Essay on Diabetes for Students and Children

500+ words essay on diabetes.

Diabetes is a very common disease in the world. But people may never realize, how did they get diabetes and what will happen to them and what will they go through. It may not be your problem but you have to show respect and care for the one who has diabetes. It can help them and also benefited you to know more about it and have a better understanding of it. Diabetes is a metabolic disorder which is identified by the high blood sugar level. Increased blood glucose level damages the vital organs as well as other organs of the human’s body causing other potential health ailments.

essay on diabetes

Types of Diabetes

Diabetes  Mellitus can be described in two types:

Description of two types of Diabetes Mellitus are as follows

1) Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus is classified by a deficiency of insulin in the blood. The deficiency is caused by the loss of insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. This type of diabetes is found more commonly in children. An abnormally high or low blood sugar level is a characteristic of this type of Diabetes.

Most patients of type 1 diabetes require regular administration of insulin. Type 1 diabetes is also hereditary from your parents. You are most likely to have type 1 diabetes if any of your parents had it. Frequent urination, thirst, weight loss, and constant hunger are common symptoms of this.

2) Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is characterized by the inefficiency of body tissues to effectively respond to insulin because of this it may be combined by insulin deficiency. Type 2 diabetes mellitus is the most common type of diabetes in people.

People with type 2 diabetes mellitus take medicines to improve the body’s responsiveness to insulin or to reduce the glucose produced by the liver. This type of diabetes mellitus is generally attributed to lifestyle factors like – obesity, low physical activity, irregular and unhealthy diet, excess consumption of sugar in the form of sweets, drinks, etc.

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Causes of Diabetes

By the process of digestion, food that we eat is broken down into useful compounds. One of these compounds is glucose, usually referred to as blood sugar. The blood performs the job of carrying glucose to the cells of the body. But mere carrying the glucose to the cells by blood isn’t enough for the cells to absorb glucose.

This is the job of the Insulin hormone. Pancreas supply insulin in the human body. Insulin acts as a bridge for glucose to transit from blood to the body cells. The problem arises when the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin or the body cells for some reason do not receive the glucose. Both the cases result in the excess of glucose in the blood, which is referred to as Diabetes or Diabetes Mellitus.

Symptoms of Diabetes

Most common symptoms of diabetes are fatigue, irritation, stress, tiredness, frequent urination and headache including loss of strength and stamina, weight loss, increase in appetite, etc.

Levels of Diabetes

There are two types of blood sugar levels – fasting blood sugar level and postprandial blood sugar level. The fasting sugar level is the sugar level that we measure after fasting for at least eight hours generally after an overnight fast. Blood sugar level below 100 mg/dL before eating food is considered normal. Postprandial glucose level or PP level is the sugar level which we measure after two hours of eating.

The PP blood sugar level should be below 140 mg/dL, two hours after the meals. Though the maximum limit in both the cases is defined, the permissible levels may vary among individuals. The range of the sugar level varies with people. Different people have different sugar level such as some people may have normal fasting sugar level of 60 mg/dL while some may have a normal value of 90 mg/dL.

Effects of Diabetes

Diabetes causes severe health consequences and it also affects vital body organs. Excessive glucose in blood damages kidneys, blood vessels, skin resulting in various cardiovascular and skin diseases and other ailments. Diabetes damages the kidneys, resulting in the accumulation of impurities in the body.

It also damages the heart’s blood vessels increasing the possibility of a heart attack. Apart from damaging vital organs, diabetes may also cause various skin infections and the infection in other parts of the body. The prime cause of all type of infections is the decreased immunity of body cells due to their inability to absorb glucose.

Diabetes is a serious life-threatening disease and must be constantly monitored and effectively subdued with proper medication and by adapting to a healthy lifestyle. By following a healthy lifestyle, regular checkups, and proper medication we can observe a healthy and long life.

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Diabetes Essay | Essay on Diabetes for Students and Children in English

February 12, 2024 by Prasanna

Diabetes Essay:  Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that primarily causes high blood glucose. The most common types of Diabetes are Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is caused due to genetic disorder, whereas Type 2 diabetes is primarily a lifestyle disorder. The other types of Diabetes are prediabetes and gestational diabetes. Prediabetes is a borderline phase preceding Diabetes when the blood glucose levels are higher than usual but not as high as Diabetes itself.

Prediabetes gets cured once the glucose levels return to normal. Gestational Diabetes is caused in pregnant women, and it occurs mainly during the gestational phase, thus the name. This condition usually gets reversed once the fetus is delivered. Both prediabetes and Gestational Diabetes are reversible conditions, while Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are chronic conditions and usually last a lifetime after its onset.

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Long and Short Essays on Diabetes for Students and Kids in English

We are providing students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic of Diabetes for reference.

Long Essay on Diabetes 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Diabetes is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Diabetes is a severe metabolic disorder that causes high blood glucose. Diabetes can be both reversible as well as chronic. Chronic Diabetes includes Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, in which Type 1 is caused due to genetic reasons, whereas Type 2 is caused due to an irregular lifestyle. Reversible Diabetes includes prediabetes and gestational diabetes. Prediabetes usually precedes the onset of type 2 diabetes but can be corrected with proper diet and exercise.

Gestational Diabetes occurs only during pregnancy, and once the baby is born, the condition gets better in the mother’s body. However, women with gestational Diabetes stand a risk of suffering from Type 2 diabetes later on in their lives. Chronic Diabetes is caused by a lack of insulin hormone production or the body’s resistance to the insulin produced. Insulin produced by the beta cells of Islets of Langerhans of the pancreas is responsible for regulating glucose levels in the blood.

Usually, when the blood glucose levels increase, it sends a signal to the pancreas to produce insulin, helping the cells absorb the glucose. After that, the level of blood glucose comes down to normal, and insulin secretion drops. In Type 1 diabetes, the body’s immunity system fuelled by a genetic reason leads the immune response to attack the beta cells and destroy them, thereby diminishing or almost inhibiting insulin production. In this condition, the patient needs a steady influx of insulin in regular insulin injections to maintain normal blood glucose levels. Obesity or lifestyle habits barely play any role in this form of Diabetes.

On the other hand, Type 2 diabetes is caused due to unhealthy lifestyle habits such as prolonged lack of proper sleep, excessive alcohol and tobacco consumption, excessive consumption of junk food, and obesity, to name a few. This condition is caused due to the body’s resistance to the insulin present in the bloodstream and the pancreas’ consequent inability to produce enough insulin to overcome this.

