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How to Say “My Homework” in Spanish: Formal and Informal Ways

Learning how to communicate effectively can greatly enhance your language skills. When it comes to discussing your homework in Spanish, there are various ways to express this concept, depending on formality and regional variations. In this guide, we will provide you with tips and examples of both formal and informal ways to say “my homework” in Spanish.

Table of Contents

Formal Ways

Formal language is typically used in professional settings, academic environments, or when speaking to someone in a position of authority. Here are some formal expressions for referring to your homework in Spanish:

“Mi tarea” – This is the most common and widely accepted phrase for “my homework” in Spanish. It is a general term that can be used in various contexts and regions.
Profesor: Recuerden entregar su tarea mañana. (Teacher: Remember to hand in your homework tomorrow.) Estudiante: Sí, entregaré mi tarea en la clase. (Student: Yes, I will hand in my homework in class.)

“Mi trabajo para casa” – This expression is commonly used when referring to homework assigned by a teacher or professor.

Profesora: ¿Todos completaron su trabajo para casa? (Teacher: Did everyone complete their homework?) Estudiante: Sí, terminé mi trabajo para casa anoche. (Student: Yes, I finished my homework last night.)

Informal Ways

Informal language is used among friends, family, or in casual settings. Here are some informal expressions for talking about your homework in Spanish:

“Mi tarea” or “Mis deberes” – These phrases are commonly used in casual conversations and are interchangeable. “Mis deberes” can also translate to “my duties” or “my tasks,” but in the context of homework, it is understood to mean “my homework.”
Amigo: ¿Terminaste tu tarea? (Friend: Did you finish your homework?) Estudiante: Sí, ya hice mis deberes. (Student: Yes, I already did my homework.)

“Los debercitos” – This expression is a playful way of referring to homework, often used among younger individuals or in a lighthearted context.

Hermanita: ¡No quiero hacer mis debercitos! (Little sister: I don’t want to do my homework!) Hermano mayor: Vamos, debes terminar tus debercitos para mañana. (Big brother: Come on, you have to finish your homework for tomorrow.)

Regional Variations

While the expressions mentioned above are commonly understood throughout the Spanish-speaking world, there can be slight variations based on regional dialects. Here are a few examples of regional differences:

In Spain, it is common to use the word “deberes” instead of “tarea” to refer to homework.

Example: “Terminé mis deberes” (I finished my homework)

In Latin America, it is common to hear “tarea” or “trabajo” when referring to homework.

Example: “Hice mi tarea” (I did my homework)

Remember, these regional variations are minor, and the primary phrases we discussed earlier will be understood in most Spanish-speaking countries.

Now that you have a better understanding of how to say “my homework” in Spanish, you can confidently communicate with others and navigate various language situations. Practice using these expressions, and soon you’ll feel more comfortable expressing yourself in Spanish!

Related Guides:

  • How to Say “Do Homework” in Spanish
  • How to Say “Do Your Homework” in Spanish: Formal and Informal Ways
  • How to Say Homework Assignment in Spanish: A Comprehensive Guide
  • Guide: How to Say “Homework Help” in Spanish
  • How to Say Homework Pass in Spanish: A Comprehensive Guide
  • How to Say “I Forgot My Homework” in Spanish
  • How to Say “I Have Homework” in Spanish: A Comprehensive Guide
  • How to Say “To Do Homework” in Spanish

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Glen Hudson

I am going to do my homework

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Share Your Daily Routine in Spanish: A Vocabulary Guide

Sharing your daily routine in Spanish is a fantastic way to get the conversation going with native speakers. By sharing what you do for a living, or what your day-to-day looks like; you’re able to find common interests with new acquaintances or friends. 

What’s more, describing your Spanish daily routines, boosts your confidence in Spanish vocabulary. 

Talking about your daily routine in Spanish requires you to master verbs in their reflexive forms. It also combines adjectives and vocabulary related to time-frequency, objects, and places. 

Join me in this insightful blog post where I teach you how to Share Your Daily Routine in Spanish, along with practical vocabulary and practice audios for supporting your pronunciation. 

