Home Blog Presentation Ideas How To Do a Proper Thesis Defense Using the Right PowerPoint Presentation

How To Do a Proper Thesis Defense Using the Right PowerPoint Presentation

proposal defense presentation sample

Writing a thesis is stressful, but preparing an oral defense can be even more painful. But it doesn’t have to be; with proper preparation and a good presentation, you will be able to better equip yourself comes time to present your thesis defense.

But what makes a good thesis defense?

A proper presentation helps you with your thesis defense because it helps you capture the panels’ attention and gives you cues and reminders on what to say as well.

It also helps keep your data organized while visually looking good and provides a flow structure for the rest of your presentation.

In today’s article, we will be giving you The Right PowerPoint Templates for Your Thesis Defense and a powerful outline composed of best practices and layouts specifically designed to help you defend your thesis in both written and oral presentations.

In the next segments of this article, we’ll walk you through the most feasible process on how to ace this kind of presentation.

Let’s dive into the outline of what makes a great thesis defense.

Thesis Defense Overview


  • Type of Degree

Thesis and Dissertation Distinction Varies on Location

Three most common thesis defense myths, how to use chatgpt to structure your thesis.

  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Methodology
  • Acknowledgements
  • Questions and Answers
  • Contact Information
  • Tips During Your Oral Defense
  • More Quick Tips on How to Present

A thesis defense is composed of two parts – a thesis and a defense.

The thesis, according to Grad School Hub , represents a student’s collective understanding of his or her program and major.

Universities often include a thesis in every course as one of the final requirements to earn a particular graduate or postgraduate degree.

The thesis, however, isn’t just a mere requirement.

It helps the students to grow out of their shell from their respective discipline and give them the opportunity to present all the findings of their study.

Moreover, some people think a thesis is just a long essay, but it’s not. Unlike an essay, a thesis needs to assert something.

This can be considered one of the most crucial research documents that a student makes during their academic schooling .

On the other hand, defense is the presentation of the pieces of evidence to support and prove your research.

It’s the most essential part of the thesis process.

Your presentation has to be prepared to answer questions from members of the committee and any other panel present, and it’s your job to convince them and defend your thesis with ample proof.

Prior to presenting, you have to carefully determine what appropriate evidence should be presented before the panel, depending on what thesis you have to defend.

proposal defense presentation sample

Thesis and Dissertation Distinguished

A thesis or dissertation is usually required to complete a particular graduate degree. These two words are often used interchangeably by most students when referring to research studies.

But while being almost similar in format or structure, it’s worth noting that they have significant differences that set them apart from each other.

The very reason why thesis and dissertation are treated the same is that these two are both extensive papers. Not just merely long essays like what others are claiming.

Both of these papers are extensive. This is why students are given ample time, usually the entire last semester of the last year of study, to complete all the requirements and finally acquire their degree.

With regards to structure, both papers are very similar with few differences.

Differences Between Thesis and Dissertation

One of the significant differences between the two is to whom the paper is assigned. A thesis is usually required for those students earning a bachelor’s or master’s degree. While a dissertation is for those, who want to obtain a doctorate degree.

However, not all students taking a master’s degree are required to make a thesis. Prior to their enrollment, they have been given a choice of whether they’ll go for a non-thesis program or with a thesis.

Those who have a plan to escalate their degree to a doctorate eventually should take the path of a thesis. This is to prepare themselves for a more extensive dissertation requirement as doctorate students. Otherwise, they will be only limited to earning a master’s degree.

paths to degrees diagram

But above all, the most significant difference between the two papers is the purpose for which it is written.

A thesis, like what has been mentioned above, is being done by students obtaining a bachelor’s or master’s degree and has the purpose of testing their understanding of the discipline they’re engaged with.

A thesis is focused on obtaining technical expertise.

On the other hand, a dissertation is made for students to come up with an original study that other researchers haven’t already studied.

Path to a Doctoral Degree

USA: In the United States of America, they consider a thesis shorter than a dissertation. In fact, aside from being a requirement to graduate in college, a thesis is now also inculcated in master’s degree programs. And since the dissertation is more extensive, the thesis is treated as preliminary in gaining a doctorate degree.

Europe: The distinction between the two papers is almost opposite to that of the USA. In Europe, a dissertation is only a broader research study from a post-graduate program and not the making of original research. Instead, educational systems in the said continent treat the doctoral thesis as a more elaborate paper writing.

PPT Template Thesis vs Dissertation

The difference between a thesis and a dissertation might not seem that big, but it’s important that we know what makes them different.

If your upcoming defense gives you pressure and uneasiness, it could be cause you are not sure what to expect. Today we will dispel three common thesis defense myths that will help you be more confident in your presentation.

“Answer all the questions correctly. Otherwise, your thesis won’t get approved.”

You are expected to have a focus on your research.

That being said, you have to study each part of your thesis, every detail, and even your sources.

You have to study and practice how to effectively deliver your presentation.

But don’t overthink to the extent that you’re stressing yourself to know everything perfectly.

Don’t overstress if you can’t answer one of the questions, this doesn’t necessarily mean the committee won’t approve your thesis.

You should know that research is a continuous study.

So you should expect that your committee will always be able to find a gap in your study to fill in future related research .

So in times you don’t exactly know the answer, admit it, and you’ll learn as they give their sides or suggestions.

Making up an answer will only displease your committee, so it’s to be upfront, honest, and transparent.

“The committee is just there to find holes in your study. They don’t care about you.”

One of the typical descriptions students have of the committee is that they are just there to poke holes in your thesis.

Going in with this perspective makes standing before them a nerve-wracking experience.

They’re not your enemy.

In fact, they are there to help you polish your study.

They might challenge you with difficult suggestions and tricky questions.

In the end, they will walk you through the process to come up with better results that won’t only benefit you but also your research.

They care about you and your study, and they’re ultimately there to make your thesis and the research better.  Separate yourself from your work look at it objectively, and don’t take their comments personally .

“If your thesis defense isn’t successful, you have to start your thesis all over again”

An unsuccessful defense is one of the worst-case fears most students have.

One thing that you should be aware of is when you aren’t able to please your committee, you don’t need to start a new thesis again or go back to square one with your existing paper.

It’s unusual that your committee will ask you to change your topic and start from scratch again.

The fact that you’ve been permitted to defend your study means your research is almost complete.

They might suggest further details or ask you for minor revisions, and that’s normal.

But overall, you need to go into this defense thinking that your presentation will be successful. Otherwise, you are already setting yourself up for failure with the wrong mindset.

Remember that positive thoughts attract positive results.

Thesis Defense Presentation Structure and Slides Content

We can use language learning models like ChatGPT to help us curate the structure of our thesis presentation. Let’s see a step-by-step solution on how to apply this.

Step 1: Define the thesis topic and research questions

You can set the environment for ChatGPT to work by explaining what your thesis is going to cover and which specific questions you aim to address through the course of that document. This gives ChatGPT the context from which it shall formulate the structure. A prompt can be written like this:

“Take the role of an academic professional who shall help me to write my thesis. This thesis is going to cover the topic of (insert topic), and through its course, I want to answer these questions: Question 1 – Question 2 – Question 3 – Consider this information as the starting point for this chat.”

Step 2: Ask for an outline

With the previously provided information, ask ChatGPT to generate an outline for your presentation. If some of the points listed in the output don’t convince you, then chat with the interface until you reach a final outline. Then, ask to elaborate on each specific point for information or cues you may have overlooked.

Step 3: Ask ChatGPT which content should you place per slide

Instead of debating how are you going to trim your thesis into a presentation format, ask ChatGPT to do the decision process for you. You can be as specific as asking how many words per slide, how many slides should the presentation have, if you need any visual element, etc.

N.B.: We don’t recommend using ChatGPT to retrieve academic references as, in some cases, it can provide faulty results. You can ask if any facts on this presentation need to be checked or similar questions. ChatGPT is a powerful tool, but it shouldn’t be considered a bible, so be extra cautious about grabbing content directly from its outputs.

1. Title Page

This slide should contain the information that is provided on the title page of your hard copy . Here is an example of title page or cover slide for your title defense or thesis presentation.

PPT Template Thesis Title - title defense example - Example of Title Slide in a Thesis Defense Presentation

  • The title of your research paper
  • Where you are studying
  • Name and details of your course
  • Name of Adviser

2. Introduction Slide

Your introduction slide should provide the committee with an idea of the following:

PPT Template Introduction Slide - Example of Introduction Slide in a Thesis Defense

  • What is the topic area that you are investigating ?
  • What are the specific research questions that you set out to answer?
  • Why is this question important to answer?
  • What were the objectives of your research?

