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100 Superhero Writing Prompts

December 16, 2023 by Richard Leave a Comment

Here are 100 Superhero Writing Prompts to get you writing and dreaming. Have you ever dreamed of soaring over buildings, stopping villains with your bare hands, or unveiling your secret identity to your shocked colleagues? If so, you’re not alone – humans have been fascinated by superheroes and their extraordinary abilities for decades. I recently came across an epic list of 100 writing prompts centered around the exciting world of superheroes and thought it would make great fodder for aspiring writers looking to flex their creative muscles. In this blog post, I’ll share some of my favorite prompts from the list that take you inside the minds of superheroes and supervillains alike. They range from humorous to dramatic story ideas featuring new superpowers, heroic origins, romantic revelations between heroes, ethical dilemmas, heroic legacies passed down generations, gadget designs, and more. Whether you’re looking to write a personal narrative, comic series, short story, or just entertain some radical daydreams, these dynamic prompts will help kickstart all sorts of superhuman adventures in your imagination. So polish off your utility belt, tune up the Batmobile, and get ready to battle some wicked writer’s block!

Here are 100 Superhero Writing Prompts:

  • You wake up one morning with a superpower – what is it and how do you use it?
  • Create a brand new superhero complete with background story, powers, weaknesses etc.
  • You’re a sidekick who feels underappreciated – how do you prove your worth to your super powered partner?
  • The villain captures the hero and knows their true identity. Now what?
  • Two heroes who don’t get along are forced to team up against a common enemy. How do they overcome their differences?
  • Create your own version of Avengers with 7 super powered individuals trying to save the planet. Describe each one.
  • A shapeshifting super villain is among the heroes but they don’t know who. How will they uncover the truth?
  • Choosing to be a hero led to you losing your loved one. Do you regret the choice?
  • You have no powers but want to help fight crime. How do you become a hero without superpowers?
  • How does an average family deal with having a superhero as a member?
  • Batman is overconfident heading into a fight and quickly realizes he has underestimated his opponent…
  • A powerful new villain emerges with a personal vendetta against one particular hero – why does this villain hate them?
  • Describe a day in the life of a retired or aging superhero adjusting to ordinary life.
  • You discover your best friend secretly has superpowers but doesn’t want anyone to know. Now what?
  • Design a new original superhero costume and explain your choices.
  • A robot or AI gains super powers and decides to become a hero. Does it understand humanity enough?
  • An alien crash lands on earth and gains powers. Do they use them for good or evil?
  • Redraw and reimagine an iconic hero giving them a dramatic new style and twist.
  • A villain who previously seemed unstoppable suddenly loses their powers. What happens next?
  • An everyday unsuspecting citizen suddenly gains powers. Do they embrace becoming a hero or try to live normally?
  • Two romantic interests discover each other’s secret identities. How does this change their relationship?
  • A superhero grows tired of always having to rescue citizens who don’t appreciate them. Do they snap or rise above it?
  • Who pays for all the property damage from epic battles between supers? Does insurance even cover “acts of heroism”?
  • You discover as a teen you come from a long line of magical heroes dating back centuries. You’re the next champion.
  • You gain the power to bring fictional heroes to life. Who do you pick and what real threat do they help overcome?
  • An embittered normal human gains powers and takes revenge against heroes who ignored his previous cries for help.
  • Superhero teams always fight super villains…but what threat requires teaming up multiple hero teams like Justice League & Avengers?
  • Bruce Wayne retires from being Batman after decades of service. Who takes over the mantle?
  • Peter Parker decides to finally reveal he is Spiderman. How does the public and his closest loved ones react?
  • Two figures who were enemies discover a shared interest or cause bringing them to work together. What cause bridges the gap?
  • You discover as a historian magic artifacts that give superpowers. Who do you choose to take on the responsibility?
  • You are a magic user who gives someone powers to be a hero. Eventually they go rogue abusing abilities – do you take responsibility for creating them?
  • Design your own Batmobile or superhero vehicle loaded with cool features and weaponry. What’s it capable of?
  • The government passes legislation regulating superpowered beings. How do heroes respond? Do they comply, resist or protest?
  • You discover a way to take powers away from dangerous supers. The process can’t be reversed. When would this be justified, if ever?
  • A close friend discovers your powers. Are you obligated to reveal your abilities to them? How would they reasonably react?
  • Super strength and invulnerability are awesome on paper…but what everyday issues would they realistically cause you? Think through a day in that life.
  • Batman gets supernatural abilities rivaling Superman. Does acquiring such power jeopardize his ethos and principles?
  • Design your own utility belt for Batman or a supersuit for Iron Man. What defensive and offensive tools are you installing?
  • Who cleans up the city and conducts repairs after epic clashes like Avengers vs Thanos bring massive destruction?
  • You discover as an ordinary citizen you can temporarily “borrow” a hero’s powers. Without permission, when if ever would you use them?
  • Figure out the tax implications of becoming a vigilante hero acquiring expensive vehicles, weaponry, hideouts/lairs…IRS may get suspicious!
  • You’re a new hero protecting your city when a much-beloved hero comes out of retirement. Do they upstage you or can you cooperate?
  • Scientists develop a “cure” to remove superpowers. Some welcome being normal again while others protest losing abilities.
  • You gain powers by accident that you can’t control. Create your own hero support group meeting with others dealing with similar problems.
  • An AI you helped create to battle evil itself gains powers exceeding your own. Did you take enough precautions during development?
  • As a magic user you cast a spell allowing people to meet alternate reality versions of themselves. How would supers react encountering their doppelgängers?
  • Explain the steps needed for someone to safely become a costumed vigilante like Batman – skills, resources, physical/mental preparation etc.
  • Design your own Hall of Justice or Avengers tower with key features all good hero headquarters need.
  • You’re a villain defeating heroes worldwide one by one when you discover a prophecy saying a farm boy in Kansas will defeat you…
  • You discover your archenemy is actually your father. How does this family revelation impact your hero work?
  • Explain the euphoria of discovering you have powers and can actually fly.
  • Design your own secret lair complete with defenses against villains discovering and attacking you.
  • Come up with a Credo or Code of Honor good supers should adopt covering rules of engagement, collateral damage etc.
  • You’re a hero but your best friend becomes a powerful villain. Do you take responsibility for not preventing their turn towards evil?
  • Figure out how a hero from the distant past transported to modern times would adapt both their persona and crime fighting abilities.
  • Is using a secret identity too risky with modern surveillance and hacking threats? Could staying anonymous as Spiderman prove impossible today?
  • As a magic wielder you must bestow powers to an average citizen for one week. Who seems worthy and how do their new abilities affect them?
  • You discover a way for people to briefly gain any power they want. How much money could someone make letting others “fantasy live” as supers for a day?
  • Design specialty gadgets or vehicles for disabled heroes wanting to still regularly fight crime or join large scale battles.
  • You gain a powerful amulet during a museum heist which gives control over the weather. Will authorities see you as a threat even if using it for good?
  • Come up with a list of basic training every wannabe hero should complete before putting on a costume and confronting criminals.
  • Design high tech glasses allowing heroes to scan a city locating crimes as they occur. What other abilities would they have?
  • How does an idealistic rookie hero react when told by veterans he’ll inevitably have to kill deadly villains to protect the innocent?
  • As a police officer would you feel comfortable teaming up with a vigilante hero to solve crimes? Where’s the partnership line as to what help they should provide official law enforcement?
  • Figure out how to make classic comic book hero capes practical in reality (ex – fire proof, tear resistant, stealth mode capabilities etc).
  • You discover Batman’s secret identity and location of Batcave but swear to never reveal it. Soon after a villain captures and tortures you for information. Then what…
  • Describe an epic battle scene between two of your favorite good and evil supers but inject humorous events happening throughout the brawl.
  • Design Daredevil’s radar and spatial awareness system allowing detailed mental visualization of environments well beyond normal human sensory capabilities.
  • You’re an antihero doing good but through violent, extreme methods. Explain your moral justification and how you choose targets.
  • Describe the learning curve in trying to fly. What milestones mark your progress towards graceful airborne navigation mastery?
  • Design your own Iron Man suit focused on stealth rather than weapons and strength. What capabilities would it have?
  • Tony Stark loses everything and becomes an angry Punisher style vigilante hunting super criminals. Would the more aggressive methods be justified?
  • Explain how you’d safely imprison super villains in specialized containment facilities tailored towards their unique powers and capabilities.
  • Professor X feels Magneto’s experiences justify his anger and radical stances. How could the Professor persuade him to channel frustrations for good?
  • You’re a technology based hero. Explain your unique gear and abilities using plausibly realistic concepts rather than vague comic book science.
  • Figure out a way power dampening collars could humanely restrain prisoners in super max facilities without being too degrading.
  • If needing a secret Lair, would living off the grid in remote wilderness or hiding out anonymously among bustling city crowds provide better concealment?
  • Design specialty non-lethal weaponry police could use against rogue supers without excessively aggressive or militaristic capabilities.
  • You gain Superman’s powers for 24 hours. After testing abilities, what global threats or disasters would you focus your temporal near omnipotence on fixing quickly?
  • As Marvel’s Sorcerer Supreme you must choose the next heir to be your magical apprentice carrying on Dr. Strange’s legacy. What qualities would make someone worthy?
  • Design your own mystic artifact – whether weapon, transport device like Mjolnir, or otherwise. Provide background on it and key attributes.
  • You’re a villain who battles a hero matching your capabilities resulting in stalemates. How would you strategically shift the dynamic to finally defeat them?
  • Are superpowers gifts to protect the vulnerable or would intentional biological weaponization be unethical? How might extremists twist ethics to weaponize humans?
  • Design a superhero mask accommodating vision enhancement technology while still concealing identity and allowing display of facial expressions.
  • Though heroes defeat villains, the judicial system struggles prosecuting evildoers with unnatural abilities or secretly housing them humanely longterm. Explain dilemmas and solutions.
  • You discover abandoned alien technology. Mastering its biomechanical interface grants you powerful battle armor with assorted capabilities. How do you use it?
  • Figure out Peter Parker’s yearly expenses as Spiderman between web fluid materials, costume damage/repair and paying to fix places thugs wreck during fights.
  • A zombie virus outbreak occurs but infected retain personalities/intelligence creating undead “zombie heroes” battling living evildoers.Could heroic impulses overcome infection?
  • What should the policy be regarding heroes utilizing secret labs actively developing experimental technologies enabling their crime fighting abilities? Any reasonable oversight?
  • If becoming a costumed vigilante, develop your own distinct symbol etched at crime scenes claiming responsibility for stopping the criminals.
  • Figure out the tax status for a freelance superhero operating independently without government affiliation. Are there any legal ways to get tax write offs for hideouts/gear?
  • Design a Hall of Heroes museum to inspire the next generation and highlight famous deeds. What artifacts, information displays etc should it include?
  • Civil War erupts again between heroes supporting government regulation vs rebels upholding liberties by any means. What side do you fall on and why?
  • You’re a lawyer specializing in defending accused vigilante heroes who clash with authorities. Explain unique legal complexities superhuman clients introduce.
  • Design your own boot camp for turning average joes into highly trained vigilante urban soldiers fighting street crime whatever it takes. What’s your intense curriculum?
  • As an aging Superman assess options to avoid endangering others if powers fluctuate due to health issues during later years. Appoint successors? Solar rejuvenation?
  • Journalists have strongest ethics codes keeping identities secret if learning them. As Daily Planet reporter would you ever reveal Superman’s if critical for a bigger story?
  • Design high tech therapists for heroes managing trauma and mental health impacts from violence exposure. What treatment methods would you provide?
  • With great power comes great responsibility. But also great controversy for collateral damage and extreme actions. Persuade authorities your good outweighs bad.

And there you have it – 100 super-powered story ideas to fuel your writing for days to come! Whether you’re an aspiring comic book writer thinking up your first masked crusader or just looking to tap into your imagination, these prompts cover it all. You’ve got plot lines featuring dramatic reveals, ethical dilemmas, gadget designs, romantic twists, and even a few humorous scenarios (a retired hero struggling with everyday tasks – who can’t relate!?). I had a blast going through this list and daydreaming up potential backgrounds, powers, weaknesses, relationships and more for each unique hero that came to mind. So pull out your cape and cowl, let your creativity loose and see what epic adventures, harrowing battles or heartwarming moments unfold as you work through these prompts. And who knows, you may just discover an idea captivating enough to turn into a series! What superhuman stories can you imagine tackling first? Let me know in the comments! And as always, happy writing! Excelsior! 

If you enjoyed these 100 Superhero Writing Prompts, please leave us a comment, and we have many more writing prompts on our site you may enjoy.  

About Richard

Richard Everywriter (pen name) has worked for literary magazines and literary websites for the last 25 years. He holds degrees in Writing, Journalism, Technology and Education. Richard has headed many writing workshops and courses, and he has taught writing and literature for the last 20 years.  

In writing and publishing he has worked with independent, small, medium and large publishers for years connecting publishers to authors. He has also worked as a journalist and editor in both magazine, newspaper and trade publications as well as in the medical publishing industry.   Follow him on Twitter, and check out our Submissions page .

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  • Writing Prompts

121+ Superhero Writing Prompts (+ Free Printable) 🦸

There’s nothing better than a good superhero movie to spend some quality time with your kids. Or maybe there is? These 121 superhero writing prompts are guaranteed to be a huge hit with your kids! Whether your kids love Spiderman , Batman or Wonder Woman – These superhero prompts are here to inspire your kids to create their own superhero stories and get writing like never before!

Want some more superhero action? Check out our superhero name generator !

Superhero Writing Prompts

From creative writing prompts to informative superhero writing assignments, here are over 121 superhero writing prompts that will have your students writing in no time:

  • Complete this sentence in at least ten different ways: If I were a superhero…
  • Would you rather be a superhero or a supervillain? Explain your answer.
  • If you could meet one superhero, who would it be and why?
  • Design and describe your own superhero. What would their special powers be? What about their weaknesses? And don’t forget to give them a cool name and a costume.
  • You felt your heartbeat get faster and faster. “I knew I should never have eaten that sandwich. Who eats a sandwich given by a stranger?”… Continue this superhero story.
  • Standing on top of a trash can, you knew you could do better than this. So you try again… Continue this superhero story.
  • Rewrite the storyline or plot to your favourite superhero movie or TV show. This time include yourself as a key character in the story.
  • Science experiments go wrong all the time. Write your own superhero origin story . This could be for your favourite superhero, or for a brand-new superhero you made up.
  • Create your own comic strip titled, ‘The Adventures of Cheese Man & Apple Boy!”’. What kind of adventures do you think these two characters would go on together?
  • What would your dream superhero team look like? Who would be a part of this team and why? Also, what would the team be called?
  • Write about a real-life superhero you know. This could be a doctor, a policeman, your parents, a friend, a pet or anyone else you can think of. Remember not all superheroes wear capes!
  • Write a day in the life story of being a superhero. You can pick any superhero you like for this prompt!
  • The big battle approaches between the superhero and the supervillain. Describe this action-packed battle scene in as much detail as possible.
  • You are a reporter for the Daily Spark newspaper. Write a newspaper article on how an everyday superhero saves the day!
  • One day you wake up to discover that you can go invisible at any time. How would you use this invisibility power? Would you use it for good or evil?
  • Pick a supervillain or bad guy of your choice. Now write down their back story. Think about how they became supervillains. What made them evil in the first place? After all, no-one is born evil or are they?
  • Write a letter to your favourite superhero. How does this superhero inspire you? What do you like most about them? And what questions would you like to ask them?
  • Describe the secret lair or headquarters of a superhero. What kind of things would they own? Would it be a high-tech building or an ancient, mystical lair?
  • Imagine if everyone in the world had a superpower. What would the world look like? What would going to school or work be like?
  • Debate the greatest superpower of all time. In your opinion, what is the best superpower to have and why?
  • After years of saving millions of lives, Sparkster is sick and tired of risking his life for nothing in return. After a series of bad events, Sparkster turns to the dark side. Continue this story.
  • Continue this story: Look over there! Is it a bird, a plane… No, it’s just…
  • Make a list of at least 20 different superpowers a superhero can have.
  • A superhero wakes up one day to find that their powers have been transferred to their biggest enemy. Now, they must team up with this former nemesis to stop a new, even greater threat.
  • A retired superhero discovers that their child has inherited their powers but is using them for selfish, chaotic purposes. The parent must decide whether to reveal their past or let the world face the consequences.
  • A superhero who can see the future has a vision of their own death at the hands of their best friend. To prevent this, they must betray that friend in the most unexpected way.
  • Every time this superhero uses their powers, they lose a memory from their past. As their memories start to fade, they must choose between saving the world or holding onto who they once were.
  • A superhero who has always worked alone is forced to mentor a young sidekick who has powers that could one day surpass their own. But when a crisis hits, they realize the sidekick might not be as loyal as they seemed.
  • After saving the world countless times, a superhero begins to question whether they are truly making a difference or just maintaining the status quo for a corrupt system. They must decide whether to keep fighting or switch sides.
  • A superhero discovers that their powers only work when they’re in love, but they’ve just gone through a painful breakup. As a new villain threatens the city, they must navigate the complexities of romance to save the day.
  • A hero’s arch-nemesis reveals that they have been fighting to prevent an even greater evil that the hero unknowingly supports. Torn between old loyalties and new revelations, the hero must reconsider who the real enemy is.
  • A superhero with the ability to heal others finds themselves facing an opponent who can only be defeated through death. They must grapple with the moral dilemma of whether to kill for the greater good.
  • A superhero who can manipulate time is trapped in a loop where they keep reliving the same catastrophic event. Each reset, they try something new to change the outcome, but nothing seems to work.
  • A young superhero’s powers only activate when they tell a lie, but they’ve always prided themselves on their honesty. Now, they must learn to deceive in order to save the ones they love.
  • The world’s most powerful superhero suddenly loses their powers and is thrust into a society where they are hated and feared for past actions. They must navigate this new world while trying to regain their lost abilities.
  • A superhero has the power to read minds but discovers they are being manipulated by a villain who can plant false thoughts. They must figure out who is controlling them before it’s too late.
  • A hero’s greatest rival turns out to be their future self, who has travelled back in time to prevent a catastrophe. Now, they must confront the choices that will lead them down a dark path.
  • A superhero is forced to work with their estranged sibling, who has become a supervillain. As they team up against a common enemy, old family secrets begin to surface.
  • A superhero whose power is fueled by fear begins to notice that the people around them are becoming increasingly terrified. When they investigate, they discover that their powers are the cause of a citywide panic.
  • A hero with the ability to control the elements discovers that their powers are slowly draining the Earth’s natural resources. They must choose between saving the planet and keeping their powers.
  • A superhero is granted the ability to bring people back from the dead, but each time they do, they lose a piece of their soul. Faced with an unthinkable tragedy, they must decide how far they’re willing to go to bring back a loved one.
  • A superhero with the ability to transform into anyone they touch loses control of their power and becomes stuck in the form of their greatest enemy. They must find a way to reverse the transformation while dealing with the consequences of their new identity.
  • A superhero who draws their strength from the sun is plunged into eternal night by a villain’s plot. As their powers begin to fade, they must find another source of energy before it’s too late.
  • A superhero discovers that their powers are slowly turning them into a being of pure energy, losing their humanity in the process. They must decide whether to accept their fate or find a way to stop the transformation.
  • A superhero who can control minds suddenly finds themselves unable to resist the commands of a mysterious new villain. As they struggle to break free, they realize they’re being used to carry out a catastrophic plan.
  • A superhero is forced to go undercover as a villain in order to infiltrate a criminal organization. The longer they stay, the more they start to enjoy the power and freedom that comes with the dark side.
  • A superhero with the ability to erase memories discovers that someone has been systematically wiping their own memories to hide a dark secret. Now, they must uncover the truth before they lose themselves completely.
  • A superhero who can travel between dimensions accidentally brings a version of themselves from a parallel universe where they are the villain. Now, they must confront their darker self while protecting their world from destruction.
  • A hero who has always been able to fly suddenly loses their ability mid-flight and crashes to the ground. As they recover, they must learn to fight and survive without the powers they’ve always relied on.
  • A superhero discovers that every time they save someone, another person in the world dies as a consequence. Faced with this grim reality, they must decide how to balance the lives they can save with those they cannot.
  • A superhero who has the power to control technology finds themselves trapped in a city that has reverted to a pre-industrial state. They must adapt to a world without machines while discovering who or what caused the technological collapse.
  • A superhero is given the chance to go back in time and prevent the event that gave them their powers. They must decide whether to live a normal life or risk everything to save the future.
  • A superhero team’s leader suddenly disappears, leaving the group in disarray. As the remaining members struggle to fill the leadership void, they begin to suspect that their leader’s disappearance was no accident.
  • A superhero who can manipulate emotions finds themselves overwhelmed by the collective grief of a city after a tragedy. They must find a way to channel that emotion into something positive before it consumes them.
  • A hero with the power to control weather faces a villain who can nullify their abilities with a single touch. In their battle, the hero must rely on their wit and strategy rather than their powers to win.
  • A superhero is given a glimpse of an alternate future where they are worshipped as a god but at the cost of their humanity. They must choose whether to embrace this destiny or fight against it.
  • A superhero’s secret identity is exposed, and their loved ones are targeted by a powerful enemy. With everything on the line, they must protect those they care about while finding a way to restore their anonymity.
  • A superhero who can see into people’s pasts begins to have visions of a future where they become a villain. Desperate to change their fate, they start making choices that may inadvertently lead them down that dark path.
  • A hero with the power to create anything they imagine is haunted by a creation that has gained sentience and turned against them. Now, they must confront this rogue creation before it causes irreversible damage.
  • A superhero discovers that their arch-nemesis is actually a future version of their best friend, corrupted by power. Torn between loyalty and duty, they must find a way to save their friend from this dark future.
  • A superhero who has always been able to heal from any injury is suddenly faced with a wound that won’t close. As they search for a cure, they begin to realize that their immortality might have been a curse all along.
  • A hero with the power to teleport anywhere in the world suddenly finds themselves unable to return to their home dimension. Stranded in a strange, alternate reality, they must find a way back before their world falls into chaos.
  • A superhero who can communicate with animals discovers that an ancient force is awakening and rallying the animal kingdom against humanity. They must decide where their loyalty lies and how to prevent an all-out war.
  • A superhero with the power to stop time discovers that using their ability is slowly aging them faster than normal. They must find a balance between saving the day and saving their own life.
  • A hero who has always fought for justice wakes up one day with no memory and is now the city’s most wanted criminal. As they piece together what happened, they must clear their name and uncover who is framing them.
  • A superhero’s powers are linked to their emotions, but they’ve been emotionally numb for years. When they finally start feeling again, they struggle to control their newfound, overwhelming strength.
  • A hero with the ability to turn invisible starts seeing things that no one else can, hinting at a hidden world. They must unravel the mystery of these strange visions before they’re consumed by them.
  • A superhero who can regenerate from any injury is captured and tortured by a villain who knows they can’t die. The hero must find a way to escape the endless cycle of pain and discover the villain’s true intentions.
  • A superhero’s powers begin to backfire, causing unintended harm to those they try to protect. They must find a way to fix their broken abilities before more innocent lives are lost.
  • A superhero who can communicate with the dead is haunted by a spirit who refuses to move on. They must help the spirit resolve their unfinished business before it drives them mad.
  • A superhero’s greatest enemy suddenly shows up asking for help, claiming that a force even greater than them is threatening the world. The hero must decide whether to trust their nemesis or face the threat alone.
  • A superhero who can control fire loses their powers during a massive wildfire. With the city in flames, they must find a way to save everyone without the ability they’ve always relied on.
  • A hero who can see a person’s darkest fears is forced to confront their own when a villain turns their power against them. To win, they must overcome their deepest insecurities.
  • A superhero discovers a secret society of heroes who have been working in the shadows for centuries. They must decide whether to join this ancient order or expose their existence to the world.
  • A hero with the power to read the future sees a vision of their own betrayal by someone they trust. Now, they must figure out who it is and why before it’s too late.
  • A superhero is cursed by a villain to lose one of their senses every time they use their powers. They must find a way to break the curse before they lose their abilities—and their humanity—completely.
  • A hero with the ability to communicate with plants discovers that the flora is planning a revolt against humanity. They must choose between saving their own species and protecting the natural world.
  • A superhero who has always fought for the greater good begins to question the morality of their actions when they encounter a villain with a just cause. They must navigate this moral grey area to find the truth.
  • A hero who can manipulate shadows is trapped in an alternate dimension where the shadows have taken over. To escape, they must confront the darkness within themselves.
  • A superhero discovers that their powers are slowly driving them insane. They must find a way to retain their sanity while still protecting the world from evil.
  • A hero who can fly loses their powers in the middle of a battle high above the city. They must find a way to land safely and turn the tide of the fight without their signature ability.
  • A superhero who has the power to control gravity is suddenly faced with an enemy who can negate all physical laws. They must find a way to outsmart this new foe using their wits and limited powers.
  • A hero with the ability to manipulate dreams starts experiencing nightmares that come true. They must find the source of these prophetic dreams before they destroy everything they hold dear.
  • A superhero with the power to control animals finds themselves betrayed by the creatures they once commanded. They must discover what has turned their allies against them before it’s too late.
  • A hero who has always had perfect control over their powers suddenly starts losing control at the worst possible moments. They must figure out what is causing the malfunctions before they cause irreparable damage.
  • A superhero who can control water is faced with a drought that threatens the entire planet. They must find a way to restore balance to the environment before it’s too late.
  • A hero with the power to shapeshift into any animal discovers that they’re slowly losing their ability to return to human form. They must find a cure before they are permanently trapped in the body of a beast.
  • A superhero with the ability to speak any language starts receiving cryptic messages in a language they’ve never heard of. They must decipher these messages before a global catastrophe is unleashed.
  • A hero with the power of super-speed discovers that every time they use their ability, they’re speeding up their own life span. They must choose between saving others quickly or living a longer life.
  • A superhero with the power to control sound loses their hearing in a battle. They must learn to adapt to their new reality while continuing to fight for justice.
  • A hero who can manipulate electricity finds themselves powerless during a citywide blackout caused by a villain. They must find another way to stop the villain and restore power to the city.
  • A superhero who has always been invulnerable suddenly finds themselves injured for the first time. They must learn to fight through the pain and fear to save the day.
  • A hero with the power to control metal is forced to face an enemy who can turn anything they touch into gold. They must find a way to neutralize this power before the world’s economy collapses.
  • A superhero with the power to see a person’s potential future must decide whether to intervene when they see a villain who might one day become a hero. They must weigh the risks of changing the future against the potential benefits.
  • A hero with the ability to control ice is faced with a villain who can generate extreme heat. As they battle, the hero must find a way to counteract the villain’s powers without melting away.
  • A superhero who can control time is suddenly trapped in a time loop, repeating the same day over and over. They must figure out what’s causing the loop and how to break free before they go insane.
  • A hero with the power to create force fields is faced with an enemy who can bypass all barriers. They must discover the secret to defeating this seemingly unstoppable foe.
  • A superhero who can control light is suddenly plunged into darkness by a villain who can absorb all light. They must learn to fight in the dark and find a way to restore the light.
  • A hero with the power of telekinesis starts experiencing uncontrollable outbursts that cause destruction around them. They must regain control before they hurt someone they care about.
  • A superhero with the ability to heal others is faced with a virus that even they can’t cure. They must find the source of the infection before it spreads and becomes unstoppable.
  • A hero who can manipulate the weather discovers that their powers are linked to their emotions, causing unpredictable storms when they’re upset. They must find a way to control their feelings to prevent disaster.
  • A superhero with the power of super-strength starts losing their physical abilities and must rely on their intelligence to defeat a new villain. They must prove that brains can be just as powerful as brawn.
  • A hero who can control time discovers that someone is manipulating the timeline, erasing important events from history. They must find the culprit and restore the timeline before it’s too late.
  • A superhero with the power to read minds is suddenly overwhelmed by the thoughts of everyone around them. They must learn to filter out the noise before they lose their sanity.
  • A hero with the ability to teleport anywhere in the world starts experiencing random, uncontrollable jumps through space. They must find a way to stabilize their powers before they are lost in an unknown location forever.
  • A superhero with the power to control machines is faced with an enemy who can turn technology against them. They must find a way to outsmart this foe without relying on their usual tools.
  • A hero who can manipulate reality discovers that their powers are causing rifts in the fabric of the universe. They must find a way to repair the damage before reality itself collapses.
  • A superhero who can control minds discovers that their own memories have been altered by a villain. They must uncover the truth about their past and reclaim their identity.
  • A hero with the power to speak to animals starts noticing strange behaviour in the city’s wildlife, indicating a looming disaster. They must figure out what the animals are sensing before it’s too late.
  • A superhero who can control gravity is suddenly unable to touch the ground, floating uncontrollably into the sky. They must find a way to regain control of their powers before they drift into space.
  • A hero with the ability to turn invisible is trapped in an invisible prison created by a villain. They must find a way to escape without being seen.
  • A superhero with the power to control fire is faced with an enemy who can manipulate water. They must find a way to balance their strengths and weaknesses to defeat this elemental foe.
  • A hero who has always fought alone is forced to team up with a group of other superpowered individuals who have very different ideas about how to save the world. They must learn to work together or risk losing everything.
  • A superhero with the ability to create portals to other dimensions discovers one where they never existed, and the world is a dystopian nightmare. They must decide whether to return to their own world or stay and fix the broken one.
  • A hero who can mimic the powers of others is suddenly faced with an enemy who has the ability to permanently steal those powers. As the battle rages on, the hero must figure out how to defeat the villain before all their abilities are gone for good.
  • A superhero whose power is tied to their belief in themselves begins to lose confidence after a series of failures. They must rediscover their inner strength to prevent a looming catastrophe.
  • A hero who can control shadows discovers that the dark creatures lurking within the shadows have developed a will of their own. They must regain control before these entities take over and plunge the world into eternal darkness.
  • A superhero who can communicate telepathically with others starts hearing voices that claim to be from the future, warning of an impending disaster. They must determine whether these voices are real or a trick by a cunning villain.
  • A hero with the power to turn invisible begins to fade from existence every time they use their power. They must find a way to anchor themselves in reality before they disappear entirely.
  • A superhero with the ability to control the elements finds themselves in a world where the natural forces have gone haywire. They must figure out the cause and restore balance before the planet is torn apart.
  • A hero who can create illusions is suddenly trapped in one of their own creations, unable to distinguish reality from the illusion. They must find a way to break free before they’re lost in the fantasy forever.
  • A superhero who can travel back in time realizes that every time they do, they inadvertently cause a worse outcome in the present. They must navigate the complexities of time travel to find a solution that doesn’t destroy the future.
  • A hero with the power to grant others temporary superpowers discovers that someone is using these gifts to commit crimes. They must track down the rogue recipients and take back the powers before more damage is done.

