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IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Extreme Sports (Real IELTS Test)

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Extreme Sports (Real IELTS Test)

This is an IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay related to extreme sports from the real IELTS test.

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Extreme sports such as sky diving and skiing are very dangerous and should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view? Real Past IELTS Tests

The increasing popularity of so-called extreme sports such as base jumping and rock climbing have led to backlash calling for them to be banned. Although these sports are potentially fatal, they should not be banned as they are also fun and can be undertaken responsibly.

The reason that many have demanded limits on extreme sports is their potential for injury and death. Take for example one of the most notorious extreme sports: base jumping. In this sport, participants jump off a given point (a cliff or building, for example) with a parachute. There is very little time before they hit the ground so unforeseen parachute malfunctions are possible and the fatality rate is extremely high. Those that do not die may suffer severe, debilitating injuries such as paralysis and brain damage. Base jumping is something of an outlier on the spectrum of dangerous sports but all these sports involve varying degrees of danger.

Despite the aforementioned concerns, I believe the fun people have outweighs potential injury when they are cautious. Base jumping is the most perilous extreme sport but other sports such as skiing, deep-sea diving, and rock climbing are relatively safe. Rock climbing is a good example of a sport that can be very safe and fun if proper precautions are taken. You should sign up for training and go with someone who knows how to safely rig up the harness and tie the requisite knots. Many people who try it end up become passionate rock climbers because it is an exhilirating experience. Most extreme sports, taken seriously, present little real danger and are an enjoyable pasttime.

In conclusion, extreme sports are fun and do not have to be particularly dangerous. People should take the opportunity to responsibly try out at least one extreme sport in their lives in order to see if it is to their liking.

1. The increasing popularity of so-called extreme sports such as base jumping and rock climbing have led to backlash calling for them to be banned. 2. Although these sports are potentially fatal, they should not be banned as they are also fun and can be undertaken responsibly.

  • Paraphrase the overall topic – don’t spend too much time on this simple sentence.
  • Give your opinion and make it clear.

1. The reason that many have demanded limits on extreme sports is their potential for injury and death. 2. Take for example one of the most notorious extreme sports: base jumping. 3. In this sport, participants jump off a given point (a cliff or building, for example) with a parachute. 4. There is very little time before they hit the ground so unforeseen parachute malfunctions are possible and the fatality rate is extremely high. 5. Those that do not die may suffer severe, debilitating injuries such as paralysis and brain damage. 6. Base jumping is something of an outlier on the spectrum of dangerous sports but all these sports involve varying degrees of danger.

  • Write about the other side first.
  • Begin your example for your main idea right away.
  • Develop the same example.
  • Keep developing it, don’t switch to a new example.
  • Add as much detail as you can to you example.
  • Generalise from your example with your last sentence.

1. Despite the aforementioned concerns, I believe the fun people have outweighs potential injury when they are cautious. 2. Base jumping is the most perilous extreme sport but other sports such as skiing, deep-sea diving, and rock climbing are relatively safe. 3. Rock climbing is a good example of a sport that can be very safe and fun if proper precautions are taken. 4. You should sign up for training and go with someone who knows how to safely rig up the harness and tie the requisite knots. 5. Many people who try it end up become passionate rock climbers because it is an exhilirating experience. 6. Most extreme sports, taken seriously, present little real danger and are an enjoyable pasttime.

  • Talk about the side that you agree with in your third paragraph.
  • Focus on a different example.
  • Develop your new example.
  • The more specific the details you include, the higher your task achievement and vocabulary scores.
  • Include the result of your example.
  • Conclude your paragraph by tieing it back to your main idea.

1. In conclusion, extreme sports are fun and do not have to be particularly dangerous. 2. People should take the opportunity to responsibly try out at least one extreme sport in their lives in order to see if it is to their liking.

  • Repeat your opinion.
  • Add in an extra detail or final thought.

Try to figure out what the words in bold mean:

The increasing popularity of so-called extreme sports such as base jumping and rock climbing have led to backlash calling for them to be banned. Although these sports are potentially fatal , they should not be banned as they are also fun and can be undertaken responsibly .

The reason that many have demanded limits on extreme sports is their potential for injury and death. Take for example one of the most notorious extreme sports: base jumping. In this sport, participants jump off a given point (a cliff or building, for example) with a parachute . There is very little time before they hit the ground so unforeseen parachute malfunctions are possible and the fatality rate is extremely high. Those that do not die may suffer severe, debilitating injuries such as paralysis and brain damage . Base jumping is something of an outlier on the spectrum of dangerous sports but all these sports involve varying degrees of danger.

Despite the aforementioned concerns , I believe the fun people have outweighs potential injury when they are cautious . Base jumping is the most perilous extreme sport but other sports such as skiing, deep-sea diving, and rock climbing are relatively safe . Rock climbing is a good example of a sport that can be very safe and fun if proper precautions are taken. You should sign up for training and go with someone who knows how to safely rig up the harness and tie the requisite knots . Many people who try it end up become passionate rock climbers because it is an exhilirating experience . Most extreme sports, taken seriously , present little real danger and are an enjoyable pasttime .

In conclusion, extreme sports are fun and do not have to be particularly dangerous. People should take the opportunity to responsibly try out at least one extreme sport in their lives in order to see if it is to their liking .

increasing popularity more and more common

so-called allegedly

base jumping jumping from a low point with a parachute

backlash calling for people objecting to

potentially fatal could kill you

undertaken responsibly done with care

demanded limits regulated

take for example consider the instance of

notorious infamous

participants people taking part in

given point a random spot

parachute opens to save your life after jumping….

unforeseen can’t be predicted

malfunctions doesn’t work

fatality rate the number of people hurt/dying

debilitating injuries handicapped

paralysis can’t move

brain damage mental handicaps

outlier outside the norm

spectrum the full range of

varying degrees different levels

aforementioned concerns what was mentioned before

outweighs is stronger than

cautious careful

perilous dangerous

relatively safe somewhat risk-free

proper precautions well-prepared

sign up for joining

rig up set up/get read for

harness holds you when climbing

requisite knots what you must tie to climb

end up finally

passionate love for

exhilirating experience exciting time

taken seriously not treated lightly

present little real danger not actually that risky

enjoyable pasttime fun hobby

responsibly try out take seriously

to their liking what they like


ɪnˈkriːsɪŋ ˌpɒpjʊˈlærɪti   ˈsəʊˈkɔːld   beɪs ˈʤʌmpɪŋ   ˈbæklæʃ ˈkɔːlɪŋ fɔː   pəʊˈtɛnʃəli ˈfeɪtl ˌʌndəˈteɪkən rɪsˈpɒnsəbli dɪˈmɑːndɪd ˈlɪmɪts   teɪk fɔːr ɪgˈzɑːmpl   nəʊˈtɔːrɪəs   pɑːˈtɪsɪpənts   ˈgɪvn pɔɪnt   ˈpærəʃuːt ˌʌnfɔːˈsiːn   mælˈfʌŋkʃənz   fəˈtælɪti reɪt   dɪˈbɪlɪteɪtɪŋ ˈɪnʤəriz   pəˈrælɪsɪs   breɪn ˈdæmɪʤ ˈaʊtˌlaɪə   ˈspɛktrəm   ˈveəriɪŋ dɪˈgriːz   əˌfɔːˈmɛnʃənd kənˈsɜːnz aʊtˈweɪz   ˈkɔːʃəs ˈpɛrɪləs   ˈrɛlətɪvli seɪf ˈprɒpə prɪˈkɔːʃənz   saɪn ʌp fɔː   rɪg ʌp   ˈhɑːnɪs   ˈrɛkwɪzɪt nɒts ɛnd ʌp   ˈpæʃənɪt   ɪgˈzɪləreɪtɪŋ ɪksˈpɪərɪəns ˈteɪkən ˈsɪərɪəsli ˈprɛznt ˈlɪtl rɪəl ˈdeɪnʤə   ɪnˈʤɔɪəbl pɑːstaɪm rɪsˈpɒnsəbli traɪ aʊt   tuː ðeə ˈlaɪkɪŋ

Vocabulary Practice

Remember and fill in the blanks with the vocabulary:

The ______________ of ______________ extreme sports such as ______________ and rock climbing have led to ______________ them to be banned. Although these sports are ______________ , they should not be banned as they are also fun and can be ______________ .

The reason that many have ______________ on extreme sports is their potential for injury and death. ______________ one of the most ______________ extreme sports: base jumping. In this sport, ______________ jump off a ______________ (a cliff or building, for example) with a ______________ . There is very little time before they hit the ground so ______________ parachute ______________ are possible and the ______________ is extremely high. Those that do not die may suffer severe, ______________ such as ______________ and ______________ . Base jumping is something of an ______________ on the ______________ of dangerous sports but all these sports involve ______________ of danger.

Despite the ______________ , I believe the fun people have ______________ potential injury when they are ______________ . Base jumping is the most ______________ extreme sport but other sports such as skiing, deep-sea diving, and rock climbing are ______________ . Rock climbing is a good example of a sport that can be very safe and fun if ______________ are taken. You should ______________ training and go with someone who knows how to safely ______________ the ______________ and tie the ______________ . Many people who try it ______________ become ______________ rock climbers because it is an ______________ . Most extreme sports, ______________ , ______________ and are an ______________ .

In conclusion, extreme sports are fun and do not have to be particularly dangerous. People should take the opportunity to ______________ at least one extreme sport in their lives in order to see if it is ______________ .

