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Endorsement Letters

40 perfect endorsement letters (free examples).

To endorse means to give approval or promote a product or someone. For example, an author might seek the endorsement of their book by an influential person. A company can request an influencer or celebrity to endorse a specific product. An actor can be endorsed by a director to join a play.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Endorsement Letters
  • 2 What is an endorsement letter?
  • 3 Endorsement Letter Samples
  • 4.1 Business endorsement letter
  • 4.2 Professional letter of endorsement
  • 4.3 Academic letter of endorsement
  • 4.4 Personal letter of endorsement
  • 4.5 Letter of endorsement for candidate
  • 4.6 Navy letter of endorsement
  • 5 Endorsement Examples
  • 6.1 Contact details of the person the endorsement is addressed to
  • 6.3 Details of the product or business you are recommending
  • 6.4 Your name and contact details
  • 6.5 Salutation 
  • 6.6 The purpose for the endorsement
  • 7.1 Make a formal request for endorsement
  • 7.2 Brainstorm on the person to endorse
  • 7.3 Accepting and writing an endorsement letter
  • 8 Letters Of Endorsement For Candidate
  • 9 What is an example of an endorsement?

To endorse something might not mean to market it for increased sales. Its purpose is to give a positive view of the product. The company might benefit from increased sales if the endorsement receives a greater effect.

Free endorsement letter 01

What is an endorsement letter?

A letter of endorsement is a document written and signed by an individual to approve/endorse something or someone. The document/letter can be written by an employer, business partner, politician, employer, or any other person that has earned trust over some period.

An endorsement letter is not a sales letter or a call-to-action letter. It is a document that gives a product or individual a positive perception before their audience or customers. Indirectly, an endorsement letter can help promote a product and increase its sales .

Endorsement Letter Samples

Free endorsement letter 11

Types of endorsement letters

Business endorsement letter.

Businesses still rely on endorsements. They request endorsements from other businesses or influential customers to give a positive attitude about their product quality against its competitors. The business endorsement letter can be used to do any of the following:

  • Endorsement of product quality
  • Verifies claims for services offered
  • Influence other companies or people seeking to learn more about the company.

Professional letter of endorsement

This type of letter is written by professionals for professionals. For example, an employer might have an employee who has faithfully worked for them for many years. If the employee wants to join another company, the employer will write a letter of endorsement to recommend the employee as a good choice.

Another example is someone who learns under another person. After they complete their lessons, the professional can endorse them for work in several professional fields.

Academic letter of endorsement

This type of endorsement is done within the academic field. It might be a lecturer endorsing a student to join higher education. They could be endorsing them for a scholarship, local sports program, etc. After a student completes their course, they are required to be attached to a certain company as interns.

The company attaching them may ask for a letter of endorsement from the institution they attended. The lecturer or administrator will write a letter of endorsement for the student to the company.

Personal letter of endorsement

A person’s character is important in many fields. An individual might want to invest with a certain firm or be admitted into a certain community. The community will ask the person to bring them a letter of endorsement from someone who knows them well. The person will write to confirm the person is of good character and may join the community. The letter can be written by a friend, parent, religious leader, local leader, etc.

Letter of endorsement for candidate

This type of letter is mostly written to endorse political candidates. The person writing the letter of endorsement for candidates writes positively about them and asks the general public to support their political ambitions.

A letter of endorsement for candidate might also be written to endorse someone for a specific role other than political. It could be they want to be elected as the chairperson of big business, leader or a board member, or any other position that concerns leadership.

Navy letter of endorsement

A navy letter of endorsement is written by someone mostly from within the navy to endorse navy personnel for a promotion or for joining the navy. It happens many times that navy officers return to college to advance education.

After graduation, a departmental leader in the forces might write a navy letter of endorsement and take a keen note on their latest education or skills improvement. The other scenario would be when a new navy officer wants to join the forces. They might be asked to get a navy letter of endorsement from several people either from the university, former employer, politician, army general, etc.

Endorsement Examples

Free endorsement letter 21

What must be included in an endorsement letter?

There are a wide variety of endorsement letters. The features of each will depend on what is being endorsed. The main point in every letter of endorsement is recommending the thing or person using friendly language.

You may download an endorsement letter sample to help you understand the features to include or the format to follow. You will find a large variety of endorsement examples online. If, for example, you want to endorse a business product/s, the letter should include the following details.

Contact details of the person the endorsement is addressed to

You might be writing to another company to recommend the products of another company to them. The recipient might also be a government entity, an NGO, a security company, etc. For the receiving entity to be certain the endorsement is addressed to them, including their contact information is important. What is most important is the address of the company and telephone. You may include-

  • Mailing address
  • Telephone number

This is the date when you write the letter of endorsement

Details of the product or business you are recommending

If specifically, you want to endorse products of an entire business, give the details of the business and include the products.

  • Name of the business
  • Physical address
  • Telephone contact

When endorsing a specific product, be very particular when mentioning it. You may refer to an endorsement letter sample of a product before you begin to write your endorsement letter of the product or business. The endorsement examples are for your guide or inspiration.

Your name and contact details

The public/business needs to know who you are, where you are from, or what you do. You should include your name, title/organization. If you are a CEO in a company, state your position and company or entity name. You might not own a company, but you are an influencer or celebrity. In this case, state your name and your field, such as music field, acting, comedy, social media, blogger, etc. The following details are important.

  • Your position
  • Contact information


The kind of salutation you give depends on who the endorsement is addressed to. If it is the public, salute the public. If it is a manager or leader of an entity, salute them by their title or name plus title.

The purpose for the endorsement

Give a brief detail of your reasons for endorsing the product/s or business. If, for example, you are endorsing a cleaning product, give reasons why you are endorsing it. You might state the extent of your experience with the product.

State how long you have used the product and the consistent results it has given you. You may decide to give details of things such as the pleasant smell of the product, its powerful cleaning abilities like it doesn’t leave stains on the surface, etc.

The main message you want to pass to the other company or entity is the value the product has given you. You want to suggest to them they can benefit from the same value if they try out the product, just like you did.

You might also be endorsing the cleaning product to the public. In this case, you don’t require to include the contact details of the recipient because, in this case, it is the public.

However, you will give the rest of the details about your experience with the product and why you feel it can be beneficial to the public. You may not indicate or suggest directly to the public to buy the product, but by you endorsing it, you will have changed the public perception of the product.

If your interaction with the product or company goes beyond endorsement, tell the public or the entity you have written to the way they can contact you for further information about the endorsed product.

How do you start an endorsement letter?

In most cases, an endorsement is not written without a foundation or backup. That is, you cannot endorse someone or a product without their knowledge. The company or person has to request you for endorsement.

You will write the letter only after you accept the request. This is the process for writing an endorsement request letter. You may search for an endorsement letter sample to help you have an easy process.

Make a formal request for endorsement

If you are an individual who wants to join a certain organization or get a promotion, you will approach someone to endorse you. In the case of a business that wants its product endorsed, the management will decide the best fitting endorser.

Brainstorm on the person to endorse

The person you want to approach to endorse you or your products must be an influencer in different ways. If you want to be endorsed for a promotion, a senior manager might be the best person to approach.

When joining a new company, the CEO of your current company is the best person. For products, establish why you want the product endorsed and where you want the endorsement to appear, such as social media, advertisement media, or another company. This will help you decide the kind of influencer or person to approach.

  • Write to the endorser stating who you are and your position
  • Describe your company/yourself (for individual endorsements)
  • Describe the product
  • Describe the reasons why you want yourself or your product endorsed
  • Give them your guidelines which they must follow in the endorsement process (you may include endorsement examples to guide them)
  • Indicate the time within which you expect the endorsement
  • Indicate when you intend to do a follow-up
  • Thank the person and sign

Accepting and writing an endorsement letter

If the person accepts to endorse you, your company, or product/s, they may write back to state their acceptance. After this, they will begin the process of writing the endorsement letter and follow the procedures you indicated on the general outline contained in the endorsement letter sample. Refer to the section titled what must be included in an endorsement letter to understand what you must include.

Letters Of Endorsement For Candidate

Free endorsement letter 31

What is an example of an endorsement?

When writing letters of endorsement, referring to endorsement examples will help. Make sure you get the relevant endorsement examples to avoid an irrelevant endorsement letter. What is important is to know the type of endorsement you want to write, such as a letter of endorsement for a candidate, a navy letter of endorsement, or a business endorsement letter.

The most important thing is to closely follow the general structure of an endorsement letter. That is, start with your details and then the details of the recipient, proceed with the subject line, body, and conclude by signing the letter.

The structure is the same across all types of letters of endorsement but what changes is the wording. For example, if an endorsement letter is for a company that sells internet accounts/connection services, the wording will be different when the endorsement is for a tangible good/product.

The endorser must state how they have used the product, for how long, and the outcomes they get. When endorsing an individual, you will look into their strengths, special skills, and interpersonal skills. The bottom line should be to create a positive impression about the individual, company, or product.

When endorsing an individual, be careful not to overstate their skills or qualifications. They might be given a position and they prove unworthy of it or the favor. For example, the commonest type of endorsements in academic institutions is endorsements for scholarships .

The institution giving scholarships may not limit the number of endorsements per institution but if you endorse a non-viable candidate, they will get the scholarship, but its purpose will not benefit them nor the institution.

The institution might be looking for students with a specific talent and if you endorse them, it will not reflect well on you or the candidate. They will not be up to the tasks as expected and it will be a wasted effort for the institution that was looking for the specific talent.

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5 Effective Business Endorsement Letter Templates for Your Company

5 Effective Business Endorsement Letter Templates for Your Company

If you are running a business, chances are you will need to write an endorsement letter at some point. Whether it’s for a colleague, a partner or an employee, a well-crafted endorsement letter can make all the difference in establishing and maintaining professional relationships. Don’t know where to start? Look no further than the business endorsement letter template.

This versatile template is designed to help you create a clear and effective endorsement letter, highlighting the strengths and attributes of the person or entity being endorsed. You can easily adapt and customize the template to suit your specific needs, whether you’re seeking to endorse a product, service, or individual.

The great thing about this template is that it can be easily edited to reflect your own voice and unique perspective. With the examples available, you can easily find inspiration and tailor the content to reflect the specific qualities you wish to highlight.

So, if you’re looking to establish a professional relationship that will thrive, a well-written endorsement letter could be just what you need. Try out the business endorsement letter template today and see how it can help you achieve your goals in business.

The Perfect Structure for a Business Endorsement Letter Template

As a business owner or manager, it’s essential to have a strong network of partners, customers, and other trusted industry professionals. An endorsement letter is a powerful tool that can help you build and strengthen these relationships in a genuine and impactful way. Here are some tips for creating a killer structure for your business endorsement letter:

Paragraph 1: Introduction

Introduce yourself and your company in this paragraph. Briefly explain why you’re writing the endorsement letter and what the recipient can expect from it. Consider starting with a catchy statement to grab the reader’s attention and make them want to continue reading.

Paragraph 2: Highlight Your Relationship

This paragraph is where you showcase your relationship with the recipient and explain why you’re endorsing them. Provide context around how you met them, what you’ve worked on together, and what you admire about their work or values. Make sure to include specific examples of their accomplishments or qualities that make them stand out.

Paragraph 3: Explain the Business Benefits

In this paragraph, explain how the recipient’s services or products have benefited your business. Share concrete results, such as increased revenue, productivity, or customer satisfaction. If possible, include data-backed metrics to support your points.

Paragraph 4: Call to Action

End your letter with a strong call to action. Invite the recipient to work with you again or connect with you on a professional level. You can also encourage them to reach out to you for more information or provide your contact details.

Wrapping up your endorsement letter, restate the importance of your relationship and thank them for their time. End with a positive note, and make sure your tone is authentic and genuine.

Using this structure, you can create an endorsement letter that genuinely showcases your admiration for the recipient and builds a strong foundation for your professional relationship. Remember to keep your writing concise and straightforward, and use active language to make your message powerful and memorable.

Business Endorsement Letter Templates

Endorsement for a job applicant.

Dear [Employer],

I am writing to highly recommend [Job Applicant’s Name] for the vacant position in your esteemed organization. [He/She] was my colleague at [Previous Company Name] where [he/she] worked as [Current Position]. [Job Applicant’s Name] demonstrated exceptional skills and a strong work ethic during [his/her] tenure with us.

[Job Applicant’s Name] is a proactive individual with excellent leadership skills, an eye for detail, and an unwavering commitment to deadlines. [He/She] is a problem-solver, and [his/her] ability to think outside the box has been instrumental in delivering successful projects. [Job Applicant’s Name] is also highly adaptable, and [his/her] ability to work under pressure and tackle any challenge has been nothing short of impressive.