Free Printable: If I were a superhero…

Here is a bonus printable for all you superhero fans out there! Imagine what it would be like to a real-life superhero. You can use our, ‘If I were a superhero…’ writing prompt printable to write down your notes and ideas:

if i were a superhero writing prompt printable

Use our list of superhero writing prompts in any way you like! You can set yourself a daily challenge to complete one prompt a day or just combine a couple together for inspiration. Let us know if you found these superhero prompts useful in the comments below!

Superhero Writing Prompts

Marty the wizard is the master of Imagine Forest. When he's not reading a ton of books or writing some of his own tales, he loves to be surrounded by the magical creatures that live in Imagine Forest. While living in his tree house he has devoted his time to helping children around the world with their writing skills and creativity.

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200+ Superhero Ideas for Storytellers (Massive List)

Creating superhuman characters has always been a thrilling challenge for me.

In this article, I’ll share over 200 superhero ideas to inspire your storytelling.

Whether you’re crafting a comic book, writing a novel, or scripting a screenplay, these ideas will fuel your creativity and help bring your superhuman characters to life.

20 Superhero Power Ideas

Superheroes in a city -- Superhero Ideas

Table of Contents

Every superhero starts with a unique ability that sets them apart.

Here are 20 power ideas to kickstart your imagination:

  • Time Manipulation – The ability to slow down, speed up, or reverse time.
  • Elemental Control – Mastery over elements like fire, water, earth, and air.
  • Telepathy – The power to read minds and project thoughts.
  • Super Strength – Extraordinary physical strength.
  • Invisibility – The ability to become unseen to the naked eye.
  • Flight – The power to defy gravity and soar through the skies.
  • Healing – The ability to heal oneself or others at an accelerated rate.
  • Telekinesis – Moving objects with one’s mind.
  • Shape-shifting – Altering one’s physical form or appearance.
  • Energy Manipulation – The ability to control and manipulate various forms of energy.
  • Intangibility – Passing through solid objects.
  • Super Speed – Moving at speeds much faster than a normal human.
  • Animal Communication – The ability to understand and communicate with animals.
  • Precognition – Seeing events before they happen.
  • Weather Control – The ability to influence weather patterns.
  • Teleportation – Instantly moving from one location to another.
  • Immortality – The ability to live forever.
  • Super Intelligence – Exceptional intellectual and cognitive abilities.
  • Gravity Control – Manipulating gravity’s pull.
  • Regeneration – The power to regenerate body parts or heal at an accelerated pace.

20 Superhero Origin Story Ideas

A compelling origin story is crucial for adding depth to your superhero.

Check out these 20 ideas:

  • Alien Heritage – Born on another planet and sent to Earth.
  • Scientific Accident – Gained powers after a lab experiment went wrong.
  • Mystical Awakening – Powers awakened through an ancient ritual or artifact.
  • Technological Enhancement – Abilities gained through advanced technology or cybernetics.
  • Divine Intervention – Granted powers by a deity or through divine heritage.
  • Tragic Loss – Powers emerged in the aftermath of a personal tragedy.
  • Genetic Mutation – Born with unique abilities due to genetic anomalies.
  • Military Experiment – Powers developed as part of a secret government program.
  • Cosmic Event – Exposure to cosmic rays or other celestial phenomena.
  • Ancient Prophecy – Destiny foretold by an ancient prophecy.
  • Parallel Universe – Originating from an alternate dimension or universe.
  • Evolutionary Leap – The next step in human evolution.
  • Gifted Artifact – Powers derived from a mystical or alien artifact.
  • Heroic Sacrifice – Gained powers through a selfless act.
  • Dark Pact – Powers granted by a pact with a dark entity.
  • Mythical Bloodline – Descendant of mythological beings or heroes.
  • Accidental Discovery – Stumbled upon a source of power accidentally.
  • Environmental Influence – Powers developed in response to environmental factors.
  • Supernatural Encounter – Gained powers after encountering a supernatural being.
  • Alien Abduction – Abducted and experimented on by aliens.

20 Superhero Name Ideas

The right name captures the essence of your superhero.

Here are 20 names to inspire:

  • Crimson Shadow
  • Quantum Knight
  • Mystic Fury
  • Thunderbolt
  • Solar Flare

20 Superhero Costume Ideas

Superheroes in Different Outfits-- Superhero Ideas

Designing a superhero costume is a fantastic journey into the heart of a character’s identity.

It’s not just about looking cool – it’s about symbolism, functionality, and storytelling.

Through my own trials and errors in story creation, I’ve learned the importance of a costume that speaks volumes.

A well-thought-out costume can convey a hero’s powers, origins, and intentions without a single word.

Here’s a list of 20 innovative costume ideas to inspire your next caped crusader:

  • The Elemental Robe – Combines fabrics that shift color and texture to match the hero’s elemental powers (fire, water, earth, air).
  • Nano-Tech Suit – Made from advanced nanotechnology that adapts and transforms according to the hero’s needs, enhancing their powers.
  • The Shadow Cloak – A cape that allows the hero to blend into shadows, becoming nearly invisible in low light.
  • Eco-Armor – A suit made from sustainable materials, it grows stronger in natural environments and can harness the power of nature.
  • The Vintage Vanguard – A costume that harks back to the golden age of heroes, blending classic style with modern technology.
  • Galactic Gear – Space-age armor with a built-in life support system, designed for cosmic adventures.
  • Urban Camo – A costume designed to blend into the cityscape, perfect for stealth missions in urban environments.
  • The Light Suit – Emits bright, disorienting light to blind foes, with colors that change based on the hero’s emotions.
  • Mirror Mail – Armor that reflects attacks and can create illusions to confuse enemies.
  • Dragon Scale Armor – Made from mythical material, it offers unmatched protection and intimidation factor.
  • Sonic Suit – Harnesses the power of sound waves, allowing the hero to fly, create shields, and attack with sonic blasts.
  • Quantum Quilt – A suit that plays with the probabilities of quantum mechanics, offering unpredictable advantages.
  • The Time Tapestry – A costume with time-altering abilities, allowing the hero to manipulate speed.
  • Astral Attire – Allows astral projection and travel to other dimensions, shimmering with celestial energy.
  • The Phantom Fabric – A suit that phases through solid objects, giving its wearer ghost-like abilities.
  • Bioluminescent Bodysuit – Glows with vibrant patterns, used for communication, intimidation, and illumination.
  • The Wind Walker – A costume designed for high-speed travel, reducing air resistance and enhancing agility.
  • The Nature Knight – Armor that can summon and control plant life, blending into natural settings seamlessly.
  • Arcane Apparel – Infused with magical properties for spell-casting superheroes, glowing with runes of power.
  • The Techno Tunic – Embedded with gadgets and gizmos, it’s the ultimate toolkit for the tech-savvy hero.

20 Superhero Story Ideas

Every hero needs a compelling story, one that captivates the reader’s imagination and keeps them hooked.

Below, I’ve listed 20 superhero story ideas that promise adventure, conflict, and transformation:

  • The Reluctant Hero – A story about an average Joe who inherits powers he never wanted, leading him on a path of self-discovery and heroism.
  • Time-Travel Turmoil – A superhero with the ability to time travel fights to correct a timeline gone awry, facing the moral dilemmas of changing history.
  • Dimensional Drifter – Follows a hero who can hop between dimensions, uncovering a plot to merge them all into chaos.
  • The Last of Their Kind – Centers on a superhero who is the last survivor of an alien race, struggling to find their place on Earth.
  • Powerless – In a world where everyone has superpowers, the protagonist is the only one without, using intelligence and courage to save the day.
  • The Hero’s Shadow – Explores the life of a sidekick stepping out from the hero’s shadow to forge their own legacy.
  • The Villain’s Redemption – A former villain seeks redemption, battling against their dark past and society’s unwillingness to forgive.
  • Age of Heroes – Set in a futuristic society where heroes are manufactured, one hero starts to question the morality of their creation.
  • The Forgotten Realm – A superhero discovers a hidden realm on Earth, filled with magical creatures and ancient secrets.
  • Dual Identity Crisis – A hero with split personalities, each with different powers, fights crime while grappling with their own identity.
  • The Unseen War – Invisible forces of good and evil battle in secret, with the fate of humanity hanging in the balance.
  • Echoes of the Past – A hero with the power to see the past unravels a centuries-old mystery to prevent a future disaster.
  • The Mind Meld – A superhero who can merge minds with others to share knowledge and skills faces a unique ethical dilemma.
  • Rise of the Underdog – A story of a hero with seemingly insignificant powers proving that heart and determination can overcome any challenge.
  • The Cosmic Custodian – A guardian of the galaxy faces threats from the cosmos, safeguarding planets and civilizations from extinction.
  • Nature’s Fury – A hero connected to the Earth’s elements fights to stop an environmental apocalypse.
  • The Artificial Avenger – An AI with superhero abilities questions its own existence and fights for its right to live.
  • Legacy of Heroes – The descendants of legendary heroes are forced to live up to their ancestors’ legacy, finding their own path to heroism.
  • The Anomaly – A hero whose powers defy the laws of physics becomes the target of a government that fears what it cannot control.
  • Crossroads of Destiny – A team of heroes from different timelines and universes come together to fight a threat to all reality.

20 Superhero Weakness Ideas

Every superhero’s strength is as compelling as their vulnerability.

Crafting a hero’s weakness is crucial for adding depth and tension to your story. It humanizes them, making their journey more relatable and their battles more suspenseful.

Here are 20 ideas for superhero weaknesses that could challenge your characters in unique ways:

  • Elemental Dependency – Their power wanes or strengthens based on their proximity to certain elements, like water, fire, or earth.
  • Emotional Trigger – Powers that are linked to emotional states, making control difficult during emotional turmoil.
  • Energy Limitation – A finite internal energy source that needs time to recharge after use, leaving them vulnerable.
  • Specific Material Vulnerability – Similar to Superman’s weakness to kryptonite, a common or rare substance that weakens them or nullifies their powers.
  • Power Overload – Using their abilities to their maximum potential risks severe physical or mental damage.
  • Moral Compass – A strong ethical code that prevents them from taking the easiest or most effective action against villains.
  • Memory Burden – Powers tied to memories, where using them risks losing those memories forever.
  • Sound Sensitivity – A vulnerability to certain frequencies or volumes of sound, which can incapacitate or disorient them.
  • Power Transference – Their abilities temporarily weaken or disappear when transferred to another being or object.
  • Dual Existence – Their power is split between two personas or bodies, and they are weakened when separated.
  • Light Dependency – Their strength varies with the level of ambient light, making them weaker at night or in darkness.
  • Quantum Uncertainty – Powers that become unreliable or unpredictable under certain conditions, based on quantum mechanics.
  • Psychic Feedback – Using mental powers causes painful feedback, limiting their use.
  • Technological Interference – Reliance on technology that can be hacked, jammed, or otherwise tampered with by enemies.
  • Natural Cycle – Powers that wax and wane with natural cycles, such as lunar phases or tides.
  • Symbolic Weakness – A weakness tied to a symbol or artifact, which can control or limit their powers when present.
  • Age Regression – Using their powers accelerates aging or causes them to become younger, affecting their physical or mental capacities.
  • Power Imbalance – The more they use one power, the weaker another becomes, forcing them to balance their abilities carefully.
  • Dimensional Displacement – Overuse of powers risks stranding them in alternate dimensions or realities.
  • Aura Disruption – Their powers falter in the presence of specific individuals or creatures with auras that disrupt their abilities.

20 Superhero Weapon Ideas

Superhero weapons are extensions of the characters themselves, embodying their essence, history, and the source of their powers.

Let’s get you started with 20 superhero weapon ideas to arm your champions of justice:

  • Photon Blades – Swords that can cut through almost any material, powered by concentrated light energy.
  • Gravity Hammer – A hammer that can manipulate gravity, making objects or enemies heavier or weightless with a swing.
  • Quantum Whip – A whip with the ability to alter its physical state, from solid to energy, adapting to any situation.
  • Temporal Gun – A firearm that shoots bullets causing temporal displacement, aging targets or reverting them to a previous state.
  • Molecular Gauntlets – Gloves that can rearrange molecular structures, allowing the hero to transform matter with a touch.
  • Echo Shield – A shield that not only protects but can replicate and return any force or energy directed at it.
  • Dimensional Bow – A bow that shoots arrows capable of opening portals to different dimensions.
  • Cosmic Lasso – A lasso that can control cosmic energy, binding anything it wraps around with unbreakable force.
  • Sonic Boomerangs – Boomerangs that emit debilitating sonic frequencies on impact, disorienting foes.
  • Psychic Staff – A staff that amplifies psychic abilities, enabling the wielder to project illusions or control minds at a distance.
  • Nebula Nunchaku – Nunchaku infused with star energy, capable of unleashing devastating cosmic blasts with each strike.
  • Ether Daggers – Daggers that phase through solid matter, striking at the essence of an opponent.
  • Windscythe – A scythe that can command the winds, slicing through air with such force it creates vacuums.
  • Plasma Pistols – Dual handguns that fire concentrated plasma, melting or vaporizing targets on contact.
  • Arcane Amulet – An amulet that channels magical energy, casting spells or summoning creatures to aid in battle.
  • Tidal Trident – A trident that controls water, capable of summoning tidal waves or creating whirlpools.
  • Void Cannon – A cannon that fires blasts of dark energy, absorbing anything in its path into a void space.
  • Inferno Whip – A whip made of fire, able to ignite anything and control the shape and intensity of flames.
  • Lightning Rod – A rod that can summon and direct lightning strikes, harnessing the power of storms.
  • Harmonic Harp – A harp whose music can manipulate emotions, heal allies, or cause disarray among enemies.

20 Superhero Sidekick Ideas

Sidekicks are more than just secondary characters; they often provide critical emotional support, have intriguing backstories, and sometimes grow to heroes in their own right.

Here are 20 sidekick concepts:

  • Echo – The sidekick who can mimic any sound or voice perfectly.
  • Shade – A master of shadows, able to blend into darkness.
  • Glimmer – Can manipulate light to become invisible or create dazzling displays.
  • Tinker – A genius with technology, crafting gadgets and vehicles.
  • Rift – Has the ability to open portals for quick escapes or surprise attacks.
  • Flicker – Can move at high speeds for very short bursts, almost teleporting.
  • Tempest – A young weather manipulator, still learning to control their powers.
  • Quark – Can alter the size of objects, including themselves.
  • Muse – Inspires others, boosting their abilities or healing them.
  • Pulse – Generates powerful energy waves from their body.
  • Scribe – Can bring anything they draw to life.
  • Wisp – A spirit-like sidekick who can phase through walls.
  • Guardian – A protective figure with a shield that can absorb any attack.
  • Bolt – Harnesses electricity, both as a weapon and a power source.
  • Haven – Can create protective bubbles around others.
  • Rune – Uses ancient symbols to cast spells or summon creatures.
  • Glitch – Can manipulate digital and electronic systems.
  • Charm – Uses luck-based powers to cause improbable events to occur.
  • Echo – Specializes in sonic attacks and communication.
  • Legacy – Inherits a minor version of the hero’s powers, eager to prove themselves.

20 Superhero Catchphrases

A great catchphrase can capture the essence of a superhero, their mission, and personality in just a few words.

Here’s a list of 20 catchy and iconic sayings:

  • “Justice, at the speed of light!”
  • “Shadows fear me.”
  • “In brightness or darkness, I stand ready.”
  • “For the future we forge!”
  • “No evil goes unseen.”
  • “Beyond the impossible!”
  • “Silence speaks louder than words.”
  • “Time waits for no hero.”
  • “Nature’s fury, unleashed!”
  • “From the ashes, we rise.”
  • “The last line of defense.”
  • “Courage, in the face of darkness.”
  • “The balance must be maintained.”
  • “Technology is a tool, not a tyrant.”
  • “Beware the silent strike.”
  • “A storm is coming.”
  • “The past is prologue.”
  • “Every end has a new beginning.”
  • “Innovation for inspiration.”
  • “Unity is our strength.”

20 Superhero Hideout Locations

Superhero Hideouts Under Water -- Superhero Ideas

The hideout or headquarters of a superhero is not just a place to hang their cape — it’s a sanctuary, a lab, a strategic meeting place, and sometimes, a character in its own right.

Check out these 20 hideout ideas:

  • Beneath a bustling city, in abandoned subway tunnels.
  • A high-tech lab hidden in plain sight as a common storefront.
  • An ancient temple in a remote jungle, concealed by illusion.
  • A mobile base in the form of an innocuous vehicle.
  • A refurbished missile silo, deep underground.
  • An arctic fortress, accessible only by air or sea.
  • A floating island, kept aloft by advanced technology or magic.
  • A disguised bunker within a mountain’s heart.
  • An invisible space station orbiting Earth.
  • A secret room within a bustling museum.
  • A serene garden hidden within a city’s chaos, shielded from prying eyes.
  • A castle ruin on a fog-shrouded hilltop.
  • Underwater domed city in the depths of the ocean.
  • A mirrored tower in the desert, reflecting the sky and sand to remain unseen.
  • An old lighthouse, harboring secrets beyond its light.
  • A dimensional pocket, accessible through a hidden door.
  • A sprawling library, with more than books hidden in its shelves.
  • A ghost town, reclaimed and refurbished.
  • Inside an active volcano, harnessing its power.
  • A network of interconnected safe houses across the globe.

20 Superhero Team Dynamics

The chemistry between team members can make or break a superhero squad.

Let’s go over 20 dynamics that can add depth and conflict to your team’s story:

  • The Mentor and the Protégé – A veteran hero guides the new generation, offering wisdom and occasionally tough love.
  • The Rival Turned Ally – Former enemies who must learn to trust each other for the greater good.
  • The Brains and the Brawn – One member supplies the muscle, while another devises the plans, highlighting their complementary skills.
  • The Moral Compass and the Realist – Ethical debates arise between the idealist who believes in doing right at all costs and the pragmatist who focuses on outcomes.
  • The Secret Keeper – One member has a secret that could change everything, creating tension and potential betrayal.
  • The Odd Couple – Polar opposites in personality and method, they somehow make an effective team.
  • The Lone Wolf – Prefers to work alone but is undeniably part of the team, struggling with their need for independence versus the strength found in unity.
  • The Heart – The emotional center who keeps the team’s spirits up and maintains peace.
  • The Sibling Rivalry – Actual or figurative siblings who compete but deeply care for each other.
  • The Old Flame – Past romantic history adds complexity to teamwork and decision-making.
  • The Comic Relief – Uses humor to diffuse tension, sometimes hiding deeper insecurities or pain.
  • The Mysterious Past – A member with a hidden background that slowly unfolds, affecting team trust and cohesion.
  • The Tech Support – Relies on gadgets and intelligence, often saving the day from the sidelines.
  • The Natural Leader – Charismatic and wise, often shouldering the burden of decision-making.
  • The Doubter – Questions the team’s actions and purpose, pushing them to justify their mission.
  • The Newbie – Fresh and eager, their learning curve is steep but brings new energy and perspective.
  • The Redeemed Villain – Their path to heroism is fraught with challenges, both internal and from those who can’t forget their past.
  • The Unwilling Hero – Pulled into the fray against their will, they often question if the hero’s life is for them.
  • The Powerhouse – The most physically powerful member, whose strength is both an asset and a potential threat.
  • The Strategist – Plans several moves ahead, often acting as the team’s unofficial leader in battle situations.

20 Superhero Gadgets and Tech

In a world where superpowers are the norm, technology and gadgets can level the playing field or give heroes the edge they need.

