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best biography george washington

The 10 Best Books on President George Washington

Essential books on george washington.

george washington books

There are countless books on George Washington, and it comes with good reason, beyond serving as America’s first President (1789-1797), he was commander in chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War.

“There is nothing which can better deserve your patronage, than the promotion of science and literature,” he believed. “Knowledge is in every country the surest basis of public happiness.”

In order to get to the bottom of what inspired one of history’s most consequential figures to the heights of societal contribution, we’ve compiled a list of the 10 best books on George Washington.

Washington: A Life by Ron Chernow

best biography george washington

Celebrated biographer Ron Chernow provides a richly nuanced portrait of the father of our nation and the first president of the United States. With a breadth and depth matched by no other one-volume biography of George Washington, this crisply paced narrative carries the reader through his adventurous early years, his heroic exploits with the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War, his presiding over the Constitutional Convention, and his magnificent performance as America’s first president.

Washington’s Revolution: The Making of America’s First Leader by Robert Middlekauff

best biography george washington

Focusing on Washington’s early years, Bancroft Prize winner and Pulitzer Prize finalist Robert Middlekauff penetrates his mystique, revealing his all-too-human fears, values, and passions. Rich in psychological detail regarding Washington’s temperament, idiosyncrasies, and experiences, this book shows a self-conscious Washington who grew in confidence and experience as a young soldier, businessman, and Virginia gentleman, and who was transformed into a patriot by the revolutionary ferment of the 1760s and ’70s.

Middlekauff makes clear that Washington was at the heart of not just the revolution’s course and outcome but also the success of the nation it produced. This vivid, insightful new account of the formative years that shaped a callow George Washington into an extraordinary leader is an indispensable book for truly understanding one of America’s great figures.

The Return of George Washington: 1783-1789 by Edward Larson

best biography george washington

After leading the Continental Army to victory in the Revolutionary War, George Washington shocked the world: he retired. In December 1783, General Washington, the most powerful man in the country, stepped down as Commander in Chief and returned to private life at Mount Vernon. Yet as Washington contentedly grew his estate, the fledgling American experiment floundered. Under the Articles of Confederation, the weak central government was unable to raise revenue to pay its debts or reach a consensus on national policy.

The states bickered and grew apart. When a Constitutional Convention was established to address these problems, its chances of success were slim. Jefferson, Madison, and the other Founding Fathers realized that only one man could unite the fractious states: George Washington. Reluctant, but duty-bound, Washington rode to Philadelphia in the summer of 1787 to preside over the Convention.

Although Washington is often overlooked in most accounts of the period, this masterful new history from Pulitzer Prize-winner Edward J. Larson brilliantly uncovers Washington’s vital role in shaping the Convention – and shows how it was only with Washington’s support and his willingness to serve as President that the states were brought together and ratified the Constitution, thereby saving the country.

His Excellency: George Washington by Joseph J. Ellis

best biography george washington

To this landmark biography of our first president, Joseph J. Ellis brings the exacting scholarship, shrewd analysis, and lyric prose that have made him one of the premier historians of the Revolutionary era. Training his lens on a figure who sometimes seems as remote as his effigy on Mount Rushmore, Ellis assesses George Washington as a military and political leader and a man whose “statue-like solidity” concealed volcanic energies and emotions.

Here is the impetuous young officer whose miraculous survival in combat half-convinced him that he could not be killed. Here is the free-spending landowner whose debts to English merchants instilled him with a prickly resentment of imperial power. We see the general who lost more battles than he won and the reluctant president who tried to float above the partisan feuding of his cabinet.

Washington’s Crossing by David Hackett Fischer

best biography george washington

Six months after the Declaration of Independence, the American Revolution was all but lost. A powerful British force had routed the Americans at New York, occupied three colonies, and advanced within sight of Philadelphia.

Yet, as David Hackett Fischer recounts in this riveting history, George Washington and many other Americans refused to let the Revolution die. On Christmas night, as a howling nor’easter struck the Delaware Valley, he led his men across the river and attacked the exhausted Hessian garrison at Trenton, killing or capturing nearly a thousand men. A second battle of Trenton followed within days.

The Americans held off a counterattack by Lord Cornwallis’s best troops, then were almost trapped by the British force. Under cover of night, Washington’s men stole behind the enemy and struck them again, defeating a brigade at Princeton. The British were badly shaken. In twelve weeks of winter fighting, their army suffered severe damage, their hold on New Jersey was broken, and their strategy was ruined.

This gem among books on George Washington reveals the crucial role of contingency in these events. We see how the campaign unfolded in a sequence of difficult choices by many actors, from generals to civilians, on both sides.

Washington: The Indispensable Man by James Flexner

best biography george washington

After more than two decades, this dramatic and concise single-volume distillation of James Thomas Flexner’s definitive four-volume biography of George Washington, which received a Pulitzer Prize citation and a National Book Award for the fourth volume, has itself become an American classic.

The author unflinchingly paints a portrait of Washington: slave owner, brave leader, man of passion, reluctant politician, and fierce general. His complex character and career are neither glorified nor vilified here; rather, Flexner sets up a brilliant counterpoint between Washington’s public and private lives and gives us a challenging look at the man who has become as much a national symbol as the American flag.

An Imperfect God  by Henry Wiencek

best biography george washington

When George Washington wrote his will, he made the startling decision to set his slaves free; earlier he had said that holding slaves was his “only unavoidable subject of regret.” In this groundbreaking work, Henry Wiencek explores the founding father’s engagement with slavery at every stage of his life – as a Virginia planter, soldier, politician, president and statesman.

Washington was born and raised among blacks and mixed-race people; he and his wife had blood ties to the slave community. Yet as a young man he bought and sold slaves without scruple, even raffled off children to collect debts (an incident ignored by earlier biographers). Then, on the Revolutionary battlefields where he commanded both black and white troops, Washington’s attitudes began to change. He and the other framers enshrined slavery in the Constitution, but, Wiencek shows, even before he became president Washington had begun to see the system’s evil.

Wiencek’s revelatory narrative, based on a meticulous examination of private papers, court records, and the voluminous Washington archives, documents for the first time the moral transformation culminating in Washington’s determination to emancipate his slaves. He acted too late to keep the new republic from perpetuating slavery, but his repentance was genuine.

George Washington’s heroic stature as Father of Our Country is not diminished in this superb, nuanced portrait: now we see Washington in full as a man of his time and ahead of his time.

George Washington: A Biography by Washington Irving

best biography george washington

Washington Irving’s  Life of George Washington (published in five volumes in 1856-59) was the product of his last years and remains his most personal work. Christened with the name of the great general, Irving was blessed by Washington while still a boy of seven, and later came to know many of the prominent figures of the Revolution. In these pages he describes them using firsthand source material and observation. The result is a book which is fascinating not only for its subject (the American Revolution), but also for how it reveals in illuminating detail the personality and humanity of a now remote, towering icon.

But one cannot read Irving’s  Life  without marveling at the supreme art behind it, for his biography is foremost a work of literature. Charles Neider’s abridgment and editing of Irving’s long out-of-print classic has created a literary work comparable in importance and elegance to the original.   George Washington, A Biography , Neider’s title for his edition of Irving’s  Life , makes the work accessible to modern audiences.

Founding Friendship by Stuart Eric Leibiger

best biography george washington

Although the friendship between George Washington and James Madison was eclipsed in the early 1790s by the alliances of Madison with Jefferson and Washington with Hamilton, their collaboration remains central to the constitutional revolution that launched the American experiment in republican government. Washington relied heavily on Madison’s advice, pen, and legislative skill, while Madison found Washington’s prestige indispensable for achieving his goals for the new nation.

Observing these two founding fathers in light of their special relationship, this gem among books on George Washington argues against a series of misconceptions about the men. Madison emerges as neither a strong nationalist of the Hamiltonian variety nor a political consolidationist; he did not retreat from nationalism to states’ rights in the 1790s, as other historians have charged. Washington, far from being a majestic figurehead, exhibits a strong constitutional vision and firm control of his administration.

1776 by David McCullough

best biography george washington

In this masterful book, David McCullough tells the intensely human story of those who marched with General George Washington in the year of the Declaration of Independence – when the whole American cause was riding on their success, without which all hope for independence would have been dashed and the noble ideals of the Declaration would have amounted to little more than words on paper.

Based on extensive research in both American and British archives,  1776  is a powerful drama written with extraordinary narrative vitality. It is the story of Americans in the ranks, men of every shape, size, and color, farmers, schoolteachers, shoemakers, no-accounts, and mere boys turned soldiers. And it is the story of the King’s men, the British commander, William Howe, and his highly disciplined redcoats who looked on their rebel foes with contempt and fought with a valor too little known.

If you enjoyed this guide to books on George Washington, be sure to check out our list of The 10 Best Books on President John Adams !

My Journey Through the Best Presidential Biographies

My Journey Through the Best Presidential Biographies

The Best Biographies of George Washington

05 Tuesday Feb 2013

Posted by Steve in Best Biographies Posts , President #01 - G Washington


American history , best biographies , book reviews , George Washington , James Thomas Flexner , John Ferling , Joseph Ellis , presidential biographies , Presidents , Ron Chernow


The journey to read the best biographies of every president from George Washington to Barack Obama seems a long and ambitious one. With just a single president in the rearview mirror now, the path ahead still seems quite formidable.

Having just finished nine biographies (by five authors) on Washington, it seems natural to pause for a moment to reflect on how far we have traveled. And since few people possess the burning desire to read a half dozen or more books on Washington to find one that is “just right” it also seems appropriate to provide some parting thoughts before pressing ahead to meet John Adams.

Thus far, the adventure has been far more satisfying than expected. Although I knew George Washington’s life was certain to be interesting, it proved immensely more so than imagined.  His evolution – from an underprivileged but ambitious youth into a judicious and astute leader – was captivating and could hardly be better constructed in a work of fiction. My education on Washington was made easier, of course, by the fact that many of the biographies I read were outstanding.


Volume 1 (“ George Washington: The Forge of Experience 1732-1775 “) was published in 1965 and covers the first two-thirds of Washington’s life (ending just as the American Revolution begins).  Volume 2 (“ George Washington in the American Revolution 1775-1783 “) was published two years later and reviews Washington’s life during the American Revolution.

Volume 3 (“ George Washington and the New Nation 1783-1793 “) was published in 1970 and covers Washington’s brief post-war retirement and his first presidential term. Volume 4 (“ George Washington: Anguish and Farewell 1793-1799 “) was published in 1972 and covers Washington’s second presidential term through the time of his death.

Though these 1,800 pages required a significant time commitment, the reward was an understanding of Washington so deep and thorough that no other biography exceeded the experience. The individual volumes varied slightly (earlier volumes were written in a less contemporary style) and Flexner’s writing style is not nearly as engaging as David McCullough’s or Ron Chernow’s. But overall, the series was fantastic. (Full reviews here , here , here and here )

* Recognizing that many readers will not consume a four-volume series, Flexner published an abridgment in 1974: “ Washington: The Indispensable Man .”

Here, in just over 400 pages, Flexner captures the essence of what made Washington a unique historical figure. This biography includes a large number of charts, illustrations, maps and pictures which were not present in his earlier, larger work. Despite my fondness for this biography, his four-volume series was so strong that this abbreviation falls a bit short by comparison. But it is still one of the best single-volume biographies of Washington I read. ( Full review here )

* The third biography of Washington I read was Ron Chernow’s 2010 “ Washington: A Life .”  This 2011 Pulitzer Prize winner is astonishingly fabulous. It is excellent in every respect and is by far the best single-volume Washington biography I read.

Chernow’s masterful storytelling skills are on full display, and despite being the longest Washington biography in my library (with 817 pages) it proved brilliantly engaging. If this book is not already in your library, get it. Now! You won’t regret the decision. ( Full review here )

* Next I read Joseph Ellis’s “ His Excellency: George Washington. ” Although it fell short of the standard set by Chernow, this was also a great reading experience. This biography is probably the best choice for someone with extremely limited time or shelf space. It was the shortest of the biographies I read (at 275 pages), but far from the least worthy. And in terms of impact-per-page, this may have been the best of the group. ( Full review here )

* The last two Washington biographies I read were “ Patriarch: George Washington and the New American Nation ” by Richard Norton Smith and “ The Ascent of George Washington ” by John Ferlin. While they each have merit, they fell far short of the rest of the group. In a world overflowing with an abundance of great biographies of George Washington, I would leave these two on the shelf.

Neither is adequate for a reader hoping to get a comprehensive, and interesting, view of Washington from a single source. Ferling’s “The Ascent of George Washington” is a somewhat provocative stab at the conventional wisdom on Washington. Although much of the analysis seems reasonable, the tone of the book is needlessly one-sided. ( Full review here )

Richard Norton Smith’s biography is focused on Washington’s presidency. While it provides some unique insight into that period of his life, it proves quite dry and the narrow focus requires the author to leave aside much which could otherwise be of interest. ( Full review here )

– – – – – – –

[ Added September 2020 ]

* More than 7 years after my first tour through George Washington’s best biographies I read Richard Harwell’s 1968 abridgment of Douglas Southall Freeman’s 7-volume series which was published between 1948 and 1957. Condensing this 3,600 page behemoth was no small task and Harwell admitted early in this 754-page abridgment to many of the required compromises.

And while there is much to be admired about Harwell’s abridgment of the underlying Pulitzer Prize-winning series, there is also much to be disappointed about – for both the casual reader and the serious scholar. The former will find this an often laborious, dense and colorless reading experience devoid of context, foreshadowing and conclusory remarks. The latter will find it is lacking footnotes, bibliography and a large number of maps and illustrations. So although the abridgment was almost as enormous a feat of literary genius as was writing the original series, it is far from ideal for most of its likely audience. ( Full review here )

Best Biography of Washington: “ Washington: A Life ” by Ron Chernow

Also Recommended:   James Thomas Flexner’s series

Best Short Bio of Washington: “ His Excellency: George Washington ” by J. Ellis

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61 thoughts on “the best biographies of george washington”.

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February 5, 2013 at 8:52 am

George Washington was a fascinating person leading a group of extraordinary people, the Founding Fathers. Your goal of reading the best biographies is an ambitious journey but well worthwhile. John Adams by David McCullough is great read also.

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February 5, 2013 at 11:14 am

Just getting started on John Adams by McCullough. Can’t wait to see what the hype is about. If it’s as good as I hear, I’ll want to jump ahead to Truman, but I’ll have to resist getting out of order…

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September 29, 2013 at 12:44 am

Did you consider Marshall’s Life of Washington? I finished it last year (the single volume, not the four volume set) and thought it was indispensable reading for details of the Revolution.

September 29, 2013 at 7:18 am

I have not yet read Marshall’s biography of Washington, but I absolutely do have it on my “to read” list. I finished reading Washington eight months ago, but I’ve already got another four biographies about him on that list. After I finish my current journey through the presidents I plan on circling back and making another pass with the best of the books I missed first time through. Marshall’s is certainly on it!

September 29, 2013 at 11:05 am

Oh, I love people like you. 🙂 Will definitely be following your journey.

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October 13, 2016 at 12:56 pm

you think that might cover Washington Irving’s multi-volume as well? I’m seriously considering tackling the presidential project next year

October 13, 2016 at 3:32 pm

I have Charles Neider’s abridgement of the 5-volume Irving series on my follow-up list. If I can find the entire series – affordably – I will probably read the entire series. Let me know if/when you get started on “the project”!

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December 13, 2013 at 11:05 am

I don’t know that I could handle the 4 volume set. I wouldn’t be able to read it consecutively because I would probably get distracted.

I find that there are many books for the presidents I would term “companion books”. Maybe not about the entire life of the President, but instead focusing on a specific aspect or what was going on at that time. A perfect example is Jefferson’s War by Joseph Wheelan. It is about the fight against the Barbary Pirates – Jefferson himself is given a small role in the book but the glimpse into his policies and what was happening at the time was fascinating. Great book.

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January 18, 2014 at 9:33 pm

I am also endeavoring to ready by way through the president’s (new years resolution) and I am grateful for these thorough reviews – THANKS.

January 18, 2014 at 9:38 pm

What a great New Year’s resolution! I hope you’re giving yourself longer than a year…!?!

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February 26, 2014 at 12:30 pm

Why not read the Washington Irving book? I’m in the process of reading a biography about each president and was under the impression that Irving’s book was the standard aside from the 4 volume monster.

I’m taking your recommendations on Tyler, Taylor and Polk.

February 26, 2014 at 12:36 pm

Because of its age, I was reluctant to include this rarely-read work on my short list. As I look back at what I “missed” I’m adding biographies for a second round, and Washington Irving’s classic is first on my must-read list for Washington! If you’ve read it or eventually do get to it, I’d love to know you think/thought of it-

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March 13, 2014 at 2:08 pm

Thanks for the reviews! You’ve inspired me to read more presidential biographies. I read Flexner’s one volume years ago and loved Chernow’s when it came out. Have you considered reading Douglas Southall Freeman’s six volume bio? I received it as a gift but haven’t started due to its daunting size!

March 13, 2014 at 2:27 pm

I’ve been interested in the Freeman multi-volume series for awhile but haven’t been able to find for less than the cost of a car payment. When I do, I’ll grab it and read it on the next go-through of the presidents. But I’ve resisted reading the “abridgment” by Harwell. I’d rather wait and read the “real thing.” If you do get to it, let me know if it’s worth the effort(!)

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July 12, 2019 at 9:58 pm

I wish that the Library of America would consider putting out an affordable edition of Freeman’s Washington!

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September 22, 2020 at 10:06 am

That is an excellent idea! And while they are at it they could do Irving Brant’s 6 volume life of James Madison without it costing a mortgage payment. Narrative history is virtually absent from Library of America.

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July 18, 2015 at 12:37 pm

I’m wondering if anyone out there has read the recently released, Washington’s Circle: The Creation of the President?

July 18, 2015 at 5:40 pm

I haven’t read it (yet) but have heard that it’s quite good. Apparently brings Washington to life in a colorful way and brings an interesting perspective to his post-Revolutionary life. I’ll definitely be reading this once I finish the presidents once-through and start my follow-up phase-

July 19, 2015 at 10:10 pm

It sounds interesting. I may fit it in between my Grant and Hayes bios.

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February 27, 2016 at 5:32 pm

douglas southall freeman won a pulitzer for his 7 volume treatment of washington, later condensed into a single work by richard harvell.

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June 6, 2016 at 5:14 am

I have the Pulitzer Prize winning 7 volume bio of Washington by Douglas Southall Freeman. If you’re interested, I’d be happy to sell them to you.

June 7, 2016 at 5:57 am

Many thanks; but in the couple of years since I finished my first pass through Washington’s biographies I’ve been collecting the pieces of that series and am almost finished. But I’m still uncertain whether I’ll read the whole series, the abridgement or perhaps both as part of my follow-up list?

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October 17, 2017 at 2:53 pm

No, no, no…..you must read the entire Freeman. I’ve read all seven, as well as the Flexners and a number of other Washington bios (although not the Chernow…that one is on my shelf patiently waiting its turn.) The Freeman is a work of art all by itself….the finest presidential biography I have read of any president….or any person. Other than Robert Caro, no one today seems to be taking on the task of writing multi-volume biographies of our statesmen…partly, I’m sure, because it might limit readership. But if you’re willing to slowly take your time with the Freeman work I think—certainly hope—that you’ll agree that it will rank as one of the finest pieces of historical writing you will have read. Enjoy it!

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November 28, 2017 at 8:25 am

I’ve been trying to find a set of Freeman’s 7 volume series. They are so expensive! However did you manage to get that set? I’m still hoping to find a set to purchase someday…

December 5, 2017 at 7:22 am

Oh, I’m not nearly done collecting the series! I’ve been at it, and trying not to overpay for any single volume, but for the time being I’ll read the abridgement and keep looking for the individual components of the entire series.

December 5, 2017 at 9:28 am

It took me years….starting in the late 1980’s when the internet was nothing in terms of the book collector’s business. I found a book dealer in NJ (I’m in San Francisco) who dealt specifically with biographies. We became very good friends until he passed away, but he helped me track down a first edition of each volume I would say over a period of 5-7 years. He and his partner eventually introduced me to this site used by book dealers and antiquarians, which makes all these searches so much easier….and cheaper.


