Should Students Have Part-Time Jobs? Essay

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Advantages of part-time jobs for students, disadvantages of part-time jobs for students, works cited.

The supreme desire of every parent to take their children to school is for them to get the best education and excel at their studies. Despite this fact, there comes a point in time when the student needs to supplement the income from their parents or rather source funds to even cater for their education (Sloman, 652).

As a result, most students end up engaging in part-time jobs. It can be due to the necessity or desire to have some extra money to spend. The decision to engage in part-time jobs is entirely the student’s choice. Some get support from their parents, tutors, and friends, while others don’t.

But should students have part-time jobs? This essay tries to answer this question.

Before any decision to engage in part-time jobs is reached, three things have to be critically considered. These are the students themselves, their financial situation, and, finally, the type of work. The listed factors will allow a person to make decisions that they will not live to regret.

Therefore, this part-time job essay is an in-depth analysis of the advantages of students having jobs and a little discussion on the disadvantages.

Part-time jobs are of great essentiality since students are able to earn while at the same time studying. Most part-time jobs require that one works for about three to four hours a day, something that is manageable by almost every student, given the fact that lessons don’t take the entire day. Some of the benefits associated with part-time jobs for students include the following;

Relief of financial burden

Students who engage in part-time jobs get paid for the services offered; hence the earnings obtained can be used to partly relieve the students’ financial burden they could have.

This is because the cost of education has in the recent past sky-rated, making students from poor families not able to afford yet the banking systems have also failed to loan such students; therefore, engaging in part-time jobs makes such students meet their education expenses (Somoski 1). In addition, part-time jobs give students pocket money that they can spend on their own without nagging their parents with money.

Promotion of education

Students who undertake part-time jobs are able to upgrade their studies, making them understand whatever they learn in school even better. For instance, an accounting student who gets a part-time job in an accounting firm will be able to experience the theory learned in school practically hence having a better understanding of the course. The same applies to medicine, engineering, law, and biology students, among others (Pickett 1).

Accumulation of work experience

Engaging in part-time jobs enables the students to gain experience in their field of work hence boosting their resumes. This is important when it comes to job hunting after completion of studies.

Research has shown that students that have undertaken part-time jobs and gained relevant experience have the upper hand when it comes to getting jobs, unlike those that are just fresh from school. On the other hand, working part-time for recognized organizations increases one’s chances of landing a better job.

Time Management Skills

Having a part-time job helps students to acquire time management skills in the sense that they treasure every time they get and use it efficiently. This happens because their study time is now preoccupied with the job, thus having to restructure their schedule to fit in the study time, work time, leisure time, etc.

Learn the value of money

Most parents have complained that their children who are students do not know the value of money until they get jobs. Therefore, students who take part in part-time jobs while in school are in a position to understand the value of money, thus using it well in the future (Pickett 1). For instance, they are now able to refrain from impulse buying and resulting in smart shopping hence making their money last longer than before. This, as a result, makes them responsible adults even in the future.

Other benefits associated with part-time jobs are that the students get new ideas while in the workplace (Somoski 1). This happens mostly for challenging courses that need great minds, such as web design, whereby the students learn new technologies as soon as they are generated. Last but not least is the improvement in communication skills since the student interacts with different people at the workplace.

As mentioned above, the decision to engage in part-time jobs is wholly dependent on the student. This is because there are disadvantages that come in handy with a student engaging in part-time jobs.

Among them is the effect it has on students’ performance, given the less time allocated for study (Anti Essays 1). Other students may be overwhelmed by their greed for money and end up forgoing their studies to indulge in full-time jobs hence affecting their education.

In a nutshell, it can be concluded that the pros of part-time jobs for students outweigh the cons. From the discussion above, the benefits that a student gets on deciding to engage in part-time jobs are endless. The good thing is that the disadvantages attached to part-time jobs for students are manageable depending on the mind and focus of the students in their education and life.

Anti Essays. Benefits of Part-Time Jobs . 2011. Web.

Pickett, Theresa. What are the Benefits of Part-Time Jobs for Students? 1999-2011. Web.

Sloman, John. Economics . 2004- Penguin.

Somoski, Nick. Should students work part-time during the school year ? 2010-2011. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2018, June 5). Should Students Have Part-Time Jobs? Essay.

"Should Students Have Part-Time Jobs? Essay." IvyPanda , 5 June 2018,

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Should Students Have Part-Time Jobs? Essay'. 5 June.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Should Students Have Part-Time Jobs? Essay." June 5, 2018.

1. IvyPanda . "Should Students Have Part-Time Jobs? Essay." June 5, 2018.


IvyPanda . "Should Students Have Part-Time Jobs? Essay." June 5, 2018.

Part-Time Work Benefits for College Students

Subject: Education
Pages: 4
Words: 1115
Reading time: 5 min
Study level: College

The practice of working part time while studying at college is typical of the United States and many European countries. The reasons for students’ interest in part-time work opportunities are often in the necessity of covering loans and other expenses, improving specific practical skills, socializing, and receiving the financial freedom (Wang & Chen, 2013). As a result, more than 80% of college students in the United States work part time and full time to address their needs (Darolia, 2014). However, educators and researchers in this field have no single idea regarding the necessity of working for college students because of both advantages and disadvantages of this practice. Therefore, it is important to answer the question on whether students should find part-time jobs when they study at college. Although some researchers state that the part-time work negatively affects college students’ academic performance, young persons should work while studying to address financial issues, increase their responsibility, develop abilities in time management, receive professional experience, and become more competitive in the labor market.

When students work part time, they receive an opportunity to become less limited in terms of their financial resources. In addition to having money in order to pay their bills and purchase goods they want, working college students can also help parents cover their loans and graduate without significant debts which are obstacles to many young people (Nuñez & Sansone, 2016). According to Broton, Goldrick-Rab, and Benson (2016), even those students who receive grant aids and have an opportunity not to work while studying usually choose part-time jobs. From this perspective, college students discuss the part-time work as an important sphere of their student life because it allows them to improve their financial situation.

Moreover, part-time jobs are important for students to improve their responsibility and develop specific time-management skills to balance their study, work, and life. According to Darolia (2014), those students who work while studying usually demonstrate more responsibility for their academic performance and working tasks. Thus, the personal responsibility of working students increases, as well as their concentration on academic and professional goals. Richardson, Evans, and Gbadamosi (2014) note that working students are often more efficient while focusing on their time management and balancing their professional activities, study, and personal life. If students know how to organize their time for addressing job responsibilities and preparing course tasks, how many hours to work without affecting the quality of their academic and professional performance, and how to balance work, sleep, and study, they will succeed in many spheres of their life.

One more important argument to support the opinion that college students should work part time is associated with the idea that students need to receive professional experience and develop their practical skills before finding the full-time job. Wang and Chen (2013) pay attention to the fact that many students succeed in working while studying at college because they have enough energy and other resources to develop skills necessary for building their career. Even if the part-time job of students is not associated with their specialization, they receive opportunities to learn how to develop effective working relationships and how to cooperate and communicate (Darolia, 2014). Furthermore, they can practice in using principles of work ethic and understand what skills should be improved and in what areas they can succeed (Nuñez & Sansone, 2016). In addition, the work experience during college years is an important fact to be included in students’ resumes when they start finding full-time jobs.

Finally, when college students work part time, they become more competitive in the labor market because of their experience and developed personal and professional skills. According to Wang and Chen (2013), students need to be prepared for a role of an employee in order to build a successful career, and the part-time work contributes to preparing young adults for their professional life without affecting their study. Students become familiar with principles of working relationships, as well as with their workplaces, in contrast to those young people who have no such experience (Darolia, 2014). From this point, the work experience is important to help students become more confident and prepared for new circumstances.

Still, the opponents of the idea that college students should work while studying note that such practice usually has a negative impact on persons’ academic achievements, and their grades become lower. When students work part time, they can spend more time on their working tasks than on their study. Fatigue and the inability to balance work and study often lead to negative changes in students’ academic performance (Darolia, 2014). The problem can be observed when students work more than fifteen hours per week because they have no enough time to attend classes and prepare their tasks (Richardson et al., 2014). However, according to Tessema, Ready, and Astani (2014), this problem can be addressed when students work about ten hours per week because studies indicate that this number of working hours for college students does not affect their achievements or the level of satisfaction associated with their academic and professional life. If students can balance their work activities and study, they have time to focus on studies, and they do not perceive their situation as challenging.

Nevertheless, other researchers state that the problem is in salaries which students receive, their status, and working conditions because these aspects influence students’ self-esteem, psychological and physical health, as well as their academic performance. Thus, those college students who work part time are often disadvantaged because they receive lower salaries, but work longer hours in comparison to qualified employees (Wang & Chen, 2013). However, while discussing this problem, it is important to note that, in most cases, college students have opportunities to choose the number of hours they will work for an employer. Furthermore, Tessema et al. (2014) state that this situation is rare when students choose on-campus jobs in contrast to off-campus propositions. As a result, the part-time work becomes a benefit for college students whose job satisfaction increases in correlation with their academic performance and opportunities for the internship.

