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Purpose At Work: How Uber Scales A Culture Of Entrepreneurship

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This is the tenth interview in a series about how to lead with purpose, which took place around the Social Innovation Summit . The Summit is an annual gathering of impact driven entrepreneurs who share insights on how to leverage business for social innovation. For this interview I spoke with Meena Harris, Head of Strategy and Leadership at Uber.

In the face of several challenges, Uber is working to foster a purposeful culture that’s good for employees, the business and the communities it works in. One of their key focus areas is entrepreneurship.

“Entrepreneurship fuels the work that we do,” Meena Harris tells We First Branding . “It also shapes how we think about our internal workforce. We are very decentralized. There’s sort of a bunch of min-startups in cities across the world. That's what enabled our business to grow.”

Not only does the nature of the ride hailing app enable its workers to work on their own terms, it also supports entrepreneurship out of the driver’s seat. As Meena points out, there are thousands of “full-fledged entrepreneurs that rely on our platform to maintain the flexibility that allows them to do their work and to supplement their income. We want to make sure we’re preserving that culture. It's something that’s helped us as a business as well.”

Uber’s entrepreneurial ethos helps the company develop what Harris calls “Intra-preneurship.” That is, “people bring that entrepreneurial perspective to the work they do. That's good for them and for business,” she says. “But there are ways we can do better, right? It's not growth at all costs. It's responsible growth. It’s making sure it's not leading to deficiencies in culture. It’s not moving so fast that we're not paying attention to those other things.”

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The transportation company is investing in programs that empower underserved individuals to take their ideas to the next level. “There's this threshold question of who actually gets access to that (entrepreneurship). We want to make sure we're giving access and opportunities to diverse people. People who are going to bring different experiences and perspectives to the table.”

The rideshare company is also investing in programs like Uber Pro , which offers qualified drivers opportunities to attend college and to support women and people of color. “We're supporting a new initiative called Operation 3 to 300 . The idea is to help 300 women and people of color to launch businesses through the fellowship program by 2021.” 

Operation 3 to 300 is just one expression of how Uber is working to develop diversity and inclusion . “It must be baked into everything,” Harris says. “It has to be integrated into your products and your initiatives from the very beginning. It can’t be an afterthought or a response to somebody criticizing you.”

Uber is now a multinational corporation with offices and contractors across the globe. What’s Uber’s secret to taking that entrepreneurial spirit to scale?

“It's easier to do it when you're a lean startup and it's a small organization. Regardless of size, it has to come from the top-down and that is a priority. You have to train managers to encourage their teams to be entrepreneurial,” Meena shares. “You have to give employees a lot of autonomy to think more creatively and out of the box. You need to hire people who are going to understand how to do this responsively and strategically.”

The takeaway here is that fostering entrepreneurship comes from both employees and the employer. Employees must be able to manage their own projects, stay disciplined and practice creative problem solving. At the same time, as an employer, you must give your employees the freedom to make their own decisions. 

With Uber’s growth comes expanding stakeholder interest. How does the company stay true to its purpose, values and the culture of entrepreneurship when there are all the demands from the street?

“One of the challenges mature companies face is evaluating performance and furthering the business. I think it'll vary company to company,” Meena says. “Having a lab or dedicated team is a great way to make sure the work gets done.”

Another part of keeping the entrepreneurial spirit alive is to support employees to follow their passions out of the office. Meena mentions programs like McKinsey’s Take Time initiative, Pepsi’s design studio and LinkedIn’s InDay . These programs give team members the time and resources they need to pursue goals that may not be directly related to their jobs. 

In a similar vein, Uber recently established a “ citizenship goal. ” This goal supports employees “to do something outside of the business that makes an impact on their communities,” Harris says. “It helps employees feel valued and fulfilled and supported. It's not just good for them but also for the company culture and your bottom line.”

Studies show that today’s workforce, especially Millennials and Gen-Z, want to work with purposeful brands. They also want flexibility and opportunities to make a difference. When companies don’t give employees the freedom to explore creative problem solving they “limit their ability to bring that sort of entrepreneurship back inside,” Meena says.

“Supporting the people in our businesses is what we need to be thinking about. It's a no-brainer. It improves leadership. It improves productivity. It cultivates this entrepreneurship concept and improves retention.” 

As Uber develops, Harris says the company will work on building opportunities and communities in which its employees can thrive. For Harris and Uber, this means cultivating extended care programs from early life to elder care. It means making time and space for team members to follow their own passions while also developing Uber’s bottom line.

“That's what our actual business is about. It's where a lot of businesses are headed. It's also an entirely new way of looking at work and the expectations that today’s workforce has from an employer.”

Simon Mainwaring

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Uber : un business model innovant mais incertain

Le modèle économique d'uber technologies, nouveau business model : uber sans chauffeur , une stratégie de croissance, d’expansion géographique et de diversification, quelques services uber, une perspective d'avenir technologique : la voiture autonome, des investissements stratégiques, la stratégie de lyft.

Créé en 2009, le groupe américain Uber Technologies est devenu une des marques les plus influentes. Il se dénomme même "l'Amazon de la micro-mobilité". Découvrez sur quel business model repose le succès d'Uber et quelle est sa stratégie économique.

Le modèle économique d’Uber repose actuellement sur le recours à des chauffeurs indépendants utilisant leur propre véhicule . Il se traduit donc par une structure des charges en très grande partie variables et une absence d’investissement en véhicules. Ce sont les deux caractéristiques permettant de doper la rentabilité économique d’une activité. Toutefois, de récents épisodes législatifs et judiciaires risquent de remettre en cause ce modèle. Certains chauffeurs travaillent pour plusieurs plateformes VTC et développent également leur propre clientèle.

Le client paie son service directement sur la plateforme. Uber rétrocède le prix de la course au chauffeur, déduction faite de sa commission. L’entreprise garde ainsi la maîtrise de l’encaissement et peut plus facilement agir sur son taux de commission.

L’application permet de réserver et de payer la course. L’algorithme choisit le chauffeur et détermine le montant de la course. Le succès de l'activité de livraison de repas repose également sur un tel algorithme qui permet d'anticiper le lieu et le nombre de commandes afin d'envoyer le bon nombre de livreurs. De plus, il assure une livraison ou une arrivée du VTC la plus rapide.

L'algorithme détermine le prix de la course en fonction de l’offre et de la demande à chaque instant. Ce mode de fixation du prix a toutefois des limites. En effet, le groupe s'est heurté à des plaintes de clients en cas de forte hausse.

A lire >> Faut-il investir dans Uber Technologies (1) ? Les étapes du développement.

Pour le VTC , le modèle économique ultime d’Uber est la voiture autonome . En supprimant le chauffeur, la plateforme éliminerait son coût le plus élevé ainsi que tout risque de contestation sociale. Dans ce sens, dans un article du Parisien de 2017, l’économiste Gilbert Cette, estime que le modèle économique d’Uber est dans une course contre la montre pour parvenir à la voiture autonome. Avec une position de leader sur ses marchés et la voiture autonome, les profits s’annoncent énormes. Cependant, à ce jour, aucune date n’est avancée pour une exploitation commerciale avec ce type de véhicule.

La qualité du service repose également sur un service de cartographie performant. En 2015, Uber rachète Bing, l’activité de cartographie de Microsoft afin de réduire sa dépendance vis-à-vis de Google maps. Le groupe cartographie donc lui-même les routes, cette activité sera évidemment encore plus importante avec l’avènement de la voiture autonome.

Découvrez nos formations sur l'auto-entrepreneuriat .

L’évolution du nombre de villes et d’utilisateurs donnée dans le billet précédent nous montre qu’Uber a avant tout une stratégie de croissance. Actuellement, Uber se développe dans les villes de taille moyenne.

Le premier métier de la marque repose sur le service de mise en relation par l’intermédiaire d’une application de chauffeurs VTC indépendants avec des particuliers. Le groupe ne cesse d’affirmer toutefois que le développement d’Uber ne repose pas uniquement sur cette activité historique. En effet, il a développé et testé plusieurs projets de diversification. En 2014, le groupe crée l’entité Uber Everything avec la mission d’imaginer et de promouvoir de nouvelles activités cohérentes avec le modèle économique existant de la plateforme.

  • UberX concerne les chauffeurs professionnels utilisant des véhicules standard.
  • UberBerline propose des berlines haut de gamme.
  • UberPool permet de partager son trajet avec d’autres utilisateurs allant dans la même direction.
  • UberGreen propose des véhicules électriques ou hybrides.
  • UberAccess met à disposition des véhicules adaptés aux personnes à mobilité réduite.

En 2015, le groupe lance l’activité UberEats . Ce service permet à l’utilisateur de se faire livrer à son domicile ou sur son lieu de travail des plats préparés, en vélo ou scooter. Plus récemment, il propose d’aller chercher directement chez le restaurateur des plats à emporter, en évitant ainsi l’attente. Aux Etats-Unis, 60% des restaurants ont noué un partenariat avec UberEats ! Cette activité représente aujourd’hui 18% des revenus totaux du groupe et constitue la principale diversification. Ce marché demeure toutefois extrêmement concurrentiel.

