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Sample Theses by AUB Food Security Students

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The Syrian Refugees' Impact on Lebanon's Food Security / Noura Sakr  (Politecnico Milano)

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  • Agrarian transition and food security in the Village of Nahle, Northern Bekaa / Fatima Yahfoufi Thesis. M.S. American University of Beirut. Food Security Program, 2023.
  • Exploring the potential role of urban agriculture as a community engagement strategy in universities during a food security crisis: the American university of Beirut as a case study / by Melody Tamer Thesis. M.S. American University of Beirut. Food Security Program, 2022.
  • The contribution of urban agriculture to food security in post-conflict Syria / by Ali Hashem Alhasan. Thesis. M.S. American University of Beirut. Food Security Program, 2021.
  • Agrarian transition and food security in the village of Nabha, Central Bekaa / by Nour El Houda Amhez. Thesis. M.S. American University of Beirut. Food Security Program, 2019. ST:6925.
  • Agrarian transition and food security in the village of Khreibet El Jundi, Akkar, Lebanon / by Nour El-Jundi. Thesis. M.S. American University of Beirut. Food Security Program, 2019. ST:6976.
  • Assessing ecologically sound practices influencing climate change adaptation strategies and food security : a case of smallholder farmers in central Bekaa, Lebanon / by Aliaa Ahmad Al Dirani. Thesis. M.S. American University of Beirut. Food Security Program, 2019. ST:6975.
  • The effectiveness of food aid on food availability and food stability among small scale pastoralist communities in Tana River County, Kenya / by Kelvin Kiragu Kimani. Thesis. M.S. American University of Beirut. Food Security Program , 2019. ST:7037.
  • The role of household-level dairy preservation ("mouneh" production) in the food, protein, and nutrition security, and in the food sovereignty of Jordanian households / by Hannah Nicholson. Thesis. M.S. American University of Beirut. Food Security Program, 2019. ST:7038.
  • واقع الأمن الغذائي في الأردن = Food Security Status in Jordan by جوابرة ، رنيم زياد أحمد Publication Date: 2015
  • الأبعاد السياسية و الاقتصادية للأمن المائي العربي و أثره على الأمن الغذائي ( 2000 - 2013 م ) = Political and Economic Dimensions of the Arab Water Security and its Impact on Food Security 2000 - 2013 by الدغمي ، صايل رميح طنا Publication Date: 2014
  • التبعية الغذائية العربية و الأمن القومي العربي : الأسباب و الآثار = Food Dependency and Arab National Security : Causes and Effects by الشوك ، رباب علي جميل أمين Publication Date: 2011

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  1. (PDF) Doctoral Dissertation: Strengthening Food Security in Rural Ethiopia

    phd thesis on food security pdf

  2. Thesis Ideas On Food Insecurity

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  3. Food Security

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  4. Thesis Proposal on Food Security

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  5. (PDF) The impact of the fluctuations in global markets for agricultural

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  6. Thesis Ideas On Food Insecurity

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  1. #1 PhD Vlog Thesis Preparation Procedures| Apartment mini tour| Grocery shopping| Motivation

  2. Food security on a warming planet


  4. PPPs to ensure food security and agricultural development

  5. Day 46


  1. PDF Dissertation Three Essays on Food Security and Dietary Diversity

    food security with dietary diversity at the national level in different countries. To build the index, PCA was used to evaluate the contribution of all 31 indicators of the four dimensions of food security (food availability, food accessibility, food utilization, and stability) represented in the FAO data set between 1990 and 2011.

  2. PDF STUDENT FOOD SECURITY A Thesis Submitted to the

    e separate category is justified (PROOF, 2016). This fou. category reporting is used in this study also. According to the PROOF categorization, approximately 3.7% of Canadians experienced marginal, 5.5% experienced moderate, and 2.7% experienced severe food insecurity in the past twelve months based on the 2014 CCH.

  3. PDF The Relationship Among Food Security and By A Thesis Submitted in

    By. Jonathan R. Britanyak. The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 2020 Under the Supervision of Dr. Mary Beth Leibham. The current study examined the relationship. performance,speci. ically inattention, executiv. learning problems. Using a food security module. from the USDA to assess food security and the.


    restore food security. To check the robustness of my results, I controlled for the respondents living in the urban areas and incorporated the census tract data obtained from the Food Research Atlas to gauge the association between liquidity constraint and the food insecurity if the households are in the food deserts.

  5. PDF The Effects of International Monetary Fund Programs on Food Security

    eincreases a co. ntry's food insecurity by 2.59 percentage points (p<0.01). Model 2 measuresthe effect of the IMF program presence on FIE. with country and year-fixed effects but still wi. significant (p<0.05): the model estimates that IMF progr. a country's food insecurity by 2.06 percentage points.

  6. (PDF) Doctoral Dissertation: Strengthening Food Security in Rural Ethiopia

    Abstract and Figures. Food insecurity in rural areas of southern Ethiopia is widespread; in recent years over half of all communities in this region have been reliant upon emergency support ...

