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211 Research Topics in Linguistics To Get Top Grades

research topics in linguistics

Many people find it hard to decide on their linguistics research topics because of the assumed complexities involved. They struggle to choose easy research paper topics for English language too because they think it could be too simple for a university or college level certificate.

All that you need to learn about Linguistics and English is sprawled across syntax, phonetics, morphology, phonology, semantics, grammar, vocabulary, and a few others. To easily create a top-notch essay or conduct a research study, you can consider this list of research topics in English language below for your university or college use. Note that you can fine-tune these to suit your interests.

Linguistics Research Paper Topics

If you want to study how language is applied and its importance in the world, you can consider these Linguistics topics for your research paper. They are:

  • An analysis of romantic ideas and their expression amongst French people
  • An overview of the hate language in the course against religion
  • Identify the determinants of hate language and the means of propagation
  • Evaluate a literature and examine how Linguistics is applied to the understanding of minor languages
  • Consider the impact of social media in the development of slangs
  • An overview of political slang and its use amongst New York teenagers
  • Examine the relevance of Linguistics in a digitalized world
  • Analyze foul language and how it’s used to oppress minors
  • Identify the role of language in the national identity of a socially dynamic society
  • Attempt an explanation to how the language barrier could affect the social life of an individual in a new society
  • Discuss the means through which language can enrich cultural identities
  • Examine the concept of bilingualism and how it applies in the real world
  • Analyze the possible strategies for teaching a foreign language
  • Discuss the priority of teachers in the teaching of grammar to non-native speakers
  • Choose a school of your choice and observe the slang used by its students: analyze how it affects their social lives
  • Attempt a critical overview of racist languages
  • What does endangered language means and how does it apply in the real world?
  • A critical overview of your second language and why it is a second language
  • What are the motivators of speech and why are they relevant?
  • Analyze the difference between the different types of communications and their significance to specially-abled persons
  • Give a critical overview of five literature on sign language
  • Evaluate the distinction between the means of language comprehension between an adult and a teenager
  • Consider a native American group and evaluate how cultural diversity has influenced their language
  • Analyze the complexities involved in code-switching and code-mixing
  • Give a critical overview of the importance of language to a teenager
  • Attempt a forensic overview of language accessibility and what it means
  • What do you believe are the means of communications and what are their uniqueness?
  • Attempt a study of Islamic poetry and its role in language development
  • Attempt a study on the role of Literature in language development
  • Evaluate the Influence of metaphors and other literary devices in the depth of each sentence
  • Identify the role of literary devices in the development of proverbs in any African country
  • Cognitive Linguistics: analyze two pieces of Literature that offers a critical view of perception
  • Identify and analyze the complexities in unspoken words
  • Expression is another kind of language: discuss
  • Identify the significance of symbols in the evolution of language
  • Discuss how learning more than a single language promote cross-cultural developments
  • Analyze how the loss of a mother tongue affect the language Efficiency of a community
  • Critically examine how sign language works
  • Using literature from the medieval era, attempt a study of the evolution of language
  • Identify how wars have led to the reduction in the popularity of a language of your choice across any country of the world
  • Critically examine five Literature on why accent changes based on environment
  • What are the forces that compel the comprehension of language in a child
  • Identify and explain the difference between the listening and speaking skills and their significance in the understanding of language
  • Give a critical overview of how natural language is processed
  • Examine the influence of language on culture and vice versa
  • It is possible to understand a language even without living in that society: discuss
  • Identify the arguments regarding speech defects
  • Discuss how the familiarity of language informs the creation of slangs
  • Explain the significance of religious phrases and sacred languages
  • Explore the roots and evolution of incantations in Africa

Sociolinguistic Research Topics

You may as well need interesting Linguistics topics based on sociolinguistic purposes for your research. Sociolinguistics is the study and recording of natural speech. It’s primarily the casual status of most informal conversations. You can consider the following Sociolinguistic research topics for your research:

  • What makes language exceptional to a particular person?
  • How does language form a unique means of expression to writers?
  • Examine the kind of speech used in health and emergencies
  • Analyze the language theory explored by family members during dinner
  • Evaluate the possible variation of language based on class
  • Evaluate the language of racism, social tension, and sexism
  • Discuss how Language promotes social and cultural familiarities
  • Give an overview of identity and language
  • Examine why some language speakers enjoy listening to foreigners who speak their native language
  • Give a forensic analysis of his the language of entertainment is different to the language in professional settings
  • Give an understanding of how Language changes
  • Examine the Sociolinguistics of the Caribbeans
  • Consider an overview of metaphor in France
  • Explain why the direct translation of written words is incomprehensible in Linguistics
  • Discuss the use of language in marginalizing a community
  • Analyze the history of Arabic and the culture that enhanced it
  • Discuss the growth of French and the influences of other languages
  • Examine how the English language developed and its interdependence on other languages
  • Give an overview of cultural diversity and Linguistics in teaching
  • Challenge the attachment of speech defect with disability of language listening and speaking abilities
  • Explore the uniqueness of language between siblings
  • Explore the means of making requests between a teenager and his parents
  • Observe and comment on how students relate with their teachers through language
  • Observe and comment on the communication of strategy of parents and teachers
  • Examine the connection of understanding first language with academic excellence

Language Research Topics

Numerous languages exist in different societies. This is why you may seek to understand the motivations behind language through these Linguistics project ideas. You can consider the following interesting Linguistics topics and their application to language:

  • What does language shift mean?
  • Discuss the stages of English language development?
  • Examine the position of ambiguity in a romantic Language of your choice
  • Why are some languages called romantic languages?
  • Observe the strategies of persuasion through Language
  • Discuss the connection between symbols and words
  • Identify the language of political speeches
  • Discuss the effectiveness of language in an indigenous cultural revolution
  • Trace the motivators for spoken language
  • What does language acquisition mean to you?
  • Examine three pieces of literature on language translation and its role in multilingual accessibility
  • Identify the science involved in language reception
  • Interrogate with the context of language disorders
  • Examine how psychotherapy applies to victims of language disorders
  • Study the growth of Hindi despite colonialism
  • Critically appraise the term, language erasure
  • Examine how colonialism and war is responsible for the loss of language
  • Give an overview of the difference between sounds and letters and how they apply to the German language
  • Explain why the placement of verb and preposition is different in German and English languages
  • Choose two languages of your choice and examine their historical relationship
  • Discuss the strategies employed by people while learning new languages
  • Discuss the role of all the figures of speech in the advancement of language
  • Analyze the complexities of autism and its victims
  • Offer a linguist approach to language uniqueness between a Down Syndrome child and an autist
  • Express dance as a language
  • Express music as a language
  • Express language as a form of language
  • Evaluate the role of cultural diversity in the decline of languages in South Africa
  • Discuss the development of the Greek language
  • Critically review two literary texts, one from the medieval era and another published a decade ago, and examine the language shifts

Linguistics Essay Topics

You may also need Linguistics research topics for your Linguistics essays. As a linguist in the making, these can help you consider controversies in Linguistics as a discipline and address them through your study. You can consider:

  • The connection of sociolinguistics in comprehending interests in multilingualism
  • Write on your belief of how language encourages sexism
  • What do you understand about the differences between British and American English?
  • Discuss how slangs grew and how they started
  • Consider how age leads to loss of language
  • Review how language is used in formal and informal conversation
  • Discuss what you understand by polite language
  • Discuss what you know by hate language
  • Evaluate how language has remained flexible throughout history
  • Mimicking a teacher is a form of exercising hate Language: discuss
  • Body Language and verbal speech are different things: discuss
  • Language can be exploitative: discuss
  • Do you think language is responsible for inciting aggression against the state?
  • Can you justify the structural representation of any symbol of your choice?
  • Religious symbols are not ordinary Language: what are your perspective on day-to-day languages and sacred ones?
  • Consider the usage of language by an English man and someone of another culture
  • Discuss the essence of code-mixing and code-switching
  • Attempt a psychological assessment on the role of language in academic development
  • How does language pose a challenge to studying?
  • Choose a multicultural society of your choice and explain the problem they face
  • What forms does Language use in expression?
  • Identify the reasons behind unspoken words and actions
  • Why do universal languages exist as a means of easy communication?
  • Examine the role of the English language in the world
  • Examine the role of Arabic in the world
  • Examine the role of romantic languages in the world
  • Evaluate the significance of each teaching Resources in a language classroom
  • Consider an assessment of language analysis
  • Why do people comprehend beyond what is written or expressed?
  • What is the impact of hate speech on a woman?
  • Do you believe that grammatical errors are how everyone’s comprehension of language is determined?
  • Observe the Influence of technology in language learning and development
  • Which parts of the body are responsible for understanding new languages
  • How has language informed development?
  • Would you say language has improved human relations or worsened it considering it as a tool for violence?
  • Would you say language in a black populous state is different from its social culture in white populous states?
  • Give an overview of the English language in Nigeria
  • Give an overview of the English language in Uganda
  • Give an overview of the English language in India
  • Give an overview of Russian in Europe
  • Give a conceptual analysis on stress and how it works
  • Consider the means of vocabulary development and its role in cultural relationships
  • Examine the effects of Linguistics in language
  • Present your understanding of sign language
  • What do you understand about descriptive language and prescriptive Language?

List of Research Topics in English Language

You may need English research topics for your next research. These are topics that are socially crafted for you as a student of language in any institution. You can consider the following for in-depth analysis:

  • Examine the travail of women in any feminist text of your choice
  • Examine the movement of feminist literature in the Industrial period
  • Give an overview of five Gothic literature and what you understand from them
  • Examine rock music and how it emerged as a genre
  • Evaluate the cultural association with Nina Simone’s music
  • What is the relevance of Shakespeare in English literature?
  • How has literature promoted the English language?
  • Identify the effect of spelling errors in the academic performance of students in an institution of your choice
  • Critically survey a university and give rationalize the literary texts offered as Significant
  • Examine the use of feminist literature in advancing the course against patriarchy
  • Give an overview of the themes in William Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar”
  • Express the significance of Ernest Hemingway’s diction in contemporary literature
  • Examine the predominant devices in the works of William Shakespeare
  • Explain the predominant devices in the works of Christopher Marlowe
  • Charles Dickens and his works: express the dominating themes in his Literature
  • Why is Literature described as the mirror of society?
  • Examine the issues of feminism in Sefi Atta’s “Everything Good Will Come” and Bernadine Evaristos’s “Girl, Woman, Other”
  • Give an overview of the stylistics employed in the writing of “Girl, Woman, Other” by Bernadine Evaristo
  • Describe the language of advertisement in social media and newspapers
  • Describe what poetic Language means
  • Examine the use of code-switching and code-mixing on Mexican Americans
  • Examine the use of code-switching and code-mixing in Indian Americans
  • Discuss the influence of George Orwell’s “Animal Farm” on satirical literature
  • Examine the Linguistics features of “Native Son” by Richard Wright
  • What is the role of indigenous literature in promoting cultural identities
  • How has literature informed cultural consciousness?
  • Analyze five literature on semantics and their Influence on the study
  • Assess the role of grammar in day to day communications
  • Observe the role of multidisciplinary approaches in understanding the English language
  • What does stylistics mean while analyzing medieval literary texts?
  • Analyze the views of philosophers on language, society, and culture

English Research Paper Topics for College Students

For your college work, you may need to undergo a study of any phenomenon in the world. Note that they could be Linguistics essay topics or mainly a research study of an idea of your choice. Thus, you can choose your research ideas from any of the following:

  • The concept of fairness in a democratic Government
  • The capacity of a leader isn’t in his or her academic degrees
  • The concept of discrimination in education
  • The theory of discrimination in Islamic states
  • The idea of school policing
  • A study on grade inflation and its consequences
  • A study of taxation and Its importance to the economy from a citizen’s perspectives
  • A study on how eloquence lead to discrimination amongst high school students
  • A study of the influence of the music industry in teens
  • An Evaluation of pornography and its impacts on College students
  • A descriptive study of how the FBI works according to Hollywood
  • A critical consideration of the cons and pros of vaccination
  • The health effect of sleep disorders
  • An overview of three literary texts across three genres of Literature and how they connect to you
  • A critical overview of “King Oedipus”: the role of the supernatural in day to day life
  • Examine the novel “12 Years a Slave” as a reflection of servitude and brutality exerted by white slave owners
  • Rationalize the emergence of racist Literature with concrete examples
  • A study of the limits of literature in accessing rural readers
  • Analyze the perspectives of modern authors on the Influence of medieval Literature on their craft
  • What do you understand by the mortality of a literary text?
  • A study of controversial Literature and its role in shaping the discussion
  • A critical overview of three literary texts that dealt with domestic abuse and their role in changing the narratives about domestic violence
  • Choose three contemporary poets and analyze the themes of their works
  • Do you believe that contemporary American literature is the repetition of unnecessary themes already treated in the past?
  • A study of the evolution of Literature and its styles
  • The use of sexual innuendos in literature
  • The use of sexist languages in literature and its effect on the public
  • The disaster associated with media reports of fake news
  • Conduct a study on how language is used as a tool for manipulation
  • Attempt a criticism of a controversial Literary text and why it shouldn’t be studied or sold in the first place

Finding Linguistics Hard To Write About?

With these topics, you can commence your research with ease. However, if you need professional writing help for any part of the research, you can scout here online for the best research paper writing service.

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As students, you may be unable to cover every part of your research on your own. This inability is the reason you should consider expert writers for custom research topics in Linguistics approved by your professor for high grades.

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linguistics dissertations topics

Syntax and Semantics

  • The Tok Pisin noun phrase
  • Towards an investigation of socially-conditioned semantic variation
  • Definite article reduction in a religious community of practice
  • The definiteness effect in Chinese 'you'-existential constructions: A corpus based study
  • Topics and pronouns in the clausal left periphery in Old English
  • Scalar implicatures in polar (yes/no) questions
  • Quantification, alternative semantics and phases
  • The syntax and semantics of V2 – 'weil' in German 
  • An analysis of Chinese quantifiers 'ge', 'dou' and 'quan' and their co-occurrence
  • Distribution and licensing condititions of Negative Polarity Items in Mandarin Chinese
  • The NP/DP Distinction in Slavic: A comparative approach
  • A complex predicational analysis of the 'ba'-construction in Mandarin Chinese
  • Two types of raising in Korean
  • Serial verb constructions in Mandarin Chinese
  • From Turncoats to Backstabbers:  How headedness and word order determine the productivity of agentive and instrumental compounding in English

Forensic Phonetics

  • An Investigation into the Perceived Similarity of the Speech of Identical Twins and Same Sex Siblings
  • Detecting Authenticity of Audio Files Compressed by Social Media Platforms
  • Investigating Changes from Neutral to Soft and Whispered Speech and their Impact on Automatic Speaker Recognition
  • The Effect of Anger and Fear on Forensic Authomatic Speaker Recognition System Performance
  • The Impact of Face Coverings on Speech Comprehension and Perceptions of Speaker Attributes
  • Tracking Linguistic Differences in the Ultrasound Images of the Tongue in Spoken and Silent Speech Conditions Using Pose Estimation
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Alternatives and Exhaustification: Non-Interrogative Uses of Chinese wh - words

Any Questions? Polarity as a Window into the Structure of Questions

The Caland System in the North: Archaism and Innovation in Property-Concept/State Morphology in Balto-Slavic

Diachronic Poetics and Language History: Studies in Archaic Greek Poetry

Feature Mismatch: Deponency in Indo-European Languages

The Hidden Structure of Thai Noun Phrases

Interpreting Questions with Non-Exhaustive Answers

Local Instability the Syntax of ‘Spilt Topics’

A Modular Theory of Radical 'Pro' Drop

Nominal Arguments and Language Variation

The Origin of Variation in Norwegian Retroflexion

Phasing in Full Interpretation

Prosodic Noun Incorporation and Verb-Initial Syntax

The Role of Alternatives and Strength in Grammar

The Semantics of Measurement

The Sense of Self: Topics in the Semantics of ‘De Se’ Expressions

Soft but Strong. Neg-Raising, Soft Triggers, and Exhaustification

Split Intransitivity in Ranmo

Studies in Tocharian Adjective Formation

The Syntax-Phonology Interface in Native and Near-Native Korean

Topics at the PF Interface of Turkish

Toward a Theory of Mandarin Quantification

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Linguistics Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2022 2022.