As a result, the cells fail to absorb the glucose, and blood glucose levels increase abnormally. Type 2 diabetes is usually kept in check with medications that constitute insulin sensitizers. People with a sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical exercise, polycystic ovarian syndrome, high cholesterol, hypertension, and obesity are at a high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. The risk of getting affected with diabetes increases with age. Some of the common symptoms of diabetes include frequent urination, increase in thirst, and appetite.

Apart from medications, Diabetes can be kept in check by maintaining a healthy diet, proper exercise, optimum sleep and water consumption, and abstaining from tobacco, alcohol, and junk food consumption. Prolonged chronic Diabetes can trigger a host of other life-threatening diseases. Some of them being chronic kidney failure (nephropathy), neurological damage (neuropathy), coronary artery disease, stroke, atherosclerosis, retina damage (retinopathy), Alzheimer’s disease, microbial skin infections, foot damage, and hearing impairment. In a few cases, it can even cause depression.

Short Essay on Diabetes 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Diabetes is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that causes an increase in blood glucose levels. It can be both chronic as well as reversible. Chronic diabetes types are more commonly found as compared to reversible ones.

Chronic types are Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is caused due to genetic reasons and leads to an autoimmune attack on the body’s insulin-producing cells. Thus, insulin production is inhibited. Type 2 diabetes is caused due to an unhealthy lifestyle and obesity. While Type 1 diabetes is treated with insulin injections, Type 2 diabetes requires a combination of insulin sensitizer medication as-well-as a healthy diet and proper exercise.

Chronic Diabetes can give rise to other diseases like heart failure, kidney failure, loss of eyesight, nerve damage, and depression. People with high cholesterol, hypertension, obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, and high alcohol consumption are at a high risk of developing diabetes later on.

10 Lines on Diabetes Essay in English

Essay about Diabetes

FAQ’s on Diabetes Essay

Question 1.  What is Diabetes?

Answer: Diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by high blood glucose and a decrease in insulin levels in the blood.

Question 2.  How is insulin produced?

Answer:  The insulin hormone is produced by beta cells in the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas.

Question 3.  Can Diabetes cause heart failure?

Answer:  Diabetes can trigger coronary artery disease resulting in heart failure.

Question 4. Can diabetes cause kidney failure?

Answer:  Prolonged Diabetes can cause chronic kidney failure in many patients.

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Essay on Diabetes

Students are often asked to write an essay on Diabetes in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Diabetes

What is diabetes.

Diabetes is a chronic disease where the body can’t control blood sugar levels. This happens because the body either doesn’t make enough insulin or can’t use it properly.

Types of Diabetes

There are two main types: Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 is when the body doesn’t produce insulin. Type 2 is when the body doesn’t use insulin well.

Managing Diabetes

Diabetes can be managed through a healthy diet, regular exercise, and medication. Regular check-ups are also important to monitor blood sugar levels.

The Impact of Diabetes

If not managed, diabetes can lead to serious health problems like heart disease, kidney disease, and vision loss.

250 Words Essay on Diabetes


Diabetes, a chronic metabolic disorder, is characterized by an increased level of glucose in the blood. It arises due to the body’s inability to produce or effectively utilize insulin, a hormone responsible for glucose regulation.

Etiology of Diabetes

Diabetes is classified into two major types: Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 diabetes, an autoimmune disorder, is a result of the body’s immune system attacking insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. On the other hand, Type 2 diabetes, the more prevalent form, is primarily associated with insulin resistance and often linked to obesity and sedentary lifestyle.

Impact and Management

Diabetes can lead to severe complications like heart disease, kidney failure, and blindness if left unmanaged. Management involves lifestyle modifications, including a healthy diet, regular physical activity, and medication or insulin therapy as needed.

Prevention and Future Research

Prevention strategies for Type 2 diabetes involve promoting healthier lifestyles and early detection. For Type 1 diabetes, research is still ongoing to understand its triggers. Advances in technology and medicine, such as artificial pancreas systems and islet cell transplantation, show promise for future diabetes management.

Diabetes, a global health crisis, requires comprehensive understanding and management strategies. With ongoing research and advancements, the future holds potential for improved diabetes care and prevention.

500 Words Essay on Diabetes

Introduction to diabetes.

There are primarily two types of diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition where the body’s immune system attacks the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. This type is less common and usually develops early in life. Type 2 diabetes, on the other hand, is more prevalent and typically develops in adulthood. It occurs when the body becomes resistant to insulin or doesn’t produce enough to maintain a normal glucose level.

Risk Factors and Symptoms

Several factors increase the risk of developing diabetes, including genetics, obesity, lack of physical activity, and poor diet. Additionally, certain ethnic groups are at a higher risk.

Management and Treatment

While there is currently no cure for diabetes, it can be effectively managed with a combination of lifestyle changes and medication. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and maintaining a healthy weight are crucial for managing both types of diabetes.

For Type 1 diabetes, insulin injections or use of an insulin pump are necessary. Type 2 diabetes can often be managed with lifestyle changes and oral medication, but insulin may be required as the disease progresses.

Complications and Prevention

Prevention strategies for Type 2 diabetes include regular physical activity, a healthy diet, maintaining a normal body weight, and avoiding tobacco use. Early detection through regular health screenings is also critical, as early treatment can prevent or delay the onset of complications.

Diabetes is a significant global health concern that requires concerted efforts for effective management and prevention. Understanding the disease, its risk factors, and the importance of early detection can go a long way in reducing the impact of this chronic condition. Through lifestyle changes and medical intervention, individuals with diabetes can lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

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Essay on Diabetes in English for Children and Students

iit-jee, neet, foundation

Table of Contents

Essay on Diabetes: Diabetes is a metabolic disease, in which the human body fails to utilize the sugar (glucose) content in blood, thus resulting in high blood sugar levels over a prolonged period of time. Sugar present in our blood is a carried by a hormone called Insulin, to the cells and stored or used as a source of energy. Diabetes occurs when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin or the insulin is unable to effectively transfer the produced glucose to the body tissues.

Diabetes is a serious health concern and requires regular medical care. Most common symptoms of diabetes include – frequent urination, unusual weight loss, increased appetite and a desire to consume sweets.

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Long and Short Essay on Diabetes in English

Below we have provided long and short essay on diabetes of varying length on various aspects of diabetes. After going through the essay you will be able to speak or write on various issues like – causes, symptoms, types, levels and effects of diabetes.

It will also focus on diet that should be taken by a diabetic person and its effects on other vital organs of human body.

Also, you will know about the global spread of diabetes and its preventive measures as well as the significance of the World Diabetes Day.

