research and technology center pertamina

Sopodel Lt.50, Kuningan Timur, DKI Jakarta

Upstream Research & Technology Innovation

Technical solutions that can help your business grow.

Research and Development As a national energy company with global standards, the company continuously performs research and development to increase capability as well as efficiency that can answers challenges in the future. Research and Technology Innovation (RTI) in Pertamina has a duty to formulate strategies that can respond to Pertamina’s current and future needs, as well as to enhance Pertamina’s technology capability towards a world-class energy company.

Research and development in Pertamina are established by:

1. Optimizing the currently-owned resources and amplifying the production of oil and gas from the existing fields;
2. Exploring new resources, including unearthed resources from unchartered territory;
3. Developing ideas, providing solutions, and disseminating the use of new technology;
4. Performing business diversification, such as petrochemical, chemical, and new and renewable energy business.

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research and technology center pertamina

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Meet With Professional Team

Merry Marteighianti

Merry Marteighianti

Vice President Upstream RTI

Bambang Mujihardi

Bambang Mujihardi

Passive Seismic Expert

Belladona Troxylon

Belladona Troxylon

Geomechanic Expert

RTC Integrated Pertamina, An Efforts to Present an Integrated Research Facility

December 9, 2022.

As an energy company, the development of research and technology activities is important for Pertamina because it is the backbone of the company in order to provide added value effectively, efficiently, and is needed for new business development to face future energy needs.

In an effort to meet these research needs, Pertamina will present a facility in one location, namely the Research & Technology Center (RTC) Integrated Pertamina, which is located on Pertamina’s area on Jl. Daan Mogot KM 16, West Jakarta.

The groundbreaking of the Research & Technology Center (RTC) Integrated Pertamina facility was held on Friday (9/12/2022). Also attending this activity were President Director & CEO of Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati, Director of Strategy, Portfolio and New Ventures Pertamina, A. Salyadi Dariah Saputra, Director of Corporate Services Pertamina, Dedi Sunardi, President Director of PP, Novel Arsyad, accompanied by President Director of Patra Jasa, Putut Ariwibowo and related Management.

President Director of Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati appreciated the construction of this facility; according to her, this facility is not just a building, but a facility that will support Indonesia’s energy security and independence.

“The construction of RTC Integrated is an idea that has been a long time coming, and finally it can be realized. It is expected to be realized as soon as possible, because we really need it. What will be built is not just a building for Pertamina’s Research and Technology, but this is a facility that will support Indonesia’s energy independence. This is where innovations will be born that can realize Indonesia’s energy transition in the future, because so far we have done it separately. Therefore, this time we make it more integrated,” said Nicke.

Nicke added the companies that survive are those that have the ability to innovate.

“Because in the future, companies that can survive and grow for sustainability are companies that have the ability to innovate. Research and Technology is the initial stage, and mandatorily carried out to be able to realize the development of innovation, because of the importance of this facility, the acceleration of Patra Jasa and PP is highly expected and appreciated. We at Pertamina provide full support,” she added.

President Director of Patra Jasa, Putut Ariwibowo said, Patra Jasa as part of Pertamina, is committed to fully supporting the activities carried out by Pertamina Holding in an effort to become a Global Energy Champion, one of which is through the construction of this RTC Integrated Facility.

“Patra Jasa is ready to help succeed Pertamina’s goals and aspirations”.

“We received an assignment from the Directorate of Strategy, Portfolio and New Ventures Pertamina on January 14, 2022 to build this facility, the construction will be carried out over 4 stages. The building will prioritize the concept of green building, prioritizing the concept of green design, neutral and high technology, for example designed to be explosion-proof and from the beginning pay attention to aspects of ease of building maintenance. We hope that this construction can be carried out according to plan so that it can be utilized by Pertamina and can contribute to Pertamina’s business growth, “he hoped.

Patra Jasa collaborates with PP in building RTC Integrated, one of which is through the application of BIM (Building Information Modeling) Technology, technology in the field of AEC (Architecture, Engineering and Construction) which is able to simulate all information in a development project into a 3-dimensional model, so the work accuracy is increases, including the arrangement of work in the field and can further mitigate construction risks.

Technical Director of Patra Jasa, Whisnu Bahriansyah expects, “The background of this facility because Integrated Research Center is needed, currently Pertamina’s Research Center is still spread in several location. It is hoped that with this Integrated Research Center, research and technology activities can be better and integrated. ”

“We will create a building that meets green building criteria, then later during construction, we will use BIM technology to accelerate project construction. The planning and construction process is done in parallel so that it can shorten the project work time. We hope that the construction of this project can run on schedule, on budget and on return, and still maintain HSSE aspects during the construction process,” he said.

The construction of Pertamina’s  RTC Center Integrated began in 2022, with a total area of 65,931M2. This facility consists of several buildings, namely the Main Laboratory, Open Laboratory & Workshop, and Business Center, which are equipped with the necessary supporting facilities.

The implementation of BIM is carried out from the planning to the construction period. In addition to increasing work productivity, BIM can also help facilitate communication with stakeholders. Not only BIM, later this project is also supported by the utilization of smart construction technology, such as Virtual Reality.

The integrated RTC facility has the advantages of being an integrated laboratory facility for research, upstream, downstream and renewable energy; designed with the target of green building certification, and implemented by prioritizing the synergy of Pertamina and Patra Jasa as subsidiaries. The use of solar panels to provide up to 11% of building energy, the application of building automation systems in building operations and the maximum use of domestic components.

The integrated RTC facility also has the advantage of natural lighting with a secondary skin in the form of perforated AC panels that allow light and visuals to enter the room, so that the workspace becomes healthier; has green open space and biophilic design, which is plant elements and green elements in the room.

research and technology center pertamina

  • Groundbreaking
  • Press Release
  • RCTT Pertamina
  • Research & Technology Center (RTC) Terintegrasi Pertamina
  • RTC Center Terintegrasi Pertamina

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Reorienting Innovation and Research

Pertamina sets the orientation of innovation and research by targeting them towards sustainability driven solutions. We prioritize innovative technologies and research initiatives that promote environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and operational efficiency

Low Carbon Technology and Innovation.

Measurable Targets for 2030

Minimum 44% of realized investment and operational budget for R&D focus on decarbonization


Supporting functions.



For Pertamina, Human Capital (HC) is one of the most important links of an integrated business chain. The performance and contribution of each individual has the potential to determine the rate of business growth in every aspect. Along with Pertamina's vision to become a world-class National Energy Company, it needs to be accompanied by improving the quality of all human capital within the organization. To support the achievement of the Company's Vision, Pertamina compiled the HC Strategy House which reflected the HC vision and strategy that was in line with business needs. Thus, it is expected that human capital management will run in a structured and effective manner so that each individual may provide the best contribution according to their capabilities.

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Pertamina conducts a strategic workforce planning by considering a number of comprehensive aspects including productivity, financial performance, business strategy, organizational change plans, internal movement, and the number of workers who will retire. The results of the strategic workforce planning are translated into 6 (six) job fulfillment strategies, namely:

1. Buy , conducting external recruitment according to the Company’s needs, both fresh graduates and experienced hire with PWTT and PWT status.

2. Borrow , optimizing the resources of the Subsidiaries through a mechanism of assistance to PT Pertamina (Persero).

3. Transform , using new methods in completing work through reorganization, use of technology, and digital transformation.

4. Regroup , conducting changes in business strategy and business re-engineering processes.

5. Build , developing employee capabilities in accordance with the demands of the business to ensure the availability of successors at every level of position.

6. Bind , retaining top talent through development programs that may increase added value to the Company.


Pertamina has built a Corporate Culture that highly values high performance and effective working behavior, which is in accordance to the values of 6C and supported by a productive working climate in alignment with the employees engagement. The understanding and implementation of the values of 6C is designed to shape the behavior of our people, which will ultimately become the Company Culture and create the identity of the Company. Every individual working at Pertamina is required to act in line with the values of 6C, which consists of: Cleanliness, Competitiveness, Confidence, Customer Focus, Commercial, and Capability. The Company also determines the Characteristic of Values to equalize the perception of each definition.

In order to increase Strong Values and reduce Limited Values, increase Employee Engagement (EE) and consistency in implementing Professional Practices (Practice Pulse Check or PPC) within Pertamina, a Theme-O-Meter Survey is conducted to measure and obtain input from workers and management of the three things mentioned above. In 2018, the Theme O Meter Survey (ToMS) was conducted in December within the environment of PT Pertamina (Persero) and several Subsidiaries.

The number of respondents to the Theme O Meter survey has increased from 9,042 workers in 2017 to 10,395 workers in 2018. The increase in the number of respondents referred to shows the increasing concern of workers towards the health of the Company's culture.

The results of the Theme-O-Meter Survey, in general, showed an increasing trend in recent years with the highest index reached in 2018, with the following details:

a. Employee Engagement (EE): 86.1% and Practice Pulse Check (PPC): 78.7%. Following are the trends in the EE and PPC index.

From the results of the EE and PPC surveys in the last five years, it shows a tendency to decrease the gap between EE and PPC, this reflects an increase in employee engagement and management practices. But for some aspects it still needs to be improved, namely related to Performance Management, Carrier Management, Innovation and Excellent Execution.

