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Essays on animal testing – write them like a pro.

animal testing essay

Animal testing essays are often required by instructors due to the controversial nature of the topic. Over the years there has been a long-standing debate about animal testing. One camp thinks that animal testing is inhumane while another camp suggests that it is essential for the advancement of research. If you’ve been asked to write animal testing essays for the first time, you may be conflicted about the topic. While you can always seek out a professional to write an animal testing essay for you, some tips can help you write it yourself. Keep reading to find out more.

Top Tips For Writing Perfect Animal Testing Essays

  • Understand The Requirements Of Your Animal Testing Essay

First of all, you need to understand the requirements. This is the only way you can figure out what you’re expected to write. What is animal testing? Animal testing involves using animals for experiments. It could involve injecting them with harmful substances and observing how their body reacts. They may also inject these animals with antidotes while trying to find the cure to diseases. Irrespective of how you feel about it, you need to do the animal testing research paper according to the requirements. If you’ve been asked to write a descriptive essay, your job will be to describe what the subject is without being against animal testing or for animal testing. If it an expository essay, you need to state the facts. If it’s a persuasive essay, you need to convince the reader of what your opinion is on animal testing. If you’ve been asked to write an argumentative essay on animal testing, speak for or against. Make sure you know what you’ve been asked to do and stick to it.

  • Research The Topic

When you’re asked to write an animal testing research paper, you need to do your homework to make sure that the content you provide is accurate. Your research should come from credible sources only. Thanks to the Internet, you don’t need to go to a library when you want to work on your animal testing thesis. There are many online libraries with detailed information about the subject. You can also check reliable news archives online to get statistics when necessary. Make sure that the information you use is up to date and verifiable.

  • Prepare Your Animal Testing Thesis Statement

Your thesis statement is an important part of your essay. It should come just before the animal testing essay introduction. You can also make it part of the introduction. It should be one or two sentences that serve as a premise for your essay. By reading the thesis statement on essays on animal testing, your reader should be able to know what type of essay you’ve been asked to write and what direction you’re leaning towards.

  • Stick To The Topic And Type Of Essay

Whether some animal research topics are assigned to you or you pick a topic yourself, make sure that you stick to the topic from the beginning to the end. If you’ve been asked to write a particular kind of essay, make sure you stick to it. For example, if you’ve been asked to write a why animal testing should be banned essay, this means that you’re writing an against animal testing essay. In this case, you need to give animal testing facts and examples that will persuade the reader that animal testing is not a good idea and it should be banned. You can offer alternatives to animal testing in your essay. You can search for an animal rights research paper to get an insight into the subject. If you’re asked to write an essay that supports animal testing, make sure you use facts to convince your audience. You can state how animal testing has been used to produce treatment for several illnesses over the years.  

  • Stay Objective From Start To Finish

Remaining objective when you’re writing your animal rights research paper might be challenging if you have a soft spot for animals. You need to do everything you can to remain objective. Providing emotional writing when you’re working on animal experimentation essays is only going to irritate your reader. This is especially so when there are no facts included. When you want to appeal to emotions, make sure you use facts and examples to get the reader’s attention.

Expert Help Is Always Here For You

Writing an animal testing essay is like writing any other essay. Make sure that you follow the basic principles of essay writing, stick to the facts. Apart from sticking to the facts, make sure your content is free of grammatical and typographical errors. Your content also has to be free of plagiarism. You can use premium tools to verify that the content is ideal for submission. However, you can ask a professional writer to proofread the content for you. These experts can give your essay a professional touch. Better still, they can write an essay for you from the beginning to the end.

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Animal Testing - Free Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

Animal testing, the use of non-human animals in experiments to assess the safety and efficacy of substances, evokes strong ethical debates. Essays on animal testing could explore the scientific, ethical, and legal aspects surrounding this practice. Discussions might delve into the necessity, alternatives, and the rights of animals versus the benefits to humanity. Moreover, analyzing the historical evolution of animal testing, the regulations governing it, and the public opinion and activism surrounding animal testing can provide a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted issues involved in this contentious practice. A substantial compilation of free essay instances related to Animal Testing you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Animal Testing should be Banned

Many organizations are debating whether animal testing ought to be banned in the U. S. Some believe that animal testing ought to be done. At the same time, others believe that animal testing is completely wrong. Some experts believe that other options can be available instead of doing the test on animals. Using animals to test the safety of certain products and for medical research purposes is wrong, and it should be made a point that the pain and suffering […]

Animal Testing: is it Ethical?