You can choose any Diabetes essay of your choice from the essays given below and use the information in competitions, debates, class tests etc.

Short Essay on Diabetes –200 words

A Silent Threat to Humanity

Diabetes is a metabolic disease which is caused due to the excess of sugar (glucose) in human blood. It is also called as Diabetes Mellitus (DM). Our body produces a hormone – Insulin, which is primarily responsible for carrying glucose present in our blood to the cells to be stored and used as energy source. Problem occurs when either the pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin, or the insulin produced is somehow unable to effectively transfer the glucose from blood to the cells.

A persistent increased blood sugar level is a potential threat to the vital organs and other parts of human body. Initial symptoms of diabetes are frequent urination, dizziness, weight loss, increased hunger etc. Diabetes may cause severe complications like – consciousness loss, kidney failure, brain stroke, foot ulcers and damage to the eyes.

Diabetes Mellitus has become the most common disease and around 425 million people globally are suffering from diabetes; out of which 82 million belong to the south-east Asian region. India, which is also a part of south-east Asia, has over seven crores cases of diabetes recorded annually.

With lifestyle changes and less physical exercise, more and more people are getting affected by diabetes. It is estimated that given to the present state of affairs, total number of diabetes patients in south-east Asia alone, will rise to 151 million.

Essay on Diabetes – 300 Words

Effects of Diabetes and Diabetes Day

Diabetes or Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disease caused due to the excess of blood sugar level in human body. An excessive quantity of sugar in blood, damages other vital organs like – kidney, heart and brain. Though, it is caused by the under production of insulin hormone by the pancreas, it is also a life style disease, caused due to unhealthy dietary habits and lack of physical exercise.

Effects of Diabetes on Health

Diabetes has wide range of effects on human body and health. It is the condition in which the glucose present in the human blood is somehow fails to be utilized as the source of energy. It could be either due to under production of insulin hormone, which carries sugar from blood to the cells, or it could be due to the unresponsiveness of cells to receive the sugar.

Whatever the reason may be, it results in excess blood sugar (glucose) content. Diabetes may potentially affect the vital organs like heart, kidney, brain and eyes. It may cause cardiovascular diseases, heart attack, kidney failure, hearing loss, bacterial and fungal skin infections and brain stroke.

World Diabetes Day and its Significance

Globally, around 425 million people are suffering from diabetes and the number is about to increase significantly in coming years if the preventive measures are not taken. Therefore, to raise awareness of people about diabetes, International Diabetes Federation (IDF) observes World Diabetes Day every year on 14 th November.

World Diabetes Day was first launched in 1991, as a counter measure to the increasing number of diabetes patients around the world.

Diabetes Mellitus is a global threat, with billions affected globally by it, it becomes imperative to raise public awareness about the causes, symptoms and effects of diabetes in order to effectively reduce the number of patients globally. Global events like World Diabetes Day play a significant role in freeing the world from Diabetes Mellitus.

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Essay on Diabetes – 400 Words

Diabetes Mellitus and Kidney Problems

Diabetes Mellitus is a condition when human body is unable to effectively utilize the sugar (glucose) present in its blood ultimately leading to high blood glucose level. Blood is a vital body fluid that reaches all the body parts, and an abnormally high glucose level in blood could potentially damage the vital body organs and other body parts.

Causes and Symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes is identified by high sugar (glucose) content in human blood. Glucose is a source of energy for the body and is normally present in blood which supplies glucose to other parts of body. The body parts that receive glucose do so with help of a hormone called Insulin. As long as the pancreas normally produces insulin, the blood glucose level is maintained. But, an abnormality in insulin production or its inefficiency to effectively transfer the glucose to the body tissues, leads to excess of glucose in blood. This metabolic condition is identified as Diabetes or Diabetes Mellitus.

Common symptoms of diabetes mellitus include tiredness, loss of stamina, sweating, persistent hunger, loss of weight and frequent urination. Any such symptoms must not be neglected and proper medical advice must be sought.

How Diabetes is Related to the Health of Kidney

Diabetes is one of the most common causes of kidney failure. Kidneys are the vital body organ which cleans the blood. A high content of glucose in blood damages the blood vessels of kidney, resulting in a medical condition called Diabetic Nephropathy.

With damaged blood vessels, your kidneys will not be able to effectively clean the blood, resulting in waste accumulation in your blood and body as well. This cycle continues, further damaging the kidneys and also other body parts. If the damage continues, it might result in serious complications including kidney failure.

The damage to the kidneys begins long before the other symptoms of diabetes actually appear. Patients suffering from diabetes should get their kidneys examined from time to time. Retention of urine in the bladder caused due to diabetes might also result in pressure on kidneys, further damaging them.

It is recorded that around 30 to 40% of diabetes patients will eventually face kidney failure. The number is disturbing given the billions of diabetes patients worldwide. Apart from raising people’s awareness on diabetes, there is also a need to make the tests of kidneys affordable for a common man. Diabetes patients must be regularly tested for the health of their kidneys and other vital organs.

Essay on Diabetes – 500 Words

Diabetes Mellitus and Heart Attack

Diabetes is a metabolic condition in which the blood retains more glucose, than it should under normal conditions. A high blood glucose level may damage the vital organs of human body like kidney, eyes, ear, heart and brain. Diabetes is caused due to under production of insulin hormone by the pancreas, which acts as a bridge for blood sugar (glucose), to move from blood to the other cells of the body.

Signs of Diabetes Mellitus

Some of the typical symptoms of Diabetes include anxiety, tiredness, blurred vision, headache, irritation, weakness, loss of stamina and faster heartbeat. These are only initial symptoms of diabetes and indicate the forthcoming severe consequences. Every sign of diabetes speaks volumes about the effects of the disease. For example, tiredness, dizziness is caused due to the inability of one’s body cells to successfully convert blood glucose into energy. Increased blood sugar levels in the blood damages the vital organs including heart.

Person suffering from diabetes is more likely to have cardiovascular complications including heart attack. Diabetes leads to high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels, escalating the possibility of a heart attack.

High glucose content in the blood damages the blood vessels of heart. Damaged blood vessels are unable to pump the required blood at the required rate, ultimately causing heart attack and other heart diseases. People suffering from diabetes are more likely to have cardiovascular disorders from a very early age, than the people who are not suffering from diabetes.

There are also certain factors which might increase one’s chance of heart attack, like smoking, drinking liquor, obesity, high cholesterol level and unhealthy lifestyle. The given factors, if present with diabetes, substantially increase the chances of a heart attack.