The survey results of all EE dimensions have reached 85%, starting from the dimensions of Aspirations, Accountabilities, Collaboration, Recognition, and People Manager Interaction while the results of all dimensions of PPC above 77% are People Performance Management, Employee Engagement, Close Leadership Gap, Sense of Urgency for Change, Motivation with Career / Opportunity and Values, and Execution Excellence.

b. Cultural entropy decreased by 0.46% from 13.24% in 2017 to 12.78% in 2018 (the lower the Cultural Entropy index, the healthier the company). The value of Cultural Entropy in 2018 is getting closer to the Prima / Healthy category. Following is the trend in the movement of Cultural Entropy index.


To realize national energy resilience and self reliance, Pertamina must be able to optimize existing resources while continuing to look for new resources. For this reason, Pertamina established a Research and Technology Center (RTC). RTC is a function formed with the aim of supporting Pertamina's aspirations towards world-class energy companies through integrated innovation activities and generally achieving the same standards as other world-class energy companies.

RTC supports Pertamina in 4 (four) aspects of research and development activities, namely:

1. Optimizing current resources and increasing oil and gas production from existing fields;

2. Accessing new resources, including untapped resources from untouched areas;

3. Increasing Pertamina's margins or business profits through developing ideas, providing solutions and spreading the use of new technologies;

4. Supporting Pertamina's business sustainability through diversifying businesses such as the petrochemical, chemical and new renewable energy businesses.

In 2018, RTC has carried out several research and development projects including:

1. Technology research and development activities in the Upstream Research & Technology function which are divided into 5 (five) research fields, namely Exploration Research, Development Research, Drilling and Well Construction Research, Production Research and Geothermal Research. Some of the main projects that have been running on this function during 2018 are as follows:

a. Improved Development Module Material Selection for Tubing/Pipeline CO2 Environment;

b. Design of Hg, As and H2S Adsorbents for Geothermal Exploration;

c. Digital Petrophysics Research;

d. Development of Stuck Pipe Early Warning System for Drilling Rigs; and

e. Chemical selection at Pertamina Laboratories to increase production with EOR at Pertamina EP Jirak and Rantau Fields

2. Technology research and development activities in the Downstream Research & Technology function which are divided into 4 (four) fields of research namely Oil and Gas Research, Process Development Research, Materials and Chemicals Research and Petrochemical and Fuel Non Fuel Research. In this function, the activities that become the main project during 2018 are research activities related to the development of Pertamina's Asphalt.

3. Research and technology development activities in the New & Renewable Energy function which are divided into 4 (four) research fields, namely New Energy Development Research, Renewable Energy Development Research, Power Development and Storage Management Research and Carbon Capture and Storage Research. Some of the main projects that run in this function include:

a. Research and Development of Biobutanol & Bioethanol 2nd Gen;

b. Development of Electrode Material Components, Formulation Optimization and Production of Lithium Ion Battery (LIB) Prototypes;

c. CO2 utilization for Value Added Products; and

d. PyGas Production by Biomass Pyrolisis.

In order to perform optimally, RTC is also supported by the R & T Planning and Commercial function which has three main pillars, namely: the pillar of business processes with the compilation of a governance system (STK) RTC, infrastructure pillars for managing and developing research facilities and human capital assets that will manage and determine the direction of product and / or process development in Pertamina.

Pertamina has registered 134 IPRs, of which RTC participated in 41 patents with 19 patents granted, including the formulation of hydrocarbon refrigerants as substitutes for synthetic R-12 and R-134a (Musicool) refrigerants, the process of making hydro-processing catalysts that are selective in saturating olefins and removal of nitrogen compounds in hydrocarbon feeds and products produced from the process (NHT catalyst), hydrocarbon solvents to clean the metal and its manufacturing process (Solphy -2) and fuel composition with a minimum octane value of 100 (Pertamax Racing).


Pertamina has established a Quality System and Knowledge Management (QS&KM) function with the objective of improving the overall performance of Pertamina through the creation of continuous culture improvement, increasing the effectiveness in the standardized system of implementation and the knowledge sharing culture, which are all run within the corridors of the business processes in line with Pertamina’s Priority of becoming a World-Class Company.

The QS&KM function is designed to guarantee implementation of the quality of business processes of the Company through its four pillars of quality. The four pillars consist of the Continuous Improvement Program (CIP), System & Standard Management (SSM), Knowledge Management (KMS), and Quality Management Assessment (QMA). The four pillars have different roles at each level of the Company in ensuring its business qualities. In 2018, 31 people supported the QSKM function with the appropriate competencies in line with business demand and growth.

In 2018, the QS&KM function completed its duties, work programs, and had achieved its targeted performance in order to support the Company’s vision of becoming a National World-Class Company. The QSKM function continues to ensure good quality across all operations units, business units, and the Company’s domestic and overseas subsidiaries in line with the Pertamina Management System and the Code of Pertamina. Pertamina continues to implement its policy through the QSKM function so as to ensure an improvement in the culture conducted continuously across all operations/business/regional/units and the Company’s subsidiaries through the four primary pillars activities as follows:

1. Continuous Improvement Program (CIP) The CIP is a program of activities designed to solve problems and improve work efficiency through the

methods of PDCA and DELTA within Pertamina’s work habitat. In 2018, Pertamina succeeded in Value Creation of more than Rp40 trillion as a form of commitment to conduct business efficiently in the form of saving costs, additional revenue and reduction costs. In 2018 sustainability site visits were also carried out in order to ensure the sustainability of Pertamina Quality Assurance CIP results implementation. From this activity, a value creation of Rp525 billion was obtained from 30 CIP results. The value creation that was successfully carried out by Pertamina is a manifestation of the Company's commitment to conduct business efficiently in the form of savings and effectiveness of the process in reaching even beyond the set revenue targets. In 2018, it was recorded that 3169 CIPs were resolved with an increase in CIP from 2017. The increasing number of CIPs resolved meant that Pertamina people began to get used to solving work problems using PDCA and DELTA (Eight Steps Seven Tools)

In 2018, the Asset Management Directorate successfully achieved the following performance achievements:

a. Transfer of Business Support Assets (APU) Based on the Board of Directors Minutes of Meeting No.RRD-105 / C00000 / 2018-S0 dated 2 August 2018 concerning Transfer, Data Improvement and Digitization of Business Support Asset Data (APU), the Asset Management Directorate conducts transfer for the following purposes:

• Management of Business Support Assets (APU) centrally and integrated

• The cost of maintaining Business Support Assets (APU) does not burden the Technical Directorate

b. Write off assets The Asset Management Directorate assists in the process of writing-off the assets of the Technical Directorate in 2018 against 643 fixed assets, materials, resale commodities, scrap by generating additional revenue of Rp. 74.9 M. The Asset Management Directorate is currently proposing an adjustment to the Assets Write-off procedure so that the bureaucratic process can be more effective and efficient.

c. Pertamina is currently resolving the problem of assets by cooperating with functions and agencies related to land acquisition.

d. Pertamina has conducted a land acquisition process to support the company's operational needs.

e. Digital transformation and historical writing

• The Asset Management Directorate throughout 2018 continued to develop SIMA, i-P2P and e-UPP applications so that it could support business processes within the Asset Management.

• Writing the history of all Pertamina assets by tracking land documents, chronologically compiling land acquisition, and documentation in order to strengthen Pertamina's land ownership status has been completed for 24 Pertamina assets.

f. Optimization of Business Support Assets (APU)

• Optimization of Business Support Assets (APU) is carried out through selfmanagement, leasing, loan, business partnership, and divestiture (scrap) schemes.

• Pertamina conducted a synergy forum for subsidiaries and state-owned enterprises in order to optimize Pertamina's assets.

• Planning for asset optimization with the scheme of cooperation with Pertamina's subsidiaries as a vehicle.

• Cooperation on Warukin Airport between National Transportation Agency (Dishub) and Pertamina by assigning PT PAS

• Pertamina develops assets by cooperating with Patra Jasa

• Submission process related to increasing the status / ownership of assets of the Head Office and the Operations Unit for the procurement of goods / services and Amendments

• Achievement of goods / services procurement activities that have been completed during the period of January to December 2018 totaling 10,838 procurement processes of goods / services.

2. Knowledge Management System (KMS) The KMS has an important role in improving the culture of integrated knowledge sharing and Knowledge Management in the Company. Pertamina is maximizing the implementation of technology in conducting the Knowledge Sharing through webinar and Knowledge Asset Management, which is accessible throughout the Company through portal, which is: KOMET. In addition to that, KMS also manages Intellectual Property Rights resulting from the process of continuous improvement based on the CIP in Pertamina. The Knowledge Sharing activities were held in offline format, online format (i.e.: webinar), and KOMET (portal) management aimed at creating, collecting, reviewing, and distributing Knowledge Assets throughout Pertamina.

3. Quality Management Assessment (QMA) Pertamina’s Excellent Performance Criteria (KKEP), which is based on QMA, is intended to develop and create a culture of Excellence in Performance across all Business Units, Unit Operations and Subsidiaries, so as to facilitate the achievement of Performance Excellence at the corporate level. Through to the end of 2018, QMA was applied in 32 of Pertamina’s Business Units, Unit Operations and Subsidiaries with the category of Emerging Company.

Pertamina has set out policies and long-term planning, which is focused on the implementation of Excellence in the Quality of Management Practices. Therefore the QSKM function for collaborating with other SOEs and other companies regarding Excellence in Quality Management as well as increasing the competitiveness of the Company. One part of the format for this collaboration is the assessors’ exchange regarding the assessment of KPKU, the Assignment of Standard System Auditors in the Cross Functions of Internal Audit across several companies. It is expected that this collaboration will strengthen Pertamina’s resources in improving Quality Assurance in terms of products and services.

