Cultural India

Poverty in india: causes, effects and solutions.

“Poverty is humiliation, the sense of being dependent on them, and of being forced to accept rudeness, insults, and indifference when we seek help.” —Latvia 1998

In the simplest term, poverty may be defined as a social condition where individuals do not have financial means to meet the most basic standards of life that is acceptable by the society. Individuals experiencing poverty do not have the means to pay for basic needs of daily life like food, clothes and shelter.

Poverty also staves people off from accessing much needed social tools of well-being like education and health requirements. The direct consequences stemming from this problem are hunger, malnutrition and susceptibility to diseases which have been identified as major problems across the world. It impacts individuals in a socio-psychological way with them not being able to afford simple recreational activities and getting progressively marginalized in the society.

The term poverty is interconnected with the notion of the poverty line/ threshold that may be defined as the minimum figure of income that is required in a particular country for maintaining the socially acceptable quality of life in terms of nutritional, clothing and sheltering needs. The World Bank has updated its international poverty line figures to 1.90 USD (Rs. 123.5) per day on October 2015 (based on prices of commodities in year 2011-2012), from 1.5 USD(Rs. 81) as a response to the changes in the cost of living across the world as per current economy. The organization estimates that – “Just over 900 million people globally lived under this line in 2012 (based on the latest available data), and we project that in 2015, just over 700 million are living in extreme poverty.”

Poverty is a worldwide cause of concern even in economically stable countries like the USA. Current statistics state that over half the populations in the world, about 3 billion people, are forced to live on less than 2.5 dollars per day. In India, as per 2014 government reports, monthly per capita consumption expenditure is Rs. 972 per person in rural areas and Rs. 1407 per person in urban areas. This data is currently being accepted as the poverty threshold of the country. As of 2015, 21.9% of the total population lives below the national poverty threshold, as per the data of Asian Development Bank, that’s a whopping 269.7 million individuals not having enough money.

Causes of Poverty in India

Factors contributing to the persistent problem of poverty in the country are many and they need to be identified in order to be addressed properly. They can be categorized under the following heads.

1. Demographic – the main factor that contributes to poverty-ridden state of the country from a demographical point of view is the problem of over population. The growth of population in the country has so far exceeded the growth in economy and the gross result is that the poverty figures have remained more or less consistent. In rural areas, size of the families is bigger and that translates into lowering the per capita income values and ultimately lowering of standard of living. Population growth spurt also leads to generation of unemployment and that means diluting out of wages for jobs further lowering income.

2. Economic –there are a host of economic reasons behind persistence of the poverty problems which are outlined hereunder:-

a. Poor Agricultural Infrastructure –Agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy. But outdated farming practices, lack of proper irrigation infrastructure and even lack of formal knowledge of crop handling has affected the productivity in this sector tremendously. As a consequence there is redundancy and sometimes complete lack of work leading to decreased wages that is insufficient for meeting daily needs of a labourer’s family plunging them into poverty.

b. Unequal distribution of assets – with the economy changing directions rapidly, the earning structure evolves differently in different economic income groups. Upper and middle income groups see a faster increase in earnings than lower income groups. Also assets like land, cattle as well as realty are distributed disproportionately among the population with certain people owning majority shares than other sectors of the society and their profits from these assets are also unequally distributed. In India it is said that 80% wealth in the country is controlled by just 20% of the population.

c. Unemployment – another major economic factor that is causative of poverty in the country is the rising unemployment rate. Unemployment rates is high in India and according to a 2015 survey data, at the all-India level, 77% of families do not have a regular source of income.

d. Inflation and Price hike – the term Inflation may be defined as an increase in prices of commodities coinciding with the fall in the purchasing value of money. As a direct consequence of inflation, effective price of food, clothing items as well as real estate rises. The salaries and wages do not rise as much in keeping up with the inflated prices of commodities leading to effective decrease of the per capita income.

e. Faulty economic liberalization – the LPG (Liberalization-Privatization-Globalization) attempts initiated by the Indian Government in 1991 were directed towards making the economy more suited to international market-trends to invite foreign investments. Successful to certain extent in reviving the economy, the economic reforms had detrimental effects on increasing the wealth distribution scenario. Rich became richer, while the poor remained poor.

3. Social – The various social issues plaguing the country that contributes towards poverty are:-

a. Education and illiteracy – Education, rather its lack thereof and poverty form a vicious cycle that plagues the nation. Not having enough resources to feed their children, the poor consider education to be frivolous, preferring children to start contributing to the family’s income rather than draining them. On the other hand, lack of education and illiteracy prevent individuals from getting better paying jobs and they get stuck at jobs offering minimum wages. Improvement of quality of life gets hindered and the cycle once again comes into action.

b. Outdated Social Customs – Social customs like the caste system cause segregation and marginalization of certain sections of the society. Certain castes are considered untouchables still and are not employed by upper caste, leaving very specific and low paying jobs that they can live off. Economist K. V. Verghese put forth the problem in a very lucid language, “Caste system acted as a spring­board for class exploitation with the result that the counterpart of the poverty of the many is the opulence of the few. The second is the cause of the first.”

c. Lack of skilled labour – lack of adequate vocational training makes the huge labour force available in India largely unskilled, which is unsuitable for offering maximum economic value. Lack of education, much less higher education, is also a contributing factor towards this.

d. Gender inequality –the weak status attached with women, deep-rooted social marginalization and long embedded perceptions of domesticity renders about 50% of the country’s population unable to work. As a result the women of the family add to the number of dependents that need to be fed instead of being able to contribute considerably in the family income which might assuage the poverty situation of the family.

e. Corruption – despite considerable efforts from the government in the forms of various schemes to mollify the poverty situation, allegedly only 30-35% actually reaches the beneficiaries due to wide-spread practices of corruption in the country. Wealthy people with privileged connection are able to acquire more wealth simply by bribing government officials to maximize their profits from such schemes while the poor remain in a state of neglect for not being able to assert such connections.

4. Individual – individual lack of efforts also contribute towards generating poverty. Some people are unwilling to work hard or even not willing to work altogether, leaving their families in the darkness of poverty. Personal demons like drinking and gambling also leads to draining of the family income inciting poverty.

5. Political – in India, socio-economic reform strategies has been largely directed by political interest and are implemented to serve a choice section of the society that is potentially a deciding factor in the elections. As a result, the issue is not addressed in its entirety leaving much scope of improvements.

6. Climatic – maximum portion of India experiences a tropical climate throughout the year that is not conducive to hard manual labour leading to lowering of productivity and the wages suffer consequently.

Effects of Poverty

The resounding effect of poverty echoes through various layers of an India citizen’s life. If we try to have a systematic look at them, we should proceed under the three following heads:-

1. Effect on Health – one of the most devastating effects that poverty has is on the overall health of the nation. The most prominent health issue stemming from poverty is malnutrition. The problem of malnutrition is widespread in all age-groups of the country but children are most adversely affected by this. Limited income in larger families leads to lack of access to sufficient nutritious food for their children. These children over time suffer from severe health problems like low body weight, mental, physical disabilities and a general poor state of immunity making them susceptible to diseases. Children from poor backgrounds are twice as susceptible to suffer from anemia, nutrient deficiencies, impaired vision, and even cardiac problems. Malnutrition is a gross contributor of infant mortality in the country and 38 out of every 1,000 babies born in India die before their first birthday. Malnutrition among adult also leads to poor health in adults that leaches their capacity for manual labour leading to a decrease in income due to weakness and diseases. Poverty also causes definite decline in the sanitary practices among poor who cannot afford proper bathrooms and disinfectants. As a result susceptibility to waterborne diseases peak among the poor. Lack of access to as well as means to procure appropriate treatment also affects overall mortality of the population which is lower in poor countries than developed nations like the USA.

2. Effects on Society – poverty exerts some gravely concerning effects over the overall societal health as well. These may be discussed along the following lines:-

a. Violence and crime rate – incidence of violence and crime have been found to be geographically coincident. In a backdrop of unemployment and marginalization, the poor resort to criminal activities to earn money. Coupled with lack of education and properly formed moral conscience, a poverty ridden society is more susceptible to violence by its people against its own people from a sense of deep-seated discontent and rage.

b. Homelessness – apart from a definite drop in the esthetic representation of the country, homelessness affects child health, women safety and overall increase in criminal tendencies.

c. Stress – lack of money is a major cause of stress among the middle-class and the poor and leads to decline in productivity of individuals.

d. Child labour – one of the hallmarks of a poverty-ridden society is the widespread practices of exploitation and the worst of it comes in the form of child labour. Large families fail to meet the monetary needs of the members and children as young as 5 years are made to start earning in order to contribute to the family income.

e. Terrorism – proclivity of youth towards terrorism stems from a combination of extreme poverty and lack of education making them susceptible to brainwashing. Terrorist organizations offer poverty-ridden families money in exchange for a member’s participation in their activities which induces a sense of accomplishment among the youth.

3. Effect on Economy –poverty is a direct index indicating success of the economy of the country. The number of people living under the poverty threshold indicates whether the economy is powerful enough to generate adequate jobs and amenities for its people. Schemes providing subsidies for the poor of the country again impose a drain on the economy.

The measures that should be taken to fight the demon of poverty in India are outlined below:-

1. Growth of population at the current rate should be checked by implementation of policies and awareness promoting birth control.

2. All efforts should be made to increase the employment opportunities in the country, either by inviting more foreign investments or by encouraging self-employment schemes.

3. Measures should be taken to bridge the immense gap that remains in distribution in wealth among different levels of the society.

4. Certain Indian states are more poverty stricken than others like Odhisha and the North East states. Government should seek to encourage investment in these states by offering special concessions on taxes.

5. Primary needs of people for attaining a satisfactory quality of life like food items, clean drinking water should be available more readily. Improvement of the Subsidy rates on commodities and Public Distribution system should be made. Free high school education and an increased number of functioning health centers should be provided by the government.

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Poverty in India Essay

500+ words poverty in india essay.

Poverty is defined as a condition in which a person or family lacks the financial resources to afford a basic, minimum standard of living. Poor people don’t have adequate income; they can’t afford housing, health facilities and education which are essential for basic survival. So, poverty can be understood simply as a lack of money, or more broadly, barriers to everyday human life. With the help of this poverty essay, students will understand the meaning of poverty, the major causes of poverty and the efforts taken to eliminate poverty in India. So, students must go through this poverty in India essay in depth to get ideas on how to write effective essays and score high marks in exams.

What Causes Poverty?

There are various factors that are responsible for poverty. The major causes are unemployment, illiteracy, increasing population, and lack of proper education and training. As people are not able to find work for themselves, they are not able to earn their livelihood. Due to this, they lack access to basic education, health care, drinking water and sanitation. They are unable to feed their families and children. The other causes of poverty include war, natural disasters, political instability, etc. For example, World War II impacted many countries and they had to suffer from poverty for a long time. It took a lot of effort for such countries to recover their normal state. Similarly, natural disasters affect some areas so badly that poverty and hunger arise.