In the United States, the majority of college students work, and there are different opinions regarding advantages and disadvantages of this practice. Arguments for the part-time work for college students include opportunities to resolve financial issues and increase personal responsibility, possibilities to develop time-management and professional skills, as well as opportunities to receive professional experience and become prepared for the full-time work. Counterarguments are associated with negative effects on students’ academic achievements and their problems when they receive low salaries or work according to an inappropriate schedule. Still, it is possible to state that college students should work part time because of obvious advantages of their early working practice.

Broton, K. M., Goldrick-Rab, S., & Benson, J. (2016). Working for college: The causal impacts of financial grants on undergraduate employment. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis , 38 (3), 477-494. Web.

Darolia, R. (2014). Working (and studying) day and night: Heterogeneous effects of working on the academic performance of full-time and part-time students. Economics of Education Review , 38 (1), 38-50. Web.

Nuñez, A. M., & Sansone, V. A. (2016). Earning and learning: Exploring the meaning of work in the experiences of first-generation Latino college students. The Review of Higher Education , 40 (1), 91-116. Web.

Richardson, M., Evans, C., & Gbadamosi, G. (2014). The work-study nexus: The challenges of balancing full-time business degree study with a part-time job. Research in Post-Compulsory Education , 19 (3), 302-309. Web.

Tessema, M. T., Ready, K. J., & Astani, M. (2014). Does part-time job affect college students’ satisfaction and academic performance (GPA)? The case of a mid-sized public university. International Journal of Business Administration , 5 (2), 50-59. Web.

Wang, C. F., & Chen, S. H. (2013). Weighting the benefits of part-time employment in college: Perspectives from indigenous undergraduates. International Education Studies , 6 (1), 104-112. Web.

10 Benefits Of Part-Time Jobs For Students You Don't Wanna Miss

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10 Benefits Of Part-Time Jobs For Students You Don't Wanna Miss

Working for just a while? Work with benefits!

When balancing studies and a social life can be such a struggle, why bother getting a part-time job? With nearly half of the student population working part-time, we’re here to help you recognize the amazing benefits of part-time jobs for students! And yes, it’s not just the bonus pocket money.

What is a Part-Time Job?

The solution to your 9-5 monotonous grind is the flexibility a part-time job provides! Part-time work or a part-time job is working on flexible hours, which means an employee working less than full-time hours is considered a part-time employee. The employment benefits of part time jobs for students are typically the same as full-time work. This option is perfect for students, parents, retirees, and anyone who wants to pursue their passions outside of work.

Why is it Important to Find a Part-Time Job?

Firstly, it's not just about earning some extra cash. The benefits of part-time jobs extend to discovering yourself, your passions, and what you want to do in life. Working part-time gives you the freedom and independence to explore your interests and helps you become more responsible. You learn to take ownership of your actions , identify your strengths , and work on your weaknesses . And guess what? Making mistakes is totally okay because it's all about learning and growing. 

Top 10 Benefits of a Part-Time Job

What are some benefits of part-time jobs for students that motivate them to balance work and study simultaneously? We're here to tell you just that! Not only can you add some extra pocket money to your student bank account , but you'll also have the chance to develop a variety of skills that can help you succeed both in and out of the classroom. Here are some benefits of part-time jobs for students.

1. Helps Build Confidence

Taking on new tasks and responsibilities by working can help you build your confidence and develop qualities that will help you throughout your career. This is certainly counted as a benefit of a part-time job for students. You'll be expected to be on time, provide a professional image, give your best effort, and step up when issues arise. Plus, if you're a bit shy or introverted, a part-time job can be an excellent way to break out of your shell and boost your confidence. And let's not forget that most student jobs are in hospitality or retail, so you'll become more socially adept, too!

2. Breaking the Career Mold

Another key perk of being a student with some of the benefits of part time jobs is that it might help you examine different options and see what suits your interests and aptitude. You can also identify if you are unsure about the degree you are currently pursuing. Additionally, this offers you an advantage when making any significant career shift selections. You might even discover what your genuine calling is. This is quite a benefit of a part-time job for students.

3. Boosting your Resume

Another major benefit of part time job for students is it strengthens your resume, which will prove helpful in the future. Job experience when building a resume is quite crucial for any college student. You should know that all employers like to work with candidates who have some work experience, even if they say it doesn't matter. Employers like to work with candidates who have some knowledge of work ethics and office culture. Real-world work experience not only gives you an advantage over freshmen but also demonstrates your commitment and diligence. If you want to know more about different types of resume, read our blog to understand student resume examples in 2024 for better career opportunities.

4. Develop a Work Ethic

When done properly, working as a college student can transform you into a time management ninja. Now, isn't that an advantage of a part-time job for students? It helps you develop a stronger work ethic, puts duties into perspective, and shows you how to accomplish more in less time. You come to understand the value of time, planning, and recognising when to put an end to procrastination. It lifts you beyond the majority of your college peers who don't know when to call it quits. The ability to balance your work and study is a major benefit of a part-time job for students.

5. Offers Socialising Opportunities

Getting a part-time job can improve your social life, regardless of whether you shift from town to town or a completely different nation for your further education. This is one of the benefits of part-time jobs for students: you get to make work friends, and if things go well, they can also turn into lifelong friends who will help you in your career. Moreover, the experience of making friends outside of the classroom can be quite educational, especially if you have a common interest. Working with your colleagues also gives you a chance to make new friends and occasionally escape from the monotony of college life.

6. Build Communication Skills

Every job requires a certain form of communication. You have the opportunity to boost your communication skills by taking up a part-time job which helps to integrate into civilian life and establish your professional groundwork for future careers. Being able to communicate clearly with co-workers is essential for an employee and is yet one of the significant benefits of part-time jobs for students. As a result of your interaction with junior, mid-level, and senior management, you pick up industry terminology that will help you succeed in your particular profession. Another benefit of a part-time job includes flexing your communication abilities as you tend to interact with customers and co-workers alike.

7. Create Networking Opportunities

The quickest route to employment after college is through networking. Therefore, it's crucial to start networking with professionals in your area as soon as possible. Working part-time as a student gives you an excuse to interact with people who might later be of assistance to you. Another substantial benefit of a part-time job while studying, isn’t it? Even though we live in a digital age where friend requests can be sent online, personal relationships and contacts still have an advantage. Any group that hires students for part-time work will help you meet new people and make new acquaintances. A full-time career can result from socialising and good networking with the right people. Read our blog to have a good understanding of some of the best networking tips and tricks , to ensure you have a great career ahead.

8. Gaining Independence

This benefit of a part-time job for students is crucial and quite important. Working part-time can help you become more independent whether you are a high school or university student. You get a sense of independence when working as a student. Managing your time between work and school teaches you a lot. You pick up skills for managing your time, saving money, and social life. Your life will feel more independent as a result of the skills you develop, the friends you create, and the ease you discover how to pay for your education. As a result, you will be more prepared to confront the world when you step outside. Surely it is a great benefit of a part-time job.

9. Getting a Stable Cash Flow

Yet another significant benefit of part-time jobs for students is that they will make you more financially independent. Financial aid and debt are the few inescapable parts of paying for education for the majority of students studying anywhere, let it be in their hometown or abroad. While working part-time as a student may not entirely remove your need for student loans, it does help to pay for other academic or social needs. Moreover, this gives you the much-needed freedom to live comfortably while also easing the pull on your wallet with an opportunity to set a budget for yourself . So you can now start treating yourself to small luxuries like going out to a restaurant or buying yourself that you've wanted for a while. You can also set aside money from your salary to pay for your tuition, which is one of the most amazing benefits of a part-time job.

10. Learning Money Management Skills

This is one benefit of a part-time job, which can help you at every turn. When you start earning your own money, you naturally start being more cautious with your money. Early work cannot only help you start long-term saving, but it can also help you become financially savvy from a young age. As a result, you'll have better budgeting and money management skills as you become older, which can help you escape massive debt.

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Top 10 Part-Time Jobs That Pay Well

Part-time job opportunities for students vary across different countries. Keep in mind that your pay would depend on the kind of work you do, and the benefits of a part-time job would differ. You can have a look at the following high-paying part-time jobs and decide which one is right for you:

Average Pay: $15 - $40 per hour

Requirements: Strong knowledge in academic subjects, patience, excellent communication skills

Tutors can work flexible hours, helping students improve their grades and understanding of various topics. They may tutor in person or online, specialise in specific subjects, or work with various age groups

2. Bookkeeper

Average Pay: $15 - $25 per hour

Requirements: Knowledge of accounting principles, attention to detail, proficiency with accounting software

Bookkeepers record financial transactions, manage accounts, and prepare reports for small businesses and individuals. Many bookkeepers work remotely, making this a flexible part-time option for those with accounting skills.

3. Graphic Designer

Average Pay: $20 - $35 per hour

Requirements: Creativity, proficiency with design software, portfolio of work

Graphic designers create visual concepts and designs for websites, advertisements, brochures, and more. They may work on a freelance basis for multiple clients or contract with a specific company part-time.

4. Bartender

Average Pay: $10 - $20 per hour (plus tips)

Requirements: Ability to multitask, customer service skills, knowledge of drink recipes

Bartenders prepare and serve drinks, take orders, and provide excellent customer service in restaurants and bars. Part-time bartending often involves evening and weekend shifts, making it a good side job option.

5. Social Media Manager

Average Pay: $15 - $30 per hour

Requirements: Knowledge of social media platforms, content creation skills, analytical abilities

Social media managers create and curate content, engage with audiences, and analyse metrics for businesses or individuals. Many are self-employed and can take on multiple clients as part-time roles.

