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Happiest Day of My Life Essay for Students in English [Easy Words]

January 15, 2021 by Sandeep

The Happiest Day of My Life Essay: Some days are memorable and cherished for a lifetime. A rare moment on a special day undoubtedly becomes the happiest day in a person’s life. It brings joy and happiness to the person and creates room for celebration. Enthusiasm fills in the person’s heart, and his happiness seems to have no barriers. Prosperity, success, achievement and accomplishments are well-defined moments when we feel the happiest.

Essay on Happiest Day of My Life in 500 Words

Below we have provided Happiest Day of My Life Essay in English, suitable for class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10.

“ Happiness does not depend on what we have; it depends on how we feel towards what we have. We can be happy with little and miserable with much.” ~ William D. Hoard

Fighting with our friends is a now and then activity. But what is even more common? Having arguments with our parents. I am going to tell you about an episode that happened in my life when I was in the 10th standard. I used to go to my tuition classes from 5 pm to 7 pm every Monday to Friday. One evening, when I was walking down the stairs of the tuition centre, my friends and I decided to stop and eat ice cream. I knew my taste buds were about to be delighted!

After finishing my ice cream, I bid farewell to my friends, took an auto and reached home. I could see my mother standing at the gate and my father about to start the car. My mother’s eyes were watery. But I could sense that she breathed a sigh of relief the moment she saw me. As soon as I entered the drawing-room, my mother and my father walked in behind me. They were now looking at me angrily.

They started shouting at me. They asked me why I was late and why I hadn’t informed them. My parents said that they were extremely worried about me. My mother told me that she couldn’t stop thinking that something terrible had happened to me. My father reminded me that in a city like Delhi, where the crime rate is so high, I ought to be more careful and responsible. I felt irritated and agitated by their sudden outburst.

I still remember the exact words that I uttered out of my mouth, “When did eating an ice cream become such a big crime? Why do you have to overreact all the time? I wish I didn’t have parents; maybe then I would’ve been entitled to some freedom. It is impossible to live with you.” My parents turned silent, and I went stomping into my room.

The next day my father told us to get into the car, but he didn’t disclose where we were going. Everyone remained silent for the whole trip. In about 25 minutes, the car came to a halt in front of an orphanage. I did not know what my father had in mind. We all made our way into the orphanage, and my father told me to interact with the kids there.

All the kids at the orphanage were very welcoming and warm. None of them had any parents. A lot of them told me their stories. Reshma, a girl of 10, said to me that her mother died while giving birth to her and she never saw her dad. She was brought here when she was just a baby.

An orphanage is not the most amusing place. The rooms there were small and cramped. They did not have an air conditioner or even a cooler. None of them had been to a restaurant or an amusement park. They rarely got a cake or chocolates to eat. None of the toys that they had was in good condition. Sneha, another girl at the orphanage, told me that there were many nights when she felt lonely.

She told me, “Not one day has passed when I haven’t missed my parents. I would give anything in the world to be with them for just one day.” I realized that the things we take for granted, they dream of them. I walked out towards the main gate and saw my parents talking to the caretaker. I had never been happier to see them. That day I learnt the value of having parents, the importance of having a family.

I ran towards my mother, hugged her and burst into tears. That day was the best and indeed the happiest of my life. I realized that my parents would always be there for me. They would stand beside me through thick and thin. Having parents is not simply normal; it is a blessing which not everyone gets. I apologised to my parents for the previous night’s behaviour and thanked my father for teaching me this lesson.

My father told me something in my ear, and I quickly ran towards the car. I opened the trunk and retrieved a big box of chocolates and candies. My mother also came to help me with the other package which had crayons and colouring books in it. I distributed these things among the children at the orphanage with my own hands. I can’t possibly describe how happy and delighted they were.

Happiest Day of My Life Essay | Short & Long | 100, 150, 200, 300 and 400 + Words | Power of Happiness

Happiest day of my life essay.

We have provided below short and long examples of happiest day of my life essay for your information. After going through these essays you will be able to compose write any short and long essays on best day of my life. Go through and start understanding how we write essay on happiest day in my life.

Happiest Day of My Life Essay- 100 Words

The happiest day of my life was when I turned twelve. It was a bright and sunny day, and everything felt perfect. I woke up with excitement bubbling inside me, knowing that today was my special day. As I walked downstairs, my parents greeted me with a big smile and a birthday cake adorned with candles. I blew out the candles, making a wish deep in my heart. Later, my friends came over, and we played games, laughed, and ate delicious food. The joy in my heart was overflowing, and I felt surrounded by love. That day, I received many presents, but the best gift was the happiness I felt in every moment. It was a day filled with laughter, joy , and memories that will stay with me forever. The happiest day of my life was a day I will always cherish.

Happiest Day of My Life Paragraph- 150 words

The happiest day of my life was when I won the school spelling bee. It was a sunny day, and I was nervous but excited. I stood on the stage with butterflies in my stomach. The principal announced the words. I spelled each word carefully. I was a little nervous also and my heart was pounding with every letter. The competition was tough, but I stayed focused and gave it my all. Finally, the moment came when I spelled the last word correctly. The audience erupted in applause, and I couldn’t believe it—I had won! My parents cheered loudly, and my friends ran up to congratulate me. It was an amazing feeling to win the competition. I was on top of the world. That day, I felt proud of my hard work and determination. It was a day I will always remember with a big smile on my face.

