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Baby Movie Review: A Morally Ambiguous Drama That Thrives In The Flaws Of Its Characters

Baby Movie Review: A Morally Ambiguous Drama That Thrives In The Flaws Of Its Characters

Director: Sai Rajesh

Cast: Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya, Viraj Ashwin

Mild spoilers ahead...

It's quite easy to write off  Baby  as a shallow, biased drama punctuated with the male gaze early on. And the film does lend itself to such scrutiny in the early portions. Take, for instance, the scene where Anand ( Anand Deverakonda ) lashes out at his school sweetheart Vaishnavi ( Vaishnavi Chaitanya ) when she expresses her desire to join her new college friends for a ladies' night in a pub. This confrontation, the first one between the couple, occurs right after Vaishnavi undergoes a physical make-over from being a modest, dark-skinned b asti  (slum) girl to a sophisticated, urban lady, encouraged by her equally posh and rich friends at her engineering college. 

An agitated Anand, who clearly reprimands Vaishnavi's wish, citing that her friends are a bad influence, almost threatens to slap her with his shoe. In this situation, he doesn't even try to understand her perspective, which is coming from a place of excitement to explore a world and experiences she hasn't been privy to over the years. Now, it's easy to label Anand a control freak for being so indifferent to her wishes, although he believes that his momentary anger is purely a reflection of his concern for the love of his life. But where  Baby  actually undoes its mistake of letting Anand's toxic traits pass off as care--even though he apologises for it--is by making Vaishnavi address his entitlement and controlling nature later in the film.

If you feel something's problematic in  Baby , it's likely that the film will address it through a character. This allows the film to undo a lot of choices that might come across as inappropriate early on in the film. And yes, there's a lot of inappropriate stuff on display because the characters themselves are flawed and toxic.

The three main characters, Anand, Vaishnavi, and Viraj, are imperfect beings driven by mad love with their every mistake, regardless of how good their intention might be, making the plot thicker and murkier. Although the early, sweet school sequence that tracks the origins of Anand and Vaishnavi's love story makes you wish the couple gets a 'happily ever after' ending, even though you know it's not going to be an easy road, the film makes it particularly hard to pick a side. The beauty of  Baby  is that nothing exists in simple black and white, everything is grey. Be it Anand, Vaishnavi, or Viraj, Sai Rajesh's writing lets you see through their personalities. We know that Anand is a control freak, but we also know that he cares for Vaishnavi. We are also aware that Vaishnav loves gifts, cars, and the 'rich' stuff. Anand seeking physical intimacy, a 'kiss' from Vaishnavi, is a recurring point in the film, but when Vaishnavi agrees to it (you have to check out the film to know why she agrees), he steps back because he believes she is too innocent to be intimate with him. This might be played for laughs in the film, to juxtapose his 'character' with Vaishnavi's, but you see this man's intent. He's the same guy who assassinated her character and broke her heart by spewing some of the nastiest things earlier. You see,  Baby  urges that people, at least its main characters, can be many things and doesn't compartmentalise them morally.

Likewise, Vaishnavi, who is central to the film, is forced to make many difficult choices in the film that affect Anand, her childhood sweetheart Anand and the college hunk Viraj, who comes across as an underwritten but interesting character nevertheless. While it begins as a familiar love triangle, the whole Viraj-Vaishnavi angle is dealt with in a super interesting way that never judges Vaishnavi. She keeps asserting that she would like to keep their relationship purely platonic while he relentlessly keeps pursuing her romantically. Viraj eventually puts Vaishnavi in a spot where she has to do something so 'unfaithful' against her wish; he does it by threatening her, meaning that he is not a 'good' person. But later on, we see Viraj pining for Vaishnavi, even after causing her great sorrow and turning her life upside down. That's only the tip of the iceberg.

The interpersonal dynamics in this film are super tricky, rendering the screenplay feel convoluted at times. But it is precisely this inconsistency, which is an extension of the volatile, mercurial characters, that makes  Baby  what it is. But I wish the writing gave Viraj the same depth it gave to Anand and Vaishnavi. His actions lack a motive and feel forced, although their consequences are registered strongly. Similarly, the characters of Baby are always subject to change, and trust me, the graph of these characters and the scenarios that precipitate a change in their arcs and the story justify its 177-minute-long runtime, although the plainness of the first half argues otherwise.

There are some brilliant writing choices here. It   is a film of echoes. One narrative-defining incident takes place on Viraj's birthday, while another one happens on Anand's birthday. A knife draws parallels between Viraj and Anand at a point when they are consumed by rage and despair. Anand's words about the value he gives to Vaishnavi are echoed by Viraj when he proposes to her. An iPhone, too, becomes a tool to demarcate Viraj and Anand from Vaishnavi's perspective. Anand, a Trivikram fan, keeps framing rhythmic dialogues to express his love for Vaishnavi throughout the film, but his best expression comes when he is utterly shattered.

Moral ambiguity, however, is a trait reserved only for the leads. The weakest and the most annoying writing choice has to be the presence of an external antagonist named Sita a caricaturish representation of a spoilt girl. She just exists as a personification of a bad influence on Vaishnavi in college. While we understand that the leads, despite their glaring flaws, are doing some problematic things for the sake of love, Sita's actions and existence are so one-dimensional that the writing becomes painfully bland whenever she is used to incite or accelerate a conflict. And she is used only for either of these. The play featuring just the main trio is so solid that the inclusion of an external antagonist only deters the intricacy of the drama.

Moreover, I wish the film had better staging because its emphasis on dialogue makes most of the scenes, from a visual standpoint, look purely functional. I understand that Baby is a conversational drama, but better staging would have exalted Baby to the next level. A scene featuring Anand and Viraj in an auto in the pre-climax is perhaps the only scene in the film that makes effective usage of staging. The rest of the film will work equally well even as an audiobook because the entire focus is on conversations.

Speaking of the movie-viewing experience  Baby  offers, Vijay Bulganin is undoubtedly the strongest pillar of  Baby,  and his music accentuates the drama wonderfully. While  'O Rendu Prema Meghalila'  is the soul of the film, breathing life into even tiny moments, the 'Premisthunna' song sequence, ascribed to the innate drama in it, might just be one of the most discomforting sequences in a long time.  Baby  does get into some dark spaces.

Another significant quality of  Baby  is how it treats its characters like simple human beings for whom concepts like first love, sex, and moving on are a big deal. If anything,  Baby  is an antithesis to the idea of moving on. A completely dejected Anand admits that he is a simple auto driver, and this is how his thought process is. His monologue at the end of the film, in a way, invalidates our insistence on a more progressive story because  Baby  makes it a point to establish that it's telling the story of simple, flawed people who are not necessarily acquainted with the progressive ideas that many discuss on Twitter. And problematising their personalities, especially Anand's, ain't going to serve the cause because  Baby  acknowledges the characters' issues; whether you sympathise with them or not might is a subjective choice. Like with every film, your response to  Baby  is going to be heavily dependent on your worldview and personal experience. With  Baby , these factors might matter a little bit more while evaluating it because such is the nature of the story. And that's exactly why  Baby  earns the title of being the most interesting, ambiguous, and debatable Telugu film of the year so far.

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baby movie reviews telugu

ఇ టీవ‌ల కాలంలో విడుద‌ల‌కు ముందే పాట‌లు, ప్ర‌చార చిత్రాల‌తో అంద‌రి దృష్టినీ ఆక‌ర్షించిన చిత్రం ‘బేబీ’(Baby movie). ఆనంద్ దేవ‌ర‌కొండ, వైష్ణ‌వి చైత‌న్య‌, విరాజ్ అశ్విన్ ప్ర‌ధాన పాత్ర‌ల్లో న‌టించిన చిత్ర‌మిది. ‘క‌ల‌ర్ ఫొటో’ వంటి సినిమాకి క‌థ అందించిన సాయి రాజేష్ ఈ చిత్రానికి ద‌ర్శ‌క‌త్వం వ‌హించ‌డం..  ‘టాక్సీవాలా’ వంటి హిట్ త‌ర్వాత ఎస్‌కేఎన్ సోలోగా నిర్మించిన సినిమా కావ‌డం.. టీజ‌ర్‌,  ట్రైల‌ర్లు యువ‌త‌రం మెచ్చేలా కొత్త‌ద‌నం నింపుకొని ఆక‌ర్ష‌ణీయంగా ఉండ‌టంతో దీనిపై ప్రేక్ష‌కుల్లో మంచి అంచ‌నాలు ఏర్ప‌డ్డాయి. మ‌రి ఆ అంచ‌నాల్ని ఈ  ‘బేబీ’ అందుకుందా? (Baby movie review in telugu) ఈ సినిమాతో ఆనంద్ దేవ‌ర‌కొండ హిట్ ట్రాక్ ఎక్కారా?  సాయి రాజేష్ ద‌ర్శ‌కుడిగా స‌త్తా చాటారా? 

క‌థేంటంటే: వైషు అలియాస్ వైష్ణ‌వి (వైష్ణ‌వి చైత‌న్య‌) ఓ బ‌స్తీ అమ్మాయి. చిన్న‌ప్ప‌టి నుంచి త‌న ఎదురింట్లో ఉండే ఆనంద్ (ఆనంద్ దేవ‌ర‌కొండ‌)ను ప్రేమిస్తుంటుంది. ఆ ప్రేమ‌ను అత‌నూ అంగీక‌రిస్తాడు. వీరి ప్రేమ స్కూల్ డేస్‌లోనే ముదిరి పాకాన ప‌డుతుంది. అయితే ప‌దో త‌ర‌గ‌తి త‌ప్ప‌డంతో ఆనంద్ (Anand devarakonda) ఆటో డ్రైవ‌ర్‌గా స్థిర‌ప‌డ‌తాడు. వైష్ణవి (Vaishnavi chaitanya) మాత్రం ఇంట‌ర్ పూర్తి చేసి పేరున్న ప్రైవేట్ ఇంజినీరింగ్ కాలేజీలో చేరుతుంది. అక్క‌డ కొత్త ప‌రిచ‌యాల వ‌ల్ల వైషూ ఆలోచ‌నా విధానంలో మార్పులు మొద‌ల‌వుతాయి. ఈ క్ర‌మంలోనే ఆమె త‌న క్లాస్‌మెట్‌ విరాజ్ (విరాజ్ అశ్విన్)కు దగ్గరవుతుంది. స్నేహం పేరుతో మొద‌లైన ఆ బంధం ఆ త‌ర్వాత అడ్డ‌దారులు తొక్కుతుంది. ఈ క్ర‌మంలోనే అనుకోని ప‌రిస్థితుల వ‌ల్ల విరాజ్‌కు వైష్ణ‌వి శారీర‌కంగా ద‌గ్గ‌ర‌వ్వాల్సి వ‌స్తుంది. మ‌రి ఆ త‌ర్వాత ఏమైంది?  వీరిద్ద‌రి వ్య‌వ‌హారం ఆనంద్‌కు తెలిసిందా?  నిజం తెలిశాక త‌ను ఎలా స్పందించాడు?  అలాగే విరాజ్‌కు వైష్ణ‌వి - ఆనంద్‌ల ప్రేమ‌క‌థ తెలిసిందా? అస‌లు ఆనంద్ - విరాజ్‌ల‌లో వైష్ణ‌వి ఎవ‌ర్ని ప్రేమించింది?  (Baby movie review in telugu)అన్న‌ది తెర‌పై చూసి తెలుసుకోవాలి.

