428 Criminology Research Topics & Questions for Students

428 Criminology Research Topics & Questions for Students

As you might already know, criminology is the study of crime. To be more precise, criminology studies crime as a social trend, including its origin, various manifestations, and its impact on society.

Criminology research influences how the police work, how society treats criminals, and how the community maintains law and order. In this article, you’ll find top criminology research topics for your inspiration. We’ll also look into the main criminology theories and research methods and explain the difference between criminology and criminal justice.

🔝 Top-10 Criminology Research Topics

🔤 what is criminology.

  • 🔎 Criminology Research Methods
  • 📝 Research Topics for Assignments

🦹‍♂️ Crime Research Topics

  • 🚔 Topics in Law Enforcement
  • 🕵️ Criminal Investigation Topics

⚖️ Criminal Law Research Topics

  • 🔒 Topics to Research in Crime Prevention

👨‍⚖️ Criminal Justice Research Topics

  • 🆚 Criminology Vs Criminal Justice

❓ Criminology Topics: FAQ

🔗 references.

  • Criminology as a science: criminology theories.
  • The importance of eyewitness evidence.
  • The issue of racial bias in the investigation.
  • Crime propaganda on social media.
  • The leading causes of college violence.
  • The benefits of private prisons.
  • The debate around gun control.
  • The analysis of power abuse among police officers.
  • Drunk driving and how to prevent it.
  • The importance of forensic psychology in the investigation.

Criminology is the study of crime and criminal behavior, supported by the principles of sociology and other sciences, including economics, statistics, and psychology.

Criminologists study a variety of related areas, including:

  • Characteristics of people who commit crimes.
  • Reasons behind committing different crimes.
  • Impact of crime on individuals and communities.
  • Measures for preventing crimes.

Criminology Theories

Criminology theories have appeared as an attempt to answer the question, “What is criminal behavior, and what causes it?” The answer to this question affects how society responds to and prevents crime. Proposing new theories and testing existing ones is essential for criminologists to continue working toward understanding the causes of criminal behavior.

Let’s consider the most relevant criminology theories.

Theory Major assumption
The theory states that an individual thinks through each action, deciding if the benefits of committing a crime would be worth the risks.
It claims that individuals behave according to the attached to them by society. So, people become offenders when others call them offenders.
This theory suggests that people want to get pleasure and avoid pain. So, crime can be deterred if the pain from the outweighs the benefits of committing a crime.
The theory assumes that people learn from those around them and base their morals on what they see. So, those living in environments where criminal behavior is encouraged are more likely to become criminals.
It suggests that criminal behavior occurs in communities that experience breakdowns, such as or poverty.
This theory states that individuals will turn to a life of crime when they experience stress or pressure, for example, because of a lack of money or the death of a loved one.

🔎 Research Methods Used in Criminology

There are many research methods used within criminology. Usually, they are divided into two groups: primary and secondary research methods.

Primary Research Methods in Criminology

Primary research in criminology is any type of research that you collect yourself rather than based on secondary sources, such as articles or books. Examples of primary research methods in criminology include the following:

  • Surveys and questionnaires. Survey research collects information from individuals through their responses to questions. It is considered one of the most widely used research tools in criminology.
  • Experiments. For experiments , researchers take large samples of people who might become or have already been involved in crimes as victims or offenders. Then, they divide these samples into two groups, each receiving a different treatment.
  • Interviews. An interview requires participants to answer a set of open-ended questions, often on sensitive topics, such as victimization or criminal behaviors. This method allows criminologists to gain more valuable insights into the research topic.
  • Focus groups. A focus group is a small number of demographically similar people gathered to discuss a particular crime-related topic. This method allows criminologists to analyze people’s views, attitudes, and perceptions concerning crime.
  • Observations. Observations involve a researcher studying groups or individuals in their natural setting without interfering. It is a common research method within the social learning theory.

This image shows primary research methods in criminology.

Secondary Criminology Research Methods

Secondary research methods use information that was collected by someone else so that you can analyze it and identify the trends. Here are the two leading types of secondary research in criminology:

  • Secondary analysis of data. A secondary analysis occurs when a researcher uses data collected by other researchers. You can obtain secondary data from surveys, official crime statistics, or official records.
  • Literature review. A literature review involves reading, analyzing, evaluating, and summarizing literature about a specific criminology topic. It helps scholars identify research gaps and problems that need to be addressed.

📝 Criminology Research Topics for Assignments

To write an outstanding research paper on criminology, choose a topic that will spark your interest. Below you’ll find excellent criminology topic ideas for college students.

Criminology Research Paper Topics

  • Criminology theory and its main elements.
  • Criminology discipline and theories .
  • American crime trends and criminological theories.
  • The significance of criminological studies in the US.
  • Criminology: legal rights afforded to the accused .
  • The impact of violence and crime on the tourism industry.
  • How did US crime rates change over the last 20 years?
  • Classical and positivist schools of criminology .
  • Should abortion be treated as a crime?
  • Official and unofficial instruments within the criminal investigation.
  • Criminology: femininity and the upsurge of ladettes .
  • Criminal rehabilitation programs and their significance.
  • Shoplifting and how to prevent it.
  • Emerging technologies in criminology .
  • The effects of illegal immigrants on crime rates.
  • Drug trafficking by organized crime groups.
  • Criminology and victimology: victim stereotypes in criminal justice .
  • Can genetics lead to crime?
  • The procedures of crime scene investigation.
  • Labeling theory and critical criminology: sociological research .
  • Hate crimes in modern society.
  • The phenomenon of white-collar crime and its causes.
  • How to prevent crimes in the workplace?
  • Criminology: the social control theory .
  • Stereotypes that surround serial killers and their crimes.
  • The comparison of organized crime in New York and Chicago.
  • Prevention strategies for small business crimes.
  • Criminology: four types of evidence .
  • Relations between crime, justice, and the media.

Criminology Research Proposal Topics

  • How to prevent intellectual property crimes in cyberspace?
  • Identity theft and cybercrime in modern society.
  • Contemporary theories in criminology .
  • The problem of racial profiling in the US.
  • How has criminology contributed to the study of terrorism ?
  • Possible solutions to the issue of street harassment .
  • Postmodern criminology: the violence of the language .
  • Gender bias in the investigation: pink-collar criminals.
  • The phenomenon of digital terrorism and how to prevent it.
  • How do immigration services help fight against terrorism?
  • Green criminology: environmental harm in the Niger Delta .
  • How has marijuana legalization influenced crime rates?
  • Tools for collecting and analyzing crime evidence.
  • How does international law manage war crimes ?
  • The due process: criminology .
  • What are victimless crimes ?
  • The relation between crime rates and poverty.
  • National system for missing and unidentified persons.
  • Three case briefs in criminology .
  • The impact of mental illness on criminal behavior.
  • The effectiveness of rehabilitation programs in reducing crime rates.
  • The use of AI technology in crime prevention and investigation.
  • Sexual assault: criminology .
  • The role of media coverage in public perception of crime.
  • The impact of community policing on reducing crime rates.
  • The impact of mass shootings on gun control laws.
  • The impact of automation technology on criminology .

Criminology Thesis Topics

  • The role of juvenile justice in preventing future criminal behavior.
  • Feminism and criminology in the modern justice system .
  • The effectiveness of mandatory minimum sentencing in the US.
  • Drug laws : fighting crime or fueling it?
  • Police brutality : a systemic problem in criminal justice.
  • Criminology: USA Patriot Act overview .
  • The impact of hate crimes on marginalized communities.
  • How does organized crime affect the global economy?
  • The significance of DNA evidence for criminal investigations.
  • Use of statistics in criminal justice and criminology .
  • The ethics of plea bargaining in criminal cases.
  • Mental illness and criminal behavior: breaking the stigma.
  • The impact of social media on cyberbullying and harassment.
  • Robert Merton’s strain theory in criminology .
  • Causes and consequences of police corruption .
  • The role of restorative justice in repairing harm caused by crime.
  • The effectiveness of treatment programs in reducing drug-related crimes.
  • Hernando Washington case: criminology .
  • The negative effects of human trafficking on global communities.
  • The role of forensic science in crimes investigation.
  • The effectiveness of community-based alternatives to imprisonment.
  • Integrity as a key value: criminology and war .
  • The relationship between poverty, education, and crime rates.
  • Cybercrime : the dark side of the digital age.
  • Hate crimes: motivations and impact on modern society.
  • Feminist perspectives’ contribution to criminology .
  • The impact of incarceration on families and communities.

Criminology Research Questions for Dissertation

  • Can criminal profiling accurately predict offender behavior?
  • How do hate crimes affect individuals and communities?
  • How were the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights influenced by the classical school of criminology ?
  • What are the psychological effects of cyberbullying on victims?
  • What factors contribute to domestic violence , and how can it be prevented?
  • How have organized crime groups evolved over time?
  • How is statistics used in criminology and criminal justice ?
  • Is the death penalty an effective crime deterrent?
  • What motivates individuals to engage in white-collar crime?
  • What are the consequences of police corruption for society?
  • What is variance analysis in criminal justice and criminology ?
  • How does drug addiction contribute to criminal behavior?
  • How does gender influence criminal behavior and justice outcomes?
  • What drives individuals to commit mass shootings?
  • What is the broken window theory in criminology ?
  • What are the biggest challenges facing criminal justice reform efforts?
  • How do urban gangs perpetuate violence and criminal activity?
  • How do criminal law and procedures protect individual rights and liberties?
  • What is the impact of corporate fraud ?
  • What challenges do individuals with mental health issues face in the criminal justice system?
  • How can society combat human trafficking and exploitation?
  • What measures can be taken to enhance cybersecurity and protect against cybercrime?
  • What is the aboriginal crisis from a criminology perspective ?
  • How can victimology help us better understand the experience of crime victims?
  • What are effective crime prevention strategies for different types of crime?
  • What is legal insanity in criminology ?
  • How does environmental crime impact communities and the environment?
  • How is the peace-making model applied in criminology ?

A significant part of criminology research is dedicated to various types of crimes and their reasons. Consider our crime topic ideas that will spark instant interest in your readers:

  • The psychological impact of kidnapping on victims and their families.
  • The racialization of crime and cultural panic .
  • The ethical considerations surrounding ransom payments in kidnapping cases.
  • The effect of burglary on small businesses and their ability to recover.
  • The impact of race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status on homicide rates and patterns.
  • Shoplifting: a crime of convenience .
  • The effectiveness of different types of anti-theft devices in preventing motor vehicle theft.
  • The role of forensic science in investigating arson cases, including the use of accelerant detection dogs.
  • The concept of natural legal crime .
  • The psychological profiles of white-collar criminals and their motivations.
  • The psychological effects of burglary on victims and their sense of security.
  • The concept of juvenile crime .
  • The role of social media in facilitating and preventing kidnappings.
  • The use of forensic evidence in homicide investigations and the challenges of prosecuting homicide cases.
  • Sex crime recidivism rates.
  • Illegal immigrantion and its effects on crime .
  • The effectiveness of international efforts to combat money laundering .
  • The efficacy of community watch programs in reducing burglary rates.
  • The role of corporate culture in facilitating or preventing white-collar crime.
  • Crimes in America: the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks .
  • Technology in motor vehicle theft: GPS tracking and remote disabling systems.
  • Human trafficking and the exploitation of vulnerable populations.
  • Crime and criminals: general characteristics .
  • The ethical and moral implications of capital punishment as a response to homicide.
  • The effectiveness of fire prevention and education programs in reducing instances of arson.
  • US gun control measures and crime rates reduction .
  • The use of cryptocurrency in money laundering and illegal activities.
  • White-collar crime and the abuse of power in corporate and financial settings.
  • Cargo crimes and threats: government accountability office .
  • The rise of cyberstalking and its impact on victims’ mental health.
  • The effects of pollution on communities and the legal response to environmental crimes.
  • Cyber-bullying and cyber-stalking as crimes .
  • The effects of society’s reaction to crime.
  • The use of technology in financial fraud schemes .
  • Crimes against property and their characteristics .
  • The intersection of racism and hate crimes against Asian Americans.
  • The impact of deforestation on indigenous communities and wildlife.
  • Crime types and their harm to society .
  • The prevalence of domestic violence and the legal response to it.
  • The exploitation of child labor in the fashion industry .
  • Race and crime among minorities in the US .
  • The ethical implications of using artificial intelligence in law enforcement.
  • The psychological effects of hate crimes on victims and their communities.
  • How does local television news viewing relate to fear of crime ?
  • The evolution of cybercrime and its most common types.
  • Parental responsibility for children’s crimes.
  • The sex crime: influence of childhood experiences .
  • Prostitution : a victimless crime.
  • Sociology and media representation of crime.
  • The profile of a crime victim .
  • A theory of gendered criminology: women’s crime.

🚔 Research Topics in Law Enforcement

Another exciting area within criminology to investigate is law enforcement and police jobs. Have a look at the list of burning and controversial topics we came up with:

  • The impact of community policing on crime rates and public trust.
  • Law enforcement: online crimes and social media .
  • Do body-worn cameras reduce police misconduct?
  • The effects of implicit bias on the police use of force.
  • Law enforcement cameras as an invasion of privacy .
  • The impact of police militarization on community relations.
  • Why is mental health training essential for police officers in crisis situations?
  • Law enforcement officers’ attitudes regarding body-worn cameras .
  • The role of police in addressing hate crimes and bias incidents.
  • The effectiveness of community-based alternatives to traditional policing.
  • Organizational changes in law enforcement agencies .
  • The efficacy of police-community partnership in addressing gang violence.
  • The impact of police officer diversity on community relations and trust.
  • Local, state, and federal law enforcement in the US .
  • The role of police in addressing cybercrime and online harassment.
  • The effects of police body language and nonverbal cues on public perceptions.
  • Cumulative career traumatic stress in law enforcement .
  • Social media and its role in shaping public perceptions of police behavior.
  • The role of police discretion in enforcing drug laws and addressing addiction.
  • Mindfulness practice in law enforcement .
  • The effectiveness of hot spot policing in reducing crime rates.
  • Organizational culture in the police department.
  • Stress in law enforcement officers and available programs .
  • The role of police leadership in promoting ethical behavior and accountability.
  • The effectiveness of community-based justice programs for juvenile offenders.
  • Law enforcement in colonial America .
  • Police-community partnerships for addressing domestic violence.
  • The role of police in addressing human trafficking and exploitation.
  • Misrepresentation of law enforcement by media .
  • School safety and the police.
  • How does stress affect the performance of law enforcement officers?
  • The law enforcement: verbal communication as the best form of interaction .
  • The significance of federal and state law enforcement mechanisms.
  • The adverse effects of toxic leadership in quality law enforcement.
  • Balance between effective law enforcement and personal liberty .
  • The importance of discipline in public services.
  • The connection between police salary and rates of police brutality.
  • Role of police agencies in law enforcement .
  • Police investigative questioning and techniques.
  • The issue of corruption in law enforcement.
  • Significance of computer forensics to law enforcement .
  • Case study: police response to the Ningbo protest.
  • Police actions to stop school bullying .
  • Law enforcement position in society .
  • New technological advances within the police department.
  • Do law enforcement cameras violate privacy right?
  • Different types of evaluation designs in law enforcement .
  • Recognition of women’s right to work as police officers.
  • The effectiveness of foot and bike patrols of the streets.
  • Firearms types and usage in law enforcement .
  • The competencies of international law enforcement authorities.
  • Comparison of police brutality statistics for different genders.
  • Ethical theories in law enforcement practice .

🕵️ Criminal Investigation Research Topics

The criminal investigation process is another criminology area worth discussing in your research paper. Below you’ll find the most intriguing criminal investigation topics:

  • The history and evolution of criminal investigation techniques.
  • Crime scene investigation in media and real life .
  • The role of forensic science in criminal investigations.
  • How does technology impact modern criminal investigations?
  • The importance of preserving crime scenes and evidence.
  • Crime scene investigation effect in the justice system .
  • The ethics of interrogation techniques used in criminal investigations.
  • Eyewitness testimony in criminal investigations.
  • The role of criminal profiling in solving crimes.
  • Organized business crime prosecution and investigation .
  • How does media coverage affect criminal investigations?
  • The use of informants in criminal investigations.
  • The main challenges of investigating white-collar crimes.
  • Undercover police investigations in drug-related crimes .
  • The role of private investigators in criminal investigations.
  • The impact of false confessions on criminal investigations.
  • How is DNA evidence collected in criminal investigations?
  • Importance of toxicology in crime investigation .
  • The role of the FBI in national criminal investigations.
  • The use of undercover operations in criminal investigations.
  • The main challenges of investigating organized crime.
  • Crime level investigation in the United States .
  • Witness protection programs in criminal investigations.
  • The impact of plea bargaining on criminal investigations.
  • Surveillance techniques in criminal investigations.
  • Investigating crime with age and mental illnesses factors .
  • How are cybercrimes investigated?
  • The role of international cooperation in criminal investigations.
  • How do racial biases influence criminal investigations?
  • Drug trafficking: investigation on Frank Lucas .
  • Polygraph tests in criminal investigations.
  • The main challenges of investigating terrorism-related crimes.
  • Homicide investigations and forensic evidence .
  • The role of victim advocacy in criminal investigations.
  • Lie detector tests in criminal investigations.
  • The role of forensic psychology in the investigation .
  • The effects of community involvement on criminal investigations.
  • The problem of false accusations in criminal investigations.
  • Approaches in criminal investigation .
  • The use of forensic accounting in financial crime investigations.
  • How does the media shape public perception of criminal investigations?
  • Key rulings on the conduct of investigators at the scene of a fire .
  • The impact of political pressure on criminal investigations.
  • The main challenges of investigating human trafficking.
  • The Breonna Taylor case and criminal investigation .
  • The role of victim compensation in criminal investigations.
  • Behavioral analysis in criminal investigations.
  • Procedures within crime scene investigation .
  • Crime scene reconstruction in criminal investigations.

Criminology goes hand-in-hand with legal studies. If you’re interested in both areas, you should definitely write a research paper on one of the criminal law research topics:

  • The evolution of criminal law in the US .
  • Criminal law: stolen valor .
  • The difference between criminal and civil law.
  • Human trafficking and criminal law.
  • Types of criminal offenses and the elements of crime.
  • International criminal law and measures .
  • The role of the burden of proof in criminal cases.
  • Criminal defenses and their validity.
  • The insanity defense in criminal law.
  • Actus reus in English criminal law .
  • The controversies around the death penalty.
  • Juvenile delinquency and criminal law.
  • Cybercrime and its legal implications.
  • Criminal law – is graffiti a crime or not ?
  • Domestic violence and criminal law.
  • Hate crimes and their legal consequences.
  • Restitution for victims in criminal law.
  • Civil vs. criminal law and differences between them .
  • Forensic evidence and its admissibility in court.
  • Sexual assault and criminal law.
  • The rights of the accused in criminal cases.
  • Regulatory criminal laws in the criminal justice system .
  • Receiving immunity for testimony in a criminal law case.
  • The legal classification of criminal offenses.
  • Self-defense in criminal law cases.
  • How Canadian criminal law regulates deviant conduct .
  • Sentencing guidelines and their impact on society.
  • The use of DNA evidence in criminal cases.
  • Eyewitness testimony and its reliability in court.
  • Fundamental aspects of Canadian criminal law .
  • The role of the media in criminal trials.
  • The impact of social inequality on criminal justice outcomes.
  • The future of criminal law and its impact on society.
  • Criminal law in India and access to justice .
  • International criminal law and its enforcement.
  • Extradition and its legal implications.
  • The impact of globalization on criminal law.
  • Juvenile vs. adult criminal law .
  • The importance of victim rights in criminal cases.
  • Restorative justice and its benefits for society.
  • Alternatives to incarceration for non-violent offenders.
  • Automatism as a defence in criminal law .
  • The role of defense attorneys in criminal trials.
  • The role of prosecutors in criminal trials.
  • The right to a public trial in a criminal law case.
  • Civil and criminal law penalties and differences .
  • Car searches in criminal investigations by law enforcement.

🔒 Criminology Topics for Research in Crime Prevention

Researching crime prevention allows you to learn more about the strategies for reducing criminal behavior. Have a look at our outstanding crime prevention topic ideas:

  • Understanding and explaining crime prevention.
  • Theories that explain criminal activities and criminology .
  • The effectiveness of community policing in preventing crime.
  • The benefits and drawbacks of crime prevention in the US.
  • How can education reduce crime rates?
  • Crime prevention programs and criminal rehabilitation .
  • Technological innovations and their impact on crime prevention.
  • The importance of early childhood interventions in preventing criminal behavior.
  • The relationship between poverty and crime prevention strategies.
  • Youth crime prevention and needs assessment .
  • The use of restorative justice in reducing recidivism.
  • The effectiveness of gun control laws in preventing gun-related crimes.
  • The impact of social media on crime prevention and awareness.
  • Crime prevention program in Australia .
  • The use of CCTV cameras in preventing crime.
  • Evidence for crime prevention programs in developing countries.
  • The role of mental health services in preventing criminal behavior.
  • Crime prevention practices: overview .
  • The effectiveness of community-based programs in reducing juvenile delinquency.
  • The use of environmental design in preventing crime by shaping space and behavior.
  • Victim support programs for lowering crime rates.
  • Situational and social crime prevention approaches .
  • The effectiveness of after-school programs in preventing juvenile offenses.
  • Techniques for preventing situational and social crime.
  • The impact of citizen participation in crime prevention.
  • Computer crime prevention measures .
  • The efficacy of community watch programs in preventing neighborhood crimes.
  • The use of community centers for preventing gang-related crimes.
  • The impact of sentencing policies on crime prevention.
  • Biometrics recognition and crime prevention .
  • The relationship between video game violence and youth crime .
  • Social media and cybercrime prevention.
  • The role of social workers in crime prevention.
  • Three-strikes law for preventing violent crimes .
  • Decreasing crime rates through education and medicine.
  • The use of animal-assisted therapy for reducing criminal behavior.
  • The effectiveness of aftercare programs in reducing recidivism.
  • Capital punishment as ineffective crime deterrence .
  • The main strategies for proactive crime prevention.
  • The impact of domestic violence prevention programs on crime rates.
  • The use of probation and parole in preventing criminal behavior.
  • Juvenile weapon crimes and strategies to address .
  • The role of faith-based organizations in crime prevention.
  • The use of diversion programs in juvenile crime prevention.
  • The distinctions between crime prevention and community safety.
  • Preventing crime victimization in international students .
  • The impact of agriculture and rural development on crime prevention.

