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How to Write the Duke University Essays 2024-2025

duke essays aringo

Duke is consistently ranked within the top 10 colleges in the country, making it an incredibly selective school. With tens of thousands of applicants vying for a spot to be a Blue Devil, each and every aspect of your application will have to be unique and impressive—especially your essays.

For this application cycle, Duke is requiring all prospective students to answer one standard prompt and offering up to two additional submissions from a choice of five prompts for a possible total of three essays. Each of the options for the second prompt names a specific theme it is targeting, making it easier to select between them if you choose to. In this post, we will go over all of Duke’s prompts and break down how to write the essays so that you can maximize your chances of admission.

Read these Duke essay examples to inspire your writing.

Duke University Supplemental Essay Prompts

All applicants.

Prompt 1 (required): What is your sense of Duke as a university and a community, and why do you consider it a good match for you? If there’s something in particular about our offerings that attracts you, feel free to share that as well. (250 words)

Prompt 2 (optional): We want to emphasize that the following questions are optional. Feel free to answer one or two if you believe that doing so will add something meaningful that is not already shared elsewhere in your application. Five optional questions are available – a maximum of 2 can be selected . (250 words for all)

  • Option 1: Perspective response: We believe a wide range of viewpoints, beliefs, and lived experiences are essential to making Duke a vibrant and meaningful living and learning community. Feel free to share with us anything in this context that might help us better understand you and what you might bring to our community.
  • Option 2: Intellectual experience: Tell us about an experience in the past year or two that reflects your imagination, creativity, or intellect.
  • Option 3: Beliefs & values: We believe there is benefit in sharing and sometimes questioning our beliefs or values; who do you agree with on the big important things, or who do you have your most interesting disagreements with? What are you agreeing or disagreeing about?
  • Option 4: Orientation, identity, expression: Duke’s commitment to inclusion and belonging includes sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. Feel free to share with us more about how your identity in this context has meaning for you as an individual or as a member of a community.
  • Option 5: Being different: We recognize that not fully “fitting in” a community or place can sometimes be difficult. Duke values the effort, resilience, and independence that may require. Feel free to share with us circumstances where something about you is different and how that’s influenced your experiences or identity.

Duke Kunshan Applicants

Why do you think duke kunshan university is a good match for you and what special qualities do you feel you could bring to duke kunshan university (200 words), gap year prompt, please describe your gap year plans as you currently are considering them. you are not making a commitment to these plans. (250 words), all applicants—prompt 1, what is your sense of duke as a university and a community, and why do you consider it a good match for you if there’s something in particular about our offerings that attracts you, feel free to share that as well. (250 words)..

Every student applying to Duke will be submitting this “ Why This College? ” essay, so you really need to make yours stand out. Before we talk about what you should do, let’s cover common mistakes to avoid so your essay isn’t generic.

Don’t talk about factors outside of the school’s control like the location, weather, or surrounding city. You might be attracted to Duke because you want to go to a school in the South, but there are hundreds of other schools nearby. This doesn’t tell us anything about Duke in particular.

Don’t make emotional appeals like “ It feels like home ” or “ The campus is so beautiful ”. Contrary to popular belief, statements like these don’t flatter admissions officers because they read them so frequently. Saying something like this is too vague and your limited space would be better served describing resources that make you feel connected to the school.

Don’t regurgitate fun facts and statistics from a campus tour, brochure, or website. Duke doesn’t need to be told how many Nobel prize winners or cabinet secretaries attended, nor do they need to be told about the infamous Duke vs UNC game. Admissions officers especially don’t care about the student-to-faculty ratio or class sizes. Listing these as reasons for attending signals to the admissions committee you didn’t research specific offerings at the school and you might not be as dedicated.

Don’t talk badly about the school. This one should be pretty self-explanatory, but when they ask about your sense of Duke, don’t call it stuffy and pretentious! You are trying to prove your love and devotion to the school, so if you have a negative impression, maybe reconsider why you are applying.

Don’t list out a dozen reasons why you want to go to Duke. We recommend including specific offerings and resources at Duke that excite you, but it’s all about quality over quantity. Spend time explaining why each reason resonates with you or what you hope to get out of the resource or experience. If that means you only have space to include three or four, then that’s okay!

Now that you know what not to do, we’ll share some tips on what you should do in your essay to make it stand out.

Make it personal . Like any other college essay, you need to share information about yourself and your interests to demonstrate to the admissions committee why you belong at Duke. Include anecdotes or details about your experiences to highlight your personal connection to the offerings at Duke.

Include specific resources and opportunities you want to take advantage of. The prompt makes it seem like it is more optional to include offerings that speak to you, but we strongly urge you to include them! Not only does including specific offerings demonstrate the research you’ve done, it also allows you to talk more about your interests and goals through the resources you are attracted to.

Balance academic and extracurricular reasons for wanting to attend. In order to show the admissions committee you are well-rounded, you’ll need to discuss both academic and extracurricular offerings that excite you. Your extracurriculars could be related to the academic topic you’re studying, but make sure to include clubs or communities you want to join so Duke knows you will be active both in class and out.

Draw parallels between yourself and Duke to emphasize why it’s a good fit for you. This might be a little harder to conceptualize and implement in your essay, but you could go about this by finding a club on campus that aligns with one of your extracurriculars, a professor who conducts research on a topic you want to learn more about, or values the school exemplifies that you prioritize.

Have a strong narrative that still reads like a story. Just because this essay might not be as creative or story-based as other college essays doesn’t mean it can’t have a narrative style. Make sure you have an exciting hook at the beginning and a conclusion that ties everything together.

Have some fun! Your essay should still have a voice that is uniquely yours, so if that means you like to use humor, go for it. Also, you can mention fun aspects of the college experience at Duke—basketball is a huge part of the Duke experience. Just be sure that you frame it as an additional bonus of attending Duke and not the primary reason for choosing the school.

Putting all of that together, take a look at what a sample student might write:

“You’d be surprised by the power 1080px by 1920px can wield. Within those 3×6 inches, violence has been incited, hate crimes have been encouraged, and a democracy was nearly toppled. Behold, the 21st century’s mega-weapon: Instagram stories.

Media and politics are intrinsically linked, especially in the USA. My generation is faced with the burden of freeing democracy from the tight grip of the Instagram story, Twitter thread, and Facebook group. Luckily, with Duke’s commitment to forging positive change, I won’t have to go at it alone. At the Sanford School of Public Policy, I’ll join a community of people dedicated to saving our democracy. 

Through the Dewitt Wallace Center for Media and Democracy, I’ll delve into the complicated relationship between media and politics to better equip myself to one day shape federal policy surrounding media practices. Courses like Can Journalism Save Democracy? and Intro to Digital Culture: Media Theory, Politics, and Aesthetics signal that I’ll find a community of students and faculty equally passionate about this field. By my junior year, I’ll take the knowledge I’ve gathered in class and apply it on the Hill with Duke in DC.

Duke is a place where I’ll learn how to fight most effectively for media that promotes healthy political discourse. In between my Instagram stories of the blue devils crushing UNC and the picturesque Chapel, expect many posts on the latest article from the Sanford Journal of Public Policy, announcements for upcoming guest speakers, and information on how to protect American democracy.”

All Applicants—Prompt 2 (Optional)

We want to emphasize that the following questions are optional. feel free to answer them if you believe that doing so will add something meaningful that is not already shared elsewhere in your application. five optional questions are available – a maximum of 2 can be selected..

Before getting started with the optional prompts, be sure to carefully read the instructions. You can respond to none of these, one prompt, or a maximum of two prompts.

While it may be tempting to only complete the one required essay, we always recommend completing all the prompts available to you, as it only gives you another chance to make a lasting impression on your application. It also shows admissions counselors that you are truly invested in Duke, and may even be the deciding factor of your application.

Since these prompts are optional though, you want to take special care to not repeat anything in your application, especially since Duke said so themselves. For example, if you already talked about Model UN in your Common App essay, there’s no need to write another essay about it. If only one of the optional prompts speaks to you, that’s fine as well. 

All Applicants—Prompt 2, Option 1

Perspective response: we believe a wide range of personal perspectives, beliefs, and lived experiences are essential to making duke a vibrant and meaningful living and learning community. feel free to share with us anything in this context that might help us better understand you and what you might bring to our community. (250 words).

This is one instance of the very common diversity prompt . When colleges have a diversity prompt, they want to know about your own personal background and how it has influenced your worldview and perspectives.

A quick note if you intend to write about your racial background: In June 2023, the United States Supreme Court  struck down the use of affirmative action in college admissions. The ruling, however, still allows colleges to consider race on an individual basis, which is one reason many schools are now including diversity prompts as one of their supplemental essay prompts. If you feel that your racial background has impacted you significantly, this is the place to discuss that.

In general, such a common prompt can be approached with a traditional answer. You might consider answering this prompt with what you think is the most important part of your identity, then a small discussion about how that aspect of diversity is relevant to you and your general life experiences.

Such a response might be written about one of the following scenarios:

  • Using your fluency in another language to help members of a specific community.
  • Interpreting a text in class differently from your classmates because of your ethnic culture.
  • Having a friend of a different background who has changed your perspective on something important.
  • Having an illness or disability that helps you view accessibility through a different lens than your peers.
  • Being part of a niche interest group/fandom and trying to represent the group faithfully when talking to people who aren’t members of it.

Simply listing things that generate diversity should be avoided. Sure, diversity includes different ethnicities/races, gender identities, sexual orientations, countries of origin, and languages, but writing that laundry list out doesn’t contribute much to your application.

Also, bear in mind that the traditional markers of diversity aren’t the only ones you can discuss. There are other aspects of identity that contribute to a diverse campus, including socioeconomic classes, hometowns, illnesses/disabilities, and even interests or hobbies.

This being said, let’s look at a potential example response:

“Growing up as the daughter of Mexican immigrants, I often found myself translating for my parents at parent-teacher conferences, doctor’s appointments, and even grocery stores. These early experiences made me acutely aware of the barriers faced by non-English speaking communities. This awareness fueled my passion for educational equity, leading me to start a tutoring program for ESL students at my high school. Every Saturday, I helped students navigate their schoolwork while also bridging cultural gaps through shared stories and experiences.

At Duke, I hope to continue advocating for underrepresented communities by joining the Center for Multicultural Affairs and collaborating with organizations like Duke LIFE (Low-Income, First-Generation Engagement). I am excited to contribute my unique perspective and learn from a community that values diverse experiences as much as I do. By sharing my background and listening to others, I aim to foster a more inclusive environment where everyone feels heard and valued.”

Diversity encompasses all the aforementioned attributes, but you should strive for individuality and specificity in your response. This prompt, like all the others, is an opportunity to showcase your unique life perspective. You don’t want to waste this opportunity by writing down some bland dictionary definitions. Think of what diversity means to you and what you consider to be a particularly significant aspect of diversity. From there, think of personal anecdotes or stories about how that aspect of diversity has contributed to your growth or development as a person.

All Applicants—Prompt 2, Option 2

Intellectual experience: tell us about an intellectual experience in the past two years that you found absolutely fascinating. (250 words).

For this prompt, Duke is looking to hear about your intellectual interests and your approach to learning. You could choose anything; for example, a particular class you took that sparked your interest in a topic, an individual research project you conducted, a book you read that made a strong impression, or an experiment you performed in a science class.

The key for this essay is to really highlight your passion for learning, and the way to accomplish that is to tell the reader everything about the experience so they feel like they are living it besides you. The phrase “ show, don’t tell ” is thrown around a lot when it comes to college essays—this essay will be no exception.

But what does it mean to successfully show your intellectual experience? Let’s dissect an example.

