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12 Education Business Ideas for the Digital Age

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Written by: David Lepeska

David has been writing and learning about business, finance and globalization for a quarter-century, starting with a small New York consulting firm in the 1990s.

Published on November 4, 2022 Updated on July 4, 2024

12 Education Business Ideas for the Digital Age

American visionary Horace Mann once called education the great equalizer, and this couldn’t be more true today. That’s why people often find reasons to stay in school, creating a huge captive market for businesses providing products and services related to education. 

If you’re thinking of getting into education, you’ve got more options than you might think. You could start a tutoring business or open a nursery school, offer homeschooling or sell books. Check out our list of brilliant education business ideas and start building a brighter future for you and your community!

Dive into our interview with Alyse Levine to uncover valuable insights on revolutionizing college prep and the entrepreneurial spirit driving Premium Prep’s success.

1. Tutoring

How to start a tutoring business

Do you have an area of academic expertise? Maybe you’re great at math, deeply familiar with science, or obsessed with language and literature. Even if you’re not a subject expert, but simply good with children, now’s a great time to consider starting a tutoring business. 

The industry took a hit during the pandemic, but today many tutors are embracing virtual instruction and tutoring is expected to see steady growth in the years ahead. As a result, you’re now able to run a tutoring business almost entirely from home, all while helping children to learn and excel and making a good living. 

Starting a tutoring business is not terribly complicated. If you have teaching experience or some proof of your expertise, you mainly need a good computer and you can start offering your services on a variety of online platforms, like ClubZ or eTutorWorld. With a bit of marketing on social media, you should be able to attract a few clients and start building your tutoring empire.

2. Homeschooling Service

Homeschooling business

If you’re an educator or counselor looking for a new opportunity, starting a homeschool business may be the perfect venture. Homeschooling, which is legal in all 50 states, saw tremendous growth during the pandemic. The pandemic may be waning, but people’s interest in homeschooling and alternative educational arrangements is still on an upward trend because of the high cost of private schools and the wealth of learning materials available online. 

Before you can start promoting your services, you’ll need to apply for the necessary permits and licenses. The requirements may vary depending on where you set up, so it’s best to check out the local regulations. Your curriculum must also meet the state’s requirements, although it can be tailored to each child’s individual needs and your own personal philosophy on education. This allows for a lot of flexibility. To market your business, it is important that you build a network of homeschooling families. With careful planning and hard work, you can create a successful homeschool business and help educate countless children in your area.

3. Life Coaching

How to start a life coaching business

If you’re good at guiding other people through major changes in their lives, then you might consider life coaching. Demand for life coaching services is increasing in the US, with the number of life coaches thought to have surpassed 24,600 in 2023 . 

A life coach provides counseling and helps clients explore possibilities in personal development, finances , career, relationships, and more. There is no licensing requirement for life coaching, but it’s to your advantage to obtain a certification that lets potential clients know you have training. There are many certifications you can apply for, but the most prestigious is the certification from the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Besides training, it’s also important to have empathy for your clients. With these, your life coaching business can be truly rewarding.

4. Seminar Production

seminar business idea

Starting your own seminar business can be a great way to share your knowledge with other people and make some money while you’re at it. Training expenditures in the US are expected to increase now that the pandemic is winding down. The market saw significant growth in the years prior to the pandemic, but declined as companies slashed their budgets.

Starting a seminar business is relatively easy if you already know your area of expertise. For example, if you are a fitness expert, you can create an event where people learn how to get in shape through advice on nutrition and exercise. You can also do a webinar if your topic does not require face-to-face training. Most of the seminars outsourced by American companies involve content creation, learning management system hosting, and instruction and facilitation. You’ll be up against some tough competition, so you should have the patience and perseverance to build a successful business.

5. Bookstore

How to open a bookstore

Do you love reading? If so, opening your own bookshop could be a great way to encourage reading in your community while making a living doing what you love. Even in the age of Amazon and e-books, independent bookstores have been making a comeback . People have begun to appreciate bookstores not only as a good place to buy a new book, but as a community gathering place and event space. 

