1. Educational Strategic Planning

    importance of educational strategic planning unesco pdf

  2. The Importance of Strategic Planning in Education

    importance of educational strategic planning unesco pdf


    importance of educational strategic planning unesco pdf

  4. UNESCO Education 2030 Framework -Sustainable Development Goal 4-Vision

    importance of educational strategic planning unesco pdf

  5. Directions for educational planning

    importance of educational strategic planning unesco pdf

  6. The Importance of Strategic Planning in Education

    importance of educational strategic planning unesco pdf


  1. Educational Planning -Meaning ,Types & Importance/शैक्षिक नियोजन //Planning

  2. Bhojshala Temple Dispute: Explained!

  3. International Symposium on Education Policies for 2030

  4. Elvira Götz @ UNESCO & Al-Hilal Saudi Football Club Partnership Signing Ceremony

  5. The Importance of Education!

  6. The Strategic Role of UNICEF


  1. Strategic planning in education: some concepts and steps

    A strategic plan in the education sector is the physical product of the strategic planning process and embodies the guiding orientations on how to run an education system within a larger national development perspective, which is evolving by nature and often involves constraints.4 II. The Strategic Management Cycle II.1.

  2. Strategic planning: techniques and methods

    To make progress in education, countries must have a clear vision of their priorities and how to achieve them. Many ministries therefore prepare strategic plans, which reflect this vision and help mobilize people and resources. Planning in most countries is influenced by local history, organization of the state, and available resources, as well as specific challenges such as natural disasters ...

  3. Educational Strategic Planning

    Strategic planning guides educational development by giving a common vision and shared priorities. Educational planning is both visionary and pragmatic, engaging a wide range of actors in defining education's future and mobilizing resources to reach its goals. For policy-makers, planning offers the path to: provide quality education for all.

  4. UNESCO education strategy 2014-2021

    The unfinished EFA agenda 17 CHAPTER 2 - TOWARDS A NEW EDUCATION AGENDA AFTER 2015 23 CHAPTER 3 - UNESCO'S STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES FOR 2014-2021 29 Strategic objective 1 Developing education systems to foster quality and inclusive lifelong learning for all 33 1. Supporting sector-wide planning, policies and reforms 34 2.

  5. PDF Educational Planning and Management

    Introduction UNESCO's International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) is the only institute in the world providing a winning combination of training in educational planning, cutting-edge research, and in-country capacity development to support educational bodies.

  6. Education sector analysis, planning and monitoring

    The first step in planning for improved learning outcomes is sector analysis. This requires a review of the available data and research on the characteristics of the education system, its performance, and its context. The next step, sector planning, uses that analysis to strategically identify priority goals, and to determine the most effective strategies, programmes, and specific activities ...

  7. PDF Improving the use of evidence for education policy, planning and

    The importance of evidence-based policy and practice to promote Sustainable Development Goal 4 Policy-makers use solid and reliable data and evidence to ensure that countries progress towards their education targets and understand policies and programmes that could improve their educational outcomes.

  8. Strategic planning: concept and rationale

    Working Paper 1, Strategic Planning: Concept and rationale, is an introductory text aiming to clarify the concept. It offers a succinct look at the key characteristics of strategic planning of education, reviews its various steps, and gives indications on how to prepare plans.

  9. Education policies and strategies

    Education is a complex system with many interconnected subsystems and stakeholders. Any decision taken on one component at one level of education brings change to other components and subsystems. This interconnectedness requires policy and decision-makers to ensure that coherent and consistent education policy and strategic frameworks are in place from a sector and system perspective. Emerging ...

  10. Improving the use of evidence for education policy, planning ...

    Improving the use of evidence for education policy, planning and implementation: strategic review Policy-makers use solid and reliable data and evidence to ensure that countries progress towards their education targets and understand policies and programmes that could improve their educational outcomes.

