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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, understanding ib tok points.

Can someone explain the IB TOK points system to me? I'm a bit confused with how I can earn points in theory of knowledge. How do these points factor into my overall diploma score and influence college admissions?

Of course! Let me break down the International Baccalaureate (IB) Theory of Knowledge (TOK) points system for you.

The Theory of Knowledge (TOK) is a part of the IB Diploma Programme's core requirements, alongside the Extended Essay (EE) and Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS). TOK is a course that centers on the philosophical investigation of knowledge, by evaluating ways of knowing and exploring areas of knowledge.

TOK is assessed through an essay (externally assessed) and a presentation (internally assessed). The TOK essay is worth 10 points, while the TOK presentation is worth 10 points as well, making a total of 20 points available for the course.

The essay requires you to respond to one of six prescribed titles provided by the IB, and it should be between 1,200 and 1,600 words. The presentation is an oral task based on a real-life situation of your choosing, which you will explore through TOK concepts.

Now, how do TOK points impact your overall IB Diploma score? The TOK and Extended Essay (EE) combine to form the "Diploma Points Matrix," where your scores in both components are combined to create up to 3 bonus points that contribute to your final 45-point diploma score. These bonus points can help you achieve a higher total diploma score, if you meet the requirements, but failing to achieve minimum points in either TOK or EE can lead to not receiving the diploma.

Regarding college admissions, TOK points are not typically considered as a standalone item by admissions officers. However, a strong TOK essay or presentation can reflect your critical thinking and communication skills. More importantly, the overall IB Diploma score, which is affected by TOK points, plays a role in admissions decisions.

Colleges often have a minimum required IB score for applicants as they evaluate the academic rigor and coursework. Regarding specific IB course grades, subject grades might also be relevant for admission if your intended major aligns with courses taken in high school.

In conclusion, TOK points impact your overall IB diploma score by adding up to 3 bonus points when combined with your Extended Essay score. The overall diploma score is a better indicator for college admissions than the sole TOK points, but doing well in TOK shows your ability to think critically and communicate effectively.

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There are only two IB assessments in TOK: the externally assessed essay and the internally assessed presentation. They are both focused on the in-depth investigation of Knowledge Questions. In practice though they are very different.

N ote: This writeup is aimed at students in the last cohort of the soon to be phased out older TOK curriculum (last assessment November 2021). Check the “NEW TOK CURRICULUM (FIRST ASSESSMENT 2022) for relevant information on the new curriculum.

The TOK essay

  • Externally assessed (marked by the IB, not your TOK teacher).
  • Students write one essay that is based on one of the six Prescribed Titles for the cohort.
  • Maximum of 1600 words.
  • Students must fill in and submit the TK/PPF form along with the essay. The form is not marked.

The TOK Presentation

  • Internally assessed (marked by the teacher with marks moderated by the IB).
  • One presentation is submitted to the IB per student.
  • Can be done individually, in pairs, or in a group of three. All students in a group must receive the same score (see page 57 of the TOK Subject Guide).
  • The presentation is about ten minutes for each student (i.e two students working together get 20 minutes in total).
  • Students must fill in and submit the Presentation planning document (TK/PPD) .
  • Teacher add their mark and comments to the TK/PPD form before it is submitted to the IB. This document is extremely important because the IB moderates the presentation marks based on this document.
  • Some schools in each session may be required by the IB to record and submit presentations but this is fairly rare (see page 58 of the TOK Subject Guide). Schools may decide to record the presentations for their own internal purposes such as standardization.

Privacy Overview

  • Areas of Knowledge
  • Human Sciences
  • Knowledge and Language
  • Knowledge and Technology
  • Knowledge and the Knower
  • Knowledge Framework
  • Knowledge Questions
  • Mathematics
  • Natural Sciences
  • Optional Themes
  • The Core Theme
  • TOK Concepts
  • TOK Exhibition

The new TOK syllabus at a glance

Alexey Popov June 25, 2020 Curriculum

is the tok essay internally assessed

The TOK syllabus has changed. It is time to download the new IB TOK Guide (first assessment 2022) and study it thoroughly. However, in this blog post I provide a quick overview of the things that changed. 

  • How to Download the New TOK Guide

is the tok essay internally assessed

Our new blog, textbook, teacher support packs and other resources are here to help you with the new TOK course.

If you are already teaching the course, you will be wondering “What changed?” Here are the the major and most significant differences between the old and the new spec:

  • Students are no longer required to formulate knowledge questions. Knowledge questions will be given to them. Students will be assessed on how they answer these questions
  • There are now 5 areas of knowledge instead of 8 (see below), but they are compulsory so we must teach all five.
  • There are “themes” – one Core theme (“Knowledge and the knower”) and five optional themes out of which teachers should choose two (see below).
  • Methods & Tools,
  • Perspectives
  • The knowledge framework is now “compulsory”
  • There is a new internal assessment task – TOK exhibition.

The New Syllabus

Here is what the current (new) syllabus looks like: 


Study : “Knowledge and the knower”

Study :

Study :


It is , for every theme and every area of knowledge, to cover questions related to the four elements of the knowledge framework:


Central to the course. 

Students are knowledge questions on their own. Questions are given to them.

(internally marked)

The Old Syllabus

For comparison, here is what the old syllabus looked like:


Study :

Study :


It is to unpack areas of knowledge using the following framework:


Central to the course. 

Students knowledge questions on their own.

(internally marked)

Things get interesting when you try to thoroughly analyze the differences and what they mean to us. 

See our next blog post (coming soon): Traps and loopholes in the new TOK syllabus . 

is the tok essay internally assessed

Check out our new TOK textbook.

Alexey Popov

Alexey Popov is a teacher of IB Psychology and Theory of Knowledge. He is an IB author, examiner and workshop leader. He also authored Oxford IB Psychology books. He currently lives in Hong Kong.

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A beginners guide to acing the TOK essay

is the tok essay internally assessed

A Beginners Guide to Acing the TOK Essay

Here is a complete guide to help you understand – and ace – the TOK essay.

TOK – The Theory of Knowledge Essay

The Theory of Knowledge is a theoretical knowledge based essay.

Students are required to demonstrate their ability to compare and contrast eight areas of knowledge.

The knowledge issue in the title of the essay you’ll be asked to write often relates to one or two of the eight areas.

It will likely be the examination of possible conflicts or problems between them.

This is expressed through reasoning, language, and perception.

What is the IB Diploma?

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme is an internally based educational program. It is a rigorous and rewarding course that covers multiple areas of study from humanities to sciences.

Students partake in a two year curriculum that includes internal assessments, research essays, community service hours, and external examinations. This ensures that the programme is well-rounded. TOK is part of the core of IB , which also includes CAS and the Extended Essay .

Why the Paper is Important

The TOK essay is part of the International Baccalaureate Diploma. It is compulsory for all students.