Temporal Fluency in L2 Self-Assessments: A Cross-Linguistic Study of Spanish, Portuguese, and French , Mandy Case

Biblical Hebrew as a Negative Concord Language , J. Bradley Dukes

Revitalizing the Russian of a Heritage Speaker , Aaron Jordan

Analyzing Patterns of Complexity in Pre-University L2 English Writing , Zachary M. Lambert

Prosodic Modeling for Hymn Translation , Michael Abraham Peck

Interpretive Language and Museum Artwork: How Patrons Respond to Depictions of Native American and White Settler Encounters--A Thematic Analysis , Holli D. Rogerson

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Trademarks and Genericide: A Corpus and Experimental Approach to Understanding the Semantic Status of Trademarks , Richard B. Bevan

First and Second Language Use of Case, Aspect, and Tense in Finnish and English , Torin Kelley

Lexical Aspect in-sha Verb Chains in Pastaza Kichwa , Azya Dawn Ladd

Text-to-Speech Systems: Learner Perceptions of its Use as a Tool in the Language Classroom , Joseph Chi Man Mak

The Effects of Dynamic Written Corrective Feedback on the Accuracy and Complexity of Writing Produced by L2 Graduate Students , Lisa Rohm

Mental Contrasting with Implementation Intentions as Applied to Motivation in L2 Vocabulary Acquisition , Lindsay Michelle Stephenson

Linguistics of Russian Media During the 2016 US Election: A Corpus-Based Study , Devon K. Terry

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Portuguese and Chinese ESL Reading Behaviors Compared: An Eye-Tracking Study , Logan Kyle Blackwell

Mental Contrasting with Implementation Intentions to Lower Test Anxiety , Asena Cakmakci

The Categorization of Ideophone-Gesture Composites in Quichua Narratives , Maria Graciela Cano

Ranking Aspect-Based Features in Restaurant Reviews , Jacob Ling Hang Chan

Praise in Written Feedback: How L2 Writers Perceive and Value Praise , Karla Coca

Evidence for a Typology of Christ in the Book of Esther , L. Clayton Fausett

Gender Vs. Sex: Defining Meaning in a Modern World through use of Corpora and Semantic Surveys , Mary Elizabeth Garceau

The attributive suffix in Pastaza Kichwa , Barrett Wilson Hamp

An Examination of Motivation Types and Their Influence on English Proficiency for Current High School Students in South Korean , Euiyong Jung

Experienced ESL Teachers' Attitudes Towards Using Phonetic Symbols in Teaching English Pronunciation to Adult ESL Students , Oxana Kodirova

Evidentiality, Epistemic Modality and Mirativity: The Case of Cantonese Utterance Particles Ge3, Laak3, and Lo1 , Ka Fai Law

Application of a Self-Regulation Framework in an ESL Classroom: Effects on IEP International Students , Claudia Mencarelli

Parsing an American Sign Language Corpus with Combinatory Categorial Grammar , Michael Albert Nix

An Exploration of Mental Contrasting and Social Networks of English Language Learners , Adam T. Pinkston

A Corpus-Based Study of the Gender Assignment of Nominal Anglicisms in Brazilian Portuguese , Taryn Marie Skahill

Developing Listening Comprehension in ESL Students at the Intermediate Level by Reading Transcripts While Listening: A Cognitive Load Perspective , Sydney Sohler

The Effect of Language Learning Experience on Motivation and Anxiety of Foreign Language Learning Students , Josie Eileen Thacker

Identifying Language Needs in Community-Based Adult ELLs: Findings from an Ethnography of Four Salvadoran Immigrants in the Western United States , Kathryn Anne Watkins

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Using Eye Tracking to Examine Working Memory and Verbal Feature Processing in Spanish , Erik William Arnold

Self-Regulation in Transition: A Case Study of Three English Language Learners at an IEP , Allison Wallace Baker

"General Conference talk": Style Variation and the Styling of Identity in Latter-day Saint General Conference Oratory , Stephen Thomas Betts

Implementing Mental Contrasting to Improve English Language Learner Social Networks , Hannah Trimble Brown

Comparing Academic Vocabulary List (AVL) Frequency Bands to Leveled Biology and History Texts , Lynne Crandall

A Comparison of Mobile and Computer Receptive Language ESL Tests , Aislin Pickett Davis

Yea, Yea, Nay, Nay: Uses of the Archaic, Biblical Yea in the Book of Mormon , Michael Edward De Martini

L1 and L2 Reading Behaviors by Proficiency Level: An English-Portuguese Eye-Tracking Study , Larissa Grahl

Immediate Repeated Reading has Positive Effects on Reading Fluency for English Language Learners: An Eye-tracking Study , Jennifer Hemmert Hansen

Perceptions of Malaysian English Teachers Regarding the Importation of Expatriate Native and Nonnative English-speaking Teachers , Syringa Joanah Judd

Sociocultural Identification with the United States and English Pronunciation Comprehensibility and Accent Among International ESL Students , Christinah Paige Mulder

The Effects of Repeated Reading on the Fluency of Intermediate-Level English-as-a-Second-Language Learners: An Eye-Tracking Study , Krista Carlene Rich

Verb Usage in Egyptian Movies, Serials, and Blogs: A Case for Register Variation , Michael G. White

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Factors Influencing ESL Students' Selection of Intensive English Programs in the Western United States , Katie Briana Blanco

Pun Strategies Across Joke Schemata: A Corpus-Based Study , Robert Nishan Crapo

ESL Students' Reading Behaviors on Multiple-Choice Items at Differing Proficiency Levels: An Eye-Tracking Study , Juan M. Escalante Talavera

Backward Transfer of Apology Strategies from Japanese to English: Do English L1 Speakers Use Japanese-Style Apologies When Speaking English? , Candice April Flowers

Cultural Differences in Russian and English Magazine Advertising: A Pragmatic Approach , Emily Kay Furner

An Analysis of Rehearsed Speech Characteristics on the Oral Proficiency Interview—Computer (OPIc) , Gwyneth Elaine Gates

Predicting Speaking, Listening, and Reading Proficiency Gains During Study Abroad Using Social Network Metrics , Timothy James Hall

Navigating a New Culture: Analyzing Variables that Influence Intensive English Program Students' Cultural Adjustment Process , Sherie Lyn Kwok

Second Language Semantic Retrieval in the Bilingual Mind: The Case of Korean-English Expert Bilinguals , Janice Si-Man Lam

Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Korean Heritage-Speaking Interpreter , Yoonjoo Lee

Reading Idioms: A Comparative Eye-Tracking Study of Native English Speakers and Native Korean Speakers , Sarah Lynne Miner

Applying the Developmental Path of English Negation to the Automated Scoring of Learner Essays , Allen Travis Moore

Performance Self-Appraisal Calibration of ESL Students on a Proficiency Reading Test , Jodi Mikolajcik Petersen

Switch-Reference in Pastaza Kichwa , Alexander Harrison Rice

The Effects of Metacognitive Listening Strategy Instruction on ESL Learners' Listening Motivation , Corbin Kalanikiakahi Rivera

The Effects of Teacher Background on How Teachers Assess Native-Like and Nonnative-Like Grammar Errors: An Eye-Tracking Study , Wesley Makoto Schramm

Rubric Rating with MFRM vs. Randomly Distributed Comparative Judgment: A Comparison of Two Approaches to Second-Language Writing Assessment , Maureen Estelle Sims

Investigating the Perception of Identity Shift in Trilingual Speakers: A Case Study , Elena Vasilachi

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Preparing Non-Native English Speakers for the Mathematical Vocabulary in the GRE and GMAT , Irina Mikhailovna Baskova

Eye Behavior While Reading Words of Sanskrit and Urdu Origin in Hindi , Tahira Carroll

An Acoustical Analysis of the American English /l, r/ Contrast as Produced by Adult Japanese Learners of English Incorporating Word Position and Task Type , Braden Paul Chase

The Rhetoric Revision Log: A Second Study on a Feedback Tool for ESL Student Writing , Natalie Marie Cole

Quizlet Flashcards for the First 500 Words of the Academic Vocabulary List , Emily R. Crandell

The Impact of Changing TOEFL Cut-Scores on University Admissions , Laura Michelle Decker

A Latent Class Analysis of American English Dialects , Stephanie Nicole Hedges

Comparing the AWL and AVL in Textbooks from an Intensive English Program , Michelle Morgan Hernandez

Faculty and EAL Student Perceptions of Writing Purposes and Challenges in the Business Major , Amy Mae Johnson

Multilingual Trends in Five London Boroughs: A Linguistic Landscape Approach , Shayla Ann Johnson

Nature or Nurture in English Academic Writing: Korean and American Rhetorical Patterns , Sunok Kim

Differences in the Motivations of Chinese Learners of English in Different (Foreign or Second Language) Contexts , Rui Li

Managing Dynamic Written Corrective Feedback: Perceptions of Experienced Teachers , Rachel A. Messenger

Spanish Heritage Bilingual Perception of English-Specific Vowel Contrasts , John B. Nielsen

Taking the "Foreign" Out of the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale , Jared Benjamin Sell

Creole Genesis and Universality: Case, Word Order, and Agreement , Gerald Taylor Snow

Idioms or Open Choice? A Corpus Based Analysis , Kaitlyn Alayne VanWagoner

Applying Corpus-Assisted Critical Discourse Analysis to an Unrestricted Corpus: A Case Study in Indonesian and Malay Newspapers , Sara LuAnne White

Investigating the effects of Rater's Second Language Learning Background and Familiarity with Test-Taker's First Language on Speaking Test Scores , Ksenia Zhao

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

The Influence of Online English Language Instruction on ESL Learners' Fluency Development , Rebecca Aaron

The Effect of Prompt Accent on Elicited Imitation Assessments in English as a Second Language , Jacob Garlin Barrows

A Framework for Evaluating Recommender Systems , Michael Gabriel Bean

Program and Classroom Factors Affecting Attendance Patterns For Hispanic Participants In Adult ESL Education , Steven J. Carter

A Longitudinal Analysis of Adult ESL Speakers' Oral Fluency Gains , Kostiantyn Fesenko

Rethinking Vocabulary Size Tests: Frequency Versus Item Difficulty , Brett James Hashimoto

The Onomatopoeic Ideophone-Gesture Relationship in Pastaza Quichua , Sarah Ann Hatton

A Hybrid Approach to Cross-Linguistic Tokenization: Morphology with Statistics , Logan R. Kearsley

Getting All the Ducks in a Row: Towards a Method for the Consolidation of English Idioms , Ethan Michael Lynn

Expecting Excellence: Student and Teacher Attitudes Towards Choosing to Speak English in an IEP , Alhyaba Encinas Moore

Lexical Trends in Young Adult Literature: A Corpus-Based Approach , Kyra McKinzie Nelson

A Corpus-Based Comparison of the Academic Word List and the Academic Vocabulary List , Jacob Andrew Newman

A Self-Regulated Learning Inventory Based on a Six-Dimensional Model of SRL , Christopher Nuttall

The Effectiveness of Using Written Feedback to Improve Adult ESL Learners' Spontaneous Pronunciation of English Suprasegmentals , Chirstin Stephens

Pragmatic Quotation Use in Online Yelp Reviews and its Connection to Author Sentiment , Mary Elisabeth Wright

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Conditional Sentences in Egyptian Colloquial and Modern Standard Arabic: A Corpus Study , Randell S. Bentley

A Corpus-Based Analysis of Russian Word Order Patterns , Stephanie Kay Billings

English to ASL Gloss Machine Translation , Mary Elizabeth Bonham

The Development of an ESP Vocabulary Study Guidefor the Utah State Driver Handbook , Kirsten M. Brown

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Linguistics and English Language PhD thesis collection

linguistics dissertations topics

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This is a selection of some of the more recent theses from the department of Linguistics and English Language.

The material in this collection must be cited in line with the usual academic conventions. These theses are protected under full copyright law. You may download it for your own personal use only.

