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Essays About Money: Top 5 Examples and 6 Prompts

With money comes great power; however, power must always come with responsibility. Discover thought-provoking essays about money in our guide.

Money is everywhere. We use it to eat, drink, clothe ourselves, and get shelter, among many other uses. Nowadays, it is an undisputed fact that “money makes the world go round.” The earliest known form of money dates back to around 5,000 years ago ; trade was previously carried out using a barter system. However, over the centuries, more and more nations began implementing a currency system, and money has become more critical. 

In the contemporary world, it seems to be “all about money.” However, it is important not to lose sight of what is important; we must maintain good physical and mental health and healthy relationships with the people around us. Money is necessary; it is just not the only thing necessary. To start your essay, read these examples to write insightful essays about money. 


5 Top Examples On Essay About Money

1. essay on money by prasanna, 2. how money changed human history by jacob wilkins, 3. capitalism: money that make money by ernestine montgomery, 4.  is money the most important thing by seth higgins.

  • 5. ​​An Introduction to Saving Money by Jeremy Vohwinkle

Writing Prompts For Essays About Money

1. good uses for money, 2. the “dark side” of money, 3. money’s role in history, 4. morality vs. money, 5. can money buy happiness, 6. how to save money.

“Imagine the world without money. We will eventually come to a point where we will be asking questions like “what’s the point of life”. Hope and goals are some of the important things that will keep a man going in life. Without any sense of achievement or motivation, there wouldn’t be any inventions or progress in the world. People work to get money and then people work harder to get more money. This cycle of life that keeps a man motivated and hopeful is one of the biggest advantages of the system of money”

This essay gives readers a general outlook on money and its advantages and disadvantages. It gives people equal opportunity to work for their dreams and motivates them to be productive members of society, while it also raises the question of greed. Money, without a doubt, has its positive and negative aspects, but it exists and is only becoming more critical.

“But the barter economy was flawed. There was no universal measure for determining the value of an item. It was all based on the subjective opinion of the individuals involved. And to make matters worse, the barter economy relied on both sides wanting something the other had to offer. Trade, therefore, could be sluggish and frustrating. Human beings needed something different, and money was the answer.”

Wilkins writes about how money revolutionized the way trade was conducted. The barter system involved trading any objects if both parties agreed to a deal, such as trading animal skins for fish or medicine for timber. However, the only measure of an item’s value was how much one party wanted it- both sides needed to have something the other wanted. The introduction of money allowed people to put a solid value on commodities, making trade easier.  

“So, if you were to closely observe the dirty, disordered canvas of economic progress during the 20th and 21 st century, you should conclude that, for all its warts, capitalism has been the winner. It has sometimes caused pain; suffered from serious cycles; and often needed the clout of the state- such as we have seen from September 2008. It has also been quite resistant to sensible regulation. Even so, the basic institutions of capitalism have worked, not just in the US and the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and development) nations, but also many developing countries, of which India is one.”

Albeit lengthy, Montgomery’s essay discusses the debate between socialism and capitalism, a topic of which money is at the core. Montgomery describes Karl Marx’s criticism of capitalism: all the money goes to a few people, not the workers. She believes these are valid to an extent and criticizes certain forms of capitalism and socialism. Neither capitalism nor socialism is perfect, but according to Montgomery, capitalism creates a better economy. 

“Being the richest man in the world does not mean you are the happiest man in the world, although money can buy you happiness sometimes, but not always. If we could all appreciate the way life is, the fun, and the beauty I think the world would be better. If people weren’t power hungry maybe we’d have a lesser demand for money. Those people who is money hungry and power hungry need to relax. Money can’t buy you happiness. These individuals need to understand that.”

Higgins implores readers to remember that money is not the only thing people need in the world. He stresses the necessity of money, as it is used to pay for various necessary goods and services; however, he believes it is not a prerequisite for happiness. Material things are temporary, and there are other things we should focus on, like family and friends. 

5. ​​ An Introduction to Saving Money by Jeremy Vohwinkle

“A financial emergency may take the form of a job loss, significant medical or dental expense, unexpected home or auto repairs, a hurricane or major storm, or something unthinkable, such as a global pandemic. The last thing you want to do is to rely on credit cards with their hefty interest fees or to be forced to take out a loan. That’s where your emergency fund can come in handy. Historically, the formula for an emergency account is to have enough readily available cash to cover three to six months of living expenses.“

Vohwinkle’s essay gives readers some suggestions on how to save more money. Most importantly, he suggests setting up an emergency fund, as all other saving techniques stem from there. He also suggests creating an automatic savings plan and cutting down on “spending leaks,” like buying coffee. You might also be interested in these essays about celebration .

In this essay, write about why money is necessary and the ways to use it for the greater good, and include ways in which it can be used (investing, donating, etc.). For each point, you make, be sure to explain why. Of course, this is entirely subjective; feel free to write about what you consider “good uses” for money. 

On the other hand, money also has a negative side —research on money-related issues, such as taxpayer-funded corruption and trading of illegal goods. In your essay, explore this side of money and perhaps give solutions on how to stop these problems. 

Money has played a progressively more important role throughout human history. Discuss the development of currency and the economy, from the barter system to the digital world we live in today. You need not go too in-depth, as there is a lot of ground to cover and many eras to research. Be sure to cite reputable sources when discussing history. 

Many people warn of “selling your soul” for financial gain. In your essay, you can write about the importance of having solid values in this day and age, where money reigns supreme. What principles do you need to keep in mind? Explain how you can still value money while staying grounded; mention the balance between material needs and others. 

As stated in Higgins’ essay, more people have begun to prioritize money over all else. Do you believe that money is truly the most important thing? Can it alone make you happy? Discuss both sides of this question and choose your position accordingly. Be sure to provide precise supporting details for a stronger argument. 

Essays About Money: How to save money?

Enumerate tips on how you can save money. Anything works, from saving certain things for special occasions to buying more food in the grocery rather than eating out. This is your opinion; however, feel free to consult online sources and the people around you for extra advice. 

For help with your essays, check out our round-up of the best essay checkers .If you’re still stuck, check out our general resource of essay writing topics .

260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples

Looking for a topic about money? Money won’t leave anyone indifferent! There are lots of money essay topics for students to explore.

🏆 Best Money Essay Examples & Ideas

👍 good money essay topics, 💡 easy money topics to write about, 📃 interesting topics about money, 📑 good research topics about money, 📌 most interesting money topics to write about, ❓ research questions about money.

You might want to focus on the issue of money management or elaborate on why money is so important nowadays. Other exciting topics for a money essay are the relation between money and love, the role of money in education, etc. Below you’ll find a list of money topics to write about! These ideas can also be used for discussions and presentations. Money essay examples are a nice bonus to inspire you even more!