“Debates were my favorite part of my AP US History class. At the end of every unit, each person in the class would be assigned a historical figure and we would debate a prevalent issue for the period. The best one, hands down, was the debate about the ratification of the Constitution. Representing James Madison, I advocated for a separation of powers. I also pushed for the inclusion of unalienable rights. The fast-paced environment of kids in my class engaging in productive debate was so exciting to see.”

While the excerpt above does technically check the box of describing an intellectual experience this student enjoyed, this is far from what you should submit if you want to be a competitive applicant. How can we make this better? Starting with the hook, never restate the prompt. The first line of your essay shouldn’t be used to tell us what the experience was, rather it should set the scene so the reader is prepared to immerse themselves in the experience, for example:

“Accusations flew across the circle of desks haphazardly gathered in the center of the room; she was an elitist forgetting about the yeomen while he was as backwards as King George.”

This hook immediately brings action and excitement, causing the reader to ask questions which makes them more interested to keep reading. Not only that, by including details relevant to the academic topic (yeomen farmers and King George) it further demonstrates the student’s knowledge and interest of this subject. 

The next two sentences can be improved by making them more concise to cut down on the amount of background needed. You want to keep the essay focused in the moment as much as possible, so rather than zooming out to provide the reader with context, stay in the present:

“With the strike of my US History teacher’s gavel, our debate on the ratification of the Constitution had begun.”

The student then goes on to talk about their contribution to the debate, which is important to include, but we can make it stronger. Again, the key is to stay in the story and tell it in present tense with an active voice. Focus on how you viewed and approached the situation rather than what actions you took. Not only will this make the writing more engaging, it will also make it naturally easier to express your fascination with the experience—which is the whole purpose of this essay at the end of the day.

“Donning the tricorn hat of James Madison, I turned to Federalist friends on my right—including Hamilton and Adams—and sized up my foes: the Democratic-Republicans. Coming out of the gate strong, Jefferson insisted a document that enumerates rights, limits rights. How wrong he was! Before another member of my group could speak, I was on my feet conjuring a picture of the society we just escaped that lacked documentation of unalienable rights. Quoting Locke and Voltaire from memory, I watched as my opponents scrambled for a rebuttal.”

Notice the difference between the imagery and flow of these sentences compared to the original example? Each line moves the story along, while continuing to provide details for imagery and to highlight the student’s passion for the topic. There’s no need for them to tell the reader they found the experience enjoyable or exciting, because details like the student embodying the historical figure (ie “Federalist friends…and foes”), their inner monologue (“How wrong he was!”), their excitement (“I was on my feet”), and their dedication (“Quoting Locke and Voltaire from memory”) show the reader why they loved this intellectual experience.

As you go about writing, follow these tips to beef up your writing and take it from basic and boring to engaging and informative.

All Applicants—Prompt 2, Option 3

Beliefs & values: we believe there is benefit in sharing and sometimes questioning our beliefs or values; who do you agree with on the big important things, or who do you have your most interesting disagreements with what are you agreeing or disagreeing about (250 words).

This prompt is all about internal beliefs and values. Whether you choose to write about an agreement or disagreement, at the heart of your essay, you need to share one of your important values with the admissions committee. Naturally then, an integral piece in choosing this essay is having a core belief or value that is central to your personality. If nothing jumps out at you, then maybe this isn’t the prompt for you.

If religion is important to you, this prompt would be a good opportunity to delve into your religious beliefs. Similarly, you could choose to go into philosophical or ethical debates that you have with people. As you pick a belief or value, keep your audience in mind. You never know who will read your essay, and the last thing you want to do is offend them. It’s generally a good idea to stay away from any beliefs that might be highly controversial or politicized.

Not only do you need a belief or value, you also need to pick a discussion partner that either shares your ideals or challenges them. Luckily for you, because the prompt already asks for you to pick a person, it opens the door for the natural inclusion of dialogue—a great way to spice up your essay and show,  not tell !

This essay also provides you with a chance to delve deeper into your personality. You can demonstrate character traits you possess in the way you describe your conversation. If you are a detail-oriented person, include the statistics you use to convince someone of your belief. Perhaps you are extremely energetic—in that case, describe how you jump with excitement and your voice gets higher when you agree with someone on an obscure belief.

Maybe you and your best friend get into arguments about whether life exists on other planets when you are going on night-time drives around town. Take the reader into your car—what music is playing in the background, are you cruising down the highway or leisurely rolling through residential neighborhoods? Do you and your friend raise your voices as the argument goes on? Showing what it is like to be there with you during these conversations will make your essay infinitely more engaging to read. Take a look at the example below:

“ Every week, my high school art class transforms into a battleground of ideas between my teacher and me. Mrs. Thompson, a staunch advocate of classical art, believes in the timeless value of techniques perfected by the Renaissance masters. I, on the other hand, am captivated by the boldness and innovation of modern art. Our most heated debate was over the value of Jackson Pollock’s work. While Mrs. Thompson saw it as chaotic and lacking technique, I argued that Pollock’s method captured the raw energy and emotion of the human experience. These discussions have pushed me to explore a wide range of artistic styles and techniques, blending the structured precision of classical art with the free-spirited experimentation of modern art. This fusion has become a signature of my own artwork, challenging viewers to find harmony in apparent chaos. Engaging with Mrs. Thompson has not only expanded my artistic repertoire but also taught me the importance of balancing respect for tradition with a passion for innovation.”

A common misconception is that admissions officers want to see astute, academic conversations, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. You could write about how you and your sibling get into disagreements about the most powerful superhero or you and your grandma agree your uncle’s cooking is better than your dad’s. Don’t be scared by the prompt asking about the “big important things,” because as long as you provide reasoning as to why your discussion is important to you and your discussion partner, it can make for a good essay.

All Applicants—Prompt 2, Option 4

Orientation, identity, expression: duke’s commitment to inclusion and belonging includes sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. feel free to share with us more about how your identity in this context has meaning for you as an individual or as a member of a community. (250 words).

If you want to write about an aspect of your identity or a way you are different and it relates to your gender, sexuality, or sexual orientation, you should choose this option over Options 1 and 5.

In the same vein as the other two options dealing with an aspect of your personality that you want to share with the admissions committee, you want to make sure that you go deeper than simply explaining your gender or sexual identity. The essay needs to go into the personal significance and the way it has shaped you as a person who will join the Duke community.

A good story always needs some conflict, whether it be internal or external, so you might want to start brainstorming by thinking about a moment of conflict that arose related to your gender or sexual identity. Maybe you choose the moment you came out to your family, or you could write about the internal battle to try and fit into societal gender expectations, or possibly you experienced discrimination or harassment as a result of your sexual orientation which emotionally affected you. There are many different ways to approach this prompt, so pick whatever stands out to you as the most consequential for you personally.

For an essay like this, it’s important to share a lot of detail with the admissions committee to ensure your unique perspective and life experiences are fully communicated, but when discussing highly personal and possibly uncomfortable topics, this might be a little difficult. There’s a delicate balance between including enough information to write a strong essay and protecting personal details. To try and address this, focus on actions you took and the emotions that motivated them, without getting too deep into the intricacies of your thoughts.

However, at the end of the day, your college essay has to reveal to the admissions officers what makes you special. If you feel that this aspect of your identity is critical to understanding you, this is the prompt for you. But if you are hesitant to share information on a delicate subject, there is no problem in choosing a different prompt option that would allow you to write more freely.

All Applicants—Prompt 2, Option 5

Being different: we recognize that not fully “fitting in” a community or place can sometimes be difficult. duke values the effort, resilience, and independence that may require. feel free to share with us circumstances where something about you is different and how that’s influenced your experiences or identity. (250 words).

Similar to the first option for Prompt 2, this option is purposefully open-ended to give students the freedom to identify any difference and discuss it. Again, in light of the Supreme Court striking down the use of affirmative action in college admissions, students of color might want to use this prompt to discuss their racial background in their application.

However, since this prompt is very similar to the first, we’d recommend choosing one or the other. There’s no right one to pick—go with whichever you want—but don’t spend both essays (if you choose to submit the maximum of two optional essays for Prompt 2) discussing an aspect of your identity that makes you different or unique. We’d recommend pairing either Option 1 or 4 with either Option 2 or 3.

While this prompt provides students with the opportunity to discuss racial differences they aren’t able to disclose elsewhere, it isn’t limited to discussions of race. Differences can be measured in a variety of dimensions, including:

  • Race or ethnicity
  • Socioeconomic status
  • Family structure
  • Gender or sexuality (look at Option 4 if you want to write about this)
  • Physical abilities

Regardless of what you choose, your essay must express how you are different, the emotional, mental, and physical effect that has had on you, and the way your difference will make you a valuable member of the Duke community.

An essay where a student describes her family’s low income and the lack of luxuries she’s able to afford as a result doesn’t tell us much about the student. The essay would have more depth if it discussed the embarrassment and isolation she felt when she couldn’t afford the latest trends and wasn’t welcomed by her peers. But the essay shouldn’t stop there. Now that we know about her mental response to her difference, we want to hear about how she views her difference as a source of strength and personal value. So, maybe her classmates’ focus on fashion inspired her to start a thrifting collective at her school where students can donate old clothes and find new ones without spending a lot of money. This experience taught her the value in creating community and compassion.

This prompt is required for students who are applying to Duke Kunshan University through the Duke University application. Duke Kunshan is a partnership between Duke and Wuhan University in China that allows students to receive an education that marries two exceptional universities.

You are asked to submit a pretty straightforward “ Why This College? ” essay for Duke Kunshan, and we would refer you to Prompt 1 in this post to learn more about the tips and common pitfalls to avoid when writing this type of essay.

A key factor to keep in mind when submitting this essay is although Duke will be reading it, it will also be sent to Duke Kunshan who will review it. For that reason, you want to make sure the college you are discussing is specifically Duke Kunshan and not regular Duke. Along those lines, you need to speak highly of Kunshan as its own entity—don’t say you want to attend because you think it will be an easier way to achieve a Duke degree.

While we normally advise against listing a school’s location as a reason for wanting to attend, in the case of an international university, it is okay to discuss your interest in Duke Kunshan because it’s in another country. However, frame it within the context of an interest in experiencing new cultures or an appreciation for Chinese history, culture, or society. Make sure your motivation for attending an international institution is clear in your essay.

The second part of the prompt asks you to consider what you can bring to the school. Just as you would for any other “Why This College?” essay, highlight ways your interests and experiences align with resources and offerings at the university. Your contribution to the campus community can also lie outside of academics. Perhaps you will bring your favorite comfort food recipe with you to support your fellow homesick American students or maybe you will share your adventurous spirit with your more reserved classmates to encourage them to explore a new environment with you.

If you indicate on the Common App that you are considering taking a gap year before enrolling at Duke, you will be required to answer this question. It’s important to note that this isn’t an official declaration of your plans; Duke is using this question to gauge what type of individual you are and how you will use your time productively.

But at the same time, don’t make up fanciful gap year plans like traveling to all seven continents if realistically you know you will spend the majority of your time working at home. You aren’t being judged on how exciting your gap year plans may sound, so be genuine about the plans you are considering.

There are many reasons you might be considering a gap year—from wanting to gain more real-world experience, to financial reasons, to unique opportunities you don’t want to miss, to family commitments—and there are an infinite number of ways to spend your year, whether it’s traveling, getting an internship, working on a campaign, supporting your family, etc.

When it comes to this essay though, there are two primary things you want to convey:

  • What you consider to be valuable.
  • How you will grow and be enriched from the gap year.

Starting with the first point, the way you choose to spend your gap year is a reflection of the values you find important. Students who want to travel value broadening their perspectives and embracing new experiences, while students who are staying home to help out their parents value family, loyalty, and devotion. Unless you are spending your time in the basement playing video games all day long, you will be doing something that, in your mind, is considered a productive use of time.

