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International Relations Dissertation Topics and Titles – Free Advice

Published by Owen Ingram at January 9th, 2023 , Revised On May 2, 2024


International relations studies the relationships between different countries, economies, regions, and governments whilst considering the importance of trade, economic relations, foreign policies, international security, and diplomacy.

International relations do not focus on a single country but discuss how a particular event or incident affects countries in one or more regions. Thus, each country needs to ensure that its international and economic relations with other countries are valuable and longstanding.

International relations are essential to understanding current political events and their impact on different countries. Whether it is the world war, oil crisis, 9/11, Brexit, or any other major event, the subject of international relations explores them in detail and provides insight into how they will affect other countries.

Studying international relations helps us understand how the world operates, how countries connect, and how they are affected by policy changes in another country or when a major incident occurs.

To help you get started with brainstorming for international relations topic ideas, we have developed a list of the latest topics that can be used for writing your dissertation.

These topics have been developed by PhD qualified writers of our team , so you can trust to use these topics for drafting your dissertation.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting a brief research proposal from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an introduction to the topic, research question, aim and objectives, literature review, and the proposed methodology of research to be conducted. Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

Check our  dissertation examples  to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

Review the full list of  dissertation topics here.

Top IR Dissertation Topics

Topic: 1: economic security a new lens in international relations- a study to find the role of economic security in foreign policymaking in developing countries.

Research Aim: This research aims to find the role of economic security in foreign policymaking in developing countries. It will review the concept of economic security and its introduction into the international relations discourse. Moreover, it will show why it helps developing countries. And how can they incorporate it into their foreign policymaking? How much progress have they made so far while implementing it? And what can they do about it in the future?

Topic: 2: Russia vs. Ukraine a Geostrategic or Ideological Conflict? An Analysis to Identify the Actual Cause of Russia-Ukraine from Geostrategic and Ideological Lenses

Research Aim: This study intends to analyse the actual cause of Russia-Ukraine from geostrategic and ideological lenses. It will be a comparative study using various international relations (IR) lenses such as realism, liberalism, geostrategic, geo-economics, geo-political, etc., to show which lens finds appropriate reasoning for the Russia-Ukraine going to war. Moreover, it will identify various economic, political, and social forces driving this war. Lastly, it will find out who will be the prime beneficiary of this war other than Russia.

Topic: 3: Political Economy of Global Terrorism- An Assessment of the Political and Economic Forces Behind Global Terrorism

Research Aim: This research sheds light on the political and economic forces behind global terrorism. It will find how various political and economic powers, such as states, organisations, business groups, politicians, etc., deliberately promote terrorism for their political and financial motives. It will use various case studies such as terrorism in Pakistan and other developing countries and significant conflicts such as Israel-Palestine, Russia-Ukraine, etc. Moreover, it will show how small governments can create a political-economic-security framework to avoid terrorism for the benefit of foreign powers.

Topic: 4: The Role of Western Powers in Israel-Palestine- A Third World Country Viewpoint

Research Aim: This research assesses the role of Western powers such as the US, UK, and EU in the Israel-Palestine conflict from a third-world country viewpoint, such as India, Pakistan, etc. It will show how third-world countries evaluate this conflict on political, economic, social, and national security bases. Moreover, it will show what lessons these countries can learn from this conflict to save themselves from significant future disputes and formulate their foreign policy according to these lessons. Lastly, it shows which side these countries take in Israel-Palestine and on which grounds.

Topic: 5: Why the Middle East is Crucial for the West? A Geo-economic and Geostrategic Analysis

Research Aim: This research will show why the Middle East is crucial for the West through a geo-economic and geostrategic analysis. It will find why Western powers, such as the US, Europe, etc., invaded the Middle East from a geo-economic and geostrategic lens. It will show what these powers gained and lost in these invasions. And do geo-economic and geostrategic factors incentivize Western powers to invade the Middle East again? Lastly, how can the Middle East protect its rights and gains in the future by applying geo-economic and geostrategic analysis?

Topic 6: Impact of Terrorism and Religion on Relations between Afghanistan and US

This research analyses the dynamics between terrorism and religion and their influence on the bilateral relations between Afghanistan and the United States, to understand how these factors have shaped diplomatic, political, and socio-cultural interactions.

Topic 7: An Analysis of the Afghanistan Peace Process

This study critically examines the complexities and challenges of the Afghanistan peace process. It focuses on understanding the various stakeholders involved, their motivations, the negotiation dynamics, and the impact of historical, political, and socio-cultural factors on the prospects for sustainable peace and stability in the region.

Topic 8: The Role of the Arab Nations in the Israel - Palestine Conflict

The research investigates the role of Arab nations in the Israel-Palestine conflict. It focuses on their historical, political, diplomatic, and socio-cultural contributions, interventions, and impact on the conflict dynamics and the prospects for peace in the region.

Topic 9: The Effect of USMCA on International Trade

The study explores the effect of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) on international trade. The research investigates USMCA’s impact on its economic, political, and social implications for the member countries and the broader global trade landscape.

Topic 10: An Analysis of Women's Participation in International Relations

This study critically analyses the participation of women in the field of international relations. It examines the factors influencing their involvement, the challenges they face, the contributions they make, and the implications for global governance, diplomacy, and security.

Topic 11: An Analysis of the Failure of the UN's Nuclear Disarmament Plans

The study analyses the factors contributing to the failure of the United Nations’ nuclear disarmament plans. It examines the historical attempts, diplomatic challenges, political obstacles, and the role of state actors, non-state actors, and international power dynamics in hindering progress toward global nuclear disarmament goals.

Topic 12: An Investigation of How the Syrian Crisis Turned Into A Civil War

The research aims to investigate the complex factors and events that led to the transformation of the Syrian crisis into a civil war, examining socio-political, historical, economic, and regional dynamics, as well as the roles of state and non-state actors, to gain insights into the escalation and perpetuation of the conflict.

COVID -19 International Relations Research Topics

Topic: 1: international relations and covid-19.

Research Aim: This study will address the geopolitical issues and International relations during COVID-19

Topic: 2: COVID-19 is a geopolitical instrument

Research Aim: COVID -19 has disturbed everything from health to the world’s economy, and it has also created tensions among the nations of the world. This study will identify whether Coronavirus is a geopolitical instrument or not.

Topic: 3: International Relations Scholars and COVID-19

Research Aim: This study will reveal the opinions and role of International relations scholars and COVID-19

Topic: 4: Meta-geopolitics and COVID-19

Research Aim: This study will focus on the meta-geopolitics during the COVID-19 crisis

Topic: 5: The global order post Coronavirus pandemic

Research Aim: This study will predict the global order of the Coronavirus pandemic, including international relations, geopolitics, and geo-economics after COVID-19.

International Relations Research Topics

Conflicts between india and china.

Research Aim: This research aims to address the conflicts between India and China, the history and current situation of the two nations, and their government’s role.

Organisation of Islamic cooperation during the pandemic

Research Aim: This research aims to conduct an in-depth study on the contribution of the organisation of Islamic cooperation during a pandemic

New immigration rules of the UK

Research Aim: This research aims to highlight the new immigration rules of the UK and their impacts on immigrants.

China’s economic growth- Its impact on the world

Research Aim: This research aims to highlight the impact of China’s economic growth on the world

The role of the UN in resolving the Indo-Pak conflict in Kashmir

Research Aim: This research aims to address the role of the UN in resolving the Indo-Pak conflict on the matter of Kashmir

9/11: How has it Shaped International Trade between the West and the Arab Countries?

Research Aim: There is no doubt that 9/11 is one of the major incidents that shook the entire world. An attack on the twin towers killed hundreds and left thousands injured. Loss of lives, property, and money were not the only losses resulting from this incident.

With Al-Qaeda accepting the attack’s responsibility, the American government cut ties with many countries responsible for funding the terrorist organisation. The country initiated the war on terror shortly after the incident; however, the effects were experienced worldwide and long-term.

This dissertation will focus on how trade was affected by post 9/11 and how the US ties with the Arab world were severely affected.

China’s Growth as the Superpower: Is the US threatened?

Research Aim: China is the next superpower; there is no second thought about it. However, the growth of this economic giant has left huge gaps in the international trade market. With America being the superpower for ages, the country is now threatened with China’s economic progress.

The two countries may have good terms on the surface; however, they compete on a whole new level in the international market. This research will talk about China’s progress, how the country has evolved as a superpower, and how it poses a threat to the United States of America. All aspects, including trade, policy framing, etc., will be discussed to provide a detailed analysis.

How Can ResearchProspect Help?

ResearchProspect writers can send several custom topic ideas to your email address. Once you have chosen a topic that suits your needs and interests, you can order for our dissertation outline service , which will include a brief introduction to the topic, research questions , literature review , methodology , expected results , and conclusion . The dissertation outline will enable you to review the quality of our work before placing the order for our full dissertation writing service !

Does Germany’s Foreign Policy Influence the Rest of Europe?

Research Aim: Germany dominates the European Union. Policies, tariffs, currency, trade, international business, etc., are designed keeping in mind Germany. This research will discuss how the European Union is dominated by Germany, particularly after the Brexit.

Every country can draft policies considering its economic position and ties with other countries. However, the European Union has to consider Germany while formulating any new foreign policy. The dissertation will discuss why this happens and how European countries draft their foreign policy considering Germany.

Exploring the Causes of Conflicts between the African Nations and their Relationships with the West

Research Aim: African countries have suffered a lot over the last several centuries. Some countries are poor and do not have enough resources to provide facilities to the country’s people, while the rest do not enjoy healthy political relations with the rest of the world.

Many African countries have different policies compared to the Western world, which is why conflicts arise. Moreover, racial discrimination is another major factor why the two regions have never shared healthy relations.

This research will investigate the underlying reasons for conflicts between the African and the Western world and how they can be bridged.