You’ll need to find a great location, and build a sizable inventory of books, with your selections based on your personal tastes and preferences. You’ll also need to decide what other products you might offer — literary knickknacks, coffee and snacks, reading accessories? Beyond that, it’s relatively easy to get started. And if you do it right, the customers will surely come.

6. Business Coaching

business coaching idea

Not long ago, there were only a handful of coaching firms in the United States. Americans have learned to appreciate the value of good insight and planning, particularly when it comes to major decisions involving their finances, career and personal matters. 

If you have expertise in any of these areas, you could start your own coaching business and help people lead more fulfilling lives while grabbing a slice of this fast-growing market. It’s easy to get started. You just need a reliable computer, some relevant experience and a strong marketing campaign, highlighting your skills on social media and beyond. 

The challenge will be attracting and maintaining clients, so you’ll need to find a way to stand out from the coaching crowd and prove your worth. A great website will surely help.

blog business idea

In the podcast era, you might have thought that blogs had gone out of style. You would be wrong. More than 2 million blog posts go online every day, and after years of steady growth, the US is home to about 32 million blogs. As a result, there is real opportunity for a bold entrepreneur looking to start a blog business and join this massive market, even part-time .

It requires minimal investment. All you really need is a reliable computer and decent wifi. The major hurdle is coming up with a concept, an objective or mission for your blog business. You might choose generating funds to feed hungry children or delivering crucial news to the people of your city or state. Once you’ve found your niche, you’ll need to reach out across your network, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and beyond, looking for all those who write on related subjects and asking them to get on board. You could offer discounts, incentives, or rewards to sweeten the deal. 

Once a couple of accomplished bloggers sign on, the paid advertisements will start rolling in and you’ll be on the road to success in the blogging business.

8. Craft Business

How to start a craft business

Do you have a creative hobby? If it involves some sort of craft, you might want to consider turning your favorite at-home pastime into a business , and potentially a major revenue stream. With people stuck at home for months on end looking for something creative to do or something interesting to buy, the arts and crafts industry has exploded since the start of the pandemic. That means right now is a great time to start your own craft business, provided people with wonderful products and ride this wave to prosperity. 

You’ll be your own boss, working at home at times that are best for you. You’ll be able to embrace and express your creativity, producing goods that could be sold around the world. But you will need to decide which products to focus on. This could be anything from crocheted blankets and clay jewelry to embroidered handkerchiefs and knit hats. Whatever you choose, be sure to research what’s already out there and offer a unique twist on existing products. Building a strong brand will be key to the success of your craft business.

9. Radio Station

How to start a radio station business

More than eight in 10 adults in the US listen to the radio weekly, making the radio one of the most powerful mediums of communication. Radio has been able to stay relevant by adapting to new technologies. It’s now accessible through smartphones, laptops, and other mobile devices. 

Starting your own radio station would be a great way to launch your broadcasting career. It’s fun and highly profitable too. Depending on your budget, you can apply for a license to operate a web radio station or a traditional AM/FM radio station. Broadcasting on the web requires lesser startup investment and allows you to reach more listeners.

It’s important to decide on your programming early on, whether you want to just play music, broadcast podcasts, or both. Keep in mind that the number of podcast listeners in the US has more than doubled in the last five years. If you play your cards right, you’ll be making money from your radio station soon.

10. Online Courses

How to start a online courses business

Thanks to video conferencing apps, e-learning and online courses are becoming more popular and seeing explosive growth. The global online education market was valued at $38.72 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow from $48.05 billion in 2023 to $270.32 billion by 2031. If you’re an expert in a certain field, you can start an online courses business and help educate the world while making good money.

Before you launch, it’s important to keep learn the latest trends, such as the use of artificial intelligence and virtual reality in online classes. Integrating these into your course programs and providing engaging content could spell the difference for your business. 

You might start small and run your business from home. You just need a PC or mobile device, fast and reliable internet connection, a compelling website, and a creative marketing plan to attract clients. With these in place, your online courses business has a great shot at success.