Prevention is Better than Cure

The best way for a diabetic person to stop a heart attack from occurring is by keeping a check on his/her blood sugar level. A diabetic person should always take necessary precautions to keep his/her blood sugar level under control. The precautions include – routine checkup of sugar level and heart, avoiding unhealthy and oily food, quit smoking, adapting to healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, and early morning walks etc.

The blood vessels of a diabetic patient are already weaker as compared to that of a normal human being. If a diabetic patient consumes unhealthy or junk food, he/she increases his/her cholesterol level, which together with the damaged blood vessels makes a heart attack most likely possibility. Activities like exercising and walking keep one’s cholesterol level under control, hence decreasing the chances of a heart attack.

A diabetic person must also take precautionary measures to keep his/her high blood pressure under control. Such patients are more likely to get a heart attack when compared to any normal patient of high blood pressure.

Diabetes is a silent killer; when unchecked, it slowly damages the vital organs resulting in their malfunction and severe health complications. Necessary precautionary measures should be taken, especially by a diabetic person to keep his/her heart and other vital organs in a healthy condition. Diabetes damages the heart’s blood vessels increasing the possibility of a heart attack.

Long Essay on Diabetes – 600 Words

This one is a complete essay providing information about “Meaning, Types, Causes, Symptoms, Effects and Levels of Diabetes.”

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder which is identified by the high blood sugar (glucose) level. An increased blood glucose level damages the vital organs as well as other organs of the human’s body causing other potential health ailments.

Types of Diabetes

Diabetes Mellitus could be further classified into the following two types –

1) Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus is classified by deficiency of insulin in blood. The deficiency is caused by the loss of insulin producing beta cells in pancreas. This type of diabetes is found more common in children. It is characterized by an abnormally high or low blood sugar levels.

The patients of type 1 diabetes require regular administration of insulin. The type 1 diabetes is hereditary i.e. you are most likely to have type 1 diabetes if any of your parents had it. Symptoms of Type 1 diabetes include frequent urination, thirst, weight loss and constant hunger.

2) Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is characterized by the inefficiency of body tissues to effectively respond to insulin, which may be combined by insulin deficiency. Type 2 diabetes mellitus is the most common type of diabetes.

People with type 2 diabetes mellitus take medicines to improve the body’s responsiveness to insulin or to reduce the glucose produced by the liver. This type of diabetes mellitus is generally attributed to lifestyle factors like – obesity, low physical activity, irregular and unhealthy diet, excess consumption of sugar in form of sweets, drinks etc.

Causes of Diabetes

The food that we eat is broken down into useful compounds through the process of digestion. One of these compounds is glucose, usually referred to as blood sugar. Glucose is food for the cells of human body i.e. body cells rely on the availability of glucose for further using it as a source of energy. The job of carrying glucose to the cells of the body is done by the blood.

But mere carrying the glucose to the cells by blood isn’t enough for the cells to absorb glucose, a job which is done by hormone insulin, supplied by the pancreas. Insulin acts as a bridge for glucose to transit from blood to the body cells. Problem arises when the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin or the body cells for some reason doesn’t respond to receive the glucose; both the cases result in the excess of glucose in blood, which is referred as Diabetes or Diabetes Mellitus.

Symptoms of Diabetes

Most common symptoms of diabetes are fatigue, irritation, stress, tiredness, frequent urination and headache including loss of strength and stamina, weight loss, increase in appetite etc.

Levels of Diabetes

There are two types of blood sugar levels – fasting blood sugar level (blood sugar test before food) and postprandial blood sugar level (blood sugar test two hours after having meal). Sugar level measured after fasting for at least eight hours generally after an overnight fast is called fasting sugar level. Blood sugar level below 100 mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter) before eating food is considered normal.

Sugar level measured after two hours of eating is called postprandial glucose level or PP level. The PP blood sugar level should be below 140 mg/dL, two hours after the meals.

Though, the maximum limit in both the cases is defined, the permissible levels may vary among individuals. Some people may have normal fasting sugar level of 60 mg/dL while some may have the normal value of 90 mg/dL.

Effects of Diabetes

Diabetes may have severe health consequences and it affects vital body organs. Excessive glucose in blood damages kidneys, blood vessels, skin resulting in various cardiovascular and skin diseases and other ailments. Diabetes damages the kidneys, resulting in accumulation of impurities in body. It also damages the heart’s blood vessels increasing the possibility of a heart attack.

Apart from damaging vital organs, diabetes may cause various skin infections and the infection in other parts of the body. The prime cause of all type of infections is the decreased immunity of body cells due to their inability to absorb glucose.

Diabetes is a serious life threatening disease and must be constantly monitored and effectively subdued with proper medication and by adapting to a healthy life style. By following a healthy lifestyle, regular checkups and proper medication one can observe a healthy and long life.

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Essay on Diabetes FAQs

Can eating too much sugar cause diabetes.

No, eating too much sugar doesn't directly cause diabetes, but it can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes over time.

What are the 3 main symptoms of diabetes?

The 3 main symptoms of diabetes are frequent urination, excessive thirst, and unexplained weight loss.

Who gets diabetes and why?

Anyone can get diabetes, but it's more common in those with a family history, poor diet, or lack of physical activity.

How can I prevent diabetes naturally?

You can prevent diabetes naturally by maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet, and staying physically active.

What is the main prevention of diabetes?

The main prevention of diabetes involves lifestyle changes, like eating well and exercising regularly.

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From Research to Reflection: A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing an Essay on Diabetes

essay on diabetes in english

Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by high blood glucose levels, which can lead to various complications if left untreated. One of the most significant complications of diabetes is its impact on cardiovascular health.

The link between diabetes and cardiovascular disease is well-established. People with diabetes are two to four times more likely to develop cardiovascular disease than those without the disease.

The reasons for this are complex, but they include that diabetes can damage blood vessels and nerves throughout the body, including those that supply the heart and brain. This can lead to a range of cardiovascular problems, such as heart attacks, strokes, and peripheral artery disease .

We can guarantee you that most people are not even aware of this much information on diabetes. This is why writing an essay on diabetes makes sense.

What’s more, while writing an essay on diabetes, you make yourself aware of this disease and work towards reflecting on it.

Influence Of Diabetes On The Society

Diabetes can have a significant impact on society in a number of ways.