In order to ensure more effective operations, the QSKM Function regarding Pertamina’s Standardization & Certification manages the implementation of all Standard System Management processes spanning all Operations Units, Business Units and Subsidiaries of the Company in order to meet our customer expectations. The function of the Business System Process as a part of the QSKM continues to strive in the process of managing the Company’s documents, process of establishing a Working System and Correspondence Mechanism for the Company, which is dynamically designed in order to support all of the Company’s business processes and operations.

In assuring and improving the quality of innovation from Pertamina Quality People, the Quality Management Corporate will strive to conduct a sustainability audit so that the innovation results that have been produced by Pertamina Quality Personnel will continue to run well. In addition, the QMC function also strives for existing innovation results to be replicated in the Operations / Business / Subsidiary Units. As well as to maintain existing knowledge assets, the Knowledge Management function has managed Intellectual Property Rights as a result of a sustainable improvement process at CIP-based Pertamina.


Information, Communication & Technology (ICT) increasingly plays a role in the business world. At present almost no business can survive without involving the role of ICT. Likewise with Pertamina.

Pertamina implements ICT in accordance with the needs and alignment of strategies and cooperation programs and takes into account the needs of each business unit and supporting unit. Corporate ICT in Pertamina is responsible for providing comprehensive and integrated Information and Communication Technology (ICT) services across all lines of companies both in PT Pertamina (Persero) and Subsidiaries.

In 2018, there was a change in the organization structure of Corporate ICT starting with the change in the name of Corporate Shared Service (CSS) to Corporate ICT (CICT) and the existence of 2 new functions, ITASP (Architecture, Security & Policy) functions and Digital Transformation Functions. The IT ASP function was formed to formulate policy, architecture and information security as a strategy form of Corporate ICT function in facing the threat of cyber crime and the Function of Digital Transformation was formed to guard digital transformation in Pertamina.


Considering the increasingly important role of ICT in the business world, digital transformation becomes a necessity to increase competitiveness. Since 2017 Pertamina has carried out a digital transformation marked by Digitizing Marketing. In 2018, the Pertamina Digital Transformation journey entered a new phase which began with the Pertamina Digital Transformation and Pertamina Digital Expo BTP Kick- Off activities.

Pertamina Digital Transformation Philosophy:

1. Focus on the main theme of Digital Transformation

2. Directed based on business needs and implemented in an integrated manner

3. Performed holistically aspects of people, process and technology

4. Flexibility in developing solutions

Pertamina Digital Transformation Team has formulated 16 Main Themes that will be prioritized in Digital Transformation and in 2018 selected 9 main themes namely Digitizing Gas Station, B2B - CLM (Customer Loyalty Management), Logistic Planning System, Integrated SCM Planning, Predictive Maintenance, Integrated GGR (Geology, Geophysics & Reservoir), SSO / SSC (Shared Service Organization / Shared Service Center), Digital HSSE and Corporate Command Center.

Pertamina realizes that digital transformation is not only related to technology and process aspects, but also the aspect of people (culture) is an important part to consider. Therefore, throughout 2018 Pertamina runs a digital culture program, including the Pertamina Digital Community program, Digital Expo, Digital Intelligence, Digital Roadshow, Digital Acceleration Index (DAI) Survey and Digital Culture Benchmarking.

Moreover, activities in 2018 were also carried out by involving workers who were part of digital transformation, such as the 2018 Pertamina Energy Hackathon, e-Sport Competition, Paper Competition, and so on.


In order to support the realization of the company's vision and mission in 2018, Corporate ICT has carried out several strategic programs, including:

1. Tax Data Integration with the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) Corporate ICT supports Pertamina's tax data integration program with DGT on H2H (Host-to- Host). Currently, Pertamina has implemented the E-Faktur and E-Bupot program, and has become the first SOE to implement this program.

2. Upstream Business Management Transfer In 2018 Corporate ICT has been actively involved in upstream business management to oversee the management transition on ICT. Some management transfer projects during 2018 such as PHE East Ambalat management, PHE Tuban East Java, PHE Ogan Komering, PHE OSES, Pertamina Hulu East Kalimantan (PHKT) and Pertamina Hulu Sanga Sanga (PHSS)

3. Digital Culture Digital Culture activities are needed for changing the way of thinking and working organizations, with the mindset of Agile, Collaborative, Innovative, Customer Centric, Data-Driven, and Engaged to deal with digital disruption. Digital Culture is a contributor to BTP Digital Transformation.

4. Corporate Command Center The Project Corporate Command Center aims to build an intensive communication center and Pertamina operational information with a datatime to support Pertamina's vision for 2025 to become a World Class National Energy Company. With the existence of Corporate Command Center, Pertamina will have a real-time end-to-end management and operational information center and become an Executive Gallery and showcase of Pertamina's performance for Pertamina's stakeholders and important guests (VVIP).

5. Development of Big Data Analytics to support Corporate Business Analytics Development of big data analytics is done to build a data warehouse that is integrated and reliable, develops data analytics from integrated ERP and non ERP data sources, and provides analytics capabilities to information / data to support business development.

6. Standardization of Data Communication Network Infrastructure in Pertamina (Persero) The purpose of standardizing data communication network infrastructure at Pertamina (Persero) is to provide Pertamina communication services by conducting Pertamina Data Network Standardization and implementation of Defined WAN Software (SDWAN) and Video Conference System redesign at Pertamina (Persero).

7. Implementation of One Data Center Implementation of Pertamina 1 (One) Data Center, so that all information systems have Pertamina Wide and Support System standardization in Units / Areas to facilitate and ease the flow of information as well as to improve the Information System security.

8. Digital Reporting Service Digital Reporting Service is implemented to reduce backlogs, provide reports on user needs on time, reduce human error (automation) on issuing reports, and assist in decision making.

9. Data Quality Control Automation Increasing control over the quality of data managed by the Shared Processing Center (SPC) and Automated Data Quality Monitoring.

10. Pertamina World Class IT Governance The aim of Pertamina World Class IT Governance is to develop and implement an IT governance framework based on best practice that is in line with Pertamina's business processes. Fixing, building, and implementing standards for the process and integrated STK for Pertamina Wide.

11. Cyber Security Resilience Implementation (CSRI) CSRI is an effort to realize the digital Pertamina resilience transformation and sustainability of CSMA (Cyber Security Maturity Assessment) project in 2017.


In order to maximize the Asset Potencies, Business Network Development, and the Company’s Revenue, Pertamina has established the Asset Management Function, which is integrated with the Directorates, Operational Units and the Company’s subsidiaries in carrying out its asset management and for product/ service supply in the business process in accordance with business requirements and growth.

The Asset Management Directorate is responsible for managing Pertamina's Business Support Assets (APU) in order to support the Company's core business to be more effective and efficient. Pertamina refines the Organization Structure of Asset Management Directorate for manager level and above based on Decree No.Kpts-58 / C00000 / 2017-S0 dated October 25, 2017 and the Organization Structure of Asset Management Directorate for level below manager based on Decree No.Kpts-01 / K00000 / 2018-S0 dated January 22, 2018. With the improvement of organization, Pertamina is expected to be able to manage Business Support Assets (APU) in order to increase the Company's revenue and support the company's core business to be more effective and efficient.

The Asset Management Directorate has a mission to carry out professional asset management as a strategic partner of Pertamina's business activities and based on commercial principles by prioritizing Good Corporate Governance, through the main pillars of activities, namely:

1. Improving service to Pertamina’s customers as the strategic business partner Pertamina implements an increase in services to support Pertamina's core business activities, in the form of:

• Provision of land for company needs

• Provision of facilities for office & Company House (RDP)

• Building Management, facilities and infrastructure that are effective and efficient

2. Monetization of Business Support Assets In order to increase revenues and reduce the company's operating expenses in managing Business Support Assets, Pertamina conducts:

• Optimization of Business Support Assets, especially for Free & Clear assets.

• Increased value of Business Support Assets

• Synergy between subsidiaries and its affiliates

• SOE synergy

3. Improving land ownership status In order to improve the status of land ownership, Pertamina conducts:

• Securing assets by working with HSSE functions

• Discharging assets from residents without rights in collaboration with HSSE functions and related agencies

• Certification of land

• Settling land issues

• Recovery of assets

4. Asset restructuring For more effective and efficient asset management, Pertamina conducts asset restructuring in the form of:

• Divestment of assets

• Inbreng to subsidiaries

• Ruistlag or swap to other government institutions / agencies

• Equity participation in the government

5. Procurement Excellence

• Centralized procurement of strategic goods & services (Corporate, Directorate, Unit Operations / Business Units)

• Pertamina Incorporated Synergy (Mapping & Optimizing AP Competencies through Umbrella Contract)

• Optimization of Inventory & Lean Warehouse

• Digitizing Procurement (Procurement 4.0)

• Implementation of ISO 37001: 2016

• International Certification of Procurement Competence


The Health Safety Security Environment (HSSE) is a fundamental aspect in Pertamina's operations. Every procedure and working stage in all mining and production activities up to distribution is carried out in accordance with applicable rules and guidelines. All mining entities and Pertamina's operations, from operators in the field to management, as well as thirdparty contractors involved in Pertamina's activities, must comply with HSSE implementation.

The HSSE aspect is one of the main aspects of Pertamina's business process. Management determined that HSSE & Sustainability is the foundation of the 2019-2026 corporate strategy, with the main mandate of implementing the HSSE Excellence culture well in all operational aspects.