Is Africa a Concern for the Western World?

Research Aim: A few African nations are rich in natural resources but in political turmoil, so other countries have always tried to take advantage of them. However, all international trades must be conducted concerning foreign policies in place. It is only through international trade laws that such businesses must avoid any unfair and biased distribution.

Unfortunately, the western world has always dominated the African nations and have barely given them their right. This thesis will explore the notion that western countries always try and find a way to dominate the African countries even when they deserve a larger share of the pie.

Russia and the Western World: A look into History

Research Aim: The relations between Russia and the Western world, specifically the US, are known worldwide. The Cold War and the aftermath of the war will all be discussed in detail in this dissertation. Many histories and international relations experts believe that the cold war has not ended and is going on to date. This notion will be researched, discussed, and analysed in this research to provide a complete insight into the current political situation. However, a major part of the thesis will focus on the history of these countries and the events.

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China’s Economic Growth – The Effects and Consequences on the World

Research Aim: China is taking over the world – this is a fact. Whether a country or a nation accepts it or not, China is slowly making its way to becoming a superpower. Be it technology, daily products, banking, financial services, or any other thing. China has outclassed all other countries of the world.

Considering China’s rapid progress, many countries have accepted China as the future superpower and tried to maintain a good relationship. However, on the other hand, other countries do not accept China as the next superpower and are ready to fight for it.

An example is the United States, the current superpower and is not ready to lose China. This research will discuss China’s impact on its products and services and its consequences of becoming an economic superpower.

The Role of United Nations in Resolving the Arab-Israel Conflict

Research Aim: The Arab-Israel Conflict is an ancient battle. The war broke out for reasons that are not to all and is still going on to date. However, the stance of the Arab countries has not changed since Israel first started to occupy Arab lands.

The Arab world does not accept Israel as a state. Instead, it has been termed as a terrorist funding state. Moreover, the Israel-Palestine conflict has added fuel to the fire. Many Muslim countries, until now, are not ready to accept Israel. This research will talk about the conflict and how the United Nations have played their part in bridging the gap between the two nations.

Understanding the Role of the EU in International Relations

Research Aim: European Union is a critical region in trade, business, political relations, etc. Thus, the region has tremendous effects on the international relations of the world.

This thesis will discuss the role of the European Union in international relations, how European Union is a key player in international politics, and how other nations should work on their policies and frameworks to develop healthy relations with the EU.

Assessing the Role of the United Nations as a Law Enforcement Agency

Research Aim: The United Nations is an organisation formed to help countries and regions resolve conflicts between them. Issues such as Kashmir (India-Pakistan) and Israel-Palestine are longstanding and must be solved by the United Nations. There is a complete framework that forms the basis of the actions and decisions taken by the United Nations.

Votes are collected from the members on a particular issue, and then a decision or a statement is issued over the conflict. This research will assess the role of the United Nations in resolving world conflicts and how successful or unsuccessful the organisation has been in resolving world conflicts.

Important Notes:

As a student of international relations looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment with existing international relations theories – i.e., to add value and interest to your research topic.

International relations are vast and interrelated to many other academic disciplines like politics , law , geopolitics , history , and even business . That is why it is imperative to create an international relations dissertation topic that is particular and sound and actually solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic based on your entire research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your topic wrong: your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, and there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in writing your dissertation , as you may end up in a cycle of rejection at the initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

Keeping our advice in mind while developing a research topic will allow you to pick one of the best international relations dissertation topics that fulfil your requirement of writing a research paper and adds to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalizing your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and be practically implemented. Please look at some of our sample international relations dissertation topics to get an idea for your own dissertation.

How to Structure Your Dissertation on International Relations

A well-structured dissertation can help students to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgments
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes the project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems. An outline of the structure of a dissertation can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review : This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analysing published and unpublished literature on the chosen research topic to address research questions . The purpose is to highlight and discuss the selected research area’s relative weaknesses and strengths whilst identifying any research gaps. Break down the topic and key terms that can positively impact your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology : The data collection and analysis methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter, which usually includes research design , research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods, and data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis : The findings of the research are analysed in detail in the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include graphs, charts, and tables in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion and Conclusion : The researcher presents his interpretation of the results in this chapter and states whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section of the paper is to link the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regard to the implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References : This should be completed following your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices : Any additional information, diagrams, and graphs used to complete the dissertation but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

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ResearchProspect is a  UK-based academic writing service  that provides help with  Dissertation Proposal Writing ,  PhD. Proposal Writing ,  Dissertation Writing ,  Dissertation Editing, and Improvement .

Our team of writers  is highly qualified. They are experts in their respective fields. They have been working for us for a long time. Thus, they are well aware of the issues and the trends of the subject they specialize in.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find international relations dissertation topics.

For international relations dissertation topics:

  • Examine global issues and conflicts.
  • Analyse diplomacy, treaties, or organisations.
  • Explore cultural, economic, or political influences.
  • Review current events and debates.
  • Consider regional dynamics.
  • Opt for a topic resonating with your passion and research scope.

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168 Current International Relations Research Topics For Any Level

international relations research topics

Are you a student looking for intriguing international relations research topics? Look no further! In this blog post, we have created a list of 168 unique and thought-provoking research topics in the field of international relations that should help students get an A+ on their next paper.

Whether you’re studying political science, international affairs or related disciplines, this comprehensive list covers a wide range of fascinating subjects. From global governance to security issues, diplomacy, human rights, and more, these topics are designed to inspire your research and help you delve deeper into the complexities of international relations. So, grab your notepad and get ready to explore these captivating research ideas!

A Word On International Relations Theses

International relations is the study of interactions between nations and global actors. It examines politics, economics, security, and culture, exploring how countries cooperate, conflict and shape global dynamics. If you’re about to start working on a thesis in international relations and you are wondering what to include in your paper, here is a short explanation of each of the mandatory chapters:

Introduction: The opening section that presents the research problem, objectives, and significance of the study. Literature Review: A comprehensive review of existing scholarly works related to the research topic, providing a context for the study. Methodology: Describes the research design, data collection methods, and analytical techniques used to address the research questions or hypotheses. Findings: Presents the empirical results or outcomes of the research, often supported by data, analysis, and interpretation. Discussion: Analyzes and interprets the findings in relation to the research objectives, drawing connections to existing literature and providing insights. Conclusion: Summarizes the main findings, highlights the contributions to the field, and suggests avenues for future research. References: Lists all the sources cited in the thesis following a specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA).

Now, it’s time to deliver on our promise and give you the list of international relations research paper topics. Choose the one you like the most:

Easy International Relations Research Topics

Explore our list of easy international relations research topics that will help you understand global politics and analyze the dynamics of international relations with ease

  • The impact of globalization on state sovereignty and international relations
  • Analyzing the role of non-state actors in global governance structures
  • The influence of soft power in shaping international relations and diplomacy
  • Exploring the relationship between human rights and international relations
  • Examining the dynamics of economic interdependence in international relations
  • The role of international organizations in promoting peace and security
  • Assessing the impact of climate change on international relations and cooperation
  • Analyzing the role of regional integration in shaping global politics
  • The implications of cyber warfare for international relations and national security
  • Examining the challenges and opportunities of humanitarian intervention in international relations
  • Analyzing the role of ideology in shaping state behavior in international relations
  • Exploring the impact of migration and refugee crises on international relations
  • Assessing the role of international law in resolving conflicts and promoting peace
  • Investigating the role of intelligence agencies in shaping international relations

International Relations Thesis Topics

Our wide range of international relations thesis topics will guide you towards developing a strong research question, conducting in-depth analysis, and contributing to the field with your original research:

  • Power dynamics and the balance of power in international relations
  • Exploring the role of diplomacy in conflict resolution and peacebuilding
  • The impact of nuclear proliferation on international security and non-proliferation regimes
  • Analyzing the role of international institutions in managing global crises
  • The influence of nationalism on interstate relations and regional cooperation
  • Examining the role of international norms and human rights in shaping foreign policy
  • Assessing the impact of economic globalization on state sovereignty in international relations
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion and international relations
  • Exploring the concept of hegemony and its implications for international relations
  • The role of gender in international relations and its impact on policy-making
  • Analyzing the role of intelligence agencies in shaping international relations
  • The implications of emerging technologies on international security and arms control
  • Examining the role of media and propaganda in international conflicts and public opinion
  • The impact of regional integration on state behavior and international cooperation

Advanced International Relations Topics For Research

Dive into complex issues, explore cutting-edge theories, and unravel the intricate dynamics of global affairs with our advanced international relations topics for research:

  • China’s global rise and its power dynamics
  • Non-traditional security threats in international relations
  • AI and warfare: Implications for international security
  • Climate change, conflict, and forced migration in international relations
  • Religion and politics in international relations
  • Populism’s impact on global governance and international relations
  • Social movements and civil society in shaping international relations
  • Pandemics and international cooperation: Implications for global governance
  • Cultural diplomacy and soft power in international relations
  • Information warfare and disinformation in international relations
  • Regional powers shaping global security dynamics
  • Responsibility to protect and humanitarian interventions in international relations
  • Resource scarcity and environmental degradation in international relations
  • Migration and refugee crises’ impact on global stability

International Relations Research Questions

Our carefully curated list of international relations research questions will inspire critical thinking and promote meaningful discussions:

  • How does power transition theory explain shifts in global power dynamics?
  • What are the implications of the rise of non-state actors on traditional state-centric international relations theories?
  • How do identity politics and nationalism shape interstate conflicts?
  • What are the factors influencing state compliance with international human rights norms?
  • How does globalization impact state sovereignty?
  • What are the challenges of multilateralism in addressing global issues?
  • How does public opinion influence state behavior in international relations?
  • What are the causes and consequences of failed states in international relations?
  • How does the distribution of power in international institutions affect their legitimacy?
  • What are the implications of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, on international security?
  • How do regional conflicts and security dilemmas impact regional integration efforts?
  • What are the root causes of terrorism?
  • How does economic interdependence shape interstate relations and global governance structures?
  • What are the challenges of global environmental governance in addressing climate change?

