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Easy Problem Solving Using the 4-step Method
June 7, 2017 by Jennifer Haury Category: Guest Author , Management
At a recent hospital town forum, hospital leaders are outlining the changes coming when a lone, brave nurse raises her hand and says, “We just can’t take any more changes. They are layered on top of each other and each one is rolled out in a different way. We are exhausted and it’s overloading us all.”
“Flavor of the Month” Fatigue
Change fatigue. You hear about it in every industry, from government sectors to software design to manufacturing to healthcare and more. When policy and leadership changes and process improvement overlap it’s no surprise when people complain about “flavor of the month,” and resist it just so they can keep some routine to their days.
In a time where change is required just to keep up with the shifting environment, one way to ease fatigue is to standardize HOW we change. If we use a best practice for solving problems, we can ensure that the right people are involved and problems are solved permanently, not temporarily. Better yet, HOW we change can become the habit and routine we long for.
The 4-step Problem Solving Method
The model we’ve used with clients is based on the A3 problem-solving methodology used by many “lean” production-based companies. In addition to being simpler, our 4-step method is visual, which helps remind the user what goes into each box.
The steps are as follows
- Develop a Problem Statement
- Determine Root Causes
- Rank Root Causes in Order of Importance
- Create an Action Plan
Step 1: Develop a Problem Statement
Developing a good problem statement always seems a lot easier than it generally turns out to be. For example, this statement: “We don’t have enough staff,” frequently shows up as a problem statement. However, it suggests the solution—“GET MORE STAFF” — and fails to address the real problem that more staff might solve, such as answering phones in a timely manner.
The trick is to develop a problem statement that does not suggest a solution. Avoiding the following words/phrases: “lack of,” “no,” “not enough,” or “too much” is key. When I start to fall into the trap of suggesting a solution, I ask: “So what problem does that cause?” This usually helps to get to a more effective problem statement.
Once you’ve developed a problem statement, you’ll need to define your target goal, measure your actual condition, then determine the gap. If we ran a restaurant and our problem was: “Customers complaining about burnt toast during morning shift,” the target goal might be: “Toast golden brown 100% of morning shift.”
Focus on a tangible, achievable target goal then measure how often that target is occurring. If our actual condition is: “Toast golden brown 50% of the time,” then our gap is: “Burnt toast 50% of the time.” That gap is now a refined problem to take to Step 2.
Step 2: Determine Root Causes
In Step 2, we want to understand the root causes. For example, if the gap is burnt toast 50% of the time, what are all the possible reasons why?
This is when you brainstorm. It could be an inattentive cook or a broken pop-up mechanism. Cooks could be using different methods to time the toasting process or some breads toast more quickly. During brainstorming, you’ll want to include everyone in the process since observing these interactions might also shed light on why the problem is occurring.
Once we have an idea of why, we then use the 5-why process to arrive at a root cause. Ask “Why?” five times or until it no longer makes sense to ask. Root causes can be tricky. For example, if the pop up mechanism is broken you could just buy a new toaster, right? But if you asked WHY it broke, you may learn cooks are pressing down too hard on the pop up mechanism, causing it to break. In this case, the problem would just reoccur if you bought a new toaster.
When you find you are fixing reoccurring problems that indicates you haven’t solved for the root cause. Through the 5-why process, you can get to the root cause and fix the problem permanently.
Step 3: Rank Root Causes
Once you know what’s causing the problem (and there may be multiple root causes), it’s time to move to Step 3 to understand which causes, if solved for, would close your gap. Here you rank the root causes in order of importance by looking at which causes would have the greatest impact in closing the gap.
There may be times when you don’t want to go after your largest root cause (perhaps because it requires others to change what they are doing, will take longer, or is dependent on other things getting fixed, etc). Sometimes you’ll find it’s better to start with a solution that has a smaller impact but can be done quickly.
Step 4: Create an Action Plan
In Step 4 you create your action plan — who is going to do what and by when. Documenting all of this and making it visible helps to communicate the plan to others and helps hold them accountable during implementation.
This is where your countermeasures or experiments to fix the problem are detailed. Will we train our chefs on how to use a new “pop-up mechanism” free toaster? Will we dedicate one toaster for white bread and one for wheat?
Make sure to measure your results after you’ve implemented your plan to see if your target is met. If not, that’s okay; just go through the steps again until the problem is resolved.
Final Thoughts
Using the 4-step method has been an easy way for teams to change how they solve problems. One team I was working with started challenging their “solution jumps” and found this method was a better way to avoid assumptions which led to never really solving their problems. It was easy to use in a conference room and helped them make their thinking visual so everyone could be involved and engaged in solving the problems their team faced.
Do you have a problem-solving method that you use at your worksite? Let us know in the comments below.
