear and concise;
  • It presents colourful images and appeals to the readers’ imagination;
  • The key to a perfect descriptive essay about my mother is painting a picture in your readers’ mind by engaging all five senses – sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch.

How to write a descriptive essay about a person?

How To Write A Descriptive Essay

Descriptive writing has a unique power and appeal. Its main goal is to create a dominant impression.

If we analyze any good descriptive essay sample about a person, we will see that it’s a sensory description, that helps create a certain mood or atmosphere in a paper. Utilizing sensory details, you will be able to recreate the picture that you have in your mind for all readers.

Here are some effective techniques you should apply to make your descriptions more impressive. You can apply them to the other essay types and get an interesting and memorable result.

  • Use sensory-packed language instead of vague general words.
  • Figurative language such as similes, metaphors, comparison, contrasts, and analogies can help you make descriptions more lively and paint a picture in your reader’s mind.
  • Use  precise language like strong action verbs, specific nouns, and adjectives to give life to this great picture. Appropriate nouns and verbs help deliver a strong emotional impact on any audience.
  • Keep thoughts organized . Use any order you think is appropriate, like due to importance, spatial order (location) or chronological order (time). Each would be good for a descriptive paper.

How to start a descriptive essay about a person?

You may begin with the description of the physical appearance. Proceed with the explanation of how the person feels, thinks, and acts. Don’t forget about the interests, hobbies, and talents.

Remember that clear, logical, and well-balanced structure is the key to success of high-school writing or a college paper.

Although a descriptive paper relies on emotional appeal and allows students to be more creative than other types of high-school projects, you should brainstorm a lot of different ideas and create a basic outline to put ideas in the logical order.

The outline should include an intro with a thesis statement, the main body, and a conclusion.

In the main body, you should focus on the specific qualities of the person you describe.

Think of several ideas to support the main topic idea and use at least 3 other ideas to support topic in each paragraph.

You should do your best to make the content as appealing as possible, and leave your audience (not acquainted with your mom) with a strong feeling that they have actually met her and have built an emotional connection.

General recommendations for an essay about mom

  • When writing an essay about mom, you need to describe a real person so you should think about your mother’s life and background.
  • Before you start writing, think about the purpose of the whole paper. Decide what overall impression you want to convey. Create your general point, your unique thesis statement. Organize the entire paper around it.
  • You can start with an interesting relevant quote or provide a short funny story about your mother in the introduction to grab readers’ attention. You can also present a variety of reasons, explaining why you want to describe your mother .
  • Another great way to make a descriptive paper more engaging is to include a short dialogue .
  • In conclusion, you should present the main ideas of your description and emphasize their significance.
  • When you describe your mom’s appearance, don’t use a list-like approach. The task is not to describe everything from the top of her head down to her toes. Speak of particular aspects of your mother’s appearance, instead. That can help reveal her unique personality.
  • Don’t describe the full picture. Create an engaging description that will encourage your readers’ imagination .
  • Don’t use the same subject-verb pattern in all sentences because it will make your tone rather monotonous. Embed descriptive details and combine different sentences, instead. Utilize subjective clauses and compound sentences to express thoughts .
  • Don’t use too many adjectives when describing your mother’s appearance or character. Include only the most powerful words .
  • Avoid using clichés because they signal a lack of imagination. Be creative and use a dictionary to find vivid descriptive words.
  • Don’t use too many adverbs, they make any writing weak. It’s better to use specific verbs to describe actions . They make writing more powerful.
  • Use different transition words to connect all ideas and make the description of your mother logical .
  • When you finish your first draft, focus on improving your descriptions . Add some sensory details to make your paper appeal to readers’ emotions.
  • When you are satisfied with the content, proofread the final draft . Fix minor grammar mistakes, punctuation, spelling errors, and typos.

Now you know the basics on how to compose a descriptive essay about a person you love.

But before you start writing your own paper, there is the last advice we got for you.

Try reading a well-written descriptive essay about a person you admire example. It would provide you with a better understanding of the effective techniques you can use.

No time for writing the essay about your mom? No worries. Leave the essay to the top-notch professionals and spend more time with your family!

