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...I suffer from spontaneous memory loss , or SML.

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This page has words for anyone to practice articulation, apraxia, language, phonology, or stuttering principles . They will help children and adults be successful meeting their goals. 

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Each list of articulation sounds contains words with the target sound in the beginning, middle, and end position, including blends when applicable, as well as words that...

  • are common and functional (words we use all day...everyday)
  • are mostly 1 syllable (multi-syllabic words are more difficult)
  • have a phonemic context that don't interfere with production of the target sound (most words)

If "R" is the problem sound using the word "Rope" makes saying the "R" sound harder because the "O" sound is considered a round vowel.

A round vowel is one where you round your lips to say it. Go ahead...try it by saying "O" as in "boat". You rounded your lips didn't you? I thought you might.

Children who have difficulty with the "R" sound tend to say the "W" sound...they say "Wabbit" instead of "Rabbit".

The "W" sound is considered a rounded sound too. Try saying the "W" sound without rounding your lips...you can't because that is how the sound is made.

So by pairing the "R" sound with the "O" sound like in the word "Rope", this makes the word extra difficult for a child who has a problem saying the "R" sound because the "O" that follows the "R" will naturally make them want to round there lips.

SEE ALSO:   The Best Free App for Speech Therapy

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37 Words and Phrases That Immediately Increase Your Credibility

Want your writing or speech to be more persuasive these words will help..

Arrow lodged in bull's-eye

If you think choosing precisely the right words doesn't matter much, you're wrong. A single word can have amazing power to change human behavior, usually without our being aware of it. Which means those who know how to use powerful words convincingly have an advantage over everyone else. 

Consider the following amazing experiment performed by social psychologist Ellen Langer , and recounted by Buffer's Kevan Lee as an intro to his Big List of 189 Words That Convert , which is very much worth a read.

Langer walked into a series of copy shops (this was before we all had printer/copiers on our desks) and asked the people waiting in line to make copies if she could cut ahead of them using three different specific phrases:

"Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine?" When she asked it this way, 60 percent of the people in line agreed.

"Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine because I'm in a rush?" This time, 94 percent of the people she asked agreed. Makes sense--we've all been in a hurry one time or another and the people around us are often kind enough to accommodate us at those moments, so we tend to give back by doing the same for others.

But here's where it gets interesting. In some cases she said, "Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine because I have to make some copies?" That's completely meaningless--presumably every customer in a copy shop has to make copies. Nevertheless, 93 percent of those she asked agreed to let her go first. That's the power of a single word--the word "because." It's one of the most persuasive words you can use.

Here are 37 more.

The most powerful word you can use:

Like most humans, your readers and listeners are primarily focused on themselves. Yes, it's a good idea to speak or write about yourself and your experiences as a way to create a bond with your audience. But before you do that, you need to engage their attention, and the best way is to let them know right from the beginning how what you have to say will benefit them. That makes "you" the single most convincing word you can use when writing or speaking.

Words that convey urgency:

All of us are too busy, and constantly facing competing demands on our attention and time. Given this reality, why should anyone stop and read or listen to what you have to say? Because whatever it is is urgent, and requires their immediate action. These words to convey that notion.

5. Must not

6. Don't miss

9. Only (as in "only three days left" or "only five available")

11. Tomorrow

Words that create connection:

We spend more time connecting with others on social media than we ever have before and yet many of us are also lonely. The trend toward working at home--a wonderful thing in most ways--makes this problem even worse. Your readers and listeners are looking for a sense of connection and community; here are some words that will give it to them.

14. Discover

16. Come along

17. A good fit  (as in "our product may be a good fit for your needs")

Words that help people trust you:

"Because" fits into this category, along with many other words and phrases that imply cause and effect. The reason, according to Darlene Price, author of  Well Said! , is that cause-and-effect words and phrases make you seem objective and rational. This list of words includes some other good cause-and-effect words, as well as other words that imply you are both objective and trustworthy.

18. As a result

19. Consequently

20. Caused by

21. For this reason

23. Research

24. Results

Words that promise a reward for little effort:

In our busy lives we are constantly, often unconsciously, calculating how we can best spend our time to get the most useful result. That's why it's a powerful tactic to use words that suggest that a small amount of effort--such as the few minutes it will take someone to read your message or listen to what you have to say--will bring immediate benefits. One warning though: Do not use these words and then fail to deliver the goods, or you risk alienating your audience. And that's tough to recover from. 

29. Instantly

30. Immediately

Words that promise a surprise:

In modern times we've all become a little jaded, and we're all on the lookout for anything truly unexpected, especially so we can share it with our friends and on social media. These words tell readers or listeners that what's coming next will surprise them in some way. Here again, do not use these words unless whatever follows truly lives up to that promise:

31. Surprising

32. Remarkable

33. Amazing

34. Astonishing

35. Startling

36. You won't believe

37. Unbelievable

This should give you a good start, but there are a lot of other powerfully convincing words and phrases out there. Share your own favorites in the comments. (And see how many of these you can spot in Inc.com headlines.)

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Words for Speaking: 30 Speech Verbs in English (With Audio)

Words for Speaking: 30 Speech Verbs in English (With Audio)

Speaking is amazing, don’t you think?

Words and phrases come out of our mouths — they communicate meaning, and we humans understand each other (well, sometimes)!

But there are countless different ways of speaking.

Sometimes, we express ourselves by speaking quietly, loudly, angrily, unclearly or enthusiastically.

And sometimes, we can express ourselves really well without using any words at all — just sounds.

When we describe what someone said, of course we can say, “He said …” or “She said …”

But there are so many alternatives to “say” that describe the many different WAYS of speaking.

Here are some of the most common ones.

Words for talking loudly in English

Shout / yell / scream.

Sometimes you just need to say something LOUDLY!

Maybe you’re shouting at your kids to get off the climbing frame and come inside before the storm starts.

Or perhaps you’re just one of those people who just shout a lot of the time when you speak. And that’s fine. I’ve got a friend like that. He says it’s because he’s the youngest kid in a family full of brothers and sisters — he had to shout to make sure people heard him. And he still shouts.

Yelling is a bit different. When you yell, you’re probably angry or surprised or even in pain. Yelling is a bit shorter and more “in-the-moment.”

Screaming is similar but usually higher in pitch and full of fear or pain or total fury, like when you’ve just seen a ghost or when you’ve dropped a box of bricks on your foot.

Comic-style drawing of a man who has just dropped a brick on his foot. He's screaming and "Argh!" is written in large black letters.

“Stop yelling at me! I’m sorry! I made a mistake, but there’s no need to shout!”

Bark / Bellow / Roar

When I hear these words, I always imagine something like this:

Text: Bark, bellow, roar / Image: Aggressive man shouting at two boys on a football field

These verbs all feel rather masculine, and you imagine them in a deep voice.

I always think of an army general walking around the room telling people what to do.

That’s probably why we have the phrase “to bark orders at someone,” which means to tell people what to do in an authoritative, loud and aggressive way.

“I can’t stand that William guy. He’s always barking orders at everyone!”

Shriek / Squeal / Screech

Ooooohhh …. These do not sound nice.

These are the sounds of a car stopping suddenly.

Or the sound a cat makes when you tread on her tail.

Or very overexcited kids at a birthday party after eating too much sugar.

These verbs are high pitched and sometimes painful to hear.

“When I heard her shriek , I ran to the kitchen to see what it was. Turned out it was just a mouse.”

“As soon as she opened the box and saw the present, she let out a squeal of delight!”

Wailing is also high pitched, but not so full of energy.

It’s usually full of sadness or even anger.

When I think of someone wailing, I imagine someone completely devastated — very sad — after losing someone they love.

You get a lot of wailing at funerals.

“It’s such a mess!” she wailed desperately. “It’ll take ages to clear up!”

Words for speaking quietly in English

When we talk about people speaking in quiet ways, for some reason, we often use words that we also use for animals.

In a way, this is useful, because we can immediately get a feel for the sound of the word.

This is the sound that snakes make.

Sometimes you want to be both quiet AND angry.

Maybe someone in the theatre is talking and you can’t hear what Hamlet’s saying, so you hiss at them to shut up.

Or maybe you’re hanging out with Barry and Naomi when Barry starts talking about Naomi’s husband, who she split up with last week.

Then you might want to hiss this information to Barry so that Naomi doesn’t hear.

But Naomi wasn’t listening anyway — she was miles away staring into the distance.

“You’ll regret this!” he hissed , pointing his finger in my face.

To be fair, this one’s a little complicated.

Whimpering is a kind of traumatised, uncomfortable sound.

If you think of a frightened animal, you might hear it make some kind of quiet, weak sound that shows it’s in pain or unhappy.

Or if you think of a kid who’s just been told she can’t have an ice cream.

Those sounds might be whimpers.

“Please! Don’t shoot me!” he whimpered , shielding his head with his arms.

Two school students in a classroom whispering to each other with the text "gossip" repeated in a vertical column

Whispering is when you speak, but you bypass your vocal cords so that your words sound like wind.

In a way, it’s like you’re speaking air.

Which is a pretty cool way to look at it.

This is a really useful way of speaking if you’re into gossiping.

“Hey! What are you whispering about? Come on! Tell us! We’ll have no secrets here!”

Words for speaking negatively in English

Ranting means to speak at length about a particular topic.

However, there’s a bit more to it than that.

Ranting is lively, full of passion and usually about something important — at least important to the person speaking.

Sometimes it’s even quite angry.

We probably see rants most commonly on social media — especially by PEOPLE WHO LOVE USING CAPS LOCK AND LOTS OF EXCLAMATION MARKS!!!!!!

Ranting always sounds a little mad, whether you’re ranting about something reasonable, like the fact that there’s too much traffic in the city, or whether you’re ranting about something weird, like why the world is going to hell and it’s all because of people who like owning small, brown dogs.

“I tried to talk to George, but he just started ranting about the tax hike.”

“Did you see Jemima’s most recent Facebook rant ? All about how squirrels are trying to influence the election results with memes about Macaulay Culkin.”

Babble / Blabber / Blather / Drone / Prattle / Ramble

Woman saying, "Blah blah blether drone ramble blah blah." Two other people are standing nearby looking bored.

These words all have very similar meanings.

First of all, when someone babbles (or blabbers or blathers or drones or prattles or rambles), it means they are talking for a long time.

And probably not letting other people speak.

And, importantly, about nothing particularly interesting or important.

You know the type of person, right?

You run into a friend or someone you know.

All you do is ask, “How’s life?” and five minutes later, you’re still listening to them talking about their dog’s toilet problems.

They just ramble on about it for ages.

These verbs are often used with the preposition “on.”

That’s because “on” often means “continuously” in phrasal verbs .

So when someone “drones on,” it means they just talk for ages about nothing in particular.

“You’re meeting Aunt Thelma this evening? Oh, good luck! Have fun listening to her drone on and on about her horses.”

Groan / Grumble / Moan

These words simply mean “complain.”

There are some small differences, though.

When you groan , you probably don’t even say any words. Instead, you just complain with a sound.

When you grumble , you complain in a sort of angry or impatient way. It’s not a good way to get people to like you.

Finally, moaning is complaining, but without much direction.

You know the feeling, right?

Things are unfair, and stuff isn’t working, and it’s all making life more difficult than it should be.

We might not plan to do anything about it, but it definitely does feel good to just … complain about it.

Just to express your frustration about how unfair it all is and how you’ve been victimised and how you should be CEO by now and how you don’t get the respect you deserve and …

Well, you get the idea.

If you’re frustrated with things, maybe you just need to find a sympathetic ear and have a good moan.

“Pietor? He’s nice, but he does tend to grumble about the local kids playing football on the street.”

Words for speaking unclearly in English

Mumble / murmur / mutter.

These verbs are all very similar and describe speaking in a low and unclear way, almost like you’re speaking to yourself.

Have you ever been on the metro or the bus and seen someone in the corner just sitting and talking quietly and a little madly to themselves?

That’s mumbling (or murmuring or muttering).

What’s the difference?

Good question!

The differences are just in what type of quiet and unclear speaking you’re doing.

When someone’s mumbling , it means they’re difficult to understand. You might want to ask them to speak more clearly.

Murmuring is more neutral. It might be someone praying quietly to themselves, or you might even hear the murmur of voices behind a closed door.

Finally, muttering is usually quite passive-aggressive and has a feeling of complaining to it.

“I could hear him muttering under his breath after his mum told him off.”

Drunk-looking man in a pub holding a bottle and speaking nonsense.

How can you tell if someone’s been drinking too much booze (alcohol)?

Well, apart from the fact that they’re in the middle of trying to climb the traffic lights holding a traffic cone and wearing grass on their head, they’re also slurring — their words are all sort of sliding into each other. Like this .

This can also happen if you’re super tired.

“Get some sleep! You’re slurring your words.”

Stammer / Stutter

Th-th-th-this is wh-wh-when you try to g-g-g-get the words ou-ou-out, but it’s dif-dif-dif-difficu-… hard.

For some people, this is a speech disorder, and the person who’s doing it can’t help it.

If you’ve seen the 2010 film The King’s Speech , you’ll know what I’m talking about.

(Also you can let me know, was it good? I didn’t see it.)

This can also happen when you’re frightened or angry or really, really excited — and especially when you’re nervous.

That’s when you stammer your words.

“No … I mean, yeah … I mean no…” Wendy stammered .

Other words for speaking in English

If you drawl (or if you have a drawl), you speak in a slow way, maaakiiing the voowweeel sounds loooongeer thaan noormaal.

Some people think this sounds lazy, but I think it sounds kind of nice and relaxed.

Some regional accents, like Texan and some Australian accents, have a drawl to them.

“He was the first US President who spoke with that Texan drawl .”

“Welcome to cowboy country,” he drawled .


That’s my impression of a dog there.

I was growling.

If you ever go cycling around remote Bulgarian villages, then you’re probably quite familiar with this sound.

There are dogs everywhere, and sometimes they just bark.

But sometimes, before barking, they growl — they make that low, threatening, throaty sound.

And it means “stay away.”

But people can growl, too, especially if they want to be threatening.

“‘Stay away from my family!’ he growled .”

Using speaking verbs as nouns

We can use these speaking verbs in the same way we use “say.”

For example, if someone says “Get out!” loudly, we can say:

“‘Get out!’ he shouted .”

However, most of the verbs we looked at today are also used as nouns. (You might have noticed in some of the examples.)

For example, if we want to focus on the fact that he was angry when he shouted, and not the words he used, we can say:

“He gave a shout of anger.”

We can use these nouns with various verbs, usually “ give ” or “ let out .”

“She gave a shout of surprise.”

“He let out a bellow of laughter.”

“I heard a faint murmur through the door.”

There you have it: 30 alternatives to “say.”

So next time you’re describing your favourite TV show or talking about the dramatic argument you saw the other day, you’ll be able to describe it more colourfully and expressively.

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8 thoughts on “ Words for Speaking: 30 Speech Verbs in English (With Audio) ”

Always enlighten and fun.. thank you

Great job! Thank you so much for sharing with us. My students love your drawing and teaching very much. So do I of course.

Good news: I found more than 30 verbs for “speaking”. Bad news, only four of them were in your list. That is to say “Good news I’m only 50 I still have plenty of time to learn new things, bad news I’m already 50 and still have so much learn. Thanks for your posts, they’re so interesting and useful!

Excellent. Can I print it?

Thanks Iris.

And yes — Feel free to print it! :)

Thanks so much! It was very interesting and helpful❤

Great words, shouts and barks, Gabriel. I’m already writing them down, so I can practise with them bit by bit. Thanks for the lesson!

Thank you so much for sharing with us. .It is very useful

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The 108 Most Persuasive Words In The English Language

Home » Blog » The 108 Most Persuasive Words In The English Language

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It’s a long known fact that the secret to persuasive writing isn’t in the adjectives, it’s in the verbs.

Copywriters know power verbs sell and convince.

Internally, we have a list of 108 verbs that we’ve been using for a good decade, and we recently thought we should share it with proper credit to the original author.

We found that although the list is being recirculated (and in many cases claimed as original by several different authors!), the original author is, in fact, nowhere to be found.

So, if anyone knows who wrote this, we’d love to know!

With or without the original author, it’s still a great list…here it is!

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According to legendary advertising man, Leo Burnet, “Dull and exaggerated ad copy is due to the excess use of adjectives.”

To prove it, he asked his staff to compare the number of adjectives in 62 ads that failed to the number of adjectives in Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, and other age-old classics.

Here’s what he discovered:

Of the 12,758 words in the 62 failed ads, 24.1% were adjectives.

By direct comparison, Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address contains only 35 adjectives out of 268 immortal words – only 13.1% adjective-to-total-word ratio.

Winston Churchill’s famous “Blood, Sweat and Tears” speech rates even lower and has a 12.1% adjective ratio (81 adjectives from 667 words).

Burnett found that similar ratios applied to great works such as The Lord’s Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution. Conclusion: Use more verbs, not adjectives.

Verbs increase the pulling-power and believability of ad copy.

That’s why it makes sense to keep this 108-VERB “CHEAT-SHEET” close-by whenever you begin to draft your next space ad, sales letter, Website, or email campaign.

words to use for speech

Still unsure how to incorporate these verbs into your marketing campaign? Or, perhaps, you just don’t have the time?

Then consider hiring a team of professional copywriters to do it for you! Talented advertising and marketing writers can take mediocre content and use power verbs to turn it into engaging copy that meets goals and produces results.

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3 thoughts on “ The 108 Most Persuasive Words In The English Language ”

It is remarkable, very amusing piece

Hi there, love your website. I am a teacher and my kids love using your amazing verbs you have provided us with in their writing. Email me and I could send you some drafts of their writing – you’ll be blown away!

Catch up soon 🙂

Thanks, Hope Brown

Hi Hope! We are so happy to hear that our blog has helped you and your students. We would love to see some of their writing!

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Which of these “Power Verbs” do you find most persuasive?

100+ Daily Use English Words for Fluent Communication

Clapingo Team

15 min read

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Enhance Your English Vocabulary For Fluent Communication 

Basic english words , commonly used phrases , mastering pronunciation through tongue twisters, advanced vocabulary for fluent communication , business vocabulary: key to professional success, essential business words and phrases, conversation starters:, importance of daily used english words for fluent communication .

An image of two learners communicating with each other

Daily use of English words is essential in developing fluency and effective communication skills. By incorporating new words into your daily life conversations, you can expand your vocabulary and improve your ability to express yourself clearly.

Whether you are speaking with friends, colleagues, or clients, having a wide range of vocabulary at your disposal allows you to convey your thoughts and ideas more precisely.

Using simple and common vocabulary is particularly relevant in everyday conversations. Rather than relying on complex or technical terms, using everyday language helps ensure that your message is easily understood by others. It also makes it easier for you to comprehend what others are saying. By using simple words, you can avoid confusion and foster better communication.

The aim of this article is to provide a comprehensive list of practical common words for fluent communication. This list will encompass a variety of topics, ranging from basic vocabulary to advanced terms, idioms, and phrases commonly used in different contexts. Each word will be accompanied by its meaning and contextual examples to help you understand how it can be used in real-life situations.

To further support your journey towards English fluency, Clapingo has published an article titled " Learn 10 Ways To Improve Your English Fluency Without Resorting To Grammar. "

This article offers valuable insights and practical tips on improving fluency through techniques that go beyond grammar rules alone, emphasizing strategies to speak English fluently and effectively.

words to use for speech

Learning basic common English words is fundamental for daily use and effective communication. These words form the building blocks of your vocabulary and are frequently used in various situations. Familiarizing yourself with them will greatly enhance your ability to engage in conversations confidently.

Here are some essential basic common English words to get you started:

1. Numbers : One, two, three, four, five...

2. Colors : Red, blue, green, yellow...

3. Days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...

4. Months : January, February, March...

5. Family members : Mother, father, brother...

6. Food items: Apple, banana, bread...

7. Animals: Dog, cat, bird...

By incorporating these words into your daily life conversations and practicing their pronunciation and usage regularly, you will quickly develop a strong English vocabulary.

Remember that consistent practice is key to retaining and expanding your vocabulary. To further reinforce your learning journey with additional resources, interactive exercises for basic English common words, and many more topics related to English language skills development, visit Clapingo's YouTube channel here.

Learning commonly used phrases is crucial for effective communication. While having a robust vocabulary is important, using everyday phrases in the right context can greatly enhance your ability to communicate fluently and naturally. Here are some reasons why learning commonly used phrases is significant:

1. Improved Fluency : Incorporating commonly used phrases into your conversations helps you sound more fluent and natural in English. It allows you to express yourself effortlessly without thinking too much about constructing sentences.

2. Cultural Understanding: Commonly used phrases often have cultural nuances and show familiarity with the language. By learning these phrases, you gain a deeper understanding of the culture and can connect with native English speakers more personally.

3. Politeness and Etiquette: Using appropriate greetings, expressions of gratitude, and other polite phrases shows respect for others and helps build positive relationships. It allows you to navigate social situations with ease.