Criminal justice might be a challenging research topic, but it is worth the time and effort. Consider our unique topic ideas for your successful research:

  • The effectiveness of community policing.
  • The use of statistics in criminal justice and criminology .
  • Rehabilitation programs offered in prisons and their efficacy.
  • The importance of defense attorneys in the criminal justice system.
  • The code of ethics in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice .
  • The significance of restorative justice programs.
  • The impact of mandatory minimum sentencing laws.
  • Criminal justice process: felony criminal charge .
  • The role of judges in the criminal justice system.
  • Probation and parole in the criminal justice system.
  • Veterans in the criminal justice system .
  • The comparison of prison privatization in the US and UK.
  • The main issues women experience in the prison system.
  • US terrorism and criminal justice decision-making model .
  • The prison system in a democratic society.
  • The role of psychologists in the criminal justice system.
  • Transgender offenders in the criminal justice system .
  • The impact of private prisons on crime rates.
  • The effectiveness of victim compensation programs.
  • The successes and failures to reform punishment in the criminal justice system .
  • Community involvement in the criminal justice system.
  • The main challenges of long-term prisoner rehabilitation.
  • Technology application in criminal justice .
  • The role of victim-offender mediation in the criminal justice system.
  • Gender disparity in the criminal justice system.
  • Recidivism in criminal justice: the American prison system .
  • How does solitary confinement impact people in prisons?
  • Legal and ethical issues in international intervention.
  • Racial and ethnic disparities in the criminal justice system .
  • Do mandatory minimum sentences help or hurt?
  • The effects of prison on children of incarcerated individuals.
  • Psychopathy in the criminal justice system .
  • The importance of mental health professionals in the criminal justice system.
  • Techniques for influencing criminal justice system change.
  • Non-inclusiveness of the criminal justice system .
  • The impact of racial profiling on the criminal justice system.
  • The effectiveness of diversion programs for veterans.
  • False confessions in the US criminal justice system .
  • Racism in the criminal justice system of the US.
  • People with disabilities and criminal justice.
  • Ethical dilemmas in the criminal justice system .
  • Forensic psychology guidelines for criminal justice.
  • The impact of technology on jury selection .
  • Effective writing and criminal justice .
  • The effectiveness of mandatory drug testing for probationers and parolees.
  • The effect of wrongful executions on the criminal justice system.
  • Discontinuity of care in the criminal justice system .
  • The influence of media on criminal justice and community.
  • The impact of cybercrime on the global criminal justice system.
  • Criminal justice: coerced confessions .
  • The role of private prisons in the criminal justice system.
  • The effectiveness of diversion programs for people without housing.
  • Criminal justice system and the problem of racism .
  • What can be learned from the history of criminal courts?
  • Comparison between American and British legislative frameworks.
  • Criminal justice case: types of sentences, probation, and final decision .
  • The overview of the modern justice system.
  • The ethical issue of unwarranted arrests.
  • Civil liability in criminal justice .
  • The risk groups of juvenile recidivism .

🆚 Difference between Criminology and Criminal Justice

Students often confuse criminology with criminal justice because both areas study crime and criminal behavior. Understanding their main differences is essential before conducting research in any of these areas.

Comparison criteria Criminology Criminal justice
Criminology focuses on the “why” behind crimes and examines the sociological and psychological factors that make people break the law. The primary focus of criminal justice is studying the and how society responds to crime.
Criminology investigates the motives behind crimes and examines methods that can prevent them. Criminal justice reactively approaches crime. It aims at punishing people who commit crimes and bringing criminals to justice.
With a criminology degree, you can get work in various fields. Some available jobs are criminologist, lawyer, private investigator, and forensic psychologist. If you major in criminal justice, you can work in law enforcement. The list of job positions includes police officers, officers, detectives, and FBI agents.

Is Criminology a Science?

Criminology can be considered as a science because it uses the scientific method. The scientific method involves five steps: stating the problem, forming the hypothesis, collecting the data, interpreting these data, and drawing conclusions. Within criminology, scientists use standard research methods, such as surveys, experiments, interviews, etc.

What Does Criminology Study?

Criminology studies crime, including its causes, methods of prevention, and responses from law enforcement. It relies on other non-legal studies, such as sociology, psychology, and statistics, to examine the characteristics of people who commit crimes and the effects of criminality on individuals and society.

What Are the Principal Areas of Criminology Research?

Four significant criminology areas include:

  • The history of criminology . This area focuses on criminology founders and theories of crime and punishment development.
  • Theory of crime causation . This aspect explores if a criminal’s behavior is determined by their social environment.
  • Typologies of crime . This field describes different types of crimes and the reasons for committing them.
  • Crime prevention efforts . This area studies crime measures that can curb crimes before they occur.

What Are the Principal Types of Research Methods in Criminology?

Criminology uses quantitative (analyzing measurements and statistics) and qualitative (analyzing non-numerical data) research methods to gain valuable insights. The most common scientific methods in criminology are surveys, experiments, secondary data analysis, interviews, historical/comparative research, and ethnography.

  • Criminology and Criminal Justice: Pick a Topic | Marquette University
  • Criminology Questions & Topics | David H. Kessel
  • Topics | Ghent University
  • Emergent Issues in Crime & Justice | University of Maryland
  • Qualitative Research in Criminal Justice | University of North Texas
  • Criminology, Law & Society | UCI Libraries
  • What the Data Says (and Doesn’t Say) about Crime in the United States | Pew Research Center
  • Types of Criminal Offenses | Justia
  • Criminal Justice and Criminology Theses | East Tennessee State University
  • Research Overview | The University of Alabama
  • Criminology Research | University of Portsmouth
  • Research | Arizona State University
  • Research Themes | University of Surrey, Centre for Criminology
  • Advanced Criminology & Criminal Justice Research Guide | Mardigian Library
  • Criminology – Research Guide: Getting Started | PennLibraries
  • Law and Criminology | University of Plymouth
  • Topics for a Criminology Research Paper | Classroom

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256 Research Topics on Criminal Justice & Criminology

Are you a law school student studying criminal behavior or forensic science? Or maybe just looking for good criminal justice topics, questions, and hypotheses? Look no further! Custom-writing.org experts offer a load of criminology research topics and titles for every occasion. Criminological theories, types of crime, the role of media in criminology, and more. Our topics will help you prepare for a college-level assignment, debate, or essay writing. 

  • ⚖️ Criminology vs. Criminal Justice
  • 🔬 120 Criminology Research Topics
  • 💂 116 Criminal Justice Research Topics

🔦 What Is Criminology?

👮 what is criminal justice, 🔍 references, ⚖️ criminology vs. criminal justice: topics & fields of study.

Criminology. Criminal justice. The terms are often confused even by the people within the field. Nevertheless, criminal justice and criminology are two different spheres. Therefore, these terms are not interchangeable.

Criminology and criminal justice are indeed related. Say, you are pursuing career opportunities in either of the fields. Then, you need to be able to answer the question: what’s the difference between criminology and criminal justice?

To put it simply, criminology studies the anatomy of a crime. More specifically, it explores the causes, costs, and consequences of it. Criminal justice is different from criminology in the sphere it covers. It is the system established for dealing with crimes: the ways of detection, detention, prosecution, and punishment. In short, think of criminal justice as a part of law enforcement.

This chapter just touched on the differences between criminal justice and criminology. If you wish to learn more about the topic, go to chapters IV, and V. Now is the time to move on to criminology research topics!

🔥 Hot Criminology Research Topics

  • The role of media in criminology.
  • Cultural explanation of crime.
  • Benefits of convict criminology.
  • Main issues of postmodern criminology.
  • Is criminal behavior affected by the politics?
  • How does DAWN collect data?
  • The limitations of crime mapping.
  • Personality traits that trigger criminal behavior.
  • Community deterioration and crime rates.
  • Does experimental criminology affect social policy?

🔬 120 Criminology Research Topics & Ideas

Here are 100 criminology research topics ideas organized by themes.

General Criminology Research Paper Topics

  • Criminology as a social science.
  • Criminology and its public policies.
  • History of criminology.
  • Crime commission: legal and social perspectives .

Criminal Psychology Research Topics

  • What is the nature of criminal behavior?
  • How does the lack of education affect the incarceration rates?
  • Childhood aggression and the impact of divorce
  • The effect of the upbringing on antisocial adult behavior
  • How do gender and cultural background affect one’s attitude towards drug abuse ?
  • Forensic psychology and its impact on the legal system
  • What is the role of criminal psychologists?
  • Different types of forensic psychological evaluations
  • What’s the difference between therapeutic and forensic evaluation?
  • Does socioeconomic status impact one’s criminal behavior?

Criminology Research Topics: Theories

  • What crimes are typical for what ages?
  • How does the type of crime correspond with the level of exerted aggression ?
  • What is the connection between citizenship (or lack thereof) and law violation?
  • How does education (or lack thereof) correspond with crime level?
  • Does employment (or lack thereof) correspond with law violation?
  • What is the connection between family status and law violation?
  • Does gender affect on the type of law violation?
  • How does ownership of firearms correspond with law violation?
  • Does immigrant status correlate with law violation?

Crime and Victimization in Criminology.

  • Is there a connection between mental health and law violation?
  • What are the causes of violence in the society?
  • Does the crime rate depend on the neighborhood?
  • How does race correspond with the type of crime?
  • Do religious beliefs correspond with law violation?
  • How does social class correlate with crime rate?
  • What are the reasons for the homeless’ improsonment?
  • How does weather correspond with law violation?

Criminology Topics on Victimization

  • Biological theories of crime: how do biological factors correspond with law violation?
  • Classical criminology: the contemporary take on crime, economics, deterrence, and the rational choice perspective.
  • Convict criminology: what do ex-convicts have to say on the subject?
  • Criminal justice theories: punishment as a deterrent to crime.
  • Critical criminology : debunking false ideas about crime and criminal justice.
  • Cultural criminology: criminality as the product of culture.
  • Cultural transmission theory: how criminal norms are transmitted in social interaction.
  • Deterrence theory: how people don’t commit crimes out of fear of punishment.
  • Rational choice theory : how crime doing is aligned with personal objectives of the perpetrator.
  • Feminist Criminology: how the dominant crime theories exclude women.
  • Labeling and symbolic interaction theories: how minorities and those deviating from social norms tend to be negatively labeled.
  • Life course criminology: how life events affect the actions that humans perform.
  • Psychological theories of crime: criminal behavior through the lense of an individual’s personality.
  • Routine activities theory : how normal everyday activities affect the tendency to commit a crime.
  • The concept of natural legal crime.
  • Self-control theory: how the lack of individual self-control results in criminal behavior.
  • Social construction of crime: crime doing as social response.
  • Social control theory: how positive socialization corresponds with reduction of criminal violation.
  • Social disorganization theory: how neighborhood ecological characteristics correspond with crime rates.
  • Social learning theory: how (non)criminal behavior can be acquired by observing and imitating others.
  • Strain theories : how social structures within society pressure citizens to commit crime.
  • Theoretical integration: how two theories are better than one.

Criminology Research and Measurement Topics

  • Citation content analysis (CCA): a framework for gaining knowledge from a variety of media.
  • Crime classification systems: classification of crime according to the severity of punishment.
  • Crime mapping as a way to map, visualize, and analyze crime incident patterns.
  • Reports and statistics of crime: the estimated rate of crime over time. Public surveys.
  • Drug abuse warning network (DAWN): predicting trends in drug misuse.
  • Arrestee drug abuse monitoring (ADAM): drug use among arrestees.
  • Edge ethnography: collecting data undercover in typically closed research settings and groups through rapport development or covert undercover strategy.
  • Experimental criminology: experimental and quasi-experimental research in the advancement of criminological theory.
  • Fieldwork in criminology: street ethnographers and their dilemmas in the field concerning process and outcomes.
  • Program evaluation: collecting and analyzing information to assess the efficiency of projects, policies and programs.
  • Quantitative criminology: how exploratory research questions, inductive reasoning, and an orientation to social context help recognize human subjectivity.

Criminology Topics on Types of Crime

  • Campus crime: the most common crimes on college campuses and ways of preventing them.
  • Child abuse : types, prevalence, risk groups, ways of detection and prevention.
  • Cybercrime: cyber fraud, defamation, hacking, bullying, phishing.
  • Domestic violence: gender, ways of detection and prevention, activism.
  • Domestic violence with disabilities.
  • Elder abuse: types, prevalence, risk groups, ways of detection and prevention.
  • Environmental crime. Natural resource theft: illegal trade in wildlife and timber, poaching, illegal fishing.
  • Environmental crime. Illegal trade in ozone-depleting substances, hazardous waste; pollution of air, water, and soil.
  • Environmental crime: local, regional, national, and transnational level.
  • Environmental crime: climate change crime and corruption.
  • Environmental crime: wildlife harming and exploitation.
  • Hate crime: how prejudice motivates violence.

Types of crime.

  • Homicide: what motivates one person to kill another.
  • Human trafficking: methods of deception, risk groups, ways of detection and prevention.
  • Identity theft : methods, risk groups, ways of detection and prevention.
  • Gambling in America.
  • Juvenile delinquency: risk groups, prevention policies, prosecution and punishment.
  • Juvenile Delinquency: Causes and Effects
  • Organizational crime: transnational, national, and local levels. Ways of disrupting the activity of a group.
  • Prostitution: risk groups, different takes on prevention policies, activism.
  • Robbery: risk groups, ways of prevention, prosecution and punishment.
  • Sex offenses: risk groups, types, prevalence, ways of detection and prevention.
  • Terrorism: definition, history, countermeasures.
  • Terrorism: individual and group activity, ways of detection and prevention.
  • Theft and shoplifting : risk groups, ways of detection, prevention policies, prosecution and punishment.
  • Counter-terrorism: constitutional and legislative issues.
  • White-collar crime: types, ways of detection, prevention policies, prosecution and punishment.

Criminology Topics on Racism and Discrimination

  • How systemic bias affects criminal justice?
  • How discriminatory portrayal of minority groups in the media affects criminal justice?
  • Racial profiling: targeting minority groups on the basis of race and ethnicity.
  • Racism and discrimination towards African-Americans.
  • Racial profiling: what are the cons? Are there any pros?
  • How discriminatory is the UK Court System?
  • How discriminatory is the US Court System?

Other Criminology Research Topics

  • Corporate crime : the ruling class criminals.
  • Genetics: illegal research and its dangers.
  • Hate crime: the implications in criminal justice.
  • Serial killers : risk groups, ways of detection and prevention.
  • Serial killers: portrayal in media.
  • Organized crime : how does it affect criminal justice?
  • Crime prevention programs.
  • Street lighting: does it reduce crime?
  • Terrorism prevention technology.
  • Identity theft: risk groups, ways of deception, prevention policies.
  • Due process model: procedural and substantive aspects.
  • Crime control in criminal justice administration.
  • Types of drugs: how do they affect the users?
  • Smart handheld devices: their function for security personnel.
  • Social media: its impact on crime rate.
  • Public health: how does criminal justice affect it?
  • Psychometric examinations: what is their role in criminal justice?
  • National defense in the US.
  • National defense in the UK.
  • Sexual harassment: the role of activism, ways of responding, prevention and prosecution.
  • Substance abuse: military.
  • Criminology and criminal justice jobs: a full list.

🌶️ Hot Criminal Justice Topics

  • The history of modern police.
  • Different types of prison systems.
  • Is situational crime prevention effective?
  • How to prevent wrongful convictions.
  • Challenges faced by crime victims.
  • The advantages of community corrections.
  • How do ethics influence criminal justice?
  • Disadvantages of felony disenfranchisement.
  • Does correctional system in the USA really work?
  • Possible problems of prisoner reentry process.

💂 116 Criminal Justice Research Topics & Questions

Here are some of the most typical and interesting criminal justice issues to dazzle your professor.

  • Prison system : the main problems and the hidden pitfalls.
  • The question of gender: why are there more men who receive capital punishment than women?
  • Kidnapping and ransom: common features, motifs, behavior patterns.
  • Crime prevention : key principles.
  • Firing a gun: what helps professionals understand whether it was deliberate or happened by accident?
  • Cybercrime : the legal perspective.
  • Internet vigilantism: revenge leaks.
  • Hate crime on the Internet: revenge leaks, trolling, defamation.
  • Crime and justice in mass media.
  • Parental abduction laws.
  • Sex offender registry: pros and cons.
  • The deterrence theory and the theory of rational choice : are they relevant in the modern world?
  • Sexual assault in schools and workplaces.
  • Jury selection: how is it performed?
  • Experimental criminology: the latest innovations.

Criminal justice system.

  • Wildlife crime: areas of prevalence, ways of prevention.
  • Felony disenfranchisement laws: when do they apply?
  • The relation between organized crime and corruption.
  • Victim services: what help can a victim of a crime get?
  • Prison rape and violence: the psychological aspect, ways of prevention.
  • Juvenile recidivism: what are the risk groups?
  • Forensic science: role and functions in modern criminal justice.
  • Shoplifting: how to prevent theft?
  • Witness Protection Program: who is eligible and how to protect them.
  • Date rape : what are the ways for the victims to seek legal assistance?
  • Substance abuse and crime: correlation or causation?
  • Identity theft: dangers and consequences in the modern world.
  • Online predators: what laws can be introduced to protect kids? Real-life examples.
  • Civil and criminal cases: how to differentiate?
  • Domestic abuse victims: what laws protect them?
  • Elder abuse: what can be done to prevent it?
  • The strain theory : the unachievable American dream.
  • Concepts of law enforcement: pursuing criminal justice .
  • Ethics and criminal justice: the unethical sides of law enforcement.
  • The top problems to be solved by law enforcement today.
  • Information sharing technology: how has it helped in the fight against terrorism?
  • Terrorism in perspective: characteristics, causes, control.
  • Serial killers: types.
  • Drug use and youth arrests.
  • Aggressive behavior: how does it correlate with criminal tendencies?
  • Community corrections : are they effective?
  • Sentencing: how does it take place?
  • Punishment types and the established terms.
  • Unwarranted arrest: when is it acceptable?
  • Human trafficking in the modern world.
  • Human trafficking: current state and counteracts.
  • The role of technology in modern forensics.
  • Similarities and differences between homicide, murder, and manslaughter.
  • Types of offenders: classification.
  • Effects of gun control measures in the United States.
  • The role of crime mapping in modern criminal justice.
  • Male crimes vs female crimes: are they different?
  • Prisons: the problems of bad living conditions.
  • Victimization : causes and ways of prevention.
  • Victimology and traditional justice system alternatives .
  • Rape victims: what are their rights?
  • Problem-solving courts: what underlying problems do they address?
  • Mandatory sentencing and the three-strike rule.
  • Have “three-strikes” laws been effective and should they be continued?
  • Criminal courts: what can be learned from their history?
  • Hate crimes: what motivates people to commit them?
  • Youth gangs: what is their danger?
  • Fieldwork: how is it done in criminology?
  • Distributive justice: its place in criminal justice.
  • Capital punishment : what can be learned from history?
  • Humanities and justice in Britain during 18th century.
  • Abolition of capital punishment .
  • Criminals and prisoners’ rights.
  • Crime prevention programs and criminal rehabilitation .
  • Campus crime: what laws and precautions are there against it?
  • Criminal trial process: how does it go?
  • Crimes committed on a religious basis: how are they punished?
  • The code of ethics in the Texas department of criminal justice.
  • Comparison between Florida and Maryland’s legislative frameworks .
  • Fraud in the scientific field: how can copyright protect the discoveries of researchers?
  • Prosecution laws: how are they applied in practice?
  • The classification of crime systems.
  • Cyberbullying and cyberstalking: what can parents do to protect their children?
  • Forgery cases in educational institutions, offices, and governmental organizations.
  • Drug courts: how do they work?

Controversial Topics in Criminal Justice

Want your work to be unconventional? Consider choosing one of the controversial topics. You will need to present a number of opposite points of view. Of course, it’s acceptable to choose and promote an opinion that you think stands the best. Just make sure to provide a thorough analysis of all of the viewpoints.

You can also stay impartial and let the reader make up their own mind on the subject. If you decide to support one of the viewpoints, your decision should be objective. Back it up with plenty of evidence, too. Here are some examples of controversial topics that you can explore.