When you are discussing your plans, your values should come through. For example, if you are planning to spend the first semester backpacking South America, you wouldn’t just say, “ I will spend the first four months backpacking in China. ” You would instead show the admissions committee why you are driven to take that action: “ During my four months exploring the mountains, valleys, cities, and ancient civilizations of China, I will immerse myself in the culture I’ve felt so distant from as a Chinese adoptee. ”

The second thing your essay needs to discuss is how this experience will enrich you. Or, from Duke’s perspective, how will taking a gap year make you a more valuable member of the campus community? To answer this question, you’ll need to place yourself in a year-from-now you’s shoes and ask how you’ve changed and grown.

Are you more independent? Are you confident? Did you learn a new skill? Have you become a stronger leader? Do you have a new appreciation for learning? 

However you think you will grow from this experience, make sure to convey that in your essay. You might also want to explicitly mention what you will bring back to the Duke community, just to reiterate your commitment to attending Duke after your gap year.

Some Final Thoughts

If you choose to respond to the optional Duke supplements, you’ll need to keep a few key strategies in mind. As you draft and revise your responses, remember the following tips, which will help you to optimize your application efforts to Duke as well as any other schools to which you might apply. 

Give yourself time. Writing a short essay can often seem like a straightforward and deceptively quick process. Remember, however, that even though the Duke only wants 250 words, you’ll need to achieve the same level of impact in this response as you would with a 650 word essay. Clumsily jumbling together broad and lofty ideas won’t get you far with a 250 word prompt, so leave yourself enough time to plan, draft and redraft your response until it’s ready for submission.

Be specific. Specificity is the not-so-secret ingredient when it comes to writing a successful response. Include anecdotes and examples that tie directly to what you know and value about the Duke campus community. Don’t simply say that you love research or that you want to change the world. Think about the specific experiences you have which exemplify your interests and your academic and professional aspirations. 

Be true to yourself. It’s counterproductive to spend hours and hours writing about things that don’t truly matter to you. Be honest! Highlight the things that you care about most and reflect on why they matter to you. 

Ultimately, the purpose of any supplemental essay is to give you the opportunity to present yourself, your experiences and achievements from your own perspective using your own words. So have fun with this process. After all, no one could ever be better equipped to showcase you than you.

Where to Get Your Duke Essays Edited

Do you want feedback on your Duke essays? After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays. 

Need feedback faster? Get a  free, nearly-instantaneous essay review  from Sage, our AI tutor and advisor. Sage will rate your essay, give you suggestions for improvement, and summarize what admissions officers would take away from your writing. Use these tools to improve your chances of acceptance to your dream school!

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Daytime MBA Students

Daytime MBA

Leaders who bring out the best in others.

Application Instructions

Application instructions - daytime mba, help us get to know you better.

We want you to put your best foot forward. Please look over the instructions on this page to help you prepare your application to Duke’s Daytime MBA program. We appreciate all the work you’re doing to ensure your application package is complete. Remember the admissions committee can only review completed application packages. If you have questions after looking over the information here, feel free to send an email to the admissions office .

The Fuqua application is only available online, and it includes sections on both personal and program information.

Apply to Daytime

Personal information needed:

  • Educational background
  • Unofficial Transcripts
  • Employment history
  • Business resume
  • Activities and achievements
  • Self-reported test scores

Program information includes your choices for:

  • Preferred interview location
  • Dual degrees (if applicable)
  • Concentration or concentrations (not required)
  • Certificates (not required)

Application basics:

  • You'll need to create a profile and get a PIN to access the system.
  • You may access the application as many times as you like before submitting it.
  • Detailed instructions are available in the online system.
  • Your application will not be evaluated until you submit it and all supporting materials are received and verified.

Do your research

Talk to family, friends, and mentors. Visit our campus and attend a recruiting event, and then decide whether this program is right for you.

Review the online application and deadlines. Consider important aspects of the timeline, including:

  • When to apply if you’re an international student
  • When you’ll receive a decision
  • When your non-refundable tuition deposits are due
  • When to start the visa process if required

Submit your application

Ensure that your application is complete, including your resume, essays, letters of recommendation, transcripts, and application fee. You can view your application status by logging into your student portal.

Applicants will receive their interview decision by the date that corresponds to the round in which they applied.

Receive a decision

You’ll be notified via email of your admission decision on the decision date for the round in which you apply. 

To reserve your place in the class, you must submit:

  • Two non-refundable tuition deposits, one following the round in which you were admitted, and a second in June prior to the start of the program 
  • Official test scores sent directly from the testing agency
  • Official transcripts sent directly from the institution/s you attended

Your non-refundable deposits can only be made in the following ways: credit card, personal check, money order, e-check, or wire transfer. Please plan accordingly so you don't miss the deposit deadlines.

Visit Fuqua

The best way to learn about Fuqua and the Daytime MBA program is by experiencing it firsthand. We encourage you to take part in our campus visit program and Blue Devil Weekend (for admitted students). Visiting campus, either in person or virtually, will not only provide insight to inform your final decision to join the program, but will also provide you with information on transitioning to the Durham area.

Access our incoming student website

Shortly after admission, you will receive access to our incoming student website. This will be your main source of information, helping you more fully understand our community and our expectations and giving you a better idea of what it will be like to be a full-time MBA student at Duke. 

Here you’ll find all the information you'll need to transition into your new academic life:

  • Program announcements
  • Technical and computer information
  • Academic assignments to prepare to return to school
  • Relocation information
  • Classmate information

Apply for a visa

If applicable, visa application information will be included in your student portal along with specific deadlines for submission. Visa processing can take up to several months to complete, so it is critical you apply in Early Action, Round 1,  Round 2, or Round 3  to ensure that you are able to join the program on time.

Application Requirements

Legible, scanned copies of all unofficial transcripts are required for each college or university you have attended where you:

  • earned (or will earn) a degree;
  • studied for one semester or more;
  • earned 12 or more credits (note: 4 or more credits if your university awards 1 credit for the typical class instead of 3 credits);
  • and/or took a class that relates to your graduate study interests. 

If you took classes at a college or university while in high school, do not list the college or university as a separate school in your application.

For transfer credits:  Follow the guidelines listed above, but please note that for any transferred credits that qualify to be reported, we need to see grades/marks .  If the grades/marks as well as the credits appear on your degree-conferring institution's transcript, then the additional transcript will not be required.

For student abroad credits:  Please follow the same guidelines as for transfer credits.

Transcripts must include:

  • Your name and the name of the institution
  • Each course taken and the grade received
  • The degree received and date conferred

If your transcripts do not state the degree and date conferred, upload a copy of your diploma in addition to the transcript. If your transcript is not in English, it must be translated, attested, and uploaded along with the originals. Those applying from outside the U.S. should see additional transcript guidelines for international students.

Two options for sending transcripts:

  • Electronically to [email protected]
  • Directly by mail in a sealed envelope to: Duke University The Fuqua School of Business Office of Admissions 100 Fuqua Drive, Box 90120 Durham, NC 27708-0120

If you do not submit your official transcripts on time, or if you misrepresent, falsify, or omit information, we may rescind any offer of admission or financial assistance.

When to submit copies of official transcripts

Only if you are admitted to the program, will you be required to submit official transcripts from each college or university you have attended for verification. The due date for official transcripts will be noted in your admitted student portal. If you have not yet completed your studies by this date, your official transcripts should reach The Fuqua School of Business no later than one week before your program begins.

You’ll need to provide your thoughts on one short answer and two longer essay questions as part of your application.

Instructions for all written submissions

  • Responses should use 1.5-line spacing and a font size no smaller than 10-point.
  • Do not repeat the question in the document you upload with your application as this will cause the essay to be flagged for plagiarism.
  • Respond fully and concisely.
  • Length requirements vary by question and are detailed below.
  • Responses must be completed before submitting your application.

All essays are scanned using plagiarism detection software. Expressing your ideas by using verbiage from existing sources, including websites and other applicants' essays or materials, or having someone else compose your essays, without properly crediting those sources constitutes an act of plagiarism. Plagiarism, an act of theft and fraud, is considered a cheating violation within the Honor Code and will result in an application denial. Note: if you have worked with a consultant to complete your application materials, please ensure that the Honor Code policy is discussed and yours essays will not be shared with other potential applicants.

Required short-answer essay question

Instructions: Answer the following question in 100 words.

  • What are your post-MBA career goals? Share with us your first-choice career plan and your alternate plan.

First required essay: 25 random things about yourself

The 'Team Fuqua' spirit and community is one of the things that sets the MBA experience apart, and it is a concept that extends beyond the student body to include faculty, staff, and administration. Please share with us “25 Random Things” about you. The Admissions Committee wants to get to know YOU - beyond the professional and academic achievements listed in your resume and transcript. Share with us important life experiences, your hobbies, achievements, fun facts, or anything that helps us understand what makes you who you are.

Your list will be limited to 2 pages (750 words maximum). Please present your response in list form, numbered 1 to 25. Some points may be brief, while others may be longer.

Second required essay: The Fuqua community and you

Fuqua prides itself on cultivating a culture of engagement. Our students enjoy a wide range of student-led organizations that provide opportunities for leadership development and personal fulfillment, as well as an outlet for contributing to society. Our student-led government, clubs, centers, and events are an integral part of the student culture and to the development of leaders. Based on your understanding of the Fuqua culture, what are 3 ways you expect to contribute at Fuqua?

Your response will be limited to 1 page (500 words maximum).

Optional essay: Tell us more

If you feel there are circumstances of which the admissions committee should be aware, please explain them here (e.g. unexplained gaps in work, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance). Note that you should NOT upload additional essays nor additional recommendations in this area. The Optional Information section is intended to provide the admissions committee with insight into your circumstances only.

Submit your required one-page resume electronically within the online application system. For employment and volunteer positions, include the location, title, date, and responsibilities, starting with your most recent position. The education section should include dates of attendance and degrees received.

Your resume can include:

  • Full-time employment
  • Volunteer work
  • Internships
  • Part-time work experience

Your recommender must complete the current recommendation forms associated with the online application—no other format of recommendation will be accepted.

Your recommendation should reflect your performance in your most recent professional setting. Volunteer activities or other service-oriented roles in which you are deeply involved may also be excellent sources for your recommendation. The most valuable recommendations come from people who know your professional skills and abilities.

Submissions by email or mail are not accepted.

New applicants

  • One required letter of recommendation


  • Reapplicants may use the same recommendation letter provided from last year, and you will have the option to include it in your current application if you choose. You also have the option of submitting one new letter of recommendation if you wish. 

Other recommendation guidelines

  • You are required to use the recommendation forms that are within the online application.
  • Use your recommender's work email addresses, which they monitor more closely, during our credential verification process, rather than personal accounts like Gmail.
  • Recommendations from relatives and friends are strongly discouraged.
  • Academic recommendations often provide a similar perspective to your transcript and are less helpful.

The following questions are included on the recommendation form:

  • Please provide a brief description of your interaction with the applicant and, if applicable, the applicant’s role in your organization. 
  • How does the performance of the applicant compare to that of other well-qualified individuals in similar roles? 
  • Describe the most important piece of constructive feedback you have given the applicant. Please detail the circumstances and the applicant’s response.  
  • Is there anything else we should know? (Optional)

Bonus endorsement from Fuqua students and alumni

In addition to the one required recommendation, you may provide additional endorsements from our alumni or current students.

Endorsement Form

If an endorsement is submitted on your behalf before you submit your application, you will become eligible for an application fee waiver. We are unable to provide refunds if your endorsement is received after the application fee has been paid.

Fuqua accepts GMAT, GMAT Focus, GRE, and Executive Assessment (EA) scores. Test scores are valid for 5 years, and we do not require the official score report at time of application - you need only self-report your score and provide official scores when admitted. We do not have a preference for which exam you provide, and scores can be updated after your application is submitted.

