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IB English A (Lang & Lit) HL Essay IA examples

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All English A (Lang & Lit) HL Essay IA Examples

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identity and enforce their transformation in carol ann duffy’s the world’s wife, line of inquiry: how does the representation of women in liza donnelly’s cartoons convey harmful societal norms and expectations as a barrier to women’s empowerment in different levels of society, how does dangarembga’s use of characterisation for tambudzai and nyasha portray hybrid identities as a result of assimilating into a dominant culture in nervous conditions, how do the comedic devices come out as an expression of jo koy’s cultural identity in his netflix special 'live from seattle', how does maya angelou, in her collected poems, celebrate the resilience of women through her perspective as an african-american poet, how does social stratification affect the morality or the moral standards of the great gatsby in the given social context, how rishi sunak's speech net zero reflects a shift in political strategy towards addressing climate change, and how this impacts youth perception and support for increased governmental action, to what extent does jane austen in her novel pride & prejudice use characterization to emphasise the traditional family & marriage model of the early 19th century, how does marjane satrapi use the plot of her graphic novel persepolis to illustrate the effect of fear on a child’s personal development during wartime, how and to what end are stylistic devices utilised in portrayal of masculinity in the late 20th century marlboro advertisements, how does nawal el saadawi represent the impact of religion and culture through symbolic features in the novel, woman at point zero, how does virginia woolf portray women's struggles in the early 20th century through literary techniques and narrative style in “a room of one's own”, how does akhtar represent amir’s internal conflict with his islamic cultural identity in “disgraced”, and to what effect, in what ways and to what effect does marjane satrapi illustrate the struggle for identity formation in persepolis: a story of a childhood, through the use of emilia’s character in othello, how does shakespeare reflect the realities of women in the elizabethan era to provide historical commentary, how does natalie diaz explore the marginalisation of native american people and how it affects their relationship with their identity in her poetry, how does kazuo ishiguro employ a first person point of view to explore the ways stevens’ sense of duty and loyalty shape his identity in the novel the remains of the day, how does michelle obama’s use of transformative narratives in her speeches inspire and empower audience to affect personal and societal change, how does banksy utilize visual and textual elements in his artworks in order to transform the publics opinion on capitalisms prominence in modern-day society, how and why is the notion of corruption in colonial algerian society in the 1940s presented as the result of the rejection of that which is different from the common standard in the stranger, how 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IB English HLE Explained

Free introductory guide to IB English Higher Level Essay (HLE) by IB44 and IB45 graduates Lareina Shen and Saesha Grover.

In this guide, LitLearn students (and 2022 IB grads!)  Lareina Shen and Saesha Grover share their wisdom on how to conquer the IB English Higher Level Essay (HLE).

Lareina achieved an IB44, and Saesha achieved an IB45 as well as the coveted IB7 in IB English Literature HL, so you are in safe hands.

Meet your instructor Jackson Huang, Founder of LitLearn. His mission is to make IB English as pain-free as possible with fun, practical lessons. Jackson scored an IB45 and was accepted to Harvard, Amherst, Williams Colleges, and full scholarships to University of Melbourne & Queensland.

Photo of LitLearn instructor Jackson Huang

What is IB English HLE?

The HL Essay (HLE) is a 1200-1500 word essay about a text studied in the IB English course. For Lang Lit, the work you choose to analyze can be literary or non-literary, but for IB English Literature the text must be literary.

The HLE will make up  25% of your final IB English HL grade , and it is graded externally. You must choose your own line of inquiry   (i.e. a question that you will answer in your HLE–more on this later).

How do I choose my text for HLE?

Do NOT choose the “easiest” text. Life is always better when you do things you're interested in, and that advice applies to the HLE, too. Choose the literary / non-literary work that interests  you the most, so that you can (semi?)-enjoy the HLE planning and writing process.

You could start by thinking of a theme that you find particularly interesting and determining which text studied in class demonstrates this theme well.

How do I choose my line of inquiry for HLE?

The line of inquiry is the core question that you will answer in your essay. A quick example might be:

"To what extent is masculinity undermined by the characterisation of Little Thomas?"

Now, it's your job to forge your destiny and come up with your own line of inquiry. But it's not a complete free-for all! There are rules. The main rule is that your line of inquiry must fall under one of the 7 main concepts of IB English (see below for a quick summary).

IdentityHow is the identity of a particular   or group of characters represented?
OR, how does the text relate to the identity of the  ?
CultureHow is the culture of a particular  represented?
OR, how does the text relate to a particular culture/cultural  ?
CreativityHow does the text represent a  /lack of creativity?
OR, how does the text reflect the  ?
CommunicationHow are /failures in communication conveyed?
OR, how does the text represent an act of communication?
TransformationHow is transformation represented?
OR, how is the text transformative to  to them, or to the reader in terms of transforming their  ?
PerspectiveHow is a certain perspective conveyed?
OR, how does the text represent the  ?
RepresentationHow are different  represented?
OR, in what way is  represented?

This summary is vague, so let's go in-depth on a couple of these concepts to really show you what you should be doing in the HLE.

Identity is what makes you, YOU. Here are some questions the concern your own personal identity:

  • What is your favourite colour? And why is it your favourite?
  • What makes you different from others? Why do you think these qualities came to be?
  • How would someone describe you in three words?

Now apply this same logic to characters within your text.

