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Electroplating: Copper-Plated Key

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Electroplating uses a form of electrolysis in which the electrodes play a bigger role than just conducting the current.

Using electricity, you can coat the metal of one electrode with the metal of the other in an electroplating process, also known as electrochemistry.

Electroplating, also known as electrodeposition, is essentially a chemical reaction that helps to make various items we see and use every day. There are also specific types of electroplating such as copper plating, silver plating, and chromium plating. Jewelry and silverware can be silver- or gold-plated, while zinc is often used to coat iron to protect against corrosion. Professional electroplating requires specialized chemicals and equipment to make a high-quality coat, but in this project, you can try your hand at a simple procedure that will transfer copper (a versatile, naturally occurring metal ) to a brass key.

Being red in color, copper is known for its high electrical conductivity, malleability, and corrosion resistance. In copper electroplating, a metal substrate is placed in an electrolytic bath and an electric current is used to cause copper ions to adhere to the base material's surface.

(Adult supervision and chemical safety equipment required.)

Watch us use electricity to copper-plate a brass key (copper electroplating) in this Home Science Tools video. See this project in action!

What You Need:

  • 1.5-volt D battery with the battery holder (for power supply)
  • Two alligator clip leads or insulated wire
  • Beaker or glass (250-ml beaker is recommended or similar glass size)
  • Copper strip (pure copper)
  • Copper sulfate  
  • Copper electrode (or coil of copper wire)
  • Safety equipment

How to Electroplate Copper:

  • Prepare the key for the DIY copper plating by cleaning it with a thin layer of toothpaste or soap and water. Dry it off on a paper towel.
  • Stir copper sulfate into some hot water in a beaker until no more will dissolve. Your solution should be dark blue. Let it cool.
  • Use one alligator clip and attach the copper electrode to the positive terminal of the battery (this is now the anode ) and then attach the key to the negative terminal (now called the cathode ).
  • Partially suspend the key in the solution by wrapping the wire lead loosely around a pencil and place the pencil across the mouth of the beaker. The alligator clip should not touch the solution.
  • Place the copper strip/mass of copper into the solution, making sure it doesn't touch the key. The plating solution level is now below the alligator clip. The copper strip will produce a path for conductivity. An electrical circuit has now formed with the positive electrodes & negative electrodes and an electrical current is flowing.
  • Leave the circuit running for 20-30 minutes, or until you are happy with the amount of copper on the key.

What Happened During the Plating Process:

The copper sulfate solution is an electrolyte solution that conducts electricity from one electrode to the other, creating an electrical current.

When the current is flowing, oxidation (loss of electrons) happens at the copper anode, adding copper ions to the solution.

Those ions travel on the electric current to the cathode, where reduction (gain of electrons) happens, plating the copper ions onto the key.

There were already copper ions present in the copper sulfate solution before you started, but the oxidation reaction at the anode kept replacing them in the solution as they were plated with a thin layer onto the key, keeping the reaction going.

This project has many variables, including the cleanness and smoothness of the key, the strength of the copper sulfate solution, and the strength of the current.

If a black soot-like substance starts forming on the key, your solution is not strong enough for the current. Take the electrodes out and add more copper sulfate. When you put them back in, make sure the anode and cathode are as far apart as possible. Be sure to take notes for your science experiment to ensure you have great data collection.

There are lots of projects you can do with electroplating!

One fun idea is to use a flat piece of brass as your cathode and draw a design on it with an oil-based marker. The copper will not bond where the marker is.

After you're done plating it, you can use acetone (or nail polish remover) to wipe off the marker, leaving a design of the brass showing through the copper. Copper is relatively dull in color, which means other additives may be needed if a brighter finish is required. You can use a little metal polish to make the copper shiny if you desire.

You may want to try this simple copper-plating experiment that doesn't use electrolysis and requires only household materials.

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Reaction Between an Iron Nail and CuSO4 (aq)

To study the chemical reaction of an iron nail with an aqueous copper sulphate solution.

cupric sulfate experiments

The aim of this experiment is to study the displacement reaction between iron and copper sulphate. The reaction between an iron nail and copper sulphate solution is an example of a single displacement reaction. Iron displaces copper ions from an aqueous solution of copper sulphate. In the reaction between an iron nail and copper sulphate solution, metallic iron is converted into ferrous ion (Fe 2+ ), and cupric ion (Cu 2+ ) is converted into metallic copper. 