Both GMAC and ETS, the administrators of the GMAT/EA and GRE tests, respectively, continue to offer the option to take these tests from a home environment. We accept both test formats. Please visit the GMAC or ETS websites for more information. 

Extra GMAT, GRE, and EA details

  • There is no minimum test score requirement.
  • We will accept scores up to 5 years old.

Admission system test codes

  • GMAT/EA: Duke program code Q13-N5-32
  • GRE: Duke program code 5156, and the 4201 Business Administration and Management Department name on your GRE exam

Need more help?

Information on registering and sending GMAT/EA scores Information on registering and sending GRE scores  

A 225 USD non-refundable application fee, payable by VISA or MasterCard, is due when you submit your online application.

Application fee waivers

You may be eligible to receive an application fee waiver if you meet at least one of the following criteria:

You are a member of the military—active duty, active reserve, or honorably discharged/completed service (within three years) of any nation. Either voluntary or compulsory service is valid for qualification.

You are an active participant or alumnus/alumna of the Peace Corps, AmeriCorps, or Teach for America.

You receive Fuqua Admissions Committee approval. In your application, include the reason for your waiver request and the name of the committee member granting approval.

You are a member of one or more qualifying organizations: Admit.Me  Access, Beta Gamma Sigma, Choctaw College Connect, Colfuturo, Forte Foundation, Fulbright, Golden Key, Graduate Horizons, Idealist, Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT), MBA Jumpstart, Posse Foundation, Reaching Out MBA (ROMBA), or Riordan Fellows Program.

Before submitting your application, you register for and attend at least one of the event activities listed below. Indicate the event type, location and month of attendance in your online application. (MBA Fairs are only considered as a qualifying event if you completed a sign in at the Fuqua table during the fair.)

  • Campus Visit
  • Information session
  • Informational luncheon
  • Meet & greet
  • Multi-school information session
  • Virtual information session

You obtain a  recommendation from a current Fuqua student or alumnus/alumna.  In your application, include your recommender’s name, program (Daytime, Cross Continent, Weekend Executive, Global Executive, Master of Management Studies: Foundations of Business, Master of Management Studies: Duke Kunshan University, Master of Quantitative Management: Business Analytics, or Master of Quantitative Management: Health Analytics) year of graduation (if known), and email address.

You attended one of five Diversity Events: 

  • Duke MBA Workshop
  • Women's Leadership Weekend
  • Pride Weekend
  • Veterans Symposium
  • International Applicant Symposium

You are an alumni of Duke University. In your application, include the name of your degree and the year in which you graduated.

Instructions to apply for an application fee waiver

  • Meet at least one of the above criteria.
  • Select an application round in the “Personal Information” section of the online application.
  • Complete the questions included in the "Application Fee Waiver Information" section. 
  • Submit your application after all sections are complete. However, do NOT submit your application if you are asked for credit card information.

Following the above instructions is the only way to receive an application fee waiver. If you submit your online application without selecting the "fee waiver" option, then you will not qualify for the waiver, and no refund will be available.

Admissions interviews are by invitation, and interview decisions are released on a rolling basis. Depending on when you apply and interview, you may also want to schedule your campus visit activities at the same time.

Interviews may be conducted by alumni, staff, or trained second-year MBA students called "Admissions Fellows." On-campus interviews are offered in Early Action, Round 1, and Round 2, and will be conducted in-person. Off-campus interviews will primarily be conducted virtually, and are offered in every round. All interviews are valued equally, regardless of format or interviewer. As you prepare for your interview, please be aware that your interviewer will only have access to your resume and will not have read your application.

Interview Fast Facts:

  • Interviews are conducted in English.
  • Interviews generally last 45–60 minutes.
  • Appropriate attire is business casual.
  • Interviewers will have a copy of your resume, but no other portion of your application file.

If you are invited to interview, you will receive an interview invitation no later than October 4, 2024. When submitting your application, you will indicate if you intend to interview in-person or virtually. If you select Durham as your interview location, you will also have the option to participate in other activities on campus during your visit. If you select the virtual option, you will be connected with an alumnus or student in a similar time zone, and you will schedule your interview directly with your interviewer.

If you are invited to interview, you will receive an interview invitation no later than November 18, 2024. When submitting your application, you will indicate if you intend to interview in-person or virtually. If you select Durham as your interview location, you will also have the option to participate in other activities on campus during your visit. If you select the virtual option, you will be connected with an alumnus or student in a similar time zone, and you will schedule your interview directly with your interviewer.

If you are invited to interview, you will receive an interview invitation no later than February 17, 2025. When submitting your application, you will indicate if you intend to interview in-person or virtually. If you select Durham as your interview location, you will also have the option to participate in other activities on campus during your visit. If you select the virtual option, you will be connected with an alumnus or student in a similar time zone, and you will schedule your interview directly with your interviewer.

If you are invited to interview, you will receive an interview invitation no later than March 21, 2025. Please select "Virtual" as your interview location in the interview section of your application.

If you are invited to interview, you will receive an interview invitation no later than April 18, 2025. Please select "Virtual" as your interview location in the interview section of your application.

In service to reapplicants, we offer the ability to replicate or "clone" your application from a previous application year (2019 and later). If you are reapplying, please submit the Reapplicant Request form  (login credentials required) to request that your previous application data be transferred over to the next available round of admission in the current application cycle. Please contact [email protected] should you have any questions or trouble logging in. You will receive a confirmation email once this process is complete, and can edit all or part of your application after it has been cloned.

When reapplying you are required to submit:

  • Short-answer question
  • Standard application essays
  • Reapplicant essay question 
  • One letter of recommendation
  • One-page resume 
  • Valid standardized test score 
  • Online application form 

If you request to clone your application, all data submitted from the prior year will carry into your application. Cloning provides a starting point for your application, and you are encouraged to provide updates and edits as needed to your application information, work history, and essays, as well as to answer any questions that may be new to this year's application. 

Reapplicant essay question

It is not uncommon for it to take more than one try to achieve a goal. Please share with us the self-reflection process that you underwent after last year's application and how you have grown as a result.  How did it shape your commitment to Fuqua and inspire your decision to reapply?


Reapplicants may use the same recommendation letter provided from last year, and that letter will be included in the cloning process if you choose. You have the option of submitting one additional recommendation letter if you wish. 

GMAT, GRE, and EA Scores

Reapplicants do not need to resend official GMAT, GRE, or Executive Assessment scores to us unless the scores have expired since your last application. We will accept scores up to 5 years old.

Application fee waivers are available to reapplicants. 

Fuqua is a member of the Consortium for Graduate Study in Management, an organization whose mission is to enhance diversity and inclusion in global business and education by striving to reduce the significant underrepresentation of African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans. 

We encourage anyone interested to apply to Fuqua through the Consortium application rather than directly to Fuqua.

  • The Consortium application has all the same questions and requirements that are detailed in the application information above.
  • Admissions criteria and the evaluation process are the same for those applying through the Consortium.
  • The Consortium application opens each year on August 15 and has two application deadlines: October 15 and January 5.
  • The Consortium application is only available for student applicants who are applying to our Daytime MBA program. Applicants to any other Fuqua program should apply through the Fuqua application.
  • You can learn more about the Consortium, their eligibility requirements, and apply through their website .

All applicants are required to complete the core set of application materials; however, non-U.S. applicants have additional application requirements and instructions, which are described below.

Application timing for international students

You are strongly encouraged to apply by the Round 3 deadline to ensure sufficient time for visa processing.

Transcripts and diplomas

Transcripts, diplomas, and academic records must be in English.

If your transcripts do not state the degree and date conferred, upload a copy of your diploma in addition to the transcript.

If your transcript is not in English, you must have it:

  • Uploaded in addition to the originals

The University Registrar, local U.S. Embassy/Consulate, or local Fulbright office/Education Advisor are appropriate sources to make and verify the transcript copy. If you are an international student whose university does not provide an English version of the transcript, you may submit a transcript from World Education Services (WES) in addition to your original language transcript from the university. 

  • Directly by mail in a sealed envelope to:

Duke University The Fuqua School of Business Office of Admissions 100 Fuqua Drive, Box 90120 Durham, NC 27708-0120

English as a Second Language test scores

Fuqua does not accept ESL test scores.  We will use other aspects of your application to assess language proficiency. 

If you are applying for the dual degree with the Nicholas School of the Environment (MBA/MEM), please note that ESL test scores are required to complete the MEM application.

Dual degree application instructions and timing vary by program. For the best guidance, please refer to the following links for more information:


Image of students in hallway

Examples of Our 25 Random Things

Daytime mba round 1 deadline.

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Tips for Duke Fuqua’s “25 Random Things” Essay


Gurufi.com helps clients brainstorm, build, write, and revise their personal statements. With 17 years of industry experience, Gurufi’s Ivy League-educated consultants and editors have helped thousands of applicants earn admission to their dream schools.

         Let’s face it: most MBA admissions essays are pretty much the same: what have you done, how do you fit, what do you hope to do? While it’s obviously smart to tailor these essays to particular schools, it’s also true that once you’ve written your first personal statement, you can repurpose much of that text for subsequent schools. But Duke Fuqua’s “25 Random Things” list / essay is its own thing.

         Now, as a consultant, I love this prompt because it forces people to break through the carefully constructed “Application Self” that they deploy anytime they’re trying to sell the best version of themselves and instead embrace the discomfort of moving beyond their controlled and comfortable self-presentations. That’s why this prompt works… and why it’s so confusing and borderline terrifying.

         Here at Gurufi, we’ve had great success helping people get into Duke, and in part it’s because of the advice we provide them when constructing this list, both in terms of what to select and how to say it. So here are seven tips that you can use, including a list of potential questions to ask to help you create a strong, personal, and effective list that reflects your personality, values, and yes, quirks. Remember, rather than focusing solely on professional achievements, this prompt asks for a glimpse into the more personal and human sides of candidates. Understanding how to tackle this essay

can set you apart in the admissions process.

  • Embrace the 'Random' but Keep It Relevant

The term 'random' may suggest that anything goes, but the best essays show a strategic selection of

facts that collectively paint a picture of who you are. Random does not mean irrelevant. Each fact should offer a fresh perspective or insight into your character, values, and how you engage with the world. Whether it's your knack for remembering obscure facts, a passion for salsa dancing, or your experience volunteering across continents, each tidbit should add a new color to the portrait you're presenting to the admissions committee. A good place to start is to ask three good friends: “suppose you were going to tell your mom about me. What stories about me would you include to give her a picture of who I was, what I cared about, and what I was like to be around?” These replies might give you some insights into things that people find most distinctive about your and / or what moments from your life best exemplify your personality and character.

  • “We, Not Me.” Your Character and Team Spirit

During a recent conversation with Duke Fuqua’s Russ Morgan , he noted that the admissions staff often keep an informal tally of how many times applicants use “me” versus “we.” The idea being that Duke cares deeply about collaboration and building a dynamic and interactive community, and as such want to see whether applicants view success as mostly personal as opposed to within the context of a shared goal. As such, your essay should reflect your ability to contribute to and thrive in a collaborative and collegial environment. Rather than simply stating that you work well in a team, share anecdotes that show your collaborative spirit in action. This could include a story about a time you resolved a conflict, led a group to success under tight deadlines, or went above and beyond to support a teammate.

  • Diversity and Cultural Competency Are Key

With a significant international student body and an emphasis on diverse perspectives, Fuqua

values cultural competency. Indeed, in recent years, the school has redoubled its efforts to make DEI a substantive part of its education. Your essay should highlight your experiences and comfort with diversity. Have you worked on global teams, navigated cross-cultural communication challenges, or learned a great deal from someone with a very different background? These stories can demonstrate your readiness to join and contribute to the diverse Fuqua community.