The mandate is then stated in the Company's HSSE policy signed by the President Director in August 2018 with the following commitments:

1. Prioritizing the company’s HSSE aspects in the company’s business management;

2. Complying with HSSE regulations and use appropriate technology according to national and international standards;

3. Reducing risk as low as possible to prevent incidents in personnel, assets, information and the environment;

4. Conducting intervention on the condition of activities and actions that are considered unsafe;

5. Ensuring understanding and implementation of Corporate Life Saving Rules (CLSR) on workers and work partners;

6. Increasing workers' awareness and competence as well as work partners so that they can carry out their work correctly, safely and eco-friendly;

7. Report all incidents transparently and carry out investigations to prevent the occurrence of similar incidents;

8. Implementing HSSE performance of the Company’s personnel, assets, data and information in the assessment and appreciation to all employees.

As a step/effort to implement the policy, Management has determined 8 HSSE strategic programs, namely:

1. HSSE Governance

2. Safety Culture

3. Emergency Readiness

4. Safe Work Practices

5. Environment Excellent

6. Security Excellent Level

7. HSE Leading Programs Standardization

8. OH-IH Excellent

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While the main HSSE programs carried out during 2018 are:

1. Compilation of SUPREME towards one Pertamina HSSE Management System with a risk-based approach, adhering to the principle of sustainable improvement and PDCA and will gradually replace the protocol of ISRS, SMP, Fit to Work

2. Implementation of Reward & Consequences on HSSE performance and enter HSSE weight in fit proper test and fit official interview and blast learning from event (LFE)

3. Implementation of crisis management exercise and emergency drill routinely to train readyness on facing crisis / actual conditions

4. Issuance of 11 Corporate Life Saving Rules combined with Demo Room to increase employee competence, especially outsourcing

5. Implementation of PROPER and audit protocol for Pertamina Environment Regulation Compliance Assurance (PERCA) as the UO / Location / AP environment management baseline that is not included in the PROPER assessment

6. Implementation of cross & internal directorate management walkthrough (MWT) as a leader learning center and direct leader communication forum to the frontliner

7. Integrated HSSE audit implementation in 74 operating unit / field locations, consisting of HSSE audit System management based on ISRS protocol, fit to work audit (FtW), Cultural Security and Survey Management System audit

In 2018, integrated audits/assessments started with the additional number of AP / Operating Units / Fields audited / assessed compared to 2017. As for integrated HSSE audits / assessments including:

1. Audit of HSSE MS ISRS 2018 Protocol In 2018 an HSSE MS ISRS Protocol audit was carried out in 74 operating units / fields by internal assessors and external assessors. The number of audit locations increased by 12 APs/ Operating Units/ Field, when compared to the number of assessment locations in 2017 as many as 62 APs/Operating Units / Fields. A total of 41

AP / Operating Units / Fields managed to obtain excellent levels, with 11 APs/Operating Units/ Fields exceeding the target level set.

2. Implementation of Fit to Work (FtW) Audit / Assessment In 2018, the Fit to Work audit was started as a data baseline for further work program preparation to realize OH-IH excellent. The FtW audit was carried out at 77 AP / Operation / Field Units. FtW level audits / assessments were assessed with a scale of 0-4.0 and as many as 60 AP / Operating Unit / Field (78% of the total AP / Operation Unit / Field) obtained FtW Level ≥2 , 0.

3. Audit Based Management System Protocol Security (SMP) Audit SP 2018 was conducted in 73 locations, this number increased when compared to 2017 which was carried out in 38 locations. The implementation results of the SMP in 2018 are as many as 42 locations to get Gold / Gold rankings with an average score of all AP / Operating Units / Fields getting Gold Level is 87%. The audit was carried out by Pertamina's internal assessor.

4. HSE Culture Survey In 2018, measurements of the HSE culture maturity level were carried out to determine the changes that occurred after the implementation of improvement programs in 2018. In general, in 2018 Pertamina (Persero) HSEPT culture score was 3.97 or an increase of 0.25 compared to 2017, with the population of respondents in the Pathological to Calculative culture level reduced by 6.69%.

In addition to this in the environmental aspect, in 2018 PT Pertamina (Persero) succeeded in garnering 82 Gold and Green PROPER with details of 13 Operation / Field Units successfully gaining Gold PROPER and 69 Operating Units / Fields successfully gaining Green PROPER.


The ISC functions as the responsible party for the Downstream Optimization and procurement/sales of crude oil and refinery products and is mandated to procure crude oil and refinery products efficiently so as to bolster Pertamina’s revenue. Thus, the ISC function is to continue, transform and improve its performance. The ISC function transformation roadmap consists of 3 (three) main phases including Phase 1.0 or Quick Win Phase, Phase 2.0 or ISC Class Phase, and Phase 3.0 or Talent Engine Phase. For the Breakthrough Project (BTP) of 2018, ISC contributed to Pertamina’s efficiency program in all lines including:

1. BTP Downstream Operational Excellence (DOE)

2. Optimizing FSO Crude of Teluk Semangka

3. Maximizing the Domestic Crude Purchases of PSC contractors

The BTP Downstream Operational Excellence (DOE) program is a collaboration of BTP between 3 Functions namely Processing, Marketing and ISC with a target of decreasing the Integrated Port Time (IPT), optimization of infrastructure use in Processing and Marketing, source optimization for importing crude oil and products, and acceleration infrastructure development in supporting IPT

In order to follow up and implement ESDM Regulation No. 42 Year 2018 concerning the Priority of Fuel Utilization for Fulfilling Domestic Needs, as well as to meet Pertamina's refinery needs, ISC currently obtains crude oil from domestic (GOI, Pertamina Subsidiary and KKKS Purchases) & import purchases. In value, import purchases are relatively higher than domestic Crude Oil because there are additional transportation costs. Meanwhile, currently some domestic crude oil such as KKKS have not yet been fully absorbed due to tax problems. This aims, among other things, to increase the purchase of KKKS Domestic MM portion so that it is expected that the domestic MM portion processed by the Pertamina Refinery will be greater and overall shall increase the Downstream margin.

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Developing Catalyst Technology Independently, Pertamina Increases Production of High-Value Oil and Gas Products

Plaju, February 26, 2022 - PT Pertamina (Persero) continues to develop innovations to support the company's operational activities, one of which is the development of technology to produce Fluid Catalytic Cracking (“FCC”) catalysts.

Currently, Pertamina's Research Technology & Innovation (RTI), with  Pertamina's Subholding Refining & Petrochemical, PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI), have tested the FCC catalyst at the Plaju Refinery with an injection volume of 250 MT. This injection process has been going on for three months, from December 2021 to February 2022. The  catalyst performance has proven to be successful in improving the performance of the FCC unit at the Plaju refinery in terms of gasoline yield and gasoline RON parameters.

FCC catalyst is a substance that accelerates the rate of chemical reactions used in oil and gas products processing under certain operating conditions. In the processing stage, the FCC catalyst functions to break down the heavy fraction "crack" of petroleum, which has a high molecular weight and boiling point to high-value products such as gasoline, LPG, olefins, and petrochemical products.

Senior Vice President of RTI Pertamina, Oki Muraza, explained that the FCC Pertamina Catalyst formulation has gone through a series of processes from the formulation stage to a laboratory-scale test since 2016. Furthermore, the pilot plant scale was carried out and went through the validation of international institutions. It has been successfully formulated in line with the needs of the Plaju refinery.

On the same occasion, the Director of Operations of PT KPI, Yulian Dekri, expressed his hope that this innovation would not stop in the trial step at the Plaju refinery. It could also be implemented in other Pertamina refineries, including Cilacap Refinery, Balongan Refinery, and the Balikpapan Refinery after the Balikpapan RDMP project, which will build RFCC units.

"Highest appreciation to all parties, especially Pertamina officers of PT KPI and the RTI Function who continue to support the development of this FCC catalyst, until it reaches this success with satisfactory results and meets the expectations of all parties," said Yulian Dekri.

Vice President of Corporate Communication of Pertamina, Fajriyah Usman, conveyed that mastery of FCC catalyst technology independently is an innovation that is very beneficial for the Indonesian oil and gas industry, considering that currently the need for FCC catalysts is still met through imports. In the future, Pertamina's FCC catalyst is expected to fulfill oil refining and petrochemical industry catalysts needs.

"Pertamina has high hopes that FCC catalysts development in the future will increase petrochemical production in the energy transition era, reduce dependence on imported catalysts for national industrial needs, and support national energy security and independence," stated Fajriyah.**

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Pertamina Geothermal Energy Tbk


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We are committed to continue innovating in realizing affordable, reliable, continuous, and accessible energy for everyone. Innovation and research are at the frontline in addressing the challenges in providing green energy, not only for today but to ensure future supply. Our best talents adopt Continuous Improvement Program, Knowledge Management, Standardization Management, and Quality Management Assessment as work culture to support energy transition and EBT (new and renewable energy) development.

We believe that innovations to provide clean and environmentally friendly energy are not only beneficial for the company but also encourage industry growth overseas. PGE is committed to becoming a master in our own home by building small-scale geothermal technological capability in Indonesia by partnering with BPPT to develop research centers and provide capacity improvement for researchers in the geothermal field. The cooperation opens up smooth access to increase Domestic Component Level (Tingkat Kandungan Dalam Negeri or TKDN) and to progress the manufacturing industry in Indonesia.

Green hydrogen is a clean source of fuel that has the potential of transitioning to a greener future. PGE has initiated green hydrogen development, produced from the water electrolysis process using a geothermal energy source. The potential market for green hydrogen is wide open because other than being used for fuel in the transportation sector, it can also benefit the petrochemical industry that still uses produced hydrogen, which leaves behind higher emission footprints.

