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Essays About Bad Habits: 5 Essays Examples and Writing Prompts

Writing about bad habits poses an interesting topic; to help with your essays about bad habits, read our top essay examples and writing prompts below.

Many people tend to discount their bad habits as small. They get blinded to their life-shattering and long-term effects because they don’t think of it as a “big deal,” they get blinded to their life-shattering and long-term effects. 

Whether smoking or procrastination, these habits are detrimental to our quality of life. Many people don’t realize how detrimental these habits can be until they create more significant problems in their lives.

Writing about bad habits and how to kick them will create an engaging, compelling, and thought-provoking essay. Read on to see the best examples of essays about bad habits and 8 intriguing writing prompts.


1. Weekly Reflections – The Ordeal of Breaking Bad Habits by Steven Lawson

2. how to break a bad habit and replace it with a good one by james clear, 3. how bad habits form (and why they’re so difficult to break) by ian kan, 4. break your bad habits by amy novotney, 5. 5 bad business habits you need to stop immediately by dylan ogline, 8 prompts on writing essays about bad habits, 1. causes of bad habits, 2. how bad habits take a toll on the health, 3. getting past the challenge of changing bad habits, 4. how to know if a habit is bad or good, 5. does stress drive us to form bad habits, 6. are bad habits contagious learn how to avoid adopting them, 7. american habits that are considered weird or bad habits in other cultures, 8. understanding the time it takes to break a bad habit.

“Our external realities are always tied to and flow out of our interior/spiritual core. Change occurs first at one’s core and then manifests itself on the surface, not the other way around.”  

Lawson uses a spiritual approach to understand bad habits, including how they’re formed and how to get rid of them. He delved into his difficulties with transforming his bad habits and wrote about how he perceived his bad habits as a behavioral reaction to a problem.

“You can teach yourself new and healthy ways to deal with stress and boredom, which you can then substitute in place of your bad habits.”

Clear’s take on bad habits is that they are methods of dealing with stress and boredom. After explaining the formation of habits from stress and boredom, he provides methods and tips for replacing them with good habits. Clear also included examples that his readers can easily relate to.

“Of course, you might feel guilty, but the goal is to be aware of those bad habits and how often they happen. Then from there, you can hatch a plan to break those habits.”

Ian Kan’s essay on bad habits dives into the psychology behind habit formation, including the various stages. After this in-depth look, he offers various methods of transforming bad habits into good ones.

“Self-motivation is best sustained by having a clear, long-range goal that can be broken down into a series of specific, attainable smaller goals to guide one’s efforts along the way.”

Novotney’s essay focuses on the top ten habits that grad students have that prevent them from gaining further academic success. She emphasizes how these habits keep students from making it through graduate school. On top of listing a good number of commonly practiced bad habits among students, she also included solutions for fixing and correcting them.

“But with each habit I shed, my prospects got brighter. When I shed all five, my agency was on track to becoming the seven-figure business it is today.”

Ogline takes bits and pieces from his experience as a business owner to write his essay on bad habits. He also provides business smarts and wisdom for readers of his essay, whether they’re simply interested in the essay or fellow entrepreneurs.

Consider the essay ideas and topics we’ve listed below if you’re more interested in writing your essays about bad habits.

Understand why bad habits exist or how they form by reading and writing about them. Use this essay writing opportunity to talk about how certain actions, situations, or emotions may lead to the formation of some bad habits.

Like stress, bad habits can worsen a person’s health. This essay focuses on the harm bad habits may cause to a person’s physical or mental health. You can even include how bad habits caused by stress can stress a person even more.

This idea will drive you to consider how difficult it is to get out of a habit cycle. When you choose to write about this topic, ensure you research the different methods of effectively dropping bad habits for different kinds of people. It gives immense help if you’ve already experienced how hard it is to break a bad habit. 

Figure out how to write a narrative essay to better share your story.

Sometimes, a habit lies in the gray area. It can be good in certain situations and bad at other times. Thus, it’s helpful to figure out how detrimental or beneficial a habit is. Consider including a habit’s effects in the short and long term.

Bad habits can form from many things, including stress. This essay prompt encourages you to read about how stress can create bad habits in a person. For example, drinking alcohol can become a way for someone to cope with stress from work or family pressure. Then, consider other forms of bad habits and how stress might have a hand in encouraging their formation.

Essays About Bad Habits: Are Bad Habits Contagious

Like diseases, bad habits can spread from person to person. In extreme cases, bad habits can even affect entire nations. Think about the bad habits you’ve gotten from being around or observing other people. You can also apply this essay to fictional works wherein the characters start adopting each other’s bad habits. It provides a good study on how bad habits can

What you may see as a bad habit can be good in a different culture. A famous example is slurping noodles loudly in East Asian countries. Loud slurping is unpleasant and rude in the West, but it’s a sign of appreciation for the food in East Asia. Research other habits that create cultural divides and discuss the different ways people view them, whether negatively or positively.

Let’s say you’re ready to break a bad habit. The challenge is to endure until you’ve gotten rid of it or changed it into a good one. This essay idea is a perfect topic for people who have tried breaking several bad habits and want to write about the experience. Use this essay topic to explore why some bad habits took longer to stop and how difficult it has been to break them.  

Get more writing ideas from our informative essay topics list for students.   

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Essay on Good Habits – 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay for Children

Shraddha Mishra

Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay on Good Habits For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on good habits for kids, short essay on good habits in english for children, long essay on good habits for kids, importance of good habits in life, list of good habits for successful life, what will your child learn from an essay on good habits.

Essay writing is an important skill for kids because it helps them think deeply about a topic and conclude. It also helps with sentence structure, vocabulary, coming up with ideas, and presenting them in words. In the lower primary classes, students are taught the importance of good habits. One way in which the teachers focus on this topic is by assigning it for essay writing. An essay on Good Habits for classes 1, 2 & 3 can give kids many ideas for writing about their good practices as they learn how to write short and long compositions.

‘Healthy Habits’ is a great essay topic as ample knowledge on this helps kids grow up happy and healthy. We all need good habits in our daily lives. These are mostly taught to us when we are young and stay with us until the end. Let us guide your child with some essential points for writing a good essay on habits.

A broad topic like good habits for an essay can be complicated for young students to understand, and that’s why kids need a lot of practice and exposure to language to learn how to write well. If you’re also unsure how to write an essay on good habits for children, consider a few points.

  • Everything you write should back up the central point.
  • Write a sentence that sums up what you want to say. Lastly, use facts and examples to back up your point.
  • There should be an introduction, the body (one to three paragraphs), and the end. Each paragraph should have about three to four sentences, which can change depending on your writing.
  • Start your essay by saying what the main point is, and at the end of your essay, you should restate your main point.

Having good habits is like having wisdom. If you keep up the good habits, you will move ahead in life and get more admiration. You can use these 10 points in an essay on good habits for classes 1 and 2.

  • Being a good person comes from having good habits.
  • Successful people have good habits that help them grow in life.
  • Everyone respects people with good habits.
  • If you have good habits, everyone will look up to you.
  • Good habits help you learn how to control yourself.
  • An excellent social reputation depends on good habits.
  • Having good habits can make your life better.
  • Healthy habits help you stay healthy.
  • A happy life is built on good habits.
  • Good habits will attract friends and company.

Good habits are vital for good health. It is possible to develop a variety of healthy habits that are helpful to one’s health. Children will learn to write a paragraph by reading this small essay on good habits.

Good habits are essential for having good education and behaviour. It is the foundation for the growth of everyone. We need time and determination to develop good practice. We need to be disciplined as it’s difficult to leave bad habits behind. Having good manners is a stepping stone. We need to practice all positive values such as hard work, punctuality, honesty and more until it becomes a routine. Everyone loves and looks up to someone with good habits. If we have clean habits, maintain good hygiene, appear well-groomed and remain tidy, people will find us attractive and will want to be our friends. Right from children to elders, we all should have good habits to be better people.

Good habits have a great impact on a person’s lifestyle and progress in their work. Writing an essay on good habits will allow kids to know more about this crucial asset of life and they will feel encouraged to embrace some good habits in their disposition. Here is a template for your reference:

Healthy living needs a healthy body as it is the base of progress and happiness. For our body and mind to stay healthy, we must follow some good habits. We can have a healthy lifestyle by taking essential steps as follows.

