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Obiee 11g bi server, presentation services takes long time to start.

unable to start presentation server in obiee 11g

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Unable to Start OBIEE 11g Presentation Services,Javahost and BI Server

unable to start presentation server in obiee 11g

EM doesn’t launch but Weblogic Console and Presentation Services works in OBIEE11g

Hello folks Facing a weird problem in OBIEE11g. I did a OBIEE11g Simple Install, had everything working. After couple of days the Oracle Enterprise Manager fails to launch and it returns the message, Error 404–Not Found From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol – HTTP/1.1: 10.4.5 404 Not Found The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI. No indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or permanent. I am able to access Weblogic Console, Presentation Services URL etc., but EM alone fails to launch. A re-deploy of EM from Weblogic Console didn’t help Any ideas on how to fix this issue? Thanks much for the help, Ramesh.

Hi Ramesh/Maqsood, It might be something to do with the system name / DSN. If you are not using a Microsoft Loopback adapter and you don’t have a static IP then you will need to ensure the network connection you had used during the installation to remain the same. You might also want to check your ODBC connections are working. You can see the error logs to find the exact error message but it’s normally one of these issues in a desktop class 11g installation.

I am facing the same issue . Were you able to resolve this?

I tried the panacea “restarting the server” and it worked many times. Sorry if you have tried it already.

Thanks Supriya. I really wish it was that simple. The em in deployments tab already shows a status of Active, without the green OK tick mark in the Health column. When I try to start the em, I get a message that ‘Libraries are part of the application and the operation is incompatible…’.

I faced the same issue. I just started the bi-em library module from deployments from the console. The status changed from prepared to active state and i was able to access EM.

Thanks, Supriya

BI services are running and I am able to access the Presentation Services; I could also Weblogic Console also. Only Enterprise Manager doesn’t launch. Is there a way to just re-install or re-deploy the EM only?

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unable to start presentation server in obiee 11g

4 Starting and Stopping Oracle Business Intelligence

This chapter describes how to start and stop Oracle Business Intelligence using Fusion Middleware Control and other methods.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Section 4.1, "About Starting and Stopping Oracle Business Intelligence"

Section 4.2, "Starting the Oracle Business Intelligence System"

Section 4.3, "Using Fusion Middleware Control to Start and Stop Oracle Business Intelligence System Components and Java Components"

Section 4.4, "Using Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console to Start and Stop Java Components"

Section 4.5, "Alternative Methods for Starting and Stopping System Components"

Section 4.6, "Confirming Whether the Administration Server Is Running"

Section 4.7, "Starting and Stopping the Administration Server and All Oracle Business Intelligence Java Components on Windows and UNIX"

Section 4.8, "Starting and Stopping Managed Servers on Windows and UNIX"

Section 4.9, "Troubleshooting System Startup"

4.1 About Starting and Stopping Oracle Business Intelligence

System administrators start and stop the Oracle Business Intelligence system and its components to perform a range of maintenance operations that require process downtime. Understanding the state (that is, up, down, starting, and stopping) of each component in the Oracle Business Intelligence system is an essential activity when diagnosing and resolving availability and performance issues, and when performing life-cycle and management operations.

Oracle Business Intelligence runs within Oracle WebLogic Server, and therefore Oracle WebLogic Server must be started before Oracle Business Intelligence components can be started and maintained.

To make changes to server configuration settings, the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog, the repository (.rpd file offline), and other settings, you must restart the appropriate Oracle Business Intelligence components before those changes can take effect.

When you stop Oracle Business Intelligence, end users are logged out, and when ready, the system prompts you to log in again, ensuring session state consistency.

This chapter provides details on starting and stopping the Oracle Business Intelligence system when an Enterprise Installation has been performed. See Section 1.3.1, "Oracle Business Intelligence on a Single Host" for information on the components that are installed with an Enterprise Installation and with a Simple Installation.

4.2 Starting the Oracle Business Intelligence System

To start the Oracle Business Intelligence system, you start the Administration Server, the Managed Servers, and the system components. The system does not include a Managed Server if the Simple Install type was selected during installation.

If the computer that hosts the Administration Server is not running or has been rebooted, then you must ensure that the computer is running and you must start the Oracle Business Intelligence system.

The following conditions must be met to start the Oracle Business Intelligence system:

The RPD file must be closed (if using the Administration Tool) so that it does not hold the read/write lock.

For information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Metadata Repository Builder's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition .

The repository database (which contains Scheduler schemas) that was specified during installation must be running, and a network connection to it must be available. Otherwise, error messages are displayed.

The procedure for starting the system differs slightly depending on the platform, as described in the following sections.

4.2.1 Starting Oracle Business Intelligence on Windows Platforms

To start the Oracle Business Intelligence system on Windows platforms:

From the Start menu, select Programs , Oracle Business Intelligence , and Start BI Services .