ఎలా సాగిందంటే: ‘మొదటి ప్రేమకి మరణం లేదు. మనసు పొరల్లో శాశ్వతంగా సమాధి చేయబడి ఉంటుంది’ బేబీ ట్రైలర్ ఆరంభంలో రాసిన కొటేషన్ ఇది. ఈ మాట‌కు త‌గ్గ‌ట్లుగానే చిత్ర క‌థ‌న‌మంతా సాగుతుంది. స్కూల్ డేస్‌లో తెలిసీ తెలియ‌ని వ‌య‌సులో ఓ అమ్మాయి, అబ్బాయి మ‌ధ్య పుట్టిన ప్రేమ‌క‌థ.. వారు ఎదిగే క్ర‌మంలో ఎలాంటి మ‌లుపులు తిరిగింది? ఆ ప్రేమ ఏ కంచికి చేరింది? అన్న‌ది క్లుప్తంగా ఈ చిత్ర క‌థాంశం.  చిన్న‌వో.. పెద్ద‌వో నిజానికి ఇలాంటి చిన్న‌నాటి  తొలి ప్రేమ‌క‌థ‌లు చాలా మంది జీవితాల్లో క‌నిపిస్తూనే ఉంటాయి.  అయితే వాటిలో కాలంతో పరిణ‌తి చెందుతూ పెళ్లి పీట‌లు దాకా ఎక్కేవి కొన్ని మాత్ర‌మే. వీటిలో ఎక్కువ శాతం విషాద ప్రేమ‌క‌థ‌లే ఉంటాయి. అలాంటి ఓ సున్నిత‌మైన ప్రేమ‌క‌థ‌నే ‘బేబీ’ (Baby movie review in telugu) రూపంలో ఎంతో స‌హ‌జంగా తెర‌పైకి తీసుకొచ్చే ప్ర‌య‌త్నం చేశారు ద‌ర్శ‌కుడు సాయి రాజేష్‌.

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ఇది ముఖ్యంగా ఈత‌రం యువ‌త‌కు బాగా క‌నెక్ట్ అయ్యేలా ఉంటుంది. సినిమాలో క‌నిపించే చాలా స‌న్నివేశాలు ఈ కాలం యువ‌తీ యువ‌కుల మ‌ధ్య ఉన్న ప్రేమ‌కు.. వారి ఆలోచ‌నా విధానాల‌కు అద్దం ప‌ట్టేలాగే ఉంటాయి. భ‌గ్న ప్రేమికుడిగా ఆనంద్‌ను ప‌రిచ‌యం చేసి.. అత‌ని కోణం నుంచి అస‌లు క‌థ‌ను ఆరంభించిన తీరు బాగుంటుంది. (Baby movie review) అక్క‌డి నుంచి తొలి ఇర‌వై నిమిషాల పాటు వైష్ణ‌వి - ఆనంద్‌ల స్కూల్ డేస్ ప్రేమ‌క‌థే ప్ర‌ధానంగా సాగుతుంది. ఈ పాఠ‌శాల ప్రేమ‌క‌థ స‌హ‌జ‌త్వం నింపుకొని మ‌న‌సులకు హ‌త్తుకునేలా సాగినా.. కాస్త సాగదీశారేమో అనిపిస్తుంది.  పెద్ద‌గా మాట‌లు లేకుండా కేవ‌లం హావభావాలు, నేప‌థ్య సంగీతంతో వారి ప్రేమ‌ను హైలైట్ చేసిన తీరు ఆక‌ట్టుకుంటుంది. ఆనంద్ టెన్త్ ఫెయిలై ఆటో డ్రైవ‌ర్‌గా మార‌డం..  వైష్ణ‌వి ఇంట‌ర్ పూర్తి చేసి పై చ‌దువుల‌కు కాలేజ్‌లో చేర‌డంతో వీరి ప్రేమ‌కథ మ‌రో మ‌లుపు తీసుకుంటుంది.

baby movie reviews telugu

ఇక వైషూ కాలేజీలో చేరిన‌ప్ప‌టి నుంచి ఏమ‌వుతుందోన‌ని ఆనంద్ కంగారు ప‌డ‌టం.. ఈ క్ర‌మంలో ఆమెపై అనుమానం పెంచుకోవ‌డం.. కాలేజీలో ఫ్రెండ్స్‌ను చూసి వైషూ త‌న లైఫ్ స్టైల్ మార్చుకోవ‌డం..  అది చూసి ఆనంద్ మ‌రింత ఆందోళ‌న ప‌డ‌టం.. ఈ క్ర‌మంలో ఇద్ద‌రి మ‌ధ్య అభిప్రాయ భేదాలు.. ఆయా స‌న్నివేశాల‌న్నీ ఎంతో స‌హ‌జంగా ఆస‌క్తిరేకెత్తిస్తూ సాగుతాయి. (Baby movie review in telugu) ఇక ఎప్పుడైతే విరాజ్‌.. వైష్ణ‌వి జీవితంలోకి ఎంట్రీ ఇస్తాడో... అక్క‌డి నుంచి ఆనంద్ - వైషూల ప్రేమ‌క‌థ‌లో సంఘ‌ర్ష‌ణ మొద‌ల‌వుతుంది. సాఫీగా సాగుతున్న క‌థ కాస్త ర‌స‌వ‌త్త‌రంగా మారుతుంది. విరామానికి ముందు వైష్ణ‌వితో ఆనంద్ గొడ‌వ ప‌డ‌టం.. అనంత‌రం బాధ‌తో వైషూ ప‌బ్‌లో త‌ప్ప‌తాగి ఆనంద్‌కు ఫోన్ చేసి క్లాస్ పీక‌డం.. ఈ రెండు ఎపిసోడ్లకు థియేట‌ర్ల‌లో క్లాప్స్ ప‌డ‌తాయి.

ఇక ఇంట‌ర్వెల్ ఎపిసోడ్ ఒక్క‌సారిగా క‌థ‌లో హీట్ పెంచ‌డ‌మే కాక ద్వితీయార్ధంపై మ‌రింత ఆస‌క్తిరేకెత్తించేలా చేస్తుంది. అయితే ఈ ఆస‌క్తిని ఇలాగే కొన‌సాగించ‌డంలో ద‌ర్శ‌కుడు త‌డ‌బ‌డ్డాడు. (Baby movie review) ఓవైపు ఆనంద్‌కు నిజాన్ని తెలియ‌కుండా దాచి పెడుతూ.. మ‌రోవైపు విరాజ్‌తో బంధాన్ని కొన‌సాగిస్తూ వైష్ణ‌వి న‌డిపే ముక్కోణ‌పు ప్రేమ‌క‌థ కాస్త సాగతీత వ్య‌వ‌హారంగా అనిపిస్తుంది. ఇక విరాజ్ కుట్ర పూరిత మ‌న‌స్త‌త్వం బ‌య‌ట ప‌డ్డాక అత‌ని నుంచి బ‌య‌ట ప‌డేందుకు వైష్ణ‌వి ప‌డే మాన‌సిక సంఘ‌ర్ష‌ణ ఆక‌ట్టుకుంటుంది. ప‌తాక స‌న్నివేశాలు భావోద్వేగ‌భ‌రితంగా ఉంటాయి. అయితే ఆ ఎపిసోడ్ మ‌రీ న‌త్త‌నడ‌క‌న సాగిన‌ట్లు అనిపిస్తుంది. క్లైమాక్స్ ఏమాత్రం సంతృప్తిక‌రంగా అనిపించ‌దు. ప్రేమిస్తే త‌ర‌హా సినిమాల్ని గుర్తుకు వస్తాయి.

  • ఇదీ చదవండి:   రివ్యూ: మిషన్‌ ఇంపాజిబుల్‌: డెడ్‌ రెకొనింగ్‌ (పార్ట్‌-1)

ఎవ‌రెలా చేశారంటే: ఈ సినిమాలో ఆనంద్ పాత్ర‌లో ఆనంద్ దేవ‌ర‌కొండ (Anand devarakonda) చాలా కొత్త‌గా క‌నిపించారు. స్కూల్ డేస్ పాత్ర త‌న‌కంతగా న‌ప్ప‌లేద‌నిపించింది. ఆటోడ్రైవ‌ర్‌గా స‌హ‌జ‌మైన న‌ట‌న‌తో ఆక‌ట్టుకున్నారు. భావోద్వేగ‌భ‌రిత స‌న్నివేశాలు బాగా చేసినా.. ప‌తాక స‌న్నివేశాల్లో న‌ట‌న కాస్త తేలిపోయిన‌ట్ల‌నిపించింది. కాకపోతే వైష్ణ‌వికి ఆయ‌న‌కూ మ‌ధ్య కెమిస్ట్రీ చూడ‌ముచ్చ‌ట‌గా ఉంది.  క‌థానాయిక‌గా వైష్ణ‌వికి (vaishnavi chaitanya) మంచి పరిచయ చిత్రమిది. ఇందులో ఆమె బ‌స్తీ అమ్మాయిగా.. గ్లామ‌ర్ గ‌ర్ల్‌గా లుక్స్‌లోనే కాదు న‌ట‌న‌లోనూ చ‌క్క‌టి వేరియేష‌న్స్ చూపించింది. (Baby movie review in telugu) ఆమె పాత్రే సినిమాకి ప్ర‌ధాన ఆక‌ర్ష‌ణ‌. బోల్డ్ స‌న్నివేశాల్లో ఆమె అందాలు ఒలికించింది. భావోద్వేగ‌భ‌రిత స‌న్నివేశాల్లో చ‌క్క‌టి న‌ట‌న క‌న‌బ‌రిచింది.

ప్ర‌తినాయ‌క ఛాయ‌లున్న పాత్ర‌లో విరాజ్ న‌ట‌న ఆక‌ట్టుకుంటుంది. నాగ‌బాబు, హ‌ర్ష త‌దిత‌రుల పాత్ర‌లు ప‌రిధి మేర‌కు ఉంటాయి. సాయి రాజేష్ ఎంచుకున్న క‌థ.. రాసుకున్న సంభాష‌ణ‌లు.. సినిమాని స‌హ‌జంగా తెర‌పై ఆవిష్క‌రించిన తీరు యువ‌త‌రాన్ని మెప్పిస్తాయి. అయితే కథ, కథనాలను ఎక్కువ స్ట్రెచ్‌ చేశారేమో అనిపిస్తుంది. సినిమాలో ఏ పాత్ర‌కూ అర్థవంతమైన ముగింపు ఇవ్వ‌లేదు. దీని ప్ర‌భావం క్లైమాక్స్‌పై ప‌డింది. విజ‌య్ బుల్గానిన్ నేప‌థ్య సంగీతం, పాట‌లు సినిమాకి ప్ర‌ధాన ఆక‌ర్ష‌ణ‌గా నిలుస్తాయి. బాల్‌రెడ్డి విజువ‌ల్స్ ఎంతో స‌హ‌జంగా ఉన్నాయి. నిర్మాణ విలువ‌లు క‌థ‌కు త‌గ్గ‌ట్లుగా ఉన్నాయి.

