ISC English Specimen Paper 2023 Class 12: CISCE English Sample Paper, Download PDF

English specimen paper class 12 isc: the council for the indian school certificate examinations (cisce) has released the specimen papers for the isc exams 2023. english is a vast subject in isc class 12 and has two components: english language and literature in english. read and download the isc english specimen paper 2023 for class 12 here..

Mudit Chhikara

ISC English Specimen Paper 2023 for Class 12: The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) has released the specimen papers for the upcoming higher secondary Indian School Certificate (ISC) examination 2023. The class 12th ISC exams are upon us, commencing from February 13. The time couldn’t be more apt to start solving specimen papers, especially for subjects like English (Code: 801), which are lengthy and descriptive. The English course in ISC Class 12 comprises two papers: English Language and Literature in English. The former emphasizes the application of English through comprehension, grammar and creative writing, while the latter focuses on analyzing poetry, play and stories. Solving ISC 12th English specimen papers becomes necessary as both papers are held in quick succession and are essential to ace for all students as English is compulsory and one of the most important subjects in ISC Class 12. The ISC Class 12 English specimen paper also helps students manage anxiety and provides an idea of the exam blueprint, marks distribution, type of questions, and difficulty level asked in the final exam. Check here the ISC English Specimen Paper Class 12 and download the pdf for both English Language and Literature in English specimen papers.

ISC Class 12 English Specimen Paper 2023

  • The ISC Board class 12 English course consists of two papers of  80 marks and a duration of three hours each.
  • The questions will be of both objective and descriptive type.
  • 15 minutes of reading time will be provided and writing answers will be prohibited during this period.
  • Literature in English paper will have two sections A and B. Both sections will be compulsory for all students.
  • English Language paper will feature four questions of 20 marks each.
  • Internals choice between questions will only be provided in Paper 2.
  • Crossing the word limit while writing answers will be penalized.

Related: ISC Class 12 English Syllabus 2023

Paper 1: ISC English Language Specimen Paper for Class 12

Write a composition (in approximately 400 – 450 words) on any one of the following subjects:

(You are reminded that you will be rewarded for orderly and coherent presentation of matter, use of appropriate style and general accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar.) [20]

(i) Last year, you visited your grandparents. There, you participated in a local festival. Describe the way people were dressed, the different cultural events and the food sold in the stalls. What were your feelings as you returned from the festivities?

(ii) While you were at home during the lockdown due to the pandemic, an exciting event took place that turned you into a local hero. Narrate the incident.

(iii) Advertisements should only present the truth. Argue for or against this idea.

(v) ‘Be the change you want to see.’ Present your reflections on this statement.

(vi) Write an original short story that begins with the following words.:

He stood still in the kitchen, wondering what to do, when…

(i) You are the Head Boy/ Head Girl of The XYZ School and you have been asked to give a speech at the morning assembly on the topic – Waste Not, Want Not. Use the following guidelines to write the speech:

Greeting and address to the gathering—importance of resources—careful use of food—careful use of money—conserving electricity—preserving the environment for the next generation. [15]

(ii) As the President of the Student Council of The XYZ School, you have been asked to organise a food festival. The proceeds from the sale will be donated to an animal shelter nearby. Write a proposal in not more than 150 words, outlining the steps you would take to make this event a success. [10]

Answer sections (i), (ii) and (iii).

(i) In each of the following items, sentence I is complete, while sentence II is not. Complete sentence II, making it as similar as possible to sentence I. Write sentence II in each case. [5]

(z) (I) The heavy showers of rain revived the plants

(II) The plants……..………………………………

Answer: (z) The plants were revived by the heavy showers of rain.

(a) (I) They are repairing my piano at the moment.

(II) My ……………………………………….

(b) (I) If you do not reach the theatre early, you will not get a good seat.

(II) Unless ……………………………………

(c) (I) There were many obstacles, yet she succeeded in her mission.

(II) Although …………………………………

(d) (I) Chocolate cake is the best dessert I have ever eaten.

(II) No ………………………………………..

(e) (I) Scarcely did the famous store open when they all rushed in.

(II) As soon as ………………………………..

(ii) Fill in each blank with a suitable word. (Do not write the sentence.) [5]

(a) She decided not to give _________ to the pressure.

(b) The teacher asked me to give _________ the worksheets.

(c) The young man set _______ his own business.

(d) The CEO set ________ the rules on the very first day of the year.

(e) When his friends come home, he puts ______ a fake accent. 

(f) Do not put ________ for tomorrow what you can do today.

(g) She advised me not to look __________ on what had already happened.

(h) If you look ________ it carefully, you can see the mark.

(i) Go __________ the document carefully before you sign it.

(j) The price of gold is not likely to go _________ anytime soon.

(iii) Fill in the blanks in the passage given below with the appropriate form of the verb given in brackets. Do not write the passage but write the verbs in the correct order. [5]

As the highway policeman was _________ (1) (watch), he _________ (2) (notice) a car inching along really slowly. Thinking that an extremely slow car is as dangerous as a speeding one, he _______ (3) (pull) the car aside. He _________ (4) (approach) it and noticed that there were five old ladies, two in the front and three at the back, looking wide eyed and white as ghosts. The lady who had been _________ (5) (drive) said, “Officer, I was not speeding. Why did you pull me up?"

The officer ________ (6) (reply) that going below the speed limit was also dangerous for other drivers.

“Slower than the speed limit? No sir, I was ________(7) (do) exactly twenty-two miles per hour!” the old woman ________ (8) (say) proudly, pointing to a board.

The officer chuckled and said, “Ma’am, that’s the route number, not the speed limit.”

A bit embarrassed, the woman smiled and ___________ (9) (thank) the officer for pointing out the error. As she started the car, the officer said, “Before I let you go, I must ask, are these other ladies ok? They seem to be a bit shaken and have not ____________ (10) (utter) a word.”

“Oh, they’ll be alright in a bit. We just got off route 119.”

Read the passage given below and answer the questions (i), (ii) and (iii) that follow:

(1) Mrs. Knight’s school, to which Katy Carr went, was a low, one-storey building, and had a yard behind it, in which the girls played at recess. Next door to it was Miss Miller’s school, equally large and popular, and with a yard behind it also. Only a high board fence separated the two playgrounds; and a feud raged constantly between the two schools as to the several merits of the respective teachers and their methods of teaching.

(2) Mrs. Knight’s had one great advantage over the other; it possessed a wood-shed with a climbable roof, which commanded Miss Miller’s premises, and upon this roof the girls used to sit in rows, turning up their noses at the foe in the next yard.

(3) One morning, Katy was late for school. She could not find her things. Her algebra, as she expressed it, had “gone and lost itself” and the string was off her sun-hat. She ran about searching for these articles and banging doors, till Aunt Izzie was out of patience.

(4) “As for your algebra,” she said, “if it is that very dirty book with only one cover, you will find it under the kitchen table; and here is the hat-string. Now, stand still and don’t fidget! You shan’t stir till I have sewed it on properly.”

(5) It was not easy to do so, but Katy bore it as well as she could, only shifting perpetually from one foot to the other. The minute she was released, she flew into the kitchen, seized the algebra, and rushed like a whirlwind to the school.

(6) She ran as fast as she could, but time ran faster, and before she was half-way there, the town clock struck nine, and all hope was lost. She marched into school in a very cross mood.

(7) A day begun in this manner is pretty sure to end badly, as most of us know. All the morning through, things seemed to go wrong. Firstly, Katy made errors in her grammar lessons. Then her hand shook so much when she wrote her composition, that the writing could hardly be read and Mrs. Knight said that she had to do it all over again. This made Katy crosser than ever; the tears came into her eyes from vexation, and she made a bolt for the yard as soon as the bell rang, climbing up all alone to the wood-house roof, where she sat with her back to the school, trying to get her face in order before the rest should come.

(8) Miss Miller’s clock was about four minutes slower than Mrs. Knight’s, so the next playground was empty. It was a warm, breezy day, and as Katy sat there, suddenly a gust of wind blew, and seizing her sun-hat, which was only half tied on, whirled it across the roof. She clutched after it as it flew, but too late. Once, twice, thrice it flapped and Katy saw it lying in a crumpled little heap in the enemy’s yard.

(9) This was horrible! Not merely losing the hat, but to lose it so! In another minute, the Miller girls would be out. Was it to be endured? Never! Katy set her teeth, and sliding rapidly down the roof, seized the fence, and with one bold leap, vaulted into Miss Miller’s yard.