After This Lesson, You’ll Be Able to Talk Like This:

1. Yo me despierto todos los días a las ocho de la mañana. I wake up every day at eight in the morning.

2. Antes de bañarme, me cepillo los dientes y me lavo la care. Before I shower, I brush my teeth and wash my face. 

3. Tengo una hora para almorzar en el trabajo. I have one hour for lunch at work.

4. Todas las mañanas desayuno café y huevos. Every morning I have coffee and eggs for breakfast.

5. Yo salgo de trabajar y voy al gimnasio. I get off work and go to the gym.

6. Normalmente hago mi tarea y me gusta escuchar música. Normally I do my homework and enjoy listening to music.

7. Hoy me voy a desvelar, tengo que trabajar. I’m staying up late tonight, I have to work. 

8. Usualmente, me quedo dormida con la tele encendida. Usually, I fall asleep with the tv on. 

Listening to Spanish is key for improving your pronunciation and fluency. It’s a wonderful resource for preparing for a conversation and for memorizing new vocabulary.

Keep scrolling for plenty of detailed instruction and useful examples on your daily routines in Spanish! 

Describe Your Daily Routine in Spanish

Your Spanish daily routines combine what you do for a living professionally, how you get ready in the mornings, how your mealtimes are, and other daily activities before going to bed. 

Every day is different, so being able to elaborate on how your day looks like in Spanish, is proof of your confidence in using the language intuitively. Having una rutina (routine) helps you stay organized and make better use of your time.

Before we dive deep into your Spanish daily routines, we’ll turn our attention to verbs in reflexive form. 

Reflexive verbs are used when an action acts on the subject. Meaning that the verb acts on him or herself. For example, when you comb your hair, brush your teeth, or when you wake up. 

Make a quick review of the subject with this practical blog post about Reflexive Verbs in Spanish Grammar.

Your Morning Daily Routine in Spanish

Tú rutina diaria (your daily routine) starts in the morning. Getting ready for the day ahead is essential for starting your activities with the right foot. 

Let’s take a look at common verbs and vocabulary for the starting point for your Spanish daily routines.

Morning Routine Spanish Verbs Part 1

to brush teeth
to brush your hair
to comb your hair
to dry your hair
to floss
to get dressed
to get ready
to get up early
to go to the gym
to go, to head out

Morning Routine Spanish Verbs Part 2

to have a bath
to make the bed
to put on makeup
to shave
to shower
to use the restroom
to wake up, to get up
to wake up late
to wash your face
to wash your hair
to work out

Example Phrases

Yo me levanto a las seis de la mañana. I get up at six in the morning.

Mi alarma me despierta a las 7 am. My alarm wakes me up at 7 am. 

Primero, me cepillo los dientes y uso hilo dental. First, I brush my teeth and use floss. 

Si tengo tiempo, aprovecho a lavarme y secarme el pelo. If I have time, I wash and dry my hair. 

Antes de bañarme, hago ejercicio. Before taking a bath, I exercise. 

Me encanta madrugar los fines de semana. I love waking up early on weekends. 

Al despertarme, voy al baño. When I wake up, I use the restroom. 

Después de bañarme y vestirme, me maquillo. After taking a bath and getting dressed, I put on makeup. 

Normalmente me levanto y voy al gimnasio. I usually get up and go to the gym.

Después de ir al gimnasio, regreso a mi casa a ducharme. After going to the gym, I come back to my house to shower. 

Me toma casi una hora alistarme.  It takes me almost an hour to get ready. 

Solo hago la cama y me voy al trabajo. I just make the bed and go to work. 

Your Eating Times

Breakfast is certainly the most important meal of the day, but being able to talk about your eating times, in general, is essential for discussing your daily routine in Spanish. 

Talking about when you have a snack or when you have lunch is fantastic for making plans. It can also lead the conversation to talking about yummy foods, or about your likes and dislikes. 

Let’s take a look at common verbs and vocabulary for talking about your eating times on your day-to-day. 

Meals Daily Routine in Spanish Vocabulary

to cook
to drink a glass of water
to drink a smoothie
to drink coffee
to drink tea
to eat dessert
to eat something
to have a snack
to have breakfast
to have dinner
to have lunch
to make breakfast
to set the table
to wash the dishes
to order food

Yo cocino todos los días. I cook every day.