How is Poverty Measured in India?

The minimum expenditure (or income) required to purchase a basket of goods and services necessary to satisfy basic human needs is called the Poverty Line. Poverty can be measured in terms of the number of people living below this line. It is measured by the State Governments and information is provided by Below Poverty Line (BPL) censuses. Different countries use different measures for measuring poverty but the basic concept remains the same. The definition of the poverty line remains the same, i.e, consumption required for maintaining the minimum standard of living in a country.

Efforts to Eliminate Poverty

Earning income is the first step towards poverty eradication. Poverty can be eliminated by empowering people, and by giving them a good education that will prepare them to have a better career and future. With the help of education, people can get good jobs which allow them to earn a good living. In this way, they will be able to provide their children with a better life. People should be given easy access to transportation, information, communication, technologies, and other public facilities and services to help remove poverty.

The government has also taken several steps to eradicate poverty in India. It has launched various programmes and schemes such as the Five Years Programme, Prime Minister’s Rozgar Yojana, Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana, Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojana etc. These programmes help to generate wage employment for the poor, unskilled people living in rural areas. The government also has social security programmes to help a few specific groups such as poor women, elder people, and widows. Apart from these government initiatives, citizens of India have to take an active part in eliminating poverty because it can’t be achieved by just a few people. It needs the support of everyone.

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Frequently asked Questions on Poverty in India Essay

How can poverty in india be abolished completely.

Abolishing poverty in India completely can be challenging. Steps should be taken to ensure equality in education so that everyone gets equal opportunities to find better livelihoods. Proper sanitation and water facility 3. Economic security and development

When was the first plan implemented for Poverty abolition?

The fifth five-year plan was first implemented in the year 1974-79 and since then the government has taken several steps and made many reservations to take this plan forward.

What is the relation between Poverty abolition and economic development?

Poverty abolition and economic development go hand in hand with each other and they are interlinked to each other. Eradication of poverty automatically improves the overall economic situation of a country.

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essay on poverty in india for class 6

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English Essay on “Poverty in India” Full-Length Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 Exam.

Poverty in india.

Poverty in India is reducing but it is still a major issue. Rural Indians depend on unpredictable agriculture incomes, while urban Indians rely on jobs that are, at best, scarce.

Since its independence, the issue of poverty within India has remained a prevalent concern. According to the common definition of poverty, when a person finds it difficult to meet the minimum requirement of acceptable living standards, he or she is considered poor.

Millions of people in India are unable to meet these basic standards, and according to government estimates, in 2007 there were nearly 220.1 million people living below the poverty line. Nearly 21.1% of the entire rural population and 15% of the urban population of India exists in this difficult physical and financial predicament. The division of resources, as well as wealth, is very uneven in India – this disparity creates different poverty ratios for different states. For instance, states such as Delhi and Punjab have very low poverty ratios. On the other hand, 40-50% of the populations in Bihar and Orissa live below the poverty line.

The poverty ratios illustrated here are divided into two types: urban and rural. Specific reasons for poverty vary in urban and rural settings. A number of factors are responsible for poverty in the rural areas of India. Rural populations primarily depend on agriculture, which is highly dependant on rain patterns and the monsoon season. Inadequate rain and improper irrigation facilities can obviously cause low, or in some cases, no production of crops.

Additionally, the Indian family unit is often very large, which can amplify the effects of poverty. Also, the caste system still prevails in India, and this is also a major reason for rural poverty people from the lower casts are often deprived of a number of facilities and opportunities. The government has planned and implemented poverty eradication programs, but the benefits of all these programs have yet to reach the core of the country.

The phenomenal increase in the city populations is the main reason for poverty in the urban areas of India. A. major portion of this additional population is due to the migration of the rural families from villages to cities. This migration is mainly caused by poor employment opportunities in villages. This situation is exacerbated by the fact that there are few job opportunities in the urban areas of India.

Since 1970, the Indian government has implemented a number of programs designed to eradicate poverty and has had some success with these programs. The government has sought to increase the GDP through different processes, including changes in industrial policies.

There is also a Public Distribution System, which has been somewhat effective so far. Other programs include the Integrated Rural Development Programme, Jawahar Rozgar Yojana, the Training Rural Youth for Self Employment (TRYSEM), and to the credit of the government, other ongoing initiatives.

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Poverty in India Essay for School Students in English [Easy Words]

January 13, 2021 by Sandeep

Essay on Poverty in India: People who are unable to satisfy basic necessities of life like food, water, shelter and education are considered unprivileged and face poverty. They may not be able to afford even a single square meal for their families. They are deprived of healthy and nutritious food. Population increase, migration to cities and rampant unemployment are some of the reasons for growing poverty in India. Increasing literacy and providing sustainable living conditions for the poor can curtail poverty.

Essay on Poverty in India 500 Words in English

We have provided Poverty in India Essay in English, suitable for class 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10. This essay is useful for UPSC aspirants too!

India is the world’s largest democracy and fastest-growing economy. It is one of the chief developing nations with an international level of influence. Yet, it is still viewed as a poor man’s country. This is because a large population of our country is still living below the poverty line. Even after almost seventy-two years of independence, poverty has plagued our nation. Our Union, as well as State governments, have collaborated with many private and public sector institutions. Together they have been able to roll out successful schemes to keep their citizens satisfied.

They are trying their best to provide us with our daily requirements. Yet this task has not helped remove poverty at all. The situation of poverty in India cannot be solved by judging it by its face value. It is essential to understand the nature of polity in India through a historical context. That way, we would be able to find reforms that can be implemented to curb this social evil.

Origin of Poverty in India

From the earliest kingdoms to the Mughal era, India has always had a rich history. Historians had given the Indian sub-continent the title ‘Golden Bird’. The vast reserves of gold and resources were the major indicators of a prospering economy during that era. Over time, invaders plundered these resources, and the economical health of this golden bird rapidly deteriorated. The most significant damage was done by the colonials. They entered our land as traders but slowly established their monopoly over various regions and services, and the entire sub-continent was then in their control.

Around the 19th and the 20th century, poverty bloomed under the British Raj. Industrial expansion and agricultural exports were increasing day by day. Farming was forced upon every labourer in India even when they were not farmers by profession. Though employment existed in the form of farming, farmers were being underpaid. While Nawabs and Maharajas enjoyed wealth and privileges, most of these workers could not even buy one proper meal a day. By 1943, poverty had reached a point where millions of people died of starvation, disease, and destitution (during the Bengal famine). Sir Antony MacDonnell, a civil servant of British India, quoted in the 1900’s “people died like flies”.

Poverty in Free India

Post-independence, India was divided into two different countries. This caused an inflow of refugees along the western border. This further aggravated the condition of poverty prevailing in the nation, according to B.S. Minhas, an economist, about 65% of the Indian population was living in poverty during the 1950’s. In the 1960’s, a new poverty line was set for the country to be at ₹ 20 a month. The estimated percentage of the population below this line was found to be 44%. The following decades noticed the common man’s frustration about the nation’s poor economic condition.

Slogans like ‘Garibi Hatao’ were being raised, and people were desperate to improve society’s condition. Over the years, many committees redefined the poverty line as per the changing dynamics of the Indian economy. At present, as per the World Bank estimates, 5.4% of our population is still suffering from extreme poverty. The figures have improved since the last century. Poverty can only be abolished if the developmental schemes keep evolving according to the country’s needs.

Causes of Poverty in India

Many factors directly contribute to the continual rise of poverty in India. To address and solve them, we need first to identify these factors. Here we have listed down some of these causes:

  • Demography of a country plays a vital role in its state of poverty. Rural areas have larger families who owe to a lower per capita income. Ultimately, this results in a low standard of living.
  • The increasing urban population has raised the rate of poverty in our country. The migration of rural people to urban areas has diluted out the wages. People eventually get closer to the poverty line.
  • One of the major economic causes includes the surge in unemployment. The survey reports of 2015 say that 77% of Indian families lack a regular source of income.
  • India is marked for its unequal distribution of assets. These assets and shares are disproportionately distributed among masses having different economic levels. 20 % of our population is reaping the seeds of 80 % of the total wealth.
  • Maximum economic value cannot be attained when we have an abundance of the unskilled labour force in our country. Moreover, the caste system has caused marginalization and discrimination of specific portions of our society. Some places still exist where lower caste people are treated as untouchables.
  • Besides, corruption is one of the leading causes of poverty. The poor are being neglected, whereas the wealthy can bribe their way to get their jobs done.

Effects of Poverty in India

The effects of poverty are far-fetched. One of its most disturbing effects includes the overall health conditions. Poor people are often malnourished. Children are devoid of a balanced and nutritious diet. Their poor immune system makes them prone to several ailments. Poverty makes them susceptible to anaemia, impaired vision, cardiac issues, etc. This is why 38 out of every 1000 infants die before turning 1.

India’s economy is correlated to its poverty rate. Poverty determines the possibility of rendering adequate amenities to our society’s underprivileged people. A poverty-ridden society is vulnerable to violence and crimes. Poor people indulge in criminal activities to feed themselves. Apart from that, homelessness is a typical outcome of poverty. This risks the safety of women and promotes child labour. It also increases terrorism.

Solutions for Eradicating Poverty in India

The following measures will help us fight against poverty in India:

  • Increasing employment opportunities in India is a beneficial option.
  • Farmers must be provided with proper agricultural resources. It will help them make a profit and will control their migration to urban regions (in search of jobs).
  • Growing population must be checked. Schemes promoting birth control must be implemented.
  • The Government must invest in the poverty-stricken states of India.
  • Free education and healthcare units must be set up.
  • Public Distribution System must be effective in its duty. People below the poverty line must be able to access free food and fresh water.
  • Illiterate labourers must be provided with skill-based training so that they can make a better living out of it.
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Poverty In India Essay | Poverty In India Essay for Students and Children

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Poverty In India Essay: Poverty In India Essay aims to educate students about the plight of the poor and underprivileged. In India, the wealth is distributed in a disproportionate manner. Explore how this factor and others affect the poverty rates in India through this essay. Furthermore, discover the various means to eliminate poverty from the society.

To write an engaging essay on poverty in India or any other topic, students have to follow certain rules and guidelines. These will also help students to fetch more marks in their exams. So, please consider adopting the following tips and tricks to an engaging essay.

Poverty In India Essay Writing Tips

  • Always write an introductory paragraph highlighting the background or history of the topic.
  • Include names, dates, and figures wherever possible.
  • Avoid the use of jargon.
  • Present content in easy-to-read, digestible chunks.
  • Present information in points where necessary.
  • End the essay with a concluding paragraph.
  • Check for grammatical or factual errors before submission.

Poverty In India Essay – Sample 1 (250+ Words)

Poverty is a situation where an individual lacks the means to purchase basic necessities of life. These can include food, water, clothes, and shelter. Moreover, these individuals may not be able to afford even a single square meal a day. They make do with whatever they can find on the street – such as salvaging old food from the trash, sleeping on park benches or roadsides and wear raggedy old clothes.

