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  • PhD program in Finance

Our PhD program in Finance is a fully-funded 4-year program which aims to give students an in-depth knowledge of finance in both theoretical and operational terms in order to prepare them for successful careers in academia, policy institutions, or the financial industry. The program is opened to students completing or holding a master’s degree, or holding a bachelor’s degree. Candidates joining after a bachelor’s degree must complete the first year of our finance master before starting the program and can be funded during that additional year.

The program’s curriculum is structured in two phases: (1) a one-year course which trains students for their future research work (2) a 3-year doctoral training period during which students conduct their research project and write and defend their PhD thesis.

  • Phase 1 is completed in the 2nd year of our finance master’s program. During that phase, students draw on courses from the Research-in-Finance track of the Finance master of Dauphine-PSL, and they start working towards their research project. For bachelor’s graduates, this first phase is extended to include the 1st year of the master.
  • Phase 2 corresponds to the French doctorate degree. During that phase, students are mentored to gain state-of-the-arts research methods, write academic papers, present at academic conferences, and prepare for the academic job market. This second phase can be extended by one to two years conditional on approval by the PSL doctoral school.

For more information on the program, refer to this document .

Timeline PhD Finance

Phase 1 | Finance Master – Track 104 Research in Finance

The " Research-in-Finance track ” of the Finance master offers fundamental and advanced courses in all fields of finance: corporate finance, financial markets, investments, derivatives, financial modeling and computer programming for finance, banking and financial intermediation, mathematical finance, asset pricing. A wide range of elective courses allow students to specialize on specific topics such as financial analysis, business valuation, international finance, private equity, behavioral finance, machine learning in finance, quantitative finance etc.

PhD program students get research-oriented training with courses in econometrics and research methodology, as well as pre-doctoral courses in corporate finance, asset pricing, and market microstructure with both theoretical and empirical approaches. They are supervised by academic researchers of DRM Finance - our research team in finance - to conduct their research master thesis and they are offered multiple internship opportunities.

They can also enrich their training by a summer school in data sciences.

Phase 2 | Doctoral studies

During their doctoral years, students will benefit from the following programs:

  • Academic research practice courses taught by international experts;
  • A cycle of doctoral lectures taught by leading academics in their research fields;
  • PSL interdisciplinary courses : PSL is a strongly interdisciplinary university with special courses that cut across our disciplinary graduate programs and are open to all graduate students;
  • The research seminar series of DRM Finance ;
  • The Annual Dauphine Finance PhD Workshop that allows PhD students to interact and network with other young researchers from all over the world;
  • Travelling grants to promote research visits in foreign universities. 

PhD candidates placement

Our recent PhD graduates have started academic careers in leading universities and business schools, or have become researchers in public institutions such as the ECB or the IMF. More details can be found at this link .

Resources for prospective students

Contact: [email protected]

- Applications: from February 27 to April 3, 2024 (12am) - Auditions: April 24/25, 2024

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Stockholm Business School

Doctoral programme in finance.

Are you curious about how financial markets operate, how corporations make financial decisions, or how to manage risks in a portfolio? Are you interested in how financial markets can be made sustainable, or how societies can promote financial stability? Then you should consider the PhD in Finance.

What we offer:

  • a world-class course program;
  • a fully funded doctoral studentship with a competitive salary;
  • a brand new campus close to the city centre as well as nature and recreation.

As a doctoral student you will undergo rigorous training in theory, method and analysis – through individual supervision, coursework, seminars and workshops. No doubt, you will also benefit from being part of an academic community where scholarly dialogue continues outside of the seminar room. Doctoral students are expected to complete their PhD in four years, with possible extension up to five years.

Research environment and research topic

SBS Finance is a highly international group of about twenty faculty members, post-docs, PhD students, and teaching assistants. The group hosts a weekly seminar series, where external as well as internal speakers present their academic research. There are also ad hoc academic events in the form of workshops and conferences.

Research topic

Financial economists study how scarce resources are allocated over time. Financial decisions differ from other allocation decisions in that their costs and revenues are spread over time and not known in advance. To implement their decisions, individuals, companies or other agents use the financial system. The system includes markets for stocks, bonds and other financial instruments, as well as financial intermediaries (such as banks and insurance companies), financial service companies (such as financial advisers) and the bodies that oversee and regulate the financial markets and institutions. The programme is open for thesis proposals on any topic related to Finance.

Current research that our faculty members work on are presented under Research projects in Finance.

Students interested in monetary policy and financial stability can choose to do a specialization in "Money and Finance". The specialization is provided by the Centre for Monetary Policy and Financial Stability (CeMoF), which is a joint venture between the Department of Economics, the Institute for International Economic Studies, and Stockholm Business School.

Read more about Centre for Monetary Policy and Financial Stability (CeMoF)

Programme structure, coursework and thesis

The doctoral programme in Finance comprises 240 higher education credits, or four years of full-time study. This consists of courses worth 105 credits and a dissertation worth 135 credits. The two parts can be followed simultaneously, but most of the course work is typically done during the first half of the study period. Many doctoral students also choose to teach during their studies, thereby extending their funding to up to five years.

The coursework includes mandatory courses in quantitative methods (15 credits) and finance (30 credits), as well as elective courses in fields closely related to finance (60 credits).

As a doctoral student in finance you can follow the course program offered by Stockholm Doctoral Program in Economics, Econometrics, and Finance (SDPE), which is a collaboration between Stockholm university and Stockholm School of Economics. Prior to the first semester, you are encouraged to participate in a Computational Bootcamp.

Read more about the course program offered by Stockholm Doctoral Program in Economics, Econometrics, and Finance (SDPE)

Read more about the Computational Bootcamp

For the electives, doctoral students in finance often take courses offered at the Swedish House of Finance and at partner universities in the Nordic Finance Network. Students choosing the "Money and Finance" specialization are required to take a course in Monetary Economics at Stockholm university.

Read more about courses offered at the Swedish House of Finance

Read more about courses at partner universities in the Nordic Finance Network

Read more about the course in Monetary Economics

The thesis is developed under the guidance of the supervisors. As a doctoral student at SBS you are assigned one or more supervisors from day one. As you progress with the thesis work you also get feedback at three “milestone seminars”: the thesis proposal seminar, the midway seminar, and the final script seminar. In addition, you are encouraged to present your work at conferences in Sweden and abroad. You are allocated a research budget to cover conference expenses.

At the end of the program, the thesis is assessed at the public dissertation defence. Doctoral theses in finance typically consist of three or more academic articles, of which at least one is solo-authored.

phd in finance abroad

Employment / funding

When you are admitted to the PhD program, you typically also become employed by Stockholm university. The position takes the form of a temporary employment for a maximum of four years of full-time study, conditional on that the studies proceed according to plan. There is no tuition fee and you are paid a monthly salary . The entry level salary currently amounts to SEK 29 700 per month before taxes, increasing up to SEK 34 000 during the course of the program. The program requires you to be based in Sweden, with the main workplace being Stockholm Business School.

Each doctoral student is offered a research budget to cover expenses for courses, conferences, fieldwork, databases, and software. All employees at Stockholm university are also entitled to an annual sum of SEK 3 000 to cover expenses related to health and fitness activities.

Department duty

Many students also choose to teach during their PhD studies, but this is optional. You may take on departmental duty of up to 20% of full time each year, thereby extending your funding for the doctoral programme up to five years. In addition to teaching, the departmental duty may include research assistance and administrative tasks, such as assisting in the organization of academic events.

Application and admission


Candidates for the doctoral programme in Finance at SBS must fulfil at least one of the following criteria:

  • Completed an advanced level degree (master’s degree).
  • Completed courses equivalent to at least 240 credits, of which at least 60 credits must be at master’s level.
  • Acquired equivalent knowledge in another way, in Sweden or elsewhere.

In addition, the applicant must have successfully completed at least 90 credits in Finance, or equivalent, including a thesis comprising at least 15 credits. Admission to PhD positions is limited and competition for positions is usually tough.


The general period of opening for PhD positions is in the month of January.

Apply for PhD position here, closing date Feb 1st 2024.

Selection criteria

Selection of applicants is made with respect to their ability to benefit from studies at doctoral level. This is assessed on basis of:

  • performance in previous higher education studies
  • performance in independent written reports and theses
  • performance in standardized general knowledge examinations
  • letters of recommendation

Short-listed candidates are called to an interview.

Björn Hagströmer

  • Visiting address

Albanovägen 18, floor 6

Last updated: August 28, 2024

Source: SBS

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Last updated: June 19, 2024

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Your Guide to a PhD in Finance in USA

  • Universities in USA

Updated on 04 March, 2024

Shivangi Mishra

Shivangi Mishra

Sr. content editor.

Shivangi Mishra

A PhD in Finance is a doctoral-level degree that signifies the highest level of expertise in the field. It involves rigorous research and advanced coursework, culminating in a dissertation that makes a significant contribution to the existing body of knowledge in the field. The USA is one of the top places for this degree. A PhD in Finance in the USA typically takes around 5 years to complete. This article will discuss everything you must know about pursuing PhD in finance in the USA.

Table of Contents

Why study phd in finance in usa, best universities for phd in finance in usa, eligibility criteria for phd in finance from usa, documents required to study phd in finance from usa, admission process for phd in finance in usa, scholarships for phd in finance in usa.

  • Career Opportunities After PhD in Finance in US

Some of the the reasons to pursue a PhD in finance in the USA are:

  •  It prepares candidates for careers in academia & research, consulting, and policy-making in finance.
  • Some of the top financial colleges in the world, including Stanford, Kellogg, Tepper, and Wharton, are located in the United States.
  • With access to top financial markets, institutions, specialists, and centres, the USA provides a broad financial environment.
  • The United States of America offers a top-notch, demanding education that places a major focus on analytical and mathematical abilities as well as multidisciplinary and cooperative research.
  • For PhD students and graduates, the USA provides a plethora of financing, networking, career development, and professional advancement options. 

Some of the recent statistics that support these reasons are:

  • According to the QS World University Rankings by subject in 2023, 16 out of the top 50 universities for accounting and finance are located in the USA.
  • According to the Global   Financial Centers Index, 30 and 7 out of the top 20 financial centers in the world are located in the USA, including New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, Washington, DC, and Dallas.

Many universities offer  fully-funded PhD in finance in USA.  Some of the best universities for a PhD in finance in USA based on their subject ranking, reputation, research output, and faculty are:


Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania


$41,544 (full-tuition fee)

University of Chicago (Booth)


$70,056 three quarters

New York University (Stern)


$275 per semester 

Columbia University


$26,788 per semester

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan)


$1,495 per semester 

Stanford University


$19,582 per year

 The eligibility criteria for finance PhD programs in USA   may vary depending on the university program, but some of the common requirements are:

  • A bachelor's degree or its equivalent with first-class GPA.
  • A strong background in quantitative methods such as calculus and exposure to micro and macroeconomics. 

 The documents required to study PhD   Programs in finance USA may vary depending on the university program, but some of the common documents are:

  • A satisfactory score on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) depending on the university in the program.
  • A statement of purpose that outlines the research interests, goals, and motivations for pursuing a PhD in finance.
  • A resume no longer than two pages that highlights academic achievements, research experience, publications, awards, and extracurricular activities.
  • A maximum of 4 letters of recommendation from professors or mentors who can attest to the academic potential of the research skills and the applicant's personal qualities.
  • A writing sample that demonstrates the ability to conduct original and rigorous research in finance such as a master's thesis, a published paper, and a research proposal.
  • Proof of English language proficiency, such as a minimum score on TOEFL or the IELTS for international applicants whose native language is not English.
  • A short video essay for the accounting research group (optional for marketing and system dynamics research groups). The video should explain why you selected this research group.