3. Literature Review Slide

It’s not necessary to cover everything that’s currently understood in the available literature. You may want to present the following content under a Literature Review slide:

Literature Review Thesis PPT Template

  • Relevant current research that is close to your topic
  • Different theories that may apply to your specific area of research
  • Areas of weakness that are currently highlighted

4. Methodology Slide

Make sure to touch the factors below within your process, and include the following in the Methodology slide:

PPT Template Methodology Slide - Example of Methodology Slide in a Thesis Defense

  • The type of study you have conducted: qualitative, quantitative, or mixed
  • The methods that you chose and why
  • Details of the population, sampling methods, and other information
  • Provide information regarding how you have analyzed the data that you have collected

5. Results Slide

This part should give the committee/audience a good understanding of what you’ve discovered during your research. The statistics & results slide could include the final results of your analysis, here is an example:

Thesis Results PPT Template Slide

  • An overall description of the data that you collected during your research
  • The results of the analysis that you have done on that data
  • What were the most significant findings from your data

6. Discussion Slide

Highlight here the meaning of the findings in relation to your discipline program and the research that you have done:

Thesis Discussion PPT Template Slide - Example of Discussion Slide for a Thesis Defense presentation

  • What are the major findings, and what do they mean with regard to your research
  • How do these findings relate to what others have found in the past
  • How can you explain any unusual or surprising result

7. Conclusions Slide

You have to end your presentation with a conclusion summarizing all that you have found within your research. Here is an example of a Conclusion slide in a Thesis presentation:

Conclusions Thesis PowerPoint Template

  • Restate your research questions
  • Show how your results answer these questions
  • Show what contribution you have made
  • State any limitations to the work you have done
  • Suggest future research
  • Make any recommendations

See Also: How to Create a Great Investors Pitch Deck and Close the Deal

8. Acknowledgements Slide

Express gratitude to your advisor, committee members, peers, and others who supported your research journey. This slide provides a moment to acknowledge the collaborative nature of academic work.

9. Questions and Answers Slide

Dedicate a slide for audience questions at the end of your presentation.

Encourage engagement by inviting questions from the audience.

Be prepared to provide clear and concise responses to inquiries.

10. References Slide

Include a slide listing your cited sources throughout your presentation.

Use a consistent citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.).

The References slide demonstrates your thorough engagement with existing literature.

11. Contact Information Slide

If you’re open to further inquiries or collaborations, consider adding your contact information.

Include your email address or relevant professional social media handles.

How to use SlideModel AI Presentation Maker for your Thesis Presentation

If you want to save hours of manual time, you can leverage AI tools to make your thesis presentation. The best part of integrating AI tools into our workflow is that we can pair them to get even better results than we expected. With SlideModel’s AI presentation maker , users can create an entire slide deck by introducing these variables:

  • Topic of your thesis
  • Number of slides to include in your thesis presentation
  • Outline checkup

And that’s it! Download the AI-generated presentation in PPTX format or for Google Slides, and edit it if you require adding some extra content. The core elements are already done, and you can save countless hours of hard work.

Tips During Your Oral Defense!

Review your materials.

Even if you already feel confident with your upcoming presentation, you still need to review your materials.

You can bring the hard copy of your thesis with you during the defense, but you don’t want to get lost in your presentation when you forget some specific details and have to scan your papers.

You should know your paper in and out.

Rehearse Your Presentation

It’s not wrong if it sounds like a script when you speak in your oral defense. It’s expected and understandable.

You need to practice your presentation, especially when there’s a time restriction given to every presenter.

You only need to prepare enough slides that would fit your time limit. A hundred slides aren’t suitable for a 15 to 20-minute presentation, nor 10 slides for an hour of defense.

Your rehearsal will be more effective if you practice it in front of an audience.

Note: You will experience complete silence in the defense room. You might feel awkward because, most of the time, you’re the only one speaking out loud.  This is completely fine, and it’s something you should practice in rehearsal should you be afraid.

Narrow the Presentation of Ideas

Regarding your slides, you don’t have to include everything that’s in your paper. You should narrow down your ideas to the main points and the most important details, such as the statistics and findings.

If the members of your committee think you lack details or they want to hear a further explanation, they won’t hesitate to ask you.

Prepare for the Unexpected Questions

The panel tends to challenge the presenters, usually through some hard questions.

Its aim is how well do you you have done your research and how prepared you are.

But as long as you know the ins and outs of your paper, you shouldn’t lose your confidence regardless of which questions they ask.

Just keep in mind that what you’re saying in your oral defense is not in conflict with what is written on the hard copy you provided them.

What To Do When You Don’t Know the Answer

If the committee asks you a question and you don’t know the answer, don’t make up a baseless answer.

Baseless means out-of-context answers or something without proof or backup.

How To Deal With The Nervousness

The committee expects you to be nervous. Of course, it’s normal.

However, one effect of being nervous is the changes in your behavior.

There’s a tendency for you’ll talk fast, which will make it hard for the committee to understand you.

It might also cause you to have a mental block.

So try to slow down. Take a deep breath.

Inhale, exhale.  Remember to breathe!

It’s OK to pause, and it’s OK to take your time; it’s more important that the committee clearly understands what you are trying to articulate.

More Quick Tips on How to Present!

  • Introduce yourself at the beginning
  • Introduce the title of the presentation
  • Don’t read your notes if possible
  • Don’t speak too fast
  • Put an emphasis on what you’re saying so you don’t sound monotonous
  • Look at your adviser once in a while for possible signs
  • Stand on the right of the white screen if you are right-handed so you can easily refer to the slide without giving your back to the committee
  • Face the audience when you talk
  • Keep an eye contact
  • Make sure to keep attention to the reactions of the committee and don’t forget to react in turn

We hope you enjoyed this article on how to do a proper thesis defense and how to best prepare for one using proven tips and techniques to help you get through this.  Hopefully, after your defense, you will be set as the one in your class to deliver an inspiring graduation speech for your peers. If you have value, please remember to share this article. We also recommend you read these Thesis Statement Examples for inspiration to create your own professionally.

1. MasterDoc PowerPoint Template

Cover Image for MasterDoc PowerPoint templates

Creating a Thesis presentation should be a straight forward task; based on your thesis document and following the tips described above you have a high level structure already outlined. The MasterDoc PowerPoint template provides professional layouts with texts and image placeholders; so you can create document like slides using your thesis defense as your content. This template is ideal for a highly detailed documents, where visuals and words unite to illustrate one concept per page. The result is an asset that can be read and digested more quickly than either your thesis document or a presentation created for assisting a speech. A document created with the MasterDoc PowerPoint templates is meant to be printed or distributed, read on screen without the accompaniment of a presenter or used in an e-learning platform as pure learning content.

Use This Template

2. Thesis Presentation PowerPoint Template

proposal defense presentation sample

You had invested a considerable time researching, testing hypothesis and confirming your thesis. Craft your thesis presentation with the same level of detail you applied in your work. Using the Thesis Presentation PowerPoint Template you will focus only in your content and your message. The layouts, images,design and structure will be taken care by the template.

3. Master Thesis PowerPoint Template

proposal defense presentation sample

The Master Thesis PowerPoint Template is a professional document designed for postgraduate degrees presentations. It provides simple sections that follow  the structure and best practices of traditional research thesis presentations. Starting with the introduction to the theory and state of the art scenario; following with hypothesis research and its findings and concluding with the confirmation or negation of the initial thesis statement.

4. Essay Outline PowerPoint Template

proposal defense presentation sample

Your thesis defense can be accompanied by an essay, that states your thesis and argues about it using several supporting paragraphs. This kind of document is ideal to be an intermediate step between reading assisting to the thesis presentation and reading the complete thesis documentation. It has more information that your thesis defense abstract, but does summarizes the supporting evidence and examples that allows the argument of each idea behind the thesis. You can use the Essay Outline Template to present your Essay outline and create an essay linked to your thesis defense documentation.

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Academics, Degree, Dissertation, Doctorate, Education, Faculty, Master, PhD, Student, Thesis Filed under Presentation Ideas

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36 Responses to “How To Do a Proper Thesis Defense Using the Right PowerPoint Presentation”

Great job! This has made my thesis presentation a whole lot easier.

Excellent !!!!!

Now I feel I’m quite confident on how to do my dissertation presentation properly and how to defend it. I will share that with other friends and colleagues.

Thank you so much for your kind help.

Best regards, Awad

Thank you for such a valuable guide.

it was very helpful

Thanks a bunch for the general summary for thesis defense with all related information that we might have to know. Great job!

Great tips.

i have proposal defense in two days and im so nervous right now! reading this is helpful in some ways thankyou!

It’s very helpful and understandable. Easy steps to follow.

I found it very helpful to refresh and make my self ready for my defense!

Thank you a lot this article. It’s really helpful!

Naveen Kumar S: Thank you its very Helpful. I appreciate all your effort this is very useful.

Very important and interesting so go on thank you

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Appreciate your Assistance

Thanks a lot for the gist

Thank you so much, I got full information and knowledge.

This has made me look forward to my thesis defense. Thanks a lot

Very useful

thank you very much for your best information

Thank you very much the article is full of knowledge on Thesis as well as dissertation defense. Big Up!

I am appreciative. Well informative and educative.

Thanks immensely for these wonderful tips on presentation during defense. I personally found more useful to me as I prepare to defend my Master Dissertation.

Thank you very much! I now feel more confident.

Thanks for your good self overall usability of the Participations motivated points and contribute significantly in thesis defense practices. Best wishes to one and All

Happy To Help.

Thank you very much. As I am pursuing for my PhD in Leadership, I got it so meaningful and worth having.

Your tips on What a Thesis and Dissertation are, are on point. I have fully understood their differences and similarities. I have also noted the killer way of summaring a Power Point Presentation. Slidemodel.com…you are just a force to reckon with. I need more information…in case you have models you can share with me and those interested in this subject covered.

