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Rich Assortment of Sports Dissertation Topics

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Various Dissertation Topics

Physiology and exercise.

  • The role of a physiological basis in tennis. Detailed research on the muscle tissue as an essential prerequisite for achieving success in the area.
  • Powerful muscles strong swimmers. Establishing the connection between the muscle tone and great results in swimming.
  • Gymnastics exercises and neural processes. Discovering the issues arising on the gymnasts way to a good performance.
  • Being a body builder: psychological and physiological qualities. Studying the interaction between the performance, physical exercises and nutrition among well-known body builders.
  • Special physical exercises for strengthening skeletal muscles. Muscle strength as a decisive factor in athletic activity.
  • Aging as a damaging effect on muscles. Examining muscle functions and metamorphosis among the women athletes during and after the period of menopause.
  • Physical training: morphological and neurological peculiarities of bones and muscles.
  • Nutrition as a source of strength. Exploring the up-to-date and old-fashioned ways of training. Investigating the methods of building up strength in retired basketball players.
  • Dependence of the muscle strength upon gender. Studying physiological peculiarities of women and men athletes.
  • Physical exercises suitable for elderly sportsmen. Examining the diseases the elderly gymnasts suffer from.

Nutrition and Sport

  • Direct connection between sport and nutrition. Conducting thorough research on the balanced diet for sportsmen. Investigating the influence of food on the activity of football players.
  • Athletic activity and nutrition. Analyzing different nutrition schemes for vegetarian sportsmen. Studying the effect of such schemes on athletes health.
  • Strength sport: meeting protein specifications. Identifying the role of protein in bone development and muscle stretching. Connection between protein diet and effective training.
  • Essential functions of vitamins. Examining vitamin supplements and their relation to impressive results in sport.
  • Athletes suffering from a lack of vitamins. In-depth research on the effect of carbohydrate and protein supplements on the recovery of muscle glycogen after training.
  • The amount of iron required for a good performance of athletes. Highlighting the difference between men and women.
  • Supplements and sportsmens excellence. Exploring the use of bicarbonate, glutamine, and citrate supplements and their influence on athletes achievements.
  • Caffeine and athletes accomplishments. Examining the intake of caffeine and its impact on athletes results in sport competitions.
  • Valuable properties of vitamin D. What role does it play in athletes performance? Studying the effect of vitamin D on athletes health.
  • Using the supplements prescribed by the doctor. Analyzing the position of international sports association on the use of supplements.

Physical Exercises and Sport Pharmacology

  • Drug use and spectacular results in sport. Exploring the use of drug supplements by famous athletes. Examining the performance of the athletes using supplements and those who do not use any additives.
  • Using the prescribed supplements and drugs in sport. Studying the most frequently used additives and drugs for respiratory cardiovascular diseases of athletes.
  • Exercises suitable for sportsmen with hypertension. The opinion of the international sports association on the hypertension treatment given to athletes and physically active people.
  • Pharmacology and ergogenic help in sport. Examining the diuretics use in sport. Exploring the impact of physical exercises on drug treatment for cardiovascular and respiratory diseases among popular sportsmen.
  • Sport-related measures for treating bronchial complications. Analyzing the cases when athletes have been treated for inhalation of beta2-agonist during the 2012 Olympics.
  • Tri-athletes having asthma. Exploring the effect of medication, training and exercises on the health of asthmatic sportsmen.
  • Legal use of additives and drugs in sport. Analyzing international laws on supplement and drug use in football.
  • The effect of adrenaline rush. Examining the case of women over the age of 45 in the USA and UK.
  • Chronic diseases and nutrition specifications. Studying the nutrition demands for athletes having chronic diseases.
  • Sportsmen with cardiovascular medication. Investigating the cases of cardiovascular medication use by athletes during the 2012 Olympics. Difficulties of using the heart rate as a means of measuring the intensity of exercises.

Satellite Cells

  • Therapy for stem cells. Exploring the peculiarities of stem cell therapy and measures for treating athletes for osteoarthritis and cartilage deficiencies.
  • The cycle of satellite cells. The role of satellite stem cells in regulation, growth, and muscle regeneration during physical exercises.
  • Controlling diseases. Toning muscles during exercises. Investigation of the effect of myonuclear domain on proliferation and differentiation of diseases, stem cell cycle and adaptation of a human organism.
  • The condition of satellite cells in elderly athletes. Examining the change of satellite stem cells of old and young sportsmen. Assessing the significance of satellite cells for the process of the muscle mass regulation
  • Satellite cells and testosterone. Analyzing the cellular and molecular mechanisms. Determining the connection between the peculiarities of testosterone and impressive achievements in sport.
  • Sport training and satellite stem cells. Exploring the influence of hard training on the satellite stem cells contained in the skeletal muscles of sportsmen.
  • Satellite cells, hyperplasia, and hypertrophy. Inspecting the heterogeneity of swimmers satellite cell muscles and cell division orientation.
  • Satellite stem cells development. Exploring the characteristic features of the satellite stem cells, i.e. functions, proliferation, and origin.
  • Adaptation of the satellite stem cells. Investigating the peculiarities of trapezius muscles during training or aerobics.
  • Satellite cells and components relating to age. Examining the functions and heterogeneity of the satellite stem cells of an adult athlete.

Physical Conditions and Mitochondria

  • Exploring the connection between the development, fitness and strength of mitochondria of athletes with insulin sensitivity.
  • Cell metabolism and the functions of mitochondria. Examining the role of mitochondrial overload and partial fatty acid oxidation. Analyzing their effect on the skeletal muscles increment in tough training.
  • The effect of aging on metabolism. Studying the use of anti-aging drugs with the aim of avoiding syndromes relating to metabolism among elder sportsmen.
  • Metabolic disorders. Controlling obesity and the level of insulin with the help of drugs and special exercises for skeletal muscles of sportsmen.
  • Can the level of insulin caused by fat food be decreased by the growth of muscle mitochondrion mass? Examining the role of fat food and insulin resistance during the period of strength training.
  • Is it possible to compromise both glucose tolerance and metabolic flexibility by deleting particular muscles of carnitine acetyltransferase after physical exercises? Studying muscle exercises and metabolic fitness in terms of power lifting trainings.
  • Obesity and metabolic fitness. Analyzing cellular energy transductions and their impact on obesity of athletes.
  • Deficiency of carnitine. Investigating the influence of aging and excessive nutrition on mitochondrial functions and metabolic control when doing physical exercises.
  • Type 2 diabetes and metabolic fitness. Discovering the connection between the functions of mitochondrial oxidation and type 2 diabetes during physical exercises.
  • Diseases and metabolic health. Research on the functions of lipid oxidation and mitochondrial uncoupling during mental conditioning and aerobic exercises.

Biomechanics in Sport

  • Strength training and intrinsic biomechanics. Applying pectoral bench recruitment techniques to bench pressing during weight lifting exercises.
  • Extrinsic and intrinsic biomechanics. Exploring the newbie gain and the period of its duration. Analyzing the registration of gain levels among sportsmen and sportswomen.
  • Weight exercises: nutrient supplementation and biomechanics. Studying various gain levels of people using additives and those who do not deal with any supplements when being on a diet for four months.
  • Strength training. Using the bands when undergoing strength training with the aim of growing muscle gains and maximizing positive effect.
  • Male and female athletes. Exploring the biomechanics and functions of coaching among top women athletes during intelligence exercises.
  • Temperature and biomechanics. Analyzing the functioning of athletes muscles during isometric exercises according to the temperature change. Exploring the cases of European and African athletes.
  • Puberty exercises and athletic kinds of sport. Examining the condition of women athletes before and after the puberty age and probable metabolic outcomes.
  • Biomechanics processes. The significance of being aware of biomechanics basics before doing German volume exercises.
  • Human movements and biomechanics. Making a detailed analysis of the peculiarities of cell biology biomechanics in terms of nutrition during the circuit exercises.
  • Human physiology and biological measurement. Examining the basic aspects of human physiology, physiological parameters and homeostasis processes during body building exercises.

Wellbeing and Health in Terms of Sport

  • Evaluating the functions and physical condition of people in football and aerobic training. Defining the role of structural and physical exercises in the physiological and psychological wellbeing and development of football players.
  • The importance of nutrition and physical exercises for athletes. Discovering the correlation between the physical activity and healthy food consumption of top-rated athletes.
  • Metabolic-related training and exercise development. Studying the concepts and theories relating to metabolism of nutrients in metabolic training.
  • Wellbeing from the point of view of college football players. Exploring the cases of college footballers of England.
  • Athletes welfare and achievements. The impact of mental welfare on physical activity among high-class athletes.
  • Opinion on the notion of wellbeing among swimmers. Examining the way happiness and enjoyment is connected with the accomplishments of experienced swimmers.
  • Cultural welfare in the football area. Analyzing the cases of European footballers from the point of view of their self-respect and satisfaction rate.
  • Work and wellbeing from the athletes point of view. Analyzing personal qualities of professional athletes and their input.
  • Welfare and marital status in football. Exploring the cases of single and married football players of England.
  • The role of gender, age, and subjective welfare in football training. Analyzing the alterations in physical exercises in terms of age and cross-sectional gender during strengthening football exercises.

Analyzing Psychological Issues

  • Examining the difficulties the coaches encounter when dealing with performance and behavioral intervention issues. Scrutinizing the case of the coaching fraternity in the National team of England.
  • Parenthood and training. The problems working parents having little children face and possible impact on their achievements.
  • Coaching and homosexuality. Examining the cases of gay trainers in the National Collegiate Athletic Association.
  • Cultural analysis and gender in training. Exploring cultural and gender inconsistencies in sport. Investigating the cases of Spanish football players.
  • The role of gender in coaching. Analyzing the attitude of coaches to female and male athletes.
  • Injuries in sport. Is it effective to use an implemented model of injuries to sustain psychological growth of hurt high school athletes?
  • Is being fat embarrassed? Examining the nervous tension women gymnasts suffer from because of the created body image.
  • Sport leaders. Examining the attitude of athletes to team coaches.
  • Changing ones sport career. Analyzing the psychological impact of a career change due to injuries in the football clubs of the United Kingdom.
  • Body image and food consumption. Examining the effect of food consumption by women athletes in England.

Clinical Exercise Psychology

  • Making an analysis of the positive effect of music on the intensity of physical exercises among athletes. Examining the performance of online and TV gymnasts.
  • Exploring the negative influence of smoking on childrens organism. Do pulmonary abnormalities can be caused by children athletes addiction to smoking?
  • Can the blood pressure be affected by PDE5 inhibitors? Examining the influence of applying PDE5 inhibitors by male football players.
  • The use of different training techniques. Exploring the implementation of non-uniform training and its impact on athletes achievements in the competitions.
  • The fundamental peculiarities of the training process among patients with heart diseases. Doing research on the discrepancies in rehabilitation rates among the athletes with heart diseases.
  • Physical exercises and age. Identifying the gap in the knowledge of athletes of different age range.
  • The non-impact exercises and the physiological and psychological influence they make on athletes. Examining female athletes who are over 45 years old.
  • Training in the areas with high and low altitude. Which area helps athletes achieve better results? Analyzing the accomplishments and conditions of European athletes training in the high and low altitude areas.
  • Metabolic disorders and physical exercises suitable for athletes with pulmonary and cardiac issues. Detailed examination of prescriptions, methods, training and special programs for athletes with chest and heart problems.
  • Motivational aspects of physical training. Physiological and psychological peculiarities of youth athletes. Exploring their attitude to exercises.

Sport Exercises and Science

  • Illustrating the importance of doing physical exercises and examining the influence of oral contraceptives. Examining college female athletes in the UK within the period of 6 months.
  • Athletes achievements and family ties. Doing detailed research on athletes family background and establishing a direct connection between the family and athletes success.
  • Studying the aims pursued by prospective and professional athletes. Defining similar and distinctive features.
  • Sport and autism. Carrying out an objective analysis of the achievements of children with spectrum autism and those without it in the middle school.
  • Volatile kinds of sport and androgenic anabolic steroids. Examining the cases of the mentioned steroid use in boxing.
  • The role of muscle strength in different kinds of sports and its functioning when being injured. Exploring the physical condition of male and female rugby players.
  • Women in sport. The influence of sports on the position of women in the society and their body.
  • The effect of school programs on students achievements in sport. Determining the educational establishments in England with the highest rate of success in sport.
  • Sport and leisure activities. Analyzing the lifestyle of famous English football players and its impact on sport accomplishments.
  • The attitude of hospital staff to sport as a way of spending their free time. Investigating the case of a particular hospital.

sports injury dissertation topics

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20 great research ideas for your dissertation on sports, sponsored post.

  • February 28, 2020

A degree in Sports Science will place students in careers such as sports therapy, coaching, personal training, sports nutrition, and sports management, among others. You can also become an event organizer, a sports psychologist, or a sports researcher. As such, students looking for sport science dissertation ideas should pick only those ideas that can help progress their careers in the future. Below are simple sport dissertation ideas you might consider:

sports injury dissertation topics

Dissertation Questions and Topics on Exercise and Muscle Strength

1. How does exercise enhance performance in football? You can study muscle strength as the main factor in enhancing the success of elite footballer in the UK

2. Exercise, muscle strength, and swimming: A case study of the effects of exercises on human physiology and skeletal muscle functions in swimming

3. Physical and psychological effects of long term bodybuilding: How does long term bodybuilding affect the mind and the body, and what is the role of nutrition in all these?

4. Effects of prolonged exercise and sports on aging: A study on muscle degeneration among women athletes before and in menopause and beyond

5. Nutrition in sports during the active years and beyond: A case study of active and retired athletes and how nutrition affects their health.

6. Muscle strength and gender: Comparing how muscle transformations in male and female athletes and the role of nutrition 

Sport Dissertation Examples in Nutrition  

7. Pre-game diet and performance: A comparative study on hoe different diet taken before a game affect performance in males and females

8. Protein requirements in sports: A study on protein supplementation for optimal performance in sports, strength training, and bone development

9. Vitamins and athlete performance: Does vitamin supplementation enhance performance in the field?

10.  Supplements and performance in the field: Does the use of supplements such as citrate, bicarbonate, glutamine, and others help in sports performance?

There are so many more dissertation topics in sports nutrition. You can search for these online, and you can come up with more, especially on challenges that athletes in your locality face. Either you do your research from scratch or ask for help with a dissertation from a writer with PhD on Writix , choosing the right topic is crucial. Dissertation order platforms can provide you with some ideas on topics as well. 

Interesting EPQ Topics in Sports Pharmacology  

11.  The effects of prescribed supplements in athletics: Does the use of supplements and other drugs affect performance for athletes with respiratory and cardiovascular diseases?

12.  Hypertension and sports: What the International Sports Association stands for in the management of hypertension for active patients.

13.  The use of Diuretics in sports: A case study on the effects of the use of diuretics on physical activities among elite athletes

14.  Asthmatic tri-athletes: How do strenuous training and medication affect asthmatic athletes?

15.  Adrenaline rush and race: A case study of adrenaline production during sports in black and white males and females in the UK

Sport Science Dissertation Ideas in Health and Well-Being  

16.  Optimal performance and metabolic training: Examining all case studies on the metabolism of nutrients during metabolic training among elite athletes

17.  Subject health and well-being among college footballers: A case study of the health and psychological well-being of college footballers in Wales. This can be one of these interesting EPQ topics.

18.  Athletes’ psychological stability and performance: How does mental well-being influence performance among elite athletes?

19.  Swimming and satisfaction in life: A study on life satisfaction and happiness among active swimming professionals

20.  Cultural and racial well-being in football: A case study of white and black footballers and their self-esteem, and how that affects performance in football clubs in England.

Sport Dissertation Ideas on Other Topics  

The list of dissertation questions and topics is almost endless. Other sport dissertation examples you can pursue include the hardships coaches face on behavioral intervention, effects of parenthood on exercise and performance, homosexuality and its effects on coaching, how gender affects coaching sports achievements, the use of integrated model of sport injury for psychological improvements, and fatness among high school gymnasts and how it affects their esteem.