L’année 2016 voit le lancement de la plateforme UberFreight mettant en contact des entreprises devant expédier des marchandises avec des transporteurs. L’application facilite pour l’expéditeur la recherche du bon tarif. L'activité fait travailler actuellement 400 000 chauffeurs aux Etats-Unis. Uber prévoit de la démarrer prochainement en Europe.

Uber Technologies a lancé un vaste programme de recherche dans la voiture autonome et présenté un premier modèle en 2016 issu d’une collaboration avec Volvo. Les perspectives de lancement ont toutefois été différées suite à un accident mortel survenu en mars 2018. En outre, accusé d’un vol de technologies avec Waymo, une filiale d’Alphabet également maison mère de Google, Uber a soldé le contentieux par un dédommagement de 200 millions USD. Un nouveau modèle de voiture autonome, réputé plus sûr, résultant d’un partenariat avec Volvo a toutefois été présenté au 1 er semestre 2019. Les perspectives d’une exploitation commerciale sont toutefois loin d’être acquises. Les experts du secteur automobile doutent qu'Uber puisse devenir un acteur majeur des voitures autonomes.

Le groupe réalise également l’activité de location de vélos et trottinettes électriques. En 2018, le groupe a acquis la start-up de location de vélos électrique Jump pour 139 millions de dollars et de Lime spécialisée dans la location de trottinettes électriques.

Plusieurs partenariats sont en cours avec des régies de transport publics ou des municipalités, dont certaines en France pour expérimenter la réservation sur l’application Uber d’une combinaison de transports (train, bus, vélo, VTC,…) permettant à un usager d’optimiser son déplacement. Uber pourrait ainsi proposer la réservation de transports tiers ne dépendant pas du groupe. Aucun modèle économique pérenne ne semble toutefois avoir été trouvé à ce jour dans le cadre de ces expérimentations variées. La France est en ce sens un des terrains d’expérimentation pour le groupe. Le lancement d’Uber Elevate, service de taxi aérien, est prévu pour 2023.

En permettant la réservation de différents modes de transports, contrôlés ou non par le groupe, Uber a pour objectif d’être le champion mondial de la micro-mobilité. Il se dénomme lui-même "l'Amazon de la micro-mobilité". Il justifie cette stratégie par le fait que 46% des trajets en voiture aux Etats-Unis ne dépassent pas 5 kilomètres, la micro-mobilité constitue alors une alternative crédible au déplacement avec son automobile.

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Le principal concurrent d’Uber, Lyft , a adopté une stratégie comportant des différences notables. Alors qu’Uber s’est lancé dans une stratégie de déploiement mondial, Lyft limite ses activités aux Etats-Unis et au Canada. Lyft opère dans 600 localités d’Amérique du Nord, un chiffre proche des implantations d’Uber pour le monde entier. Il a donc un maillage territorial plus serré. Lyft n’a pas développé d’activité de livraison de repas mais il s’est également lancé dans la location de vélos et trottinettes électriques. Les deux groupes misent tous deux sur la voiture autonome dont le succès serait synonyme de profits très élevés. La stratégie de Lyft, plus prudente, s'est traduite pour le moment par des pertes moins élevées.

Ces deux concurrents ont également le point commun d'avoir toujours réalisé des pertes depuis leur création, mais nous le verrons prochainement, dans des proportions différentes.

À suivre...

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Uber business model explained: from start to finish.

By  Nitin Lahoti   In  Blog   Posted  January 2, 2019

Booking cab with Uber like app

What Is Uber’s Business Model? How Uber Works? How Does Uber Make Money? What Is Uber’s Business Strategy? Why Is Uber so Successful?

Booking cab with Uber like app

These are some of the major questions any budding entrepreneur in the on-demand startup space would be curious about, before working on his/her own “Uber for X” business model.

And, rightly so.

Uber’s business model has turned out to be so successful and popular that it has fuelled a new startup economy, the “on-demand economy”.

Having a deeper understanding of Uber’s on-demand business model can play a pivotal role in modeling your own on-demand startup business idea.

As a leading on-demand startup technology development partner, we want to share this knowledge with you through this comprehensive blog post.

Uber Basics – Facts, Figures, Founders & Fundings

Before drilling down into “Uber’s business model” or “How Uber makes money?”, let us gain knowledge about some basics and interesting facts about Uber – from inception to being a multi-billion dollar startup.

Some Trivia

Did you know that Uber was initially called as UberCab?

Originally, the app only had the option to hail a black luxury car.

Founders – Garrett Camp, Oscar Salazar, Travis Kalanick

Founding Year – March 2009

Headquarters – San Francisco Bay Area, U.S.A

Legal Name – Uber Technologies Inc. (Crunchbase)

Total Funding – $24.2B (In 22 funding rounds as of Oct 2018, Crunchbase )

Major Investors – SoftBank Vision Fund, Tencent Holdings, Toyota Motor Corporation, and others.

Current Valuation – $120B (Source – Bloomberg )

Uber’s Business Model – How Uber Works?

Uber is no longer just the on-demand cab hailing service we used to know. It has dipped its toes into other territories as well – from Uber Eats (on-demand food delivery) to Uber Freight (on-demand trucking).

For the matter of simplicity, in this blog, we will focus on Uber’s core business of ridesharing – its business model and how it makes money?

To put it in simple words,

Uber works as a digital aggregator app platform, connecting passengers who need a ride from point A to point B with drivers that are willing to serve them.

“ Passengers ” generate the demand, “ Drivers ” supply the demand and “ Uber ” acts as the marketplace/facilitator to make this all happen seamlessly on a mobile platform.

Kool, right?

Through its model, Uber has been able to generate strong value propositions for both passengers and drivers to get onboard on its platform and create disruption in the taxi/cab industry.

Uber’s Value Proposition for Passengers

  • On-demand cab bookings (Convenient)
  • Real-time tracking
  • Accurate ETAs
  • Cashless rides
  • Lower wait time for a ride
  • Upfront pricing
  • Multiple ride options

Uber’s Value Propositions for Drivers

  • Flexibility to drive on their own terms
  • Better income
  • Lower idle time to get new rides
  • Training sessions
  • Assistance in getting vehicle loans
  • Better trip allocation

Uber’s Business Model Canvas – A Visual Snapshot

Click to Enlarge Image

Uber Business Model Canvas

Digging Deep Into Uber’s Revenue Sources – How Uber Makes Money?

At a high level, Uber makes money by taking a cut on each ride (shared or individual) from the drivers. However, as we do a detailed analysis we will found that Uber’s revenue model is more complex than just trip commissions.

Trip Commissions

Uber provides the drivers on its platform (also called as partners) with a robust supply of ride requests to accept, fulfill, and make income. While making a booking, the passenger pays Uber for the ride through the app. Uber then transfers the payment to the partner’s account after taking some amount of commission for doing the job of a broker (digital broker if you want to say so).

The commission rates may vary from 15-30 % depending on the market.

Surge Pricing

Dynamic pricing/ surge pricing is a novel concept that has been popularized by Uber and being adopted in other verticals as well, such as food delivery.

Whenever there is a higher demand for cabs than what can be served at that moment (for example, at the airport after a flight lands), the fare goes up based on a surge price calculation algorithm.

Some drivers move to the surge region to earn extra (increases supply) and some passengers opt to wait to get a ride (reduces demand). This way Uber is able to manage the demand-supply mismatch situation better.

Drivers make more money, Uber makes more money and customers spend more money (but get urgent rides).

Premium Rides

Uber offers multiple ride options, from affordable hatchbacks to luxury sedans and SUVs. The profit margin for premium rides are much higher and helps Uber mint more money.

Cancellation Fee

If a passenger cancels a ride after a certain time-frame, say five minutes, he/she is charged a cancellation fee.

Leasing to Drivers

Uber runs a vehicle leasing program in many of its target countries to help new drivers get onboard faster. Drivers have to pay an upfront security deposit for the vehicle and payments are automatically deducted on a weekly basis from the driver’s earnings.

Brand Partnerships/Advertising

Uber is a very popular app with millions of active users. This makes it a good option for brands to do promotions. Its current app interface pushes a feed style layout for intuitive content consumption. Over the period, it may go on to become a strong revenue source by becoming a channel for sponsored content.

Expanding Rapidly With New Business Verticals

As mentioned earlier above, Uber is now much more than just a ridesharing company. It is leveraging it’s underlying technology for cab bookings, like, optimal driver allocation, to new use cases as well.

These new businesses that Uber is building side-by-side have tremendous potential to generate revenue and fuel Uber’s grand ambitions.

Uber is betting big on on-demand food delivery and why not. It’s a logical step for Uber to tap into this enormous market as it aligns with its ridesharing business and helps it utilize its large fleet of drivers. Uber Eats was launched as a separate app in 2016 and is growing in popularity at a rapid rate.

Uber Freight

Uber Freight is basically Uber for trucks. Uber launched its own on-demand trucking app in 2017 with the core idea of seamlessly matching shippers with carriers. If Uber can execute on its strategy to become the freight matching platform of choice, the revenue opportunities are also big.