                           Fe(s) + CuSO 4 (aq) ? FeSO 4 (aq) + Cu(s)

To perform this experiment, apparatus and materials are required: two test tubes, two iron nails, a test tube stand, a piece of sandpaper, copper sulphate, distilled water, and dilute sulphuric acid.

  • The following procedure is conducted to perform this experiment.
  • Take two iron nails and clean them with sandpaper.
  • Take 20 mL of distilled water in a clean test tube and dissolve 1.0 g of copper sulphate in it. Add 2 or 3 drops of dil. sulphuric acid to it to check the hydrolysis of CuSO 4 in water. Label this test tube as ‘A’. 
  • Transfer about 10 mL of copper sulphate solution from tube ‘A’ to another clean test tube. Label this test tube as ‘B’. 
  • Tie one iron nail with a thread and immerse it carefully into the copper sulphate solution in test tube ‘A’ for about 15 minutes. Keep the other iron nail separately for comparison afterwards.
  • After 15 minutes, take out the iron nail from the copper sulphate solution. 
  • Compare the intensity of the blue colour of the copper sulphate solution before and after the experiment in tubes ‘A’ and ‘B’, and also compare the colour of the iron nail dipped in the copper sulphate solution with the one kept separately. Record your observations.

From this experiment, we hereby conclude that when an iron nail reacts with an aqueous copper sulphate solution, a single displacement reaction occurs, and ferrous sulphate is produced. The formed product, that is, ferrous sulphate, imparts a pale green colour to the solution. The copper metal, thus formed, gets deposited on the iron nail. 

FAQs on Iron Nail and CuSO4 (aq)

Q.1: what is the displacement reaction.

Answer: A displacement reaction is a chemical reaction in which a more reactive element displaces a less reactive element from its compound. For example: Mg + 2HCl ? MgCl 2 + H 2

Q.2: What is the difference between displacement and double displacement reaction?

Answer: A single displacement reaction is a chemical reaction in which a more reactive element replaces a less reactive element from a compound. A double displacement reaction is a chemical reaction in which two ionic species are exchanged between two molecules.

Q.3: What is the balanced equation for the reaction between iron and copper sulphate?

Answer: The balanced equation is: Fe(s) + CuSO 4 (aq) ? FeSO 4 (aq) + Cu(s)

Q.4: Which element is displaced by iron in the given reaction?

Fe(s) + CuSO 4 (aq) ? FeSO 4 (aq) + Cu(s) Answer: Copper is displaced by iron in the reaction.

Q5: What is the oxidation state of copper in CuSO 4 ?

Answer: The oxidation state of copper in CuSO 4 is +2.

cupric sulfate experiments

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How to Make Copper Sulfate (Copper Sulphate)

How to Make Copper Sulfate

It’s easy to make copper sulfate using readily available materials. Copper(II) sulfate is also known as copper sulphate, blue vitriol, or bluestone. Usually, it is a vibrant blue salt encountered as copper sulfate pentahydrate (CuSO 4 ·5H 2 O). The chemical has several uses, but most people use it for growing blue blue copper sulfate crystals .

Here is how you make copper sulfate yourself, using a battery, copper wire, and dilute sulfuric acid.

Materials for Making Copper Sulfate

The easiest and safest method of making copper sulfate uses electrochemistry.

  • Copper wire (which is high-purity copper )
  • Sulfuric acid (H 2 SO 4 or battery acid )
  • 6-volt Battery

Concentrated sulfuric acid (like the kind in a lab) is 98% sulfuric acid and 2% water, with a concentration of 18.4 M. That is too strong for this project, so you need to dilute it. If you have dilute sulfuric acid, go ahead and use that. If you’re making copper sulfate at home, you’re probably using battery acid, which averages around 37% acid in water or about 4 M. You don’t need to dilute it much in this project.

While the instructions call for a 6-volt battery, a 9-volt battery or a constant power supply work fine.

Make Copper Sulfate

  • Pour 30 ml of water and then 5 ml concentrated sulfuric acid into a small glass jar or beaker. Always add acid to water , not the other way around. This minimizes the chance of the acid splashing. For battery acid, use less water. The concentration of acid is not critical, so either 30 milliliters of acid in 40 milliliters of water or mixing half battery acid and half water is fine.
  • Inspect your wires. If they are insulated, strip enough insulation that you have bare copper ends to put in the liquid. Attach a copper wire to each battery terminal and immerse the exposed ends in the solution to that the wires are not touching each other.
  • The liquid turns blue as copper sulfate is produced.