  • బ‌లాలు
  • + క‌థా నేప‌థ్యం
  • + యువ‌త‌రం మెచ్చే అంశాలు
  • + పాట‌లు, నేప‌థ్య సంగీతం
  • బ‌ల‌హీన‌త‌లు
  • - నెమ్మ‌దిగా సాగే క‌థ‌నం
  • చివ‌రిగా:  టీనేజ్ కుర్రాళ్ల గుండెల్ని గ‌ట్టిగా కొట్టే ‘బేబీ
  • గమనిక: ఈ సమీక్ష సమీక్షకుడి దృష్టి కోణానికి సంబంధించింది. ఇది సమీక్షకుడి వ్యక్తిగత అభిప్రాయం మాత్రమే!
  • Cinema News
  • Movie Review
  • Telugu Movie Review
  • Anand Deverakonda

గమనిక: ఈనాడు.నెట్‌లో కనిపించే వ్యాపార ప్రకటనలు వివిధ దేశాల్లోని వ్యాపారస్తులు, సంస్థల నుంచి వస్తాయి. కొన్ని ప్రకటనలు పాఠకుల అభిరుచిననుసరించి కృత్రిమ మేధస్సుతో పంపబడతాయి. పాఠకులు తగిన జాగ్రత్త వహించి, ఉత్పత్తులు లేదా సేవల గురించి సముచిత విచారణ చేసి కొనుగోలు చేయాలి. ఆయా ఉత్పత్తులు / సేవల నాణ్యత లేదా లోపాలకు ఈనాడు యాజమాన్యం బాధ్యత వహించదు. ఈ విషయంలో ఉత్తర ప్రత్యుత్తరాలకి తావు లేదు.

రివ్యూ: తలవన్‌.. రీసెంట్‌ సూపర్‌హిట్‌ మలయాళ క్రైమ్‌ థ్రిల్లర్‌ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: తలవన్‌.. రీసెంట్‌ సూపర్‌హిట్‌ మలయాళ క్రైమ్‌ థ్రిల్లర్‌ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: సూపర్‌హిట్‌ యాక్షన్ థ్రిల్లర్‌ ‘కిల్‌’.. ఎలా ఉందంటే?

రివ్యూ: సూపర్‌హిట్‌ యాక్షన్ థ్రిల్లర్‌ ‘కిల్‌’.. ఎలా ఉందంటే?

రివ్యూ: నింద.. వరుణ్‌ సందేశ్‌ విభిన్న ప్రయత్నం మెప్పించిందా?

రివ్యూ: నింద.. వరుణ్‌ సందేశ్‌ విభిన్న ప్రయత్నం మెప్పించిందా?

రివ్యూ: ది గోట్‌.. విజయ్‌-వెంకట్‌ ప్రభుల యాక్షన్‌ మూవీ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: ది గోట్‌.. విజయ్‌-వెంకట్‌ ప్రభుల యాక్షన్‌ మూవీ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: 35 చిన్న క‌థ కాదు.. నివేదాథామస్‌ నటించిన మూవీ ఎలా ఉందంటే..?

రివ్యూ: 35 చిన్న క‌థ కాదు.. నివేదాథామస్‌ నటించిన మూవీ ఎలా ఉందంటే..?

రివ్యూ: ది కాంధార్‌ హైజాక్‌.. ఏవియేషన్‌ చరిత్రలోనే అతిపెద్ద హైజాక్‌.. వెబ్‌సిరీస్‌ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: ది కాంధార్‌ హైజాక్‌.. ఏవియేషన్‌ చరిత్రలోనే అతిపెద్ద హైజాక్‌.. వెబ్‌సిరీస్‌ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: సరిపోదా శనివారం.. నాని యాక్షన్ థ్రిల్లర్ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: సరిపోదా శనివారం.. నాని యాక్షన్ థ్రిల్లర్ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: శాఖాహారి: ఆశ్రయం కోసం వచ్చిన వ్యక్తి మరణిస్తే..?

రివ్యూ: శాఖాహారి: ఆశ్రయం కోసం వచ్చిన వ్యక్తి మరణిస్తే..?

రివ్యూ: ముంజ్య.. రూ.30 కోట్లతో తీస్తే.. రూ.130 కోట్లు రాబట్టిన మూవీ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: ముంజ్య.. రూ.30 కోట్లతో తీస్తే.. రూ.130 కోట్లు రాబట్టిన మూవీ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: విరాజి.. వరుణ్‌ సందేశ్‌ నటించిన థ్రిల్లర్‌ మూవీ ఎలా ఉందంటే?

రివ్యూ: విరాజి.. వరుణ్‌ సందేశ్‌ నటించిన థ్రిల్లర్‌ మూవీ ఎలా ఉందంటే?

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‘Baby’ movie review: Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya star in an exceptionally long, silly romantic feature

Helmed by sai rajesh, anand deverakonda’s latest reads like a moral story with the protagonist actually spelling out the moral three-fourths into the movie.

July 14, 2023 05:39 pm | Updated 07:12 pm IST

A still from ‘Baby’

A still from ‘Baby’

While that was two hours and 45 minutes of my life I will never get back, Baby , unlike most of its contemporaries inches towards being tonally neutral and sensitive when it comes to portraying its female characters.

Anand (Anand Deverakonda) and Vaishnavi (Vaishnavi Chaitanya) are neighbours and high-school sweethearts who grow up in a basti experiencing a meagre way of life. Vaishnavi’s parents are eager to see her make it out of poverty and encourage her to enrol in an engineering college in the city. Meanwhile, Anand stays back and chooses to make a living as an auto driver. 

Baby (Telugu)

Vaishnavi takes to the charms of the city quite quickly and attempts to work her way up the social hierarchy, with the help of a few friends who encourage her to alter her appearance by whitening her skin, wearing branded clothes and dying her hair. This new lifestyle throws a wrench in her love life as Anand is convinced that Vaishnavi is not being true to herself, and in the heat of the moment calls her names. 

At the same time, Vaishnavi is introduced to Viraj (Viraj Ashwin), the college heartthrob who does not shy away from flashing his expensive cars for clout. Their friendship quickly turns tumultuous when Viraj professes his love for her. 

The next one-hour 40-odd minutes of the movie is spent in Vaishnavi trying to manage the weird love triangle she has brought to life with her choices. The critique of greed and materialism that the film tried to build in the first half goes for a toss with a messy sexual agreement between two characters, an unintentionally funny confrontation by the trio, a failed suicide attempt, and the death of a parent. The sequence of the events ends up working as a catalyst for the audience to lose interest in the characters, and their emotions and aspirations; the length of the movie does not help.

However, it is endearing to watch flawed characters on screen that are not siloed into good or bad.

Vaishnavi Chaitanya does the heavy lifting for most of the film and convinces the audience to root for her even during her missteps, but Anand Deverakonda falters while playing the miserable lover. The supporting characters are not given their due as their behaviour tends to arbitrarily change to the whims of the director to advance the narrative.

Eventually, Baby runs like a moral story with the protagonist actually spelling out the moral three-fourths into the movie.

Baby is currently running in theatres  

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Baby Telugu Movie Review

Release Date : July 14, 2023

123telugu.com Rating : 3.25/5

Starring: Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya, Viraj Ashwin, Naga Babu, Lirisha, Kusuma, Sathvik Anand, Babloo, Seetha, Mounika, Keerthana, and others

Director: Sai Rajesh

Producer: SKN

Music Director: Vijay Bulganin

Cinematographer: M N Balreddy

Editor: Viplav Nyshadam

Related Links : Trailer

Baby is a film that has earned a good buzz due to its chartbuster songs. Directed by Sai Rajesh, the film stars Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya, and Viraj Ashwin in the lead roles. The movie hit the screens today, and let’s see how it is.

Vaishnavi (Vaishnavi Chaitanya) and Anand (Anand Deverakonda), hailing from a slum, are high school lovebirds. Anand fails to make it to the college and becomes an auto driver, whereas Vaishnavi joins the college. Vaishnavi undergoes a massive transformation, and this is also the time she gets close to Viraj (Viraj Ashwin). Slowly problems start developing between Vaishnavi and Anand. An unexpected incident takes place, which changes the lives of Viraj, Anand, and Vaishnavi as a whole. What happened next? How did the incident affect the three? This forms part of the crux of the story.

Plus Points:

Baby is a take on modern-day relationships, and director Sai Rajesh sheds light on the chosen topic through three beautifully written characters which are diverse in their own way. By the end of the film, one would end up liking all the three lead characters due to the effective writing. The scene where Viraj and Anand meet for the first time is the biggest highlight.

The movie has a pretty good second half with a right blend of drama, emotions, and intense moments. Baby became even more captivating thanks to the wonderful dialogues that will strike a chord with the target audiences. There are a good amount of whistle-worthy moments, and youth can relate themselves to many scenes. A few scenes are intentionally placed to impress the youngsters, and they land up well.

Anand Deverakonda amazes big time with his stupendous performance. We get to see the actor in Anand through Baby, and his full potential has been tapped by the director. It is a bit challenging role, especially for a budding artist, but Anand killed it with his earnest performance.

Vaishnavi Chaitanya is a revelation in this romantic drama, and the young actress’s performance speaks volumes about her talent. Her character arc has been designed quite well. Vaishnavi performed pretty good in the emotional scenes too. Her phone call scene with Anand Deverakonda was terrific. Viraj Ashwin gets a solid role, and he performs to the tee. This is perhaps the best role done by Viraj so far, and he aced it to perfection.

When romantic dramas get a good album, the result is Baby. Every song composed by music composer Vijay Bulganin is too good, and also the effective background score enhances the impact in many sequences.

Minus Points:

The movie is quite lengthy, as it has a runtime of close to three hours. The makers could have trimmed down a few sequences, especially in the first half, for a better experience. The contemporary nature of the film might not go well with a few.

The first hour is slow paced, and the movie gets more interesting from the pre-interval portions. Though there are good moments and dialogues, they are few and far between. The pacing reduces the impact to an extent. At times, the first half gives us a feeling that it is a bit stretched.

Technical Aspects:

As mentioned earlier, music by Vijay is a major asset for Baby, which takes the film to the next level altogether. The cinematography by Balreddy is exquisite, and the visuals are easy on the eye. Particularly the songs are shot in an aesthetic manner. The editing is sloppy in the first half, but it is alright in the latter hour. The production values are first-rate.

Coming to the writer and director, Sai Rajesh, he did an impressive job with Baby. While the first hour was not that great, he makes it up with a very good second half that is a concoction of intense emotional sequences and solid dialogues. Sai Rajesh extracted the best out of his actors, and he used the music perfectly. His dialogues are fantastic and have inner depth. Had the first half been a bit racier, the movie’s range would have enhanced further.

On the whole, Baby sheds light on modern-day relationships in a neat manner, and the climax is unconventional. The performances of Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya, and Viraj Ashwin are simply superb. The second half has its heart in the right place, but the impact gets slightly reduced due to the slow-paced first half, which could have been still better. Also, the makers could have taken care of lengthy runtime. Nonetheless, Baby is a good watch this weekend. Go for it.