Adapted from: What Katy Did By Susan Coolidge

(i) (a) Given below are three words and phrases. Find the words which have a similar meaning in the passage: [3]

(1) Break time

(2) Prolonged quarrel or dispute

(3) A feeling of being annoyed

(b) For each of the words given below, write a sentence of at least ten words using the same word unchanged in form, but with a different meaning from that which it carries in the passage: [3]

(1) cross (line 22)

(2) bolt (line 28)

(3) school (line 29)

(ii) Answer the following questions in your own words as briefly as possible:

(a) Explain the phrase, ‘turning up their noses’. State how this feeling is brought out in the passage. [2]

(b) Describe the uniqueness of Katy Carr’s school. [2]

(c) What made Katy late to school one day? [2]

(d) How did Aunt Izzie help her out? Explain whether this served the purpose. [2]

(iii) Summarise all the things that went wrong for Katy in school, ultimately forcing her to jump into Miss Miller’s playground (paragraphs 6 to 9). You are required to write the summary in the form of a connected passage in about 100 words. Failure to keep within the word limit will be penalised. [6]

Paper 2: ISC Literature in English Specimen Paper for Class 12


Choose the correct options for the following questions:  [10]

(i) What is Ferdinand doing at the beginning of Act III Scene I?

(a) Cursing Prospero.

(b) Gathering wood.

(c) Planning to escape.

(d) Sighing deeply.

(ii) What is Ferdinand willing to become for Miranda in Act III Scene I?

(a) King of Naples.

(b) A patient log man.

(c) Her beloved.

(d) A traitor to Prospero.

(iii) In the masque scene, whom does Iris tell Ceres not to be afraid of?

(iv) Where had Ariel confined the “three men of sin” in the beginning of Act V?

(a) In Caliban’s cave.

(b) In the wrecked ship.

(c) In the line-grove.

(d) In Prospero’s cave.

(v) What are we told about Louise Mallard right at the beginning of the short story, The Story of an Hour?

(a) She is proud.

(b) She is lonely.

(c) She has a weak heart.

(d) She cannot tolerate noise.

(vi) In the short story, To Build a Fire, who advises the Man not to travel alone in the cold weather?

(a) The old timer at Sulphur Creek.

(b) His mates.

(c) Another traveller.

(d) His dog.

(vii) In the short story, The Singing Lesson, what did Mary Beazley give Miss Meadows as the latter entered the music hall?

(a) Her music books.

(b) A yellow rose.

(c) A yellow chrysanthemum.

(d) A letter from Basil.

(viii) In the poem, Crossing the Bar, which voyage is the poet referring to?

(a) A voyage of discovery.

(b) The voyage from life to death.

(c) The voyage of self-discovery.

(d) The voyage of the imagination.

(ix) What does the word “coppice” mean in the poem The Darkling Thrush?

(a) Grassland

(b) Dense Forest

(x) In the poem We are the Music Makers, where are the creative people usually found?

(a) Palaces.

(b) In crowded cities.

(c) Near streams and sea- breakers.

(d) Markets.

Complete the following sentences by providing a reason for each: [10]

(i) In Act III Scene I of The Tempest, Miranda disobeyed her father and crept out to meet Ferdinand because ______________________________.

(ii) At the end of Act III of The Tempest, Prospero is not surprised at the love that has bloomed between Miranda and Ferdinand because ____________________.

(iii) In Act III Scene II of The Tempest, Caliban is annoyed with Trinculo because ______________________________.

(iv) In Act V of The Tempest, Prospero embraces Alonso because ______________.

(v) In the short story, To Build a Fire, the man carried his lunch wrapped in a handkerchief, next to his skin because ______________________________.

(vi) In the short story The Story of an Hour, Richards hurried to give the news of Bently Mallard’s death to Mrs. Mallard because _________________________.

(vii) In the short story, The Sound Machine, Mrs. Saunders turned and ran up the garden into her house because ______________________________.

(viii) In the poem, The Darkling Thrush, all humankind had sought their household fires because ______________________________.

(ix) In the poem, Birches, the poet often dreams of going back to his childhood because ______________________________.

(x) In the poem, We are the Music Makers, the poet declares that music makers are considered failures because ______________________________.


The Tempest: William Shakespeare

(i) Referring closely to Act IV of the play, explain why Prospero ends the masque suddenly? What does he tell Ferdinand about the impermanence of the world? [5]

(ii) With close reference to Act III Scene II of the play, describe the plot that Caliban hatches to murder Prospero. [5]

(a) Referring closely to the masque presented by Prospero for Ferdinand and Miranda, explain the purpose of the masque. [10]

(b) Referring closely to the interaction between Prospero and Alonso in Act V of the play, describe the changes that you notice in both these characters. [10]


(i) Referring closely to the short story The Sound Machine, describe the events that occurred when Klausner went to the park with his sound machine. [5]

(ii) Describe the interaction between Miss Meadows and the Science Mistress in the short story The Singing Lesson. Comment on the behaviour of Miss Meadows. [5]

(a) What do you conclude about the struggles and challenges faced by women from the short story, The Story of an Hour? [10]

(b) The cold becomes a character in the short story, To Build a Fire. Do you agree? Give your views by referring to the story. [10]

(i) In the poem, Crossing the Bar, discuss why the thought of death poses no fear for the poet. [5]

(ii) Music makers are change makers. How is this conveyed in the poem We are the Music Makers? [5]

(a) How does the poet resolve the crisis in his mind in the poem The Darkling Thrush? What are his thoughts at the end of the poem? [10]

(b) Dover Beach combines beautiful natural description with a commentary on the contemporary situation. Discuss. [10]

ISC Specimen Paper 2023

Also Read: ISC Class 12 Syllabus 2023

Also Read: ICSE Syllabus 2023

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  • How to Download ISC English Specimen Paper for Class 12? + The ISC English specimen paper for class 12 is available for download on the official website of the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE): You can also view and download the ISC class 12 English specimen paper pdf for both English Language and Literature in English at Jagran Josh.
  • What is the Syllabus of English in Class 12 ISC? + English subject has two components in ISC Class 12: English Language and Literature in English. Both are compulsory for all students and have different syllabuses. Paper 1: English Language focuses on grammar, comprehension, and creative writing, while Paper 2: Literature in English emphasizes on analysis of poetry, plays and prose.
  • Is ISC English Sample Paper for Class 12 helpful for the CISCE Board Exam? + Sample papers give students an idea about the exam blueprint and marks distribution. This is helpful to prepare for the exams as you learn how to manage time, how much to write, and what and what not to write, depending on the marks and word limit.
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ISC Class 12 English Paper 1 (Language) – Specimen for Proposal Writing Sample Paper

essay topics class 12 isc

ISC English Paper 1 (Language) – Specimen for Proposal Writing Specimen Paper has been released by CISCE.  The ISC class 12 specimen paper for the English Paper 1 (Language) – Specimen for Proposal Writing subject is based on the revised Kannada syllabus.

  • 1.1 ISC English Paper 1 (Language) – Specimen for Proposal Writing Specimen Paper 2023 PDF
  • 1.2 Benefits of Solving ICSE Sample Papers for Class 12
  • 1.3 ISC Specimen Papers
  • 1.4 CISCE Board Sample Question Papers
  • 1.5 ISC English Paper 1 (Language) – Specimen for Proposal Writing Specimen Paper – An Overview

ISC Class 12 Sample Paper for English Paper 1 (Language) – Specimen for Proposal Writing

These Sample Papers cover important concepts from an examination perspective. For more information regarding ISC Class 12 English Paper 1 (Language) – Specimen for Proposal Writing Sample Paper, students can check below.

ISC English Paper 1 (Language) – Specimen for Proposal Writing Specimen Paper 2023 PDF

The PDF format sample paper for CISCE class 12 English Paper 1 (Language) – Specimen for Proposal Writingexam is as follows.

ISC Class 12 English Paper 1 (Language) - Specimen for Proposal Writing - Page 1

Benefits of Solving ICSE Sample Papers for Class 12

Solving ICSE sample papers for Class 10 can have several benefits, including:

  • Familiarizing oneself with the format and structure of the actual exam
  • Identifying one’s strengths and weaknesses in terms of subject knowledge
  • Improving time management and test-taking skills
  • Gaining a better understanding of the weightage of different topics in the exam
  • Helping to identify areas that require more focus and study
  • Enhancing the chance of performing well in the actual exam.