  7. PDF Universiti Putra Malaysia Food Security and Economic Growth in ...

    1.2 Food Security in Developing Countries 4 1.3 Global Food Insecurity Situation 8 1.4 Food Security and Food Production 10 1.5 Food Security and Economics Growth 16 1.6 Problem Statement 17 1.7 Research Questions 19 1.8 Objective of The Study 19 1.9 Significance of the study 19 ©

  8. PDF Strategies and Experiences in Food Banks, Food Insecurity, and Health

    Food insecurity is a prevalent and persistent issue that affects communities across Canada. Food banks are currently one of the most common responses to food insecurity in the country. Since they emerged in the 1980s, food banks have proliferated across Canada and the number of people accessing them has risen steeply.

  9. PDF An examination of technology as a food security solution Boundary work

    Achieving food security for all is a well acknowledged challenge for the 21st century. This interdisciplinary thesis looks at the role of technologies in addressing these concerns. It draws on aspects of science and politics to ask where these fields come together, where they divide and what impact this has on food security.

  10. PDF Food Policy and Food Security: A Potential Impact of Food Policy on

    Section 6.4 Food support and the households' condition of food security 118-119 Section 6.5 Food Security Condition of Households by Income 119-120 Section 6.6 Area-wise Overall Food Security Level of the Respondents 120-121 Section 6.7 Area-wise Calorie Intake and Food Security Status of the sample households 121-122

  11. PDF Food Security Status and Its Determinants Among

    I hereby certify that I have read and evaluated this Thesis entitled "Food Security Status and Its Determinants among Rural Households in Oda Bultum District, West Hararghe Zone, Oromia ... I recommend that it be submitted as fulfilling the thesis requirement. Ketema Bekele (PhD) _____ _____ Major -Advisor Signature Date Mohammed Aman (Assist ...

  12. A Thesis Submitted to The Center for Food Security Studies

    CENTRE FOR FOOD SECURITY STUDIES HOUSEHOLD FOOD SECURITY SITUATION AMONG GOVERNMENT PENSIONERS IN KIRKOS SUB-CITY, ... (PhD) for her dedicated support, guidance, constructive suggestions, and encouragement throughout the development of this thesis from the inception of the proposal to the end of the research document. Finally, I would ...

  13. (PDF) The impact of conflict on food security: evidence from household

    In Malawi, 98.29% of households have an acceptable. level of food security, 1.63% has borderline food secur ity, and 0.078% has poor food se curity in pre-conflict years. In post-conflict years ...

  14. PDF Participation in Agricultural Cooperatives and Its Impact on Technology

    4.4. Food Security Analysis 136 4.4.1. Access to and Utilization of Food 136 4.4.2. Food Security Status Analysis of the Sample Households 139 4.4.3. Determinants of Food Security Status 141 4.5. Participation Decision and Impacts of Participation in ACs 146 4.5.1. Endogenous Switching Regression Estimation Results 146 4.5.2.

  15. PDF In Pursuit of Food Security: Who Should Provide Aid Where and How

    4 ABSTRACT Despite persistently high levels of food insecurity in the world and large annual flows of aid from the global North to the global South in support of economic and social development, very

  16. PDF Climate Variability and Determinants of Household Food Security: the

    Variability and Determinants of Household Food Security: The Case of Mirab Badawacho Woreda, Hadiya Zone SNNPR, Ethiopia." Prepared under our guidance by Melese Sebero. We recommend that it to be submitted to fulfilling the thesis requirement. Solomon Asfew (PhD) ----- -----

  17. PDF Food Insecurity and Related Correlates Among Students Attending

    Household food security is often measured using the 18-item Household Food Security Survey Module (HFSSM) or the 10-item Adult Food Security Survey Module (AFSSM) published by the USDA/ERS. These tools classify households/individuals on a four-point food security scale ranging from high food security to very low food security. Accordingly,

  18. PDF A dissertation submitted to the University of Zambia in partial

    organisations such as the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) to achieve food security, achieving food security in its totality has continued to be a challenge for many developing countries especially in Sub Saharan Africa. According to FAO State of Food Insecurity for 2012 about 870

  19. Theses & Dissertations

    Thesis. M.S. American University of Beirut. Food Security Program , 2019. ST:7037. The role of household-level dairy preservation ("mouneh" production) in the food, protein, and nutrition security, and in the food sovereignty of Jordanian households / by Hannah Nicholson. Thesis.


    IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON FOOD SECURITY. Ratnesh Kumar Rao, P.K. Sharma and M. Raghuraman. 1 Secertary, Mahima Research Foundation and Social Welfare, 194, Karaundi, BHU, Varanasi-221 005, E ...

  21. PDF Effects of Climate Variability on Food Security and Determinants of

    4.4. Status of Food Security of the Households 46 4.5. Effects of Climate Variability on Food Security 48 4.6. Adaptation Strategies to Climate Variability 52 4.7. Determinants of Households' Adaptation Strategies to Climate Variability 53 5. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION 60 5.1. Summary 60 5.2. Conclusion 61 6. REFERENCES 62 7. APPENDICES 70

  22. Dissertations / Theses: 'Food security'

    Consult the top 50 dissertations / theses for your research on the topic 'Food security.'. Next to every source in the list of references, there is an 'Add to bibliography' button. Press on it, and we will generate automatically the bibliographic reference to the chosen work in the citation style you need: APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago, Vancouver ...

  23. PHD Thesis Food Security

    Phd Thesis Food Security - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document discusses the challenges of writing a PhD thesis on food security and how an academic writing service can help alleviate the burden. The service has expert writers with in-depth knowledge of food security who can assist at every stage of writing a thesis on this topic.