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video case studies

How to Make Killer Video Case Studies

Everyone loves a good story. Maybe that’s why video case studies are popular. Case studies are stories that give us insight, provide a behind-the-scenes look, and introduce us to real people at a real company. Many businesses use case studies to show how their products and services are making an impact on their customers. They can document new product development, or show how a company has made improvements, changed corporate culture, or leveraged resources for the benefit of a community.

We’ll explore every facet of video case studies, breaking down what they are, how to make them, and what makes a successful one. We’ll also provide you with case study video examples as well as tips for making effective videos that will drive results.

Key Takeaways

What is a video case study?

A video case study is a compelling audiovisual presentation that tells the story of how a particular product, service, or solution positively impacted a real-world customer or client. It typically features interviews with the customer, highlights their challenges and goals, and showcases how the featured product or service provided a solution and delivered measurable benefits.

Video case studies are powerful marketing tools, as they build trust, demonstrate credibility, and provide potential customers with real-life examples of successful outcomes, ultimately influencing their purchasing decisions.

video case study client education

What are the benefits of video case studies?

The truth is, consumers want more video content. In a 2023 study from Wyzowl , 91% of respondents claimed that they wanted more video content from brands. So why not give the people what they want? On top of that, using case study videos can offer several significant benefits for a business:

  • Credibility and trust: Case study videos showcase real-life success stories, demonstrating that your products or services have delivered tangible benefits to satisfied customers. This builds trust and credibility with potential clients or customers.
  • Engagement: Videos are inherently engaging and can captivate your audience better than text or static images. Case study videos allow you to tell a compelling narrative, keeping viewers interested in your content.
  • Demonstration of expertise: Through case studies, you can showcase your expertise and industry knowledge. They establish you as an authority in your field and position your business as a go-to solution provider.
  • Problem-solution narrative: Case study videos often follow a problem-solution structure, helping potential customers identify with the challenges presented and visualize how your product or service can solve their own problems.
  • Personal connection: Including customer interviews or testimonials in your videos adds a personal touch. Prospective clients can relate to real people who have benefited from your offerings, making your brand more relatable.
  • Versatility: Case study videos can be shared across various platforms, such as your website, social media, email marketing, and presentations. This versatility ensures that your success stories reach a wide audience.
  • Measurable impact: Case study videos can include data and metrics that demonstrate the concrete results achieved by your clients. This evidence of ROI can be particularly persuasive.
  • Lead generation: Well-optimized case study videos can serve as valuable lead magnets, attracting potential customers who are actively seeking solutions to problems similar to those addressed in your videos.
  • Storytelling: Effective storytelling in case study videos helps create an emotional connection with your audience, making your brand more memorable and relatable.

Incorporating case study videos into your marketing strategy can have a profound impact on your business by fostering trust, engagement, and conversions while showcasing your expertise and the real-world benefits of your products or services.

Are there different types of video case studies?

As with any genre of film or video production, there are some commonalities in style and tone you’ll see as you delve into that genre. The same holds true with video case studies, where there are several common types you will encounter.

Product/Service Reviews

Purpose: Product or service review case study videos aim to provide an in-depth analysis of your offering’s features, functionality, and benefits. These videos offer an objective evaluation and often serve as informative resources for potential customers.

  • Introduction: Begin with an introduction to the product or service being reviewed.
  • Features and Benefits: Highlight key features and benefits, explaining how they address specific needs or pain points.
  • Demonstration: Showcase the product or service in action through practical demonstrations.
  • User Experience: Share real user experiences, feedback, and opinions.
  • Comparison (optional): Sometimes, a review may compare your offering with competitors to illustrate its advantages.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the review, emphasizing the overall value and why viewers should consider your product or service.

Audience: These videos are geared toward potential customers who are actively researching your product or service. They seek detailed information to make an informed purchase decision.

Benefits: Product/service review case study videos build trust and transparency with your audience. They offer an unbiased evaluation and help potential customers understand how your offering can meet their needs.

  • Testimonials

Purpose: Testimonial case study videos feature satisfied customers or clients sharing their personal experiences and success stories with your product or service. These videos serve as powerful social proof, demonstrating real-world benefits.

  • Introduction: Introduce the customer or client who will provide the testimonial.
  • Problem: Describe the challenges or issues the customer faced before using your product or service.
  • Solution: Explain how your offering addressed those challenges.
  • Benefits: Highlight the specific results, improvements, or positive outcomes achieved.
  • Recommendation: Conclude with the customer’s recommendation or endorsement of your product or service.

Audience: Testimonial case study videos are effective for a broad audience, particularly those in the consideration stage of the buyer’s journey. They provide credibility and build trust.

