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Home Article 6 SEPTEMBER 1965: A TALE OF VALOR AND SACRIFICE | By SufianQazi


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September 6 th is celebrated every year to pay tribute to the martyrs who sacrificed their lives while defending the country during 1965 Indo-Pakistan War.

On this historic day, the people of Pakistan stood united against the onslaught of an enemy that cowardly chose the shadows of darkness to dent Pakistan’s territorial integrity and freedom of its people.

It is imperative to recount the achievements of our brave soldiers so our youth may not fall prey to propaganda of detractors of Pakistan.

With the backing of nation, the coordinated response of the Armed Forces of Pakistan ruined the Indian dreams of celebrating victory in Lahore. Pakistani Forces, despite relative small numbers and limited resources, routed the invading Indian forces in air, land and sea.

On the night of 6 th September 1965, the Indian Army crossed the international border and attacked Lahore sector.

The plan was to take over Lahore swiftly as a part of blitzkrieg strategy and get the upper hand in Indo-Pakistan conflict which sparked over the Indian-occupied Kashmir region.However, the Pakistan Army units defending on the ground, supported by the Pakistan Air Force were able to blunt the Indian offensive and roll it back. Major Raja Aziz BhattiShaheed (Nishan-e-Haider) showed an unparalleled courage and gallantry.

On 6 September 1965, as a Company Commander in Burki area of Lahore sector, Major Aziz Bhatti chose to stay with his forward platoon, facing armour division attack under incessant artillery shelling for five days and nights in the defence of the strategic BRB Canal.

Throughout, undaunted by constant fire from enemy small arms, tanks and artillery shelling, he organized the defence of the canal, directing his men to respond until he was hit by a tank shell and embraced martyrdom on 10 September 1965.

Two days later on 8th September, India launched its main attack against Sialkot using its armoured division and other strike formations.

What ensued has been described as the largest tank battle since the Second World War. It was a hard and bitter struggle fought over many days and nights, resulting in casualties on both sides. In the end the Indian main attack was held and severely mauled.

Its armoured division was forced to withdraw owing to very high losses in men and material. In response, Pakistan launched its own counter attack in South of Lahore sector and captured Indian areas of Khem Karan and beyond.

In air, Pakistan Air Force (PAF) had also proved its mettle by continuous air attacks from Pathankot to Agra; for the loss of only 06 aircraft, PAF had destroyed 50 enemy aircraft on ground and in the air, and damaged 08, not counting the undermined losses inflicted by PAF’s night bombing.

The PAF pilot Muhammad MehmoodAlam made history by shooting down five Indian planes in less than a minute; his record still remained unbroken. Commonly known as “Little Dragon”, Alamreceived the Sitar-e-Jurat twice for his outstanding flying abilities and valor in air warfar.

On naval front, despite numerically less in size Pakistan Navy (PN) conducted a number of operations for creating strategic deterrence and offering a befitting response to Indian Navy.

The prowess exhibited by PN ensured that Pakistani waters and sea lanes remain operational for ships coming to Pakistani ports. Pakistan Navy had played its part by launching a successful ‘Operation Dwarka’, vehemently destroyed the Indian Radar system which was guiding Indian Air Force to launch attacks against Pakistan.

The core objective of ‘Dwarka’ was multi-fold in effect as it was not only aimed at destruction of the radar but to provoke Indian warships stationed at erstwhile Bombay (now Mumbai) port to come to the Arabian Sea where Pakistani submarine “Ghazi” was prowling and waiting to engage enemy’s ships namely INS Vikrant and INS Mysore to dock out and get destroyed.

This maneuver had adversely affected the Indian Navy’s operational capability .Operation Dwarka was launched on 8th September and the bombardment on identified targets was completed in merely four minutes.

Far away from home, Pakistan was equally fighting another war on the diplomatic front. The US had suspended military supplies to both sides during the Indo-Pak War.

Both the Soviet Union and the United States took a united stand to curtail the conflict within the boundaries of the sub-continent from escalating into a global conflict.

China threatened to intervene and offered military support to Pakistan. It was to keep China away from this conflict that both the Soviet Union and the United States pressured the UN to arrange for an immediate ceasefire.

The main diplomatic effort to stop the fighting was conducted under the auspices of the United Nations and a ceasefire came into   effect on September 23, 1965. The war ended, both armies went back to pre-1965 war positions, but the tale of valor and sacrifice written by Pakistan Armed Forces became immortal.

To conclude, Pakistan Defence Day is a day to pledge that Pakistani nation will never compromise its freedom and sovereignty.

This day reminds us that Pakistan Armed Forces are ready to defend their motherland no matter what may come.

To date, our forces have remained committed to protect Pakistan, be it the territorial sovereignty or war on terror, earthquakes or floods, pandemics or aiding civilian governments to maintain law and order. People of Pakistan pay tribute to martyrs who bled to protect our future, keeping the idea& state of Pakistan alive and thriving.

SufianQazi is Islamabad-based independent researcher.

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Pakistan’s Defence Day: A Tale of Courage and Heroism

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In the hardest of times, living nations emerge stronger and more resilient. When the enemy threatened our survival in the 1965 war, the Pakistani people stood steadfast and resolute. To this date, every year on September 6th, Pakistan celebrates Defence Day to honour Pakistan’s successful defence against India, which marked the end of the 1965 war.  

The entire world has watched the Pakistani nation’s devotion and tremendous sacrifices in standing firm with its military forces during difficult times. So, on this day, the entire nation honours the Ghazis and Shuhada who fulfilled their responsibilities to defend the motherland.   

In addition, the Pakistani armed forces personified the spirit of bravery and selfless sacrifice in defending the country’s territorial boundaries. Thus, we pay homage to the valiant Shuhada who gave their precious lives in order to defend their country.   

Table of Contents

What Happened on September 6, 1965?  

On September 6, 1965, the Indian army crossed Pakistan’s international borders without a formal declaration of war.  They targeted Lahore, Sialkot, and the desert areas of Sindh. The war lasted until September 22, 1965, when both sides agreed to a UN-supervised cease-fire.  

The Lahore Offensive   

The Indians crossed the international boundary of West Pakistan at 3 a.m. on September 6, 1965, and launched a three-pronged onslaught against Lahore. On the Punjabi plains, there was a fierce tank battle. The domestic Indo-Pak dispute escalated into an international conflict, raising concerns among superpowers.  