  • Jason Filbert

Jason Filbert

Jason Filbert Pertamina  ·  Research and Technology Center

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The World-Class Research Center for Advanced Digital Technologies SPbPU USA - English Deutschland - Deutsch Deutschland - English

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Nov 03, 2020, 09:00 ET

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ST.PETERSBURG, Russia , Nov. 3, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- In August 2020 , a consortium of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU), St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University, Smorodintsev Research Institute of Influenza, and University of Tyumen obtained the status of the World-Class Research Center for Advanced Digital Technologies.

The World-Class Research Center for Advanced Digital Technologies was created as a result of the contest conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation within the framework of the Russian national project "Science". According to the federal program "Development of scientific and R&D cooperation", at least 9 scientific centers of the world level should be created in Russia , carrying out research and development in the priority areas of the Strategy of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation . The volume of financial support for all the centers for the period 2020–2024 is 15.46 billion rubles.

St. Petersburg Polytechnic University became the coordinator of the World-Class Research Center for Advanced Digital Technologies. The main goal of the Center's program is to ensure a scientific and technological breakthrough based on world-class fundamental and applied research, to create conditions for the transition to a fundamentally new level of application of science-intensive technologies and the effectiveness of the modern digital manufacturing.

According to Andrei I. Rudskoi, the rector of SPbPU, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in the nearest future, not the technologies but the ecosystem of its development will become the basis of the competition in the high-tech market: "The organizations participating in the consortium have accumulated thirty years of experience in the area of the research and implementation of digital solutions in high-tech sectors of the economy both in Russia and abroad. Such association as the World-Class Research Center is an opportunity to significantly increase the scale of such activities."

Key areas of the World-Class Research Center for Advanced Digital Technologies:

  • Advanced digital technologies: digital design, mathematical, supercomputer modeling, product lifecycle management (Smart Design), smart manufacturing technologies
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Robotic systems
  • Materials and additive technologies of the new generation

Each scientific area includes not only research but also the training of young scientists and engineers. The development of human resources and cross-sectoral transfer of competencies are mentioned  among the goals of creating the World-Class Research Center for Advanced Digital Technologies, therefore the results of the Center's activities will be promptly reflected in the materials of the curriculum of SPbPU and the universities of the consortium. 880 researchers will be involved in the activities of the World-Class Research Center, 51% of them will be young researchers.

The Center's program provides  cooperation with leading world universities: University College London, Munich University of Applied Sciences , Technical University of Berlin , Polytechnic University of Milan , Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and others. This cooperation also involves the transfer of competencies, the exchange of experience and joint project work, which means that future specialists will have a unique opportunity to become a students of the world's leading universities.

There is no doubt that the vast experience, competencies, and resources of the formed ecosystem of SPbPU  allow the solving of the assigned tasks. Currently, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University has dozens of unique projects from a wide range of industries: automotive, engine-building, nuclear and oil and gas power engineering, aircraft and aerospace industries, railway transport, and shipbuilding ... The scale and significance of this work may be estimated by mentioning only a few of the implemented and current projects of SPbPU:

  • digital design and development of the carcass for the Aurus premium car family for leaders of the state;
  • development of a small-sized city electric vehicle with the ADAS system of the 3-4 levels;
  • digital modeling and optimization of the design of the Angel weather-vane on the spire of the Peter and Paul Cathedral;
  • a cycle of studies to assess the performance of the main circulation pump of the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant;
  • participation in the ITER tokamak project (international experimental thermonuclear reactor);
  • participation in the project "Northern Maritime Transit Corridor" to create an integrated transport and logistics system for international transit shipping on the route Asia - Europe via the Northern Sea Route;
  • participation in the federal project to create a system of integrated water resources management of the largest in Russia and the third-largest in the world - the Ob-Irtysh River Basin, etc.

The project work of the World-Class Research Center for Advanced Digital Technologies has included the projects of global importance. The development of digital modeling and forecasting technologies in biomedical systems is already underway, which means establishment of the groundwork for modeling and forecasting the spread of COVID-19. Researchers of the Center are using bioinformatics approaches to create an innovative vaccine platform based on self-replicating RNA technology. A candidate vaccine against COVID-19 is currently being developed. The project is conducted within the framework of international partnership with the University of Maryland (USA) and Smorodintsev Research Institute of Influenza.

Another large-scale project involving the World-Class Research Center for Advanced Digital Technologies is the Northern Sea Transit Corridor. The project aims to create an integrated transport and logistics system for international transit shipping along the Asia - Europe Route through the Northern Sea Route.

SOURCE Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University

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Americans’ Experiences With Local Crime News

2. types of local crime news, table of contents.

  • What Americans see – and want to see – in local crime news
  • Sources of local crime news, and how local TV news consumers stand out
  • Americans’ varying perceptions of local crime news
  • How different demographic groups experience local crime news
  • Where Americans get news about local crime
  • Where Americans go first for information about a local crime
  • Americans’ interest in different aspects of crime news
  • Ease of finding local crime news
  • Perceptions of accuracy of local crime news
  • Are sources viewed as exaggerating or underplaying local crime?
  • Perceptions of fairness of local crime news depending on race
  • Which Americans are more likely to feel afraid after seeing crime news?
  • Americans’ responses to hearing news about local crime
  • Acknowledgments
  • The American Trends Panel survey methodology

To better understand the news about local crime that Americans see, we asked people what types of crime they get news about.

Bar chart showing about a third or more often see news about property, drug-related and violent crime in their local area

About a third or more of Americans say they see or hear local news about property crime (37%), drug-related crime (33%) and violent crime (32%) weekly or more often. Only 11% say they see local news about white-collar crime (such as corporate fraud or political corruption) at least weekly.

According to statistics from the FBI, property crime in the United States is much more common than violent crime . In 2022, the FBI reported a total of 1,954.4 property crimes and 380.7 violent crimes per 100,000 people. However, the public reports seeing news about these two types of crime at similar rates. (The FBI’s annual data only includes crimes that have been reported to law enforcement, not those that went unreported.)

Some groups are more likely to report seeing news about violent crime in their local community:

Bar chart showing Black Americans are more likely than other racial and ethnic groups to see news about violent crime often

  • City dwellers: Americans who live in urban areas (42%) are far more likely than those who live in suburban (31%) or rural (23%) areas to see violent crime news at least weekly.
  • Black Americans: A quarter say they see news about violent crime daily, and about half (48%) see it at least weekly – higher than all other racial or ethnic groups.
  • Older adults: 37% of those 65 and older see news about violent crime about weekly (including 22% who see it daily), compared with 27% of those ages 18 to 29 who see this kind of news weekly (8% daily).

These patterns are in line with our findings that both Black Americans and older Americans are also more likely to closely follow local news in general .

Black Americans also are more likely than White or Asian Americans to say reducing crime should be a top political priority for the president and Congress in 2024.

Lower-income Americans (36%) are slightly more likely than middle-income (30%) or upper-income (27%) adults to see news about violent crime at least weekly. Republicans and Democrats, including independents who lean toward either party, see violent crime news in their local community at similar rates (31% and 33%, respectively).

Americans express interest in several aspects of local crime, although they are more interested in some than others.

Bar chart showing half of Americans are highly interested in what local officials are doing to address crime

For example, half of U.S. adults say they are extremely or very interested in what local officials are doing to address crime (50%). Smaller shares are as interested in underlying causes of local crime (41%) and broader patterns in local crime (36%). Many also express high levels of interest in details about crimes, such as what happened and why (47%), and tips about how to stay safe (44%).

Across the board, Black Americans express higher interest than other racial and ethnic groups in all aspects of local crime news. For example, six-in-ten Black Americans are extremely or very interested in what local officials are doing to address crime and tips about how to stay safe.

Republicans (including independents who lean Republican) are somewhat more interested in the details of local crimes than are Democrats and Democratic leaners. About half of Republicans (51%) say they are extremely or very interested in such details, while 44% of Democrats say the same. Meanwhile, Democrats are more interested than Republicans in the underlying causes of local crime (46% vs. 39%).

Bar chart showing Black and Asian Americans, women are especially interested in tips on how to stay safe from crime

Some demographic groups are particularly likely to say they are interested in tips about how to stay safe from local crime:

  • Women: Half of U.S. women are extremely or very interested in this information, versus 37% of men.
  • Black and Asian adults: Majorities of Black (60%) and Asian (57%) Americans say they are highly interested in tips about how to stay safe from crime, compared with fewer than half of Hispanic (46%) and White (39%) Americans.
  • Americans with lower incomes: Those with lower incomes are more likely to be highly interested in tips about how to stay safe than those with higher incomes (47% vs. 38%).

Not all of the information Americans want from their local crime news is easy for them to find.

Bar chart showing Americans say it is harder to find local news about crime patterns and causes than details of crimes and tips about safety

For instance, 85% of Americans are at least somewhat interested in news about what local officials are doing to address crime, but just 22% of this group says it’s very or somewhat easy to stay informed about it. Nearly twice as many (41%) say they find it very or somewhat hard to stay informed about what local officials are doing to address crime.

Similarly, among those who are interested in the underlying causes or broader patterns in local crime, more people say it is hard than easy to stay informed about these aspects of crime coverage.

Americans who are interested in details about crimes, meanwhile, are slightly more likely to say this information is easy to find (35% easy vs. 31% hard). And those who want tips about how to stay safe are far more likely to say this is easy (43%) rather than difficult (15%) to find.

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New NSF Center for Pandemic Insights

Center draws from health, engineering, agriculture, social sciences to advance pandemic science for emerging threats.

