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what is your perception of a good customer service experience essay

How to answer "What is your experience with customer service?" (with sample answers)

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Why Employers Ask This

Employers ask about your experience with customer service because it is an essential skill in many job roles. Whether you are working in retail, food service, hospitality, or any other customer-facing industry, you need to be able to communicate effectively with customers. Companies want to hire individuals who can provide excellent customer service, resolve issues efficiently, and create a positive experience for customers.

In addition, employers want to gauge your experience with difficult customers. Customer service can be challenging, and customers can be demanding, angry, and even abusive sometimes. Therefore, employers want to assess your ability to handle pressure and manage customer's needs and expectations.

How to Answer the Question

When answering the question, "What is your experience with customer service?" in a job interview, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Highlight your relevant experience: Discuss any previous job roles where you have interacted with customers and provided excellent service. Provide examples of a time when you handled customer complaints and resolved issues to the customer's satisfaction.
  • Show your communication skills: Customer service requires excellent communication skills, both verbal and written. Talk about how you addressed customers' concerns and effectively communicated with them, even in challenging situations.
  • Discuss your ability to handle pressure: The interviewer may want to assess your ability to handle stress, particularly when dealing with difficult customers. Mention how you remained calm, empathetic, and professional in resolving the customer's concerns.
  • Emphasize your ability to work in a team: Customer service is often a team effort. Bring up any instances where you collaborated with colleagues or worked in a team to provide seamless customer service experience.

Remember to be honest and concise in your response. Provide specific examples to back up your claims, and avoid generalities. Your answer should demonstrate that you have the skills and experience needed to excel in a customer-focused role.

Sample answers:

"I've never worked in customer service before, but I'm really good with people. I think I could figure it out pretty quickly."

This answer is bad because it doesn't address the question directly. The interviewer wants to know if you have experience in customer service and how it relates to the job you're applying for. Saying that you've never worked in customer service isn't a good start, and then trying to pivot to a vague positive is unlikely to impress the interviewer.

"I've had some limited experience with customer service in my previous role, where I occasionally had to help field customer complaints. I found that I really enjoyed the opportunity to help solve problems and make customers happy."

This answer is okay, but it could be stronger. It does address the question by acknowledging some customer service experience, but it doesn't provide much detail about what the experience was or how it relates to the job being applied for.

"I've worked in customer service for the past two years in a call center, where I handled an average of 50 calls a day. I'm experienced in de-escalating tense situations, solving customer problems, and ensuring customer satisfaction. I understand that each customer is unique, with their own problems and concerns, and I always strive to listen and address their needs."

This answer is great because it directly and specifically addresses the question while also highlighting the applicant's experience and skills. By providing concrete details about the type of customer service work they've done, the applicant demonstrates their competency and experience in the field. This answer also shows the interviewer that the applicant has a customer-focused approach and has experience dealing with difficult situations.

"I have over five years of experience in customer service across various industries, including retail, hospitality, and healthcare. In my role as a customer service manager at XYZ company, I oversaw a team of 12 customer service representatives and implemented a new training program that resulted in a 25% increase in customer satisfaction ratings. I'm passionate about delivering exceptional customer service and I believe that my experience and skills would enable me to thrive in this role."

This answer is great because it not only directly answers the question, but it also goes above and beyond by offering specific examples of the applicant's experience managing customer service teams and implementing successful initiatives. By highlighting their passion for customer service, the applicant shows that they are not only skilled but also enthusiastic about the work. This answer would likely leave a positive impression on the interviewer.

what is your perception of a good customer service experience essay

what is your perception of a good customer service experience essay

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Importance of a Positive Attitude in Customer Service

Positive Attitude along with Yonyx decision trees form a killer combination to improve Customer Service.

Image by Waewkidja on Freepik

What is a Positive Attitude in Customer Service?

A positive attitude in customer service is simply about remaining calm during interactions, making every effort to build robust relationships with customers, and ensuring that customers view the company as authentic through their demeanour.

“Customer Service is not a department. It is an Attitude.” – Unknown

Positive Attitude and Product Knowledge

It is no secret that customer service can have a profound and lasting effect on the customer’s experience with a company. Given that customer service as a role is demanding, annoyances and irritation are part of the everyday operations for the service staff, and it becomes even more imperative to remain positive while dealing with customers. Customers expect high standards of service and top-class experience with a company – every time and through every touch-point. Creating such positive experiences for customers is possible by maintaining a positive attitude in customer service, along with empowering CSRs with the right information at their fingertips. This combination can be hard to cultivate. Implementing tools like decision tree maker software can streamline this process, providing CSRs with structured guidance and ensuring consistent delivery of service excellence.

It is important for a company to provide training and coaching to help the customer service staff understand the importance of a positive attitude & provide tools like interactive decision trees to help deliver the right information to customers. There are several examples of how decision trees contribute to a positive attitude among call center agents by providing cold calling scripts , structure, empowerment, efficiency, and consistency in their interactions. These decision tree use cases not only improve the customer experience but also create a more positive and supportive work environment for the agents themselves.

Positive Attitude Spreads Throughout

The reason for a positive attitude in customer service (and in every aspect of life) is that such an attitude spreads and has a profound positive effect on people. By remaining positive, the service teams would be able to mould customer behaviour and influence them a lot more easily. It is necessary for the service staff to focus on the good things and positive interactions they have with customers, rather than on only some of the negative ones that may occur. By maintaining a positive attitude in customer service, the service staff would set the tone for all their interactions with their customers, which would ‘rub off’ on the customers too. The fact is that when service staff focuses on the irritated, annoyed, and screaming customers only, that they encountered during a workday, the result is a feeling of dread and lethargy that will spill over to the next day, making them hate coming to work. These negative attitudes then snowball, and the service staff would possibly become rude and defiant. Implementing tools like Salesforce decision trees can further streamline interactions, providing a structured framework for positive engagement and reinforcing the importance of maintaining a constructive demeanor.

Put yourself in the Customer’s Shoes

Maintaining a positive attitude in customer service is about putting oneself in the customer’s position and viewing the problem from their eyes. This would make the service staff feels less threatened and anxious since they would know how to deal with the different emotions of different customers. By beginning each interaction with a positive attitude, the service staff would be in control of their mood, and in turn positively influence the customer’s attitude and response. The first part of a positive attitude in customer service would be positive language. This would mean showing the customer a ready and willing demeanour that would display the willingness to see every interaction from the customer’s point of view. It would also mean being proactive towards the needs of customers, asking the customer what the company can do for them, rather than telling them what cannot be done. The idea is to make every experience more pleasant and efficient for them. Implementing a structured customer service decision tree can assist service staff in navigating interactions with positivity and efficiency, guiding them through various scenarios and ensuring consistent delivery of exceptional service.

Increase customer loyalty with Positive Attitude

Customers love to stay with companies that provide them with as many positive messages and experiences as possible. It would be necessary for a company to revamp and reorganize its processes to allow for things that customers would want – free shipping, easy returns, swift and varied payment methods, and other such needs. In addition, customers expect to receive service and responses when they want and, as they want. For companies, this would mean ensuring round-the-clock service, with speedy efficient responses. All these aspects would reflect the positive attitude toward customer service, on the part of the company as a whole. The positive attitude must reflect through at every touch-point – that means whichever channel a customer contacts the company through they must have a positive experience. To display a positive attitude in customer service, the customer-facing staff must refrain from negative words and behaviours.

Positive Attitude improves Customer Retention

It is important from a customer retention point of view, to keep customers interested and engaged. The company must show its appreciation for the customer’s patronage by offering timely incentives and other ‘lures’. The idea is to ensure customers want to come back for more and offering them some such offers will make them. Even through intelligent content, companies can keep customers interested and entertained even outside the confines of the business relationship and ensure that customers keep providing repeat business. Creating and maintaining a positive attitude in customer service is beyond just offering satisfactory service in every customer transaction. It is about serving with a smile and with unfeigned interest. A positive attitude in customer service will ensure that customers have positive experiences each time, and would leave feeling good about themselves and the company, which in turn would mean wanting to do business with the company repeatedly.

A positive attitude leads to Better Solutions

When a positive attitude in customer service exists, the service staff will appear more amenable, amicable, responsive, and attuned to the needs and expectations of customers. This in turn would reflect in their behaviour towards customers, who would feel heard, respected, and cared for by the company. When service staff remains open-minded and positive, they would be able to ‘hear’ more than just the spoken words and requests of customers. They would be able to convey empathy and care by making a concerted effort to understand the thoughts and feelings of customers, which is what customers expect in every situation. Positive service staff will always appear happy and ready to help. Their style and manner of communicating would reflect their attitude, and if it is positive, existing customers would remain and the company would be able to attract more customers, translating to higher sales and revenue. A warm friendly smile, courteous mannerisms, a willingness to serve, and an empathetic demeanour – are all part of a positive attitude in customer service.

Positive Attitude leads to Happier Customers

A positive attitude in customer service means happy customers, which in turn means success for the company. Everyone wants to work and remain associated with a successful company – the overall work environment would be a lot happier, energized, and everyone would want to contribute to making it even better. A positive attitude in customer service would resonate with the whole organization, encouraging a spirit of cooperation, collaboration, and a constant endeavour to ensure customer satisfaction at any cost. In addition, there would be better communication and cooperation between the employees, and each team would understand the challenges involved in interacting with customers and hence would be more likely to provide timely help and support. Customers remember when they are treated well but may not talk about it. However, if they were not treated well they would be very likely to spread negativity and tell a number of people about their poor experiences. It makes sense for a company, therefore, to ensure that their employees treat each other and customers with courtesy and kindness.

A positive attitude increases Accountability

Through a positive attitude in customer service, everyone would feel more accountable, everyone would be more resourceful in searching for solutions, and ensure regular follow-up to show customers that everyone in the company cares. The quality of products and services would become better, as everyone would strive for excellence and fairness while dealing with customers. Everyone would be more mindful of their manners towards customers and would put the customer’s interest in mind. When everyone keeps a positive attitude in customer service (service to the customer), customers will be happier and as a result, would work towards making the company successful.

Develop interactive decision trees for troubleshooting, cold calling scripts, medical appointments, or process automation. Enhance sales performance and customer retention across your call centers. Lower costs with customer self-service.