Key Takeaways for Budding Entrepreneurs From Uber’s Business Model Analysis

Uber got a lot right in its journey towards becoming a pioneer in the on-demand industry today. It has seen its fair share of challenges over the period and been able to maneuver through most of them successfully.

It is a great testament of a tech startup that achieved success with a novel business model and smart execution.

Interesting Read: How to Build an App Like Uber?

Tech entrepreneurs and startups can learn a lot from studying Uber’s business case study. We have tried to make the job easy by putting down a list of key takeaways/ tips from analyzing Uber’s massive success.

Let’s check them out below.

Build Solutions for Real-world Problems

This is somewhat obvious but still needs to be mentioned first. You as an entrepreneur should identify real problems and figure out how technology can be leveraged to solve it, just like Uber used mobile technology to transform on-demand transportation.

Keep Innovating

Uber doesn’t rest on its laurels of being the first prominent rideshare app. Its founders understood really well that the competition will grow over time and they can only stay ahead through continuous product iterations. They keep adding new features to their passenger and driver apps, invest in new technologies and more.

Shoot for Scalability

Building a scalable business model is critical if you are to sustain your startup in the long run. Uber has built its platform in such a way that it is easy for it to expand to new markets and serve multiple users simultaneously with confidence.

Keep Overhead Costs Low

Run a lean business model that doesn’t require large infrastructural investments. Also, for building a tech startup, a skilled workforce is very crucial. This also adds up to your cost overheads in terms of high salary payments. One effective way to stay lean during the initial stages of your product development is by partnering with a third-party technology development company to build the MVP and overtime do in-house hiring.

Wrapping Up!!

The proliferation of the on-demand industry owes a lot to Uber and rightfully so. Uber’s success in many ways started a chain reaction with hundreds of on-demand/ Uber for “X” startups been launched after that and hopefully many more to come.

Specifically, in the on-demand transportation and logistics industry, the effect has been profound. We hope that our analysis of Uber’s business model will become a useful resource for upcoming on-demand startups.

Taxi app development by Mobisoft Infotech

Disclaimer : The information mentioned in this blog is based on the author’s own understanding of Uber’s business model. The facts and figures have been obtained from online research with appropriate credits given wherever required. Please use the information at your own discretion with no liability on the author or the firm.

Author's Bio


Nitin Lahoti is the Co-Founder and Director at Mobisoft Infotech . He has 15 years of experience in Design, Business Development and Startups. His expertise is in Product Ideation, UX/UI design, Startup consulting and mentoring. He prefers business readings and loves traveling.

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Denis Oakley & Co

Denis Oakley & Co


January 27, 2016 By Denis Oakley

The Uber Business Model Canvas

Uber Business Model Canvas

Today we’re talking about Uber, the ridesharing company and putting its business model on to the business model canvas . So, there is the Uber business model canvas, a short video presentation, and an analysis of the Uber business model based on the 9 segments of Alexander Osterwalder’s business model canvas.


Uber’s a ride-sharing company. It has disrupted the taxi industry by using technology to allow people with cars and spare times to drive people who don’t want to drive but who have money.

Basically every city had two or three taxi companies, but because of the way they operated they could not scale beyond a limited geographical area. Uber changed all that and that’s what we are going to look at now.

Click here to go straight to the Uber Business model canvas and skip the analysis

Customer Segments

The Uber business model has 2 groups of customers . It has passengers and it has drivers. In a traditional taxi business model canvas, the customer segment is purely passengers and drivers are part of the company.

What distinguishes Uber’s passengers from traditional taxi passengers most is they need a smartphone and a credit or debit card. Without these, they can’t use the platform.

Uber’s other customer segment are drivers. Instead of employing drivers and having an asset-heavy company, Uber uses freelance drivers – which brings many legal battles worldwide.

Here Uber has reached well beyond the traditional source of recruits for taxi drivers. They made driving accessible to anyone with a smartphone, a smart car and a smart appearance. As well as anyone who’d like to earn some cash whenever they want to.

Value Proposition

Next on the Uber business model, we have the value proposition . At the heart of the business is the value proposition that says

We will always give you a ride when you need it

and for drivers

We will always give you passengers when you want them

In a traditional taxi business, the number of taxis is determined by the rides that are available over time to support that number of taxis and drivers. If demand surges there is no excess capacity. And if there’s low demand for a period? Drivers are slow to leave the market and payments for all drivers suffer due to excess supply.

The Uber Value Proposition

Uber’s value proposition is thus like a market but if it were that simple it would not have the same disruptive effect. What enables it to deliver on the promise above is that it is able to match supply to demand.

How do they match Supply to Demand?

By using real-time metrics it is able to see what demand is like and then as demand starts to exceed available capacity to reduce demand by introducing surge pricing (but taxi fares are partially price inelastic so this is a lesser effect) which increases prices where demand is highest. At the same time, increased fares encourage more drivers to work and thus increases supply.

Uber is able to do this because the drivers are owner-operators. It doesn’t own the assets and thus it can flex capacity within minutes, whereas a traditional taxi company takes months or years to achieve the same results (in the case of New York taxi medallions almost never).

The technology enables this value proposition and at the same time, it also enables traditional pain points to be addressed at minimal additional cost. If you have no cash it’s not a problem. Uber charges your card. In fact, the whole system is cashless making it safer for both drivers and passengers.

It also brings transparency by identifying both driver and passenger and their positions to each other – and by showing exactly where the taxi is at all times. Uncertainty – and thus anxiety – is reduced for both

These are issues that were difficult to resolve in a traditional taxi business model.

Customer Relationships

The only time I’ve spoken to anyone at Uber was when I bumped into the local Uber country manager at a startup event. For everyone else, it’s a totally automated process as far as the passenger is concerned. The old dispatchers are removed and the passenger’s phone automatically identifies the pickup point.

Uber’s customer relationships are almost entirely automated

For the driver’s there is a more hands-on role, principally around quality assurance and making sure that the drivers meet the minimum quality standards that Uber expects. And ideally, they  don’t pull guns on their passengers

Let’s take a look into the Uber marketing strategy and channels it used in its early days. Uber started to use many different channels as it grew, but early on the focus was in moving from city to city to get enough drivers and users signed up. They also wanted to get them using the app so there was a strong enough market to make it work.

Increasingly with a market in each city, the channels are through the mobile app. As for the Uber marketing strategy, it was purely through email and word of mouth ! This was incredibly important in overcoming adoption fear and crossing the chasm from early adopters – and PR.

One of Uber’s huge strengths has been the amount of money that it has raised which has given it a huge amount of earned media which in turn has driven passenger and driver growth.

Revenue in Uber’s business model is pretty simple. Uber moves the traditional taxi meter from the car to its servers – tracking via GPS technology on the phone – and then charges the passenger based on the miles travelled and whatever surge multiplier is in effect. If the passenger uses a different Uber brand the same process applies but with different pricing.

Key Resources

Uber has three key resources without which the whole thing falls apart. First, it has a platform. This connects Uber to drivers and passengers and both to each other.

That’s a necessary but not a sufficient requirement. Then it has the algorithms that do the heavy lyfting (sorry couldn’t resist that). These are the pricing and routing algorithms.

Pricing algorithms are used to balance supply and demand in the market. It also helps ensure that there is always enough capacity available to meet demand – fulfilling its core value proposition.

The Routing algorithm focuses on ensuring that the customer wait time is as short as possible. By implication, it reduces the deadhead time for drivers as they’re either waiting for or driving to a new job.

Key Activities

A key part of the Uber business model is then developing the platform. Its key activities are as follows:

It is continually adding value to ensure user adoption and retention as well as optimizing its algorithms.

It also has to do significant marketing on a global and a local level to driver/passenger adoption and ensure an adequate supply of drivers. Churn apparently is a problem .

Uber still has the same problem as traditional taxi companies. It serves lots on unconnected geographical markets. Singapore, London, Frankfurt. Each has specific attributes and requirements. So marketing to users in each city, and ensuring that there’s the right level of driver support for user growth is critical for meeting its value proposition.

Key Partners

The main key partner is the drivers who own all their cars. That saves Uber from having a contract with a leasing company for hundreds of thousands of cars. It has the payment processors and the map data providers.

Often missed are the local authorities. In many cities, there are legal actions against Uber. Taxi companies are fighting to protect their businesses and persuade the ‘authorities’ to erect barriers to entry against Uber. This is often characterized as adversarial. But in the long run, regulation is seen as important and Uber will need to resolve these issues. So they are long term partners, even if they are not right now

Cost Structure in the Uber Business Model

There are huge costs for platform development, hosting etc.

There are salaries for the software engineers, the sales, and marketing teams and the country and city managers.

And then there are the driver payments. Uber gets paid upfront, keeping the money before paying drivers each week to ensure that the payments are valid.

About Denis Oakley

Explorer | Trail Runner | Mountain Lover

'Big' companies are civilisation. I stay in the wilderness guiding entrepreneurs and startups on their journey to becoming 'Big'.

Then I head back to the frontier

Strategy | Marketing | Operations

Ready to start?