Here are 20 innovative gadgets and pieces of tech for your hero’s arsenal:

  • Grav Boots – Allow the wearer to defy gravity, enabling them to walk on walls or ceilings.
  • Holo-Disguiser – Projects holographic disguises, perfect for undercover missions.
  • Nano-Med Kit – Uses nanotechnology to heal injuries at an accelerated pace.
  • Quantum Communicator – Enables secure communication across dimensions or through time.
  • Energy Shields – Portable devices that project protective barriers.
  • Memory Stick – A device that can download and store human memories for later viewing.
  • EMP Grenades – Temporarily disable electronic devices and enemy tech.
  • Spectral Visor – Allows the wearer to see in various spectrums, including infrared and ultraviolet.
  • Molecular Printer – Creates objects by assembling them at the molecular level, from weapons to food.
  • Teleportation Pad – A portable pad that allows for instant travel to pre-set locations.
  • Cloaking Device – Renders the user invisible to the naked eye and radar.
  • Time Dilation Watch – Slows down or speeds up time within a small bubble.
  • Atmospheric Adapter – A device that allows the wearer to survive in any environment, from underwater to space.
  • Psychic Dampener – Protects the wearer from psychic attacks and mind reading.
  • Gravity Gun – Manipulates gravity, allowing objects to be made lighter or heavier.
  • Portable Wormhole Generator – Creates small wormholes for quick escapes or as a weapon.
  • Sonic Blaster – Emits powerful sound waves capable of stunning or incapacitating foes.
  • AI Assistant – A wearable AI that provides real-time data analysis and tactical advice.
  • Magnetic Gauntlets – Can attract or repel metal objects, useful for both offense and defense.
  • Regenerative Armor – Armor that repairs itself and adapts to counteract the last damage source.

20 Superhero Allies and Supporters

Behind every great hero stands a network of allies and supporters who provide essential aid, whether through information, resources, or moral encouragement.

These characters enrich the narrative and offer heroes additional dimensions of interaction and growth.

  • The Tech Genius – Offers cutting-edge gadgets and technological support.
  • The Wise Mentor – Provides guidance and trains the hero in combat or control of their powers.
  • The Government Liaison – A link to official agencies, navigating the bureaucracy for the hero.
  • The Informant – Delivers crucial information about villain activities or plots.
  • The Medical Miracle – A doctor or scientist capable of treating injuries that defy conventional medicine.
  • The Financial Backer – Funds the hero’s activities, ensuring they have the resources they need.
  • The Librarian – Guards ancient texts and knowledge, assisting with research on mystical threats.
  • The Mechanic – Keeps the hero’s vehicles and equipment in top condition.
  • The Publicist – Manages the hero’s public image and deals with media relations.
  • The Diplomat – Helps navigate intergalactic politics and alien cultures.
  • The Streetwise Friend – Provides insight into the city’s underworld and helps gather street-level intelligence.
  • The Legal Eagle – Offers legal assistance, helping to navigate the complexities of law as a superhero.
  • The Cosmic Guide – An ally from another planet or dimension, offering wisdom and perspective on cosmic threats.
  • The Supernatural Expert – Specializes in occult and mystical threats, providing guidance and protection.
  • The Hacker – Can infiltrate any system, gathering digital intelligence and disrupting enemy communications.
  • The Trainer – Specializes in physical and mental conditioning, helping heroes reach their peak potential.
  • The Spy – Operates in the shadows, conducting surveillance and covert operations.
  • The Peacekeeper – Works to resolve conflicts without violence, offering solutions that preserve peace.
  • The Historian – Provides context and insight into ancient evils or long-forgotten lore.
  • The Inventor – Creates new technologies and solutions, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

20 Superhero Rivalries

Rivalries add a dynamic tension to the superhero narrative, challenging the protagonist and providing compelling conflicts that drive personal growth and plot advancement.

  • Mirror Match – A rival with similar powers, challenging the hero’s uniqueness.
  • The Antithesis – Represents everything the hero opposes, challenging their morals and beliefs.
  • The Prodigy – A younger, more reckless version of the hero, challenging their methods and legacy.
  • The Old Friend – A former ally turned rival, creating emotional conflict and moral dilemmas.
  • The Superior – A more powerful, experienced opponent, challenging the hero to exceed their limits.
  • The Shadow – Operates from the darkness, challenging the hero’s ability to protect those they love.
  • The Nemesis – A personal villain, intertwined with the hero’s backstory and motivations.
  • The Copycat – Mimics the hero’s identity, challenging their public image and legitimacy.
  • The Mercenary – A neutral force, offering challenges for hire, complicating the hero’s missions.
  • The Unpredictable – Chaotic and random, making it hard for the hero to anticipate their moves.
  • The Ideologue – Driven by a conflicting ideology, offering intellectual and moral challenges.
  • The Relentless – Never gives up, constantly challenging the hero’s endurance and determination.
  • The Betrayer – Once trusted, now a foe, revealing weaknesses and secrets.
  • The Underdog – Lacks power but compensates with cunning and determination, challenging the hero’s underestimation.
  • The Juggernaut – Unstoppable force, challenging the hero’s ability to find innovative solutions.
  • The Mastermind – Always several steps ahead, challenging the hero’s intelligence and strategic thinking.
  • The Natural Disaster – Represents an elemental or natural force, challenging the hero’s ability to protect civilians.
  • The Doppelgänger – A clone or exact replica, challenging the hero’s sense of self and identity.
  • The Outcast – Rejected by society, challenging the hero’s understanding of justice and redemption.
  • The Legacy – Inherits a vendetta or mission from the past, challenging the hero’s future.

20 Superhero Secret Identities

The dual life of a superhero adds complexity and intrigue to their character, challenging them to balance heroics with normalcy.

Here are 20 ideas for secret identities that offer unique challenges and storytelling opportunities:

  • The Investigative Journalist – Always close to the action, seeking the truth while hiding their own.
  • The High School Teacher – Molding young minds by day, protecting the city by night.
  • The Corporate Executive – Uses their wealth and influence for good, all while leading a double life.
  • The Small-Town Sheriff – Upholds justice in both their public role and as a masked hero.
  • The Medical Doctor – Saves lives in the hospital and on the streets, blending their two callings.
  • The Struggling Artist – Channels their observations of humanity into art, while secretly fighting to protect it.
  • The Freelance Programmer – Behind their computer screen, they’re just another coder, but their skills serve a greater cause.
  • The Professional Athlete – Uses their physical prowess for sport and justice, balancing fame with secrecy.
  • The Retired Veteran – A past filled with service continues in a new, covert way.
  • The Social Worker – Dedicated to helping the vulnerable by day and by night.
  • The Urban Explorer – Their hobby provides the perfect cover for scoping out the city’s secrets.
  • The Librarian – Quietly curating knowledge while fighting ignorance on a grand scale.
  • The Farmer – Grounded in the earth they protect, their simple life belies their heroic deeds.
  • The Barista – Serving up justice along with coffee, keeping their ear to the ground in the community.
  • The Antique Dealer – A collector of secrets and relics, some of which are key to their heroics.
  • The Environmental Scientist – Fighting to save the planet in more ways than one.
  • The Travel Blogger – Their adventures hide the true purpose of their global travels.
  • The Taxi Driver – Has an ear to the ground and a deep knowledge of the city’s streets.
  • The Kindergarten Teacher – Nurtures the next generation while protecting the world they’ll inherit.
  • The Dog Walker – Their unassuming job provides the perfect cover for daytime reconnaissance.

20 Superhero Training Regimens

The path to becoming a superhero often requires rigorous training, both physical and mental.

Here are 20 training regimen ideas that can help shape your characters into the heroes they’re destined to be:

  • Virtual Reality Combat – Advanced simulations that prepare heroes for any battle scenario.
  • Meditation and Mind Control – Techniques to enhance mental fortitude and control powers.
  • Parkour and Urban Navigation – Training in agility and movement for city-based heroes.
  • Intergalactic Survival Skills – Preparing heroes for threats and environments beyond Earth.
  • Ancient Martial Arts – Mastering old fighting styles that complement their powers.
  • Elemental Control – Harnessing and refining control over natural elements or their specific power source.
  • Stealth and Espionage – Moving unseen and gathering information without detection.
  • Power Limitation – Learning to scale back their abilities to avoid collateral damage.
  • Dimensional Awareness – Training to navigate and survive in alternate dimensions or realities.
  • Enhanced Senses Training – Sharpening their natural senses to superhuman levels.
  • Psychic Defense – Protecting their minds from invasion and psychic attacks.
  • Gadget and Tech Mastery – Becoming proficient with a range of technological tools and weapons.
  • Disaster Scenario Planning – Preparing for and managing large-scale emergencies or catastrophes.
  • Teamwork and Leadership – Fostering cooperation and leadership skills within superhero teams.
  • Cultural Etiquette – Learning to navigate different societies and cultures, on Earth and beyond.
  • Ethical Decision Making – Wrestling with the moral implications of their actions and powers.
  • Public Speaking – Managing their image and communicating effectively with the public.
  • First Aid and Field Medicine – Providing care in the heat of battle when no one else can.
  • Energy Management – Learning to conserve and effectively use their power over long battles.
  • Time Management – Balancing their dual identities and responsibilities without burning out.

20 Superhero Public Perception Scenarios

Public perception plays a critical role in a superhero’s effectiveness and the challenges they face.

Read through these 20 scenarios exploring the complex relationship between heroes and the societies they protect:

  • Celebrated Hero – Adored by the public, this hero must navigate fame while maintaining their secret identity.
  • Misunderstood Vigilante – Seen as a menace, they struggle to prove their intentions are good.
  • Symbol of Hope – Represents a beacon of hope in troubled times, carrying the weight of public expectation.
  • Feared Powerhouse – Their immense power makes the public uneasy, despite their heroic deeds.
  • Government Sanctioned – Officially recognized and regulated, they face bureaucracy and political games.
  • Underground Legend – Known only in certain circles, they become a folk hero to the marginalized.
  • Corporate Hero – Sponsored by corporations, they must balance public relations with genuine heroism.
  • International Diplomat – Works across borders, dealing with various cultural perceptions of heroism.
  • Media Darling – A hero who’s frequently in the spotlight, facing the challenges of fame and public scrutiny.
  • Reluctant Celebrity – Thrust into the limelight unwillingly, struggling with the responsibilities of influence.
  • Anonymous Guardian – Operates in the shadows, with the public unaware of their guardian angel.
  • Discredited Hero – Once revered, now doubted, they work to rebuild trust and clear their name.
  • Fallen Idol – A hero who made a public mistake, dealing with the fallout and seeking redemption.
  • Divisive Figure – Polarizes public opinion, hailed as a hero by some and a villain by others.
  • Mythic Entity – Considered more legend than reality, they work from the fringes of society.
  • Youth Icon – Appeals to the younger generation, becoming a role model and symbol of the future.
  • Enemy of the State – Viewed as a threat by authorities, they operate outside the law for the greater good.
  • Champion of the Oppressed – Fights for the downtrodden, challenging societal norms and injustice.
  • Forgotten Hero – Once celebrated, now overshadowed by new heroes, they strive to remain relevant.
  • The Protector – Known for their unwavering defense of the city, they’re a fixture of local lore and pride.

20 Superhero Moral Dilemmas

Moral dilemmas test a hero’s character, presenting them with choices where the right path isn’t always clear.

These scenarios deepen the story’s thematic elements and challenge both the hero and the reader:

  • Save the Villain – Choosing between saving a villain from certain death or letting them perish.
  • Collateral Damage – Deciding whether to stop a disaster that would save thousands but harm a few.
  • Secret Identity Exposure – Risking their secret identity to save someone they love.
  • The Greater Good – Whether to sacrifice an innocent to prevent a greater evil.
  • Justice vs. Revenge – Struggling with the desire for personal revenge versus upholding the law.
  • Loyalty or Duty – Torn between allegiance to a friend or their duty as a hero.
  • Power Abuse – The temptation to use powers for personal gain or to manipulate outcomes.
  • Mercy or Punishment – Deciding a villain’s fate, balancing justice with mercy.
  • Freedom vs. Security – Supporting measures that increase security but limit personal freedoms.
  • Truth or Peace – Revealing a painful truth that could destroy peace or keeping silent for harmony’s sake.
  • Civilian Safety – Choosing to prioritize civilian safety or capturing a dangerous villain.
  • Resource Allocation – Deciding where to focus efforts in a crisis with multiple threats.
  • Forgiveness – Choosing whether to forgive those who have wronged them or their loved ones.
  • The Lesser Evil – Aligning with a lesser villain to defeat a more significant threat.
  • Obedience to Authority – Following orders that conflict with personal morals or taking a stand.
  • Protecting the Guilty – Defending someone who’s guilty of a crime to uphold the principle of justice.
  • Sacrificing Freedom – Giving up their freedom or powers to ensure the safety of others.
  • Legacy vs. Present – Upholding the legacy of a mentor or making decisions that contradict their teachings but are necessary for the current situation.
  • Personal Happiness vs. Duty – The hero faces a choice between pursuing personal happiness or continuing their duties as a hero, understanding the sacrifices involved.
  • Inaction as a Choice – Deciding whether to intervene in a situation where their involvement could make things worse, weighing the consequences of action versus inaction.

20 Superhero Villain Confrontations

The confrontations between heroes and villains are pivotal moments that define both characters.

Below, I’ve collected some of the best superhero ideas for villain confrontations:

  • The Final Standoff – A climactic battle that decides the fate of the city, testing the hero’s limits.
  • The Ideological Debate – A confrontation where words are the weapons, challenging each other’s beliefs and motivations.
  • The Public Showdown – A fight that unfolds in front of the city’s citizens, influencing public perception.
  • The Personal Duel – A battle driven by personal vendettas, adding emotional weight to the confrontation.
  • The Trap – The hero walks into a well-laid trap, requiring cunning and resourcefulness to escape.
  • The Team-Up – Temporarily joining forces with a villain to combat a greater threat, testing trust and morals.
  • The Rescue Mission – The hero must save hostages or a loved one from the villain’s clutches.
  • The Stealth Operation – A covert mission to thwart the villain’s plans without direct confrontation.
  • The Race Against Time – Both hero and villain racing to secure an object or location of power.
  • The War of Attrition – A prolonged battle that tests the hero’s endurance and resolve.
  • The Psychological Battle – A confrontation that targets the hero’s mind, exploiting fears and doubts.
  • The Dimensional Rift – A fight that spans different dimensions or timelines, adding complexity to the battle.
  • The Power Struggle – A clash that revolves around gaining or losing control over their powers.
  • The Unlikely Alliance – Teaming up with a lesser villain to take down a mutual threat, navigating uneasy alliances.
  • The Moral Quandary – A situation where the hero must make a difficult moral choice during the confrontation.
  • The Public Betrayal – The villain reveals the hero’s secrets or true identity to the world during their clash.
  • The Underdog Fight – The hero is significantly outmatched, relying on wits and strategy over strength.
  • The Redemption Arc – A confrontation that leads to the possibility of redemption for the villain.
  • The Environmental Hazard – A battle that takes place in a dangerous setting, adding natural obstacles to the fight.
  • The Sacrifice – A confrontation that requires the hero to make a significant sacrifice to ensure victory or protect others.

20 Superhero Legacy Issues

The concept of legacy plays a significant role in the superhero genre, addressing the weight of past achievements and the responsibility of carrying on a mantle.

Here are ideas to spark your own creativity:

  • Assuming the Mantle – A new hero takes up the legacy of a retired or fallen hero, struggling with comparisons and expectations.
  • The Worthy Successor – Proving themselves as a worthy successor to a legendary hero or family legacy.
  • The Tarnished Legacy – A hero must cleanse the tarnished reputation of their predecessor or mentor.
  • Legacy of Villainy – Born into a legacy of villainy, a hero fights to make their own name for good.
  • The Forgotten Hero – Rediscovering and reviving the legacy of a forgotten hero from the past.
  • The Reluctant Heir – Inheriting a heroic mantle they never wanted, a character grapples with their destiny.
  • The Divided Legacy – Siblings or relatives contest the right to carry on a heroic legacy.
  • The Stolen Identity – A villain assumes a hero’s identity, challenging the original to reclaim their legacy.
  • The Legacy Weapon – A weapon or item of great power passed down through generations, central to the hero’s power.
  • The Historical Hero – A hero from the past is resurrected or time-travels to the present, confronting a world that has moved on.
  • The Legacy of Power – Powers passed down through a family, with each generation facing new challenges and threats.
  • The Cross-Generational Team – Heroes of different eras unite, blending old and new approaches to heroism and facing challenges that span time.
  • The Legacy Curse – A hero is burdened with a family curse, struggling to use their powers for good while combating the curse’s drawbacks.
  • The Mentor’s Shadow – Living up to the expectations set by a mentor’s legendary deeds, while trying to forge a unique path.
  • The Reclaimed Honor – After a family or team’s name is dragged through the mud, a hero strives to restore honor and prove their true intentions.
  • The Unwilling Torchbearer – A character who never aspired to be a hero is thrust into the role by circumstance, carrying on a legacy they never sought.
  • The Secret Legacy – Uncovering a hidden family legacy of heroism or villainy, prompting a journey of self-discovery.
  • The Legacy Wars – Conflicting legacies vie for dominance or recognition, leading to battles that test the heroes’ resolve and principles.
  • The Evolving Legacy – As society changes, the hero’s legacy must adapt, facing challenges that previous generations could never have imagined.
  • The Eternal Guardian – A hero who has become a timeless legacy, facing the challenges of maintaining their ideals in an ever-changing world.

Before you go, watch this video about how to create a superhero story:

Final Thoughts: Superhero Ideas for Storytellers

For even more information about writing superheroes, check out our other writing guides below.

  • How To Write a Superhero Story (Ultimate Guide + Examples)
  • 200 Ideas for a Country Song (Cool, Creative, Unique)
  • 150+ Christmas Story Ideas, Tips & Prompts (Fun & Festive)
  • What Are the 3 Best Ways To Generate Ideas for a Writing Project? (Solved)


Ignite Your Superhero Storyline with 80+ Writing Prompts

By: Author Hiuyan Lam

Posted on Last updated: October 20, 2023

Categories Writing Prompts

Ignite Your Superhero Storyline with 80+ Writing Prompts

  Whether you’re a teacher looking to inject some fun and excitement into your writing curriculum, or an English Language Learners (ELL) instructor aiming to provide a relatable context for your students, superhero writing prompts can be a dynamic educational tool. The familiar and exciting themes offer a platform where students can freely express their ideas while improving their language skills.   Dive into this collection of handpicked superhero writing prompts, carefully curated to cater to various age groups and writing stages. So grab your pens, put on your creative capes, and discover the engaging narratives waiting to unfold, one prompt at a time.

How to use our superhero writing prompts for your students

Young Students Talking Writing superhero stories prompts classroom

Superhero writing prompts for primary school students

child girl playing superhero game break the wall

Superheroes Cheerful Kids Expressing Positivity costume design

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1 As your superhero confronts an intense , what is the cause behind it, and how do they navigate the challenges it presents?
2 Craft an intricate tale of a love triangle, entwining your superhero in a web of emotions as they find themselves falling for someone who reciprocates feelings for their evil twin who’s a notorious supervillain.
3 Envision a tale where the offspring of a superhero, expected to carry the legacy, is surprisingly without superpowers. How does this twist shape their journey in a world expecting the extraordinary?
4 As your superhero hangs up their cape and embarks on a daring pursuit of their music dream, what adventures await them on this exhilarating new journey?
5 Imagine if your superhero possessed extraordinary superpowers while also having a specific learning need like color blindness or dyslexia. Explore the intricate inner workings of your superhero’s journey as they navigate a world where their exceptional abilities intersect with the challenges and victories that arise from their specific learning need.
6 Your superhero wakes up in a , only to find their powers have been swapped with another superhero’s. What hilarious and challenging situations arise from this switch?
7 Your superhero is forced to ally with a secret society like Freemasons. How does this unlikely partnership evolve?
8 Your superhero is offered to spearhead a covert mission within the government’s most elusive organization. How does this new role change their life and the narrative?
9 Let’s follow the adventures of a superhero’s child, trying to fit in and learn the ropes at a school especially designed for superpowered kids. What’s a school day like when your classmates have superpowers?
10 Create a narrative where your superhero is an AI robot dedicated to saving humanity.
11 Imagine the face-off between our superhero and a hyper-intelligent rogue AI. Will human intuition prevail over machine logic, or will it signal the rise of a new era?
12 Walk with our hero in the shadowy lands of the Underworld, meeting old villains and souls they once saved. How do these spectral reunions reshape our hero’s perception of their legacy from beyond the grave?

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13 In a reality where superpowers are the norm, your protagonist is just an average Joe. Explore how their ordinary identity shapes a story in an extraordinary world.
14 Write about a situation where your superhero loses their power in the middle of a critical mission. How do they handle the crisis relying solely on their wits and human skills?
15 Imagine if your superhero is tasked to train a group of young, rebellious super-powered teenagers. How do they handle the chaos and impart valuable lessons?
16 Your superhero’s sidekick is unmasked as a spy for the nemesis. How does this betrayal impact the team?
17 A revelation hits your superhero – they’ve only been using a fraction of their true powers. But, full potential comes at a high price.
18 A motley crew of superheroes must come together to save a supervillain. How do their contrasting personalities lead to conflict, compromise, and growth?
19 Your superhero’s trusty sidekick decides to branch out alone. How does this departure transform their dynamic?
20 Picture your superhero grappling with an unexpected twist of fate: They’ve fallen deeply in love with the child of their greatest nemesis. How does this tangled love tale unfold?
21 Craft a story of an unlikely camaraderie between a superhero and a retired supervillain. What sparks this unusual bond?
22 Suddenly, your superhero tops Interpol’s most-wanted list. What’s the story that catapulted them to this notorious rank?
23 Your superhero stumbles upon the shocking truth: their archenemy was once a superhero. How does this twist of fate alter the story?
24 Your superhero adopts a new identity to infiltrate a villain’s organization. What risks and revelations emerge from this covert operation?
25 From a rookie to a seasoned pro, chronicle your superhero’s journey within a corporate-style superhero agency. How do they navigate the labyrinth of bureaucracy while ensuring the world’s safety?

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Concluding thoughts on superhero story ideas.

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Commaful Storytelling Blog

1001 Writing Prompts About Superheroes

March 23, 2021

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For many centuries now, people have been telling stories about extraordinary men and women using their inhumane powers and special abilities to protect the innocent and battle the forces of evil. However, the idea of what we know today as superhero fiction originated with the debut of Jerry Siegal’s Superman in 1938. 

Since then, more than 80 years have passed and thousands of stories about superheroes have been told in the pages of books and the screens of movie theaters and TVs, and they show no sign of disappearing any time soon. 