This action by India was a clear violation of international law, the United Nations Charter, and principles of civilized behaviour among countries. In its arrogant aim to conquer the region, India tossed aside its international commitments.   

The Indian invasion of Lahore was repulsed, and the invaders suffered terrible losses. With the assistance of the Pakistan Air Force, the Pakistan Army’s ground defence troops were able to delay and then repel the Indian attack.  

The Sialkot Invasion

On September 8, exactly two days after the Lahore attack, India launched its main attack against Sialkot, employing its armoured division and other strike formations. The largest tank battles since World War II took place during this seventeen-day conflict.   

India suffered from major casualties in this war. Pakistan repelled an invasion of its territory by an enemy four times its size, and the entire nation rose to the occasion with strong resolve.   

Every kid, man, and woman contributed to the war effort, whether it was to raise funds, train as civilian guards, or work as nurses in hospitals.  

How Did the War Come to an End?  

The United Nations led the main diplomatic effort to end the conflict, and a truce was declared on September 23, 1965. The events that took place are as follows:  

  • During the Indo-Pak War, the United States stopped military supplies to both sides.   
  • The Soviet Union and the United States established a united stance to prevent the war within the subcontinent from escalating into global warfare.  
  • China threatened to interfere and promised Pakistan military assistance.   
  • Both the Soviet Union and the United States pressured the United Nations to negotiate a rapid ceasefire in order to keep China out of this conflict.  

The Soviet Union, which had remained neutral during India’s and Pakistan’s conflict, then acted as a mediator in Tashkent. On December 8, a Soviet government communiqué formally stated that Indian Prime Minister Shastri and Pakistani President Ayyub Khan would meet in Tashkent on January 4, 1966.   

The USSR’s efforts at mediation led to the conclusion of the war, and a peace treaty was signed in Tashkent.  

The Martyrs of the 1965 War

So many people have lost their lives fighting for our country in this war. However, 11 of the soldiers showed extraordinary heroism and were awarded the Nishan-e-Haider. Major Aziz Bhatti won the highest Nishan-e-Haider award for his exceptional role in defending the Bedian region of Lahore in 1965.   

How is Defence Day Celebrated in Pakistan?  

Every year, Pakistan celebrates this day and pays tribute to the Shuhada with great zeal and zest. The multiple ways we honour the sacrifices of our brave heroes are as follows:  

‘Change of Guards’ Ceremony

The ‘change of guards’ ritual occurs every 6th of September at Mizar-e-Qaid and Iqbal’s mausoleum. The new cadets of the Pakistani Army replace their comrades on guard duty.   

The Pakistan Army displays its heaviest weaponry, including tanks, missiles, and aircraft, each year as part of the celebrations on Defence Day. The parades and air shows occur across many cities in Pakistan.   

In addition to attending the parades in person, you should watch the Defence Day events in Pakistan live from the comfort of your own home. All major news channels are broadcasting live coverage of the events. To maintain the spirit of sacrifice and patriotism, special documentaries featuring officers who are either active-duty or retired are broadcast.   

Pakistan: A More Powerful Nation after the 1965 War

Pakistan emerged from the September 1965 war with India as a strong and self-assured country, proud of itself and its military capabilities. We stood as one nation.   

With the assistance of the government, Pakistan’s Armed Forces repulsed India’s naked aggression across the international border. We forced them to accept a truce, return to the negotiating table, and quit each other’s territory. It was certainly the greatest hour of glory, and a day to remember for future generations of civilians and soldiers.

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6th September Defence Day

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6th September Defence day is one of the most important events in the history of Pakistan. Defence day is celebrated every year in memory of the sacrifices made by the Pakistani armed forces in the war of 1965. Indian army crossed the Pakistani borders without a formal declaration of war. This is the day when Pakistanis pay tribute to heroes, Ghazis and Shuhada who sacrificed their lives in order to defend our homeland.

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Background of the war: 

Since the British India partition, Pakistan and India had disputes over various issues. Kashmir issue remained unresolved and both countries have fought previously. In April 1965 the Indian armed forces intruded into Pakistani area Rann of Kutch. Pakistani soldiers ejected Indian armed forces and proposed ceasefire which Indian army accepted.

Events that happened on 6th September: 

On 6th September 1965 at around 3 AM the Indian army crossed the Pakistani border of West Pakistan without a warning of war and attacked Lahore, Kasur, Sialkot and Rajasthan. There was a fierce tank battle on the Punjab plains.

 Our soldiers fought bravely and sacrificed their lives to save our beloved country. The Indo- Pak war became an international war. United Nations had to intervene and eventually a ceasefire came into effect on 23rd September 1965.

 Martyrs of Defence day 6th September 1965:

 Pakistani armed forces fought with gallantry and courage but many soldiers had to sacrifice their lives to defend the country from its enemy i.e. India. In defending the Lahore bedian region Major Raja Aziz Bhatti was martyred. He was awarded Nishan e Haider military award for his extraordinary role. He is among a handful of other fierce military personnel who have been martyred and in other battles and wars given the same honour. Major Raja Aziz Bhatti and other Martyrs gave the greatest sacrifices in Pakistan’s defence. The list of other martyrs are shown below:

  • Captain Muhammad Sarwar Shaheed
  • Naik Saif Ali Janjua Shaheed
  • Major Tufail Muhammad Shaheed
  • Pilot Officer Rashid Minhas Shaheed
  • Major Shabbir Sharif Shaheed
  • Captain Muhammad Sarwar Muhammad Hussain Shaheed
  • Major Muhammad Akram Shaheed
  • Lance Naik Muhammad Mahfuz Shaheed
  • Captain Karnal Sher Khan Shaheed
  • Havildar Lalak Jan Shaheed

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Defence Day: A Promise of Proud and Strong Nation:

This is the day when Pakistanis renew their pledge that they are a strong, powerful, proud country and no foreign power no matter how strong it is can destroy the peace of the state. Our army is the sign of all that and much more. Our troops represent great nation’s fighting spirit, courage and intelligence.

Defence day Celebrations today:

A number of military parades and activities are arranged on 6th September throughout the nation. The latest innovations and modern tactics are seen in military parades. Also, on this day testlaunches of newly designed weapons occur. 