6. Babysitter

Average Pay: $10 - $20 per hour

Requirements: Patience, experience caring for children, first aid knowledge

Babysitters provide childcare services, ensuring the safety and entertainment of children while parents are away. This job offers flexible scheduling, making it ideal for students or those with other part-time commitments.

7. Dog Walker

Requirements: Reliable transportation, love for animals, physical fitness

Dog walkers exercise and care for pets, providing a valuable service for busy pet owners. This job involves getting outdoor exercise and can be done around other work or school schedules.

8. Freelancer

Average Pay: Varies based on skills and experience

Requirements: Strong communication, time management, and relevant skills for the freelance work

Freelancers offer their services on a project or contract basis in various fields, such as writing and administrative support. Freelancing allows for a high degree of flexibility and the ability to choose one's working hours.

9. Real Estate Agent

Average Pay:  Commission-based, potential for high earnings

Requirements: Real estate licence, knowledge of the local market, sales skills

Real estate agents help clients buy, sell, or rent properties, earning commissions on successful transactions. This career can be pursued part-time, with agents setting their schedules and workloads.

10. Photographer

Average Pay: $15 - $50 per hour

Requirements: Artistic skills, professional-grade equipment, editing software knowledge

Photographers capture high-quality images for events, portraits, products, and more, offering their services on a part-time basis. Part-time photographers often work on weekends and evenings to accommodate client needs and schedules.

Top 5 Countries: Ideal Part-Time Hours

Working part-time offers flexibility and balance, allowing individuals to pursue other interests while earning an income. The definition of part-time employment varies across countries, with differing norms and regulations governing the ideal number of hours. While the traditional full-time workweek is often considered 40 hours, many employers have embraced reduced schedules for part-time roles. Here are the average number of part-time hours in the top 5 countries abroad:

1. The United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom, there is no officially defined number of hours that constitutes part-time jobs in the UK . However, it is generally considered that working 30 hours per week or less is part-time employment. This 30-hour benchmark is often recommended for employers, though not legally required. For those living in high-cost-of-living cities, having a part-time job in London is often necessary to make ends meet.

2. Australia

Part-time work in Australia is defined as an employee working less than 38 hours per week. On average, a typical part-time job in Australia requires around 17 hours of work per week. In expensive cities in Australia, securing a part-time job in Melbourne is crucial for affording the high cost of living. Popular roles with benefits of part-time jobs for students in Australia include retail, hospitality, and customer service roles. 

Employers generally consider any role requiring 30 hours or less per week to be a part-time job in Canada . It is common for international students in Canada to work and earn some benefits of part-time jobs, often on weekends or evenings. Part-time opportunities are widely available in sectors like retail, food service, and administrative support. These jobs can help students offset living expenses and gain valuable work experience.

4. The United States

The United States defines a part-time job as one requiring 30 hours or less of work per week, although this can vary depending on the specific company. There are many popular part-time job options available for students in the US. There are many popular options or benefits of part-time jobs in the US available for students, such as tutoring, babysitting, and working in retail or food service. 

Any job with an employee working less than 30 hours per week is classified as a part-time job in Germany . While students can work up to 20 hours per week, international students are limited to a maximum of 240 part-time hours per year. Common part-time jobs for students in Germany include roles in retail, hospitality, and administrative support.

One of the main advantages of a part-time job for students while in school is that it gives you a chance to discover more about who you are and what you want to do with your life. You become an independent individual who accepts responsibility for your actions when you work hard at a regular job. Also, while backing up your expenses, do not forget to make time for your studies. Part-time jobs aren't the only option for students looking for a way to get a headstart on their careers. You can also compare internships and part-time jobs to find the best fit for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the advantages of a part-time job, is a part-time job necessary for students, can i do a part-time job while studying, what are some of the best part-time jobs for students, what are the high-paying part time jobs for students.

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current events conversation

What Students Are Saying About Having a Part-Time Job While in School

We asked teenagers about their after-school jobs and what they think young people can learn from working. Some said it’s not for everyone.

part time job benefits essay

By The Learning Network

The week we asked teenagers: Should All High School Students Have Part-Time Jobs? The question was inspired by an Opinion essay by Pamela Paul , in which she argued that even while lots of American teenagers need to work to help support their families, “there’s a case to be made that those who don’t need to work should get a job anyway.”

Many students said they agreed. They shared the jobs they have had and the invaluable skills they have learned from them. But others said work isn’t for everyone — kids today are already under too much pressure, they argued, and their time is better spent studying, doing the extracurricular activities they enjoy, and being with friends and family.

Before you read their responses below, we want to take a moment to recognize the students this week who have been replying to others in the comments across our writing prompts, including those from Atrisco Heritage Academy High School, Centerville High School, Hoggard High School, Nashoba Regional High School, Reynoldsburg High School, and Roaring Fork High School . Thank you for keeping the conversation going!

And a warm welcome to the many others who joined us this week; we heard from students at The Agnes Irwin School in Rosemont, Pa.; Girard College in Philadelphia; Kelseyville High School in Kelseyville, Calif. ; and many more places.

A reminder that teenagers anywhere in the world can join our Current Events Conversation any time they like by responding to our daily writing prompts . We round up a selection of comments each week.

Please note: Student comments have been lightly edited for length, but otherwise appear as they were originally submitted.

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The benefits of part-time work

Happiness on just a day a week.

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P EOPLE’S RELATIONSHIP with work is complex. For all the complaining about the tedium and bureaucracy, the power-crazed bosses and recalcitrant colleagues, individuals need the security of a job. A century of research has shown that unemployment is bad for mental health, leading to depression, anxiety and reduced self-esteem. On average, it has an even greater effect than divorce.

But how much work do you need to do? A recent paper* by the Centre for Business Research at Cambridge University took the opportunity of the pandemic to examine the impact of reduced working hours on well-being. Many British employees were placed in a furlough scheme, under which their hours were reduced and their wages were subsidised by the government. “We found that people working reduced working hours or being furloughed do not have poorer mental health,” the authors conclude. This suggests that social welfare would be improved if governments adopted furlough schemes in future recessions, even when they are not triggered by a virus.

What was particularly surprising is how little work was needed to keep people happy. The threshold for good mental health was just one day a week—after that, it seemed to make little difference to individuals’ well-being if they worked eight hours or 48 hours a week. The boost from working clearly comes from the feeling of purpose, from the social status it creates and from the camaraderie of colleagues engaged in the same tasks.

A little bit of work may be satisfying but too much is not. An enterprising junior analyst at Goldman Sachs recently surveyed his peers and fashioned his report in the style of a research presentation from the investment bank itself. The survey found those first-year analysts had worked an average 98 hours a week since the start of 2021, and only managed five hours of sleep a night. It found that 77% of them had been the subject of workplace abuse, that 75% had sought, or considered seeking, counselling, and that, on average, the cohort had suffered sharp declines in mental and physical health. Unsurprisingly, the analysts thought it was unlikely they would still be working at the bank in six months’ time.

To be fair to Goldman Sachs, the survey had only 13 respondents. Discontented workers may have been the most likely to respond. And the bank’s reaction was restrained. “A year into covid, people are understandably quite stretched, and that’s why we are listening to their concerns and taking multiple steps to address them,” a spokesperson said.

Nevertheless, the general reaction to the story was remarkably unsympathetic. In some people’s eyes, the young analysts should have expected to be treated in such a fashion; after all, that is why they were being paid so well. Veterans of the investment-banking industry reminisced along the lines of “It was the same in my day. Never did me any harm.” But it is hard to see why young Goldman analysts (or indeed, anyone) should expect to suffer workplace abuse. They joined a bank, not the Mafia.

Nor does it make much business sense to have employees working so long that they only get to sleep five hours a night. They can hardly be operating at full efficiency when they are dog-tired. Surely it is better to hire more analysts, and pay each of them a little less. That junior professional staff have always worked long hours is not a good explanation for piling stress onto young people at the start of their careers. It smacks of the legendary navy motto: “The beatings will continue until morale improves.”

Clearly, economies cannot prosper if everyone works one day a week. But the need to limit excessive working hours was realised back in Victorian times. For much of the 20th century the length of the average working week fell while output continued to climb.

There will be occasions when people have to work late or rise early to finish a project (Bartleby writes this on a day when the needs of The Economist required him to get up at 5am). Day after day, however, a long-hours lifestyle is bad for workers’ health. Some organisations may see the appetite for slogging it out as a sign of an employee’s willingness to put their job ahead of their families and friends. If so, they don’t need to have better employees. They need better managers.

* “Cut hours, not people: No work, furlough, short hours and mental health during the covid-19 pandemic in the UK”, by Brendan Burchell, Senhu Wang, Daiga Kamerade, Ioulia Bessa and Jill Rubery

This article appeared in the Business section of the print edition under the headline “Their finest hours”

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Importance of Part-Time Jobs for Students

Every job has a purpose and plays important role in everybody’s life. Students all across the nation are enrolled in classes at hundreds of universities and colleges in order to one day obtain a job they desire. Working is how we will pay for bills, support ourselves and simply make a living in the future. Many college-aged learners have part-time jobs; the reason they have these jobs can vary from getting experience for a future job they want to need a job to pay their way through college. I personally see a part-time job as an important stepping stone to the job for which you are going to college. A part-time job may not be directly related to the field you are interested in, aspects of the job can help you gain experience and look good for future employers. A part-time job simply involves working fewer hours in a week than a full-time job. Often, part-time jobs involve working in shifts. These shifts are usually rotational with other part-time workers. In my viewpoint, the choice of working part-time is made after four major considerations: personal choice, financial priorities, skills possessed/required, charity and contribution.