It’ll seem archaic by today’s web design standards, but it works. It works especially well for out-of-print works like this one. If you want first editions, make sure you check all the right boxes and read the search results carefully. There can be different printings of the first edition or other kinds of “first editions,” like first British edition, first American edition, etc. You must also become familiar with the different grades of condition that antiquarians use to describe books and dust jackets: good, very good, near fine, fine. Those are all standard descriptions in the business and book dealers take them seriously. I’d be happy to take this off-line if/when you are ready to dive into this. Even now, after some 20 years of using the site, I have made a mistake or two in buying what I thought was a true first edition because I got a little careless. By the way, you can find anything from first editions (if available) to paperbacks and abridged versions. In short, this is useful to any one looking for any kind of book and in any condition.

I hope you find your Freemans. Maybe Santa can help!

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December 5, 2017 at 9:37 am

Why do you favor bookfinder over ABE or vialibri?

A SF dealer has been instrumental in helping me build my collection over the years. Even finding the elusive 7th volume in dust jacket.

December 5, 2017 at 12:52 pm

I’m not sure if I’m doing this right in terms of replying to HBM, but here it goes….

Since the “early days” of this system Alibris, AbeBooks and many other dealers and retailers also sell through this website. It’s become a one-stop shop. Do a quick search and you’ll see them all pop up. If you choose a book sold by Alibris (by clicking on the price link, it’ll take you straight to their own website and you deal with them directly, using your existing account (if you have one) and so on. This site has the benefit of also showing a number of smaller, individual booksellers from all over the world (I know I’ve bought at least two books from British shoppes.)

December 5, 2017 at 5:02 pm

Bookfinder reminds me of vialibri which aggregates ABE, Amazon, ABAA, alibris, etc. listings into one set of search results. Historically, I have found ABE to the be best source. Like you, I have missed on a few as well, but – to date – no dealer has refused a return or issued a refund.

The trick now is finding out which dealers are real and which ones are bulk re-sellers. I asked a question of one such bulk re-seller (it had a cleverly disguised name) who replied “We cannot answer your question because we do not have access to the book.” I am still unsure how they would have shipped it to me if I purchased it, since they didn’t respond when I pointed the obvious out to them.

December 5, 2017 at 5:28 pm

Hmmm….Haven’t fallen into that trap yet. But give me time…. 🙂

December 5, 2017 at 5:30 pm

BTW, I don’t know if it’s still the case, but when I start my search for the Freeman Washington, it was Volume 6 that was the hardest—and most expensive—one to get as a first edition.

December 5, 2017 at 5:37 pm

The winner for me was a jacketed first of Volume 7.

December 6, 2017 at 11:30 am

Good. You should properly treasure it. The bookseller friend I mentioned before gave me the greatest gift. After I had assembled my 7 volumes, which we not all first editions, he asked me to bring them to his home in New Jersey the next time I had to be in NY for business. I lugged the box full of books to his place and, to my astonishment, he took my seven volumes and gave me back another seven. But these seven were all first editions/first printings, in pristine shape, in their original boxes and/or dust jackets. No charge. He just wanted me to have them and only asked I didn’t spoil them by so much as even writing my name on them. To this day, it’s one of the greatest gifts anyone has ever given me. If I ever have to evacuate my home, that set is the first thing I’m grabbing on the way out.

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June 14, 2016 at 1:07 am

I first read The President’s Club five years ago, and have since read a handful of mini-biographies which have all left me wishing that I could learn more about the men who have led our country. Inspired by this, I have decided to read biographies of our presidents but wasn’t sure where to start. Your blog has been and inspiration and your reviews very thorough. Thank you for documenting your journey!

June 16, 2016 at 6:35 am

Fantastic! Let me know how your own effort goes. There are some really fantastic presidential biographies out there! (And I’ve got The President’s Club but haven’t read it yet-)

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August 21, 2016 at 1:02 pm

I also started my presidential biography journey with the Flexner volumes, which were fantastic. I am far from a professional reader/critic, but Flexner was almost the ideal mix of academic and practical writing for me. I have not read any other Washington bios to compare, but I am glad to see it’s your current choice for “best bio!”

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September 2, 2016 at 11:39 am

I started my presidential biography journey about a year and a half ago with the Flexner series. I wanted to read the Douglass Southall Freeman anthology, but the books were to hard to find and expensive. I loved the Flexner series and would definitely recommend.

December 20, 2016 at 2:07 pm

Officially starting “The Project” today. Decided to go with Chernow for Washington. I already covered Adams with McCullough a few years back, so I figured why not go for them all? I have decided to cover one president a month, and I’m not ruling out memoirs for Presidents. Some will be multi volumes (like Burlingame for Lincoln, and Morris for TR) Wish me luck!

December 21, 2016 at 7:01 am

That’s huge news – congratulations! If you aren’t careful this will try to become your new day job, particularly when you stumble upon something compelling like the Morris series on TR. I obviously haven’t read any memoirs yet but when you read one I can’t miss as part of my “follow-up” round, please let me know!

December 6, 2017 at 11:41 am

If either of you care about first or significant editions, the memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant have been re-released in hard cover, supposedly fully annotated for the first time (under the direction of renowned Grant/Sherman and Civil War scholar, John Marszalek.) I had bought, read and enjoyed a paperback copy years ago, but I decided to buy this one as well since I get the feeling it’s going to be considered THE version to own. I will probably re-read it at some point, because I have read a lot more about the Civil War and Grant himself since the first time I read it. I’m sure I’ll get a lot more out of it the second time around.

I mention all this because if you’re going to think about reading “presidential memoirs,” Grant’s are considered to be the best, so far. Caveat: Grant was racing against death as he wrote the memoirs, so he decided to only write of his life only up to the end of the Civil War. It does not cover his presidency or life after that.

Here’s the Amazon.com link:

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February 21, 2017 at 10:08 pm

given the state of our country right now I had the thought of reading a biography of every president from #1 on…tonight as I searched “best biography of George Washington I can’t believe I came across this site from someone doing exactly that. I will definitely take your recommendations under consideration and check back here. I do have a few in my library but most I do not.

February 22, 2017 at 4:49 am

Reading a biography of each president turns out to fairly popular – but takes a bit of commitment (particularly when you get to the first tough stretch, which many people feel starts with Zachary Taylor and ends with James Buchanan…)! Let me know how your journey progresses!

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July 4, 2017 at 11:55 am

https://www.statnews.com/2017/07/03/george-washington-teeth/ 🙂

August 5, 2017 at 12:37 pm

The sport life of George Washington: http://www.wbur.org/onlyagame/2017/08/04/phillip-smucker-book-president 🙂

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April 9, 2018 at 5:20 pm

Thank you for doing this. 🙂 I hope you’ll continue reviewing and ranking the best biographies (at least for our greatest leaders): it helps guys like me decide which book would be most valuable.

Respectfully, Will

April 9, 2018 at 5:38 pm

I’m not stopping until I get to Obama…and then as I read the recently-published biographies of the presidents I will review those as well and back-fill the “Best of…” posts to include my updated views!

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August 19, 2019 at 11:48 pm

Hi there. I just discovered this wonderful site. Thank you so much for all the effort you’ve put into it. Are you familiar with John Rhodehamel’s “George Washington: The Wonder of the Age”? This was the biography I initially started my presidential journey with. It’s a great first-time bio for those unfamiliar with Washington’s history.

August 20, 2019 at 5:03 am

I remember it coming out a couple years ago – but well after I had already completed my first complete tour through Washington. Until your note, I wasn’t aware of anyone who had read it but I’m glad to hear it fills an important niche. And its relatively short length makes it more approachable for folks who just can’t see themselves tackling a multi-volume series or a book as weighty as Chernow’s excellent bio of Washington.

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November 29, 2019 at 4:02 pm

I started the George Washington biography out of order. However various circumstances converged to get me to Washington. The first was I had just finished POTUS #31. It was becoming depressing to me reading about one POTUS after another in chronological order. Second, it was depressing listening about the impeachment inquiry. An so, with hope, I decided to read James Thomas Flexner’s 4-volume series on George Washington to see if it would infuse me with a positive attitude. It also provided an opportunity to be critical of both Washington and the biographer now that I have thirty POTUS bios under my belt and can see how Washington really compares to other Presidents.

As this is lengthy, Steve suggested I just provide a link http://paperwarriorcomicsandgames.com/magnesium/GWashington.htm

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October 20, 2020 at 12:36 am

Have you considered reading “You Never Forget Your First”? I recently read it and, while it wasn’t nearly as comprehensive (nor as well written) as some of the other volumes, I feel like it added a welcome perspective to all the “old men” who tend to be his biographers.

October 20, 2020 at 4:47 am

Its recent publication did not pass unnoticed by me, but I have a lengthy list of “follow-up” presidential bios to read and at the moment I’m tending towards old classics I missed the first time through and recently-published comprehensive biographies that are in the running to become that particular president’s “go to” biography. BUT a friend who is a fellow presidential history enthusiast (and a television reporter in Florida) recently did an hour-long podcast/interview (#10 in his list) with her which I’m planning to listen to later this week! —> Alexis Coe podcast with Evan Axelbank

October 20, 2020 at 10:43 am

The WSJ review in September put the nail in the coffin on this one for me. It’s an irreverent look at Washington and it sounds like history-lite. Her own podcast – Presidents are People Too – was fairly disappointing. The opposite of Lillian Cunningham’s stellar Presidential Podcast. Of course, they were each aiming at different targets.

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October 29, 2020 at 10:39 pm

I just decided that I want to read at least one book about each president and I knew that someone would have a great list. Thank you! I love the reviews you do of each president–so helpful in choosing where I want to spend my precious reading time.

November 1, 2020 at 5:58 pm

Fantastic! If nothing else, I’ve created the list that *I* hoped to find (but didn’t) when I was starting out.

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December 20, 2020 at 7:51 pm

Steve, I did a search for “best biography of George Washington” and found your blog. What a relief for me to find someone who is as nerdy as me because I’ve read five books about Washington, and want to read more. I was glad that you share my feeling that Chernow’s was the best I’ve read; are you restricting yourself to straight up full biographies or can you do some breakouts? If you can, 1776 by David McCullough is not to be missed. I really loved a little thing called George Washington’s Christmas Farewell, A Mount Vernon Homecoming, by Stanley Weintraub, which is about the final months at war’s end, bringing all to a close and riding home by way of Annapolis. Just 195 pages. Wonderful narrative. I just finished The Long Retreat by Arthur Lefkowitz, about the New Jersey ordeal prior to Trenton. I have Ellis’ book and will read it next. Prior to The Long Retreat I completed the four-volume set A History of the English Speaking Peoples by Winston Churchill, so maybe that’s an indication I’m a candidate to consider something like Freeman’s epic. Not sure… I haven’t even read War and Peace…. thanks for all your work and commitment to sharing YOUR epic journey. It was helpful and I continued reading your comments because it was obvious that someone with your commitment had something worthwhile to say and your opinion would be valuable to me. Thanks again and good luck. I look forward to reading about your progress.

December 21, 2020 at 6:28 am

I’m glad you stumbled across my little corner of the internet, and thanks for your note!

I have McCullough’s 1776 (among others of the same type) but haven’t gotten to them yet. You might think it would be easy enough, except I’ve got somewhat limited time and a couple hundred books that are vying for my attention. And I haven’t yet dared to read more than one book at a time, though I may need to become a bit more flexible on that point soon 🙂

You mentioned a few potentially intriguing books I’m not familiar with – so I’ll have to look into those! And if I *am* going to begin multi-tasking at some point, I’ll probably find myself reading a biography alongside something like Weintraub’s book (I don’t see myself reading two bios at once).

Thanks again and as you come across books you found compelling – traditional bio or not – do let me know!

January 2, 2021 at 5:33 pm

I did forget to mention a gem by David Hackett Fischer called Washington’s Crossing that was so engrossing I practically cried when I finished it. The scholarship was astonishing to me and his narrative superb. I know you would treasure it. Fischer also wrote another called Paul Revere’s Ride, also a marvel of intriquing detail. I finished Ellis’ book a few days ago and found it to be a different kind of biography altogether, well constructed and with a tilt toward plausible explanations of what Washington was thinking when he made decisions of lasting consequence, all well supported, a fabulous contribution for folks like us! Thanks for responding. I am moving on now to Chernow’s biography of Hamilton, after I finish a quick little novel, the new one by Jane Smiley I received for Christmas.

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May 11, 2021 at 8:11 pm

Is Douglas Southall Freeman’s multi volume work on George Washington of any value now? How does it compare with Ron Chernow’s and James Thomas Flexner’s publications?

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February 13, 2024 at 9:52 pm

I have read Flexner’s four volumes, but not Chernow’s single volume. I have read six of Freeman’s seven volumes; I’m about to start volume seven this week. Freeman’s multi-volume biography is definitely still of value. In particular, he recounts Washington’s experience during the American Revolution on an almost day-by-day basis. Freeman’s biography increased my appreciation for Washington’s almost superhuman ability to persevere during the American Revolution when, frankly, just about anyone else would have despaired. He literally held the country together during the years from Boston (1775) to Yorktown (1781). In contemplating whether to read Freeman’s series, I learned that historians John Ferling and Douglas Brinkley both considered Freeman’s multi-volume set to be the definitive biography of Washington. (In reviewing Chernow’s Washington, Brinkley said that Freeman “still owns the franchise in Washington studies.” Ferling’s comment was made before the publication of Chernow’s book.) I am a big fan of Flexner’s effort, but Freeman’s seven volumes simply provide a deeper portrait.

February 14, 2024 at 11:26 am

I have read the Freeman, Flexner and Chernow Washington biographies. I think Freeman is still, by far, the most detailed and scholarly but it’s truly an investment of time. Chernow’s is by far the best one-volume condensation and written for today’s sensibilites and readers, meaning he spends more time on slavery and race issues and is more critical of Washington in that regard, even allowing for “his times.” (There was an attempt to condense Freeman’s seven volumes into an abridged one-volume, but I don’t think it is very highly regarded.)

Freeman was a southerner writing his work in the 1940s and 50s, so he didn’t spend almost any time on race/slavery topics or Washington’s thoughts on those issues….he certainly wasn’t as critical as Chernow and today’s writers. That might be a turn-off for someone today. It does’t take away from the scholarship and beautiful writing of what he did choose to focus on. The writing on Washington’s trials leading the Revolutionary War and then leading the Constitutional Convention before getting our government off the ground in the turbulent 1780s and ’90s I think is still as good as anything that has been written on the subject and still forms a big portion of the basis for any serious historical work on Washington. I would say it’s “sympathetic” to Washington, but having read a lot about the man, I think it is justifiably so. Well worth the read if you have the time.

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May 28, 2021 at 1:58 pm

Ron Chernow’s bias in his Hamilton work was a real turn off for me. Does any bias towards any one person show up in his Washington book?

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Rediscover America’s First President with the Best George Washington Books

Meet the man behind the legend. 

george washington books

When we learned about George Washington in school, we were taught the basics: He was the first president, he wore a powdered white wig, and he was rumored to have cut down a cherry tree (not true, by the way). We're reminded of his everlasting influence when we grip one dollar bills or feed quarters into vending machines. But there’s a lot more to George Washington—from his policies to the precedents he set that later presidents followed for hundreds of years—that is worth exploring.

These informative and eye-opening George Washington books will challenge what you think you know about him and the legacy that he left for the United States. 

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By James Thomas Flexner

This text includes all four volumes of Flexner’s ambitious biography of Washington’s life. It spans from Washington’s birth, to his work as a businessman in Virginia, to his views on the institution of slavery. From the very first sentence, Flexner makes the claim that “No American is more completely misunderstood than George Washington”, and the rest of the text proves just that. 

Related: "Villainous Perfidy": Benedict Arnold's Betrayal of George Washington  

Washington is often viewed as being above moral reproach. Flexner gives him a sense of realness and flawed humanity by describing how Washington’s policies could be contradictory and how England and France influenced the new American democracy.

best george washington books

Founding Father: Rediscovering George Washington

By Richard Brookhiser

Brookhiser divided his book into concise sections: career, character, founding father, death. Noting that Washington distanced himself from others while he lived—which translated to his legacy—Brookhiser explores the idea of Washington really being an unknown hero. We revere him, but we know very little about who he was aside from politics. 

The book is mainly focused on Washington’s life once he became a strong military leader and, eventually, a respected politician. This book is perfect for those who wonder how Washington’s legacy and leadership shaped the current American political landscape. 

best george washington books

Washington: A Life

By Ron Chernow

Chernow wants the reader to know that George Washington was a man filled with passion, strong mood changes, and vivacity. The book won the 2011 Pulitzer Prize for Biography–with the breadth of information in the text, it is clear why. The book details the entirety of Washington’s life, from his boyhood days to his final days at Mount Vernon and everything in between. Chernow includes personal details about Washington, like his role as a mentor to his stepson, John Parke Custis, whose children Washington financially supported after Custis’s early death. This tenderness is juxtaposed with the rigid air that Washington favored when in public, which adds to his complicated portrayal in American history. 

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George Washington: First Guardian of American Liberty

By Michael Crawley

Crawley tackles the details that are sometimes neglected in other biographies: Washington was a slaveholder, and much of his wealth came from his wife’s deceased ex husband. This book is best for beginners to our first president’s legacy, who want a basic understanding of Washington. Crawley’s take also manages to offer new perspectives to those who have read other works focused on Washington’s life and accomplishments. Crawley makes it clear in his introduction that he is trying to offer a full narrative of Washington’s life, not one that is meant to destroy his honor. He argues that Washington’s flaws are in part due to the time period that he lived in, and readers should understand and accept that.  

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George Washington's Secret Six: The Spy Ring That Saved the American Revolution

By Brian Kilmeade and Don Yaegar

America almost lost the Revolutionary War just after it started. After a failed battle in New York City in August 1776, General Washington and his troops retreated–but he had to devise a new strategy in order to stay in the war. How was he able to salvage the war and ultimately turn it into a victory for the independent cause? He recruited a network of spies called the Culper Spy Ring. 

Related: George Washington Was Nearly Impossible to Kill  

Kilmeade and Yaeger present the men who made up the Culper Spy Ring and their unexpected backgrounds. One owned a tavern, while another owned a coffee shop, a third was a known bachelor on Long Island, and one man was an unsuspecting Quaker merchant— just to describe a few. The six men in the Spy Ring are rarely written about, but without them, the outcome of the American Revolution may have been very different. A different take on a typical Washington biography, the book focuses on those who helped Washington become a successful general.

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Young Washington

By Peter Stark

Released just this year, Young Washington is already making its mark in the world of George Washington biographies. Stark focuses on Washington before his success as a general–back when he was just a cocky, unfocused soldier in the British Army. The book details how Washington's actions set in motion the French and Indian War when he was only in his twenties, which ultimately influenced the beginnings of the American Revolution. Exploring Washington's wilderness adventures and the early battles that shaped his military career, Stark traces the path of the man who became America's first president.

best george washington books

George Washington, Spymaster: How the Americans Outspied the British and Won the Revolutionary War

By Thomas B. Allen

Another book detailing the network of spies that George Washington utilized during the American Revolution, George Washington, Spymaster is a riveting reconstruction of how Washington discovered, used and kept his spies secret. This book is accessible enough for children and informative enough to keep any adult invested.

Related: 9 Fascinating Books About the Founding Fathers of America  

Not all of the spies in Washington’s network had the purest of intentions. Some were double agents, and all had the ability to be duplicitous. Washington had never even met all of the spies working for him, but he trusted them to work for the betterment of the Patriot cause. The spies employed techniques like using invisible ink to send secret messages, which may leave you picturing the Revolutionary War as a spy movie.

best george washington books

By David McCullough

In order to understand George Washington’s goal in achieving independence, it is imperative to know more about the other key players involved in the American Revolution—on both sides of the issue. Though the text primarily focuses on Washington’s role as a military leader, McCullough also mentions King George III and Continental Army heavyweights Nathanael Greene and Henry Knox. One of the classics in the history of the American Revolution, anyone interested in the birth of our nation or the first president should read 1776 .

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George Washington

By: History.com Editors

Updated: June 25, 2024 | Original: October 29, 2009

George Washington

George Washington (1732-99) was commander in chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War (1775-83) and served two terms as the first U.S. president, from 1789 to 1797. The son of a prosperous planter, Washington was raised in colonial Virginia. As a young man, he worked as a surveyor then fought in the French and Indian War (1754-63). 