Listening Practice

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Reading Practice

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Student Sample Corrections

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Recent years have witnessed the proliferation of extreme sports such as sky diving and base jumping as a form of recreational activities activity among youngsters. While it is often suggested that these dangerous sports should be prohibited for its their potentially deleterious effect s on players, I personally object to that idea because of the indisputable benefits these sports offer. [G1]  

On the one hand, opponents of adventure sports come up with numerous reasons why these sports should be banned. [G2]  First, since the inherently dangerous nature of extreme sports is life-threatening and traumatic, participants are bound to encounter serious injuries such as bone fracture s , head trauma and even fatal ities situations . For example, indulging in skiing down a slope at great speed or jumping off a cliff could cost players’ invaluable lives could cost someone their life in case of a slight est carelessness or equipment malfunction. Furthermore, if extreme sports athletets suffer from permanent physical handicaps, they will become burdens for their families and society because extra medical welfare shall be allocated for them. A reported heart-wrenching story of a father who lost his legs in a car race, leaving all financial burdens and responsibilities on the mother can be is a salient example for why these sports should be banned.   [G3]  

Notwithstan d ing the aforementioned arguments, I concur that adventure sports should be welcomed more are to be embraced . It has been scientically proven that engaging in any dangerous sports could can bolster participants’ personal lives happiness and mentality mental well-being . In fact, when by overcoming nerve-racking moments and conquering their own fears, players could can feel a sense of achievement and satisfaction, which adds to their personal experience and boosts their courage and self-esteem. For instance, a rock climber who has conquered Everest might mark that as his the most significant milestone and take pride in this accomplishment for his whole life. Another salient point [G4]  to clarify my view is that it is a human right to freely partake in any recreational activit y ies . If a person is willing to risk his life for an extreme sport to satisfy his desire, the endeavor of prohibiting those sports from governments will be merely in vain since he would likely secretly play engage in it elsewhere. [G5]  

To conclude, though the prohibition of adventure sports does appear plausible to some extent, I would argue that partici p ation in these sports offers far more enormous benefits and thus, should be encouraged. As long as players are fully well -equipped, well-trained and mentally prepared for the challenges of these risky sports, they can live their dreams and enjoy them to the fullest. [G6]  

Task achievement: 8

Lots of good support for both of your main ideas and a clear overall opinion. Your support was more concrete, specific and for one paragraph you focused on one main idea – well done!

Cohesion/coherence 8

Clear throughout and good referencing, ellipsis and paragraphing. You might want to look into theme/rheme which is the principle that in English writing is clearer if you put the topic/old information at the beginning of a sentence and what you want to say about it in the second part of the sentence (as in the last sentence of paragraph 2). Otherwise great!

Vocabulary 7

Great vocabulary throughout – good enough for band 8 but a few too many mistakes and poor word choice bring this down to a 7 this time.

Complex sentences great as usual but mistakes in almost every sentence and some simple ones with modal and articles bring this down to a 7.

  [G1] Great introduction!

  [G2] Good clear topic sentence and you develop that one main idea for the entire paragraph – well done!

  [G3] Swap around to make it: a salient example that supports banning these sports is…

  [G4] Salient is a great word but don’t use it in both paragraphs – try noteworthy

  [G5] Can’t fully develop this second main idea, so why have it at all?

  [G6] Perfect conclusion – how long is it taking you to write these? They are a little long…

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this sounds kinda hard tbh how am I gonna do it.


The sports?

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IELTS essay, topic: More and more people participate in extreme sports (reasons and solutions)

  • IELTS Essays - Band 8
  • by Simone Braverman

IELTS Model Essay Sample Band 8 June 2023

This essay topic was seen in recent IELTS tests in Sri Lanka and Nigeria .

More and more people participate in extreme sports. Why do people take part in these dangerous sports? What can be done to reduce the danger associated with such activities?

Sample Band 8 Essay

In recent years, extreme sports have become increasingly popular among people of all ages. People are drawn to the thrill and adrenaline rush that comes with participating in these risky activities. From jumping out of airplanes to riding huge waves, these dangerous sports offer a unique set of challenges and opportunities for those willing to try them out.

extreme sport opinion essay

Despite the obvious risk associated with extreme sports, there are still many people who participate in such activities. Some are driven by a need for adventure or a desire to test their physical capabilities. Others simply enjoy the sense of accomplishment they gain after mastering their chosen activity. Many cite the feeling of freedom and joy that accompanies extreme sports as something that cannot be found elsewhere.

To reduce risks associated with extreme sports, it is important for participants to first receive proper training and instruction from certified professionals. This will help ensure that they understand how to stay safe while engaging in such activities. It is also essential for participants to wear appropriate safety gear, such as helmets and protective clothing, when participating in any kind of sport. Finally, extreme athletes should always make sure they are aware of their abilities and limitations before taking part in any kind of dangerous activity, so they don’t overextend themselves or put themselves in danger unnecessarily.

Overall, while extreme sports can be extremely dangerous, they can also be a source of immense joy and satisfaction. Participating in such activities does not necessarily mean that individuals are putting themselves in peril, if all the essential safety precautions are taken. With proper training, equipment, education and awareness of one’s own limitations, anyone can enjoy these kinds of daring pursuits, knowing that the risks are properly managed.

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Simone Braverman is the founder of and the author of several renowned IELTS preparation books, including Ace the IELTS, Target Band 7, the High Scorer's Choice practice test series, and IELTS Success Formula. Since 2005, Simone has been committed to making IELTS preparation accessible and effective through her books and online resources. Her work has helped 100,000's of students worldwide achieve their target scores and live their dream lives. When Simone isn't working on her next IELTS book, video lesson, or coaching, she enjoys playing the guitar or rollerblading.


IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic: Dangerous Sports


Updated On Aug 05, 2024


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IELTS Writing Prediction Questions for 2024

The Essay Writing section of the IELTS Writing Task 2 can be a difficult task for many IELTS Aspirants. Thus, it is vital that you polish your essay writing skills before attempting the IELTS.

Learn how to write the perfect IELTS Discussion Essay question essay for Band 9 score with the guide below accompanied by some Band 9 IELTS vocabulary !

Below is a sample IELTS Essay for the IELTS Essay topic:

Some people think that governments should ban dangerous sports, while others think people should have freedom to do any sports or activity. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

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Discussion essay


  • Paraphrase the topic of the discussion.
  • Give a clear insight into the gist of the essay and what one could expect from the same.
  • Paragraph 1 - Advocates of banning certain sports may argue that their inherently dangerous nature may threaten lives. As extreme conditions are a prerequisite for these sports, risks like equipment failure render players more vulnerable than in other sports.
  • Paragraph 2 - I believe that people should have the autonomy to play any sports they want, regardless of their danger. This is because they can already decide for themselves whether to take part in several dangerous non-sport activities. If personal freedom is championed with regard to things like alcohol, one can argue that it should be extended to sporting pursuits as well. Instead of an outright ban on extreme sports, I believe there are ways to mitigate the risks attached to them. Sports associations could impose an age limit for extreme athletes to ensure only people who are fully developed physically are allowed to participate.

Conclude the essay by providing an inference made from the essay.

It is a common belief that we should strictly prohibit extreme sports due to the huge number of risks involved. In this essay, I am going to demonstrate that risk factors are present in all sports before suggesting that people should have the right to play any sports they want.

Advocates of banning certain sports may argue that their inherently dangerous nature may threaten lives. As extreme conditions are a prerequisite for these sports, risks like equipment failure render players more vulnerable than in other sports. For example, skydivers who freefall from enormous altitudes seem more prone to injuries or even death than players of ordinary sports. It not only imperils the lives of the people undergoing the severities post such injuries or mishappenings but also curbs one’s harmony as at times, the players may be rendered distraught and traumatized for life. This, as they say, is a clear lack of prudence and safety measures for the people participating in such sports.

In contrast, I believe that people should have the autonomy to play any sports they want, regardless of their danger. This is because they can already decide for themselves whether to take part in several dangerous non-sport activities. For example, those who reach the legal drinking age are free to purchase alcohol, the excessive consumption of which may have fatal consequences . If personal freedom is championed with regard to things like alcohol, one can argue that it should be extended to sporting pursuits as well. Instead of an outright ban on extreme sports, I believe there are ways to mitigate the risks attached to them. Sports associations could impose an age limit for extreme athletes to ensure only people who are fully developed physically are allowed to participate. Another solution is to bar players from practising or competing without the necessary protective gear. These measures would strike a happy medium without intruding on people’s personal freedom.

In conclusion, I believe people a re entitled to play dangerous sports if they want, and certain restrictions in lieu of a ban would help ease the safety concerns.

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The media commonly provides a barrage of news about dangerous sports as the deaths and injuries associated with them often make for spectacular headlines . As a result, some people have argued that all extreme sports should be banned, although I would argue that such a policy would be out of all proportion to the real risks involved.

Those in favour of prohibiting people from taking part in dangerous sports tend to focus on the risk element. Even when individuals may be physically and mentally prepared to participate in extreme sports activities, and even when they have all the right gear, the dangers are potentially existing . To take an example, some sports are challenging and fraught with danger as BASE jumping. Participants hurl themselves off cliffs, and few escape without suffering severe bruising or acute abdominal pains, which normally last for several days. In addition, although sports equipment rarely malfunctions, this may still happen and the consequences may be fatal. The supporters of legislation to ban dangerous sports argue that such tragic outcomes not only affect the individual victims, but also leave mental scars that their families then have to live with for the rest of their lives.