Structured Timetable

Keeping a good schedule every day is very important. We should try to eat three to four healthy meals a day, drink a lot of water, and maintain a fitness routine like walking, jogging, or running. This regime keeps the body healthy and balanced, which is the key to keeping the mind healthy.

Sincerity And Honesty

Being honest is an essential good habit because it shapes our overall disposition. We can show honesty in many ways, such as by telling the truth, admitting mistakes, recognising and fixing errors, not slandering other people, and analysing and improving ourselves.

To succeed in all aspects of life in today’s world, we must be honest and work hard. The goal should be to do the best work that benefits us and the people we are with. Work ethic and honesty are the best traits to develop for school or a job.


Being on time is one of the best habits to succeed in life and is an essential aspect of life. Being on time gives us confidence because it creates a good impression and shows how interested and honest we are in our work.

Whether old or young, we need to learn to value other people. What we offer always comes back to us. People will respect us if we treat them with respect. We should always be respectful enough to say “thank you” and “I’m sorry” when appropriate.


We need to keep our surroundings clean. We need to make sure that our habits are good for the environment, and don’t cause any damage to it. Small acts like not littering, reducing the use of plastic and using dustbins will help us keep our environment clean. We need to maintain the same habit of keeping everything neat and tidy at home. When things go wrong, it’s hard to find anything if the place is messy.

Sharing is one of the most important values that helps us show love and care towards others. It develops the feeling of compassion, empathy, and togetherness.

Here are some reasons why good habita are important:

  • To help you reach your goals and dreams.
  • To make lifelong friends.
  • Family, friends, and people, in general, will respect you more.
  • Having good habits makes your life better.
  • You will achieve more success.
  • People will be willing to help you when you need it.

These good habits will help you succees in life:

  • Wake up, and go to bed early
  • Always be kind and polite to other people
  • Respect your friends, teachers, and elders
  • Have fun with good people
  • Read and learn all the time
  • Have a plan to study

Writing a composition on good habits will teach your youngster to organise their thoughts. In this way, they will learn how to structure their thoughts and ideas into the paragraphs that make up the body of their essay. They will feel motivated to absorb some good habits in their routine too.

Good habits take time to form and need discipline. Children need to learn good habits from an early age. We can live a healthy life if we keep up with good habits.

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Essay on Good Habits

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Good habits are the foundation upon which a successful and fulfilling life is built. They are like the bricks that construct the walls of our character, and they play a pivotal role in shaping our destiny. Developing and cultivating good habits is not only essential for personal growth but is also a critical aspect of achieving success in various aspects of life. In this essay, we will delve deep into the significance of good habits, their formation, and how they can pave the way for a brighter future.

The Nature of Habits

Habits are routine behaviors or actions that we perform almost unconsciously. They are deeply ingrained in our daily lives and have a significant impact on our thoughts, actions, and ultimately, our outcomes. Habits can be categorized into two types: good habits and bad habits. Good habits are actions that bring positive benefits to our lives, while bad habits have detrimental consequences.

The Formation of Habits

Habits are formed through a process that involves a cue, a routine, and a reward. The cue is the trigger that initiates the habit, the routine is the behavior itself, and the reward is the positive outcome or satisfaction gained from completing the routine. For example, the cue for a habit of reading daily may be the sight of a book, the routine is the act of reading, and the reward is the knowledge gained or the sense of accomplishment.

Developing Good Habits

Developing good habits requires conscious effort and commitment. Here are some key steps to help students inculcate good habits into their lives:

  • Self-awareness: Identify areas in your life where you want to develop good habits. It could be related to academics, health, time management, or personal growth.
  • Start small: Begin with one habit at a time. Trying to change too many things at once can be overwhelming and counterproductive.
  • Set clear goals : Define what you want to achieve with the habit and set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals.
  • Create a routine: Establish a regular schedule or routine that includes the habit you want to develop. Consistency is key.
  • Stay motivated: Find sources of motivation and inspiration to keep you on track. This could be in the form of quotes, role models, or rewards for achieving milestones.
  • Overcome obstacles: Identify potential challenges that may hinder your habit formation and develop strategies to overcome them.
  • Seek support: Share your goals with friends or family who can offer encouragement and hold you accountable.

Examples of Good Habits

  • Reading: Cultivating a habit of reading regularly enhances knowledge, vocabulary, and critical thinking skills. It also provides an avenue for relaxation and entertainment.
  • Time management: Effective time management is a valuable skill that can lead to increased productivity and reduced stress. It involves setting priorities, creating schedules, and avoiding procrastination.
  • Healthy eating: Adopting a habit of eating nutritious foods can lead to better physical and mental health. It supports growth, energy, and overall well-being.
  • Regular exercise: Incorporating regular physical activity into your routine promotes physical fitness, reduces the risk of diseases, and enhances mood and mental clarity.
  • Positive thinking: Developing a habit of positive thinking can improve your mental attitude, resilience, and overall outlook on life.
  • Goal setting: Setting and pursuing goals is a habit that helps individuals strive for personal and academic achievements. It provides direction and motivation.

The Impact of Good Habits

The benefits of good habits are far-reaching and can be seen in various aspects of life:

  • Academic success: Students who develop good study habits, time management skills, and a thirst for learning often excel in their studies. These habits lead to improved grades and a deeper understanding of subjects.
  • Career advancement: In the professional world, good habits such as punctuality, effective communication, and a strong work ethic are highly valued. They can open doors to career opportunities and advancement.
  • Health and well-being: Habits like regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate sleep contribute to physical fitness and overall health. They reduce the risk of chronic illnesses and increase longevity.
  • Personal development: Good habits are integral to personal growth and development. They enable individuals to become more disciplined, focused, and self-aware, leading to increased self-confidence and better decision-making.
  • Positive relationships: Habits like active listening, empathy, and effective communication improve interpersonal relationships. They foster trust and understanding among friends, family, and colleagues.
  • Stress reduction: Good habits can help manage stress by providing structure and coping mechanisms. Meditation, mindfulness, and relaxation techniques are examples of habits that promote emotional well-being.

The Role of Discipline

Discipline plays a crucial role in the formation and maintenance of good habits. It involves the ability to control one’s impulses and stay committed to a chosen course of action. Discipline requires determination, willpower, and a strong sense of purpose. It helps individuals overcome the temptation to revert to bad habits and ensures the consistency needed to reinforce good habits.

In conclusion, good habits are the cornerstones of success and personal development. They are not only essential for achieving academic excellence but also for leading a healthy, fulfilling life. Developing and nurturing good habits is a lifelong journey that requires self-awareness, commitment, and discipline. By consciously choosing to cultivate positive routines, students can set themselves on a path to a brighter future filled with achievement, good health, and happiness. Remember, as Aristotle wisely said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”


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English Summary

Essay on Good Habits in English

Good habits make a very important part of our lives. They act as a key to a happy and peaceful life. A good person is known by his/her good habits.

A good person will always have the good habit of speaking the truth and being honest. Good habits should be practised by every person of society and of each age group.

One must always be helpful and generous to everyone. We should also take care of personal hygiene as it is also a very important part of personality development.

The most important good habits that will always make our life successful are the habits of telling the truth, of being punctual and of working hard.

It is easy to follow bad habits as they do not require hard work. For example, it is easy to sleep in bed for long hours in the morning, it is easy to leave any work half done when tired, but it is difficult to always complete your task and to stop being lazy.

Table of Contents

Questions on Good Habits

What is good habit, what is the importance of good habits.

Any individual who has acquired good habits acts as a role model for the society and the people he/she meets. Habits determine the personality of a human being.

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Why should you start thinking actively about your current habits?

How do habits work, good habits vs. bad habits, quitting bad habits, starting 48 good habits, build a life of good habits.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but a habit.” — Aristotle

Often, when we think of changing our habits, we think of good habits vs. bad habits.

Smoking versus quitting smoking.

Biting your nails versus leaving your fingers alone. 

Staring at your screen right before bed versus putting your phone down and   practicing good sleep hygiene .

Although   behavior change is important for negative habits , it’s just as important to focus your attention on building   good habits .

Developing good habits can create meaningful, positive change in your life. Forming those kinds of positive habits is an ongoing process that takes time and commitment.

