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Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Mobile Phones in Public Places

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Mobile Phones in Public Places

Mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives, and it is hard to imagine a day without them. They have revolutionized the way we communicate and have made our lives easier in many ways.

Table of Contents

However, the use of mobile phones in public places has been a topic of debate for a long time.

While some people argue that it is convenient to use mobile phones in public places, others believe that it is a nuisance and should be banned. In this article, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using mobile phones in public places.

Advantages of Using Mobile Phones in Public Places

Mobile phones have become an integral part of our daily lives. They have revolutionized the way we communicate, work, and entertain ourselves.

With the advancement of technology, mobile phones have become more than just a device for making calls and sending messages. They have become multi-functional devices that can be used for various purposes.

One of the advantages of using mobile phones is that they can be used in public places. We will discuss the advantages of using mobile phones in public places.

Advantages of Using Mobile Phones in Public Places Infographic

1. Real-Time Navigation and Wayfinding

Real-time navigation and wayfinding are significant advantages of using mobile phones in public places. With the help of GPS technology, mobile phones can provide real-time directions and navigation to users.

This feature is particularly useful for people who are new to a place or are visiting a crowded area for the first time. Mobile phones can also help users find nearby landmarks, restaurants, and other points of interest.

In addition, mobile phones can provide real-time traffic updates and suggest alternative routes to avoid congestion.

Real-time navigation and wayfinding a valuable features of mobile phones that can make traveling in public places more convenient and efficient.

2. Emergency Assistance and Safety

Mobile phones have become an essential tool for emergency assistance and safety in public places.

Public safety officers require smartphones that are durable, have a good display quality and size, push-to-talk capabilities, good battery life, and performance and storage.

Samsung has supported public safety for years by providing smartphones and other mobile solutions that improve critical information access, productivity, and safety, regardless of the assignment.

In terms of school safety, cell phones have been used by students in a number of cases nationwide for calling in bomb threats to schools.

However, school and safety officials must “double down” on their planning and preparedness for issues likely to be created by cell phone use during a crisis.

School leaders should talk with students, parents, and staff about their expectations regarding cell phone use during a crisis.

3. Convenience for Work and Productivity

Mobile phones have become an essential tool for convenience in the workplace, boosting productivity and enhancing portability.

With the ability to operate wirelessly, mobile technology promotes and enhances portability for its users, eliminating the need to carry heavy laptops to work.

Digitizing files for easier access online also eliminates the need to carry or look through bulky documents.

Mobile technology also makes client and employee data accessible from a distant location, resulting in the removal of restrictions on businesses and global barriers.

Mobile devices offer workers greater flexibility, enhance workflows, improve communications, and help to make users more efficient and productive.

However, excessive use of mobile devices for work purposes at home can lead to an increase in self-perceived productivity but also in stress-related levels of somatic symptoms and the need for recovery.

4. Entertainment and Leisure in Public Spaces

Entertainment and leisure in public spaces have been revolutionized by the widespread use of mobile phones. With the advent of smartphones, people can now access a wide range of entertainment options on the go.

For instance, they can watch movies, listen to music, or play games while waiting for a bus or train. Additionally, mobile phones have made it easier for people to connect with others and share their leisure experiences.

They can take photos or videos of their surroundings and share them on social media platforms, allowing others to experience the same entertainment and leisure activities.

Mobile phones have made entertainment and leisure in public spaces more accessible, convenient, and enjoyable for people.

5. Mobile Payments and Digital Transactions

Mobile payments and digital transactions have become increasingly popular in recent years, and they offer several advantages when it comes to using mobile phones in public places.

One of the most significant benefits is convenience. With mobile payments, users can quickly and easily make purchases without the need for cash or credit cards.

This is particularly useful in crowded public places where carrying a wallet or purse can be cumbersome.

Additionally, mobile payments are often more secure than traditional payment methods, as they use encryption and other security measures to protect users’ financial information.

Finally, mobile payments and digital transactions can help to reduce the spread of germs, as users do not need to physically exchange cash or cards with merchants.

The use of mobile phones for payments and transactions can make life easier and more convenient for users in public places.

6. Social Connection and Networking

Mobile phones have revolutionized the way people connect and network with each other. With the advent of social media platforms and messaging apps, mobile phones have become an indispensable tool for social connection and networking.

People can easily stay in touch with their friends and family, no matter where they are, through instant messaging, voice and video calls, and social media updates.

Mobile phones have also made it easier for people to expand their social networks by connecting with like-minded individuals and groups through social media platforms.

In public places, mobile phones can be used to network with new people, share experiences, and even collaborate on projects.

The ability to connect with others instantly and easily has made mobile phones an essential tool for social connection and networking.

7. Multilingual Support for Travelers

Mobile phones have become an essential tool for travelers, especially with the multilingual support they offer. With just a few taps on the screen, travelers can easily communicate with friends, family, and locals in a foreign country.

Mobile phones allow travelers to send text messages, make phone calls, and even surf the internet. Using the local cell phone service is the most affordable option, especially for local calls.

Text messaging is another convenient way to keep in touch. Mobile phones also give travelers instant access to information whenever they need it, such as directions to a new restaurant or figuring out how to fix a broken appliance.

With so many features available, it’s no wonder that mobile phones have become such an integral part of travelers’ lives.

Disadvantages of Using Mobile Phones in Public Places

Mobile phones have become an integral part of our daily lives. They have made communication easier and more convenient.

However, the use of mobile phones in public places has become a topic of debate. While some people believe that it is acceptable to use mobile phones in public places, others think that it is not appropriate.

We will discuss the disadvantages of using mobile phones in public places. The disadvantages include:

Disadvantages of Using Mobile Phones in Public Places Infographic

1. Disruption of Peace and Quiet

Using mobile phones in public places can disrupt the peace and quiet of those around you. The constant ringing, beeping, and talking can be distracting and annoying to others who are trying to enjoy their surroundings.

In addition, people may feel like their privacy is being invaded if they are forced to overhear someone else’s conversation. This can be especially true in places like libraries, museums, and movie theaters where people expect a certain level of quiet.

It is important to be considerate of others when using your mobile phone in public places and to keep the volume low or use headphones to avoid disturbing those around you.

2. Risk of Distraction and Accidents

Using mobile phones in public places can pose a risk of distraction and accidents. When people are engrossed in their phones, they tend to lose awareness of their surroundings, which can lead to accidents.

For instance, they may bump into other people, trip over obstacles, or even walk into traffic. Moreover, using mobile phones while driving or crossing the road can be particularly dangerous, as it diverts the attention of the user from the road and increases the risk of accidents.

In addition, using phones in public places can be a source of annoyance to others, as the sound of ringtones, notifications, and conversations can be disruptive and distracting.

Therefore, it is important to exercise caution and restraint when using mobile phones in public places and to prioritize safety and consideration for others.

3. Impact on Face-to-Face Interactions

Mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives, but they have also brought about several disadvantages. One of the major drawbacks of using mobile phones in public places is the impact on face-to-face interactions.

People tend to get engrossed in their phones, scrolling through social media or texting, and ignore the people around them.

This behavior can lead to a lack of communication and social skills, which can be detrimental to personal and professional relationships.

Additionally, excessive phone use in public places can be disruptive and annoying to others, leading to a decline in social etiquette. Therefore, it is important to be mindful of our phone usage and prioritize face-to-face interactions to maintain healthy relationships.

4. Noise Pollution and Annoyance

Noise pollution and annoyance are some of the major disadvantages of using mobile phones in public places. The constant ringing, beeping, and talking on mobile phones can be very disturbing to others in the vicinity.

According to a study conducted by the World Health Organization, noise pollution can cause annoyance, sleep disturbance, and even hearing loss .

The use of mobile phones in public places can also be a source of distraction, leading to accidents and injuries. In addition, the use of mobile phones in public places can be seen as a breach of privacy, as conversations can be overheard by others.

Therefore, it is important to be considerate of others and use mobile phones in public places only when necessary.

5. Invasion of Personal Space

The invasion of personal space is a major disadvantage of using mobile phones in public places. People often use their phones without regard for those around them, leading to loud conversations and distractions.

This can be particularly frustrating in places like libraries, museums, and theaters where people expect a quiet and peaceful environment.

Additionally, the use of mobile phones in public places can be seen as antisocial, as people are too busy sending messages to talk to the people in front of them.

The signal from mobile phones can also cause problems in some public places, such as hospitals, by interfering with delicate instruments or equipment.

The invasion of personal space is a significant disadvantage of using mobile phones in public places that can lead to frustration and annoyance for those around the user.

6. Potential for Cybersecurity Risks

Mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives, but they also come with potential cybersecurity risks.