Interesting EPQ topics on clinical exercise psychology include the effect of music on exercise intensity , effects of smoking on athletes, effects of PDE5 inhibitors on blood pressure, resistance training and cardiac patients, among others. 


You can ask for help coming up with sport dissertation ideas from an online service and then carry out the research yourself. With thousands of sport dissertation examples, the most appropriate idea for your research should be one that matches your career aspirations. You can also research an issue that affects most athletes internationally or locally. In such a case, you do not need an idea from an online source as you can create sports science dissertation ideas on your own. When doing so, consider dissertation questions in medicine, supplementation, nutrition, psychology, family, and management, the industry as a whole, coaching, and much more. 

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7 Kinesiology Research Topics for a Dissertation

Kinesiology, the scientific study of human movement and physical performance, offers a broad array of research topics for dissertations. The field is evolving rapidly, with new findings and developments in exercise science, making it a rich ground for scholarly exploration. In this article, we’ll explore seven emerging kinesiology research topics, discuss how to formulate a dissertation topic, and outline what makes for a successful dissertation or research paper.

Research Topics for Kinesiology PhD Students

In a PhD program, students are expected to craft a unique dissertation that contributes to the field’s body of knowledge. Below are some detailed research topics for kinesiology PhD students, starting with biomechanics of injury prevention in sports.

1. Biomechanics of Injury Prevention in Sports

Injury prevention is a critical area in kinesiology. With the rise of high-intensity sports and physical exercise training programs, understanding the biomechanics behind injuries is crucial. Research can focus on identifying risk factors, developing new techniques or equipment to reduce injuries, or analyzing movement patterns that predispose athletes to specific injuries.

Formulation Tip: Narrow your focus to a particular sport or type of injury. For instance, “Biomechanical Analysis of ACL Injury Prevention in Female Soccer Players.”

2. Neuromuscular Adaptations to Strength Training

Neuromuscular adaptations are essential for improving athletic performance. This topic investigates how muscles and nerves adapt to different training regimens. Research can explore the differences in adaptations based on age, gender, or the type of strength and resistance training performed.

Formulation Tip: Consider a specific population or training method. For example, “Neuromuscular Adaptations in Elderly Adults Engaged in High-Intensity Interval Training.”

3. The Impact of Wearable Technology on Physical Activity and Health

Wearable technology, such as fitness trackers and smartwatches, has become ubiquitous in sport science. Research in this area can assess the accuracy of these devices, their impact on physical activity levels, and their potential to improve health outcomes.

Formulation Tip: Focus on a particular demographic or health outcome. For instance, “The Effectiveness of Wearable Fitness Trackers in Promoting Physical Activity Among Sedentary Office Workers.”

4. Psychological Factors in Athletic Performance

Exercise psychology plays a significant role in athletic performance. This research topic can delve into how mental health factors such as motivation, stress, and anxiety influence performance. It can also explore psychological interventions to enhance performance.

Formulation Tip: Choose a specific psychological factor and sport. For example, “The Role of Mental Toughness in Endurance Sports Performance.”

5. Exercise Physiology and Chronic Disease Management

Exercise physiology’s role in managing chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity is a growing research area. Studies can take an in-depth look at how different types of exercise affect disease progression and management.

Formulation Tip: Target a specific chronic disease and exercise type. For instance, “The Impact of Aerobic Exercise on Blood Glucose Control in Type 2 Diabetes Patients.”

6. Gender Differences in Sports Performance

Gender differences in sports performance remain a contentious and highly researched topic. This area can explore physiological, biomechanical, and psychological differences between male and female athletes and how these differences influence training and performance.

Formulation Tip: Focus on a specific aspect of performance. For example, “Gender Differences in Recovery Rates Following High-Intensity Interval Training.”

7. The Role of Nutrition in Athletic Performance

Nutrition is fundamental to athletic performance. Research can investigate the effects and health benefits of various diets, sports supplements, and hydration strategies on performance and recovery. This area is particularly relevant given the proliferation of new dietary trends and supplements.

Formulation Tip: Focus on a specific nutrient or dietary approach. For instance, “The Effects of Ketogenic Diet on Endurance Performance in Long-Distance Runners.”

Formulating Your Dissertation Topic

When formulating your dissertation topic, consider the following steps during the research process:

  • Identify Your Research Interests: Choose a topic that genuinely interests you, as you will be dedicating a significant amount of time and effort to this research.
  • Conduct an Existing Literature Review: This helps you understand the current state of research and identify gaps that your dissertation can fill.
  • Define Your Research Question: Your research question should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
  • Consult with Advisors: Seek input from your academic advisors and mentors to refine your potential kinesiology research paper topics to ensure their feasibility.
  • Consider the Scope: Ensure that your topic is neither too broad nor too narrow. It should be manageable within the time frame and resources available.

What Makes for a Successful Dissertation?

A successful dissertation in kinesiology should possess the following qualities:

  • Originality: Your research should contribute new knowledge or insights to the field.
  • Relevance: The topic should address a significant issue or gap in current research.
  • Methodological Rigor: Use appropriate and robust research methods to ensure the validity and reliability of your findings.
  • Clarity: Your writing should be clear, concise, and well-organized. Each section should logically flow into the next.
  • Comprehensive Literature Review: Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the existing research and how your work fits into the broader context.
  • Strong Data Analysis: Employ rigorous data analysis techniques and clearly present your findings.
  • Implications and Recommendations: Discuss the implications of your findings for practice, policy, and future research. Provide practical recommendations based on your results.

Contribute to the Field with CSP Global’s Kinesiology Program 

Choosing a dissertation topic in kinesiology can be challenging but immensely rewarding. By focusing on emerging and relevant research areas, you can contribute valuable insights to the field. Whether it’s the biomechanics of injury prevention or the psychological factors influencing athletic performance, your research can have a significant impact. Remember to formulate your topic carefully, ensure methodological rigor, and contribute original knowledge to make your dissertation a success.

CSP Global offers 100% online doctoral programs in kinesiology. Earn your PhD or EdD in our student-centered online programs. CSP Global’s kinesiology doctoral programs are taught by world-class instructors and provide students with opportunities to gain real-world experience in the field of health sciences. Students can expect to learn deep research methods, complete a research dissertation, and graduate ready to advance their careers in kinesiology.

Level up by earning your doctorate from CSP Global. If you’re interested in learning more about earning a Doctorate in Kinesiology please contact us .

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Home » 500+ Sports Research Topics

500+ Sports Research Topics

Sports Research Topics

Sports research topics cover a vast array of areas in the world of athletics, from the physical and psychological impacts of sport on athletes to the social and cultural implications of sports on society. Sports research can include studies on training techniques, nutrition, injury prevention, performance enhancement, and much more. It can also explore the societal impact of sports, such as the role of sports in shaping national identities, gender roles, and cultural values. As a result, the field of sports research provides a unique lens through which to understand the complex relationship between sports and society, and offers insights that can benefit athletes, coaches, and sports enthusiasts alike. In this post, we will explore some of the most fascinating and important sports research topics that are currently being investigated.

Sports Research Topics

Sports Research Topics are as follows:

  • The psychological benefits of participating in team sports
  • The impact of sports on academic achievement
  • The role of sports in promoting physical health and fitness
  • The impact of sports on mental health and well-being
  • The benefits and drawbacks of early specialization in youth sports
  • The relationship between sports and character development
  • The role of sports in building social capital and community cohesion
  • The impact of technology on sports training and performance
  • The influence of gender on sports participation and achievement
  • The impact of culture on sports participation and achievement
  • The economics of professional sports: salaries, revenue, and team valuations
  • The role of sports in promoting diversity and inclusion
  • The impact of sports on political and social change
  • The impact of sports sponsorship on consumer behavior
  • The impact of doping in sports on athlete health and performance
  • The role of nutrition in sports performance
  • The impact of weather conditions on sports performance
  • The influence of crowd behavior on sports performance and player behavior
  • The impact of sports injuries on athlete health and career longevity
  • The impact of sports on tourism and local economies
  • The role of sports in promoting peace and conflict resolution
  • The impact of globalization on sports and their respective cultures
  • The impact of sports on national identity and patriotism
  • The impact of sports media on fan behavior and athlete performance
  • The impact of sports on the environment
  • The influence of sports fans on team strategy and decision-making
  • The impact of sports gambling on sports integrity and athlete health
  • The impact of sports specialization on long-term athlete development
  • The influence of sports referees and officials on game outcomes
  • The role of technology in sports officiating and decision-making
  • The impact of sports on youth development and socialization
  • The role of sports in promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment
  • The impact of sports on personal identity and self-esteem
  • The role of sports in promoting physical literacy and lifelong physical activity
  • The impact of fan behavior on athlete mental health and well-being
  • The influence of sports broadcasters on fan behavior and attitudes
  • The role of sports in promoting healthy competition and fair play
  • The impact of sports participation on academic performance in children
  • The influence of social media on athlete behavior and fan engagement
  • The impact of sports on international diplomacy and political relations
  • The influence of coach behavior on athlete mental health and performance
  • The role of sports in promoting cultural understanding and awareness
  • The impact of sports science on athlete training and performance
  • The impact of youth sports on parent-child relationships
  • The influence of sports team culture on athlete behavior and performance
  • The role of sports in promoting environmental sustainability
  • The impact of sports on social mobility and economic inequality
  • The influence of sports on global health issues
  • The impact of sports on regional and national identity
  • The role of sports in promoting positive youth development and resilience.
  • The impact of technology on sports performance
  • The effects of altitude on ball flight in sports like golf and tennis
  • The effects of sports on stress management
  • The impact of COVID-19 on the sports industry
  • The impact of technology on sports officiating and rule enforcement
  • The role of sports in promoting cultural heritage and preservation
  • The impact of sports on mental toughness and resilience among athletes
  • The effects of different types of recovery interventions on sports injury rehabilitation
  • The role of sports in promoting intergenerational connections and social capital
  • The effects of different types of sports psychology interventions on team dynamics and performance in professional sports
  • The role of sports in promoting peacebuilding and conflict resolution in divided societies
  • The impact of sports on career development and job satisfaction among sports journalists
  • The effects of different types of recovery interventions on injury prevention and performance in powerlifting
  • The role of sports in promoting social innovation and entrepreneurship among youth
  • The impact of sports on social identity and community building among refugees and immigrants
  • The effects of different types of sports nutrition interventions on brain health and cognitive function in older adults
  • The role of sports in promoting sustainable urban development and active transportation
  • The impact of sports on social capital and political engagement among LGBTQ+ athletes
  • The effects of different types of training interventions on injury prevention and recovery in equestrian sports.
  • The impact of sports on body image and self-esteem among female athletes
  • The effects of different types of sports equipment on performance and injury risk in extreme sports
  • The role of sports in promoting cultural diplomacy and international relations
  • The impact of sports on emotional regulation and mental health among adolescent athletes
  • The effects of different types of nutrition interventions on injury prevention and recovery in team sports
  • The role of sports in promoting civic engagement and political participation among athletes
  • The impact of sports on cognitive development and academic achievement in early childhood
  • The effects of different types of sports psychology interventions on sports performance and mental health
  • The role of sports in promoting environmental education and sustainability in schools
  • The impact of sports on career development and employability among retired athletes
  • The effects of different types of mindfulness interventions on sports performance and well-being
  • The role of sports in promoting intercultural dialogue and understanding
  • The impact of sports on emotional intelligence and leadership development among coaches
  • The effects of different types of sports supplements on performance and health outcomes
  • The role of sports in promoting disaster risk reduction and resilience in coastal communities
  • The impact of sports on social identity and group dynamics in fan communities
  • The effects of different types of sports training on injury prevention and recovery in power sports
  • The role of sports in promoting digital literacy and technological innovation in youth
  • The impact of sports on social-emotional learning and character development in schools
  • The effects of different types of nutrition interventions on sports performance and cognitive function in older adults
  • The role of sports in promoting gender equity and empowerment in sports organizations
  • The impact of sports on cultural identity and community building among Indigenous peoples
  • The effects of different types of training interventions on injury prevention and recovery in para-athletes
  • The role of sports in promoting global health and disease prevention
  • The impact of sports on social support and mental health among parents of youth athletes
  • The effects of different types of recovery interventions on sports performance and injury prevention in master athletes
  • The role of sports in promoting community-based health education and behavior change
  • The impact of sports on identity development and socialization among adolescent girls
  • The effects of different types of sports nutrition interventions on gut microbiota and health outcomes
  • The role of sports in promoting intercultural communication and language learning
  • The impact of sports on psychological well-being and job satisfaction among sports officials
  • The effects of different types of mindfulness interventions on injury prevention and recovery in endurance sports
  • The role of sports in promoting sustainable tourism and economic development in rural areas
  • The impact of sports on social integration and inclusion among individuals with disabilities
  • The effects of different types of sports equipment on biomechanics and performance in precision sports
  • The role of sports in promoting community resilience and disaster risk reduction in urban areas
  • The impact of sports on social-emotional development and academic achievement among at-risk youth
  • The effects of different types of sports nutrition interventions on immune function and health outcomes
  • The role of sports in promoting social justice and human rights in sport governance
  • The impact of sports on community development and social capital in post-conflict areas
  • The effects of different types of resistance training on injury prevention and recovery in endurance athletes
  • The role of sports in promoting intergenerational relationships and aging well-being
  • The impact of sports on social support and mental health among retired athletes
  • The role of sports in promoting civic activism and social change
  • The impact of sports on sleep quality and quantity in professional athletes
  • The effects of different types of stretching on recovery and injury prevention
  • The role of sports in promoting environmental justice and sustainability
  • The impact of sports on emotional intelligence and social skills among youth athletes
  • The effects of different types of resistance training on sports performance
  • The role of sports in promoting peace and conflict resolution in divided societies
  • The impact of sports on academic achievement and career success among athletes
  • The effects of different types of endurance training on injury prevention and recovery
  • The role of sports in promoting cultural diversity and inclusion
  • The impact of sports on team cohesion and communication
  • The effects of different types of dietary interventions on sports performance and recovery
  • The role of sports in promoting mental health and well-being in marginalized communities
  • The impact of sports on cognitive function and academic achievement in children
  • The effects of different types of cooling interventions on sports performance and recovery
  • The role of sports in promoting community resilience and disaster preparedness
  • The impact of sports on social capital and social mobility in low-income communities
  • The effects of different types of sports nutrition interventions on bone health and injury prevention
  • The role of sports in promoting global citizenship and intercultural competence
  • The impact of sports on personal and professional development among athletes
  • The effects of different types of training programs on sports performance and injury prevention in older adults
  • The role of sports in promoting human rights and social justice
  • The impact of sports on decision-making and risk-taking behavior in adolescents
  • The effects of different types of aerobic exercise on cognitive function and brain health
  • The role of sports in promoting sustainable development and social innovation
  • The impact of sports on social integration and belonging among refugees and immigrants
  • The effects of different types of sports equipment on injury risk and performance
  • The role of sports in promoting gender equality and empowerment in developing countries
  • The impact of sports on academic engagement and achievement among middle school students
  • The effects of different types of hydration interventions on sports performance and recovery
  • The role of sports in promoting community-based tourism and economic development
  • The impact of sports on identity formation and self-concept among athletes
  • The effects of different types of sports training on bone health and injury prevention in female athletes
  • The role of sports in promoting environmental conservation and climate action
  • The impact of sports on personal values and character development among athletes
  • The effects of different types of sports nutrition interventions on cardiovascular health and performance
  • The role of sports in promoting community-based disaster response and recovery
  • The impact of sports on social support and well-being among LGBTQ+ athletes
  • The effects of different types of recovery interventions on injury rehabilitation and return to play in professional athletes
  • The role of sports in promoting social entrepreneurship and innovation
  • The impact of sports on moral reasoning and ethical decision-making among athletes
  • The effects of different types of training programs on cognitive function and academic achievement in children
  • The role of sports in promoting social inclusion and equality in urban settings
  • The impact of sports on social identity and collective action among fans
  • The effects of different types of recovery interventions on sports performance and injury prevention in adolescent athletes
  • The effects of different types of recovery modalities on injury prevention in sports
  • The role of sports in promoting cultural diplomacy
  • The impact of sports participation on academic achievement among college students
  • The effects of different types of hydration strategies on sports performance
  • The role of sports in promoting social cohesion and community building
  • The impact of sports on physical and cognitive aging
  • The effects of different types of warm-down on sports performance and injury prevention
  • The role of sports in promoting positive youth development
  • The impact of sports on crime and delinquency among youth
  • The effects of different types of endurance training on sports performance
  • The role of sports in promoting gender equity and empowerment
  • The impact of sports on mental health among athletes
  • The effects of different types of carbohydrate intake on sports performance
  • The role of sports in promoting international relations and diplomacy
  • The impact of sports on body image and self-esteem among adolescents
  • The effects of different types of sports drinks on sports performance
  • The role of sports in promoting environmental sustainability and conservation
  • The impact of sports on cognitive function and brain health
  • The effects of different types of sports psychology interventions on sports performance
  • The role of sports in promoting social justice and human rights
  • The impact of sports on physical activity levels and sedentary behavior
  • The effects of different types of pre-game nutrition on sports performance
  • The role of sports in promoting economic development and tourism
  • The impact of sports on cultural and national identity
  • The effects of different types of footwear on injury risk in sports
  • The role of sports in promoting civic engagement and democracy
  • The impact of sports on sleep quality and quantity
  • The effects of different types of anaerobic training on sports performance
  • The role of sports in promoting intergenerational relationships and socialization
  • The impact of sports on body composition and weight management
  • The effects of different types of sports psychology interventions on injury prevention and recovery
  • The role of sports in promoting peacebuilding and conflict resolution
  • The impact of sports on self-efficacy and self-esteem among athletes
  • The effects of different types of protein intake on sports performance
  • The role of sports in promoting health equity and reducing health disparities
  • The impact of sports on social capital and community resilience
  • The effects of different types of high-intensity interval training on sports performance
  • The impact of sports on stress and stress-related disorders
  • The effects of different types of dietary supplements on sports performance
  • The role of sports in promoting human development and well-being
  • The impact of sports on emotional regulation and mental health
  • The effects of different types of strength training on sports performance
  • The role of sports in promoting social innovation and entrepreneurship
  • The impact of sports on social identity and belonging
  • The effects of different types of cognitive training on sports performance
  • The role of sports in promoting disaster resilience and preparedness
  • The impact of sports on academic engagement and achievement among high school students
  • The effects of different types of stretching on injury prevention and sports performance.
  • The effects of different types of training on athletic performance
  • The effectiveness of different coaching styles in sports
  • The role of nutrition in athletic performance
  • The psychology of injury rehabilitation in sports
  • The use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports
  • The role of sports in promoting physical and mental health
  • The impact of social media on sports marketing
  • The effectiveness of sports marketing campaigns
  • The effects of gender and ethnicity on sports participation and performance
  • The impact of sports sponsorship on athlete performance
  • The role of sports in promoting teamwork and leadership
  • The effects of environmental conditions on sports performance
  • The impact of sports on community development
  • The psychology of winning and losing in sports
  • The effects of sleep on sports performance
  • The use of virtual reality in sports training
  • The impact of sports injuries on athletes’ careers
  • The effects of altitude on athletic performance
  • The use of data analysis in sports performance assessment
  • The role of sports in reducing stress and anxiety
  • The impact of sports on academic performance
  • The effects of different sports on cardiovascular health
  • The use of cryotherapy in sports recovery
  • The impact of social media on sports fans and fandom
  • The effects of different types of footwear on sports performance
  • The role of sports in promoting physical activity among children and adolescents
  • The effects of different types of stretching on sports performance
  • The impact of sports on social and cultural values
  • The effects of hydration on sports performance
  • The role of sports in promoting global understanding and diplomacy
  • The effects of different types of surfaces on sports performance
  • The impact of sports on economic development
  • The impact of sports on mental toughness and resilience
  • The effects of different types of recovery methods on sports performance
  • The use of mindfulness in sports performance and injury recovery
  • The impact of sports on environmental sustainability
  • The effects of different types of warm-up on sports performance
  • The role of sports in promoting tourism and travel
  • The impact of sports on crime reduction and community safety
  • The effects of different types of sports equipment on performance
  • The impact of sports on job creation and employment opportunities
  • The effects of different types of physical activity on mental health
  • The role of sports in promoting social mobility and equality
  • The impact of sports on identity formation and socialization
  • The effects of different types of pre-game rituals on sports performance.
  • The role of sports in promoting healthy aging
  • The impact of sports on conflict resolution among youth
  • The effects of sports on job satisfaction and productivity
  • The role of sports in promoting environmental conservation
  • The impact of sports on language proficiency and communication skills
  • The effects of sports on the development of social skills
  • The role of sports in promoting peaceful coexistence and tolerance
  • The impact of sports on community building and cohesion
  • The effects of different types of sports on hand-eye coordination
  • The impact of sports on personal growth and self-discovery
  • The effects of sports on cultural competency
  • The role of sports in promoting social and emotional learning
  • The impact of sports on community health
  • The effects of different types of sports on reaction time
  • The role of sports in promoting social justice and equity
  • The impact of sports on academic motivation and achievement
  • The effects of sports on the development of grit and resilience
  • The role of sports in promoting civic engagement and social responsibility.
  • The impact of sports on tourism
  • The role of sports in promoting physical activity
  • The effects of playing sports on cognitive development
  • The impact of sports on political identity
  • The effects of sports on self-esteem and body image
  • The role of sports in promoting teamwork and collaboration
  • The effects of different coaching styles on athlete performance
  • The impact of sports on national security
  • The role of sports in promoting cultural exchange and diplomacy
  • The effects of sports on language acquisition
  • The impact of sports on family dynamics
  • The role of sports in promoting conflict resolution
  • The impact of sports on social mobility
  • The effects of different types of training on injury prevention
  • The role of sports in promoting global health
  • The effects of sports on decision-making and risk-taking behavior
  • The role of sports in promoting physical and mental well-being
  • The impact of sports on social justice
  • The effects of sports on academic achievement among at-risk youth
  • The role of sports in promoting cultural heritage
  • The impact of sports on personal identity
  • The effects of sports on emotional intelligence and empathy
  • The role of sports in promoting gender equality
  • The impact of sports on identity formation
  • The effects of different types of sports on balance and coordination
  • The role of sports in promoting social capital
  • The impact of sports on social integration and inclusion
  • The effects of training at high altitudes on athletic performance
  • The psychological factors that contribute to athlete burnout
  • The relationship between sleep and athletic performance
  • The effects of music on sports performance
  • The effects of caffeine on sports performance
  • The impact of climate on sports performance
  • The use of supplements in sports performance
  • The role of genetics in sports performance
  • The effects of aging on sports performance
  • The impact of sports injuries on athlete’s careers
  • The relationship between sports and mental health
  • The effects of gender on sports performance
  • The impact of social media on sports
  • The effects of sports fandom on mental health
  • The use of technology in sports coaching
  • The impact of team culture on sports performance
  • The effects of sports specialization on athlete development
  • The role of sports psychology in athlete performance
  • The effects of plyometric training on athletic performance
  • The impact of climate change on outdoor sports
  • The effects of team dynamics on sports performance
  • The impact of sports participation on academic achievement
  • The effects of sports sponsorship on athlete performance
  • The role of biomechanics in sports performance
  • The effects of stretching on sports performance
  • The impact of sports equipment on performance
  • The effects of altitude training on endurance sports performance
  • The effects of different types of training on sports performance
  • The role of nutrition in injury prevention
  • The effects of mental preparation on sports performance
  • The effects of climate on indoor sports performance
  • The role of sports in cultural identity
  • The impact of sports participation on youth development
  • The effects of strength training on sports performance
  • The role of coaches in athlete development
  • The impact of sports on national identity
  • The effects of different playing surfaces on sports performance
  • The role of recovery in sports performance
  • The impact of sports on local economies
  • The impact of sports on gender and racial equality
  • The effects of team size on sports performance
  • The role of sports in promoting social inclusion
  • The effects of sports on personal development
  • The impact of sports on conflict resolution
  • The effects of sports on leadership development