  • by Kat Kerlin
  • August 22, 2024

Three UC Davis scientists stand under highway overpass in field with sensor equioment.

Preventing the next pandemic begins before diseases emerge. This “pre-emergence” phase is the focus of a new center funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation and led by the University of California, Davis. 

Supported with $18 million over seven years, the U.S. National Science Foundation Center for Pandemic Insights (NSF CPI) includes partnering institutions from across the United States. It aims to harness new technologies and develop sensing to detect, investigate, and ultimately prevent pandemics at their source. 

Funded through  NSF’s Predictive Intelligence for Pandemic Prevention (PIPP) program, the center includes 11 partnering institutions from across the United States. It also blends four UC Davis powerhouses: the School of Veterinary Medicine, College of Engineering, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, and the School of Medicine.

“This center is a moonshot for being able to transform how we do investigations into the pre-emergence phase for pandemics,” said center lead Christine K. Johnson , a professor of epidemiology and ecosystem health in the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine and director of the EpiCenter for Disease Dynamics in its One Health Institute. “We’ll be able to optimize cutting-edge technology that’s already being applied in areas of human health, engineering and agriculture and bring them into this important space to help with wildlife and pandemic threats.”

Sensing a pandemic

Most pandemics are caused by emerging infectious diseases that originate in wildlife and are detected only after causing outbreaks in humans.  The complex nature of infectious diseases limits the ability of scientists to conduct targeted surveillance and gather data at the speed or scale needed to detect pandemic threats . 

Meanwhile, preventing pandemics requires a deep understanding of viruses where they naturally occur. This includes knowledge of disease cycles in wild animal hosts and how these disease cycles interact with people on the landscape. Those interactions occur at the pre-emergence phase of pandemics.

Johnson envisions sensor systems  similar to those used for forecasting unusual weather events or earthquakes – one with access to high quality data “at key fault lines for virus emergence.” 

thermal camera in purples, blues and yellows points at bike path at night to monitor wildlife.

Center scientists aim to: 

  •   Study how epidemics cycle in nature, looking at animals that are the natural reservoirs for viruses. They will create models to understand how diseases may spill over before developing into pandemics.
  • Create sensor networks that can detect disease cycles in nature.
  • Fine-tune insights into pandemic risk using advanced computer programs that mix model predictions with sensor data.

Together, these efforts can enable large-scale, safe and efficient monitoring for emerging diseases. 

Putting it together

How might this look in the field? The team has been piloting strategies to sense animal movement and diseases across a range of species—from bats to birds to primates and more. Such noninvasive techniques allow scientists to collect data without handling wildlife, as well as access terrain that makes physically monitoring wildlife challenging.

Examples of UC Davis’ transdisciplinary work with the center include remote environmental sensing from Plant Sciences Associate Professor Troy Magney . Semiconductor technology from Professor Cristina Davis in the College of Engineering, which collects and analyzes volatile organic chemicals in the air.   Expertise from co-lead  Simon Anthony , associate professor in the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, adds to the group’s deep inquiry into the ecological and evolutionary drivers of disease emergence. Combined, this kind of data can help alert scientists to real-time changes in the environment and among wildlife that warrant closer inspection.

“ We are all too aware of the challenges we’ve been facing, and we’re well poised to inform on the solutions,” Johnson said. “We’ve strategically built our partnerships to bring together missing pieces to meet those challenges. With this center, I think we’ll have a much-improved shot of being able to bring new insights into the changing landscape of pandemics.”

Partnering institutions that will lead a range of center activities include the University of Southern California, Northeastern University, Labyrinth Global Health, Texas Tech University, San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance, UC Los Angeles, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, University of Michigan, UC San Diego, and Colorado State University. 

“Research on emerging infectious diseases is a critical investment in our future, and it necessitates a collaborative approach that spans multiple disciplines and sectors and incorporates the newest tools and technology,” said NSF Director Sethuraman Panchanathan. “By bringing together experts in biology, computer science and artificial intelligence, engineering and more, these investments are well positioned to predict, prevent and respond to potential pandemics across all forms of life, thus safeguarding the health, economic stability and security of our nation.”

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Industry Innovation Day Features Brain and Technology

Apr 24, 2023 —.

Meta Lab's Thomas Reardon (pictured on screen) and Chris Rozell, professor and Julian T. Hightower Chair in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Meta Lab's Thomas Reardon (pictured on screen) and Chris Rozell, professor and Julian T. Hightower Chair in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

More than 150 people attended Industry Innovation Day and the GVU Spring Research Showcase on April 19 held at the Technology Square Research Building conference center on the Georgia Tech campus. This year’s event centered around the brain and neuro-related technologies, and touched on topics ranging from brain computer interaction, cognitive aids, psychology, the future of work, artificial intelligence and various other topics that surfaced due to audience questions. The event was sponsored by the Georgia Tech Institute of People and Technology (IPaT) and the Georgia Tech Neuro community.

The keynote speaker this year was Thomas Reardon, vice president and head of neural interfaces at Meta Reality Labs. Reardon is a highly regarded neuroscientist and entrepreneur who founded CTRL-labs which was acquired by Meta (Facebook) in 2019. He currently leads a team of computational neuroscientists and biotech engineers working to connect neurons to machines via a novel non-invasive neural interface technology. Reardon’s talk topic for this year’s annual Industry Innovation Day was “Consumer Neural Interfaces: View from Meta Reality Labs.” In addition to providing an informative lecture about neural technology, he briefly displayed some of the capabilities of his Meta team’s wrist-mounted, non-invasive device that was able to translate neuro hand activity into its corresponding robotic hand movements.

“Our undergraduate degree in neuroscience is one of the Institute’s most popular degrees,” said Julia Kubanek, vice president for interdisciplinary research at Georgia Tech, who gave several introductory remarks. “The neuroscience area integrates many disciplines across campus such as the arts, humanities, social science, computer science, engineering, business, design, and the basic sciences and is a great example of the true integration of interdisciplinary research in many forms across Georgia Tech. We are particularly grateful for the participation today of companies and other organizations that collaborate with the Georgia Tech community of researchers.”

Leigh McCook, interim executive director of IPaT, emphasized the need to have dialogue and conversations between industry partners and community partners with Georgia Tech researchers to develop supportive research projects and create greater impact in the area of the human technology frontier.

“The neuro space and the IPaT space are natural partners for each other,” said Chris Rozell, professor and Julian T. Hightower Chair in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. “This is a perfect day to come together and talk about what the human frontier looks like. Georgia Tech hired its first neuro engineer more than 30 years ago long before it was cool to be an engineer studying neuro. Today, we have more than a 100 faculty spanning six colleges studying neuro-related topics with the additional involvement of Emory University and Georgia State University. We’ve had an incredible trajectory over the last decade and we’ve fostered a growing and active community.”

Following Reardon’s keynote were two interactive panel sessions. The first panel was focused on “brain computer input and output” was led by moderator Michelle LaPlaca, professor in the Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering. Her research interests are in neurotrauma, injury biomechanics, and neuroengineering as they relate to traumatic brain injury.

The panelists were:

Melody Moore Jackson, professor in the School of Interactive Computing Omer Inan, professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Carlos Bremer, president North America Division - Global VP of Knowledge at brain4care Isaac Clements, CTO and co-founder of BioCircuit Technologies The second panel was focused on the “future of cognitive and psychological aids” and was moderated by Maribeth Gandy Coleman, director of research at the Institute for People and Technology where her work has been focused on the intersection of technology for mobile/wearable computing, augmented reality, AI, human computer interaction, healthcare, assistive technology, and gaming.

Jennifer R. DuBose, director of the SimTigrate Design Lab Tansu Celikel, chair of the School of Psychology Deborah Backus, vice president of research and innovation, Shepherd Center Barbara Olasov Rothbaum, director of the Emory Healthcare veterans program and chair in neuropsychopharmacology, Emory University School of Medicine “I am really pleased with the connections we were able to foster today,” said Clint Zeagler, co-director of strategic partnerships for IPaT and principal research scientist. “Key to translational and impactful research outcomes are transdisciplinary collaboration across campus and with industry and corporate partners. Events like this with both academic and industry experts allow for deep conversations and spark interesting and innovative projects.”

Walter Rich


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A collage of about the work of the new NSF Engineering Research Centers in biotechnology, manufacturing, robotics and sustainability.

NSF announces 4 new Engineering Research Centers focused on biotechnology, manufacturing, robotics and sustainability

Engineering innovations transform our lives and energize the economy.  The U.S. National Science Foundation announces a five-year investment of $104 million, with a potential 10-year investment of up to $208 million, in four new NSF Engineering Research Centers (ERCs) to create technology-powered solutions that benefit the nation for decades to come.   

"NSF's Engineering Research Centers ask big questions in order to catalyze solutions with far-reaching impacts," said NSF Director Sethuraman Panchanathan. "NSF Engineering Research Centers are powerhouses of discovery and innovation, bringing America's great engineering minds to bear on our toughest challenges. By collaborating with industry and training the workforce of the future, ERCs create an innovation ecosystem that can accelerate engineering innovations, producing tremendous economic and societal benefits for the nation."  

The new centers will develop technologies to tackle the carbon challenge, expand physical capabilities, make heating and cooling more sustainable and enable the U.S. supply and manufacturing of natural rubber.  