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Good Mother Essay

No love can come even close to the love mother feels for the child. Most women are naturally good mothers. Mothers share the bond of unconditional love and affection with their children. Mothers always take care that their children are happy, safe and healthy throughout their lives. Mothers are meant to be the mentors for their children. Children get highly influenced by their mother’s behaviour.

Long and Short Essay on Good Mother in English

Here are essays on Good Mother of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can choose any Good Mother essay as per your interest and requirement:

Short Essay on Good Mother – Essay 1 (200 words)

“God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers”. I truly believe in this quote by Rudyard Kipling. We don’t even need to ask her for anything, she is just always there. There is nothing better than the mother’s love and affection. Her happiness lies in our laughter and smiles.

The reason why every Mother is special is that her heart is full of unconditional love for her child. There is no other special bond in the world like a bond shared between a child and a mother. For nine months she nurtures a child in her womb and smiles at the first glimpse of her child. From the day we are born she protects us in her arms. The comfort that we get in her arms is the most loving and soothing feeling in the world. It is priceless. There is no other feeling so precious in life. She feeds us and spends sleepless nights to sing us lullabies so that we can have a sound sleep. Every moment she loves and cares for us.

As a child, we often trouble her but she never complains about it. She gives us more priority than her own self. As we grow, we may have disagreements with our mother but the bond is so strong that the disagreements turn in to agreements. We develop a new relation of friendship with her and share every aspect of our lives with her. She understands and supports us in every aspect of our lives.

There is no comparison to the role that mother plays in our life. She is always the most special person in her child’s life.

Essay on Good Motherhood – Essay 2 (300 words)

A woman enters motherhood by giving birth to a child, raising him, feeding him and nurturing him with love and care. Mothers have been valued all through human history. However, it is not necessary for a woman to give birth to a child in order to experience motherhood. In fact, motherhood is much more than just giving birth to a child.

Motherhood refers to the art of loving and nurturing a child with deep care from the heart without any expectations. There are mothers who have not physically given birth to the child but have proved to be the most loving and caring mothers. And there are also mothers who have left their children after giving birth to them. Motherhood refers to the role that she plays as a mother. A mother loves, protects, nurtures and supports her child. Motherhood is the strong bond between a child and a mother.

She is the strength and courage of her child. We should stop attributing motherhood to selflessness and sacrifice. She has enough strength, patience, and love for the child that gives her the pleasure to play the role of mother. By God’s grace every woman has the ability to foster a life. Motherhood gives her joy and it’s a privilege for her to raise her child. Everything about her child appeals to her. Mother has the Godly characteristics to nurture and love the child that no one else can match. The value and importance of a mother in life cannot be described in words. Their role is priceless.

There is a nursery rhyme we all are aware of ‘Gods love is so wonderful’, I am sorry but it should have been ‘Mothers Love is so wonderful’. We have never seen God, but from the moment we open our eyes we feel and experience the strong bond with mother. Her love for the child is greater than anything else in the world.

Essay on Qualities of a Good Mother – Essay 3 (400 words)


Mothers play an influential role in our life. Life may seem incomplete without her love and strength. She guides and supports us at every step of life. She teaches us the most valuable lessons of life. We share the most special bond with her from the day we are born.

Qualities of a Good Mother

  • Express Love: The first thing a child wants from a mother is love, unconditional love. A tight hug, kisses, caressing, pulling cheeks and a lot more makes us feel so lovable and special. We just need lots of love and care from her.
  • Support: We always need our parents to support us for whatever we wish to do in life. No matter whether we join a hobby class or plan to go for a summer camp – we always need motivation and support from them. Their support gives us a new kind of energy and confidence to get going.
  • More Attention: We need attention from parents all the time. We just need our mother when we are upset, happy, annoyed or irritated. A good mother always gives her children the first priority and attention.
  • Have patience: It takes time for children to learn something new so it’s always good that our parents are calm and composed while dealing with us. A good mother always listens and understands her child with patience and smile on face.
  • Share experiences: We love to know about life experiences of parents. Parents should share with us interesting experiences and adventures of their life. Talk to us about anything but just talk to us is what we want. A good mother shares her experiences with her children.
  • Guide Us: A good mother teaches moral values and leads us to the right path in life. We always need our mother to help and guide us in everything we do. She forgives us for the mistakes and blunders we make in life and guide us in the right direction.
  • Be a Friend: A good mother spends more time with her child and participates in fun activities with them. She plays games, shares stories, plans picnics, indulges in hobbies and a lot more. We love and enjoy spending time with our parents. Good mothers treat their kids like friends and make their children feel comfortable.