Yo pido comida en el trabajo. I order food at work.

No me gusta tomar café sin comer algo antes. I don’t like drinking coffee without eating something first.

Todas las tardes tomo té y galletas. Every afternoon I drink tea and cookies. 

Antes de almorzar, mis hijos ponen la mesa. Before having lunch, my kids set the table. 

Después de alistarme, preparo el desayuno. After getting ready, I prepare breakfast.

A las 11 am, me gusta tomar un refrigerio. At 11 am, I like having a snack. 

Tengo que lavar los platos antes de cocinar. I have to wash the dishes before cooking. 

No me gusta cenar tan tarde. I don’t like eating dinner so late. 

Me gusta tomar un desayuno ligero.  I like having a light breakfast. 

¿A qué hora almuerzas? At what time do you have lunch?

Por el trabajo, tengo que comer rápido. Because of work, I have to eat fast.

Day to Day Activities

Some people have a pretty specific routine because they follow a strict horario (schedule) at work or school. 

Others have certain responsibilities that provide more flexibility. These people are able to distribute their time into different activities. 

Let’s examine some day to day vocabulary that’ll help you talk about what you do on your daily routine in Spanish. 

Day to Day Activities Vocabulary Part 1

go to school
go to work
to clean
to do homework
to do laundry
to drive
to feed the pets
to get off work
to get home
to go shopping
to go to a meeting
to go to class
to go to the beauty salon
to go to the doctor
to go to therapy

Day to Day Activities Vocabulary Part 2

to have a nap
to listen to music
to play videogames
to see my friends
to start work
to study
to take my kids
to talk on the phone
to tidy up
to use the computer
to visit family
to walk the dog
to watch tv
to work

Yo empiezo a trabajar a las 7am. I start work at 7 am. 

Yo voy a la escuela de lunes a viernes. I go to school from Monday to Friday. 

Usualmente, hablo por teléfono en las mañanas. Usually, I talk on the phone in the mornings. 

Tengo que hacer tareas y pasear al perro todas las tardes. I have to do homework and walk the dog every afternoon. 

Cuando llego a mi casa, me gusta tomar una siesta. When I get home, I enjoy taking a nap. 

Yo visito a mi familia todos los domingos. I visit my family every Sunday. 

En el trabajo uso mi computadora. At work, I use my computer. 

Yo llevo a mis hijos a la escuela todos los días. I take my kids to school every day. 

Después de salir de trabajar, me gusta ir de compras.   After getting off work, I enjoy going shopping. 

Antes de acostarme, veo la tele.  Before going to bed, I watch tv. 

Yo hago limpieza en las mañanas. I clean the house in the mornings.

En las tardes me gusta estudiar español. In the afternoons I like studying Spanish. 

Todos los miércoles voy a terapia. Every Wednesday I go to therapy. 

Night Routine in Spanish

How do you finish your day? Do you stay up late? Or do you go to bed early?

Talk about your night routine in Spanish with this list of useful vocabulary. 

Night Routine Vocabulary

to brush your teeth
to fall asleep
to go to bed early
to go to sleep
to look at your phone
to meditate
to put on pajamas
to read a book
to remove your makeup
to say good night
to stay up late
to wash your face

Me gusta acostarme temprano. I like going to bed early.

Antes de irme a dormir, leo un libro. Before going to sleep, I read a book.

Después de cenar, me cepillo los dientes y me pongo la pijama. After having dinner, I brush my teeth and put on my pajamas. 

No me gusta desvelarme. I don’t like staying up late. 

Normalmente, me quedo dormido viendo mi teléfono.  Normally, I fall asleep looking at my phone.

Add More Details to Your Spanish Daily Routines

You can always include more details when discussing your Spanish daily routines. You can talk about the variations according to days of the week and also about the frequency of such habits. Here’s a list of adverbs you can use. 

Daily Routine in Spanish Adverbs

day after tomorrowpasado mañana
everydaytodos los días
oftena menudo, seguido
rarelycasi nunca
sometimesa veces

¿Siempre te levantas temprano? Do you always wake up early?