Happiest Day of My Life Paragraph edumantra.net

10 Lines on the Happiest Day of my Life

  • The happiest day of my life was when I woke up to a surprise party just for me!
  • There were colorful balloons, a delicious cake, and all my friends shouting with joy!
  • I received wonderful presents and we laughed and laughed, making my heart feel light.
  • We played so many fun games, and I couldn’t stop smiling, oh what a delight!
  • My mom and dad’s love shone brightly like a twinkling star in the sky.
  • When I blew out the candles, I made a special wish, hoping it would reach up high.
  • Everyone gave me big hugs and wore the biggest smiles, love filled the air all around.
  • It was the best day ever, filled with laughter, fun, and joy that we found.
  • I felt so lucky and grateful, like I was the happiest kid in the whole wide world.
  • That day will always be my favorite memory, my happiest day, where happiness unfurled .

10 Lines on the Happiest Day of my Life edumantra.net

Essay on Happiest Day in My Life- 200 Words

The happiest day of my life was when my science project won first place at the school science fair . It was a day filled with excitement and anticipation. For weeks, I had worked tirelessly on my project, conducting experiments, researching, and putting together a captivating display. When the day of the science fair arrived, I set up my project with care, making sure everything was in place. As the judges went around, I explained my project with enthusiasm and confidence. When the time came for the awards ceremony, my heart raced with nervousness. The principal took the stage and started announcing the winners. When he called my name for first place, my eyes widened in disbelief. I had done it! A surge of happiness rushed through me, and I could hardly contain my joy. My parents beamed with pride, and my classmates cheered for me. It was an unforgettable moment. Receiving the first-place trophy was an incredible validation of my hard work and dedication. It made me realize that with determination and passion, I could achieve anything. That day, I felt a sense of accomplishment that was unparalleled. It was a day that taught me the power of perseverance and ignited my love for science even more. The memories of that day will forever hold a special place in my heart.

Essay on Happiest Day in My Life – 300 Words

Such happiest days in one’s life are quite a few and rare. They come once in a blue moon. They do not visit us every day. If someday is `happiest’ for someone, it may be ‘saddest’ for somebody else. All days are not equal. Some may be quite cheerful. Others may be sorrowful. Life is visited by weals and woes by turn. If you are sad today, you may be pretty glad the next day. Someone wins a lottery on a particular day. That day becomes for him the happiest day of his life. One gets plucked in the examination; he calls this day as the most miserable. But in my life, the happiest day is 17th September. I was born on this day. It was on Saturday. People take pride in their birthdays. They attach special importance to such days when they saw the light of the day. So for me, my birthday is a significant day. Relatives and friends come to me. They share my happiness. They partake cake, sweets and dinner. Choicest dishes are prepared. The house is decorated, electric bulbs and tubes are lighted. Canopy is hung. Mats, carpets and rugs are spread out. The cake is ordered. It is brought and cut. All wish me a happy birthday. They cheer me, they sing songs, they dance. The whole atmosphere pervades with joy. I become the hero of the day. Eat and drink goes on long in the night. Gifts and presents are heaped on me. I feel excessively jubilant and gay. I celebrate this day with great pomp and show. I wait for this day for days together. Every year this date reminds me that I am older by one year. It is a day of reckoning (thinking) for me. I assess my success and failure. I take account of my failings. I resolve to be just and considerate. I vow to be sincere to my friends, relatives and my country. It is a day of great rejoicings and merry-makings for me and for my family. Every year this day is the happiest day of my life. My happiness is unbounded. It is limitless. It has its own charms and attractions. Hove this day very much; but sorry it comes once in a year.

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Happiest day of my life essay- 450 words.

Happiest Day of My Life edumantra.net

There is hardly any living being who has never gone through ups and downs in his life. Life is full of incidents both good and bad. Some of them may be forgotten with the passage of time whereas others leave an everlasting imprint on the mind. One feels delighted when fortune favours one but one plunges into despair during misfortunes. A wise man is one who is neither overjoyed in prosperity nor takes adversity to heart. Last year, I passed the Senior School Certificate Examination. Though I had given it my best shot, I was not confident of scoring too well. Anything less than a first division would certainly throw a spanner in the path of my future career. The day before the result was expected, I spent a restless night. Early next morning, I along with a few friends hurried to school and went straight to the display board. Starting at eye level I went down the list, with my heartbeat going up as I reached the bottom. My name was not there. With a heavy heart, I ran my eyes up to the list. And there! I looked again. Yes, it was my name—second in the list. Not only had I secured the first division, but also stood second in my class. God fulfilled my desires. I felt grateful to Him. My friends also passed, securing good marks. In order to celebrate our success, we decided to go to a picnic. We reached Okhla, a lovely picnic resort, at 12 noon. The heavy rush of visitors could not deter our enthusiasm as we sought out a huge banyan tree on the banks of the canal. We spread out our mats and opened up the food hamper. The lively music and delicious food swept away all the tension of the past few days. The idyllic atmosphere was abruptly broken by some loud cries. The sound came from the canal side. I immediately rushed towards the canal and was shocked to see a boy drowning. He was crying for help. I jumped into the canal and swam towards the drowning boy. After a great struggle, I dragged him towards the bank. He was in a very bad state. When I observed him carefully, I was surprised to see that he was an old classmate of mine. He was given medical aid and after some time, he regained consciousness. I was delighted to see him recovering. My joy knew no bounds because I had saved the life of a boy, who happened to be my old classmate. It was a day of great joy and happiness. Not only did I secure the second position, but also did a brave and noble act by saving a boy from the jaws of death. This day would go down as one of the happiest days of my life.

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English Aspirants

A Memorable Day in My Life [100, 120, 150, 200-250 Words]

A Memorable Day in My Life: W all have at least one memorable day in our life. In this article, you are going to learn how to write a paragraph or an essay on ‘a most memorable day in my life’. Here you’ll get to read 4 paragraphs on this topic (100, 120, 150, 200-250 Words). These paragraphs will be helpful for the students from class 1 to class 12. So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

A Memorable Day in My Life: 100 Words

During the summer vacation, I visited Mussoorie with my parents. I had never been to Mussoorie before. So it was a new experience for me. Everywhere there was a great hustle and bustle. The weather was very pleasant. Mussoorie is Rightly called the ‘Queen of Hills’. It transports one into a heaven of joy.

