AP European History

Ap european history course and exam description.

This is the core document for the course.

Course Overview

AP European History is an introductory college-level European history course. Students cultivate their understanding of European history through analyzing historical sources and learning to make connections and craft historical arguments as they explore concepts like interaction of Europe and the world; economic and commercial developments; cultural and intellectual developments; states and other institutions of power; social organization and development; national and European identity; and technological and scientific innovation.

Rubrics Updated for 2023-24

We’ve updated the AP European History document-based question (DBQ) and long essay question (LEQ) rubrics for the 2023-24 school year.

This change only affects the DBQ and LEQ scoring, with no change to the course or the exam: the exam format, course framework, and skills assessed on the exam all remain unchanged.

The course and exam description (CED) has been updated to include:

  • Revised rubrics (general scoring criteria) for the DBQ and LEQ.
  • Revised scoring guidelines for the sample DBQ and LEQ within the CED.

Course and Exam Description

This is the core document for this course. Unit guides clearly lay out the course content and skills and recommend sequencing and pacing for them throughout the year. The CED was updated in the fall of 2023 to include updated scoring rubrics and scoring guidelines for the example questions.

Course Resources

Ap european history course overview.

This resource provides a succinct description of the course and exam.

AP European History Course and Exam Description Walk-Through

Learn more about the CED in this interactive walk-through.

AP European History Course at a Glance

Excerpted from the AP European History Course and Exam Description, the Course at a Glance document outlines the topics and skills covered in the AP European History course, along with suggestions for sequencing.

Course Content

Influenced by the Understanding by Design® (Wiggins and McTighe) model, this course framework provides a description of the course requirements necessary for student success.

The AP European History framework is organized into nine commonly taught units of study that provide one possible sequence for the course. As always, you have the flexibility to organize the course content as you like.

 Unit 1: Renaissance and Exploration  10%–15%
 Unit 2: Age of Reformation  10%–15%
 Unit 3: Absolutism and Constitutionalism  10%–15%
 Unit 4: Scientific, Philosophical, and Political Developments  10%–15%
 Unit 5: Conflict, Crisis, and Reaction in the Late 18th Century  10%–15%
 Unit 6: Industrialization and Its Effects  10%–15%
 Unit 7: 19th-Century Perspectives and Political Developments  10%–15%
 Unit 8: 20th-Century Global Conflicts  10%–15%
 Unit 9: Cold War and Contemporary Europe  10%–15%

Historical Thinking Skills

The AP European History framework included in the course and exam description outlines distinct skills that students should practice throughout the year—skills that will help them learn to think and act like historians.

1. Developments and Processes Identify and explain historical developments and processes.
2. Sourcing and Situation Analyze sourcing and situation of primary and secondary sources.
3. Claims and Evidence in Sources Analyze arguments in primary and secondary sources.
4. Contextualization Analyze the context of historical events, developments, or processes.
5. Making Connections Using historical reasoning processes (comparison, causation, continuity and change) analyze patterns and connections between and among historical developments and processes.
6. Argumentation Develop an argument.

AP and Higher Education

Higher education professionals play a key role in developing AP courses and exams, setting credit and placement policies, and scoring student work. The AP Higher Education section features information on recruitment and admission, advising and placement, and more.

This chart  shows recommended scores for granting credit, and how much credit should be awarded, for each AP course. Your students can look up credit and placement policies for colleges and universities on the  AP Credit Policy Search .

Meet the Development Committee for AP European History

Ap european history development committee.

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AP European History Unit One: The Renaissance and The Age of Exploration

ap european history geography assignment


The Renaissance (or “rebirth”) was inspired by a revival of interest in classical texts from ancient Greece and Rome, as well as a shift toward a more secular and individualistic way of thinking.  Renaissance education was defined by humanism, which emphasized the study of classical history and literature as the foundation for education. Civic humanism, as seen in the writings of Machiavelli and Castiglione, specifically prepared young men for careers in public service. Increased trade and advancements in banking and bookkeeping created wealth, and new commercial elites, such as the Medici, became patrons of the great Renaissance artists.