Note the following points about this command:

For a Simple Install type, this command starts the Administration Server and Oracle Business Intelligence system and OPMN components.

For an Enterprise or Software Only Install type, the command starts the Administration Server, system and OPMN components, Managed Server, and Node Manager. (Node Manager normally starts automatically on Windows.)

The command does not support horizontally or vertically scaled-out Oracle WebLogic Servers, but does work on the first computer in the cluster.

The command prompts for your credentials at first login, then stores the credentials in the file of Oracle WebLogic Server for future use.

When you select the Start BI Services option, you are not prompted for administrator credentials if files exist for both the Administration Server and for the Oracle BI Server. If either file does not exist, then you are prompted for administrator credentials and the file is automatically created using those credentials. For information on this file see " Boot Identity Files " in Oracle Fusion Middleware Managing Server Startup and Shutdown for Oracle WebLogic Server .

If the file is automatically created but the Administration Server does not start, then the file is deleted on the assumption that the credentials are invalid. This deletion avoids including readable text for passwords in the file before Oracle WebLogic Server encrypts that text. However, the Administration Server can fail to start for reasons other than invalid credentials.

If the file exists and was created by a user but the server does not start, then the file is not deleted.

4.2.2 Starting Oracle Business Intelligence on UNIX Platforms

To start the Oracle Business Intelligence system on UNIX platforms:

Start the Administration Server (which includes Oracle Business Intelligence Java components).

For information, see Section 4.7, "Starting and Stopping the Administration Server and All Oracle Business Intelligence Java Components on Windows and UNIX."

If an Enterprise or Software Only Install type was performed, then start Oracle WebLogic Node Manager manually as follows:

Navigate to:

/< MW_HOME >/wlserver_10.3/server/bin

If a Software-Only Install type was selected during installation, then a directory other than /wlserver_10.3 might be used.

Enter the following command (which requires the administrator user name and password):


You can also start Node Manager using a script. For information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Node Manager Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server .

If an Enterprise or Software Only Install type was performed, then use the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console to check whether the Managed Server is running, and start it if necessary.

Note: To start the Managed Server using the WebLogic Server Administration Console, the Node Manager must be running.

For information, see Section 4.8.1, "Confirming If the Managed Server Is Running and Starting It."

Start system components.

Using Fusion Middleware Control

For information, see Section 4.3, "Using Fusion Middleware Control to Start and Stop Oracle Business Intelligence System Components and Java Components."

Using the opmnctl command line

For information, see Section 4.5.1, "Using the OPMN Command Line to Start, Stop, Restart, and View the Status of System Components."

4.3 Using Fusion Middleware Control to Start and Stop Oracle Business Intelligence System Components and Java Components

If the Oracle Business Intelligence system has been started, then you can start, stop, and restart the Oracle Business Intelligence system, including selected system components and Java components using Fusion Middleware Control.

If Fusion Middleware Control is not available, then see Section 4.6, "Confirming Whether the Administration Server Is Running."

To start, stop, and restart Oracle Business Intelligence system components and Java components using Fusion Middleware Control:

Go to the Business Intelligence Overview page, as described in Section 2.2.3, "Using Fusion Middleware Control to Manage Oracle Business Intelligence System Components" and shown in Figure 4-1 .

Figure 4-1 Overview Page in Fusion Middleware Control

Use the buttons in the System Shutdown & Startup area to start, stop, or restart the entire Oracle Business Intelligence system, including all Java components and system components.

Restart stops the system before starting it again.

To start, stop, or restart individual Oracle Business Intelligence system components, display the Processes tab of the Availability page, then select a process for a selected server and use the appropriate button to start, stop, or restart individual system components as appropriate, as shown in Figure 4-2 .

Figure 4-2 Starting and Stopping on the Processes Tab of the Availability Page

You can use other methods to start and stop Oracle Business Intelligence system and Java components. For more information, see:

4.4 Using Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console to Start and Stop Java Components

You can use Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console to start and stop Java components. You can also use Fusion Middleware Control to start and stop the Java components, as described in Section 4.3, "Using Fusion Middleware Control to Start and Stop Oracle Business Intelligence System Components and Java Components."

To use the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console to start and stop Java components:

Start the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.

For more information, see Section 2.3, "Centrally Managing Oracle Business Intelligence Java Components Using the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console."

In the Domain Structure region, click Deployments .

The Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console displays the Summary of Deployments page.

Display the Control tab.

Select a check box for each component to start or stop.

Click Start or Stop to start or stop the selected components as required, as shown in Figure 4-3 .

