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Essay on Morality in English (150, 200, 250, 500 Words)


Here, we’ve presented essays on “Morality” in 150, 200, 250 & 500 word samples. All the essays will be helpful for students of all classes i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & class 12.

Table of Contents

Essay on Morality in 150 Words


Morality is the compass guiding human behavior, rooted in principles of right and wrong. It shapes our decisions, interactions, and societal norms. With origins in cultural, religious, and philosophical teachings, morality serves as a foundational aspect of human society.

Understanding Morality

Morality is subjective, varying across individuals and cultures. Yet, common threads exist, such as empathy, fairness, and compassion. These values form the basis of moral judgment, influencing how we perceive and navigate ethical dilemmas in daily life.

The Role of Morality in Society

Morality fosters social cohesion and order by establishing norms and expectations for behavior. It shapes institutions, laws, and governance, providing a framework for justice and equality. Furthermore, moral integrity is essential for trust and cooperation, crucial for collective progress and well-being.

In essence, morality is the moral compass that guides human conduct, reflecting our shared values and principles. Its significance lies in promoting harmony, justice, and integrity within society. As we navigate life’s complexities, embracing morality ensures our actions align with the greater good, fostering a more compassionate and equitable world.

Essay on Morality

Morality Essay in 200 Words

Morality, the guiding principle of right and wrong, is integral to human existence, shaping individual actions and societal norms. Rooted in cultural, religious, and philosophical beliefs, it serves as a compass for ethical decision-making.

Morality is a subjective concept, influenced by personal beliefs, cultural upbringing, and societal norms. While interpretations may vary, common values such as empathy, honesty, and justice form its foundation, driving human behavior and interactions.

The Evolution of Morality

Throughout history, morality has evolved alongside human society, adapting to changing contexts and challenges. From ancient ethical codes to modern moral philosophies, it reflects humanity’s collective striving for goodness and ethical conduct.

The Importance of Morality in Governance

In governance, morality plays a crucial role in shaping laws, policies, and institutions. Upholding moral principles ensures fairness, justice, and accountability, fostering trust between citizens and their leaders.

Morality, though subjective and complex, is essential for individual well-being and societal harmony. By adhering to moral values, we cultivate a more compassionate, just, and inclusive world, where the dignity and rights of all individuals are respected and upheld.

Essay Writing on Morality in 250 Words

Morality, the bedrock of human ethics, encompasses the principles that guide our actions, decisions, and interactions with others. Rooted in cultural, religious, and philosophical traditions, morality shapes our understanding of right and wrong, serving as a moral compass in navigating life’s complexities.

The Nature of Morality

Morality is inherently subjective, influenced by personal beliefs, societal norms, and cultural values. While some ethical principles are universal, such as compassion and fairness, interpretations of morality can vary widely among individuals and communities.

Morality in Everyday Life

In our daily lives, morality influences our behavior and decision-making processes. It guides us in making choices that align with our personal values and ethical standards, often leading to actions that prioritize the well-being of others and promote harmony within society.

The Role of Morality in Social Cohesion

Morality is essential for fostering social cohesion and cooperation within communities. Shared moral values provide a common ground for individuals to relate to one another, promoting trust, empathy, and mutual respect.

Morality in the Global Context

In an increasingly interconnected world, morality extends beyond individual or communal boundaries to encompass global concerns. Issues such as human rights, environmental sustainability, and social justice require collective moral responsibility and ethical action on a global scale.

Challenges to Morality

Despite its importance, morality faces challenges in the modern world, including moral relativism, ethical dilemmas, and conflicting value systems. Navigating these complexities requires critical reflection, open dialogue, and a commitment to upholding moral integrity.

In conclusion, morality serves as a guiding force in shaping individual behavior, societal norms, and global interactions. By embracing moral values and principles, we can strive towards a more compassionate, just, and ethical world, where the inherent dignity and rights of all individuals are respected and upheld.

Writing an Essay on Morality in 500 Words

Morality, the code of conduct based on principles of right and wrong, is a fundamental aspect of human existence. It guides our actions, decisions, and interactions with others, shaping the fabric of society. Rooted in cultural, religious, and philosophical traditions, morality provides a framework for ethical behavior and moral judgment.

The Foundation of Morality

At its core, morality is founded on principles such as empathy, compassion, fairness, and justice. These universal values form the basis of ethical decision-making, influencing how individuals navigate moral dilemmas and interpersonal relationships. While specific moral beliefs may vary across cultures and individuals, the underlying aim remains the same: to promote the well-being and dignity of all sentient beings.

The Development of Moral Values

Morality is not innate but rather learned and developed through socialization processes. From childhood, individuals are exposed to moral teachings and societal norms that shape their understanding of right and wrong. Family, peers, education, religion, and cultural practices all play significant roles in instilling moral values and shaping moral identity.

Cultural and Relativistic Perspectives

Morality is inherently subjective, influenced by cultural, social, and historical contexts. Different cultures and societies may have distinct moral codes and ethical standards, leading to moral relativism. While some moral principles may be universal, such as the prohibition of murder or theft, interpretations of morality can vary widely based on cultural norms and values.

The Role of Morality in Decision-Making

Morality plays a crucial role in guiding individual decision-making processes. When faced with ethical dilemmas, individuals often rely on moral principles and values to determine the right course of action. Morality provides a moral compass, helping individuals navigate complex situations and make choices that align with their personal ethics.

Morality in Social Relations

In interpersonal relationships, morality serves as the foundation for trust, respect, and cooperation. By adhering to moral principles such as honesty, integrity, and empathy, individuals foster meaningful connections and cultivate harmonious social environments. Morality also governs societal institutions and norms, shaping laws, policies, and governance structures.

Despite its importance, morality faces numerous challenges in the modern world. Moral dilemmas, conflicting values, and ethical ambiguities often arise in complex situations, posing significant challenges to moral decision-making. Moreover, cultural diversity and globalization have led to clashes between different moral perspectives, raising questions about moral relativism and cultural tolerance.

Ethical Leadership and Governance

In governance and leadership, morality is essential for promoting justice, equality, and the common good. Ethical leaders uphold moral principles in their decision-making processes, prioritizing the welfare of society over personal gain or political expediency. By fostering a culture of integrity and accountability, ethical leadership contributes to the well-being and stability of communities and nations.

In conclusion, morality is a fundamental aspect of human existence, guiding individual behavior, societal norms, and global interactions. Rooted in universal values such as empathy and justice, morality provides a framework for ethical decision-making and moral judgment. Despite challenges and complexities, embracing moral principles and fostering a culture of integrity and compassion is essential for creating a more just, equitable, and harmonious world.

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Essay on Moral Values

List of essays on moral values, essay on moral values – short essay for kids and children (essay 1 – 150 words), essay on moral values – written in english (essay 2 – 250 words), essay on moral values – for school students (class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 standard) (essay 3 – 300 words), essay on moral values (essay 4 – 400 words), essay on moral values –  importance in society and challenges (essay 5 – 500 words), essay on moral values – how to cultivate and inculcate it in human beings (essay 6 – 600 words), essay on moral values (essay 7 – 750 words), essay on moral values – long essay (essay 8 – 1000 words).

Moral values are the key essence of life and it is these values that come along with us through the journey of life. Moral values are basically the principles that guide our life in the righteous path and do not allow us to do any harm to others.

Audience: The below given essays are especially written for kids, children and school students (Class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Standard).

Moral values define the humankind. Moral values empower us to stand as the most unique creatures in the whole animal kingdom. These values are the basis to almost every religion. Thousands of years ago, Buddha described the essence of moral values in his sermons and spread it all over the world.

Since our childhood, we are taught about the good habits and their powers by the elders at home and school. Some of the most significant moral values are kindness, honesty, truthfulness, selflessness, compassion, and love.

The things we learn as a child mould us as an adult. That is why it is crucial to inculcate the pious values in the children. For the younger generation to be transformed into citizens with mighty characters, they must possess strong ethical and moral values. Only then, we can dream of making India great and emerge as an ethical leader in the world.

So, from where do we get these moral values?

Moral values are the first thing that every child learns from their homes . What is right and what is wrong is something that we see and learn from our parents as well as from our own experiences. Many religions preach moral values are part of their belief systems.

Importance of Moral Values

Moral values are very important to each and everyone because it is these values that transform us into better human beings.

i. Without knowing and learning moral values, we will not be able to differentiate between good and bad.

ii. Moral values define us and help us to be surrounded by good people.

iii. One who practices moral values will have courage to handle any situation in life.

Role of Parents

Parents of today think that providing all luxuries to their children is their only responsibility. But they miss to offer them the most important wealth – moral values. When parents deny this, they fail in their duty to give a good human being to the society.

Honesty, kindness, truthfulness, forgiveness, respect for others, helping others etc., are some of the moral values that every parent must teach their children.

“It is not what you do for your children , but what you have taught them to do for themselves, that will make them successful human beings” – Ann Landers.

Moral Values are the practices followed by human beings to be good and to live in a society. Moral values or ethics, are taught to us by our parents and teachers. These include being honest, kind, respecting others, helping those in need, being faithful and cooperating with others, to name a few, are good moral values.

What are Moral Values?

The norms of what is right or good and what is wrong or bad, define the moral values which are based on many factors like region, society, religious beliefs, culture etc. These defined norms tell the people how they must act or behave in different situations and expect similar behaviours form others.

Importance of Moral Values:

Moral values give an aim to life. Knowing difference between right and wrong is the foundation to imbibe moral values, which are taught from the birth, and bring out the best in individuals.

Moral Values in Workplace:

In every workplace, people look for individuals with good moral values. For a job interview, the interviewer looks for a candidate with good moral values. Every organization has a defined ethical code of conduct that the people in the organization are expected to follow, in addition to basic societal moral values. Organizations with people having good moral values runs more systematically and efficiently.

Moral Value in coming Generations:

People are not aware or conscious about moral values and have different outlook towards life. Parents and teachers are too busy to inculcate moral values in younger generations.


Moral values are a type of law defined by the culture, society or other factors, to guide individuals on how to or not to behave in daily life. Sometimes, one may have different views and feel the moral guidelines too harsh or wrong. Such guidelines should be advocated for the good of the society.