Importance of Part-Time Job

We all know that going to college is expensive and many students turn to a part-time job to help offset the tuition fee and other college expenses. Working while in college is a necessity for some and a way to earn spending money for others. Having a part-time job will actually help a student learn many skills that they might not have the opportunity to learn in school or college. Whatever the reason, there are plenty of benefits associated with working while going to college as discussed below.

  • Stable Cash Flow: Although obvious, this remains one of the greatest perks of working part-time while in college or school. Having a steady income allows you to pay off tuition fees or whether it is for paying for rent or just getting extra grocery money. This is how having a part-time job can help you by supplementing your income. Although it is nice to spend all your money on the shopping or saving that money for something more important is a better feeling. Having an extra source of income is great when you have such expenses to pay off. Even, you can use this amount to enjoy life a bit more, either through shopping, going out or putting it towards something useful. The ability to buy things yourself will give you a new sense of independence. You will learn the importance of money management. When you start earning your own money, you will gain a better understanding of how to handle it. Working hard for your money will help you appreciate important personal finance lessons such as the benefits of budgeting and the importance of saving and being economical.
  • Develop Useful Skills: There are just some things or skills, which a college or university can’t teach. Working at a job can help young people develop skills, like commitment, time-management, teamwork, leadership, customer service, communication and organization, problem-solving, marketing and other components that help someone throughout their career. Having a part-time job will help you gain a wide range of skills including punctuality. You can actually mention these things in your CV or Resume , as it shows that you have transferable skills. When writing or updating your CV , showing that you have been in employment will look good and work in your favour. It will help you when you are applying for your graduate job, as your work can act as a reference for you. It doesn’t matter if you are an accounting professional working as a server or computer science professionals working in customer service. Any part-time job you have in college is teaching you practical job skills that you will use in your full-time job after graduation. Learning how to work in a team, solve problems, be professional, and communicate effectively will help you a lot in your future career and will take you far.
  • Time Management: You will discover how to manage your time more efficiently. With the decrease in free time that comes along with a part-time job, this will automatically improve your time management skills. You will learn how to use your time more effectively, such as completing or reading assignments during your travel time. You will also learn the importance of becoming more organized. It may seem difficult, but it is a skill that if perfected, will help you in your coming life. It is not easy of course, but the more you get used to doing it, the more it will help you in the long run. You need to learn how to schedule and place importance on certain things when you are working while going to school. This will teach you how to weigh your priorities, sometimes you have to skip fun activities to finish your responsibilities. This will prepare you for the life after school or college where excuses and delayed work will not accept. Effective time management benefits both your studies and life after college.
  • Responsibilities: You will learn how to handle responsibilities. Being a good student takes a lot of responsibility but if you learn how to balance school studies or activities and a part-time job, you will learn the true meaning of responsibility. As you grow older, your amount of responsibilities will only increase so learning how to multitask at an early age will better prepare you for the future. When you get a job, your parents are going to expect you to help around the house that means paying the bills or other expenses, definitely, your parents probably won’t make you pay rent or something like that. However, paying for your cell phone bills or other amenities may be an option which reduces their burden. Your parents will feel free when you pay your expenses on your own. Moreover, students earning their own money get lessons on spending wisely. They may be less likely to spend their hard-earned money irresponsibly and learn pay for necessities such as textbooks and rents. At the same time, they can save for non-essential purchases, such as a car. This is how working in this age helps you to become a responsible person.
  • Social Network: Working a part-time job allows you to develop connections. You may get a great friend, reference, connection or even full-time job after school or college from committing to a sustainable number of hours each week. Through a part-time job you are likely to work with other people, who you can socialize with. This can help make your time at university even better, especially if you can spend time with your work colleague outside of work. Having professional connections can open up opportunities you wouldn’t have otherwise and building up a network of contacts before college is even over is a huge benefit to working in college. You never know someone you meet at your college job could be the key person to getting your foot in the door of your dream job after college.
  • Find Passion Job: Working a part-time job allows you to try a lot of different tasks and refine skills that might help you find your passions. As you work, you understand the detailed feature and aspects of the different jobs and career paths that might make yours a little clearer. So whether it is reinforcing your passion for health or your new dream to go into student affairs, having a part-time job can help make your future a little bit clearer. Part-time jobs allow you to try out a variety of roles to help you make your mind up for a future career. Moreover, you can use your part-time job to get an introduction to a career or area of interest you desire to go into after finishing your college. This experience will help you stand out from the other candidates at interview; you can begin networking with others in your chosen field because forming professional relationships at this early stage will help your chances of gaining employment early after graduation.

As per my perspective, I think having a part-time job is extremely good for a school or college student in various aspects. Instead of people worrying about the student’s grades declining due to having a part-time job, I think they should look at it as a challenge for the student because later in life they will likely face bigger obstacles. Having a part-time job guide the students sharp skills which they will need all throughout their careers and lives. While there are many benefits of having a part-time job in high school but not all students are capable of handling it. If your academic performance begins to suffer or you are not getting enough sleep, you should cut your working hours or only work during the weekends and vacations.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Model Answer: Many children are encouraged by their parents to get a part time job in their free time. Advantages and disadvantages?

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IELTS Writing Task 2 essay with model answer

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic

Many children are encouraged by their parents to get a part time job in their free time. What are the advantages and disadvantages to children of doing so?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer:

Nowadays, parents motivate their children to indulge in various kinds of activities and doing a part time job is one of them. In this essay, I will shed some light on the pros and cons of doing a part time job.

It is evident that parents are supporting their children to do part time job; thereby, leading to obvious outcomes: the children learn the importance of money and also become a responsible person. Doing part-time job at an early stage of life not only teaches them the importance of earning money, but also prevents them from being a spendthrift. For instance, during my college days, I used to take part-time tuition classes which taught me to save my hard-earned money. Further, working part time also makes the children a responsible person. To exemplify, odd-jobs like a pizza-boy teach the children how the employer is dependent on them to run his business; consequently, they do their work seriously/ sincerely and take complete responsibility.

part time job benefits essay

However, every coin has two sides and despite all the advantages of a temporary job, there are some drawbacks too. Firstly, it will disturb the regular schedule of the children. To illustrate, the students are already burdened with their own study schedule; therefore, doing other jobs will affect their studies. Moreover, they will not be able to spend time with their parents. To exemplify, children will have to do the part-time job in evening or night only after the school hours; as a result, they may not be able to spend any quality time with their parents.

In conclusion, a part-time job has a plethora of advantages and disadvantages. On balance, however, I tend to believe that parents should motivate/ encourage their children to do the part-time job as it teaches them better qualities; provided that, they manage their daily routine properly.

Total Words: 306

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Coherence & cohesion: 8, lexical resources: 7, overall score: band 7.5.

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part time job benefits essay

Benefits of Part-Time Jobs for Students

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Many university students have part-time jobs while they study. Is this a good or a bad thing?

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Fully explain your ideas

To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences).

For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
  • Sentence 1 - Background statement
  • Sentence 2 - Detailed background statement
  • Sentence 3 - Thesis
  • Sentence 4 - Outline sentence
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
  • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
  • Sentence 2 - Example
  • Sentence 3 - Discussion
  • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
  • Paragraph 4 - Conclusion
  • Sentence 1 - Summary
  • Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis
  • Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words.

Discover more tips in The Ultimate Guide to Get a Target Band Score of 7+ » — a book that's free for 🚀 Premium users.

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IELTS Essay Sample Answer # Part-Time Work

You should spend 40 minutes on this task. Some people believe it is a good idea for students to work part time to ensure better opportunities in future. Others are of the opinion, job during study distracts the individual. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Write at least 250 words.


Part-time job is the kind of work a person does for a fewer hours per week allowing an individual to explore different other aspects of his or her character. While in many countries it is common for students to work part time allowing them the freedom to learn their course practically, allowing better knowledge about their subject. Some people are of the opinion, that a job during the student years take away the time and attention required during education.

Doing a part time job while studying surely ensures a more practical knowledge about a subject to the student. For example, a student doing a course on mechanical engineering is more likely to know about what he or she is studying when they get to work on the real tools in real life scenario. Even more, part time jobs allow students to become more independent. Most students are seen to save money from their part time jobs for their graduation.

However, odd jobs are very tough to handle for students. They need to focus not only on their studies but also work, leaving them drained off, with no social life. It has been even observed that some student leave their education to work, while in many cases there have been positive results, in many the students were left with neither a good job nor a better education.

Overall, part time jobs offer more exposure to the students about their subjects, if chosen wrongly, it can leave the person drained off to pursue other plans. In my opinion, an individual should do a part time job, but it should always be something that he or she loves to do and enhances their personality.