Cybercriminals can exploit vulnerabilities within mobile devices and the mobile operating system, making them susceptible to malicious apps, network-level attacks, and data leakage.

Mobile phone users are also vulnerable to phishing voice calls and SMS/MMS messages, known as “vishing” and “smishing,” respectively.

Additionally, mobile devices can be lost or stolen, which can lead to physical threats to mobile devices and the loss of sensitive information.

Therefore, it is important to take precautions to protect mobile devices from cybersecurity risks, such as using strong passwords, avoiding public Wi-Fi networks, and keeping software up to date.

7. Rudeness and Lack of Etiquette

Using mobile phones in public places can lead to rudeness and a lack of etiquette. Many people use their phones without considering the impact on those around them, such as talking loudly on the phone, playing music without headphones, or texting during conversations.

This behavior can be disruptive and disrespectful to others, leading to bans on cell phone use in businesses and public places.

Additionally, using mobile phones in public places can be distracting and disturbing to others who are trying to concentrate, such as in libraries or during a performance.

It is important to be mindful of others and practice good etiquette when using mobile phones in public places.

Conclusion on Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Mobile Phones in Public Places

In conclusion, the use of mobile phones in public places has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, mobile phones allow people to stay connected with their loved ones and provide a sense of security.

On the other hand, they can be intrusive and disturb others, especially in quiet or intimate settings such as libraries, theaters, and churches.

While some people believe that mobile phones should be banned in public places, others argue that they should be allowed with proper etiquette.

According to a Pew Research Center survey, about three-quarters of all adults, including those who do not use cell phones, say that it is “generally OK” to use cell phones in unavoidably public areas, such as when walking down the street, while on public transportation, or while waiting in line.

However, mobile phones should be turned off or put on silent mode in quiet or intimate settings to avoid disturbing others. In conclusion, the use of mobile phones in public places should be balanced with respect for others’ privacy and comfort.

Relevant Resources:

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Mobile Phones During Pregnancy
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phone Masts
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phone Games
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phones on Health

Ahmad Ali

Ahmad Ali (Author)

Ahmad Ali has been a technology enthusiast and writer for the past 5 years having vast knowledge of technology.

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Rehmat Ullah (Content Reviewer)

Rehmat Ullah is a software engineer and CEO of Softhat IT Solutions. He is an expert technologist, entrepreneur, and educationist.

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Some People Think That Mobile Phones Should Be Banned in Public Places – IELTS Writing Task 2

Nehasri Ravishenbagam

Updated On Dec 08, 2023


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Some People Think That Mobile Phones Should Be Banned in Public Places – IELTS Writing Task 2

Table of Contents

Band 7 sample answer for some people think that mobile phones should be banned in public places writing task 2, band 8 sample answer for some people think that mobile phones should be banned in public places writing task 2, band 9 sample answer for some people think that mobile phones should be banned in public places writing task 2, connectors used in the above sample answers, useful links:.

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The “Some People Think That Mobile Phones Should Be Banned in Public Places” is an Agree/Disagree Writing Task 2 question that has previously appeared in an IELTS test. The essay writing section of the IELTS Writing Module can be a difficult task for many IELTS aspirants. Thus, it is vital that you polish your essay writing skills before attempting the IELTS.

The   IELTS Writing Task 2  i s a section of the IELTS General Training and Academic tests that assesses your ability to write a well-structured and coherent essay in response to a given topic.

In this task, you’re presented with “Some People Think That Mobile Phones Should Be Banned in Public Places” IELTS Writing Task 2 agree or disagree essay that asks to what extent you agree or disagree with the given statement. So, you are allowed to give a partial view of it at times to address it. To further hone your IELTS writing skills, check out a comprehensive collection of  IELTS writing task 2 practice tests  from

Here, you get access to 3 IELTS writing task 2 Agree/Disagree sample answers ranging from band 7-9 along with their vocabulary highlighted. So, why wait? Start reading the blog!

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Learn some more ways to Achieve a band score of 8 for Writing Task 2 and check out the IELTS essay for ‘Individual Greed and Selfishness Have Been the Basis of Modern Society’ given below.

Agree Disagree Essay (To what extent do you agree or disagree)

Mobile phones in this modern world play a vital role in sharing information and bringing people closer. Due to its constant usage, it has become a basic necessity and some feel that prohibiting mobile phone usage in public places is a good move. However, I partially agree with it and believe that allowing it in public places with some restrictions will be fine. This essay will talk about both cases with proper examples.

To begin with, using cell phones in public spaces might be a distraction to other people and divert their attention. For example, in libraries where people are found reading books of their interest, they can be easily distracted when a person’s ringtone of an incoming call strikes all of a sudden or when any individual is found talking over the phone in a loud manner. Moreover, using phones in places like hospitals can also easily interfere with the serene environment that is a much-needed one for the patients. Hence, restricting people from using mobiles in these kinds of common places can help fellow mates to carry on with their lives peacefully.

On the other hand, prohibiting the usage of mobile phones in public spaces can cause problems for people as well in some instances. For example, if an individual wanted to contact their loved ones in case of an emergency, they wouldn’t be able to reach them instantly without a mobile phone in hand. Adding on to this, people usually love listening to music during travel and mobile phones can without hassle be switched to a silent mode, and this will not disturb others.

In conclusion, I, in fact, believe that phones can be allowed in public places but with some specific restrictions so that people can remain in touch with their friends and family members whenever they need to.

  • Vital 

Meaning: Absolutely necessary or essential.

Example: Regular exercise is vital for maintaining good health.

  • Distraction

Meaning: Something that diverts attention or prevents concentration.

Example: Loud conversations on mobile phones can be a distraction in public places like libraries.

Meaning: Calm, peaceful, and untroubled.

Example: The view of the sunset over the lake created a serene atmosphere in the park.

Meaning: To become involved or meddle in the affairs of others.

Example: Talking loudly on the phone in a hospital waiting room can interfere with the patients’ rest.

  • Inclusive 

Meaning: Including all.

Example: The event was designed to be inclusive, welcoming people from various backgrounds.

  • Hassle 

Meaning: A situation causing difficulty or trouble.

Example: Switching your phone to silent mode is a simple solution to avoid any hassle in public spaces.

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With the popularity of mobile phones these days, their usage has become an integral part of our routine. While some people maintain that they should be not allowed in public places like libraries, shops and public transport, I firmly disagree with this notion, believing that mobile phones, when used responsibly in public, contribute to more positive acts than negative ones. This essay will disagree with the given statement and present my points with appropriate examples.

To begin with, mobile phones enhance convenience and connectivity in public places. In shops, for instance, they enable quick communication for price inquiries or coordinating with family members. As a result, banning them in these places might hinder efficient and timely interactions, negatively impacting the overall shopping experience.

Moreover, public transport heavily relies on mobile phones for navigation, information retrieval, and entertainment during commutes. For example, people who travel often use map applications to plan efficient routes or check real-time transport schedules, enhancing their travel experience. Restricting their use could deprive commuters of valuable tools, making their journeys less enjoyable and potentially less productive.

Rather than a ban, promoting responsible phone usage is a more pragmatic approach. Establishing guidelines for silent mode and discreet conversations in libraries, shops, and on public transport can address noise concerns without sacrificing the many benefits mobile phones bring to these settings.

In conclusion, I believe encouraging responsible use ensures that the advantages of mobile technology continue to enhance our experiences in a common place without disturbing our fellow mates.

  • Integral part

Meaning: Essential or necessary component, forming a fundamental part of a whole.

Example: Team collaboration is an integral part of our project’s success; each member’s contribution is vital to achieving our goals.

Meaning: A belief or idea.

Example: The notion that hard work leads to success is ingrained in many cultures.

Meaning: Occurring at the right time or suitable moment.

Example: The timely intervention of emergency services saved lives during the natural disaster.

Meaning: Forming a consistent or orderly whole; free from disagreement or dissent.

Example: The community lived in a harmonious coexistence, respecting each other’s differences.

  • Restricting

Meaning: Limiting or controlling something.

Example: Restricting access to sensitive information ensures the security of confidential data.

Meaning: To deny someone the possession or use of something.

Example: Lack of education can deprive individuals of opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Meaning: Achieving or producing a significant amount or result.

Example: A well-organized workspace can contribute to a more productive work environment.

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Unlock Band 9 Sample Answer and Vocabulary!

The question of whether mobile phones should be prohibited in public places has generated diverse opinions. I agree with the statement that banning mobile phones in areas like libraries, institutions, civic buildings, public transport, etc. could foster a more tranquil and peaceful environment. This essay will agree with the given statement and proper examples will be given to support my points.