Moral values are those characters or values seeded in a person’s mind and behavior towards oneself, others and on the whole. It can be the way a person consider other person’s life and space or the way they value each other’s feelings. The basic moral values like honesty, kindness, respect towards others, helpful mannerism, etc., will be the keys to be noted to judge a person’s character.

Moral values are the main characteristics that define the goodness in a person. These should be taught by the parents and teachers to the kids from their childhood. Moral values will help everyone in taking better decisions in life and attain the heights in an ethical way.

Instead of just thinking about our success and goals, moral values will give us the courage to take into account other’s happiness too. A person with better moral values is motivated and finds all possible ways to spread good vibes in and around them as well. Suppressing the people around you for attaining the goals you desire is the most dangerous violation of moral values.


A person without moral values is considered to possess a bad character and the society will start to judge the person due to this behavior. This competitive world of ours has made every moral value in a person to die for their own development and growth. Such inhuman and unethical activities like dishonesty, telling lies for your own benefit, hurting others and even worst things, should be avoided.

Inculcating the importance of moral values in a kid from their growing age will help them in sticking to those values forever. It is a necessity of our society to bear such responsible youths and younger generations with good moral values so that they will help our nation to attain better heights.

This society of ours is filled with immoral people who find every scope to deceive others through their activities. The young ones learn more things by observing their elders and they mimic the way their elders behave. It is the responsibility of elders like parents, teachers, etc., to grow a future generation with more moral values seeded in them by improving their own behavior.

Moral values can be taught to students by making them listen and understand more moral stories and the rewards they will get if they show it to others as well. Such way of teaching will help them grab the importance easily rather than taking mere lectures on moral values.


The society helps individuals to grow in culture and learn through experiences of all aspects of life. Societies instill culture, religion, economy and politics in individual because as people grow up, they tend to pick something from dynamics of life and the societal opinions on certain aspects of life. Moral values are also instilled by a society. The values that a person grows up with are the values that will be displayed in his or her character. Society plays a big role in influencing moral values of individuals. Moral values are a set of principles that enable an individual to distinguish between the proper and improper things or right versus wrong. The moral values that are highly valued in the society are integrity, honesty, loyalty, respect and hard work.

Importance of Moral Values in the Society:

In a society, there is interactions among people and the possession of moral values is important in those interactions. Establishment of good relationships is reliant on good moral values. Values like honesty, trust, faithfulness and loyalty are essential in establishment and sustainability of good relationships. Lack of those values causes strained relationships and misunderstanding among members of the society.

Moral values are important in building the economy. Through determination and hard work, people are able to conduct activities that contribute largely to the economic growth of a society. Also through establishment of good relationships, trade is conducted smoothly and there is teamwork in trade and performance of business transactions. The growth of the economy is important in the life quality in the society.

Moral values also play a role in prevention of conflict and ease in conflict resolution. Good relationships seldom end in conflict and whenever conflict arises, it is minimum and can be resolved easily. In a society that peace thrives, there is growth and development which results in an improved quality of life.


The society is required to thrive in good moral values. Development of moral values is challenged by migration and interactions between different cultures and societies. The interactions dilute the morals of one society through adaption and assimilation of a different culture e.g., westernization in Africa.

Poverty is a challenge to the moral values because it creates vices like theft and deceit among members of the society. In poor economic status, everyone struggles to keep up with the hard times and moral values become a thing of the past due to strive for survival.

Education is both a challenge and promoter for development of moral values. Depending on the environment of education, students pick either good or bad morals. In modern education, students tend to pick immorality because of peer pressure.


In conclusion, it is evident that moral value are an important consideration in the development of the society. Moral values go a long way in impacting the lives of an individual and the entire society. The development of moral values varies with the environmental exposure in societies. Each society should strive to uphold good moral values.

Moral values cultivated by human beings dignify the worth of human life. The morality existed from time immemorial and sustained among the communities. It amalgamated into the cultures which made the life of human beings secure and advanced. We can observe the ethical integrity in all the aspects of the individual as well as societal discourses. The moral values have been evolving with the inter-personal relationships between human beings as well as intra-personal relationships.

What are the moral values cultivated among us?

Religions have played a vital role in formulating and promoting moral values. The fundamental human values of love, respect, trust, tolerance, compassion, kindness are commonly practiced among people. Love and respect are significant in family relationships.

Love and respects are the cornerstones for the relationship between husband and wife, parents and children, elders and children. The sharing and caring qualities should be encouraged among children to make them compassionate personalities in the future.

The integrity and trust plays a prominent role in maintaining professional relationships. Similarly, kindness and empathy are the two powerful units to measure the gravity of human values. Patience and forgiveness are the right symbols of a human being’s dignity.

The Relevance of Moral Values:

Nowadays, humans tend to be more focused into self-centered life. Whatever happens outside the family roof is least mattered to the modern people. The social commitment of humans towards their community gets ignored for their personal conveniences.

The compassion, brotherhood, and love are hardly found. We do not have time to spend with our parents or even have time to look after our old and sick parents. Husbands leaving their wives and vice versa have become common these days. The increased number of divorces, old age homes, and orphanages clearly show where our compassion and love stay.

The social values like secularism, religious tolerance, and universal fraternity are the most threatened moral values these days. Religious fanatics have made the lives of ordinary people terrible in many places. The violence by the fanatics are the denial of the fundamental rights of people. People do not identify the fellow beings as brothers and sisters instead they seem to recognize others on racial, economic, gender, caste, and religious terms. It affects the balance of our social system.

The increasing terrorism, revolts, violence against children and gender inequalities are the instances of the denial of fundamental rights. The refugees who wander from nations to nations, the war for food and water, robbery, child labor are still prevalent in today’s civilized society. The civilization and culture acquired through education have made our lives more primitive considering the aspect of moral values.

How to inculcate the values among the children?

Although we acquired many information and knowledge, skills and technical knowledge through our education, our curriculum gives less importance to teach human values and moral values to our children. Nowadays, children become addicted to electronic gadgets, social media, and other entertainment modes.

It is our responsibility to teach our children and students human values within our family as well as through the education system. We should help grow moral values like sharing, helping, caring, and being considerate and tolerance in our children and encourage them to practice those at an early age.

Though various cultures have different perspectives towards moral values, the fundamental human values remain the same in every culture. It is relevant to project the human values and cultivate them in our daily lives.

Moral values demand to have conviction, integrity and rational sense to dissect between right and wrong. It is not just a technical understanding of right and wrong. It is more than that. In life, even if things happen against the morale of our best belief, we tend to manage the situation which may be the right decision of the occasion. We can say morally is wrong but it is morally right too, because a concession in the moral standard might have saved a situation here.

Moral values are relative. Standing firm to the moral values should be the motto in everyone’s life. It should satisfy your conscious even if it is disadvantageous. Moral values are subject to change, and it should continue to change upon the progression of society. It should reflect on what we are standing and the kind of impact it can create on others.

Moral values can be said to simply mean the values that are good that our teachers and parents taught us. Some very important moral values include being kind and honest, always trying to help those who are in need, show respect to other people, working with others when there is a need to and faithfulness to a partner or friend. When we imbibe moral values that are good, we are building ourselves to become very good humans. A very good character is synonymous to moral values that are good. Moral values can be basically defined as values that are defined by our society so that they can help in guiding people to live a life that is disciplined. Moral values that are basic like cooperative behaviour, kindness and honesty are most times constant, some other values can change or get modified over time. Other habits that portray good moral values include integrity, helpfulness, love respectfulness, compassion and hard work.

The importance of good moral values in our lives:

Life is full of many different challenges. Each day we live, morals are very necessary in helping us differentiate between things that are wrong and things that are right. Our morals and moral values affect both us and the society around us. Good moral values can help us improve our decision making in life.

Aspects of moral values:

Moral values cut across every area of our lives and even the society at large. For us to be able to have a good society and environment, it is important for each and every one of us to have solid and good moral values. It is important that we respect each other irrespective of the age or social status of the individual we are relating to. This can help in gaining good relations in every aspects and area of life whether it is in the workplace, family or the society. Good moral values can also help us in discovering our true purpose in life.

If it is true that moral values and habits are extremely important and beneficial to us humans, why then do we have a lot of people that do not have any of the moral values and do not follow the rules of morality in this world. Why do we have a lot of crimes happening all around us in the world today? Why is there so much disbelief and distrust among all of us?

The world we live in is an extremely tempting place and there are quick fixes for all of the problems facing us and this eventually turns our attention back to the main problem. Abiding to moral values in this life requires a lot of patience and also sacrifice but eventually, it helps one in analysing the difficulties and problems one faces and help in getting a solution to them.

Overall, someone who is ready and very determined to do their best in following a life that is meaningful in a patient way ends up following moral values without any fear of the person getting judged and such person ends up standing out from among the crowd.

Imbibing and inculcating good moral values:

The best time to imbibe good moral values into a person is when the person is still young and can still learn new characters and habits. Therefore, teachers and parents should endeavour to put in their best efforts into helping students and their children imbibe very solid moral values. Most children are very observant and they copy and learn habits and behaviours of their elder siblings, parents and teachers.

Children are bound to pay solid attention to the manner of action and behaviour of people older than them and they simply do the things they do. Children tend to speak only the truth if they have noticed that the elders around them are always truthful no matter the situation.

Likewise, it is important as elders to not be engaged in any form of bad behaviour as the children tend to assume they can also do these things and that they are not wrong because the elders around them are doing it. We should try to always demonstrate good and solid moral values to children around us. The best way to teach children good and solid moral values is through our own actions and habits.

It is very important for us as human beings to bear good and solid moral values like helping others, honesty , righteousness, decency, and even self-decency. People that have great moral values are very indispensable asset to others and even the society at large.

Moral values are the models of good and bad, which direct a person’s conduct and decisions. A person may adopt moral values from society and government, religion, or self. They are also inherited from the family as well.