Most of the successful companies that we have today in our world, from Apple to Microsoft, the successful people that we cherish, from Shahrukh Khan to Kangana Ranaut, started with what they do as part time job. It was when they realized that they have fallen in love with this work, that they did actually made it big. Many people are of the opinion that part time jobs allow an individual to explore his or interest early in life while others believe that more often a part time jobs leave the person drained off to pursue future plans.

Odd jobs surely help an individual to grow, to perform better and work on the different skills that he or she has. For example, a person may like writing, but when he or she starts working as a part time writer they get to know the seriousness of their interest. It becomes much more easier for them to make a choice of career later in life because they have already become aware of their potential. Even more, a part time job, allows a person to learn different aspects of life, like hard work, punctuality, discipline which may or may not directly affect their lives.

However, if done in a wrong way, often leads to emaciation. Even more, part time job workers are not included in the health benefits and the other services that the company offers to its regular employees. Also, a part time job worker is less likely to get a promotion as compared to a regular worker. A student can find it difficult to focus on studies, sometimes skipping classes to fulfill the sleep that he or she missed. It could make up for a very stressful life for the student, when there entire focus should be on grasping knowledge.

In conclusion, nothing is perfect. Maintaining a job while studying is not what everyone can do. It demands lot of focus from the individual. One need to make sure that they learn things well in school, meanwhile maintaining a balanced work. However, in my opinion a person who is able to do it, is more likely to benefit more than his or her counter parts.

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It is true that nowadays, more and more student choosing to have a part-time job. benefit for that vary, I believe that student should have their own job after school-time.

Initial benefit of having part-time job is that student can stand a higher chance to have a good paid job. experience in job, for example, is the knowledge that student accumulated when having a part-time job. Almost all companies need a seasoned employee because they need less training time and have essential skills. Productivity of seasoned employees are more effective, therefore, usually have a faster opportunity in promotion and a higher salary. having part-time job helps student have more confidence and skills when they enter a new place.

Moreover, having part-time job helps student give their parents a leg up in financial burden. Many people have no wealthy background, therefore, part-time job is a good choice to reduce financial burden for family. Some students have part-time job for educating and financial purposes. having part-time job does not make student have less time to study or put more pressure on student, the fact is that having part-time job create a chance for student to helping their parents and boosting their solving problem ability.

In conclusion, part-time jobs create more chances for student in both present and future. they help student stand a higher in having good paid job and reduce financial burden for their parents. In my opinion, student should have part-time jobs to have more experience.

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Essay evaluations by e-grader

Grammar and spelling errors: Line 1, column 83, Rule ID: UPPERCASE_SENTENCE_START Message: This sentence does not start with an uppercase letter Suggestion: Benefit ...udent choosing to have a part-time job. benefit for that vary, I believe that student s... ^^^^^^^ Line 3, column 108, Rule ID: UPPERCASE_SENTENCE_START Message: This sentence does not start with an uppercase letter Suggestion: Experience ... higher chance to have a good paid job. experience in job, for example, is the knowledge t... ^^^^^^^^^^ Line 3, column 455, Rule ID: UPPERCASE_SENTENCE_START Message: This sentence does not start with an uppercase letter Suggestion: Having ...unity in promotion and a higher salary. having part-time job helps student have more c... ^^^^^^ Line 5, column 245, Rule ID: HAVE_PART_AGREEMENT[2] Message: Possible agreement error -- use past participle here: 'jobbed'. Suggestion: jobbed ...or family. Some students have part-time job for educating and financial purposes. h... ^^^ Line 5, column 287, Rule ID: UPPERCASE_SENTENCE_START Message: This sentence does not start with an uppercase letter Suggestion: Having ...b for educating and financial purposes. having part-time job does not make student hav... ^^^^^^ Line 7, column 91, Rule ID: UPPERCASE_SENTENCE_START Message: This sentence does not start with an uppercase letter Suggestion: They ...for student in both present and future. they help student stand a higher in having g... ^^^^

Transition Words or Phrases used: moreover, so, therefore, for example, in conclusion, in my opinion, it is true

Attributes: Values AverageValues Percentages(Values/AverageValues)% => Comments

Performance on Part of Speech: To be verbs : 6.0 13.1623246493 46% => More to be verbs wanted. Auxiliary verbs: 5.0 7.85571142285 64% => OK Conjunction : 9.0 10.4138276553 86% => OK Relative clauses : 8.0 7.30460921844 110% => OK Pronoun: 17.0 24.0651302605 71% => OK Preposition: 18.0 41.998997996 43% => More preposition wanted. Nominalization: 4.0 8.3376753507 48% => More nominalizations (nouns with a suffix like: tion ment ence ance) wanted.

Performance on vocabulary words: No of characters: 1279.0 1615.20841683 79% => OK No of words: 246.0 315.596192385 78% => More content wanted. Chars per words: 5.19918699187 5.12529762239 101% => OK Fourth root words length: 3.96035189615 4.20363070211 94% => OK Word Length SD: 2.61129111709 2.80592935109 93% => OK Unique words: 118.0 176.041082164 67% => More unique words wanted. Unique words percentage: 0.479674796748 0.561755894193 85% => More unique words wanted or less content wanted. syllable_count: 396.9 506.74238477 78% => OK avg_syllables_per_word: 1.6 1.60771543086 100% => OK

A sentence (or a clause, phrase) starts by: Pronoun: 3.0 5.43587174349 55% => OK Article: 1.0 2.52805611222 40% => OK Subordination: 0.0 2.10420841683 0% => More adverbial clause wanted. Conjunction: 0.0 0.809619238477 0% => OK Preposition: 2.0 4.76152304609 42% => More preposition wanted as sentence beginning.

Performance on sentences: How many sentences: 14.0 16.0721442886 87% => OK Sentence length: 17.0 20.2975951904 84% => The Avg. Sentence Length is relatively short. Sentence length SD: 38.8283112574 49.4020404114 79% => OK Chars per sentence: 91.3571428571 106.682146367 86% => OK Words per sentence: 17.5714285714 20.7667163134 85% => OK Discourse Markers: 5.57142857143 7.06120827912 79% => OK Paragraphs: 4.0 4.38176352705 91% => OK Language errors: 6.0 5.01903807615 120% => OK Sentences with positive sentiment : 9.0 8.67935871743 104% => OK Sentences with negative sentiment : 1.0 3.9879759519 25% => More negative sentences wanted. Sentences with neutral sentiment: 4.0 3.4128256513 117% => OK What are sentences with positive/Negative/neutral sentiment?

Coherence and Cohesion: Essay topic to essay body coherence: 0.753697607903 0.244688304435 308% => The coherence between essay topic and essay body is overfitting. Sentence topic coherence: 0.389770740604 0.084324248473 462% => Sentence topic similarity is high. Sentence topic coherence SD: 0.16063235146 0.0667982634062 240% => The coherence between sentences is low. Paragraph topic coherence: 0.603147995238 0.151304729494 399% => Maybe some contents are duplicated. Paragraph topic coherence SD: 0.0263258238554 0.056905535591 46% => Paragraphs are similar to each other. Some content may get duplicated or it is not exactly right on the topic.

Essay readability: automated_readability_index: 11.8 13.0946893788 90% => Automated_readability_index is low. flesch_reading_ease: 54.22 50.2224549098 108% => OK smog_index: 3.1 7.44779559118 42% => Smog_index is low. flesch_kincaid_grade: 9.9 11.3001002004 88% => OK coleman_liau_index: 12.58 12.4159519038 101% => OK dale_chall_readability_score: 7.95 8.58950901804 93% => OK difficult_words: 54.0 78.4519038076 69% => More difficult words wanted. linsear_write_formula: 8.0 9.78957915832 82% => OK gunning_fog: 8.8 10.1190380762 87% => OK text_standard: 8.0 10.7795591182 74% => OK What are above readability scores?

--------------------- Minimum 250 words wanted. Rates: 56.1797752809 out of 100 Scores by essay e-grader: 5.0 Out of 9 --------------------- Note: the e-grader does NOT examine the meaning of words and ideas. VIP users will receive further evaluations by advanced module of e-grader and human graders.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 General Training Sample Answer Essay: Part-Time Jobs (Real Past IELTS Exam/Test)

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IELTS Writing Task 2 General Training  Sample Answer Essay: Part-Time Jobs (Real Past IELTS Exam/Test)

This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of part-time or hourly paid jobs from the real exam.

In the U.S.A., people typically say part-time work and in the U.K., hourly paid.

Employment is a really common topic on IELTS so reading this answer will help prepare you for similar questions on the real exam.

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In many countries, teenagers are encouraged to find part-time jobs. Some think this is a good development while others disagree. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. Real Past IELTS Exam/Test

Some believe that teenagers ought to take part in hourly paid work while others feel this is not a good idea. In my opinion, though this can be an added burden for teenagers, it offers a host of benefits related to life experience.

Opponents of part-time work for teenagers seize on the mental repercussions of stress. Teenagers already deal with so many life problems ranging from the chemical changes inherent in puberty to social stress to academic pressure. There are countries such as South Korea and Japan where the academic workload rarely allows for recreation time, let alone paid work. Adding in a job and its encumbent concerns can only worsen a teenager’s mental health and, in the most extreme cases, lead to depression and nervous breakdowns. Even students not affected as deeply are sure to be less happy due to stress.

