Dr. Lijun Sun

Dr. Lijun Sun

Associate Professor William Dawson Scholar Civil Engineering McGill University 817 Sherbrooke St. W. Macdonald ENG BLDG 278C Montreal, QC H3A 0C3, Canada

  • Montreal, Canada
  • Google Scholar

I am an Associate Professor and William Dawson Scholar in the Department of Civil Engineering at McGill University . I received my PhD degree in Civil Engineering (Transportation) from National University of Singapore , and earned a Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering from Tsinghua University . During my PhD, I worked at Mobility and Transport Planning module at the Future Cities Laboratory , Singapore-ETH center. Prior to joining McGill, I was a Postdoctoral Associate at MIT Media Lab . My current research centers on statistical modeling of multidimensional and spatiotemporal data, with applications in urban transportation systems.

For Prospective Students/Postdocs

  • I am looking for 1-2 PhD students for 2024 Winter/Fall (starts in January/September) who are excited about machine learning for smart transportation. If you’re interested, please send me an email or apply through the McGill uApply system. Please use “Prospective PhD student [Your name]” as your email subject. Due to the large volume of emails, I apologize for not replying to individual inquries I have received.
  • See more info about Civil Engineering @ McGill University .
  • If you have a good record in mathematics/machine learning, you are encouraged to apply for the IVADO graduate student scholarship .
  • Postdocs or final year PhD students with strong mathematics/machine learning background (and also application in smart transportation, e.g., spatiotemporal prediction, generative model for urban activity) are strongly encouraged to apply for the IVADO postdoc scholarship . Very competitive package!
  • Scholarship opportunities:
  • for PhD : McGill MEDA , CSC , Quebec-China Scholarship , PBEEE Level 1 Graduate , Quebec DFW , IVADO , McGill MEITA ;
  • for Postdoc : Miatcs Elevate , NSERC Banting (best in Canada) , NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship , PBEEE Level 2 Postdoc , IVADO , CSC ;
  • for Undergraduate : Mitacs Globalink/international , NSERC USRA , McGill SURE .

Research Interests

  • Spatiotemporal modeling
  • Intelligent transportation systems
  • Machine learning & Statistics
  • Tensor analysis
  • Traffic simulation
  • Urban computing & smart cities
  • Public transportation operation
  • Mobility and travel behavior
  • Agent-based modeling and simulation

phd civil engineering mcgill

McGill University | structural engineering research lab 

>  June 2024  | L. Davis et al. wins best student article at CSCE Conference 

>  May 2024  | Our group awarded $1.7 million for housing reuse/retrofit research

>  April 2024  | A. Wang receives prestigious FRQNT B2X scholarship

Hi! I am Daniele Malomo , Assistant Professor of Structural Engineering  at McGill University and research director at struct-lab . I received my PhD in Civil Engineering at the University of Pavia (Italy) in 2019. Prior to join McGill in 2020, I was a Postdoctoral researcher at UC Berkeley (USA).


At struct-lab, we do research on earthquake engineering, old structures, climate change-adapted design, numerical and experimental simulations.

How to assess effectively the structural response of existing structures? Can we reuse old buildings to avoid demolition/reconstruction? Can we develop more sustainable novel construction technologies?

These are some of the key questions we are investigating these days. To this end, we connect and collaborate with both industry and academic partners as well as national and international governmental and non-profit organizations.

Since 2021, I serve in the Board of Directors of the Canadian chapter of the International Council on Monuments and Sites ( ICOMOS ). My students and I are also actively involved in professional societies, e.g. the CSCE Existing Structures Committee and the International Scientific Committee on the Analysis and Restoration of Structures of Architectural Heritage ( ISCARSAH ).

Our work was awarded by The Masonry Society (TMS), Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER), International Association of Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE). Interested in our research? Join us!

Parallel Lines

Assistant Professor


E. Giordano


R. Desbrousses

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PhD student


PhD student (co-s)

Rodrigo Gallardo_edited.jpg

R. Gallardo

MSc student

J. Belanger

Research assistant


Project manager Sr.


R. Abolhelm


J. Di Costa

MEng student


Mascotte emerita

F. Moreno León

Project manager Jr.