  • Honesty and Vulnerability Can Be Strengths

As a whole, your essay should have balance. This means showing successes and achievements, but also including a bit of quirkiness and also a few moments where you talk about vulnerabilities or setbacks. Admission officers are well aware that no candidate is perfect, and they appreciate honesty and self-awareness. Sharing a fear, a mistake, or a lesson learned shows maturity and depth. It reassures the admissions team that you are someone who is reflective, able to grow from experiences, and relatable. Similarly, talking a bit about passions outside of work can show that you’re well-rounded and also allow you to show that you’d bring some variety and spice to the incoming class.

In terms of writing an interesting set of random factoids, a great exercise for revision is to highlight every verb in the text. If you find that you are repeating verbs, especially “to be” (and its variants: am, was, were, are, etc.) then swap those out. Verbs show what you DID, which is ultimately the most important information in these essays. Give real attention to them.

  • Vary the Length and Depth to Create Dynamic Rhythm

Since you have a maximum word count (750), use it strategically. Not every entry needs to be a deep

dive; some can be short and light-hearted, while others may require more explanation. A mix of lengths and tones will keep the reader engaged and offer a more complete view of your multi-faceted personality.

  • I’m at 17, and I’m Stuck!!!

If you’re having trouble populating your list, here are some ideas that you can explore to generate additional items.

  • Regrets and Learning : Share a regret not just as a missed opportunity, but as a catalyst for future actions, showing your growth mindset and resilience.
  • Unique Skills as Superpowers : Relate a unique skill to how it has helped you in your career and personal life, showing your resourcefulness and impact on others.
  • Soft Spots and Personality : Your penchant for something unusual can reflect your creativity or unique way of seeing the world.
  • Quirks and Individuality : Your differences make you memorable. Illustrate how these quirks play into your life choices and interactions.
  • Ever got lost? Is there some city, place, or time that you remember with particular vividness? Why? What about that place or moment excites you still?
  • Pride and Accomplishments : Share what you're proud of with an emphasis on the journey, not just the destination.
  • Desires and Motivations : Talk about something you desire, not for its material value but for what it represents in your life story.
  • First Experiences : Reflect on a 'first' that was a turning point or a significant learning moment.
  • Wishes and Aspirations : Connect a deep wish to your overall narrative, showing how it aligns with your life’s mission.
  • What does your family mean to you? Are you close? A parent? How has family shaped your worldview? Are you a spunky youngest child? A deal-making middle kid? A confident and assertive oldest child?
  • Nicknames and Stories : Use a nickname to introduce a story that offers insight into your character and past experiences.
  • Likes with Meaning : Explain a like or preference in a way that reveals more about your personality or values.
  • Entrepreneurial Ventures : Describe a time you made money in an unconventional way, showing your initiative and problem-solving skills.
  • Conquering Fears : Share a fear you’ve overcome, the process behind it, and what it taught you about yourself.

Remember, the point of this essay isn’t to show that you’re perfect and amazing in 25 different ways. Lean into your individuality, and for each one, ask yourself “why?” and “why is this important?” View this essay / list as a chance to stand out as an individual and showcase the unique attributes you would bring to the Fuqua community. By being thoughtful, honest, and creative, you can craft an essay that will capture the attention of the admissions committee and help pave your way into the Duke MBA program.

For more help with your personal statement, check us out at Gurufi.com . Our personal statement editors and consultants have decades of experience helping clients get into top Masters and Ph.D. programs in STEM, humanities, fine arts, and social sciences. Our specialty is helping you craft compelling personal statements that move the needle in your admissions process! For questions, shoot us an email at [email protected] . Check us out on Facebook , Twitter , and LinkedIn .


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Duke Supplemental Essays 2024-25 – Prompts and Advice

July 26, 2024

With a 5.1% acceptance rate, getting into Duke in 2024-25 is now as daunting a challenge as gaining acceptance into just about any Ivy League school. While Duke University may immediately conjure up images of the “Cameron Crazies” decked out in devil masks and blue face paint, make no mistake—those rowdy-looking students are really as studious as they come. In fact, just about every single one of the individuals you see in those stands on television scored a 1500+ on the SAT or a 35+ on the ACT and earned a parade of A’s throughout a high school schedule overflowing with AP/IB/dual enrollment courses. This brings us to the topic of this blog – how to write the Duke supplemental essays.

(Want to learn more about How to Get Into Duke University? Visit our blog entitled:  How to Get Into Duke   for all of the most recent admissions data as well as tips for gaining acceptance.)

Given that almost 19 of every 20 applicants to Duke University are ultimately unsuccessful, you need to do everything you can to stand out amidst a sea of uber-qualified teens from around the globe. Through its one mandatory essay prompt and two optional offerings, the Duke University supplemental section still affords applicants an opportunity to highlight what makes them uniquely qualified for admission. Below are Duke’s supplemental prompts for the 2024-25 admissions cycle along with tips about how to address each one.

Required Duke Supplemental Essays – #1

1) what is your sense of duke as a university and a community, and why do you consider it a good match for you if there’s something in particular about our offerings that attracts you, feel free to share that as well. (250 word limit).

This is your quintessential “Why Us?” essay which comes with the typical pitfalls you’ll want to avoid. We don’t want to label these as “mistakes” (there is nothing inherently wrong with them). They just don’t add any needle-moving value, which is, of course, the only goal when you are applying to a school as selective as Duke.

Common components of a generic “Why Duke?” essay

  • Fawning over the beautiful campus (it is quite beautiful, but they already know that).
  • Duke’s rank, prestige, and reputation. Again, they know!
  • Too many generic expressions of feeling (e.g., Since I was five, I’ve dreamed of attending Duke… ).
  • Recycled statements from your other “Why Us?” essays that come across as stale, impersonal, or worst of all–irrelevant/inaccurate.
  • Talking about the Blue Devils basketball team.

How to write a winning “Why Duke?” essay

  • Make sure to address why Duke is the perfect fit for you  and  why you are the perfect fit for Duke. To do so, cite specific  academic programs , professors ,  research opportunities , experiential education programs ,  study abroad programs ,  student-run organizations , Duke’s mission , etc. Be sure to discuss how you plan to take advantage of your chosen resources.
  • Show evidence of how your past/current endeavors will carry over onto Duke’s campus.
  • Discuss any special talents and passions that you will bring to Duke.

Big-picture thoughts on the “Why Duke?” essay

In any “Why Us?” composition, you need to show that you’ve done your homework on a given school, but you don’t want it to read like a rote list of items that you Googled five minutes before writing the essay (even if the timing of the Google search is roughly accurate).

In addition to the pure research element, a lot of the time and skill required to create a stellar Duke essay will involve connecting your selected opportunities of to your distinct values, talents, aims, proficiencies, and future goals.

Duke Supplemental Optional Essays – Select 0-2 from the following list (250 word limit for each)

While these essays are technically “optional,” we advise every single applicant to Duke to opt in on at least one essay. (Note that Prompt #1 is often an ideal and natural choice). Remember, Duke is one of those rare schools that rejects students with near-perfect (or even perfect) academic credentials. It is essential that you showcase the characteristics and skills that make you one-of-a-kind.

1) We believe a wide range of personal perspectives, beliefs, and lived experiences are essential to making Duke a vibrant and meaningful living and learning community. Feel free to share with us anything in this context that might help us better understand you and what you might bring to our community.

Take note of the wide-open nature of this prompt. You are essentially invited to talk about any of the following topics:

  • A perspective you hold
  • An experience you had
  • A community you belong to
  • Your cultural background
  • Your family background

Although this prompt’s open floor plan may feel daunting, a good tactic is to first consider what has already been communicated within your Common App personal statement, activities list, and “Why Duke” essay. What important aspects of yourself have not been shared (or sufficiently discussed)? The admissions officer reading your essay is hoping to connect with you through your written words, so—within your essay’s reflection—be open, humble, thoughtful, inquisitive, emotionally honest, mature, and/or insightful about what you learned and how you grew. No matter what type of story you tell, the goal is to have the reader come away saying, “I can definitely see this applicant as a contributing member of our talented and engaged student community.”

Duke Supplemental Essays (Continued)

2) Tell us about an experience in the past year or two that reflects your imagination, creativity, or intellect.

Firstly, note that Duke provides a time range. Accordingly, you’ll need to choose an experience from either your sophomore or junior year (formal or informal) that reflects your intellect, imagination, or creativity. Whether it’s a general love for math/science or literature or your aerospace engineering internship or the short story collection you wrote, use this opportunity to dig into why your chosen experience resonates with, fascinates, and/or inspires you. Moreover, share how you pursued knowledge. Whether you fell down a Wikipedia rabbit hole about the nature of time or consumed thousands of hours of podcasts on game theory or learned coding so that you could build a website, this is a chance to illustrate the ways in which you are an obsessive learner with a thirst for information. The admissions reader should emerge from reading this essay with the sense that you are a sincerely curious young person with a strong intellectual drive.

3) We believe there is benefit in sharing and sometimes questioning our beliefs or values; who do you agree with on the big important things, or who do you have your most interesting disagreements with? What are you agreeing or disagreeing about?

The U.S. presently finds itself in an extreme state of polarization. There seems to be little agreement even as to what constitutes “truth” or “facts” Within this divided world, it can be hard for individuals with competing viewpoints to engage in civil and productive dialogue. Here, Duke is giving you the chance to show that you are an open-minded, intellectually curious, truth-seeking young person. Illustrate how you are willing to engage in conversations/debates with people who hold opposing positions on topics of great importance to you. One key thing to remember when addressing this prompt is that you don’t have to be the hero of the anecdote. In fact, you may be one who learned to expand their thinking.

Of course, you are also invited to share about a person you agree with. However, without any friction, this may be the least interesting of the two choices.

4) We recognize that not fully “fitting in” a community or place can sometimes be difficult. Duke values the effort, resilience, and independence that may require. Feel free to share with us circumstances where something about you is different and how that’s influenced your experiences or identity.

Do you feel that your lived experience is different from others in your peer group, family, or community, perhaps in regard to relationships, household income level, mental or physical challenges, neurodiversity, gender identity, sexual orientation, or cultural background, to name a few? If so, answering this prompt could be a good option. While crafting your response, the important thing to keep in mind is that the difference/challenge itself is  less important  than what it reveals about your character and perspective. What steps have you taken to cope with your chosen difference? How has it positively impacted you? How has it influenced your perspective and the way you engage with the world? Is there anything about your difference that you feel especially appreciative of?  Make sure you share what you were feeling and experiencing; this piece should demonstrate openness and vulnerability.

5) Duke’s commitment to inclusion and belonging includes sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. Feel free to share with us more about how your identity in this context has meaning for you as an individual or as a member of a community.

If you feel that an element of your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression is an important component of who you are, this is an ideal place to discuss that part of yourself. Moreover, Duke’s instructions are broad, allowing to you discuss personal and/or social impact. No matter the direction you choose, be sure to fully address why this part of your identity holds such significant meaning for you.

How important are the Duke supplemental essays?

There are eight factors that Duke University considers “very important” in evaluating a candidate and the essays are among them. In addition to the essays, Duke gives the greatest consideration to the rigor of an applicant’s secondary school record, GPA, standardized test scores, recommendations, extracurricular activities, talent/ability, and character/personal qualities.

Duke Supplemental Essays – Want Personalized Essay Assistance?

If you are interested in working with one of College Transitions’ experienced and knowledgeable essay coaches as you craft your Duke supplemental essays, we encourage you to  get a quote  today.