Mothers are always very special and have the first place in our hearts. We want them in every aspect of our life. We want them to encourage, support and motivate us in whatever we do in life. We feel more protected and safe with a mother’s love and support in life. Mothers always mean the world to us.

Essay on Importance of Good Mother – Essay 4 (500 words)

The role of a mother is the most beautiful privilege assigned to women. Mothers play the most influential role in the life of a child. They shape the character, qualities and personality of the child. The overall child’s growth and development is influenced by a mother. Mother’s life revolves around the child’s life and every need of the child is met by a mother. Children are always dependent on mother for their needs. She teaches us how to walk, speak, read, learn, and write and so on. There is a never ending list of what a mother does for the child.

Importance of a Good Mother

  • Unconditional Love: Mother shares the closest bond with us from the day we are born. The connection and the bond that we feel with a mother have a deep impact on our lives. Her love is unconditional and `even when there are disagreements, she never stops loving and praying for us.
  • Timeless Teacher: Mothers are the first and foremost teachers in our life. They are the most influential mentors in our life. They bestow to us enduring wisdom, the legacy so valuable and priceless. They play the most vital role in our overall growth and development. They always guide us to the right path in life. They instruct, support and encourage us to achieve what we want in life. Mother fosters our understanding and intelligence to the full potential.
  • She is the Giver: We are all dependent on mother for our needs whether it is to tie our ponytails or to serve us food. She is always concerned about our needs more than her own. She does so much for us but never complains a bit or expects anything. She keeps smiling in spite of the pressure of responsibilities of the whole family on her.
  • Family Bond: A mother always teaches us the importance of family. She is the one who holds everyone in the family together. She teaches us to respect the elders and care for the younger ones in the family.
  • Hard Work: Mother inspires us to work hard in life. We see her working for the whole day without complaining. It is the endless love for the family that gives her the pleasure and satisfaction at the end of the day.
  • Keep us Safe: Our safety is the first priority in her life. Mother sets the limits for us to keep us safe. She protects us from any kind of harm and constantly makes efforts for our well-being.
  • She is Always there: Mothers are always there for their children in every situation of life. No matter how wrong or right we are our mothers will always be there for us and guide us to the right path.

We should all love and respect our mothers for everything that she does and sacrifices for us. We should try to never hurt her or let her down in life. We should never forget how dependent we have always been on her. She is the one who loves and nurtures us throughout life with all her heart.

Long Essay on Good Mother – Essay 5 (600 words)

Mothers play an influential role in the life of their child that has a lifelong impact on the child’s values, beliefs and behaviour in life. A mother loves and cares for her children unconditionally. Since mother is the closest and most important person in the life of a child, she should set a good and positive example in front of her child.

A Good Mother has following Characteristics:

  • Love and Affection: A good mother loves her child the most in life. Mothers love and affection could not be matched with any other love in the world. The comfort we get in her arms or with her tender caressing cannot be matched by any other comfort. Her affection is enough for the child to feel loved, protected and safe.
  • Have Patience: Children are always demanding and fussy. It’s likely for a mother to get annoyed easily but a good mother keeps her cool and has patience with them. She treats her children with love, care and affection. She always keeps calm and has gentle attitude to mellow them down.
  • Support her Child: A child needs his mother’s support for almost everything. A good mother will always be there to offer all the help, love and support to her child. Of course, parents support their children financially as much as they can but there are other needs that should not be neglected. A good mother will always be there to provide emotional support to the child like caressing her child to sleep, a kiss on an injury or a hug while crying and small love gestures that make her child feel good.
  • Help to Socialize: Some children have less developed social skills and ability. They have difficulty communicating and mixing with other children. A good mother always reaches out for help and seeks appropriate playmates for the child. She can arrange a party at home for the children or structure fun activities for them where children enjoy playing and feel comfortable.
  • Take Responsibility: Motherhood is a full time responsibility. A good mother celebrates motherhood with pride. She happily takes the responsibility of a child and never complaints about it. She cares and encourages the child all the time. She is always approachable when her child needs her.
  • Never Neglects them: When a mother doesn’t pay attention that the child seeks and their emotional needs are not met they tend to show discontent through their behavior and attitude. It is hard for children to accept the feeling of being ignored. They start behaving in an aggressive manner. A good mother always values them and appreciates them for their efforts, applauses them for even their smallest achievements and lets them know how special and important they are.
  • Understand the Child: A good mother spends more time with her child and understands him/her well. She takes interest in her child’s interest and encourages him/her to try new things. She knows their strengths and weaknesses and helps them overcome their weaknesses and develop their skills.
  • Get Involved: A good mother thinks of new and innovative ideas to channelize her child’s energy and participates whole-heartedly in their activities. She steps out for the outdoor games with children or takes them to the parks for playtime. She plans and challenges them with activities that best suit their potential.
  • Good Food: Children are most of the time fussy eaters. A good mother always prepares new, healthy and tasty meals for her children and serves them with love.