11. Health Coaching

How to start a health coaching business

Allied health professionals who wish to start their own health coaching business are in luck. Demand for health coaches has been growing in the US as six in 10 American adults suffer from at least one chronic disease like heart disease, diabetes and cancer. The risk factors for chronic diseases can be reduced through lifestyle changes. 

A health coach helps clients find the motivation to implement these lifestyle changes and improve their health.

In order to become a health coach, you will need a degree in nutrition, nursing, psychology or other allied health programs. You may want to check with your local authorities whether you also have to get certified or apply for a license before you can start your business. It’s a good idea to plan ahead on how you will find clients and market your services to make sure your health coaching business succeeds.

12. Cooking Class

How to start a cooking class business

Are you a skilled and trained cook? You can start a cooking class business and help others do wonders in the kitchen while earning some cash. The US cooking class industry is worth $2 billion and expected to rebound strongly from the pandemic. Globally, the industry is expected to soar 450% by 2029, driven by demand from new generations of foodies. 

Before you launch, it’s important to obtain relevant certifications to increase your value as a brand. If you conduct classes online, you can just set up a DIY studio in your kitchen, but you’ll need tools and equipment. You’ll also need a high-resolution camera, microphone, lighting equipment, fast internet connection, and live streaming software if you’re doing it in real time.

Keep in mind that you’ll be competing with culinary schools, so be bold with your marketing. With careful planning and some market research, you can achieve culinary and financial success!

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  • Homeschooling Service
  • Life Coaching
  • Seminar Production
  • Business Coaching
  • Craft Business
  • Radio Station
  • Online Courses
  • Health Coaching
  • Cooking Class

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Running An Education Business: 5 Things You Should Know

Education Business

Running an education business may require a lot of effort. However, education is still a very fertile market owing to the increasing demand for learning. If you intend to enter this market, don’t overlook the 7 useful tips  listed below for running a successful education business!

I . What is Education Business?

Education Business refers to the investment and development of educational services. Customers are thus provided with the necessary knowledge and skills in a specific field, based on their individual interests or needs.

Learners are the primary customers of educational businesses. Private investment capital will be used to develop and improve the curriculum, facilities, educational environment, etc.

Currently, many governments strongly encourage private investment in the education sector. From there, it is possible to develop the country’s quality human resources in the future.

II. How to start an Education Business?

Education Business

Define education business goals & idea s

Before starting to work, you should define your goals in order to steer the business to the desired outcome. These objectives can be established for the entire company or for specific departments or employees.

You should not set broad and ambiguous objectives. Instead, use the S.M.A.R.T method, which means the objectives should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timebound.

The market for education has a wide range of products and innovative business ideas today. For example: an academy, an online center, online tutoring, selling books and other written materials, short-term classes, or franchising,…

Every model has its own advantages to draw customers, of course. And what you need to do is come up with a business idea that fits the company’s capabilities and long-term goals

Understand the education market

When doing business, it is critical to understand the market. Unlike others, the education market always has an abundant supply of customers since thousands of people have a demand to study in a specific field every year. The total revenue is projected to grow at 7.75% annual rate (CAGR 2022-2026), leading to an expected market volume of US$10.04 bn by 2026. (Source: Statista )

Besides, the 4.0 industry also greatly affects the education market. The development of online courses, or the combination of smart devices in education methods, … are the best examples.

Therefore, businesses must always carefully study the market to make a difference in their business model compared to competitors.

Identify targeted audience

Don’t assume that everyone will find your topic (or your course) interesting. A course that tries to be appealing to everyone will probably appeal to no one.

As a matter of fact, children, students, adults,… all can be customers for the education industry, depending on your product. Businesses need to identify the target audience they wish to reach to develop the appropriate type of training and map out the direction for the business model.