Poverty and Its Causes

Poverty is primarily caused by the unequal distribution of wealth in a country. Furthermore, unemployment and an increase in the urban population can drastically increase the rate of the country’s population. To aggravate the condition, the jobs that these individuals work pay woefully low wages. This is because these individuals do not possess the required qualifications or are not employable.

A 2012 survey revealed that an estimated 276 million individuals are under the poverty line in India. The same survey also revealed that more people hovering just above the poverty line. Corruption is one of the biggest factors contributing to poverty followed by illiteracy.

Reducing Poverty – How To Reduce it

One of the most effective ways of reducing poverty, at least for future generations is by providing access to education. This ensures that the individuals are skilled and qualified enough to secure a well-paying job. Furthermore, family planning must also be taken into consideration due to the fact that the rising population contributes to poverty.

In conclusion, poverty is not a problem can be solved overnight, however, implementing these solutions over the course of a decade or two will help to alleviate the problem.

Poverty In India Essay – Sample 2 (350+ Words)

Poverty has been a societal problem since times immemorial. It is a situation where an individual is unable to purchase basic necessities such as food, clothes, and shelter. Moreover, these individuals sustain themselves on a single meal a day since they can’t afford more. They may engage in begging since they cannot earn money any other way. Sometimes, these individuals may scavenge rotten food from a dumpster near a hotel or a restaurant just to satisfy their hunger. They may sleep on the pavement or park benches on clear nights. On rainy days, they may sleep under bridges or any other indoor shelters.

How is Poverty Caused?

There are a lot of socio-economic variables that influence poverty. First and foremost is the unequal distribution of wealth. This is compounded by corruption and the ever-increasing population of the country. The next influential factor that causes poverty is illiteracy and unemployment. These two factors go hand-in-hand because, without proper education, unemployment is sure to follow. Most of the people under the poverty line have no marketable or employable skills required by the industries. In case these individuals do find a job, most of these pay extremely low wages, which is insufficient to support oneself or lead a family.

Effects of Poverty

When individuals are unable to afford basic necessities for life, other undesired consequences follow. For instance, health care becomes impossible to afford. This means the individual is at an increased risk of diseases and infections. Sometimes, these individuals also resort to unfair means to obtain money – such as robbery, murder, assault, and rape.

Solutions to End Poverty

Poverty is not a problem that can be resolved over a week or a year. It requires careful planning from the government to implement relevant policies that cater to the population falling below the poverty line. Another important factor affecting poverty is illiteracy and unemployment.

This issue can be tackled with one stone – i.e, to provide education and financial support. Access to education, especially providing means to pursue higher education increases the employability of individuals. This directly helps to alleviate poverty as the individual can start earning. Therefore, one of the most effective tools to combat poverty is education.

In conclusion, poverty in India may remain for another decade or so. However, there are strategies that help to gradually alleviate the problem.

FAQ’s on Poverty In India

Question 1. What is poverty?

Answer: Poverty is a situation where an individual lacks the means to purchase basic necessities of life such as food, water, clothes and shelter.

Question 2. What are some of the adverse effects of poverty?

Answer: Poverty leads to a miserable quality of life. It can also give rise to anti-social activities such as robbery, murder, assault, and rape.

Question 3. How to combat poverty?

Answer: If we are able to provide access to free education and reduce unemployment, the rate of poverty will be reduced. Moreover, providing free access to basic necessities such as health care and shelter will also help to alleviate poverty.

Question 4. What is the Poverty Line?

Answer: The Below Poverty Line (BPL)  is a benchmark that indicates an economic disadvantage. Moreover, it is used for individuals that are in need of aid and assistance from the government.

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Poverty In India Essay

Poverty In India Essay | Essay on Poverty In India for Students and Children in English

Poverty In India Essay: Poverty is one of the major problems in India. It is the root and cause of many socio-economic problems including population explosion, unemployment, child labour, rising graph of crimes, etc.

Long and Short Essays on Poverty In India for Kids and Students in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘Poverty In India’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on Poverty In India of 400-500 words. This long essay about Poverty In India is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Poverty In India of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Long Essay on Poverty In India 600 Words in English

Below we have given a long essay on Poverty In India of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

“Poverty” is the worst form of violence”, said Mahatma Gandhi. Over the years, poverty has proved to be the biggest hurdle in the way of success of India’s development. Poverty is that condition in which a person fails to not only fulfil his basic physiological needs, but also fails to protect himself from diseases, get balanced nutrition, maintain good health etc.

In simple terms, a person in order to survive should have proper food, clothing, shelter, health care and education. Thus, poverty refers to a person failing to acquire these minimum levels of subsistence and in turn suffer from starvation, malnutrition, and diseases.

Poverty has been an inevitable problem since the time immemorial. From late 19 th century through early 20 th century, under British colonial rule, poverty in India intensified, peaking in 1920’s. Over this period, the colonial government, de-industrialised India by reducing garments and other finished products’ manufacturing by artisans in India.

They instead imported these from Britain. These colonial policies moved unemployed artisans into farming and transformed India as a region increasingly abundant in land, unskilled labour and low productivity, capital and knowledge. Moreover famines and diseases killed millions each time.

Recently, in 2013, the Indian Government stated 21.9% of its population is below official poverty limit. In other words, India with 17.5% of world’s total population, had 20.6% share of world’s poorest in 2013. A large proportion of poor people live in rural areas. Poverty is deepest among members of scheduled castes and tribes in the country’s rural areas.

On the map of India, the poorest areas are in parts of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, Chhattisgarh and West Bengal. In fact, the story of our prolonged poverty and tyranny attached has got so much fame that a , foreign director (Danny Boyle) produced a whole movie on the issue. This movie is Slumdog Millionaire which got worldwide acclamation through Oscar Awards.

Statistics reveals that economic prosperity has indeed been very impressive in India, but it is the distribution of wealth that has been uneven and has caused the grave problem of poverty. Other major causes of poverty are illiteracy along with uncontrolled population growth, unemployment and under-employment, dependence on agriculture, caste system and corruption. The causes of rural poverty are manifold including inadequate and ineffective implementation of anti-poverty programmes.

The over-dependence on monsoon with non-availability of irrigational facilities often results in crop-failure and low agricultural productivity forcing farmers in the debt-traps. The children of poor families are forced to take up jobs at a tender age to fend for their large families, thus are not only deprived of their childhood but education too adding to the illiterate bulk of the country.

Central grants for programmes like Indira Awas Yojana and others, which was aimed at providing housing to the poor, have been utter failures due to lack of proper implementation. Massive transfer of ‘Black Money’ overseas and under-utilisation of foreign aid have also contributed to the deepening of poverty in India. Nelson Mandela once quoted:

“Like Slavery and Apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings”.

Interestingly, the incidence of rural poverty has declined somewhat in the past years as a result of rural to urban migration. In order to combat the grave problem of poverty, first and foremost, there should be a strict check on population increase. Creation of employment opportunities, spread of education, elimination of black money, decentralisation of planning, helping women and youth to become self-reliant are some other ways to combat this problem. Empowering the weaker and backward section of society is also expected to contribute to the alleviation of poverty. It is not due to lack of resources or technical assistance that we are failing in achieving our goals but more so due to lack of execution of these plans and programmes.

Short Essay on Poverty In India 300 Words in English

Below we have given a short essay on Poverty In India is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

Since the 1970s, the Indian Government made poverty reduction a priority in its part of planning. Policies focus on improving the poor standard of living by ensuring food security, promoting self-employment through greater access to assets, increasing wage employment and improving access to basic social services. The Indian Government and non-governmental organisations have initiated several newer programmes to alleviate poverty, like increased access to loans, improving agricultural techniques and price supports, and promoting education and family planning. These measures have helped eliminate famines, cut absolute poverty levels by more than half and reduced illiteracy and malnutrition.

The participation of civil society organisations in poverty reduction efforts, especially those directed to women, has increased social awareness and encouraged government to provide better services. These civil society organisations have not only contributed to women’s material well-being; they have also helped to empower them socially and politically.

The problem of poverty persists because of a number of loop holes in the system. The encouragement of non-governmental organisations and private sector individuals in tackling poverty is imperative, as the state cannot do everything alone. Poverty is more of social marginalisation of an individual or group in the society rather than inadequacy of income to fulfil the basic needs. Economic growth will not reduce poverty unless it is inclusive. Poverty alleviation programmers should also address the issue of poverty from broader social and economic perspective. The most recent “Make in India” campaign of Prime Minister Narendra Modi is being foreseen as a sure shot method to eradicate poverty, by giving employment opportunities to the masses.

Poverty In India Essay Word Meanings for Simple Understanding

  • subsistence – the action or fact of supporting oneself, especially at a minimal level,
  • starvation – hunger, lack of food
  • malnutrition – lack of proper nutrition, underfeeding
  • immemorial – very old, extending back beyond memory
  • intensified – increased, deepen, strengthen,
  • tyranny – cruel, harsh, severe
  • acclamation – applause, praise
  • apartheid – a system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race
  • combat – fight, take action against something, to prevent
  • subsidising – pay part of the cost of producing (something) to keep the selling price low
  • famines – extreme and general scarcity of food in a large area, shortage of food
  • imperative – crucial, commanding, unavoidable

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  • Poverty Essay for Students in English


Essay on Poverty

Poverty is a disease that has no cure. The deeper this disease is, the deeper its wound. By the way, man lives under compulsion. But usually one wants to avoid it. Poverty is a condition of extreme poverty for any person or human being. This is a situation when a person starts to lack important things in his life such as the roof, necessary food, clothes, medicines, etc. to continue his life.

The causes of poverty are excessive population, fatal and contagious diseases, natural disasters, low agricultural yields, unemployment, casteism, illiteracy, gender inequality, environmental problems, changing trends in the economy of the country, untouchability, little or limited access to people's rights, Problems such as political violence, sponsored crime, corruption, lack of encouragement, inaction, ancient social beliefs, etc. have to be faced.

Poverty has become a big problem of the world, efforts are being made across the world today to remove poverty, but the problem is that it does not take the name of ending. This problem affects a human's economic and daily life. Poverty teaches man to live like a slave in which he has to change the place over time, in this situation due to the lack of education of the poor, his nature and speech also make a difference. Living in a world of poor people has become a curse. Getting enough money to get food is like getting relief from a curse for the poor, that's why they do not have access to education.

Reasons of Poverty

There are many reasons that have continued with carrying it for a long time. Because of this,  freedom, mental and physical fitness, and lack of security in a person remains. It is very important that in order to live a normal life, the country and the whole world will have to work together to bring proper physical and mental health, complete education, a home for everyone, and other important things.