  • Can Money Buy You Happiness? First of all, given that happiness is related to the satisfaction of personal needs, there is also a need to consider the essential need of human life such as housing, medicine, and food.
  • Money as a Form of Motivation in the Work Place This then shows that money can and is used as a motivational factor in the work place so that employees can strive to give their best and their all at the end of the day.
  • Connection Between Money and Happiness Critical analysis of money-happiness relationship shows that socioeconomic factors determine the happiness of an individual; therefore, it is quite unsatisfactory to attribute money as the only factor and determinant of happiness.
  • I Don’t Believe Money Can Buy Happiness This shows that as much as money is essential in acquisition and satisfaction of our needs, it does not guarantee our happiness by its own and other aspects of life have to be incorporated to […]
  • Money and Banking: General Information The essay gives the definition of money and gives a brief description of the functions of money. As a store of value, money can be saved reliably and then retrieved in the future.
  • Anti-Money Laundering and Hawala System in Dubai To prevent money launders and agents, most countries enacted the anti-money laundering acts with the goal of tracking and prosecuting offenders.
  • Money, Happiness and Relationship Between Them The research conducted in the different countries during which people were asked how satisfied they were with their lives clearly indicated the existence of a non-linear relationship between the amount of money and the size […]
  • Prices Rise When the Government Prints too Much Money Makinen notes that an increase in the supply of money in an economy relative to the output in the economy could lead to inflationary pressure on prices of goods and services in the economy.
  • Money: Good or Evil? Comparing & Contrasting While there are those amongst us who subscribe to the school of though that “money is the source of all evil”, others are of the opinion that money can buy you anything, literary.
  • “College Is a Waste of Time and Money” by Bird Bird’s use of logical fallacies, like if students do not want to go to college, they should not do it until the reasons of their unwillingness are identified, proves that it is wrong to believe […]
  • Does Money Buy Happiness? Billions of people in all parts of the world sacrifice their ambitions and subconscious tensions on the altar of profitability and higher incomes. Yet, the opportunity costs of pursuing more money can be extremely high.
  • Giving Money to the Homeless: Is It Important? The question of whether a person should give money to a homeless person or not is a complicated one and cannot have the right answer.
  • Two Attitudes Towards Money The over-dependence on money to satisfy one’s emotional needs is a negative perspective of money. The positive attitude of money is rarely practiced by people.
  • Time Value of Money: Importance of Calculating Due to fluctuations in economies, all organizations need to take into consideration concepts of the time value of money in any investment venture.
  • Success and Money Correlation The development of the information technologies and the ongoing progress led to the reconsideration of the values and beliefs. It is significant to understand that there is no right or wrong answer for the question […]
  • Efforts to Raise Money for Charity However, the point is that charity is supposed to be for a simple act of giving and not expecting any returns from it.
  • The Global Media Is All About Money and Profit Making It is noteworthy that the advertisement are presented through the media, which confirms the assertion that global media is all about money and profit making. The media firms control the information passed to the public […]
  • Money: Evolution, Functions, and Characteristics It acts as medium of exchange where it is accepted by both buyers and sellers; the buyer gives money to the seller in exchange of commodities.
  • Exploring the Relationship Between Education and Money A person cannot be able to change his/her ascribed status in the society, but only through education a person is able to change his/her Socio-economic status and to some extent that of his/her family once […]
  • Money, Success, and Relation Between Them In particular, the modern generation attaches so much importance to money in the sense that success and money are presumed to be one and the same thing.
  • Discussion: Can Money Buy Happiness? Reason Two: Second, people are psychologically predisposed to wanting more than they have, so the richer people are, the less feasible it is to satisfy their demands.
  • Anti-Money Laundering in Al Ansari Exchange Case Study Details Company name: Al Ansari Exchange Headquarters: Dubai, United Arab Emirates Sector: Financial Services Number of employees: 2500 Annual gross revenue: UAED 440.
  • Money and Happiness in Poor and Wealthy Societies Comprehending the motivations for pursuing money and happiness is the key to understanding this correlation. The Easterlin paradox summed this view by showing that income had a direct correlation with happiness.
  • Electronic Money: Challenges and Solutions First of all, it should be pointed out that money is any type of phenomenon which is conventionally accepted as a universal carrier of value, or “any generally accepted means of payment which is allowed […]
  • Money From the Christian Perspective Work in Christian missions is a business and since it affects the relationship between the missionary and the people he is trying to reach, missionary funding is essential.
  • Money and Modern Life The rich and the powerful are at the top while the poor and helpless are at the bottom, the rest lie in-between.
  • Traditional vs. Modern Forms of Money The most significant argument for the continuing existence of traditional forms of money is the impossibility of converting all financial resources into a digital form.
  • Why Money Is Important: Benefits & Downsides The notion originated from the Bible because the person who made Jesus suffer on the cross was enticed by the love of money to forsake Jesus.
  • Anti Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism The accomplishment of the specified goal will require the cooperation between the state government and the representatives of the UAE organizations, as well as the coordination of the latter’s actions with the ones of the […]
  • Edwin Arlington Robinson: Money and Happiness in “Richard Cory” It is evident that money cannot guarantee happiness in one’s life due to the uncertainties that surround each one of us.
  • Money or Family Values First? Which Way to Go As such, family values becomes the epicenter of shaping individual behavior and actions towards the attainment of a certain good, while money assumes the position of facilitating the attainment of a certain good such as […]
  • Money, Happiness and Satisfaction With Life Nonetheless, the previously mentioned examples should be used to remind us that money alone is not a guarantee of happiness, satisfaction with life, and good health.
  • Paper Money and Its Role Throughout History The adoption of the paper money was considered to be beneficial for both the wealth of the country and the individual businessmen.
  • Money and Its Value Throughout the World History What is important is the value that people place on whatever unit they refer to as amoney.’ Money acts as a medium of exchange and an element of measurement of the value of goods and […]
  • Time Value of Money Compounding was done on the amount that I had lent out using the market rate over the duration of time the person held my money.
  • The Airtel Money Service: Indian and African Paths When comparing the Indian and African paths in introducing the service, the first difference that arises is the main user of the service as in the case of India, it was the lower middle class.
  • “Art for Money’s Sake” by William Alden This is one of the aspects that should not be overlooked. This is one of the problems that should not be disregarded.
  • Are Workers Motivated Mainly by Money? Related to the concept of work and why people work is the original concept developed by Karl Marx in the so-called conflict theory.
  • Money Laundering: Most Effective Combat Strategies The practice of money laundering affects the economy and security of a country. Countries have directed their efforts to curb money laundering to control the downwards projections of their countries’ economies.
  • Strategies to Save and Protect Money Thus, the main points of expenditure will be clearly marked, which will help to exclude the purchase of unnecessary goods and services.
  • Should America Keep Paper Money It is possible to begin the discussion of the need for keeping paper currency from referring to the rights of any people.
  • Money Management in the Organization There is a much debate on the issue and several people an financial experts do analyze the historical perspectives of the Active vs Passive money management.
  • The Relationship Between Money Supply and Inflation It is evidenced that changing the money supply through the central banks leads to a control of the inflationary situations in the same economy.
  • Drugs: The Love of Money Is the Root of All Evils The political issues concerning the use of drugs consist of, but not limited to, the substances that are defined as drugs, the means of supplying and controlling their use, and how the society relates with […]
  • Money Laundering Scene in Police Drama “Ozark” In one of the first season’s episodes, Marty, the main character, illustrates the process of money laundering crime. In the scene, one can see that Marty is fully sane and is committing a crime voluntarily.
  • Business Case Scenario: Missing Money in a Company A possible scenario explaining how money is missing is through the payroll department my first argument seeks to prove the payroll department as the loophole of the company’s misfortunes.
  • Sports Stadiums’ Funding by Public Money The issue is controversial from an ethical point of view since not all citizens whose taxes can be spent on the construction of the stadium are interested in or fond of sports.
  • Money Laundering: The Kazakhgate Case He was accused of breaking the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1974 and money laundering by the’s office for the Southern District of New York.
  • The Ways Terrorists Raise and Move Money Moreover, the government has put into action the freezing orders and blocking of united states individuals who are presumed to have a hand in terrorist activities.
  • “Money as a Weapon” System and Fiscal Triad Furthermore, the fiscal triad encompasses the procurement of products and services and the disbursement and accounting of public funding. Fiscal legislation and contracts are two key components of the “money as a weapon” system.
  • The Fiscal Triad and Money as a Weapon System The reliance on the unit commanders sparked the development of the complementary strategy, “Money as a Weapon System,” which became a focal point of the Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns.
  • Saving Money Using Electric or Gas Vehicles The central hypothesis of the study is that the electric car will save more money than gas ones. The main expected outcome that the study is counting on is a confirmation of the presented hypothesis […]
  • Money Laundering Through Cryptocurrencies This study will try to critique the approaches used by countries to address the aspect of money laundering activities and the risks posed by digital currencies.
  • Time Value of Money: What You Should Know The time value of money is a paramount financial concept, according to which a certain amount is now worth more than the same amount in the future.
  • The Lebanese-Canadian Bank’s Money Laundering The bank was later banned from using the dollar by the American treasury; this resulted in the collapse and eventual sale of the bank.L.C.B.had to pay a settlement fine of one hundred and two million […]
  • Play Money Paper: A Report Betas of the Companies in the Portfolio It is noteworthy that in the given portfolio, the beta indices of the companies involved vary considerably.
  • Integration of Business Ethics in Preventing Money Laundering Schemes The shipping information within the document seems inaccurate with the intention to launder money from the buyer. The contribution of ocean carrier in the transaction process is doubtful to a given extent.
  • Where Does the Money Go? by Bittle & Johnson Therefore, the authors explain key issues of the national debt in a relatively simple language and provide their opinion on how the country got into that situation and what could be done about it. In […]
  • Trade-Based Money Laundering The purpose of this paper is to research the subject of trade-based money laundering, its impact on global scene and export controls, identify types of trade finance techniques used to launder illegal money, and provide […]
  • Impact of Natural Disasters on Money Markets and Investment Infusion of funds from the central bank during natural disasters results in higher process of exports as a direct result of an increase in the value of the local currency.
  • The Perception of Money, Wealth, and Power: Early Renaissance vs. Nowadays In the Renaissance period, power was a questionable pursuit and could be viewed as less stable due to more frequent upheavals.
  • Financial Institutions and Money Money is a store of value because it can be saved now and used to purchase se goods and services in the future.
  • Researching of the Time Value of Money After receiving the loan, one of the monetary policies that would help PIIGS to stabilize is the deflation of their currency, in this case, the Euro.
  • Anti-Money Laundering: Financial Action Task Force Meanwhile, given the limited access for physical assessment of state jurisdictions, it is likely that current provisions of FATF are yet to be revised in spite of pandemic travel and assessment restrictions.
  • Anti-Money Laundering in the UK Jurisdiction The regime adopted in the UK is based on the provisions of “the Terrorism Act of 2000, the Proceeds of Crime Act of 2002, as well as the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, and Transfer of […]
  • Trade-Based Money Laundering and Its Attractiveness The proliferation of the trade-based money laundering is directly related to the growing complexity of international trade systems, where new risks and vulnerabilities emerge and are seen as favorable among terrorist organizations seeking for the […]
  • Money Laundering and Sanctions Regulatory Frameworks Under the provisions of OFAC, the company has violated the cybersecurity rules that might indirectly bring a significant threat to the national security or the stability of the United States economy by engaging in online […]
  • Type Borrowing Money: Margin Lending In the defense of the storm financial planning firm, BOQ submitted to the authorities that in view of banking regulatory policies, storm had not contravened any of the policies and this is the reason why […]
  • Lessons on Financial Planning Using Money Tree Software Financial planning remains a fundamental function among the investors in coming up with a method of using the finances presently and in the future.
  • The Supply of Money in the Capitalist Economy In the capitalist economy that the world is currently based on, the supply of money plays a significant role in not only affecting salaries and prices but also the growth of the economy.
  • Time Value of Money Defined and Calculations Simply put, the same value of money today is worth the same value in future. The time value of money can therefore be defined as the calculated value of the money taking into consideration various […]
  • Anti Money Laundering and Financial Crime There are a number of requirements by the government on the AML procedures to be developed and adopted by the firms in the financial service in industry in an attempt to fight the illegal practice.
  • Money Tree Software: Financial Planning This return is important because: It represents the reward the business stakeholders and owner of the business get in staking their money on the business currently and in the future It rewards the business creditors […]
  • Money Management: Investment on Exchange-Traded Funds The essay will discuss the possibility of investing in a number of selected ETFs in connection to an investment objective of an individual.
  • What Is Money Laundering and Is It Possible to Fight It Certainly and more often money involved in laundering is obtained from illegal activities and the main objective of laundering is to ‘clean’ the dirty money and give it a legitimate appearance in terms of source.
  • Time Value of Money: Choosing Bank for Deposit The value of the money is determined by the rate of return that the bank will offer. The future value of the two banks is $20,000 and $22,000 for bank A and bank B respectively.
  • How Money Market Mutual Funds Contributed to the 2008 Financial Crisis While how the prices of shares fell below the set $1 per share was a complex process, it became one of the greatest systemic risks posed by the MMMF to the investors and the economy […]
  • Time Value of Money From an Islamic Perspective Islamic scholars say that the time value of money and the interest rates imposed on money lent are the reasons why the poor keep on getting poor and the rich richer.
  • Rational Decision Making: Money on Your Mind The mind is responsible for making financial decision and it is triggered by the messages we receive on the day to day activities. Lennick and Jordan explain that, we have two systems in the brain; […]
  • A Usability Test Conducted on GE It is common knowledge that the easier it is to access services and products on a given website the more likely users will be encouraged to come back.
  • “Most Important Thing Is Money Ltd”: Vaccination Development Thus, necessary powers have been vested with the Secretary of State for Health in England, through the recommendations of the Joint Committee on Vaccinations and Immunisation to enforce such preventive steps, through necessary programs that […]
  • Money Investments in the Companies and Bonds The stock volume is on the low level now, about 30, but it is connected with the crisis in the world and the additional investment may support the company and increase it. In general the […]
  • How the Virus Transformed Money Spending in the US In the article featured in the New York Times, Leatherby and Geller state that the rate at which people spend their money has rapidly decreased due to the emergence of the virus in the United […]
  • The Role of Money and Class Division in Society The image of modern American society tries in vain to convey the prevalence of personality over social division. Americans’ perception of financial status has been shaped for years by creating the notion of the “American […]
  • Money and American Classes in 1870-1920 Wherein, the time of the stock market emergence was the time of the ongoing “carnival,” where the mystical power of money transferred to miraculous products and medicines and compelling advertisements.
  • The Ascent of Money – Safe as Houses Looking from a broad historical perspective, Niall Ferguson devotes the chapter “Save as Houses” to the observation of the real estate concept transformation, describes the place of the real estate market in the economic systems […]
  • The Ascent of Money – Blowing Bubbles The price for a share tells how much people rely on the cost of the company in the future. The life of a stock market represents the reflection of human moods on the price of […]
  • Canada’s Role in the History of Money: The Relationship Between Ownership and Control Individuals with the predominant shares gain the directorship of the wealth production channels and as such gain control of the diversified owners.
  • Why Non-Monetary Incentives Are More Significant Than Money It is important to recognize that both monetary and non-monetary incentives, otherwise known as total rewards, are offered to employees in diverse ways for purposes of attracting and motivating them to the ideals of the […]
  • Money Role in Macro Economy The dollar is till now the most accepted currency in the world and this dollar fluctuation that has been caused by the worst recession in American history since the time of the Great Depression is […]
  • Two Attitudes Toward Money Two attitudes toward money involve negative perception of money as universal evil and positive perception of money as source of good life and prosperity.
  • Change in the Value of Money According to Keynes To explain the effect of inflation on investors, Keynes delves into the history of inflation through the nineteenth century and tries to explain the complacency of investors at the beginning of the First World War […]
  • Organizational Communication & the “Money” Aspect While the use of this information is critical for both ensuring survival of the organization and being a frontrunner in its strategies for the future, there are large boulders in use of this information effectively, […]
  • Money Makes You Happy: Philosophical Reasoning It is possible to give the right to the ones who think that money can buy happiness. This conclusion is not accepted by psychologists who think that wealth brings the happiness only in the moment […]
  • Spare Change: Giving Money to the “Undeserving Poor” To address the central theme of the article, one need to delve deeper into the psyche of giving alms and money to the poor people we meet on the street.
  • The Use of Money in Business Practices Money is seen as the cause of problems and especially in the minds of emerging market respondents. Through this they can pick up groceries for the old in their neighborhood and make money from this.
  • Money Laundering and Terrorist Finance However, the balance money after the sham gambling is transferred to another ordinary bank account, thereby creating a legal status for the laundered money as if it has come from gambling and will be employed […]
  • City Planning. Too Much Money: Why Savings Are Bad The scenario is that the expected growth in economies where the rate of savings is high has not shown a corresponding increase in growth rate also.
  • Debates in Endogenous Money: Basil Moore The value of the currency was determined by the value of the precious metal used to mint the currency. From the time Federal Reserve took control of money and credit, economic consistency is attained by […]
  • Money and Banking. Financial Markets The essay will examine the essence and the importance of the above-mentioned financial phenomena and see how their interrelation, especially in the negative context, can influence the state of things in society.
  • Money and Justice: High-Profile Cases It is estimated that thousands of persons bracketed in the ‘poor’ sector of society go to jail annually in the United States without having spoken to a lawyer.
  • Relation Between Money and Football In the English league, clubs have been spending millions to sign up a player in the hope that the player will turn the fortunes of the company for the good.
  • Accounting for Public Money After Railway Privatization There were very many problems prior to the railway privatization in of the problems that led to the privatization of the railway line in the UK was the misappropriation of taxpayers’ money.
  • Time Value of Money and Its Financial Applications The time value of money refers to the idea that money available at the present time is worth more than the same amount in the future, due to its potential earning capacity.
  • Money Laundering in the USA and Australia The International Money Fund has established that the aggregate size of money laundering in the World is approximately four percent of the world’s gross domestic product.
  • Locke’s Second Treatise of Government and Voltaire’s Candide’s Value on Money Both written at a time when philosophers had started questioning the relevance of capitalism and the concept of wealth creation, it is evident that the two authors were keen on explaining the power of money […]
  • The Concept of Money Laundering The first issue I have learned is that the main problem lies in the presence of Big Data that includes trillions of transactions of various financial organizations and systems.
  • Time Value of Money – Preparing for Home Ownership The purchase price of the house is determined by using the following formula in Excel. 66 The down payment is 20% of the future value of the house, i.e, $40,278.13.
  • Martin Van Buren: Money and Indian Relocation One of the reasons for such collaboration and understanding is the focus on the values we have. I believe this path will bring us to the land we all would like to live in.
  • The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money Money is a determinant of the propensity to consume; hence, the more money one makes, the more that he or she consumes and the converse is the case.
  • The Practice of Saving Money Knowledge of the language is also a very crucial component of EAP as it aids the learner in understanding questions and responding to them in their examinations.another differentiating factor between the two varieties of English […]
  • How Money Markets Operate? Furthermore, only free markets have shown the resilience that is necessary to accompany the fluctuations in demand and supply of the money markets.
  • History of Money in Spain The production of coins melted from gold also ceased in the year 1904, with the production of that melted from silver ceasing in the year 1910.
  • Management: “Marketplace Money” and “Undercover Boss” In this case, the accents are made on the support of the healthy workforce in order to guarantee the better employees’ performance and on the idea of rewards as the important aspects to stimulate the […]
  • Money Compensation for Student-Athletes Besides, sports are highly lucrative for colleges, and students whose labor brings the revenues should share the part of them not to lose the interest in such activities.
  • Chapters 1-3 of “Money Mechanics” by David Ashby The retained amount of money in the commercial bank is the primary reserve. The banks can decide to reduce their working reserve, and the money obtained is transferred to the excess reserve fund in accounts […]
  • Banking in David Ashby’s “Money Mechanics” Changes in prices may not have a direct effect on the gross domestic product and the planned expenditures because this is determined by the money that is in supply. This causes the GDP and prices […]
  • The UAE Against Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing This valuation of the anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism government of the United Arab Emirates is founded on the forty endorsements and the nine special commendations on extremist supporting of the monetary […]
  • UAE Anti-Money Laundering Laws and Their Benefits The legal maintenance of counteraction to the legalization of criminal incomes is carried out by means of a system of laws and regulations, controlling financial, bank, and customs relations and establishing the order of licensing […]
  • Money, Their Features, Functions and Importance The first hindrance is the inability of the household to monitor the activities of firms. In this case, it is used to state the value of debt.
  • Money Market Development Factors The money market is one of the fundamental elements in the functioning of any state. Under these conditions, the gradual rise of technologies and their implementation in the sphere of financial operations alter the money […]
  • “God’ Money is Now My Money” by Stanley Seat It could be said that different priorities and the lack of time for supervision of the employees are the critical reasons for the violation of rules and high frequency of fraud in the religious institutions […]
  • International Money Laundering Thus, money laundering has a profound impact on the state of the global economy, as well as on the economy of the U.S.
  • Cybercrime and Digital Money Laundering The result of the investigation was the indictment of Western Express and a number of the company’s clients for several charges including stolen credit card data trafficking and money laundering.
  • Time Value of Money in Investment Planning The author of the post makes a good point that an amount of money is worth more the sooner it is received.
  • David Leonhardt: May Be Money Does Buy Happiness After All The case study of Japanese citizens that support Easterlin paradox do not factor in the confounding psychological effects of the Second World War on the entire population and the country.
  • Illegal Drug Use, Prostitution and Money Laundering Upon discussing the impact of money laundering, illegal drugs, and prostitution, the paper proposes the issuing of a court order restraining the use of wealth acquired from victimless crimes as one of the approaches to […]
  • Getting Beyond: Show Me the Money Nevertheless, underpayment and overpayment are common, leading to dissatisfaction. Notably, compensation is part culture, but analytics will gain traction in the big data era, as start-ups leverage such advantages from experts to manage a sales […]
  • Space Programs: Progress or Waste of Money? According to Ehrenfreund, the ingenuity to develop technologies and work in space is part of the progress that comes from space programs. Space programs have led to the development of technologies that improve air transport.
  • “The Money Machine: How the City Works” by Coggan The media plays a chief role in educating the public concerning the various financial matters that affect the undertakings of the City.
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples.

"260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples." March 2, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples." March 2, 2024.


IvyPanda . "260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples." March 2, 2024.

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Essay on Money

Surendra Kumar

Introduction to The Power and Perils of Money

“Where Money Talks, Values Listen.”

Money is a fundamental aspect of modern society, serving as the lifeblood of economies and a cornerstone of daily life. Money holds immense significance in our lives, from facilitating transactions to influencing social dynamics. In this essay, we delve into the multifaceted nature of money, exploring its origins, functions, and profound impact on individuals and society.

As we navigate the complexities of money, we’ll unravel its historical roots, examine its various forms and functions, and delve into its role as a catalyst for economic growth and social change. Furthermore, we’ll explore the intricacies of personal finance, discussing the importance of financial literacy and responsible money management in achieving financial stability and well-being.

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Beyond its economic implications, we’ll also explore the broader societal effects of money, including its role in shaping social hierarchies, perpetuating economic inequality, and influencing political landscapes. Ultimately, this essay aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the significance of money in our lives, shedding light on its profound impact on both individual prosperity and societal dynamics.

Essay on Money

Origin and Evolution of Money

Money has been an essential part of human civilizations for thousands of years in all its manifestations. From basic barter systems to complex financial tools of the present day, money has always been important. Understanding the origin and evolution of money provides crucial insights into its significance and impact on society.

1. Barter Economy and the Emergence of Money:

  • Barter System: In primitive societies, individuals engaged in barter, exchanging goods and services based on mutual needs, with each person trading one commodity for another. Limitations of the barter system, including the “double coincidence of wants,” led to inefficiencies and logistical challenges.
  • Evolution to Commodity Money: Commodity money emerged as a solution to the shortcomings of barter, with certain items, such as cattle, grains, or precious metals, gaining widespread acceptance as mediums of exchange. Commodity money possessed intrinsic value and was universally recognized, facilitating trade and commerce across regions.

2. Development of Metal Coins:

  • Introduction of Metal Coins: Metal coins, particularly gold and silver, emerged as standardized forms of currency in ancient civilizations, including Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Greece. Metal coins facilitated trade by providing a convenient and durable medium of exchange, standardized in terms of weight and purity.
  • Coinage and State Authority: The minting of coins became centralized under the authority of states and rulers, leading to the establishment of monetary systems and the issuing of official currency. Coinage symbolized the sovereignty and power of states, with rulers often inscribing their images and symbols on coins as a means of propaganda and control.

3. Transition to Fiat Money:

  • Rise of Paper Money: With the expansion of trade and commerce, the need for a more flexible and portable form of money led to the introduction of paper currency. Paper money initially represented claims to a specific quantity of precious metals, serving as promissory notes issued by banks and governments.
  • Decoupling from Precious Metals: Over time, central banks and governments gradually abandoned the linkage between paper money and precious metals, transitioning currencies to fiat money and deriving their value from the trust and confidence of users rather than intrinsic value. Adopting fiat money allowed for greater flexibility in monetary policy and facilitated the expansion of credit and financial markets.

4. Evolution of Digital and Cryptocurrencies:

  • Digital Currency: Digital currencies, electronic records with monetary value saved in digital form, result from the Internet’s and electronic banking’s development. Digital currencies, such as electronic bank transfers and payment systems, revolutionized how money is transferred and accessed, offering convenience and efficiency.
  • Cryptocurrencies: Blockchain -based cryptocurrencies, like Ethereum and Bitcoin , are examples of decentralized digital money. Cryptocurrencies provide increased privacy, security, and decentralization but also present regulatory and stability concerns because they function independently of governments and central banks.

The Basic Need for Money

  • Meeting Basic Needs: Money is essential for meeting basic human needs, such as food, shelter, clothes, and healthcare. Access to money enables individuals to purchase necessary goods and services for survival and well-being, ensuring a decent standard of living.
  • Facilitating Economic Transactions: Money serves as a medium of exchange, enabling the exchange of goods and services in the marketplace. It enables individuals to engage in economic transactions, buy goods, pay for services, and participate in economic activities that contribute to economic growth and development.
  • Access to Education and Skills Development: Money is necessary for education and skills development opportunities. Investing in education and training enhances individuals’ knowledge, skills, and employability, leading to better job prospects and higher earning potential.
  • Healthcare and Medical Services: Money is vital for healthcare services and medical treatment. Individuals require financial resources to pay for medical expenses, health insurance, and access to quality healthcare facilities, ensuring their physical well-being and addressing health-related concerns.
  • Housing and Shelter: Money is essential for securing housing and shelter providing individuals and families with a safe and stable living environment. Access to affordable housing options requires financial resources for rent, mortgage payments, or property ownership, ensuring adequate housing for individuals and communities.
  • Transportation and Mobility: Money facilitates transportation and mobility, enabling individuals to travel for work, education, healthcare, and recreational purposes. Access to transportation choices, such as public transit, vehicles, or ride-sharing services, requires financial resources to cover transportation costs and maintain mobility.
  • Emergency Preparedness and Resilience: Money is crucial for building emergency funds and financial resilience. Having savings and financial resources enables individuals to prepare for unexpected expenses, emergencies, and financial setbacks, providing a safety net during challenging times.
  • Social and Recreational Activities: Money plays a role in accessing social and recreational activities that contribute to overall well-being and quality of life. Participating in leisure activities, entertainment, and social events often requires financial resources to cover expenses related to leisure pursuits and social engagements.

The Role of Money in Society

Money is a cornerstone of societal structures, influencing economic activities, social relationships, and individual well-being. Its multifaceted role extends beyond a mere medium of exchange, encompassing various functions integral to modern societies’ functioning.

1. Economic Significance of Money:

  • Facilitating Trade and Commerce: Money acts as a universally accepted medium of exchange, facilitating the soft flow of goods and facilities in the market. Eliminating the need for direct barter enhances efficiency and encourages specialization in production.
  • Measurement of Value: Money provides a common unit of account, allowing for the standardized measurement of the value of different goods and services. This function enables individuals to compare prices, make informed decisions, and confidently engage in economic transactions.
  • Economic Growth and Development: A stable and reliable monetary system fosters economic growth and development . Governments and central banks use monetary policy tools to regulate money supply, interest rates, and inflation to maintain economic stability.