123telugu.com Rating: 3.25/5

Reviewed by 123telugu Team

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Baby Movie Review: బేబీ రివ్యూ

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Rating : 2.75 / 5

  • MAIN CAST: ఆనంద్ దేవరకొండ, విరాజ్ అశ్విన్, వైష్ణవి చైతన్య, నాగబాబు, సాత్విక్ ఆనంద్, సీత తదితరులు
  • DIRECTOR: సాయి రాజేష్ నీలం
  • MUSIC: విజయ్ బుల్గానిన్
  • PRODUCER: మారుతీ, ఎస్కేఎన్

Baby 2023 Movie Review Telugu: విజయ్ దేవరకొండ సోదరుడు ఆనంద్ దేవరకొండ హీరోగా యూట్యూబ్ స్టార్ వైష్ణవి చైతన్య హీరోయిన్ గా సాయి రాజేష్ దర్శకత్వంలో తెరకెక్కిన సినిమా బేబీ. మారుతి, ఎస్కేఎన్ కలిసి నిర్మించిన ఈ సినిమా అనౌన్స్ చేసినప్పటి నుంచి మంచి బజ్ ఏర్పరచుకుంది. ఆ తర్వాత సినిమా నుంచి విడుదలైన పోస్టర్లు, ట్రైలర్, టీజర్ ఇలా ఒకటేమిటి? దాదాపు అన్నీ సినిమా మీద అంచనాలు పెంచుతూ వెళ్లాయి. ఇక ఈ మధ్యకాలంలో చిన్న సినిమాల్లో భారీ హైప్ తో రిలీజ్ అయింది ఈ సినిమా. వాస్తవానికి శుక్రవారం నాడే రిలీజ్ అవ్వాల్సి ఉంది కానీ ఒకరోజు ముందుగానే తెలుగు రాష్ట్రాలలో పెయిడ్ ప్రీమియర్స్ ప్రదర్శించారు. మరి సినిమా ఎలా ఉంది అనేది రివ్యూలో తెలుసుకుందాం.

బేబీ సినిమా కథ ఏమిటంటే? ఆనంద్ (ఆనంద్ దేవరకొండ), వైష్ణవి (వైష్ణవి చైతన్య) హైదరాబాదులో ఒక బస్తీలో ఎదురెదురు ఇళ్లలో నివసిస్తూ ఉంటారు. వైష్ణవి పదో తరగతి చదువుతున్నప్పుడే ఆనంద్ మీద మనసు పారేసుకుంటుంది. ముందు ఆనంద్ పట్టించుకోడు కానీ నెమ్మదిగా అతనికి కూడా వైష్ణవి మీద ప్రేమ కలుగుతుంది. అయితే ఆనంద్ టెన్త్ ఫెయిల్ అయ్యి ఆటో తోలుకుంటూ ఉంటే వైష్ణవి మాత్రం ఎలాగోలా ఇంటర్ పూర్తి చేసి బీటెక్ లో జాయిన్ అవుతుంది. కాలేజీకి చాలా దూరం వెళ్లాల్సి వస్తుంది అని భావించి ప్రతిరోజు తాను ఆటోలో ఆమెను కాలేజీలో డ్రాప్ చేయడమే కాదు తమ మధ్య దూరం పెరగకూడదు అని చెప్పి తన ఆటో తాకట్టు పెట్టి ఇద్దరికీ చెరొక స్మార్ట్ ఫోన్ కొంటాడు ఆనంద్. అయితే కాలేజీలో చేరిన వైష్ణవి అక్కడి స్నేహితుల ప్రోద్బలంతో అందం మీద శ్రద్ధ పెరగడమే కాదు వస్తువుల మీద కూడా ఆకర్షణ పెరుగుతుంది. నెమ్మదిగా ఆనంద్- వైష్ణవి మధ్య దూరం పెరగడమే కాదు వీరిద్దరి మధ్య విరాజ్(విరాజ్ అశ్విన్) అనే మూడో వ్యక్తి కూడా వస్తాడు. ఆనంద్ మీద ప్రేమ ఉందని చెబుతూనే విరాజ్ కి కూడా అట్రాక్ట్ అవుతుంది వైష్ణవి. రోజుకు ఒక సర్ప్రైజ్ గిఫ్ట్ ఇస్తూ తాను కోరుకుంటున్నట్టుగా తనని ప్రేమిస్తున్న విరాజ్ తో స్నేహం అనుకుంటూనే వైష్ణవి అతనికి దగ్గరవుతుంది. ఒకపక్క తాను ప్రేమిస్తున్న ఆనంద్ మరోపక్క తనను ప్రేమిస్తున్న విరాజ్ మధ్యలో ఆమె నలిగిపోవాల్సిన పరిస్థితులు వస్తాయి. మరి వీరిద్దరిలో వైష్ణవి ఎవరికి దగ్గరయింది? విరాజ్ ను వైష్ణవి దూరం పెట్టిందా? ఆనంద్ తో వైష్ణవి కలిసిందా? చివరికి వీరిద్దరిలో వైష్ణవి ఎవరికి దక్కింది? అనేదే సినిమా కథ.

విశ్లేషణ బేబీ సినిమా కథ కొత్తదేమీ కాదు మనం నిత్యం వార్తల్లో వినే చూసే ఒక ట్రయాంగిల్ లవ్ స్టోరీ. ఈ రోజుల్లో జరుగుతున్న వాస్తవ పరిస్థితులు, వార్తల్లో వింటున్న విషయాలను ఆధారంగా చేసుకుని ఈ కథ రాసుకున్నాడేమో సాయి రాజేష్ అనిపిస్తుంది. గతంలో హృదయ కాలేయం, కొబ్బరిమట్ట లాంటి సినిమాలు చేసిన సాయిరాజేషే ఈ కథ రాసుకున్నాడా అనే ఆశ్చర్యం అయితే కలవక మానదు. ఒక్క మాటలో చెప్పాలంటే ఈరోజుల్లో యువత మానసిక పరిస్థితులు ఎలా ఉన్నాయి? ఎంత ఈజీగా ప్రేమలో పడుతున్నారు? ప్రేమికులు ఉన్నా సరే ఇతర వ్యక్తుల మాటల గారడీకి ఎలా పడిపోతున్నారు? అందరూ వేరు నేను వేరు అనుకుంటూనే అందరిలా ఎలా బురిడీ కొడుతున్నారు అనే విషయాలను కళ్ళకు కట్టినట్లు చూపించాడు. ఎవరికి వారు నేను తప్పు చేయడం లేదు అనుకుంటూనే తప్పులు చేస్తున్న వైనాన్ని చాలా క్లియర్ గా తెరకెక్కించాడు. ఇక ఈ సినిమాలో ఆనంద్ దేవరకొండ, విరాజ్ అశ్విన్లు హీరోలు అని ముందు నుంచి ప్రచారం జరిగింది కానీ సినిమా మొత్తానికి హీరో వైష్ణవి అని చెప్పాలి. అందుకే టైటిల్ కూడా ఆమెను ఫోకస్ చేస్తూ బేబీ అని పెట్టినట్లు అనిపిస్తుంది. నిజానికి తెలుగు ప్రేక్షకులకు ట్రయాంగిల్ లవ్ స్టోరీ లు కొత్త కాదు కానీ ఈ సినిమా కాస్త భిన్నంగా అనిపిస్తుంది. క్లైమాక్స్ కాస్త కన్విన్సింగ్ అనిపించలేదు కానీ యూత్ కి మాత్రం బాగా కనెక్ట్ అయ్యే మూవీగా నిలిచిపోతుంది అనడంలో ఏ మాత్రం సందేహం లేదు. మొత్తంగా జీవితం మీద దృష్టి పెట్టండి అమ్మాయిలతో పెట్టుకుంటే చితికి పోవడం తప్ప సాధించేదేమీ లేదు అని కుండ బద్దలు కొట్టినట్టు సాయి రాజేష్ చెప్పినట్లు అనిపించింది. సినిమా యూనిట్ ముందు నుంచి చెబుతున్నట్టుగానే ఈ సినిమా చూస్తున్నప్పుడు ప్రతి ఒక్కరి ఫస్ట్ లవ్ స్టోరీ గుర్తు వస్తుంది అనడంలో కూడా ఎలాంటి సందేహం లేదు. బూతులు గట్టిగానే వాడారు కాబట్టి ఫ్యామిలీతో కలిసి చూడగలిగే సినిమా మాత్రం కాదు కేవలం స్నేహితులతో మాత్రమే చూడొచ్చు. కానీ ప్రేమలో ఇప్పుడున్నా, గతంలో ఉన్నా ఖచ్చితంగా చూడాల్సిన సినిమా.

ఎవరు ఎలా చేశారు అంటే? ఆనంద్ పాత్రలో ఆనంద్ దేవరకొండ సరిగ్గా సూట్ అయ్యాడు. గత సినిమాలతో పోల్చుకుంటే ఆనంద నటనలో పరిణితి కనిపించింది. ఎలాంటి కల్మషం లేకుండా తాను ప్రేమించిన అమ్మాయి కోసం ఎంత దూరమైనా వెళ్ళే వ్యక్తిగా ఆనంద్ దేవరకొండ జీవించాడు. వైష్ణవి పాత్రకు వైష్ణవి చైతన్య సరిగా న్యాయం చేసింది. అసలు బేబీ అనే పాత్ర ఆమె కోసమే రాసుకున్నారా అన్నట్టుగా నటనలో తనదైన శైలిలో నటించింది. నిజానికి ఈ సినిమాకి హీరో ఆమెనే అని ముందే చెప్పుకున్నాం అదేవిధంగా ఆమె సినిమా మొత్తాన్ని తన భుజస్కంధాల మీద నడిపించింది. ఒకపక్క ఆనంద్ ను ప్రేమిస్తూనే విరాజ్ మీద ఆకర్షణతో అతని మాటలకు పొంగిపోయే సాధారణ బస్తీ అమ్మాయిగా ఆమె నటన ఆకట్టుకుంటుంది. హీరోయిన్గా ఇది ఆమెకు మొదటి సినిమానే అయినా అసలు ఏమాత్రం తడబడకుండా ఔరా అనిపించేలా నటించింది. విరాజ్ అశ్విన్ కూడా తన పాత్రకు న్యాయం చేశాడు. నాగబాబు, వైవా హర్ష, సాత్విక్ ఆనంద్, కిరాక్ సీత, లిరీష కూనపరెడ్డి వంటి వారు తమ తమ పాత్రల పరిధి మేరకు నటించి ఆయా పాత్రలకు న్యాయం చేశారు. ఇక టెక్నీషియన్ల విషయానికి వస్తే దర్శకుడిగా సాయి రాజేష్ తన హండ్రెడ్ పర్సెంట్ ఇచ్చేందుకు ప్రయత్నించాడు. అయితే స్లో నేరేషన్ ఒకటి ఇబ్బందికరమనిపించినా డైలాగ్స్ విషయంలో కానీ స్క్రీన్ ప్లే విషయంలో కానీ చాలా కేర్ తీసుకున్నాడు. చాలా వరకు డైలాగులు ఒకవైపు నవ్వు తెప్పిస్తూనే మరోవైపు ఆలోచింపజేసేలా ఉన్నాయి. ముఖ్యంగా వైష్ణవి చైతన్య అమ్మాయిలు గుండెల మీద కొడతారు అని చెప్పే డైలాగ్ కానీ ఆటో వెనుక రాయించిన కొటేషన్లు కానీ ఆలోచింపజేస్తున్నాయి. ఇక సినిమాకి స్పెషల్ అసెట్ అంటే మ్యూజిక్ అనే చెప్పాలి. విజయ్ బుల్గానిన్ అందించిన మ్యూజిక్ సినిమాని మరో లెవలకు తీసుకువెళ్ళింది. బ్యాక్గ్రౌండ్ స్కోర్ కానీ కొన్ని పాటలు కానీ పూర్తిస్థాయిలో సినిమాని బాగా ఎలివేట్ చేశాయి. నటీనటుల పర్ఫామెన్స్ కు తగినట్టు బ్యాక్ గ్రౌండ్ స్కోర్ బాగా ఎలివేట్ చేసింది. ల్ రెడ్డి కెమెరా పనితనం ఆద్యంతం ఆకట్టుకుంటుంది. చాలా వరకు మంచి మంచి ఫ్రేమ్స్ తో ఆకట్టుకునే విధంగా తెరకెక్కించారు. అయితే సినిమాకి నిడివి ఒక మైనస్ పాయింట్ అయ్యే అవకాశం ఉన్న నేపథ్యంలో ఎడిటింగ్ టేబుల్ మీద మరికొంత వర్క్ చేసి ఉండాల్సింది అనిపిస్తుంది, అలా చేసి ఉంటే సినిమా మరో లెవల్ లో ఉండి ఉండవచ్చునేమో?