Let’s take a look at some good habits you can develop that have the power to improve both your physical and mental well-being. We’ll also give you tips to drop bad habits to make way for   habits that promote personal development .

Before we dive into the power of habit, it’s important to understand what habits are.

Habits are behaviors or actions you perform regularly. Some might be habits you do at work,   such as leadership behaviors . Others might be actions you do in the morning while getting ready for the day. These kinds of rituals happen automatically. We do them instinctively, almost without thinking.

Although we do them subconsciously, you   do   have control over your habits. Habits don't just simply appear. They're learned behaviors that work almost like a reflex over time. These repetitive actions are triggered by a certain context or   automatic thought pattern . 

For example, brushing your teeth is a daily habit. After eating breakfast, your brain knows that the next step is to go to the bathroom. Muscle memory takes over as you put the toothpaste on your toothbrush and you start brushing your teeth.

You’ve done it so many times before, at roughly the same time on a daily basis, that it becomes a natural part of your daily routine. This kind of repetitive consistency has turned the action into a habit.


So why should you start thinking actively about your current habits? Simple — because habits are incredibly powerful parts of our lives.

Once we   become more mindful   of our habits and daily actions, we can make improvements where we see fit.

Try to practice mindfulness and   healthy curiosity   toward your everyday behaviors. 

What are the bad habits you do instinctively that you would like to change? 

What habits do you already have that you’re proud of? How can you build on those good habits even more?

Being aware of your current habits is the first step toward changing your behavior for the better. You have the power to transform your life through the power of habits. 

The idea of a habit is quite simple, but its formation is scientific. Because of the power habits have over our lives, there are many studies on the   neurobiological processes related to habits .

All habits start as part of a psychological pattern, also called a habit loop. 

James Clear focuses on this habit loop   in his best-selling book,   “ Atomic Habits. ”   He draws on neuroscience and psychology to explain how this loop is made of four important components:

  • Cue: Cues are what triggers our brains to start a new behavior. When we see this cue, our brain predicts a reward. This naturally creates a craving. You can respond to cues without even realizing it.
  • Craving: Craving is the motivational force behind our habits. Without motivation or desire , we have no reason to act.
  • Response: The response is the act you perform or thought you have. It is essentially a habit. Whether this response happens depends on how motivated you are and if you have the capability. It also depends on if there are any obstacles in your way .
  • Reward: The last stage of the habit loop is reward. This is the reward your brain initially predicted from the cue. It is the end goal of every habit. Once you receive this reward, your brain reaffirms the association between the cue and your reward. This closes the feedback loop and completes the habit cycle.

Let’s look at drinking coffee every morning as an example of a habit. 

When you walk into your kitchen, the cue might be your coffee machine. Whether you’re aware of it or not, seeing your coffee machine sparks a craving.

Seeing the coffee machine makes you envision the smell, taste, and feeling of a hot cup of coffee. This desire leads to action. 

Your response is to take out some coffee grounds and turn on the machine to get the coffee brewing. 

Finally, you can receive your reward. A hot cup of coffee. Tomorrow, the craving will happen again, and the feedback loop continues.

This four-step process of how we form and break habits is extremely important for understanding why we do what we do. Without being aware of the cues behind our habits, there’s little chance of changing our habits. 

This cycle has the power to change what we do in our everyday lives. And in turn, that gives us   more control over our self-management and what actions we take .

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Not all habits are beneficial to us. It’s important to decipher between good habits and bad habits. This way, you can work on building good habits that bring positive results and breaking bad habits that don’t serve you.

Good habits are those repetitive actions or behaviors you want to repeat. They have positive physical, emotional, or psychological consequences.


Bad habits are those actions you repeat that have negative consequences. Some bad habits are harmless, while others can have a deeper, long-term impact.

Many of our habits are formed without us even realizing it. Our brains go into autopilot. This can make it difficult to know which of our habits are bad or good. 

To determine whether a habit is good or bad, think about the effects of the habit. Ask yourself some of these questions:

  • How does doing this habit make me feel?
  • What are the physical impacts of this habit? Is this habit negatively affecting my physical well-being?
  • How is this habit affecting my   mental well-being ?
  • Do I feel like I have control over my habit? Am I caught in a spiral doing something I don’t want to do? 
  • Does the habit only feel good at the moment? What are the long-term consequences of the habit?

Once you’ve realized your good habits from bad habits, it’s time to rewire your brain. Here’s how you can break those bad habits.

With determination,   resilience , and the right mindset, you can break nearly any bad habit.

Here are some tips on how to stop harmful habits:

1. Identify your triggers

The habit loop always starts with a cue. This trigger is what gets the bad habit in motion.

Pay attention to what triggers your bad habit. Once you are aware of what causes the habit, you can react appropriately. You can either take yourself out of the situation, or you can be more mindful of your determination to end a bad habit.

For example, being around others who smoke may trigger your desire to smoke. If you want to break your habit of smoking, remove yourself from the situation completely. If that’s not possible, be mindful of your cravings and remind yourself of why you want to quit smoking.

2. Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is a great tool for breaking habits . 

Practicing mindfulness has been shown to activate the brain’s prefrontal cortex. This part of the brain is associated with   concentration ,   planning , and   decision-making . 

When we’re more aware of our thoughts, we can make better decisions, even in the face of unhealthy cravings and temptations.


When you feel yourself wanting to revert to a bad habit, make a note of your thoughts and feelings. Become present in the moment. Be curious and aware of your thoughts and bodily sensations.

3. Use reminders

Because   self-awareness is so important   in breaking the bad habit cycle, use reminders. Leave notes for yourself in the place your bad habit usually happens. This will help you rethink the action before doing it.

For example, leave encouraging sticky notes on your fridge to remind yourself to eat healthily. This kind of visual reminder can prompt you to reach for healthy foods that are good for concentration instead of a sugary treat.

Keep in mind that the amount of time it takes to break a habit will depend on the habit.

Need some inspiration on healthy habits you can build? Here’s a good habits list to help you get started.

Remember, habits don’t just happen. They are made. You have the power to build new habits and break old ones. 

The best habit you can build is the habit of forming new, positive habits.

  • Make time for exercise. Physical activity is an important part of your life and contributes to   physical well-being .
  • Create a morning routine. Consistently doing a ritual first thing sets the tone for a day of productivity.
  • Eat a healthy diet . Healthy eating is an important aspect of a holistic lifestyle.
  • Get at least eight hours of sleep a night and practice good sleep hygiene.
  • Set boundaries with technology and social media. No screen-time for at least two hours before bed.
  • Practice pilates or   online yoga . Over time, yoga deepens your body awareness and builds your mind-body connection.
  • Drink at least eight glasses of water a day.
  • Create a mantra or personal affirmation statement. Repeat it to yourself in the morning.
  • Start journaling. This self-care practice can be therapeutic and can help clear your mind.
  • Go for therapy.   Receiving guidance from a professional   is a good habit to build.
  • Create a life plan   or   a 5-year plan . 
  • Write a personal mission statement   and return to it regularly.
  • Do bodywork. Therapies like chiropractic, stretching, and reflexology release physical and   emotional tension .
  • Learn something new . Choose a topic you’re interested in and develop your understanding of it in a fun way. Listen to a podcast.   Read a book . Take an online course.



  • Focus on one task at a time. Research has shown that   multitasking is bad for your productivity and overall well-being.
  • Use time blocking to maximize your day .
  • Take time for breaks. Set a reminder to take a five-minute walk every hour.
  • Don’t be afraid to say no. You can’t do everything at once, so be deliberate about your time.
  • Assign priorities to your tasks.
  • Celebrate small victories.
  • Limit your number of working hours.   Constantly working long hours can negatively affect your productivity .
  • Develop   time management techniques . 
  • Keep a neat   workspace and home . Make it a habit to routinely declutter your surroundings. Your physical environment has a significant effect on your behavior and the way that you work.
  • Plan your day the night before. Make a list of what you want to achieve the next day and how you are going to do it.
  • Use   the Eisenhower Matrix   to help you decide on and prioritize tasks.
  • Track how you spend your time. Keeping a schedule will make you more conscious about where your time goes. Use the results to be more productive.
  • Practice gratitude . Start a gratitude journal where you write down five things every day you’re grateful for.
  • Surround yourself with positive people.
  • Define your personal goals   and choose an action plan for how you are going to achieve them.
  • Be part of something bigger.
  • Practice self-reflection . Reflect at the end of each day on what you did or did not do.
  • Build   emotional regulation skills .
  • Connect with others. Make it a habit to call friends you haven’t spoken to in a while. Set up a lunch date with your parents.
  • Spend time in nature.   Spending at least 120 minutes a week in nature   is associated with good health and well-being.
  • Practice positive self-talk . Say something positive to yourself in the mirror every morning. 
  • Hug your friends, family, and pets.   Hugging boosts feel-good hormones   like oxytocin and dopamine.
  • Get outside your comfort zone. Be adventurous by trying a new activity. This could be physically daring or pushing yourself mentally.