2. Social Significance of Money:

  • Influence on Social Status and Power: The possession of wealth and financial resources often correlates with social status and power within a community. Economic disparities can create social hierarchies, impacting individuals’ access to opportunities and resources.
  • Impact on Lifestyle and Standard of Living: The availability of financial resources influences an individual’s lifestyle and standard of living. Money provides access to education, healthcare, housing, and other essential services, shaping the quality of life for individuals and communities.

3. Money and Personal Finance:

  • Importance of Financial Literacy: Financial education empowers people to make informed decisions about earning, spending, saving, and investing. Understanding the principles of personal finance is essential for achieving financial security and long-term well-being.
  • Managing Personal Finances: Budgeting, saving, and investing are key to effective personal finance management. Individuals must make strategic financial decisions to meet their short-term and long-term goals.
  • Psychological Aspects of Money: People often tie money to their emotions and psychological well-being. Developing a healthy money mindset involves understanding one’s relationship with money and addressing any emotional factors that may impact financial decisions.

4. Impact of Money on Society:

  • Economic Inequality: The distribution of wealth and income in society can contribute to economic inequality. Addressing issues of inequality requires a nuanced understanding of the role of money and the implementation of policies that promote equitable wealth distribution.
  • Consumerism and Materialism: Money influences consumer behavior , contributing to a culture of consumerism and materialism. Society’s emphasis on material possessions can impact individuals’ values and priorities.
  • Influence on Politics and Governance: Money plays a significant role in political processes, affecting campaigns, lobbying, and policy decisions. The intersection of money and politics raises questions about transparency, accountability, and the democratic process.
  • Environmental Implications: Economic activities driven by the pursuit of profit can have environmental consequences. Balancing economic growth with environmental sustainability requires careful consideration of the environmental impact of monetary and economic policies.

Functions of Money

  • Medium of Exchange
  • Money is a widely acknowledged medium of exchange for goods and services, facilitating transactions between buyers and sellers.
  • It eliminates the inefficiencies of barter by providing a common unit of value that simplifies the exchange process.
  • Unit of Account:
  • Money provides a standardized unit of measurement for the value of goods and services, permitting easy comparison of prices and making economic calculations more efficient.
  • It enables individuals and businesses to express the relative worth of different goods and services in terms of a common currency.
  • Store of Value:
  • Money serves as a store of value, permitting individuals to hold and accumulate wealth over time.
  • Unlike perishable goods or assets with fluctuating value, money retains its purchasing power over extended periods, providing a reliable means of preserving wealth.
  • Standard of Deferred Payment:
  • Money facilitates transactions involving future obligations by serving as a medium for deferred payments.
  • Contracts, loans, and other financial agreements often stipulate payments in a specific currency, with money as the standard for settling debts and fulfilling obligations.
  • Money’s high liquidity enables it to be readily convertible into goods, services, or other assets without experiencing a significant loss of value.
  • Its liquidity enables individuals to quickly access funds for urgent expenses or investment opportunities, contributing to economic flexibility and efficiency.
  • Measure of Value:
  • Money is a measure of value, providing a common denominator for expressing the worth of different goods and services.
  • Its role as a measure of value facilitates economic decision-making, allowing individuals to assess the relative utility and worth of various goods and services.
  • Facilitates Specialization and Efficiency:
  • Money enables specialization and division of labor by allowing individuals and businesses to focus on producing goods and assistance in which they have a comparative advantage.
  • Specialization leads to increased productivity and efficiency, driving economic growth and prosperity.
  • Portability and Durability:
  • Money is highly portable and durable, making it a convenient medium of interaction for transactions of varying sizes and distances.
  • The physical forms of money (such as coins and banknotes) and their digital representation ensure ease of transportation and storage, contributing to its widespread use in modern economies.

The Ethics and Morality of Money

While essential for economic transactions and societal functioning, money raises ethical and moral considerations beyond its economic utility. From wealth distribution issues to the impact of financial decisions on individuals and society, exploring the ethical dimensions of money sheds light on complex moral dilemmas and societal values.

  • Wealth Distribution and Economic Inequality: One of the most significant ethical concerns about money is the unequal distribution of wealth and income within societies. Critics argue that extreme wealth disparities contribute to social injustice and perpetuate systemic inequalities, raising questions about fairness and equity.
  • Social Responsibility of Wealth: Accumulating wealth brings with it a moral obligation to contribute to society’s well-being. Concepts like philanthropy, corporate social responsibility, and impact investing highlight the ethical imperative for individuals and organizations to use their financial resources for the greater good.
  • Ethical Consumption and Consumerism: Consumerism fueled by the pursuit of material wealth raises ethical questions about consumption patterns’ environmental and social impact. Ethical consumption movements advocate for mindful spending and sustainable lifestyles that consider the broader consequences of consumer choices.
  • Ethics in Financial Services: The financial industry operates within a complex ethical landscape, with issues like transparency, conflicts of interest, and fair treatment of clients coming under scrutiny. Ethical codes of conduct and regulations aim to promote integrity and trust in financial services, ensuring that financial professionals prioritize the interests of their clients.
  • Debt and Financial Vulnerability: Ethical considerations arise in lending practices, particularly regarding the responsible provision of credit and the treatment of borrowers, especially those in vulnerable financial situations. Predatory lending practices and exploitative debt arrangements raise ethical concerns about the consequences of financial transactions on individuals’ well-being.
  • Corruption and Financial Crime: Money laundering, bribery, and other forms of financial crime undermine the integrity of financial systems and pose ethical challenges to businesses, governments, and individuals. Ethical frameworks and legal regulations aim to combat financial corruption and promote accountability and transparency in financial transactions.
  • Psychological Impact of Money: Money’s influence on individuals’ attitudes, behaviors, and relationships raises ethical questions about the psychological effects of wealth and materialism. The pursuit of wealth can lead to ethical dilemmas related to greed, envy, and the prioritization of financial gain over other values.
  • Cryptocurrency and Ethical Considerations: Emerging digital currencies, such as cryptocurrencies, introduce new ethical considerations related to privacy, security, and the potential for illegal activities like money laundering and fraud. Ethical discussions surrounding cryptocurrencies also touch on financial inclusivity, decentralization, and the democratization of finance.

Financial Education

Financial education is essential to enable people to make informed decisions concerning their money, investments, and overall economic well-being. It covers many topics, from basic budgeting and savings to more complex concepts like investing, debt relief, and retirement planning. The need for financial literacy is huge in today’s complex financial world, where individuals are more accountable for their financial future.

  • Foundational Knowledge: Basic financial concepts like income, expenses, budgeting, and savings are the first things students learn about when they start their financial education. Comprehending these underlying concepts establishes the foundation for prudent financial judgment and accountable handling of finances.
  • Budgeting and Saving: Effective budgeting and saving are essential for financial education. Individuals learn how to create and stick to a budget, allocate funds for essential expenses, savings, and discretionary spending, and build an emergency fund to weather unforeseen financial challenges.
  • Debt Management: Financial education teaches individuals about managing debt responsibly, including understanding different types of debt, interest rates, and repayment strategies. It emphasizes the importance of avoiding excessive debt and using credit wisely to maintain financial health.
  • Investing and Wealth Accumulation: Investing is a key aspect of financial education, enabling individuals to grow their wealth over the long term. Topics covered may include understanding investment options (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.), risk tolerance, asset allocation, and strategies for assembling a diversified investment portfolio.
  • Retirement Planning: Financial education helps individuals plan for their future financial security, including retirement. It covers retirement savings vehicles (e.g., employer-sponsored retirement plans, IRAs), estimating retirement expenses, and developing a strategy to achieve retirement goals.
  • Risk Management and Insurance: Understanding risk management and insurance is integral to financial education. Individuals learn about different types of insurance (e.g., health, life, property) and how insurance can mitigate financial risks and protect against unexpected events.
  • Financial Decision-making: Financial education supplies individuals with the knowledge and skills to make instructed financial decisions based on their goals, values, and circumstances. It encourages critical thinking and evaluating financial products and services, empowering individuals to navigate the financial marketplace effectively.
  • Economic Empowerment: Financial education is a tool for economic empowerment, particularly for marginalized communities and underserved populations. Promoting financial literacy and capability helps individuals build financial resilience, reduce vulnerability to financial exploitation, and achieve greater economic independence.
  • Lifelong Learning: Financial education is a lifelong journey with changing financial circumstances and economic conditions. It emphasizes the importance of ongoing learning, staying informed about financial trends and developments, and adapting financial strategies as needed throughout life.
  • Social and Policy Implications: Financial education has broader social and policy implications, influencing financial inclusion, economic mobility, and societal well-being. Policies that promote financial education in schools, workplaces, and communities can contribute to building a financially literate society and reducing financial disparities.

Money in the Digital Age

  • Digital Payments and Transactions: The addition of digital payment methods, including mobile wallets, online banking, and peer-to-peer payment platforms, has reshaped the conduct of transactions. Digital payments offer convenience, speed, and accessibility, allowing individuals to transfer funds, make purchases, and manage finances seamlessly across various digital channels.
  • Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology: Cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, represent a decentralized digital currency powered by blockchain technology. Blockchain technology enables secure, transparent, and tamper-proof transactions without intermediaries like banks or financial institutions.
  • Financial Inclusion and Access: The digitalization of money can promote financial inclusion by delivering access to financial services for underserved populations. Digital payment platforms and mobile banking services empower individuals in small areas or underserved communities to participate in the formal financial system.
  • Challenges and Risks: Despite the benefits, the digitalization of money presents challenges and risks, including cybersecurity threats, data privacy concerns, and regulatory challenges. Fraud, hacking, and data breaches highlight the importance of robust cybersecurity measures and regulatory frameworks to protect consumers and maintain trust in digital financial systems.
  • Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs): Central banks are exploring the vision of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) as a digital alternative to traditional fiat currencies. CBDCs combine the advantages of digital currencies with the stability and regulatory oversight provided by central banks, potentially reshaping the future of money and monetary policy.
  • Smart Contracts and Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Smart contracts, facilitated by blockchain technology, automate and enforce the words of contracts without intermediaries. Decentralized finance (DeFi) leverages blockchain and innovative contract technology to create decentralized financial services outside traditional banking systems, including lending, borrowing, and trading.
  • Cross-Border Transactions and Remittances: Digital currency and blockchain technologies promise to stream international transfers and reduce expenses and inadequacies linked to conventional remittance systems. Cryptocurrencies and stablecoins offer an alternative means of transferring value globally, bypassing traditional banking channels and intermediaries.
  • Regulatory Landscape and Policy Considerations: Governments and officials face regulatory hurdles due to the rapid evolution of digital currency. Regulatory frameworks must actively update to consider the changing landscape of digital finance to preserve consumer protection, financial stability, and compliance with know-your-customer (KYC) and anti-money laundering (AML) regulations.

Money is a cornerstone of modern society, serving as a medium of exchange, store of value, and facilitator of economic activities. Its significance extends beyond financial transactions, impacting individuals’ access to basic needs, economic opportunities, and overall well-being. Understanding the multifaceted role of money is crucial for promoting financial literacy, responsible money management, and equitable access to financial resources in today’s complex socioeconomic landscape.

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Essay on Importance of Money

Students are often asked to write an essay on Importance of Money in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Importance of Money


Money is a crucial part of our lives. It is the medium used for exchange of goods and services, and it helps us meet our basic needs.

Significance in Daily Life

Money allows us to acquire food, shelter, and clothing. Without money, survival would be difficult.

Role in Society

Money also plays a societal role. It helps us contribute to community development through taxes.

While money is important, it’s not everything. It’s a tool for survival and contribution, but happiness and fulfillment also require love, health, and peace.

250 Words Essay on Importance of Money

The significance of money.

Money, a medium of exchange, is a fundamental component of modern society. It is a tool that allows us to acquire goods, services, and experiences, thus playing a vital role in our lives.

Money as a Means of Exchange

Money simplifies trade, replacing the need for a direct barter system. It provides a standardized measure of value, enabling us to understand the worth of various commodities. This standardization facilitates smooth economic transactions and promotes economic efficiency.

Money and Freedom

Money also provides a certain level of freedom. It allows individuals to make choices about their lifestyle, from basic necessities to luxury items. It grants us the liberty to explore different opportunities, be it travel, education, or investment.

Money and Social Status

In many societies, money is often equated with power and status. While this perspective can lead to materialism and inequality, it also motivates individuals to strive for financial stability, fostering innovation and economic growth.

Money as a Tool, Not a Goal

However, it is crucial to remember that money is a means to an end, not an end in itself. The pursuit of money should not overshadow the importance of relationships, health, and personal fulfillment.

500 Words Essay on Importance of Money

Money, often seen as a simple medium of exchange, plays a pivotal role in modern society. Its importance transcends mere transactions, permeating every aspect of our lives – from the economy to social structures, personal relationships, and even our sense of self-worth.

The Economic Imperative

At its most basic level, money is the lifeblood of any economy. It facilitates trade, allowing for the efficient exchange of goods and services. Without money, barter would be the only alternative – a system fraught with inefficiencies and limitations. Money, therefore, enables economic growth by allowing for specialization and the division of labor.

Money as a Social Construct

The psychological dimension.

Money also has a profound psychological impact. It can influence our behavior, our motivations, and even our sense of self. Money can provide a sense of security and freedom, but it can also lead to stress and anxiety. The desire for money can motivate us to work harder and strive for success, but it can also lead to greed and materialism.

Money and Happiness

The relationship between money and happiness is a complex one. While money can provide for our basic needs and desires, research suggests that beyond a certain point, additional wealth does not lead to additional happiness. This suggests that while money is important, it is not the be-all and end-all of life.

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Home — Essay Samples — Economics — Money — Why Money Rules the World


Why Money Rules The World

  • Categories: Consumerism Money

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Words: 521 |

Published: Jan 31, 2024

Words: 521 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

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Historical perspective, economic dominance, social influence, political control, environmental impact.

  • British Museum. "History of Money."
  • World Inequality Database.
  • American Psychological Association. "Consumerism and its discontents."
  • Center for Responsive Politics. "OpenSecrets: Data on Money in Politics."
  • United Nations Environment Programme.

Image of Prof. Linda Burke

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Essay on Money | Money Essay for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Money: The concept of money was invented somewhere in 5000 B.C by a few traders in Western Europe. Ever since the invention, different countries have adopted it and started printing their own money with specific values, which was usually backed by gold. But before money was invented, trading used to happen with a system called a barter system, where you could buy one product or service with an exchange of another product. This is basically a brief history of money.

For centuries, money has been, gradually, incorporated into every corner of our lives. Not to sound cliché, but the entire world runs on one simple thing called money. Thanks to those traders hundreds of years back, our lives now entirely revolve around the man-made concept of money.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long and Short Essay on Money in English for Children & Students

In this article, we provide a 600-word long essay on money for school children for projects and assignments. We also provide a 200-word short essay on money for school and college assignments and project work.

Long Essay on Money

A very informative 400 to 600-word long essay on money for school and college projects and assignments can be found below.

While not everything is about money, we will have to come at a point of realization where we simply cannot live without money. It’s a hard truth. But isn’t the world being too negative about money? No essay on money will make sense if it is just about history and facts. So let us see how money has impacted our lives. Just like every attribute in our society, money has two sides. The evil and the good.

What’s the Good Side of Money?

When we say our lives revolve around money and everyone is just chasing it, it is usually considered with a negative connotation. Not everything about money should be taken in a bad light. The whole concept of money and capitalism has given people livelihood, better standards of living and most importantly an equal platform for everyone to work hard and fulfill their dreams.

Trust and Convenience of Money

Money is one of the biggest and most valuable and trustworthy forms of trade in which businesses can thrive and consumers can be saved from fraud and cheating. One of the biggest plus points of money is the trust factor it carries with it. Imagine having to carry out the barter system even today, where, to get a kilo of rice, you need to give a kilo of wheat. Sounds funny, isn’t it?

Equality of Money

This is, surprisingly, one thing that can bring people from different walks of life to agree upon. Money can buy you a good standard of living, it can buy you respect and value in society. Every person, irrespective gender, race, ethnicity or creed will be provided with an equal level playing field to earn money and lead a better life

Motivation and Direction of Money

Imagine the world without money. We will eventually come to a point where we will be asking questions like “what’s the point of life”. Hope and goals are some of the important things that will keep a man going in life. Without any sense of achievement or motivation, there wouldn’t be any inventions or progress in the world. People work to get money and then people work harder to get more money. This cycle of life that keeps a man motivated and hopeful is one of the biggest advantages of the system of money

What is the Evil Side of Money?

Well, not everything is hunky-dory about our financial systems. It would only be fair to talk about the disadvantages of money also to have a well-informed essay on money.

Whether it is capitalism or socialism, democracy, or communism or where its India or China, our system of money in the world has many cracks and fault lines within it.

  • Broken system: If the concept of money in its pure form was used properly, there would have been equality on all scales and levels in the world. But, the reality is far from our imagination. The hierarchical system, in both capitalism or socialism, has created an immense amount of inequality and large gaps in income. It is true that more than 90% of the world’s wealth is in the hands of 2% of the population. If this is not a sign of a broken system, then we don’t know what is
  • Greed: We need to understand the difference between desire and greed. When the fine line between the two is made more visible, then maybe our world will start healing itself. We are not necessarily talking about individual greed for money, but we are talking about issues on a much larger scale. Businesses are solely running to make profits, the government is more concerned about saving the economy than their own people or the environment we live in. The greed for money is destroying our nature, creating an imbalance in the natural cycle of the world and led us into wars, famine, poverty and pandemics.