Thanks a million times for your timely guidance. Just preparing to do my PhD Thesis defense.

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Highly appreciate your effort to deliver what a student is looking for. I find your article really helpful and to the point. Thanks !

Regarding to my P.P, I’ve understood so many issues from this. Thankyou!

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This Material was very hopeful and encourage any student who prepare any presentation relation with thesis. It also combined more encauragable and it enhance presentation!

Thought provoking content Thank you.

Great comments. very helpful

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proposal defense presentation sample


PhD Dissertation Defense Slides Design: Tips for designing the slides

  • Tips for designing the slides
  • Presentation checklist
  • Example slides
  • Additional Resources

Example Slides Repository

  • Defense slides examples Link to examples dissertation defense slides.

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General tips for slide design

Use a plain background, for engineering, a plain, white background is generally ideal for dissertation proposals and defenses. don't pick a template that is too busy and distracting.,     , remember to add p age numbers, having page numbers in your slides will allow your advisors and peers to give comments. during your presentation, the committee members can use page numbers to reference specific slides for their questions. .

proposal defense presentation sample

Less is more

Don't put too many words on one slide (no more than 20 words per slide, in general)., when words are inevitable, highlight the keywords in each sentence (see examples from i. daniel posen's and l. cook's slides).

proposal defense presentation sample

Take advantage of animations

Use animations to explain complicated ideas in figures, tables, etc. you can use different slides instead of the animation functions in ms powerpoint; it will avoid overlapping text boxes or pictures when converted to pdf. , below is an example from c. kolb's defense slides. by a step-by-step revealing process, kolb was able to explain each detail without the distraction of other results. .

proposal defense presentation sample

Write down your notes 

Write down your notes with either bullet points or full sentences as a script. this can help you to remember what you want to say during your defense. when you are practicing, you won't have to come up with new things to say every time and won't forget what you planned to talk about. .

proposal defense presentation sample

Example 1: slide with notes - exact words to say (C. Mailings 2017)                                               Example 2: slide with notes - bullet points (I. D. Posen 2016) 

Be smart about the title of each slide

Use descriptive language to summarize the key point of the slide, and avoid using vague terms or the same title for several slides that have different contents..

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  • Last Updated: Jan 9, 2024 11:18 AM
  • URL: https://guides.library.cmu.edu/c.php?g=883178

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PhD Defense Template

You’ve done the hard work to prepare your PhD dissertation, and now there’s only one step left: your defense. And Beautiful.ai has the perfect presentation template to help you along the way.

These customizable template slides have all the basic elements of a PhD defense presentation, including an abstract, methodology, research findings, executive summary, and more. The result? A streamlined presentation that’s as professional as it is impressive. All with just a few clicks of the mouse. 

Our PhD defense template can also help you:

  • Customize your PhD presentation for different audiences
  • Synthesize months of academic work into a concise presentation
  • Successfully defend your PhD thesis to your panel

Use our template to create an effective PhD defense presentation

Your PhD defense presentation is a critical step in your academic journey – one that requires a smart and sophisticated format, layout, and story flow. That’s why our template includes everything you need to create an effective presentation. Tailoring this defense template to your unique PhD thesis is simple. Whether you need to create additional data points or showcase more findings, you can quickly bring your visions to life with these customizable templates and our entire library of professionally designed template slides.

Title Slide

Pro Tips for creating your own PhD defense presentation template

When you are thinking of creating your own impactful Phd defense presentation, keep these best practices in mind:

Condensing hours and hours of research can be daunting. Build an outline or table of contents first, then simply stick to that structure as you create your presentation.

It can be easy to get caught up in your research and findings, but don’t forget to answer critical questions like, ‘Why is this important?’ and ‘What results have you achieved?’

Remember: You aren’t recreating your entire thesis into a visual presentation. Limit the amount of content and data you add to each slide.

Your PhD defense presentation is your chance to share all of your hard work. Don’t be afraid to showcase bits of your personality throughout.

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How to prepare an excellent thesis defense

Thesis defence

What is a thesis defense?

How long is a thesis defense, what happens at a thesis defense, your presentation, questions from the committee, 6 tips to help you prepare for your thesis defense, 1. anticipate questions and prepare for them, 2. dress for success, 3. ask for help, as needed, 4. have a backup plan, 5. prepare for the possibility that you might not know an answer, 6. de-stress before, during, and after, frequently asked questions about preparing an excellent thesis defense, related articles.

If you're about to complete, or have ever completed a graduate degree, you have most likely come across the term "thesis defense." In many countries, to finish a graduate degree, you have to write a thesis .

A thesis is a large paper, or multi-chapter work, based on a topic relating to your field of study.

Once you hand in your thesis, you will be assigned a date to defend your work. Your thesis defense meeting usually consists of you and a committee of two or more professors working in your program. It may also include other people, like professionals from other colleges or those who are working in your field.

During your thesis defense, you will be asked questions about your work. The main purpose of your thesis defense is for the committee to make sure that you actually understand your field and focus area.

The questions are usually open-ended and require the student to think critically about their work. By the time of your thesis defense, your paper has already been evaluated. The questions asked are not designed so that you actually have to aggressively "defend" your work; often, your thesis defense is more of a formality required so that you can get your degree.

  • Check with your department about requirements and timing.
  • Re-read your thesis.
  • Anticipate questions and prepare for them.
  • Create a back-up plan to deal with technology hiccups.
  • Plan de-stressing activities both before, and after, your defense.

How long your oral thesis defense is depends largely on the institution and requirements of your degree. It is best to consult your department or institution about this. In general, a thesis defense may take only 20 minutes, but it may also take two hours or more. The length also depends on how much time is allocated to the presentation and questioning part.

Tip: Check with your department or institution as soon as possible to determine the approved length for a thesis defense.

First of all, be aware that a thesis defense varies from country to country. This is just a general overview, but a thesis defense can take many different formats. Some are closed, others are public defenses. Some take place with two committee members, some with more examiners.

The same goes for the length of your thesis defense, as mentioned above. The most important first step for you is to clarify with your department what the structure of your thesis defense will look like. In general, your thesis defense will include:

  • your presentation of around 20-30 minutes
  • questions from the committee
  • questions from the audience (if the defense is public and the department allows it)

You might have to give a presentation, often with Powerpoint, Google slides, or Keynote slides. Make sure to prepare an appropriate amount of slides. A general rule is to use about 10 slides for a 20-minute presentation.

But that also depends on your specific topic and the way you present. The good news is that there will be plenty of time ahead of your thesis defense to prepare your slides and practice your presentation alone and in front of friends or family.

Tip: Practice delivering your thesis presentation in front of family, friends, or colleagues.

You can prepare your slides by using information from your thesis' first chapter (the overview of your thesis) as a framework or outline. Substantive information in your thesis should correspond with your slides.

Make sure your slides are of good quality— both in terms of the integrity of the information and the appearance. If you need more help with how to prepare your presentation slides, both the ASQ Higher Education Brief and James Hayton have good guidelines on the topic.

The committee will ask questions about your work after you finish your presentation. The questions will most likely be about the core content of your thesis, such as what you learned from the study you conducted. They may also ask you to summarize certain findings and to discuss how your work will contribute to the existing body of knowledge.

Tip: Read your entire thesis in preparation of the questions, so you have a refreshed perspective on your work.

While you are preparing, you can create a list of possible questions and try to answer them. You can foresee many of the questions you will get by simply spending some time rereading your thesis.

Here are a few tips on how to prepare for your thesis defense:

You can absolutely prepare for most of the questions you will be asked. Read through your thesis and while you're reading it, create a list of possible questions. In addition, since you will know who will be on the committee, look at the academic expertise of the committee members. In what areas would they most likely be focused?

If possible, sit at other thesis defenses with these committee members to get a feel for how they ask and what they ask. As a graduate student, you should generally be adept at anticipating test questions, so use this advantage to gather as much information as possible before your thesis defense meeting.

Your thesis defense is a formal event, often the entire department or university is invited to participate. It signals a critical rite of passage for graduate students and faculty who have supported them throughout a long and challenging process.

While most universities don't have specific rules on how to dress for that event, do regard it with dignity and respect. This one might be a no-brainer, but know that you should dress as if you were on a job interview or delivering a paper at a conference.

It might help you deal with your stress before your thesis defense to entrust someone with the smaller but important responsibilities of your defense well ahead of schedule. This trusted person could be responsible for:

  • preparing the room of the day of defense
  • setting up equipment for the presentation
  • preparing and distributing handouts

Technology is unpredictable. Life is too. There are no guarantees that your Powerpoint presentation will work at all or look the way it is supposed to on the big screen. We've all been there. Make sure to have a plan B for these situations. Handouts can help when technology fails, and an additional clean shirt can save the day if you have a spill.

One of the scariest aspects of the defense is the possibility of being asked a question you can't answer. While you can prepare for some questions, you can never know exactly what the committee will ask.

There will always be gaps in your knowledge. But your thesis defense is not about being perfect and knowing everything, it's about how you deal with challenging situations. You are not expected to know everything.