In past ages, it was uncommon to see couples who lived respectively without the advantage of legal marriage rules. Of late, couples that set up a family without marriage are about as common as conventional wedded couples. There has been a shift in the moral values from time to time. For instance, in earlier times, the laws and ethics essentially originated from the cultures of a family and society as a whole. As society moved into the advanced time, these have largely disintegrated and people today tend to sue their own morals they want to follow.


Moral values, as the name says, implies the significance of the moral qualities in the conduct of the kids, the youth and everyone one in life. Primarily the moral values are the qualities which one gains from life through the journey of life. They also depict the standards of what is right and what is wrong for us which we learn in the schools and in the workplace and from our surroundings as well. The beliefs which we gain from the family and the society that directs us how we lead our lives is what moral values are all about.

Moral Values in India:

India is a country which has been known for its values since the ancient times. We start to learn moral values from our family. In India, children are taught to respect their elders, greet them properly whenever they meet them. This a way of showing respect towards the elders. A child knows that he is supposed to obey whatever is asked by the elders. Such a moral value inculcates obedience in the mind of a child. Moral values are important for all of us in order to make us live a life of a good human being.

Important Moral Values in Life:

Although there are numerous moral values which one should follow in life, there are some of them which should be followed by almost everyone in the world. Firstly, always speaking the truth is one such moral value. We should never speak lies no matter what the circumstance is. Also, we should respect our elders. Our elders have seen and experienced the world better than us. It is always good for their blessings and advice in our important decisions. Loyalty towards our work and integrity are other such moral values which should be practised by one and all.

Examples from History:

There have been many examples from history which have depicted the importance and rightful following of moral values in life. One such example which we all are familiar with is from our epic Ramayana. Lord Ram was asked to go to fourteen years in exile just because his father King Dasaratha had granted a wish to the queen Kaikeyi. He could have refused it as well as it was not he who had granted the wish. But just to keep his father’s words he accepted the exile graciously and went into exile. Not only this, his wife Sita and his younger brother Laxman also followed his footsteps as they believed that it was their prime duty to follow him.

The Scenario Today:

Such was the moral value depicted during that period. But, now things are so different. People seem to have forgotten their moral values and are more focused on modern life. There are a number of instances every day where parents are left alone by their children to live a lonely old life. Many of them even die in isolation and there is no one to look after them during the last years. Apart from this, there are frequent quarrels between families over petty matters which could have been avoided if the people remembered the moral values our ancestors stood for.

Nowadays, people smoking and drinking and that too in front of their parents and children is a common sight. This is so against our moral values. We should not teach our children the evils ,such habits can do harm them in later years of their life.

The Remedy Available:

Since there has been a strong drift in the moral values of the people, the government has initiated to make the students learn about moral values in life and their importance to us. In order to execute this, schools of today teach moral values to the children in a greater sense. This is important as the students are the future of tomorrow. If the schools and the families alike teach the children such values from childhood, they shall turn into good human beings when they grow up.

Moral values depict our character to the outer world. They are of extreme importance in our lives. In earlier times, people were so determined to follow these values inherited from our ancestors. Such was their determination that once committed they never went back on their words. But with modernisation and urbanisation, we have seemed to have lost our moral values somewhere. Children disrespecting their parents are a common sight nowadays.

But, we should not blame the children for this. It is perhaps our own upbringing which has led to such immoral practices all over. It is we who should inculcate the moral values in our life first. Children will follow what they observe around them. If they shall see people living in joint families together and respecting each other, even they shall do so when they grow up. If we speak lies to our children even they shall do so. For the children imbibe the habits they see in their parents, teachers, peers at school and others around them.

So, it is we who have to take the first step forward. The children shall surely follow us. Moral values give us character and strength. If each one us practice some moral values in life, there would be peace and harmony all around. Moreover, we shall have a bright future for our next generations as well.

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  • Essay On Values

Essay on Moral Values

500+ words essay on moral values.

Moral values are considered an essential aspect of human life. Moral values determine one’s nature, behaviour and overall attitude towards life and other people. In our lives, our decisions are primarily based on our values. The choices we make in our lives impact us and our society, organisation and nation. It is believed that a person with good values makes wise decisions that benefit everyone. On the contrary, people who have no moral values think only of themselves. They don’t care about others’ needs or society and make choices based solely on their needs. They create an unfriendly and sometimes unsafe environment around themselves.

Importance of Moral Values

The value of a person reflects their personality. Moral values help us understand the difference between right and wrong, good and evil and make the right decisions and judgements. They empower and drive a person to be a better human being and work for the betterment of society. Some moral values a person can inculcate in themselves are: dedication, honesty, optimism, commitment, patience, courtesy, forgiveness, compassion, respect, unity, self-control, cooperation, care and love. A person becomes humble and dependable with good values. Everyone looks up to a person with good values, whether personally or professionally.

If a person has good values, he spreads love, joy, and positive vibes. A person with good values works for the upliftment of society, along with taking care of their life. Such people are always considerate of the needs of others and understand the importance of unity and teamwork. They don’t lose their temper very easily and forgive others. People with good values are an asset to the organisation they work in and the society they live in.

Values Must Be Imbibed

We need to imbibe good values to function as humans and live in a society. Good values include dedication towards work, honesty, respect, commitment, love, helping others, taking responsibility for others’ deeds and acting responsibly. All these values are essential for the positive growth of an individual.

If you want to become a true leader and inspire others, you need to have good values. People always show respect and love to a person with good values. Additionally, they’ll trust and depend on a person of good values because they get proper advice and opinion from such a person.

Ethics Must Be Followed

A person with good values behaves ethically. We often hear of an ethical code of conduct. These are a set of rules or codes an individual is expected to follow. For example, talking politely with others, respecting elders/co-workers, handling difficult situations calmly, maintaining discipline and acting responsibly. Following these ethics helps create a healthy and safe work environment. So, it is essential for everyone to follow the ethical code of conduct.

The Role of Parents and Teachers

Moral values are not just born in a person but must be taught and inculcated right from childhood. When we talk about raising or nurturing children with good values, the credit goes to parents and teachers. It is their responsibility to teach children good values and should make them understand why it’s necessary to follow ethical behaviour. Schools should also take the responsibility to have a separate class dedicated to teaching ethics and moral values from the beginning. They should also train the students so that they imbibe these values.

An individual should imbibe good moral values to do well both in their professional and personal lives. A person with good values is also recognised among the crowd and is always appreciated for his behaviour and attitude towards others. On the contrary, people who lack good values often get into trouble and are not accepted in society. So, we should make sure that we teach our children good values and ethical behaviour from an early age. It is our responsibility to make our future generation learn moral values and ethics. This will help them become good human beings and upstanding citizens of the world. Additionally, it will give them the strength and courage to achieve great things in their lives.

The importance of moral values cannot be overstated. A nation with a high proportion of good values will undoubtedly progress and develop more rapidly than where people lack values. Moral values nurture us individually, build strong character and help create a better world around us.

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Moral Values Essay | Essay on Moral Values for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Moral Values Essay: Moral values are the positive teachings and ethicals values that define Humankind. Buddha made use of the essence of these values in his teachings. These are ethical values that every parent wants their children to imbibe. It helps tread the right path and a responsible person capable of differentiating between right and wrong.

Moral values empower an individual to perform better with human intentions, motives, acts, and relationships with other individuals. Moral values form the basis of all religious practices.

Values such as perseverance, self-control, respect, honesty, generosity, politeness, kindness, integrity, etc. help a person to become a better individual and a citizen. Thus, these values help people become successful human beings.

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Long and Short Essay on Moral Values for Students and Kids in English

Below we have provided a Long, descriptive Essay on moral values and a Short, brief Essay on moral values. The extended essay on moral values consists of 400-500 words and is a guideline to help students with their essay topic. The short essay contains 150-200 words to help and guide children and kids.

Long Essay on Moral Values 500 Words

The long essay on moral values is for students belonging to classes 6,7,8,9, and 10, and competitive exam aspirants. The essay is a guide to help with class assignments, comprehension, and competitive examinations.

Society disseminates values, religion, culture, politics, and economy in an individual. People tend to pick up certain things from societal opinions and the dynamics of life from society. The community disseminates moral values. Moral values are habits and values that provide great importance in a person’s life.

Moral values hold great significance in an individual’s life. The establishment and sustainability of good relationships in society are dependants on moral values. Lack of these values causes misunderstandings and misconceptions among people.

Moral Value Attributes

Moral values hold the same significance across cultures and centuries. However, moral values are center-specific to a particular age or society. With time, specific moral values change. For instance, the ancient times considered women who did not voice their opinions and stayed home as those with ethical-moral values; however, today, practices have evolved.

Society and culture determine moral values. Moral values remain without any change; however, in time, people leave behind their ethics and values. The modern-day generation sees no time in building their character through moral values. It is often forgotten that these values reflect a person’s overall attitude and personality.

Role in society

A society holds multiple interactions for which Moral values are highly essential to build relationships. Moral values teach an individual the right and wrong in society. For instance, while talking with elders, one uses reverence, love, and compassion that molds good moral character.

Moral values play the role of peacemaker through conflict resolutions and prevention. It builds good relationships and helps to resolve conflicts. Through the establishment of relations, a society’s economy is also established. It conducts smooth trade business transactions among the people of the nation. Thus, in a community blooming with peace sees the improved quality of life and productive development.

Society is established through moral values. However, the growth and development of these values remain challenged by interactions and migration from diverse cultures and societies. These interactions dissolve morals leading to the assimilation of multiple or a hybrid culture.

Education and Poverty are the two main challenges to moral values. While school gives a child the option between good and wrong values, Poverty creates vices such as deceit, theft, struggles, and a strive for survival.

Moral values in a student’s life

A student’s life is a cycle of challenges and changes. As a child grows, he or she imbibes a lot of lessons and moral values. While some may get forgotten, some stick till the rest of life. Therefore, it is highly essential to inculcate moral values in students’ lives as their hands lie in the future. Students with ethical values become responsible and accountable people, while those spoiled become a threat to the society or culture.

In short, moral values aid a person to make the right choices and decisions in life. It directs an individual’s behavior and makes him or her make clear goals. A person embracing moral values such as loyalty, honesty, compassion, consistency, kindness, reliability, efficiency, courage, and determination, build a better character.