Tengo que ir a la escuela hasta pasado mañana. I have to go to school until the day after tomorrow. 

Todos los días veo la tele. I watch tv every day.

Normalmente desayuno y después me baño. Normally I have breakfast and shower later.

A veces, me despierto tarde. Sometimes, I wake up late.

¿Tienes planes para hoy? Do you have plans for today?

Casi nunca me da tiempo de almorzar en casa. I rarely have time to eat at home. 

Hoy tengo clase de baile. Today I have dance class. 

Compliment this lesson with this example-packed review of The Days of the Week in Spanish. 

Make It a Habit: Start Spanish Daily Routines!

Make language learning a part of your Spanish daily routines and move forward towards your goal of becoming bilingual. 

Join a free trial class with our certified teachers from Guatemala and practice real conversation with a native speaker. Our experience proves to be fantastic for boosting your fluency and knowledge of Spanish grammar. We offer affordable pricing and programs that fit your needs and schedule. 

Spanish is on the road to becoming one of the most spoken languages in the world. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , job opportunities for Spanish speakers are bound to keep increasing in the coming years. 

Create Spanish daily routines and make them a habit. The more you immerse yourself in the language, the higher your chances of landing a well-paid job as a Spanish speaker.

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  1. I am going to do homework in Spanish

    wuhrk. ) phrase. 1. (general) a. voy a hacer la tarea. I am going to do homework in the park with a friend. - No, you have to do your homework at home.Voy a hacer la tarea en el parque con una amiga. - No, tienes que hacer la tarea en casa. b. voy a hacer los deberes.

  2. I'm going to do my homework in Spanish

    phrase. 1. (general) a. voy a hacer mi tarea. I will be in my room. Don't bother me because I'm going to do my homework.Estaré en mi cuarto. No me molestes porque voy a hacer mi tarea. b. voy a hacer mis deberes. I'm going to do my homework so that I can go out this weekend.

  3. I am going to do my homework in Spanish

    hom. -. wuhrk. ) phrase. 1. (general) a. voy a hacer mi tarea. I am going to do my homework before going out to play.Voy a hacer mi tarea antes de salir a jugar. b. voy a hacer los deberes.

  4. How to Say "Do Your Homework" in Spanish: Formal and Informal Ways

    Formal: "Por favor, realice su tarea antes de nuestra próxima reunión." (Please do your homework before our next meeting.) Formal: "Es importante cumplir con su tarea para el éxito en el curso." (It's important to fulfill your homework for success in the course.) Informal: "Haz tu tarea antes de salir a jugar." (Do your homework before going out to play.)

  5. How to Say "Do Homework" in Spanish

    Formal Ways to Say "Do Homework" If you need to express "do homework" in a formal context, such as when speaking to your teacher or addressing someone of authority, you can use the following phrases: "Hacer la tarea" - This is the most common and neutral way to say "do homework" in Spanish. It is widely understood throughout ...

  6. I'm going to do my homework in Spanish

    Translation of "I'm going to do my homework" into Spanish . voy a hacer mi tarea, voy a hacer mis deberes are the top translations of "I'm going to do my homework" into Spanish. Sample translated sentence: I'm going to do my homework as soon as I get home this afternoon. ↔ Voy a hacer mis deberes tan pronto como regrese a casa esta tarde.

  7. How to Say "My Homework" in Spanish: Formal and Informal Ways

    Here are some informal expressions for talking about your homework in Spanish: "Mi tarea" or "Mis deberes" - These phrases are commonly used in casual conversations and are interchangeable. "Mis deberes" can also translate to "my duties" or "my tasks," but in the context of homework, it is understood to mean "my homework ...

  8. homework

    The children have to do homework before they can go out to play. Los niños tienen que hacer deberes antes de salir a jugar. hacer la tarea loc verb : Los niños tienen que hacer la tarea antes de salir a jugar. hacer los deberes loc verb : Los niños tienen que hacer los deberes antes de salir a jugar. do your homework v expr: figurative ...

  9. I am going to do my homework in Spanish

    Voy a hacer la tarea a la tarde cuando llegue a casa. I am going to do my homework . Yo voy a hacer mi tarea . Anyway, you know I always do my homework when I am going to be out on Sunday. De todas formas, ya sabéis que siempre dejo mis deberes hechos cuando no voy a estar el domingo.