James Hayton writes on his blog that examiners will sometimes even ask questions they don't know the answer to, out of curiosity, or because they want to see how you think. While it is ok sometimes to just say "I don't know", he advises to try something like "I don't know, but I would think [...] because of x and y, but you would need to do [...] in order to find out.” This shows that you have the ability to think as an academic.

You will be nervous. But your examiners will expect you to be nervous. Being well prepared can help minimize your stress, but do know that your examiners have seen this many times before and are willing to help, by repeating questions, for example. Dora Farkas at finishyourthesis.com notes that it’s a myth that thesis committees are out to get you.

Two common symptoms of being nervous are talking really fast and nervous laughs. Try to slow yourself down and take a deep breath. Remember what feels like hours to you are just a few seconds in real life.

  • Try meditational breathing right before your defense.
  • Get plenty of exercise and sleep in the weeks prior to your defense.
  • Have your clothes or other items you need ready to go the night before.
  • During your defense, allow yourself to process each question before answering.
  • Go to dinner with friends and family, or to a fun activity like mini-golf, after your defense.

Allow yourself to process each question, respond to it, and stop talking once you have responded. While a smile can often help dissolve a difficult situation, remember that nervous laughs can be irritating for your audience.

We all make mistakes and your thesis defense will not be perfect. However, careful preparation, mindfulness, and confidence can help you feel less stressful both before, and during, your defense.

Finally, consider planning something fun that you can look forward to after your defense.

It is completely normal to be nervous. Being well prepared can help minimize your stress, but do know that your examiners have seen this many times before and are willing to help, by repeating questions for example if needed. Slow yourself down, and take a deep breath.

Your thesis defense is not about being perfect and knowing everything, it's about how you deal with challenging situations. James Hayton writes on his blog that it is ok sometimes to just say "I don't know", but he advises to try something like "I don't know, but I would think [...] because of x and y, you would need to do [...] in order to find out".

Your Powerpoint presentation can get stuck or not look the way it is supposed to do on the big screen. It can happen and your supervisors know it. In general, handouts can always save the day when technology fails.

  • Dress for success.
  • Ask for help setting up.
  • Have a backup plan (in case technology fails you).
  • Deal with your nerves.

proposal defense presentation sample

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Trapped in dissertation revisions?

Dissertation proposal defense: 12 tips for effective preparation, published by steve tippins on may 11, 2020 may 11, 2020.

Last Updated on: 22nd May 2024, 04:08 am

The dissertation proposal defense is a nerve-wracking time for even the most hardened of doctoral students.

Even a pirate (writing his dissertation on effective cutlass techniques), will quake a bit in his boots before delivering his dissertation proposal defense.

However, it doesn’t need to be a stressful time. 

As a longtime Dissertation Committee Chair and committee member, I’ve overseen more dissertation proposal defenses than I can count. I’ve also helped students through the process as a coach . 

If you follow these tips for preparing and delivering your presentation, you shouldn’t have any problem passing your proposal defense.

Dissertation Proposal Defense Tips

man in a blue shirt working on his laptop

Preparing for your Dissertation Proposal Defense

1. anticipate questions.  .

In your presentation, try to answer all of the questions you expect your committee to ask. That way, you control the material. Your committee will be more satisfied with your preparation and understanding and it will be less likely that you have to answer questions that you aren’t prepared for.

proposal defense presentation sample

2. Look for Weaknesses.  

If there are potential weaknesses (in your study, proposal, or presentation), address them ahead of time. Ask peers or mentors to review your proposal or presentation for weaknesses. Look at it yourself with a critical eye. Even if you’re not able to eliminate a weakness, take steps to address it as best you can so that your committee can be confident that you’re aware of it and able to handle it.

multicultural group of people all collaborating together on a laptop

3. Practice.  

Ideally, you would practice with someone who has been a committee member before. They’ll point out the types of questions they would see your committee asking, so you can prepare for those. I can’t understate the value of having this kind of feedback beforehand so that you can properly prepare. I offer this service as part of my dissertation coaching package .

4. Avoid Wordiness on PowerPoint Slides . 

Most dissertation proposal defenses have PowerPoints. Don’t put too many words on the slides! People will start reading the slides instead of paying attention to you. Then they’re off somewhere else which will produce questions that you’ve already answered when they weren’t paying attention.

5. Be Able to Pronounce the Words Correctly. 

This might sound obvious, but as a dissertation committee member , I’ve heard far too many students struggle through pronunciations of important terminology. This is probably because, up until this point, they’ve only read them and not spoken them out loud. 

However, it gives the committee the impression that they don’t know what they’re talking about. Make sure you can properly pronounce all the words you plan on using (like “phenomenological” and “anthropomorphism,”). 

6. Watch Recordings of Previous Defenses.  

woman with headphones listening to online courses and taking notes

Some schools have recordings of previous defenses. Listen to one or two. See how the procedure goes. Even if it’s not anything in your discipline, it will still help you get familiar with the procedure itself, which will help you be more comfortable when the time comes.

During your Dissertation Proposal Defense:

7. breathe . .

I’ve seen way too many people try to do their dissertation proposal defense seemingly in one breath. Give your committee time to hear and understand what you’re saying. Remember to leave some moments of silence to allow your audience to digest what you say. Also remember that one second of actual time feels like about thirty minutes to someone who’s giving an important presentation. Breathe. 

woman in a bright suit jacket looking at her student giving a presentation

8. Remember: They Want to Pass You.  

If you’ve gotten to the point where your committee has scheduled a dissertation proposal defense for you, that means they believe that you can pass it. They want to pass you. Remember that. 

They’re not out to screw you, they’re not out for “gotchas.” They’re saying, “we believe you’re ready, show us that’s true.” While they will be rigorous in their evaluation because they have a responsibility to make sure that they don’t allow you to move forward until you are ready to, it’s helpful to remember that they believe you can pass. 

9. Answer the Question, No More.  

When committee members ask questions, answer only the question–don’t give them anything more than that. Imagine that you’re a witness in a courtroom (or don’t if that makes you more nervous). Committee members value direct, relevant answers and often find tangents irrelevant and frustrating.

10. Dialogue With Your Committee.  

If the committee disagrees with something you said, it can be a discussion. You don’t need to just roll over and say “Yes, you’re right. I made a mistake and I’m very bad.” That’s not what your committee wants to hear, either. 

proposal defense presentation sample

A much better response would be, “I hear what you’re saying, however, this is the reason I’m going in this other direction. What do you think about that?” So you’re beginning to engage in discussions as a scholar. Your committee will be impressed by your ability to think critically and your willingness to engage in dialogue.

man in beige suit jacket holding a presentation on a whiteboard

However, do not make it adversarial. It’s incredibly important to be respectful in these conversations. After all, your committee members have significant control over your life for as long as you’re writing your dissertation.

11. Make Life Easy for Your Committee.  

It’s always good to send your committee members a copy of your PowerPoint presentation and the most recent copy of your proposal the day before the defense. They likely already have a copy, but when in doubt, make their lives easier. It doesn’t cost you anything. Someone might accidentally have an old copy, or might take them some time to find the copy they have. You want their life to be as easy as possible so they can focus on moving you forward.

12. Pay Attention to Time. 

Ask your Chair (in the preparation stage) how long you have to make your presentation. It’s extraordinarily important to stay within this timeframe. If you’re told 25 minutes but you take 50 minutes, committee members are predisposed to say “why isn’t this person better prepared, and why are they wasting my time?”

Likewise, if you run through a 30-minute presentation in ten minutes (nervousness can sometimes lead to very fast talking–that’s why it’s important to practice beforehand), your committee will be wondering why you didn’t use the whole time that was allotted to you. And you’ll likely have to field a lot of questions you weren’t prepared for.

Dissertation Proposal Defense Summary

As long as you prepare properly, your dissertation proposal defense should be nothing to worry about. Your committee thinks you’re ready: all you have to do is show them you’re right.

If you’d like help preparing for your defense, or if you’d like to reduce the amount of time it takes to finish your dissertation, take a look at my Dissertation Coaching Services .

Steve Tippins

Steve Tippins, PhD, has thrived in academia for over thirty years. He continues to love teaching in addition to coaching recent PhD graduates as well as students writing their dissertations. Learn more about his dissertation coaching and career coaching services. Book a Free Consultation with Steve Tippins

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Free thesis defense presentation templates

Bring your research to life and impress the examining committee with a professional Thesis Defense Presentation template. Defend your final year project, Master’s thesis, or PhD dissertation with the help of free slides designed especially for students and academics. 


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What’s a thesis defense presentation?

As you approach the end of grad or postgrad studies, you’ll probably be required to deliver a thesis defense presentation. This takes place during the final semester and involves speaking about your thesis or dissertation in front of a committee of professors. 

The word “defend” might sound intimidating, but it simply means answering questions about your work. Examiners want to see how knowledgeable you are about your field and if you can back up your arguments with solid and original research. Some departments invite students to a pre-defense, which is like a dress rehearsal for the main event. 

If you’re defending your doctoral thesis or dissertation, the event will be more formal than at Master’s level. In some universities, this is called a PhD viva, which comes from the Latin viva voce, meaning “by live voice”. Basically, it’s time to speak about the 80 thousand words you’ve written! As well as your supervisor, the panel will usually include visiting academics from other institutions. If it’s an “open defense” it will be open to other students and members of the public.