  • Reform vs. punishment: which one offers more benefits?
  • Restorative justice model : is it the best criminal justice tool?
  • The war on drugs: does it really solve the drug problem?
  • Criminal insanity: is it a reason enough for exemption from liability?
  • Juvenile justice system: should it be eliminated?
  • Drug testing on the school ground.
  • Police brutality in the United States .
  • How to better gun control ?
  • Why Gun Control Laws Should be Scrapped.
  • Pornography: is it a type of sexual violence?
  • Whether death penalty can be applied fairly?
  • Jack the Ripper: who was he?
  • The modern justice system: is it racist?
  • A false accusation: how can one protect themselves from it?
  • Concealed weapons: what are the criminal codes of various states?
  • Race and crime: is there a correlation?
  • Registering sex offenders: should this information be in public records?
  • Juvenile delinquency and bad parenting: is there a relation?
  • Assessing juveniles for psychopathy or conduct disorder.
  • Should all new employees be checked for a criminal background?
  • Are delinquency cases higher among immigrant children?
  • Restrictive housing: can it help decongest prisons?
  • Homegrown crimes: is there an effective program against them?
  • Prostitution: the controversy around legalization .
  • Eyewitness testimony: is it really helpful in an investigation?
  • Youthful offenders in boot camps: is this strategy effective?
  • Predictive policing: is it effective?
  • Selective incapacitation: is it an effective policy for reducing crime?
  • Social class and crime: is there a relation?
  • Death penalty: is it effective in crime deterrence?
  • Extradition law: is it fair?
  • Devious interrogations: is deceit acceptable during investigations?
  • Supermax prisons: are they effective or just cruel?
  • Zero tolerance: is it the best policy for crime reduction?
  • Marijuana decriminalization: pros and cons.
  • Marijuana legalization in the US .

Now that you have looked through the full list of topics, choose wisely. Remember that sometimes it’s best to avoid sensitive topics. Other times, a clever choice of a topic will win you extra points. It doesn’t depend on just the tastes of your professor, of course. You should also take into account how much relevant information there is on the subject. Anyway, the choice of the topic of your research is up to you. Try to find the latest materials and conduct an in-depth analysis of them. Don’t forget to draw a satisfactory conclusion. Writing may take a lot of your time and energy, so plan ahead. Remember to stay hydrated and good luck!

Now, after we looked through the topic collections on criminology and criminal justice, it is time to turn to the specifics in each of the fields. First, let’s talk more extensively about criminology. If you are training to be a criminologist, you will study some things more deeply. They include the behavior patterns of criminals, their backgrounds, and the latest sociological trends in crime.

In the field of criminology, the specialties are numerous. That’s why it’s difficult to pinpoint one career that represents a typical member of the profession. It all depends on the background of a criminologist, their education, and experience.

Careers possible with a criminology major.

A criminologist may have a number of responsibilities at their position. For example, they might be called forth to investigate a crime scene. Participation in autopsies is unpleasant yet necessary. Interrogation of suspects and subsequent criminal profiling is another essential duty.

Some professionals work solely in research. Others consult government agencies or private security companies. Courts and law firms also cooperate with criminologists. Their job is to provide expert opinion in criminal proceedings. Some of them work in the prison systems in order to oversee the rehabilitation of the convicted.

Regardless of the career specialty , most criminologists are working on profiling and data collection. A criminologist is another word for an analyst. They collect, study, and analyze data on crimes. After conducting the analysis, they provide recommendations and actionable information.

A criminologist seeks to find out the identity of the person who committed the crime. The time point of a crime is also important, as well as the reason for it. There are several areas covered by the analysis of a criminologist. The psychological behavior of the criminal or criminals is closely studied. The socio-economic indicators are taken into account. There are also, of course, the environmental factors that may have facilitated the crime.

Some high-profile cases require a criminologist to correspond with media and PR managers extensively. Sometimes criminologists write articles and even books about their findings. However, it should be noted that the daily routine of a professional in the field is not so glamorous. Most criminologists do their work alone, without the attention of the public.

The research a criminologist accumulates during their work is extensive. It doesn’t just sit there in a folder on their desk, of course. The collected statistics are used for developing active criminal profiles that are shared with law enforcement agencies. It helps to understand criminal behavior better and to predict it. That’s why a criminologist’s work must be precise and accurate for it to be practical and useful. Also, criminology professionals must have a good grasp of math and statistics.

Thinking of a career in criminology? You will need to, at the very least, graduate from college. There, you’ll master mathematics, statistics, and, of course, criminology. An associate’s degree may get you an entry-level position. But the minimum entry-level requirement is usually the bachelor’s degree. The best positions, though, are left for the professionals with a master’s degree or a PhD.

Just having a degree is not enough. To succeed as a criminologist, you will require all your intelligence, commitment, and the skill of analyzing intricate situations. An aspiration to better the society will go a long way. You will need to exercise your creative, written, and verbal communication skills, too. An analytical mind will land you at an advantage.

Criminology: Research Areas

Times change and the world of crime never ceases to adapt. The nature of criminal transgression is evolving, and so do the ways of prosecution. Criminal detection, investigation, and prevention are constantly advancing. Criminology studies aim to improve the practices implemented in the field.

There are six unified, coordinated, and interrelated areas of expertise. Within each, the professionals are busy turning their mastery into knowledge and action.

Criminology research areas.

The first research area is the newest worry of criminology – cybercrime. The impact of this type of crime is escalating with every passing day. That’s why it’s crucial for the law enforcement professionals to keep up to date with the evolving technology. Cybercrime research is exploring the growing threat of its subject at all levels of society. Cybercrime may impact people on both personal and governmental levels. Cybercrime research investigates the motivation and methodology behind the offenses and finds new ways to react.

The second research area is counter fraud. Crimes that fall under this category include fraud and corruption. The questions that counter fraud research deals with are many. How widely a crime is spread, what method is best to fight it, and the optimal courses of action to protect people and organizations.

The third research area is that of forensics. The contemporary face of justice has been changed by forensic science beyond recognition. Nowadays, it’s much harder for criminals to conceal their activity due to evolved technologies. The research in forensics is utilizing science in the identification of the crime and in its reconstruction. It employs such techniques as DNA recovery, fingerprinting, and forensic interviewing.

What is forensic interviewing? It helps find new ways to gather quality information from witnesses and crime scenes. It also works on developing protocols that ensure the protection of this human data and its correct interpretation by police.

The fourth research area is policing. Police service is facing a lot of pressing issues nowadays due to budget cuts. At the same time, police officers still need to learn, and there are also individual factors that may influence their work.

The fifth research area is penology. It’s tasked with exploring the role of punishment in the criminal justice system. Does punishment aid the rehabilitation of perpetrators, and to what extent? The answer will help link theory to practice and thus shape how criminal justice practitioners work.

The sixth research area is that of missing persons. Before a person goes missing, they may display a certain pattern of behavior. The study of missing persons helps to identify it. The results will determine the handling of such cases.

Now that we know what criminology is, it’s time to talk about criminal justice.

While criminology focuses on the analysis of crime, criminal justice concentrates on societal systems. Its primary concern is with the criminal behavior of the perpetrators. For example, in the USA, there are three branches of the criminal justice system. They are police (aka law enforcement), courts, and corrections. These branches all work together to punish and prevent unlawful behavior. If you take up a career in criminal justice, expect to work in one of these fields.

The most well-known branch of criminal justice is law enforcement. The police force is at the forefront of defense against crime and misdemeanor. They stand against the criminal element in many ways. For instance, they patrol the streets, investigate crimes, and detain suspects. It’s not just the police officers who take these responsibilities upon themselves. There are also US Marshals, ICE, FBI Agents, DEA, and border patrol. Only after the arrest has been made, the perpetrator enters the court system.

The court system is less visible to the public, but still crucial to the criminal justice system. Its main purpose is to determine the suspect’s innocence or guilt. You can work as an attorney, lawyer, bailiff, judge, or another professional of the field. In the court, if you are a suspect, you are innocent until proven guilty. You are also entitled to a fair trial. However, if they do find you guilty, you will receive a sentence. Your punishment will be the job of the corrections system.

The courts determine the nature of the punishment, and the corrections system enforces it. There are three elements of the corrections system: incarceration, probation, and parole. They either punish or rehabilitate the convicts. Want to uptake a career in corrections? You may work as, including, but not limited to: a parole officer, a prison warden, a probation officer, and a guard.

📈 Criminal Justice: Research Areas

The research areas in criminal justice are similar, if not identical, to those of criminology. After all, those are two very closely related fields. The one difference is that criminal justice research has more practical than theoretical applications. But it’s fair to say that theory is the building blocks that practice bases itself on. One is impossible without the other unless the result you want is complete chaos.

So, the question is – what topic to choose for the research paper? Remember that the world of criminal justice is constantly changing. Choosing a subject for research in criminal justice, consider a relevant topic. There are many pressing issues in the field. Exploring them will undoubtedly win you points from your professor. Just make sure to choose a direction that will give you the opportunity to show off both your knowledge and your analytical skills.

Not sure that your original research direction will be appreciated? Then choose one of the standard topics. Something that is widely discussed in the media. And, of course, make sure that you are truly interested in the subject. Otherwise, your disinterest will translate into your writing, which may negatively affect the overall impression. Also, it’s just more enjoyable to work on something that resonates with you.

What can you do with your research paper? Literally anything. Explore the background of the issue. Make predictions. Compare the different takes on the matter. Maybe there are some fresh new discoveries that have been made recently. What does science say about that?

Also, remember to backup all your arguments with quotes and examples from real life. The Internet is the best library and research ground a student could hope for. The main idea of the paper, aka the thesis, must be proven by enough factual material. Otherwise, it’s best to change your research direction.

And, of course, don’t put it all off till the last minute. Make a plan and stick to it. Consistency and clever distribution of effort will take you a long way. Good luck!

🤔 Criminal Justice Research FAQs

Criminological and criminal justice research are the scientific studies of the causes and consequences, extent and control, nature, management, and prevention of criminal behavior, both on the social and individual levels.

Criminal justice and criminology are sciences that analyze the occurrence and explore the ways of prevention of illegal acts. Any conducted personal research and investigation should be supported by the implemented analytical methods from academic works that describe the given subject.

There are six interrelated areas of criminology research:

  • Cybercrime research makes law enforcement professionals keep up to date with the evolving technology.
  • Counter fraud research investigates cases of fraud and corruption.
  • Forensics research utilizes science: DNA recovery, fingerprinting, and forensic interviewing.
  • Research in policing investigates individual factors that may influence the work of police officers.
  • Penology explores the role of punishment in the criminal justice system.
  • The study of missing persons helps to identify patterns of victims’ behavior.

There are seven research methods in criminology:

  • Quantitative research methods measure criminological and criminal justice reality by assigning numerical values to concepts to find patterns of correlation, cause and effect.
  • Survey research collects information from a number of persons via their responses to questions.
  • Experimental research assesses cause and effect in two comparison groups.
  • Cross-sectional research studies one group at one point in time.
  • Longitudinal research studies the same group over a period of time.
  • Time-series designs study the same group at successive points in time.
  • Meta-analysis employs quantitative analysis of findings from multiple studies.

The basis of criminological theory is criminological research. It influences the development of social policies and defines criminal justice practice.

Criminological research doesn’t just enable law students to develop analytical and presentational skills. The works of criminal justice professionals, scholars, and government policymakers dictate the way law enforcement operates. The newest ideas born out of research identify corrections and crime prevention, too.

Here is a step-by-step instruction on how to write a criminal justice research paper:

  • Choose a topic
  • Read the materials and take notes
  • Come up with a thesis
  • Create an outline for your work
  • Draft the body
  • Start with a cover page, an abstract, and an intro
  • List the methods you used, and the results you got
  • Include a discussion
  • Sum it up with a conclusion
  • Don’t forget a literature review and appendices
  • Revise, proofread, and edit

The most common types of methodologies in criminal justice research include:

  • Observation of participants.
  • Surveys and interviews.
  • Observation of focus groups.
  • Conducting experiments.
  • Analysis of secondary data and archival study.
  • Mixed (a combination of the above methods).

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  • Criminal Justice: University of North Georgia
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The schools of criminology seems like such a fascinating field — it’s definitely not for the lighthearted though! Here in the Philippines, criminology as a course is highly underrated; hopefully that’ll change!

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200 Best Criminology Research Topics For Students

Criminology studies crime, criminal behavior, and the criminal justice system. Picking a good research topic is essential. It should match your interests and help us understand crime and how to prevent it.

There are many types of criminology research topics to choose from. You could look at criminal behavior, crime prevention, the justice system, theories about crime, or new issues like cybercrime. This guide will help you pick a research topic and get excited about criminology research. We’ll look at different topic ideas across criminology.

Whether you’re interested in why people commit crimes, how to stop crimes, the courts and jails, theories about crime, or new issues like internet crime, this guide will help you find a good research topic. Let’s explore criminology research topics and find great research ideas together! 

What are Criminology Research Topics?

Table of Contents

Criminology research topics involve studying crime, criminals, and the justice system using scientific methods. This includes looking at:

  • Why crimes happen
  • Patterns in criminal behavior
  • How crime impacts people and communities
  • How the justice system, like police, courts, and jails, work
  • Theories about the causes of crime
  • Ways to prevent crimes
  • New types of crimes like internet crime
  • How crime is different in various times and cultures
  • How crime affects victims
  • What the public thinks about crime
  • Ideas for improving crime laws and policies

Criminology Research Topics For Students

Here are over 200 criminology research topics for students categorized into different subfields of criminology:

General Criminology

  • The significance of restorative justice programs in decreasing recidivism rates.
  • Exploring the role of genetics in criminal behavior.
  • The impact of socioeconomic status on crime rates.
  • Analyzing the relationship between drug policies and crime rates.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of community policing in reducing crime.
  • Analyzing the role of mental health in criminal behavior.
  • Understanding the link between poverty and crime.
  • Exploring the use of technology in crime prevention.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs for offenders.
  • Investigating the role of media in shaping perceptions of crime and criminals.

Criminal Justice System

  • The influence of mandatory minimum sentencing laws on crime rates.
  • Exploring racial disparities in the criminal justice system.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of plea bargaining in reducing court backlogs.
  • Investigating the role of forensic evidence in criminal investigations.
  • Examining the ethics of using informants in criminal investigations.
  • Understanding the influence of incarceration on families and communities.
  • Exploring the role of prosecutorial discretion in shaping criminal justice outcomes.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of probation and parole programs.
  • Investigating the use of body cameras in policing.
  • Examining the role of juries in the criminal justice system.

Crime Prevention

  • Exploring the effectiveness of gun control policies in reducing violent crime.
  • Analyzing the impact of CCTV cameras on crime rates in urban areas.
  • Investigating the role of environmental design in crime prevention.
  • Examining the effectiveness of school-based anti-bullying programs.
  • Understanding the link between unemployment and property crime.
  • Exploring the role of parenting in preventing juvenile delinquency.
  • Analyzing the efficacy of early intervention programs for at-risk youth.
  • Investigating the impact of neighborhood watch programs on community safety.
  • Studying the role of social media in facilitating or preventing cyberbullying.
  • Exploring the effectiveness of drug education programs in schools.

Juvenile Delinquency

  • The effect of family structure on juvenile delinquency rates.
  • Studying the role of peer pressure in juvenile offending.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of diversion programs for juvenile offenders.
  • Investigating the link between childhood trauma and later delinquent behavior.
  • Examining the role of schools in preventing juvenile delinquency.
  • Understanding the influence of media on juvenile behavior.
  • Exploring the effectiveness of mentoring programs for at-risk youth.
  • Analyzing the impact of juvenile curfew laws on crime rates.
  • Investigating the role of substance abuse in juvenile offending.
  • Studying the efficacy of rehabilitation programs for juvenile offenders.
  • The impact of dark web marketplaces on illicit drug trade.
  • Exploring the effectiveness of cybersecurity measures in preventing cyber attacks.
  • Analyzing the role of cryptocurrencies in facilitating money laundering.
  • Investigating the link between online gaming and cyberbullying.
  • Examining the effectiveness of law enforcement responses to cybercrime.
  • Understanding the role of social media in cyberstalking cases.
  • Exploring the impact of data breaches on consumer privacy.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of international cooperation in combating cybercrime.
  • Investigating the role of artificial intelligence in cybercrime detection.
  • Examining the legal and ethical issues surrounding hacking and hacktivism.

White-Collar Crime

  • The impact of corporate culture on white-collar crime.
  • Exploring the effectiveness of regulatory agencies in preventing corporate fraud.
  • Analyzing the role of whistleblowers in exposing corporate misconduct.
  • Investigating the link between executive compensation and financial fraud.
  • Examining the effectiveness of corporate compliance programs.
  • Understanding the role of technology in facilitating white-collar crime.
  • Exploring the impact of globalization on white-collar crime.
  • Analyzing the role of government oversight in preventing financial crimes.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of anti-money laundering measures.
  • Examining the psychological profiles of white-collar offenders.

Terrorism and Counterterrorism

  • The impact of globalization on terrorism.
  • Exploring the role of ideology in terrorist recruitment.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of counterterrorism strategies.
  • Investigating the link between poverty and terrorism.
  • Examining the role of social media in terrorist propaganda.
  • Understanding the psychology of terrorism.
  • Exploring the impact of state-sponsored terrorism.
  • Analyzing the role of intelligence agencies in preventing terrorist attacks.
  • Studying the effectiveness of border security measures in combating terrorism.
  • Examining the ethics of targeted drone strikes in counterterrorism efforts.


  • The impact of victim-blaming attitudes on reporting rates of sexual assault.
  • Exploring the psychological effects of victimization.
  • Analyzing the role of victim support services in aiding recovery.
  • Investigating the link between domestic violence and homelessness.
  • Studying the effectiveness of restorative justice practices for victims.
  • Understanding the role of trauma-informed care for victims.
  • Exploring the impact of victim compensation programs.
  • Analyzing the prevalence of revictimization among survivors.
  • Investigating the role of victim-offender mediation in reducing trauma.
  • Examining the experiences of marginalized victims within the criminal justice system.

Gender and Crime

  • The impact of gender stereotypes on sentencing outcomes.
  • Exploring the link between masculinity and violent crime.
  • Analyzing the role of gender in shaping criminal opportunities.
  • Investigating the prevalence of intimate partner violence against men.
  • Examining the experiences of transgender individuals within the criminal justice system.
  • Understanding the role of gender in white-collar crime.
  • Exploring the intersection of race, gender, and crime.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of gender-responsive programming for female offenders.
  • Investigating the link between gender identity and hate crimes.
  • Examining the role of gender in criminal victimization experiences.

Race and Crime

  • The influence of racial profiling on policing practices.
  • Exploring the link between race and sentencing disparities.
  • Analyzing the role of systemic racism in contributing to crime rates.
  • Investigating the prevalence of hate crimes against racial minorities.
  • Examining the experiences of Indigenous peoples within the criminal justice system.
  • Understanding the impact of racial segregation on crime.
  • Exploring the intersection of race, poverty, and crime.
  • Analyzing the role of race in shaping perceptions of criminality.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of diversity training for law enforcement.
  • Examining the experiences of racial minorities as crime victims.

Policing and Law Enforcement

  • The influence of body-worn cameras on police behavior.
  • Exploring the effectiveness of predictive policing algorithms.
  • Analyzing the role of police discretion in shaping law enforcement outcomes.
  • Investigating the prevalence of police brutality and accountability measures.
  • Examining the impact of community-oriented policing initiatives.
  • Understanding the role of police unions in shaping department policies.
  • Exploring the use of technology in crime mapping and analysis.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of de-escalation training for police officers.
  • Investigating the role of implicit bias in police interactions.
  • Examining the impact of police militarization on community relations.

Criminal Behavior Theories

  • The impact of strain theory on understanding criminal behavior.
  • Exploring the role of social learning theory in juvenile delinquency.
  • Analyzing the influence of biological theories on criminal behavior.
  • Investigating the relevance of rational choice theory in explaining white-collar crime.
  • Examining the role of labeling theory in shaping criminal identities.
  • Understanding the impact of control theory on crime prevention strategies.
  • Exploring the intersection of feminist theory and criminology.
  • Analyzing the relevance of routine activities theory in cybercrime.
  • Investigating the role of social disorganization theory in understanding neighborhood crime.
  • Examining the influence of psychoanalytic theories on criminal profiling.

Comparative Criminology

  • The impact of cultural differences on crime rates.
  • Exploring the effectiveness of different legal systems in combating crime.
  • Analyzing the role of globalization in transnational crime.
  • Investigating the prevalence of human trafficking in different regions.
  • Examining the effectiveness of drug policies in different countries.
  • Understanding the impact of political instability on crime rates.
  • Exploring the role of corruption in facilitating organized crime.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs in different cultural contexts.
  • Investigating the prevalence of honor crimes in different societies.
  • Examining the role of religion in shaping attitudes towards crime.

Environmental Criminology

  • The impact of urban design on crime rates.
  • Studying the significance of crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED).
  • Analyzing the role of natural landscapes in preventing crime.
  • Investigating the impact of lighting on crime in public spaces.
  • Examining the role of surveillance in deterring criminal activity.
  • Understanding the influence of architecture on criminal behavior.
  • Exploring the impact of weather on crime patterns.
  • Analyzing the role of public transportation in facilitating crime.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of neighborhood revitalization efforts in reducing crime.
  • Examining the influence of housing policies on neighborhood safety.