The privilege of being a mother is only bestowed to women. A good mother is whole-heartedly active for the child all the time. There is no love in this world so pure, devoted, selfless, strong and lasting than mother’s love. Mother is Godly figure for children. Children look up to their mothers for everything.

The role of mother is most important to shape the child’s behaviour and code of conduct. A good mother teaches her children to deal with various situations in life. She sets a good example in front of her children by acting in the most positive and responsible manner.

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Qualities of a Good Mother Essay

Explanation, introduction.

Being a mother is an immense responsibility that requires a multitude of qualities. A good mother plays a vital role in the upbringing of her child, shaping their values, character, and future. In this essay, we will explore the essential qualities that define a good mother. We will examine the language used, grammatical structures, and literary devices employed to convey these qualities effectively.

Unconditional Love and Support

A fundamental quality of a good mother is unconditional love for her child. This love is unwavering and does not depend on the child's achievements or behavior. A good mother supports her child emotionally, providing comfort and understanding during challenging times. She celebrates their successes and offers guidance and encouragement. The language used to describe this quality is often emotive, creating a deep emotional connection between the reader and the subject. For example, a mother's love is often described as "boundless," "endless," or "selfless." These words evoke strong emotions and emphasize the depth of a mother's love.

Example : "A good mother's love knows no bounds. It wraps around her child like a warm blanket, providing solace in times of distress and unwavering support in times of triumph."

Sacrifice and Selflessness

Another essential quality of a good mother is the willingness to sacrifice for her child's well-being. A good mother prioritizes her child's needs above her own and is always prepared to make personal sacrifices. This selflessness is often reflected in the language used to describe a mother's sacrifices. Expressions such as "putting her needs on hold," "giving everything for her child," or "dedicating her life to her offspring" illustrate the extent of a mother's selflessness.

Example : "A good mother puts her needs on hold, devoting every waking moment to her child. She sacrifices her own desires and aspirations, pouring all her energy into providing a nurturing environment for her offspring."

Nurturing and Guidance

A good mother possesses the ability to nurture her child and provide guidance throughout their journey. She understands the importance of creating a safe and supportive space for her child's growth. This quality is often portrayed through the language of warmth, care, and wisdom. Words and phrases such as "tender care," "gentle guidance," and "wise counsel" are commonly used to describe the nurturing and guiding role of a good mother.

Example : "A good mother showers her child with tender care, guiding them gently through life's ups and downs. With her wise counsel, she helps her child navigate the complexities of the world, instilling values and shaping character along the way."

Patience and Forgiveness

Patience and forgiveness are indispensable qualities that a good mother possesses. Parenting can be challenging, and children often make mistakes. A good mother understands the importance of patience and forgiveness when dealing with her child's shortcomings. The language used to convey this quality often emphasizes understanding, empathy, and compassion.

Example : "A good mother's patience is endless. She understands that her child is bound to make mistakes and patiently guides them towards growth. With a forgiving heart, she offers understanding and compassion, teaching her child the transformative power of forgiveness."

Strength and Resilience

A good mother demonstrates strength and resilience in the face of adversity. She acts as a pillar of support and stability, providing her child with a sense of security. The language used to portray this quality often evokes imagery of strength, courage, and unwavering determination.