Essay on Moral Values

Short Essay on Moral Values 200 Words in English

The short essay on moral values below is helpful for classes 1,2,3,4,5and 6. The essay on moral values is to help with essay assignments, comprehension, and school events.

Moral values are the values journey with an individual as the vital essence of life. Moral values are the basic principles that guide the path and relationships in life. It helps a person behave with good motives and thoughts that do not harm the other.

Every Parent takes pride in his or her kid’s good moral character. Most Indian families follow strict instructions to imbibe ethical values. They highlight the importance of moral values and teach them at an early age. However, today’s society experiences the slow degradation of moral values with time.

A person’ s moral values, behavior, and beliefs should be based on culture or society. It molds the overall personality, conduct, and practice of an individual. My values and beliefs are based on the regulations, education, religion, and law of society. Moral values help to distinguish between right and wrong, thus affect our behavior and attitudes.

Thus, to become a competent, responsible human, it is essential to keep moral values as a top priority. It not only mold their personality but also makes them better citizens of the society.

10 Lines on Moral Values Essay in English

  •  Moral values are positive teachings that help one to do the right things in life. Moral values differ from one individual to another.
  •  Moral values are imbibed through people—cultures, religion, teachers, traditions, society, and parents.
  • One keeps learning and improvising himself or herself by receiving new moral values.
  • Moral values find peace through conflict resolutions and prevention and healthy relationships that resolve conflicts.
  • Moral values direct the path, build a good character and better society, and help people make the right choices and decisions.
  • Education provides children with multiple options with moral values. Poverty in a country creates struggles, a strive for survival, and harmful habits such as deceit and theft.
  • The practice of moral values helps an individual to build good relationships in their professional and personal life. It also molds the overall personality, conduct, and preparation of an individual.
  • Moral or Ethical values help a person resolve challenging situations and issues. It also helps them with self-motivation.
  • However, today’s society experiences the slow degradation of moral values with time. The youth of the day do not hesitate to practice immoral values such as cheat, lie, steal, etc.
  • Today’s society requires competent, responsible humans to keep moral values as a top priority.

Essay About Moral Values

FAQ’s on Essay on Moral Values

Question 1. What is Moral Value and state an example?

Answer: Moral values are those excellent values that empower and define human beings and are obtained from religion, parents, cultures, traditions, etc. These values help an individual behave with good motives and thoughts that do not harm the other.  For example,- we respect, love, obey our elders.

Question 2. How do moral values help us?

Answer: Moral values help you make the right decision, direct the path you need to choose. It builds a better society and helps to develop one’s overall personality.

Question 3. How do you differentiate between good and wrong Moral values?

Answer: Ethical, moral values help a person to become a better individual. It helps people respect elders, show gratitude, help people in need, honest, and encourage others to keep up their values while wrong moral values make a person harm the other.

Question 4. What are the moral values one should develop?

Answer: A person should develop values such as respect, honesty, gratefulness, kindness, helping nature, compassion, justice, and compromising quality. These moral values help him/her become a better person.

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Essay on Moral Values 500+ Words

Moral values are the guiding principles that shape our character and influence the choices we make. In this essay, we will explore the importance of moral values in our lives and society, how they contribute to personal growth, and why they are essential for building a just and compassionate world.

Ethical Decision-Making

Moral values provide a moral compass, helping us distinguish right from wrong. They play a crucial role in ethical decision-making. Statistics show that individuals with strong moral values are more likely to make ethical choices in their personal and professional lives.

Personal Growth and Integrity

Moral values are the foundation of personal growth and integrity. They inspire us to be honest, truthful, and principled. Experts believe that a strong sense of integrity leads to a sense of self-respect and confidence.

Building Trust and Respect

Trust and respect are vital in any relationship, whether it’s with family, friends, or colleagues. Moral values such as honesty, loyalty, and empathy are the cornerstones of trust and respect. Studies show that individuals who practice these values have healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

Social Harmony and Compassion

Moral values foster social harmony and compassion. They teach us to be kind, considerate, and empathetic toward others. Experts emphasize the role of moral values in reducing conflict and promoting understanding among diverse communities.

Encouraging Good Citizenship

Good citizenship is about contributing positively to society. Moral values guide us to be responsible citizens who respect laws and regulations. Statistics reveal that individuals who uphold moral values are more likely to engage in community service and volunteer work.

Nurturing Empathy and Tolerance

In an increasingly diverse world, empathy and tolerance are essential. Moral values encourage us to understand and accept people from different backgrounds, beliefs, and cultures. Experts highlight the importance of empathy and tolerance in building inclusive and harmonious societies.

Resilience in Adversity

Moral values provide strength and resilience in times of adversity. They help us cope with challenges and maintain our moral compass even in difficult situations. Research shows that individuals with strong moral values are more likely to bounce back from setbacks.

Teaching Responsibility to Future Generations

Passing on moral values to future generations is a responsibility we carry. It ensures that the values we hold dear continue to shape the world positively. Experts stress the importance of moral education in schools and families to instill these values in young minds.

Addressing Ethical Dilemmas

Life often presents us with ethical dilemmas. Moral values offer guidance when we face difficult choices. They enable us to make decisions that align with our principles and beliefs. Experts emphasize the role of moral values in ethical problem-solving.

Conclusion of Essay on Moral Values

In conclusion, moral values are not just abstract concepts; they are the foundation of a virtuous and compassionate society. They guide our ethical decision-making, promote personal growth and integrity, and foster trust, respect, and social harmony. Moral values encourage good citizenship, empathy, and tolerance, and provide resilience in the face of adversity.

As a fifth-grader, you can start by practicing moral values in your daily life. Be honest, kind, and considerate to others. Respect differences and treat everyone with fairness and empathy. By embracing moral values, you are not only enriching your own life but also contributing to a more just and compassionate world. Remember, the power of moral values lies in their ability to inspire positive change in ourselves and in the world around us.

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Ethics and Morality Relationship Essay

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Relationship between ethics and morality, ethical choices available to hr managers.


Over the years, ethics and morality have often been used synonymously. Although the two terms are closely related both in conceptual and ideal meaning, they have both differences and similarities. This paper, therefore, discusses the relationship between ethics and morality, giving examples of each, and also explores the ethical choices available for human resources managers.

Ethics is a term used to refer to the body of doctrines that guide individuals to behave in a way that is ideologically right, fine, and appropriate. Guidelines or principles that constitute do not at all times lead an individual towards just a solitary moral but act as a way to direct the individual to follow a set of codes of conducts whose objective is to foster overall desirable behaviors in an individual or a group of people (George, 2006).

According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ethics are regulations that are clearly stipulated and that guide individuals in determining what to do and what not to. In many organizations, ethics are guided by sets of written laws and regulations that guide the way individuals within them should behave (Conroy & Emerson, 2004).

For example, there could be written principles that guide the way customer service should be undertaken in the organization, rules guarding salespeople against selling inappropriate products to the customers, rules guarding against corruption or undue extortion of money from the customers, principles that direct employees to behave in the highest level of professionalism, integrity, honesty, and humility while serving customers and which are well written down in the organization’s code of conduct.

According to Peterson et al (2005), ethics are a set of rules that direct individuals to decide to act in a correct way. The latter asserts that ethics are embedded in and guided by laws that redirect individuals from doing what their conscience directs them to do and do what is morally correct i.e. they help an individual to avoid doing what he or she wants to but rather do what is correct in moral standards. For instance, someone’s conscience tells him to climb up a neighbor’s apple tree to eat his apples without the latter’s consent, but he shrugs off his personal selfish feelings and abstains from doing such a thing and which he has the power to do due to the respect for the neighbor and his property. The person will make a decision not to eat the neighbor’s apples hence he will have acted in an ethical way.

Ethics leads to honesty, a show of respect for others, and behavior that is consistent with one’s obligation as a member of the organization or a citizen to a country (Conroy & Emerson, 2004). According to the latter, ethics are not innate in an individual but are mainly exotically controlled by laws and regulations are set and enforced by human beings or authority. For example, ethics in marketing are controlled by laws that restrict marketers from engaging in business malpractices such as unhealthy competition, poor product prices, overpricing, and hoarding among other business vices.

George (2006) defines morality from two main perspectives. From an individuals’ perspective, morality is a set of individual’s standards, principles, or customs that greatly shapes an individual’s character trait and way of behavior or the level of which an individual is able to willingly uphold the generally accepted standards of behaviors within a society that he lives in at a specific instance in time. On the other hand, George asserts that societal morals are the universally acceptable code of conduct in a certain society at a specific point of time, and which autonomously guides the behavior of its members.

For instance, stealing is generally not acceptable in society at any one time. As such, it is immoral to steal. In the same way, if the society holds that it is moral to belong to a religion in the 21 st century, it would be immoral according to such a society for a member to be without religion. Similarly, in a society that prostitution is rebuked, it would be immoral for an individual within it to engage in prostitution. Societal standards/ principles change rapidly over time. Similarly, moral standards within a society will vary with time. For example, it was moral to hold slaves in the past. However, this is no longer acceptable in modern society hence it would be immoral for an individual to hold a slave today.

Ethics are guidelines for proper behavior or conduct and they are absolutely not pegged to the specified period in time. As a result, they usually have limited variations overtimes. On the other hand, morality is the acceptable standard within a society at a given point in time (Peterson et al, 2005).

As a result, they change over time. Ethics are more basic and permanent than morality; hence morality is a subset of ethics. Similarly, ethics lead to morality whereas vice versa is not applicable. Moreover, a change in ethics is likely to generate a change in morality. In circumstances where a society or institution amends its code of ethics, the moral standards will obviously be altered (Peterson et al, 2005).

For example, the ethical code of conduct led to the alteration of the slavery law in the eighteenth century which led to slavery being regarded as immoral since then. Unlike the ethical code of conduct which is entrenched in the written artificial laws, morality is more or less entrenched in and controlled by the individual’s personality. As a result, a change in a person’s character trait for the better will make him or her more moral and vice versa. However, the similarity between ethics and morality is that they are all geared towards enhancing the desirable relationship between individuals in the organization, institutions, or society in which they live (Peterson et al, 2005).