It assessed four key areas, including:


Connecting two relevant topics in a way that shows a deep understanding of these knowledge areas.


Students show their independent thinking by exploring at least two different perspectives with supporting examples for each.

Demonstrating depth and insight by presenting arguments with justifications, as well as showing the implications of each.

A well structured essay that is factually accurate, well explained, and referenced.

Since this is such an important part of attaining your IB diploma, it is important that you begin early. Utilise all of the time you can to create a strong essay. This will not only help you pass the course well, but it can also be used as part of your portfolio.

pushkin, page, text

How to Structure the TOK

If you’re new to TOK, don’t worry! These tips will help you write this knowledge-based essay .

When you’re showing your understanding of the topic in your essay, make sure that you’re covering all of the important aspects that you’re being tested on.

That is to say, you need to:

  • Show your ability to identify relevant resources.
  • Make sound arguments.
  • Understand the topic in-depth.
  • Use creative connections in your thinking and structure to link the topics.
  • Show your critical thinking skills through your ability to analyze claims.

Steps to Writing the TOK Essay

1. analyze the prescribed title.

The first step is to fully understand the theory of knowledge questions being asked.

The topic will include terms that will guide you in comparing and contrasting accordingly.

2. Choose the title

Choose a title that allows you to explore your interests.

It is also important to ensure that there is enough information to work with for to unpack the topic in the essay.

3. Study the brief

There are four criteria that the IB uses to score the TOK essay. Have a look at the grading criteria to familiarise yourself with what is expected of you.

4. Begin researching

Since the TOK is reflective, you need to unpack the topic thoughtfully before writing it.

Begin by brainstorming ideas and researching the topic.

5. Create the outline of the essay

Once you have the information and are ready to write, you can outline the essay.

The structure normally consists of at least five sections and a limit of around 1200 – 1600 words in total.

6. Write the body of the essay

Once you have outlined the structure, write the essay. Be sure to compare the topics and demonstrate your research.

You’ll need to explain each argument and counter argument in full to show you’ve unpacked the topic sufficiently.

Tackle each argument in its own paragraph and be sure to link them as you make your case.

Be sure to use words that show you’re comparing and contrasting topics, like “where as,” and “compared to.”

7. Write the conclusion of the essay

The conclusion is another critical part of your TOK essay. This is what brings closure to the topic.

It should leave the reader feeling that you’ve covered the topic comprehensively.

The conclusion needs to wrap up the topic and reiterate your stance.

The conclusion should not include any new information. It should instead be a strong and convincing finale.

It will also need to tie in with the introduction, which we’ll discuss next.

8. Writing the introduction

The introduction is an important part of the essay.

This should explain what the paper is about in a way that captures the reader’s interest.

It should include a brief explanation of the essay and importantly, the reason that this essay is of value to the topic.

It is often best to write the introduction last as you’ll be more familiar and comfortable with the topic.

9. Cite your sources

It is essential that you reference your sources throughout the essay and include a reference list at the end.

10. Proofread the essay

Ensure you leave enough time to edit the essay with fresh eyes and proofread it once more before submitting it.

correcting, proof, paper

Writing your Research Papers at Lanterna

The TOK paper is an exciting challenge for students. By exploring topics in depth, they can showcase their ability to unpack a topic and master the life skill of critical thinking.

With the right steps and sufficient preparation, you’ll be able to ace your essay with Lanterna.

If you need more help or guidance with TOK , reach out to your instructor or connect with a tutor from Lanterna .

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TOK Essay Assessment Criteria

TOK and TOK Essay a Definitive Guide Series: Part 4

TOK and TOK Essay: a Definitive Guide Series Part 4

Welcome to our Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and TOK Essay a Definitive Guide Series! In this series of articles, you will learn everything there is to know about the IB TOK course, TOK exhibition, and writing a compelling TOK essay. So let’s get started!

In order to excel in writing a successful TOK (Theory of Knowledge) essay one needs a clear understanding of the assessment criteria. In this article, we will explore the key aspects that examiners consider when evaluating  TOK essays. Understanding these criteria will enable you to write a well-structured and insightful essay that demonstrates your critical thinking skills. So, let’s delve into the TOK essay assessment criteria and learn how to succeed in this task.

TOK Essay Assessment Criteria. TOK and TOK Essay: a definitive guide

Clear, Coherent, and Critical Exploration

The primary criterion for a TOK essay is whether the student provides a clear, coherent, and critical exploration of the essay title. It is essential to maintain focus on the central question throughout your essay. By continuously relating your arguments and analysis to the essay title, you demonstrate your ability to stay on topic and present a well-developed response.

Emphasize How We Know, Not What We Know

A crucial aspect of the TOK essay is to focus on the process of knowledge acquisition rather than merely presenting factual information. Instead of providing lengthy descriptions  of knowledge, your essay should explore how we acquire, produce, and pass on knowledge within the areas of knowledge. It is crucial to reflect on the methods, biases, limitations, and implications of knowledge within these areas.

Effective Use of Examples

While discussing the process of knowledge acquisition, it is essential to support your arguments with relevant examples. These examples can be drawn from subject lessons or real-life situations. By using examples, you can illustrate your points effectively and provide concrete evidence to support your claims. However, be cautious not to make your essay overly descriptive; instead, maintain a focus on critical analysis.

Coherence and Flow

A well-structured essay is coherent and allows the examiner to follow your line of reasoning. Introduce your ideas clearly and use appropriate connectives and paragraphs to enhance the flow of your writing. Ensure that your arguments are logically connected, allowing the examiner to understand the progression of your thoughts. This coherence and flow contribute to the overall quality of your essay.

Consider Multiple Perspectives

An excellent TOK essay incorporates and analyzes several perspectives on the given topic. It is vital to explore different angles and present a balanced view. Your essay should not offer a one-sided answer but should rather showcase your ability to consider multiple viewpoints. By engaging with various perspectives, you demonstrate your critical thinking skills and make your essay more compelling.

Implications and Significance

Consideration of the implications and significance of your claims is a crucial element of a strong TOK essay. When presenting your arguments or conclusions, analyze the broader implications they have for the quality, reliability, or nature of knowledge within the specific area of knowledge. Reflect on how your ideas connect to knowledge as a whole, exploring the larger implications of your claims.

Answer the Essay Prompt

Addressing the essay prompt directly is of utmost importance. Even if you manage to cover all the necessary elements required for an excellent essay, failure to answer the prompt itself can significantly impact your score. Ensure that you understand the essay question and frame your arguments accordingly. This clarity of purpose will enhance the coherence and relevance of your essay.

Concluding Remarks

Crafting a successful TOK essay requires adherence to the assessment criteria outlined by examiners. By providing a clear, coherent, and critical exploration of the essay title, emphasizing the process of knowledge acquisition, utilizing relevant examples, ensuring coherence and flow, considering multiple perspectives, and reflecting on implications, you can create a compelling essay that showcases your intellectual abilities.