Figure 4-3 Starting and Stopping in Administration Console

4.5 Alternative Methods for Starting and Stopping System Components

You can start and stop Oracle Business Intelligence system components using the methods that are described in the following sections:

Section 4.5.1, "Using the OPMN Command Line to Start, Stop, Restart, and View the Status of System Components"

Section 4.5.2, "Using a Windows Service to Start and Stop System Components"

Section 4.5.3, "Using the Oracle BI Systems Management API to Programmatically Start and Stop Oracle Business Intelligence"

4.5.1 Using the OPMN Command Line to Start, Stop, Restart, and View the Status of System Components

You can control Oracle Business Intelligence system components across a network using opmnctl commands. For information about OPMN, see Section 1.4.3, "Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server (OPMN) Tool."

To start, stop, restart, and view the status of Oracle Business Intelligence system components using the OPMN command line:

For the Oracle instance to administer, go to the following directory that contains the OPMN command-line tool:


Run the OPMN tool using the appropriate opmnctl command.

Use the following commands to view status, start, stop, and restart the system components using OPMN on Windows (for UNIX use the command ./opmnctl).

opmnctl status

Shows the component names and the status of all system components, as shown in Figure 4-4 .

Figure 4-4 Status of Components in OPMN

opmnctl startall

Starts OPMN and all Oracle Business Intelligence system components.

The bi_server1 (Managed Server) must be running before you can start OPMN. For information, see Section 4.8.1, "Confirming If the Managed Server Is Running and Starting It" and Section 4.8, "Starting and Stopping Managed Servers on Windows and UNIX."

opmnctl start

Starts OPMN only.

opmnctl startproc ias-component= <component_name>

Starts a particular system component. For example, where coreapplication_obips1 is Oracle BI Presentation Services:

opmnctl startproc ias-component=coreapplication_obips1

You view system component names in Fusion Middleware Control by displaying the system components Availability region of the Availability tab in the Capacity Management page, and expanding the required entry in the Name column. For more information, see Section 2.2.3, "Using Fusion Middleware Control to Manage Oracle Business Intelligence System Components." System component names are displayed in the format coreapplication_< component_name > (for example coreapplication_obips1 is the name of the Oracle BI Presentation Services component).

opmnctl stopall

Stops all managed system components.

opmnctl stopproc ias-component= <component_name>

Stops a particular system component.

opmnctl restartproc ias-component= <component_name>

Restarts a particular system component.

opmnctl shutdown

Stops opmn and all managed system components.

The OPMN configuration file is in the ORACLE_INSTANCE /config/OPMN/opmn/opmn.xml directory on UNIX and specifies the exact environment that is used to start each Oracle Business Intelligence system component. It contains the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH values for the system components and the port number for OPMN and optional SSL configuration.

You can configure OPMN to start Oracle Business Intelligence system components automatically when a Linux operating system starts, and to stop when the operating system shuts down. To configure OPMN to start and stop automatically on Linux, you must include the following commands in the OPMN startup or shutdown scripts respectively:

For more information, see the operating system documentation.

4.5.2 Using a Windows Service to Start and Stop System Components

On Windows, the Oracle Business Intelligence system components are controlled by the Oracle Process Manager (OPMN) Windows Service. To view and manage Windows Services, use one of the following methods:

Run the following command: C:\WINDOWS\system32\services.msc

From the Start Menu, select Programs , then Administrative Tools , then Services .

To start or restart Oracle Business Intelligence system components using a Windows Service:

In the Services window, locate and start the Oracle Process Management (instance_number) option. The Oracle Business Intelligence system components take as long as a minute to start.

In the Microsoft Windows environment, the Services Manager returns a false error that it cannot start the server. This Microsoft Services Manager issue causes the Services Manager to time out after 5 minutes. Refreshing the Services window, however, shows that Oracle Business Intelligence is still starting.

If the Oracle Process Manager fails to start, then errors are logged. Use Fusion Middleware Control to check log file entries and determine why a service has failed. For information, see Chapter 8, "Diagnosing and Resolving Issues in Oracle Business Intelligence."

If you run Microsoft IIS, then start the World Wide Web Publishing service.

In the ODBC Driver Manager, test that the DSN called AnalyticsWeb_coreapplication (of type Oracle BI Server) connects to the Oracle BI Server.

Use the user name and password (case-sensitive) that was created during installation for the demonstration repository database.

To stop the Oracle Business Intelligence system components using a Windows Service:

In the Services window, locate and stop the Oracle Process Manager service.

If you run Microsoft IIS, then also stop the World Wide Web Publishing service.

If you run Oracle WebLogic Server, then see Section 4.4, "Using Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console to Start and Stop Java Components."

For additional information on Windows services, see " Setting Up a WebLogic Server Instance as a Windows Service " in Oracle Fusion Middleware Managing Server Startup and Shutdown for Oracle WebLogic Server .

4.5.3 Using the Oracle BI Systems Management API to Programmatically Start and Stop Oracle Business Intelligence

You can use the Oracle BI Systems Management API to programmatically start and stop Oracle Business Intelligence.