However, I support the view of those who contend that participation in extreme sports must be a matter of personal choice. Firstly, overcoming physical challenges may be a springboard for positive personal transformation. It may make a person stronger and more determined, and the experience may be a life-changing one. Secondly, the rigours of preparation in order to go mountain-climbing, white-water rafting or other such extremely strenuous activities demand that an individual is in the peak of health and physical condition. Finally, there is an ethical aspect that dictates that a person should have the freedom to pursue the challenges which they set themselves, even though this may involve a level of risk which others might find unacceptable.

In conclusion, while acknowledging the real risks, I would defend the right of any individual to take part in the extreme sport of their choice.

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Janet had been an IELTS Trainer before she dived into the field of Content Writing. During her days of being a Trainer, Janet had written essays and sample answers which got her students an 8+ band in the IELTS Test. Her contributions to our articles have been engaging and simple to help the students understand and grasp the information with ease. Janet, born and brought up in California, had no idea about the IELTS until she moved to study in Canada. Her peers leaned to her for help as her first language was English.

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Why Do Some People Enjoy Extreme Sports

Why Do Some People Enjoy Extreme Sports? IELTS Writing Task 2 Model Question and Answers

The IELTS assessment is one such test that every person has to reach if he desires to move to their native country to any place abroad. Each year a normal of 3 billion quizzes are carried out all over the world with moreover 10,000 institutions worldwide that assist the IELTS test .

The exact period of the writing sector of this quiz is 60 minutes long where the nominees have to settle down in an exam room and note their portion of the responses. The aspirants have to finish 2 assignments that have been provided in the question sheet.

Read the article till the end to find out the IELTS writing task 2 sample answers for the topic – why do some people enjoy extreme sports?

IELTS Writing Task 2

Writing task 2 of the IELTS assessment is the second component of the IELTS writing quiz. You are illustrated with an argument or viewpoint and you need to compose an essay in reply. The writings should obey a formal style, should maintain at least an extent of 250 words, and you should strive to obtain it within 40 minutes of duration.

Pupils often worry whether they are capable of scoring favourable points in the writing quiz, but writing abilities are something which we are reasonable at, as we are habitual to writing since childhood.

Below given is a topic of writing task 2 of the IELTS writing quiz with sample answers. Analyse the question closely to understand and compose the solution. Check out the model answers to get a notion of the pattern of framing the answers.

Why do Some People Enjoy Extreme Sports? IELTS Writing Task 2 Model Answer One

There are many dangerous yet fascinating sports all over the world like parachuting, paragliding, bungee jumping, rafting, canyoning, and motocross. Most people celebrate these extreme sports without any fear. Nowadays, people like taking challenges and risks in life.

On the other hand, they are people who fear taking extreme sports which are quite prevalent. Weakly hearted people cannot bear these sports. Extreme sports help to motivate yourself and overcome fear. They invite people to get out of the daily boring routine and have a good time. It works as a good experience for athletics too, as they always look out for adventurous and active sports.

Also Read: 10 Most Common IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics: How do You Plan a Task 2 Essay?

Lead Towards the Conclusion

Tourists enjoy extreme sports the most. Visitors from all over the world like visiting places having good sports. Some of the places where people enjoy extreme sports the most are Goa, Manali, Mysore, Ladakh and Meghalaya. Adventurous people won’t hesitate to take challenges and risks.

Children and teenagers also rejoice in extreme sports. Most teenagers are found venturing around with their friends. Sports like skydiving and parasailing are very fascinating and entertaining. After experiencing such activities, people feel free and relaxed which has a good impact on their mental health. Extreme sports also help in reducing stress and making the mind fresh.


Why do Some People Enjoy Extreme Sports? IELTS Writing Task 2 Model Answer Two

I assume for many people, it is a path to get some enthusiasm into their existence. When the population was thousands of years old, they frequently confronted dangers like wild animal assaults, but now many people just consume their stamina sitting in an office.

By partaking in extreme sports, people can feel active and get a wave that they can’t feel in normal contemporary life. Good mental health and peace play an essential role in the well being of people. Extreme sports and rides are a good source of joy and happiness specifically for kids and teenagers.

Also Read: IELTS Writing Task 2 Education Topics With Answers: Quick Questions to Help You Learn Something New

People nowadays are fascinating and thrilling. They like experiencing new and exciting activities and rides. Extreme sports like canyoning, paragliding, scuba diving and rafting are a few of them which are greatly enjoyed by people all over the world. In foreign countries, even adults relish these sports. It’s quite good entertainment for families and friends.

Teenagers usually show more interest in water sports like scuba diving, skiing, surfing, sailing, rafting, cave diving and underwater diving. Although, the risk in extreme water sports increases yet people undertaking precautions likes to experience it. Sports are an adequate holiday getaway for all generations.

Why do Some People Enjoy Extreme Sports? IELTS Writing Task 2 Model Answer Three

Apart from minor activities like cycling, trekking and hunting, they are numerous drastic sports activities for people of all age groups. Children and teenagers love to take sports rides. Few adults fear taking the rides due to certain health issues or other reasons. On the other hand, they are adults and even old age people who love to take risks and challenges in life.

They don’t care about their comfort zone and try to experience something new every time. Apart from dry sports, people are fascinated by water sports too. Surfing, skiing, diving and many more activities are available for people to overcome anxiety and cherish the precious moments of their lives.

Safety measures and precautions are being exercised by the management of the rides which ensures people know more about their safety and good ride. People of all age groups undertaking all the protection and guidelines enjoy activities all around the world.

Sports are available in all countries like Mexico, Alaska, England, the USA, Brazil and Dubai. Tourists usually travel across these countries with the intention to try some new and unique experiences. Some sports are not available all over the world due to some rules and restrictions of the government which encourage people to travel and become adventurous about sports activities.

Also Read: IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer for Band 9: Learn How to Write Task 2 Answers

Tips for Mastering the Writing Task 2 of the IELTS

Below are a few guidelines for the candidates for IELTS preparation on how to tackle the essay topics in writing task 2 of the IELTS. Read it till the article to get a clear impression on how to master the writing section.

Understand the Topic Carefully

Many candidates don’t comprehend the theme and then go wrong to write the content and that’s why knowing the topic properly and precisely is a significant rule so, before composing the explanation read and analyse the question twice.

Formulate Core Themes

After you have comprehended the theme carefully the following step is to concentrate on the questions by developing or raising two core questions related to the main theme of the essay. Don’t develop any unnecessary questions which are not concerned with the topic given.

Construct Your Body Paragraphs

The normal format of an essay or article consists of the three main subcategories:

# Introduction

# Main Body (Paragraphs)

# Conclusion (The bottom line)

While planning your answer, find out how many paragraphs of the body you would choose to include. Generally, the body passages shouldn’t be lower than two and can be further than three. Always try to aim for having 2 to 3 passages depending upon the key questions you developed from the main topic.

Elaborate Your Core Questions

After discovering the number of paragraphs of your body and after mapping 2 to 3 sections for your body, spot it under the core questions. Assuming each paragraph as an answer to the core themes. Elaborate on the issues and write everything on point concerned with the inner topic.

Also Read: Crime Based Opinion Essay in IELTS: Here’s all about the IELTS Writing Task 2 You should Know

Follow the procedure of Point, Explain and  Example

Earlier you have noted your primary questions and the central points, you must comprehend about sub-points to enhance and improve your ideas. The model of point, explain and example is a useful mechanism for those who endeavour with this task.

You first put down the fact, then comprehend it more and deeper and also describe to boost your opinion. Later you have broadened funding questions to your crucial points, this is what your planned writing answer should be.

Commonly Asked Topics for IELTS Writing Task 2

Many candidates frequently have the question that the writing themes repeat or not, if they repeat what are the familiar questions that arise and the easy answer to this is a big no, as the themes may be related but not the questions and especially the essay questions.

Yes, there will be similar topics like health, education and entertainment and arts but not the questions, so don’t expect that one will be obtaining the same questions, and one should always prepare for the main theme, not the questions, because questions may fluctuate.

Below are a few topics enlisted that are expected to be asked in writing task 2 of the IELTS examination.

# Globalisation

# Public Transport

# Criminal Justice

# Environment

# Education

# Development

# Youth Crime

# Technology

# Government Spending

# Communication and personality

# Crime and punishment

# Media and advertising

# Transport

# Economics

#Empowerment of women

#Social Issues

Also Read: IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics with Answers: Here’re the Previous Year Question Paper at Your Rescue

Common Asked Questions for IELTS Writing Task 2

Below are the frequently asked questions on the common topics mentioned above. Analyse and try to prepare answers to the following illustrated questions to have success in the writing task of the IELTS examination.

#Some people believe that writing is no longer helpful in the modern world and should not be taught in academies. To what level do you admit or complain?

#Why are there some people who leave school fast more successful correlated with those who accomplish their examinations. Furnish justifications why they are more successful and what are the restrictions for success?

#Countries with prolonged regular working hours are economically better at success than those countries which do not regulate long working hours. To what level do you admit or disagree?

#Some speculate that advancement in technology is stimulating the gap between the rich and needy while others assume the contrary is arising. Analyse both facets and express your viewpoint.

#Some people assume that councils should ban dangerous sports. Others desire that they should have the liberty to choose their favourite activities. Examine both principles and demonstrate your belief.

Some More Common Asked Questions

#Many pupils around the world don’t choose science studies at a university. Give the outcomes for this and illustrate the impact on the people?