Benefits: Testimonial videos offer authenticity and credibility, showcasing real customers who have benefited from your offering. They help potential customers relate to others with similar needs and challenges.

Narrative Case Studies

Purpose: Narrative case study videos are storytelling-focused. They aim to engage viewers emotionally by presenting a compelling narrative that highlights a customer’s journey from problem to solution, often emphasizing the transformational aspects.

  • Introduction: Set the stage by introducing the customer or client and their unique situation.
  • Challenge: Describe the significant challenges or pain points the customer faced.
  • Journey: Take viewers on the customer’s journey, emphasizing their struggles and emotional experiences.
  • Solution: Reveal how your product or service came into play, providing a solution and sparking change.
  • Transformation: Showcase the transformation or positive outcomes that occurred as a result.
  • Conclusion: Conclude with a powerful message that resonates emotionally and reinforces your product or service’s role.

Audience: Narrative case study videos are particularly effective for creating an emotional connection with viewers. They engage a wide range of audiences, including those in the awareness and consideration stages.

Benefits: These videos go beyond showcasing features and benefits; they create an emotional connection. Narrative case study videos are memorable and can inspire action by demonstrating the profound impact of your offering on a customer’s life or business.

Each type of case study video serves a unique purpose and engages different aspects of your audience’s decision-making process. Depending on your goals and the subject matter, one of these case study styles should help you convey the message you’re trying to get across.

video case study client education

How to make a video case study

Case studies as a rule won’t necessarily follow an exact timeline or template, but in general, the following steps are typically part of the video case study production process.

1. Planning and Pre-production

Before diving into the video production process , it’s crucial to lay a solid foundation. Start by clearly defining your objectives for the case study video. Identify the specific goals you want to achieve, such as increasing brand awareness, showcasing product effectiveness, or driving conversions.

Selecting the right client or customer is a pivotal step. Choose someone who has a compelling story to tell and has experienced significant benefits from your product or service. Gather initial information about their experience and challenges to ensure they align with your goals.

Set clear goals and key messages you want to convey through the case study. These messages will guide the direction of your video. Assemble your team, which may include videographers, editors, and interviewers, and develop a production timeline to keep the project on track. Don’t forget to secure any necessary permissions and releases from your client and any individuals featured in the video.

2. Research and Interviews

With your pre-production work complete, it’s time to dive into the research phase. Conduct in-depth interviews with your chosen client or customer. These interviews should yield insightful testimonials that highlight the impact of your product or service.

During the interviews, aim to identify the pain points and challenges your client faced before using your solution. Document their journey in detail, from their initial struggles to the moment they found your product or service. Equally important is to capture how your solution addressed these challenges and the benefits it provided.

Supporting data and metrics are key to substantiating your case study. Collect relevant statistics, customer feedback, or any measurable results that reinforce the success story. Build a storyboard or outline for your video, which will serve as the roadmap for the narrative you want to convey.

3. Filming and Production

The production phase involves bringing your case study to life through video. Start by meticulously planning the video shoot. This includes location scouting to find suitable settings, setting up equipment, and assembling your production team if necessary.

Conduct interviews with your client to capture their story authentically. Additionally, capture B-roll footage that complements the narrative. Ensure that you maintain high-quality audio and visuals throughout the shoot to create a professional and engaging video.

Consistency in branding and style is essential. Your case study video should align with your brand’s identity and values. If needed, shoot additional footage to fill any gaps and enhance the overall storytelling.

4. Post-production

After filming, the post-production phase is where the pieces come together to create a cohesive and compelling video. Begin by reviewing all the footage and selecting the best clips that tell the story effectively.

The editing process is crucial. Arrange the footage in a way that builds a compelling narrative, starting with the problem and progressing to the solution. Add supporting graphics, text, and data to provide context and enhance viewer understanding. Pay close attention to enhancing visual and audio quality to maintain professionalism.

Incorporate music or voiceover, if appropriate and necessary for the narrative. Test the video for clarity and impact, and obtain feedback from stakeholders to ensure the final product aligns with your goals and objectives.

5. Finalization and Distribution

With the video edited and polished, it’s time for finalization and distribution. Add branding elements and a clear call to action that guides viewers on what to do next.

Consider creating different versions of the video, such as shorter snippets for social media and a longer, more detailed version for your website or email marketing.

Optimize the video for search engines if you plan to host it online. Set up a dedicated landing page or platform for hosting the video.

Develop a distribution plan that outlines how and where you’ll share the video, ensuring it reaches your target audience effectively.

6. Monitoring and Analysis

Once the video is live, your work isn’t over. Track key video metrics such as views, engagement (likes, shares, comments), and conversions. Collect feedback from your audience to gauge their response and make improvements for future videos.