Concentrate the Copper Sulfate

The reaction between sulfuric acid and copper yields a dilute copper(II) sulfate solution. If left undisturbed, copper sulfate crystals form as the water evaporates. However, the solution still contains some sulfuric acid, so use care when removing the crystals (which are your solid product).

Alternatively, concentrate the solution by boiling it. After evaporating the liquid, blue copper sulfate powder remains. Any remaining liquid that does boil away is concentrated sulfuric acid. Pour this liquid off and save it for future science experiments.

Once you have copper sulfate, dissolve it in water and grow copper sulfate crystals.

Tips for Success

When you run electricity through the copper electrodes, expect bubbling from the anode (negative electrode) in the liquid. These bubbles contain hydrogen gas. Meanwhile, the copper at the cathode (positive electrode) dissolves. Some of the dissolved copper ions make their way to the anode and are reduced. When this happens, it reduces the copper sulfate yield. But, a little care with the set-up reduces the loss.

If you have enough wire, coil the copper for the cathode (connected to the “+”) and place it on the bottom of the jar or beaker. Either leave the wire insulation in place above the coil or else slide a section of plastic tubing (such as aquarium tubing) over exposed wire just above the coil. This minimizes the reaction between the cathode and anode. Place the anode (connected to the “-“) higher in the liquid and distant from the coil. Ideally, hydrogen bubbles only form from the anode. If both electrodes bubble, move the copper wires further apart. With this set-up, copper sulfate forms at the bottom of the container, near the cathode.

Make Copper Sulfate Using Sulfuric Acid and Nitric Acid

While the electrochemical method is the safest way of making copper sulfate, there are other synthesis routes. Another method uses sulfuric acid, nitric acid, and copper (either as a chunk or wire). The disadvantage is that nitric acid and concentrated sulfuric acid are not common home chemicals. They come from a chemical supply store. The acid mixture is highly corrosive and produces toxic vapor, so the procedure is best done in a fume hood. This reaction is popular as a chemistry demonstration because of the color changes. Note that the product includes both copper(II) sulfate and copper(II) nitrate.

  • 70% nitric acid
  • concentrated (98%) sulfuric acid
  • Place 30 milliliters of water in a beaker.
  • Add 5 milliliters of nitric acid and 3 milliliters of concentrated sulfuric acid.
  • Gently drop about 6 grams of copper into the acid solution. The reaction releases a brown gas and the solution turns blue.
  • Within the fume hood, let the acid evaporate. Collect the copper sulfate crystals.

Make Copper Sulfate Using Sulfuric Acid and Hydrogen Peroxide

You can make copper sulfate from copper in a mixture of sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide called piranha solution . This is not a recommended synthesis method. It is not very efficient and the acid and peroxide often boil during mixing and may overflow or break a glass container. While 30% hydrogen peroxide is available from a beauty supply store, the concentrated sulfuric acid comes from a chemical supply store.

  • 30% hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 )
  • concentrated (98%) sulfuric acid (H 2 SO 4 )
  • Pour 10 milliliters of 30% hydrogen peroxide into a borosilicate glass beaker.
  • Add 3 milliliters of concentrated sulfuric acid. This reaction is exothermic , so expect heat!
  • Carefully add about 3 grams of copper. The copper bubbles and the clear liquid turns blue.
  • Pour the liquid onto a shallow glass dish. Leave any remaining copper in the original container. Copper sulfate crystals form as the liquid evaporates.