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Types of Animal Cruelty

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We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

Animal Testing is Unethical, Unreliable and Unnecessary

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Pros and Cons of Animal Testing

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Reasons of Animal Cruelty

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Animal Testing in Medical and Cosmetic Research

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The Controversy of Animal Testing

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The Definition of Animal Cruelty

The definition of animal cruelty is the infliction by omission or by commission by humans of suffering or harm upon any non-human. A car like any other is driving down the street, rain pounding on the windshield. The girl in the passenger seat sees a dark blur on the side of the road. She focuses on it, and sees a soaked dog, whose fur is severely matted, and covered in mud. Its tail had no wag, and it was so […]

Medical Animal Testing should be Banned

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Problems with Animal Testing: Inhumane Practices and Neglected Interests

Abstract The Animal Welfare Act (AWA), enacted in August 1966, regulates the treatment and care of animals in research (Murnaghan 4). However, researchers annually exploit approximately 26 million animals for scientific and commercial testing in the United States (The Flaws and Human Harms ). These exploitations occur while developing medical treatments, determining toxicity levels in medicine, and ensuring the safety of cosmetic products prior to human utilization. While conducting a study on animal welfare, the United States Department of Agriculture […]

The Ethics of Animal Experimentation

1. Background Information 2.1 What is animal testing? An animal test is any scientific experiment or test in which a animal is forced to undergo something that is likely to cause them pain, suffering, distress or lasting damage. In animal experiments, animals would be injected or feed with probably harmful substances, exposed to radiation and forced to inhale toxic gases. Also, the lab resistant may surgically removing animals' organs or tissues to deliberately cause damage and subjecting animals to frightening […]

The Animal Testing and Experimentation Industry

Companies test their products on animals for the benefits of their own profit. Animals are treated harshly during this process. Most product consumers are unaware of the actions these companies are making. People continue to buy these products, probably unaware of the conditions the animals are under. With the revision and production of new items, animals continue to be used for the benefit of these companies. Animals are often tested for cosmetics, medications, and other daily uses. The animals are […]

The Cruelty in Animal Testing

Every year in the United States, it is estimated that tens of millions of animals are used for research and testing purposes (Animal Experimentation 50). These animals are usually mice, rats, rabbits, fish, guinea pigs, non-human primates, and other farm animals. Test animals undergo testing for cosmetics and household products, trials for new medicines, and scientific experiments. These tests and experiments are uncomfortable and often painful for the animals. The United States has laws to protect animals, but there are […]

Opposing Views Animal Testing

The United Nations guarantees a Universal Declaration of Human Rights that asserts that everyone has got a right to liberty, life and also security. Despite that, the declaration protects human beings from cruel treatment, slavery and eventually torture. These rights are considered to be inherent according to the law of land. There has been always a debate on whether animals have got moral rights that should be recognized as well as protected by the human society. In the actual sense, […]

Animal Testing and its Importance

From over-the-counter medicine to the shampoo we use, it's easy to forget how relatively easy our lives have become with the many commodities available to us today. What we do not often consider is how these privileges came to be. What we do not think about is the prevalence of animal testing behind many necessary medicines and products. While controversial, the age-old practice of using animals for scientific and commercial testing has no doubt made many invaluable contributions to our […]

New and Safe Treatments for Humanity

Animal testing has long been a means to discover new and safe treatments for humanity. Modern medicines and innovations are constantly being created and updated, creating an ongoing need for ways to test them. There have been many different methods of testing throughout history. By the Roman era, dissection and vivisection (the dissection of live animals) were established scientific practices (Fellenz 72). That was a more official part of animal testing history. Although not technically experimenting, people learned how animal […]

Effectiveness of Animal Testing

For Centuries animals have been tested on for research all across the globe. These animals can range from elephants to mice and can have an age range from new-borne to oldest surviving. The oldest form of animal testing has been dated back to around 199-217 AD. That's before the time of some of the earths early great scientists and researchers like Aristotle and Erasistratus. It is still as important today because of how much information we can actually gain from […]