With [his/her] superior interpersonal skills, [Job Applicant’s Name] would be a valuable asset to your team and make significant contributions to [Company Name]. I unreservedly endorse [him/her] as an exceptional candidate for the position, and I am confident that [he/she] would excel in the role.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any further queries.

Sincerely, [Your Name and Signature]

Endorsement for a Business or Product

Dear [Reader],

I am writing to express my wholehearted support for [Business/Product Name] and endorse its outstanding services. As a customer of [Business/Product Name] for [Number] years, I have had the pleasure of experiencing its top-notch [Services/Products].

[Business/Product Name] has gained a reputation for excellence for its reliability, quality, and exceptional customer service. [Its/Their] products/services have always met or exceeded my expectations, and their team goes above and beyond to ensure complete customer satisfaction.

Moreover, the quality of [Business/Product Name] has gained state-wide recognition and has attracted an impressive portfolio of clientele. Whether you are looking for a [Service/Products], [Business/Product Name] is the perfect solution.

I would strongly recommend [Business/Product Name] without reservation, and I am confident that you will find it as impressive as I have.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Endorsement for Mentorship or Coaching

Dear [Mentor/Coach’s Name],

I am writing this letter to express my deep gratitude for the remarkable role you have played in my life over the years. During our time together, I have learned so much, grown personally and professionally, and achieved goals that would have seemed impossible without your guidance and encouragement.

Your mentorship/coaching has been instrumental in shaping me into the person I am today, and I’m proud of the progress I’ve made. Your unwavering support, insightful feedback, and constructive criticism have honed my skills and empowered me to face every challenge head-on.

Your guidance has extended beyond our sessions, and [your/their] dedication to helping others is commendable. I am confident that anyone who seeks out your mentorship/coaching will benefit tremendously.

I wholeheartedly endorse you as an exceptional mentor/coach, and I’m grateful for the privilege of having you impact my life.

Thank you again for everything.

Best, [Your Name and Signature]

Endorsement for an Award Nominee

Dear [Award Committee Name],

I am pleased to write this letter to endorse [Nominee’s Name] for the [Name of the Award]. As [Nominee’s Title] at [Company/Institution Name], [he/she] has demonstrated exceptional commitment, dedication, and contributed immensely to the organization.

[His/Her] keen attention to detail, excellent communication skills, and superior leadership abilities have been instrumental in driving forward successful projects, and [he/she] has consistently gone above and beyond in [his/her] duties.

[His/Her] contributions have not gone unnoticed, and [he/she] has received accolades from colleagues, clients, and superiors alike.

I am confident that [Nominee’s Name] deserves this recognition as [he/she] is highly deserving of the award, and I wholeheartedly endorse [him/her] for the [Name of the Award].

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any further questions.

Endorsement for Charitable Cause

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing this letter to express my full support for [Cause/NPO Name]. [Its/Their] numerous programs have positively impacted countless lives, providing solutions to the most pressing issues that affect our communities.

[Their/Its] commitment to addressing societal problems such as poverty, hunger, and homelessness is commendable, and [they/it] have demonstrated exceptional dedication in making the world a better place.

Furthermore, their programs are well-executed, transparent, and effective in achieving [their/its] goals. [Their/Its] ability to mobilize resources and collaborate with other organizations has yielded significant results, leading to many success stories of individuals and communities.

I strongly endorse [Cause/NPO Name] and encourage anyone looking to bring change, uplift society to join hands with [them/it] or make donations to support [their/its] worthy cause.

Thank you and best regards.

Endorsement for a Colleague leaving the Company

Dear [Leaving Colleague],

I want to take a moment to express my appreciation and gratitude for all the hard work and dedication that you have demonstrated during your time with [Company Name]. You have been an indispensable member of our team, and your presence will be sorely missed.

Your contributions have been a significant reason for our team’s success, and your colleagues always appreciated [your/their] unparalleled work ethic, positive attitude, and unparalleled commitment to [your/their] deadlines.

Your professionalism, diligence, and attention to detail set a high standard for others to follow. You have made a lasting impression on everyone you have worked with, and your departure is a considerable loss for the organization.

I am sad to see you leave but excited about the opportunities that lie ahead of you. Please know that you have my full support and best wishes for your future endeavors.

Thank you for your excellent work, and I hope to keep in touch.

Best regards, [Your Name and Signature]

Endorsement for a Business Partner

Dear [Partner’s Name],

I am writing to express my full support and endorsement for [Your Business Name] partnership with [Partner Business Name]. Working alongside [Partner’s Name] has been a highlight of my career, and I’m proud of our joint achievements.

[Partner’s Business Name] is an outstanding organization that shares our values and work ethics. Your team’s professionalism, high-quality services, and dedication to customer satisfaction have impressed me and our customers alike.

Our partnership has been mutually beneficial, and we have successfully delivered exceptional results by leveraging on each other’s respective strengths. As [our/your] collaborations continue to grow, I’m excited about the future possibilities and all we can accomplish.

I fully endorse [Partner’s Business Name] and look forward to many more productive years together.

Tips for Crafting a Winning Business Endorsement Letter Template

Endorsement letters are a great way to add credibility to your business or brand. Whether you’re looking to secure a new partnership or simply want to let the world know how great your company is, a well-crafted endorsement letter can help you achieve your goals. Here are some tips to help you create a winning business endorsement letter template:

  • Personalize Your Message: The first step in creating an effective endorsement letter is to personalize your message. You want to make sure that the letter speaks directly to the recipient and their needs. This can be achieved by addressing them by name and mentioning specific details about their business or organization.
  • Highlight Your Accomplishments: Don’t be shy about highlighting your accomplishments and successes. This will help establish credibility and show the recipient why they should take your endorsement seriously. Be sure to include specific examples of how your business has helped others and the impact you’ve had in your industry.
  • Use a Professional Tone: It’s important to maintain a professional tone throughout your endorsement letter. Avoid using overly casual or colloquial language and make sure to proofread your letter for any spelling or grammatical errors.
  • Include Contact Information: Finally, make sure to include your contact information and any relevant links to your website or social media profiles. This will make it easy for the recipient to learn more about your business and get in touch with you if they have any questions or would like to discuss a potential partnership.

By following these tips and incorporating them into your business endorsement letter template, you can create a powerful tool that will help you establish credibility and build valuable relationships within your industry.

FAQs about Business Endorsement Letter Template What is a business endorsement letter?

A business endorsement letter is a formal document where a person or organization expresses their support, approval, or recommendation for a product, service, or business approach.

When do I need a business endorsement letter?

You might need a business endorsement letter when you are starting a new business, launching a new product or service, or seeking financial investment. An endorsement letter can give potential customers or investors a sense of credibility and trust in your business.

What should be included in a business endorsement letter?

Typically, a business endorsement letter should include the name and contact information of the endorser, the reason for the endorsement, and any specific details about the product, service, or business that the endorser wants to emphasize.

Can I use a business endorsement letter template?

Yes, using a business endorsement letter template can save you time and ensure that you include all the necessary information in the letter. Just make sure to tailor the template to your specific needs and edit it to fit the tone and style of your business.

What kind of businesses can use a business endorsement letter?

Almost any kind of business can benefit from an endorsement letter, including startups, small businesses, and large corporations. Any business that wants to gain more visibility and credibility can use a business endorsement letter to their advantage.

Who can write a business endorsement letter?

A business endorsement letter can be written by anyone who wants to express their support or approval for a business, including customers, clients, partners, investors, and industry experts.

Are there any legal considerations when writing a business endorsement letter?

Yes, when writing a business endorsement letter, make sure to avoid any false or misleading statements that could be considered fraudulent or misleading. Also, be aware of any regulations or laws that might apply to your industry or region.

Thank you for taking the time to read about the business endorsement letter template! We hope you found our article helpful in creating your own endorsement letters. Remember, a well-written endorsement letter can make a positive difference in a business so feel free to use our template whenever you need it. Don’t forget to visit our website for more resources and helpful tips. See you soon!

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How to Write an Endorsement Letter: 14 Free Templates

A formal letter that is intended to encourage or commend a person, thing, activity, or business is known as an endorsement letter. It is also known as a recommendation letter.

It is often written by an individual who has a personal understanding of or expertise with the subject of the endorsement, and their backing and views are considered significant or prominent.

What Is an Endorsement Letter

A letter of endorsement is written to support a certain person or initiative. Such a letter is sent by a previous employer or a business acquaintance to attest to the reality that the person they are endorsing is a deserving applicant or a reliable individual, and they are in some way standing for it.

According to the objective and target audience, endorsement letters can take many formats. They can be used in a variety of settings, including employment applications, university admissions, raising money, elections, and product evaluations.

They can also be private or business-related, official or casual. Endorsement letters should not exceed two pages in length.

What Is to Be Included in An Endorsement Letter

Include your name and contact information.

The receiver might wish to get in touch with you to talk about the individual’s eligibility for an honor or job if they have further inquiries for you. It’s crucial to provide the receiver with your name and a variety of ways to get in touch with you, like your email address, phone number, etc.

Include an introduction

Introduce yourself and your qualifications if necessary, depending on the goal of the recommendation letter. This might demonstrate your expertise and suitability to provide support for the letter’s subject. This also gives the reader an accurate representation of if the endorsement can be trusted or not.

Include the statement of endorsement

The major part of the letter is where you explain in great length why you are recommending the person or thing. It should be detailed, including instances and proof to back up the endorsement and showcase the subject’s or organization’s greatest assets.

Include the purpose and context of the endorsement

Clarifying the justification for the recommendation might make it clearer to the reader what the letter of endorsement is about. This might involve providing specifics on the title, honor, or job you’re endorsing. Also, make sure to include how long you have known or worked with the individual or organization.

Include the closing

The closing should restate your endorsement and go over the recommendation. You may also volunteer to give further details or assistance if necessary. You can also end the letter with an appropriate closing like ‘Best regards’ or ‘Yours truly.’

How to Write an Endorsement Letter (tips)

A strong endorsement letter will provide the reader with a good reason to believe in and favor the individual or organization being recommended. It will also be well-written, simple, and convincing. These tips will help you put together a perfect endorsement letter:

Use an appropriate tone

An endorsement letter should be professional, courteous, and encouraging in tone. Don’t unnecessarily emphasize the individual’s or organization’s attributes or use too emotive words. Avoid using informal language and slang words.

Highlight the key strengths

Concentrate on the main attributes, talents, and accomplishments of the individual or organization. Describe why you think they are ideal for the job or worthy of your support. You can describe the job ethic or personality traits that the employer is looking for.

Be specific

To bolster your endorsement, give specific instances and proof. This can include particular situations where the individual performed well or a specific award or achievement they accomplished. Steer clear of making generalized or ambiguous claims.

Customize the letter

Adapt the letter to the particular recipient group and goal. Do not use the same letter for every individual or organization you endorse. Use terminology and illustrations that are pertinent to the receiver’s requirements and desires. 

Avoid any mistakes

An endorsement letter might be challenging to read and understand if there are grammatical or spelling concerns, so be sure to check it carefully. Ensure that the formatting is correct and official.

Key takeaways

Your endorsement letter should be clear, brief, and concise. Use a formal and professional tone throughout the letter. Include all the necessary accomplishments and personality traits of the individual or organization you are endorsing. Use specific instances to make them stand out. Also, remember to provide your name along with your contact details. Proofread the letter before sending it to avoid any errors.

Template: 1

Sponsorship Endorsement Letter

[Name of the sender]

[Mention designation of the respective person]

[Name of addressee]

Subject: Letter of Endorsement for Sponsorship

Respected sir/madam,

This letter is in regard to the endorsement of your sponsorship with our company/organization. We are happy to know that [mention name of the company or organization] is interested in our business firm and has requested us this sponsorship.

I [mention your name], the [mention your designation] of [mention your company has], on behalf of management and authority, would like to inform you that we are happy to endorse your sponsorship.

We have gone through your proposal and have read all the perspectives of it.  After going through your perspectives, our company is ready is endorse your sponsorship.  There will be some changes in the perspective; we have mentioned all the changes.

The documents have been enclosed with this letter; please find the attachment and do the needful so that we can proceed with it.

For any further information, you can reach our management department at (mention phone number) or through an email (mention email address).