For information, see Section 22.3.2, "Starting and Stopping Oracle Business Intelligence Using the Oracle BI Systems Management API."

4.6 Confirming Whether the Administration Server Is Running

The Administration Server must be running before you can administer Oracle Business Intelligence system and Java components.

You can confirm whether the Administration Server is running by starting a web browser and entering a URL that should display the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console login page.

To confirm whether the Administration Server is running:

Enter the following URL into a web browser:

http://< host >:< port >/console/

For example:


Refresh the web browser window.

If the Administration Server is running, then the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console login page is displayed.

If the login page for Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console is not displayed, then the Administration Server is not running, and you must start it.

4.7 Starting and Stopping the Administration Server and All Oracle Business Intelligence Java Components on Windows and UNIX

You can start or stop the Administration Server and all Oracle Business Intelligence Java components on Windows and UNIX.

For information, see Section 4.6, "Confirming Whether the Administration Server Is Running."

To start the Administration Server and all Oracle Business Intelligence Java components on Windows and UNIX:

If the Administration Server is not running, then start it using the following information.

Use the appropriate method for the operating system:

Before you can start the Administration Server, the database that you specified during installation must be running, or JDBC errors prevent startup.

On Windows, use the following method:

Open an MS-DOS window and change the directory to MW_HOME \user_projects\domains\bifoundation_domain\bin. Then, run the following command (which requires the administrator user name and password):

You can also stop the Java components from the MS-DOS window in which they were started, if you press Ctrl+C.

On UNIX, open a shell prompt and change the directory to MW_HOME /user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/bin. Then, run the following command (which requires the administrator user name and password):

If you start the Administration Server from a Windows or UNIX command-line window, then do not close the window later on, or the server terminates (unless the server is started as a background process from the command line). For more information, see " Setting Up a WebLogic Server Instance as a Windows Service " in Oracle Fusion Middleware Managing Server Startup and Shutdown for Oracle WebLogic Server .

To stop the Administration Server and Oracle Business Intelligence Java components on Windows and UNIX:

On Windows, use one of the following methods:

Display the Start Menu, click All Programs , Oracle WebLogic , User Projects , and bifoundation_domain .

Select the Stop Admin Server for WebLogic Server Domain menu option.

An MS-DOS window indicates the progress of the processing steps of stopping the Administration Server.

You can also use the process termination command for the operating system in use (for example, kill on UNIX). Java indicates on the console window that it is shutting down when it receives a shutdown signal.

4.8 Starting and Stopping Managed Servers on Windows and UNIX

You can start and stop Managed Servers on Windows and UNIX. The system does not include a Managed Server if the Simple Install type was selected during installation.

To start Managed Servers on Windows and UNIX:

Open an MS-DOS window and change the directory to MW_HOME \user_projects\domains\bifoundation_domain\bin. Then, run the following command (which requires the administrator user name and password), for example:

On UNIX, open a shell prompt and change the directory to MW_HOME /user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/bin. Then, run the following command (which requires the administrator user name and password), for example:

If you start Managed Servers from a Windows or UNIX command-line window, then do not close the window later on, or the server terminates. For more information, see " Setting Up a WebLogic Server Instance as a Windows Service " in Oracle Fusion Middleware Managing Server Startup and Shutdown for Oracle WebLogic Server .

Do not use the script that is located in MW_HOME /wlserver_10.3/common/bin/ because it is not supported.

To stop Managed Servers on Windows and UNIX:

On Windows, open an MS-DOS window and change the directory to MW_HOME \user_projects\domains\bifoundation_domain\bin. Then, run the following command (which requires the administrator user name and password), for example:

4.8.1 Confirming If the Managed Server Is Running and Starting It

You can use Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console or Fusion Middleware Control to confirm whether the Managed Server is running, and start it if necessary. The system does not include a Managed Server if the Simple Install type was selected during installation.

To confirm whether the Managed Server is running, and start it if necessary using Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console:

Log in to Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console using the following URL:

http://< host >:7001/console

For information, see Section 2.3, "Centrally Managing Oracle Business Intelligence Java Components Using the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console."

Under the bifoundation_domain, expand the Environment node in the navigation tree, and click Servers .

Display the Configuration tab.

There should be two servers listed: AdminServer (the Administration Server) and bi_server1 (Managed Server).

Start the Managed Server, if not running:

Select the box next to the Managed Server (for example, bi_server1).

Click Start .

Repeat this step for each Managed Server.

For information about starting Managed Servers on Windows and UNIX, see Section 4.8, "Starting and Stopping Managed Servers on Windows and UNIX."

(Optional) Perform an OPMN stopall for the system components, and then a startall. For information, see Section 4.5.1, "Using the OPMN Command Line to Start, Stop, Restart, and View the Status of System Components."