International Relations Paper Topics

Choose one of our international relations paper topics that resonate with your interests and embark on an enriching research journey:

  • The role of ideology in shaping state behavior in international relations
  • Analyzing the impact of economic sanctions on diplomatic relations between countries
  • The role of media and propaganda in influencing public opinion in international conflicts
  • Exploring the relationship between globalization and cultural identity in international relations
  • The implications of cybersecurity threats on national security and international relations
  • Assessing the role of intelligence agencies in gathering and analyzing international intelligence
  • Analyzing the impact of regional organizations on regional conflicts and cooperation in international relations
  • The influence of international trade agreements on global economic and political relations
  • Exploring the dynamics of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation in international relations
  • The role of international law in resolving territorial disputes and promoting peace
  • Non-state actors in international relations: Influence and challenges
  • Conflict resolution mechanisms: Negotiation, mediation, and peacebuilding approaches
  • Diplomatic immunity: Balancing immunity with accountability in international relations
  • The impact of global pandemics on international cooperation and security

Engaging Topic Ideas About International Relations

Are you seeking engaging and captivating topic ideas for your international relations research? Choose one of these engaging topic ideas about international relations:

  • Global governance and international organizations in addressing global challenges.
  • Nationalism’s impact on international relations and global cooperation.
  • Soft power in shaping international perceptions and relations.
  • Regional conflicts’ implications for global stability and security.
  • Cyber warfare: Assessing evolving cyber threats in international relations.
  • Media’s role in international relations: Influence, propaganda, and disinformation.
  • Economic interdependence: Opportunities and risks in global relations.
  • Diplomacy in the digital age: Challenges of virtual diplomacy.
  • Global migration and refugee crises: Humanitarian and political dimensions.
  • Human rights in international relations: Promoting universal rights.
  • Terrorism’s impact on global security and counterterrorism efforts.
  • Environmental diplomacy: Addressing global environmental challenges.
  • Religion’s role in international relations.
  • Regional power dynamics: Influence of major powers in different regions

international relations research topics

Interesting International Relations Research Paper Topics

Uncover fascinating research paper topics in international relations that will captivate your readers and showcase your analytical skills. Use one of these interesting international relations research paper topics:

  • Populism’s rise and its impact on international relations and global governance
  • Climate change’s geopolitical implications: Conflicts, migrations, and resource competition
  • Hybrid warfare: Analyzing blurred lines between conventional and unconventional threats
  • Technology’s impact on diplomacy and the future of diplomatic practices
  • Nuclear energy diplomacy: Balancing peaceful uses and proliferation concerns
  • Soft power and cultural industries’ influence in international relations
  • Politics of humanitarian aid: Challenges and ethical considerations
  • Media framing’s impact on public opinion in international conflicts
  • International cooperation in space exploration and its geopolitical implications
  • Diaspora communities’ role in shaping international relations and global politics
  • Migration policies and human rights: Balancing border control and human dignity
  • Global health governance: Cooperation, challenges, and pandemic responses
  • Environmental peacebuilding: Addressing conflicts over natural resources and degradation
  • Economic sanctions: Effectiveness and ethical implications in international relations

Political Science Dissertation Topics

Our list of political science dissertation topics will provide you with a solid foundation for developing a unique research proposal and making a significant contribution to the field:

  • The role of political ideologies in foreign policy and international relations.
  • National security strategies and state behavior in international relations.
  • Global governance and collective decision-making challenges in international institutions.
  • Public opinion’s influence on foreign policy and international relations.
  • Identity politics and intergroup relations in international contexts.
  • Humanitarian interventions and the responsibility to protect.
  • Geopolitics and resource conflicts: Strategic importance of natural resources.
  • International law’s role in shaping state behavior and resolving conflicts.
  • Comparative political systems in international relations.
  • Political leadership’s impact on diplomatic relations and cooperation.
  • International development assistance: Aid effectiveness and challenges.
  • Non-state actors in global politics: Influence, networks, power dynamics.
  • Intelligence agencies in international intelligence gathering and analysis.
  • Political parties and foreign policy shaping

Current International Relations Topics For Research Paper

Stay up to date with the latest developments in global politics by exploring our selection of current international relations topics for research paper writing :

  • Emerging technologies’ impact on global security and power dynamics.
  • Transnational threats: Terrorism, crime, and cyber challenges in focus.
  • Regional integration in globalization: Achievements, limitations, and prospects.
  • Trade wars: Implications for global economy and cooperation.
  • Disinformation and fake news: Influence on international politics and public opinion.
  • Climate change negotiations: Progress and challenges in combating global warming
  • Cybersecurity and emerging threats in international relations.
  • Regional power dynamics in the Middle East: Implications for global security
  • Global responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: Cooperation and challenges
  • Climate change mitigation and adaptation in international policy
  • Rising nationalism and its impact on international cooperation
  • Humanitarian crisis in Yemen: International responses and challenges
  • Technology and the future of warfare: Implications for global security
  • The Belt and Road Initiative: Assessing its impact on international relations

Awesome Research Topics For International Relations

Our awesome research topics for international relations allow you to explore diverse areas of global politics and contribute to the field with your exceptional research:

  • NGOs’ role in shaping international policies and agendas
  • Humanitarian interventions and the responsibility to protect: Effectiveness and ethics
  • Cybersecurity challenges in international relations: Risks and responses
  • Global migration governance: Policies and implications
  • Globalization vs national sovereignty: Impacts on state behavior
  • China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Geopolitical influence and challenges
  • Nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation: Effectiveness of treaties
  • Gender in international relations: Impact of norms and policies
  • Post-colonial perspectives in international relations: Power dynamics and legacies
  • Climate justice and international cooperation: Addressing climate change
  • Regional organizations in global governance and international relations
  • Politics of humanitarian intervention: Strategies and outcomes
  • Political economy of international trade: Impact of policies and agreements
  • Populism’s impact on democracy and international relations

Controversial International Relations Topics

Delve into the realm of controversy and discourse with our thought-provoking controversial international relations topics:

  • Drones in targeted killings: Legal and ethical implications
  • Nuclear energy and non-proliferation: Benefits and risks
  • Intervention in state sovereignty: Legitimacy and consequences
  • Ethics of economic sanctions: Effectiveness and impact on civilians
  • Cyber warfare and international norms: Regulating cyber conflicts
  • Climate change’s impact on national security and conflicts
  • Intelligence agencies in covert operations and international relations
  • Politics of humanitarian aid: Motivations and challenges
  • Ethics of military intervention: Justifications and consequences
  • Politics of regime change: Motivations and implications
  • Media bias’s impact on international perceptions and diplomacy
  • Private military companies: Challenges and accountability
  • Politics of disarmament and arms control: Progress and challenges
  • Corporate interests’ influence on foreign policy and relations

Best International Relations Topics For 2023

Stay ahead of the curve with our selection of the best international relations topics for 2023. These carefully curated topics reflect the current trends, emerging challenges and pressing issues:

  • COVID-19 pandemic’s implications on global politics and international relations
  • Rise of populism and its impact on democracy and international cooperation
  • Cybersecurity challenges in a hyper-connected world: Risks and responses
  • Future of international cooperation in addressing global challenges and conflicts
  • Climate change and security: Implications for international relations and stability
  • Evolving role of regional powers in shaping global politics and relations
  • Technological advancements’ impact on state power and international relations
  • Global governance reform: Restructuring international institutions
  • Social media’s role in shaping international perceptions and political movements
  • Challenges and prospects of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation
  • Intersection of artificial intelligence and international relations
  • Impact of trade wars on global economic relations and cooperation
  • Geopolitical tensions in the Arctic: Resource competition and influence
  • Future of multilateralism: Relevance and effectiveness in a changing world

Get Affordable Help Today

Are you struggling with your international relations research paper or stuck writing a coursework ? Need some help during your next test? Don’t worry, our academic writing company is here to help. We offer professional thesis writing help with a team of highly educated and experienced writers. Our dedicated professionals ensure our high quality work is delivered in a rapid and efficient manner. We understand the importance of affordability, which is why we provide our services at affordable rates.

With our safe and reliable service, you can trust that your paper is in good hands. Whether you’re a college student or in any class, our custom online assistance will ensure that you receive top marks on your international relations research paper. Don’t stress, let our professional service assist you and help you get an A+ on your next international relations research paper!

We have also prepared a list of best topics on the following disciplines:

  • 122 Best Ecology Topics To Sparkle Your Writing
  • 150 Original Accounting Research Paper Topics
  • 233 Marketing Research Topics To Come Up With An Impressive Paper
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How do I choose a research topic in international relations?

Consider your interests, current events, and gaps in existing literature to identify an area of focus. Brainstorm potential topics and ensure they align with your research objectives.

What makes a strong international relations research paper?

A strong research paper includes a well-defined research question, solid theoretical framework, rigorous analysis, credible sources, and logical structure. It should also contribute to the existing body of knowledge.

How can I narrow down my international relations research topic?

Consider specific regions, actors, theories, or policy areas within international relations. Narrowing down your topic will allow for a more focused and manageable research paper.

Can I use case studies in my international relations research paper?

Yes, case studies can be valuable in providing empirical evidence and in-depth analysis. They help illustrate theoretical concepts and offer real-world examples to support your arguments.

History Research Paper Topics

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Our research is focused around three broad themes: conflict, peace and security; the evolving character of global and supra-national institutions; and the interpenetration of civil societies and international relations. In addition we have major strengths in area studies which help to ground our research into these broad thematic areas. Some of this activity is carried out under the umbrella of our various research centres, some within other collaborative contexts both within and outside the university, and some by individual researchers.