If your dream is to be the next breakout writer in superhero fiction, below are writing prompts to inspire you: 

  • The superhero becomes an inanimate object when not fighting crime.
  • The superhero has an awful, frightening dream that they are responsible for a superhero slaughter.
  • The superhero has to put their job in the superhero job fair.
  • The superhero tries to be careful and use their powers for good, but still end up breaking something.
  • A team of scientists have accidentally unleashed a monster from a secret lab.
  • The supervillain teams up with a superhero’s nemesis.
  • The villain is manufacturing super powers to give to ordinary people.
  • 3. Script-driven Prompt
  • A superhero witnesses a super robbery.
  • There’s a new superhero on the block and everyone is in love with him.
  • The supervillain gets caught by the police. The hero arrives to make sure that the police stay out of trouble.
  • The superhero visits a super villain in prison.
  • A crack video of the superhero hits the internet.
  • The superhero of the quadrad wants to go to prom with the supervillain.
  • The adventure ends when the superhero meets the love interest for a date – rather than saving the day.
  • The hero is grieving the loss of a friend / lover who was also a superhero.
  • The hero realizes that they are the only person that can save their city, but they are tired and, yesterday, they were beaten pretty bad.
  • The hero’s true identity is revealed.
  • The superhero discovers that they can get super powers by drinking the blood of the supervillain.
  • The superhero becomes upset with the civilian when the civilian comments on the hero’s sexy costume.
  • An entire town hates the superhero, who apparently did something really mean, although they have no idea what it was.
  • The super villain is running for election, but the superhero who knows the nemesis’s secret plans to throw him/her out of office.
  • The superhero takes time off to honor their dead sidekick.
  • A superhero is brought back to life, but no one knows it’s him or her.
  • The villain discovers his dog has super powers.
  • The superhero wakes up with amnesia.
  • The superhero discovers a new way to use their super powers.
  • The super villain keeps kidnapping their own daughters.
  • The superhero discovers that they can fly in their dreams.
  • The superhero questions whether they should report their nemesis/love to the police.
  • The superhero must save the world while figuring out their identity.
  • The superhero announces that they are gay
  • The superhero’s team wrestles with a dilemma – should they stop the villain, or try to give them a second chance?
  • The villain creates an army of clones of the superhero and the rogue villain explains how the clone army was instrumental in defeating them.
  • A superhero switches personalities like certain people’s bodies switch genders.
  • The superhero’s boss is unhappy about the hero’s absences from work.
  • The heroic archer saves a cat from a tree.
  • The superhero is captured by a celebrity.
  • Superheroes get recruited into a sports team.
  • A scientist replaces the heart of a superhero with a battery, and it destroys the hero.
  • The same events happen when the superhero comes home from school – school bullies and love interests are involved.
  • The superhero discovers that their supervillain identity is known to their parents.
  • The superhero’s archenemy is a businessman.
  • The superhero treats everyone like garbage, saying they deserve it, because they are garbage.
  • The superhero is a complete mess at school.
  • The superhero defeats the supervillain in front of their girlfriend.
  • The superhero goes to the pets store, looking for supplies for their pet.
  • The superhero has been told by the mob that they will kill one of their grandparents unless they let the mob know about their powers.
  • A supervillain throws a large ball where a number of heroes and their love interests come together.
  • The superhero ends up in an unknown dimension and the costume adopts a life of its own.
  • The superhero discovers that they are destined to be a supervillain.
  • The superhero is grappling with the decision whether to use their powers to make money.
  • The superhero starts looking for a new job so as not to reveal their secret identity to their coworkers.
  • When the superhero died, his rabbi prayed for the god to bring him back to life. The superhero returned to life as a zombie.
  • The superhero gets caught in the middle of a fight between good and evil and their cape gets snagged on a street post and rips into two pieces – one cape for good and one cape for evil.
  • A supervillain invents a device that will erase the superhero from history.
  • A woman fights with her spouse after she got a promotion at work and he didn’t.
  • The superhero has a sidekick.
  • The superhero decides to give their powers away, but can’t bring themselves to do it.
  • The big boss has made the superheroes into international celebrities, which makes it difficult for the heroes to do normal things.
  • Someone proclaims themselves to be the hero.
  • A supervillain is motivated by the need for power.
  • A supervillain discovers that their parents are the superheroes he’s fighting against.
  • The hero must defend themself against a crazy super villain that they have created.
  • A superhero becomes a criminal.
  • A person becomes an orphan when their totally awesome superhero parents die in saving the world from the supervillain.
  • There is one day when superheroes and supervillains are having a truce with one another. This is a non-combatant day, when they all gather at the museum. The supervillains steal the Leaning Tower of Pisa. The superheroes must get it back.
  • The superhero and the villain engage in a wild goose chase to find the villain’s stolen children’s teeth.
  • The superhero routinely opens a portal to Mars, and he seems more and more interested in it.
  • The superhero has their parents, or another member of their family/team/friendship group, has super powers.
  • Someone new moves into the neighborhood. The young adventurer knows exactly who he is, and is about to find out if he is a threat or can become an ally.
  • A psychopath kidnaps the superhero’s pets.
  • The superhero hires an accountant to manage their finances.
  • The superhero discovers that they have accidentally killed several people while trying to do good.
  • The superhero never wants to leave their mask off.
  • The hero’s loving mother is found dead in the home of someone close with her.
  • The superhero wants to be a stand-up comedian, but can’t do it, because his identity secret leaks.
  • The superhero who was adopted gets curious about where they actually came from.
  • The superhero in training accidentally reflects enough sunlight that his/her love interest is blinded.
  • A supervillain wants to be a superhero.
  • The superhero’s date becomes angry when their secret identity is revealed.
  • The superhero and supervillain are both professors and they are trying to win the same job.
  • Before the hero saves the day for the first time.
  • The villain would be pretty famous, since it’s not every day that a supervillain dies.
  • The superhero steals again, this time taking the villain for evidence.
  • A supervillain tracks down all the superheroes they could.
  • The supervillain’s daughter loves the hero.
  • After years of fighting crime, the superhero wants to retire.
  • An ordinary kid gains superpowers and  has identity issues.
  • The superhero is murdered and they discover that the supervillain is their parents.
  • The superhero is always rescuing their villainous nemesis.
  • An evolution super hero or a steampunk superhero? George Washington gets captured by the British. A space marine gets caught in a black hole and fights their way back home. The zombie apocalypse only affects superheroes. The apocalypse is actually the supervillain’s evil plot. The superheroes murder the supervillain, and then go to the supervillain’s funeral. In Japan the superhero version of a superhero movie is better than the original version. A superhero movie is being filmed near where you live. Satellites are a common invention in the near future. There is a battle between the world’s superheroes and a supervillain witnessed by a group of school children. You are made super by a rogue government scientist. A  molten hot ball of radiation falls out of the heavens. Your hand gains the power of gestures. A superpower is when one of your senses blurs into another sense. You have super hearing and super touch. In the near future invis
  • It’s hard for the superhero to keep their secret identity.
  • The superhero’s team name is revealed and they wonder if that’s lame.
  • The superhero gets a big surprise after an unwillingly mind battle with the villain.
  • The superhero feels awful for neglecting their sick aunt, who always supported them.
  • The superhero is hiding a powerful telekinetic power.
  • The Superhero is kidnapped to a magical realm by an evil Wizard.
  • The superhero gives a costume party.
  • Why can’t the superhero use their powers for sex?
  • An insurance agency decides to discontinue coverage of a crime-fighter who has strong liability.
  • The superhero who regularly apprehends teen gangs comes home from a fight with a completely different teenage gang.
  • A superhero writes a letter telling their younger self about what to do to stop something terrible.
  • What makes a superhero?
  • The heroine wonders how to tell her girlfriend that she’s pregnant.
  • What is the superhero’s response when asked what they do for a living?
  • The hero becomes decided about who their arch-nemesis should be.
  • The particular power comes with a side effect.
  • A teenager creates a superhero suit out of everyday objects, but accidentally loses it in a neighbor’s backyard.
  • The supervillain realizes how many of their problems were because of the superhero.
  • The superhero tries to find a balance between super-heroine and schoolwork.
  • A supervillain experiences something traumatic and vows to do good for the rest of their life.
  • A famous superhero has retired to marry a normal citizen.
  • The superhero’s power is weakening.
  • A superhero battles an anti-hero.
  • The caped crusader goes drinking after a rough night on the streets.
  • What would happen if the superhero didn’t have a secret identity?
  • The superhero takes the mask off during a crime battle to prove he is real.
  • The villain introduces their new sidekick.
  • The superhero tries to hide their identity, but when they go to bed they forget to cover themselves.
  • The super can only use their chosen power during daylight.
  • The superhero must balance being a hero with other duties, such as duties as a husband and father.
  • Superman and Batman both think the other one is a punk.
  • The superhero teaches humans how to train animals to do tricks.
  • To be a superhero, it requires training a secret identity that no one can discover.
  • In order to protect their identity, the superhero gives up their superhero job.
  • The superhero’s parents are worried, because they don’t fall behind.
  • The superhero has always been an outsider, but one day they find that they are accepted.
  • Her friends and family are bothered by the superhero’s weird quirks.
  • The superhero takes on a new sidekick.
  • After saving a bus load of schoolchildren from a fiery wreckage the hero vows to only protect children.
  • The superhero’s butler, except the butler does superhero chores.
  • A hero saves an elderly woman from being mugged.
  • The superhero needs to decide whether or not to be honest about not being able to find the villain.
  • Two mutants get married.
  • The superhero’s celebrity status exposes that they are an imposter.
  • A religious person thinks a superhero is a sign.
  • The superhero is fired from their job because the job requires skills the hero does not possess.
  • The superhero cannot stop dating the superhero’s arch nemesis.
  • The worst supervillain in the world comes to their town.
  • The supervillain discovers that their enemy is a local kid.
  • Their parents ground their superhero child for a week.
  • The superhero discovers the supervillain is actually a secret fan.
  • The superhero meets an old foe who tries to get the hero to go back to their old ways.
  • The superhero is haunted by the memories of the accident that gave them powers.
  • The superhero has defeated many villains, but one evades them.
  • The superhero is just as surprised as the reader that their crimes have suddenly begun being linked to them.
  • A superhero lacks confidence.
  • The superhero deals with crime fighting being a drag, because all they want to do is help people.
  • The supervillain discovers that a rival villain is dating the hero.
  • The superhero discovers that they have psychic powers.
  • The superhero is being chosen as a sacrificial offering to a volcano to appease the gods.
  • Now, you are not required to use the prompts. Adding your own spin to any of them will work just as well.
  • Why the superhero got his or her powers.
  • The FBI are hunting the superhero, but the hero despises guns.
  • The superhero must fix their costume before a fanboy comes to visit.
  • The superheroes’ lives become complicated when they do not know who is on the side of good, or who is working for the criminal underworld.
  • A fantasy version of the superhero is created.
  • Have your students write their own backstories for their supervillains.
  • A supervillain takes hostages at a high school.
  • The superhero comes home bruised after a battle with a supervillain.
  • The superhero has a crush on a supervillain.
  • The superhero teams up with another hero.
  • The superhero calls their alter ego on their cell phone and it’s coming from inside the underwear drawer.
  • The hero is forced to remove their costume.
  • The hero formulates a plan to stop the supervillain, but their ability to manage strategic thinking is lacking.
  • The superhero can’t figure out why their costume is torn.
  • The superhero keeps getting distracted by fights with villains on the news, because his nemesis is in the same city.
  • A colleague wants to use the superhero for medical experiments.
  • The superhero investigates the murder scene of a fellow hero.
  • The superhero quits because they feel stressed out and considers an office job.
  • Heather is not a real superhero.
  • A family of superheroes moves into the neighborhood.
  • The superhero’s nemesis is their neighbour, who is always mocked, has only one friend, and loves comic books.
  • The superhero’s next mission requires them to leave their loving family.
  • The superhero is just a child, and does not know how to control their powers.
  • The superhero discovers that their enemy is the son of a good friend.
  • The hero is the only one that knows that an ordinary person is actually a superhero.
  • The superhero loathes their civilian job and wants to change it.
  • The villain is asking for trouble from a superhero.
  • The superhero is captured by the supervillain, and a loved one must rescue them.
  • The hero has been going through a lot of pain around the one shoulder that holds his or her super-branded cape.
  • The superhero sees himself on the news for doing something good, but doesn’t remember doing it.
  • The superhero has to convince a little boy that magic isn’t real, because the little boy thought the superhero was a real magician.
  • The teammates of a hero are all found mysteriously dead the day after the hero joins the team.
  • There’s a new supervillain in town terrorizing everyone.
  • The shapeshifting superhero is nervous about the impending holidays.
  • The superhero is quizzed about how he became a superhero.
  • The superhero visits another world where they meet a copy of themselves.
  • A new supervillain is upset that another is stealing all the attention. The awkward construction also echoed the adventures of comic books, which often showed flawed heroes triumphing despite the limitations of their world
  • The superhero gets blackmailed for being a hero, but discovers the blackmail is a scam.
  • The superhero is part of a Justice League International.
  • The superhero wonders why nobody else can see how monstrous their evil counterpart looks.
  • The superhero accidentally leaves behind a signature when they are exercising incredible control over an object.
  • The superhero finally wins over a villain, but then it is revealed to be one of the hero’s close friends.
  • The hero tries out a new costume for Halloween.
  • The hero must save someone who usurped the hero’s reputation in school/work.
  • In a never-ending war between superheroes and supervillains, a super villain has captured another super hero hostage.
  • The superhero becomes ashamed and gives up their career.
  • A superhero wants to quit because they have nothing left to protect.
  • The superhero is a famous person, who sometimes needs to let their fans down easy.
  • A hero’s sidekick becomes the superhero.
  • After a superhero has super strength for the first time, it is revealed that the hero is not actually super powered.
  • The superhero has no secret identity.
  • Two superheroes accidentally switch bodies.
  • The superhero is able to freeze anything they touch.
  • Superman is devastated when his computer breaks.
  • The superhero’s life is snatched by the supervillain and they are rescued by a new hero.
  • The superhero wishes that their life were different, that they could be a normal person.
  • A group of superheroes’s hero skills are not useful in ordinary life.
  • The superhero discovers that their arch-nemesis is actually the son of their hidden town twin.
  • The superhero meets another person with a similar gift, but malevolent.
  • An innocent person is accused of being a supervillain. The so-called hero ends up capturing or killing the suspect, despite knowing that he is innocent. What will the hero do?
  • The hero is kidnapped by their evil ex-partner, and has a non-violent fling with them.
  • The superhero’s secret identity gets leaked by school officials.
  • A happy superhero comes down with a sudden case of melancholy.
  • The superhero is invited to join a pack of well-known heroes, but they are met with distrust and closed doors.
  • The hero investigates the crime no one else wants to investigate.
  • How do the children see the superhero after having observed his/her alter-ego for some time?
  • A journalist uncovers his/her neighbour as a superhero.
  • The supervillain tries to convince the superhero to join their team.
  • The superhero doesn’t know why they have superpowers.
  • The hero has a crush on a fellow teammate, who is interested in another woman.
  • The superhero’s parents discover that the hero’s secret identity is actually their school nemesis.
  • The superhero realizes that the supervillain is secretly obsessed with them.
  • The child’s guidance counselor advises the child’s parents to ground the child until he learns to control all of his powers.
  • A new superhero comes to town. The superhero tries to incorporate this hero into their superhero group.
  • Every other super hero refuses to help the hero with a problem, because they think they can’t do it themselves.
  • The superhero discovers that a villain is their brother or sister.
  • Superman gets an invitation to join the Justice League.
  • How the superhero transports his or her costume to and from school.
  • Society welcomes the superhero with open arms, until they realize that the person behind the mask is not the person they want writing the laws.
  • People go to war to get the item the superhero wants.
  • A mother finds out that her son has been running around dressed as a superhero…in her wardrobe.
  • The superhero’s love interest is the villain.
  • The superhero is late for work because they stopped another super villain from a crime.
  • A supervillain replaces a villain from the future.
  • The superhero’s secret identity is deciphered by an unlikely person.
  • What do the supervillains do on their off days?
  • The superhero discovers that a former foe has become a sidekick.
  • The superhero discovers that a supervillain is an actual superhero.
  • The superhero is without powers, so they serve in the army instead.
  • The superhero interview that everyone is talking about.
  • A superhero has to go undercover at school to blend in.
  • One of the hero’s childhood friends joins a local gang and turns to a life of crime.
  • During her studies, the superhero realizes that an ancient Celtic deity is actually real. They must obliterate all known artifacts of this being before he returns from the otherworld to enslave the people of her world.
  • The superhero feels discontented with the friendships they hold.
  • The superhero must deal with a famous superhero.
  • The superhero discovers they possess the power to manipulate matter.
  • The superhero must choose between their duty and their loved one.
  • The hero wakes up one day and discovers that they have super speed.
  • Fighting the supervillain. Super powers disappearing.
  • A peacekeeping hero doesn’t understand why villains don’t want to make peace.
  • The superhero finds out the child living in the local daycare is in fact the supervillain.
  • The superhero wins a dare to jump into the deep end of a pool.
  • The hero accidentally makes a crime wave by doing nothing, allowing super criminals to be imprisoned and costing the city a lot of money.
  • The superhero’s popularity stems from their identity being a secret.
  • The superhero suspects they are in love with the villain.
  • The villain’s lair is featured in the comic book.
  • The superhero has been captured.
  • The villain is surprised when the superhero addresses them by name.
  • A kid in the neighborhood is lazy, and doesn’t join in activities, so the superhero helps them out.
  • The shooting star that hit the superhero when they were a child contains the power source for a villain’s next device of destruction
  • The superhero gets into an argument with their best friend, over superhero vs. civilian priorities.
  • The superhero finds out that the villain is a fellow hero.
  • The villain captures the superhero, who is tied up.
  • The hero is popular at school, but just as respected at the local comic book convention. What will his  school think about  him going nerdy?
  • What superpower would the superhero give themselves?
  • A new superhero has arrived in the city, and everyone is raving about their new outfit and how their costume matches the color of the sky.
  • The superhero is diagnosed with cancer and does some everyday acts of heroism.
  • The superhero discovers that their sidekick is a bit of a bully.
  • The superhero accesses their super powers through the song of a bright yellow bird.
  • A superhero performs vulgar acts on live television on a talk show.
  • The superhero is being hunted by the police.
  • The superhero has been away, and was seen with an amazing new costume.
  • A superhero fights with their arch enemy before he realizes that they are the same person.
  • The superhero is the school bully.
  • A buff, teen boy is interested in joining a cape club.
  • The superhero has to live a double life.
  • The superhero is required by law to marry the supervillain.
  • The superhero is forced to miss their first performance because a supervillain attacks it.
  • The superhero discovers that the teen sidekick is kicking their butt.
  • The superpower is nearly out of energy.
  • A superhero proposes to their love interest.
  • The superhero finds out that the supervillain doesn’t know they exist.
  • The superhero must make a choice between using their powers and earning extra credits.
  • The superhero’s best friend finds out and thinks he’s cheating or something.
  • The superhero’s parents think the result of their heroics is that they’ve changed.
  • The superhero doesn’t realize that a fellow super is evil, and wants to be friends.
  • The hero can never keep a secret.
  • The superhero in this story has no superpowers, but is admired by some of their peers for their courage and grit.
  • A villain returns, deciding to be a superhero instead.
  • The superhero believes in peace, but there is something about their appearance that just looks intimidating.
  • The superhero is a family man.
  • Why don’t super heroes feature in the Olympics or the super bowl?
  • The hero’s super power is owned by rival crime gangs.
  • Someone writes an obituary for the superhero.
  • The supervillain wins, but the superhero keeps coming back.
  • The superhero has insomnia, because they can’t sleep knowing about the real problems of the world.
  • A post-apocalyptic world, because society has fallen, superheroes are rulers over their own little corners of the world.
  • Ironically, the superhero is all thumbs, and can’t do anything related to household chores.
  • The superhero’s love interest discovers them in their costume.
  • The superhero struggles with being respected in school, because they are no longer any geek or nerd.
  • Superheroes have no middle name.
  • A superhero story is updated for the digital age like a remake movie.
  • The superhero is inspired by the 7 items in their secret identity kit.
  • The superhero solves a crime quickly, but doesn’t want to reveal their secret identity.
  • The superhero accidentally hurts a bystander, first when their powers activate, and then again when they are fighting crime.
  • The superhero writes their own back-story, and something is wrong with it.
  • The hero learns a shocking secret, regarding a superhero who died long ago.
  • The heroes experience a romantic breakup.
  • The superhero had retired, but then reconsiders it when someone needs saving.
  • The teenage superhero must live a double life, where she is a normal, boring teenager who babysits for the neighbors.
  • The superhero is warm and cuddly on the inside.
  • A superhero is in a team, who dies.
  • A mysterious package with an unknown sender is sent to the superhero.
  • A supervillain wants to drag the superhero’s parent into the supervillain’s inter-dimensional prison.
  • The superhero now works on behalf of the government, for official interests.
  • In the middle of a fight, the hero has a moment of crippling doubt.
  • The superhero who just wants the days with romping and fighting.
  • A blind superhero must fight a supervillain.
  • During school, the super hero is confused – why don’t more people value honesty, kindness, and generosity.
  • The superhero discovers her healing powers can’t defeat the supervillain.
  • Some special power, like strength or flying, is very overt and terrifying to others.
  • The superhero is secretly a substitute human teacher.
  • The villain takes the superheroes sneakers before fleeing.
  • The superhero has to take on adult problems, because of the several hours their demanding job takes each night.
  • The superhero walks into a party in costume, except that he’s also carrying a body bag.
  • The superhero suffers from amnesia.
  • The superhero is receiving threatening phone calls.
  • The superhero has to leave their secret identity safe at the daycare at night.
  • A superhero confesses to someone that they are terrified of failure.
  • The superhero accidentally discovers their powers.
  • A middle schooler is far from home when a supervillain attacks. They are thrown from a window, and land on the head of their favorite superhero.
  • The superhero is seriously injured in the fight against the villain.
  • The superhero goes into retirement.
  • The superhero is young, naive, and completely inexperienced.
  • The superhero’s parents introduce him at the town hall meeting.
  • The superhero has to give up their powers, but goes on to gain other powers or talents.
  • The superhero realizes they must do one good act a day to avoid unleashing a greater evil.
  • The superhero quits their past job and opens a business out of their own home. They name the business, describe its logo, offer services, etc.
  • Superman must decide whether to help a villain who asks him.
  • A super hero doesn’t know how to fight with someone who is immune to all their powers.
  • How would you feel if another hero disappeared, never to return.
  • The hero has powers for seven years, but never speaks about them.
  • The superhero tries to prove their worth by taking down the supervillain.
  • The superhero discovers that their race is called ‘imaginary.’
  • No one has seen the superhero in months. They go see where the superhero lives.  Only they don’t find a superhero… The superhero discovers they have an arch nemesis. The superhero receives a threatening letter. The superhero investigates a mystery that is taking over the town. Happy writing! Dr. J
  • A man stumbles into the superhero’s hideout.
  • The super villain realizes their nemesis is actually somewhat innocent and harmless.
  • The superhero would really like to help the police solve crimes, but not while wearing a costume.
  • The superhero is adjusting to a new sidekick.
  • Superheroes are required to donate their organs to a donor program.
  • The Wizard is a superhero-in-training. He has the choice to stick to the good side or turn evil.
  • The superhero has started to wear a mask all the time.
  • The superhero chooses to be a vigilante, fighting evil wherever they find it.
  • A couple becomes superheroes by costume shopping.
  • The superhero can no longer fly.
  • All the superheroes are getting old or sick, but one of them has kept the same body for the last fifteen years.
  • The superhero misses work a lot.
  • The superhero’s arch nemesis is a hotshot at the rival school.
  • The superhero gets into a shopping mall fight.
  • The hero realizes that a younger version of him is secretly a greater superhero than the adult one.
  • We follow the superhero from the time they were a child until present day.
  • Superheroes attack the school in order to find out who the hero is.
  • Someone overturns their parent’s car into the superhero’s front yard.
  • The superhero has to go on a date.
  • Many women would like to marry this superhero, but the hero is gay.
  • The superhero loses their powers.
  • What are some of the unforeseen consequences of superpowers?
  • An all-powerful supervillain grants the superhero the power to destroy the world once.
  • A member of a superhero support group ends up having their most hated villain appear to give them advice.
  • The superhero realizes that their arch-nemesis used to be a friend when they were children.
  • The superhero has woken up in the wrong body.
  • The superhero discovers they have a terminal illness.
  • The superhero has way too much power, and they don’t know how to control it.
  • The hero falls for their nemesis.
  • The superhero jumps in to save a bystander instead of saving a friend.
  • The superhero is a cat person and only eats tuna.
  • The protagonist of a dystopian future story discovers that they can now fly.
  • The superhero must overcome a supervillain with a damaged costume.
  • The superhero goes on a date.
  • The superhero has super powers, although they never know when they will work.
  • The supervillain’s wife asks the mayor to join a neighborhood watch.
  • The superhero becomes the archenemy of the superhero mentor.
  • A villain gains a superpower.
  • A superhero must keep their super identity secret.
  • The superhero is kissing up to the supervillain, and acting slightly evil.
  • The superhero overhears that they were a monkey in a previous life.
  • The superhero constantly loses their powers.
  • The hero has been lying to their family. They tell them that they are working two jobs.
  • The superhero has information on a notorious villain, but won’t reveal it because the villain may come gunning for them.
  • A sidekick takes over for the bitten superhero.
  • The superhero faces a super-villain who can read their mind.
  • The superhero and supervillain decide to settle matters by a boxing match.
  • The superhero works at an ordinary job to pay their bills, but everyone thinks they are slacking off.
  • An auto mechanic hears a sonic boom and discovers someone surfacing from a manhole.
  • One of the superhero’s allies is a villain.
  • Write what happens when the superhero evaluates his abilities to fight other superheroes while denying that he’s doing so.
  • The superhero’s evil twin decides to join the “good side”.
  • A superhero’s costume was destroyed.
  • Superheroes are famous.
  • The villain’s moocs are asphyxiated.
  • The supervillain escapes from prison and the hero’s parents offer to have him spend the night.
  • A superhero gets caught in his own trap.
  • The superhero is captured by the supervillain’s henchman.
  • The superhero becomes an alcoholic.
  • The superhero has noticed a particular child visiting their store often.
  • A villain hacks the computer system and corrupts the database of superheroes.
  • The superhero’s hours after fighting their nemesis are spent relaxing in the hard-earned bath.
  • The superhero discovers a powerful new clothes destroying ray, and is tempted to use it against the supervillain.
  • The origin story of the superhero is recalled in a flashback scene during the present day.
  • The superhero’s dog’s name is Krypto.
  • Three superheroes make the other eleven look like chumps.
  • The superhero is seriously injured, nearly dies.
  • A rival superhero has showed up and they are secretive.
  • The superhero is approached by a villain employer who is looking for a world-famous hero in training.
  • After defeating a supervillain, no one believes the superhero and the police think the hero is the villain.
  • The hero is constantly struggling with a romantic entanglement.
  • A superhero tries to unwind by window shopping for clothes inspired by their own uniform.
  • The superhero dumps their love interest because the nemesis is flirting with them.
  • The superhero discovers that their nemesis is in love with the superhero.
  • The superhero meets their real parents.
  • The supervillain takes the superhero’s side.
  • The supervillain, in disguise, sees the hero and thinks they have caught them off guard, and immediately attacks.
  • When a hero does something “by mistake,” a supervillain usually steps in to make sure things are done properly.
  • A superhero faces discovery, as the school bully is revealed as their secret identity.
  • The superhero’s identity is discovered.
  • The superhero who falls in love with a supervillain.
  • BANG! The superhero vs. the villain. The hero fires the shot, and the villain goes down. Silence. The superhero looks up in horror as the hero’s neighbor is holding a baby. The neighboring couple stands behind the hero as they peacefully walk away. Trust the superhero to save the day.
  • The superhero’s arch-nemesis makes a Super proposal.
  • The superhero is bullied because their parents could have ‘conferred their abilities onto their child’ in a lab.
  • An ordinary man finds a costume in his pocket.
  • The battle between justice and evil is the main course.
  • A super villain is robbing the city. The mayor has no clue how to deal with it. It is up to the hero to capture the villain.
  • The supervillain is searching for his parents, but cannot find them, because the parents are in witness protection.
  • The superhero is the first of their kind, and everyone wants them to join their side.
  • What story setting would you like to see in a game? Give us your setting.
  • Your hero wants to be a student at your school.
  • A high school bully attempts to justify their actions by claiming that the superhero is the brains of the operation while they are all the brawn.
  • The supervillain is injured and has to stay in the hero’s house while recovering.
  • The superhero finds themselves at odds with a law.
  • At home, the superhero finds it harder and harder to control their powers. The heroes don’t know how to react because, despite their different super powers, they are all rather shy.
  • When a supervillain steals the superhero’s identity for an evil scheme, who is the public willing to believe?
  • The superhero’s former love interest is dating the superhero’s arch enemy.
  • After saving the world, the superhero realizes that they will never get the recognition they deserve.
  • The superhero is idolized by every person they meet.
  • The superhero and friends sign up for a commercial for a product that doesn’t exist.
  • A team of superheroes is called in to save a cat.
  • The superhero is cursed to be abused by people.
  • The superhero searches for their true identity in the Bermuda triangle.
  • You’re a superhero, and you’re invited to be a guest at the President’s Mansion, but you don’t have the proper attire for such an occasion.
  • The superhero told their friend about their secret identity. This makes the hero’s friend really excited.
  • The superhero applies for a job at a supermarket and gets it.
  • From an old foe, the superhero starts receiving threatening letters.
  • Their heroic alter-ego breaks up with who is their secret identity.
  • A superhero is wounded / killed in the line of duty, and his non-super friends admire him for his sacrifice, but his friends who knew him before the superhero act like him being a hero and almost losing his life has changed him for the worse.
  • When they go out, they’re alerted to the costume shop that’s making money off their likeness.
  • A cartoonist takes a superhero and draws them into their comics.
  • The superhero is non-human.
  • A mysterious stranger gives the superhero an artifact which allows them to control their super power.
  • The mayor wants to ban superhero costumes from the city.
  • The hero uses their powers to cheat on an important test.
  • The superhero’s parents want their child to drop their superhero career.
  • The superhero discovers that their arch-nemesis is their long lost cousin.
  • How would the world change if the superheroes existed? What positive aspects and impacts would they have? To what extent can their powers be used for protection and offense? What would a supervillain do if they had superhero powers? How do superheroes deal with their powers? A superhero can only travel by an airplane. Choose a few episodes to write about, from the start to the finish of the flight. Did the superhero make it in time? Why not? How did the superhero get along with the co-pilot? Interview the superhero. What do they like about their job? Describe a time when they have laughed. Describe a time when they have been scared. What made them laugh? Why were they afraid? Get a superhero to give you advice on a life problem.
  • How do superheroes handle annoying teenagers?
  • The superhero is a very strong, important city official.
  • The superhero ticks off the supervillain and the latter sends minions to get back at the hero.
  • The superhero discovers music and discovers that they have superb singing abilities.
  • The superhero is bullied by schoolmates because of their role of a hero.
  • A thief gets a taste of his own medicine when he runs into the superhero.
  • A supervillain decides to quit supervillainy and joins the superhero establishment.
  • A superhero shares their powers with a man going through a hard time.
  • Superman sniffles just a smidge.
  • The superhero has to track down the supervillain, who has kidnapped their love interest.
  • The superheroes discover that they enjoy their work more than their history test.
  • The superhero hates his or her nemesis for being just ordinary and super-rich.
  • A comic book writer has trouble coming up with new ideas.
  • The hero joins the wrong team.
  • A teenage superhero can count their real friends on one hand.
  • It’s hard being a superhero. They must neglect their own family, relationships, or studies so they have time to protect the world at night.
  • A journalist investigates the background of superheroes/supervillains.
  • The superhero has a super smell.
  • The superhero discovers that their costume is from another planet.
  • The superhero reaches the that the more work they do, the better the villains get.
  • The superhero and their street-name are the clear front-runner for awards.