Recent Submissions

From cognition to word order universals: an artificial language learning approach , cognitive biases in competition: innovation and the evolution of language structure , learning to lose: the role of input variability in the loss of v2 , semantics of nominal and clausal embedding: how (not) to embed a clause and why , information structure of complex sentences: an empirical investigation into at-issueness , 'ane end of an auld song': macro and micro perspectives on written scots in correspondence during the union of the parliaments debates , intervention, participation, perception: case studies of language activism in catalonia, norway & scotland , aspects of cross-variety dinka tonal phonology , attitudes and perceptions of saudi students towards their non-native emi instructors , explanatory mixed methods approach to the effects of integrating apology strategies: evidence from saudi arabic , multilingualism in later life: natural history & effects of language learning , first language attrition in late bilingualism: lexical, syntactic and prosodic changes in english-italian bilinguals , syntactic change during the anglicisation of scots: insights from the parsed corpus of scottish correspondence , causation is non-eventive , developmental trajectory of grammatical gender: evidence from arabic , copular clauses in malay: synchronic, diachronic, and typological perspectives , sentence processing in first language attrition: the interplay of language, experience and cognitive load , choosing to presuppose: strategic uses of presupposition triggers , mechanisms underlying pre-school children’s syntactic, morphophonological and referential processing during language production , development and processing of non-canonical word orders in mandarin-speaking children .

linguistics dissertations topics

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Applied Linguistics Dissertations and Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Prosodic Analysis of Wh -indeterminate Questions in L2 Korean , Jung In Lee

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Critical Analysis of Anti-Asian Hate in the News , Benardo Douglas Relampagos

A Multimodal Discourse Analysis of NASA's Instagram Account , Danica Lynn Tomber

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

A Computer Science Academic Vocabulary List , David Roesler

Variation in Female and Male Dialogue in Buffy the Vampire Slayer : A Multi-dimensional Analysis , Amber Morgan Sanchez

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Differences in Syntactic Complexity in the Writing of EL1 and ELL Civil Engineering Students , Santiago Gustin

A Mixed Methods Analysis of Corpus Data from Reddit Discussions of "Gay Voice" , Sara Elizabeth Mulliner

Relationship Between Empathy and Language Proficiency in Adult Language Learners , Mika Sakai

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

College Student Rankings of Multiple Speakers in a Public Speaking Context: a Language Attitudes Study on Japanese-accented English with a World Englishes Perspective , John James Ahlbrecht

Grammatical Errors by Arabic ESL Students: an Investigation of L1 Transfer through Error Analysis , Aisha Saud Alasfour

Foreign Language Anxiety, Sexuality, and Gender: Lived Experiences of Four LGBTQ+ Students , James Donald Mitchell

Verb Stem Alternation in Vaiphei , Jesse Prichard

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Teacher and Student Perceptions of World Englishes (WE) Pronunciations in two US Settings , Marie Arrieta

Escalating Language at Traffic Stops: Two Case Studies , Jamalieh Haley

Lexical Bundles in Applied Linguistics and Literature Writing: a Comparison of Intermediate English Learners and Professionals , Kathryn Marie Johnston

Multilingualism and Multiculturalism: Opinions from Spanish-Speaking English Learners from Mexico, Central America, and South America , Cailey Catherine Moe

An Analytical System for Determining Disciplinary Vocabulary for Data-Driven Learning: an Example from Civil Engineering , Philippa Jean Otto

Loanwords in Context: Lexical Borrowing from English to Japanese and its Effects on Second-Language Vocabulary Acquisition , Andrew Michael Sowers

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

The Effect of Extended Instruction on Passive Voice, Reduced Relative Clauses, and Modal Would in the Academic Writing of Advanced English Language Learners , Audrey Bailey

Identity Construction and Language Use by Immigrant Women in a Microenterprise Development Program , Linda Eve Bonder

"That's the test?" Washback Effects of an Alternative Assessment in a Culturally Heterogeneous EAP University Class , Abigail Bennett Carrigan

Wiki-based Collaborative Creative Writing in the ESL Classroom , Rima Elabdali

A Study of the Intelligibility, Comprehensibility and Interpretability of Standard Marine Communication Phrases as Perceived by Chinese Mariners , Lillian Christine Holland

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Empowering All Who Teach: A Portrait of Two Non-Native English Speaking Teachers in a Globalized 21st Century , Rosa Dene David

A Corpus Based Analysis of Noun Modification in Empirical Research Articles in Applied Linguistics , Jo-Anne Hutter

Sound Effects: Age, Gender, and Sound Symbolism in American English , Timothy Allen Krause

Perspectives on the College Readiness and Outcome Achievement of Former Intensive English Language Program (IELP) Students , Meghan Oswalt

The Cognitive Development of Expertise in an ESL Teacher: A Case Study , Lyndsey Roos

Identity and Investment in the Community ESL Classroom , Jennifer Marie Sacklin

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Code Switching Between Tamazight and Arabic in the First Libyan Berber News Broadcast: An Application of Myers-Scotton's MLF and 4M Models , Ashour S. Abdulaziz

Self-Efficacy in Low-Level English Language Learners , Laura F. Blumenthal

The Impact of Wiki-based Collaborative Writing on English L2 Learners' Individual Writing Development , Gina Christina Caruso

Latino Men Managing HIV: An Appraisal Analysis of Intersubjective Relations in the Discourse of Five Research Interviews , Will Caston

Opportunities for Incidental Acquisition of Academic Vocabulary from Teacher Speech in an English for Academic Purposes Classroom , Eric Dean Dodson

Emerging Lexical Organization from Intentional Vocabulary Learning , Adam Jones

Effects of the First Language on Japanese ESL Learners' Answers to Negative Questions , Kosuke Kanda

"Had sh'er haute gamme, high technology": An Application of the MLF and 4-M Models to French-Arabic Codeswitching in Algerian Hip Hop , Samuel Nickilaus McLain-Jespersen

Is Self-Sufficiency Really Sufficient? A Critical Analysis of Federal Refugee Resettlement Policy and Local Attendant English Language Training in Portland, Oregon , Domminick McParland

Explorations into the Psycholinguistic Validity of Extended Collocations , J. Arianna Morgan

A Comparison of Linguistic Features in the Academic Writing of Advanced English Language Learner and English First Language University Students , Margo K. Russell

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

The First Year: Development of Preservice Teacher Beliefs About Teaching and Learning During Year One of an MA TESOL Program , Emily Spady Addiego

L1 Influence on L2 Intonation in Russian Speakers of English , Christiane Fleur Crosby

English Loan Words in Japanese: Exploring Comprehension and Register , Naoko Horikawa

The Role of Expectations on Nonnative English Speaking Students' Wrtiting , Sara Marie Van Dan Acker

Hypothetical Would-Clauses in Korean EFL Textbooks: An Analysis Based on a Corpus Study and Focus on Form Approach , Soyung Yoo

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Negative Transfer in the Writing of Proficient Students of Russian: A Comparison of Heritage Language Learners and Second Language Learners , Daria Aleeva

Informal Learning Choices of Japanese ESL Students in the United States , Brent Harrison Amburgey

Iktomi: A Character Traits Analysis of a Dakota Culture Myth , Marianne Sue Kastner

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Motivation in Late Learners of Japanese: Self-Determination Theory, Attitudes and Pronunciation , Shannon Guinn-Collins

Foreign Language Students' Beliefs about Homestays , Sara Racheal Juveland

Teaching Intonation Patterns through Reading Aloud , Micah William Park

Disordered Thought, Disordered Language: A corpus-based description of the speech of individuals undergoing treatment for schizophrenia , Lucas Carl Steuber

Emotion Language and Emotion Narratives of Turkish-English Late Bilinguals , Melike Yücel Koç

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

A Library and its Community: Exploring Perceptions of Collaboration , Phoebe Vincenza Daurio

A Structural and Functional Analysis of Codeswitching in Mi Vida Gitana 'My Gypsy Life,' a Bilingual Play , Gustavo Javier Fernandez

Writing Chinuk Wawa: A Materials Development Case Study , Sarah A. Braun Hamilton

Teacher Evaluation of Item Formats for an English Language Proficiency Assessment , Jose Luis Perea-Hernandez

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Building Community and Bridging Cultures: the Role of Volunteer Tutors in Oregon’s Latino Serving Community-Based Organizations , Troy Vaughn Hickman

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

Beyond the Classroom Walls: a Study of Out-Of-Class English Use by Adult Community College ESL Students , Tracey Louise Knight

Theses/Dissertations from 2004 2004

A Dialect Study of Oregon NORMs , Lisa Wittenberg Hillyard

Theses/Dissertations from 2003 2003

The Acquisition of a Stage Dialect , Nathaniel George Halloran

Self-perceptions of non-native English speaking teachers of English as a second language , Kathryn Ann Long

The Development of Language Choice in a German Immersion School , Miranda Kussmaul Novash

Theses/Dissertations from 2002 2002

Writing in the Contact Zone: Three Portraits of Reflexivity and Transformation , Laurene L. Christensen

A Linguistic Evaluation of the Somali Women's Self Sufficiency Project , Ann Marie Kasper

Theses/Dissertations from 2001 2001

Attitudes at the Bank : A Survey of Reactions to Different Varieties of English , Sean Wilcox

Theses/Dissertations from 2000 2000

A Comparison of the Child Directed Speech of Traditional Dads With That of Stay-At-Home Dads , Judith Nancarrow Barr

Error Correction Preferences of Latino ESL Students , John Burrell

The Relationship Between Chinese Character Recognition Strategies and the Success of Character Memorization for Students of Mandarin Chinese , Hui-yen Emmy Chen

Portland dialect study: the story of /æ/ in Portland , Jeffrey C. Conn

On Communicative Competence : Its Nature and Origin , Mary Lou Emerson

The Influence of Cultural Backgrounds on the Interpretations of Literature Texts Used in the ESL Classroom , Barbara Jostrom Gates

Chinese Numeratives and the Mass/Count Distinction , David Goodman

Learning, Motivation, and Self : A Diary Study of an ESL Teacher’s Year in a Japanese Language Classroom , Laura Ruth Hawks

Portland Dialect Study - High Rising Terminal Contours (HRTs) in Portland Speech , Rebecca A. Wolff

Theses/Dissertations from 1998 1998

The Bolinger Principle and Teaching the Gerunds and Infinitives , Anna Maria Baratta-Zborowski

Training for Volunteer Teachers in Church-Affiliated English Language Mission Programs , Janet Noreen Blackwood

Šawaš ılıˀ--šawaš wawa: A Participant Observation Case Study of Language Planning by the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon , Gregry Michael Davis

Phonological Processing of Japanese Kanji Characters , Randy L. Evans

Academic ESL Reading : Semantic Mapping and Lexical Acquisition , Jeffrey Darin Maggard

The Representation of Gender in Current ESL Reading Materials , Kyunghee Ma

Perception of English Passives by Japanese ESL Learners : Do Adversity Passives in L1 Transfer? , Koichi Sawasaki

Theses/Dissertations from 1997 1997

Non-Literate Students in Adult Beginning English as a Second Language Classrooms - A Case Study , Sandra Lynn Banke

A Case Study of Twelve Japanese ESL Students' Use of Interaction Modifications , Darin Dooley

The Home-School Connection: Parental Influences on a Child's ESL Acquisition , Catharine Jauhiainen

A Comparison of Two Second Language Acquisition Models for Culturally and Linguistically Different Students , Karen Dorothy Kuhn

ESL CD-ROM Principles and their Application: A Software Evaluation , Stephanie Burgi LaMonica

Developing a Language in Education Policy for Post-apartheid South Africa: A Case Study , Nancy Murray

Video Self-Monitoring as an Alternative to Traditional Methods of Pronunciation Instruction , P. C. Noble

Analysis of Rhetorical Organization and Style Patterns in Korean and American Business Fax Letters of Complaint in English , Mi Young Park

The Importance of Time for Processing in Second Language Comprehension and Acquisition , Jennifer Lee Watson

Theses/Dissertations from 1996 1996

The Constraints of a Typological Implicational Universal for Interrogatives on Second Language Acquisition , Dee Anne Bess

An Assessment of the Needs of International Students for Student Services at Southern Oregon State College , Molly K. Emmons

The relationship between a pre-departure training program and its participants' intercultural communication competence , Daniel Timothy Ferguson

An Exploratory Evaluation of Language and Culture Contact by Japanese Sojourners in a Short-term US Academic Program , Elizabeth Anna Hartley

Correction of Classroom Oral Errors: Preferences among University Students of English in Japan , Akemi Katayama

An Analysis of Japanese Learners' Comprehension of Intonation in English , Misako Okubo

An Evaluation of English Spoken Fluency of Thai Graduate Students in the United States , Sugunya Ruangjaroon

A Cross-cultural Study of the Speech Act of Refusing in English and German , Charla Margaret Teufel

Theses/Dissertations from 1995 1995

An Examination of the English Vocabulary Knowledge of Adult English-for-Academic-Purposes Students: Correlation with English Second-Language Proficiency and the Validity of Yes/No Vocabulary Tests , Robert Scott Fetter

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Masters Theses

linguistics dissertations topics

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Home > Linguistics > Graduate Dissertations

Linguistics Graduate Dissertations

Dissertations from 2021 2021.

Linguistic Variation from Cognitive Variability: The Case of English 'Have' , Muye Zhang

Dissertations from 2020 2020

Argument Structure and Argument-marking in Choctaw , Matthew Tyler

Dissertations from 2019 2019

Affix Ordering and Templatic Morphology in Mandan , Ryan Kasak

A Jewel Inlaid: Ergativity and Markedness in Nepali , Luke S. Lindemann

Dissertations from 2016 2016

Forming Wh-Questions in Shona: A Comparative Bantu Perspective , Jason Zentz

Dissertations from 2014 2014

Windesi Wamesa Morphophonology , Emily A. Gasser

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Since 1999, most theses and dissertations submitted by graduate students at the university are published online in the UGA Electronic Theses and Dissertations Database (ETD) . This page is a list of recent theses and dissertations produced by graduates of the University of Georgia M.A. and Ph.D. programs in Linguistics, with a link to the UGA ETD page for the pdf file.


Trevor Ramsey . Ph.D., 2023. Phonetic Trend in the Speech of Transgender Speakers of English and German Advisor: Margaret Renwick

Julia Horton. M.A., 2023. So What Does It Do?: the Multifunctionality of Discourse Marker so in Two Television Sitcoms Advisor: Sarah E. Blackwell

Michael Gray. M.A., 2023. Emojis and the Expression of Queer Identity: A Sentiment Analysis Approach Advisor: Chad Howe

Andrew Robert Bray. Ph.D., 2022. A Hockey-Based Persona: The Sociolinguistic Impact of Canadian English on American-Born Players Advisor: Chad Howe

Kit Callaway. Ph.D., 2022. From Ey to Ze: Gender-neutral Pronouns as Pronominal Change Advisor: Chad Howe

Wonbin Kim.  Ph.D., 2022. Distributional Corpus Analysis of Korean Neologisms using Artificial Intelligence Advisor:  William A. Kretzschmar 

Katherine Ireland Kuiper. Ph.D., 2022. Patterns of Health: A Corpus Analysis of Health Information and Messaging Advisor: William A. Kretzschmar

Rachel Miller Olsen. Ph.D., 2022. IT’S ALL IN HOW YOU SAY IT: PROSODIC CUES TO SOCIAL IDENTITY AND EMOTION Advisor: Margaret E. L. Renwick

Shannon Penton Rodriguez. Ph.D., 2022. Constructing, Performing, and Indexing “Southern” Latino Identities: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of the Intersection of Ethnicity and Place in the Speech of Young Adult Latinos in Georgia Advisor: Chad Howe



Lisa Lipani. Ph.D., 2021. Subphonemic Variation in English Stops: Studies using automated methods and large-scale data Advisor: Margaret Renwick

Michael Olsen. Ph.D., 2021. CULTURAL KEYWORDS IN AMERICAN EDITORIAL DISCOURSE Advisor: William A. Kretzschmar

Bailey Bigott. M.A., 2021. Mock Infantile Speech: A Sociolinguistics Perspective Advisor: Jon Forrest

Kora Layce Burton. M.A., 2021. Lexical and Thematic "Peculiar Mood" Development of Faërie Language in the Germanic Cauldron of Story Advisor: Jared Klein

Mary Caroline Clabby. M.A., 2021. Comme Y’all Voulez: Translanguaging Practices in Digitally Mediated Communication Advisor: Linda Harklau


Lindsey Antonini. Ph.D., 2020. The Copula in Malayalam Advisor: Pilar Chamorro

Joey Stanley. Ph.D., 2020. Vowel Dynamics of the Elsewhere Shift: A Sociophonetic Analysis of English in Cowlitz County, Washington Advisor: Lewis Chadwick Howe