Cruelty to Animals and Animal Testing

Animal cruelty can be defined in many ways: Being violent to animals in any way, failure to provide for animals, being neglectful to animals. Also causing animals psychological harm in the form of distress, torment or terror may also constitute animal cruelty (RSPCA). For example when picking out eyeliner or other makeup products, do people stop to see at the stores what kind of makeup they are buying and using? People could be supporting animal testing and cruelty and not […]

Support of Animal Testing

The arguments of those who support animal testing are understandable in certain situations, and, in these situation the views are valid and their views ought to be respected. And although there are downsides to animal testing and experimenting there's upsides as well. At the cost of an animal's life or comfortably humans lives will be saved or given an increased quality of life. In the nineteenth century, physicians could do very little to treat heart disease, because there was no […]

Alternatives to Animal Testing: a Glimpse into the Innovative and Compassionate Future of Scientific Research

Let's chat about something. You’ve probably heard whispers of testing stuff on animals. Whether you're in camp "necessary evil" or team "save the bunnies," there's some pretty snazzy news. We've got alternative methods bubbling up, blowing our minds. Scientists have found a way to grow miniature human organs in labs. Imagine a teensy liver or a bite-sized brain being used to check if that new face cream is safe. It’s all about getting results without making Fido or Thumper shed […]

Using Animals for Medical Testing is both Ethical and Essential?

In this Argumentative essay I have chosen to talk about Animal testing and why I think it is needed in today's work of medicines and cures. I will be given you four main facts on why I believe it is still very helpful to us humans and even helpful to the animals themselves. Honestly speaking people have become so sensitive in today's environments about many things like animal feelings, or they think like us humans. They truly forgotten that these […]

The Importance of Animal Models in Vaccines

If you have ever taken any type of medicine or had a vaccine, you have benefited from animal testing: Research with animals led to vaccinations against smallpox, measles, mumps, and tetanus. The world's first vaccine was tested on a cow in 1796 during the observation of milkmaids who caught cowpox , which is now called smallpox, from infected cow utters. This disease was eradicated in 1980 with the help of lab animals. Looking at the more frequent viruses in our […]

Animal Rights and Society

2. Background information 2.1 What is animal testing Animal testing is different experiments, researches that carried out on the animals. Different animals are used in different test, e.g. mice, rabbits, pigs. Those animals are used to check the safety and assess the effectiveness of the products that for human use, e.g. medicine, food, cosmetics. It's also used to understand how well the product works on human body. However, all of those tests may harm to animals and cause them physical […]

The Americans for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ASPCA

Introduction Service learning and community partnership incorporates academic learning into service projects that becomes more common and popular in today's community. What it does is teaches us about the history and needs of the agency being helped as well as seeing positive changes that their involvement makes. Just by incorporating different aspects of learning into community service, we can become invested in their work and more likely to stay committed to the cause. The cause of the agency is to […]

Animal Research for Human Benefit is Unnecessary

Most people believe animal testing is essential to drug and vaccine research. Which is true, in a sense, because scientist have come up with a lot of vaccines for certain viruses. However, during the process, animals are treated poorly and their cages are in awful conditions. Most of the chemicals being administered into these patients are not safe for them, which sometimes results in death. Not only that, animals cannot comprehend what humans can. They cannot speak for themselves. These […]

The Study on Animal Experimentation

Animal testing has been a severe problem that still has not been resolved. Animal testing should be stopped for the safety of animals and human, but since it cannot be, how can it be improved? Many scientists rely on animal testing to collect data on safety and efficacy from experiments. They use animals to test products like food, drugs, cosmetics, medicines, and chemicals. They use animals because animals serve to protect consumers, workers and the environment from the harmful effects […]

Vaccine Development

The conversation of animal testing has never been anything less than controversial. Although animal testing is not new, the topic still faces severe criticism by several animal activists' groups. Humans have used animals as a means to learn about various subjects for a while now. It dates back to uses from Greek-physician scientists ""such as Aristotle, 384 “ 322 BC and Erasistratus, 304 “ 258 BC (Hajar 1). During these experiments' scientists would use live animals as their test subjects. […]

What is Animal Cruelty?