4. Confidence Booster:  You feel more confident in conversations when you know commonly used phrases. This confidence lets you express yourself effectively, convey your thoughts clearly, and engage in meaningful discussions.

Now let's dive into a comprehensive list of everyday phrases that will be useful for various situations:

- Good morning/afternoon/evening

- How are you?

- Nice to meet you

- Have a great day!

Expressions of Gratitude:

- Thank you

- I appreciate it

- You're welcome

- I'm grateful for your help

Asking for Directions:

- Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to...?

- Can you please show me the way to...?

- Is there a nearby...?

Ordering Food or Drinks:

- I'd like...

- Could I have...?

- What do you recommend?

Making Apologies:

- I'm sorry

- My apologies

- I didn't mean to...

Asking for Help:

- Can you please assist me with...?

- Could you lend me a hand?

- I need some help with...

Giving Instructions:

- First, you need to...

- Then, you should...

- Finally, make sure to...

Expressing Preferences:

- I prefer...

- I would rather...

- I'm more inclined towards...

These are just a few examples of commonly used phrases. Remember to practice using them in context to improve your fluency and confidence in everyday conversations. For a more extensive list of daily use more words and phrases, you can refer to the following 

Tongue twisters are a fun and effective way to improve pronunciation, focus on enunciation, and tackle those tricky sounds that often slip through the cracks of daily conversation. From the whimsical " wonder wood word work " that challenges our Ws and Rs, to the complex " track transport treat tree, " which tests our ability to transition smoothly between similar sounds, each tongue twister in this collection is designed to refine your speech clarity and speed.

Dive into the dynamic " team teenage television tell ," perfect for practicing T sounds, or try the sibilant " size skill sky sleep " to master the subtle differences between Ss and SKs. The robust " strong sudden suffix sun " rolls off the tongue, pushing your pronunciation to new strengths, while "secure security sentence" focuses on S and C sounds, essential for clear communication.

Moving on to more challenging sounds, " film fine finish fire " and " chief child children " are great for F and Ch sounds, helping you articulate with precision. For those looking to enhance their shadowing skills, " shade shadow shape share " and " deep defeat detail " offer a rich practice ground. " Energy entertainment evening " brings in the E sounds, pushing the envelope of evening elocutions.

On the emotional spectrum, " sad safe sail sand " and " steel story street " evoke vivid scenarios requiring careful articulation. And for the automotive enthusiast, " car cardiac careless carnival " provides a fun ride through hard C and R sounds. Meanwhile, " fake family fan " and " solid something song " explore F and S sounds in familial contexts, adding a personal touch to practice sessions.

For the builders and makers, " too tools " and " cold colour column " are not just practical but also a test of fluid transition between similar sounding words. " Feet fever figure " and " brother bucket building " challenge your ability to maintain rhythm and pace, while " bottle boy branches ," " cow craft cravings ," and " cap capital captain " turn everyday objects into a verbal playground.

Finally, the adventurous " first fish flowers ," " west wet wheels ," " win wings winner ," wrap up our collection with a celebration of victory, be it in mastering the sounds of English or just getting through these tongue-twisting trials with fewer stumbles. Each twist and turn in these phrases is a step towards more fluent, confident speech. So take a deep breath, and let's twist our way to clearer communication!

Incorporating advanced vocabulary into your daily life conversations can significantly enhance your language and communication skills. Here are some benefits of using advanced vocabulary:

1. Precision and Clarity: Advanced vocabulary allows you to express yourself precisely and convey your thoughts accurately. It helps you articulate complex ideas and concepts with clarity.

2. Impressiveness: Using advanced vocabulary demonstrates your command over the language and can leave a lasting impression on others. It showcases your intelligence, sophistication, and ability to communicate effectively.

3 . Enhances Writing Skills: Learning advanced vocabulary not only improves your spoken communication but also enhances your writing skills. It enables you to write with finesse, choose the right words, and communicate your ideas more effectively.

4. Better Reading Comprehension: As you expand your vocabulary, you will find it easier to comprehend and understand a wider range of texts. Advanced vocabulary exposes you to different writing styles and helps you grasp complex ideas in various domains.

To help you enrich your vocabulary, here is a diverse range of advanced words along with their meanings and contextual examples:

Lasting for a short time; transient

The beauty of cherry blossoms is ephemeral.

Present or found everywhere

Technology has become ubiquitous in our lives.

Intended for or understood by only a small group

Quantum physics can be quite esoteric for non-scientists.

Dealing with things sensibly and realistically

She took a pragmatic approach to problem-solving.

The occurrence of fortunate events by chance

We met through serendipity at the bookstore.

Remember to incorporate these words into your daily life conversations and writing to reap the benefits of an enhanced vocabulary.

Learning idioms and phrasal verbs is crucial for achieving fluency in English. While grammar and vocabulary are important, understanding and using idiomatic expressions and phrasal verbs can take your language skills to the next level.

Here's why:

- Idioms and phrasal verbs are commonly used in everyday English conversations. By learning them, you'll be able to understand native speakers better and communicate more effectively.

- Idiomatic expressions add color, depth, and nuance to your language. They can help you express yourself more naturally and sophisticatedly, making your speech sound more native-like.

- Phrasal verbs, which consist of a verb followed by a preposition or an adverb, are an integral part of spoken English. They often have different meanings than their individual components, so understanding them is essential for comprehension.

Now let's dive into some commonly used idioms and phrasal verbs along with their meanings and examples:

1. Break the ice - to initiate a conversation or friendship.

Example: "We played a game to break the ice at the team-building event."

2. Hit the nail on the head - to accurately identify or address a problem.

Example: "Sarah hit the nail on the head when she suggested that we need better time management."

3. Let the cat out of the bag - to reveal a secret.

Example: "Don't let the cat out of the bag about our surprise party!"

Phrasal Verbs:

1. Call off - to cancel something.

Example: "They called off the meeting due to bad weather."

2. Look forward to - to anticipate or be excited about something in the future.

Example: "I'm really looking forward to my vacation next month."

3. Put up with - to tolerate or endure something unpleasant.

Example: "I can't put up with his constant complaining anymore."

These are just a few examples, but there are hundreds of idioms and phrasal verbs in English. Practice using them in context to become more fluent and confident in your English communication. For a comprehensive list of idioms and phrasal verbs, check out the following video

Business English Vocabulary For Fluent Communication

In the fast-paced and competitive world of business, effective communication is crucial. One key aspect of successful communication is having a strong grasp of business vocabulary. Whether you are participating in meetings, giving presentations, or negotiating deals, using the right words and phrases can make all the difference.

In this section, we will explore the importance of business vocabulary and provide you with a list of essential words and phrases commonly used in professional settings.

Having a wide range of business vocabulary is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it enhances your credibility and professionalism. When you use appropriate terminology in your conversations and written communications, you demonstrate that you understand the industry and know how to navigate within it.

Secondly, having a strong business vocabulary allows for clear and concise communication. In professional settings, time is often limited, and being able to express yourself accurately and succinctly is highly valued. Using the right words helps avoid misunderstandings and ensures that your message is effectively conveyed.

Lastly, mastering business vocabulary enables you to build rapport with colleagues and clients. Speaking their language shows that you understand their needs, concerns, and challenges. It establishes trust and fosters stronger relationships.

To help you on your journey to becoming fluent in business English, here is a comprehensive list of essential words and phrases commonly used in various professional settings:

A list of topics to be discussed in a meeting

Let's review the agenda for today's meeting.

Visual aids used during a presentation

I have prepared slides to support my talk.

Reaching an agreement by finding a middle ground

We need to compromise on certain terms.

These are just a few examples of the many words and phrases used in business settings. You can find a more extensive list of essential business vocabulary on the Clapingo website.

By familiarizing yourself with these words and phrases, you'll be able to navigate professional environments with confidence and communicate effectively. Incorporate them into your daily conversations, emails, and presentations to enhance your professional image and improve your chances of success.

Remember, mastering business vocabulary takes time and practice. Make it a habit to learn a few new words or phrases every day. Soon enough, you'll notice a significant improvement in your communication skills, leading to better opportunities in your career.

So, don't hesitate! Start expanding your business vocabulary today and watch as your professional prospects soar.

  5 Importance Tips of Mastering the English Language ​

Socializing and Small Talk 

Socializing and small talk play a crucial role in building relationships. Engaging in casual conversations helps to establish connections, create rapport, and foster a sense of community. When you engage in small talk, you show interest in the other person's life and make them feel valued. It is also an effective way to break the ice and initiate conversations with new acquaintances or colleagues. Here are some common conversation starters, questions, and responses for social situations:

1. "Hi, I'm [Name]. What's your name?"

2. "Nice weather we're having today, isn't it?"

3. "Have you been to this event before?"

4. "What do you do for a living?"

5. "Where are you from?"

1. "How was your weekend?"

2. "Are you enjoying the event so far?"

3. "What brings you here today?"

4. "Do you have any exciting plans for the upcoming holidays?"

5. "What are your hobbies or interests?"

1. "Yes, I had a great weekend! How about you?"

2. "Yes, it's my first time here too! Are you enjoying it?"

3. "I'm here because I'm interested in [topic/event]."

4. "I'm planning to visit my family during the holidays."

5. "I enjoy reading and hiking in my free time."

Remember, small talk should be light-hearted and non-controversial to keep the conversation pleasant and enjoyable for both parties involved.

Must read:  Can listening to songs help you improve your Spoken English? ​

Recapping the importance of daily used English words for fluent communication, consistent practice, and exposure to new vocabulary are key factors in language development. By incorporating English vocabulary words into your conversations daily, you become more comfortable and confident in expressing yourself fluently. Daily practice helps you expand your vocabulary and improve your sentence formation.

To effectively develop your language skills, engaging with various resources that offer support for English learners is important. Clapingo is an exceptional online platform that provides resources tailored specifically for Indian learners. With its vast collection of articles, videos, and interactive exercises, Clapingo offers a wealth of learning opportunities to enhance your spoken English skills.

By making a conscious effort to use daily use English vocabulary words regularly, you will notice significant improvements in your communication abilities. Consistency is key in language learning, so strive to incorporate new vocabulary into your daily conversations and interactions. With time and practice, you will become more proficient in expressing yourself fluently and confidently.

Remember, building a strong foundation in the daily used English words is essential for effective communication. Setting clear goals can help achieve the desired or intended result of enhancing your vocabulary and language skills. Regular practice and exposure to new vocabulary will undoubtedly contribute to your overall language development.

​ Spoken English Words List To Learn English Under 15 Days! ​

1. Why is it important to learn daily use English words?

Using English words daily is essential for developing fluency in the language. By incorporating these words into your vocabulary, you can express yourself more clearly and effectively in everyday conversations.

2. What are some examples of simple English words for daily use?

Simple common English words for daily use include common nouns like "house," "car," and "book," as well as verbs such as "eat," "sleep," and "read." These basic words form the foundation of communication and should be mastered by all learners.

3. Can you provide some new words in English for daily use?

Certainly! Here are a few new words that you can incorporate into your everyday conversations:

a) Serendipity - The occurrence of finding something pleasant or valuable by chance.

b) Resilience - The ability to bounce back or recover quickly from difficulties.

c) Equanimity - Mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper.

d) Ubiquitous - Present or found everywhere.

e) Pernicious - Having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way.

4. What are some examples of the daily use of basic English words?

Daily use basic English words, including numbers (one, two, three), colors (red, blue, green), days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday), months (January, February, March), and common greetings (hello, goodbye).

5. Can you suggest some advanced English words for daily use?

Certainly! Here are a few advanced English words that can elevate your vocabulary:

a) Eloquent - Fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing.

b) Ubiquitous - Present or found everywhere.

c) Tenacious - Tending to keep a firm hold of something; persistent.

d) Acumen - The ability to make good judgments and quick decisions.

e) Mitigate - To make (something) less severe, serious, or painful.

Fluent communication

Daily Use English

english fluency

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Word Lists For Articulation & More!

It is handy to have word lists for speech therapy at your fingertips for extra articulation practice or for a quick game during therapy.

word lists for speech therapy

Click on a letter below to take you to the corresponding FREE list, Google Drive version, free handouts, quick cues, and activities that require NO device or Flashcards! Remember the letters represent a sound.

Word Lists For Speech Therapy By Sound:

L    blends, r    blends, s    blends, vowels .

Let's not forget about vowels! I have word lists for ALL vowels here!

How to Practice Articulation:

Are you wondering how to use these word lists effectively? Are you still learning what articulation practice is all about? Don’t worry, click on   articulation practice overview using these word list s.

We can help explain the process with research-based information!

Articulation Materials & Guide

If you need home practices, articulation cards, cariboo cards, sentence level practice sheets, and teaching cue cards/materials, please click the image below. All materials use high-frequency words (aka, words that kids actually say!)

words to use for speech

About the Author

Bridget giraldo, ms  ccc-slp .

Hi, I’m Bridget! I’m a speech-language pathologist from Elmhurst, Illinois USA. I’ve worked with children and adults of all ages in schools, preschools, hospitals, rehab facilities, and now in my own private practice. My expertise is my ability to create effective, research-based materials and speech therapy techniques that streamline and simplify our professional lives!  I graduated from University of Wisconsin, Madison with my masters degree in Communication Disorders. 

  • Word Lists For Speech Therapy

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Andrew Newberg, M.D. and Mark Waldman

The 8 Key Elements of Highly Effective Speech

…and why your words barely matter.

Posted July 10, 2012 | Reviewed by Ekua Hagan

I’d like you to take a moment to experience the following sentence, taken from a recent article exploring the nature of human consciousness: “Neuroplastic mechanisms relevant to the growing number of empirical studies of the capacity of directed attention and mental effort systematically alter brain function.”

Exciting? Hardly! In fact, most of the words you read barely register in your brain, and most of the words you speak barely register in the listener’s brain. In fact, research shows that words are the least important part of communication when you have face-to-face conversations with others. So before you utter another word to another person, memorize this list of the 8 key elements of highly effective speech:

  • Gentle eye contact
  • Kind facial expression
  • Warm tone of voice
  • Expressive hand and body gestures
  • Relaxed disposition
  • Slow speech rate
  • The words themselves

Effective communication is based on trust, and if we don’t trust the speaker, we’re not going to listen to their words. Trust begins with eye contact because we need to see the person’s face to evaluate if they are being deceitful or not. In fact, when we are being watched, cooperation increases. [1] When we are not being watched, people tend to act more selfishly, with greater dishonesty. [2]

Gentle eye contact increases trustworthiness and encourages future cooperation, [3] and a happy gaze will increase emotional trust. [4] However, if we see the slightest bit of anger or fear on the speaker’s face, our trust will rapidly decrease. [5] But you can’t fake trustworthiness because the muscles around your mouth and eyes that reflect contentment and sincerity are involuntary. Solution: if you think about someone you love, or an event that brought you deep joy and satisfaction, a "Mona Lisa" smile will appear on your face and the muscles around your eyes will soften.

The tone of your voice is equally important when it comes to understanding what a person is really trying to say. If the facial expression expresses one emotion , but if the tone conveys a different one, neural dissonance takes place in the brain, causing the person confusion. [6] The result: trust erodes, suspicion increases, and cooperation decreases.

Researchers at the University of Amsterdam found that expressions of anger, contempt, disgust, fear, sadness, and surprise were better communicated through vocal tone than facial expression, whereas the face was more accurate for communicating expressions of joy, pride, and embarrassment . [7] And in business, a warm supportive voice is the sign of transformational leadership , generating more satisfaction, commitment, and cooperation between other members of the team. [8]

You can easily train your voice to convey more trust to others, and all you have to do is slow down and drop your pitch. This was tested at the University of Houston: when doctors reduced their speaking rate and pitch, especially when delivering bad news, the listener perceived them “as more caring and sympathetic.” [9] Harvard's Ted Kaptchuk also discovered that using a warm voice would double the healing power of a therapeutic treatment. [10]

If you want to express joy, your voice needs to become increasingly melodic, whereas sadness is spoken with a flat and monotonic voice. When we are angry, excited, or frightened, we raise the pitch and intensity of our voice, and there’s a lot of variability in both the speed and the tone. However, if the emotion is incongruent with the words you are using, it will create confusion for the listener. [11]

Gestures, and especially hand movements, are also important because they help orchestrate the language comprehension centers of your brain. [12] In fact, your brain needs to integrate both the sounds and body movements of the person who is speaking in order to accurately perceive what is meant. [13] From an evolutionary perspective, speech emerged from hand gestures and they both originate the same language area of the brain. [14] If our words and gestures are incongruent, it will create confusion in the listener’s brain. [15] Our suggestion: practice speaking in front of a mirror, consciously using your hands to “describe” the words you are speaking.

words to use for speech

Your degree of relaxation is also reflected in your body language , facial expressions, and tone of voice, and any form of stress will convey a message of distrust . Why? Your stress tells the observer’s brain that there may be something wrong, and that stimulates defensive posturing in the listener. Research shows that even a one-minute relaxation exercise will increase activity in those parts of the brain that control language, communication, social awareness, mood-regulation, and decision-making . [16] Thus, a relaxed conversation allows for increased intimacy and empathy. Stress, however, causes us to talk too much because it hinders our ability to speak with clarity.

When you speak, slow down! Slow speech rates will increase the ability for the listener to comprehend what you are saying, and this is true for both young and older adults. [17] Slower speaking will also deepen that person’s respect for you, [18] Speaking slowly is not as natural as it may seem, and as children we automatically speak fast. But you can teach yourself, and your children to slow down by consciously cutting your speech rate in half. A slow voice has a calming effect on a person who is feeling anxious , whereas a loud fast voice will stimulate excitement, anger, or fear. [19]

Try this experiment: pair up with a partner and speak so slowly that … you … leave … 5 … seconds … of … silence … between … each … word. You’ll become aware of your negative inner speech that tells you that you should babble on endlessly and as fast as possible. It’s a trap, because the listener’s brain can only recall about 10 seconds of content! That’s why, when we train people in Compassionate Communication, we ask participants to speak only one sentence at a time, slowly, and then listen deeply as the other person speaks for ten seconds or less. This exercise will increase your overall consciousness about the importance of the first 7 elements of highly effective communication. Then, and only then, will you truly grasp the deeper meaning that is imparted by each word spoken by others.

But what about written communication, where you only have access to the words? When it comes to mutual comprehension, the written word pales in comparison to speech. To compensate, your brain imposes arbitrary meanings onto the words. You, the reader, give the words emotional impact that often differs from what the writer intended, which is why so many email correspondences get misinterpreted. And unless the writer fills in the blanks with specific emotional words and descriptive speech – storytelling – the reader will experience your writing as being flat, boring , dry, and probably more negative than you intended.

The solution: help the reader “paint a picture” in their mind with your words. Use concrete nouns and action verbs because they are easier for the reader’s brain to visualize. Words like “sunset” or “eat” are easy to see in the mind's eye, but words like “freedom” or “identify” force the brain to sort through too many conceptual frameworks. Instead, our lazy brain will skip over as many words as possible, especially the abstract ones. When this happens the deeper levels of meaning and feeling will be lost.

For more information on how to improve your speaking and listening skills, along with additional exercises to practice, see Words Can Change Your Brain: 12 Conversation Strategies for Building Trust, Reducing Conflict, and Increasing Intimacy (Newberg & Waldman, 2012, Hudson Street Press).

[1] Cues of being watched enhance cooperation in a real-world setting. Bateson M, Nettle D, Roberts G. Biol Lett. 2006 Sep 22;2(3):412-4.

[2] Effects of anonymity on antisocial behavior committed by individuals. Nogami T, Takai J. Psychol Rep. 2008 Feb;102(1):119-30.

[3] Eyes are on us, but nobody cares: are eye cues relevant for strong reciprocity? Fehr E, Schneider F. Proc Biol Sci. 2010 May 7;277(1686):1315-23.

[4] Evaluating faces on trustworthiness: an extension of systems for recognition of emotions signaling approach/avoidance behaviors. Todorov A. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2008 Mar;1124:208-24.

[5] Common neural mechanisms for the evaluation of facial trustworthiness and emotional expressions as revealed by behavioral adaptation. Engell AD, Todorov A, Haxby JV. Perception. 2010;39(7):931-41.

[6] Use of affective prosody by young and older adults. Dupuis K, Pichora-Fuller MK. Psychol Aging. 2010 Mar;25(1):16-29.

[7] "Worth a thousand words": absolute and relative decoding of nonlinguistic affect vocalizations. Hawk ST, van Kleef GA, Fischer AH, van der Schalk J. Emotion. 2009 Jun;9(3):293-305.

[8] Leadership = Communication? The Relations of Leaders' Communication Styles with Leadership Styles, Knowledge Sharing and Leadership Outcomes. de Vries RE, Bakker-Pieper A, Oostenveld W. J Bus Psychol. 2010 Sep;25(3):367-380.

[9] Voice analysis during bad news discussion in oncology: reduced pitch, decreased speaking rate, and nonverbal communication of empathy. McHenry M, Parker PA, Baile WF, Lenzi R. Support Care Cancer. 2011 May 15.