To confirm whether a Managed Server is running, and start it if necessary using Fusion Middleware Control:

Log in to Fusion Middleware Control using the following URL:

http://< host >:7001/em

For information, see Section 2.2, "Centrally Managing Oracle Business Intelligence Components Using Fusion Middleware Control."

Under the WebLogic Domain expand the bifoundation_domain node in the navigation tree, and select bi_cluster.

Expand the bi_cluster node to display the Managed Servers (for example, bi_server1). Fusion Middleware Control displays the status in the Deployments region.

Select bi_cluster, and click the WebLogic Cluster menu.

Select the Control option from the menu, and select Start Up to start the Managed Servers.

4.9 Troubleshooting System Startup

This section contains solutions that are related to system startup:

Section 4.9.1, "Administration Server Fails to Start When the Database Is Not Running"

Section 4.9.2, "Managed Server Is Down"

Section 4.9.3, "Oracle BI Server Fails to Start"

Section 4.9.4, "Oracle BI Presentation Services Fails to Start"

Section 4.9.5, "Cannot Log In"

4.9.1 Administration Server Fails to Start When the Database Is Not Running

When you start the Administration Server, the repository database that was specified during installation must be running, or else you see JDBC errors that prevent startup.

Problem : The Administration Server fails to start.

If the Administration Server fails to start, then:

View the Administration Server and Managed Server log files in the following directory:


You can also check the Managed Server log files in the following directory:


Cause: Database Down: in AdminServer.log, "Caused By: yourcomputername" deep in the trace from:

####<Jan 19, 2010 8:04:09 PM PST> <Info> <JDBC> <username> <AdminServer> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<anonymous>> <Stack trace associated with message 001129 follows:

java.sql.SQLException: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection.

Resolution : Start the database.

4.9.2 Managed Server Is Down

If the Managed Server is down, then use the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console, or the command line to start it.

4.9.3 Oracle BI Server Fails to Start

If the BI Server fails to start, then view the log files in the following directory:

< ORACLE_INSTANCE >\diagnostics\logs\OracleBIServerComponent\coreapplication_obis1, or use the log viewer.

4.9.4 Oracle BI Presentation Services Fails to Start

If Presentation Services fails to start, then view the log files in the following directory:

< ORACLE_INSTANCE >\diagnostics\logs\OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent\coreapplication_obips1, or use the log viewer.

If you experience either of the following problems related to Presentation Services failing to start, then refer to the appropriate causes and resolutions:

Problem : Could not create a system user connection to the BI Server during startup.

Cause : You started Presentation Services before the BI Server.

Resolution : Use the OPMN stopall command to stop the Business Intelligence system, and then use the startall command. For information, see Section 4.5.1, "Using the OPMN Command Line to Start, Stop, Restart, and View the Status of System Components."

Problem : Authentication failed for BISystemUser: invalid user name and password.

Cause : The Managed Server is not running.

Resolution : See Section 4.9.2, "Managed Server Is Down."

4.9.5 Cannot Log In

Problem : Cannot log in to Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.

Cause : The Administration Server is not running.

Resolution : Check to see if http://< host >:7001/console starts. If not, start the Administration Server. For information, see Section 4.7, "Starting and Stopping the Administration Server and All Oracle Business Intelligence Java Components on Windows and UNIX."

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unable to start presentation server in obiee 11g

The Data Community

Troubleshooting obiee 11g.

A couple tips on how to resolve some OBIEE 11g errors. When you receive an error such as …

“Supplementary information regarding operation: PROCESS:instance1:coreapplication_obisch1;FAILED_TO_START; Operation Failed: start; OracleInstance: instance1; Component: coreapplication_obisch1; msg: 0 of 1 processes started.”

or this …

“Error 500–Internal Server Error From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol — HTTP/1.1: 10.5.1 500 Internal Server Error The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.”

1. First check to make sure your database instance and Listener are up and running. You can do this through Enterprise Manager by connecting to the server/port. https://hostname:1158/em/

If they are not running, then start them. On Windows, you may need to make sure that the following Services are running: . OracleServiceORCL . OracleOraDb11g_home1ClrAgent . OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener

2. Then check the status of other OBIEE components. You can do this through the OBIEE Enterprise Manager. http://hostname:7001/em/ then navigating to Business Intelligence -> coreapplication -> Availability tab.

or by running the opmnctl command as below [Drive][FMW_HOME_DIR]instancesinstance1bin>opmnctl status for example C:obiee11ginstancesinstance1bin> opmnctl status

In the example below, the BI Scheduler (coreapplication_obisch1) and the BI Presentation Server (coreapplication_obips1) are down.