(Sender Name)

Download Template : ( pdf, docs, ODT, RTF, txt, HTML, Epub, Etc )

Template: 2

Transfer Endorsement Letter

(Your name)

(Your address)

(Your contact information)

(Name of the Recipient)

(Address of the Recipient)

(Contact Information of the Recipient)

Sub: Letter of Endorsement for Transfer

Dear (mention the name of the recipient),

I am delighted to write this letter to request your endorsement for the new transfer program of your institution (mention name and details) for one of my very good students Mr (mention name and details), studying at our institution (mention name and details) for the past (mention time period) years.

I am happy to say that he is a very talented and studious student of our organization. I give my full recommendation to him to fulfill his dream of studying further. For this reason, I request you include him in your transfer program.

I am very excited to announce that you have been one of our good and long-time friends for the past (mention details) years. Therefore we would like it if you consider him eligible in this regard.

I hope for your positive response related to this request. I am sending the details of the previously mentioned student of our organization with this letter for your further knowledge. You can also send your signed document to our company website. We will be waiting for your answer. You are welcome to contact us any time if you have any queries.

Thank you for your help and support,

With regards,


(Hand-written Signature)

(Notary or witness if required)

Template: 3

Residency Endorsement Letter

Sub: Letter of Endorsement for Residency

I am very happy to write this letter to request you an endorsement for your new residency program for my co-worker Mr (mention name and details), who has been working at our institution (mention name and details) for the past (mention time period) years. I am happy to say that he is a very talented and meritorious student of our organization. I give my full recommendation to him and also request you include him in your program.

I am delighted to announce that you have been one of our reliable and long-time friends for the past (mention details) years. Therefore we would like it if you support my co-worker in this regard.

I hope for your supportive response related to this matter. I am sending the details of the previously mentioned student of our organization with this letter for your better understanding. You can also send your signed document to our company website. We will be waiting for your reply. Feel free to contact us any time if you have any queries.

Thank you for your help and support for us,

Template: 4

Complaint Endorsement Letter

Sub: Letter of Endorsement for Complaint

Dear (the name of the recipient),

We are writing this letter in order to announce an endorsement about the complaint of the product (mention name and details) on behalf of our company. We are planning to complain about this product and its problems (mention details), and for that purpose, we need your acceptance and support for our decisions.

We are all sorry to say that though it has been a very useful and low-cost product for the past (mention details) years, it also has many problems like (mention details). We are all very eager to draw your attention to this problem. Therefore we request you on behalf of our organization to fulfill the form attached to this letter to give your consent in this matter.

We hope for your satisfactory response regarding this matter. We are submitting the rules and regulations of our organization related to this endorsement for your better understanding. You can also send your signed feedback to our website. We will be waiting for your answer.

Thank you for your help and support as the previous years,

Template: 5

Medical Assistance Endorsement Letter

Sub: Letter of Endorsement for Medical Assistance

It is our pleasure to write this letter in order to request an endorsement about the medical assistance for the injuries (mention details) of the worker of our company (mention the name and details of the company).

We are planning to request medical assistance from your reputed organization 9mention name and details), and for that purpose, we need your acceptance and support for our decisions. The name and details of the candidate are (mention details).

We are all proud to say that he is one of our reliable and very active workers for the past (mention details) years. But we are very sorry for his injuries and physical problems, which he encountered during office hours (mention details).

Therefore we are trying to endorse his medical treatments. Therefore we request you on behalf of our company to fulfill our request by giving your consent in this matter.

We hope for your satisfactory response regarding this matter. We are submitting the rules and regulations of our party related to this endorsement for your better understanding. You can also send your signed approval to our website. We will be waiting for your positive answer.

Thank you for your help and support all time,

Template: 6

Membership Endorsement Letter

Sub: Letter of Endorsement for Membership

We are very pleased to write this letter in order to give our support for the new members at your company (mention the name and details) for the candidate of our institution (mention the name and details of the institution).

We are requesting his membership at your company, and for that purpose, we need your acceptance and support for our decisions. The name and details of the candidate are (mention details).

We are all proud to say that he has been one of our reliable and very active workers for the past (mention details) years.  He is a very well-behaved and a good person. We are all happy to have the opportunity to endorse him as one of the reliable representatives of our company.

For this reason, we request you, on behalf of our concern, to fulfill the form attached to this letter to give your consent in this matter.

We hope for your positive feedback regarding this matter. We are submitting the rules and regulations of our company related to this endorsement for your better understanding. You can also send your signed approval to our website. We will be waiting for your positive answer.

Template: 7

Graduate School Endorsement Letter

Sub: Letter of Endorsement for Graduate School

Dear (mention the name),

It is our pleasure to write this letter to announce an endorsement program for a former student of our institution (mention the name and details of the institution). He is very interested in studying at your graduate school, and for that purpose, we need your acceptance and support for our request. The name and details of the candidate is (mention details).

We are all proud to say that he has been one of our studious and very talented students for the past (mention details) years. We are all happy to have the opportunity to endorse him as one of the reliable members of our institution. Therefore we request you, on behalf of our institution to fulfill the dreams of our students through this letter. We hope you will consider our request.

We wish for your satisfactory response regarding this matter. We are submitting the rules and regulations related to this endorsement for your better understanding. You can also send your signed approval to our website. We will be waiting for your positive answer.

Thank you for your help and support. As the previous years,

Letter Template: 8

Equipment Endorsement Letter

Sub: Letter of Endorsement of Equipment

It is our pleasure to write this letter to request for an endorsement about the new equipment of our organization (mention name and details of the company).

We are planning to prepare an advertisement campaign to promote the previously mentioned equipment, and for that purpose, we need your acceptance and support for our decisions. The details and specialty of the equipment are (mention details).

We are all proud to say that you have been our reliable business partner for the past (mention details) years. We are all happy to have the opportunity to endorse the equipment as one of the very effective machinery for our future improvement.

Therefore we request you, on behalf of our company, to fulfill the form attached to this letter to give your consent in this matter.

We hope for your positive feedback regarding this recommendation. We are submitting the rules and regulations of our company related to this endorsement for your better understanding. You can also send your feedback to our website. We will be waiting for your positive answer.

Thank you for your help and support in the past years,

Template: 9

Birth Certificate Endorsement Letter

Sub: Letter of Endorsement for Birth Certificate

We are writing this letter to request you about the endorsement process for the birth certificate of the newborn child of the employee (mention details) of our institution (mention name and details). We are happy to endorse this for the better satisfaction of our employees. It will also help in the betterment of our society.

We are all delighted to announce that you have been one of our reliable and long-time friends for the past (mention details) years. Therefore we would like to endorse this request of issuing the new birth certificate as a very good opportunity for us and also to give the child a new and bright future.

We hope for your supportive response regarding this matter. We are attaching the details of the previously mentioned request of our employee with this letter for your better understanding. You can also send your signed consent to our company website. We will be waiting for your positive answer. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Template: 10

Job Endorsement Letter

Sub: Letter of Endorsement for Job

We are writing this letter to inform you about an endorsement of the employment services of our company (mention name and details). We are happy to say that Mr (mention name and details) was a very hard working and loyal employee of our company. He proved himself to be a very efficient employee for the job of (mention the designation) in our department of (mention details).

We are all delighted to say that you and your organization have been one of our reliable and long-time clients for the past (mention details) years. Therefore we would like to endorse him in the post of (mention details) at your company (mention details).

We hope for your quick and satisfactory response regarding this letter. We are submitting the details of the previously mentioned worker and his previous job details for your better understanding. You can also send your signed consent to our company website. We will be waiting for your positive answer. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Thank you for your help and support like the previous years,

With Regards,

Template: 11

Employee Endorsement Letter

Sub: Letter of Endorsement for Employee

We are writing this letter to let you know about an endorsement of the employment services of our company (mention name and details). We are happy to say that Mr (mention name and details) was a very hard working and loyal employee of our company. He proved himself to be a very efficient employee for our department of (mention details).

We are all proud to say that you have been one of our reliable and long-time clients for the past (mention details) years. Therefore we would like to endorse him as a very useful worker for your organization.

We hope for your quick and satisfactory response regarding this matter. We are submitting the details of the previously mentioned worker of our company for your better understanding. You can also send your signed consent to our company website. We will be waiting for your positive answer. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Template: 12

Company Endorsement Letter

Sub: Letter of Endorsement for A Company

We are very happy to write this letter to request an endorsement of a new organization as one of the sister companies of our company (mention name and details). We are planning to prepare a campaign to endorse this new company, and for that purpose, we need our clients and customers’ acceptance of our services.

We are all proud to say that you have been one of our reliable and long-time clients for the past (mention details) years. We are all happy to know that you were satisfied with all our services. Therefore we request you, on behalf of our company, to fulfill the form attached to this letter to give your consent regarding the endorsement of our new branch.

We wish for your quick response regarding this matter. We are submitting the rules and regulations of our company related to this endorsement for your better knowledge about us. You can also send your signed consent to our company website. We will be waiting for your affirmative answer.

Thank you for your help and support as the previous times,

Template: 13

Judge Endorsement Letter

[Designation of the respective person]

Subject: Letter to Endorsement for Judge

This letter is to endorsement for a judge who is now currently working at [mention law firm]. [Mention law firm according to you. This is just an example]. He/she has been working in this domain for many years now and has great knowledge and experience in it. He/she even has worked in many forms before at different places across the country.

He/she is a very sincere and punctual person towards his/her work. My family personally knows him/her and respects his/her presence, and considers him/her as part of our family.

You can be sure that your organization will be under one of the best judges in town. His/her way of dealing with authority is commendable, and he/she has the audacity to handle any situation.

For further queries, you can reach me at [mention phone number] or through an email [mention email address].

[Sender Name]

Letter Template: 14

Lease Endorsement Letter

Subject: Letter of Endorsement for Lease

This letter is to inform you about the endorsement of the lease which we have signed. In a request for your submitted application for the lease of my property, we have decided to move forward to it. According to the lease, you can be able to use my property for (mention number of days or months according to your choice).

The lease has some terms and conditions which you have to maintain and follow. The amount that we have decided for the lease will be paid timely without any delay. I would like to request you take care of the property properly. There should not be any damage that occurs in the property, or I shouldn’t get any complaint regarding it; if I get any, then we have to take legal action against you.

All the rules and regulations related to the lease have been attached with this letter; please find the attachment for your reference and do the needful accordingly.

If you have any further questions, you can reach to me at (mention phone number) or through an email (mention email address).

More Endorsement Letter Templates

  • Product Endorsement Letters
  • Insurance Endorsement Letters
  • Political Candidate Endorsement Letters
  • Bank Account Endorsement Letters
  • Supervisor Endorsement Letters
  • Business Endorsement Letters
  • Student Endorsement Letters
  • Project Endorsement Letters
  • Beauty Pageant Endorsement Letters
  • Contract Endorsement Letters
  • Company Representative Endorsement Letters
  • Training Endorsement Letters

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Rahul Panchal

“Business, marketing, and blogging – these three words describe me the best. I am the founder of Burban Branding and Media, and a self-taught marketer with 10 years of experience. My passion lies in helping startups enhance their business through marketing, HR, leadership, and finance. I am on a mission to assist businesses in achieving their goals.”

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Jane Template

Letter of Endorsement Template [With Sample]

When it comes to showcasing support and confidence in a person’s abilities or a product’s quality, a well-crafted letter of endorsement serves as a powerful tool. Whether you are endorsing a colleague for a job application or recommending a service, the impact of an endorsement letter can be significant. Understanding the importance of this document and how to create an effective template is essential in the professional realm.

Table of Contents

This article will delve into the world of endorsement letters, exploring the key elements of a compelling endorsement template and how it can elevate your recommendations to new heights.

What is a Letter of Endorsement?

A Letter of Endorsement is a powerful statement of recommendation that can significantly boost one’s credibility and reputation in professional or personal endeavors. It is a written endorsement from a respected source, such as a former employer, academic mentor, or community leader, highlighting an individual’s skills, experience, and qualifications.

This letter serves as a valuable tool in standing out and gaining recognition in a competitive environment.

Letter of Endorsement Template

Benefits of using a Letter of Endorsement

The benefits of using a Letter of Endorsement are numerous and can significantly enhance your professional endeavors. Here are some detailed advantages:

  • Credibility Boost : A letter of endorsement provides a stamp of approval from a respected source, boosting your credibility in the eyes of potential employers, sponsors, or partners.
  • Competitive Edge : In a competitive landscape, a well-crafted endorsement letter can set you apart from other candidates by highlighting your skills, experience, and qualifications.
  • Trust Building : Endorsements help build trust with those evaluating your candidacy or project, as they showcase support and confidence in your abilities.
  • Networking Opportunities : Letters of endorsement can open doors to new networking opportunities by connecting you with influential individuals in your field.
  • Professional Validation : An endorsement letter serves as a form of professional validation, reinforcing your expertise and capabilities to achieve success in your endeavors.

