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The Comprehensive Guide to Information Technology in a Global Society (IB)

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Step into the dynamic realm of Information Technology in a Global Society (ITGS), where innovation, connectivity, and ethical considerations converge. The ITGS IB exam beckons, inviting you to explore the multifaceted world of technology and its impact on individuals, communities, and the global society. Join Admit Hero as we unveil the strategies and insights that will empower you to conquer the ITGS exam and navigate the digital landscape with confidence.

Frequently Asked Questions about the ITGS IB Exam:

Q: What is the ITGS IB exam? A: The ITGS IB exam is an assessment that evaluates students' knowledge and understanding of the social, economic, and ethical implications of information technology in a global context. It is a crucial component of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme, designed to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and digital literacy skills.

Q: How is the exam structured? A: The exam comprises three components: Paper 1 (Case Study), Paper 2 (Short Response Paper), and the Internal Assessment. Paper 1 focuses on analyzing a real-world case study, Paper 2 assesses students' ability to answer short response questions related to ITGS concepts, and the Internal Assessment involves an independent research project.

Strategies to Excel in the ITGS IB Exam:

  • Understand the ITGS Triangle:
  • Familiarize yourself with the ITGS Triangle, which consists of social and ethical considerations, stakeholder perspectives, and IT solutions.
  • Develop a holistic understanding of how these elements intersect and influence one another.
  • Analyze Real-World Case Studies:
  • Practice analyzing and critically evaluating real-world case studies related to information technology and its impact on individuals, businesses, and society.
  • Identify the key stakeholders, ethical dilemmas, and potential IT solutions within each case study.
  • Stay Abreast of Technological Advancements:
  • Stay updated on the latest technological advancements, trends, and emerging issues in the field of information technology.
  • Understand how innovations such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, big data, and social media impact various aspects of society.
  • Enhance Your Research and Communication Skills:
  • Develop strong research skills to gather relevant information, data, and sources to support your arguments and analyses.
  • Practice effective communication of ITGS concepts, using clear and concise language and appropriate referencing.

Question to Engage the Reader: "How can information technology be leveraged to address global challenges such as climate change, poverty, or healthcare accessibility? Share your innovative ideas in the comments below!"

Explanation of the ITGS Exam:

  • Explain the key components and assessment criteria of each paper, emphasizing the importance of critical analysis, understanding stakeholder perspectives, and ethical considerations.
  • Discuss the role of the Internal Assessment and the opportunity it provides to explore a self-selected ITGS topic in-depth.

With Admit Hero as your guiding light, you are equipped to conquer the ITGS exam and harness the transformative power of technology. By understanding the ITGS Triangle, analyzing real-world case studies, staying informed about technological advancements, and honing your research and communication skills, you'll navigate the ITGS landscape with confidence and insight. Embrace the opportunities and challenges of the digital era, contribute to a global society, and embark on your journey to conquer the ITGS IB exam. Best of luck on your path to technological mastery!

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Monday, october 24, 2022, case study 2023 : return to physical stores technologies (sample questions).

  Case Study  The return of the physical retail store

Sample Identify Case Study Questions

  • Define augmented reality (AR) (2 mks)
  • How are customer service robots used? 2mks
  • What is smart shelving? 2mks
  • What is technological determinism? 2mks
  • What is technological skepticism? 2mks
  • What is a companion app? 2mks
  • What is a customer robot? 2 mks

Describe Questions Case Study Questions

  • Describe how   augmented reality mirror can used by retail stores . (4 mks)
  • Describe  TWO benefits of  using smart shelves. 4mks
  • Describe how RFID works as used in retail stores. 4mks
  • Describe  TWO  benefits of  using a Stock inventory system. 4mks
  • Describe how RFID is integrated with a stock management system in a supermarket. 4mks

“MCA Sports is considering using digital technologies in their physical stores to enhance the customer experience and future-proof their business.”  Describe  ONE  technology that will enhance customer experience in the MCA store. (4 mks)

Explain Questions Case Study Questions

  • "New in-store technologies will integrate with the existing radio frequency identification (RFID)stock management system" . Explain  TWO  reasons why this is important. (4 mks)
  • "Collection of increased quantities of data about customer behaviours and stock inventory will  lead to an enhanced customer experience" while using some of these technologies.  Explain  THREE  concerns of increased collection of data about customer behaviour. (6mks)
  • "Collection of increased quantities of customer data will meet the data protection requirements for the company."  Explain  THREE  concerns of collecting customer data. (6mks)
  • Explain possible solutions if these in-store-technologies are too complicated to Use for the average consumer? (6mks)

Explain THREE benefits of RFID to the shop owners/managers?  (6mks)

  • "Madeleine anticipates that, once customers are in the flagship store, these technologies will lead  to an increase in sales". (lines 50-51)
  • "Customer service robots will be able to provide an equivalent or better level of service than the  customers are already receiving"

“There has been a significant increase in the number of customers who shop online.” 