Official Assessment Criteria

TOK Essay Assessment Criteria from International Baccalaureate

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Can I use personal experiences as examples in my TOK essay?

Yes, personal experiences can be used as examples in your TOK essay, as long as they are relevant and contribute to the critical exploration of the essay topic.

How many perspectives should I include in my TOK essay?

There is no fixed number of perspectives you should include. The key is to present multiple viewpoints that offer a well-rounded analysis of the topic, ensuring that your essay remains focused and coherent.

Should I include a conclusion in my TOK essay?

Yes, a conclusion is essential to summarize your main points and provide a final reflection on the essay topic. It helps bring your essay to a logical close and reinforces the overall argument.

Can I use rhetorical questions in my TOK essay?

Yes, rhetorical questions can be effective in engaging the reader and encouraging critical thinking. However, use them sparingly and ensure they contribute to the coherence and flow of your essay.

How can I ensure my TOK essay is unique and avoids plagiarism?

To maintain uniqueness and avoid plagiarism, ensure that you express ideas in your own words and properly cite any sources you reference. Take care to provide proper attribution for any quotes, examples, or evidence used in your essay.

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About the Author

Anzhelika is a PhD candidate in Genetics and a marketing consultant at U4Success from Vienna, Austria. She leads our website and social media content strategy.

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Theory of Knowledge: TOK Exhibition (Internal Assessment)

  • Knowledge Framework in TOK
  • TOK & The Learner Profile Attributes
  • Areas of Knowledge
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  • TOK Exhibition Rubric (as of Class of 2022)
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  • Oxford 2020 TOK Textbook

Exhibition Explained (Internal Assessment)

Your TOK exhibition is worth 35% of the grade. It is assessed internally, that is by your own teachers, but moderated externally by IB examiners. The “exhibition”, understood as both a noun and a verb, aims to assess how you can apply TOK concepts to the real world by requiring that you bring to presence, bring out of “hiding” and to “hold out”, ex-hibit, evidence of your ability to discourse on the subject matter that you have been studying and questioning in the course. Your discussion requires that you use representational thinking (thinking in images) and inductive reasoning to move from the particular images or objects you have chosen, establish their relation to one another through analogy or metaphor, and then proceed to the general principles and key concepts contained in the prompt that you have chosen to demonstrate your knowledge of those principles and concepts. Your first step is to ensure that you understand what principles and key concepts are involved in the prompt you have chosen.

Your Exhibition is a rendering that is handed over to others i.e. it is public. You have to complete the exhibition individually (no more groups) and make sure no one in your TOK class or school uses the same objects or images in their exhibition. In short, your TOK exhibition is a “holding forth” by you demonstrating how you understand some of the key TOK terms and how you are able to apply them to the “real world”. You are required to choose one prompt from the list below, and it must be exactly from this list and you cannot change the wording. You will then find three objects or images of objects that relate to this prompt and develop your interpretation accordingly.

It is very important that your exhibition is based on one of the prescribed prompts. If not, you will get a 0. You also create a document with the title of your IA prompt, images of the three objects, and you will also provide a commentary on each object that identifies each object and its specific real-world context. The comment should also justify the inclusion of the object in the exhibition and explain its links to the IA prompt (i.e. why these three objects or images from an almost infinite possibility?). Finally, you should also include appropriate citations and references. Perhaps the greatest challenge you will face is that the total word count for this document is 950 words (excluding references).

The purpose for this writing on these prompts is to provoke thought regarding our understanding of what the key concepts contained in the prompts might mean. Our interpretations of things may be complex requiring very specialized language from various areas of knowledge or it may be simple and be provided by what we might call “sound common sense”. It may be useful to you to determine which prompts belong to the same sub-group in terms of their main theme. Whatever prompt you choose, it is important for you to develop your arguments so that they are clear to your listeners and readers. In your analysis of your chosen prompt, you need to determine whether or not it is a “first-order question” and therefore a description or explanation, or whether or not it is a “second order question” and therefore involves the nature of knowledge, the type of knowledge involved, and how we know. The intention of this writing is to provoke thought on your part so that you are mindful of your choices and, hopefully, gain greater knowledge of who you are so that you will be able to make more aware judgements in the future about academic and ethical questions.

PROMPTS Each of the prompts are discussed in detail on the mytok blog.  Chick HERE to see all thirty-five prompts.

The TOK Exhibition: practical details

Below we outline the practical details of the exhibition. We go into more detail about these aspects on the different pages for the TOK exhibition; follow the links to take you to them. Your teacher will obviously go through all of these points, particularly on the process of assessing your final exhibition.   • The TOK exhibition is an individual task • It represents one third of the overall mark for TOK   It is assessed internally, with a selection of exhibition files from each year group sent off to be moderated by the IB • You choose one  IA prompt  to explore, from a list of 35 options. These remain the same for every exam session • Three  objects  are also selected for the exhibition • The aim of the exhibition is to demonstrate the relationship between the objects and the IA prompt in a 950-word  commentary • There is a  single criterion for marking , and three characteristics of an excellent essay (convincing, precise, and lucid) • The context of the exhibition should be based on the  core theme , or one of the  optional themes • 8 hours of teaching/planning/writing is required for the exhibition task • Ideally, your exhibition should form the basis of a  public event , to showcase TOK to the rest of the learning community • The exhibition is done at the end of the first year of the DP


Frequently Asked Questions about the TOK Exhibition

How is the TOK exhibition marked?   The exhibition commentary, and images of the three objects (along with references) is added to an exhibition file. This is marked internally by your TOK teacher, and uploaded to your IB dashboard, to be moderated externally. Your TOK teacher will explain this process in more detail.   Where can I find out more about TOK exhibition rubric?   Read our guidance on the rubric for the exhibition  here . You can read the official rubric in the TOK subject guide, on page 47. Your TOK teacher will give you a copy of this.   What are the IA prompts for the TOK exhibition, and how to I choose one?   This page  discusses the IA prompts. Your choice of a prompt should be driven by what you find interesting and engaging, and align to the experiences you’ve had inside and outside the TOK classroom. It should also allow you to explore either the  core theme , or one of the  optional themes .   What do you mean by exhibition ‘objects’?   Find out more about the exhibition objects  here . These allow you both to demonstrate the way TOK manifests itself in the real world, and link your experiences as a knower to the TOK course.   How do I write my exhibition commentary?   We discuss the commentary  here . In a nutshell, the commentary relates your objects to the IA prompt you’ve chosen, and shows how TOK is relevant to both the world around us, and to you personally.