During the American Revolution, he led the colonial forces to victory over the British and became a national hero. In 1787, he was elected president of the convention that wrote the U.S. Constitution. Two years later, Washington became America’s first president. Realizing that the way he handled the job would impact how future presidents approached the position, he handed down a legacy of strength, integrity and national purpose. Less than three years after leaving office, he died at his Virginia plantation, Mount Vernon, at age 67.

George Washington's Early Years

George Washington was born on February 22, 1732 , at his family’s plantation on Pope’s Creek in Westmoreland County, in the British colony of Virginia , to Augustine Washington (1694-1743) and his second wife, Mary Ball Washington (1708-89). George, the eldest of Augustine and Mary Washington’s six children, spent much of his childhood at Ferry Farm, a plantation near Fredericksburg, Virginia. After Washington’s father died when he was 11, it’s likely he helped his mother manage the plantation.

Did you know? At the time of his death in 1799, George Washington owned some 300 enslaved people. However, before his passing, he had become opposed to slavery, and in his will, he ordered that his enslaved workers be freed after his wife's death.

Few details about Washington’s early education are known, although children of prosperous families like his typically were taught at home by private tutors or attended private schools. It’s believed he finished his formal schooling at around age 15.

As a teenager, Washington, who had shown an aptitude for mathematics, became a successful surveyor. His surveying expeditions into the Virginia wilderness earned him enough money to begin acquiring land of his own.

In 1751, Washington made his only trip outside of America, when he traveled to Barbados with his older half-brother Lawrence Washington (1718-52), who was suffering from tuberculosis and hoped the warm climate would help him recuperate. Shortly after their arrival, George contracted smallpox. He survived, although the illness left him with permanent facial scars. In 1752, Lawrence, who had been educated in England and served as Washington’s mentor, died. Washington eventually inherited Lawrence’s estate, Mount Vernon , on the Potomac River near Alexandria, Virginia.

An Officer and Gentleman Farmer

In December 1752, Washington, who had no previous military experience, was made a commander of the Virginia militia. He saw action in the French and Indian War and was eventually put in charge of all of Virginia’s militia forces. By 1759, Washington had resigned his commission, returned to Mount Vernon and was elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses, where he served until 1774. In January 1759, he married Martha Dandridge Custis (1731-1802), a wealthy widow with two children. Washington became a devoted stepfather to her children; he and Martha Washington never had any offspring of their own.

In the ensuing years, Washington expanded Mount Vernon from 2,000 acres into an 8,000-acre property with five farms. He grew a variety of crops, including wheat and corn, bred mules and maintained fruit orchards and a successful fishery. He was deeply interested in farming and continually experimented with new crops and methods of land conservation.

George Washington During the American Revolution

Washington proved to be a better general than military strategist. His strength lay not in his genius on the battlefield but in his ability to keep the struggling colonial army together. His troops were poorly trained and lacked food, ammunition and other supplies (soldiers sometimes even went without shoes in winter). However, Washington was able to give them direction and motivation. His leadership during the winter of 1777-1778 at Valley Forge was a testament to his power to inspire his men to keep going.

By the late 1760s, Washington had experienced firsthand the effects of rising taxes imposed on American colonists by the British and came to believe that it was in the best interests of the colonists to declare independence from England. Washington served as a delegate to the First Continental Congress in 1774 in Philadelphia. By the time the Second Continental Congress convened a year later, the American Revolution had begun in earnest, and Washington was named commander in chief of the Continental Army.

Over the course of the grueling eight-year war, the colonial forces won few battles but consistently held their own against the British. In October 1781, with the aid of the French (who allied themselves with the colonists over their rivals the British), the Continental forces were able to capture British troops under General Charles Cornwallis (1738-1805) in the Battle of Yorktown . This action effectively ended the Revolutionary War and Washington was declared a national hero.

America’s First President

In 1783, with the signing of the Treaty of Paris between Great Britain and the U.S., Washington, believing he had done his duty, gave up his command of the army and returned to Mount Vernon, intent on resuming his life as a gentleman farmer and family man. However, in 1787, he was asked to attend the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia and head the committee to draft the new constitution . His impressive leadership there convinced the delegates that he was by far the most qualified man to become the nation’s first president.

At first, Washington balked. He wanted to, at last, return to a quiet life at home and leave governing the new nation to others. But public opinion was so strong that eventually he gave in. The first presidential election was held on January 7, 1789, and Washington won handily. John Adams (1735-1826), who received the second-largest number of votes, became the nation’s first vice president. The 57-year-old Washington was inaugurated on April 30, 1789, in New York City. Because Washington, D.C. , America’s future capital city wasn’t yet built, he lived in New York and Philadelphia. While in office, he signed a bill establishing a future, permanent U.S. capital along the Potomac River—the city later named Washington, D.C., in his honor.

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The first U.S. president’s celebrated military career actually started out quite poorly, in the French and Indian War.

11 Little‑Known Facts About George Washington

He's America's first president. The icon we all think we know. But in reality, he was a complicated human being.

George Washington’s Accomplishments

The United States was a small nation when Washington took office, consisting of 11 states and approximately 4 million people, and there was no precedent for how the new president should conduct domestic or foreign business. Mindful that his actions would likely determine how future presidents were expected to govern, Washington worked hard to set an example of fairness, prudence and integrity. In foreign matters, he supported cordial relations with other countries but also favored a position of neutrality in foreign conflicts. Domestically, he nominated the first chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court , John Jay (1745-1829), signed a bill establishing the first national bank, the Bank of the United States , and set up his own presidential cabinet . 

His two most prominent cabinet appointees were Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) and Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton (1755-1804), two men who disagreed strongly on the role of the federal government. Hamilton favored a strong central government and was part of the Federalist Party , while Jefferson favored stronger states’ rights as part of the Democratic-Republican Party, the forerunner to the Democratic Party . Washington believed that divergent views were critical for the health of the new government, but he was distressed at what he saw as an emerging partisanship.

How George Washington Used Spies to Win the American Revolution

Secret agents, invisible ink, ciphers and codes—the gritty and dangerous underworld of the colonial insurgency

5 Myths About George Washington, Debunked

No, he didn’t really chop down that cherry tree, and his teeth weren’t wooden.

George Washington’s Final Years—And Sudden, Agonizing Death

The Founding Father left the presidency a healthy man, but then died from a sudden illness less than three years later.

George Washington’s presidency was marked by a series of firsts. He signed the first United States copyright law, protecting the copyrights of authors. He also signed the first Thanksgiving proclamation, making November 26 a national day of Thanksgiving for the end of the war for American independence and the successful ratification of the Constitution.

During Washington’s presidency, Congress passed the first federal revenue law, a tax on distilled spirits. In July 1794, farmers in Western Pennsylvania rebelled over the so-called “whiskey tax.” Washington called in over 12,000 militiamen to Pennsylvania to dissolve the Whiskey Rebellion in one of the first major tests of the authority of the national government.

Under Washington’s leadership, the states ratified the Bill of Rights , and five new states entered the union: North Carolina (1789), Rhode Island (1790), Vermont (1791), Kentucky (1792) and Tennessee (1796).

In his second term, Washington issued the proclamation of neutrality to avoid entering the 1793 war between Great Britain and France. But when French minister to the United States Edmond Charles Genet—known to history as “Citizen Genet”—toured the United States, he boldly flaunted the proclamation, attempting to set up American ports as French military bases and gain support for his cause in the Western United States. His meddling caused a stir between Federalists and Democratic-Republicans, widening the rift between parties and making consensus-building more difficult.

In 1795, Washington signed the “Treaty of Amity Commerce and Navigation, between His Britannic Majesty; and The United States of America,” or Jay’s Treaty , so-named for John Jay , who had negotiated it with the government of King George III . It helped the U.S. avoid war with Great Britain, but also rankled certain members of Congress back home and was fiercely opposed by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison . Internationally, it caused a stir among the French, who believed it violated previous treaties between the United States and France.

Washington’s administration signed two other influential international treaties. Pinckney’s Treaty of 1795, also known as the Treaty of San Lorenzo, established friendly relations between the United States and Spain, firming up borders between the U.S. and Spanish territories in North America and opening up the Mississippi to American traders. The Treaty of Tripoli, signed the following year, gave American ships access to Mediterranean shipping lanes in exchange for a yearly tribute to the Pasha of Tripoli.

George Washington’s Retirement to Mount Vernon and Death

In 1796, after two terms as president and declining to serve a third term, Washington finally retired. In Washington’s farewell address , he urged the new nation to maintain the highest standards domestically and to keep involvement with foreign powers to a minimum. The address is still read each February in the U.S. Senate to commemorate Washington’s birthday.

Washington returned to Mount Vernon and devoted his attentions to making the plantation as productive as it had been before he became president. More than four decades of public service had aged him, but he was still a commanding figure. In December 1799, he caught a cold after inspecting his properties in the rain. The cold developed into a throat infection and Washington died on the night of December 14, 1799, at the age of 67. He was entombed at Mount Vernon, which in 1960 was designated a national historic landmark.

Washington left one of the most enduring legacies of any American in history. Known as the “Father of His Country,” his face appears on the U.S. dollar bill and quarter, and dozens of U.S. schools, towns and counties, as well as the state of Washington and the nation’s capital city, are named for him.

best biography george washington

HISTORY Vault: Washington

Watch HISTORY's mini-series, 'Washington,' which brings to life the man whose name is known to all, but whose epic story is understood by few.

best biography george washington

Childhood and youth

  • Early military career
  • Marriage and plantation life
  • Prerevolutionary politics
  • Head of the colonial forces
  • The Trenton-Princeton campaign
  • At a glance: the Washington presidency
  • Postrevolutionary politics
  • The Washington administration
  • Cabinet of Pres. George Washington

George Washington

What is George Washington known for?

What political party did george washington belong to, did george washington own slaves, how did george washington die, did george washington chop down his father’s cherry tree.

"George Washington before the Battle of Trenton" oil on canvas by John Trumbull, c. 1792-94; in the collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City.

George Washington

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  • History Central - Biography of George Washington
  • George Washington's Mount Vernon - George Washington
  • The White House - Biography of George Washington
  • Khan Academy - The presidency of George Washington
  • Official Site of Kris Kristofferson
  • George Washington - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11)
  • George Washington - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up)
  • Table Of Contents

George Washington is often called the “Father of His Country.” He not only served as the first president of the United States , but he also commanded the Continental Army during the American Revolution (1775–83) and presided over the convention that drafted the U.S. Constitution . The U.S. capital is named after Washington—as are many schools, parks, and cities. Today his face appears on the U.S. dollar bill and the quarter.

George Washington did not belong to a political party. He ran as a nonpartisan candidate in the presidential elections of 1789 and 1792 . To this day, Washington is the only U.S. president to have been unanimously elected by the electoral college .

Yes, George Washington owned slaves. Washington was born into a Virginia planter family. After his father’s death in 1743, Washington inherited 10 enslaved people. In 1761 Washington acquired a farmhouse (which he later expanded to a five-farm estate) called Mount Vernon . In 1760, 49 enslaved people lived and worked on the estate; by 1799 that number had increased to over 300. Washington eventually freed the 123 people he owned. In his will he ordered that they be freed “upon the decease of my wife .”

After serving two terms as president, George Washington retired to his estate at Mount Vernon in 1797. Two years into his retirement, Washington caught a cold. The cold developed into a throat infection. Doctors cared for Washington as they thought best—by bleeding him, blistering him, and attempting (unsuccessfully) to give him a gargle of “molasses, vinegar, and butter.” Despite their efforts, Washington died on the night of December 14, 1799.

For years people have shared a story about the first U.S. president involving a hatchet, a cherry tree, and a young Washington who “cannot tell a lie.” The legend attests to George Washington’s honesty, virtue, and piety—that is, if it is true. It is not. The legend was the invention of a 19th-century bookseller named Mason Locke Weems who wanted to present a role model to his American readers . It is one of many legends about Washington.

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Follow George Washington's life through the American Revolution and retirement to Mount Vernon

George Washington (born February 22 [February 11, Old Style], 1732, Westmoreland county, Virginia [U.S.]—died December 14, 1799, Mount Vernon, Virginia, U.S.) was an American general and commander in chief of the colonial armies in the American Revolution (1775–83) and subsequently first president of the United States (1789–97).

Washington’s father, Augustine Washington, had gone to school in England, tasted seafaring life, and then settled down to manage his growing Virginia estates. His mother was Mary Ball, whom Augustine, a widower, had married early the previous year. Washington’s paternal lineage had some distinction; an early forebear was described as a “gentleman,” Henry VIII later gave the family lands, and its members held various offices. But family fortunes fell with the Puritan revolution in England, and John Washington, grandfather of Augustine, migrated in 1657 to Virginia. The ancestral home at Sulgrave, Northamptonshire , is maintained as a Washington memorial. Little definite information exists on any of the line until Augustine. He was an energetic, ambitious man who acquired much land, built mills, took an interest in opening iron mines, and sent his two eldest sons to England for schooling. By his first wife, Jane Butler, he had four children. By his second wife, Mary Ball, he had six. Augustine died April 12, 1743.

best biography george washington

Little is known of George Washington’s early childhood, spent largely on the Ferry Farm on the Rappahannock River , opposite Fredericksburg , Virginia. Mason L. Weems ’s stories of the hatchet and cherry tree and of young Washington’s repugnance to fighting are apocryphal efforts to fill a manifest gap. He attended school irregularly from his 7th to his 15th year, first with the local church sexton and later with a schoolmaster named Williams. Some of his schoolboy papers survive. He was fairly well trained in practical mathematics—gauging, several types of mensuration, and such trigonometry as was useful in surveying . He studied geography, possibly had a little Latin, and certainly read some of The Spectator and other English classics. The copybook in which he transcribed at 14 a set of moral precepts, or Rules of Civility and Decent Behaviour in Company and Conversation , was carefully preserved. His best training, however, was given him by practical men and outdoor occupations, not by books. He mastered tobacco growing and stock raising, and early in his teens he was sufficiently familiar with surveying to plot the fields about him.

At his father’s death, the 11-year-old boy became the ward of his half brother Lawrence, a man of fine character who gave him wise and affectionate care. Lawrence inherited the beautiful estate of Little Hunting Creek, which had been granted to the original settler, John Washington, and which Augustine had done much since 1738 to develop. Lawrence married Anne (Nancy) Fairfax, daughter of Col. William Fairfax, a cousin and agent of Lord Fairfax and one of the chief proprietors of the region. Lawrence also built a house and named the 2,500-acre (1,000-hectare) holding Mount Vernon in honor of the admiral under whom he had served in the siege of Cartagena . Living there chiefly with Lawrence (though he spent some time near Fredericksburg with his other half brother, Augustine, called Austin), George entered a more spacious and polite world. Anne Fairfax Washington was a woman of charm, grace, and culture; Lawrence had brought from his English school and naval service much knowledge and experience. A valued neighbor and relative, George William Fairfax, whose large estate, Belvoir, was about 4 miles (6 km) distant, and other relatives by marriage, the Carlyles of Alexandria, helped form George’s mind and manners.

Richard M. Nixon. Richard Nixon during a 1968 campaign stop. President Nixon

The youth turned first to surveying as a profession. Lord Fairfax, a middle-aged bachelor who owned more than 5,000,000 acres (2,000,000 hectares) in northern Virginia and the Shenandoah Valley , came to America in 1746 to live with his cousin George William at Belvoir and to look after his properties. Two years later he sent to the Shenandoah Valley a party to survey and plot his lands to make regular tenants of the squatters moving in from Pennsylvania . With the official surveyor of Prince William county in charge, Washington went along as assistant. The 16-year-old lad kept a disjointed diary of the trip, which shows skill in observation. He describes the discomfort of sleeping under “one thread Bear blanket with double its Weight of Vermin such as Lice Fleas & c”; an encounter with an Indian war party bearing a scalp; the Pennsylvania-German emigrants, “as ignorant a set of people as the Indians they would never speak English but when spoken to they speak all Dutch”; and the serving of roast wild turkey on “a Large Chip,” for “as for dishes we had none.”

The following year (1749), aided by Lord Fairfax, Washington received an appointment as official surveyor of Culpeper county, and for more than two years he was kept almost constantly busy. Surveying not only in Culpeper but also in Frederick and Augusta counties, he made journeys far beyond the Tidewater region into the western wilderness. The experience taught him resourcefulness and endurance and toughened him in both body and mind. Coupled with Lawrence’s ventures in land, it also gave him an interest in western development that endured throughout his life. He was always disposed to speculate in western holdings and to view favorably projects for colonizing the West, and he greatly resented the limitations that the crown in time laid on the westward movement . In 1752 Lord Fairfax determined to take up his final residence in the Shenandoah Valley and settled there in a log hunting lodge, which he called Greenway Court after a Kentish manor of his family’s. There Washington was sometimes entertained and had access to a small library that Fairfax had begun accumulating at Oxford.

best biography george washington

The years 1751–52 marked a turning point in Washington’s life, for they placed him in control of Mount Vernon . Lawrence, stricken by tuberculosis , went to Barbados in 1751 for his health, taking George along. From this sole journey beyond the present borders of the United States, Washington returned with the light scars of an attack of smallpox . In July of the next year, Lawrence died, making George executor and residuary heir of his estate should his daughter, Sarah, die without issue. As she died within two months, Washington at age 20 became head of one of the best Virginia estates. He always thought farming the “most delectable” of pursuits. “It is honorable,” he wrote, “it is amusing, and, with superior judgment, it is profitable.” And, of all the spots for farming, he thought Mount Vernon the best. “No estate in United America,” he assured an English correspondent, “is more pleasantly situated than this.” His greatest pride in later days was to be regarded as the first farmer of the land.

He gradually increased the estate until it exceeded 8,000 acres (3,000 hectares). He enlarged the house in 1760 and made further enlargements and improvements on the house and its landscaping in 1784–86. He also tried to keep abreast of the latest scientific advances.

best biography george washington

For the next 20 years the main background of Washington’s life was the work and society of Mount Vernon. He gave assiduous attention to the rotation of crops, fertilization of the soil, and the management of livestock. He had to manage the 18 slaves that came with the estate and others he bought later; by 1760 he had paid taxes on 49 slaves—though he strongly disapproved of the institution and hoped for some mode of abolishing it. At the time of his death, more than 300 slaves were housed in the quarters on his property. He had been unwilling to sell slaves lest families be broken up, even though the increase in their numbers placed a burden on him for their upkeep and gave him a larger force of workers than he required, especially after he gave up the cultivation of tobacco. In his will, he bequeathed the slaves in his possession to his wife and ordered that upon her death they be set free, declaring also that the young, the aged, and the infirm among them “shall be comfortably cloathed & fed by my heirs.” Still, this accounted for only about half the slaves on his property. The other half, owned by his wife, were entailed to the Custis estate, so that on her death they were destined to pass to her heirs. However, she freed all the slaves in 1800 after his death.

For diversion Washington was fond of riding, fox hunting, and dancing, of such theatrical performances as he could reach, and of duck hunting and sturgeon fishing. He liked billiards and cards and not only subscribed to racing associations but also ran his own horses in races. In all outdoor pursuits, from wrestling to colt breaking, he excelled. A friend of the 1750s describes him as “straight as an Indian, measuring six feet two inches in his stockings”; as very muscular and broad-shouldered but, though large-boned, weighing only 175 pounds; and as having long arms and legs. His penetrating blue-gray eyes were overhung by heavy brows, his nose was large and straight, and his mouth was large and firmly closed. “His movements and gestures are graceful, his walk majestic, and he is a splendid horseman.” He soon became prominent in community affairs, was an active member and later vestryman of the Episcopal church , and as early as 1755 expressed a desire to stand for the Virginia House of Burgesses .

George Washington

George Washington, a Founding Father of the United States, led the Continental Army to victory in the Revolutionary War and was America’s first president.

George Washington


Who Was George Washington?

George Washington was a Virginia plantation owner who served as a general and commander-in-chief of the colonial armies during the American Revolutionary War, and later became the first president of the United States, serving from 1789 to 1797.

Early Life and Family

Washington was born on February 22, 1732, in Westmoreland County, Virginia. He was the eldest of Augustine and Mary’s six children, all of whom survived into adulthood.

The family lived on Pope's Creek in Westmoreland County, Virginia. They were moderately prosperous members of Virginia's "middling class."

Washington could trace his family's presence in North America to his great-grandfather, John Washington, who migrated from England to Virginia. The family held some distinction in England and was granted land by Henry VIII .