  • How would you describe this character in three words?
  • How do their actions within a text influence your view of their identity?
  • How has the author crafted this character to make you view the character in a certain way?

Let's take a look at a concrete example of how we might choose evidence and quotes for a HLE on cultural identity. This example is based on a Vietnamese work in translation “Ru” by author Kim Thúy. For context, “Ru” is an autobiographical fictional account which explores Kim Thúy's move from Vietnam to Canada as an immigrant and her consequent struggles. The structure of her novel is largely lyrical and poetic.

Let's look at a section from her novel that may help us come up with an essay idea based on the concept of Identity. When she returns to Vietnam, she attends a restaurant, however this becomes a major awakening for her in terms of how she views her own personal identity. Kim narrates within her novel:

The first time I carried a briefcase, the first time I went to a restaurant school for young adults in Hanoi, wearing heels and a straight skirt, the waiter for my table didn't understand why I was speaking Vietnamese with him. Page 77, Rú

This is a perfect quote for the Identity concept. Can you see why? Let's think through it together…

Why would the waiter be confused if Kim, a “briefcase”-carrying individual in “heels” and a “straight skirt”, was speaking Vietnamese with him?

What does being “Vietnamese” look like to the waiter? Why does Kim not conform to his expectation? Was it perhaps due to what she was wearing?

Now, if we look at the section which follows this in the novel, we are able to see the impact this had on the character of Kim's sense of identity.

the young waiter reminded me that I couldn't have everything, that I no longer had the right to declare I was Vietnamese because I no longer had their fragility, their uncertainty, their fears. And he was right to remind me. Page 77, Rú

Here, we can clearly see that this character is now questioning her Vietnamese cultural identity. This is just one example that demonstrates the concept of Identity.

Culture seems to be this confusing thing.  Does it have to do with religion? Race? Beliefs? What does it mean? Does the monster from Frankenstein fit into a certain culture?

The easiest way to put it is this:  Culture is the way someone lives. It is their “way of life.” Think of it as an umbrella term. “Culture” can include so many different things; the list just goes on, for example religion, values, customs, beliefs, cuisine, etc.

Now think, how would I form an essay from this concept?

  • When you read a text in class, you will notice that authors let you form an opinion on the culture of certain characters or groups within a text, but how is this done?
  • How does the author represent the culture of a certain community?
  • What types of patterns in daily routines are discussed?

It seems odd writing an essay about “creativity” because… like… how can anyone definitively say what ‘counts' as being creative–or not? When I say the word creativity , I think of new inventions, or maybe those weird and wacky art installations living inside those ‘modern art' museums. But hey, what's creative to me might not be creative to you!

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When formulating a HLE on the concept of creativity we have two main pointers for you. Look for:

  • Interesting + Unique techniques or literary devices used within a text by the author. You can learn more in the  Learn Analysis section of LitLearn.
  • Recurring stylistic choices by the author

Now, for this concept, let's look at how we might select supportive evidence and quotations for a HLE on creativity within the narrative style of author Mary Shelley in “Frankenstein”. The narrative style uses  epistolary narration . This is a narrative technique in which a story is told through letters. This was something that I found both interesting and recurring within Frankenstein, which I believe worked to create a personal touch within the novel.

Additionally, Mary Shelley allows different characters to narrate Frankenstein during different volumes. Let's investigate this! I have written out different character profiles of the narrators below:

thesis for hl essay

These 3 characters, each relate a part of the novel Frankenstein. This is an example of a creative authorial choice that allows us, as readers to explore different points of view within the text. This is just one example of a creative aspect of a text which you can analyze for your HLE.


Representation is all about how something is  portrayed, conveyed, shown, described, illustrated, depicted . There are many different things that can be ‘represented' within a text, and it doesn't have to be tangible.

For instance, you can look at how a belief, idea or attitude is depicted within a text through different characters or devices.

Again, let's explore a concrete example to make things clear: this time the graphic novel “Persepolis”. We'll consider an HLE on how a text  represents the  impact of political turmoil on society .

Chapter 10 of “Persepolis” highlights societal changes occurring due to the Iranian Revolution. The panels below list the authorial choices relevant to the negative representation of political change in a society. When looking at the techniques highlighted in the slides below, think about how you feel when you look at the panels below. Can you sense a more positive or negative feeling?

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Cool, but what do we do to turn all this into an actual HL essay? Here is a sample response. The introduction might begin like this:

In the captivating graphic novel “Persepolis,” the author Marjane Satrapi explores the social and political impacts of the Iranian revolution. In particular, Satrapi conveys a disapproving viewpoint on political turmoil within the text. Throughout the graphic novel, Satrapi carefully represents how social isolation, hypocrisy and confusion is experienced by a young girl living in Tehran, as a result of political turmoil.  Example HLE Introduction

Then, in a body paragraph, on one of the key ideas mentioned above, we could analyze the different literary techniques. For example, Panel 1 is a great representation of the experience of confusion in the midst of political turmoil:

Marji is the younger girl pictured in the panels above. While her parents appear quite concerned by the news on the TV, she appears to not be in full comprehension of the cause for their distress. This is demonstrated by the visual imagery and dialogue, in panel 7, for instance, if you observe the facial expressions by each of the characters. Example of analysis in body paragraph

This is just a short example from one particular text. To help you unpack any text, try look for the following when analyzing chapter to chapter:

  • What is the main idea of the chapter?
  • Why did the author write it? What purpose does it serve?
  • What do you believe is the overarching importance of the passage?