There are several ethical choices that are available to human resource managers. These include:

Equity in opportunities and neutrality

Employment takes place in a multifaceted environment. As a result it is ethical for the human resource managers involved in the employment or appointment of personnel in the organization to give equal opportunity for various individual interested in the job to compete on a level ground and pick the most suitable for the job without any discrimination whatsoever(University of Western Australia, 2007). For instance, the recruitment process should be devoid of nepotism, corruption, undue charges to the candidates, bias and prejudices. Employment should be carried out via an open, fair and due process. In addition, HR managers should desist from taking positions that appears to favor one side during dissolution of employees disputes (Lowry , 2006).

Fairness in the treatment of employees and quietism

HR manager will be ethical if they establish an organizational environment in which all employees are treated in a just manner. For instance, the managers should ensure equitable reward system for all employees, just promotions and a system that is without favoritism based on any aspects. In addition, employees need to be treated like people with rights to be honored and defended by the HR manager (Lowry , 2006).

Sexual harassment of employees

The human resources managers will be ethical if they desist from gender stereotypes and sexual harassment of employees. Cases of sexually mistreating of employees by human resources managers are not only unethical but absolutely unacceptable and illegal (University of Western Australia, 2007). For instance, some manager demand for sexual relations with female employees as a leeway to giving them a favor, promotion, salary increment or even initial employment which is against the HR ethical code of conduct (Lowry , 2006).

Privacy and Confidentiality

Human resources code of ethics requires that employee privacy and personal life be respected at all times. For instance, it will be in breach of the ethical code of HR to force the employee to reveal his sexual life information (University of Western Australia, 2007). In addition it is the duty of the manager to safeguard the information given to him by the employees, by treating it with the highest level of confidentiality (Lowry , 2006). For example, if the HR has the information of the employee’s health profile, such information must not be released to the outside without the consent of the employee.

Poaching of employees

In industry HR managers may tend to poach competitors employees so as to lessen their competitive power. In doing this they entice the competitors employees in order to gain undue advantage over rivals which is unethical (University of Western Australia, 2007). In addition ethical human resource managers should be ethically assertive. Remain neutral in resolving employee’s disputes, ethical in dealing with errant employees and should be ethically reactive.

Ethics and morality are two terms that are closely related and which individuals often tend to refer to synonymously. However, the two are different in that while ethics are sets of principles that guide desirable behavior or conducts, morality is the generally acceptable behavior within a society at a given period of time. In addition, morality unlike ethics keeps on changing from time to time as societal values change (Peterson et al, 2005).

Conclusively, it can be held that morality is a subset of ethics since ethics shapes morality while ethics is bigger than morality. Finally, the ethical choices available for HR managers includes, offering equal opportunities in employment, treating all employees fairly, respecting the employees, avoiding ill-led poaching of competitors employees to gain undue advantage over them, respecting employees privacy and confidentiality of information and not sexually mistreating employees. Breaching any of these will be unethical on the part of the HR manger.

Conroy, S.J. and Emerson, (2004) “Business Ethics and Religion: Religiosity as a Predictor of Ethical Awareness among Student Inc Journal of Business Ethics 50 (4):247-258.

George Desnoyers (2006), the relationship between ethics and morality: Inc the Journal of behavioral psychology. Vol. 11 167-186.

Lowry , 2006, Ethical Choices for HR Managers Inc Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources; 44; p.171.

Peterson, et al (2005) Ethics vs. Morality – The Distinction between Ethics and Morals. Web.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy- The Definition of Morality. Web.

University of Western Australia (2007), code of ethics and code of conduct for human resources. Web.

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IvyPanda . "Ethics and Morality Relationship." November 5, 2021.

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Essay on Moral Values in English for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Essay on Moral Values: Moral values are the good values that our taught to us by our parents and teachers. These include being honest and kind, showing respect towards others, extending help to those in need, being faithful to ones partner and cooperating with others to name a few. Imbibing good moral values make a person a good human being. A person who sticks to his moral values is said to bear a good character.

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Long and Short Essay on Moral Values in English

Here are essays on Moral Values of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can choose any Moral Values essay as per your need:

Moral Values Essay 200 words

Moral values are good values such as compassion, generosity, honesty, kindness, integrity, politeness, perseverance, self control and respect. Individuals who possess these qualities are considered to be an asset to the society. They do not only lead a disciplined life but also help in bringing out the best in those around them. Their dedication towards work, sense of self control and helping nature is appreciated by everyone.

Every parent wants his child to bear a good moral character. Many families in India are especially strict when it comes to imbibing moral values. They stress upon its importance and try to help their children inculcate the same from an early age. However, the moral values in the society are degrading with time.

There are two schools of thoughts when it comes to moral values. As per one, a person must bear good moral values even at the cost of his/ her happiness. On the other hand as per the other one a person must not be too strict with oneself and that moral values may be altered to some extent if they become a cause of stress. The youth these days is more inclined towards seeking happiness rather than valuing moral values. This may be attributed to the growing influence of the western culture.

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Moral Values Essay 300 words

Moral values include being honest, kind, showing respect to others, helping others, having a sense of self control, treating everyone equally and imbibing other such good qualities. A person possessing such qualities is known to bear a good moral character. On the other hand, those who do not possess such qualities are looked down upon by the society.

It requires conviction to follow good habits and imbibe moral values. Not every individual is as strong willed to follow these habits. However, we must try to imbibe these.

Moral Values in Office Setting

People look forward to individuals with good moral values. One of the things that the interviewer examines during a job interview is whether the prospective employee bears good moral values. Besides the basic moral values, every organization has a defined ethical code of conduct that the employees are expected to follow. An organization with disciplined employees who possess good moral values runs more systematically compared to those where these basics things are not sorted. There is less corruption and everyone gets a fair chance to learn and grow in such an environment. This is the reason why employers give special attention to this quality while selecting an employee.

However, unfortunately, the youth today does not give much importance to the moral values. The growing competition these days is one of the reasons for the degradation of these values. In an attempt to grow professionally, people do not hesitate to lie, deceive and use other unethical and immoral practices. This disturbs the work environment. It is because of this that the deserving employees lead a lifetime on the same position while the ones who employ immoral practices reach on the top.

Our society needs more individuals that possess good moral values in order to grow and develop the right way.

Moral Values Essay 400 words

Moral values are the values defined by the society based on which a person’s character is judged. A person is said to be good or bad on the basis of these values. A person’s choices and decisions in life are dependent to a large extent on the moral values he/she bears.

Why Are Moral Values Important?

Moral values define the norms of right and wrong and good and bad. These defined norms help the people understand as how they must act in the society in order to lead a peaceful life. Decision making becomes easy to some extent as a person knows the repercussions of his behaviour based on the moral principles he has been taught since childhood.

Moral values give us an aim in life. We are grounded in reality and are motivated to do good for those around us if we bear good moral values. Helping others, caring for those around us, taking wise decisions and not hurting others are some of the examples of good moral values. These values help in bringing out the best in us.

Moral Values in Indian Society

The Indian society and culture gives high regard to the moral values. From the childhood itself, individuals are expected to behave in a manner which is morally correct. They are taught what is right and wrong as per the society. Talking with respect with the elders and with patience and love with those who are younger to us is one of the first lessons taught to us. One is also taught to bear a good moral character. Indulging in drinking, smoking and other such notorious activities is almost a taboo in the Indian society, particularly for the women. It is considered to be against the custom and tradition of the Indian society. People in India have been known to have broken family ties with those who tread on the path which is not morally correct.

However, with the changing times and growing attraction towards the western culture many people are defying these set norms of morality. Everyone these days wants freedom to live their life their own way and the strict moral values often hamper their happiness. Many people go against the society to seek freedom and happiness.

While individuals must bear good moral values, sometimes they seem too far-fetched. With the changes in the mindset and the way of living, moral values must also be altered and should not remain too stringent.

Moral Values Essay 500 words

Moral values are the good values taught to help people lead a disciplined life. Moral values include good habits such as honesty, helpfulness, integrity, respectfulness, love, hard work and compassion.

Importance of Moral Values in a Student’s Life

A student’s life is full of challenging. This is a growing age wherein a person learns several lessons each day. The lessons learned during this age stay with us for the rest of our lives. It is thus important to help the students inculcate good moral values. After all, they are the future of the nation. Children with good moral values grow up to become responsible youth. Those who are devoid of good values do not only spoil their lives as they grow older but are also a threat to the society.

Imbibing Good Moral Values in Students

Parents as well as teachers must put in special efforts to help students imbibe good moral values. Children are quite observant. Most of the things they learn in life is by observing their teachers, parents and elder siblings. They pay more heed to the way their elders act and behave and imbibe the same rather than what they are instructed to do. For instance, they will be inspired to speak the truth if they see their elders doing the same. On the other hand, if they are repeatedly asked to speak the truth but see their elders doing otherwise, they too shall be tempted to lie. It is thus the responsibility of the parents and teachers to behave properly to demonstrate good values so that the children inculcate the same. They must inspire the students to be polite, help others, speak the truth, be compassionate and take up responsibilities with pleasure.

Schools must also focus on imparting moral values to the students by way of good moral stories and lessons rather than merely lecturing them on the same. Evil practices and bad habits must be condemned so that the students stay away from them. Inculcating good moral values in students is as important as teaching them other subjects.

Moral Values and Today’s Generation

Times are changing and the mindset of people is changing with time. While it is good to move with the time however moving away from ones roots and moral values is not a good thing. Today’s generation is not as conscious about being morally and ethically correct as the earlier ones.

They have a different outlook towards life. Indulging in frivolous act, lying for their benefit, smoking, drinking and having drugs is a common sight these days. While this was considered a taboo a few decades back, youth these days indulges in the same without any inhibitions. Most of this can be attributed to the influence of the western culture. Besides, parents these days have also become extremely busy in their lives that they hardly get time to spend with their children and teach them what is right and wrong.

A person must bear good moral values such as honesty, helping nature, decency, righteousness and self-discipline. Such a person is an asset to the society.