Longlong Wang. Ph.D.., 2020. The Past Tenses in Colloquial Singapore English Advisor: Pilar Chamorro

Douglas C. Merchant. Ph.D., 2019. Idioms at the interface(s): towards a psycholinguistically grounded model of sentence generation Advisor: Timothy Gupton

Aidan Oliver Cheney-Lynch.  M.A., 2019. Studies in feminine derivation in Vedic Advisor: Jared Klein

Conni Diane Covington.  M.A., 2019. Frequency and the German(ic) verb: a historical sociolinguistic study of class VII Advisor: Joshua Bousquette

William James Lackey III . M.A., 2019. Denasalization in early austronesian Advisor: Jared Klein

Kelly Wade Petronis . M.A., 2019. Finding the game: a conversation analysis of laughables and play frames in comedic improv Advisor: Ruth Harman

Mohammad Fahad Aljutaily . Ph.D. 2018. The influence of linguistic and non-linguistic factors on the variation of Arabic marked consonants in the speech of Gulf Pidgin Arabic : acoustic analysis Advisor: Lewis (Chad) Howe

Sofia Alexandrovna Ivanova . Ph.D. 2018. Cue weighting in the acquisition of four American English vowel contrasts by native speakers of Russian Co-Advisors: Victoria Hasko and Keith Langston

Elisabeth Wood Anderson Lacross .   Ph.D. 2018. Variation in future temporal reference in southern France Advisor: Diana Ranson

Sandra McGury .   Ph.D. 2018. Passives are tough to analyze Advisor: Vera Lee-Schoenfeld

Amanda Nicole Walls . Ph.D. 2018. Israel's Pagan Passover Advisor: Richard Friedman

Alexander Ankirskiy . M.A. 2018. Investigating the potential for merger of Icelandic 'flámæli' vowel pairs through functional load Advisor: Margaret Renwick

Ryan Michael Dekker . M.A. 2018. Income effects on speech community: : Oconee County within northeastern Georgia Advisor: Lewis (Chad) Howe

Nicole Elizabeth Dreier . M.A. 2018. Gender in Proto-Indo-European and the feminine morphemes Advisor: Jared Klein

Melissa Ann Gomes . M.A. 2018. A Holistic Analysis of Get Constructions Advisor: Vera Lee-Schoenfeld

Jason D Hagler . M.A. 2018. Call of qatullu: towards an understanding of the semantic role of terminal root consonant reduplication in the Semitic languages Advisor: Baruch Halpern

Joshua Robert Hummel . M.A. 2017. Conflict's connotation: a study of protest and riot in contemporary news media Advisor: Lewis (Chad) Howe

Madeline Asher Jones . M.A. 2017. The impact of EFL teacher motivational strategies on student motivation to learn english in Costa Rica Advisor: Vera Lee-Schoenfeld

Mariah Lillian Copeland Parker . M.A. 2017. Flippin' the script, joustin' from the mouth: a systemic functional linguistic approach to hip hop discourse Advisor:  Ruth Harman

Christa August Rampley . M.A. 2017. Ratchet: an etymological origin & social dispersion theory Advisor: Lewis (Chad) Howe

Joseph Thomas Rhyne . M.A. 2017. Quantifying the comparative method: applying computational approaches to the Balto-Slavic question Advisor: Jared Klein

Wei Chen . Ph.D. 2016. The impact of environmental factors on the production of english narratives by Spanish-English bilingual children Advisor: Liang Chen

Richard Moses Katz Jr . Ph.D. 2016. The resultative in Gothic Advisor: Jared Klein

Martin Jakub Macak . Ph.D. 2016. Studies in classical and modern Armenian phonology   Advisor: Jared Klein

Judith Allen Oliver . Ph.D. 2016. When fingerspelling throws a curveball Advisor: William Kretzschmar

Andrew Michael Paczkowski . Ph.D. 2016. Toward a new method for analyzing syntax in poetry: discriminating grammatical patterns in the Rigveda Advisor: Jared Klein

Jennimaria Kristiina Palomaki . Ph.D. 2016. The pragmatics and syntax of the Finnish -han particle clitic Advisor: Vera Lee-Schoenfeld

Calvin Ferst . M.A. 2016. Walhalla: language shift in the garden of the gods Advisor: Joshua Bousquette

Maisy Elizabeth French . M.A. 2016. When orthography and phonology collide: an examination of the effect of orthography on the phonetic production of homophones Advisor: Margaret Renwick

Karen Elizabeth Sesterhenn . M.A. 2016. An overview of the phenomenon of doublets in English Advisor: Jared Klein

Steven Slone Coats . Ph.D. 2015. Finland Twitter English: lexical, grammatical, and geographical properties Advisor: William Kretzschmar

Xiangyu Jiang . Ph.D. 2015. Ultimate attainment in the production of narratives by Chinese-English bilinguals Advisor: Liang Chen

Rachel Virginia Nabulsi . Ph.D. 2015. Burial practices, funerary texts, and the treatment of death in Iron Age Israel and Aram Advisor: Richard Friedman

Tomoe Nishio . Ph.D. 2015. Negotiating contradictions in a Japanese-American telecollaboration: an activity theory analysis of online intercultural exchange Advisor: Linda Harklau

Xiaodong Zhang . Ph.D. 2015. A discourse approach to teachers? beliefs and textbook use: a case study of a Chinese college EFL classroom Advisor: Ruth Harman

Michael Reid Ariail . M.A. 2015. Language and dialectal variation in request structures: an analysis of Costa Rican Spanish and southern American English Advisor: Sarah Blackwell

Eleanor Detreville . M.A. 2015. An overview of Latin morphological calques on Greek technical terms: formation and success Advisor: Jared Klein

Luke Madison Smith . M.A. 2015. External possession and the undisentanglability of syntax and semantics Advisor: Vera Lee-Schoenfeld

Scott Lee . Ph.D. 2014. The phonetics of intonation in learner varieties of French Advisor: Keith Langston

Laura Brewer . M.A. 2014. Cognitive connections between linguistic and musical syntax: an optimality theoretic approach Advisor: Keith Langston

Courtney Ann Macer . M.A. 2014. Relearning heritage language phonology Advisor: Margaret Renwick

Tiffany Strickland . M.A. 2014. Eat their words: a corpus-based analysis of grocery store discourse Advisor: Jonathan Evans

Julia Catherine Patterson Sturm . M.A. 2014. Idiomatization of preverb + verb compounds in the ?g Veda Advisor: Jared Klein

Kenneth Jeffrey Knight . Ph.D. 2013. L1 English vocalic transfer in L2 Japanese Advisor: Don McCreary

Heather Lee Mello . Ph.D. 2013. Analysis of language variation and word segmentation for a corpus of Vietnamese blogs: a sociolinguistic approach Advisor: William Kretzschmar

Hugo Enrique Mendez . Ph.D. 2013. Canticles in translation: the treatment of poetic language in the Greek, Gothic, Classical Armenian, and Old Church Slavonic gospels Advisor: Jared Klein

Nicole Elizabeth Siffrinn . M.A. 2013. Using appraisal analysis to map value systems in high-stakes writing rubrics Advisor: Ruth Harman

Mark Raymund Wenthe . Ph.D. 2012. Issues in the placement of enclitic personal pronouns in the Rigveda Advisor: Jared Klein

Ellen Marie Ayres . M.A. 2012. Influences on gender agreement in adjectives among adult learners of Spanish Advisor: Don McCreary

Marcus Paul Berger . M.A. 2012. Parallel hierarchies: a minimalist analysis of nominals and gerunds Advisor: Vera Lee-Schoenfeld

Kelly Patricia Dugan . M.A. 2012. A generative approach to homeric enjambment: benefits and drawbacks Advisor: Jared Klein

Kristen Marie Fredriksen . M.A. 2012. Constraints on perfect auxiliary contraction: evidence from spoken American English Advisor: Lewis (Chad) Howe

Anastasia Nikolaevna Sorokina . M.A. 2012. The dynamics of bilingual mental lexcon: the effects of partical conceptual equivalence on acquisition of Russian as an L2 Advisor: Victoria Hasko

Allison Rebecca Wachter . M.A. 2012. Semantic prosody and intensifier variation in academic speech Advisor: Lewis (Chad) Howe

Sam Zukoff . M.A. 2012. The phonology of verbal reduplication in Ancient Greek: an Optimality Theory approach Advisor: Jared Klein

Radia Benzehra . Ph.D. 2011. Arabic-English/ English-Arabic lexicography: a critical perspective Advisor: Don McCreary

Satomi Suzuki Chenoweth . Ph.D. 2011. Novice language learners? Off-screen verbal and nonverbal behaviors during university synchronous Japanese virtual education Advisors: Kathryn Roulston & Linda Harklau

Willie Udo Willie . Ph.D. 2011. Lexical aspect and lexical saliency in acquisition of past tense-aspect morphology among Ibibio ESL learners Advisor: Lioba Moshi

Renee Lorraine Kemp . M.A. 2011. The perception of German dorsal fricatives by native speakers of English Advisor:  Keith Langston

Erin Beltran Mitchelson . M.A. 2011. Implicature use in L2 Advisor: Don McCreary

Justin Victor Sperlein . M.A. 2011. A Phonetic Summarizer for Sociolinguists: concordancing by phonetic criteria Advisor: William Kretzschmar

Garrison E. Bickerstaff Jr . Ph.D. 2010. Construction and application of Bounded Virtual Corpora of British and American English Advisor: William Kretzschmar

Paulina Bounds . Ph.D. 2010. Perception versus production of Polish speech: Pozna? Advisor: William Kretzschmar

Alberto Centeno-Pulido . Ph.D. 2010. Reconciling generativist and functionalist approaches on adjectival position in Spanish Advisor:  Sarah Blackwell

Janay Crabtree . Ph.D. 2010. Roads and paths in adaptation to non-native speech and implications for second language acquisition Advisor: Don McCreary

Jeff Kilpatrick . Ph.D. 2010. The development of Latin post-tonic /Cr/ clusters in select Northern Italian dialects Advisor: Jared Klein

Joseph Allen Pennington . Ph.D. 2010. A study of purpose, result, and casual hypotaxis in early Indo-European gospel versions Advisor: Jared Klein

Aram Cho . M.A. 2010. Influence of L1 on L2 learners of Korean: a perception test on Korean vowels and stop consonants Advisor: Don McCreary

Frances Rankin Gray . M.A. 2010. It's like 120 milliseconds: a search for grammaticalization in the duration of like in five functions Advisor: Don McCreary

Magdalene Sophia Jacobs . M.A. 2010. The decline of the French passe simple: a variationist analysis of the passÉ simple and passe compose in selected texts from the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries Advisor: Diana Ranson

Nathan Loggins . M.A. 2010. Mandarin loanword phonology: a case study of three English mid vowels Advisor: Keith Langston

Caley Charles Smith . M.A. 2010. The development of final [asterisk]/-as/ in Pre-Vedic Advisor: Jared Klein

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  • Automatic Analysis of Epistemic Stance-Taking in Academic English Writing: A Systemic Functional Approach  Eguchi, Masaki ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-10 ) Existing linguistic textual measures that investigate features of academic writing often focus on lexis, syntax, and cohesion, despite writing skills being considered more complex and multifaceted (e.g., Sparks et al., ...
  • Empirical Foundations of Socio-Indexical Structure: Inquiries in Corpus Sociophonetics and Perceptual Learning  Gunter, Kaylynn ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) Speech is highly variable and systematic, governed by the internal linguistic system and socio-indexical factors. The systematic relationship of socio-indexical factors and variable phonetic forms, referred to here as ...
  • Information Management in Isaan Storytelling  Raksachat, Milntra ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) This study is an investigation of information packaging or information structure properties associated with selected productive morphosyntactic constructions in Isaan narrative texts. The description and analysis of ...
  • Case and Gender Loss in Germanic, Romance, and Balkan Sprachbund Languages  Alhazmi, Mofareh ( University of Oregon , 2023-03-24 ) My dissertation investigates the loss of morphological case and grammatical gender in the Germanic, Romance, and Balkan Sprachbund languages. Crucial language-internal and language-external motivations are considered. To ...
  • Influences on Expert Intelligibility Judgments of School-age Children's Speech  Potratz, Jill ( University of Oregon , 2023-03-24 ) Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) make impressionistic intelligibility judgments as part of an evaluation of children for speech sound disorders. Despite the lack of formalization, it is an important measure of choice ...
  • Factors that affect generalization of adaptation  Lee, Dae-yong ( University of Oregon , 2023-03-24 ) As there is a growing population of non-native speakers worldwide, facilitating communication involving native and non-native speakers has become increasingly important. While one way to help communication involving native ...
  • The Chepang language: Phonology, Nominal and Verbal morphology - synchrony and diachrony of the varieties of the Lothar and Manahari Rivers  Pons, Marie-Caroline ( University of Oregon , 2022-10-26 ) N/A
  • L2 Motivation in Language Revitalization Practice  Taylor-Adams, Allison ( University of Oregon , 2022-10-26 ) This dissertation investigates the initial and ongoing motivations of language revitalization practitioners. This study extends our understandings of language revitalization from the programmatic and sociological levels ...
  • Indigenous Methodologies in Linguistics: A Case Study of Nuu-wee-ya' Language Revitalization  Hall, Jaeci ( University of Oregon , 2021-11-23 ) Doing linguistic research for the purpose of language revitalization, academic inclusion, and social justice fundamentally changes the perspective, questions, and goals of the work. Framing this research in a traditional ...
  • Factors affecting the incidental formation of novel suprasegmental categories  Wright, Jonathan ( University of Oregon , 2021-11-23 ) Humans constantly use their senses to categorize stimuli in their environment. They develop categories for stimuli when they are young and constantly add to existing categories and learn novel categories throughout their ...
  • Production and Perception of Native and Non-native Speech Enhancements  Kato, Misaki ( University of Oregon , 2020-12-08 ) One important factor that contributes to successful speech communication is an individual’s ability to speak more clearly when their listeners do not understand their speech. Though native talkers are able to implement ...
  • Contingency, Contiguity, and Capacity: On the Meaning of the Instrumental Case Marking in Copular Predicative Constructions in Russian  Tretiak, Valeriia ( University of Oregon , 2020-12-08 ) This study investigates the use of the Instrumental case marking in copular predicative constructions in Russian. The study endeavors to explain why the case marking whose prototypical meaning cross-linguistically is that ...
  • Towards Modelling Pausing Patterns in Adult Narrative Speech  Kallay, Jeffrey ( University of Oregon , 2020-12-08 ) The study that is the focus of this dissertation had 2 primary goals: 1) quantify systematic physiological, linguistic and cognitive effects on pausing in narrative speech; 2) formalize a preliminary model of pausing ...
  • Teaching Papa to Cha-Cha: How Change Magnitude, Temporal Contiguity, and Task Affect Alternation Learning  Smolek, Amy ( University of Oregon , 2020-02-27 ) In this dissertation, we investigate how speakers produce wordforms they may not have heard before. Paradigm Uniformity (PU) is the cross-linguistic bias against stem changes, particularly large changes. We propose the ...
  • Verbal Morphology of Amdo Tibetan  Tribur, Zoe ( University of Oregon , 2020-02-27 ) This dissertation describes the functional and structural properties of the Amdo Tibetan verb system. Amdo Tibetan (Tibetic, Trans-Himalayan) is a verb-final language, characterized by an elaborate system of post-verbal ...
  • Investigating differential case marking in Sümi, a language of Nagaland, using language documentation and experimental methods  Teo, Amos ( University of Oregon , 2020-02-27 ) One goal in linguistics is to model how speakers use natural language to convey different kinds of information. In theories of grammar, two kinds of information: “who is doing what (and to whom)”, the technical term for ...
  • Nominalization and Predication in Ut-Ma'in  Paterson, Rebecca ( University of Oregon , 2020-02-27 ) U̠t-Ma'in is a Kainji, East Benue-Congo language, spoken in northwestern Nigeria (ISO 639-3 code [gel]). This study contributes to our understanding of Benue-Congo languages by offering the first indepth look at nominalization ...
  • Prosodic Prominence Perception, Regional Background, Ethnicity and Experience: Naive Perception of African American English and European American English  McLarty, Jason ( University of Oregon , 2020-02-27 ) Although much work has investigated various aspects of African American English (AAE), prosodic features of AAE have remained relatively underexamined (e.g. McLarty 2018; Thomas 2015). Studies have, however, identified ...
  • A Historical Reconstruction of the Koman Language Family  Otero, Manuel ( University of Oregon , 2020-02-27 ) This dissertation is a historical-comparative reconstruction of the Koman family, a small group of languages spoken in what now constitutes the borderlands of Ethiopia, Sudan and South Sudan. Koman is comprised five living ...
  • Accessibility, Language Production, and Language Change  Harmon, Zara ( University of Oregon , 2019-09-18 ) This dissertation explores the effects of frequency on the learning and use of linguistic constructions. The work examines the influence of frequency on form choice in production and meaning inference in comprehension and ...