G. Destro Bisol


M. El-Assaly


S. Alhatabeh

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-12 at 5.48_edited.jpg

Mascotte in training

Former members:

2023/2024 :  N. Han (MSc), A. David (RA)

2022/2023: A. Martinez, A. Nayebzadeh, L. Brickman, A. Menun, S. Kiani, X. Wu, W. Xie, H. Smaïl, P. Prado, A. Saliminia, J. Martin, X. Lin, A. Almarzooqi (RA), J. Burke, T. McLean (MEng project), Z. Zhang, T. Das (MSc), C. Morandini (PhD co-s), M. Calo (PhD co-s) 

2020/2021: S. Pavan, T. Qiao, D. Wang, H. Zhu, M. Yahmoor (RA)


Our research is funded by various agencies and institutions, e.g. the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), National Resources Canada (NRCan).

Ongoing studies include:

Seismic assessment of Eastern Canada's old masonry buildings

Combined structural-energy retrofits with engineered timber

Corrosion and deterioration evaluation in concrete bridges

Climate change design adaptation for new masonry structures

Advanced discrete element simulation of large structures


For our research, we use advanced numerical modelling techniques, experimental testing and digital surveying tools. See here !

We also do research in Engineering Education , focusing on the development of enhanced and more inclusive teaching and learning strategies.

Our list of  refereed publications is here .

Parallel Lines

CIVE 207 - Solid Mechanics (Winter)

CIVE 463 - Design of Concrete Structures (Winter)

CIVE 616 - Nonlinear Structural Analysis for Buildings (Fall)

CIVE 648 - Structural assessment and retrofit of existing buildings (Fall)

I love teaching! Doing it at McGill is also  particularly exciting as our students are great - very passionate and eager to learn. I currently teach four courses:


In 2021 and 2022, I was awarded the  Best Professor Award from the McGill Civil Engineering Undergraduate Society - thanks!

In 2022, I have received the McGill ELATE Faculty Scholar Award. Through the generous support of the McGill Faculty of Engineering, we are devising new ways to improve post-pandemic engineering education.

In 2023, I received the Samuel and Ida Fromson Outstanding Teaching Award in Engineering , that recognizes excellence in teaching within the Faculty.

I'll see you in class!

Interested in joining our team at McGill University? We are always looking for talented and motivated individuals interested in pursuing our research goals .

Self-funded visiting students are always welcome . Contact me here .

Prospective student or postdoc? Follow our 3-step application process .

Please note I will not reply to direct email inquiries from prospective students or postdocs. Unfortunately time is limited - thank you for understanding.














BSc Civil Engineering, Cairo University, 2013
MSc, Kyoto University, 2018
PhD, Civil Engineering Department, McGill University, 2022

Ahmed Ibrahim completed his PhD in Geotechnical Engineering at the Department of Civil Engineering, McGill University. His research focuses on coupled flow modeling in geotechnical engineering.

















BSc Civil Engineering, United Arab Emirates University, AlAin, UAE, 2014
MSc, Masdar Institute for Science and Technology, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2017.
PhD, Civil Engineering Department, McGill University, 2022.

Zainab completed her PhD at the Department of Civil Engineering, McGill University. Her research focuses on the failure prediction of watermains considering climatic variations.







Muhammad Imran Khan

BSc Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, 2009 MSc, Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, 2013 PhD, Civil Engineering Department, McGill University, 2021.

Imran Khan completed his PhD in 2021. His research project involved experimental and numerical investigations to evaluate the role of EPS geofoam inclusion on the static and dynamic response of retaining walls.


BSc Civil Engineering, Henan Polytechnic, China, 2016 M.Sc., Civil Engineering Department, McGill University, 2020

Luyu Wang completed his MSc in 2020. His research project focused on developing a numerical model to capture the response of contaminated railway ballast.












BSc Civil Engineering, Chengdu University, 2014
MSc McGill University, 2016
PhD, Civil Engineering Department, McGill University, 2020

Ge Gao completed his MSc and PhD degrees at McGill. His research focused on developing models to simulate rockfall using discrete element method.

















BSc Civil Engineering, American University of Sharjah, 2011
MSc, Water and Environmental Engineering, Masdar Institute for Science and Technology, 2013
PhD, Civil Engineering Department, McGill University, 2019.

Mohammad Alobaidi completed his PhD at McGill in 2019. His research project focused on the development of new ensemble machine learning models for civil engineering applications.

















BSc Civil Engineering, American University of Sharjah, 2012
MSc, Water and Environmental Engineering, Masdar Institute for Science and Technology, 2014
M.Eng. Civil Engineering Department, McGill University, 2019.