# In today’s life,  job options are different and employees cannot rely on conserving the exact job and functioning circumstances throughout their life. What are some possible reasons? Reflect on some ways to a technique for the opinion under these conditions.

#Some people think that it is necessary to travel abroad to get information about other states, but others think that it is not important to travel abroad because all the knowledge can be examined on TV and the internet. Analyse both viewpoints and give your perspective.

#More and more communities are realising that it is increasingly important to wear fashionable clothes. Is this behaviour of wearing outfits a favourable development or unfavourable? Keep your views.

#Some people believe that smartphones are destroying public associations today. To what extent do you admit or disagree?

Expecting that the above article was beneficial for you to know everything about writing task 2 of IELTS. All the familiar questions and most significant topics are enclosed carefully in this article. Aspirants who are preparing for the IELTS exam should keep all these ideas in mind and should adapt these before the assessment. The familiar writing task 2 questions, the agenda for essay writing of task 2 and many more are wrapped here and one should constantly keep in mind that while formulating for IELTS there may be many obstacles that you might encounter, but one should keep on moving.

One should always know that they should never lose their dignity and if you are looking for online tutoring then you are exactly on the right website, IELTS Ninja delivers you with the best equipment and coaching classes. In case you have any feedback or queries related to the article above, feel free to drop your viewpoints below in the comment section.


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About the Author

Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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IELTS Blog & IELTS Mock Test

Ielts exam preparation for a higher band score., ielts essay – pros and cons of extreme/ adventure sports.

IELTS Essay:

Topic:  Pros and cons of extreme/ adventure sports.

Model Essay: The adventure sports were there before as well but only limited to the defense purposes. Today due to advancement in technology, adventure sports are easily accessible by a common man. These sports demand a great deal of daring. There are both benefits and drawbacks of these sports.

Any kind of adventure sport develops competitive spirit and makes one to face the future problems with utmost patience. When one participates in these kinds of sport activities, one could become capable of handling the various vicissitudes of life because adventure sports require high hard working tendency. Moreover, there would a change to meet people of their kind and could enjoy one other’s company. Next, a person gets the thrilling experience which remains as the nostalgic memories. Finally, a person would be trained so that one may serve one’s country by joining the defense services. Therefore, it is clear that adventure sports are highly beneficial.

However, adventure sports have the other facet which cons. Generally, these sports are chosen by youngsters and in the event of playing they may be severely injured, sometimes may become physically handicapped. Furthermore, in extreme cases, these sports may cause death of a person. For instance, car race, which gives thrill but with the minor mistake it may cost their valuable lives. Hence, these sports are dangerous.

To summarize, ultimately by taking proper care and by being careful, one can minimize the cons of these sports. In my view, cons overweigh pros of these kinds of extreme sports.

[ Written by – Vinutna Rahul Rojiwadiya ]

3 thoughts on “ IELTS Essay – Pros and cons of extreme/ adventure sports ”

Wonderful bloggers like yourself who would positively reply encouraged me to be more open and engaging in commenting. So know it’s helpful…

People today are very eager to try different sports. Aside from the fact that it will benefit their health and will keep them fit, it helps them mentally, spiritually and socially also. It’s no surprise why they are engaging to a much extreme sports because of all these reasons also. For them, it’s more fun and challenging. That’s the positive side of it. But yes, they have to realize also the consequences and it’s a good thing you have explained it well here in your sports.

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In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of extreme or adventure sports?

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Home / IELTS, CAE, FCE Writing Samples / IELTS Writing Task 2: Extreme Sports

IELTS Writing Task 2: Extreme Sports

Extreme sports such as sky diving and skiing are very dangerous and should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?

Some people hold the opinion that the government should prohibit extreme sports. I completely disagree with this view as these sport will not include risk or danger to the players’ safety if they are played in the right way (1) . To begin with, every sport has specific safety rules and regulations in order to ensure that serious accidents could not take place. As a result, I believe that if the players comply these rules properly (2) , there will be no danger and there is no reason for the government to ban extreme sports. Furthermore, accidents could happen if the equipment provided for the players are not in high quality and it is true that the more extreme the sports are, the more fatal the accidents could be (3) . However, this would not be an important problem if the players choose carefully and purchase the highest standard sports equipment (4) . Another reason why the government should continue allowing extreme sports is that they are considered to be extremely good for the players’ mental as well as physic health (5) . This is mainly because playing these sports will definitely help the players to get rid of all the tension from daily life (6) . Moreover, the players can maintain a healthy body and increase resistance to serious illnesses such as heart attack or high blood pressure. In addition, the players’ courage is also increased as these sports are all extreme sports, which contain a high level of danger (7) . In conclusion, there are a lot of reasons why extreme sports should continue to be allowed such as helping the players be healthier and these sports have safety rules and the players will not be dangerous if they fulfill these rules strictly  (8) . 289 words

The commentaries are marked in brackets with number (*). The numbered commentaries are found below. The part in italics is taken from the text, the word underlined is the suggested correction. Words in (brackets) are the suggested addition to the original phrase or sentence.

  • Some people hold the opinion that the government should prohibit extreme sports. I completely disagree with this view as these sports ( or kinds of sports ) will not pose/involve  risk or danger to the players’ safety if they are played in the right way — Plural should be used in the first case as you mean at least two different kinds suggested by task. Second correction suggests proper collocation of verb+risk.
  • As a result, I believe that if the players comply (with) these rules ( or follow this rules) properly  — ‘comply’ is an intransitive verb and therefore needs a preposition . Alternatively you can use a transitive verb ‘to follow’.
  • Furthermore, accidents could happen if the equipment provided for the players is  not of  high quality and it is true that the more extreme the sports are, the more fatal the accidents could be — ‘equipment’ is singular; you can use ‘in’ preposition when talking about condition (e.g. my shoes are in poor condition ). The second part (about the accidents) has completely different idea and would be better used to sum up the paragraph as a stand-alone sentence.
  • However, this would not be a  big/serious/major problem if the players chose ( or would choose) and bought ( or buy — used with would here ) sports equipment of the highest standard.  — make sure to use the adjective that collocates with ‘problem’. In the second part try to maintain consistency of tense.
  • extremely good for the players’ mental as well as physical health — ‘physical’ is the adjective when you want to refer to the aspect of body rather than mind.
  • This is mainly because (taking part in) these sports will definitely help the players to get rid of all the tension from their/the daily life — the first part should use ‘taking parts in these sports’. You don’t ‘play’ skiing or sky diving.
  • Moreover, the players can maintain a healthy body and increase resistance to serious illnesses such as heart attack or high blood pressure. In addition, the players’ courage is also increased as extreme sports involve high level of danger .  — avoid using the same verb (‘increase’) twice in such close proximity. See this list of synonyms for most common words to avoid such mistakes in the future. Remake the sentence). I have rephrased the second part to be shorter and easier to understand, at the same time avoiding using ‘sports’ twice in the same sentence.
  • Last sentence is awfully long and should be transformed into two or even three smaller one. A general advice is to avoid using single-sentence introduction and conclusion — they end up being either too short or too difficult to write and understand.

As most essays, this would be improved by better collocations and appropriate use of prepositions. When preparing for your written exam, don’t be shy to consult your dictionary whenever you are in doubt — a good one will have examples of prepositions that a certain word takes.

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Extreme Sports

One of the most important things that a port or activity must have to be even being considered extreme Is a large amount of danger and In this case, the more the better. Other factors that go hand In hand with extreme danger are extreme levels of speed, outrageous heights and a high level of physical fitness as well as anything else that could be factored Into not normal.

Most extreme sports do however have several common characteristics. They're not just for today's youth and the younger generation, but they do tend to draw a younger audience. Ere rarely will you find an extreme sport endorsed, or promoted by any popular porting company like Nikkei for example.

Extreme sports and activities are mostly for individuals and unlike traditional sports; the term team doesn't apply or exist. Extreme sport individuals are also different in that they have a will and attitude to take a risk and welcome danger and even possible injury. They seem to have an adrenaline drive when the outcome is uncertain as to what will happen, always going for more speed, more height and bigger tricks under extreme conditions.

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This unquestionable drive gives these individuals the ability to surpass the limits of where others fear to go and do. They also tend to master their sport of choice alone or in the company of other extreme sporting individuals very rarely seeking coaching or training. Environments also play a large role in making extreme sports extreme. Extreme sports have a much higher certainty of uncontrolled factors than traditional sports.

Extreme sports environments are most often in outdoor settings where weather and terrain can't be controlled thus making it more dangerous. The canvas extreme sports individuals use to paint their art tends to be mountains and oceans. Using such elements like snow, wind, and rain to heighten the levels of fisticuff and danger as well as the odds of succeeding. Some people may feel that extreme sports are nothing more than gatherings for troubled youths who reject authority and are bored with the "normal" or traditional sports.

This statement may have been true fifteen to twenty years ago, but nothing could be farther from the truth that today's extreme sports and activities are growing ever more popular In the world than the traditional sports of baseball, football and basketball. Extreme Sports By canvasbacks extreme sport or activity is still questionable. One of the most important things that a port or activity must have to be even being considered extreme is a large amount of danger and in this case, the more the better.