Animal cruelty is the act of humans inflicting harm and suffering onto an animal. This can include neglect, animal fighting, and overt abuse. In the United States, an animal is abused every ten seconds. Animal protection organizations are working to stop animal cruelty everywhere. Many of these organizations believe in animal rights and animal welfare. Animal rights activists usually go to the extremes, and will even break laws to make a statement to the public. One point of contention for […]

Ethical Issues in Animal Experimentation

There is of course the huge ethical consequence that comes from testing on animals. It is also super expensive to actually test on animals and some of the information from the tests don't give accurate results for us. Animals are different from humans everyone knows that. That's money, manpower and time going to waste. It's also very expensive compared to other options that are out or already developed. The cost of animal testing is enormous and doesn't always yield results. […]

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How To Write an Essay About Animal Testing

Introduction to the topic of animal testing.

When embarking on an essay about animal testing, it is essential to begin by defining what animal testing encompasses and the contexts in which it is used. This includes its application in medical research, cosmetics testing, and other scientific endeavors. In your introduction, outline the scope of the debate, which often centers around ethical considerations, scientific necessity, and the pursuit of medical advancements. Acknowledge the complexity of the topic, which involves balancing the welfare of animals with potential human benefits. This introductory section should set the stage for a thoughtful exploration of the multifaceted issues surrounding animal testing.

Delving into Ethical and Scientific Perspectives

The body of your essay should delve into the various ethical and scientific perspectives surrounding animal testing. One key aspect to explore is the ethical debate, which includes arguments about animal rights, suffering, and the moral implications of using animals for human benefit. On the scientific side, discuss the role of animal testing in medical breakthroughs and the question of its necessity and effectiveness. It's important to consider both sides of the argument, providing a balanced view that includes the advancements made possible by animal testing, as well as the ethical dilemmas it raises. Use evidence such as scientific data, ethical theories, and regulatory policies to support your points.

Analyzing Alternatives and Societal Impacts

In this section, focus on the alternatives to animal testing and the potential impacts of these methods on society and scientific research. Discuss advancements in technology, such as computer modeling and cell-based assays, and how they offer potential replacements or reductions in animal use. Analyze how these alternatives could change the landscape of research and testing, considering both the benefits and limitations. Also, consider the societal implications of animal testing, including public opinion, regulatory changes, and the role of advocacy groups. This part of your essay should highlight the evolving nature of the debate and the future possibilities for both scientific research and animal welfare.

Concluding the Discussion

Conclude your essay by summarizing the main arguments and reflecting on the ongoing debate surrounding animal testing. This is an opportunity to reiterate the complexity of the issue and the importance of continuing to balance ethical considerations with scientific progress. Consider the future of animal testing and the role of evolving ethical standards and scientific advancements in shaping this area. A strong conclusion will not only wrap up your essay but also encourage further thought and discussion about the ethical and scientific dimensions of animal testing.

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Animal Testing: Should Animal Testing Be Allowed? — Argumentative Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
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Animal Testing: Introduction

Animal testing: debatable questions, animal testing: conclusion.

Animal testing denotes the use of animals in medical experiments to unveil the potency, safety, toxicity, and viability of developed drugs. Concurrently, the phenomenon also applies to other biological experiments, which utilize animals as specimens. The method incorporates the administration of pharmaceutical compounds into biological systems (test animals).

This usually occurs for scientific purposes and medical developments. The process is debatable and has been disputed by animal activists, religious groups, and ethical communities who believe that the trend is immoral and inappropriate since animals cannot be compared with human beings (Panza & Potthast, 2010).

Animal testing usually involve vertebrates like rodents, cats, dogs, birds, and Guinea pigs among others. Since this is a disputable phenomenon, where one can argue for or against the act, this paper supports the aspects of animal testing with bountiful reasons based on its viability in investigating pharmacological compounds. Without animal testing, numerous drugs, which currently help the humankind, could have missed.

Since human beings cannot commence crude pharmaceutical investigations as test specimens, using test animals is significant in this context. It is advisable to execute scientific investigations elsewhere before introducing them into human beings. It is crucial to agree that animal testing might be unethical phenomenon as argued by some groups; nonetheless, it should continue following its merits and contributions to the humankind in the realms of drug investigations and scientific discoveries.

With regard to animal testing, debatable questions emerge. In this paper, “Should animal testing be abandoned due to ethical claims surrounding it?” forms the debated question. This question tries to unveil whether it is viable for biologists and medical scientists to cease from using animals for experimental investigations.