Your response to next must include evidence of independent research linked to the  The return of the physical retail store
  •   "Loic is concerned that the four new technologies will lead to the collection of more personal data  from customers ( Lines 55)
  • "The return of the physical stores technologies are NOT beneficial to retail stores in developing countries." 

"Some retailers think that upgrading their physical stores is a better way of creating an engaging experience so that their customers can be immersed in their brand culture". 

A new mall in Mombasa wants to implement smart carts and smart shelves to make inventory as well as customer experience better. 

The following are some of the resources you can study for ITGS Case study of 2023

1. 5  Smart Store Technologies Transforming Retail Experiences


2.  https://www.annexcloud.com/blog/9-examples-innovative-in-store-technology/

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Itgs case study document for may 2023.

 Find below the Case Study Document for May 2023

Case Study May 2023 The return of the physical retail store

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Sample itgs case study questions for social media in our lives..


  • Define FOMO (2 mks)
  • How are influencers selected online? 2mks
  • What is Ubiquitous Computing? 2mks
  • What is the key different between Filter bubble and echo chambers? 2mks
  • What is the different between active and passive digital footprint? 2mks
  • What is single sign on social media platforms? 2mks
  • Define algorithmic social media bias with example.2mks
  • What are some examples of social media behavioural and profile data? 2mks
  • Define Net Neutrality. 2mks
  • Describe ONE way of Digital detox that users can implement. (4 mks)
  • Describe ONE example of Net Neutrality. 4mks
  • Describe TWO ways that behavioral data can be used by social media system. 4mks
  • Describe TWO ways in which Algorithmic bias can be managed by social media developers. 4 mks
  • Describe how a single sign on features works. 4mks
  • Describe FOUR steps to follow in setting up your privacy in any of your social media accounts. 4mks
  • The application of filter bubbles features within social media platforms limits the acquisitions of knowledge in learning institution. Explain TWO reasons why that is so. (4 mks)
  • Social media are avenue for data monetization. Explain THREE challenges of data monetization within social media platforms. (6mks)
  • Explain why net neutrality is important (6 mks)
  • Digital technologies developments have increased the use of social media platforms. Explain any THREE technologies developments that have had the greatest in the use of social media platforms (6 mks) 
  • The evolution of digital technologies and the increasing use of social media has created many opportunities and challenges on individual, organizational, community and global levels (lines 49-50)
  • Social media platforms can be said to have improved the equality of access to, and within, digital spaces.
  • The underlying technology involved with social media is usually, and intentionally, not apparent to the user other than the devices that connect to the internet (Line 70).
Your response to next must include evidence of independent research linked to the Our Social Media Live
  • The underlying technology involved with social media is usually, and intentionally, not apparent to the user other than the devices that connect to the internet ( Lines 70 -71)
  • During the COVID pandemic period. social media played a pivotal role in the lives of many. 
To what extent did social media apps impact on the health and wellbeing of individuals? (Support your answers with examples from research)  (12 mks)
  • The future of main stream news companies like CNN & BBC is becoming dimmer with the growth of social media trending and real time news.
Evaluate the different techniques applied with social media solutions that increases the uptake of the social media content. (Provide real examples of the techniques employed) (12 mks)
  • Governments, citizens and social media companies will need to address issues like privacy and data sharing (Line 65)
  • Social media companies’ use customer data for marketing purposes (Line 64).
  • Both producers and consumers of social media will need to adhere and use ethical practices in both the development and consumption of social media content (Line 63).
  • To what extent have law & order enforcement agencies used social media apps for safety and security of it's citizens? (12 mks)

     Resources for answering the above

          -  https://zahiraccounting.com/en-my/32618-ethics-in-using-social-media-is-it-necessary.html

          -  https://www.trtworld.com/perspectives/can-social-media-ever-be-ethical-43161

          -  https://www.forbes.com/sites/robdube/2021/01/14/why-ethics-matter-for-social-media-silicon-valley-and-every-tech-industry-leader/?sh=54aeb38e16f2


  • Evaluate the threats associated with the use of social media (12 mks)

  News Articles

Social media damages teenagers' mental health, report says https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-55826238

Wednesday, september 15, 2021, itgs social media case study 2022.

 Social Media Case Study Resource

1. Social Network Usage & Growth Statistics: How Many People Use Social Media in 2021?


2.  13 Types Of Social Media You Should Be Using In 2021


Thursday, August 12, 2021

Itgs case study document 2022: our social media lives.

 Below is the link to the ITGS Case Study document for 2022


Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Itgs facetoface case study revision questions.