For more information please visit the School of International Relations home page.

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The metamorphosis of syria's oppositional civil society , title redacted , a 'new beginning' for what the strained peace of inter-referendum northern ireland (1998-2016) , peace cartels : internationally brokered power-sharing and perpetual oligarchy in bosnia and herzegovina and north macedonia .


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Government and International Affairs Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

Standing Her Ground: Legal Constraints on Women Who have been Victims of Violence , Janae E. Thomas

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Struggling Against the Odds: Social Movements in Pakistan During Authoritarian Regimes , Sajjad Hussain

The Domestic Reality of Foreign Policy: The 1994 Clinton Administration Response to the Crises in Rwanda and Haiti , Camara Kemanini Silver

American Military Service and Identity: From the Militia to the All-Volunteer Force , Andrew C. Sparks

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Decolonizing Human Trafficking: A Case Study of Human Trafficking in Edo State Nigeria , Oyinkansola Adepitan

Borges, el Escritor Italiano: Precursores Italianos en/desde Borges , Sara Boscagli

A Dangerous New Era: Analyzing the Impact of Cyber Technology on International Conflict , Kenneth Brown

Networks in the Norm Life Cycle and the Diffusion of Environmental Norms , James E. Fry

Power, Property Rights, and Political Development: A property rights theory of political development and its application to the study of development in Honduras and Costa Rica , Ricardo R. Noé

Bodily Harm: An Analysis of the Phenomenological and Linguistic Aspects of Harm and Trauma , Grant Samuel Peeler

Mystic Medicine: Afro-Jamaican Religio-Cultural Epistemology and the Decolonization of Health , Jake Wumkes

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

The Humanitarian Gaze and the Spectatorial Nature of Sympathy , Michelle Assaad

The Progressive Transformation of Medellín- Colombia: A Successful Case of Women's Political Agency , María Auxiliadora González-Malabet

Restoring International Justice: Exposing the Limitations of Retributive Justice and Proposing a Restorative Dimension , Nazek Jawad

Human Rights, Emotion, and Critical Realism: Proposing an Emotional Ontology of International Human Rights , Ben Luongo

When Faced with a Democracy: political socialization of first-generation ethnic Russian immigrants in Central and South Florida , Marina Seraphine Mendez

Structure of Turkey-USA Bilateral Relations and Analysis of Factors Affecting Bilateral Relations , Hanifi Ozkarakaya

Soviet Nationality Policy: Impact on Ethnic Conflict in Abkhazia and South Ossetia , Nevzat Torun

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

The Influence of The Armenian Diaspora on The American Foreign Policy , Fatih Aydogan

Discourse, Affinity and Attraction: A Case Study of Iran's Soft Power Strategy in Afghanistan , Hiva Feizi

Becoming Legitimate: How PMSCs are Seeking Legitimacy in the International System , Sommer Mitchell

De Mestizas a Indígenas: Reindigenization as a Political Strategy in Ecuador , Pamela X. Pareja

Star Power, Pandemics, and Politics: The Role of Cultural Elites in Global Health Security , Holly Lynne Swayne

Strategic Negligence: Why the United States Failed to Provide Military Support to the Syrian Resistance in 2011-2014 , Konrad J. Trautman

The Viability of Democratic Governance in De Facto States: A Comparative Case Study of Iraqi Kurdistan and Syria Rojava , Chelsea Vogel

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Cyber Deterrence against Cyberwar between the United States and China: A Power Transition Theory Perspective , Yavuz Akdag

The Role of Elites in the Formation of National Identities: The Case of Montenegro , Muhammed F. Erdem

Measuring Trust in Post-Communist States: Making the Case for Particularized Trust. , Nicole M. Ford

Hidden: A Case Study on Human Trafficking in Costa Rica , Timothy Adam Golob

Latino Subgroups Political Participation in American Politics: The Other Latinos’ Electoral Behavior , Angelica Maria Leon Velez

Re-ethnicization of Second Generation Non-Muslim Asian Indians in the U.S. , Radha Moorthy

Structural Racism: Racists without Racism in Liberal Institutions within Colorblind States , Alexis Nicole Mootoo

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Venezuela, from Charisma to Mimicry: The Rise and Fall of a Televised Political Drama , Rebecca Blackwell

Containment: A Failed American Foreign Policy and How the Truman Doctrine Led to the Rise in Islamic Extremism in the Muslim World , Christopher Jonathan Gerber

The Role of Religion in Mitigating Cancer Disparities Among Black Americans , Samar Hennawi

Where is the Survivor’s Voice? An Examination of the Individual and Structural Challenges to the Reintegration of Immigrant Human Trafficking Survivors , Michelle Cristina Angelo Dantas Rocha

Changes and Challenges in Diplomacy: An Evaluation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Dominican Republic , Yudelka Santana

How Presidents Can Become "Hip" by Using High Definition Metaphors Strategic Communication of Leadership in a Digital Age , Mirela Camelia Stimus

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

At the Intersection of Human Agency and Technology: Genetically Modified Organisms , James Libengood

The Triumvirate of Intersectionality: a Case Study on the Mobilization of Domésticas in Brazil , Kristen Lei Nash

Strategic Missile Defense: Russian and U.S. Policies and Their Effects on Future Weapons Proliferation , Diana Marie Nesbitt

Staring Down the Mukhabarat: Rhizomatic Social Movements and the Egyptian and Syrian Arab Spring , Stephen Michael Strenges

The Effect of Neoliberalism on Capabilities: Evaluating the Case of Mexico , James Paul Walker

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Human Trafficking from Southern Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala: Why These Victims are Trafficked into Modern Day Florida , Timothy Adam Golob

The Effects of U.S. Middle East Foreign Policy on American Muslims: A Case Study of Muslims in Tampa Bay , Mark G. Grzegorzewski

Does Revolution Breed Radicalism? An Analysis of the Stalled Revolution in Syria and the Radical Forces Since Unleashed , Ryan King Little

The United States Prison System: A Comparative Analysis , Rachel O'connor

Fair Trade in Transition: Evolution, Popular Discourse, and the Case of the CADO Cooperative in Cotopaxi, Ecuador , Robyn Michelle Odegard

Challenging the Democratic Peace Theory - The Role of US-China Relationship , Toni Ann Pazienza

Continuation in US Foreign Policy: An Offensive Realist Perspective , Bledar Prifti

The Syrian Civil War: Four Concentric Forces of Tensions , Majid Rafizadeh

Key Ingredients in the Rule of Law Recipe: The Role of Judicial Independence in the Effective Establishment of the Rule of Law , Lauren A. Shumate

Leges, Plebiscita, et Rogationes: Democratization and Legislative Action, 494 - 88 BC , Eric Wolters

An Analysis of State Building: The Relationship between Pashtun 'Para-State' Institutions and Political Instability in Afghanistan , Rebecca Young Greven

Accessibility's Influence on Population Location near Light Rail in the Denver Region , Christophe Michael Zuppa

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

A Comparative Study: How Educational and Healthcare Preparedness Affected Marketization of the Chinese and Indian Economies , Cindy Arjoon

Accidental Detention: A Threat to the Legitimacy of Venezuelan Democracy , Mabel Gabriela Durán-Sánchez

European Union Institutions, Democratic Discourse, and the Color Revolutions , Lizette G. Howard

The End of Anarchy: Weapons of Mass Destruction and the States System , Gregory Edward Johnson

Trends in the Contracting out of Local Government Services , Cristiane Carvalho Keetch

Framing Colombian Women's Beliefs, Values and Attitude Towards Sex and Sexual High-Risk Behaviors , Rosa Ore

Impacts of U.S. Foreign Policy and Intervention on Guatemala: Mid-20th Century , Patricia M. Plantamura

Maximizing Citizenship with Minimal Representation: An Analysis of Afro-Argentine Civil Society Organizing Strategies , Prisca Suarez

From Zaire to the DRC: A Case Study of State Failure , Adam Zachariah Trautman

Guanxi, Networks and Economic Development: The Impact of Cultural Connections , Patricia Anne Weeks

Comparative Political Corruption in the United States: The Florida Perspective , Andrew Jonathon Wilson

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Modernization From Above: Social Mobilization, Political Institutionalization and Instability: A Case Study of Iran (1953-1979) , Jeffrey Robert Cobb

The Relationship between the Social Construction of Race and the Black/White Test Score Gap in , Toriano M. Dempsey

The Causes and Effects of Get Tough: A Look at How Tough-on-Crime Policies Rose to the Agenda and an Examination of Their Effects on Prison Populations and Crime , Cheyenne Morales Harty

Hegemonic Rivalry in the Maghreb: Algeria and Morocco in the Western Sahara Conflict , Michael D. Jacobs

The Politics of Pentecostalism; Does it Help or Hinder Democratic Consolidation in Brazil? , Amber S. Johansen

Women's Political Representation in Europe: An Analysis of Structural and Attitudinal Factors , Jenna Elaine Mcculloch

Examining the Relationship between Participatory Democracy and Nonwhite Domestic Workers in Porto Alegre, Brazil: Issues of Race, Class and Privilege , Alexis Nicole Mootoo

The Indigenous Movement and the Struggle for Political Representation in Bolivia , Angelica T. Nieves

MAS and the Indigenous People of Bolivia , Maral Shoaei

Cyberwar and International Law: An English School Perspective , Anthony F. Sinopoli

The Homegrown Jihad: A Comparative Study of Youth Radicalization in the United States and Europe , William Wolfberg

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

The State and the Legalization of Dual Citizenship/Dual Nationality: A Case Study of Mexico and the Philippines , Pamela Kim Anderson

The Integration of African Muslim Minority: A Critique of French Philosophy and Policy , Amber Nichole Dillender