Regardless, working is a maturing experience. Work continues and hastens the lifelong process of negotiating one’s own priorities against the expectations of others. Most high schoolers start with a low-paying part-time position and that may educate them about the importance of having a good education. They are also likely to begin developing the qualities that will serve them well in a variety of future workplaces including teamwork skills, organisation, and perseverance. The experience will also give them a window into an industry and help them make more informed choices for their future career.

In conclusion, though work can take a toll on mental well-being it is a positive, overall maturing experience. Teenagers should try a variety of jobs in order to have a clear overview of possible working environments.

1. Some believe that teenagers ought to take part in hourly paid work while others feel this is not a good idea. 2. In my opinion, though this can be an added burden for teenagers, it offers a host of benefits related to life experience.

  • Paraphrase the overall topic for the whole essay.
  • Write your opinion – be clear!

1. Opponents of part-time work for teenagers seize on the mental repercussions of stress. 2. Teenagers already deal with so many life problems ranging from the chemical changes inherent in puberty to social stress to academic pressure. 3. There are countries such as South Korea and Japan where the academic workload rarely allows for recreation time, let alone paid work. 4. Adding in a job and its encumbent concerns can only worsen a teenager’s mental health and, in the most extreme cases, lead to depression and nervous breakdowns. 5. Even students not affected as deeply are sure to be less happy due to stress.

  • Write a topic sentence with a single, clear main idea at the end.
  • Begin to develop your main idea with specific ideas.
  • Be as specific as possible – use real countries!
  • Develop your specific examples.
  • State the final result to conclude the paragraph.

1. Regardless, working is a maturing experience. 2. Work continues and hastens the lifelong process of negotiating one’s own priorities against the expectations of others. 3. Most high schoolers start with a low-paying part-time position and that may educate them about the importance of having a good education. 4. They are also likely to begin developing the qualities that will serve them well in a variety of future workplaces including teamwork skills, organisation, and perseverance. 5. The experience will also give them a window into an industry and help them make more informed choices for their future career.

  • Write another topic sentence with a main idea at the end.
  • Explain your main idea.
  • My example here is hypothetical.
  • Develop the example.
  • Finish developing your main idea.

1. In conclusion, though work can take a toll on mental well-being it is a positive, overall maturing experience. 2. Teenagers should try a variety of jobs in order to have a clear overview of possible working environments.

  • Repeat your opinion.
  • Add in a final thought at the end.

What do the words in bold below mean?

Opponents of part-time work for teenagers seize on the mental repercussions of stress. Teenagers already deal with so many life problems ranging from the chemical changes inherent in puberty to social stress to academic pressure . There are countries such as South Korea and Japan where the academic workload rarely allows for recreation time , let alone paid work . Adding in a job and its encumbent concerns can only worsen a teenager’s mental health and, in the most extreme cases , lead to depression and nervous breakdowns . Even students not affected as deeply are sure to be less happy due to stress.

Regardless , working is a maturing experience . Work continues and hastens the lifelong process of negotiating one’s own priorities against the expectations of others . Most high schoolers start with a low-paying part-time position and that may educate them about the importance of having a good education . They are also likely to begin developing the qualities that will serve them well in a variety of future workplaces including teamwork skills , organisation , and perseverance . The experience will also give them a window into an industry and help them make more informed choices for their future career .

In conclusion, though work can take a toll on mental well-being it is a positive, overall maturing experience. Teenagers should try a variety of jobs in order to have a clear overview of possible working environments .

take part in do

added burden more pressure

host of benefits many advantages

part-time work hourly paid jobs

seize on point out

mental repercussions psychological effects

deal with handle

ranging from including

chemical changes inherent in puberty body changing as you become a teenager

social stress social anxiety

academic pressure stress to get good grades

academic workload amount of schoolwork you have

recreation time free time

let alone paid work not mentioning a real job

adding in also including

encumbent concerns related worries

worsen become bad

in the most extreme cases rare situations

nervous breakdowns losing your mind for a bit

deeply not superficially

regardless nonetheless

maturing experience makes you more of an adult

hastens speeds up

lifelong process over the course of your life

negotiating one’s own priorities bargaining your interests

expectations of others the interests of other people

low-paying part-time position menial work

importance of having a good education why you should get a degree

serve them well helps them later

future workplaces where you might work later

teamwork skills working together in a group

organisation keeping things in order

perseverance trying hard

give them a window into show them

industry economic sector

informed choices good decisions

future career what you will do for work later in life

take a toll on mental well-being psychological problems

clear overview good idea of

possible working environments potential jobs


teɪk pɑːt ɪn   ˈædɪd ˈbɜːdn   həʊst ɒv ˈbɛnɪfɪts   pɑːt-taɪm wɜːk   siːz ɒn   ˈmɛntl ˌriːpɜːˈkʌʃənz   diːl wɪð   ˈreɪnʤɪŋ frɒm   ˈkɛmɪkəl ˈʧeɪnʤɪz ɪnˈhɪərənt ɪn ˈpjuːbəti   ˈsəʊʃəl strɛs   ˌækəˈdɛmɪk ˈprɛʃə ˌækəˈdɛmɪk ˈwɜːkˌləʊd   ˌriːkrɪˈeɪʃən taɪm lɛt əˈləʊn peɪd wɜːk ˈædɪŋ ɪn   ˈɛnkʌmbɛnt kənˈsɜːnz   ˈwɜːsn   ɪn ðə məʊst ɪksˈtriːm ˈkeɪsɪz ˈnɜːvəs ˈbreɪkˌdaʊnz ˈdiːpli   rɪˈgɑːdlɪs məˈtjʊərɪŋ ɪksˈpɪərɪəns ˈheɪsnz   ˈlaɪflɒŋ ˈprəʊsɛs   nɪˈgəʊʃɪeɪtɪŋ wʌnz əʊn praɪˈɒrɪtiz   ˌɛkspɛkˈteɪʃənz ɒv ˈʌðəz ləʊ-ˈpeɪɪŋ pɑːt-taɪm pəˈzɪʃən   ɪmˈpɔːtəns ɒv ˈhævɪŋ ə gʊd ˌɛdju(ː)ˈkeɪʃən sɜːv ðɛm wɛl   ˈfjuːʧə ˈwɜːkˌpleɪsɪz   ˈtiːmwɜːk skɪlz ˌɔːgənaɪˈzeɪʃən ˌpɜːsɪˈvɪərəns gɪv ðɛm ə ˈwɪndəʊ ˈɪntuː   ˈɪndəstri   ɪnˈfɔːmd ˈʧɔɪsɪz   ˈfjuːʧə kəˈrɪə teɪk ə təʊl ɒn ˈmɛntl wɛl-ˈbiːɪŋ   klɪər ˈəʊvəvjuː   ˈpɒsəbl ˈwɜːkɪŋ ɪnˈvaɪərənmənts

Listen and repeat:

Vocabulary Practice

Remember and fill in the blanks:

Some believe that teenagers ought to t______________n hourly paid work while others feel this is not a good idea. In my opinion, though this can be an a________________n for teenagers, it offers a h_________________s related to life experience.

Opponents of p_________________k for teenagers s_________n the m____________________s of stress. Teenagers already d__________h so many life problems r____________m the c___________________________________y to s_______________s to a_________________________e . There are countries such as South Korea and Japan where the a__________________d rarely allows for r___________________e , l______________________k . A________________n a job and its e____________________s can only w_____________n a teenager’s mental health and, i______________________________s , lead to depression and n__________________________s . Even students not affected as d____________y are sure to be less happy due to stress.

R_____________s , working is a m_________________e . Work continues and h_____________s the l_______________s of n____________________________s against the e________________________s . Most high schoolers start with a l_____________________________n and that may educate them about the i_________________________________________n . They are also likely to begin developing the qualities that will s______________l in a variety of f_____________________________s including t_____________________s , o__________________n , and p_________________e . The experience will also g_________________________o an i_____________y and help them make more i_____________________s for their f__________________r .

In conclusion, though work can t___________________________________g it is a positive, overall maturing experience. Teenagers should try a variety of jobs in order to have a c_______________w of p_________________________________s .

Listen and check:

Listening Practice

Watch a Ted Talk on this subject below:

Reading Practice

Read from The New York Times on this subject:

Speaking Practice

Answer the questions from the real speaking booklet below:

Why did you choose your job? How much work do you do in a week? Do you have to work on weekends as well?

Writing Practice

Practice with the related question below then read my sample answer:

Some people argue that job satisfaction is more important than job security, while others believe that they cannot always expect job satisfaction and a permanent job is more important. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Real Past IELTS Exam/Test
IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay: Job Satisfaction/Security (Real Past IELTS Exam/Test)

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When the wage gap between me and my husband grew, I quit my job to work part time. I realized my non-monetary contributions have value, too.

  • When my husband and I met, he was earning about a third more than me.
  • As our pay gap grew, I started doubting my self-worth.
  • Accepting the value of my non-financial contributions strengthened our relationship.

Insider Today

When my husband accepted his new job offer in 2021, I was proud of him. He'd been courting the opportunity for more than a year and was finally escaping a job he felt crushed by. I was relieved and excited to get my happy husband back. Plus, the money would help cover the expenses of our growing family.

But I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit apprehensive, too, as his salary would now be three times the $35k I was bringing in. Would the stark difference in our pay change our relationship?