The format varies between different universities, but a thesis defense usually starts with the candidate delivering a short presentation accompanied by slides. This is followed by a question and answer session with the panel. 

How do I design slides for my thesis defense?

The secret to a good thesis defense presentation is a well-designed slide deck. This will act as a visual aid and starting point for the conversation. Structuring your points and illustrating them on the screen will help you present more confidently. 

If the prospect of creating a thesis presentation from scratch is daunting, check out Genially’s free thesis defense templates. Each design has been created by professional graphic designers in collaboration with students and academic experts. 

Choose from hundreds of examples with preset color palettes and easy-to-edit slides. In a few minutes you can outline the content of your thesis in an impressive visual format. No artistic skills required!

How should I structure a thesis presentation?

When you create a thesis defense presentation, the first thing to remember is that it should be short and concise. There’s no need to rewrite your thesis on the slides. Members of the committee will already be familiar with your work, having read the document prior to the event. 

A thesis defense is a conversational, person-to-person event. Examiners don’t want to read large blocks of text on the screen. They want to hear you talking about your research with passion and insight.

With this in mind, your presentation should serve as a starting point or prompt for discussion. Think of your slides as cue cards: use short titles and keywords to remind you of what you want to say. 

Make a good first impression by using a professional thesis defense presentation template with a consistent theme and attractive visuals. Go for a calm color palette and neutral style. The aim is to illustrate your points while keeping the committee focused on what you’re saying. 

A thesis defense usually begins with an introductory presentation lasting 15 to 20 minutes, followed by discussion time. For a 20 minute presentation we recommend a series of about 10 slides. 

Make sure to include an introduction slide or title page that lays out what you’re going to talk about. Next, move on to each part of your thesis. Outline the problem, background and literature review, your research question, methodology and objectives, findings, conclusions, and areas for future research. 

A great thesis presentation should provide the panel with a summary of your research. For that reason, try to avoid dumping too much data or information onto your slides. Use Genially’s interactive infographics, diagrams and charts to highlight the most important points in an eye-catching visual format.

When it comes to the big day and defending your thesis, try to keep calm. Take a deep breath, introduce yourself to the committee and let your slides guide you. Your examiners will come armed with a list of questions, so the formal presentation will flow naturally into a Q&A.

How do I make a good final year project presentation?

If you’re an undergrad, you might be required to deliver a final year project presentation or dissertation presentation. It’s less formal than a graduate degree thesis defense, but the format is similar. You will be asked to present your research findings to faculty and peers with the help of slides. Your performance may count towards your final grade when you’re awarded your Bachelor’s degree.

A good presentation for a final year project should start with a title slide. At this point you should introduce your research question and explain why you chose the topic. If it’s a collaborative project, include a slide that introduces your teammates. 

The core part of your presentation should cover your methodology, findings, conclusions, and scope for future research. Wrap things up by thanking your contributors and invite your audience to ask questions.   

If you’re not sure how to make a final year project presentation, check out Genially’s free presentation slides for students. Choose from hundreds of professional templates that can be customized to any undergraduate or graduate project. With animated graphics and beautiful data visualizations, you can make standout slides in a matter of minutes.

If you’re submitting your presentation to your professor, try including interactive elements. Genially’s presentation builder allows you to embed online data, videos, audio, maps, PDFs, and hyperlinks in your slides. This can be a useful way to provide supporting evidence, sources, and additional documentation. 

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Minimalist Thesis Defense

It seems that you like this template, minimalist thesis defense presentation, free google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

Get rid of all that nervousness and enter the room full of confidence and willing to impress everyone in your thesis defense. Wait, first you must customize this new template so that your presentation is ready! Nothing feels as boring to the assessment committee than overcrowded slides, so our proposal is clear: try minimalism! These pink slides are exactly that, very simple but effective. Add some brief parts of your study and complement them with a great speech!

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Thesis Proposal Defense Presentation Template

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Thesis proposal defense

Transcript: Process improvement to higher porfit --- Cost control over Room department of The Portman Ritz-Calton Shanghai Research sub- questions Srar hotels revenue GDP growth rate Wei. Y., & Z.Z (2015). News China. High-star hotel assets are facing difficulties. Retrived March, 21, 2015, from http://news.china.com.cn/2015-03/02/content_34929322.htm What is the standard operating procedures regarding housekeeping in hospitality industry? What processes improvement techniques necessary to run a room department in a cost-efficient way? What is the relation between the process improvement through cost-efficiency and the improvement of the profit of a hotel? Management Question Wei. Y., & Z.Z (2015). News China. High-star hotel assets are facing difficulties. Retrived March, 21, 2015, from http://news.china.com.cn/2015-03/02/content_34929322.htm To what extend the housekeeping department of Portman Ritz-Calton Shanghai runs in a cost-efficient way under the current operating procedures. How to make a standard operating procedure regarding housekeeping through creating process improvement techniques in order to help the housekeeping department of Portman Ritz-Calton Shanghai run in a cost-efficient way? Wei. Y., & Z.Z (2015). News China. High-star hotel assets are facing difficulties. Retrived March, 21, 2015, from http://news.china.com.cn/2015-03/02/content_34929322.htm George.S & Keimerskirch. A.(1994) Total quality management.: Strategies and Techniques proven on todays most successful companies. New York, Wiley Example of comparison table of the financial statement 2014 Chinese hotel industry performance Qualitative research Interviews Interviewees (One hundred million yuan) Portman Ritz-Calton Shanghai 5-star luxury hotel 610 rooms in total Luxurious amenities Wei. Y., & Z.Z (2015). News China. High-star hotel assets are facing difficulties. Retrived March, 21, 2015, from http://news.china.com.cn/2015-03/02/content_34929322.htm GDP growth rate Client Background Research central question Star-hotels revenue growth rate Thesis proposal defense Thanks for you attention! Research Part (One hundred million yuan) Star-hotesl revenue growth rate Professional ARIEL system(n.d.) Water and energy saving. Pgprof. Retrived March, 21, 2015, from http://www.pgprof.info/Water-and-energy-saving.html -Casado,M.A.(2000). Housekeeping management. New York,USA: . JohnWiley&Sons,Inc. - Martin, R.J. (1998). Professional management of housekeeping operations . New York, USA: . JohnWiley&Sons, Inc. - Andrews, S. (2007). Text book of hotel housekeeping management & operations. New Delhi, India:Tata McGraw-HillPublishingCompany Ltd.

proposal defense presentation sample

Thesis Proposal Defense

Transcript: Topic Defense by Aubrey Marie Rodriguez Title 3: Research Proposal 3 Title 1: Unveiling Factors Influencing Public Trust and Confidence in COVID-19 Vaccines within Rural Communities: A Qualitative Study Rationale: Investigating the impact of environmental factors on academic performance. Rationale: Investigating the correlation between social media usage and mental health. Methodology Observational study of academic performance in different environmental settings. Methodology Survey design to capture social media usage patterns and mental health indicators. Methodology Qualitative interviews with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. Title 2: Research Proposal 2 Rationale: Exploring the influence of cultural narratives on identity formation. Quote or caption here Title here Charts Keep your words short and punchy so your audience stays focused. You can add imagery and frames to keep their attention where you want it. Wrap up quickly Segmented bar chart showing narrative themes across cultures. - Summarize each point you made - Give quick call-backs so your audience remembers - Make it clear this is the end

proposal defense presentation sample

Transcript: Jasmine Hermans What role does communication play in the legalization of Cannabis in Canada? The Introduction The question this thesis aims to answer is: What role does communications have in the legalization of cannabis in Canada? This thesis will be an examination of the public relations (PR) and public affairs role in the legalization process. It will also explore how the government uses PR to raise awareness about laws to do with cannabis. Why Research Importance Research into the communication of legal cannabis is important because the legalization of recreational cannabis is new not only for Canada, but for the modernized world. How this new law is communicated should be studied. Secondary Questions Secondary Questions 1. How has the government used communication to express the legalization of recreational cannabis so far? 2. How has awareness been raised for the laws surrounding cannabis? 3. What steps have other countries taken in legalizing either recreational or medicinal cannabis? PR Relevance PR Relevance This research is related to public relations because with the development of public health campaigns by the government as well as the development of cannabis producers and distributors, PR will play a large role in how to address the public. It is important to note what has been done so far in terms of communication so that the role of PR can be clearly defined in the cannabis sector. The Background Background The legalization of recreational cannabis came into effect on October 17, 2018 in Canada after months of deliberation on what came to be Bill C-45 (Scotti, 2018). The legalization of the previously illicit substance has stirred controversy and raised more questions than answers. Problem Problem Communication must be clear during times of such large-scale policy change. The public needs to be aware of what is allowed and what is not, as well as their rights and abilities to buy, use and sell cannabis. My Goal Goal This thesis will aim to explore the role that communication has in the legalization of cannabis in Canada, specifically studying the campaigns that have run/are currently running to inform the public. It will examine the strategies and tactics used to communicate the legalization of cannabis, and hypothesize what role communications and PR will continue to play as the legalization ages. Government Recommendations The Current Research Health Canada (2018) advises: • Provide Canadians with the information they need to understand the regulated system • Provide Canadians with the facts about cannabis and its effects • Provide specific information and guidance to the different groups involved in the regulated cannabis market • Engage with Indigenous communities and Elders to develop targeted and culturally appropriate communications • Ensure that Canada shares its lessons and experience with the international community What is being done What is the Government of Canada doing? A large portion of government communication has been dedicated to public education on the risks of cannabis use, especially for young people. In fact, “the federal government has adopted a harm reduction approach to its education around cannabis. That means instead of warning the public not to consume it, the messages point out that there are circumstances where it should be avoided,” (The Canadian Press, 2018, para. 4). They plan to spend $100 million over the next six years to do so (The Canadian Press, 2018, para. 6). Health Canada (2018) advises: • Apply comprehensive restrictions to the advertising and promotion of cannabis and related merchandise by any means, including sponsorship, endorsements and branding, similar to the restrictions on promotion of tobacco products • Allow limited promotion in areas accessible by adults, similar to those restrictions under the Tobacco Act • Require plain packaging for cannabis products that allows the following information on packages: company name, strain name, price, amounts of THC and CBD and warnings and other labelling requirements • Impose strict sanctions on false or misleading promotion as well as promotion that encourages excessive consumption, where it is allowed Marketing & Branding Guidelines The primary research methodology that will be used to address the research question is interviews, potentially with government officials and industry experts. These interviews will help to gain an in-depth analysis of the process behind the communication plans and campaigns. Research Method The main limitation to the methodology being proposed is that the subjects being interviewed may not have time, or may refuse to participate. Limitations Why research cannabis communication? The Why This topic is of interest to me because I think that the change in policy on recreational cannabis is a positive one. It is a step forward in justice for people who have been unfairly incarcerated due to cannabis possession. It will also hopefully release the stigma for those who use the