Brainstorming Tips

If you're having trouble picking your text and line of inquiry, then use this simple 20-minute process to brainstorm potential questions for your HLE:

  • For each text / non-literary work, go through each concept in the table below.
  • Write down a question for each of the two prompts for each category.
  • Repeat for all of your texts.
  • Pick the question-text combination that has the greatest potential for strong analysis.

How do I ensure my HLE question has a good scope?

Choosing a question with good scope is extremely   important, and it's one of the biggest challenges in the HLE. Here's why:

  • If your scope is too broad , you may have too much to write about in order to answer the question, and therefore you won't be able to write deep analysis (which is super important–more on this later…)
  • If your scope is too narrow , you may not have enough to write about and end up overanalyzing unnecessary and obscure details. Also something to avoid!

So, to help you get the balance just right , here are three examples of HLE questions, specifically for the concept of  Identity which we mentioned in the table above (by the way, the example is a made-up novel for illustration purposes).

  • Too broad: “How does Irene Majov in her novel  Deadly Men effectively make her narrator a powerful mouthpiece?”
  • Too narrow: “How does Irene Majov in her novel  Deadly Men effectively make her narrator a powerful mouthpiece for the concerns of Asian-Americans toward discrimination in the workforce in the 21st century?”
  • Just right: “How does Irene Majov in her novel  Deadly Men effectively make her narrator a powerful mouthpiece for the concerns of Asian-Americans in the 21st century?”

How to get a 7 on IB English HLE

There are many things that contribute to a 7 in your HLE and your IB English grade overall. But if we had to boil it down to one secret, one essential fact… then it'd have to be this: Get really good at analysis .

Analysis is the key to a 7 in IB English. It doesn't matter if it's Paper 1, Paper 2, HLE, IO… You must learn how to analyze quotes at a deep level, and structure your analysis in a way that flows and delights your teachers and examiners.

Start with the basics

Start with the basic foundations of analysis for free inside LitLearn's Learn Analysis course.

Our free and Pro resources have helped IB English students skyrocket their grade in weeks, days and even overnight...   Learn Analysis for IB English , the simplest guide to a 7 in IB English.

Basic Analysis

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Level up to Advanced Analysis

Since you're in HL, you'll also be needing Advanced Analysis skills if you want to impress your examiner. We've got all of that covered inside our Pro lessons.

Advanced Analysis

Finding Quotes

Also, you'll need to find good quotes for your text. Some good sources where you can find relevant quotes include  Goodreads , SparkNotes ,  LitCharts , and Cliffnotes . Of course, you could just find quotes yourself directly–this will ensure your quotes are unique.

Understanding the IB English HLE rubric

An essential step to getting a high mark on the HL Essay is understanding the rubric! It is SO important that you know what IB English examiners are looking for when grading your essay, as this helps you to shape the content of your essay to match (or even exceed) their expectations.

The IB English HL Essay is graded out of 20 marks . There are 4 criteria, each worth 5 marks.

Use the checklist below to make sure you're not making simple mistakes! Note that this is not the official marking criteria, and I strongly recommend that you reading the official rubric provided by your teacher.

Criterion A: Knowledge, understanding, and interpretation

  • Accurate summary of text in introduction
  • Focused and informative thesis statement
  • Effective and relevant quotes
  • Relevant and effective summary and ending statement in conclusion

Criterion B: Analysis and evaluation

  • Relevant analysis of a variety of stylistic features 
  • Relevant analysis of tone and/or atmosphere
  • Relevant analysis of broader authorial choices i.e. characterization, point of view, syntax, irony, etc.

Criterion C: Focus, organization, and development

  • Introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion
  • Organized body paragraphs – topic sentence, evidence, concluding statement/link to question
  • Appropriate progression of ideas and arguments in which evidence (i.e. quotes) are effectively implemented

Criterion D: Language

  • Use expansions (e.g. “do not”) instead of contractions (e.g. “don't”)
  • Use of a variety of connecting phrases e.g. “furthermore”, “nonetheless”, “however”, etc.
  • Complete sentence structures and subject-verb agreement
  • Correct usage of punctuation
  • Appropriate register – no slang
  • Historic present tense : the use of present tense when recounting past events. For example, we want to write “In  The Hunger Games , Peeta and Katniss work   together to win as a district” instead of using the word “worked”.
  • Avoid flowery/dictionary language just to sound smart; it is distracting and difficult to read. As long as you concisely communicate your message using appropriate language, you will score a high mark under this criterion.

Here's everything we discussed:

  • IB English HLE is tough work! Start early.
  • Brainstorm using the table of concepts to come up with a strong HLE question. Don't give up on this!
  • Analysis is the key to a 7 in IB English HLE (and in fact all IB English assessment). Check out LitLearn's course  Learn Analysis for IB English   for immediate help on the exact steps to improve in IB English analysis.

Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor 💪


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Higher Level Essay

Crash course on HLE basics.

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Higher Level Essay

Whether you are an HL Literature student or HL Lang/Lit student, the HLE requires some special attention.  The good thing about this assessment is that it’s a processed – rather than on-demand – piece of writing.  This means you can take your time, put in the work, and produce something that you love and makes you proud.  Our students crush this assessment!  Use the same resources they do and enjoy your success.

