Matriculation Biology

Guidance lecture of malaysia matriculation biology, experiment 16 : cellular respiration.

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Cellular Respiration Lab (online lab)

This online cellular respiration lab activity is written for students who are unable to attend an in-person lab.


Cellular Respiration (online lab activity)

Copyright © 2020 by Jeff Carmichael, Ph.D.

University of North Dakota

Learning Objectives:

After completing this lab you should be able to:

  • Make predictions about fermentation rates based on hypotheses
  • Distinguish between aerobic and anaerobic respiration
  • Generate date on fermentation rates and interpret that data
  • Calculate and compare mass specific metabolic rates

Energy is required by all living organisms for metabolism.  Where does that energy come from?  The process of cellular respiration involves the breakdown of complex organic molecules (e.g., sugars and other nutrients).  The energy released from the breaking of bonds in these molecules is used to generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP).  The ATP can then be used to drive a number of cellular metabolic reactions in living cells (e.g., move muscles, transport molecules across  membranes, produce action potentials in neurons).  Although the complete set of reactions is quite complex, the general reaction below summarizes the overall process of aerobic cellular respiration.

C 6 H 12 O 6   +  6O 2                     6CO 2   +  6H 2 O  +  ATP  +  Heat

Note that aerobic respiration requires oxygen.  Cells are able to produce a lot of ATP when oxygen is present.  Look up the process of respiration in your textbook and familiarize yourself with glycolysis, the Krebs Cycles (citric acid cycle) and the electron transport chain .  Determine how they are connected and which portion of respiration produces the most ATP.

Most living cells are also able to produce ATP through anaerobic respiration (fermentation).  However, this process only yields a few molecules of ATP per glucose (most of the energy is retained in alcohol which is formed as a byproduct of fermentation).  Note that fermentation is less efficient than aerobic respiration.  This lab will explore both aerobic and anaerobic respiration in various organisms.

Part 1- Anaerobic Respiration (fermentation)

One form of anaerobic respiration well known by most involves the use of yeast in the production of bread, beer, and other products.  Yeast produces CO 2 and alcohol as byproducts of anaerobic respiration (or, fermentation).  This activity will investigate the effect of various factors on the rate of fermentation in yeast.

  • ?   Make some predictions: What impact do you think each of the factors below will have on the rate of fermentation in yeast?  Explain your reasoning.



Addition of Pyruvate (an intermediate compound formed as a result of glycolysis):              

Addition of NaF (sodium fluoride- the active ingredient in toothpaste, also toxic to many organism):                                             

Addition of Glucose:                                                

Procedure that was followed in lab:

Add the contents of the five treatments shown in the table below in small beakers.  Mix well. Then, add to five separate fermentation tubes.




10 ml

5 ml

15 ml



10 ml

5 ml

15 ml


5 ml

10 ml


15 ml

5 ml


10 ml


15 ml




15 ml

15 ml

Place treatment 1 in the refrigerator and treatments 2 – 5 in the 40 o C incubator for 30 minutes.  After 30 minutes measure the height of the bubble (CO 2 ) in each tube and record your results in the table below.

The images below show results of the five treatments.  Note: if CO 2 was produced within a fermentation tube, you will see a “bubble” of air toward the top of the tube.

cellular respiration experiment matriculation

  • ?   Which treatment served as a control?  Explain your reasoning.                                           
  • ?   Based on your results, what was the effect of glucose, NaF, and Pyruvate on respiration?  How did temperature effect the rate of respiration?  Are these results what you predicted?  Explain these results .                                            

Part 2- Aerobic Respiration in Plants and Animals

Aerobic respiration consumes oxygen and produces carbon dioxide.  The rates of aerobic respiration varies among organisms and is determined by numerous factors.  In this experiment you will measure the rate of oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production in germinated and un-germinated seeds and compare these with animals (worms).

  • ?   Which do you hypothesize will produce more carbon dioxide on a per weight basis, germinated or ungerminated seeds? Explain your reasoning.                                                
  • ?   Which do you hypothesize will produce more carbon dioxide on a per weight basis, germinated seeds or worms? Explain your reasoning.                                           

The CO 2 and O 2 measurements of the ungerminated seeds will be setup as a demonstration . 

