Dec 9, 2022 · In an effort to meet these research needs, Pertamina will present a facility in one location, namely the Research & Technology Center (RTC) Integrated Pertamina, which is located on Pertamina’s area on Jl. Daan Mogot KM 16, West Jakarta. ... At the Editors-in-Chief Gathering event in 2024, the President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero), Nicke Widyawati, stated that digitalization and technology research were the main drivers behind Pertamina's improved performance. With digitalization, Pertamina can manage its business operations from upstream to downstream in an integrated manner. ... Innovation and research are at the frontline in addressing the challenges in providing green energy, not only for today but to ensure future supply. Our best talents adopt Continuous Improvement Program, Knowledge Management, Standardization Management, and Quality Management Assessment as work culture to support energy transition and EBT (new ... ... Pertamina sets the orientation of innovation and research by targeting them towards sustainability driven solutions. We prioritize innovative technologies and research initiatives that promote environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and operational efficiency ... Dec 9, 2022 · Sebagai upaya memenuhi kebutuhan riset tersebut, Pertamina akan menghadirkan suatu fasilitas dalam satu lokasi, yaitu Research & Technology Center (RTC) Terintegrasi Pertamina, yang terletak di lahan Pertamina di Jl. Daan Mogot KM 16, Jakarta Barat. ... Jun 23, 2023 · Dihadapkan pada tantangan transisi energi, Pertamina terus gencar mengembangkan inovasi berbasis teknologi. Fungsi Research, Technology, and Innovation (RTI) Pertamina yang berdiri sejak tahun 2017, telah memiliki kapasitas, kapabilitas, dan sistem untuk menggerakkan segala bentuk inovasi dan telah berhasil menciptakan nilai hingga USD 14,5 juta atau sekitar Rp 217 miliar dari produk inovasi ... ... ">

research and technology center pertamina

Research Technology & Innovation’s Function, Pertamina's Vanguard in Innovation

Jakarta, June 23, 2023 – Faced with energy transition challenges, Pertamina continues to intensively develop technology-based innovations. Pertamina's Research, Technology, and Innovation (RTI) function, established in 2017, has the capacity, capabilities, and systems to drive all forms of innovation and has successfully generated a value of USD 14.5 million or around IDR 217 billion from commercialized innovative products.

"Pertamina has also achieved USD 4.6 in cost optimization million through grant funding from collaborations with domestic and international partners," said Oki Muraza, Senior Vice President of RTI Pertamina.

With these efforts, Pertamina holds 49 patents for utilization, and more than 200 innovation programs are still being developed by the RTI. Furthermore, Oki stated that these innovations have received numerous awards both domestically and internationally, including four Pertamina officers that receive awards at the Taiwan Innotech Expo 2022 and 13 awards at the Dharma Karya Energi 2022.

"Last May, the President Director of Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati, received an award as an Indonesian Woman who Drives Innovation during the World Intellectual Property Day 2023 commemoration by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia," added Oki.

Through collaboration between the Research and Technology Innovation (RTI) function and its business lines, RTI Pertamina has successfully conducted research with dozens of researchers from international and national institutions, energy companies, governments, and universities. RTI has also developed catalyst plants, green energy, CCUS, and actively participates in national strategic projects. "RTI has also obtained ISO Standard 17024:2017 from KAN for Upstream, Downstream, and NRE Laboratory facilities, contributing to the NRE portion to achieve the 23% target by 2025, and is involved in sustainability focus to support the ESG roadmap and green energy initiatives that have become Pertamina's Net Zero Emission commitment," he added.

"We appreciate several international and national partners such as Chevron, Exxon Mobile, METI, universities, and other companies that have been our partners," emphasized Oki.

Pertamina, as a leading company in the energy transition, is committed to supporting the Net Zero Emission 2060 target by continuously promoting programs that directly impact the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) achievement. All these efforts align with Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) implementation across all Pertamina's business lines and operations.**

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research and technology center pertamina

Digitalization & Technology Research: The Key to Pertamina's Positive Performance in 2023

Bali, June 23, 2024 - The positive performance recorded by PT Pertamina (Persero) in the 2023 fiscal year was supported by digital transformation and technological research innovations. Through these breakthroughs, Pertamina achieved positive results across almost all business lines.