HLE Writing Guide

Writing this assessment doesn’t have to be challenging.  In fact, we think it can be fun and rewarding!  Let us guide you through the entire writing process, from line of inquiry to the last word of your conclusion.  Our students do well on this assessment, and so can you.

thesis for hl essay

Part of our  IBDP English A Student Toolkit , this resource includes:

  • 100-page course book with guidance on films, photos, cartoons, and many other non-literary BOWs
  • 5 sample papers across genres
  • Examiner scores and comments
  • Line of Inquiry guidance
  • Step-by-step approach to building the HLE in small and manageable chunks
  • Complete set of graphic organizers to guide students from start to finish

Developing a Line of Inquiry and Thesis

The Line of Inquiry (LOI) and thesis are the cornerstone of the assessment, so don’t proceed until these are under control.  Sadly, many students get off to a poor start with this step, and this means they end up writing either a shallow essay or one that doesn’t really satisfy the requirements of the task.  These videos should help you unlock the task.

Start with a text you love and work toward developing a literary or linguistic perspective. Watch this video and start your pathway to success.

How To Write the Line of Inquiry

If the first method didn't work for you, please try another approach.

How to Write the Line of Inquiry (part 2)

Turn that LoI into a clear, precise, and insightful thesis statement that will drive the essay.

HLE Sample Thesis Statements and Writing

The HLE Complete Course from Start to Finish

We feel this is some of our best work.  Teachers and students around the world have commented that this HLE series gets the job done and results in some powerful writing that makes students proud.  Please take the time and work through the videos sequentially.  Work along side with us.  Let us guide you to HLE success!

Choose your text and write the LOI.

Student planning doc

Model Student planning doc

Time for brainstorming and outlining.

Student Organizer

Completed Sample Organizer

Master the intro and conclusion.

Sample Intro and Conclusion

Learn how to write strong HLE body paragraphs.

Sample Body Paragraphs

Learn to revise, edit, and polish the final product.

Final instructions before submission

Dave’s complete sample HLE

Some Sample Papers

Sometimes it’s easier to just look at a final product, break it down, and see how other students have approached the HLE.  That’s why Dave and Andrew selected some strong papers, highlighted them, and discussed their strengths and weaknesses.  We’ve examined tons of these things, so listen carefully.  Lots of tips and tricks in these videos to help you pick up some extra points and crack into that mark band you want and deserve.  Understand the task.  Work hard.  Defeat the HLE and allow yourself to beam with pride.  Go ahead, you’ve earned it.

You’ve probably noticed that Andrew and Dave love drama. Dialogue, stage directions, props…they’re amazing! Watch our student crush this HLE on Death and the Maiden by Dorfman. What can you steal from this essay in terms of ideas, organization, and overall approach? Document: HLE Student Sample – Drama

Poetry anyone? Andrew and Dave love poetry for the HLE. They are complete “mini works” with a clear beginning, middle, and end. They are rich in techniques. They are complex and have deep meaning. In short, they rock. Just remember that for the HLE, “short texts need friends.” Document: HLE Student Sample – Poetry

Looking For More Support?

Hey, nobody said this thing would be easy.  No worries.  We’ve got you covered.  Perhaps you want to see some more student writing?  Check.  We’ve got that.  Perhaps you want to know some key points to include?  Check.  We got that too.  You’re almost there!  Finish these last two videos, add some finishing touches to your work, and submit that baby in with pride and confidence.

So you watched the videos above but are still concerned about “showing deep thinking” on the HLE? It’s ok – we know this is tough. Check out this video to see several samples of how to build big thinking into your writing. Document: Showing Deep Thinking in the HLE

We know, we know. The content is overwhelming and it’s just too much at times. You just want the top ten tips for success? Fine. Here you go. But don’t forget to go back and watch the rest of these videos when you’re feeling more energy. They’re a set. Watch them all and ace the HLE.

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  • September 26, 2021

IB English, the HL Essay: All You Need to Know

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Written By Our IB++Tutor Birgitte J.

What You Need to Know

  • The HL Essay is a 1200-1500 word formal essay and it is based on a literary work studied as part of the course. You cannot use the same work for the IO or the Paper 2 [1] for this essay.
  • In the IB Language and Literature course [2] , the essay can also be based on a non-literary or collection of non literary text(s).
  • You develop a line of inquiry , a question that lends itself to an argument focused on how a theme or message is conveyed through literary features.
  • The essay is completed in your own time and you should get some feedback from your teacher during the development of the essay.
  • You do not have to incorporate secondary sources beyond the text you are working with.

thesis for hl essay

The paper is externally assessed, meaning the final grade given is from the IB Examiner, not from your teacher. However, your teacher will give a predicted grade that is sent to the IB [3] .

How to Approach the Essay

The essay requires you to construct a focused, analytical argument, examining the work from a broad literary or linguistic perspective. It also requires you to adhere to the formal framework of an academic essay, using citations and references.

Connection to the Learner Portfolio

The HL essay is based on the exploration you have engaged with in the Learner Portfolio [4] . In the lead-up to the drafting of the essay, you must decide which text to focus on for further investigation, and which topic to write about. In choosing the topic, you can consult the course’s seven central concepts. You can choose any text with the exception of the texts used for the Internal Assessment (the IO) or the Paper 2.

How to choose a text

Don’t wait until the last minute and talk with your teacher about the text you want to use and the focus you are considering. Write your ideas out to make sure your line of inquiry is focused and appropriate for an analytical argument of a paper of this length.