Types of Letters of Endorsement

1. professional letters of endorsement.

Professional letters of endorsement are crucial in the professional world as they are written by supervisors, managers, colleagues, or industry experts to highlight an individual’s qualifications, skills, achievements, and character. These letters play a significant role in supporting job applications, scholarship applications, promotions, or other career opportunities, helping individuals build credibility and establish a strong reputation.

2. Client Letters of Endorsement

Client letters of endorsement are valuable statements of recommendation provided by clients who have experienced a product or service. These letters focus on the quality, reliability, and satisfaction derived from the business-client relationship. Client endorsements can significantly impact a company’s reputation and attract new customers.

3. Academic Letters of Endorsement

Academic letters of endorsement are recommendations written by professors, teachers, or academic advisors to support a student’s application for further studies, scholarships, or academic opportunities. These letters highlight a student’s academic achievements, skills, and potential, playing a crucial role in shaping their academic journey.

4. Community Letters of Endorsement

Community letters of endorsement are statements of support provided by community members, organizations, or leaders to endorse a cause, project, or individual. These letters showcase the impact and importance of community involvement, helping to build trust, credibility, and support for various initiatives.

5. Business Letters of Endorsement

Business letters of endorsement are essential in the corporate world as they are written by business partners, vendors, or other companies to endorse a company’s quality, reliability, reputation, and success. These letters are instrumental in supporting business proposals, partnerships, or other opportunities, helping businesses establish credibility, attract new customers, and build a strong reputation in the industry.

Who Can Write an Endorsement Letter?

Endorsement letters can be written by anyone who has worked with, been impacted by, or is familiar with the recipient’s work. While colleagues, supervisors, and managers are common choices, clients, customers, partners, or even family members can also pen endorsement letters.

Sharing positive experiences and observations can significantly boost someone’s career prospects, making it essential for anyone who believes in recognizing deserving individuals to take the time to write an endorsement letter.

How to Create a Letter of Endorsement

To create a compelling endorsement letter, several key steps need to be followed to ensure its effectiveness.

1. Determine the Purpose of the Letter

Before embarking on writing an endorsement letter, it is crucial to clearly define the purpose behind it. Whether it is to support an individual’s job application or endorse a product, understanding the primary goal will guide the content and tone of the letter.

2. Determine the Format

Selecting an appropriate format is essential to convey professionalism and clarity in the endorsement letter. Choose a format that includes the date, recipient’s details, and a structured layout comprising an introduction, main body, and conclusion.

3. Add Personal Touches

Incorporating personal touches can significantly enhance the impact of the endorsement letter. Begin with a warm greeting, address the recipient by name, and infuse the letter with sincere anecdotes or stories that reinforce your endorsement, making it more authentic and compelling.

4. Edit and Proofread the Endorsement Letter

Lastly, before finalizing the endorsement letter, it is imperative to thoroughly edit and proofread the content. Ensure that the language used is positive and energetic, emphasizing the significance of the endorsement. Review for any grammatical errors or inconsistencies to present a polished and professional letter of endorsement.

Download the Letter of Endorsement Template!

Utilizing a well-crafted letter of endorsement can significantly enhance your professional image and credibility. By downloading our letter of endorsement template in Word format, you are taking a proactive step towards securing valuable opportunities and standing out in a competitive landscape.

Remember, a strong endorsement letter can make a lasting impression and open doors to new possibilities. So, why wait? Download our template today and start reaping the benefits of a powerful endorsement letter.

Letter of Endorsement Template Word – Download

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Endorse a Proposal or Report

I have carefully reviewed your proposal for new signal lights at the intersection of Main Street and University Avenue with great interest. Your documentation of accidents and citations at that intersection is persuasive. I appreciate the care you have taken to contact local merchants and survey the residents in the area, and I concur with your recommendations. I have forwarded your proposal with my endorsement to the Planning Commission.

I enjoyed your presentation on the proposed change in our employee benefit plan. I will tell the board that I can think of no reason for not adopting it immediately. Thank you for your thorough work.

As you requested, I have reviewed the Planning Department's "Land Purchase Investigation" and I am in total agreement with its recommendation that the company purchase the adjacent vacant lands now for future plant expansion.

I have read and analyzed your proposal to provide on-site child care to employees of Doe Companies. I was impressed by your statistics on the higher retention rates for female executives in companies with such facilities. I have recommended to the Board of Directors that they approve your proposal.

How to Write this Endorsement Letter: Expert Tips and Guidelines

Supervisors or other qualified reviewers evaluate proposals before sending them to the next stage. These communications are typically brief.

  • Identify what you are endorsing, give reasons for your endorsement, and indicate what will happen next.

Write Your endorsement in Minutes: Easy Step-by-Step Guide with Sample Sentences and Phrases

1 identify what you are endorsing, give reasons for your endorsement, and indicate what will happen next., sample sentences for step 1.

  • I have read the proposal you sent last week for the Hong Kong project and find it acceptable in every way. Please move ahead with the plan.
  • I have read and analyzed the proposal you sent to me and want you to know that I think it is an excellent plan. I have passed the document on to the vice-president's office.
  • I have read your preliminary report of the accident, and I am satisfied with the thoroughness of your investigation and conclusions. I look forward to your presentation at the board meeting next Friday.
  • You may put me on record as endorsing your proposal. It is an excellent design for addressing the problems in the Springfield neighborhood. I hope it will be implemented quickly.
  • I read the report my staff prepared and am satisfied that they exercised their responsibility wisely and honestly. The investigation was thorough, the conclusions were intelligently derived from the findings, and the language was clear and direct.
  • The proposal is intelligently conceptualized and clearly articulated. Thanks for your good work. I will send the proposal on to the board with my recommendation for approval.

Key Phrases for Step 1

  • am happy to endorse
  • am satisfied that
  • am satisfied with
  • am pleased to recommend
  • am 100% behind
  • an excellent idea
  • arguments and conclusions
  • carefully researched
  • feel comfortable with
  • find it acceptable
  • forward for final approval
  • have read and analyzed
  • have passed it on to
  • have researched the
  • look forward to seeing
  • my recommendation for its approval
  • should implement
  • the research appears to be
  • think that this will
  • want to go on record as
  • want to let you know
  • will send it on to
  • will provide a good basis for
  • your innovative proposal
  • your report on

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45+ Free Sample Letter of Endorsement Templates (PDF, Doc)

A letter of endorsement is a powerful tool that can help you stand out from the crowd and get noticed in your professional or personal life. But what exactly is a letter of endorsement, and how can you use it to your advantage? Essentially, a letter of endorsement is just what it sounds like, a letter written by someone else that endorses or recommends you for a particular role or opportunity.

Table of Contents

Whether you’re applying for a new job, seeking a promotion, or simply looking to build your professional network, a well-written letter of endorsement can be a valuable asset that sets you apart and opens new doors for you. So why not take advantage of this powerful tool and start crafting your own template today? With a little bit of time and effort, you can create a letter of endorsement that speaks to your unique skills, talents, and qualities, and helps you achieve your goals and reach your full potential.

Download Free Sample Letter of Endorsement Templates

Agency Endorsement Letter Template

Types of Letters of Endorsement

A letter of endorsement is a statement of recommendation for a person, product, or service. It is a valuable tool for building credibility, trust, and reputation in the professional world. Endorsements can come from sources such as previous employers, clients, colleagues, or industry experts. However, not all endorsement letters are created equal.

Professional Letters of Endorsement

Professional letters of endorsement are the most common type of endorsement letter. They are written by professionals in the industry, such as supervisors, managers, colleagues, or industry experts. Professional letters of endorsement typically focus on an individual’s qualifications, skills, achievements, and character.

These letters can be used to support job applications, scholarship applications, promotions, or other opportunities. Professional letters of endorsement are an essential part of building a career reputation and establishing credibility.

Client Letters of Endorsement

Client letters of endorsement are an excellent way to showcase customer satisfaction and establish trust. These letters are written by clients who have experienced a product or service and want to share their positive experiences.

Client letters of endorsement often focus on the quality, reliability, affordability, and effectiveness of the product or service. These letters can be used to support marketing and sales efforts, establish a loyal customer base, and enhance the reputation of the business.

Candidate Endorsement Request Letter Template

Academic Letters of Endorsement

Academic letters of endorsement are written by professors, teachers, academic advisors, or other educators. These letters focus on an individual’s academic achievements, potential, character, and ability to succeed in a particular field.

Academic letters of endorsement are used to support scholarship applications, grant applications, awards, or other academic opportunities. These letters are helpful for students who are trying to establish a strong academic record and build a professional network in their chosen field.

Community Letters of Endorsement

Community letters of endorsement are written by individuals, organizations, or groups within a community. These letters focus on an individual’s contributions to the community, such as volunteer work, social engagement, or advocacy.

Community letters of endorsement are used to support leadership positions, nonprofit work, or social-impact initiatives. These letters can help an individual establish a positive reputation, connect with like-minded individuals, and make a difference in their local community.

Business Letters of Endorsement

Business letters of endorsement are written by business partners, vendors, or other companies in the industry. These letters focus on a company’s quality, reliability, reputation, and success.

Business letters of endorsement are used to support business proposals, partnerships, or other opportunities. These letters can help a business establish credibility, attract new customers, and build a strong reputation in the industry.

Endorsement Letter for Board Member

Benefits of using a Letter of Endorsement

When you’re applying for a job, trying to win a grant, or seeking support for a project, you need to do everything you can to set yourself apart from the crowd. A letter of endorsement can be a powerful tool to help you do just that. This letter works by lending credibility and credibility to your abilities from a respected source, whether it’s a former employer, an academic mentor, or a community leader.

It can help convince potential employers, sponsors, or project partners that you have the skills, experience, and knowledge needed to succeed. And in a world where competition is fierce, a well-crafted letter of endorsement can make all the difference.

Insurance Policy Endorsement Letter Template

Who Can Write an Endorsement Letter

Endorsement letters can be a great tool to help convey your admiration and praise for their work. But who can write one? The answer might surprise you. While it’s certainly true that colleagues, supervisors, and managers are all good candidates to pen an endorsement letter, the truth is that anyone who has worked with, been impacted by, or is otherwise familiar with the recipient’s work can put pen to paper.

Whether you’re a client, customer, partner, or even a family member, sharing your positive experiences and observations can go a long way in boosting someone’s career prospects. So don’t be shy, if you believe someone deserves recognition, take the time to write an endorsement letter today.

Professional Endorsement Letter Template

How to Create a Letter of Endorsement Template

Writing a letter of endorsement is one of the most effective ways of expressing belief and confidence in a person or a product. An endorsement letter can be written for various reasons, including supporting an individual for a job application or endorsing the use of a product. However, writing an endorsement letter can be challenging, particularly when you lack the right format.

Determine the Purpose of the Endorsement Letter

Before creating a template for your letter of endorsement, you need to determine the purpose of the letter. Be clear about the reason for the endorsement, select the appropriate tone, and ensure that you stick to the relevant information required for the endorsement letter. Whether you’re writing for an individual, product, or service, be sure to tailor the letter to the specific purpose of the endorsement.

Determine the Format of the Letter of Endorsement

The format of the endorsement letter should be professional, clear, and precise. You can create your own format or choose from several templates available online. As you select the format, ensure to include all relevant information, such as the date, recipient’s name, and address details. The body of the letter should have an introduction, a main body, and a concluding paragraph. In the body, highlight the reasons for endorsing the recipient or product and conclude with a recommendation.

Add Personal Touches to the Letter of Endorsement

An endorsement letter should also include some personal touches. Start your letter with a warm greeting and address it to the recipient by name. Make the letter sound sincere and genuine by including personal stories that support your endorsement. Remember to use positive and energetic language, stressing the significance of the person receiving the endorsement.

Edit and Proofread the Endorsement Letter

Before sending off your endorsement letter, make sure to edit it for clarity and proper grammar. Ensure that the letter is easy to read and free of typos, and formatting errors. Have someone else read the letter for you to get a second opinion on its quality and effectiveness. Take the time to check that you have included all the relevant details and that the letter has a positive tone.

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Endorse a proposal or report letter template.

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endorsement letter business plan

How to Write a Persuasive Endorsement Letter for Proposals and Reports: Tips and Templates

Endorsing a proposal or report is an important task for any organization, as it signifies support and approval of the ideas presented within. An endorsement letter can help to persuade decision-makers and stakeholders to support the proposal or report, and can also provide credibility and legitimacy to the document. In this article, we will explore the benefits of endorsing a proposal or report, and how using our document templates can simplify the process.