Pertamina's exceptional performance has garnered global recognition. Most recently, Pertamina was ranked the third-largest company in Southeast Asia according to the Fortune 500 Southeast Asia list.

At the Editors-in-Chief Gathering event in 2024, the President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero), Nicke Widyawati, stated that digitalization and technology research were the main drivers behind Pertamina's improved performance.

With digitalization, Pertamina can manage its business operations from upstream to downstream in an integrated manner.

"We have started using AI to process and analyze data more quickly, enabling accurate decision-making," Nicke said.

Additionally, Pertamina continues to develop research and technology to enhance high-value products. Pertamina controls 24% of the upstream sector, contributing 69% to oil production and 34% to gas production. Manage thousands of wells through digitalization that is connected to downstream operations.

In 2023, Pertamina's Upstream Subholding has increased oil and gas production by 8 percent. Furthermore, Pertamina continues to increase new oil and gas reserves from existing and new oil and gas blocks.

"This is remarkable. To increase oil and gas production, Pertamina drilled approximately 800 new wells. Consequently, 62 percent of Pertamina's investments are in upstream activities," Nicke added.

The refining sector also showed excellent performance. Pertamina's Refining & Petrochemical Subholding maintained refinery productivity with a capacity of 1.025 million barrels per day. This performance is extraordinary, as refinery operations ran throughout 2023 without unplanned shutdowns.

"This is not something that happened suddenly but is the result of a five-year process during which Pertamina revamped the refineries," Nicke noted.

Pertamina has also undertaken nine projects to enhance productivity, improve energy efficiency, and increase refinery capacity.

In the downstream sector, Nicke added, through digitalization, Pertamina's Commercial & Trading Subholding successfully controlled quotas for subsidized fuel and LPG while increasing non-subsidized fuel sales by 2 percent, predominantly in the industrial sector.

"This means it effectively promotes industrial growth," Nicke emphasized.

In the transportation business, Pertamina's Integrated Marine & Logistics Subholding operates 760 ships and continues to expand its international business. Currently, through Pertamina International Shipping (PIS), Pertamina has 50 international shipping routes. In 2023, the volume transported reached 161 million KL, up 3 percent from 2022.

The Gas Subholding's business development also showed excellent results. In 2023, gas sales volume reached 337 thousand BBTU, an increase of 3 percent from the previous 327 thousand BBTU.

Nicke added that gas is Pertamina's mainstay for energy transition, and gas infrastructure development will accelerate energy transition in Indonesia.

"The key to energy transition lies in gas as an intermediary between fuel and renewable energy," Nicke emphasized.

Through the Power & New Renewable Energy (NRE) Subholding, Pertamina also increased clean energy production by 17 percent, reaching 5,452 GWh from the previous 4,659 GWh.

"Last year, PNRE completed a gas project integrated with the largest regasification in Southeast Asia, PLTGU Jawa 1, with two units, each with a capacity of 880 MW," said Nicke.

In addition to positive performance, Pertamina also conducts its business processes from upstream to downstream in a more environmentally friendly manner. Pertamina successfully reduced carbon emissions by 34 percent, surpassing the government's target of 31.89 percent. As a result, Pertamina's ESG rating ranked first globally in the Integrated Oil and Gas sub-industry.

Chairman of the Editors' Forum, Arifin Asydhad, praised Pertamina's performance under Nicke Widyawati's leadership.

"I appreciate what Ms. Nicke has conveyed regarding Pertamina's outstanding performance," said Arifin.

Pertamina, as a leading company in the energy transition, is committed to supporting the Net Zero Emission 2060 target by continuously promoting programs that directly impact the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) achievement. All these efforts align with Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) implementation across all Pertamina's business lines and operations.**

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Pertamina Geothermal Energy Tbk


  • Our Green Energy
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Research and Innovation

research and technology center pertamina

We are committed to continue innovating in realizing affordable, reliable, continuous, and accessible energy for everyone. Innovation and research are at the frontline in addressing the challenges in providing green energy, not only for today but to ensure future supply. Our best talents adopt Continuous Improvement Program, Knowledge Management, Standardization Management, and Quality Management Assessment as work culture to support energy transition and EBT (new and renewable energy) development.