Need additional writing resources? Consider checking out the following:

  • Common App Essay Prompts
  • 10 Instructive Common App Essay Examples
  • College Application Essay Topics to Avoid
  • How to Quickly Format Your Common App Essay
  • Should I Complete Optional College Essays?
  • How to Brainstorm a College Essay
  • 25 Inspiring College Essay Topics
  • “Why This College?” Essay Examples
  • How to Write the Community Essay
  • College Essay

Andrew Belasco

A licensed counselor and published researcher, Andrew's experience in the field of college admissions and transition spans two decades. He has previously served as a high school counselor, consultant and author for Kaplan Test Prep, and advisor to U.S. Congress, reporting on issues related to college admissions and financial aid.

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Aringo Reviews

About aringo mba consulting.

Aringo is an admissions service focusing on students who have a score below 720 on the GMAT. This is a notable point. Great work experience is important, but many MBA applicants are equally qualified in terms of work experience. Without a strong GMAT score, applicants will not stick out. Students with low GMAT scores require other strategies to swaying admission committees.

This firm also publishes statistics on how often its applicants get into popular programs, with independent verification performed by Ernst & Young. Potential applicants should familiarize themselves with these numbers, as well as the results of their “admission chances calculator” provided free online.

Aringo offers a number of different services with each of its packages so students can focus on the support they need. For example, a student who is excellent at writing essays but nervous in interviews could opt for spending most of their time with an interview expert, rather than editing papers that are already good. These packages are available in 5, 7, and 10-hour setups, as well as a full service package to cover one school.

Their website also offers free materials, including published essay questions, tips for visiting campuses, and a thorough overview of the entire admissions process.

Aringo Cost and Contact Info

Prices vary based on the package, starting at $1,250 for the 5-hour package and $5200 for Full School Package – Unlimited, comprehensive support.  Discounts are available for high-performing students, and some refunds are available.

Aringo prefers to be contacted through their website here .

Aringo promo code

Be sure to mention the promo code MBAINSIGHT10 .

To view how Aringo stacks up, check out the link below:


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53 reviews for Aringo Reviews

Dar – May 13, 2024 :

I was recommended to Aringo by my partner, who also used their services. I was matched with Selim, and wholeheartedly can say, that was a match made in heaven. Selim is a consummate professional whose dedication to his clients is unparalleled. His insights and strategic advice were instrumental in helping me craft compelling application materials for my MBA journey. From refining my essays to preparing for interviews, Selim as well as other ARINGO members provided meticulous guidance every step of the way. His encouragement and expertise instilled confidence in me throughout the challenging process. With Selim’s assistance, I was accepted into Cornell Johnson Tech MBA, without a GMAT, a testament to his exceptional skills as a consultant. I wholeheartedly endorse Selim to anyone seeking top-notch guidance in achieving their academic goals.

Erez – May 13, 2024 :

Made it into Cornell Tech with a GMAT Waiver – a dream come true!

Working with Selim and the entire ARINGO team was an absolute game-changer for me. As I embarked on my MBA journey, The guidelines I received from ARINGO and Selim and their expertise were invaluable. Selim’s deep understanding of the admissions process and his personalized approach tailored to my strengths and aspirations ensured that I presented the best version of myself in my applications. Thanks to his support, I secured a spot at Cornell Johnson Tech MBA in New York, a dream come true. I highly recommend ARINGO and specifically Selim to anyone seeking expert assistance and mentorship in navigating the competitive world of MBA admissions.

Alex – April 8, 2023 :

Good material for reference. Very clear understanding

Alisha Jyoti – January 27, 2023 :

One of the most useful resources for my admission essays

Antonio La Gamba – December 30, 2022 :

Aringo was great in helping me with providing a plethora of resources!

Ayush Verma – September 19, 2022 :

I am highly thankful for Aringo for providing really valuable resources, including, but not limited to, the sample essays from past applicants. These essays helped me keep a framework in my mind and then build upon my own story.

Vishi – September 19, 2022 :

Alok – September 19, 2022 :

Very insightful and supportive team; helped me throughout the process

McViey – September 18, 2022 :

2 admits with 50K and 60k scholarship with R1 submissions and 730 on GMAT.

I worked with them for 3 schools. Their process was structured, but it seems to be pretty standard. I feel if I had put in the time and not had the assumption that, “damn these are professionals, they must know something more than me”, I could have saved money on the expensive consulting. I am not saying that they did anything bad; they were helpful and nice. I am just saying that the same results could have been achieved with fewer resources. If I had to do it all over again, I would hire them for 1 school – learn the process and key drivers, and then use ApplicantLab for the next schools. This way I would have the best value for money proposition. Anyways I got in with a decent scholarship so can’t complain much.

Eyal – August 2, 2022 :

2 admits with 60K scholarship with R3 submissions and 660 on GMAT!!!

When I got 660 on my GMAT, I knew I had to compromise on my school list. But Shimri and Jen gave me the much-needed confidence and motivated me. Starting from the initial consultation, I received customized and tailored advice. I was matched with the best consultant based on my background and goals, and it was a perfect fit! My consultant had a wealth of knowledge and love the fact that she was very straightforward. Her ability to focus on even the smallest details, strong points, and potential flaws was overwhelming (which eventually helped). If there is ANY possibility any part of my application might have a positive or negative effect on the assessment she WILL find it, point it out and work with you to highlight or address it- Relentlessly.

Madhav Rangarajan – May 11, 2022 :

Loved the entire journey, was easy to access the consultant as well as Shimri himself. Here are things which they do better than everyone else, since I have worked with 3 more services during my application:

1. The insights from multiple rounds of essay review/enrichment was deep, relevant and different from easily found online information/current students 2. They really helped build my application around my strengths and story – instead of imposing something else 3. Very strong at helping form meaningful connections with folks from the school you might apply to 4. Probably the best profile assessment – which enables accurate representation of chances with top B-schools (and they are amazing at pointing out what you can do/how you can apply to improve your odds). Also very candid about what is un-realistic helping you save time and money 5. Easily accessible, very quick turnaround and VERY professional consultants who are alumni of the best schools and have had experience in adComs of various schools

Watch a gmatClub vidoe featuring Shimri in it, you’ll feel confident about working with Aringo.

Applied to a handful of top MBA programs, attending ESADE from 22′! 🙂

MBA Program & Grad Year: ESADE MBA - 2024 Your MBA Application & School Advice: NA

Siddharth – May 1, 2022 :

I signed up for multiple full school packages. The consultants took the time to listen to my stories and highlighted key turn-around points in my career. With their help, I could truly bring out the best in my stories and the essays appeared much more coherent with my life & goals.

Their interview prep was spot on. I entered the actual interviews with much more confidence and I could present my best self with meaningful stories.

The only point of improvement is that the agency did not advise on school short-list initially. They were happy to help me apply to my dream schools but somewhere I would have preferred hearing their selection…

MBA Program & Grad Year: UW Foster School of Business 2024 Your MBA Application & School Advice: Focus on one thing at a time. I got GMAT out of my way first and with my score, I knew the range of schools I could target. Don't focus a lot on school rankings. It is important to find your fit with the school culture. Ultimately, GMAT is just a number and it doesn't guarantee you a spot in the M7s or the Ivy Leagues. I learned this the hard way having spent two years applying to B-Schools when I could have started my MBA journey much sooner. The GMAT application is a journey filled with introspection. I believe it has made me learn so much about myself.

Ben – April 26, 2022 :

Thanks for collecting this review

I would like to mention Aringo MBA Admissions Consulting – they are truly the best and most professional consultants out there!

I worked with them on 4 MBA applications after working last year with one of the other consulting firms which are on your list and are priced higher. it is really hard to compare my two experiences but I will try. Aringo was awesome in terms of the number of interactions (daily), details (my consultant was “on me” daily, reminding me about my deliverables), amount of caring I felt throughout the process from Aringo’s CEO, Jen, and of course the result (2 admits to M7 Ivy League schools…) All these were lacking last year when working with the other firm, which mainly consisted of some emails.

Thanks Aringo. Love working with you and happy to share my experience with anyone who wants to compare. Columbia or Wharton? Still haven’t made my mind up about the two of you… help……

MBA Program & Grad Year: Wharton 2024 Your MBA Application & School Advice: My advice is this: 1. Invest time in the GMAT (I took me nearly 6 months) 2. Wait for the right moment (I rushed my application last year, in R2, instead of waiting for this year and doing things properly) 3. Work on your apps a lot (I used Aringo, they were great) 4. Choose your school list according to your criteria

Omer – January 27, 2022 :

I first heard about Aringo from someone I really trust, my sister, who got into Stern with Aringo’s and Mark’s help. When I spoke to Shimri and Mark I was blown away. They both helped me decide on the best school that fits my needs (HEC) and they were able to quickly help me bring out the best stories to tell in my application, improve my resume, and put forward great essays. Mark was very organized and helped me to get everything done well before the deadline. He has a collaborative style and is very easy to work with. I am now all set to join the HEC – all thanks to Mark and Aringo.

MBA Program & Grad Year: HEC EMBA 2023 Your MBA Application & School Advice: HEC's EMBA program is great, both the at the academic level and at the personal level. For those of you hoping to get a great European MBA education, HEC is a great choice.

Yoni – January 26, 2022 :

I got in touch with Aringo in March, immediately after the GMAT. While I knew the application deadlines are in September, I wanted to make the most of the time. Joy Pincus was assigned to me and she was awesome. She helped me with profile enhancement and networking. She helped me identify the aspects of my profile that made my story compelling. The clarity of thoughts was effectively communicated in my essays. Her guidance helped me prepare to stand out essays that were very much needed for getting a positive result from top-notch schools. Her magic worked indeed. I got multiple interview calls and was eventually admitted from 2. One of the schools gave a generous USD 100,000 fellowship. I owe my success to Aringo.

MBA Program & Grad Year: Booth 2024 Your MBA Application & School Advice: Never focus on what you think AdComs want to hear -- that'll only make you blend in. Lean into what makes you different -- that's what makes you stand out!

Noy – January 24, 2022 :

I got in touch with ARINGO in 2019, when I was working on my GMAT. Shimri advised me on an action plan and timelines which was super helpful. When eventually I got the desired score, I reached out to them again (obviously) and we had a detailed discussion on my profile and target schools. Shimri connected me with Lainie and shared the application strategy. From brainstorming ideas, editing essays, conducting mock interviews, there is no way I could have made it through this application process without ARINGO’s help. The feedback on essays by Lainie was honest and I could tell that she really wanted me to succeed. There were times when I thought the essays were school-ready but she pushed me to improvise them further. The result- Admits from Chicago, Kellogg, Stern and Yale most with scholarships. Thank you thank you thank you

MBA Program & Grad Year: Kellogg, 2024 Your MBA Application & School Advice: Kellogg Booth HBS Stanford Wharton NYU Columbia Yale

Apoorva Tyagi – September 20, 2021 :

Aringo provided me with a top class advisor, who had himself graduated from Sloan so knew exactly what he was doing. He pushed me to write a strong essay and didn’t sugarcoat his feedback – which is exactly what I needed to make it through. Would HIGHLY recommend Aringo!

MBA Program & Grad Year: UCLA Anderson School of Management, 2022 Your MBA Application & School Advice: Look into the culture of every school and see what resonates most with you - very important for B school!

Victoria – May 11, 2021 :

With aringo it is not just a client-consultant relationship, these guys are committed to your success as much as you are. Be it Jen or Shimri, I connected with them in my first conversation itself. They bring instant positivity. I worked with Shimri directly as I was targeting London Business School (and he knows the school in and out). He took time to learn about my background and how my goals should be devised. At every step, I was guided well and they encouraged me to be my true self which actually worked! I

I got my LBS’ admit offer and could not be happier.

MBA Program & Grad Year: LBS 2022 Your MBA Application & School Advice: Use LinkedIn and attend MBA events to network with the school's Alumni and team.