 The admission process for a PhD in Finance in USA may vary depending on the university and program, but some of the common steps are:

  • Check the eligibility criteria, application deadlines, and required documents for each university program and prepare them accordingly.
  • Take the GRE or GMAT and TOEFL or IELTS (if required), and request the test scores be sent to the chosen universities.
  • Fill out and submit the online application form along with the application fee for each university and program
  • Upload or mail the supporting documents, such as the statement of purpose , curriculum vitae, writing sample, and letters of recommendation .
  • Wait for the admission decision, which may take varied amounts of time based on the university program. Some universities may also conduct interviews or request additional information from the applicants before making the final decision.
  • Accept the admission offer if received, and confirm enrollment by paying the deposit fee and completing the necessary paperwork.
  • Apply for a student visa and arrange the travel & accommodation for studying in the USA.

Some of the scholarships for fully-funded PhD in finance in USA, based on their eligibility and benefits, are:

Wharton Doctoral Fellowship

Full-time PhD students at Wharton School, based on academic merit and financial need

Full tuition waiver, health insurance, and annual stipend of $35,000 (INR 2,907,624) for up to five years

Kellogg Doctoral Fellowship

Full-time PhD students at Kellogg School of Management, based on academic merit and research potential

Full tuition waiver, health insurance, and annual stipend of $40,000 (INR 3,322,800) for up to five years

Tepper Doctoral Fellowship

Full-time PhD students at Tepper School of Business, based on academic merit and research potential

Full tuition waiver, health insurance, and annual stipend of $32,000 (INR 2,658,240) for up to five years

Stanford Graduate Fellowship

Full-time PhD students at Stanford University, based on academic excellence and potential impact

Full tuition waiver, health insurance, and annual stipend of $40,000 (INR 3,322,800) for up to three years

Career Opportunities After PhD in Finance  in US

Some of the career opportunities after PhD in finance in USA, based on their job roles and average salaries, are:

Professor of Finance

$124,830 per year

Financial Analyst

$85,482 per year 

Financial Consultant

$84,009 per year

Financial Manager

$141,491 per year 

Financial Economist

$113,762 per year

Financial Risk Manager

$1,29,059 per year

Financial Engineer

$1,20,335 per year

Financial Researcher

$85,482 per year

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What is a PhD?

A PhD is a postgraduate doctorate often earned following a bachelor's or master's degree in undergraduate studies. PhD candidates conduct independent study for an original thesis in their field, and after completing their degree, they are awarded the title "Doctor."

What does a PhD entail?

A PhD is a doctorate in philosophy. Philosophiae Doctor is the Latin root of the term PhD. Another way to write it is as DPhil.

How long is a PhD thesis?

A PhD thesis will typically be longer than 60,000 words but cannot be longer than 80,000 words. Footnotes and endnotes are allowed within this word limit; appendices and a reference list or bibliography are not. The amount of space occupied by figures, tables, images, and other content should be measured in words per page or a fraction of a page.

Does obtaining a PhD require a TOEFL or IELTS score?

If English is not your first language and you have not previously attended a university in an English-speaking nation, you could be required to submit TOEFL or IELTS exam results as evidence of your language proficiency. You can find out if you need to take an English language test at your desired university.

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  • How to Apply for A PhD Abroad – International Study
  • Applying to a PhD

So you’ve decided to enrol onto a doctoral degree and study abroad at the same time. This is a great opportunity to develop yourself both personally and academically. However, do you actually go about securing a PhD as an international student? To help answer this for you, we’ve created this guide to explain how to apply for a PhD in foreign universities.

Why Do Your PhD Abroad?​​​​​​​

There are many benefits to studying abroad.

Some PhD students do so as a way to develop a new language, discover more about a different culture, and to meet new people.

Besides personal reasons, undertaking a doctorate degree abroad can also for academic purposes. For example, in some countries, a particular research field may not be very popular and so there may not be many doctorate options available. In these cases, undertaking a PhD abroad will open up many more opportunities. It could also offer greater funding, lower tuition fees, better laboratory equipment and more experienced supervisors. Not only would these factors result in a more enjoyable PhD, but they could also contribute to greater career prospects. For example, you will likely have more opportunities to write publications, attend conferences and collaborate with other researchers. All of these will help you establish yourself as a respectable researcher within your field.

Is It Difficult to Apply to PhDs Abroad?​​​​​​​

It’s not as difficult as you would imagine when it comes to applying to a PhD in a foreign country. Regardless of whether you’re applying to a university within the EU, such as the UK, Finland or Spain, or to universities within the US or Asia, the processes are relatively similar.

The differences in the application process can be categorised into three areas.

  • the documents you need to provide,
  • the prerequisite tests you need to sit,
  • how much you need to communicate with the potential supervisors before applying.

We’ve provided a basic outline of the application processes below. Although this will provide you with a good starting point, we highly recommend you look at the university websites for specific instructions and guidance before applying.

Will I Need a Student Visa?​​​​​​​

This will depend on what country you are applying to. For example:

  • In the UK, applicants from outside the EU will need a Visa Tier 4 (Student). This will allow them to undertake a full-time PhD. However, due to UK visa restrictions, international students are unlikely to be able to enrol onto a part-time degree.
  • In Germany, most students will not require a student visa but will require a residence permit.
  • In the US, applicants will need to hold an F-1 Student Visa.
  • In Asia, the requirements differ depending on the specific country. For example, in China, you will require an X1 Student Visa whereas in Singapore you will require a Student Pass.

Because of the significant differences between countries, we highly recommend it is highly that you check the requirements on an individual case-by-case basis. This is best done by checking the government website of the country you wish to apply to.

General Process for Applying to PhDs Abroad​​​​​​​

When applying to a PhD position, most universities regardless of where they’re located will require:

  • Online Application – An electronic form to provide your details and attach all supporting documents. You will also need to make any application fees during this process if required.
  • Academic Transcripts – Most universities need a scanned copy of your transcripts when applying. You will only have to submit official hard copies once they have accepted your admission.
  • CV – This should include details of your previous education, undergraduate degree and any experiences revenant to the field you’re applying to.
  • Statement of Purpose/Personal Statement – A letter which outlines why you’re applying to the PhD and why you believe you’re suitable for the project.
  • Letters of Recommendation – this should preferably be provided by your undergraduate degree course tutor or a professor who knows you well.

Language Tests

If your PhD is to be undertaken in English and English isn’t your first language, most universities will require you to sit an English language proficiency test. The most common tests, in order of popularity, are:

  • IELTS (International English Language Testing Systems)
  • TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)
  • PTE (Pearson Test of English)

The minimum test scores will change from university to university. They will also vary depending on the research field. For example, research projects related to English Literature or Law will require relatively high scores whilst projects in Science and Engineering will require slightly lower scores. To provide an example, the University of Leicester in the UK requires a minimum overall IELTS score of 7 for Law PhDs but has a lower overall score requirement of 6 for Engineering PhDs.

Finding a PhD has never been this easy – search for a PhD by keyword, location or academic area of interest.

How to Apply for PhDs in EU Countries​​​​​​​

For UK universities, there are generally two ways of applying. You can either apply directly through the university’s website or you can make an application through the UCAS Postgraduate system .

In Spain, Italy and Germany, before applying to a PhD you will first need to pass a pre-application process. This involves checking that your qualifications meet their eligibility requirements. Before undergoing this pre-screening process, it would be beneficial to first speak to your government. They may offer advice on how your countries qualification system corresponds to the qualification system in the country hosting the PhD.

Once you’ve made your application, the university will review it and get in contact with you. For most EU institutions, they will invite you for a Skype or telephone interview with them if they believe you may be a suitable candidate.

If you require a student visa to study in an EU country, it’s recommended that you submit your application at least 3-4 months before the proposed PhD start date.

How to Apply for PhDs in USA

In addition to the English language exams mentioned previously, international applicants will also need to sit additional exams to be eligible for PhDs in the USA. These are the GRE General Exam and GRE Subject Exam(s). The GRE Subject Exam(s) you will need to undertake will be specific to your field and will be specified by the university as part of their edibility requirements.

Securing a PhD position in the United States is considered relatively difficult compared to other countries. As a result, it is commonly recommended that you apply to at least 9 different universities to increase your chances of securing a position.

How to Apply for PhDs in Asia

As Asia covers a wide range of countries such as China, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, UAE and India, their application processes naturally differ from one another. Therefore, check the specific application process for each university you’re interested to get the most accurate information.

To summarise:

  • China – uses two centralised application services, CUAC and CUCAS. Both these services help international students find and apply to a PhD project in China. Students can also apply directly to a University if they wish to.
  • Singapore – rather than applying to a specific research project, you will have to apply to a faculty or department within a University. Only once you have been accepted into the university department will their research projects become available to you. Like US universities, most universities in Singapore will have required you to have sat a GRE Exams prior to applying to them.
  • UAE – you must apply directly to your chosen university. To be eligible for a PhD in UAE , you must hold a Master’s degree and it must be from a university recognised by their government. You will also be required to undertake GRE Exams before making your application.

How to Apply for PhDs in Australia

To apply to a PhD in Australia , you will first be expected to find and email a potential supervisor. If you’re an international student and you make an application directly to the university without doing this first, it’s highly likely that you won’t be considered for the position.

Upon discussing the project with the supervisor, they will instruct you to put in a formal application. This formal application will require the information previously outlined above.

Similar to EU institutions, if an Australian university believes you’re a strong candidate, they will likely invite you to a Skype or telephone interview.

Unlike EU universities, PhDs in Australian universities can start at any time of the year. Therefore, unless a specific funding requirement is attached to the project, there are usually no deadlines associated with applying to their PhDs. However, try to apply 3 to 4 months before you intend to start your studies.

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PhD Accounting and Finance / Overview

Year of entry: 2025

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  • Bachelor's (Honours) degree at 2:1 or above (or overseas equivalent); and
  • Normally, a Master's degree in a relevant cognate subject normally with an overall average of 70% or above (or overseas equivalent)
  • Professional qualifications other than a Bachelors Degree and/or relevant and appropriate experience may be taken into account for entry to a PhD programme.

Full entry requirements

Apply online

Please ensure you include all required supporting documents at the time of submission, as incomplete applications may not be considered.

Application Deadlines

The current deadline for consideration in internal funding competitions is 1 December 2024.

If you are applying for or have secured external funding (for example, from an employer or government) or are self-funding, you must submit your application before the below deadline to be considered. You will not be able to apply after this date has passed.

  • For September 2025 entry: 30 June 2025

Programme options

Full-time Part-time Full-time distance learning Part-time distance learning

Programme overview

  • Develop leading research in Accounting and Finance.
  • Join one of the world's most innovative and ambitious doctoral research schools.
  • Ranked 3rd in the UK for research power in 'Business and Management Studies' (REF2021).

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To find out what studying on a postgraduate research programme at Manchester is like, visit our Open days and study fairs page and explore our virtual open week or future on-campus and international events.