5 Smart Answers: “What Does Customer Service Mean to You?”

By Editorial Team on February 25, 2024 — 10 minutes to read

When you’re gearing up for an interview, one of the questions you might encounter is, “What does customer service mean to you?” It’s important to prepare for this question because your response can reveal a lot about your understanding of customer service values and your ability to articulate them effectively. A well-crafted answer shows your perspective on treating customers and your role in a customer-facing environment.

Understanding Customer Service

When you think about what customer service means to you, you’re considering the support and care provided to customers before, during, and after a purchase.

Definition and Importance

Customer servic e is the assistance and advice you give to those who buy or use products or services. It’s important for fostering a positive experience that encourages repeat business. When a company invests time in providing helpful customer service, it often sees a return in customer satisfaction and loyalty. An example of good customer service could be a restaurant server who remembers your preferences and makes suggestions tailored to your tastes.

Role in Building Brand Loyalty

Providing excellent customer service means customers are more likely to develop brand loyalty. When you respond effectively to customer concerns and exceed their expectations, you help create a strong, positive association with the brand. For instance, if you’re working in retail and go out of your way to help a customer find a product or resolve an issue, that customer is more likely to return to the store because of the positive interaction they’ve had.

Formulating Your Answer

When preparing to answer “What does customer service mean to you?” in an interview, focusing on how your definition aligns with the prospective employer’s values and how your skills back up that definition will position you effectively.

Researching the Company’s Values

Learning about a company’s culture and values gives you a solid foundation for your answer. You should look at their mission statement, service charter, or any available customer feedback. For instance, if the company prides itself on quick service, you’ll want to highlight your efficiency and ability to handle requests promptly.

Highlighting Customer Service Skills

Consider your past roles: how did you go above and beyond for a customer? For example, if you’ve successfully mediated customer conflicts, showcase your conflict resolution ability. This demonstrates a direct application of customer service that resonates with most hiring managers.

Smart Answers: “What Does Customer Service Mean to You?”

  • “To me, customer service means meeting and exceeding customer expectations by providing quick and helpful responses to their queries. It’s important because satisfied customers are the heart of any business.” Why this is smart: This answer shows that you understand the value of customer satisfaction and implies you will take action to ensure it.
  • “Customer service is all about creating a positive experience for the customer by attentively listening to their needs and working to resolve any issues they have.” Why this is smart: You’re demonstrating active listening and problem-solving skills, both highly valued in customer service.
  • “In my view, customer service represents the support and care you provide to customers before, during, and after a purchase. It’s important because it builds trust and fosters loyalty.” Why this is smart: Highlighting ongoing support elucidates your recognition of long-term customer relationships.
  • “For me, customer service is about being an advocate for the customer, ensuring their voice is heard, and their concerns are addressed in a timely manner.” Why this is smart: It suggests you see the big picture and position yourself as a customer ally, which is key in service roles.
  • “I believe customer service is the advice and assistance a company provides to those people who buy or use its products or services. It’s important because it can differentiate a company from its competitors.” Why this is smart: You show an understanding that customer service can be a unique selling point and that you’re aware of the competitive edge it can provide.

Preparing for Follow-Up Questions

After you’ve crafted your initial answer to what customer service means to you, be ready for interviewers to dig a little deeper. They may want to see how you apply your beliefs about customer service in practical situations. Here’s how you can prepare:

Reflect on Past Experiences

Think about specific times when you provided exceptional customer service. How did you handle difficult customers? What strategies did you use to ensure a positive outcome? Having real-life examples demonstrates your understanding of good customer service in action.

Anticipate Specific Scenarios

Interviewers might present you with hypothetical customer service scenarios. Consider what steps you would take to resolve issues and maintain customer satisfaction. Crafting responses to common scenarios will help you answer with confidence.

Understand the Company’s Values

Research the company’s customer service philosophy. Align your answers with their values and principles, showing how you would be a great fit for their team.

Use “I” Statements

When providing examples, start your sentences with “I” to personalize your responses and highlight your role in delivering quality customer service.

Listen Carefully

Pay attention to the interviewer’s questions and respond thoughtfully. If they ask for more information, they’re interested in hearing how your approach to customer service aligns with their needs.

Common Follow-Up Questions with Sample Answers

Can you give an example of how you provided great customer service in a previous role.

In a previous role, I often met customers who were looking for complex solutions. Once, I spent extra time after my shift to help a customer understand different product options. This effort resulted in a satisfied customer who later returned for more purchases.

In what ways do you believe effective communication impacts customer service?

Effective communication is pivotal for customer service, because it ensures clarity, reduces misunderstandings, and builds a trustworthy relationship.

What strategies would you use to handle a difficult customer encounter?

When encountering a difficult customer, I would remain calm and listen carefully to understand their concerns. Afterward, I’d empathize, apologize for any inconvenience, and offer practical solutions or alternatives to resolve the situation satisfactorily.

How do you prioritize your tasks when you have multiple customers to attend to at the same time?

I assess the urgency of each customer’s need and address quick, simple issues to efficiently reduce the queue. For more complex issues, I acknowledge the customer’s presence, provide an estimated wait time, and ensure they feel attended to while I manage the current situation.

Tell me about a time when you went above and beyond for a customer.

There was an instance where a customer was not fully satisfied with their purchase due to a slight mismatch in expectations. Although the product was not faulty, I arranged an exchange for an item that better suited their needs and followed up with a courtesy call to ensure their satisfaction. This extra step helped in retaining the customer and encouraged future positive word-of-mouth.

How do you measure your success in a customer service role?

Personally I measure success by my ability to resolve issues effectively, improve customer loyalty, and contribute to a positive team environment.

Describe a situation where you had to explain a complex policy or procedure to a customer. How did you ensure they understood?

I recall explaining a complex return policy to a customer who was initially frustrated. I broke down the policy into simple terms and used examples to illustrate the process. I also confirmed their understanding by asking them to summarize their takeaway.

What do you find most rewarding about a customer service role?

The most rewarding aspect of customer service is the opportunity to make a positive impact on someone’s day. Whether it’s solving a problem, providing helpful information, or simply offering a kind word, the ability to turn a customer’s experience from negative to positive is incredibly fulfilling.

Can you share a time when you received constructive criticism in a customer service setting? How did you handle it?

Once, a supervisor pointed out that my response to a customer’s query could have been more detailed. I took this feedback constructively, reviewed the product information, and practiced delivering more comprehensive responses. This experience taught me the value of continuous learning and improvement in customer service.

Crafting Your Answers

Structuring your response.

Your response should highlight your perspective on customer service and the value you place on it. Start by clearly defining what customer service means to you, then explain why this definition is relevant to the role you’re applying for. It’s important to keep your explanation concise and focused on key points.

  • Define customer service: Start with your personal definition.
  • Relevance to the role: Explain why this definition matters for the job.
  • Personal touch: Share a brief example of how you’ve embodied this definition.

Using the STAR Method

The STAR method can help you structure responses to behavioral interview questions effectively. STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result. Use this method to craft a narrative that shows how you’ve provided exceptional customer service in the past.

  • Situation : Set the scene with a specific example from your experience.
  • Task : Describe your responsibility in that situation.
  • Action : Detail what actions you took to address the task.
  • Result : Conclude with the positive outcome as a result of your actions.

Example using STAR:

  • Situation : “A customer was upset because their product arrived late.”
  • Task : “My goal was to address their concerns and provide a satisfactory resolution.”
  • Action : “I apologized, explained the cause of the delay, and offered a discount on their next purchase.”
  • Result : “The customer appreciated the transparency and the gesture, leaving a positive review.”

Reflecting on Personal Experience

When preparing for a job interview question about what customer service means to you, it’s important to think about your past experiences. This will give you genuine examples to draw from and show how you understand and value customer service.

Identifying Past Experiences

To start, you should pinpoint specific instances in your previous roles where you provided excellent customer service. This could be a time when you went above and beyond for a customer, or when you turned a negative situation into a positive one. These examples should highlight your ability to empathize with customers and address their needs effectively.

  • Was it face-to-face, over the phone, or via email?
  • Was the customer frustrated, confused, or perhaps very pleased?
  • How did you approach the situation?
  • What was the result of your actions for the customer and for the company?

Relating Anecdotes to the Role

After identifying past experiences, it’s important to articulate how those experiences relate to the role for which you’re interviewing. If you’re applying for a position that requires direct customer interaction, discuss how your interpersonal skills made a difference in past customer engagements.

  • Describe a time when you resolved a customer complaint and the steps you took to ensure the customer was satisfied with the solution.
  • Explain what you learned from the experience and how it will influence your approach to customer service in the future.
  • Talk about a moment when you anticipated a customer’s needs before they had to ask for help.
  • Illustrate how this proactive mindset is a part of the customer service excellence you plan to bring to the role.

Dos and Don’ts

Best practices.

Relate to Personal Experience: Start by thinking of a positive interaction you’ve had as a customer and explain what made it memorable. For instance, “I value customer service interactions where the representative made me feel heard and provided solutions quickly.”

Emphasize Empathy and Patience: Your answer should highlight your ability to relate to customers and their concerns. You might say, “To me, customer service means being patient and empathetic with every customer, understanding their needs, and taking the time to address their issues effectively.”

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

Being Vague: Avoid ambiguous language that doesn’t convey a clear understanding of customer service. Instead of saying “Customer service is helping people,” be specific: “Customer service means actively listening to customers and resolving their problems with thoughtful and personalized solutions.”

Neglecting the Company’s Perspective: Don’t forget to consider how the company views customer service. Research their mission and values regarding customer satisfaction and integrate that into your answer. Rather than offering a generic statement, tailor your response, for example: “Your company’s commitment to going above and beyond for every customer resonates with my personal values because providing exceptional service ensures customer loyalty and business success.”

  • 40 Customer Service Self Evaluation Examples
  • 9 Key Benefits: Why is Customer Service Important?
  • 3 Examples: How to Write a Customer Service Resume Summary
  • 8 Ways to Deliver Excellent Customer Service
  • 2 Examples of Customer Service Representative Cover Letters
  • 15 Examples: How to Deliver Excellent Customer Service
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Good customer service definition, best practices, and examples

Explore the definition and benefits of good customer service, along with key practices and real-life examples. Learn about the importance of clear communication, empathy, problem-solving, and expertise. Discover how good customer service leads to customer loyalty, positive word of mouth, and enhanced employee satisfaction.