In today's time, there is the problem of poverty which gives all the pain, pain, and despair to the poor. Due to the lack of money from poverty, I show the lack of many things. Poverty makes children spend life in compulsion. If forced to make bread, sometimes in bringing children's books. At that time he is also unable to raise children.

We can tell poverty in many ways like it has become a common thing in India. Most of the people here are unable to get the things they need. Here a vast section of the population is illiterate, hungry, and forced to live without clothes and a home. About half of India's population suffers from this epidemic of poverty.

A poor person lives his life without possession of basic things like food for two times, clean water, house, clothes, proper education, etc. There are many reasons for poverty in India. Incorrect distribution of national income is also a reason. People in the low-income group are much poorer than those in the high-income group. Children of poor families never get proper education, nutrition, and a happy childhood environment. The main cause of poverty is illiteracy, corruption, growing population, weak agriculture, the growing gap between rich and poverty, etc.

Measures to Control Poverty

Corruption has to be erased.

Unemployed will have to give proper employment

A growing population will have to be stopped

Farmers have to be given proper facilities for farming

Education should be provided to children for proper education

Poverty is not just a human problem but it is a national problem. It should be solved by implementing some effective methods on a quick basis. Every person should be united by ending corruption. A problem has been created in which he does not get even the basics. That is why at present, many measures are being taken to prevent poverty so that the standard of living of people around the world can be improved.

Short Essays on Poverty

Poverty is akin to being a slave, as a person cannot achieve anything he desires. It has various faces that alter depending on who you are, where you are, and when. It can be defined in various ways depending on how a person feels or experiences it.

Poverty is a state that no one wants to be in, but it must be removed owing to cultural norms, natural disasters, or a lack of adequate education. The individual who is experiencing it frequently wishes to flee. Poverty is a call for poor people to earn enough money to eat, have access to education, have adequate shelter, dress appropriately, and take steps to protect themselves from social and political violence.

It's a problem that goes unnoticed yet significantly impacts a person's social life. Poverty is an entirely avoidable problem, but there are various reasons why it has persisted in the past.

Poverty robs people of their freedom, mental health, physical well-being, and security. Everyone must strive to eradicate poverty from the country and the world, ensuring appropriate physical and mental health, full literacy, a home for all, and other necessities for living a simple life.

When a person cannot do anything according to his will, he is said to be in poverty. Many different faces alter depending on who you are, where you are, and time. It can be characterized in a variety of ways, depending on how the person feels or what they have achieved. Poverty is a circumstance that no one wants to be in, even if it is forced upon them due to a lack of experience, nature, natural disasters, or a lack of suitable education. Humans have won it, but they prefer to stay away from it. Poverty is a call for needed clothing and protection against social and political violence for the poor to earn enough money to buy food, receive an education, and find a suitable place to live.

This is an unseen problem that harms a person's social life. Even though numerous factors have contributed to its long-term persistence, poverty is a perfectly preventable problem. As a result, a person's freedom, mental and physical well-being, and sense of security are all compromised. It is critical to bring poverty and poverty from worldwide to work together to live everyday life, provide adequate physical and mental health, complete education, a home for everyone, and other essential things.


FAQs on Poverty Essay for Students in English

1. What are the Effects of Poverty?

When people are not able to afford their basic necessities. For example medications and hospital fees are impossible to afford for that means they choose crook ways of obtaining money i.e. stealing, robbery, etc.  

2. What are the Possible Ways to Remove Poverty?

Since India is a developing country, eliminating poverty here is much tougher than in other countries but still some measures can be taken and government assistance would be much helpful in this step which requires some relevant planning and policies for those who fall under the poverty line. Another major factor of poverty is illiteracy and unemployment. Therefore education is the most efficient tool to confine the poverty line in the country. 

3. What is the Poverty Line?

The Below Poverty Line (BPL) signifies the state of people who fall under poverty status. It also symbolizes an economic drawback. In addition, it is used for people who are in need of help and assistance from the government.

4. What are the causes of poverty?

Poverty has several causes, including a lack of access to essentials such as water, food, shelter, education, and healthcare. Poverty is also caused by inequities such as gender or ethnic discrimination, bad governance, conflict, exploitation, and domestic violence. These disparities not only cause a person or a society to fall into poverty, but they can also prevent people from receiving social assistance that could help them get out of it. Due to political upheaval, past or present conflict, corrupt authorities, and lousy infrastructure that restricts access to education, clean water, healthcare, and other essentials, children and communities in fragile states confront greater poverty rates.

5. What can we do to put an end to extreme poverty?

We can aid in the eradication of extreme poverty by determining what causes it in a particular community and then determining what needs to change. Because poverty manifests itself differently in different regions and is caused by different circumstances, the work to end extreme poverty differs depending on the situation. More economic resources are needed to assist people in increasing their income and better providing for themselves and their families. To ensure that poverty does not return, the work must be sustainable, regardless of the solution. As a result, the community must be involved at every stage.

6. What criteria are used to assess poverty?

Each country's government determines poverty levels by conducting home surveys of its citizens. The World Bank, for example, assists and may conduct their surveys, although data collecting is time-consuming and slow. New high-frequency surveys are being created and tested, leveraging estimations and mobile phone technologies. If you want to learn more about these topics, download the Vedantu App that has been specifically designed and curated for students by experts.

7. What is the poverty cycle?

Poverty can be a catch-22 situation. To escape poverty, a person requires access to possibilities such as education, clean water, local medical services, and financial means. Poverty creates a generational cycle if these critical factors are not there. If parents cannot afford to take their children to school, they will struggle to find work when they grow up. Even natural disasters and conflicts can exacerbate the poverty cycle by bringing more people.

8. What are the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of goals for countries worldwide to work together in a global partnership for the benefit of people, the environment, and prosperity. The Sustainable Development Goals aim to abolish extreme poverty for all people everywhere by 2030 and to reduce the proportion of people living in poverty in all forms by at least half. In September 2015, the United Nations member states accepted this objective as one of 17 to end extreme poverty.

Look around you. Do you see beggars on the streets? What about rickshaw-pullers fighting with a customer for an extra ten rupees? Do you hear news of crimes and drug abuse even by children? Poverty in India is the cause and also a consequence of all the above problems.

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Poverty in india.

22% of the total population in India (around 270 crores) live in poverty. “What exactly is poverty?”, you may ask. Poverty means living in conditions of where a person doesn’t have basic needs like proper food, water or shelter.

poverty in india

Measurement of Poverty

This is tricky, as different places have different understandings of poverty at different times. For example, a poor person in the USA could be one who doesn’t own a car. But in India, having a car is a luxury only some can dream of. Thus, measuring several aspects of one’s nutrition and income determines poverty in India.

Therefore, in India, an urban dweller should have at least 2100 calories and a rural dweller, at least 2400 calories per day. There is a difference, as the physical work done in rural areas is more energy consuming than in urban areas.

Additionally, earning a minimum of 32 rupees in urban areas and 26 rupees in rural areas, per day, determines the “Below Poverty Line” criteria. The minimum income is higher in urban areas, as it is more costly to live in towns than villages.

poverty in india

There is also an international standard by The World Bank, where people are living in poverty if they earn less than $1.90 (almost 140 rupees) per day! This is a much higher standard than that of India’s way of measurement.

Causes of Poverty in India

There are multiple things that cause poverty. However, in India, the first major factor was the exploitative British colonial rule. Throughout the process of colonising India, the British plundered the wealth of India, by taking away raw materials for cheap and selling it back to India at very high prices. This led to the shut down of indigenous factories and mills in India and India became heavily economically dependent.

Even after they left, India was plagued with illiterate masses and a huge population. In rural areas, there was a huge problem of lack of land resources, per person as the population was in excess. These led to almost no economic growth till the 1980s. Even today, there are many schemes for anti-poverty but poverty is still a problem due to the lack of implementation of these schemes.

Multidimensional Consequences of Poverty

poverty in india

Poverty also has other several dimensions. When you get sick, your mother can take you to the hospital and buy medicines. But what do you think people who earn 50 rupees per day do for their family? You can dream of becoming a doctor or designer, but what about children who wake up worrying about if they will eat that day? Thus, poverty is also a condition where the very poor don’t have access to health care, education, employment, safety and other facilities.

What is the Government doing?

poverty in india

The government has come up with various schemes to reduce poverty. Two of the important ones are-

  • Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme : This scheme is for employment. It guarantees 100 days of wage labour to rural dwellers.
  • PMRY (Pradhan Mantri Rozgar Yojna) Scheme : This is also an employment scheme for literate people in urban and rural areas, where they can generate ways of self- employment.

At the closing of this article, we have learnt about what exactly poverty in India means. Understanding the causes and consequences of it can better equip us to fight this and lead India towards a path of development.

Solved Question for You

What is the current minimum income for a person to be considered be the ow poverty line?

Answer: It is earning below 32 rupees in urban areas and 26 rupees in rural areas of India.

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Poverty Essay in English For Students & Children in 1000 Words

In this article, you will read a poverty essay for students and children in 1000 words. This includes meaning, situation in India, causes, effects, reducing ideas, and 10 lines about poverty.

Table of Contents

Poverty Essay in English (1000 Words)

Many reasons are there for this huge amount of poverty in India, but in short, the population explosion, the increase in prices, the debt trap, lower agricultural productivity, and the lack of proper government development are the sole reasons for it. 

What is Poverty?

Poverty is the condition of being extremely poor for a human being. In this condition, the individual starts to lack the basic important things in their life: a roof over their heads, necessary food, medicine, clothes, etc., to continue their life. Several reasons for the cause of poverty are possible. 

An increase in the literacy rate and providing sustainable living conditions for the poor are some of the ways in which poverty can be curtailed to some extent. 

Poverty Situation in India

Central and state governments have successfully collaborated with many of the private and public sector organisations to deal with this situation. Their main agenda is to eradicate poverty in India completely. 

Cause of Poverty in India

Poverty is a dreadful problem in human life. Poverty is just like that of an enslaved person who cannot do the things he wants. Poverty has many faces, which keep on changing according to place, time, and person. 

The Colonials are solely responsible for the major and significant damage done to this country. They entered as traders and slowly started to occupy a monopoly on various sectors. 

Effects of Poverty in India

As a result, their immune systems are merely affected, making them prone to several ailments. It makes them susceptible to anaemia, cardiac issues, poor vision, etc. 

How to Reduce Poverty in India?

Access to education can promote higher education, and higher education can increase the employability of such individuals. In this way, poverty can be elevated as the individual starts earning. Education is the most effective way to combat poverty in India. 

10 Lines on Poverty Essay in Hindi

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Poverty In India Essay

Poverty is a situation in which people do not have enough money for basic necessities or survival, such as food and shelter. Due to the poor income of the people, they cannot even meet their basic needs. Here are a few sample essays on the topic of ‘poverty’.