In the case of a collection of short stories, poems, song lyrics or any short literary text, you may choose to use just one literary text from the work. However, It may be necessary to use more than one literary text from the work chosen.

The Language and Literature course only *

In the case of short non-literary texts, it may be necessary to use more than one from the same text type by the same author, for example the same creative advertising agency, cartoonist, photographer or social media user. At least one of these texts must have been studied in class. (If using a text in translation it must be a professional and published translation).

Determining the Topic and the 7 Course Concepts

It’s helpful but not mandatory to start with the seven central concepts of the course in generating or determining a topic for the essay. The questions below are meant as starting points for the focus of the essay, not as complete lines of inquiry which should be more specific to the chosen text (see examples of lines of inquiry below).

Questions may include; How is identity represented in the text? How are the characters in the text representative of a group? How does the text reflect the identity of the writer?

Questions may include; How is an aspect of the text representative of a culture or a particular place? How is a group of people or an institution conveyed? How is the text representative of a cultural perspective?


Questions may include; How is the text representative of an individual or collective creativity, or lack of creativity? How is the text a reflection of the creativity of the writer?


How is communication or lack of communication conveyed in the text? How does the text itself communicate with the reader? How are aspects of communication illustrated through literary features?


How is change or development illustrated in the text? How are characters transformed through action, communication or events in the text? What is the relationship between transformation and the goals, values and beliefs conveyed in the text?


How is a perspective or different perspectives represented in the text? How is a shift in perspective portrayed? How is the writer’s perspective revealed through the text?


How does the text represent a particular theme or message? How are attitudes conveyed? In what way is reality or the world within the text represented?

IB English Language and Literature Guide examples of lines of inquiry

  • Identity —how does Ralph Ellison, in his novel Invisible Man, succeed in making his narrator a convincing spokesperson for the concerns of African-Americans in the 20th century?
  • Culture —how does Robert Capa represent post-Second World War France to qualify/exemplify the brutalities of the French population on former Nazi collaborators in La Femme Tondue? (Language A: language and literature only)
  • Creativity —how do Mario Testino’s portraits manage to convey the personalities of those portrayed in original ways? (Language A: language and literature only)
  • Communication– which view of love does Matt Groening convey in Love is Hell? (Language A: language and literature only)
  • Transformation– in what ways does The Alan Parsons Project’s Tales of Mystery and Imagination offer a transformative re-reading of Edgar Allan Poe’s tales?
  • Perspective– how does Mary Shelley’s protagonist in Frankenstein use the motif of dangerous knowledge to show the perspective of fear and anxiety of excesses in scientific enterprise in early 19th century Europe?
  • Representation– through what means does Juan Rulfo successfully convey the representation of realistic and non-realistic characters and situations in Pedro Páramo?​

A Final Note on the Learner Portfolio and the HL Essay

The Learner Portfolio is not assessed but schools are required to keep it on file. It is intended to be a platform for reflecting on the texts studied, facilitating development of independent thinking. The reflections may include responses to cultural perspectives and values, inter-relationships and identities as it relates to topics and themes in the texts studied. The reflections may serve as a springboard for the line of inquiry in the HL essay. For example, you may keep a record of themes present, reflections on how particular passages within the texts reflect those themes, or how themes and passages convey one of the 7 central concepts.

[1] Paper 2 is cancelled for the 2022 cohort. No announcement has been made for the 2023 at the time this article was written.

[2] There are 3 IB English courses. The two most common are IB English A: Literature SL/HL, a course focused on literature (Poetry, drama, short stories and novels) and the IB English Language and Literature SL/HL course, focused on literature AND a variety of non-literary (non-fiction) text types.

[3] The examiner’s grade is independent from your teacher’s predicted grade.

[4] An individual collection of student work compiled during the course in which you explore and reflect on the texts throughout the course.

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HL Essay Student Resources and Sample Work

These resources are ready to hand to students. They offer a description of the assignment and take students through a step by step process to complete a draft of their HL Essay.

Literature Course

Language and literature course, a note about the resources.

Step 5 of the resources asks students to write their inquiry question on a shared Google document that all students have editing rights to. The Google doc uses a “Red, Yellow, Green” tracking system so that students know when their inquiry question has been approved as “Green” or “good to go”. The transparent nature of the document not only holds students accountable for their submission, it also allows other students to learn from their peer’s approaches to developing and writing inquiry questions. The transparent nature of the document also ensures variety as the specific topics and inquiry questions are on a “first come, first approved” (traceable through the revision history of the document). While students may feel a bit self conscious about the transparent nature of the document, they ultimately appreciate the insights gained from the experience and appreciate the development of the line of inquiry as an iterative process. Once students are “Green-lit”, those inquiry questions can serve as models and examples for other students. A sample tracking document, with sample HL Essay lines of inquiry, is provided below. Additionally, there is a Word template of the tracking document that can be uploaded to Google Docs; it should easily convert.

HL Essay Sample Lines of Inquiry and Tracking Document

Sample hl essays.

Below are a range of sample essays that are all “good” to “excellent” and would be marked in the 5-7 range. At the end of each essay are holistic comments by criterion that identify the strengths and limitations of the essay against each of the IB Language A HL Essay assessment criteria.

The HL Essays below have been externally marked by the IBO on the HL Essay Rubric; final marks are provided in leui of holistic comments.