  • Introduction

Good customer service definition, best practices, and examples

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The kind of customer service you offer to your customers can make or break your business. Providing excellent customer service can make all the difference in building strong relationships, retaining loyal customers and attracting new ones. But what exactly is good customer service?

In this article, we’ll explore the definition of good customer service, delve into its key elements, highlight its benefits, and provide practical tips on how to deliver exceptional customer service. To illustrate these concepts, we’ll share some real-life examples of companies that excel in providing an outstanding customer experience. So get ready to discover all the secrets that will leave your customers raving about their experience with your business.

Table of Contents

7 key elements of good customer service

6 benefits of good customer service, 7 qualities of good customer service, 6 tips to deliver top-notch customer service, 5 real-life excellent customer service examples, you are one step closer to excellent customer service, what is good customer service.

Good customer service means providing assistance and support to customers before, during, and after a purchase or interaction with a company. It goes beyond addressing customer’s needs. You should strive for creating a positive and memorable experience that leaves the customer feeling valued, heard and satisfied.

E-commerce, SaaS business, retail, healthcare , marketing… Regardless of the industry you operate in, good customer service is about going the extra mile to meet and exceed customer expectations, leaving a lasting impression that encourages repeat business and positive word-of-mouth recommendations.

For example, in the retail industry , good customer service means having knowledgeable and friendly employees who are ready to help customers find the right products and offer suitable recommendations.

A SaaS (Software as a service) company can provide customer service by offering prompt and personalized support through multiple channels, such as live chat, email, and phone. By actively listening to customer feedback, they can ensure continuous improvement and implement new features that will enhance the customer experience and meet their evolving needs.

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Customer service review that highlights their satisfaction with customer service provided by LiveAgent

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Review from customer shows their satisfaction with the level of customer support received from LiveAgent

Good customer service is built on several key elements that work together to create a positive experience for customers. These elements include:

  • Clear communication: Effective communication is essential in customer service. Therefore, the ability to communicate clearly is a key skill that every member of your support team should possess. It’s important to actively listen to customers, understand their needs, and provide clear information or solutions. Communication should be friendly, respectful, and easily understandable.
  • Empathy and patience: Good customer service involves putting yourself in the customer’s shoes and trying to understand their perspective. Whether you are dealing with frustrated customers or customers who are letting out their anger, it is essential to stay calm and collected. Let them talk and show empathy towards their concerns or frustrations. As a result, it will help you build a connection and fosters a sense of trust and support.
  • Personalization: Treating customers as individuals and tailoring the service to their specific needs and preferences is another critical element. This may involve remembering previous interactions, providing personalized recommendations, or addressing customers by their names to create a more personalized experience.
  • Problem-solving mindset: More times than not, it is up to the customer support representatives to take the initiative and find solutions or offer suitable alternatives that will meet the needs of the customer. Therefore, having a proactive problem-solving approach can turn a potentially negative situation into a positive one.
  • Knowledge and expertise: As the saying goes, knowledge is key. And your customers seek assistance from knowledgeable experts who can provide accurate information and guidance. This means that you need to have well-trained staff who have necessary skills to solve customer problems and answer their questions. A knowledgeable staff not only resolves issues but also cultivates confidence, shaping a stellar customer service journey.
  • Follow-up and aftercare: Going the extra mile by following up with customers after their purchase or interaction shows them that you value their satisfaction even after the transaction. This may involve seeking feedback, addressing any concerns, or offering additional assistance if needed.
  • Proactiveness: Take initiative and identify potential issues or needs that customers may have before they even reach out. Providing proactive support shows customers that the company values their satisfaction and is dedicated to providing exceptional service. Plus, you can prevent problems from occurring and offer tailored solutions to enhance the overall customer experience.

Delivering good service is a key ingredient to maintaining long-term profitability in today’s diverse and highly competitive marketplace. Studies show that 80% of customers say the experience provided by a company is just as important as the product/services they offer.

Moreover, consumers don’t just expect great service, they are ready to pay for it. According to Marketsplash, a remarkable 90% of customers are willing to pay more to receive a higher level of service and personalized customer care. In addition, 89% say that offering online self-service solutions also influences their willingness to pay extra.

This shows that by providing exceptional service, companies can enhance customer loyalty, generate positive word-of-mouth referrals, and ultimately drive revenue growth. So let’s dive into the various advantages that come with delivering top-notch customer service:

Customer insight and market understanding

By gaining a deep understanding of customers’ needs, preferences, and pain points, businesses can personalize their service to meet those specific requirements. There are various methods to gain customer insights . These methods involve conducting customer surveys, analyzing customer feedback, or tracking customer behavior and purchasing patterns. Use this data to identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions to enhance the overall customer experience .

Software solutions like LiveAgent can also be valuable in delivering excellent customer service. LiveAgent combines ticketing, live chat, call center, and social media management capabilities into one platform, enabling businesses to centralize customer interactions and gain a comprehensive overview of customer needs. Its robust reporting and analytics features provide valuable insights that can be used to optimize customer service operations and improve customer satisfaction.

Reports and analytics feature in LiveAgent

Building customer loyalty

Having a loyal customer base is crucial for long-term success. Loyal customers not only make repeat purchases, but they also act as brand advocates, spreading positive word-of-mouth. This leads to increased customer retention , higher profitability, and a competitive advantage on the market. Making your customers feel valued contributes to their increased loyalty. Moreover, they are more forgiving when mistakes happen and are more likely to give constructive feedback.

If you want to dive deeper into the topic of building a steady and loyal customer base, we have a separate article on How to build a steady and loyal customer base that explores the importance of customer loyalty, strategies for customer retention, and how to measure and calculate customer loyalty and retention.

Higher customer lifetime value

Customer lifetime value (CLV) is a metric that calculates the total revenue a customer is expected to generate over their entire relationship with a business. It takes into account the customer’s purchasing patterns, average order value, and the duration of their relationship.

By knowing the potential value of each customer, businesses can focus on cultivating long-term relationships and providing amazing customer service that leads to repeat purchases and increased profitability.

So how can a business enhance customer lifetime value? By exceeding customer expectations, building trust, offering personalized experiences, and addressing customer needs, you can prolong the customer relationship, encourage repeat purchases, and potentially upsell or cross-sell additional products or services. To achieve that, you can consider to:

  • Offer loyalty programs
  • Provide personalized marketing campaigns
  • Continuously improve product quality and innovation
  • Offer additional value-added services or benefits
  • Implement customer suggestions for improvement

Positive word of mouth and referrals

People are much more likely to trust recommendations from friends, family, or online reviews than traditional advertising. Therefore, it is a powerful way to get your customers to do the marketing for you and act as a form of endorsement that can greatly influence the purchasing decisions of others.

Providing excellent customer service to your current customers can encourage them to become your brand advocates and actively promote the business to their network. It can also increase brand visibility and ultimately drive business growth. However, it is important to keep in mind that referrals can also work in a negative way as well. If you provide inadequate customer service, your customers can share their bad experiences which can have a negative effect on your reputation and drive people away.

With social media and online review platforms, customers have a platform to express their opinions publicly. By monitoring and responding to customer feedback, businesses can address concerns, handle negative reviews effectively, and improve their overall reputation. Keeping an eye on customer sentiment allows businesses to proactively manage their online presence and ensure that positive word-of-mouth is fostered.

Faster problem resolution

When customers have their issues promptly addressed and resolved, it demonstrates the company’s commitment to their satisfaction. It fosters trust, reduces frustration, and ensures a positive overall experience.

However, if customers don’t receive prompt resolutions, it can have several negative consequences. They may become dissatisfied, share their bad customer service experience with others, or even switch to one of your competitors. This can lead to customer churn, damage to the company’s reputation, and a potential loss of revenue.

LiveAgent can be a valuable tool for improving response and resolution times. With its ticketing system, businesses can efficiently manage and organize customer inquiries, ensuring that no issues slip through the cracks. The live chat feature also enables real-time communication with customers , allowing for quick responses and instant problem resolution. In addition, LiveAgent’s knowledge base improves the resolution process by providing customers with easy access to relevant information and solutions through self-service.

Enhanced employee satisfaction

The satisfaction of your employees is just as important. Happy and engaged employees are more motivated, productive, and likely to provide exceptional customer service. They become advocates for the company and contribute to a positive work environment.

Here is how you can improve employee satisfaction:

  • Provide training programs, workshops, and opportunities for skill development. This helps them feel valued and enhances their confidence in handling customer interactions.
  • Recognize and reward achievements through verbal praise, monetary rewards, or advancement opportunities. Celebrating successes reinforces a positive and rewarding work environment.
  • Encourage your employees to share their ideas, concerns, and feedback. Establish channels for open communication, such as regular team meetings or suggestion boxes.
  • Provide a healthy work-life balance by offering flexible working hours, remote work options, or wellness programs that prioritize employee health and happiness.
  • Build a company culture that emphasizes teamwork, collaboration, and mutual respect. Recognize the importance of each employee’s contributions to the success of the business.

1. Responsiveness

Being responsive means promptly addressing customer inquiries, concerns, or complaints. Forbes research shows that 65% of customer emails are ignored, and they never receive a response from the company. Being easily accessible through various support channels, acknowledging service requests, and actually responding to customers in a timely manner are must-have aspects of great customer care .

2. Speed and efficiency

Modern consumers are impatient and expect their service requests to be handled quickly and efficiently. In PwC’s research, more than 80% of consumers say that speed and efficiency are some of the most important aspects of good customer service.This is due to the fact that consumers hate contacting a company over and over again regarding the same issue.

3. Competence

The professional competence of frontline employees is one of the most essential characteristics of quality customer service. According to Zippia , 39% of customers say that a customer service agent ’s lack of knowledge is one of the most frustrating aspects when it comes to customer service. In addition, 28% of customers say that having to repeat the same information over and over again is also just as frustrating.

4. Consistency

Providing consistent positive experiences is very important as consumers use multiple channels to engage with brands. Moreover, the consumers increasingly demand an effortless and unified service experience across every touchpoint during every interaction. As said by McKinsey, consistent customer experience across the entire customer journey increases customer satisfaction and builds trust.