  • Make a new friend. Speak to someone outside your team. Getting to know new people at work creates a   positive workplace culture   and   builds employee relations .
  • Ask questions. If you don’t understand something,   speak up . 
  • Learn to listen more .
  • Express your appreciation. A simple “thank you” goes a long way.
  • Put your phone away.
  • Learn new skills.   Upskilling yourself   has the power to take your career further.
  • Take a proper lunch break.
  • Set boundaries with your colleagues .
  • Admit your mistakes. Let your team know where you went wrong and what you’ve learned from the situation.
  • Set   long-term goals for your career .
  • Avoid gossip. 
  • Reward yourself. When you accomplish something big at work, celebrate it. When you find yourself successfully building a new habit, acknowledge your achievement. This is an important part of habit formation.

Humans are creatures of habit. Our habits, both good and bad, shape our attitudes and actions. They can determine our success or failure.

Forming good habits takes time, patience, and self-discipline. But a life filled with positive habits has the power to create real, positive change. Building good habits is an   important aspect of personal growth .

Now that you know more about good habits, it’s time to make a change.

What are the bad habits that you would like to break? And what good habits are you going to develop?

Get in touch with a BetterUp Coach . We’ll help you develop good habits and guide you every step of the way.

Understand Yourself Better:

Big 5 Personality Test

Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

Building good habits in your life (and ditching bad ones)

How to make a self-care checklist (and 7 examples), 10 habits of successful people you can start practicing today, 16 healthy habits you can start this week, habit stacking: what it is and 5 examples, cell phone addiction: is it time to change your habits, self-concept: what it is & how to change it (with examples), how to make a daily schedule: tips and examples, is mental fitness the key to aging well, classical conditioning: examples and tips to use it, if expectations are falling short, re-examine your communication, how to break bad habits: 7 tips to succeed, how negative reinforcement can help you change your habits, how long does it take to break a habit and how to keep it up, stay connected with betterup, get our newsletter, event invites, plus product insights and research..

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British Council

Five habits of effective english language learners, by martin sketchley, 10 june 2016 - 07:52.

'The English language is truly global and the opportunities to read or listen to it are endless'.

Vox Efx, licensed under CC-BY-2.0 and adapted from the original .

What habits should English language learners adopt to help them meet their goals? Martin Sketchley, latest winner of the  British Council's Teaching English blog award , gives us his top five.

Learning English, or any language, can be a challenging but rewarding experience. To make progress, you need to put in a lot of dedication and effort, but you also need to develop the right habits. Here are five habits that have helped my students achieve their aims.

1. Plan your learning and set realistic goals

The decision to study English, or return to the English language classroom after a long break, can be quite overwhelming. Try to plan your studies with a weekly timetable and dedicate one day for self-study, including time to review your lessons. Planning your learning day by day or week by week can be rewarding, and will make it easier to measure your progress. This is especially true if you set realistic goals. For example, you might aim to learn five new  linking expressions  next week (realistic) rather than master academic writing (extremely unrealistic).

Tip : A wonderful app that I have used for studying is  My Study Life . It helps with organising your routine for study; you can even use it to plan other things in your day.

2. Record new vocabulary in a way that's easy to review

When studying a language, it's essential to keep vocabulary notes from lessons. As language lessons are often based on a particular theme (e.g., shopping, music, family), it's a good idea to organise vocabulary by topic. Experiment with different ways of recording vocabulary, including  word cards ,  mind maps , and  tables , and see what works best for you. You should also make a note of the different forms, uses and pronunciation of particular words (make sure you have a  good learner's dictionary ).

Tip:  Try  using your mobile phone  to record vocabulary from your lessons. Or why not create an online poster using  Glogster  to upload new language, videos or images from the class (such as the teacher's whiteboard notes). Try it out.

3. Review your lessons and self-study notes regularly

To successfully learn new vocabulary and grammar, you need to review your lesson or self-study notes regularly. Go through the notes you took in a particular lesson and try memorising some or all of the important language or grammar points (remember, set yourself realistic goals). Then, writing on a blank piece of paper, see how much you can recall. Repeat the process until you've memorised all the things you set yourself at the beginning of the task.

Tip:  Some learners benefit from creating flashcards that you can store on a smart phone.  Quizlet  is one such app. There is also  GoConqr , which can help you bring all your lessons together in one place. You can even create vocabulary mind maps from your lessons! With so many  tools to help you online , find out which ones work for you.

4. Be active and take control of your own learning

When in class, try to participate as much as possible. Be determined to use the language and grammar your teacher has presented. Making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process, so don't let that stop you.

Be active rather than passive: find out from your teacher what your strengths and weaknesses are; ask your classmates what they think of your pronunciation; set up an English-speaking club with other students, so you can practise speaking after class. By being active and taking control of your own learning, you will soon start to see results.

Tip:  There are many language apps available to help you connect with speakers of English, but the best one by far, in my opinion, is  HelloTalk . This app will help you use your language skills outside the classroom.

5. Find interesting things in English to watch, read and listen to

To succeed in your English learning, you need to read and listen to as much English language as possible. However, it's crucial to make sure the topics are ones that interest you. Get into the habit of  watching TV shows or movies , listening to  songs  and radio shows, and  reading  books and magazines in English. The English language is truly global and the opportunities to read or listen to it are endless.

Tip:  YouTube is a free and seemingly infinite resource of English language videos. A good place to start is with the  British Council's YouTube channel  (remember, you can listen with the captions turned on). Personally, I love to watch  Jamie Oliver's YouTube channel , as it inspires me to try out some new recipes!

What habits help you learn English effectively? Share your ideas in the comments below.

Teachers, visit our  TeachingEnglish website  for more lesson plans and activities, and find out how you can  become a TeachingEnglish blogger .

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View the discussion thread.

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The Habits Guide: How to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones

Before we get into the guide, I want to recommend the most comprehensive guide on how to change your habits and get 1% better every day: My #1 New York Times bestselling book  Atomic Habits . 

Packed with evidence-based self-improvement strategies,  Atomic Habits  will teach you how to make the small changes that will transform your habits and deliver remarkable results.

good and bad habits essay in english

Atomic Habits  will reshape the way you think about progress and success and give you the tools and strategies you need to transform your habits—whether you are a team looking to win a championship, an organization hoping to redefine an industry, or simply an individual who wishes to quit smoking, lose weight, reduce stress, and achieve success that lasts.

Want to get Chapter 1 of Atomic Habits for free?  Just enter your email address below.

good and bad habits essay in english

Let’s get to the habits guide…

What Are Habits?

Let’s define habits. Habits are the small decisions you make and actions you perform every day. According to researchers at Duke University, habits account for about 40 percent of our behaviors on any given day. 

Your life today is essentially the sum of your habits.  How in shape or out of shape you are? A result of your habits. How happy or unhappy you are? A result of your habits. How successful or unsuccessful you are? A result of your habits.

What you repeatedly do (i.e. what you spend time thinking about and doing each day) ultimately forms the person you are, the things you believe, and the personality that you portray.  Everything I write about – from procrastination and productivity to strength and nutrition – starts with better habits. When you learn to transform your habits, you can transform your life.