The difference in our income had started to grow a few years before

In 2016, we barely scraped by on our combined income , and he was making only about a third more than me. We wanted to pay off our college loans, live comfortably, and start a family. That summer, he got an offer that would help us achieve those goals and jumped at the chance.

Our wage gap started to grow. He now made roughly double what I did, but I wasn't concerned at first because it would mean better opportunities for me, too.

Five years later, our college debt was paid off, we had started searching for a house, and our son had just had his first birthday. And as my husband accepted his new job offer, our discrepancy in pay grew — he was now making three times as much as I was.

When he went back to work, I was in charge of childcare

When my husband started his new job, he returned to the office for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic. For a blissful year and a half, we both worked from home and took care of our little one during the day. Now, childcare from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. would fall solely on me.

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I worried about whether I'd be able to balance work and caring for our son and wondered whether day care would solve the problem, but it didn't take long to realize it wouldn't be financially feasible. Full-time childcare for our 1-year-old would consume most of my take-home pay. That disappointing knowledge made me want to quit my job, but we couldn't afford that, either. The bills I paid were important, and dropping to one income would put us back into the barely-scraping-by category we had fought so hard to get out of.

So, I did my best to make it work. On the surface, it seemed as if I at least partially had my life together; my work was always done on time, and my child seemed to be growing and thriving, but inside, I was a mess. I felt as if I was letting down my boss or, worse, my child. I never left the house except to visit the grocery store or the doctor. My life was childcare and work.

I started to attach my worth to how much money I was making

Deep down, I wondered whether I was truly worth only a third of what my husband was. The house was always a disaster, I was making deadlines at my job just under the wire, and I worried my split focus was making me a failure as a mother. I felt as though I wasn't doing anything right and didn't deserve my own salary, let alone the six-figure salary my husband was making.

I decided that if I didn't bring monetary value to my marriage, I needed to be a better mother and housekeeper. I tried taking on more chores, more child-rearing, more everything. But each day just felt like a losing battle. The strong, independent woman in me started to lose her voice, crushed by stress, daily duties, and unending self-doubt.

I quit my job and talked to my husband about how I was feeling

One year after my husband started his new job, I quit mine. I was tired of the stress, self-pity, and mom guilt. I shifted to working part time as a freelance writer . Though I make nearly the same amount of money, I sacrificed benefits such as paid time off and my 401(k) match. Still, freelance work renewed my enthusiasm, and the fact that I could set my own schedule more than made up for the loss of benefits.

The most important thing I did leading up to this decision was talk to my husband. I explained why I needed to make the change and how my own insecurity made me feel like I was failing our family. He was horrified to learn that I felt so unsupported and agreed that we should do things differently.

We started by putting our little one in part-time day care so I could have dedicated days to focus on work. While the cost of two days a week put a strain on our budget, I desperately needed the mental break, and we knew our son would benefit from the socialization. We also agreed that our marriage was just as important as our finances, and we began going on weekly lunch dates to connect with each other.

Things aren't perfect. I still worry my husband will resent me for my lagging financial contribution, and there are days when I still beat myself up for not doing enough. But I'm finally able to see my contributions have value beyond the monetary. I've raised a happy, healthy 4-year-old, and there's no price you can put on that.

Correction: September 2, 2024 — An earlier version of this story misstated the percentage difference between the author's income and her husband's when he started his new job. The percentage has been removed.

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Guest Experience Specialist (Part Time without Benefits) 12PM - 8:30 PM Saturday & Sunday

Dallas, TX, US

Interested in a career with both meaning and growth? Whether your abilities are in direct patient care or one of the many other areas of healthcare administration and support, everyone at Parkland works together to fulfill our mission: the health and well-being of individuals and communities entrusted to our care. By joining Parkland, you become part of a diverse healthcare legacy that’s served our community for more than 125 years. Put your skills to work with us, seek opportunities to learn and join a talented team where patient care is more than a job. It’s our passion.


Provides exceptional hospitality and customer service to patients, their families, and visitors. Greets visitors and provides directions and general information to ensure ease of access around Parkland.


Must have one year of experience in a healthcare or customer service environment.

Equivalent Education and/or Experience

May have an equivalent combination of education and experience to substitute for both the education and the experience requirements.


Required Tests for Placement

Skills or Special Abilities

Must be able to provide assistance, answer complaints and expedite services.

Must have very strong interpersonal skills and the ability to represent Parkland in a positive effective manner.

Demonstrates exceptional customer service skills when dealing with the public to ensure a positive experience for patients, families and visitors. 

Must exhibit caring, service-oriented behaviors toward people encountered and be able to diffuse emotionally charged situations. 

Must be able to apply sound judgment toward satisfying a variety of questions and problems from patients, family members, and visitors.

Must be able to multi-task patient, family, and visitor requests and needs, while maintaining control of assigned area.

Must be able to demonstrate basic computer skills through competency exams.


1. Provides a warm welcome to patients, families, vendors, visitors, and staff upon arrival to and departure from the hospital. Promotes patient family centered care by serving as a patient/family liaison to identify resources for ensuring a positive experience while at Parkland. Assists with problem resolution occurring during the entry or exit process, i.e., social work, security, etc.; coordinates information collection with various hospital departments to ensure accurate referral of incoming traffic to appropriate location; provides support to management and department to meet requirements for seamless service; and coordinates concierge information and resources for families, providing accurate transmittal of information from hospital staff to families concerning the patient.

2. Ensures maintenance of clean, neat comfortable environment and needed supplies while ensuring referrals for families to appropriate department resources such as social work, business office, etc. Communicates and educates families of policies and procedures in a supportive and positive manner that supports the mission, philosophy and policies of Parkland and integrates these values into behavior. Ensures infection prevention from proper use of hand hygiene upon entering the facility.

3. Interfaces with affiliated facilities when outpatients are seen jointly to expedite and assist in providing efficient service to patients.

4. Physically escorts patients and families to appropriate clinical area to ensure comfort and safety at all times.

5. Serves as a liaison between clinic departments, physician, patients and families.

6. Provides concierge services, making transportation arrangements upon request.

7. Locates and provides patients, visitors and hospital staff with inpatient room numbers, outpatient clinic locations and general hospital campus information.

8. Answers telephones, accesses computerized information regarding specific patients such as clinic appointment date, time and location, and provides general information regarding the hospital.

9. Maintains a positive working relationship with staff in all areas of the hospital in order to facilitate effective communication between staff and visitors.

10. Identifies ways to improve work processes and improve customer satisfaction. Makes recommendations to supervisor and implements and monitors results as appropriate in support of the overall goals and mission of Parkland.

11. Stays abreast of latest developments in customer service by attending in-house seminars/workshops and reading internal publications. Integrates knowledge gained into current work practices.

12. Maintains knowledge of applicable rules, regulations, policies, laws and guidelines that impact the Guest Experience Department. Develops effective internal controls that promote adherence to applicable state/federal laws, and the program requirements of accreditation agencies and federal, state, and private health plans. Seeks advice and guidance as necessary to ensure proper understanding.

Job Accountabilities

1. Identifies ways to improve work processes and improve customer satisfaction. Makes recommendations to supervisor, implements, and monitors results as appropriate in support of the overall goals of the department and Parkland.

2. Stays abreast of the latest developments, advancements, and trends in the field by attending seminars/workshops, reading professional journals, actively participating in professional organizations, and/or maintaining certification or licensure. Integrates knowledge gained into current work practices.

3. Maintains knowledge of applicable rules, regulations, policies, laws and guidelines that impact the area. Develops effective internal controls designed to promote adherence with applicable laws, accreditation agency requirements, and federal, state, and private health plans. Seeks advice and guidance as needed to ensure proper understanding.

Parkland Health and Hospital System prohibits discrimination based on age (40 or over), race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, disability, national origin, marital status, political belief, or veteran status. As part of our commitment to our patients and employees’ wellness, Parkland Health is a tobacco and smoke-free campus.

Nearest Major Market: Dallas Nearest Secondary Market: Fort Worth Job Segment: Infection Control, Healthcare Administration, Patient Care, Healthcare

Copyright 2020 Parkland Health & Hospital System | EOE M/F/D/V


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Part Time Supervisor, Event Operations

Job Summary

Job Description


  • Having the ability to professionally communicate, speak, and give directives to subordinates while always remaining professional.
  • Ability and willingness to work beyond traditional business hours, including but not limited to nights, weekends, and select holidays .
  • Ideal candidate is a well-organized professional, self-motivated, capable of handling multiple tasks, setting priorities, and exercising independent judgment.
  • Proficiency in word processing and related applications.
  • Eager to learn and grow as a professional.


  • Supervise the changeover crew in responding to event related issues.
  • Log all incoming radio calls for operational requests.
  • Verify all operational requests have been completed.
  • Take a pro-active role in maintaining the building’s readiness for an event.
  • Perform building walks and create work orders.
  • Communicate detailed instructions, information, and directions to team members in a primarily unionized environment.


  • Perform other duties and responsibilities as assigned.

Employees at all levels are expected to:

  • Understand our Operating Principles; make them the guidelines for how you do your job.
  • Own the customer experience - think and act in ways that put our customers first, give them seamless digital options at every touchpoint, and make them promoters of our products and services.
  • Know your stuff - be enthusiastic learners, users and advocates of our game-changing technology, products and services, especially our digital tools and experiences.
  • Win as a team - make big things happen by working together and being open to new ideas.
  • Be an active part of the Net Promoter System - a way of working that brings more employee and customer feedback into the company - by joining huddles, making call backs and helping us elevate opportunities to do better for our customers.
  • Drive results and growth.
  • Respect and promote inclusion & diversity.
  • Do what's right for each other, our customers, investors and our communities.