We believe that innovations to provide clean and environmentally friendly energy are not only beneficial for the company but also encourage industry growth overseas. PGE is committed to becoming a master in our own home by building small-scale geothermal technological capability in Indonesia by partnering with BPPT to develop research centers and provide capacity improvement for researchers in the geothermal field. The cooperation opens up smooth access to increase Domestic Component Level (Tingkat Kandungan Dalam Negeri or TKDN) and to progress the manufacturing industry in Indonesia.

Green hydrogen is a clean source of fuel that has the potential of transitioning to a greener future. PGE has initiated green hydrogen development, produced from the water electrolysis process using a geothermal energy source. The potential market for green hydrogen is wide open because other than being used for fuel in the transportation sector, it can also benefit the petrochemical industry that still uses produced hydrogen, which leaves behind higher emission footprints.


  • Bahasa Indonesia

Reorienting Innovation and Research

Pertamina sets the orientation of innovation and research by targeting them towards sustainability driven solutions. We prioritize innovative technologies and research initiatives that promote environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and operational efficiency

Low Carbon Technology and Innovation.

Measurable Targets for 2030

Minimum 44% of realized investment and operational budget for R&D focus on decarbonization

RTC Terintegrasi Pertamina, Upaya Pertamina hadirkan Fasilitas Riset Terintegrasi

Desember 9, 2022.

Sebagai perusahaan energi, pengembangan kegiatan riset dan teknologi menjadi hal penting bagi Pertamina karena merupakan tulang punggung perusahaan agar dapat memberikan nilai tambah secara efektif, efisien, serta diperlukan untuk pengembangan bisnis baru guna menghadapi kebutuhan energi di masa depan.

Sebagai upaya memenuhi kebutuhan riset tersebut, Pertamina akan menghadirkan suatu fasilitas dalam satu lokasi, yaitu Research & Technology Center (RTC) Terintegrasi Pertamina, yang terletak di lahan Pertamina di Jl. Daan Mogot KM 16, Jakarta Barat.

Groundbreaking pembangunan fasilitas Research & Technology Center (RTC) Terintegrasi Pertamina ini dilaksanakan pada hari Jumat (9/12/2022). Turut hadir dalam kegiatan ini Direktur Utama Pertamina Nicke Widyawati, Direktur SPPU Pertamina A. Salyadi Dariah Saputra, Direktur Penunjang Bisnis Pertamina Dedi Sunardi, Direktur Utama PT PP Novel Arsyad, didampingi Direktur Utama Patra Jasa Putut Ariwibowo serta Jajaran Manajemen terkait.

Direktur Utama Pertamina Nicke Widyawati mengapresiasi pembangunan fasilitas ini; menurutnya fasilitas ini bukan hanya sekedar gedung, namun fasilitas yang akan mendukung ketahanan dan kemandirian energi Indonesia.

“Pembangunan RTC terintegrasi ini adalah gagasan atau ide yang sudah lama, dan akhirnya bisa diwujudkan. Diharapkan ini sesegera mungkin, karena sangat kita perlukan. Yang akan dibangun bukan hanya sekedar gedung untuk Research and Technology-nya Pertamina, tetapi ini adalah fasilitas yang akan mendukung kemandirian energi Indonesia. Di sinilah akan lahir inovasi-inovasi yang dapat mewujudkan transisi energi Indonesia ke depan, karena selama ini kita melakukannya dengan terpisah-pisah. Oleh karena itulah, saat ini kita buat lebih terintegrasi”, ujar Nicke.

Nicke menambahkan bahwa perusahaan yang survive adalah mereka yang memiliki kemampuan melakukan inovasi.

“Karena ke depan, perusahaan yang bisa survive dan yang bisa tumbuh untuk keberlanjutan adalah perusahaan yang memiliki kemampuan untuk inovasi. Research and Technology adalah tahap awal, dan mandatori yang dilakukan untuk bisa mewujudkan pengembangan inovasi, karena pentingnya fasilitas Ini maka akselerasi Patra Jasa dan PP sangat kami harapkan dan apresiasi. Kami di Pertamina memberikan dukungan penuh”, tambahnya.

Direktur Utama PT Patra Jasa Putut Ariwibowo menyampaikan, Patra Jasa sebagai bagian dari Pertamina, berkomitmen untuk mendukung penuh kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh Pertamina Holding dalam upaya menjadi Global Energy Champion, salah satunya melalui Pembangunan Fasilitas RTC Terintegrasi ini.

“Patra Jasa siap membantu mensukseskan tujuan dan aspirasi Pertamina”.