My parents took me to Lal Tibba, the highest point in Mussoorie. Lal Tibba provides a mesmerizing view of Himalayan mountain peaks. I was mesmerized to see beautiful scenery and high mountains. We also visited Happy Valley, Kempty Falls and Mussoorie lake. Visiting Mussoorie was the most memorable incident in my life.

Memorable Day of My Life

Memorable Day of My Life: 120 Words

Last month, our school arranged a trip to the Taj Mahal, Agra. The beauty of the Taj Mahal seemed to have no parallel.  It is made of white marble on the bank of the river Yamuna. The garden in front of it has tall cypress trees, colourful flowers, and rows of mountains. Many precious gems and stones are seen set on the tomb.

I found in the Taj Mahal the artistic and cultural heritage of India. Every stone of this building tells the story of the true love of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz. The white marble structure unrolled before me a new world of beauty. It is, indeed, matchless in beauty and grandeur. That’s why it is considered one of the seven wonders of the world. I was greatly charmed by its beauty. I felt breathless for a white. It was undoubtedly the most memorable day of my life.

Memorable Day of My Life

Also Read: Paragraph on My Aim in Life 

Most Memorable Day of My Life: 150 Words

A memorable incident is an incident which leaves an everlasting impression on our minds. The most memorable incident of my life is when I got an opportunity to exhibit my talent on stage in front of a huge audience. I always dreamt of becoming a singer. As a kid, I used my toothbrush as the mike and treated my dolls as my audience.

I was enrolled in a vocal training course in an eminent singer’s singing class and from there, based on my performance I was selected to display my skills at the Zee Sa Re Ga Ma Pa. Initially, I was a bit nervous, but got over it soon when I heard the tune. My performance was well received and the audience acclaimed me with their applauds and kept yelling “once more”. The incident made me feel on top of the world.

Most Memorable Day of My Life

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Memorable Day of My Life Essay: 200-250 Words

A moment which is sweet lasts long in our memory. I distinctly remember the day. My H. S. examination was over and I was having a relaxed time. One day, after spending the afternoon with my friends, I returned home.

My parents were waiting for me. Sister also came running. She was carrying a big envelope in her hand. They all seemed to be very excited and their faces bore reflections of animated joy. My sister shouted that there was a good news for me in the envelope and she would not tell unless she got a heavy bakshis.

After much cajoling, I could get the letter. Lo and behold! It was the admission letter from the I.I.T, Kharagpur. My joy then knew no bounds, I did quite well in the joint entrance examination. But to get selected finally in the highly competitive all-India test was something none could be sure of. In fact, I was a little tense to know the result.

Parents blessed me for my success. Neighbours also came. They all congratulated me again and again. I was lost in golden dreams. At last, I was going to join an institution of international fame! It was the happiest and most memorable day in my life because my future career got a definite direction that day. But that happy day taught me a lesson, too. I made up my mind to work hard in order to be successful in my career.

Read More: 1. Paragraph on My Best Friend 2. Paragraph on Discipline in English 3. Paragraph on Early Rising 

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The Happiest Day of My Life Essay | Essay on The Happiest Day of My Life for Students and Children in English

February 7, 2024 by Prasanna

The Happiest Day of My Life Essay – Given below is a Long and Short Essay on The Happiest Day of My Life for aspirants of competitive exams, kids and students belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. The Happiest Day of My Life essay 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 500 words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations.

You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long Essay on The Happiest Day of My Life 500 Words for Kids and Students in English

There is hardly any living being who has never gone through ups and downs in his life. Life is full of incidents r both good and bad. Some of them may be forgotten with the passage of time whereas others leave an everlasting imprint on the mind. One feels delighted when fortune favours one but one plunges into despair during misfortunes. A wise man is one who is neither overjoyed in prosperity nor takes adversity to heart.

Last year, I passed the Senior School Certificate Examination. Though I had given it my best shot, I was not confident of scoring too well. Anything less than a first division would certainly throw a spanner in the path of my future career. The day before the result was I expected, I spent a restless night. Early next morning, I along with a few friends hurried to school and went straight to the display board.

The Happiest Day of My Life Essay

Starting at eye level I went down the list, with my heartbeat going up as I reached the bottom. My name was not there. With a heavy heart I ran my eyes up the list. And there! I looked again. Yes, it was my name second in the list. Not only had I secured a first division, but also stood second in my class. God fulfilled my desires. I felt grateful to Him. My friends also passed, securing good marks. In order to celebrate our success we decided to go to for a picnic.

We reached Okhla, a lovely picnic resort, at 12 noon. The heavy rush of visitors could not deter our enthusiasm as we sought out a huge banyan tree on the banks of the canal. We spread out our mats and opened up the food hamper. The lively music and delicious food swept away all the tension of the past few days. The idealic atmosphere was abruptly broken by some loud cries. The sound came from the canal side. I immediately rushed towards the canal and was shocked to see a boy drowning. He was crying for help.

I jumped into the canal and swam towards the drowning boy. After a great struggle, I dragged him towards the bank. He was in a very bad state. When I observed him carefully, I was surprised to see that he was an old classmate of mine. He was given medical aid and after some time, he regained consciousness. I was delighted to see him recovering. My joy knew no bounds because I had saved the life of a boy, who happened to be my old classmate.

It was a day of great joy and happiness. Not only did I secure the second position, but also did a brave and noble act by saving a boy from the jaws of death. This day would go down as one of the happiest days of my life.