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How To Write A ToK Essay - Updated 2023

Ace your ToK Essay with our expert tips & tricks! Get the latest and greatest techniques on "How To Write A ToK Essay" and impress the IB examiners.📝💡

How To Write A ToK Essay - Updated 2023

Table of content

  • Introduction

Purpose Of ToK

Assessment of tok, the game plan, execution of the gameplan, planning for tok essay, structure of tok essay, conclusions, bibliography.

Introduce your topic accurately and state your thesis statement for the essay carefully.  A thesis statement is like a teaser to your entire essay wherein you define your key terms and introduce your interpretation of the question. Make sure that you do not reword the prescribed title in your thesis. Instead, it needs to, as the word says, INTRODUCE your readers to what your essay is about. A strong introduction allows the reader to deduce what knowledge question(s) you are trying to answer.

So, in a nutshell

  • Write interesting things about the given TOK essay title .
  • Define key terms
  • Narrow in on the particularly interesting aspect
  • State your thesis statement . This will be your short answer to your given title if you don't know how to write a killer thesis statement check out this blog from SparkNotes .
  • State your Roadmap. This will help the readers in understanding the direction of your essay.

How to write a TOK Essay? 

To answer that, you must familiarise yourself with what a TOK Essay is about.

Before you start reading this article,  Amanda  has some excellent TOK tips for you!

Theory of Knowledge is one of the most meta subjects that IB offers. Despite its complexity, TOK helps in providing a base for holistic learning and allows students to have a multidisciplinary experience. 

To understand TOK is to understand the essence of IB, a task that most people consider unattainable.

But not for you! 

Thank your lucky stars who made you land on Nail IB. How exactly will Nail IB help you? 

Well, nailing International Baccalaureate is something we will discuss later. 

Let's focus on cracking your TOK essay, shall we?

TOK demonstrates how students  can apply their knowledge  with  greater awareness  and  credibility .

Big words, huh? 

Now that we know that we cannot just slide through the Theory of Knowledge, let's understand how we can conquer this battle all guns blazing.

ToK essay’s primary objective is to answer the  why  behind our studies. 

It makes one aware of the real-life implications of their subjects. The students gain greater awareness of their personal and ideological assumptions and appreciate the diversity of different perspectives. It helps the students find their unique perception, a prerequisite for excelling in the IB TOK essays.

Before we dive into our gameplan, let’s overview the rules of the game.

There are two assessment tasks in the TOK: an essay and a presentation . While a presentation encourages students to explore a real-life situation through the lens of TOK, an essay is written on the basis of the various questions provided by the International Baccalaureate Organisation.

  • The presentation is to assess a student’s ability to apply TOK thinking to a real-life situation whereas IB TOK essay is more conceptual.
  • The essay is externally assessed by IB and must be on any one of the prescribed TOK essay titles issued by the IB for each examination session.
  • Word limit of a TOK essay is 1600 words ( excludes extended notes, footnotes, bibliography).

Now that we have unleashed the game, let’s move ahead towards the gameplan of acing both, your presentation and your essay.

One of the fundamental tasks of TOK is to examine different areas of knowledge and find out their similarities and differences.

The TOK essay requires the students to investigate two Areas of Knowledge (AOK)  and two Ways of Knowing   (WOK) . AOKs and WOKs are investigated via questions such as:

  • How do we know what we know? (WOK)
  • What counts as evidence for X? (AOK)
  • How do we judge which is the best model of Y? (WOK)
  • What does theory Z mean in the real world? (AOK + WOK)

The aforementioned are  Knowledge Questions  which help combine the Areas of Knowledge and the Ways of Knowing that they are using. This eliminates the superficial way of learning and makes an individual sensitive to the nature of the information.   Our acquisition of Knowledge can be broadly divided into Shared Knowledge and Personal Knowledge.

Shared knowledge: What WE know It is the product of more than one individual. Although individuals contribute to it, shared knowledge does not solely depend upon the contributions of a particular individual—there are possibilities for others to check and amend individual contributions and add to the body of knowledge that already exists.

Personal knowledge: What I know It is essentially dependent on the experiences of a particular individual. Also known as procedural knowledge, it is gained through experience, practice and personal involvement and is intimately bound up with the particular local circumstances of the individual such as biography, interests, values, and so on.

The best hack to ace TOK essay is to develop a habit of making connections between the construction of knowledge, its acquisition and its relevance in the real world. 

After that one needs to develop an interest in understanding the difference between diversity and cultural perspectives and personal assumptions.

One also needs to critically reflect on their own beliefs and assumptions, leading to more thoughtful, responsible and purposeful lives.

Yes, this is what you signed up for. It may sound a little intimidating but once you get the hang of it you will be able to see the matrix and understand this beautiful world a little better.

Understand that to provide the best version of your writing, it will take you more than one or two drafts. First and foremost, you need to pick your essay topic diligently. Try to choose an essay topic that best interests you. The topic should also allow you to explore the Areas of Knowledge towards which you are naturally inclined. Here are a few sample questions:

a) 'Ways of knowing are a check on our instinctive judgments.' To what extend do you agree with this statement?

b) With reference to two areas of knowledge discuss the way in which shared knowledge can shape their personal knowledge.

c) How can we know if knowledge is produced more through 'Passive Observation' or 'Active-Experiment' within the Human and Natural-sciences under a Mathematical-Perspective?

d) "The whole point of knowledge is to produce both meaning and purpose in our personal lives". Assess the validity of this statement.

Great things take time. It took me more than a couple of weeks to finalize this TOK essay guide. It is completely okay if the first few drafts may not look pleasing or award-winning to you. You will require sharpening your perspective towards the topic each time you polish your draft. Your writing journey from a dull draft to a masterpiece will be a whole process that you will have to be patient with. Have faith in yourself and proceed stepwise.

You need to consider the opinions of others who have devoted hours of research and a lifetime of dedicated studying the topic that surrounds your writing. Unravelling the realms of your mind palace is so Sherlock but let’s not deny the fact that at times, Watson is the one whose expertise helps Sherlock through pretty difficult times. I mean even Batman needs a Robin. In support of my awesome sauce examples, the point I am trying to make is that  finding support for our claims and counterclaims through research is a good thing .

Use real-life examples to support your claims and counterclaims. These examples need to be documented researched examples like studies, experiments, articles, presentations by well-known people, etc. Examples that stem from your diploma subjects are highly encouraged, but those will need to be supported by research as well.   

It is suggested that you choose a title, stick to it, tackle it and not be afraid. Do not change your mind unless there is a good reason. Also, try choosing Areas of knowledge that you truly enjoy. You know slaying a known devil is much easier than an unknown one. Allot a TIMELINE to your essay. Start with creating an outline of your essay. This will help you to track your progress and accomplish your goals

You can use tools like  Trello  to organize your ideas and plan your TOK essay.