The Benefits of Endorsing a Proposal or Report

One of the main benefits of endorsing a proposal or report is that it can help to generate support and momentum for the ideas presented. A well-crafted endorsement letter can communicate the value and importance of the proposal or report, and can encourage others to take action in support of it. Endorsement letters can also help to build relationships and alliances with other organizations and individuals, which can be valuable in achieving the goals of the proposal or report.

Establishing Validity and Quality

Another benefit of endorsing a proposal or report is that it can provide credibility and legitimacy to the document. An endorsement from a respected individual or organization can help to establish the validity and quality of the proposal or report, which can be particularly important when seeking funding or support from external sources. Endorsement letters can also be used to demonstrate the broad-based support for the proposal or report, which can be persuasive to decision-makers.

Using Document Templates for Effective Endorsement Letters

Using our document templates to create an endorsement letter can save time and ensure that the letter is professional and effective. Our templates are designed to be easy to use and customizable, so you can tailor the letter to your specific needs and audience. Our templates also include guidance on the key elements to include in an endorsement letter, such as the purpose of the document, the strengths of the proposal or report, and the benefits of supporting it.

Additional Resources and Consulting Services for Endorsement Efforts

In addition to our document templates, we also offer a variety of other resources to support your endorsement efforts. Our website includes articles and guides on how to write effective endorsement letters, as well as examples of successful endorsement campaigns. We also offer consulting services for organizations that need more specialized support in their endorsement efforts.

VP Online offers a user-friendly and feature-rich online document editor that simplifies the process of creating and editing various types of documents. With VP Online’s online document editor, users can collaboratively work on documents in real-time, making it easy to collaborate with team members or clients.

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endorsement letter business plan

Endorsement Letter Sample For Business

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am writing this letter to express my wholehearted endorsement of [Company/Organization Name] and its exceptional products/services. As [Your Title/Position] at [Your Company/Organization], I have had the privilege of working closely with [Recipient's Name] and witnessing firsthand the outstanding work done by [Company/Organization Name].

[Company/Organization Name] has consistently demonstrated an unwavering commitment to excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction. Their [products/services] have consistently exceeded our expectations, providing us with invaluable solutions to our business needs. The professionalism, expertise, and dedication exhibited by [Recipient's Name] and their team have been truly remarkable.

I would like to highlight some key strengths of [Company/Organization Name] that have contributed to our enduring partnership:

1. Quality: The products/services provided by [Company/Organization Name] are of the highest quality, meeting and often surpassing industry standards. We have consistently received positive feedback from our clients/customers about the reliability and performance of the [products/services].

2. Customer Service: [Recipient's Name] and the entire team at [Company/Organization Name] have consistently gone above and beyond to ensure that our needs are met. Their prompt response times, attention to detail, and willingness to address any concerns have been exemplary.

3. Innovation: [Company/Organization Name] has continually demonstrated a commitment to staying at the forefront of their industry. Their ability to adapt to evolving market trends and introduce cutting-edge solutions has been instrumental in our business success.

4. Professionalism: Throughout our business relationship, [Recipient's Name] has consistently displayed the utmost professionalism, integrity, and reliability. Their transparent communication and commitment to meeting deadlines have made them a trusted partner in our endeavors.

Based on our positive experiences and the exceptional qualities exhibited by [Company/Organization Name], I highly recommend their products/services to other businesses seeking top-notch solutions. I firmly believe that [Company/Organization Name] would be a valuable asset and strategic partner for any organization looking to enhance its operations and achieve long-term success.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me should you require any additional information or have further inquiries. I am more than willing to share my experiences and provide further support for my endorsement.

Thank you for your time, and I wish you continued success.

[Your Name]

[Your Title/Position]

[Your Company/Organization]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]

endorsement letter business plan

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Sample Letter of Endorsement | Format, Examples and How To Write?

May 12, 2021 by Prasanna

Sample Letter of Endorsement: Endorsement refers to the support or permission of something. In the letter of endorsement, one has to advocate a company, Individual or idea. The person should include various types of information to ensure the right effect to be caused by endorsement. Your points should be precise, and you must mention any approval or consent you give to the person. Make sure that you are clearly stating the purpose of writing the letter without any ambiguity. Moreover, it would be best to address yourself as per the title or the position you hold. As there are various types of endorsements, make sure to have a different letter according to your need.

Get Other Types of  Letter Writing  like Formal, Informal and Different Types of Letter Writing Samples.

How To Write Sample Letter of Endorsement?

Here are some points that you must keep in mind while writing an endorsement letter

  • Ensure you state the reason for the endorsement to help you stay in a better position and leave a good impact on the endorsement.
  • If you endorse a person for any title or a job, make sure to include the relationship history to validate your endorsement and prove it as a perfect choice.
  • It would be best if you mention the purpose of the endorsement to leave a good impact. And also, add the qualities or the reimbursement of anything that you are endorsing.
  • The endorsement must also contain a brief about you and have all your details.
  • At the letter’s end, repeat your endorsement and summarize all the key points: why is it required and its impact and benefits.
  • Also, let the endorsement be open for any further details or queries.

Endorsement Letter for a Colleague

I have been given a duty to choose the favourable and deserving candidate for awarding the humanitarian award. Without any second choice, I have chosen Dr. Mack Leo for this honour.

Dr Leo has made valuable contributions to society’s welfare by understanding and making others understand various infectious diseases. He has been doing a doctorate for the past years. He even wrote a book about infectious disease, which is appreciable.

It was my honour to work with Mr. Leo for the last three years. I have learned many things from him, and I am well aware of his knowledge and dedication to infectious disease.

It is my honour to work with such a great personality and a dedicated humanitarian. I choose him for this award, and please let me know if I can help you in any way.

Endorsement Letter for a Friend

Fredrick Clemente

102 Broadway Lane, New Parkland, CA, [email protected]

Dear Mr Clemente,

I am enthused about the opportunity that you offered to my old friend and colleague, Lydia Carrington. I cannot find anyone better to write an endorsement letter for. Lydia and I first met when we joined the management trainee program at Colonial Family Retail. I immediately saw the talent, skill, and interpersonal skills that she had for working with people and completing things done on time. And as we continued working for several years, I witnessed how I was right about her.

I most admired Lydia because she determined to grow and be a more incredible asset to her employer. Finally, after two years at Colonial, she decided to get a Master’s in Human Resource and better understand how to minimize waste and maximize human-power. With this, she became the General Manager of the Northeaster Operations of Colonial. Within a year, the same department successfully implemented the programs that saved Colonial around 200,000 USD per quarter.

While I am sorry to hear that my friend might be leaving Colonial, I understand how excited she might be about Gigawatt Tech Solutions’ opportunity. She has consistently proven herself and is a valuable asset. The endorsement letter lets you understand that she will prove to be of some benefit to you.

Best regards,

Mike Ruggiero

Letter of Endorsement for an Internship

Dear AUA Member Services,

I am writing this letter to extend my support and endorsement to Miss Jane’s application for AUA’s International Membership.

Jane has excellent experience in the Urology field and has shown strong knowledge and incredible skills in this area. Her interaction with the patients and other health care team members has always been with respect and integrity. She adheres to all the ethical guidelines set out in her practice and professional standards. Overall, she is highly competent in the practice of urology.

I endorse Jane’s application without any reservations for AUA’s International membership. If you have any questions or need further details, please contact me at [email protected] .


Letter of Endorsement for an Internship

Letter of Endorsement for a Friend

March 15, 2013

Ben Hopkins

3 South Road

Dear Mr. Hopkins,

I am delighted to endorse Katy Smith, Head of our Shop Assistant to you, as an Assistant Marketing Manager. She worked hard and in an excellent manner for around four years. She has also dedicated herself to learning and practising the Company’s marketing strategies.

I can confidently say that she will have several initiatives and creativities in increasing sales. And she will also perform great even under immense pressure.

Brian Doherty

Letter of Endorsement for a Friend

Letter of Endorsement for a Personal Purpose

I am writing this to recommend Alice Smith. She has consistently proven herself to be a dedicated and loyal individual in her personal and professional life. Having known her for over five years, I can indeed say that she is a person who leads by example. Her coworkers and loved ones both look up to her and are always highly inspired by her dedication and work ethic.

In both personal and professional realms, Alice is a leader. She communicates well with both younger and older people and always stays friendly and cheerful. This adaptability makes her the right candidate for your organization. There is no task or project available that she cannot complete. Alice is a go-getter’s actual definition.

Adding Alice to your group is a great decision. She is always professional, generous, and kind. She is a genuinely dynamic worker who is always ready to go the extra mile on all the projects. For any further questions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected] .

Kat Collins

Letter of Endorsement for a Personal Purpose

Letter of Endorsement for Personal Character

B-65 Imperial Homes

Navi Mumbai

March 30, 2020

To whomsoever, it may concern:

I have known Fred C. Doe for several years. Since they were in elementary school, he has been my son’s close friend, and I have watched him grow up into a friendly and confident man and shine, being all that he is today.

While staying at high school, Fred also helped me coach a soccer team of 10 to 12-year-old boys. Fred himself was also a skilled player and an enthusiastic leader who always maintained his professionalism. With extreme patience and a fantastic ability to explain and demonstrate strategy clearly, he drew out the best of all the boys.

I know that Fred is dependable, honest, courteous, and responsible. He also serves in a restaurant where he works currently. While dining there, I have many times heard customers asking to be seated in his section. Fred will surely be an asset to your organization. Therefore, I can confidently recommend him for any undertaking or position that he chooses to pursue.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you want to discuss this further and get more details.

Letter of Endorsement for Personal Character

Letter of Endorsement for Employment

This is my recommendation letter for XYZ. I have known XYZ since we were in 3rd year at Wisconsin University. We first met while taking the same business accounting class and remained in closer touch ever since. XYZ is polite, intelligent, and always willing to help everyone. He always took some time out to spend with other students when they could not understand any topic in class. I would not have received such impressive grades in the business accounting class without his help and support. I have always known XYZ as a cheerful and dependable person.

He also shared with me what happened last and how he regrets that. He realizes how much he jeopardized all the achievements and hard work that he acquired in years. I hope that you will give him another chance to prove himself and how trustworthy he is.

Robert Brew

56, Imperial Heights, Bhopal

[email protected]

Letter of Endorsement for Employment

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Endorsement Letters That Stand Out: Best Practices for Writing Compelling Content

Endorsement Letter

Are you looking to advance your career or positively impact your community? One way that can help you achieve your goals is a letter of endorsement. Whether seeking a promotion , applying for a grant, or running for office, a well-crafted letter of endorsement can lend credibility to your qualifications and strengthen your case.

However, writing a letter of endorsement can be daunting, especially if you need help figuring out where to start or what to include. That’s where this article comes in.

In this article, we will share everything you need about letters of endorsement. If you’re looking to take the next step in your career or make a difference in your community , don’t miss out on the power of a letter of endorsement. Read on to learn more!

What Is A Letter Of Endorsement?

A letter of endorsement is a document that confirms and supports the qualifications, skills, and character of an individual or an organization. Endorsement letters can be used in various settings, such as job applications , political campaigns, scholarship applications , or business proposals.

The letter is typically written by someone who has personal or professional knowledge of the candidate and is willing to vouch for their abilities and character.

The letter of endorsement can come from a range of sources, such as supervisors, colleagues, mentors, community leaders, or industry experts. An endorsement letter can help a candidate stand out from others, providing an independent and credible perspective on the candidate’s qualifications. 

What Does Your Endorsement Letter Include?

An endorsement letter should include specific information that supports the candidate’s qualifications, skills, and character. Here are some key elements to consider including in your endorsement letter:

  • Introduction

Start with a brief introduction that explains your relationship with the candidate, how you know them, and the context of the endorsement.

  • Description of the candidate

Provide a detailed description of the candidate’s qualifications, skills, achievements, and any other relevant information that makes them a suitable candidate for the opportunity they are seeking.

  • Examples and evidence

Support your endorsement with specific examples and evidence that demonstrate the candidate’s capabilities and achievements. Use numbers, statistics, or concrete examples to provide credibility to your endorsement.

  • Personal assessment

Share your opinion about the candidate’s character, work ethic, and attitude. Please explain why you believe they are a trustworthy and reliable person who would be an asset to the organization.

  • Contact information

Include your contact information in the letter, such as your name, email address, phone number, and title. This allows the recipient to contact you for further information or clarification.

Remember that your endorsement letter should be concise, clear, and persuasive. It should convey your enthusiasm for the candidate and your confidence in their abilities. Take the time to craft a letter that effectively conveys your endorsement and showcases the candidate’s strengths.