Despite the conventional use of these animals in numerous scientific experiments, it is still debatable on their viability and potency. Arguably, the animal testing phenomenon should continue with regard to scientific investigations.

The need for efficacy, safety, novelty, and certainty in the realms of drug-use require thorough investigative experiments, which can only materialize when test animals are incorporated. Firstly, some animal have systems that resemble those of human beings; thus, the ability to use such animals give a broader chance of executing an elaborate experimental investigation.

Using animals as representative of humans is a critical phenomenon when scrutinized critically. There are numerous individuals who have disputed this claim as stated in the research question. The desire to continue with the animal testing phenomenon has infuriated numerous activists who are against it (Panza & Potthast, 2010).

Nonetheless, it is evident and appropriate that this phenomenon should continue for further discoveries to be realized. It is questionable how further medical research will occur and how this will materialize without the use of test animals. This is an impossible phenomenon, which demands those who are arguing against animal testing to reconsider their stands.

Another issue is that human beings cannot be used as experimental animals. The drugs administered into humans must be of some quality, minimized toxicity, viable to use, potent, safe, and effective. This means that they have been investigated and approved by the concerned bodies after scientific investigations. If animal testing will be abandoned, no effective experimentation will occur on biological vessels.

Evidently, invitro (using experimental tubes) experimentations are slow and incomprehensive. This means that scientific investigations will delay and sometimes results might not occur. It is vital to consider that animal testing has helped significantly since its inception several decades ago. It has remained a viable, trusted, and considerable experimental design for pharmaceutical products and other scientific investigations.

Harrison & Hester (2006), which identifies alternative of animal testing, agrees that attaining an alternative of this trend is daunting and minimally achievable. Scientific considerations support this trend since there are limited alternatives to replace the method comprehensively (Harrison & Hester, 2006).

Those who are against animal testing claim that animals are not human beings and equating the two is inconsiderable. Evidently, animal are not exact copies of humans. There are numerous differences noticeable amidst the two factions. Additionally, they argue that what works best in a guinea pig (an experimental animal), might not exactly perform in humans.

The two factions (humans and test animals) are different hence the assumption that they can emulate each other is misled. Notably, this argument is understandable; however, as the situation stands, it is still appropriate to conduct animal testing to help in research investigations. Humans can hardly be used for crude or undeveloped researches as the ones done with test animals. This means that animal testing is still the best option.

According to Schmidt (2001), which discusses the aspects of animal testing, recognizes that it is important to infer that what is inconsumable for test animals is similarly consumable for humans. It is possible to note the adverse effects of drugs with animals, make appropriate changes in the composition of the tested drug, and later emerge with effective, safe, and potent compound worth human utilization.

Watson (2009), which describes the ethical issues related to animal testing, argues that some ethical claims behind the animal testing are baseless when compared to human lives saved daily due to animal testing executed to investigate proper and effective drugs. A mere claim that it is immoral to inject or administer unworthy compounds into an innocent animal while doing research is superfluous. This simply means that those who are against animal testing hardly want researches to be done using animals.

This is good and considerable; however, these very people hardly provide viable alternatives that can work better compared to the conventional animal testing provisions. Besides, they are also among those who gain from the findings and results achieved from such investigations. Evidently, almost all drugs currently used in the world at one point passed through animal testing to unveil their viability, safety, efficacy, toxicity levels, and other viable provisions demanded in this context.

Concurrently, it is inappropriate to abandon animal testing as claimed by the activists. The current discoveries on genetics, reproduction, developmental biology, and study of behaviors among others could have not materialized minus animal testing.

Additionally, there are other viable provisions that characterize the phenomenon besides the known pharmaceutical investigations which usually occur using test animals as stipulated before. In these mentioned fields, there are still considerable knowledge gaps that will necessitate further application of animal testing in order to unveil additional information.

This phenomenon can hardly occur minus animal testing since there will be no specimens for further research. The ethical claims fronted by the mentioned activists should cease from hindering further investigations (Watson, 2009). It is evident that discoveries made from animal testing are numerous and helpful to the human race as indicated earlier. The need for more investigations and application of animal testing will continue to exist following its viability, applicability, and reliability in the aspects of research.