Example : "In times of hardship, a good mother shines as a beacon of strength. She faces challenges head-on, displaying unwavering courage and resilience. Like a fortress, she provides her child with unwavering security and support."

The qualities that define a good mother are vast and varied. Unconditional love, sacrifice, nurturing, patience, strength, and resilience are among the qualities that make a mother exceptional. Through the use of emotive language, expressive grammatical structures, and compelling literary devices, the essence of a good mother can be captured. By embodying these qualities, a mother can create a nurturing environment for her child's growth and development, fostering a strong bond that lasts a lifetime.

In summary, a good mother possesses qualities such as unconditional love, sacrifice, nurturing, patience, and strength. These qualities are effectively conveyed through emotive language, expressive grammatical structures, and compelling literary devices. By understanding the importance of these qualities, we can appreciate the profound impact a good mother has on her child's life.

Questions related to Qualities of a Good Mother Essay

qualities of a good mother essay

Final answer:

This argumentative essay supports the idea of viewing sports figures and celebrities as positive role models, citing examples of hard work, promotion of values, and inspiration through achievements.


In this argumentative essay, I will argue in favor of viewing sports figures and celebrities as positive role models. While it is true that there are negative examples of sports figures and celebrities, there are also many who embody positive characteristics that can inspire and motivate others.

Firstly, sports figures and celebrities can serve as role models by demonstrating hard work and dedication. For example, athletes who train for countless hours and overcome obstacles to achieve success can motivate others to pursue their goals with determination and perseverance.

Secondly, sports figures and celebrities can inspire positive behavior and promote important values. They often use their platform to raise awareness for charitable causes and advocate for social justice. This can inspire others to use their influence for the greater good and make a positive impact on society.

Lastly, sports figures and celebrities can provide inspiration through their achievements and success stories. Many have overcome adversity and achieved greatness, serving as examples that hard work and resilience can lead to success. This can inspire others to pursue their dreams and believe in their own potential.

In conclusion, while there may be negative examples, viewing sports figures and celebrities as positive role models can provide inspiration, motivation, and promote positive values. It is important to recognize and highlight the individuals who use their platform for good, and to encourage others to follow their example.

qualities of a good mother essay

We can actually deduce here that a narrative essay here about an experience in my life in which I had to overcome a fear and the positive qualities I used to overcome that fear is seen below:

It happened when I was seeking admission into the higher institution. I have written about two entrance examination in order to secure the admission but they were not successful. So, that particular year, I wrote another entrance exam . I was becoming afraid of what the outcome will look like.

I was afraid that I might miss the opportunity that year again. But I was still hopeful and had faith that I will be admitted. The admission was almost closing and I had almost started preparing for another entrance exam .

But I had faith, patience and this inner strength that kept me believing. Despite all, I got the admission that year.

What is an essay?

An essay is actually known to be a piece of writing that is usually written from the perspective of the writer. There are:

  • Narrative essays
  • Descriptive essays
  • Expository essays
  • Argumentative essays, etc.

We see then that the above is a narrative essay of an experience of fear I had.

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Essay on Mother for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Essay on Mother: A Mother is a woman who gives birth to a child or children and looks after their welfare, throughout life. She has a lifelong commitment of love, devotion and caring towards her children, that too without any prerequisites or conditions. This is the beauty of a mother – her love and sacrifice knows no bounds. Even animal females display an exceptional sense of caring and protection towards their young ones.

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Target Exam ---

Mother plays a significant role in the holistic development of a child. Her existence is very much essential for the physical and emotional development of a child. Apart from the growth and development of a child, she also plays a significant role in the society, by keeping its moral values intact. The way a man/woman behaves in the society, depends on what values does his/her mother had inculcated in them during their childhood.

Long and Short Essay on Mother in English

Mothers are the source of life and without them it is almost impossible to dream about life on planet earth. They are the one who give us birth and bring us in this world. Mother are the one who nurture us and make us walk on our own feet. They not only protect us from evils but also show us the righteous path of life. Mother act as a guide, a teacher and a best friend who always stand strong besides us under all the difficulties.