  • The superhero says they do not need a sidekick.
  • The superhero finds out that the supervillain is their long-lost identical twin.
  • What Makes a Good Hero?
  • The superhero’s kryptonite is garlic, the supervillain’s kryptonite is sunlight  and the superhero sacrifices garlic.
  • The superhero’s costume is accidentally demolished.
  • The superhero is used to battle super villains with the alias in America, or has to hide their powers while attending school in America.
  • The superhero realizes that the villain has abilities they don’t have. What abilities does the superhero try not to use?
  • The superhero learns that they can be easily owned.
  • The hero’s parents want the hero to stop saving the world.
  • A clone doubles of a superhero
  • The superhero uses their powers to terrorize the villains who ruined their life.
  • A hero turns evil.
  • The supervillain plans to wipe out their chosen city, but the hero still smiles.
  • The superhero realizes they haven’t been wearing their costume at school.
  • The superhero battles a supervillain who is a fashion designer.
  • The superhero is forced to work with a sociopathic supervillain.
  • The supervillain is sweet and popular among his peers.
  • A school bully manages to rob a bank using super powers, but later turns off the powers and is arrested.
  • The superhero decides to join a sports team, and becomes the best player.
  • The superhero’s powers are revealed to the public.
  • The superhero doesn’t understand why they fail so often, but often gets back together to fight evil.
  • The superhero gets lost.
  • The supervillain claims to have a soft side when it comes to animals or young children.
  • The superhero is saving lives, but a journalist is claiming that the superhero murders people.
  • A villain decides that killing a superhero is the most logical side quest t o becoming a hero.
  • The superhero’s sidekick believes the sidekick is better than the superhero.
  • A superhero cleans up after a party.
  • The supervillain and superhero get married.
  • The superhero destroys their nemesis and takes the death count to a new level of violence.
  • The superhero has an archnemesis, who has had plastic surgery to make him look exactly like his hero.
  • Public opinion turns against the superhero after the hero saves someone the media shames.
  • The supervillain’s daughter discovers her father’s true identity.
  • The superhero also has the power of telepathy.
  • A lonely teenage girl’s reality TV show is canceled, and asks the hero to save it via their goofy superhero spin off show.
  • The hero discovers that they can no longer use their super strength either because their hands are hugely swollen.
  • Your hometown is ravaged by giant monsters.
  • Some students are bullying the superhero’s disabled love interest.
  • A villain sends the superhero a riddle, and they know what it means, but what will happen? When the superhero gets there that is.
  • The newspaper launches a superhero page, to be edited by a nine year old boy.
  • When they were young, the young hero was dazzled by the feats of an older, super-powered hero.
  • Someone burns a cross on the hero’s lawn.
  • The crime fighter is distraught, and about to retire from crime fighting for good when they receive a call from their mother.
  • The journalist plans to expose the people that own superpowers.
  • The superhero is a groundskeeper at a cemetery.
  • The superhero holds a love interest by using only their hands.
  • The superhero is recruited by a global intelligence network.
  • The superhero could finally show his true colors if they defeated the supervillain.
  • The superhero accidentally kills a villain.
  • A thug sees the super hero and is aghast, because his partner, who had died a couple of years ago saving his life, totally resembles the new super hero.The supervillain is having a disastrous first day on the job.
  • The supervillain is just like Groot.
  • The superhero just can’t stop telling everyone that they’re the hero.
  • The lunches of the superheroes and supervillains are switched.
  • The superhero gets grounded by their parents because of the injuries the superhero has inflicted.
  • The superhero has never caught the supervillain.
  • The supervillain seeks redemption.
  • The superhero is given the power of super speed.
  • A bug with radar sense asks to join the superhero’s extended family.
  • A supervillain shows up in town at the scene of a crime or emergency.
  • A supervillain tries to blame something on the hero.
  • The superhero’s diary is stolen and the villain reads it.
  • The superhero’s parents are worried, because they found their room full of weapons.
  • The super villain is double crossed by his henchman and accidentally stays out a whole day.
  • Doomed Love
  • The superhero wishes to retire, but no one else has the same power.
  • The superhero’s sidekick quits.
  • The superhero throws a party for his fellow heroes.
  • An old superhero takes the new teen superhero under his wing.
  • How does the superhero reconcile the need to be a good participant in their families life as well as a superhero?
  • The   superhero’s  superpowers include an instant  increase in intelligence.
  • The superhero discovers that they are unable to go a day without a drink, a drug, or something else.
  • No one will reveal where the superhero learned to drive so well.
  • A doll maker has invented a robot superhero to protect the world while his business crumbles around him.
  • A hero goes back in time and tells their younger self that they will grow up to become a great superhero.
  • There is a real risk of death when a hero saves the day.
  • A superhero movie doubles as the hero’s origin story.
  • The president wants the hero to protect his family.
  • A superhero story.
  • The superhero goes to a masked ball, to investigate an evil plot the supervillain is implementing.
  • A damsel calls the superhero to ask for help, but it turns out that woman was a manipulative villain.
  • A superpowered villain wants to write a superhero retirement program.
  • There have been a series of superhero attacks, but no witnesses of good enough quality.
  • The superhero has a secret identity, and the villain is finding it out.
  • The superhero keeps accidentally revealing their identity to the press.
  • A supervillain is tired of struggling against superheroes, so they go back to school to research who is more powerful, superheroes or parents.
  • The superhero needs to use the bathroom, but they have to be careful with their super pace.
  • The superhero is exorcising ghosts from his or her city.
  • The superhero begins to worry that they will never be normal again.
  • A superhero has super shoes, which let them fly.
  • The supervillain is brought in for questioning, and the hero leads the interrogation.
  • The superhero’s former sidekick becomes the supervillain.
  • The superhero goes through a rebellious phase with the kids at school.
  • My own superhero needs to borrow some money for new equipment.
  • A new superhero begins fighting crime in the city. The super hero is a coward.
  • A celebrity on a reality TV show is actually a villain.
  • The superhero becomes drunk.
  • A super hero falls in love with a non-super hero.
  • A supervillain arises.
  • Everyone else on the planet has super strength, and the hero is the only one who does not.
  • The superhero speaks to the reader through letters.
  • The hero is battling the supervillain and a civilian bystander is about to get hurt.
  • A woman wonders what her therapist will think once they know she is a superhero.
  • The superhero discovers that they aren’t the only hero.
  • The hero can’t figure out who replaced their super suit.
  • The superhero saves humanity by flying through a black hole and catches a green energy from another dimension, and begins to change into something unrecognizable.
  • On their fortieth birthday, he realizes that he was bitten by a radioactive bug.
  • The superhero’s parents think the hero is responsible for everything that is wrong in the town.
  • The supervillain files a civil suit against the superhero for “breaking and entering”.
  • The superhero is blamed for something the supervillain did.
  • The super hero’s serum gave them the additional ability of super intelligence and an eidetic memory.
  • The superhero doesn’t get along with the local super team.
  • The superhero considers pushing themselves to pull off the next heroic feat.
  • The hero is reluctant to wear his costume after he learns that his face has been caught on camera.
  • The superhero is really from another dimension.
  • The supervillain develops anxiety issues after becoming famous for their actions.
  • The family car has the bottom half of the shark and is named Kima .
  • The superhero accidentally discovers that their sidekick is superhuman as well.
  • The superhero discovers that the villain they fought yesterday has a very close friend in the superhero’s social group.
  • Struggling with failure or guilt, a hero is mid-slump.
  • The supervillain’s evil plans are spoiled by the hero’s shocking news.
  • The superheroes discover that any damage they do disappears within 24 hours.
  • The superhero’s mother fixes a past incident of the superhero bailing water from a sinking ship when they apparently cause an oil spill.
  • The superhero’s arch-nemesis joins their super team.
  • What would a symbol for your superhero look like?
  • A supervillain wishes to cease their criminal activities for good, but can’t – for some reason.
  • The superhero’s nemesis is relocating to a different city, but the superhero doesn’t agree with their nemesis. The superhero makes a final plea.
  • Someone steals the superhero’s mask!
  • A supervillain decides to go straight using their powers of persuasion.
  • The supervillain kidnaps the superhero, and keeps them in a cage.
  • The superhero has a secret weakness.
  • The superhero lives with the supervillain.
  • The superhero is having a hard time keeping their superpowers from their parents.
  • The superhero receives a hero’s welcome at the homecoming football game.
  • An entire neighborhood is missing their mail and newspaper.
  • The hero discovers that no matter where they live, they still have some enemies.
  • The superhero’s identity has been exposed.
  • While fighting crime, the hero finds themselves in a bed and breakfast, and the owner recognizes them.
  • There will be a quiz about the tropes of superheroes.
  • After a fight, the hero finds that the supervillain escaped.
  • The superhero returns home and discovers their family became criminals after they were killed.
  • The superhero realizes they were supposed to save the falling baby from the burning building. The superhero tries to call for help, but realizes nobody can hear them.
  • The superhero has mixed feelings about their job.
  • A pair of superheroes find interesting compatibility during a night patrol.
  • The superhero discovers a new power, but when they use the new power, their fellow heroes wonder if they can still be trusted.
  • The villain’s master plan backfires and they become the hero’s sidekick instead.
  • A super hero is trapped on a deserted island with no way off.
  • Heroes set out to teach the “powers that be” a lesson.
  • The superhero realises that their powers are shrinking.
  • The supervillain has, like, a lot of henchmen.
  • Superheroes and regular everyday criminals have switched places.
  • The superhero’s mean boss has requested that they work longer hours.
  • The supervillain has a bottom that is perfect for spanking.
  • A superhero who left on a spiritual journey years ago returns a changed person.
  • The superhero has a major falling out with another superhero.
  • The supervillain wants to grow up and have normal  children herself.
  • If you enjoyed this list of six tips for writing a Superhero Story then please share this post using the buttons below. Keep Writing!
  • The superhero wants to test their strength out on trees.
  • The hero and the villain are friends.
  • The superhero has won a lot of awards, and friends wonder if the hero should move on to something wor…
  • The superhero’s parents are worried because their hero accidentally exposed their secret identity to their love interest.
  • The hero is running out of costume designs.
  • The superhero discovers their power when they accidently throw the cars in the parking lot. You will learn a lot about the history of heroes, their origins, abilities, and how each is unique.
  • There’s an incredible heat wave with many people poisoned by the hot weather. The superhero hears cries of help and saves the city and the city council gives them a parade…But the superhero was overheated and felt really bad the whole time.
  • The hero secretly returns a kidnapped child home, which will cause complication.
  • The villain reveals that they’re actually the superhero’s parents.
  • The superhero joins the cheerleading squad.
  • A superhero wants to use their powers, but their boss has outlawed using powers in the workplace.
  • The superhero doesn’t mind wearing a costume, because getting girlfriends or boyfriends was more of a problem before.
  • A day in the life of a superhero.
  • The superhero is not super intelligent. They dress up in costumes because it makes them look more intelligent and they feel it brings them credibility.
  • The villain wants to secretly become a superhero and fight crime.
  • A young hero searches for their place to hide their secret.
  • The supervillain seeks help in using their powers better.
  • Superman is outed as Clark Kent.
  • The superhero acts like a superhero, even when there are no witnesses.
  • The government produces a hero training academy.
  • The villain hires a competent sidekick.
  • A superhero sneaks out in the night to fight crime.
  • A villain kidnaps the superhero’s girlfriend and then makes an unexpected discovery.
  • The crime-fighter battles an evil prototype.
  • The hero discovers himself alone in a strange city and wonders how to get home.
  • The same comic book is a hit, time and again.
  • A supervillain decides to dedicate his life to taking out one superhero.
  • One hero dates another hero but there can be only one.
  • As the superhero is flying home, they see a building on fire, someone yelling for help, and someone running from the person yelling for help. How does the superhero tackle these situations? The superhero tastes a new kind of fruit for the first time, but doesn’t like it. The superhero now craves fruit like never before, and also as never before, they lose their appetite for all other foods. They’d rather be teased about their super strength than about their eyes. The superhero discovers that super strength runs in their family. Every super human in their ancestry had it, and there were a couple of unsuper people as well.
  • The superhero marries the former supervillain, but is then pursued by the police.
  • The backstory behind the character.
  • The superhero defeats the supervillain. But the supervillain escaped without their mask! How will the superhero act in front of their parents when they find out?
  • A small town becomes the site of a superhero fight.
  • A story about two superheroes who have a happy marriage filled with fighting crime and the raising of children.
  • The superhero discovers that their archnemesis is using a magic power source.
  • The hero and the villain battle on yard duty.
  • The supervillain’s villain yet crime saving equipment goes missing. Somebody is stealing.
  • The supervillain is a little person, and physically overpowers his nemesis with a knife.
  • The superhero customizes his or her costume at night after school and before bedtime.
  • A superhero can’t save everybody.
  • The superhero must defeat their arch enemy to win the heart of the city’s mayor.
  • The superhero was scared of the supervillain until they helped an old lady across the street.
  • The villain who almost killed the hero has been offered a hefty reward for turning them in.
  • The superhero is constantly late for work.
  • The superhero starts trying to leave the famous hero team and their fellow heroes are not happy about it.
  • The superhero struggles to keep their normal life and superhero life separate.
  • The superhero sympathizes with their arch nemesis.
  • The superhero never knew life without superpowers.
  • A villain sees that there is a new superhero, so goes into hiding.
  • There is much screaming upon the revelation of oneself as a second-tier superhero.
  • The superhero family members go to the bowling alley.
  • The superhero has a mental breakdown.
  • Dr. Rex was quite upset. He had never failed so spectacularly. In his tired hands, he held his wrench – which had failed as well. Now, the giant machine was stuck together with duct tape and rope, it’s’ pipes were uneven, staples poked out in every direction. It was a mess.
  • The superhero discovers that the super organization seems to be part of a greater evil organization.
  • The superhero isn’t normal anymore.
  • The superhero’s first crush is their rival.
  • The superhero is having relationship problems due to their secret identity.
  • The hero confides in their co-worker who has deductive powers.
  • An anti-theme party is thrown.
  • Please share with us your writing prompt by posting a comment, or by writing a guest review.
  • The superhero is framed for fire-setting.
  • Your school’s new dress code requires shorts and a t-shirt. The t-shirt says “Fight Crime.”
  • The superhero rescues their neighbor’s cat, only to discover it was really their arch-nemesis in disguise.
  • The superhero is worried that a family member might be a supervillain.
  • A super villain keeps trying to blow up the hero, instead of killing them because he’s too attractive.
  • The rogue superhero has decided to disband and become a lawyer, but their evil hitman brother is out to kill them so that they can be together forever.
  • After a particularly brutal fight, the superhero realizes that they don’t remember the supervillain’s name.
  • A supervillain has the dream of being a hero instead.
  • A supervillain swears that he will steal the superhero’s greatest secret.
  • The superhero has finally discovered their true parentage.
  • The superhero even knows the secret identity of the supervillain.
  • Someone in the superhero’s high school has the superpower of invincibility.
  • Sometimes the superhero runs out of gas.
  • The superhero has to officiate a religious wedding.
  • A hero attracts teenagers to physical training, by taking them through a workout.
  • A minister tries to deploy the superhero for religious war.
  • The comic book artist cannot stop raving about his comic book hero.
  • As a reward for saving the day, the heroes invite themselves over to the villain’s place.
  • Superhero background – Alternate History
  • The superhero is having a hard time living up to her name.
  • It’s time to select the school mascot, and the hero is fighting on the wrong side of the cafeteria lunch table.
  • The superhero’s secret identity is that of an ordinary student.
  • The superhero is captured in a villain’s situation.
  • The superhero’s younger brother has super strength.
  • The supervillain joins the superhero’s side, despite hating the hero.
  • The villain involved in the scandal of committing a crime at the Golden Globes / came out as a supervillain.
  • There is a superhero that is saving people in other countries.
  • The superhero discovers that his best friend is the villain.
  • There is an underground society of superheroes with an extended language.
  • The superhero enjoys dressing up but realizes that it’s getting in the way of their clothing budget.
  • A super villain escapes jail and the superhero grants a request for a dance competition to take place at the supervillain’s secret hideout.
  • The superhero’s younger sibling expresses an interest in being a superhero.
  • The superhero discovers that a neighborhood bully is actually a minion of the supervillain.
  • Twins get superpowers, but only one has the ability to fly.
  • The superhero cannot stop thinking about the super villain’s fatal flaw.
  • The superhero is raising a baby.
  • When Superman crosses the street, his good deeds put off traffic for dozens of city blocks.
  • The superhero refuses to work with the sidekick.
  • The superhero that saves people’s cats from tall trees.
  • The superhero witnesses their city burning down.
  • The superhero is not allowed to fight fire with fire.
  • The superhero rescues animals.
  • The superhero works to fundraise for a charity.
  • All of the super villains’ henchmen are gathered in a secret lair conducting a symposium on the art of the super villain.
  • A hero sneaks away to help out a fellow hero in trouble.
  • The supervillain searches his/her house for all traces of his/her former friend.
  • A college professor was injured, but the hero saved him.
  • The superhero has to be careful moving around in public, so does not take part in any sporting events.
  • The superhero is trapped at a speed building in the middle of a super villain attack, and is about to meet their presumed death.
  • The superhero imagines what life would be like if he or she could date as normal teens, without super strength.
  • The superhero meets their idol, a retired superhero, in hopes that they can provide some tips.
  • The superhero gets bored because the bad guys are too easy to defeat.
  • The superhero takes an origin story turn and becomes a supervillain.
  • The superhero asks for advice from an expert, but gets some different responses.
  • The superhero deals with an annoying archenemy.
  • Super weapons are destroying lots of stuff.
  • The superhero becomes the bully.
  • The superhero is different from all the other kids from their neighborhood.
  • There are reminders of their powers everywhere, like their homework.
  • A loved one tells the superhero that they are using super strength to vandalize their usual methods of transportation.
  • Superfast is worried, because Superfast isn’t sure if the next generation of heroes will be as fast… or faster!
  • The superhero discovers that their sidekick is dating another superhero.
  • A person who is bullied realizes that the super power that they just discovered belongs to their tormentor’s.
  • Once upon a time, a super villain used to be a superhero.
  • The superhero learns about the tragic injustice that made them become a hero.
  • The superhero that died saving the world came back as a ghost to save the world– again.
  • The superhero meets another superhero.
  • A superhero obsesses over their love interest at night.
  • The superhero has been summoned as a witness in court.
  • The superhero’s genius geek friend creates a gadget that his friend can’t stop using.
  • The superhero thinks that a weekend without rescuing a cat stuck in a tree will make them less of a hero.
  • The superhero’s enemy is offered a cure for their condition.
  • The superhero discovers that their familiar, animal sidekick was sent to them by the supervillain.
  • The superhero has terrible allergies that they can not explain.
  • Our superhero discovers that their archenemy is truly admirable.
  • The heroic itch is worse at night.
  • A supervillain traps the superhero.
  • When the superhero saves the day, they ask out the lifeguard, now a millionaire.
  • The superhero stays locked in their room, but it is more interesting here than down there.
  • A supervillain’s plans are derailed by his attempt to solve his sidekick’s school bully problem.
  • A supervillain is using super speed to commit robberies.
  • All the superhero wants is a little privacy, but the media wants a photo op.
  • The superhero is bullied by a tough street gang.
  • The superhero discovers that they’re living in a video game.
  • A supervillain hires a paranormal detective to investigate the superhero.
  • The superhero is depressed because they are tired of receiving credit for the actions of the others in a team.
  • What if two superheroes fall in love?
  • Feeling rejected by a peer, the superhero goes to a cyber tournament and loses an arm.
  • Whenever he tries to help someone, the superhero ends up hurting them.
  • The superhero believes that their crime fighting is a calling, but doubt has been creeping in.
  • The superhero’s sidekick breaks up with him/her.
  • When the superhero grows up, they want to be like whoever they have had the most emotional impact on.
  • The superheroes team up to fight crime and arrest criminals, but something goes wrong and their leader is killed.
  • The superhero knows that his former mentor has a felony conviction and legal trouble for drug possession.
  • The supervillain is now using their powers for good.
  • The superhero loses all of their powers due to a jamming signal.
  • There is an insta-shift in scenery between one normal day and the next.
  • Wildly popular comic books are filled with vices and violence, featuring super idols.
  • The hero gives a demonstration at the school, lighting up a smoke-machine filled darkened gymnasium.
  • A hero has lost their powers.
  • The superhero’s sidekick rehearses a rescue, but gets only bruises.
  • Dreams make the superhero think of a past they’re not too proud of.
  • The superhero is appalled at the superhero media cookie-cutter issues that arise.
  • The child wishes to join the local SuperLeague.
  • The hero’s dog turns out to be a super creature.
  • The superheros swore off crime fighting, becoming an accountant instead.
  • A superhero wanders through a post-apocalyptic setting.
  • The kind hearted superhero discovers that one of their enemies is now homeless.
  • A superhero never gives in to bullies.
  • The superhero wants to give it all up.
  • It’s the big showdown! Hero vs. superhero.
  • The supervillain breaks out of prison. When they have their showdown, the superhero can’t help but think that their adversary looks so much like a person that they know.
  • A super hero becomes famous, and starts to spend their money getting the things that they never had.
  • The superhero is having strange dreams.
  • Mercenaries are hunting the superhero and will not stop until brain matter is on the wall.
  • An inexperienced superhero returns from their first adventure and discusses it with their parents.
  • The superhero has the ability to teleport.
  • The arrival of a new superhero casts a shadow on the original superhero.
  • A group of super-villains sets out to destroy the world.
  • Super hero demands payment from villains that the heroes caught and sent to jail.
  • The superhero has a surprise meeting with themself and discovers that they’re a truer version.
  • The bad guy has kidnapped a superhero.
  • The superhero witnesses a crime, but sees that no one is around to help.
  • The superhero is nervous about possibly using their powers to succeed at a test.
  • The superhero begins an official superhero job, then realizes that the job must be put on hold.
  • The superhero is not who they think they are.
  • The superhero reports to the police department, because crimes are on the rise.
  • A young boy finds a super power ring on the floor.
  • The superhero’s parents think their child is wasting their God-given talents.
  • The bad guy notices that a body in the morgue matches perfectly with the superhero.
  • The school bully can guarantee that the superhero won’t show up. But when they’re invited to the superhero’s house for dinner, the bully is helpless to say anything.
  • The superhero is the only one who can stop an impending super villain attack.
  • How does the sudden emergence of superpowers affect the life of the superhero?
  • The superhero is on a date, but switches moods from super serious, to their regular personality. Which triggers more worry from their parents.
  • The superhero’s sidekick refuses to play the role anymore and breaks up with the hero.
  • A superhero uses their abilities for good or evil.
  • A retired superhero has chosen a day to let their son or daughter be the superhero, and an unforeseen supervillain hijacks this day.
  • Two heroes who are in love with the same man, decide to share him.
  • The superhero wakes up and fails to use their special ability.
  • A superhero writer loses their manuscript.
  • The superhero’s favorite food is muffins.
  • Super powers are all right, but a guy could really miss chocolate.
  • The superhero is caught off-guard when a group of villains introduces themselves as the “Superhero Support Group,” and they plan on swimming in his pockets.
  • The superhero begins to think that there is one hero who is both famous and liked by the public.
  • The male superhero meets the female villain’s child.
  • A superhero gains powers due to an object that they found.
  • The superhero creator is back from 30 years of intense scientific work, and asking for input on his big project.
  • A frustrated superhero finds himself not performing all too well when he’s around his love interest.
  • A simple crime turns into a superhero pursuit, because the criminal has evil henchmen.
  • The supervillain discovers that the superhero lives across the street.
  • The superhero discovers a secret entrance through time into a supervillain’s hideout.
  • The superhero accidentally beats up their love interest.
  • Two superheroes fight over a trust fund.
  • The superhero realizes they’re pregnant, the baby will probably be super.
  • The superhero dates a fellow hero.
  • The superhero shows mercy to a criminal who doesn’t deserve it.
  • A superhero makes long-term plans.
  • A superhero’s power isn’t as great as a supervillain as they thought.
  • A year after the move to Superhero City, the superhero knows no one.
  • Our superhero struggles because they are an only child.
  • The superhero grows incredibly bored while fighting bad guys.
  • The supervillain breaks into the hero’s home, destroys their things, and attempts to scare the hero.
  • The reason people think the superhero is weird is because…
  • A superhero escapes death by doing a flip over a shark.
  • Superheroes don’t think anything when they casually walk past someone. But they do it all the time.
  • The superhero saves the day, but in the process becomes seriously injured, including burns, cuts, and black eyes.
  • The superhero receives a party invitation from one of the supervillains.
  • The superhero comes back from their daily fight to find a villain lurking in his parents’ closet.
  • Share Your Own Writing Prompts
  • The world finds out a superhero’s true identity.
  • A fanboy superhero is jealous of the success of a rival character.
  • The superhero goes on a date with a policeman.
  • The superhero realizes they must disclose their identity to the love interest.
  • A superhero goes into a store and gets a gun. He puts it into his school bag.
  • The superhero works late at night cleaning up bus lanes and railway tracks.
  • The superhero orders the supervillain to promise to go straight.
  • The superhero regularly lifts weights to increase their power.
  • A rebellious teenager discovers that their local superhero is the high school principal.
  • The superhero has a nemesis with super speed.
  • The help desk calls the superhero to find out if the hero is a hacker.
  • The superhero encounters a villain which is able to make them sleep.
  • The villain and the superhero have to work together to save someone from a burning building.
  • The superhero discovers that parents have been noticing their 3 a.m. disappearances.
  • The superhero has a t-shirt that’s covered in stains, because the hero often vomits before blowing their cover.
  • The hero doesn’t stop a shoot out at school, leading to its closure.
  • A bad guy gets super powers and battles both heroes and police.
  • The supervillain’s parents never come home.
  • A superhero starts to develop super hearing.
  • The superhero has a naughty alter ego.
  • The reader follows three superheroes who want the same powers as their friend.
  • The superheroes need to extract a supervillain from enemy territory.
  • The superhero visits a retired hero and asks for advice.
  • The superhero tries to propose to their love interest, but can’t find the right words.
  • The hero was not always strong/powerful.
  • The superhero’s heroic activities cause a lot of collateral damage.
  • An evil principal wants to keep the hero at school, to be trained for a life of crime.
  • The supervillain needs to find their arch-enemy’s true identity,  so when they catch them in a vulnerable moment, they beg for the name.
  • At school/work, the superhero is zapping villains.
  • The superhero accidentally knocks his teacher onto a desk, breaking it.
  • The superhero keeps having to deal with their arch villain, who wants to join the hero’s side.
  • A universe-wide war breaks out between super heroes, only blood and death can save the world now.
  • Dogma, a new superhero, is recruited from the crowd to fight against zombies.
  • A superhero realizes that being a cape is more difficult than expected.
  • Lessons you learned from your favorite superhero.
  • The townspeople cheer on the local superhero who protects their families.
  • The superhero’s parents are worried, because the hero is so intelligent, it’s possible that they skipped a grade.
  • The supervillain has a sense of humour, and likes to leave taunting notes.
  • The superhero can’t decide between being a crimefighter and being rich and famous.
  • A superhero stops a bank heist, and discovers a crumpled note in the bag of cash that says, “I don’t want to be a villain anymore.” The superhero delivers the teenager to the police.
  • The hero ties a bunch of criminals to train tracks, but the train comes quickly, so the hero decides to take care of some random errands quickly.
  • The superhero and villain face off in the supermarket during a crazy shopping spree.
  • The superhero is angry because they can’t reveal their identity as a superhero to their significant other.
  • One of the villain’s attacks is a distraction, so that they can kidnap a loved one.
  • One of the superhero’s teammates has a new bowl cut.
  • A famous superhero is accused of working with the supervillain, but they maintain their innocence.
  • There are superheroes and supervillains who love children at a local school.
  • The superhero is caught having a romantic dalliance with an enemy.
  • 5. Fantasy World Setting
  • The superhero discovers that they have the power of flight.
  • The superhero is a stripper with super strength.
  • A superhero freezes time, and has a one night stand with the villain during frozen time.
  • A villain has tricked the superhero into handing over his power.
  • The hero joins a superhero team.
  • The superhero goes off to confront a new supervillain. The hero is uncertain.
  • The superhero is scared that their powers will fade.
  • The superhero’s true identity is discovered by someone he or she loves.
  • A superhero decides to give the gift of their superpowers to a friend.
  • Someone builds a fifteen story statue of the superhero.
  • The supervillain finds out their own evil plan has been thwarted by the superhero.
  • The superhero discovered that the supervillain is working for another secret group.
  • Maintaining your alter ego takes time and dedication. So, to whom do you disclose the secret of your other life? What are the consequences to either choice?
  • They’re dead, but back to serve as an avenging super sleuth.
  • When the hero gets injured, they fear they may have side effects.
  • The villains beat the hero too severely, and now they are in the hospital.
  • The superhero loses a battle.
  • The superhero wakes up one day as the supervillain.
  • Two new heroes join the superhero’s squad.
  • The superhero’s disguise is wearing off.
  • The superhero cannot write their term paper on time.
  • The superhero sometimes meets his arch nemesis to chat.
  • When things are tough at home, the superhero can always count on the cooler-than-everybody-else boyfriend for support.
  • A superhero defeats the supervillain.
  • The superhero is dating another superhero with a completely opposite superpower.
  • The superhero’s sidekick is super annoying.
  • The superhero realizes that members from their group have washed out. They are all invited to an intervention.
  • A police officer is angry that the superheroes call the shots, and they hold more power than the law.
  • The protagonist comes home after fighting crime all night, and is apathetic.
  • When sad, the hero seeks comfort by smoking marijuana.
  • A supervillain does their banking from a prison cell.
  • The superhero designed their suit, well, what is the thing that isn’t shown on camera?
  • The superhero makes peanuts for their evening job.
  • The superhero has super powers, yet they do not feel these powers are anything to be mad about.
  • The hero is almost captured and defeated.
  • The superhero collects an impressive number of enemies.
  • The downside of being a superhero is a lack of free will to do what you want.
  • The superhero designates a talent show act for a fellow hero, but the hero tricks the hero into a bad act.
  • Raised in the church, the superhero now questions their faith when the priest asks if they fight the forces of evil.
  • The superhero and supervillain are college roommates.  It’s either a comedy or a tragedy.
  • The superhero has a hard time finding clothes.
  • The superhero realizes that their enemy has been plotting this for years.
  • The hero gets the flu and everyone thinks they can fly.
  • The superhero has to maintain a secret identity from his/her loved ones.
  • A superhero has to pose as their awesome nemesis.
  • The supervillain escapes from the prison and visits the superhero’s home.
  • The superhero realizes that the villain’s plan is impossible.
  • The superhero must train at a summer camp to learn new skills.
  • The superhero’s kid comes by one of their super-generous toys.
  • A superhero that goes on patrol every morning comes across a wizard in a cave.
  • The supervillain targets a group of its victims because they are minors.
  • One of the superhero’s villains comes back for revenge.
  • A hero cannot unlock a sense of purpose in their life.
  • The superhero’s mother has a date, with a handsome football player. The superhero is certain that he is an aspiring criminal.
  • The superhero saves a puppy from an evil villain.
  • The superhero meets their villain’s nemesis.
  • The superhero goes on their first date with the superhero they like, and is excited that they developed invulnerability.
  • The superhero discovers a list of people that their nemesis wants to harm.
  • The superhero wakes up with their costume on differently.
  • The superhero wears matching pants and shirts, one for every day.
  • The villain turns out to be just a misunderstood villain. He is actually a nice, if misunderstood man.
  • The superhero fights in the superhero tournament, which was created to determine which hero has the strongest ability, and only the superhero can win.
  • The boyfriend of a superheroine is a superhero himself.
  • The superhero’s criminal crush threatens to kill their family if they don’t give them what they want.
  • Your hero has a secret identity. Tell the story of how they created it.
  • The superhero can only turn into their costume at midnight.
  • The superhero wants a night off and entrusts the safety of the world to a coworker.
  • The superhero loses their parents due to mob violence.
  • The superhero is a teenager in high school who is really missing their powers while studying for an upcoming test.
  • The supervillain abducts the superhero, who eventually escapes.
  • The superhero can do a really cool super stomp move.
  • The superhero can make people fall in love instantly, but the hero feels like that is wrong.
  • The superhero’s parents don’t have an answer for the hero’s final essay question.
  • The super hero tries to explain their powers to their family.
  • A superhero is overdeveloped, and their torso and shoulders are very wide, almost freakishly so.
  • The superhero is way too heavy, for anyone else.
  • A superhero hears or sees something that has haunted them for years.
  • The superhero isn’t yet sure what their powers are capable of.