This page includes recommended resources on forming better habits and breaking bad ones in any area of life, but if you’d like to explore information on specific types of habits, check out these articles:

  • Healthy Eating: The Beginner’s Guide on How to Eat Healthy and Stick to It
  • Procrastination: A Scientific Guide on How to Stop Procrastinating
  • Focus: The Ultimate Guide on How to Improve Focus and Concentration

Three Ways to Form Better Habits

  • How to Build a New Habit: This is Your Strategy Guide : Read this guide right now to learn 5 easy, powerful strategies for changing habits.
  • How To Start New Habits That Actually Stick : This helpful framework can make it easier to stick to new habits so that you can improve your health, your work, and your life in general.
  • Identity-Based Habits: How to Actually Stick to Your Goals This Year : Most of the time we set our goals in the wrong way. Read this article to learn how identity-based habits can help you achieve your goals more easily.

Three Ways to Break Bad Habits

  • How to Break a Bad Habit and Replace It With a Good One : Want to learn how to break a bad habit? Read this article to discover the science of breaking bad habits and practical suggestions for making it happen.
  • How Vietnam War Veterans Broke Their Heroin Addictions : By simply removing yourself from an environment that triggers all of your old habits, you can make it easier to break bad habits and build new ones.
  • How to Declutter Your Mind and Unleash Your Willpower by Using “Bright-Line” Rules :  A bright-line rule refers to a clearly defined rule or standard. It is a rule with clear interpretation and very little wiggle room. It establishes a bright line for what the rule is saying and what it is not saying. Most of us could benefit from setting brighter lines in our personal and professional lives.

How to Make a Habit Stick

  • How to Stick to Your Goals When Life Gets Crazy : Having a bad day is just one of the tiny emergencies that prevents most people from sticking to their goals and habits. It doesn’t have to be that way, though.
  • How to Stick With Good Habits Every Day by Using the “Paper Clip Strategy” : Why do some good habits stick while others fail? Read this article about a strategy you use to stick with good habits every day.

Best Habits Books

  • Atomic Habits by James Clear
  • The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
  • Daily Rituals: How Artists Work  by Mason Currey
  • Hooked by Nir Eyal
  • The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson

Want more great books on psychology and self-help? Browse my full list of the  best psychology books  and  best self-help books .

All Habits Articles

  • 30 One-Sentence Stories From People Who Have Built Better Habits
  • The Ultimate Habit Tracker Guide: Why and How to Track Your Habits
  • The Surprising Benefits of Journaling One Sentence Every Day
  • How to Make Your Future Habits Easy
  • The Habits Scorecard: Use This Simple Exercise to Discover Which Habits You Should Change
  • The 1 Percent Rule: Why a Few People Get Most of the Rewards
  • The Paradox of Behavior Change
  • How Innovative Ideas Arise
  • How to Create a Chain Reaction of Good Habits
  • The Scientific Argument for Mastering One Thing at a Time
  • Motivation is Overvalued. Environment Often Matters More.
  • How to Use Military Strategy to Build Better Habits
  • The Chemistry of Building Better Habits
  • How to Stop Lying to Ourselves: A Call for Self-Awareness
  • The Proven, Reasonable and Totally Unsexy Secret to Success
  • How to Stop Procrastinating and Boost Your Willpower by Using “Temptation Bundling”
  • How to Fall in Love With Boredom and Unlock Your Mental Toughness
  • How to Optimize Your Daily Decisions
  • How to Declutter Your Mind and Unleash Your Willpower by Using Bright-Line Rules
  • How to Stick With Good Habits Every Day by Using the “Paper Clip Strategy”
  • Use This Simple Daily Habit to Add More Gratitude to Your Life
  • The One Word That Drives Senseless and Irrational Habits
  • The 5 Triggers That Make New Habits Stick
  • Why Stores Place Candy by the Checkout Counter (And Why New Habits Fail)
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  • Avoid the Second Mistake
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  • How to Build Muscle: Strength Lessons from Milo of Croton
  • This Simple Equation Reveals How Habits Shape Your Health, Happiness, and Wealth
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  • How to Build New Habits by Taking Advantage of Old Ones
  • How to Build a New Habit: This is Your Strategy Guide
  • How to Be Motivated Every Day: Lessons Learned from Twyla Tharp
  • Masters of Habit: The Wisdom and Writing of Maya Angelou
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  • Forget About Setting Goals. Focus on This Instead.
  • Do the Painful Things First
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Best Articles on Topics Related to Habits

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Or, browse my best articles .

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  • Life Lessons
  • Productivity
  • Self-Improvement

30 Days to Better Habits: A simple step-by-step guide for forming habits that stick

  • Take the guesswork out of habit-building. 11 email lessons walk you through the first 30 days of a habit step-by-step, so you know exactly what to do.
  • Get the tools and strategies you need to take action. The course includes a 20-page PDF workbook (including templates and cheatsheets), plus new examples and applications that you can’t find in Atomic Habits. 
  • Learn a framework that works for any habit. You can use this course to build any good habit – from getting fit, to saving for an early retirement, to daily meditation.

Enroll in the free email course and get your first lesson today


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Essay on “Habits” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay No. 01

Man is a bundle of habits. Anything done often and repeatedly is called a habit. It is an acquired pattern of action which becomes easy and automatic because of repetition. Thus, habits, once formed, are difficult to be removed. That is why the saying, ‘Old habits die hard’. The root of habit is practice and regularity. The more we repeat a habit, the more easy and permanent it becomes. We are bound to repeat a habit, because if we do not we feel uncomfortable and uneasy. This is called the force of habit.

Habits can be good as well as bad. But it is very easy to acquire bad habits. Bad habits once acquired become the bonds and chains forever. If one becomes a victim of bad habits, they render his escape impossible. Habits become part of a man’s nature. They cannot be changed, specially at advanced stage. As a cat cannot change its stripes, so you cannot change or get rid of evil habits. Like ones name they stick fast till the grave. Habits make or spoil our destiny. They actually form the foundation of our fortunes. In the words of an author: “Sow an ‘act, and you reap a habit. Sow a habit, and you reap a character. Sow a character, and you reap a destiny.” Thus, habits form the cornerstone of one’s personality and destiny. We are the maker of our destiny because we acquire good or bad habits and have the results accordingly. It is the use which causes origin and growth of a habit. Without use and frequency there would be no habit at all. A thing done occasionally, say once in a blue moon, cannot be called a habit. 1 n the words of Dryden “Ill habits gather by unseen degrees, as brooks make rivers, rivers run to seas.” The same fact is underlined by the poet Hannah More in the following words: “Small(evil) habits, well pursued betimes, May reach the dignity of crimes.” The same principle applies to the formation of good habits. But healthy and good habits can be formed only with a great labour and long continuous practice. You cannot acquire a good habit simply by determination, chance or by fits and starts. You have to perspire and persevere to acquire a good habit. It is far more easy to acquire good habits early in life when there is lot of flexibility both in body and nature. Once you have attained a good habit, it will always stand you in good stead. By possessing them you become quite capable to bear the ups and downs of life like a real, man. Good habits, like those of hard working, sincerity, honesty, courtesy, punctuality, simplicity, frugality, accuracy, tenacity of purpose, etc., constitute a sure security against ills of fortune and circumstances. They form a firm ladder to success and happiness. They are to be acquired, cultivated and possessed by hard labour, practice and constant use. And early youth is the best period to have them because then they make not so much demand on us. In brief, habits make the man. What actually you are, depends on your habits. You are good, excellent, bad or worse in proportion to your good and evil habits and their intensity.

There are many forces which play an important role in forming habits. Early education, impressions, company, association, etc., are some of the major factors in habit-formation. Gradually they get ingrained in our nature. Idleness, smoking, drinking, telling lies, flattery, gambling, cheating, stealing, spitting here and there are some of the major evil habits. Habits are also acquired because of imitation. Parents, elders, friends, etc., help them in their formation, and development. For example, a boy, who sees his father smoking, is likely to acquire the evil habit of smoking. The boy may think that in smoking there should be some pleasure and excitement that is why his father is a smoker. And then he may try it stealthily as smoking material is easily available to him. Gradually he may become a habitual smoker. Curiosity, routine and boredom also help in acquiring bad habits. One may start drinking or taking a drug just out of curiosity, or to have a little thrill and excitement at first, but rater may become a hardened drinker and drug-addict. Bad company generally leads innocent and good people into evil habits. A drinker may offer drinks fret of cost first, to his friend, and thereby help him form a bad habit of drinking. One bad habit leads to another bad habit. It is a vicious circle from which, there is hardly any rescue and escape. Therefore, we should be very cautious in choosing company and friends. One requires a lot of money to satisfy bad habits which the young men and women are not likely to have, they being students in schools and colleges. Therefore, they may take to stealing or such other undesired activities.