The Uber Business Model Canvas

I help entrepreneurs transform their industries through wiser choices

Outcome : More Traction, Bigger Rounds, Better Products

Method : Problems, Customers, Business Models, Strategy

presentation entreprise uber

presentation entreprise uber

The Uber Business Model: Explained and Revenue Streams Unveiled

Discover the inner workings of the Uber business model and uncover its diverse revenue streams in this comprehensive article.

presentation entreprise uber

Understanding the Uber Business Model

At its core, Uber operates as a technology platform, connecting drivers and riders through its innovative app. This model has revolutionized the transportation industry , providing a convenient and reliable alternative to traditional taxis.

The Concept Behind Uber

Uber was founded with a simple yet powerful concept - to make transportation as easy as tapping a button. With a vision to create seamless and efficient journeys for riders, Uber capitalized on the growing popularity and ubiquity of smartphones to disrupt the traditional taxi model.

But how exactly does Uber achieve this? Let's dive deeper into the key components of Uber's business model .

Key Components of Uber's Business Model

Uber's success can be attributed to several key components of its business model. First and foremost is the ability to leverage the idle capacity of privately-owned vehicles, turning them into a vast fleet of on-demand transportation options. This not only reduces the need for traditional taxis but also provides individuals with an additional source of income as Uber drivers.

Imagine a scenario where you have a car sitting in your driveway for most of the day, not being utilized to its full potential. Uber allows you to put that idle vehicle to work, earning money as a driver whenever you have spare time. This flexible and inclusive approach has empowered countless individuals to become micro-entrepreneurs, contributing to the gig economy.

Additionally, Uber's rating system ensures a high level of trust and accountability between drivers and riders, fostering a safe and reliable service experience. Before getting into a car, riders can view the driver's rating and read reviews from previous passengers. This transparency not only helps riders make informed decisions but also motivates drivers to maintain a high level of service quality.

Furthermore, the cashless payment system simplifies transactions and eliminates the need for physical currency, adding to the convenience. With Uber, riders can link their credit or debit cards to their accounts, allowing for seamless and hassle-free payments. This not only saves time but also provides an added layer of security, as there is no need to carry cash or worry about making exact change.

Moreover, Uber's technology platform constantly analyzes data to optimize driver routes, reduce wait times, and ensure efficient utilization of resources. By leveraging advanced algorithms and machine learning, Uber can match riders with the nearest available drivers, minimizing travel time and maximizing convenience.

In conclusion, Uber's business model has disrupted the transportation industry by leveraging technology, idle capacity , and a rating system to provide a convenient, reliable, and efficient alternative to traditional taxis. As Uber continues to innovate and expand its services, it will be fascinating to see how the company shapes the future of transportation.

Dissecting Uber's Revenue Streams

When it comes to Uber, most people think of ride-hailing services as the company's primary business. However, Uber has successfully diversified its revenue streams to include various other services, allowing it to tap into multiple lucrative markets.

Ride-Hailing Services

Undoubtedly, ride-hailing is the core revenue generator for Uber. By leveraging their innovative platform, Uber connects drivers and riders, revolutionizing the way people commute. With each completed trip, Uber collects a percentage of the fare, which has proven to be a significant source of revenue for the company. Over the years, this revenue stream has experienced exponential growth, fueling Uber's expansion into new markets and cementing its position as a leader in the transportation industry.

But Uber's ambitions don't stop at ride-hailing. The company has recognized the immense potential of other sectors and has strategically ventured into various additional services, further expanding its revenue streams.

Food Delivery Services

One of the most successful endeavors by Uber is its foray into the food delivery market with Uber Eats. Realizing that people's desire for convenience extends beyond transportation, Uber launched this service, allowing customers to order from their favorite restaurants and have the food delivered right to their doorstep. By partnering with a wide range of restaurants and charging a fee for every delivery, Uber has tapped into yet another lucrative revenue stream. This expansion has not only increased their market share but also provided customers with a seamless and convenient way to satisfy their cravings.

Freight and Logistics Services

Going beyond passenger and food delivery services, Uber has also ventured into the realm of freight and logistics. With Uber Freight, the company aims to disrupt the traditionally fragmented trucking industry. By leveraging their advanced technology and extensive network, Uber connects shippers and carriers, streamlining the process of transporting goods. Through this service, Uber charges a fee for facilitating the transportation of goods, providing a win-win situation for both shippers and carriers. This strategic move has not only expanded Uber's revenue streams but also revolutionized the way goods are transported, making it more efficient and cost-effective.

By diversifying its revenue streams, Uber has not only solidified its position as a leader in the ride-hailing industry but has also successfully tapped into other lucrative markets. With their innovative approach and commitment to providing convenient services, Uber continues to explore new opportunities for growth, ensuring that their revenue streams remain diverse and robust.

The Role of Technology in Uber's Success

One of the key factors behind Uber's remarkable growth is its innovative use of technology.

Technology has revolutionized the way we travel, and Uber has been at the forefront of this revolution. Through its innovative use of technology, Uber has transformed the way people commute, making it more convenient, efficient, and accessible than ever before.

At the heart of Uber's success lies the Uber app, a technological marvel that has changed the way we hail and ride in taxis. The Uber app is the cornerstone of the company's success, providing a seamless and user-friendly platform for riders to request a ride, track their driver's arrival, and make cashless payments.

The Uber app's user-friendly interface and seamless functionality have played a significant role in the widespread adoption of Uber. With just a few taps on their smartphones, riders can easily book a ride and have a driver arrive at their location within minutes. This level of convenience has made Uber the preferred choice for millions of commuters worldwide.

But it's not just the convenience that sets Uber apart. The company's ability to harness and analyze vast amounts of data has given it a competitive edge in the market. By analyzing rider and driver data, Uber can optimize its algorithms to provide more accurate arrival times and efficient matching of drivers and riders.

Uber's data-driven approach has helped enhance its customer experience and maximize operational efficiency. By analyzing data on rider preferences, Uber can tailor its services to meet the unique needs and preferences of its customers. This personalized approach has not only improved customer satisfaction but also increased customer loyalty.

Furthermore, Uber's data-driven approach has allowed the company to make data-backed decisions when it comes to pricing and surge pricing. By analyzing data on supply and demand, Uber can adjust its prices dynamically, ensuring that riders can always find a ride when they need it, even during peak hours.

Moreover, Uber's use of technology extends beyond the app itself. The company has invested heavily in developing advanced mapping and navigation systems, enabling drivers to navigate efficiently and find the best routes to their destinations. This not only saves time for both drivers and riders but also reduces congestion on the roads, contributing to a more sustainable and efficient transportation system.

In conclusion, technology has been instrumental in Uber's success. From the user-friendly Uber app to the data-driven decision-making process, technology has allowed Uber to revolutionize the way we travel. As technology continues to evolve, it will be fascinating to see how Uber further leverages it to enhance its services and shape the future of transportation.

Uber's Global Expansion and Market Dominance

With its tremendous success in the ride-hailing industry, Uber has expanded its footprint to become a global force. The company's innovative business model and technological advancements have propelled it to operate in numerous countries around the world, spanning six continents.

Uber's international footprint is a testament to its ability to adapt and cater to the transportation needs of millions of people globally. By leveraging its extensive network of drivers and riders, Uber has revolutionized the way people travel, offering convenient and affordable transportation options in cities across the globe.

Uber's International Footprint

Uber's presence can be felt in major cities and towns in countries such as the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Australia, India, China, Japan, South Korea, South Africa, and many more. This expansive reach has allowed Uber to connect passengers with drivers in even the most remote corners of the world.

Through its strategic partnerships and collaborations with local transportation providers, Uber has been able to seamlessly integrate its services into various markets. By adapting to local regulations, licensing requirements, and cultural differences, Uber has successfully established a strong presence in each country it operates in.

Competition and Challenges in the Global Market

While Uber's global expansion has been impressive, it has also faced stiff competition and regulatory challenges in many markets. Local regulations, licensing requirements, and cultural differences have presented unique obstacles for Uber to overcome.

In some countries, Uber has faced resistance from traditional taxi services and local transportation providers who view the ride-hailing giant as a threat to their livelihoods. This has led to legal battles and protests in some cities, as established players try to protect their market share.

Additionally, regulatory frameworks vary from country to country, making it necessary for Uber to navigate a complex landscape of rules and regulations. This requires the company to work closely with local authorities and adapt its operations to comply with local laws.

Cultural differences also pose challenges for Uber. Each country has its own unique customs and preferences when it comes to transportation. Uber has had to tailor its services to meet the specific needs and expectations of each market, ensuring that it provides a seamless and enjoyable experience for both riders and drivers.

Despite these challenges, Uber has demonstrated its ability to overcome obstacles and thrive in the global market. The company's relentless pursuit of innovation, coupled with its commitment to providing reliable and convenient transportation options, has solidified its position as a dominant player in the ride-hailing industry worldwide.

The Future of Uber: Opportunities and Threats

As Uber continues to innovate and grow, it faces both exciting opportunities and inherent risks.