Firstly, the use of mobile phones in libraries poses a threat to the quiet ambience necessary for studying and reading. Moreover, constant ringing and loud conversations can disrupt the concentration of individuals seeking a serene space for academic purposes. As a result, banning phones and their usage in these types of areas would undoubtedly contribute to a more conducive learning environment.

Similarly, in shops, mobile phones often lead to distractions and inefficiencies for the staff. For instance, when a customer is engrossed in phone conversations, they might not pay attention to the staff to let them do their job of serving the customer, affecting both their service and sometimes might lead to making them feel disrespectful. Additionally, on public transport, the use of cell phones with loud conversations or media playback without headphones can result in noise disturbances and discomfort for fellow passengers. Henceforth, implementing a ban on mobile phone usage would contribute to a more peaceful and enjoyable commuting experience for all.

In conclusion, a ban on mobile phones in public places aligns with the goal of creating orderly and focused environments. I believe this initiative would undoubtedly contribute to a more harmonious coexistence in public spaces.

Meaning: Officially forbidden or not allowed.

Example: Smoking is prohibited in most indoor public spaces to ensure a healthy environment.

Meaning: Discussions involving opposing viewpoints or arguments.

Example: The political debate focused on economic policies and their impact on the country.

Meaning: Showing a great deal of variety; different.

Example: The committee had a diverse range of opinions on the proposed policy changes.

Meaning: Calm and peaceful.

Example: The garden provided a tranquil retreat from the bustling city, allowing visitors to relax.

Meaning: Completely absorbed or focused on something.

Example: The students were engrossed in their research, unaware of the passing time.

  • Inefficiencies

Meaning: Actions or processes that are not effective or productive.

Example: The new software streamlined operations, eliminating inefficiencies and improving workflow.

Connectors, also known as connectives or transition words, are words or phrases that link ideas or parts of a sentence or paragraph together. Here are some of the connectors used in the above sample answers:

  • To begin with
  • On the other hand
  • As a result
  • Additionally
  • In conclusion
  • To conclude

Remember to proofread your essay for grammar, vocabulary, and spelling errors. These tips, combined with practice, will help you write well-structured and coherent IELTS Writing Task 2 Agree/Disagree essays like the ‘Some People Think That Mobile Phones Should Be Banned in Public Places IELTS Writing Task 2.’

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Nehasri Ravishenbagam

Nehasri Ravishenbagam

Nehasri Ravishenbagam, a Senior Content Marketing Specialist and a Certified IELTS Trainer of 3 years, crafts her writings in an engaging way with proper SEO practices. She specializes in creating a variety of content for IELTS, CELPIP, TOEFL, and certain immigration-related topics. As a student of literature, she enjoys freelancing for websites and magazines to balance her profession in marketing and her passion for creativity!

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay: Banning Mobile Phones in Public Places (Real Past IELTS Exam/Test)

by Dave | Real Past Tests | 2 Comments

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay: Banning Mobile Phones in Public Places (Real Past IELTS Exam/Test)

This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of banning mobile phones in public from the real IELTS exam.

Here is a similar question from the exam on mobile phones.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay: Banning Mobile Phones in Public Places

Many people think that mobile phones should be banned in public places such as libraries, shops and public transport. Do you agree or disagree? Real Past IELTS Exam Essay

There have been recent calls for the regulation of mobile phones in public areas. In my opinion, though this would have a positive effect on social interactions, a complete ban is unrealistic and impractical.

Those in favour of such sweeping reforms can point to reduced communication in society. Look inside any public space, whether it be a library, a store, a bus, or a park, and most likely the majority of individuals will be staring at their phones. This stands in stark contrast to the days before smartphones when people had to resort to talking to each other, or, at worst, reading a book to curb social anxiety. In the last two decades, mobiles have greatly reduced chance encounters, potential friendships, and conversations with both strangers and friends. The long-term effects of this are still unknown but it is safe to say that future generations will be less sociable and dynamic and more isolated and passive.

Nonetheless, banning phones in public is purely theoretical as they have become indispensable. Most jobs require employees to either be available by phone, for example doctors and police officers, or to use their phones throughout the day, as is common with businessmen and lawyers. This means most people must have their phone on them in public places for work reasons. Moreover, phone addiction has reached a point where nearly everyone in public is either messaging, playing a game, reading the news, or scrolling through social media. These have become important escapes for individuals and serve the practical purpose of minimising boredom during breaks and while waiting. Phones are therefore no longer a luxury but a key ingredient in daily life.

In conclusion, despite the impact of phones on social interaction, I believe a ban would interfere too much with ingrained habits. It is instead the responsibility of individuals to police their own behaviour.

1. There have been recent calls for the regulation of mobile phones in public areas. 2. In my opinion, though this would have a positive effect on social interactions, a complete ban is unrealistic and impractical.

  • Paraphrase the overall topic. Read about introductions here .
  • Write a clear opinion – don’t sit in the middle. Include your main ideas if possible.

1. Those in favour of such sweeping reforms can point to reduced communication in society. 2. Look inside any public space, whether it be a library, a store, a bus, or a park, and most likely the majority of individuals will be staring at their phones. 3. This stands in stark contrast to the days before smartphones when people had to resort to talking to each other, or, at worst, reading a book to curb social anxiety. 4. In the last two decades, mobiles have greatly reduced chance encounters, potential friendships, and conversations with both strangers and friends. 5. The long-term effects of this are still unknown but it is safe to say that future generations will be less sociable and dynamic and more isolated and passive.

  • Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
  • Explain or begin to develop your main idea.
  • Making a comparison to the past is a good way to develop your idea.
  • Include specific details.
  • State the final results and don’t switch to a new main idea.

1. Nonetheless, banning phones in public is purely theoretical as they have become indispensable. 2. Most jobs require employees to either be available by phone, for example doctors and police officers, or to use their phones throughout the day, as is common with businessmen and lawyers. 3. This means most people must have their phone on them in public places for work reasons. 4. Moreover, phone addiction has reached a point where nearly everyone in public is either messaging, playing a game, reading the news, or scrolling through social media. 5. These have become important escapes for individuals and serve the practical purpose of minimising boredom during breaks and while waiting. 6. Phones are therefore no longer a luxury but a key ingredient in daily life.

  • Write another topic sentence with a new clear main idea.
  • Begin developing your idea.
  • State the results.
  • If you switch to another idea, be sure it is related to your topic sentence.
  • Explain/develop your ideas fully.
  • Finish with a strong statement.

1. In conclusion, despite the impact of phones on social interaction, I believe a ban would interfere too much with ingrained habits. 2. It is instead the responsibility of individuals to police their own behaviour.

  • Summarise your main ideas and repeat your opinion.
  • Add a final detail/thought. Read about conclusions here .

What do the words in bold below mean?

There have been recent calls for the regulation of mobile phones in public areas . In my opinion, though this would have a positive effect on social interactions , a complete ban is unrealistic and impractical .

Those in favour of such sweeping reforms can point to reduced communication in society. Look inside any public space , whether it be a library, a store, a bus, or a park, and most likely the majority of individuals will be staring at their phones. This stands in stark contrast to the days before smartphones when people had to resort to talking to each other, or, at worst , reading a book to curb social anxiety . In the last two decades, mobiles have greatly reduced chance encounters , potential friendships , and conversations with both strangers and friends. The long-term effects of this are still unknown but it is safe to say that future generations will be less sociable and dynamic and more isolated and passive .

Nonetheless, banning phones in public is purely theoretical as they have become indispensable . Most jobs require employees to either be available by phone, for example doctors and police officers, or to use their phones throughout the day, as is common with businessmen and lawyers. This means most people must have their phone on them in public places for work reasons. Moreover, phone addiction has reached a point where nearly everyone in public is either messaging, playing a game, reading the news, or scrolling through social media. These have become important escapes for individuals and serve the practical purpose of minimising boredom during breaks and while waiting. Phones are therefore no longer a luxury but a key ingredient in daily life.