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100+ Compelling Linguistics Research Topics for University Students

Linguistics Research Topics

Confused while selecting the interesting linguistics research topics to pen down your thoughts on a piece of paper? So, bounce back to this article and pick the best linguistics research paper topics and boost your grades.

Un-layering the essence of teaching-learning methodology demonstrates the development of linguistic theories. Linguistics is a science of language in which fact-finding is done through some rational and systematic study. While digging into the information about the history of linguistics, two perspectives on languages are unveiled: prescriptive and descriptive views.

The linguistic analysis uncovers the following areas: phonetics, phonology, syntax, morphology, semantics, and pragmatics. Furthermore, the scrutinization of linguistics helps you to know about every aspect of languages as well as methods for studying them.

Table of Contents

How To Choose the Right Linguistics Research Topics?

Stress work is the indication of degraded academic performance and lower grades even if we talk about a linguistics research paper. Make your every endeavor effective and energetic by applying the right strategy. Therefore, make the right selection for your academic writing that starts from the interesting topic selection in linguistics.

Moreover, take advantage of research paper help and discuss your concerns with professional writers. As a suggestion, you can choose the right linguistics research topics by keeping the following points in your mind:

Find your interest: Linguistics uncover various aspects of language learning and allow you to expand your mind capabilities. So, try to explore the depth of the subject and find your area of interest. It will make your academic writing more interesting and enthralling.

Brainstorm the ideas: Picking the interesting linguistics topics demands your knowledge and expertise. Therefore, you need to take the advantage of brainstorming and collect various ideas to explore the concept of linguistics.

Perform pensive research : When you are keen to score high marks, you need to have sufficient knowledge. Conduct insightful research and uncover the pensive ideas for your research paper topics in linguistics.

Interesting Topics in Linguistics

Linguistics is the foundation of language knowledge. Linguistics theories indeed are interrelated to learning the English language. When you have to boost your grades, your selection for linguistics research paper topics makes a huge difference.  Some of the interesting linguistics research topics are:

  • Explain the significance of music in the evolution of language.
  • Does age really impact English pronunciation?
  • What is the role of sociolinguistics education in creating discipline?
  • What is the significance of language in creating teaching methodology?
  • Analysis of verbal and written communication based on language usage.
  • Is it important to have expertise in several languages?
  • Explain the issues related to receptive language disorder and its impact on brain development.
  • How do you correlate sentence-making and word flow in linguistics?
  • Discuss the comparability between English and French languages.
  • Factors responsible for different spoken languages.
  • The impact of slang in the development of languages.
  • Is text messaging creating a revolutionary subculture in the new linguistic scenario?
  • How are linguistic patterns helpful in locating migration roadways?
  • What are factors affecting the capability of learning a language?
  • Explain the role of language in building a national identity for developing a multicultural society.
  • Digital Revolution: impact of computers in modern language
  • A systematic review on vowel pronunciation in the American Schools.
  • Significance of language in creating cross-cultural communities: A comprehensive review
  • Elucidate the impact of language on one’s perception.
  • Textual and Linguistic analysis for housing studies.

Stimulating Research Paper Topics In Sociolinguistics

While seeking linguistics research topics for your assignments or research paper, you may find sociolinguistics interesting to explore. Sociolinguistics demonstrates the impact of language on our society. When you are keen to explore the effect of language in different aspects of society (including cultural values and expectations), you need to do an in-depth analysis of sociolinguistics.

For building a good foundation on sociolinguistics, you can select the following linguistics paper topics:

  • How would you define linguistic practices in specific communities?
  • An elaborative approach for code-switching and code-mixing
  • Explain the impact of dialect on gender.
  • A correlational study to share the relationship between language, social class, and cognition.
  • In-depth study of interactional sociolinguistics in the 21st Century.
  • A comprehensive analysis on accountability and aptness of dialect.
  • Evaluate the education of language in the U.S.
  • The role of languages in controlling emotions.
  • Effectiveness of verbal communication in expressing one’s feelings: A competitive analysis.
  • A literature review on communication with a precise comparison of verbal and non-verbal communication
  • Difference between advanced placement (AP) English literature and language.
  • What is the relationship between language and one’s personality?
  • A critical analysis on the relation of language and ethnicity.
  • Describe the attitudes to various languages among societies.
  • A comprehensive approach on dialect variations in American English-speaking people.
  • Scrutinize linguistic variation on language loyalty.
  • Develop a good understanding of sociological variations to languages.
  • Impact of the generation gap on language usage.
  • Examine the impact of various factors (social tension, media, racism, and entertainment) on the utilization of languages.
  • Is there a difference between linguistic practices among men and women?

Also, Read: 150+ Business Research Topics

Interesting Research Topics in Applied Linguistics

Are you looking for linguistics research topics to advance your learning abilities? In such a case, you have to learn about “Applied Linguistics.” It is the branch of linguistics in which one can understand the practical applications of language studies such as speech therapy, language teaching, and more.

In other words, applied linguistics offers solutions to deal with language-related real-life problems. Imperative academic areas where you can find the applications of applied linguistics are psychology, education, sociology, communication research, and anthropology. Some applied linguistics research paper topics:

  • Discuss the expansion of learning a second language through reading.
  • Share your learning on the critical period hypothesis for the acquisition of the second language.
  • Impact of bilingualism on an individual’s personality.
  • Linguistics evaluation on the difference between written and spoken language.
  • Describe language cognition and perceptions in a learning process.
  • Impact of language barriers on healthcare delivery.
  • Detailed analysis on various methodologies to learn applied linguistics.
  • Discuss the relationship between empathy and language proficiency in learners of adult language.
  • Detailed analysis on multilingualism and multiculturalism.
  • Impact of extended instructions on the use of passive voices, modals, and relative clauses: A critical analysis.
  • Explain digitally-mediated collaborative writing for ESL students.
  • How do we evaluate self-efficacy in students who speak low-level English language?
  • Elucidate the significance of phrasal verbs in creating technical documents.
  • Expectations of American Students while taking Japanese language classes.
  • A detailed study on American deaf students in English as a Non-Native Language (ENNL) classes.
  • How do you understand by modeling music with Grammars?
  • The cognitive development of expertise as an ESL teacher: An insightful analysis.
  • Sound Effects: Gender, Age, and Sound symbolism in American English.
  • Importance of applied linguistics in today’s digital world.

Also, Read: Modern Literature

Interesting Research Topics in Semantics

The study of reference, meaning, and the truth is covered under semantics or semiotics, or semasiology. A comprehensive analysis of semantics reflects the essence of compositional semantics and lexical semantics.  The combination of words and their interaction to form larger experiences like sentences comes under compositional semantics. Whereas, the notion of words is shared under lexical semantics.

Some academic disciplines in linguistic semantics are conceptual semantics, cognitive semantics, formal semantics, computational semantics, and more. Linguistic research paper topics on Semantics are as follows:

  • Examine meaning work in language interpretation and scrutinization
  • A critical evaluation of language acquisition and language use.
  • Challenges in the study of semantic and pragmatic theory.
  • Discuss semantics lessons and paragraph structure in written language.
  • How do you explain the semantic richness effects in the recognition of visual words?
  • How richness of semantics affects the processing of a language.
  • Semantic generation to action-related stimuli: A neuroanatomical evaluation of embodied cognition.
  • Examine the understanding of blind children for reading phonological and tactual coding in Braille.
  • Explain a semantic typology of gradable predicates.
  • A comparison of between blind and sighted children’s memory performance: the reverse-generation effect.
  • Clinical research for designing medical decision support systems.
  • Discuss word recognition processes in blind and sighted children.
  • A corpus-based study on argumentative indicators.
  • The typology of modality in modern West Iranian languages.
  • A critical analysis on changes in naming and semantic abilities in different age groups.
  • Explain the multidimensional semantics of evaluative adverbs.
  • A comprehensive analysis on procedural meaning: problems and perspectives.
  • Cross-cultural and cross-linguistic perspectives on figurative language.
  • Elucidate semantic and pragmatic problems in discourse and dialogue.

Topics For Linguistics Essays

A curiosity of exploring the various concepts in linguistics leads you to work on essays. Projecting your thoughts in writing linguistics essays makes you understand the structure and changes in human languages. In a case, if you are searching for the best topics in linguistics, go through the following list of linguistics essays:

  • Difference between human language and artificial language.
  • Classification of writing systems based on various stages of development.
  • The laws of language development
  • Culture and language: impact on reflections.
  • Methodology of reading and writing for children by Albert James.
  • Significance of phoneme and phonological matters
  • The complexity of human language: the specific cases of the apes
  • Explain the development of languages and derivational morphology.
  • Detailed analysis on language extinction.
  • Investigate the peculiarities of English-Chinese and Chinese-English translations.
  • A comprehensive overview on the acquisition of English as a second language by Mid-Eastern students.
  • Discuss semiology in language analysis.
  • Impact of blogging on learning languages.
  • Linguistics: grammar and language teaching.
  • English Language: Explain its standard and non-standard types.
  • Discuss speech community as linguistic anthropology.
  • A systematic review on linguistic diversity in modern culture.
  • Similarities and differences between language and logic.
  • What is the impact of language on digital communication?
  • Listening comprehension: a comparative analysis of the articles.

Computational Linguistics Research Topics

Analysis and synthesis of language and speech using the techniques of computer science share the significance of computational linguistics. This branch of linguistics reflects the study of computational modeling of natural language. It also describes the computational approaches to answering the linguistic questions.

Under computational linguistics, you can explore different concepts such as artificial intelligence, mathematics, computer science, cognitive science, neuroscience, anthropology. More interesting computational linguistics research topics are:

  • Explain the factors measuring the performance of speech recognition.
  • Discuss word sense disambiguation.
  • Detailed analysis on dependency parsing based on graphs and transitions.
  • A multidimensional analysis on linguistic dimensions
  • Analyze Medieval German poetry through supervised learning.
  • Extraction of Danish verbs.
  • Analysis of Schizophrenia text dataset.
  • An intra-lingual contrastive corpus analysis based on computational linguistics.
  • Discuss various methods to introduce, create, and conclude a text.

Still, Confused? Select The Compelling Linguistics Research Topics With Our Writers!

Are you still stressed about picking the right linguistics research paper topic? Without striking the right ideas to your mind, you find it hard to initiate your research work. But, don’t take tension anymore. Our professional and Ph.D. writers will help you to make the appropriate selection for linguistics assignments. Grab our online paper help and receive customized solutions for your research papers.

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By Alex Brown

I'm an ambitious, seasoned, and versatile author. I am experienced in proposing, outlining, and writing engaging assignments. Developing contagious academic work is always my top priority. I have a keen eye for detail and diligence in producing exceptional academic writing work. I work hard daily to help students with their assignments and projects. Experimenting with creative writing styles while maintaining a solid and informative voice is what I enjoy the most.

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List of Top Linguistics Dissertation Topics and Ideas in 2023

Are you experiencing difficulty picking a linguistics dissertation title ? Linguistics dissertation topics are frequently considered as a different and complex subject that includes a sharp investigation of linguistics, structure, semantics, and history of different dialects.

Also, check related posts for French dissertation topics and English dissertation topics.

Language may appear as a single word, but it is a complete discipline having its own diverse areas and domains. Linguistics dissertation topics cover all these areas such as phonology, structure, semantics, applications, and many others as well.

Different languages are spoken throughout the world, and each has its own specific areas. Linguistics thesis topics also cover the differences between different global languages and their structures as well as functions.

Applied linguistics and socio-linguistics are the two most widely researched areas of investigation in the field of linguistics on a global level.