Evaluate the video’s impact on your defined objectives. Did it drive the desired results, whether that’s increased brand awareness or conversions? Use this analysis to refine your future video case studies.

7. Post-Release Engagement

Stay engaged with your audience after releasing the video. Respond promptly to comments and questions on social media and other platforms where the video is shared. Encourage viewers to share their own experiences or thoughts related to the case study.

8. Case Study Promotion

Highlight the case study video prominently on your website. Incorporate it into sales presentations and pitches to showcase real success stories. Leverage the video in email marketing campaigns to engage with your subscribers. Share it across all relevant social media channels and communities, harnessing the power of social proof to influence potential customers.

By following these outlined steps, you’ll be well-prepared to create a captivating and effective video case study that not only tells a compelling story but also drives results for your business.

10 top tips for video case studies that succeed

Now that you have a solid background on the fundamentals of case studies and how to bring them to life in video, let’s dig a little deeper and discuss some of the keys to creating winning case studies.

Find an engaging story

Find a story with depth to carry the video. We have all been to movies or read a book where the plot is thin or non-existent. A video case study needs to have a plot. It can’t be business as usual; something needs to happen, or no one will care. Is there a problem that was solved? Did you find a better way to accomplish a task? Break into new markets? It helps if the story is about a company or individual whose name people know. Of course, that might not be possible. An interesting, smaller company or unique person can also be engaging.

Camera-friendly interviewees

Video case studies often include real people. The engineer or scientist who made an amazing discovery. The shop floor worker who found a better way to make a product. The customer service representative who solved a problem. People do great work, but can they be engaging on camera? Look for those who are excited to tell their story. Watch to see if they have good eye contact and answer questions concisely. Most people need some coaching, so be sure you have a professional interviewer. They will put people at ease and know when they hear that perfect soundbite.

Choose the right format

There are several formats that can work to make great case studies. Interesting interviews can carry a story by weaving them together. This requires a well-thought-out storyline and a producer who knows how to get interviews that tell the complete story.

A second option is to combine narrative and soundbites. We pick the most interesting soundbites and then write narrative transitions as needed. Narrative can be helpful because it shortens up and crystallizes what might be lengthy explanations by interviewees.

The final option is all narrative. This gives you complete control of the story and the video production supports it.

Great visuals

You know the old saying, “a picture is worth a thousand words?” It’s true. Sometimes it’s easy to capture visuals. People working on cool machines. A bustling office or factory. A time-lapse of something being built or installed. Think about the visual opportunities you have to support the content of the interviews. At CK and CO, we can help decide what to shoot… and how to “make video” when the settings are limited.

Use motion graphics

Some video case studies are about concepts or elements that cannot be seen. Take, for example, the transfer of data to the cloud. You can’t see it, but you know it happens. Motion graphics can illustrate things we can’t see or visualize complex processes and procedures. They can also spice up videos to make them even more appealing.

Impressive results

Viewers love “wow” statistics. As you tell your story, it’s important to share tangible results. For example:

Did you reduce costs by 30% or increase productivity?

Did you get a return on your investment in half the projected time?

Have you improved employee retention by 20%?

You get the idea. Brag about what you have achieved. Sometimes, it is too soon to know the results of your story. In that case, you might include a vision statement about what you hope to achieve.

High content. Short timeframe.

We live in a world where Twitter and Instagram have influenced how we consume information. Whether or not you use these tools the mindset today is, “give it to me now, give it to me fast and don’t make me think about it.” As a result, your viewers expect a video case study that provides high content in a short timeframe. Every word is important, and when coupled with great visuals, you can get your message across in far less time than you might think.

Create alternate versions of the same story.

Meaty stories beg for more time. The truth is that audiences vary in how much time they are willing to devote to a video. At CK and CO, we often create several versions of a case study using the same raw video. We might create a longer piece (5:00-6:00) for use in a face-to-face opportunity. That same video content can be cut down to a shorter video (2:30-3:00) for use on a website. One length does not fit all. If you have spent the time and money to capture the story, consider your options.

Tease your video case study

Just as filmmakers cut movie trailers to generate interest in a film, you can “tease” your video case study. We often pull short compelling soundbites and package them into media shorts. These :15-:30 videos end with a call to action to view the entire video.

Add a whitepaper

While it’s true that many people prefer video to print, don’t miss an opportunity. Create a short whitepaper to accompany your video case study. The whitepaper should not be a transcript of the video, but instead should complement it. This is the place for highly technical elements and background information that does not translate well to video.

Video case studies are an effective tool for engaging potential customers and telling your company’s story. So, consider how you might use them to tell your story.

Where to use video case studies

We discussed this briefly above in the “how to” section, but it’s worth revisiting in more detail. Once you’ve put the finishing touches on your case study video you need to get it out to the world. But where exactly should you be promoting it?