In conclusion, despite the impact of phones on social interaction, I believe a ban would interfere too much with ingrained habits . It is instead the responsibility of individuals to police their own behaviour.

recent calls people asking for

regulation rules about

public areas libraries, parks, etc.

positive effect good impact

social interactions talking to people

complete ban totally restricting

unrealistic not likely

impractical can’t really happen

in favour of preferring

sweeping reforms big changes

reduced communication less talking to each other

public space outside the home

whether it be if it is… or

most likely often

majority most of

staring looking at

stands in stark contrast to big difference to

resort have to use

at worst worst case scenario

curb social anxiety be calm in public

greatly reduced chance encounters much fewer opportunities for new meetings

potential friendships possible relationships

long-term effects how things will be impacted in the future

unknown still up in the air

it is safe to say that will likely be true that

less sociable not as friendly

dynamic active, malleable

isolated alone

passive not active

purely theoretical only works in theory/as an idea

indispensable can’t be given up

available always on call

as is common with can be seen in

have their phone on them always available

phone addiction can’t stop using a phone

reached a point finally arrived at

scrolling looking through

escapes getaway from

serve the practical purpose have value because

minimising boredom reducing feeling bored

luxury extravagance

key ingredient essential component

interfere get in the way of

ingrained habits can’t change behaviour

police verb of police meaning ‘control’


ˈriːsnt kɔːlz   ˌrɛgjʊˈleɪʃən   ˈpʌblɪk ˈeərɪəz ˈpɒzətɪv ɪˈfɛkt   ˈsəʊʃəl ˌɪntərˈækʃənz kəmˈpliːt bæn   ˌʌnrɪəˈlɪstɪk   ɪmˈpræktɪkəl ɪn ˈfeɪvər ɒv   ˈswiːpɪŋ ˌriːˈfɔːmz   rɪˈdjuːst kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃən   ˈpʌblɪk speɪs ˈwɛðər ɪt biː   məʊst ˈlaɪkli   məˈʤɒrɪti   ˈsteərɪŋ   stændz ɪn stɑːk ˈkɒntrɑːst tuː   rɪˈzɔːt   æt wɜːst kɜːb ˈsəʊʃəl æŋˈzaɪəti ˈgreɪtli rɪˈdjuːst ʧɑːns ɪnˈkaʊntəz pəʊˈtɛnʃəl ˈfrɛndʃɪps   ˈlɒŋtɜːm ɪˈfɛkts   ʌnˈnəʊn   ɪt ɪz seɪf tuː seɪ ðæt   lɛs ˈsəʊʃəbl   daɪˈnæmɪk   ˈaɪsəleɪtɪd   ˈpæsɪv . ˈpjʊəli θɪəˈrɛtɪkəl   ˌɪndɪsˈpɛnsəbl əˈveɪləbl   æz ɪz ˈkɒmən wɪð   hæv ðeə fəʊn ɒn ðɛm   fəʊn əˈdɪkʃ(ə)n   riːʧt ə pɔɪnt   ˈskrəʊlɪŋ   ɪsˈkeɪps   sɜːv ðə ˈpræktɪkəl ˈpɜːpəs   ˈmɪnɪmaɪzɪŋ ˈbɔːdəm   ˈlʌkʃəri   kiː ɪnˈgriːdiənt   ˌɪntəˈfɪə   ɪnˈgreɪnd ˈhæbɪts pəˈliːs  

Vocabulary Practice

Remember and fill in the blanks:

There have been r_________________s for the r_______________n of mobile phones in p________________s . In my opinion, though this would have a p_________________t on s____________________s , a c________________n is u________________c and i________________l .

Those i_________________f such s___________________s can point to r____________________________n in society. Look inside any p_________________e , w__________________e a library, a store, a bus, or a park, and m________________y the m______________y of individuals will be s______________g at their phones. This s___________________________o the days before smartphones when people had to r___________t to talking to each other, or, a___________t , reading a book to c___________________y . In the last two decades, mobiles have g________________________________s , p__________________________s , and conversations with both strangers and friends. The l____________________s of this are still u______________n but i___________________________t future generations will be l__________________e and d_______________c and more i_____________d and p_____________e .

Nonetheless, banning phones in public is p____________________l as they have become i____________________e . Most jobs require employees to either be a_________________e by phone, for example doctors and police officers, or to use their phones throughout the day, a____________________h businessmen and lawyers. This means most people must h_________________________m in public places for work reasons. Moreover, p_____________________n has r______________________t where nearly everyone in public is either messaging, playing a game, reading the news, or s_______________g through social media. These have become important e_____________s for individuals and s____________________________e of m______________________m during breaks and while waiting. Phones are therefore no longer a l______________y but a k____________________t in daily life.

In conclusion, despite the impact of phones on social interaction, I believe a ban would i________________e too much with i______________________s . It is instead the responsibility of individuals to p_____________e their own behaviour.

Listening Practice

Watch the related video about a phone ban in schools below:

Reading Practice

Read about how phones may or may not have ruined a generation below:

Speaking Practice

Practice with the following topic from the real IELTS part 2 speaking exam :

Talk about a time you could not use your phone IELTS Speaking Exam

Writing Practice

Write about the following related topic from the exam and check with my sample answer below:

Some people believe that smartphones are destroying social interaction today. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Real Past IELTS Exam
IELTS Writing Task 2 General Training Sample Answer Essay: Mobile Phones and Social Interaction (Real Past IELTS Exam/Test)

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I have based on your sample answer and written my own version for this topic.

There have been current calls for the prohibition of handhold mobiles in open areas. I am strongly convinced that utilizing smartphones in places such as libraries, stores, and mass transit can cause various inconvenience; however, I personally believe that an absolute ban could be impractical for some following reasons. It has become the norm for people to bring mobile contact devices, in particular, smartphones, along with them on a daily basis. In days before smartphones, people in public have more “blank space” in their schedule for face-to-face appointments, small chats, and body interactions with both strangers and acquaintances. Nowadays, with the invention and development of smartphones, everyone becomes less sociable and dynamic as they get used to holding their personal phones all the time. For some, pretending to be busy with something on the tiny screen can be the best way to avoid embarrassment when being alone among strangers. Furthermore, forbidding people to use their own possessions in pubic areas is such a dispensable idea. Those whose jobs are lawyers and businessmen, for instance, must have their phones available 24/7 for work reasons. Even for individuals who are simply phone addictions, it is essential to hold a phone in their hands to play video games, listen to music, or scroll through social media. Besides, among a majority of phone users who are all staring at their mobiles, there is little left to do except for utilizing your own contact device. To recapitulate, from my standpoint, the law of inhibiting mobile phones in public places should not be passed. However, I advocate an alternative solution that individuals should be advised to put their phones in silent or vibration mode when hanging out in open areas.


Great work! This kind of practice will help you a lot!

would be impractical, mobiles (don’t over-paraphrase), is an unrealistic proposal

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Example Of Argumentative Essay On Cell Phone Use In Public Places

Type of paper: Argumentative Essay

Topic: Hospitality , Conversation , Mobile Phones , Study , Cell Phones , Telephone , Communication , Sociology