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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The term ‘ Sports’ refers to all extracurricular activities involving games of physical or mental abilities. Sports have become increasingly popular worldwide, with many people pursuing professional careers in soccer and cricket . As a result, more students are now choosing sports as their graduation subjects, which offers opportunities for both physical and professional development. Thus, students must look for inspiring sports dissertation topics for their dissertation modules.

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Prime sports thesis topics, top grade thesis topics in sports, why is it important to find good sports dissertation topics for your dissertation.

Choosing good sports dissertation topics is vital for a successful dissertation because it ensures your research addresses important aspects of sports. Whether you're exploring athletic training research topics, looking into research paper sports topics, or focusing on research topics in sports psychology or sports management, a well-chosen topic makes your study relevant. It helps you delve deep into subjects that matter, making your research impactful and contributing valuable insights to the sports field. So, finding the right sports dissertation topic is crucial for creating meaningful and influential research.

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Sports Research Topics Ideas: Inspiring Questions

June 16, 2023

Sports always attract public attention and interest, which is why they make for fascinating subjects of research. Whether you’re studying sports psychology, marketing, or sociology, or any other related field, there’s no shortage of topics to investigate. However, it can be challenging to come up with creative and inspiring research topics that will stand out from the rest. In this article, we’ll explore some sports research topics ideas to help you get started on your next research project.

Sport Research: What It Comprises

Unfortunately, many people think sports are not a serious subject in school. They only see it as a way to have fun and relax. However, there is more to sports than meets the eye. Sports are a discipline that requires great strength, endurance, and determination.

Sports research may be defined as the process of examining the different aspects of sports, comprising their history, rules and regulations, techniques used by various players, and other related issues. It can also be referred to as sport or athletics studies, usually conducted by experts in this field.

Researchers are interested in all aspects of sports such as:

  • Participation and performance
  • Sport for health and well-being
  • Sport as a business
  • Sporting cultures
  • Sporting events and their organization

How to Choose a Topic for Your Sports Study?

Sports research is a wide and varied field. There are many different sports and activities that can be studied, and there are many different topics within each sport studied.

What makes a good sports research topic? Is there a formula for choosing the right one? Or should it just be something that you are passionate about? How do you know if youths selected topic is going to be interesting to others?

Let’s take a look at some of the factors that go into choosing the right topic:

  • Is it something that interests you?
  • Do you have access to information about it?
  • Can you find people who will talk to you about it?
  • Is it connected with the current situation?

Research Topics in Sports Theory

  • The impact of different factors on athletes
  • Investigating athlete personality traits and team dynamics in competitive games
  • The effectiveness of coaching strategies for optimizing athlete productivity
  • The role of physical conditioning and nutrition in preventing injuries during games
  • A comparison of sports policies and practices in various countries
  • The intersection of race, gender, and sports
  • Understanding the role of motivation for athlete productivity
  • Technology and sports performance interconnection
  • Investigating the role of sports in promoting social inclusion and community progress
  • Examining the ethics of sports competition: a critical analysis of controversies and dilemmas
  • The use of sports as a tool for conflict resolution and peace building
  • Investigating the impact of sponsorship on team dynamics, and fan engagement
  • The role of sports in promoting health and wellbeing
  • Thel effects of doping during games
  • Investigating the role of sports in promoting environmental sustainability
  • The role of media in shaping sports discourse and public perception
  • Examining the role of sports in promoting cultural heritage and identity
  • Sports tourism in local economies and communities
  • A critical analysis of the philosophy of sports
  • Examining the meaning and purpose of sports from various theoretical perspectives

Sports Nutrition Topics

  • Does nutrition affect performance?
  • Dietary supplements and sportsmen`s health
  • Macronutrients applying for optimizing sports results
  • Investigating the effects of hydration on performance
  • The effects of carbohydrate and fat intake on exercise metabolism
  • Analyzing different diets for sportsmen
  • The impact of timing of nutrient intake on sports performance
  • The effectiveness of various nutritional interventions in improving sports achievements
  • Examining the impact of micronutrient status on athlete’s performance
  • Nutrition for preventing and managing sports-related traumas
  • Analyzing the effects of nutritional interventions on bone health in sportsmen
  • The impact of caffeine on sports performance and exercise metabolism
  • Examining the role of probiotics in sports nutrition
  • The effects of nutritional interventions on immune function in athletes
  • The impact of nutrition on recovery from exercise-induced muscle damage
  • Analyzing the effects of carbohydrate and protein co-ingestion on muscle glycogen resynthesis
  • The role of omega-3 fatty acids in sports nutrition
  • The impact of nutrition on cognitive function and mood in sportsmen
  • Examining the effects of nutrition on gut health in athletes
  • The influence of individualized nutrition interventions on sports and health outcomes

Inspiring Research Topics in Athletics

  • The Impact of Mental Training on Performance in Track and Field Athletes
  • The effects of altitude training on endurance running performance
  • Investigating the role of genetics in athletic performance
  • Analyzing the biomechanics of a successful high jump: a case study
  • Nutritional strategies for optimizing athletic performance in long distance runners
  • Investigating the effects of different warm-up protocols on athletic performance in sprinters
  • Examining the psychological factors involved in overcoming performance slumps in athletics
  • Investigating the physiological and biomechanical demands of pole vaulting
  • The effects of plyometric training on vertical jump performance in track and field athletes
  • Analyzing the impact of footwear on the performance of long jump athletes

Football Research Topics 

  • The impact of tactical innovations on football performance
  • Investigating the effects of home advantage on footballers’ productivity
  • The influence of physical and technical attributes on football performance
  • Analyzing the effects of playing surface on injury rates
  • Investigating the relationship between psychological factors and footballers’ results
  • The impact of football on physical and mental health outcomes
  • Examining the effects of different training methodologies on football performance
  • The influence of VAR on football performance and decision-making
  • The role of leadership in football team playing
  • Analyzing the effects of football fan behavior on players’ mental health and well-being
  • Investigating the relationship between team cohesion and footballers productivity
  • The impact of football sponsorship on team performance and behavior
  • Examining the effects of nutritional interventions on footballers’ success
  • Investigating the impact of social media on football performance and behavior
  • The role of match officials in decision-making
  • The effects of fatigue on football performance
  • The impact of football academies on player development
  • The influence of playing style on football games
  • Examining the impact of football on community development and social change
  • Investigating the effects of football on cognitive function and brain health in retired players

Tennis Research Topics

  • The impact of racquet technology on tennis
  • The effects of psychological factors on tennis performance
  • Physical fitness and tennis: A comparative study of male and female players.
  • The role of nutrition in optimizing tennis performance
  • The effects of different playing surfaces on tennis injury rates
  • Analyzing the effects of pre-match routines on tennis performance
  • Investigating the impact of equipment customization on tennis playing
  • Examining the effects of match format on tennis behavior
  • The role of coach-player relationships in tennis playing
  • Investigating the impact of playing style on tennis performance
  • The effects of fatigue on tennis players’ productivity
  • Injuries and tennis: A longitudinal study of professional players.
  • The influence of altitude on tennis performance
  • Examining the impact of video analysis on tennis performance
  • The role of sleep in tennis recovery
  • The impact of tennis on bone health and risk of osteoporosis
  • Analyzing the effects of grip style on tennis playing
  • Investigating the impact of player behavior on tennis spectator experience
  • The effects of gender on tennis performance
  • The role of parent-child relationships in tennis perfomance