Types Of Endorsement Letters 

The content of the letter can vary depending on the purpose and audience of the letter, but it should generally provide specific examples and details that support the candidate’s qualifications and character. Here are the types of endorsement letters that you might use:

1. Professional Endorsement Letter

  • Endorsement Letter for Employment: A current or former employer writes this letter recommending an individual for a job. The letter should highlight the person’s skills, experience, and qualifications.
  • Product endorsement: A product endorsement letter is written by a satisfied customer or a celebrity to endorse a product or service. The letter should highlight the product’s features, benefits, and advantages.
  • Endorsement Letter for Opening Payroll Account: A bank or financial institution writes this letter to endorse a business or an individual’s opening request. The letter should confirm the account holder’s identity, business or employment status, and financial stability.

2. Academic Endorsement Letter

  • University/Student endorsement letter: A university or college writes this letter to endorse a student’s academic excellence, leadership, and extracurricular activities. The letter can be used for scholarships, internships, or job applications.
  • Internship endorsement letter: A previous employer or supervisor writes this letter to endorse a student’s performance during an internship. The letter should highlight the student’s skills, knowledge, and work ethic.
  • Scholarship endorsement letter: A teacher or mentor will write this letter to support a student’s scholarship application. The letter must emphasize the pupil’s academic success, extracurricular pursuits, and character traits.

3. Personal Endorsement Letter

  • Character endorsement letter: This type of letter is written by a friend, colleague, or acquaintance to endorse an individual’s character, ethics, and values. The letter can be used for job applications, volunteer work, or community involvement.
  • Endorsement Letter for Medical Assistance: A medical practitioner or healthcare provider writes this letter to endorse an individual’s medical condition or treatment. The letter should provide details about the patient’s diagnosis, treatment plan, and medical history.

General Tips On Writing An Endorsement Letter

When writing an endorsement letter, it’s important to remember the purpose of the letter and the recipient. Your goal is to provide a positive and compelling endorsement to help the recipient achieve their goals.

Here are some general tips on writing an effective endorsement letter:

  • Be specific: When writing an endorsement letter, it’s important to provide specific examples of the recipient’s achievements, skills, and character traits. This helps to demonstrate why the recipient deserves the endorsement and provides evidence to support your recommendation. Using concrete examples can also make your letter more compelling and memorable.
  • Be positive: Your endorsement letter should be enthusiastic and positive, highlighting the recipient’s strengths and accomplishments. It’s important to emphasize why you believe the recipient deserves the opportunity or award and convey your excitement and support for their candidacy.
  • Be concise: It’s important to keep your letter brief and to the point. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that the reader may not be familiar with. A concise letter is more likely to be read and appreciated by the recipient, showing that you value their time and attention.
  • Be truthful: Your endorsement letter should be truthful and accurate. Avoid exaggerating or misrepresenting the recipient’s abilities or accomplishments. Honesty and integrity are essential to maintaining your credibility and reputation and are also important to the recipient who relies on your endorsement.
  • Use a professional tone: Your endorsement letter should be written in a professional and respectful tone. Avoid using slang or overly casual language, as it may undermine the credibility of your letter. A professional tone conveys your professionalism and respect for the recipient.
  • Use a clear format: A clear and easy-to-read format, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion, can make your letter more effective and easy to understand. A well-organized letter is more likely to be read and appreciated by the recipient, and it helps convey your message clearly and concisely.
  • Proofread: Finally, it’s important to proofread your letter carefully for spelling and grammar errors. Ask someone else to review it to catch any mistakes you may have missed. A letter with errors can be distracting and undermine the credibility of your endorsement. By proofreading your letter, you can ensure that it is polished and professional.

How To Write An Endorsement Letter

Writing an endorsement letter may seem daunting initially, but it’s a straightforward process. Here are some steps to follow to write an effective endorsement letter:

Your letterhead should contain your name, job title, company or organization name, address, phone number, email, and other relevant contact information. Including your letterhead at the top of your letter makes it clear who the letter is from and provides the recipient with your contact information in case they need to follow up with you.

This is the date the letter is written and should be placed below your letterhead. Including the date on your letter helps the recipient to know when the letter was written, which can be important for tracking the timeline of the opportunity or award for which they are being endorsed.

  • Recipient’s information

This should include the recipient’s name, job title, company or organization name, and address and should be placed below the date. This information should be as specific and accurate as possible so that the recipient knows who the letter is intended for.

This greeting at the beginning of the letter should be formal and respectful. Use “Dear” followed by the recipient’s title and last name (e.g., “Dear Ms. Smith” or “Dear Dr. Johnson”).

You should introduce yourself and explain your relationship to the recipient. This can help establish your credibility and provide context for your endorsement. For example, you might say, “I have had the pleasure of working with [Recipient’s Name] for the past five years as a colleague in the [Department Name], and I am delighted to offer my endorsement in support of [his/her] candidacy for [Opportunity or Award Name].”

  • Purpose of the letter

In this section, you should clearly state the purpose of your letter, including the name of the opportunity or award the recipient is being endorsed for. This can help the recipient understand your endorsement’s context and why it is important.

  • Highlight the recipient’s strengths

Use specific examples to highlight the recipient’s achievements, skills, and character traits. These examples should be as specific and detailed as possible and demonstrate why the recipient deserves the endorsement. For example, you might say, “During our time working together, I have been consistently impressed by [Recipient’s Name]’s exceptional leadership skills, including [specific example].”

  • Explain why you are endorsing the recipient

In this section, you should explain why you are endorsing the recipient and why you believe they deserve the opportunity or award. This can demonstrate your enthusiasm and support. For example, you might say, “I believe that [Recipient’s Name] is the ideal candidate for [Opportunity or Award Name] due to [his/her] exceptional talent, dedication, and commitment to [specific goal or accomplishment].”

  • Offer additional information

This section is optional but useful if you have any additional information that may be helpful to the recipient. For example, you might offer your contact information or availability for further discussion. This can help the recipient know you are willing to provide additional support.

  • Closing the letter

The closing should be formal and respectful and should include a sign-off (such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards”), followed by your name and signature. This shows professionalism and respect and provides a clear conclusion to your letter.

Sample And Template

An endorsement letter is usually written by someone who has had a professional or personal relationship with the endorsed individual and can speak to their strengths and accomplishments. Here is a sample and a template that you can customize for your endorsement letter.

(Your Name)

(Your Address)

(City, State ZIP Code)

(Your Email Address)

(Today’s Date)

(Recipient’s Name)

(Recipient’s Address)

Dear (Recipient’s Name),

I am writing this letter to endorse (Name of Endorsement Recipient) for (Purpose of Endorsement). I have had the pleasure of working with (Name of Endorsement Recipient) for (Duration of Working Relationship) at (Name of Company or Organization), where (he/she/they) has been an invaluable member of the team.

Throughout our time working together, (Name of Endorsement Recipient) has consistently demonstrated (List of Qualities, Skills, or Accomplishments that are relevant to the Purpose of Endorsement), which have been critical to (his/her/their) success in (Current or Past Role). (He/She/They) is an exceptional (Occupation or Industry) that has (specific examples of positive contributions made by the Endorsement Recipient).

I am confident that (Name of Endorsement Recipient) would be an asset to any organization or endeavor related to (Purpose of Endorsement), and I strongly recommend (him/her/them) for any opportunities in this field.

Please contact me if you have further questions regarding (Name of Endorsement Recipient) qualifications or experience. Thank you for considering my endorsement.

(Your Signature)

(Your Title or Occupation)

(Your Contact Information)

Key Takeaways

  • A letter of endorsement confirms and supports the qualifications, skills, and character of an individual or organization.
  • An endorsement letter should include an introduction, a description of the candidate, examples and evidence, a personal assessment, and contact information.
  • The letter’s content can vary depending on the purpose and audience of the letter, but it should generally provide specific examples and details that support the candidate’s qualifications and character.
  • The types of endorsement letters include professional endorsement letters, product endorsement letters, academic endorsement letters, and personal endorsement letters.
  • General tips for writing an effective endorsement letter include being specific, positive, concise, and aware of the audience.

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Letter of Endorsement Template

Letter of Endorsement Template

Generate a professional letter of endorsement with this free template. No coding. Fill out and e-sign from any device. Easy to share. Converts to a PDF.

A letter of endorsement is a professional document used to endorse and vouch for an individual. Jotform Sign ’s free Letter of Endorsement is great for things like schools, bank loans, home loans, car loans, identity verification, and more. This template lets you fill out the date, recipient and sender information, and contact details. Once filled out, simply sign at the bottom from any device, then print or share it via email with the relevant parties.

Customizing this Letter of Endorsement template is a snap with Jotform Sign’s drag-and-drop builder. You can do things like add or edit form fields, update the document’s wording, include your company or institution’s branding, change fonts and colors, and more. Give your stamp of approval with this professional-looking Letter of Endorsement from Jotform Sign.

Letter of Authorization - PDF Templates

Letter of Authorization

A letter of authorization is an agreement between the person, known as the principal, authorizing another, known as an agent, to perform certain functions or powers in order to perform the duties of the principal. This letter also contains the period of effectivity of the contract of agency between the principal and the agent. Share Jotform’s free Letter of Authorization via email and securely collect electronic signatures from any device. Once signed, a finalized PDF document will be sent to your inbox — ready to download, print, and share with the appropriate parties.You can make changes to this Letter of Authorization in just a few easy clicks using Jotform’s intuitive form builder. Simply drag and drop to add or remove text fields, include additional signature fields, change fonts and colors, include your own branding and letterhead, and other design changes. Ditch messy paper forms and streamline your e-signature process with this free Letter of Authorization from Jotform. If you want to take your signing process online, create an e-sign document with Jotform Sign.

Professional Letter of Recommendation - PDF Templates

Professional Letter of Recommendation

A professional letter of recommendation is used by a prospective job applicant when applying for a position at a different company. Usually written by a previous supervisor, this letter highlights the skills, personality, and qualities of the applicant that is related to the job position they are applying for. Share this Professional Letter of Recommendation via email, which the respondent can then fill out and sign from any device. Once signed, a finalized PDF document will be automatically sent to your inbox and ready to present to the hiring manager.Make updates to this Professional Letter of Recommendation in seconds without any coding. Using Jotform’s drag-and-drop form builder, you can easily add or remove form fields, choose new fonts and colors, personalize automated emails, and much more. Land your next big job with Jotform’s free and fully customizable Professional Letter of Recommendation. If you want to take your signing process online, create an e-sign document with Jotform Sign.

Resignation Confirmation Letter - PDF Templates

Resignation Confirmation Letter

Need a quick and professional way to confirm your employees' resignations? No problem. With Jotform’s Resignation Confirmation Letter, you can build a confirmation letter to send to your employees who have recently resigned for both yours and their records. Oversee the signature process from start to finish in one centralized place. Share via email or embed in your internal management portal and start collecting resignation confirmation signatures today.Customizing your Resignation Confirmation Letter is easier than ever with Jotform’s drag-and-drop form builder. Update your business’ terms and conditions, add or remove form fields, change fonts and colors, and make other design changes — no coding required. Create your letter, send it straight to your former employees, and start collecting signatures seamlessly. To send and sign documents in seconds, customize this template and share it with Jotform Sign.

Job Confirmation Letter - PDF Templates

Job Confirmation Letter

Congratulate your new hires with Jotform’s Job Confirmation Letter template. Instead of drafting up individual letters for each new employee, Jotform Sign lets you save time by sending your letter template to be filled out and signed by your HR manager in a few quick clicks. You’ll receive a notification and a finalized version of the document once this has been completed.Want to make changes to this Job Confirmation Letter template? Drag and drop to add or remove text or signature fields, customize the letter’s message, and make other design changes. You can even add a signature field so your new employees can sign as well! Once each Job Confirmation Letter is filled out and completed, you can instantly download or print it for your records. Securely gather signatures anytime, anywhere with Jotform Sign.

Income Verification Letter Template - PDF Templates

Income Verification Letter Template

An income verification letter is a document an employer issues to confirm an individual’s income and employment status and provide evidence of the individual’s financial situation. If you need a standardized income verification letter for your property management company or landlord duties, Jotform has you covered. With our income verification letter template, you can quickly verify a potential renter’s income. Plus, you’ll be able to keep track of important applicant details — such as their salary, current occupation, and other renter-related information — that are saved in your Jotform account.Our drag-and-drop builder makes personalizing your income verification letter template easy too — you have the ability to change fonts and colors, add additional signature fields, edit policies, and much more. You can even set up an automated workflow either to approve or deny renters on the spot if they don’t meet your desired income requirements. Once everyone has signed your document, you can download it for your records or share with other stakeholders. If you’d like to save time by automating your workflow, do it with Jotform Sign, Jotform’s powerful e-sign solution.