Marks A:5 B:5 C:5 D:5

Marks A:4 B:4 C:4 D:4

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IB English A Language and Literature: HL Essay Assessment Considerations

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  • Feb 19, 2023

Creating the English HL Essay: Turning Analysis into a Thesis Masterpiece

Updated: Jul 8, 2023

The English HL essay is undoubtedly the flagship assessment of Higher-Level English. At its core, the HL essay depends on the same analytical skills as any other piece of English assessment. However, the HL essay sets itself apart by requiring a more specific and conceptual line of inquiry, and overall greater depth of analysis. With these requirements, the HL essay is often the single most daunting assessment in the HL English calendar. So, to help you on your HL essay journey, this blog will detail some useful tips and considerations to get you heading on the right track.

1) The Line of Inquiry

The line of inquiry is the central question around which the entire HL essay rests. A good line of inquiry will set you up for a terrific analysis, while a bad line of inquiry will leave your essay stuck and directionless. But what actually makes a good line of inquiry?

The trick is to allow the line of inquiry to focus your analysis. Take this hypothetical line of inquiry: “ How and why does J.R.R. Tolkien use the race of Men as a philosophical discussion of agency and its relationship with mortality in books within the Lord of the Rings? ”.

Starting with the imperatives “how” and “why”, this line of inquiry immediately constrains your analysis to keep you focused on technique (the how) and purpose (the why). This protects you from straying off track; so long as you keep talking about the hows and the whys, you guarantee yourself those marks that are for focus and relevancy.

This line of inquiry further keeps on task by explicitly stating the feature of your text that speaks to some real literary concept. In this case, we can see that the student using this line of inquiry is arguing that the race of Men is a tool that Tolkien has used to talk about agency and morality. Agency and morality are the literary concepts, the race of Men is the feature. By connecting them in the line of inquiry, you make it significantly easier to keep making that connection all the way throughout the entire HL essay. Not only this, but by connecting in-text features with a concept, it becomes significantly easier to produce the kinds of insightful arguments that push you into the top band of Criterion A.

The line of inquiry makes or breaks your HL essay (no pressure). That said, the HL essay is an ongoing journey. It is both common and perfectly okay to change or even completely scrap a line of inquiry partway through the drafting process.

2) The Analysis Itself

The analysis in the HL essay itself takes a very similar shape to analyses elsewhere in English assessments: technique, implications, authorial purpose, text type, audience positioning, evaluation, link to paragraph thesis, and so on. These avenues of analysis are the backbone of English in general and so it should come as no surprise that they are the backbone of the HL essay as well.

Where the HL essay can diverge from the other assessments is the points that you are arguing within the body paragraphs. Body paragraphs in the paper 1, for example, often cover how individual categories (say, visual techniques) contribute to the overall meaning of the text. The HL essay body paragraphs are considerably more related to the concept that you are arguing.

Taking the Lord of the Rings example above, you could have one paragraph about the race of Men and how Tolkien portrays their culture as a means of questioning the futility of having agency in light of definitive mortality. Then, you could have a second paragraph about how the race of Men is made distinct against other races in the Lord of the Rings as a tool of evaluating the role of mortality in driving personal choice, and so on for further paragraphs.

As you can see, rather than targeting specific groups of techniques, the HL essay paragraphs first address the conceptual discussions created within the text, and then the techniques are brought in to explain how these discussions emerge and what commentary the author is trying to make.

3) Structure and Terminology

There is no definitive go-to structure for the HL Essay. So long as there is an introduction and a conclusion framing a series of body paragraphs that each contain a thesis point, analysis, evidence and connections to the line of inquiry, then you are fulfilling the requirements of formal essay structure mandated by Criterion C.

Similarly, there is no required number of body paragraphs. Given the word count, 3-4 paragraphs is a good number to ensure that you are creating detailed points without repeating ideas. But, you are free to add more or less paragraphs and there are sometimes situations or texts where that may be necessary.

Criterion C and D are somewhat more check-boxy than A and B. How you fulfil Criterions A and B can be more variable depending on your text, as individual text types have defining features that lend themselves to potentially different directions of analysis. A short story, for example, would contain dialogue and so an analysis of speech and language takes on a completely different form than it would in a poem. But Criterion C and D are relatively consistent.

As long as you have a cohesive and formal essay structure as said above, combined with clear, analytical, and explicit vocabulary and tone, Criterion C and D are as good as guaranteed to you. Key things to consider when ensuring that these criteria are fulfilled include your tone (academic and unemotive), punctuation, and sentence variety (mixture of simple, compound, and complex sentences).

Closing Remarks

The HL essay is a task aimed to allow students to demonstrate the extent of their literary skills that they have learnt over their time in the diploma program. It can be daunting, and absolutely must be difficult in order to provoke insightful analysis, but it is just as possible to get a 7 on it as on any other assessment in any other subject. My final recommendation? Draft, redraft, redraft, and redraft again. Even if you’re just rewriting the same ideas every time, constant revision and review builds a crucial familiarity with the concepts and theses that you are arguing.

Good luck on your HL essay journey!

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thesis for hl essay

If you choose one of your literary works for the Higher Level essay topic, this task is nothing more than has been the standard written coursework for years in Literature courses: one slightly longer literary essay.

Literary Work & Sample Essay

Choosing an exact focus for the literary work is just as challenging as outlined in   HL Essay - Choosing a Topic but at least the primary evidence for close analysis is clear. 