The viewpoint that animals equally have moral rights is evident; however, it is disputable in this context since it acts as a hindrance to lucrative investigations and discoveries that are helpful to the humankind. Hayhurst (2000), which debates on animal rights, denotes that individuals who perceive animal as having rights are equally accurate in their opinions; nonetheless, they should also consider the merits of animal testing to their lives and beyond.

This relates to the ethical arguments posted with regard to this topic. It forms the center of argument from various people. It is crucial to denote that animal testing has numerous provisions worth noting in varying contexts. This relates to its viability and potency in unveiling the less investigated claims with regard to life. According to various sources, some arguments regarding the aspects of animal testing are invalid and misleading (Hayhurst, 2000). They simply emerge from undue compassion for animals.

This contributes to why this paper agrees with the continuity of animal testing. Precisely, its merits surpass its baseless flaws numerous times. It is recommendable to scrutinize these arguments before they derail the realities that encompass a given matter. It is crucial to consider such provisions following their viability in this context.

Additionally, those who argue against animal testing claim that such animals lack the capacity to express themselves hence can hardly show their pain, dissatisfaction, and suffering.

This is a critical claim; however, it is not enough to support the ban against animal testing. Conversely, scientists, medics, and biologists who use such animals apply moral aspects to their undertakings; hence, will barely intend to harm such experimental animals. Since such ethical observations are carried out within the mentioned experimental testing, it is considerable to continue with the animal testing phenomenon. Adjusting the conditions of these tests might equally help in upholding the ethical demands.

Another argument is that animal testing simplifies and speeds the experimental designs meant to make discoveries. This could have not been achievable minus such experimental trends. Testing developed research products on animals elicit the desired results with promptness. It is daunting and time consuming to develop therapeutic and diagnostic compounds from human beings. This relates to the aspects of delay claimed earlier.

Scientists will not be able to attain their demands in time. This might discourage them from continuing with investigations. Since the use of animal testing provides instant results, its application is widespread, applicable, and viable in numerous contexts. The aspects of safety indicated earlier in these claims equally contribute to the applicability of animal testing. It is improper to execute unsafe experiments or unverified drugs on humans.

The repercussions might be devastating than when it was applied on test animals (Schmidt, 2001). For example, developments and investigations on HIV drugs cannot occur on humans at their initial stages. It is advisable to develop them through animal testing before rendering them usable by humans. It is possible to adjust the composition of the given compound to unveil its viable concentrations. Emerging with instant results supports the application of animal testing and contributes massively in this context.

Animal testing is a helpful phenomenon in biological, medical, and other scientific investigations demanding its incorporation. The phenomenon is helpful, viable, and should be embraced despite the opposing opinions. Animal testing helps in developing effective, safe, viable, qualitative, and less toxic drugs. Following the merits of animal testing, its application and advancements should continue while observing ethical concerns.

Harrison, R. & Hester, R. (2006). Alternatives to Animal Testing . Ohio, OH: Cengage Learning.

Hayhurst, C. (2000). Animal testing: The animal rights debate . New York, NY: Rosen Pub. Group.

Panza, C. & Potthast, A. (2010). Ethics For Dummies . Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.

Schmidt, A. (2001). Animal testing in infectiology . Basel: Karger.

Watson, S. (2009). Animal testing: Issues and ethics . New York, NY: Rosen Pub.

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IvyPanda. (2018, November 6). Animal Testing: Should Animal Testing Be Allowed? — Argumentative Essay.

"Animal Testing: Should Animal Testing Be Allowed? — Argumentative Essay." IvyPanda , 6 Nov. 2018,

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Animal Testing: Should Animal Testing Be Allowed? — Argumentative Essay'. 6 November.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Animal Testing: Should Animal Testing Be Allowed? — Argumentative Essay." November 6, 2018.

1. IvyPanda . "Animal Testing: Should Animal Testing Be Allowed? — Argumentative Essay." November 6, 2018.


IvyPanda . "Animal Testing: Should Animal Testing Be Allowed? — Argumentative Essay." November 6, 2018.

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How To Write An Animal Testing Essay?

Haiden Malecot

Table of Contents

create a thesis for the topic animal testing

Animal testing is a long-standing problem, which bothers people all around the world. It is also known as in vivo testing or animal research; it’s the use of animals in experiments to explore the reactions of their bodies and biological systems to various irritants.