Potential Growth Areas for Uber

Uber has identified several potential growth areas to expand its services. These include autonomous vehicles, electric vehicles, and partnerships with public transportation agencies. By embracing these opportunities, Uber aims to solidify its position as the leading mobility provider worldwide.

Risks and Challenges Facing Uber's Future

Despite its success, Uber also faces significant risks and challenges. These include legal battles, regulatory hurdles, and public perception issues. Uber must navigate these challenges with care to ensure its long-term success and sustainability.

As we delve into the intricacies of Uber's business model and revenue streams, it becomes evident that Uber's success lies in its ability to adapt and innovate. By leveraging technology, diversifying its services, and expanding globally, Uber continues to disrupt and shape the future of transportation. With a relentless focus on customer experience and a commitment to pushing boundaries, Uber is poised to maintain its position as a dominant force in the transportation industry.

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Comment créer un business plan pour Uber avec Angel

Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur la création d'un business plan pour Uber

Pourquoi un business plan est essentiel pour votre entreprise Uber

Un business plan est une composante essentielle de la réussite de toute entreprise, y compris une entreprise Uber. Il sert de feuille de route pour définir vos objectifs commerciaux, identifier votre marché cible, établir vos stratégies de croissance et anticiper les défis potentiels. Pour une entreprise Uber, un business plan solide est particulièrement crucial pour plusieurs raisons :

  • Planification stratégique : Un business plan vous aide à définir votre positionnement sur le marché, à évaluer la concurrence et à élaborer des stratégies pour attirer et fidéliser les conducteurs et les passagers.
  • Obtention de financement : Si vous avez besoin de financement pour démarrer ou développer votre entreprise Uber, un business plan convaincant est indispensable pour convaincre les investisseurs, les prêteurs ou les partenaires potentiels de la viabilité de votre entreprise.
  • Gestion proactive des risques : En identifiant les risques potentiels et en prévoyant des solutions, un business plan vous permet de prendre des décisions éclairées pour minimiser les obstacles et maximiser les opportunités.
  • Communication interne et externe : Un business plan clair et bien structuré facilite la communication de votre vision et de vos objectifs à votre équipe, tout en renforçant la confiance des parties prenantes externes dans votre entreprise.

En résumé, un business plan pour votre entreprise Uber est bien plus qu'un simple document. C'est un outil stratégique et financier qui vous aide à transformer votre vision en réalité et à assurer la croissance durable de votre entreprise.

Étapes pour créer un business plan pour Uber avec Angel

La création d'un business plan pour votre entreprise Uber avec Angel est un processus structuré qui peut être simplifié en suivant ces étapes clés :

1. Présentation de votre entreprise Uber

Dans cette section, décrivez votre entreprise Uber en détail, y compris votre mission, vos objectifs à court et long terme, votre modèle d'entreprise, votre positionnement sur le marché et les défis spécifiques auxquels vous êtes confrontés. Utilisez des données précises pour étayer vos déclarations et démontrer votre compréhension du secteur.

2. Étude de marché pour votre entreprise Uber

Effectuez une analyse approfondie de votre marché cible, en examinant la demande potentielle pour les services Uber, les tendances du marché, le comportement des consommateurs, la concurrence existante et les opportunités de croissance. Identifiez les forces, les faiblesses, les opportunités et les menaces (SWOT) qui influencent votre activité.

3. Stratégie marketing pour votre entreprise Uber

Développez un plan marketing détaillé pour attirer et fidéliser les conducteurs et les utilisateurs de vos services Uber. Cela peut inclure des stratégies de promotion, des partenariats potentiels, des campagnes publicitaires et des initiatives de fidélisation de la clientèle.

4. Modèle financier pour votre entreprise Uber

Générez des prévisions financières précises pour votre entreprise Uber, en tenant compte des coûts de démarrage, des coûts opérationnels, des revenus attendus, des marges bénéficiaires et de toute autre donnée financière pertinente. Utilisez des outils en ligne comme Angel pour simplifier ce processus et garantir l'exactitude de vos prévisions.

5. Utilisation de l'application Angel pour créer votre business plan Uber

Décrivez comment l'interface conviviale et les fonctionnalités intuitives d'Angel simplifient la création de votre business plan pour votre entreprise Uber. Mettez en évidence les outils spécifiques qui vous aident à organiser vos idées, à visualiser vos données financières et à suivre vos progrès tout au long du processus de planification.

En suivant ces étapes avec l'aide d'Angel, vous serez en mesure de créer un business plan complet et convaincant pour votre entreprise Uber, qui servira de guide stratégique et financier pour votre croissance future.

presentation entreprise uber

Analyse de marché pour votre service de transport Uber

Une analyse approfondie du marché pour votre service de transport Uber est cruciale pour comprendre les tendances, les besoins des clients et la concurrence. Commencez par examiner la demande potentielle pour les services de transport urbain dans votre région cible. Identifiez les segments de marché clés, tels que les déplacements domicile-travail, les déplacements de loisirs et les besoins de transport pour les événements spéciaux.

En plus de la demande, analysez les tendances du marché, telles que l'adoption croissante des services de covoiturage, les préférences des consommateurs pour des options de transport écologiques et les innovations technologiques dans le secteur du transport. Comprendre ces tendances vous aidera à adapter votre service de transport Uber pour répondre aux besoins changeants du marché.

Une analyse approfondie de la concurrence est également essentielle. Identifiez les autres services de transport urbain disponibles dans votre région et évaluez leurs forces, leurs faiblesses et leurs stratégies clés. En comprenant la concurrence, vous pourrez positionner votre service de transport Uber de manière unique et attrayante pour les utilisateurs potentiels.

Enfin, n'oubliez pas d'explorer les opportunités de croissance, telles que l'expansion vers de nouveaux quartiers ou la diversification des services offerts. En synthétisant toutes ces informations, vous serez en mesure de formuler une stratégie de marché solide pour votre entreprise Uber.

Prévisions financières pour votre entreprise Uber

Les prévisions financières pour votre entreprise Uber sont un élément crucial de votre business plan, car elles démontreront la viabilité financière de votre entreprise et aideront à planifier la croissance future. Commencez par détailler les coûts de démarrage, y compris l'acquisition de véhicules, les frais de licences, les coûts de marketing et les dépenses opérationnelles initiales. Ces coûts initiaux sont essentiels pour établir une base solide pour votre entreprise.

Ensuite, générez des prévisions de revenus en tenant compte de divers scénarios, tels que le nombre prévu de trajets par jour, les tarifs moyens par trajet et les périodes de pointe. Ces prévisions de revenus vous aideront à évaluer la rentabilité potentielle de votre entreprise Uber et à planifier vos besoins financiers à court et long terme.

Il est également important d'analyser les coûts opérationnels récurrents, tels que l'entretien des véhicules, les coûts de carburant, les frais d'assurance et les dépenses administratives. En comprenant ces coûts, vous pourrez établir des marges bénéficiaires réalistes et évaluer la rentabilité de votre entreprise.

Utilisez des outils en ligne comme Angel pour simplifier le processus de prévisions financières. Ces outils offrent des modèles financiers préconçus, des tableaux de bord interactifs pour visualiser vos données financières et des conseils d'experts-comptables pour garantir l'exactitude de vos prévisions. En combinant ces éléments, vous serez en mesure de créer des prévisions financières détaillées et précises pour votre entreprise Uber.

Stratégies pour trouver des clients pour votre service de transport Uber

La recherche de clients pour votre service de transport Uber est un élément clé de votre stratégie d'entreprise. Voici quelques stratégies efficaces pour attirer et fidéliser les utilisateurs de vos services :

  • Marketing ciblé : Identifiez les segments de marché clés pour votre service de transport et développez des campagnes de marketing ciblées pour attirer ces clients. Cela peut inclure des promotions spéciales pour les trajets domicile-travail, des offres pour les déplacements de loisirs, ou des partenariats avec des événements locaux.
  • Programmes de fidélisation : Mettez en place un programme de fidélisation pour récompenser les utilisateurs réguliers de vos services Uber. Des incitations telles que des réductions sur les trajets fréquents ou des avantages exclusifs peuvent encourager la fidélité des clients.
  • Partenariats stratégiques : Explorez des partenariats avec des entreprises locales, des hôtels, des restaurants et des organisateurs d'événements pour offrir des avantages mutuels. Ces partenariats peuvent vous aider à atteindre de nouveaux clients et à renforcer votre présence sur le marché.
  • Expérience client exceptionnelle : Assurez-vous que l'expérience utilisateur de vos services Uber est exceptionnelle. Des conducteurs courtois, des véhicules propres et confortables, et un service fiable contribueront à fidéliser les clients et à générer des recommandations positives.

En combinant ces stratégies avec une analyse continue des données de marché et des retours clients, vous serez en mesure de développer une base solide de clients pour votre service de transport Uber, favorisant ainsi la croissance continue de votre entreprise.