The 5W-1H model can be used for customer analysis in the following ways:

  • Who: who are your customers? Their gender, age, profession, etc.
  • What: What issues can your product resolve for the customer? What other preferences do they have?
  • Why: Why do they need your product?
  • Where: Where do they show up, where do they make purchases, where do they use your products?… 
  • When: When does the customer show up?
  • How: How do customers prefer to be treated? How often do they make purchases? How can they pay? …

Building a strong brand is essential for your education business standing firmly in the market, and standing out from other competitors.

  • Focus on the quality of the product: Any organization’s core element is its product. To be sustainable, a brand’s product must first be the best option for customers.
  • Point of difference (POD): “Be different or die”, indeed, businesses can only compete in the market when they find the brand difference. Businesses must determine 3 things in order to determine their POD: What customers want; what the company does well; and what the competitor does well. POD is the meeting point of what the customer needs and what you can do well and better than the other competitors. 
  • Build a professional brand identity: This is an effective way to help you communicate your message to your customers, reinforcing their trust in your brand.
  • Consistent branding: Ideas, content, images, marketing activities,… must be implemented consistently across all platforms. This is critical for education brands to convey clear, accurate messages, gain credibility, and build customer trust.

education business

Implement an effective Marketing plan

Education business will undoubtedly face numerous challenges due to the market’s abundance of reputable educational institutions. As a result, marketing plans are critical for building trust and attracting customers.

  • Using Digital Marketing: Compared with the traditional one, Digital Marketing can target customers precisely based on demographics, age, advertising purposes, etc. For example: search engines advertising, social media advertising, video advertising,…
  • Using Social Media: There are over 4.7 billion social media users worldwide (Source: Statista), so don’t pass up the chance to reach out to potential customers. Choose appropriate social media channels and create content for them based on your audience and products.
  • Building websites optimized on multiple devices: Creating user-friendly websites will encourage customers to learn more about your business or products. Don’t forget to optimize your website for both PC and mobile.

III. Why should you choose Enosta for your education business?

We understand that starting an education business is extremely difficult and requires a lot of effort. With many years of experience working with prestigious educational institutions, along with a team of experts and professional personnel, Enosta has been accompanying many customers from the stage of idea formation to product launch. 

We offer tailor-made services and strategies to each educational business, which helps you develop a strong brand and implement effective Digital Marketing activities.

Need help with your education business? Contact us now!

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How to start an education consulting business

How to start an education consulting business

Are you a seasoned educator with a passion for helping others succeed? Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit? If so, an educational consulting business may be the perfect career path for you. As an educational consultant, you can provide invaluable guidance, support, and expertise. You can offer your services to clients who want to achieve their educational and career goals. 

There are over 7,500 education consultants in the country. There’s increasing demand for expert guidance and support from students, parents, and educators. By starting your own consultancy business, you can tap into this growing market. 

This guide will help you lay a strong foundation for your consulting business. Read on to explore the essential steps to starting an education consulting business. 

What is an educational consulting business?

Starting an educational consulting business is a great opportunity for individuals with expertise in the education sector. An educational consultant provides guidance and support to students, parents, and educational institutions. This is to enhance their learning process and achieve their academic goals. 

Educational consultants help students and parents with college admissions, financial aid, and career choices. They also assist educational institutions with curriculum development, faculty development, and student recruitment.

Benefits of starting an educational consulting business

Starting an educational consulting business can be a highly rewarding and lucrative venture. It provides the opportunity to work in the education sector. You can help and impact the lives of students and educators. You can also work with educational institutions to improve their services. Additionally, an educational consulting business has the potential to generate significant revenue.

The education consultancy industry

The education consultancy industry is a growing sector as many parents and educators seek support and guidance in navigating the education system. The education consulting market size is expected to reach $3.45 billion by the end of 2030. With an increasing demand for quality education, these consulting businesses are increasingly relevant, helping students and parents make informed decisions about their educational journey. The industry includes a range of services, from college admissions counseling to curriculum development and teacher training. This provides businesses with a wide range of opportunities to specialize and stand out.

Conducting market research

Before you start your education consultancy business, it is essential to conduct thorough market research. This will help you understand your target audience, competition, and industry trends. 