Rianaah – April 24, 2021 :

Yes, getting a good score on GMAT is difficult but sailing through the application process is another level of the grueling task. Initially, I thought that I will handle it on my own but I was wrong. The final essay was so bad even after multiple rounds of feedback from family and friends. I then started looking for consultants and got to know about ARINGO. After an initial free consultation, I got onboard them with Mark as my consultant. Mark very patiently looked through all my drafts and cited the obvious flaws in my story (which were not so obvious for me). I dreaded that I have to rework everything again but Mark had an amazing way through language. Through his comments, I revised the essay but did not miss the original theme of the essay. It was all still me saying out the stories. When your essays are strong your interviews echo confidence. By the end of the interview, I somehow knew I have got the seat – it was so good! Thank you so much Mark and ARINGO for the helping with the Kellogg admit.

MBA Program & Grad Year: Kellogg 2022 Your MBA Application & School Advice: Do not do reverse consulting

Parth – April 2, 2021 :

My first piece of advice would be when you look for a consultant, try talking to as many as you can. The idea is not only who is an expert of your target school but how comfortable you are working with him/her. This is because, at the end of the day, no one will be writing your stories. The rapport with your consultant will only help you to bring the best in you. The same was the case was with me. I was not much confident with my score. Though I had certifications like CA, CFA, etc. I just did not want to settle for any college. Jenifer with Shay understood my plans and ambitions well. They kept on sending me edits (generally before the promised time) to keep up with my schedule and not compromising with the quality. Interview prep was amazingly supportive. I managed to get two admits- INSEAD and Kelley. It is a happy feeling to get into a school that you always thought was beyond reach. Thank you, team!

MBA Program & Grad Year: INSEAD 2021 Your MBA Application & School Advice: Believe in your stories.

Welrine – April 1, 2021 :

Sriram was extremely helpful in targeting me on those areas of the applications which needed the most attention. He helped me refine my essays, shared the relevant resources, and interview readiness. The process laid out for me was not only efficient but also took care that my application is submitted early resulting in the admit of my preferred school- Yale. I recommend Sriram with all my heart because of his mentoring and guidance.

MBA Program & Grad Year: Yale 2022 Your MBA Application & School Advice: Have some questions ready to ask to the panel, post the interview completion (an be smart in choosing those!)

Bandy – March 23, 2021 :

I was interested in Aringo’s consulting because it is one of the few firms where it is not a one-man show. While they assign a consultant (I got the best- Jenifer), they have specialists for every task. Your application undergoes so many rounds of edit and checks that the end product is something like a diamond made from coal.

In the brainstorming session, my thoughts were refined and Jenifer directed me to career goals that suit best my candidature. I became more confident after each essay and could see the transformation. Jenifer was always available when my application needed attention or any ad hoc question. This all resulted in my admit to Warwick Business School.

I have already told my happy experience with Aringo to my friends and peers who are considering applying to B schools.

MBA Program & Grad Year: Warwick 2021 Your MBA Application & School Advice: Do research not only on schools but also on scholarship availability.

Joy – March 22, 2021 :

While I knew I wanted to pursue MBA, I was not very familiar with the admission process. I wanted a consultant who can do justice with my story and should highlight what is needed in my MBA application. In the complimentary call with Jenifer, she was able to answer the specific questions that I have about my work profile, goals, etc.

I then filled the profile summary document and prepared the resume in the format suggested by the team. I then waited for the strategy team to come with their insights which were indeed valuable. Jenifer and Jason then helped me to narrow down my strengths and weakness. What I liked about them is that they don’t impose their thoughts. They suggest understanding if the client is able to resonate with that and then proceed. At every step, there was a team effort and they are very approachable. An admit with Cornell happened because of team aringo. Thank you so much!

MBA Program & Grad Year: Cornell 2021 Your MBA Application & School Advice: Think through when you share your information and stories with the consultants. You might find a few stories irrelevant but your consultants might feel otherwise. :)

Phuc – March 15, 2021 :

I took Aringo’s consulting services and I am happy to receive admission to the school of my choice. I appreciate the team’s promptness in answering my queries and just being there for me. I highly recommend Jenifer and loved the support from the team.

MBA Program & Grad Year: Columbia University 2021 Your MBA Application & School Advice: Be unique in telling your stories!

Harshi – March 12, 2021 :

I needed help with organizing my ideas into a story that is compelling enough to impress the top schools.

Aringo helped me doing exactly what I wanted which resulted in more than what I expected. Sessions with Jen were helpful on how to make the essays and resume highlight my achievements. Jason’s storytelling skills are strong enough to help me create essays that could paint a picture in a reader’s mind.

MBA Program & Grad Year: HBS 2022 Your MBA Application & School Advice: Start early and do the networking

Arya – March 12, 2021 :

Doing an MBA was never in my mind in my graduation days. Hence, I did not pay much attention to my extracurriculars, my early career, etc. which all play very important roles in the MBA applications. I decided to take personalized mentorship so that I can put my best foot forward.

Working with Jen has been a fantastic experience. I was juggling many tasks both in personal and professional space. However, Aringo helped me managing my time optimally. When sharing my essays, I had clear and intelligent feedbacks along with the next action items. It made the process easy for me which otherwise is very daunting. Shay helped me prepare my resume in the Oxford template. As I mentioned I did not have many stories to write, Aringo still made me carved out wonderful essays. Oxford happened because of Jen and Shay. I 100% recommend them for applications.

MBA Program & Grad Year: Oxford 2021 Your MBA Application & School Advice: Make sure you shine beyond professional experience as well...

Bill – March 10, 2021 :

I still remember how lost I was when I decided to do MBA applications on my own. Preparing a stellar MBA application is a herculean task. That’s when I started reaching out and got to know about ARINGO from a friend of mine. I knew I was a little late in the game and I was worried about crafting my story and articulating why I was ready to get my MBA. Jen gave the confidence that I have enough to pull a good application and I would not have to compromise. I was quickly assigned Derin Raji and she was super prompt. In the brainstorming session, I was happy to see the analysis that was done on my profile by the strategy team. My narrative was clear and logical. Once the essay work started, Derin helped me to bring the part of my stories that resonated with each school I was applying to. The resume and recommendation letters, everything complemented each other. I was very satisfied with my final applications. I got into Rice University in round 2 and was very happy with the admit! I loved the way I was coached by Jen and Derin! Thank you guys?

MBA Program & Grad Year: Rice 2021 Your MBA Application & School Advice: The earlier the better

Jonathan – March 10, 2021 :

I knew my profile was good but never knew it was MIT good?. As my job is super stressful and demanding, I could not allocate enough time for the GMAT exam. I did not want to compromise on the business school I would study at and was planning to skip the entire MBA plan. But, I didn’t, and all thanks to Aringo. Danielle Marom, Jenifer, Shimri, Sriram and the entire Aringo team helped me to think, strategize, and effectively execute the best possible application.

For those who are considering working with an MBA consultant, I cannot recommend Aringo enough!

MBA Program & Grad Year: MIT Sloan 2023 Your MBA Application & School Advice: The team is incredibly knowledgeable about the requirements of the admission process. I was highly impressed by their professionalism and attentiveness. From the strategy stage, their experts focused both on my strengths and weakness, choosing the best narrative to show the school. Danielle ensured that my application is presented in the best possible manner to the Adcom. They understood that I am playing all my cards on one school, and left no stone unturned to bring out the best. When I got the admission letter from Sloan – I was super thrilled.

Steve J – March 4, 2021 :

Simply the best-Got into Wharton with a USD 145k scholarship! do I need to say anything else?

MBA Program & Grad Year: Wharton 2022 Your MBA Application & School Advice: Reaching out to ARINGO was the best decision made for my MBA applications. Shimri and Chaya guided me from day one and helped me with everything that I needed for my applications. I come from an unorthodox background, both personally and professionally, and ARINGO helped me turn my diversity into my strength! They helped me align my essays, shaping my resume, etc. ARINGO’s process is very streamlined and they are very resourceful. I applied to various top programs with a 710 on GMAT and got 5 out of 5 interviews. The result- I received admits from MIT, Wharton, and Kellogg! The icing on the cake was Wharton admit with a whooping USD 145K scholarship!!! I could have never got 3 M7 admits without ARINGO. Kudos to you guys!

Adi C – March 2, 2021 :

4 Admits-Highly recommend!

After my GMAT was sorted, I had to start working on my applications. All the consultant seems to be equally good and it was hard to find the right fit. I had a counseling session with Jenifer and instantly liked her. She advised me on the schools that I can apply to and paired me with Jason Bond who was a true mentor in every sense. The team has school specialists and what they bring to the table makes your application unique. I felt like I had decent credentials but I was totally lost on how to showcase the story. Jason helped me to identify the right stories and building the theme of the applications. He helped clean up my storytelling and provided valuable feedback to smoothen the rough edges. I was confident that my applications are strong and interview calls proved the same. I had multiple rounds of mock interview sessions and got offers from 4 schools!!! Jenifer and Jason exceeded expectations- Thanks Aringo!

MBA Program & Grad Year: Rice Your MBA Application & School Advice: Take time for GMAT preparation but focus on MBA application equally. While GMAT is important, how you present your case makes the difference in your applcation

Abhi – March 1, 2021 :

With an average GMAT score and from an over-represented demographic, I did not hope much from the applications. I started talking to different admission consultants and they thought the same. But Jen was an exception. She brought the peculiar points in my profile which even I failed to look at. That was the deal maker and I knew Aringo could make an outstanding case out of an ordinary applicant like me. Jason Bond – my wonderful consultant made the crazy process of application super simplified. There was so much I did not know about the process but Jason was a lifesaver. I will always remember the level of commitment from the Aringo team who helped me with shaping my resume, essays, short questions, and interview preparation. I was accepted in IE and wholeheartedly recommend Aringo to every MBA aspirant.

MBA Program & Grad Year: IE & 2020 Your MBA Application & School Advice: 1) Ensure that you go through the documents required for the application well in advance- like a transcript, video essay, resume in a particular format, passport, photograph, etc. This will avoid last-minute rush and problems. 2) Also, always prefer uploading documents in pdf (unless advise otherwise) to avoid formatting issues. 3) Name your files properly. :)

A.S. – March 1, 2021 :

I worked with Shimri for my applications and I am glad I chose aringo. Shimri took time to understand my background, my career goals, strengths, and weakness before jumping on anything. The brainstorming session played a key role in how my story should be created and the team knows what the school is looking for in an application. We spent hours on essays until it was perfect. With the combined effort I got an offer from INSEAD which was like dream come true. I was elated beyond words on receiving the admission letter. Thank you Shimri for being a tremendous coach!

MBA Program & Grad Year: INSEAD & 2020 Your MBA Application & School Advice: Take time to do your research on schools. This really makes your application unique

Roei – February 15, 2021 :

ARINGO- Best Coach! Best Results!

I did some research on many admissions consulting firms and decided to go with Aringo due to a recommendation I got from a close friend who got into MIT the previous year with their assistance. When I made my decisions, little did I know that this will be one of the best decisions I ever made! The one thing that I loved about Gwen and every single one of the ARINGO reviewers is that they don’t sugar coat. They are brutally honest with the feedback at every stage from strategy, school selection, resume, essay to interview. I could always count on the team with their critical feedback. My story for each essay was finalized and they helped me to put across the unique aspects of my profile with customizations to each school. With the guidance of Gwen and Shimri I wasaccepted to 2 top B-school and had the chance to pick the one that is best fit for me. Huge thanks ARINGO!

MBA Program & Grad Year: 2023 Your MBA Application & School Advice: It's important to have a good connection with your advisor.