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Moral Values Essay 600 words

Moral values are the values defined by the society to guide individuals to lead a disciplined life. While the basic moral values such as honesty, kindness and cooperative behaviour remain the same some values may change or modify over the time.

Changing Moral Values in the Society

From Joint Family to Nuclear Family System

Moral values differ to some extent based on the society one lives in. They also differ from generation to generation. India is one such country that boasts of its rich moral values and deep rooted culture. Respecting our elders is the first and foremost value taught to us. Our parents emphasize its importance since our childhood. Talking ill to the elders – be it our parents, grandparents, relatives or any other elder is considered offensive. India is known for its joint family system. Children continue to live with their parents and siblings even after their marriage in our country. Until few year back, this was more of a custom. Even if the house was small or there were differences among the family members, people were still expected to stick together and live under one roof.

Sons and daughter in laws were expected to take care of their parents during their old age and anyone who urged to live separately was considered to be disrespectful towards his parents. Such young couples were talked ill about in the neighbourhood and among the relatives. Often, the family disowned their sons because of this reason. However, people these days understand that it is important to give space in relationships in order to nurture them well. Just like the western countries, people in India have also started living in nuclear families these days and the society has slowly and gradually accepted this. It is no longer considered to be morally or ethically wrong.

Arranged Marriages to Love Marriages

People in the west find our arranged marriage system rather weird however in India it is a part of our tradition. While there is a growing trend of love marriages since the last few decades, prior to that having affair and expressing the desire to have a love marriage was considered to be morally wrong. Girls who expressed their wish to marry a boy of their own choice were thrashed severely by their family members and were considered to have low moral values. Young couples in love had to struggle hard to get approval for marriage. It used to get all the more difficult if it was an inter-caste relationship. Many instances of honour killing have also come into limelight in the past owing to this reason.

However, the concept of love marriage has now become quite common in our country and a person’s moral values and character are not judged because of this.

Marriage to Live-in Relationships

Live in relationships are quite common in the western countries however in India these relationships are not considered morally correct. Here, it is advocated that a couple can live together under one roof only when they are married. While live-in relationships were considered a taboo until a few years back, many sections of the society have now begun to accept it. Many young couples these days especially those living in the metropolitan cities have started getting into such relationships. Though, a large section of the society still continues to consider it wrong.

Moral values are thus a type of law defined by the society to dictate an individual on how he should and should not behave. While moral values are important and good for the society some of these are too overrated. These must be inculcated and advocated for the good of the society and not to suffocate the individuals. It is important to alter them from time to time to match the mindset of the newer generation.

Essay on Moral Values FAQs

What are moral values in short notes.

Moral values are principles that guide our behavior, like honesty and kindness.

What is the importance of moral values in a paragraph?

Moral values are crucial in life as they shape our character, help us make ethical choices, and build better relationships with others.

What are moral values in student life?

Moral values in student life include honesty, respect, and responsibility, teaching students to be good citizens.

Why are moral values important in student life?

Moral values are important in student life as they instill integrity, empathy, and strong decision-making skills, preparing students for a better future.

What are moral values in an essay?

Moral values in an essay often highlight virtues like integrity, empathy, and fairness, promoting ethical behavior and social harmony.

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Essay on Moral Values in 100, 150, 200, 300, 350, & 400 Words

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Essay on Moral Values in 100 Words

Moral values serve as guiding principles that shape our behavior, decisions, and interactions with others. They provide a moral compass and help individuals lead a meaningful and ethical life. In this essay, we will explore the significance and relevance of moral values in our society.

Moral values promote empathy, honesty, respect, and fairness, fostering a harmonious coexistence among individuals. They enhance our character, shaping us into responsible and compassionate human beings. Emphasizing moral values cultivates a sense of integrity and accountability, ensuring that our actions align with our beliefs. Moreover, they provide a foundation for building strong relationships and fostering mutual trust.

Essay on Moral Values in 150 Words

Moral values play a significant role in shaping our lives and society. They serve as guides to help us distinguish between right and wrong, shaping our behavior and decision-making processes. These values act as a compass that directs us towards uprightness, justice, empathy, and respect.

Moral values encompass several aspects, such as honesty, integrity, compassion, and fairness. Honesty cultivates trust and credibility, forming the foundation of healthy relationships. Integrity encourages us to act in accordance with our ethical principles, even when no one is watching. Compassion moves us to understand and help others, promoting harmony and unity. Fairness demands equal treatment and consideration for all, ensuring justice prevails.

By adhering to moral values, we create a society that thrives on righteousness and respect. Our actions become reflections of our character, contributing to a positive and ethical world.

Essay on Moral Values in 200 Words

Moral values play a crucial role in shaping the fabric of society. They are the principles that guide individuals in making ethical decisions and treating others with respect and compassion. In a world filled with diversity and differing belief systems, moral values act as the universal language that transcends cultural boundaries.

At their core, moral values encompass honesty, integrity, empathy, fairness, and kindness. These values serve as the building blocks of strong relationships, fostering trust and understanding among individuals. By adhering to moral values, one can lead a life that is not only morally upright but also contributes positively to the greater good.

Moreover, moral values provide individuals with a sense of direction and purpose. They act as a moral compass, guiding our actions and decisions. In times of confusion and moral dilemmas, these values serve as a reference point to help us differentiate right from wrong.

Moral values are also essential for personal growth and development. They shape our character and define who we are as individuals. Living by these values helps cultivate virtues such as patience, forgiveness, and perseverance, leading to personal fulfillment and happiness.

In conclusion, moral values form the foundation of a just and harmonious society. They foster a sense of unity and shared responsibility among individuals. As we navigate through life, it is crucial to uphold and promote moral values, ensuring a world where compassion, fairness, and integrity prevail.

Essay on Moral Values in 300 Words

Moral values are the foundation of a just and harmonious society. They guide our thoughts, actions, and decisions, shaping our character and defining who we are as individuals. In a world that can often feel chaotic and confusing, developing and upholding strong moral values is crucial for maintaining peace and stability.

At their core, moral values encompass principles such as honesty, integrity, compassion, and respect for others. They teach us to differentiate between right and wrong and to make choices that align with our inner sense of rightness. Moral values provide us with a moral compass, allowing us to navigate through life’s challenges and dilemmas.

One of the key aspects of moral values is the importance placed on empathy and kindness. These values encourage us to understand and share the feelings of others, fostering a sense of unity and compassion among individuals. They remind us to treat others with dignity and respect, regardless of their backgrounds or beliefs.

Another fundamental aspect of moral values is the significance of honesty and integrity. These values promote sincerity, transparency, and accountability in our words and actions. They require us to be truthful and trustworthy, even in the face of adversity or temptation.

Moral values play a vital role in our personal and professional lives. They guide our behavior in relationships, be it with family, friends, colleagues, or strangers. They shape our decision-making process, helping us to make ethical choices that consider the well-being of others.

In conclusion, moral values form the bedrock of a well-functioning society. They provide us with a compass to navigate the complexities of life and guide us toward making ethical choices. By upholding these values, we contribute to the creation of a more equitable, empathetic, and harmonious world. It is essential that we cultivate and foster these values in ourselves and in future generations, ensuring their continued importance in an ever-changing world.

Essay on Moral Values in 350 Words

Moral values: a guiding light in life.

Moral values serve as the compass that guides individuals through their journey in life. These principles act as a moral code that shapes one’s character, behavior, and interactions with others. In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, the significance of moral values cannot be undermined.

Firstly, moral values play a crucial role in shaping one’s personal character. These values instill qualities such as honesty, integrity, compassion, and empathy. They teach individuals to distinguish between right and wrong and encourage them to make ethical choices. When individuals incorporate moral values into their character, they become more dependable, trustworthy, and responsible.

Secondly, moral values enhance interpersonal relationships. Respect, trust, and kindness towards others are fundamental moral values that foster harmonious connections. When individuals exhibit these values, they create an environment of understanding, love, and acceptance. This promotes healthy communication, cooperation, and collaboration, which in turn leads to better relationships in both the personal and professional spheres.

Moreover, moral values guide individuals in difficult situations and dilemmas. When faced with choices that can impact their integrity or dignity, moral values serve as a beacon of guidance. These values help individuals make decisions that align with their conscience and core beliefs, even if it means facing hardships or sacrifices.

Furthermore, moral values contribute to the betterment of society as a whole. When individuals uphold values such as justice, equality, and tolerance, they contribute to creating a just and inclusive society. These values enable individuals to recognize the importance of social responsibility and motivate them to work towards the welfare of others. A society built on strong moral values is likely to be more peaceful, humane, and progressive.

In conclusion, moral values are the foundation upon which individuals build their character, relationships, and society. They provide a sense of direction and purpose, helping individuals navigate the complexities of life. Embracing moral values not only enriches one’s own life but also establishes a strong ethical framework for the betterment of society as a whole. It is necessary for individuals to reflect upon and strive to incorporate moral values in their daily lives, for they truly serve as a guiding light in the modern world.

Essay on Moral Values in 400 Words

Moral values are guiding principles that dictate the behavior and actions of individuals, communities, and societies as a whole. They serve as a moral compass, helping us distinguish right from wrong and guiding us in making ethically responsible decisions. These values are deeply rooted in our beliefs, upbringing, and cultural traditions, shaping our character and defining who we are as human beings.

One of the most important moral values is honesty. Honesty is the foundation of trust and integrity. Being honest means being truthful, sincere, and genuine in our words and actions. It is about having the courage to always tell the truth, even when it may be difficult or unfavorable. Honesty builds strong relationships and promotes a sense of trust between individuals, which is vital for a harmonious society.

Another key moral value is kindness. Kindness involves showing compassion, empathy, and consideration towards others. It is about being supportive, understanding, and respectful. Kindness can be expressed through small acts of kindness, such as helping someone in need or offering a listening ear to a friend. It promotes a sense of community and fosters a culture of compassion and caring.

Respect is also an essential moral value. Respect involves treating others with dignity, honor, and fairness. It is about valuing the opinions, beliefs, and rights of others, regardless of our differences. Respect allows for open and constructive dialogue, leading to better understanding and cooperation among individuals and communities.