5. Professionalism and courtesy

Common courtesy and professionalism are the foundation of high-quality customer service. This involves being polite, respectful, friendly, and following proper service etiquette when interacting with customers. The level of professionalism demonstrated by service employees greatly affects a customer’s experience and perception of the business. In fact, 77% of consumers say they are likely to switch brands if they experience rudeness from customer service representatives. If you would like to dive deeper into the specific customer service skills that make representatives stand out, be sure to check out our blog post about customer service skills that will make you stand out.

6. Convenience

Today’s customers want to be able to contact a business through various different channels they find the most convenient. These channels may include email, live chat, phone call, or social media platforms. More than 90% of customers say that convenience is the most important aspect of good customer service. Therefore, it is important for businesses to offer support through the communication channels their customers rely on and prefer the most to make it as simple as possible for them to reach out.

7. Being proactive

Would you believe that based on a study done by Statista , around 70% of customers have a more favorable view of businesses that offer proactive customer service ? Proactively reaching out to your customers and offering assistance will show them that you care about their experience and that you want to help them with whatever they need. This can have a positive effect on building loyalty and trust.

To deliver top-notch customer service, consider implementing the following tips and practices:

Implement self-service options

Create a comprehensive knowledge base that is easily accessible by your customers as well as customer service agents . You should include answers to FAQs, troubleshooting guides, video tutorials, step-by-step instructions, and product/service information. This enables customers to find answers to common questions and resolves issues quickly, saving time for both the customer and your customer service team.

According to our research, 66% of customers try to solve their issues on their own before they contact customer support. LiveAgent offers an intuitive knowledge base software that helps you create and manage your knowledge bases and make them accessible for every customer.

Offer omnichannel support

Omnichannel customer service is a great way of providing seamless customer support across various channels, such as phone calls, email, live chat , or social media platforms. Customers are able to choose the channel they are the most comfortable with, which enhances convenience and accessibility. It also helps businesses to provide a consistent level of support throughout the entire customer journey by integrating all the communication channels.

A great way to provide this level of support is by implementing a solution like LiveAgent help desk software. With LiveAgent, your customer support team can easily manage all the customers interactions from one universal inbox instead of switching between multiple platforms and losing track of all the customer inquiries.

Image of LiveAgent providing omnichannel support

Streamline with a ticketing system

Ticketing system is a tool that converts all customer requests into tickets and helps you track, prioritize and automatically assign tickets to appropriate departments/agents. It also improves ticket management by storing all conversations in one centralized place no matter what channel it comes from.

LiveAgent offers a ticketing tool that can help you organize all communications and keep any customer communication in one ticket thread. You can also create internal tickets that are only visible by other team members. You can use them as notes, reminders, or share important information with your colleagues to facilitate collaboration.

LiveAgent’s Universal Inbox feature, compounding all customer requests into one convenient inbox

Practice active listening

When customers reach out to customer support or express their feedback, they want to feel understood and valued. Active listening is about giving your full attention to the customer, focusing on their words, tone of voice, or emotions. It helps you grasp the true nature of the customer’s issue. By doing so, you can build a better connection and trust.

Additionally, active listening enables customer support agents to avoid any potential misunderstandings. By clarifying and asking additional questions, they can ensure that they fully understand the issue expressed by the customer. This helps prevent unnecessary delays or frustrations in resolving the problem and promotes a more efficient and effective support experience.

Show gratitude and appreciation

By expressing gratitude, whether it is through a personalized thank-you note or a simple verbal acknowledgment, you create a memorable and positive customer experience. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and advocacy because it makes the customer feel valued for choosing your business. Customers who feel appreciated are more likely to become repeat customers and recommend your business to others, driving growth through positive word-of-mouth.

Thank you email template

Showing gratitude and appreciation can also help in diffusing or de-escalating potentially tense situations. When a customer is frustrated or dissatisfied, expressing gratitude for their feedback or patience can help shift the tone of the conversation. It shows that you genuinely care about their concerns and are willing to work towards a resolution. This can help turn a negative experience into a positive one.

Train and empower your team

Training and empowering your team is crucial if you want to deliver superior customer service because they are the front line of your business. Equipping them with the necessary knowledge, skills, and confidence enables them to handle customer inquiries more effectively. Well-trained team members are more likely to provide accurate information, offer appropriate solutions, and deliver exceptional service, contributing to customer satisfaction and loyalty.

There are several ways to train your customer service team effectively, as well as give them the opportunity to make decisions:

  • Offer comprehensive training sessions to ensure they have in-depth knowledge of what your business offers (understanding features, benefits, and potential issues that customers may encounter).
  • Train them to enhance their communication skills, active listening abilities, and problem-solving techniques.
  • Consider role-playing exercises to simulate real-life scenarios to show them how to handle different situations.
  • Trust their judgment and provide them with guidelines that can boost their confidence and speed up problem resolution process
  • Provide your team with access to comprehensive knowledge bases, FAQs, and other tools that enable them to find information independently.
  • Involve team members in decision-making and process improvement discussions. Seek their input and insights on how to enhance the customer experience.

Inspire your team

Inspiring your team is also very important because it sets the tone for how your business interacts with customers. When your team members feel motivated and inspired, they are more likely to go above and beyond to meet customer needs, exceed expectations, and create memorable experiences.

As Chris LoCurto, a leadership and business coach, stated, “ Great customer service doesn’t mean that the customer is always right, it means that the customer is always honored. “

For more inspiring customer service quotes, check out our separate articl e full of insightful phrases to motivate your team on a daily basis.

Let’s look at some examples of good customer service in practice:

Zappos is an online retail company that is known for its exceptional customer service through Twitter. Their customer support team actively engages with customers, resolves issues, answers queries, and offers timely assistance in a friendly and helpful manner.

Screenshot of Twitter communication between Zappos and their customer

Zappos is also known for their “going extreme for the customers” approach by offering free shipping for any number of back-and-forth transactions, or their 365-days return policy if a customer is not satisfied with the product.

Tony Hsieh, the CEO of Zappos, says that even though this approach costs them some money, they prefer to invest money in customer service rather than on advertising. He thinks that this helps them create long-lasting relationships with their customers and gain positive word-of-mouth referrals. And so far, it is working for them exceptionally well.

Social media provides a direct line of communication between brands and customers, offering a fast and convenient way for customers to reach out with inquiries, feedback, or complaints. Actively engaging on social media helps you demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction, build relationships, and leverage the power of word-of-mouth marketing.

Invest more into your customer service, and see how it will positively impact customer satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately the success of your business. By allocating resources to enhance customer service, you can improve the overall customer experience, reduce customer churn, and increase customer lifetime value.

Another great way to show your customers that you care is by offering random acts of kindness. It doesn’t have to be anything big. The important thing is listening to your customers, what they want or need and act on it. One example of a brand that does this well is Lego.

Image of the Lego's logo

With a rich history spanning over 80 years, Lego has captivated generations of children and adults alike, inspiring creativity, imagination, and problem-solving skills. But what makes Lego even more special?

They send out replacement figures or extra pieces if a child loses their own. This helps to surprise and delight their customers. This may seem like nothing big, but by simply offering something extra, they create memorable customer experiences that make their customers come back again.

Offering something extra to your loyal customers can make a big difference. Examples of these gestures can include offering personalized discounts, providing free shipping, extending return periods, offering complimentary drinks, or sending surprise gifts with purchases. These acts of kindness show customers that you value them and genuinely care about their satisfaction.

So if you want to create a positive impression and foster a stronger connection with your customers, this may be the way! When people feel appreciated, they are more likely to become repeat customers, refer others to your business, and leave positive reviews. Additionally, it can differentiate your brand from competitors and contribute to a positive brand image.

Another example of great customer service is Apple. With their diverse range of products, Apple has revolutionized the tech industry and gathered a devoted following worldwide. But that’s not all! Not only does Apple provide great products, they also set the bar high when it comes to their customer service by offering a personalized approach to technical support.

Image of Apple's logo

Their Apple Support app offers easy access to an extensive knowledge base, live chat support , as well as the possibility to schedule a phone call with one of their experts. Apple is also known for hiring only the best to ensure that their employees know what they are talking about and have an in-depth knowledge of their products/services. The combination of personalized support and technical expertise makes Apple stand out from the crowd and offer excellent customer experience. That is why people stay loyal to them and keep purchasing from them.

If you also want to deliver superb support, providing proper training for your customer support team is essential. Ensure they have in-depth knowledge of your products or services, understanding all the ins and outs, so they can effectively assist customers. You can also create a comprehensive knowledge base where customers can easily access FAQs, tutorials, and troubleshooting guides, enabling them to find solutions independently.

But don’t forget that personalized support is key. Take the time to understand customers’ concerns and provide tailored solutions or recommendations. This not only enhances their experience but also fosters a sense of care and appreciation. By investing in these practices, you can deliver exceptional support that keeps customers coming back.

Uber is a transportation and ride-hailing platform that revolutionized the way people travel by connecting riders with drivers through a mobile app. With its competitive pricing and extensive availability, Uber has become a popular choice for individuals seeking reliable and efficient transportation services.

Image of Uber's logo

But how was Uber able to stand out? They found a way to provide excellent customer service by identifying all the pain points people had to face while hailing a taxi, and eliminating them. With Uber, people know exactly where their ride is at any time, how much time it will take for the car to come and pick them up, and who is their driver.

Additionally, customers are able to rate their driver and vice versa. This is a great way to monitor the satisfaction and step in when necessary. The drivers often offer you something to drink during your ride, which only improves the customer experience and satisfaction. Plus, the possibility to pay with your credit card directly through the app is very convenient as most people do not carry cash on them anymore.

Giving your customers and employees the opportunity to provide feedback and express their opinions is crucial for many reasons. First of all, it shows that their opinions are valued, fostering a sense of engagement and satisfaction. Second of all, feedback can help identify areas of improvement, highlighting strengths and weaknesses in the business. It also provides valuable insights into customer preferences, expectations, and pain points. Employee feedback, on the other hand, can uncover operational gaps or areas where additional support or resources are necessary.

Surveys, ratings, comments, or suggestion boxes are some methods to encourage feedback. Gathering and using this feedback can help businesses make data-driven decisions, tailor products and services to meet customer evolving needs, enhance customer satisfaction, and create a positive work environment for employees.

With a focus on offering affordable and stylish solutions for everyday living, IKEA has gained worldwide popularity. More than that, it is a popular store for individuals and families to spend their free time at.