A good piece of analysis can take many different forms and has much to do with effective exposition, deconstruction of well-chosen evidence, a coherent developing argument, and a conclusion that suggests the study and research was worthy, valuable and insightful. However, I have always tried to push students into including both a thematic or conceptual outcome and a cluster of literary features or stylistic choices that help facilitate that outcome. That is to say, to explore how an author uses certain techniques to create certain thematic effects.

Here is an example of a student's HL Essay on a literary work:

How does Dorfman use elements of dramatic presentation in order to explore the ambiguity of justice in Death and the Maiden ?

The notion of justice is a largely subjective one. Political philosophers have long questioned what should be considered societally ethical, and whether true distributive justice can be achieved. Such questions are rendered increasingly complicated after such a society has undergone profound political turmoil. It would be fruitless not to recognise that Ariel Dorfman’s Death and the Maiden is an exploration into how justice can be found for individual victims, should a government be unable to provide sufficient retribution for the perpetrators of crimes. Dorfman’s clear allusion to Chile’s post-Pinochet transition to democracy provides for a striking contextual backdrop: how can a government seek recompense for those who were victims of countless crimes against humanity? Through Dorfman’s use of representative characters, the motif of justice, and dramatic devices, the play serves as a social commentary of a politically and governmentally imbalanced country, which forces the audience to consider the implications that the emergence from dictatorship poses upon a country, while simultaneously compelling individual spectators to reconsider their own notions of what should be considered “just”.

Dorfman develops symbolically representative characterisation to render the play a microcosmic depiction of the corrupt nature of a country struggling with the emergence from dictatorship. The cast consists solely of three characters: Gerardo, a lawyer and member of a commission charged with investigating the direst of crimes against humanity in the old dictatorship, whose character portrays the government responsible for the transition to democracy; Paulina, his wife, a woman so profoundly impacted by the sexual torture she underwent during the dictatorship that she finds it difficult to attend social functions, whose character depicts the copious numbers of victims who suffered from such crimes during the dictatorship; and Roberto Miranda, a well-off physician whom Paulina recognises as the nefarious doctor who raped her, whose character represents accused perpetrators of the aforementioned crimes, who are, oftentimes, affluent members of society. The gender disparity in the cast is, in itself, indicative of the roles which each of these social groups bear: Paulina, a woman, is repeatedly silenced and belittled by her patronising husband, which effectively connotes the government’s lack of willingness to accept the notion that a significant portion of the population were subject to atrocities akin to those which Paulina experienced. Almost immediately in the play, Paulina begins to criticise the effectiveness of the country’s judicial system - “The judges? The judges who never intervened to save one life in seventeen years of dictatorship? Who never accepted a single habeas corpus ever?” - only to be silenced by Gerardo, who ‘takes her in his arms’ and coos “Silly. Silly girl, my baby” until she calms down. In rendering Gerardo so condescending towards Paulina at multiple instances such as this, Dorfman directly implies that the government takes no heed when victims condemn its lack of legal intervention, and instead dismisses them as fragile. Contrastingly, Gerardo immediately treats Roberto as an equal, and invites him to stay the night, convincing him with the promise of “the breakfast [Paulina] will make for us”. As well as demonstrating that, even after the dictatorship, criminals can still lead successful lives, Gerardo saying this indicates to the audience that the government not only silences the victims of the dictatorship’s trauma, but expects them to continue leading lives which are beneficial to the establishment of the fledgling democracy. Dorfman appears to be criticising the government’s half-hearted attempt at pursuing justice by showcasing Paulina’s sardonic disdain for Gerardo’s Investigating Commission, which “only investigates cases that ended in death”, as opposed to cases such as hers, which decidedly result in lasting mental upheaval. Each of these factors force the audience to question a government which attempts to pursue justice for those who were wronged without ostracising the wrongdoers, merely because those who committed the crimes are still prominent members of society.

Furthermore, Dorfman’s use of an overarching motif of warped judicial procedure, exemplified both symbolically and lexically, serves to remind the audience of the dangers of the pursuit of vigilante justice, which has been necessitated by an inadequate government. This underlines the idea that a legal structure must be established in order for those who committed the crimes to be appropriately prosecuted; Dorfman having Paulina conduct her own (somewhat inequitable) trial highlights the lack of legal alternative. Paulina insists on maintaining negligible legal conventions, such as referring to Roberto as Gerardo’s “client” and allowing the former time to argue his own case. Ironically, the integral defining factor of the trial itself is that it is an unethical, somewhat paradoxical pursuit of justice: while systems of prosecution generally uphold an “innocent until proven guilty” policy, the only circumstance under which Paulina claims she will release Roberto is if he confesses to his alleged crimes, despite his insistence throughout the play that he is innocent. Paulina promises Gerardo that if Roberto doesn’t confess, “[she’ll] kill him”, and that if he is, in fact, totally innocent, he’s “really screwed”. Throughout the trial, Paulina sustains this threat of violence, thereby asserting her control over Roberto and Gerardo. Dorfman uses Paulina’s sudden seizure of violence to draw a parallel between her and the formal dictator: she holds a symbolic loaded gun for most of the play - a constant reminder of the danger she is capable of wreaking on other cast members. This parallelism allows Dorfman to further explore governmental weakness in the form of Gerardo: he, supposedly, spent much of the regime attempting to overthrow the dictator, and his prevalent position in the opposition circles was the original reason for Paulina’s kidnapping; however, he tells Roberto that “when crazy people have power, you’ve got to indulge them”, thereby seemingly going against that for which he campaigned during the time of the fascist government. Additionally, the fact that Paulina “ties [Roberto] to a chair” is reminiscent of the kidnapping she underwent, which she continuously references. Actions such as these remind the audience that her alternative to legal procedure is no better than the system of the previous government, and, should everyone pursue such means to seek justice, the cycle of violence would deepen and democracy would never be achieved. Paulina’s approach to achieving justice is one which would undoubtedly yield bloodshed if applied worldwide: Dorfman implores the audience to decide whether or not she is truly making the correct decision in “[opening all the] wounds”, as Gerardo states. Because the audience remains oblivious as to whether Paulina does, in fact, kill Roberto, Dorfman implies that Paulina’s choice of action is irrelevant, as she will always remain a victim, whom the government continues to disregard. 