Words: 1800

Published: 02/18/2020


The use of mobile phones has an impact on many people in both bystanders and those who are talking through their mobile phones. With the increase in the dependence of many cell phone users on their mobile phones, the conversion is becoming an issue for many people in public places. Research has been undertaken to show the effects that conversations on cell phones affects the driving. There is no research that has been done to show the distraction this has in public places. This paper focused on the effects of a one-sided conversation against two-sided conversation with mobile phone users. It is evident that those people who listen to a one-sided conversation are more distracted than those who hear a two-sided conversation. Cell phones are relied upon for personal communication. Recent research shows that more people are relying on their mobile phones. People have felt that they are emotionally attached to their phones that they are anxious when they are without their cell phones. With the integration of more features to smart hones, it is making cell phone users feel they cannot live without their cell phones. There are personalized features like navigation capabilities, personal organizers and communication capabilities that have made cell phone users feel attached to their cell phones. With these features, most ell phone users feel they have a personal relationship with their mobile phones. Most people have their cell phones being on most of the time. A good percentage of people feel that they should answer their cell phones even if it will interrupt a meeting or an important event. The nature of the conversation that takes place by the cell phone user with the bystanders is what this paper is based on. With this phenomenon of mobile use in public places, it is now becoming evident that more people who are close to the people using mobile phones will be affected. Cell phone use has negative effects on the cognition of someone. There is a need to have a study to study of the effects of one-sided conversations for bystanders. This is so for people who are using their mobile phones while they are in public places. Well controlled research has indicated hat people who overheard one-sided conversations were more likely to be distracted than those who are distracted by two-sided conversations. The use of mobile phones in public places brings a picture of one-sided conversations for those who are standing near the cell phone users. This scenario is common for cell phone users who make conversations in public places. In public communication with the use of cell phones, it is common to have intrusion of cell phone and the bystanders find themselves listening to the conversations than to two-sided communication. The annoyance to the people who hear one-sided conversation is consistent for many users. This is a common scenario that is seen by many users in public places. This is common with the use of cell phones in public places. This can be attributed to the fact that there is no distinction by users of private and public places. This is common because people who use mobile phones in public places usually have private conversations with these phones. It is not common to see people use cell phones in public places to discuss business. Bystanders who get exposed to these private and personal conversations do not have control over the level of interactions and conversations with these cell phone users. This is the reason why they feel annoyed with cell phone users in public places. It has been found out that bystanders who find themselves in situations where they are not free to leave, for example, when waiting for public transport, find the use of cell phones in public places annoying and frustrating. It has also been found out that the lack of control of the conversations is the reason why the bystanders feel annoyed and frustrated with the use of cell phones in public places. Bystanders who overheard a one-sided conversation tend to remember more about what is being discussed than that of two-sided communication. This means that they remembered more words in conversations in single-sided communication than the ones in two-sided communication. This means that there is a tendency to have more distractions in one-sided communication than two-sided communication. Bystanders in public places who listen to cell phone conversations are likely to have correct guesses of what is being discussed in the conversation. This shows that there is a lot of concentration on the subject that is being talked about for the bystanders. This is a cause for distraction and annoyance that the people in public places using their cell phones go through. It is important to understand the causes of the distraction that is being received by cell phone users. People tend to concentrate on the conversations which are single-sided as they try to pierce the pieces together to make something out of the conversation. People who listen to cell phone conversations in public places are found to be confident in what is being discussed in phone conversations. People in public places tend to concentrate on people who use their cell phones. This is a point of concern as people tend to get distracted by these conversations. The use of cell phones has increased connectivity and reachability to many people. The way people interaction is changing because of the use of mobile phones. It is accessible, and easy to use and increases the connectivity for many people who have hitherto been unconnected. There is a concern about the use of mobile phones in public places. The use of mobile phones in public places is becoming a common phenomenon. With this connectivity and the simplicity of communication, the use of mobile phones is bringing a lot of tensions with strangers. This is so because of the fact that strangers get information about the conversations that take place with those talking with their mobile phones in public places. Upon the introduction of cell phones as a means of communication, there has been an increase in the rate of daily activities as a result of the fastest means to communicate. Cell phones have enhanced interaction in any place considered to be safe when it comes to socializing. It has helped in maintaining relationship with families, friends and also business partners and in addition it has boosted business activities resulting to balanced economic growth. However social crimes are not left when it comes to cell phone usage, in that strangers are not left behind as a result of eavesdropping when there are communications taking place in public. (Aoki, , and Downes 4) this has fostered a threat on the spillage of personal and private information. Cell phone usage in public is common; people use cell phones in restaurants, public transits, theaters, church and in social gatherings like weddings. Strangers are characteristics of public places and during communication, they will not help but eavesdrop when they are next to someone talking loudly over the phone. When people eavesdrop on a communication they will try to connect the missing information and therefore conclude on the topic under communication. Cell phone use in public is therefore not good at it destruct strangers since it’s a common and natural behavior for people to eavesdrop when a person next to them is communicating. Cell phone use in public places should be eradicated. This should be undertaken because of the distraction that this trend is bringing. There should be policies put in place to bring out the guidelines that should be followed when undertaking conversations using their mobile phones. Cell phone use in public place affects the person communicating and the people surrounding that person. As it affects the listener or rather the eavesdropper, it also affects the person communicating since its automatic that a private and confidential detail could be spilled. This situation happens mostly in places where one cannot find a secret place to communicate an example is when one is communicating in a public transit. Communicating in the presence of a friend also can distract attention since the person communicating tends to give more attention to the caller than the companion (Katz, and Aakhus 82). When people use cell phones in public, they could be doing so to keep them busy. It could be annoying when one finds themselves next to a person communicating, thus one does not have a choice but to either eavesdrop or avoid. This occurs due to the fact that one does not have the power to control the conversation, the time it starts, its content and how long will conversation last. It’s therefore an obligation of the bystander to be calm for the power rest upon the person communicating. According to Humphreys, the decision on the use of cell phones in public is upon the phone user to utilize technology example the use of caller id which provides a choice of either to receive a call or block it (Ran, and Leung 72). Cell phone use in public places has led to a change in ethical issues in social places. It has blurred boundary spaces existing in private and public. Firstly the public space has been turned to private spaces by individuals who display unpleasant behaviors by acting as if they are alone. Cell phones are important in our social aspects but it makes people to break the ethics in the social place. Secondly, it is shown by a study that use of cell phone fulfills a need of belonging in human through connecting with others.

There should be order with the use of cell phones in public places. They should be policies set to guide uses while they are conversing using their cell phones in public places. Cell phones should have limits on their usage and should follow some procedures. This should be undertaken as research shows that cell phone use brings a lot of distraction and annoyance to the bystanders. This will eradicate distraction of use of mobile phones in public places.

Works Cited

Aoki, Kumiko, and Edward J. Downes. "An analysis of young people’s use of and attitudes toward cell phones." Telematics and Informatics 20.4 (2003): 349-364. Katz, James E., and Mark Aakhus, eds. Perpetual contact: Mobile communication, private talk, public performance. Cambridge University Press, 2002. Wei, Ran, and Louis Leung. "Blurring public and private behaviors in public space: policy challenges in the use and improper use of the cell phone."Telematics and Informatics 16.1 (1999): 11-26.


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IELTS Essay Ideas: Banning Mobile Phones

A recent essay question reported on Jan 31:

Some people think that the use of mobiles (cell) phones should be banned in public places such a in libraries and shop and on public transport. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Reasons for Banning Mobile Phones in Public Places

  • Phones can be intrusive. (uninvited noise to others)
  • Phones can disturb others when they are concentrating, for example in a library.
  • They are antisocial as people are too busy sending messages to talk to the people in front of them, for example in a shop when they are being served.
  • The signal can cause problems in some public places, such as hospitals, by interfering with delicate instruments or equipment.
  • In some public place, such as libraries, music halls or galleries, phones can annoy and ruin the experience for others.

Reasons for Not Banning Mobiles Phones in Public Places

  • Mobiles do not need to be intrusive as they can easily be turned to silent or vibrate.
  • Phones can be useful in case of emergencies, for instance accidents in public places.
  • Phones can provide entertainment when travelling on tedious journeys, particularly on public transport.
  • Phones are multi-functional and can be used as recording devices or cameras so shouldn’t be banned in public.
  • They are useful for families overseas to get in touch with each other.
  • They provide a safety for youngsters as parents can easily get in touch with them wherever they are.


  • mobile phones should be banned in places where they interfere with equipment, interrupt a service or break rules, such as in a library, but in all other public places they should be allowed as long as they are used with respect to others


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Please note that some of the above ideas are not connected to the exact essay question (for example, they include ideas about banning phones in hospitals or museums – these are ideas just to help you with the general topic rather than the exact essay question)

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If I write my opinion statement like below, will that be partial agreement or going off the topic?

In my opinion, mobile phones should not be banned as they are useful in many ways, specifically in case of emergencies. However, restrictions on mobile phone use in public places avoid inconvenience to others.

BP1: why it should not be banned and its benefits. BP2: how restrictions help, so that mobiles are not required to be banned.

Is my task response complete? Is my essay organization proper? Please suggest.

Thanks in advance.

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Task Response is more than just an outline of ideas. As you have stated your ideas, they are relevant and on topic. They address the task. However, the whole marking criterion of Task Response will depend on how you present those ideas (the language you use) and how you express the supporting points. Often people have good ideas but express them so poorly that they lack focus or are over-generalised. So, be specific, be careful with how you use and express those ideas. Otherwise, all good 🙂

Thank you so much for replying, I make sure to express my ideas clearly.

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According to my opinion In every home there is a mobile. the use of cell phone is increasing day by day in younger generation. earlier the cell phone was only used for to be in touch with our relatives,but now the time has changed we are living in 21st century. the cell phone has also developed. now the phones become smart .they are called as smart phone are used in emergency, we can know what is happening all around the world just in one click .earlier we posted the letter and it took lots of time to reach them .but the the situation has changed we can directly talk to them by smartphone it reduced time .earlier we have to go to shop gor shopping but now we can do online shopping.We can order anything we want .We can also do online transaction,online payment with the help of multiple apps in smartphone, It has also provide us financial security,

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Please check my essay of IELTS task2 and let me know how much I can score. I have a problem with using difficult vocabulary. Please do reply in detail.

Essay: A lot of people are of the thinking that mobile phones should be banned in places like shops, libraries, and transport but I have different thinking in this regard. I don’t completely agree with this statement and I would say it should be allowed with some limitations. I am going to discuss both sides of this discussion and I will be first going to discuss why I partly agree with this statement. Mobile phones are invented recently and as we know that before the invention of mobile phone there was no mean of communication and people use to travel to meet their loved ones but thats not happening now beause of technology. The communication has been vanished and public transport is one of the example of that where people sit and play witheir mobile instead of taking with the person next to them. Accident are caused when a driver use mobile phones while driving. The other reason is that people use mobile phones even in libraries and at shops and I think that really affects their studies or work and they lose their concentration and that not good for themselves and the organization if they are working. I will also talk about why I disagree with this particular statement. I disagree that mobile phones should be completely banned as they have made our lives easier. Before the invention of mobiles the emergency cases remain unnoticed and alot of people died because they could not get first aid on time and they could not reach hospital on time. Now a days you can use mobile and call emergency in a click and you never know you might be saved. In conclusion, I would say that mobile phone technology has both advantages and disadvatages in mentioned places but it is us who have to put some limitations on us to know how to use it in effective way.