  • This information has been designed to indicate the general nature and level of work performed by employees in this role. It is not designed to contain or be interpreted as a comprehensive inventory of all duties, responsibilities and qualifications.

Comcast is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace. We will consider all qualified applicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or any other basis protected by applicable law.

Additionally, Comcast provides best-in-class Benefits to eligible employees. We believe that benefits should connect you to the support you need when it matters most, and should help you care for those who matter most. That’s why we provide an array of options, expert guidance and always-on tools, that are personalized to meet the needs of your reality – to help support you physically, financially and emotionally through the big milestones and in your everyday life. Please visit the compensation and benefits summary on our careers site for more details.

High School Diploma / GED

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  • Medical, prescription, vision, and dental insurance for eligible employees.
  • 401(k) savings plan with dollar-for-dollar matching up to the first 6% of your pay.
  • Paid time off including eight observed company holidays and flex time.
  • Exclusive perks + discounts, including tuition assistance, commuter benefits and more!

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Fortune Media and Great Place To Work® Name Comcast NBCUniversal One of the Top 10 Companies to Work for in the U.S.

For the second year in a row, Great Place To Work® and Fortune Media have recognized Comcast NBCUniversal as one of the top 10 of 100 Best Companies to Work For™  in 2024

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To kickoff 2024, Comcast hosted its Converge event in Philadelphia where it showcased its latest tech developments and network advancements, designed to seamlessly integrate media and technology.

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    8. They provide networking opportunities. Part-time work offers a unique networking advantage, fostering connections in various professional circles. With a diverse range of colleagues and industries, individuals can expand their professional network, gaining valuable contacts and insights.

  4. Part-Time Work Benefits for College Students

    The reasons for students' interest in part-time work opportunities are often in the necessity of covering loans and other expenses, improving specific practical skills, socializing, and receiving the financial freedom (Wang & Chen, 2013). As a result, more than 80% of college students in the United States work part time and full time to ...

  5. 10 Benefits Of Part-Time Jobs For Students You Don't Wanna Miss

    Here are some benefits of part-time jobs for students. 1. Helps Build Confidence. Taking on new tasks and responsibilities by working can help you build your confidence and develop qualities that will help you throughout your career. This is certainly counted as a benefit of a part-time job for students.

  6. Free Essay: Benefits of Part Time Job for Student

    In other words, people often think part-time jobs are responsible for a student's bad grades. In my opinion, having a part-time job will actually help a student learn many skills that they might not have the opportunity to learn in school. I believe having a part-time job teaches a student the importance of time management.

  7. What Students Are Saying About Having a Part-Time Job While in School

    The question was inspired by an Opinion essay by ... One of the major benefits I have noticed as a High School student with a part-time job is having a better sense of communication and patience ...

  8. The benefits of part-time work

    The threshold for good mental health was just one day a week—after that, it seemed to make little difference to individuals' well-being if they worked eight hours or 48 hours a week. The boost ...

  9. Benefits of Part-Time jobs

    Working at a job can help young people develop skills, like commitment, time-management, teamwork, leadership, customer service, communication and organization, problem-solving, marketing and other components that help someone throughout their career. Having a part-time job will help you gain a wide range of skills including punctuality.

  10. Guided Essay

    This document contains two sample essays about the benefits of teenagers having part-time jobs. The first essay discusses online part-time jobs that teenagers can do from home, such as selling items online, blogging, and becoming a YouTuber. The second essay argues that part-time jobs teach teenagers responsibility and prepare them for future careers, despite possibly distracting from studies ...

  11. Essay SPM

    Benefits of having a part time job for teenagers. Responsibility is an important trait which can be acquired from part time jobs. Teenagers will learn to manage their time and money at a younger age. Besides that, part time employment also teaches them on new skills and experiences. Moreover, this would also enhance their communication and ...

  12. IELTS Writing Task 2 essay with model answer

    Doing part-time job at an early stage of life not only teaches them the importance of earning money, but also prevents them from being a spendthrift. For instance, during my college days, I used to take part-time tuition classes which taught me to save my hard-earned money. Further, working part time also makes the children a responsible person.

  13. Benefits of Part-Time Jobs for Students

    A part-time job prepares the students in advance to face the bigger obstacles lying ahead of them in their adult life. But it should also be kept in mind to concentrate on studies simultaneously so as not to land in declining grades. This entire buzz of 'earning while learning' is for the continuation of studies in the future.

  14. Part Time Job Benefits

    Jobs aren't the easiest thing to get. It is extremely difficult to balance a job with all that work and studying. while in college students have to make money some way, but the only problem with that is time management. everybody likes like buying new clothes, jewelry and personal items. people spend their time in college barely getting by, partying and wasting their time.

  15. Student should be encouraged to work part-time

    Band 5. Student should be encouraged to work part-time. Do you agree or disagree? # student # work. Job. is one of the most important part in our life. It helps us in finances, create relationships and lots of benefits more. These days, students are often suggested to work part-time. job.

  16. Many university students have part-time jobs while they study

    More and more students take up part-time work while studying. In recent years it has become a debatable topic if there are any benefits to work while learning. I believe it is a good thing. This. essay will discuss in details the positive and negative aspects of taking up a job while at university. Part-time employment can make a difference to ...

  17. IELTS Essay Sample Answer # Part-Time Work

    Write at least 250 words. SAMPLE ANSWER -One. Part-time job is the kind of work a person does for a fewer hours per week allowing an individual to explore different other aspects of his or her character. While in many countries it is common for students to work part time allowing them the freedom to learn their course practically, allowing ...

  18. Benefits of Having a Part Time Job for Students

    Initial benefit of having part-time job is that student can stand a higher chance to have a good paid job. experience in job, for example, is the knowledge that student accumulated when having a part-time job. Almost all companies need a seasoned employee because they need less training time and have essential skills.

  19. IELTS Writing Task 2 General Training Sample Answer Essay: Part-Time

    This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of part-time or hourly paid jobs from the real exam. In the U.S.A., people typically say part-time work and in the U.K., hourly paid. Employment is a really common topic on IELTS so reading this answer will help prepare you for similar questions on the real exam.

  20. PDF On students university citizenship

    in the governance of universities. Citizenship is also part of the university core functions. f teaching, learning and research. Citizenship happens when students are willing to act beyond their self-interests, even if personal an. communal interests often overlap. Citizenship happens when students engage with peers and the teachers, in ...

  21. When the wage gap between me and my husband grew, I quit my job to work

    I quit my job to work part time. A vertical stack of three evenly spaced horizontal lines. ... Essay by Amanda Garland. 2024-09-01T10:18:01Z ... I sacrificed benefits such as paid time off and my ...

  22. Guest Experience Specialist (Part Time without Benefits Job Details

    By joining Parkland, you become part of a diverse healthcare legacy that's served our community for more than 125 years. Put your skills to work with us, seek opportunities to learn and join a talented team where patient care is more than a job. It's our passion. PRIMARY PURPOSE

  23. Attractions

    Experience the Disney Difference through outstanding and unique perks and benefits like cast-exclusive discounts and access to tuition assistance through Disney Aspire! The pay rate for this role in Florida is $17.00 per hour. Select benefits may be provided as part of the compensation package, such as medical, financial, and/or other benefits.

  24. Part Time Supervisor, Event Operations Job at Comcast in Comcast

    Learn more about the Part Time Supervisor, Event Operations job in Comcast Corporation and apply here. ... We believe that benefits should connect you to the support you need when it matters most, and should help you care for those who matter most. That's why we provide an array of options, expert guidance and always-on tools, that are ...

  25. Part Time Moscow jobs

    Location: Moscow Division/College: Employee Category: Pay Range: $90,000 - $125,000, commensurate with experience FTE: 1 Full/Part Time: Position Summary: The University of Idaho College of Law seeks an entry-level or experienced faculty member interested in serving as a full-time, temporary faculty member for the 2024-25 academic year at the Moscow location to teach courses and contribute to ...

  26. 20 Best part time jobs in moscow, id (Hiring Now!)

    349. part time jobs in moscow, id. LPN/ RN- Full Time/Part Time 20K Sign-On-Bonus. Cascadia Healthcare Aspen Park —Moscow, ID. Provide leadership and nursing care for our residents. Provide supervision to Nursing Assistant providing direct resident care. Estimated: $59.3K - $75.1K a year.

  27. Custodial Trash Truck Cast Member

    Part-Time Cast Members will work between 0 hour to 24 hours per week. The pay rate for this role in Florida is $21.50 per hour. Select benefits may be provided as part of the compensation package, such as medical, financial, and/or other benefits.

  28. On the Patriarchate in Moscow

    Thursday, March 26, 2015 by Admin. The first Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Iov (Job) (1589-1605) Nicholas Zernov 1898-1980. In 1588, the Patriarch of Constantinople, Jeremiah, came to Moscow in quest of alms. It was the first time that a senior hierarch of the Eastern Church had visited Russia. He was greeted with pomp and many festivities.