Nahid Salem completed her MEng degree at McGill in 2019. Her research project focused on the development of a coupled model to simulate soil-water interaction.

















BEng Civil Engineering, University of Tehran, 2010
MSc Geotechnical Engineering, University of Tehran, 2013
PhD, Civil Engineering Department, McGill University, 2018.

Masood Meidani completed his PhD in 2018. His research project focused on using FE-DE analysis to investigate the response of pipelines subjected to permanent ground deformations.

















BSc Civil Engineering, University of Mazandaran, 2004
MSc Geotechnical Engineering, University of Mazandaran, 2007
PhD, Civil Engineering Department, McGill University, 2017

Gholamreza Saghaee completed his PhD in 2017. His research project focused on investigating the stability of deteriorated earthen structures with emphasis on earth dams and levees. His research included both centrifuge physical modeling and nonlinear finite element analysis.

















BSc Mining Engineering, McGill University, 2015
MEng, Civil Engineering Department, McGill University, 2017

Nicolas completed his Master's degree at the Department of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics, McGill University. He conducted discrete element analysis to study soil arching around buried structures.















BEng  Assiut University, Egypt, 2000
MEng Western Ontario, Canada, 2004
PhD, Civil Engineering Department, McGill University, 2016

Mahmoud completed his PhD in 2016. His research involved experimental investigation of soil-geosynthetid-structure interaction. He graduated from the Civil Engineering Department, Assiut University, Egypt in 2000 with honours degree followed by Masters degree from the University of Western Ontario in 2004.















BEng Civil Engineering, McGill University, 2015
Summer Research Student, McGill Geo-Group, 2014

Nabil is presently completing his Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering and intends to pursue a MEng at McGill University upon completion of his undergraduate studies. He is currently conducting research to test the creep behavior of EPS Geofoam alongside members of the Geo-Group.














B.Sc. Civil Engineering, Nasser University, Libya, 1995
M.E.Sc.Structural Engineering, University of Western Ontario, Canada, 2007
Ph.D. Geotechnical Engineering, Concordia University, Canada, June 2013
Postdoctoral Fellow, Geotechnical Engineering, McGill University, Canada, 2014

I am a lecturer at the civil engineering department at Al-Mergeb University in Libya since August 2013.  Recently, I spent most of 2014 working as a research associate in the Geo-group at McGill University working on a research project related to experimental modelling of underground structures. My research interest is in the area of soil-structure interaction using both physical and numerical modeling. Previous research projects in civil engineering include physical modelling of FRP-reinforced concrete short beams and numerical modelling of piled-raft foundations.






phd civil engineering mcgill

Jumana Shahzadeh

BEng Civil Engineering, McGill University 2014 Summer Research Student, McGill Geo-Group 2013

Jumana is currently perusing her undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering and is expected to graduate in Winter 2014 with a minor in Construction Engineering and Project Management. She is currently spending the summer working as a summer research student where her research will focus on measuring contact pressure on buried structures backfilled with shredded tire aggregate.











BEng Civil Engineering, Ho Chi Minh University of Technology, Vietnam, 2008
MEng Civil Engineering, Ho Chi Minh University of Technology, Vietnam, 2010
PhD, Civil Engineering Department, McGill University, 2013

Viet completed his PhD in 2013. He developed a coupled finite-discrete element framework for soil-structure interaction problems. He received his Bachelor and Master degrees from Ho Chi Minh University of Technology, Vietnam. He joined the McGill's Geo-Group in September, 2010.  His research is on numerical modeling including the Finite element method and the Discrete element method. Viet is developing a framework for the coupling of the finite and discrete element methods. He has been a visiting researcher at Rocscience Inc. in 2012. Viet has experience in modeling geotechnical engineering problems using different commercial analytical tools. He also has a great interest in programming (in C++ and Python).
















BEng Civil Engineering, McGill University, 2003
MEng American University in Cairo, 2007
PhD Civil Engineering Department, McGill University, 2012

Sherif completed his PhD at McGill University in 2012. His research project was related to investigating the effect of erosion voids on existing rigid pipes using experimental and numerical models. He is presently working as a geotechnical engineer at Journeaux Assoc. in Montreal












BEng Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, 2010
Engineer at Genipur 2010-2012
MEng Student, Civil Engnineering Department, Mcgill University, 2014

Mohamed completed his MEng at MCGill in 2014. His research investigated the creep behavior of EPS geofoam material. He received his Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering from Ecole Polytechnique, Montréal, Canada. After his graduation, he worked for 2 years as a junior engineer at Genipur, a firm specialized in public utility infrastructure (water, sewers, environmental protection, and site development). .