From the beginning of the scientific revolution, this method was often used in medical and biological studies. However, nowadays it is also used in commercial facilities and pharmaceutical companies to test cosmetics, hygiene products, and foods before selling them to people.

Animal testing essay approaches

Basically, there are two approaches to writing essays on animal testing.

You may choose a topic that considers the historical context, as methods of testing and other aspects that don’t require your personal point of view. When writing such an essay, remember that you need to be unprejudiced and objective, to explore the topic as a scientist.

The other approach is an argumentative essay. There’s also a vast quantity of sides to choose from but you’ll need to express your point of view or compose the topic for an essay sticking to it. Here you will have to be persuasive to convince the reader in your rightness.

Position against animal testing essay

If you are an opponent to animal testing, you may want to choose the topic, that would highlight the negative sides of the issue. Here are some arguments against animal testing for you to start off:

  • Experiments on animals are inhumane and cause animal suffering.
  • There are different alternatives for testing, that can replace animals.
  • People differ from animals. Thus, the results of animal testing might be unjustified.
  • Some products that have passed animal testing were dangerous to people.
  • Alternative methods of research are cheaper than animal testing.
  • Lots of failed experiments are useless to expend of animals’ lives.
  • Religion induces us to be merciful to all living creatures including animals.

Position pro-animal testing essay

In case you support the idea of animal testing and decided to prove that it is needed in the modern world, you’d need to be very persuasive. There are thousands of people who won’t share your opinion.

Below you can find some ideas to support animal testing:

  • Animal testing produced dozens of treatments and saved millions of people’s lives.
  • There still are no equivalent alternatives to test a fully functioning organism.
  • Some animals are similar to the human organism.
  • Animal testing prevents dangerous and harmful experiments on people.
  • There’s legislation which aims to prevent animals’ mistreatment.
  • The majority of scientists endorse the practice of animal testing.
  • Some of the products must be first tested on animals to prove humans can use them.
  • Religion establishes human domination.
  • Animals’ lives is a small price for scientific and medical progress.

Ideas on animal testing essay structure

Each essay has to be well-structured and animal testing essay is not an exception. As a rule, an essay consists of three parts: introduction, main body, and conclusion.

In the introduction , you present the problem and the topic of your essay. Provide your reader with some definitions and background information for a better understanding.

In the main body , you represent all the information, ideas and statements for your topic. Don’t forget to structure the text and break it into paragraphs, this will make your essay more readable. Ideally, you write each idea or statement in the new paragraph.

The conclusion is put at the very end when everything is already said. Here you make an inference of the whole essay without adding any new information.

Here is an example of the outline for a pro-animal testing research paper:


  • Hook sentence.
  • Thesis statement.
  • Transition to Main Body.
  • History of the animal testing practice.
  • The role of legislation in preventing mistreatment.
  • Great discoveries, which would be impossible without animal testing.
  • Why alternatives to animal testing won’t work?
  • Transition to Conclusion.
  • Unexpected twist or a final argument.
  • Food for thought.

Writing an animal testing essay introduction

To write a successful introduction, and the whole essay as well, you need to be aware of the topic. So first of all, you need to do a lot of research work for a good start.

Searching for some animal testing essay examples might appear to be a great idea. Once you gain some background you will surely get to know what is needed to be said.

Here are some hints on what to include in your introduction:

  • Definition of animal testing.
  • Statistics.
  • Description of the problem.
  • Experts’ point of view.
  • Society’s position.
  • Some catchy facts.
  • Thesis statement – the main idea of your essay.

Best animal testing essay titles

Lack of ideas for a good title? Here’s a list of topics for the essay on animal testing.

Choose any. Each of them is catchy.

  • Pros and cons of animal testing.
  • Animal testing in cosmetics.
  • Great discoveries of animal testing.
  • Alternatives to animal testing.
  • Animal testing in your country.
  • The ethical side of animal testing.
  • Positive and negative outcomes of animal testing.
  • Horrors of animal testing.
  • Future of animal testing.
  • Animal testing and animal rights.

Crafting an animal testing essay hook

When it comes to writing, the introduction is almost a half of success. If you manage to write a good beginning, the reader will surely have a more positive vision of the whole work.

… How to grab the reader’s attention and compose a catchy beginning?