Research Topics in Sports Injury 

  • Rehabilitation interventions and sports injury recovery: A systematic review
  • Investigating the prevalence and risk factors of ACL injuries in football players
  • The impact of concussion on athlete health and performance
  • The effects of psychological factors on sports injury occurrence and recovery
  • The effectiveness of injury prevention programs in reducing injury rates in sports
  • Analyzing the impact of footwear on sports injury rates and prevention
  • Physical conditioning and sports injury prevention and recovery: A case study of rugby
  • The effects of gender on sports injury occurrence and recovery
  • Examining the impact of weather conditions on sports injury
  • Nutrition for sports injury prevention and recovery
  • The impact of training load on sports injury occurrence and recovery
  • Investigating the effects of different warm-up protocols on sports injury prevention and performance
  • The influence of sports specialization on injury occurrence and recovery
  • Analyzing the effects of playing surface on sports injury rates and prevention
  • Investigating the impact of sports rules and regulations on injury occurrence and prevention
  • The role of sports officials in injury occurrence and prevention
  • The effectiveness of physical therapy interventions on sports injury recovery
  • The effects of sleep on sports injury occurrence and recovery
  • Analyzing the influence of biomechanical factors on sports injury occurrence and recovery
  • Investigating the impact of sports injury on athletes’ psychological well-being and mental health

Sports Doping Research Topics 

  • The prevalence and motivations of doping in professional sports
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of anti-doping policies and regulations in preventing doping in sports
  • The effects of different doping substances on sports performance
  • The role of genetics in doping susceptibility and detection
  • The impact of social and cultural factors on doping in sports
  • Analyzing the effects of doping on athletes’ health and well-being
  • Investigating the impact of doping on the integrity and fairness of sports competitions
  • Examining the effectiveness of doping detection methods and technologies
  • Sports organizations for preventing and detecting doping in sports
  • The effects of doping on athletes’ mental health and well-being
  • The influence of media coverage on doping in sports
  • The role of supplements and sports nutrition in doping
  • Doping and athletes’ post-career health and well-being
  • Examining the impact of national policies and cultural differences on doping in sports
  • Education and prevention programs in preventing doping in sports
  • Analyzing the impact of doping on athletes’ career trajectories and success
  • Investigating the effectiveness of rehabilitation and treatment programs for athletes who have used doping substances
  • Doping and athletes’ relationships with their coaches and teammates
  • The influence of new doping substances and technologies on sports doping
  • The ethics and philosophical implications of doping in sports

Sports research is an important part of any sport. It can help you to understand the game better, learn new skills, and improve the performance. This type of study is also important for those who want to pursue a career in the sports industry.

If you are an athlete or coach who is looking to conduct research, we have the perfect solution for you! Custom Writing professional staff will take care of all of the details, so that you can focus on doing what you do best — playing and coaching.

We are ready to write any type of academic document for you according to your instructions and requirements. We offer affordable prices for all types of papers! We guarantee that you will receive top-quality work delivered on time! If you have any questions feel free to contact us via email or live chat service anytime 24/7!

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Sports Dissertation Topics

Sport and Exercise offers a variety of areas to explore due to the variety of research topics and disciplines that can be investigated. This can include using your dissertation to research areas such as nutrition, performance enhancement, psychology, biomechanical adaptions of performance and physiology. If you’re composing a dissertation in Sport & Exercise Science, whether you’re an undergraduate or postgraduate, but are unsure of the route you wish to explore, some of the examples below can give you some ideas of what areas are trending in the literature and original areas for you to explore to help with an original piece of work or to extend recent research in new directions.

Sports Nutrition

Sport psychology, biomechanics.

Understanding how to enhance athletic performance has long been a topic of interest in the literature due to its ability to enhance – or in some case decrease – sporting performance. Many nutrition dissertations tend to focus on various diets, supplements or the impact of nutrition and training and the outcome this has for an athlete. Studies can take the form of primary or secondary – also known as experimental or review studies – which can provide lots of great investigations. It’s important to be specific in the type of athlete or population you want to investigate – such as a powerlifter, football player or gymnast – so you can collect relevant evidence for your athlete and utilise guidelines for their nutritional needs. Here are some example titles if you’re interested in investigating Sports Nutrition for your dissertation topic:

  • Is caffeine beneficial for use as a pre-workout agent in weight and powerlifters?
  • Investigating the impact of protein supplementation intake on muscle growth and repair in trained athletes.
  • What is the impact of CLA supplementation on reducing body fat in trained male participants?
  • How does caffeine intake impact aerobic performance?
  • Are fat burners effective in supporting trained athletes in reducing body fat percentage?
  • Is eating a balanced diet enough to improve performance in team sport athletes?

Sport psychology opens a wealth of different avenues for exploration; whether it’s relating to imagery, choking or mental health in athletes. We are currently living in a world that has a large focus on encouraging positive mental health and ways to improve performance by improving ‘mental toughness’ in athletes. As such, here are some ideas of the different areas that you can investigate:

  • Investigating the association between long-term sports injury and depression in semi-professional team sport athletes.
  • What influence does racism in professional sport have on professional BAME athletes?
  • ‘The Pressure Shot’: Examining pressure and choking in trained golf athletes in a tournament setting.
  • Performance-enhancing drugs and Olympic-level athletes: Is the use of PEDs worth a shot at the grand stage?
  • Homosexuality in professional sport: Understanding the experiences and thoughts of homosexuality in male and female athletes.
  • What is the impact of repeated sports injury on mental wellbeing in professional athletes?
  • Living sporting dreams through children: how parents utilise their children to relive their sporting dreams.
  • Drug and alcohol abuse in semi-professional sport.
  • ‘Strong is the new Sexy’: Understanding the shifting focus from diet to strong in female active participants.
  • How does mental wellbeing influence performance amongst elite athletes?
  • Understanding the association between culture and racial perceptions in football fans in England.
  • Differences in quality of life amongst semi-professional team sport athletes.

Physiology dissertations can provide opportunities to understand how the body reacts to exercise as well as a way of understanding short- and long-term effects. However, physiology can allow a range of topics to be used in collaboration with other subjects such as psychology and nutrition. Below are some examples of some physiology specific and physiology combined topics that you could investigate as a dissertation topic:

  • Exercise, muscle strength and triathlon: Investigating the effects of ultra-marathon exercise on professional triathlon athletes.
  • Investigating the impact of ageing on muscular degeneration.
  • Does biological age impact the likelihood of becoming a professional athlete?
  • Muscular strength and gender: How does muscle transformation different in male and female athletes.
  • Understanding the impact of asthma on trained endurance athletes.
  • Achieving optimal performance through metabolic training.
  • The impact of high-altitude training on aerobic capacity.
  • How does music tempo impact physiological responses to exercise?
  • What is the impact of smoking and vaping on recreational athlete performance?

Biomechanics can open up many avenues for investigation whether it’s relating to optimal movement in 100m sprint performance, or the use of prosthetic limbs to support Olympic level improve performance. It’s important to make sure you have an interest in biomechanics and are aware of some of the key data that can help you shape your topic. However, some of the most interesting parts of biomechanics topics are due to the potential repercussions that your research can have. Here are some potential topics that you might be interested in:

  • Investigating the different types of prosthetics on sprint performance in Paralympians.
  • Investigating differences in gait movement between barefoot and different forms of footwear.
  • How can biomechanics facilitate improvements in Paralympic Sport?
  • Understanding the role between sports biomechanics and sports injury prevention.
  • Examining ACL injury differences between male and female professional football players.
  • The role of artificial intelligence in sports biomechanics.
  • How does VAR impact movement patterns in professional soccer players?
  • Biomechanics of fencing: an investigatory review of techniques and injury preventative strategies.

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  • Orthop J Sports Med
  • v.9(10); 2021 Oct

A Comprehensive Summary of Systematic Reviews on Sports Injury Prevention Strategies

Samuel d. stephenson.

* Department of Orthopaedics, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Science, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York at Buffalo, New York, USA.

Joseph W. Kocan

Amrit v. vinod, melissa a. kluczynski, leslie j. bisson, associated data.

Supplemental Material, sj-pdf-1-ojs-10.1177_23259671211035776 for A Comprehensive Summary of Systematic Reviews on Sports Injury Prevention Strategies by Samuel D. Stephenson, Joseph W. Kocan, Amrit V. Vinod, Melissa A. Kluczynski and Leslie J. Bisson in Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine


A large volume of systematic reviews and meta-analyses has been published on the effectiveness of sports injury prevention programs.

To provide a qualitative summary of published systematic reviews and meta-analyses that have examined the effectiveness of sports injury prevention programs on reducing musculoskeletal injuries.

Study Design:

Systematic review; Level of evidence, 4.

We searched the PubMed, CINAHL, EMBASE, and the Cochrane databases for systematic reviews and meta-analyses that evaluated the effectiveness of sports injury prevention programs. We excluded published abstracts, narrative reviews, articles not published in English, commentaries, studies that described sports injury prevention strategies but did not assess their effectiveness, studies that did not assess musculoskeletal injuries, and studies that did not assess sports-related injuries. The most relevant results were extracted and summarized. Levels of evidence were determined per the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, and methodological quality was assessed using the AMSTAR-2 (A MeaSurement Tool to Assess systematic Reviews, revised version).

A total of 507 articles were retrieved, and 129 were included. Articles pertaining to all injuries were divided into 9 topics: sports and exercise in general (n = 20), soccer (n = 13), ice hockey (n = 1), dance (n = 1), volleyball (n = 1), basketball (n = 1), tackle collision sports (n = 1), climbing (n = 1), and youth athletes (n = 4). Articles on injuries by anatomic site were divided into 11 topics: general knee (n = 8), anterior cruciate ligament (n = 34), ankle (n = 14), hamstring (n = 11), lower extremity (n = 10), foot (n = 6), groin (n = 2), shoulder (n = 1), wrist (n = 2), and elbow (n = 1). Of the 129 studies, 45.7% were ranked as evidence level 1, and 55.0% were evidence level 2. Based on the AMSTAR-2, 58.9% of the reviews reported a priori review methods, 96.1% performed a comprehensive literature search, 47.3% thoroughly described excluded articles, 79.1% assessed risk of bias for individual studies, 48.8% reported a valid method for statistical combination of data (ie, meta-analysis), 45.0% examined the effect of risk of bias on pooled study results, and 19.4% examined the risk for publication bias.


This comprehensive review provides sports medicine providers with a single source of the most up-to-date publications in the literature on sports injury prevention.

In the United States, approximately 4.3 million nonfatal sports or recreation-related injuries are seen annually in the emergency department. 81 The highest rates of sports injuries for both boys and girls occur in adolescents aged 10 to 14 years, which is likely due to increased participation in sports among this age group. 81 The lower extremity is most commonly injured during sports participation; however, the incidence of injury to specific body parts varies by sport. 81 , 185 , 257 Owing to the influx of participants in sports and the subsequent injuries they sustain, research on sports injury prevention strategies is rapidly growing. 129 Injury prevention is important for reducing long-term health consequences, such as disability, and minimizing the economic burden of treatment. 2

Injury prevention strategies typically focus on modifiable risk factors, such as rules, equipment, and physical fitness, and prevention strategies may be tailored to a specific sport or injury. 2 Exercise training involves learning proper exercise techniques, such as understanding the limits of range of motion of each joint and avoiding joint positions that place the anatomic structures of the joint at risk for injury. 40 Exercise training usually involves some combination of strength, proprioceptive, balance, and neuromuscular training that is important for improving athletic performance and preventing injuries. 30 , 107 , 127

The purpose of this comprehensive review was to quantify the number of systematic reviews and meta-analyses that have examined the effectiveness of sports injury prevention programs on reducing musculoskeletal injuries, evaluate the quality of each systematic review, identify the primary studies included in each review, and provide a succinct summary of this vast body of literature for easy reference. We hypothesized that the largest number of articles would (1) pertain to sports injury prevention in general (as opposed to prevention strategies for specific sports) and (2) focus on preventing knee injuries that are common in sports.

We performed a literature search in accordance with PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) 151 using PubMed, CINAHL, EMBASE, and the Cochrane databases to identify articles published in English between inception of these databases and August 31, 2020. Additional articles were found by hand searching the reference lists of included articles. The search terms were (“prevention” or “prevention programs”) AND (“sports injury” OR “musculoskeletal injury”) AND (“systematic review” or “meta-analysis”). We included systematic reviews and meta-analyses that evaluated the effectiveness of sports injury prevention programs on reducing musculoskeletal injuries. We excluded published abstracts, narrative reviews, articles not published in English, commentaries, studies that described sports injury prevention strategies but did not assess the effectiveness of these strategies, studies that did not assess musculoskeletal injuries, and studies that did not assess sports-related injuries.

The results of the entire literature search were entered into a single database, and duplicates were removed via electronic search and double-checked manually. Two of the authors (S.D.S. and M.A.K.) independently screened the results of the literature search, and 3 authors (S.D.S., J.W.K., and A.V.V.) reviewed studies that met inclusion in more detail and summarized the germane results. The articles that met inclusion criteria were summarized by 2 major topics: (1) all injuries and (2) injuries by anatomic site. Articles pertaining to all injuries were further subdivided into 9 topics: sports and exercise in general, soccer, ice hockey, dance, volleyball, basketball, tackle collision sports, climbing, and youth athletes. Articles pertaining to injuries by anatomic site were subdivided into 11 topics: general knee, anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), ankle, hamstring, lower extremity, foot, groin, shoulder, wrist, shin, and elbow. We determined the level of evidence for each systematic review according to the definitions set forth by the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine. 88 Methodological quality was assessed using the AMSTAR-2 (A MeaSurement Tool to Assess systematic Reviews, revised version). 205 The list of 129 articles was divided in half among 4 authors (S.D.S., M.A.K., J.W.K., and A.V.V.) for AMSTAR-2 assessment, and thus each study was assessed independently by 2 authors (S.D.S. and M.A.K.). Last, we tallied the number of overlapping primary studies between systematic reviews within a particular topic.

Figure 1 presents the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) flowchart illustrating the literature search process. The literature search identified 507 unique articles, and of these, 129 met the inclusion criteria. Table 1 illustrates the number of included articles by topic. The majority of “all injury” articles pertained to sports and exercise in general (15.5%) and soccer (10.1%). Most of the “injuries by anatomic site” articles pertained to ACL (26.4%), ankle (10.9%), and hamstring (8.5%) injuries. Three of the 129 included articles covered >1 anatomic site. The level of evidence and the AMSTAR-2 results are shown in Table S1 (available as Supplemental Material). A total of 59 (45.7%) of the included systematic reviews were ranked as evidence level 1, and 71 (55.0%) were level 2. Based on the AMSTAR-2, 76 (58.9%) reviews reported a priori review methods, 124 (96.1%) performed a comprehensive literature search, 61 (47.3%) thoroughly described excluded articles, 102 (79.1%) assessed risk of bias for individual studies, 63 (48.8%) reported a valid method for statistical combination of data (ie, meta-analysis), 58 (45.0%) examined the effect of risk of bias on pooled study results, and 25 (19.4%) examined the risk for publication bias.

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PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) flowchart.

Number of Included Articles by Topic

TopicNo. of Articles
All injuries
 Sports and exercise in general20
 Ice hockey1
 Tackle collision sports1
 Youth athletes4
Injuries by anatomic site
 General knee 8
 Anterior cruciate ligament 34
 Ankle 14
 Lower extremity10
Total unique articles129

a Categories are not mutually exclusive.

All Injuries

A total of 43 studies pertaining to prevention of all injuries were identified and are summarized by topic here. Tables S2 to S4 and Figures S1 to S3 (available as Supplemental Material) illustrate the overlapping primary studies between included systematic reviews.