BEng Civil Engineering, McGill University, 2012
Summer Research Student, McGill Geo-group, 2013
MEng, Civil Engnineering Department, Mcgill University, 2014

Derek completed his MEng in 2014. His research investigated the use of recycled tires as a backfill material above buried structures. His interests in Civil Engineering include geotechnical engineering and fluid mechanics. He has worked as a summer undergraduate research assistant to study the effects of geotextiles and the induced trench method on buried pipes. .














BEng Civil Engineering, Shenyang Jianzhu University , 2014
MEng, Civil Engnineering Department, Mcgill University, 2016

Tianrui (Terry) completed his MEng in 2016. His research focused on modeling the response of buried structures backfilled with tire-derived aggregate (TDA)..














BEng Civil Engineering, University Polytechnique de Montréal, 2013
MEng, Civil Engnineering Department, Mcgill University, 2016

Fabrice completed his MEng in 2016. His research focused on modeling the creep behavior of EPS geofoam material using three-dimensional finite element analysis .















BEng Civil Engineering Department, McGill Universit, 2007.
MEng Civil Engineering Department, McGill University, 2010.

I am a McGill BEng 07 and MEng 09 McGill graduate.  Since 2010 I have been in New York City working at Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers. I have been lucky to be able to have a variety of projects and experiences in the geotechnical engineering field.  These include working on support of excavation and settlement monitoring for the new 2nd Avenue subway line, plans for rock excavation by blasting and blast monitoring at the new World Trade Center in Manhattan as well as bridge pier caisson and mini-pile design at Amtrak bridges in Connecticut. My area of concentration has been geotechnical construction monitoring to prevent damage to nearby structures from settlement, ground loss, falling water levels or construction vibrations.  
















BEng Civil Engineering, Ho Chi Minh University of Technology, Vietnam, 2003
MEng Civil Engineering, McGill University, 2007
PhD Civil Engineering, McGill University, 2011

Kien Dang has been working at Rocscience Inc. since graduating from McGill in 2011 where he contributes to the development of a 3D finite element software package for geotechnical engineering applications. His research interests include: computational geomechanics, finite/discrete and combined finite-discrete element methods, tunnelling in rock and soft soil and constitutive modeling


















BEng Civil Engineering, McGill University, 2005
MEng Civil Engineering, McGill University, 2008

Miguel Nunes finished his BEng and MEng at McGill University. His research project focused on investigating the effect of soil layering on the stresses developing in a tunnel lining installed in cohesive soils. Miguel is presently working as a geotechnical engineer at Golder Associates in Toronto.














BSc Mechanical Engineering, University of Florida.
MSc Mechanical Engineering, University of Florida.
PhD Mechanical Engineering, University of Florida, 2005
Post-Doctoral Civil Engineering, McGill University, 2006

Ossama Saada graduated with his PhD from the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department at the University of Florida in December of 2005 where he also obtained his Bachelor and Master of Science. His research involved the development of a numerical approach, with FEA, to solve for displacements, velocities and stresses of a bulk material based on a visco-plastic model and other non-linear plastic models. Ossama worked with Dr. Meguid in the Geotechnical group at McGill University in the summer of 2006. He worked with undergraduate and graduate students on correlation between physical modeling and numerical simulations and wrote research proposals and scientific articles for publishing. He currently works as an Advanced Engineering Analyst for the Schaeffler Group USA in Troy Michigan where he provides advanced technical support for the engineering team and conducts structural, kinematic and dynamic calculations/simulations on Schaeffler Group components and associated systems such as bearings and bearing systems.
















BEng Civil Engineering, American University of Beirut, 2005
MEng Civil Engineering, McGill University, 2007

Joe Graduated with MEng in geotechnical engineering from McGill University. His research project investigated the interaction between pile foundations and tunnels excavated in cohesive soils. He worked as a Civil Engineer at MMM consulting in Toronto from 2008 and 2011. Joe is not the Operations Manager at Bureau d'Etudes Rodolphe Mattar in Lebanon  

















BEng Civil Engineering, McGill University, 2006
MEng Civil Engineering, McGill University, 2010

Elisa Obtained her MEng from McGill University in 2010. Her research project was related to the response of flexible pavement to local deterioration of the base layer. She is presently working as an engineer in the City of Westmount, Montreal area.



