  • Obtain 2 plastic BioChambers, O 2 probes, CO 2 probes, labquest modules, germinated seeds, and worms.
  • Weigh about 10 g of ungerminated seeds.  Record the exact mass below.

            9.6               = Mass of germinated seeds (g).

  • Weigh about 10 g of germinated seeds.  Record the exact mass below.

            9.1               = Mass of germinated seeds (g).

  • Place the seeds in BioChambers.
  • Obtain 4 worms and record their combined mass below.

            9.3              = Mass of worms (g).

  • Place the worms in a separate BioChamber.
  • Connect the oxygen and carbon dioxide probes to each biochamber as indicated by your instructor.
  • Choose New from the File menu.
  • On the Meter screen, tap Length. Change the data-collection length to 900 seconds.
  • Now change both the oxygen and carbon dioxide sensors to report their measurements in parts per trillion (PPT).  Tap Sensors, Change Units, choose CO 2 and oxygen, then choose PPT.
  • Begin data collection (click the green arrowhead) for both seeds and worms.
  • When data collection has finished (after about 10 minutes), graphs of oxygen and carbon dioxide gasses vs. time will be displayed.

cellular respiration experiment matriculation

Final CO 2 Levels (%):

Ungerminated seeds =            2

Germinated seeds =                6

Worms =                                 20

  • ?   Now calculate CO 2 production on a per weight basis for the germinated seeds and the worms.  Simply divide final CO 2 levels by the weight of the samples. 

Ungerminated seeds =                        % CO 2 / g

Germinated seeds =                            % CO 2 / g

Worms =                                             % CO 2 / g

  • ?   Are these results what you predicted?  How do the respiratory rates of the ungerminated and germinated seeds compare?  Which produced more CO 2 on a per weight basis—the plants or animals?  How could this experiment be improved to provide a more accurate comparison between living plant and animal tissue (think about the structure of sunflower seeds)? Explain .                                             

Part 3- Aerobic Respiration in Humans

            This activity will be a simple demonstration that compares the CO 2 and O 2 levels in the air you breathe in versus the air you exhale.

            Imagine you are at rest and breathing normally.  Now imagine you are at rest, but hold your breath as long as you comfortably can. 

  • ?   What do you predict would be the relative levels of CO 2 and O 2 in the air you breathe in versus the air you exhale when breathing normally and the air you exhale after holding your breath?  Write your hypotheses here.                                                

Now lets examine CO 2 and O 2 levels in the air people inhale and exhale.

Procedure followed in lab:

  • Obtain a large plastic BioChamber.  Make sure the lid is off and GENTLY turn it upside down and wave it through the air (this will remove any residual CO 2 that may be present from its previous use).
  • Next add the lid and CO 2 and O 2 probes and measure the gas levels for about 3 minutes.  Record the CO 2 and O 2 after 3 minutes below.


CO 2 =  395 ppm                                  O 2 = 20.5 %

  • Now measure the CO 2 and O 2 levels in the air you exhale while breathing normally.  Remove the BioChamber lid and use a straw to gently exhale a single breath into the BioChamber.  Add the lid and CO 2 and O 2 probes and measure the gas levels for about 3 minutes.  Record the CO 2 and O 2 after 3 minutes below.


CO 2 =  575 ppm                                  O 2 = 15.5 %

  • Remove the BioChamber lid and GENTLY invert and wave through the air to remove residual CO 2 .
  • Now measure the CO 2 and O 2 levels in the air you exhale after holding your breath.  Remove the BioChamber lid.  Hold you breath as long as you COMFORTABLY are able (be sure to breathe normally if you feel dizzy or light-headed).     Use a straw to gently exhale a single breath into the BioChamber.  Add the lid and CO 2 and O 2 probes and measure the gas levels for about 3 minutes.  Record the CO 2 and O 2 after 3 minutes below.


CO 2 =  700 ppm                                  O 2 = 12.5 %

  • ?   Compare the levels of CO 2 and O 2 in the three measurements recorded.  How do the results compare with your hypotheses?  Explain these results.  Consider the fact that you are releasing carbon (in the form of CO 2 ) every time you exhale.  Where does that carbon come from?                   
  • ?   Consider the oxygen consumed during aerobic respiration.  Why do we need that oxygen?  What, specifically, does it do?                          