But much of the family’s wealth in England was lost under the Puritan government of Oliver Cromwell . In 1657 Washington’s grandfather, Lawrence Washington, migrated to Virginia. Little information is available about the family in North America until Washington’s father, Augustine, was born in 1694.

Augustine Washington was an ambitious man who acquired land and enslaved people, built mills, and grew tobacco. For a time, he had an interest in opening iron mines. He married his first wife, Jane Butler, and they had three children. Jane died in 1729 and Augustine married Mary Ball in 1731.

Mount Vernon

In 1735, Augustine moved the family up the Potomac River to another Washington family home, Little Hunting Creek Plantation — later renamed Mount Vernon .

They moved again in 1738 to Ferry Farm on the Rappahannock River, opposite Fredericksburg, Virginia, where Washington spent much of his youth.

Childhood and Education

Little is known about Washington's childhood, which fostered many of the fables later biographers manufactured to fill in the gap. Among these are the stories that Washington threw a silver dollar across the Potomac and after chopping down his father's prize cherry tree, he openly confessed to the crime.

It is known that from age seven to 15, Washington was home-schooled and studied with the local church sexton and later a schoolmaster in practical math, geography, Latin and the English classics.

But much of the knowledge he would use the rest of his life was through his acquaintance with woodsmen and the plantation foreman. By his early teens, he had mastered growing tobacco, stock raising and surveying.

Washington’s father died when he was 11 and he became the ward of his half-brother, Lawrence, who gave him a good upbringing. Lawrence had inherited the family's Little Hunting Creek Plantation and married Anne Fairfax, the daughter of Colonel William Fairfax, patriarch of the well-to-do Fairfax family. Under her tutelage, Washington was schooled in the finer aspects of colonial culture.

In 1748, when he was 16, Washington traveled with a surveying party plotting land in Virginia’s western territory. The following year, aided by Lord Fairfax, Washington received an appointment as the official surveyor of Culpeper County.

For two years he was very busy surveying the land in Culpeper, Frederick and Augusta counties. The experience made him resourceful and toughened his body and mind. It also piqued his interest in western land holdings, an interest that endured throughout his life with speculative land purchases and a belief that the future of the nation lay in colonizing the West.

In July 1752, Washington's brother, Lawrence, died of tuberculosis, making him the heir apparent of the Washington lands. Lawrence’s only child, Sarah, died two months later and Washington became the head of one of Virginia's most prominent estates, Mount Vernon. He was 20 years old.

Throughout his life, he would hold farming as one of the most honorable professions and he was most proud of Mount Vernon. Washington would gradually increase his landholdings there to about 8,000 acres

Pre-Revolutionary Military Career

In the early 1750s, France and Britain were at peace. However, the French military had begun occupying much of the Ohio Valley, protecting the King's land interests, particularly fur trappers and French settlers. But the borderlands of this area were unclear and prone to dispute between the two countries.

Washington showed early signs of natural leadership and shortly after Lawrence's death, Virginia's Lieutenant Governor, Robert Dinwiddie, appointed Washington adjutant with a rank of major in the Virginia militia.

French and Indian War

On October 31, 1753, Dinwiddie sent Washington to Fort LeBoeuf, at what is now Waterford, Pennsylvania, to warn the French to remove themselves from land claimed by Britain. The French politely refused and Washington made a hasty ride back to Williamsburg, Virginia's colonial capital.

Dinwiddie sent Washington back with troops and they set up a post at Great Meadows. Washington's small force attacked a French post at Fort Duquesne, killing the commander, Coulon de Jumonville, and nine others and taking the rest prisoners. The French and Indian War had begun.

The French counterattacked and drove Washington and his men back to his post at Great Meadows (later named "Fort Necessity.") After a full day siege, Washington surrendered and was soon released and returned to Williamsburg, promising not to build another fort on the Ohio River.

Though a little embarrassed at being captured, he was grateful to receive the thanks from the House of Burgesses and see his name mentioned in the London gazettes.

Washington was given the honorary rank of colonel and joined British General Edward Braddock's army in Virginia in 1755. The British had devised a plan for a three-prong assault on French forces attacking Fort Duquesne, Fort Niagara and Crown Point.

During the encounter, the French and their Indian allies ambushed Braddock, who was mortally wounded. Washington escaped injury with four bullet holes in his cloak and two horses shot out from under him. Though he fought bravely, he could do little to turn back the rout and led the defeated army back to safety.

Commander of Virginia Troops

In August 1755, Washington was made commander of all Virginia troops at age 23. He was sent to the frontier to patrol and protect nearly 400 miles of border with some 700 ill-disciplined colonial troops and a Virginia colonial legislature unwilling to support him.

It was a frustrating assignment. His health failed in the closing months of 1757 and he was sent home with dysentery.

In 1758, Washington returned to duty on another expedition to capture Fort Duquesne. A friendly-fire incident took place, killing 14 and wounding 26 of Washington's men. However, the British were able to score a major victory, capturing Fort Duquesne and control of the Ohio Valley.

Washington retired from his Virginia regiment in December 1758. His experience during the war was generally frustrating, with key decisions made slowly, poor support from the colonial legislature and poorly trained recruits.

Washington applied for a commission with the British army but was turned down. In 1758, he resigned his commission and returned to Mount Vernon disillusioned. The same year, he entered politics and was elected to Virginia's House of Burgesses.

Martha Washington

A month after leaving the army, Washington married Martha Dandridge Custis, a widow, who was only a few months older than he. Martha brought to the marriage a considerable fortune: an 18,000-acre estate, from which Washington personally acquired 6,000 acres.

With this and land he was granted for his military service, Washington became one of the more wealthy landowners in Virginia. The marriage also brought Martha's two young children, John (Jacky) and Martha (Patsy), ages six and four, respectively.

Washington lavished great affection on both of them, and was heartbroken when Patsy died just before the Revolution. Jacky died during the Revolution, and Washington adopted two of his children.

Enslaved People

During his retirement from the Virginia militia until the start of the Revolution, Washington devoted himself to the care and development of his land holdings, attending the rotation of crops, managing livestock and keeping up with the latest scientific advances.

By the 1790s, Washington kept over 300 enslaved people at Mount Vernon. He was said to dislike the institution of slavery , but accepted the fact that it was legal.

Washington, in his will, made his displeasure with slavery known, as he ordered that all his enslaved people be granted their freedom upon the death of his wife Martha. (This act of generosity, however, applied to fewer than half of Mount Vernon's enslaved people: Those enslaved people owned by the Custis family were given to Martha’s grandchildren after her death.)

Washington loved the landed gentry's life of horseback riding, fox hunts, fishing and cotillions. He worked six days a week, often taking off his coat and performing manual labor with his workers. He was an innovative and responsible landowner, breeding cattle and horses and tending to his fruit orchards.

Much has been made of the fact that Washington used false teeth or dentures for most of his adult life. Indeed, Washington's correspondence to friends and family makes frequent references to aching teeth, inflamed gums and various dental woes.

Washington had one tooth pulled when he was just 24 years old, and by the time of his inauguration in 1789 he had just one natural tooth left. But his false teeth weren't made of wood, as some legends suggest.

Instead, Washington's false teeth were fashioned from human teeth — including teeth from enslaved people and his own pulled teeth — ivory, animal teeth and assorted metals.

Washington's dental problems, according to some historians, probably impacted the shape of his face and may have contributed to his quiet, somber demeanor: During the Constitutional Convention, Washington addressed the gathered dignitaries only once.

American Revolution

Though the British Proclamation Act of 1763 — prohibiting settlement beyond the Alleghenies — irritated Washington and he opposed the Stamp Act of 1765, he did not take a leading role in the growing colonial resistance against the British until the widespread protest of the Townshend Acts in 1767.

His letters of this period indicate he was totally opposed to the colonies declaring independence. However, by 1767, he wasn't opposed to resisting what he believed were fundamental violations by the Crown of the rights of Englishmen.

In 1769, Washington introduced a resolution to the House of Burgesses calling for Virginia to boycott British goods until the Acts were repealed.

After the passage of the Coercive Acts in 1774, Washington chaired a meeting in which the Fairfax Resolves were adopted, calling for the convening of the Continental Congress and the use of armed resistance as a last resort. He was selected as a delegate to the First Continental Congress in March 1775.

Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army

After the battles of Lexington and Concord in April 1775, the political dispute between Great Britain and her North American colonies escalated into an armed conflict. In May, Washington traveled to the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia dressed in a military uniform, indicating that he was prepared for war.

On June 15th, he was appointed Major General and Commander-in-Chief of the colonial forces against Great Britain. As was his custom, he did not seek out the office of commander, but he faced no serious competition.

Washington was the best choice for a number of reasons: he had the prestige, military experience and charisma for the job and he had been advising Congress for months.

Another factor was political: The Revolution had started in New England and at the time, they were the only colonies that had directly felt the brunt of British tyranny. Virginia was the largest British colony and New England needed Southern colonial support.

Political considerations and force of personality aside, Washington was not necessarily qualified to wage war on the world's most powerful nation. Washington's training and experience were primarily in frontier warfare involving small numbers of soldiers. He wasn't trained in the open-field style of battle practiced by the commanding British generals.

He also had no practical experience maneuvering large formations of infantry, commanding cavalry or artillery, or maintaining the flow of supplies for thousands of men in the field. But he was courageous and determined and smart enough to keep one step ahead of the enemy.

Washington and his small army did taste victory early in March 1776 by placing artillery above Boston, on Dorchester Heights, forcing the British to withdraw. Washington then moved his troops into New York City. But in June, a new British commander, Sir William Howe , arrived in the Colonies with the largest expeditionary force Britain had ever deployed to date.

Crossing the Delaware

In August 1776, the British army launched an attack and quickly took New York City in the largest battle of the war. Washington's army was routed and suffered the surrender of 2,800 men.

He ordered the remains of his army to retreat into Pennsylvania across the Delaware River. Confident the war would be over in a few months, General Howe wintered his troops at Trenton and Princeton, leaving Washington free to attack at the time and place of his choosing.

On Christmas night, 1776, Washington and his men returned across the Delaware River and attacked unsuspecting Hessian mercenaries at Trenton, forcing their surrender. A few days later, evading a force that had been sent to destroy his army, Washington attacked the British again, this time at Princeton, dealing them a humiliating loss.

Victories and Losses

General Howe's strategy was to capture colonial cities and stop the rebellion at key economic and political centers. He never abandoned the belief that once the Americans were deprived of their major cities, the rebellion would wither.

In the summer of 1777, he mounted an offensive against Philadelphia. Washington moved in his army to defend the city but was defeated at the Battle of Brandywine . Philadelphia fell two weeks later.

In the late summer of 1777, the British army sent a major force, under the command of John Burgoyne, south from Quebec to Saratoga, New York, to split the rebellion between New England and the southern colonies. But the strategy backfired, as Burgoyne became trapped by the American armies led by Horatio Gates and Benedict Arnold at the Battle of Saratoga .

Without support from Howe, who couldn't reach him in time, Burgoyne was forced to surrender his entire 6,200 man army. The victory was a major turning point in the war as it encouraged France to openly ally itself with the American cause for independence.

Through all of this, Washington discovered an important lesson: The political nature of war was just as important as the military one. Washington began to understand that military victories were as important as keeping the resistance alive.

Americans began to believe that they could meet their objective of independence without defeating the British army. Meanwhile, British General Howe clung to the strategy of capturing colonial cities in hopes of smothering the rebellion.

Howe didn't realize that capturing cities like Philadelphia and New York would not unseat colonial power. The Congress would just pack up and meet elsewhere.

Valley Forge

The darkest time for Washington and the Continental Army was during the winter of 1777 at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. The 11,000-man force went into winter quarters and over the next six months suffered thousands of deaths, mostly from disease. But the army emerged from the winter still intact and in relatively good order.

Realizing their strategy of capturing colonial cities had failed, the British command replaced General Howe with Sir Henry Clinton. The British army evacuated Philadelphia to return to New York City. Washington and his men delivered several quick blows to the moving army, attacking the British flank near Monmouth Courthouse. Though a tactical standoff, the encounter proved Washington's army capable of open field battle.

For the remainder of the war, Washington was content to keep the British confined to New York, although he never totally abandoned the idea of retaking the city. The alliance with France had brought a large French army and a navy fleet.

Washington and his French counterparts decided to let Clinton be and attack British General Charles Cornwallis at Yorktown, Virginia. Facing the combined French and Colonial armies and the French fleet of 29 warships at his back, Cornwallis held out as long as he could, but on October 19, 1781, he surrendered his forces.

Revolutionary War Victory

Washington had no way of knowing the Yorktown victory would bring the war to a close.

The British still had 26,000 troops occupying New York City, Charleston and Savannah, plus a large fleet of warships in the Colonies. By 1782, the French army and navy had departed, the Continental treasury was depleted, and most of his soldiers hadn’t been paid for several years.

A near-mutiny was avoided when Washington convinced Congress to grant a five-year bonus for soldiers in March 1783. By November of that year, the British had evacuated New York City and other cities and the war was essentially over.

The Americans had won their independence. Washington formally bade his troops farewell and on December 23, 1783, he resigned his commission as commander-in-chief of the army and returned to Mount Vernon.

For four years, Washington attempted to fulfill his dream of resuming life as a gentleman farmer and to give his much-neglected Mount Vernon plantation the care and attention it deserved.

The war had been costly to the Washington family with lands neglected, no exports of goods, and the depreciation of paper money. But Washington was able to repair his fortunes with a generous land grant from Congress for his military service and become profitable once again.

Constitutional Convention

In 1787, Washington was again called to the duty of his country. Since independence, the young republic had been struggling under the Articles of Confederation , a structure of government that centered power with the states.

But the states were not unified. They fought among themselves over boundaries and navigation rights and refused to contribute to paying off the nation's war debt. In some instances, state legislatures imposed tyrannical tax policies on their own citizens.

Washington was intensely dismayed at the state of affairs, but only slowly came to the realization that something should be done about it. Perhaps he wasn't sure the time was right so soon after the Revolution to be making major adjustments to the democratic experiment. Or perhaps because he hoped he would not be called upon to serve, he remained noncommittal.

But when Shays' Rebellion erupted in Massachusetts, Washington knew something needed to be done to improve the nation’s government. In 1786, Congress approved a convention to be held in Philadelphia to amend the Articles of Confederation.

At the Constitutional Convention , Washington was unanimously chosen as president. Washington, James Madison and Alexander Hamilton had come to the conclusion that it wasn't amendments that were needed, but a new constitution that would give the national government more authority.

In the end, the Convention produced a plan for government that not only would address the country's current problems, but would endure through time. After the convention adjourned, Washington's reputation and support for the new government were indispensable to the ratification of the new U.S. Constitution .

The opposition was strident, if not organized, with many of America's leading political figures — including Patrick Henry and Sam Adams — condemning the proposed government as a grab for power. Even in Washington's native Virginia, the Constitution was ratified by only one vote.


George Washington Fact Card

George Washington: Presidency

Still hoping to retire to his beloved Mount Vernon, Washington was once again called upon to serve this country.

During the presidential election of 1789, he received a vote from every elector to the Electoral College, the only president in American history to be elected by unanimous approval. He took the oath of office at Federal Hall in New York City, the capital of the United States at the time.

As the first president, Washington was astutely aware that his presidency would set a precedent for all that would follow. He carefully attended to the responsibilities and duties of his office, remaining vigilant to not emulate any European royal court. To that end, he preferred the title "Mr. President," instead of more imposing names that were suggested.

At first he declined the $25,000 salary Congress offered the office of the presidency, for he was already wealthy and wanted to protect his image as a selfless public servant. However, Congress persuaded him to accept the compensation to avoid giving the impression that only wealthy men could serve as president.

Washington proved to be an able administrator. He surrounded himself with some of the most capable people in the country, appointing Hamilton as Secretary of the Treasury and Thomas Jefferson as Secretary of State. He delegated authority wisely and consulted regularly with his cabinet listening to their advice before making a decision.

Washington established broad-ranging presidential authority, but always with the highest integrity, exercising power with restraint and honesty. In doing so, he set a standard rarely met by his successors, but one that established an ideal by which all are judged.

READ MORE: How George Washington’s Personal and Physical Characteristics Helped Him Win the Presidency


During his first term, Washington adopted a series of measures proposed by Treasury Secretary Hamilton to reduce the nation's debt and place its finances on sound footing.

His administration also established several peace treaties with Native American tribes and approved a bill establishing the nation's capital in a permanent district along the Potomac River.

Whiskey Rebellion

Then, in 1791, Washington signed a bill authorizing Congress to place a tax on distilled spirits, which stirred protests in rural areas of Pennsylvania.

Quickly, the protests turned into a full-scale defiance of federal law known as the Whiskey Rebellion . Washington invoked the Militia Act of 1792, summoning local militias from several states to put down the rebellion.

Washington personally took command, marching the troops into the areas of rebellion and demonstrating that the federal government would use force, when necessary, to enforce the law. This was also the only time a sitting U.S. president has led troops into battle.

In foreign affairs, Washington took a cautious approach, realizing that the weak young nation could not succumb to Europe's political intrigues. In 1793, France and Great Britain were once again at war.

At the urging of Hamilton, Washington disregarded the U.S. alliance with France and pursued a course of neutrality. In 1794, he sent John Jay to Britain to negotiate a treaty (known as the "Jay Treaty") to secure a peace with Britain and clear up some issues held over from the Revolutionary War.

The action infuriated Jefferson, who supported the French and felt that the U.S. needed to honor its treaty obligations. Washington was able to mobilize public support for the treaty, which proved decisive in securing ratification in the Senate.

Though controversial, the treaty proved beneficial to the United States by removing British forts along the western frontier, establishing a clear boundary between Canada and the United States, and most importantly, delaying a war with Britain and providing over a decade of prosperous trade and development the fledgling country so desperately needed.

Political Parties

All through his two terms as president, Washington was dismayed at the growing partisanship within the government and the nation. The power bestowed on the federal government by the Constitution made for important decisions, and people joined together to influence those decisions. The formation of political parties at first were influenced more by personality than by issues.

As Treasury secretary, Hamilton pushed for a strong national government and an economy built in industry. Secretary of State Jefferson desired to keep government small and center power more at the local level, where citizens' freedom could be better protected. He envisioned an economy based on farming.

Those who followed Hamilton's vision took the name Federalists and people who opposed those ideas and tended to lean toward Jefferson’s view began calling themselves Democratic-Republicans. Washington despised political partisanship, believing that ideological differences should never become institutionalized. He strongly felt that political leaders should be free to debate important issues without being bound by party loyalty.

However, Washington could do little to slow the development of political parties. The ideals promoted by Hamilton and Jefferson produced a two-party system that proved remarkably durable. These opposing viewpoints represented a continuation of the debate over the proper role of government, a debate that began with the conception of the Constitution and continues today.

Washington's administration was not without its critics who questioned what they saw as extravagant conventions in the office of the president. During his two terms, Washington rented the best houses available and was driven in a coach drawn by four horses, with outriders and lackeys in rich uniforms.

After being overwhelmed by callers, he announced that except for the scheduled weekly reception open to all, he would only see people by appointment. Washington entertained lavishly, but in private dinners and receptions at invitation only. He was, by some, accused of conducting himself like a king.

However, ever mindful his presidency would set the precedent for those to follow, he was careful to avoid the trappings of a monarchy. At public ceremonies, he did not appear in a military uniform or the monarchical robes. Instead, he dressed in a black velvet suit with gold buckles and powdered hair, as was the common custom. His reserved manner was more due to inherent reticence than any excessive sense of dignity.

Desiring to return to Mount Vernon and his farming, and feeling the decline of his physical powers with age, Washington refused to yield to the pressures to serve a third term, even though he would probably not have faced any opposition.

By doing this, he was again mindful of the precedent of being the "first president," and chose to establish a peaceful transition of government.

Farewell Address

In the last months of his presidency, Washington felt he needed to give his country one last measure of himself. With the help of Hamilton, he composed his Farewell Address to the American people, which urged his fellow citizens to cherish the Union and avoid partisanship and permanent foreign alliances.

In March 1797, he turned over the government to John Adams and returned to Mount Vernon, determined to live his last years as a simple gentleman farmer. His last official act was to pardon the participants in the Whiskey Rebellion.

Upon returning to Mount Vernon in the spring of 1797, Washington felt a reflective sense of relief and accomplishment. He had left the government in capable hands, at peace, its debts well-managed, and set on a course of prosperity.