Short Essay on Money

A short essay on money with a word limit of 150 to 200 can be found below for school assignment and projects

We can’t deny the fact that we cannot live without money. Money is undoubtedly the more important thing to live a happy and content life. Sure, the money will help us buy our dream car or impress and give a dignified life for our parents, but we also need to remember that there is more to life than just earning money.

Money can make or break many things, but like any other thing in the world, money also needs to have limits and should be used judiciously. The gap between rich and poor is because of poorly planned financial systems and an immense amount of greed which is a pet of human tendency

On a big picture level, governments need to fix the broken financial systems and modify our capitalist and socialist mindsets to create for ourselves a better world and leave an even better society to our next generation.

10 Lines on Money Essay

  • Money is the only trustworthy and convenient way of trade
  • The money we use is guaranteed and backed by our government
  • Money, collected in the form of tax, helps us create a better environment for us
  • Earning money will give people hope and direction to lead a happy life
  • Money doest just buy tangible things like car or house, money also helps you earn respect and dignity in the society
  • Hard work, responsibility and dedication is what reflects in a person’s character if they have a good amount of money
  • Money is the core factor in all type of economies like a capitalist, socialist and communist economies
  • Money has provided equal opportunities for everyone in the world
  • Wrong use of money and greed has led to certain world issues like terrorism, pandemics and famine
  • The difference between the amount of money rich and poor has, reflects loopholes and problems in our system

FAQ’s on Essay on Money

Question 1. What if the concept of money was not there?

Answer: We would be back to our age-old barter system. Globalization and industrialization would never be possible and each country and each village in the country would be self-sufficient and isolated

Question 2. Is money good or bad?

Answer: This is one of the most daunting questions that economists, leaders and other experts are pondering upon for years. There is no simple answer, but the present system, if modified well, can make money the best thing in the world.

Question 3. Why can’t governments just print money?

Answer: Every money, even a Rs. 1 is backed by government securities, usually in gold or dollars. If we print more than the security we have, our fiscal deficit will increase, which means that the value of money will get reduced as it will be available everywhere to everyone. It is a simple supply and demand theory.

Question 4. What are the different types of money?

Answer: In terms of value and currencies, we have dollar, rupees, pounds, yuan and many more for each country. In terms of physical existence, we have digital money (like bitcoins) and hard paper-based cash. In terms of tangibility, we have hard cash, commodities, fiduciary, representative and fiat money.

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114 Money Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Money is a topic that affects us all in one way or another. Whether we are saving for the future, managing our finances, or trying to make ends meet, money plays a crucial role in our lives. If you are looking for inspiration for your next essay on money, here are 114 money essay topic ideas and examples to help get you started.

  • The importance of financial literacy in today's society
  • The impact of inflation on consumer purchasing power
  • The role of credit cards in modern society
  • How to create a budget and stick to it
  • The psychology of money and spending habits
  • The effects of consumerism on society
  • The benefits of saving money for the future
  • The impact of student loan debt on young adults
  • The relationship between money and happiness
  • The rise of digital currencies like Bitcoin
  • The ethics of wealth distribution in society
  • The impact of social media influencers on consumer spending
  • The role of advertising in shaping consumer behavior
  • The pros and cons of investing in the stock market
  • The effects of globalization on the economy
  • The importance of financial planning for retirement
  • The impact of income inequality on society
  • The role of government in regulating the economy
  • The benefits of investing in real estate
  • The rise of the gig economy and its impact on workers' finances
  • The impact of automation on job security and wages
  • The benefits of diversifying your investment portfolio
  • The impact of interest rates on borrowing and saving
  • The role of insurance in protecting your finances
  • The impact of taxes on personal finances
  • The benefits of starting a side hustle to supplement your income
  • The impact of technology on personal finance management
  • The role of education in improving financial literacy
  • The impact of economic recessions on personal finances
  • The benefits of setting financial goals and milestones
  • The impact of social class on access to financial resources
  • The role of gender in shaping financial attitudes and behaviors
  • The benefits of investing in education and skills development
  • The impact of gambling and addiction on personal finances
  • The role of philanthropy in giving back to society
  • The benefits of creating a will and estate plan
  • The impact of healthcare costs on personal finances
  • The role of entrepreneurship in creating wealth
  • The benefits of investing in your health and well-being
  • The impact of consumer debt on financial stability
  • The role of family and social support in managing finances
  • The benefits of financial independence and autonomy
  • The impact of cultural norms and values on money management
  • The role of government assistance programs in alleviating poverty
  • The benefits of investing in sustainable and ethical companies
  • The impact of climate change on the economy and personal finances
  • The role of corporate social responsibility in business practices
  • The benefits of creating a financial plan for emergencies and unexpected expenses
  • The impact of job loss and unemployment on personal finances
  • The role of mental health in shaping financial attitudes and behaviors
  • The benefits of investing in renewable energy and green technologies
  • The impact of social media on consumer spending and peer pressure
  • The role of peer-to-peer lending and crowdfunding in raising capital
  • The benefits of investing in your personal and professional development
  • The impact of economic sanctions and trade wars on global finances
  • The role of data privacy and security in financial transactions
  • The benefits of investing in your community and local economy
  • The impact of political instability on financial markets and investments
  • The role of financial advisors and planners in managing wealth
  • The benefits of investing in your education and career advancement
  • The impact of social welfare programs on poverty alleviation
  • The role of charitable giving and philanthropy in society
  • The benefits of investing in arts and culture for economic growth
  • The impact of natural disasters and emergencies on personal finances
  • The role of sustainable and ethical investing in creating a better world
  • The benefits of investing in technology and innovation for economic progress
  • The impact of healthcare reform on access to affordable medical care
  • The role of trade unions and labor organizations in advocating for workers' rights
  • The benefits of investing in infrastructure and public services for economic development
  • The impact of corruption and fraud on financial stability and trust
  • The role of entrepreneurship and small businesses in driving economic growth
  • The benefits of investing in education and skills training for future generations
  • The impact of globalization and free trade agreements on the economy
  • The role of financial regulators and watchdogs in protecting consumers
  • The benefits of investing in research and development for innovation
  • The impact of income inequality on social mobility and opportunity
  • The role of microfinance and small loans in empowering marginalized communities
  • The benefits of investing in healthcare and wellness programs for employees
  • The impact of climate change on food security and agricultural production
  • The role of financial institutions and banks in promoting economic stability
  • The benefits of investing in renewable energy and sustainable practices
  • The impact of aging populations on social security and retirement funds
  • The role of digital currencies and blockchain technology in financial transactions
  • The benefits of investing in education and skills training for refugees and immigrants
  • The impact of artificial intelligence and automation on job displacement
  • The role of social entrepreneurship in addressing social and environmental challenges
  • The benefits of investing in affordable housing and urban development
  • The impact of income tax policies on wealth redistribution and social welfare
  • The role of consumer advocacy groups in promoting fair and transparent practices
  • The benefits of investing in clean water and sanitation for public health
  • The impact of economic sanctions and embargoes on global trade and finance
  • The role of financial education programs in empowering individuals and communities
  • The benefits of investing in mental health and wellness services for employees
  • The impact of political instability and conflict on economic development
  • The role of corporate governance and ethics in business practices
  • The benefits of investing in gender equality and women's empowerment
  • The impact of natural disasters and emergencies on supply chains and production
  • The role of community development and social enterprises in poverty alleviation
  • The benefits of investing in arts and culture for community engagement and cohesion
  • The impact of climate change on insurance premiums and risk management
  • The role of financial technology and mobile banking in promoting financial inclusion
  • The benefits of investing in vocational training and skills development for youth
  • The impact of income inequality on social cohesion and trust
  • The role of microfinance and small loans in promoting entrepreneurship and innovation
  • The benefits of investing in healthcare and wellness programs for seniors
  • The impact of automation and robotics on manufacturing and job displacement
  • The role of social enterprises and impact investing in sustainable development
  • The benefits of investing in affordable housing and urban renewal projects
  • The impact of economic sanctions and trade wars on global supply chains
  • The role of financial literacy programs in empowering marginalized communities
  • The benefits of investing in renewable energy and sustainable practices for the environment
  • The impact of aging populations on healthcare costs and social security systems
  • The role of digital currencies and blockchain technology in promoting financial transparency
  • The benefits of investing in education and skills training for underserved populations

In conclusion, money is a complex and multifaceted topic that touches on various aspects of our lives. Whether you are interested in personal finance, economic policy, or social justice, there is a wealth of essay topics to explore. By delving into these topics, you can gain a deeper understanding of the role of money in society and how it shapes our lives. So go ahead and choose a topic that resonates with you, and start writing your next money essay today.

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For The Love Of Money

“A wise person should have money in their head, but not in their heart” (Jonathan Swift) Money is any clearly identifiable object of value according to the Webster Dictionary. The history of money concerns the development of how it is exchanged and used. Money is...

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General Purpose Financial Report

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Great Money Saving Tips For Buying Your First Home

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History Of Systems Determining Relative Value Of Two Currencies

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How Mutual Funds Can Be A Good Investment

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How People Of Different Age Groups Spend Their Money

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Macroeconomic Equilibrium: Definition And Overview

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Monetary Policy And Asset Prices Linkages

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Overview Of The Financial Consolidation

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Overview Of Theory Of Financial Intermediation

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Overview Of Tobin's Theory Of Investment

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Best topics on Money

1. The Effects of Money on Human Behavior

2. Exploring Why Happiness Is More Important Than Money

3. Exploring the Age-Old Question: Can Money Buy Happiness

4. Transitioning to a Cashless Economy: Challenges, Opportunities, and the Path Ahead

5. Being Smart With Your Money: the Importance of Financial Literacy

6. Unlocking Financial Literacy: Exploring the World of Finance and Money Management

7. The Value of Understanding Personal Finance Management for Students

8. Why Personal Finance Should Be Taught in Modern Schools

9. Evaluation of the Benefits and Risks of Cashless Economy

10. Can Money Buy Happiness: Sharing Persuasive Personal Viewpoint

11. Budgeting and Types of Personal Budget

12. Budgeting Technique to Build a Stable Financial Future

13. The Ascent of Money: Is Money the Root of All Evil

14. Gold: One of the Most Expensive Metals on Earth

15. The Impacts Of Physical Cash And Developing Into A Cashless Society

  • Personality
  • Personal Experience
  • Ethical Dilemma
  • Actions Speak Louder Than Words

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141 Research Topics on Money - Essay Topics, & More

Welcome to our list of money essay topics! Here, we’ve collected the most interesting research topics about money, titles for essays, presentation ideas, and even samples. Use them to get inspired!

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Money

✍️ money essay topics for college, 👍 good money research topics & essay examples, 🎓 most interesting research topics about money.

  • 💡 Simple Money Topics to Write About

❓ Research Questions About Money

  • Can Money Always Buy Everything You Want?
  • Comparison Between Love and Money in Life
  • The Philosophy of Money by Georg Simmel
  • Theme of Money in “A Doll’s House” by Ibsen
  • Art’ and Money Relations
  • Money and Expenditures: Personal Opinion
  • Money Issues in a Relationship
  • Metaphysical Secrets of Manifesting Money Abundance Money is one of the most important influencing factors in modern life. Some scholars single it out as one of the three most distorting forces of human existence.
  • Why Men Spend More Money Than Women? Men spend more than women because of various reasons. In this essay, the researcher seeks to discuss reasons why men tend to spend more money than women.
  • How to Teach Children to Value Money The key point of teaching children the value of money is to provide them with an example of how to maintain proper habits and behavior.
  • Money Issues in Romantic and Marital Relationships Money often causes issues in relationships because of changing roles in the household, increasing expenses, financial infidelity, and lack of financial goals.
  • Stealing Money From Corporations Stealing money from corporations affects the financial sector of the business and economy and reflects the ethical issues of the act.
  • Aspects of Money Management The paper states that money management is a critical skill, which will help improve the financial well-being and reduce the stress associated with money.
  • Time Value of Money in a Medical Organization A medical organization may use the concepts of the “time value of money” and “useful life” to organize the purchase of new equipment and to calculate the depreciation expenses.
  • Bitcoin: The Use of the Digital Money The paper has elaborated Bitcoin is used, its features, and its impacts on society. The digital currency has features similar to other currencies, such as durability.
  • Rhetorical Analysis of “Why Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness” by Begley This paper presents the rhetorical analysis of the article “Why Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness” by Begley, paying special attention to ethos and pathos.
  • Money to Charity: Moral Differences Many families across the globe continue living below the poverty line and cannot meet their basic needs like food, health, or even sleep.
  • Financial Planning. Money Management Skill Financial literacy can be defined as knowledge about financial planning and management that allows making reasonable choices about money spending and saving.
  • Monetary Theory and Policy. Money in the Utility Function Money is an asset, making positive or negative or some other functional effect. Goods, demands, propositions are constantly dependent on the money supply.
  • “Where Does the Money Go?” by Scott Bittle and Jean Johnson In their book Where Does the Money Go?, Scott Bittle and Jean Johnson focus on the growing national debt of the United States and examine inefficiencies that led to the crisis.
  • Money and Relationship in King Lear by Shakespeare King Lear, one of Shakespeare’s most well-known tragedies, is a nihilistic story of destruction, money, and power conflicts that was originally performed in 1606.
  • Macroeconomics: Monetary Policy in the United States There are various monetary policy tools which can be used by the fed in order to achieve its desired policy objectives.
  • History and Role of the Money Money is any commodity or token that serves as a medium of exchange that is legally and socially acknowledged in payment for services and goods and in the disbursement of debts.
  • Governmental Organizations: Value for Money Audits and Performance Audits Value for Money audit and performance audit have different objectives and complement each other, but neither is sufficient on its own to audit an organization’s performance.
  • Forecasting and Time Value of Money Time value of money is a valuable instrument that helps comprehend the value of a currency in relation to a given period and significantly impact investing decision.
  • Foundations and Applications of the Time Value of Money This paper intends to discuss the concept of time value of money. The goal is to show that current cash flow is valued highly compared with future cash flows.
  • “Multiple Meanings of Money” by Smita Premchander The book Multiple Meanings of Money: How Women See Microfinances by Smita Premchander, V. Prameela, M. Chidambaranathan & L. Jeyaseelan (2009) explores the implications.
  • Money and Wealth in Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” The paper discusses what money means for Jay Gatsby and Nick Carraway and how this theme is essential for developing topics like the American dream and love.
  • Is Money a Virtue or Evil: Discussion The study will have to document how money has been used in good ways through spreading the gospel and how it has been used in evil ways for personal or selfish purposes.
  • Personal Finance: Turning Money Into Wealth There are many different bond kinds, and each has benefits and drawbacks for the parties involved. Municipal and corporate bonds will be reviewed in this session.
  • Divine Currency: The Theological Power of Money in the West Money in Christianity is a dangerous matter, which requires careful and proper management to stay on the path of Christ.
  • Politics, Money, and Free Expression In 2011, the Supreme Court “decided that corporations and unions could contribute an unlimited amount of money to political campaigns.”
  • Aspects of Functions of Money Money is one of the vital tools in society. The paper looks at the feasibility of money-stably completing these functions in the near future.
  • Inflation and Increase in Money Supply Even though the increase in the money supply might stimulate the economy, it is a dangerous strategy, and the Federal Reserve has to act with caution.
  • The Federal Reserve System and the Money Supply The Federal Reserve (FR) has three main tools to control the money supply in the economy: the discount rate, open market operations, and reserve requirements.
  • Social Work Assignment: Gender, Money, and the Charity Organization Society Throughout the history of its development, the sphere of social work has witnessed the work of various contributors dedicated to achieving social equality.
  • Money, Happiness, and Materialism Correlation The paper concludes that happiness doesn’t depend on material goods, and it should be understood that respect and empathy are superior to any material wealth.
  • Financial Management: Where Does the Money Go It is increasingly possible to hear about the importance of financial literacy in the modern world, which largely boils down to thoughtful money management.
  • How Money Laundering Practices Violate Financial Ethics Corruption is one of the biggest problems a government can face, and in this blog, the author aims to explain how money laundering practices violate financial ethics.
  • Money as a Means Rather Than a Result of Achieving Happiness The paper states that one can note that money is a tool that allows buying things that make a person happy, but money itself does not bring happiness.
  • Analysis of Anti-Money Laundering Strategies Money-laundering has been a significant problem for Canada because such a practice enables and facilitates many criminal activities such as drug trade, fraud or even global terrorism.
  • Money Laundering, Corruption and Terrorism Issues Money laundering, corruption and terrorism are rife in East and Southern Africa is largely attributed to the abject poverty that at times seems to be endemic.
  • Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering Group Money laundering, corruption and terrorism are rife in East and Southern Africa. This phenomenon is attributed to the abject poverty that seems to be endemic in this region.
  • This American Life: Toxie Asset by Planet Money When recounting the story of Toxie, the reporters explain how “she” came to be, and how her life began at the peak of the housing market, progressed through the years.
  • Montley Fool Money Guide: A Book’s Review It is an educative book that gives an insight into saving, spending, and investing. The author tries to bring out the foolish things people do with their money.
  • Money Supply in the United States This essay discusses the money supply, what constitutes it, and the current supply in the US. It will also examine how the COVID-19 pandemic affected the M2 supply in the country.
  • Lloyd’s Tsb Bank Is Under Fire for Money Laundering Offense This research article discusses the role of the bank, either knowingly or unknowingly, in laundering the money obtained by cheating.
  • Finance, Currency Alternatives, and Money in the Bible The currency used in all countries nowadays is an example of fiat money, meaning that it lacks intrinsic value.
  • ”Money Supply” Article by Enam Ahmed Analysis In this article, Enam Ahmed explains why central banks should use the Divisia approach to measure the effectiveness of monetary policies.
  • York College Medical Center Managing Grant Money Despite numerous positive effects that financial recognition of the employees could bring to the general state of the center, free healthcare services are of higher priority.
  • Men, Women & Money – How the Sexes Differ with Their Finances’ Article Review? Amy Livingston’s article Men, Women & Money – How the Sexes Differ with Their Finances provides comparative gender-related research.
  • Tradesmart Inc.: The Money-Back Guarantee Tradesmart Inc. is a fairly broad marketplace, which, in addition to low prices, also provides customers with a unique policy of returning money for the goods.
  • Can Money Buy Happiness? This article analyzes Sandy LaMotto’s research that money brings happiness and that selfish spending is associated with a good mood.
  • The Money Factor in Drug and Alcohol Treatment A vast number of individuals fail to take up drug treatment because they are unable to raise the money that is required to enroll in such a program.
  • Exchange Rate and Price: U.S. and Chinese Money The exchange rate quotation is derived by stating the number of units of term currency that can be bought in terms of the unit currency, which is also known as the base currency.
  • Illegal Immigrants – They Are Money The paper looks at the issue of “illegal immigrants” to the US from the perspective of their value to businesses as cheap labor and as a market for their goods like credit cards.
  • “Money, Greed, and God: Why Capitalism Is the Solution and Not a Problem” by Jay Richards In his book “Money, Greed, and God,” Jay Richards, an American analytical philosopher, seeks to address the most common myths about capitalism.
  • “Rivers of Blood and Money” Article by Burden The article “Rivers of Blood and Money” by Burden takes a different approach when analyzing the issue of anti-Semitism and events before and during the Holocaust.
  • Money and Happiness in Economic Theories The pursuit of additional wealth and income usually becomes addictive thereby reducing an individual’s time with their family members and friends and limiting their social life.
  • Healthcare Reform: Obama’s Immediate Challenges Having initiated the healthcare reform, President Obama met stiff opposition to the insurance and pharmaceutics lobby. It would be disadvantageous and made them lose revenue.
  • Time Value of Money and Interest Rate Risk Time value of money (TVM) is a financial concept, which implies that money available to an individual or a company at the present time is much more valuable.
  • How Can American Cities Raise More Money? One of the main ways through which urban governments in the United States can avert revenue problems is through prudent reduction of services that they currently offer.
  • World Money: From the Eurodollar to the Sinodollar
  • Treasury Operations, Bank Credit, and the Money Market
  • Working From Home Can Earn You Money
  • The Money Demand Function for the Euro Area: Some Empirical Evidence
  • Trade Credit and the Money Market
  • U.S. Domestic Money, Inflation and Output
  • The U.S. Money Market and the Term Auction Facility in the Financial Crisis of 2007–2009
  • Varying the Money Supply of Commercial Banks
  • The Uses of the Money in the Six Century B.C
  • Tight Money Policies and Inflation Revisited
  • Working Through the Distribution: Money in the Short and Long Run
  • Utilizing the Time Value of Money
  • Women Are Working and Spending Money Same as Men
  • Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps
  • Velocity and Money Growth Variability: Evidence From Japan
  • The Swiss Sovereign Money Initiative
  • Velocity and the Variability of Anticipated and Unanticipated Money Growth in Malaysia
  • The Translog Utility Function and the Demand for Money in the United States
  • Why Money Talks and Wealth Whispers: Monetary Uncertainty and Mystique?
  • Triodos Bank: Conscious Money in Action
  • Transactions Costs, the Wage Rate, and the Demand for Money
  • The Obsession With Money and the New Consumer Culture of the 1920s
  • U.S. Banking and Money
  • The Relationship Between Government Deficits, Money Growth and Inflation
  • Understanding How Money Works