The 2024 ERCs are:  

  • NSF ERC for Carbon Utilization Redesign through Biomanufacturing-Empowered Decarbonization (CURB) — Washington University in St. Louis in partnership with the University of Delaware, Prairie View A&M University and Texas A&M University.   CURB will create manufacturing systems that convert CO2 to a broad range of products much more efficiently than current state-of-the-art engineered and natural systems.    
  • NSF ERC for Environmentally Applied Refrigerant Technology Hub (EARTH) — University of Kansas in partnership with Lehigh University, University of Hawaii, University of Maryland, University of Notre Dame and University of South Dakota.   EARTH will create a transformative, sustainable refrigerant lifecycle to reduce global warming from refrigerants while increasing the energy efficiency of heating, ventilation and cooling.    
  • NSF ERC for Human AugmentatioN via Dexterity (HAND) — Northwestern University in partnership with Carnegie Mellon University, Florida A&M University, and Texas A&M University, and with engagement of MIT.  HAND will revolutionize the ability of robots to augment human labor by transforming dexterous robot hands into versatile, easy-to-integrate tools.     
  • NSF ERC for Transformation of American Rubber through Domestic Innovation for Supply Security (TARDISS) — The Ohio State University in partnership with Caltech, North Carolina State University, Texas Tech University and the University of California, Merced.   TARDISS will create bridges between engineering, biology, and agriculture to revolutionize and on-shore alternative natural rubber production from U.S. crops.  

Since its founding in 1985, NSF's ERC program has funded 83 centers (including the four announced today) that receive support for up to 10 years. The centers build partnerships with educational institutions, government agencies and industry stakeholders to support innovation and inclusion in established and emerging engineering research.  

Visit NSF's website and read about NSF Engineering Research Centers .  

Research areas

research and technology center pertamina

RTC Terintegrasi, Upaya Pertamina Hadirkan Fasilitas Riset Terpadu

JAKARTA -- Sebagai perusahaan energi, pengembangan kegiatan riset dan teknologi menjadi hal penting bagi Pertamina karena merupakan tulang punggung perusahaan agar dapat memberikan nilai tambah secara efektif, efisien, serta diperlukan untuk pengembangan bisnis baru guna menghadapi kebutuhan energi di masa depan.

Sebagai upaya memenuhi kebutuhan riset tersebut, Pertamina menghadirkan satu fasilitas dalam satu lokasi, yaitu Research & Technology Center (RTC) Terintegrasi Pertamina, yang terletak di lahan Pertamina, di Jalan Daan mogot KM 16, Jakarta Barat.

Groundbreaking pembangunan fasilitas RTC Terintegrasi Pertamina ini dilaksanakan, pada Jumat (9/12/2022). Turut hadir dalam kegiatan ini Direktur Utama Pertamina Nicke Widyawati, Direktur SPPU Pertamina A. Salyadi Dariah Saputra, Direktur Penunjang Bisnis Pertamina Dedi Sunardi, Direktur Utama PT PP Novel Arsyad, didampingi Direktur Utama PT Patra Jasa Putut Ariwibowo serta jajaran manajemen perusahaan terkait.

Direktur Utama Pertamina Nicke Widyawati mengapresiasi pembangunan fasilitas ini. Menurutnya fasilitas ini bukan sekadar gedung, namun fasilitas yang akan mendukung ketahanan dan kemandirian energi Indonesia.

“Pembangunan RTC terintegrasi ini adalah gagasan atau ide yang sudah lama dan akhirnya bisa diwujudkan. Diharapkan ini sesegera mungkin selesai karena sangat kita perlukan.Yang akan dibangun bukan hanya gedung untuk Research and Technology-nya Pertamina, tetapi fasilitas yang akan mendukung kemandirian energi Indonesia. Di sinilah akan lahir inovasi-inovasi yang dapat mewujudkan transisi energi Indonesia ke depan. Selama ini kita melakukannya dengan terpisah-pisah, karena itu sekarang kita buat lebih terintegrasi," ujar Nicke.

Nicke menambahkan bahwa perusahaan yang survive adalah mereka yang memiliki kemampuan melakukan inovasi. “Karena ke depan, perusahaan yang bisa survive dan yang bisa tumbuh untuk keberlanjutan adalah perusahaan yang memiliki kemampuan untuk inovasi. Research and technology adalah tahap awal, dan mandatori yang dilakukan untuk bisa mewujudkan pengembangan inovasi. Karena pentingnya fasilitas ini, akselerasi Patra Jasa dan PP sangat kami apresiasi. Kami di Pertamina memberikan dukungan penuh,” tambahnya.

Direktur Utama PT Patra Jasa Putut Ariwibowo menyampaikan, sebagai bagian dari Pertamina, Patra Jasa berkomitmen untuk mendukung kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh Pertamina Holding dalam upaya menjadi global energy champion. Salah satunya melalui pembangunan fasilitas RTC terintegrasi ini.

"Patra Jasa siap membantu mensukseskan tujuan dan aspirasi Pertamina. Kami menerima penugasan dari Direktorat SPPU Pertamina pada 14 Januari 2022 untuk membangun fasilitas ini. Pembangunan akan dilakukan dalam 4 tahap. Gedung yang dibangun akan mengedepankan konsep green building, mengutamakan konsep green design, neutral, dan high technology. Misalnya, dirancang tahan ledakan dan sejak awal memperhatikan aspek kemudahan dalam maintenance gedung. Kami berharap pembangunan dapat dilaksanakan sesuai rencana sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan oleh Pertamina dan dapat berkontribusi pada pertumbuhan bisnis Pertamina," harapnya.

PT Patra Jasa berkolaborasi dengan PT PP dalam membangun RTC Terintegrasi, salah satunya melalui penerapan Teknologi BIM (Building Information Modelling), teknologi di bidang AEC (Architecture, Engineering dan Construction) yang mampu mensimulasikan seluruh informasi di dalam proyek pembangunan ke dalam model 3 dimensi, sehingga akurasi pekerjaan meningkat, termasuk penataan pekerjaan di lapangan serta dapat lebih memitigasi risiko konstruksi.

Direktur Teknik PT Patra Jasa Whisnu Bahriansyah mengharapkan, pusat riset terpadu ini kegiatan riset dan teknologi Pertamina bisa lebih baik dan terpadu.

"Kami akan membuat satu bangunan yang memenuhi kriteria green building, kemudian nantinya pada saat pembangunan kami akan menggunakan BIM teknologi yang kemudian kami pakai untuk mempercepat proyek. Proses perencanaan dan pembangunan dilakukan secara paralel sehingga bisa mempersingkat waktu pengerjaan proyek. Harapan kami, semoga pembangunan proyek ini bisa berjalan on schedule, on budget dan on return, dan tetap menjaga aspek HSSE selama proses pembangunannya," harapnya.

Pembangunan RTC Center Terintegrasi Pertamina dilaksanakan pada tahun 2022 dengan luas total lantai 65.931 meter persegi. Fasilitas ini terdiri dari beberapa bangunan, yaitu Laboratorium Utama, Laboratorium Terbuka & Bengkel, dan Business Center, yang dilengkapi dengan fasilitas-fasilitas pendukung yang diperlukan.

Implementasi BIM, dilakukan sejak masa perencanaan hingga masa konstruksi. Selain untuk meningkatkan produktivitas pekerjaan, BIM juga dapat membantu memudahkan komunikasi dengan stakeholders. Tidak hanya BIM, nantinya proyek ini juga didukung dengan pemanfaatan teknologi smart construction, seperti Virtual Reality.

Fasilitas RTC terintegrasi memiliki keunggulan, yakni fasilitas laboratorium terintegrasi untuk penelitian, hulu, hilir dan energi terbarukan; didesain dengan target sertifikasi green building; dan dilaksanakan dengan mengedepankan sinergi Pertamina dan anak usaha Patra Jasa. Penggunaan panel surya untuk menyediakan sampai 11% energi bangunan, penerapan building automation system dalam operasional bangunan. Penggunaan komponen dalam Negeri (TKDN) secara maksimal.

Fasilitas RTC terintegrasi juga memiliki keunggulan pencahayaan alami dengan secondary skin berupa panel AC perforated yang memungkinkan cahaya dan visual masuk ke dalam ruang sehingga ruang kerja menjadi lebih sehat; memiliki ruang terbuka hijau dan biophilic design, yaitu unsur tanaman dan elemen hijau di dalam ruangan.*RIN

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San Diego Union-Tribune

Health | UCSD opens new ‘technology sandbox’ with…

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Health | UCSD opens new ‘technology sandbox’ with multi-million-dollar tools

The center, sponsored by thermo fisher and nikon, will include access for undergrads as well as scientists.

research and technology center pertamina

That is the sort of spirit behind the Goeddel Family Technology Sandbox , a new, multi-million-dollar research center designed for digging deep into the molecular mechanisms of life, which was dedicated Thursday at UC San Diego.

Built with a $7.5 million donation from legendary UCSD alumnus David Goeddel and his wife, Alena, and backed by a 10-year partnership with Thermo Fisher Scientific, the collaborative hub occupies a ground-floor space in Bonner Hall, a research building in the university’s Revelle College.

Situated on Ridge Walk, the north-south promenade that connects most of UCSD’s residential colleges, the new space is meant to encourage interdisciplinary exploration. It includes a latest-generation mass spectrometry lab, a cryo-electron microscope, a high-end tissue culture lab, a digital microscope lab and space to experiment with gene-editing advances made possible with the advent of CRISPR, technology that allows selective modification of DNA.

“Anyone from any lab at UCSD or elsewhere can bring their samples here and innovate with us and benefit from all of these technologies,” said UCSD developmental biologist Uri Manor.

Thermo Fisher’s Krios transmission electron microscope, Manor added, has been an early favorite, already booked round the clock by scientists seeking atomic-level images of proteins and other complex molecules that determine how cells function.