He devoted much of his time to tending the farm's operations and management. Although he was perceived to be wealthy, his land holdings were only marginally profitable.

On a cold December day in 1799, Washington spent much of it inspecting the farm on horseback in a driving snowstorm. When he returned home, he hastily ate his supper in his wet clothes and then went to bed.

The next morning, on December 13, he awoke with a severe sore throat and became increasingly hoarse. He retired early, but awoke around 3 a.m. and told Martha that he felt very sick. The illness progressed until he died late in the evening of December 14, 1799.

The news of Washington's death at age 67 spread throughout the country, plunging the nation into a deep mourning. Many towns and cities held mock funerals and presented hundreds of eulogies to honor their fallen hero. When the news of this death reached Europe, the British fleet paid tribute to his memory, and Napoleon ordered ten days of mourning.

Washington could have been a king. Instead, he chose to be a citizen. He set many precedents for the national government and the presidency: The two-term limit in office, only broken once by Franklin D. Roosevelt , was later ensconced in the Constitution's 22nd Amendment.

He crystallized the power of the presidency as a part of the government’s three branches of government , able to exercise authority when necessary, but also accept the checks and balances of power inherent in the system.

He was not only considered a military and revolutionary hero, but a man of great personal integrity, with a deep sense of duty, honor and patriotism. For over 200 years, Washington has been acclaimed as indispensable to the success of the Revolution and the birth of the nation.

But his most important legacy may be that he insisted he was dispensable, asserting that the cause of liberty was larger than any single individual.

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Edgar Allan Poe


  • Name: George Washington
  • Birth Year: 1732
  • Birth date: February 22, 1732
  • Birth State: Virginia
  • Birth City: Westmoreland County
  • Birth Country: United States
  • Gender: Male
  • Best Known For: George Washington, a Founding Father of the United States, led the Continental Army to victory in the Revolutionary War and was America’s first president.
  • U.S. Politics
  • Astrological Sign: Pisces
  • Death Year: 1799
  • Death date: December 14, 1799
  • Death State: Virginia
  • Death City: Mount Vernon
  • Death Country: United States

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  • Article Title: George Washington Biography
  • Author: Biography.com Editors
  • Website Name: The Biography.com website
  • Url: https://www.biography.com/political-figures/george-washington
  • Access Date:
  • Publisher: A&E; Television Networks
  • Last Updated: September 11, 2020
  • Original Published Date: April 3, 2014
  • Observe good faith and justice towards all nations; cultivate peace and harmony with all.
  • When we assumed the soldier, we did not lay aside the citizen.
  • Be courteous to all, but intimate with few.
  • [T]he preservation of the sacred fire of liberty, and the destiny of the republican model of government, are justly considered as deeply, perhaps as finally staked, on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people.
  • We should never despair, our situation before has been unpromising and has changed for the better, so I trust, it will again. If new difficulties arise, we must only put forth new exertions and proportion our efforts to the exigency of the times.
  • There can be no greater error than to expect or calculate upon real favors from nation to nation.
  • [M]y movements to the chair of government will be accompanied by feelings not unlike those of a culprit who is going to the place of his execution.
  • True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation.
  • Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.
  • I heard the bullets whistle, and, believe me, there is something charming in the sound.
  • Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak, and esteem to all.
  • The basis of our political Systems is the right of the people to make and to alter their Constitutions of Government. But the Constitution which at any time exists, 'till changed by an explicit and authentic act of the whole People, is sacredly obligatory upon all.
  • I hold the maxim no less applicable to public than to private affairs, that honesty is the best policy.
  • The bosom of America is open to receive not only the opulent and respectable stranger, but the oppressed and persecuted of all nations and religions.

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What the History Books Won’t Tell You About George Washington

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By Tatiana Schlossberg

  • April 29, 2020

YOU NEVER FORGET YOUR FIRST A Biography of George Washington By Alexis Coe Read by Brittany Pressley

Given that we are now a nation of armchair epidemiologists, it felt eerily relevant to learn that George Washington survived the following diseases, among others: smallpox, malaria (six times), diphtheria, tuberculosis (twice), dysentery and tuberculosis at the same time (four times), and pneumonia.

We generally take it for granted that Washington was an impressive man, but to triumph over this many illnesses at a time when cures ranged from draining your blood to draining your blood again seems near superhuman. Even more so when the ailments are presented in list form with symptoms (including words like “excruciating,” “bloody,” “pustules”) and treatments (sometimes just “prayer”), as they are in “You Never Forget Your First,” Alexis Coe’s new biography of the man and president we only thought we knew.

As this historian illustrates, most of what we do know is either untrue — no child would chop down a cherry tree in order to make mischief; wood would be an exceptionally bad material for dentures — or less interesting than what the existing history books have overlooked.

The table of diseases (hard to follow in the narrator Brittany Pressley’s audiobook version, in which the jolting transitions between narrative and sidebar detract from the experience) isn’t there just for fun; it is a stealth fighter in Coe’s battle against the existing canon of Washington biographies. The physical obstacles the man has overcome, she argues, are better evidence of his strength and resilience than the details that other popular biographers have focused on: namely, his thighs. She nicknames these historians, Ron Chernow first among them, the “Thigh Men of Dad History,” i.e. men (and they are all men) who write history about men for men. To her, their reflexive focus on Washington’s stereotypical masculinity means that they neglect other things that are more important: his shortcomings and contradictions, the textures of 18th-century life. The nickname makes me cringe, but it’s effective.

It also hints at Coe’s larger project, which is an important achievement. She has cleverly disguised a historiographical intervention in the form of a sometimes cheeky presidential biography. In swiftly departing from the “Thigh Men,” she demonstrates that just because more conventional presidential biographies sometimes approach the length of the Bible (Chernow’s “ Washington ” is 900 pages), that doesn’t mean they are an infallible or unfiltered record of events. History, this book argues, is always an interpretation of the past and an argument about what it means.

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19 Best Books on George Washington (2022 Review)

September 20, 2020 by James Wilson


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George Washington served as an American political leader, military general and one of the founding fathers. He’s known as a patriot for leading forces to victory in America’s war for independence. As one of the most pivotal figures in American history, his leadership and character have been studied over generations.

What are the Best George Washington Books to read?

George Washington's Secret Six: The Spy Ring That Saved the American Revolution

If you’ve ever been interested in the life of George Washington and you would like to read more about his life and story, you should consider a number of top books that are available about his life. With someone as well known as George Washington it can be difficult to narrow down the right types of books that you should pick up.

Luckily there have been a number of recent works about George Washington that you can check out on you’re e reader, phone or tablet. They’re all readily available on Amazon and you can pick them up in paper format or read them online.

Best Books on George Washington: Our Top 19 Picks

Here is our definitive guide of some of the best books on George Washington for your own curiosity and research:

1. George Washington’s Secret Six: The Spy Ring That Saved the American Revolution

George Washington's Secret Six The Spy Ring That Saved the American Revolution

This book by Ron Chernow is a complete biography of George Washington. The book carries a portrait of George Washington as a boy through his exports in the French and Indian war as well as his time with the Continental Army.

There are vast details including his involvement with the Constitutional convention and notable stories from his time as America’s first president. If you are seeking a true biological retelling of George Washington’s life, this is a wonderful and celebrated background about the man himself. Chernow completed a massive amount of research to establish one of the most complete portraits of George Washington we have ever seen.

  • Authors : Brian Kilmeade (Author), Don Yaeger (Author)
  • Publisher : Sentinel; Reprint Edition (October 18, 2016)
  • Pages : 320 pages

2. Washington: A Life

Washington A Life

In this biography published by Joseph J. Ellis, we gain another biographical retelling of George Washington’s political career. Focusing on Washington’s impact on the nation as well as his thoughts on imperial power, this is a novel that looks more into George Washington’s motivations and his true energy throughout politics.

We learn more about George Washington’s stories of battle, his struggles with land ownership as well as an indispensable understanding of his impact on America today. His Excellency is a biography that can give you true appreciation for it the way the George Washington shaped America as a nation.

  • Authors : Ron Chernow (Author)
  • Publisher : Penguin Press (October 5, 2010)
  • Pages : 904 pages

3. The First Conspiracy (Young Reader’s Edition)

The First Conspiracy (Young Reader's Edition)

This book is far different than other novels on George Washington in the sense that it was written by George Washington himself. This book was adapted from the notebooks of George Washington and in established 110 rules to live. By getting this insight into his past and the way that he saw the world, these pages are designed to help anyone that is interested in discovering the path towards living more like George Washington.

If you are interested in following some of his teachings and discoving the way that George Washington truly lived, this is a book that you should highly consider. George Washington’s rules set includes a number of subjects and was inspired by a set of rules composed by French just so it’s in the year 1595.  It includes a list of etiquette on how to walk, eat in public, address one superiors, dress and more.

  • Authors : Brad Meltzer (Author), Josh Mensch (Author)
  • Publisher : Roaring Brook Press; Young Reader’s ed. Edition (January 7, 2020)
  • Pages : 368 pages

4. Being George Washington: The Indispensable Man, as You’ve Never Seen Him

Being George Washington The Indispensable Man, as You've Never Seen Him

With a riveting tale from Brad Meltzer and Josh Mensch we learn about a previously untold aspect of American history in which George Washington was the target of a counterintelligence case. Elite soldiers were picked to serve as George Washington’s bodyguards in the year 1776.

This would serve as some of the original secret service members but without Washington’s knowledge, there were a series of these men that were part of a plan to eliminate George Washington before the Revolutionary war. The Cedar plot was revealed, but in this dramatic retelling we learn just how close America came to losing the Revolutionary war and one of its greatest military leaders.

  • Authors : Glenn Beck (Author)
  • Publisher : Threshold Editions; First Edition/First Printing (November 22, 2011)
  • Pages : 304 pages

5. His Excellency: George Washington

His Excellency George Washington

Brian Kilmeade and Don Yaeger delivers a historically accurate retelling of Washington’s recovery after a retreat from New York City in 1776. This book includes information on the Culper Spy Ring which was part of the plan to defeat the British in a sophisticated intelligence ring.

The two authors spent extensive time researching the spires including the back story of a mysterious woman, a Long Island bachelor, a young longshoremen, a tavern keeper, a coffee shop owner, and a Quaker merchant. The secret six are true American heroes and this is a story of George Washington and this group of incredible spies.

  • Authors : Joseph J. Ellis (Author)
  • Publisher : Vintage; Illustrated Edition (November 8, 2005)
  • Pages : 352 pages

6. The Return of George Washington: 1783-1789

The Return of George Washington 1783-1789

Hourly history published a short read guide on the history of George Washington. The goal of this hourly history biography is to take an in-depth look at the life of George Washington with a distilled research focus. This is the perfect guide to pick up before coming to Washington DC or exploring sites associated with George Washington.

Gaining an appreciation for his life and impact on America can be easy after examining this distilled experience. With comprehensive back story and a full memoir concerning George Washington, this is an easy read that can bring you up to speed on the life of a great man.

  • Authors : Edward J. Larson (Author)
  • Publisher : William Morrow; 1st Edition (October 7, 2014)
  • Pages : 384 pages

7. The Real George Washington (American Classic Series)

The Real George Washington (American Classic Series)

Janice T. Connell shares the story of the brilliant leadership of the first and only unanimously elected president of the United States. With an improved picture of his past and modern circumstances to his self-taught education, this is an intensive look at his life and past.

This biography relates his leadership towards some of the events in his past that shaped his lifestyle. Seeing this great leader rise to power after the boyhood trauma of losing his father is a story that will give you a completely unique perspective on Washington and his past.

  • Authors : Jay A. Parry (Author), Andrew M. Allison (Author)
  • Publisher : National Center for Constitutional Studies; Illustrated Edition (December 1, 1991)
  • Pages : 928 pages

8. George Washington’s Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation (Little Books of Wisdom)

George Washington's Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation (Little Books of Wisdom)

Nathaniel Pilbrick  shares a historical account of the Naval Battle from 1780. In the Hurricanes Eye tells the story of making the impossible happen and how George Washington was able to orchestrate one of the most important naval engagements in the history of the world.

Culminating with the battle of Chesapeake, this wide-ranging story explains the lead up to the battle including every unexpected turn at sea and while coordinating the vessels involved. In the hurricanes eye explains the true fate of this battle and how it impacted the American Revolution. This book is the perfect window into Washington’s mind as a strategist.

  • Authors : George Washington (Author)
  • Publisher : Applewood Books; Here are the 110 rules which George Washington copied into his early notebooks a Edition (August 1, 1989)
  • Pages : 36 pages

9. In the Hurricane’s Eye: The Genius of George Washington and the Victory at Yorktown (The American Revolution Series)

In the Hurricane's Eye The Genius of George Washington and the Victory at Yorktown (The American Revolution Series)

This historical novel reveals one of the most overlooked chapters of George Washington’s life.  Pulitzer Prize winning author Edward Larson writes  unique details on this timespan.  Detailing the way the George Washington say the United States by coming out of retirement to lead the constitutional  convention and the  decisions made during this time, this is a  unique perspective on this specific aspect of Washington’s life.

After  retiring in December of 1783,  George Washington stepped down and was called upon once again in this unique chapter of his life. Learn how his direct involvement was able to reach new national policy that affected the  United States permanently.  This chapter is just one of the many times that George Washington was able to save the nation.

  • Authors : Nathaniel Philbrick (Author)
  • Publisher : Viking; Illustrated Edition (October 16, 2018)

10. Washington: The Indispensable Man

Washington The Indispensable Man

Written by Jay A Parry and Andrew M. Allison, this story details the impact that George Washington had on mankind and the story of his life.  Told as a biographical approach,  this novel details the founding of America as well as more on the dominant personality that was George Washington.

Details include a focus on the Constitutional convention,  and the Revolutionary war as was the first national administration.  The story and the impact of George Washington is highlighted throughout and the  biography showcases many of the ways that Washington became one of the most into sensible people in American history. This is a novel that is regularly highlighted amongst some of the best classic books on  George Washington’s life.

  • Authors : James Thomas Flexner (Author)
  • Publisher : Back Bay Books; Back Bay Books Edition (February 22, 1994)
  • Pages : 448 pages

11. George Washington: A Life From Beginning to End (Biographies of US Presidents Book 1)

George Washington A Life From Beginning to End (Biographies of US Presidents Book 1)

  • Authors : Hourly History (Author)
  • Publisher : Independently published (May 13, 2019)
  • Pages : 46 pages

12. Ascent of George Washington

Ascent of George Washington

As one of the most revered Americans in history,  George Washington is widely considered to be a stoic leader. In  John Ferling’s  telling of the political journey of George Washington,  we learn more about the way  Washington was as a politician and as a  true leader.

We can discover more about his involvement with the Army,  how his political savvy  enabled him to out maneuver British forces and how he was able to manage  uniting the nation. This ‘s detailed account showcases Washington’s ability to out maneuver rival generals, utilize his  political prowess and more. If you are  interested in learning more about George Washington as a political leader,  this is an excellent starting point.

  • Authors : John Ferling (Author)
  • Publisher : Bloomsbury Press; Illustrated Edition (June 2, 2009)
  • Pages : 464 pages

13. The Spiritual Journey of George Washington

The Spiritual Journey of George Washington

  • Authors : Janice T. Connell (Author)
  • Publisher : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 8/31/13 Edition (September 30, 2013)
  • Pages : 246 pages

14. The Bulletproof George Washington

The Bulletproof George Washington

The bulletproof George Washington is a novel from David Barton  detailing his experiences in the French and Indian war. Many of these  dramatic retellings of Washington’s time in this  era do not detail the  peril that he faced.

This  action-packed retelling showcases that Washington truly was bulletproof as one of the only officers on horseback to avoid being shot down.  His Dracula’s escape as well as the stories of adventure that he faced give a  newfound appreciation of Washington at war and the  brilliant tactician that he was.

  • Authors : David Barton (Author)
  • Publisher : WallBuilder Press; 3rd Edition (December 19, 2002)
  • Pages : 62 pages

15. George Washington, Spymaster

George Washington, Spymaster

This award-winning National Geographic book presents the untold story of the war that occurred throughout the American Revolution between spies and counter spies.  George Washington created one of  America’s first spy rings and this  National Geographic detailed look delivers an entertaining and unique account on some of the most important individuals in the history of the nation.

This is a quite compelling narrative that details the roles played by George Washington as well as each one of the spies in his spy ring. With an  interesting look into covert operations,  codes and ciphers,  double agents and more this is a  detailed historical account filled with intrigue and suspense. Learn how the nation was won with spies in this Thomas B. Allen novel.

  • Authors : Thomas B. Allen (Author)
  • Publisher : National Geographic Children’s Books; Illustrated Edition (January 9, 2007)
  • Pages : 184 pages

16. George Washington’s Secret Six (Young Readers Adaptation)

George Washington's Secret Six (Young Readers Adaptation)

George Washington’s secret six adapted for young readers is a Brian Kilmeade and Don Yaeger  novel detailing more on the spies that saved America.  Throughout the American Revolution, Gen.

George Washington produced his own spy ring. In this  young adult series,  youth readers can learn more about the unique group of spies that were conscripted by George Washington and how they were able to infiltrate the  British Army. As an  accessible novel for young readers,  this is one of the best ways to learn more about one of the most crucial times in American history.  Written as a historical thriller, this is a book that can  keep you on the edge of your seat as it details an  influential time in group Washington’s life as a tactician.

  • Publisher : Puffin Books; Illustrated Edition (January 28, 2020)
  • Pages : 176 pages

17. George Washington: The Wonder of the Age

George Washington The Wonder of the Age

The wonder of the age is an award-winning library of  America collection of George Washington’s best writings. John Rhodehamel curated a wide range of Washington’s papers.  Including detailed descriptions of the correspondence,  this is the perfect way to learn more about George Washington’s unique writing style and see some of his most interesting works.

With writing that dates all the way back to his early 20s to correspondence published later on in his life, these are works that can put you further in touch with the man that  George Washington was in his day-to-day life and with his closest correspondence.

  • Authors : John Rhodehamel (Author)
  • Publisher : Yale University Press; 1st Edition (February 22, 2017)

18. George Washington: Writings (Library of America)

George Washington Writings (Library of America)

The George Washington writings from the Library of America includes a volume of his writing edited by John H. Rhodehamel.  This is one of the most extensive collections of over five decades of Washington’s life work.

In this series of volumes we can learn more about the over 440 letters, orders and  addresses the George Washington published throughout his life.  Many of the early writings include details from George Washington’s Journal that he was publishing at the age of 16 as well as future correspondence. Gain a detailed insight into the world of George Washington by reading some of his most important writing through this volume.

  • Authors : George Washington (Author), John H. Rhodehamel (Editor)
  • Publisher : Library of America (February 22, 1997)
  • Pages : 1184 pages

19. National Geographic Readers: George Washington (Readers Bios)

National Geographic Readers George Washington (Readers Bios)

In this volume of historical articles published by National Geographic, the contents have been edited and designed for children of all ages to learn.  Based at a level to reading level, Caroline Crosson Gilpin dipped into National Geographic’s extensive archives to pull unique articles and artifacts from George Washington to presented a historical format for kids.

This carefully levelled reader is written in a manner that any young historian can follow and there are a  wealth of interesting fax throughout George Washington’s life from his  a time in war,  to his retirement and more.

  • Authors : Caroline Crosson Gilpin (Author)
  • Publisher : National Geographic Kids (January 7, 2014)
  • Pages : 32 pages

Choosing the Best George Washington Books

If you would  like to learn more about George Washington any of these top books could be a great start.  With many perspectives on this great man, you can further your  knowledge while gaining a  more in-depth appreciation on how he lived his life.


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A New Book About George Washington Breaks All the Rules on How to Write About George Washington

Alexis Coe’s cheeky biography of the first president pulls no punches

History Correspondent

George Washington Landsdowne Portrait

No one would describe Alexis Coe’s unconventional biography of conventional biographical subject George Washington as boring. Starting with its cover illustration, a playful Washington grinning at the reader, You Never Forget Your First is a wink of sorts, at Washington biography and at the ways that Americans have very consistently misremembered the first president. Coe sets herself apart from the historians she refers to as the “Thigh Men” of history: biographers like Joseph Ellis, Harlow Giles Unger, and Ron Chernow, esteemed writers in their own rights but ones who seemingly focus on Washington as a marble Adonis (with impressive thighs—we’ll get to that), rather than as a flawed, but still impressive, human being.