BEng Civil Engineering, McGill University, 2005
MEng Civil Engineering, McGill University, 2009

Tatiana completed her MEng in geotechnical engineering at McGill in 2009. Her research focused on measuring the earth pressure distribution on cylindrical shafts. She is presently working as a geotechnical engineer for AMEC Environment and Infrastructure.
















BEng Civil Engineering, University of Algiers, 1998
DEA   Soil mechanic, University Paris VI, Paris, 2000
Visiting Researcher, McGill Geo-group, 2006-2008
MEng Civil Engineering, ETS, Montreal, 2008

Employed by Dessau since 2008, I hold the position of project management engineer for various geotechnical studies. This position allows me to draft service proposals, to organize and supervise field investigation work on numerous construction sites. I also work on gathering and sampling data, providing geotechnical recommendations as well as drafting geotechnical studies reports. I have taken part in various infrastructure projects involving transportation, energy, industrial, institutional, and municipal fields. Lately, I've been involved in projects such as the reconstruction of Turcot freeway interchange in Montreal or the Southeast Stoney Trail construction in Calgary. I joined Dr. Meguid’s  geo-group for almost two years (2006 – 2008).  During my stay at McGill University as a guest student, I conducted, under the supervision of Dr. Meguid, a master research project related to the performance of surface structure subjected to subsurface soil erosion.
















BEng Civil Engineering, McGill University, 2012
Summer Research Student, McGill Geo-group, 2012

Hubert completed his BEng in Civil Engineering at McGill University. He spent the summer of 2012 working as a summer research student with McGill Geo-group where he contributed to the ongoing experimental work related to soil-pipe interaction.

















BEng Civil Engineering, McGill University, 2009
Summer Research Student, McGill Geo-group, 2008

Aiden completed his BEng in Civil Engineering at McGill University. He spent the summer of 2012 working as a summer research student where he conducted research related to the inventory of Quebec infrastructure. He is presently working as Engineer In Training (EIT) at NCEES in New York.


















BEng Civil Engineering, McGill University, 2008
Summer Research Student, McGill Geo-group, 2008

Charlotte obtained her BEng degree from McGill in 2008 and she spent the summer of 2008 working as a summer research student with McGill Geo-group. She is presently working as a civil engineer for BP in Trinidad and Tobago.


















BEng Civil Engineering, McGill University, 2007
Summer Research Student, McGill Geo-group, 2008

After graduating McGill a BEng 07, I worked as a Construction Inspector for Washington State DOT overseeing many projects such as the erection of a structural earth wall, drainage installation, and various other aspects requiring quantity measurements. Since 2008 I have been working as a Pavement Engineer at MassDOT, ensuring pavement maintenance and sustained usability for the entire state of Massachusetts. This includes roughness numbers collected though a bumper mounted laser system and condition information collected by windshield survey. I also conduct pavement design reviews for upcoming projects and run Quality Assurance tests once the roadways are paved.







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Graduate Studies

Strong Reputation

Worldwide, according to U.S. News and World Report, McGill University is ranked #18 and according to the Times Higher Education, #31.  The Mining program has an excellent reputation and our students come from all over the world.

Mining Engineering is a dynamic and vibrant place for you to pursue your graduate studies.

Strong Community

The graduate students in Mining Engineering form a cohesive unit.  There are activities year round to bring the community together and there is a graduate student government which holds events to bring the community together. Mining Engineering is a dynamic and vibrant place for you to pursue your graduate studies.

Broad Research

Professors from the Mining Engineering program have the following research interests:

  • Rock breaking system by rock mass conditioning by Microwave for mechanical excavators and drilling units
  • Development and optimization of mine backfill system
  • Geothermal from Mining operations and oil and gas wells
  • Investigation into drill bit wear and control
  • General rock mechanics, material properties and rock support systems
  • Mine Planning Optimization
  • Mine System Optimization
  • Mine Production Scheduling
  • Stochastic Simulation
  • Stochastic Optimization
  • Strategic [Mine] Planning
  • Mineral Economics
  • Reliability and Maintenance Systems
  • Slope Stability
  • Rock Support
  • Destressing
  • Coal Mining
  • Tailings and Dams
  • Mine Ventilation
  • Energy in Mining
  • Transport Processes in Mining
  • Multiphysics Modeling in Mining Engineering
  • Slurry transportation

The department has a strong commitment to supporting graduate students.  Nearly all, of our Ph.D. students have funding usually from: external scholarships and fellowships, MEDA or a professor’s grant.  This funding is sufficient to cover their living expenses.  In addition, many Masters students receive funding as well.