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Save the Day with These Super Hero Writing Prompts

November 15, 2021 by ami Leave a Comment

Do you need a new  creative writing activity  for your students?

Motivate your students to think and write creatively with these  super hero writing prompts .

creative writing prompts superhero

Superhero Creative Writing Prompts

The superhero writing prompt cards include these twelve imagination-boosting writing prompts:

  • You can choose ONE super power. What would it be? Why?
  • Design your superhero costume. Draw and label the different parts of it and explain why you made the choices you made.
  • Write a silly story about a superhero whose powers don’t work correctly.
  • Everyone you know has a super power except for your friend, Mandy. Why doesn’t Mandy have a superpower yet? When will she get it? What will it be?
  • Write a letter to your favorite superhero.

creative writing prompts superhero

  • Pretend you are a superhero. Write about the day you lost your superpowers (or had them stolen)!
  • Write five rules that all superheroes should live by.
  • Some superheroes have sidekicks (like Batman and Robin). Imagine one of your pets as your sidekick. Write about an adventure you have together.
  • An evil villain is plotting to take over the world. Describe his sinister plan. Use details.

creative writing prompts superhero

  • Make a list of five things you would do if you were a superhero.
  • Poll the people you know and ask them who their favorite superhero is. Who was the most popular choice? Why do you think that is?
  • Make a list of ten unlikely superpowers. (Example: I once knew a superhero who could eat 532 hotdogs in two seconds!)

How to Use the Superhero Writing Prompts

You can use these superhero writing prompt cards with a variety of ages.

creative writing prompts superhero


  • Print the prompt cards and word bank. Cut out the cards.
  • Laminate the cards for durability. If desired, hole punch the cards and add them to a metal ring .
  • Consider reading a superhero themed book (or books) to your student.
  • Let your student choose a card. (If you are homeschooling, you could add a bit of mystery by putting the cards in a jar and letting your student draw a card.)
  • If your student has a hard time writing, ask questions and dialogue ideas together before your student begins.
  • Decide if you want to give your student a guideline (This needs to be at least four sentences.) If you do, be clear about your expectation.

Inspire Creative Writing with These Superhero Themed Books

To give your students extra inspiration for their responses to the superhero writing prompts, try reading some of these picture books before writing time.

  • Dex: The Heart of a Hero by Caralyn Buehner
  • Super Stan by Matt Robertson
  • Superhero Instruction Manual by Kristy Dempsey
  • The Three Little Superpigs by Claire Evans
  • Ten Rules of Being a Superhero by Deb Pilutti

Download Your Free Superhero Writing Prompts

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Subscribe to Walking by the Way’s Newsletter in order to grab this free creative writing activity.

More Creative Writing Lessons and Activities for Your Student

If you are looking for additional creative writing lessons for your student, try some of these:

  • Use a Picture Book Teach the Story Element of Conflict
  • Write Backstories for Fairy Tale Characters
  • Mystery Writing Prompts

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Superhero Writing Prompts: Create Heroic Adventures

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My name is Debbie, and I am passionate about developing a love for the written word and planting a seed that will grow into a powerful voice that can inspire many.

Superhero Writing Prompts: Create Heroic Adventures

Ignite Your Creative Superpowers

Unveiling the power of heroic themes: explore‍ the possibilities, harnessing the essence ⁣of heroic themes, from alter egos to legendary powers: creating the perfect superhero character, designing ​epic villains:⁢ the​ key to a riveting superhero adventure, crafting action-packed plots: plotting a hero’s journey, embracing dynamic settings:, using visual effects:, the art ⁣of superhero dialogue: mastering the hero’s voice, superhero ​writing exercises: sharpen your comic book skills, frequently asked questions, to conclude, your superhero writing ⁣prompts guide: unleash ⁢your imagination.

Are you ready‍ to embark ⁣on an exhilarating adventure where ordinary ⁤individuals transform into extraordinary superheroes? Our Superhero Writing Prompts Guide will transport you to a ⁣world where imagination knows no bounds. Unleash your inner creative genius as you craft captivating ‍tales of heroism, saving the day, ‍and overcoming the darkest of‌ villains.

Discover a Universe of Possibilities

With our carefully curated collection of superhero writing‌ prompts, your imagination will ignite like never before. Dive into a vast array of dynamic ⁢characters, epic battles, and thrilling narratives that‍ will take your storytelling skills to⁢ new heights. While wearing your writer’s​ cape, you can:

  • Create Iconic Heroes: Design⁢ your very own superheroes, complete with dazzling ⁤abilities and unique ⁤backstories.
  • Conceive Villains of Darkness: Develop diabolical and sinister villains that challenge your heroes at every turn.
  • Build Extraordinary Worlds: Construct imaginative settings brimming with futuristic cities, mystical realms, or uncharted planets.
  • Craft Unforgettable ‍Adventures: Plot thrilling quests wherein ‌your superheroes confront danger, conquer obstacles, and ultimately triumph.

Unleash your creative powers, spark your inspiration,⁣ and let your words⁤ soar to superheroic heights. Get ready to astonish readers with your imaginative storytelling prowess!

Unveiling the Power of Heroic Themes: Explore the Possibilities!

Embark ⁢on a remarkable adventure as we delve into the captivating world of heroic themes. Let your imagination run ‌wild as we explore the unlimited possibilities that⁢ come hand in hand with these ‌powerful melodies.

1.​ Igniting‍ Emotions: Heroic themes have an innate ⁣ability to evoke a kaleidoscope of emotions within us. They inspire courage, motivate perseverance,⁣ and ignite the flames of determination. These​ melodies take us on a⁢ transformative journey, enabling us to connect with our inner strength ‌and embrace the hero within.

2. ‍Inspiring Creativity: The unwavering spirit of heroic themes transcends boundaries and paves ⁢the way​ for endless creativity.⁢ Whether you are an artist, writer, or simply seeking inspiration , these themes act as a catalyst, bringing forth new ideas and pushing the limits of your imagination. They empower you to dream big, believe in oneself, and create masterpieces that resonate with the hearts and minds of others.

3. Evoking Resilience: Heroic themes serve​ as a reminder of​ the resilience inherent in the human spirit. They⁤ encourage us to rise above challenges, confront adversity ‌head-on, and overcome the seemingly impossible. In the face ​of hardships, these melodies infuse us with unwavering determination and provide solace, lifting our⁢ spirits as we march towards⁣ victory.

4. Captivating Cinematic Experiences: From the silver screen to video games, heroic themes ​have enthralled audiences worldwide with their ⁤captivating melodies. They transport us into magical realms and ​epic battles, immersing us in grand narratives⁣ that resonate deeply. ‌Through their sweeping orchestral scores, they lend an indescribable sense of awe and wonder to the cinematic experience, leaving an indelible mark⁤ on our hearts.

Intricately woven with emotion, creativity, and resilience, heroic themes ‍have the⁣ power to stir our souls and ignite our ⁣imagination like no ​other musical ‍genre. So, join us as we embark on a journey to unlock the true potential of these awe-inspiring harmonies and discover just how they can transform our lives.

From Alter Egos​ to Legendary Powers: Creating the Perfect Superhero Character!

Creating a ⁣memorable superhero character is ‌an art that requires a careful blend of creativity and storytelling prowess. Whether you’re⁤ a seasoned writer or an aspiring ‌comic book artist, crafting an extraordinary superhero who captivates readers’ imaginations can⁣ be an exhilarating challenge. Here are some essential tips to help you bring​ your superhero to life:

  • Unique Alter Ego: Every superhero⁣ needs a captivating alter ego that resonates with readers.⁢ Think‍ about‍ their background, personality, and struggles. Are they an enigmatic⁣ billionaire playboy, or a mild-mannered reporter secretly donning a cape? Develop a relatable alter ego that complements their extraordinary abilities.
  • Powerful Abilities: A superhero’s powers define ⁤their uniqueness. ⁢Whether⁢ it’s super strength, the ability​ to fly, or⁤ manipulation of elements, choose powers that align with the character’s backstory and ambitions. Be ⁣innovative! How about granting​ them the power to control plants or even time travel?
  • Flawed and Relatable: ⁤No superhero is perfect, and flaws‌ make them more human. Give your hero flaws that‍ mirror their strengths. Perhaps their unwavering ⁤bravery sometimes leads to recklessness, or their heightened senses become overwhelming.⁢ Relatable vulnerabilities ‍make them more captivating and ‌relatable to readers.

Creating the ‌perfect superhero character is⁤ an ongoing journey, allowing you to explore limitless‌ possibilities. Remember to⁢ focus on their ‍alter ego, choose unique and compelling powers, and infuse⁢ them with flaws that add depth. Immerse yourself in your superhero’s world, and soon you’ll witness their metamorphosis from sketches to legends! So, grab your⁣ pen and let your imagination soar!

Designing Epic‍ Villains: ⁤The⁢ Key ⁤to a Riveting Superhero Adventure!

When it comes to creating an unforgettable superhero adventure,‌ the importance of ​a captivating villain cannot be overstated. Just like a hero,‌ an epic villain plays a critical role​ in driving the story ‍forward and keeping audiences on⁤ the edge of their seats. But ⁢what makes​ a villain ⁤truly remarkable? Here are some key​ elements to consider:

  • Complex Motivations: A great villain is more⁣ than just ⁤a cardboard cutout baddie – they have ​deep-rooted motivations that drive their​ actions. Whether ⁣it’s a ⁢desire for power, revenge, or even a twisted ideology, complex motivations add depth and make the villain relatable.
  • Formidable Abilities: To challenge our superhero, a villain needs⁢ to possess exceptional‍ powers or skills. Whether it’s mind⁢ control, shape-shifting, or ⁣super strength, these abilities create thrilling conflicts and put our hero to the test.
  • Compelling Backstory: A well-crafted backstory⁣ helps us understand‍ why a villain ‍turned to the dark side. It humanizes them and adds a layer of complexity to ⁢their character, making ⁣them more than just someone who​ wants to bring⁢ chaos and destruction.

To truly craft an epic villain, it’s important ‌to remember that they are​ more than just an antagonist. They should have genuine depth and be⁣ able to hold their own against our beloved hero. By considering⁤ these elements and adding your own unique twists, you can design a villain that will make your superhero adventure⁢ truly riveting!

Crafting Action-Packed Plots: Plotting a Hero's Journey!

When it comes to crafting⁢ action-packed ⁢plots, plotting a hero’s journey is a surefire way to captivate readers. The ⁣hero’s journey is a storytelling structure that follows‍ a protagonist on an adventure, filled with challenges, growth, and triumphs. To plot a compelling hero’s journey, here are ‍some key elements‌ to consider:

  • The Call to Adventure: Introduce the hero’s ordinary world and establish a trigger, such as a quest or a problem, that propels them towards adventure.
  • The Mentor: Introduce a wise mentor figure ‍who guides and aids the hero throughout their journey, providing valuable⁣ skills, knowledge, or advice.
  • Tests and Challenges: Present a series of ⁤trials, both physical and internal, that the hero must overcome to grow and develop.

In addition to these elements, it’s crucial to create ‌well-rounded characters with unique motivations and goals. Consider incorporating unexpected plot twists and⁤ moments of‍ tension to keep readers on the edge of their seats. Remember‍ to provide a satisfying resolution that highlights the​ hero’s transformation and successfully concludes their journey.

Furthermore, an action-packed plot thrives on dynamic settings and thrilling conflicts. Ensure that your hero’s ‌journey takes them through diverse ‌landscapes, from ‍treacherous mountains ⁣to mysterious underground lairs, adding to the excitement of the narrative. Exploit the power ⁤of pacing by alternating between⁣ moments of high intensity‌ and introspective reflections, allowing readers to catch their breath and connect emotionally with the ​hero.

  • Symbolism: Incorporate symbolic elements into the plot to⁣ deepen the story’s meaning​ and add layers of interpretation.
  • Character Arc: Craft a compelling character arc ⁣where the hero evolves, overcoming flaws, ​fears, ​or doubts ​along the way.
  • Ultimate Confrontation: Build towards a climactic final showdown where the hero faces their greatest⁢ adversary, culminating in a battle that determines their ultimate fate.

By harnessing these techniques and infusing your hero’s journey with action, suspense, and emotional resonance, you’ll create a plot that keeps readers engrossed from start to finish. So, grab your⁤ pen and start plotting the epic adventure that awaits your hero!

Unleashing Creativity with Dynamic Settings: ‌Breathing Life into Superhero Worlds!

When it comes to‌ creating compelling superhero worlds, the key lies in the dynamic settings that bring these extraordinary characters ‌to life. With the power⁣ of vivid‍ and immersive ‌environments, creators can unleash their creativity and⁤ transport readers into new realms of⁣ imagination.

By breathing life into these worlds, the possibilities become ​endless. ⁣A beautifully crafted cityscape, bustling with life and brimming with eye-catching details, can ignite the reader’s imagination and immerse ⁢them deeply in the superhero’s reality. From skyscrapers piercing through the clouds to neon-lit streets bustling with both heroes and villains, each setting plays a crucial role in the development⁤ of the story and the‌ overall experience for⁢ readers.

  • Creating contrasting landscapes to reflect ⁢different moods and challenges⁢ within the superhero’s journey.
  • Integrating unconventional architectural designs ‍that⁣ display the distinctiveness⁤ of the superhero’s world⁣ and the creativity of its creator.
  • Introducing hidden​ realms and secret hideouts, allowing readers to unveil the mysterious and‍ unexplored corners of the superhero’s universe.
  • Employing dramatic lighting techniques to emphasize key moments, whether it ‍be a thrilling​ action ⁤scene ‍ or a poignant character revelation.
  • Utilizing vibrant ⁣and ​captivating colors to establish the mood⁣ and atmosphere of ⁣the superhero’s environment, be⁢ it ‍dark and gritty​ or vibrant and optimistic.
  • Incorporating dynamic panel layouts that mimic the flow of ‌motion, adding an extra layer of excitement and energy to the​ storytelling.

With the ⁢perfect fusion of‌ engaging storytelling and awe-inspiring‌ settings, creators can achieve the remarkable‍ task of unleashing creativity and captivating readers in the magnificent world of superheroes. So, dust⁤ off that drawing board, grab your palette ​of colorful ideas, and let your imagination soar to new heights!

The Art of Superhero Dialogue: Mastering ​the Hero's Voice!

In the world of superheroes, one⁢ of the key elements that sets them apart is their unique dialogue. The way they speak ⁤defines their character, establishes their presence, and​ captivates audiences. Mastering‍ the hero’s voice is an art, and in this post, we will dive deep into the secrets of crafting compelling superhero dialogue.

1. **Embody the Superpower**: Each‌ superhero possesses a unique set ⁤of superpowers. Incorporate these⁤ powers into​ their dialogue⁤ to make it authentic and powerful. For instance, if​ your hero can move at lightning speed, use short, snappy sentences to reflect their quick thinking. If they have the ability to control elements, use descriptive⁤ and ⁣commanding language when they speak.

2. **Inject Personality**: Every hero has‌ their own distinct personality, so ‍their dialogue should reflect⁣ who they are. Whether your hero is witty, ⁣brooding, or ⁣charming, let their personality⁣ shine through their words. If your hero has a ‌sense of humor, sprinkle in⁣ some well-timed jokes or puns. If they are​ more serious, give their dialogue a thoughtful and introspective tone.