Criminal Profiling and Forensics

  • The impact of offender profiling on criminal investigations.
  • Exploring the reliability of forensic evidence in court.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of DNA databases in solving cold cases.
  • Investigating the role of forensic psychology in criminal profiling.
  • Examining the ethics of using familial DNA searching.
  • Understanding the limitations of eyewitness testimony in court.
  • Exploring the use of forensic linguistics in criminal investigations.
  • Analyzing the role of digital forensics in cybercrime investigations.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of geographic profiling techniques.
  • Examining the impact of forensic anthropology on missing persons cases.

Drugs and Crime

  • The influence of drug legalization on crime rates.
  • Exploring the role of drug trafficking organizations in organized crime.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of harm reduction strategies in reducing drug-related crime.
  • Investigating the link between substance abuse and property crime.
  • Examining the impact of drug courts on recidivism rates.
  • Understanding the role of addiction in driving criminal behavior.
  • Analyzing the impact of drug policy on marginalized communities.
  • Investigating the prevalence of prescription drug abuse and crime.
  • Examining the role of drug treatment programs in reducing criminal recidivism.

Human Trafficking

  • The impact of globalization on human trafficking patterns.
  • Exploring the role of organized crime in human trafficking networks.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of anti-trafficking laws and policies.
  • Investigating the link between human trafficking and other forms of exploitation.
  • Examining the role of technology in combating human trafficking.
  • Understanding the experiences of human trafficking survivors.
  • Exploring the intersection of migration and human trafficking.
  • Analyzing the role of demand in driving human trafficking.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of victim identification and support programs.
  • Examining the impact of cultural attitudes on human trafficking.

Organized Crime

  • The impact of globalization on the expansion of organized crime networks.
  • Exploring the role of cybercrime in organized criminal enterprises.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of law enforcement strategies against organized crime.
  • Investigating the connection between organized crime and terrorism.
  • Examining the role of corruption in facilitating organized crime activities.
  • Understanding the structure and hierarchy of organized crime groups.
  • Exploring the impact of drug trafficking on organized crime syndicates.
  • Analyzing the role of money laundering in legitimizing criminal proceeds.
  • Investigating the use of violence and coercion in organized crime operations.
  • Examining the role of technology in disrupting organized crime networks.

Prisons and Incarceration

  • The influence of mass incarceration on communities of color.
  • Exploring the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs in prison.
  • Analyzing the role of privatization in the prison industrial complex.
  • Investigating the link between mental illness and incarceration rates.
  • Examining the impact of solitary confinement on mental health.
  • Understanding the experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals in prison.
  • Exploring the effectiveness of reentry programs for ex-offenders.
  • Analyzing the role of education and vocational training in reducing recidivism.
  • Investigating the prevalence of overcrowding in prisons.
  • Examining the ethics of for-profit prison systems.

Restorative Justice

  • The impact of restorative justice practices on victims and offenders.
  • Exploring the role of community involvement in restorative justice processes.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of restorative justice in cases of intimate partner violence.
  • Investigating the cultural considerations in implementing restorative justice.
  • Examining the role of restorative justice in addressing historical injustices.
  • Understanding the impact of restorative justice on recidivism rates.
  • Exploring the role of restorative justice in cases involving juvenile offenders.
  • Analyzing the challenges of implementing restorative justice in rural communities.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of restorative justice in cases of hate crimes.
  • Examining the ethical considerations of restorative justice practices.

Factors To Consider When Selecting a Criminology Research Topic

Here are some factors to consider when picking a criminology research topic:

  • Importance – Choose a topic that matters today, is socially important, and will add useful information to criminology. Look at issues people are talking about in the media.
  • Interest – Pick a topic you find really interesting and will enjoy researching. Your excitement will show in your work.
  • Doable – Make sure the topic can be researched well in the time you have, with the data you can access, and follow ethical rules. Avoid topics that are too broad.
  • New – Try to provide new insights or a fresh viewpoint. Look at existing research to find gaps you can help fill.
  • Meaningful – Choose a topic that can potentially improve criminological knowledge, theory, or practice importantly.
  • Methods – Match the topic to research methods you know or want to learn, like statistical analysis, interviews, etc.
  • Sources – Consider access to articles, datasets, people to interview, etc. Can you find good information sources?
  • Audience – Keep your intended readers in mind. Adjust the scope and approach to give useful information to academics, policymakers, practitioners, etc.

Tips for Conducting Criminology Research

Here are some tips for doing criminology research:

  • Get organized – Make a plan for your research steps and deadlines. Keep your notes, sources, and documents in order.
  • Review existing research – Read and analyze other studies about your topic to find gaps, debates, and theories to build on.
  • Choose suitable methods – Pick research methods like surveys, interviews, field studies, or crime data analysis that match your research questions.
  • Follow ethical rules – Get approval for your research plan. Protect participant privacy and anonymity.
  • Find quality sources – Use scholarly journals, crime databases, court records, and trustworthy sources for good data and information.
  • Analyze data carefully – Use appropriate qualitative or statistical techniques to analyze your data and draw valid conclusions.
  • Make persuasive arguments – Interpret your findings to make evidence-based arguments that address your research questions.
  • Write clearly – Use academic but understandable language. Explain terminology. Use an organized structure.
  • Note limitations – Identify limits of your methods, data sources, and ability to determine causation. Suggest future research.
  • Proofread thoroughly – Check for typos, grammar issues, consistent formatting, and complete citations.
  • Share your research – Present at conferences, publish articles or apply findings to inform criminology practice.

Final Remarks

To wrap up, our journey through criminology research has been an exciting exploration of the complex world of crime and solutions. We’ve discovered exciting areas like criminal behavior, prevention, the justice system, and theories by seeing how important it is to pick the right topic.

Remember, your research can help shape real-world policies and practices. As you explore this changing field, connect with experts, use reliable sources, and follow your curiosity. 

A criminology is a powerful tool for positive change, and your work can impact our understanding of crime. Keep exploring, stay curious, and let your criminology research journey unfold! I’m glad we could explore these meaningful topics in a straightforward, easy-to-grasp way.

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Criminology Theses and Dissertations

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Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

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Morality and Offender Decision-Making: Testing the Empirical Relationship and Examining Methodological Implications , Jacquelyn Burckley

The Ring of Gyges 2.0: How Anonymity Providing Behaviors Affect Willingness to Participate in Online Deviance , Cassandra E. Dodge

A Macro Analysis of Illegal Hunting and Fishing Across Texas Counties: Using an Economic Structural Approach , Leo J. Genco Jr.

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Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

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Cross-National Incarceration Rates as Behavior of Law , Christopher J. Marier

The Effects of Perceived Motivations and Mental Distress on the Likelihood of Reporting and Engaging in Self-Protective Measures Among Victims of Stalking , Daniela Oramas Mora

Mental Health and In-Prison Experiences: Examining Socioeconomic and Sex Differences in the Effect of Mental Illness on Institutional Misconduct and Disciplinary Segregation , Rachel E. Severson

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Dating Application Facilitated Victimization: An Examination of Lifestyle-Routine Activities, Self-Control, and Self-Efficacy , Vanessa Centelles

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The Role of Race/Ethnicity and Risk Assessment on Juvenile Case Outcomes , Tayler N. Shreve

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Effect of Empathy on Death Penalty Support in Relation to the Racial Divide and Gender Gap , Brian Godcharles

Exploring the Interactive Effects of Social Learning Theory and Psychopathy on Serious Juvenile Delinquency , Brandy Barenna Henderson

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Thirty Year Follow-Up of Juvenile Homicide Offenders , Norair Khachatryan

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Evaluating the Social Control of Banking Crimes: An Examination of Anti-Money Laundering Deficiencies and Industry Success , Erin M. Mulligan

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Rape, Race, and Capital Punishment in North Carolina: A Qualitative Approach to Examining an Enduring Cultural Legacy , Douglas Wholl

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Public Knowledge and Sentiments about Elite Deviance , Cedric Michel

The Influence of Community Context on Social Control: A Multi-Level Examination of the Relationship between Race/Ethnicity, Drug Offending, and Juvenile Court Outcomes , Jennifer Peck

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Assessing the Relationship Between Hotspots of Lead and Hotspots of Crime , Kimberly L. Barrett

A Life-Course Approach to Sexual Offending: Examining the Continuity of Juvenile Sexual Offending into Adulthood and Subsequent Patterns of Recidivism , Maude Beaudry-Cyr

Examining the link between self-control and misconduct in a multi-agency sample of police supervisors: A test of two theories , Christopher Matthew Donner

The Impact of Hyperfemininity on Explicit and Implicit Blame Assignment and Police Reporting of Alcohol Facilitated Rape in a Sample of College Women , Sarah Ehlke

Rurality and Intimate Partner Homicide: Exploring the Relationship between Place, Social Structure, and Femicide in North Carolina , Amelia Kirkland

Self-Control, Attitudinal Beliefs, and White-Collar Crime Intentions , Melissa Anne Lugo

Zero Tolerance for Marginal Populations: Examining Neoliberal Social Controls in American Schools , Brian Gregory Sellers

State-Corporate Crime in the Democratic Republic of Congo , Veronica Jane Winters

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

The Walls Are Closing In: Comparing Property Crime Victimization Risk In Gated And Non-Gated Communities , Nicholas Branic

What Propels Sexual Homicide Offenders? Testing an Integrated Theory of Social Learning and Routine Activities Theories , Heng Choon Chan

A Deadly Way of Doing Business: A Case Study of Corporate Crime in the Coal Mining Industry , Charles Nickolas Stickeler

Deconstructing the "Power and Control Motive": Developing and Assessing the Measurability of Internal Power , Shelly Marie Wagers

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Assessing racial differences in offending trajectories: A life-course view of the race-crime relationship , Michael S. Caudy

Mental Health Courts Effectiveness in Reducing Recidivism and Improving Clinical Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis , Brittany Cross

General Strain Theory and Juvenile Delinquency: A Cross-Cultural Study , Wen-Hsu Lin

General Strain Theory, Race, and Delinquency , Jennifer Peck

Developmental Trajectories of Self-Control: Assessing the Stability Hypothesis , James Vance Ray

Explaining the "Female Victim Effect" in Capital Sentencing Decisions: A Case for Sex-Specific Models of Capital Sentencing Research , Tara N. Richards

A Multilevel Model of Police Corruption: Anomie, Decoupling, and Moral Disengagement , Ruth Zschoche

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

The Emotional Guardianship of Foreign-Born and Native-Born Hispanic Youth and Its Effect on Violent Victimization , Amy Sheena Eggers

The Influence of Narcissism and Self-Control on Reactive Aggression , Melissa L. Harrison

Is There an "Innocent Female Victim" Effect in Capital Punishment Sentencing? , Amelia Lane Kirkland

An Analysis of the Influence of Sampling Methods on Estimation of Drug Use Prevalence and Patterns Among Arrestees in the United States: Implications for Research and Policy , Janine Kremling

A Pathway to Child Sex Trafficking in Prostitution: The Impact of Strain and Risk-Inflating Responses , Joan A. Reid

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167 Top Criminology Dissertation Ideas

Criminology Dissertation Ideas

Are you taking criminology in college, and it is time to work on your dissertation, but it appears challenging? Many university students get stuck even before starting, but there is no need to worry because we are here to hold your hand. The first, and we must emphasize, most crucial step, is picking the title of your dissertation. So, how do you select the right criminology dissertation topic?

The best title should be unique, interesting, and have ample resources to help you craft a paper that will impress your professor and the assessment committee. To make selecting the best easier, we have picked the hottest 167 criminology dissertation ideas for you. Keep reading to identify the preferred option and use it as it is or tweak a little to fit your preference.

Criminology Dissertation Ideas on Terrorism

  • Religious ideologies: Can they be a source of terrorism?
  • Analyzing the relationship between media and terrorism.
  • Political tensions: Are they to blame for the ever-growing number of militias on the globe?
  • Comparing the trends of terror in the 19 th and 20 th centuries: A literature review.
  • What are the leading causes and motivations of terrorism?
  • Analyzing literature on identity theft and social media.
  • What motivates women to join ISIS?
  • Comparing male and female serial killers: What are the main differences?
  • How does the US respond to terror threats?
  • The US efforts to combat terror after the 9/11 attack: Are they effective?
  • Was the US justified in killing Osama Bin Laden instead of taking him to court?
  • Comparing two known terror networks of your choice in different countries.
  • Terrorism from the viewpoint of international law.
  • Islamic charities: Are they the main sources of finance for terrorists?
  • Are recent attacks by Hamas and Israel acts of terrorism?

Criminology Dissertation Ideas about Drugs

  • Analyzing the relationship between people of various backgrounds and police.
  • What are the most effective methods of preventing drug trafficking internationally?
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of drug courts.
  • Reversible and irreversible impacts of drug abuse.
  • People incarcerated for drug abuse: What are the impacts on their children?
  • Club culture: How does it enhance drug abuse in the society?
  • Preventing drug abuse in society: Which is more effective between voluntary learning and mandatory examination?
  • Reviewing the harm done to society by drugs.
  • Comparing the impacts of cannabis and alcohol on a person’s behavior.
  • The most abused drugs and their effects on societal behavior.
  • Cannabis and deviant behavior among youths: What is the relationship?
  • Cannabis legalization: Is it a good idea? What should we expect in the coming years?
  • Drug use and youth arrests: A case study of Paris, France.
  • Comparing drug court operations in the UK and USA.
  • War on drugs in the US: Can it solve the problem of drug abuse and crime?
  • Drug testing in school.
  • The influence of drugs on sexual assaults.
  • Prostitution: A study of the main risk groups in the UK.
  • Drug traffic tracking strategies used in the UK.
  • Drug abuse in prison cells: What are the causes and effects?

Criminal Law EPQ Questions

  • Harassment in school and workplace: What are the main strategies adopted to address the problem in the UK?
  • Homicides: A review of motivations that make people kill.
  • Are the strategies adopted by your state enough to counter juvenile delinquency?
  • What is the relationship between crime in Texas and people living with mental disorders?
  • Domestic violence: What are the rights of victims?
  • How can the marginalized get access to justice? A case study of the Netherlands.
  • A study of the main types of robberies reported in the US in the 20 th century.
  • Arson investigations: How do investigators determine whether the fire was deliberate or accidental?
  • What is the relationship between substance abuse and poor schooling?
  • What causes addiction among cannabis users?
  • What is the effectiveness of witness programs in criminal justice? A closer look at the International Criminal Court (ICC).
  • Robbery: What are the main risk groups, methods of prevention, and prosecution?
  • What is the effectiveness of the International Criminal Court in achieving its mandate?
  • Should employers check an all applicants’ criminal history during recruitment?
  • The extradition law in the United States: Is it fair?
  • Maximum-security prisons: Are they justified or simply cruel?
  • A study of incarcerated parent’s responsibilities. How do they cope?

Masters Dissertation Ideas for Criminology

  • Death penalty in the justice system: Is it effective in crime prevention.
  • The rising rates of mass shootings in the US: What are the main causes?
  • Studying the impact of genocidal acts on the cohesiveness of society.
  • Police shootings: Comparing top three cases in the US and the UK.
  • Sex offenses: Which are the main risk groups, prevalence, and prevention efforts?
  • How corruption affects the social, political and economy of a country.
  • Why are most crimes in the US and UK mainly committed by the youths?
  • US vs. China’s criminal justice system: What are the main differences?
  • Are the current US laws on criminology effective?
  • A review of the British criminology curriculum: What needs to be improved?
  • Analyzing the relationship between education levels and crime levels in a country of your choice.
  • What is the relationship between ownership of guns and law violations?
  • Law enforcement and criminology: What are the differences?
  • Does racial abuse of international students and immigrants motivate them to join criminal gangs?
  • Using culture to mold responsible citizens: A case study of communities in Georgia, Europe.

Forensic Psychology Dissertation Ideas

  • A comprehensive analysis of competence to stand trial concept and its application in the UK.
  • The age of criminal culpability: A review of the effectiveness of this idea in criminal justice.
  • The ethics of death penalty: A review of the literature.
  • Studying the mind of a criminal on death row: What goes in the mind of a person on a death row hours before execution?
  • Should the death penalty be used on juveniles?
  • What are the chances that a person on death row can change into a law-abiding citizen?
  • How does memory impact eyewitness testimony?
  • Analyzing the strategies used by the justice system to evaluate the reports of eyewitnesses.
  • Methods used in the UK to protect eyewitnesses.

Criminology Dissertation Ideas Mental Health

  • What role do guardians play in crime prevention in society?
  • A review of criminological theory in the US justice system.
  • A comprehensive analysis of how persons exposed to alcohol perform in different areas of their lives.
  • Sexual violence use as a weapon of armed conflict: A literature review.
  • Drug abuse and media: Should media that promote the use of hard drugs be controlled?
  • How effective are the methods used in rehab to counter drug addiction?
  • A review of delinquent cases among immigrant teenagers in the UK.
  • Why do college students engage in cases of arson?
  • Evaluating how prejudice motivates violence.
  • Is it possible to remain neutral in mental criminal case trials?
  • Is it possible to eliminate the problem of drug abuse and related crime?
  • Solitary confinement for drug traffickers: What are the implications?

Criminology Dissertation Ideas UK

  • How does the UK government respond to terror threats?
  • Rehabilitation centers in the UK: What roles do they play in addressing crime?
  • Racial stereotyping and crime in the UK: What is the relationship?
  • A discourse evaluation: How has coronavirus shaped crime in the UK?
  • Do urban settings in the UK act as breeding grounds for criminals?
  • A critical review of the police force and crime in the UK.
  • Interrogation by police officers: How does it work?
  • A study of the main categories of crime in the UK.
  • A review of the latest innovations in experimental criminology.
  • Identify theft in the UK: What are the main consequences for perpetrators?
  • Online child predators: How effective are the UK laws in protecting children?
  • Is it possible to have a crime-free society?
  • Which crime has a greater impact on society in the UK? Comparing street crimes and white-collar crimes.
  • A review of the main principles applied in crime prevention in the UK justice system.

Controversial Criminology Dissertation Topics

  • The less explored world of male rape in the society.
  • Abortion: Should it be categorized as a crime?
  • Parental separation: How does it result in future violence?
  • Information sharing technology: How does it help fight the problem of terrorism?
  • Back lives matter campaigns: Were they marred with violence instead of search for justice?
  • Coronavirus has accelerated crime in the society more than any other time in the past.
  • Do prisons help to correct bad behavior for the incarcerated?
  • Facebook helps to encourage more negative behavior than promoting socialization.
  • Domestic violence: Who suffers more between men and women?
  • Human trafficking has one main role of sexual exploitation.
  • On domestic violence, the law is subjective on males.
  • The government should increase the age limit for citizens to acquire national IDs.
  • Social media is the main source of moral panic in society.
  • Music is a major contributor to crime in society.

Criminology Dissertation Ideas on Domestic Violence

  • Theoretical perspectives on domestic violence.
  • Applying the control balance theory in domestic violence.
  • Popular culture and domestic violence: Are they related?
  • The effects of homelessness on domestic violence: A case study of Texas.
  • A review of cross-cultural perspectives on domestic violence.
  • Comparing the rates of domestic violence in the US and India.
  • Trends of domestic violence in Spain.
  • Analyzing the main legal issues for women who are victims of domestic violence.
  • A review of domestic violence within the military families.
  • Analyzing police decision-making factors when dealing with domestic cases.
  • Male victims of domestic violence: Why do most of them opt to keep quiet and stick with abusive partners?
  • Mothers who kill: What are the motivating factors?
  • Postpartum depression and domestic violence: How are they related?

Interesting Criminology Dissertation Titles

  • Comparing the impacts of crime to those of natural disasters: A literature review.
  • Is the education system in the globe failing in shaping good morals?
  • A review of sexual aggression by women in ASIA.
  • Acquainting rape perpetrators on bail terms: Is it acceptable? What does the law say?
  • Regulating prostitution in the society: Is it enough to reduce crime?
  • Corruption comes from limitations.
  • A study of the connections between law violation and family status.
  • Prostitution regulation: Can it stop crime?
  • Use of expert testimony in domestic violence cases.
  • Should we ban police from carrying guns in public?
  • How does systemic bias impact criminal justice?
  • Genetics: A comprehensive review of illegal researches and associated dangers.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of street lighting in reducing crime.
  • What role do psychometric assessments play in criminal justice?
  • Is crime rate related to neighborhoods? A literature review.
  • How has counterfeiting changed with the development of new technologies?

Criminology Dissertation Ideas about Prisons

  • Forced labor among prisoners: Is it a good method of correction?
  • Why is drug violence a problem in many US jails?
  • A review of prison gangs in a prison of your choice.
  • Training correctional officers in the UK: How effective is the training in enhancing the efficiency of correctional facilities?
  • A review of the efforts used to address child molesters in prison.
  • A review of study programs offered in prisons.
  • Healthcare system in the UK prisons: Is it effective?
  • A review of police corruption in prisons: Comparing the prisons in the 19 th and 20 th centuries.
  • What are the main causes of high recidivism in the US?
  • How do women end up in prisons? A review of common causes.
  • Prisons through the UK history.
  • How well are inmates prepared for re-entry into the society after serving jail terms?
  • Racial profiling in the US prisons.
  • Aggressive behavior: How is it related to criminal tendencies?
  • Comparing human trafficking in the modern and classic worlds: What are the main differences?
  • Comparing women’s recidivism rates in the US to those of Australia.