1. Your Website

Embed the video case study prominently on your website’s homepage or a dedicated landing page to make it easily accessible to visitors. Having a dedicated section or page for all your case studies can provide a convenient reference point for interested prospects.

2. Social Media

Share the video on your compa ny’s social media profiles, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube. Optimize the video for each platform’s specifications, and actively engage with your audience through comments, likes, and shares to increase its visibility and reach.

3. Email Marketing

Include the video case study in your email marketing campaigns, especially when targeting segments of your email list interested in the topic. Additionally, use the video in email signatures to add a dynamic touchpoint to your email correspondence.

4. Sales and Marketing Presentations

Integrate the video into your sales pitches and marketing presentations. By doing so, you can provide real-world examples of your product or service’s success, which can be highly persuasive during client interactions.

5. Content Marketing

Incorporate the video into your content marketing strategy by using it in blog posts, articles, or other written content related to the case study’s topic. You can also create teaser content from snippets or excerpts of the video to pique the interest of your audience and direct them to the full video for more in-depth information.

These strategic placements will help you maximize the visibility and impact of your video case study across different channels and engage your target audience effectively.

Case study video examples worth watching

Want to see some effective case study video examples? We’ve put together a short list here with some key takeaways and tips for video case studies that might prove helpful as you look to create your next video masterpiece.

Video case study example 1

  • Quick summary: Queen City Candy has a sweet history that spans more than three decades as a buyer, packager and reseller of candy and confections to customers throughout the world. But in 2015 the company began manufacturing candy – all thanks to Siemens automation.
  • Why it works: The visuals help guide this video as the interviewees describe their challenge and how Siemens helped them discover a solution. It’s impossible to look away while colorful candy floats across the screen. Not to mention the impressive results, like a 40% increase in sales thanks to Siemens technology.
  • Key takeaway(s): Outcomes and visuals are a critical component of any video case study.

Video case study example 2

  • What do you do when your company name and identity no longer reflect what you do? You change your name and update your brand with a new look. But there is still work to be done. You need to communicate the changes to your existing customers and attract new ones once rebranding efforts are completed.
  • Why it works: This piece uses compelling motion graphics and narrative to create a short, simplified message. It helps the viewer see that Marana group knows their struggles when it comes to breaking through the noise and getting their message to prospective customers. It then shares how Marana group can help.
  • Key takeaway(s): Simple graphics and messaging are key to the success of this case study. A topic than can be complex to share is made simple thanks to motion graphics.

Video case study example 3

  • Quick summary: Vibrant cities require reliable, convenient and comfortable transportation systems. Get a look at the Charlotte Streetcar and see how the 4-mile-long streetcar line connects the Historic West End through Center City Charlotte to the Elizabeth neighborhood. This Siemens Mobility project shows how transportation is the lifeblood of a community. 
  • Why it works: With this case study, viewers understand how the Charlotte Streetcar is helping bring a city together – connecting diverse neighborhoods and making them more accessible for all. It also highlights the key features and benefits the city has come to appreciate from the Siemens Mobility Streetcar.
  • Key takeaway(s): Customers are often your biggest promoter – if you have a project that has gone well, further build the relationship by sharing the story together with your customers.

cynthia kay

Cynthia Kay

Cynthia Kay founded Cynthia Kay and Company media production 35 years ago. The company produces communications for organizations from Fortune Global 100 to small businesses. A graduate of Michigan State University, Kay holds a master’s in communications from Western Michigan University. She is the Past Board Chair of the Small Business Association of Michigan (SBAM) and the National Small Business Association (NSBA). Cynthia has been honored with many awards including numerous Tellys and Woman Owned Small Business Supplier of the Year from Siemens in 2018. She has been named One of West Michigan’s 50 Most Influential Women 5 times. She is also the recipient of over 30 broadcast awards from UPI, AP and other news organizations.

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How to Create Highly Effective Case Study Videos

Phoebe Powell

Phoebe Powell

companies are increasingly switching from binders of customer stories (like these ones) to case study videos

Case study videos and customer testimonials are a powerful way to highlight your customers' successes—along with how your company helps.

Case study videos are powerful tools for businesses looking to attract new clients and drive revenue. By using video, you add a personal element that’s difficult to achieve with a traditional, text-based case study.

Interviewing clients in case study videos humanizes your work and allows potential customers to better understand how your products and services solve real-world problems. When properly executed, a case study video showcases the value of your work and helps grow your business.

What is a Case Study Video?

What are the benefits of case study videos, the 3 types of case study videos, how to make a case study video in 10 simple steps, where to use case study videos, 3 of the best case study videos to inspire you.