Processes in Instance: instance1 ———————————+——————–+———+——— ias-component | process-type | pid | status ———————————+——————–+———+——— coreapplication_obiccs1 | OracleBIClusterCo~ | 10136 | Alive coreapplication_obisch1 | OracleBIScheduler~ | N/A | Down coreapplication_obijh1 | OracleBIJavaHostC~ | 8396 | Alive coreapplication_obips1 | OracleBIPresentat~ | N/A | Down coreapplication_obis1 | OracleBIServerCom~ | 6736 | Alive

You can start the individual components using Enterprise Manager interface, or you may Stop BI Services and then Start BI Services from the Windows Start button (Start -> All Programs -> Oracle Business Intelligence -> Stop/Start BI Services).

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One of my coworkers is unable to click on the various dashboard page tabs in OBIEE. When clicking on one of the tabs, there is no response. It does not allow him to navigate to a new page. Any idea why this is happening? Is there a browser setting that is causing this behavior?

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Unable to start BI services in OBIEE 11g

I would like to see for your help in my issue when starting BI Services. The cmd window gets stuck on below log and I have no idea what to do next.

I would be glad for any help that you can extend to me.

jobelle alsaybar's user avatar

  • You will have to check the AdminServer log to find out the issue. In the Enterprise Manager, which all services did not start? –  Vijay Commented Oct 22, 2013 at 3:29
  • My issue got resolved. The rootcause was the ldap files being corrupted. I replaced it with my old one and resetup all users and it worked:) –  jobelle alsaybar Commented Dec 2, 2013 at 4:03

Which OS are you using?

You need to verify the AdminServer log to find out which process is not running. See path-D:\OBIEE\user_projects\domains\bifoundation_domain\servers\AdminServer\logs\AdminServer.log.

Also, you can check the BI services in command prompt OPMNCTL STATUS to see which service is down then check the respective logs files for the services that are down.

Kodima Zeebra's user avatar

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unable to start presentation server in obiee 11g

OBIEE 11gR1 : Architecture and Use of WebLogic Server

Mark rittman.

Although the most obvious new thing about the recently launched 11gR1 release of OBIEE is the user interface, under the covers there's been a lot of changes to the architecture, and how you perform systems management. There's still the basic concept of a BI Server, Presentation Server, RPD and so on, but it's now all managed and in some cases hosted, using WebLogic Server, the J2EE application server that Oracle have adopted following the acquisition of BEA.

For the 10g release, OC4J and in some cases, Oracle Application Server, was used in a limited form to provide a gateway between the users' browser and the C++ OBIEE server applications, and to host the BI Office and BI Publisher J2EE applications, but you generally didn't have to get too involved with it. In OBIEE 11g, WebLogic together with associated technologies such as OPMN, DMS and ODL are much more prominent and if you're going to be administering an OBIEE 11g system (including running it on your own desktop), you'll be getting to know WebLogic pretty well, together with the latest version of Oracle Enterprise Manager (or as it's called in this release, Oracle Fusion Middleware Control).

When looking at the architecture of a new product, I often like to start at the top and work down. The diagram below shows the high-level architecture for OBIEE 11g, with the diagram showing a single OBIEE "BI Domain", a container for a complete, single (and perhaps clustered) installation of OBIEE 11g.

Oracle Bi11G Domain

  • Java Components , the parts of OBIEE that are written in J2EE and run directly in the application server. These components include BI Publisher, the BI Office plugin, the BI Security Service, BI SOA Services, BI Action Services and the JMX MBeans that are used for configuring OBIEE
  • System Components , which were implemented as Windows services in 10g, and include the BI Server, BI Presentation Server, BI Scheduler and BI Cluster Controller

The Java Components and System Components are managed through a number of tools, including Fusion Middleware Control (aka Enterprise Manager), Weblogic Server Admin Console and OPMN. All of these components connect to a repository database, which can be any recent Oracle database and contains the schemas (scheduler, nqacct etc) that you had to create manually in 10g, plus a few others new for 11g.

If you've not used WebLogic Server before, each WebLogic installation has at least one "admin" server, and usually one or more "managed servers".

  • The Admin Server contains the admin console application, used to administer managed servers, and Fusion Middleware Control, used to administer OBIEE 11g
  • One or more Managed Servers, which contain the J2EE OBIEE applications plus the "coreapplication" System Components

So whilst it looks initially a bit confusing and overwhelming, the basics are still the same. The BI Server is still a standalone C++ application, it's just that it's managed (stopped, started, monitored etc) through Fusion Middleware Control and OPMN. The various J2EE components such as BI Publisher are still J2EE, they are just installed in WebLogic now (apparently this will be extended to other J2EE application servers over time). Some key differences, especially if you're running on Windows, is that there are no longer and BI Server, BI Presentation Server etc services, and you also can't go around editing configuration files now as WebLogic manages them (actually this is only partially true, and I'll get onto that in a separate posting). More importantly, all the WebLogic overhead means that you'll need about 4GB of RAM if you're installing OBIEE 11g on your laptop, along with a database for the repository schemas as source data, which is about twice what you need for the 10g version, so now's the time to put in for a laptop upgrade.