ISC Specimen Papers

  • Business Studies
  • Biotechnology
  • Computer Science
  • English Paper 1 (Language) – Specimen for Proposal Writing
  • English Literature (English Paper-2)
  • Home Science
  • Mass Media and Communication
  • Mathematics
  • Hospitality Management
  • Legal Studies
  • Elective English
  • Political Science
  • Fashion Designing
  • Electricity & Electronics
  • Geometrical & Mechanical Drawing
  • Geometrical and Building Drawing
  • Indian Music
  • Indian Music (Carnatic)
  • Western Music
  • Physical Education
  • Environmental Science
  • Modern Armenian

CISCE Board Sample Question Papers

  • ICSE Class 9 Sample Papers
  • ICSE Class 10 Sample Papers
  • ISC Class 11 Sample Papers
  • ISC Class 12 Sample Papers

ISC English Paper 1 (Language) – Specimen for Proposal Writing Specimen Paper – An Overview

The key highlights of the sample paper are as follows.

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 –: Select Subject :–

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  • ISC Previous Year Question Papers for Class 12 English


Previous Years’ Question Papers for ISC Class 12 English - Free PDF Solutions

Free PDF Download of ISC Class 12 English previous years’ question papers with solutions solved by expert teachers on Students can score more marks in their Board examinations by practicing Class 12 English question papers with solutions. They can now download the ISC Previous years’ question papers for class 12 English and score better in their next English exam. With detailed sections covering all topics, these papers are surely a way for students to understand the kinds of questions asked in the exam and prepare accordingly in a very short period of time. 

English is definitely not something that a student can ignore in their life. With clear basics and the right strategy to approach the subject, English can definitely be a high-scoring subject for students.

These question papers can be used as a great revision resource, or a practice tool to simply put one’s knowledge to the test. By using these papers for mock tests, or by simply cherry-picking the questions based on the topics being studied and discussed, it gets easier for everyone as the habit of solving keeps on developing. Strictly following the actual exam patterns, students can get a better sense of what is left in their preparation and which topics or chapters require their focus. Links to these papers are given below and can be accessed by simply clicking on them. 

Previous Year Question Paper for ISC Class 12 English


Benefits of Using ISC Previous Year’s Question Papers

ISC Previous Years’ question papers for English give students a clear idea of what it feels like to actually take their final tests. By using these papers students can:

1. Understand the pattern of their final exams

2. Work on their time management skills while writing the paper

3. Grasp important topics and concepts by understanding the repeating question  patterns in the previous year’s questions 

4. Improve comprehension skills and get better at solving questions that follow 

5. Ease their exam anxiety and be fully prepared on the day of the final exam

By solving the previous years’ question papers of ISC Class 12 English, the students will gain a deep understanding of the subject from an examination point-of-view. They will be able to take the test with confidence and score well.


FAQs on ISC Previous Year Question Papers for Class 12 English

1. How many English question papers should a student solve before the exam?

It is advisable to solve as many previous years’ papers as possible to make sure that there are absolutely no gaps in your learning. The more you practice, the better you will get at solving and scoring more in exams. Use these papers multiple times or use several others that Vedantu has to offer to boost your confidence so that the day of the exam feels like a walk in the park!

2.  Is scoring in ISC Class 12 English tough?

A very common thing observed in students these days is that although they can speak and communicate well in English, their test results say otherwise. The reason for this is pretty simple and clear: most students do not know how to answer questions in their tests. This is why it is so important to solve the previous years’ question papers. In order to know and understand what is being asked, students need to solve papers, observe questions and understand the basic concepts to finally put their skills to work.

3. Is English really that important for Class 12 students?

English is definitely one of the most important subjects for Class 12 students. It requires important comprehension skills to not only put your knowledge to the test but also to get better at your communication skills. There is no denying the fact that good communication skills help everyone in the long run. They help you to get better at being more expressive and articulate your thoughts clearly. Therefore, English is not something that should be overlooked and deserves to be practised and prepared for like every other subject in your curriculum.

4.  How do I improve my English grammar in Class 12?

Grammar can definitely be a bugbear for many students. Everyone has a story where they messed up a great conversation or missed out on marks in their exam because of grammar. Mastering grammar requires the right teaching. Luckily, with Vedantu, learning grammar is easy. With our brilliant teachers who break down concepts into smaller sections to ensure the best learning, every subject, including English grammar becomes easier. Visit the website or our app to improve your concepts and become a grammar genius with Vedantu!


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ISC Class 12 Exam Pattern 2023-24 (Out), Topic-Wise Weightage, Marking Scheme, Preparation Tips

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ISC Class 12 Exam Pattern 2023-24 Out, Check Latest Updates

ISC Class 12 Exam Pattern 2023-24 has been released on the official website CISCE has introduced some changes in ISC Class 12 Exam Pattern 2024. Students can check ISC New Pattern 2024 in this article. 

As per the new pattern, there will be an increase in questions based on understanding and critical thinking in ISC Class 12 Exams 2024 . The changes in the question paper pattern are introduced in accordance with NEP 2020. 

  • From 2024 onwards, ISC Class 12 Question Paper will contain HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills) and critical analysis questions.
  • CISCE has advised schools to also include these types of questions in regular assessments.

However, the board has not announced any changes in the marking scheme and ISC Class 12 Syllabus 2023-24 . The total marks for each subject will be 100. Depending upon the subject, the total marks will be further divided into theory and project/practical work. Students will get 3 hours to write the exam. 

In ISC Class 12, students must score at least 35% marks to be declared pass. They must pass in each subject as well as in aggregate to obtain the pass certificate. Candidates who fail in any subject in Class 12 can appear for ISC Class 12 Compartment Exams . Only students who pass English and any other two subjects can take compartment exams. 

ISC Class 12 Exam Pattern 2023-24: Highlights

The table below contains key highlights of ISC Class 12 Exam Pattern 2023-24:

Exam Name ISC Class 12 Exams 2024
Mode of Examination Offline
Duration of Exam 3 Hours
Types of Questions Subjective-type Questions
Medium of Questions English (for the academic subjects)
Maximum Marks for a Subject 100
Passing Marks 35%

ISC Class 12 Exam Pattern 2023-24: Group Distribution

Subjects in ISC Class 12 are categorized into various groups depending upon the marks distribution:

Groups Subjects
Group I (80% marks external exam + 20% marks internal exam) Second Language (one/two)
History, Civics, Geography
Group II (80% marks external exam + 20% marks internal exam) ​Commercial Studies
Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)
Environmental Science
Classical Language
Modern Foreign Language
Group III (50% marks external exam + 50% marks internal exam) Arts
Performing Arts
Computer Applications
Economic Applications
Commercial Applications
Fashion Designing
Physical Education
Home Science
Modern Foreign Language
Technical Drawing Applications
Environmental Applications

Students can choose subjects from these 3 groups as per the conditions below:

  • Group I contains 4 compulsory subjects.
  • Group II allows choosing 2 optional subjects.
  • Group III allows students to choose additional optional subjects.

Candidates need to choose optional subjects during their ISC Class 12 Registration . No change in the subject will occur after registration.

ISC Class 12 Exam Pattern 2023-24: Marks Distribution

Students appearing for ISC Class 12 Exams 2024 can choose 4 or 5 subjects apart from English. English is a compulsory subject in class 12. Including English, students cannot appear for more than 6 subjects. 

The subject-wise marks distribution as per ISC Class 12 Exam Pattern 2023-24 is tabulated below:

English English Language 100
Literature in English 100
Maths Theory 80
Project Work 20
Physics Theory 70
Practical 15
Project Work 10
Practical File 05
Chemistry Theory 70
Practical 15
Project Work 10
Practical File 05
Biology Theory 70
Practical 15
Project Work 10
Practical File 05
Commerce Theory 80
Project Work 20
Accounts Theory 80
Project Work 20
Economics Theory 80
Project Work 20
History Theory 80
Project Work 20
Geography Theory 70
Practical and Project Work 30

Check ISC Time Table 2024

ISC Class 12 Exam Pattern 2023-24 Subject-Wise

Students can check subject-wise ISC Class 12 Exam Pattern 2023-24 below.