Coe mixes up genre and presentation, beginning with a preface composed of listicles, with the first a set of basic things to know about Washington (“jobs held”). And the book is compact. While “weighty tome” is the typical format for founder’s biographies, this one comes in at just 304 lively pages. (Chernow’s Pulitzer Prize-winning biography of Washington was an astounding 904 pages.) But Coe’s offering is still a full biography, covering birth to death and the highlights of his life and career between. And, because it’s a biography, George Washington remains at the center. For Smithsonian magazine, I sat down to talk at length about Washington, Washington biographies, and where You Never Forget Your First resides in the founder’s canon. The following conversation has been condensed and edited for clarity.

You describe that when you told people you were writing a biography of George Washington, they would assume you’re writing about his social life and you would respond, “No, it’s a biography , like a man would write.” And I’ve seen elsewhere you’ve referred to this as a feminist biography. Is it? Or is this what it looks like when a feminist writes biography?

That happened all the time; in the doctor’s office, at Mount Vernon when I went to research. And I actually borrowed that phrase, I realized later, from my first book [about a murder case involving young, female lovers]. When newspapers would try to describe same-sex love and they were at a loss for a word to identify it because lesbian was still 40 years into the future, they would simply say, “You know, like a man would do.”

And so I know that when all else failed, and people seemed to be grasping at the concept, I remind them that women are fully formed humans who are interested in the presidency as much as they are interested in his marriage.

Preview thumbnail for 'You Never Forget Your First: A Biography of George Washington

You Never Forget Your First: A Biography of George Washington

New York Times bestselling co-author of Notorious RBG Alexis Coe takes a closer look at our first--and finds he is not quite the man we remember

The book really just jumps up and asks you to pay attention; it’s not a book that you ease into. The preface presents a series of charts, like of the jobs Washington had, or the animals he raised, or the false information that still circulates about him. Other chapters begin with similar infographics. What was your approach to these?

If history is boring, it’s the historian’s fault. Obviously, the title is so provocative; it can get them to pick up the book, but how can I make them feel like they are well equipped to dive into George Washington’s life, the Revolutionary Era, to understand how someone fights for the British Army and ends up leading a rebellion against them? To understand Jefferson, Hamilton, the presidency?

I make these lists for myself [when researching], and it’s sort of like being [with me] in the archives. I wish readers could see everything, and they don’t get to. This is an offering from me to the reader, telling them, “You know how to read this book. You have everything you need to feel as though you’re an expert,”

And so there’s a ton of front matter, as I call it, that really introduces you to Washington as a whole person. We know that he’s the general, but we also have to acknowledge that another title he held was master. We should know that he was very into animals. We should know this his body was amazing not because he had great thighs, but because he survived so many things. There’s front matter in the beginning of the book and then there’s front matter in front of each section and then there are charts and graphs throughout the chapters.

I want this book to be a sort of equalizer and to be fun. History is fun, even when it’s difficult subject matter.

I was interested in your saying that people ask you, “Didn’t you approach Washington with reverence?” And you just didn’t have this reverent posture that previous biographers did. You just thought, “He’s a guy.”

I sometimes think that when Ellis and Chernow and all of these famous Pulitzer-Prize-winning historians were writing a book on Washington, they had to take an oath. Like, “I will write book in the exact same way. I will declare him too marble to be real, and then I will proceed just as the person before me did.”

The reverence jumps off the page. They’re so protective of him and are so impressed by him and his masculinity. I take [his masculinity] as a foregone conclusion. The diseases he survived taught me that, [as did] the war and the way that he was regarded by other people. I just don’t see why historians need to talk about it for pages and pages.

I don’t feel a need to protect Washington; he doesn’t need me to come to his defense, and I don’t think he needed his past biographers to, either, but they’re so worried about him. I’m not worried about him. He’s everywhere. He’s just fine. President Trump went to Mount Vernon and said, “Unless you put your name on things, nobody remembers you.” His name is everywhere. His name is on the city that Trump works in.

Instead of calling me irreverent, we should question why these men are so reverent and why we trust them to tell stories because that is, to me, a disconcerting bias. And a blind spot. My god, did they miss things. And they just repeat each other. In this pursuit of idolatry, they completely miss things and they have zero curiosity outside of what has been covered. They’re not interested in women. There’s just not variety, really until you look at Erica Dunbar and Never Caught . [Dunbar’s 2017 history, a National Book Award finalist, focuses on Ona Judge, an enslaved woman who ran for freedom and was pursued by George and Martha Washingto.] They’re not interested in considering other perspectives. I honestly didn’t know why certain people write books about him except to just have another book, to sort of write a book about Washington as if it was a check mark.

Do you think that this is a problem with biographies as a genre? After all, it was a genre designed to be about exemplary men!

I have a lot of issues with presidential biographies. This is not a problem particular to Washington, but it is acute when it comes to Washington biographies. If you read a biography on John Adams, they’re going to have a little bit of fun with it. They’re going to have fun with how verbose he is, his relationship with Abigail, his children. Everything is a little bit more comfortable.

What are Washington’s biographers missing, then?

Washington biographies need to be very different, going forward. And I hope that that is a contribution that I’ve made, that it is the start of change. It’s really important that, in a biography about Washington, we talk about what we know as historians, that we’re really honest, intellectually honest about what we saw in the archive. And that includes putting in anecdotes about Washington slapping an enslaved man because he could not lift a log on his own. Past biographers, and particularly Chernow, cannot deny that he was a slaveholder. They cannot deny that he would say he didn’t want to separate families, but sometimes did. Washington would say that his thoughts about slavery were changing, but he would talk about enslaved people in ways that showed that they were not.

Something that these biographers talk about is that Washington had very high expectations of other people, but if you just say that, I don’t know what that means. Does that mean that I expect you to be on time? Expecting someone to meet your needs, saying that generally—okay, I’d understand that quality. Imagining Washington assaulting someone he owns because he couldn’t lift a giant log on his own, that paints a very different picture and we need that there alongside all the other things that enable him to lead and win the Revolution and become the first president.

I loved the way you talked about Chernow and these other guys and their emphasis on Washington’s manly thighs.

To tell you the truth, I really never noticed Washington’s thighs in portraits, but [male biographers] wouldn’t stop talking about them. I’d never read a biography on a woman where they talked about her legs constantly. I’d never thought about a woman ... I’m thinking about someone like Sylvia Plath. I’d never looked at a photo of her and thought about her legs.

And the way that they would describe them, “He gripped the saddle with his thunderous thighs.” It was a little inappropriate, sometimes read like a romance novel. And I couldn’t really figure out why. Did they just really love his thighs? Were there a lack of great thighs in early America?

I Googled a portrait of Hamilton’s, just to see how they compared. They were also very nice, but ... why this fixation on [this part of] Washington’s masculinity. Then I would think about the things around sexuality and around reproduction that they also focused on. And together, what it told me was that they were very nervous about something. An example is, well, Washington had no biological children,but [the Thigh Men] don’t immediately say that he was the father to 15 wards during his lifetime.

He wrote them all very long letters. He was full of advice, so much advice. He was a really active father. He considered Martha’s children and grandchildren, he raised them, Washington considered them his own. So why don’t we?

And then [the Thigh Men] feel the need to explain [his lack of biological children], when it seems really obvious to me that Washington was unable to have children as a result of smallpox. And instead of just accepting that, they have to talk about his masculinity. They have to talk about how the reason that they didn’t have children was probably Martha’s fault, even though she had children so we know that she could, and there’s absolutely nothing to suggest that they were difficult childbirths. And yet, they introduce that as if it’s an option, so it’s misleading to the reader.

And from there, they really go off the rails. They start talking about how he was ... God forbid, anyone should suspect that he was gay or asexual or impotent. They jump ahead of you ten steps and start telling you why he isn’t, before you’ve even thought it because, honest, I wouldn’t have. I wouldn’t care enough, but they’re really nervous about this.

This defensiveness of Washington and of his masculinity is so conspicuous that I needed to point it out. And when you’re defending something, it also means you’re attacking something. So, they tend to defend men and attack women. And they attack his mother, and they really don’t want to attack Martha because she is a perfect foil to his mother, but when they have to, they’ll go after her ability to bear children, even though, again, she demonstrated that she could perfectly well.

I wanted to ask about race and slavery, too. You have these powerful moments in the book where you talk about Billy Lee, an enslaved man who was quite an important character in the life and exploits of Washington. But Billy Lee kinds of stands in for Washington’s attitude towards enslaved people in significant ways. What role do race and racism plays in the book?

Billy Lee is Washington’s best friend, his right-hand man. And it’s true, he was the exception in Washington’s mind, but to introduce him into the narrative whenever you need to make sure that people know that he could see black people as humans is a disservice to the entire production. There is a misconception that Billy Lee had always been owned, for example, by Washington because of the way that they talk about him.

[Other historians] also often say that Billy Lee was sold to Washington, which I hate. No, Washington went and bought [Billy Lee]. He was looking for slaves to purchase and that’s what he did. It’s a funny way of sort of shifting responsibility just a little bit to make them feel better.

Billy Lee served Washington during the Revolution and was injured in Washington’s service. He injured his knees twice, once during a fox hunt, once during the Revolution. And as a result, he couldn’t keep up. And when he couldn’t keep up, Washington retired him. But upon his death, Billy Lee was the only enslaved person who Washington liberated.

I know you know this, but the reason I review it is because we’re talking about one man out of hundreds of people he enslaved, and yet all I see throughout the narratives is Billy Lee. So if we’re going to talk about how exceptional Washington thought Billy Lee was, then we also have to talk about all the times he wrote that black people just didn’t work hard, that they didn’t seem to have much pride in their appearance when, in fact, he wasn’t giving them enough clothing sometimes to shield their bodies. Women were observed as being in tattered clothing. Their breasts were sometimes visible.

If we’re going to talk about Billy Lee, then we’re going to talk about the other people, too. And we’re going to say how he only saw someone who was dark skinned as human, as human as he was, when they literally almost killed themselves in service to him.

There’s a lot of magical thinking when it comes to Washington’s road to emancipating his slaves upon Martha’s death. The declaration that’s usually made is that Washington began to think differently during the Revolution, which I challenge. It’s not that he began to think differently. It’s that he became the most famous person in the world and was exposed to people who he respected, like the Marquis of Lafayette, who were telling him, “Listen, this is terrible and you could change the world and everyone would love you for it.” He was well aware from that moment forward that it did affect his legacy. Let’s be realistic about this, and let’s also talk about the times that he could’ve emancipated them.

And didn’t.

The [Thigh Men] often talk about how hypocritical Jefferson was. He wrote these beautiful words and then he enslaved people, including his own children. [But] Jefferson could not have changed the trajectory of America; he wasn’t important enough. Sure, he became really important, but Jefferson was not as important as Washington. He was not as famous as Washington. He was not as well-respected as Washington.

I interviewed Annette Gordon-Reed [a historian best known for her searing analysis of the Jefferson-Sally Hemings relationship] a few years ago and she told me that, had Jefferson emancipated his slaves, or argued for the emancipation of slavery immediately upon America’s independence, that we wouldn’t know his name. That’s not true for Washington. He could’ve done it, he didn’t. And had he done it, it could’ve changed the trajectory of America.

Washington biographers have shaped and really kind of mediated all understanding of George Washington, but I wonder about how George Washington did that himself. How is he the curator of his life and how are we, in a sense, receiving what Washington wanted us to have?

Washington wanted to shape his legacy, but he didn’t totally understand what we would think about him. I do feel as though the paving the road to emancipation for the people he enslaved [as he famously did in his will] was mostly legacy building, but it’s interesting to look at instances in which he didn’t know that he would be judged. He knew that he would be judged on slavery, but he didn’t know that he would be judged, for example, on [his treatment of Native] Americans. So as Washington was preparing his letters, his documents, he did not take anything out about how he didn’t trust Indians because they couldn’t fundamentally be trusted or how they basically just needed to give up their way of life.

He didn’t think that we would be horrified by any of that. And so he left it right there for us. So I think he was self-conscious, but he also couldn’t [completely self-censor] ... not about everything because he simply didn’t think it was bad.

In some sense he is his own archivist. His first introduction to the world is the journal that he writes about his experience in what would be the opening of what’s referred to as the French and Indian War in North America. During and after the Revolution, he is so particular about the care and preservation of his papers. I wondered how that struck you.

Washington did his best to shape the narrative. His journal was published when he was a young man, when he started a world war , and it got away from him a little bit. He became quite famous, but he was very sensitive, he did not like being ridiculed. Certain members of Parliament thought he was a dumb kid; he learned the importance of archives, at that moment. And he was also very aware that this was an incredible moment in history, as they all were. They were all careful with their papers. They sold their papers later. They knew the importance of it.

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Karin Wulf is the director of the John Carter Brown Library and a historian at Brown University. She was previously the executive director of the Omohundro Institute of American History & Culture and a professor of history at William & Mary.

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His Excellency: George Washington

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Joseph J. Ellis

His Excellency: George Washington Paperback – November 8, 2005

National Bestseller To this landmark biography of our first president, Joseph J. Ellis brings the exacting scholarship, shrewd analysis, and lyric prose that have made him one of the premier historians of the Revolutionary era. Training his lens on a figure who sometimes seems as remote as his effigy on Mount Rushmore, Ellis assesses George Washington as a military and political leader and a man whose “statue-like solidity” concealed volcanic energies and emotions.

Here is the impetuous young officer whose miraculous survival in combat half-convinced him that he could not be killed. Here is the free-spending landowner whose debts to English merchants instilled him with a prickly resentment of imperial power. We see the general who lost more battles than he won and the reluctant president who tried to float above the partisan feuding of his cabinet. His Excellency is a magnificent work, indispensable to an understanding not only of its subject but also of the nation he brought into being.

  • Print length 352 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher Vintage
  • Publication date November 8, 2005
  • Dimensions 5.17 x 0.76 x 7.99 inches
  • ISBN-10 9781400032532
  • ISBN-13 978-1400032532
  • Lexile measure 1390L
  • See all details

Editorial Reviews

" [Ellis has done it again. This is an important and challenging work: beautifully written, lively, serious and engaging.” — The Boston Globe  

“Absorbing. . . . An incisive portrait [that] eloquently conveys the magnitude of Washington’s accomplishments.” — The New York Times  

“Absolutely fascinating. . . . Underscores how extraordinary Washington’s accomplishments really were.” — The Christian Science Monitor

“Lively and engaging. . . . An accessible portrait. . . . Ellis writes simply but eloquently. His prose is lucid, graceful and witty, his book is hard to put down. . . . Should be required reading.” — Los Angeles Times Book Review

From the Back Cover

"From the Hardcover edition.

About the Author

Excerpt. © reprinted by permission. all rights reserved., product details.

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ 1400032539
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Vintage; Reprint edition (November 8, 2005)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 352 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 9781400032532
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1400032532
  • Lexile measure ‏ : ‎ 1390L
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 11.2 ounces
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5.17 x 0.76 x 7.99 inches
  • #74 in American Revolution Biographies (Books)
  • #163 in U.S. Revolution & Founding History
  • #303 in US Presidents

About the author

Joseph j. ellis.

Joseph J. Ellis is Ford Foundation Professor of History at Mount Holyoke and author of the National Book Award-winning American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson, the Pulitzer Prize-winning Founding Brothers, and The Passionate Sage (Norton).

Photo by Larry D. Moore [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0) or GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html)], via Wikimedia Commons.

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Customers find the book full of great information and revealing about Washington's character and personality. They also describe him as the most impressive human being they have ever read about. Readers describe the writing style as fluent, approachable, and exciting. They find the reading experience interesting and vivid, with plenty of quotes from Washington. Customers also say the writing isn't overly flowery or too plain.

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Customers find the book full of great information, an impressive scholar, historian, and writer. They also say it's an excellent short biography of the father of our country, a reliable telling of important actions and thoughts, and relevant to today. Readers also say the book is comprehensive, readable, and able to learn from mistakes. They say it reveals much about Washington's character and personality, giving a more human portrait.

"...qualities helped: he was composed, indefatigable, and able to learn from mistakes ...." Read more

"...It serves as an approachable, big picture introduction to “The Foundingest Father of them all”...." Read more

"...I would classify this biography as being one of the most thorough biographies I have read, yet did not find it tedious or laden with excessive..." Read more

"...This book is clearly academic and scholarly in presentation, demonstrating a powerful command of the English language, without ever sounding..." Read more

Customers find the book an interesting read, perfect for a casual reader with interest in the founding of the United States, and find the critique fair, honest, and enlightening.

"...For me it was certainly very interesting , and it puts the noises that I hear out of the contemporary US in a different light...." Read more

"...It was a real pleasure getting to know him.This is a great book and I highly recommend it!" Read more

"...I give it 5 stars for: content , style and overall presentation. I give it 4 1/2 stars for the narrator's delivery and editing...." Read more

"...Flexner's "Washington: The indispensable Man" is an excellent , readable, comprehensive, and matter-of-fact biography of Washington..." Read more

Customers find the writing style of the book to be fluent, amazing, and quick. They also say it's not overly poetic or scathing, and that the author does a great job painting his words on the canvas of their minds. They say the book skillfully interweaves quotes from primary sources into most chapters and his notes and acknowledgements. Customers also say the writing serves as an approachable, big picture introduction to the Founding Father, and are accessible and insightful.

"...It serves as an approachable , big picture introduction to “The Foundingest Father of them all”...." Read more

"...being one of the most thorough biographies I have read, yet did not find it tedious or laden with excessive irrelevance...." Read more

"...a powerful command of the English language, without ever sounding ostentatious . Ellis's style isn't overly flowery or too plain...." Read more

"...Flexner's "Washington: The indispensable Man" is an excellent, readable , comprehensive, and matter-of-fact biography of Washington..." Read more

Customers find the book vivid, insightful, and revealing. They appreciate the concise plot, narration, and accurate representation of historical events. They also appreciate the contrast of emotions and the emphasis on the surrender of power. Customers also love the photos that were included.

"...about our first president, I was impressed to find one that looked good without being over 500 pages...." Read more

"...Ellis's style isn't overly flowery or too plain. His writing style is clear, carefully worded, and detailed in all descriptions...." Read more

"...the story told by Mr. Ellis I can only say it is a masterful rendering of the life of Washington and highly recommended." Read more

"The book graphically brings out Washington's greatness ...." Read more

Customers find the character traits of the book impressive, with incredible discipline and bravery. They appreciate Washington's integrity, commitment to cause, and amazing virtue.

"...He is a real, living human being. He is, in my opinion, the most impressive human being I have ever read about, other than the only human in history..." Read more

"...or not, will likely finish this book with an increased appreciation for Washington's integrity , commitment to cause and strength of character...." Read more

"...This book truly presents Washington as a human being with all of his strengths and weaknesses...." Read more

"...Washington was a man of incredible discipline and bravery . He had the knack for seeing himself as a history-maker and looking beyond the obvious...." Read more

Customers find the characterization quiet, firm, and strong.

"...Second, the leader's personal qualities helped: he was composed, indefatigable , and able to learn from mistakes...." Read more

"...for Washington's integrity, commitment to cause and strength of character ...." Read more

"...What a life he led!!A born leader and patriot with a high sense of integrity ,justice and courage in equal measure,his life has been portrayed..." Read more

"...Quiet, firm , strong, leading from the front...." Read more

Customers are mixed about the pacing. Some find the book fast-paced and highly entertaining, while others say the pc is very slow.

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"...to the style of writing and the language the author uses, the book is a slow read , but it is full of amazing information. I really enjoyed it...." Read more

"Had to read this one for a college class. Was slow to get through . It's amazing what isn't really true about him." Read more

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The best biography of George Washington yet

Ron chernow's extraordinary new book paints the first president as a man in a struggle to contain his emotions, by max byrd.

Two unforgettable images run through Ron Chernow's great book, "Washington: A Life," and they have nothing to do with cherry trees or wooden teeth or silver dollars thrown across the Potomac.

The first is the image of a gallows. It appears early in the narrative, when Colonel George Washington of the Virginia Militia, seeking to terrify his untutored, undisciplined, ragamuffin soldiers into obedience, builds a 40-foot-high gibbet. Soon after, he sentences 14 of his men to death for desertion and insubordination. Though he will eventually spare 12 from the noose, he will still punish them with absolutely fierce and shocking floggings, an average of 600 lashes per prisoner. "Washington made a point of hanging people in public," Ron Chernow writes, "to deter others." It is an expression of "his blazing temper." It is also a result of his experience as explorer and soldier in the Virginia wilderness, "which darkened his view of human nature." His lifelong practice will be to see "people as motivated more by force than kindness." When he hangs his first man, the year is 1756, Virginia is still a British colony, and Washington is 24 years old.