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The Pakistani armed forces show their latest missiles, guns, tanks, aircrafts and helicopters. The main purpose is to highlight military strength of the armed forces. TV channels and social media play an important part in promoting these activities on this day. Through media everyone watches the function live. Special documentaries on for example, the soldiers that were martyred on 6th September 1965 and National songs are on aired on TV channels. This boosts patriotism in the people of Pakistan. 

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The Child Martyrs of Pakistan

By Mira Sethi

  • Dec. 16, 2015

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LAHORE, Pakistan — A FEW days after the Pakistani Taliban gunned down 14-year-old Muhammad Shaheer Khan, along with at least 144 others, at the Army Public School in Peshawar last year, his mother received the black gloves he had worn to school that day.

“It was cold,” she told me, about the last morning she had seen him.

It was cold, too, on the night we met, earlier this week. We were sitting on the roof of the home of a couple, Mr. and Mrs. Aurangzeb, whose son was also massacred.

Mr. Aurangzeb has created an open-air room on his rooftop that functions as a shrine to his son and a gathering place for other mourning parents, who meet there twice a week. A poster of the photos of the murdered, mostly schoolchildren, runs the length of one wall. Green banners inscribed with Quranic verses hang on another.

It was two days before Dec. 16, the anniversary of the massacre, and six couples — bundled in overcoats, woolen scarves covering their mouths — had assembled.

When she received the black gloves, Muhammad Shaheer’s mother said, she asked her maid to wash them. “Suddenly, the maid cried, ‘There is blood in these!’ so I rushed to see. Blood was leaking from inside the gloves. I told the maid to get aside,” she said. “I will wash the gloves myself. This is my child’s blood, my own blood.” She touched her stomach. “You see, when my child was shot, he must have put his hand on his stomach to ease the pain.”

The other mothers mechanically wiped away tears.

“So I washed them myself, and the whole tub was filled with blood,” she said. “Then I took the bloodied water and watered my plants with it. It is my blood, so it will stay in my home.”

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'Youm-e-Takreem Shuhada’: Nation pays tribute to martyrs

Gen asim munir attended the ceremony as chief guest; former coas qamar bajwa also attended.

COAS General Asim Munir pays respect to martyrs on Martyrs Reverence Day at General Headquarters (GHQ), Rawalpindi on May 25, 2023. — Youtube/GeoNews

To remember and pay rich tribute to the martyrs who laid their lives while defending the motherland and its people, the country on Thursday observed Youm-e-Takreem Shuhada-e-Pakistan (Martyrs Reverence Day).

The main ceremony was held at the General Headquarters (GHQ), Rawalpindi; however, numerous events — including commemorative ceremonies at the martyrs' memorials and Quran recitation and prayers — have been organised across the country.

The gatherings aimed to serve as a platform for the nation to honour the courageous heroes and their indomitable spirit and unwavering dedication. Martyrs of the Pakistan Army, Rangers, Frontier Corps, Frontier Constabulary and other law enforcement agencies will be remembered.

Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Asim Munir was the chief guest at the GHQ ceremony, which was also attended by military officials and civil society members. 

Former army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa, Pakistan skipper Babar Azam, Mufti Muneebur Rehman and Maulana Syed Muhammad Abdul Khabir Azad were also present on the occasion.

COAS promises to stand with children of martyrs

After the ceremony, the army chief met the school students and children of martyrs present on the occasion. He said that Pakistan Army was the heir of all children of martyrs. Thanks to the eternal sacrifices of the martyrs, the army's relationship with them was ideal and eternal, he added.

He pledged on behalf of the armed forces that the army would stand on their side always.

President Alvi, PM Shehbaz express pride over martyrs' valiance

President Dr Arif Alvi, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and the services chiefs have in their messages on the occasion of Yaum-e-Takreem-e-Shuhada-e-Pakistan have paid rich tributes to the martyrs, who rendered ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty for ensuring integrity, sovereignty and honour of the nation and the motherland.

In his message on the occasion, President Alvi said that the entire nation was proud of its valiant martyrs who displayed the spirit of patriotism and fearlessness in testing times throughout history.

“The nation owes to the heroism and sacrifices offered by the jawans (soldiers) and officers of our armed forces, including Pakistan Army, Pakistan Air Force, Pakistan Navy, rangers, police, and other security institutions that made Pakistan’s defence impregnable,” a press release issued by President Secretariat Press Wing stated.

The president acknowledged the armed forces' services for crushing the menace of terrorism and assisting fellow countrymen during natural calamities and pandemics.

“Let us pledge on this day that we will never forget our valiant martyrs and reiterate our commitment to always honour them and express our undying love for these brave sons and daughters of the nation,” the statement added.

Meanwhile, PM Shehbaz Sharif urged the people, especially the children, to visit monuments and graves of martyrs and shower flowers on them as a sign of affection and respect. He said Pakistan should show the world that it is a nation that holds its martyrs in veneration and affection.

He said that the martyrs' reverence day was being observed to pay glowing tribute to the heroes and express unflinching solidarity with their families.

In a tweet, the prime minister regretted and condemned the May 9 violence and desecration of martyrs' monuments, saying that the incidents gave the enemy a reason to celebrate.

"Our nation knows how to protect the honour of their martyrs. [...] Today we revive and reiterate our pledge to uphold the honour and respect of our Shuhada. The essence of Pakistan’s existence lies in the spiritual covenant between its people and the martyrs," the PM wrote on Twitter.

Moreover, the Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee, tri-services services chiefs, retired services officers and representatives of civil society also paid tributes to martyrs of Pakistan, a statement released by Inter-services Public Relations said.

They said the sacrifices of Shuhada are eternal and will continue to inspire future generations of countrymen.

"These sacrifices will never be forgotten, irrespective of vicious propaganda by the enemies of Pakistan," it added.

According to ISPR, the Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee, services chiefs, retired services officers and representatives of civil society also paid rich tributes to martyrs of Pakistan.

They said these sacrifices will never be forgotten, irrespective of vicious propaganda by the enemies of Pakistan, it stated.

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REMEMBERING the Martyrs – The youth of Pakistan speak at the Embassy

Tokyo:  A solemn and dignified ceremony was held at the Embassy to pay tribute to the martyrs, marking the day as ‘Shuhadaa-e-Pakistan’.  The ceremony began with lighting of candles and recitation from the Holy Quran.  School children and University students, both girls and boys, in their speeches highlighted the sacrifices rendered by individuals, the Muslim masses and the selfless valour of Pakistan’s Shuhadaa to create, sustain and preserve the security our dear homeland.  The youth specially focused on the very meaning of sacrifice. 