Sports and Exercise in General

A number of overlapping systematic reviews ‡ have examined the effectiveness of various injury prevention strategies for sports and exercise in general. Salam et al 194 pooled data from 24 studies and found that sports injury prevention interventions were effective in that interventions decreased the incidence of (1) injuries in general (relative risk [RR], 0.66; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.53-0.82), (2) injuries per hour of exposure (RR, 0.63; 95% CI, 0.47-0.86), and (3) injuries per number of exposures (RR, 0.79; 95% CI, 0.70-0.88); however, the results of their study were not stratified by type of intervention. Two meta-analyses by Lauersen et al 127 , 128 found that strength training was effective for reducing the risk of sports injuries, and 1 of these studies 128 also found that proprioception training (RR, 0.55; 95% CI, 0.35-0.87) and a combination of exercises (RR, 0.66; 95% CI, 0.52-0.83) were effective at reducing sports injuries. Smyth et al 214 found moderate evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of exercise and psychological interventions for reducing injuries in pre-elite athletes competing in the Olympics or professional sports, but evidence was lacking with respect to the effectiveness of equipment and nutrition-related interventions. Two systematic reviews 1 , 129 found that the use of insoles, external joint supports, and multi-intervention or sport-specific training programs were effective for injury prevention. Of note, several overlapping systematic reviews have found no or minimal evidence regarding the effectiveness of stretching, § warm-up exercises, 1 , 69 or prevention videos 1 , 129 for injury prevention. Two systematic reviews 30 , 107 demonstrated that balance training was favorable for reducing overall injuries (RR, 0.49; 95% CI, 0.13-1.80) and defined the optimal balance training program for injury prevention as lasting for 8 weeks and including two 45-minute training sessions per week. Three overlapping systematic reviews 77 , 131 , 239 found that psychological interventions, including cognitive behavioral therapy and stress management—based interventions, were effective at reducing sports injuries. Ernst and Posadzki 60 found conflicting results regarding the effectiveness of chiropractic interventions for preventing sports injuries in their review of 6 studies. To summarize, there are multiple systematic reviews and meta-analyses demonstrating that injury prevention programs are effective, with strength, proprioception, balance, and psychological programs being specifically beneficial.

Four overlapping systematic reviews 43 , 64 , 182 , 243 found mixed results for exercise-based prevention programs in soccer players, and all of these reviews were poor quality and at high risk for bias. Based on their review of 18 studies, Kirkendall et al 123 concluded that a structured warm-up program can be effective at reducing soccer injuries by one-third. Based on their review of 13 studies, Slimani et al 211 found that psychological-based interventions were effective at reducing injury rates in soccer players. Seven overlapping systematic reviews and meta-analyses 4 , 6 , 21 , 79 , 119 , 192 , 238 examined the effectiveness of 2 soccer injury prevention programs developed by the Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA). The FIFA 11 and FIFA 11+ programs combine training in both technique and balance along with neuromuscular training exercises including strengthening and plyometrics with the goal of eliminating injuries. Al Attar et al 4 examined the combined effects of FIFA 11 and FIFA 11+ and found that overall injuries were reduced by 34% (RR, 0.66; 95% CI, 0.60 to 0.73) and lower limb injuries were reduced by 29% (RR, 0.71; 95% CI, 0.63 to 0.81). Gomes Neto et al 79 observed that FIFA 11 was associated with reduced injury risk (RR, 0.69; 95% CI, 0.49 to 0.98) and improvement in both dynamic balance (weighted mean difference, 2.68; 95% CI, 0.44 to 4.92) and agility (standardized mean difference, –0.36; 95% CI, –0.70 to 0.02) compared with controls. Two systematic reviews 21 , 192 demonstrated that FIFA 11+ resulted in (1) 30% to 70% fewer injuries and (2) significant improvement in many features of motor and neuromuscular performance. Two systematic reviews 6 , 238 directly compared FIFA 11 and FIFA 11+ and found that FIFA 11+ was associated with a greater reduction in injuries. In their review of 33 articles, Kilic et al 119 concluded that the FIFA 11+ program and the Nordic Hamstring Exercise (NHE) program were most effective for reducing musculoskeletal injuries in adult soccer players, while FIFA 11, balance board, the Prevent Injury and Enhance Performance program, a groin program, and balance board training were not effective injury prevention programs. To summarize, the FIFA 11+ program has been shown to reduce injuries and improve neuromuscular performance in soccer.

Cusimano et al 45 identified 13 studies that examined rule changes intended to minimize aggression (eg, restriction of body-checking) during ice hockey, of which 9 studies demonstrated a decrease in penalties ranging from 1.2 to 5.9 per game and in injury rates by 3- to 12-fold.

Hincapie et al 103 reviewed 2 cohort studies and concluded that there was weak evidence for the effectiveness of injury prevention programs in dancers.

Kilic et al 120 found evidence from 3 studies that (1) a resistance training program, (2) a program aimed at reducing anterior knee pain, and (3) balance board training were effective at reducing musculoskeletal injuries in volleyball players.

Based on their systematic review of 4 studies, Kilic et al 121 concluded that each of the following programs was successful at reducing musculoskeletal injuries in basketball players: (1) a jump-landing technique intervention during warm-up, (2) a multistation proprioceptive exercise program, (3) a wobble board and sport-specific balance training program during warm-up, and (4) the FIFA 11+ program.

Tackle Collision Sports

Sewry et al 202 identified 7 studies that demonstrated that exercise-based intervention programs were successful at reducing injuries in tackle collision sports (ie, rugby union or league and American, Australian, and Gaelic football).

Based on their systematic review of 19 studies, Woollings et al 260 found that both taping and weight training reduced injury rates in sport climbing and bouldering. However, the authors did not find any support for stretching, yoga, using instructors, regulating equipment usage, taking supplements, heating hands before climbing, and corticosteroid injections as injury prevention measures for sport climbing.

Youth Athletes

Several overlapping systematic reviews 2 , 37 , 189 , 217 have examined the effectiveness of various sports injury prevention strategies in youth (ie, adolescents or teenagers aged <20 years). Soomro et al 217 pooled data from 10 studies and found a 40% reduction (injury rate ratio, 0.60; 95% CI, 0.48-0.75) in injuries for multifaceted injury prevention programs (ie, a combination of warm-up, neuromuscular strength, and proprioception training) in adolescent team sports. Abernethy and Bleakley 2 reviewed 12 studies and found preseason conditioning, functional training, education, balance, and sport-specific skills to be moderately effective at preventing adolescent sports injuries. However, the effectiveness of protective equipment (eg, knee pads and knee braces) was inconclusive and requires further research. Rossler et al 189 conducted a meta-analysis of 21 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and found that prevention programs geared toward both specific injuries and all injuries in children and adolescents were effective. Furthermore, the authors concluded that prevention programs including jumping or plyometric exercises were more effective than programs that did not include these types of exercises. Carder et al 37 systematically reviewed 6 studies and found that 43% of youth athletes specialized in a single sport and these athletes were at greater risk for injury compared with youth athletes that sampled a variety of sports (RR, 1.37; 95% CI, 1.19-1.57).

Injuries by Anatomic Site

A total of 86 studies pertaining to prevention of injuries by anatomic site were identified and are summarized by topic here. Tables S5 to S10 and Figures S4 to S9 (available as Supplemental Material) illustrate the overlapping primary studies between included systematic reviews.

General Knee Injuries

Grimm et al 85 found insufficient evidence regarding the effectiveness of knee injury prevention programs in athletes based on their review of 10 RCTs; however, the authors did not distinguish among different types of injury prevention programs. Thacker et al 236 found limited evidence supporting the effectiveness of neuromuscular training and conditioning programs for reducing knee injuries. On the other hand, 3 overlapping systematic reviews 51 , 84 , 99 have demonstrated that neuromuscular training programs reduced knee injuries by 27%. Ter Stege et al 233 systematically reviewed 35 studies and found that neuromuscular injury prevention programs were effective at reducing several risk factors (ie, knee valgus moments, knee flexion angles, hamstring activation profiles, and vertical ground-reaction forces) that are associated with knee injuries in team ball sports. Three overlapping systematic reviews 179 , 195 , 236 have found that wearing a knee brace is not effective at reducing knee injuries in athletes.

ACL Injuries

All Athletes . Two systematic reviews 7 , 163 concluded that the available evidence was too weak to make any conclusions about the effectiveness of ACL injury prevention programs in general; however, several more recent systematic reviews 85 , 152 , 232 have found ACL injury prevention programs to be effective. Grindstaff et al 86 conducted a meta-analysis of 5 studies and estimated that 89 individuals (95% CI, 66-136) would need to participate in an injury prevention program to prevent 1 ACL injury per season. Furthermore, these authors concluded that the most important components of an ACL injury prevention program were plyometrics, strengthening, flexibility, agility, and feedback. Padua and Marshall 168 found moderate evidence to support the use of ACL injury prevention programs, which incorporate proprioception/balance or plyometric/agility training in athletes; however, no studies directly compared the effectiveness of multifaceted versus single exercise programs. Arundale et al 15 found substantial evidence supporting the use of exercise-based prevention programs for reducing knee and ACL injuries in athletes. Several overlapping systematic reviews ∥ have found that neuromuscular training programs were effective at reducing ACL injuries by 51% to 62%, and 1 meta-analysis 193 found that neuromuscular training was more effective at reducing ACL injuries in male versus female patients. Sugimoto et al 224 found that participant age (ie, training was more effective for younger athletes compared with adults), dosage of training, exercise variations, and verbal feedback were the most effective components of a neuromuscular training program. Inclusion of at least 1 of these 4 components in a training program reduced the risk of ACL injury by 18%, and if all 4 components were incorporated into the program, the risk was reduced by as much as 73%.

Benjaminse et al 26 concluded that when teaching motor learning, giving athletes an external focus of attention (eg, soft landing) was more effective for increasing performance and decreasing the risk of ACL injuries compared with an internal locus of attention (eg, knee flexion). Furthermore, Armitano et al 12 found that motor learning programs using augmented information improved risk factors that were associated with ACL injuries. Neilson et al 157 concluded that using augmented feedback with jump landing training was an effective way to reduce 2 of the major risk factors for ACL injury: maximum knee flexion angle and vertical ground-reaction force.

Female Athletes

Several overlapping systematic reviews ¶ have focused on ACL injury prevention in female athletes. Two systematic reviews 161 , 223 have demonstrated the effectiveness of ACL injury prevention programs in female athletes; however, there were insufficient data to determine which specific program was most effective for reducing ACL injuries. On the other hand, 3 overlapping systematic reviews concluded that plyometrics, 38 , 254 strengthening, 227 , 254 and neuromuscular exercises 254 were the most effective components for injury prevention in female athletes. Moreover, Noyes and Barber Westin 160 found that both the Sportsmetrics and the Prevent Injury and Enhance Performance programs successfully reduced ACL injuries in female athletes; however, the Sportsmetrics program is very time-intensive (ie, 1-2 hours of training for 3 d/wk) and may compromise compliance. Based on their meta-analysis of 14 studies, Sugimoto et al 226 found that the most effective ACL injury prevention programs in female athletes were those (1) of longer duration (>20 minutes vs <20 minutes), (2) done more frequently (multiple times versus once per week), and (3) with a higher training volume. Myer et al 155 found that neuromuscular training was most effective at reducing ACL injuries in female athletes aged ≤18 years compared with >18 years (odds ratio [OR], 0.28; 95% CI, 0.18-0.42). Based on their meta-analysis of 18 studies, Petushek et al 176 found that interventions that targeted female athletes in middle school and high school (OR, 0.38; 95% CI, 0.24-0.60) reduced the odds of ACL injury more so than interventions targeting college or professional female athletes (OR, 0.65; 95% CI, 0.48-0.89). Only 1 meta-analysis 225 examined compliance with neuromuscular training in female athletes and found that high compliance was associated with a greater reduction in ACL injuries compared with low compliance (risk reduction ratio, 0.27; 95% CI, 0.07-0.80). Pfile and Curioz 178 concluded that both mixed leadership (RR reduction, 48.2%; 95% CI, 22%-65%) and coach-led (RR reduction, 58.4%; 95% CI, 40%-71%) injury prevention programs were successful at reducing ACL injuries in female athletes; however, the available evidence was low to moderate quality.

Ankle Injuries

Eight overlapping systematic reviews # have found the use of external supports, such as ankle bracing and taping, to be effective at reducing ankle injuries. Barelds et al 20 conducted a meta-analysis of 6 studies and found that ankle bracing was effective for both primary (RR, 0.53; 95% CI, 0.32-0.88) and secondary (RR, 0.37; 95% CI, 0.24-0.58) prevention of acute ankle injuries; however, the available evidence was low quality. Two systematic reviews 25 , 50 found that external supports reduced ankle injuries by 62% to 64%; however, another review 49 found that external supports were only effective in athletes with a history of ankle injuries.

Several overlapping systematic reviews have found evidence supporting the effectiveness of neuromuscular training, 34 , 35 , 250 proprioception and balance training, 25 , 34 , 48 , 143 , 197 and exercise interventions 50 , 83 for preventing ankle injuries. Four overlapping systematic reviews 25 , 48 , 116 , 197 found that proprioception or balance training reduced ankle injuries by 31% to 46%, and these training programs primarily consisted of single-leg stance challenges, wobble/balance board exercises, and sport-specific agility drills. Furthermore, Schiftan et al 197 found that proprioceptive training (ie, balance exercise with or without balance/wobble board or ankle disc for at least 8 weeks) was effective at reducing ankle sprains in athletes with (RR, 0.64; 95% CI, 0.51-0.81) and without (RR, 0.57; 95% CI, 0.34-0.97) a history of ankle sprain. Doherty et al 50 conducted a meta-analysis of 23 studies and found that exercise interventions reduced recurrent ankle sprains by 41% (pooled OR, 0.59; 95% CI, 0.51-0.68), and the most effective intervention was ankle disc or balance/wobble-board training for a minimum of 4 to 6 weeks. Grimm et al 83 conducted a meta-analysis of 10 RCTs and found that an exercise protocol focused on stretching, strength training, balance, and coordination reduced the risk of ankle injuries by 40% (RR, 0.60; 95% CI, 0.40-0.92). In summary, several systematic reviews and meta-analyses have found external supports and balance and proprioceptive training to be effective in preventing ankle injuries.

Hamstring Injuries

Hibbert et al 101 systematically reviewed 7 studies in 2008 and concluded that hamstring lowers, isokinetic strengthening, and other strengthening were effective at reducing hamstring strains; however, the included studies were deemed low quality and none of the studies examined eccentric strengthening in isolation. Two systematic reviews, 1 by Prior et al 183 in 2009 and the other by Monajati et al 152 in 2016, found low-level evidence suggesting that hamstring injury prevention programs in general may be effective at reducing hamstring injuries. Goldman and Jones 78 systematically reviewed 7 RCTs in 2010 and concluded that there was insufficient evidence regarding the effectiveness of strengthening, manual therapy, proprioception, and warm-ups/cool-downs for preventing hamstring injuries. Based on 2 systematic reviews 145 , 186 published in 2016 and 2013, respectively, there is inconclusive evidence regarding the effectiveness of stretching on reducing hamstring injuries. The NHE was designed to increase eccentric hamstring strength in soccer players, and 4 overlapping systematic reviews 5 , 80 , 203 , 245 conducted between 2015 and 2019 found that the NHE (used in isolation or combined with other interventions) reduced hamstring injuries by 49% to 65%. Two overlapping systematic reviews 80 , 203 published in 2015 and 2017, respectively, found that using a YoYo flywheel ergometer for eccentric hamstring strengthening was effective at reducing hamstring injuries in soccer players. In 2019, Vatovec et al 247 conducted a meta-analysis of 17 studies and found that hamstring injuries were reduced by 51% after exercise interventions and by 50% after neuromuscular interventions.