 1. Describe any FIVE technologies that make facial recognition possible  https://www.thalesgroup.com/en/markets/digital-identity-and-security/government/inspired/history-of-facial-recognition

2. FaceToFace Company would like to improve their facial recognition systems in future to have some features found in FRP Thales Facial Recognition System. 

Discuss some of the features in FRP Thales Facial recognition system that you would recommend to FaceToFace.

Refer to the video & link below;


3. Any introduction of a new ICT system like Facial Recognition System can have impacts on the behaviour of individuals, organizations and societies.

To what extent have facial recognition systems been used to influence behaviour? Support your answers with evidence from research.



4. Evaluate any 4 future trends of facial Recognition systems.


 5. Describes the different ways that facial recognition systems can be fooled

6. Explain why some cities are banning the use of facial recognition technology

7. Evaluate the impact of using PayByFace biometric facial recognition payment system to Tucano Coffee shops in Bucharest in Romania.



9. In line 79, “ While Mike was developing the new facial recognition application and integrating it into SEACS, the team realized there were a number of ethical issues that needed to be addressed. ”

Evaluate some of these ethical concerns that should be considered in the development and the integration of  Facetoface  facial recognition system into SEACS. Support your answers with evidence from your research.     [8 marks]

10.    "Sandra is concerned that the introduction of facial recognition systems could lead to changes in the way people behave when they are aware they are being watched." Line 98.  To what extent have facial recognition systems be used to influence shopping or buying behaviour?

  (12 marks) ( Support your answers with real evidence from research) 

Supporting resources




11.  Evaluate the impact Facial Recognition systems use in. (Examine the opportunities (benefits) and the challenges of facial recognition in these markets. (12 marks)

a) Airports









Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Case study resources.








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Terminology – Getting ITGS Right

Terminology – Getting ITGS Right

It is not possible to communicate ITGS unless an appropriate range of ITGS terminology has been developed.  This does not only mean for use in class discussions, but equally important for writing both documentation for ITGS Projects and responding to questions on ITGS examinations. Not all terminology that a student many need is explicitly stated, but most be acquired in context over the two years of studying ITGS.

What is ITGS terminology? This refers to the words and phrases related to both to IT technologies and their use and also to social and ethical considerations relating to ITGS. Essentially, all terminology referring to the ITGS Triangle.

As a first level to acquiring the required ITGS for examinations, students must understand all of the terminology that appears in:

  •   ITGS Guide (updated January 2016)
  • ITGS Case Study 2017: Wearable Technology – Kita Health Tech (KHT)

In fact, this point is emphasized by a separate section in the Case Study pointing out Key terms associated with Wearable Technology – Kita Health Tech (KHT). Several years ago there was some confusion about this list when the students were asked to define ‘cookie’ and it had not appeared on the list of key terms at the end of that case study. The point is – words that are included in the ITGS Guide are NOT repeated in the Key terms list in the Case Study. However, they may appear in the questions on the Paper 3 examination.

However, simply knowing the required terminology is only a starting point for understanding what is required and writing good Project documentation and appropriate responses on examinations.

Where do we go from here?

Students need to develop their ITGS vocabulary and awareness from specific scenarios, news articles and technologies that they use in class and encounter outside of class. Students who have not made an effort to learn correct terminology tend to write in their Project Requirement Specifications photoshop instead of identifying the specific application that they used i.e. Adobe Photoshop CC . This may seem tedious, but products do have a proper name, especially when writing about technical requirements. On examinations, weak ITGS students tend to write thing or something instead of the specific IT name/word for an object, application or action.

The original ITGS Guide was released in 2010 for first examination in 2012. Since 2010 there has been a evolution in new technologies and terminology. Whenever a new terminology is needed on examinations that did not appear in the Guide, it is defined within the question.

The new case studies published each each year address new scenarios not in the ITGS Guide. When conducting secondary and primary research for the Case Study, new terminology and concepts also must be noted so they can be used in writing responses to Paper 3. This vocabulary can be collaboratively collected and shared in a class wiki, website or cloud service such as Google Drive.

It is also important that key terminology from ITGS sources are noted in class in addition to those that a student may encounter on their own from media or first-hand experiences. Both Paper 1 and Paper 2 address contemporary situations. It is only possible to write knowledgeable responses if students have a range of scenarios to use as examples and have an understanding of the appropriate ITGS terminology.

itgs case study 2022


One strategy for developing and recalling vocabulary is to note vocabulary closely related to the context in which is was learned. For example, when reading a news article, new phrases can be highlighted and also listed at the end of the article so that they remain in close proximity to the original context. The scenario can also be summarized according to key facts and the 4 questions used for Paper 2. This way students have a useful set of notes for preparing for ITGS Paper 1 and Paper 2.

Developing effective communication skills is one of the main 5 areas included in Approaches to Learning (ATL). Using strategies to acquire appropriate ITGS terminology contributes to this skill.

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