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Ambassador Farukh Amil (فاروق عامل) said that independence in 1947 did not just appear out of nowhere as an instant achievement.   1947 was the result of near century-long effort by those names both known and unknown who had made immense sacrifices in their livelihoods, their material and their blood starting as far back as the first War of Independence in 1857.  Those visionaries with their determination and immense sacrifices bequeathed to us a homeland.  He said, bearing such eminent sacrifices in mind we must love, cherish and protect our homeland and strive for unity irrespective of any differences.  The corner-stone in the achievement of creating Pakistan was a democratic yearning.  The demand for Pakistan was firmly rooted in democratic aspirations.  The Ambassador highlighted the sacrifices by law enforcement agencies and the valiant armed forces. He also praised those who had paid the ultimate sacrifice in international UN peace-keeping missions for decades around the world, as exemplified in the permanent exhibition in the Embassy Main Hall.

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The community included a significant number of children and students both boys and girls.  Following the observance of one-minute silence, in concluding special prayers were offered for all the Martyrs.  May Allah Subhanhu Wataala rest the souls in Jannat (Paradise). Prayers were offered for the peace, stability, solidarity and prosperity of Pakistan.

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Link to the speeches of the youth of Pakistan can be found: 

Speech by Zaira Malik

​ Speech by Danish Yasin

Speech by Ifrah Fatima

Speech by Faizan Mahmood 

Speech by Engr. Sheriyar

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Complete martyrdom story of captain karnal sher khan – nishan e haider recipient.

Finally, there was the sheer ferocity of the surprised counter attack. Captain Karnal Sher Khan and his men knew very well that they are going into the attack that is considered as an impossible task. For this reason, they had no fear of death and this also makes Captainl Sher Khan and his men the better fighter during the nerve shackling battle.

Reading Time: 18 minutes approx.

Complete Martyrdom Story of Captain Karnal Sher Khan – Nishan E Haider Recipient:

Captain Karnal Sher Khan was born in a Nawan Killi Village located in Swabi District of KPK Province. Karnal is the urdu word, which means Colonel. After the Martyrdom of Captain Sher Khan Shaheed, his elder brother told the media that parents of Captain Sher Khan Shaheed wanted him to be on the post of Colonel in PAKISTAN ARMY, that’s why Karnal becomes the first name of Captain Karnal Sher Khan Shaheed.


The Village in which he was born named as Nawan Killi (mean New Village) and the name of the village has now been changed as the “ Karnal Sher Khan Kili ” (means the Village of Captain Karnal Sher Khan Shaheed).

india illegally occupied the posts of PAKISTAN at Siachen Glacier back in 1984. PAKISTAN ARMY has vacated these posts due to the harsh winter season in the northern areas of PAKISTAN. On the other hand, india illegally occupied the posts by violating the sanctity of the Line of Control or LOC.

PAKISTAN’s effort to take back these posts from the illegal indian occupation turned out to be tough as PAKISTAN has fought for 15 years on the world’s highest battlefield.

On the other hand, indian army posted an entire division at Siachen Glacier. The main route for the supply of food and ammunition to the indian soldiers was the Srinagar-Leh Highway.

The road is constructed in the mountains and the biggest peak of the mountainous area was Tiger Hill that offered the best view of the northern areas. This peak gives india an aerial supervision advantage to monitor the situation of PAKISTANI Northern Areas.


The indian army had also previously used the hill to attack the positions of PAKISTAN from time to time.

The indian army vacated the Tiger Hill back in September 1998, as a part of routine winter exercise. The indian army supposed to reoccupy the hill in the summer season.

A total of 4 men of the indian army going along the Srinagar-Leh Highway lost contact with their base in May 1999.

The indian army immediately dispatched the team of 12 additional soldiers to find and locate the 4 MIA, but the 12 soldiers also lost contact with their army and also become MIAs (Missed In Action).

On the other side, PAKISTAN ARMY has retaken the vacated indian posts with the help of 1200 small force.

PAKISTAN ARMY has made this move to hold on for some time, till the indian division left no other option than to retreat due to the lack of essential supplies, including ammunition and food.

After knowing the situation, the india launched a full-fledged attack on the positions of the PAKISTAN ARMY soldiers that results in the 1999 Kargil War between PAKISTAN and india.

Significant Achievement of PAKISTAN ARMED FORCES during PAKISTAN-india 1999 Kargil War:

All the complexity of Tiger Hill consists of a total of 6 strategic posts, including Eastern Spur, Western Spur, Tiger Hill Top, Helmet, Rocky Knob and india gate.


The sources in indian army bluffed that PAKISTAN ARMY has deployed the Captain Karnal Sher Khan to defend one of these strategic complexes of Tiger Hill.

On the other hand, authenticated and reliable sources in PAKISTAN ARMY stated that Captain Sher Khan was responsible for setting up forward defense posts around the Mushkoh and Gultari Valley in Kargil and he had nothing to do with any of the strategic posts of Tiger Hill.

PAKISTANI Narrative proved correct later and indian narrative proved as wrong afterwards.

Tiger Hill was the most important strategic posts at Kargil and the highest elevation gives clear glimpse of the Srinagar-Leh Highway.

On the other hand, there are other active posts in the Siachen Glacier that could also be cut from the occupation of Tiger Hill by PAKISTAN ARMED FORCES.

Account from unauthenticated indian sources states that PAKISTANI SECURITY FORCES managed to retake up to five different posts in the Tiger Hill Complex for the protection of Tiger Hill Top.

The most important post the PAKISTAN ARMY has managed to capture was the Western Spur. This is the main post, which had to be occupied in order to launch any action to claim the Tiger Hill Top Post.

The indian army has given the task of isolation the Western Spur to the indian 8 sikh regiment, consisting of 800-1000 soldiers). The indian army given the task of bombarding to the indian 41 field regiment.

The Western Spur of the Tiger Hill was defended by the Captain Karnal Sher Khan Shaheed with the 21 ordinary soldiers, who do not hold any specific rank.

The indian army and indian air force tried their level best from 26th June to 27th June to captured the Western Spur post, but they failed miserably in the end.