A case study video is a piece of persuasive content that businesses use to illustrate the value of their products or services, through the telling of real customer success stories. It’s a customer testimonial video that adds authenticity to your marketing efforts.

Successful case study videos:

  • Include on-camera interviews with customers
  • Show how your business solves a specific customer problem
  • Use stats and figures to back up the customer’s story
  • Focus on the benefits, not the features

They’re an incredibly important type of video to have in your arsenal.

Blake Smith, Vidyard’s Creative Director, deep dives into the world of case study videos, explaining what they are and how to make an effective one. Along with Mat King, Vidyard’s Video Production Manager, he breaks down an example customer testimonial video to highlight what goes into creating a good one.

Case study videos can benefit your business by raising awareness about what you do and attracting new customers. Here are some of the reasons you should consider creating a case study video:

They’re persuasive: Having your customers deliver compelling reasons why your product works is powerful. Video is a direct and persuasive medium; viewers retain 95% of your messag e when they watch it in a video, and only 10% when reading it in text.

They’re engaging: Your target audience is more likely to watch a short video case study than to read a text version of it. That’s because video marketing is more engaging. Most buyers prefer to learn about a product through video compared with any other medium.

They’re emotional: Video case studies deliver personal testimonials directly from your customers, which helps establish an emotional connection with the viewer. Connecting a human face to a story is powerful, and 95% of our decisions are subconsciously driven by our emotions.

They’re versatile: You can use a video case study across a variety of marketing channels, and you can even edit specific scenes and lines to use for other purposes, like for social media. Unless your products change drastically, case study videos offer evergreen content that stays relevant for years.

checklist graphic

There are three main types of case study video that your business can produce, with different levels of complexity:

  • Customer Testimonial: A customer testimonial is a straightforward, to-the-point video interview where you ask questions to the customer about their experience with your products. You’ll only need one shoot location and minimal editing to deliver a finished video.
  • Customer Review: A customer review video is another simple but effective execution. Instead of focusing on a clear narrative, your customer can speak to specific features of your products, and how they benefited from using those features.
  • Case Study Narrative: A case study narrative is the most complex type of case study video. It involves a mix of on-camera interviews with customers, B-roll visuals and can even include graphics and font treatments. It requires more shoot time and editing than the other video types.

With the correct approach and proper planning, your case study video can boost your sales and bring in new business. Follow these 10 steps to make a compelling case study video for your company.

1. Think Like a Potential Customer

The first step in creating a case study video is to develop a detailed plan with your target audience in mind. The more specific you can be in identifying the intended audience, the better prepared you’ll be to address their specific goals and pain points. Even if your product appeals to a wide audience, your case study should speak to one specific segment of that market.

2. Ask the Important Questions

Ask yourself what problem your target audience is experiencing, and how your business solves that problem. This will help you develop the key message of your video, and build a story around it. To help identify these problems and solutions, ask yourself questions such as:

  • What do my customers care about?
  • What do I offer customers that competitors don’t?
  • Why do customers use my products and services?
  • What do I help customers achieve?

3. Choose the Right Customer

Now that you have key messaging for your video, you can start identifying customers who suit the narrative you developed. The following criteria can help you narrow down your cast of possible characters:

  • They should fit with the video’s target audience
  • They should have a compelling, personal story to share
  • They should be comfortable and engaging on camera
  • They should have statistics to back up their story

Once you’ve identified a perfect fit, you’ll need to approach them with your request. When you approach a customer, be clear about what you’re asking them to do, ease their concerns and let them be involved in the process. You can also sweeten the deal by offering something in return: Maybe the B-roll you gather would be valuable for their own marketing efforts, for example.

Another option is to ask customers to record video testimonials on their own time, with easy-to-use software like Vidyard Chrome extension . That way they can shoot the video when it’s convenient, and quickly share the link with you.

Global human capital management (HCM) software company Ceridian, put the human impact of their products front and center in this case study video featuring the Blue Man Group.

Ceridian’s video does a particularly good job of using B-roll to highlight the creative nature of their customer’s business and explain the challenges they experience—along with how their product helps.

Vidyard video thumbnail - click to play

4. Plan Out the Story Arc

Case study videos need to tell a story. Developing a story arc helps translate your key messaging into a compelling narrative for viewers. A recent study on the power of brand storytelling found that nearly 80% of adults think brands should tell stories as part of their marketing efforts. In developing your story arc, you should map out your video’s four main stages:

  • Introduce the character: Identify the hero of your video. For a video case study, the protagonist will be your customer. Though the video may include more than one person from the featured company, choose one person to focus your narrative on. Your main character should be relatable and engaging.
  • Identify the problem: Next, establish the story’s conflict. With a brand story video, the conflict is the pain point your main character experiences. It’ll make your case study more relevant to your target audience.
  • Explain the solution: The solution shows viewers how your product helped the customer overcome challenges. While the narrative is crucial, you may also want to use statistics to back up your customer’s success to make the point even more persuasive.
  • Provide a resolution: The resolution of your story should include next steps for the viewer. What do you want them to do next? Include a clear call to action at the end of the video.