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The Happiest Day Of My Life Essay In English [ 300 – 500 – 800 words]

When our kids start writing essays, they start with some basic ones. Like “What is your favorite destination to visit,” “ Your favourite hobby ,” “ Your favorite festival ,” and many others. But today, we are going to give some examples of writing an essay on the happiest day of my life.

Let’s see how it can be done.

Essay on the happiest day of my life (300 words).

How would you feel if you had planned a trip for 2 months and you could not go on the trip? You would feel bad right? I am feeling it right now. It was I who planned the trip and made the itinerary. Every time we planned this, it got canceled but not this time.

Essay on the happiest day of my life

The trip was happening after a long time. It was two years ago when the last trip happened. So we decided to make this trip happen. And it was actually happening this time until the date for my NET exam got disclosed. There was no point holding them back just for me, so I asked them to go for the trip and bring me something nice.

It was right in the middle of the trip, and there was no way I was going to miss the exam. So with a heavy heart, I bid them goodbye as they set out for the trip. While they were having fun on the beach, I was preparing for my exams.

They were putting up Instagram stories, and I was sitting in my room with my face buried in books. And then came the big day. The day of my exam and it went smoothly. After coming back from the examination, I was feeling very low as I was all alone, and they were having fun. 

That is when the magic happened. I got the mail from the airline’s company that my ticket was confirmed for Bangkok, and it was just in two days. At first, I was confused then I got the call from my uncle. He arranged this trip for me and my cousins. 

Well, I couldn’t be happier. A trip to Bangkok, and that to all expenses paid. Can you believe it? Even I couldn’t, but that has to be the happiest day of my life. And just to let you all know, I passed the test as well.

Essay on the happiest day of my life (500 words)

I was always told that everything had been planned for before our birth. We cannot cheat destiny. And by this time, I had started believing that nothing good was in store for me and my family. We have to go back a few years to get a clear picture.

Essay on the happiest day of my life (500 words)

It was the summer before our graduation. My twin brother and I went for a picnic with our family. It was a bright day, and suddenly while we were returning, it started raining. My father was driving the car, and it was raining so heavily that we couldn’t even see anything that was in front of us. 

So, we decided to stop and wait until the rain stopped or at least reduced. But unfortunately, we didn’t get the chance, and a car came in front to save us; my father turned left, and somehow the car door opened, and my brother fell from the vehicle. 

Though we immediately took him to the hospital, he had lost a lot of blood and was in terrible shape. They took him to the operation theatre, and we were hoping for good news, but we got the worst ever news possible; he had gone into a coma. It has been five years since then.

We celebrated his birthday with him in the hospital every year, visited him every day, and prayed for his recovery, but nothing worked. Nothing has been the same ever since. And last week, the doctors called us in and informed us that there had been no improvement in his condition for years and that it was we let go of him and got him off life support. 

It broke my family even more than it was. I couldn’t even look at my father. He was punishing himself for this, and we couldn’t control him. But there was no other option left, and we put ourselves together for it and went to the hospital that morning. 

When I was near his cabin, I heard a familiar voice I hadn’t heard in years. It was my brother’s. He was up. He came out of the coma that morning, and the doctors didn’t inform us so we could cherish the moment.

I couldn’t contain myself and hugged him right away. My father kneeled on the ground and started crying. And the happiness in my mother’s eyes cant be described in words. They kept him there for two more days, and then we took him home.

He was so happy to be home again but upset as well, as he had lost five years of his life. We had a party and celebrated all five of his birthdays again. My family was finally whole again. So if I am asked about the happiest day of my life , I don’t think I would take a split second to feel what it is. It would be the day I got back my brother. 

Essay on The Happiest Day of my life (700 words)

It was a beautiful winter morning, the sun was shining, and there was a gentle breeze in the air. I woke up with a smile on my face, knowing that today was going to be a special day. I quickly got dressed and made my way to the annual literary festival that was being held in my city. As an avid reader and a fan of literature, I had been looking forward to this event for months. But little did I know that this would turn out to be the happiest day of my life.

As I entered the festival grounds, I was surrounded by the hustle and bustle of fellow book lovers. There were rows of book stalls, book readings, and panel discussions taking place. I could feel the energy and excitement in the air, and my heart was filled with joy. I quickly made my way to the main stage, where my favorite author, John Green, was scheduled to speak.

I had been a huge fan of John Green’s work since I first read his book “The Fault in Our Stars.” His writing had a profound impact on me, and I had been eagerly waiting for the opportunity to meet him in person. As I took my seat in the audience, I couldn’t believe that I was finally going to see him in real life.

John Green took the stage, and the entire audience erupted in cheers and applause. He started his talk by sharing his journey as a writer and the inspiration behind his books. He spoke about the power of storytelling and how it can shape our lives. I was hanging on to every word he said, and I could feel my admiration for him growing even more.

After his talk, there was a Q&A session, and I eagerly raised my hand to ask a question. To my surprise, John Green called on me, and I couldn’t believe my luck. I asked him about his writing process and how he deals with writer’s block. He answered my question with honesty and humor, and I could see the passion and dedication he had for his craft.

As the session came to an end, I couldn’t resist the urge to meet John Green in person. I quickly made my way to the author’s signing booth, where a long line of fans had already formed. I patiently waited for my turn, and as I got closer to the front, my excitement turned into nervousness. What would I say to him? Would I be able to articulate how much his writing meant to me?

Finally, it was my turn, and I approached John Green with a mixture of nervousness and excitement. He greeted me with a warm smile, and I couldn’t believe that I was standing in front of my favorite author. I quickly blurted out how much his books had impacted my life and how he was my favorite writer. To my surprise, he replied by saying that it meant a lot to him to hear that from a young reader like me. He then asked me about the genres I enjoyed reading and even recommended some books for me to check out.