Identifying your target audience

One crucial aspect of market research is identifying your target audience. You must understand your potential clients’ specific demographics, interests, and needs. This will help you develop services that cater to their unique requirements and create effective marketing strategies.

Analyzing competition in the education consultancy industry

Competitor analysis is another significant element of market research. By analyzing the services, pricing, and marketing strategies of your competitors, you can gain a competitive edge. This can help you identify opportunities to differentiate your services and stand out in the market.

Understanding market trends and demands

You must understand the current and future trends in the education consultancy industry. This includes understanding your target audience’s needs. You must understand the increasing demand for specific services. Additionally, you must explore advancements in technology that can impact your business. So stay up-to-date on trends. This way, you can adapt your services. This also lets you stay ahead of the competition.

Conducting comprehensive market research can help you understand your audience, competition, and industry trends. Consequently, this can help you develop effective strategies for growth and success.

Developing a business plan

A business plan is the essence of any business, including an educational consulting business. It is a roadmap for achieving your goals and objectives. A well-written business plan helps you define your business and identify your competition. It helps you determine your target audience and develop effective marketing strategies.

Setting specific goals and objectives

Before creating a business plan, you need to set specific goals and objectives for your educational consultancy. These goals should be measurable, achievable, and relevant to your business. Goal examples include:

  • Improving client conversion rate
  • Increasing revenue
  • Becoming a market leader in your niche

Say you’ve identified your goals and objectives. Then, you can create a plan that focuses on achieving those goals.

Creating a marketing strategy

A well-crafted marketing strategy can help you reach your target audience. Your marketing strategy should identify your target audience. This is where you outline your marketing channels (print ads, social media platforms, email marketing, etc.). This is also where you determine your budget for marketing activities.

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Determining financial projections

Determining financial projections is vital for any business. You need to calculate your start-up costs and ongoing expenses. These include rent, utilities, equipment, and employees' salaries. You also need to determine your pricing strategy. You can base this on your competition and the value of your services. Additionally, you should prepare financial projections for the next two to five years. This will guide you in your financial decisions and ensure your business stays profitable.

Legal and financial considerations

Starting a consultancy business involves important legal and financial considerations. By addressing these aspects, you can ensure the smooth operation of your business and minimize the risks involved.

Choosing a business structure

You must choose a business structure. This includes sole proprietorship, LLC, partnership, or corporation. For an educational consultancy business, an LLC structure is commonly preferred as it offers limited liability protection and flexibility in management.

Meeting legal requirements

Starting a consultancy business also involves meeting legal requirements. This includes obtaining any required licenses or permits from your state and local government. You may also need to file for a tax ID number and register for taxes. Additionally, you must ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations. For instance, data privacy laws.

Managing expenses and income

Managing expenses and income is an essential part of running a consultancy business. You can anticipate expenses through your business plan. You should keep track of your expenses and income through an accounting system. This can help you make informed decisions. Plus, this can ensure that your business stays profitable.

Protecting your business

You can protect your business in several ways. For example, you can purchase general liability insurance and professional liability insurance. These can cover legal expenses and damages resulting from liability claims and lawsuits. By investing in proper insurance coverage, you can minimize financial risks and safeguard your business.

Branding and marketing your business

Branding and marketing are essential elements of any successful consulting business. Below are some strategies that can help you establish a strong brand image and attract potential clients.

Creating a strong brand image

Your brand identity communicates your values, expertise, and personality to your target audience. To create a strong brand image for your education consulting business, you need to consider the following aspects.

  • Logo and color scheme: A well-designed logo and color scheme can make your brand memorable and recognizable. Choose colors and fonts that represent your brand's personality and appeal to your audience.
  • Messaging and tone: Your brand messaging should clearly communicate your value proposition and unique selling points. The tone of your messaging should be tailored to your audience and aligned with your brand values.

Developing a website and social media presence

A website and social media presence are essential tools for promoting your education consulting business and reaching potential clients. 