We will be conducting our Humanities PGR virtual open week in October 2024. Find out about future events and postgraduate research sessions by signing up to our email alerts.

Fees for entry in 2025 have not yet been set. For reference, the fees for the academic year beginning September 2024 were as follows:

  • PhD (full-time) UK students (per annum): £4,786 International, including EU, students (per annum): £21,000
  • PhD (part-time) UK students (per annum): £2,393 International, including EU, students (per annum): £10,500

Further information for EU students can be found on our dedicated EU page.


There are a range of scholarships, studentships and awards available to support both UK and overseas postgraduate researchers, details of which can be found via the links below.

To apply for University of Manchester funding, you must indicate in your application the competitions for which you wish to be considered. The current deadline for most internal competitions, including Alliance Manchester Business School studentships is 1 December 2024.

All external funding competitions have a specified deadline for submitting your funding application and a separate (earlier) deadline for submitting the online programme application form, both of which will be stated in the funding competition details below.

You will need to be nominated by your proposed supervisor for a number of our scholarships. Therefore, we highly recommend you discuss these funding opportunities with your supervisor first, so they can advise on your suitability and ensure you meet nomination deadlines.

For more funding information, visit our funding page or use our funding databas e to search for scholarhips, studentships and awards you may be eligible for.

  • ESRC North West Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership (NWSSDTP) PhD Studentships - Competition Closed for 2024 Entry
  • China Scholarship Council - The University of Manchester (CSC-UoM) Joint Scholarship Programme - Competition Closed for 2024 Entry
  • Alliance Manchester Business School PhD Studentships 2024 Entry - Competition Closed for 2024 Entry
  • Commonwealth PhD Scholarships (High Income Countries)
  • Humanities Doctoral Academy Humanitarian Scholarship 2024 Entry
  • Commonwealth PhD Scholarships (Least Developed Countries and Fragile States)
  • RADMA Doctoral Studies Funding 2024 Entry - Competition Closed for 2024 Entry
  • PhD Scholarship for Research into Productivity
  • President's Doctoral Scholar (PDS) Awards - Competition Closed for 2024 Entry
  • Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Doctoral Training Partnership Studentship (EPSRC DTP)

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Programmes in related subject areas.

Use the links below to view lists of programmes in related subject areas.

  • Accounting and Finance

Regulated by the Office for Students

The University of Manchester is regulated by the Office for Students (OfS). The OfS aims to help students succeed in Higher Education by ensuring they receive excellent information and guidance, get high quality education that prepares them for the future and by protecting their interests. More information can be found at the OfS website .

You can find regulations and policies relating to student life at The University of Manchester, including our Degree Regulations and Complaints Procedure, on our regulations website .

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  • PhD Study Abroad - Guides to International Doctoral Opportunities

PhD Study Abroad

A good PhD should push the boundaries of its academic field. Sometimes that means going further afield as a student, which is why thousands of postgraduates choose to study their PhD abroad each year: seeking out the best expertise and facilities for the doctoral research they want to do.

You'll have plenty of options to choose between for an international PhD, from historic universities in Europe and America to ambitious and high-tech institutions in Asia or Australasia .

Our guides will help get you started with clear and up-to-date information on universities, fees, funding options, student visas, and information on how to apply for a PhD abroad (no matter where it is!).

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Interested in PhD study down under? Find out what it's like to study a PhD in Australia, including advice on visas, applications & scholarships.

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A culture of innovation and creativity makes Sweden a popular choice for international PhD students. Our guide covers universities, doctoral programmes, fees, funding and visas.

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Holland and the Netherlands are a welcoming destination for international PhD study with historic and globally-renowned research universities. Our guide covers admissions, visas, fees and funding.

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Looking to study a PhD in Norway? Our guide explains entry requirements, visas, funding (it’s free to study) and more.

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A checklist of the things you'll need to do when making an international PhD application, from meeting the entry requirements to sorting out your visa.

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What documents you need for a complete study abroad application, what they are and what they should and should not include.

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PhD Funding Around the World

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Hasna Haidar

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Table of contents

  • Introduction

Sources of PhD funding 

Phd funding in the us, phd funding in canada, phd funding in the uk, phd funding in france, phd funding in australia & new zealand, phd funding in india, international phd funding, phd studentships.

There are several avenues you can explore for PhD funding . Of course, you can self-fund if you have the resources (if so, mentioning this in your application can be beneficial), and some students may find it easier to take their PhD part-time, which reduces tuition fees and also frees up time in which to earn money if no external funding is available. Nonetheless, many PhD students enroll on the basis of scholarships, research/teaching assistantships, and grants which are made available for PhD students.

The Ministry or Department of Education in your home or host country is a good starting point for many forms of educational grants. There are also many charities and trusts that offer financial help to specific demographics – and sometimes very specific indeed! For example, there are scholarships for women and students from particular countries or subject areas, but also more ‘niche’ grants, targeting everyone from vegetarians to the spouses or children of grocers, pharmacists or carpenters.

Some organizations may also offer financial support for existing employees who wish to begin PhD studies during their employment. Candidates wishing to ask their employer to help fund a PhD must usually explain how their studies will benefit their personal and professional development.

When applying for any sort of funding, always make sure to adhere to the often very strict deadlines, and to apply as early as possible to avoid disappointment (and to make up for slow application processing times). You may also find it takes a considerable amount of time to get all the required materials, essays, personal statements and references ready before you can apply to a funding opportunity.

Keep reading for an overview of PhD funding options around the world…

In the US , PhD students are discouraged from engaging in external employment. Universities instead offer a tuition waiver and an annual stipend. Ivy League and other larger institutions are typically more able to offer PhD funding than smaller private institutions. Students studying online courses are also less likely to receive funding. The source of funding and amount varies between subjects and between universities, but a good starting point is the  Fulbright programs run by the Institute of International Education.

Many PhD students in the US work as teaching assistants or research assistants to supplement their income. These are both usually offered as yearly contracts between the student and the institution, renewed if the student maintains specified academic standards. Some graduate schools may ask students to obtain fellowships (funding with no strings attached in terms of career obligations) or take advantage of their supervisor’s research grants from government agencies such as the  National Science Foundation  and the  National Institutes of Health .

In Canada , PhD students may work outside the university (or through student jobs within the university) but some programs stipulate that students must not work for more than 10 hours per week outside of their studies, particularly if they have been granted PhD funding. The Canadian Government runs a  scholarships website  which you can use to explore available funding opportunities such as the  Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships , available to Canadian and international PhD students.

Competitive PhD scholarships include those run by the  Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council  (NSERC), the  Canadian Institutes of Health Research  (CIHR), the  Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council  (SSHRC) and the  Canadian Institute for Advanced Research  (CIFAR). Some universities give a tuition deferral or waiver which is equivalent to part of or the entire tuition amount for the first four years.

Find out more about studying a PhD in Canada >

In the UK , there is a range of funding options for PhD students. Many universities have a limited number of studentships or bursaries made specifically available for postgraduate applicants. The amounts provided could range from covering tuition costs, covering living costs or simply covering costs for textbooks and research materials.

Government-funded Research Councils provide tax-free bursaries which include tuition fees and a stipend of around £15,000 (US$19,600) or over per year for three years. Scientific studentships are offered by organizations and charities such as  Cancer Research UK , the  Institute of Cancer Research  (ICR), and the  Wellcome Trust  which start at around £19,000 (US$31,725) and rise each year (tax and National Insurance free).

UK Research Councils include the  Arts and Humanities Research Council  (AHRC), the  Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council  (BBSRC), the  Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the  Economic and Social Science Research Council  (ESRC), the  Medical Research Council  (MRC), the  Natural Environment Research Council  (NERC) and the  Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC).

There are also regional scholarships such as the  Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan  for Commonwealth students to study in other Commonwealth countries. PhD students in the UK may also take part in tutoring, work as a research assistant, or deliver paid lectures.

Doctoral Loans are another popular way of funding postgraduate study in the UK, and allow you to borrow up to £25,000 (~US$32,450) for your course fees and living costs, paid in three installments throughout the year. The earliest you’ll start repaying the loan is when your annual income is over £21,000 and it’s either the first April after you leave your course, or the first April four years after your course started.

In France , the  French Ministry of Higher Education and Research  has specific funds for research, which they use to provide a short-term employment contract (not tax free) called a ‘doctoral contract’ for the PhD candidate, regardless of nationality. This stipulates that the candidate will be working for the institution at which the PhD is based. The contract is for three years, renewable for one year and sets out the legal framework befitting a normal work contract, including minimum salary level and activities the candidate may be involved in.

You may also apply for bursaries from the French  Ministry of Foreign Affairs  or the  Ministry of Higher Education and Research  (MESR) which offers the  Eiffel Excellence Scholarships  aimed at international students. PhD students can also apply for funds from a private-sector research company which can host them at its own premises; notable scholarships of this nature include the  Conventions Industrielles de Formation par la Recherche  (CIFRE). Another option is a scholarship based on  co-tutelle  which allows PhD students to undertake a research project between two institutions – this is called a Joint-PhD. A range of regional and city projects and associations are also in place in France to provide funding for PhDs.

Australian citizens are not charged course fees for their PhDs, but are charged the  student services and amenities fees  (SSAF) set by each university. International students must pay course fees or use a scholarship such as the Destination Australia awards for funding.  

All international PhD students in New Zealand are eligible to pay the same fees as local PhD students. Students can apply to dedicated scholarship schemes run by their university, ask their supervisors for advice on funding schemes that are not widely publicized, or use one of the  government-run scholarships  such as the  International Doctoral Research Scholarships  (NZIDRS). You may also apply through funding bodies such as the  MacDiarmid Institute .

There are a range of funding options in India for PhD students, including scholarships and grants provided by the Indian government, governments of other countries specifically for Indian students, scholarships from the universities themselves and scholarships by private and public organizations. One example is the National Centre for Biological Sciences  (NCBS) which provides grants for independent researchers, which includes PhD students.


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The European Union provides grants to promote the exchange of students and academic staff within Europe, such as the Erasmus+ programs and the European Commission (EC)’s awards to students from developing countries. The Organization of American States (OAS) and the OAS Special Caribbean Scholarships Program (SPECAF) grant full PhD scholarships for tuition within member states.

PhD studentships (such as teaching assistantships and research assistantships) are a popular source of funding. Not only do they bring in a considerable amount of money, they are also good experience for students who wish to go into academia or research careers after their degree. Some programs may also require all PhD candidates to teach under the supervision of a member of staff. PhD studentships are more common in science, technology, engineering and medicine ( STEM ) subjects, and each stipulates its own application process and entrance requirements.

Most opportunities for PhD studentships are advertised on the institution’s website, but some are offered internally after the student has applied to their degree program. Externally funded PhD scholarships and studentships are not offered directly to students by the organization, but are instead allocated to departments and supervisors who then advertise for candidates.

You may also secure a funding opportunity that is not advertised at all. If you can identify an appropriate supervisor who is impressed with your research experience and proposal, s/he may be able to personally help you identify sources of funding (even from their own or their department’s research funds), so it definitely helps to be proactive when trying to secure funding.

This article was originally published in February 2014. It was updated in May 2019.

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5 countries offering the highest PhD stipends

PhD stipends

Did you know that as a PhD student, there is a difference between salary and PhD stipends?

This is just one of the many things you should know when deciding to do a PhD .