Francesco Petrarca, known as Petrarch, was a fourteenth-century Italian poet who developed an interest in classical text from ancient Rome. He journeyed through Italy in search of lost classical texts, and was able to recover many of the writings of the ancient Roman philosopher Cicero. Petrarch is known as the “Father of Humanism” for his role in reviving scholarly interest in classical studies.


Renaissance art focused on naturalistic portrayals of human subjects in imitation of the classical art of ancient Greece and Rome. Renaissance paintings placed great emphasis on balance, the use of linear perspective to give a three-dimensional appearance, and bright colors. Scenes from classical literature were favorite subjects of Renaissance artists, showing the influence of humanistic students on Renaissance art. This humanistic influence is especially evident in Raphael’s famous painting, The School of Athens , which has the famous Greek philosophers, Plato and Aristotle, in the center of a congregation of philosophers from classical antiquity.


Following the invention of the printing press, interest in humanistic studies spread to Northern Europe. Northern Renaissance writers, such as Erasmus and Thomas More, began producing their own printed works that were inspired by classical authors. Northern Renaissance writers were heavily influenced by Christian humanism, producing works that were more focused on Christian principles and social reform than Italian Renaissance authors, who were more individualistic and secular in their approach. Erasmus of Rotterdam, a Dutch humanist scholar, was one of the best-known proponents of Christian humanism. In his book, The Praise of Folly , Erasmus used the Gospels to criticize several Catholic Church practices, such as the wealth of the bishops. In the Gospels, the Apostles were poor. If the bishops sought to be like the Apostles (as they claimed to be their successors), they should be poor as well. In this way, Erasmus used a classical text in order to advocate for social reform.


During the Middle Ages, monarchs were not very powerful and often had to defer to the power of the Church and nobility. In the fifteenth century, monarchs in England, France, and Spain began to centralize power by collecting taxes directly and exercising more influence on the religious life of their subjects. These new monarchs set the stage for absolute monarchies that rule much of Europe two centuries later.

The marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella unified the Christian kingdoms of Aragon and Castile in Spain. They styled themselves as the “Catholic monarchs.” In 1492, Ferdinand and Isabella completed the Spanish Reconquista when they conquered Granada, the last Muslim kingdom in Spain. They financed the war partly through a “crusade tax,” which brought more money into the royal treasury. After conquering Granada, the Catholic monarchs proclaimed that all of their subjects would be Catholic and that Muslims and Jews would be expelled from the country if they refused to convert. They authorized and supported the Spanish Inquisition partly to make sure that these conversos did not lapse into heresy.

With the wealth that new monarchs gained from centralizing tax collection, they were able to finance voyages of exploration and the development of navigational technologies.

The voyages of exploration generated wealth through colonization and trade, which increased the power of Western European monarchs.


In the fifteenth century, new navigational technologies, such as the magnetic compass and Mercator projection maps, made it possible for Europeans to sail beyond the Mediterranean Sea and the coastline of Europe. After the Fall of Constantinople, European monarchs desired to find the nautical trade route to Asia.  The Portuguese sought to sail east around Africa, while Ferdinand and Isabella financed Christopher Columbus’ voyage to find a westerly route to the Indies. Upon discovering the New World, Europeans conquered native populations using new weapons technologies, such as firearms.

The Columbian Exchange is the most important legacy of the Age of Exploration. While Columbus was not the first European to find the New World, his voyages began a permanent exchange of people, goods, food, animals, ideas, and diseases between the Old and New Worlds. Europeans introduced livestock in the Americas and returned to Europe with tomatoes, potatoes, and tobacco. A lack of immunity to European diseases had a devastating effect on native populations. Spanish and French missionaries spread the Christian religion throughout North and South America.