Other factors that go hand in hand with physical fitness as well as anything else that could be factored into not normal. Most extreme sports do however have several common characteristics. They're not Just for Very rarely will you find an extreme sport endorsed, or promoted by any popular weather and terrain can't be controlled thus making it more dangerous. The canvas truth that today's extreme sports and activities are growing ever more popular in the

Importance of Sports for Children and Students

Our health depends on our life. Most people are busy working, pupils are busy studying, but they always find time to relax and enjoy themselves. Physical culture and sports in our country are part of our cultural and public life. It is very popular with young people. Sport is also paid great attention in schools, colleges and universities. Every city and town has a few stadiums, swimming pools, amateur clubs and keep-fit centers where people go aerobics, yoga, body-building, swimming, skating and Jogging.

Sports help people to maintain good health and enjoy life, but some boys and girls do not want to take an active part in them. They do not believe that sport is very necessary and also they think that sport may stand in the way of other important things. Everyone knows that getting fit is good for health buy why it is good and what are the ways to be fit? There are some unusual ways of keeping fit:

  • First way is that you can practice korfball. Korfball is a mixture between handball and basketball, it is a fast exciting game.The main difference is that men and women play on the same team. It is also a good way to keep fit
  • The second way is to practice Tat-Chi.It is a Chinese martial art which goes back thousands of years. Tat-Chi is very gentle and consists of slow movements which it is important to do carefully. The big advantage is that you can do it anywhere and it is an excellent way of getting rid of stress.
  • The third way is gaming for fitness. Most people do not see playing video games as a way of keeping fit.

You sit on the floor, look at the screen and the only part f your body that moves is your thumb. Thanks to brand new game Dance Revolution, games are now getting on exercise floor and it is an easy and exciting way of getting fit for everyone. Getting in shape has never been more popular. For millions of people around the world, regular exercise is now part of their daily lives. Some people Jog, cycle and swim, while others prefer to work out in gyms or play team sports.

Another reason for fitness boom is youth and beauty, because men and women try their best to look as young and attractive as possible. Fit people not only feel good-they look good too. There are some advantages of being fit: -Firstly it reduces the risk of heart attacks -Secondly it increases strength, stamina, and suppleness -Thirdly it helps people to lose weight - Fourthly it means that people sleep better and do not get tired so better - Finally it makes people feel healthier, happier and more positive. As for me, I do sport regularly. I am not a professional.

I play badminton with my friends,but my favorite sport is swimming and I go to the swimming-pool twice a week. This helps me feel fit and healthy. Keeping fit doesn't mean only doing sport. It also includes the right way of eating. Nowadays it is very popular to go on a diet. On the one hand, it makes people feel better because they avoid eating fatty and unhealthy food, but on the other hand, some people start eating very little and they lose weight and do not look healthy at all. It is necessary to get all types of vitamins to keep body healthy.

It is recommended to eat fruit and vegetable because they contain a lot of important itamins and one of them is vitamin C. A lot of people like spending most of their spare time watching TV or working at computers. Such people ruin their eyes and their muscles do not work well. This way of life is not healthy. There are also bad habits that can damage health of people. They include smoking, drinking alcohol and taking drugs. A lot of young people prefer smoking to going in for sport and this is not good. As for me, I try to lead a healthy life, because I like feeling happy.

Sports Play a Vital Role in Our Daily Life

We all like games and sports because they are essential for a healthy life. They play an important role in the development of our personality. Therefore they are given great importance almost all over the world. They are an important part of our education. This is the reason that every educational institute holds a sports week. Honorable principle! Sports and games are indication of life full of joys. They keep a person healthy and fit. Sports provide us a mean of physical exercise. My friends!

Some special games like hockey, cricket and football not only make our body sound and healthy but also provide us a source of amusement and entertainment. As we have seen the excitements and rejoice of the World cup 2011. These games create cheerfulness not only in the players but also in the visitors. People gather around in thousands to see a match. They praise the players and clap for them. In this way they create an atmosphere of happiness, rejoicing, joyfulness and brotherhood.

Respected Mam! Sports are also great moral value. They teach us team sprit. The p[layers play not to win personal fame but for the team. Sports and games teach us cooperation and discipline. Players obey the orders of their captain and the Umpire without any question. They have training in getting defeat with a good heart. Mam! These values are of much in every day life. Sports teach us to become good citizens. Hence I am compelled to say that sports play a vital role in our life.

Is playing Sports a Good Hobby ?

Sport is identified as a physical activity carried out by human beings usually executed by following a set of rules and principles to ensure fair competition among the candidates. Playing sports and indulging in physical activities aids in confirming various health benefits including comfortable respiration, muscular development, bone strength, advanced life expectancy, and coronary fitness. Playing sports helps in safeguarding the body and prevents it from contracting various types of diseases like cancer.

There is a lot of variation in the amount of suggested physical work. It is mainly due to the variation in the shape/size of the body of different individuals and amount of calorie input, nonetheless it is remedial for people who are obese. As enumerated by the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Weight stability can be obtained if 2-5 hours are invested in playing averagely demanding sports. Playing high intensity sport is extremely significant for people who wish to reduce their weight adequately.

It is advised by physicians that people of all age groups must undertake any kind of physical activity or sport as it in helps in cultivating a healthy heart and mind. As delineated by the British Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, about 40 percent of deaths related to coronary heart disease take place due to insufficient physical work, overweight, mental stress and increased blood pressure. Sports can help in dealing with these physical ailments by reducing the contingency of coronary disease by almost 50 percent.

Decrease in the strength of muscles, bones and joints, is an inevitable corollary of growing old. Aged people are advised to go for regular walks and practice numerous physical exercises so that their body parts are in healthy and working condition. Thus, it can be concluded that playing sports is very significant for people of all age groups and must be taken up seriously in order to maintain a healthy body.

Importance of Games and Sports

There goes a good proverb —” All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy“.

Games and sports are not only important for success in studio but it is important for success in every walks of our life. Games and sports include all outdoor and indoor games and also athletics. In ancient Greece they formed the principal part of education. In the advanced countries of the present day also they are a regular feature of the school and college curriculum.

Games and sports may be of various kinds. Apart from school or college sports, boys and girls may practice races, jumps, discuss throw and javelin throw and thus pass their afternoon in useful activities. They may play various games like football, cricket, hockey, volleyball, basket ball, badminton etc.

School and College Games and sports are annual affairs. Sports are generally held in winter months. Students take part in various games like high and long jumps, pole vault, go-as-you like and different kind of races. These annual sports foster competitive spirit and sportsmanship. Sometimes inter class tournaments are held in relation with football, hockey, cricket, tennis, cycling, volleyball, badminton etc. These games foster team spirit among the participants and make them disciplined.

The Importance of Games and Sports can Never be Minimized

First of all, they are good exercises and help to build fine, physique for the boys and girls. They make them mentally alert and physically strong. Secondly, students learn to cope with difficult situations. By displaying their feats before many spectators, they can overcome their nervousness.

Thirdly, games and sports are good diversions and give them the energy to learn their lessons well. For these reasons, every civilized nation values the importance of games and sports and spends large sum of money on improving the standard of games and sports among its players and athletes. The standard of games and sports in India is far from satisfactory. So, the Government should take steps to improve this standard.

Sports Essay: Sports as a major leisure spectator activity

Sports play a vital role in modern contemporary society. It is an integral part of life essential for the physical and mental well-being of individuals. More recently, sport has become a major leisure activity globally (Houlihan, 2008). Its prominence in the media which devotes considerable more coverage has significantly contributed to sports as a major leisure spectator activity. This essay explores on sports as a major leisure spectator activity. Further, it examines the various ways through which sports impact on modern day leisure life.


Sports play a vital role in modern contemporary society. It is an integral part of life essential for the physical and mental well-being of individuals (Craig ; Beedie, 2008). Not only is it a physical activity but also an area where people socially interact. Maguire et al (2002) suggested that sport and leisure activities are an integral part of social life and that they are intricately linked to politics and the society. For most people, sports play a fundamental role whether as passive spectators or active participants.

Generally, sports has been praised for its numerous benefits which include: bridging the cultural and ethnic divides, improving on health and fitness, creating opportunities for employments and businesses to flourish, fostering teamwork and fair competition, contributing to the cross cultural dialogue and ensuring peaceful-coexistence (Levenson ; Christensen, 1996).

There is a small but growing body of sociological literature with reference to sports as a spectator activity. At present the coverage in sports sociology, in particular the spectator phenomenon is still sketchy and thin, with many residual areas still unexplored. Relatively few studies have explored extensively on professional sports as the major spectator activity in the modern society. Ascertaining the various factors that motivate individuals to watch sports remains a practical and theoretical challenge for researchers and sports practitioners (Laker, 2002).

Studies by James ; Ridinger (2002), Bilyeu ; Wann (2002) and Wann ; Ensor (2001) examined the effect of demographic characteristics such as race and gender on the outcome of spectator sports, whilst Wann ; Wilson (1999a) and Wann, Schrader ; Wilson (1999) explored on the motivation patterns and how motivation is related to the preference of the type of sporting activity. The general impression is that research into sports sociology in the modern contemporary society has been sketchy. This essay thus significantly contributes to the research topic by discussing the different ways through which professional sport has impacted upon the modern day leisure life.

Main Argument

More recently, sport has become a major leisure activity globally (Houlihan, 2008). Its prominence in the media which devotes considerable more coverage has significantly contributed to sports as a major leisure spectator activity (Jarvie, 2006). Research has identified that a vast number of people attend to sporting events. There is a wide variety of sports which cater for a large number of spectators. Some are minority or class based sports such as rugby, golf and yachting while others such as football appeal to majority tastes (Coakley ; Pike, 2009).