Building on this, Dorfman continues to maintain a sense of ambiguity around each of the character’s innocence through the use of dramatic devices, hence forcing the audience to assume the role of a judge in the play’s final scene, in order for them to reflect upon their own perceptions of justice. Perhaps the most crucial of these devices is the use of the “giant mirror which descends, forcing the members of the audience to look at themselves” in Act 3, scene 1. The sudden transition from hyper-realism to a contemporary style is a jolting one: the audience members are thrust into the play itself, obliging them to scrutinise both themselves and the play’s events. The mirror not only compels the audience to determine the guilt of each character, but, alongside the “slowly moving spots [which] flicker over the audience, picking out two or three at a time”, urges them to examine their own standards of personal justice. The image of moving spots is almost reminiscent of searchlights, as though the light is attempting to elicit testimonies from the audience, thereby implying that some audience members may be just as guilty as Roberto, and should make their own confessions. The audience is further embedded into the play when Paulina and Gerardo “sit [...] in two of the seats in the audience itself”, thereby painting the audience as citizens of the country undergoing the emergence from dictatorship - the reason for all the pivotal conflicts in the play. Placing the audience on the same level as Paulina and Roberto drives them to consider the actions they would have taken, had they been in the same predicament as Dorman’s characters.

    It is clear that Dorfman’s study of justice is one which transcends the stage. In a play which is so easily applicable to real-world events, it seems only natural that the piece’s purpose be to prompt the audience towards their own conclusions. The casting of characters as clear representations of societal groups causes the audience to question the equity in each of their interactions, thereby causing them to question the equity in the actions of judicial systems in times of crisis. Paulina’s authoritative position throughout the trial seems as unethical as her perpetual silence before the trial. Such events pose as questions to the audience, and force them to decide what the correct procedure in these circumstances should be.

Word Count: 1483


Dorfman, Ariel. Death and the Maiden. London, Great Britain: Nick Hern Books,


Assessing the HL Essay

The criteria used for assessing the HL Essay can be found in  Marking Criteria . 

Read the essay and make a short commentary of how you think it performs in each criterion area. Compare it to my comments:

This essay is highly analytical and interpretative throughout. It connects the craft of the literary work (and a work of fiction) to real-life contexts and universal concepts and themes in a highly convincing manner. The final body paragraph - ironically in some ways the least developed and thoroughly argued in terms of evidence - makes this connection and thus the value of this line of inquiry stark.

Literary features are appreciated throughout the essay, with the notion of allusion identified in the introduction, followed by an extremely strong thesis statement and topic sentences that connect choice and stagecraft with thematic effect. It is argued with plentiful evidence in terms of quotations, and is notable for its discussion of features unique to drama rather than just any other form of narrative fiction.

Extremely well-structured, with a strong introduction exploring the concepts rather than just the work, effective mapping of the essay in the thesis statement, strong topic sentences making effective interpretative points, with evidence embedded into the arguments effectively. A tiny quibble would be the slight imbalance of the third body paragraph, and the quotations need page references.

Language is highly effective throughout.

Now work out what marks you would give the essay. Compare it to my own:

How much of HL Essay - Great Examples (Literature) have you understood?

Which of the following best describes your feedback?


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  4. HL Essay - Student Samples - IBDocs.Re

    Here you will find examples of real student HL Essays. Take a read and, using the marking criteria, grade them. You can compare your marks with those of the examiner.

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  6. Top 8 Tips for Earning a Level 7 on the IB English HL Essay

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  7. The nature of the task - Edublogs

    The HL essay offers students an opportunity to develop as independent, critical and creative readers, thinkers and writers by exploring a literary topic over an extended period of time, refining their ideas by means of a process of planning, drafting and re-drafting.

  8. HL Essay Student Resources and Sample Work – English ...

    HL Essay Student Resources and Sample Work. These resources are ready to hand to students. They offer a description of the assignment and take students through a step by step process to complete a draft of their HL Essay.

  9. English HL Essay guide that Gurantees a 7 - MyIBTutor

    Creating the English HL Essay: Turning Analysis into a Thesis Masterpiece. Updated: Jul 8, 2023. The English HL essay is undoubtedly the flagship assessment of Higher-Level English. At its core, the HL essay depends on the same analytical skills as any other piece of English assessment.

  10. HL Essay - Great Examples (Literature) - IBDocs.Re

    Literary features are appreciated throughout the essay, with the notion of allusion identified in the introduction, followed by an extremely strong thesis statement and topic sentences that connect choice and stagecraft with thematic effect.