ప్లస్ పాయింట్లు వైష్ణవి చైతన్య ఇంటర్వెల్ బ్యాంగ్ డైలాగులు మ్యూజిక్

మైనస్ పాయింట్స్ నిడివి కొన్ని బోల్డ్ పద ప్రయోగాలు

బాటమ్ లైన్ బేబీ మూవీ : ఓన్లీ ఫర్ యూత్, ప్రేమించిన వారు ప్రేమలో ఉన్నవారు కచ్చితంగా చూసి తీరాల్సిన సినిమా.

NTV తెలుగు  వాట్సాప్ ఛానల్ ని ఫాలో అవ్వండి

  • anand devarakonda baby movie review
  • baby movie review
  • baby movie review in telugu
  • baby movie telugu review
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Home » Review » Baby Review: The Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya, Viraj Ashwin starrer is a heart wrenching and bold take on modern relationships »

Baby Review: The Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya, Viraj Ashwin starrer is a heart wrenching and bold take on modern relationships

Baby is the latest Telugu romantic drama that has been directed by Sai Rajesh. Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya, and Viraj Ashwin play lead roles. Read our review here.

Baby Review: The Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya, Viraj Ashwin starrer is a heart wrenching and bold take on modern relationships

Baby movie scene

  • Avad Mohammad

Last Updated: 08.26 AM, Jul 14, 2023

Baby revolves around Vaishnavi (Vaishnavi Chaitanya), a girl from a local Basti, and her love interest, Anand (Anand Deverakonda). While Anand ends up as an auto driver due to his economic status, Vaishnavi decides to pursue engineering. However, Vaishnavi's life takes an unexpected turn when she encounters Viraj (Viraj Ashwin), a charismatic young man who sparks her interest. As the story progresses, a love triangle ensues, and the audience is left wondering whom Vaishnavi will ultimately choose in the end.

First things first. Baby is one of the most honest films made in recent times. The film showcases brutal truths as to how the younger generation deals with the aspect of love and deceit. Sai Rajesh has directed this film and he does not sugarcoat it one bit. He shows the film through the eyes of the heroine and reveals what conflict she goes through while dating two guys at the same time. Baby is not about falling in love and is about digging deep into the psyches of the flawed characters played by Vaishnavi Chaitanya, Viraj Ashwin, and Anand Deverakonda.

Sai Rajesh dwells more on the moralistic side of these characters and showcases how they are right from their own point of view. While he showcases Vaishnavi Chaitanya's character in a very bold manner, the characterization will surely draw various conclusions from women who watch the film. The true strength of Baby lies in its interval, climax, dialogues, and music. Sai Rajesh's explosive dialogues resonate with the audience, some of which pay tribute to Pawan Kalyan and Trivikram.

Sai Rajesh, Anand Deverakonda on Baby

Coming to the performances, Anand Deverakonda impresses with his portrayal showcasing spontaneity and authenticity. His performance successfully captures the essence of young men in love during their school days. Anand has improved a lot as an actor and Baby gave him a lot of scope to showcase his talent. Viraj Ashwin shines in his role, showcasing his talent once again, particularly as a young man from a wealthy family, effectively conveying a range of emotions.

But the real star of the film is the female lead Vaishnavi Chaitanya. She makes a sparkling debut and gives a flawless performance in her role. Right from the first frame, she emotes superbly. Her character arc is such that Vaishnavi gets ample scope to perform and stands out in the film. There is a scene where she gets drunk and gives it back to her abusive boyfriend. Vaishnavi shows immense maturity and is an actress to watch out for in Telugu cinema.

Anand Deverakonda

Supporting actors Harsha and Satwik deliver notable performances in their limited roles, while Nagababu's portrayal adds a dignified touch to the father's character. As said earlier, musician Vijay Bulganin breathes life into the film with his heartwarming songs and amazing background score. The dialogues by Sai Rajesh are bold and hard-hitting. Especially those written for the female lead are solid. One of the biggest highlights of the film is the interval block. The audience is stunned by the drama showcased and this leaves them curious to know what the heroine is going to do next.

Anand Deverakonda and Vaishnavi Chaitanya

Baby has its fair share of issues. At least ten to twelve minutes of the film should have been chopped off in the second half. The slow pace is a cause of concern in the climax. Director Sai Rajesh takes his own time to wrap the film and because of this, the climax feels stretched. But the manner in which the director holds the attention with just three key characters is amazing to watch on screen.

Vaishnavi Chaitanya

Baby is a take on modern relationships and how men and women from different walks of life think about love and deceit. The film has arresting drama and will surely raise a lot of eyebrows as the director has showcased the female lead in a way the Telugu audience is not used to. But this itself makes Baby different from others and holds your attention until the very end.


On the whole, Baby is a take on flawed characters and how they handle love at different stages of their life. The romantic drama has one of the best performances in recent times and is narrated in a very bold and realistic manner. The youth will connect to the film in a big way as Baby has all the ingredients of heartbreaking, deceitful, and mature romance told in a very hard-hitting manner.

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Anand Deverakonda in Baby (2023)

Two high-school sweethearts face challenges in their relationship when they take different directions in life. Two high-school sweethearts face challenges in their relationship when they take different directions in life. Two high-school sweethearts face challenges in their relationship when they take different directions in life.

  • Sai Rajesh Neelam
  • Anand Deverakonda
  • Vaishnavi Chaitanya
  • Viraj Ashwin
  • 43 User reviews
  • 4 Critic reviews
  • 5 wins & 8 nominations

Trailer 2 [OV]

Top cast 13

Anand Deverakonda

  • Vaishnavi …

Viraj Ashwin

  • Kusuma (Vaishnavi's friend)

Nagendra Babu

  • Vaishnavi's father
  • Vaishnavi's mother

Harsha Chemudu

  • Anand's friend
  • Anand school friend
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  • Connections Referenced in Sarkaar: Sarkaar 3 Episode 12 (2023)
  • Soundtracks O Rendu Prema Meghaalila Composed by - Vijay Bulganin Lyrics by - Anantha Sriram Performed by - Sreerama Chandra Duration - 5:14

User reviews 43

  • best-review
  • Jul 13, 2023
  • How long is Baby? Powered by Alexa
  • July 14, 2023 (India)
  • Mass Movie Makers
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  • ₹100,000,000 (estimated)

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  • Runtime 2 hours 55 minutes

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Anand Deverakonda in Baby (2023)

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Baby Movie Review

Article by Nanda Gopal Published by GulteDesk --> Published on: 9:12 am, 14 July 2023

Baby Movie review

2 Hr 28 Mins   |   Love   |   14-07-2023

Cast - Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya, Viraj Ashwin, Naga Babu and others

Director - Sai Rajesh

Producer - SKN

Banner - Mass Movie Makers

Music - Vijay Bulganin

Anand Deverakonda, the younger brother of Vijay Deverakonda, returns with Baby where he collaborated with Colour Photo writer-producer Sai Razesh. Anand isn’t successful yet like his brother. So, Anand is in search of success and cementing his position. Baby looks promising for him. Thanks to its musical-hit songs and good round of promotions, the film garnered good buzz. Will Anand and the makers succeed with Baby? Let’s find out.

Hailing from the same basti, Anand and Vaishnavi are childhood sweethearts who go to the same school. Vaishnavi loves Anand madly and he too falls for her. After school, Anand becomes an auto-driver and Vaishnavi joins engineering college where she enters a new world. She gets new friends and she meets a good-looking rich guy named Viraj. What happens when situations create a gap between Anand and Vaishnavi? The rest of the story is how Vaishnavi deals with Anand and Viraj.


Anand Deverakonda is alright as the protagonist who loves his girl unconditionally. His character goes through a lot of emotions. There are moments where Anand reminds us of brother Vijay Deverakonda, particularly the dialogue, ‘Na Pilla Bey’ which became popular with Vijay’s Arjun Reddy. Anand is still evolving as an actor.

Vaishnavi Chaitanya is the show-stealer. She carries off the film single-handedly from the start to end. As a Basti girl and as a modern girl, Vaishnavi shows she’s the best of both the worlds. She is a perfect cast for the role and she won the hearts. Kudos to the makers for their gutsy decision to rope in her for the role.

Viraj Ashwin is decent. His character lacks consistency. It is also not clear what exactly he wants and whether he loves Vaishnavi sincerely or not. Naga Babu’s role has no significance in the first beginning, but as the film progresses, his character gains weight in the story. Anand’s bonding with his own mother was irritating initially, whereas it tries to stir emotion towards the end. All the friends of the lead actors do a decent performance. Viva Harsha’s role has importance as the character reveals a crucial twist of the film.


On the surface, Baby has a very thin point. This becomes challenging in writing and narrating. Story requires more depth which is lacking. Yet, director Sai Rajesh scored points with his craft. Visuals and music make the film appeal. Music composer Vijay Bulganin is the winner as he delivered nice songs and a compelling background score. Two songs in the film are good. The film has slow narration. Editing is fine, but the film needed more crispness.

Vaishnavi Contemporary Concept Songs & Background Score

Thumbs Down

Thin Story Slow-paced Narration Improper Message

Baby is all about Vaishnavi and her life involving two guys – one childhood lover Anand and other college friend Viraj. How Vaishnavi tackles both forms the crux of the story. The film begins by showing Anand devastated and seen in a regretful mood. This raises curiosity and the story quickly takes us into the past. Director doesn’t waste much time in taking audiences into the story. The mood is set right and all the characters are well-established. The film just revolves around the lead characters. The scenes of phone, gifts and shopping, pub scenes connect to youth. The film is aimed for college-goers and youth who connect to the film. There are scenes which many guys relate to. The references about Pawan Kalyan, Trivikram Srinivas bring cheers to fans.

The success of Baby lies with the choosing Vaishnavi as the film’s heroine. It is her show completely. How she slipped into situations and how she tries her best to cover-up her mistakes but ends up making bigger mistakes that make for an engaging watch. The makers choose the topic that is very much relevant to the present generation and relatable to youths.

Vaishnavi is portrayed as a smart girl who doesn’t pay heed to parents or her love Anand. But she falls prey to a college ‘friend’ Sita who misguides her. This portion is alright. The transformation of Vaishnavi isn’t completely convincing. She puffs hookah, cigarette, gulps alcohol shots without much hesitation. Here the director tells us that Vaishnavi, a basti girl, attempts to change the way she looks and is perceived by others around her. This sets the tone for the film. The first half is engaging.

There are cuss words liberally used. Whilst these cuss words are muted, censored in India, they are used as it is in the US and overseas content. The latter-half has bold content as well. Director Sai Rajesh has handled some scenes with a lot of maturity which is laudable. But some scenes are dragged beyond the point.