Elections and Tensions and Constitutions! Oh, My! A Process-Oriented Analysis of Bolivian Democratization from 1993 to 2009 , Laurel Kristin Dwyer

Cuban Medical Internationalism: A Case for International Solidarity in Foreign Policy Decision Making , Eric James Fiske

The Threat to Democracy in Brazil's Public Sphere , Daniel Nettuno

Prospects for Political Reform in China , Jody Lee Tomlin

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

The Positive- and Negative-Right Conceptions of Freedom of Speech and the Specter of Reimposing the Broadcast Fairness Doctrine ... or Something Like It , Adam Fowler

The Christian Zionist Lobby and U.S.-Israel Policy , Mark G. Grzegorzewski

An Analysis of U.S. Policies Targeting the Iranian Nuclear Program , Bryan T. Hamilton

Religion and Resistance: The Role of Islamic Doctrine in Hamas and Hezbollah , Matthew Lawson

Prospects for Nuclear Non-Proliferation: An Actor-Oriented Case Study of Iran’s Future , James Martin Lockwood

Impact of Globalization on Socio-Economic and Political Development of the Central Asian Countries , Karina Orozalieva

Mubarak’s Machine: The Durability of the Authoritarian Regime in Egypt , Andrea M. Perkins

International Society Cosmopolitan Politics and World Society , Kimberly Weaver

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

From China to Cuba: Guerilla Warfare as a Mechanism for Mobilizing Resources , Jorge Barrera

Neoliberalism and Dependence: A Case Study of The Orphan Care Crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa , Christine Concetta Gibson

City Level Development New Key to Successful Development , Gina Herron

The neoconservative war on modernity: The Bush Doctrine and its resistance to legitimation , Ben Luongo

The Security and Foreign Policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran: An Offensive Realism Perspective , Bledar Prifti

Transdiscursive cosmopolitanism: Foucauldian freedom, subjectivity, and the power of resistance , Joanna Rozpedowski

Making and Keeping the Peace: An Analysis of African Union Efficacy , Nicholas Temple

Social Implications of Fair Trade Coffee in Chiapas, Mexico: Toward Alternative Economic Integration , Joseph J. Torok

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Role of Culture in Economic Development: China Study of China and Latin America , Amira Fellner

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Thesis Requirements

Key requirements of the senior thesis.

  • The senior thesis should be piece of original research on a topic in international relations.  It is the responsibility of the author to adhere to all generally accepted rules of academic honesty and integrity.
  • The senior thesis should be no longer than 25,000 words (about 100 pages double-spaced).  There are no formal minimum page/word count requirements for the senior thesis.
  • The typical thesis will be somewhere between 15,000 to 20,000 words (about 60 to 80 pages double-spaced), and should be of exceptional quality.
  • All substantive footnotes (i.e. notes that contain more than just citation information) count towards this word count limit.  Citations, bibliography, appendices do not count towards this limit.
  • Any thesis that exceeds 25,000 words (about 100 pages double-spaced) will not be considered for nomination for thesis prizes (e.g. Palmer, Yardley, Rose, etc.)

The due date for seniors graduating in the spring of 2024 is Wednesday, March 20, 2024 @ 5pm for students wishing to be considered for nomination to IR Program and College CURF thesis prizes.  For all other students, the deadline is Monday, April 1 @ 3pm.

Formatting Requirements

The senior thesis is a formal document.  Please take care to adhere to the guidelines below when preparing your thesis for final submission. 

Required Elements (in order)

Title Page:  The title page is unnumbered.  All text of the title page should be centered, and be in the same font as the main text.  The title page should have the following format .

Dedication and/or Acknowledgement (optional):  You may include a brief dedication or acknowledgement on a separate page.

Abstract: The thesis must include a formal abstract of 100-200 words at the beginning on its own page immediately following the Title Page (or dedication/acknowledgements, if any).  The thesis abstract presents a concise summary of the thesis (the problem addressed, methods used, and the key results).  There should be no citations in the abstract.

Table of Contents:  The TOC should include section and subsection level headings and page numbers.

Maps (optional):  Map(s) of the part(s) of the world that you will be discussing is often helpful.  (Optional, as appropriate.)

Appendices (as necessary and appropriate): You may collect things like data collection methods, descriptions of the data, survey forms, data analysis code, and any other important information that does not fit well into the main text in appendices.

References Cited:  The thesis should include a complete "References Cited" section.  Note, this is not a "bibliography" and should include only those works you have cited in your main text, appendices, endnotes, tables, or figures.

Basic typographical requirements

  • Margins: 1 inch.
  • Double spaced, except for the Abstract, TOC, block quotes, footnotes, references cited, and captions.  These elements should be single spaced.
  • Times or Times New Roman font in 12 point size for the main text. (Modulate type size appropriately for elements other than main body, such as headings and footnotes.)
  • Use the same font throughout including title page, table of contents, main text, headings, notes, tables, and (to extent possible) graphics.
  • Don't overquote.  If you must, try to work them into the flow of your own writing.
  • If you are using a long quote (more than a couple of lines), use a block quote format—new paragrah, blank line before and after, indented on both left and right (but first line should not be further indented), single-spaced.
  • Quotes should be exact duplication of the original.  Any formatting (like bold, italics, all-caps) should be reproduced.  If there are spelling or grammatical mistakes in the original, reproduce them exactly followed by [ sic ]  (the square braces are normal text, "sic" is italics) to show that the error was in the original text.
  • Brackets should be used when you insert your own words for purposes of clarification.
  • Any ommitted words should be indicated by an elipse ...
  • Foreign language quotes.  All foreign language quotes should be presented in English unless it is necessary to quote in the original language to convey meaning that would be lost in translation.  Even then, you should provide a translation in braces [] after the quote.  The name of the translator should be part of the citation.  If the original source is in a foreign langauge, and you are the one providing the translation, you should put [Translation mine] after the quote.

Citations and Footnotes

  • If writing a "social science" thesis, use in-text Author-Date citations, with full reference information at the end of the thesis in Chicago format.
  • If writing a "history" thesis, use Chicago format citations in footnotes.
  • We strongly discourage the use of footnotes for "additional information."  Generally speaking, anything worth saying is worth saying in the main text.  Do not use your footnotes as a dumping ground for surplus material.  If it is necessary to provide commentary, quotations, or other essential information that cannot be worked into the main text, you may do so in footnotes, but do so sparingly.

Figures and Tables

  • All tables (presentation of data, regression results, etc.) should be numbered starting with 1, and should have a short descriptive caption. (e.g. Table 1: Descriptive Title)
  • All figures (maps, graphs, drawings, etc.) should be numbered separately starting with 1, and should have a short descriptive caption. (e.g. Figure 1: Descriptive Title)
  • Citation information should be part of the caption, if appropriate.
  • You should reference any figure or table explicitly in the text. (e.g. "In Table 4, I summarize the results of the regression analysis....")
  • Any figure should be readable, clear, sharp, and properly sized and cropped.

Page Numbering

  • All pages in the thesis should be numbered at the bottom center, except for the Title Page.
  • The Title Page is not numbered.
  • All front matter (Dedication/Acknowledgements, Abstract, TOC, List of Figures, List of Tables) use small Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv,...).
  • The rest (Main Text, Appendices, References Cited) use Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4...).

Copies to submit

You should submit one (1) electronic copy. The electronic copy should be in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format. Please submit it as a single file.  The PDF file should be titled: LastName_FirstName_Title.pdf

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Diplomacy Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2016 2016.

The History of Chinese Cybersecurity: Current Effects on Chinese Society Economy, and Foreign Relations , Vaughn C. Rogers

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Contextualizing Concerns & Empowerment: Somali Urban Refugee Women in Nairobi , Mie-Na Lee Srein

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Effectiveness of Joint International Organization Operations in Latin America: Case Studies of Peru, Guatemala, and Haiti , Seung-Ok Ryu

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Peace Agreements and International Peace Operations: the Case of Sierra Leone , Haruyuki Irie

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Japan's Population Decline and its Implications for Japanese Society , Nandor Forgach

Corporate Social Responsibility in Sub-Saharan Africa: Can Companies Economically Benefit While Helping the Society? , Melanie Zorn

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

Collaboration for the Public Good: An Inquiry into Federalism's Role in Economic Performance , James A. Cochran II

Justifying an Analysis of the Ecclesiological Development of Subsidiarity via Civil and Common Law Jurisprudential Epistemology , William Pieratt Demond

Development of Subsidiarity via Civil and Common Law Jurisprudential Epistemology , William Pieratt Demond

Theses/Dissertations from 2006 2006

Chinese Modernization and the Development of Minority Economies , Stephen Bisogno

Leftist Populism and Sustainable Development in Latin America , Carina Kjelstad

Growing Chinese Trade with Africa and Democratization Process in Africa , Mario Udo Stumm

Theses/Dissertations from 2005 2005

Diversionary Behavior Terrorism and the Conduct of Israeli Foreign Policy , Michael D'Abramo

Headscarf Laws in Europe: Legal necessity or Human Rights Violation? , Timothy P. Fox

Forming a Regional Identity in Southeast Asia: The Role of Non-For Profit Organizations and Regional Volunteering , Paolo Rico Sarthou Tagatac

Theses/Dissertations from 2004 2004

International Trade and Corruption: The Influence of Trading Partners , Jan Knorich

Theses/Dissertations from 2003 2003

Mobilizing the Masses: the Need for Vision and Charisma , Christi R. Calvano

Dynamics of Conflict Resolution in Sri Lanka , Rolene Guilland

Theses/Dissertations from 2002 2002

Promoting Equality and Access in Higher Education: A Comparative Study of State Sponsored Preferential Policies in Great Britain, India and South Africa , Lanaia C. DuBose

Building And Growing Customer Communications: A Framework For Exploring Commonalities And Differences In The Ways Consumers Are Targeted With Health Care Messages By Multinational Pharmaceutical Companies In Europe And In The United States , Gail S. Thornton

Theses/Dissertations from 2000 2000

Democracy and the Process of Privatization in Croatia , Davor Barisic

Climate For Foreign Investments In Poland. An Emphasis On Polish-American Relations In The Post-Cold Global Economy , Jacek M. Hurkala

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International Relations Dissertation Titles: 15 Interesting Ideas

Developing topic ideas for an international relations dissertation title can be challenging. Your topic should help develop a focus point while giving readers an idea of what your paper is about. You can get ideas by reviewing papers written on similar topics and by brainstorming original ideas of your own. Here are tips to help you develop a good title along with writing prompts that could lead to your own title.