[10] Components of placebo effect: randomised controlled trial in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Kaptchuk TJ, Kelley JM, Conboy LA, Davis RB, Kerr CE, Jacobson EE, Kirsch I, Schyner RN, Nam BH, Nguyen LT, Park M, Rivers AL, McManus C, Kokkotou E, Drossman DA, Goldman P, Lembo AJ. BMJ. 2008 May 3;336(7651):999-1003.

[11] Use of affective prosody by young and older adults. Dupuis K, Pichora-Fuller MK. Psychol Aging. 2010 Mar;25(1):16-29.

[12] Gestures orchestrate brain networks for language understanding. Skipper JI, Goldin-Meadow S, Nusbaum HC, Small SL. Curr Biol. 2009 Apr 28;19(8):661-7.

[13] When language meets action: the neural integration of gesture and speech. Willems RM, Ozyürek A, Hagoort P. Cereb Cortex. 2007 Oct;17(10):2322-33.

[14] When the hands speak. Gentilucci M, Dalla Volta R, Gianelli C. J Physiol Paris. 2008 Jan-May;102(1-3):21-30. Epub 2008 Mar 18.

[15] How symbolic gestures and words interact with each other. Barbieri F, Buonocore A,Volta RD, Gentilucci M. Brain Lang. 2009 Jul;110(1):1-11.

[16i] Short-term meditation training improves attention and self-regulation. Tang YY, Ma Y, Wang J, Fan Y, Feng S, Lu Q, Yu Q, Sui D, Rothbart MK, Fan M, Posner MI. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Oct 23;104(43):17152-6.

[17] Comprehension of speeded discourse by younger and older listeners. Gordon MS, Daneman M, Schneider BA. Exp Aging Res. 2009 Jul-Sep;35(3):277-96.

[18] Celerity and cajolery: rapid speech may promote or inhibit persuasion through its impact on message elaboration. Smith SM, Shaffer, DR. Pers Soc Psychol Bull. 1991 Dec;17(6):663-669.

[19] Voices of fear and anxiety and sadness and depression: the effects of speech rate and loudness on fear and anxiety and sadness and depression. Siegman AW, Boyle S. J Abnorm Psychol. 1993 Aug;102(3):430-7. The angry voice: its effects on the experience of anger and cardiovascular reactivity. Siegman AW, Anderson RA, Berger T. Psychosom Med. 1990 Nov-Dec;52(6):631-43.

Andrew Newberg, M.D. and Mark Waldman

Andrew Newberg, M.D ., and Mark Robert Waldman are the authors of Words Can Change Your Brain .

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How to Build Vocabulary You Can Actually Use in Speech and Writing?

  • Published on Aug 25, 2019

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This post comes from my experience of adding more than 8,000 words and phrases to my vocabulary in a way that I can actually use them on the fly in my speech and writing. Some words, especially those that I haven’t used for long time, may elude me, but overall the recall & use works quite well.

That’s why you build vocabulary, right? To use in speech and writing. There are no prizes for building list of words you can’t use. (The ultimate goal of vocabulary-building is to use words in verbal communication where you’ve to come up with an appropriate word in split second. It’s not to say that it’s easy to come up with words while writing, but in writing you can at least afford to think.)

This post also adopts couple of best practices such as

  • Spaced repetition,
  • Deliberate Practice,
  • Begin with end in mind, and
  • Build on what you already know

In this post, you’ll learn how you too can build such vocabulary, the one you can actually use. However, be warned. It’s not easy. It requires consistent work. But the rewards are more than worth the squeeze.

Since building such vocabulary is one of the most challenging aspects of English Language, you’ll stand out in crowd when you use precise words and, the best part, you can use this sub-skill till you’re in this world, long after you retire professionally. (Doesn’t this sound so much better when weighed against today’s reality where most professional skills get outdated in just few years?)

You may have grossly overestimated the size of your vocabulary

Once your understand the difference between active and passive vocabulary, you’ll realize that size of your vocabulary isn’t what you think it to be.

Active vs. Passive vocabulary

Words that you can use in speech and writing constitute your active vocabulary (also called functional vocabulary). You, of course, understand these words while reading and listening as well. Think of words such as eat , sell , drink , see , and cook .

But how about words such as munch , outsmart , salvage , savagery , and skinny ? Do you use these words regularly while speaking and writing? Unlikely. Do you understand meaning of these words while reading and listening? Highly likely. Such words constitute your passive vocabulary (also called recognition vocabulary). You can understand these words while reading and listening, but you can’t use them while speaking and writing.

Your active vocabulary is a tiny subset of your passive vocabulary:

words to use for speech

(While the proportion of the two inner circles – active and passive vocabulary – bears some resemblance to reality, the outer rectangle is not proportionate because of paucity of space. In reality, the outer rectangle is much bigger, representing hundreds of thousands of words.)

Note : Feel free to use the above and other images in the post, using the link of this post for reference/attribution.

Many mistakenly believe that they’ve strong vocabulary because they can understand most words when reading and listening. But the real magic, the real use of vocabulary is when you use words in speech and writing. If you evaluate your vocabulary against this yardstick – active vs. passive – your confidence in your vocabulary will be shaken.

Why build vocabulary – a small exercise?

You would be all too aware of cases where people frequently pause while speaking because they can’t think of words for what they want to say. We can easily spot such extreme cases.

What we fail to spot, however, are less extreme, far more common cases where people don’t pause, but they use imprecise words and long-winding explanations to drive their message.

The bridge was destroyed (or broken) by the flooded river.

The bridge was washed away by the flooded river.

Although both convey the message, the second sentence stands out because of use of precise phrase.

What word(s) best describe what’s happening in the picture below?

words to use for speech

Image source

Not the best response.

A better word is ‘emptied’. Even ‘dumped’ is great.

A crisp description of the above action would be: “The dumper emptied (or dumped) the stones on the roadside.”

What about this?

words to use for speech

‘Took out grapes’.

‘Plucked grapes’ is far better.

If you notice, these words – wash away , empty , dump , and pluck – are simple. We can easily understand them while reading and listening, but rarely use them (with the possible exception of empty ) in speech or writing. Remember, active vs. passive vocabulary?

If you use such precise words in your communication you’ll stand out in crowd.

Little wonder, studies point to a correlation between strength of vocabulary and professional success. Earl Nightingale, a renowned self-help expert and author, in his 20-year study of college graduates found :

Without a single exception, those who had scored highest on the vocabulary test given in college, were in the top income group, while those who had scored the lowest were in the bottom income group.

He also refers to a study by Johnson O’Connor, an American educator and researcher, who gave vocabulary tests to executive and supervisory personnel in 39 large manufacturing companies. According to this study:

Presidents and vice presidents averaged 236 out of a possible 272 points; managers averaged 168; superintendents, 140; foremen, 114; floor bosses, 86. In virtually every case, vocabulary correlated with executive level and income.

Though there are plenty of studies linking professional success with fluency in English overall, I haven’t come across any study linking professional success with any individual component – grammar and pronunciation, for example – of English language other than vocabulary.

You can make professional success a motivation to improve your active vocabulary.

Let’s dive into the tactics now.

How to build vocabulary you can use in speech and writing?

(In the spirit of the topic of this section, I’ve highlighted words that I’ve shifted from my passive to active vocabulary in red font . I’ve done this for only this section, lest the red font become too distracting.)

Almost all of us build vocabulary through the following two-step process:

Step 1 : We come across new words while reading and listening. Meanings of many of these words get registered in our brains – sometimes vaguely, sometimes precisely – through the context in which we see these words. John Rupert Firth, a leading figure in British linguistics during the 1950s, rightly said , “You shall know a word by the company it keeps.”

Many of these words then figure repeatedly in our reading and listening and gradually, as if by osmosis , they start taking roots in our passive vocabulary.

Step 2 : We start using some of these words in our speech and writing. (They are, as discussed earlier, just a small fraction of our passive vocabulary.) By and large, we stay in our comfort zones, making do with this limited set of words.

Little wonder, we add to our vocabulary in trickle . In his book Word Power Made Easy , Norman Lewis laments the tortoise-like rate of vocabulary-building among adults:

Educational testing indicates that children of ten who have grown up in families in which English is the native language have recognition [passive] vocabularies of over twenty thousand words. And that these same ten-year-olds have been learning new words at a rate of many hundreds a year since the age of four . In astonishing contrast, studies show that adults who are no longer attending school increase their vocabularies at a pace slower than twenty-five to fifty words annually .

Adults improve passive vocabulary at an astonishingly meagre rate of 25-50 words a year. The chain to acquire active vocabulary is getting broken at the first step itself – failure to read or listen enough (see Step 1 we just covered). Most are not even reaching the second step, which is far tougher than the first. Following statistic from National Spoken English Skills Report by Aspiring Minds (sample of more than 30,000 students from 500+ colleges in India) bears this point:

State of vocabulary among college students

Only 33 percent know such simple words! They’re not getting enough inputs.

Such vocabulary-acquisition can be schematically represented as:

Limited inputs = Small Active Vocabulary

The problem here is at both the steps of vocabulary acquisition:

  • Not enough inputs (represented by funnel filled only little) and
  • Not enough exploration and use of words to convert inputs into active vocabulary (represented by few drops coming out of the funnel)

Here is what you can do to dramatically improve your active vocabulary:

1. Get more inputs (reading and listening)

That’s a no-brainer. The more you read,

  • the more new words you come across and
  • the more earlier-seen words get reinforced

If you’ve to prioritize between reading and listening purely from the perspective of building vocabulary, go for more reading, because it’s easier to read and mark words on paper or screen. Note that listening will be a more helpful input when you’re working on your speaking skills .

So develop the habit to read something 30-60 minutes every day. It has benefits far beyond just vocabulary-building .

If you increase your inputs, your vocabulary-acquisition funnel will look something like:

More inputs = Medium Active Vocabulary

More inputs but no other steps result in larger active vocabulary.

2. Gather words from your passive vocabulary for deeper exploration

The reading and listening you do, over months and years, increase the size of your passive vocabulary. There are plenty of words, almost inexhaustible, sitting underutilized in your passive vocabulary. Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could move many of them to your active vocabulary? That would be easier too because you don’t have to learn them from scratch. You already understand their meaning and usage, at least to some extent. That’s like plucking – to use the word we’ve already overused – low hanging fruits.

While reading and listening, note down words that you’re already familiar with, but you don’t use them (that is they’re part of your passive vocabulary). We covered few examples of such words earlier in the post – pluck , dump , salvage , munch , etc. If you’re like most, your passive vocabulary is already large, waiting for you to shift some of it to your active vocabulary. You can also note down completely unfamiliar words, but only in exceptional cases.

To put what I said in the previous paragraph in more concrete terms, you may ask following two questions to decide which words to note down for further exploration:

  • Do you understand the meaning of the word from the context of your reading or listening?
  • Do you use this word while speaking and writing?

If the answer is ‘yes’ to the first question and ‘no’ to the second, you can note down the word.

3. Explore the words in an online dictionary

Time to go a step further than seeing words in context while reading.

You need to explore each word (you’ve noted) further in a dictionary. Know its precise meaning(s). Listen to pronunciation and speak it out loud, first individually and then as part of sentences. (If you’re interested in the topic of pronunciation, refer to the post on pronunciation .) And, equally important, see few sentences where the word has been used.

Preferably, note down the meaning(s) and few example sentences so that you can practice spaced repetition and retain them for long. Those who do not know what spaced repetition is, it is the best way to retain things in your long-term memory . There are number of options these days to note words and other details about them – note-taking apps and good-old word document. I’ve been copying-pasting on word document and taking printouts. For details on how I practiced spaced repetition, refer to my experience of adding more than 8,000 words to my vocabulary.

But why go through the drudgery of noting down – and going through, probably multiple times – example sentences? Why not just construct sentences straight after knowing the meaning of the word?

Blachowicz, Fisher, Ogle, and Watts-Taffe, in their paper , point out the yawning gap between knowing the meaning of words and using them in sentences:

Research suggests that students are able to select correct definitions for unknown words from a dictionary, but they have difficulty then using these words in production tasks such as writing sentences using the new words.

If only it was easy. It’s even more difficult in verbal communication where, unlike in writing, you don’t have the luxury of pausing and recalling appropriate words.

That’s why you need to focus on example sentences.

Majority of those who refer dictionary, however, restrict themselves to meaning of the word. Few bother to check example sentences. But they’re at least as much important as meaning of the word, because they teach you how to use words in sentences, and sentences are the building blocks of speech and writing.

If you regularly explore words in a dictionary, your vocabulary-acquisition funnel will look something like:

More inputs + Exploration in a dictionary = Larger Active Vocabulary

More inputs combined with exploration of words result in even larger active vocabulary.

After you absorb the meaning and example sentences of a word, it enters a virtuous cycle of consolidation. The next time you read or listen the word, you’ll take note of it and its use more actively , which will further reinforce it in your memory. In contrast, if you didn’t interact with the word in-depth, it’ll pass unnoticed, like thousands do every day. That’s cascading effect.

Cascading effect of attention

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4. Use them

To quote Maxwell Nurnberg and Morris Rosenblum from their book All About Words :

In vocabulary building, the problem is not so much finding new words or even finding out what they mean. The problem is to remember them, to fix them permanently in your mind. For you can see that if you are merely introduced to words, you will forget them as quickly as you forget the names of people you are casually introduced to at a crowded party – unless you meet them again or unless you spend some time with them.

This is the crux. Use it or lose it.

Without using, the words will slowly slip away from your memory.

Without using the words few times, you won’t feel confident using them in situations that matter.

If you use the words you explored in dictionary, your vocabulary-acquisition funnel will look something like:

More inputs + Exploration + Use = Largest Active Vocabulary

More inputs combined with exploration of words and use of them result in the largest active vocabulary.

Here is a comparison of the four ways in which people acquire active vocabulary:

words to use for speech

The big question though is how to use the words you’re exploring. Here are few exercises to accomplish this most important step in vocabulary-building process.

Vocabulary exercises: how to use words you’re learning

You can practice these vocabulary activities for 10-odd minutes every day, preferably during the time you waste such as commuting or waiting, to shift more and more words you’ve noted down to your active vocabulary. I’ve used these activities extensively, with strong results to boot.

1. Form sentences and speak them out during your reviews

When you review the list of words you’ve compiled, take a word as cue without looking at its meaning and examples, recall its meaning, and, most importantly, speak out 4-5 sentences using the word. It’s nothing but a flashcard in work. If you follow spaced repetition diligently, you’ll go through this process at least few times. I recommend reading my experience of building vocabulary (linked earlier) to know how I did this part.

Why speaking out, though? (If the surroundings don’t permit, it can be whisper as well.)

Speaking out the word as part of few sentences will serve the additional purpose of making your vocal cords accustomed to new words and phrases.

2. Create thematic webs

When reviewing, take a word and think of other words related to that word. Web of words on a particular theme, in short, and hence the name ‘thematic web’. These are five of many, many thematic webs I’ve actually come up in my reviews:

(Note: Name of the theme is in bold. Second, where there are multiple words, I’ve underlined the main word.)

If I come across the word ‘gourmet’ in my review, I’ll also quickly recall all the words related with food: tea strainer, kitchen cabinet, sink, dish cloth, wipe dishes, rinse utensils, immerse beans in water, simmer, steam, gourmet food, sprinkle salt, spread butter, smear butter, sauté, toss vegetables, and garnish the sweet dish

Similarly, for other themes:

Prognosis, recuperate, frail, pass away, resting place, supplemental air, excruciating pain, and salubrious

C. Showing off

Showy, gaudy, extravaganza, over the top, ostentatious, and grandstanding

D. Crowd behavior

Restive, expectant, hysteria, swoon, resounding welcome, rapturous, jeer, and cheer

E. Rainfall

Deluge, cats and dogs, downpour, cloudburst, heavens opened, started pouring , submerged, embankment, inundate, waterlogged, soaked to the skin, take shelter, run for a cover, torrent, and thunderbolt

(If you notice, words in a particular theme are much wider in sweep than just synonyms.)

It takes me under a minute to complete dozen-odd words in a theme. However, in the beginning, when you’re still adding to your active vocabulary in tons, you’ll struggle to go beyond 2-3 simple words when thinking out such thematic lists. That’s absolutely fine.

Why thematic web, though?

Because that’s how we recall words when speaking or writing. (If you flip through Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis, a popular book on improving vocabulary, you’ll realize that each of its chapters represents a particular idea, something similar to a theme.) Besides, building a web also quickly jogs you through many more words.

3. Describe what you see around

In a commute or other time-waster, look around and speak softly an apt word in a split second for whatever you see. Few examples:

  • If you see grass on the roadside, you can say verdant or luxurious .
  • If you see a vehicle stopping by the roadside, you can say pull over .
  • If you see a vehicle speeding away from other vehicles, you can say pull away .
  • If you see a person carrying a load on the road side, you can say lug and pavement .

Key is to come up with these words in a flash. Go for speed, not accuracy. (After all, you’ll have similar reaction time when speaking.) If you can’t think of an appropriate word for what you see instantaneously – and there will be plenty in the beginning – skip it.

This vocabulary exercise also serves an unintended, though important, objective of curbing the tendency to first think in the native language and then translating into English as you speak. This happens because the spontaneity in coming up with words forces you to think directly in English.

Last, this exercise also helps you assess your current level of vocabulary (for spoken English). If you struggle to come up with words for too many things/ situations, you’ve job on your hands.

4. Describe what one person or object is doing

Another vocabulary exercise you can practice during time-wasters is to focus on a single person and describe her/ his actions, as they unfold, for few minutes. An example:

He is skimming Facebook on his phone. OK, he is done with it. Now, he is taking out his earphones. He has plugged them into his phone, and now he is watching some video. He is watching and watching. There is something funny there in that video, which makes him giggle . Simultaneously, he is adjusting the bag slung across his shoulder.

The underlined words are few of the new additions to my active vocabulary I used on the fly when focusing on this person.

Feel free to improvise and modify this process to suit your unique conditions, keeping in mind the fundamentals such as spaced repetition, utilizing the time you waste, and putting what you’re learning to use.

To end this section, I must point out that you need to build habit to perform these exercises for few minutes at certain time(s) of the day. They’re effective when done regularly.

Why I learnt English vocabulary this way?

For few reasons:

1. I worked backwards from the end result to prepare for real-world situations

David H. Freedman learnt Italian using Duolingo , a popular language-learning app, for more than 70 hours in the buildup to his trip to Italy. A week before they were to leave for Rome, his wife put him to test. She asked how would he ask for his way from Rome airport to the downtown. And how would he order in a restaurant?

David failed miserably.

He had become a master of multiple-choice questions in Italian, which had little bearing on the real situations he would face.

We make this mistake all the time. We don’t start from the end goal and work backwards to design our lessons and exercises accordingly. David’s goal wasn’t to pass a vocabulary test. It was to strike conversation socially.

Coming back to the topic of vocabulary, learning meanings and examples of words in significant volume is a challenge. But a much bigger challenge is to recall an apt word in split second while speaking. (That’s the holy grail of any vocabulary-building exercise, and that’s the end goal we want to achieve.)

The exercises I described earlier in the post follow the same path – backwards from the end.

2. I used proven scientific methods to increase effectiveness

Looking at just a word and recalling its meaning and coming up with rapid-fire examples where that word can be used introduced elements of deliberate practice, the fastest way to build neural connection and hence any skill. (See the exercises we covered.) For the uninitiated, deliberate practice is the way top performers in any field practice .

Another proven method I used was spaced repetition.

3. I built on what I already knew to progress faster

Covering mainly passive vocabulary has made sure that I’m building on what I already know, which makes for faster progress.

Don’t ignore these when building vocabulary

Keep in mind following while building vocabulary:

1. Use of fancy words in communication make you look dumb, not smart

Don’t pick fancy words to add to your vocabulary. Use of such words doesn’t make you look smart. It makes your communication incomprehensible and it shows lack of empathy for the listeners. So avoid learning words such as soliloquy and twerking . The more the word is used in common parlance, the better it is.

An example of how fancy words can make a piece of writing bad is this review of movie , which is littered with plenty of fancy words such as caper , overlong , tomfoolery , hectoring , and cockney . For the same reason, Shashi Tharoor’s Word of the Week is not a good idea . Don’t add such words to your vocabulary.

2. Verbs are more important than nouns and adjectives

Verbs describe action, tell us what to do. They’re clearer. Let me explain this through an example.

In his book Start with Why , Simon Sinek articulates why verbs are more effective than nouns:

For values or guiding principles to be truly effective they have to be verbs. It’s not ‘integrity’, it’s ‘always do the right thing’. It’s not ‘innovation’, it’s ‘look at the problem from a different angle’. Articulating our values as verbs gives us a clear idea… we have a clear idea of how to act in any situation.

‘Always do the right thing’ is better than ‘integrity’ and ‘look at the problem from a different angle’ is better than ‘innovation’ because the former, a verb, in each case is clearer.