5. Conduct Background Interviews

Before you start shooting, conduct background interviews with your customer. This will give you a better sense of the responses you’ll get on camera and how they fit into your narrative.

Conducting pre-interviews will familiarize your customer with the questions you’ll ask them, so they can hone their storytelling before appearing on camera. It’ll also help you perfect your list of interview questions.

Here are some questions to consider:

  • What does your business do? Who are your customers?
  • Where are you located? How long have you been in business?
  • What challenges did you face before coming to us?
  • Why did you decide to use our products?
  • What differentiates us from our competitors?
  • What’s it like to use our products?
  • What’s it like to work with us?
  • How have you benefited from using our product?

If possible, conduct your background interview(s) over video conferencing software or in-person. This will give you a good sense of how comfortable your potential subjects might be on camera and help you to choose people to feature in your case study video.

6. Write Your Script

You don’t have to be a professional writer to develop a script for your video. Using your story arc as a guide, build out a script that tells the story of your case study.

Introduce the character, give background information, outline the details of the problems they faced and how your product helped address those problems.

Stick to the point and use a concise, conversational style. After all, 68% of people prefer to learn about products and services through short-form videos.

Pro Tip:  Use Vidyard’s free video script timer tool to find out how long your script will be when you read it out loud (and edit accordingly).

7. Back it Up With Stats

While developing your script, identify areas where you can back up the story with hard facts. If your customer has statistics about how your product increased sales, drove conversions, or resulted in other measurable outcomes, include those numbers in your script.

Consider using graphs or other visual elements to highlight the figures on screen. Whether you get the customer to physically stand in front of a chart or you add it in post-production, this can be a great way to highlight the value of your offering.

8. Choose a Shoot Location

Where you shoot is a big part of the overall look and feel of your final case study video. Determine what location is best suited for the particular story your video will tell.

The shoot location may depend on your customer’s industry: If they work in tech, it probably makes sense to shoot in their office. But, if your customer works in a hands-on field like construction or community development, you might want to film outdoors to capture the action.

9. Develop a Shot List

Plan ahead by putting together a list of all the shots you’d like to record. For every scene in your script, identify how it should be shot. Your script can help guide your shot list.

For interview videos , you may want to try a variety of angles and shot sizes, from close ups to medium shots. Plan out B-roll shots as well, so you don’t miss any important content.

10. Sweat the Details on the Day of the Shoot

There are also a few key considerations you’ll want to remember on the day of the shoot, to make sure everything runs smoothly. Don’t forget to:

  • Choose a quiet, well-lit location for your on-camera interviews
  • Instruct interview subjects to answer your questions using full sentences, since the questions will be edited out of the final cut
  • Gather a variety of B-roll footage that shows the shoot location, the character working, shots of your products in use, and more—it will come in handy when you’re looking to add interesting visuals to the final cut.
  • Overestimate the amount of time you’ll need to shoot so you aren’t rushing to capture everything

Don’t have room in your budget for a full-out case study video? You don’t have to have professional camera equipment or the funds to visit a customer in another location to get the value out of this type of video.

Try asking happy customers to record a short testimonial video using their webcam. You can provide them with a list of basic questions to direct what topics they focus on.

Vidyard’s Chrome extension is a free, easy-to-use tool that makes creating customer testimonial videos a breeze.

Once you have a compelling final product, you’ll need to consider how to get it in front of your target audience. Luckily, case study videos are versatile pieces of content that you can use across a variety of marketing channels. Here are some options to consider:

  • Embed the case study video on your website, either on the homepage or a dedicated case study page
  • Include the video in a marketing email to send out to your leads
  • Share the case study on your social media accounts
  • Incorporate the video into sales pitches and presentations
  • Expand your reach by promoting the video in a digital ad campaign

These three compelling case study video examples can help motivate you to create captivating testimonials of your own.

1. Zoom Testimonial from Zendesk

This is a great example of a well-produced, well-told case study narrative. It provides a good mix of interviews with customers and B-roll showing how they use the product. The interviews focus on problems the company faced and how Zoom solved those issues, rather than listing its features. The video is short enough that viewers won’t lose interest, but that it still tells a full story.

2. Google AdWords Case Study

This video is a great example of how getting out of an office setting can make for a visually engaging case study video. The main character is relatable and comfortable on camera. She’s great at telling the story of how Google AdWords helped grow her business and seamlessly includes stats in her narrative. The supporting cast of dog extras doesn’t hurt, either.