Simple Money Topics to Write About

  • The Rules for Saving Money by Consolidating Debt
  • Thinking About Monetary Policy Without Money
  • The Relationship Between Economic Growth and Money Laundering
  • Work Can Provide More Than Money
  • Velocity and the Growth of Money in the United States, 1970-1985
  • Trade, Money, and Employment in Intertemporal Optimizing Models of Growth
  • Unemployment, Real Wages and the Money Supply in Australia
  • The Money Demand and the Loss of Interest for the Euro in Romania
  • Wealth, Financial Liberalization, and the Demand for Money in Japan
  • The Relationship Between Mobile Money Technology and Financial Development
  • U.S. Narrow Money for the Twenty-First Century
  • Working for Little Money: Does Germany Need a Minimum Wage?
  • Where Has the Money Gone? The Case of Value Added Tax Revenue Performance in Indonesia
  • The Trouble With Money: A Prescription for America’s Financial Fever
  • Why Most PPC Advertisers Lose Money?
  • Unconventional Monetary Policy and Money Demand
  • Winning Money Online With Web Analytics
  • Utility Function Transformations and Money Illusion: Reply and Further Results
  • The Relation Between Money, Income and Prices in South Africa
  • York Times Victims Money Fund
  • Why Isn’t Money Considered Capital in Economics?
  • Tight Money and the Sustainability of Public Debt
  • Wealth and How Money Influences People’s Lives
  • Tight Money-Tight Credit: Coordination Failure in the Conduct of Monetary and Financial Policies
  • Can Money Buy Happiness and Freedom?
  • Does Money Equal Power in American Politics?
  • Does Money Improve Academic Achievement?
  • Does Ones Success Depend on the Amount of Money a Person Earns?
  • What Are Some Fundamental Strategies for Saving Money?
  • How Does Federal Reserve Control the Money Supply?
  • How Does Inflation Affect the Function of Money?
  • How Does Shakespeare Present the Issues of Love and Money in His Plays?
  • How Does the RSPCA Persuade Us to Part With Our Money?
  • How Money and Appearance Control the World?
  • How Money Changes the Way We Think and Behave?
  • How Money Has Become the Enemy of Our Society?
  • How Money Was Created and the Basic Political Ideology of Money?
  • How Much Money Does California Get From the Federal Government?
  • What Are the Anticipations and the Nonneutrality of Money?
  • What Is the Role of the State and the Hierarchy of Money?
  • What Alternative Approaches to Money and Growth Are There?
  • What Are the Statistical Mechanics of Money?
  • What Is the Influence of Money on Medical Science?
  • What Is the Development of a Money Attitude Scale?
  • Will Money Increase Subjective Well-being?
  • What Is the Structure and Performance of the Money Management Industry?
  • Why Is There a Difficulty With the Optimum Quantity of Money?
  • What Are the Distributions of Money in Model Markets of Economy?
  • What Are the Monetary Policy Implications of Digital Money?

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Essay on Money 200+ Words

Money, a concept deeply ingrained in our daily lives, plays a pivotal role in our society. It serves as a medium of exchange, a measure of value, and a store of wealth. In this essay, we will explore the significance of money, backed by statistics, examples, and expert opinions.

The History of Money

Money has a fascinating history that dates back thousands of years. According to renowned historian Niall Ferguson, the earliest forms of money were simple items like shells or grains used for trade. Over time, coins and paper currency were introduced, revolutionizing commerce.

Money as a Medium of Exchange

One of money’s primary functions is to facilitate trade. It allows us to exchange goods and services efficiently. Imagine a world without money, where we had to barter directly for everything we needed. Money simplifies transactions, making our lives easier.

Money as a Measure of Value

It serves as a universal measure of value. It allows us to compare the worth of different goods and services. For example, a loaf of bread costs a certain amount of money, and we can easily determine its value compared to other items like milk or eggs.

Money as a Store of Wealth

Saving money enables us to store wealth for the future. Financial expert Warren Buffett advises, “Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving.” Money invested wisely can grow over time, providing security and opportunities.

Economic Growth and Prosperity

Economists like Milton Friedman have shown that a stable monetary system is crucial for economic growth. Money allows businesses to expand, creates job opportunities, and fosters innovation, contributing to overall prosperity.

Personal Finance Management

Money management skills are essential for individuals and families. According to financial planner Suze Orman, understanding budgeting, saving, and investing empowers us to achieve our financial goals and secure our future.

Money and Philanthropy

Money can also be a force for good. Many philanthropists, such as Bill and Melinda Gates, use their wealth to address global issues like poverty and disease. Their generosity demonstrates how money can positively impact the world.

The Role of Government

Governments manage the money supply and ensure economic stability. Economist John Maynard Keynes emphasized the importance of government intervention during economic crises to prevent financial collapses and unemployment.

Conclusion of Essay on Money

In conclusion, money is a powerful and essential aspect of our lives. Its historical significance, role as a medium of exchange, measure of value, and store of wealth make it a cornerstone of our modern society. Money contributes to economic growth, empowers personal financial success, and can even be a catalyst for positive change through philanthropy. As we navigate our financial journeys, let us remember the significance of money and its potential to shape our lives and the world around us. Money is a tool, and how we use it determines its impact on our lives and society as a whole.

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The New York Times

Your money | students and money, in their own words.


Your Money | Your Money

Students and money, in their own words.

Compiled by RON LIEBER MAY 21, 2015

Each year, we put out a call for college application essays about money, work and social class. This year, we picked seven -- about pizza, parental sacrifice, prep school students, discrimination and deprivation.

' class=

North Bergen, N.J.

High school, st. peter's preparatory school, college plans, columbia university.

Getting dressed each morning for school, I slip on my blazer, tighten my leather Oxfords, and pick a pair of glasses that match my outfit. Just a block away from my house, my town's high school is a two-minute walk to my left. However, I turn right and begin my hour-long commute to St. Peter's Prep. On my way to the bus stop, I always run into my childhood friends as we go in different directions. I wonder, “Why is my life so different from theirs? Do they think I'm pretentious, going to a prep school?” I don't live in a dystopian town where gunshots go off every day. However, many of my friends just don't care about school and use alcohol, drugs or sex to escape from their socioeconomic realities; the majority of my town is low-income and Latino.

I continue walking to the bus stop and run into a friend who went to my elementary school. "Those red pants make you look like one of those jerks from Prep, bruh. I work the register at a bank and I don't even wear that crap," he says while laughing in a sincere manner. He shakes my hand the same way we have since the second grade; we both smile at the fact that the gesture is alive after all these years.

Arriving at my high school, my favorite priest sketches the trinity on my torso and mentions something he wants me to do with the blessing of God that day: ace a test, inspire the freshmen with a motivational speech or simply be happy. Feeling loved, I move on to ethics class and analyze how the cycle of socialization comes into play with the same community I just tutored a weekend ago, Brooklyn Jesuit Prep. In my science class, I discuss how global warming relates to the research trip I recently attended in Alaska with my teacher.

To enjoy the weekend, I go to a football game between Prep and my neighborhood. During a play, my prep friends chant, “That's alright, that’s okay, you'll be working for us someday.” Having deep bonds of friendship on both sides, I'm shocked at the thoughtlessness of my classmates. Part of me feels ostracized, but another part of me wants to fix things; I fiercely lecture them on how wrong they are about my home. With my neighborhood friends, part of me wants to ignore what the football fans had to say, but a subtle fear that they may be right grows in my heart. I am moved and start tutoring my neighborhood friends with my used test-preparation books and showing them the social skills I learned from Dale Carnegie. I also start sharing books on body language and charisma, fascinating guides to lucid dreaming, and my favorite thrillers from Stephen King. I do this simply because it's what friends do. While I see college as an opportunity, many of my neighborhood friends see it as an obstacle keeping them from a paying job. I am trying to help this handful of friends realize that studying, reading, and learning can be rewarding.

Living two blocks away from me, my best friend, Eduardo, attends public school and wants to become a United States Marshal. Working out four hours every day and taking classes like public speaking, law and American literature, everything he does revolves around his goal. People like Eduardo give me hope among the football fans' chanting and make the fear in my heart subside.

The two worlds that comprise my being constantly play tug of war in my mind. My parents came from poverty in Ecuador, so I was raised believing that hard work and education can take you anywhere. Whether that work is in the classroom, at the gym or networking at a business event, persistence is what fosters success. Not your race. Not your native language. Not your ZIP code.

Red Bluff, Calif.

High school, red bluff high school, college plans.

For years, I’ve reflected on what qualities enable people to overcome adversity. I believe my journey exemplifies that one answer is a synthesis of initiative and resilience. From foster care, to a broken home, to military service, to two tours of duty in the Middle East, initiative and resilience have steered me to where I am today.

I was born into poverty to an immigrant mother. When I was 2, my mother’s drug addiction caused me to be placed into the Los Angeles County foster care system. I lived in seven different homes over the next five years. Some homes had more than 10 foster children living in them. The families were of many ethnic backgrounds; I was compelled to develop social skills to receive care from distracted foster parents. I was a curious boy and enjoyed interacting with the people around me.

At age 7, I was adopted by a married couple and their daughter. I enjoyed calling my new parents “mom” and “dad” and saying “I have a sister.” As a boy who hadn’t had a family, it made me happy to finally be a part of one.

Two years later, my parents revealed they were ending their marriage. This was crushing. I observed as my parents argued and noticed they often mentioned my adoption. I found a sanctuary to escape: the school library. There I read Encyclopedia Brown and other favorites. My adoptive mother was granted custody of me; consequently my adoptive father severed ties with me because he knew it would hurt my mother. I was heartbroken and curious why a dispute with my mother resulted in my father not speaking to me. I asked adult relatives and they’d skirt the question. There was one adult who was truthful.

She was a coworker of my mother’s named Shelly. She related that when adults are hurt, they can behave irresponsibly. I was grateful for her honesty and we became close. My mother soon entered a relationship with her. As a young boy, I was puzzled that my mother could now be in a relationship with Shelly. My mother explained that in our society young gay people are often socialized into believing they’re heterosexual and then, as adults, embrace their attraction to the same sex. This blew my 9-year-old mind and intensified my interest in the complexities of human behavior. My mother and her partner Shelly raised me into adolescence.

Shelly was shot when I was 14. I was terrified that she wouldn’t survive; I felt great affection for her. I was rejected by other parental figures, yet Shelly chose to help care for me. She survived after extensive surgery and received an insurance settlement which she and my mother used to buy a home. One year later, our home was foreclosed. I’d developed enough resilience to overcome the ordeal and I decided to take initiative.

After graduating high school, I decided to join the military during the Iraq surge in 2007. I understood the risks, and the structured image the Air Force evoked, combined with my desire to serve my country, gave me good reason to enlist.

While military life was demanding, my efforts paid off. A unification of resilience and initiative in an ordered environment has led me to success. I’ve accomplished much over the last seven years because the Air Force provides an organized setting that contrasts with the chaos of my upbringing. I developed leadership and collaboration skills by serving abroad alongside people of all backgrounds, from the Middle East to Europe. Moreover, I achieved fluency in another language, learned more about the human experience and gained awareness of my own potential.

My aim is to become a psychologist and further explore the themes of resilience and initiative to assist people who’ve endured traumatic situations. My trials as a youth along with my military service have inspired me to help others overcome adversity.

Rob has some college credit from correspondence courses, and he’s considered a transfer applicant. He is still waiting to hear from some colleges.

Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music and Art and Performing Arts

Kenyon college.

I have no pre-choir memories.

If it were not for my involvement in the choir, I would never have discovered my talent and love for singing that led me to apply to LaGuardia High School. My vocal training in school has opened up a whole new world of singing to me and has exposed me to others who are passionate and dedicated to their art.

At the age of 4, I began attending choir at St. James Church. My mother decided that joining choir would provide me with musical and religious instruction, in addition to supplying the stories and rituals that are essential to Western civilization, Christianity — whatever that means. I was initially joined by scads of my peers at St. James, making choir a fun, social task, but as I grew older, one by one, my friends began dropping out and I became entirely disenchanted with what I saw as the onerous chore of attending choir. They simply did not want to go anymore and their parents complied.

In addition to the dwindling choristers, Saint James was located on the Upper East Side, one of the fanciest ZIP codes in New York, while I was coming from my school in the pregentrified Brooklyn neighborhood of Bushwick. While the neighborhood is now known for its gourmet pizzerias and trendy clubs, the Bushwick of my childhood was known for shootings and public housing projects, if it was known at all. This discrepancy between my two lives made me more than a little uncomfortable. While the children at choir proudly donned the telltale signs of their elite education: tartan skirts and navy blazers encrusted with the logos of their private schools whose cost was nearly as much as my mother’s yearly wage, I maintained my own uniform of jeans and a T-shirt. They all knew me as the girl from Brooklyn, the chorister who went to public school.

I begged and pleaded with my mom to let me follow the path of my friends and retire my choir robe, but she persisted, always replying with a curt “no”. She believed that in the long run, going to choir would benefit me both educationally and socially.

As the years went on, I continued to badger my mother on the subject. Her answers began to lessen in severity. She showed compassion toward my dislike of choir and soon replied to my questions of discontinuing my involvement in chorus with answers like “Just do it for one more year” and the even more compassionate, “Are you sure?” Despite my mother’s change of heart, I did not take advantage of her limbo-ed responses, and instead, I began to withdraw my constant requests. In spite of not having many friends in choir, I began to enjoy literally finding my voice every week in church. After years in choir, I let my voice become free and discovered that it was loud and powerful. It could be used to lead others in song. When I was younger, I had always followed the older, more experienced singers. I would wait for the right pitch, or follow the pros to figure out when to come in, but little by little, letting go of my reticence, I began to trust myself: starting the pitch and coming in when I knew we were supposed to sing. Eventually, other singers began to follow my lead. Parishioners started to acknowledge me for my voice rather than my address. I began to appreciate this music that I had heard throughout my youth, yet had always dismissed as boring and religious. Soon enough, my habitual complaints about choir completely stopped.

After being in the choir for nearly a decade, I was awarded the position of head chorister, which served as an affirmation of my musical abilities, since I was now expected to lead the younger choristers. The position of head chorister motivated me into applying to the highly competitive and prestigious LaGuardia High School.