As the highest level of education, a Doctor of Philosophy or PhD can take anywhere from four to 12 years to complete .

Embarking on a journey towards a PhD is an intellectually rewarding pursuit, but it often comes with financial challenges.

So, how do students cope?

If you receive a salary, you are likely an employee the school hired to carry out a job like leading a class.

Like most jobs, salaried workers get a set wage based on their hours and often have employee benefits like subsidised healthcare or compensation.

A PhD stipend is a financial support system for doctoral students to cover living expenses, tuition, and research costs during their academic journey.

There are three types of PhD stipends :

  • Graduate Teaching Assistantships (GTAs): For this, you are required to assist by delivering one or more courses over a number of years. You would also need to take on other responsibilities, such as marking student tutorials, supervising lab experiments, and providing support to undergraduates during office hours.
  • Research Assistantships (RAs): In this role, you will assist a departmental professor with their research. If you are lucky, the professor will be your PhD supervisor, and their research (and the support you give) will relate to your own doctoral project.
  • Stipend via Studentship: This is a non-repayable grant for doctoral students. Unlike the other two stipends, this one rarely has additional suits, but you must progress with your degree.

Have PhD stipends always been like this?

PhD stipends have a rich history that mirrors the evolution of higher education.

Our current understanding of a PhD originated in 19th-century Germany , but doctoral degrees were awarded long before this.

Over time, PhD stipends have evolved into a cornerstone of doctoral education, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder the pursuit of advanced knowledge.

Fun fact: The term “stipend” itself has Latin origins, coming from “stipendium,” which refers to a soldier’s pay.

This etymology underscores the idea that stipends are a form of financial support for individuals committed to advancing knowledge, akin to soldiers committed to a cause.

Sometimes, these PhD stipends are not enough.

In January 2023, The Guardian reported about how PhD students in Australia were barely earning enough to survive.

“Through Melbourne’s winter, I know people forced into less than suitable housing who weren’t turning on their heat,” said Tara-Lyn Camilleri, who lobbied to raise the stipend at Monash University from 30,000 AUD to A$37,000 while completing her PhD last year.

It was eventually raised to A$33,000, about A$4,500 less than the minimum wage after tax.

As PhDs can take years to complete, it is always easier to do one when you have money saved away instead of relying entirely on the PhD stipend.

PhD stipends

Eric Schmidt, former CEO and Chairman of Google, has a PhD in electrical engineering.

Forbes even released a list of the most popular PhDs among billionaires :

  • Former CEO of Google. Eric Schmidt (estimated net worth: US$16.2 billion), UC Berkeley
  • The man behind Garmin GPS, Min Kao (US$4.2 billion), University of Tennessee
  • Co-Founder, Chief Technology Officer and Chairman of Broadcom, Henry Samueli (US$7.7 billion), UCLA
  • Founder of D. E. Shaw & Co., L.P., David Shaw (US$7.9 billion),  Stanford University
  • Co-Founder & Co-Chairman of Two Sigma, David Siegel  (US$6.8 billion), Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • The man behind some of Microsoft’s most successful software, including Word and Excel, Charles Simonyi (US$5.2 billion), Stanford University

And while having these PhDs doesn’t necessarily mean you’re on your way to the list of richest people in the world, it definitely makes you more knowledgeable than most. Having a PhD stipend will simply make this journey to the top easier.

In fact, some universities around the world have increased their stipends recently to attract more talent.

  • The Canadian government has pledged 825 million CAD (approximately US$603 million) to support next-generation researchers by increasing both the number and value of stipends over the next five years. This would increase annual PhD stipends from 24,000 CAD to 40,000 CAD.
  • Vanderbilt University, one of the most expensive universities in the world , will increase its PhD stipends to a range of US$34,000 to US$38,000 beginning in the 2024-25 academic year.
  • De La Salle University is offering full tuition and fees with monthly stipends of 35,000 PHP (approximately US$600) for full-time students in any PhD academic programme through the Saint Miguel Febres Cordero PhD Scholarship Programme.

Now, if you’re a promising PhD student hoping to secure your stipend, try checking out these countries with some of the best offers:

PhD stipends

The University of Vienna is a public research university located in Austria. Source: University of Vienna

Top 5 countries with the highest PhD stipends

  • Average PhD stipend: US$104,328
  • Average cost of living: US$1,705.67

Boasting over 50 institutions of higher education, it is no surprise that Austria is a top choice for a PhD.

Its rich cultural and academic heritage offers competitive stipends, with institutions like the University of Vienna leading the way.

This is because of the country’s commitment to academic excellence and research.

Universities often collaborate with international partners, contributing to a vibrant research community.

Government funding and a focus on supporting doctoral research contribute to the attractiveness of stipends in Austria.

Here are some of the best universities in Austria:

  • University of Vienna
  • Vienna University of Technology
  • University of Innsbruck
  • Medical University of Graz
  • Salzburg University
  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by UvA: University of Amsterdam (@uva_amsterdam)


  • Average PhD stipend: US$74,163
  • Cost of living: US$861.45  to US$1292.17

The Netherlands, known for its innovation and research-driven culture, offers competitive stipends, with institutions like Delft University of Technology providing substantial financial support.

About 10 Dutch research universities are ranked in the top 200 of the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2022.

The Netherlands is also highly ranked internationally for the number of publications per researcher (second) and for the impact of research publication (fourth).

“The PhD salary in the Netherlands is one of the best in the world,” a former PhD says to Dutch News .

“In the UK, the salaries are just 1,000 pounds and PhD students need to work at weekends. I was able to buy a house while being a PhD student here.”

Here are some of the top universities in the Netherlands :

  • University of Amsterdam
  • Leiden University
  • University of Groningen
  • Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)
  • Erasmus University Rotterdam

PhD stipends

The University of Helsinki has one of the highest PhD stipends. Source: University of Helsinki

  • Average PhD stipend: US$46,537
  • Cost of living:  US$646.09 to US$969.13

Renowned for its high-quality education system, Finland offers competitive stipends, with institutions like the University of Helsinki providing substantial financial support.

Government funding often supports stipends in Finland, reflecting the country’s commitment to nurturing the next generation of researchers.

Students are also encouraged to take ownership of the research in Finland.

Here are the top universities in Finland :

  • University of Helsinki
  • Aalto University
  • University of Oulu
  • Tampere University
  • University of Turku

PhD stipends

Universities in Denmark often offer industrial PhDs. Source: University of Copenhagen

  • Average PhD stipend: US$53,436
  • Average cost of living: US$11,45.62

Denmark strongly emphasises education and research, and the country’s social welfare system ensures that stipends are sufficient to cover living expenses.

The country also offers an Industrial PhD option if you want to conduct a research project with commercial perspectives.

Denmark is also popular for the balance of robust academics and a great living standard, giving international students the best of both worlds.

Here are the best universities in Denmark:

  • University of Copenhagen
  • Technical University of Denmark
  • Aarhus University
  • University of Southern Denmark (SDU)
  • Aalborg University
  • Average PhD stipend: US$42,618
  • Average cost of living: US$2,512.13

The land of innovation and Vikings beckons ambitious scholars with competitive stipends and one institution that stands out is the renowned Karolinska Institute.

Sweden’s commitment to pioneering research and its unique blend of modernity and tradition make it an alluring destination for those pursuing a PhD.

Most universities in Sweden offer salaries instead of stipends.

Here are some of the leading institutions in Sweden :

  • Blekinge Institute of Technology
  • Chalmers University of Technology
  • Dalarna University
  • Halmstad University
  • Jönköping University

*All figures were converted as of the time of writing on December 7, 2023.

Disclaimer: This article was last updated on May 23, 2024.

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PhD in Finance

  • PhD in Management Science and Operations Management
  • PhD in Marketing
  • Joint Program in Financial Economics
  • Joint Program in Psychology and Business
  • Joint PhD/JD Program

Chicago Booth has long been recognized for its PhD in finance. Our finance faculty—which includes Nobel laureates Douglas W. Diamond, Eugene F. Fama, and Lars P. Hansen—sets the course for research in all areas of the field.

As a finance PhD student at Chicago Booth, you’ll join a community that encourages you to think independently.

Taking courses at Booth and in the university’s Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics, you will gain a solid foundation in all aspects of economics and finance--from the factors that determine asset prices to how firms and individuals make financial decisions. Following your coursework, you will develop your research in close collaboration with faculty and your fellow students. Reading groups and workshops with faculty, student-led brown-bag seminars, and conferences provide many opportunities to learn from others.

The Finance PhD Program also offers the Joint Program in Financial Economics , which is run by Chicago Booth and the Department of Economics in the Division of the Social Sciences at the University of Chicago.

Our Distinguished Finance Faculty

Chicago Booth finance faculty are leading researchers who also build strong relationships with doctoral students, collaborate on new ideas, and connect students with powerful career opportunities.

Francesca Bastianello

Francesca Bastianello

Assistant Professor of Finance and Liew Family Junior Faculty Fellow, Fama Faculty Fellow

Emanuele Colonnelli

Emanuele Colonnelli

Professor of Finance and Entrepreneurship

George Constantinides

George M. Constantinides

Leo Melamed Professor of Finance

Douglas Diamond Headshot

Douglas W. Diamond

Merton H. Miller Distinguished Service Professor of Finance

Eugene F. Fama

Eugene F. Fama

Robert R. McCormick Distinguished Service Professor of Finance

Niels Gormsen

Niels Gormsen

Neubauer Family Associate Professor of Finance and Fama Faculty Fellow

Lars Peter Hansen

Lars Hansen

David Rockefeller Distinguished Service Professor The University of Chicago Departments of Economics, Statistics and the Booth School of Business

John C. Heaton

John C. Heaton

Joseph L. Gidwitz Professor of Finance

Steven Neil Kaplan

Steven Neil Kaplan

Neubauer Family Distinguished Service Professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance and Kessenich E.P. Faculty Director at the Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Anil Kashyap

Anil Kashyap

Stevens Distinguished Service Professor of Economics and Finance

Ralph S. J. Koijen

Ralph S.J. Koijen

AQR Capital Management Distinguished Service Professor of Finance and Fama Faculty Fellow

Yueran Ma

Professor of Finance and Fama Faculty Fellow

Stefan Nagel

Stefan Nagel

Fama Family Distinguished Service Professor of Finance

Scott Nelson

Scott Nelson

Assistant Professor of Finance and Cohen and Keenoy Faculty Scholar

Pascal Noel

Pascal Noel

Neubauer Family Professor of Finance and Kathryn and Grant Swick Faculty Scholar

Lubos Pastor

Lubos Pastor

Charles P. McQuaid Distinguished Service Professor of Finance and Robert King Steel Faculty Fellow

Raghuram Rajan

Raghuram G. Rajan

Katherine Dusak Miller Distinguished Service Professor of Finance

Amir Sufi

Bruce Lindsay Distinguished Service Professor of Economics and Public Policy

Quentin Vandeweyer

Quentin Vandeweyer

Assistant Professor of Finance and Fama Faculty Fellow

Pietro Veronesi

Pietro Veronesi

Deputy Dean for Faculty and Chicago Board of Trade Professor of Finance

Robert W. Vishny

Robert W. Vishny

Myron S. Scholes Distinguished Service Professor of Finance and Neubauer Faculty Director of the Davis Center

Michael Weber

Michael Weber

Associate Professor of Finance

Anthony Zhang

Anthony Lee Zhang

Luigi Zingales

Luigi Zingales

Robert C. McCormack Distinguished Service Professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance

Erick Zwick

Professor of Economics and Finance

Alumni Success

Graduates of the Stevens Doctoral Program go on to successful careers in prominent institutions of higher learning, leading financial institutions, government, and beyond.