The fierce attack launched by the both the indian army and indian air force finally made Captain Karnal Sher Khan to go to a point of lower elevation.

One of the Captain Sher Khan Shaheed men embraced martyrdom during the attack and most of them were wounded.

Furthermore, the all the men of Captain Sher Khan were exhausted and their supplies were about to end.

Surprise Counter Attack By Captain Karnal Sher Khan And His Brave 21 Men on Coward indian forces:

At that time, one of the soldiers came to Captain Karnal Sher Khan and asked him what to do next.

Captain Sher Khan calmly listen the question of one of his soldiers and he replied back “ Counter Attack ”, which means to attack indian forces with all the fire power and ammunition they’ve left with.

The Soldier who came to Captain Sher Khan stunned after hearing the reply. Counter Attack on indian forces with full fire power at that time means suicidal, as the indian army has taken positions to counter any possible attack from Captain Karnal Sher Khan Shaheed and his men.

The soldier asked, “Counter Attack”?

“Yes counter attack. The indians attacked my post at night, with heavy artillery and air support. I will attack them in broad daylight with the men that I have left,” Captain Sher Khan replied calmly.

Captain Karnal Sher Khan has very short experience of operations and he is in the operations field since November 1998. He knew very well the Drass sector from stone to stone. He had thought a good idea that could be used to take back the strategically important flank of Western Spur.

The 8 sikh regiment hasn’t used any of these areas during the attack, so Captain Karnal Sher Khan knows very well that the indian soldiers are not aware of their whereabouts.

During the night time, Captain Sher Khan Shaheed has positioned his men on these positions to launch the counter attack against the occupant indian forces.

Captain Sher Khan has strategically placed his compact infantry men and artillery to optimize their use for the counter attack on indian forces.

On the next day, Captain Sher Khan and his 21 men launched a full-scale counter attack on the occupant indian forces, who were busy occupying the strategically important Western Spur.

Captain Karnal Sher Khan has told his men to never stay on one position during the attack and keep changing their positions at regular basis to deceive the correct number of soldiers involving the attack. Captain Sher Khan and his men also identified the positions to be used during the attack.

After getting the final instructions from Captain Karnal Sher Khan, his men launched full-scale counter attack on indian forces and they were also changed their positions to no less than 8 places in total.

The counter attack launched by the Sher Khan and his men achieved astonishing success and the coward indian army soldiers began to run back like by leaving their weapons behind. Captain Karnal Sher Khan and his men killed the indian army like cats and dogs from the elevated tops of the hill.

This was the shortest battle of the entire Kargil War between PAKISTAN and india and it lasted for more than one hour in total. There were many reasons accounted for the success of the attack and the chief reason was the deployment of soldiers.

As the Captain Karnal Sher Khan men brutally killed indian army soldiers, all the indian guns immediately began to fire at the same spot from which the fire came. But the fire didn’t harm any men of Captain Karnal Sher Khan, as they’ve already changed their positions.


The second chief reason behind the successful counter attack from the Captain Karnal Sher Khan and his men was that the indian soldiers were not expecting an attack from the hill tops where Sher Khan and his men were deployed.

The third chief reason behind the successful attack was the timing of the attack. The counter attack starts at the most unexpected time and it took only 7 or 8 hours after the massive attack from indian forces towards the hill top.

After the forceful counter attack launched by the PAKISTANI SECURITY FORCES, including Captain Sher Khan and his men, all the coward 1000-1200 soldiers of the indian 8th sikh regiment began to retreat.

After seeing retreating the coward indian army soldiers, Captain Karnal Sher Khan came into the open and he recite “ KALMA E TAYYABA ” in Loud Voice. He picks his machine gun and start hunting the retreating indian soldiers like dogs and cats.

Captain Karnal Sher said, “Cowards!”, “Where are you running off to? I will not let you run away like this.”

The remaining brave soldiers of Captain began to steer the Western Spur and they sustain several casualties during the attempt, but they finally managed to reach the top and re-occupy the Western Spur.

Captain Karnal Sher Khan and his brave 21 men removed the indian flag from the hill and place the Sacred Flag of PAKISTAN and they began chanting slogans of “ALLAH O AKBAR” (means ALLAH IS GREAT).

Captain Karnal Sher Khan and his brave 21 men successfully managed to retreat the 8th sikh regiment and they’ve once again retaken the Western Spur from the retreating forces.

On the other hand, Captain Sher Khan was so much obsessed with the retreating coward indian forces.

Captain Sher said, “ I am reciting the KALMA as you had dared me to.” he shouted, “Where are you running off to? Stop and fight. Make this my last KALMA if you can”.

After saying these words, Captain Sher Khan pick his machine gun and run after the retreating coward indian forces. Captain Sher Khan and his 10, 12 men open havoc wreaking fire on the retreating indian forces to add their woes.

Captain Karnal Sher Khan followed the retreating indian soldiers, until he reached the base camp of the 8th sikh regiment on the hill.

A majority of coward indian soldiers retreated to the Western Spur of Tiger Hill Top and came back to their base camp to save their lives. In the base camp, there were about 300 – 400 coward indian soldiers presented.

The indian army gave the counter attack order to the commanding officer, then the commanding officer hurled abuses at his officers by radioed back to the indian intelligence by saying that you said there were only 20 odd men presented on the hill.

But we were attacked by the soldiers of at least a company, including 150 men that has made their counter attack, killed our hundreds of men and retaken the Western Spur Top .

During the scenario, one man of the indian army told his commanding officer that the Commander of Enemy Forces was following them down to the base camp. By heating this, the indian commanding officer told his men not to worry, as one man cannot do anything in a base camp filled with hundreds of coward soldiers.

However, the indian commanding officer told his men to take the appropriate defensive measure to counter the probable surprised attack by the enemy.

As the coward soldiers of the 8th Sikh Regiment were busy in taking defensive positions, they were greeted by the loud voice of “ ALLAH O AKBAR” (ALLAH IS GREAT) , which is followed by the intense machine fire in all those areas where there is even the slightest movement is taking place.

The commanding officer of the indian army came out and stunned to see only one man, reciting “KALMA E TAYYABA” and dared the enemy forces to come out of their camp.

“Come out cowards! I will show you how to fight a battle,” Captain Karnal Sher Khan shouted the coward indian forces.