As I walked away from the signing booth, I couldn’t stop smiling. Meeting John Green was everything I had hoped for and more. I felt like my love for literature had been validated, and I was filled with a sense of inspiration and motivation. My heart was overflowing with happiness, and I couldn’t wait to tell my family and friends about my encounter with John Green.

That day, I left the literary festival with a signed copy of my favorite book, an amazing experience, and a memory that would stay with me forever. Meeting John Green was not just a dream come true, but it was also a reminder of the power of literature to bring people together and shape our lives in ways we never thought possible. It was truly the happiest day of my life.

Essay on the happiest day of my life (800 words)

Who do you love the most? Your child? Your parents? Or your grandparents? Some would give a very diplomatic answer but not me. I am pretty clear about the fact that I have loved one person unconditionally throughout my whole, and that person is no other than my grandma.

I never knew love like this until I grew up. But by the time I understood that I had lost her. She suffered from a long illness, and in the end, she got paralyzed and was unable to speak. It was so painful to watch, I can’t even imagine the pain she felt inside.

Essay on the happiest day of my life (800 words)

She was such a beautiful human being. She taught me to be empathetic, kind, and helpful. She used to tell me stories about how she helped people in need and how that quality was diminishing day by day. 

I love to bake, and it was that lady who taught me that. I have a lot of memories of baking cookies with her, and she scolded me for eating the dough. She taught me how to ride the cycle and helped me with homework. And also saved me from homework when my mother used to scold me. 

She made me my favorite treats and used to sit by my side when I was sick. Whenever she heard anybody scolding me, she came to my rescue. But if I made any mistake, she used to tell me about that as well, but in a way that would make me realize that I did something bad, and I never used to do that again.

Well, there are no words to describe her love for me. It was hidden in those small gestures. A grandparent’s love can never be compared to anything else in this world. At least I can. If I start counting memories, then I will lose track of time and end up writing an essay for two thousand words. 

The person who taught me the meaning of life , love, and everything in between left me in the prime of my life. A death that changed my life and my perspectives in many ways. I stopped doing a lot of things that I used to love and started doing a lot of things that meant a lot to her. 

She was an animal lover, but I used to be so scared of all kinds of animals. She wanted to keep a dog in our house, but because of my fears, she never did. So after her death, I got a husky and a German Shepherd in our house. But I don’t bake anymore. 

So after her death, I wanted to do something for her. Remembering her, the kindness in her heart, and her love for strangers, I wanted to build a home for old age people and orphans together. A place where they will get the company of one another.

People who are alone and don’t have anybody to take care of them would stay here, and children who are orphans and have nowhere else to be would stay here. The kids would get guidance and knowledge from the elderly people, and the elderly people would get the company of the small ones and get themselves occupied. 

This would be a kind of community where people who have no one can be there for each other. I started working at the age of eighteen and started to save money for this wish to come true. I didn’t want my parents to help me out with this. And it began to feel real when I was twenty-four.

I started building it when I was twenty-four and finished it when I was twenty-six. The day I opened the home for those people was a very emotional day for me. Seeing those people all alone, with nobody to take care of them, made me very emotional. But I was glad they had me, and from now on, I would be there for them, to look after them, to take care of them. 

Well, the day this actually happened would definitely have to be the happiest day of my life. Making my one dream come true and too for my grandmother was the ultimate happy moment for me. Now the home is ten years old, and there are many people here now. I started my family with five members, and now I have sixty-five members.

I have no words to express the happiness they can provide. Whenever I am low, those kids, those elderly people, and their unconditional love make my heart warm. They never let me feel alone. They remind me of the love I used to miss after her death. But now, i always feel her around. It’s like she helps me to take care of these people. From strangers to family, they made my life full.

Essay on the Happiest Day of My life: 800-900 words

The day was September 12th, 2019, and it was the happiest day of my life. It was a day filled with love, joy, and unforgettable memories that I will cherish forever. As I reflect upon that day, I am overwhelmed with emotion and gratitude for the amazing people and experiences that made it so special.

The day started like any other, with the sun shining and birds chirping outside my window. But as I got out of bed and looked at the date on my phone, a wave of excitement washed over me. It was my 25th birthday, and I could feel that this was going to be a day to remember.

I started my day with a morning workout, something that always puts me in a good mood. As I was finishing up my run, my phone rang. It was my best friend, Sarah, calling to wish me a happy birthday. Sarah is like a sister to me, and we have been through thick and thin together. She told me that she had a surprise for me and that she would pick me up in an hour.

As I waited for Sarah to arrive, my mind raced with possibilities of what the surprise could be. Little did I know, it was going to be one of the most incredible experiences of my life.

When Sarah arrived, she blindfolded me and told me to trust her. I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness as we got into her car and drove for what felt like hours. Finally, she parked the car, and I could hear the sound of waves crashing against the shore. We had arrived at the beach!

Sarah took off my blindfold, and I was greeted with the most beautiful sight. The sun was starting to set, and the sky was painted with hues of pink, orange, and purple. A blanket was laid out on the sand, and a picnic basket filled with my favorite foods was waiting for us.

As we sat on the blanket and watched the sunset, Sarah shared stories about our adventures together and how grateful she was to have me in her life. We laughed, we cried, and we shared our dreams and aspirations for the future. It was a moment of pure bliss, being surrounded by nature and the person who knows me best.

Just as the sun was setting, Sarah handed me a gift. Inside was a scrapbook that she had been working on for months. It was filled with pictures and memories from our childhood, college years, and our recent travels. As I flipped through the pages, I was reminded of the countless moments of happiness, laughter, and love that we have shared together.