Letter of Recommendation for Student - PDF Templates

Letter of Recommendation for Student

Create and collect recommendation letters from your managers and professors with this Letter of Recommendation for Student from Jotform Sign. It works for both students looking to collect letters and individuals who have been asked to give their letters of recommendation. Create and send your letter and receive a copy when all parties have filled it out — easily converted into a PDF document.Personalizing this Letter of Recommendation for Student is quick and easy with our intuitive online form builder. Drag and drop to add or remove form fields, include more signature fields, change fonts and colors, upload logos or personal branding, and create automated signing orders. Show your next employer or university that you have what it takes with the help of your professors or employers.

These templates are suggested forms only. If you're using a form as a contract, or to gather personal (or personal health) info, or for some other purpose with legal implications, we recommend that you do your homework to ensure you are complying with applicable laws and that you consult an attorney before relying on any particular form.

Business Endorsement Letter

Business Endorsement Letter in Word, Google Docs, PDF, Apple Pages, Outlook

Download this Business Endorsement Letter Design in Word, Google Docs, PDF, Apple Pages, Outlook Format. Easily Editable, Printable, Downloadable.

Make a letter recommending the products or services of a business establishment with this endorsement letter. This template is easy to edit and fully customizable. It is also high quality and printable.


It is with much enthusiasm that I am writing to recommend the services of the [COMPANY NAME].

I have been using [DETAILS] for the past [NUMBER] years and have always been completely satisfied with their performance. They do an excellent job, are always punctual, and offer the most competitive rates in town.

We have also hired them on occasion for extra jobs, such as [DETAIL 1].

They have been very reasonably priced, and always do exactly what we ask of them, and more!

I'm happy to recommend the services of [COMPANY NAME]. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me through [YOUR PHONE NUMBER] or [YOUR EMAIL ID].



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FREE 12+ Sample Endorsement Letter Templates in PDF | Google Docs | Word | Pages

Sample Endorsement Letter Template

The endorsement system is actually a formal style of recommending, where you put forward the services, product or a person, or a business for some value which you think they contribute, and that is what endorsing is all about. When you are endorsing something or someone, you need to do it in a nice and professional way, specially when you are personally endorsing and recommending to some other body or business etc. It is then that you will need the templates for presenting your statement in official style and accepted ways.You may also see candidate endorsement letters .

Endorsement Letter

18+ sample letter of recommendation for teacher, 17+ endorsement letters, 12+ sample recommendation letters for employment.

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  • 22+ Endorsement Letter Samples

Free Endorsement Letter Template

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Printable Business Endorsement Letter

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Business Endorsement Letter

business endorsement letter

Size: 188 KB

The business endorsement letter is a style that you refer to when you are endorsing a business. If you are endorsing a business with certain skills, services, or domain, and want it to go public or refer it to some other body or entity, then you will need this typical format or template.You may also see simple letters .

Product Endorsement Letter

product endorsement letter

When you are endorsing a product, and need to write a letter for that, then you may refer to this template style for the most convincing and professional format and this will be accepted as a standard writing style in all events.

Letter of Recommendation and Endorsement

letter of recommendation and endorsement

Size: 135 KB

This is what you sent to recommend the person or service, and also endorse. It’s a dual purpose letter, and you use this for endorsing or pointing out that your addressee will get such and such services from the endorsee, and at the same time you say good things and recommend the service or person too.You may also see letters of recommendation for scholarship

University Endorsement Letter

university endorsement letter

Size: 45 KB

Endorsement Letter by Home Institution

endorsement letter by home institution

Size: 180 KB

Letter of Endorsement for Students

letter of endorsement for students

Size: 11 KB

Principal Endorsement Letter

principal endorsement letter

Size: 100 KB

CEO Endorsement Letter

ceo endorsement letter

Size: 182 KB

Sample Endorsement Letter

sample endorsement letter

Professional Endorsement Letter

professional endorsement letter

Size: 150 KB

Why you need an Endorsement Letter Template?

The endorsement or referral letter template styles are actually guides or samples which you should refer to, so that when you are endorsing some business, services, products or a person, then your recommending and addressing looks professional, uncomplicated, smart, presentable, and straightforward. That is what will make the endorsement most appealing and acceptable to anybody or some business.

So that you can write in style, and yet not clench your teeth in search of the best writing format, and rewrite helplessly again and again, it’s best to refer to professional formats. You will get a lot online, and they are all made by experts who knows the captivating writing style to make it look inviting, tempting and yet professional. You can also see  employee reference letters .

What is the Importance of an Endorsement Letter Template?

The endorsement examples are actually a relief for you, when you desperately want to endorse and recommend services, and are looking for formats, which will present the thing without making it look cheap and biased. To make it professional, standard, globally acceptable, and very much natural, you must adhere to a writing format, which is designed again by some professional who knows things.You may also see  recommendation letters for employment

Hence formats you get from template banks can be made the best use of, and you can present your endorsement in style. As you present an endorsement letter in style, things will work better and more effectively. You may also like  business reference letters .

How to use the Templates?

Templates are used in simple ways, when you read and understand and either overwrite with customizations, or simply copy the style and format. Here also you can do the same. You should get a template for endorsing somebody or something and see if that best suits your needs.Later you can read and copy the style, or simply change some values and personalize if it’s a most basic and simple sample. These templates are free to download, and you will get them in commonly used word and PDF file formats.

Now that you know how to use the templates, you will not wait for other opinion or people to check through your letter writing style to know if you writing is alright and impressive. You will simply refer to an impressive template rather, and get it done in minutes without others’ help.You may also see physician recommendation letters

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26+ Sample Endorsement Letters

Endorsement is a support, authorization, approval of something, while writing a letter of endorsement you have to show advocating to a person, an idea, a movement, or an organization. You should introduce different types of information with different aspects, to make sure what kind of effects the endorsement is going to leave. Your stance should be very clear about what you endorsing. In an endorsement letter you should stand out clearly that you are giving your consent, or you are supporting something, you should introduce yourself and your endorsement clearly. You can also mention your position or title or any expertise that you hold, which can aid your endorsement in any way.

You should state the reasons for the endorsement, which can take you into a better position to impact the endorsement you have made. If you are endorsing a person for a title for a title or a job, you should include the history of your relationship in a way that validates your endorsement and proves it a right choice. It is also good to mention that for what purpose this endorsement should be used. It will leave a good impact of your endorsement, if you will bring up or point put the qualities or the reimbursement of something you are endorsing.

Your endorsement should also have a brief detail about you, your information. As endorsement could be of different types, so every type should be having a different kind of endorsement. You should repeat your endorsement at the end of the letter, summarize your main points that why and what kind of effect your endorsement has and why it matters or what importance it has. Let it open for any further information or for any kind of quarries. For the convenience of the readers, sample of endorsement letter is also attached with this template.

Here Are Endorsement Letters

endorsement letter business plan

Employee Endorsement Letter

Endorsement Letter 30

Internship Endorsement Letter

Endorsement Letter 10

Endorsement Letter For Friend

Endorsement Letter 20

Endorsement Letter For Employment

Scholarship endorsement letter.

Endorsement Letter 50

Personal Endorsement Letter

Endorsement Letter 60

Letter Of Endorsement

Endorsement Letter 70

Endorsement Letter For Personal Character

Endorsement Letter 80

Govt Endorsement Letter

Endorsement Letter 90

Endorsement Letter Example

Endorsement Letter 100

Sample Endorsement Letter

Endorsement Letter 101

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Barry Diller, James Murdoch Among 88 Business Leaders Endorsing Kamala Harris in Open Letter

“Her election is the best way to support the continued strength, security and reliability of our democracy and economy,” the letter reads


Dozens of business leaders — including media executives like Barry Diller and James Murdoch — signed an open letter endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris’ candidacy for president on Friday. 

“Her election is the best way to support the continued strength, security and reliability of our democracy and economy,” the letter reads. 

The 88 corporate leaders who signed on to the letter assured that with Harris in the White House, “the business community can be confident that it will have a President who wants American industries to thrive.”

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The signatories of the letter include Rupert Murdoch’s son, former CEO of 21st Century Fox James Murdoch, IAC founder Diller, DreamWorks founder and longtime Democratic Party donor Jeffrey Katzenberg, former Sony Pictures chairman Michael Lynton, business mogul Mark Cuban, former Time Warner CEO Jeff Bewkes, SpringHill CEO Maverick Carter, LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman, TCG founder and former Fox COO Peter Chernin, basketball legend Magic Johnson, founder and president of Emerson Collective Laurene Powell Jobs and former Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer, among many others. 

“As a partner to President Biden, Vice President Harris has a strong record of advancing actions to spur business investment in the United States and ensure American businesses can compete and win in the global market,” the letter states.

Harris “will continue to advance fair and predictable policies that support the rule of law, stability and a sound business environment, and she will strive to give every American the opportunity to pursue the American dream,” the business leaders argue.

This comes as the vice president has spent the last week on the campaign trail, appealing to the electorate with her economic agenda, including small business support initiatives.

According to CNBC , who first reported the letter Friday, the open letter effort was organized by senior chairman of Evercore Roger Altman, co-founder of Centerview Partners Blair Effron, former American Express CEO Ken Chenault and former CEO of Xerox Ursula Burns. The letter was then provided to the Harris campaign as an effort to display support for her candidacy from within the business community. 

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Kamala Harris Endorsed for President by 88 Business Leaders Including James Murdoch, Peter Chernin, Mark Cuban, Barry Diller

By Todd Spangler

Todd Spangler

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Kamala Harris

VP Kamala Harris has garnered support for her 2024 presidential campaign from executives spanning multiple industry sectors including Hollywood in a new open letter signed by 88 business leaders.

Signatories to the letter, first reported by CNBC, include James Murdoch , founder and CEO of investment firm Lupa Systems and former CEO of 21st Century Fox — whose political leanings are sharply divergent from those of his father, conservative media mogul Rupert Murdoch.

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The letter does not call out Donald Trump by name. Harris’ election “is the best way to support the continued strength, security, and reliability of our democracy and economy,” the letter says. “With Kamala Harris in the White House, the business community can be confident that it will have a President who wants American industries to thrive.”

The business leaders touted Harris’ “strong record of advancing actions to spur business investment in the United States and ensure American businesses can compete and win in the global market” during her tenure as VP to President Biden. “She will continue to advance fair and predictable policies that support the rule of law, stability, and a sound business environment, and she will strive to give every American the opportunity to pursue the American dream,” it says.

Other notable names on the list, who are longtime Democratic boosters, include Laurene Powell Jobs, founder and president of Emerson Collective; John Doerr, chairman of VC firm Kleiner Perkins; Robert Rubin, former U.S. Treasury Secretary; and Reid Hoffman, partner at Greylock Partners and executive chairman of LinkedIn.

Other Hollywood execs who have backed Harris include Netflix executive chairman Reed Hastings . Celebs endorsing her include George Clooney , Shonda Rhimes, Mark Ruffalo, Jane Fonda, Nick Offerman , Mark Hamill, Jeff Bridges and J.J. Abrams .

Here’s the text of the letter with all of the signatories, in alphabetical order (via CNBC ):

We endorse Kamala Harris’s election as President of the United States.

Her election is the best way to support the continued strength, security, and reliability of our democracy and economy. With Kamala Harris in the White House, the business community can be confident that it will have a President who wants American industries to thrive. As a partner to President Biden, Vice President Harris has a strong record of advancing actions to spur business investment in the United States and ensure American businesses can compete and win in the global market. She will continue to advance fair and predictable policies that support the rule of law, stability, and a sound business environment, and she will strive to give every American the opportunity to pursue the American dream.