These two basic techniques are often used by speakers, but can also be applied when writing:

  • Rhetorical question. Make the reader think, ask something ambiguous or nippy, like: “Is morality valuable when it comes to medical progress and saving lives?” or “Would you kill an animal with your own hands?”
  • Shocking fact. Something like: “More than 100 million animals are abused and killed in the US yearly” or “88% of Nobel Prizes in Physiology and Medicine involved animal testing.

All in all, animal testing is newsworthy and up to date topic to discover and highlight. There are many aspects of the problem to explore and what is important – you can’t be right or wrong with your point of view.

This coin has two sides and it is for you to decide which one to stick to. Remember that your essay will benefit from honesty with yourself and the reader.

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Animal Testing Essay Examples

Argumentative discussion on should animals be used for research.

“Should animals be used for research?” it is an argumentative essay that states: animal experimentation should not be included in the future of medicine or scientific research. Instead, we should experiment with different research approaches and make different lifestyle choices.  Animals are a group of...

Ethics of Animal Research: Balancing Benefits and Harm

Within this essay, I will research the theme 'Should animals be used for research: argumentative essay' and investigate the uses of animal testing within the cosmetic industry as well as in other fields, such as testing for medical products, smoking experiments, military tests, sex experiments,...

Arguments Why Animal Testing Should Be Eliminated

Right now, in laboratories across the globe, millions of mice, rats, rabbits, monkeys, cats, dogs and other animals are locked in cages. More than 100 million animals are killed in laboratories around the world each year for medical training, curiosity-driven experiments, and chemical, pharmaceutical, and...

Sharing Arguments Against Animal Testing

Every day, millions of animals are trapped in steel cages, waiting for a latex-gloved hand to reach in and whisk them away for another day of testing. These animals are used to test product safety, improve our medicines, perform curiosity-driven experimentation, or investigate the effects...

The Science of Behavior: Human and Animal Similarities

The topic of this similarities between humans and animals essay is to evaluate research studies that have used animals to understand human behaviour. This will be done by making an appraisal by weighing up the strengths and limitations of this topic. About 29 million animals...

Animal Testing Must End: the Reasons Why Animals Should not Be Tested on

Animal testing, also known as animal experimentation, is the process of using non-human animals to yield variables from a study. These studies can include injecting animals with needles and applying toxic products, all done to test a reaction from the animal. There are anywhere from...

Research of the Solutions to Replace and Stop Animal Testing

It is 2019, and animals shouldn’t be the test subjects to attain the results scientists want! Hundreds of animals are often disposed of without a second thought by researchers every day. Even though the animals are protected through ethical guidelines, their lives mean so much...

Arguments Against Animal Testing in Cosmetics and Medicine

First and foremost, animal testing in cosmetics and medicine definitely has a lot of ethical concerns. Whether it be birth defects to further generations or death, animal testing in cosmetics and medicine is far from humane. Animal testing in cosmetics and medicine has been the...

Medical Testing on Animals

“Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty” (Popova, par. 1). In most matters, including medicine, the welfare of the human race is a...

Why is Animal Testing a Problem: an Ethical Perspective on Animal Experimentation

For over 2000 years, mankind has been testing on animals for the benefit of its own good. Whether it be for food, clothing, shelter, or even cosmetics, animals have been a huge part of our lives. Even though animals have played a tremendous role for...

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About Animal Testing

The term “animal testing” refers to procedures performed on living animals for purposes of research into basic biology and diseases, assessing the effectiveness of new medicinal products, and testing the human health and/or environmental safety of consumer and industry products such as cosmetics, household cleaners, food additives, pharmaceuticals and industrial/agro-chemicals.

The earliest references to animal testing are found in the writings of the Greeks in the 2nd and 4th centuries BC. Aristotle and Erasistratus were among the first to perform experiments on living animals.

Pure research: Basic or pure research investigates how organisms behave, develop, and function. Applied research aims to solve specific and practical problems. Xenotransplantation research involves transplanting tissues or organs from one species to another, as a way to overcome the shortage of human organs for use in organ transplants.

95% of all drugs that are shown to be safe and effective in animal tests fail in human trials. 79% of people say they would switch if they found out a brand tested products on animals uses cookies to offer you the best service possible.By continuing we’ll assume you board with our cookie policy .--> -->