Gallows and nooses were, of course, an ordinary part of Washington's time and world. To hang a disobedient solider -- or rebel -- was commonplace in 18th century warfare. The British government routinely punished treason this way, with the additional flourish of disemboweling the offender while he was still alive, and then decapitating him. When Benjamin Franklin cautions the Continental Congress that "we must all hang together, or we will all hang separately," only the first part of his famous sentence is metaphorical.

Washington became a rebel and a revolutionary well aware that, in the event of defeat, just as Franklin said, he would be hanged, drawn and quartered by the king's justice. As the culprit in chief, he could expect no mercy. The revolutionaries all fought, he later said, "with halters around our necks." But his recurrence to the imagery of hanging -- and to the real thing -- reminds us not only of his courage and realism, but also of the remarkable, even perpetual fury he usually buried or concealed behind a calm, stony façade. When he had reached the limit of his patience with war profiteers at Valley Forge, Washington erupted in a violent rage that would not have surprised any of his subordinates -- "I would to God," he burst out to the president of Congress, "that one of the most atrocious of each state was hung in gibbets upon a gallows five times as high as the one prepared for Haman."

These gallows and halters show us something else as well: the discipline, the iron will that sets Washington apart from almost all of his contemporaries. In the Benedict Arnold affair, when the captured British spy John Andre, a handsome and sympathetic figure, pleaded to be executed like a gentleman by a firing squad, Washington turned his back. Despite the wrenching protests of Hamilton and Lafayette, he ordered Andre hanged in full view of the army, as an example to his own soldiers and a message to the British. "Policy," he explained to the French admiral Rochambeau, "required a sacrifice."

The second recurring image is much less stern and inflexible. It is the image of Washington taking his place, sitting or standing, before a portrait painter, an act that he performed literally hundreds of times in his life. Chernow begins his book with such a moment -- Washington in 1793, the newly elected first president of the United States, seated before the disheveled, chattering, snuff-taking artist Gilbert Stuart. The supremely self-disciplined Washington would not care for such a man. Almost at once, Chernow notes, he retreated behind his stolid mask. But Stuart was a painter of genius. He saw the immense force of personality that lay behind Washington's discipline. "The mouth might be compressed," Chernow says, "the parchment skin drawn tight over ungainly dentures, but Washington's eyes still blazed from his craggy face. In the enduring image that Stuart captured and that ended up on the one-dollar bill -- a magnificent image of Washington's moral stature and sublime, visionary nature -- he also recorded something hard and suspicious in the wary eyes with their penetrating gaze and hooded lids."

Stuart knew that he had seen -- and painted -- a man of explosive, tumultuous character. Afterward, he would tell a friend that Washington's features "were indicative of the strongest and most ungovernable passions." Such was the force of his personality, Stuart declared, that had Washington been born in the forests, he "would have been the fiercest man among the savage tribes."

In a brilliant use of scholarly material, Chernow -- the author of a number of other distinguished biographies, including "The House of Morgan" , which won the National Book Award, and "Alexander Hamilton" -- pauses again and again in his narrative to describe such portraits of Washington, from youth to old age. It is, if you write as clearly and sensitively as Chernow, a wonderful way of giving the reader a concrete sense of the arc of Washington's life and the changes in his appearance over the years. And it is a vivid way of stressing the charismatic effect of his physical presence, lost to us now except as we glimpse it in faded splashes of color within the frame of a painting, though every contemporary testifies to its existence. "It is hard to exaggerate his impact on others," Garry Wills has written. "Some animal vitality, conveyed we don't know how, baked off him."

These recurring portraits also allow Chernow to return, logically and gracefully, to his central theme: "Washington's lifelong struggle to control his emotions." He has in mind more than simply Washington's well-documented temper, or its opposite, his notorious and unnerving gift of silence when pressed or offended. For Chernow, Washington was always on guard as well against his "softer emotions." He was a rugged soldier who could weep in public, a sentimentalist who never forgot his earliest, perhaps illicit romance with Sally Fairfax. "This man of deep feelings," Chernow writes, "was sensitive to the delicate nuances of relationships and prone to tears as well as temper. He learned how to exploit his bottled-up emotions to exert his will and inspire and motivate people ... His contemporaries admired him not because he was a plaster saint or an empty uniform but because they sensed his unseen power."

Chernow follows this theme through more than 800 fascinating pages. He touches repeatedly and masterfully on topics well-known to scholars -- Washington's cold and difficult relationship with his mother ("the lifelong whetstone of his anger"); his anxious, avaricious attitude toward money; his luck as a general; his obsession with his clothing and his flair for theatrical self-presentation. But in such a full-scale, cradle-to-grave biography, these familiar topics gain energy from context and repetition. For Chernow, Washington's personality is not a mystery to be solved, but a complex, hot-blooded expression of character to be traced over a long life, to be seen and understood from every possible angle.

What will a reader learn here that is new? Perhaps little in the factual way, though Chernow's account of Washington's evolving and tortured "moral confusion over slavery" is fresh and important. From the vantage point of Mount Vernon, some readers may find Jefferson and Madison diminished figures. Others may be shocked by the venomous partisanship, conspiracy theories and "lethal political atmosphere" of Washington's last years, far too reminiscent of our own cankered time. (It is hard to believe that Washington's rabid critics could seriously accuse him of being a British double-agent during the Revolution.)

But Chernow's narrative is so rich, its scale so massive and epic, that what is new fits seamlessly into the wider picture. The final impression a reader will take away -- his or her lasting image of Washington -- will be profound and dynamic. Chernow has gone into Washington's world, almost into his mind, and inhabited it. Under his gaze, from the very first page, that world begins to speak and stir, and great Washington steps before us, as if on an enormous stage, distant but clear, breathing. If I have not said so already, this is far and away the best life of George Washington ever written.

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Biography of George Washington

George Washington – first American president, commander of the Continental Army, president of the Constitutional Convention, and farmer. Through these roles, Washington exemplified character and leadership.

Childhood and Education

George Washington was born at his family's plantation on Popes Creek in Westmoreland County, Virginia, on February 22, 1732, to Augustine and Mary Ball Washington . George's father was a leading planter in the area and served as a justice of the county court.

Augustine Washington's first wife, Jane Butler, died in 1729, leaving him with two sons, Lawrence and Augustine, Jr., and a daughter, Jane. George was the eldest of Augustine and Mary's six children: George, Elizabeth , Samuel, John Augustine, Charles , and Mildred.

Around 1734, the family moved up the Potomac River to another Washington property, Little Hunting Creek Plantation (later renamed Mount Vernon). In 1738, they moved again to Ferry Farm , a plantation on the Rappahannock River near Fredericksburg, Virginia, where George spent much of his youth.

Little is known of George Washington's childhood, and it remains the most poorly understood part of his life. When he was eleven years old, his father Augustine died, leaving most of his property to George's adult half brothers. The income from what remained was just sufficient to maintain Mary Washington and her children. As the oldest of Mary's children, George undoubtedly helped his mother manage the Rappahannock River plantation where they lived. There he learned the importance of hard work and efficiency.

Washington's Education

Unlike many of his contemporaries, Washington never attended college or received a formal education. His two older half brothers, Lawrence and Augustine, attended Appleby Grammar School in England. However, after the death of their father, the family limited funds for education. Private tutors and possibly a local school in Fredericksburg provided George and his siblings with the only formal instruction he would receive.

In addition to reading, writing, and basic legal forms, George studied geometry and trigonometry—in preparation for his first career as a surveyor—and manners—which would shape his character and conduct for the rest of his life.

The Popes Creek birthsite. The home that Washington was born in has not survived.

The Popes Creek birthsite. The home that Washington was born in has not survived.

Today, a replica of Washington's home at Ferry Farm sits on the structure's original location. Photo courtesy of The George Washington Foundation.

Today, a replica of Washington's home at Ferry Farm sits on the structure's original location. Photo courtesy of The George Washington Foundation.

Lawrence Washington (Mount Vernon Ladies' Association)

Lawrence Washington (Mount Vernon Ladies' Association)

Card Image

The Rules of Civility and Decent Behaviour

Before the age of sixteen, George Washington copied out the 110 rules covered in The Rules of Civility and Decent Behaviour.  This exercise, now regarded as a formative influence in the development of his character, included guidelines for behavior and general courtesies.

Like most elite Americans, the Washingtons were deeply entangled in a global commercial system that revolved around slavery. The vast network of 18th-century transatlantic trade involved the flow of manufactured goods from Europe, enslaved people from Africa, and raw materials from the Americas. 

The economy and social structure of Washington’s native Virginia depended on the labor of enslaved Africans and their descendants to cultivate cash crops like tobacco. Slavery was an integral part of Washington’s life from an early age.

At age 11, he inherited 10 enslaved people from his father. He would go on to inherit, purchase, rent, and gain control of more than 500 enslaved people at Mount Vernon and his other properties by the end of his life.

When he married widow Martha Dandridge Custis in 1759, she brought 84 enslaved people to Mount Vernon as part of her “dower share” of her first husband’s estate. She retained life rights to these people but did not legally own them. By 1799, the number of “dower slaves” at Mount Vernon had grown to 153 through natural increase, as children inherited the status of their mother.

Washington’s views on slavery changed over time. Economic and moral concerns led him to question slavery after the Revolutionary War, though he never lobbied publicly for abolition. Unable to extricate himself from slavery during his lifetime, Washington chose to free the 123 enslaved people he owned outright in his will.

List of enslaved people at Mount Vernon, by George Washington, MVLA.

List of enslaved people at Mount Vernon, by George Washington, MVLA.

During George Washington’s early teenage years, he completed many school exercises in penmanship, comportment, and mathematics. Some exercises, such as the Art of Surveying and Measuring Land , provided instruction for practice surveys and included samples taken directly from William Leybourn's The Compleat Surveyor of 1657. The formal training Washington received in surveying was complemented by practical experience in the field.

In the mid-1740s, Washington surveyed five acres for A Plan of a Piece of Meadow called Hell Hole, Situate on the Potowmack near Little Hunting Creek. Along with many other plats, Washington drew A Plan of Major Law[rence] Washington's Turnip Field.

In 1748 Washington was invited to join a survey party organized by his neighbor and friend George William Fairfax of Belvoir. Fairfax assembled an experienced team to layout lots within a large tract along the western frontier of Virginia. Over their month-long expedition, Washington learned even more about surveying and gained important experience of living on the frontier.

Washington's career as a professional surveyor began in 1749. He received a commission as a surveyor for the newly formed Culpeper County, probably at the behest of William Fairfax who was then serving on the Governor's Council.

One of the most important tools of the trade was a surveyor's compass. When mounted on a staff, the compass enabled the user to establish a line from a known reference point to the point of interest and determine its bearing. MVLA [W-579/A-B]

One of the most important tools of the trade was a surveyor's compass. When mounted on a staff, the compass enabled the user to establish a line from a known reference point to the point of interest and determine its bearing. MVLA [W-579/A-B]

French and Indian War

In 1753, the Governor of Virginia, Robert Dinwiddie, learned that French troops had moved south from Canada and were constructing forts in the region south of Lake Erie, an area claimed by the British (now in Western Pennsylvania). Both France and England recognized the commercial potential of the region. French trappers had been working in the area for some time. Dinwiddie was concerned that the French troops would also fortify the forks of the Ohio River -- the strategic point where the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers join to form the Ohio River. This point, now Pittsburgh, was the eastern gateway to the Ohio River Valley .

Allegheny Expedition

In the fall of 1753, Dinwiddie sent 21-year-old Major Washington to deliver a message to the French, demanding they leave the area. Today, this journey is known as the Allegheny Expedition  and Washington was aided by  Christopher Gist , a frontier guide, and local Native Americans . The party finally reached the French post at Fort Le Boeuf on the evening of December 11, escorted by Seneca chief Tanacharison (Half-King), two Iroquois chiefs, and one from the Delaware Nation.

The return trip tested Washington's endurance. He hiked for days through snowy woods, fell off a raft into the ice-choked Allegheny River, nearly drowned, and was forced to spend a freezing night on an island without shelter. Washington's account of the arduous 900-mile journey was published by Governor Dinwiddie in both Williamsburg and London, establishing an international reputation for George Washington by the time he was 22.

Jumonville Glen Skirmish

A few months later Dinwiddie dispatched Washington, now a lieutenant colonel, and some 150 men to assert Virginia's claims on the land. As they advanced, Washington's men skirmished with French soldiers, killing 10 men, including the French commander, Joseph Coulon de Villiers, Sieur de Jumonville. Washington then retreated to an ill-placed and makeshift palisade he called Fort Necessity . He was forced to surrender when the French surrounded the fort. The campaign ended in humiliation for Washington and ignited the French and Indian War .

General Braddock

Although he resigned his commission after the surrender, Washington returned to the frontier in 1755 as a volunteer aide to General Edward Braddock. Braddock had been sent by the King of England to drive the French from the Ohio Country. Braddock's army was routed near the Monongahela River  and fled in confusion to Virginia. During the battle, while attempting to rally the British soldiers, Washington had two horses shot out from under him and four bullet holes shot through his coat. Although he behaved with conspicuous bravery, Washington could do little except lead the broken survivors to safety. In recognition of his conduct, Washington was given command of Virginia's entire military force. With a few hundred men he was ordered to protect a frontier some 350 miles long. Although this was a frustrating assignment, it provided him with experience in commanding troops through an arduous campaign. In 1758 the British finally took the forks of the Ohio. Peace returned to Virginia, and Washington resigned his commission to return to Mount Vernon, his duty faithfully performed.

The Journal of Maj. George Washington

The Journal of Maj. George Washington

Fort Necessity

Fort Necessity

U1897.1.1 George Washington as First Colonel in the Virginia Regiment, Charles Willson Peale, oil on canvas, 1772. Gift of George Washington Custis Lee, University Collections of Art and History, Washington & Lee University, Lexington, Virginia

U1897.1.1 George Washington as First Colonel in the Virginia Regiment, Charles Willson Peale, oil on canvas, 1772. Gift of George Washington Custis Lee, University Collections of Art and History, Washington & Lee University, Lexington, Virginia

House of Burgesses

The first time George Washington ran for public office, he lost. However, he won his second race and served in the Virginia House of Burgesses from 1758 until 1776. 

Marriage and Family

Martha Washington served as the nation's first first lady and spent about half of the Revolutionary War at the front. She helped manage and run her husbands' estates. She raised her children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews; and for almost 40 years she was George Washington's "worthy partner". 

On January 6, 1759, George Washington and Martha Dandridge Custis married , she was 27 years old and from the Tidewater area of Virginia. Martha was a widow and after the death of her first husband,  Daniel Parke Custis , she assumed control of considerable property (in the form of land and enslaved people ). She also had two young children, John known as “Jacky” and Martha called “Patsy” .

In addition to seeing to her children's education, Martha oversaw the domestic staff of hired and enslaved butlers, housekeepers, maids, cooks, waiters, laundresses, spinners, seamstresses, and gardeners. These happy years at Mount Vernon were tragically interrupted, in 1773, when 17-year-old Patsy had a seizure and died.

During the Revolutionary War, George Washington was always leading the army, so Martha Washington along with the helped of her husband’s cousin managed Mount Vernon. She also spent almost half of the war in camp ; entertaining visiting colonial and international officials and prominent civilians. She helped copy correspondences, knitted for the soldiers, and made hospital visits. As the war came to an end, much of the happiness was drowned out for Martha Washington by the loss of her son, John, who died of camp fever at Yorktown.

First Family

After the war, the Washingtons returned to Mount Vernon to rebuild their plantation and raise John’s two youngest children, Eleanor and George . In 1789, the Washingtons, who were in their late 50s, became the first first family . Martha Washington oversaw much of the official entertaining, hosting a weekly dinner on Thursdays and a reception on Fridays, in addition to many other frequent visitors.

Eight years later, the Washingtons retired to their beloved Mount Vernon. Over the next two years, they improved their home and welcomed many friends. Then on December 14, 1799, George Washington died. Martha Washington was devastated and told several people she was ready to join him in death. After an illness of several weeks, Martha Washington died on May 22, 1802. She was 70 years old. In newspapers throughout the country, Martha Washington was eulogized as "the worthy partner of the worthiest of men."

Martha Dandridge Custis, by Adrian Lamb, 1981, after John Wollaston (Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association)

Martha Dandridge Custis, by Adrian Lamb, 1981, after John Wollaston (Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association)

The Life of Martha Washington

This is the story of Martha Washington, the worthiest of partners to the worthiest of men.


George Washington spent the years between 1759 and 1775 overseeing the farms at Mount Vernon. Washington worked constantly to improve and expand the mansion house and its surrounding plantation. He established himself as an innovative farmer, who switched from tobacco to wheat as his main cash crop in the 1760's. In an effort to improve his farming operation , he diligently experimented with new crops, fertilizers, crop rotation, tools, and livestock breeding. He also expanded the work of the plantation to include flour milling  and commercial fishing in an effort to make Mount Vernon a more profitable estate.

Over the years, Washington had his house enlarged. First the roof was raised to create a third floor. Later a wing was added to each end, had a piazza built overlooking the Potomac River, and his vision was crowned with a cupola. By the time of his death in 1799, he had expanded the plantation from 2,000 to 8,000 acres consisting of five farms, with more than 3,000 acres under cultivation. Shortly after taking up wheat as his main cash crop, Washington built a large gristmill outfitted with two pairs of millstones. One pair of stones ground corn into meal for use at Mount Vernon and the other ground wheat into superfine flour for export to foreign ports. Washington also began making whiskey on the advice of his farm manager, James Anderson, a trained distiller from Scotland. He soon built one of the largest distilleries in America. At its peak, Washington’s distillery produced over 11,000 gallons of rye whiskey, becoming one of his most successful enterprises.

Even as President, Washington’s thoughts often turned to Mount Vernon. For example, while in office, he designed a 16-sided barn  to thresh wheat in a more efficient and sanitary way. As horses circled the second floor, they treaded on the wheat that had been spread there, breaking the grain from the chaff. The wheat would fall through gaps in the floorboards to the first floor, where it was winnowed. After winnowing, the grain was taken to the gristmill and ground into flour. From the President’s House in Philadelphia, Washington followed the barn’s construction every step of the way. He even correctly calculated the number of bricks needed for the first floor – which turned out to be exactly 30,820!

View of Washington’s reconstructed Gristmill at Mount Vernon (Rob Shenk)

View of Washington’s reconstructed Gristmill at Mount Vernon (Rob Shenk)

Washington's Distillery at Mount Vernon

Washington's Distillery at Mount Vernon

The 16-Sided Barn on the Pioneer Farm at Mount Vernon

The 16-Sided Barn on the Pioneer Farm at Mount Vernon


The Working Gristmill at Mount Vernon

Take a look into the operation of the George Washington's automated gristmill.

best biography george washington

In June 1775, Congress commissioned George Washington to take command of the Continental Army besieging the British in Boston . He wrote home to Martha that he expected to return safely to her in the fall. The command kept him away from Mount Vernon for more than 8 years (with only one very brief visit while en route to Yorktown).

It was a command for which his military background, although greater than that of any of the other available candidates, hardly prepared him. His knowledge lay in frontier warfare, involving relatively small numbers of soldiers. He had no practical experience maneuvering large formations, handling cavalry or artillery, or maintaining supply lines adequate to support thousands of men in the field. He learned on the job; and although his army reeled from one misfortune to another, he had the courage, determination, and mental agility to keep the American cause one step ahead of complete disintegration until he figured out how to win the unprecedented revolutionary struggle he was leading.

His task was not overwhelming at first. The British position in Boston was untenable, and in March 1776 they withdrew from the city. But it was only a temporary respite. In June a new British army, under the command of Sir William Howe, arrived in the colonies with orders to take New York City. Howe commanded the largest expeditionary force Britain had ever sent overseas.

Defending New York was almost impossible. An island city, New York is surrounded by a maze of waterways that gave a substantial advantage to an attacker with naval superiority. Howe's army was larger, better equipped, and far better trained than Washington's. They defeated Washington's army at Long Island  in August and routed the Americans a few weeks later at Kip's Bay , resulting in the loss of the city. Forced to retreat northward, Washington was defeated again at White Plains. The American defense of New York City came to a humiliating conclusion on November 16, 1776, with the surrender of Fort Washington and some 2,800 men. Washington ordered his army to retreat across New Jersey. The remains of his forces, mud-soaked and exhausted, crossed the Delaware River into Pennsylvania on December 7.