There are some key Fusion Middleware technologies, terminology and utilities that you'll need to get to know when starting to work with OBIEE 11g.

  • WebLogic Server (often abbreviated to WLS) : this is the J2EE application server that Oracle uses across the board for all their 11g BI applications, such as Essbase 11.1.2, Discoverer 11g, BI Publisher 11g , Real Time Decisions 11g. It's also used for the upcoming Fusion ERP applications, and is the default application server that you get with JDeveloper 11g. In the past it's role in OBIEE was performed by OC4J and Oracle Application Server (which used OC4J under the covers), and both of these in 11g have been replaced by the core WebLogic Server, with JRockit (as opposed to the Sun JVM) generally used as the JVM (thanks Simon H for the clarification in the comments).
  • OPMN (or Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server to give it its full name) : You may have first come across this in Oracle Application Server 10g, where it was used to start up the various Application Server components (OC4J_BI_Forms, OC4J_Portal etc). Its since been adopted across the technology stack to start, stop and monitor processes across distributed servers, and it's used in OBIEE 11g to do the same for the system components (BI Server, BI Presentation Server, BI Scheduler and BI Cluster Controller). You can either access OPMN through the command line (opmnctl), or Oracle's recommended approach is to use a graphical interface within Fusion Middleware Control. OPMN is also used in the 11g stack to control Essbase, Discoverer and other BI components, so it's a tool that's worth learning.
  • DMS , or Dynamic Monitoring System , works alongside OPMN and provides statistics on the various components which can be persisted in a database. This will definitely be interesting when it comes to performance monitoring and optimization for 11g.
  • ODL , Oracle Diagnostic Logging , is a centralized framework for logging. Again, interesting for performance, though not all logs ( nqquery.log , for example) are covered by it.
  • JPS ( Java Platform Security ) and CSF ( Credential Store Framework ) are just two parts of security in 11g. Security is a big change in 11g with users no longer stored in the RPD (including the Administrator user, which has now gone), and users, roles and groups now managed by WebLogic, linking out to LDAP servers as neccessary.

So, one way to understand how all the components fit together is to look at how the components start up after a reboot. With OBIEE 11g, you use Oracle WebLogic Server admin console to start up the WebLogic Managed Server that contains the OBIEE components, and then you use Oracle Fusion Middleware Control to start these individual components up.

UPDATE 14-Aug-2010 : The official GA release also introduces a Windows Start Menu entry for starting all OBIEE 11g services. See this posting for full details.

  • Once the WebLogic Server admin server is up and running, your first step is to log into the WebLogic admin console (typically, at http://localhost:7001/console ) and navigate to the Server view. You then instruct the Node Manager to start WebLogic managed server, which typically takes a couple of minutes to complete.


  • Keeping with Fusion Middleware Control, I select Capacity Management > Availability from the tabs, and see that it's the Scheduler that's down.


  • Finally, I want to switch off caching, as OBIEE turns it on by default for new installs but this interferes with results when I'm doing development work. In OBIEE 11g, whether caching is turned on or not is still determined by an entry in the nqsconfig.ini file, but you're meant to manage this setting via Fusion Middleware Control (if you edit it directly in the file, the admin server will overwrite your changes when you restart it, though you can disable this behaviour). To turn off caching, I navigate to the Capacity Management > Performance tab, where I can see the entry to enable the cache.


In the meantime, if you'd like to keep abreast on the news on OBIEE 11g as it becomes available, including details of our forthcoming 11g-focused training courses and services, be sure to bookmark our newly-launched OBIEE 11g Resource Centre . We'll be posting links to all our OBIEE 11g articles, and there'll be news in a few days time about a special, hands-on OBIEE 11g Training Days event we'll be running in London and Atlanta in October 2010.

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OBIEE - Authentication (ATN)

Obi Edition

Authentication in an OBIEE context.

A user is authenticated if the USER system variable is set. Then an init block can authenticate a user .

The goal of the authentication configuration is to get a confirmation of the identity of a user based on the credentials provided.

In OBIEE, the credentials provided are hold in this two variables:

Articles Related

  • OBIEE - System session variables (reserved variables)
  • OBIEE - Initialization Block
  • OBIEE - Saw Url - Symbolic URL Parameters Applet
  • OBIEE - Security
  • OBI Server - User
  • OBIEE - Password
  • OBIEE - Security (Level|Type)
  • OBIEE - Authentication Web Service with SAWSessionService (nQSessionService)

OBIEE 10G - Authentication

OBIEE Version

In 10g, the authentication process is managed by the BI Server, 11g, the authentication process is managed by the weblogic server.