The same (importance of verb) is emphasized by L. Dee Fink in his book Creating Significant Learning Experiences in the context of defining learning goals for college students.

Moreover, most people’s vocabulary is particularly poor in verbs. Remember, the verbs from the three examples at the beginning of the post – wash away , dump , and pluck ? How many use them? And they’re simple.

3. Don’t ignore simple verbs

You wouldn’t bother to note down words such as slip , give , and move because you think you know them inside out, after all you’ve been using them regularly for ages.

I also thought so… until I explored few of them.

I found that majority of simple words have few common usages we rarely use. Use of simple words for such common usages will stand your communication skills out.

An example:

a. To slide suddenly or involuntarily as on a smooth surface: She slipped on the icy ground .

b. To slide out from grasp, etc.: The soap slipped from my hand .

c. To move or start gradually from a place or position: His hat slipped over his eyes .

d. To pass without having been acted upon or used: to let an opportunity slip .

e. To pass quickly (often followed by away or by): The years slipped by .

f. To move or go quietly, cautiously, or unobtrusively: to slip out of a room .

Most use the word in the meaning (a) and (b), but if you use the word for meaning (c) to (f) – which BTW is common – you’ll impress people.

Another example:

a. Without the physical presence of people in control: an unmanned spacecraft .

b.  Hovering near the unmanned iPod resting on the side bar, stands a short, blond man.

c. Political leaders are vocal about the benefits they expect to see from unmanned aircraft.

Most use the word unmanned with a moving object such as an aircraft or a drone, but how about using it with an iPod (see (b) above).

4. Don’t ignore phrasal verbs. Get at least common idioms. Proverbs… maybe

4.1 phrasal verbs.

Phrasal verbs are verbs made from combining a main verb and an adverb or preposition or both. For example, here are few phrasal verbs of verb give :

We use phrasal verbs aplenty:

I went to the airport to see my friend off .

He could see through my carefully-crafted ruse.

I took off my coat.

The new captain took over the reins of the company on June 25.

So, don’t ignore them.

Unfortunately, you can’t predict the meaning of a phrasal verb from the main verb. For example, it’s hard to guess the meaning of take over or take off from take . You’ve to learn each phrasal verb separately.

What about idioms?

Compared to phrasal verbs, idioms are relatively less used, but it’s good to know the common ones. To continue the example of word give , here are few idioms derived from it:

Give and take

Give or take

Give ground

Give rise to

Want a list of common idioms? It’s here: List of 200 common idioms .

4.3 Proverbs

Proverbs are popular sayings that provide nuggets of wisdom. Example: A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

Compared to phrasal verbs and idioms, they’re much less used in common conversation and therefore you can do without them.

For the motivated, here is a list of common proverbs: List of 200 common proverbs .

5. Steal phrases, words, and even sentences you like

If you like phrases and sentences you come across, add them to your list for future use. I do it all the time and have built a decent repository of phrases and sentences. Few examples (underlined part is the key phrase):

The bondholders faced the prospect of losing their trousers .

The economy behaved more like a rollercoaster than a balloon . [Whereas rollercoaster refers to an up and down movement, balloon refers to a continuous expansion. Doesn’t such a short phrase express such a profound meaning?]

Throw enough spaghetti against the wall and some of it sticks .

You need blue collar work ethic to succeed in this industry.

He runs fast. Not quite .

Time to give up scalpel . Bring in hammer .

Note that you would usually not find such phrases in a dictionary, because dictionaries are limited to words, phrasal verbs, idioms, and maybe proverbs.

6. Commonly-used nouns

One of my goals while building vocabulary has been to learn what to call commonly-used objects (or nouns) that most struggle to put a word to.

words to use for speech

To give an example, what would you call the following?

Answer: Tea strainer.

You would sound far more impressive when you say, “My tea strainer has turned blackish because of months of filtering tea.”

Than when you say, “The implement that filters tea has turned blackish because of months of filtering tea.”

What do you say?

More examples:

Saucer (We use it every day, but call it ‘plate’.)

Straight/ wavy/ curly hair

Corner shop

I’ll end with a brief reference to the UIDAI project that is providing unique biometric ID to every Indian. This project, launched in 2009, has so far issued a unique ID (popularly called Aadhaar card) to more than 1.1 billion people. The project faced many teething problems and has been a one big grind for the implementers. But once this massive data of billion + people was collected, so many obstinate, long-standing problems are being eased using this data, which otherwise would’ve been difficult to pull off. It has enabled faster delivery of scores of government and private services, checked duplication on many fronts, and brought in more transparency in financial and other transactions, denting parallel economy. There are many more. And many more are being conceived on top of this data.

At some level, vocabulary is somewhat similar. It’ll take effort, but once you’ve sizable active vocabulary, it’ll strengthen arguably the most challenging and the most impressive part of your communication. And because it takes some doing, it’s not easy for others to catch up.

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Anil is the person behind this website. He writes on most aspects of English Language Skills. More about him here:

Such a comprehensive guide. Awesome…

I am using the note app and inbuilt dictionary of iPhone. I have accumulated over 1400 words in 1 year. Will definitely implement ideas from this blog.

Krishna, thanks. If you’re building vocabulary for using, then make sure you work it accordingly.

Building solid vocabulary is my new year’s resolution and you’ve perfectly captured the issues I’ve been facing, with emphasis on passive vocabulary building. So many vocab apps are multiple choice and thereby useless for this reason. Thanks so much for the exercises! I plan to put them to use!

It was everything that I need to boost my active vocabulary. Thank you so much for sharing all these precious pieces of information.

Anil sir, I am quiet satisfied the way you laid out everything possible that one needs to know from A-Z. Also, thanks for assuring me from your experience that applying this will work.

This post definitely blew me away…. I am impressed! Thank you so much for sharing such valuable information. It was exactly what I needed!

Amazing post! While reading this post, I am thinking about the person who developed this. I wanna give a big hug and thank you so much.

Comments are closed.


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Speech transitions: words and phrases to connect your ideas

June 28, 2018 - Gini Beqiri

When delivering presentations it’s important for your words and ideas to flow so your audience can understand how everything links together and why it’s all relevant.

This can be done using speech transitions because these act as signposts to the audience – signalling the relationship between points and ideas. This article explores how to use speech transitions in presentations.

What are speech transitions?

Speech transitions are words and phrases that allow you to smoothly move from one point to another so that your speech flows and your presentation is unified.

This makes it easier for the audience to understand your argument and without transitions the  audience may be confused  as to how one point relates to another and they may think you’re randomly jumping between points.

Types of transitions

Transitions can be one word, a phrase or a full sentence – there are many different types, here are a few:


Introduce your topic:

  • We will be looking at/identifying/investigating the effects of…
  • Today I will be discussing…

Presentation outline

Inform the audience of the structure of your presentation:

  • There are three key points I’ll be discussing…
  • I want to begin by…, and then I’ll move on to…
  • We’ll be covering… from two points of view…
  • This presentation is divided into four parts…

Move from the introduction to the first point

Signify to the audience that you will now begin discussing the first main point:

  • Now that you’re aware of the overview, let’s begin with…
  • First, let’s begin with…
  • I will first cover…
  • My first point covers…
  • To get started, let’s look at…

Shift between similar points

Move from one point to a similar one:

  • In the same way…
  • Likewise…
  • Equally…
  • This is similar to…
  • Similarly…

Presentation transitions at a meeting

Shift between disagreeing points

You may have to introduce conflicting ideas – bridging words and phrases are especially good for this:

  • Conversely…
  • Despite this…
  • However…
  • On the contrary…
  • Now let’s consider…
  • Even so…
  • Nonetheless…
  • We can’t ignore…
  • On the other hand…

Transition to a significant issue

  • Fundamentally…
  • A major issue is…
  • The crux of the matter…
  • A significant concern is…

Referring to previous points

You may have to refer to something that you’ve already spoken about because, for example, there may have been a break or a fire alarm etc:

  • Let’s return to…
  • We briefly spoke about X earlier; let’s look at it in more depth now…
  • Let’s revisit…
  • Let’s go back to…
  • Do you recall when I mentioned…

This can be also be useful to introduce a new point because adults learn better when new information builds on previously learned information.

Introducing an aside note

You may want to introduce a digression:

  • I’d just like to mention…
  • That reminds me…
  • Incidentally…

Physical movement

You can  move your body  and your standing location when you transition to another point. The audience find it easier to follow your presentation and movement will increase their interest.

A common technique for incorporating movement into your presentation is to:

  • Start your introduction by standing in the centre of the stage.
  • For your first point you stand on the left side of the stage.
  • You discuss your second point from the centre again.
  • You stand on the right side of the stage for your third point.
  • The conclusion occurs in the centre.

Emphasising importance

You need to ensure that the audience get the message by informing them why something is important:

  • More importantly…
  • This is essential…
  • Primarily…
  • Mainly…

Internal summaries

Internal summarising consists of summarising before moving on to the next point. You must inform the audience:

  • What part of the presentation you covered – “In the first part of this speech we’ve covered…”
  • What the key points were – “Precisely how…”
  • How this links in with the overall presentation – “So that’s the context…”
  • What you’re moving on to – “Now I’d like to move on to the second part of presentation which looks at…”

Speech transitions during a team meeting

Cause and effect

You will have to transition to show relationships between factors:

  • Therefore…
  • Thus…
  • Consequently…
  • As a result…
  • This is significant because…
  • Hence…


  • Also…
  • Besides…
  • What’s more…
  • In addition/additionally…
  • Moreover…
  • Furthermore…

Point-by-point or steps of a process

  • First/firstly/The first one is…
  • Second/Secondly/The second one is…
  • Third/Thirdly/The third one is…
  • Last/Lastly/Finally/The fourth one is…

Introduce an example

  • This is demonstrated by…
  • For instance…
  • Take the case of…
  • For example…
  • You may be asking whether this happens in X? The answer is yes…
  • To show/illustrate/highlight this…
  • Let me illustrate this by…

Transition to a demonstration

  • Now that we’ve covered the theory, let’s practically apply it…
  • I’ll conduct an experiment to show you this in action…
  • Let me demonstrate this…
  • I’ll now show you this…

Introducing a quotation

  • X was a supporter of this thinking because he said…
  • There is a lot of support for this, for example, X said…

Transition to another speaker

In a  group presentation  you must transition to other speakers:

  • Briefly recap on what you covered in your section: “So that was a brief introduction on what health anxiety is and how it can affect somebody”
  • Introduce the next speaker in the team and explain what they will discuss: “Now Gayle will talk about the prevalence of health anxiety.”
  • Then end by looking at the next speaker, gesturing towards them and saying their name: “Gayle”.
  • The next speaker should acknowledge this with a quick: “Thank you Simon.”

From these examples, you can see how the different sections of the presentations link which makes it easier for the audience to follow and remain engaged.

You can  tell personal stories  or share the experiences of others to introduce a point. Anecdotes are especially valuable for your introduction and between different sections of the presentation because they engage the audience. Ensure that you plan the stories thoroughly beforehand and that they are not too long.

Using questions

You can transition through your speech by asking questions and these questions also have the benefit of engaging your audience more. There are three different types of questions:

Direct questions require an answer: “What is the capital of Italy?” These are mentally stimulating for the audience.

Rhetorical questions  do not require answers, they are often used to emphasises an idea or point: “Is the Pope catholic?

Loaded questions contain an unjustified assumption made to prompt the audience into providing a particular answer which you can then correct to support your point: You may ask “Why does your wonderful company have such a low incidence of mental health problems?”.

The audience will generally answer that they’re happy. After receiving the answers you could then say “Actually it’s because people are still unwilling and too embarrassed to seek help for mental health issues at work etc.”

Speech transitions during a conference

Transition to a visual aid

If you are going to introduce a visual aid you must prepare the audience with what they’re going to see, for example, you might be leading into a diagram that supports your statement. Also, before you  show the visual aid , explain why you’re going to show it, for example, “This graph is a significant piece of evidence supporting X”.

When the graphic is on display get the audience to focus on it:

  • The table indicates…
  • As you can see…
  • I’d like to direct your attention to…

Explain what the visual is showing:

  • You can see that there has been a reduction in…
  • The diagram is comparing the…

Using a visual aid to transition

Visual aids can also be used as transitions and they have the benefit of being stimulating and breaking-up vocal transitions.

You might have a slide with just a picture on it to signify to the audience that you’re moving on to a new point – ensure that this image is relevant to the point. Many speakers like to use cartoons for this purpose but ensure its suitable for your audience.

Always summarise your key points first in the conclusion:

  • Let’s recap on what we’ve spoken about today…
  • Let me briefly summarise the main points…

And then conclude:

If you have a shorter speech you may choose to  end your presentation  with one statement:

  • In short…
  • To sum up…
  • In a nutshell…
  • To summarise…
  • In conclusion…

However, using statements such as “To conclude” may cause the audience to stop listening. It’s better to say:

  • I’d like to leave you with this…
  • What you should take away from this is…
  • Finally, I want to say…

Call to action

Requesting the audience to do something at the end of the presentation:

  • You may be thinking how can I help in this matter? Well…
  • My aim is to encourage you to go further and…
  • What I’m requesting of you is…

Common mistakes

When transitions are used poorly you can annoy and confuse the audience. Avoid:

  • Using transitions that are too short – transitions are a key part of ensuring the audience understands your presentation so spend sufficient time linking to your next idea.
  • Too many tangents – any digressions should still be relevant to the topic and help the audience with their understanding, otherwise cut them out.
  • Incompatible transitions – for example, if you’re about to introduce an example that supports your statement you wouldn’t introduce this by saying “but”. Use transitions that signify the relationship between points.
  • Over-using the same transition because this is boring for the audience to hear repeatedly. Ensure that there is variety with your transitions, consider including visual transitions.
  • Miscounting your transitions – for example, don’t say “first point”, “second point”, “next point” – refer to your points consistently.

Speech transitions are useful for unifying and connecting your presentation. The audience are more likely to remain engaged since they’ll be able to follow your points. But remember that it’s important to practice your transitions beforehand and not just the content of your arguments because you risk looking unprofessional and confusing the audience if the presentation does not flow smoothly.

The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

What this handout is about

This handout will help you create an effective speech by establishing the purpose of your speech and making it easily understandable. It will also help you to analyze your audience and keep the audience interested.

What’s different about a speech?

Writing for public speaking isn’t so different from other types of writing. You want to engage your audience’s attention, convey your ideas in a logical manner and use reliable evidence to support your point. But the conditions for public speaking favor some writing qualities over others. When you write a speech, your audience is made up of listeners. They have only one chance to comprehend the information as you read it, so your speech must be well-organized and easily understood. In addition, the content of the speech and your delivery must fit the audience.

What’s your purpose?

People have gathered to hear you speak on a specific issue, and they expect to get something out of it immediately. And you, the speaker, hope to have an immediate effect on your audience. The purpose of your speech is to get the response you want. Most speeches invite audiences to react in one of three ways: feeling, thinking, or acting. For example, eulogies encourage emotional response from the audience; college lectures stimulate listeners to think about a topic from a different perspective; protest speeches in the Pit recommend actions the audience can take.

As you establish your purpose, ask yourself these questions:

  • What do you want the audience to learn or do?
  • If you are making an argument, why do you want them to agree with you?
  • If they already agree with you, why are you giving the speech?
  • How can your audience benefit from what you have to say?

Audience analysis

If your purpose is to get a certain response from your audience, you must consider who they are (or who you’re pretending they are). If you can identify ways to connect with your listeners, you can make your speech interesting and useful.

As you think of ways to appeal to your audience, ask yourself:

  • What do they have in common? Age? Interests? Ethnicity? Gender?
  • Do they know as much about your topic as you, or will you be introducing them to new ideas?
  • Why are these people listening to you? What are they looking for?
  • What level of detail will be effective for them?
  • What tone will be most effective in conveying your message?
  • What might offend or alienate them?

For more help, see our handout on audience .

Creating an effective introduction

Get their attention, otherwise known as “the hook”.

Think about how you can relate to these listeners and get them to relate to you or your topic. Appealing to your audience on a personal level captures their attention and concern, increasing the chances of a successful speech. Speakers often begin with anecdotes to hook their audience’s attention. Other methods include presenting shocking statistics, asking direct questions of the audience, or enlisting audience participation.

Establish context and/or motive

Explain why your topic is important. Consider your purpose and how you came to speak to this audience. You may also want to connect the material to related or larger issues as well, especially those that may be important to your audience.

Get to the point

Tell your listeners your thesis right away and explain how you will support it. Don’t spend as much time developing your introductory paragraph and leading up to the thesis statement as you would in a research paper for a course. Moving from the intro into the body of the speech quickly will help keep your audience interested. You may be tempted to create suspense by keeping the audience guessing about your thesis until the end, then springing the implications of your discussion on them. But if you do so, they will most likely become bored or confused.

For more help, see our handout on introductions .

Making your speech easy to understand

Repeat crucial points and buzzwords.

Especially in longer speeches, it’s a good idea to keep reminding your audience of the main points you’ve made. For example, you could link an earlier main point or key term as you transition into or wrap up a new point. You could also address the relationship between earlier points and new points through discussion within a body paragraph. Using buzzwords or key terms throughout your paper is also a good idea. If your thesis says you’re going to expose unethical behavior of medical insurance companies, make sure the use of “ethics” recurs instead of switching to “immoral” or simply “wrong.” Repetition of key terms makes it easier for your audience to take in and connect information.

Incorporate previews and summaries into the speech

For example:

“I’m here today to talk to you about three issues that threaten our educational system: First, … Second, … Third,”

“I’ve talked to you today about such and such.”

These kinds of verbal cues permit the people in the audience to put together the pieces of your speech without thinking too hard, so they can spend more time paying attention to its content.

Use especially strong transitions

This will help your listeners see how new information relates to what they’ve heard so far. If you set up a counterargument in one paragraph so you can demolish it in the next, begin the demolition by saying something like,

“But this argument makes no sense when you consider that . . . .”

If you’re providing additional information to support your main point, you could say,

“Another fact that supports my main point is . . . .”

Helping your audience listen

Rely on shorter, simpler sentence structures.

Don’t get too complicated when you’re asking an audience to remember everything you say. Avoid using too many subordinate clauses, and place subjects and verbs close together.

Too complicated:

The product, which was invented in 1908 by Orville Z. McGillicuddy in Des Moines, Iowa, and which was on store shelves approximately one year later, still sells well.

Easier to understand:

Orville Z. McGillicuddy invented the product in 1908 and introduced it into stores shortly afterward. Almost a century later, the product still sells well.

Limit pronoun use

Listeners may have a hard time remembering or figuring out what “it,” “they,” or “this” refers to. Be specific by using a key noun instead of unclear pronouns.

Pronoun problem:

The U.S. government has failed to protect us from the scourge of so-called reality television, which exploits sex, violence, and petty conflict, and calls it human nature. This cannot continue.

Why the last sentence is unclear: “This” what? The government’s failure? Reality TV? Human nature?

More specific:

The U.S. government has failed to protect us from the scourge of so-called reality television, which exploits sex, violence, and petty conflict, and calls it human nature. This failure cannot continue.

Keeping audience interest

Incorporate the rhetorical strategies of ethos, pathos, and logos.

When arguing a point, using ethos, pathos, and logos can help convince your audience to believe you and make your argument stronger. Ethos refers to an appeal to your audience by establishing your authenticity and trustworthiness as a speaker. If you employ pathos, you appeal to your audience’s emotions. Using logos includes the support of hard facts, statistics, and logical argumentation. The most effective speeches usually present a combination these rhetorical strategies.

Use statistics and quotations sparingly

Include only the most striking factual material to support your perspective, things that would likely stick in the listeners’ minds long after you’ve finished speaking. Otherwise, you run the risk of overwhelming your listeners with too much information.

Watch your tone

Be careful not to talk over the heads of your audience. On the other hand, don’t be condescending either. And as for grabbing their attention, yelling, cursing, using inappropriate humor, or brandishing a potentially offensive prop (say, autopsy photos) will only make the audience tune you out.

Creating an effective conclusion

Restate your main points, but don’t repeat them.

“I asked earlier why we should care about the rain forest. Now I hope it’s clear that . . .” “Remember how Mrs. Smith couldn’t afford her prescriptions? Under our plan, . . .”

Call to action

Speeches often close with an appeal to the audience to take action based on their new knowledge or understanding. If you do this, be sure the action you recommend is specific and realistic. For example, although your audience may not be able to affect foreign policy directly, they can vote or work for candidates whose foreign policy views they support. Relating the purpose of your speech to their lives not only creates a connection with your audience, but also reiterates the importance of your topic to them in particular or “the bigger picture.”

Practicing for effective presentation

Once you’ve completed a draft, read your speech to a friend or in front of a mirror. When you’ve finished reading, ask the following questions:

  • Which pieces of information are clearest?
  • Where did I connect with the audience?
  • Where might listeners lose the thread of my argument or description?
  • Where might listeners become bored?
  • Where did I have trouble speaking clearly and/or emphatically?
  • Did I stay within my time limit?