Areas of Knowledge (AOKs): TOK distinguishes between eight areas of knowledge. They are mathematics, the natural sciences, the human sciences, the arts, history, ethics, religious knowledge systems, and indigenous knowledge systems. It is suggested that students study and explore six of these eight.

Ways of knowing (WOKs): TOK identifies eight specific WOKs- language, sense perception, emotion, reason, imagination, faith, intuition, and memory. It is suggested that studying four of these eight in-depth would be appropriate. WOKs underlie the methodology of the areas of knowledge and provide a basis for personal knowledge.

Moving ahead, let us discuss the structure of your TOK essay.

Your essay will consist of 4 broad segregations

Before breaking down further on the pillars, keep the following in mind

  • Please note what the TOK essay title is asking you. (Read it a couple of times. We highly recommend that you brainstorm ideas with your TOK coordinator)
  • Make sure you understand the command term and the question it is asking.
  • What kind of knowledge is being elicited?
  • When choosing your areas of knowledge (AoK) and ways of knowing (WoK) make sure that you are able to draw contrasts and comparisons, that is, you are able to find evidence that supports as well as challenges your claims.
  • Identify key terms in your TOK essay title. Make sure you define them. Your essay will gravitate around them. Key terms/words in your titles are your essay anchors. Your response should be built around them.
  • Your writing skills come in handy while you work on your IB TOK essay. Like any other essay make sure you have proper thesis statements and topic sentences to guide the evaluator through your work.
  • Respect the TOK essay title. Rephrasing the topic is not encouraged . Your main job is to address the title.

The body can be mainly divided into 3 segments.

Body (1st Segment)

  • AoK Claim:  Here you investigate your first Area of Knowledge and draw parallels between your AoK and the question. This is done by stating your claim. Claims can be general in nature and need not reference a particular area of knowledge. They help you shape your essay and investigate the question further. 
  • Evidence: Example of a real-life situation, describe thoroughly and accurately, which supports your stated claim. (AoK)
  • Counter-Claim: State your counter-claim: like claims, those can be general and need not reference a particular area of knowledge. Counterclaim helps you show the other side the coin and gives your essay a holistic nature. 
  • Evidence: A referenced real-life situation/example. Describe thoroughly and accurately, show how this supports your counterclaim (AoK ).
  • Don’t forget to weave in your WoKs:  You need to take into account the source of your knowledge. Here you can also investigate if your nature of acquiring the knowledge has, in any way, affected it. It is good practice to question if your knowledge would be different had it been acquired through a different source/method
  • Mini-conclusion: Here you analyze your examples in reference to your claims and counterclaims. You must connect to your thesis statement and the prescribed title. How does your proposed argument, in this particular part of the body, connect to the prescribed title and the knowledge questions you are trying to answer?

Body (2): Follow the above process for your second AOK.

  • Use this part of your essay to compare and contrast your varying AoKs. You need to connect them to your thesis and your prescribed title clearly showing how your arguments respond to the PT.

Your conclusion section will make your essay come together. It is the glue that will make your essay stick together. Herein, you need to

  • Reiterate your thesis (initial response).
  • Use your mini conclusions to write a final conclusion.
  • Tell the reader what the significance is for knowing what we know in this particular PT.
  • Discuss implications as well.
  • Offer another perspective, how will the perspective of a different person affect the claims/counterclaims you make in the essay?
  • Don’t forget to make the end strong.

We recommend all the ib students use the  citation machine  (It's FREE) to organize or generate a bibliography for your TOK essay. Please go through this extensive guide provided by the IB before you start working on your citations.

If you are still struggling heaps with your TOK essay feel free to subscribe to our tok notes bundles or get access to more than 500+ IBDP notes and past papers here .

Nail IB is your virtual companion that helps you hustle through your diploma and provide you with the right resources at the right time. To know more about acing IB, click  here .

I hope this article will become the foundation for figuring out how to write a TOK Essay.

Remember to have faith in yourself.

I hope you NAIL your TOK essay!

Quoting the great Napolean Hill

"Whatever the mind of a man can conceive and believe, it can achieve."

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TOK essay PPF

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Uploading your essay & PPF

Completing and uploading your Presentation Planning Form (PPF) means that you’ve done the hard part of writing your essay, and are nearly at the end of the process.

Check out our short video explainer for the TOK essay; you can find more explainers about other aspects of the course in our TOK explainer playlist .

Writing your TOK essay PPF

The three PPF comments are a record of what you discussed during the three . Your comments will not be assessed directly, but they should be taken seriously! They provide evidence that you have spent time and effort on your essay, and approached it in a systematic, planned way.   We strongly recommend that you write your PPF comments as soon as you have had your interactions with your teacher. This will mean that it will be fresh in your mind, and much easier to records – rather than having to remember what you talked about several months down the line. We also recommend using a platform like  ManageBac  to record your thoughts – this will make your life a lot easier.   Bullet points are perfectly acceptable for your PPF – indeed, this is a clearer way of recording the different points you covered in the interactions than writing full paragraphs. Try to get close to the word limit – it’s 689 characters for each interaction.

TOK essay pages

is the tok essay internally assessed

The TOK essay rubric

Learn about how the essay is marked, and the skills you are expected to demonstrate in order to succeed. Read more here .

is the tok essay internally assessed

Choosing your TOK essay title

Find out how to evaluate the six prescribed essay titles, and decide on which one will work best for you. Read more here .

is the tok essay internally assessed

The three TOK essay interactions

Learn about the three interactions with your TOK teacher, and what you should be discussing in each one. Read more here .

is the tok essay internally assessed

Writing your TOK essay

Gain a few tips on how to structure your TOK essay, how to articulate your ideas, and ways to justify your claims. Read more here .

Find out about how to fill in the essay PPF, and why this is an important indication of your engagement with TOK. Read more here .

More support for the TOK essay

Make sure that your TOK teacher has given you access to all the documents and online material that support the essay. These include the TOK Subject Guide, the TOK essay rubric, and exemplar TOK essays (found in ‘MyIB’, which is accessible to teachers).   Make sure you go through our other pages on writing the TOK essay. You’ll find help on understanding what the is looking for, that works for you, what each of the should focus on, how to an effective TOK essay, and how to fill in your .   If your school is a  member  of, we have designed a series of lessons on the essay, with two formative assessment tasks. These will familiarize you with the essay rubric, knowledge questions, real-life situations, how to deal with perspectives and implications, and structuring an essay. If you are signed into the site, you can access these lessons  here .   You can also find out our thoughts on the TOK essay (and the TOK exhibition) in several webinars that we have delivered. The main one is the TOK Assessment 2022 webinar, but we also consider this form of assessment in our free webinars on the 2022 course. You can see these webinars on  this page  of the site.

FAQs about the TOK essay PPF

Is my ppf marked.