Impact RSE et lancement de votre entreprise Uber

L'impact RSE (Responsabilité Sociale d'Entreprise) est de plus en plus important dans le secteur des transports, et il est essentiel de considérer cet aspect lors du lancement de votre entreprise Uber. Voici quelques points à prendre en compte pour maximiser l'impact RSE de votre entreprise :

  • Véhicules écologiques : Envisagez l'utilisation de véhicules électriques ou hybrides pour réduire l'empreinte carbone de votre service de transport Uber. Des initiatives en faveur de la durabilité environnementale peuvent attirer une clientèle soucieuse de l'environnement.
  • Programmes de covoiturage : Encouragez le covoiturage par le biais de promotions spéciales ou de tarifs avantageux pour les trajets partagés. Le covoiturage contribue à réduire la congestion routière et les émissions de carbone, tout en offrant des économies aux utilisateurs.
  • Engagement communautaire : Impliquez-vous dans la communauté locale en soutenant des initiatives sociales ou environnementales. Des partenariats avec des organisations caritatives ou des actions de bénévolat peuvent renforcer l'image de votre entreprise Uber en tant qu'acteur responsable.
  • Formation et soutien des conducteurs : Offrez des programmes de formation sur la conduite responsable et l'économie de carburant à vos conducteurs. En les sensibilisant à des pratiques responsables, vous contribuez à une conduite plus sûre et plus respectueuse de l'environnement.

En intégrant ces pratiques RSE dès le lancement de votre entreprise Uber, vous pourrez positionner votre service de transport comme un acteur responsable et contribuer à la construction d'une communauté plus durable.

Téléchargez votre business plan Uber en PDF et Excel avec Angel

L'accessibilité et la flexibilité sont des aspects clés d'un business plan efficace pour votre entreprise Uber. Une fois votre plan finalisé, vous avez la possibilité de le télécharger en formats PDF et Excel grâce à Angel. Le format PDF est idéal pour une présentation professionnelle à des investisseurs, des prêteurs et des partenaires. Il offre un aperçu clair et concis de votre plan, parfait pour les réunions et les propositions. D'autre part, le format Excel est extrêmement utile pour une gestion dynamique de votre plan. Il vous permet de faire des ajustements en temps réel, tels que la modification des prévisions financières, la mise à jour des coûts ou l'ajout de nouvelles stratégies de marché, ce qui est essentiel à mesure que votre entreprise évolue.

Pourquoi choisir Angel pour la création de votre business plan Uber

La création d'un business plan pour votre entreprise Uber peut être une tâche complexe, mais avec Angel, le processus est simplifié et efficace. Voici quelques raisons pour lesquelles vous devriez choisir Angel pour la création de votre business plan Uber :

  • Guidance experte : Angel offre une guidance pas à pas pour vous aider à structurer votre business plan de manière professionnelle et complète, en vous assurant de ne manquer aucun aspect important de votre entreprise Uber.
  • Modèles personnalisables : Vous pouvez utiliser des modèles de business plan spécifiquement conçus pour les entreprises de transport comme Uber, ce qui vous fait gagner du temps tout en vous assurant de couvrir tous les aspects spécifiques à votre secteur.
  • Prévisions financières précises : Les outils d'Angel vous aident à générer des prévisions financières détaillées et précises, en prenant en compte les spécificités de votre entreprise Uber pour une planification financière solide.
  • Interface conviviale : L'interface intuitive et conviviale d'Angel rend la création de votre business plan agréable et accessible, même pour ceux qui n'ont pas d'expérience approfondie en planification d'entreprise.
  • Flexibilité de téléchargement : Avec la possibilité de télécharger votre business plan en formats PDF et Excel, Angel offre une flexibilité maximale pour l'utilisation et la présentation de votre plan, adaptée à vos besoins spécifiques.

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At Uber, we believe that sustainability is integral to the success of our business. Our environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting outlines the many ways in which Uber builds value and, through its core business and social impact activities, helps to make the world a better place. Most importantly, it demonstrates how we are turning our commitments into action.


At the heart of what we do

Because we connect millions of people around the world every day, it's our responsibility to build for safety. In strengthening our processes, forming our Safety Advisory Board, and adding new tools, our aim is to reduce incidents not only on our platform, but everywhere.


Safeguarding data

We believe that safeguarding personal information, creating and enforcing data privacy and security policies, and building new privacy-enhancing technologies put our customers in control.

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Different approaches and opinions are encouraged, then we come together and build.

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Moving everyone forward

Our global platform puts us in a unique place to provide economic opportunity at scale, to make access to transportation more equitable, and to create a sustainable future to help communities and the planet thrive.


Design for the 100%

Our technology is only as powerful as the people who can use it. We’re committed to giving everyone access to our technology, regardless of physical or technological limitations. We continue to refine our products so that everyone has the independence to move freely.

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Uber believes in responsible corporate participation in federal, state and local public policy discussions on matters which affect our business. We participate in the political process to help shape public policy and government actions that are consistent with our values and business objectives. In the interest of transparency for our stockholders and other stakeholders, we will post our corporate political contributions and independent expenditures semi-annually on our website.

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PowerPoint Makeovers: The Uber Pitch Deck

PowerPoint Makeovers: The Uber Pitch Deck

We now live in an Uberized world. It wasn’t much more than a decade ago when Uber founder Garrett Camp and co-founder Travis Kalanick struggled to get a ride on a blustery winter night in Paris.

As they waited, Kalanick recalled a similar struggle he faced while trying to book a car service for New Year’s Eve. There had to be a better—and more affordable—way to get a ride. Why not create a platform that allows multiple people to share the cost of a ride service? Under this premise, Uber was born.

Of course, neither man had any background in the travel industry—Camp made millions from selling StumbleUpon to eBay in 2007, and Kalanick met similar fortune by selling his creation, Red Swoosh an international tech firm—but they didn’t need it. Originally known as UberCab, their company was based upon a smartphone app that allowed users to get a ride with a tap. After a San Francisco traveler first booked a ride with Uber in July 2010, Uber moved to New York City before launching internationally with its December 2011 Paris debut.

By the time it made its Wall Street debut in 2019, Uber had achieved more than $11 billion in revenue, had launched in 100 percent of the top U.S. cities and 30 percent of the world’s nations, and was valued at $82 billion.

Uber’s ridesharing concept was so ingenious that it was soon adopted by a practically endless list of industries. There’s no need to invest in product if you can develop an app that links customers to providers, and it’s more economical for consumers to share the cost of a service.

The sharing economy business model allowed for the creation of businesses such as Lyft, Airbnb, TaskRabbit, Erento, CouchSurfing, etc. In fact, Product Hunt—the encyclopedia of startups—has an entire category of “Uber for X” companies.

Of course, none of this happened without capital, and Uber made the first major step toward its road to success with $1.25 million in seed funding investors including Napster cofounder Shawn Fanning, First Round Capital and others. Uber’s founders made a great case for their company, and as with so many startups, they relied on a pitch deck to present their ideas and data.

presentation entreprise uber

Uber’s original pitch deck , which we retrieved from LinkedIn's SlideShare, might have been successful, but we have to admit it leaves plenty to be desired. No offense to Kalanick and Camp, but their pitch deck was kind of a snooze fest. Sure, it had all the necessary elements, but it was designed like a 1990s PowerPoint throwback.

What might the original UberCab have become had it been pitched with a professionally designed presentation? We had to try our hand at creating a pitch deck that presents Uber’s data while really engaging audiences.

Download the free customizable template here .

We redesigned the original Uber pitch deck using’s PowerPoint alternative presentation software. Our revised pitch deck template incorporates professionally-recommended practices of good design , including a variety of customizable themes and presentation templates for practically any purpose. Plus,’s presentation design software features a library of vivid, public-domain images, fonts, logos and attention-grabbing animations.

We added our brand of vivid images, informational graphics and eye-catching animations to the original Uber slide deck. We also condensed Uber’s first pitch deck from 25 to 17 slides.

Is the Uber pitch deck better when it’s “beautiful?” Read on to find out how we did it.

presentation entreprise uber

1. Title Page

Every pitch needs a catchy introduction, and the title page of the pitch deck gives the presenter an opportunity to dazzle the audience. Uber’s original title page was OK, but we livened it up with a colorful image from our library. We also selected a theme, so every slide will already be set to add the same fonts, colors and a customized footer.

2. The Problem

Any successful brand needs to solve a problem. Uber happens to solve several problems, so our carousel slide feature was perfect to present this important content. We added one heading, then created four variations, each with an image and text boxes highlighting a problem Uber solves.

presentation entreprise uber

3. The Solution

While there might be multiple problems, Uber provides a single solution to them all. Thanks to our preset theme, we were able to quickly and easily create the next slide, which clearly indicates Uber is the solution. It wasn’t necessary to present a slide full of boring text like the original Uber pitch deck.

presentation entreprise uber

4. Key Differentiators

Uber’s next slide shared important information about then-UberCab, but it was a wall of text…. Boring! We broke up the text by presenting the same information in bulleted text boxes, each bullet replaced with a corresponding icon. We added further excitement to the presentation by animating each point, so they appear concurrently as the presenter speaks.