Knife Crime Dissertation Titles

  • Knife crime in the US: Applying the criminology theory.
  • Comparing knife crimes in Europe and Asia
  • What are the motivating factors for knife criminals?
  • Knife laws in the US: Analyzing the effectiveness of the pocket knife rules & laws.
  • Comparing the knife rules of the United States to those of the UK.
  • A review of knife crimes trends in the 21 st century.

Criminology Dissertation Help by Best Writers a Click Away

Now that we have looked at the best titles, from terrorism dissertation ideas to criminology topics on drugs, have you picked the preferred option? If “yes,” you are one step in the right direction. However, the next step of writing the dissertation is longer and requires a deep understanding of criminology. You also need excellent writing skills, time, and access to all the required resources. If you do not have the combination of all the above, which happens regularly to most students, you have a way out – seeking help from the best writers online. Our custom writing service stands taller than others because we have top-notch ENL writers who stop at nothing in ensuring clients get high grades. They have a lot of experience in the discipline and can work on any topic, from criminology and psychology dissertation ideas to terrorism-related topics. Again, they are fast and can easily beat even the toughest deadline. Our service is also cheap. Do not let the criminology dissertation stress you in any way – our expert can help you complete it professionally and fast too!

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Home > USC Columbia > Arts and Sciences > Criminology and Criminal Justice > Criminology and Criminal Justice Theses and Dissertations

Criminology and Criminal Justice Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Unpacking the Relationship Between Legitimacy, Procedural Justice, Identity, and Desistance , Qassim Bolaji

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

The Risk of Protection: Examining the Contextual Effects of Child Protective Services on Child Maltreatment Fatalities in the U.S. , Cosette Morgan McCullough

Family Mass Murder: An Exploratory Study of the Role of Arson , Rachel Rori Rodriguez Spradley

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Too Feminine for Execution?: Gender Stereotypes and the Media’s Portrayal of Women Sentenced to Death , Kelsey M. Collins

Juveniles, Transferred Juveniles, and the Impact of a Criminal Record on Employment Prospects in Adulthood: An Experimental Study , Joanna Daou

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Why So Long? Examining the Nexus Between Case Complexity and Delay in Florida’s Death Penalty System , Corey Daniel Burton

The Criminalization of HIV and HIV Stigma , Deanna Cann

Views of Substance Use During Pregnancy: Social Responses to the Issue , Taylor Ruddy

The Spatial Variability of Crime: A Review of Methodological Choice, Proposed Models, and Methods for Illustrating the Phenomenon , Matthew D. Spencer

Community Corrections Officer Decision-Making: An Intersectional Analysis , Amber Leigh Williams Wilson

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

The Utility of Using Virtue Locales to Explain Criminogenic Environments , Hunter Max Boehme

Fostering Resilience in Correctional Officers , Jon Thomas Arthur Gist

The Impact of Race/Ethnicity on Sentencing: A Matching Approach , Travis Jones

Unraveling the Temporal Aspects of Victimization: The Reciprocal, Additive, and Cumulative Effects of Direct/Vicarious Victimization on Crime , Yeoju Park

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Media Influence on College Students' Perceptions of the Police , Matilda Foster

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Ohio's Certificate of Relief , Peter Leasure

Trends in the Prevalence of Arrest for Intimate Partner Violence Using the National Crime Victimization Survey , Tara E. Martin

Reading Between the Lines: An Intersectional Media Analysis of Female Sex Offenders in Florida Newspapers , Toniqua C. Mikell

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

The Short-Term Self-Control Stability of College Students , Nicholas James Blasco

Developmental Patterns of Religiosity in Relation to Criminal Trajectories among Serious Offenders across Adolescence and Young Adulthood , Siying Guo

Local Incarceration As Social Control: A National Analysis Of Social, Economic, And Political Determinants Of Jail Use In The United States , Heather M. Ouellette

Association Between Perception Of Police Prejudice Against Minorities And Juvenile Delinquency , Kwang Hyun Ra

A Quasi-Experimental Analysis Of School-Based Situational Crime Prevention Measures , Gary Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Sex Offender Policies that Spin the Revolving Door: An Exploration of the Relationships Between Residence Restrictions, Homelessness, and Recidivism , Deanna Cann

Untangling the Interconnected Relationships between Alcohol Use, Employment, and Offending , Margaret M. Chrusciel

Inmate Time Utilization And Well-Being , Mateja Vuk

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

The Socio-Legal Construction Of Adolescent Criminality: Examining Race, Community, And Contextual Factors Through The Lens Of Focal Concerns , Patrick Glen Lowery

The Impact Of Deinstitutionalization On Murders Of Law Enforcement Officers , Xueyi Xing

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Relationships Between Law Enforcement Officer-Involved Vehicle Collisions And Other Police Behaviors , John Andrew Hansen

In the Eye of the Beholder: Exploring the Dialogic Approach to Police Legitimacy , Justin Nix

Criminology on Crimes Against Humanity: A North Korean Case Study , Megan Alyssa Novak

General Strain Theory and Bullying Victimization: Do Parental Support and Control Alleviate the Negative Effects of Bullying , Jonathon Thompson

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Adultification in Juvenile Corrections: A Comparison of Juvenile and Adult Officers , Riane Miller Bolin

Perception of Police in Public Housing Communities , Taylor Brickley

Neighborhood Disorganization and Police Decision-Making in the New York City Police Department , Allison Carter

The Impact of Race on Strickland Claims in Federal Courts in the South , Wyatt Gibson

Lead Exposure and Crime , Tara Elaine Martin


Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Policing Alcohol and Related Crimes On Campus , Andrea Nicole Allen

Gender and Programming: A Comparison of Program Availability and Participation in U.S. Prisons for Men and Women , Courtney A. Crittenden

Assessing the Impact of the Court Response to Domestic Violence in Two Neighboring Counties , Gillian Mira Pinchevsky

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Criminal Sentencing In the Court Communities of South Carolina: An Examination of offender, Judge, and County Characteristics , Rhys Hester

Examining the Effects of Religiosity and Religious Environments On Inmate Misconduct , Benjamin Dane Meade

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Criminologists' Opinions On Correctional Rehabilitation , Heather M. Ouellette

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

A Qualitative Analysis of the Etiology, Manifestation, and Institutional Responses to Self-Injurious Behaviors in Prison , Steven Doty

Theses/Dissertations from 2002 2002

The Effects of Administrative Factors on Police Officer Job Performance , Irick Anthony Geary Jr.

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Criminology Research Paper Topics

Academic Writing Service

Criminology research paper topics cover a broad range of issues related to crime and criminal behavior. As a student of criminology, it can be challenging to select a research paper topic that is both interesting and relevant to your field of study. This page from iResearchNet offers a comprehensive list of criminology research paper topics, organized into 10 categories, with expert advice on how to choose the best topic and write a successful research paper. In addition, the page highlights the writing services offered by iResearchNet, providing students with the opportunity to order a custom criminology research paper on any topic of their choice.

Criminology Research Topics Guide

Criminology is a complex and interdisciplinary field that encompasses the study of crime, criminal behavior, and the criminal justice system. Students pursuing a degree in criminology are often tasked with writing research papers on a variety of topics within this field. However, with the multitude of topics available, choosing the right one can be a daunting task.

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Criminology Research Paper Topics

Choosing the right topic is crucial to the success of any research paper. By selecting a topic that is both interesting and relevant, students can engage in a more meaningful and productive research process. In this page, we will discuss various strategies for choosing a topic, such as considering personal interests, consulting with instructors or librarians, and conducting preliminary research. We will also provide tips on how to develop a strong thesis statement and organize one’s research notes effectively. Ultimately, our goal is to equip students with the tools and resources needed to produce high-quality research papers that demonstrate a deep understanding of the field of criminology.

100 Criminology Research Paper Topics

Theoretical Perspectives in Criminology

  • Classical criminology
  • Biological theories of crime
  • Psychological theories of crime
  • Social disorganization theory
  • Strain theory
  • Labeling theory
  • Social learning theory
  • Critical criminology
  • Feminist criminology
  • Cultural criminology

Crime Types and Patterns

  • Sexual offenses
  • Drug offenses
  • Organized crime
  • White-collar crime
  • Hate crimes

Criminological Research Methods

  • Survey research
  • Experimentation
  • Case studies
  • Content analysis
  • Ethnography
  • Longitudinal studies
  • Meta-analysis
  • Secondary data analysis
  • Network analysis
  • Comparative research

Correlates of Crime

  • Poverty and economic factors
  • Race and ethnicity
  • Gender and crime
  • Family structure and dynamics
  • Education and crime
  • Employment and crime
  • Social capital and crime
  • Neighborhood factors
  • Peer influence and deviance
  • Substance abuse and addiction

Criminal Justice System

  • Police organization and management
  • Policing strategies and tactics
  • Courts and the criminal justice process
  • Sentencing and punishment
  • Corrections and rehabilitation
  • Community-based corrections
  • Probation and parole
  • Juvenile justice system
  • Mental health and the criminal justice system
  • Victimology and victim services

Crime Prevention and Control

  • Community policing
  • Crime prevention through environmental design
  • Crime prevention programs and policies
  • Situational crime prevention
  • Early intervention and prevention for youth
  • Restorative justice programs
  • Technology and crime prevention
  • Gun control policies
  • Terrorism and counterterrorism strategies
  • Human trafficking and exploitation

Criminal Justice Ethics and Professionalism

  • Police use of force and accountability
  • Police discretion and decision-making
  • Ethical dilemmas in the courtroom
  • Confidentiality and privacy in the criminal justice system
  • Bias and discrimination in the criminal justice system
  • Professionalism and integrity in corrections
  • Ethics in forensic science
  • The role of media in criminal justice ethics
  • Corruption in law enforcement
  • The ethics of punishment

Historical and Comparative Criminology

  • The history of criminal justice systems
  • Cross-cultural comparisons of crime and justice
  • Historical perspectives on punishment
  • The evolution of policing and law enforcement
  • The history of prisons and corrections
  • Colonialism and its impact on crime and justice
  • Comparative analyses of legal systems
  • Transnational crime and criminal justice cooperation
  • International criminal law
  • Globalization and crime

Special Topics in Criminology

  • Mental illness and crime
  • Immigration and crime
  • Race, crime, and social justice
  • Climate change and environmental crime
  • LGBTQ+ issues in criminology
  • Disruptive technology and crime
  • School violence and prevention
  • The impact of COVID-19 on crime and justice
  • Animal cruelty and animal rights in criminology
  • The role of religion in crime and justice

Choosing a Criminology Research Paper Topic

Choosing a research paper topic in criminology can be a daunting task, as the field encompasses a wide range of topics and perspectives. However, with careful consideration and planning, selecting a topic can become a manageable and even enjoyable process. Here are some expert tips on how to choose a criminology research paper topic:

  • Understand the assignment requirements and guidelines : Before selecting a topic, make sure you understand the specific requirements and guidelines provided by your instructor. This can include the length of the paper, the research methods required, and the formatting and citation style to be used.
  • Consider your personal interests and passions : Choosing a topic that you are personally interested in can make the research and writing process much more enjoyable and engaging. Think about your personal experiences, hobbies, or areas of expertise that could inspire a relevant and interesting topic.
  • Look for current and relevant topics in the field : Stay up-to-date with current events and trends in the field of criminology by following relevant news outlets and academic journals. This can help you identify relevant and timely topics that are of interest to both you and your audience.
  • Focus on a specific aspect or issue within a broader topic : Narrowing down a broad topic can help you focus your research and analysis, making it more manageable and effective. For example, instead of researching “crime prevention,” you could focus on a specific method or strategy, such as community policing.
  • Conduct preliminary research to ensure there is enough information available : Before committing to a topic, conduct some preliminary research to ensure there is enough information available to support your thesis statement and arguments. This can include reviewing academic journals, news articles, and other relevant sources.
  • Consult with your instructor or a librarian for topic suggestions and resources : If you’re struggling to identify a relevant and engaging topic, don’t hesitate to consult with your instructor or a librarian for suggestions and resources. They may be able to provide valuable insight and guidance that can help you find the perfect topic for your research paper.
  • Stay organized and keep track of sources and notes : As you conduct research and develop your ideas, make sure to stay organized and keep track of sources and notes. This can help you avoid plagiarism and ensure that you have all the necessary information to support your arguments and analysis.
  • Narrow down your topic and develop a thesis statement : Once you’ve identified a broad topic of interest, narrow it down and develop a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines the focus and purpose of your research paper.
  • Brainstorm and outline your paper before writing : Before diving into writing your research paper, take some time to brainstorm and outline your ideas. This can help you organize your thoughts and ensure that you’re addressing all the necessary points and arguments.
  • Revise and edit your paper multiple times before submitting : After completing your first draft, make sure to revise and edit your research paper multiple times to ensure that it’s clear, concise, and error-free. This can help you improve the quality of your work and ensure that you’re presenting your ideas in the best possible light.

Choosing a topic for your criminology research paper requires careful consideration of your personal interests, the assignment guidelines, and the available resources. Take the time to conduct thorough research, organize your notes, and develop a strong thesis statement. Remember to use clear and concise language throughout your paper and support your arguments with evidence from credible sources. If you need additional assistance, iResearchNet offers expert writing services with experienced writers who can provide customized solutions to fit your specific needs and requirements. With proper research, organization, and writing skills, you can successfully tackle any criminology research paper topic and produce high-quality work that meets your academic goals.

How to Write a Criminology Research Paper

Writing a criminology research paper can be a challenging task, but with proper preparation and attention to detail, it can be a rewarding experience. The following tips can help guide you through the process of writing a successful criminology research paper.

  • Choose a topic and develop a thesis statement : Start by selecting a topic that is of interest to you and aligns with the requirements of the assignment. Once you have a topic, develop a thesis statement that outlines the main argument or point you will be making in your paper.
  • Conduct thorough research and gather reliable sources : Use a variety of sources, including academic journals, books, and reputable online sources, to gather information about your topic. Make sure to evaluate the credibility of your sources and take detailed notes as you conduct your research.
  • Organize your notes and create an outline : Once you have gathered your research, organize your notes and create an outline that will guide your writing. This will help you stay focused and ensure that you cover all the necessary points in your paper.
  • Write an introduction that provides background information and introduces the thesis : The introduction should provide context for your paper and introduce the main argument or point you will be making.
  • Use clear and concise language throughout the paper : Make sure to write in a clear and concise manner, avoiding overly technical language and jargon.
  • Support your arguments with evidence and examples from your research : Use evidence from your research to support your arguments and provide examples that help illustrate your points.
  • Write a strong conclusion that summarizes your findings and reinforces your thesis : The conclusion should summarize the main points of your paper and reinforce the thesis statement.
  • Edit and revise your paper for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors : Make sure to thoroughly edit and revise your paper for errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
  • Properly cite your sources using the appropriate citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) : Make sure to properly cite all of your sources using the appropriate citation style to avoid plagiarism and give credit to the authors of the works you have used in your research.

By following these tips, you can write a successful criminology research paper that effectively communicates your research and arguments.

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criminological theories thesis topics

  • Northeastern University
  • College of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
  • Criminology and Criminal Justice Theses and Dissertations
  • Criminology and Criminal Justice Dissertations

Criminology and Criminal Justice Dissertations Collection


Affording a meaningful opportunity of release: legal representation of juvenile lifers.

Assessing deterrence in the FBI's Safe Streets gang initiative: a social network approach.

Autistic and at-risk: the public and personal safety of children with autism spectrum disorders.

Background justice: the political context of adolescent legal socialization.

Bureaucracy and law: a study of Chinese criminal courts and social media.

Clearances, cameras, and community violence: police outcomes in an organizational and community context.

College students and the illicit use of prescription drugs: a test of general strain theory.

A comparison of the individual-, county-, and state-level correlates of homicide and mass murder

A comprehensive framework for understanding the contextual, structural, and cultural predictors of police officers' perceptions of organizational justice

Contextualizing the political economy of juvenile court decision-making

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Criminal Justice


Academic Writing Services

Criminology theories.

This article provides an overview of various criminology theories that attempt to explain the causes of crime. The article covers biological, classical, critical, cultural, cultural transmission, deterrence, feminist, labeling, life course, psychological, self-control, social construction, social control, social disorganization, social learning, strain, integrated, criminal justice, and convict criminology theories. Each theory is defined, and its key concepts and assumptions are explained, along with its strengths and limitations. The article also discusses the importance of understanding these theories for developing effective crime prevention and reduction strategies. Finally, the article suggests future directions for criminology research in order to continue to refine and improve our understanding of crime and its causes.

I. Introduction

• Explanation of criminology and its importance in understanding crime • Overview of the different criminology theories to be discussed in the article

II. Biological Theory of Crime

• Explanation of the theory and its key concepts • History and development of the theory • Criticisms and limitations of the theory

III. Classical Criminology

Iv. critical criminology, v. cultural criminology, vi. cultural transmission theory of crime, vii. deterrence and rational choice theories of crime.

• Explanation of the theories and their key concepts • History and development of the theories • Criticisms and limitations of the theories

VIII. Feminist Criminology

Ix. labeling and symbolic interaction theories of crime, x. life course criminology, xi. psychological theories of crime, xii. routine activities theory.

  • Explanation of the theory and its key concepts
  • History and development of the theory
  • Criticisms and limitations of the theory

XIII. Self-Control Theory of Crime

Xiv. social construction of crime, xv. social control theory of crime, xvi. social disorganization theory of crime, xvii. social learning theory of crime, xviii. strain theories of crime, xix. integrated theories of crime, xx. criminal justice theories, xxi. convict criminology, xxii. conclusion.

• Summary of the different criminology theories • Criticisms of criminology theories • The need for interdisciplinary approaches in criminology • Implications for criminal justice policy and practice • Future directions for criminology theories

XXIII. References

Criminology Theories

The biological theory of crime posits that criminal behavior is the result of biological factors, such as genetics, brain abnormalities, and hormonal imbalances. According to this theory, individuals may be predisposed to criminal behavior due to their biological makeup, which can influence their personality traits, cognitive abilities, and social interactions.

The key concept of biological theory is the idea that biology is a significant determinant of criminal behavior, and that criminal tendencies are rooted in the individual’s physiology rather than their environment. Researchers who support this theory argue that factors such as genetics, brain structure and function, and hormonal imbalances can affect an individual’s propensity towards aggression, impulsivity, and risk-taking behavior, all of which are common traits among criminals.

The biological theory of crime has its roots in the work of Cesare Lombroso, an Italian criminologist who believed that criminals were “born” rather than made. Lombroso argued that criminals had physical features that set them apart from non-criminals, and that criminal behavior was the result of atavism, or a return to primitive instincts. This early version of the biological theory has been widely discredited, but the basic premise that biological factors contribute to criminal behavior continues to be studied and debated.

Critics of the biological theory of crime argue that it is reductionist and deterministic, ignoring the complex social and environmental factors that also contribute to criminal behavior. In addition, the theory has been criticized for being used to support discriminatory practices and policies, such as eugenics and racial profiling.

Despite its limitations, the biological theory of crime remains an important area of research within criminology. Advances in neuroscience and genetics have led to new insights into the biological basis of criminal behavior, and researchers continue to explore the complex interplay between biology and environment in shaping criminal tendencies.

Classical criminology is a theory of crime that emerged during the Enlightenment era in the 18th century. It is based on the idea that humans are rational beings who make choices based on their self-interest and that crime is the result of the calculation of the potential gains and losses of criminal behavior. According to classical criminologists, individuals choose to commit crimes because they believe that the benefits of doing so outweigh the costs.

One of the key figures in the development of classical criminology is Cesare Beccaria, an Italian philosopher and economist who wrote the influential book “On Crimes and Punishments” in 1764. Beccaria argued that punishment should be proportionate to the harm caused by the crime and that the criminal justice system should be based on the principles of deterrence and prevention rather than revenge.

Another important figure in the classical school of criminology is Jeremy Bentham, an English philosopher and jurist who developed the concept of utilitarianism. Bentham believed that the purpose of the criminal justice system should be to maximize the happiness of society by deterring crime and punishing offenders in a way that would benefit society as a whole.

Critics of classical criminology argue that the theory is too simplistic and fails to take into account the complex social and psychological factors that contribute to criminal behavior. They also point out that the theory is based on an individualistic view of crime that ignores the role of social structures and institutions in shaping behavior.

Despite its limitations, classical criminology has had a significant influence on the development of modern criminal justice systems. The principles of deterrence and proportionality are still used in many legal systems around the world, and the idea that punishment should be based on the harm caused by the crime is widely accepted.

Critical criminology is a theoretical perspective that emerged in the 1960s and has since evolved to become a significant approach to studying crime and the criminal justice system. This approach is rooted in a critical analysis of society’s economic and social structure and aims to explain crime as a product of inequalities within that structure. Critical criminologists believe that the capitalist system is inherently criminogenic, meaning that it creates the conditions for crime to occur.

The key concepts of critical criminology include the idea that the law and criminal justice system are used by those in power to maintain their control over society, and that they are not neutral institutions that operate solely to uphold justice. Critical criminologists also argue that crime is a socially constructed concept, and that the definition of what constitutes a crime is influenced by power dynamics and the interests of those in power. Additionally, critical criminologists emphasize the role of social and economic factors in explaining criminal behavior, including poverty, inequality, and oppression.