No, but it is a mandatory part of the TOK essay task. Writing a thorough PPF gives a great impression about your essay, and shows that you have followed the right process in planning, structuring, and writing it.

How do I submit my PPF?

You should add your comments to the official TK/PPF form, and upload it with your TOK essay. This is all done on the IB dashboard, which is quite user-friendly. Ask your TOK teacher or DP coordinator to help you if you’re not sure.

is the tok essay internally assessed

How to write a TOK essay: webinar

This 80-minute webinar video and presentation gives you a clear, engaging, step-by-step guide to the task, helping you to understand the assessment rubric, choose the right PT, and produce an essay that hits all the assessment targets.

The video is supported by a presentation, and a Q&A debrief answering some of the most common questions asked about writing a TOK essay. Purchase your ticket here .

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Get real with TOK by subscribing to the newsletter

Step into the real and unpackaged world by subscribing to our unique monthly TOK newsletter. You’ll receive links to great media sources from all over the world that place the TOK themes and areas of knowledge into an authentic context.

You’ll meet great thinkers and ideas, hone your understanding of key TOK concepts, and build up a library of examples for the essay and exhibition. Subscribe HERE !

What is Theory of Knowledge (TOK)?

Theory of Knowledge is a core component of the IB Diploma.  TOK promotes intellectual curiosity through critical thinking and reflection about what we know.

Although TOK is not a philosophy course. It draws on aspects of epistemology in a very practical way. Mainly in developing critical thinking and analytical skills in preparation for university study.

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St Clare's, Oxford


US IB Theory of Knowledge: TOK Exhibition

  • Knowledge Framework in TOK
  • TOK & The Learner Profile Attributes
  • The Learner Profile Attributes Quiz
  • Areas of Knowledge
  • Optional Themes
  • Knowledge Questions
  • TOK Exhibition
  • TOK Exhibition Prompts
  • TOK Exhibition Rubric
  • Ways of Knowing (Pre 2022)
  • Recommended Reading
  • RSS News Feeds

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Exhibition Explained (New for the Class of 2022)

Your TOK exhibition is worth 35% of the grade. It is assessed internally, that is by your own teachers, but moderated externally by IB examiners. The “exhibition”, understood as both a noun and a verb, aims to assess how you can apply TOK concepts to the real world by requiring that you bring to presence, bring out of “hiding” and to “hold out”, ex-hibit, evidence of your ability to discourse on the subject matter that you have been studying and questioning in the course. Your discussion requires that you use representational thinking (thinking in images) and inductive reasoning to move from the particular images or objects you have chosen, establish their relation to one another through analogy or metaphor, and then proceed to the general principles and key concepts contained in the prompt that you have chosen to demonstrate your knowledge of those principles and concepts. Your first step is to ensure that you understand what principles and key concepts are involved in the prompt you have chosen.

Your Exhibition is a rendering that is handed over to others i.e. it is public. You have to complete the exhibition individually (no more groups) and make sure no one in your TOK class or school uses the same objects or images in their exhibition. In short, your TOK exhibition is a “holding forth” by you demonstrating how you understand some of the key TOK terms and how you are able to apply them to the “real world”. You are required to choose one prompt from the list below, and it must be exactly from this list and you cannot change the wording. You will then find three objects or images of objects that relate to this prompt and develop your interpretation accordingly.

It is very important that your exhibition is based on one of the prescribed prompts. If not, you will get a 0. You also create a document with the title of your IA prompt, images of the three objects, and you will also provide a commentary on each object that identifies each object and its specific real-world context. The comment should also justify the inclusion of the object in the exhibition and explain its links to the IA prompt (i.e. why these three objects or images from an almost infinite possibility?). Finally, you should also include appropriate citations and references. Perhaps the greatest challenge you will face is that the total word count for this document is 950 words (excluding references).

The purpose for this writing on these prompts is to provoke thought regarding our understanding of what the key concepts contained in the prompts might mean. Our interpretations of things may be complex requiring very specialized language from various areas of knowledge or it may be simple and be provided by what we might call “sound common sense”. It may be useful to you to determine which prompts belong to the same sub-group in terms of their main theme. Whatever prompt you choose, it is important for you to develop your arguments so that they are clear to your listeners and readers. In your analysis of your chosen prompt, you need to determine whether or not it is a “first-order question” and therefore a description or explanation, or whether or not it is a “second order question” and therefore involves the nature of knowledge, the type of knowledge involved, and how we know. The intention of this writing is to provoke thought on your part so that you are mindful of your choices and, hopefully, gain greater knowledge of who you are so that you will be able to make more aware judgements in the future about academic and ethical questions.

PROMPTS Each of the prompts are discussed in detail on the mytok blog.  Chick HERE to see all thirty-five prompts.

The TOK Exhibition

TOK Exhibition Video Explanation

The TOK Exhibition: practical details

Below we outline the practical details of the exhibition. We go into more detail about these aspects on the different pages for the TOK exhibition; follow the links to take you to them. Your teacher will obviously go through all of these points, particularly on the process of assessing your final exhibition.   • The TOK exhibition is an individual task • It represents one third of the overall mark for TOK   It is assessed internally, with a selection of exhibition files from each year group sent off to be moderated by the IB • You choose one  IA prompt  to explore, from a list of 35 options. These remain the same for every exam session • Three  objects  are also selected for the exhibition • The aim of the exhibition is to demonstrate the relationship between the objects and the IA prompt in a 950-word  commentary • There is a  single criterion for marking , and three characteristics of an excellent essay (convincing, precise, and lucid) • The context of the exhibition should be based on the  core theme , or one of the  optional themes • 8 hours of teaching/planning/writing is required for the exhibition task • Ideally, your exhibition should form the basis of a  public event , to showcase TOK to the rest of the learning community • The exhibition is done at the end of the first year of the DP


Frequently Asked Questions about the TOK Exhibition

How is the TOK exhibition marked?   The exhibition commentary, and images of the three objects (along with references) is added to an exhibition file. This is marked internally by your TOK teacher, and uploaded to your IB dashboard, to be moderated externally. Your TOK teacher will explain this process in more detail.   Where can I find out more about TOK exhibition rubric?   Read our guidance on the rubric for the exhibition  here . You can read the official rubric in the TOK subject guide, on page 47. Your TOK teacher will give you a copy of this.   What are the IA prompts for the TOK exhibition, and how to I choose one?   This page  discusses the IA prompts. Your choice of a prompt should be driven by what you find interesting and engaging, and align to the experiences you’ve had inside and outside the TOK classroom. It should also allow you to explore either the  core theme , or one of the  optional themes .   What do you mean by exhibition ‘objects’?   Find out more about the exhibition objects  here . These allow you both to demonstrate the way TOK manifests itself in the real world, and link your experiences as a knower to the TOK course.   How do I write my exhibition commentary?   We discuss the commentary  here . In a nutshell, the commentary relates your objects to the IA prompt you’ve chosen, and shows how TOK is relevant to both the world around us, and to you personally.