  • (Weblogic|OBIEE) - Active Directory (ADSI) Configuration
  • OBIEE 11G - SSO Authentication with Windows Native Authentication (WNA)

Login/Authentication Process between Oracle BI Server and Oracle BI Presentation Services

The Oracle BI Server and Oracle BI Presentation Services client support industry-standard security for login and password encryption.

When an end user enters a login and password in the Web browser, the Oracle BI Server uses the Hyper Text Transport Protocol Secure (HTTPS) standard to send the information to a secure port on the Oracle BI Presentation Services.

From the Oracle BI Presentation Services, the information is passed through ODBC to the Oracle BI Server, using Triple DES (Data Encryption Standard). This provides a high level of security (168 bit), preventing unauthorized users from accessing data or Oracle BI metadata.

Unable to Sign In

See: OBIEE 11g: Error: “Unable to Sign In” when Authentication Fails

Authentication Method Certification

See: System Requirements and Supported Platforms for Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition 11gR1 > tab: Supported Security Interop

Documentation / Reference

  • Security/Access Control Assistant for Oracle Business Intelligence (OBIEE)
  • OBIEE 11g: Using Logs to Troubleshoot Authentication or Security Issues
  • OBIEE 11g: Authentication: Errors and Configuration Issues
  • OBIEE 10g: Authentication: Errors and Configuration Issues
  • OBIEE 11g: Miscellaneous Authentication Errors
  • OBIEE 11g: Any User can Authenticate with any Password
  • How To Configure The SQL Authenticator With OBIEE 11g and Later
  • OBIEE11g: Authentication when Users are in LDAP and Groups are in a Database
  • OBIEE 11g: How To Restrict Access to OBIEE

Task Runner


  1. OBIEE 11g: Unable To Start The Presentation Server Component

    Applies to: Business Intelligence Server Enterprise Edition - Version and later Information in this document applies to any platform.

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    Navigate to Business Intelligence -> coreapplication. 'Capacity Management' tab -> 'Scalability' sub-tab. Click on 'Lock and Edit Configuration' button. Enter the IP address in the 'Listen Address' field. Click on 'Activate Changes' followed by 'Release Configuration' buttons. Restart BI Server and Presentation Services.

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  4. Unable to Start OBIEE 11g Presentation Server

    Hello All,I am trying to Start the OBIEE 11g ( Services. Checked EM, Presentation Server is showing Down. Not Started.Tried to Restarted the particular service alone, but no use. Getting the ...

  5. Unable to start presentation services in OBIEE 11g on Linux

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    If no instances are specified as arguments in the command, the administration server, managed server, and all system components, are started by default. A list of the inactive components to be started is displayed. Component (s) are started. If you don't specify -i, then start will start all inactive processes.

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  11. Oracle Exalytics: OBIEE 11g Presentation Server Does Not Restart After

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  13. Starting and Stopping Oracle Business Intelligence

    To start, stop, or restart individual Oracle Business Intelligence system components, display the Processes tab of the Availability page, then select a process for a selected server and use the appropriate button to start, stop, or restart individual system components as appropriate, as shown in Figure 4-2.

  14. Troubleshooting OBIEE 11g

    1. First check to make sure your database instance and Listener are up and running. You can do this through Enterprise Manager by connecting to the server/port. https://hostname:1158/em/. If they are not running, then start them.

  15. Unable to start BI services in OBIEE 11g

    You need to verify the AdminServer log to find out which process is not running. See path-D:\OBIEE\user_projects\domains\bifoundation_domain\servers\AdminServer\logs\AdminServer.log. Also, you can check the BI services in command prompt OPMNCTL STATUS to see which service is down then check the respective logs files for the services that are down.

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    OBIEE 11g addresses these by where possible moving administration and configuration into Fusion Middleware Control (also referred to as Enterprise Manager). To start off with something familiar, the Administration tool that was present in OBIEE 10g is also present in 11g, is also Windows-based, and is used to maintain the semantic model used by ...

  17. OBIEE 11gR1 : Architecture and Use of WebLogic Server

    With OBIEE 11g, you use Oracle WebLogic Server admin console to start up the WebLogic Managed Server that contains the OBIEE components, and then you use Oracle Fusion Middleware Control to start these individual components up. UPDATE 14-Aug-2010 : The official GA release also introduces a Windows Start Menu entry for starting all OBIEE 11g ...

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  23. OBIEE

    Authentication in an OBIEE context. USERinit block1609872.1can authenticate a user The goal of the authentication configuration is to get a confirmation of the identity of a user based on the credentials provided. In OBIEE, the credentials provided are hold in this two variables: USER PASSWORD In 10g, the authentication process is managed by the BI Server, 11g, the authentication process is ...