After the beach, Sarah and I went out for dinner at my favorite restaurant. As we ate, we talked about our future plans and how we would continue to support each other no matter what. After dinner, Sarah took me to a local theater where we watched a musical that I had been dying to see. The performance was breathtaking, and I could feel the music and dance moves lifting my spirits even higher.

But the surprises didn’t end there. When we got back to my apartment, I was greeted by a group of my closest friends, all dressed in party hats and holding balloons and a cake. They sang “Happy Birthday” to me, and we spent the rest of the night dancing, playing games, and reminiscing about old times.

As the clock struck midnight, I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with happiness and gratitude. I had never felt so loved and appreciated in my entire life. The day had been filled with surprises, love, and unforgettable moments that I will treasure forever.

Looking back, I realize that the happiest day of my life was not just about the experiences I had or the material gifts I received. It was about the people in my life who have loved and supported me unconditionally. It was about the memories we have created and the moments we have shared.

This day taught me that happiness is not a destination; it is a journey that we embark on with the people we love. It taught me to cherish every moment and to never take the people in my life for granted.

As I lay in bed that night, I couldn’t stop smiling. I knew that this day would be etched in my heart forever. It was a reminder that I am surrounded by incredible people who make my life worth living. And for that, I will always be grateful.

In conclusion, the happiest day of my life was not just about me, but it was about the love, laughter, and memories that were shared with the people who mean the most to me. It taught me to appreciate the little things, to cherish the moments, and to always be grateful for the people in my life. September 12th, 2019, will always hold a special place in my heart, and I will continue to strive for more days like that in the future.

I hope the above-given essays will give you a clear idea of how to write an essay on the happiest day of your life. Take note of these, write one on your own, and see how well you can write it.

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The Happiest Day Of My Life Essay

It all started like any other morning, with the sun peeking through my window. Little did I know that this day would be like no other. It’s not just about routine; it’s about the magic of unexpected surprises.

Table of Contents

The Day That Sparkled: My Happiest Adventure

My family was acting all mysterious, whispering and giggling. It was like being in a secret spy mission. It’s not just about curiosity; it’s about the thrill of not knowing what’s coming next.

The Big Reveal – Birthday Bliss

As the clock ticked closer to noon, my family finally unveiled the secret. It was my birthday! It’s not just about growing a year older; it’s about feeling loved and celebrated by the people who mean the most to you.

A Day of Surprises – Gift Galore

Presents started piling up like a mountain of treasure. It’s not just about the gifts; it’s about the thought and effort that goes into making you feel special. Each gift was like a piece of their hearts.

The Birthday Feast – Delicious Delights

Lunchtime arrived, and we headed to my favorite restaurant. It’s not just about food; it’s about the laughter and stories we shared around the table. Every bite was like a taste of happiness.

The Great Adventure – An Unexpected Trip

After lunch, my parents told me we were going on an adventure. It’s not just about vacations; it’s about exploring new places with the people you love. Our destination was a surprise, and I was bursting with excitement.

Destination Wonderland – An Amusement Park Dream

We arrived at an amusement park, and my eyes widened with joy. It’s not just about rides; it’s about the thrill of screaming your heart out, the wind in your hair, and the smiles on everyone’s faces.

Rollercoaster Mania – Fear and Fun

I hopped on a rollercoaster for the first time. It was like a wild dragon ride. It’s not just about conquering fear; it’s about the rush of adrenaline and the feeling of accomplishment afterward.

The Sweetest Treat – Cotton Candy Clouds

We indulged in cotton candy, like fluffy clouds of sugar. It’s not just about the taste; it’s about the sticky fingers, the giggles, and feeling like a kid again, even if you’re growing up.

A Magical Evening – Fireworks Extravaganza

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the night sky lit up with fireworks. It’s not just about bright colors; it’s about the awe-inspiring beauty that makes your heart skip a beat.

The Final Surprise – A Starry Night

We headed home, tired but happy. Then came the grand finale – a star projector in my room. It’s not just about stars; it’s about dreams coming true and feeling like you’re in your own fairy tale.

Falling Asleep with a Smile – The Sweetest Dreams

That night, I drifted to sleep with a smile on my face. It’s not just about sleep; it’s about the contentment that comes from knowing you’re loved and cherished.

Lessons from the Happiest Day – Treasure Every Moment

The happiest day of my life taught me that happiness is like a collection of small moments. It’s not just about one big event; it’s about finding joy in the little things, the surprises, and the love of family and friends.

Conclusion: Cherishing the Treasure of Happiness

The happiest day of my life is like a sparkling gem in my memory chest. It’s not just about one day; it’s about carrying that happiness with me every day. So, let’s remember to treasure the moments that make us smile and share that happiness with others.

Author’s Note:

I hope you enjoyed this journey into my happiest day with me! It’s like reliving a magical adventure. If you want to chat more about this or any other topic, just let me know!

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The Best Day of My Life: a Moment of Joy and Significance

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Published: Sep 5, 2023

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A day filled with anticipation, achieving a milestone, shared moments of joy, lessons in gratitude and presence.

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Essays About Happiness: 5 Essay Examples and 6 Writing Prompts

Being happy and content is essential to living a successful life. If you are writing essays about happiness, start by reading our helpful guide.

Whenever we feel positive emotions rushing through our heads, chances are we are feeling happy. Happiness is what you feel when you enter the house, the smell of your favorite food being cooked or when you finally save up enough money to buy something you’ve wanted. It is an undeniably magical feeling. 