Superhero Writing Exercises: Sharpen ‌Your Comic Book Skills!

Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey⁢ to unleash your inner superhero writer? Look no further! We have curated a series of thrilling exercises⁤ that will help you hone your ⁢comic‍ book⁣ skills and take your storytelling abilities to new heights. So, grab your pen and let’s dive into the world of superheroes! ‍

1. Create your ⁣own superhero origin story: Every superhero has an origin story that captivates readers’ imaginations. Let your creativity run wild and develop ⁢a compelling background for your hero. ⁤Explore their motivations, their unique⁤ powers, and the⁤ challenges ⁢they overcome ⁤to become the iconic figure ​they are destined to be.

2. Craft intense dialogue exchanges: Superhero stories are known for their high-stakes conversations. Practice writing impactful dialogue between heroes, villains, and everyday citizens. Focus on building tension, expressing⁤ emotions, and ​conveying the complexity of each character’s⁢ personality. Use dynamic⁣ language and vivid descriptions to bring your dialogues ⁤to life. ⁤

Q: What ⁣are superhero writing prompts? A: Superhero writing prompts are creative ideas or scenarios that inspire writers to craft compelling stories revolving around‍ superheroes and their heroic‍ adventures.

Q: How do superhero writing prompts work? A: These prompts serve as a starting point for writers, presenting them with specific situations, characters, or conflicts related‌ to the superhero genre.​ Writers can use these prompts as a catalyst to brainstorm their own unique stories and develop their writing skills.

Q: Why are superhero writing prompts​ useful? A: Superhero writing prompts allow writers to explore their imagination ⁣and hone their storytelling⁤ abilities. They help ⁤overcome writer’s block by offering a defined framework to create captivating narratives centered around extraordinary characters ⁤with superhuman ⁢abilities.

Q: Where can I find superhero⁢ writing prompts? A: You can find superhero writing prompts online⁣ through various websites, writing‍ communities, or even in specialized ⁣books on creative writing. ‍Many ‌resources offer a wide ​range of prompts to ⁣cater to different genres and writing styles.

Q: How can superhero writing prompts ⁣help improve my writing? A: By engaging with superhero writing prompts, you can practice developing engaging plots, creating well-rounded characters, and building exciting superhero⁤ universes. These prompts encourage writers to think creatively, refine their⁤ narrative skills, and experiment with different writing techniques.

Q: Can superhero writing prompts be ​helpful for beginners? A: Absolutely! Superhero writing prompts are ideal for beginners as they provide a‍ structured starting point for crafting⁤ a‌ story. They remove the pressure of generating an original idea from scratch ⁢and ⁢allow beginners to focus on exploring their creativity within the defined boundaries of the prompt.

Q: Are superhero writing prompts only for aspiring authors? A: No, superhero writing prompts can ⁢be useful⁣ for aspiring authors, established writers, or anyone interested in​ creative writing. They serve as a tool for all writers, regardless⁢ of ‍their‍ experience level, to generate new ideas,‍ enhance their ​storytelling skills, and unlock their potential for superhero-themed stories.

Q: Can I modify superhero writing⁤ prompts to suit my preferences? A: Absolutely! Superhero writing prompts act ⁤as a springboard for your imagination. Feel free to modify them, add ​or remove ⁣elements, or tweak ‍the scenarios to better ⁣align ‌with your personal preferences and writing style. The goal is to ​make the prompts ‌work for you and ⁤inspire your creativity.

Q: How can superhero writing ⁤prompts inspire unique stories? A: Superhero writing prompts provide a foundation, but it is up ⁤to the⁤ writer to add their own voice, creativity, and unique perspective to the prompt. By infusing personal elements, exploring⁣ different themes, and adding unexpected twists, writers can transform‍ a simple prompt into a truly extraordinary and original story.

Q: Are there any tips for using superhero writing prompts effectively? A:⁣ Absolutely! Here are a few tips: 1.⁣ Embrace the unexpected: Don’t be afraid to take risks and explore unconventional ​storylines . 2. Develop compelling characters: Create heroes and villains with depth, flaws, and intriguing ⁢backstories. 3. Focus on conflict: Introduce challenges and obstacles that test your hero’s abilities and resolve. 4. Experiment with ⁢genres: Combine superhero themes with ‌other genres like mystery, romance, or science fiction to add complexity. 5. Have fun and let ⁣your imagination ‌soar: Remember, superhero writing prompts are meant‍ to inspire and bring joy to your writing process. Enjoy the journey!

In conclusion, these superhero writing prompts provide endless ​opportunities to unleash your creativity and embark on thrilling heroic adventures. Let your imagination ​soar and bring your own superheroes to life!

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Elf Writing Prompts: Dive into Festive Fantasy Tales

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50 Awesome Superhero Writing Prompts

creative writing prompts superhero

Superheroes are popular. Thanks to that, you might find it interesting to write about them. If you aren’t sure where to start, you can always use superhero writing prompts as inspiration.

Sometimes, people prefer a fun topic. Other times, people might want something more thought-provoking. Whatever you have in mind, chances are good that you can find it from superhero writing prompts.

Consider these 50 superhero writing prompts:

1. If You Could Choose a Superpower, What Would It Be?

This is a simple question to get you thinking more about the potential of superpowers.

2. How Can You Make Money Using That Superpower?

Meanwhile, this is more focused. Your answer doesn’t need to be very sophisticated. It could be as simple as using superstrength to lift things that would call for heavy machinery under normal circumstances.

3. Would You Want to Be a Superhero?

Someone having superpowers doesn’t necessarily mean they would want to become a superhero.

4. If You Need a Superhero Costume, Would What It Look Like?

It can be fun to design superhero costumes. After all, everyone likes to look good.

5. What Are Two Superpowers With Synergy?

Some superpowers come packaged together. For instance, someone with super strength would pretty much have to have super toughness. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be able to do anything without hurting themselves. We can hurt ourselves by just coughing too hard and too frequently. It is scary to think how badly we could hurt ourselves if we had super strength.

creative writing prompts superhero

6. What Are Two Superpowers Without Synergy?

It might be a bigger challenge to think of superpowers that don’t have any synergy with one another.

7. Do You Like Bright, Inspiring Superheroes?

Superheroes are often bright, inspiring figures. However, that is far from being the only option for them.

8. Are Bright, Inspiring Superheroes Unrealistic?

Sometimes, people criticize bright, inspiring superheroes for being unrealistic. They might be right, but they might also be missing the point.

9. Do You Like Dark, Gritty Superheroes?

The reverse would be dark, gritty superheroes. In particular, the 1990s were infamous for them. Of course, dark, gritty superheroes can be excessive.  That was all too often the case in the 1990s.

10. How Dark and Gritty Can Superheroes Get Before They Are No Longer Superheroes?

There is a point when a superhero is so dark and gritty they are no longer a superhero. The exact point when that happens is a question that comes up in superhero media from time to time.

creative writing prompts superhero

11. Can Someone Be a Superhero to Some People and a Supervillain to Others?

In real life, whether someone is seen as a hero or a villain is often a matter of perspective. Many conquerors remain highly regarded even though they did terrible things. For instance, Livius points out that Julius Caesar killed and enslaved many people in pursuit of power and prestige. As a result, it is worth asking whether someone can be a superhero to some people and a supervillain to others, particularly in works that care about politics.

12. When Does a Superhero Become a Supervillain?

The long-running nature of superhero comics means that some superheroes have done ridiculously awful things. You might find it interesting to determine at what point you would consider them supervillains rather than superheroes.

13. What Should Be a Superhero’s Relationship With the Law?

Superheroes are often seen as vigilantes. However, that isn’t necessarily the case.

14. Can a Superhero Be a Superhero While Violating the Law?

Generally, superheroes don’t go as far as to act as judge, jury, and executioner. Even so, they are often vigilantes, which raises the question of whether they should be.

15. How Should a Superhero Navigate Between National and International Law?

Of course, superhero stories become even messier when international politics become involved.

creative writing prompts superhero

16. How Would Superpowers Change Politics?

It seems safe to say that superpowers would change politics. You might find it interesting to do some brainstorming on the matter.

17. Argue that Superpowers Would Make the World Safer.

Superheroes are often presented as defenders of all that is good. As such, you should be able to articulate an argument that superpowers would make the world safer.

18. Argue that Superpowers Would Make the World More Dangerous.

Alas, it is easy to imagine how superpowers would make the world more dangerous.

19. Should Superhumans Be Registered?

Many of the reasons for registering firearms apply to registering superpowers. Make your case for whether superhumans should or shouldn’t be registered.

20. Does the Existence of Superhumans Doom the World to Feudalism?

ThoughtCo points out that feudalism is a misleading term. Still, it is useful as a casual term for a decentralized system in which power is distributed because the top leadership can’t exert effective control over everything. Superhumans seem like the kind of thing that could bring about such a state.

creative writing prompts superhero

21. Name Five Ways Inherited Superpowers Would Change Society.

Inherited superpowers are different from superpowers gotten through other means. Spend some time thinking about how they would change the way we do things.

22. Would Superhero Media Sell in a World with Superpowers?

Men’s Health states that Watchmen ran with the idea that superhero comics weren’t very interesting in a world in which superheroes were real. That may or may not be true, but that is certainly worth writing about.

23. How Would Superhero Media Be Different in a World with Superpowers?

On a related note, it can be more interesting to think about how superhero media would change in a world with superpowers.

24. Should Governments Try to Rein In the Stronger Kinds of Superhumans?

The monopoly on force is one of the most notable characteristics of modern states. The stronger kinds of superhumans would be a major challenge to that, which raises the question of how states should handle them.

25. Can Governments Rein In the Stronger Kinds of Superhumans?

In some cases, it might be best for governments to stay away from the stronger kinds of superhumans. After all, some of them are world-destroyers or above.

creative writing prompts superhero

26. Would Corporate Sponsorships Make Superheroes Less Superheroic?

Some corporations would love to attach their marketing to superheroes. However, it is interesting to consider whether that would count as selling out on the superheroes’ part.

27. Design a Science-Based Superhero.

Comic book science isn’t real science. Instead, it is more of an aesthetic. Still, comic book science is an appealing aesthetic that can enable a wide range of stories.

28. Design a Magic-Based Superhero.

The line between magic and science was thin in pre-modern times. To name an example, Discover reminds us that Sir Issac Newton was also an alchemist. Despite this, a magic-based superhero naturally gravitates towards a different set of narratives than his science-based counterpart.

29. Design a Paragon-Type Superhero

Paragons are superheroes who serve as living examples for everyone else in their setting. Whether they live up to that reputation is a separate matter.

30. Design an Investigator-Type Superhero

Superheroes descend from investigators in considerable part. Unsurprisingly, they remain as popular as ever.

creative writing prompts superhero

31. Design a Brute-Type Supervillain

Rogues galleries often include supervillains who are more of a physical threat than anything else. They aren’t the most sophisticated of enemies. Still, everyone understands the threat of an abundance of brute force.

32. Design a Mastermind-Type Supervillain

In contrast, other supervillains are more about schemes and manipulation.

33. Design a Dark Mirror-Type Supervillain

Supervillains are sometimes treated as dark mirrors for superheroes. At the simplest level, they possess similar capabilities but choose to do otherwise. However, the similarities can go much further than that.

34. Should Superheroes Be Willing to Kill?

Killing is a controversial topic in superhero media for obvious reasons.

35. When Does a Superhero Cross the Line From Being Too Willing to Kill to Being Too Unwilling to Kill?

With that said, there are cases when superheroes are the only ones capable of acting as judges, juries, and executioners. When that happens, the question of whether they should be willing to kill becomes much more complicated, particularly when higher power levels mean more things are at stake. A supervillain who robs banks is one thing; a supervillain who wants to rewrite reality so they can torture everyone forever is another.

creative writing prompts superhero

36. How Would You Feel If You Were One of the Few Individuals Without Superpowers?

Being singled out is a terrible feeling. Spend some time thinking about what that would feel like.

37. How Would You Treat Your Friend If They Were One of the Few Individuals Without Superpowers?

Some self-examination and self-reflection can always serve you well.

38. Would You Want to Live in a World In Which Everyone or Almost Everyone Has Superpowers?

Superhero settings are dangerous places.

39. Would You Want to Live in That World If Some Superpowers Came With Major Downsides?

Superpowers are amazing. Even so, they sometimes come with major downsides, which change the analysis. Chances are good that you would go for super strength and toughness if you still looked like yourself. The question is whether that would remain the case if you had to look like a stone person because of it.

40. Describe How You Would Use Your Superpowers in Day-to-Day Life.

It is good to exercise your creativity from time to time.

creative writing prompts superhero

41. Write About a Superhero Revealing Their Secret Identity to Their Loved Ones.

Secrets can be corrosive to personal relationships. Due to this, one imagines that this scenario would have superheroes on their metaphorical tiptoes.

42. Write About a Superhero Revealing Their Secret Identity to the General Public.

Revealing a secret identity to the general public offers a different kind of drama.

43. Write About a Smalltime Crook Trying to Blackmail a Superhero Using Their Secret Identity.

Sometimes, people get overconfident. Other times, people misread others. Either way, a small-time crook trying to blackmail a superhero isn’t even close to being the most foolish thing ever seen in superhero media.

44. Write About a Supervillain Trying to Blackmail a Superhero Using Their Secret Identity.

A supervillain knowing about a superhero’s secret identity makes for a much tenser situation.

45. Write About a Superhero Uncovering Something Humanizing About a Supervillain.

Most supervillains are human. Presumably, that means they do things that can make people empathize with them. Consider how seeing one of these moments can affect a superhero.

creative writing prompts superhero

46. Write About a Superhero Realizing They Have a Romantic Attraction to a Supervillain.

Superhero-supervillain romantic relationships are surprisingly common. It seems safe to say that most superheroes would find this awkward.

47. Write About a Superhero Helping a Supervillain Go Clean.

Recidivism is a major problem. As a result, a superhero might try to go the extra mile by helping a supervillain go clean rather than remain a criminal.

48. Write About a Superhero Mentoring Someone With Superpowers.

Superheroes mentoring other people is a time-honored story. After all, they have to get their sidekicks from somewhere.

49. Write About a Superhero Discovering Something Weird About Their Superpowers.

Superpowers don’t work based on what we think makes sense. Thanks to that, it isn’t hard to imagine superheroes with superpowers that behave in weird ways under certain circumstances. This opens up a wide range of narrative possibilities, particularly for people who don’t mind writing less serious narratives.

50. Write About a Superhero Doing Their Taxes.

Realism doesn’t necessarily mean fun things for superheroes. Sometimes, it means dealing with the same things normal people do. Chances are good that taxes would be one of them, if only because successful superheroes seem like they would have lucrative merchandising opportunities.

It can be fun to think about what superheroes would do their taxes themselves and what superheroes would entrust such matters to the professionals. Those with an in-depth understanding of the subject might even want to brainstorm what taxation would look like for those with superpowers. If nothing else, governments are happy to use tax incentives to push policies.

You can also read:

  • 50 Awesome Mental Health Writing Prompts
  • 50 Awesome “Would You Rather” Writing Prompts
  • 50 Awesome Deep Writing Prompts about Life

50 Awesome Personal Narrative Writing Prompts

  • 50 Awesome Songwriting Prompts

Janine Talbot

Janine is passionate about parenting. As a mother of 5 she knows a thing or two about how to raise children. She has a love for food, travel, and making sure her children stay on the right path.

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D.N. Schmidt

Superhero Writing Prompts

superhero toys eating ice cream - illustration for superhero writing prompts article

Looking write the next great super hero story? Need super power ideas? This superhero writing prompts collection is here to rescue you!

Super Travel

Flight – no magic carpet how about a flight of stairs.

  • Even though his wings are gray, not white, Gary is constantly mistaken for an angel. Mostly he just goes along with it. He doesn’t have the heart to disappoint people. Besides, he’s sick of explaining that he’s actually half human, half pigeon.
  • Home was on the edge of a cliff. If you ever wanted to leave your parents and venture off into the world on your own, you would have to fly. Young people spent most of their teenage years crafting the perfect pair of wings. When they were finally ready, they stood on the edge of the cliff and jumped.
  • As long as anyone can remember, the village has been surrounded by the wall. It’s a hundred feet high, solid stone, with no windows or gates. The elders say the outside world is too dangerous, and anyone venturing beyond the wall would be killed. Even so, when one young girl learns to fly, she is determined to see what is on the other side.
  • A non-religious woman sprouts wings like an angel.
  • A small child develops the ability to fly and his parents struggle to deal with it.
  • A man starts a cult, promises his followers will be able to fly, and it actually works.
  • A man jumps from the top of a skyscraper, attempting to kill himself. On the way down, he changes his mind, and discovers the ability to fly.
  • A genetic mutation on the Y chromosome causes all male humans to be born with wings.
  • A toy company markets a new product: a superhero cape that lets children actually fly.
  • A sailor becomes stranded on a desert island where the only animals big enough to eat are birds. Without any projectile weapons, he is unable to kill any of them. The sailor begins to wish that he could fly, and simply pluck one of the birds out of the air…
  • A troubled, young man dreams of flying and wakes up miles from his home. The next night, it happens again…

Superhuman Speed – Fast as Lightning

  • The Blue Laser is the fastest superhero in the world, able to run at the speed of light. Unfortunately, this means he can achieve escape velocity. He accidentally runs right off the planet and ends up stranded in space.
  • Supersonic Sam is the fastest hero in the world. Unfortunately, his ultra-fast crime fighting leads to sonic booms. Whenever he runs down the street, he breaks windows and sets off car alarms. The local police launch a plan to capture Supersonic Sam and kick him out of town.
  • A car thief develops the ability to run faster than any car on the road. He begins stealing cars from their owners while the cars are in motion.
  • A man working at a factory becomes exposed to toxic chemicals, giving him superhuman speed. He completes a full day’s work in minutes. Everyone else at the factory is fired, and he does every job himself. With no job to take up their time, the unemployed workers have nothing to do but plan their revenge.
  • The world’s fastest criminal is emptying a town of its valuables. The townsfolk call upon the one man who can stop him: a superhero named Oil Slick.
  • The greatest poker player in the world is a man who can move fast enough to stack a deck of cards right under your nose.
  • A town suffers an outbreak of a strange disease that renders its victims slower than molasses. A reporter investigating the story discovers that the disease is caused by a superhero called Mr. Zoom. He gets his superhuman swiftness by stealing speed from other people.
  • Hoping to invent the perfect weight loss pill, a scientist struggles to find a way to accelerate the metabolic system. He tests the pill on himself and it works. It works too well. His metabolism gets faster and faster, requiring him to devour tremendous amounts of food just to avoid starvation. He uses his newfound superhuman speed to steal food and search for a cure before he wastes away to nothing.

Super Transformations

Intangibility – nothing to it.

  • A man has the power to walk through walls, but he can’t take anything with him, not even clothes. When he realizes his fillings pass through walls with him, he decides the power must work on anything under his skin. He has an unlicensed surgeon implant a huge, kangaroo-like pocket in his skin so he can carry objects with him and then walks into a bank vault.
  • A brain surgeon who can walk through walls discovers he can reach through patients’ skulls and remove tumors without making an incision. His nurse threatens to reveal his secret unless he uses his power to kill her ex-husband.
  • A man who can walk through walls makes his living helping inmates escape from prison. As long as they are in physical contact with him, his power makes them intangible and able to walk right out of prison. The head of a powerful drug cartel hires him to walk him out of prison. Unfortunately, the cartel head loses contact with the intangible man and ends up dead inside the prison wall. The intangible man soon finds himself on the run from hundreds of cartel members who all want him dead.
  • An artist with the ability to walk through walls uses his power to sneak his paintings into museums and art galleries. He puts his art on exhibit next to the Mona Lisa, Starry Night, and other famous paintings, hoping to become the next big name. A police detective and a gallery owner team up to stop the artist from forcing his work on the world.
  • A police detective searches for a way to stop a cat burglar who can walk through walls
  • A surgeon discovers that he can reach into his patients’ bodies and remove tumors without an incision
  • A man becomes the greatest escape artist in the world when he develops the ability to control his density and pass through solid objects
  • A convicted killer, working in the prison library, discovers a book that promises to teach the reader how to walk through walls.
  • A man is abducted by aliens who perform a bizarre experiment on him. When the man is returned to his apartment, he discovers that he is slowly becoming intangible. His feet sink into the floor, and then his ankles, his knees…
  • On a distant planet, the deadliest animal is the worg, a six-legged beast with the ability to pass through walls and force fields.
  • A man becomes the world’s most dangerous serial killer when he learns the art of intangibility. He can walk through walls and pluck people’s hearts from their chests.
  • Working for the military, a man develops a belt that can make soldiers intangible, but only for a limited time. The Pentagon takes control of the invention and orders that the inventor be killed. When the inventor finds himself under attack by ghostly soldiers, he uses his prototype belt to hide inside the walls of his home. But, if he stays intangible too long, he risks not being able to return to his solid form.
  • Variation – But, if the inventor stays intangible too long, he will instantly return to his solid form, becoming a permanent part of the wall.
  • An earthquake in England causes the wall of a castle to collapse. The government sends in workmen to clear away the rubble, and they discover a skeleton embedded in the stone. Apparently, hundreds of years earlier, a member of the royal family had discovered the secret to walking through walls, but he was unable to master it. One of the workmen vows to return to the castle and discover the secret for himself.

Invisibility – Out of Sight!

  • The military develops a chemical spray that causes invisibility. The invisibility spray works perfectly on human soldiers, but when they try it on attack dogs, they stop listening to commands and lash out at everyone near. The invisible attack dogs escape the military base and head to a nearby town, where two animal control officers are complaining of being bored.
  • A thief’s brain implant constantly broadcasts a kind of computer virus, rendering her invisible to security cameras. She can rob jewelry stores, hack ATMs, take packages from people’s porches, all without being detected. The only problem is she can’t turn it off. All those self-driving cars out there? They can’t see her, either. If she steps in the street, she’s dead.
  • A scientist develops an energy field that makes light pass through him, rendering him completely invisible. However, as light also passes through his eyes, he is unable to see anything outside of the field. He alters the field to not cover his eyes. He can see, but now appears to be a pair of disembodied, floating eyes.
  • A super hero’s invisibility cloak goes missing. He and his sidekick search the city for it, but how can they find something they can’t see?
  • A thief steals cutting edge camouflage technology that turns the user invisible.  He discovers that the technology was being developed for the CIA, and they want it back. He goes on the run, but soon wonders if there’s anywhere you can hide from the world’s most powerful spy agency.
  • A super villain breaks into the zoo and releases the lions, tigers, and bears. To make the animals even more dangerous, he turns them invisible. Animal control struggles to capture the ghostly beasts and protect the townsfolk.
  • In the middle of rush hour, a super villain turns ten city blocks of traffic invisible. All the vehicles disappear, and the invisible vehicles collide with each other. Emergency services struggles to help victims they can’t see.
  • After being exposed to cosmic radiation, a woman gives birth to an invisible infant. As the unseen child grows, he struggles with being different.
  • A group of invisible spies are sent on a dangerous mission, and two of the spies fall deeply in love. Once they return home, they become visible for the first time, and each discovers that the other is a little less than beautiful.
  • A scientist builds an invisibility ray, but it only works on cloth.
  • A developer purchases a row of houses, planning to turn the neighborhood into a shopping mall. One family, however, refuses to sell. The developer hires an invisible woman to convince them that their house is haunted.
  • An inventor searching for a way to make soldiers invisible experiments on himself. Unfortunately, only his skin is fades away. His muscles and internal organs are still very noticeable.
  • A man is terrified to discover that he is being stalked by his invisible ex-girlfriend.
  • While on a field trip to a nuclear power plant, an accident turns three teenagers invisible. When a group of politicians discovers what has occurred, they realize that they could be the perfect assassins… If only they can find them.
  • A mythology professor discovers that dragons are not extinct; we just can’t see them.
  • A nuclear power plant is constructed in the center of a large desert. Unfortunately, the radiation has a strange effect on the surrounding wildlife. A nearby town is soon overrun with invisible coyotes.
  • A woman is involved in a car accident with a truck carrying a shipment of toxic waste. As she staggers out of her car, she is shocked to discover that she is completely invisible. Stunned, she wonders if she will be fired from her job. How can an invisible woman make a living as a stripper?
  • An industrial accident gives a newlywed couple strange powers and unhealthy paranoia. The telepathic husband and the invisible wife both begin to wonder if their partner is spying on them.

Shape shifting – New Year, New Me

  • A movie special effects expert designs a shape shifting mask that lets her disguise herself as anyone she desires. She soon moves beyond the movies, using her new talent to bank managers, jewelry store employees, anyone with access to valuables. Escaping from her latest robbery, she sees her own face in a crowd. Someone is following her, someone with a copy of her mask.
  • A shape shifter works in Hollywood, impersonating A-list actors and taking on roles the real stars would have rejected. A group of celebrities hire a private detective to hunt down the shape shifter and stop him from ruining their reputations.
  • A woman with the gift of shape shifting is kidnapped by a lonely man. He forces her to become all of the women he has ever desired.
  • A shape-changing serial killer takes on the appearance of his victims.
  • A young woman struggles to discover why she wakes up every morning as a different person.
  • A man has the ability to change other people’s bodies into whatever form he desires. He uses the ability to attack his enemies, play practical jokes on his friends, and to dramatically change his girlfriend.
  • A shape shifting man suffers a head injury and loses his memory. Not only has he forgotten his former life, he can’t even remember his real, original face.
  • A man is visited by a door-to-door salesman who sells him a strange animal that takes on the shape of its owner.
  • A billionaire gets married to his high school sweetheart, and signs a prenuptial agreement stating that, if he cheats on his new wife, she can divorce him and take everything he has. His wife hires a shape shifter to do everything she can to get her husband into bed, like impersonating his ex-girlfriends, and famous actresses and supermodels.
  • A college student discovers that his girlfriend can change shapes. When he greedily demands that she become every woman he’s ever desired, she begins to wonder if he’ll ever let her be herself again…
  • The day after the election, dozens of shape-shifting spies all claim to be the new President of the United States.