Copper Sulfate Safety and Disposal

  • Wear gloves and eye protection. Sulfuric acid is corrosive and causes burns upon contact. Do not touch or inhale the acid. In the event of a splash, immediately rinse the affected are with lots of water. Neutralize a spill using a weak acid, such as baking soda. Then, rinse with plenty of water.
  • Avoid skin contact with the copper sulfate solution. Copper sulfate is a skin irritant. It is only mildly toxic, but please don’t drink the liquid. It still contains some acid and may be corrosive. In case of accidental contact, rinse affected skin with water.
  • While municipal water treatment can handle copper just fine, copper sulfate is toxic to invertebrates, so don’t dump copper sulfate outdoors. Rinse unused product down the drain with plenty of water.
  • Clayton, G. D.; Clayton, F. E. (eds.) (1981). Patty’s Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology (3rd ed.). Vol. 2, Part 6 Toxicology. NY: John Wiley and Sons. ISBN 0-471-01280-7.
  • Copper Development Association Inc. “ Uses of Copper Compounds: Copper Sulphate .”
  • Wiberg, Egon; Nils Wiberg; Arnold Frederick Holleman (2001). Inorganic Chemistry . Academic Press. ISBN 978-0-12-352651-9.
  • Zumdahl, Steven; DeCoste, Donald (2013). Chemical Principles . Cengage Learning. ISBN 978-1-285-13370-6.

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Experiment on Reaction of Iron with Copper Sulphate Solution in Water

A physical change occurs when there is no change in the composition of a substance and no change in the chemical nature of the substance.

The interconversion of state occurs during physical change.


A chemical change is a change that causes a change in the chemical properties of matter, resulting in the formation of a new substance. As an example, consider the burning of oil or fuel.

Heat is evolved or taken in, the formation of bubbles, gas, and fumes, as well as a change in the colour of the reactants, can take place when they form a product.

Reactants → Products

A + B → C (Chemical reaction)

Table of Contents

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To carry out the reaction between Copper sulphate solution and water and Classify it as physical change and chemical changes.

Iron nails, Copper Sulphate solution, Test Tube, Clamp Stand, Sandpaper.

The colour of pure iron is greyish. Pure copper is a reddish-brown metal. The presence of Cu2+ ions causes the aqueous C solution of copper sulphate to be blue. The presence of Fe2+ ions causes the aqueous solution of ferrous sulphate to be pale green.

Since iron is more reactive than copper, it removes copper from its salt solution.

Experiment on Reaction of Iron with Copper Sulphate Solution in Water 01

2. Separate two test tubes and label them A and B. Add 10 mL of freshly prepared copper sulphate solution to each test tube and secure these test tubes in two separate clamp stands.

3. Thread the nail and hang it in test tube B. It is important to ensure that the iron nail is completely immersed in CuS0 4 solution. Tie the other end of the thread to the stand.

4. Keep the other iron nail on a piece of white paper.

5. Leave the setup alone for a while.

6. Take the nail out of the solution and place it along the side of the second iron nail on the sheet of paper.

7. Record your observations.


Experiment on Reaction of Iron with Copper Sulphate Solution in Water 02 1

1. The brown coating on the iron nail indicates that copper is deposited on the iron nail as a result of iron displacement.

2. The colour of the blue colour copper sulphate solution changes to green.

3. The greenish colour of the solution in the test tube indicates the presence of Fe 2+ ions in the solution.

4. This is a single displacement reaction in which copper is displaced by iron from copper sulphate solution, resulting in the formation of a new compound, ferrous sulphate.

5. A chemical change occurs as a result of the reaction.

1. Clean iron nails by rubbing with sandpaper.

2. Copper sulphate solution is poisonous, so use caution when handling it.

3. The test tubes should not be touched or disturbed during the experiment.

4. After completing the experiment, the copper-coated iron nail should not be touched.

Frequently Asked Questions on Reaction of Iron with Copper Sulphate Solution in Water

What is the colour of copper sulphate solution.

The colour of the copper sulphate solution is blue.

Why are iron nails rubbed with sandpaper?

Iron nails are rubbed with sandpaper so as to remove any impurities present like rust, dust or greasy surface. Iron nails are rubbed with sandpaper so as to remove any impurities present like rust, dust or greasy surface.

Does the colour of the copper sulphate solution change?

Yes, the colour of the copper sulphate solution changes from blue to light greenish.

What does the greenish colour of the solution show?

The greenish colour of the solution shows that Fe 2+ Ions are present in the solution.

What does the brown coating on the iron nails show?

The brown coating in the iron nail shows that copper is deposited in it by displacing iron.

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Shop Experiment Determining the Concentration of a Solution: Beer’s Law Experiments​

Determining the concentration of a solution: beer’s law.