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Hi Liz, could you tell me please how should I say if I’m, for some reasons, agree with the statement but also disagree for other reasons. Thank you!

Look on this page for a partial response: . Or get my advanced writing task 2 lessons which are expensive but very detailed:

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Hi dear Liz I am Dilya I would be appreciate you if you check my essay and tell me the band. Some people think that the use mobile phones should be banned in public places such as libraries, shops and public transport. To what extand do you agree or disagree with this statement?

It is true that using mobile phones in public places have become rampant over the last few decades.Althoug some people believe that using mobile phones is not allowed in public places.Iagree this. In this essay I am going to explain why I think that using mobile phones should be banned in public places with several reasons.

To begin with,using mobile phones in public places brougt negative effects in people’s life for example , while people drining a car and talking on the phone or listening to music from mobile phones they can not concentrate onthe road. As a result they face-toface car accedents and get bad injured or may be diet. Futhermore , in the library, when your cell phone rings or you speak in a loud voice you may obstacle, annoyed people who are sitting near to you and reading.

however, having cell phones helped people to communicate with other people faster, cheaper and more comfortable. In general, in the shop you can easy calculate you food which you bought from the shop. To conclude, althoug, using mobile phones is not allowed in some public places but I believe that it impacted on the way people spend their time.

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It’s enormous that you are getting ideas from this post as well as from our dialogue made here.

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Hi Liz….can you please rate my essay? I would appreciate greatly if you do that, so please…. some people think that the use of mobile phones should be banned in public places such as in libraries, shops and on public transport. to what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? write at least 250 words.

It is suggested that there should be a complete restriction on using cell phones in public places where they turn into disruptive tools. Personally, I believe that they should not be banned unless they do not cause any interruption or interference in service or equipment.

On the one hand, i accept that mobiles may interfere with the ambiance of certain of places. In libraries, for example, they can be intrusive or noisy, which can break concentration of others. This is because these places are usually calm, where people visit to read or relax. So, phones can easily annoy others or ruin their experience in these quiet places. Similarly, mobile signals can cause problems in some frequently used places such as hospitals by interfering with delicate instruments. These can lead to malfunctioning of a range of devices such as ventilators, echocardiographs and computers. Therefore, the use of mobile phones should be restricted in these buildings o cases.

However, I believe that mobiles should not be prohibited in the all public places. The mobile may not be only be effective in extreme situations, but also an entertaining one. This can be used in case of emergencies such as accidents at public places. At that time, it could help in contacting to the ambulance, police or relatives. Furthermore, this is a great tool to eliminate monotony while travelling on public transport as it is a multi-functioned device. One can talk or chat with their near ones, listen to songs, surf the internet, use cameras, and so on.

In conclusion, while use of cell-phones can be limited in some areas of public places where they cause disturbance in other devices or services, in my opinion they should be allowed in rest of the places as they may help in dangerous situations and provide entertainment.

Please see this page: Liz

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You helped alot Thanks

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Hi Mam Sorry for proofreading… 1. The most obvious one is….. 2. And call for ambulance…. 3. He/she will be able to call for help….. 4. Save a person’s life… 5. You will need to practise… 6. Essential to write over 250 words…

Thanks a lot…

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Please check my work, I need 7 in writing.

It is often argued by some masses that cell phones should be prohibited in common places such as libraries, shops and public places. Although I agree that phones should be banned in certain places, I disagree with their strict prohibition in such public places.

To begin with, an argument put forward in favor of banning mobile phones has plethora of reasons. Firstly, unrestricted use of phones in certain places can be intrusive to others comfort. For instance, in libraries, phones usually distract the concentration of readers. In addition to this, phones can annoy and cause nuisance exploiting the experience of others while travelling by interacting loudly on phones. Lastly, phones can act as unethical devices in some situations.Take shops as an example, when people are busy sending texts rather than addressing to seller in front of them.

However, there are adequate number of reasons why cellular phones should not be restricted in some local sites. First and foremost, phones are highly functional devices in case of emergencies such as collisions. Thus, it is easier to seek medical aid through phones. Furthermore, phones can be beneficial in tedious journeys as these are great sources of entertainment. Mobile phones are multi-functional and can be utilized to record videos and click pictures. This can be helpful to record illegal acts and violence and hence can deter culprits to re-offend. Finally, cell phones have made overseas communication convenient even in public places. Therefore, cell phones provide myriad of benefits and should be permitted in ethical circumstances.

In conclusion, there are convincing arguments for both viewpoints of the statement. I believe that the mobile phones should be banned in public places where they interrupt services or break rules. However, in all other places they should be allowed as long as they are used with respect to others.

Please read my notice: Thanks Liz

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hi Liz, please check my writing, i am a beginner here. My target is 6,5. Please tell me how can i get it? thanks in advance. here my essay: it is true that mobiles(cell) phones should be prohibited in general places such a libraries and shop and on public transport. I completely agree with this idea because of some the following reasons.

Firstly, Phones can annoy others when they are concentrating. This is because of its constant ringtones or the phone conservation might disturb and ruin the experience of people, for instance, a student who studies in library can easily focus on his study without using mobiles rather than he brings it there. Secondly, signal of mobile phone can cause serious problems in some public places such as hospital by interfering with delicate instruments or equipment. For example, any patient wears implanted device, cell phone can interfere with it and it could be stopped completely. In conclusion, i definitely accept that mobiles should be prohibited.

Please see my notice: thanks Liz

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Restrictions on Cellphone in Public Places, Essay Example

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It is now unimaginable to think of a life without technology, especially mobile gadgets such as laptops, tablet devices, digital music players, and cell phones. Cell phones have penetrated our lives so much that their predecessor landline phones are almost at the brink of extinction. While the ownership rate of landline phones among households 29 years and younger declined from 93 percent to 71 percent between 1998 and 2005, the cell phones ownership rate among the same group went up from 35 percent to 81 percent during the same period (United States Census Bureau). By 2010, 91 percent or over 285 million Americans owned own wireless cell phones (Foresman). But landline phones rarely gave rise to social issue debates because unlike cell phones, their use was limited to private spaces. The emergence of smart phones has only further strengthened our addiction to cell phones. While cell phones carry numerous benefits, their use should be restricted at public places because the cumulative social costs of allowing cell phones at public places usually exceed the private benefits to the owners.

We make distinction between private places and public places also due to the fact that our rights usually differ between these two places. We own private places and as such, have more flexibility over the rules and expected behaviors. But that changes with public places that usually have their own rules and norms. The expected behavior in public places usually differ according to the types of places but certain implicit rules are usually common knowledge even if they may be violated by the minority few. For example, when we are at movie theaters, one expects to maintain silence to ensure that it doesn’t ruin the quality of experience for others who have paid for the right to watch movie in an optimal environment. Similarly, people go to museums to enjoy the art in an environment where other visitors may also be expected to share their appreciation for art. This is why use of cell phones should be restricted in public places like these because it diminishes the quality of experience for the majority who pay for the privilege of enjoying certain rights without unnecessary distraction. Our everyday experiences confirm the fact that cell phone users often become so occupied with the conversation that they tend to forget the type of people they are surrounded with or the environment they are in. This lack of awareness also often results in uncivilized behavior such as conversation in loud voice or use of inappropriate terms. The restriction on cell phone is, thus, justified by the fact that cell phone use violates the expected etiquette at most public places. Not surprisingly, many public places and governments have come to the same conclusion and have already instituted rules or are considering ones. In Maine’s Baxter State Park, cell phones are only allowed for emergencies. Some governments around the world such as Hong Kong and Canada have even been considering technologies that block cellular signals (Godoy).

Cell phones use should also be restricted because it will be a democratic move. In a survey, 57 percent Americans showed support for banning cell phones from restaurants, theaters, and other public places (Godoy). Similarly, cell phones should also be restricted in public places because they may interfere with the functioning of certain equipment or harm the overall interests of the fellow citizens in other ways. Cell phone use at hospitals may interfere with the functioning of certain equipments and airports (Cook). A study by Mayo Clinic found that cell phones could affect healthcare equipments such as electrocardiographic (ECG) equipment, electroencephalographic (EEG) equipment and ventilators (Johnson).