  • Website: Your website should be easy to navigate. It should be visually appealing and optimized for search engines. Your website should feature clear calls to action and compelling content that highlights your services and expertise. B12 is an AI website builder favored by growing consultancies for its ease of use, on-platform experts, and built-in client tools like scheduling and invoicing.
  • Social media: Choose social media channels that are popular among your target audience. Create a content strategy that includes a mix of educational content, industry news, and promotional messages. Engage with your followers and respond to their comments and feedback.

Establishing partnerships with educational institutions

Partnering with educational institutions can help you expand your network and reach more potential clients. Here are some ways to establish partnerships:

  • Networking: Attend industry events, conferences, and meetups to meet potential partners and clients. Build relationships with school administrators, educators, and other professionals in the education industry.
  • Offering value-added services: Consider offering value-added services, such as professional development workshops or teacher training programs, to school districts and institutions. This can help you establish yourself as a thought leader in the education space and build credibility with potential clients.

By implementing these strategies, you can develop a strong brand image and attract potential clients to your education consulting business. Remember to continuously monitor and refine your marketing efforts to ensure that they are aligned with your business goals and target audience.

Growing your consultancy business

Congratulations, you have successfully started your own education consultancy business! But the work doesn't stop here. To achieve long-term success, you must continuously grow and improve your services. 

Continuously improving your services and offerings

The education consultancy industry is constantly evolving. So you must stay up-to-date with the latest trends and practices. Keep yourself informed by attending conferences, reading industry publications, and networking with other professionals. Additionally, continuously gather feedback from your clients and use it to improve your services.

Retaining clients and building long-term relationships

Building long-term relationships with your clients impacts your consultancy business’s success. Keep in touch with your clients through regular communication and provide them with regular updates on your services and offerings. Respond to their concerns and questions promptly, and always go the extra mile to exceed their expectations. This will help build trust and loyalty. Plus, this will build a positive reputation for your business.

Seeking opportunities for expansion and growth

As your education consultancy business grows, you may want to consider expanding into different markets or offering new services. But before you do so, conduct market research and assess the risks and benefits of the expansion. Consider hiring additional staff and investing in new technologies to support your growth.

Grow your education consulting business with B12

Starting an education consultancy business is a challenging yet rewarding journey. It requires a solid business plan, a strong brand image, and a clear understanding of your target audience. With these, you can create a consultancy business that will thrive in the ever-changing education industry.

After starting your education consulting business, you need to make sure that you have a solid online presence. This will help you attract the right audience. More importantly, this will help you offer your services to those who are more likely to engage with your business. 

B12 is the all-in-one platform that helps professional service small businesses launch an online presence with tools like payments, scheduling, email marketing, and contracts. See your new site for free in 60 seconds to start winning, attracting, and serving clients in no time.

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How business leaders can help transform the future of education.

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Harsh Singh is the founder of Big Apple Admissions - an educational consultancy pioneering the outcome-based contracting.

With the impacts of GenAI tools like Claude, Gemini and ChatGPT being felt across schools, the call for a transformative approach to education has become even more urgent . I believe that business leaders, who are often those best armed with expertise in innovation, strategic planning and resource optimization, are in a prime position to catalyze significant changes in the public education sector.

This article outlines areas where I think you, as a business leader, can help revolutionize public education and ensure a brighter future for the next generation.

Advocacy For Policy Reform And Smart Investment

Business leaders can impact public education by advocating for smarter investment rather than simply more funding. While cities like New York spend approximately $40,000 per student , the key lies in how the funds are allocated.

It's important to advocate to reallocate resources toward areas that directly impact student learning and development, such as modernizing curricula, integrating technology and supporting teacher development.

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For example, there is a tremendous opportunity for AI technologies and tools to help tailor educational content to individual student needs, provide instant feedback and support adaptive learning technologies. Business leaders should also emphasize the importance of developing students’ emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills.

As a model, in the last few years, the San Francisco Unified School District and others have implemented a " weighted student formula " that allocates funds based on student needs. This approach, inspired by business strategies for resource optimization, has allowed for targeted investments in high-need areas.

Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)

At the heart of both advocacy and investment, I think public-private partnerships have the potential to revolutionize the educational landscape. But the true impact comes when these partnerships are rooted in personal commitment from business leaders.

Therefore, it's important to not only contribute corporate resources but also your expertise and time. This direct involvement can range from mentorship and volunteer teaching to funding specific, high-need initiatives like STEM programs or digital literacy workshops.

For example, individual leaders from tech companies can offer coding classes or digital skills training, providing students with both practical knowledge and real-world experience. By directly engaging with schools, you can ensure that your contributions are effectively utilized and bridge the gap between academic learning and industry requirements.

I think an exemplary case of this is the partnership between IBM and P-TECH (Pathways in Technology Early College High Schools), where IBM employees volunteer as mentors and provide expertise in technology education.

Curriculum Overhaul And Teacher Training

The current education system often lags behind technological and societal advancements. As a part of your focus on advocacy and investment, you can collaborate with educators to overhaul the curriculum and make it more relevant to today’s world.

This involves integrating courses on digital literacy, coding and data analytics while placing equal emphasis on soft skills like communication, empathy and ethical reasoning. With the rise of large language models (LLMs) and AI, these human-centric skills are becoming increasingly valuable.

Past curriculum, the quality of education is intrinsically linked to the quality of its educators. Here again, business leaders are well-positioned to provide training in the latest educational technologies and methodologies. Look to sponsor and create workshops, conferences and certification programs that allow teachers to stay current with the latest educational trends and methods.

One thing I personally believe could impact the whole ecosystem is the involvement of stay-at-home or work-from-home individuals. There are so many people who are immensely talented, but either don’t know how to help or aren’t incentivized to. Ask yourself how you can reach these dormant educators.

Establishing Innovation Labs And Incubators

Creating innovation labs and incubators is another way to utilize your position and expertise to help foster a culture of creativity and innovation. These spaces can serve as hubs where students experiment with new ideas, collaborate on projects and develop entrepreneurial skills.

Outfitted with the latest technologies, including AI tools, these labs can help students explore fields like robotics and data science. As earlier mentioned, when it comes to curriculum overhaul, they should also emphasize the development of soft skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving and adaptability alongside technical abilities.

Funding And Scholarships With Purpose

For many students, financial barriers are obstacles to a quality education. Business leaders can help by establishing targeted scholarships and funding programs that focus on students from low-income families or underrepresented communities. Beyond scholarships, you can help fund initiatives that directly enhance educational outcomes such as advanced technology in classrooms or specialized training for teachers.

Investing in projects that modernize school infrastructure or enhance safety can help create a more conducive learning environment. Look particularly to invest in areas that yield the highest impact on educational quality and equity, like the development of comprehensive data systems to track student progress. Of course, when creating these systems, policies should be put in place that balance data-driven decision making with privacy protections that ensure the ethical use of student data.

Cultivating A Culture Of Lifelong Learning

In this rapidly changing world, education must extend beyond traditional schooling. Business leaders can assist in this area as well by helping to create alternative pathways for continuous learning. Look to establish partnerships between high schools, colleges and community centers to develop career tracks as well as fund adult education and retraining initiatives.

Efforts to support ongoing skill development can help graduates adapt to new career opportunities and market demands. Platforms for knowledge sharing between industry professionals and educators can also foster a culture of lifelong learning.

As a business leader, you likely possess the resources, influence and expertise to drive meaningful changes in public education. By advocating for smart investments, fostering public-private partnerships, overhauling curricula and integrating new technologies, you have the power to significantly improve educational outcomes.

I believe business leaders' involvement in public education is crucial for preparing the next generation to succeed. The challenges facing public education are significant, but with strategic and thoughtful assistance from business leaders, I believe they can be overcome.

Forbes Business Council is the foremost growth and networking organization for business owners and leaders. Do I qualify?

Harsh Singh

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  1. The Importance of Education in Business.

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