Penny – February 4, 2021 :

Thanks Aringo. I really enjoyed working with you. worth every penny

MBA Program & Grad Year: Yale 2022 Your MBA Application & School Advice: I worked with Aringo on 4 schools. As I come from a family business, I didn't have many achievements to show. Aringo really helped me shape my story, prepare the essays, CV and entire applications. I received 3 interviews. Aringo prepare me to all and I am happy to say I received 2 acceptances (NYU and Yale) Jenifer, Sriram and team - you are the best!

Raviv Sapir – September 24, 2020 :

Highly recommend ARINGO to anyone who’s applying for an MBA. 10/10!!

MBA Program & Grad Year: HEC 2021 Your MBA Application & School Advice: Find a consultant that you have a good connection with and you trust.

Eduardo Perticarrari Mucci – August 30, 2020 :

I didn’t think that my chances of getting into a good MBA program were high. My work experience was all outside of the US and my GMAT was not as high as I would have liked. Sriram helped my focus my application on all of the positive aspects of having international experience, and we made sure that the rest of my application looked good. Thank you Sriram!

MBA Program & Grad Year: Babson College 2018 Your MBA Application & School Advice: Figure out how to spin the negative parts of your profile/application.

Adhish Bhobe – August 27, 2020 :

If I could give Jen/Sriram 6 stars, I would! I would never have gotten into Duke without their help. I couldn’t recommend ARINGO highly enough to anyone that is applying to MBA programs.

MBA Program & Grad Year: Duke 2019 Your MBA Application & School Advice: The cost is totally worth it. ARINGO lead me not only to my dream school, but also to working in some of the most prestigious companies in the world!

Joseph Shawn – August 26, 2020 :

Working with Sriram made my dreams come true. I never thought that when I received my GMAT grade that I would still be able to go to my dream school. I stumbled upon ARINGO and from the first time I spoke to Sriram, I realized that despite my low GMAT, my top schools were still in reach. After working together on my application I got into one of my top schools, Cornell! Thank you Sriram and thank you ARINGO!!!

MBA Program & Grad Year: Cornell 2022 Your MBA Application & School Advice: Be yourself, do not lose hope from a low GMAT score. Try to make the rest of your application stellar!

Joy Gilbert – August 24, 2020 :

INSEAD with 640 – do I need to say more?

I loved my work with Shay from Aringo. Well actually, I loved Jenifer, Sriram, Prasanth, Lainie and the entire Aringo team. He worked with Shay on INSEAD, IESE and LBS I received 3 interviews and got into two schools. The level of documents I started with and finally submitted is uncomparable. and the feedback, interview prep, and guidelines along the way, were amazing!

All in all, could not be happier Thanks Aringo

MBA Program & Grad Year: INSEAD 2022 Your MBA Application & School Advice: I did a lot of research spoke to 4 MBA consulting firms and chose to work with experts on the schools I wanted + Aringo specialize in working with candidates with low GMATs...

B Esbin – February 11, 2020 :

I used Aringo’s admission chances calculator as a way to narrow down my search for business schools. It was a thorough and reasonable calculation of the options as well as how I could make changes in my overall profile to improve my admissions chances.

MBA Program & Grad Year: Fuqua 2022 Your MBA Application & School Advice: Definitely use their site as a way to gauge your likelyhood of admission at various programs.

Sydney Miranda – August 5, 2019 :

Thanks aringo! Worked with David, Derin, Sriram, Jenifer, Shimri and the aringo team on 2 MBA applications (after being dinged from 3 in round 1 with no interview) My application was 500% better I got into Wharton and HBS What else could I ask for 🙂 not cheap, but worth every penny!

MBA Program & Grad Year: Harvard 2021 Your MBA Application & School Advice: I was not sure if to use consulting services. I spoke before round 1 to about 6-7 consulting services and I felt all did the same (match me up with a school alumnus and take a lot of money) I felt I could do it on my own then, after being rejected in round 1, my GMAT tutor Vinay, told me about aringo. they really do things differently and I felt I am working together with them on my applications. they bring into the process many consultants and kept showing me ways of doing things differently. I didn't expect two interviews at both Wharton and Harvard and I didn't expect to be accepted to both, but I was! So, I might be the first "no interview at Stern, but got into HBS" out there, and all thanks to aringo!

David Hammer – March 10, 2019 :

I am also assuming they are a lot of fake reviews here. mine isn’t… I had to pleasure of working with aringo on 2 schools. my consultant (Sriram) was excellent. he guided me along the way. brought into the process other experts when needed. and was there for me on a daily basis when I needed him. he also went out and beyond helping me choose between the two offers I received (MIT and CBS -> very tough choice).

MBA Program & Grad Year: Columbia MBA 2019 Your MBA Application & School Advice: start early, as the process does take time good luck to everyone

Shila – February 4, 2019 :

Thanks aringo – for making a stressful situation easier. We applied together to 4 schools and I got into 2. Wharton was my dream school all along, so no-brainer on which school to choose. I love it here!

From strategy to essays to interview prep aringo were there for me. Well done.

MBA Program & Grad Year: Wharton 2018 Your MBA Application & School Advice: Advise: I have read here some more comments and agree with all of them: do school research. Throughout your application I was asked why this school, and the fact that I visited the campus and spoke to students really made the difference. Good luck to all candidates

Abiodun – July 27, 2018 :

I stumbled on the Aringo’s website while I was preparing my essays and I was very happy I’d find them. The guidance was very clear enough. They had a lot of sample essays to work with and seems affordable. I also recommended their website to my recommenders as they were first time recommenders to an MBA program and did not know the structure of the write-up.

MBA Program & Grad Year: Stanford Graduate School of Business/2019 Your MBA Application & School Advice: Please spend sometime looking at the sample letters posted and i can tell you that you'd want to work with them.

CBS2019 – July 5, 2018 :

Aringo pros – They have various price plans and, although I took the most comprehensive plan, overall I got from them the cheapest quote. Tim my consultant was amazing. Michelle, the CEO, talked to me every few days to make sure I was on track. besides them, because I took the full comprehensive package, I also got my essays and applications reviewed by 3 different consultants.

Cons – yes, it is pricey , but as I got into the school I wanted, it is absolutely worth it

MBA Program & Grad Year: Columbia 2019 Your MBA Application & School Advice: I absolutely loved ARINGO. I worked with Tim, applied in r2 to only 3 schools, but got into 2 of them, with a little scholarship. I applied to 3 schools and got into two. I chose Columbia as I really want to experience the Big Apple My advice - research the schools . Aringo can definitely help you get in, but it is up to you to decide which school to go to...

Dan – July 16, 2017 :

Being that I had limited funds to spend on a consultant I throughly researched the differing admissions consulting agencies before selecting ARINGO. I was especially attracted to ARINGO because of it’s flexible packages and prices and I must say I was blown away with the experience! I My consultant, Sriram, was incredibly responsive, he offered amazing feedback on my resume and essays, and he was especially judicious in how we used the hours I had spent! I was fortunate to get into Yale SOM, NYU Stern, and Stanford GSB and Sriram was integral in crafting my essays. I have to point out my Stanford GSB essays in particular because I submitted what I thought was a wonderful essay and would have used up my final hour for that essay. Sriram, knowing I could do better, gave me a fantastic set of notes and told me he only used half an hour for the essays so he could take a look at the next draft. ARINGO went above an beyond my expectation and I know I wouldn’t be attending Stanford GSB if it weren’t for the amazing feedback!

MBA Program & Grad Year: Stanford 2018

Abhay – July 7, 2017 :

Had a wonderful experience working with my consultant. Chaya who is the CEO of the company was very accommodating and always present to discuss any issue.


Gina – February 23, 2017 :

I’m what these companies would call a non-traditional applicant, meaning I have a very unique background and goals after my MBA and so on.

Therefore, I wanted to make sure I was working with someone who really understood me, what makes me different and why I need an MBA. While I talked to several different admissions consultancy companies, I didn’t get the feeling most of them “got it”. I could just tell by the recommendations they would make but Aringo was really different. I got a different feel from them and decided to have them help me get accepted to my dream school. I am glad I did, because as a first time applicant, I got in! Which might not sound as impressive as it really was, because going into the process I really had no idea what I was doing. So I was lucky the Aringo guys were so patient and understanding of “newbies” like me!

MBA Program & Grad Year: HEC PARIS, 2017

Talia – December 4, 2016 :

I had a really great experience with Aringo. I was teamed up with a consultant the fit my needs perfectly and really helped me turn around my application. I also had three mock interviews with other consultants at the company which were very helpful. I feel like I wouldn’t have gotten in without them.

MBA Program & Grad Year: Stern 2018 Your MBA Application & School Advice: Apply to the schools that actually specialize in what you are passionate about. Talk to students at these various schools. The vibe really differs from school to school and understanding where you best fit will make the application come more naturally.

Alon – June 1, 2016 :

Pro: They took me as a candidate with bad GPA, low work experience, and high GMAT score, who also applied on round 3, and got me in a top school. Couldn’t ask for more. The consultant who worked with me invested a lot of work working with me on my resume and essays. I had no idea how to do it myself. Also, being under round 3’s deadline, we didn’t have too much time and he did a great job helping me meet deadline.

Cons: Looking back at my application I think I could, today as an MBA graduate, do the application myself slightly better, at least for some of the essays I wrote.

MBA Program & Grad Year: 2015 Your MBA Application & School Advice: Not a good question here - really depends on the school. - Generally, I think you need to know the school exceptionally well - classes, curriculum, etc. - Make sure you point out what value you add to the program. - Show them you want to get in the program more than anything else.

Greg Nemeth – May 23, 2016 :

Didn’t use the actual consulting service, but I used their free admissions % tool extensively and it was extremely helpful.

MBA Program & Grad Year: Wharton 2016 Your MBA Application & School Advice: Find what makes you stand out from the crowd and play it up big

Jason Limb – April 25, 2016 :

Had a great experience working with my consultant for all of my schools. He helped me with everything from organizing and developing my story to helping strengthen my essays and when the time came, interview prep. He was very candid and straightforward.

MBA Program & Grad Year: Duke Fuqua / 2017 Your MBA Application & School Advice: Be diligent and disciplined so that you do not lose focus. Give yourself as much time as possible to set yourself up for success. Go 100% at each application.

sameer – April 13, 2016 :

the most optimal consulting package for me. in terms, of price/school aringo is very competitive. consultant was very helpful and they also provided a discount. overall, I was very happy with the service

MBA Program & Grad Year: stern/ 2016 Your MBA Application & School Advice: the most optimal consulting package for me. in terms, of price/school aringo is very competitive. consultant was very helpful and they also provided a discount. overall, I was very happy with the service

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Date: Tuesday, October 1, 2024 | 06:00 pm EDT

Price:  Free

Location:  Brambly Park 1708 Belleville St., Richmond, Virginia  23230 United States

Join fellow Duke alum to discuss the 2024 Duke Common Experience book which looks at the complexity of the climate crisis. "All We Can Save" is an anthology of writings by 60 women at the forefront of the climate movement.  


There is a renaissance blooming in the climate movement: leadership that is more characteristically feminine and more faithfully feminist, rooted in compassion, connection, creativity, and collaboration. While it’s clear that women and girls are vital voices and agents of change for this planet, they are too often missing from the proverbial “table.” More than a problem of bias, it’s a dynamic that sets us up for failure. To change everything, we need everyone. 

Intermixing essays with poetry and art, this book is both a balm and a guide for knowing and holding what has been done to the world, while bolstering our resolve never to give up on each other or our collective future. We must summon truth, courage, and solutions, to turn away from the brink and toward life-giving possibility. Curated by two climate leaders, this book is a collection and celebration of visionaries who are leading us on a path toward all we can save. 

Thank you to Corell Moore B.S.E.'84, P'11 for hosting this event!


Event Contact Corell Moore B.S.E.'84, P'11

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