List of Top Linguistics Dissertation Topics and Ideas for college students

Given below is an interesting list of research topics in linguistics:

  • Historical analysis of systematic functional linguistics: connecting past with the present and the future.
  • Undergoing critical discourse analysis using corpus linguistics methods: a review of the literature.
  • An integration between corpus linguistics and audiovisual translation.
  • Understanding the link between resilience linguistics and orthography: a descriptive study.
  • Speakers of endangered languages: how linguistic training can help?
  • Structural linguistics and Saussurean linguistic thought: focus on emergence and development.
  • Using computational corpus linguistics methods to analyze continuous neuronal activity in natural speech.
  • Systemic functional linguistics and culturally sustaining pedagogies: understanding the relationships.
  • Low-level English language users in an education program: benefits of teaching linguistics.
  • The role played by linguistics in the domain of feminism: a systematic analysis.
  • Language teaching education and folk linguistics: a descriptive study.
  • Second language learners and cognitive linguistics challenges: a review of the literature.
  • Uncovering the Unknown Chomsky in linguistics: a qualitative approach.
  • Linking linguistics, ethnography, and evangelism: a descriptive approach.
  • Cognitive linguistics and fictive motion: understanding the relationship.
  • Place of ELT in the field of applied linguistics in X country.
  • How romantic mythopoeia has affected Khoesan linguistics? A descriptive study.
  • Historical analysis of clinical linguistics: connecting past with present and future.
  • Studying the relationship between structural linguistics and linguistics of universals.
  • Understanding language, linguistics, and literature in modern foreign languages: a descriptive approach.
  • Correlational analysis of cognitive neuropsychology, aphasia therapy, and clinical linguistics.
  • Research in applied linguistics: potential challenges and interventions.
  • Using systemic functional linguistics as a culturally sustainable approach towards academic language education.
  • Cognitive linguistics: conceptual complexity versus semantic complexity.
  • Problem-solving inference as a high-order cognitive skill in linguistics: a descriptive study.
  • The role played by language vitality and linguistics delivery in development of linguistics: a systematic analysis.
  • Descriptive analysis of structure and substance in linguistics.
  • Understanding the ethical practices in clinical linguistics: a review of the literature.
  • Descriptive linguistics in UK versus USA: a comparative analysis.
  • Language endangerment in 21 st century: the role played by linguistics.
  • The role played by ethnology and linguistics in translation problems: a quantitative study.
  • Corpus linguistics: past, present, and future.
  • Educational linguistics in developed versus developing countries of the world: a comparative analysis.
  • Language learning and experimental linguistics: a grounded theory approach.
  • Effects of accountability and transparency in applied linguistics: a descriptive study.
  • The sensitivity of the distinction between English-restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses for Chinese L2-learners
  • The effects of literature circles on Chinese foreign language immersion students’ literacy-skills
  • Future directions for ‘role and reference grammar’: Distinctions to be drawn between Russian and English
  • An assessment of standardized and spontaneous language measures in late talkers
  • The interrelation between Cornish identity and Cornish dialect: A case study of two Cornish octogenarians and two Cornish twenty year old.
  • Gender in the community of practice ‘University Caving Club’: Phonological variation
  • The use of metaphor as a motivator for change: Differences in Obama’s rhetoric between the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections.
  • How Another Set of Linguistics Become the Norm: The Way Technology Changes Communication
  • How Neuro-Linguistic  Programming (NLP) Can Reduce Negative Power of Words for Trauma-Victims
  • The Rapid Development of Language: How Childhood Can Make or Break-Speech

To compose an excellent paper, it would help if you had the option to break down and reach robust inferences on a few zones of linguistics to demonstrate your insight and competency in control. Above is the list of linguistics dissertation topics, and you can choose one to make your dissertation exceptional.

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Recent Masters Theses

Since 2009, most theses submitted by M.A. and M.S. recipients at the university are published online at the OhioLINK Electronic Theses & Dissertations Center (EDT). This page lists theses submitted by recipients of the M.A. in Linguistics, beginning with the more recent theses which are avalable through EDT. We are currently in the process of extending the list back to the first OSU M.A. in Linguistics (Thomas Scovel's thesis on A distinctive feature analysis of the phonemic segments of Mandarin in 1964), and intend to provide a link to a pdf file or other publication information where available and otherwise a link to the OSU Library Catalog listing.

Riley Wagner

The Perception of Loan Verb Integration Strategies in Romanian Committee:  Brian Joseph (advisor) and Andrea Sims

Giorgio Sbardolini

Conventions and Change in Semantics Committee:  Craige Roberts (advisor)

Race, Gender, and /u/: Social Perceptions of a Non-Stereotype Feature Committee: Kathryn Campbell-Kibler (advisor) and Donald Winford

Ajda Zeynep Gokcen

A Matter of Debate: Using Dialogue Relation Labels to Augment (Dis)agreement Analysis of Debate Data Committee:  Marie-Catherine de Marneffe (advisor) and Brian Joseph

Eric Snyder

Generalizing Individuating/Measure-Ambiguities Committee:  Craige Roberts and Shapiro Stewart (co-advisors)

Jennifer Qian Zhang

Nonsibilant Fricative Acquisition by Bilingual Guoyu-Taiwanese Southern Min Children Committee:  Mary Beckman (advisor) and Micha Elsner

Yourdanis Sedarous

Studies in Nominal Modification in Bohairic Coptic Committee:  Peter Culicover and Brian Joseph (co-advisors)

Lara Downing

Dutchified English in an Ohio Mennonite Community Committee: Brian Joseph and Donald Winford

Gregory Kierstead

Projectivity and the Tagalog Reportative Evidential Committee: Craige Roberts and Judith Tonhauser (co-advisors)

Robert Brice Russ

Examining Regional Variation Through Online Geotagged Corpora Committee: Kathryn Campbell-Kibler and Brian Joseph Since receiving his MA in Linguistics, Brice Russ has worked as a social media / policy consultant, including serving a three-year term as the first Director of Communications for the LSA.

Jeffrey Parker

Palatalization and Utilization of Contrast: An Information-theoretic Investigation of Palatalization in Russian Committee: Brian Joseph and Andrea Sims After receiving his MA in Linguistics, Jeffrey Parker transferred back to the Slavic Linguistics program , where he is currently finishing his dissertation before taking up a faculty position in the Department of Linguistics and English Language at Brigham Young University.

"Y'all Done Up and Done It": The Semantics of a Perfect Construction in an Upstate South Carolina Dialect Committee: Donald Winford and Judith Tonhauser After receiving his MA, Eric Ruppe accepted the position of French immersion teacher at Meadow Glen Middle School in Lexington, SC .

Michelle Dionisio

The Syntax and Semantics of the Tagalog Plural Marker Mga Committee: Judith Tonhauser and Craige Roberts

Sara Phillips-Bourass

Implicit Imitation of Regional Dialects in Typically Developing Adults and Adults with High-Functioning Autism Committee: Cynthia Clopper and Shari Speer

Michael Collins

Cognitive Perspectives On English Word Order Committee: William Schuler and Peter Culicover

Hartman Brawley

What Informs Event Descriptions: Language, Salience, and Discourse in English and Japanese Committee: Laura Wagner, Shari Speer, and Kiwako Ito

Lia Mansfield

A CVG Approach to Verp-Particle Constructions in English Committee: Carl Pollard and Robert Levine

Youn Kyung Shin

Variability in the Use of Infinitival to in Present Day American English Committee: Brian Joseph, Robert Levine, and Donald Winford

Oxana Skorniakova

Sensitivity to Sub-Phonemic Variation: Evidence from a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Goodness-Rating Task Committee: Mary Beckman and Shari Speer

Sarah Bibyk

The Development of Children’s Processing of English Pitch Accents in a Visual Search Task Committee: Shari Speer, Laura Wagner, Cynthia Clopper, and Kiwako Ito After receiving her MA, Sarah Bibyk was accepted into the doctoral program at the University of Rochester .

Parsing with Local Content Committee: Chris Brew, Laura Wagner, and Shari Speer After receiving his MA, John Pate went on to earn a PhD at the University of Edinburgh and was a post-doctoral research fellow in Machine Learning and Computational Linguistics at Macquarie University before taking up his current position on the faculty in Linguistics at the University of Buffalo .

Differential Object Marking in Paraguayan Guaraní Committee: Judith Tonhauser and Peter Culicover After receiving his MA, Cory Shain worked for several years as a linguist at SIL International before returning to Ohio State University and entering the doctoral program in Linguistics.

Rachel Shain

The Preverb Eis - and Koine Greek Aktionsart Committee: Judith Tonhauser, Brian Joseph, and Craige Roberts

Ross Metusalem

Evoking Upcoming Contrast through Accentual Prominence: The Effect of Producing L+H* on Discourse Entities and Discourse Markers Committee: Kiwako Ito and Shari Speer After receiving his MA, Ross Metusalem went on to earn a PhD in Cognitive Science at the University of California, San Diego , where he is now teaching in the Department of Psychology.

Jon Stevens

The Old English Demonstrative: A Synchronic and Diachronic Investigation Committee: Brian Joseph and Judith Tonhauser After receiving his MA, Jon Stevens went on to earn a PhD at the University of Pennsylvania before taking up his current position on a postdoctoral researcher on the PRAGSales project in computational pragmatics at the Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS) in Berlin.

Sharon Ross

Interpretation by Adults and Children of Implicatures Generated through Contrastive Stress: Evidence that Prosodic Contrastive Stress has a Predominantly Presuppositional Character Committee: Peter Culicover and Laura Wagner After receiving her MA, Sharon Ross become a Fulbright Scholar doing research on The Semantics of Focus Marking and Contrastive Stress in Israeli Sign Language at the University of Haifa.