  • 100 Word Essay On Poverty In India

Poverty is the financial state of the individual or family in which they are unable to meet their basic needs in life. A poor person does not earn enough to buy basic necessities such as a 2-time meal, water, shelter, cloth, the right education, and many more. In India, overpopulation and underdevelopment is the main cause of poverty. India's poverty can be decreased with a few effective programs, in which the government should focus on developing the rural areas by providing primary education, implementing population control policies, creating jobs, and providing basic necessities at subsidized rates. Poverty is a very serious problem in the whole world and many efforts are being made to eradicate poverty.

200 Word Essay On Poverty In India

500 word essay on poverty in india, causes of poverty, poverty situation in india, how to solve poverty in india.

Poverty In India Essay

Poverty is defined as a situation wherein a person or family lacks the money to fulfil basic needs. Poor people don’t have good enough money to make a decent living; they don't have the funds for housing, nutrition, and schooling which are vital for survival. So, poverty can be understood absolutely as a lack of money, or extra extensive, obstacles to everyday human life.

Mahatma Gandhi once said that poverty is the worst form of violence. Poverty has been proven as the biggest hurdle in the development of India. Since 1970, the Indian government has made eradicating poverty a priority in its 5-year plans. Policies are made to ensure food security, housing, and employment through more access to increasing salary employment and enhancing access to simple social services. The Indian authorities and non-governmental corporations have initiated numerous new programs to relieve poverty, like easy entry to loans, enhancing agricultural techniques and price supports, and providing vocational skill training to people so they can get jobs. These measures have helped eliminate famines, reduce absolute poverty ranges, and decreased illiteracy and malnutrition.

The occurrence of rural poverty has declined in the past years because of rural-to-city migration. A severe limit on population growth is necessary to address the issue of poverty.

Poverty is a condition in which a person lacks basic necessities of life. This consists of food, water, clothes, and shelter. Moreover, people living on or below the poverty line don’t have enough money to buy even a single meal a day. They somehow survive with whatever they could discover on the street – salvaging food from the trash, sleeping on park benches or the roadside and depending on the charity of those with more resources.

There are many factors that are responsible for poverty. The principal causes are unemployment, illiteracy, increasing population, and lack of proper schooling and training. Humans are no longer able to earn a livelihood since they are unable to find and obtain employment. They're not able to feed their family. The other causes of poverty include war, natural disasters, political instability, and many others.

India is undoubtedly one of the most populous democracies, and its economic structure is rapidly increasing. India is still considered a developing country as opposed to a developed one. Poverty is one such issue, which creates hurdles in the development of India. A good sized portion of the population in India lives in poverty. Even 75 years after gaining our freedom, we still have problems, and poverty has troubled our country. India has a very excessive rate of poverty, which affects its progress.

Many business and public region organizations have effectively labored with the federal and state governments to cope with this difficulty. Their principal aim is to abolish poverty in India completely. Together, they have been able to put into effect some effective policies to partly eliminate this intense issue and maintain the happiness of their people.

If you want to make an actual change and a difference in society, then some measures should be taken that assist the population living beneath the poverty line. The main two reasons for poverty in India are illiteracy and unemployment. Only with appropriate education and monetary aid can this hassle be solved. In India, education and population control is the strongest weapon against poverty. The best way to eradicate poverty is through educating the masses.

Moreover, actions taken by the government can help in eradicating the situation of poverty in India to a greater extent. Some of the options available are—

Increasing the variety of jobs available in India

The employees who lack literacy should receive advanced schooling.

The public distribution system needs to carry out its responsibilities adequately.

The underprivileged should receive free food and water.

Controlling population growth is necessary and also introducing birth control promotion plans is important.

Farmers should have access to appropriate agricultural resources. They can also improve their profit with this technique. They won't migrate to metropolitan regions looking for food as a result.

Poverty is a major problem of the country and it must be addressed on an urgent basis through the implementation of powerful measures. In addition, the eradication of poverty has turned out to be important for the sustainable and inclusive boom of people, society and the economy.

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Essay on Poverty in India 

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Essay on Poverty in India

What is Poverty? Poverty is defined as the lack of sufficient money to meet basic needs such as food and shelter. Poverty is a situation in which a person is homeless and has very little money. Due to the growing population in urban areas, India’s poverty rate is rising. The most important fact is that huge numbers of people live in poverty, with the majority living on the edge of it. Poverty in India is mostly observed in rural regions due to a large number of uneducated and unemployed people within the growing population.

Many people cannot afford proper food for their daily lives, and because they do not have their own homes, they sleep on streets or footpaths. As a result, more people require more food, money, and shelter, but poverty grows rapidly due to a lack of these resources. This is why the rich become richer and the poor become poorer, making it difficult to bridge the gap. Poverty has several consequences, including poor housing, illiteracy, increased child labor and unemployment, and poor hygiene. As a result, these poor individuals cannot afford a balanced diet, decent clothes, or a good education for the simple reason that they do not have enough money.

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Essay on_Poverty in India

Ways to Reduce Poverty :

Poverty may be reduced by providing sufficient education and facilities to farmers, allowing them to become more profitable and not feel the need to migrate to cities in search of work. Also, uneducated individuals should receive a good education to improve their lives, and family planning is also necessary for getting out of poverty. Poverty in our country dates back to ancient times, when the poor were not given the same privileges as the wealthy, and they were even denied access to religious places. Unemployment, a lack of education, poor resource utilization, corruption, and poor government policy are all major causes of poverty.

In India, poverty is high when compared to other nations due to the poor growth rate of per capita income per person. Due to a lack of career prospects, many individuals work as rickshaw pullers, construction laborers, domestic servants, and other low-wage jobs, which leads them to live in slum areas.

In addition, lack of land resources has been one of the key reasons for poverty in India; even small farmers in our nation are poor since they cultivate but do not receive fair pay in terms of profit, resulting in poverty.

The population of India as a Major Cause of Poverty :

Since the beginning of time, poverty has been an unavoidable problem. Under British colonial authority, poverty in India worsened from the late 19th century through the early 20th century, peaking in the 1920s. During this time, the colonial government de-industrialized India by restricting the production of finished garments and other goods by Indian craftsmen.

From then till recent times, the situation has been quite the same or has even worsened in many places. In 2013, the Indian government reported that 21.9% of the country’s population lived below the official poverty line. In other words, India, which accounted for 17.5% of the world population, had 20.6% of the world’s poorest people in 2013. Rural areas are home to a huge number of poor people. Poverty is more severe among members of scheduled castes and tribes in the country’s rural areas.

Population Trends in India :

India’s population has been rapidly increasing. In 1991, India’s population was around 84.3 crores, with a high rate of poverty; now, our country’s population is around 130 crores, with the population nearly doubling in the last three decades, but not enough has been done to control poverty in our country. As the population grows, so does unemployment, and poverty is just a reflection of unemployment. More capital is necessary for developing industry, providing adequate transportation, and other projects, as a result of which the country’s deficiency is underdeveloped and more people live in poverty. Lack of skilled labor also contributes to poverty since less-skilled workers lack industrial training and education and miss out on opportunities that more skilled workers can avail. Lack of infrastructure means that transportation and communication have not been properly developed, resulting in farmers receiving fertilisers for cultivation late and industries receiving power and raw materials not on time and thus, end products not being properly marketed and reaching customers on time. Hence, to escape poverty, our government must be more serious, and citizens must share equal responsibility.

Conclusion : Remarkably, as a result of rural-to-urban migration, the incidence of rural poverty has fallen steadily. First and foremost, population growth should be strictly controlled to tackle the serious problem of poverty. Other approaches to fight this problem include expanding work possibilities, educating people, eliminating black money, decentralized planning, and assisting women and youth in becoming self-sufficient. Empowering the weaker and most backward sections of society is also expected to help reduce poverty. We are not failing to achieve our goals owing to a lack of resources or technical support, but rather due to a lack of execution of our plans and programs.

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Essay on Poverty in India: Causes, Effects and Solutions

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Poverty in India

Introduction: Poverty refers to a situation when people are deprived of basic necessities of life. It is often characterized by inadequacy of food, shelter and clothes. In other words, poverty refers to a state of privation where there is a lack of essential needs for subsistence.

India is one of the poorest countries in the world. Many Indian people do not get two meals a day. They do not have good houses to live in. Their children do not get proper schooling.

Poor people are the depressed and deprived class. They do not get proper nutrition and diet. Their conditions have not sufficiently improved even long after over 65 years of our Independence.

Poverty in urban India: Just like most of the growing and developing countries, there has been continuous increase in Urban population.

  • Poor people migrate from rural areas to cities and towns in search of employment/financial activity.
  • The income of more than 8 crore urban people is estimated to fall below poverty line (BPL).
  • In addition to this, there are around 4.5 crore urban people whose income level is on borderline of poverty level.
  • A income of urban poors is highly unstable. A large number of them are either casual workers or self-employed.
  • Banks and Financial institutions are reluctant to provide them loan because of the unstable income.
  • Five states that constitutes around 40% of all urban poor people of India are Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan, Odisha, and Madhya Pradesh.
  • Around 35% of the total population of the four metro cities (Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai and Mumbai) consists of slum population.
  • A large portion of people living in slums are illiterate.
  • The initiatives taken to deal with the problem of urban poverty has not yielded the desired results.

Poverty in rural India: It is said that rural India is the heart of India. In reality, the life of people living in rural areas is marked with severe poverty. Inspite of all the efforts, the condition of poor villagers is far from satisfactory. The report on Socio-economic and Caste Census (2011) reveal the following facts:

  • SCST: Of all the rural households, around 18.46 percent belongs to scheduled castes, and around 10.97 belongs to scheduled Tribes.
  • Major source of income: Manual causal labour jobs and cultivation are the major sources of income for rural people. Nearly 51 percent of all households are economically engaged in manual casual labour and nearly 30 percent of them is engaged in cultivation.
  • Deprived: Around 48.5 percent of rural households are deprived according to the census.
  • Assets: Only 11.04 percent of families own a refrigerator while there is a vehicle (including two-wheeler, boat, etc. )in around 29.69 percent of the rural houses.
  • Income Tax: Only 4.58 percent of rural households pay income tax.
  • Land ownership: Around 56 percent of village households doesn’t own a land.
  • Size of rural houses: The houses of around 54 percent rural families consists of either one or two-rooms. Out of them, around 13 percent lives in a one-room house.

Also read: Short essay on Poverty in Indian Villages

Causes of poverty

The growing population inflates the problem of poor techniques used in Agriculture. Further, there is unequal distribution of wealth. As a result, the poor people are often exploited by the wealthy community. The most important causes of Poverty in India are poor agriculture, growing Population, gap between rich and poor, corruption and black money.

Poor agriculture: India is mainly an agricultural country. About 80% people of our country depend on agriculture. But our agriculture is in a bad way. Farmers are poor and uneducated. They do not know the modern methods of farming. They have no good facilities of irrigation. They do not get seeds and fertilizers in time. Thus, the yield is poor. Agriculture is not profitable today. We face the shortage of food. We have to import it. So, poor agriculture is one of the causes of India’s poverty.