Other resources

  • Toastmasters International is a nonprofit group that provides communication and leadership training.
  • Allyn & Bacon Publishing’s Essence of Public Speaking Series is an extensive treatment of speech writing and delivery, including books on using humor, motivating your audience, word choice and presentation.

Works consulted

We consulted these works while writing this handout. This is not a comprehensive list of resources on the handout’s topic, and we encourage you to do your own research to find additional publications. Please do not use this list as a model for the format of your own reference list, as it may not match the citation style you are using. For guidance on formatting citations, please see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial . We revise these tips periodically and welcome feedback.

Boone, Louis E., David L. Kurtz, and Judy R. Block. 1997. Contemporary Business Communication . Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Ehrlich, Henry. 1994. Writing Effective Speeches . New York: Marlowe.

Lamb, Sandra E. 1998. How to Write It: A Complete Guide to Everything You’ll Ever Write . Berkeley: Ten Speed Press.

You may reproduce it for non-commercial use if you use the entire handout and attribute the source: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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100+ TR Words for Speech Therapy (Sound Blends Word Lists!)

Are you a speech-language pathologist or parent looking for TR words for speech therapy to practice with your child or student? Then this blog is just what you need! It has over 100 Initial TR blends that will help strengthen your child or student’s /tr/ sound. 

Initial TR Words Speech Therapy

One area that can often present challenges for both therapists and clients is working with consonant blends, particularly those involving the “R” sound. The “TR” blend, in particular, can be a significant focus in speech therapy sessions because of how common it is.  

Key Takeaways

  • Addressing “TR” words in speech therapy is important for clear and effective communication
  • Interactive tools and techniques are essential in practicing R sounds and blends
  • Both linguistic and physical aspects of speech formation need to be considered in therapy

Speech-language pathologists can begin by assessing the individual’s ability to produce the /tr/ sound. This involves examining the placement of the tongue, lips, and other oral structures. It is important to pay close attention to the manner in which the sounds combine, as it is common for individuals with speech disorders to struggle with blending consonants.

words to use for speech

Correct Sound Production

In the English language, the r sound is one of the most difficult sounds as well as one of the last sounds to develop. There are two different ways a Speech Language Pathologist can teach tongue placement for r remediation. 

First, let’s review the two different variations for tongue movements for producing the correct r sound:

  • Retroflexed R

The two different tongue positions are very similar and vary in mid-tongue and tongue tip placements:

  • Teeth: The /r/ sound is made by having a slight gap between the teeth.
  • Lips: Lips should be in a neutral position and not rounded. (A rounded lip shape might lead to a w sound in place of an /r/ sound, such as “wed” for the word “red”.
  • Sides of the Tongue: Be sure to place the sides of the tongue and back of the tongue against the upper side of your teeth to allow for the passage of air to go down the center of the tongue.
  • Retroflexed Tongue Position: Have the mid-tongue somewhat tense but not bunched up. Then place the tip of the tongue pointing up to the roof of their mouth just past the alveolar ridge.
  • Bunched Tongue Position: Have the mid-tongue bunched up near the roof of the mouth. Then place the tip of the tongue pointing down or straight.
  • Air: Then blow a skinny stream of air over the center of your tongue (you do not want the air to come out the sides of the tongue).
  • Voice: The next step is that the r sound is also a voiced sound so your voice box or vocal cords should vibrate. You can tell that their voice is turned on by touching your voice box on your neck and feeling it vibrate (the upper part of the throat).

words to use for speech

Hardest Sounds

Please keep in mind that the r sound is a later developing sound and one of the hardest aspects is teaching the complexity of speech movements. 

Teaching the right way to place the child’s tongue can give you a hard time. 

That’s why it’s important to work closely with a licensed Speech-Language Pathologist to give you professional help to work with your child to find the right position for their tongue to produce a great sounding r sound.

R Speech Sounds

  • Prevocalic R – is when the r sound comes before a vowel sound, such as an initial r word “red”. 
  • Vocalic R  Sound – is when the r sound comes after a vowel sound, such as: or, ar, er, ear, ire, air.

words to use for speech

Consonant Blends

In speech therapy, consonant blends, also known as consonant clusters, play a vital role in helping individuals develop proper speech patterns. 

An initial consonant blend is when two or more consonant sounds come together at the beginning of a word without any vowels between them. 

For instance, bl in “blink,” cr in “crunch,” and st in “sting” are examples of consonant blends. 

An essential part of speech therapy is to practice and perfect initial consonant blends, which occur at the beginning of words. Our goal is to avoid the simplification of consonant blends into single sounds, which is common and also known as a consonant cluster reduction. 

We work together with clients to ensure they can accurately pronounce these blends and increase their overall speech intelligibility. 

words to use for speech

Practicing R Sounds and Blends

To practice the R sound, we begin by focusing on the positioning of the tongue. 

The tip of the tongue should be curled up and placed near the alveolar ridge (just behind the upper front teeth). The sides of the tongue should touch the upper molars, while the rest of the tongue remains flat in the mouth. This is called the retroflex R. Encourage clients to maintain this tongue position while sustaining the R sound for a few seconds.

Once clients have learned the correct tongue position, we can introduce different target sounds such as R blends in the TR- and STR- (sounds at the initial position of words). To practice these sounds, use a variety of words containing the target blends, like:

  • TR words: truck, train, tray, tree, trust
  • STR words: street, strong, stripe, strawberry, structure

We can create fun activities to practice these words, such as memory games, word matching, or flashcards. Including visuals, like images of the objects, can help clients associate the words with their meanings.

Here is a quick compilation of different resource types we have created and compiled for you to use in your speech therapy services! 

  • STR Words Speech Therapy

words to use for speech

  • Prevocalic R Freebie

words to use for speech

  • 1, 200+ R Words for Speech Therapy

words to use for speech

  • R Sound Activities for Speech Therapy + I Spy Freebie!

words to use for speech

Target Words

Here’s a list of Initial TR articulation sounds for you to use in therapy or at home practice to work on your student or child’s new skill.

  • For Example: truck, truth, try, trophy, trunk, trust, triangle

See full list of words, phrases, and sentences below.

Be sure to grab my one page freebie of Initial TR sounds below. Simply scroll to the bottom of this post and grab your free copy!

words to use for speech

Initial TR Words Speech Therapy Word List

Some ways to practice include having your child or student say each initial /tr/ word one by one as they go through a list. 

Using a dot marker can also be a fun way to practice having your child put a dot under each Initial TR sound. 

In addition, I’ve compiled an easy-to-download one page overview of Initial TR sounds below. Simply scroll down to the bottom of this post and download your free copy.

  • 1 Syllable:  tree, truth, train, truck, true, try, trust, trout, trip, track, treat, trade, trap, Troy, tray, trick, trend, tram, trail, trash, trim, trike, trump, Trey, trace, trunk, trek, trot, trench, trance, troll, trait, tread, trite, treeless, tracks
  • 2 Syllable:  treasure, trave, tractor, triple, Tracy, trouble, triumph, Tristan, trio, treatment, trophy, trial, trigger, trying, trailer, training, trumpet, tremble, trident, trickster, trojan, triad, trifle, trainer, trendy, truthful, trolley, trachea, tragic, trousers, trauma, truffle, treason, tribute, traitor, trampling, treaty, transport, traffic, trapeze, trucker, trading, transfer, tribune, tripping, trusting, treasures, triplet
  • 3 Syllable:  tropical, trampoline, tragedy, triangle, trinity, tradition, trivia, treasurer, translation, trilogy, transmission, transition, trivial, traveler, trapezoid, transmitter, tricycle
  • 4 Syllable:  transformation, transportation, tranquility

Practice in Flash Card Mode Right Here from Your Computer!

initial tr track

1 Syllable2 Syllable3 Syllable4 Syllable

words to use for speech

SEE ALSO: 21 Best Reinforcement Games for Speech Therapy

Short sentences or phrases.

When working on Initial TR sound production, it’s important to work on short phrases once your child or student has mastered the sound at the word level at or near 80% or higher accuracy.

Here is a list of Initial TR word phrases to try:

Initial TR Words Speech Therapy in Phrases

1 Syllable2 Syllable3 Syllable4 Syllable
tree housetreasure chesttropical vacationmade a transformation
tells the truthbroke traveplay on the trampolinehas transportation
train tracksgreen tractorexperienced tragedyfeels tranquility
red trucktriple the amountdrew a triangle
true or falseTracy is atrinity necklace
try againin troubleis tradition
trust herwill triumphtrivia game
trout fishingTristan clappedis a treasurer
road tripfunny trionew translation
track teamfor treatmentread the whole trilogy
eat a treatwon a trophytransmission problems
trade cardstrial and errorbig transition
mouse trapis a triggertrivial problem
Troy wavedtrying hardworld traveler
fruit traynew trailertrapezoid shape
trick or treattraining exercisetransmitter radio
new trendplay the trumpetnew tricycle
take the trammade her tremble
hike this trailholds a trident
trash canis a trickster
trim the bushtrojan horse
rides her triketriad of subjects
trump in cardssmall trifle
Trey jumpedwork out trainer
trace the lettertrendy style
open trunkis truthful
long trekride the trolley
trot alonghurt her trachea
dug a trenchtragic news
in a trancetrousers are too big
troll under the bridgeworks in trauma recovery
good character traitate a truffle
tread in the watercharged with treason
trite responsegave tribute
treeless fieldwas a traitor
tire trackstrampling through
signed the treaty
will need a transport
stuck in traffic
trapeze show
is a trucker
trading berries
transfer to a new school
wrote for the Tribune
tripping up the stairs
trusting herself
found treasures
is a triplet

words to use for speech

Sentence Level: Initial TR Words Speech Therapy

The next step after working at the word and phrase levels is to work on the Initial TR sound at the sentence level.

For example, you could give your child or student a list of sentences to read aloud while they work on their Initial TR sound. 

Another idea would be to give your child or student pictures with their Initial TR sound in them and then have them create a sentence about those pictures.

Below is a list of sentences to use with your child or students.

Initial TRWords Speech Therapy in Sentences

1 Syllable2 Syllable
They play in the tree house.They hunt for the treasure chest.
He tells the truth.The broken trave needs to be fixed.
The train is on the tracks.There is a green tractor in the field.
I drive a red truck.He made triple the amount.
It is a true or false question.Tracy is a good friend.
We will try again.He is in trouble.
He will trust her.They will triumph.
They go trout fishing.Tristan clapped loudly.
I am on a road trip.They are a funny trio.
She joins the track team.He goes in for treatment.
We will eat a treat.She won a trophy.
They trade cards.They will use trial and error.
The mouse trap is set.That is a trigger.
Troy waved at his friend.He is trying hard to win.
I brought a fruit tray.The new trailer was clean.
Let’s go trick or treat.He was in a training exercise.
It is a new trend.She can play the trumpet.
We can take the tram.The sound made her tremble.
Let’s hike this trail.He holds a trident.
The trash can is full.He is a trickster.
He uses the cutters to trim the tree.They were in the Trojan Horse.
She rides her trike.He knows a triad of subjects.
He plays the trump in cards.It was a small trifle.
Trey jumped high.He is a workout trainer.
She can trace the letter.She has a trendy style.
The open trunk has groceries in it.She is truthful.
It is a long trek.He can ride the trolley today.
They all trot along.She hurt her trachea.
They dug a trench.They received tragic news.
He is in a trance.His trousers are too big.
There is a troll under the bridge.He works in trauma recovery.
He has a good character trait.She ate a truffle.
She can tread in the water.She was charged with treason.
He gave a trite response.He gave tribute.
The treeless field is open.He was a traitor.
There are tire tracks in the mud.The animals went trampling through.
He signed the treaty.
I will need a means of transport.
We are stuck in traffic.
I watched the trapeze show.
He is a trucker.
They are trading berries.
She will transfer to a new school.
I wrote for the tribune.
She is tripping up the stairs.
She is trusting herself.
I found treasures.
She is a triplet.
3 Syllable4 Syllable
I went on a tropical vacation.He made a transformation today.
They play on the trampoline.She has a form of transportation.
They experienced tragedy.He feels tranquility here.
He drew a triangle.
She wears a trinity necklace.
This is a tradition.
They play a trivia game.
She is a treasurer for the club.
This is a new translation.
He read the whole trilogy.
The car has transmission problems.
This is a big transition.
It feels like a trivial problem.
She is a world traveler.
He has a trapezoid shape.
He uses a transmitter radio.
She has a new tricycle.

words to use for speech

Initial TR Words Speech Therapy Ideas

Boom cards are another fun and engaging way to strengthen your child or student’s articulation skills.

Here are a few favorite boom cards to work on the Initial TR: 

  • Free Articulation Boom™ Cards | Spot the Target R Blends Sample TR FR By Speech Your Mind is a fantastic set of teaching tools for young children to practice articulation of TR and FR blends. This set is also good for distance learning!
  • Break The Ice – Maze Game for r-blends Freebie by The Speech Banana TpT is an interactive favorite for early intervention practice for students at different levels of R-Blend articulation!

words to use for speech

SEE ALSO: Free Articulation Games for Speech Therapy

Therapy room.

Are you a speech therapist looking for Initial TR words to practice with your clients? 

Here are a couple of fun worksheets and games that you can use in your therapy room to work on the Initial TR sound.

  • TR, STR, THR Picture-less Articulation Playing Cards by SLPeepo is a highly rated game for middle school, high school or small groups! This will be a great teaching tool in your therapy room.
  • Gumball Articulation for TR words by One SLP in a Pod is a fun game for early readers to practice TR articulation. This is a great resource for different age groups from young children to middle school!
  • Articulation Word List- Speech Therapy-R blends-FREE by Georgia Speech LLC is a great resource to practice TR articulation at word level with picture cards. These also make great flash cards and is a comprehensive K-12 resource.

words to use for speech

SEE ALSO: 279+ Free Speech Therapy Digital Materials

Do you feel like you don’t have much time to work on your child or student’s initial TR sound? 

Articulation therapy can be as simple as 5 minutes of practice a day.

Here is a list of 5 minute therapy ideas to work on the Initial TR sound.

  • R blends (br, cr, dr, fr, gr, tr, pr) CONNECT 4: digital/PPT version by Old Sol New World is a highly rated game on interactive whiteboards. This activity is great for young children to middle school. 
  • Dinosaur R Blends Articulation Speech Activity by Fun Early Learning is a great print and go resource for young children or for early intervention when practicing TR articulation. This also would be good in an independent work packet!

words to use for speech

Need Other Sounds?

Check out our i nitial s sound , medial s sound , final s sound or s blends or simply check out our complete growing list of the most common sounds in all my articulation word lists !

In Conclusion: TR Words Speech Therapy

The key to success with TR words speech therapy is practice and persistence. By incorporating these techniques into therapy sessions or at-home practice, individuals can make tremendous strides in articulating sounds more clearly and confidently. We hope you have found this article helpful for working on your child or student’s Initial TR sound. 

Be sure to grab your freebie of 20 words to start practicing 5 minutes a day!

Grab Your Free Initial TR Word List with Pictures Here!

Simply enter your name and email to have this free Initial TR Words list with picture cards emailed directly to your inbox! 

Grab our Initial TR Words List!

Frequently asked questions – speech-language pathology, what are some common tr blend words for speech therapy.

We often find that common TR blend words used in speech therapy include: train, tree, truck, treat, trace, and triangle. These words give children a solid foundation for practicing and mastering the TR sound.

What are helpful strategies for teaching TR words to kindergarteners?

We find that a multi-sensory approach is beneficial for teaching TR words to kindergarteners. This may include activities like tracing the TR blend with their finger in the air or on a textured surface, saying the word out loud, and incorporating visual aids such as flashcards or pictures.

Which TR sound words are suitable for first graders?

For first graders, we recommend using TR sound words that are simple and age-appropriate, such as train or truck. As they become more advanced, you can introduce longer and more complex TR blend words.

Are there any useful TR blend worksheets available?

Yes, there are many TR blend worksheets available online for various age groups and skill levels. Worksheets can focus on word identification, matching, or spelling activities. They can be a helpful resource for reinforcing TR sound word recognition and practice.

How can pictures enhance learning of TR blend words?

Pictures facilitate visual learning and can help children better understand and remember TR blend words. Using images alongside the written word helps to create a mental association between the image and the word, making it easier for children to retain and recall the information. Visualization can be a powerful learning tool in speech therapy.

Want Even More Initial TR Words Speech Therapy?

  • 21 Best Reinforcement Games for Speech Therapy
  • 261+ Free Ideas for Digital Therapy
  • 917+ Best Free Boom Cards for Speech Therapy
  • 11 Free Articulation Games for Speech Therapy
  • Best Free Interactive PDF for Speech Therapy All-in-One

Want the Best of the Bests?

Be sure to check out our most popular posts below!

  • 21 Best Reinforcement Games for Speech Therapy / Teletherapy
  • Best IEP Resources
  • 71+ Free Social Problem-Solving Scenarios
  • 430+ Free Multisyllabic Words List Activity Bundle
  • 432+ Free Measurable IEP Goals and Objectives Bank
  • 279+ Free Speech Therapy Digital Materials
  • 179+ Free Speech Therapy Wh-Questions Printable

100 Words to Make You Sound Smart 

Learn words with flashcards and other activities, other learning activities, teaching tools, full list of words from this list:.

  • accolade a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction
  • acrimony a rough and bitter manner
  • angst an acute but unspecific feeling of anxiety
  • anomaly deviation from the normal or common order, form, or rule
  • avant-garde radically new or original
  • baroque relating to an elaborately ornamented style of art and music
  • bona fide not counterfeit or copied
  • bonhomie a disposition to be friendly and approachable
  • boondoggle work of little or no value done merely to look busy
  • bourgeois being of the property-owning class
  • bravado a swaggering show of courage
  • brogue a thick and heavy shoe
  • brusque rudely abrupt or blunt in speech or manner
  • cacophony loud confusing disagreeable sounds
  • camaraderie the quality of affording easy familiarity and sociability
  • capricious determined by chance or impulse rather than by necessity
  • carte blanche complete freedom or authority to act
  • caustic capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action
  • charisma personal attractiveness that enables you to influence others
  • cloying overly sweet
  • deja vu the experience of thinking a new situation already occurred
  • dichotomy a classification into two opposed parts or subclasses
  • dilettante an amateur engaging in an activity without serious intention
  • disheveled in disarray; extremely disorderly
  • elan enthusiastic and assured vigor and liveliness
  • ennui the feeling of being bored by something tedious
  • ephemeral lasting a very short time
  • epitome a standard or typical example
  • equanimity steadiness of mind under stress
  • equivocate be deliberately ambiguous or unclear
  • ersatz artificial and inferior
  • esoteric understandable only by an enlightened inner circle
  • euphemism an inoffensive expression substituted for an offensive one
  • facetious cleverly amusing in tone
  • fait accompli an irreversible accomplishment
  • fastidious giving careful attention to detail
  • faux pas a socially awkward or tactless act
  • fiasco a complete failure or collapse
  • finagle achieve something by means of trickery or devious methods
  • glib artfully persuasive in speech
  • gregarious temperamentally seeking and enjoying the company of others
  • harbinger something indicating the approach of something or someone
  • hedonist someone motivated by desires for sensual pleasures
  • heresy a belief that rejects the orthodox tenets of a religion
  • idiosyncratic peculiar to the individual
  • idyllic charmingly simple and serene
  • indelicate in violation of good taste even verging on the indecent
  • infinitesimal immeasurably small
  • insidious working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way
  • junket dessert made of sweetened milk coagulated with rennet
  • litany a prayer led by clergy with responses from the congregation
  • lurid glaringly vivid and graphic; marked by sensationalism
  • Machiavellian of or relating to amoral or conniving political principles
  • malaise a feeling of mild sickness or depression
  • malinger avoid responsibilities and duties, often by faking illness
  • mantra a sacred utterance or poetic hymn in Vedism
  • maudlin very sentimental or emotional
  • mercenary a person hired to fight for another country than their own
  • minimalist a conservative advocating only minor reforms in government
  • misnomer an incorrect or unsuitable name
  • narcissist someone who is excessively self-centered
  • nirvana the beatitude that transcends the cycle of reincarnation
  • non sequitur a reply that has no relevance to what preceded it
  • oblivion the state of being disregarded or forgotten
  • ogle stare or look at, especially with amorous intentions
  • ostentatious intended to attract notice and impress others
  • ostracize expel from a community or group
  • panacea hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases
  • paradox a statement that contradicts itself
  • peevish easily irritated or annoyed
  • perfunctory hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough
  • philistine a person who is uninterested in intellectual pursuits
  • picayune small and of little importance
  • precocious characterized by exceptionally early development
  • propriety correct behavior
  • quid pro quo something given in exchange for something else
  • quintessential representing the perfect example of a class or quality
  • red herring something intended to distract attention from the main issue
  • revel take delight in
  • rhetoric study of the technique for using language effectively
  • scintillating having brief brilliant points or flashes of light
  • spartan unsparing and uncompromising in discipline or judgment
  • stigma a symbol of disgrace or infamy
  • stoic seeming unaffected by pleasure or pain; impassive
  • suave having a sophisticated charm
  • supercilious having or showing arrogant superiority
  • sycophant a person who tries to please someone to gain an advantage
  • teetotaler someone who abstains from drinking alcoholic beverages
  • tete-a-tete a private conversation between two people
  • tirade a speech of violent denunciation
  • tryst a secret rendezvous, especially a romantic one
  • ubiquitous being present everywhere at once
  • unrequited not returned in kind
  • untenable incapable of being defended or justified
  • verbose using or containing too many words
  • vicarious experienced at secondhand
  • vile morally reprehensible
  • waft a long flag; often tapering
  • zealous marked by active interest and enthusiasm
  • Zeitgeist the spirit of the time

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Frantically Speaking

50 Speech Closing Lines (& How to Create Your Own) | The Ultimate Guide

Hrideep barot.