Although I initially detested choir, I have come to love it, and more than that, it has become an intrinsic part of me. Choir allowed me to not only grow as a singer, but also as a person. Through choir, I learned that if you continue with something long enough, you will receive some sort of benefit from it and maybe even grow to love it. Because of choir I found my voice in a small church. Because of choir, I am willing to go wherever life takes me with an open mind, knowing that the effects of even the smallest things can be completely life-altering. As a song that I learned in choir and auditioned with for LaGuardia says: “Oh God, my heart is ready.”

Latin School of Chicago

Northwestern university.

With fingers long and elegant, and nails always red, my mother’s hands once held the magic power to soothe my woes. As a child these hands wiped my tears and pulled me close enough to her to smell her motherly scent — a mixture of Nivea lotion and achiote , evidence that she had spent her morning in the kitchen. Years later, these same hands incited my tears.

In Ecuador, my mother was invincible, but upon our arrival to the United States she became a shell of what she once was. I had grown accustomed to seeing her youthful hands well manicured, but melancholy and hours of hard labor had silently taken over them in a matter of months. Blisters and dark spots invaded her smooth brown skin, while thick and stubborn blue and green veins crept up from the backs of her hands to the tips of her fingers.

Fatigue and two jobs had ruined who both my parents used to be, and I began to value the little time I had with my mother more than ever before. This little time could not make up for the time I spent alone, however, nor could it assuage the envy I had of the little girl my mother looked after. She, though not my mother’s daughter, had the privilege of having my mother and her delicious cooking all to herself; I would always get the leftovers. She also had the privilege of having my mother pin her silky blond hair into a pretty bun before ballet classes while my dad wrestled with the hairbrush to pull my thick brown hair into two lopsided ponytails before dropping me off at the bus stop. But I couldn’t blame the girl for depriving me of my mother; her parents had also been consumed by their jobs.

My mother’s hands caressed me less and less, and by the age of 12 I had become nearly indifferent to her cold and rare touch. My family had turned into a group of strangers that happened to be living under the same roof while chasing the American Dream.

At 4 a.m. on May 3, 2009, I woke to a soft and unfamiliar cry. Scared and confused, I put on my slippers and tiptoed to my parents’ room.There, in the moonlit darkness, I found my mother, the woman of iron, once again defeated. Phone by her side, fists clenched, curled up like a child, she sobbed uncontrollably. I did not need an explanation; I knew right away that my abuelita had passed away. I pulled my mother close to my chest and wiped away her tears. And for the first time in several years, I uttered the words le quiero mucho Mami (I love you, Mom). She looked up at me with her big, brown, tear-filled eyes, and whispered, y yo a tí (I do, too). The distance that had silently emerged between us since we left Ecuador was suddenly erased. I had become my mother’s protector, as she had once been for her mother. I held her callused hands between my own and realized that despite their smoothness, my hands were not much different from hers.

Centreville, Va.

Westfield high school, georgetown university.

"Just another illegal looking for a job," the chubby cashier whispers to his coworker as my dad and I walk out of the convenience store. We had just driven up to buy lunch, and my dad was delighted to see a "Help Wanted" sign.

"Mi hija, por favor pregunta si puedo aplicar" he eagerly pleads to me. Despite my hesitations of seeing an army of white-faced workers, I reluctantly agreed to ask the chubby cashier for an application. The cashier, whose name tag said Dave, informed us that the first part of the application was a verbal interview. Dave would ask the questions, and my dad would do his best to respond. His English was broken and he frequently looked to me for translating. After a few questions Dave concluded the interview and looked over to me,

"Listen, girl. He's over 60 and speaks no English. There is no way we would hire him." His tone was rude, but I sadly understood why my dad wasn't hired. I faced my hopeful dad and watched his smile drop as I told him that Dave just remembered that they hired someone yesterday and that they really couldn't afford to hire anyone else. My dad was disappointed, but nonetheless he graciously shook Dave's hand and thanked him for his time.

Job searching is difficult for everyone, but in a world full of Daves, it's almost impossible. Daves are people who look at my family and immediately think less of us. They think illegal, poor and uneducated. Daves never allow my dad to pass the first round of job applications. Daves watch like hawks as my brother and I enter stores. Daves inconsiderately correct my mother's grammar. Because there are Daves in the world, I have become a protector for my family. I excuse their behavior as just being a "typical American." I convince my mother that they are only staring at her lovely new purse. I convince my dad they are only shouting about store sales to us. Aside from being a protector, I am also an advocate. As an advocate, I make sure my family is never taken advantage of. I am always looking out for scams and discrepancies. I am the one asking the questions when we buy or sell a car. I make sure all details are discussed and no specifics are left unanswered.

I have been committed to helping my parents since I was 8 years old. Although I didn't always enjoy acting like a mini-adult, I was always delighted to see my parents smile when I finished a task. I quickly came to a conclusion that I liked making other people happy. It felt good to do something for others that they couldn't do for themselves. My parents never shielded me from reality. I was very aware of their past struggles with poverty and I knew how lucky I was to have food on the table, a roof over my head and a school to attend, and after years of helping just my parents, I decided to expand my clientele: I began volunteering.

I have volunteered at soup kitchens, retirement homes, public libraries and parks. I have worked with inspiring leaders, traveled to unique locations and met with engaging people of all ages. I quickly developed a love for both service and my community, and after eight years the love still flourishes.

I am excited to widen my impact and hope to pursue a career in either public service, politics or diplomacy. I am so grateful for all the support I have received. From caring public school teachers to subsidized lunches, the United States has put me on a path to success. Undoubtedly this path wasn't always paved, but rugged and relentless feet have carried me along.

Adamsville, Ala.

High school, alabama school of fine arts, college plans, wesleyan university.

Once, when I worked at Domino’s, a mechanic jokingly asked me if I could put his order under the name Bill Gates. I told him yes, because why not? Why should a black mechanic who worked day after day for minimum wage not enjoy a few minutes as a millionaire? Whenever I donned my black visor and navy blue polo, customers didn’t see an art school feminist who loved banned books, French films and protest songs. I was a face, a face who took orders and tossed pizzas. I could have been anyone.

My favorite thing about working at Domino’s was interacting with the assortment of people that pizza unified. I felt so anonymous in uniform, confident enough to answer phones and talk to strangers. Eiad, our pizza chef from Pakistan, resembled Bob Dylan and sang folk songs from his homeland when business was smooth. One of the other insiders played guitar, managed a costume shop and once welded a statue for Marvel Enterprises in New York. Teenagers came in, grass-stained and sweaty, immediately after soccer practice. Men in flannel with babies in their arms and two kids trailing behind them allowed their children to choose what to order. Elderly women in floppy sunhats and fake pearls would call before Bible school and ask for 20 large cheese pizzas to satisfy everyone.

Domino’s was like an Island of Misfit Toys floating in the middle of Alabama. My coworkers all joked about each other for what made us different: Richard was a walking Star Wars database, Mike was O.C.D. when it came to stacking pizza boxes, I was a vegetarian who often had to package the meat. Kristen, now 40, had worked at pizzerias since she was 14 and was currently filing applications to enroll in college. Terry preached to a small congregation when he wasn’t delivering.

Ever since I moved here, I’ve felt like an outsider in my community. I live for the arts while my town prioritizes football and fishing. The general population is Caucasian, Christian, Republican, anti-gay, and pro-guns — or so I thought. At Domino’s, three of my coworkers fasted for Ramadan, one of the drivers read novels while waiting for deliveries and both of my bosses were women. The people who came in were far from homogenous, as diverse as the pizzas they ordered: Caucasian, Asian, African-American, and Mexican lawyers, firemen, construction workers, stay-at-home mothers, house painters. Many were married, some were divorced and some were single. Many had kids. Many were still kids. I couldn’t help but admire them. They made enduring irate customers, drunken phone calls and crying children worth minimum wage. All were just ordinary people trying to build lives in America. All were united and equivalent when in need of pizza.

Great Neck, N.Y.

Great neck south high school, university of chicago.

Weekends growing up were spent hitting tennis balls with my coach, sketching still lives at a local art studio and practicing the violin with my private teacher. My parents endorsed my interests because we had financial security that most families in America didn't. I'm thankful that this wealth also allows me to live in one of the most affluent suburbs of New York and attend one of its best public schools, where it's not uncommon to see my peers driving to school in a Mercedes-Benz.

Even though I can buy glamorous things because of my family's wealth, I've never felt comfortable spending it. Some girls in my school frivolously spend their money – at the local Abercrombie, they'll point to a shirt they like and swipe their cards without batting an eyelash at the price. I use my money differently because of how I was raised. I make a beeline to the discount sections at higher-end retailers to find trendy garments and resell them on eBay to make a profit covering next semester's art supplies.

Many of my peers were fed since birth with a silver spoon, not giving a second thought to the family wealth at their disposal. I like to think I use my spoon sparingly, feeding myself only when necessary. I dislike spending my parents' money because I didn't earn any of it. I appreciate my parents endorsing my interests like violin because these hobbies are enriching, but I'm discomfited when they pay for superficial things like name-brand clothing. I'm fine just wearing thrifted shirts and discounted sneakers. I suppose it's because my mother raised me to embody a Chinese proverb that translates to "save when financially stable because the future is unknown."

At a young age, I was forced to understand what came at the price of that wealth: time with my father. When I was 8, he left to build his own canned fruits company in China. That was the first year a seat at the dinner table remained empty and a car in the garage sat untouched. Suddenly, our relationship became two five-minute phone calls per week. He'll see my brother and me only for a quarter of the year – just the equivalent of a season spent together. He couldn't come to my brother's high school graduation, and during school orchestra concerts I would take a hopeful glance at the audience to see only my mother's face in the crowd. However, he’s the reason I have a silver spoon that allows me to scoop more than just canned peaches. If he hadn't followed his ambitions, we would still be a close-knit family living in a smaller home, but maybe then thrift shopping would be mandatory instead of voluntary.

My love and appreciation for my father makes me honor the money he provides me with – every dollar comes at the expense of his physical distance. When my father comes to visit, he offers to buy me the newest iPhone or drive me to Bloomingdale's because of the guilt he feels for not being with us. I accept his offer sparingly because I don't want him to think of me as someone who asks for more than what I need. While everyone in school has been toting the newest iPhone since ninth grade, I took his used phone, giving up 24/7 Internet access – I didn't need to check Facebook every minute. Although I enjoy the security afforded me by his success, it doesn't diminish my determination to build a future with my own bare hands. When I leave the silver spoon too long in my mouth, I feel this nagging itch telling me to remove it, as if I'm allergic to silver. If the spoon's used sparingly, I can avoid an outbreak. But I don't mind my allergy. I embrace it because it reminds me that everything comes at a price – even silver spoons.

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Essay on Money

Money is a significant part of human civilisation. It is difficult to think about the world without money. Everybody needs money for various purposes, starting from day-to-day transactions to savings for the future. But if we go back to history, we will find that before money came into existence, there was a barter system to facilitate transactions among individuals in society. With the development of civilisation over time, the barter system lost its ground and was replaced by money. This essay on money will provide ideas to students so they can effectively write essays on this topic. They can also check out the list of CBSE Essays to practise more essays on different topics and boost their writing skills.

500+ Words Essay on Money

Money is any object or record that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts which also acts as a standard of deferred payments. The main functions of money are distinguished as: a medium of exchange, a unit of account and a store of value. The money supply of a country consists of currency (banknotes and coins) and bank money. Bank money usually forms the largest part of the money supply.

With the help of money, we can fulfil our dream. We can go on trips to various places, eat tasty food, buy a beautiful house and can buy any luxury items. Many businessmen earn a lot of money by making profits from their businesses. They provide services or make products that people need and make money from them. Now, there are many industries and startups which have set up their business and gained success. But still, there are many people who use illegal modes to earn money and become a part of corruption.

Significance of Money in Economy

Money plays an important role in shaping the economy of any country. Money can stimulate or even hamper economic progress. Money affects the income, output, employment, consumption and economic welfare of the community at large. Money through its purchasing power increases consumption and, as a store of value, increases investment, and employment and leads to economic development.

Demonetisation in India

The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, announced demonetisation on 8th November 2016, where Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes were withdrawn from circulation. It was a major event of the year 2016. The demonetisation decision was taken by the Government in consultation with the RBI. The action was taken to tackle Black Money which is available in various forms like cash, investment in property and real estate, luxury goods like jewellery or with foreign currency dealers and private financiers. The target was to curb the use of black money.

The other motto of demonetisation was to reduce corruption. With demonetisation, the cash in the hands of corrupt people becomes useless, and if the same is deposited in the banks, it loses anonymity, and the person has to pay taxes on the said amount.

The demonetisation also helped in promoting digitalisation through online transactions. A large section of the Indian economy was being run on the cash system, which does not get captured by the tax department as it does not leave any trail. So, the Government thought about promoting digitisation and formalisation of the economy through online transactions, e-wallets, and various payment instruments like Paytm, Rupay cards, the BHIM app etc. The beauty of these instruments is that the entire economic activity gets captured. It reduces tax evasion and improves tax collection.

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Time Is Money Essay

500 words essay on time is money.

Time is money means time is priceless and precious. We use it for earning money but what’s important to understand is that we cannot use the money to get our lost time back. Thus, it makes time more precious than money or any other thing in the world. Through time is money essay, we will go through its importance and the reason behind it.

time is money essay

Importance of Time

Even though the importance of time differs for everyone, it is nonetheless important. Once we grow up, our childhood never comes back. Similarly, a student always tries their best all through the year for getting good grades.

Similarly, people make use of their precious time for different purposes to do their best to fulfil their wishes. It is because we are aware that time will not wait for anyone. We all get to live our life once.

Thus, it is up to us as to how we will use it. We can spend it by gaining a lot of achievement or we can spoil it by wasting the precious time given to us. Intelligent people strive to make the most of their time but living each moment to the fullest. Thus, we must all strive for the same thing.

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More Valuable than Money

It is clear by now that time is more valuable than money. Millions of people believe in this and it remains a fact. It is because once you lose time, you will never get it back, not even a second of it.

Time can be used to make money but money cannot be used to make more time. Thus, all the money in the world does not matter if you do not have enough time. Do you know the difference between successful people and failures?

We all get 24 hours in a day, no matter where we come from or how much money we have. It is not using all 24 hours that matters; it is how we use those hours. A successful person will always use their time efficiently to make progress in life.

Time is something we get and we have all the right to use it just like money. But, what’s different is that when we lose money, we can always get it back in one way or another. However, when we lose time, we can never get it back with any amount of money.

A patient in need of medical attention understands the value of time and that it is valuable than money . Similarly, an entrepreneur will take the fastest mode of travel to travel for a business deal to save time and seal and the deal. Thus, we see that time is indeed more important than money in life.

Conclusion of Time Is Money Essay

To sum it up, time is definitely more important than money. In fact, every one of use has experienced this truth or will do at some point in our lives. Thus, it is a proven fact that time is money so we must use it efficiently.

FAQ of Time Is Money Essay

Question 1: Why time is very important in our life?

Answer 1: Time is important because it helps us to make a good habit of organizing and structuring our daily activities. Moreover, it plays a major role in our lives. Similarly, time can also heal things whether external wounds or feelings.

Question 2: What figure of speech is time is money?

Answer 2: It is a metaphor. This popular metaphor compares time and money. It states that time is a valuable resource which we must all use efficiently in order to earn money and lead a comfortable life.

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Essay on Money: Meaning, Functions and Role

english essay about money

Read this essay to learn about the meaning, functions and role of money.

Meaning of Money:

Money has been defined differently by different economists. Some, like F.A. Walker, define it in terms of its functions, while others like G.D.H. Cole, J.M. Keynes, Seligman and D.H. Robertson lay stress on the ‘general acceptability’ aspect of money.

According to Prof. D.H. Robertson, “anything which is widely accepted in payment for goods or in discharge of other kinds of business obligation, is called money.” Seligman defines money as “one thing that possesses general acceptability.” Prof. Ely says: “Money is anything that passes freely from hand to hand as a medium of exchange and is generally received in final discharge of debts.”

Prof. A. Walker says “Money is that money does.” But these definitions are defective because they do not lay proper emphasis on all the essential functions of money. Prof. Crowther’s definition of money is considered better as it takes into account all the important functions of money. He defines money as “anything that is generally acceptable as a means of exchange (i.e., as a means of setting debts) and at the same lime, acts as a measure and a store of value.”


It is a fact that although money was the first economic object to attract men’s thoughtful attention…there is at the present day not even an approximate agreement as to what ought to be designated by the world…the business world makes use of the term in several senses; while amongst economists there are almost as many different conceptions as there are writers on the subject.’

Functions of Money :

Money is a matter of functions four, a medium, a measure, a standard, a store.

Money in a modern economy performs important functions which have been classified by Kinley as follows:

(a) Primary functions also called fundamental and original functions like the medium of exchange and measure of value.

(b) Secondary functions like standard of deferred payments, store of value and transfer of value.

(c) Contingent functions like distribution of income, measurement and maximisation of utility etc.

Medium of exchange:

Money serves as a medium of exchange and facilitates the buying and selling of goods, thereby eliminating the need for double coincidence of wants as under barter. A man who wants to sell wheat in exchange for rice can sell it for money and purchase rice.

Measure of value:

Money has also removed the difficulty of barter system by serving as a common measure of value. The values of various commodities are expressed in terms of money. Money as a measure of value has made transactions simple and easy. It may be understood that this function of money follows from the first basic function (medium of exchange). It is because money is used as a medium to exchange goods, that each good gets a value in terms of money (called price). As such, money also serves as a unit of account. In India, the unit of account is the Rupee, in USA, the Dollar; in USSR, the Rouble and the Yen in Japan.