  • Roger Altman, Founder & Senior Chairman of Evercore
  • Shellye Archambeau, former CEO of MetricStream
  • Carl Bass, former CEO of Autodesk
  • Tom Bernstein, President and Co-Founder of Chelsea Piers
  • Afasaneh Beschloss, Founder & CEO of Rock Creek
  • Jeff Bewkes, former CEO of Time Warner
  • W. Michael Blumenthal, 64th U.S. Secretary of the Treasury and former CEO of both Bendix and Unisys
  • Rosalind “Roz” Brewer, former CEO of Sam’s Club; former CEO of Walgreens Boots Alliance; former COO of Starbucks
  • Ursula Burns, former CEO of Xerox; Chairwoman of Teneo; Founding Partner of Integrum Holdings
  • Maverick Carter, CEO of The SpringHill Company
  • Ken Chenault, Chairman & Managing Director of General Catalyst; former Chairman & CEO of American Express
  • Peter Chernin, Co-Founder & Partner of TCG
  • Tony Coles, Chairperson & former CEO of Cerevel
  • Tim Collins, Founder, CEO, and Senior Managing Director of Ripplewood
  • Ron Conway, Founder & Managing Partner of SV Angel
  • Robert Crandall, former President and Chairman of American Airlines
  • Mark Cuban, Various entrepreneurial endeavors and a “shark” on Shark Tank
  • Richelieu Dennis, Founder and Executive Chair of Sundial Group of Companies
  • Barry Diller, Chairman & Senior Executive of IAC and Senior Executive of Expedia; Former Chairman and CEO of Paramount Pictures and Fox, Inc.
  • John Doerr, Chairman of Kleiner Perkins
  • Arnold Donald, former CEO of Carnival Corporation
  • Blair Effron, Partner & Co-Founder of Centerview Partners
  • José E. Feliciano, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Clearlake Capital Group
  • David P. Fialkow, Co-Founder & Managing Director of General Catalyst
  • Anne Finucane, former Vice Chair of Bank of America
  • Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Chief Executive of E.L. Rothschild
  • Ken Frazier, former Executive Chairman, President & CEO of Merck
  • Mark Gallogly, Co-Founder and Managing Principal of Three Cairns Group; Co-Founder of Centerbridge Partners
  • Chad Gifford, Former Chairman of Bank of America
  • David Grain, Founder and CEO of Grain Management
  • Logan Green, Chairman and former CEO of Lyft
  • Daniel J. Halpern, Co-founder and CEO of Jackmont Hospitality
  • Bruce Heyman, Former U.S. Ambassador to Canada and former Managing Director of Private Wealth at Goldman Sachs
  • Mellody Hobson, Co-CEO and President of Ariel Investments; Chairman of Starbucks
  • Roger Hochschild, former CEO and President of Discover Financial Services
  • Reid Hoffman, Partner at Greylock Partners and Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of LinkedIn
  • Glenn Hutchins, Chairman of North Island or Co-Founder of Silver Lake
  • Blake Irving, former CEO of GoDaddy
  • Tony James, former President, CEO & Executive Vice Chairman of Blackstone; Founder of Jefferson River Capital
  • David Jacobson, Senior Advisor and former Vice Chair of BMO Financial Group; Former U.S. Ambassador to Canada
  • Earvin “Magic” Johnson, Chairman and CEO, Magic Johnson Enterprises
  • Brad Karp, Chairman of Paul, Weiss
  • Jeffrey Katzenberg, Founder & Managing Partner of WndrCo
  • Ellen Kullman, President and CEO of Carbon3; former Chair and CEO of DuPont
  • Todd Lachman, Founder of Sovos Brands
  • Chris Larsen, Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of Ripple
  • Jeff Lawson, former CEO of Twilio
  • Ted Leonsis, CEO of Monumental Sports & Entertainment
  • Aaron Levie, Co-Founder & CEO of Box
  • Ed Lewis, former Chairman and CEO of Essence Communications, co-founder Essence Magazine
  • William M. Lewis, Jr.
  • Michael Lynton, Chairman of Snap, Inc., former CEO of Sony Entertainment
  • Tracy V. Maitland, President and Chief Investment Officer of Advent Capital Management
  • Helena Maus, CEO of Archetype and Marker Collective
  • Marissa Mayer, co-founder and CEO of Sunshine Products, former CEO of Yahoo!
  • T.J. McGill, Co-Founder of Evergreen Pacific Partners and Suzanne Sinegal McGill, Co-Founder of Rwanda Girls Initiative
  • Danny Meyer, Founder & Executive Chairman of Union Square Hospitality Group
  • Dustin Moskovitz, Co-founder and CEO of Asana
  • Alan Mulally, former CEO of Ford
  • Anne Mulcahy, former Chairman and CEO of Xerox
  • James Murdoch, Founder & CEO of Lupa Systems; former CEO of 21st Century Fox
  • Laxman Narasimhan, former CEO of Starbucks
  • Indra Nooyi, former Chairman and CEO of PepsiCo
  • Peter Orszag, former Director of the United States Office of Management and Budget and CEO of Lazard
  • Deven J. Parekh, Managing Director of Insight Partners
  • Sean Parker, Founder of Napster; Founder and Chairman of Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy
  • Charles Phillips, Co-founder and Managing Partner of Recognize; former President of Oracle and former CEO of Infor
  • Laurene Powell Jobs, Founder and President of Emerson Collective
  • Penny Pritzker, 38th U.S. Secretary of Commerce; founder and Chairman of PSP Partners
  • Vasant Prabhu, former CFO and Vice-Chair of Visa
  • Spencer Rascoff, Founder and CEO of 75 & Sunny Ventures; Co-Founder and former CEO of Zillow
  • Punit Renjen
  • Rachel Romer, Founder of Guild Education
  • Robert Rubin, former U.S. Treasury Secretary; Senior Counselor at Centerview Partners
  • Kevin P. Ryan, Co-founder, MongoDB, Business Insider, GILT Groupe, Zola, Pearl Health, Affect Therapeutics, and Transcend Therapeutics
  • Faiza J. Saeed
  • Dan Schulman, former President & CEO of PayPal
  • Jim Sinegal, Co-Founder and Former CEO of Costco
  • Dan Springer, former CEO of Docusign
  • Tom Steyer, Founder and former Co-Senior-Managing-Partner of Farallon Capital
  • Jeremy Stoppelman, CEO of Yelp
  • Scott Stuart, Founding & Managing Partner of Sageview Capital
  • Larry Summers, 71st United States Secretary of the Treasury and President Emeritus of Harvard University
  • Hamdi Ulukaya, Founder & CEO of Chobani
  • Daniel Weiss, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Angeleno Group
  • Steve Westly, Founder and Managing Partner of The Westly Group
  • Ron Williams, former CEO of Aetna
  • Robert Wolf, former CEO of UBS Americas

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  2. FREE 26+ Endorsement Letter Samples & Templates in PDF

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  3. 2024 Endorsement Letter Templates

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  4. FREE 26+ Endorsement Letter Samples & Templates in PDF

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  5. 40 Perfect Endorsement Letters (Free Examples) ᐅ TemplateLab

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  6. 40 Perfect Endorsement Letters (Free Examples) ᐅ TemplateLab

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  2. Business Letter

  3. Business Letter #1

  4. Business Letter #2

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  1. 40 Perfect Endorsement Letters (Free Examples)

    A letter of endorsement is a document written and signed by an individual to approve/endorse something or someone. The document/letter can be written by an employer, business partner, politician, employer, or any other person that has earned trust over some period. An endorsement letter is not a sales letter or a call-to-action letter.

  2. 5 Effective Business Endorsement Letter Templates for Your Company

    Paragraph 3: Explain the Business Benefits. In this paragraph, explain how the recipient's services or products have benefited your business. Share concrete results, such as increased revenue, productivity, or customer satisfaction. If possible, include data-backed metrics to support your points. Paragraph 4: Call to Action.

  3. Business Endorsement Letter Example: 4 Templates

    Dear (mention the name of the recipient), We are writing this letter to request you about the endorsement for a new business project of our institution (mention name and details). We are happy to endorse this business for the betterment of our organization. It will also help in the expansion of our business related to (mention details).

  4. How to Write an Endorsement Letter: 14 Free Templates

    Use a formal and professional tone throughout the letter. Include all the necessary accomplishments and personality traits of the individual or organization you are endorsing. Use specific instances to make them stand out. Also, remember to provide your name along with your contact details.

  5. Letter of Endorsement Template [With Sample]

    Community letters of endorsement are statements of support provided by community members, organizations, or leaders to endorse a cause, project, or individual. These letters showcase the impact and importance of community involvement, helping to build trust, credibility, and support for various initiatives. 5. Business Letters of Endorsement.

  6. Endorse a Proposal or Report

    Sample Sentences for Step 1. I have read the proposal you sent last week for the Hong Kong project and find it acceptable in every way. Please move ahead with the plan. I have read and analyzed the proposal you sent to me and want you to know that I think it is an excellent plan. I have passed the document on to the vice-president's office.

  7. 45+ Free Sample Letter of Endorsement Templates (PDF, Doc)

    A letter of endorsement is a statement of recommendation for a person, product, or service. It is a valuable tool for building credibility, trust, and reputation in the professional world. Endorsements can come from sources such as previous employers, clients, colleagues, or industry experts. However, not all endorsement letters are created equal.

  8. How To Write an Effective Letter of Endorsement in 5 Steps

    These are some steps you can follow to write a letter of endorsement: 1. Format and address the endorsement letter. The first step to writing an endorsement letter is choosing a word processor and formatting your letter. Depending on the program you choose, you may select a premade letter from a template library.

  9. Endorse a Proposal or Report Letter Template

    Using our document templates to create an endorsement letter can save time and ensure that the letter is professional and effective. Our templates are designed to be easy to use and customizable, so you can tailor the letter to your specific needs and audience. Our templates also include guidance on the key elements to include in an endorsement ...

  10. How To Write a Sample Endorsement Letter for a Project in 5 Steps

    How To Write a Sample Endorsement Letter for a Project in ...

  11. Endorsement Letter Sample For Business

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  12. Sample Letter of Endorsement

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  13. Endorsement Letters That Stand Out: Best Practices for Writing

    Endorsement Letter for Opening Payroll Account: A bank or financial institution writes this letter to endorse a business or an individual's opening request. The letter should confirm the account holder's identity, business or employment status, and financial stability. 2. Academic Endorsement Letter.

  14. Letter of Endorsement Template

    A letter of endorsement is a professional document used to endorse and vouch for an individual. Jotform Sign 's free Letter of Endorsement is great for things like schools, bank loans, home loans, car loans, identity verification, and more. This template lets you fill out the date, recipient and sender information, and contact details.

  15. Sample Endorsement Letter Samples & Templates

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  16. Business Endorsement Letter

    Download this Business Endorsement Letter Design in Word, Google Docs, PDF, Apple Pages, Outlook Format. Easily Editable, Printable, Downloadable. Make a letter recommending the products or services of a business establishment with this endorsement letter. This template is easy to edit and fully customizable. It is also high quality and printable.

  17. FREE 12+ Sample Endorsement Letter Templates in PDF

    PDF. Size: 188 KB. Download. The business endorsement letter is a style that you refer to when you are endorsing a business. If you are endorsing a business with certain skills, services, or domain, and want it to go public or refer it to some other body or entity, then you will need this typical format or template.You may also see simple letters.

  18. 26+ Sample Endorsement Letters

    26+ Sample Endorsement Letters. Endorsement is a support, authorization, approval of something, while writing a letter of endorsement you have to show advocating to a person, an idea, a movement, or an organization. You should introduce different types of information with different aspects, to make sure what kind of effects the endorsement is ...

  19. More than 90 company executives, 100 law enforcement officials back

    More than 90 company executives, including the chief executives of Yelp and Chobani as well as the former CEOs of PepsiCo, Ford Motor Co and Yahoo!, endorsed U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris for ...

  20. Barry Diller, James Murdoch Among 88 Business Leaders Endorsing Harris

    Dozens of business leaders — including media executives like Barry Diller and James Murdoch — signed an open letter endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris' candidacy for president on Friday.

  21. Dozens of business leaders endorse Kamala Harris for president

    In a three-page letter, a group of 88 business leaders — including high-profile current and former executives from major public companies across tech, media, and finance — emphasized that they ...

  22. Eighty-eight corporate leaders endorse Harris in new letter, including

    The letter is meant as a political show of force for Kamala Harris in a tight race with Donald Trump. The first presidential debate is less than a week away.

  23. Harris Endorsed for President by 88 Hollywood Execs, Business ...

    A group of 88 business leaders, including several Hollywood execs, signed an open letter endorsing VP Kamala Harris for president.

  24. Dozens of high-profile business execs endorse Kamala Harris

    A group of 88 high-profile current and former business executives issued a joint letter endorsing Vice President Harris on Friday.. The big picture: The leaders throwing their support behind the Democratic nominee include executives across media, finance and technology, with the likes of billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban, former 21st Century Fox CEO James Murdoch, LinkedIn co-founder Reid ...

  25. James Murdoch, Mark Cuban and dozens of other business leaders ...

    In a three-page letter, a group of 88 business leaders — including high-profile current and former executives from major public companies across tech, media, and finance — emphasized that they ...