Lower Extremity Injuries

Several overlapping systematic reviews have demonstrated that exercise programs 33 , 261 and neuromuscular training programs 58 , 95 , 221 , 231 were effective at reducing lower extremity injuries. Emery et al 58 found that neuromuscular training reduced lower extremity injuries by 36% in youth athletes (injury risk reduction, 0.64; 95% CI, 0.49-0.84). Based on their meta-analysis of 10 RCTs, Taylor et al 231 found that neuromuscular training with or without lace-up ankle braces reduced the odds of lower extremity injuries in basketball players by 31% (OR, 0.69; 95% CI, 0.57-0.85). Steib et al 221 concluded that neuromuscular training was effective at reducing lower extremity injury risk in youth athletes, and the optimal regimen was 10- to 15-minute sessions 2 to 3 times a week. Herman et al 95 reviewed 9 studies and concluded that to be effective at reducing lower limb injuries, neuromuscular warm-up strategies should be completed for at least 3 months and should incorporate stretching, strengthening and balance exercises, sports-specific agility drills, and landing techniques. Yeung and Yeung 261 concluded that there was strong evidence suggesting that the incidence of lower extremity soft tissue running injuries can be reduced by decreasing running frequency, duration, and distance; however, the optimum training load could not be determined. There is weak or insufficient evidence regarding the effectiveness of (1) eccentric exercise, proprioception, and balance exercise for reducing lower extremity injuries in soccer players 137 ; (2) exercise programs for prevention of lower limb injuries in Australian football players 10 ; and (3) lower limb injury prevention programs in high school athletes. 138 Thacker et al 234 systematically reviewed 9 studies and found that using shock-absorbent orthotic inserts and a preseason conditioning regimen focused on lower extremity strength, agility, and flexibility may reduce the occurrence of shin splints in young male athletes.

Foot Injuries

Several overlapping systematic reviews found low to moderate evidence that shock-absorbing insoles may be effective at preventing stress fractures in an active military population; however, no other types of interventions (eg, reducing training volume and intensity) have been effective at reducing stress fractures, and no studies have been done in the general population. 29 , 76 , 114 , 187 , 204 A meta-analysis of 11 studies found that foot orthoses reduced the risk of stress fractures by 41% (RR, 0.59; 95% CI, 0.45-0.76). 29 Peters et al 173 found limited evidence supporting the use of balance training, shoe adaptations, and hormone replacement therapy in active postmenopausal women for reducing Achilles tendinopathy, and there was no evidence to support stretching for reducing Achilles tendinopathy.

Groin Injuries

Two nonoverlapping systematic reviews 39 , 62 found limited evidence to support the use of hip adductor and abdominal strengthening exercises for groin injury prevention.

Shoulder Injuries

Asker et al 16 identified only 1 study 9 that examined prevention of shoulder injuries in overhead sports and found no statistically significant effects of a strength and conditioning regimen on shoulder injuries in Norwegian handball players.

Wrist Injuries

Two overlapping systematic reviews 122 , 191 found that the risk for wrist injury, wrist fracture, and wrist sprain was reduced by 54% to 83% in snowboarders with the use of wrist guards.

Elbow Injuries

Deal et al 47 found that injury prevention programs were effective at reducing elbow injuries in baseball players.

This comprehensive review provides a thorough and concise summary of all systematic reviews and meta-analyses on the topic of sports injury prevention in general and for specific sports and injury types. The majority of “all injury” articles pertained to sports and exercise in general (15.5%) and soccer (10.2%). Most of the “injuries by anatomic site” articles pertained to ACL (26.4%), ankle (10.9%), and hamstring (8.5%) injuries. In line with our hypothesis, we found that most injury prevention systematic reviews pertained to sports injuries in general (as opposed to specific sports) and focused on prevention of knee injuries (both in general and specifically on the ACL). To our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive review of the systematic reviews and meta-analyses published on sports injury prevention.

Injury prevention programs are effective and can reduce injuries by at least 40% in both youth and adults. 194 , 217 Strength training, proprioception, balance, and psychological programs have all been shown to be beneficial, while stretching has not. Much of the research on preventing sport-related injuries in general has focused on specific sports, 45 , 103 , 120 , 121 , 202 , 260 primarily soccer. ** †† There is substantial evidence supporting the FIFA 11+ program for preventing soccer-related injuries; however, the systematic reviews on this topic include many overlapping studies. 4 , 6 , 21 , 79 , 119 , 192 , 238 There is limited low-quality research demonstrating that other exercise and psychological-based interventions are effective at reducing soccer-related injuries. 43 , 64 , 123 , 182 , 211 , 243 Several systematic reviews have found injury prevention programs tailored toward hockey, 45 volleyball, 120 basketball, 121 tackle collision sports, 202 and sport climbing and bouldering 260 to be effective at reducing musculoskeletal injuries in general.

Evidence regarding the effectiveness of neuromuscular training for preventing knee injuries in general has been contradictory, 51 , 84 , 99 , 236 and there is currently no systematic review evidence to support wearing a knee brace for injury prevention. 7 , 179 , 236 However, there is moderate evidence to support exercise and neuromuscular training programs for ACL injury prevention, 7 , 85 , 152 , 163 , 232 and the most effective components of these programs included plyometrics, strengthening, flexibility, agility, and feedback. 86 A number of systematic reviews have focused on ACL injury prevention in female athletes †† and found that plyometrics, 38 , 254 strengthening, 227 , 254 and neuromuscular training 254 were most effective in this cohort. ACL injury prevention programs were most effective in female athletes aged <18 years 155 and among those who were highly compliant with the programs. 225 The most effective ACL injury prevention programs in female athletes were those lasting at least 20 minutes per session, with multiple sessions per week and at a high training volume. 226 It should be noted that the ACL injury prevention literature may be skewed toward female athletes since most of the studies evaluated female athletes only or included more female athletes than male athletes. There is substantial evidence supporting the use of ankle bracing and taping, which can reduce ankle injuries by at least 60%. ‡‡ Neuromuscular, 34 , 35 , 250 balance, 25 , 34 , 48 , 143 , 197 and exercise training 50 , 83 have also been shown to be effective for reducing ankle injuries. Exercise and neuromuscular training have been demonstrated to be effective at reducing hamstring injuries by 50% 247 ; however, the effectiveness of strengthening remains uncertain, 78 , 80 , 101 , 203 and there is no evidence to support stretching 145 , 186 for hamstring injury prevention. Lower extremity injuries can be reduced by exercise 33 , 261 and neuromuscular training 58 , 95 , 221 , 231 programs, and the risk for stress fractures may be reduced by foot orthoses. 29 , 76 , 114 , 187 , 204 Wrist guards have been shown to reduce wrist injuries by 54% to 83% in snow boarders. 122 , 191 There is limited evidence available to be able to make any conclusions regarding groin, 39 , 62 shoulder, 16 and elbow 47 injuries and shin splints. 234

There are several limitations of this study. There were a number of overlapping studies between systematic reviews and meta-analyses, which may have resulted in more weight being placed on the strength of evidence for certain topics than was truly warranted. Only 19.4% of the included reviews assessed publication bias, and 47.3% thoroughly described exclusion criteria. Thus, selection and/or publication biases may have affected the results of individual reviews. Also, only 48.8% of systematic reviews pooled their data for analysis. The remaining 50.2% did not pool data mainly because of considerable heterogeneity among included studies. Finally, this review was limited to a qualitative summary of the literature since there was too much heterogeneity between studies to warrant any pooled data analyses. However, strengths of this study include performing a thorough literature search in accordance with PRISMA and performing a thorough review of study quality and risk for bias using the AMSTAR-2.

This comprehensive review provides sports medicine providers and other interested parties with a single source of the most up-to-date published literature focused on the effectiveness of sports injury prevention and organizes the literature by anatomic site and general injury patterns.

Supplemental Material for this article is available at .

Supplemental Material

‡ References 1 , 24 , 30 , 69 , 77 , 107 , 127 – 130 , 194 , 207 , 212 , 214 , 235 , 258 .

§ References 1 , 24 , 94 , 128 – 130 , 207 , 212 , 235 , 258 .

∥ References 72 , 96 , 99 , 106 , 144 , 171 , 184 , 193 , 222 , 228 , 262 .

¶ References 38 , 160 , 161 , 176 , 178 , 223 , 225 – 227 , 254 .

# References 20 , 25 , 34 , 49 , 50 , 237 , 249 , 250 .

**References 4 , 6 , 21 , 43 , 64 , 79 , 119 , 123 , 182 , 192 , 211 , 238 , 243 .

†† References 38 , 160 , 161 , 176 , 178 , 223 , 225 – 227 , 254 .

‡‡ References 20 , 25 , 34 , 49 , 50 , 237 , 249 , 250 .

Final revision submitted April 5, 2021; accepted May 3, 2021.

One or more of the authors has declared the following potential conflict of interest or source of funding: Departmental research funding was received from the Ralph C. Wilson Jr Foundation. L.J.B. has received research support from Arthrex, royalties from Zimmer Biomet, and hospitality payments from Prodigy Surgical. AOSSM checks author disclosures against the Open Payments Database (OPD). AOSSM has not conducted an independent investigation on the OPD and disclaims any liability or responsibility relating thereto.

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Home > College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences > Departments > Sport and Exercise Psychology > Sport and Exercise Psychology Graduate Theses and Dissertations

Sport and Exercise Psychology Graduate Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

A Randomized Need-Supportive Intervention with U.S. Youth Hockey Coaches , Diane Benish

Multidisciplinary approach to injury rehabilitation: The D1 college athlete perspective , Lindsey Leatherman

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Living Your Best Life: The Mindful Pursuit of Student-Athlete Thriving , Andrew Augustus

Working with Community Partners in WV: Learning How to Frame Health Equity in Physical Activity Interventions , Karly Marie Casanave-Phillips

How do college student-athletes’ understanding and expectations of mindfulness and self-compassion change through an intervention? , Blake Costalupes

“Building the Roots”: A Delphi Study Examining the Aims of a Multicultural Competency Graduate Course in Sport and Exercise Psychology , Matthew Paul Gonzalez

Exploring the Conceptualizations and Utilizations of Learning Theories in Sport Settings , Kevin R. Lou

Drivers of Change in Mindfulness- and Acceptance-Based Interventions with Athletes: Investigating the Influence of Dosage, Readiness, and Attitudes , Thomas O. Minkler

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Short-Term International Sport for Development and Peace Programs: A Retrospective Analysis and Critique Informed by Stakeholders’ Perspectives in a Two-Year Follow-Up , Adam Hansell

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

'Deporte y Cambio Social': Women's Empowerment SDP Program in Mexico , Sofia Espana Perez

A Qualitative Study of College Athletes’ Experiences of the COVID-19 Pandemic , Carra Johnson

Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Student-Athletes: A Descriptive Study of Practitioners and their Perspectives , William C. Way III

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

A Phenomenological Photovoice Exploration of Female Exercisers’ Experiences of their Body in Fitness Center Environments , Katherine E. Fairhurst

Exploring the Relationship Between Hardiness and Performance in Collegiate Baseball Players , Kevin R. Lou

Using the social ecological model to build a path analysis model of physical activity in a sample of active US college students , Jonathan J. Stewart

"Yo, I Like Your Walk-Up Song": Music Integration in Professional Baseball Gamedays , Seth Swary

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Stigma, Attitudes, and Intentions to Seek Mental Health Services in College Student-Athletes , Robert C. Hilliard M.S.

Supporting The Injured Athlete: Coaches’ Perspectives On Providing Social Support , Stefanee Opal Maurice

Being Mindful of Perfectionism and Performance Among Athletes in a Judged Sport , Erika D. Van Dyke

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Competitive Aggressiveness, Anger, and the Experience of Provocation in Collegiate Athletes , Michael E. Berrebi

Functional Movement Screen Composite Scores for Collegiate Field Club Sport Athletes at One University , Daniel Camillone

Exploring the Use of Sport as a Platform for Health Promotion with Youth in Africa: A Scoping Review. , Adam H. Hansell

Use of Four Predictive Screening Variables for Determination of Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction in Adolescent Soccer Athletes , Brian Hanson

Coaching life skills through sport: An application of the teaching personal and social responsibility model to youth sport in eSwatini , Zenzi Huysmans

Psychosocial Development of Junior Hockey Players , Alexander John Sturges

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Players' Responses to and Primary Caregivers' Perceptions of Authoritarian and Authoritative Coaching in the Inner-City , Renee Brown

Examining the Impact of a Short-Term Psychological Skills Training Program on Dancers' Coping Skills, Pain Appraisals, and Injuries , Leigh A. Bryant

Changes in Athletes' Anxiety, Anger, and Impulsiveness following Concussion , Megan Byrd

Development of Ethics Education Guidelines for Undergraduate Athletic Training Education Programs , Kaitlynn Cullen

Using a Multi-Omic Approach to Investigate a Diet Intervention in Young Adults at Risk of Disease , Oluremi Ariel Famodu

Approaches to Supervision in Sport Psychology and their Influences on Initial Supervisees' Professional Development , Janaina Lima Fogaca

High School Coaches' Experiences with Openly Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Athletes , Meghan K. Halbrook

#Physical Activity: Influencing Parent Behavior Change Through Social Media , Adam Keath

The Effects of an Exercise and Kinesiotape Intervention on Forward HeadRounded Shoulder Posture and Scapular Dyskinesis , Lucas Klawiter

Student-Athletes' Experiences with Racial Microaggressions in Sport: A Foucauldian Discourse Analysis , Sae-Mi Lee

The Effects of a Six Week Lumbopelvic Control and Balance Training Program in High School Basketball Players , Margaret Long

Thrombospondin-1 and Cd47 Mediate Peripheral Microvascular Dysfunction Following Pulmonary Exposure to Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes , W. Kyle Mandler

The Investigation of Motor Primitives During Human Reaching Movements and the Quantification of Post-Stroke Motor Impairment , Erienne Virginia Olesh

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

The Effect of Lower Extremity Asymmetries on Low Back and Lower Extremity Pain with Pregnancy , Erica Casto

Do Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviors, and Nutrition Affect Healthy Weight in Middle School Students in an Appalachian Community? Children's Health Opportunities Involving Coordinated Efforts in Schools (CHOICES) Project , Kibum Cho

How Far is Too Far? Understanding Identity and Overconformity in Collegiate Wrestlers , Ashley M. Coker-Cranney

An Examination of Collegiate Athletes', Undergraduate Sport Science Majors', and Athlete Majors' Intent to Pursue Collegiate Coaching as a Career , Lauren Deckelbaum

A preliminary exploration of the application of self-compassion within the context of sport injury , Zenzi Huysmans

Psychosocial Predictors of Resilience in a Military Sample , Anna-Marie C. Jaeschke

Evaluating the Efficacy of Various Modalities to Improve Arterial Stiffness , Corey Moore

The Influence Over Time of Abdominal Strength Changes on Gluteus Maximus Strength , Taylor M. Opperhauser

Use of a Functional Movement Screening Tool to Determine Injury Risk in Collegiate Acrobatics and Tumbling Athletes , Sara E. Spencer

Adherence to Sport Rehabilitation , Kjersti A. Traaen

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Surgery and Rehabilitation Treatment Options for Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injuries of the Elbow for Baseball Athletes: A Systematic Review , Amanda M. Damm

What elite men's collegiate tennis coaches look for in recruits and how they assess preferred player characteristics , Brandyn H. Fisher

The Influences of Participation in an Elite Paralympic Military Program on the Self-Identity of Active Duty Service Members with Acquired Disabilities , Lindsay M. Hammond

The Influence of Physical Activity on International Students' Cross-Cultural Adjustment: A Qualitative Longitudinal Study , Shuang Li

Becoming a Mindful Sport Psychology Consultant: Defining, Developing, and Integrating Mindfulness into Practice , Michelle M. McAlarnen

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Certified Athletic Trainers' Abilities to Identify and Refer Athletes with Psychological Symptoms , Marc L. Cormier

Usage of Evidence Based Medicine Resources in Clinically Practicing Athletic Trainers , Kenneth G. Faldetta

Division I College Student-Athlete Career Situation and Attitudes toward Career Counseling , Adrian J. Ferrera

An Evaluation of State Employees' Preferences for Worksite-based Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Stress Management Programs , Peter Kadushin