Experiment #17 from Advanced Chemistry with Vernier

cupric sulfate experiments


The primary objective of this experiment is to determine the concentration of an unknown copper (II) sulfate solution. The CuSO 4 solution used in this experiment has a blue color, so Colorimeter users will be instructed to use the red LED. Spectrometer users will determine an appropriate wavelength based on the absorbance spectrum of the solution. A higher concentration of the colored solution absorbs more light (and transmits less) than a solution of lower concentration.

You will prepare five copper (II) sulfate solutions of known concentration (standard solutions). Each solution is transferred to a small, rectangular cuvette that is placed into the Colorimeter or Spectrometer. The amount of light that penetrates the solution and strikes the photocell is used to compute the absorbance of each solution. When you graph absorbance vs . concentration for the standard solutions, a direct relationship should result. The direct relationship between absorbance and concentration for a solution is known as Beer’s law .

You will determine the concentration of an unknown CuSO 4 solution by measuring its absorbance. By locating the absorbance of the unknown on the vertical axis of the graph, the corresponding concentration can be found on the horizontal axis. The concentration of the unknown can also be found using the slope of the Beer’s law curve.

In this experiment, you will

  • Prepare and test the absorbance of five standard copper (II) sulfate solutions.
  • Calculate a standard curve from the test results of the standard solutions.
  • Test the absorbance of a copper (II) sulfate solution of unknown molar concentration.
  • Calculate the molar concentration of the unknown CuSO4 solution.

Sensors and Equipment

This experiment features the following sensors and equipment. Additional equipment may be required.

cupric sulfate experiments

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This experiment is #17 of Advanced Chemistry with Vernier . The experiment in the book includes student instructions as well as instructor information for set up, helpful hints, and sample graphs and data.

cupric sulfate experiments

“Copper sulfate crystals” experiment

How to grow a beautiful blue crystal with a copper salt

We all like sto­ries about he­roes who go on end­less quests to find trea­sure. But some­times trea­sures can be found very near­by. In this ex­per­i­ment, we’ll show you how to grow a beau­ti­ful blue crys­tal, with­out trav­el­ing to the ends of the Earth.

Safe­ty pre­cau­tions

Wear pro­tec­tive gloves and glass­es.

Warn­ing! Only un­der adults su­per­vi­sion.

Reagents and equip­ment:

  • cop­per(II) sul­fate pen­tahy­drate (70 g);
  • hot wa­ter (100 ml);
  • plas­tic twine;
  • fun­nel with cot­ton wool;

Step-by-step in­struc­tions

Sprin­kle cop­per(II) sul­fate pen­tahy­drate into a beaker and pour hot wa­ter over it. Stir thor­ough­ly for 10-15 min­utes. In this way, we make a sat­u­rat­ed so­lu­tion. Re­move the re­main­ing crys­tals and dust from the so­lu­tion us­ing the fun­nel with cot­ton wool. Cov­er the so­lu­tion with foil and leave in a dark place for 24 hours.

Then pour the so­lu­tion into an­oth­er beaker and take out the crys­tals that have formed. It’s im­por­tant to choose a crys­tal with the right form, with­out cracks and oth­er de­fects. Tie twine around the crys­tal and im­merse it in the so­lu­tion we made pre­vi­ous­ly, so that the crys­tal does not touch the walls of the beaker. Cov­er with foil and put in a dark place. Af­ter a month a large crys­tal will grow on the twine!

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Copper Sulfate Crystals Recipe

  • Ph.D., Biomedical Sciences, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
  • B.A., Physics and Mathematics, Hastings College

Copper sulfate crystals are among the easiest and most beautiful crystals that you can grow . The brilliant blue crystals can be grown relatively quickly and can become quite large. 

Grow Copper Sulfate Crystals

  • Copper sulfate crystals are vivid blue diamond-shaped crystals.
  • Copper sulfate crystals are actually crystals of copper sulfate pentahydrate. The compound incorporates water into its structure.
  • The crystals are easy to grow using an inexpensive, common chemical.

Copper Sulfate Crystal Materials

All you need for this project is copper sulfate, water, and a clear container. The chemical is sold as copper sulfate (CuSO4), although it readily picks up water and becomes copper sulfate pentahydrate (CuS0 4  . 5H 2 0). Buy it as a pure chemical or look for it as the only ingredient in root killer products at home supply stores.

  • Copper sulfate

Make a Saturated Copper Sulfate Solution

Stir copper sulfate into very hot water until no more will dissolve. You can just pour the solution into a jar and wait a few days for crystals to grow, but if you grow a seed crystal , you can get much larger and better-shaped crystals.