Baby has a core problem. Writer-director Sai Rajesh tries to strike a fine balance. He tries to portray that everyone is good, but it is just situations that make one change and transform resulting in cheating. He tries to justify the wrongdoings too. But he fails to create enough sympathy or hatred for the principal characters. Unlike Arjun Reddy or 7/G Brindavan Colony or RX 100, Baby doesn’t hit hard or convey straight to the point. In fact, it just oscillates and beats around the bush.

The film deals with the new-age concept of a girl falling for attractions and end-up cheating an honest lover.

During an important scene, Vaishnavi wears Anand’s saree on his birthday and goes in his auto. The writing here is superior. In another scene in auto in the pre-climax where all the three lead characters encounter one another. This is well conceived. The climax is dragged and stretched beyond a point. And the end may not be convincing for many. The message of the film is not clear.

There is enough scope for humour. But the director stays true to the honesty. It has an intense love story. The film goes on at a serious tempo at max, till the end. To sum up, Baby is ambitious and as an idea it was good. Whereas, it suffers in its narration. The first half works and the second-half has bold moments. It manages to hold interest as it progresses. The film neither leaves you completely satisfied nor it disappoints. It just strikes midway between both.

Despite all its shortcomings, the film caters to youth with relevant scenes. Thanks to good buzz owing to hit songs and promotions, Baby got a good opening. We have to see how the movie is received in the coming days.

Verdict: Bold Baby !

Rating: 2.5/5

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Baby Movie Review Anand Deverakonda Film Is A Brutally Honest Take On Contemporary Relationships


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Baby review: This emotional love story will tug at your heartstrings

The film takes its time to establish the characters but gathers steam when Vaishnavi decides to break the shackles of her "basthi" life.

Bhaskar Basava

Published:Aug 10, 2023

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A poster of the movie 'Baby'. (Ananddevarakonda/ Twitter)

Vaishnavi and Anand steal your hearts.

Baby (Telugu)

  • Cast:  Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya, Viraj Ashwin, and Nagendra Babu
  • Director: Sai Rajesh
  • Music: Vijay Bulganin
  • Producer: Sreenivasa Kumar
  • Runtime: 2 hours 39 minutes
  • Cast: Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif, Emraan Hashmi, and Revathy
  • Director: Maneesh Sharma
  • Producer: Aditya Chopra
  • Music: Pritam Chakraborty
  • Runtime: 2 hours 35 minutes

Is there a precise definition for “first love”? However bitter an experience one may feel, first love undoubtedly takes a special place in our hearts.

Only a few get a chance to transform first love into marriage; some have to move on with their lives taking all those bitter-sweet memories along.

But this Baby’s first love will tug at your heartstrings.

Baby aka Vaishnavi (Vaishnavi Chaitanya), lives much of her childhood in the bylanes of Indiramma Basthi, a habitat for the downtrodden in Hyderabad.

Anand Deverakonda Vaishnavi Chaitanya Viraj Ashwin in Baby

Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya, and Viraj Ashwin in ‘Baby’. (ananddeverakonda/Twitter)

She falls for Anand (Anand Deverakonda) who lives in the same neighbourhood and also happens to be her schoolmate.

While some fear stops Vaishu from expressing her love for Anand, the latter takes no time to acknowledge his feelings.

Vaishu takes a big leap by fetching an engineering seat in academics, but Anand flunks Class 10 and starts earning as an auto driver.

But their unflinching love for each other continues until Vaishu gets adventurous. This quiet girl, who is aware of her roots, slowly gets amused by the glittering world outside.

Then Viraj Ashwin (Viraj Ashwin), her batchmate in engineering, starts wooing her with costly presents. First with an iPhone, then branded clothing; it goes on until Viraj loses his patience.

But will she accept his proposal? What’s the fate of childhood-caring boyfriend Anand forms the story of Baby .

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Pacy screenplay but cliched dialogues.

Baby takes its sweet time to establish the characters. The first-love moment of gifting a soap box to the girl during school and mouthing a famous dialogue from Venkatesh Daggubati’s hit film to woo her lover depicts the innocence of teenage love.

Vaishnavi and Viraj in Baby

Vaishnavi and Viraj in ‘Baby’. (shreyasmedia/ Twitter)

The story slowly gathers steam when Vaishu steps into an engineering college. She wants to break the shackles of coming from a “basthi”.

The first gift from Anand, which she felt was a priceless treasure, slowly loses its sheen. Even the first cell phone that she was gifted by Anand, too, disintegrates from her mind.

A new world beckons Vaishu. She gets the taste of a fantasy world from her friends. Her less attractive “Appalamma” face gets transformed into Angelina Jolie.

The pre-interval sequence leaves the audience in shock when Viraj seeks a kiss from Vaishu at a pub.

At one point, you start rooting for Anand who has massive hopes for his girl. And at the same time, you start rooting for Vaishu who gets desperate to save her love and get rid of Viraj forever.

The screenplay gets pacy in a few portions but again, cliched dialogues keep bothering you intermittently.

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Vaishnavi sizzles as baby.

Vaishnavi Chaitanya turns an overnight star not because of the story, but because of her performance.

Coming from Hyderabad’s Old City, she started as a social media influencer and a YouTuber before landing the female lead role in Baby .

Lead pair of Baby

The lead pair of ‘Baby’. (ananddeverakonda/Twitter)

Apparently, her efforts paid off. As a sensitive yet adventurous college girl, Vaishnavi puts up a mature performance outdoing her male actors both Anand Deverakonda and Viraj Ashwin.

On the other hand, Anand as an over-protective and aggressive youngster shows a refinement in his acting skills, when compared to his previous movies.

The actor draws applause in the scene where he breaks down due to the heartbreak he suffers after Viva Harsha reveals the truth about Vaishnavi.

Viraj Ashwin did his best as an ultra-rich student. But his characterisation looks poor as though he lost his spine.

His entry adds weight in the second half because he looks erratic and unpredictable when it comes to taking decisions.

He falls into the trap of his classmate Sita when she tells him that Vaishu wants to get rid of him by giving him a one-night stand. Though he finds it shocking, he obliges the offer without any moral integrity.

Baby has its moments because of Vaishnavi’s performance and girls would easily relate to her role.

Interstingly, all three characters have some sort of eccentricity and unpredictability.

Anand turns aggressive and his anger doesn’t withstand a minute as he abruptly feels sorry for his act.

Vaishu, too, could not sense the reality of life as she is lured by the fantasy world.

Viraj Ashwin gets too unpredictable when Vaishu says no to his proposal.

Nagendra Babu’s character as Vaishu’s father draws whistles when he slaps his wife for her greed.

Viva Harsha is limited to small portions.

Related:  Vaishnavi Chaitanya takes ‘Baby’ steps in the Telugu film industry

Not devoid of errors.

Baby is not devoid of errors.

Anand deverakonda Vaishnavi chaitanya in Baby

Anand Deverakonda and Vaishnavi Chaitanya in ‘Baby’. (shreyasmedia/ Twitter)

When Vaishu asks her boyfriend Anand to take her to a movie with fewer viewers, he takes her to Kobbari Matta (2019), Sai Rajesh’s production.

In reality, Kobbari Matta ran with packed houses.

And there’s a scene when Viraj Ashwin turns poetic in a pub and he describes what is “Deja Vu” to the crowd. In the process, he gets too archaic in Telugu.

After breaking down knowing what Vaishu has committed, Anand leaves Viva Harsha in shock saying, “ Nen dhanni champi, nen chasta …” (I will kill her and kill myself).

The scene raises curiosity when Anand turns aggressive and charges with a knife. But immediately, he changes plans after seeing her in deep sleep. And there’s a long one-sided conversation that follows.

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Director Sai Rajesh evoked massive expectations after his production OTT venture Colour Photo (2020) received the National Award.

Apparently, he wanted Baby to weave the story along the lines of his critically-acclaimed film Colour Photo . However, Baby doesn’t even come nearer to it.

(Views expressed here are personal.)

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  • What is the release date of 'Baby'? Release date of Anand Deverakonda and Vaishnavi Chaitanya starrer 'Baby' is 2023-07-14.
  • Who are the actors in 'Baby'? 'Baby' star cast includes Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya, Viraj Ashwin and Nagababu.
  • Who is the director of 'Baby'? 'Baby' is directed by Sai Rajesh.
  • What is Genre of 'Baby'? 'Baby' belongs to 'Drama,Romance' genre.
  • In Which Languages is 'Baby' releasing? 'Baby' is releasing in Telugu.

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'Baby' Review: Lengthy Lousy Lusty

'Baby' Review: Lengthy Lousy Lusty

Film: Baby Rating: 2.25/5 Cast: Anand Devarakonda, Viraj Ashwin, Vaishnavi Chaitanya, Naga Babu, Lirisha etc Cinematography: MN Balreddy Editor: Viplav Nyshadam Music: Vijay Bulganin Producer: SKN Written and Directed By: Sai Rajesh Release Date: 14 July 2023

Anand Devarakonda, after a series of flops, came up with this film featuring Vaishnavi in her debut as a full-length heroine. Viraj Ashwin played the second lead, and the film was directed by Sai Rajesh. The trailer appealed to a specific audience, giving the impression of a poetic love story.

Let's delve into the plot and find out what it offers.

Story: Vaishnavi (Vaishnavi Chaitanya) has been in love with Anand (Anand Devarakonda) since their high school days. While Vaishnavi joins an Engineering College, Anand, who fails his 10th standard, becomes an auto driver over time.

Viraj (Viraj Ashwin), a wealthy young man in the college, falls in love with Vaishnavi and proposes to her. Although Vaishnavi develops feelings for Viraj, she remains loyal to Anand.

However, a series of events eventually push Vaishnavi to accept Viraj's kiss-proposal, leading her into trouble. What happens next? Who is the actual culprit, and who are the victims? How does her kiss affect the lives of each one?

The rest of the story answers these questions.

Artiste's Performance: Anand Devarakonda delivered a commendable performance, excelling in several scenes. He portrayed a character with strong values and morals, while also portraying a victim of love.

Vaishnavi showcased her talent by playing a girl-next-door from a below middle-class family, as well as an urban girl with a makeover. She portrayed a graceful lover and a confused teenager, displaying versatility in her acting.

Viraj performed well in his role, although there weren't many opportunities for him to showcase his diverse acting skills. His character lacked surprises or additional shades.

Naga Babu's portrayal was adequate but didn't offer anything noteworthy. Viva Harsha's role was like an extra actor with a few scenes and a couple of dialogues.

Technical Expertise: The cinematography was good, and the background score adequately supported the film. The songs were situation-based and pleasing to ears.

The editing was not sharp, causing scenes to drag on. On a whole the making standards are good. 

Highlights: Anand Devarakonda Vaishnavi Music

Drawbacks: Run-time Vulgarity

Analysis: Sai Rajesh, known for directing films with a blend of comedy and spoof value like "Hrudaya Kaleyam" and "Kobbari Matta," attempted to break away from that image with this film. He aimed to create an intense cult love story, but unfortunately, the result was a lethargically made, overly lengthy film with confusing characters.

While the director intended to present characters with real-life emotions, it became burdensome for the audience to bear the confusion and indecisiveness shown on screen.

The characterization of the female lead began subtly as a girl next door but later transformed into an urban girl who behaved contrary to her initial character. Despite the director's attempt to attribute her actions to alcohol, the overall narrative shifted toward hating the main lead rather than empathizing with her. Additionally, the heroine, who crossed several boundaries with her new friends, is surprisingly unaware of what 'dating' means, creating further confusion in her characterization.