Britain today is very much shaped around leisure, sport in particular (Coakley ; Pike, 2009). The most common professional spectator sports in Britain are football, golf, rugby, hockey, badminton, tennis, cycling, motor racing and swimming (Coakley ; Dunning, 2002). Professional football, however, is by far the most popular spectator sport in Britain. Reading about sports or watching games on big screens or at the stadium has become more prevalent in today’s society. This represents a predominant form of leisure behaviour in the modern society.

Impact of Professional Sports upon Modern Day Leisure Life

Professional sports have impacted upon the modern day leisure life in a variety of ways. Firstly, professional football has led to people visiting clubs and the local pubs to watch football along with other fans (Coakley, 2007). According to the Mintel database which provides data on the consumer market in the UK and the leisure trends, most people choose to go to the pubs to watch football activities on weekends. Many of the British people love sports and visiting the pubs to watch football is an important part of their life. Sports have therefore transformed pubs to become social institutions which cater for diverse ethnic groups who meet to share the same interest. The pub has thus become Britain’s most envied and imperfectly imitated institution as sports lovers gather on neutral grounds and enjoy their leisure time watching football. Most of the football fans would visit clubs and pubs to watch popular matches such as a match between West Ham United vs Manchester United.

Secondly, sports have led to people queuing outside Wimbledon events, world’s most prestigious tennis tournament, to watch matches between the best tennis players ever witnessed in history. People could choose to queue outside Wimbledon events to watch England’s defending champion Raphael Nadal beat Andy Murray. According to Coakley ; Pike (2009), Since its inception in 1877, wimbledon has become a famous tennis tournament globally with players from over 60 countries and is widely watched by millions of fans worldwide. In the UK, tickets for Wimbledon are always on demand. Given the fierce demand by spectators to watch wimbledon events, the club now operates on a lottery for advanced sales. The ticket prices normally range at ?29-?100 and sell out months in advance. The long queues for Wimbledon events represent a predominant form of leisure behaviour in the Britain.

Thirdly, among the most prominent professional sports in the UK is rugby football which is quite popular in winter pastime and is widely watched in (Britain Hargreaves, 1994). It is divided into two categories, namely: the rugby union and rugby league (Cashmore, 2010). Rugby union is confined to amateur clubs and is often exclusively a public school influenced game (Cashmore, 2010). In 1995, it became more professional and now covers a wider social spectrum. On the other hand, rugby league comprise of professional teams and extends to a working class sport (Craig ; Beedie, 2008). A vast number of Britons are seen booking for tickets at Wembley delight for only ?10 to watch popular matches (Donnelly, 2008). Over the weekends, these Britons would book to watch popular matches such as Warrington VS Wigan. This shows that professional sport is quickly impacting on modern day leisure life with a large number booking for tickets to watch rugby games.

Cricket is also popular in the Great Britain. It is a summer sport in Britain and is both a professional and amateur sport (Craig ; Beedie, 2008). The professional sport is largely confined to welsh and English county sides of the country (Craig ; Beedie, 2008). Some of the Britons spend their leisure time watching cricket either at a local pub, restaurant, or club. Others prefer attending cricket matches at the stadium where they book for tickets in advance. It should however be noted that, attendance at cricket matches has overtime been declining and that this contemporary game has lost some of its attractiveness and is in the danger of becoming a minority sport (Collins, 2008). Cricket has moved in overly professional and money dominated directions and is quickly losing its many spectators (Craig ; Beedie, 2008).

Certainly, professional sports play an integral part in the British life. This is evident from the huge numbers that attend to sporting events or watch from the pubs, hotels, restaurants, clubs or back at home. In the UK tickets are fast selling for the British open golf championship 2011 tournament which will be held on the famous links land course of Royal St. Georges (Cashmore, 2000). Watching golf’s elite compete in this tournament is quite a thrill to a number of British fans. Witnessing superstars tackle each other is a once in a life time opportunity for a number of British fans hence the huge numbers for the golf tickets.

Research has identified that professional sports has become a major spectator activity in the UK as well as globally. In a number of ways, professional sports have shaped the modern day leisure life as shown from above where people may go to clubs to watch football, attend Wimbledon events, secure tickets to watch rugby at the stadium, attend to golf championship tournaments, or watch cricket at the local pub, restaurant or hotel. Additionally, others may opt to read the sports magazines such as UK’s biggest selling weekly football magazine and newspapers to get an update on sports. Undoubtedly, sports have become a major spectator activity.

It should however be noted that sports is still marred by inequalities. Sports, in Britain and around the globe, are generally male dominated. Whilst, sport is male dominated, women opt for the fitness class sector with popular activities such as yoga, circuit training and aerobics (Coakley, 2007). Nonetheless, the professional sporting industry has become very lucrative and is closely associated with brand merchandizing, sponsorship schemes, non-sport sales and television incomes. Despite being a leisure activity, the local and national businesses are reaping benefits by tailoring their services in line with the particular sporting event (Coakley, 2007).

Watching sports either at a local pub, club, restaurant or hotel represents a predominant form of leisure behaviour in the modern times. Media has significantly contributed to sports by devoting a wider coverage on sporting activities and events in the UK and around the globe. Clearly, professional sports have become a major spectator activity. Their impacts on modern day leisure life are profound.

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Essays About Sports: Top 5 Examples and 9 Prompts

Almost nothing compares to the thrill of sports; discover our guide with helpful tips for writing essays about sports through essay examples and prompts. 

Most people would agree on the importance of sports for a well-balanced life. Sports provides us with a multitude of benefits, both physically and mentally. But more than this, sports provide people with fun, even in the darkest times. The thrills of sports games and competitions are almost unmatched in the joy it brings others. 

It is important to keep in mind several risks of playing sports. First, the competitive mindset may consume you, as some of the best books about rugby show, and you are susceptible to various injuries, depending on the sport. However, a healthy love of sports often does not involve these risks.


5 Examples of Essays About Sports

1. importance and benefits of sports by melih sozdinler, 2. the importance of sports in empowering women by jo ousterhout, 3. the fastest growing sport in the world by sean monaghan.

  • 4.  Extreme Sports by Archie Simmons
  • 5. ​​The Mental Health Awakening Has Reached the Sports World  — Now What? by Maggie Ryan

1. My Favorite Sport

2. physical benefits of sports, 3. psychological and mental benefits of sports, 4. opinions on sports, 5. comparing and contrasting sports, 6. an unconventional sport, 7. an extreme sport, 8. values needed for sports, 9. sports in the modern world.

“We can conclude that there are several advantages and benefits of sports. First, sports are required by people to be fit, smart, and good looking. Second, sports are entertaining due to many facts. Third, sports are the huge market for countries’ economies. In my opinion, despite sports’ advantages, many people can’t believe that sports are useful and beneficial. I hope that in the future these people will tend to be more optimistically to sports since they are the necessity of our lives.”

Sozdinler writes about why people should play sports, elaborating on several benefits of sports. First, sports help improve coordination, cognition, circulation, and physique. Second, they provide us with entertainment and relief from the stresses of life. Finally, sports competitions are economically beneficial, allowing countries to expose their people and goods to foreigners. 

“Women who participate in sports are more likely to do better in school, attend college and make higher wages. In a survey of 401 female executives, 82 percent reported playing organized sports while growing up. Hillary understands the role sports can play in empowering women. As she has said, “Sports can make you stronger, tougher, more confident, more resilient, and those qualities can stay with you long after you finish the race or the final buzzer sounds.”

In this essay, Ousterhout discusses a speech by Hillary Clinton in which she stressed the importance of empowering women through sports. Clinton recognizes women’s talent in all fields, sports included, and Ousterhout, citing research, discusses how sports can help women succeed academically and otherwise. Finally, she uses this as a basis to support Clinton’s 2016 campaign for the presidency of the United States. 

“From a game played by the Navajo tribe, to a game broadcasted to millions of people each weekend. Having a sport that is fast paced and filled with incredible skill, lacrosse is bound to see even more growth in the future. The PLL, college lacrosse, and social media have all impacted lacrosse and all sports forever, proving that lacrosse is the fastest growing sport in the world.”

Monaghan writes about lacrosse and how it is becoming more popular. He briefly describes its history, dating back to the Navajo tribe. It started being played as an organized sport in the 1900s and has only grown in popularity. Monaghan believes that Lacrosse is the fastest-growing sport in the world, and its popularity is much-deserved. Check out these essays about badminton.

4.   Extreme Sports by Archie Simmons

“Various news stories, movies, and other sources in the media help spread the impression of the risks and dangers of the sports. Although the public hears mostly about all the negative effects of extreme sports, there are a variety of ways to decrease one’s risk of injuries through proper precautions and practice. In saying that, there are also many benefits to extreme sports as seen in Bode Miller’s memoir, as well as interviews with other extreme sport athletes.”

Simmons gives a brief introduction to the world of extreme sports in his essay. Extreme sports require specialized gear and much preparation and has an increased risk of injury. Simmons writes that athletes continue to participate in extreme sports because they know the risks and prepare to avoid them. He cites a memoir by Bode Miller, explaining his methods and training to ski quickly and carefully. 

5. ​​ The Mental Health Awakening Has Reached the Sports World  — Now What? by Maggie Ryan

“Sports can provide community, boost physical and mental health, foster self-confidence, and serve as an escape. Sports can also be the opposite of all those things: isolating, physically and mentally debilitating, or something that athletes can come to dread. The dividing line between the two, Post says, lies in the tools and preventative care that athletes have at their disposal.”