3. Slack’s Unique Take on the Case Study

If you still aren’t convinced that case study videos can be fun and engaging, this humorous example from Slack should do the trick. This is a different kind of case study video, because it’s fully scripted, but it shows how important it is to tell a strong, relatable story. The video does a great job of integrating Slack’s features and benefits into on-camera interviews. And it illustrates how a bit of humor can go a long way toward convincing customers to invest in your product.

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How to Create the Most Effective Case Study Videos

Corporate communications

(Updated 08-21-2024)

How to Create the Most Effective Case Study Videos

The Video Advantage: Trends & Strategies for Content Marketers 2024

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. This ebook is designed to help you take advantage of the biggest content and video trends this year.

How do people come to trust a product or brand that they’ve never heard of?

One word: reviews. They need evidence that your product or service is worth investing in.

In fact, 92% of customers read online reviews before buying and 88% of consumers say reviews influence their online purchasing decisions.

And people are buying online now more than ever.

According to Statista , in 2020 alone, over two billion people purchased goods or services online, and during the same year, e-retail sales surpassed 4.2 trillion US dollars worldwide. If you want a slice of this lucrative pie, you need more than just catchy marketing campaigns.

If you’re looking to lure a good chunk of this audience to buy your product or service, you need to convince them that your product and service is an excellent investment. You need to instill FOMO in them. You need to illustrate the sheer value of your product.

And nothing does this better than video.

To be specific: case study videos.

Case study videos are powerful online-marketing tools for businesses looking to attract new clients, for brand awareness, and to drive revenue. They create trust and trigger an emotional response in the audience, encouraging them to click the ‘Buy Now’ button right away.

Create a stunning video in minutes

What makes a good case study video.

First things first, what exactly is a case study video?

A case study video is essentially a video testimonial from a happy customer or client . It outlines the problems the customer went through, the solutions they considered, their journey towards choosing your product, and then the results obtained after using the product for a certain amount of time.

Sounds technical?

The best case study videos are anything but. They’re engaging, tell an excellent story, and are super persuasive.

And they’re highly effective at boosting sales.

Because, word of mouth recommendations and testimonials are more relevant and important than ever , as most people nowadays aren’t inclined to make purchases without consulting reviews online.

So what are the ingredients required to create an effective case study video?

  • Include on-camera interviews with customers . The more personal, the better. Try to keep away from scripted interviews as much as possible, because in today’s world, authenticity sells. Check out this article if you want to know more about personalized video marketing .
  • Show how your business solves a specific customer problem, for example in a how-to video . Weave a beautiful story around your customers' pain points and how your business solved them.
  • Use stats and figures to back up the customer’s story . Numbers are always a great way to back your point and increase conversion rates.
  • Focuses on the benefits, not the features . Nobody wants to hear what your product does - they want to hear what it does for them! So focus on that.

Check out this article if you want to know more on how to make a professional video .

Which types of case study videos can you create?

Now, there are several different types of videos you can create for your business. Creating the same type can get boring for your audience so try to experiment with different kinds. Use them in your marketing strategy and on various online video platforms. Or have you ever thought about video prospecting in your sales strategy to make your information more snackable?

Curious about how to create corporate videos ? Look no further! PlayPlay offer you an easy way to craft professional content that captivates your audience and elevates your brand.

Testimonial video

The simplest way to create a case study video is really just to create a testimonial video . Ask your long standing, happy customers if they'd be willing to create an online testimonial video for you or they’d be happy to come into your workplace and create a testimonial video in person.

Testimonial videos are usually very simple to create; they do not require any extravagant set preparations or a long, complex script.

Q&A style interview video

Another popular case study video type is a Q8A (question & answer) style interview video .

You prepare a bunch of specific questions beforehand and ask your consumers to answer them honestly.

There are several ways to conduct this kind of video.

You can conduct a live session on social media (this works really well as a digital-marketing tactic, too, since consumers watch live video 10–20 times longer than on-demand content!)

Review video

A simple review of your product or service makes a great case study video, too.

To add some extra oomph to the video, consumers can demonstrate how the product or service works.

Narrative video

And finally, you can create a beautiful story around your product and service and have consumers pitch in and present their feedback .

A lot of bigger brands are investing primarily in narrative case study videos and it’s usually a huge hit with their audience.

PlayPlay Pro Tip

These different types of video don't have to be mutually exclusive. A best practice in content marketing is to reuse high quality content multiple times. So why not repurpose your video content as well? For example, you can include your customer testimonial in a demo, use it as an ad, or include it in a video slideshow when showcasing the highlights of the year.