Here are some examples:

  • Healthcare costs: Diabetes is a chronic disease that requires ongoing medical care, including regular check-ups, medications, and in some cases, hospitalization. The cost of treating diabetes can be substantial, both for individuals and for society as a whole. In 2017, the total cost of diabetes in the US was estimated to be $327 billion, including direct medical costs and lost productivity.
  • Public health: Diabetes is a major public health issue , with an estimated 463 million adults worldwide living with the disease. Diabetes can lead to various health complications, including heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, and blindness. As a result, diabetes is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide.
  • Lifestyle changes: Diabetes is closely linked to lifestyle factors such as diet and physical activity. As a result, efforts to prevent or manage diabetes often involve promoting healthy lifestyle habits such as regular exercise and a balanced diet. These lifestyle changes can have a broader impact on society by promoting overall health and well-being.
  • Stigma: Diabetes can be stigmatized, with some people blaming individuals with diabetes for their disease. This can lead to discrimination and social isolation, which can have a negative impact on mental health and well-being.
  • Education and awareness: Diabetes education and awareness campaigns can play an important role in reducing the impact of diabetes on society. By promoting an understanding of the disease and its risk factors and encouraging early diagnosis and treatment, these campaigns can help to improve health outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.

Diabetes can significantly impact society, both in terms of healthcare costs and public health outcomes. By promoting education and awareness and encouraging healthy lifestyle habits, we can work to reduce the impact of diabetes on individuals and society as a whole.

Why Such A Subject?

While there are many subjects to write essays on, why write an essay on such a difficult subject? Well, when an educational institution asks you to write an essay, they look at your writing skills and try to figure out your personality along with it.

If you are writing about something that can bring change in society, it can impress them. Writing an essay on diabetes will allow you to stand out from all the other students who have submitted essays on almost the same topic.

Below are a few reasons why writing an essay on diabetes is a good idea.

  • To Raise Awareness: Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects millions of people worldwide, yet many people are still unaware of its causes, symptoms, and complications. Writing an essay on diabetes can help raise awareness about the disease, its impact on individuals and communities, and the importance of prevention and management.
  • To Educate: Diabetes is a complex disease that requires careful management and monitoring. Writing an essay on diabetes can help educate individuals about the different types of diabetes, risk factors, signs and symptoms, and treatment options.
  • To Promote Research: There is ongoing research on diabetes, including new treatments and management strategies. Writing an essay on diabetes can help promote research by highlighting the importance of funding and supporting research efforts.
  • To Advocate For Change: Writing an essay on diabetes can help advocate for policy changes that improve access to diabetes care, support for those with diabetes, and prevention efforts.
  • To Demonstrate Understanding: Writing an essay on diabetes can be an opportunity to demonstrate an understanding of the disease and its impact on individuals and communities. It can also showcase critical thinking skills and research abilities.

Writing an essay on diabetes can help raise awareness, educate, promote research, advocate for change, and demonstrate an understanding of the disease. It can be an important way to promote public health and improve the lives of individuals with diabetes.

A Step-by-Step Guide To Writing An Essay On Diabetes

Writing an essay on diabetes requires thorough research and reflection. You can’t just proceed with a diabetes essay like any normal essay topic. When writing an essay on diabetes, you can’t get wrong with your facts and information. One mistake in your information can affect your whole efforts.

When you are doing research for your essay, ensure that you are picking information from credible resources.

Follow the steps below to write a high-quality essay.

Step 1: Choose A Specific Topic

The topic of diabetes is vast, so it is essential to narrow it down to a specific area you can thoroughly explore in your essay. Consider the audience, the essay’s purpose, and the assignment’s scope. For instance, you could focus on the causes of diabetes, the different types of diabetes, the impact of diabetes on a particular population, or the latest treatment options for diabetes.

Step 2: Conduct Research

Once you have a specific topic, conduct thorough research to gather relevant information from credible sources such as academic journals, government publications, and reputable websites. Take notes on key points, statistics, and quotes that you can use to support your arguments.

Step 3: Develop A Thesis Statement

Based on your research, develop a clear and concise thesis statement that summarizes the main argument of your essay. Your thesis statement should be debatable and provide a roadmap for the rest of your essay.

Step 4: Create An Outline

Use your research and thesis statement to create an outline for your essay. Organize your ideas into logical sections and subsections, and ensure each point supports your thesis statement.

Step 5: Write The Essay

Using your outline as a guide, write your essay. Start with an introduction that provides background information and a clear thesis statement. Use the body paragraphs to present your arguments and support them with evidence from your research. End with a conclusion that restates your thesis and summarizes your main points.

Step 6: Edit And Proofread

After you have written your essay, edit and proofread it carefully to ensure it is clear, concise, and error-free. Check for spelling and grammatical errors, and ensure your ideas flow logically.

Step 7: Reflect On Your Essay

Finally, take some time to reflect on your essay. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of your argument, and think about what you could have done differently. This reflection can help you improve your writing skills and prepare for future assignments.

By following this step-by-step guide, you can write a well-researched and thoughtful essay on diabetes. Remember to choose a specific topic, conduct thorough research, develop a clear thesis statement, create an outline, write the essay, edit and proofread, and reflect on your work.

However, if you find it difficult to write an essay on diabetes, but the opportunity is too good to miss, ask a professional to ‘ write my essay for me ’.

Things To Consider!

Define your purpose.

Before you start writing, it’s important to clarify why you’re writing about diabetes.

Are you trying to educate readers about the disease? Discuss a specific aspect of diabetes research or treatment. Argue for a particular approach to diabetes prevention or management.

Defining your purpose can help guide your writing and ensure that you stay focused on your main goals.

Know Your Audience

Who will be reading your essay? Are they experts in diabetes, or are they general readers who may not be familiar with the disease? Understanding your audience can help you tailor your writing style and language to make your essay as accessible and engaging as possible.

Research Thoroughly

Diabetes is a complex and multi-faceted disease, so it’s important to do your research to ensure you comprehensively understand the topic. Find reputable sources, such as peer-reviewed journals, government websites, or expert organizations like the American Diabetes Association.

Consider Multiple Perspectives

There are many different viewpoints on diabetes, from healthcare providers to patients to public health advocates. When writing your essay, consider different perspectives and present a balanced view of the topic.

Use Clear, Concise Language

Diabetes is a technical topic with many medical terms and concepts that may be unfamiliar to some readers. To make your essay as accessible as possible, try to use clear, concise language that is easy to understand. Use layman’s terms when appropriate, and define any technical terms you use.

Use Examples And Anecdotes

Diabetes can be a dry and technical topic, so using examples and anecdotes can help to bring your writing to life and make it more engaging for readers. Consider including real-life stories of people with diabetes or describing specific research studies or medical interventions in detail.