5. Use Cases

The Uber team provided several use cases in its original pitch deck. Again, however, the resulting slide was a boring wall of text. We refreshed the use cases by adding them to another carousel slide, complete with dazzling images from our library.

presentation entreprise uber

6. Environmental Benefits

One of Uber’s biggest selling points was its friendliness to the environment. But Uber’s presentation of this vital information was enough to put audiences to sleep—just another lengthy block of text without so much as a creative font. We transformed this content with our icon list slide, separating each important fact in its own text box and a corresponding image icon.

presentation entreprise uber

7. Initial Service Area

Uber presented its initial service area with a map of San Francisco – not the most engaging image for a slideshow presentation. We created a slide using our process diagram slide, which presents data in the form of a timeline infographic: San Francisco to Manhattan.

presentation entreprise uber

8. Technology

Uber’s technology is the crux of the entire business, and the original slide incorporated a few thumbnail images to liven it up. Unfortunately, the small radial diagrams don’t tell audiences a story. We replaced them, and we broke up the text into digestible bullet points.

presentation entreprise uber

9-10. Market

A successful pitch deck must also address a company’s target market. We created two slides with infographics that tell the story of Uber’s overall and specific market size. For our tenth slide, we selected’s customizable donut chart. All we had to do was input the percentages, and the presentation software created the infographic for us.

presentation entreprise uber

11. Target Cities

When the Uber team presented its original pitch deck, the company had only launched in two cities, but plenty more were already on the agenda. We recreated the original chart and beautified it with our chart builder, which allows users to create charts with customized borders, columns, rows, lines and individual cells.

presentation entreprise uber

12. Potential Outcomes

Uber’s original PowerPoint slideshow presented the company’s potential outcomes as yet another dull slide full of text. We livened up the content by placing it into’s staircase infographic. Then we animated the slide so each section appears 2 seconds after the first.

presentation entreprise uber

13. Future Optimizations

Uber listed its future optimizations on a slide with bullet points. We made the same slide beautiful by presenting the same information in our icon list slide. To make sure audiences are still paying attention, we brought the data to life by animating its appearance.

presentation entreprise uber

14. Progress to Date

How many of the exact same slide can audiences bear before they completely zone out during a presentation? We took Uber’s original snoozer slide, added a vivid image and animated the bullet points.

presentation entreprise uber

15. What’s Next?

What better way to present a progression than with arrows?’s PowerPoint alternative software features customizable arrow infographics. Users can add text and even adjust the length of each arrow.

16. Conclusion

Uber ended its first pitch deck rather abruptly, but we prefer a solid conclusion. To engage audiences while the speaker completes the pitch, we created a slide featuring the brand atop a video of cars on the road. Yes, Beautiful’s presentation software even allows the addition of moving images!

Obviously, Uber did well enough with its original pitch deck, as the company’s success will attest. But with a common theme, vivid images and digestible infographics, isn’t ours more engaging and “beautiful?” How did we do?

Samantha Pratt Lile

Samantha Pratt Lile

Samantha is an independent journalist, editor, blogger and content manager. Examples of her published work can be found at sites including the Huffington Post, Thrive Global, and Buzzfeed.

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Le meilleur d'Uber pour votre entreprise

Accédez à une plateforme mondiale qui vous aide à gérer les politiques de votre entreprise en matière de déplacements et de repas professionnels, à l'échelle nationale ou internationale, tout cela à partir d'un tableau de bord unique.

presentation entreprise uber

La même application Uber que vous connaissez et utilisez déjà, pour votre entreprise

Démarrez avec Uber For Business. Remplissez ce formulaire et notre équipe vous contactera pour créer une solution parfaitement adaptée à votre entreprise.

Gérez les repas et les déplacements professionnels à l'aide d'un seul tableau de bord

Gestion de la facturation, contrôle des droits d'accès au compte, suivi des dépenses liées aux programmes… Effectuez toutes ces tâches depuis le même tableau de bord.

presentation entreprise uber

Planifiez et envoyez des courses avec Uber Central

Utilisez le tableau de bord pour commander des courses pour vos clients et invités, même s'ils n'ont pas de smartphone.

presentation entreprise uber

Prenez en charge les courses et les repas avec les cartes-cadeaux et les bons Uber

Attirez de nouveaux clients et soutenez vos collaborateurs en leur offrant des bons pour des courses et des repas.

presentation entreprise uber

Des fonctionnalités avancées pour un gain de temps et d'argent

Personnalisez vos programmes.

Définissez des limites pour les courses et les repas en fonction du jour, de l'heure, du lieu et du budget. Vos collaborateurs peuvent utiliser un seul et même compte d'entreprise, ou bien leur carte personnelle.

Automatisez la gestion des notes de frais

Nous nous intégrons aux principaux fournisseurs de logiciels de gestion des notes de frais tels que SAP Concur pour un traitement automatique des dépenses. Plus besoin de traquer vos reçus.

Obtenez des statistiques détaillées

Vous bénéficiez d'une visibilité complète sur les dépenses et les données d'utilisation de vos équipes : vous pouvez ainsi minimiser les coûts et retravailler votre programme jusqu'à ce qu'il soit parfaitement adapté à vos besoins.

“ « Nos collaborateurs Zoom utilisaient déjà l'application Uber à titre personnel. Avec Uber for Business, tout s'est mis en place très facilement pour un déploiement idéal. » ”

Sunil Madan

Directeur des opérations commerciales

Votre activité évolue ? Nous sommes là pour vous accompagner.


Comment fonctionne Uber

Didier Lacombe

Vous recherchez un moyen de vous déplacer dans la ville commodément, sans utiliser un taxi ?

Avez-vous déjà entendu parler de Uber ?

Uber est ce dont vous avez besoin, il s'agit d'une app qui permet de louer les services d'une voiture privée avec chauffeur pour des déplacements plus personnalisés, commodes et exclusifs.

Mais, comment fonctionne Uber ? Quel est le fonctionnement d'Uber ? Comment payer sur Uber ? Comment commander un Uber en avance ?

Dans cet article de toutCOMMENT, nous allons prendre le temps de répondre à toutes ces questions en vous expliquant patiemment comment fonctionne Uber.

Qu'est-ce que Uber ?

Comment fonctionne uber , uber : paiement, comment commander un uber en avance , pourquoi uber est polémique .

Uber est une application qui est en train de révolutionner le monde entier et qui provoque une grande polémique chez les chauffeurs de taxi dont nous vous parlerons après vous avoir détaillé le fonctionnement d'Uber.

Uber est une application qui permet de louer les services d'une voiture privée avec chauffeur inclus, un conducteur non professionnel préalablement approuvé par l'entreprise.

Ainsi, le voyageur reçoit un traitement personnalisé et plus de confort, une façon idéale de se déplacer pour ceux qui ne se sentent pas à l'aise avec les services d'un taxi et qui préfèrent une alternative plus exclusive.

Pour faire marcher Uber et ainsi l'utiliser pour faciliter vos déplacements, nous vous recommandons de suivre à la lettre les quelques étapes suivantes :

  • Créer un compte Uber : La première chose à faire pour télécharger Uber est de vous connecter à leur site web et de compléter le formulaire d'inscription, vous devrez fournir vos données personnelles tels que votre nom, numéro de téléphone portable et numéro de carte de crédit valide pour réaliser les paiements chaque fois que vous utilisez le service.
  • Télécharger l'application : Une fois que toutes vos informations sont saisies sur le site web d' Uber , vous devez télécharger l'application qui est disponible sur tous les principaux systèmes d'exploitation Smartphone. Vous la trouverez dans le Play Store Android, l'iPhone App Store et le BlackBerry App World.
  • Connectez-vous sur l'application : Lorsque l'application Uber est téléchargée sur votre téléphone et que vous souhaitez l'utiliser, vous devez saisir vos données d'utilisateur fournies lors de l'inscription sur le site. Cette étape est à réaliser uniquement la première fois que vous utilisez l'application.
  • Indiquez votre destination : le GPS détectera automatiquement l'endroit où vous vous trouvez, vous aurez juste à inscrire votre destination et Uber vous enverra un véhicule.
  • Vous aurez juste à conclure votre déplacement en notant le déroulement de votre course.

Les services de cette application, qui varient d'une ville à l'autre, proposent différents types de voitures en fonction des besoins du client. Ainsi, il sera possible de choisir entre :

  • Une voiture noire, le service classique d'Uber qui enverra à l'adresse souhaitée un véhicule berline noire avec une capacité de 4 passagers.
  • UberX, également avec une capacité de quatre personnes, il est le véhicule dont le transfert est le moins cher.
  • SUV, parfait pour les groupes car il a une capacité de 6 personnes.
  • Lux, idéal pour ceux qui veulent un chauffeur avec une voiture de luxe et ainsi voyager dans un cadre confortable et élégant vers toute destination.

Après avoir choisi la voiture, Uber vous informe du temps approximatif que mettra le conducteur pour se rendre à votre adresse, sa situation et son numéro de téléphone pour le contacter dans le cas où il mettrait plus de temps que prévu.

Maintenant que vous savez comment fonctionne Uber, nous allons vous expliquer comment commander un Uber en avance !

Comment fonctionne Uber - Comment fonctionne Uber ?