Nothing is considered to be better than a mother, her love and care. Let your kids to write something about you or recite on you in his/her school. These essay on mother are written in very simple words especially for your kids and school going children. You can select any mother essay given below according to the need and requirement:

Essay on My Mother

Mother Essay 1 (100 words)

She is someone who cares for her off springs, feeding and nurturing them, at times protecting them from external threats. Mother of a child is a perfect example of selfless devotion and love. She could undergo any amount of penance in order to protect her child or children.

Mother also acts as a mentor or guide, introducing the world to her off springs, at the same time ensuring their well being. The love of a mother knows no bounds and surprisingly animals too display a strong sense of motherhood. Sometimes a woman, who is not biologically related to the children, but nevertheless feeds and nurtures them, is also referred to as the mother.

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Mother Essay 2 (150 words)

The role of the mother in our lives is always different and precious than other involved in our life. Of course we are truly loved and cared by our mothers every moment all through the day. She never wants back anything from her kids instead she loves us with open heart. We as a child also love and care her from our heart but our love cannot be compared with her. Mother is unique in this world in the life of everyone’s as a living goddess who always takes all the pains of her child and gives love and care.

She is the one who spends her sleepless nights during our sickness and other bad days. Mother happily involves in our happy moments and understands our each and every likes and dislikes. She always guides us to go ahead at right path and do right things in the life. She is our first teacher who teaches us at every step of life. Mother teaches us to always be in discipline, behave in well manners and make us understand about our roles and responsibilities towards family, society and country.

Mother Essay 3 (200 words)

Our mother is the most important person in our life who always nurture us like a true nature. She be with us always and care for us every moment. Mother carry us in her womb for 9 months by bearing lots of pain and discomfort however she always become happy by thinking about us in her real life. She gives birth to us without complaining a little bit. We can never compare her genuine love and care all through our life but we should respect and love her always. Every person who has a mother in their life is really lucky and blessed with lots of blessings from God.

A mother is very ordinary woman who never considers her own happiness in front of her kids. She always shows her interests in our every activity and laugh. She has a selfless soul and very kind heart full of lots of love and care. Mother is a woman with strong willpower who always teaches us of how to face the toughest challenges of the life. She always inspires us to achieve good things in our life by overcoming all the hardships of the life. Mother is the first teacher of everyone whom teachings are always proved to be precious and valuable all through the life.

Mother Essay 4 (250 words)

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A mother is the first, foremost and best friend of everyone’s life as no one can be true and real like her. She is the one and the only person who always stands with us in all our good and bad times. Mother always cares and loves us more than anyone in her life. She always gives us first priority in her life and gives us the glimpse of hope in our bad times. The day we are born, it is our mother who becomes happy more than anyone else. She knows all our reasons of happiness and sadness and tries to make us happy every time.

Bond of Love between Mother and Child

There is a special bond which exists between mother and her child which can never be ended. A mother could never decrease her love and care towards her children and always gives equal amount of love and care to every kid of her but we all kids together can never give her a little love and care like her in her old age. Even then she never understands us wrong and forgives us like a small child. She understands each and every activity of ours and we can never fool her easily.

A mother never wants us to get hurt by anyone and teaches us to behave well with others. In order to pay attention and pay thankfulness to the mothers, May 13 th has been declared as Mother’s Day which is celebrated every year. No one pay even a single role in our life as a mother. We too must always take care of our mother all through the life.

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Mother Essay 5 (300 words)

A mother is only person in everyone’s life who can never be replaced in our hearts. She is just like Mother Nature who only knows to give without taking anything in return. We see her from the first moment of our life when we open our eyes in this world however we feel her nine months before in her womb. The first word of us becomes mom whenever we start speaking. She is our first love, first teacher and first friend in this world. When we are born we are unable to do anything however it is she who makes us grow and develop in her arms. She helps us to understand this world.

Importance of Mother in our Lives

A mother is always available for her child and nurtures him like God. If there is any God on the earth, it is our mother. No one can care and love us like our mothers and no one can do sacrifice like her. She is the best woman of our life whose place can never be replaced by anyone in the future. Even after being tired she is always ready for us to do anything like a tireless person. She gets up early morning, prepares breakfast and gives us lunch and water bottle without being late a single day.