Check out funding opportunities for Graduate Studies .   Canadian Government’s commitment to research and development  revealed an (2013 Federal Budget) increase investment to support the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC).   Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows can learn how to apply their specialized expertise to business research challenges through Mitacs .

Career resources

Mining graduate students form a cohesive unit. Activites are planned year round to bring the community together, many of which are organized by a graduate student government. Mining Engineering is a dynamic and vibrant place for you to pursue your graduate studies.

Graduate students have access to resources to learn about hiring opportunities following a degree in advanced studies:

  • Professor network with industry, government and academia – worldwide
  • SKILLSETS : free service to Graduate Students and Post-Doctoral Fellows
  • Mitacs programs: internship / conference services

Good Job Prospects

After receiving your degree, you will have good job opportunities.  All of our professors have industrial connections which can help you land a good job.  In addition, many projects have industrial collaborators which will give you exposure to possible future employers.

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Mining engineering.

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A community dedicated to Civil Engineers and those aspiring to be. Please read the rules before participating.

Any PhD’s out there?

I know getting a PhD is almost always considered overkill or a bad idea for industry purposes. I’m also aware of how much of a crapshoot the modern state of academia can be. Regardless, I think I might at least like to try out academia since I might have some fairly enticing PhD opportunities.

I’m curious as to what some paths some civil engineering PhD’s have been able to make for themselves, particularly if you’ve been able to weave in industry and academia experiences.

I’m already planning on getting a masters (coastal) but thinking about what’s beyond that. Would love to hear what some people have done with a PhD in civil, especially if you’re in the water resources, coastal, and ports side of things.

Again, I’m aware that a PhD is not necessary for like 95% of civil jobs. I’m aware of the typical career path, but curious about unconventional ones involving a PhD.

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Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

Students stand with recently built latrine

Helping Bolivian Families

Students recently helped Bolivian families improve sanitation in their community as part of an overseas humanitarian effort funded by Idaho donors.

Collage of engineering students

Engineering Summer

Vandals spend their summers in paid, hands-on mentorship, internship and employment positions directly related to their areas of study.

Students networking with employers

Industry Networking Night Oct. 8

Grow your professional network, gain valuable interactions with industry leaders and establish rapport and recognition with recruiters before attending the Career Fair!

Club team members stand together in a room

Regional Competition Wins

Our ASCE Steel Bridge Competition team earned top placement for aesthetics, lightness efficiency, while our Concrete Canoe teams earned top placement for their technical presentations.

Girls demonstrating their projects during Women in Engineering day.

Women in Engineering Day Sept. 28

Explore how your existing skills and creative mindset can help you become a successful engineer or computer scientist! Open to ALL 5th through 12th graders!

Buchanan Engineering Building Rm. 102

Civil & Environmental Engineering University of Idaho 875 Perimeter Drive MS 1022 Moscow, ID 83844-1022

Phone: 208-885-6782

Email: [email protected]

Student Services

Email: [email protected]

Design sustainable infrastructure that makes life safer for all, enables economic prosperity and creates harmony between natural and built environments. The University of Idaho Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering offers bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees . Experience the difference and what it means to engineer like a Vandal.

2023-24 News

Industry Leaders Seek More Vandal Engineers Because of our strong industry partnerships and the excellent reputation of our students, our department is currently receiving more requests from employers looking to hire than we have students. According to our partners, the job market for civil engineers is HOT right now and should only improve in the coming years with the passage of the new federal infrastructure bill. Contact us for more information, and come join us in beautiful Idaho!