Il est important de savoir que vous ne pouvez pas payer en espèces les services d'Uber. Tous les paiements seront déduits de la carte de crédit mentionnée lors de l'inscription, vous n'avez donc pas besoin d'avoir d'espèce sur vous et vous n'aurez même pas besoin de donner de pourboire au chauffeur.

Saviez-vous que vous pouvez commander un Uber en avance ? Eh oui, si vous devez programmer un déplacement tôt le matin, vous pouvez commander un Uber la veille pour qu'il arrive à l'heure juste !

Pour ce faire, suivez les étapes suivantes :

  • Ouvrez l'application Uber
  • Vous voyez l'icône d'horloge à droite vers le champs d'adresse
  • Ajustez la date et l'heure de votre course
  • Ajoutez le lieu où votre chauffeur doit vous récupérer ainsi que votre lieu de destination
  • Cliquez sur "Plannierfer uberX"
  • Confirmez la planification de la course
  • Concluez en cliquant sur "Terminé"

Et voilà, c'est pas plus compliqué que ça ! votre Uber est commandé et il arrivera à l'heure et à l'endroit que vous avez indiqué !

Avec toutes ces caractéristiques, pourquoi ce service est-il devenu si polémique ? Essentiellement l'opinion de nombreux chauffeurs de taxi dans le monde, qui pensent que ce genre d'application réduit leur charge de travail et affecte leur économie. D'un autre côté, les usagers pensent qu'il s'agit d'une alternative de plus qui augmente l'offre rendant possible l'accès à d'autres options de transport.

Comment fonctionne Uber -

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A platform that was built to move

Transform the way your company moves and feeds its people with Uber for Business.

A single platform for employee and customer needs

Business travel

With just a tap, your team can request a ride in over 70 countries around the world. We make it easy to set permissions and track spending.

Meal delivery

Let employees and customers order from over 780,000 restaurants, while you control budgets and policies.

Commute programs

Help your employees get to work by subsidizing rides to and from the office. We’ve launched new safety standards, and it’s easy to set limits on location, time of day, and budget.

Customer rides

Distribute vouchers to help customers and guests get where they need to go. Or request rides for them from the Central dashboard.

Local delivery

Request on-demand, local deliveries for you and your customers with Uber. It’s as easy and fast as requesting a ride.

Customer acquisition

Vouchers is a great promotional tool to help drive foot traffic to your store. It can also be used to show customer appreciation.

See how the Uber for Business platform works

Tools that keep you in control, plan and send rides with central.

Use the Central dashboard to request rides for customers and guests even if they don't have a smartphone.

Cover rides and meals with Vouchers

Reach new customers and improve employee morale with vouchers they can use to get meals and go places.

Create programs in our dashboard

Invite your team to join customized business travel, meal, and commute programs by linking them to your business account.

Meet the businesses growing with our platform

Ryder has requested more than 100,000 rides for customers by integrating with Uber’s API, enabling the company to better allocate staff time and resources.

The Golden State Warriors teamed up with Uber for Business to find innovative ways to elevate the fan experience at the Chase Center.

Twenty Four Seven Hotels leveraged Uber for Business to request rides instead of using their traditional shuttle service and made a lasting impression with their guests.

Advanced features to save you time and money

Customize your programs.

Set ride and meal limits based on day, time, location, and budget. You can also let your team charge to a single company account or their own personal cards.

Automate expensing

We integrate with leading expense software providers like SAP Concur so expenditures can be automatically processed. No more employees hunting down receipts.

Get deep insights

We give you unparalleled visibility into your team’s spending and usage, so you can fine-tune your program and improve your bottom line.

Your business is going places. We’re here to help.

The platform

Get the best of Uber, for business—including improved cost controls and compliance.

Expense integrations

Save time with automatic expense reconciliation


Get clear climate metrics such as total low-emission trips and average CO₂ per mile.

We make your health and safety top priorities.

Employee benefits

All the advantages of Uber your employees already love, for business.

The dashboard

It all starts here - manage travel and meal programs with easy to set cost controls and more.

Business profiles

Help your employees connect with your company’s Uber for Business account.

Delegate booking

Enable executive assistants to arrange work transportation for executives with a delegate profile.

Request rides and deliveries on behalf of customers.

Purchase Uber gift cards in bulk for simplified giving.

Uber Health

Reimagine the way patients access care.

Offer business-class perks with an Uber One company membership.

Cover the cost of rides and meals, and pay only when used.

By use case

Holiday gifting

Celebrate the holidays with vouchers and gift cards

Oversee your travel program with the flexibility and reporting you need.

Employee commute

Set up a stress-free commute program for your employees.

Event transport

Get attendees to and from your next event.

Employee shuttles

Offer group transportation for daily commutes, cross-campus dashes, and more.

Courtesy rides

Request rides for customers and guests with ease, even if they don't have the Uber app.

Meal programs

One platform gives you the control to provide meals in multiple ways.

Recruit, retain, and reward your employees with Uber perks they want.

Corporate gifting

Exec management

Request rides and meals for leaders.

By industry

Elevate customer service with on-demand rides.

Improve health outcomes and the patient experience by enabling better access to care.


Delight your guests with rides and meals.

Financial services

Keep your employees moving and your clients happy.

Offer rides and meals to employees and constituents.

Customer support

Customer service

Get in touch with us or quickly find answers to top concerns.

Help Center

For admins and coordinators to browse tips and topics.

Product updates

Check out recent updates we’ve made across our platform.

Learning hub

Explore product education, case studies, and industry insights.

Customer stories

See how innovative companies work with us.

Get the latest news from Uber for Business.

  • Contact sales


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  2. À propos de nous

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  4. About Us

    Sustainability. Uber is committing to becoming a fully electric, zero-emission platform by 2040, with 100% of rides taking place in zero-emission vehicles, on public transit, or with micromobility. It is our responsibility as the largest mobility platform in the world to more aggressively tackle the challenge of climate change.

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    At Uber, we believe that sustainability is integral to the success of our business. Our environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting outlines the many ways in which Uber builds value and, through its core business and social impact activities, helps to make the world a better place. Most importantly, it demonstrates how we are turning ...

  14. Le modèle d'affaires d'Uber : un avenir incertain

    Le modèle d'affaires d'Uber repose sur des fondamentaux économiques défaillants, la plateforme de VTC ne dégageant pas un chiffre d'affaires suffisant pour couvrir ses coûts d'exploitation, sur des effets de réseaux limités et sur le risque de voir requalifier ses chauffeurs, de travailleurs indépendants en salariés. Son développement rapide n'a été possible que grâce au ...

  15. PowerPoint Makeovers: The Uber Pitch Deck

    Plus,'s presentation design software features a library of vivid, public-domain images, fonts, logos and attention-grabbing animations. We added our brand of vivid images, informational graphics and eye-catching animations to the original Uber slide deck. We also condensed Uber's first pitch deck from 25 to 17 slides.

  16. Le meilleur d'Uber pour votre entreprise

    Le meilleurd'Uber pourvotre entreprise. Le meilleur. d'Uber pour. votre entreprise. Accédez à une plateforme mondiale qui vous aide à gérer les politiques de votre entreprise en matière de déplacements et de repas professionnels, à l'échelle nationale ou internationale, tout cela à partir d'un tableau de bord unique. Démarrer ...

  17. Une plateforme conçue pour les entreprises en mouvement

    Votre entreprise ira loin. Nous sommes là pour vous aider. Cette plateforme mondiale vous permet de gérer vos déplacements professionnels, vos repas d'affaires et vos livraisons locales. Créez un programme de déplacement personnalisé pour vos employés, sans frais supplémentaires.

  18. Comment fonctionne Uber ?

    Uber est une application qui est en train de révolutionner le monde entier et qui provoque une grande polémique chez les chauffeurs de taxi dont nous vous parlerons après vous avoir détaillé le fonctionnement d'Uber.. Uber est une application qui permet de louer les services d'une voiture privée avec chauffeur inclus, un conducteur non professionnel préalablement approuvé par l'entreprise.

  19. COMMUNICATION : Entreprise UBER by Bilal Hrm on Prezi

    Conference Swag Presentation Resources How to use this template Mix and match the layouts to create a rhythm during your presentation. Use these free, recolorable icons, and illustrations to extend this template and better tell your story. Bigger slides with less text = More. Get started for FREE Continue.

  20. Business Travel

    To find out more, get started here. ¹Based on over 275 Uber for Business customers surveyed globally in February 2023. Customers agreed that they were able to reduce costs on ground transportation and/or meals through better compliance. ²Uber Green is available only in certain cities. In addition, availability may be limited outside of ...

  21. Business Travel and Meals

    To find out more, get started here. ¹Based on over 275 Uber for Business customers surveyed globally in February 2023. Customers agreed that they were able to reduce costs on ground transportation and/or meals through better compliance. ²Uber Green is available only in certain cities. In addition, availability may be limited outside of ...

  22. How The Uber For Business Platform Works

    Meet the businesses growing with our platform. Ryder has requested more than 100,000 rides for customers by integrating with Uber's API, enabling the company to better allocate staff time and resources. The Golden State Warriors teamed up with Uber for Business to find innovative ways to elevate the fan experience at the Chase Center.