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Unpacking the 2024 November TOK Titles: A Comprehensive IB Solved Guide

Two human heads with a question mark between them

The November 2024 IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Essay Titles are out!

Let's be honest – tackling the TOK essay can be a daunting task. With so many ideas, concepts and topics at our disposal and a myriad of ideas swirling around, it's easy to feel overwhelmed at the outset.

That's where we come in.

In this article, we'll delve into each title and offer some strategic advice on how to approach them.

General Tips to Unpacking a Title

When we first encounter a prompt, we want to think in terms of perspectives and counter-perspectives (formerly known as claims and counterclaims). This framework allows for a structured essay, exploring the title through the lens of two chosen Areas of Knowledge (AOKs) and weaving in different arguments. While the ultimate conclusion you draw may often reside somewhere between these extremes or on a conditional basis (e.g. perspective 1 is correct in certain circumstances, while perspective 2 is a better approach in other), starting with opposing arguments can facilitate the development of a more nuanced exploration and argument.

So let's get to it – here is everything you need to know about the November 2024 TOK Essay titles:

Title 1:  Does our responsibility to acquire knowledge vary according to the area of knowledge? Discuss with reference to history and one other area of knowledge.

Recommended AOKs: History (Mandatory) and Natural Sciences/The Arts/Human Sciences

This title prompts an assessment of whether we have different levels of responsibility to acquire knowledge across different AOKs. While you are open to argue against the title directly, suggesting that the responsibility is the same across AOKs, this would be unwise. It would be better to reflect on each AOK and perhaps present one perspective in support of the responsibility and one perspective against it, drawing a conclusion on which argument is stronger in each AOK.

Also consider the difference between the acquisition and production of knowledge – perhaps we have a broader responsibility to produce new knowledge in some areas of knowledge but not necessarily to acquire it as individual knowers.

Some perspectives you may consider:

Perspective: We have a responsibility to acquire knowledge to ensure that we construct an accurate record of the past. It is our responsibility to know our History and learn from the past.

Counter-Perspective: Historical knowledge is limited by subjectivity and collective memory, hence it is not essential to acquire knowledge of our past to build a successful future.

Perspective: We have a responsibility to acquire artistic knowledge to understand cultures and societies.

Counter-Perspective: The acquisition of knowledge in the Arts is for aesthetic purposes and enjoyment, not the fulfilment of a responsibility.

Natural Sciences/Human Sciences

Perspective: We have a responsibility to acquire new scientific knowledge for the continual development of mankind.

Counter-Perspective: Understanding how the world/humans work is not necessary knowledge for knowers to acquire.

Title 2:  In the production of knowledge, is ingenuity always needed but never enough? Discuss with reference to mathematics and one other area of knowledge.

Recommended AOKs: Mathematics (Mandatory) and Natural Sciences/The Arts/Human Sciences

This is a super interesting title – ensure you define 'ingenuity' from the outset. The essay almost structures itself – your first paragraph in each AOK can consider how/whether ingenuity is 'always needed', exploring how this plays out in each AOK, while the second paragraph can explore whether or not it is 'never enough'.

Some ideas you may consider:

Paradigm Shifts – To revolutionise an AOK, often ingenuity is needed to enact a paradigm shift (a new way of thinking which changes the entire knowledge structure of an AOK) and to ensure progress.

Creativity – Creative thinking is important not only for AOKs such as the Arts, but even in Mathematics and the Sciences. Discovering innovative ways of devising experiments or utilising clever analogies to explain incredibly complex concepts is integral to these AOKs.

Structure – Ingenuity is only valuable within a framework for knowledge production, whether this be an artistic process or the scientific method.

Title 3:  How might it benefit an area of knowledge to sever ties with its past? Discuss with reference to two areas of knowledge.

Recommended AOKs: History, Natural Sciences, The Arts and Human Sciences

The 'How' of this title restricts the scope to discussing different 'benefits' rather than a standard 'perspective-counter' analysis. It will also be important to define exactly what 'severing ties' involves – does this mean completely ignoring all past knowledge or simply becoming less attached to existing ways of thinking?

Some ideas for this title:

Fresh Ideas and Paradigm Shifts – By severing ties, you open up the possibility of acquiring knowledge which can overhaul an entire AOK, drastically accelerating progress.

Bias – By severing past ties, knowers can free themselves of the biases of their predecessors.

Innovation – Since existing frameworks of thinking often lead to similar conclusions, you can expand the possibilities of new knowledge by severing past ties.

However, you may interestingly conclude that these benefits are only reaped when ties to the past are severed to an extent, as it may be detrimental to an AOK to entirely negate past knowledge.

Title 4:  To what extent do you agree that there is no significant difference between hypothesis and speculation? Discuss with reference to the human sciences and one other area of knowledge.

Recommended AOKs: Human Sciences and History/Natural Sciences

This prompt is very focused on your definitions. I would suggest defining these terms distinctly and precisely from the outset. The primary question which this title is asking is whether hypotheses are mere "speculation" or "guesses", or if there is a significant difference.

Also, if selecting the Human and Natural Sciences, please ensure that your perspectives aren't repetitious and highlight the differences between these AOKs.

Development – Speculation and hypothesis differ in the fact that the development of a hypothesis generally requires significant prior research and an understanding of existing knowledge

Experimentation – Hypotheses are developed purposefully and then empirical experimentation are conducted to provide evidence either in support or against them

Emotion – Speculation tends to come from 'feelings' or 'impressions', whereas the development of a hypothesis is far more methodical

Title 5:  In the production of knowledge, are we too quick to dismiss anomalies? Discuss with reference to two areas of knowledge.

Recommended AOKs: Human Sciences/History/Natural Sciences

This title allows you to reflect on whether or not we dismiss 'anomalies' (a key term to be defined) too quickly when producing knowledge.

Paradigm Shift – Anomalies are often the prompt for a paradigm shift in the sciences, causing us to challenge existing beliefs and ideas

Exceptions – Often rather than investigating anomalies further and considering an overhaul of existing knowledge, anomalies are dismissed as 'exceptions' to the rule, rather than a justification to question the rule itself

Generalisation – There is often a focus on generating 'general' rules and theories which can lead anomalies to be dismissed (think of the Human Sciences – how often do we produce a rule about human behaviour but ignore those who behave contrary to the rule)

Title 6:  In the pursuit of knowledge, what is gained by the artist adopting the lens of the scientist and the scientist adopting the lens of the artist? Discuss with reference to the arts and the natural sciences.

Recommended AOKs: The Arts and the Natural Sciences

This title requires you to define the 'lens' of each of these AOKs from the outset. It will be better to define them quite opposingly – the scientist is more methodical, experimental and structured, whilst the artist is more free-flowing and creative. You will then be able to take these attributes and argue which elements would be better across the two disciplines.