2024 Dissertation
Julian Vargo 2024 Honors Theses
Skyler Baysa 2024 Honors Theses
2024 Honors Theses
Naomi Schroeter 2024 Honors Theses
2024 Dissertation
2024 Dissertation
2024 Recent Publication
2024 Recent Publication
; Madeleine Oakley 2023 Recent Publication
2023 Dissertation
2023 Recent Publication
2023 Dissertation
2023 Dissertation
Andres Sanchez 2023 Honors Theses
; Ruth Kramer 2023 Recent Publication
Aishwarya Jayadeep 2023 Honors Theses
Gunjan Anand 2023 Honors Theses
Cecilia Elena Bachmann 2023 Honors Theses
Calvin Quick 2023 Honors Theses
Bryce N. Wallace 2023 Honors Theses
Cor Zanda 2023 Honors Theses
2023 Dissertation
; Alan Zhou; Christina Zhao 2023 Recent Publication
2022 Dissertation
2022 Dissertation
2022 Dissertation
Chelsea (Yuen Chun) Tang 2022 Honors Theses
; Madeleine Oakley 2022 Recent Publication
2022 Dissertation
2022 Dissertation
; Alan Zhou 2022 Recent Publication
; Alan Zhou 2022 Recent Publication
2022 Recent Publication
J. Andreas; ; M. Bronstein; R. Diamant; D. Delaney; S. Gero; S. Goldwasser; D. Gruber; S. de Haas; P. Malkin; N. Pavlov; R. Payne; G. Petri; D. Rus; P. Sharma; D. Tchernov; P. Tønnesen; A. Torralba; D. Vogt; R. Wood 2022 Recent Publication
Cooper Bedin 2022 Honors Theses
Tegan Lakshmanan 2022 Honors Theses
2022 Honors Theses
Jenkin Leung 2022 Honors Theses
Cynthia Zhong 2022 Honors Theses
; Alan Zhou 2022 Recent Publication
2022 Recent Publication
2022 Recent Publication
; 2022 Recent Publication
2021 Dissertation
2021 Dissertation
Julia Nee 2021 Dissertation
Samba Kane 2021 Honors Theses
Noah Usman 2021 Honors Theses
2021 Recent Publication
Andrew Garrett, Susan Gehr, Erik Hans Maier, Line Mikkelsen Crystal Richardson, and Clare Sandy 2021 Recent Publication
2021 Recent Publication
Jorge Hankamer and Line Mikkelsen 2021 Recent Publication
Taylor Miller; 2021 Recent Publication
Griffin David Peavler 2021 Honors Theses
Kevin Yu 2021 Honors Theses
Stacey Vu 2021 Honors Theses
Ravenna Collver 2021 Honors Theses
Teela Huff 2021 Honors Theses
Irene Yi 2021 Honors Theses
Zaphiel Miller 2021 Honors Theses
Sophia Stremel 2021 Honors Theses
Alleia Guerrero 2021 Honors Theses
2021 Recent Publication
; Daniel Duncan 2021 Recent Publication
Ana Lívia Agostinho; 2021 Recent Publication
; ; Jaime Pacaya Inuma; Ema Llona Yareja; Hermenegildo Díaz Cuyasa; Ligia Inuma Inuma 2021 Recent Publication
2021 Recent Publication
2021 Recent Publication
2021 Recent Publication
2021 Recent Publication
2021 Recent Publication
; 2021 Recent Publication
2021 Recent Publication
2021 Recent Publication
2021 Recent Publication
; Hannah L. Sande; Florian A. J. Lionnet; Nicholas R. Rolle; Emily C. Clem 2021 Recent Publication
; William R. Leben 2021 Recent Publication
Geoffrey Bacon 2020 Dissertation
2020 Dissertation
Hardik Kothare; Inez Raharjo; Vikram Ramanarayanan; Kamalini Ranasinghe; Benjamin Parrell; ; John F. Houde; Srikantan S. Nagarajan 2020 Recent Publication
2020 Recent Publication
2020 Recent Publication
Charron (Sonny) Davis, Vina Smith, Nancy Super (nén Jerry), Peter Super Sr., Charlie Thom Sr., Line Mikkelsen 2020 Recent Publication
Gahl, Susanne 2020 Recent Publication
2020 Recent Publication
Daniel Hardt and Line Mikkelsen 2020 Recent Publication
Virginia Dawson 2020 Dissertation
Andrew Cheng 2020 Dissertation
Margaret E. Cychosz 2020 Dissertation
Alice Shen 2020 Dissertation
2020 Recent Publication
2020 Recent Publication
Yuni Kim; 2020 Recent Publication
2020 Recent Publication
Amelia Mei Fineberg 2020 Honors Theses
Karina Fong-Hirschfelder 2020 Honors Theses
Sarah H. Roberts 2020 Honors Theses
Chuang, Y. Y., Vollmer, M. L., Shafaei-Bajestan, E., Gahl, S., Hendrix, P., & Baayen, R. H. 2020 Recent Publication
2020 Recent Publication
; ; 2020 Recent Publication
Konrad Rybka; 2020 Recent Publication
2020 Recent Publication
Alice Shen; ; 2020 Recent Publication
Alice Shen; Gahl, Susanne; Johnson, Keith 2020 Recent Publication
2020 Recent Publication
; Natalia Chousou-Polydouri 2020 Recent Publication
2020 Recent Publication
2020 Recent Publication
2020 Recent Publication
2020 Recent Publication
Pius Akumbu; ; Roland Kiessling 2020 Recent Publication
Margaret Cychosz; Jan R. Edwards; Benjamin Munson; 2019 Recent Publication
; Ronald L. Sprouse 2019 Recent Publication
2019 Recent Publication
2019 Recent Publication
Kenneth Paul Baclawski, Jr. 2019 Dissertation
2019 Recent Publication
Sarah Rivka 2019 Honors Theses
; Natalia Chousou-Polydouri; 2019 Recent Publication
2019 Recent Publication
2019 Recent Publication
Emily C. Clem 2019 Dissertation
Kelsey C. Neely 2019 Dissertation
Amalia E. Skilton 2019 Dissertation
; ; Jaime Pacaya Inuma; Ema Llona Yareja; Hermenegildo Díaz Cuyasa; Ligia Inuma Inuma 2019 Recent Publication
2019 Recent Publication
Matthias J. Sjerps; Neal P. Fox; ; Edward F. Chang 2019 Recent Publication
; Nico Baier; 2019 Recent Publication
Emily Clem; ; 2019 Recent Publication
Romi Yount 2019 Honors Theses
Yvette Yi-Chi Wu 2019 Honors Theses
Eric Chen 2019 Honors Theses
Gahl, Susanne; Baayen, Harald 2019 Recent Publication
; ; Jaime Pacaya Inuma; Ema Llona Yareja; Hermenegildo Díaz Cuyasa; Ligia Inuma Inuma 2019 Recent Publication
2019 Recent Publication
2019 Recent Publication
; Florian A. J. Lionnet; Christophère Ngolele 2019 Recent Publication
2019 Recent Publication
2019 Recent Publication
2019 Recent Publication
Virginia Dawson; 2019 Recent Publication
; Nicholas R. Rolle; Hannah L. Sande; Emily C. Clem; ; Florian A. J. Lionnet; John Merrill; Nico Baier 2019 Recent Publication
; Vera Hohaus 2019 Recent Publication
Katrina R. Olsen 2018 Honors Theses
2018 Recent Publication
Emily Clem 2018 Recent Publication
2018 Recent Publication
2018 Recent Publication
John J. Ohala 2018 Recent Publication
; Julia Nee 2018 Recent Publication
Virginia Dawson 2018 Recent Publication
Boris Harizanov; 2018 Recent Publication
; Andrew Koontz-Garboden; Emmanuel-Moselly Makasso 2018 Recent Publication
2018 Recent Publication
Noga Zaslavsky; Charles Kemp; ; Naftali Tishby 2018 Recent Publication
Noga Zaslavsky; Charles Kemp; Naftali Tishby; 2018 Recent Publication
Bernat Bardagil-Mas 2018 Recent Publication
Claudette Rogers; Dixie Rogers; 2018 Recent Publication
Nicholas R. Rolle 2018 Dissertation
Matthew D. Faytak 2018 Dissertation
John T. M. Merrill 2018 Dissertation
Nicholas B. Baier 2018 Dissertation
2018 Recent Publication
Sarah Bakst; 2018 Recent Publication
Thiago Costa Chacon; 2018 Recent Publication
2018 Recent Publication
2018 Recent Publication
2018 Recent Publication
Josh Chartier; Gopala K. Anumanchipalli; ; Edward F. Chang 2018 Recent Publication
Beth Martyn 2018 Honors Theses
Justin Knight 2018 Honors Theses
Claudia C. Valdivia 2018 Honors Theses
Tammy Elizabeth Stark 2018 Dissertation
Auburn L. Barron-Lutzross 2018 Dissertation
; ; Sr. Haroldo Vargas Pereira 2018 Recent Publication
; ; Jaime Pacaya Inuma 2018 Recent Publication
Vera Gribanova; 2018 Recent Publication
; Leena Huss; Gerald Roche 2018 Recent Publication
Khalil Iskarous; Darya Kavitskaya 2018 Recent Publication
; 2018 Recent Publication
Jason Merchant; ; Deniz Rudin; Kelsey Sasaki 2018 Recent Publication
; Frans Plank 2018 Recent Publication
2018 Recent Publication
2018 Recent Publication
2018 Recent Publication
2018 Recent Publication
2018 Recent Publication
2018 Recent Publication
2018 Recent Publication
Kenneth Baclawski Jr. 2018 Recent Publication
2018 Recent Publication
Florian A. J. Lionnet; 2018 Recent Publication
2018 Recent Publication
; Frans Plank 2018 Recent Publication
Jorge Hankamer; 2018 Recent Publication
2018 Recent Publication
Jeffrey Reaser; ; Karissa Wojcik; Walt Wolfram 2018 Recent Publication
Katherine Sardinha 2017 Dissertation
Kayla Rae Begay 2017 Dissertation
; Maria Koptjevskaja-Tamm 2017 Recent Publication
Manuel Widmer; Sandra Auderset; ; Paul Widmer; Balthasar Bickel 2017 Recent Publication
2017 Recent Publication
; Emmanuel-Moselly Makasso; 2017 Recent Publication
Sarah G. Bakst 2017 Dissertation
Jonathan T. Manker 2017 Dissertation
Clare S. Sandy 2017 Dissertation
Hannah L. Sande 2017 Dissertation
; Andrew Hedding 2017 Recent Publication
Jevon S. Heath 2017 Dissertation
Eric H. Prendergast 2017 Dissertation
Patience Epps; 2017 Recent Publication
Michael Dohn 2017 Honors Theses
Joshua Martin 2017 Honors Theses
Andrew Shibata 2017 Honors Theses
Qiu Ting Liu 2017 Honors Theses
; Ligia Inuma Inuma; Jaime Pacaya Inuma 2017 Recent Publication
Gregory Scontras; Kathryn Davidson; ; Sarah E. Murray 2017 Recent Publication
; Hilter Panduro Güimack; ; Jaime Pacaya Inuma; Ema Llona Yareja; Hermenegildo Díaz Cuyasa; Ligia Inuma Inuma; Kathryn Metz 2017 Recent Publication
2017 Recent Publication
; Jaime Pacaya Inuma 2017 Recent Publication
2017 Recent Publication
; 2017 Recent Publication
2017 Recent Publication
Jenneke van der Wal; 2017 Recent Publication
2017 Recent Publication
2017 Recent Publication
2017 Recent Publication
2017 Recent Publication
Elise Stickles 2016 Dissertation
Florian A. J. Lionnet 2016 Dissertation
Christine M. Sheil 2016 Dissertation
Libby Perfitt 2016 Honors Theses
Emma Wilcox 2016 Honors Theses
Sarah Lee; Jonah Katz 2016 Recent Publication
; Kashmiri Stec 2016 Recent Publication
Oana A. David 2016 Dissertation
2016 Recent Publication
Emily Cibelli; Yang Xu; Joseph Austerweil; Thomas Griffiths; 2016 Recent Publication
Kevin Holmes; 2016 Recent Publication
Kenneth Baclawski Jr.; 2016 Recent Publication
Stephanie Shih; 2016 Recent Publication
2016 Recent Publication
Roslyn C. Burns 2016 Dissertation
Elizabeth Ann Amazing 2016 Honors Theses
Sharon Inkelas ; Stephanie Shih 2016 Recent Publication
Kristofer E. Bouchard; David F. Conant; Gopala K. Anumanchipalli; Benjamin Dichter; Kris S. Chaisanguanthum; ; Edward F. Chang 2016 Recent Publication
Ruth Rouvier 2016 Recent Publication
Connie Cheung; Liberty S. Hamilton; ; Edward F. Chang 2016 Recent Publication
Tara McAllister Byun; ; Yvan Rose 2016 Recent Publication
; Lise Menn 2016 Recent Publication
; Julia Strand 2016 Recent Publication
2016 Recent Publication
2016 Recent Publication
2016 Recent Publication
; 2016 Recent Publication
2016 Recent Publication
2016 Recent Publication
2016 Recent Publication
; Matthew Wolf 2016 Recent Publication
2016 Recent Publication
2016 Recent Publication
2016 Recent Publication
Natalia Chousou-Polydouri; Joshua Birchall; Sérgio Meira; Zachary O’Hagan; 2016 Recent Publication
Shinae Kang; ; Gregory Finley 2015 Recent Publication
Shinae Kang 2015 Dissertation
Marilola Perez 2015 Dissertation
Emily Cibelli; Matthew Leonard; ; Edward F. Chang 2015 Recent Publication
Chundra A. Cathcart 2015 Dissertation
I-Hsuan Chen 2015 Dissertation
Emily S. Cibelli 2015 Dissertation
Jessica Cleary-Kemp 2015 Dissertation
Stephanie Farmer 2015 Dissertation
Gregory Finley 2015 Dissertation
Tom Recht 2015 Dissertation
Daniel Hardt; 2015 Recent Publication
; Sharon Rose 2015 Recent Publication
2015 Recent Publication
2015 Recent Publication
2015 Recent Publication
Jeff Spingeld 2015 Honors Theses
Whitney White 2015 Honors Theses
Mark Harvey; Susan Lin; Ben Davies; Katherine Demuth 2015 Recent Publication
Susan Lin; Katharine Demuth 2015 Recent Publication
2015 Recent Publication
2015 Recent Publication
2015 Recent Publication
2015 Recent Publication
Matthew Faytak; Susan Lin 2015 Recent Publication
2015 Recent Publication
2015 Recent Publication
; Natalia Chousou-Polydouri; Keith Bartolomei; Erin Donnelly; Vivian Wauters; Sérgio Meira; 2015 Recent Publication
Sarah Bakst; Susan Lin 2015 Recent Publication
2015 Recent Publication
Clara Cohen 2014 Dissertation
David C. Kamholz 2014 Dissertation
John Sylak-Glassman 2014 Dissertation
Daniel Bruhn 2014 Dissertation
Nima Mesgarani; Connie Cheung; ; Edward F. Chang 2014 Recent Publication
2014 Recent Publication
2014 Recent Publication
2014 Recent Publication
Melinda D. Fricke 2013 Dissertation
Justin Spence 2013 Dissertation
2013 Dissertation
; Stephanie Farmer; Gregory Finley; ; Karina Sullón Acosta 2013 Recent Publication
2013 Recent Publication
Iksoo Kwon 2012 Dissertation
Dominic Yu 2012 Dissertation
Amy M. Campbell 2012 Dissertation
Ramon M. Escamilla, Jr. 2012 Dissertation
Hannah J. Haynie 2012 Dissertation
Jisup Hong 2012 Dissertation
2012 Recent Publication
Thera M. Crane 2011 Dissertation
Johnny E. George 2011 Dissertation
Reiko Kataoka 2011 Dissertation
Russell R. Lee-Goldman 2011 Dissertation
Yao Yao 2011 Dissertation
Erin F. Haynes 2010 Dissertation
Michael J. Houser 2010 Dissertation
Shira Eden Katseff 2010 Dissertation
Nicole E. Marcus 2010 Dissertation
Mischa A. Park-Doob 2010 Dissertation
Maziar Toosarvandani 2010 Dissertation
Eugenia Antic 2010 Dissertation
Charles B. Chang 2010 Dissertation
Rebecca T. Cover 2010 Dissertation
Ellen K. Dodge 2010 Dissertation
Samuel E. Tilsen 2009 Dissertation
Molly E. Babel 2009 Dissertation
Andrew Dolbey 2009 Dissertation
Jenny S. Lederer 2009 Dissertation
Teresa McFarland 2009 Dissertation
Andrew Simpson 2009 Dissertation
Gabriela Caballero 2008 Dissertation
Christian DiCanio 2008 Dissertation
Marc Ettlinger 2008 Dissertation
Nicholas Fleisher 2008 Dissertation
Yuni Kim 2008 Dissertation
Anne Pycha 2008 Dissertation
2008 Recent Publication
Esther Jane Wood 2007 Dissertation
Fan-Pei Gloria Yang 2007 Dissertation
Bonnie Jean Henson 2007 Dissertation
Wesley Y. Leonard 2007 Dissertation
Karen S. Sullivan 2007 Dissertation
Olga I. Gurevich 2006 Dissertation
David R. Mortensen 2006 Dissertation
Pawel M. Nowak 2006 Dissertation
Mary E. Paster 2006 Dissertation
Ryan K. Shosted 2006 Dissertation
Kenneth VanBik 2006 Dissertation
Tomoko Yamashita Smith 2005 Dissertation
Makiko Takekuro 2005 Dissertation
William F. Weigel 2005 Dissertation
Rosemary Beam de Azcona 2004 Dissertation
Mel Chen 2004 Dissertation
Lisa J. Conathan 2004 Dissertation
Paul G. Dudis 2004 Dissertation
Sara Gesuato 2004 Dissertation
Josef K. Ruppenhofer 2004 Dissertation
Galen Sibanda 2004 Dissertation
Suzanne Wertheim 2003 Dissertation
Alan C.L. Yu 2003 Dissertation
Laura Buszard-Welcher 2003 Dissertation
Richard Sterling Cook 2003 Dissertation
Jeffrey Good 2003 Dissertation
Heather R. Jones 2003 Dissertation
Jonathan Barnes 2002 Dissertation
Matthew Juge 2002 Dissertation
Marvin Gould Kramer 2002 Dissertation
Aimée Lahaussois 2002 Dissertation
Julie Lewis 2002 Dissertation
Nurit Melnik 2002 Dissertation
Jason D. Patent 2002 Dissertation
Paula Kadose Radetzky (Rogers) 2002 Dissertation
Benjamin Bergen 2001 Dissertation
Leela Bilmes 2001 Dissertation
Yoon-Suk Chung 2001 Dissertation
Gunnar Hansson 2001 Dissertation
Darya Kavitskaya 2001 Dissertation
Madelaine Plauché 2001 Dissertation
Rungpat Roengpitya 2001 Dissertation
2000 Dissertation
Joshua S. Guenter 2000 Dissertation
Michael Meacham 2000 Dissertation
Kevin Ezra Moore 2000 Dissertation
Jocelyn Ahlers 1999 Dissertation
Jonathan Evans 1999 Dissertation
Christopher Johnson 1999 Dissertation
Weera Ostapirat 1999 Dissertation
David Peterson 1999 Dissertation
Nancy Urban 1999 Dissertation
Anita Liang 1998 Dissertation
Pamela Morgan 1998 Dissertation
Natasha Warner 1998 Dissertation
Mary Bucholtz 1997 Dissertation
David Gamon 1997 Dissertation
Joseph Grady 1997 Dissertation
Armindo Ngunga 1997 Dissertation
Sarah Taub 1997 Dissertation
Jon Aske 1997 Dissertation
Anna Berge 1997 Dissertation
Cheryl Zoll 1996 Dissertation
Norine Berenz 1996 Dissertation
Colleen Cotter 1996 Dissertation
Joyce Mathangwane 1996 Dissertation
Kyoko Ohara (Hirose) 1996 Dissertation
Orhan Orgun 1996 Dissertation
Mirjam Fried 1995 Dissertation
Kira Hall 1995 Dissertation
John Lowe 1995 Dissertation
Lionel Wee 1995 Dissertation
David Costa 1994 Dissertation
Melinda Givens 1994 Dissertation
Kathleen Hubbard 1994 Dissertation
Jean-Pierre Koenig 1994 Dissertation
Jeong-Woon Park 1994 Dissertation
Richard Perry 1994 Dissertation
Hana Filip 1993 Dissertation
Orin Gensler 1993 Dissertation
Laura Michaelis 1993 Dissertation
Josephat Rugemalira 1993 Dissertation
Zhong-Wei Shen 1993 Dissertation
Jackson Sun 1993 Dissertation
Kok Seong Teo 1993 Dissertation
Charles Wooters 1993 Dissertation
1992 Dissertation
Toshio Ohori 1992 Dissertation
Eugene Buckley 1992 Dissertation
John L. Cherry 1992 Dissertation
Adele Goldberg 1992 Dissertation
Stephen Wilson 1991 Dissertation
Michele Emanatian 1991 Dissertation
Susan Herring 1991 Dissertation
Herbert Luthin 1991 Dissertation
Birch Moonwomon 1991 Dissertation
Lawrence Morgan 1991 Dissertation
Mary Niepokuj 1991 Dissertation
Eric Pederson 1991 Dissertation
Mark Seligman 1991 Dissertation
Randy LaPolla 1990 Dissertation
Vasiliki Nikiforidou 1990 Dissertation
Maria-Margarida Salomão 1990 Dissertation
Deborah Davison 1989 Dissertation
Nicholas Faraclas 1989 Dissertation
Mark Hansell 1989 Dissertation
Elisabeth Kuhn 1989 Dissertation
Yoshiko Matsumoto 1989 Dissertation
Michelle Caisse 1988 Dissertation
George (Tucker) Childs 1988 Dissertation
Thomas Larsen 1988 Dissertation
Martha Macri 1988 Dissertation
Margot Peet 1988 Dissertation
James Watters 1988 Dissertation
Mariscela Amador-Hernández 1988 Dissertation
Claudia Brugman 1988 Dissertation
Mary Catherine O'Connor 1987 Dissertation
Katherine Turner 1987 Dissertation
Liansheng Zhang 1987 Dissertation
Farrell Ackerman 1987 Dissertation
Kazue Hata 1987 Dissertation
Karen Hunold 1987 Dissertation
Chinfa Lien 1987 Dissertation
Monica Macaulay 1987 Dissertation
Miriam Petruck 1986 Dissertation
Robert Sanders 1986 Dissertation
David Solnit 1986 Dissertation
Raquel Teixeira 1986 Dissertation
Amy Dahlstrom 1986 Dissertation
Catherine Davies 1986 Dissertation
Donald Goral 1986 Dissertation
Ann Hawkinson 1986 Dissertation
Rhoda Kesselman 1986 Dissertation
Knud Lambrecht 1986 Dissertation
Jan-Ola Östman 1986 Dissertation
Christopher Court 1985 Dissertation
John Kingston 1985 Dissertation
Shigeko Okamoto 1985 Dissertation
Marie-Alice Schlichter 1985 Dissertation
Pamela Downing 1984 Dissertation
Jeanne Van Oosten 1984 Dissertation
1984 Dissertation
Charlotte Baker-Shenk 1983 Dissertation
Ning-Ping Chan 1983 Dissertation
James Collins 1983 Dissertation
John Crothers 1983 Dissertation
Jean Mark Gawron 1983 Dissertation
David Magier 1983 Dissertation
Yasuhiko Nagano 1983 Dissertation
Alan Shaterian 1983 Dissertation
Marilyn Silva 1983 Dissertation
Linda Coleman 1982 Dissertation
Mary Erbaugh 1982 Dissertation
Monica Heller 1982 Dissertation
Haruko Kawasaki 1982 Dissertation
Malcolm McClure 1982 Dissertation
David Shaul 1982 Dissertation
Gregory Shenaut 1982 Dissertation
Julian Wheatley 1982 Dissertation
Robert S. Bauer 1982 Dissertation
Christine Chiarello 1982 Dissertation
Masayoshi Hirose 1981 Dissertation
David Justic 1981 Dissertation
Mark Mandel 1981 Dissertation
Boyd Michailovsky 1981 Dissertation
Anthony C. Woodbury 1981 Dissertation
Jon Dayley 1981 Dissertation
John DuBois 1981 Dissertation
Peggy McCurdy 1980 Dissertation
Henry Thompson 1980 Dissertation
Jozef Verschueren 1980 Dissertation
Kenneth Whistler 1980 Dissertation
Andrew Allen 1980 Dissertation
Glenn Thompson Ayres 1980 Dissertation
Patricia Clancy 1980 Dissertation
Leanna Gaskins 1980 Dissertation
Gary B. Holland 1980 Dissertation
Jeri Jaeger 1980 Dissertation
Deborah Tannen 1979 Dissertation
Jean Pierre Beland 1978 Dissertation
Namgui Chang 1978 Dissertation
Mary Ellen Greenlee 1978 Dissertation
Hector Javkin 1978 Dissertation
Svata Louda 1978 Dissertation
Joseph Davidson, Jr. 1977 Dissertation
Leonard M. Faltz 1977 Dissertation
Brent Galloway 1977 Dissertation
Eduardo Hernández-Chávez 1977 Dissertation
Pauline Jacobson 1977 Dissertation
Kathryn Klar 1977 Dissertation
Marc Okrand 1977 Dissertation
Robert Van Valin, Jr. 1977 Dissertation
Harold Clumeck 1977 Dissertation
William Ewan 1976 Dissertation
William Foley 1976 Dissertation
Lynn Friedman 1976 Dissertation
Chiu-Chung Liao 1976 Dissertation
Graham Thurgood 1976 Dissertation
Barbara Abbott 1976 Dissertation
Howard Argoff 1976 Dissertation
James Bauman 1975 Dissertation
Ira Collins 1975 Dissertation
Geoffrey Gamble 1975 Dissertation
Jagdish Jain 1975 Dissertation
Hasmig Seropian 1975 Dissertation
Sandra Shamis 1975 Dissertation
Michael Nichols 1974 Dissertation
Carol Ann Simpson 1974 Dissertation
Donald Baker 1973 Dissertation
Alice Grundt 1973 Dissertation
Burckhard Mohr 1973 Dissertation
1973 Dissertation
Kanita Kanasut Roengpitya 1973 Dissertation
Masayoshi Shibatani 1973 Dissertation
Shou-hsin Teng 1972 Dissertation
Richard Applegate 1972 Dissertation
Douglas Parks 1972 Dissertation
Bruce Pearson 1972 Dissertation
Leonard Talmy 1972 Dissertation
Joel Erickson 1971 Dissertation
Victor Girard 1971 Dissertation
Alan Kaye 1971 Dissertation
Charles Li 1971 Dissertation
Mauricio Mixco 1971 Dissertation
James Stone 1971 Dissertation
Benjamin Ka-Yin T'sou 1971 Dissertation
1971 Dissertation
Victor K. Golla 1970 Dissertation
Andrew Gonzalez 1970 Dissertation
Robert Hollow, Jr. 1970 Dissertation
Charles Johnson 1970 Dissertation
Lyn Kypriotaki 1970 Dissertation
Julius Moshinsky 1970 Dissertation
Szilard Imre Szabo 1970 Dissertation
Alva Wheeler 1970 Dissertation
Jean Critchfield Braine 1970 Dissertation
June Rumery McKay 1969 Dissertation
David Rood 1969 Dissertation
Allan Taylor 1969 Dissertation
William Ballard 1969 Dissertation
Una Canger 1969 Dissertation
Robert Wen Hsu 1969 Dissertation
Thomas Collord 1968 Dissertation
Elaine Marlowe Kaufman 1968 Dissertation
Joseph Malone 1967 Dissertation
1967 Dissertation
Russell Ultan 1967 Dissertation
Frances Wilson 1967 Dissertation
Sally McLendon 1966 Dissertation
Shirley Silver 1966 Dissertation
James M. Crawford 1966 Dissertation
Margaret Langdon 1966 Dissertation
Haruo Aoki 1965 Dissertation
Joseph Cooke 1965 Dissertation
Mary LeCron Foster 1965 Dissertation
William H. Jacobsen 1964 Dissertation
Hikmet Sebuktekin 1964 Dissertation
Sheldon Klein 1963 Dissertation
Esther Matteson 1963 Dissertation
Harvey Pitkin 1963 Dissertation
Catherine A. Callaghan 1963 Dissertation
Frederic Jenkins 1963 Dissertation
Terrence Kaufman 1963 Dissertation
Wick Miller 1962 Dissertation
William J. Samarin 1962 Dissertation
Karl Teeter 1962 Dissertation
Robert Oswalt 1961 Dissertation
Phillip Barker 1959 Dissertation
Jesse Sawyer 1959 Dissertation
William Shipley 1959 Dissertation
Robert B. Jones 1958 Dissertation
Sydney Lamb 1957 Dissertation
Lili Rabel 1957 Dissertation
William Bright 1955 Dissertation
Emma Wintler Johnson 1954 Dissertation
Pliny Earle Goddard 1904 Dissertation