The opponents of cell phone ban may argue that cell phone ban will be an unnecessary intrusion into personal freedom guaranteed by the constitution. They may also argue that cell phones are beneficial in emergencies such as a sick individual in the family or road accident. The opponents are right that cell phones are beneficial in certain situations including emergencies which is why most cell phone restrictions allow for emergency use. As far as the question of personal freedom is concerned, no right is absolute and usually the individual’s right to freedom of action and thought has to be calculated against the overall interests of the society. This is why cell phone use or texting is banned while driving in certain states around the world and this is exactly why driving under the influence of alcohol is also banned. One can argue that texting and cell phone use while driving are personal right and similarly, one has right to drink alcohol if he/she is of legal age. But a ban or restriction doesn’t take away one’s right to an action, just a right to an action under certain circumstances when doing so advance the overall interests of the society. This is why cell phone use should be restricted in public places because one’s right to talk on cellphone is outweighed by the right of the majority to have pleasant experience without unnecessary interference.

Cell phones have become almost essential part of our private and professional lives but unlike landline phones, their use is not limited to private spaces only. As a result, the privilege can be abused and the irresponsible behavior by few ruins the privilege of the majority to enjoy experience for which they have paid for. Since cell phones are inevitable in certain circumstances, most restrictions almost always exclude their use in emergency situations.

Cook, Greil. Pros & Cons of Banning Cell Phones in Public Places. 2 April 2013 <>.

Foresman, Chris. Wireless survey: 91% of Americans use cell phones. 2010. 2 April 2013 <>.

Godoy, Maria. Silencing Cell Phones in Public Places. 2 April 2013 <>.

Johnson, Charlotte. Effect of Mobile Phones on Medical Equipment. 2 April 2013 <>.

United States Census Bureau. Homes With Cell Phones Nearly Double in First Half of Decade. 19 November 2009. 2 April 2013 <>.

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  • Chapter 1: Always on Connectivity
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  • About This Report

One of the key parts of this survey centered on questions about how cell owners use their phones in public places — for instance, whether they use their phones to look up information about where they are going or to avoid interacting with other people nearby. It emerged that people use their phones in a host of ways, many of which are clearly for social purposes.

How people use their phones in public

When they are in public places, cellphone owners say they most frequently use their phones for basic social or information-oriented tasks. For instance:

  • 65% say they frequently or occasionally look up information about where they are going or how to get there
  • 70% frequently or occasionally coordinate get-togethers with others
  • 67% frequently or occasionally catch up with family and friends.

Many also report using their phones to pass the time, catch up on other tasks or get information about the people they are planning to see, but these activities are less frequent.

Among the activities we queried, the least common activity was using one’s phone specifically to avoid interacting with others nearby. Most cellphone users say that they rarely or never use their phone to avoid interacting with others, while 23% say they do this at least occasionally.

As a rule, smartphone users are more likely to do these things frequently than other cellphone owners, and younger adults are more likely to do these things frequently than older adults.

People Use Their Cellphones in Public for a Variety of Purposes

A closer examination of each activity follows:

Look up information about where you are going or how to get there

A majority of cellphone owners (65%) say that when they are in public places, they use their cellphone at least occasionally to look up information about where they are going or how to get there. Some 33% of all cellphone owners do this frequently, making it one of the most common activities we queried. Among smartphone owners, roughly eight-in-ten (82%) look up this type of information at least occasionally when in public, with 44% doing so frequently. As with almost all of the cellphone activities we asked about, younger cellphone users are more likely to do this frequently than those in older age groups.

To coordinate getting together with others

Most cellphone owners (70%) also say that they at least occasionally use their phones while in public spaces to coordinate getting together with others, with 29% doing so frequently. By age: 81% of cell owners ages 18 to 29 do this at least occasionally, compared with 76% of cell users ages 30 to 49, 65% of those ages 50 to 64 and 48% of those 65 and older.

Smartphone Owners Use Their Phones Frequently for a Variety of Reasons

To catch up with family and friends

Two-thirds (67%) of cellphone owners say that when they are out in public spaces, they use their phone to catch up with family and friends at least occasionally, with 29% doing so frequently. Women are more likely than men to say they frequently use their phone to catch up with family and friends in this way. This difference holds across age groups: 41% of young women under age 50 say they do this frequently, compared with 29% younger men, and 25% of women ages 50 and older do this frequently, compared with 17% of older men.

For no particular reason, just for something to do

About half of cellphone owners say that when they are in public, they use their phones for no particular reason — just for something to do — either frequently (18%) or occasionally (32%). By age, the differences are noteworthy: 76% of cell owners ages 18 to 29 use their phone at least occasionally in public for no particular reason, just for something to do. That compares with 63% of cell owners ages 30 to 49, 34% of those ages 50 to 64 and just 16% those ages 65 and above.

To catch up on other tasks you need to accomplish

Similarly, about half (52%) of cellphone owners say that they at least occasionally use their phone to catch up on other tasks when they’re in public spaces, with 18% doing so frequently. Among smartphone owners, 61% do this at least occasionally and 23% do so frequently. Additionally, black cellphone owners are more likely to frequently use their phones to catch up on other tasks (31%) in this way compared with white (16%) and Hispanic (21%) cell owners.

Get information or details about people you are planning to see

Around a third of cellphone owners (36%) say they at least occasionally use their phones to get information or details about people they are planning to see when they’re in public spaces, with 12% doing so frequently.

Avoid interacting with others who are near you

Overall, around one-quarter (23%) of cellphone owners say that when they are in public spaces they use their phone to avoid interacting with others who are near them at least occasionally, including 6% who do this frequently. Female cellphone owners under age 50 are relatively more likely than other groups to say they frequently use their phones to avoid others while in public, with 12% of younger women ages 18 to 49 saying they do this frequently, compared with 5% of younger men and 4% of older adults of either gender. Among cellphone owners, blacks (12%) and Hispanics (10%) are also more likely to say they use their phone to avoid interacting with others than whites (5%), though the bulk of cellphone owners (regardless of racial or ethnic background) say that they rarely or never do this.

This list of reasons people might use their phones in public places is neither exhaustive nor exclusive. It is certainly possible that reasons such as “just for something to do” or “to avoid interacting with others” are an underlying motivation for many other types of phone use in various situations in public. However, cellphone users are far more likely to say that they tend to use their phones explicitly to connect with others than specifically to avoid those around them. Thus, it appears that anti-social behavior itself is rarely a primary motivator. At the same time, those around the cellphone user may still experience that other person’s phone use as anti-social, even if that was not the explicit intention of the user.

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Band 6+: Some people think mobile phones should be banned in public places such as libraries, shops and public transport. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Nowadays, there has been a rising opinion that cell phones should be banned from entering some public places. Personally, although using mobile has damaged our lives negatively, I believe mobile should be kept with us all the time.

To begin with, paying using the phone is one of the reasons. To clarify, nowadays paying cash is not as relevant as paying using a phone, especially when going to a fancy shop, paying using the phone is necessary to complete the purchase. Additionally, emergency calls require you to have the phone with you anytime. For instance, one time I was at the university’s library studying for my exam, then the doctor sent an email telling us that the exam was postponed for the next week, so if my phone was not with me, I would not know that I do not have test that day.

On the other hand, peace of mind is one of the benefits of not carrying the mobile with you in public places. sitting in the bus or on any public transport watching the people and the outside view will be better than carrying the phone all the time while sitting. Moreover, not using the mobile in the library will help you focus more on the work that you are doing or on the exam you are studying. For example, I once carried my phone with me to the library so I could study through it, I set there for around two hours playing with the phone, which led to not studying any word.

In conclusion, there are many consequences and benefits to carrying the cell with you in public. However, it depends on the person if he can handle himself from using the mobile, and not being distracted.

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Pros & Cons of Banning Cell Phones in Public Places

29 sep 2017.

Library interior.jpg

Some of us have simply had it with cell phone use in public places. In April 2010, Florida Circuit Judge Anthony Johnson ordered a mobile phone owner to toss her phone in the garbage after it rang in his courtroom. Many behaviors stemming from lack of consideration for others have led to bans on cell phone use in businesses and public places.

Explore this article

  • Pro: Safety
  • Pro: Peace and Quiet
  • Pro: Inconveniencing Others
  • Con: Safety
  • Con: Emergencies
  • Con: Personal Freedom

1 Pro: Safety

In airplanes and hospitals, cell phones can interfere with the functioning of delicate instruments, a serious consideration. Many states have banned cell use while driving, citing a relationship between phones and traffic accidents. A 1997 "New England Journal of Medicine" study found that talking on a phone while driving quadrupled the risk of an accident, nearly equal to the danger from driving drunk.

2 Pro: Peace and Quiet

Many people go to places such as libraries specifically to focus and do work. Others attend church or religious services for time to worship and reflect. People who use their “cell yell” in such a setting distract others. When they have paid for a nice (or even a not-so-nice) restaurant meal, restaurant-goers feel entitled to soft conversation and a relaxed atmosphere in which to unwind. Some cell phone chatter remains inappropriate for anyone to overhear, especially young children.