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About Jennifer Haury
Jennifer Haury is the CEO of All Angles Consulting, LLC and guest authored this post for MRSC.
Jennifer has over 28 years learning in the healthcare industry (17 in leadership positions or consulting in performance improvement and organizational anthropology) and is a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt.
She is a trusted, experienced leader with a keen interest in performance improvement and organizational anthropology. Jennifer is particularly concerned with the sustainability of continuous improvement programs and the cultural values and beliefs that translate into behaviors that either get in our own way or help us succeed in transforming our work.
The views expressed in guest columns represent the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of MRSC.
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4 Steps to Efficiently Solve Problems
Problems—we all have to deal with minor or major problems in our personal or professional lives. Having a consistent problem-solving approach can be very helpful, and demonstrating strong problem-solving skills can help you stand out in your career.
In this blog post, I’m going to cover a simple problem-solving framework. Although much of what I discuss can be applied to any type of problem, I’ll focus on using the framework from a professional standpoint.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” – Albert Einstein
Categories of Problems
Work-related problems can generally be categorized by the area they impact most. That’s not to say a problem can’t impact multiple areas, but usually there is an area of primary impact. I find it useful to categorize problems into the following three categories:
- People —These problems center around people, their expectations, and their interactions with other people.
- Product —These problems are related to what you produce at work. The “product” can be tangible or intangible. If you’re a home builder, your product would be houses. If you’re a software developer, the product would be the application you work on. If you’re a sales professional, you produce sales. Problems in this category are often related to the “product” not meeting the expectations of the customer or stakeholder.
- Process —These problems are related to the processes you use at work, generally in the context of producing the work product. The problem could be the process isn’t producing the desired result, the process isn’t being followed, or the process doesn’t account for enough scenarios.
Although the framework described in the sections below works with each of these categories, the specific approaches you take might vary. For example, if you’re dealing with a process-related problem, a group discussion to analyze the problem likely makes sense. If it’s a people problem, group discussions can be counterproductive, particularly in the early stages.
The Steps (and the Pre-Step)
The framework consists of four steps and a very important pre-step. The four steps are as follows:
- Analyze —Understand the root cause.
- Plan —Determine how to resolve the problem.
- Implement —Put the resolution in place.
- Evaluate —Determine if the resolution is producing the desired results.
I’ll discuss these steps further below, but first I want to discuss an important precursor—triage. In emergency medical situations, the triage process is used to prioritize patients: do they need immediate attention to survive, or do they have injuries that aren’t immediately life threatening? Sometimes, we’re faced with more problems than we can immediately solve, so it’s helpful to prioritize them. I find the following questions to be useful in this process:
- Is there an immediate action I need to take to reduce the impact of the problem?
- Is there a reasonable degree of likelihood I can solve this problem?
- If I can solve the problem, can I solve it in a timely manner?
- If I can solve the problem, will it make a significant difference?
The answers to these questions can help you prioritize the order in which you should focus on particular problems. If a problem is causing significant and immediate pain, then you need to stabilize the situation first—often by addressing the symptoms.
For example, if a customer is upset, you need to address their immediate pain before attempting to resolve the root problem. Once you’ve done so, you can move on to prioritization. If a problem is solvable, can be solved quickly, and has a significant impact, you should focus on it first. If you aren’t sure the problem can be solved, or solving it won’t have a positive impact, then it should be lower on the priority list.
Once this prioritization has been completed, you can analyze the problem.
The goal for analyzing the problem is to understand the root cause(s). (Yes, problems can have more than one root cause.) If you can address the root cause, you can prevent the problem from recurring. It’s important during this process to get multiple perspectives on why the problem occurs. If the problem is in the Product or Process categories, I like to use a group of approximately five people to discuss the root causes. If it’s a person problem, a group setting might be counterproductive and individual conversations are better. However, for Person problems, it’s critical to get multiple perspectives.
There are many techniques for getting to the root cause of problems. One popular and effective approach is the “ 5 whys .” With this approach, you iteratively ask “Why?” about the problem and then each answer until you get to a root cause. For example:
- Why did the upgrade fail? -> The prerequisite updates weren’t installed.
- Why weren’t the prerequisites installed? -> The person performing the install didn’t know there were prerequisites.
- Why didn’t the person performing the install know there were prerequisites? -> They didn’t read the release notes.
- Why didn’t they read the release notes? -> The release notes aren’t included or linked to from the installer.
- Why aren’t the release notes included or linked to from the installer? -> Because the release notes aren’t always required reading for an upgrade.
When using the “5 whys” approach, it’s important to look for process failures as the root cause. In many cases, it’s easy to get to a why such as “There wasn’t enough time” or “We didn’t have enough people.” If you want to fix the root cause, you need to get to “Why did the process fail to alert us of the problem?”