proposal defense presentation sample

Thesis Proposal Defense Presentation

Transcript: Lauren Klinger Thesis Proposal Defense Monday, January 24, 2011 Question: Why do organizations use videos and images like this? Because they stick with people? Because they will cut through the clutter of other ads? Because they will get people talking? Because they will cause changes in behavior? Purpose To examine the role of emotionality in persuasion from an interdisciplinary perspective. To allow additional theorizing about the role of goal compatibility and emotions in theories used in strategic communications. Theoretical Framework ELABORATION LIKELIHOOD MODEL (ELM) Central vs. Peripheral Processing COGNITIVE FUNCTIONAL MODEL (CFM) Five Discrete Emotions Approach Tendency Anger Activism Model "Anger only facilitates attitudes, intenions, and message processing when the message is processed by a favorable audience" SITUATIONAL THEORY of PUBLICS (STP) "People seldom seek information about situations that do not involve them. Yet, they will randomly process information about low-involvement situations, especially if they also recognize the situatiion as problematic" Goal Compatibility Model & Hypotheses Message Effects of Graphic Images H1: Goal compatibility influences intensity of emotion. H2: Intensity of emotion influences continued processing over time. H3: Goal compatibility influences continued processing over time through the intermediary of emotion. H4: Intensity of emotion influences willingness to communicate. H5: Goal compatibility influences willingness to communicate. H6: Intensity of emotion influences attitude toward the organization. H7: Goal compatibility influences behavioral intention. H8: Intensity of emotion influences behavioral intention. Experimental Design Participants: Mass Comm and Society Students All participants will see "Why I Don't Eat Chicken" Participants will complete a questionnaire, view the video, and organizational goal statement, and then complete another questionnaire. After two weeks, they will complete a third questionnaire without re-watching the video. Message Effects of Graphic Images Nightmare on Street Anger Sadness Guilt Behavioral Intention (Turner, Bessarabova, Hambleton, Sipek, Weiss, & Long, 2006, p. 5). Attitude Towards the Organization Goal Compatibility Fear Avoidance Tendency Grunig (1989) Intensity of Emotion Involvement Problem Recognition Constraint Recognition (Mitchell, 2001) Continued Processing Over Time Disgust Nabi (1999) Grunig, 1997, p. 15). Willingness to communicate

proposal defense presentation sample

Transcript: Potential Biases Research Findings Contribution to the Field Potential biases can stem from sampling, researcher perspectives, or data collection methods. Addressing biases is critical to upholding the credibility and rigor of research outcomes. Recognizing and mitigating biases enhances the study's validity and trustworthiness. Numerous significant insights were uncovered during the study, leading to intriguing findings that reshape current perceptions of the topic. Impact of Research This section highlights the significant impact of the research and the novelty of the findings. Limitations Overview The research presented in this thesis proposal defense seeks to make a meaningful contribution to the field by addressing gaps in existing knowledge and providing valuable insights that can potentially shape future scholarship. Results Overview Data Interpretation (Continued) The research findings revealed a correlation between X and Y, highlighting the impact of Z on the study's outcomes. This overview sets the stage for a detailed analysis of the data interpretation. Further examination of the data revealed nuances that offer profound implications for future research directions and potential applications in the field. The depth of analysis unraveled complexities within the findings, enhancing the overall understanding of the study. Study Constraints Novelty of Findings Study Constraints and Potential Biases are crucial aspects of any research study, impacting the reliability and validity of findings. Understanding and addressing these limitations is essential for a comprehensive evaluation of research outcomes. Data Interpretation Study constraints encompass limitations faced during the research process, such as time, budget, or resource constraints. Identifying and acknowledging these constraints is vital for transparency and methodological clarity. The findings of this study offer a fresh perspective on the subject matter, introducing new ideas and approaches that have the potential to influence and advance the field in a unique and innovative way. Through meticulous analysis, the data interpretation showcased a noteworthy trend in the relationship between variables A and B. These insights shed light on the underlying mechanisms influencing the research outcomes. Methodology Overview Exploring Future Directions Research Design Research methodology is fundamental for designing, collecting, and analyzing data in a systematic manner to answer research questions effectively. Thesis Proposal Defense The research design outlines the structure and strategy for data collection and analysis, ensuring a systematic approach to address research questions. Actionable Recommendations In the realm of future directions, it is imperative to explore promising research opportunities that can expand the current thesis findings. Recommendations derived from the thesis findings provide actionable insights for future research endeavors, guiding the trajectory of the academic discourse significantly. Example: Survey Research Design Data Collection Methods In a survey research design, data is gathered from a sample population through structured questionnaires to gather opinions, attitudes, and preferences on specific topics. Choosing appropriate data collection methods, such as surveys, interviews, or observations, is critical for obtaining reliable and relevant data aligned with research objectives. A Comprehensive Overview Promising Research Opportunities Research opportunities offer avenues for extending the scope of the study, potentially leading to innovative breakthroughs and advancements. Data Analysis Techniques Effective data analysis techniques, including statistical analysis and thematic coding, are essential for deriving meaningful insights and patterns from collected data. Significance of Findings Introduction Highlighting the importance and impact of the research outcomes in the academic and practical context. Theoretical Framework Implications for Future Research The Theoretical Framework provides the conceptual backbone for the study, guiding the research design and analysis. By drawing upon established theories and models, this section establishes a solid foundation to interpret data and draw meaningful conclusions. Summary Discussing the potential implications of the study for future research directions and areas of exploration. Objectives Summarizing the key research findings and their significance in addressing the research objectives. Research background sets the stage for the study's significance. Understanding it is crucial for the thesis proposal defense. Previous Studies Key Concepts Literature Review Building upon the works of notable researchers, this section synthesizes the findings, methodologies, and gaps identified in Previous Studies. Valuable insights are gained to inform the current research direction effectively. Key Concepts are fundamental elements that shape the discourse within the research

