1. Jeff Baxter Quote: “The American experiment has come and gone. Whatever

    american experiment quote

  2. Jeff Baxter Quote: “The American experiment has come and gone. Whatever

    american experiment quote

  3. Dennis Prager Quote: “The whole American experiment has been predicated

    american experiment quote

  4. Jeff Baxter Quote: “The American experiment has come and gone. Whatever

    american experiment quote

  5. Jeff Baxter Quote: “The American experiment has come and gone. Whatever

    american experiment quote

  6. The American experiment has come and gone. Whatever freedoms the peopl

    american experiment quote


  1. The American experiment

    The American experiment was unique and improbable in 1776, when Thomas Jefferson penned the Declaration of Independence and the American colonies defied Britain, the most powerful nation on earth ...

  2. From George Washington to Catharine Sawbridge Macaulay Graham

    The establishment of our new Government seemed to be the last great experiment, for promoting human happiness, by reasonable compact, in civil Society. It was to be, in the first instance, in a considerable degree, a government of accomodation as well as a government of Laws. Much was to be done by prudence, much by conciliation, much by firmness.

  3. The Great Experiment: George Washington and the American Republic

    September 16, 1999 through January 9, 2000. Selected images ». "The establishment of our new Government seemed to be the last great experiment for promoting human happiness." George Washington, January 9, 1790. "First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen," remarked Henry Lee in his famous funeral oration for George ...

  4. Why Franklin, Washington and Lincoln considered American democracy an

    From the time of the founding era to the present day, one of the more common things said about American democracy is that it is an "experiment.". Most people can readily intuit what the term ...

  5. Alexander Hamilton: America as "Grand Experiment"

    Ari writes: >The so-called Grand Experiment is a big lie. « The Edge of the American West: Or so it seems. No, I'm not talking about Joe Paterno again [spits]. I'm talking about the description of the United States as a Grand Experiment in democracy or sometimes as a lower-case grand experiment in democracy. I always assumed that one of the founders* said that, that it was a quote in ...

  6. The Great American Experiment

    During the 18th century, the experiment deepened, as Americans began to speculate that they could form the first democratic nation in modern times. Intense experimentation went on from the 1760s to 1787, as Americans adapted and invented forms of government fit for the scope of their needs, the gaping hole of their inexperience, and the high ...

  7. Spurious Quotations

    Spurious Quotations. The following is a list of quotations misattributed to George Washington that have been sent to the Mount Vernon library in recent years. This list will continue to grow as research staff at Mount Vernon become aware of other misattributed or false statements that have been cited as belonging to Washington.

  8. The American Experiment

    The American Experiment. The social, and especially the political institutions of the United States, have, for the whole of the current century, been the subject in Europe, not merely of curious speculation, but of the deepest interest. We have been regarded as engaged in trying a great experiment, involving not merely the future fate and ...

  9. America's Republic: How the Great Experiment Came About (and How We

    The Seven Years' War, known also as the French and Indian War, came to an end in 1763 with the defeat of the French and their expulsion from most of North America. Americans paid a heavy price in lives and treasure but Britain insisted after the war that the colonies pay more of Britain's share of the conflict.

  10. The American Experiment

    Table of Contents November 15, 2022 — THE LEGACY PAPERS, No. 3 - The Era of Reunification and Progressivism (1865-1932) September 30, 2022 — The Summer of Hamilton - Hamilton: An American Musical and the American Experiment April 4, 2022 — THE LEGACY PAPERS, No. 2 - The Crisis of Slavery and Civil War (1854-1865) January 1, 2022 — THE LEGACY PAPERS, No. 1 - The Era of Securing ...

  11. Will The Great American Experiment Succeed?

    Toynbee observed that 19 of the world's 21 significant civilizations disappeared from the face of the earth - not from assault by outside forces, but from deterioration within the society. Many would contend that America has departed from the intentions of its Founders in a number of significant ways.

  12. Which edition of de Tocqueville contains the phrase "The great experiment"?

    The line "The great experiment" has become famous for being used by Tocqueville for describing the birth of modern democracy in America. It is supposed to be in the last paragraph of the first chapter of his book Democracy in America. However, French versions do not have this line and modern American versions do not have it as well.

  13. What the American Experiment means to me

    This is a long answer to a short question, but they are long drives. Put more succinctly, the American Experiment is, to me, about liberty: the liberty to live your life as you see fit and to pursue happiness in your own way, as long as it doesn't impede anyone else's pursuit. The flipside of this is responsibility, which can be scary.

  14. Welcome Remarks for the American Experiment: Dialogues on a Dream

    The American Experiment is the third work in a trilogy that includes How to Lead and The American Story. It is based on conversations with some of our nation's greatest minds—Pulitzer Prize-winning historians, diplomats, music legends, sports giants—and looks into the inspiring story of America as a grand experiment in democracy ...

  15. The "great" and "entrusted" American ...

    And then just the other day, I realized it was close to Presidents Day, a good reason for honoring George Washington, who wrote: "The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty . . . is finally staked, on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American People.". As well as honoring Abraham Lincoln who said: "We made the experiment ...

  16. [The American Experiment]

    David Rubenstein discussed the evolving American experiment in democracy, culture, innovation and more through a collection of interviews with historians and cultural figures. The Ronald Reagan ...

  17. Is America an Experiment?

    As an experiment. This sense of America as an experiment was also well expressed by Ralph Waldo Emerson, in his famous address on "The American Scholar" in 1837, when he complained that "we have listened too long to the courtly muses of Europe.". By speaking of "courtly" muses, Emerson wished to remind his listeners of the fiercely ...


    It is two centuries now since the American people commenced what even they appear to have understood as an experiment in liberty. In his essay in this volume, Martin Diamond, following the lead of Leo Strauss, observes that the men of the Declaration of Independence and of the Constitution were pursuing, were implementing what Hamilton called ...

  19. The American Experiment Launched by Jefferson Goes On, Says Justice

    "Many of the ideals that Jefferson espoused remain central to the American experiment and remain at the heart of UVA, including the idea of citizen leadership and public service," Ryan said. "Today, we honor Justice Breyer, a lifelong leader and a public servant whose devotion to upholding the values set forth in our Constitution has ...

  20. The Great Experiment: George Washington and the American Republic

    The Great Experiment was a 1,000-square-foot 30-panel traveling exhibition. The exhibition visited 40 libraries in the U.S. between September 2000 and October 2003. The Great Experiment was produced by the American Library Association (ALA) Public Programs Office in collaboration with. The Huntington Library of San Marino, Calif. and the.

  21. The American Experiment

    The American Experiment: A History of the United States, written by Steven M. Gillon and Cathy D. Matson, is an advanced American high school history textbook often used for AP United States History courses, and a university undergraduate level textbook. The book, first published in 2002, is in its third edition. [1]

  22. The American Experiment

    The American Experiment. 296 Views Program ID: 531011-1 Category: Public Affairs Event Format: Forum Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States First Aired: Mar 02, 2024 | 5:34pm EST | C-SPAN 2

  23. Experiments Prepare to Test Whether Consciousness ...

    The final experiment, which at this stage is still a purely conceptual one, aims to enhance consciousness by coupling engineered quantum states to a human brain in an entangled manner.

  24. Who Is Raygun? Olympic Breakdancer's Memes and Controversy, Explained

    Rachael Gunn, known as "Raygun," is an Australian B-girl (break-girl) who competed at the Olympics. She lost three battles in the round-robin part of the competition, but her moves went viral ...