Edit And Proofread Carefully

Finally, edit and proofread your essay carefully before submitting it. Look for spelling and grammar errors and any unclear or confusing language. Consider having someone else read your essay to get a fresh perspective and catch any mistakes you may have missed.

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What Is Diabetes?

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Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Glucose is your body’s main source of energy. Your body can make glucose, but glucose also comes from the food you eat.

Insulin is a hormone  made by the pancreas  that helps glucose get into your cells to be used for energy. If you have diabetes, your body doesn’t make enough—or any—insulin, or doesn’t use insulin properly. Glucose then stays in your blood and doesn’t reach your cells.

Diabetes raises the risk for damage to the eyes, kidneys, nerves, and heart. Diabetes is also linked to some types of cancer. Taking steps to prevent or manage diabetes may lower your risk of developing diabetes health problems.

On the left, a diagram of a blood vessel that has a normal blood glucose level and contains fewer glucose molecules. On the right, a diagram of a blood vessel that has a high blood glucose level and contains more glucose molecules.

What are the different types of diabetes?

The most common types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes

If you have type 1 diabetes , your body makes little or no insulin. Your immune system  attacks and destroys the cells in your pancreas that make insulin. Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, although it can appear at any age. People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day to stay alive.

Type 2 diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes , the cells in your body don’t use insulin properly. The pancreas may be making insulin but is not making enough insulin to keep your blood glucose level in the normal range. Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes. You are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you have risk factors , such as overweight or obesity , and a family history of the disease. You can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even during childhood.

You can help delay or prevent type 2 diabetes  by knowing the risk factors and taking steps toward a healthier lifestyle, such as losing weight or preventing weight gain.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that develops during pregnancy. Most of the time, this type of diabetes goes away after the baby is born. However, if you’ve had gestational diabetes, you have a higher chance of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Sometimes diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy is type 2 diabetes.


People with prediabetes  have blood glucose levels that are higher than normal but not high enough to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. If you have prediabetes, you have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the future. You also have a higher risk for heart disease than people with normal glucose levels.

Other types of diabetes

A less common type of diabetes, called monogenic diabetes , is caused by a change in a single gene . Diabetes can also come from having surgery to remove the pancreas, or from damage to the pancreas due to conditions such as cystic fibrosis or pancreatitis .

How common are diabetes and prediabetes?

More than 133 million Americans have diabetes or prediabetes. 1

As of 2019, 37.3 million people—or 11.3% of the U.S. population—had diabetes. 1 More than 1 in 4 people over the age of 65 had diabetes. Nearly 1 in 4 adults with diabetes didn’t know they had the disease. 2

About 90% to 95% of diabetes cases are type 2 diabetes. 3

In 2019, 96 million adults—38% of U.S. adults—had prediabetes. 4

What other health problems can people with diabetes develop?

Over time, high blood glucose can damage your heart , kidneys , feet , and eyes . If you have diabetes, you can take steps to lower your chances of developing diabetes health problems  by taking steps to improve your health  and learning how to manage the disease . Managing your blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels can help prevent future health problems.

Doctor using a special device to check the inside of a patient’s eye.

This content is provided as a service of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), part of the National Institutes of Health. NIDDK translates and disseminates research findings to increase knowledge and understanding about health and disease among patients, health professionals, and the public. Content produced by NIDDK is carefully reviewed by NIDDK scientists and other experts.

NIDDK would like to thank: Daniel Bessesen, M.D., University of Colorado; Domenico Accili, M.D., Columbia University

Diabetes Essays

Case study report: diabetes, development and analysis of an argument that seeks to solve a real-world problem, indigenous health: indigenous people are disproportionately affected by diabetes, prevalence and solutions of diabetes among african americans, economic implications on diabetes, a small pharmaceutical, diabetes in west virginia, diabetes: a comparative analysis of management strategies in the uk and india, diabetes-free maryland: empowering communities for optimal health, patient, family, or population health problem solution, final diabetic care coordination plan, relevance of the glycemic index and glycemic load for body weight, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, social ecological model of health, diabetes: a review of literature and implications for nutrition practice, type 2 diabetes formative case study, essays on diabetes.

Diabetes is a significant issue, but communicating it is not always easy. The way you approach your essay on diabetes will have a direct effect on the way readers receive it — especially those who have diabetes. So, we encourage you to tackle the subject sensibly and take the opportunity to do something positive, such as spreading understanding or even speaking up about the ineptitudes of the healthcare system when it comes to supporting patients with diabetes.

Exploring diabetes in broad strokes can limit your analysis and perspective, which can affect your essay’s impact. Since diabetes is such a huge issue, you should strive to make a positive impact. So, choosing the focus of your essay is key. For example, you could provide a complete breakdown of diabetes and how it affects people’s lives.

On another note, consider delving into its influence on people’s way of life. Diabetes care presents an intriguing avenue for exploration, encompassing a wide array of facets such as treatment choices, affordability, accessibility, and beyond. The challenges faced by individuals living with diabetes are undeniably significant and warrant thoughtful discussion. One of the biggest struggles is access to affordable healthcare and treatment, which is a very important topic you could explore.

When writing an essay on diabetes, you should have a clear purpose. Whether promoting understanding, raising awareness, presenting prevention strategies, etc., make sure you add something valuable to the conversation and use relevant sources as a foundation. You can engage readers and make a difference by inspiring action. At the very least, you can help readers understand diabetes and have more empathy for people who live with it.

Diabetes is a very important topic because over 500 million people worldwide live with it. It affects every aspect of their lives but doesn’t keep them from fulfillment, success, and happiness. So, you should definitely consider including real stories from people with diabetes to offer more insight into the good and the bad, thus making a greater impact on readers.

If you need help in creating an outline for your paper, use essay examples on this page that may push you in the right direction and help you complete your assignment with excellence.

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Essay on Diabetes

Diabetes is a metabolic disease, in which the human body fails to utilize the sugar (glucose) content in blood, thus resulting in high blood sugar levels over a prolonged period of time. Sugar present in our blood is a carried by a hormone called Insulin, to the cells and stored or used as a source of energy. Diabetes occurs when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin or the insulin is unable to effectively transfer the produced glucose to the body tissues.

Diabetes is a serious health concern and requires regular medical care. Most common symptoms of diabetes include – frequent urination, unusual weight loss, increased appetite and a desire to consume sweets.

Long and Short Essay on Diabetes in English

Below we have provided long and short essay on diabetes of varying length on various aspects of diabetes. After going through the essay you will be able to speak or write on various issues like – causes, symptoms, types, levels and effects of diabetes.

It will also focus on diet that should be taken by a diabetic person and its effects on other vital organs of human body.