  • Things to Remember When Working on Your Title

When working on your title think about titles that stand out and grab people’s attention. You can find different assignments to review and pay attention to their titles. Which titles stand out from sample projects and why? Think about certain words or phrases related to your topic that can help make a good title. Your title could be a question or something that hints at a mystery or discovery. Keep your idea short and simple. Think about how it represents your project as a whole.

  • 15 Writing Prompts and Ideas for Potential Titles

Students often get ideas for a dissertation title by looking at potential topic ideas. Once you have an idea of what your topic is about you can determine a good title. Some ideas may come as a phrase or short sentence. After thinking about it you can determine what to add or take away. There are students that will brainstorm ideas for a title in the same manner as brainstorming for a topic. Write down what comes to you and determine if it is something you can work with. Here are 15 writing prompts that give insight on potential ideas for a title.

  • Medical needs of developing countries.
  • Fighting the war against terrorism.
  • Crimes committed in military of a country of your choice.
  • History of violence in Columbia.
  • Foreign policy conflicts.
  • Countries suspected of lying about use of nuclear weapons.
  • Current consequences experienced from Cold War.
  • Protecting boarders of a country of your interest.
  • How World Trade Organization influences economic development of a country.
  • Poorest international areas known to date.
  • Strengthening structure of global economy.
  • Understanding how peace can be established between two rival countries.
  • How World War II started.
  • International relations and conditions that led to war.
  • Improving relations among political leaders and citizens in the Middle East.

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International Relations Undergraduate Honors Theses

Honors theses from 2024 2024.

Where the Thunder Dragon Lives: The Case of Human Capital Flight in Bhutan , Grace Subu

Defining Greekness: The Effect of Ethnic Identity on Foreign Policy Opinions , Iliana Tzafolias

Honors Theses from 2023 2023

Rethinking ‘Feminicide’: The Role of Organized Crime Groups in Increased Rates of Feminicide in Mexico , Giselle Figueroa

Threads of Continuity: Investigating the Historical Context of the China Challenge and Its Implications for Current US Grand Strategy , Bennett Hawley

Terror Management Theory in International Relations: Vladimir Putin and Slobodan Milosevic , Poojitha Tanjore

Stranded At Home: How the Absence of Men in Norwegian Whaling Communities Fostered Women's Civic Engagement , Katrine Roderburg Westgaard

Honors Theses from 2022 2022

Psychological Peacebuilding: When the Time is Ripe for an Election , Kaiming Chen

Showing Off and Going Out: China’s Vanity Project Phenomenon , Caroline Morin

Honors Theses from 2021 2021

Like, Share, and Fight? The Role of Social Media and Cybernationalism in Exacerbating Tensions Between South Korea and Japan , Christina Durham

The Remittance Behavior of High-skill Migrants: Evidence from Albania , Gillous Harris

Behind Every Successful Diplomat is Their Spouse: The Buffer Role of Indian and Pakistani Diplomatic Spouses , Sania Shahid

Honors Theses from 2020 2020

Sleeping with the Television On: How Popular Culture Content Implicitly Informs Political Reality , Grace Amato

Trade Talks and Populist Thoughts: The Rise in Populist Rhetoric Following China's Accession to the World Trade Organization , Samuel Desmarais

All the News Fit to Print: Egyptian and Tunisian Media Development and Political Toleration through Arab Spring , Seth Fiderer

Moroccan Identity in the 1980s: The Theory and Policy Implications of Studying Moroccan Identity , Heather Rodenberg

Autocratic Liberalization and Gendered Speech: Evidence from the Parliament of Singapore , Elizabeth Rosen

Flipping the Kill-Switch: Why Governments Shut Down the Internet , Elizabeth Sutterlin

Honors Theses from 2019 2019

Impact of China's One Belt One Road Initiative at Different Geographical Scales , Yuxiang Hou

A Comparative Analysis of Media and Legislative Rhetoric on Gun Control , Samyuktha Mahadevan

Proliferation & Instability: How Nuclear Weapons Acquisition Alters Inter-state Relations , Tyler Sagerstrom

Engagement from Afar: How the Role of the Diaspora Makes or Breaks National Secession Campaigns , Lincoln Zaleski

Honors Theses from 2018 2018

Islamic Rhetoric in Pakistan: A Comparison at the National and Sub-national Levels , Ava Chafin

The Role of the Air Force in the Conduct of the Coup d’Etat , Graeme Cranston-Cuebas

Setting and Success in Resistance Campaigns , Eric Gelles

Maritime Governance: How State Capacity Impacts Piracy and Sea Lane Security , Yuito Ishikawa

Popular Motherist Activism in Argentina: Why do Mothers Radicalize? , Emily B. Jackson

Honors Theses from 2017 2017

From Invisible Children to Legal Citizens: An Analysis of Low National Birth Registration Rates and Global Efforts to Increase Registration , Mary K. Adgie

The Role of EU and NATO Conditionality on Developing Democracies: A Georgian Case Study , Carolyn A. De Roster

Things Fall Apart: The Role of Small Arms Acquisition in Insurgent Fragmentation , Matthew K. Ribar

Honors Theses from 2016 2016

Declaring War or Sentencing Criminals? Assessing Short-Term and Long-Term Counterterrorism Success , Arielle Lehner Galston

Do Birds of a Feather Really Flock Together? Ideational Homophily and Development Policy Influence , Kristin Ritchey

Honors Theses from 2015 2015

Gentle Warlords: The Potential for Violent Non-State Actors to Provide Stability , Tyler Bembenek

A Rival to the West? Comparing the Effects of Chinese and World Bank Health Aid on Health Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa , Isabel Jane DoCampo

Life That Thrives In Hostility: Mexico's Indigenous Communities and Self-Defense Forces , Kassia M. Halcli

Frederick's Chessboard: Domestic Institutions and the Origins of the Seven Years' War , Caitlin Hartnett

Understanding Secession: An Analysis of the 2012-2014 Debates on Independence in Scotland and Catalonia , Lucas A. Leblanc

Honors Theses from 2014 2014

Ratification and Reliability: The Strategic Logic of Formal Treaties , Benjamin L. Kenzer

Good Neighbors: Trade, Culture, and Institutions in the Resolution of Territorial Disputes , Dylan R. Kolhoff

The Relationship between Access to Healthcare and Civil Conflict , Jeffrey T. Rohde

Honors Theses from 2013 2013

The History Question in Sino-Japanese Relations , Wenfan Chen

Justice and a Lack Thereof: Comparative Perspectives on Accountability in the Southern Cone , Elsa M. Voytas

Honors Theses from 2012 2012

Government Performance, Identity, and Support for Further Devolution in Europe , Nicholas Jacob Bell

The Nuclear Taboo Paradox: Destabilizing Consequences of the Norm , Andrew Bryan Bessler

Latin America during the Cold War: The Role of U.S. Soft Power , Kate Elizabeth Hagey Clough

Visions of the Good: International Politics and the Struggle for Justice , John F. Kirn III

Honors Theses from 2010 2010

The Comparative Effect of Minority Vetoes on Shared Governance in Post-Conflict Consociational Societies: Case Studies of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Lebanon , Dina Abdel-Fattah

Why Do the Strong Quit?: Causes of Counterinsurgent Withdrawal During Overseas Insurgencies , Brian P. Doyle

Olympians , Richard Pell Jordan

Honors Theses from 2009 2009

Education and Islamic Radicalization in the Arabian Peninsula , Rachel Walsh

Honors Theses from 2008 2008

Exploring Informality: An Empirical Analysis of the Informal Economy , Sadie Gardner

Institutions and Economics: The Effectiveness of Reconstruction Efforts in Bosnia , Ashley Kramer

Confronting Jihad: Past Experience and Counterterrorism Since September 11 , Michael Woolslayer

Honors Theses from 2007 2007

The New Idealism in International Relations: Hegelian Theory of the International System , John Kainer

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Conflict Analysis/ Beliefs and Policymaking in the Middle East

By Linda Marie Aidan (2003)

Sustainable Consumption: Ethics, National Indices and International Relations

By Matthew Bentley (2003)

From State Sovereignty to Personal Sovereignty: A Plea for a Pardigm Shift

By Rao Chelikani (1997)

The Arabs and Islam left in Italy a Far Greater Influence Than Generally Acknowledged

By Anna Cimmino (1997)

The Illicit Traffic of Art from Cambodia

By Maria Lafont (2001)

FIABCI and its Role in Contemporary International Relations and Diplomacy

By Telemaco Matrundola (1997)

The Dynamics of Peace in International Relations and Diplomacy

By Lucio Sia (1998)

Galileo. The Declaration of European Independance

By Culver Van Der Jagt (2002)