ISC Class 12 English Exam Pattern

There are two papers for ISC Class 12 English – English Language and Literature in English. The exam pattern for each paper is given below:

Theory Paper (80 Marks) Section 1 20 Marks
Section 2 25 Marks
Section 3 15 Marks
Section 4 20 Marks
Project Work (20 Marks) Section 1 10 Marks
Section 2 10 Marks

ISC Class 12 Maths Exam Pattern

The question paper pattern for ISC Class 12 Maths is as follows:

Paper I (Theory Paper – 80 Marks) Section A 65 Marks
Section B OR Section C 15 Marks
Paper II (Project Work – 20 Marks) Section A (one project) 10 Marks
Section B or Section C (one project) 10 Marks

You can also check topic-wise marks distribution for ISC Class 12 Maths below:

S.No. Unit Name Marks
1. Relations and Functions 10
2. Algebra 10
3. Calculus 32
4. Probability 13
5. Vectors 05
6. Three-Dimensional Geometry 06
7. Applications of Integrals 04
8. Application of Calculus 05
9. Linear Regression 06
10. Linear Programming 04

ISC Class 12 Chemistry Exam Pattern

The marks distribution for ISC Class 12 Chemistry exam is tabulated below:

Paper I (Theory Paper – 70 Marks) Physical Chemistry 25 Marks
Inorganic Chemistry 14 Marks
Organic Chemistry 31 Marks
Paper II (Project Work – 30 Marks) Practical 15 Marks
Project Work 10 Marks
Practical File 05 Marks

Check the unit-wise marks weightage for ISC Class 12 Chemistry paper below:

S.No. Unit Name Marks
1. Solutions 25
2. Electrochemistry
3. Chemical Kinetics
4. d- and f-Block Elements 14
5. Coordination Compounds
6. Haloalkanes and Haloarenes 31
7. Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers
8. Aldehydes, Ketones, and Carboxylic Acids
9. Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
10. Biomolecules

ISC Class 12 Physics Exam Pattern

The table below contains ISC Class 12 Physics Exam Pattern 2023-24:

Paper I (Theory Paper – 70 Marks) No further sections 70 Marks
Paper II (Project Work – 30 Marks) Practical 15 Marks
Project Work 10 Marks
Practical File 05 Marks

Check unit-wise marks weightage for ISC Class 12 Physics paper below:

S.No. Unit Marks
1. Electrostatics 15
2. Current Electricity
3. Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism 16
4. Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
5. Electromagnetic Waves 02
6. Optics 18
7. Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter 12
8. Atoms and Nuclei
9. Electronic Devices 07

ISC Class 12 Biology Exam Pattern

The total marks for Biology exam are 100 divided as follows:

The table below contains unit-wise marks distribution for ISC Class 12 Biology paper:

S.No. Unit Marks
1. Reproduction 16
2. Genetics and Evolution 15
3. Biology and Human Welfare 14
4. Biotechnology and its Applications 10
5. Ecology and Environment 15

ISC Class 12 History Exam Pattern

The question paper pattern for ISC Class 12 History is as follows:

Theory Paper Section A – Indian History 20 Marks
Section B – World History 60 Marks
Project Work One project work 20 Marks

ISC Class 12 Grading System 2024

The grading system for ISC Class 12 Exam is a nine-numbered grading scale, where 9 is the lowest and 1 is the highest. Students have to secure 7 which is the minimum passing grade to get the passing certificate. Only Grades 1 to 7 are recorded on certificates. The interpretation of the grades is as follows:

External Examination

The grading system for the external exams is tabulated below:

1 2 Very Good
3 4 Credit
6 7 Pass
8 9 Fail

Internal Assessment

The internal assessment is calculated based on the performance of SUPW and COMMUNITY SERVICE. SUPW stands for Socially Useful Productive Work, of which Grade A is the highest and Grade E is the lowest. Only Grades A to D are recorded in certificates. The interpretation of the grades is as follows.

A Very Good
B Good
C Satisfactory
D Fair
E Fail

ISC Class 12 Exams 2024: Preparation Tips

Students can check some tips to prepare for their ISC Class 12 Exams 2024 below:

  • Make a schedule to follow: One of the most important things about class 12 th  preparation is the study schedule to finish the syllabus at least a couple of months before the exams. Students should make a proper study schedule for the exams. 
  • Go through the syllabus:  Candidates must go through the syllabus of all subjects to understand the chapter-wise weightage and important topics.
  • Reduce stress: Stress can disturb your exam preparation. To reduce stress, stay calm, and do exercises for mental and physical health.
  • Tips for Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry: Make a list of formulae, physics derivations, and experiments and revise the same. Practice numerical problems from sample papers.
  • Previous Years’ Papers: Solve the previous years’ question papers or practice papers. Analyze your answers to know your mistakes and weak areas. 

Check ISC Class 12 Specimen Papers 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Ques. When will ISC Class 12 Exam 2024 be conducted?

Ans.  ISC class 12 exams will be conducted from February 12 to April 3, 2024. 

Ques. How many marks are carried by the practical exam in ISC Class 12 Exams 2024?

Ans.  The practical exam for a subject will be conducted for 30 marks. Candidates have to visit the school to perform the lab activities as a part of their practical exam.

Ques. What will be the maximum marks for a subject as per the latest ISC Class 12 Exam Pattern 2023-24?

Ans.  There is no change in the maximum marks for any subject or the overall marks. A total of 100 marks have been allotted for each subject of which 30% marks will be allotted to practical exams and internal assessments. For some subjects, the theory paper will carry 80% weightage while 20% of marks will be for practical exams. 

Ques. What are the minimum passing marks for ISC Class 12 Exams 2024?

Ans.  The minimum marks required to pass ISC Class 12 Exam is 33% in every subject and 33% aggregate marks. If any candidate secures 33% aggregate marks but below 33% in a subject then he/she has to appear for the compartmental examination for that particular subject.

Ques. What will be the mode of exam for ISC Class 12 2024?

Ans.  ISC 12 th  board exams will be conducted in offline mode. 

* The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

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Proposal Writing Class 12 Isc Examples Format, Topics, Exercises

A proposal is a formal request for a specific action or a project, usually submitted to an individual or an organization. Proposal writing is a critical skill that requires an understanding of the format, style, and tone. In this article, we will discuss proposal writing in Class 12 ISC, including examples, formats, topics, and exercises to help you improve your proposal writing skills.

The Components Of A Proposal Writing Class 12 Isc Examples:

An offer generally includes the ensuing rudiments

1. Cover Letter A brief preface that explains the offer’s thing and highlights the crucial rudiments. 2. Title runner The title of the offer, the author’s name, and the submission date. 3. Abstract A offers an overview outlining the problem, proposed remedy, and prognosticated outgrowth. 4. preface A summary of the problem and suggested result, as well as a brief explanation of the design’s applicability. 5. Background A thorough overview of the problem, including its history, current state, and environment. 6. objects The design’s particular points, as well as the anticipated issues. 7. Methodology The styles and procedures proposed to attain the objects. 8. Budget A complete budget outlining the design’s costs and charges. 9. Timeline A schedule that specifies the design’s anticipated timeline, including mileposts and deliverables. 10. Conclusion A summary of the offer that emphasizes the design’s significance and implicit benefits.

Also Read: Proposal Writing Class 11 ISC Examples

The Format Of A Proposal Writing Class 12 Isc Examples:

In Class 12 ISC, the format of a proposal follows the standard components outlined above. However, the word count and the level of detail may vary depending on the requirements of the teacher or the examination board. Students are typically required to write proposals of 800-1000 words, although this may vary.

Proposal Writing Class 12 Isc Examples:

The topics for proposals in Class 12 ISC may vary depending on the curriculum or the teacher’s preference. However, some common topics include:

1. Addressing the issue of plastic pollution in our community. 2. Implementing a recycling program in our school. 3. Developing a community garden to promote healthy eating. 4. Providing access to clean water in a rural area. 5. Building a playground for children in an underprivileged area. 6. Creating a mentorship program for at-risk youth. 7. Establishing a literacy program for adults. 8. Promoting mental health awareness in our community.

Exercises For Improving Proposal Writing Class 12 Isc Examples:

To improve proposal writing skills, students can engage in various exercises, such as:

1. Researching and analyzing different proposal formats and styles. 2. Critiquing and revising sample proposals. 3. Brainstorming and outlining proposals on different topics. 4. Collaborating with peers to review and edit proposals. 5. Presenting proposals to a mock audience for feedback.

Conclusion On Proposal Writing Class 12 Isc Examples:

Proposal writing is a critical skill that students in Class 12 ISC must master. By understanding the format, style, and tone of a proposal, students can improve their critical thinking, research, and writing skills. Moreover, by practicing proposal writing exercises and exploring different topics, students can develop their creativity and broaden their perspectives.