The roots of critical criminology can be traced back to the works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, who saw crime as a product of capitalism and the unequal distribution of wealth and power that it creates. Later, critical criminologists such as William Chambliss and Richard Quinney expanded on this perspective by analyzing the relationship between crime and the social and economic structures of society.

One criticism of critical criminology is that it can be overly deterministic, reducing crime to a simple product of societal structures and ignoring the agency of individual offenders. Additionally, some critics argue that critical criminology does not offer practical solutions to reduce crime and improve the criminal justice system.

Despite these criticisms, critical criminology has contributed to important debates about the causes of crime and the role of the criminal justice system in society. By highlighting the social and economic factors that contribute to criminal behavior, critical criminology has played a significant role in shaping criminal justice policy and practice, particularly in areas such as restorative justice and community-based interventions.

Cultural criminology is an interdisciplinary approach that studies the relationship between culture, crime, and social control. It emerged in the 1990s as a reaction to traditional criminology that viewed crime as a social problem caused by individual pathology, social disorganization, or a lack of social control. Cultural criminologists argue that crime is not simply a result of individual behavior but is also shaped by cultural norms, values, and practices.

Key Concepts:

  • Cultural Criminology is a subfield of criminology that emphasizes the role of culture in shaping criminal behavior and responses to crime.
  • Culture is defined broadly to include popular culture, subcultures, music, fashion, art, media, and other forms of symbolic representation.
  • Crime is viewed as a cultural product that reflects and reproduces cultural values, meanings, and conflicts.
  • The criminal justice system is seen as a cultural institution that produces and reinforces cultural beliefs and practices related to crime and punishment.
  • The media is viewed as a powerful cultural force that shapes public perceptions of crime and justice.

Cultural criminology emerged in the late 1990s as a response to the limitations of traditional criminology. Cultural criminologists criticized traditional criminology for focusing on the individual, ignoring cultural factors, and neglecting the symbolic and cultural dimensions of crime. They argued that crime is a social and cultural construct that reflects the values, meanings, and conflicts of the society in which it occurs. Cultural criminology draws on various disciplines, including sociology, anthropology, cultural studies, and media studies.

Critics of cultural criminology argue that it overemphasizes the role of culture in shaping criminal behavior and ignores the importance of individual factors such as biology, psychology, and social structure. They also criticize cultural criminology for its focus on the symbolic and cultural dimensions of crime at the expense of more concrete factors such as poverty, inequality, and social injustice. Finally, some critics argue that cultural criminology has little practical relevance for policy and practice in the criminal justice system.

Despite its limitations, cultural criminology has made important contributions to criminology by highlighting the cultural and symbolic dimensions of crime and the role of the media in shaping public perceptions of crime and justice. It has also inspired new research on the relationship between culture, crime, and social control, and has influenced the development of new theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of crime.

Cultural Transmission Theory is a criminology theory that suggests that criminal behavior is learned through socialization and interaction with others. According to this theory, individuals learn criminal behavior through their social interactions with family members, peers, and other significant people in their lives. Cultural transmission theorists argue that criminal behavior is not biologically determined or a result of free will but rather a product of socialization.

  • Criminal behavior is learned through socialization and interaction with others
  • Criminal behavior is not biologically determined or a result of free will
  • Individuals who associate with criminals are more likely to engage in criminal behavior
  • Criminal behavior is transmitted through social structures, such as family, peer groups, and subcultures

Cultural Transmission Theory was first introduced by sociologist Edwin Sutherland in the 1930s. Sutherland argued that criminal behavior is learned through a process of social interaction with others who hold criminal values and attitudes. Sutherland believed that criminal behavior is not a result of innate personality traits or mental illness but rather a product of social learning.

One criticism of Cultural Transmission Theory is that it does not account for the role of individual agency in criminal behavior. Critics argue that individuals have the ability to make choices and that criminal behavior is not solely a product of socialization. Another criticism is that the theory does not explain why some individuals who are exposed to criminal behavior do not become criminals themselves. Additionally, some critics argue that the theory overlooks the influence of structural factors such as poverty and inequality in the transmission of criminal behavior.

Despite its limitations, Cultural Transmission Theory has been influential in shaping the field of criminology and has been used to inform policies and programs aimed at preventing criminal behavior. By understanding the ways in which criminal behavior is learned and transmitted through social structures, researchers and policymakers can develop interventions that address the root causes of criminal behavior.

Deterrence and rational choice theories of crime are two closely related theoretical perspectives that emphasize the importance of incentives and disincentives in shaping criminal behavior.

Deterrence theory posits that individuals are rational actors who weigh the costs and benefits of committing a crime before making a decision to do so. According to this theory, the certainty, severity, and swiftness of punishment are all factors that influence an individual’s decision to engage in criminal behavior. The theory suggests that if the potential costs of committing a crime outweigh the potential benefits, individuals will be deterred from engaging in criminal activity.

Rational choice theory, on the other hand, emphasizes the importance of choice and decision-making in criminal behavior. According to this theory, individuals are rational actors who make decisions based on the perceived costs and benefits of a particular course of action. In the context of crime, rational choice theorists argue that individuals will engage in criminal behavior if they believe that the benefits of doing so outweigh the costs.

Both deterrence and rational choice theories have a long history in criminology, with roots dating back to the classical school of criminology. However, the modern iterations of these theories have been developed in the context of contemporary social and political issues, such as the rise of mass incarceration and the use of deterrence as a justification for punitive criminal justice policies.

Critics of deterrence and rational choice theories argue that they are based on a limited and simplistic understanding of human behavior, and that they fail to take into account the broader social, economic, and cultural factors that contribute to crime. Additionally, these theories are often criticized for their reliance on punishment and the criminal justice system as the primary means of addressing crime, rather than addressing the underlying social and structural causes of criminal behavior.

Despite these criticisms, deterrence and rational choice theories continue to be influential in contemporary criminological research and policymaking, and they remain important theoretical frameworks for understanding the motivations and decision-making processes behind criminal behavior.

Feminist criminology is a perspective that seeks to address gender and other forms of inequality in the criminal justice system and in society at large. It emerged in the 1960s and 1970s as part of the broader feminist movement, which sought to expose and challenge patriarchal structures and practices in society.

The key concept in feminist criminology is patriarchy, which refers to the social, political, and economic dominance of men over women. Feminist criminologists argue that patriarchy influences all aspects of the criminal justice system, from the laws and policies that are created to the way in which criminal cases are investigated, prosecuted, and adjudicated.

Feminist criminology emphasizes the need to take gender into account when studying crime and criminal justice. This includes looking at the ways in which gender influences crime patterns, the experiences of victims and offenders, and the responses of the criminal justice system.

Some of the key contributions of feminist criminology include the development of gender-specific theories of crime, such as the pathways theory, which examines the unique factors that contribute to women’s involvement in crime. Feminist criminologists have also highlighted the ways in which the criminal justice system often fails to take into account the experiences and perspectives of women, particularly those who are marginalized or disadvantaged.

Critics of feminist criminology argue that the focus on gender and patriarchy can lead to an overemphasis on the experiences of women and a neglect of other important factors that contribute to crime, such as social class and race. Additionally, some have raised concerns that the focus on gender may lead to an essentialization of women as victims and men as offenders, and may overlook the ways in which gender intersects with other forms of identity and experience.

Despite these criticisms, feminist criminology remains an important perspective within criminology, as it continues to highlight the importance of taking gender into account when studying crime and criminal justice, and challenges the patriarchal assumptions that have long been embedded in the criminal justice system.

Labeling theory and symbolic interaction theory are two closely related perspectives in criminology that focus on how social labels and interactions shape individuals’ behavior and experiences within the criminal justice system.

Labeling theory, also known as social reaction theory, suggests that individuals become deviant when labeled as such by society. The theory argues that criminal behavior is not inherent in certain individuals, but rather is a result of the way society responds to their behavior. In other words, labeling theory suggests that social reactions to criminal behavior, such as stigmatization, marginalization, and exclusion, can actually contribute to the development of criminal identities and behaviors.

Symbolic interaction theory, on the other hand, emphasizes the role of social interactions and meanings in shaping individuals’ behaviors and identities. This theory suggests that individuals learn to interpret and respond to social symbols and meanings, including those related to crime and deviance, through their interactions with others. Symbolic interaction theory also emphasizes the importance of self-concept and identity in shaping individuals’ behavior, and suggests that individuals who have been labeled as deviant may adopt that label as part of their self-identity.

Labeling theory emerged in the 1960s as a response to earlier criminological perspectives that focused on the individual and their inherent traits and characteristics as the cause of criminal behavior. The theory was influenced by the broader social and cultural movements of the time, including the civil rights and anti-war movements, and sought to understand how social institutions, such as the criminal justice system, contribute to the creation and perpetuation of deviant behavior.

Symbolic interaction theory has its roots in the work of sociologists George Herbert Mead and Herbert Blumer in the early 20th century. Mead and Blumer emphasized the importance of symbolic interactions and meanings in shaping individuals’ behavior, and their work laid the foundation for the development of symbolic interactionism as a broader theoretical perspective. In criminology, symbolic interaction theory has been used to understand a range of phenomena, including the role of socialization and labeling in the development of criminal identities, the impact of the criminal justice system on individuals’ self-identity, and the importance of social support and relationships in reducing criminal behavior.

One criticism of labeling theory is that it does not account for the role of individual agency and choice in criminal behavior. Critics argue that the theory places too much emphasis on the social reactions to criminal behavior and not enough on the individual’s decision to engage in that behavior. Additionally, some scholars argue that the theory may inadvertently reinforce stereotypes and stigmas related to certain types of criminal behavior, by suggesting that labeling is a direct cause of criminal behavior.

Symbolic interaction theory has been criticized for its focus on individual-level interactions and meanings, and its relative neglect of larger structural factors, such as inequality and social institutions. Critics argue that the theory may overlook the ways in which social structures and systems shape individuals’ interactions and meanings, and that it may not adequately account for the role of power and privilege in shaping criminal behavior and criminal justice outcomes.

Despite these criticisms, labeling and symbolic interaction theories have had a significant impact on criminological thinking, and continue to inform contemporary research on crime and deviance. These theories have highlighted the importance of social interactions and meanings in shaping criminal behavior, and have challenged traditional criminological perspectives that focus solely on individual-level factors as the cause of crime.

Life course criminology is a theoretical perspective that emphasizes the importance of understanding the developmental trajectories of individuals in relation to their involvement in crime and other problem behaviors. This perspective views criminal behavior as a dynamic process that evolves over the course of an individual’s life, and suggests that early experiences and socialization can have lasting effects on future behavior.

Life course criminology emphasizes several key concepts, including:

  • Age-graded theory: This theory suggests that individuals experience turning points throughout their lives that can either lead them towards or away from criminal behavior. These turning points can be influenced by a variety of factors, such as marriage, employment, and parenthood.
  • Cumulative disadvantage: This concept refers to the idea that early negative experiences, such as poverty or abuse, can have a cumulative effect on an individual’s development and increase their risk for problem behaviors later in life.
  • Trajectories: Life course criminology identifies several trajectories that individuals may follow in relation to their involvement in crime, such as early onset persistent offenders, adolescent limited offenders, and late onset offenders.

Life course criminology has its roots in several different disciplines, including sociology, psychology, and developmental psychology. The theoretical perspective was first articulated in the 1980s and has since been further developed and refined by numerous researchers in the field.

Critics of life course criminology argue that the theory may place too much emphasis on the importance of early experiences and may overlook the role of individual agency and decision-making in relation to criminal behavior. Additionally, some have raised concerns about the potential for life course criminology to be used to justify harsher criminal justice policies targeting individuals who are identified as high-risk based on their life trajectories.

Psychological theories of crime focus on individual traits, behaviors, and experiences that contribute to criminal behavior. These theories suggest that criminal behavior arises from mental, emotional, or developmental disorders that are either innate or acquired through socialization processes.

  • Psychopathy: Psychopathy is a personality disorder characterized by callousness, impulsivity, and a lack of empathy. Psychopaths are thought to be more prone to criminal behavior due to their inability to feel guilt or remorse.
  • Intelligence: Some theories suggest that low intelligence is a risk factor for criminal behavior. Individuals with lower cognitive abilities may have difficulty navigating complex social situations and may resort to criminal behavior as a means of achieving their goals.
  • Early Childhood Experiences: Traumatic experiences during childhood, such as abuse, neglect, or exposure to violence, may lead to behavioral and emotional problems that contribute to criminal behavior.

Psychological theories of crime emerged in the early 20th century, with early researchers such as Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung exploring the relationship between psychological factors and criminal behavior. Later researchers, such as B.F. Skinner and Albert Bandura, further developed the field by examining how environmental factors and social learning can contribute to criminal behavior.

Critics of psychological theories of crime argue that they tend to focus too narrowly on individual factors and overlook the social and economic forces that can contribute to criminal behavior. Additionally, some critics argue that these theories may pathologize and stigmatize individuals with mental or emotional disorders, leading to discriminatory treatment within the criminal justice system.

Routine Activities Theory (RAT) is a criminological theory that focuses on the convergence of three factors that create an opportunity for crime: suitable targets, the absence of capable guardians, and the presence of motivated offenders. The theory suggests that crime occurs when a potential offender comes across a vulnerable target, such as an unlocked car or an unattended house, with no one around to deter them.

According to RAT, changes in social and economic conditions, such as an increase in the number of working women or a decrease in police presence, can affect the availability of suitable targets and capable guardians, thereby affecting the likelihood of crime. The theory also emphasizes the role of routine activities in shaping opportunities for crime. For example, a person who has a predictable routine, such as leaving for work at the same time every day, may become a suitable target for a potential offender who knows their schedule.

RAT was first proposed by Marcus Felson and Lawrence Cohen in 1979 as a response to the limitations of traditional criminological theories that focused primarily on individual-level factors, such as biological and psychological traits, to explain criminal behavior. Felson and Cohen argued that these theories were inadequate because they did not account for the situational factors that contribute to criminal behavior.

RAT was inspired by the work of environmental criminologists, who emphasized the importance of analyzing the physical and social environments in which crime occurs. The theory also drew on the work of routine activity theorists, who argued that crime is a function of the convergence of three necessary elements: motivated offenders, suitable targets, and the absence of capable guardians.

Critics of RAT argue that the theory places too much emphasis on situational factors and not enough on individual-level factors that may contribute to criminal behavior. They also argue that the theory fails to account for the role of social and economic factors in shaping opportunities for crime. For example, some researchers have argued that RAT fails to explain why crime rates vary across neighborhoods with similar routine activities.

Additionally, critics have argued that RAT is limited in its ability to explain white-collar crime and other forms of corporate crime, which may not fit neatly into the framework of motivated offenders, suitable targets, and the absence of capable guardians. Critics have also pointed out that the theory is unable to explain why certain types of crimes, such as drug offenses, are more prevalent in some neighborhoods than others.

Despite these criticisms, RAT has had a significant impact on criminological theory and research, and has been used to inform crime prevention strategies and policies. By focusing on the situational factors that contribute to criminal behavior, RAT has helped to shift the focus of criminological research and policy from individual-level factors to environmental and situational factors, and has provided a valuable framework for understanding the social and economic factors that shape opportunities for crime.

Self-control theory is a psychological theory of crime that argues that individuals who lack self-control are more likely to engage in criminal behavior. This theory proposes that self-control, which is learned during childhood and maintained throughout adulthood, is a key factor in predicting criminal behavior.

  • Self-control refers to an individual’s ability to control their impulses and refrain from engaging in activities that may be harmful to themselves or others.
  • Low self-control is often associated with impulsive behavior, short-sighted decision-making, and a lack of concern for the consequences of one’s actions.
  • Criminal behavior is often the result of individuals with low self-control seeking immediate gratification and disregarding the potential negative consequences of their actions.

Self-control theory was first proposed by Travis Hirschi and Michael Gottfredson in 1990. The theory drew on previous psychological research on the importance of self-control in a variety of domains, including academic achievement, drug use, and social relationships. Hirschi and Gottfredson argued that low self-control was a key predictor of criminal behavior and proposed that self-control was learned during childhood through parental socialization practices.

Critics of self-control theory have argued that the theory is overly deterministic and does not take into account the impact of environmental factors on criminal behavior. Additionally, some researchers have argued that the theory places too much emphasis on individual characteristics and overlooks the importance of societal factors in shaping criminal behavior. Others have raised concerns about the potential for the theory to stigmatize individuals with low self-control as inherently criminal or deviant. Despite these criticisms, self-control theory continues to be an influential framework for understanding the causes of criminal behavior.

The social construction of crime theory suggests that crime is a product of societal definitions and interpretations rather than objective behavior. This theory emphasizes that criminal behavior is socially constructed and defined by society rather than being an inherent feature of the individual or the act itself. In other words, what is considered criminal behavior is determined by social norms, values, and beliefs.

Key concepts of this theory include the role of power and social control, as well as the idea that criminal behavior is a product of the social conditions in which it occurs. Social constructionists argue that laws and definitions of criminal behavior are not neutral, but rather reflect the interests of those in power. Therefore, crime is not an objective reality, but rather a product of social construction.

The social construction of crime theory has its roots in the work of sociologists such as Emile Durkheim, who argued that crime is a normal and necessary part of society. The theory gained further prominence in the 1960s and 1970s, when critical criminologists began to challenge traditional criminological theories that focused solely on individual factors such as biology or psychology.

Critics of this theory argue that it overlooks the role of individual agency and responsibility in criminal behavior, and that it fails to provide clear explanations for why certain behaviors are defined as criminal while others are not. Additionally, critics contend that the theory can be used to justify criminal behavior and to minimize the harm caused by criminal acts.

Despite these criticisms, the social construction of crime theory remains an important perspective in criminology, as it challenges traditional assumptions about criminal behavior and highlights the importance of social context in shaping definitions of crime.

Social control theory suggests that individuals are naturally inclined to engage in deviant behavior, but that socialization and social bonds prevent them from doing so. This theory posits that the strength of an individual’s connection to society determines the likelihood of that person engaging in criminal behavior. The more social bonds and connections an individual has, the less likely they are to commit crimes.

  • Social bonds: Social control theory emphasizes the importance of social bonds in preventing criminal behavior. These bonds can take many forms, including family relationships, friendships, employment, and community involvement.
  • Inner and outer controls: Social control theory distinguishes between inner controls (such as conscience, values, and beliefs) and outer controls (such as laws, sanctions, and social norms).
  • Self-control: This theory emphasizes the importance of self-control in preventing criminal behavior. Individuals with high self-control are better able to resist temptations and impulses that might lead them to engage in criminal activity.

Social control theory has its roots in the early 20th century work of sociologists such as Travis Hirschi and Walter Reckless. Hirschi’s seminal work, “Causes of Delinquency,” emphasized the importance of social bonds in preventing criminal behavior. Reckless’s work on containment theory also emphasized the importance of social bonds, but added the concept of inner containment (i.e., self-control) as a factor in preventing crime.

Critics of social control theory argue that it does not adequately explain why some individuals who have strong social bonds still engage in criminal behavior. Additionally, some critics argue that the theory places too much emphasis on the role of social bonds and ignores other important factors that contribute to criminal behavior, such as economic inequality and structural disadvantage. However, social control theory has been influential in shaping criminological research and policy, particularly in the areas of juvenile delinquency and crime prevention.

Social disorganization theory posits that crime and other social problems are the result of the breakdown of social control in disorganized areas. The theory argues that social institutions, such as schools, churches, and the family, play a crucial role in maintaining social order and preventing crime. When these institutions are weakened or absent, crime and other social problems are more likely to occur.

Key concepts:

  • Social disorganization: Refers to the breakdown of social control in a community.
  • Concentrated disadvantage: Refers to the economic and social problems faced by individuals living in areas of high poverty and unemployment.
  • Collective efficacy: Refers to the ability of a community to work together to achieve common goals and solve problems.

Social disorganization theory emerged in the early 20th century, as sociologists sought to understand the high rates of crime in urban areas. The theory was first developed by researchers at the University of Chicago, who studied the relationship between social disorganization and crime in the city’s slums.

Critics of social disorganization theory argue that it places too much emphasis on the role of social institutions in preventing crime, and overlooks the role of individual factors, such as biology and psychology, in criminal behavior. Additionally, some researchers have questioned the theory’s focus on inner-city communities, arguing that it may not be applicable to other types of communities. Finally, social disorganization theory has been criticized for its lack of attention to the impact of race, ethnicity, and gender on crime and social disorganization.

Social learning theory suggests that individuals learn to commit crimes through their social interactions and exposure to deviant behavior. The theory proposes that people acquire criminal behavior through observation, imitation, and reinforcement. Social learning theorists argue that individuals are not born with a propensity to engage in criminal behavior, but rather learn it from others in their social environment.

Key concepts of social learning theory include differential association, reinforcement, and imitation. Differential association refers to the idea that individuals learn criminal behavior from others who hold deviant values and attitudes. Reinforcement suggests that individuals are more likely to repeat behaviors that are rewarded, while punishment decreases the likelihood of behavior being repeated. Imitation suggests that individuals learn by modeling the behaviors of others, particularly those in their social circle.

The history of social learning theory can be traced back to the work of Edwin Sutherland, who proposed differential association theory in the 1930s. Later, Albert Bandura expanded on social learning theory, introducing the concept of self-efficacy and the role of cognitive processes in learning.