  • Public Speaking , Speech Writing

speech closing lines

While speech openings are definitely one of the most important components of a speech, something that is equally as important is the way you conclude your speech.

There are few worse ways to end your speech than with a terse ‘thank you’–no elaboration or addition whatsoever.

Speech endings are just as crucial to the success of your speech as speech openings, and you must spend just as much time picking the perfect ending as you do to determine your best possible speech opening.

The words you speak at the beginning and end of your speech are words that your audience will pay the most attention to, and remember longer than any other part of your speech.

Speech endings can put even the most experienced speaker in flux, and increase their anxiousness manifold as they sit there attempting to figure out the perfect way to end your speech.

If you’re someone who’s in flux about your speech ending too, don’t worry. We’ve got some amazing ways to conclude your speech with a bang!

1. Circling Back To The Beginning

The idea behind circling back to the beginning of your speech is to reinforce the idea of your speech being a complete whole. By circling back to the beginning and connecting it to your ending, you let the audience understand that the idea of your speech is complete & standalone.

Circling back to the beginning of your speech also acts as an excellent way of reinforcing the central idea of your speech in the audience’s mind, and makes it more likely that they will remember it after the speech ends.

Need more inspiration for speech opening lines? Check out our article on 15 Powerful Speech Opening Lines & Tips To Create Your Own.

How To Circle Back To The Beginning

The easiest way to do this is to set up your beginning for the conclusion of your speech. That is, if you’re saying something like, say, a story or joke in the beginning, then you can leave your audience in a cliffhanger until the ending arrives.

Another great way to circle back to the beginning is by simply restating something you said at the start. The added knowledge from attending the rest of your speech will help the audience see this piece of information in a new–and better–light.

1. Will Stephen

Ending Line: “I’d like you to think about what you heard in the beginning, and I want you to think about what you hear now. Because it was nothing & it’s still nothing.”

2. Canwen Xu

Speech Ending: My name is Canwen, my favorite color is purple and I play the piano but not so much the violin…

Think of a memorable moment from your life, and chances are you’ll realize that it involved a feeling of happiness–something that we can associate with smiling or laughter. And what better way to generate laughter than by incorporating the age-old strategy of good humor.

The happy and lighthearted feeling you associate with good memories is the kind of emotional reaction you want to create in your audience too. That’s what will make your speech stick in their memory.

Done incorrectly, humor can be a disaster. Done right, however, it can entirely transform a speech.

Humor doesn’t only mean slapstick comedy (although there’s nothing wrong with slapstick, either). Humor can come in many forms, including puns, jokes, a funny story…the list is endless.

How To Incorporate Humor In Your Speech Ending

The simplest way to incorporate humor into your speech ending is by telling a plain old joke–something that’s relevant to your topic, of course.

You can also tell them a short, funny anecdote–may be an unexpected conclusion to a story you set up in the beginning.

Another way would be by employing the power of repetition. You can do this by associating something funny with a word, and then repeating the word throughout your speech. During the end, simply say the word or phrase one last time, and it’s likely you’ll leave off your audience with a good chuckle.

1. Woody Roseland

Ending Line: “Why are balloons so expensive? Inflation.”

2. Andras Arato

Ending Line: “There are three rules to becoming famous. Unfortunately, nobody knows what they are.”

3. Hasan Minhaj

Ending Line: “And you want to know the scariest part? Pretty soon every country on the earth is going to have its own TLC show.”

4. Sophie Scott

Speech Ending: In other words, when it comes to laughter, you and me baby, ain’t nothing but mammals.

5. Tim Urban

Speech Ending: We need to stay away from the Instant Gratification Monkey. That’s a job for all of us. And because there’s not that many boxes on there. It’s a job that should probably start today. Well, maybe not today, but, you know, sometime soon.

6. Hasan Minhaj

Speech Ending: Showing my legs on TV is probably the scariest thing I’ve ever done. And keep in mind last week I went after the Prince of Saudi Arabia.

3. Question

The idea behind posing a question at the end of your speech is to get the wheels in your audience’s minds turning and to get them thinking of your speech long after it has ended. A question, if posed correctly, will make your audience re-think about crucial aspects of your speech, and is a great way to prompt discussion after your speech has ended.

How To Add Questions To Your Speech Ending

The best type of questions to add to your speech ending is rhetorical questions. That’s because, unlike a literal question, a rhetorical question will get the audience thinking and make them delve deeper into the topic at hand.

Make sure your question is central to the idea of your speech, and not something frivolous or extra. After all, the point of a question is to reinforce the central idea of your topic.

1. Lexie Alford

Speech Ending: Ask yourself: How uncomfortable are you willing to become in order to reach your fullest potential?

2. Apollo Robbins

Speech Ending: If you could control somebody’s attention, what would you do with it?

Quotes are concise, catchy phrases or sentences that are generally easy to remember and repeat.

Quotes are an age-old way to start–and conclude–a speech. And for good reason.

Quotes can reinforce your own ideas by providing a second voice to back them up. They can also provoke an audience’s mind & get them thinking. So, if you add your quote to the end of your speech, the audience will most likely be thinking about it for long after you have finished speaking.

How To Use Quotes In Your Speech Ending

While adding quotes to your speech ending, make sure that it’s relevant to your topic. Preferably, you want to pick a quote that summarizes your entire idea in a concise & memorable manner.

Make sure that your quote isn’t too long or complicated. Your audience should be able to repeat it as well as feel its impact themselves. They shouldn’t be puzzling over the semantics of your quote, but its intended meaning.

1. Edouard Jacqmin

Speech Ending: “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”

2. Chris Crowe

Speech Ending: “It’s more certain than death and taxes.”

3. Olivia Remes

Speech Ending: I’d like to leave you with a quote by Martin Luther King: “You don’ have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step.”

4. Tomislav Perko

Speech Ending: Like that famous quote says, “In twenty years from now on, you’ll be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the things you did do.

5. Diana Nyad

Speech Ending: To paraphrase the poet, Mary Oliver, she says, “So, what is it? What is it you’re doing with this one wild and precious life of yours?”

5. Piece Of Advice

The point of giving a piece of advice at the end of your speech is not to pull your audience down or to make them feel bad/inferior about themselves. Rather, the advice is added to motivate your audience to take steps to do something–something related to the topic at hand.

The key point to remember is that your advice is included to help your audience, not to discourage them.

How To Add Piece Of Advice To Your Speech Ending

To truly make your audience follow the advice you’re sharing, you must make sure it resonates with them. To do so, you need to inject emotions into your advice, and to present it in such a manner that your audience’s emotions are aroused when they hear it.

Your advice shouldn’t be something extra-complicated or seemingly impossible to achieve. This will act as a counter-agent. Remember that you want your audience to follow your advice, not to chuck it away as something impossible.

Our article, 15 Powerful Speech Ending Lines And Tips To Create Your Own , is another great repository for some inspiration.

1. Ricardo Lieuw On

Speech Ending: “Learn something new, or a new way of approaching something old because there are a few skills are valuable as the art of learning.”

2. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic

Speech Ending: “If we want to improve the competence level of our leaders, then we should first improve our own competence for judging and selecting leaders.”

3. Sharique Samsudheen

Speech Ending: “Some people love money, some people hate money, some people crave money, some people even kill for money. But what they miss is they just need to learn how to manage money well, and that will give them financial freedom.”

4. Kate Simonds

Speech Ending: Teens, you need to believe in your voices and adults, you need to listen.

5. Melissa Butler

Speech Ending: When you go home today, see yourself in the mirror, see all of you, look at all your greatness that you embody, accept it, love it and finally, when you leave the house tomorrow, try to extend that same love and acceptance to someone who doesn’t look like you.

6. Iskra Lawrence

Speech Ending: Speak to your body in a loving way. It’s the only one you got, it’s your home, and it deserves your respect. If you see anyone tearing themselves down, build them back up And watch your life positively grow when you give up the pursuit of perfection.

6. Contemplative Remark

As the name itself suggests, contemplative remarks are intended to make your audience contemplate or mull over something. The ‘something’ in question should be the idea central to your speech, or a key takeaway that you want them to return home with.

The idea is to get your audience thinking and to keep them thinking for a long, long time.

How To Add A Contemplative Remark To Your Speech Ending

To add a contemplative remark to your speech ending, you first need to figure out your key takeaway or main theme. Then, you want to arrange that as a question, and propose it to your audience at the end of your speech.

Remember that your question shouldn’t be something too wordy or complicated to understand. As with the quotes, you don’t want your audience stuck on the semantics. Rather, you want them to focus on the matter at hand.

1. Lisa Penney

Speech Ending: “So I invite you to pay more attention to your thoughts & consider the legacy you leave behind.”

2. Grant Sanderson

Speech Ending: “Some of the most useful math that you can find or teach has its origin in someone who was just looking for a good story.”

3. Greta Thunberg

Speech Ending: “We will not let you get away with this. Right here, right now is where we draw the line. The world is waking up & change is coming whether you like it or not.”

4. Bill Eckstrom

Speech Ending: Now, think about this: it’s not the complexity-triggering individuals or events you should fear the most, but it’s your own willingness to accept or seek discomfort that will dictate the growth of not just you, but our entire world.

5. Robert Hoge

Speech Ending: Choose to accept your face, choose to appreciate your face, don’t look away from the mirror so quickly; understand all the love, and the life, and the pain that is the part of your face, that is the art of your face. Tomorrow when you wake up, what will your choice be?

7. Personal Anecdote

Personal anecdotes, as the name suggests, are anecdotes that are personal to the speaker or instances from their life. Personal anecdotes are a great way to incorporate the magical powers of storytelling in your speech, as well as to make a personal connection with the audience. Using personal anecdotes, you can hit two birds with one stone!

How To Add Personal Anecdotes To Your Speech Ending

To add personal anecdotes to your speech ending, you need to filter through your life experiences to find out ones that directly relate to your topic at hand. You don’t want to include an anecdote, no matter how compelling it is, if it doesn’t relate to your topic.

Remember to not keep your anecdote too long. Your audience will most likely lose their attention if you do so.

1. Sheila Humphries

Speech Ending: “Why do you go work for these people?” My answer to them was, “If I could help one child make it in this world, it’ll be worth it all.”

8. Call To Action

A call-to-action is one of the absolute best ways to conclude a speech with a bang. A well-written speech should aim to alter the audience’s mind or belief system in some way and to make them take an action in that direction. One crucial way to assure your audience does this is by using a call to action.

How To Add A Call To Action To Your Speech Ending

A call to action comes right before the ending of your speech to provide your audience with a clear idea or set of instructions about what they’re supposed to do after your talk ends.

A call to action should provide a roadmap to the audience for their future steps, and to outline clearly what those future steps are going to be.

1. Armin Hamrah

Speech Ending: “So tonight, after you finish your Math homework & before you lay your head down on that fluffy pillow, bring a piece of paper and pen by your bedside…”

2. Graham Shaw

Speech Ending: “So I invite you to get your drawings out there & spread the word that when we draw, we remember more!”

3. Andy Puddicombe

Speech Ending: You don’t have to burn any incense, and you definitely don’t have to sit on the floor. All you need to do is to take out 10 minutes out a day to step back, familiarize yourself with the present moment so that you get to experience a greater sense of focus, calm, and clarity in your life.

4. Amy Cuddy

Speech Ending: Before you go into the next stressful evaluative situation, for two minutes, try doing this in the elevator…

5. Jia Jiang

Speech Ending: When you are facing the next obstacle or the next failure, consider the possibilities. Don’t run! If you just embrace them, they might become your gifts as well.

9. Motivational Remark

As the name clearly explains, a motivational remark motivates your audience to carry out a plan of action. It ruffles the audience’s mind and emotions and has a powerful impact on the steps that your audience will take after you’ve finished speaking.

How To Add A Motivational Remark To Your Speech Ending

The key to a good motivational remark is to inspire your audience. Your motivational remark should act as a ray of hope to your audience and positively inspire them to take a desired course of action.

Your motivational remark should not be negative in any way. You don’t want to guilt or coerce your audience into doing something or feeling a certain way. You want to leave them on a positive note to move forward with their life.

1. Khanh Vy Tran

Speech Ending: “No matter what you’re going through right now & no matter what the future holds for you, please don’t change yourself. Love yourself, accept yourself & then transform yourself.”

2. Mithila Palkar

Speech Ending: “Get a job, leave a job, dance, sing, fall in love. Carve your own niche. But most importantly: learn to love your own randomness.”

3. Andrew Tarvin

Speech Ending: “Anyone can learn to be funnier. And it all starts with a choice. A choice to try to find ways to use humor. A choice to be like my grandmother, to look at the world around you and say WTF–wow, that’s fun.”

4. Laura Vanderkam

Speech Ending: There is time. Even if we are busy, we have time for what matters. And when we focus on what matters, we can build the lives we want in the time we’ve got.

5. Julian Treasure

Speech Ending: Let’s get listening taught in schools, and transform the world in one generation into a conscious listening world, a world of connection, a world of understanding, and a world of peace.

6. Mariana Atencio

Speech Ending: Let’s celebrate those imperfections that make us special. I hope that it teaches you that nobody has a claim on the word ‘normal’. We are all different. We are all quirky and unique and that is what makes us wonderfully human.

10. Challenge

Much like a call to action, the aim of proposing a challenge at the end of your speech is to instigate your audience to take some desired course of action. A challenge should make an appeal to your audience’s emotion, and motivate them to meet it.

How To Add A Challenge To Your Speech Ending

To apply a challenge effectively to your speech ending, you need to make sure that it’s something relevant to your topic. Your challenge should drive the central topic of your speech forward, and make your audience engage in real-life steps to apply your idea in the real world.

While its always a good idea to set a high bar for your challenge, make sure its an achievable one too.

1. Jamak Golshani

Speech Ending: “I challenge you to open your heart to new possibilities, choose a career path that excites you & one that’s aligned to who you truly are.”

2. Ashley Clift-Jennings

Speech Ending: So, my challenge to you today is, “Do you know, would you even know how to recognize your soulmate?” If you are going out in the world right now, would you know what you are looking for?

11. Metaphor

Metaphors are commonly used as a short phrase that draws a comparison between two ideas in a non-literal sense. People use metaphors quite commonly in daily life to explain ideas that might be too difficult or confusing to understand otherwise. Metaphors are also great tools to be used in speech, as they can present your main idea in a simple and memorable way.

How To Add Metaphors To Your Speech Ending

To add a metaphor to your speech ending, you need to first decide on the main idea or takeaway of your speech. Your metaphor should then be organized in such a way that it simplifies your main idea and makes it easier for your audience to understand & remember it.

The key is to not make your metaphor overly complicated or difficult to retain and share. Remember that you’re trying to simplify your idea for the audience–not make them even more confused.

1. Ramona J. Smith

Speech Ending: “Stay in that ring. And even after you take a few hits, use what you learned from those previous fights, and at the end of the round, you’ll still remain standing.”

2. Shi Heng YI

Speech Ending: “If any of you chooses to climb that path to clarity, I will be very happy to meet you at the peak.”

3. Zifang “Sherrie” Su

Speech Ending: “Are you turning your back on your fear? Our life is like this stage, but what scares are now may bring you the most beautiful thing. Give it a chance.”

12. Storytelling

The idea behind using stories to end your speech is to leave your audience with a good memory to take away with them.

Stories are catchy, resonating & memorable ways to end any speech.

Human beings can easily relate to stories. This is because most people have grown up listening to stories of some kind or another, and thus a good story tends to evoke fond feelings in us.

How To Incorporate Stories In Your Speech Ending

A great way to incorporate stories in your speech ending is by setting up a story in the beginning and then concluding it during the end of your speech.

Another great way would be to tell a short & funny anecdote related to a personal experience or simply something related to the topic at hand.

However, remember that it’s the ending of your speech. Your audience is most likely at the end of their attention span. So, keep your story short & sweet.

1. Sameer Al Jaberi

Speech Ending: “I can still see that day when I came back from my honeymoon…”

2. Josephine Lee

Speech Ending: “At the end of dinner, Jenna turned to me and said…”

Facts are another excellent speech ending, and they are used quite often as openings as well. The point of adding a fact as your speech ending is to add shock value to your speech, and to get your audience thinking & discussing the fact even after your speech has ended.

How To Add Facts To Your Speech Ending

The key to adding facts to your speech ending is to pick a fact that thrusts forward your main idea in the most concise form possible. Your fact should also be something that adds shock value to the speech, and it should ideally be something that the audience hasn’t heard before.

Make sure that your fact is relevant to the topic at hand. No matter how interesting, a fact that doesn’t relate to your topic is going to be redundant.

1. David JP Phillips

Speech Ending: 3500 years ago, we started transfering knowledge from generation to generation through text. 28 years ago, PowerPoint was born. Which one do you think our brain is mostly adapted to?

14. Rhethoric Remark

Rhetoric remarks are another excellent way to get the wheels of your audience’s minds turning. Rhetoric remarks make your audience think of an imagined scenario, and to delve deeper into your topic. Rhetoric remarks or questioned don’t necessarily need to have a ‘right’ or one-shot answer, which means you can be as creative with them as possible!

How To Add Rhethoric Remarks To Your Speech Ending

Since rhetorical questions don’t need to have a definite answer, you have much freedom in determining the type of question or statement you wish to make. However, as with all other speech endings, a rhetorical question shouldn’t be asked just for the sake of it.

A rhetorical question should make your audience think about your topic in a new or more creative manner. It should get them thinking about the topic and maybe see it from an angle that they hadn’t before.

Rhetorical questions shouldn’t be too confusing. Use simple language & make sure it’s something that the audience can easily comprehend.

1. Mona Patel

Speech Ending: Pick your problem, ask “What if?” Come up with ideas. Bring them down. Then execute on them. Maybe you’re thinking, “What if we can’t?” I say to you, “What if we don’t?”

2. Lizzie Velasquez

Speech Ending: I want you to leave here and ask yourself what defines you. But remember: Brave starts here.

Another great way to end your speech with a literal bang is by using music! After all, if there’s something that can impact the human mind with just as much force as a few well-placed words, it’s the correct music.

How To Add Music To Your Speech Ending

To add music to your speech ending, you must make sure that the music has something to do with your speech theme. Remember that you’re not playing music in your concert. The piece of music that you choose must be relevant to your topic & work to have a contribution in your overall speech.

1. Tom Thum

Speech Ending: *ends the TED Talk with beat boxing*

16. Reitirate The Title

The title of your speech is its most important component. That’s why you need to pay careful attention to how you pick it, as it is something that your viewers will most likely remember the longest about your speech.

Your title will also act as a guiding hand towards how your audience forms an initial idea about your speech and is what they will associate your entire speech with.

By repeating your title at the end of your speech, you increase the chances that your audience will remember it–and your speech–for a long time.

How To Retierate The Title In Your Speech Ending

Your title is something that your audience associates your entire speech with. However, you don’t want to simply add the title in your speech end for the sake of adding it. Instead, make it flow naturally into your speech ending. This will make it seem less forced, and will also increase the chances of your audience remembering your entire speech ending and not just the title of your speech.

1. Ruairi Robertson

Speech Ending: I feel we can all contribute to this fight worth fighting for our own health, but more importantly, our future generations’ health by restoring the relationship between microbe and man. There is SOME FOOD FOR THOUGHT!

Need more inspiration for speech closing lines? Check out our article on 10 Of The Best Things To Say In Closing Remarks.

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To sum up, speech endings are just as imperative to the success of your speech as speech openings, and you must spend just as much time picking the perfect ending as you do to determine your best possible speech opening. The words you speak at the beginning and end of your speech are words that your audience will pay the most attention to, and remember longer than any other part of your speech.

Still looking for inspiration? Check out this video we made on closing remarks:

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270+ Other Words For "Said" To Supercharge Your Writing

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Head of Content at Reedsy, Martin has spent over eight years helping writers turn their ambitions into reality. As a voice in the indie publishing space, he has written for a number of outlets and spoken at conferences, including the 2024 Writers Summit at the London Book Fair.