Creativity – Scientists can benefit from the creativity of artists when developing innovative ways of experimenting, presenting results and constructing abstract theories

Structure – Artists can often benefit from a methodical approach to constructing art, particularly when aiming to convey a specific message or purpose through their art

Flexibility – Artists are often quite flexible when constructing an artwork, always willing to change and adapt to their free-flowing thoughts, an attribute which is highly beneficial for scientists who at times may become rigid in their thinking and fixed to pre-existing scientific beliefs.

And that's it - our comprehensive guide to the 2024 November TOK Titles! If you're still racking your brain as to how to begin the writing process for your TOK essay, why not check out our post on The Complete IB TOK Essay Guide . Or check out one of our Grade A Exemplar TOK Essays ! Or better yet, if you are looking for some more personal assistance with your IB TOK Essay, click below to reach out to us and we can work with you through the entire writing process, from title selection to the best structure for success!

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  1. Theory of knowledge

    Theory of knowledge (TOK) is assessed through an exhibition and a 1,600 word essay. It asks students to reflect on the nature of knowledge, and on how we know what we claim to know. TOK is part of the International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) core, and is mandatory for all students. Learn more about theory of knowledge.

  2. Assessment

    Theory of Knowledge is assessed, but not in the form of an exam. Instead, there are two parts of the assessment: an essay on a prescribed title and, new to this specification, the "TOK exhibition." The essay is marked externally and is worth 67% of the marks. The Exhibition is marked internally (but moderated externally) and worth 33% of the marks.

  3. PDF Theory of knowledge teacher support material

    The TOK course is assessed via two assessment components: the TOK exhibition and the TOK essay. The TOK exhibition is an internal assessment component. It is marked by the teacher and then a sample of exhibitions are submitted to the IB to be externally moderated by IB examiners. The TOK essay is an external assessment component which is ...

  4. Understanding IB TOK Points

    TOK is assessed through an essay (externally assessed) and a presentation (internally assessed). The TOK essay is worth 10 points, while the TOK presentation is worth 10 points as well, making a total of 20 points available for the course.


    TOK ESSAY AND PRESENTATION OVERVIEW. There are only two IB assessments in TOK: the externally assessed essay and the internally assessed presentation. They are both focused on the in-depth investigation of Knowledge Questions. In practice though they are very different. Note: This writeup is aimed at students in the last cohort of the soon to ...

  6. Inderkum TOK (2021 guide)

    Weighting. Internal assessment. Theory of knowledge exhibition (10 marks) For this component, students are required to create an exhibition that explores how TOK manifests in the world around us. This component is internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB at the end of the course. 1/3 (33%) External assessment.

  7. Understanding the TOK essay rubric

    After understanding the of the basics of the essay, your next step is to grasp how it is evaluated and marked, which is outlined in the 'assessment instrument'. Your TOK teacher will give you a copy of this, or you can find it online in the 2022 TOK Guide. The overall assessment objective of the TOK essay is to answer the prescribed essay title in a clear, coherent, and critical way.

  8. The new TOK syllabus at a glance

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  10. PDF Theory of Knowledge (first assessment 2015)

    TOK subject guide (for first assessment 2015) TOK teacher support material (TSM) Specimen prescribed titles with accompanying examiner notes. Examiner preparation notes from previous titles. Subject reports. Screencast videos. Workshops, including a new category 3 workshop specifically focused on improving TOK essays.

  11. Theory of knowledge (IB course)

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  12. TOK Essay Assessment Criteria

    The primary criterion for a TOK essay is whether the student provides a clear, coherent, and critical exploration of the essay title. It is essential to maintain focus on the central question throughout your essay. By continuously relating your arguments and analysis to the essay title, you demonstrate your ability to stay on topic and present ...

  13. Theory of Knowledge: TOK Exhibition (Internal Assessment)

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  14. How to Structure a Theory of Knowledge Essay

    Paragraph 1. - Say one or two interesting things about the prescribed title question. This shows us, right away that you know what the question is asking. - Define one or two of the key terms in the title. Get definitions for all of the main words in your title. You don't need to include all of them in your essay, but it's useful to see how ...

  15. Tok Assessment

    Here are the essential elements: 1. Assessment pages of the TOK Subject Guide. 2. Prescribed Essay Titles for the examination session. 3. The 35 Exhibition Knowledge Question Prompts. 4. Rubrics for the Exhibition and for the Essay.

  16. How To Write A ToK Essay

    There are two assessment tasks in the TOK: an essay and a presentation. While a presentation encourages students to explore a real-life situation through the lens of TOK, an essay is written on the basis of the various questions provided by the International Baccalaureate Organisation. ... Word limit of a TOK essay is 1600 words (excludes ...

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    The TOK guide outlines some criteria to help narrow the scope of your selection process: 1. The object can be a digital or physical object. 2. The object should be of personal interest and should have a personal context for you. It does not necessarily have to be something you own, but you must establish a personal connection to the object in ...

  19. What is Theory of Knowledge (TOK)?

    Theory of Knowledge (TOK) promotes intellectual curiosity through reflection about what we know. TOK is a core component of the IB Diploma. ... Develop academic skills through formal essay writing and internally assessed exhibition. TOK involves 100 teaching hours. The other elements are the Extended Essay (EE) and Creativity, Activity and ...

  20. Diploma programme assessment

    Externally assessed coursework, completed by students over an extended period under authenticated teacher supervision, forms part of the assessment for several programme areas, including the theory of knowledge (TOK) essay and the extended essay (EE). In most subjects, students also complete in-school assessment tasks.

  21. The tok essay vs exhibition : r/IBO

    Exhibition: TOK Internal Assessment that counts towards 1/3 of your final grade. It is graded by your teacher, and a sample is externally moderated. You must choose one out of 35 IA prompts (which you can find in a textbook if you have one or online) and three relevant "knowledge objects". ... The TOK essay is of course much more complicated ...

  22. LibGuides: US IB Theory of Knowledge: TOK Exhibition

    Your TOK exhibition is worth 35% of the grade. It is assessed internally, that is by your own teachers, but moderated externally by IB examiners. The "exhibition", understood as both a noun and a verb, aims to assess how you can apply TOK concepts to the real world by requiring that you bring to presence, bring out of "hiding" and to ...

  23. Unpacking the 2024 November TOK Titles: A Comprehensive IB ...

    Unpacking the 2024 November TOK Titles: A Comprehensive IB Solved Guide. The November 2024 IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Essay Titles are out! Let's be honest - tackling the TOK essay can be a daunting task. With so many ideas, concepts and topics at our disposal and a myriad of ideas swirling around, it's easy to feel overwhelmed at the outset.