Shohini Kundu, MBA '20, PhD '21

Assistant Professor of Finance UCLA Anderson School of Management, University of California, Los Angeles Shohini Kundu's research lies in financial intermediation and macroeconomics, security design and externalities of financial contracts, and emerging market finance. Her dissertation area is in finance.

Jane (Jian) Li, PhD '21

Assistant Professor of Business, Finance Division Columbia Business School, Columbia University Jane's research lies at the intersection of macroeconomics and finance. She is particularly interested in how financial intermediaries affect the real economy and how different types of financial institutions can contribute to financial instability. Her dissertation area is in financial economics.

Spotlight on Research

The pages of Chicago Booth Review regularly highlight the research findings of finance faculty and PhD students.

A Brief History of Finance and My Life at Chicago

Chicago Booth’s Eugene F. Fama describes the serendipitous events that led him to Chicago, and into his monumental career in academic finance.

Climate-Policy Pronouncements Boost 'Brown' Stocks

It was a dramatic example of how White House communications on climate policy can affect asset prices, according to Washington University in St. Louis’s William Cassidy, a recent graduate of Booth’s PhD Program.

With Business Loans Harder to Get, Private Debt Funds Are Stepping In

It’s become harder for many prospective borrowers to access capital. But private debt funds have stepped in to fill the gap, according to Joern Block (Trier University), Booth PhD candidate Young Soo Jang, Booth’s Steve Kaplan, and Trier’s Anna Schulze.

Too Many 'Shadow Banks' Can Limit Overall Access to Credit

While go-betweens can benefit the broader economy by smoothing the flow of credit, there are now probably too many links in the credit chain, argue Zhiguo He and Jian Li (Booth PhD graduate).

A Network of Support

Chicago Booth is home to several interdisciplinary research centers that offer funding for student work, host workshops and conferences, and foster a strong research community.

Fama-Miller Center for Research in Finance Tasked with pushing the boundaries of research in finance, the Fama-Miller Center provides institutional structure and support for researchers in the field.

Becker Friedman Institute for Economics Bringing together researchers from the entire Chicago economics community, the Becker Friedman Institute fosters novel insights on the world’s most difficult economic problems.

Center for Research in Security Prices CRSP maintains one of the world’s largest and most comprehensive stock market databases. Since 1963, it has been a valued resource for businesses, government, and scholars.

Kent A. Clark Center for Global Markets Enhancing the understanding of business and financial market globalization, the Clark Center positions Chicago Booth as a thought leader in the understanding of ever-changing markets and improves financial and economic decision-making around the world.

George J. Stigler Center for the Study of the Economy and the State Dedicated to examining issues at the intersection of politics and the economy, the Stigler Center supports research by PhD students and others who are interested in the political, economic, and cultural obstacles to better working markets.

Rustandy Center for Social Sector Innovation Committed to making the world more equitable and sustainable, the Rustandy Center works to solve complex social and environmental problems. The center’s student support includes fellowships, research funding, and networking opportunities.

The PhD Experience at Booth

For Itzhak Ben-David, PhD ’08, the PhD Program in Finance was an exploratory journey.

Itzhak Ben-David

Video Transcript

Itzhak Ben-David, ’08: 00:03 For me, the PhD Program was an exploratory journey. It was about discovering what was interesting for me, what will be interesting for other economists. It was about discovering something new about the world. Much of the PhD Program experience is to explore and to wonder a bit and to just think and expose yourself to new ideas and new disciplines. Back then, this was 2006, I found a billboard that said, "If you buy this house, we're going to give you a free car or $20,000 in cash." And this seemed really odd to me. What I realized that was going on, that this was part of a borrower fraud and the idea was that seller and the buyer will agree on a higher price on a house and the lender would be under the impression that the collateral worth more than it really is.

Itzhak Ben-David, ’08: 00:58 So I started to investigate other parts of the real estate food chain. What I saw is that in many parts of this chain, there were incentives in place pushing the intermediaries or the different economic agents to inflate prices. It's not always a bubble, but oftentimes it points out behavior that is not consistent with our textbook behavior. I had the dream team of advisors, Toby Moskowitz, Dick Taylor, Steve Levitt, and Erik Hurst. Each one of them contributed in different way to my dissertation and brought different ideas, brought different aspects. There is no better place of doing research than in Booth. It's really a hub of academic activity. There is no important work that doesn't pass at Chicago before being published. It's really an intellectual home. When you meet people and you know that they are from Booth, you can see the difference in their thinking.

Current Finance Students

PhD students in finance study a wide range of topics, including the behavior and determinants of security prices, the financing and investment decisions of firms, corporate governance, and the management and regulation of financial institutions. They go on to careers at prestigious institutions, from Yale University to the International Monetary Fund.

Current Students

Ching-Tse Chen Natalia Corado Mihir Gandhi  Huan (Bianca) He Jessica Li Edoardo Marchesi Alexa Marciano Rayhan Momin Lauren Mostrom Meichen Qian Francisco Ruela

Booth also offers joint degrees. Learn more about the current students in our Joint Program in Financial Economics .

Program Expectations and Requirements

The Stevens Doctoral Program at Chicago Booth is a full-time program. Students generally complete the majority of coursework and examination requirements within the first two years of studies and begin work on their dissertation during the third year. For details, see General Examination Requirements by Area in the Stevens Program Guidebook below.

Download the 2023-2024 Guidebook!

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PhD Program in Finance

2023-24 curriculum outline.

The MIT Sloan Finance Group offers a doctoral program specialization in Finance for students interested in research careers in academic finance. The requirements of the program may be loosely divided into five categories: coursework, the Finance Seminar, the general examination, the research paper, and the dissertation. Attendance at the weekly Finance Seminar is mandatory in the second year and beyond and is encouraged in the first year.  During the first two years, students are engaged primarily in coursework, taking both required and elective courses in preparation for their general examination at the end of the second year.  Students are required to complete a research paper by the end of their fifth semester, present it in front of the faculty committee and receive a passing grade.  After that, students are required to find a formal thesis advisor and form a thesis committee by the end of their eighth semester. The Thesis Committee should consist of at least one tenured faculty from the MIT Sloan Finance Group.

Required Courses

The following set of required courses is designed to furnish each student with a sound and well-rounded understanding of the theoretical and empirical foundations of finance, as well as the tools necessary to make original contributions in each of these areas. Finance PhD courses (15.470, 15.471, 15.472, 15.473, 15.474) in which the student does not receive a grade of B or higher must be retaken.

First Year - Summer

Math Camp begins on the second Monday in August. 

First Year - Fall Semester

14.121/14.122 Micro Theory I/II

14.451/14.452 Macro Theory I/II ( strongly recommended)

14.380/14.381 — Statistics/Applied Econometrics

15.470 — Asset Pricing

First Year - Spring Semester

14.123/14.124 Micro Theory III/IV

14.453/14.454 Macro Theory III/IV (strongly recommended)

14.382 – Econometrics

15.471 – Corporate Finance

Second Year - Fall Semester

15.472 — Advanced Asset Pricing

  14.384 — Time-Series Analysis or  14.385 — Nonlinear Econometric Analysis  (Enrolled students receive a one-semester waiver from attending the Finance Seminar due to a scheduling conflict)

15.475 — Current Research in Financial Economics

Second Year - Spring Semester

15.473 — Advanced Corporate Finance

 15.474 — Current Topics in Finance (strongly encouraged to take multiple times)

15.475 — Current Research in Financial Economics

Recommended Elective Courses

Beyond these required courses, students are expected to enroll in elective courses determined by their primary area of interest. There are two informal “tracks” in Financial Economics: Corporate Finance and Asset Pricing. Recommended electives are designed to deepen the student's grasp of material that will be central to the writing of his/her dissertation. Students also have the opportunity to take courses at Harvard University. There is no formal requirement to select one track or another, and students are free to take any of the electives.

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Government of Sweden - Chalmers University of Technology IPOET Scholarships.

Government of Sweden - Chalmers University of Technology IPOET Scholarships 2025

  • Tuition Fee Reduction
  • Chalmers University of Technology
  • All Subjects
  • International Students

This is a Masters scholarships for International Students at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Government of Sweden - Chalmers University of Technology IPOET Scholarships 2025.

Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) Japan Rotary Yoneyama Scholarships.

Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) Japan Rotary Yoneyama Scholarship 2025

  • Partial Funding
  • Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
  • Masters, PhD

This is a Masters, PhD scholarships for International Students at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) Japan Rotary Yoneyama Scholarship 2025.

SI Sweden Government Global Professional Scholarships.

SI Sweden Government Global Professional Scholarship 2025/2026 (Fully Funded and Without IELTS)

  • Fully Funded
  • Swedish Institute

This is a Masters scholarships for International Students at Swedish Institute, Sweden. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for SI Sweden Government Global Professional Scholarship 2025/2026 (Fully Funded and Without IELTS).

American Australian Association Graduate Education Scholarships.

American Australian Association Graduate Education Scholarships 2024

  • Australian Universities, USA Universities
  • Masters, PhD, Post Doctorate
  • Australia, USA

This is a Masters, PhD, Post Doctorate scholarships for International Students at Australian Universities, USA Universities, Australia, USA. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for American Australian Association Graduate Education Scholarships 2024.

Rotary Yoneyama Japan Scholarships.

Rotary Yoneyama Japan Scholarship 2025 for International Students

  • Japan Universities
  • Bachelor, Masters, PhD

This is a Bachelor, Masters, PhD scholarships for International Students at Japan Universities, Japan. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Rotary Yoneyama Japan Scholarship 2025 for International Students.

PASET - RSIF Africa PhD Scholarships.

PASET - RSIF Africa PhD Scholarships 2025 (Fully Funded)

  • Africa Universities

This is a PhD scholarships for International Students at Africa Universities, Africa. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for PASET - RSIF Africa PhD Scholarships 2025 (Fully Funded).

La Trobe University Australia High Achiever Scholarships.

La Trobe University Australia High Achiever Scholarship 2025 for International Students

  • 25% Off Tuition Fee
  • La Trobe University
  • Undergraduate, Postgraduate

This is a Undergraduate, Postgraduate scholarships for International Students at La Trobe University, Australia. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for La Trobe University Australia High Achiever Scholarship 2025 for International Students.

Edith Cowan University Australia International Scholarships.

Edith Cowan University Australia International Scholarships 2025 for Bachelor Degree

  • Edith Cowan University

This is a Bachelor scholarships for International Students at Edith Cowan University, Australia. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Edith Cowan University Australia International Scholarships 2025 for Bachelor Degree.

Nanyang Technological University Singapore Global Connect Fellowship 2025

Nanyang Technological University Singapore Global Connect Fellowship 2025

  • Nanyang Technological University Singapore
  • Bachelor, Masters

This is a Bachelor, Masters scholarships for International Students at Nanyang Technological University Singapore, Singapore. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Nanyang Technological University Singapore Global Connect Fellowship 2025.

Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarships.

Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme 2025, Study in Ireland

  • Ireland Universities

This is a Masters, PhD scholarships for International Students at Ireland Universities, Ireland. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme 2025, Study in Ireland.

CWAJ Japan Graduate Scholarships.

CWAJ Japan Graduate Scholarships 2025 (Worth ¥2.0 million)

  • College Women’S Association of Japan

This is a Graduate scholarships for International Students at College Women’S Association of Japan, Japan. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for CWAJ Japan Graduate Scholarships 2025 (Worth ¥2.0 million).

Gates Cambridge UK Scholarships.

Gates Cambridge UK Scholarship 2025-2026 (Fully Funded)

  • University of Cambridge
  • Masters, PhD, Diploma

This is a Masters, PhD, Diploma scholarships for International Students at University of Cambridge, UK. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Gates Cambridge UK Scholarship 2025-2026 (Fully Funded).

Yenching Academy of Peking University China Scholarships.

Yenching Academy of Peking University China Scholarships 2025 (Fully Funded)

  • Peking University
  • International Students, Domestic Students

This is a Bachelor, Masters scholarships for International Students, Domestic Students at Peking University, China. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Yenching Academy of Peking University China Scholarships 2025 (Fully Funded).

University of Manchester UK Global Futures Scholarships.

University of Manchester UK Global Futures Scholarship 2025 (Worth up to £24,000)

  • University of Manchester
  • Undergraduate, Masters

This is a Undergraduate, Masters scholarships for International Students at University of Manchester, UK. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for University of Manchester UK Global Futures Scholarship 2025 (Worth up to £24,000).

Doha Institute for Graduate Studies Scholarships.

Doha Institute for Graduate Studies Scholarships 2025, Qatar (Fully Funded)

  • Doha Institute for Graduate Studies

This is a Masters, PhD scholarships for International Students, Domestic Students at Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, Qatar. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Doha Institute for Graduate Studies Scholarships 2025, Qatar (Fully Funded).

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PhD after MBA: Courses, Colleges, Duration, Salary, Scope, Abroad

phd in finance abroad

Bhaskar Nandi

PhD after MBA is a doctorate-level program offered in various MBA specializations such as PhD Finance, PhD Marketing, PhD Operation Management, PhD Human Resource Management, and others.

The minimum eligibility criteria for PhD after MBA is a 2-Year MBA degree with qualifying either UGC-NET or  GATE Exam . Along with the minimum qualifying score, a research proposal, letter of recommendation and work experience increase the chance of getting admission to the Top MBA Colleges. It usually takes 5 years to complete a PhD after an MBA in India, while the duration of PhD after MBA abroad can be as long as 4 to 7 Years.

FMS New Delhi, BHU, IIMs, and IITs are the top MBA colleges that are known for their PhD programs after MBA. PhD after MBA has a vast scope in teaching and research professions. The average PhD after an MBA salary ranges from INR 2,00,000 - INR 14,00,000.

Also Check:


Table of Content

  • PhD after MBA: Course Highlights
  • Advantages of PhD after MBA
  • PhD after MBA: Top Specializations

3.1 PhD Finance after MBA

3.2 PhD Marketing after MBA

3.3 PhD Operations Management after MBA

3.4 PhD Organization Behaviour after MBA

3.5 PhD Business Management after MBA

3.6 PhD Human Resource Management after MBA

3.7 PhD Commerce and Management after MBA

3.8 PhD Management studies after MBA

3.9 PhD Disaster Management after MBA

3.10 PhD Banking and Finance after MBA

  • PhD after MBA in Abroad
  • PhD after MBA: FAQs

PhD After MBA: Highlights

Course Level Doctorate
Duration 5 Years
Eligibility Postgraduate degree with relevant subjects.
Mode of Education Regular and Distance
Admission Process Entrance Tests
Average Fee INR 5,000 - INR 5,00,000
Job Profiles Finance Manager, Managing Director, Market Research Analyst, Customer Services Manager, Professor, Chief Operating Officer, etc.
Average Salary INR 2,00,000 - INR 14,00,000

Benefits of PhD after MBA

Before we go into details of every Ph.D. after MBA program, we shall look into the advantages and benefits of PhD after MBA and why is PhD after MBA a great career option.

  • Ph.D. after MBA provides the opportunity to conduct research, conduct in-field study of concepts and specializations that couldn't have been possible during MBA.
  • MBA Degree  in itself provides lucrative career options, but after Ph.D., MBA degree becomes much more valuable.
  • The research during PhD after MBA leads to awareness of the new business insights and trends worldwide, which helps in managing business more efficiently.
  • A person with PhD degree after MBA can make lucrative compensations. A top MBA College professor makes millions more than just an MBA degree holder.
  • Ph.D. after MBA allows working in the field of research in management, finance, or business which puts them apart from any other managers pursuing only an MBA.
  • PhD after MBA in Management opens the door to becoming a professor in leading business schools, which is the most sought-after career.
  • After doing Ph.D. after MBA, candidates can work as consultants in top firms, because of their skill sets and research methodologies.
  • PhD after MBA candidates can also work as analytics consultants as they are preferred over any other degree holders because of their skills and experience in research.

PhD After MBA: Top Specializations

There are various specializations available in which you can pursue a PhD after MBA. Some of the top PhD specializations that work best in favor of your MBA degree are mentioned below:

Specialization Description
Business Economics It is a combination of economic analysis with business and the major areas of focus are Development Economics, Behavioral Economics, Urban Economics, etc.
Accounting Accounting focuses on solving issues, using economics related to accounting.
Finance The prime areas of focus are Asset Pricing, Portfolio Management, Corporate finance, Macroeconomics, International Finance, etc.
Operations, Information & Technology It focuses on the study of the management of systems, networks, and processes.
Organizational Behavior The prime areas of focus are psychology, sociology and their impact on behavior within complex organizations.
Marketing It focuses on solving marketing management issues faced by the companies. 

PhD Finance after MBA

  • PhD Finance  is a research-oriented course that gives the student an excellent academic career. 
  • Students go for Ph.D. Finance after completing  MBA Finance .
  • There are a few business schools like IIMs, FMS New Delhi, ISB, and IIT that do provide Ph.D. in Finance. 
  • PhD Finance deals with the advanced study of Valuation of Shares, Privatization and Globalization, Cost and Management Accounting, etc.
Program Name Doctor of Philosophy in Finance
Duration 5 Years
Eligibility Post Graduation in courses like Accountancy, Economics or Mathematics with a minimum aggregate of 55%.
Entrance Exams ,  ,  ,
Top Colleges ,  ,  , 
Average Salary INR 5,00,000 - INR 14,00,000
Job Profiles Stockbroker, Statistician, Finance Manager, Corporate Banking Executive, etc.
Top Recruiters HCL, TATA Consultancy, Accenture, Genpact, Reliance, Bajaj, Airtel, etc.

PhD Marketing after MBA

  • PhD Marketing  is a 5 Year doctorate program to prepare students to teach and perform research in marketing and related fields.
  • Admission to this course is done on the basis of the entrance exam and personal interview. Any candidate with a postgraduate degree in a relevant course is eligible to apply for PhD after MBA in Marketing.
  • PhD Marketing is highly competitive and offers job opportunities such as Market Research Analyst, Marketing Communications Leader, Marketing Executive, etc. with an average salary of INR 2,00,000 - INR 10,00,000.
Program Name Doctor of Philosophy in Marketing
Duration 5 Years
Eligibility Masters’ degree in any relevant course.
Entrance Exams , CSIR NET, ICMR JRF
Top Colleges ,  ,  ,  , 
Average Salary INR 2,00,000 - INR 10,00,000
Job Profiles Brand Manager, Market Research Analyst, Marketing Executive, Marketing Manager, New Product Manager, Teacher & Lecturer, Tell Caller/Telesales, etc.
Top Recruiters Accenture, Basil Lifecare Pvt. Limited, DHTC Logistics Limited, Daimler India Commercial Vehicles Pvt. Limited, and Raymond Limited, etc.

PhD Operation Management

  • PhD Operation Management  is a 5 Year doctoral course which deals with the control of operations and processes in an organization.
  • PhD after MBA in operations management offers jobs in MNCs, Corporate Houses, and Manufacturing sector companies.
  • The minimum eligibility is MBA/PGPM or PGDM in Operation Management with a minimum aggregate of 55%.
Program Name Doctor of Philosophy in Operation Management 
Duration 5 Years
Eligibility MBA/PGPM or PGDM in Operation Management with a minimum aggregate of 55%.
Entrance Exams ,  , CSIR-UGC-NET
Top Colleges ,  ,  ,  , 
Average Salary INR 7,00,000 - INR 10,00,000
Job Profiles Operations Manager, Operations Team Leader, Customer Services Manager, Service Delivery Manager, etc.
Top Recruiters MNCs, Corporate Houses, Manufacturing sector companies, etc.

PhD Organization Behaviour after MBA  

  • PhD Organization Behaviour  is a 5 Year doctorate degree dealing with human behavior at various organizations.
  • A candidate with a Master’s degree or an M.Phil. in the respective field of study with a minimum aggregate of 55% is eligible for PhD after MBA in Organization Behaviour.
  • After successful completion of Ph.D. Organization Behaviour course, the candidates can find employment in firms like Academic Institutions, Colleges, Finance, Marketing, Information Technology, etc. with an average salary of INR 4,00,000 - INR 8,00,000.
Program Name Doctor of Philosophy in Organization Behaviour
Duration 5 Years
Eligibility Master’s degree or an M.Phil. in the respective field of study with a minimum aggregate of 55%.
Entrance Exams , DBT JRF, ICMR JRF, CET
Top Colleges ,  ,  , 
Average Salary INR 4,00,000 - INR 8,00,000
Job Profiles Associate, manager, Business Analyst, Lecturer & Professor, Data Analyst, Business Development Manager, etc.
Top Recruiters HDFC Bank, IBM, McKinsey and Company, Boston Consulting Group, Google, Larsen and Toubro, Bajaj, and Hyundai.

PhD Business Management after MBA

  • PhD Business Management  is a 5-Year doctorate program that deals with activities that are involved in running a business such as leading, monitoring, organizing, and planning.
  • A master’s degree with relevant subjects and a minimum aggregate of 50% or more makes a student eligible for PhD after MBA in Business Management.
  • PhD in Business Management graduates can seek employment in areas like Colleges and universities, Finance, information technology, Banking, Management, Operations, Supply chain management, MNCs, Product development, Human resources, etc. with an average salary of INR 4,00,000 - INR 8,00,000.
Program Name Doctor of Philosophy in Business Management
Duration 5 Years
Eligibility Post Graduate degree in a relevant subject.
Entrance Exams ,  ,  , UGC NET, 
Top Colleges ,  ,  ,  , 
Average Salary INR 4,00,000 - INR 8,00,000
Job Profiles Senior Marketing Manager, Human Resource Manager, Data Analyst, Business Development Manager, Associate, etc.
Top Recruiters Morgan Stanley, Microsoft, KPMG, Deloitte, Accenture, Reliance, HCL, Wipro, Infosys, Adani Group, Larsen and Toubro, Tata Group, Google, Facebook, etc.