The use of joint mobilization on mechanical instability deficits for a lateral ankle sprain: A Systematic Review , Kathleen M. Kerecman

The Effect of a Six Week Functional Training Program on Performance Outcomes in Softball , Zachary M. Mohondro

Sport Psychology "App"lication: NCAA Coaches' Preferences for a Mental Training Mobile App , Raymond F. Prior

"It's not just your dad and it's not just your coach..." The dual-role relationship in female tennis players , Olivier N. Schmid

Stoking the Flames of Wellness: An Exploration of Factors that Influence West Virginia Firefighters' Health Behaviors , Chelsea B. Wooding

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

The Influence of Gender on the Peer Leadership-Cohesion Relationship , Michael E. Berrebi

Stressors and Coping Behaviors of Female Peer Leaders Participating in College Club Sports , Leigh A. Bryant

An Exploration of Master's Degree Field Study and Teacher and Student Behavior in P.E , William J. Davis

An Exploratory Investigation of Baseball Coaches' Attitudes and Experiences With Sport Psychology , Jesse D. Michel

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Using Concept Mapping to Identify Action Steps for Physical Activity Promotion in Cancer Treatment , Sean J. Fitzpatrick

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

At-Risk Student-Athletes and Academic Achievement: Experiences of Successful and Unsuccessful First Year Collegiate Football Players , Samantha J. Monda

A Survey of Bariatric Surgical Patients' Experiences with Behavioral and Psychological Services , Jessica C. Peacock

A tailored wellness intervention for college students using internet-based technology , Alessandro Quartiroli

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

The effects of a walking intervention on self-efficacy for coping with cancer and quality of life among cancer patients during treatment , Sean J. Fitzpatrick

Validity and reliability of accelerometers for examining vertical jump performance , Ryan M. Ruben

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

The evaluation of a nutrition education and fitness program with a contest component among college students using the RE-AIM framework , Michelle L. Bartlett

An individualized multimodal mental skills intervention for college athletes undergoing injury rehabilitation , Jamie L. Shapiro

The role of emotional intelligence on coach-athlete relationships and motivational climate , Eric E. Steege

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Effectiveness of an educational intervention on the attitudes toward sport psychology of athletic training students , Damien Clement

Impact of a physical activity intervention for weight loss: A qualitative analysis of participant perceptions and expectations , Jessica Anne Creasy

Leadership and organizational culture transformation in professional sport , Joe Frontiera

Motivation in sport: Bridging historical and contemporary theory through a qualitative approach , Daniel J. Leidl

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

Impact of a tailored intervention on coaches' attitudes and use of sport psychology services , Rebecca Zakrajsek

Theses/Dissertations from 2006 2006

Does physical disability truly create impairment in adjustment to college life? , Jennifer R. Hurst

The transtheoretical model and psychological skills training: Application and implications with elite female athletes , Linda Ann Keeler

Theses/Dissertations from 2005 2005

The role of apoptosis in muscle remodeling , Parco Ming-fai Siu

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484 Sports Research Topics & Good Ideas

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  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
  • Icon Page 4564 words
  • Icon Clock 21 min read

Sports research paper topics encompass many interesting themes, each captivating in its own field. Some themes span from physical performance enhancement, delving into nutrition, training regimes, and physiological limits, to the mental aspects of sports psychology, focusing on motivation, team dynamics, and coping with pressure. Then, sociocultural implications are equally significant, examining gender equality, racial representation, and the societal impacts of sporting events. Another intriguing area is sports economics, discussing team franchise values, player salaries, and the economic effects of sports tourism. Finally, people have the domain of sports technology, exploring how advancements, like wearables, analytics, and virtual reality, are revolutionizing the field. The spectrum of sports research paper topics is vast and multidimensional, a reflection of the dynamic nature of sports itself.

Best Sports Research Topics

  • Influence of Nutrition on Athletic Performance: An In-Depth Study
  • Doping in Sports: The Persistent Moral Dilemma
  • Roles of Sports Psychology in Enhancing Player Performance
  • The Impact of Concussions on American Football
  • Dissecting the Relationship Between Sports and Nationalism
  • Effects of Technological Advancements on Modern Sports
  • Unveiling the Economic Aspects of Major League Sports
  • Gender Inequality in Professional Sports: A Comprehensive Analysis
  • The Paradox of Violence in Contact Sports
  • Performance Anxiety Among Young Athletes: Causes and Solutions
  • The Role of Media in Shaping Sports Culture
  • eSports Phenomenon: A Sociological Perspective
  • Long-Term Health Consequences of High-Intensity Sports
  • Underrepresentation of Minority Groups in Major Sports Leagues
  • Benefits of Physical Activity for Children’s Mental Health
  • Cultural Factors Influencing Popular Sports in Different Countries
  • Steroids in Bodybuilding: Unveiling the Hidden Dangers
  • Roles of Sports in Promoting Inclusive Societies
  • Challenges and Successes in Women’s Professional Football
  • Ethical Implications of Genetic Engineering in Sports
  • Olympic Games: The Evolution of Modern Sportsmanship
  • Economic Impact of Hosting Mega Sporting Events
  • Extreme Sports and Risk-Taking Behavior: A Psychological Perspective
  • Professional Athletes as Role Models: A Societal Impact Analysis
  • Impacts of Climate Change on Outdoor Sports

Easy Sports Research Topics

  • How Do Sports Influence Youth Development and Social Skills?
  • Comparative Analysis of Training Techniques in Different Sports
  • Rehabilitation Techniques in Sports Medicine: A Detailed Review
  • Social Issues in Sports: Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia
  • Evolution and Impact of Sports Marketing
  • Exploring the Concept of ‘Home Advantage’ in Sports
  • Impacts of Globalization on the Sports Industry
  • Sports Law and Its Implications: A Comprehensive Review
  • Fan Culture in Sports: The Influence on Players’ Performance
  • Roles of Innovation in Sports Equipment Design
  • Psychological Resilience in Elite Athletes: Unveiling the Secrets
  • Sports Sponsorships: The Impact on Brand Awareness
  • Understanding the Paralympic Movement: History and Evolution
  • Emergence and Growth of Mixed Martial Arts: An Analysis
  • Effects of Physical Training on Mental Well-Being
  • Roles of Video Technology in Modern Sports Adjudication
  • Importance of Good Sleep Habits for Athlete Performance
  • Assessing the Sustainability of Major Sports Events
  • Science Behind Hydration and Sports Performance
  • Dealing With Injuries: Mental Health of Athletes
  • Sports Careers: Beyond Being an Athlete

Sports Research Topics & Good Ideas

Interesting Sports Research Paper Topics

  • Comparative Study of Traditional and Online Sports Betting
  • Advent of Virtual Reality in Sports Training
  • Stress Management Strategies for High-Performance Athletes
  • Analysis of Leadership Styles in Sports Coaching
  • Sociocultural Impact of Sports on Community Development
  • The Future of Sports Broadcasting: Trends and Predictions
  • Transformation of Public Perception Toward Female Athletes
  • Examining the Role of Ethics in Sports Journalism
  • Impacts of High Altitude Training on Athlete Performance
  • Sports-Based Rehabilitation Programs for Incarcerated Individuals
  • Examining the Phenomenon of Superstition in Sports
  • Youth Sports Specialization: Risks and Benefits
  • Comparative Study of Fan Loyalty in Different Sports
  • Roles of Mental Imagery in Enhancing Athletic Performance
  • Effects of Climate Conditions on Athlete Performance
  • Impacts of Sports-Based Interventions in Conflict Resolution
  • Aging Athletes and Longevity in Professional Sports
  • The Impact of Family Support on Young Athletes
  • Sports Tourism: Its Economic and Social Effects
  • Cognitive Skills Development through Competitive Sports: A Study
  • Emerging Trends in Sports Nutrition: A Health Perspective
  • Roles of Strength and Conditioning in Injury Prevention
  • The Influence of Music on Athletic Performance

Sports Research Topics on History

  • Evolution of the Olympic Games: From Ancient Greece to Modern Era
  • Impacts of World Wars on the Progression of Sports
  • Rise of Women’s Participation in Competitive Sports: A Historical Perspective
  • Transformation of Boxing: From Bare-Knuckle Bouts to Regulated Matches
  • Analysis of the FIFA World Cup: Its Origins and Influences
  • Pivotal Moments in the History of American Baseball
  • The Socioeconomic Influences of Football’s Popularity in Europe
  • Development and Evolution of Motor Racing Sports
  • Cricket’s Journey: From the British Empire to Global Phenomenon
  • Integration of Technology in Sports: A Retrospective Review
  • Influential Figures in the Growth of Basketball: A Historical Analysis
  • Cultural Shifts in Traditional Martial Arts: East Meets West
  • Impacts of Racial Segregation on the History of American Sports
  • Modernization of the Paralympic Games: Overcoming Adversity
  • Expansion of the National Hockey League: A Century-Long Journey
  • Golf’s Transformation: From Elitist Leisure Activity to Global Sport
  • Rise of Extreme Sports in the Late 20th Century
  • Influence of Rugby on Global Sports Culture
  • Tennis: The Evolution of the Modern Game
  • Historical Shifts in the Perception of Physical Fitness and Bodybuilding
  • Roles of Professional Wrestling in Pop Culture: An Historical Overview
  • Cycling’s Journey: From Basic Transportation to Competitive Sport

Psychology Sports Research Topics

  • Psychological Impact of Injuries on Athletes: A Comprehensive Study
  • Embracing Defeat: Mental Resilience in Professional Sport
  • Roles of Sports Psychology in Enhancing Team Performance
  • Influence of Mental Conditioning on Athletes’ Success Rates
  • Gender Differences in Competitive Stress Responses
  • Sports Psychology: Applications in Youth Development Programs
  • Cognitive Processes Underlying Decision-Making in Team Sports
  • Understanding the Psychological Preparation of Olympic Athletes
  • Impacts of Spectator Behavior on Athlete Performance: An Exploration
  • Motivational Strategies in Professional Sports Coaching
  • Mindfulness and its Role in Athletes’ Stress Management
  • Exploring Psychological Trauma in Retired Athletes
  • Impacts of Psychological Interventions on Athletic Injury Recovery
  • Psychological Factors Contributing to Athlete Burnout
  • Roles of Self-efficacy in Athletic Performance: A Detailed Study
  • Analysis of Personality Traits Among Successful Athletes
  • Stressors in Elite Sports: An Examination of Coping Mechanisms
  • Influence of Team Dynamics on Individual Performance in Sports
  • Exploring the Psychology of Endurance Sports
  • Impacts of Coach-Athlete Relationships on Athlete Psychology
  • Mental Health in Sports: Stigma, Support, and Solutions

Research Paper Topics About Women in Sports

  • Pioneering Female Athletes: A Historical Perspective
  • Challenges and Opportunities in Women’s Professional Basketball
  • Advancements in Women’s Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation
  • Intersectionality of Gender, Race, and Culture in Women’s Sports
  • Achieving Parity: An Analysis of Pay Inequality in Women’s Sports
  • Evolution of Women’s Roles in the Olympics: 1896 to Present
  • Impacts of Title IX on American Women’s Sports Participation
  • Female Sports Representation in Media: Progress and Remaining Challenges
  • Investigating Sociocultural Barriers to Women’s Sports Participation Worldwide
  • Psychological Impacts of Competitive Stress on Female Athletes
  • Understanding Body Image Issues Among Female Athletes
  • Analysis of Leadership Roles: Women in Sports Management
  • Biomechanical Differences Between Male and Female Athletes: Implications for Training
  • Role Models and Mentoring in Women’s Sports: A Comparative Study
  • Promoting Inclusion: The LGBTQ+ Community in Women’s Sports
  • Influence of Female Athletes on Fashion and Lifestyle Trends
  • Advancement in Equipment and Gear Designed Specifically for Female Athletes
  • A Study on the Prevalence and Prevention of Eating Disorders in Women’s Sports
  • Exploring the Notion of ‘Femininity’ in the Context of Women’s Sports
  • Women’s Participation in Extreme and Non-Traditional Sports: A Growing Trend
  • Effects of Maternity Leave Policies on Professional Female Athletes’ Careers
  • Recognizing the Unsung Heroes: Contributions of Women in Sports Science

Sports Research Topics on Training

  • Exploring the Impacts of High-Intensity Interval Training on Athletic Performance
  • The Role of Strength Training in Injury Prevention for Athletes
  • Effectiveness of Sport-Specific Training vs. Generic Training Programs
  • Nutrition and Training: Understanding the Link in Athletic Performance
  • Influence of Altitude Training on Endurance Sports Performance
  • Mental Training and Its Effects on Sports Performance: A Comprehensive Review
  • The Role of Cross Training in Enhancing Skills of Multi-Sport Athletes
  • Periodization in Training: A Modern Approach for Optimizing Athlete Performance
  • Sleep’s Impacts on Athletic Recovery and Performance
  • Diving Into the Science of Flexibility Training for Athletes
  • Understanding the Biochemical Responses to Resistance Training in Athletes
  • The Importance of Balance Training in the Prevention of Sports Injuries
  • Ergogenic Aids in Training: The Science and the Ethics
  • How Does Overtraining Affect Athlete Performance and Health?
  • The Role of Plyometric Training in Improving Power and Agility in Athletes
  • Techniques for Mental Toughness Training: Impact on Athlete Success
  • Roles of Core Training in Enhancing Athletic Performance
  • Hydration Strategies in Training and Performance: A Critical Review
  • Neurological Adaptations to Sports Training: A Deeper Dive
  • Optimizing Interval Training for Enhanced Cardiovascular Fitness in Athletes

Research Paper Topics on Sports Science

  • The Impact of High-Intensity Interval Training on Endurance Performance in Soccer Players
  • Evaluating the Effects of Nutrition Interventions on Muscle Recovery in Weightlifters
  • Investigating the Role of Biomechanics in Enhancing Golf Swing Performance
  • Analyzing the Effects of Plyometric Training on Vertical Jump Height in Basketball Players
  • Exploring the Relationship Between Sleep Quality and Athletic Performance in Elite Athletes
  • Effects of Altitude Training on Oxygen Utilization in Distance Runners
  • Examining the Impact of Sports Psychology Techniques on Mental Toughness in Tennis Players
  • Investigating the Influence of Sports Supplements on Muscle Strength and Power in Rugby Players
  • Analyzing the Effects of Heat Acclimatization on Performance and Thermoregulation in Marathon Runners
  • Exploring the Role of Visual Perception and Reaction Time in Baseball Batting Performance
  • Effects of Cold-Water Immersion on Muscle Recovery in Soccer Players
  • Analyzing the Effects of Dynamic Stretching on Agility Performance in Football Players
  • Exploring the Impact of Mindfulness-Based Interventions on Stress and Performance in Athletes
  • Analyzing the Relationship Between Vitamin D Levels and Muscular Strength in Athletes
  • Exploring the Influence of Mental Imagery Techniques on Skill Acquisition in Divers
  • Examining the Impact of Gender on Injury Patterns in Collegiate Soccer Players
  • Investigating the Relationship Between Personality Traits and Motivation in Team Sports
  • Analyzing the Effects of Music Tempo on Performance and Perceived Effort in Cyclists
  • Exploring the Influence of Biofeedback Training on Heart Rate Variability in Swimmers
  • The Impact of Recovery Strategies on Fatigue and Performance in Triathletes
  • Investigating the Role of Genetic Factors in Athletic Performance and Injury Susceptibility