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Cellular Respiration

Learning Objectives

After completing the lab, the student will be able to:

  • Determine the site of respiration in the cell.

Activity 1: Pre-Assessment:

  • What function do mitochondria fulfill in the cell? What kind of staining would allow visualization of mitochondrial activity?
  • Which plant tissue would you choose to stain mitochondria? Explain your choice.
  • Discuss the answers to questions 1 and 2 with the class.

Activity 1: Staining Mitochondria with Janus Green B

You will investigate the site of oxidative phosphorylation and the effect of environmental conditions on the mitochondria. Janus Green B is a stain that appears blue-green when oxidized (that is, when it loses electrons) and is colorless or light pink when reduced (when it gains electrons).

Safety Precautions

  • Use the single-edge razor blade with caution. Do not leave blades exposed on the bench. When you are finished using the razor blade, dispose of it as instructed by your teacher.
  • Dispose of coverslips in a broken glass container.
  • Be careful handling glass slides; the edges may be sharp.
  • If using cheek cells, dispose of flat toothpicks and slides in a jar containing 10 percent bleach.
  • Handle dyes with care and be careful not to ingest.
  • Inform your teacher immediately of any broken glassware, as it could cause injuries.
  • Clean up any spilled fluids to prevent other people from slipping.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water after completion of the activity.

For this activity, you will need the following:

  • Onion; alternatively slices of celery branch or cheek epithelial cells may be used
  • Toothpicks and 10 percent bleach container if using epithelial cells
  • Water and dropper
  • 0.001 percent solution of Janus Green B
  • Absorbent paper such as a paper towel or filter paper
  • Slides and coverslips
  • Mounting fluid to be chosen by students (7 percent sucrose, 0.9 percent salt, vinegar, ammonia)

For this activity, you will work in pairs .

Structured Inquiry

Step 1: Preparation and observation of wet mount:

  • Slice a layer from an onion with the single-edge razor blade and grab the edge of the layer with the forceps peeling back a thin transparent layer of epidermal tissue. The thickness of the layer is one or a few cells which will allow you to visualize clearly the inside of the cells.
  • Add a drop of water and place a cover slip over the onion slice; do not remove air bubbles if they form.

Step 2: Hypothesize/Predict: Janus Green B is an indicator of the redox state. Knowing that it appears blue/green in its oxidized state, and loses its color when it is reduced, allows you to predict which organelle will show a progressive change in color because it is the active site of oxidation-reduction. Discuss with your lab partner how you would expect Janus Green B color to reflect active respiration. Which experimental conditions would you choose to investigate with your current setup? Record your prediction in your notebook.

Step 3: Student-Led Planning: Decide which mounting solution(s) you will choose to observe changes in respiration in the epidermal layer. View the sample first under low magnification to focus on the cells. Proceed to the highest magnification available to you (highest dry objective or oil immersion) and observe internal structures.

Stain with Janus Green B by using the wicking method as shown in Figure 8.1. Place a piece of filter paper or tissue on one side of the cover slip. Add one or two drops of Janus Green on the opposite site of the coverslip close to the edge. The stain solution will flow in by capillary action.

Illustration of a wet mount with a slide with mounting solution, covered by cover slip. On one side of the cover slip is filter paper and on the other side is a drop of Janus green B solution.

Monitor the changes in stain appearance for five to 10 minutes, taking turns observing the slide. Record your observation in your lab notebook.

Step 4: Critical Analysis: Draw and label all the structures that you can identify. Do not forget to add a title and the final magnification to all the drawings. Draw only what you observe. Do not copy from existing micrographs from published or online work. Compare the effect of different mounting solutions to distilled water. Did you observe a change in the color of mitochondria? Did it change over time? If there was an effect, how can you explain your observations? Can you think of other experiments that would support your conclusions?