Integrity is another moral value that is crucial for personal and societal growth. Integrity involves having strong moral principles and consistently adhering to them, even when faced with challenging situations. It requires individuals to be honest, trustworthy, and accountable for their actions. Integrity is the backbone of a just and ethical society, promoting fairness, responsibility, and accountability.

Finally, a moral value that cannot be overlooked is empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It involves putting ourselves in someone else’s shoes and showing compassion and understanding towards their experiences and struggles. Empathy encourages a sense of connection and unity among individuals, fostering a more inclusive and supportive society.

In conclusion, moral values play a crucial role in shaping our character, guiding our behavior, and creating a harmonious society. Honesty, kindness, respect, integrity, and empathy are just a few examples of important moral values that should be cultivated and practiced by individuals. By embracing and promoting these values, we can contribute to a more just, compassionate, and ethical world.

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Essays on Morality

1. morality essay essay prompts.

  • Prompt 1: Discuss the role of morality in shaping society and its impact on individuals.
  • Prompt 2: Explore the ethical dilemmas faced by characters in literature and their moral development.
  • Prompt 3: Analyze the moral choices made by historical figures and their consequences.

2. Finding the Perfect Essay Topic

Choosing a compelling topic is half the battle when writing a morality essay. Here are some key considerations:

  • Relevance: Ensure your topic is relevant to current moral dilemmas or historical events.
  • Controversy: Controversial topics often make for thought-provoking essays. Explore both sides.
  • Personal Connection: If a topic resonates with you personally, it can enhance your writing.

3. Unique Morality Essay Topics

Let's break away from the mundane and explore some unique essay topics that will make your essay stand out:

  • 1. The Morality of Artificial Intelligence: Are AI-driven decisions morally sound?
  • 2. The Ethics of Genetic Engineering: Discuss the moral implications of gene editing technology.
  • 3. Morality in Reality TV: Explore the ethical dilemmas faced by reality show contestants.
  • 4. The Role of Morality in Environmental Conservation: Discuss how morality influences our approach to environmental issues.
  • 5. Morality in Politics: Analyze the ethical decisions made by political leaders throughout history.
  • 6. The Morality of Capital Punishment: Explore the moral arguments for and against the death penalty.
  • 7. Morality and Healthcare: Discuss the ethical dilemmas in healthcare, such as euthanasia and organ transplantation.
  • 8. Morality in Video Games: Examine the moral choices presented to players in popular video games.
  • 9. The Ethics of Animal Testing: Discuss the moral implications of using animals in scientific research.
  • 10. Morality in Business: Explore the ethical challenges faced by corporations and entrepreneurs.
  • 11. Morality and Social Media: Examine the impact of social media on moral behavior and online ethics.
  • 12. The Morality of Cloning: Discuss the ethical concerns surrounding human cloning.
  • 13. Morality and Cultural Relativism: Analyze how cultural values influence moral perspectives.
  • 14. Morality in Literature: Explore the moral themes in classic literature.
  • 15. Morality and Technology Addiction: Discuss the ethical aspects of excessive technology use.
  • 16. The Morality of Whistleblowing: Examine the ethics of whistleblowing in corporate and government settings.
  • 17. Morality and Artificial Consciousness: Explore the moral implications of creating sentient AI.
  • 18. Morality and Gender Equality: Discuss the ethical challenges related to gender discrimination and equality.
  • 19. The Ethics of Privacy Invasion: Examine the moral aspects of surveillance and data privacy.
  • 20. Morality and Mental Health: Discuss the ethical dilemmas in mental healthcare and treatment.

4. Inspirational Paragraphs and Phrases

Need some inspiration to get started? Here are some sample paragraphs and phrases to kickstart your creativity:

Sample Introduction: "Morality is the compass that guides our choices and actions in a complex world. It's a topic that has intrigued philosophers, writers, and thinkers for centuries."

Sample Body Paragraph: "The moral dilemma faced by the protagonist in 'To Kill a Mockingbird' serves as a poignant reminder of the deep-seated racism that plagued society during the 1930s."

Sample Conclusion: "In conclusion, exploring morality in the context of modern technology is essential to navigate the moral minefield we find ourselves in today."

With these tips and a plethora of intriguing topics, you're now ready to embark on your morality essay journey! Remember to stay curious and open-minded as you dive into the complex world of ethics and morals.

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Morality (from Latin moralitas 'manner, character, proper behavior') is the differentiation of intentions, decisions and actions between those that are distinguished as proper (right) and those that are improper (wrong).

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essay on morality 500 words


Essay on Moral Philosophy

Students are often asked to write an essay on Moral Philosophy in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Moral Philosophy

What is moral philosophy.

Moral philosophy is thinking about what is right and wrong. It’s like a guide for making good choices. People who study this are called philosophers. They ask big questions about how we should live and treat others.

Important Ideas in Moral Philosophy

There are many ideas in moral philosophy. Some say we should act in ways that bring the most happiness. Others believe we should follow strict rules, like always telling the truth, no matter what.

Making Decisions

When we make decisions, moral philosophy can help us choose the best action. It’s not just about following rules, but thinking carefully about how our choices affect others.

Different Cultures, Different Morals

What’s right in one culture might be wrong in another. Moral philosophy helps us understand these differences. It teaches us to be open-minded and respectful to everyone’s views.

Why It Matters

250 words essay on moral philosophy.

Moral philosophy is about thinking hard on what is right and what is wrong. It is like a big map that guides people on how to be good and how to choose the right path in life. This subject asks questions like “What should I do?” and “How should I live?” to help everyone understand how to act well.

Right and Wrong

One big part of moral philosophy is figuring out what is right and what is wrong. It is not always easy, because different people and cultures might have their own ideas. For example, sharing might be seen as good, while stealing is seen as bad. Moral philosophers try to find rules that can apply to everyone, no matter where they are from.

Good Habits

Moral philosophy also talks about virtues, which are good habits. Being honest, brave, and kind are all examples of virtues. These are like muscles – the more you use them, the stronger they get. By practicing good habits, people can become better at being good.

Choices Matter

Every day, people make choices. Some are small, like what to eat for breakfast, and some are big, like helping a friend in trouble. Moral philosophy teaches that every choice can matter and that thinking about the reasons behind our choices is important.

Why Study Moral Philosophy?

Studying moral philosophy is important because it helps people understand how to make the world a better place. It teaches that what we do affects others and that being good is not just about following rules, but about caring for each other. By learning moral philosophy, students can grow up to make wise, kind choices in life.

500 Words Essay on Moral Philosophy

Good vs. bad.

One of the main things moral philosophy looks at is the difference between good and bad actions. For example, sharing your toys with a friend is seen as a good thing because it makes both of you happy. On the other hand, taking something that doesn’t belong to you is considered bad because it can hurt others. Moral philosophy tries to explain why some things are good and others are bad.

Rules and Choices

Moral philosophy also talks about rules that many people agree on, like telling the truth and being fair. These rules can help us make choices that are good for everyone. But sometimes, it’s hard to know what the best choice is. That’s when we have to think carefully and use what we know about right and wrong to decide.

Different Views

You might wonder why we need to study moral philosophy. It’s important because it helps us live together peacefully. When we understand what is right and wrong, we can make better choices that help us get along with others. It also makes us think about how our actions affect other people and the world around us.

Thinking for Ourselves

Even though moral philosophy can give us some answers, it also encourages us to think for ourselves. We can learn from others, but in the end, we have to decide what we believe is right. This means asking questions, listening to our hearts, and sometimes even standing up for what we think is good, even if it’s not easy.

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Hindi Diwas Essay: हिंदी दिवस पर निबंध कैसे लिखें? 100, 250, 500 शब्दों में निबंध प्रारूप

Hindi Diwas 2024 Essay in Hindi: इस बात में कोई दो राय नहीं है कि हिंदी भाषा भारतीयों की पहचान का हिस्सा है। भारत में यूं तो कई भाषाएं और बोलियां बोली जाती है लेकिन जो दर्जा हिंदी को मिला है वो अहम है। भाषाई विविधता के जश्न के रूप में प्रति वर्ष हिंदी दिवस 14 सितंबर को मनाया जाता है। यह दिन हमारे देश की मातृभाषा हिंदी के महत्व को समझाने और उसे सम्मानित करने के लिए मनाया जाता है।

हिंदी दिवस पर निबंध कैसे लिखें?

हिंदी हमारी पहचान है और करोड़ों भारतीयों को इस पर गर्व है। हिंदी को भारत की राजभाषा का दर्जा 14 सितंबर 1949 को मिला था। इसलिए इस दिन को हिंदी दिवस के रूप में मनाया जाता है। हिंदी न केवल भारत में बल्कि दुनिया के कई अन्य देशों में भी बोली जाती है। हमारे विद्यालयों में भी हिंदी दिवस के अवसर पर कई कार्यक्रम आयोजित होते हैं, जैसे निबंध लेखन, कविता पाठ, भाषण और अन्य प्रतियोगिताओं का विशेष रूप में आयोजन किया जाता है।

बच्चों को हिंदी भाषा के महत्व और उसकी सुंदरता को समझाने के लिए यह दिन विशेष होता है। इस अवसर पर स्कूलों में विभिन्न प्रतियोगिताएं, सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम, निबंध लेखन और भाषण प्रतियोगिताएं आयोजित की जाती हैं। यदि आप भी स्कूल में हिंदी दिवस पर निबंध लेखन प्रतियोगिता में हिस्सा ले रहे हैं तो इस लेख से संदर्भ ले सकते हैं।

इस लेख में स्कूली बच्चों की सहायता के लिए 100, 250 और 500 शब्दों में हिंदी दिवस पर निबंध लेखन के कुछ प्रारूप प्रस्तुत किए हैं। इस लेख में तीन अलग-अलग हिंदी दिवस निबंध प्रारूप प्रस्तुत किए जा रहे हैं जो स्कूली छात्रों को हिंदी दिवस के महत्व को समझाने में मदद करेंगे। स्कूली छात्रों के लिए हिंदी दिवस पर निबंध (Hindi Diwas Essay) नीचे दिये गये हैं। ये निबंध हिंदी दिवस के महत्व को सरल और स्पष्ट तरीके से समझाने में मदद करते हैं।

हिंदी दिवस 2024 पर 100, 250, 500 शब्दों में आसान निबंध प्रारूप नीचे दिये गये हैं-

निबंध 1 (100 शब्दों में ): हिंदी दिवस कब मनाया जाता है और क्यों?