Super Powerful

Superhuman strength – who needs the gym.

  • A scientist is hired to develop a strength-enhancing drug for the military. After years of experimentation, his drug is only effective for one hour, not nearly long enough for the heat of battle. His funding is cut off. In a rage, he swallows all of the remaining strength pills, transforming into a hideous, musclebound monster.
  • Aliens give a boxer superhuman strength in the middle of a match. He accidentally kills his opponent. When he realizes how strong he has become, he decides he can no longer fight safely. In fact, until he learns to master his strength, doing just about anything is dangerous.
  • In the middle of a zombie apocalypse , while looking for a cure for the zombie virus, a scientist stumbles upon a formula that gives him superhuman strength. He can fend off entire armies of zombies, throwing cars and knocking over buildings. When someone steals his formula and gives it to the undead, he realizes he is in for the fight of his life.
  • A professional football player with superhuman strength must hide his powers or be banned from the sport for life. He is at the scene of an automobile accident and sees a woman trapped in a burning car. Helping her will risk exposing his secret, but he can’t just let her die.

Strange Abilities – Odd And Odder

  • A casino manager discovers a gambler with the worst luck he’s ever seen. The gambler’s bad luck appears to infect others, temporarily giving them bad luck as well. The casino manager hires the gambler to visit competing casinos and give the players bad luck.
  • A volunteer at a magic show peeks behind the curtain during the magician’s big escape routine. He sees the magician’s body turn into a cloud of smoke and float free from his restraints. That night, the magician floats into the volunteer’s bedroom, determined to protect his secret.
  • The police catch a dangerous serial killer, knocking him unconscious and locking him in a jail cell. There’s just one problem: he can turn his body into smoke, easily escaping any cell that isn’t airtight. They guard him with guns drawn, waiting for him to wake up.
  • I always wanted to be a super hero. I even have a power – I can hear what trees are thinking. Most of the time, it’s pretty boring. Okay, nearly all the time. They’re thinking about how sunny it is or how they wish it would rain or that their favorite squirrel is back again. Pretty useless stuff, really. Until one day, I heard a tree think, “He buried her beneath me. This isn’t a graveyard. Why would he bury her here? And in the middle of the night?”
  • A gambler with chronic bad luck discovers that she can temporarily transfer her bad luck to other people. She can curse other gamblers to lose poker games or curse a jockey to lose a horse race. A spy for a foreign power approaches her and offers her a vast sum of money to continually curse the president with bad luck.
  • A super villain is cursed by the Grim Reaper to be unable to kill. No matter what he does to his enemies – stab them, shoot them, decapitate them – they just don’t die. The villain’s nemesis, the local super hero, thinks he has suddenly become immortal.
  • An astronaut goes on her first space mission, spending several weeks on the International Space Station. While she is in space, news outlets all over the Earth report people with strange powers doing impossible things. When the astronaut returns to Earth, the reports stop. She begins to suspect that she has the ability to nullify super powers, and that she is powerful enough to affect everyone on the entire planet.
  • A lab accident gives a janitor the ability to heal people of any injury or illness. He searches for a way to use his power while keeping it a secret.
  • When a child develops the ability to control the weather, she decides to make each day a snow day so she never has to go to school. Her parents and teachers try to convince her to stop the snow, but she refuses to listen. A mob of angry farmers threatens to burn down the family’s house if the weather doesn’t change. The child fights back with lightning.
  • An orphan child is born with the ability to control the weather. He agrees to send rain to needy farmers, stop tornadoes and hurricanes, and prevent floods, as long as adults follow his every whim. At first, he demands little more than toys and playmates, but as he grows older, his demands become more and more extreme.
  • Professional wrestling gets a lot more exciting with the introduction of genetically engineered super powers. A powerless wrestler sets out to prove that he can still compete, even when his opponents have laser eyes and ice breath.

Superheroes and Villains – When Novels Get Graphic

  • A man purchases a long, hooded coat at a police auction. That night, he is amazed to see his closet door open and the coat float out into the hall. The coat opens the front door and floats outside. He follows it for a few blocks. A scream comes from an alley. A woman being mugged. The coat jets down the alley and grabs the mugger, pounding him with invisible fists. Whoever owned this coat before must have been some kind of vigilante. What happens if he wants it back?
  • Jake East, also known as Solar Man, is sitting in a diner, enjoying breakfast, when his skin starts glowing. Before he can stop it, he’s shining as bright as the sun. How are you supposed to keep your secret identity a secret when you keep losing control of your powers?
  • A crime boss starts an underground fighting ring for super villains. Any super villain who enters the competition can win money to finance their evil schemes and enhance their reputation by beating up their rivals.
  • A young boy discovers he is completely indestructible. He is kidnapped by a super villain who uses him as a literal human shield.
  • A woman is struck with a strange energy beam, giving her the ability to transform into water. She terrorizes small towns, threatening them with flooding unless they pay her large sums of cash. A group of towns pool their money to hire an assassin to take her out.
  • A small town’s first responders struggle to deal with amateur super heroes who are constantly getting involved in dangerous situations and getting in the way of the professionals. They turn to a big city super villain for help at getting rid of these trouble-making would-be heroes.
  • A super hero is invulnerable thanks to his ability to generate an impenetrable force field around his body. Unfortunately for him, not even air can penetrate the force field, so he runs out of oxygen if he uses it for more than ten minutes at a time.
  • A super hero decides that, if he cannot kill an immortal super villain, he will simply throw the villain into space. Thousands of years later, the now completely insane villain crashes into an alien planet .
  • A man with an unusual ability becomes a super hero. He isn’t super-strong or super-fast. Instead, he has the ability to sap the intelligence of everyone around him. As soon as he enters a crime scene, the criminals become too stupid to do their jobs. He has a great life, until a head injury results in his power being on all the time. He can’t be around his girlfriend, his family, or his coworkers without them getting stupefied.
  • A would-be super hero designs an indestructible mech suit. Unfortunately, the only source of energy strong enough to power it is a bolt of lightning. He can only fight crime during stormy weather.
  • Super heroes are constantly at risk of their DNA being stolen to create clones or copy their powers. A scientist comes up with a way to “encrypt” DNA so that it is unusable in genetic experiments. The heroes wonder if they can really trust him or if this is a scam to collect the DNA of every hero on Earth.
  • A super hero is hired to pose as a super villain and commit acts of terrorism. He is told the acts will convince Congress to increase the Department of Super Humans’ budget, which will in turn help them fight real enemies. He wants to reveal the plan to the public, but if he does, the Department will send supers to kill him.
  • An immortal, indestructible super hero has grown tired of life. He begins picking fights with every hero and villain on Earth, hoping one will be able to kill him.
  • A cyborg superhero is placed in suspended animation for a long space journey. When she is awakened, she discovers that her technology is now laughably outdated. How can she continue to be a superhero when she’s obsolete?
  • A super villain develops a portable black hole that sucks up everything within a hundred feet and teleports it to his secret lair. He sneaks it inside jewelry stores, bank vaults, and museums, stealing everything in an instant. The black hole soon grows out of control and threatens to destroy the entire city – and his apartment.
  • An asteroid the size of Chicago is headed to Earth. The call goes out for a super hero to save the planet. Unfortunately, the most powerful heroes are all on the other side of the solar system, fending off an alien invasion. The only hero left to answer the call is Commander Cape, who has a very fashionable costume but no actual powers. He was only added to the emergency list in a clerical error. Commander Cape promises the president that he will save the world… somehow.
  • The Pink Bolt is the world’s fastest super hero. She races around the city fighting crime, virtually unstoppable, until she runs into a new villain: Oil Slick.
  • A super hero fights crime from the comfort of his office chair using a swarm of micro drones. A new criminal comes to town who can fly faster than any drone using a high-tech jet pack. The super hero realizes he may have to stop hiding behind a computer screen and fight this new enemy in person.
  • A man develops the ability to give super powers to others, but only for a short time. He sets up shop at the edge of town, charging visitors large sums of cash for an hour’s worth of super strength, flight, invisibility, and other powers. His repeat customers become super heroes and villains. They agree to treat the shop as neutral ground, never interfering with someone while they’re being “recharged”.
  • A fifty-foot lizard emerges from the sea to threaten a coastal town. The town calls upon the local super hero, Captain Hockey, begging him to save them. Unfortunately, Captain Hockey has no powers. He’s just a guy who hits criminals with a hockey stick.
  • A college student’s father passes away. In his will, he reveals that he was Mr. Metallic, the armored super hero. He leaves his armor to his son. The son puts on the armor and discovers that it is haunted by his late father’s ghost. The son wants to sell the armor to the military, but his father’s ghost is determined to keep being a hero.
  • Mr. Metallic, the armored super hero, designs a new suit of armor powered by energy from another dimension. It’s his most powerful armor yet, and enables him to battle the forces of evil like never before. Soon, however, the residents of the energy dimension discover the source of the power drain. They head to our world to put a stop to it.
  • Mr. Metallic, the armored super hero, lets the world think he is a high tech robot . While most heroes have legions of obsessed groupies, people leave him alone. An android sees Mr. Metallic on rescuing children from a fire on television and falls in love. She decides to make him love her, even if she has to destroy him to do it.
  • A super hero with control over cold freezes his enemies solid and leaves them in an icy prison. After forty years, he begins losing his powers. His enemies thaw out. After learning how long they’ve been frozen, they hatch a plan for revenge.
  • A super hero who can create darkness loses control over his powers. He is constantly surrounded with a three-mile sphere of darkness. To avoid disrupting other people’s lives, he is forced to buy an old farm house in the middle of nowhere. He wonders if he will ever be a hero again.
  • A super hero with control over earth and stone is kidnapped by mole people and taken to their subterranean world. They demand that he help them in their war against the lava men. If he refuses, they will dig under the city until it collapses into a gigantic sinkhole.
  • A young boy finds a secret passage in his babysitter’s house that leads to her super hero hideout. The boy promises to never reveal her secret identity, if she takes him out crime fighting as her sidekick.

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Stray Mum

Superhero Writing Prompts

Superhero Writing prompts with a drawing of a superhero

Harness your inner hero with these captivating superhero writing prompts! Dive into the world of heroes and villains as we explore the power of creativity and imagination. Get ready to embark on thrilling adventures and discover your own heroic journey through the art of writing.

Superhero Writing Prompts for Younger Children

  • Superhero Self: If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be? Describe how you would use it to help others.
  • Superhero Adventure: Imagine you have just discovered a magical cape that gives you superpowers. Write about your first adventure as a superhero.
  • Superhero Sidekick: Create a sidekick for your superhero. What special abilities does your sidekick have, and how do they assist you in your heroic missions?
  • Superhero Rescue: Write a story about a time when you saved the day as a superhero. Who did you rescue, and how did you use your powers to help them?
  • Superhero Secret Base: Describe your superhero’s secret hideout. What gadgets and equipment do you have to help you fight crime?
  • Superhero Pet: If your pet had superpowers, what would they be? Write a story about your pet using their powers to help you on your superhero missions.

The Origin Story Superhero Writing Prompts

  • Discovery of Powers: Describe the moment your superhero first discovers their extraordinary abilities. How do they react to this newfound power?
  • Unveiling Powers Amidst Chaos:   Describe a chaotic event in your superhero’s life where their powers unexpectedly manifest. How do they grapple with their newfound abilities amidst the turmoil? Explore the emotions of confusion, fear, and excitement as they come to terms with their extraordinary nature. Delve into the immediate consequences of their powers being revealed to themselves and others, and how this event shapes their journey towards heroism.
  • Overcoming Challenges: Detail the challenges your superhero faces in mastering their powers. How do they persevere through obstacles and emerge stronger?
  • Mentor or Guide: Introduce a mentor or guide who assists your superhero in understanding and controlling their abilities. How does this relationship shape their journey?
  • The Catalyst of Tragedy:   Craft a poignant backstory for your superhero, focusing on a tragic event that serves as the catalyst for their journey into heroism. Dive deep into the emotional turmoil your character experiences as they confront loss, grief, or injustice. Explore how this pivotal moment ignites a sense of purpose within them, compelling them to use their powers for the greater good. Detail the inner conflict and transformation as they navigate the aftermath of tragedy and emerge as a beacon of hope in a dark world.
  • Turning Point: Describe the pivotal moment that propels your superhero towards their destiny as a protector of the innocent. What choices do they make that define their path?
  • Acceptance of Responsibility: Explore the moment when your superhero fully embraces their role as a defender of justice. How do they reconcile their newfound responsibilities with their ordinary life?
  • Trials and Triumphs in Mastery:  Take your superhero on a journey of self-discovery and growth as they face trials in mastering their powers. Detail the challenges they encounter, whether it’s grappling with the limitations of their abilities, facing off against formidable adversaries, or struggling with self-doubt and insecurity. Explore the process of training, learning, and experimentation as they push themselves to unlock their full potential. Highlight moments of triumph and setbacks, showing the resilience and determination that ultimately leads to their emergence as a formidable force for good.

The Superhero’s Alter Ego Prompts

  • Dual Identity Struggles:   Explore the internal conflict your superhero faces in balancing their heroic persona with their civilian life. How do they grapple with the pressure of maintaining secrecy while fulfilling their responsibilities as a regular person? Delve into the emotional toll of leading a double life and the challenges of keeping their true identity hidden from friends and family.
  • The Perils of Discovery:  Craft a scenario where your superhero’s secret identity is almost revealed. What tense moments ensue as they scramble to protect their anonymity and prevent their two worlds from colliding?
  • The Mask of Normalcy:   Describe how your superhero conceals their true identity through clever disguises and subterfuge. What measures do they take to blend into society and avoid suspicion? Explore the intricate details of their alter ego’s appearance, personality, and daily routines as they navigate the complexities of deception.
  • Family and Friends in the Dark:   Explore the dynamics between your superhero and their closest confidants who remain unaware of their dual identity. How do they maintain their relationships while keeping their superheroic activities hidden? Delve into the tension and secrecy surrounding these interactions, and the potential consequences of their loved ones discovering the truth.
  • The Mentor’s Guidance:   Introduce a mentor or guide who aids your superhero in navigating the complexities of their dual identity. How does this mentor impart wisdom and support as they grapple with the challenges of heroism and secrecy? Explore the mentor-mentee relationship and its impact on your superhero’s growth and development.
  • The Masquerade Unveiled:  Craft a scenario where your superhero’s alter ego is inadvertently revealed to the public. How do they cope with the sudden exposure and the ensuing chaos? Explore the repercussions of this revelation on their personal and professional life, as well as their ongoing struggle to reclaim their privacy and maintain their sense of self.
  • Embracing the Dual Identity:   Detail the journey of acceptance and empowerment as your superhero fully embraces their dual identity. How do they integrate their heroic persona with their everyday life, finding balance and purpose in both worlds? Explore the evolution of their character as they embrace their true self and strive to make a difference, both as a superhero and as an ordinary individual.

The Supervillain Showdown Prompts

  • The Clash of Titans:   Set the stage for an epic confrontation between your superhero and their arch-nemesis. Describe the high-stakes battle as they clash in a showdown of power and wills.
  • The Cat-and-Mouse Game:  Craft a thrilling narrative of pursuit and evasion as your superhero tracks down the elusive supervillain. How does the villain elude capture, leaving behind a trail of chaos and confusion?
  • The Hero’s Moral Dilemma:   Challenge your superhero’s convictions and principles as they confront the supervillain’s malevolent intentions. How do they grapple with the ethical complexities of justice, mercy, and the greater good?
  • The Ultimate Showdown:   Craft a climactic battle scene between your superhero and the supervillain, culminating in a final showdown of epic proportions. How do they utilise their powers, skills, and wit to outmanoeuvre each other in a battle for the fate of the city?
  • The Hero’s Sacrifice:  Craft a narrative where your superhero must make a difficult sacrifice to stop the supervillain’s evil plot. Explain what personal stakes are they willing to risk in order to protect the innocent and uphold justice?

The Superhero Team Prompts

  • Assembly of Heroes:  Introduce a diverse cast of characters comprising your superhero team, each with their own unique powers and personalities. How do they come together, drawn by a common purpose or shared mission to protect the city from threats?
  • Team Dynamics and Conflict:  Explore the dynamics within the superhero team, including rivalries, friendships, and conflicts. How do the different personalities and abilities of team members shape their interactions and collaborative efforts?
  • Training and Team Building:  Detail the team’s training regimen and efforts to hone their skills and synchronise their abilities. How do they overcome initial differences and learn to trust and rely on each other in battle?
  • The Unbreakable Bond:  Explore the strong bonds of camaraderie and loyalty that develop among team members as they face adversity together. How do they support and uplift each other in times of crisis, forging a powerful alliance against evil?
  • Mission Impossible:   Describe a high-stakes mission where the superhero team must work together to overcome seemingly insurmountable odds. What challenges do they face, and how do they leverage their collective strengths to achieve victory?
  • Legacy of Heroes:   Explore the legacy of the superhero team and the impact of their heroic deeds on future generations. How do they inspire hope and courage in the hearts of ordinary citizens, leaving behind a legacy of heroism and sacrifice?

As we reach the end of our journey through the world of superhero writing prompts, it’s clear that the allure of heroes and villains knows no bounds. From crafting captivating origin stories to envisioning epic showdowns and dynamic team dynamics, the possibilities for creative expression are endless. By embracing these prompts, writers of all ages can unleash their imagination, hone their storytelling skills, and embark on thrilling adventures limited only by the bounds of their creativity. So, pick up your pen, summon your inner hero, and let your imagination soar as you embark on your own heroic journey through the power of writing.

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Writing Prompts. You're a writer and you just want to flex those muscles? You've come to the right place! If you see a prompt you like, simply write a short story based on it. Get comments from others, and leave commentary for other people's works. Let's help each other.

[WP] You're a superhero with powers that can be described as average at best, but you keep getting assigned to planetary level threats. You're not sure how you're still alive, but you've begun to develop a reputation in the superhero community

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10 Writing Prompt Generators for Superhero, Fantasy, Character Design and More


Writing can be a great outlet for creativity and self-expression. However, it can also be a challenge to get started. Fortunately, there are writing prompt generators available to help inspire your creative writing. Writing prompt generators can be used to come up with ideas for stories, characters, settings, and more. This article will provide an overview of 10 writing prompt generators for superhero, fantasy, character design, and other types of writing.

Superhero Prompt Generator

The superhero prompt generator is a great resource for writers looking for ideas for their superhero stories. This generator provides a variety of prompts, including descriptions of superpowers, character traits, and settings. The generator also allows users to customize the prompts by selecting different themes, such as sci-fi, crime, or horror.

Midjourney Prompt Generator

The midjourney prompt generator is an online tool that provides writers with ideas for their stories. The generator offers a range of prompts, including character backgrounds, plot ideas, and settings. The generator also allows you to customize your prompts by selecting a genre, such as fantasy, horror, or romance.

Superhero Idea Generator

The superhero idea generator is an online tool that provides writers with creative ideas for their superhero stories. This generator provides prompts for character descriptions, superpowers, and settings. The generator also allows you to customize your prompts by selecting a theme, such as sci-fi, horror, or mystery.

Story Prompt Generator

The story prompt generator is a great resource for writers looking for ideas for their stories. This generator provides a variety of prompts, including plot ideas, settings, and character descriptions. The generator also allows users to customize the prompts by selecting different genres, such as fantasy, horror, or romance.

Superhero Story Generator

The superhero story generator is an online tool that provides writers with creative ideas for their superhero stories. This generator provides prompts for character descriptions, superpowers, and settings. The generator also allows you to customize your prompts by selecting a theme, such as sci-fi, horror, or mystery.

Fantasy Writing Prompt Generator

The fantasy writing prompt generator is a great resource for writers looking for ideas for their fantasy stories. This generator provides a variety of prompts, including descriptions of mythical creatures, magical settings, and character traits. The generator also allows users to customize the prompts by selecting different genres, such as high fantasy, horror, or romance.

Character Design Prompt Generator

The character design prompt generator is an online tool that provides writers with creative ideas for their character designs. This generator provides prompts for character descriptions, superpowers, and settings. The generator also allows you to customize your prompts by selecting a theme, such as sci-fi, horror, or fantasy.

Writing Prompt Generator

The writing prompt generator is a great resource for writers looking for ideas for their stories. This generator provides a variety of prompts, including plot ideas, settings, and character descriptions. The generator also allows users to customize the prompts by selecting different genres, such as fantasy, horror, or romance.

Friend Prompt Generator

The friend prompt generator is an online tool that provides writers with creative ideas for their stories. This generator provides prompts for character descriptions, relationships, and settings. The generator also allows you to customize your prompts by selecting a theme, such as comedy, drama, or romance.

Scary Story Prompt Generator

The scary story prompt generator is a great resource for writers looking for ideas for their horror stories. This generator provides a variety of prompts, including descriptions of monsters, settings, and character traits. The generator also allows users to customize the prompts by selecting different themes, such as supernatural, crime, or apocalypse.

Writing prompt generators can be a great resource for writers looking for inspiration. This article has provided an overview of 10 writing prompt generators for superhero, fantasy, character design, and other types of writing. Whether you’re looking for ideas for your superhero story, fantasy world, or horror plot, these generators can help you get started.

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Grade 5 Creative Writing Prompt “Superhero” with sample answers

These Grade 5 Grammar and Creative Writing Worksheets are for understanding and practice purpose.

Writing prompts may instruct you to write about fiction or nonfiction. If the prompt does not specify, feel free to make up a story or draw from personal experience. In this prompt, please write about a made up story.

Take a look at the two sample answers provided in response to the given writing prompt. Sample answer number one is a story about a superhero named Zack who can shape shift into anything he wants. There is a little girl stuck in a basement, and Zack uses his superpowers to get to her.

In sample answer number two, the story is about super lady who has the power to control things with her mind. When a family drives the car off a bridge into a river, super lady uses her powers to save them.

Sample Answer #1

One day, Zack, a superhero, was flying through the forest as a bird after a big storm. He wanted to make sure no one was stuck out here. After a few minutes of flying, he spotted a house with trees fallen all around it. He carefully landed outside of the house and shape shifted back into his human form. Then, he heard a faint cry. He followed the noise to a window that looked into the basement. He looked in the window and saw a small girl crying in the corner. The window was mostly covered by trees. Zack looked for the door but it was smashed in by trees, and he wasn’t strong enough to move them. He was walking around the house when something caught his eye. It was a hole leading into the house small enough for a mouse. Zack quickly shape shifted into a tiny mouse and crawled through the hole. Once he was inside, he shape shifted back into his human form and helped the little girl get upstairs and safely out of the house.  
Example story #1

Question 1) In your story, what powers does your superhero have?
Answer: My superhero, Zack, has the powers to shape shift into anything.

Question 2) In your story, what adventure does your superhero go on?
Answer: Zack is flying through the forest as a bird when he finds a little girl who needs rescuing.

Question 3) In your story, who does your superhero save?
Answer: Zack saves a little girl trapped in a basement.

Question 4) In your story, how does your superhero save the person?
Answer: Zack saves the little girl by shape shifting into a mouse so he can get to the little girl and help her out of the house.

Question 5) If you could be a superhero, what power(s) would you have?
Answer: If I could be a superhero, then I would have flying powers.

Question 6) Who is your favorite superhero (from a movie, comic, etc.) and why?
Answer: My favorite superhero is Superman because he can fly.

Sample Answer #2

Elsa, an ordinary girl to most, is secretly a superhero. She is known as super lady. She has the superpower to control things with her mind. She even has a special suit she wears when she is saving people. One day, she was going on a walk through the park when she came to a bridge. She walked down the side while cars drive by her. Suddenly, a car tire blew and the car swerved causing another car to also swerve. Unfortunately, the car drove right into the side of the bridge and crashed right through it. Super lady watched as the car fell over the side of the bridge toward the river below. After a second, a loud splash sounded as the car hit the water. Super lady noticed a family stuck inside the car panicking inside. Using her mind control powers, super lady brought the car out of the water and safely back onto the road of the bridge. Once the car was back on the road, she ran to it to make sure the family inside was safe. Thankfully, they were all okay, and they thanked super lady for saving them all.
Example story #2

Question 1) In your story, what powers does your superhero have?
Answer: Super lady has the powers to control things with her mind.

Question 2) In your story, what adventure does your superhero go on?
Answer: Elsa was walking through the park when her superhero alias, super lady, was needed.

Question 3) In your story, who does your superhero save?
Answer: Super lady saved a family from a drowning car.

Question 4) In your story, how does your superhero save the person?
Answer: Super lady uses her power to control things to control the car and bring it out of the river and back safely to the road.

Question 5) If you could be a superhero, what power(s) would you have?
Answer: If I could be a superhero, then I would have super strength.

Question 6) Who is your favorite superhero (from a movie, comic, etc.) and why?
Answer: My favorite superhero is the Hulk because he is super strong.

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