Growing population: Our population is growing rapidly. But our resources are limited. The growth in population creates problems for us. Today, our population is 1.20 billion; tomorrow we will be 1.21 billion and so on. We need more food, more houses, and more hospitals for them. So we have no money to spend on development projects. The ever-growing rate of population must be checked. If not, we may not be able to remove India’s poverty.

Gap between the rich and the poor: The widening gap between the rich and the poor is also responsible for India’s poverty. The rich are growing richer. The poor are growing poorer. This economic gap between the two must be reduced. Our social system should be changed. The poor people must get all help to reap the fruits of Independence.

Corruption and black-money: There are corruptions in every walk of life. There is inefficiency in offices. People have become selfish. They neglect the national interests. Black money causes the problem of rising prices. Some people have all the privileges. But many others are suffering. Black money affects our economy. It causes poverty.

Also read: Causes of Rural and Urban Poverty in India

Effects of poverty

  • Illiteracy: Poor people constitutes greater share of illiterate population. Education becomes extremely difficult when people are deprived of basic necessities of life.
  • Child Labor: In India, a large number of young boys and girls are engaged in child labour. Also read, article on Poverty and Child labour in India.
  • Nutrition and diet: Poverty is the leading cause of insufficient diet and inadequate nutrition. The resources of poor people are very limited, and its effect can be seen in their diet.
  • Poor living condition and Housing problems: The don’t get proper living conditions. They have to fight the hardship of poverty to secure food, clothes and shelter. A large number of poor families live in houses with one room only.
  • Unemployment: Poor people move from villages to towns and form one town to another in search of employment/work. Since, they are mostly illiterate and un-skilled, there are very few employment opportunities open for them. Due to unemployment, many poor people are forced to live an unfulfilled life.
  • Hygiene and sanitation: These people have little knowledge about hygiene and proper sanitation system. They are not aware of the harmful consequences of not maintaining proper hygiene. The government is taking initiatives to make available clean and safe water, and proper sanitation system to them.
  • Feminization of poverty: Women are the worst victims of poverty. Poverty effects greater number of women then men. The total of poor women outnumbers the total population of poor men. The causes include low income, gender-inequality, etc. They are deprived of proper-diet, medicines and health treatment.
  • Social tensions: Poverty is often characterized with income disparity and unequal distribution of national wealth between the rich and the poor. Concentration of wealth in the hands of few rich people lead to social disturbances and revolts. Fair or even distribution of wealth leads an overall improvement in general standard of living of people.

We have to solve this problem of India’s poverty.

  • Farmers must get all facilities for irrigation.
  • They should be trained and educated.
  • Agriculture must be made profitable.
  • The ever-rising population should be checked.
  • Family planning schemes should be introduced.
  • More and more industries should be set up to meet the needs of our country.
  • Corruption must end. Our offices should work efficiently.

These are some of the ways  by which our poverty can be removed.

Also read: How to Stop Poverty in India

Poverty is a national problem and it must be solved on a war footing. The government is taking a number of steps to mitigate poverty. Eradication of poverty would ensure a sustainable and inclusive growth of economy and society. We all should do everything possible and within our limits to help alleviate poverty from our country.

Also read: Complete Essay on Poverty in India

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essay on poverty in india for class 6

Understanding Poverty in India: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions

essay on poverty in india for class 6

Recently, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said more than 13.5 crore Indians had escaped poverty in India in the last five years.

essay on poverty in india for class 6

Context: Recently, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said more than 13.5 crore Indians had escaped poverty in India in the last five years.

Ending Poverty in India: A Goal for the 21st Century

  • The United Nations defines poverty as the “denial of opportunities and choices for the realisation of a sustainable and decent standard of living.” 
  • It is a complex issue that is influenced by a variety of factors, including economic inequality , lack of access to education and healthcare , and social exclusion.
  • Absolute poverty : condition where household income is below a necessary level to maintain basic living standards (food, shelter, housing).
  • Relative poverty : condition where household income is a certain percentage below median income.

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Poverty Measurement in India: A Multidimensional Approach toward poverty in India

  • Data is obtained from the large sample survey of consumer expenditure data of the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO). 
  • Households with consumption expenditures below the poverty line are said to be “Below the Poverty Line (BPL)” and deemed to be poor.
  • Poverty and Unbritish Rule in India (1901): In his book, Dadabhai Naoroji made the earliest estimate of the poverty line at 1867-68 prices (₹16 to ₹35 per capita per year) based on the cost of a subsistence diet and tried to define poverty in India. 
  • National Planning Committee (1938): Set up under the chairmanship of Jawaharlal Nehru, suggested a poverty line (₹15 to ₹20 per capita per month) based on a minimum standard of living, a different approach to measure poverty in India. 
  • The Bombay Plan (1944): It suggested a poverty line of ₹75 per capita per year.
  • Planning Commission Expert Group (1962): It formulated the separate poverty lines for rural and urban areas at ₹20 and ₹25 per capita per year respectively. 
  • They suggested providing 2250 calories per day in both rural and urban areas. This was the first time that calories intake was taken into consideration to measure poverty in India. 

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Poverty in india

  • YK Alagh Committee (1979): It constructed a poverty line for rural and urban areas on the basis of nutritional requirements and related consumption expenditure. 
  • It asked for discontinuation of scaling of poverty estimates based on National Accounts Statistics to measure poverty in India. 
  • Tendulkar Committee (2009): The current official measures of poverty in India are based on the Tendulkar poverty line, fixed at daily expenditure o f ₹27.2 in rural areas and ₹33.3 in urban areas is criticised by many for being too low.

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Current Levels of Poverty in India

  • The rural areas of India experienced multidimensional poverty of 19.28%.  
  • In urban areas, the poverty rate was 5.27%.  
  • The poorest states in India are Bihar, Jharkhand, and Uttar Pradesh. 
  • According to the data from the World Bank, about 10% of the Indian population lives on less than USD 2.15 a day, which is the international poverty line for lower-middle income countries.

Causes of Poverty in India

The British colonisation de-industrialised India by ruining traditional handicrafts and textile industries is the major cause of poverty in India.  Increases the demand for consumption goods tremendously lead to poverty in India
High unemployment rates can make it difficult for individuals and families to make ends meet. Income inequalities can exacerbate poverty in India by limiting opportunities for those with fewer resources. own more than Eg. underemployment and disguised unemployment in the country, particularly in the farming sector. Eg. The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed an estimated 150 million people into poverty in India, according to the UNDP.
The hierarchical caste system limited the education, employment, and social opportunities for those born into lower castes, making it challenging to escape poverty in India.
Government policies can either alleviate or exacerbate poverty, depending on how they address issues like taxation, social safety nets, and labour laws. Widespread corruption in government institutions can lead to misallocation of resources, deepening poverty in India. Eg. Poverty in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, etc. Poor access to education, healthcare, and clean water, due to inadequate infrastructure or lack of government investment.
Droughts, floods, and storms can destroy crops, livestock, and infrastructure, pushing people into poverty in India.  is expected to push up to Sea level rise is displacing coastal communities and inundating agricultural land, forcing people to abandon their homes and livelihoods.  Climate change is leading to water scarcity in many parts of the world. This is making it difficult for people to grow food, access clean water, and maintain good hygiene.  Heatwaves can lead to health problems, reduced productivity, and crop failure.

Consequences of Poverty in India

Poverty affects every sphere of life. By linking poverty with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we can better understand the effects of poverty in India.

Here are some of the ways in which poverty impacts the SDGs:

  • Goal 1: No Poverty: Without addressing poverty, it will be difficult to achieve the other SDGs. 
  • Goal 2: Zero Hunger: Poverty is a major cause of food insecurity, hunger and malnutrition.
  • Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being: Poverty is associated with inadequate access to healthcare, leading to health disparities, higher disease prevalence, and reduced life expectancy.
  • Goal 4: Quality Education: Poverty can hinder access to quality education, making it difficult for children to attend school, and complete their education.
  • Goal 5: Gender Equality: Women and girls living in poverty are more likely to experience violence, discrimination, and exploitation. 
  • Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation: Poverty often limits access to clean water and sanitation facilities, contributing to waterborne diseases and health issues.
  • Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy: Poor communities often lack access to affordable and clean energy sources, which negatively impacts environmental sustainability.
  • Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth: Reducing poverty is essential for promoting decent work and sustainable economic growth
  • Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities: People living in poverty are more likely to be discriminated against and to have limited access to opportunities. 
  • Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities: Urban poverty is a major problem in urban areas. 
  • Goal 13: Climate Action: Poverty makes it more difficult for people to adapt to the impacts of climate change. 
  • Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions: Poverty is linked to social unrest and conflict, making it difficult to achieve peaceful, just, and inclusive societies.
  • Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals: Countries with high levels of poverty have fewer resources to invest in sustainable development.

Poverty Alleviation Programs in India: A step to reduce poverty in India

per year to rural households at a minimum wage.
enabling them to start and manage businesses.
including savings accounts, credit, and insurance. 
connections to poor families.
to poor families to
to youth to improve their

International Case Studies on Poverty Alleviation: Best learning to reduce poverty in India

  • Factors responsible for success: rapid economic growth, investment in education and healthcare, and social safety nets.
  • Factors responsible for success: economic growth, investment in education and healthcare, and social safety nets such as the Bolsa Família program.
  • Factors responsible for success: economic growth, investment in education and healthcare, and social safety nets such as the Grameen Bank.

Through resolution , the UN General Assembly declared To promote understanding and dialogue between people living in poverty and the wider society. : Decent Work and Social Protection: Putting dignity in practice for all. According to the United Nations, 8.4% of the world’s population, or as many as 670 million people, were living in extreme poverty at the end of 2022. – around 575 million people – could still find themselves trapped in extreme poverty by 2030.

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Poverty in India FAQs

What is the poverty line in india, what are the main challenges in poverty alleviation, what are the root causes of poverty in india, what role does education play in breaking the cycle of poverty, what is the impact of covid-19 on poverty in india.

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Essay on Poverty and Unemployment in India

Students are often asked to write an essay on Poverty and Unemployment in India in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Poverty and Unemployment in India


India, a country with a rich culture and history, faces significant challenges. Two of the most critical are poverty and unemployment.

Poverty in India

Unemployment in india.

Unemployment is another major issue. Many individuals, particularly the youth, are unable to find jobs, leading to economic instability.

Connection between Poverty and Unemployment

Poverty and unemployment in India are interconnected. Unemployment leads to poverty, and poverty, in turn, hampers the ability to find or create jobs.

250 Words Essay on Poverty and Unemployment in India

India, a country with a rich cultural heritage and diverse economy, faces significant challenges in poverty and unemployment. These two issues are intertwined, each feeding into the other, creating a vicious cycle that is difficult to break.

Poverty in India is a multifaceted issue. Despite India’s impressive economic growth, a significant portion of the population still lives below the poverty line. The World Bank reports that 22% of India’s population lives below the international poverty line of $1.90 per day. The poor lack access to basic needs such as food, shelter, and healthcare, which hampers their ability to break out of the poverty cycle.