  • CEE is hiring 3 new faculty in the areas of Hydraulics, Water-Environment, and Geotechnical
  • Donations secured to start renovating 3 labs: the Ardurra Water Lab, the Structures Lab, and an Advanced Computing Lab
  • The job market for CEE graduates remains hot.
  • No. 1 Best Value Public University in the West – ranked for the fourth year in a row by U.S. News and World Report . We’re also the only public university in Idaho to be ranked best value by Forbes , Money , and The Princeton Review .
  • Top 7 in the Nation for “infusing real-world experiences into engineering education” through our undergraduate Senior Capstone Design Program – National Academy of Engineering
  • Personalized Attention from nationally and internationally recognized faculty and staff through small class sizes, 1-on-1 interaction, mentorship, advising and research collaboration. All faculty  hold Ph.D.s in their field.
  • 93% Graduate with Jobs or are enrolled in graduate education or military service – First Destination Survey
  • Highest Salary Earnings for early- and mid-career undergraduate degree recipients than any other public university in Idaho – Payscale
  • More Scholarships Awarded than any 4-year public engineering college in Idaho. The CEE department awards approximately $150,000 per year in scholarships.
  • Hands-On Experience, Guaranteed ALL U of I College of Engineering students participate in hands-on experiences, through our nationally recognized Senior Capstone Design Program   and Engineering Design EXPO , Cooperative Education Program (Co-op) , Idaho’s only Grand Challenge Scholars Program   and paid undergraduate assistantships.

Degrees and Programs

Provide safe drinking water to communities and design mass transit systems, dams, buildings, bridges and highways. Design, plan and supervise projects that make life better and safer for society.

The Micron Student Center provides academic advising, career services, tutoring and other support into one central location.

Visit Campus

Schedule a personalized campus tour of labs and facilities and meet our students, advisors, faculty and staff.

The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree program in civil engineering at the University of Idaho is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org .


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  5. Graduate Programs

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    phd civil engineering mcgill


  1. Civil Engineering (PhD)

    Program Description. The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Civil Engineering offered by the Department of Civil Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering is a research-intensive program that emphasizes enriching and forward-thinking learning opportunities. The program's objective is to equip students with skills in intellectual curiosity, information synthesis, and the presentation of complex ...

  2. Graduate Programs

    The primary objective of the program is to train environmental professionals at the advanced level, and it is designed for individuals with a university undergraduate degree in engineering. A similar degree is offered in the Departments of Bioresources Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Mining and Materials Engineering.

  3. Roadmap to PhD Degree

    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Civil Engineering Program Requirements Thesis A thesis for the doctoral degree must constitute original scholarship and be a distinct contribution to knowledge. It must show familiarity with previous work in the field and demonstrate ability to plan and carry out research, organize results, and defend the approach and conclusions in a scholarly manner.

  4. Admissions

    Admission Requirements. The Department of Civil Engineering at McGill University is committed to academic excellence. Only outstanding candidates are considered for entry into the graduate program. A comprehensive list of the entrance requirements can be found on the web pages of the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Office.

  5. Civil Engineering

    Professor Antony Patrick Sinnappa Selvadurai, William Scott Professor, James McGill Professor, Docteur h.c., PhD, DSc, FRSC, FIMA, PEng, CMath (1942-2023) ... Civil Engineering Macdonald Engineering Building 817 Sherbrooke Street West Room 495 Montreal, Quebec H3A 0C3 Tel.: 514-398-6860

  6. Graduate Programs

    Electrical & Computer Engineering. Graduate Programs: M.Eng. (Non-Thesis), M.Eng. (Thesis), Ph.D. Extensive research interests and facilities with more than 50 faculty members and 300 graduate students. Research Areas: Bioelectrical Engineering, Telecommunications and Signal Processing, Systems and Control, Integrated Circuits and Systems, Nano ...

  7. Civil Engineering (M.Sc.)

    Program Description. The Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Civil Engineering (Thesis) offered by the Department of Civil Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering is a research-intensive program that emphasizes specialized and intedisciplinary learning opportunities. The program's objective is to equip students with skills in research design, critical thinking, and information synthesis to either ...

  8. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Civil Engineering Program By McGill

    95% of engineering graduates. 91% of medicine graduates. 84% of science graduates. 92% of all PhD respondents. Montreal also came first in the QS Best Student Cities 2017, a ranking of the most student-friendly cities around the world. Both safe and affordable, Montreal is infused with art and different cultures.

  9. Civil Engineering, Ph.D.

    The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Civil Engineering offered by the Department of Civil Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering at McGill University is a research-intensive program that emphasizes enriching and forward-thinking learning opportunities. The deadline applies if you have the same nationality as the university.

  10. M. MEGUID

    McGill University | McGill · Department of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics PhD, PEng Editor-in-Chief of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering; Associate Editor of Geotextiles and ...

  11. About me

    I received my PhD degree in Civil Engineering (Transportation) from National University of Singapore, and earned a Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering from Tsinghua University. During my PhD, I worked at Mobility and Transport Planning module at the Future Cities Laboratory, Singapore-ETH center. Prior to joining McGill, I was a Postdoctoral ...