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ISC Class 12 Compartment Exam 2022

ISC Timetable for Class 12 2023

ISC Timetable for Class 12 2023

ISC Class 12 Previous Year Question Papers: Download PDFs

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ISC Class 12 Syllabus: Download Chapter-wise PDFs

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ISC Class 12 Model Question Papers 2023

ISC Class 12 Model Question Papers 2023

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ISC Board Class 12 Study Material 2023

ISC Board Class 12 Study Material 2023

ISC Board Class 12 Solutions: Access ICSE Class 12 Papers With Solutions

ISC Board Class 12 Solutions: Access ICSE Class 12 Papers With Solutions

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  • entrance exams
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  • Written By Anjali Choudhury
  • Last Modified 27-03-2024

12th ICSE Topics

Remember the time when kindergarten was a time to play around? Now, students look back to that time and wonder how to make learning fun and interesting like before. However, ICSE Board challenges students to think outside the box by providing extensive coverage of the topics. But with approximately 1 lakh students taking the 12th ICSE exams, one may be left wondering how to stay ahead of the competition.  

Therefore, students need to have a systematic way to study to ace the exams. We are well aware that studying for exams is not a joyful experience. However, with Embibe, learning becomes enjoyable as it improves memory. Here, we have handpicked the important topics for the students to help them score higher marks. Scroll down to learn more.

Important Topics for 12th ICSE

To assist students in achieving their goals, we have put together the important topics from the ICSE reduced syllabus 2023 Class 12. It will help them narrow down the content and demonstrate a great understanding. These are intended to provide students with good knowledge of the ICSE Class 12 exam pattern and the topics with the highest weightage. 

ICSE Class 12 Exam Important Topics for Mathematics

Students must practice the questions from the ICSE Class 10 Maths important topics to ace the exams with flying colours. Check the table below to know the important topics present in different chapters of the 12th ICSE.

1 Types of RelationsTypes of Functions
2 Properties of Inverse Trigonometric Functions.
3 Properties of Determinants
4 Types of MatricesOperations on Matrices
5 DeterminantArea of a Triangle

To learn more about the important topics in Maths, click here .

ICSE Class 12 Exam Important Topics for Physics

Questions related to ICSE Class 12 Physics can be tricky. Therefore, we provide a basic understanding of all the important topics in 12th ICSE to help students achieve their desired results:

1 Coulomb’s Law Forces 
2 Electrostatic Potential
3 Ohm’s law electrical Energy
4 Biot-Savart Law
Ampere’s Circuital Law
5 Magnetism and Gauss’s Law

For more information regarding important topics in Physics, click here .

ICSE Class 12 Exam Important Topics for Chemistry

Students learn about chemistry in their everyday life and get to enhance their knowledge. Refer to the table below to get to know about the important topics covered in 12th ICSE Chemistry:

1 Amorphous and Crystalline Solids
2 Expressing Concentration of Solutions
3 Electrochemical CellsGalvanic Cells
4 Rate of a Chemical Reaction
5 AdsorptionCatalysis

If you want to know what all important topics are included in other chapters, click here .

ICSE Class 12 Exam Important Topics for Biology

Students must go through the Biology important topics and practice questions from them to test their knowledge. The important topics for ICSE Class 12 Biology are tabulated below for reference:

1 Asexual ReproductionSexual Reproduction
2 Post-fertilisation: Structures and Events
3 The Male Reproductive SystemThe Female Reproductive System
4 Reproductive Health – Problems 
5 Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance

To know what all important topics are included in the Biology syllabus, click here .

FAQs on 12th ICSE Topics

Ans: The ICSE Class 12 exams will tentatively begin by March or April 2023.

Ans: No, the syllabi for CBSE and ICSE Class 12 are different and have different topics.

Ans: Yes, Embibe offers study materials like books with solutions, 3D videos, practice questions, previous year’s papers, mock tests, and much more online.

Ans: Yes, students can attempt the mock tests created by subject matter experts at Embibe to test their knowledge.

Ans: Students must refer to ICSE Class 12 important topics at Embibe to gain benefit during exam preparation. It will help students score higher marks and understand the topics better.

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Narrative Essay

August 19, 2020 by sastry

Narrative Essay: A narrative essay is a composition written about a personal experience, real or imaginary. Whenever someone recounts an event or tells a story, he or she is using narration. A narrative essay may be entertaining or informative.

Looking for an easy way to Learning of  English Grammar Exercises for Class 9 ICSE . You have to learn basic English Grammer topics like Tenses, Verbs, Nouns, etc… In this article, we will review the best English Grammer Topics and compare them against each other.

The Narrative Essay

  • Is told from a particular point of view
  • Makes and supports a point
  • Is filled with precise details
  • Uses vivid verbs and modifiers
  • Uses conflict and sequence as does any story
  • May use dialogue

Areas of Narrative Composition

  • Historical events or legends, e.g., the Reign of the East India Company, the Story of Meera Bai, etc.
  • Biographies, e.g., Life History of Gandhiji, Shivaji, etc.
  • Incidents, e.g., a building on fire, celebration, a street quarrel, a festival, etc.
  • Some accidents or natural disasters or calamities, e.g., Tsunami, earthquake, flood, drought, ship-wreck, etc.
  • Journeys or voyages; a real or imaginary story.
  • Visits to places of interest.

Guidelines 1. The order will be a beginning, middle and an end. Keep this order while narrating. Chronological arrangement is essential. 2. The beginning must be impressive and arresting. It may be through some action, or with unusual details, or with a dialogue. 3. You may use specific selection of anecdotes, humorous quotes, or dialogues in your narration. 4. The characters if any, should be clearly etched so that the reader is able to visualize them. 5. The scene or the setting should be well defined. 6. Long, irrelevant and uninteresting details should be eliminated. 7. Narrative essays are normally written in first person. 8. A definite conclusion has to be reached. The reader should not feel that you are ending your composition just because you cannot carry it on any further. A surprise ending is an added attraction to your composition. But do it if you can deal with it deftly.

Sample Essays

1. You have been living in your ancestral house since your birth. The house is acquired by the government because the Delhi Metro line has to pass from there. Narrate the incidence and describe your feelings about moving out of this house.

My grandfather came into the country from what had just been named Pakistan in 1947 with his parents. In return for the land that he had left behind there, he had been allotted some property in what was now the capital of independent India – New Delhi. On this land, over four years, he built for his family a lovely new house. Until last week it was the only home I had ever known, and now it is to be demolished.

Over the last few years sweeping changes have taken place in Delhi; with the advent of the Delhi Metro, the very geography of the city has been altered. Suddenly, it has become possible to get from one end of the city to the other in just over an hour, and that too in air-conditioned comfort.

As time goes by, the spread of the Metro is only slated to expand. It will soon cut through entirely new localities and neighborhoods as it makes it easier than ever before to get from place to place in the city. Unfortunately, my ancestral house happens to be in one of those neighborhoods.

Our house happened to be right where a new line of the Delhi Metro was soon supposed to be. Since it was, of course, impossible for both to simultaneously occupy the space, the house had to go. The Government bought it from us for a princely sum, and while this allowed us to buy another house elsewhere, it could do nothing to alleviate the pain we felt at shifting out. That we were in some, small way assisting the growth of public transportation in the city was no consolation at all.

As we packed our belongings and began moving our luggage out, there was no one who was not crying a little bit. Four generations of my family had lived in this house, and it was suffused with the memories of all the time we had spent here. I myself had grown up in its various rooms, corridors, and gardens, and was heart- broken at the thought that very soon it would cease to even exist. Still, a new house meant new rooms and a new neighborhood to explore, and that was a heartening thought for the time being.

2. Your father is an avid traveller and loves to seek new experiences. Narrate your experiences of one special trip that you took along with your father.

Traveling has been my father’s longtime passion. He finds exploring unfamiliar places, meeting new people and getting to know different cultures exceptionally inspiring. Therefore, by the age of 12, I had already been to many exotic places: Turkey, Laos, Thailand, Japan, Egypt, Malaysia, New Zealand, Australia and Cuba. Recently my father had to go Ukraine for work. He wanted to take us with him and since my younger brother and I had holidays during that period, the whole family went for the trip.

I did not know what to expect from Ukraine since I knew little about it. But somehow I knew that it would be an intriguing experience due to the spontaneous nature of my travel.