How to make a case study video: a step-by-step guide

Now let’s learn how you can create a case study video to further your marketing goals.

Define your audience and their pain points

First and foremost, understand and define your audience.

  • Who are you creating this case study video for?
  • What are their pain points?
  • What solutions are they seeking?
  • What demographic and geographical location are they from?
  • Have they bought from you before or this is their first time?

Be as comprehensive as possible in defining your target audience.

Define the key message and objective of the video

Next, what message are you giving via your video?

Essentially a case study video’s primary goal is to establish trust and convince the audience to buy your product. But depending on the type of case study video you’re creating and what stage of the marketing funnel you’re targeting, your objective will vary.

So your objective can differ depending on,

  • Whether you’re promoting your entire brand and business via the video or a specific product or service,
  • If you’re creating a case study video to give a marketing boost to your new product launch,
  • Or if you’re simply looking to increase engagement with your audience on different platforms via social media marketing.

Once you’ve outlined the objective of your case study video, it’s time to decide on your key message . What narrative are you going for? What message would you like to give your audience via this case study video? What solutions would you like to highlight?

Be crystal clear.

Select your subject or subjects

To create an engaging video, you need to choose the right subjects.

Depending on your key message and objective of your video, select customers that will best work for your case study video .

When choosing customers to feature on your video, keep the following things in mind,

  • Your target audience can resonate well with them
  • They have a great, persuasive story
  • They’re comfortable sharing their story with your audience
  • They have a strong presence on camera

Write your video script

Now it’s time to work on your video script.

A great video weaves a beautiful, persuasive story. And a great story has 4 main stages,

  • Outline the pain points of your target audience

What difficulties are they going through?

What challenges are they facing?

Opening your video by stating these challenges empathetically is a great way of getting your audience’s attention right away.

  • Introduce the hero of your story

You can have one strong hero or you can feature multiple people in your video and they can all narrate their unique situations, experiences, and personal stories to add variety to the video.

  • Explain the solution

This is where you illustrate via text, voice over, or even through your subject’s story how your brand helped the customer overcome their challenges. Make it succinct but informative.

  • End with a call-to-action

Provide your audience with a resolution and end with a strong CTA to help them take the next step.

What would you like viewers to do? Like your page? Click on your landing page? Buy a limited edition product you’ve come out with? Or simply sign up to receive brand updates? Whatever it is, highlight it at the end of the video.

Include numbers and stats

A great way to add some oomph to your case study video and convince potential customers is by using numbers and stats .

While it’s always a good idea to ask customers to add numbers to their stories, you can also also strengthen your case study video by adding the following numbers,

  • Quoting industry stats
  • Mentioning the number of customers you’ve helped
  • Your social media follower count (screenshots of raving tweets wouldn’t go amiss here!) if your goal is social media marketing
  • YouTube subscribers if you’re targeting YouTube marketing

And if you’re posting this video on social media platforms, use hashtags to broaden its reach! Make it viral! You want your videos to be watched by millions of people? Learn more in this blog article about how to create your own buzzfeed video .

Decide the format of your case study video

This is where you decide on the type of case study video you’d like to create.

If you’re filming it live with your subject, make sure to,

  • Choose the right location . You can shoot it in your office, in an open outdoor space, or create a dedicated set for it.
  • Always create a shot by shot storyboard , to make sure that your subjects, filming crew, and everyone else involved in creating the video know which shot comes when.

And if you’re conducting an online interview via webcam or everyone’s favorite Zoom (for live streaming), make sure to make a list of questions you want to ask . You can always email your subject a list of questions so they can prepare beforehand, as well.

 Thinking about the cost of producing a corporate video?

Discover our complete guide on how to budget your corporate video.

Create and edit your video

Now once you have all the B-roll you need, the interviews all nicely shot, and all the extra bits and pieces required to create the perfect case study video, it’s time to start piecing it together and edit it.

However, when editing is concerned, there’s one problem - using complex editing softwares.

Marketers often stay away from using heavy duty editing softwares like Final Cut or Adobe Premiere Pro for several reasons; they're complex, the learning curve is massive, and they don’t always have guidelines available for non-technical individuals and laymen.

This hampers their video creation and editing process.

The solution?

Using an easy-to-use online video creation platform like PlayPlay . It has a huge library of ready-made templates that you can easily personalize with your brand's look and feel.

You can further add graphics (animated videos are all the rage online!), use interesting text styles, fonts and visuals, and play around with a range of other video editing features to make your video ready for social media!

Melissa Francois

Melissa Francois

Head of Global Content & Comms

With over 10 years of experience in the wild world of SaaS, Melissa cares about building great brand stories and driving community engagement through engaging content. Off the clock, she enjoys long walks and a pint in a cozy country pub.

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