Furthermore, the main lead's character felt contrived, with an excessive focus on idealistic traits. Instead of sympathizing with him, the audience sometimes trolled the character with loud laughs and shouts, revealing a mismatch between the director's imagination and the contemporary audience's mindset.

While the director may have aimed for a film akin to Balu Mahendra's "Vasantha Kokila" with a shattered hero at the end, the result felt forced and excessively long.

It is essential to maintain the right balance and not drag the narrative beyond what is necessary to achieve the desired effect. In this film, the story was dragged out too long, making it unbearable for the audience. The first half was slow but steady, while the interval part was intriguing. The second half followed predictable patterns, and the climax was never ending and pale.

The film runs like a moral story. It is a lesson for young girls of college age not to get trapped into the urban evils like pubs, alcohol and smoke and spoil personal lives. But the way it was dealt was vulgar. 

In spite of that moral theme, the film included objectionable cuss words like L@#j# (multiple times), G#dd#, De#g# Thaagi, Lan$ak#d#ka, Kud$si##tav. The filmmakers may have intentionally included these words, knowing that they would be muted by the Censor Board, but still understood by the audience in context. However, this choice speaks more about the director's vulgar taste than anything else. The words are not getting muted in American prints causing a lot of embarrassment and inconvenience to the NRI audience.

There is also a dialogue- "Nuvvu theravaalsindi kallu kaadu- kaallu" which is vulgar. 

There is a dialogue suggesting that men must spend the rest of their lives consuming alcohol sitting in a corner if their love fails. This outdated filmy thought process reflects the director's perspective.

The film appears loosely inspired by "RX100," where the heroine herself is the villain. In this case, the heroine is a villain but primarily driven by circumstances rather than her character.

The film emphasized more lust than love. All the main characters are victims at the end as per the story and of course the audience too are the victims of the length!

Bottom Line: Shabby

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Telugu movie ‘Baby’ Review: Anand Devarakonda shines in a gripping thriller with a twist

July 11, 2023 Riya Shalgar South Indian Movies 1

ANAND DEVERAKONDA: ‘BABY’ TRAILER… 14 JULY RELEASE… #Telugu film #Baby - starring #AnandDeverakonda, #VaishnaviChaitanya and #VirajAshwin - to release in *cinemas* on 14 July 2023.#BabyTrailer [with #English subtitles] 🔗: https://t.co/LxRqGUervJDirected by #SaiRajesh…… pic.twitter.com/OUaKZ5P2Uq— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) July 8, 2023

“Baby” is a Telugu-language thriller film directed by Ramesh Raparthi and starring Anand Deverakonda, Viraj Ashwin and Vaishnavi Chaitanya. The film is scheduled for a worldwide release on July 14, 2023.

The film revolves around a young couple, Raj (Deverakonda) and Swathi (Chaitanya), who adopt a baby girl after struggling with infertility. However, their seemingly happy life is shattered when they discover that their baby is not what she seems.

The film begins with Raj and Swathi celebrating their fifth anniversary at a resort. They are surprised by a visit from Raj’s friend, Karthik (Ashwin), who works as a journalist. Karthik tells them that he has found a baby girl abandoned in a dumpster and asks them if they want to adopt her. Raj and Swathi, who have been trying to conceive for years, agree to take the baby home.

They name the baby Ananya and soon grow attached to her. However, they also notice some strange things about her. She does not cry, laugh or show any emotion. She does not respond to toys, music or affection. She only stares blankly at them or at the TV. Raj and Swathi consult a doctor, who tells them that Ananya may have some developmental issues and advises them to be patient and supportive.

Meanwhile, Karthik is investigating a series of murders that have been happening in the city. He finds out that all the victims are connected to a mysterious cult that worships a goddess named Kali. He also learns that the cult leader, Guruji (Raja Ravindra), has been abducting young girls and sacrificing them to Kali in exchange for power and wealth. Karthik suspects that Ananya may be one of the missing girls and decides to confront Raj and Swathi.

However, before he can do so, he is attacked by Guruji’s henchmen and kidnapped. Raj and Swathi receive a call from Guruji, who tells them that he wants Ananya back. He reveals that Ananya is not a normal baby, but a reincarnation of Kali herself. He says that he had planned to sacrifice her on the night of the full moon, but she escaped from his clutches and ended up in the dumpster. He warns them that if they do not return Ananya to him, he will kill Karthik and unleash Kali’s wrath on them.

Raj and Swathi are shocked and terrified by this revelation. They do not know what to do or whom to trust. They decide to flee from their home with Ananya and seek help from the police. However, they soon realize that they are being followed by Guruji’s men and that Ananya is not as innocent as she looks.

“Baby” is a gripping thriller that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. The film has a tight script, crisp editing and effective cinematography that create a tense and suspenseful atmosphere. The film also has some unexpected twists and turns that keep the viewers guessing until the end.

ANAND DEVERAKONDA: ‘BABY’ TRAILER… 14 JULY RELEASE… #Telugu film #Baby – starring #AnandDeverakonda , #VaishnaviChaitanya and #VirajAshwin – to release in *cinemas* on 14 July 2023. #BabyTrailer [with #English subtitles] 🔗: https://t.co/LxRqGUervJ Directed by #SaiRajesh …… pic.twitter.com/OUaKZ5P2Uq — taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) July 8, 2023

The film’s biggest strength is its cast, especially the three lead actors. Anand Deverakonda delivers a convincing performance as Raj, a loving husband and father who is torn between his loyalty to his family and his fear of the unknown. Viraj Ashwin impresses as Karthik, a brave and loyal friend who risks his life to uncover the truth. Vaishnavi Chaitanya shines as Swathi, a caring wife and mother who struggles with her emotions and doubts.

However, the star of the film is undoubtedly the baby girl who plays Ananya. She steals every scene she is in with her eerie expressions and creepy actions. She makes the audience feel both sympathy and horror for her character.

The film’s only drawback is its climax, which feels rushed and underwhelming. The film could have explored more of the cult’s background and motives, as well as the mythology behind Kali’s reincarnation. The film also leaves some loose ends unresolved, such as what happens to Raj and Swathi after the final confrontation.

Overall, “Baby” is a well-made thriller that offers an engaging and thrilling experience to the viewers. It is not for the faint-hearted, but for those who enjoy dark and twisted stories.

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Baby (2023) - Review/Discussion Thread. SPOILERS MUST BE TAGGED

Baby is a 2023 Indian Telugu-language romantic drama film written and directed by Sai Rajesh and produced by Mass Movie Makers. The film stars Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya, and Viraj Ashwin

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Baby Review – Imperfectly Perfect Baby

Baby Telugu Movie Review


CENSOR U/A, 2h 57m


Anand (Anand Deverakonda) and Vaishnavi (Vaishnavi Chaitanya) study in the same school and are from poor backgrounds. Vaishnavi loves Anand, and he reciprocates eventually. The two continue to stay in love ever since.

A few years later, Vaishnavi joins an Engineering college, and Anand becomes an auto driver. How does life change Vaishnavi? Who is Viraj, and what is his love story with Vaishnavi? The movie’s premise is the culmination of this triangle love story.


Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya and Viraj Ashwin are the primary characters running the show. The former two, especially, deliver a power-packed performance.

It can be said, without any doubt, that Baby is the career-best performance of Anand Deverakonda. He lives in the character of Anand. It is also a case of perfect casting, which aids him to the fullest. His looks, body language and air of earnestness make him the apt choice for the part.

Multiple scenes in the second half show the dramatic skills of Anand Deverakonda. The one’s around the pre-climax and climax are, without any doubt, the most impressive and heart-touching.

Vaishnavi Chaitanya has a better character arc and role in Baby than many heroines we usually see. She seizes the opportunity and delivers a memorable performance. Getting used to body language initially takes time, but things settle down smoothly later. A minor issue is her body language while drunk and talking tough during those moments. It looks a little forced.

Viraj Ashwin is the third cog in the wheel. His styling is good, and has moments to shine. However, the confusion wrt his character’s actions sometimes doesn’t let him rise above the given material.


Sai Rajesh directs Baby. It is an age-old love story involving class differences mixed with another relatively old Tamil cinema’s realistically mounted love story tropes. The cocktail then has a dash of modern touch to make things palpable for the current generation.

The opening sets the ball rolling with the lead protagonist lying roadside on streets covered in dirt and mud with a messy look and drunk. The whole thing instantly recalls the Tamil cinema realism tropes mentioned earlier.

Soon, the movie takes us back in time via a beautifully cut montage of ‘O Rendu Prema Meghaalila’. It builds the love story beautifully and simultaneously adds a nostalgic value. The song and its BGM take care of the narrative for almost half an hour as it punctuates the proceedings.

The real story starts when Vaishnavi enters college and gets a mobile phone later. The way the phone is integrated into the narrative and plays a crucial role in character development is well done.

The transformation of Vaishnavi’s character takes care of the entire first half. In between, she has a few romantic scenes and struggles with genuine love, Anand. As a result, the narrative is stretched, and the predictable moments in these tend to drag the tale.

But, the unconventional romantic moments keep getting thrown up from time to time. It is escalated around the pre-interval and interval block when some foul language comes into play. A feeling of unevenness and weariness prevails at the end of the first half, but one still looks forward to the second.

Comparatively, the second half is better than the first. The narrative is more smooth, and it is packed with drama. Some of it might look overstretched, and some overdone, but the sincerity and genuineness behind them can’t be missed.

The last hour, in particular, is a nonstop emotional ride. However, some silly (execution and character choice-wise) moments appear before those heavy dramatic moments, taking a little sheen away.

By the time one reaches the end, it feels like an eternity. The drama goes on and on, but as things have been set up that way, everything seems fit coming together.

The ending is sure to move even a stone-hearted guy. But the catch is that one has to connect with the content. If one isn’t, the whole thing might appear as overblown melodrama.

Overall, Baby has its heart in the right place and honesty scores there. The length is a primary issue as it tires one down, but the performances and emotional end of the movie offer a moving experience making it a decent one-time watch.


The supporting actors are many, but none have a fully developed role like the three main leads. Each has a small part to do in the larger picture, but besides those moments, they seem non-existent. Nagababu and Seetha characters are the primary examples. They do their parts well but could have been better utilised in the narrative. Harsha has a small but vital role and delivers it in his style. The rest of the actors are okay.


Vijay Bulganin’s music is a major highlight of the movie. A couple of songs are excellent, but how they are shot and integrated with the narrative makes them stand out. MN Balreddy’s cinematography is alright. The focus is more on the expressions than the background, which helps a few moments. But, the visuals give an impression of trying hard. The dialogues are neat and enhance the impact (either in a desired or undesired way)


Vaishnavi and Anand Deverakonda

Vijay Bulganin’s Music & BGM

Few Emotional Scenes

Predictable Tropes

Some Silly Moments/Choices


Will You Recommend It?

Yes, for youth love drama fans

Baby Telugu Movie Review by M9News

Final Report:

Baby’s second half has momentary silliness that leads to an intense drama with good performances. It’s not for everyone, but to whom it works, it’s decent watch. Length is an issue, but honest making shines. Give it a try.

First Half Report:

Baby is a character driven dramatic love story with a slow, but mostly engaging first half. There are parts that drag but unconventional romantic portions make up when they arrive and hold interest. The second half is the key now.