Store of Value:

Classical economists did not recognize the store of value function of money. Keynes laid stress on this function of money. People store money to provide again the rainy day and to meet unforeseen contingencies. According to Keynes, people also store money to take advantage of the changes in the rate of interest. Money as a store preserves value through time and space. Money as a store of value through time means the shifting of purchasing power from the present to the future and as such it serves as an important link between the present and the future.

Money in this case is stored as a form of ‘asset’. Money is an asset or a form of wealth because it is a claim. It is the most convenient way of laying claim to such goods and services as one wishes to buy. Thus, rather than keeping their wealth in the form of non-liquid assets like houses, shares, etc., people prefer to keep their wealth in the form of money.

Money is the most liquid of all assets i.e., money can be readily exchanged for goods and services without any difficulty and the price of money or its value is stable at least over a short period. In fact, all assets like bonds, saving accounts, treasury bills, government securities, inventories and real estate do serve as stores of value, but they differ in the degree of liquidity; money amongst these possesses highest degree of liquidity and that is why people prefer it most as a store of value.

However, we should not give it undue importance because the value of money does not remain stable through time. As prices rise, people try to get rid of money as its value falls. Moreover, in modern economies storing wealth in the form of money is unimportant as it is done in the form of interest-bearing securities.

Money as a store of value through space continues to be important; for instance, an Indian businessman who sells his business and property and goes to USA and settles down there is a case of exporting value through space. In ancient times, gold and silver coins were used as a store of value followed by currency notes. In advanced countries today money is stored in the form of bank deposits.

Standard of Deferred Payments:

Money has always been used as a standard of deferred payment. This function of money has attained more importance in modern times with the extension of trade based on credit. As a result of this function, it has become possible to express future payments in terms of money. A borrower who borrows a certain sum in the present undertakes to pay the same in future. Similarly, a person who purchases on credit agrees to pay in future when his bills become due. Money as a standard of deferred payments is performing useful function enabling the current and present transactions to be discharged in future.

Contingent Functions:

Besides, the primary and secondary functions of money, Prof. Kinley lays stress on the contingent functions of money. Money facilitates the distribution of national income among the various factors of production. Land, labour, capital and organization all co-operate in an act of production and the product is the result of their joint efforts, which belongs to all of them.

Money makes the distribution of joint production, amongst various factors easy and paves the way for economic progress. Further, a concept like utility is measured in terms of money. A consumer as well as a producer measures the utilities of different goods and factors of production with the help of money and try to get maximum satisfaction or maximum returns.

Again, credit is the basis of modern economic progress. Money constitutes the basis of credit. Banks create credit not out of thin air but with the help of money. Moreover, money gives liquidity to various forms of wealth. A person by keeping his wealth in the form of money renders it most liquid.

Functions of Money

Role of Money:

Money plays a vital role in the determination of income and employment. The basic problems of macroeconomics are the determination of income, output, employment and the general price levels, including the determination of the long-run rate of growth of income. As far as the growth theory is concerned, the supply and demand for money have been largely ignored until recently, yet all but the very simplest short-run income and price level determination models have a money market included in them.

As such, money becomes an economic force in its own right, which under certain circumstances, powerfully affects economic activities. This is the main subject matter of monetary economics. Monetary theory is that branch of economics which aims at discovering and explaining how the use of money in its various forms affects production, consumption and distribution of goods. As a matter of fact, the advocates of monetary theory plead that a large number of factors affect the volume of production, consumption and distribution. To them, money is no more a veil, a medium to facilitate exchange of goods: but something more vital, more crucial and more important, which affects the general level of economic activity.

Monetary theorists hold that the use of money as a medium of exchange, as a store of value, as a measure of value, as a standard of deferred payments along with its contingent functions has the capacity of influencing the volume and direction of economic activity that would not occur in a barter economy. In a monetary economy, according to Keynes, “money plays a part of its own and affects motives and decisions and is, in short, one of the operative factors in the situation, so that the course of events cannot be predicted, either in the long period or in the short, without a knowledge of the behaviour of money between the first state and the last.” In such a world, money is not a neutral phenomenon rather a phenomenon governed by principles very different from those that hold sway over the process of production and exchange.

In modern income and employment analysis, these are two spheres of economic activity. There is, on the one hand, the real or goods sector, which has to do with forces of aggregate demand and supply and the conditions under which an equilibrium of output and employment is achieved. On the other hand, there is the monetary sphere in which the economic forces at work are those centering around the demand for money.

According to the modern view, the existence of a separate monetary sphere of activity is a fact of profound significance; what takes place in the monetary sphere may suddenly and dramatically influence the level of both output and employment. The method by which Keynes brings money into the picture is through the development of a theory of interest in which the demand for money is dominant. The rate of interest is the link between the real sphere and the monetary sphere. It is a factor around which the theory of investment is constructed and investment expenditure is one of the key determinants of income and employment.

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Essay On Money: 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Children


Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On Money For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on ‘money’ for kids.

  • A Paragraph On ‘Money’ In English For Children

Short Essay On ‘Importance Of Money’ For Kids

Long essay on ‘money’ for children, interesting facts about money for children, what will your child learn from this essay.

Money’s history goes back to the days of the barter system in Western Europe when traders would exchange goods/services for another product. Various countries had unique ways of trading before the currency was developed. Money is an essential commodity used to survive and thrive. We cannot live without money, and it covers our basic needs. Children need to understand the role of money in daily life. Writing an essay on money for classes 1, 2 & 3  is the best way to start.

Without money, it would be not easy to enjoy a degree of freedom and improve the quality of life. Given below are some critical points to remember when writing an essay on the value of money.

  • An essay has three basic parts – introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Write an introduction emphasising the value of money in our life.
  •  Include points like the importance of money, things we can do or buy with money, its global acceptance, etc.
  • The conclusion should summarise the points mentioned above.

Money is one of the easiest ways to gain trust and garner reputation since it is backed by value. It’s a mode of convenience and can be stored in different ways. Here are a few lines on money when writing an essay for classes 1 and 2.

  • Money helps you buy materialistic things like homes, cars, toys, and other tangible assets.
  • Earning money adds meaning to people’s lives and gives them hope, so teach them the value of money.
  • Money lets you enjoy freedom since it prepares you for early and comfortable retirement.
  • The purpose of making money is not just to pay bills but improve your overall quality of life.
  • The difference between the rich and poor is how the people plan and manage their finances. Anyone can become rich in life if they spend their money wisely.
  • Money can improve your health and happiness by buying better quality food and shelter.
  • Hard work, dedication, and passion are all essential qualities needed to make money.
  • Money brings equal opportunities to all individuals across the world.
  • Money can help afford better education and open up multiple career options.
  • If money is misused, it can lead to terrorism, pandemics, starvation, corruption, and other manmade issues.

 A Paragraph On ‘Money’ In English For Children

Kids must understand the value of money and its requirement in daily life from an early age. Given below is a short paragraph on money for their reference:

Money can be one of the biggest motivations for learning new things, improving well-being, and striving to make the best of life. Without money, people can lack purpose and be easily demotivated to continue moving forward. Money is a basic need through which all our other requirements are met. We need money to buy resources such as food, drinks, clothes, and leasing or renting properties. Money is also essential for various things like school fees, paying salaries to employees, and starting a new trade line or work. Every country has its own currency. The Indian currency is the Indian Rupee.

Money is one of the most crucial factors for living a comfortable life. Below is a short essay on the importance of money for kids:

One of the best reasons to accumulate money is that it stores its value. The worth of Rs. 1,000 today will remain the same a few months later. Money is used as a widely accepted payment method in different countries, and governments recognise it as legal tender for paying off debts, both public and private. Every country has its own currency. The Indian currency is the Indian Rupee. Printed paper notes are accepted by professionals who offer various services such as car repairs, medical treatments, cooking, beauty and salon treatments, etc. Money can be stored in a bank and be exchanged for other commodities such as gold, bonds, stocks, shares, and investments. There are many forms of money used throughout human history, and the best characteristics of money are durability, uniformity, divisibility, and limited supply. Money classifies your status in society. Education, hard work, and perseverance are essential skills helpful in making money in the long run. Every person in the world works hard to earn money, and it’s vital to possess in-demand skills so you can get jobs in the market.

Money is crucial for fulfilling the basic survival requirements in today’s time. Here is a good long essay for class 3 on money:

Money is essential; in today’s world, nobody can survive without it. There is a saying that money makes the world go round, and it’s true. You can fulfil most of your dreams by spending money, and it’s a fact that earning good money classifies your income status. Education, hard work, and perseverance are essential skills for making money. Every nation has its own currency, and the Indian currency is the Indian Rupee.

Evolution Of Money

Here are the stages money went to undergo an evolution:

1. Commodity Money

In the days of early civilisation, any commodity used for exchanges or transactions was considered money. For example, if you had conch shells and wanted a cow, you could exchange those conch shells to get a cow!

2. Metallic Money

This took the form of metals like gold, copper, silver, etc. So, you would trade with these metals. For example, trade one piece of gold for 4 pieces of silver. 

3. Paper Money

After metals came paper on prints, this is the dollar or rupee we know today and regulated by the RBI or similarly concerned authorities.

4. Plastic Money 

Credit and debit cards fall under plastic money.

What Are The Uses of Money?

Money is used for:

  • Buying goods, services, products, and various essentials
  • Repaying debt and as legal tender
  • Holding finances and storing them for their value as long-term investments or savings
  • As a medium of exchange and for donations to charities
  • Purchasing gold, silver, and other tangible assets

How To Teach Your Child To Save Money?

Here are some tips to guide your kids on the importance of saving money.

1. Reward Them

Give your child an incentive to save money. The best way is through rewards such as giving them bonus money at the end of every month, in exchange for saving more.

2. Encourage To Set Goals

Inculcating a positive money mindset is key to saving and growing finances. Teach your children the importance of saving for their future.

3. Gift A Piggybank

A piggy coin bank is a great way to save money. The kids will get obsessed with filling it up and waiting for the chance to break it open! Great motivation.

4. Let Them Work

Allow your kids to do odd jobs or take up summer vacation work if they want to. This will give them valuable life experiences and teach them business skills.

5. Tell Them Stories Of Rich People

Inspire your kids with stories of billionaires and affluent figures in life who grew from nothing.

6. Buy Them Books 

Many books on money are written for kids to teach them basic concepts and help teach kids the importance of money. These make for good reads.

7. Tell Them To Pursue A Hobby

If kids master a skill or hobby, tell them they can earn good money by teaching the same to others. For example, if they like guitar, ask them to learn with complete dedication and later, you can teach other kids and have some savings.

8. Appreciate Their Efforts

Tell them thanks and express your gratitude from time to time when you see them saving money. This will motivate the kids and leave feel-good vibes, which goes a long way in saving more.

Here are some fun facts about money for kids:

  • George Washington is the icon on the quarter.
  • US currency is the most traded around the world.
  • Coins last longer than bills.
  • There is an image of Mahatma Gandhi on Indian currency.
  • The first coins were introduced around 2,000 years ago.

Your child will learn the importance of saving money, improving life skills, and making an income as they grow. This will set them up for a comfortable lifestyle and live stress-free.

1. How Is Black Money Different From White Money?

Black money is not added to accounting records and is made illegally. All taxes and TDS are paid and reported to authorities for white money.

2. What If Money Didn’t Exist? 

If there was no money, there would be chaos. Humans invented money as a means to transact and make sure exchanges were fair. If money is removed from existence, another exchange system would have to come into play for the smooth functioning of life.

That’s all you need to know for now. Make sure your child has fun writing the essay and teach them the value of saving money for their future!

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Money Essay

Money Essay | Importance and Benefits of Money Essay in English

Money Essay: Money is a vital wellspring of everyday routine to experience a solid and satisfying life, despite the fact that it can not measure up to adore and mind. Both have their own significance and benefit. We are giving articles on Money to partake in a paper composing contest in basic and basic words here.

Money is the medium utilized by individuals to purchase required labor and products. It is utilized as the source to satisfy fundamental requirements and is additionally a wellspring of solace throughout everyday life. Money is the main source to carry on with a sound and prosperous life; nonetheless, it couldn’t measure up to the meaning of affection and care. Both have their own significance and advantages. By the way, Money is a helpful and important product to live cheerily arranging all your standard liabilities towards your family and friends and family.

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Short Essay on Money 300 Words in English

Money is the fundamental need of life, without which nobody can envision a sound and tranquil life. We need money to satisfy our littlest needs. In present-day times, when progress is growing quickly and everybody is following western culture, in such a period, we need more money because of expanding merchandise. On prior occasions, there was training called trade framework, in which anybody would get another thing in return for a certain something. In any case, presently in this advanced world, just Money is expected to purchase everything or thing. it happens.

These days you need Money for each work, for garments, for food, for a safe house and surprisingly in numerous spots you need to pay for water. Despite the fact that it can likewise be said that ‘Money can’t give joy’s yet would you be able to be content with no Money? Since Money is a major piece of our life, at any rate you need Money to be content.

The significance of Money is expanding step by step, in light of the fact that our living has gotten over the top expensive. The significance of Money has expanded for a huge scope in the fields of creation, utilization, trade, circulation, public income and so on It assumes a vital part in deciding pay, work, continues partnership, general value level and so on On the off chance that we take a gander at the present-day situation, there is no uncertainty that he, who has a lot of riches, is viewed as more cultivated on the planet. Consequently, we can say that Money is vital in each part of life.

Importance of Money

Money is a fundamental thing throughout everyday life. In any case, it can’t accept things like time, love and genuine consideration. It can just satisfy the outer requirements of an individual and not the interior necessities like love. These days, everything has gotten costly yet getting them is vital to carry on with basic life. In the event that we don’t have money, nobody can envision the reality of how our circumstances will be.

The demise of an individual is sure because of the absence of Money and on the off chance that he endures, he experiences to confront numerous difficulties. Abundance empowers us to purchase every one of the essential things and helps us for the duration of our life. In the event that we comprehend the significance of Money throughout everyday life, we won’t ever go through Money with no reason or abuse. We can’t look at Money and love, in light of the fact that to carry on with a fruitful life we ​​need both Money and love.

In this cutthroat world, to bring in Money by finding a decent line of work, everybody needs to concentrate well with advanced education from a notable school or college. An individual needs to bring in more money to satisfy the prerequisite of the relative multitude of individuals in the family, particularly for the individual who is the lone worker in the family.

An individual necessities Money to address the issues of all his relatives to eat, wear, and live. The rich have an uncommon personality and notoriety in the general public, be that as it may, the needy individuals spend their lives just getting two suppers per day. Every one of these progressions and contrasts are because of Money as it were.

In any place where there is a shortage of money in the house, there are a lot of struggles. There are squabbles among a couple. Neither does anybody regard each other in the case of bringing in Money. Neighbors and family members likewise peer downward on the destitute individual. He begins cutting her reasoning that the individual never requests Money from her. With this, nobody needs to get to know a destitute individual in the present time.

Money can neither purchase nor stop time nor purchase genuine romance and care together. Yet at the same time it is needed by all, so life can be taken in the correct way. Despite the fact that Money can’t give time and love, it certainly gives us bliss, certainty, fulfillment, physical and mental harmony. Because of which we can carry on with life effectively and each troublesome issue can be settled.


Advantage from Money

You can carry on with a conscious life: An individual is regarded just when he is monetarily prosperous. Something else, in the present society, the bankrupt individual has no regard.

Unadulterated and nutritious food can be eaten: The individuals who have abundance can appreciate an assortment of heavenly and nutritious dinners. What’s more, they can shield themselves from sicknesses.

Your assurance should be possible: In the present society, burglary, theft have expanded a great deal and rich individuals can give security to themselves because of Money.

The credit is repayable: Obligation taken from an individual rich individual can reimburse the credit without any problem.

The happiness regarding material delights can be achieved: With an adequate measure of riches, all material solaces can be appreciated like taking a decent house, great garments, vehicles and different things.

FAQ’s on Money Essay

Question 1. What is the requirement for money?

Answer: The main capacity of cash is to fill in as a mechanism of trade. As a mechanism of trade, cash addresses every one of the troubles of the deal. There is no need for a twofold fortuitous event of needs in a cash economy.

Question 2. What are the benefits of money?

Answer: Having money with you gives you a respectful life, you can have a healthy and nutritious life, you can pay your loans, have a luxurious life, etc.

Question 3. How can we earn money?

Answer: There are a number of ways to earn money such as;

  • You can be an employee in a company
  • You can start your own business
  • You can be an entrepreneur
  • You can use social media channels to provide your service

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  • Time is Money Essay


Essay on Time is Money

Time is money is a popular phrase that has become an inspiration for life for numerous people. Time is the most valuable thing in the world, for once lost, it’s impossible to recover.

Time is money essay in English indicates the vital connection between time and money. It says that to earn money, one should utilize their time in the right way. It will happen only when we spend our precious time in fruitful activities that will make our life prosperous.

A Long Essay On Time is Money in English

The quote- the time is money is suitable for every person living in society. Whether it’s about a student, businessman, or anyone, understanding the value of time is crucial. Time never waits for anyone and to live according to time is the key to success. This essay on time is money shows how people following time can achieve a lot in their life.  

Once you lose time, it can never be found back. However, the amount of money that you have fluctuates over time. You may not have money today, but tomorrow you may be rich. On the contrary, time is a continuous event. No matter how much money you are willing to spend, no power in this world can help you to get back the time you lost earlier. 