PhD Business Administration after MBA

  • PhD Business Administration  is a 5 Years doctorate program that imparts knowledge on building an analytical understanding of business principles.
  • A masters’ degree in any business-related field makes you eligible for PhD after MBA in Business Administration.
  • The candidates can work as Administration Manager, Events Executive, Business Administrative Executive, etc. with an average salary of INR 7,00,000 - INR 17,00,000.
Program Name Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration
Duration 5 Years
Eligibility A masters’ degree in a business-related field.
Entrance Exams UGC NET,  ,  ,  , 
Top Colleges ,  , ,  ,  ,
Average Salary INR 7,00,000 - INR 17,00,000
Job Profiles Administration Manager, Events Executive, Business Administrative Executive, Professor, etc.
Top Recruiters Universities, Banks, MNCs, Administrative sectors, etc.

PhD Human Resource Management after MBA

  • Ph.D.  in Human Resource Management  is a 5 Year doctorate program that deals with teaching processes and policies that organizations follow to maximize productivity and efficiency. 
  • It teaches students the necessary skills to become a human resource managers.
  • A master’s degree in a relevant field from a UGC recognized university or foreign university makes a candidate eligible for Ph.D. after MBA in Human Resource Management.
  • A candidate can become an HR Manager, HR Executive, or HR Consultant with an average salary of INR 6,00,000 - INR 11,00,000.
Program Name Doctor of Philosophy in Human Resource Management
Duration 5 Years
Eligibility Masters’ degree in the relevant discipline with at least 55% marks from a UGC recognized Indian or foreign university.
Entrance Exams UGC NET, CSIR NET, 
Top Colleges ,  ,  ,  ,  , 
Average Salary INR 6,00,000 - INR 11,00,000
Job Profiles Human Resource Manager. HR Executive, HR Consultant, Training Coordinator, Training Manager, Recruitment Consultant, Personnel Manager, HR Director, etc.
Top Recruiters IBM, WIPRO, HCL, Infosys, TCS, Reliance, Bharti Airtel, Deloitte, Cognizant, HDFC Bank, etc.

PhD in Commerce and Management after MBA

  • PhD Commerce and Management  is a 5 Year doctorate program aimed at teaching commerce and business management.
  • To pursue Ph.D. after an MBA in Commerce and Management, a candidate must hold a masters’ degree,  MBA , or MPhil with a minimum aggregate of 55%.
  • Candidates can seek employment in leading sectors such as Finance, Management, Commerce, etc. with an average salary of INR 3,00,000 - INR 40,00,000.
Program Name Doctor of Philosophy in Commerce and Management
Duration 5 Years
Eligibility Master’s degree in Commerce, MBA or M.Phil. with a minimum aggregate of 55%.
Entrance Exams
Top Colleges ,  ,  ,  ,  , 
Average Salary INR 3,00,000 - INR 40,00,000
Job Profiles Business Analysts, Finance Managers, CFO, CEO, etc.
Top Recruiting Sectors Banking, Finance, eCommerce, Marketing, and Management.

PhD Management Studies after MBA

  • PhD Management Studies  is a 5 Year doctorate program that aims to teach students about management and organizational skills.
  • A masters’ degree in a related stream of management studies with a minimum aggregate of 50-60% makes a candidate eligible for Ph.D. after MBA in Management Studies.
  • The course enables students to seek employment in leading sectors of Retail, Marketing, Sales, Business, Consultancies, etc. with an average salary of INR 2,00,000 - INR 20,00,000.
Program Name Doctor of Philosophy in Management Studies
Duration 5 Years
Eligibility Masters’ degree in a related stream of management studies with a minimum aggregate of 50-60%
Entrance Exams , ICAR, JRF
Top Colleges ,  ,  ,  , 
Average Salary INR 2,00,000 - INR 20,00,000
Job Profiles Business Analyst, Data Analyst, Management Analyst, Marketing Manager, Production Manager.
Top Recruiting Sectors Retail, Marketing, Sales, Business, Consultancies, etc.

PhD Disaster Management after MBA

  • PhD Disaster Management  is a 5-Year doctorate program dealing with the field of Environment and Disaster Management.
  • The eligibility criteria of the program are qualifying Master’s degree or M.Phil in the relevant field with a minimum of 55% aggregate and a minimum work experience of 5 years.
  • Although the course curriculum is different from an MBA program, it has a lot of scope for MBA students to work in areas like defense, insurance, chemical industries, natural disaster management, etc. with an average salary of INR 2,50,000 - INR 12,00,000.
Program Name Doctor of Philosophy in Disaster Management
Duration 5 Years
Eligibility Master’s degree or M.Phil in the relevant field with a minimum of 55% aggregate.
Entrance Exams NET,  , DET
Top Colleges ,  , Jamsetji Tata School of Disaster Studies, Mumbai, 
Average Salary INR 2,50,000 - INR 12,00,000
Job Profiles Environmental Specialist, Rehabilitation Expert, Homeland Security Analyst, etc.
Top Recruiting Sectors Petroleum Industries, Insurance Companies, Chemical Industries, Law Enforcement Authorities, etc.

PhD Banking and Finance after MBA

  • PhD Banking and Finance  is a 5 Year doctorate program in Banking and Finance formulated to help students in understanding the major areas of domestic and international banking, economics, and investment.
  • A masters’ degree in any relevant field from a recognized university is the minimum eligibility criteria for PhD after MBA in Banking and Finance.
  • Students can get jobs at Colleges and Universities, Stock Exchanges, Banks, etc. with an average salary of INR 1,80,000 - INR 6,00,000. 
Program Name Doctor of Philosophy in Banking and Finance
Duration 5 Years
Eligibility A masters’ degree in any relevant field from a recognized university.
Entrance Exams Mumbai University PET, R.A. Poddar College of Commerce and Economics Entrance Test.
Top Colleges ,  ,  , , 
Average Salary INR 1,80,000 - INR 6,00,000
Job Profiles Stockbroker, Analyst, Statistician, Credit Control Manager, Teacher/ Lecturer, Financial Manager, etc.
Top Recruiting Sectors College and Universities, Stock Exchange, Banks, Private Companies, etc.

PhD After MBA Abroad

PhD after MBA has a lot of scopes abroad as well. Abroad there is a greater advantage in terms of its recognition and scope.

Tabulated below are top business schools abroad that offer PhD after an MBA.

College Name Program Name
Doctor of Philosophy- Business
Doctoral Program in Management
PhD in Business Administration
PhD in Business
PhD in Finance, Management and Organizations, Marketing
PhD in Management
Doctor of Philosophy- Business and Economics

PhD After MBA: FAQs

Ques. Can PhD be done after MBA?

Ans . Yes, PhD can be done after MBA. To pursue PhD, a candidate must hold a masters’ degree in relative fields with a minimum aggregate of 50-60%.

Ques. What are the PhD courses after an MBA?

Ans. PhD in Finance, Management Studies, Business Management, Business Administration, Banking and Finance, and Marketing are some of the popular courses after MBA.

Ques. Is a PhD better than an MBA?

Ans. If you want to pursue a career in research, or you want to become a professor in top business schools then a PhD is better after an MBA degree.

Ques. Does a PhD after an MBA make sense?

Ans. Yes, PhD after MBA completely makes sense as it gives you an upper hand when it comes to better job opportunities, and also in teaching professions.

Ques. What is the procedure to get admission into a PhD after an MBA?

Ans. A candidate is required to have a master’s degree in a relevant field, with a minimum aggregate of 50-60%. They are also required to take entrance exams, whichever is applicable followed by a personal interview.

Ques. What are the job opportunities after PhD?

Ans. Candidates can work as Finance Managers, Managing Directors, Market Research Analysts, Customer Services Managers, Professors, Chief Operating Officers, etc. after a PhD in MBA-related subjects.

Ques. What are the benefits of a PhD after an MBA?

Ans. The benefits of a PhD after an MBA are:

  • PhD allows working in the field of research in management, finance, or business which puts them apart from any other managers pursuing only an MBA.
  • PhD candidates can work as consultants in top firms, because of their skill sets and research methodologies.
  • PhD candidates can also work as analytics consultants as they are preferred over any other degree holders because of their skills and experience in research.

Ques. Can I do a PhD after an MBA in HR?

Ans. Yes, you can do a PhD after an MBA in Human Resource Management as it offers good opportunities to work as HR manager, executive, consultant, etc.

Ques. What is the duration of PhD after an MBA?

Ans . The duration of PhD after an MBA  is 5 years.

Ques. Can I do a PhD from IIM?

Ans. Yes, IIMs offer PhD programs after MBA in Human Resource Management, Business Management, Business Administration, etc.

Master of Business Administration [MBA] : 738 answered questions

Ques. is it worthwhile doing an mba in upes dehradun.

● Top Answer By Akriti Banerjee on 03 Aug 23

Ques. Should I go to IBS Hyderabad (ICFAI) for an MBA? Why or why not?

● Top Answer By Harshita Sinha on 30 Apr 22

Ques. I joined SBI as a PO in 2015 and currently a scale 2 officer. Is it wise to leave SBI for an MBA from NMIMS Mumbai, SIBM Pune or MDI Gurgaon? Also, I do not want to continue in SBI.

● Top Answer By Rahul Pandey on 17 Aug 20

Ques. What is MBA salary in India?

● Top Answer By Disha Sinha on 27 May 22

Ques. How good is KJ Somaiya (SIMSR) for doing an MBA in India?

● Top Answer By Aditya Shah on 25 Apr 22

Ques. Is NMIMS a good college for an MBA?

● Top Answer By Akriti Gupta on 12 Sept 23

Ques. I completed my BBA two years back and now I have 2 years of work experience. I did a distant PGDM from NMIMS. If I clear the CAT this year, should I go for a regular MBA?

● Top Answer By Varsha Roy on 27 Jun 21

Ques. How is the NMIMS distance learning program in MBA?

● Top Answer By Namrata Das on 22 Jul 22

Ques. Which is best course in MBA?

● Top Answer By Advait Joshi on 15 May 23

Ques. How is NMIMS Mumbai for an MBA?

● Top Answer By Ankita Sinha on 31 May 22

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IIT Madras - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITM]

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IIMC - Indian Institute of Management

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IIT Bombay - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITB]

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FMS Delhi Faculty of Management Studies

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IIT Kharagpur - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITKGP]

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IIT Kanpur - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITK]

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IIMK - Indian Institute of Management

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5 Countries That Offer Free or Very Cheap PhD Programmes

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  • Updated on  
  • May 11, 2023

phd in finance abroad

Do you currently hold a degree or a master’s degree and desire to advance your education by pursuing a PhD abroad? The good news is that those with graduate degrees, like master’s or doctoral degrees, had the best salaries and lowest unemployment rates in several countries. Is that terrible news? A PhD program overseas might be quite expensive. When studying overseas, you would have to take tuition, living fees, and other extra costs into account. However, there is a solution to this. The next step would be researching the nations with the most affordable PhD programs. Fortunately, there are quite a few nations where the cost of attending a PhD program is either zero or extremely low. This enables you to enrol in a prestigious university overseas and learn what it’s like to live in a foreign nation and adjust to other customs. You can concentrate on your studies and any other personal or professional goals when you study for a PhD abroad with little concern for your financial situation. Having said that, the following are the 5 countries that offer free or very cheap PhD programmes in the world.

This Blog Includes:

Swedish doctoral degrees, fees and funding, admissions requirements, norwegian phd fees, admission requirements, entry requirements, types of phd in germany, phd programmes, programme length, phd fees .