She waits for us in the afternoon at the door after doing all the daily chores. Mother prepares a delicious dinner in the night and always takes care of our likes and dislikes. She helps us in doing our homework and project. Mother never gets tired giving lots of love and care like ocean can never be water less. She is unique and the only one in the whole universe whom nothing can replace. Mother is the true solution for our small and big problems. She is one who never says anything bad to her child and always takes side of her child.

Mother Essay 6 (400 words)

Nothing in this world can compare with the true love and care of our mother. She is the one and only woman of our life who loves and cares us so much without any personal intention of her. A child is everything for a mother. She always encourages us to do any hard things in the life whenever we become helpless. Mother is a good listener and listens everything bad or good whatever we say. She never restricts and limits us to any limitation. She makes us able to differentiate between good or bad.

Selfless Love of Mother

True love is another name of a mother which only a mother can have. From the time we come in her womb, take birth and throughout her life in this world, she gives us tireless care and love. Nothing is precious than a mother which one can be blessed by the God thus we should always thankful to the God. She is the embodiment of true love, care and sacrifices. She is the one who turns a house into a sweet home by giving birth to us.

Mother: The First Teacher and Guide of a Child

She is the one who starts our schooling at home and becomes our first and lovely teacher of our life. Mother teaches us behavioural lessons and true philosophies of life. She loves and takes care of us from the existence of our life in this world from her womb and throughout our life. Mother gives birth to us after bearing lots of pain and struggle but in turn she always gives us love. There is no love in this world which is so lasting, strong, selfless, pure and devoted. She is the one who brings lights in our life by removing all the darkness.

Mother tells us about mythological tales, stories about the God and Goddess and other historical stories of king and queen. She is always very anxious about our health, education, future and safety from strangers. Mother always leads us towards right direction in the life and most importantly she scatters true happiness in our life. She makes us strong human being mentally, physically, socially and intellectually from a small and incapable child. Mother always takes side of us and prays to God for our wellness and bright future all through the life even after we make her sad sometimes. It is also rightly said that God could not be everywhere so he created mother.

Long Essay on Mother – Essay 7 (800 Words)

It is a common saying that god could not be present everywhere so he made mother. The saying is also true as the status of mother is not less than that of god. She is the one who gave us the life and made us stand on our own feet. She is the idol of selfless love and ever-ready for their kids despite being tired.

If I talk about my mother, she is the one on whom I can completely rely upon. She is the one who will never say no to our wishes and she is the one who never gets tired doing our daily chores. She never lets us feel the difference in love and showers equal amount of love and affection to all our siblings. My mother is like the sun that chases out all darkness and bestows the light of happiness and love upon us.

Definition of a Good Mother

Defining a good mother in few words is never an easy task. However in a very simple words we can say that a good mother is the one for whom her child is her world. There are many qualities which I see in my mother which makes her the world’s best mother. She loves her child strongly and deeply without any condition. Apart from showering her love of motherhood she also takes care of her child with a great responsibility.

She is the statue of forgiveness and forgives each and every mistake of ours and also ensures that we realize our mistakes and understand our responsibility. A good mother does every effort to make her child one in a million and sacrifices every comfort of her life so that her child could lead a comfortable life. The selfless love a mother showers on her children is the most valuable thing in this whole world which could never be replaced by anything.

Qualities of a Mother

There are certain natural qualities which already get inherited into a woman on acquiring motherhood. But there are also few qualities which are required for becoming a good mother. The major qualities of a mother are as follows:


Acquiring motherhood comes with great responsibility. The responsibility of taking care of child before and after birth is one of the most important qualities of a mother. She is the one who takes care of her child since birth and nurtures him to stand on his own feet.

  • Selfless Love

A mother will always shower her children with her love without anything in return. She always loves her children selflessly in spite of their mischiefs. Her love towards her children always remains the same irrespective of her child’s age.

A mother should always be supportive to their children. She should always stand strong besides her children in all of their ups and downs. She should be always there to support her children in their rightful decisions and interests.

This is the quality which every mother should inculcate on acquiring motherhood. Dealing with kids always requires a high amount of patience as they are still in a growing phase and are not matured enough to understand things at one go. Hence they need to be reminded again and again till they understand and become responsible.

The ability to understand another person’s feelings is called as empathy. A mother should be empathetic towards her child because unless you understand the feelings of your kid you will not be able to understand his/her issue.