Unemployment is another critical issue plaguing India. The Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) reported an unemployment rate of 7.11% in December 2020. The lack of job opportunities, coupled with a rapidly growing population, exacerbates the issue. The absence of stable income sources pushes families into poverty, thereby increasing the poverty rate.

The Interconnection

Poverty and unemployment are intrinsically linked. Unemployment leads to a lack of income, pushing people into poverty. Conversely, poverty can lead to unemployment as those in poverty often lack the resources to gain the necessary skills or education for employment.

Addressing poverty and unemployment in India requires a multifaceted approach. This includes improving access to education, creating more job opportunities, and implementing social safety nets for the most vulnerable. Only through a comprehensive strategy can India hope to break the cycle of poverty and unemployment.

500 Words Essay on Poverty and Unemployment in India

Despite the economic growth India has witnessed over the past few decades, poverty remains a pervasive issue. According to the World Bank, around 22% of India’s population lives below the poverty line. The reasons for such extensive poverty are manifold.

The country’s vast population exacerbates its poverty problem. With limited resources and high population density, it becomes challenging to provide adequate facilities to everyone. Furthermore, the unequal distribution of wealth is a significant contributor. The rich continue to amass wealth, while the poor struggle to meet their basic needs.

The education system plays a role in the unemployment issue. Despite having a large number of graduates every year, many are not employable due to a gap in skills and industry requirements. The rapid advancement in technology also threatens job security, as automation may render many traditional jobs obsolete.

Combating Poverty and Unemployment

Social security schemes can offer a safety net for the economically vulnerable population. Direct cash transfers, food security schemes, and pension schemes for the elderly and the disabled can provide immediate relief to those living in poverty.

India’s journey towards becoming a developed nation requires addressing its poverty and unemployment issues. With targeted policies, investments in education and infrastructure, and social security schemes, India can hope to alleviate these problems. The road is long and challenging, but with concerted efforts, a poverty and unemployment-free India is an achievable goal.

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Essay on Poverty: Samples in 100, 200, 300 Words

essay on poverty in india for class 6

  • Updated on  
  • Oct 14, 2023

Essay on poverty

Poverty is a deep-rooted problem that continues to affect a large portion of the world’s population today. It touches on several aspects of human life including but not limited to political, economic, and social elements. Even though there are several methods to escape poverty, still issues arise due to a lack of adequate unity among the country’s citizens. Here are some essays on poverty which will give you insights about this topic.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Poverty in 100 words
  • 2 Essay on Poverty in 200 words
  • 3.1 Reasons Behind Poverty
  • 3.2 World Poverty Conditions
  • 3.3 Role of NGOs to Eradicate Poverty
  • 3.4 What Can be Done by Us?

Essay on Poverty in 100 words

Poverty is defined as a state of scarcity, and the lack of material possessions to such an extreme extent that people have difficulties in fulfilling their basic needs. Robert McNamara, a former World Bank President, states that extreme poverty is limited by illiteracy, malnutrition, disease, high infant mortality rate, squalid conditions of living, and low life expectancy.

In order to eradicate poverty in a country, strict measures need to be taken on all levels. The political system needs to address this issue with utmost sincerity and strategic implementation in such a way that it improves the lives of people, especially the ones living below the poverty line. 

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Essay on Poverty in 200 words

Poverty is like a parasite that degrades its host and eventually causes a lot of damage to the host. It is basically the scarcity of basic needs that leads to an extremely degraded life and even low life expectancy. It includes a lack of food, shelter, medication, education, and other basic necessities. Poverty is a more serious circumstance where people are forced to starve. It can be caused by a variety of factors depending upon the country. 

Every country that is hit with pandemic diseases, experiences an increase in poverty rates. This is because of the fact that poor people are unable to receive adequate medical care and hence are unable to maintain their health. This renders the people powerless and even puts their liberty in jeopardy. This is because of the fact that poor people can become trapped in a vicious cycle of servitude. The condition of poverty is a distressing one that causes pain, despair, and grief in the lives of the ones it affects. 

This is also a negative scenario that prevents a child from attending basic education. It’s the lack of money that prevents people from living sufficiently. Also, it is the cause of more serious social concerns such as slavery, child labour, etc. Hence action is needed on the same with utmost sincerity. 

Essay on Poverty in 300 words

Poverty is a multifaceted concept that includes several aspects such as social aspects, political elements, economic aspects, etc. It is basically associated with undermining a variety of essential human attributes such as health, education, etc. Despite the growth and development of the economies of countries, poverty still exists in almost every one of them. 

Reasons Behind Poverty

There are several contributing reasons behind poverty in a nation. Some of them are mentioned below:-

  • Lack of literacy among citizens
  • Lack of Capital in the country
  • Large families and a rapidly growing population
  • Limited employment opportunities

There are even urban areas where the slum population is increasing. These are deprived of many basic amenities such as sanitation, drainage systems, and low-cost water supply, etc. 

World Poverty Conditions

According to UNICEF , around 22000 children lose their lives each day due to poverty. There are approximately 1.9 billion children in developing countries in the world and India is also among them. Out of these, approximately 640 million don’t have a proper shelter, 270 million are living without medical facilities, and approximately 400 million don’t have access to safe water. This worldwide situation is growing at a fast pace. 

Role of NGOs to Eradicate Poverty

The approaches by NGOs basically include helping the poor by providing various public services such as medical services etc.

They also play a major role in mobilizing the services recommended by the government. They have various approaches and strategies that directly help the poor in various ways.

What Can be Done by Us?

We help in eradicating poverty by increasing employment opportunities.

Ensuring financial services and providing the same is another such measure that can be taken.

Recognizing social entrepreneurs as people of influence, conveying to them the seriousness of this situation, and then eventually making people aware of the same is another thing that can be done. 

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Writing an essay on poverty in 200 words requires you to describe various aspects of this topic such as what causes poverty, how it affects individuals and society as a whole, etc. The condition of poverty is a distressing one that causes pain, despair, and grief in the lives of the ones it affects.

An essay on poverty may be started as follows:- Poverty is a deep-rooted problem that continues to affect a large portion of the world’s population today. It touches on several aspects of human life including but not limited to political, economic, and social elements. Even though there are several methods to escape poverty, still issues arise due to a lack of adequate unity among the country’s citizens.

Poverty in 100 words: Poverty is defined as a state of scarcity, and the lack of material possessions to such an extreme extent that people have difficulties in fulfilling their basic needs. Robert McNamara, a former World Bank President, states that extreme poverty is limited by illiteracy, malnutrition, disease, high infant mortality rate, squalid conditions of living, and low life expectancy. In order to eradicate poverty in a country, strict measures need to be taken on all levels. The political system needs to address this issue with utmost sincerity and strategic implementation in such a way that it improves the lives of people, especially the ones living below the poverty line.

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Poverty in India Essay for Students and Childern

Poverty in India Essay: Poverty is when you lack basic necessities like food, shelter, and clothing. Check Poverty in India Essay in 800, 500 and 250 words

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October 10, 2023

Poverty in India Essay

Table of Contents

Poverty in India Essay: Poverty means not having enough money to afford basic things like a home, healthcare, and education. It’s a tough situation where people struggle to meet their basic needs because they lack money. This essay explains what poverty is, why it happens, and what is being done to fight it in India. It’s helpful for students who want to write good essays and do well in exams.

Poverty in India Essay 800 Words

Below we are covering Poverty in India Essay in 800 Words.

Poverty is the condition where a person lacks enough money to meet their basic needs, such as food and shelter. In India, poverty is becoming more widespread, particularly in urban areas due to the increasing population. Many people live on the brink of poverty, especially in rural regions, where there are numerous uneducated and unemployed individuals.

People in poverty struggle to afford proper food and often have no homes, forcing them to sleep on streets or sidewalks. This situation leads to a growing demand for food, money, and shelter, but unfortunately, poverty continues to increase due to the scarcity of these resources. This wealth gap between the rich and the poor widens, making it challenging to reduce poverty. The consequences of poverty are numerous and include inadequate housing, illiteracy, a rise in child labor and unemployment, and poor hygiene.

Because of these challenges, impoverished individuals cannot afford nutritious meals, decent clothing, or a quality education simply because they lack the necessary funds.

Understanding Poverty in India

Poverty in India is a complex issue with various dimensions. It is not merely about inadequate income but encompasses a lack of access to basic necessities such as food, clean water, education, healthcare, and sanitation. The Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) developed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) highlights the multi-dimensional nature of poverty in India.

Causes of Poverty

India’s population growth, while considered a demographic dividend in certain aspects, has placed substantial pressure on the country’s resources and infrastructure, creating formidable challenges in ensuring adequate provisions for all its citizens. Economic inequality exacerbates the issue, with a considerable portion of the population enjoying substantial economic prosperity while a significant majority grapples with financial instability.

Moreover, the prevalence of unemployment and underemployment, particularly in the informal sector, exacerbates poverty levels by limiting income-earning opportunities for a substantial portion of the population. Additionally, the scarcity of accessible quality education further perpetuates the cycle of poverty, as it constrains individuals’ capacity to secure well-paying jobs and break free from the clutches of economic hardship.

Inadequate healthcare infrastructure and a lack of affordable healthcare services compound these issues, contributing to the persistence of poverty, as health-related problems often result in both reduced income and heightened expenses. Furthermore, the pronounced disparities between rural and urban areas, encompassing disparities in infrastructure, educational access, and employment prospects, significantly contribute to the prevalence of poverty in rural regions, deepening the rural-urban divide and amplifying socioeconomic disparities across the nation.

The Problems Poverty Creates

Malnutrition is a pressing concern intricately linked with poverty in India. This dire situation often results in inadequate nutrition, thereby precipitating issues like stunted growth and developmental impediments, with children being especially vulnerable to its detrimental effects.

Furthermore, the adverse impact of poverty is acutely felt in the realm of education, where limited access to quality learning opportunities becomes a pervasive impediment. This restriction not only hampers personal growth but also undermines the potential for professional advancement, perpetuating the cycle of poverty for many individuals.

Moreover, the challenges posed by subpar healthcare infrastructure and unsatisfactory sanitation conditions disproportionately afflict impoverished communities. This unfortunate reality translates into elevated morbidity and mortality rates, compounding the already dire circumstances of those living in poverty.

Additionally, poverty acts as a catalyst for social inequality, further accentuating the divide between the privileged and the marginalized. This growing chasm between the haves and the have-nots not only fosters disparities in wealth and access but also engenders social unrest and instability, posing a formidable challenge to societal harmony.

Furthermore, poverty in India has a regrettably enduring quality, often taking on the form of generational poverty. This means that the limited access to opportunities for improvement faced by one generation frequently extends its grip to the next, creating a cycle of impoverishment that is difficult to break, unless comprehensive measures are undertaken to address its underlying causes.