Ryan writes about the effects of competitive sports on athletes’ mental health. Sometimes athletes are pressured into making sports the center of their lives, affecting their mental health and social life to their detriment. Ryan cites several athletes who have been open about their struggles, including Simone Biles and Jasmine Blocker. The industry must work on this issue and break the stigma around mental health. 

9 Prompts for Essays About Sports

Essays About Sports: My favorite sport

All sports enthusiasts follow one particular sport. Whether you play it or not, choose your favorite sport and briefly describe how it is played. Also, explain why it is your favorite; this should be based entirely on your opinion. 

Participating in a sport can make you stronger and healthier. In your essay, write about a few of the many physical benefits playing sports can have. This can include, muscle strengthening, cardio workout, increased stamina, and good mental health. Give examples of specific sports and the body parts they can help you strengthen, such as football increasing leg strength and increasing stamina.

Playing sports can also clear your mind and make you healthier mentally. Discuss how sports can improve your cognition and mental health, such as certain skills, values, and emotions they can promote. Ensure your argument is well-supported and provide research and statistics for a convincing essay.

In your essay, write about your stance on playing sports, specifically whether you like playing them or not. Discuss the pros and cons of playing sports, and include anecdotes of the different kinds of sports you have tried out. Conclude your essay by deciding whether you are a fan of playing sports or not.

This essay topic is simple and straightforward. Choose any two sports and give a short description of each. Organize your essay according to their similarities and differences in gameplay, physical activity required, and training. Be sure to choose sports that are not too different, and make sure they have some similarities. For example, you could compare and contrast American football with Rugby, discuss the similarities and differences for an exciting piece of writing.

Some sports are deemed “unconventional” due to a lack of physical activity or belittlement for their more art-centric practices. These include chess, thumb wrestling, and dance. Choose a more niche sport and write about its mechanics and popularity in the world today. 

Many sports force athletes to risk their lives, such as bungee jumping and paragliding. In your essay, you can write about one of these “extreme sports” and what they entail. Focus on your chosen sport’s health risks and dangers and perhaps explain why people still participate despite the risk. 

To excel in sports, one needs to have values such as commitment, courage, and teamwork. Discuss one or more of these skills and values, giving their definition and usage in sports. Be as detailed as possible for an engaging, well-supported essay.

Like everything else in the 21st century, the sports landscape is changing drastically due to the rise of esports and other developments. Research on the state of sports and sports competitions in the modern world. To you, is this a good thing? Briefly explain your stance in the essay as well. 

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Extreme sports should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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Fully explain your ideas

To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences).

For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
  • Sentence 1 - Background statement
  • Sentence 2 - Detailed background statement
  • Sentence 3 - Thesis
  • Sentence 4 - Outline sentence
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
  • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
  • Sentence 2 - Example
  • Sentence 3 - Discussion
  • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
  • Paragraph 4 - Conclusion
  • Sentence 1 - Summary
  • Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis
  • Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words.

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The New York Times

The learning network | are some extreme sports too extreme.

The Learning Network - Teaching and Learning With The New York Times

Are Some Extreme Sports Too Extreme?

‘i like being afraid’.

For some kids, the playground isn’t enough – extreme sports like snowboarding or motocross are the best ways to have fun. But are they safe?

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Extreme sports like BASE jumping and unroped climbing have acquired mass audiences and corporate sponsorships. But they are also very risky. Dozens of jumpers have died parachuting off fixed objects, including the celebrated climber Dean Potter just this month. Meanwhile, children are participating in extreme sports at ever-younger ages, looking for more heart-racing thrills and vying to win intense competitions.

When does the level of risk cross a line? Are some extreme sports too extreme?

In the magazine article “ Is It Wrong to Let Children Do Extreme Sports? ,” Jon Lackman writes:

Just off Spyglass Drive in Tehachapi, Calif., a small city about a hundred miles north of Los Angeles, a hulking steel lattice rises in the middle of a dusty landscape. The girders hold up one end of a suspended wooden road that swoops up the hillside underneath it like a smooth, caramel-colored roller coaster. The other end lies some 500 feet away, its top nine stories above its lowest dip. One afternoon in April 2012, several boys and a man climbed into a camouflage-patterned dune buggy and drove uphill to the ramp’s apex. There, the boys strapped on helmets and dressed themselves in kneepads, chest and spine protectors, hip pads, elbow pads and gloves. The oldest, a 13-year-old named Jett Eaton, dropped his skateboard and stepped on its tail, popping its front wheels into the air. He tipped his board over the platform’s edge, then dropped into his run. Halfway down the length of the ramp, he reached a jump and soared over a 70-foot gap. On the other side, he resumed his descent toward the far end of the ramp, which curved up suddenly and launched him 40 feet above the ground, spinning furiously, before he crashed back down onto the ramp. He was trying to complete a difficult trick known as the “nine” — attempting, in the three seconds he was airborne, to spin 900 degrees, or two and a half times, like a figure skater performing a double axel, while holding onto his board with both hands. Jett had been trying and failing to do the trick for months. After three hours — and Jett’s 13 unsuccessful attempts at the nine — Geoff Eaton said they were done. He was coaching them, and he didn’t want anyone skating while tired. He had driven his two oldest sons, Jett and Jagger, who was 11, seven hours from Mesa, Ariz., that day to skate here, on one of only two permanent MegaRamps in existence. The kids gathered at the bottom, tossing a football, sharing snacks and laughs. Jett, however, unbeknownst to the others, sneaked back up the MegaRamp to try the nine one more time. As he approached the jump over the gap, he wobbled, then slammed into the ramp. Everyone turned. “Call the copter!” Geoff yelled. Even as childhood in America seems to become more and more circumscribed in the name of safety — as schools limit recess activities and remove threatening playground equipment, as critics inveigh against parents who let their children roam without supervision — kids participate in extreme sports at ever-younger ages. What were once simple pastimes, like riding bicycles and skateboards, have evolved into thrill-seeking pursuits and intense competitions whose goals include new tricks and surpassing what’s thought to be possible. Jett Eaton was first invited to compete on the MegaRamp in the Big Air event at ESPN’s X Games when he was 13; two of the top six finishers that year were under 16. In January, a snowboarder named Chloe Kim became the Winter X Games’ youngest gold medalist, at 14. In July, Minna Stess, then 8, became the youngest girl to skate from the steepest section of the MegaRamp. The Icelandic snowboarder Benni Fridbjornsson, now 10, landed a flip when he was 7.

Students: Read the entire article, then tell us …

— Are some extreme sports too extreme? Why?

— Should each athlete be able to determine her or his own level of risk taking, even if it means that some people may die doing incredibly risky stunts?

— Do the rules change for children? Is it wrong to let kids do extreme sports? Should parents and children be able to decide what risks they are willing to take? Or should the government try to regulate safety precautions, such as requiring helmets while snowboarding and skateboarding, to prevent life-threatening injuries ?

— Is there too much “cultural celebration of sport-assisted suicide,” as Timothy Egan writes in his Op-Ed column “To Fly and Die” ? Are we encouraging more and more risky behavior through YouTube stardom, corporate sponsorships and soaring press coverage?

— Do you think athletes engaging in the most dangerous sports, like BASE jumping, are living life to the fullest or just courting death ? Is it their choice to make? Do we as a society have any responsibility to prevent, or at least try to decrease the appeal of, such extreme risk taking? Why?

Students 13 and older are invited to comment below. Please use only your first name. For privacy policy reasons, we will not publish student comments that include a last name.

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Why Would You Choose to Do an Extreme Sport?

Giuseppe musumeci.

1 Department of Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences, Human, Histology and Movement Science Section, University of Catania, Via S. Sofia n°87, 95123 Catania, Italy; ti.tcinu@ireguamaizarg or [email protected] ; Tel.: +39-095-378-2043

2 Research Center on Motor Activities (CRAM), University of Catania, Via S. Sofia n°97, 95123 Catania, Italy

3 Department of Biology, Sbarro Institute for Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine, College of Science and Technology, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122, USA

Why do so many athletes keep practicing extreme sports, even though they know the danger of risking their lives? Why is our body addicted to these strong emotions? I will try to address these questions in this short editorial.

The thrills given by extreme sports attract many individuals seeking excitement. Many of these extreme sports like snowboarding, surfing, skateboarding, rock climbing, bungee jumping, skydiving, and others, allow one to feel the freedom to challenge yourself, both physically and psychologically, and to perform any type of freestyling that would be nauseating to athletes. However, almost all extreme sports have some elements that could endanger an athlete’s life in comparison to traditional sports. These sports could be defined as “extreme” due to their tendency to be dangerous if not performed carefully or with the right equipment [ 1 ]. After all, to experience the true “adrenaline kick,” these sports must be dangerous. Serious injuries are common among adrenaline junkies and many fatalities are reported every year. To give an example of this phenomenon according to the report of the United States Parachute Association, more than twenty people a year die due to parachuting alone. The effort required by these sports is great, but the supply of adrenaline and other hormones is sufficient to avoid tiredness resulting from exercise. The adrenaline rush increases the acceleration of blood flows to the muscles and brain, relaxes the muscles, and lastly helps with the conversion of glycogen into glucose in the liver. For every extreme sports athlete, this adrenaline rush is never enough since they are always seeking stronger emotions.

This kind of feeling cannot be otherwise experienced and many of these extreme sports athletes do not even consider a life without the excitement of these powerful moments. Furthermore, extreme sports have the capacity to establish a strong bond between individuals, thanks to the dangerous elements of the activity that requires a high level of trust between people. Consequently, this kind of friendship bond has a good impact on mental health [ 2 ].