Guided Inquiry

Step 1: Hypothesize/Predict: Janus Green B is a vital stain and an indicator of redox state. Knowing that it appears blue/green in its oxidized state and loses its color when it is reduced, allows you to predict which organelle will show a progressive change in color because it is the active site of oxidation-reduction and which organelle will appear colorless. What environmental conditions would be essential to observe a blue color of stain?

Step 2: Student-led planning: Prepare a wet mount of tissue under the microscope. Stain with Janus Green B, using the wicking method described earlier, while observing under the microscope. Which organelles can you distinguish? Are there any changes with time? Record your observations in your notebook. Repeat your experiment with a different mounting medium, staining with Janus Green B according to the wicking method. Record your observations in your notebook.

Step 3: Critical analysis: How did the various mounting fluids you used influence the response of the mitochondria to Janus Green B? How can you explain the effect that you observed? Compare the effect of different mounting solutions to distilled water. Was there an effect? If there was an effect, how can you explain your observations? Can you think of other experiments that would support your conclusions? Write your ideas in your notebook.


  • What do you predict would be observed if the epidermal layer of an onion is incubated in a solution of rotenone, an inhibitor of respiration?
  • A student carefully mounts a specimen of onion epidermal layer, pushing out all the air bubbles. She is very disappointed that she does not observe a change in the color of Janus Green B. Can you explain her observation?
  • Cyanide is a known metabolic poison that acts mainly by blocking cytochrome oxidase, an enzyme embedded in the inner membrane of mitochondria, and preventing the reduction of oxygen. If cyanide were added to an onion layer stained with Janus Green B, what you would observe and why?

Lab Manual for Biology Part I Copyright © 2022 by LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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cellular respiration experiment matriculation

Experiment 7: Diversity of Bacteria

cellular respiration experiment matriculation

Experiment 8: Plant Diversity- Bryophytes & Pteridophytes

cellular respiration experiment matriculation

Experiment 9: Biocatalysis

cellular respiration experiment matriculation

Experiment 10: Cellular Respiration

cellular respiration experiment matriculation

Experiment 11: Photosynthesis

cellular respiration experiment matriculation

Experiment 12: Mammal Organ System


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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open access journal.

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Effect of the Cellular Respiration Project-Based Learning Module on Matriculation Students’ Achievement

Fairuz aliaa fadzil , siti nur diyana mahmud.

  • Pages 93-110
  • Received: 22 Dec, 2019
  • Revised: 02 Jan, 2020
  • Published Online: 30 Jan, 2020

Open access

Biology is one of the important knowledge disciplines in the field of science, technology, and innovation that need to be mastered by students. However, many students have found that several of the concepts in biology are hard, including the Cellular Respiration topic in the Malaysian Ministry of Education Matriculation Programme’s curriculum. The teaching and learning strategies in matriculation need to be improved and innovative strategies need to be implemented to make positive changes to student learning. Thus, the Cellular Respiration Project-Based Learning Module (PBL Module) was developed to aid students in learning the Cellular Respiration topic. The PBL Module was developed based on the innovative learning approach known as project-based learning and embedded with a few relevant learning theories. Students are required to run projects collaboratively and produce learning products creatively. A quasi-experimental approach with a pre-test/post-test, nonequivalent control group research design was carried out to test the effect of the PBL Module on students’ achievement. 73 matriculation students (19 males and 54 females) from a matriculation college were involved in this research. Two classes were chosen randomly as the treatment group and two classes as the control group. The treatment group learned the Cellular Respiration topic using the PBL Module whilst the control group was taught using the conventional method. The Cellular Respiration Achievement Test (CRAT) was used as the research instrument. The independent-sample t-test showed non-significant differences in the mean scores of the achievement between the treatment group and the control group. Nevertheless, the PBL Module has implications in integrating project-based learning systematically in matriculation, especially in the teaching and learning practices of the biology curriculum.

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In-Text Citation: (Fadzil & Mahmud, 2020) To Cite this Article: Fadzil, F. A., & Mahmud, S. N. D. (2020). The Effect of the Cellular Respiration Project-Based Learning Module on Matriculation Students’ Achievement. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(1), 93–110.

Copyright: © 2020 The Author(s) Published by Human Resource Management Academic Research Society ( This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this license may be seen at:

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