Critics of social learning theory argue that it places too much emphasis on the role of environmental factors in shaping behavior and fails to account for the influence of individual differences and biological factors. Additionally, the theory has been criticized for its inability to explain why some individuals exposed to deviant behavior do not go on to commit crimes.

Despite these criticisms, social learning theory has been influential in the field of criminology, particularly in the study of juvenile delinquency and the development of prevention programs. By understanding the role of social factors in the acquisition of criminal behavior, social learning theory has contributed to the development of interventions aimed at reducing crime and promoting positive social behaviors.

Strain theories of crime argue that the pressure or strain to achieve certain goals, such as financial success or social status, can lead to criminal behavior. The theory suggests that when individuals are unable to achieve their goals through legitimate means, they may resort to criminal activity as a way of achieving their desired outcomes. There are several variations of strain theory, but they all focus on the social and economic factors that contribute to criminal behavior.

One of the most well-known strain theories is Robert Merton’s strain theory. According to Merton, the American dream of achieving success through hard work and determination can create strain for individuals who are unable to attain financial success through legal means. Merton identified five different modes of adaptation that individuals may use to cope with this strain, including conformity, innovation, ritualism, retreatism, and rebellion.

Other strain theories, such as general strain theory (GST) and institutional anomie theory (IAT), emphasize the role of negative emotions, such as anger and frustration, in motivating criminal behavior. GST argues that individuals who experience strain are more likely to engage in criminal activity when they experience negative emotions, such as anger or frustration, and lack the coping mechanisms to deal with these emotions. IAT, on the other hand, suggests that the structure of society, specifically the emphasis on economic success, creates strain that leads to high rates of crime.

Critics of strain theory argue that it oversimplifies the complex factors that contribute to criminal behavior and ignores the role of personal choice and agency. Additionally, some research has suggested that individuals who experience strain may be more likely to engage in non-criminal coping mechanisms, such as drug use or alcohol abuse, rather than criminal behavior.

Despite these criticisms, strain theories have contributed to our understanding of the ways in which social and economic factors can contribute to criminal behavior. They have also been influential in shaping policies and programs aimed at preventing crime by addressing the root causes of strain, such as poverty and inequality.

Integrated theories of crime attempt to incorporate multiple perspectives and explanations for criminal behavior into a single framework. These theories recognize that no single approach can fully explain all aspects of criminal behavior, and instead seek to combine multiple theories in order to provide a more comprehensive understanding of crime.

One example of an integrated theory is the social development model (SDM), which combines elements of social control theory, social learning theory, and social disorganization theory. The SDM posits that a combination of personal and environmental factors, including family relationships, peer influences, and community characteristics, contribute to the development of criminal behavior.

Another integrated theory is the general theory of crime, which combines elements of control theory and strain theory. This theory suggests that individuals with low self-control are more likely to engage in criminal behavior, particularly when faced with situations that create a high level of stress or strain.

Critics of integrated theories argue that they may be overly complex and difficult to test empirically. Additionally, some argue that the combination of multiple theories may dilute the strength of each individual theory.

Despite these criticisms, integrated theories continue to be an important area of study in criminology, as they provide a more nuanced understanding of the complex factors that contribute to criminal behavior. By incorporating multiple perspectives and approaches, integrated theories have the potential to offer more effective strategies for preventing and reducing crime.

Criminal justice theories seek to explain the behavior of criminal justice agencies, including law enforcement, courts, and corrections. These theories also examine how these agencies interact with one another and how they affect individuals and society as a whole. This section will provide an overview of the key criminal justice theories.

Explanation of the theories and their key concepts:

  • Due Process Model: This model emphasizes the protection of individual rights and focuses on ensuring that the criminal justice system operates fairly and impartially. The key concepts include the presumption of innocence, the right to a fair trial, and the right to legal counsel.
  • Crime Control Model: This model emphasizes the need to control crime and protect society, often at the expense of individual rights. The key concepts include the use of harsh penalties, increased police presence, and speedy trials.
  • Restorative Justice: This theory focuses on repairing the harm caused by criminal behavior and restoring relationships between offenders and victims. The key concepts include community involvement, victim-offender mediation, and restitution.
  • Peacemaking Criminology: This theory emphasizes the need for social justice and promotes nonviolent approaches to conflict resolution. The key concepts include restorative justice, community involvement, and reducing social inequality.

The Due Process Model and Crime Control Model were developed in response to concerns about the fairness and efficiency of the criminal justice system. The Due Process Model gained popularity during the Warren Court era of the 1960s, while the Crime Control Model gained traction in the 1980s during a period of increasing crime rates.

Restorative Justice and Peacemaking Criminology emerged as alternatives to traditional criminal justice approaches in the 1970s and 1980s. Restorative Justice was first implemented in Canada in response to the overrepresentation of Indigenous people in the criminal justice system, while Peacemaking Criminology draws on Native American traditions of conflict resolution.

Critics of the Due Process Model argue that it can lead to overly lenient sentences and hinder law enforcement efforts. Critics of the Crime Control Model argue that it can lead to unjust convictions and excessive punishment. Restorative Justice and Peacemaking Criminology face criticism for being too idealistic and impractical in some cases.

Despite these criticisms, criminal justice theories continue to shape the way we understand and respond to crime in society.

Convict criminology is a unique theoretical perspective within criminology that incorporates the lived experiences of incarcerated individuals into the analysis of crime and justice. The theory seeks to challenge traditional criminological approaches that often rely on quantitative data and statistical analysis and instead promotes a more qualitative approach that incorporates the narratives of individuals who have been directly impacted by the criminal justice system.

The central premise of convict criminology is that individuals who have been incarcerated have a unique perspective on crime and justice that is often overlooked in traditional criminological analyses. This perspective is grounded in the lived experiences of individuals who have firsthand knowledge of the criminal justice system, including the flaws and limitations of the system. Convict criminologists argue that this perspective can provide valuable insights into the root causes of crime and can inform more effective approaches to preventing and reducing crime.

Convict criminology emerged in the 1990s as a response to what many criminologists saw as the limitations of traditional criminological theories and approaches. The theory was initially developed by a group of scholars who had all spent time in prison themselves and were interested in incorporating their own experiences into criminological research.

One of the earliest and most influential works in convict criminology is the book “Doing Time: 25 Years of Prison Writing” edited by Bell Gale Chevigny. The book is a collection of essays and stories written by prisoners that provides an intimate look at life behind bars and the impact of incarceration on individuals and their families. The book was widely praised for its raw and honest portrayal of life in prison and helped to bring attention to the perspective of incarcerated individuals in criminological research.

Convict criminology has been criticized for its focus on qualitative data and its tendency to rely on anecdotal evidence. Some critics argue that the theory overlooks the role of broader social and economic factors in shaping patterns of crime and instead focuses too narrowly on the experiences of individuals who have been directly impacted by the criminal justice system.

Another criticism of convict criminology is that it is often seen as being overly sympathetic to individuals who have committed crimes and can sometimes downplay the harm caused by criminal behavior. Some argue that this perspective can be dangerous and can lead to policies that prioritize the rights of offenders over the safety and well-being of the broader community.

Despite these criticisms, convict criminology remains an important theoretical perspective within criminology and has helped to draw attention to the lived experiences of incarcerated individuals and the impact of the criminal justice system on their lives.

Criminology is an interdisciplinary field of study that seeks to understand the causes, consequences, and prevention of crime. Throughout history, various theories have emerged to explain the complex nature of criminal behavior. Each theory offers a unique perspective on crime and criminal behavior, emphasizing different factors and variables that may influence criminal activity.

Some of the prominent criminology theories discussed in this article include biological theory, classical criminology, critical criminology, cultural criminology, cultural transmission theory of crime, deterrence and rational choice theories of crime, feminist criminology, labeling and symbolic interaction theories of crime, life course criminology, psychological theories of crime, self-control theory of crime, social construction of crime, social control theory of crime, social disorganization theory of crime, social learning theory of crime, strain theories of crime, integrated theories of crime, and convict criminology.

While each theory has its strengths and limitations, the interdisciplinary approach to criminology provides a more comprehensive understanding of criminal behavior. However, criticisms of criminology theories exist, including the tendency to focus on individual-level factors rather than societal-level factors and the potential for theories to be biased towards certain groups.

The need for interdisciplinary approaches in criminology is paramount to develop comprehensive crime prevention strategies. Future research should consider the interaction between individual, social, and environmental factors to gain a more nuanced understanding of crime and criminal behavior.

Implications for criminal justice policy and practice are significant. Policies should be evidence-based and consider the root causes of crime rather than solely focusing on punitive measures. Additionally, policies should address the needs of all members of society, especially those most vulnerable to criminal victimization.

In conclusion, criminology theories offer a unique perspective on the complex nature of crime and criminal behavior. While each theory has its strengths and limitations, the interdisciplinary approach to criminology provides a more comprehensive understanding of criminal behavior. Future research and criminal justice policies should consider a holistic approach to address the root causes of crime and promote social justice.

XXIII. References:

  • Akers, R. L. (1998). Social learning and social structure: A general theory of crime and deviance. Transaction Publishers.
  • Bandura, A. (1977). Social learning theory. Prentice Hall.
  • Cohen, A. K. (1955). Delinquent boys: The culture of the gang. Free Press.
  • Cullen, F. T., & Agnew, R. (Eds.). (2011). Criminological theory: Past to present. Oxford University Press.
  • Durkheim, E. (1895). The rules of sociological method. Free Press.
  • Hirschi, T. (1969). Causes of delinquency. University of California Press.
  • Johnson, B. D. (2009). Adolescent development and the biology of puberty: Summary of a workshop on new research. National Academies Press.
  • Katz, J. (1988). Seductions of crime: Moral and sensual attractions in doing evil. Basic Books.
  • Laub, J. H., & Sampson, R. J. (1993). Turning points in the life course: Why change matters to the study of crime. Criminology, 31(3), 301-325.
  • Lombroso, C. (1911). Criminal man. G. Putnam.
  • Messner, S. F., & Rosenfeld, R. (2018). Crime and the American dream. Cengage Learning.
  • Miller, W. B. (1958). Lower class culture as a generating milieu of gang delinquency. Journal of social issues, 14(3), 5-19.
  • Merton, R. K. (1938). Social structure and anomie. American sociological review, 3(5), 672-682.
  • Reiman, J. (2014). The rich get richer and the poor get prison: Ideology, class, and criminal justice. Routledge.
  • Sutherland, E. H. (1947). Principles of criminology. Lippincott.
  • Sykes, G. M., & Matza, D. (1957). Techniques of neutralization: A theory of delinquency. American Sociological Review, 22(6), 664-670.
  • Taylor, I., Walton, P., & Young, J. (Eds.). (2013). The new criminology: For a social theory of deviance. Routledge.
  • Thornberry, T. P. (1987). Toward an interactional theory of delinquency. Criminology, 25(4), 863-891.
  • Tittle, C. R. (2000). Control balance: Toward a general theory of deviance. Westview Press.
  • Wilson, J. Q., & Herrnstein, R. J. (1985). Crime and human nature. Simon and Schuster.

Kent State Online

Major Criminology Theories and How They Affect Policy

Learn how kent state university’s online master of arts in criminology and criminal justice can equip you to make a difference in the world..

What is criminal behavior, and what causes it? How a society answers these fundamental questions plays an essential role in how it responds to crime, from developing crime prevention programs to designing incarceration systems and rehabilitating criminals. As part of this effort, criminologists and experts across related fields such as healthcare, sociology and psychology work toward an understanding of the causes of criminal behavior, both by proposing new theories and testing existing ones.

Each of the following theories has evolved with the advent of more sophisticated technology and the current trend toward examining criminal behavior, and they’ve also been impacted—albeit at a slower pace—by changes in public policy.

Rational Choice Theory: Tough on Crime

Major Criminology Theories infographic

The U.S. justice system is largely influenced by a classical criminology theory, rational choice theory, which assumes that the choice to commit a crime arises out of a logical judgment of cost versus reward. This theory emphasizes punishment as the best means to deter individuals from committing crimes: Make the cost sufficiently outweigh the reward and individuals will decide that crime is not worth it. 1

On one hand, this seems reasonable, almost obvious. But a number of factors complicate such a simplistic understanding of crime and human nature: 2

  • Adolescents have immature brains that cannot fully comprehend consequences
  • Humans are generally influenced more by their emotions than cold logic
  • Individuals who commit crimes often lack information or the perspective to make a sound judgment

In other words, the historical understanding of rational choice assumes a totally rational actor, but humans are never totally rational. Additionally, contemporary theorists suggest that the individuals who would be “scared straight” by punishment are already disinclined to commit crimes. Contemporary criminologists believe that policies based on rational choice theory should have more modest, specific targets and focuses. But while rational choice theory has evolved on the academic side, policy crafted according to its dictates has lagged behind. Examples of policies related to outdated interpretations of rational choice theory include:

  • Three-strikes laws
  • Extreme “tough on crime” punishments
  • Placing juvenile offenders in adult facilities

Biological and Biosocial Theories: Addressing Root Causes

Classical biological theories of criminality stated that people are “born criminals” who cannot be deterred from committing crimes: Whether due to mental or physical disability, criminals cannot learn to control themselves.

In contrast, contemporary biological theories emphasize biosocial causes rather than strictly natural ones.

Some modern criminologists do consider genetic predispositions (including testosterone and IQ levels), but they look at the interplay between these factors and a person’s social environment rather than focusing on seemingly immutable traits. By foregrounding social factors, these criminologists theorize, we can mitigate risks of criminal behavior prompted by biological factors. 3

Policies based in this theory often start at the root of the problem—for example:

  • Educating parents-to-be in high-risk categories (such as single parents, teenagers and low-income individuals) to avoid circumstances that might impede healthy child development
  • Teaching children conflict resolution alternatives to violence in programs such as Second Step

Social Learning Theory: Learning by Example

Social learning theory proposes that we engage in either criminal or noncriminal behavior based on the social environment around us, and that we’re especially influenced by how other people reward or model behavior. This theory asserts that criminal behaviors are learned and therefore can be counteracted by developing a social environment in which criminal behavior is not normalized. 4

This theory is most frequently used as the basis for supportive, less punitive programs that serve juveniles, such as:

  • The School Transitional Environment Program, which helps students entering middle school connect with schools, classmates and teachers who model more positive behavior than they encountered in their previous environments
  • Communities That Care, which takes a preventative approach inspired by public health outreach, bringing a community together to support at-risk juveniles
  • Teens, Crime and the Community and Community Works (TCC/CW), a multifaceted program that offers classroom curricula on topics such as conflict resolution, drugs and gun violence; this program uses positive role models such as teachers and police officers to deliver classes and puts these lessons to work through projects in the community

Labeling Theory: Once a Criminal, Always a Criminal

Labeling theory proposes that applying a label, whether that means informally designating a youth as a “bad kid” or a “troublemaker” or a more formal arrest or incarceration record, has a long-term effect on a given person. Policies inspired by labeling theory were popular in the 1970s, but they were perceived as ineffective and fell out of use, replaced by “tough on crime” rational choice approaches.

Contemporary research has shown evidence of the profound impact that labeling can have on individuals, as formal labeling has been shown to have a measurable effect on juveniles’ future education and employment opportunities—repercussions that can lead to continued criminal behavior. 5

Policies inspired by labeling theory thus focus on reducing negative repercussions of prior labels and providing opportunities for new growth. Examples include:

  • “Ban the box” policies, which forbid employers from asking applicants about their criminal backgrounds, which evidence indicates reduces recidivism
  • Wisconsin’s Inviting Convicts to College program and similar programs that prepare individuals with criminal pasts to succeed in college
  • Civil citation laws, which provide a less stigmatizing alternative to formal arrests and the court system

Contributing to Criminal Justice

Through these and other criminology theories, experts in many related fields , such as psychology, law enforcement and public administration, collaborate to create a safer, more just society. Whether you currently work as a criminal justice professional or are looking to enter the field, learn how Kent State University’s online Master of Arts in Criminology and Criminal Justice can equip you to make a difference in the world through research, corrections, security and policy.

  • Retrieved on June 4, 2018, from researchgate.net/publication/229474619_Rational_choice_theory_crime_control_policy_and_criminological_relevance
  • Retrieved on June 4, 2018, from scholarlycommons.law.northwestern.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=6670&context=jclc
  • Retrieved on June 4, 2018, from researchgate.net/publication/261595842_Policy_Implications_of_Biosocial_Criminology_Crime_Prevention_and_Offender_Rehabilitation
  • Retrieved on June 4, 2018, from pdfs.semanticscholar.org/d036/149dad697619767bedb6af697a669cae928d.pdf
  • Retrieved on June 4, 2018, from researchgate.net/publication/319256250_Policy_Implications_of_Contemporary_Labeling_Theory_Research

Integrative Studies Blog Header Image

Diverse Criminology Essay Topics: Criminal Justice and Beyond


Table of contents

  • 1 What Branches Does Criminology Include?
  • 2 How to Choose a Good Topic on Criminology?
  • 3 Effectiveness of Capital Punishment in Deterring Crime
  • 4 Criminal Justice Research Topics on Racism & Discrimination
  • 5 Criminal Law Research Topics
  • 6 International Criminal Law Research Topics
  • 7 Criminal Justice Research Topics on Society & Justice
  • 8 Criminal Justice Research Topics in Types of Crime
  • 9 Criminal Justice Research Topics About Court Cases

In our increasingly complex society, the study of criminology, the scientific approach to understanding crime and criminals, has never been more relevant. As we seek to dissect the many factors that contribute to criminal behavior, from socioeconomic circumstances to psychological predispositions, we open the door to a wealth of research possibilities. This article aims to delve into these possibilities, presenting a diverse array of criminology essay topics.

What Branches Does Criminology Include?

Criminology is an interdisciplinary field that draws from several different disciplines, including sociology, psychology, law, and criminal justice. As such, it encompasses a wide range of branches, including but not limited to, criminal behavior, penology, victimology, forensic psychology, and criminal justice administration. Criminal behavior examines why people commit crimes and how to prevent them, while penology focuses on punishment and rehabilitation of offenders. Victimology examines the experiences of crime victims and how to help them, while forensic psychology applies psychological principles to legal issues. Criminal justice administration focuses on the management and operation of the criminal justice system.

How to Choose a Good Topic on Criminology?

Choosing a good topic on criminology can be an exciting but challenging task. Here are five steps to help you select a compelling topic:

  • Step 1: Understand the Field of Criminology

Begin by gaining a broad understanding of the field of criminology. Explore various sub-disciplines, theories, and contemporary issues in criminology. This will help you identify areas of interest and potential research gaps.

  • Step 2: Identify Your Interests

Reflect on your personal interests within criminology. Consider the aspects of crime, criminal justice, or social justice that captivate your attention. Are you interested in studying the causes of crime, criminal behavior, or the effectiveness of criminal justice policies? Identifying your interests will guide you toward topics that you are passionate about.

  • Step 3: Conduct Preliminary Research

Conduct preliminary research to explore potential topics further. Read scholarly articles, books, and other reputable sources to identify current trends, debates, and gaps in knowledge. This will help you understand what has already been studied and identify areas where further research is needed.

  • Step 4: Brainstorm and Narrow Down Your Topic

Brainstorm a list of potential topics based on your interests and the research you have conducted. Consider the feasibility and scope of each topic. Are there enough resources available to support your research? Is the topic too broad or too narrow? Narrow down your list to a few specific and manageable topics that align with your interests.

  • Step 5: Evaluate the Significance and Originality

Evaluate the significance and originality of each potential topic. Consider whether the topic addresses a research gap or offers a fresh perspective on an existing issue. Think about the potential contributions your research could make to the field of criminology. Choose a topic that has relevance and offers room for exploration and innovation.

By following these steps, you will be able to choose a good topic on criminology that aligns with your interests, has research potential, and contributes to the existing body of knowledge in the field. Remember to consult with your advisor or instructor for guidance and feedback during the topic selection process.