Happiness can do wonders for your productivity and well-being; when you are happy, you are more energetic, optimistic, and motivated. So it is, without a doubt, important. However, do not become caught up in trying to be happy, as this may lead to worse problems. Instead, allow yourself to feel your emotions; be authentic, even if that means feeling a little more negative.


5 Top Essay Examples

1. causes of happiness by otis curtis, 2. how to be happy by tara parker-pope, 3. reflections on ‘happiness’ by shahzada sultan.

  • 4.  Happiness is Overrated by John Gorman

5. Toxic positivity by Suhani Mahajan

6 prompts for essays about happiness, 1. why is it important to be happy, 2. what is happiness to you, 3. the role of material things in happiness, 4. how does happiness make you more productive, 5. is true happiness achievable, 6. happiness vs. truth.

“If you don’t feel good about yourself you will have a similarly negative attitude towards others and education is one way of having good self-esteem, as it helps you to live life successfully and happily. Education is one way of getting that dream job and education is an essential cog in the wheel to living comfortably and happily. One English survey that included over 15,000 participants revealed that 81 percent of people who had achieved a good level of education had a high level of life satisfaction.”

Based on personal beliefs and research, Curtis’ essay describes different contributing causes to people’s happiness. These include a loving, stable family and good health. Interestingly, there is a positive correlation between education level and happiness, as Curtis cites statistics showing that education leads to high self-esteem, which can make you happier. 

“Socratic questioning is the process of challenging and changing irrational thoughts. Studies show that this method can reduce depression symptoms. The goal is to get you from a negative mindset (“I’m a failure.”) to a more positive one (“I’ve had a lot of success in my career. This is just one setback that doesn’t reflect on me. I can learn from it and be better.”)”

Parker-Pope writes about the different factors of happiness and how to practice mindfulness and positivity in this guide. She gives tips such as doing breathing exercises, moving around more, and spending time in places and with people that make you happy. Most importantly, however, she reminds readers that negative thoughts should not be repressed. Instead, we should accept them but challenge that mindset.

“Happiness is our choice of not leaving our mind and soul at the mercy of the sways of excitement. Happiness cannot eliminate sorrow, suffering, pain or death from the scheme of things, but it can help keep fear, anxiety, sadness, hopelessness, pessimism and other fathers of unhappiness at bay.”

Sultan discusses what happiness means to her personally. It provides an escape from all the dreariness and lousy news of daily life, not eliminating negative thoughts but keeping them at a distance, even just for a moment. She writes that to be happy; we should not base our happiness on the outcomes of our actions. We cannot control the world around us, so we should not link our happiness to it. If something doesn’t go our way, that is just how the world works. It is useless to be sad over what we cannot control.

4.   Happiness is Overrated by John Gorman

“Our souls do float across the sea of life, taking on water as they go, sinking ever so slightly — perhaps even imperceptibly — into despair. But our souls are not the bucket. Happiness itself is. And it’s the bucket we use to pour water out our souls and keep us afloat. What we really need is peace. Peace patches the holes in our souls and stops the leaking. Once we have peace, we will no longer need to seek happiness.”

In his essay, Gorman reflects on how he stopped trying to chase happiness and instead focused on finding peace in life. He writes that we are often so desperate looking for happiness that our lives become complicated, chaotic, and even depressing at times. He wants readers to do what they are passionate about and be their authentic selves; that way, they will find true happiness. You might also be interested in these essays about courage .

“That’s the mindset most of us have. Half of toxic positivity is just the suppression of 200% acceptable feelings such as anger, fear, sadness, confusion, and more. Any combination of such feelings is deemed “negative.” Honestly, mix ‘em up and serve them to me in a cocktail, eh? (Fine, fine, a mocktail. I reserve my right to one of those little umbrellas though.)

But by closing ourselves off to anything but positivity, we’re experiencing the same effects as being emotionally numb. Why are we doing this to ourselves?”

Mahajan writes about the phenomenon known as “toxic positivity” in which everyone is expected to be happy with their lives. It trivializes people’s misfortunes and sufferings, telling them to be happy with what they have instead. Mahajan opposes this, believing that everyone’s feelings are valid. She writes that it’s okay to be sad or angry at times, and the stigma around “negative feelings” should be erased. When we force ourselves to be happy, we may feel emotionally numb or even sad, the exact opposite of being happy. 

Essays About Happiness: Why is it important to be happy?

Many would say that happiness aids you in many aspects of your life. Based on personal experience and research, discuss the importance of being happy. Give a few benefits or advantages of happiness. These can include physical, mental, and psychological benefits, as well as anything else you can think of. 

Happiness means different things to different people and may come from various sources. In your essay, you can also explain how you define happiness. Reflect on this feeling and write about what makes you happy and why. Explain in detail for a more convincing essay; be sure to describe what you are writing about well. 

Essays About Happiness: The role of material things in happiness

Happiness has a myriad of causes, many of which are material. Research the extent to which material possessions can make one happy, and write your essay about whether or not material things can truly make us happy. Consider the question, “Can money buy happiness?” Evaluate the extent to which it can or cannot, depending on your stance.  

Happiness has often been associated with a higher level of productivity. In your essay, look into the link between these two. In particular, discuss the mental and chemical effects of happiness. Since this topic is rooted in research and statistics, vet your sources carefully: only use the most credible sources for an accurate essay.

In their essays, many, including Gorman and Mahajan, seem to hold a more critical view of happiness. Our world is full of suffering and despair, so some ask: “Can we truly be happy on this earth?” Reflect on this question and make the argument for your position. Be sure to provide evidence from your own experiences and those of others. 

In dystopian stories, authorities often restrict people’s knowledge to keep them happy. We are seeing this even today, with some governments withholding crucial information to keep the population satisfied or stable. Write about whether you believe what they are doing is defensible or not, and provide evidence to support your point. 