Image of Ikea's logo showcasing also their furniture

It is another example of a company that was able to find a creative and effective way to provide great customer experience in both physical and online stores. Their stores provide an experience where their visitors can not only shop, but spend their day. They offer food and even areas for children to play, so the parents do not have to worry about them, and they can calmly shop.

Their online store is also very innovative when it comes to customer experience. They developed an app called IKEA Place, where their customers can play with 3D life-sized furniture and place it in their home through their smartphone camera.

Innovation is also an important aspect when it comes to improving customer experience. It allows companies to stay competitive and meet evolving customer expectations. By finding ways to innovate their products/services, businesses can offer new and improved solutions that address customer needs and enhance their satisfaction. Innovation enables companies to differentiate themselves, attract new customers, and retain existing ones.

By understanding and anticipating customer needs, businesses can design innovative offerings that provide added value and solve their problems and concerns. Through innovation, companies can introduce features, functionalities, or experiences that customers didn’t even know they required, delighting them and building long-term loyalty. Customer-centric innovation helps businesses stay relevant, maintain a competitive edge, and foster continuous improvement in the ever-changing business landscape.

To wrap this up, providing good customer service is key if you want to run a successful business. In this article, we have explored the key elements of good customer service, such as clear communication, empathy, and personalization, as well as the various benefits it brings.

In order to deliver top-notch customer service, we provided you with some practical tips that businesses can implement, such as offering self-service options , omnichannel support, investing in a reliable ticketing system, and more. We also highlighted real-life examples of companies known for their excellent customer service to inspire and show you how you can achieve it as well.

LiveAgent is a comprehensive tool that can help you start offering great customer support by streamlining your customer service operations. With features like ticketing, live chat, social media integrations, and analytics, LiveAgent enables efficient management of customer interactions. You can try LiveAgent’s 30-day free trial and experience all the benefits firsthand.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 5 must-have qualities of support reps.

There are certain qualities and characteristics necessary for service reps to ensure quality service. The 5 must-have qualities of support reps are empathy, patience, positive attitude, good communication skills, and problem-solving thinking.

What are the most common mistakes that negatively influence effective customer service?

The most common mistakes that negatively influence effective customer service include poor communication, lack of empathy, inadequate training of staff, and failure to address customer concerns or complaints promptly. These mistakes can lead to frustration, dissatisfaction, and ultimately, loss of customers.

What is the role of feedback in improving customer service?

Feedback provides valuable insights into customer experiences, preferences, and areas for improvement. By actively seeking and listening to customer feedback, businesses can identify and address issues, make informed decisions, and enhance their service to better meet customer needs and expectations.

How can you provide outstanding customer service using LiveAgent?

LiveAgent is software that provides a comprehensive set of tools to take your customer service to the next level. It provides features such as ticketing tools , live chat, social media integration , and analytics that can help you efficiently manage and prioritize customer queries, engage in real-time conversations, and monitor and respond to customer feedback across various channels. With LiveAgent, businesses can deliver personalized and prompt support, ultimately enhancing the customer service experience.

What is excellent customer service in BPO?

Excellent customer service in Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) involves providing prompt, personalized, and efficient support to customers. This includes addressing their inquiries and concerns in a timely manner, showing empathy and understanding, and ensuring a positive customer experience. It also involves going above and beyond to meet customer needs and expectations, such as anticipating their needs and providing proactive solutions. Additionally, excellent customer service in BPO may involve leveraging technology and data to personalize interactions and provide accurate and relevant information to customers. Overall, excellent customer service in BPO is characterized by a commitment to customer satisfaction and building strong, long-term relationships with clients.

Customer Support Glossary - Customer Service

Customer service in 2024: Definition, types, cost & more

Discover what’s new in customer service in 2024! Dive into its types, costs, job requirements, and more with our comprehensive guide.

Everyone involved in customer service can benefit from an internal academy and use it as a helpful resource for free training.

Introduction to a customer service academy

The modern definition of customer service goes beyond traditional phone support and includes personalized, efficient support through digital channels. Delivering excellent service is vital for business success, as happy customers are more loyal and spend more. Investing in customer service training and providing the necessary skills for agents is essential to meet consumer expectations and ensure customer satisfaction. Poor customer service can lead to loss of customers, profits, and a damaged brand reputation.

Customer relationship begins when a customer starts dealing with your company. Build an effective CR with LiveAgent.

What is Customer Relationship?

Customer relationship is crucial for business success, involving building loyalty and satisfaction. Effective marketing integrates pre- and post-sale phases, gathering insights from customer concerns to inform product development. An omnichannel customer experience aims to provide seamless communication through various channels. Automating processes, sharing customer data, and personalizing customer experiences are essential for building strong customer relationships. LiveAgent software can help prioritize customer inquiries and streamline support. Effective communication and exceeding customer expectations are key to improving and nurturing customer relationships.

Discover what’s new in customer service in 2024! Dive into its types, costs, job requirements, and more with our comprehensive guide.

Customer service is essential for building strong relationships and adding value to products. Effective communication and knowledge of products are key. Using customer service software can significantly improve efficiency and customer satisfaction. A customer service system includes tools and software to handle interactions efficiently and foster brand loyalty. Great customer service is crucial for business success, as it can deliver exceptional experiences and create loyal customers. LiveAgent offers live chat software with customizable features and fast response time to improve customer experience and boost conversions. Loyalty programs can also engage and retain customers, driving brand loyalty.

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what is your perception of a good customer service experience essay

  • Perspectives
  • Best Practices
  • Inside Amplitude
  • Customer Stories
  • Contributors

What Is Customer Experience? Definition, Examples, & Tools

Discover why investing in customer experience increases customer loyalty and retention.

Image of Audrey Xu

Customer experience is how your users or potential users receive and interact with every touchpoint of your business . This goes beyond their interactions with your contact center or support team. The overall customer experience includes their perception of your brand, their experiences interacting with your digital touchpoints, and their whole journey throughout the customer lifecycle.

Investing in providing a great customer experience is a surefire way to improve brand loyalty, increase your bottom line and even cut extra business running costs. Collect valuable customer data in order to optimize your customers’ journeys, leading to positive customer experiences.

  • Investing in your customer experience leads to increased customer loyalty and retention.
  • There are four key components of customer experience—a customer-centric culture, well-designed touchpoints, consistent quality, and customer satisfaction.
  • Providing a quality customer experience means listening to your customers. Develop a system to collect, analyze and utilize customer feedback. This will help you find ways to reduce friction throughout your customer journey.

What is customer experience (CX)?

Customer experience , or CX for short, is a term used to describe the customer interactions with your business across multiple levels. The experience they have with your customer support team is part of CX, but it isn’t everything. Customer experience could be anything from navigating your mobile app or website to consuming your marketing campaigns or directly using your product or service.

In other words, it’s the way a customer perceives the experiences they’ve had with your business and their overall impression of your brand. Positive client experiences and an affinity toward your brand make it more likely that people will keep coming back to you.

There are two types of customer experience— direct and indirect contact :

  • Direct customer experience refers to any interaction initiated by the customer. This includes the purchasing lifecycle, the experience of using the product or service, and any interaction they have with your team.
  • Indirect customer experience refers to the passive encounters with your company. This can mean your marketing efforts and also external advocacy or opposition, such as reviews, word-of-mouth communication, and external media coverage.

Customer experience (CX) vs. customer service (CS)

Customer experience and customer service are often used interchangeably. This can be problematic, as customer service is only one part of the customer experience.

Customer service refers to the direct interactions between you and the customer. This happens when a customer requires assistance or help through any of the different communication channels you might offer. This could include:

  • Face-to-face interactions at a shop or office space
  • Over the phone
  • On social media
  • Through chatbots
  • On website support pages

Good CS is vital to harnessing a good customer experience, and it is only one part of a bigger concept. CX goes beyond customer service to practically every aspect of your organization. It’s more than how long it takes your team to follow up on a query or whether or not they manage to successfully address a complaint. It’s also about the design of your product, the music you play in your store, the reviews written about you on Yelp, and so much more.

Why CX is important for your business

Many companies see positive CX as a competitive differentiator. According to a report by Dimension Data , businesses that prioritize offering great customer experiences reported a 92% increase in loyal customers, an 84% increase in revenue, and cost savings of 79%.

Improving CX will reap many benefits for your business:

  • It helps you better understand your customers. To improve consumer experience, you first need to understand your customers and how they’re interacting with you. This means learning more about your users and their behaviors. With this information, you can offer more personalized experiences across all customer touchpoints to increase your value proposition.
  • It increases customer loyalty and retention. Customer experience is the single largest determinant of your retention rate . A good experience harnesses loyalty, which drives your retention rate. The higher your retention rate, the more your business grows. According to this Zendesk report , 61% of customers will end their engagement with a company after having a bad experience.
  • It improves your brand value. Positive perceptions of your company’s brand increase its value. The better your reputation as a brand, the more it’s worth. Understanding how your customers feel about your brand can help you take the steps needed to shift perceptions in a positive direction.
  • It attracts new customers. Customers are more likely to promote your brand after having good experiences. Satisfied customers are your best ambassadors and are likely to bring in new customers through word-of-mouth, posting good reviews, and leaving glowing recommendations. High-quality customer experience is a great way to increase your net promoter score (NPS).
  • It limits your costs. Gaining CX insight sheds light on what’s currently working and what isn’t. By understanding what isn’t working, you can stop spending money on the elements of your business that aren’t meeting customers expectations. Instead, you can spend on things that are addressing customer needs and pain points, and will ultimately drive revenue for your business.
  • It reduces customer complaints. Happy customers are less likely to complain, and fewer complaints mean less customer churn . It also means your contact center is spending less time putting out fires and more time nurturing quality relationships with your users.

What is CX? 4 key components

These four components give you a clearer picture of the quality of your customer interactions and how to improve them.