Grow a Seed Crystal

Pour a little of the saturated copper sulfate solution into a saucer or shallow dish. Allow it to sit in an undisturbed location for several hours or overnight. Select the best crystal as your 'seed' for growing a large crystal. Scrape the crystal off of the container and tie it to a length of nylon fishing line.

Growing a Large Crystal

  • Suspend the seed crystal in a clean jar that you have filled with the solution you made earlier. Don't allow any undissolved copper sulfate to spill into the jar. Don't let the seed crystal touch the sides or bottom of the jar.
  • Place the jar in a location where it won't be disturbed. You can set a coffee filter or paper towel over the top of the container, but allow air circulation so that the liquid can evaporate .
  • Check the growth of your crystal each day. If you see crystals starting to grow on the bottom, sides, or top of the container then remove the seed crystal and suspend it in a clean jar. Pour the solution into this jar. You don't want extra crystals growing because they will compete with your crystal and will slow its growth.
  • When you are pleased with your crystal, you can remove it from the solution and allow it to dry.

For the best results, grow the crystal in a location with a stable temperature . Temperature fluctuations alternately dissolve the crystal (warm) and deposit crystal (cold). For example, a countertop is a better location than a sunny window sill.

Copper Sulfate Tips & Safety

  • Copper sulfate is harmful if swallowed and can irritate skin and mucous membranes. In case of contact, rinse skin with water. If swallowed, give water and call a physician.
  • If you choose to handle the crystals, wear gloves. The gloves protect your skin from irritation and also from intense blue staining.
  • Even a small increase in the temperature of the water will greatly affect the amount of copper sulfate (CuS0 4  . 5H 2 0) that will dissolve.
  • Copper sulfate pentahydrate crystals contain water, so if you want to store your finished crystal, keep it in a sealed container. Otherwise, water will evaporate from the crystals, leaving them dull and powdery from efflorescence . The gray or greenish powder is the anhydrous form of copper sulfate.
  • Copper sulfate is used in copper plating, blood tests for anemia, in algicides and fungicides, in textile manufacturing, and as a desiccant .
  • While municipal water utilities can deal with copper sulfate if you dump it down the drain, take care you don't toss it out into the environment. Copper sulfate is toxic to plants, invertebrates, and algae.
  • Anthony, John W.; Bideaux, Richard A.; Bladh, Kenneth W.; Nichols, Monte C., eds. (2003). "Chalcocyanite". Handbook of Mineralogy. Vol. V. Borates, Carbonates, Sulfates . Chantilly, VA, US: Mineralogical Society of America. ISBN 978-0962209741.
  • Clayton, G. D.; Clayton, F. E. (eds.) (1981). Patty's Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology (3rd ed.). Vol. 2, Part 6 Toxicology. NY: John Wiley and Sons. ISBN 0-471-01280-7.
  • Haynes, William M., ed. (2011). CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (92nd ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. ISBN 978-1439855119.
  • Wiberg, Egon; Wiberg, Nils; Holleman, Arnold Frederick (2001). Inorganic Chemistry . Academic Press. ISBN 978-0-12-352651-9.
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Colourimetric determination of copper ore

In association with Nuffield Foundation

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Use this practical to introduce students to the determination of copper ore by colourimetry using copper(II) sulfate

An ore is any rock from which a metal may be extracted. Ores usually contain a compound of the metal, a mineral, together with waste material. To decide whether an ore is worth mining it is necessary to find out how much of the useful mineral it contains, and how much is waste. This experiment illustrates one way in which this might be done using a form of colourimetry in which comparisons of depth of colour are made by eye without necessarily using a colourimeter.

The experiment depends on the making and use of a set of comparison solutions of known copper concentration of the kind that might be used with a colourimeter. Here the comparison is made by eye but, as an extension, the solutions could be used in a colourimeter and a proper calibration curve drawn and used.