If you've read our previous post on writing dialogue , you'll know that you shouldn't be afraid to default to he said , she said , or they said  when you're tagging your dialogue. After all, it's probably the clearest, least distracting way to indicate who's saying what. That being said, it can be useful to deploy a specific and powerful dialogue tag every now and again. 

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To help you find that perfect synonym to inject action and emotion into your dialogue, here are over 270 other words for said:

Neutral/multi-purpose words




















































Happy/excited words 







Chimed in
























Sad/upset words 



















Angry words 































Annoyed words



















Frightened/pained words






















Prideful words
























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Words to express uncertainty















Trailed off




Words that make fun
















Words that ask a question




























Words that give an answer























Passed on














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The 8 Parts of Speech | Chart, Definition & Examples

The 8 Parts of Speech

A part of speech (also called a word class ) is a category that describes the role a word plays in a sentence. Understanding the different parts of speech can help you analyze how words function in a sentence and improve your writing.

The parts of speech are classified differently in different grammars, but most traditional grammars list eight parts of speech in English: nouns , pronouns , verbs , adjectives , adverbs , prepositions , conjunctions , and interjections . Some modern grammars add others, such as determiners and articles .

Many words can function as different parts of speech depending on how they are used. For example, “laugh” can be a noun (e.g., “I like your laugh”) or a verb (e.g., “don’t laugh”).

You can check whether you’re using each of the parts of speech correctly using our grammar checker .

Table of contents

  • Prepositions
  • Conjunctions
  • Interjections

Other parts of speech

Interesting language articles, frequently asked questions.

A noun is a word that refers to a person, concept, place, or thing. Nouns can act as the subject of a sentence (i.e., the person or thing performing the action) or as the object of a verb (i.e., the person or thing affected by the action).

There are numerous types of nouns, including common nouns (used to refer to nonspecific people, concepts, places, or things), proper nouns (used to refer to specific people, concepts, places, or things), and collective nouns (used to refer to a group of people or things).

Ella lives in France .

Other types of nouns include countable and uncountable nouns , concrete nouns , abstract nouns , and gerunds .

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A pronoun is a word used in place of a noun. Pronouns typically refer back to an antecedent (a previously mentioned noun) and must demonstrate correct pronoun-antecedent agreement . Like nouns, pronouns can refer to people, places, concepts, and things.

There are numerous types of pronouns, including personal pronouns (used in place of the proper name of a person), demonstrative pronouns (used to refer to specific things and indicate their relative position), and interrogative pronouns (used to introduce questions about things, people, and ownership).

That is a horrible painting!

A verb is a word that describes an action (e.g., “jump”), occurrence (e.g., “become”), or state of being (e.g., “exist”). Verbs indicate what the subject of a sentence is doing. Every complete sentence must contain at least one verb.

Verbs can change form depending on subject (e.g., first person singular), tense (e.g., simple past), mood (e.g., interrogative), and voice (e.g., passive voice ).

Regular verbs are verbs whose simple past and past participle are formed by adding“-ed” to the end of the word (or “-d” if the word already ends in “e”). Irregular verbs are verbs whose simple past and past participles are formed in some other way.

“I’ve already checked twice.”

“I heard that you used to sing .”

Other types of verbs include auxiliary verbs , linking verbs , modal verbs , and phrasal verbs .

An adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun. Adjectives can be attributive , appearing before a noun (e.g., “a red hat”), or predicative , appearing after a noun with the use of a linking verb like “to be” (e.g., “the hat is red ”).

Adjectives can also have a comparative function. Comparative adjectives compare two or more things. Superlative adjectives describe something as having the most or least of a specific characteristic.

Other types of adjectives include coordinate adjectives , participial adjectives , and denominal adjectives .

An adverb is a word that can modify a verb, adjective, adverb, or sentence. Adverbs are often formed by adding “-ly” to the end of an adjective (e.g., “slow” becomes “slowly”), although not all adverbs have this ending, and not all words with this ending are adverbs.

There are numerous types of adverbs, including adverbs of manner (used to describe how something occurs), adverbs of degree (used to indicate extent or degree), and adverbs of place (used to describe the location of an action or event).

Talia writes quite quickly.

Other types of adverbs include adverbs of frequency , adverbs of purpose , focusing adverbs , and adverbial phrases .

A preposition is a word (e.g., “at”) or phrase (e.g., “on top of”) used to show the relationship between the different parts of a sentence. Prepositions can be used to indicate aspects such as time , place , and direction .

I left the cup on the kitchen counter.

A conjunction is a word used to connect different parts of a sentence (e.g., words, phrases, or clauses).

The main types of conjunctions are coordinating conjunctions (used to connect items that are grammatically equal), subordinating conjunctions (used to introduce a dependent clause), and correlative conjunctions (used in pairs to join grammatically equal parts of a sentence).

You can choose what movie we watch because I chose the last time.

An interjection is a word or phrase used to express a feeling, give a command, or greet someone. Interjections are a grammatically independent part of speech, so they can often be excluded from a sentence without affecting the meaning.

Types of interjections include volitive interjections (used to make a demand or request), emotive interjections (used to express a feeling or reaction), cognitive interjections (used to indicate thoughts), and greetings and parting words (used at the beginning and end of a conversation).

Ouch ! I hurt my arm.

I’m, um , not sure.

The traditional classification of English words into eight parts of speech is by no means the only one or the objective truth. Grammarians have often divided them into more or fewer classes. Other commonly mentioned parts of speech include determiners and articles.

  • Determiners

A determiner is a word that describes a noun by indicating quantity, possession, or relative position.

Common types of determiners include demonstrative determiners (used to indicate the relative position of a noun), possessive determiners (used to describe ownership), and quantifiers (used to indicate the quantity of a noun).

My brother is selling his old car.

Other types of determiners include distributive determiners , determiners of difference , and numbers .

An article is a word that modifies a noun by indicating whether it is specific or general.

  • The definite article the is used to refer to a specific version of a noun. The can be used with all countable and uncountable nouns (e.g., “the door,” “the energy,” “the mountains”).
  • The indefinite articles a and an refer to general or unspecific nouns. The indefinite articles can only be used with singular countable nouns (e.g., “a poster,” “an engine”).

There’s a concert this weekend.

If you want to know more about nouns , pronouns , verbs , and other parts of speech, make sure to check out some of our language articles with explanations and examples.

Nouns & pronouns

  • Common nouns
  • Proper nouns
  • Collective nouns
  • Personal pronouns
  • Uncountable and countable nouns
  • Verb tenses
  • Phrasal verbs
  • Types of verbs
  • Active vs passive voice
  • Subject-verb agreement

A is an indefinite article (along with an ). While articles can be classed as their own part of speech, they’re also considered a type of determiner .

The indefinite articles are used to introduce nonspecific countable nouns (e.g., “a dog,” “an island”).

In is primarily classed as a preposition, but it can be classed as various other parts of speech, depending on how it is used:

  • Preposition (e.g., “ in the field”)
  • Noun (e.g., “I have an in with that company”)
  • Adjective (e.g., “Tim is part of the in crowd”)
  • Adverb (e.g., “Will you be in this evening?”)

As a part of speech, and is classed as a conjunction . Specifically, it’s a coordinating conjunction .

And can be used to connect grammatically equal parts of a sentence, such as two nouns (e.g., “a cup and plate”), or two adjectives (e.g., “strong and smart”). And can also be used to connect phrases and clauses.

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The Benefits of Speech Therapy

What to expect, frequently asked questions.

A speech-language pathologist (SLP) can help you with speech, language, and swallowing. They provide speech therapy to children and adults who may have speech or language disorders.

People with certain medical conditions may also benefit from speech therapy. Medical conditions that may cause speech or swallowing impairment include traumatic brain injury , stroke (brain damage due to a blood vessel blockage or bleed), and dementia (decline in memory and thinking functions).

This article looks at the various uses for speech therapy, what to expect during a session, and the techniques involved in this type of therapy. 

Verywell / Theresa Chiechi

Speech therapy can help with a variety of conditions.

Speech Disorders

Speech therapy may help with speech disorders like:

  • Stuttering : Stuttering may involve repeating parts of words, prolonging words, or struggling to get out certain words. You may be more likely to have a stutter if you have a family history of stuttering.
  • Apraxia : This motor speech disorder makes it difficult to move the tongue and lips to make sounds required for speech. In some cases, people with apraxia cannot speak at all. Causes for this disorder include brain tumors, dementia, stroke, and any other condition that causes brain injury.
  • Voice : Voice disorders can be temporary or permanent and make it hard to speak. Chronic voice disorders include chronic cough, vocal fold paralysis, vocal polyps (growths on the vocal cords), and spasmodic dysphonia (vocal cord spasms).
  • Dysarthria : People with this speech disorder have muscle weakness that makes it difficult to talk. They may slur or mumble their words. Dysarthria can happen due to brain injury or chronic degenerative conditions like Parkinson’s disease or Huntington’s disease .

Language Disorders

A language disorder ( aphasia ) is a condition that makes it difficult for a person to read, write, speak, or understand speech or other modes of communication. 

Someone with this type of disorder may struggle to:

  • Use incorrect words for things
  • Say complete sentences 
  • Understand what other people say
  • Understand jokes
  • Read or spell 

Brain tumors, traumatic brain injuries, and degenerative disorders that affect cognitive function can all cause aphasia.

Feeding and Swallowing Disorders

Feeding and swallowing disorders can occur in both children and adults. A feeding disorder involves trouble with eating, sucking, drinking from a cup, or chewing. The specific term for swallowing disorders is dysphagia . Children or adults with dysphagia have trouble swallowing food or drink. 

Problems swallowing or feeding may or may not be related to a medical condition. Conditions that may cause a swallowing or feeding disorder include:

  • Cleft palate or cleft lip
  • Asthma and other breathing issues
  • Heart disease
  • Premature birth
  • Nervous system disorders
  • Reflux 
  • Muscle weakness 
  • Sensory issues
  • Autism  
  • Behavior problems
  • Certain medications

Speech therapy begins with an evaluation to assess your difficulties and whether any structural issues contribute to your speech, language, feeding, or swallowing problems. An evaluation may involve a standardized test to help determine what you most need help with. Informal conversations may also help figure out your needs. 

A speech-language pathologist will then work with you to help improve your ability to speak, converse, or swallow. This may involve:

  • Educating you on how to do certain things like articulating or pronouncing sounds
  • Teaching you language skills
  • Providing you with educational materials
  • Giving you exercises to help strengthen your muscles 
  • Giving you exercises that help you breathe better
  • Participation in group therapy sessions 

You should also expect to practice the skills and exercises you learn in speech therapy sessions at home. Your speech-language pathologist may provide you with workbooks, worksheets, or virtual apps for at-home practice.

Speech Therapy for Adults

Depending on the reason you’re seeking out speech therapy, a speech-language pathologist may:

  • Help you learn to move your muscles correctly to make sounds if you have apraxia or dysarthria
  • Teach you how to use your breath to speak louder if you have dysarthria
  • Help you learn to manage stuttering by teaching you to lower stress levels in certain situations
  • Help you strengthen your mouth muscles to make it easier to swallow and eat if you have a feeding or swallowing disorder due to a brain injury or disease

Speech Therapy for Children

A speech-language pathologist’s approach will depend on the child. When working with a child who has a feeding or swallowing disorder, they might focus on:

  • Strengthening the muscles of the mouth
  • Helping the child with chewing
  • Encouraging the child to try new food and drink
  • Changing food texture to make it easier to swallow food 
  • Helping with sensory issues related to food

Other skills a speech-language pathologist may work on with a child include:

  • Language complexity : For example, they might teach words like "and" and "or" to connect ideas within sentences.
  • Conversation skills : This may include role-playing to help the child with socialization and improve their read of social cues. 
  • Vocabulary : They may use games or storytelling to help build the child’s vocabulary. 
  • Phonological awareness : This recognition of the sounds that make up words is an important skill for reading. The SLP may work on helping the child identify sounds and rhymes in words to build this skill.

Healthcare professionals will also test your child’s hearing to see if hearing loss may be contributing to language and speech issues.

If you or your child is getting speech therapy from a qualified speech-language pathologist, you might wonder how likely it is that you’ll see improvement in speech, language, or feeding. 

Results will depend on the individual. It’s also essential to follow the exercises, tips, and strategies provided by the speech-language professional. Regular visits and keeping up with practice activities and exercises make it more likely to see an improvement in yourself or your child. 

A speech-language pathologist works with children or adults who have speech, language, or feeding and swallowing disorders. Typically the first session will involve an evaluation to determine the areas that are causing you the most problems. 

From there, they may teach you exercises and strategies to improve your speech, language, or ability to swallow and eat. 

A Word From Verywell

Think you or your child would benefit from speech therapy? Get in touch with your primary healthcare provider and ask for a recommendation. You can also use the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association’s (ASHA)  Find a Certified SLP Tool . 

Not all children develop at the same rate, but if your child has issues understanding language, doesn’t use gestures, or doesn’t seem to be learning new words, you might consider having them evaluated by a speech therapist. 

While this may depend on the individual and the cause of speech-related problems, research suggests that speech and language therapy can significantly improve speech and language issues.

One example of a typical speech therapy technique is articulation therapy. This technique teaches the person to make specific sounds, sometimes by showing them how to move their mouth or tongue.

A language delay is when a child has difficulty in speaking and understanding speech that is unusual for their age.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Stuttering .

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Apraxia of speech in adults .

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Voice disorders .

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Dysarthria .

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Aphasia .

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Feeding and swallowing disorders in children .

Brainline. Speech therapy .

Understood for All. What is speech therapy .

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Languages and speech disorders in children .

Broomfield J, Dodd B. Is speech and language therapy effective for children with primary speech and language impairment? Report of a randomized control trial . Int J Lang Commun Disord . 2011;46(6):628-640. doi:10.1111/j.1460-6984.2011.00039.x

Nemours Children's Health. Speech-language therapy .

By Steph Coelho Steph Coelho is a freelance health and wellness writer and editor with nearly a decade of experience working on content related to health, wellness, mental health, chronic illness, fitness, sexual wellness, and health-related tech.She's written extensively about chronic conditions, telehealth, aging, CBD, and mental health. Her work has appeared in Insider, Healthline, WebMD, Greatist, Medical News Today, and more.

How to use speech to text in Microsoft Word

Speech to text in Microsoft Word is a hidden gem that is powerful and easy to use. We show you how to do it in five quick and simple steps

Woman sitting on couch using laptop

Master the skill of speech to text in Microsoft Word and you'll be dictating documents with ease before you know it. Developed and refined over many years, Microsoft's speech recognition and voice typing technology is an efficient way to get your thoughts out, create drafts and make notes.

Just like the best speech to text apps that make life easier for us when we're using our phones, Microsoft's offering is ideal for those of us who spend a lot of time using Word and don't want to wear out our fingers or the keyboard with all that typing. While speech to text in Microsoft Word used to be prone to errors which you'd then have to go back and correct, the technology has come a long way in recent years and is now amongst the best text-to-speech software .

Regardless of whether you have the best computer or the best Windows laptop , speech to text in Microsoft Word is easy to access and a breeze to use. From connecting your microphone to inserting punctuation, you'll find everything you need to know right here in this guide. Let's take a look...

How to use speech to text in Microsoft Word: Preparation

The most important thing to check is whether you have a valid Microsoft 365 subscription, as voice typing is only available to paying customers. If you’re reading this article, it’s likely your business already has a Microsoft 365 enterprise subscription. If you don’t, however, find out more about Microsoft 365 for business via this link . 

The second thing you’ll need before you start voice typing is a stable internet connection. This is because Microsoft Word’s dictation software processes your speech on external servers. These huge servers and lighting-fast processors use vast amounts of speech data to transcribe your text. In fact, they make use of advanced neural networks and deep learning technology, which enables the software to learn about human speech and continuously improve its accuracy. 

These two technologies are the key reason why voice typing technology has improved so much in recent years, and why you should be happy that Microsoft dictation software requires an internet connection. 

An image of how voice to text software works

Once you’ve got a valid Microsoft 365 subscription and an internet connection, you’re ready to go!

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Step 1: Open Microsoft Word

Simple but crucial. Open the Microsoft Word application on your device and create a new, blank document. We named our test document “How to use speech to text in Microsoft Word - Test” and saved it to the desktop so we could easily find it later.

Microsoft Word document

Step 2: Click on the Dictate button

Once you’ve created a blank document, you’ll see a Dictate button and drop-down menu on the top right-hand corner of the Home menu. It has a microphone symbol above it. From here, open the drop-down menu and double-check that the language is set to English.

Toolbar in Microsoft Word

One of the best parts of Microsoft Word’s speech to text software is its support for multiple languages. At the time of writing, nine languages were supported, with several others listed as preview languages. Preview languages have lower accuracy and limited punctuation support.

Supported languages and preview languages screen

Step 3: Allow Microsoft Word access to the Microphone

If you haven’t used Microsoft Word’s speech to text software before, you’ll need to grant the application access to your microphone. This can be done at the click of a button when prompted.

It’s worth considering using an external microphone for your dictation, particularly if you plan on regularly using voice to text software within your organization. While built-in microphones will suffice for most general purposes, an external microphone can improve accuracy due to higher quality components and optimized placement of the microphone itself.

Step 4: Begin voice typing

Now we get to the fun stuff. After completing all of the above steps, click once again on the dictate button. The blue symbol will change to white, and a red recording symbol will appear. This means Microsoft Word has begun listening for your voice. If you have your sound turned up, a chime will also indicate that transcription has started. 

Using voice typing is as simple as saying aloud the words you would like Microsoft to transcribe. It might seem a little strange at first, but you’ll soon develop a bit of flow, and everyone finds their strategies and style for getting the most out of the software. 

These four steps alone will allow you to begin transcribing your voice to text. However, if you want to elevate your speech to text software skills, our fifth step is for you.

Step 5: Incorporate punctuation commands

Microsoft Word’s speech to text software goes well beyond simply converting spoken words to text. With the introduction and improvement of artificial neural networks, Microsoft’s voice typing technology listens not only to single words but to the phrase as a whole. This has enabled the company to introduce an extensive list of voice commands that allow you to insert punctuation marks and other formatting effects while speaking. 

We can’t mention all of the punctuation commands here, but we’ll name some of the most useful. Saying the command “period” will insert a period, while the command “comma” will insert, unsurprisingly, a comma. The same rule applies for exclamation marks, colons, and quotations. If you’d like to finish a paragraph and leave a line break, you can say the command “new line.” 

These tools are easy to use. In our testing, the software was consistently accurate in discerning words versus punctuation commands.

Phrase and output screen in Microsoft Word

Microsoft’s speech to text software is powerful. Having tested most of the major platforms, we can say that Microsoft offers arguably the best product when balancing cost versus performance. This is because the software is built directly into Microsoft 365, which many businesses already use. If this applies to your business, you can begin using Microsoft’s voice typing technology straight away, with no additional costs. 

We hope this article has taught you how to use speech to text software in Microsoft Word, and that you’ll now be able to apply these skills within your organization. 

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How to Use Text to Speech on Windows 10: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to use text to speech on windows 10.

Using text to speech on Windows 10 is easier than you might think. Essentially, you’ll be enabling a feature called Narrator, a built-in screen reader that can read text out loud. By following a few simple steps, you can set it up and customize it to meet your needs. Let’s jump right in and see how it’s done!

We’re about to walk through setting up Text to Speech on Windows 10. These steps will guide you on enabling Narrator, customizing its settings, and making sure it reads whatever text you need out loud.

Step 1: Open Settings

First, click on the Start menu and open the Settings app.

The Settings app is easy to find; just look for the gear icon once you click on the Start menu. It’s your go-to place for adjusting all sorts of system settings.

Step 2: Select Ease of Access

Next, click on Ease of Access in the Settings window.

Ease of Access is like a toolbox designed to make Windows more accessible. It includes various features, including Narrator, Magnifier, and High Contrast.

Step 3: Open Narrator

Click on Narrator from the left sidebar within the Ease of Access menu.

This will take you to a new screen where you can turn on Narrator and adjust its settings. The sidebar is your navigation menu for all accessibility options.

Step 4: Turn on Narrator

Switch the toggle to On under the Use Narrator section.

Once you flip this switch, you’ll immediately hear Narrator start speaking. It’s like flipping a light switch, but instead of light, you get sound.

Step 5: Customize Narrator Settings

Scroll down and customize settings like voice speed, pitch, and volume.

These settings let you fine-tune how Narrator reads text. You can even choose different voices, making the experience more personalized.

Once you’ve followed these steps, Narrator will start reading text out loud. You can now navigate through your computer, and Narrator will assist you by reading text, including buttons and menus, as you go.

Tips on how to use text to speech on windows 10

  • Explore Keyboard Shortcuts: Familiarize yourself with Narrator’s keyboard shortcuts to navigate more easily.
  • Use Narrator QuickStart: This feature provides a brief tutorial when you first enable Narrator, helping you get used to its functions.
  • Adjust Verbose Settings: You can control how much detail Narrator reads, from just text to more detailed descriptions.
  • Enable Scan Mode: This helps you to navigate apps and webpages using just a few keys.
  • Review Custom Commands: Narrator allows for custom commands to make your experience more efficient.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is narrator the only text to speech option on windows 10.