Even good things become evil when done too often. For example, work is good. Hard and continuous work is necessary for success in life. But excess of work, beyond ones capacity, is harmful. It would soon start telling upon ones health both mental and physical. That is why it is said, “Excess of everything is bad”. We should maintain a proper balance even in doing good things. All excess is dangerous and sinful whether it is work or rest, eating or enjoying life. We should ever be temperate in all things. One should never overwork or give way to free self – indulgence. We must attempt things according to our own strength, measure and capacity. We must always be on our guard against every type of excess, even that of good things.

Essay No. 02

Outline: All have habits-anything done repeatedly becomes, a habit – habits may be good or bad – necessary to cultivate good habits and avoid bad ones – good habits help us to succeed in life.

All of us have habits. Anything that is done repeatedly becomes a habit. Once we get into a habit we do a thing without thinking about it. Habits may be good or bad. Rising early, working hard, being punctual are good habits. Gambling, swearing, lying, using bad language, drinking, stealing- and quarrelling are bad habits.

It is necessary to cultivate good habits and avoid bad ones. There is a saying that habits are at first cobwebs but after- wards cables. This shows that habits might be weak at first, but, once they become strong, they are difficult to break. Hence we should try to acquire only good habits.

Everyone respects a man who has good habits. Good habits help one to succeed, in life. A person with bad habits is despised and mocked at.

Childhood is the right time to instill good habits in children. If a child grows up with bad habits no one can make him unlearn them when he grows up. Hence parents should be careful to see that children have only good habits.

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Essay on Habits

Students are often asked to write an essay on Habits in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Habits

Understanding habits.

Habits are actions we do regularly without thinking. Like brushing our teeth every morning, they become part of our daily routine.

Types of Habits

There are good habits like studying daily, and bad habits like eating too much junk food. It’s important to cultivate good habits for a healthy life.

Forming Habits

Habits form when we repeatedly do something. It takes time, but once formed, habits can be hard to break.

Breaking Bad Habits

Breaking bad habits is challenging. It requires willpower and consistency. But with effort, it’s possible to replace bad habits with good ones.

250 Words Essay on Habits

Habits are automatic behavioral patterns that we develop over time through repeated actions. They are the subconscious mind’s way of increasing efficiency, allowing us to perform tasks without extensive thought or effort. They can be beneficial, like regular exercise, or detrimental, such as smoking.

The Formation of Habits

Habit formation is a process that involves three components: the cue, the routine, and the reward. The cue triggers the habit, the routine is the behavior itself, and the reward reinforces the habit. This cycle, when repeated, strengthens the habit until it becomes automatic.

The Power of Habits

Habits have the power to shape our lives. They can influence our health, productivity, and overall sense of well-being. Positive habits, such as regular exercise or mindful eating, can significantly improve our health and quality of life. Conversely, negative habits can lead to detrimental effects on our physical and mental health.

Changing Habits

Changing habits requires conscious effort. It involves identifying the habit loop (cue, routine, reward), and then replacing the routine with a more beneficial behavior that provides a similar reward. This process takes time and patience, but the long-term benefits are substantial.

In conclusion, habits are deeply ingrained patterns of behavior that can significantly impact our lives. By understanding the process of habit formation and the power of habits, we can harness this knowledge to cultivate positive habits and change detrimental ones.

500 Words Essay on Habits

Introduction, the science of habits.

Habits are rooted in the brain’s basal ganglia, the region responsible for emotions, memories, and pattern recognition. The process of habit formation can be broken down into a three-step loop: the cue, the routine, and the reward. The cue triggers the brain to initiate the behavior, the routine is the behavior itself, and the reward is the benefit gained from the behavior. Over time, this loop becomes more and more automatic, eventually forming a habit.

Habits are incredibly powerful as they shape our lives and define our identities. They have the potential to influence our health, productivity, and happiness. For instance, regular exercise can enhance physical well-being, while a habit of procrastination can hinder academic success. Habits also have a cumulative effect. Small, seemingly insignificant habits can, over time, lead to significant changes. This concept, often referred to as the ‘compound effect’, illustrates the immense potential that lies in our daily routines.

Habits and Self-Control

Strategies for forming and breaking habits.

There are several effective strategies for habit formation and change. One approach is to start small. Rather than attempting to make drastic changes, it’s often more effective to start with small, manageable tasks. This can help build momentum and confidence. Another strategy is to pair a new habit with an existing one, a concept known as ‘habit stacking’. For instance, if you’re trying to establish a habit of daily meditation, you might do it immediately after brushing your teeth in the morning.

Breaking habits, on the other hand, often involves identifying and altering the cue-routine-reward loop. For example, if you’re trying to quit smoking, you might start by identifying the cues that trigger the urge to smoke and then find healthier ways to respond to those cues.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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Money blog: Iconic Trio chocolate bar could return, hints McVitie's

The Money blog is your place for consumer and personal finance news and tips. Today's posts include NatWest launching the cheapest mortgage on the market, an old Liam Gallagher tweet about ticket pricing and our latest Bring It Back feature - as McVitie's tells us Trio could return.

Tuesday 3 September 2024 17:55, UK

  • How your pension could be taxed more as chancellor refuses to rule out hikes
  • High-street bank trumps rivals with cheapest five-year mortgage
  • Iconic chocolate bar could return, hints McVitie's
  • 'Blow' for female founders as agency backtracks on competition awards  

Essential reads

  • Basically... Free school meals
  • 'This job has saved lives': What's it like selling the Big Issue?
  • Best of the Money blog

Tips and advice

  • Cheapest holidays dates before Christmas
  • Money Problem : 'My dog died but insurance still wants whole year's payment'
  • How else to eat Greggs on cheap as O2 Priority scraps freebies

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An "urgent review" into dynamic pricing has been launched as the backlash from the price of Oasis concert tickets continues. 

The Competition and Markets Authority said it was looking into the ticketing market to make sure consumers were being treated fairly. 

Oasis fans were disappointed at the weekend when tickets for their reunion tour more than doubled while on sale due to dynamic pricing systems. 

Tickets shot up from £148 to £355 on Ticketmaster within hours of their release - and while fans were stuck in long online queues.

Dynamic pricing is common within industries beyond music - it's used frequently in the travel industry, with hotel rooms and airline tickets.

"The CMA is urgently reviewing recent developments in the ticketing market, including the way dynamic pricing is being used in the primary market," a CMA spokesperson said. 

They noted that consumer protection law requires businesses to be fair and transparent in their dealings with consumers. 

They are also required to give clear and accurate information about the price people have to pay. 

"The CMA wants fans to get a fair deal when they buy tickets," they added. 

"We have already acted against major resale websites on the secondary market to ensure consumer law is being followed. 

"But we think more protections are needed for consumers here, and made recommendations to the previous government in 2021 about the changes that are needed." 

The government has promised to look into dynamic ticket pricing, with Culture Secretary Lisa Nandy saying it would be reviewed in an upcoming consultation. 

Female founders have been dealt a "blow" after Innovate UK delivered just half the number of grants pledged in a funding competition for women business owners.

The Women in Innovation programme was aimed at encouraging women leading small to medium-sized businesses to apply for grants of up to £75,000 each.

The government-backed agency said it would be offering the grants to 50 female founders when it launched the competition earlier this year - but subsequently changed the wording to say "up to 50". 

Only 25 ended up being chosen to receive funding, out of 1,452 applicants.

Dearbump and Femtech founder Emma Jarvis said in a LinkedIn post that the situation will have left many female entrepreneurs "pretty disheartened"

The post  has been shared more than 100 times and has garnered nearly 830 reactions.

"Innovate UK's decision is a blow not just to existing female founders but future ones," Ms Jarvis said. "It's really disappointing to hear that the number of awards was cut in half and that the wording was changed after the results were announced."

She said the "only way forward" was for Innovate UK to honour its original commitment of 50 awards.

Meanwhile, Patricia McGirr, Repossession Rescue founder , said female founders "deserve more than lip service". 