— Baby begins with a powerful visual of Anand, heartbroken and in love. It quickly transitions into a flashback. Stay tuned for the first half report.

Baby U.S. Premiere will begin shortly. Stay tuned for the report and review.

Cast: Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya, Viraj Ashwin, Nagababu,Lirisha, Kusuma Degalamarri, Sathvik Anand, Babloo, Seetha, Mounika, Keerthana and Others

Written and Directed by: Sai Rajesh

Produced by: SKN

Music: Vijay Bulganin

Dop: M N Balreddy

Editor: Viplav Nyshadam

Art: Suresh Bhimigani

Banner: Mass Movie Makers

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Baby Review – Innocent, touching and heartbreaking

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Movie Baby
Star Cast Anand Deverakonda, Viraj Ashwin, Vaishnavi Chaithanya
Director Sai Rajesh
Producer SKN
Music Vijay Bulganin
Run Time 2h 51m
Release 14 Jul, 2023

Anand Deverakonda teamed up with director Sai Rajesh for the film Baby, which was released today. The film features Vaishnavi Chaitanya as the leading lady, and Viraj Ashwin in a key role. The trailer of the film was released recently, and gained a massive response from the audience, increasing the expectations on the film, which has been released today. Let’s see how the film has turned out to be.

Anand and Vaishnavi are in love since class 10, and everything seems fine until Vaishnavi gets into a top college in the city. There, she befriends rich people and meets Viraj, a rich guy, who falls in love with Vaishnavi. One night, Anand and Vaishnavi get into a huge fight with each other, which changes their lives forever. What is this fight, how does it change their lives and what happens in the end forms the rest of the story.

On-Screen Performances:

Anand Deverakonda has improved tremendously as an actor and brings out every emotion of his character quite well. He is good in emotional scenes and strikes all the right chords. The pain and heartbreak that he exhibits during the pre-climax portion of the film is touching and makes everyone feel for him.

Vaishnavi Chaitanya gives a spectacular performance. She lives her character, and perfectly displays the various emotions and phases of her character. The kind of depth she brings to her character and her actions is especially impressive. She has a substantial role in the film, with the entire story revolving around her, and she doesn’t disappoint a bit.

Viraj Ashwin is good in his character and does well with what he is given. He looks quite good too, and while his performance is good, he could have been slightly better in emotional scenes.

The supporting cast of the movie is also good, but Nagendra Babu and Viva Harsha could have been utilized much better, as it looks like they’ve been underutilized.

Off-Screen Talents:

Director Sai Rajesh has come up with a very heart-touching story, which is heartbreaking at the same time. It is a story that is very much contemporary and has elements that are very close to the ones that we see or hear of in real life. He has come up with a highly entertaining and relatable first half, and ended the first half with a banger of an interval, upping the ante for the second half. While the second half of the film starts off fine, the pacing of the second half is all over the place, with many scenes dragging out unnecessarily. Viraj Ashwin’s character arc is not properly sketched and is abandoned abruptly, with no proper closure. The climax of the film, while extremely painful and emotional, may not resonate with all, and is something that the audiences may not be able to take, which is in contrast to the remaining film, which managed to entertain the audience until then. Apart from that, the director should have taken more care when it came to the direction he took regarding the story in the second half, as it feels all over the place and unnecessarily stretched.

The background score and music by Vijai Bulganin are extremely good, and perfectly assist the story telling process. Because of the background score, which is exceptional, certain scenes provide a lot more depth, and are much more enjoyable. The cinematography is good as well.

The production values are rich, but the editing could have been slightly better, especially with the pacing of the second half.

Plus Points:

  • Lead cast performances
  • Background score and music
  • Relatable story and characters

Minus Points:

  • Lag in second half

Verdict: Baby tells a story that is very close to real life, which makes it worthwhile and highly relatable. However, it’s lagging second half is a minus point. Nevertheless, it is a movie that can be watched once.

Telguubulletin.com Rating: 2.75/5

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Baby is a Romantic drama written and directed by Sai Rajesh. The film stars Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya, and Viraj Ashwin in lead roles. It is produced by SKN under the Mass Movie Makers Productions banner in association with GeethaArts. The music is composed by Vijay Buliganin, while M N Balreddy handles the cinematography and Viplav Nyashadam edits the film.

First Half Report: 

The film’s first half ends with a banger, setting up an exciting second half. Baby is racy and interesting in the first half, making the second half very anticipatory

Final Report:

Second half slows down a bit when compared to the first half. It is high on emotions and has a hard hitting message to convey that depicts contemporary relationships. Movie’s range depends on how general public receives the climax


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  1. Baby Movie Review: A pathos-laden love story that'll leave you with

    Baby Movie Review: Critics Rating: 3.0 stars, click to give your rating/review,Anand Deverakonda and Viraj Ashwin deliver stellar performances, but Vaishnavi Chaitanya is the shin

  2. Baby Movie Review: A Morally Ambiguous Drama That Thrives In The Flaws

    Speaking of the movie-viewing experience Baby offers, Vijay Bulganin is undoubtedly the strongest pillar of Baby, and his music accentuates the drama wonderfully.While 'O Rendu Prema Meghalila' is the soul of the film, breathing life into even tiny moments, the 'Premisthunna' song sequence, ascribed to the innate drama in it, might just be one of the most discomforting sequences in a long time.

  3. Baby movie review: Anand Deverakonda film is impressive, divisive

    Baby movie review: Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya-starrer is bound to be as divisive as Arjun Reddy and its moral ambiguities and characters will inspire much discussion. Baby stars Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya, Viraj Ashwin, Naga Babu. Baby is designed like a cautionary tale. It is the story of a girl's aspirations wreaking ...

  4. Baby movie review: రివ్యూ: బేబీ.. ముక్కోణపు ప్రేమకథ మెప్పించిందా?

    Baby movie review in telugu: ఆనంద్‌ దేవరకొండ (anand devarakonda), వైష్ణవి (vaishnavi chaitanya), విరాజ్‌ (Viraj Ashwin) కీలక పాత్రల్లో నటించిన ముక్కోణపు ప్రేమకథ ఎలా ఉంది?

  5. 'Baby' movie review: Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya star in an

    'Baby' movie review: Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi ...

  6. Baby Telugu Movie Review

    Review : Baby - Contemporary romantic drama. Baby is a film that has earned a good buzz due to its chartbuster songs. Directed by Sai Rajesh, the film stars Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya, and Viraj Ashwin in the lead roles. The movie hit the screens today, and let's see how it is. Story:

  7. Baby Movie Review: Highly Emotional Roller-Coaster Ride Of ...

    Baby Review Ratings: Anand Deverakonda-starrer romantic saga written and directed by Sai Rajesh, Baby, finally hit the screens worldwide amid huge expectations to an amazing reception from the ...

  8. Baby Movie Review: బేబీ రివ్యూ

    Rating : 2.75 / 5. Baby 2023 Movie Review Telugu: విజయ్ దేవరకొండ సోదరుడు ఆనంద్ దేవరకొండ హీరోగా యూట్యూబ్ స్టార్ వైష్ణవి చైతన్య హీరోయిన్ గా సాయి రాజేష్ ...

  9. Baby Review: The Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya ...

    Baby is the latest Telugu romantic drama that has been directed by Sai Rajesh. Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya, and Viraj Ashwin play lead roles. ... Baby Review: The Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya, Viraj Ashwin starrer is a heart wrenching and bold take on modern relationships ... Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya, and ...

  10. Baby (2023)

    Baby: Directed by Sai Rajesh Neelam. With Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya, Viraj Ashwin, Kirrak Seetha. Two high-school sweethearts face challenges in their relationship when they take different directions in life.

  11. Baby Movie Review

    Despite all its shortcomings, the film caters to youth with relevant scenes. Thanks to good buzz owing to hit songs and promotions, Baby got a good opening. We have to see how the movie is received in the coming days. Verdict: Bold Baby! Rating: 2.5/5. Tags Baby Movie Reviews. Anand Deverakonda, the younger brother of Vijay Deverakonda, returns ...

  12. Baby Movie Review Baby imdb rating public review reaction Baby twitter

    Baby - a sleeper hit, which released in movie theatres in July, is now available on the streaming platform Aha. You may hate or loath this film's characters and their self-serving behaviour but deep down, you come away with a grudging admiration for the creators of this extraordinarily candid gaze at ordinary lives.

  13. 'Baby' Telugu movie review

    Baby review: This emotional love story will tug at your heartstrings. The film takes its time to establish the characters but gathers steam when Vaishnavi decides to break the shackles of her "basthi" life. By Prakash Pecheti. Published:Aug 10, 2023. A poster of the movie 'Baby'.

  14. Baby (2023 film)

    Baby (2023 film)

  15. Baby Movie: Showtimes, Review, Songs, Trailer, Posters, News & Videos

    Baby Movie Review & Showtimes: Find details of Baby along with its showtimes, movie review, trailer, teaser, full video songs, showtimes and cast. Anand Deverakonda,Vaishnavi Chaitanya,Viraj ...

  16. 'Baby' Movie Review: Lengthy Lousy Lusty

    Film: Baby Rating: 2.25/5 Cast: Anand Devarakonda, Viraj Ashwin, Vaishnavi Chaitanya, Naga Babu, Lirisha etc Cinematography: MN Balreddy Editor: Viplav Nyshadam Music: Vijay Bulganin Producer: SKN Written and Directed By: Sai Rajesh Release Date: 14 July 2023. Anand Devarakonda, after a series of flops, came up with this film featuring Vaishnavi in her debut as a full-length heroine.

  17. Telugu movie 'Baby' Review: Anand Devarakonda shines in a gripping

    July 11, 2023 Riya Shalgar South Indian Movies 1. "Baby" is a Telugu-language thriller film directed by Ramesh Raparthi and starring Anand Deverakonda, Viraj Ashwin and Vaishnavi Chaitanya. The film is scheduled for a worldwide release on July 14, 2023. The film revolves around a young couple, Raj (Deverakonda) and Swathi (Chaitanya), who ...

  18. Baby Public Talk from Prasads IMAX

    Baby Genuine Public Talk, Review and Rating. Anand Deverakonda's #BabyPublicTalk is a Telugu Love Drama Film. Written and Directed by Sai Rajesh. Starring An...

  19. Baby (2023)

    Baby (2023) - Review/Discussion Thread. SPOILERS ...

  20. Baby Telugu Movie Review

    The movie's premise is the culmination of this triangle love story. Performances. Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya and Viraj Ashwin are the primary characters running the show. The former two, especially, deliver a power-packed performance. It can be said, without any doubt, that Baby is the career-best performance of Anand Deverakonda.

  21. Baby Review, Baby Movie Review, Baby 2023 Telugu Movie Review

    Vijay Bulganin. Run Time. 2h 51m. Release. 14 Jul, 2023. Anand Deverakonda teamed up with director Sai Rajesh for the film Baby, which was released today. The film features Vaishnavi Chaitanya as the leading lady, and Viraj Ashwin in a key role. The trailer of the film was released recently, and gained a massive response from the audience ...

  22. Baby Movie (2023): Release Date, Cast, Ott, Review, Trailer ...

    Baby Telugu Movie: Check out Anand Deverakonda's Baby movie release date, review, cast & crew, trailer, songs, teaser, story, budget, first day collection, box office collection, ott release date ...

  23. Baby Movie Review

    Here is the Review of #BabyTheMovie starring Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya, Viraj Ashwin. Directed by Sai Rajesh.We Movie Matters in this video disc...