  12. Andrew BOYD

    Andrew BOYD, Professor (Associate) | Cited by 1,394 | of McGill University, Montréal (McGill) | Read 48 publications | Contact Andrew BOYD

  13. McGill University Faculty of Engineering

    The Faculty of Engineering is one of the constituent faculties of McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, offering undergraduate and graduate degrees in bio-engineering, bioresource, chemical, civil, computer, electrical, mechanical, materials, mining, and software engineering.The faculty also comprises the School of Architecture and the School of Urban Planning, and teaches courses in ...

  14. McGill

    Hi! I am Daniele Malomo, Assistant Professor of Structural Engineering at McGill University and research director at struct-lab. I received my PhD in Civil Engineering at the University of Pavia (Italy) in 2019. Prior to join McGill in 2020, I was a Postdoctoral researcher at UC Berkeley (USA). At struct-lab, we do research on earthquake ...

  15. Geo-group

    PhD Civil Engineering, McGill University, 2011. Kien Dang has been working at Rocscience Inc. since graduating from McGill in 2011 where he contributes to the development of a 3D finite element software package for geotechnical engineering applications. His research interests include: computational geomechanics, finite/discrete and combined ...

  16. [May 10, 2024, 1-5 pm, Leacock 232] Mining and ...

    10 May 2024, 1 pm - 5 pm, Leacock Building Room- 232 We kindly invite you to join us for our second Mining and Materials Research Day, a hybrid onsite and online event. The event will feature a seminar by Professor Amir Masic (MIT), who will present his work on the Multifunctional Future of Concrete. The event will start at 1 pm. Prof. Admir Masic's seminar will begin at 1:30 pm and continue ...

  17. Civil Engineering, Master

    View 50 other Masters in Civil Engineering & Construction in Canada. Graduate Civil Engineering studies and research at McGill University are at present being conducted in the fields of structures and structural mechanics; infrastructure rehabilitation; risk engineering; fluid mechanics and hydraulics; materials engineering; soil behaviour ...

  18. QS World University Rankings for Engineering

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is once again the best university in the world for studying civil & structural engineering, thanks to a perfect score for academic reputation. The best university for civil engineering according to employer reputation is the National University of Singapore (NUS) which is ranked fourth this year, one ...

  19. Dual Award PhD Program in Civil Engineering with McGill University

    The dual PhD degree in Civil Engineering is offered collaboratively by UAEU and McGill University that leads to the award of a dual degree with two separate certificates, one from each institution. This program allows a student to receive academic training and to perform research work under the joint responsibility of a supervisor from UAEU and a supervisor from McGill University.

  20. Your experience in Civil Engineering at McGill? : r/mcgill

    Good fucking luck in FACC 300. It's a stamp of pride among engineering students. Right now, your study skills suck. And you procrastinate. And your work ethic needs polishing. This is a difficult thing for people to admit because it feels like an attack on your identity, but the sooner you address it the better.

  21. Graduate Studies

    PROSPECTIVE CURRENT Strong Reputation Worldwide, according to U.S. News and World Report, McGill University is ranked #18 and according to the Times Higher Education, #31. The Mining program has an excellent reputation and our students come from all over the world. Mining Engineering is a dynamic and vibrant place for you to pursue your graduate studies.

  22. Any PhD's out there? : r/civilengineering

    Would love to hear what some people have done with a PhD in civil, especially if you're in the water resources, coastal, and ports side of things. Again, I'm aware that a PhD is not necessary for like 95% of civil jobs. I'm aware of the typical career path, but curious about unconventional ones involving a PhD.

  23. Faculty

    Buchanan Engineering Building Rm. 102. Mailing Address: Civil & Environmental Engineering University of Idaho 875 Perimeter Drive MS 1022 Moscow, ID 83844-1022

  24. Ph.D. Civil Engineering

    Only those students who receive funding in the form of a teaching or research assistantships are admitted to the Ph.D. program in Civil Engineering. For questions relating to the Ph.D. in Civil Engineering degree, please email [email protected] or call 208-885-6782.

  25. Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

    94% Graduate with Jobs or are enrolled in graduate education or military service - First Destination Survey; Highest Salary Earnings for early- and mid-career undergraduate degree recipients than any other public university in Idaho - Payscale; More Scholarships Awarded than any 4-year public engineering college in Idaho. The CEE department ...