The instrument, which occupies an entire room of the center, uses liquid nitrogen to freeze samples very quickly, avoiding the formation of ice crystals and causing them to remain virtually motionless under examination with electron beams.

While the applications of this technology are broad, closer examination of tissue samples is an example of its promise.

“If you want to know the atomic structure of a protein, usually you would figure out a way to rip it out of the cell and put it on a grid, but what we really want to see is how these proteins look in their native environment, inside the tissue, ideally, and, for example, in different conditions, with or without toxins or with or without a mutation,” Manor said. “That’s really hard to do, but we’re developing that technology here.”

Goeddel Family Technology Sandbox Faculty Director Uri Manor at the new facility.

It is easy to see why molecular biologist David Goeddel — the Genentech scientist who first created synthetic human insulin, human growth hormone and human tissue plasminogen activator — would be interested in making such a charitable investment on the campus where he earned a bachelor’s degree in chemistry.

“I’m excited about the potential of the Technology Sandbox to further boost the prominence of UC San Diego as a hub for biological sciences,” Goeddel said in a university statement.

His gift also establishes a postdoctoral scholar fellowship program, supporting those who have already earned their Ph.D.s in learning how to use the tools in the sandbox.

But undergraduates are also part of the larger plan to keep the center busy. While much of the instrument time will be consumed by labs with grants doing novel research, Manor said he is launching a seminar for undergraduates this fall that will expose those still in the early stages of their educational journeys to the latest methods.

Here, the sandbox metaphor breaks down a bit. Sandboxes allow anyone to wander in from any direction and get to digging around. Such an approach would not be wise with such delicate and precision equipment.

“In a real sandbox, if you have a plastic pail and you want to pack some sand into it, there is very little risk involved,” he said. “But if it’s a $10 million microscope, you’re going to need to be trained properly.”

Still, he said, summer internships and seminars will provide that training.

“Thermo Fisher and Nikon (Instruments) and others are excited to partner with us and the students because they recognize that this is a way to train the next-generation workforce,” Manor said.

Jeffrey Lengyel, director of product marketing for Thermo Fisher, said that UCSD’s proximity to one of the multinational company’s large research campuses in Carlsbad influenced the decision to support the sandbox at UCSD. And so did the university’s willingness to put the center right in the middle of the part of campus that is frequented by students.

“You don’t usually see these different types of equipment next to each other, and we believe this can drive new science,” Lengyel said. “Oftentimes in universities, you have these sort of isolated groups that work independently, but here we want collaboration.”

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NVIDIA to Present Innovations at Hot Chips That Boost Data Center Performance and Energy Efficiency

A deep technology conference for processor and system architects from industry and academia has become a key forum for the trillion-dollar data center computing market.

At Hot Chips 2024 next week, senior NVIDIA engineers will present the latest advancements powering the NVIDIA Blackwell platform, plus research on liquid cooling for data centers and AI agents for chip design.

They’ll share how:

  • NVIDIA Blackwell brings together multiple chips, systems and NVIDIA CUDA software to power the next generation of AI across use cases, industries and countries.
  • NVIDIA GB200 NVL72 — a multi-node, liquid-cooled, rack-scale solution that connects 72 Blackwell GPUs and 36 Grace CPUs — raises the bar for AI system design.
  • NVLink interconnect technology provides all-to-all GPU communication, enabling record high throughput and low-latency inference for generative AI.
  • The NVIDIA Quasar Quantization System pushes the limits of physics to accelerate AI computing.
  • NVIDIA researchers are building AI models that help build processors for AI.

An NVIDIA Blackwell talk, taking place Monday, Aug. 26, will also spotlight new architectural details and examples of generative AI models running on Blackwell silicon.

It’s preceded by three tutorials on Sunday, Aug. 25, that will cover how hybrid liquid-cooling solutions can help data centers transition to more energy-efficient infrastructure and how AI models, including large language model (LLM)-powered agents, can help engineers design the next generation of processors.

Together, these presentations showcase the ways NVIDIA engineers are innovating across every area of data center computing and design to deliver unprecedented performance, efficiency and optimization.

Be Ready for Blackwell

NVIDIA Blackwell is the ultimate full-stack computing challenge. It comprises multiple NVIDIA chips, including the Blackwell GPU, Grace CPU, BlueField data processing unit, ConnectX network interface card, NVLink Switch , Spectrum Ethernet switch and Quantum InfiniBand switch.

research and technology center pertamina

Ajay Tirumala and Raymond Wong, directors of architecture at NVIDIA, will provide a first look at the platform and explain how these technologies work together to deliver a new standard for AI and accelerated computing performance while advancing energy efficiency.

The multi-node NVIDIA GB200 NVL72 solution is a perfect example. LLM inference requires low-latency, high-throughput token generation. GB200 NVL72 acts as a unified system to deliver up to 30x faster inference for LLM workloads, unlocking the ability to run trillion-parameter models in real time.

Tirumala and Wong will also discuss how the NVIDIA Quasar Quantization System — which brings together algorithmic innovations, NVIDIA software libraries and tools, and Blackwell’s second-generation Transformer Engine — supports high accuracy on low-precision models, highlighting examples using LLMs and visual generative AI.

Keeping Data Centers Cool

The traditional hum of air-cooled data centers may become a relic of the past as researchers develop more efficient and sustainable solutions that use hybrid cooling, a combination of air and liquid cooling.

Liquid-cooling techniques move heat away from systems more efficiently than air, making it easier for computing systems to stay cool even while processing large workloads. The equipment for liquid cooling also takes up less space and consumes less power than air-cooling systems, allowing data centers to add more server racks — and therefore more compute power — in their facilities.

Ali Heydari, director of data center cooling and infrastructure at NVIDIA, will present several designs for hybrid-cooled data centers.

Some designs retrofit existing air-cooled data centers with liquid-cooling units, offering a quick and easy solution to add liquid-cooling capabilities to existing racks. Other designs require the installation of piping for direct-to-chip liquid cooling using cooling distribution units or by entirely submerging servers in immersion cooling tanks. Although these options demand a larger upfront investment, they lead to substantial savings in both energy consumption and operational costs.

Heydari will also share his team’s work as part of COOLERCHIPS , a U.S. Department of Energy program to develop advanced data center cooling technologies. As part of the project, the team is using the NVIDIA Omniverse platform to create physics-informed digital twins that will help them model energy consumption and cooling efficiency to optimize their data center designs.

AI Agents Chip In for Processor Design

Semiconductor design is a mammoth challenge at microscopic scale. Engineers developing cutting-edge processors work to fit as much computing power as they can onto a piece of silicon a few inches across, testing the limits of what’s physically possible.

AI models are supporting their work by improving design quality and productivity, boosting the efficiency of manual processes and automating some time-consuming tasks. The models include prediction and optimization tools to help engineers rapidly analyze and improve designs, as well as LLMs that can assist engineers with answering questions, generating code, debugging design problems and more.

Mark Ren, director of design automation research at NVIDIA, will provide an overview of these models and their uses in a tutorial. In a second session, he’ll focus on agent-based AI systems for chip design.

AI agents powered by LLMs can be directed to complete tasks autonomously, unlocking broad applications across industries. In microprocessor design, NVIDIA researchers are developing agent-based systems that can reason and take action using customized circuit design tools, interact with experienced designers, and learn from a database of human and agent experiences.

NVIDIA experts aren’t just building this technology — they’re using it . Ren will share examples of how engineers can use AI agents for timing report analysis, cell cluster optimization processes and code generation . The cell cluster optimization work recently won best paper at the first IEEE International Workshop on LLM-Aided Design .

Register for Hot Chips , taking place Aug. 25-27, at Stanford University and online.

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  26. RTC Terintegrasi, Upaya Pertamina Hadirkan Fasilitas Riset Terpadu

    Sebagai upaya memenuhi kebutuhan riset tersebut, Pertamina menghadirkan satu fasilitas dalam satu lokasi, yaitu Research & Technology Center (RTC) Terintegrasi Pertamina, yang terletak di lahan Pertamina, di Jalan Daan mogot KM 16, Jakarta Barat. Groundbreaking pembangunan fasilitas RTC Terintegrasi Pertamina ini dilaksanakan, pada Jumat (9/12 ...

  27. IBM slashes China research team as it shifts work to other regions

    The US group closed another big R&D unit — the Beijing-based China Research Lab — in 2021. Another former employee noted IBM's business in China faced difficulties.

  28. PDF by Pupuk Indonesia(PIHC), ITOCHU and TOYO Indonesia ...

    2 Hitachi Energyʼs HVDC technology to power Marinus Link, toward Australiaʼs Net Zero ambitions Australia Hitachi Energy Marinus Link ... 26 PT Pertamina and NEXI sign MOU for cooperation Indonesia NEXI PT Pertamina ... Letter of Intent (LoI) between The Survey and Testing Center for Electricity, New, Renewable Energy and Energy

  29. UCSD opens new 'technology sandbox' with multi-million-dollar tools

    The Goeddel Family Technology Sandbox, a multi-million-dollar research center designed for digging deep into the molecular mechanisms of life, was dedicated Thursday at UC San Diego.

  30. NVIDIA to Present Innovations at Hot Chips That Boost Data Center

    A deep technology conference for processor and system architects from industry and academia has become a key forum for the trillion-dollar data center computing market. At Hot Chips 2024 next week, senior NVIDIA engineers will present the latest advancements powering the NVIDIA Blackwell platform, plus research on liquid cooling for data ...