Once you have one or more root causes, you can start looking at how to resolve them going forward. This is another great time in the process to involve multiple people. Having multiple perspectives can produce innovative approaches to address the root causes. It’s also important to remember you might need multiple solutions if you have multiple root causes.
Brainstorming is a good way to generate ideas, but it’s helpful to have a method to manage all the ideas that can be produced. Affinity Grouping is an approach that has been around for a long time, and for good reason—it works well. After generating ideas, you group and potentially combine the similar ones. The various ideas in each group can lead to a better, more rounded solution.
An important aspect of the solution(s) you develop is that you can measure the outcomes. I’ve seen many great ideas that simply didn’t result in the desired outcomes for reasons that couldn’t be anticipated. If you’re able to measure successful outcomes (and unsuccessful outcomes), it helps you adjust more quickly and pivot to different solutions if needed.
Now it’s time to put the solution in place. How you do so can vary significantly depending on what the solution is. However, a key consideration should be how the solution will be monitored. This is why it’s important to define what success looks like in the planning stage. Those measurements are what you will monitor.
It’s important to allow some time before moving to the next step. How much time? It depends—it can be helpful to look at how many times the new solution has been used when determining this. For the example above about release notes, imagine you decided to add an “IMPORTANT” note in a new version of an installer to link people to the release notes. If a week has passed, but only one person has downloaded the new version, then you probably don’t have a large enough sample size to evaluate the solution yet. Conversely, if it’s only been 24 hours, but 50 people have downloaded the new version, you have a much better sample to work with.
Evaluating the solution requires looking at the outcomes objectively and determining if they match expectations. Often, you will find the solution did improve things, but perhaps not as much as you would have liked. If that’s the case, you can refine and iterate on the solution. It might take a few iterations to get the outcomes you would like.
What if the outcomes really don’t match expectations? This scenario often indicates the root cause wasn’t fully understood, and you might need to jump back to the Analyze step. Revisiting the problem with the additional insight of what did not work can help you uncover other root causes.
The next time you’re faced with a problem at work, think TAPIE :
Problem solving is a process—and it’s one we need to be able to carry out in a thoughtful and timely manner throughout our careers. Our ability to consistently and efficiently address problems can be what sets us apart.
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10.1: George Polya's Four Step Problem Solving Process
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Step 1: Understand the Problem
- Do you understand all the words?
- Can you restate the problem in your own words?
- Do you know what is given?
- Do you know what the goal is?
- Is there enough information?
- Is there extraneous information?
- Is this problem similar to another problem you have solved?
Step 2: Devise a Plan: Below are some strategies one might use to solve a problem. Can one (or more) of the following strategies be used? (A strategy is defined as an artful means to an end.)
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Problem solving involves following a structured process for identifying and addressing barriers to student achievement across tiers of instruction within a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS), regardless of the instructional delivery method.
Step 1: What’s the problem? Step 2: What do you need to know? Step 3: What do you already know? Step 4: What’s the relationship between the two? Every problem may be different, but effective problem solving asks the same four questions and follows the same method. What’s the problem?
To begin this task, we now discuss a framework for thinking about problem solving: Polya’s four-step approach to problem solving. 1. Preparation: Understand the problem. 1. What sort of a problem is it? 2. What is being asked? 3. What do the terms mean? 4. Is there enough information or is more information needed? 5. What is known or unknown?
Jun 7, 2017 · In addition to being simpler, our 4-step method is visual, which helps remind the user what goes into each box. The steps are as follows. Develop a Problem Statement; Determine Root Causes; Rank Root Causes in Order of Importance; Create an Action Plan; Step 1: Develop a Problem Statement
Jan 26, 2021 · Analyze —Understand the root cause. Plan —Determine how to resolve the problem. Implement —Put the resolution in place. Evaluate —Determine if the resolution is producing the desired results. I’ll discuss these steps further below, but first I want to discuss an important precursor—triage.
The 4-step process is a proven and well-established method of identifying, implementing and evaluating educational solutions that are designed to improve student growth and performance. The process
Jun 20, 2024 · Creative problem-solving requires a process to increase the likelihood of identifying a creative solution, which we teach here. Many people jump directly to generating solutions when faced with a problem. Instead, follow these 4 steps: We remember this as POCS: problem, outcome, cause, solution.
Step 1: Understand the Problem. Do you understand all the words? Can you restate the problem in your own words? Do you know what is given? Do you know what the goal is? Is there enough information? Is there extraneous information? Is this problem similar to another problem you have solved?
A highly sought after skill, learn a simple yet effective four step problem solving process using the concept IDEA to identify the problem, develop solutions, execute a plan and then assess your results.
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