हिंदी दिवस हर साल 14 सितंबर को मनाया जाता है। यह दिन हिंदी भाषा के महत्व के प्रचार एवं प्रसार के लिए मनाया जाता है। हिंदी हमारी मातृभाषा है और इसे हमें सम्मान देना चाहिये। भारत के करोड़ों लोग अपनी बोल चाल की भाषा में हिंदी भाषा का उपयोग करते हैं। भारत में कई भाषाएं बोली जाती हैं, लेकिन हिंदी को राजभाषा का दर्जा मिला हुआ है। इसका अर्थ है कि भारत सरकार ने कामकाज की भाषा के रूप में हिंदी को विशेष स्थान दिया है। हमें गर्व होना चाहिये कि हमारी एक समृद्ध और प्राचीन भाषा है, जिसे हम हिंदी कहते हैं। यह हमारे देश की पहचान है।

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निबंध 2 (250 शब्दों में): हिंदी भाषा भारत की सांस्कृतिक धरोहर का अभिन्न अंग

प्रति वर्ष 14 सितंबर को हम हिंदी दिवस मनाते हैं। हिंदी दिवस, हिंदी के महत्व को समझाने और उसे प्रचारित करने के लिए समर्पित है। हिंदी को 14 सितंबर 1949 को भारत की राजभाषा का दर्जा मिला। हिंदी देश की सबसे अधिक बोली जाने वाली भाषाओं में से एक है और यह हमारी सांस्कृतिक धरोहर का एक अभिन्न अंग है। हिंदी न केवल भारत में बल्कि नेपाल, मॉरीशस, फिजी और अन्य देशों में भी बोली जाती है।

हिंदी दिवस पर स्कूलों और कॉलेजों में विशेष कार्यक्रमों का आयोजन होता है। स्कूलों, कॉलेजों एवं अन्य शिक्षण संस्थानों द्वारा छात्र-छात्राओं में हिंदी भाषा के प्रति जागरूकता को बढ़ाने के लिए हिंदी दिवस मनाया जाता है। हिंदी न केवल एक भाषा है, बल्कि यह हमारे देश की एकता और अखंडता का प्रतीक है। हमें हिंदी भाषा को गर्व से बोलना चाहिये और इसे और अधिक लोकप्रिय बनाने के लिए बढ़ावा देना चाहिये। हिंदी के प्रचार-प्रसार के लिए हमें सभी क्षेत्रों में इसे अपनाना चाहिये और इसके महत्व को समझना चाहिये।

निबंध 3 (500 शब्दों में): हिंदी दिवस और हिंदी भाषा का महत्व

हिंदी दिवस भारत में हर साल 14 सितंबर को मनाया जाता है। यह दिन भारत की राजभाषा हिंदी के सम्मान और उसके महत्व को दर्शाने के लिए मनाया जाता है। हिंदी भाषा का इतिहास बहुत पुराना है और इसका भारतीय संस्कृति में एक महत्वपूर्ण स्थान है। हिंदी एकमात्र ऐसी भाषा है जो देश के अधिकांश हिस्सों में बोली और समझी जाती है।

हिंदी को 14 सितंबर 1949 को भारत की राजभाषा का दर्जा दिया गया था। इसलिए इस दिन को हिंदी दिवस के रूप में मनाया जाता है। इसका उद्देश्य हिंदी को न केवल सरकारी कार्यों में बल्कि आम जीवन में भी अधिक से अधिक प्रयोग में लाना है। हिंदी दिवस पर कई सरकारी और गैर-सरकारी संस्थान विभिन्न प्रकार के कार्यक्रमों का आयोजन करते हैं। इस दिन का मुख्य उद्देश्य लोगों को हिंदी भाषा के प्रति जागरूक करना और उसकी उपयोगिता को बढ़ावा देना है।

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आज के समय में अंग्रेजी भाषा का बढ़ता हुआ प्रभाव देखा जा सकता है, लेकिन हमें यह नहीं भूलना चाहिये कि हिंदी हमारी पहचान है। हमें गर्व होना चाहिये कि हम एक ऐसी समृद्ध भाषा बोलते हैं, जो हमारे देश की सांस्कृतिक विविधता को प्रदर्शित करती है। हिंदी दिवस के उत्सव से हम यह समझने में सहायता मिलती है कि भाषा केवल संवाद का साधन नहीं, बल्कि यह हमारी संस्कृति, परंपरा और पहचान का प्रतीक है।

इसलिए, हमें हिंदी भाषा के महत्व को समझना चाहिये और इसे गर्व से बोलना चाहिये। हिंदी को बढ़ावा देने के लिए हम अपने स्तर पर भी प्रयास कर सकते हैं। हम इसे अपने दैनिक जीवन में अधिक से अधिक उपयोग कर सकते हैं। हिंदी दिवस हमें यह प्रण लेना चाहिये कि हम अपनी हिंदी भाषा का सम्मान करेंगे और इसे आगे बढ़ाने में अपना भरपूर योगदान देंगे।


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Paris Paralympics 2024: कौन है प्रवीण कुमार ऊंची कुद के एथलीट, जिन्होंने जीता भारत के लिए छठा गोल्ड मेडल

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Ganesh Chaturthi 2024: क्या गणेश चतुर्थी पर सरकारी छुट्टी होती है? यहां देखें राज्यानुसार अवकाश की सूची

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Book Review: ‘We’re Alone’ by Haitian American writer Edwidge Danticat weaves personal and political


This cover image released by Graywolf Press shows “We’re Alone” by Edwidge Danticat. (Graywolf Press via AP)

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Haitian American writer Edwidge Danticat explores family, homeland and her literary heroes in “We’re Alone,” a new volume of essays that include personal narratives of her early years as child immigrant in Brooklyn to reportage of recent events like the assassination of a president back in her native county.

In the essay collection, the author of the celebrated memoir “Brother, I’m Dying,” and novels like “Breath, Eyes, Memory” and “Claire of the Sea Light,” moves from her native Port-au-Prince to the New York of her childhood and finally to the adopted hometown of Miami, where she lives as an adult with a family of her own.

In one essay in the slim volume, Danticat contemplates her family, describing the consequences of one uncle being gripped by dementia, his memory erased, his past suddenly vanished.

“An entire segment of our family history, of which he was the sole caretaker, was no longer available to us. Or to himself,” Danticat recalled.

Yet, she wrote, “family is not only made up of your living relatives. It is elders long buried and generations yet unborn, with stories as bridges and potential portals. Family is whoever is left when everyone else is gone.”


Another essay pays homage to distinguished writers of color she admires, including James Baldwin and Colombian Gabriel García Márquez.

On the plane to Grenada for a tourism conference, Danticat considers the work of Black feminist Audre Lorde, reading the essay Lorde wrote about the island just weeks after the 1983 U.S. invasion of her parents’ homeland.

Danticat fondly remembers the time she spent with friend and mentor American novelist Toni Morrison, including their participation in a conference in Paris.

And she reflects on the earthquakes and hurricanes that have rocked her native Haiti and other Caribbean countries in recent decades, following centuries of colonization.

“‘We are a people,’ is what we have been saying for generations to colonizers, invaders and imperialists hellbent on destroying us. And now, more than ever, Mother Nature, too.”

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Integrity Essay for Students and Children

500+ words on integrity essay.

There is a famous saying which perfectly describes integrity. “Honesty is telling the truth to other people, integrity is telling the truth to myself.” The word ‘integrity’ itself has a Latin origin. It is derived from the word ‘integer’ and means to feel whole, i.e. a complete person. So it refers to the sense of completeness and togetherness one enjoys when they live their lives honestly and morally. So a person that has integrity will act and behave as per set values and believes they hold dear. Let us explore this concept more in this integrity essay.

essay on integrity

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity refers to the ethical policies and moral code employed in the academic world by all members – the students and the teachers. So as we saw previously in this integrity essay, it involves being honest and doing the right thing even if you get no recognition for doing so. It involves being honest and correct when no one is watching.

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Academic integrity is important to lay down a good foundation for the student, so he can follow the same principles for the rest of his life. Integrity leads to trust-building among colleagues and friends. It is also the sign of a good future leader. It is a good habit to develop early in your life, it will hold you in good stead as you progress in your life.

So basic things like doing your own homework, writing your own papers, not plagiarizing your essays or dissertations, not cheating on home tests, never cheating on any assignments, and generally doing your work ethically and honestly are the all essential. They are the building blocks of academic integrity.

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Professional Integrity

Next, we shall explore professional integrity in this integrity essay. As we know, integrity is one of the essential value an employer always seeks in his employees. So professional integrity is when a person adopts his values and integrity to his chosen profession and job.

Sound moral and ethical beliefs and basic honesty are highly valued characteristics in an employee. Such an employee behaves morally with his co-workers, his superiors and all other stakeholders of the organization.  Acting with integrity and honesty is an actual advantage in the workplace. It builds trust and people are drawn towards such honest and dependable behavior. Integrity in a workplace also promotes a positive environment which encourages higher productivity.

Not only students and professionals, but integrity is also a value that everyone should strive for. Integrity is a trait that goes a long way in making people a better version of themselves, better human beings in general. And a person with true integrity does things because it is the right thing to do, and never for any praise or recognition. True integrity is never practiced for recognition or praise but to fulfill personal values.

FAQ’s on Integrity

Q: State some of the traits of a person with integrity

Ans: A person with true integrity exhibits certain traits such as,

  • they take responsibility for all their actions
  • always help others in need
  • often put the needs of others above themselves
  • respect everyone that deserves their respect
  • are usually humble and exhibit humility
  • generally very reliable in nature
  • they are kind by nature

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