Also, you will know about the global spread of diabetes and its preventive measures as well as the significance of the World Diabetes Day.

You can choose any Diabetes essay of your choice from the essays given below and use the information in competitions, debates, class tests etc.

Short Essay on Diabetes – A Silent Threat to Humanity – Essay 1 (200 Words)

Diabetes is a metabolic disease which is caused due to the excess of sugar (glucose) in human blood. It is also called as Diabetes Mellitus (DM). Our body produces a hormone – Insulin, which is primarily responsible for carrying glucose present in our blood to the cells to be stored and used as energy source. Problem occurs when either the pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin, or the insulin produced is somehow unable to effectively transfer the glucose from blood to the cells.

A persistent increased blood sugar level is a potential threat to the vital organs and other parts of human body. Initial symptoms of diabetes are frequent urination, dizziness, weight loss, increased hunger etc. Diabetes may cause severe complications like – consciousness loss, kidney failure, brain stroke, foot ulcers and damage to the eyes.

Diabetes Mellitus has become the most common disease and around 425 million people globally are suffering from diabetes; out of which 82 million belong to the south-east Asian region. India, which is also a part of south-east Asia, has over seven crores cases of diabetes recorded annually.

With lifestyle changes and less physical exercise, more and more people are getting affected by diabetes. It is estimated that given to the present state of affairs, total number of diabetes patients in south-east Asia alone, will rise to 151 million.

Essay on Effects of Diabetes and Diabetes Day – Essay 2 (300 Words)


Diabetes or Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disease caused due to the excess of blood sugar level in human body. An excessive quantity of sugar in blood, damages other vital organs like – kidney, heart and brain. Though, it is caused by the under production of insulin hormone by the pancreas, it is also a life style disease, caused due to unhealthy dietary habits and lack of physical exercise.

Effects of Diabetes on Health

Diabetes has wide range of effects on human body and health.  It is the condition in which the glucose present in the human blood is somehow fails to be utilized as the source of energy. It could be either due to under production of insulin hormone, which carries sugar from blood to the cells, or it could be due to the unresponsiveness of cells to receive the sugar.

Whatever the reason may be, it results in excess blood sugar (glucose) content. Diabetes may potentially affect the vital organs like heart, kidney, brain and eyes. It may cause cardiovascular diseases, heart attack, kidney failure, hearing loss, bacterial and fungal skin infections and brain stroke.

World Diabetes Day and its Significance

Globally, around 425 million people are suffering from diabetes and the number is about to increase significantly in coming years if the preventive measures are not taken. Therefore, to raise awareness of people about diabetes, International Diabetes Federation (IDF) observes World Diabetes Day every year on 14 th November.

World Diabetes Day was first launched in 1991, as a counter measure to the increasing number of diabetes patients around the world.

Diabetes Mellitus is a global threat, with billions affected globally by it, it becomes imperative to raise public awareness about the causes, symptoms and effects of diabetes in order to effectively reduce the number of patients globally. Global events like World Diabetes Day play a significant role in freeing the world from Diabetes Mellitus.

Essay on Diabetes Mellitus and Kidney Problems – Essay 3 (400 Words)

Diabetes Mellitus is a condition when human body is unable to effectively utilize the sugar (glucose) present in its blood ultimately leading to high blood glucose level. Blood is a vital body fluid that reaches all the body parts, and an abnormally high glucose level in blood could potentially damage the vital body organs and other body parts.

Causes and Symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes is identified by high sugar (glucose) content in human blood. Glucose is a source of energy for the body and is normally present in blood which supplies glucose to other parts of body. The body parts that receive glucose do so with help of a hormone called Insulin. As long as the pancreas normally produces insulin, the blood glucose level is maintained. But, an abnormality in insulin production or its inefficiency to effectively transfer the glucose to the body tissues, leads to excess of glucose in blood. This metabolic condition is identified as Diabetes or Diabetes Mellitus.

Common symptoms of diabetes mellitus include tiredness, loss of stamina, sweating, persistent hunger, loss of weight and frequent urination. Any such symptoms must not be neglected and proper medical advice must be sought.

How Diabetes is Related to the Health of Kidney

Diabetes is one of the most common causes of kidney failure. Kidneys are the vital body organ which cleans the blood. A high content of glucose in blood damages the blood vessels of kidney, resulting in a medical condition called Diabetic Nephropathy.

With damaged blood vessels, your kidneys will not be able to effectively clean the blood, resulting in waste accumulation in your blood and body as well. This cycle continues, further damaging the kidneys and also other body parts. If the damage continues, it might result in serious complications including kidney failure.

The damage to the kidneys begins long before the other symptoms of diabetes actually appear. Patients suffering from diabetes should get their kidneys examined from time to time. Retention of urine in the bladder caused due to diabetes might also result in pressure on kidneys, further damaging them.

It is recorded that around 30 to 40% of diabetes patients will eventually face kidney failure. The number is disturbing given the billions of diabetes patients worldwide. Apart from raising people’s awareness on diabetes, there is also a need to make the tests of kidneys affordable for a common man. Diabetes patients must be regularly tested for the health of their kidneys and other vital organs.

Essay on Diabetes Mellitus and Heart Attack – Essay 4 (500 Words)

Diabetes is a metabolic condition in which the blood retains more glucose, than it should under normal conditions. A high blood glucose level may damage the vital organs of human body like kidney, eyes, ear, heart and brain. Diabetes is caused due to under production of insulin hormone by the pancreas, which acts as a bridge for blood sugar (glucose), to move from blood to the other cells of the body.

Signs of Diabetes Mellitus

Some of the typical symptoms of Diabetes include anxiety, tiredness, blurred vision, headache, irritation, weakness, loss of stamina and faster heartbeat. These are only initial symptoms of diabetes and indicate the forthcoming severe consequences. Every sign of diabetes speaks volumes about the effects of the disease. For example, tiredness, dizziness is caused due to the inability of one’s body cells to successfully convert blood glucose into energy. Increased blood sugar levels in the blood damages the vital organs including heart.

Diabetes Mellitus and Heart Attack

Person suffering from diabetes is more likely to have cardiovascular complications including heart attack. Diabetes leads to high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels, escalating the possibility of a heart attack.

High glucose content in the blood damages the blood vessels of heart. Damaged blood vessels are unable to pump the required blood at the required rate, ultimately causing heart attack and other heart diseases. People suffering from diabetes are more likely to have cardiovascular disorders from a very early age, than the people who are not suffering from diabetes.