“Kami menerima penugasan dari Direktorat SPPU Pertamina pada 14 Januari 2022 untuk membangun fasilitas ini, pembangunan akan dilakukan selama 4 tahap. Gedung yang dibangun akan mengedepankan konsep green building mengutamakan konsep green design, neutral dan high technology, misalnya dirancang tahan ledakan dan sejak awal memperhatikan aspek kemudahan dalam maintenance gedung. Kami berharap pembangunan dapat dilaksanakan sesuai rencana sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan oleh Pertamina dan dapat berkontribusi pada pertumbuhan bisnis Pertamina”, harapnya.

PT Patra Jasa berkolaborasi dengan PT PP dalam membangun RTC Terintegrasi, salah satunya melalui penerapan Teknologi BIM (Building Information Modelling), teknologi di bidang AEC (Architecture, Engineering dan Construction) yang mampu mensimulasikan seluruh informasi di dalam proyek pembangunan ke dalam model 3 dimensi, sehingga akurasi pekerjaan meningkat, termasuk penataan pekerjaan di lapangan serta dapat lebih memitigasi risiko konstruksi.

Direktur Teknik PT Patra Jasa Whisnu Bahriansyah mengharapkan, “Latar belakang hadirnya fasilitas ini adalah, saat ini dibutuhkan Pusat Riset Terintegrasi, karena saat ini Pusat Riset Pertamina masih tersebar di beberapa tempat. Diharapkan dengan adanya Pusat Riset Terpadu ini, kegiatan riset dan teknologi ini bisa lebih baik dan terpadu. ”

“Kami akan membuat satu bangunan yang memenuhi kriteria green building, kemudian nantinya pada saat pembangunan, kami akan menggunakan BIM teknologi yang kemudian kami pakai untuk mempercepat pembangunan proyek. Proses perencanaan dan pembangunan dilakukan secara paralel sehingga bisa mempersingkat waktu pengerjaan proyek. Harapan kami semoga pembangunan proyek ini bisa berjalan on schedule, on budget dan on return, dan tetap menjaga aspek HSSE selama proses pembangunannya,” ujarnya.

Pembangunan RTC Center Terintegrasi Pertamina mulai dilaksanakan pada tahun 2022, dengan luas total 65.931M2. Fasilitas ini terdiri dari beberapa bangunan, yaitu Laboratorium Utama, Laboratorium Terbuka & Bengkel, dan Business Center, yang dilengkapi dengan fasilitas-fasilitas pendukung yang diperlukan.

Implementasi BIM, dilakukan sejak masa perencanaan hingga masa konstruksi. Selain untuk meningkatkan produktivitas pekerjaan, BIM juga dapat membantu memudahkan komunikasi dengan stakeholders. Tidak hanya BIM, nantinya proyek ini juga didukung dengan pemanfaatan teknologi smart construction, seperti Virtual Reality.

Fasilitas RTC terintegrasi memiliki keunggulan yakni, merupakan fasilitas laboratorium terintegrasi untuk penelitian, hulu, hilir dan energi terbarukan; didesain dengan target sertifikasi green building, dan dilaksanakan dengan mengedepankan sinergi Pertamina dan Anak Usaha Patra Jasa. Penggunaan panel surya untuk menyediakan hingga 11% energi bangunan, penerapan building automation system dalam operasional bangunan serta penggunaan komponen Dalam Negeri (TKDN) secara maksimal.

Fasilitas RTC terintegrasi juga memiliki keunggulan pencahayaan alami dengan secondary skin berupa panel AC perforated yang memungkinkan cahaya dan visual masuk ke dalam ruang, sehingga ruang kerja menjadi lebih sehat; memiliki ruang terbuka hijau dan biophilic design yaitu unsur tanaman dan elemen hijau di dalam ruangan.

research and technology center pertamina

  • Groundbreaking
  • Press Release
  • RCTT Pertamina
  • Research & Technology Center (RTC) Terintegrasi Pertamina
  • RTC Terintegrasi Pertamina

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  7. Research and Innovation - Pertamina Geothermal Energy Tbk

    Innovation and research are at the frontline in addressing the challenges in providing green energy, not only for today but to ensure future supply. Our best talents adopt Continuous Improvement Program, Knowledge Management, Standardization Management, and Quality Management Assessment as work culture to support energy transition and EBT (new ...

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