Effectiveness of Capital Punishment in Deterring Crime

  • Racial Disparities in the Criminal Justice System and Their Impact on Minority Communities
  • Solitary Confinement and Its Effects on Prisoners’ Mental Health
  • Role of Mandatory Minimum Sentences in Addressing Drug Offenses
  • Ethical Implications of Using Informants in Criminal Investigations
  • Predictive Policing Algorithms and Their Potential for Bias and Discrimination
  • Juvenile Justice and the Debate Over Trying Minors as Adults
  • Impact of Private Prisons on the Criminal Justice System
  • Effectiveness of Rehabilitation Programs in Reducing Recidivism Rates
  • Use of Technology and Surveillance in Law Enforcement, Including Facial Recognition and Data Collection
  • Criminalization of Drug Possession and the Debate Over Decriminalization or Legalization
  • Impact of Three-Strikes Laws on Repeat Offenders
  • Use of Tasers and Other Non-lethal Weapons by Law Enforcement and the Potential for Abuse
  • Role of Mental Health in the Criminal Justice System and the Treatment of Mentally Ill Offenders
  • Consequences of Mandatory Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients
  • Impact of Bail Reform on Pretrial Detention and the Fairness of the System
  • Relationship Between Poverty and Crime and the Effectiveness of Poverty Reduction Programs
  • Debate Over Mandatory Sentencing for Non-violent Offenses
  • Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods, Such as Restorative Justice, in Criminal Cases
  • Criminalization of Sex Work and the Debate Over Decriminalization or Regulation

Criminal Justice Research Topics on Racism & Discrimination

  • Racial Profiling Impact and Justice Outcomes for Minorities
  • Sentencing Disparities: Uncovering Racial Bias
  • Poverty, Legal Representation, and Effects on Cases
  • Racial Stereotypes: Police Force and Arrest Dynamics
  • Community Policing: Building Trust, Reducing Tensions
  • Implicit Bias in Court: Influencing Jury Decisions
  • Pretrial Detention, Bail, and Racial Disparities
  • Plea Bargaining: Racial Bias and Sentencing Gaps
  • Socioeconomic Status, Race, and Wrongful Convictions
  • Law Enforcement Training: Addressing Racial Bias
  • Policing Technology: Exacerbating Disparities
  • Minority Experiences as Justice System Victims and Witnesses
  • Juvenile Justice: Racial Disparities and Consequences
  • Stop-And-Frisk Policies: Unveiling Race and Discrimination
  • Death Penalty: Racial Disparities and Justice Implications
  • Drug Law Enforcement: Racial Bias and Mass Incarceration
  • Restorative Justice: Tackling Racial Disparities
  • Minority Experiences in Probation and Parole Systems
  • Solitary Confinement’s Racial Disparities and Mental Health Impacts
  • Systemic Racism: Perpetuating Justice Disparities

Criminal Law Research Topics

  • Efficacy of Mandatory Minimum Sentences in Reducing Crime Rates
  • Influence of Technology on Criminal Investigations and Privacy Rights
  • Correlation Between Mental Health and Criminal Behavior
  • Significance of Forensic Science in Criminal Investigations and Its Reliability
  • Impact of Race and Ethnicity on the Criminal Justice System
  • Utilization of Plea Bargains and Their Implications for the Justice System
  • Legitimacy and Ethical Considerations of Surveillance in Public Spaces
  • Role of Restorative Justice in Diminishing Recidivism Rates
  • Consequences of Drug Decriminalization or Legalization on Crime Rates
  • Effectiveness of Rehabilitation Programs in Curbing Reoffending
  • Application of Predictive Policing Algorithms and Their Potential Biases
  • Influence of Media and Public Perception on Criminal Trials
  • Examination of Legal and Ethical Issues Surrounding the Death Penalty
  • Ramifications of Sentencing Disparities Based on Socioeconomic Status
  • Assessment of Community Policing Effectiveness in Crime Prevention and Resolution
  • Contribution of Forensic Psychology in Criminal Profiling
  • Safeguarding the Rights of Victims in the Criminal Justice System
  • Evaluation of Hate Crime Legislation in Preventing and Prosecuting Hate Crimes
  • Exploration of the Link Between Poverty and Crime Rates
  • Implications of Emerging Technologies (Such as Artificial Intelligence and Facial Recognition) On Criminal Law and Privacy

International Criminal Law Research Topics

  • Icc: Combating Crimes Against Humanity
  • Universal Jurisdiction: Prosecuting International Crimes
  • State Sovereignty vs International Criminal Law
  • Effectiveness of War Crime Tribunals
  • Gender-Based Crimes in Armed Conflicts
  • Transitional Justice Mechanisms Post-conflict
  • Ethical Implications of Drone Warfare
  • Prosecution of Piracy as a Global Crime
  • Intersection of Humanitarian and Criminal Law
  • Ngos in International Criminal Justice
  • Corporate Liability for International Crimes
  • Truth Commissions and Reconciliation
  • Evolving Understanding of Genocide
  • Protecting Cultural Heritage in Conflicts
  • Investigating Non-state Actor Crimes
  • International Law’s Impact on Counterterrorism
  • Extradition for International Crimes
  • Environmental Crimes and Legal Frameworks
  • Victim and Witness Rights in Trials
  • Regional Courts and International Justice

Criminal Justice Research Topics on Society & Justice

  • Community Policing and Crime Rates
  • Restorative Justice and Recidivism
  • Juvenile Diversion Programs
  • Poverty and Crime in Communities
  • Impact of Mass Incarceration on Families
  • Technology in Criminal Investigations
  • Drug Courts and Reducing Criminal Behavior
  • Mental Health and Criminal Conduct
  • Rehabilitation vs Punishment
  • Alternative Sentencing and Prison Overcrowding
  • Challenges of Reintegration After Incarceration
  • Racial Disparities in the Justice System
  • Community-Based Crime Prevention
  • Social Media and Criminal Facilitation
  • Body-Worn Cameras and Public Trust
  • Wrongful Convictions and Implications
  • Effectiveness of Hate Crime Legislation
  • Forensic Evidence and Conviction Rates
  • Media Influence on Crime Attitudes
  • Rehabilitation Programs for Substance Abuse

Criminal Justice Research Topics in Types of Crime

  • Cybercrime Laws and Deterrence
  • Impact of Drug Trafficking on Communities
  • Characteristics of White-Collar Criminals
  • International Cooperation Against Human Trafficking
  • Dynamics of Organized Crime Groups
  • Patterns and Trends in Homicide Rates
  • Factors Contributing to Domestic Violence
  • Root Causes of Juvenile Delinquency
  • Impact of Hate Crimes on Marginalized Communities
  • Reporting and Conviction Rates of Sexual Assault Cases
  • Factors Influencing Robbery Rates
  • Methods and Consequences of Identity Theft
  • Role of Money Laundering in Organized Crime
  • Detection and Prevention of Fraud
  • Impact of Public Corruption on Institutions
  • Causes and Motivations Behind Acts of Terrorism
  • Patterns and Motivations of Arsonists
  • Prevalence of Child Abuse and Neglect
  • Crimes Against the Environment and Enforcement Strategies
  • Psychological Impact of Stalking on Victims

Criminal Justice Research Topics About Court Cases

  • Supreme Court Decisions and Criminal Justice Policies
  • Plea Bargaining’s Impact on Court Outcomes
  • Racial Disparities in Sentencing: A Case Study
  • Public Opinion and High-Profile Court Cases
  • Forensic Evidence in Court Proceedings
  • Technology and Court Case Management
  • Wrongful Convictions and the Court System
  • Specialized Courts and Reducing Recidivism
  • Factors Influencing Judges’ Decisions in Criminal Cases
  • Media Coverage and Jury Decision-Making
  • Diversion Programs as Alternatives to Courts
  • Eyewitness Testimony in Court Proceedings
  • Expert Witnesses in Criminal Trials
  • Pretrial Detention and the Justice System
  • Technology and Courtroom Security
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution in Criminal Cases
  • Prosecutorial Discretion and Court Outcomes
  • Court-Ordered Rehabilitation Programs
  • Judicial Misconduct and Case Outcomes
  • Mandatory Minimum Sentencing and Court Cases

Crafting a criminology essay can be daunting due to the intricate nature of the subject. It demands a profound comprehension of diverse theories, rigorous research abilities, and the capacity to express thoughts in a lucid and persuasive manner. The vast scope of the discipline, which includes sociology, psychology, and law among others, often exacerbates this challenge. Nevertheless, these obstacles can be effortlessly surmounted with the assistance of PapersOwl.com. Their proficient team possesses experience in tackling complex criminology subjects and can offer top-notch, tailored essay writing services.

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MPhil in Criminological Research

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The MPhil in Criminological Research provides a foundational education in prominent criminological theories, research methods, and areas of criminological knowledge. Compulsory modules on criminological theories and research methods familiarise students with historic and contemporary criminological thinking and research. A variety of optional seminars are on offer each year covering a wide range of criminological topics.

The MPhil in Criminological Research requires empirical research as part of the final dissertation and therefore includes practical training in analytical and advanced research methods through the Cambridge Research Methods Programme (CaRM).

For further information contact the the Graduate Administrators : Mrs Charlotte Caselton and Mrs Faith Payne.

Aims of the MPhil in Criminological Research

This course aims to:

  • Offer an up-to-date and high quality degree course, introducing students to some of the most important theory, methods and research in criminology
  • Offer a sound academic foundation to those who aspire to undertake a PhD or career in teaching and research in criminology or related fields

Core knowledge students will acquire:

  • An understanding of core criminological and criminal justice theories
  • A critical awareness of current problems and debates within the field
  • Skills to critically evaluate theoretical and empirical literature relevant to criminological and criminal justice research
  • The ability to synthesize and apply criminological knowledge in new contexts or to new issues
  • The ability to use theoretical knowledge creatively and independently to guide their work
  • Skills in communicating criminological knowledge to specialist and non-specialist audience .

Research methods students will acquire:

  • A comprehensive understanding of qualitative and quantitative research methods used in criminology
  • The ability to use acquired knowledge to propose new hypotheses and identify and address research problems
  • The ability to critically assess research designs
  • The ability to apply research competencies to practical issues
  • The ability to independently acquire and interpret additional knowledge relating to research
  • An understanding of the quality of work required to satisfy peer review

The MPhil in Criminological Research is structured around two teaching terms (Michaelmas and Lent), in which students attend: Two core courses: Criminological Theories and Criminological Research Methods; and t wo optional courses; and a research methods training course , with the remainder of the year devoted to the preparation of a research-based dissertation.  Students are also required to complete four modules from the Cambridge Research Methods programme.



Each student will be assigned a supervisor. The main role of the supervisor is to provide general academic advice to students, and subject-specific advice relating to the dissertation. During term time, you can expect to meet with your supervisor about every two weeks (depending on your level of need).

Course Assessment

The overall mark for the mphil in criminological research is determined through seven assignments comprising of four units of assessment :.

One Criminological Research Methods Exercise / Essay (relating to the core course in Criminological Research Methods of not more than 3000 words; details will be announced by the examiners towards the end of Michaelmas Term).
A Presentation (on the student’s dissertation topic in the Lent Term).
A Dissertation (of not more than 18,000 words on a criminological topic chosen by the student and approved by the Degree Committee (Faculty of Law). Students are expected to demonstrate, via the dissertation, a competent application of research methods).

To be awarded the MPhil degree students are required to pass each of the units of assessment (i.e., achieve a mark of 60 or above), apart from the dissertation presentation.

A mark between 57 and 59 is considered a marginal fail and this may be compensated by a strong performance, normally denoted by a mark of 68 or above, in one of the other written units (not including the presentation). If a student receives a marginal fail overall and all their marks are below a 68 they may be required to participate in an oral examination. Ultimately, decisions regarding marginal fails are made by the Board of Examiners in light of all relevant information.

To be awarded a distinction, students must obtain an overall weighted mark of 75.

E ssay Marking Scheme

. Marks in this range should be reserved for high-quality essays and assignments, showing a considerable degree of sophistication, and significant elements of originality and critical analysis. The work should be well written and well organised and, where relevant, should incorporate reference to both theory and empirical evidence.

. Marks in this range should be reserved for high-quality essays and assignments, showing a considerable degree of sophistication, and significant elements of originality. The work should be well written and well organised and, where relevant, should incorporate reference to both theory and empirical evidence.

This range of marks applies to essays and assignments showing extensive familiarity with relevant materials and strong analytical skills. The work should be well written and well organised and, where relevant, should incorporate reference to both theory and empirical evidence.

This range of marks applies to essays and assignments that provide a competent response to the question or issues posed and show reasonable familiarity with the materials as well as being adequately presented and organized. Where relevant, the work should incorporate reference to both theory and empirical evidence. The work might show some weakness in argument or evidence.

This range of marks reflects acceptable answers, but with some significant weakness in arguments, lack of knowledge of some significant material, major organisational deficiencies, failure to address the question fully, or other significant inaccuracies.

Essays and assignments which achieve marks of 60-62 will be deemed to have achieved a and may be subject to review at the Board of Examiners’ Meeting following oral examination. The matter of oral examination will be at the Senior Examiner’s discretion.

These are unsatisfactory essays and assignments, but ones which may be reviewed, following oral examination, at a Board of Examiners’ Meeting.  An oral examination will normally be required unless there is strong work on other written assignments to compensate. In these circumstances the matter of oral examination will be at the Senior Examiner’s discretion.

These are essays and assignments which fail to meet the academic standards of the programme. An oral examination will be required.


MPhil in Criminological Research students:

  • must complete a dissertation of between 15,000 and 18,000 words on a criminological topic chosen by the student. Students are expected to demonstrate a critical understanding of research principles and analytical skills. A dissertation must be based on an extensive literature review, and the examiners expect the dissertation to make a contribution to knowledge. This can be achieved by addressing a criminological issue not covered extensively in the literature; approaching a topic from a new angle; developing new research methods; presenting exceptionally high-quality empirical analysis; or advancing theory in a significant way. Students for the most part free to choose their dissertation topic, although it must fall within the field of criminology, i.e., relate to the study of crime – e.g., the nature of crime, what causes or prevents crime, or how we respond to crime. In some cases academic staff may be able to suggest topics to students, or invite them to work on an ongoing research project in a way that serves their dissertation purposes. This will depend on their interests, abilities and what work is currently ongoing at the Institute. A Dissertation Ideas Booklet is provided to students in the Michaelmas term, from which they can learn more about possible dissertation topics from academics in the Institute, as well as practitioners who may be involved in relevant projects that may be conducive to MPhil research.
  • are required to carry out empirical research , and it is important to try and ensure an original empirical contribution. However, students may consider alternatives that involve a smaller or more focused contribution (e.g., a pilot project).  An empirical piece of research may rely on a variety of quantitative or qualitative research methods, including, for example, a series of interviews, an observational case-study, documentary or discourse analysis, a small survey, an experiment or quasi-experiment, or secondary analysis of existing data. Students will discuss empirical research with their supervisor at the earliest opportunity during the Michaelmas Term, in particular, discussing the steps and time needed to plan their research design, gain access, and collect and analyse data.

The dissertation is researched and written from the start of the academic year (in October), but is worked on most intensively from April to August,(which is the critical data collection, analysis and writing period).

Each student is also required to give a 15 minute presentation on their dissertation topic in January / February (Lent Term).

Dissertation Marking Scheme

. Marks in this range reflect work which addresses a criminological issue not well covered in the literature, approaches a topic from a new angle, or contains high-quality empirical analysis or advances theory in a significant way. Work at this level also demonstrates an excellent grasp of a wide range of concepts and issues as well as sources and use them in a scholarly fashion. The work shows a superior understanding of relevant theoretical issues or, where appropriate, shows ingenuity and originality in applying a particular method to an empirical problem. A dissertation at this level presents a clear thesis (argument) – or provides a coherent analysis – which integrates criminological theory, methods and data (where appropriate) and shows insight and originality. The dissertation will also be well written and well presented.

k. Marks in this range reflect work which addresses a criminological issue not well covered in the literature, approaches a topic from a new angle, or contains very high-quality empirical analysis or advances theory in some way. Work at this level also demonstrates a very strong grasp of a wide range of concepts and issues as well as sources and use them in a scholarly fashion. The work shows an advanced understanding of relevant theoretical issues or, where appropriate, shows ingenuity in applying a particular method to an empirical problem. A dissertation at this level presents a clear thesis (argument) – or provides a coherent analysis – which integrates criminological theory, methods and data (where appropriate) and shows insight and originality. The dissertation will also be well written and well presented.

Marks in this range reflect dissertation work which shows extensive familiarity with relevant concepts, issues, and relevant materials, and shows strong analytical skills; such work also demonstrates a good understanding of relevant theoretical issues. Where relevant, the dissertation shows that chosen research methods have been applied in an appropriate and sound manner. The dissertation presents a clear thesis (argument) which integrates criminological theory, methods and data (where appropriate) and shows some critical insight.

Marks in this range reflect dissertation work that suggests knowledge of relevant concepts and issues and reasonable competence in using a range of sources and research methods (where appropriate) in a scholarly manner. The dissertation also presents a clear thesis (argument) which adequately integrates criminological theory, methods and data (where appropriate). The work might show some weakness in argument or evidence.

This range of marks reflects acceptable dissertation work, but with some significant weakness in arguments, lack of knowledge of some significant criminological material, major organisational deficiencies, failure to address the issues fully, or other significant inaccuracies.

Essays and assignments which achieve marks of 60-62 will be deemed to have achieved a and may be subject to review at the Board of Examiners’ Meeting following oral examination. The matter of oral examination will be at the Senior Examiner’s discretion.

. A mark in this range suggests unsatisfactory work, but the dissertation may be reviewed, following oral examination, at a Board of Examiners’ Meeting.

This is work which fails to meet the academic standards of the programme. An oral examination will be required.

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Completing your Application

Before starting an application we recommend that applicants read the information provided on the University's Postgraduate Admissions Office website.  In addition to this, we offer the following departmental guidance:

  • The course code for the MPhil in Criminological Research is CRM2 .

Please note: Applicants are discouraged from applying to both of the Institute's MPhil courses.  Applicants who submit applications for both MPhil courses will be asked by the Criminology Graduate Office to choose their preferred course, and only this application will be considered. Applicants will be asked to withdrawn the least preferred course.

Supporting Documents and other Information

Applicants will need to provide the following documents / information when applying for the MPhil in Criminology or the MPhil in Criminological Research. Please see the Postgraduate Admissions website for further details.

  • Two academic references
  • Transcripts
  • Evidence of competence in English
  • Reasons for applying [ see below ]
  • Statement of interest [ see below ]
  • Sample of academic written work. [ see below ]
  • Applicants for the Gates Scholarships will need to provide details of an additional referee who can provide a  personal reference .
On the application form your statement should be no more than 1500 characters long (including spaces and punctuation between words).

This is your personal reasons for applying.  Questions you might consider could be:



On the application form your should:

This must be uploaded as a Supporting Document.

When Will I Receive a Decision?

Applications are considered as they are received and some early offers are made; however, the majority of decisions are made after the main funding deadline, in January and February. An interview may take place in borderline cases, or if the admissions panel require further information to make an assessment of the application. Applicants will be notified as soon as their application has been evaluated, if it has been accepted, rejected, or put on hold. Applications that are put on hold will be assessed as a gathered field after the application deadline, in late April. T he Department is subject to restrictions on the number of offers it can make for these courses and whilst in some cases a decision on an application will be made following the first review, in a large number of cases an application will be held for re-consideration at a later stage.  This may mean that a decision on your application is not taken until after the closing date for applications to the course.

Applicant FAQs

The Postgraduate Admissions Office has a comprehensive list of  Frequently Asked Questions  relating to the applications process. Please refer to these while making your application and throughout the process of applying.

  • Applicants for this course must have a honours degree with at least a high II.i (67 per cent) from a UK university or equivalent from another institution (GPA 3.6/4 in the United States), preferably in a social science discipline, although applicants from other disciplines will also be considered.
  • If your degree is not from the UK, please check the International Qualifications  section of the Graduate Admissions website to find the equivalent in your country.

Levent Emre Özgüç - MPhil in Criminological Research

"When I first applied to the Institute in Criminology to be a postgraduate student, I was hesitant as I had a law background and I was not proficient in social sciences research. However, my doubts were cleared within days of joining the programme. I can honestly say that the Institute is one of the best places to learn and specialize in criminology. The research staff consists of experts in the area who are always eager to help, and it is impossible to fail in finding any relevant book or journal in the Radzinowicz Library. Moreover, life in Cambridge is full of opportunities. Students get to be a part of a large network and mingle with the best names in their area, academically and career-wise. Even when socializing with other students, one acquires a different perspective, as the University has an extremely diverse student population coming from various academic and cultural backgrounds. Overall, I can say that my year in the University of Cambridge has been one of my best and I would certainly suggest the Institute programmes to anyone who wants to discover more about criminology."

Joshua Lefurge-Mcleod - MPhil in Criminological Research

"I came to Cambridge to pursue a Master’s in criminological research to gain an international perspective on how evidence-based policies can improve the criminal justice system in the US.  The Institute of Criminology has been rigorous in its expectations while remaining fair its evaluations.  Through lectures, supervisions, and impromptu meetings with professors, I have received an invaluable education and look forward to applying what I have learned to public policy in the US.  The IoC has been welcoming and collaborative, providing a positive learning environment for my postgraduate studies.

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University Library study room

The Postgraduate Admissions website provides full details on  course fees and living costs, and their finance overview tool will help you calculate your costs. They also provide information on possible funding opportunities at Cambridge University, and there is also a  funding search tool   which will help you identify possibly funding opportunities.

The Institute also has several funding opportunities, details of which can be found on our  funding page .

Continuation to the PhD degree course involves a separate application process, undertaken during the MPhil year.  Prospective PhD students are encouraged to discuss their plans with their MPhil supervisor as early as possible during the MPhil year. Both the Institute's MPhil courses provide excellent preparation for doctoral study, and many of our MPhil students choose to stay at Cambridge to pursue a Cambridge PhD. However, we do recomment that current MPhil students whose aim is to progress to a PhD should apply to the MPhil in Criminological Research in the first instance.

Continuation from the MPhil course to a PhD is subject to:

  • Continuing applicants are advised to complete the MPhil in Criminological Research. Continuation from the MPhil course is subject to a MPhil student achieving at least 74 overall. 
  • A MPhil student deciding on a suitable research topic and proposal, and finding an available supervisor.

Institute of Criminology Sidgwick Avenue Cambridge CB3 9DA

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    The MPhil in Criminological Research is structured around two teaching terms (Michaelmas and Lent), in which students attend: Criminological Theories and Criminological Research Methods; and t, with the remainder of the year devoted to the preparation of a research-based dissertation. Students are also required to complete.

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