Time should be spent sensibly so that one does not lose all the opportunities to make money. Time utilization is the major point that differentiates a successful person from a failure. Time is a money essay states that every successful person utilizes his time efficiently to progress and earn money. 

With the increasing time, there is a rise in advancements that people learn to use their time. It is enhancing competition among people in almost every field of work. There’s nothing wrong with saying that we live on borrowed time because there is no control over it. 

In a world where everyone is running behind money, one should understand that time is priceless. Time is superior, and instead of chasing money, one should use their time strategically with a definite future goal. Time is money essay for Class 5 reveals that a person who uses time efficiently gains status, respect, and a high reputation in the society. People who don’t understand the value of time are worthless. Time slips from their hands in a few moments and leaves them workless. 

From a very young age, children should be taught the importance of time. They should learn why it’s crucial to put their efforts into the study. Time management plays a vital role in life to execute plans and achieve success. It includes preparing work lists, setting everyday goals, prioritizing tasks, taking adequate sleep, and others. Proper utilization of time will help people in remaining productive and active towards their goals. It will act as a driving force that will keep you motivated to earn more money. It will give you the willingness to achieve something worthy in life. 

Many people in the world put money over time. It might be because, for them, time is nothing. However, they don’t realize that it’s time that has offered them an opportunity to earn money. It’s not only about money, but time offers happiness, prosperity when used correctly. 

Time is a money paragraph that highlights the direct proportionality between time and money. It means if you waste or lose time, you will sooner or later lose money. If you use time in the correct way towards success, you will get money. Essay on time is money in English tells that every single moment of hard work positively pays in the coming future.

A Short Essay on Time is Money 

100 words essay on time is money .

The destiny of any person in the world is unpredictable. We never know when a good opportunity comes and brings success to us. It just depends on how people set their goals and use their time accordingly. A short essay on time is money states that that proper use of time is enough to get heights of success or a big downfall. 

By doing good things in life, one can benefit from the time. No one can defeat us at any stage of life if we properly use time. With the proper time utilization, we enhance our living quality and contribute towards the advancement of the nation. This even makes your life very productive.


Time is precious and has so much power that it can change the life of a human completely. A short paragraph on time is money shows the fact that time can turn an influential, rich person into a helpless man and a poor person into rich. So, one should not take time for granted and understand the value of time to earn money.


FAQs on Time is Money Essay

1. Which is more valuable among time and money?

Time and money essays show that time is more valuable than money. It’s because, with the proper utilisation of time, one can earn money and become successful. However, even if you have a large amount of money, you cannot buy time. It’s priceless and waits for no man. If you use your time efficiently, only then can you achieve your goal. Time neither salutes the rich, nor it shows misfortune to the poor. One can use time as a tremendous opportunity to progress in their life. 

2. Is correct time utilisation necessary?

Time is limitless and can make you a beggar or king in a movement of seconds. It only depends on how you use time. Those who don’t listen to the alarm of time regret later. Time is money, an easy essay tells that a wise person is the one who makes proper use of time. Whatever is the job, everyone should make effective use of time to be successful in life. There is nothing wrong with claiming that time will waste you if you waste time. The statement is enough to justify how valuable and crucial time utilisation is. 

3. How to download the time is money essay from the vedantu website?

The Essay on Time is Money, which is accurate and well-structured, is available for download on the Vedantu website. The Essay is accessible in PDF format for all students on Vedantu's official website and may be downloaded for free. Students should download the Vedantu website's Essay on Time is Money to understand what is required to write a good essay. Vedantu Essay is written in basic English which is easy to comprehend. Following the Vedantu essay ensures that students are adequately prepared for any essay subject and that they will receive high grades. Click here to access the Time Is Money Essay.

4. What are some tips on writing an excellent essay?

Writing essays can be a daunting task, but following the below steps will help students to write an essay worthy of getting high marks on examination. 

Pick a topic with which you’re familiar.

Prepare an outline of the essay. Use diagrams to organize your essay well.

Break down the essay into three categories ie, introduction, main content and conclusion. Focus on each section individually. 

Try to relate each section of the essay with another to have a clear flow of thoughts.

Cite your sources and evidence, if required. 

5. What are the different types of essays?

Essays refer to a short piece of writing that expresses information as well as the writer's opinions. Essays differ in how they recount a personal experience, describe or explain a problem, or persuade the reader to embrace a certain point of view. As a result, essays may be divided into four categories, as listed below:

Narrative Essays: Telling a Story Students must approach the issue as if they were telling a tale while writing a narrative essay. They can creatively express themselves through Narrative essay writing. To evoke interest in the reader, these pieces are frequently written in the first person.

Descriptive Essays: Painting a Picture with Words Students must use words to create a picture in a descriptive essay. They have to describe something. It might be a thing, a person, a location, an event, an emotion, a circumstance, or something else entirely. These writings provide students with a lot of creative flexibility to express themselves.

Expository Essays: Presentation of the Facts A balanced examination of a topic is presented in an expository essay, which is an instructive piece of writing. Students must explore the topic, assess evidence, convey a concept, and present an argument clearly and succinctly to create a strong expository essay. It may be done by comparison and contrast, definition, example, cause and effect analysis, and so on.

Persuasive Essays: Convince Me A persuasive essay is one in which the author attempts to persuade the reader to embrace his or her point of view. It offers both sides of the debate but expresses the writer's viewpoint plainly.

6. What are some of the characteristic features of what constitutes a good essay?

The following constitutes a good essay  

An essay that is simple, concise and well-structured, but to the point. 

When there is a proper division between introduction, body and conclusion. 

When the essay is written in a straightforward, yet truthful, style. 

There are important statements, examples, evidence and data included. 

If the essay is written, then written in a neat, legible hand. 

The information provided is relevant to the current state of affairs. 

When the essay is holistic and multidimensional. 

Balanced and neutral. 

When the essay makes suggestions for problem-solving options.

7. Why choose essay on time is money provided by vedantu in PDF?

The Vedantu's Essay on Time is Money is both exemplary and well-structured. Furthermore, they are available for free on the Vedantu website. The Essay is written by qualified lecturers and experts in the English language. It is easy for students to comprehend the fundamental topics and achieve good grades. Students are urged to practise writing many essays in order to pass the test; only after they have had enough practise can they be fully prepared to write the actual exam.

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Essay on Money in English for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Essay on Money: Money is the medium used by people to buy required goods and services. It is used as the source to fulfill basic needs and is also a source of comfort in life. Money is the most important source to live a healthy and prosperous life; however, it cannot be compared with the significance of love and care. Both have their own importance and benefits. Nevertheless, money is a useful and necessary commodity to live contentedly disposing all your usual liabilities towards your family and loved ones.

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Long and Short Essay on Money in English

We have provided some simply written essay on money to help your kids to do better in their essay writing competition.

These Money Essay are written in easy English so that student of any class can easily understand it and also reiterate it or write it down, whenever required.

We have divided following essays under long and short essay on money in English according to the need, to help your kids to do better in their school competitions.

These essay on money will prove useful in your school assignments or general discussion with your family and friends.

Money Essay 1 (100 words)

Money is the most basic requirement of the life without which one cannot fulfill his basic needs and requirements of the daily routine. We can never compare the importance of the money with the importance of love or care. When one need money, love cannot fulfill this requirement and if one need love, money cannot fulfill this requirement.

Both are highly required for the healthy life but they have their significance and importance separately. Both are required by us on urgent basis so we cannot rank both on the same scale. We need money everywhere such as to eat food, to drink water or milk, to see TV, news, subscribe newspaper, wear clothe, get admission and many more requirements.

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Money Essay 2 (150 words)

Money is the basic requirement of the life without which one cannot imagine a healthy and peaceful life. We need money even buying a little needle. In the modern time, where growth of civilization is going very fast and following western culture, we need more money because of the increasing prices of everything. Earlier there was a system called barter system in which one was allowed to exchange things to get goods however, in the modern one need only money to buy everything.

The importance of money is increasing day by day as the living has become so costly. The significance of money has increased to a great extent in the field of production, consumption, exchange, distribution, public finance and etc. It plays a very crucial role in determining the input, income, employment, output, general price level of anything, etc.

Money Essay 3 (200 words)

In such a costly and competitive society and world, no one of us can live without money. We need money to fulfil our basic needs of the life such as buying food, and other many basic necessities of life which are almost impossible to buy without money. People in the society who are rich and have property are looked as honourable and respectful person of the society however a poor person is seen as hatred without any good impression.

Money increases the position of the person in the society and gives good impression to him. All of us want to be rich by earning more money through good job or business in order to fulfil all the increasing demands of the modern age. However, only few people get this chance of completing their dreams of being a millionaire.

So, money is the thing of great importance all through the life. Money is required by everyone whether he/she is rich or poor ad living in urban areas or rural areas. People in the urban areas are earning more money than the people living in backward or rural areas as the people of the urban areas have more access to the technologies and get more opportunity because of the easy sources.

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Money Essay 4 (250 words)

Money is very much required thing in the life however; it cannot buy things like time, love and true care. It can only fulfil the outer needs of the person and not the inner needs like true love. Now-a-days, everything has become so costly but necessary to buy for living a simple life. And what if we have no money, either we would die or suffer more if saved.

Money has capability to buy anything virtually and helps us a lot throughout the life. By taking the importance of the money in our life we should never destroy or waste the money without any purpose. We should not compare the money and love because both are required separately to run a successful life.

In this competitive world, everyone wants to get good study with higher education from the popular college and university to get good job in order to earn more money. A person needs more money to fulfil the requirement of the all members of the family especially one who is only working person of the family.

He or she needs to fulfil the eating, clothing and living requirements of the family members and for that money is required. Rich people of the society are given particular recognition and popularity however poor people live their life by arranging just food for two times a day. All the changes and differences are just because of the money.

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Money Essay 5 (300 words)

Money is really a very important thing for the human beings to lead their life in the satisfactory way. Unlike animals and plants, we need more money everywhere. In order to live in the society, we need to maintain our status and position in the society for which we need money. In order to eat food or drink water, wear cloth, get admission to the school, take medicine or go to the hospital and other many activities we need lots of money. Now the topic arise is, where we got such required money. We need to get higher level study and do hard works to get good job or open our own business which requires more skill and confidence.

Earlier the condition of poor people was very poor because of the pressure of the rich people. They were not helping the poor people and use them only as a servant on the very low salary. However the condition of the poor people has become good as the rule and regulations of the government as been change in order to equalize the condition of both. Now everyone has equal rights to study higher and get good job. Many people understand that money is the origin of the evil in the mind however I do not think so because thinking is the process of human mind and not the creation of money.

I understand and believe that money is the most important key of happiness gifted by the God. It is the human mind to take anything in different ways. Some people take it only to fulfil their physical needs and they never take it heartily however some people understand everything to the money and they can do anything for getting the money such murder, corruption, underworld work, smuggling, promoting bribe, etc.

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Money Essay 6 (400 words)

There is no any doubt that money is so essential for our healthy living. Money is almost everything for us to live a life and maintain the good stats in the society. It is the money which fulfils the need of bringing necessary comforts and amenities of the life. If one has money, he/she can get anything in his/her life. It is the money which helps us in developing good personality, improving confidence, makes us able to creditworthiness, improving capacity, increasing capabilities and enhancing our courage to a great level. Without money we feel helpless and alone in this world where no one is ready to help and assist. In the current materialistic world, money is very important and powerful thing without which one cannot live and survive.

Now-a-days, in order to earn more money in wrong ways, bad people are taking help of corruption, bribe, smuggling, murder rich people of the society, and other callous activities by degrading the moral and ethical values of the humanity. Lazy people follow wrong ways to earn money as they understand that these ways are simple and easy however it is not true. One can earn more money in less time and effort but not for long; surely he would be lost in the near future as he is following wrong and weak way. The people who are earning money by following all the rules of humanity earn less money but for long time and they become the high status personality of the society.

People doing corruption save their money as a black money in other countries to keep hidden from the common public and use that money for bad works or increasing their physical luxury. However, common people of the society respects a lot to the people earning money using wrong techniques as they have fear of them and little bit greediness that they can get some money in return whenever required by giving them respect. They are generally called as the bhai or dada or don. Money cannot buy or stay the time as well as cannot give true love and care however highly required by all of us to run the life on the right path. It cannot give time and love however gives happiness, confidence, satisfaction, feeling of well being mentally and physically, makes life easy by solving all the difficulties, and many more.

All the essays on money given above are written by the professional content writer to help students in getting fulfilled their needs and requirements. Essay on money is generally assigned to the students to write something in their own way. Money essay is given under the category of general essay.

Frequently Asked Questions on Money

Who found money.

Money, in various forms like barter or trade, has existed since ancient times. The first coined money is believed to have been created by the Lydians, in what is now Turkey, around 600 BC.

Who said money is life?

This specific quote isn't attributed to a singular famous person. Various interpretations and contexts might exist, but the idea that money plays a significant role in many aspects of life is widely acknowledged.

What is money quotes?

A popular quote about money is, Money can't buy happiness, but it certainly helps.

What is the nature of money?

The nature of money is abstract. It has no intrinsic value but is accepted as a medium of exchange. Its value is determined by trust and the backing of an authority, like a government.

What is the value of money in life?

The value of money in life goes beyond purchasing power. It provides security, freedom, and opportunities, but isn't the sole determinant of happiness or success.

What is the importance of money?

Money is essential as it enables trade, provides financial security, meets daily needs, and offers the potential for a better life. It's a measure of one's ability to afford services and products.

What is money in own words?

Money is a tool that facilitates trade, allowing us to purchase what we need or desire. It represents value and can be saved, spent, or invested.

What is the few lines on money?

Money is a medium of exchange, used to buy goods and services. It acts as a unit of account, a store of value, and is universally accepted in transactions.

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Greater Good Science Center • Magazine • In Action • In Education

A New Way to View Money and Happiness

For decades now, scientists have been trying to figure out what role wealth plays in our satisfaction with life. While some studies have found that money doesn’t buy happiness (at least not beyond a certain income point), others have found money plays a much more significant role . Wealthier countries seem happier overall, and citizens in those countries enjoy more well-being as their income climbs .

But a new study brings another wrinkle to the conversation. Previous studies have tended to focus on people in wealthier, Western, urbanized countries. This one looked at those living in small-scale, rural communities that depend on nature for livelihoods, with no or little cash income. Some are Indigenous; most are located in Africa, South America, and Asia. Their results yield new insights into the relationship between money and happiness.

Smaller communities, bigger happiness

As part of a larger study of the effects of climate change, researchers surveyed almost 3,000 people living in 19 small communities around the world about how satisfied they were with their lives on a scale of 0 to 10. Since the communities studied didn’t have formal cash-based economies or record-keeping, household income was estimated from the market value of assets that would have been purchased with cash, when available.

english essay about money

In analyzing the results, researchers found a wide range of life satisfaction between individuals—but the patterns were quite different from similar studies in other parts of the world. While Indigenous people with greater personal income were slightly more satisfied with life than those with less income, overall, they were much happier than their Western counterparts even at very low incomes. In fact, people living in these small-scale societies reported an average score of 6.8 out of 10, even though most of them lived on less than the equivalent of $1,000 per year.

These are very different results than what you might find in the Gallup Poll or World Values Survey, both of which look at how income affects life satisfaction. For example, people in the Gallup Poll didn’t report these levels of happiness until they reached the $25,000 level of income. To study author Eric Galbraith, this suggests that income is not necessarily strongly tied to happiness for everyone, and that these polls are missing the mark.

“Basically, these small-scale societies show that there are powerful ways to achieve life satisfaction that are not apparent from looking at industrialized societies alone,” he says.

Interestingly, though, living in a particular village mattered when it came to life satisfaction—some villages tended to have happier people in them than others. However, the difference wasn’t related to the overall income in that community, unlike what seems to be the case in Western countries and even in smaller, non-Western countries around the world.   This may seem counterintuitive, given the tie between individual wealth and happiness among the villagers. That’s probably because the connection to income is so weak that other factors dominate, says Galbraith.

He speculates that the differences in happiness levels between villages are probably due to other, non-economic factors associated with living in these communities—such as feeling more closely connected to nature, living in a more interdependent community, not having a lot of wealth inequality, or not experiencing social ills like those you might find in a more industrialized society, such as drug addiction.

More than money

Though we can’t know for sure why people in these communities report being so satisfied with life, we should still take note of these findings, says Galbraith.

For one thing, he says, researchers have not been including the views of Indigenous people in worldwide happiness reports; so, the reports (like Gallup and the World Values Survey) may be skewed toward finding a stronger relationship between income and well-being than is warranted.

In addition, governments may be creating policies aimed at increasing citizen income to improve life satisfaction without considering other, important factors for the happiness of their communities.

Regardless of what explains the high satisfaction in these communities, we can still learn from their example. One potential takeaway is that we should question the assumption that greater income leads to greater happiness, says Galbraith. Perhaps, we should realize that living in a consumer-based, ad-filled world is making us  think  we need more money than we have, and creating a desire for something irrelevant to our well-being.   Instead, we may want to pay closer attention to other findings from the science of happiness to understand what makes for the good life, says Galbraith—whether that’s being in close connection with nature, strengthening our social bonds, or removing inequalities among us.

“The fact that rich people tend to be more satisfied with their lives can make it seem that having lots of money is the clearest route to happiness,” says Galbraith. “But the things that truly make people happy don’t need to cost money. There really are other ways to get to a satisfying life.”

About the Author

Headshot of Jill Suttie

Jill Suttie

Jill Suttie, Psy.D. , is Greater Good ’s former book review editor and now serves as a staff writer and contributing editor for the magazine. She received her doctorate of psychology from the University of San Francisco in 1998 and was a psychologist in private practice before coming to Greater Good .

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