Ukraine turned out to be completely different from any place I had visited so far. Kiev, the capital city, appeared unexpectedly well-groomed, green and wealthy. Lots of bridges across the Dnieper River, a large number of outstanding parks, a couple of botanical gardens, and flowers everywhere you go.

The Carpathian Mountains in Western Ukraine are precious and authentic, with small distant villages and little country houses that seem like modern progress will never reach them. The people of Western Ukraine amazed me as well, especially the elderly – amiable, positive and active.

From the Carpathians, we traveled to Lviv – a wonderful medieval city that is somewhat similar to Prague, yet it is special in its atmosphere: 800-year-old  castles, wooden churches, Gothic catholic temples and palaces, flowers at every corner and on every window seal, original block pavement streets of the Old City (Stare Misto).

Lviv is a magical city and it fueled me with inspiration to see the rest of the country. Next we went to Zaporizhzhya (quite a tongue twister) – an eastern city with two thousand years of history. The city is built on two banks of the Dnipro River, and has an island in the middle – Khortitsa – the biggest river island in the world.

The city itself seemed to me to be still Soviet-like in its spirit and atmosphere, so it was quite interesting to take photos of their famous dam with the huge Lenin statue pointing at it, and the factories that were once the pride of the USSR and, amazingly, still successfully functioning for export purposes nowadays.

Our next stop was Crimea – a big heart-shaped peninsula that is washed by two seas – the Black Sea and the Azov Sea (the shallowest in the world). Crimea has indescribable mountains, fantastic crystal caves and scenic deep lakes. It is a picturesque place – so green, so virginal, so unlike anything I have seen before.

Ukraine was a true discovery for me, and one of those times when your expectations are nothing like what you see. If you should ask me what place I can recommend to those avid and blase travelers who seem to have seen it all, I would say without a second of hesitation: “Go to Ukraine! Whatever you will expect this will still amaze and astonish you.”

Suggested Outlines of Narrative Essays Describe your experience at an exhibition

  • Venue of the exhibition
  • Theme of the exhibition
  • Your time of visit
  • Type of people present
  • You visit many stalls and buy some interesting items
  • You win numerous prizes
  • You eat something; return home happy and content.

While coming back from an excursion after the final exams got over, you were in a boat and suddenly another boat capsized in the water. One of the younger boys almost drowned in the river. Describe how you and your classmates helped the distressed children.

  • Final exams got over
  • Outgoing class X students go for excursion
  • How you enjoyed throughout the day ?
  • While returning in a boat, students were busy singing and dancing.
  • How suddenly the weather became stormy !
  • Another boat with students capsized.
  • The boat owner sent rescuers.
  • Some students and teachers, who were swimmers managed to save the lives of many students.
  • People on the shore welcomed them.

You woke up at night and saw a house on fire. Describe what happened next.

  • In the middle of the night you suddenly wake up.
  • You smell smoke.
  • From the window you see a neighboring house is on fire.
  • What do you do?
  • What is the scene on the road?
  • People are crying for help in that house.
  • How the fire engine extinguishes the fire and people are rescued ?

My Best Friend

  • What a friend means to you ?
  • Write who your best friend is.
  • Why you consider him/her to be your best friend ?
  • What are the things you like to do together with your friend ?
  • How and when, your best friend helped you ?

A Personal Accomplishment

  • Write about something that you worked hard to accomplish.
  • How did you go about succeeding?
  • Why did you want to accomplish this particular thing?
  • How do you feel about your accomplishment?
  • What other things do you want to accomplish?

The Day you met a Celebrity

  • Name of the person
  • When and where you met him/her ?
  • Your initial reaction
  • How you approached the person ?
  • What transpired during the meeting ?
  • Your feelings at the end of the meeting
  • Describe a frightening experience.
  • A memorable journey.
  • There are heavy rains and water has entered your city. Describe what happens.
  • A memorable wedding.
  • Describe a cricket match between India and Pakistan.
  • Once your teacher caught you playing in the class with your classmates during a free period. You already had a good impression on others. The teacher made his/her own impression about you. You felt guilty and bad.
  • Describe how you managed to regain your goodwill.
  • A chance encounter with a stranger.
  • The day after the cyclone.
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  • English Letter Writing
  • English Essay Writing
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ISC Class 12th Exams 2024 - Check Compulsory and Elective Subjects, Important Topics

Updated On: November 17, 2023 08:43 am IST

ISC Board will conduct the ISC Class 12th Exams 2024 according to the curriculum that was present before the COVID-19 Pandemic. The candidates can check out the list of compulsory and elective subjects to give the exams.

  • ISC Class 12th Exams 2024 Highlights 
  • ISC Class 12th Exams 2024 Compulsory Subject List 
  • ISC Class 12th Exams 2024 Elective Subjects List 

ISC Class 12th Exams 2024 Stream Wise Subjects

  • ISC Class 12th Exams 2024 Important Topics 

ISC Class 12th Exams 2024

ISC Class 12th Exams 2024 will be conducted by the Indian School Certificate Examination. This is a yearly examination that will be held in the month of March, April, or May 2024. Previously, the class 12th board examination by ISC was conducted into semesters because of the covid-19 situation in the country however now it is said that the ISC Board will conduct the class 12th examination for the academic year 2024 as per the curriculum which was present before the Covid-19 pandemic.

The students will have to give the ISC class 12th exam 2024 by taking into consideration the elective as well as the compulsory subjects. The students must choose English as a compulsory subject for the class 12th board examination. The minimum qualifying score for the class 12th board examination in ISC is 35% for all of the subjects. There are some elective subjects present as per the interest of the students which must be chosen in class 11th. Check out the specifications related to the ISC Board examinations for class 12th 2024 from the article provided below:

ISC Class 12th Exams 2024 Highlights

ISC Class 12th Exams 2024 will be conducted in the month of April or May for the academic year 2024 so the candidates can start their preparations accordingly. Check out important specifications related to the ISC class 12th examination from the highlights provided below:

  • For the current academic year, it is said that the ISC Class 12th Exams 2024 will be conducted by taking into account the pre-pandemic curriculum
  • If you want to pass the ISC class 12th exam 2024 then you will have to score at least 35% in each subject and your aggregate marks should also be above 35%.
  • English is one of the compulsory subjects included in the ISC class 12th exam 2024.
  • The students will have to opt for 6 subjects including English in order to appear for the ISC class 12th examination.

Also Read: ISC Class 12th Syllabus 2024 Here

ISC Class 12th Exams 2024 Compulsory Subject List

English is the compulsory subject that you will have to opt for if you are planning to give the ISC class 12th exams 2024. The candidates will have to score at least 35% marks in English in order to successfully pass the class 12th board examination for the ISC board.

ISC Class 12th Exams 2024 Elective Subjects List

The candidates are free to choose some of the subjects provided by the ISC board according to their preference. Check out some specifications related to the elective subjects available for the candidates from the pointers given below:-

  • Local Languages
  • Foreign Languages including Chinese, French, German, Tibetan, Spanish
  • Classical Languages including Arabic, Sanskrit, Persian
  • Elective English
  • Political Science
  • Business Studies
  • Mathematics
  • Home Science
  • Fashion Designing
  • Engg. Science
  • Electricity & Electronics
  • Geometrical & Building Drawing
  • Music (Indian or Western)
  • Geometrical & Mechanical Drawing
  • Physical Education
  • Environmental Science
  • Biotechnology
  • Mass Media & Communication
  • Hospitality Management
  • Legal Studies

There are three streams available by the ISC board for all of the class 12th students. The students can check out the subjects included in each stream present in the ISC Class 12th exams 2024 given below:


Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Maths


Account, Commerce, Business, Math and Economics


History, Political Science, Geography, Sociology and Economics

Also Read: ISC 12th Time Table 2024

ISC Class 12th Exams 2024 Important Topics

For the academic year 2024, the ISC class 12th exams will be conducted in the month of March or April. There are different types of subjects that are included in the class 12th Board examinations and their different types of topics that you need to cover for each and every subject. Check out the specifications related to the important topics for each subject given below:

ISC Class 12th Exams 2024 Chemistry Important Topics

The candidates can check out some of the important topics for the chemistry subject from the table given below for class 12th examinations:



Haloalkanes and Haloarenes


Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers

d - and f - Block Elements

Chemical Kinetics

Coordination Compounds

Organic Compounds including Nitrogen

Aldehydes, Ketones, and Carboxylic Acids


ISC Class 12th Exams 2024 Math Important Topics

If you have opted for math in your ISC class 12th exam 2024 then you can check out some of the important topics from the table provided below:


Section A will include

Relations and Functions

Algebra, Calculus and Probability

Section B will include


Applications of Integrals

Three Dimensional Geometry

Section C will include

Application of Calculus

Linear Regression and Programming

ISC Class 12th Exams 2024 Biology Important Topics

The biology students for ISC class 12th exams 2024 can check out the details related to the important topics for their subject from the table provided below:


Reproduction, Genetics and Evolution

Biology and Human Welfare

Ecology and Environment

Biotechnology and its Applications

ISC Class 12th Exams 2024 Political Science Important Topics

The table provided below indicates the ISC class 12th exams 2024 political science important topics:


Section A includes

Forms of Government


The Legislature, Executive And Judiciary

Franchise and Representation

Section B includes

Indian Constitution and the fundamental Rights and Directive Principles

Local Self-Government

Democracy in India

ISC Class 12th Exams 2024 History Important Topics

If you have history as one of your elective subject then you can check out the details related to the important topics included in the subject from the table provided below:


Section A includes

Towards Independence and Partition: the Last Phase from 1935- 1947

Establishment and Development of Indian Democracy from 1964- 1966

Challenges to Indian Democracy from 1964- 1977

Changing Face of the Indian Democracy from 1977- 1986

India’s Foreign Policy

Movements for Women’s Rights

Section B includes

World War II

De-colonisation - in Asia (China) and Africa (Ghana & Kenya)

Cold War 1945-91 - origin, course, end and impact

Protest Movements

Middle East: Israeli-Palestine Conflict from 1916-1993

ISC Class 12th Exams 2024 Geography Important Topics

The candidates can check out the ISC class 12th exams 2024 geography important topics from the table provided below:


Physical Environment

Resources of India and their Utilisation

Population and Human Settlements

Infrastructural Resources

Regional Economic Development


Map Work

ISC Class 12th Exams 2024 Sociology Important Topics

The important topics for the ISC Class 12th Exams 2024 sociology subject are provided below:


Social Institutions

Religion and Society

Political and Economic Organisation

Tribal India- Past, Present and Future

Social Stratification

Social Change and Development

ISC Class 12th Exams 2024 Psychology Important Topics

The students can check out the details related to the important topics for psychology subject in ISC class 12th examinations 2024:


Intelligence and Ability

Lifespan Development


Psychological Disorders and Psychotherapy

Stress and Stress Management

Social Thought and Social Behaviour


ISC Class 12th Exams 2024 Economics Important Topics

The students can check out the important topics for economics subject for ISC class 12th exams 2024:


Micro Economic Theory

Theory of Income and Employment

Balance of Payment and Exchange Rate

Money and Banking

Public Finance

National Income

ISC Class 12th Exams 2024 Commerce Important Topics

The important topics for ISC class 12th exams 2024 commerce are provided in the table mentioned below:


Business Environment, Financing, Management and Marketing

ISC Class 12th Exams 2024 Business Important Topics

If you have taken business as your subject then you can check out some of the important topics for ISC class 12th exams 2024 given below:



Business Communication and Correspondence

Business Size and Finance

Globalisation and Recent Trends in Business

Business Regulators and Intermediaries

ISC Class 12th Exams 2024 Accounts Important Topics

ISC class 12th exams 2024 accounts important topics are reflected in the table mentioned below:


Section A includes

Partnership Accounts (Fundamentals of Partnership, Goodwill, Reconstitution of Partnership: Admission of a partner)

Joint Stock Company Accounts (Issue of Shares, Final Accounts of Companies)

Section B includes

Financial Statement Analysis

Cash Flow Statement

Ratio Analysis

Section C includes

Accounting Application of Electronic Spread Sheet

Database Management System (DBMS)

ISC Class 12th Exams 2024 English Important Topics

English is a compulsory subject and you can check out the details related to the important topics for the subject in the table mentioned below:


Drama: The Tempest by William Shakespeare only Act III, IV and VEc

Echoes: A Collection of ISC Short Stories including To Build a Fire - Jack London, The Story of an Hour - Kate Chopin, The Singing Lesson - Katherine Mansfield, The Sound Machine - Roald Dahl, B. Wordsworth - V.S Naipaul

Reverie: A Collection of ISC Poems including The Duckling Thrush - Thomas Hardy, Birches - Robert Frost, Crossing the Bar - Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Dover Beach - Matthew Arnold, We are the Music Makers - Arthur William Edgar O’Shaughnessy)

ISC Class 12th Exams 2024 will be conducted in February 2024 and all of the candidates must prepare for the board examinations accordingly. You can check out more specifications related to the subject from the details mentioned above.

Are you feeling lost and unsure about what career path to take after completing 12th standard?

Say goodbye to confusion and hello to a bright future!

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Essay Topics for Class 12 | Essay Topics for Grade 12 Intermediate

Essay Topics for Class 12: Here we have prepared a list of important essay topics for class 12 students. These essays are very helpful for preparing essay writing exam. You can read these essays by clicking on the topics. Lets see these important essay topics for class 12 students.

Essay topics for Class 12

  • Essay on Computer  
  • Essay on Mobile Phones
  • Essay on ICC World Cup 2023   (Click on the Topic to Read Essays)
  • Essay on Meri Mati Mera Desh
  • Essay on Beat Plastic Pollution  
  • Essay on Spring Season
  • Essay on Rainy Season
  • Essay on Har Ghar Tiranga
  • Essay on My Vision for India @ 2047
  • Essay on Online Shopping
  • Essay on Summer Vacation
  • Essay on My School
  • Essay on My Family
  • Essay on My Mother
  • Essay on My Father
  • My Favourite Teacher
  • Time Waste is Life Waste
  • Essay on Bad Journalism
  • Importance of Time Management
  • Essay on Politics
  • My Aim in Life
  • Importance of Reading Books
  • My Visit to Taj Mahal
  • Importance of Trees
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet
  • My Best Friend

You can read these important essays by clicking on the topic. When you click on the essay topics you will be redirected to the essay page where you can read these important essays for class 12 students. 

Essay Topics for Grade 12

  • Essay on Mahatma Gandhi   (Click on the Topic to Read Essays)
  • Missile Man of India
  • Essay on Republic Day
  • Essay on Independence Day
  • Essay on Constitution Day
  • Essay on Mother's Day
  • Essay on Father's Day
  • Essay on Teachers Day
  • Essay on Holi
  • Essay on Krishna Janmashtami
  • Essay on Raksha Bandhan  
  • Essay on Diwali
  • Essay on Christmas Festival
  • Essay on Pollution
  • Essay on Environmental Pollution
  • Essay on Noise Pollution
  • Essay on Water Pollution

The above essay topics for class 12 students are based on important personality, important national and international days and popular festivals celebrated in India and across the world. Hope you like these essay topics for grade 12 students and it help you in your exam.

Essay Topics for Class 12 Students

  • Essay on International Day of Yoga  (Click on the Topic to Read Essays)
  • Essay on Water Day
  • Essay on World Environment Day
  • Essay on Earth Day
  • Essay on Population Day
  • Essay on Sports Day
  • Essay on Christmas Day
  • Essay on Human Rights Day
  • Essay on Hindi Diwas
  • Essay on Benefits of Yoga

The above essay topics for Class 12 Students are based on important national and international days . These important days are celebrated world wide on different dates during the calendar year to highlight the importance of the date. Therefore, these essay topics are very important essay topics for class 12 students . Hope you liked this article on essay topics for class 12  students and it helped you in your exam preparation.

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  • Republic Day 1
  • Speech in Hindi 1
  • SSC Exams 5
  • Study Tips 7
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Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Essay in English

Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Essay in English

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Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Classes

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Educart ISC 10 Years Solved Papers Class 12 for 2025 Science Stream - Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Biology, English Language & Literature, Computer Application, Physical Education and Hindi (Strictly Based on 2024-25 CISCE Syllabus)


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essay topics class 12 isc

  • Mathematics (Standard)
  • Mathematics (Basic)
  • English L&L
  • English Communicative
  • Social Science
  • Information Technology
  • English Core
  • Mathematics
  • Accountancy
  • Business Studies
  • Political Science
  • Computer Application
  • Science (Hindi )
  • Maths (Hindi)
  • Social Science (Hindi )
  • Applied Maths
  • Physical Education
  • History & Civics
  • Literature in English
  • English Language
  • 10 Year Solved Papers
  • Class 10 Science
  • Class 10 Maths
  • Class 12 Physics
  • Class 12 Chemistry
  • Class 12 Maths
  • Class 12 Biology
  • Class 12 PCB Combo
  • Class 12 PCM Combo
  • Math Standard
  • Computer Applications
  • Class 10 English
  • Class 12 English


  1. ISC Sample Question Papers for Class 12 English Paper 1 (2024-25)

    The ISC Class 12 English paper 1 is based on the English language and it is for 3 hours duration. Students have to answer four questions in the ISC Class 12 English paper 1. In question 1, students are given 6 options and students have to choose one option to write on one composition. They have to write the composition in 400-450 words.