  11. PDF Strategic Planning in an Educational Development Centre: Motivation

    In this essay, we examine our own experiences of strategic planning for a new educational development centre situated in a Faculty of a research intensive university. Drawing from the literature, we provide a brief history of strategic planning in university contexts and consider criticisms and benefits.

  12. What is educational planning?

    Educational planning, in its broadest generic sense, is the application of rational, systematic analysis to the process of educational development with the aim of making education more effective and efficient in responding to the needs and goals of its students and society. Seen this light, educational planning is ideologically neutral.

  13. Five steps to planning for improved learning

    Developing an education sector strategic plan can be a complex and iterative process. But in its simplest form, Planning for Learning involves five basic steps, from analysis of the current situation through to the detailed planning needed to accomplish change. Below, we suggest some of the key questions education planners need to ask in order to focus each step of this process on improving ...

  14. (PDF) Strategic Planning in Education: A Systematic Review

    This article reviews the literature on strategic planning in education, its benefits, challenges, and best practices. It provides insights for improving school management and performance.

  15. PDF National Education Strategic Plan 2016-21

    This important document will play a central role in focusing our collective efforts on meaningful and measurable change in the education sector for the benefit of all citizens and our country.

  16. PDF Ministry of Education Education Strategic Plan 2018

    The importance of these efforts are underscored by enhancing institutional efficiency, upgrading kindergarten teachers' skills and promoting community participation. Also of key importance is bolstering human resources to enhance capacity.

  17. PDF Strategic Planning in Education: Some Concepts and Methods

    A strategic plan in the education sector is the physical product of the strategic planning process and embodies the guiding orientations on how to manage an education system within a larger national development perspective, which is evolving by nature and often involves constraints. 3. Three Stages of Strategic Planning.

  18. Strategic planning: organizational arrangements

    The 'Education Sector Planning Working Papers' series is based on nearly five decades of experience, gathered from numerous country partnerships. Working Paper 2, Strategic Planning: Organizational arrangements, provides guidelines for the preparation process of an education sector strategic plan. It outlines the need for such plans, and the ...

  19. (PDF) The Importance of Strategic Planning With Modern Trends in Education

    This study analyzes strategic planning in the educational environment that can contribute to changes in the quality of education tailored to the needs and progress of the times and current trends.

  20. PDF National Education Strategic Plan: 2011-2020

    Th is National Education Strategic Plan challenges the system to embark on initiatives to improve educational outcomes and to realize the goals articulated in Vision 2030, Jamaica's National Development Plan.

  21. UNESCO and education

    UNESCO and Education This brochure details the work of UNESCO's Education Sector in putting into practice its core belief that education is a human right and a powerful tool in creating sustainable development. It reveals the scope and breadth of its work as the only United Nations agency with a mandate to cover all aspects of education.

  22. Learning and teaching materials

    According to the Education 2030 Framework for Action, '[e]ducation institutions and programmes should be adequately and equitably resourced, with … books, other learning materials, open educational resources and technology that are non-discriminatory, learning conducive, learner friendly, context specific, cost effective and available to ...

  23. PDF Education Sector Strategic Plan 2021-2025

    Preparation of the Education Sector Strategic Plan 2021-2025 was informed by guidelines produced by the Global Partnership for Education, UNESCO and UNICEF. The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Educations ore Technical Team led development of the Education Sector Strategic Plan on behalf of

  24. Medium-Term Strategy for 2022-2029 (41 C/4)

    UNESCO's mission statement for the period 2022-2029 is designed to facilitate international cooperation and collaboration, harnessing the Organization's unique comparative advantage to address the challenges and seize the opportunities facing the world today. 9. UNESCO's functions for the period covered by the Medium-Term Strategy (2022 ...

  25. Rapport final

    The proposal to draw up a strategic plan was supported by the other Committee members, who agreed that the Bureau, meeting as an informal working group, should work on a draft plan that would identify and determine priorities concerning action needed for international implementation of the Second Protocol and with particular reference to the ...