Hundreds of indian soldiers, who were frightened and afraid by the dare shown by Captain Karnal Sher Khan.

By seeing this, only 2 Sikh Soldiers tried to attack Captain Karnal Sher Khan, but their attack was no avail, as Captain Karnal Sher Khan brutally killed both the Sikh soldiers in seconds.

It was now obvious for the indian army that the attack was not launched by the entire company, but rather a single soldier .

The commanding officer of the indian army shouted and said to Captain Karnal Sher Khan, “You are surrounded from all sides ” the CO shouted to Sher, “There are no men with you. You cannot possibly kill us all. There does not have to be any unnecessary bloodshed. Lay down your weapon and Surrender”.

Upon hearing this voice, Captain Sher Khan instantly fired in the direction of Commanding Officer’s Voice and he shouted, “I would rather die than to surrender to you.”

While continuing the firing, Captain Sher Khan realized that all the ammunition in his machine gun has finished and he has left not even with a single bullet.

The indian soldiers after seeing that Captain Karnal Sher Khan ammunition has ended, came out in the open including their Commanding Officer.

Commanding Officer and indian soldiers both showed Captain Sher Khan that he have been surrounded from all sides. The indian soldiers began moving closer and closer and they began to further tighten the circle around Captain Karnal Sher Khan.

indian commanding officer said to Captain Karnal Sher Khan, “Look around yourself, There is nothing more that you can do.”

After listening the voice of the indian commanding officer, Captain Karnal Sher Khan looked around and found that he was being surrounded by more than fifty men of the indian army, who could open their fire on order by their commanding officer.

Surprisingly, Captain Karnal Sher Khan again recites the “KALMA E TAYYABA” once again. After sensing the situation, he found that the indian commanding officer was the closest to him. He immediately grabbed him and began to hit his head with his machine gun.

The indian commanding officer after seeing that Captain Sher Khan is refusing to surrender and was in fact going to attack on them even with his empty machine gun. The commanding officer of the 8th sikh regiment ordered his men to opened indiscriminate fire on Captain Karnal Sher Khan.

Upon hearing the order from their commanding officer, the indian soldiers instantly opened indiscriminate fire on Captain Karnal Sher Khan. The bullets hit Captain Sher Khan many times, he tried to attack the indian commanding officer for the third time, but of no avail.

Captain Karnal Sher Khan always believed in not dying at the feet of his enemy. He was about the 5 feet distance from the indian army commanding officer, which could clearly see that Captain Karnal Sher Khan made a desperate attempt of not fall down on the ground.

Finally, Captain Sher Khan sat down on the ground, with his knees bent and touching the ground. His machine gun was still in his hand at that time. The voice of the “KALMA E TAYYABA” has become lower and lower until it finally stopped.



After seeing the Captain Sher Khan has become Shaheed, some of the coward indian soldiers move towards the body of Captain Sher Shaheed.

By seeing the intent of his soldiers, the commanding officer of indian army ordered his soldiers to stop. He told his soldiers that Karnal Sher Khan was a Brave Man and so, his body should not be desecrated at any cost.

He ordered his soldiers to bring t the body of Captain Karnal Sher to be brought to Srinagar rather than left at Tiger Hill.

The commanding officer of the indian army after finding that Captain Karnal Sher Khan Shaheed is the Captain of PAKISTAN ARMY, he made sure that Captain Sher Khan gets a proper military treatment from indian side.

It was the same commanding officer of the indian army who wrote that Citations of Captain Sher Khan Shaheed, recommending him for the highest gallantry award of PAKISTAN. The same citation could be found at the residence of Captain Karal Sher Khan Shaheed at his residence in Fajounabad Charbagh, Swabi.


The name of this indian commanding officer was M.P.S Bajwa and he retired as the brigadier in indian army.

When the body of Captain Karnal Sher Khan Shaheed brought to his native Country PAKISTAN, he was given a full guard of honor and he is the recipient of the “NISHAN E HAIDER”, the Highest Gallantry Award of PAKISTAN.


Captain Karnal Sher Khan Shaheed was the Brave and Sacred Son of this Sacred Country PAKISTAN, who gave all his life and every drop of his Sacred Blood for his Sacred Country PAKISTAN.


إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ

“ and say not of those who are slain in the way of allah almighty: ‘they are dead.’ nay, they are living, though you perceive it not. ” (qur’an 2:154).

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essay on martyrs of pakistan

The seven martyred soldiers and officers of Pakistan Army who sacrificed their lives in terrorist attack in North Waziristan yesterday were laid to rest in their respective native towns today with full military honours.

The martyrs include Lieutenant Colonel Syed Kashif Ali Shaheed, Captain Muhammad Ahmad Badr Shaheed, Havildar Saber Shaheed, Naik Khursheed Shaheed, Sepoy Nasir Shaheed, Sepoy Raja Shaheed and Sepoy Sajid Shaheed. A large number of people including families of the martyrs, relatives, officers of the Pakistan Army and elders of the areas attended their funeral prayers.

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We groom the defenders of Pakistan

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 وَلَا تَقُولُوا لِمَن يُقْتَلُ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ أَمْوَاتٌ ۚ بَلْ أَحْيَاءٌ وَلَـٰكِن لَّا تَشْعُرُونَ (القرآن)


Pakistan Navy, the maritime force safeguarding the nation’s territorial waters, has witnessed the unwavering dedication and sacrifice of countless individuals since its inception in 1947. These brave souls have made the ultimate sacrifice, serving the country with valor, commitment, and honor. This article pays tribute to all the martyrs of Pakistan Navy, shedding light on their remarkable stories and the indelible mark they have left on the nation’s history.

Sacrifices During the Early Years

The birth of Pakistan in 1947 marked a time of great uncertainty and change. During the initial years, Pakistan Navy had to establish its presence and secure its maritime borders. Many naval personnel sacrificed their lives during these crucial formative years, ensuring the nation’s security.

The 1965 and 1971 Wars

The 1965 Indo-Pak War and the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War were pivotal moments for Pakistan Navy. Brave naval officers and sailors demonstrated remarkable courage and dedication during these conflicts. Their sacrifices during sea battles and operations safeguarded Pakistan’s interests.