  2. ISC Sample Question Papers for Class 12 English (2024-25)

    The ISC Class 12 English sample papers are easy to download. Students can download the sample papers from the Vedantu website. The ISC Class 12 English sample paper 1 and sample paper 2 are available for free on Vedantu. Students can download the sample papers on their computers. They can practice the sample papers regularly to score high marks ...

  3. ISC Previous Year Question Papers Solved Class 12

    Here we have given ISC Board Previous Year Question Papers Solved for Class 12. Students can view or download the Last 10 Years ISC Question Papers Pdf for their Class 12 upcoming examination. These ISC 12th Previous Year Question Papers Solved with Answers are useful to understand the pattern of questions asked in the board exam.

  4. ISC Class 12 Previous Year Question Papers: Subject-wise Analysis

    Students can directly download the ISC previous year papers for class 12 for the academic session 2024-25 from the CISCE's official website- and From ISC PYQs Class 12. CISCE every year uploads the past year papers so that students can curate a plan accordingly to tackle all types of questions. 2.

  5. Proposal Writing Isc Solved Examples Class 12 Format, Examples, Topics

    Common Topics For Proposal Writing In Class 12 ISC. Offer jotting covers a wide range of motifs in Class 12 ISC. Then are some common areas where scholars can explore offer writing. Social Issues. Addressing poverty and inequality; Promoting gender equality and women's empowerment; Combating substance abuse and addiction

  6. ISC Class 12 English Language Previous Year Question Papers Solved Last

    These ISC 12th English Language Previous Year Question Papers Solved with Answers are useful to understand the pattern of questions asked in the board exam. Know about the important concepts to be prepared for ISC Class 12 Board Exam and Score More marks. Board - Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (CISCE),

  7. ISC Specimen Papers 2024 Solved for Class 12

    Students can view or download the ISC Sample Question Papers 2020 Solved for their class 12 upcoming examination.These ISC Board Sample Papers or Model Papers are useful to understand the pattern of questions asked in the board exam. Know about the important concepts to be prepared for ISC Class 12 Board Exam and Score More marks.

  8. ISC Class 12 English Paper 1 2023: Sample paper, most important topics

    ISC Class 12 English Paper 1 2023: Although a comparatively easier subject when compared to others, ISC English Paper 1 can prove to be very lengthy when writing it. Sometimes, the way the questions are asked also makes simple questions appear very tricky. Hence, it is better to be familiar with the kind of questions that are asked and to revise how to answer them.

  9. ISC Class 12 Sample Papers 2023 for All Subjects: Download Here!

    Advantages of Solving ISC 12th Sample Papers 2023 Solving the sample papers of ISC Class 12 exams has a number of advantages. It will help you track the progress of your examination preparation. Through sample papers, you will find out which topics or what kind of questions are you finding hard to solve.

  10. ISC Sample Papers for Class 12 All Subjects

    ISC Class 12 Sample Papers All Subjects. Latest ISC sample question papers with answers for class 12 all subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology & English in PDF format at By practicing these ISC Sample papers for class 12 will help you to score good marks in your final examinations.

  11. ISC Board Class 12 Question Papers with Solutions

    The ISC Class 12 Question Papers for the academic year of 2020 are as under: Subject. ISC Question Paper 2020. ISC Class 12 sample paper for English (Paper-I) View/Download. ISC English Literature Paper 2020 (Paper-II) View/Download. ISC Class 12 Sample Paper for Mathematics. View/Download.

  12. ESSAY TOPICS (PYP) English Language for Class 12 ISC

    Writing an essay or a composition proves to be challenging enough. So, here are some tips and strategies on how to organize your writing, easily and quickly,... Indian School Certificate (12th) exam

  13. ISC Class 12 English Exam Pattern 2024 with Marking Scheme and Topic

    ISC Class 12 Specimen Papers 2023-2024 (All Subjects) Get here latest School , CBSE and Govt Jobs notification and articles in English and Hindi for Sarkari Naukari , Sarkari Result and Exam ...

  14. ISC English Specimen Paper 2023: CISCE Class 12 English Sample Paper

    Paper 1: ISC English Language Specimen Paper for Class 12. Question 1. Write a composition (in approximately 400 - 450 words) on any one of the following subjects:

  15. ISC Class 12 English Paper 1 (Language)

    1.2 Benefits of Solving ICSE Sample Papers for Class 12; 1.3 ISC Specimen Papers; 1.4 CISCE Board Sample Question Papers; 1.5 ISC English Paper 1 (Language) ... Gaining a better understanding of the weightage of different topics in the exam; Helping to identify areas that require more focus and study; Enhancing the chance of performing well in ...

  16. ISC Previous Question Papers Solved Class-12 Last 10 Years

    English Literature ISC Class 12 Previous Year Question Papers Solved. 2019 ISC English Literature Question Paper. 2018 to 2006 English Literature (Not in Latest Syllabus 2021) 2005 ISC English Literature Question Paper. 2004 ISC English Literature Question Paper. 2003 ISC English Literature Question Paper.

  17. ISC Previous Year Question Papers for Class 12 English

    With detailed sections covering all topics, these papers are surely a way for students to understand the kinds of questions asked in the exam and prepare accordingly in a very short period of time. ... By solving the previous years' question papers of ISC Class 12 English, the students will gain a deep understanding of the subject from an ...

  18. ISC Class 12 Exam Pattern 2023-24 (Out), Topic-Wise ...

    Students appearing for ISC Class 12 Exams 2024 can choose 4 or 5 subjects apart from English. English is a compulsory subject in class 12. Including English, students cannot appear for more than 6 subjects. The subject-wise marks distribution as per ISC Class 12 Exam Pattern 2023-24 is tabulated below: Subject.

  19. Proposal Writing Class 12 Isc Examples Format, Topics, Exercises

    The topics for proposals in Class 12 ISC may vary depending on the curriculum or the teacher's preference. However, some common topics include: 1. Addressing the issue of plastic pollution in our community. 2. Implementing a recycling program in our school. 3. Developing a community garden to promote healthy eating. 4.

  20. ISC Board Class 12 Important Topics 2023

    ICSE Class 12 Exam Important Topics for Mathematics. Students must practice the questions from the ICSE Class 10 Maths important topics to ace the exams with flying colours. Check the table below to know the important topics present in different chapters of the 12th ICSE. Properties of Inverse Trigonometric Functions.

  21. Narrative Essay

    ISC Specimen Papers 2020 for Class 12; ISC Specimen Papers 2020 for Class 11; ICSE Time Table 2020 Class 10; ISC Time Table 2020 Class 12; Maths. ... Verbs, Nouns, etc… In this article, we will review the best English Grammer Topics and compare them against each other. Narrative Essay. The Narrative Essay. Is told from a particular point of ...

  22. ISC Class 12th Exams 2024

    The students will have to opt for 6 subjects including English in order to appear for the ISC class 12th examination. Also Read: ISC Class 12th Syllabus 2024 Here ISC Class 12th Exams 2024 Compulsory Subject List English is the compulsory subject that you will have to opt for if you are planning to give the ISC class 12th exams 2024.

  23. Essay Topics for Class 12

    Essay on Raksha Bandhan. Essay on Diwali. Essay on Christmas Festival. Essay on Pollution. Essay on Environmental Pollution. Essay on Noise Pollution. Essay on Water Pollution. The above essay topics for class 12 students are based on important personality, important national and international days and popular festivals celebrated in India and ...

  24. Educart ISC 10 Years Solved Papers Class 12 for 2025 Science Stream

    Educart ISC 10 Years Solved Papers Class 12 for 2025 Science Stream - Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Biology, English Language & Literature, Computer Application, Physical Education and Hindi (Strictly Based on 2024-25 CISCE Syllabus) ... 854 ₹ 949 (10 % Off)-10 % ₹ 854 ₹ 949. Out of Stock. Note: You can now pre-order this Class 12 sample ...