  • A customer-centric culture: Customer service should be a priority for every member of your team, not just your customer service center. You need to create a sense of ownership and shared responsibility toward creating positive customer experiences. This starts with creating positive employee experiences. Team members who feel valued and who understand the organization’s goals are more likely to embody them when interacting with the customer.
  • Well-designed touchpoints: What does your customer journey map look like? What are the likely customer perceptions at each touchpoint? Quality CX comes from ensuring that every touchpoint is optimized to satisfy customer needs. This includes things like intuitive web design, friendly customer service, and a well-designed product. Understanding your user journey is an ongoing process and by doing so, you’re more likely to ensure customer retention.
  • Consistent quality: Your company’s goal of delivering quality CX should always be front-of-mind for your team. A bad experience can have negative effects on your organization. Delivering good CX is an ongoing effort and must be delivered consistently if you’re going to retain customers and maintain your brand reputation.
  • Customer satisfaction: Customer satisfaction is a good indicator of overall CX. It’s also one that can be measured quickly and easily at every touchpoint and interaction. It’s a great way to gauge the type of experience a customer has with you in real-time. The method used for measuring customer satisfaction should be accurate and provide you with the insights needed to constantly improve.

Traits of a quality customer experience

Offering quality customer experience involves understanding your customer needs and expectations and trying to satisfy them across all points in their journey with your business. To uncover some of the most tried and tested ways of doing this, Hotjar surveyed 2,000 CX professionals across different industries. According to the findings, quality customer experiences are characterized by:

  • Prioritizing listening to your customers: It’s impossible to provide quality CX without knowing what that means to your customers. To do this, you must start by listening to and learning about your customers’ encounters at each step of their journey.
  • Using feedback to learn more about your customers: By obtaining feedback from your customers, you learn more about who they are, what they need, and how they perceive your organization. Understanding this helps you provide a better experience and ultimately harness greater customer value.
  • Implementing systems for collecting, analyzing, and utilizing customer feedback: These systems should be designed in a way to make them easily replicated on a regular basis. This way, you ensure the information you’re receiving about your customers is consistent and accurate.
  • Finding ways to reduce friction throughout the customer journey: Understanding your buyer personas and their experiences helps you identify the points where they’re likely to abandon their journey. With this in mind, you’re able to take the right steps and implement initiatives to avoid these points of friction.

Examples of great customer experience

Companies like Burger King and Walmart provide us with great customer experience examples. With the help of Amplitude, they have used data to optimize the consumer experience.

How Burger King uses data to enrich CX

Burger King, one of the largest fast-food hamburger chains in the world, started working with Amplitude to harness the power of behavioral data to better understand their user experiences. One of the first things they noticed is how much customer expectations have changed—particularly, how important it is for customers to be able to order through their mobile phones.

With the data they collected, they noticed major pain points that they needed to address. They found many customers were dropping off the app when using the store locator function to find nearby outlets. This was due to slow loading times, which were off-putting for customers. Within a month, Burger King fixed the loading time and offered a better digital experience.

How Walmart enhanced their omnichannel customer experience

The multinational retail giant, Walmart, relied on customer data to foster great customer experience across the different channels available to their customers. The data they could access via Amplitude was crucial when they opted to consolidate their grocery and general merchandise apps in 2020.

They understood and monitored the different cohorts of both apps and their behaviors. They monitored this prior, during, and after app installation. They used information such as customer context, user cadence, key events, and the timing of those events to increase engagement and reduce churn.

The issues that define a bad customer experience

Just like good CX helps your business, negative experiences can hurt your business. It’s important to identify where things are going wrong and how you can avoid these obstacles.

According to Hotjar’s customer experience stats , the most common causes of frustration for customers are:

  • Long wait or response times
  • Employees not understanding their needs
  • Issues or queries that remain unresolved
  • Too much automation in the company’s processes
  • When the service customers receive is impersonal
  • Rude or angry employees

Interestingly, 12% of Hotjar’s survey respondents believed their customers experience no frustrations whatsoever with their company. While this would be a great reality to work toward, it’s immensely unlikely. This means that 12% of respondents are entirely unaware of the CX issues their company is facing. If such problems are left unchecked, they’re likely to get worse.

When customers interact with the digital touchpoints of your business, there are a number of other issues that can negatively affect customer experience if they aren’t addressed:

  • Slow loading times
  • Inconsistent messaging across social channels
  • Unresponsive mobile app design
  • Too many emails or notifications
  • Impersonal emails or notifications
  • Over-automation

What stops companies from tackling bad CX

Not all companies give the same level of importance to avoiding a bad customer experience. Very often, the problem is not denial, but the approach being taken to solve it. This inertia is normally caused by:

  • Expecting the CRM to do all the work. Many companies invest a lot of time, energy, and money into customer relationship management (CRM) software, assuming this will solve all of their CX problems. CRMs can provide you with great information about your customers (such as their history with customer service and product returns), but they don’t capture experience-specific information. This is where customer experience management comes in. CEM is focused on providing a more holistic view of customer experience. It also provides you with this information in real-time.
  • Fear of the data. Some business leaders are likely to avoid collecting data on customer experience because they don’t feel data-savvy enough. While the thought of carrying out data collection and analysis might feel daunting, avoiding it altogether can lead to bigger consequences further down the line.
  • Not having the right tools to understand and optimize your CX. When it comes to CX, data is your secret weapon. That’s why it’s important to invest in easy-to-use, self-service data analysis tools that will help you obtain the most accurate data and know what to do with it.

Tools to help create better user experiences

There are a number of different solutions available to help you enhance your CX, including Amplitude Analytics . With Amplitude, you can utilize tools like behavioral analysis , persona identification, and engagement tracking to create unrivaled CX. Amplitude helps you map the entire user journey in a way that easily helps you locate friction points and analyze trends. With this information, you can build a more comprehensive customer experience strategy to set you up for growth.

  • Harvard Business Review. Understanding Customer Experience
  • Dimension Data. 2017 Global Customer Experience Benchmarking Report

To learn more about how to improve customer experience and drive retention across your organization, check out our Mastering Retention playbook.

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what is your perception of a good customer service experience essay

Summary .   

Anyone who has signed up for cell phone service, attempted to claim a rebate, or navigated a call center has probably suffered from a company’s apparent indifference to what should be its first concern: the customer experiences that culminate in either satisfaction or disappointment and defection.

Customer experience is the subjective response customers have to direct or indirect contact with a company. It encompasses every aspect of an offering: customer care, advertising, packaging, features, ease of use, reliability. Customer experience is shaped by customers’ expectations, which largely reflect previous experiences. Few CEOs would argue against the significance of customer experience or against measuring and analyzing it. But many don’t appreciate how those activities differ from CRM or just how illuminating the data can be. For instance, the majority of the companies in a recent survey believed they have been providing “superior” experiences to customers, but most customers disagreed.

The authors describe a customer experience management (CEM) process that involves three kinds of monitoring: past patterns (evaluating completed transactions), present patterns (tracking current relationships), and potential patterns (conducting inquiries in the hope of unveiling future opportunities). Data are collected at or about touch points through such methods as surveys, interviews, focus groups, and online forums. Companies need to involve every function in the effort, not just a single customer-facing group.

The authors go on to illustrate how a cross-functional CEM system is created. With such a system, companies can discover which customers are prospects for growth and which require immediate intervention.

Anyone who has signed up recently for cell phone service has faced a stern test in trying to figure out the cost of carry-forward minutes versus free calls within a network and how it compares with the cost of such services as push-to-talk, roaming, and messaging. Many, too, have fallen for a rebate offer only to discover that the form they must fill out rivals a home mortgage application in its detail. And then there are automated telephone systems, in which harried consumers navigate a mazelike menu in search of a real-life human being. So little confidence do consumers have in these electronic surrogates that a few weeks after the website showed how to reach a live person quickly at 10 major consumer sites, instructions for more than 400 additional companies had poured in.

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5 Ways to Create an Exceptional Customer Service Experience (& 4 Mistakes to Avoid)

Rafi Cohen

Updated: April 25, 2022

Published: November 01, 2021

Your company's customer service team is no longer an added benefit that customers think about after they make a purchase. In fact, research shows that more than two thirds of businesses now prioritize customer experience as a distinguishing factor when competing in their industry.  

rep providing an excellent customer service experience over the phone

All too often, it’s the case that customers are left waiting on hold or are unable to find information for themselves  — even if they spend hours seeking an answer in a company’s knowledge base .

Most of us can agree on some generalities when it comes to what a bad customer experience is. But what can we say about a good customer service experience? Or even an exceptional one?

In this post, we'll describe what exceptional customer service looks like and how you can provide it at your business. hith a little effort and guidance, you’ll be able to stand out, differentiate, and maybe even pull some of your competitors’ disgruntled customers over to your side of the fence.

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What is exceptional customer service?

Fundamentally speaking, the ideal customer service experience is one in which the customer reaches their ideal outcome with as little friction as possible. This is somewhat vague, but that’s by nature, as the ideal outcome can vary by industry, company, or product.

What you must consider is how you can go beyond good enough and really wow your customers. 

What Does an Exceptional Customer Service Experience Look Like?

Customer experience — or CX — refers to the sum of every interaction a customer has with a business, both pre- and post-sale. An ideal customer experience can take many forms, depending on the type of interaction and the method of communication.

However, here are some aspects of an exceptional customer service experience:

1. It makes your customers feel special.

Every interaction needs to revolve around the concept of individual value, mutual respect, and a shared vision for your future together as their brand of choice. Consider how you can let your customers know that:

  • They are more than a transaction to your organization.
  • Their time and money allow you to continue to pursue your mission.
  • Their journey as a person is a part of your journey as a business.

2. It goes beyond their expectations. 

Setting expectations is an integral part of customer service. On the flip side of the coin is delivering on those expectations you set.

If you fail to deliver, you create a bad experience. If you deliver, you fulfill the agreement, which is what the customer expects (no more and no less). They may be satisfied but not  delighted . After all, why would your customers praise you for doing the job they paid you for?

However, if you go above and beyond what the customer expects, you pave the way for an exceptional experience from their perspective. This kind of customer delight has myriad benefits for your business.

3. It goes beyond what competitors deliver.

In some cases, you may think you're going above and beyond when you might simply be meeting the status quo set by your industry. Exceptional customer service doesn't exist in a vacuum. If your customers know what kind of experience your competitors offer, and it's equal or better than yours, you may not be delighting them the way you'd expect. 

For example, that free 30-day guarantee may not be as big a selling point as you'd think if everyone in your space offers one. This is doubly true if it is more difficult for the customer to actually take advantage of the guarantee than it is for them to do so with your competitors.

Always keep a pulse on how your competition is innovating their customer experience. 

4. It does all of this without friction or inconvenience.

Your customers want the process of doing business with you to be simple and easy. When they do come up with issues, they want the process of rectifying them to be simple, timely, and on a channel that feels comfortable to them.