proposal defense presentation sample

Transcript: Terima kasih Danke Thank you Tack Dios Mabalos Daghang Salamat By: Christian N. Miaco, 2017-90857 INDEPENDENT VARIABLES Intrinsic Variables (Employee Driven, InV) TITLE Thesis Adviser: Atty. Rosalio A. Aragon, Jr. Extrinsic Variables (Employer Driven, EnV) Main Objective PURPOSE OF THE STUDY AND RESEARCH QUESTIONS Wage / Salary Non-monetery Benefits Additional Monetary Benefits (Allowances, etc.) Work Environment, as espoused by the Employer, more particularly: - Spiritual Labor (McGuire, 2009) - Learning - Organizational Policies Desire for association (Social relations and organizational affiliation) Desire for accomplishment (the challenge or work, need for accomplishments, avoidance from being static, etc.) Desire to Earn. Desire for Self Actualization. The desire for meaning. Desire for safe and secure work: - Job Security - Workplace Safety Determine the correlation between employee motivation and employee retention among the employees of the social action arm of the catholic church in the Philippines, CBCP-NASSA. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK 1) What motivates the employees of CBCP-NASSA? 1.1) Intrinsic Variables (employee driven)? 1.2) Extrinsic Variables (employer driven)? 1.3) Combination of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Variables? 2) Do external factors such as government policies, the generally accepted humanitarian principles and standards (Sphere Standards) and catholic social teachings, influence employee motivation? 3) Is employee retention directly related to employee motivation? RESEARCH GAP SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Je Vous Remercie There have been a lot of studies on employee motivation and talent retention, but not much has been made on understanding why employees stay and if this desire to stay is related to employee motivation Most studies on employee retention has been on "why employees leave" Rarely has there been studies on retention and motivation of catholic social workers To express it in a formula: • Is EM = InV; • Is EM = EnV; • Is EM = CInV; • Is EM = CEnV; • Is EM(INTV) • Is EM = (CInv + CEnV); • Is R = EM Wherein: EM is Employee Motivation; InV is Intrinsic Independent Variable; EnV is Extrinsic Independent Variable; CInV is Combination of Independent Variables; CEnV is Combination of Extrinsic Variables; INTV is Intervening Variables R is Employee Retention; Interviews of all employees. 90% of employees will be representatives of the employee while the 10% will be the representative of the employer. Questions will be open ended. Qualitative Research. The data gathered will be processed and analyzed using Herzberg’s two-factor theory, Vroom's expectancy theory and Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory. Quantitative Research. Data gathered from interviews will be assessed on prevalence and ranking based on what employees consider as the top variable DELIMITATION LITERATURE REVIEW SOCIALI CATHOLICA OPERARIOS, ID EST OPERARIOS CBCP-NASSA MOTIVUM ILLIS EST? CUR NON MANERE AD OPUS? A STUDY ON THE EMPLOYEES OF THE SOCIAL ACTION ARM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, CBCP-NASSA WHAT MOTIVATES THEM TO WORK AND STAY AT THEIR JOBS COMMITTEE : Dr. Ronahlee A. Asuncion, Ph.D. Dr. Virgel C. Binghay, Ph.D. Dr. Maria Catalina M. Tolentino, Ph.D. THESIS PROPOSAL • The Management of CBCP-NASSA. A guide in the implementation of interventions and programs both internally and externally. • CBCP-NASSA Employees. Have a deeper understanding of themselves in relation to their work. Help employees become more connected to their work, more productive, and become better employees. • Other Organizations involved in Social Work and Humanitarian Aid. Developing and furthering their programs and initiatives in such a way that would ensure that adequate employee motivation and retention efforts are present. Availability of employee interviewees (employee representatives). Availability of employer representative interviewees. Limitations brought about by Covid-19 in relation to technological barriers. Frederick Herzber’s two-factor theory Vroom's Expectancy Theory Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory McGuire's Spiritual Labor construct RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY

proposal defense presentation sample

Transcript: PROPOSAL DEFENSE JERICHO E. PADILLA, LPT Philippine Science High School Title Teachers' Understanding of Human Rights and Human Rights Education: Its Implications to the Teaching of Human Rights SOP 1 SOP 1: What is the alignment of Grade 10 Social Studies curriculum learning competencies with the orientations of human rights education? Method Content Analysis Method Statistical Treatment Not applicable Instrument Instrument Content Analytic Procedure (Dizon, 2020) SOP 2 SOP 2 How do teachers understand the notion of ‘human rights’ and ‘human rights education’? Method: Phenomenology Method Statistical Treatment: Not applicable Instrument Instrument Semi-structured Interview Protocol adopted from the study of Zembylas, Charalambous, Leste, and Charalambous (2014). See Appendix E, p. 42 SOP 4 SOP 4 What is the alignment of teachers’ understandings of human rights and human rights education with the orientations of human rights education? Method Phenomenology Method Statistical treatment Not applicable Instrument Instrument Semi-structured Interview Protocol adopted from the study of Zembylas, Charalambous, Leste, and Charalambous (2014). See Appendix E, p. 42 Frameworks Frameworks Theoretical Framework Theoretical Conceptual Framework Conceptual SOP 3 SOP 3 How do teachers teach human rights in terms of content and pedagogy? Method Phenomenology Method Statistical Treatment Not applicable Instrument Instrument Semi-structured Interview Protocol adopted from the study of Zembylas, Charalambous, Leste, and Charalambous (2014). See Appendix E, p. 42 https://www.freepik.com/free-photos-vectors/background">Background vector created by pikisuperstar - www.freepik.com Designed by Next Interactive Presentations: https://www.nextinterativa.com/ <!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 22.0.0, SVG Export Plug-In --> <svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:a="http://ns.adobe.com/AdobeSVGViewerExtensions/3.0/" x="0px" y="0px" width="774px" height="115.4px" viewBox="0 0 774 115.4" style="enable-background:new 0 0 774 115.4;" xml:space="preserve"> <style type="text/css"> .st0{fill:#FFFFFF;} .st1{fill:url(#SVGID_1_);stroke:#047391;stroke-width:0.3288;stroke-linecap:round;} .st2{fill:#F4C327;stroke:#006B33;stroke-width:1.3154;stroke-dasharray:1.9731,0.8221;} .st3{fill:none;stroke:#0060B6;stroke-width:0.6577;stroke-linecap:round;} .st4{fill:#FF7F00;stroke:#BF0000;stroke-width:0.1644;} .st5{fill:#60F475;stroke:#BF0000;stroke-width:0.1415;} .st6{fill:none;stroke:#006B33;stroke-width:0.283;stroke-linecap:round;} .st7{fill:#FF4000;} .st8{opacity:0.23;fill:url(#SVGID_2_);enable-background:new ;} .st9{fill:url(#SVGID_3_);stroke:#047391;stroke-width:0.3191;stroke-linecap:round;} .st10{opacity:0.43;fill:url(#SVGID_4_);stroke:#006B33;stroke-width:1.8524;stroke-dasharray:1.1578,3.4733;enable-background:new ;} .st11{fill:none;stroke:#003CFF;stroke-width:0.4787;stroke-linecap:round;} .st12{fill:#FF7F00;stroke:#BF0000;stroke-width:0.1596;} .st13{opacity:0.62;} .st14{fill:#60F475;stroke:#BF0000;stroke-width:0.1373;} .st15{fill:none;stroke:#006B33;stroke-width:0.2747;stroke-linecap:round;} .st16{opacity:0.62;fill:#60F475;stroke:#BF0000;stroke-width:0.1373;enable-background:new ;} .st17{fill:url(#SVGID_5_);stroke:#047391;stroke-width:0.3914;stroke-linecap:round;} .st18{opacity:0.17;fill:url(#SVGID_6_);enable-background:new ;} .st19{fill:none;stroke:#003CFF;stroke-width:0.5872;stroke-linecap:round;} .st20{fill:#FF7F00;stroke:#BF0000;stroke-width:0.1957;} .st21{fill:#60F475;stroke:#BF0000;stroke-width:0.1684;} .st22{fill:none;stroke:#006B33;stroke-width:0.3369;stroke-linecap:round;} .st23{opacity:0.62;fill:#60F475;stroke:#BF0000;stroke-width:0.1684;enable-background:new ;} .st24{fill:url(#SVGID_7_);stroke:#047391;stroke-width:0.4998;stroke-linecap:round;} .st25{fill:#FF7F00;stroke:#BF0000;stroke-width:0.2499;} .st26{fill:#60F475;stroke:#BF0000;stroke-width:0.2151;} .st27{fill:none;stroke:#006B33;stroke-width:0.4302;stroke-linecap:round;} .st28{opacity:0.62;fill:#60F475;stroke:#BF0000;stroke-width:0.2151;enable-background:new ;} .st29{fill:#F4C327;stroke:#006B33;stroke-width:1.8736;} .st30{fill:#FF7F00;} .st31{fill:url(#SVGID_8_);stroke:#047391;stroke-width:0.3873;stroke-linecap:round;} .st32{opacity:0.17;fill:url(#SVGID_9_);enable-background:new ;} .st33{fill:none;stroke:#003CFF;stroke-width:0.4777;stroke-linecap:round;} .st34{fill:#FF7F00;stroke:#BF0000;stroke-width:0.1936;} .st35{fill:#60F475;stroke:#BF0000;stroke-width:0.1666;} .st36{fill:none;stroke:#006B33;stroke-width:0.3333;stroke-linecap:round;} .st37{opacity:0.62;fill:#60F475;stroke:#BF0000;stroke-width:0.1666;enable-background:ne

proposal defense presentation sample

Transcript: How can computer vision be used to improve interactions between the visually impaired and sighted individuals? Questions? Image Databases Needs Existing Systems Algorithms Typical applications Face recognition Expression Recognition Literature Review The Visually Impaired Completed Research Mr. Jim Miller Dr. Yaser Yacoob Timeline Spring 2012 Continue Revising Present Thesis Computer Vision Institutional Review Board Cane-Mount Concept OpenCV Algorithms - Face Recognition - Expressions Demonstrations... Expressions Brainstorming Meeting with Experts Evaluation - Internal: Feasibility Analysis - External: Interviews & Surveys A Portable Device For Improving Social Interactions of the Visually Impaired Product Development Summary Algorithm Hardware Troubleshooting User Evaluation Team F.A.C.E. Design Idea Generation Testing What Makes us unique? Research & Product Development Realtime Feedback Expression Recognition A device compatible with other assistive technologies Fall 2011 Finalize Prototype Write Thesis Subject Testing Collected Data Acknowledgements Prototyping Brief Outline Mentors Experts National Foundation for the Blind Columbia Lighthouse for the Blind Gemstone Honors Program Fall 2010 Interviews & Surveys Algorithm Implementation Initial Prototyping Feedback Spring 2011 Prototype testing Subject Testing Revise Designs Will such a device change the way the blind interact? Interviews with the visually impaired - Ideas - Feedback - Suggestions Surveys with the sighted - Perceptions Background Research Methodology Preliminary Research Future Outlook Verbal vs. Nonverbal Conversation - 68% Nonverbal! Social Complications Facial Analysis for Communicating Expressions Dr. Rama Chellappa Dr. Cha-Min Tang

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Dissertation Proposal Defense

The dissertation proposal format and defense procedures are set by the College of Nursing and are not overseen by the Graduate School. Students must be in candidacy status and enrolled in the term they defend their dissertation proposal. Per university policy, post-candidacy students must be enrolled for a minimum of 3 credits every Autumn and Spring semester. Students who defend the proposal in summer term must enroll in NUR 8999 for a minimum of one credit.