The typical challenges and performances of the so-called “extreme sports” draw the attention of the spectators, growing the interest of researchers in this kind of behavior. The reasons why risk-lovers are attracted to challenges in dangerous places, or to the possibility of facing the unknown or even to the extreme conditions in which it must be lived, are strictly related to their interpretation of life, to their need of challenging life and to have complete control of the most uncertain situations [ 3 ].

These aspects need to be monitored and reworked in case of predominance of self-destructive tendencies, or when evaluating self-capacities. In this situation, the tendency to underestimate the risk could hide the overestimation of the self, or a devaluation of life caused by a non-depressive mental state that can lead to a latently desired death [ 1 ]. However, most extreme sports enthusiasts are not driven by self-destructive tendencies. One of the most important aspects of extreme sports that fascinates people is the possibility to live experiences that make you feel alive in a way out of the ordinary, that generate euphory described with expressions like “feeling in the eye of the storm” or “look I’m getting” or “feel the adrenaline rush”.

Some studies tried to explain the neuropsychological reasons that may lead some people more than others to look for “no limits” experiences. These studies found a correlation between the ability of certain activities to enhance adrenaline’s secretion, the need to take risks, and the inclination to seek extreme experiences. This chemical response is closely related to the so-called “fight or flight”, which is able to generate chills reported as “pleasant” in those who frequently seek these kinds of experience. The feeling of imminent danger elicited by these extreme sports activates the survival mechanisms in response to stress in order to face the event through neurophysiological changes broadly acknowledged by the literature [ 2 ].

However, it is possible to activate the “fight or flight” response in the average population even with activities that guarantee great safety and that allow people to deal with uncertainties or changes with respect to the usual point of reference: like the small challenges to daily habits of some game at the funfair that are able to elicit a pleasant, and safe, euphory. Emotional experiences on daily life have also been related to the release of neuromediators, which is physiologically activated in several situations faced by the individuals.

In these scenarios, the organism produces a large amount of dopamine which is known to elicit the sensation of pleasure similar to those experienced with alcohol, drugs, or sexual intercourse. Therefore, this explains (along with the presence of adrenaline) the frequent propensity to uncontrollably smile or scream while living those experiences. The common attraction towards these situations has also been studied in relation to a gene mutation that could cause a lower presence of dopamine receptors. This mutation has been found in many people who express attraction to extreme sports; therefore, it was considered among the possible physiological reasons that can explain the tendency to experiment with extreme activities, since the latter would be able to induce the overproduction of dopamine in order to obtain those physiological effects which are physiologically achieved at a lower level of stimulation in people with, otherwise, a greater number of dopaminergic receptors [ 4 ].

Many other studies on the typical personality of extreme sports enthusiasts spotted in these people the propensity to seek strong emotions, and this has led to the definition of “sensation seekers”, a psychological aspect very common between paratroopers, free climbers, and other athletes practicing extreme sports or showing addiction to exercise [ 5 ]. In a similar context, it is possible to place the psychological studies that have compared the differences between common people and “sensation seekers”. Sensation seekers are characterized by a need to try the extreme, in search of thrills, even though it implies doing dangerous sports.

These kinds of people avoid trivial experiences because they need high-emotional situations (like drug addicts), developing a sort of “shivering tolerance”, forcing them to seek higher doses of emotion every time to reach the same sensation as before. When this occurs, they get used to the same extreme challenge and start looking for a more intense one, to feel the thrill again, risking death just as might happen in drug addiction. In these situations, the need to seek the thrill is combined with a system of values or criminal behaviour tendencies, fuelled by an altered evaluation of life: the result is the pursuit of one’s passion, putting in danger himself and other lives [ 2 ].

There are various reasons why it would be interesting to tackle the challenge of extreme sports, but before venturing into them, it is necessary to consider and reflect on the above-discussed arguments. Furthermore, people who want to undertake these sports should be careful about their own and others’ physical integrity, because sport should simply improve the psychophysical abilities of the person and not the other way around.

This work was funded by the University Research Project Grant (PIACERI Found–NATURE-OA–2020–2022), Department of Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences (BIOME-TEC), University of Catania, Italy.

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The author declare no conflict of interest.

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Essay about opinions on extreme sports

Discuss both views and give your own opinion..

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15172   Jul 3, 2021   #2 The prompt paraphrase reflects only one of 2 stated opinions. The writer, having written over 300 words still responded to the essay prompt in a format only partially related to the discussion. The TA score will definitely be a failing one due to the paraphrase and discussion response being format non- compliant. The rest of the discussion shall receive a non-passing score as well as the overall discussion does not reflect the " discuss both points of view " part, just the personal opinion section. The essay will recieve only a partial score for that. The length of the essay does not prove useful due to the prompt deviation in this case. There is no sense in over-ariting when the written text doesn't meet the prompt requirements. The writer failed to compare the validity of his text with the original presentation topic and instructions.

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extreme sport opinion essay

PTE You will have 20 minutes to plan, write and revise an essay about the topic below. Your response will be judged on how well you develop a position, organize your ideas, present supporting details, and control the elements of standard written English. You should write 200-300 words.

In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of extreme or adventure sports?

PTE #98 - Extreme Sports

Post your answer:, comments and answers, pte premium template, pte essay scoring criteria.

Time allowed: 20mins per question

Number of items: 1-2

Communicative skills scored: Writing

3 Adequately deals with the prompt

2 Deals with the prompt but does not deal with one minor aspect

1 Deals with the prompt but omits a major aspect or more than one minor aspect

0 Does not deal properly with the prompt

2 Length is between 200 and 300 words

1 Length is between 120 and 199 or between 301 and 380 words

0 Length is less than 120 or more than 380 words. Essay is written in capital letters, contains no punctuation or only consists of bullet points or very short sentences

Development, structure and coherence:

2 Shows good development and logical structure

1 Is incidentally less well structured, and some elements or paragraphs are poorly linked

0 Lacks coherence and mainly consists of lists or loose elements

2 Shows consistent grammatical control of complex language. Errors are rare and difficult to spot.

1 Shows a relatively high degree of grammatical control. No mistakes which would lead to misunderstandings

0 Contains mainly simple structures and/or several basic mistakes

PTE Essay Writing: Master This Critical Writing Task

The PTE Essay task is a crucial component of the PTE Academic writing section. This guide will help you understand and excel in this challenging yet important part of the test.

Understanding the PTE Essay Task

In the PTE Essay task, you'll be given a prompt and asked to write an essay of 200-300 words within 20 minutes. This tests your ability to organize your thoughts, express your opinions, and write clearly and coherently in English.

Key Features of PTE Essay:

  • 20 minutes to write
  • 200-300 word limit
  • Tests writing skills and critical thinking
  • Various topics: social issues, technology, education, etc.
  • Contributes significantly to your overall writing score

Strategies for Success in PTE Essay

Improving your performance in the PTE Essay task can significantly boost your PTE score. Here are some effective strategies:

  • Use our Premium Template. This structured approach ensures you cover all necessary points efficiently and effectively.
  • Analyze the prompt carefully
  • Plan your essay structure quickly
  • Use clear topic sentences and transitions
  • Support your arguments with examples
  • Proofread your essay if time allows

The PTE King Strategy: Stick to the Template

Follow the PTE King website Premium Template religiously. This template is designed to help you write a well-structured, coherent essay regardless of the topic. By memorizing and practicing this template, you can significantly reduce the time spent on planning and focus more on content development.

Essential Tips for PTE Essay

NEVER leave the essay unfinished. ALWAYS aim to write at least 200 words. If you're struggling with ideas, focus on elaborating your existing points. Remember, a complete essay with minor errors is better than an incomplete one.

Common Challenges in PTE Essay

Many test-takers struggle with certain aspects of this task. Being aware of these challenges can help you prepare more effectively:

  • Time management
  • Generating ideas quickly
  • Staying within the word limit
  • Maintaining coherence and cohesion
  • Using varied vocabulary and complex sentence structures

How to Practice PTE Essay Effectively

Regular, focused practice is key to mastering the Essay task. Here are some tips to make your practice sessions more productive:

  • Practice writing essays on various topics
  • Time yourself to get comfortable with the 20-minute limit
  • Use a word counter to ensure you're hitting the 200-300 word range
  • Get feedback on your essays from tutors or study partners
  • Read sample high-scoring essays to understand the expected quality
  • Memorize and practice the PTE King template until it becomes second nature

Scoring Criteria for PTE Essay

Understanding how the Essay is scored can help you focus your efforts. The PTE scoring system considers:

  • Structure and coherence
  • Vocabulary range
  • Grammar accuracy
  • General linguistic range

Conclusion: Mastering PTE Essay Writing for PTE Success

The PTE Essay task is a crucial component of the PTE writing test. By understanding the task requirements, implementing effective strategies like the PTE King method, and practicing regularly, you can improve your performance and boost your overall PTE score. Remember, sticking to a well-practiced template can save you time and ensure a well-structured PTE essay. Consistent practice, a structured approach, and attention to all scoring criteria are the keys to mastering Essay Writing in PTE.


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  23. Essay: #98

    Essay: #98 - Extreme Sports | PTE King. You will have 20 minutes to plan, write and revise an essay about the topic below. Your response will be judged on how well you develop a position, organize your ideas, present supporting details, and control the elements of standard written English. You should write 200-300 words.