1341 Petrarch is crowned as poet laureate in Rome in recognition for writing Africa, an epic poem about the Roman general Scipio Africanus. 1450 A vernacular German poem is printed on Johannes Gutenberg’s printing press. 1453 The Byzantine capital of Constantinople falls to the Ottoman Turks, impacting trade routes and leading Greek scholars to flee to Italy with classical texts. 1492 The Kingdom of Granada falls to Spanish forces, completing the Spanish forces, completing the Spanish Reconquista . In the same year, Ferdinand and Isabella expelled Muslims and Jews from their kingdom and commissioned Columbus’ first voyage. 1511 The Praise of Folly , Erasmus’ popular satirical essay, is printed for the first time.

The best way to get better at something is by practicing.

That’s why it’s so important that you take practice tests to help you get better at the AP European History Exam. Only then can you expect to get a good score—and even improve your score.

Download your free AP® European History practice test HERE .

Download your printable study guides for all of the units for AP European History HERE .

ap european history geography assignment

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  • Ruth N. Upson
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  • Sadie T. Tillis
  • Sallye B. Mathis
  • Samuel A. Hull
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  • Samuel W. Wolfson School for Advanced Studies and Leadership
  • Terry Parker
  • William M. Raines

AP European History Summer Assignment

AP European History image

Mrs. Kimberly Curran AP European Instructor [email protected]  

AP CollegeBoard Website:

AP European History - AP Central | College Board

Map Resources:


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  1. AP European History

    AP European History Syllabus (2013-2014) File Size: 876 kb: File Type: pdf: Download File. ... + Geography of Europe (Notes 1.1) HW: Map Quiz on Thursday. Use European Map Quiz Guide (Assignments) to Study HW: Forum 1: Use article "Why Study History" by Peter Stearns (Secondary Sources" to answer question. (Due Tuesday) ...

  2. PDF AP European History Summer Assignment 2020 Mrs. Melissa Feilke mfeilke

    Summer Assignments: 1. Map Assignment ( TEST DURING FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL) - You are expected to have a general knowledge of European Geography before we begin our discussion of Modern European History. We will have a map test at some point during our first week of school. There are

  3. PDF AP European History

    Summer Assignment 2020-2021 Welcome to AP European History! In order to prepare for an exciting and rigorous course of study in European History it is imperative that you begin preparation during the summer break. This summer assignment will introduce you to the historical context and historiography of the Late Medieval Period and

  4. Summer Assignment

    Welcome to AP Euro! The summer assignment below is designed to give us a great launching point for the rest of the course. In order for us cover over 600 years of European History in 8 months, we must get off to a running start. Once the school year begins, we will start with the Renaissance (circa 1450 CE) and examine the development of ...


    understanding of European history. Our studies will begin in 1450 and we will use our maps of contemporary Europe to help us comprehend the role geography plays in history and how the political map of Europe has evolved over the centuries. Your assignment is to: 1. Review the two maps - Europe 1450 and Europe today to familiarize yourself 2.

  6. PDF European Effective Fall 2017 History Practice Exam

    Overview. European History Exam is 3 hours and 15 minutes long and includes both a 95-minute multiple-choice and short-answer section (Section I) and a 100-minute free-response section (Section II). Each section is divided into two parts, as shown in the table below.

  7. PDF AP European History Summer Assignment

    AP European History Summer Assignment Dear AP Student: In preparation for the coming school year I would like you to complete the following ... (Geography) For each section, list specific facts/details about the civilization. They need to be short phrases. There is not enough room for sentences. List as much information as possible.

  8. PDF AP European History Summer Assignment

    Preparation for the AP exam requires that we maintain a faithful, rigorous, and timely adherence to the AP European curriculum framework and schedule. For these reasons, it is essential for you to get a head start on the course. The summer assignment will review European History from the Ancient time period through the Renaissance.

  9. AP European History Course

    The AP European History framework included in the course and exam description outlines distinct skills that students should practice throughout the year—skills that will help them learn to think and act like historians. Skill. Description. 1. Developments and Processes. Identify and explain historical developments and processes.

  10. Summer Assignment

    AP EUROPEAN HISTORY SUMMER ASSIGNMENTS Mrs. Winrow. Yes, it's true. Summer is a great time to do some reading and thinking. Summer readings prepare you for the rigorous study of Europe's history beginning with the Renaissance through 2000. Join me in August for an adventure and the challenge of learning 500 years of history.