  10. Translation of "to do my homework" into Spanish

    Check 'to do my homework' translations into Spanish. Look through examples of to do my homework translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. ... I' m going to do my homework. Debo cumplir con mis deberes. opensubtitles2. I think it's time to do my homework. Creo que es hora de que haga mi tarea.

  11. I am going to do my homework

    wuhrk. ) frase. 1. (en general) a. voy a hacer mi tarea. I am going to do my homework before going out to play.Voy a hacer mi tarea antes de salir a jugar. b. voy a hacer los deberes. Where are you going, Mandy? - I'm going to do my homework.

  12. do homework

    do homework vtr + n. (do after-hours schoolwork) hacer deberes loc verb. The children have to do homework before they can go out to play. Los niños tienen que hacer deberes antes de salir a jugar. hacer la tarea loc verb. Los niños tienen que hacer la tarea antes de salir a jugar.

  13. Homework in Spanish

    wuhrk. ) noun. 1. (general) a. la tarea. You have to do all your homework to receive a good grade in the class.Tienes que hacer toda tu tarea para sacar una buena nota en la clase. b. los deberes. Our teacher assigned us homework over winter break.Nuestro maestro nos asignó deberes durante las vacaciones de invierno.

  14. Share Your Daily Routine in Spanish: A Vocabulary Guide

    Normally I do my homework and enjoy listening to music. 7. Hoy me voy a desvelar, tengo que trabajar. I'm staying up late tonight, I have to work. 8. Usualmente, me quedo dormida con la tele encendida. Usually, I fall asleep with the tv on. Listening to Spanish is key for improving your pronunciation and fluency.

  15. Spanish translation of 'homework'

    Spanish Translation of "HOMEWORK" | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary online. Over 100,000 Spanish translations of English words and phrases. ... Before you go near a stockbroker, do your homework. There are two reasons why I'm angry. Firstly you're late, and secondly, you've forgotten your homework. ...

  16. I do homework in Spanish

    I am going to do my homework. voy a hacer los deberes · voy a hacer mi tarea. I do homework after school. hago la tarea después de la escuela · hago los deberes después de la escuela. I do not like to do homework. no me gusta hacer deberes. I had to do my homework.

  17. How Do You Say 'Do Your Homework' In Spanish-Tarea

    http://www.maritzarichards.comHow Do You Say 'Do Your Homework' In SpanishLearn How Do You Say 'Do Your Homework' In SpanishBe able to tell someone 'Do Your ...

  18. homework

    Look up the English to Spanish translation of homework in the PONS online dictionary. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function.

  19. Do homework in Spanish

    wuhrk. ) phrase. 1. (general) a. hacer tarea. I can't go out because I have to do homework. No puedo salir porque tengo que hacer tarea. b. hacer deberes. They had to stay after school and do homework.Tuvieron que quedarse después de las clases y hacer deberes.

  20. do homework in Spanish

    Translation of "do homework" into Spanish . hacer deberes, hacer tarea are the top translations of "do homework" into Spanish. Sample translated sentence: But I got to go do homework, and I love you guys. ↔ Pero tengo que ir a hacer deberes, y os quiero chicos.

  21. do your homework

    do your homework - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions. ... Had you done / Did you do your homework before 5 pm [simple past; past perfect] - English Only forum ... Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks.

  22. Do your homework in Spanish

    a. hagan su tarea (plural) Do your homework, kids. And be nice to the babysitter.Hagan su tarea, niños. Y pórtense bien con la niñera. b. hagan sus deberes (plural) Girls, do your homework already.Niñas, hagan sus deberes de una vez. intransitive verb phrase. 3. (to complete one's homework) a. hacer la tarea.

  23. Translation of "I have to do my homework" into Spanish

    Translation of "I have to do my homework" into Spanish. tengo que hacer la tarea, tengo que hacer mi tarea, tengo que hacer mis deberes are the top translations of "I have to do my homework" into Spanish. Sample translated sentence: I'm not going out because I have to do my homework. ↔ No voy a salir porque tengo que hacer mi tarea.