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Solutions to Remove Poverty

Investment in education and skill development initiatives holds the potential to empower individuals, equipping them with the knowledge and capabilities needed to access improved employment prospects and elevate their socioeconomic status.

Moreover, the government’s commitment to job creation, particularly in rural regions, through targeted initiatives can play a pivotal role in mitigating the pervasive challenges of unemployment and underemployment, offering hope to those seeking livelihood opportunities.

Furthermore, the expansion of social safety net programs, encompassing essential provisions such as food subsidies, healthcare access, and unemployment benefits, can serve as a critical safety cushion for marginalized and economically vulnerable populations, ameliorating their struggles and enhancing their overall well-being.

In addition, fostering rural development via dedicated efforts geared toward enhancing infrastructure, which includes the provision of clean water and sanitation facilities, can bridge the rural-urban gap by improving living conditions and boosting economic opportunities in traditionally underserved areas.

Similarly, instituting policies that prioritize progressive taxation and advocate for equitable wealth distribution is essential in addressing the issue of economic inequality, effectively reducing the wealth gap and promoting a fairer, more just society.

Lastly, the promotion of women’s empowerment, through the facilitation of educational and employment opportunities, stands as a potent strategy to combat poverty. This approach not only enhances women’s personal and financial autonomy but also contributes significantly to overall poverty reduction efforts.

Poverty in India is a big problem that has been around for a long time, and it causes many problems. To solve it, we need to use different ways and ideas. India has made progress, but we need to keep working hard, have good leadership, and make fair rules to help many people escape poverty and make society fairer. It’s not just the right thing to do; it’s also essential for India’s future growth and peace.

Poverty in India Essay 500 Words

Below we are covering Poverty in India Essay in 500 Words.

Poverty remains a daunting challenge in India, despite its remarkable economic growth. This essay explores the causes, consequences, and potential solutions to poverty in India essay in 500 words.

Causes of Poverty 

Several factors contribute to the persistence of poverty in India. Population growth, often considered a demographic dividend, exerts immense pressure on resources and infrastructure. Economic inequality widens the gap between the rich and poor, while unemployment and underemployment limit income opportunities. Inadequate access to quality education restricts job prospects, especially in rural areas. Additionally, the lack of affordable healthcare services amplifies the financial burden on impoverished individuals. Rural-urban disparities in infrastructure and opportunities further deepen the problem.

Consequences of Poverty 

Poverty in India manifests in various detrimental ways. Malnutrition is a pressing concern, particularly affecting children, leading to stunted growth and developmental challenges. Limited access to quality education hampers personal growth and economic mobility. Subpar healthcare infrastructure and sanitation conditions result in higher morbidity and mortality rates among impoverished communities. Social inequality widens, fostering disparities in wealth and access while fueling social unrest. The intergenerational nature of poverty perpetuates its grip, making it challenging to break free from its cycle.

Solutions to Remove Poverty 

Addressing poverty in India requires a multifaceted approach. Investment in education and skill development initiatives can empower individuals, enabling them to access better job opportunities and improve their socioeconomic status. The government’s commitment to job creation, particularly in rural areas, is vital for alleviating unemployment and underemployment.

Expanding social safety net programs, including food subsidies, healthcare access, and unemployment benefits, serves as a critical safety cushion for marginalized populations. Rural development efforts, including infrastructure improvements, can bridge the rural-urban gap and enhance economic opportunities in underserved areas.

Implementing policies that promote progressive taxation and equitable wealth distribution can reduce economic inequality and foster a fairer society. Additionally, empowering women through education and employment contributes significantly to poverty reduction efforts.


Poverty in India remains a persistent challenge, but it is not insurmountable. Addressing poverty requires a concerted effort, including investment in education, job creation, social safety nets, rural development, and equitable policies. By tackling poverty comprehensively, India can work toward a fairer and more prosperous future for all its citizens.

Poverty in India Essay 250 Words

Below we are covering Poverty in India Essay in 250 Words.

Poverty is an enduring issue in India, coexisting alongside its economic growth. It signifies the inability to access basic necessities due to financial constraints. This Poverty in India Essay in 250 word covering poverty causes, consequences, and solutions.

Population Growth: Rapid population growth strains resources, making it hard to provide for all.

Economic Inequality: Uneven wealth distribution widens the gap between rich and poor.

Unemployment: High unemployment and underemployment rates limit income opportunities.

Education Gap: Limited access to quality education restricts job prospects, particularly in rural areas.

Healthcare Access: Lack of affordable healthcare leads to reduced income and increased expenses.

R ural-Urban Disparities: Disparities in infrastructure, education, and jobs deepen poverty.


Malnutrition: Particularly among children, leading to stunted growth and developmental challenges.

Limited Education: Restricts personal growth and economic mobility.

Health Issues: Subpar healthcare and sanitation lead to higher morbidity and mortality.

Social Inequality: Amplifies wealth and access disparities, potentially leading to social unrest.

Education and Skills: Invest in education and vocational training to enhance employability.

Job Creation: Government-led job initiatives, especially in rural areas, can reduce unemployment.

Social Safety Nets: Expand food subsidies and healthcare access for marginalized populations.

Rural Development: Bridge the rural-urban gap through development and infrastructure investments.

Equitable Policies: Implement progressive taxation and wealth distribution policies.

Women’s Empowerment: Promote women’s education and employment for poverty reduction.

Poverty persists in India despite economic growth. Its causes include population growth, economic inequality, unemployment, limited education, healthcare access, and rural-urban disparities. Consequences range from malnutrition to social inequality. Poverty need not be a permanent feature of India’s landscape, and determined efforts can lead to a brighter and more inclusive future.

Poverty in India Essay FAQs

Poverty in India refers to a condition where individuals lack the financial means to meet basic necessities like food, shelter, education, and healthcare.

Urban poverty in India is increasing due to the rising population in cities, which strains resources and job opportunities, leading to more people living on the brink of poverty.

Consequences of poverty in India include inadequate housing, illiteracy, child labor, unemployment, poor hygiene, malnutrition, and a widening wealth gap.

The MPI, developed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), measures poverty in India by considering various dimensions, including income, access to food, clean water, education, healthcare, and sanitation.

Causes of poverty in India include population growth, economic inequality, unemployment, limited access to quality education, inadequate healthcare infrastructure, and rural-urban disparities.


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Expository Essay on Poverty

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Poverty is defined as a state in which people are deprived of fundamental necessities of existence, such as an insufficient supply of food, clothing, and shelter. Most people in India cannot eat twice a day, sleep on the street, and dress in filthy and worn clothes. They do not receive a proper and healthful diet, medications, or other necessities. Poverty in urban India is increasing due to an increase in urban population as people from rural areas relocate to cities and towns to find work or engage in some financial activity. Around 8 crore urban individuals have an income that is below the poverty line, while 4.5 crore urban people are on the verge of poverty. Many people who live in slums become illiterate. Despite certain measures, there have been no adequate results in terms of poverty reduction.

Causes of Poverty

Growing population, poor agriculture, corruption, outdated habits, large disparities between rich and poor people, unemployment, illiteracy, epidemic diseases, and other factors are major causes of poverty in India. A large proportion of people in India rely on agriculture, which is inefficient and contributes to poverty. People, in general, confront food scarcity as a result of bad agriculture and unemployment. The major reason for increasing poverty in India is its ever-increasing population. More people imply more food, money, and housing. Poverty spreads faster when basic amenities are lacking. Being extra rich and extra poor produces a massive expanding gap between the rich and the poor. Rich people are becoming wealthier, while poor people are becoming poorer, resulting in an economic divide between the two.

Effects of Poverty

Poverty has a wide-ranging impact on people’s lives. Poverty has a variety of repercussions, including illiteracy, bad diet and nutrition, child labour, inadequate housing, poor lifestyle, unemployment, poor hygiene, feminization of poverty, and so on. Due to a lack of funds, poor people are unable to maintain healthy food, a good lifestyle, a home, fine clothes, a proper education, and so on. This causes a tremendous disparity between the affluent and the poor. This disparity results in an underdeveloped country. Poverty causes small children to do low-wage employment to support their families rather than attend school.

Solutions to Eradicate Poverty

For the sake of humanity on our planet, it is critical to address the issue of poverty as soon as possible. Some of the measures that can help to solve the problem of poverty include:

  • Farmers should be provided with the necessary facilities for good agriculture as well as to make it lucrative.
  • Illiterate adults should be provided with the necessary training to improve their lives.
  • People should practise family planning to control the ever-increasing population and thus poverty.
  • Corruption should be removed globally to reduce poverty.
  • Every youngster should attend school and receive a proper education.
  • There should be opportunities for people of diverse backgrounds to work together in the workplace.

Poverty is not just a personal issue; it is also a national one. As soon as possible the poverty should be removed by using some efficient solutions. The government has attempted several initiatives to eliminate poverty but nothing happened. Poverty eradication is required for the long-term and inclusive progress of people, the economy, society, and the country. The combined efforts of each individual can easily remove poverty.

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    Enroll now for UPSC Online Course. International Case Studies on Poverty Alleviation: Best learning to reduce poverty in India. China: China has lifted over 800 million people out of poverty since 1978. Factors responsible for success: rapid economic growth, investment in education and healthcare, and social safety nets. Brazil: Brazil has lifted over 30 million people out of poverty since 2003.

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    Unemployment in India. Unemployment, closely linked with poverty, is another pressing issue. The Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) reported that the unemployment rate in India was 7.11% in 2020. The problem is not just the lack of jobs, but also the quality of jobs available.

  20. Essay on Poverty: Samples in 100, 200, 300 Words

    Essay on Poverty in 100 words. Poverty is defined as a state of scarcity, and the lack of material possessions to such an extreme extent that people have difficulties in fulfilling their basic needs. Robert McNamara, a former World Bank President, states that extreme poverty is limited by illiteracy, malnutrition, disease, high infant mortality ...

  21. PDF A Comprehensive Analysis of Poverty in India

    Section 4, we describe in detail the evolution of official poverty lines in India while in Section 5 we discuss some recent controversies regarding the level of the official poverty line. In Sections 69, we present the poverty estimates. In Section 6, we provide - estimates by social and religious groups in rural and urban areas at the national ...

  22. Poverty In India Essay For Students And Childern

    Below we are covering Poverty in India Essay in 800 Words. Poverty is the condition where a person lacks enough money to meet their basic needs, such as food and shelter. In India, poverty is becoming more widespread, particularly in urban areas due to the increasing population. Many people live on the brink of poverty, especially in rural ...

  23. Expository Essay on Poverty in 500-600 words for class/grade 6-12 |PDF

    Introduction. Poverty is defined as a state in which people are deprived of fundamental necessities of existence, such as an insufficient supply of food, clothing, and shelter. Most people in India cannot eat twice a day, sleep on the street, and dress in filthy and worn clothes. They do not receive a proper and healthful diet, medications, or ...