Heroes of Operation Dwarka (1965)

Operation Dwarka, one of the most significant naval operations in Pakistan’s history, saw the Navy’s role in blocking the Indian port of Dwarka. During this operation, Lieutenant Aftab Ahmed embraced martyrdom while leading his crew to destroy an enemy ship. His valor earned him the Sitara-e-Jurat, Pakistan’s third-highest military award.

The Submariners’ Sacrifices

The submariners of Pakistan Navy deserve special mention for their sacrifices in defense of the nation. The loss of Ghazi, Pakistan’s first and only submarine, during the 1971 war, was a significant blow to the Navy. The brave submariners on board sacrificed their lives to protect the country’s maritime interests.

Peacekeeping Missions

Pakistan Navy has actively participated in international peacekeeping missions, such as UN-led operations. These missions have often been in perilous regions, and naval personnel have risked their lives to promote peace and stability around the globe.

The Tragic PNS Mehran Attack (2011)

In 2011, a devastating terrorist attack on PNS Mehran in Karachi resulted in the loss of several naval personnel. The attack highlighted the Navy’s vulnerability to such threats and the need for continuous vigilance and sacrifice to protect the country.

Search and Rescue Operations

The Navy is not only a force of defense but also one of rescue and relief. During natural disasters, such as earthquakes and floods, Pakistan Navy plays a crucial role in search and rescue operations. Personnel have lost their lives while saving others, demonstrating their commitment to humanity.

Remembering the Martyrs Today

As of today, Pakistan Navy continues to face various challenges, including the defense of the nation’s maritime borders and the safeguarding of maritime trade routes. The sacrifices made by its personnel remain a source of inspiration for the entire nation.

The martyrs of Pakistan Navy, from its early days to the present, have shown unparalleled dedication, valor, and resilience. Their sacrifices have helped shape the nation and protect its maritime interests. As a nation, Pakistan owes a debt of gratitude to these unsung heroes, whose sacrifices often go unnoticed. Their legacy lives on, and their stories serve as a reminder of the courage and commitment that define the men and women of Pakistan Navy. We remember them with respect and gratitude, honoring their sacrifices in the service of the nation.

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16 December 2014: Black day in Pakistan's history

We salute the martyrs for their courage, braveness.

16 December 2014: Black day in Pakistan's history

The month of December reminds us of the Army Public School misfortune that took place in Peshawar. This day holds a special place in the hearts of every Pakistani, but for all the wrong reasons. On this 'Black Day' more than 144 people, including innocent children, were gunned down by the monsters disguised in human attire, who did not to think for a second before killing a child.

Now, four years have gone by since the APS incident, but still the catastrophe was unforgettable. Even though today whenever we watch those clips and glimpses of that atrocious attack on our television, we still get goosebumps as we cannot even imagine or begin to understand the depressed conditions of the mothers of those martyred children.

We cannot even fathom the feeling the mothers must be going through when their children were snatched from their lap by extremists. It was one of the most horrific days in the history of Pakistan when the terrorists opened fire on the defenseless little angles who would have never, even in their wildest imaginations, would have thought that they would be victims to such an attack.

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The images of those bloodied classrooms and uniforms clearly depicted the helpless situation of the people who had faced that terror. The entire nation remembers the martyrs of Army Public School and empathized with their families. They will always remain in our hearts.

We have not wasted the blood of martyrs, as we salute them for their courage and braveness and prayed to Allah Almighty that may the world never have to witness a day like this again.

Samia Saman Muhammad Asim Khan

The writer is a freelance author based in Karachi. She can be reached at [email protected]

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Untold stories of Pakistan's Independence

By The Citizens Archive of Pakistan

The Citizens Archive of Pakistan

The Partition of India was the division of British India in 1947 into two independent dominions, India and Pakistan. These are the citizens' untold stories of Pakistan's Independence; the joys and price of freedom.

Admiral Rafiuddin Qadri (b. Rajkot, British India - 1934). In 2010, Admiral Qadri shared his memories about the 1947 partition of South Asia with the Citizens Archive of Pakistan’s Oral History Project. He vividly recalled Quaid-e-Azam’s powerful 1946 address at Ahmedabad University and the profound impact it left upon the audience of unruly boys, including him.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah , (born Mahomedali Jinnahbhai; 25 December 1876 – 11 September 1948) was a lawyer, politician, and the founder of Pakistan. Jinnah was trained as a barrister at Lincoln's Inn in London. He served as the leader of the All India Muslim League from 1913 until Pakistan's independence on 14 August 1947, and then as Pakistan's first Governor-General until his death. He is revered in Pakistan as Quaid-i-Azam (Great Leader) and Baba-i-Qaum (Father of the Nation).

While talking to the Citizens Archive of Pakistan’s Oral History Project team in 2008, Zohra Fazal (b. Bombay, British India – 1925) spoke about the atmosphere at the time of independence and the impact it had on communal relations.

Pakistan emerged in 1947 from a British India, which was partitioned into two Dominions, India and Pakistan. On 14 August 1947 , Pakistan achieved independence one day prior to Indian independence. India was partitioned, and an East and West Pakistan were created from Muslim majority areas. The basis of Pakistan was found in the ‘two nation theory’, where it was suggested that the Muslims and Hindus in undivided India made up two ‘nations’ and hence, required separate homelands.

Amin Naz (b. Kashmir, British India -1935) migrated to Pakistan soon after the Partition. He reminisced in his 2010 interview about his moving experience of setting foot on Pakistani soil for the first time.

One of the greatest migrations in human history began in August 1947 when millions of Muslims made their way to East and West Pakistan, and millions of Hindus and Sikhs headed in the opposite direction. Nearly seven million refugees are estimated to have arrived in Pakistan in the years following the Partition. Many hundreds of thousands never made it at all; at the most-conservative estimate, 200,000 individuals lost their lives in the massacres accompanying migration.

Agha Salman Baqir is a renowned Urdu writer, poet and critic from Pakistan. Mr. Baqir shared his father Agha Mohammad Baqir’s role in the historic announcement made by All-India Radio, Lahore, at midnight on the 14 of August 1947, declaring the “Dawn of Independence.”

The Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation was originally known as the Pakistan Broadcasting Service at the time of its inception on 14 August 1947. It had the honour of publicly announcing Pakistan's independence from Britain on 13 August 1947 at 11:59 pm. Mustafa Ali Hamdani made the announcement from Lahore in Urdu and English, while Abdullah Jan Maghmoom made the announcement from Peshawar in Pashto. At independence in 1947, Pakistan possessed three radio stations at Lahore (1937), Dhaka (established in 1939), and Peshawar (1936). A major program of expansion saw new stations opened at Karachi and Rawalpindi in 1948, and a new broadcasting house at Karachi in 1950. This was followed by new stations at Hyderabad (1951), Quetta (1956), a second station at Rawalpindi (1960) and a Receiving Centre at Peshawar (1960). In 1970, training facilities were opened in Islamabad and a station opened at Multan.

Born in 1928, New Delhi, Saeeda Siddiqui migrated to Pakistan via train amidst the chaos and fear of the bloodiest mass exodus in modern human history. She evocatively described the insatiable hunger she felt and the experience of eating her first meal after days of perilous travel without food.

During the late 1920s and early 1930s, there was a large black coloured airship hangar at the site of Karachi Airport, constructed for the British HMA R101, at the time, the largest aircraft ever built. Only three hangars were ever built in the world to dock and hangar Britain's fleet of passenger airships. However, the R101 never arrived in Karachi (then part of the British Raj) as it crashed and exploded just 8 hours into its maiden flight over Beauvais France, killing all but 6 of its 54 passengers and crew. This hangar was so huge that aircraft often used it as a visual marker while attempting VFR landings at Karachi. Over the years, the hangar became known as the landmark of Karachi, until it was demolished by order of then-President Ayub Khan in the 1960s.

Dr. Attiya Inayatullah (b. Sialkot, British India – 1939) migrated to Pakistan from Delhi in 1947. She was happy to share her memories of the warm welcome that awaited her and other migrants arriving in Bahawalpur, Pakistan, in 1947.

Rail transport in Pakistan began in 1855 during the British Raj, when several railway companies began to lay track and started to operate in present-day Pakistan. The system was originally a patchwork of local rail lines operated by small private companies, including the Scinde, Punjab and Delhi Railways and the Indus Steam Flotilla. In 1870, the four companies were amalgamated as the Scinde, Punjab & Delhi Railway. Several other rail lines were built shortly thereafter, including the Sind–Sagar and Trans–Baluchistan Railways and the Sind–Pishin, Indus Valley, Punjab Northern and Kandahar State Railways. These six companies and the Scinde, Punjab & Delhi Railway merged to form the North Western State Railway in 1880. In 1947, following Pakistan's independence, the North Western Railway became Pakistan Western Railway and the rail system was reorganized.

Amanullah Khan is a former lawyer and Judge born in 1935 in Kota, Rajasthan. In an interview in 2015, Mr. Khan described of the long and arduous journey from Karachi to Hyderabad following his 1948 arrival in Pakistan at the port of Karachi.

The Port of Karachi is one of South Asia's largest and busiest deep-water seaports, handling about 60% of Pakistan’s cargo (25 million tons per annum) located in Karachi, Pakistan. It is located between the Karachi towns of Kiamari and Saddar, close to the main business district and several industrial areas. The geographic position of the port places it in close proximity to major shipping routes such as the Strait of Hormuz. The administration of the port is carried out by the Karachi Port Trust, which was established in the nineteenth century. The modern port started its operations in 1854 during the British Raj, when a mole was constructed to connect the city to the harbor. At the time of independence in 1947, the Port capacity was about 1.5 million tons of dry cargo and 1.0 million tons of products per annum.

Initial Design, Concept and Layout: Aaliyah Tayyebi Primary Data Collection: CAP Oral History Project Team Secondary Research: Aaliyah Tayyebi Nimra Tariq Zain Shaikhzadeh Rumman Islam Javeria Hashmi Meher Mehtab Sultan Ali Photo Editing and Title Artwork: Anum Zahid Abeer Kaisri Sound Engineering: Zain Shaikhzadeh Video Production and Editing: Ailya Ejaz Farwah Rizvi General Editing, Technical Support and Final Design: Aaliyah Tayyebi The Citizens Archive of Pakistan (CAP) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to cultural and historic preservation, operating in Karachi and Lahore. We seek to educate the community, foster an awareness of our nation’s history and instil pride in Pakistani citizens about their heritage. Copyright © 2018 by Citizens Archive of Pakistan (CAP). All rights reserved. No part of this Exhibit may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including copying, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of Citizens Archive of Pakistan (CAP). All the images shown here were donated to CAP by F.E.Chaudhry, Misbah Alam, Mohammad Latif and Zohra Fazal. All music used in the audio bytes is royalty free, under Creative Commons licensing, available at: , , and .

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Waheed murad, pakistani women of arts and culture, 1947 through the looking lens, the story share initiative, pakistan: media and culture through the ages, get to know squash champion hashim khan, remnants of a separation, noor jehan: the queen of melody, the queen of hearts, nasreddin murat-khan (1904-1970).

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May 25th declared ‘Pakistan Martyrs’ Day’

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RAWALPINDI: Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Asim Munir announced May 25 to be marked as “Pakistan Martyrs’ Day”.

While addressing an award ceremony for martyrs and officials at the General Headquarters (GHQ) Rawalpindi, he said “every soldier and officer of the armed forces put his duty and responsibilities first regardless of regional, linguistic, and political prejudices and distinctions.”

“A strong army is the guarantor of a country’s security and unity,” he maintained.

Recent attacks on military installations ‘intolerable’: COAS

In a statement, the military’s media affairs wing said that 51 officials were awarded the Sitara-e-Imtiaz (military), 22 were awarded the Tamgha-i-Basalat, and two officials were awarded special United Nations medals.

They were awarded for their “acts of gallantry during operations and meritorious services rendered to the nation”.

A large number of senior army officials and families of martyrs attended the event.

“Undoubtedly, we are living in a free atmosphere due to the martyrs’ sense of duty and their great sacrifices,” Gen Munir said. He termed the martyrs’ sacrifices and officials’ services a “valuable asset” and “source of pride” for the country.

“The Pakistan Army, as an institution, always remembers every individual associated with the army and his family, and our relationship as a family is a proud and exemplary one,” the COAS said.

After the supporters attacked army installations during May 9, 2023 incident—the military termed it as a “dark chapter”.

Earlier, the military also announced that all those who had vandalised military installations, including the Lahore Corps Commanders House and the GHQ entrance, would be tried under the Pakistan Army Act and the Official Secrets Act.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2023

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