  • Eye protection (goggles)
  • Beaker, 250 cm 3
  • Beaker, 100 cm 3
  • Volumetric flask, 100 cm 3
  • Small filter funnel and filter paper, to fit volumetric flask
  • Test tubes, x6 (must have a capacity of at least 10 cm 3 )
  • Test tube rack
  • Plastic weighing dish (boat)
  • Measuring cylinder, 50 cm 3
  • Measuring cylinder, 10 cm 3
  • Access to a balance, weighing to the nearest 0.1 g
  • Purified (deionised or distilled) water
  • Dilute sulfuric acid, 2 M (CORROSIVE), 40 cm 3
  • Sample of powdered ore (see technical notes below) (HARMFUL, DANGEROUS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT), 10 g
  • Copper(II) sulfate solution, 1 M, 25 cm 3 (HARMFUL, DANGEROUS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT)

Health, safety and technical notes

  • Read our standard health and safety guidance.
  • Wear eye protection (goggles) throughout.
  • Dilute sulfuric acid, 2M H 2 SO 4 (aq), (CORROSIVE) – see CLEAPSS Hazcard  HC098a  and CLEAPSS Recipe Book RB098.
  • Sample of powdered ore – a simulated copper ore made up with a minimum of 30% by mass of copper(II) carbonate, CuCO 3 (s), (HARMFUL – see CLEAPSS Hazcard HC026 ) thoroughly mixed with dry ‘silver‘ sand or washed and dried building sand.
  • Copper(II) sulfate solution, CuSO 4 (aq), (HARMFUL, DANGEROUS FOR THE ENIVORNMENT) – see CLEAPSS Hazcard  HC027c  and CLEAPSS Recipe Book RB031.
  • Weigh out as exactly as possible 10 g of the ground ore and transfer it into a 250 cm 3 beaker.
  • Add 40 cm 3 of the dilute sulfuric acid a little at a time, allowing the effervescence to subside between additions. (There is some risk of spray.)
  • When the reaction has finished filter the mixture into the volumetric flask.
  • Add purified water until the total volume of liquid in the flask is exactly 100 cm 3 .
  • Using the copper(II) sulfate solution provided, prepare six tubes of diluted copper(II) sulfate, according to the following table. Ensure the solutions are well mixed.
Tube number12345
Volume of copper(II) sulfate solution / cm 8 6 4 2 0
Volume of purified water / cm 2 4 6 8 10
  • Pour a 10 cm 3 sample of the copper solution from your volumetric flask into another test tube. 
  • Compare the colour of your tube from step 6 with those from step 5. Which one matches the colour best?
  • Estimate the mass of copper mineral in 10 g of the ore using the following table:
Tube of best match12345
Mass of compound in 10g or ore / g 10 7.5 5 2.5 0

Teaching notes

It is a good idea to set up the standard colour test tubes in a rack, put white paper under the tubes and observe by looking down through the solutions. 

When students have completed this experiment they are probably going to ask two things:

  • What is the correct answer?
  • How does the arithmetic work?

For the answer to the first question, consult the person who made up the ‘ore’ mixture – it is best to ‘come clean’ and confess that the ore is not a real one. Samples of copper ore, such as malachite, could be shown, if available.

For the second question, work out the concentration of copper in, say, test tube 3:

Concentration Cu (as Cu 2+ ) = 4/10 x 1 M = 0.4 M

Work out the  concentration of copper ions when 5 g of copper carbonate is dissolved and made up to 100 cm 3 of solution (formula mass of CuCO 3 = 124):

Concentration Cu = (5/124) x (1000/100) = 0.4 M

The two concentrations should be the same. However, this calculation works only approximately because ‘basic’ copper carbonate also contains an equimolar amount of copper hydroxide and some water.

It should be stressed that copper ores are seldom as concentrated as this.

Additional information

This is a resource from the  Practical Chemistry project , developed by the Nuffield Foundation and the Royal Society of Chemistry. This collection of over 200 practical activities demonstrates a wide range of chemical concepts and processes. Each activity contains comprehensive information for teachers and technicians, including full technical notes and step-by-step procedures. Practical Chemistry activities accompany  Practical Physics  and  Practical Biology .

© Nuffield Foundation and the Royal Society of Chemistry

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  • Colorimetry uses the relationship between colour intensity of a solution and the concentration of the coloured species present.
  • A colorimeter/spectrophotometer is used to measure the absorbance of light which is the complementary colour to the colour of the solution.
  • A calibration curve must be prepared using solutions of known concentrations (standard solutions).
  • The concentration of the ‘unknown’ solution is determined from its absorbance and by referring to the calibration curve.
  • The concentration in the sample must lie in the straight line section of the calibration graph.

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