For help with this topic, read our guide explaining “what is persuasive writing ?”

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The Happiest Day of My Life Paragraph in 100 to 300 Words for Students

  • Post author: Grammar Library
  • Post category: Paragraph

Do you remember a day that was so special, it felt like everything was just perfect? A day when joy seemed to fill every moment, making it unforgettable. This feeling, this incredible experience, is what we call the happiest day of our life. Everyone has a day like this, a treasure chest of memories that brings a smile whenever we think about it. In this article, we’re going to explore what makes these days so magical. It’s not just about what happens, but how it makes us feel and the lasting impact it has on us. As we dive into this journey, let’s discover together the essence of these joyful days and what they mean to each of us.

Paragraph on The Happiest day of my life

Table of Contents

The Happiest day of my life Paragraph in 100 words

The happiest day of my life was when I won the national science fair. After months of hard work and dedication, my project on renewable energy was recognized by esteemed judges from all over India. This achievement not only made my parents and teachers proud but also inspired me to pursue my passion for science with even more zeal. Standing on the stage, holding the trophy high, I felt an overwhelming sense of accomplishment and joy. It was a moment of validation for my interest in science, and it motivated me to dream bigger and work harder towards my academic goals.

The Happiest day of my life Paragraph in 150 words

The happiest day of my life was when I received the news that I had topped my school in the Board exams. This achievement was the result of countless hours of study, consistent hard work, and the support of my family and teachers. The joy of seeing my name at the top of the list was unparalleled. It was not just a personal victory but a shared one, as it brought happiness and pride to everyone who had been part of my journey.

This milestone in my academic career taught me the value of perseverance and dedication. It also instilled in me a sense of responsibility towards maintaining my academic excellence. Celebrating this achievement with my classmates, teachers, and family was a moment filled with gratitude and happiness, making it truly the happiest day of my life.

The Happiest day of my life Paragraph in 200 words

The happiest day of my life unfolded when I was selected to represent my school at an international science symposium held in New Delhi. Being chosen among numerous talented peers, based on my project on sustainable agriculture practices, was a moment of immense pride and joy. The preparation for this event involved rigorous research, experiments, and presentation rehearsals, which were both challenging and exhilarating.

The opportunity to discuss my findings with international experts and like-minded students from various parts of the world was a dream come true. The accolades I received not only boosted my confidence but also fueled my aspiration to contribute meaningfully to environmental science. This experience broadened my horizons, exposed me to diverse perspectives, and underscored the importance of global collaboration in addressing pressing environmental issues.

Returning to my school with a certificate of excellence, I was greeted with cheers and admiration from my peers and teachers. This recognition was not just for my individual effort but also a testament to the collective support and encouragement I received from my academic community. This day marked a significant milestone in my educational journey, reinforcing my passion for science and research, and remains etched in my memory as the happiest day of my life.

The Happiest day of my life Paragraph in 250 words

The happiest day of my life occurred when I achieved first place in the All India Essay Writing Competition. The morning air was crisp, and as I sat in the vast hall filled with bright minds from across the country, I could feel the anticipation in the air. When my name echoed through the speakers, it felt like a dream. Walking up to the stage, my steps were light, my heart filled with an indescribable mixture of pride and joy.

This wasn’t just an accolade; it was recognition of my love for writing, my ability to express thoughts and ideas effectively, and my dedication to understanding and exploring diverse topics. This award was a milestone that marked the culmination of many nights spent researching, writing, and refining my work. It underscored the importance of communication, the power of words, and the impact they can have on the world.

Celebrating this moment with my mentors and peers, who had always encouraged my passion for writing, was immensely gratifying. This achievement not only boosted my confidence but also motivated me to pursue further academic and creative endeavors with even greater enthusiasm and determination. It was a day that reinforced my belief in the power of hard work, the importance of intellectual growth, and the joy of achieving one’s goals. This unforgettable day remains a source of inspiration, reminding me that through dedication and persistence, one can achieve greatness.

The happiest day of my life Paragraph in 300 words

The happiest day of my life was when I achieved the highest score in my school’s annual science exhibition, a significant milestone that filled me with immense joy and pride. This event was not just a competition but a culmination of months of hard work, dedication, and a deep passion for science. My project was on renewable energy sources, a topic I chose because of its importance in today’s world. The journey to the exhibition day was filled with challenges, including balancing my regular studies with the extensive research and experimentation my project required. However, my family, teachers, and friends supported me at every step, providing me with the encouragement and resources I needed.

The process taught me the value of perseverance, time management, and the importance of practical application of theoretical knowledge. As I worked on my project, I delved into various scientific principles, learning more about solar and wind energy. I experimented with different models to demonstrate how these clean energy sources could be harnessed efficiently. This hands-on experience not only expanded my understanding of science but also highlighted the potential impact of sustainable practices on our environment.

The day of the exhibition was a flurry of excitement. Students from different classes displayed their projects, ranging from environmental solutions to innovative technological models. The atmosphere was buzzing with creativity and the exchange of ideas. When my project was judged, I explained my findings and model with confidence, fueled by my passion for the subject. The judges were impressed with the depth of my research and the practicality of my project.

The announcement of the winners was a moment of suspense for everyone. Hearing my name called out as the first prize winner was a moment of sheer elation. My heart swelled with happiness as I walked up to receive my award amidst applause. This achievement was more than just a personal victory; it was a validation of my hard work and a testament to the support I received from my well-wishers.

Reflecting on this memorable day, I realize it was not just the triumph but the journey that made it the happiest day of my life. It taught me valuable lessons about determination, innovation, and the importance of contributing positively to society. This experience has inspired me to pursue my interests with even greater enthusiasm and to aim for excellence in all my academic endeavors.

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