There are also certain factors which might increase one’s chance of heart attack, like smoking, drinking liquor, obesity, high cholesterol level and unhealthy lifestyle. The given factors, if present with diabetes, substantially increase the chances of a heart attack.

Prevention is Better than Cure

The best way for a diabetic person to stop a heart attack from occurring is by keeping a check on his/her blood sugar level. A diabetic person should always take necessary precautions to keep his/her blood sugar level under control. The precautions include – routine checkup of sugar level and heart, avoiding unhealthy and oily food, quit smoking, adapting to healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, and early morning walks etc.

The blood vessels of a diabetic patient are already weaker as compared to that of a normal human being. If a diabetic patient consumes unhealthy or junk food, he/she increases his/her cholesterol level, which together with the damaged blood vessels makes a heart attack most likely possibility. Activities like exercising and walking keep one’s cholesterol level under control, hence decreasing the chances of a heart attack.

A diabetic person must also take precautionary measures to keep his/her high blood pressure under control. Such patients are more likely to get a heart attack when compared to any normal patient of high blood pressure.

Diabetes is a silent killer; when unchecked, it slowly damages the vital organs resulting in their malfunction and severe health complications. Necessary precautionary measures should be taken, especially by a diabetic person to keep his/her heart and other vital organs in a healthy condition. Diabetes damages the heart’s blood vessels increasing the possibility of a heart attack.

Long Informative Essay on Diabetes – Essay 5 (600 Words)

This one is a complete essay providing information about “Meaning, Types, Causes, Symptoms, Effects and Levels of Diabetes.”

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder which is identified by the high blood sugar (glucose) level. An increased blood glucose level damages the vital organs as well as other organs of the human’s body causing other potential health ailments.

Types of Diabetes

Diabetes Mellitus could be further classified into the following two types –

1) Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus is classified by deficiency of insulin in blood. The deficiency is caused by the loss of insulin producing beta cells in pancreas. This type of diabetes is found more common in children. It is characterized by an abnormally high or low blood sugar levels.

The patients of type 1 diabetes require regular administration of insulin. The type 1 diabetes is hereditary i.e. you are most likely to have type 1 diabetes if any of your parents had it. Symptoms of Type 1 diabetes include frequent urination, thirst, weight loss and constant hunger.

2) Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is characterized by the inefficiency of body tissues to effectively respond to insulin, which may be combined by insulin deficiency. Type 2 diabetes mellitus is the most common type of diabetes.

People with type 2 diabetes mellitus take medicines to improve the body’s responsiveness to insulin or to reduce the glucose produced by the liver. This type of diabetes mellitus is generally attributed to lifestyle factors like – obesity, low physical activity, irregular and unhealthy diet, excess consumption of sugar in form of sweets, drinks etc.

Causes of Diabetes

The food that we eat is broken down into useful compounds through the process of digestion. One of these compounds is glucose, usually referred to as blood sugar. Glucose is food for the cells of human body i.e. body cells rely on the availability of glucose for further using it as a source of energy. The job of carrying glucose to the cells of the body is done by the blood.

But mere carrying the glucose to the cells by blood isn’t enough for the cells to absorb glucose, a job which is done by hormone insulin, supplied by the pancreas. Insulin acts as a bridge for glucose to transit from blood to the body cells. Problem arises when the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin or the body cells for some reason doesn’t respond to receive the glucose; both the cases result in the excess of glucose in blood, which is referred  as Diabetes or Diabetes Mellitus.

Symptoms of Diabetes

Most common symptoms of diabetes are fatigue, irritation, stress, tiredness, frequent urination and headache including loss of strength and stamina, weight loss, increase in appetite etc.

Levels of Diabetes

There are two types of blood sugar levels – fasting blood sugar level (blood sugar test before food) and postprandial blood sugar level (blood sugar test two hours after having meal). Sugar level measured after fasting for at least eight hours generally after an overnight fast is called fasting sugar level. Blood sugar level below 100 mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter) before eating food is considered normal.

Sugar level measured after two hours of eating is called postprandial glucose level or PP level. The PP blood sugar level should be below 140 mg/dL, two hours after the meals.

Though, the maximum limit in both the cases is defined, the permissible levels may vary among individuals. Some people may have normal fasting sugar level of 60 mg/dL while some may have the normal value of 90 mg/dL.

Effects of Diabetes

Diabetes may have severe health consequences and it affects vital body organs. Excessive glucose in blood damages kidneys, blood vessels, skin resulting in various cardiovascular and skin diseases and other ailments. Diabetes damages the kidneys, resulting in accumulation of impurities in body. It also damages the heart’s blood vessels increasing the possibility of a heart attack.

Apart from damaging vital organs, diabetes may cause various skin infections and the infection in other parts of the body. The prime cause of all type of infections is the decreased immunity of body cells due to their inability to absorb glucose.

Diabetes is a serious life threatening disease and must be constantly monitored and effectively subdued with proper medication and by adapting to a healthy life style. By following a healthy lifestyle, regular checkups and proper medication one can observe a healthy and long life.

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Diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2

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Words: 440 |

Published: Dec 18, 2018

Words: 440 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

  • A fasting plasma glucose test measures your blood glucose after you have gone at least 8 hours without eating.
  • An oral glucose tolerance test measures your blood sugar after you have gone at least eight hours without eating and two hours after you drink a glucose-containing beverage
  • A random plasma glucose test, your doctor checks your blood sugar without regard to when you ate your last meal. This test, along with an assessment of symptoms Positive test results should be confirmed by repeating the fasting plasma glucose test or the oral glucose tolerance test on a different day. This blood test -- along with other information and test results - can help determine if a person has type 1 diabetes and not another type.

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essay on diabetes in english

Home / Essay Samples / Health / Illness / Diabetes

Diabetes Essay Examples

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About Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic, metabolic disease characterized by elevated levels of blood glucose (or blood sugar), which leads over time to serious damage to the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys and nerves.

Symptoms the need to urinate often, thirst, constant hunger, weight loss, vision changes and fatigue. These symptoms may occur suddenly.

Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, and Gestational diabetes.

Family history, race or ethnicity, obesity, lack of exercise,high blood pressure, genetics, air pollution,polycystic ovary syndrome etc.

About 90-95 percent of people with diabetes have Type 2, while about 5 percent have Type 1, and the remainder have gestational diabetes. It is the number 7 cause of death in the United States. More than 37 million people in the United States have diabetes, and 1 in 5 of them don’t know they have it. In the last 20 years, the number of adults diagnosed with diabetes has more than doubled. uses cookies to offer you the best service possible.By continuing we’ll assume you board with our cookie policy .--> -->