3 Pro: Inconveniencing Others

Often cell phone users will multitask, attempting to carry on a conversation while using an ATM, driving or completing a store transaction. Their divided attention becomes an obstruction to the cashier and an inconvenience to those behind them, who must wait longer.

4 Con: Safety

Some argue that having 911 available at the touch of a button is critical to maintaining personal security. Cell phone bans impede drivers’ ability to report an accident, road rage incident, medical emergency or crime. Drivers assert the importance of calling for directions if lost or receive help if their car breaks down.

5 Con: Emergencies

Genuine emergencies do occur, and some calls truly cannot wait. People who have sick or elderly family members, parents expecting an important call from their child, and those in the midst of a crisis believe it’s acceptable to leave their phones on in public.

6 Con: Personal Freedom

Some Americans believe they have a right to talk on their phones under the First Amendment, and that cell phone bans intrude on their personal freedom. As they pay a high monthly price for this communication option, they believe they can use the devices wherever and whenever they choose.

  • 1 Orlando Sentinel: Appeal Court: Judge Was Wrong to Find Woman in Contempt When Her Cell Phone Rang in Courtroom
  • 2 Wired: Hush-Hush Hooray, Says NYC
  • 3 New England Journal of Medicine: Association between Cellular-Telephone Calls and Motor Vehicle Collisions

About the Author

Greil Cook has been a professional writer and editor for more than 25 years. Specializing in travel and arts coverage, she has published in "Outside Magazine," "Mothering,", "E: The Environmental Magazine" and many regional publications.

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Essay 142 – The mobile phone should be banned in a public place

Gt writing task 2 / essay sample # 142.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people believe that having a conversation on a mobile phone in a public or crowded place should be banned. Others feel that we should be able to talk wherever we like.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer:

Cellular phones are at the forefront of national debate and are driving political discourse as many people argue that conversations on it in a public or crowded place ought to be prohibited, while others subscribe to the view that people should be allowed to talk wherever they like. This essay will look at both views, and then form an opinion.

Mobile phones should be restricted in public places for several plausible reasons. First and foremost, mobile phones are highly likely to be intrusive. To give an illustration of what I mean, let us look at the case of public transport. Having conversations on cell phones during commutes can cause considerable disturbance to other passengers and driver, which may result in horrific accidents. Likewise, the signal of a cell phone can create problems in many places, like hospitals, owing to interference with delicate instruments. Furthermore, in some places such as art galleries, music halls or libraries, for example, mobile phone conversations can intensely irritate and break others’ concentration.

On the contrary, the above discussion can be seen from the opposite angle in equal measure. In this fast-paced society, mobile phones are quite useful, thereby proving utterly indispensable in our lives. For instance, it seems very handy when employees are crammed with assignments as they can work on their assignment during a commute by a smartphone. Similarly, mobile phones provide commuters with entertainment during their tedious travel. Moreover, phones prove to be very handy in case of emergency, for example, accidents in public places. Besides, the device does not require to be intrusive since it can easily be turned into vibrate or silent mode.

To conclude, cell phones should be restricted in some public places, like hospitals or libraries, as they seriously interfere with delicate equipment, break rules or abruptly interrupt attention. But in other public premises, they ought to be permitted as long as they are used with respect to other individuals.

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Cell Phones in Schools Are a Complicated Issue, New Poll Finds

Published Aug 8, 2024

In July, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin issued an executive order to put boundaries on cell phone use in public schools. Youngkin cited research connecting high cell phone use among adolescents to poor mental health and negative academic outcomes. Whether cell phones belong in schools is a question that has been hotly debated for some time now. Virginia has made their stance clear, joining a growing list of states, including Florida and Indiana, that have established restrictions on cell phone use in schools.

The distinction between allowing cell phones in school versus the classroom might be the biggest challenge for states and school districts to tackle. Safety issues within schools have made it nonnegotiable that parents must be able to reach their children while at school. At the same time, cell phones inside the classroom are assuredly not going to aid in the ongoing effort to help students rebound from learning loss suffered during the pandemic. This complex issue will likely require a complex solution.

In this month’s poll, we re-introduced several previously asked questions about cell phones and social media. Time will tell whether more states will take action to restrict cell phone use in schools. In the meantime, getting a better understanding of how parents feel about the issue is critical. To paint a more complete picture, we’ve also posed these types of questions to teachers and teenagers earlier in the year. You can find both surveys, along with the rest of the surveys we’ve released in the last 12 months, here .

In partnership with Morning Consult, EdChoice surveyed a nationally representative sample of American adults 18 and older (N=2,258) from July 9–12, 2024. With additional sampling, we obtained responses from 1,311 parents of children currently in K–12 education. Check out the full report to read more about how parents are feeling heading into the 2024–25 school year.

While 66% of parents feel that students should be allowed to have cell phones in school, only 30% of parents say cell phones should be allowed in the classroom. This large gap in support for the use of cell phones in school versus the classroom has existed since we began asking this question in the fall of 2023.

cell phones in public places essay

Certain groups of parents are more supportive of cell phones being allowed in school than others, however. Nearly three in four Black parents (73%) support their children accessing their cell phones in school, seven points higher than parents on average. Furthermore, Hispanic parents are 11 points more likely than the average parent to support their child accessing their cell phone in the classroom. Perhaps less surprising, older respondents (55+) were far less supportive (-13 points) of cell phones in school than age 18–34 respondents.

When asked about how often their children use cell phones, 49% of parents said their child uses their cell phone “extremely” or “very” often. For parents of children in high school, that number increases to 65%.

cell phones in public places essay

Parents have mixed opinions on the effect of cell phone use on their children. Interestingly, the majority of parents feel cell phones have a positive impact on their child’s relationships with classmates (64%), relationships with family (59%), as well as their self-confidence (51%). On the other hand, parents are less likely to feel cell phones are positively impacting their child’s physical health, mental health, and academic performance.

cell phones in public places essay

We also asked parents questions about their feelings on a closely related topic, social media. More than one-third (37%) of parents say their child uses social media “extremely” or “very” often. For parents of children in high school, that figure jumps 15 points to 52%. Examining how social media impacts their child’s life, only 43% say it has a positive impact on their child’s self-confidence. Parents are even less likely to say social media use is positively affecting their child’s academic performance (39%), mental health (37%), and physical health (34%).

cell phones in public places essay

Lastly, we asked parents if they are concerned about social media’s effects on their child’s mental health. Interestingly, only 39% of parents of high school students said they are “extremely” or “very” worried about the effect of social media use on their child’s mental health. This is especially noteworthy because parents of high schoolers were disproportionately more likely (+15) than school parents on average to say their children use social media at least very often. Concern is highest amongst parents of children in grades K–4 (53%) and parents of children in grades 5–8 (51%).

cell phones in public places essay

Visit the EdChoice Public Opinion Tracker site to access past reports, crosstabs, questionnaires , and our national and state dashboards. All are updated monthly. We also provide a more in-depth description of our research and survey methods .

Our K–12 education polls archive is updated on a rolling basis, roughly a few times each month. Please don’t hesitate to let us know if we are missing any surveys, or if there are accidental errors.

Research Associate

Colyn Ritter

Research associate.

Colyn G. Ritter is a Research Associate at EdChoice, where he studies school choice, polling data, public opinion in polling data, and other education related topics. As part of the Research team, he collects data on school choice programs, analyzes polling data through our monthly public opinion tracker, and assists with statewide surveys of K-12 parents and school leaders. Colyn is most curious about the future of the K-12 education landscape with regards to Gen Z, learning pods, and microschools. His work can be found on the EdChoice blog, EdChoice podcasts, as well as other education or opinion outlets. Previously, Colyn worked with youth in the St. Louis area teaching an ACT crash course, as well as with the School of Social Work at Saint Louis University. He received a bachelor's degree from Saint Louis University in Accounting and Sports Business.

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IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

Ielts writing task 2 sample 1076 - mobile phones should not be allowed in public places, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, some people say that mobile phones should not be allowed in public places, others argue that people should be free to use their mobiles wherever they like..

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The use of mobile phones should be banned in public spaces as libraries, transportations and shpos. To what extant do agree or disagree?

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To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences).

For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
  • Sentence 1 - Background statement
  • Sentence 2 - Detailed background statement
  • Sentence 3 - Thesis
  • Sentence 4 - Outline sentence
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
  • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
  • Sentence 2 - Example
  • Sentence 3 - Discussion
  • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
  • Paragraph 4 - Conclusion
  • Sentence 1 - Summary
  • Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis
  • Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words.

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