She said Innovate UK's decision "isn't just trimming fat, it's cutting opportunity and ambition".

"This broken promise to the women fuelling our future is a step backward for innovation and a slap in the face to countless women who dare to lead."

And Debbie Porter, managing director at Destination Digital Marketing , said the move was "hard to believe".

"Innovate UK ought to go back over those 1,427 other applications as a matter of priority to fix this situation," she said. 

In a statement to the Money blog, Innovate UK apologised and said its decision was a "mistake". It also said it would honour its original commitment to award 50 applicants with funding.

The added: "We recognise the impact this has had on the many applicants and on the community as a whole, and we apologise wholeheartedly.

"We confirm we will be funding a total of 50 awards."

Our Money blog reporter Jess Sharp spoke to women who are  leading figures in their respective fields for our eight-part Women in Business series earlier this year. You can read some of their stories here...

Chancellor Rachel Reeves has refused to rule out heavier taxation on pensions in the October budget. 

"I'm not going to speculate on what will be in the budget, but I'm absolutely determined to ensure that working people are better off," she told MPs in the House of Commons. 

"This budget will be a budget to fix the foundations of the economy after the mess left by the previous government."

How could your pension be taxed further? Let's have a look at some of the possibilities...

Leading left-wing thinktank The Fabian Society said the government could raise at least £10bn a year by reducing pension tax relief for high earners. 

At the moment, pension tax relief depends on an individual's tax band. 

But Ms Reeves could create a single flat rate of tax relief for all tax bands, the society said.

"First, the rate of income tax relief should be equalised for people on all tax bands - for example at 30% of gross earnings, midway between the 20p and 40p rates of tax," the thinktank said in a report. 

Ms Reeves could also reduce the maximum tax-free lump sum  you can get on retirement from £268,275 to £100,000 or 25% of pension wealth. 

"The Institute for Fiscal Studies estimates that this might eventually save over £2bn per year, which would be targeted entirely at people with high lifetime earnings or assets," the report added. 

Another suggestion was to charge national insurance on private pension incomes . 

The organisation said it would lead to today's affluent pensioners making a higher tax contribution.

Other possibilities could be to levy income tax on all inherited pensions. 

It said pension pots could also be liable to inheritance tax in the same way as other assets. 

What else did the chancellor say today?

Away from refusing to rule out pension tax changes, Ms Reeves also confirmed a cap on corporation tax.

Speaking during Treasury questions, she said the tax would be capped at its current level of 25% to "give business the confidence to grow". 

Corporation tax applies to the annual profits of UK resident companies and branches of overseas companies.

The 25% main rate is payable by companies with taxable profits above £250,000.

A small profits rate applies for companies with profits of £50,000 or below, meaning they will pay 19%.

Up until April 2023, the previous corporation tax main rate was 19%.

After the revival of popular Cadbury's chocolate bar Top Deck earlier this year, we asked you which discontinued treat you would like to see brought back - and we got so many responses that we've decided to make a weekly feature of it called  Bring It Back . 

Every Tuesday, we'll pick one from our comments box and look at why it was so beloved and, crucially, find out whether the companies in question might consider reintroducing them.

This week we're looking at a chocolate bar that became a staple of lunch boxes in the 1980s and '90s - and spawned a TV advert that is among the most fondly remembered of the era: McVitie's Trio.

Sold in multipacks of six, each bar included three segments made up of a caramel layer over biscuit, all covered with milk chocolate.

The product became synonymous with a memorable commercial that featured an animation by artist Bob Godfrey and a play on the traditional Jamaican folk song "Day-O (The Banana Boat Song)".

Its lyrics, which will be familiar to almost anyone who grew up in the 1980s, included the bar's tagline: "I want a Trio and I want one now."

Having discontinued the product in 2003, it briefly returned to shop shelves in 2016 following a Facebook campaign, before vanishing from sale again shortly after.

Hordes of Sky News readers have called for the chocolate bar's revival.

Kellie said: "I'd love to have Trios back! They were yummy. McVitie's really need to start selling them again."

Derek told us: "What a chocolate bar the Trio was! I could eat an entire multipack in one sitting now if given the chance. And that old advert... instantly transported back to childhood just thinking about it."

Samantha said: "I can hear the jingle in my head now! Trios were just delicious chocolate bars... and we want one now!"

When asked by Sky News, a McVitie's spokesperson conspicuously declined to rule out a return for the iconic chocolate treat, saying the company was "constantly listening to what audiences want".

"This helps us to keep innovating and adapting to changing tastes, meaning more biscuits and snacks you love for generations to come," they said.

"For those who miss the caramel taste of Trio, one of our newest and most exciting innovations, McVitie's Gold Billions Wafer, will be your new favourite for on-the-go chocolate moments."

And, tantalisingly for fans of the bar, they added: "Watch this space for more to come..."

Along with the legions of Trio diehards, the Money blog will certainly be doing that - and hope to bring you news of further developments in the crusade in the near future.

Got a craving for any of the products below? Click the links to find out if they've got any chance at making a comeback... 

NatWest has launched the cheapest five-year fixed mortgage deal on the market. 

The 3.71% rate comes with a £1,495 product fee and is available to customers who have a 40% deposit. 

Other lenders have also announced cuts this week, including Barclays and Halifax. 

Yesterday, Barclays reduced its five-year fixed 60% LTV remortgage deal from 4.06% to 3.93%. 

It also announced cuts across its purchase product range, with a five-year fixed 75% LTV deal coming with a 3.95% rate and a £899 product fee. 

Halifax also launched a 3.81% five-year deal to new borrowers yesterday. 

Brokers have welcomed the cuts as "hugely positive" news, and suggested more lenders could follow suit. 

"NatWest's latest rate cut is another clear signal that mortgage lenders are pulling out all the stops to reignite the housing market," Ranald Mitchell, director of Charwin Mortgages, told Newspage.

"This flurry of rate reductions is a positive step towards finding that sweet spot where consumer confidence rebounds, and the property market gets back on track. 

"It's an exciting time for potential buyers, affordability is improving, and the window of opportunity is wide open." 

Justin Moy, the managing director at EHF Mortgages, said: "Lenders are looking to grab some market share by the end of the year.

"Other lenders will likely want to make a similar move over the coming days to remain competitive." 

By James Sillars , business reporter

It's a fairly muted start to the day's trading, again, on financial markets.

The FTSE 100 has opened 10 points higher at 8,373.

Rolls-Royce, the civil aerospace-to-defence firm (not to be confused with the luxury motor car manufacturer), is leading the gainers.

Its shares rallied by 4% early this morning after a 6.5% decline the previous day.

That tumbled was in reaction to the apparent mid-air failure of one of its engines on a Cathay Pacific flight .

Analysts said that the share price recovery was down to an update from  the airline that the fleet affected should be back to full operation by the weekend.

A tweet Liam Gallagher wrote seven years ago criticising the eye-watering price of gig tickets has come back to haunt him.

His message, written in September 2017 about his older brother Noel, who was touring America with his band High Flying Birds at the time, read: "350 dollars to go and see rkid in USA what a c*** when will it all stop as you were LG x"

The tweet has resurfaced after dynamic pricing for Oasis's much-hyped reunion next year left fans - many of whom had spent hours queueing online - stunned after some standard tickets more than doubled in price from £148 to £355 on Ticketmaster due to demand.

X users pointed out the irony upon seeing the 2017 tweet, posting comments including, "Well this is evergreen", "What's your excuse for charging over 368 quid then?" and "Not ageing well, Liam".

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Using a phrase Liam adopts in his own social media comments, another fan wrote simply "BIBLICAL".

Hundreds of people have complained to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) over "misleading claims about availability and pricing".

In response, Sir Keir Starmer has said the government will get a "grip" on the issue of surge pricing, with Culture Secretary Lisa Nandy promising a consultation over the transparency and use of dynamic pricing, and the technology around queuing systems, to ensure fans don't get ripped off.

Yesterday we revealed that official reseller Twickets had lowered its fees after criticism from Oasis fans.

Scroll through today's Money blog for: Cheapest dates to go on holiday this year (6.42 post); how do you get free school meals (7.58 post); pay-per-mile tax proposed (7.38 post)

Basically, free school meals are aimed at making sure the country's more vulnerable youngsters don't go hungry while they're learning in their earlier years.