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  2. 130+ Excellent Linguistics Research Topics and Ideas

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  3. 130+ Original Linguistics Research Topics: That Need To Know

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  4. 100+ Linguistic Topics

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  5. List of 28+ Linguistics Dissertation Topics

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  6. 144+ Awesome Research Topics in Linguistics

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  1. 211 Interesting Research Topics in Linguistics For Your Thesis

    Linguistics Research Paper Topics. If you want to study how language is applied and its importance in the world, you can consider these Linguistics topics for your research paper. They are: An analysis of romantic ideas and their expression amongst French people. An overview of the hate language in the course against religion.

  2. PDF A Guide to Writing a Senior Thesis in Linguistics

    A linguistics thesis is an original research project undertaken during your senior year at Harvard College . You will conduct research into past literature on your topic, con- ... Tutorials are seminars led by graduate students on linguistics topics that are not covered (or not covered in depth) in introductory linguistics courses . A tutorial ...

  3. Recent dissertation topics

    Recent dissertation topics. A small sample of recent dissertation topics, broken down by subject: Phonetics and Phonology. ... The role of pre-linguistic phonetic knowledge in lexical and phonological advance; Exploring the role of systematization in phonological development: A dynamic systems perspective ...

  4. 55 Top-Rated Research Topics in Linguistics For an A+

    A critical evaluation of language and ethnicity. Analyzing language attrition among most English speakers. Distinct functions of language among different communities. Interesting Topics in ...

  5. Recent Dissertation Titles

    Department of Linguistics Boylston Hall, 3rd floor, Cambridge, MA 02138 Tel: (617) 495-4054 Fax: (617) 496-4447 [email protected]

  6. Recent PhD Dissertations

    Recent PhD Dissertations. DeLoge, Alana Nicole (2022) Quechua Ethnolinguistic Vitality: A Perspective on and from Health . Advisor: Shelome Gooden. Naismith, Benjamin S (2022) Examiner judgments of collocational proficiency in L2 English learners' writing . Neumann, Farrah (2021) When Phonological Systems Collide: The Role of the Lexicon in ...

  7. Linguistics Theses and Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2021. PDF. Trademarks and Genericide: A Corpus and Experimental Approach to Understanding the Semantic Status of Trademarks, Richard B. Bevan. PDF. First and Second Language Use of Case, Aspect, and Tense in Finnish and English, Torin Kelley. PDF. Lexical Aspect in-sha Verb Chains in Pastaza Kichwa, Azya Dawn Ladd.

  8. Dissertation List

    Explore the dissertations of MIT Linguistics graduates, covering topics in syntax, semantics, phonology, and more. Find out their current positions and research projects.

  9. Dissertations

    Dissertations | Department of Linguistics | University of Washington. Main Office (Guggenheim Hall 414) services will be remote only July 16 to 23, 2024. Please email [email protected] with general questions or leave a message at 206-543-2046. For undergraduate advising, please contact Humanities Academic Services.

  10. Linguistics and English Language PhD thesis collection

    This is a selection of some of the more recent theses from the department of Linguistics and English Language. ... This thesis follows a research ... Learning to lose: the role of input variability in the loss of V2  Meisezahl, Marc (The University of Edinburgh, 2024-06-18) The loss of verb second (V2) in languages like English and French is ...

  11. Applied Linguistics Dissertations and Theses

    Theses/Dissertations from 2015. Empowering All Who Teach: A Portrait of Two Non-Native English Speaking Teachers in a Globalized 21st Century, Rosa Dene David. A Corpus Based Analysis of Noun Modification in Empirical Research Articles in Applied Linguistics, Jo-Anne Hutter.

  12. DSpace

    Dissertations from 2021. Shifting the Perspectival Landscape: Methods for Encoding, Identifying, and Selecting Perspectives, Carolyn Jane Anderson, Linguistics. There and Gone Again: Syntactic Structure In Memory, Caroline Andrews, Linguistics. The Event Structure of Attitudes, Deniz Özyıldız, Linguistics.

  13. Masters Theses

    Katherine E King. "Mixed Gender Agreement in Russian DPs." MA Thesis. U of Washington, 2015. Graduate, Masters Theses: Syntax: Mary K. FitzMorris. ... "Calculating LLR Topic Signatures with Dependency Relations for Automatic Text Summarization." MS Thesis. U of Washington, 2012. ... Department of Linguistics University of Washington Guggenheim ...

  14. Linguistics Graduate Dissertations

    Linguistics Graduate Dissertations . Follow. Dissertations from 2021 PDF. Linguistic Variation from Cognitive Variability: The Case of English 'Have', Muye Zhang. Dissertations from 2020 Link. Argument Structure and Argument-marking in Choctaw, Matthew Tyler. ...

  15. Theses/Dissertations

    Since 1999, most theses and dissertations submitted by graduate students at the university are published online in the UGA Electronic Theses and Dissertations Database (ETD). This page is a list of recent theses and dissertations produced by graduates of the University of Georgia M.A. and Ph.D. programs in Linguistics, with a link to the UGA ETD page for the pdf file.

  16. Recent theses

    Recent projects, theses, and dissertations. The following are recently completed PhD dissertations and MA Linguistics/MA Applied Linguistics theses, as well as MILR projects and theses. You can access any of these UVic's Research and Learning repository (UVicSpace).

  17. Linguistics Theses and Dissertations

    Kallay, Jeffrey (University of Oregon, 2020-12-08) The study that is the focus of this dissertation had 2 primary goals: 1) quantify systematic physiological, linguistic and cognitive effects on pausing in narrative speech; 2) formalize a preliminary model of pausing ...

  18. 100+ Compelling Linguistics Research Topics for University ...

    Under computational linguistics, you can explore different concepts such as artificial intelligence, mathematics, computer science, cognitive science, neuroscience, anthropology. More interesting computational linguistics research topics are: Explain the factors measuring the performance of speech recognition.

  19. 59 Best Linguistics Dissertation Topics Ideas in 2023

    List of Top Linguistics Dissertation Topics and Ideas for college students. Given below is an interesting list of research topics in linguistics: Historical analysis of systematic functional linguistics: connecting past with the present and the future. Undergoing critical discourse analysis using corpus linguistics methods: a review of the ...

  20. Dissertations and Publications

    Ph.D. Dissertations A comprehensive list of the Ph.D. dissertations written at UCLA Linguistics over the last 50+ years. Publications A list of the The UCLA Linguistics Department's normal business hours are M-F 8am-12pm, 1-4pm.

  21. Applied Linguistics Masters Theses Collection

    Japanese Reading Japlish: High School Students Study Their Own Fashion Linguistic Landscape, Gabriel Frost Johnson. Theses from 2021 PDF. Meaning-Making Dynamics of Job Interview Performances, Jacquelyn K. Bertman. Theses from 2020 PDF. Computerized Dynamic Assessment of Grammar in Second Language Development, Tina S. Randall. PDF

  22. Recent Masters Theses

    Since 2009, most theses submitted by M.A. and M.S. recipients at the university are published online at the OhioLINK Electronic Theses & Dissertations Center (EDT). This page lists theses submitted by recipients of the M.A. in Linguistics, beginning with the more recent theses which are avalable through EDT. We are currently in the process of extending the list back to the first OSU M.A.

  23. Publications

    Acoustic Measurement in Phonetics: Current practices and future directions. Emily Grabowski. 2024. Dissertation. Modeling the Role of Social Information in Speech Perception. Emily Remirez. 2024. Dissertation. Integrating commercial-off-the-shelf games in L2 English vocabulary instruction.