Why Mother is Important in our Life?

The importance of mother could be easily understood from the fact that the first word uttered from the mouth of a child is ‘ma ma’. She is the source of life and the reason for our existence. She is the one who can happily sacrifice everything in her life just for the sake of her child’s happiness. Is the first teacher of a child who introduces him to the world and the first best friend with whom we can share all our secrets.

Mothers are the backbone of every family who binds the whole family and unites it into a single but powerful entity. They give us the confidence to face the world and motivate us to achieve success in our life. They are the only one who will never have any ill thoughts against their children and always pray and hope better for them. A good mother acts like a sculptor who moulds her children into beautiful sculptures which are highly appreciated and respected in the society.

My mother is the holy creation of god and a source of providing life to us. She is a sacred statue of selfless love, sacrifices, forgiveness and patience. She is the guiding soul who helps us to progress on the right path and achieve success in our life. Mother’s selfless love towards her children could never be replaced by anything in this world. We as her children should do our best to make her happy and comfortable all the time especially when she becomes old. It is our responsibility to bestow her with the same amount of love, care and understanding as she had showered on us when we were young.

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How to write my mother essay?

My mother is the holy creation of god and a source of providing life to us. She is a sacred statue of selfless love, sacrifices, forgiveness and patience. She is the guiding soul who helps us to progress on the right path and achieve success in our life. We as her children should do our best to make her happy and comfortable all the time especially when she becomes old. It is our responsibility to bestow her with the same amount of love, care and understanding as she had showered on us when we were young.

When is Mother's Day celebrated in India?

Mother's Day in India is celebrated on the second Sunday of May every year.

Write short essay on my mother?

My mother waits for us in the afternoon at the door after doing all the daily chores. Mother prepares a delicious dinner in the night and always takes care of our likes and dislikes. She helps us in doing our homework and project. Mother never gets tired giving lots of love and care like ocean can never be water less. She is unique and the only one in the whole universe whom nothing can replace.

Why mom is the best essay?

How special a mom is, related content.


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A Good Mother – Essay Sample

“Mommy, you’re home!” my four years old screamed as I walked through the door from my night class. The sound of laughter and squeals of joy could be heard all the way down the driveway. Moments like this are the very reason I keep going forward. It is verification that I am a good mother.

The word mother is defined as female parent. Mother is also defined as a female person who is pregnant with or gives birth to a child; a woman who adopts or raises a child. A woman is made to give birth to a child, but the manner in which a woman loves that child unconditionally is what determines a “good” mother from a “bad” mother. The child’s actions do not determine the amount of love given to that child.  They scream and shout, “I hate you” but a good mother is deaf to these words. A good mother is always there for their child no matter what happens in life or what decisions they make. They stand back and allow their child to make decisions. A mother’s biggest fear is that her child will die before her, but a good mother allows her child to go into the military or make life changing decisions even though they don’t always agree. A good mother is not determined by the physical process of giving birth, but by teaching, loving and nurturing the child.

Some women should not have the right to bear the title of mother. If one goes strictly by the definition of mother there would be so many who do not deserve the title. Some women bear children only for selfish reasons, such as, they might think having a child would complete them or getting pregnant would trap the man into a long term relationship. They never take into consideration the life of the poor innocent child they have brought into this world. A child should not be brought into this world and already be expected to perform a job, to love mommy or keeping mommy and daddy together.

When I hear my boys say the words “Mommy, I love you!” or as my little Nicholas says “Mommy, I lub you!” that makes everything else in life a little less important. Being a mother is definitely the hardest job ever, especially when they do something that is wrong and I have to discipline them. The love I have for my children comes so easy, when they come ask me to read to them or simply come lay down with them at night it makes my love multiply

I can only imagine what it is like to be an adoptive or foster care mother. To take a child into your home when they need a loving and caring home the most. Taking on the job of repairing what others have only broke down. A good mother models the good characteristics that a person should possess and builds those characteristics into that child. She takes every piece of the child that anyone has ever broken and glues them back together with the love that flows from her heart. The feeling must be so rewarding.  It is love and acceptance that determines a good mother not the actual birth. Whether a mother adopts, fosters, takes a child in, or gives actual birth, it is the love and bond that develops that makes her a good mother.

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