No, there are other text to speech programs available, but Narrator is built-in and free to use.

Can I change the Narrator’s voice?

Yes, you can choose from different voices and even download additional ones.

Does Narrator work with all applications?

Narrator works well with most applications, but there might be limitations with some third-party software.

How do I turn off Narrator?

You can turn off Narrator by going back to the Ease of Access settings and toggling it off, or by pressing Ctrl + Windows Key + Enter.

Can I use Narrator to read specific parts of a webpage?

Yes, you can navigate through different elements of a webpage, and Narrator will read them as you go.

  • Open Settings
  • Select Ease of Access
  • Open Narrator
  • Turn on Narrator
  • Customize Narrator Settings

And there you have it! You’re now all set to start using text to speech on Windows 10. With Narrator, navigating your computer gets a whole lot easier. Whether you need it for accessibility reasons or just want a break from staring at the screen, it’s a nifty tool to have in your digital toolbox.

Remember, you can always tweak the settings to match your preferences and needs. If you’re curious about more advanced features, don’t hesitate to explore additional resources or check out tutorials for deeper dives. Now go on, give your eyes a rest and let Narrator do the reading for you!

Kermit Matthews Live2Tech

Kermit Matthews is a freelance writer based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with more than a decade of experience writing technology guides. He has a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Computer Science and has spent much of his professional career in IT management.

He specializes in writing content about iPhones, Android devices, Microsoft Office, and many other popular applications and devices.

Read his full bio here .

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30 Funny & Inspirational Speech Therapy Quotes

Care options for kids staff.

feature image

We all need a little inspiration every now and then! Whether you’re just beginning your journey or you’ve been changing lives with speech therapy for years, we’ve got some speech therapy quotes to keep your spirits high. Pediatric speech therapy is a unique and rewarding field, and we want to ensure you have the right motivation to fuel your incredible work! Here are 30 funny and inspirational speech therapy quotes to help inspire your therapy sessions! We hope these uplifting quotes will motivate you to continue making a difference every day!

30 Funny & Inspirational Speech Therapy Quotes To Inspire You

1. "the human brain starts working the moment you are born and never stops until you stand up to speak in public." — george jessel.

This quote humorously highlights the anxiety many feel about speaking, a challenge speech therapists help their clients overcome. Speech therapy addresses these fears, enabling individuals to communicate confidently in public.

2. "The art of communication is the language of leadership." — James Humes

In speech therapy, we empower our clients to lead their lives through effective communication. By improving communication skills, speech therapists help clients take charge of their interactions and influence.

3. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." — Abraham Lincoln

This reminds us of the importance of building confidence and clarity in communication. Speech therapists help clients express themselves clearly to avoid misjudgments and misunderstandings.

4. "Speak clearly, if you speak at all; carve every word before you let it fall." — Oliver Wendell Holmes

This emphasizes the speech therapist’s role in helping clients articulate their thoughts clearly. Effective articulation is a critical focus in speech therapy, ensuring clients communicate their messages precisely.

5. "Communication works for those who work at it." — John Powell

Success in speech therapy comes from the dedication of both the therapist and the client. This is one of the great speech therapy quotes because it underlines the effort required to achieve meaningful progress in communication skills.

6. "The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." — Ludwig Wittgenstein

Speech therapists expand their clients' worlds by helping them overcome language barriers. Enhancing language skills broadens clients' opportunities for interaction and understanding.

7. "Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." — Rudyard Kipling

This is one of the speech therapy quotes that harnesses the power of words to transform lives. Through therapeutic techniques, words become tools for progress and growth.

8. "It usually takes me more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech." — Mark Twain

This humorous take on preparation underscores the meticulous work of speech therapists. Speech therapy involves careful planning and practice to achieve spontaneous and effective communication.

9. "Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless." — Mother Teresa

In speech therapy, we know that even small victories in communication can have lasting impacts. The positive effects of improved communication resonate far beyond the therapy sessions.

10. "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." — Douglas Adams

A funny reminder that progress in speech therapy often happens at its own pace. Speech therapists understand that each client's journey is unique and requires patience and flexibility.

11. "To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart." — Eleanor Roosevelt

Speech therapists use both empathy and expertise to support their clients. Combining knowledge with compassion is essential in helping clients achieve their communication goals.

12. "A wise man speaks because he has something to say; a fool because he has to say something." — Plato

We teach the value of meaningful communication, not just speaking for the sake of it. This speech therapy quote emphasizes the importance of thoughtful and purposeful speech.

13. "If you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself." — Albert Einstein

Speech therapists simplify complex concepts to help clients of all ages understand and communicate effectively. This is one of the speech therapy quotes that underscores clarity and simplicity.

14. "The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said." — Peter Drucker

We often help clients express thoughts and feelings they struggle to put into words. Speech therapists are skilled in interpreting and addressing non-verbal cues and unspoken emotions.

15. "The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause." — Mark Twain

Speech therapy often involves teaching the power of timing and pauses in communication. Understanding the impact of silence can enhance the effectiveness of spoken words.

16. "Half the world is composed of people who have something to say and can’t, and the other half who have nothing to say and keep on saying it." — Robert Frost

We bridge the gap for those who struggle to express their thoughts clearly. Speech therapy provides tools for coherent and impactful communication.

17. "Laughter is the shortest distance between two people." — Victor Borge

Humor is a powerful tool in speech therapy, building rapport and easing anxiety. Incorporating laughter can make therapy sessions easier, more enjoyable, and more effective. Keep this gem in your arsenal of speech therapy quotes!

18. "Stammering is different than stuttering. Stammering is when you’re saying the word twice. Stuttering is when you can’t get the word out at all." — John Schneider

A light-hearted explanation that speech therapists can use to educate others on speech disorders. Understanding these distinctions is crucial in providing accurate and effective therapy.

19. "He who has a why to live can bear almost any how." — Friedrich Nietzsche

Speech therapists help clients find their voice and purpose, making the journey worthwhile. Identifying personal motivations can drive success in speech therapy.

20. "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Speech therapy empowers clients to express their true selves despite challenges. Authentic communication is a key outcome of effective speech therapy.

21. "A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you." — Elbert Hubbard

Speech therapists build trusting relationships with clients and foster a supportive environment. Trust is essential for successful therapeutic outcomes.

22. "The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." — George Bernard Shaw

We ensure our clients’ messages are truly understood, not just heard. Effective communication involves clear transmission and reception of messages.

23. "I am so clever that sometimes I don’t understand a single word of what I am saying." — Oscar Wilde

This is a humorous nod to the complexities of language that speech therapists help decode. Speech therapy simplifies and clarifies communication for better understanding.

24. "When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen." — Ernest Hemingway

Listening is a crucial skill for both the therapist and the client in speech therapy. Active listening enhances the therapeutic process and communication outcomes.

25. "I always thought a yard was three feet, then I started mowing the lawn." — C.E. Cowman

This reminds us that practical experience often reveals the true challenges of a task, much like speech therapy. Real-world practice is essential in mastering communication skills.

26. "The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right time but also to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment." — Dorothy Nevill

Speech therapy teaches the nuance of effective communication, including what not to say. Mastering this art can significantly improve interpersonal interactions.

27. "We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are." — Anaïs Nin

Understanding personal perspectives is key in tailoring speech therapy to each client’s needs. Speech therapists consider individual viewpoints to provide personalized treatment.

28. "The pen is mightier than the sword." — Edward Bulwer-Lytton

Speech therapists know that effective communication can be a powerful tool for change. Words can influence, persuade, and create positive outcomes.

29. "Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, but about learning to dance in the rain." — Vivian Greene

Speech therapy helps clients find their voice and joy, even amidst challenges. Overcoming communication difficulties can lead to a more fulfilling life.

30. "Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality." — Edgar Allan Poe

This underscores the profound impact that speech therapy can have in transforming words into meaningful, impactful communication. Therapy turns words into effective tools for expression and connection.

Our Therapists Love To Stay Inspired

Speech therapy is a journey of patience, perseverance, and passion. At Care Options for Kids, we empower our speech language pathologists to stay energized, motivated, and and inspired every day. Along with a supportive, collaborative team, we give our therapists the freedom and flexibility to tailor their care plans to each individual child. This keeps our therapists happy and their kiddos meeting milestones! Keep on shining and making a difference, one word at a time. Like the sound of that?

Join the Care Options For Kids Team!

Are you ready for meaningful work that comes with benefits and not burnout? Join the compassionate care team that helps children and families live their best lives. Our clinicians provide best-in-class pediatric nursing, therapy, and school-based services. We bring individualized care to children where they live, work, and play. We have opportunities in homes, schools, and clinics across the country.

Apply at Care Options for Kids now. We make it easy to start so you can make a difference as soon as possible.

Picture Books for Speech Therapy: s-blends and sh sounds

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How to Use Speech to Text on Windows 11: A Step-by-Step Guide

September 11, 2024

Michael Collins

How to Use Speech to Text on Windows 11

Getting Windows 11 to convert your speech to text is a piece of cake. First, you’re going to want to enable the speech recognition feature. Then, you’ll set up the microphone and start dictating away on your favorite app or program. Just follow the simple steps below, and you’ll be good to go!

In a few minutes, you can get Windows 11 to transcribe your words into text. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it.

Step 1: Enable Speech Recognition

First, you need to turn on the speech recognition feature in Windows 11.

Go to the Start menu, type "Settings," and hit enter. From there, navigate to "Accessibility" and find "Speech." Toggle on "Speech Recognition."

Step 2: Set Up Your Microphone

Next, you’ll need to ensure your microphone is ready to pick up your voice.

In the same "Speech" menu, click on "Set up a microphone" and follow the on-screen instructions. This will help Windows understand your voice better.

Step 3: Open the App or Program

Now, open the app or program where you want to use the speech-to-text feature.

This could be Microsoft Word, Notepad, or even your web browser. Make sure the cursor is in the text field where you want the words to appear.

Step 4: Start Dictating

Press the Windows key + H to start the dictation mode.

You’ll see a small toolbar pop up, indicating that Windows is ready to transcribe your speech into text. Start speaking clearly and naturally.

Step 5: Correct Errors as Needed

Sometimes, the software might misinterpret what you’re saying.

You can manually correct any mistakes using your keyboard, or you can say commands like "delete that" to erase the last word or phrase.

After completing these steps, Windows 11 will transcribe your spoken words into text right in the application you’re using. It’s a handy way to get your thoughts down quickly!

Tips for Using Speech to Text on Windows 11

  • Speak Clearly : Ensure you speak clearly and at a moderate pace for better accuracy.
  • Quiet Environment : Minimize background noise to improve the software’s ability to recognize your words.
  • Use Commands : Learn dictation commands such as "new line" or "delete that" to control the text editing process.
  • Regular Updates : Keep your Windows 11 updated to benefit from the latest improvements in the speech recognition feature.
  • Practice : The more you use it, the better it gets at understanding your voice and accent.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the speech to text feature available in all versions of windows 11.

Yes, the speech-to-text feature is available in all versions of Windows 11. However, some advanced features may require specific hardware.

Can I use speech to text in any application?

Most applications that accept text input can use the speech-to-text feature. However, the experience might be more seamless in apps that are optimized for this feature, like Microsoft Word.

How do I correct mistakes while dictating?

You can correct mistakes by using voice commands like "delete that" or manually using the keyboard.

Does speech recognition work offline?

Basic speech recognition works offline, but for enhanced accuracy and additional features, an internet connection is recommended.

Can I train the software to better recognize my voice?

Yes, you can improve accuracy by completing the voice training in the "Speech" settings menu.

Step-by-Step Summary

  • Enable Speech Recognition.
  • Set Up Your Microphone.
  • Open the App or Program.
  • Start Dictating.
  • Correct Errors as Needed.

And there you have it! Using speech to text on Windows 11 is a straightforward process that can save you tons of time and effort. Whether you’re writing an essay, jotting down some quick notes, or composing emails, this feature can make your life a whole lot easier.

Don’t forget to speak clearly and practice regularly to get the best results. If you found this guide helpful, why not explore more features of Windows 11 to enhance your productivity even further? Happy dictating!

Related posts:

  • How to Enable Voice Typing in Windows 11: A Step-by-Step Guide
  • How to Use Voice to Text on iPhone 14: A Step-by-Step Guide
  • Apple dictation app: A Comprehensive Guide to Seamless Voice Typing
  • How to Increase Microphone Volume in Windows 11: A Step-by-Step Guide
  • How to Create a Speech Bubble in Photoshop CS5: A Step-by-Step Guide
  • How to Make Microphone Louder in Windows 11: Easy Steps to Boost Volume
  • How to Fix Microphone on Windows 11: A Comprehensive Troubleshooting Guide
  • Tesla Voice Commands List: A Comprehensive Guide
  • Voice Text Not Working on iPhone: Troubleshooting Tips
  • Turn Off Voice Control: A Step-by-Step Guide to Regain Control
  • How to Turn Off Microphone on iPhone 14: Step-by-Step Guide
  • How to Turn On Microphone on Laptop Windows 11: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Remarks by Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III in Memory of Those Taken From Us in the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

General Brown, thank you for those moving words.

Family members of the fallen, survivors and first responders, our outstanding troops, ladies and gentlemen: thank you all for being here.

I'm honored to join you once more on this day of memory and resolve. And on behalf of the entire Department of Defense, let me offer my deepest condolences to the families, the friends, and the loved ones of the 184 souls who were stolen from us 23 years ago today, here at the Pentagon and on Flight 77.

We have repaired the damage to this building. But we know that we cannot repair the damage to your hearts.

No words can take away your grief.

No amount of time can make sense of the worst terrorist attack in American history.

And I know that for those whose lives were changed forever on 9/11, it can feel as if more and more Americans are returning to normal life on each new September 11th.

But not here. Not at the Pentagon.

Because we remember. The men and women of the Department of Defense remember. And we always will.

Every September, we gather here near 184 memorial benches. But the troops and the personnel of this Department don't need to come to this sacred space to remember 9/11.

We don't just work near a memorial. We work in a memorial.

Every day, we serve in the only surviving building struck by al-Qaeda on 9/11. And every day, we carry a powerful sense of purpose.

And that's why there's a piece of the wreckage from 9/11 on display outside my inner office—for every visitor and every teammate to see.

It is a constant reminder that 9/11 isn't a part of our distant history. It is entwined in the Department's mission. And it's captured in the stories of those who were here.

We continue to honor the beloved teammates whom we lost, the first responders who raced toward the flames, the families who humble us with their resilience, and the survivors who continue to inspire us all.

I'm thinking today of two sisters, Patty Mickley and Kathy Dillaber.

In the fall of 2001, Patty worked in the Defense Intelligence Agency. And Kathy worked for the Department of the Army.

On 9/11, they began their day as they so often did: with a morning talk in the Pentagon courtyard.

And Patty's daughter had graduated from the Pentagon Day Care Center a week earlier. And she had just had her first day of kindergarten. And so Patty told her younger sister all about it.

And they went their separate ways.

That was their last conversation.

Kathy was devastated by Patty's murder. But she channeled her anguish into service by working with the Pentagon Memorial Fund.

And Kathy says, "That was the tie that kept me here."

And we are grateful that Kathy is here with us today.

After 9/11, the staff, the family members, and the children of the Pentagon Day Care Center donated a small plaque in the Pentagon courtyard. It honors Patty and Shelley Marshall, another DIA teammate slain on 9/11.

And her young children were at the Day Care Center that morning. Now Shelley Marshall's daughter Chandler is now a lawyer who has helped to care for Afghan refugees. And her son Drake is now training at Fort Liberty to become a Special Forces Soldier.

They're here today with their father, Donn, who raised them with such love.

And the plaque in the Pentagon courtyard for Patty Mickley and Shelley Marshall reads: "They are not gone who live in the hearts of others."

"They are not gone who live in the hearts of others."

After 9/11, fear turned to resolve. And resolve turned to action and to service.

For proof of that, we can look to the life of Kevin Shaeffer.

On the morning of 9/11, Kevin was a lieutenant on duty in the Pentagon's Navy Command Center. As he watched the news from New York, he was knocked to the ground by the force of a fireball.

Nearly half of Kevin's body was terribly burned. But somehow, he crawled through the rubble toward rescue.

For three months, Kevin fought hard in the burn unit just to survive. And he still carries the scars of 9/11.

You know, Al-Qaeda's attack on the Pentagon ended Kevin's service to the Navy—but not to our country.

Kevin thought hard about what to do next. And he raised his hand to serve once more—this time as a civilian. In 2003, he was selected as one of the professional staff members on the 9/11 Commission.

And at his unremarkable government desk in his unremarkable government cubicle, Kevin chose to put up the pictures of the 9/11 hijackers. And on the Commission, he worked to shed truth and clarity on the evil that those 19 terrorists chose to commit.

In the wake of 9/11, Americans like Kevin and Kathy turned grief into grace and agony into resolve.

The stories like theirs remind us of what we've lost. But they also remind us of who we are.

We are the United States of America.

We do not bend to terror. And in uncertain times, our compass remains our Constitution.

This Department does not just defend our country and our citizens. It also defends America's founding values of democracy, freedom, and liberty under law.

And those beliefs have inspired generations of patriots to step forward and to wear the cloth of our nation. And they still do.

You know, only about six percent of today's troops were in uniform on 9/11. And of our troops about some 21 percent of our current Joint Force was born after 9/11.

And some of our troops enlisted or were commissioned after 9/11, as our country came together in sorrow and determination. And others joined years later, spurred on by an enduring spirit of service.

And we are profoundly grateful to them all.

We thank the military families who make their service possible.

And today of all days, I want to especially thank my fellow veterans of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

And in memory of every American Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Marine, and public servant who lost their lives in the wars that America fought after 9/11, we bow our heads.

Ladies and gentlemen, the United States military remains the greatest fighting force on Earth—not just because of our might but because of our people.

And we will always strive to carry forward the values of the teammates whom we lost here 23 years ago.

Their memory is our mission. And their families are our families too.

You have endured endless sorrow and unimaginable pain with unimaginable strength. We stand with you today, and every day.

And we rededicate ourselves to living up to the example and the goodness of your loved ones.

With a spirit of shared duty. With deep love for our country. And with an unbreakable devotion to our democracy.

May the memory of the fallen be a blessing.

May God provide comfort to all who mourn.

May God protect our troops.

And may God continue to bless the United States of America.

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In Debate With Trump, Harris’s Expressions Were a Weapon

Tuesday’s debate was expected to center on defining Kamala Harris. Instead, with words and with body language, she turned it into a referendum on Donald Trump.

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Six images of Kamala Harris with distinctly different facial expressions.

By Lisa Lerer and Reid J. Epstein

Lisa Lerer reported from New York and Reid J. Epstein reported from the debate in Philadelphia.

Follow along with live updates and debate analysis on the Trump and Harris campaigns .

She turned to him with an arched brow. A quiet sigh. A hand on her chin. A laugh. A pitying glance. A dismissive shake of her head.

From the opening moments of her first debate against Donald J. Trump, Kamala Harris craftily exploited her opponent’s biggest weakness.

Not his record. Not his divisive policies. Not his history of inflammatory statements.

Instead, she took aim at a far more primal part of him: his ego.

At his rallies, on his sycophantic social media network and surrounded by flatterers at Mar-a-Lago, Mr. Trump is unquestioned, unchallenged and never ever mocked.

That changed over the course of 90 minutes in Philadelphia on Tuesday, when the woman who had never before met him succeeded, bit by bit, in puncturing his comfortable cocoon and triggering his annoyance and anger.

Ms. Harris questioned the size and loyalty of the crowds at his rallies. She said world leaders call him a “disgrace.” And she claimed his fortune was built by his father, recasting a business mogul who proudly boasts of being a self-made man as just another nepotism baby.

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    rudely abrupt or blunt in speech or manner. cacophony. loud confusing disagreeable sounds. camaraderie. the quality of affording easy familiarity and sociability. capricious. determined by chance or impulse rather than by necessity. carte blanche. complete freedom or authority to act.

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    Speech therapists know that effective communication can be a powerful tool for change. Words can influence, persuade, and create positive outcomes. 29. "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, but about learning to dance in the rain." — Vivian Greene. Speech therapy helps clients find their voice and joy, even amidst challenges.

  26. How to Use Speech to Text on Windows 11: A Step-by-Step Guide

    In the same "Speech" menu, click on "Set up a microphone" and follow the on-screen instructions. This will help Windows understand your voice better. Step 3: Open the App or Program. Now, open the app or program where you want to use the speech-to-text feature. This could be Microsoft Word, Notepad, or even your web browser.

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    Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III made remarks during a 9/11 remembrance ceremony at the National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial.

  28. In Debate With Trump, Harris's Expressions Were a Weapon

    Tuesday's debate was expected to center on defining Kamala Harris. Instead, with words and with body language, she turned it into a referendum on Donald Trump. By Lisa Lerer and Reid J. Epstein ...