  • The student, in collaboration with the advisor, selects dissertation committee members following guidelines found in the PhD Handbook. The committee membership must be approved by the PhD Subcommittee prior to the student moving forward with the proposal defense. The Dissertation Committee Approval Form can be found online and is submitted through Beacon .
  • The dissertation proposal defense cannot be scheduled until after completion of candidacy.
  • The proposal defense includes a public presentation followed by a meeting of the committee with the student. The dissertation proposal defense should be scheduled during standard work hours (8 am-5 pm, Monday- Friday). The proposal defense can be completed on-campus, remotely, or hybrid. If remote or hybrid options are used, all defense participants must be able to see and hear each other during the entire defense.
  • Student’s name/email/phone number
  • Title for the Dissertation Proposal
  • Names and Ohio State email addresses of Committee Chair and all committee members
  • Preferred format of the dissertation proposal defense
  • Three preferred dates and times for the defense
  • If the on-campus option is selected: In addition to the public presentation classroom space, please indicate if a secondary location is needed for the closed portion OR if an office space has already been designated for the closed portion of the Proposal Defense
  • If the closed portion of the Proposal Defense will be held in an office space, please list the Newton Hall office number
  • Please indicate your AV needs
  • Academic Program Coordinator Responsibility: The results of the PhD Proposal Defense Scheduling survey will be routed to the Graduate Academic Program Coordinator. The Graduate Academic Program Coordinator will reserve the appropriate classroom space if on-campus format is requested and reserve a Zoom link for the Proposal Defense. If rooms are not available during the three preferred dates for on-campus exams, the Graduate Academic Program Coordinator will contact the student for three new potential meeting dates.
  • The Graduate Data Manager
  • The PhD Program Director
  • The student
  • All committee members.
  • If the defense must be rescheduled, it is the student’s responsibility to notify the Graduate Academic Program Coordinator. The Graduate Academic Program Coordinator will cancel the Outlook invitation and the student will be required to resubmit the PhD Proposal Defense Scheduling survey with new potential times for the rescheduled proposal defense. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure all information included in the Outlook invitation is accurate and all committee members have been included on the invitation.
  • All-Faculty distribution list
  • All-Staff distribution list
  • PhD student listserv
  • DNP student listserv
  • CON-Defense
  • Prior to the presentation and defense, the student must obtain a copy of the Dissertation Proposal Approval Form from the resources area of Beacon . NOTE: This is not the same as the Graduate School’s “Application for Final Oral Examination” form or any other paperwork available at gradforms.osu.edu .
  • The final dissertation proposal is due to all members of the dissertation committee at least 2 weeks prior to the proposal defense.
  • After private committee discussion, a satisfactory/unsatisfactory decision is reached by means of a vote. Each member of the committee indicates judgment by signing (electronically or otherwise) the Dissertation Proposal Approval Form. The completed form is sent to the Student Data Manager to be archived. An electronic copy of the dissertation proposal with any corrections or updates must be sent to the PhD Program Director within 2 weeks of the defense.
  • Acceptance of the proposal by the student’s dissertation committee indicates agreement that it meets the standards and requirements for dissertation research that will be a scholarly contribution to nursing science.


  1. PDF Proposal Defense PowerPoint Template

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  2. PDF Final Dissertation Defense PowerPoint Template

    Final Dissertation Defense PowerPoint Template. The primary purpose of this defense is to present the findings, conclusions, and implications from your dissertation study. This document was created for educational purposes. Students are encouraged to discuss the expectations for the defense presentation with the EdD Dissertation Committee.

  3. How to Create a Dissertation Proposal Defense PowerPoint (+Example)

    Get customized coaching for crafting your proposal, collecting and analyzing your data, or preparing your defense. The following are other format requirements for the slides: Create 17-20 slides. Do not provide a lot of information. Be concise and write a few sentences (approximately 1-7 on each slide).

  4. PhD Dissertation Defense Slides Design: Start

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  6. Free Thesis Defense Google Slides and PowerPoint Templates

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  7. How To Do a Proper Thesis Defense with a PowerPoint Presentation

    Consider this information as the starting point for this chat.". Step 2: Ask for an outline. With the previously provided information, ask ChatGPT to generate an outline for your presentation. If some of the points listed in the output don't convince you, then chat with the interface until you reach a final outline.

  8. PhD Dissertation Defense Slides Design: Example slides

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  9. Tips for designing the slides

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  10. How to Start a Thesis Defense Presentation

    Use an appropriate language register (avoid informal language), but be approachable and natural. "Welcome to the thesis defense on [the title of your thesis]". Next, introduce yourself with your name and give a short description of your background and occupation. Don't forget to say "thank you for attending!".

  11. PhD Defense Template

    Your PhD defense presentation is a critical step in your academic journey - one that requires a smart and sophisticated format, layout, and story flow. That's why our template includes everything you need to create an effective presentation. Tailoring this defense template to your unique PhD thesis is simple.

  12. How to prepare an excellent thesis defense

    Here are a few tips on how to prepare for your thesis defense: 1. Anticipate questions and prepare for them. You can absolutely prepare for most of the questions you will be asked. Read through your thesis and while you're reading it, create a list of possible questions.

  13. Thesis Defense Powerpoint Templates and Google Slides Themes

    These presentation templates are suitable for thesis defense presentations. They can be used by students, researchers, or academics who are presenting their research findings and defending their thesis in front of a panel of experts or peers. Download these thesis defense templates to create professional presentations that will wow your committee.

  14. Dissertation Proposal Defense: 12 Tips for Effective Preparation

    Preparing for your Dissertation Proposal Defense. 1. Anticipate Questions. In your presentation, try to answer all of the questions you expect your committee to ask. That way, you control the material. Your committee will be more satisfied with your preparation and understanding and it will be less likely that you have to answer questions that ...

  15. Preparing Your PowerPoint

    Preparing Your PowerPoint. Topic 3: Preparing for Defense. In this activity, you will draft your PowerPoint for your proposal defense. During your defense you will typically have 10-15 minutes for your presentation. There are approximately 9-12 slides. They have read the study, so focus more on findings and implications, less on literature.

  16. Free thesis defense presentation templates

    A thesis defense usually begins with an introductory presentation lasting 15 to 20 minutes, followed by discussion time. For a 20 minute presentation we recommend a series of about 10 slides. Make sure to include an introduction slide or title page that lays out what you're going to talk about. Next, move on to each part of your thesis.

  17. Minimalist Thesis Defense Google Slides & PowerPoint template

    Minimalist Thesis Defense Presentation. Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. Get rid of all that nervousness and enter the room full of confidence and willing to impress everyone in your thesis defense. Wait, first you must customize this new template so that your presentation is ready!

  18. PDF How-to: Prepare for your best Proposal or Defense

    r your best Proposal or Defense*Before your talk Remind your committee members the day before the talk of the date and time of your presentation Make sur. a member of the exams committee will be present. Treat him/her just like a thesis committee member (i.e.; similar reminders) Make your slides available to the external committee members 24 ...

  19. Simple Minimalist Thesis Defense. Free PPT & Google Slides Template

    These minimalist thesis defense slides are perfect as a Google Slides template, PowerPoint theme or Canva template. Keep the layout as it is, or choose your own background colors and font combination. Fill out professionally designed, ready-made slides for your introduction, literature review, research methodology, results, discussion, and ...

  20. PDF Proposal And Dissertation Defense Summaries Guide

    Milestone 2: Proposal Defense and Summary i. The proposal defense is to be completed after the passing of the Ph.D. Qualifying Exam. ii. The proposal defense is comprised of 3 parts: a written proposal, a public oral presentation and a closed oral defense of the proposal. iii. The student is required to submit a written research proposal and ...

  21. Free thesis proposal defense presentation template

    The line-drawn illustrations in this edu report presentation template encourage curiosity and discovery. Prezis Thesis Proposal Defense Presentation Template lets you zoom in on details that make up the big picture. Like all Prezi education templates show how everything is related and captivate your audience.

  22. Dissertation Proposal Defense

    The proposal defense is required to be completed over the course of two hours, with the first 30 minutes reserved for the public presentation and the last 90 minutes reserved for the private defense with committee members. ... The Graduate Academic Program Coordinator will send the first email announcement, formatted using the standard template ...

  23. Medical Powerpoint Template in 2024

    Introducing Medical Powerpoint Template This Presentation Template can be used for any variety of purposes, such as:... Jun 30, 2024 - Buy Medical Powerpoint Template by LanterbyStudio on GraphicRiver. ... Minimalist Thesis Defense Presentation Template. ... Business Proposal Presentation. Proposal Presentation. Business Proposal. Marketing ...