Communicating with your customers to understand their needs and wants is a sure-fire way to find the friction points in your customer experience and eliminate them. Solving for the customer should be an ongoing process in your organization. 

Ways to Create an Exceptional Customer Service Experience

To help you establish some best practices that revolve around these basic principles, here are some helpful strategies for creating a great customer service experience.

1. Begin and end customer interactions with “thank you.”

The simplest solutions are often the most effective, and beginning and ending every customer interaction with a thank you is one of the best ways to improve customer service experience.

Starting every interaction with a thank you shows the customer that you appreciate that, out of all the places they could have chosen, they have chosen your business first.

Saying thank you after concluding your business — even if it doesn’t result in a transaction — is simply good manners, and it leaves the potential customer with a positive view of both your people and your business. Simple courtesy goes a long way toward inspiring a follow-up visit to make a purchase in the future, too.

2. Use digital resources to put people first.

Thanks to the advent of the smartphone, people are more connected digitally than at any prior period of history. This presents a unique opportunity for service providers, retailers, and restaurants to leverage this connectivity to provide superior CX via smartphones and other mobile devices.

Allowing customers to manage account services and features is also absolutely critical to creating a desirable CX, as sometimes customers have a basic question or problem they need to resolve that can easily be handled on a mobile app or direct chat .

The ability to place orders for products or services online independently is also an absolute godsend to customers who have very limited time to commit to your business. Avoid over-directing customers to your app for assistance too, as this is a surefire way to irritate and turn them off to your brand.

3. Employ effective social media strategies.

Social media provides more opportunities for creating personal connections than any other publicly available resource. Individuals can comment, share, and demonstrate interest in your business, brand, products, and services anywhere in the world at any time of day.

If you aren’t leveraging the personal touch social media adds to CX, you need to start right away. Using social media to make customers feel like insiders and close confidants with your brand is a high-level CX strategy.

4. Talk to your customers where they are.

Proactive post-transaction and post-visit follow up using customer contact information is vital to the success of your customer experience strategy. These calls and messages are opportunities to review the benefits of their potential or newly purchased product or services in case they have run into trouble or thought of new questions to ask since their visit.

More important to your CX strategy, it also demonstrates a tangible interest in their journey with your brand even after they have left your location or spent their money with you. Don’t let those opportunities pass you by.

5. Get feedback from customers and implement it. 

You don't have to guess when it comes to improving your customer service experience. Your customers will tell you if you actively obtain their feedback . Whether you conduct a survey via email or use an NPS scoring system , you can get a pulse on the satisfaction of your customer base and the areas where you're not keeping up with expectations.

Common Mistakes Brands Make Creating a Customer Service Experience

Here are some common mistakes to avoid as you improve the customer experience in your organization:

1. Going crazy with customer rewards programs.

Many customer reward programs have a tendency to over-reward potential clients and new business more than their existing customer base.

This isn’t a prudent use of resources. You must keep your reward system for new and existing customers proportionate. As much as you want to focus on attracting new customers, existing customers who have shared your journey so far need to be rewarded for their loyalty and support, too. More often than not, even minimal customer rewards programs and incentives far exceed the expectations that most customers possess when you first bring them on board.

Overall, it’s wisest not to overinvest your marketing and retention dollars into your rewards program. Instead, invest those resources in a customer loyalty or referral program to keep existing customers happy.

2. Making your customer’s path to adopting your brand a difficult one.

Determining your customer’s path to adopting your brand needs to be a point-by-point plan, not an open-ended discussion about the direction of hypothetical transactions.

You need to have a modular, adaptable plan for each customer that will guide them and their customer service representative every step of the way. Failure to have a solid plan, or a plan that is merely all talk or looks, is a recipe for CX disaster.

3. Forgetting that prime customer experience begins with employees.

Take care of your people, and they will take care of you.

Unhappy employees cannot and will not provide the individual buy-in necessary to make your customer experience strategies effective. You are looking to make true believers in your vision and your brand.

That means treating them in a way that exceeds their expectations for employer provisioning in terms of personal benefits, company perks, and individual incentives. The way you take care of your people matters to your customers.

A happy, satisfied employee is going to do more for you and the customer when their needs are met in abundance.

4. Making things complicated. 

The more convoluted it becomes for a customer to get service from you, the less satisfied they will be (and the harder it becomes to scale your operations).

Your customer service experience doesn’t have to be frustrating and awful. In fact, it can be delightful and can possibly shift detractors into being promoters if you’re tactful.

It just takes a little bit of thought and care. Answer customer inquiries and frustrations where they appear (and quickly). Give customers resources to figure things out on their own. Make sure your customer service staff is polite and happy (their happiness is a powerful change agent for angry customers).

In general, start investing your customer service experience and it won’t just be an expense, but it will be an investment in a real business differentiator.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in January 2018 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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99 Customer Service Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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7 Great Customer Service Example for a Job Interview

Any business that wants to be successful in a long run needs to deliver good service to their customers. Especially nowadays, when few bad online reviews can ruin your reputation for years , and when competition is waiting for every bad move you make. No wonder that you will face some questions about customer service in almost every job interview .

And while the questions vary, and they may ask you about all sorts of things (going above and beyond, dealing with a difficult customer, experiencing a bad service yourself, etc), the most common questions relate to good (or great) customer service you either witnessed or delivered . For that reason, it makes sense to have some examples ready. Of course, in an ideal case the examples should be real. But perhaps you haven’t had a chance to deliver good customer service yet, or simply do not know how to express your thoughts . How to express them in a right way in a job interview.

I’ve put together 7 examples of a good customer service you can use in your interview. Think carefully which one you will pick–it depends on the job you try to get, and also on your background. Saying that you’ve helped someone in a drugstore would not make much sense if you’ve never worked in one… There is one nice little trick however, for people who lack previous working experience. In such a case, you can always describe a good customer service you received, adding that an experience motivates and inspires you to do the same in your first retail or customer service job. Let’s have a look at the 7 examples now. I hope at least one of them will resonate with you and with the message you try to convey in your interviews!

7 good customer service examples for an interview

  • The latest one happened just a few weeks before, in a part time job I had in a restaurant. A guy came alone, and all tables were reserved. We were supposed to turn everyone down, but I immediately sensed the guy was hungry and a bit in distress. I just didn’t feel like turning him down . Hence I asked him what he would like to have, and he explained he was vegan and there weren’t many places offering any healthy vegan options in town. I invited him to one of the reserved tables, and politely explained him the situation , that he had to finish his meal in one hour, because then the people will come for the reservation. He was grateful that I let him one of the reserved tables, and wrote an excellent review for the restaurant online .
  • This is my first job application ever , but I am someone who can spot a good customer service, and definitely hope to deliver one in my job. Let me give you an example. Just two days ago I want to a music store, because I wanted to buy a digital piano. But one can find digital pianos for five hundred dollars, one thousand, two thousand dollars, and so on, and I didn’t really get what was the difference. The guy in the store was extremely patient with me , explaining me the differences, and also demonstrating them by playing the same some on four different pianos they had in display. Then he gave me catalogues and told me to think about it carefully. He wasn’t forcing anything and was very nice to me , even though I didn’t buy a thing. To me it was an inspiring experience.
  • In my last job at KFC, I didn’t have that many opportunities to deliver something special. Because my place was behind the check counter, and you have certain words and phrases that you are instructed to repeat to every customer . However, I always tried to keep eye contact with customers, and to show really positive non-verbal communication . Just to make sure they feel welcome in the restaurant. I believe it is an example of a good customer service, and I certainly hope to have even more opportunities to show some in my new job, hopefully with you.
  • Getting above and beyond is my definition of a good customer service . Average is not enough in this field. That’s why I always tried to give personalized advice to customers , and being deeply interested in their needs and feelings about the products we were selling in our store. I think it worked well, considering the reviews the place got while I was there. However, there is always some room for improvement , and I hope to get even better in my new job.
  • Working in a call center , delivering a good service wasn’t always easy. Because in the place where I worked, people called mostly to complain about the service. However, I tried my best to stay courteous , regarding of the bad words some of they say. Patiently listening to their complaints, I tried to find solutions and make sure that they felt heard out. Maybe it wasn’t the best customer service, but it was the most I could do from my position, considering the circumstances.
  • I just experienced one in a car rental company two days ago . Comparing this experience to my previous experiences with similar companies, it was a completely different level of customer service. No forcing of additional insurance, no long forms to read and fill, no fuzz . Just a few quick signatures with my finger on a screen, and bang I had the keys and could leave. Of course all important documents arrived in my mailbox so I could check them if I wanted to. The attendant also walked me to the car , which was very nice of her. Overall it was a 5 star service , and it definitely inspires me to try to deliver a similar level of service in my own job.
  • To be honest, I recall more bad customer service experiences than good ones . I can certainly make the difference between the two, and know when people do care, and when they don’t. But I always try to deliver the best possible service to each customer , regardless of how I feel on the day. Because life has taught me there is more joy in giving than in receiving , and each customer service job is a chance to give something to a customer, be it only a real interest and a smile on your face. Of course many times you can do more –and I am more than willing to do so. But to me being nice and polite to every customer is a cornerstone of a good customer service, and I’ve done it day in day out in my last job in retail.

Final thoughts & some customer service interview questions

Remember that most retail and customer service jobs do not have a high entry barrier. That’s why you do not have to reinvent the wheel, or come with some groundbreaking example of a stunning customer service you delivered. When giving them your example, the most important thing is to show the right attitude . As long as they see that you are willing to deliver a good service to each customer, and that you do not do it only because you should, but because you want to , they will be satisfied with your answer. Keep it on your mind, and I wish you best of luck in your interview!

May also interest you:

  • Tell us about a time you had to deal with a difficult customer .
  • Describe a situation when you went above and beyond .
  • Tell us about your most recent customer service experience .
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Excellence in Customer Service

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Published: Dec 12, 2018

Words: 1287 | Pages: 3 | 7 min read

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Customer relationship marketing, service communications, demand and capacity management, performance measurement.

  • An ideal performance management system is one that energizes the people in an organization to focus effort on
  • Improving things that really matter
  • One that gives people the information and freedom that they need to realize
  • Their potential within their own roles and that aligns their contribution with the success of the enterprise.