Children of certain ages automatically qualify without having to apply, but the rules differ across the four nations.

Children whose parents claim certain benefits or asylum support may also be eligible - though an application may be needed.

Free school meals without having to apply

In England, outside of London , all state school children in reception to year two automatically qualify for infant free school meals, while in the capital , all state primary school children up to age 11 qualify for the benefit in the 2024-25 academic year.

In Scotland , all state school children up to primary five (around four to nine years old) get the meals automatically. There are plans for this to be extended to pupils in receipt of the Scottish child payment in primary six and seven from February.

In Wales  all primary school children in state schools can get free meals from September.

Families who claim benefits

If your child falls outside the eligibility criteria for automatic free school meals, they'll still be able to benefit in certain circumstances.

Wherever you are in the UK, your child may be able to get free school meals if you get one or more of the following:

  • Income support
  • Universal credit
  • Income-based jobseeker's allowance
  • Income-related employment and support allowance
  • Support under part six of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The guaranteed element of pension credit
  • Child tax credit
  • Working tax credit (Scotland and Northern Ireland)
  • Working tax credit run-on England and Wales) – paid for four weeks after you stop qualifying for working tax credit

There's some specific criteria for families by devolved nation, which we'll break down below...

England and Wales

If you're claiming universal credit, your net household income must be less than £7,400 after tax, and not including any benefits.

Those receiving child tax credit must not also be entitled to working tax credit and must have an annual income of less than £16,190.

If you're classed as having no recourse to public funds - a type of condition placed on temporary visas in the UK - and the parents are able to work, they must have a household income of no more than:

  • £22,700 for families outside of London with one child
  • £26,300 for families outside of London with two or more children
  • £31,200 for families within London with one child
  • £34,800 for families within London with two or more children

People claiming universal credit in Scotland must have a household monthly income of no more than £796 (£9,552 per year) to qualify for free school meals. 

Families on child tax credit, but not working tax credit, can get the meals if they earn less than £19,995. For those on both benefits, their income must be no more than £9,552.

Northern Ireland

You may be able to claim free school meals in Northern Ireland if you receive universal credit and your post-tax earnings are £15,000 or less per year.

If you get child tax credit or working tax credit, you can still get free school meals on an annual income of up to £16,190.

How can I claim the meals?

In England, Wales and Scotland, you apply to your local council.

The UK government website has a local authority postcode checker here , which directs you to the council running services in your area. There are similar tools on the Scottish and Welsh government websites.

In Northern Ireland, you can use this form to apply directly to the government.

How many children are eligible - and how much does it cost? 

According to the latest data from the Department for Education, 2.1 million pupils were eligible for free school meals in the 2023-24 academic year - 24.6% of pupils. This was a rise from 23.8% the year before.

According to the London mayor's office, it's estimated that school meals cost £13.25 per week - or £2.65 meal - on average.

It says its free school meals offer for all state-educated primary school children in the capital saves parents around £500 per year.

According to a 2023 report from the IFS, the current system of free school meals in England – both means-tested and universal provision – costs the government around £1.4bn a year.

But separate research from the Food Foundation found that expanding free school meal eligibility to all primary school students could generate around £41bn in direct benefits to students and a further £58bn to the wider economy over 20 years.

Read other entries in our Basically series.. .

Tax receipts from petrol and diesel duty bring in £25bn for the Treasury each year - and questions have been raised about what happens as more drivers go electric.

Today, the public transport charity Campaign for Better Transport (CBT) is proposing that drivers of zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs), such as electric cars, should be charged based on how far they travel.

They are asking Chancellor Rachel Reeves to impose the pay-per-mile scheme, saying it's the solution to a "black hole" that will be created by the loss of fuel duty.

The scheme would not apply to drivers of traditionally fuelled cars.

Under the plan, drivers with a ZEV before the implementation date would be exempt, incentivising the switch to electric vehicles.

Previous governments have found the prospect of introducing per-mile charges - known as road pricing - to be too politically toxic.

But CBT claims it would have public support.

Let us know your thoughts in the comments box - and read more on this story here ...

Summer may be edging towards the rear-view mirror, but that doesn't mean Britons are turning their back on sunshine. 

With many looking to sort an autumn holiday, Expedia has taken a look at the best times to fly and book hotels - with savings of up to £120 if you are savvy. 

Its data is based on average daily rates for lodging and flight prices between 22 September and 21 December this year.

When to book flights for

  • Cheapest : 22, 23 or 24 September
  • Least busy : 10 or 17 December
  • Most expensive : 19, 20 or 21 December
  • Busiest : 20 and 21 October

"For the best deals, travellers should look to book their flights 14 to 20 days before travel, saving them on average £120 compared to booking 91 days or more out, or saving £60 compared to booking 60-90 days out," Expedia says. 

"Target the 22-29 September for travel, when average ticket prices (ATPs) for flights are shaping up to be nearly £100 cheaper than the autumn average, and £50 cheaper than summer ATPs."

When to  book a hotel

  • Cheapest : 20 November or 11 December
  • Most expensive : 14 or 21 October
  • Busiest : 23 October or 25 September

"For hotel stays, target the 3-9 November, when average daily rates are £15 cheaper per night than the seasonal average and summer stays," Expedia says. 

The holiday booking site says the most popular autumn destinations have remained largely the same as last year based on the largest number of hotel searches...

  • New York, USA
  • Paris, France
  • Edinburgh, Scotland
  • Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Manchester, UK
  • Tenerife, Spain
  • Birmingham, UK
  • Rome, Italy

Despite this, Expedia says savvy Britons are searching out "under the radar" getaway spots.

"Flight searches have surged for Brits looking to discover new, under-the-radar European cities this autumn, such as Tirana (+95%) in Albania and Bucharest (+70%) in Romania, as Brits look to stretch their budgets further by looking outside the popular city break hotspots."

The top 10 destinations with the biggest search increases are:

  • Saint Malo, France
  • Didim, Turkey
  • Syracuse, Italy
  • Beijing, China 
  • Palermo, Italy
  • Tromso, Norway 
  • Brescia, Italy 
  • Poznan, Poland
  • Tangier, Morocco
  • Ischia, Italy

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    Take the guesswork out of habit-building. 11 email lessons walk you through the first 30 days of a habit step-by-step, so you know exactly what to do. Get the tools and strategies you need to take action. The course includes a 20-page PDF workbook (including templates and cheatsheets), plus new examples and applications that you can't find in Atomic Habits.

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    Essay No. 01. Man is a bundle of habits. Anything done often and repeatedly is called a habit. It is an acquired pattern of action which becomes easy and automatic because of repetition. Thus, habits, once formed, are difficult to be removed. That is why the saying, 'Old habits die hard'. The root of habit is practice and regularity.

  19. Good and Bad Habits

    In this video, learn English to talk about good and bad habits. Practical English conversations, passages to learn everyday English. Practice here: https://b...

  20. Free Essay: Good and Bad Habits

    Good and Bad Habits. People's personalities are based on their good and bad habits. Good and bad habits can influence everyone's personal and social life, they also can help better on your life, and bad habits can make it worse. Bad habits can make people's lives worse than how it was. A lot of people Stay up late at night whether for work or ...

  21. Essay on Habits

    Types of Habits. There are good habits like studying daily, and bad habits like eating too much junk food. It's important to cultivate good habits for a healthy life. Forming Habits. Habits form when we repeatedly do something. It takes time, but once formed, habits can be hard to break. Breaking Bad Habits. Breaking bad habits is challenging.

  22. Good & Bad Habits -10 Lines Essay in English Writing/Good Vs Bad Habits

    Good & Bad Habits -10 Lines Essay in English Writing/Good Vs Bad Habits/ Good and Bad Habits Essay In this video we will write 10 lines on Good and Bad Habit...

  23. Learn 20 Bad Habits in English || Bad Habits Essay in English

    Learn 20 Bad Habits in English || Bad Habits Essay in English || Bad Habits in English ||Hello My Dear Friends, In this video you w...

  24. Money blog: Major bank to let first-time buyers borrow up to 5.5 times

    Scroll through the Money blog for consumer and personal finance news, features and tips. Today's posts include free Greggs being axed by O2 Priority, a potential Rightmove takeover and Lloyds ...