  11. AP European History

    Topics may include: The Marshall Plan and the Iron Curtain. The Cold War. Nationalist and separatist movements fueled by ethnic conflict. The shape of contemporary western democracies. The fall of communism and the formation of the European Union. 20th-century feminism. Decolonization, globalization, and immigration.

  12. PDF

    - AP European History - Summer Assignments (2024-2025) Welcome to AP European History! AP Euro is a demanding, but hopefully rewarding, course which ... Geography You are required to know the modern-day map of Europe (mainly countries, major cities, major regions/territories, and bodies of water). There is a list of territories or regions you

  13. AP European History Exam

    1 question | 40 minutes | 15% of score. You'll have a choice of three questions; you'll pick one to answer. Each test the same skills but the questions focus primarily on different historical time periods (1450-1700, 1648-1914, or 1815-2001). You'll be asked to develop and support an argument based on evidence.

  14. PDF AP European History

    requirements for AP courses and to help colleges and universities validate courses marked "AP" on students' transcripts. This process ensures that AP teachers' courses meet or exceed the curricular and resource expectations that college and secondary school faculty have established for college-level courses. AP European History

  15. PDF Ap European History Summer Assignment 2017

    AP EUROPEAN HISTORY SUMMER ASSIGNMENT - 2017 Welcome to AP European History! I am so excited about this course. While not a Grand Tour in the formal sense of 17th .mid -19th century travels through Europe, it will be an informative and insightful journey through the intellectual, social, political, economic, and cultural history of Europe.

  16. Introduction to AP European History

    AP European History Introduction. Welcome to AP European History! On this page, you will find links for each unit. Each unit will contain class notes, readings and other helpful websites to help you prepare for your AP exam in May! Please check back here often. I am looking forward to a year of learning with you!


    2. The analysis portion of these assignments will prepare you for the Document-Based-Question (DBQ) essay on the AP Exam. 3. Part of this assignment will prepare you to confront and evaluate history as it relates to the AP European themes. 4. There are many skills and prior knowledge, such as the geography of Europe and key vocabulary,

  18. AP European History

    Advanced Placement (AP) European History (also known as AP Euro, or APEH), is a course and examination offered by the College Board through the Advanced Placement Program.This course is for high school students who are interested in a first year university level course in European history.The course surveys European history from between 1300-1450 CE to the present, focusing on religious ...

  19. European Map

    AP European History. European Map and Intro to Geography . ... Historical maps to answer the Intro to European Geography are located below. Historical Maps . Map 1. Map 2. Map 3. Map 4. Map 5. Map 6. Map 7. Map 8. Map 9. Map 11. Map 11. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates.

  20. AP European History Unit One: The Renaissance and The Age of

    The Renaissance is covered in Unit 1 during an AP European History course. The Renaissance (or "rebirth") was inspired by a revival of interest in classical texts from ancient Greece and Rome, as well as a shift toward a more secular individualistic way of thinking. This guide reviews the Renaissance as well as key points and timelines.

  21. DOCX www.ldsd.org

    AP European History Summer Assignment. Welcome to AP European History! The class will cover 1450 to the present and will introduce you to European history in the context of culture, economics, politics, and social developments. These assignments are designed to give you some background knowledge about European history and geography.

  22. PDF 2023-24 AP European History Summer Assignment.docx

    Time: This varies from student to student, amount of effort, and distractions. This assignment should take about 3-4 hours total. Purpose: A summer assignment is imperative in AP Euro for a few reasons. First, the course begins in the year 1450, but students must review what happened prior to this in European History in order to understand the ...

  23. Student Summer Assignments / AP European History Summer Assignments

    AP European History Summer Assignments; AP Human Geography Summer Assignments; AP PreCalculus; AP Research Summer Assignments; AP U.S. History (APUSH) Summer Assignments; AP World History: Modern Summer Assignments; AP European History Summer Assignment. If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.