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Since the ceasefire of the Minsk agreement (Minsk II), media, politics and scholars debate EU-diplomacy concerning the concessions Minks II made towards Russia. Reflecting EU-Russia-relations, the Ukraine-crisis was not a surprise (see Mearsheimer 2014, Dias 2013). In a long-term perspective, a contradiction appears between Russia’s confirmations of EU-norms and values as mutually shared principles on one hand, and a “fundamental ideological difference” on the other hand (Faw 2010:40, see Monaghan 2013:5pp). Regarding academic research, the problem is not new but still relevant (see Timmermann 2005, The Council of the European Union 2010, Poyraz 2011, Maliukevičius 2013). The Ukraine-crisis challenges relations between EU and Russia. What path will EU and Russia tread? Picking up on the hint at ideological differences, the thesis questions: Why does the Ukraine-crisis challenge EU-Russian-relations? Where do the challenges originate? What are their underlying reasons? The recent crisis in Ukraine can be seen as a challenge of EU-standards in EU-Russian-relations, regarding their implications for EU-diplomacy concerning power and balance of interests in a globalized world. The Ukraine-crisis underlines the role of the Ukraine as a buffer zone at the peak of mutual misunderstanding between EU and Russia. In the theoretical framework of power/knowledge and discourse after Michel Foucault (1972, 1980), the Master Thesis analyses key concepts of official discourse in EU-Russian relations. With Foucault’s notion of power and picking up on the hint at ideological differences, core concepts of EU-standards, such as democracy, multipolarity, rule of law and modernization, can be “unpacked” in the logic of ‘truth of power’, comparatively or contrasting to the Russian ‘truth of power’. The research design of qualitative discourse analysis focuses on official resources of EU- and Russian policies in the timeframe of Vladimir Putin’s first presidency in 2000 up to today, concentrating on values and norms as given EU-standard. The Ukraine will be considered in the context of analysis, while the role of the U.S. is given marginal attention, in order to keep the frame of a master thesis. Michel Foucault himself gave methodological precautions, but not a methodology to put discourse analysis into practice (see ibid. 1980, see Jørgensen/Phillips 2002). Consequently, the methodology of this discourse analysis refers to Laclau and Mouffee’s conception of nodal points and floating signifiers in the framework of their discourse theory, which follows core aspects of Foucault’s approach (see Laclau and Mouffee 1985).1 In order to examine the core assumption, EU-standards, challenged in EU-Russian-relations in the course of the Ukraine-crisis, will be analysed. EU-standard concepts chosen for analysis are: democracy, multipolarity, rule of law and modernization. These will be analysed with Laclau and Mouffee’s conception of nodal points and floating signifiers. Data will be collected (official resources), the comprehension of the respective EU- standard concept by each side, Russia and EU, will be examined and verified by examples. The outcome will be discussed against the theoretical background of a “truth of power”, regarding implications for EU-diplomacy towards Russia and Ukraine’s role as a buffer zone concerning power and balance in a globalized world. Future perspectives of academic research will be envisaged.

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International Relations Undergraduate Honors Theses

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Universiteit Leiden

Thesis and Methods in International Relations Research

Admission requirements.

Compulsory course for all MA International Relations students.


How do I write a literature review and design a research project? How do I develop a research question that may contribute to the literature of my academic discipline? These are the kinds of questions MA students often pose regarding their MA thesis. This course is designed to provide answers to these questions.

This course guides students through the process of envisioning, designing, and carrying out an academic research project. Throughout the course, students will develop their own MA thesis research projects by learning: how to formulate research questions based on an effective review of the current literature; how to develop a causal and/or constitutive research design to answer this question; how to adopt some of the data collection and analytical tools commonly used in the humanities; and how to deliver both professional ‘conference-style’ presentations and constructive feedback as discussant.

The first half of the course will consist of lectures. Here, we’ll enter into strategies for writing your thesis, go through the key components of the thesis, and venture into qualitative methodology. You’ll learn to identify a research question and evaluate the evidence to answer your question. The second part of the course consists of seminars. The first two seminars seek to provide practical guidance for designing and executing your research. The final seminars are reserved for conference style presentations in small groups.

Course objectives

The purpose of the course is to prepare the student academically for being able to engage in self-directed research towards their MA thesis in International Relations (International Studies and European Union Studies). After successful completion of this course students should be able to:

Synthesize the academic state of the art into an effective literature review

Formulate a research question with the potential to contribute to scientific knowledge

Design research to answer a research question

Gather and analyze sources of evidence to answer a research question

Present research findings in a manner appropriate to the intended audience

Conduct research in an ethical manner

Situate their research within an ontological and epistemological framework

The timetable is available on the website .

Mode of instruction

Lecture and seminar

Course Load

6 x 2-hour lectures (12 hours)

2 x 2-hour seminar and one 2-hour research presentation session (6 hours)

Complete readings and prepare for seminars (48 hours)

Presentation on the research proposal (10 hours)

Research proposal (64 hours)

Play active part in class discussions;

Learning activity – design a learning activity in a small group or pairing for one of the seminar sessions that applies a research method employed in the European Studies scholarship;

Research proposal – 2,500 words

Play active part in class discussions (20%)

Learning activity (30%)

Research proposal (50%):

  • Research proposal: revise and resubmit. The resit for the final examined element is only available to students whose mark for the final examined element is insufficient.

Exam review

How and when an exam review will take place will be disclosed together with the publication of the exam results at the latest. If a student requests a review within 30 days after publication of the exam results, an exam review will have to be organized.

A handbook denoting weekly readings will be posted on Blackboard the week before the start of the semester. Additional information (powerpoints, useful websites, etc.) will also be found on Blackboard over the course of the semester.

Reading list


Hart, Christopher 1998, Doing a literature review – Releasing the Social Science Imagination, London: Sage.

Trachtenberg, Marc 2006, The Craft of International History – a guide to method, Princeton and Oxford: PUP.


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The co-ordinator of studies or your seminar professor.


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The main product of the IR Phd program is the doctoral dissertation. All doctoral dissertations submitted must make a significant and original contribution to the knowledge and understanding of their subject.

To access the doctoral IR track dissertations submitted at the Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations since September 2009, please click here . 


Oxford theses

The Bodleian Libraries’ thesis collection holds every DPhil thesis deposited at the University of Oxford since the degree began in its present form in 1917. Our oldest theses date from the early 1920s. We also have substantial holdings of MLitt theses, for which deposit became compulsory in 1953, and MPhil theses.

Since 2007 it has been a mandatory requirement for students to deposit an electronic copy of their DPhil thesis in the Oxford University Research Archive (ORA) , in addition to the deposit of a paper copy – the copy of record. Since the COVID pandemic, the requirement of a paper copy has been removed and the ORA copy has become the copy of record. Hardcopy theses are now only deposited under exceptional circumstances. 

ORA provides full-text PDF copies of most recent DPhil theses, and some earlier BLitt/MLitt theses. Find out more about Oxford Digital Theses, and depositing with ORA .

Finding Oxford theses

The following theses are catalogued on SOLO (the University libraries’ resource discovery tool) :

  • DPhil and BLitt and MLitt theses
  • BPhil and MPhil theses 
  • Science theses

SOLO collates search results from several sources.

How to search for Oxford theses on SOLO

To search for theses in the Oxford collections on SOLO :

  • navigate to the SOLO homepage
  • click on the 'Advanced Search' button
  • click the 'Material Type' menu and choose the 'Dissertations' option
  • type in the title or author of the thesis you are looking for and click the 'Search' button.

Also try an “Any field” search for “Thesis Oxford” along with the author’s name under “creator” and any further “Any field” keywords such as department or subject. 

Searching by shelfmarks

If you are searching using the shelfmark, please make sure you include the dots in your search (e.g. D.Phil.). Records will not be returned if they are left out.

Oxford University Research Archive (ORA)

ORA was established in 2007 as a permanent and secure online archive of research produced by members of the University of Oxford. It is now mandatory for students completing a research degree at the University to deposit an electronic copy of their thesis in this archive. 

Authors can select immediate release on ORA, or apply a 1-year or 3-year embargo period. The embargo period would enable them to publish all or part of their research elsewhere if they wish. 

Theses held in ORA are searchable via  SOLO , as well as external services such as EThOS and Google Scholar. For more information, visit the Oxford digital theses guide , and see below for guidance on searching in ORA.

Search for Oxford theses on ORA

Type your keywords (title, name) into the main search box, and use quotes (“) to search for an exact phrase.

Refine your search results using the drop-downs on the left-hand side. These include:

  • item type (thesis, journal article, book section, etc.)
  • thesis type (DPhil, MSc, MLitt, etc.)
  • subject area (History, Economics, Biochemistry, etc.)
  • item date (as a range)
  • file availability (whether a full text is available to download or not)

You can also increase the number of search results shown per page, and sort by relevance, date and file availability. You can select and export records to csv or email. 

Select hyperlinked text within the record details, such as “More by this author”, to run a secondary search on an author’s name. You can also select a hyperlinked keyword or subject. 

Other catalogues

Card catalogue  .

The Rare Books department of the Weston Library keeps an author card index of Oxford theses. This includes all non-scientific theses deposited between 1922 and 2016. Please ask Weston Library staff for assistance.

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses

You can use ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global  to find bibliographic details of Oxford theses not listed on SOLO. Ask staff in the Weston Library’s Charles Wendall David Reading Room for help finding these theses. 

Search for Oxford theses on ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global

Basic search.

The default Basic search page allows for general keyword searches across all indexes using "and", "and not", "and or" to link the keywords as appropriate. Click on the More Search Options tab for specific title, author, subject and institution (school) searches, and to browse indexes of authors, institutions and subjects. These indexes allow you to add the word or phrase recognised by the database to your search (ie University of Oxford (United Kingdom), not Oxford University).

Advanced search

The Advanced search tab (at the top of the page) enables keyword searching in specific indexes, including author, title, institution, department, adviser and language. If you are unsure of the exact details of thesis, you can use the search boxes on this page to find it by combining the key information you do have.

Search tools

In both the Basic and Advanced search pages you can also limit the search by date by using the boxes at the bottom. Use the Search Tools advice in both the Basic and Advanced pages to undertake more complex and specific searches. Within the list of results, once you have found the record that you are interested in, you can click on the link to obtain a full citation and abstract. You can use the back button on your browser to return to your list of citations.