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what is your perception of a good customer service experience essay

10 Ways to Deliver Consistently Great Customer Service

Catherine Heath

You may have a fantastic product, but if your customer service is unhelpful, unreliable, or just plain hard to get in touch with, folks will hear about it, and you’ll lose customers over it.

That's one big reason why investing in customer service is key to long-term business success.

But what does it mean to provide great customer service, and how can you ensure that every customer has a great experience with your company when they reach out for help? We’ve identified several ways to put your customer service at the top of the game in your industry.

This is a chapter in our  Ultimate Guide to Running a Customer Service Team . When you're ready, check out the other chapters:

Chapter 1 – 21 Key Customer Service Skills (and How to Develop Them)

Chapter 2 – 13 Response Templates for Tricky Customer Service Emails

Chapter 3 – 12 Customer Service Phrases to Use (+ 8 You Should Avoid)

Chapter 4 – 10 Ways to Deliver Consistently Great Customer Service

Chapter 5 – 47 Pro Tips on How to Talk to Customers

Chapter 6 – 107 Customer Service Statistics and Facts You Shouldn't Ignore

Chapter 7 – Go-To Scripts for 16 Tricky Customer Service Scenarios

Chapter 8 – The 16 Best Customer Service Software Platforms for 2024

Chapter 9 – Customer Feedback: Why It’s Important + 7 Ways to Collect It

Chapter 10 – How to Set Customer Service Goals (+ 9 Example Goals)

Chapter 11 – Customer Appreciation Ideas: 17 Ways to Thank Customers

Chapter 12 – 4 Customer Success Plan Templates and How to Use Them

What is great customer service?

Great customer service means following best practices like valuing customers' time, having a pleasant attitude, and providing knowledgeable and resourceful resources, but that you also take things a step further to exceed — rather than just meet — expectations.

10 ways to deliver great customer service

You can use many different methods — and the built-in features of customer service software , shared inbox tools , and help desk software — to delight your customers and have them raving about your support to their friends.

Here are our 10 best ways to deliver great customer service.

Buyer’s Guide to Choosing the Right Customer Support Tool

Tailored to help you identify your customer support needs, this guide will help you find the right solution, simplify your purchase decision, and get leadership buy-in.

Buyer’s Guide to Choosing the Right Customer Support Tool

1. Know your product

As a customer support agent, you spend all day troubleshooting for customers, and that means you need to be a product expert.

Expansive knowledge of your product is an essential customer service skill. Ideally, you should believe in your product, be able to discuss features and use cases in an insightful way, and show your customers how the product can benefit them — not to mention troubleshoot anything that’s not working right!

Your job is to help your customers get the most out of their purchase and feel like they have gotten true value for their money. Make it your goal to learn everything there is to know about your product so you can amaze your customers with timely recommendations for using new features and services.

2. Maintain a positive attitude

Attitude is everything, and a positive attitude goes a long way in providing excellent customer service.

“The right attitude changes negative customer experiences into positive customer experiences,” says Flavio Martins , VP of Operations and Customer Service at DigiCert, Inc. Since most customer interactions are not face-to-face, your attitude should be reflected in your language and tone of voice.

It’s easy to misinterpret the tone of written communication, and email or live chat can come across as cold. The brain uses multiple signals to interpret someone else’s emotional tone, including body language and facial expression, many of which are absent online.

Don’t be afraid to use emojis to convey warmth and good humor, or pick up the phone if you find an email or chat conversation getting tense.

3. Creatively problem-solve

Over 80% of customers have churned because they experienced bad customer service. That’s why you must thrive on solving problems for your customers and make it a central part of your support role — and there will always be problems to solve.

Everyone has heard of the legendary customer service at Zappos. For example, they once sent a best man free shoes the night before the wedding after his order was sent to the wrong location due to a mistake by the delivery company. Zappos solved a problem and exemplified excellent customer service — they won a customer for life and gave the man a story that he couldn’t wait to share.

Recommended Reading

17 Great Customer Service Examples to Inspire You

17 Great Customer Service Examples to Inspire You

Don’t be afraid to wow your customers as you seek to problem-solve for them. You could just fix the issue and be on your way, but by creatively meeting their needs in ways that go above and beyond, you’ll create customers that are committed to you and your product.

4. Respond quickly

66% of people believe that valuing their time is the most important thing in any online customer experience. Resolving customer queries as quickly as possible is a cornerstone of good customer service. Speed should be of the essence — especially for smaller issues that don’t take much time to solve.

That being said — great customer service beats speed every time.

Customers understand that more complex queries take time to resolve. There’s a difference between the time it takes you to respond and the speed at which you resolve their problems. Customers don’t want to languish in a ticket queue, but they’ll spend as much time as it takes to resolve their issue. You should, too.

Get back to your customers as quickly as possible, but don’t be in a rush to get them off the phone or close the ticket without resolving the issue completely.

Use conversation summaries to resolve escalated issues faster

Complex cases often require multiple touchpoints within a company. Whether it’s an engineer providing support for a technical question or a member of your finance team assisting with a billing discrepancy, it’s important to have systems in place to help quickly bring folks up to speed.

Tools like Help Scout’s AI summarize make it easy for any team member — including light users — to generate a bulleted summary of a conversation with a simple click of a button.

Summaries help teammates:

Better understand the context of a customer’s issue.

Review a customer’s conversation history more efficiently.

Avoid getting bogged down with tangential information.

Having access to the most important information up front ensures that your team can provide customers with the best resolution in less time.

5. Personalize your service

40% of customers say they want better human service. That means they want to feel like more than just a ticket number . They get angry when they’re not being treated like an individual person, receiving boilerplate responses, or being batted like a tennis ball to different people.

Customers want to interact with a person — not a company. It’s part of the reason why many businesses send gifts to their customers on their birthdays.

Do you know not only your customers’ names, but also their birthdays? How about their interests or hobbies? Can you make them laugh? It’s obviously not possible to do this for everyone, but going off script and giving the personal touch when you can is an important way to show your customers you know them and you care.

In Help Scout , tickets are called " conversations " to encourage support teams to think about requests in the queue in a more personalized way. So whether you're using Help Scout or one of its alternatives , consider how the support tool you use can help you personalize your support interactions.

6. Help customers help themselves

That said, customers don’t always want to talk to someone to get their problem solved — often, they want to quickly resolve their issue themselves. Among consumers, 81% attempt to take care of matters themselves before reaching out to a live representative. Further research shows that 71% want the ability to solve most customer service issues on their own.

Self-service is a scalable, cost-effective way to make customers happy — that’s the thinking that led to Help Scout's Beacon , which puts help content front and center so customers can find answers right where they are without leaving the page. Then if they’re unable to answer their own question, help from a real person is just a couple clicks away.

7. Focus support on the customer

Your customers are the most integral part of your business, and they come before products or profit. Treat them like they are the center of your world — because they are.

According to Kristin Smaby in " Being Human is Good Business ," “It’s time to consider an entirely different approach: Building human-centric customer service through great people and clever technology. So, get to know your customers. Humanize them. Humanize yourself. It’s worth it.”

Southwest Airlines put this principle into practice in a very memorable way when one of its pilots held a flight back to wait for a customer traveling to a funeral. They put the human before their targets, and that customer will never forget it.

8. Actively listen

Paying attention to customer feedback includes looking back over the data, as well as listening in real-time. Show your customers you hear them when they take the time to speak to you. Listening increases the chances that you’ll hear your customers’ real problems and can effectively solve them, resulting in happier customers.

Listen to what they have to say without pushing your own agenda. Don’t assume that you know what your customer is going to say.

Demonstrate active listening skills; when you’re on the phone or live chat, use phrases like “It sounds like … ” and “Do you mean … ?” or “Let me make sure I’ve got this right.” Make sure you repeat the problem back to them in your own words to show you’ve heard them.

Active listening also means you are mindful of your customer’s unique personality and current emotional state so you can tailor your response to fit the situation. Customer service is not one-size-fits-all.

9. Keep your word

If you promise something, making sure you deliver on it is common-sense customer service. Don’t let your customers down. Keeping your word is about respect and trust.

For example, if you promise an SLA uptime of 99%, make sure you keep to that standard. If you promise to develop a certain feature in your software in a particular time frame, make sure you deliver on that.

When you break your word, like saying you’ll get back to a customer within 24 hours and you don’t, offer something to make up for it. If your customer’s delivery goes awry, offer to replace it and refund their money for their trouble. You might lose some money in the short term, but you’ll gain a loyal customer.

Interestingly, customers do not feel extra grateful when you deliver more than you promised. They do, however, feel angry if you break a promise. It’s still better to under-promise and over-deliver so you can make sure you never break this important social contract.

10. Be proactively helpful

Going the extra mile is one of the most important things you can do to deliver great customer service. This is when you have ticked all the boxes, yet you still want to do more.

Sometimes being helpful means anticipating your customers’ needs before they even have to articulate them. In fact, sometimes customers may ask for one thing without realizing that they really need another. It’s your job to anticipate their needs and provide for them.

When customers feel like you value them — like they’re truly special to you — they’ll keep coming back. This may be linked with the phenomenon of reciprocity in social psychology: If you do something nice for your customers, they will want to do something in return — like buy your products!

Sending them a small gift “just because,” or giving them a rare promotional code, will speak to your customers’ egos and demonstrate your genuine appreciation of their business.

Nashville’s Gaylord Opryland hotel delivered truly helpful customer service when a customer asked them where she could buy a particular alarm clock they had in her room. The hotel gave her one as an unexpected parting gift, winning them one very delighted customer.

Customer service tips by business type and industry

B2B customer service

B2C customer service

SaaS support

Customer service in healthcare

Startup customer service

Customer service in education

Financial services customer service

Small business customer service

Customer service in nonprofit organizations

Ecommerce customer service

Growing your business by providing great customer service

All of the elements above combine to produce great customer service. It’s great customer service that keeps your customers loyal to you and your business — and that earns you a reputation for being helpful and a pleasure to work with.

Customers want to be treated like people, not a number in a ticket queue. Humanize them, and humanize yourself, for customer service-driven growth.

Like what you see? Share with a friend.

Catherine heath.

Catherine is a content writer and community builder for creative and ethical companies. She is often writing case studies, help documentation, and articles about customer support. Her writing has helped businesses to attract curious audiences and transform them into loyal advocates.

what is your perception of a good customer service experience essay

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