The British had good reason to believe that the American rebellion would be over in a few months and that Congress would seek peace rather than face complete subjugation of the colonies. The enlistments of most of Washington's army were due to expire at the end of December. However, instead of crushing the remains of Washington's army, Howe went into winter quarters, with advanced garrisons at Trenton and Princeton, leaving Washington open to execute one of the most daring military operations in American history. On Christmas night Washington's troops crossed the Delaware River  and attacked the unsuspecting garrison at Trenton , forcing it to surrender. A few days later Washington again crossed the Delaware, outmaneuvered the force sent to crush him, and fell on the enemy at Princeton, inflicting a humiliating loss on the British.

For much of the remainder of the war, Washington's most important strategic task was to keep the British bottled up in New York. Although he never gave up hope of retaking the city, he was unwilling to risk his army without a fair prospect of success. An alliance with France and the arrival of a French army under the Comte de Rochambeau in July 1780 renewed Washington's hopes to recapture New York; however, together Washington and Rochambeau commanded about 9,000 men -- some 5,000 fewer than Clinton. In the end, therefore, the allied generals concluded, that an attack on New York could not succeed.

Instead, they decided to strike at the British army under Cornwallis, which was camped at Yorktown, Virginia. Washington's planning for the Battle of Yorktown  was as bold as it had been for Trenton and Princeton but on a much larger scale. Depending on Clinton's inactivity, Washington marched south to lay siege on Cornwallis. On October 19, 1781, he accepted the surrender of Cornwallis's army. Although two more years passed before a peace treaty was completed, the victory at Yorktown effectively brought the Revolutionary War to an end.

To the world's amazement, Washington had prevailed over the more numerous, better supplied, and fully-trained British army, mainly because he was more flexible than his opponents. He learned that it was more important to keep his army intact and to win an occasional victory to rally public support than it was to hold American cities or defeat the British army in an open field. Over the last 200 years, revolutionary leaders in every part of the world have employed this insight, but never with a result as startling as Washington's victory over the British.

On December 23, 1783, Washington presented himself before Congress in Annapolis, Maryland, and resigned his commission. Like Cincinnatus, the hero of Classical antiquity whose conduct he most admired, Washington had the wisdom to give up power when he could have been crowned a king. He left Annapolis and went home to Mount Vernon with the fixed intention of never again serving in public life. This one act, without precedent in modern history, made him an international hero.

George Washington at the Battle of Trenton

George Washington at the Battle of Trenton

George Washington at Princeton by Charles Willson Peale, 1779  (United States Senate)

George Washington at Princeton by Charles Willson Peale, 1779 (United States Senate)

The March to Valley Forge by William Trego, 1883, (Museum of the American Revolution)

The March to Valley Forge by William Trego, 1883, (Museum of the American Revolution)

Washington surrendering his military commission to Congress (United States Senate)

Washington surrendering his military commission to Congress (United States Senate)

Card Image

A More Perfect Union: George Washington and the Creation of the U.S. Constitution

Most popular revolutions throughout history have descended into bloody chaos or fallen under the sway of dictators. So how did the United States, born of its own 8-year revolution, ultimately avoid these common pitfalls?

Constitutional Convention

Although Washington longed for a peaceful life at Mount Vernon, the affairs of the nation continued to command his attention. He watched with mounting dismay as the weak union created by the Articles of Confederation gradually disintegrated, unable to collect revenue or pay its debts. He was appalled by the excesses of the state legislatures and frustrated by the diplomatic, financial, and military impotence of the Confederation Congress. By 1785 Washington had concluded that reform was essential. What was needed, he wrote to  James Madison , was an energetic Constitution.

In 1787, Washington ended his self-imposed retirement and traveled to Philadelphia to attend a convention assembled to recommend changes to the Articles of Confederation. He was unanimously chosen to preside over the  Constitutional Convention , a job that took four months. He spoke very little in the convention, but few delegates were more determined to devise a government endowed with real energy and authority. My wish, he wrote, is that the convention may adopt no temporizing expedients but probe the defects of the Constitution to the bottom and provide a radical cure.

After the convention adjourned, Washington's reputation and support were essential to overcome opposition to the ratification of the proposed Constitution. He worked for months to rally support for the new instrument of government. It was a difficult struggle. Even in Washington's native Virginia, the Constitution was ratified by a majority of only one vote.

Once the Constitution was approved, Washington hoped to retire again to private life. But when the first presidential election was held, he received a vote from every elector. He remains the only President in American history to be elected by the unanimous voice of the people.

best biography george washington

Washington's World Interactive Map

George Washington traveled far and wide during his lifetime.  Our Washington's World Interactive Map will help you discover all the journeys and places that Washington visited.

President of the United States

Washington served two terms as President. His first term (1789-1793) was occupied primarily with organizing the executive branch of the new government and establishing administrative procedures that would make it possible for the government to operate with the energy and efficiency he believed were essential to the republic's future. An astute judge of talent, he surrounded himself with the most able men in the new nation. He appointed his former aide-decamp,  Alexander Hamilton , as Secretary of the Treasury;  Thomas Jefferson  as Secretary of State; and his former artillery chief, Henry Knox, as Secretary of War. James Madison was one of his principal advisors.

In his  First Inaugural Address , Washington confessed that he was unpracticed in the duties of civil administration; however, he was one of the most able administrators ever to serve as President. He administered the government with fairness and integrity, assuring Americans that the President could exercise extensive executive authority without corruption. Further, he executed the laws with restraint, establishing precedents for broad-ranging presidential authority. His integrity was most pure, Thomas Jefferson wrote, his justice the most inflexible I have ever known, no motive of interest or consanguinity, friendship, or hatred, being able to bias his decision. Washington set a standard for presidential integrity rarely met by his successors, although he established an ideal by which they all are judged.

During Washington's first term the Federal Government adopted a series of measures proposed by Alexander Hamilton to resolve the escalating debt crisis and established the nation's finances on a sound basis, concluded peace treaties with the southeastern Indian tribes, and designated a site on the Potomac River for the permanent capital of the United States. But as Washington's first term ended, a bloody Indian war continued on the northwestern frontier. The warring tribes were encouraged by the British, who retained military posts in the northwest. Further, the Spanish denied Americans use of the Mississippi River. These problems limited the westward expansion to which Washington was committed.

Growing partisanship within the government also concerned Washington. Many men in the new government -- including Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and other leaders of the emerging Republican party -- were opposed to Hamilton's financial program. Washington despised political partisanship but could do little to slow the development of political parties.

During his first term Washington toured the northern and southern states and found that the new government enjoyed the general support of the American people. Convinced that the government could get along without him, he planned to step down at the end of his first term. But his cabinet members convinced him that he alone could command the respect of members of both burgeoning political parties. Thomas Jefferson visited Washington at Mount Vernon to urge him to accept a second term. Although longing to return home permanently, Washington reluctantly agreed.

Washington's second term (1793-1797) was dominated by foreign affairs  and marred by a deepening partisanship in his own administration. Washington assumed the Presidency on the eve of the French Revolution, a time of great international crisis. The outbreak of a general European war in 1793 forced the crisis to the center of American politics. Washington believed the national interest of the United States dictated neutrality. War would be disastrous for commerce and shatter the nation's finances. The country's future depended on the increase in wealth and opportunity that would come from commerce and westward expansion. One of Washington's most important accomplishments was keeping the United States out of the war, giving the new nation an opportunity to grow in strength while establishing the principle of neutrality that shaped American foreign policy for more than a century. Although Washington's department heads agreed that the United States should remain neutral, disagreements over foreign policy aggravated partisan tensions among them. The disagreements were part of the deepening division between Federalists and Republicans. Opposition to federal policies developed into resistance to the law in 1794  as distillers in Western Pennsylvania rioted and refused to pay taxes. Washington directed the army to restore order, a step applauded by Federalists and condemned by Republicans.

Despite Washington's disappointment with the rise of partisanship, the last years of his Presidency were distinguished by important achievements. The long Indian war on the northwest frontier was won, Britain surrendered its forts in the northwest, and Spain opened the Mississippi to American commerce. These achievements opened the West to settlement. Washington’s Farewell Address  helped to summarize many of Washington’s strongest held beliefs about what it would take to sustain and grow the young nation that he helped found.

best biography george washington

Washington reviewing troops sent to put down the Whiskey Rebellion in Western Pennsylvania (Metropolitan Museum of Art)

Supreme Court Justice Kennedy on Washington's Presidency

Justice Kennedy talks about the role Washington played in establishing the office of the president.

best biography george washington

Finally retired from public service, George and Martha Washington returned to their beloved Mount Vernon where they would spend their final years.

On Thursday, December 12, 1799, George Washington was out on horseback supervising farming activities from late morning until three in the afternoon. The weather shifted from light snow to hail and then to rain. Upon Washington's return it was suggested that he change out of his wet riding clothes before dinner. Known for his punctuality, Washington chose to remain in his damp attire.

Washington recognized the onset of a sore throat and became increasingly hoarse. After retiring for the night Washington awoke in terrible discomfort at around two in the morning. Martha was concerned about his state and wanted to send for help. Tobias Lear, Washington’s secretary, sent for George Rawlins, an overseer at Mount Vernon, who at the request of George Washington bled him. Lear also sent to  Alexandria  for  Dr. James Craik , the family doctor and Washington's trusted friend and physician for forty years. As Washington’s condition worsened, two additional doctors were sent for and arrived at Washington’s bedside.

Despite receiving a regimen of blood-lettings, induced vomiting, an enema, and potions of vinegar and sage tea, Washington’s condition worsened. Washington called for his two wills and directed that the unused one should be burned.

The Death of George Washington

Between ten and eleven at night on December 14, 1799, George Washington passed away. He was surrounded by people who were close to him including his wife who sat at the foot of the bed, his friends Dr. Craik and Tobias Lear, enslaved housemaids Caroline Branham , Molly, and  Charlotte , and his valet Christopher Sheels who stood in the room throughout the day.

According to his wishes, Washington was not buried for three days. During that time his body lay in a mahogany casket in the New Room. On December 18, 1799 a solemn funeral was held at Mount Vernon and he was laid to rest in the family tomb .

Washington's Will

In his will, written several months before his death in December 1799, George Washington left directions for the emancipation of all the slaves that he owned, after the death of Martha Washington.

George Washington by Charles Willson Peale (Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association)

George Washington by Charles Willson Peale (Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association)

George Washington's Sarcophagus within the New Tomb at Mount Vernon

George Washington's Sarcophagus within the New Tomb at Mount Vernon

Explore the Washingtons' Estate

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'Tis Well...

'Tis Well...


A Bloodless Victory

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Riding with George

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Slavery at the Home of George Washington

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Spies At Mount Vernon

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The Cause: The American Revolution and its Discontents, 1773-1783

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Who Was George Washington

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Young Washington

Young Washington

George Washington Biography

George Washington Portrait

George Washington, the first American general, president, and national hero was born in rural colonial Virginia on February 22, 1732. After the early death of his father, a young George Washington (only seven years old at the time) learned the ways of farming and planting as he became the primary owner of his family's plantation farm. He stayed at home throughout his early teenage years, helping his mother run the family's estate.

At the age of fifteen, George became a surveyor. He was able to land this prestigious job through vital connections that his older brother, Lawrence Washington, possessed. Lawrence Washington was close partners with the wealthy Colonel William Fairfax, a very wealthy Virginian politician and landholder. After receiving a good word from the influential Colonel Fairfax, George Washington not only became a successful surveyor, but also was placed in a position to gain land and political positions. Upon the death of his brother Lawrence, George achieved his first political position in Virginia's Northern District. Furthermore, Colonel Fairfax took the young Washington under his wing as a role model and a sort of surrogate father, fostering in the ambitious George Washington a yearning to also learn about the art of war.

Following a failed attempt to enter the British Royal Navy (thwarted, in part, by George's mother), Washington finally got his chance to serve in the militia. Much of the surveying work that George did was for the Ohio Company, operated by the Fairfax family. A dispute between France and Great Britain over western lands in the Ohio territory prompted Fairfax to send George Washington on a scouting expedition to the lands in question. His mission was to deliver notice to the encamped French forces that the land was claimed by the British. Straying from his original orders, the impulsive young commander led an attack on a French scouting party. Not only was this attack Washington's first taste of the battlefield, but also it was crucial in sparking the Seven Years War between the two main colonizers of North America: France and Britain.

Upon returning to Virginia, Washington joined the British imperial army, serving under General Braddock. It was during the Seven Year's War that Washington first achieved a hero's status on the battlefield during his mid-twenties. In one account, General Braddock and his army walked into a French and Indian ambush. As British officers rapidly fell in the battle, George Washington remained alive, surviving bullet holes in his jacket and horses being shot out from underneath him. He did his best to carry out the wounded General Braddock's orders for the remainder of the tragic battle. Although the battle was a horrific loss for the British forces, Washington returned to Virginia as a war hero. Although this status was not fully merited (due to Washington's significant lack of military knowledge), it helped to boost his popularity in the eyes of both the public and the prominent.

After the end of the Seven Years War, Washington returned to civilian life with his marriage to a wealthy Virginian widow named Martha Dandridge Custis. George's marriage to Martha united both of their already wealthy estates. Therefore, Washington spent much of his time after the war tending and expanding his vast estate. Moreover, the newly famous Washington re-entered politics as a representative in the Virginia House of Burgesses. However, life during this time of peace was short-lived as the pivotal encounters with the British at the battles of Lexington and Concord soon propelled the American colonies into the Revolutionary War against their mother country, Great Britain.

In June 1775, George Washington was appointed the Commander in Chief of the Continental Army. Washington's experience as the commander of the colonial forces was a mixture of success and failure, embarrassment and glory. One of his most significant losses was the capture and occupation of New York City by the British forces. The loss of this major colonial city greatly frustrated Washington, but every latter attempt he made to retake New York either failed or never materialized. On the other hand, his two small victories at Trenton, New Jersey and Princeton, New Jersey were crucial in both mending Washington's reputation as a war general and in boosting morale among the rebel colonial forces and civilians. After several other key victories with the aid of the colonies' foreign ally France, the British ended the Revolutionary War and relinquished their control of the American colonies with the signing of the Treaty of Paris at Yorktown, Virginia on September 3, 1783.

Following the conclusion of the American War for Independence, George Washington initially refused to become the national leader and instead returned again to civilian life in order to tend to his suffering estate. However, Washington did shortly accept the invitation to run for the office of the first President of the United States of America. At the age of fifty-seven, he became the only U.S. President to receive every vote from the Electoral College. George Washington served two terms as President, afterwards retiring for one last time to his home at Mount Vernon. The United State's first President, icon, and national hero died in his home on December 14, 1799. Nowadays George Washington is recognized as the most admired founding fathers of the United States of America, along with Thomas Jefferson , and Benjamin Franklin .


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  2. Best George Washington Biographies (27 books)

    Best George Washington Biographies flag. All Votes Add Books To This List. 1: Washington: A Life by. Ron Chernow. 4.16 avg rating — 75,039 ratings. score: 1,296, and 13 people voted Want to Read saving… Want to Read; Currently Reading ...

  3. The 10 Best Books on President George Washington

    George Washington: A Biography by Washington Irving. Washington Irving's Life of George Washington (published in five volumes in 1856-59) was the product of his last years and remains his most personal work. Christened with the name of the great general, Irving was blessed by Washington while still a boy of seven, and later came to know many ...

  4. The Best Biographies of George Washington

    May 28, 2021 at 1:58 pm. [Updated] The journey to read the best biographies of every president from George Washington to Barack Obama seems a long and ambitious one. With just a single president in the rearview mirror now, the path ahead still seems quite formidable. Having just finished nine biographies (by five authors) on Washington, it ...

  5. The Best George Washington Biographies

    The Best George Washington Biographies Despite leaving behind enough papers to fill 87 volumes (and counting), George Washington revealed little of himself as a man in his writing, leaving plenty of blank spaces for biographers to fill in according to their prejudices and predilections. And the public's appetite for scraps of gossip and ...

  6. Washington: A Life (Pulitzer Prize Winner)

    Amazon.com: Washington: A Life (Pulitzer Prize Winner)

  7. Meet the President: 8 Best George Washington Books

    George Washington: First Guardian of American Liberty. By Michael Crawley. Crawley tackles the details that are sometimes neglected in other biographies: Washington was a slaveholder, and much of his wealth came from his wife's deceased ex husband. This book is best for beginners to our first president's legacy, who want a basic ...

  8. George Washington

    George Washington

  9. George Washington: Facts, Revolution & Presidency

    George Washington: Facts, Revolution & Presidency

  10. You Never Forget Your First: A Biography of George Washington

    AN INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER AN NPR CONCIERGE BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR "In her form-shattering and myth-crushing book….Coe examines myths with mirth, and writes history with humor… [You Never Forget Your First] is an accessible look at a president who always finishes in the first ranks of our leaders."— Boston Globe Alexis Coe takes a closer look at our first--and finds he is ...

  11. You Never Forget Your First: A Biography of George Washington

    Penguin, Feb 4, 2020 - Biography & Autobiography - 304 pages. AN INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERAN NPR CONCIERGE BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR"In her form-shattering and myth-crushing book….Coe examines myths with mirth, and writes history with humor…. [You Never Forget Your First] is an accessible look at a president who always finishes in the ...

  12. 5 Essential Books on George Washington

    1. Washington: A Life by Ron Chernow. Ron Chernow won the Pulitzer Prize for his biography of George Washington. Gordon Wood, an esteemed historian of the American Revolution, called Chernow's book, "The best, most comprehensive, and most balanced single-volume biography of Washington ever written.". Chernow's goal is to make Washington ...

  13. George Washington

    George Washington | Life, Presidency, Accomplishments, & ...

  14. George Washington

    George Washington - Facts, Presidency & Quotes

  15. Amazon.com: Washington: A Life: 8601410329082: Chernow, Ron: Books

    Washington: A Life. Hardcover - Deckle Edge, October 5, 2010. by Ron Chernow (Author) 4.7 7,989 ratings. See all formats and editions. From National Book Award winner Ron Chernow, a landmark biography of George Washington. In Washington: A Life celebrated biographer Ron Chernow provides a richly nuanced portrait of the father of our nation.

  16. What the History Books Won't Tell You About George Washington

    From 'You Never Forget Your First'. A new biography updates the dominant narrative of President George Washington. Narrated by Brittany Pressley. This book exists within that tradition ...

  17. 19 Best Books on George Washington (2022 Review)

    Here is our definitive guide of some of the best books on George Washington for your own curiosity and research: 1. George Washington's Secret Six: The Spy Ring That Saved the American Revolution. Check Price on Amazon. This book by Ron Chernow is a complete biography of George Washington.

  18. A New Book About George Washington Breaks All ...

    No one would describe Alexis Coe's unconventional biography of conventional biographical subject George Washington as boring. Starting with its cover illustration, a playful Washington grinning ...

  19. The best books about or around George Washington

    Alexis Coe is a presidential historian and the New York Times bestselling author of You Never Forget Your First: A Biography of George Washington, which was also Audible's best history book of 2020 and Barnes and Nobel's nonfiction Book of the Month. She was a producer and appeared in Doris Kearns Goodwin's Washington series on the History Channel.

  20. His Excellency: George Washington

    National Bestseller To this landmark biography of our first president, Joseph J. Ellis brings the exacting scholarship, shrewd analysis, and lyric prose that have made him one of the premier historians of the Revolutionary era. Training his lens on a figure who sometimes seems as remote as his effigy on Mount Rushmore, Ellis assesses George Washington as a military and political leader and a ...

  21. 10 Things You Really Ought to Know about George Washington

    10 Things You Really Ought to Know about George ...

  22. The best biography of George Washington yet

    The first is the image of a gallows. It appears early in the narrative, when Colonel George Washington of the Virginia Militia, seeking to terrify his untutored, undisciplined, ragamuffin soldiers ...

  23. George Washington's Life

    George Washington's Life

  24. George Washington Biography

    George Washington Biography. George Washington, the first American general, president, and national hero was born in rural colonial Virginia on February 22, 1732. ... He did his best to carry out the wounded General Braddock's orders for the remainder of the tragic battle. Although the battle was a horrific loss for the British forces ...