The Browse search tab allows you to search by subject or by location (ie institution). These are given in an alphabetical list. You can click on a top-level subject to show subdivisions of the subject. You can click on a country location to show lists of institutions in that country. At each level, you can click on View Documents to show lists of individual theses for that subject division or from that location.

In Browse search, locations and subject divisions are automatically added to a basic search at the bottom of the page. You can search within a subject or location by title, author, institution, subject, date etc, by clicking on Refine Search at the top of the page or More Search Options at the bottom of the page.

Where are physical Oxford theses held?

The Bodleian Libraries hold all doctoral theses and most postgraduate (non-doctoral) theses for which a deposit requirement is stipulated by the University:

  • DPhil (doctoral) theses (1922 – 2021)
  • Bachelor of Divinity (BD) theses
  • BLitt/MLitt theses (Michaelmas Term 1953 – 2021)
  • BPhil and MPhil theses (Michaelmas Term 1977 – 2021)

Most Oxford theses are held in Bodleian Offsite Storage. Some theses are available in the libraries; these are listed below.

Law Library

Theses submitted to the Faculty of Law are held at the Bodleian Law Library .

Vere Harmsworth Library

Theses on the United States are held at the Vere Harmsworth Library .

Social Science Library

The Social Science Library holds dissertations and theses selected by the departments it supports. 

The list of departments and further information are available in the Dissertations and Theses section of the SSL webpages. 

Locations for Anthropology and Archaeology theses

The Balfour Library holds theses for the MPhil in Material and Visual Anthropology and some older theses in Prehistoric Archaeology.

The Art, Archaeology and Ancient World Library holds theses for MPhil in Classical Archaeology and MPhil in European Archaeology.

Ordering Oxford theses

Theses held in Bodleian Offsite Storage are consulted in the Weston Library. The preferred location is the Charles Wendell David Reading Room ; they can also be ordered to the Sir Charles Mackerras Reading Room .

Find out more about requesting a digitised copy, copyright restrictions and copying from Oxford theses .


  1. Thesis Requirements

    thesis title for international relations

  2. Introduction to International Relations

    thesis title for international relations

  3. International Relations And Diplomacy Thesis

    thesis title for international relations

  4. Introduction to International Relations

    thesis title for international relations

  5. All Thesis

    thesis title for international relations

  6. Proposal of Doctoral Thesis in International Relations

    thesis title for international relations


  1. International Relations Dissertation Topics and Titles

    For international relations dissertation topics: Examine global issues and conflicts. Analyse diplomacy, treaties, or organisations. Explore cultural, economic, or political influences. Review current events and debates. Consider regional dynamics. Opt for a topic resonating with your passion and research scope.

  2. 168 Free International Relations Research Topics For Top Grade

    Choose one of our 168 free, original international relations research topics and get a top grade on your essay, research paper or thesis. Toll-free: +1 (877) 401-4335. Order Now. About; ... Our wide range of international relations thesis topics will guide you towards developing a strong research question, conducting in-depth analysis, and ...

  3. Examples of International Relations and Diplomacy Master's Theses at AGS

    The Relation between Microfinance, the Empowerment of Women and the Alleviation of Poverty. By Mairi Lee (2007) English Language as a Political Tool in Non-Anglophone Countries. By Rachel Levine (2007) The Inability of Peacekeeping to address the Rwandan-Congolese Security Dilemma.

  4. International Relations Theses

    Our research is focused around three broad themes: conflict, peace and security; the evolving character of global and supra-national institutions; and the interpenetration of civil societies and international relations. In addition we have major strengths in area studies which help to ground our research into these broad thematic areas.

  5. Government and International Affairs Theses and Dissertations

    Structure of Turkey-USA Bilateral Relations and Analysis of Factors Affecting Bilateral Relations, Hanifi Ozkarakaya. PDF. Soviet Nationality Policy: Impact on Ethnic Conflict in Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Nevzat Torun. ... Cyberwar and International Law: An English School Perspective, Anthony F. Sinopoli. PDF.

  6. PDF Master in International Relations (Mir) Dissertation Handbook

    given at a later point in this handbook.1.3 Time InvolvementThe average length of a Master's (MIR) Dissertation is approximately 80 pages or 20'000 words (double spacing), while a Doctoral Thesis (DI. ) is approximately 80'000-100'000 words (double spacing). The nature, content and volume of the workload will mean that you may not have ...

  7. PDF A Guide to Writing a Thesis in Political Science or International

    In the Political Science and International Relations Department, you must write a Senior Thesis to receive departmental honors. The Senior Thesis is a process that begins in your junior year. In the spring semester of your junior year, you apply to write a thesis (see instructions below). If your proposal is approved, you register for POLS 350 ...

  8. Master Thesis International Relations & Diplomacy

    conduct and make necessary further exploration of an integral part of international relations, namely foreign policy (Schafer 2003: 171). NCR constitutes a theoretical framework of this thesis to test the hypotheses and examine the research question. NCR has been chosen to examine Russian foreign policy since it examines factors at different ...

  9. PDF Politics and International Relations Guide to Dissertations 2020-21

    ion coordinator for 2019-20 was Dr Devon Curtis ([email protected]) . The disserta. ion coordinator for 2020-21 is Prof Duncan Kelly ([email protected]).It is often helpful to send your Director of Studies a short, perhaps half-page, summary of what you would like to your dis.

  10. PDF Masters of International Relations Dissertation

    The thesis is to be used for private study or non-commercial research purposes only. Published by the University of Cape Town (UCT) in terms ... Drawing on core theories of international relations, this dissertation suggests that cooperation between riparian states is a result of strong institutional frameworks, at a river-basin, regional and ...

  11. Thesis Requirements

    The senior thesis should be piece of original research on a topic in international relations. ... (about 100 pages double-spaced) will not be considered for nomination for thesis prizes (e.g. Palmer, Yardley, Rose, etc.) ... Title Page: The title page is unnumbered. All text of the title page should be centered, and be in the same font as the ...

  12. Diplomacy Theses

    Theses/Dissertations from 2007. Collaboration for the Public Good: An Inquiry into Federalism's Role in Economic Performance, James A. Cochran II. Justifying an Analysis of the Ecclesiological Development of Subsidiarity via Civil and Common Law Jurisprudential Epistemology, William Pieratt Demond. Development of Subsidiarity via Civil and ...

  13. How To Create International Relations Dissertation Titles

    Keep your idea short and simple. Think about how it represents your project as a whole. Students often get ideas for a dissertation title by looking at potential topic ideas. Once you have an idea of what your topic is about you can determine a good title. Some ideas may come as a phrase or short sentence.

  14. International Relations Undergraduate Honors Theses

    Honors Theses from 2017. PDF. From Invisible Children to Legal Citizens: An Analysis of Low National Birth Registration Rates and Global Efforts to Increase Registration, Mary K. Adgie. PDF. The Role of EU and NATO Conditionality on Developing Democracies: A Georgian Case Study, Carolyn A. De Roster. PDF.

  15. International Relations Masters Thesis

    ders of ultimate importance and power. In order to maintain this power, states act in pursuing their national interest and maintaining their national security at any cost.85 With this realist approach to international relations human rights and the importance of the individual, as a liberalist ideology, tend to decr.

  16. Examples of International Relations and Diplomacy Ph.D Dissertation Topics

    By Anna Cimmino (1997) The Illicit Traffic of Art from Cambodia. By Maria Lafont (2001) FIABCI and its Role in Contemporary International Relations and Diplomacy. By Telemaco Matrundola (1997) The Dynamics of Peace in International Relations and Diplomacy. By Lucio Sia (1998) Galileo. The Declaration of European Independance.


    The development of a stronger international society, well functioning international institutions and a rule-based international order is our objective." (European Council 2003b:9) Accordingly, relations with the EU presume normative unification by accepting EUvalues, which are pivotal for the EU's soft power approach in foreign policy ...

  18. International Relations Undergraduate Honors Theses

    Pioneering power: the impact of artificial intelligence on international power . Nesoff, Willa(2024-03-29) The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) generates profound implications for international power dynamics. With relevant benefits and risks, this is a critical point in time to analyze the role of AI within the theoretical ...

  19. PDF Bachelor Thesis in International Relations, 15 hp

    This thesis provides a descriptive study from a pedagogic perspective that analyzes objectives, directives and content related to the social science core class, SAMSAM01b, at Gothenburg public high schools. The purpose is to further explore the role of education in relation to global development and international relations.

  20. Thesis and Methods in International Relations Research

    Here, we'll enter into strategies for writing your thesis, go through the key components of the thesis, and venture into qualitative methodology. You'll learn to identify a research question and evaluate the evidence to answer your question. The second part of the course consists of seminars. The first two seminars seek to provide practical ...

  21. A List Of Great Thesis Topics In International Relations

    Public health Emergency planning. Foreign labor. Agreements regarding nuclear weapons. Cease fire treaties in the Middle East. Arab Spring. International Oil exploitation. Cash transfer between countries. Terrorist organizations and how these can affect international relations. Migration.

  22. PhD dissertations

    The main product of the IR Phd program is the doctoral dissertation. All doctoral dissertations submitted must make a significant and original contribution to the knowledge and understanding of their subject. To access the doctoral IR track dissertations submitted at the Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International ...

  23. Oxford theses

    Oxford theses. The Bodleian Libraries' thesis collection holds every DPhil thesis deposited at the University of Oxford since the degree began in its present form in 1917. Our oldest theses date from the early 1920s. We also have substantial holdings of MLitt theses, for which deposit became compulsory in 1953, and MPhil theses.

  24. Raygun: Australian breaker earns mixed reviews, praised for 'courage

    A lecturer at Sydney's Macquarie University, her research interests include breaking, street dance and hip-hop culture, while her PhD thesis focused on the intersection of gender and Sydney's ...