A Ph.D. in Economics normally includes coursework in both macroeconomics and microeconomics. However, if you intend to teach or conduct formal research in economic subjects, this is a beneficial degree. Once the proposal is approved and the oral exam is passed, the final years of enrollment are devoted to dissertation research, writing, and defence.

Sweden is the greatest option if you want to pursue a PhD in renewable energy or a field that is closely related to it. According to data, about 56 per cent of the energy utilized in Sweden in 2019 originates from renewable sources. What is the nicest thing about obtaining a PhD in Sweden? Everyone can use it for free, even students from other countries. (Note that students seeking bachelor’s or master’s degrees who are not EU/EEA citizens are not eligible for free tuition.)

Seven of Sweden’s universities are included in the top 350 universities in the world according to the QS World University Rankings 2023, making it the home to some of the most highly regarded universities in the world. The KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Lund University, the two top universities in Sweden, are 89th and 95th, respectively.

Key details-

International students30912
Oldest university
Ph.D. length4 years
Academic yearAugust to June

For students in Swedish universities, a PhD signifies the pinnacle of academic success. Similar to other nations, the focus is on your independent study leading to an original thesis that adds new knowledge to the topic.

countries that offer free or very cheap PhD programmes

Must Read: Best Countries for PhD

In Sweden, a doctoral study might take one of two forms:

A typical Ph.D. confers a full doctorate (together with the crucial title of “doctor”) after a minimum of four years of full-time work (240 ECTS credits).

As an alternative, you might decide to pursue a licentiate degree. Typically, this only necessitates two years of full-time work toward a more condensed and modest thesis (equivalent to 120 ECTS credits). Some students first enroll for the Swedish licentiate before upgrading to full Ph.D. candidates since it is comparable to the Master of Philosophy (MPhil) degree provided in the UK or other countries.

In Sweden, there are two teaching terms (August to January and January to June), which are separated by summer and winter breaks. You will often have more flexibility throughout the year as a PhD student, but some additional courses and other activities can be connected to particular teaching periods.

There are no tuition fees for PhD study at state-funded Swedish universities (note that this does not apply to Master’s or Bachelor’s degrees). Doctoral programs are free for students from the EU, EEA, and other countries.

The same is true of application costs; there are none to be paid for a PhD in Sweden.

Although you will need to pay for your housing and living expenses, your university might be able to provide assistance.

Universities in Sweden are permitted to establish their own admittance standards for PhD programs. A bachelor’s degree in an applicable area is typically the required minimum, but a master’s degree is also preferable, especially if you’re asking for funding.

Your capacity to exhibit prior research experience will be as crucial as your previous qualifications. It is crucial that you can demonstrate some preparation for the independent research you will conduct on your PhD, even if this is just the dissertation project for one or both of your previous degrees.

Also Read: PhD in USA

Norway is another Nordic nation that ranks among the 5 countries that offer free or very cheap PhD programs. All students, regardless of nationality, are not charged tuition at Norway’s public universities. Norway’s cost of living is comparable to that of Sweden, therefore you may want to look into ways to reduce your out-of-pocket spending. Other than that, you will just need to pay a nominal semester student union charge to cover expenses like tests or sports facilities, which would only cost you between 300 and 600 Norwegian kroner (approximately INR 2353.24 to INR 4706.49). You can try your luck by submitting an application to the University of Oslo , the top-ranked institution in Norway, which is currently placed 101st in the most recent QS World University Rankings.

International students12400
Oldest universityUniversity of Oslo
PhD length3-4 years
Academic yearAugust to June

Following the Bologna approach, Norwegian PhD programs are third-cycle degrees. As a result, conducting research and creating a PhD thesis will be needed for you.

In Norway, PhDs frequently adhere to a standardized format. Before beginning your PhD research and thesis writing, this usually entails a training component. You might also be regarded as an employee of the university, complete with benefits. In this situation, you will need to uphold your teaching and administrative duties.

The fact that all PhD students in Norway get free tuition is a significant and alluring feature of the program. The cost of living is high in the nation. As a result, maintenance financing of some kind is typically required.

Universities in Norway do not charge tuition for their PhD programs. However, in order to join and receive a student card at many Norwegian universities, you must pay a charge of INR 4149.5 to INR 8299 to the student union each semester.

In Norway, candidates for a PhD are required to hold a master’s degree in a related field. You can check your qualifications’ eligibility at the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education. A similar degree may be approved (NOKUT).

Each research organization has a different set of conditions for applications. Always double-check with your desired university.

Typically, PhD candidates must submit a strong research proposal or project description together with the necessary application materials. Other standard materials for PhD applications may also be requested from you. These are some extra materials that might be needed:

  • certified copies of all the documents that are pertinent to your education
  • a strategy for financing your studies (for the full 3-4 years of full-time study, plus information about the funding source and type)
  • An explanation of any significant scholarly or material resource needs
  • a minimum of one proposed academic supervisor’s name (unless stipulated otherwise)

Also Read: PhD in Netherlands

Another Nordic nation, Finland , is at the top of our list of 5 countries that offer free or very cheap PhD programs. In Finland, pursuing a PhD is entirely free, even for those who are not citizens, similar to Norway and Sweden. According to QS, Finland is home to two of the top 150 institutions. This includes the 106th-ranked University of Helsinki and the 116th-ranked Aalto University . It is distinguished as a top-tier study destination by more than just its educational features. Helsinki, the capital of Finland, is ranked 66th in the most recent QS study of “Best Student Cities.” The midnight sun and the Northern lights (aurora borealis), which fill the sky with a breathtaking vista for anywhere between 10 and 20 nights a year, are only two of the most magnificent natural phenomena that can be seen in Finland’s vast, open areas.

International students23794
Oldest university
PhD length4 years
Academic yearSeptember to June

Finland is a very economical alternative for your PhD study abroad because of its generous higher education policy. Any student, regardless of country, is not now required to pay doctoral fees.

In contrast, fees are often charged to non-EU students for Finnish Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees.

A master’s degree (or its equivalent) from a recognized institution is necessary for admission to a PhD program in Finland.

Other prerequisites will be determined by the area of study you are applying for and the particular procedures followed by your university. If unsure, consult your department.

Germany is famous for having a top-notch educational system and for being an innovative nation. According to QS, three of its universities are among the top 100. This includes Heidelberg University, which is ranked 65th, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, which is ranked 59th, and the Technical University of Munich , which is ranked 49th. According to the most recent Best Student Cities rankings by QS, two of its cities, Munich and Berlin, are among the top 10.

International students311738
Oldest universityUniversity of Heidelberg
PhD length3-4 years
Academic yearOctober-September

Germans invented the doctoral degree, which is based on independent study leading to the submission and review of a thesis. Most colleges continue to offer this style, although some others provide more “organized” programs:

The traditional PhD requires you to choose a research project and conduct it on your own under the supervision of a qualified supervisor (Doktorvater/Doktomutter). The candidate selects the setting for their research, whether it be in a university, non-university organization, or German corporation.

Structured doctoral programs are conducted mostly in English and are focused on the global market. Along with writing your thesis, you will complete extra training, which may entail partnerships and job placements with outside research organizations.

Doctoral degrees are typically free in Germany for all students, regardless of nationality, due to the generous governmental investment in education. You might, however, have to pay additional costs while you are a student.

All public institutions in Germany offer free tuition for doctoral-level studies for up to three years (six semesters). For any additional time beyond the term of your PhD, you might have to pay tuition.

Despite not having to pay tuition, you will still need to pay a semester contribution (Semesterbeitrag), which typically ranges from INR 8k to INR 29k. This pays for office expenses, student government, and student services (Studentenwerk).

In general, you must have completed at least eight semesters of college work before enrolling in a PhD program in Germany. Your final certification must be on par with a German master’s degree.

Additionally, the Dean’s Office (Dekanat) or Board of Examiners (Promotionsausschuss) at your university must acknowledge your prior higher education degree(s).

International students with exceptional qualifications may be admitted to a PhD program with a Bachelor’s degree (fast-track program), albeit you will normally need to pass an entrance exam.

France , which has four universities ranked among the top 100 by QS, is another nation that makes it to our list of 5 countries that offer free or very cheap PhD programmes. French institutions demand comparatively little tuition. A typical annual cost at a public university, for instance, is around 380 euros (INR 31k at the time of writing). Three French cities—Lyon, Toulouse, and of course, the nation’s capital Paris, which is placed ninth by QS—are included in the top 100 Best Student Cities list as a result of their high academic standing and affordable tuition.

International students246378
Oldest universitySuccessors to the University of Paris
PhD length3-4 years
Academic yearSeptember-June
Typical feesINR 3.11 LPA (public institutions)

The bulk of PhDs is completed as part of a program inside doctoral schools, although French universities occasionally do offer specific doctoral research programs.

The number is 266 in total. In order to provide doctorate training for PhD candidates and foster the growth of early career researchers, they are affiliated with universities and work in partnership with related research laboratories and other centres.

For a typical three-year PhD, a “doctorate” consists of six semesters, yielding two teachings (or research) semesters annually:

  • late September to early January, with a break between Christmas and New Year
  • early February to early June, with a spring break at Easter for several colleges

Exams are normally held at the conclusion of each semester, and institutions take a three-month summer break from July to September. As a full-time student, you will typically complete your PhD in France in 3–4 years.

The current French PhD tuition is the same for all students, regardless of nationality. But costs can differ greatly depending on whether you attend a public or private school (such a Grandes École).

Must Read: PhD in Switzerland

Public institutions charge substantially lower tuition since the State invests an average of INR 11,62,147.82 per student, per year.

The following fees may apply depending on your institution:

  • Fees for PhD students at public institutions are €380 annually.
  • Private institutions – Tuition at private institutions, particularly business schools, range from INR 2.49 Lakh to INR 8.30 Lakh per year.
  • Administrative fees (frais de dossier), which universities may impose, are normally modest—a few tens of euros.

In France, each institution is permitted to establish its own standards and conduct personalized evaluations. However, in order to enroll as a PhD student, you will normally need to hold a Master’s degree (or equivalent) in a suitable field.

If you are pursuing your master’s degree and expect to graduate before the PhD program begins, you may apply.

Additionally, you could be accepted based on your performance on entrance tests and in pre-college courses like the ‘Classe préparatoire aux grandes écoles’ (CPGE), which is a frequent practice among French Grandes Écoles.

Pursuing PhD in Finland is entirely free.

The average cost of PhD in the UK is GBP 40,000 (INR 40.67 Lakh)

One of the top countries to pursue an MBA abroad is the United States of America.

Hope now you know 5 countries that offer free or very cheap PhD programmes. Not sure which country to choose for your PhD? Don’t worry! Our Leverage Edu experts will provide you with end-to-end assistance starting from your university application to the time you reach your university and commence your studies. Call us at 1800 57 2000 to book a FREE 30-minute counselling session today.

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Nikita Puri

Nikita is a creative writer and editor, who is always ready to learn new skills. She has great knowledge about study abroad universities, researching and writing blogs about them. Being a perfectionist, she has a habit of keeping her tasks complete on time before the OCD hits her. When Nikita is not busy working, you can find her eating while binge-watching The office. Also, she breathes music. She has done her bachelor's from Delhi University and her master's from Jamia Millia Islamia.

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