Sports Research Paper Topics on Exercise

  • Comparative Analysis of Different Training Methods for Enhancing Strength and Power in Athletes
  • Investigating the Relationship Between Sports Injuries and Exercise Techniques
  • The Impact of Nutrition and Hydration on Endurance Training
  • Exploring the Psychological Benefits of Regular Physical Exercise in Sports
  • Evaluating the Role of Stretching Exercises in Injury Prevention for Athletes
  • Analyzing the Effectiveness of CrossFit Training Programs in Enhancing Overall Fitness
  • Investigating the Role of Physical Exercise in Enhancing Cognitive Function in Athletes
  • The Relationship Between Sleep Quality and Athletic Performance in Sports
  • Benefits of Plyometric Training in Enhancing Explosive Power for Athletes
  • Evaluating the Influence of Sports Supplements on Muscle Recovery and Performance
  • Analyzing the Impact of Exercise Intensity and Duration on Weight Loss in Sports
  • Effects of Resistance Training on Bone Density and Injury Prevention in Athletes
  • Investigating the Role of Yoga and Pilates in Improving Flexibility and Balance for Athletes
  • Analyzing the Impact of Altitude Training on Endurance Performance in Athletes
  • The Effects of Sport-Specific Training on Skill Acquisition and Performance Enhancement
  • Examining the Influence of Gender on Athletic Performance in Different Sports
  • Investigating the Effects of Sports Massage on Muscle Recovery and Performance
  • Evaluating the Effects of Different Cooling Strategies on Exercise Performance and Recovery
  • The Relationship Between Exercise and Aging: Implications for Sports Performance
  • Analyzing the Effects of Heat Acclimation on Exercise Tolerance and Performance

Athletic Sports Research Topics

  • The Power of Sports Psychology in Enhancing Athlete Performance
  • Nutrition’s Impact on Athletic Endurance: A Comprehensive Study
  • High-Intensity Interval Training: Boosting Athletic Performance
  • Unraveling the Connection Between Sleep and Athletic Recovery
  • Performance-Enhancing Drugs in Sports: Examining Efficacy
  • Weather Conditions and Outdoor Sporting Events: Exploring the Relationship
  • Cross-Training: Maximizing Athletic Abilities and Potential
  • Age: Its Influence on Athletic Performance and Injury Risk
  • Genetics and Athletic Performance: Unveiling the Link
  • Gender’s Roles in Sports Performance and Participation: An Investigation
  • Psychological Factors in Injury Rehabilitation: A Critical Analysis
  • Virtual Reality in Athletic Training and Performance: An Innovative Approach
  • Biomechanics: Enhancing Athletic Technique and Performance
  • Sports Massage: An Effective Tool for Recovery and Performance
  • Athlete Burnout: The Psychological Impact on Performance
  • Mindfulness and Meditation: Enhancing Athlete Well-Being and Focus
  • Altitude and Endurance Performance: An In-Depth Study
  • Sports Analytics: Optimizing Performance through Data Analysis
  • Coach-Athlete Relationships: Impact on Athletic Success
  • Pre-Competition Rituals: Their Effectiveness in Enhancing Performance
  • Strength and Conditioning Programs: Benefits for Athletes

Sports Management Research Topics

  • The Impact of Data Analytics on Sports Management
  • Enhancing Fan Engagement Strategies for Sports Management
  • Sustainable Practices in Sports Facility Management
  • Leveraging Social Media for Sports Marketing and Management
  • The Role of Sports Agents in Athlete Management
  • Leadership in Sports Team Management
  • Ethical Issues in Sports Management
  • Effective Sponsorship Strategies in Sports Management
  • Technology in Sports Event Management
  • Enhancing Athlete Performance Through Sports Science Management
  • Economic Impacts of Major Sporting Events on Local Communities
  • Diversity and Inclusion in Sports Management
  • Evolution of Sports Broadcasting and Its Impact on Management
  • Challenges of Sports Facility Operations and Management
  • Roles of Sports Psychology in Athlete Management
  • Risk Management Strategies in Sports Organizations
  • Sports Law and Regulations in Management Practices
  • Branding and Merchandising in Sports Management
  • Roles of Sports Medicine in Athlete Management
  • Financial Management in Sports Organizations

Marketing Sports Research Topics

  • The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Sports Sponsorships
  • Evaluating Athlete Endorsements in Sports Marketing Effectiveness
  • Analyzing the Role of Branding in Sports Merchandise Marketing
  • Exploring Fan Engagement and Its Relationship With Sports Marketing Strategies
  • Investigating the Influence of Sports Events on Local Economic Development
  • Examining the Use of Influencer Marketing in the Sports Industry
  • Assessing Sports Marketing Campaigns Targeting Gen Z Effectiveness
  • Data Analytics in Sports Marketing and Fan Engagement
  • Athlete Personalities and Their Impact on Sports Marketing Success
  • Analyzing Sports Marketing Strategies’ Use of Gamification
  • Fan Loyalty Programs’ Role in Sports Marketing
  • Evaluating Sports Sponsorship Activation Strategies’ Effectiveness
  • Investigating Sports Advertising Influence on Consumer Behavior
  • Fan Communities’ Role in Sports Marketing and Brand Building
  • Analyzing the Use of Virtual Reality for Enhanced Sports Marketing Experiences
  • Examining Sports Celebrity Endorsements’ Influence on Consumer Buying Decisions
  • eSports Impact on Traditional Sports Marketing Strategies
  • Assessing Cause Marketing Effectiveness in the Sports Industry
  • Augmented Reality in Enhancing Sports Marketing Engagement
  • Analyzing Emotional Branding in Sports Marketing Campaigns
  • Investigating Sports Betting’s Influence on Sports Marketing Strategies

Research Paper Topics on Sports Theory

  • The Influence of Psychological Factors on Performance in Competitive Sports
  • Motivation’s Role in Sports Performance: A Theoretical Perspective
  • Personality Traits’ Impacts on Sports Success
  • Analysis of Effective Sports Training Methods for Skill Acquisition
  • Leadership Styles’ Effect on Team Performance in Sports
  • The Application of Sports Psychology in Injury Rehabilitation
  • Evaluating Sports Nutrition’s Impacts on Athlete Performance and Recovery
  • Understanding Sports Biomechanics’ Role in Enhancing Athletic Performance
  • Mental Imagery’s Effects on Sports Performance and Skill Execution
  • Effects of Pre-Competition Rituals on Sports Performance
  • Communication Between Coach and Athlete and Its Relationship With Team Cohesion
  • The Impact of Sports Technology on Performance Enhancement
  • Psychological Skills Training and Athletes’ Mental Toughness
  • The Role of Sports Sociology in Shaping Sporting Cultures
  • Sports Injuries and Psychological Well-Being: Exploring the Relationship
  • Performance-Enhancing Drugs and Their Effects on Sports Performance
  • Gender’s Roles in Sports Participation and Performance
  • Environmental Factors and Their Influence on Sports Performance
  • The Effect of Goal Setting on Athlete Motivation and Performance
  • Sports Specialization and Long-Term Athletic Development

Research Paper Topics About Sports Sociology

  • The Impact of Gender Roles on Sports Participation and Performance
  • Media Influence on the Perception of Athletes and Sports Culture
  • Social Class and Its Effects on Sports Opportunities and Success
  • Racial Inequality in Professional Sports: Challenges and Progress
  • The Role of Sports in Building Social Networks and Communities
  • Sports and National Identity: Exploring the Connection
  • Education and Sports: Examining the Benefits and Challenges
  • The Role of Sports in Promoting Health and Well-Being in Society
  • Sociology of Sports Fandom: Identity, Rituals, and Belonging
  • Sports and Youth Development: Socialization and Empowerment
  • Disability and Inclusivity in Sports: Breaking Barriers and Challenging Stereotypes
  • Deviance in Sports: Examining the Relationship Between Rule-Breaking and Social Order
  • Activism in Sports: Exploring Social Movements Within Athletic Contexts
  • Commercialization of Sports: Impacts on Athletes, Fans, and Society
  • Politics and Sports: Analyzing the Intersections and Controversies
  • Influence of Sports on Body Image and Self-Esteem
  • Sports and Aging: Promoting Healthy Aging and Social Engagement
  • Construction of Heroes and Villains in Sports
  • Sports and Religion: Exploring the Connections and Conflicts
  • Sociology of Sports Injury: Understanding Recovery and Rehabilitation Processes
  • Nationalism and Sports: Examining the Role of Sports in Shaping Patriotism

Nutrition Sports Research Topics

  • The Impact of Protein Supplementation on Athletic Performance
  • The Role of Carbohydrates in Post-Exercise Recovery
  • Assessing the Effects of Hydration on Endurance Athletes
  • Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Sports Performance
  • Analyzing the Impact of Caffeine on Exercise Endurance
  • Investigating the Effects of Antioxidants on Exercise-Induced Oxidative Stress
  • Evaluating the Influence of Vitamin D on Muscle Strength and Power
  • Understanding the Importance of Electrolyte Balance in Sports Nutrition
  • Exploring the Role of Pre-Workout Supplements in Enhancing Performance
  • Analyzing the Effectiveness of High-Intensity Interval Training in Fat Loss and Muscle Gain
  • The Relationship Between Nutrition and Bone Health in Athletes
  • Examining the Use of Probiotics for Gut Health in Sports Performance
  • Investigating the Impact of Plant-Based Diets on Athletic Performance
  • The Role of Micronutrients in Immune Function for Athletes
  • Evaluating the Effects of Dietary Fiber on Digestive Health in Athletes
  • Analyzing the Benefits of Branched-Chain Amino Acids for Muscle Recovery
  • Understanding the Impact of Iron Deficiency on Female Athletes
  • The Effect of Creatine Supplementation on Strength and Power in Athletes
  • Assessing the Role of Glycogen in Endurance Exercise Performance
  • Exploring the Effects of Sports Drinks on Hydration and Performance

Sports Research Topics on Medicine

  • The Impact of Sports-Related Concussions on Brain Health: An In-Depth Analysis
  • Evaluating the Efficacy of Performance-Enhancing Drugs in Sports Medicine
  • The Role of Sports Medicine in Preventing and Treating Musculoskeletal Injuries
  • Exploring the Effects of Exercise on Mental Health and Well-Being in Athletes
  • Enhancing Performance through Sports Nutrition: A Comprehensive Review
  • Examining the Relationship Between Sports Participation and Cardiovascular Health
  • The Role of Sports Medicine in Managing and Preventing Chronic Diseases
  • Analyzing the Impact of Sports Medicine on Female Athletes’ Health and Performance
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Rehabilitation Programs in Sports Medicine
  • The Use of Biomechanics in Sports Medicine: Advancements and Applications
  • Investigating the Benefits of Sports Massage Therapy in Injury Recovery and Performance Enhancement
  • Assessing the Role of Sports Medicine in Preventing and Managing Overuse Injuries
  • Understanding the Role of Sports Medicine in Enhancing Respiratory Health in Athletes
  • Examining the Impact of Exercise on Metabolic Disorders and Obesity
  • The Use of Sports Medicine in Optimizing Performance for Elite Athletes
  • Exploring the Role of Sports Medicine in Youth Sports: Injury Prevention and Health Promotion
  • Investigating the Effectiveness of Cryotherapy in Sports Medicine
  • Analyzing the Impact of Sports Medicine on Psychological Factors in Athletes
  • The Role of Sports Medicine in Managing and Preventing Exercise-Induced Asthma
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Sports Medicine Programs in Enhancing Flexibility and Mobility
  • Understanding the Benefits and Risks of Sports Supplements in Athletes

Sports Research Topics About Injuries

  • Exploring Gender Disparities in ACL Injuries Among Collegiate Soccer Players
  • Assessing Preventive Measures to Reduce Baseball Pitching-Related Injuries
  • Comprehensive Evaluation of Basketball Injuries and Rehabilitation Techniques
  • Long-Term Consequences of Head Injuries in Youth Ice Hockey: An Investigation
  • Tennis Elbow among Professional Players: Prevalence and Causes
  • Effectiveness of Protective Equipment in Minimizing Combat Sports Injuries
  • Psychological Rehabilitation of Athletes Following Sports-Related Injuries: An Analysis
  • Roles of Nutrition in Promoting Healing and Recovery From Sports Injuries
  • Incidence of Ankle Sprains in High School Basketball Players: A Study
  • Overtraining and Musculoskeletal Injuries in Marathon Runners: Analyzing the Relationship
  • Impacts of Environmental Factors on Heat-Related Illnesses in Outdoor Sports
  • Rehabilitation Programs for Shoulder Injuries in Baseball Pitchers: Evaluating Efficacy
  • Mechanisms and Risk Factors of Hamstring Injuries in Soccer Players: An Investigation
  • Artificial Turf and Knee Injuries in Football: Examining the Relationship
  • Psychological Effects of Season-Ending Injuries on Professional Athletes: Analysis and Implications
  • Prevalence and Prevention of Volleyball-Related Ankle Injuries: A Comprehensive Study
  • Biomechanics and ACL Tears in Female Athletes: Assessing the Risk
  • Effectiveness of Sport-Specific Conditioning Programs in Reducing Injuries: An Evaluation
  • Equipment Design and Head Injuries in Snowboarding: Analyzing the Relationship
  • Physiotherapy in Treating Tennis-Related Shoulder Injuries: Evaluating Efficacy

Sports Research Topics on Doping

  • Impacts of Performance-Enhancing Drugs on Athletic Performance
  • Ethics of Doping in Professional Sports
  • Long-Term Health Effects of Doping on Athletes
  • Effectiveness of Anti-Doping Policies in Sports
  • Roles of Drug Testing in Preventing Doping in Athletics
  • Psychological Factors Driving Athletes to Dope
  • Use of Designer Drugs in Sports
  • Influence of Doping on Gender Equality in Athletics
  • Economic Implications of Doping in Professional Sports
  • Relationship Between Doping and Sports Sponsorship
  • Impacts of Doping Scandals on Athletes’ Legacies
  • Roles of Athlete Education in Preventing Doping
  • Influence of Social Media on Doping Culture in Sports
  • Use of Doping in Amateur and Youth Sports
  • Roles of Coaches and Trainers in Encouraging or Discouraging Doping
  • Effectiveness of Doping Detection Methods in Sports
  • Influence of Peer Pressure on Doping Practices
  • Roles of Sports Organizations in Combating Doping
  • Relationship Between Doping and Sports Injuries
  • Impacts of Doping on Fair Play and Sporting Integrity
  • Use of Gene Doping in Enhancing Athletic Performance

Argumentative Sports Research Topics

  • Impacts of Performance-Enhancing Drugs on Athletes’ Long-Term Health
  • Ethics of Using Genetic Engineering in Enhancing Athletic Abilities
  • Inequality in Prize Money Distribution in Male and Female Sports
  • The True Cost of Hosting the Olympic Games: An Economic Analysis
  • Should eSports Be Recognized as Legitimate Competitive Sports?
  • Dangers of Early Specialization in Youth Sports: A Comprehensive Review
  • How Does Media Coverage Affect Female Athletes’ Perception?
  • Analyzing the Effect of Mental Health on Athletic Performance
  • Collegiate Athletes and Compensation: Should They Be Paid?
  • Evolution of Technology in Sports: Boon or Bane?
  • The Role of Race and Racism in Professional Sports
  • The Influence of Role Models in Sports on Youth Development
  • Exploring the Connection Between Sports Participation and Academic Achievement
  • Violence in Sports: Societal Implications and Solutions
  • Effects of Sponsorship on Athletes’ Performance and Branding
  • Importance of Fair Play in Sports: A Philosophical Perspective
  • Understanding the Impact of Climate Change on Outdoor Sports
  • Professional Athletes’ Wages: Justified or Overrated?
  • Doping Controls in Sports: Are Current Methods Effective?
  • Roles of Sports in Promoting Social Inclusion and Unity
  • Impacts of Sports-Related Concussions on Cognitive Functioning
  • Perspectives on Body Image Issues Among Female Athletes

Sports Research Paper Topics About Running

  • Enhancing Long-Distance Running Performance Through Endurance Training
  • Effects of High-Intensity Interval Training on Sprint Performance in Runners
  • Psychological Factors Influencing Marathon Running Performance
  • Nutrition and Hydration: Key Factors in Running Performance
  • Age and Running Performance: A Comparative Analysis of Masters Athletes
  • Strength Training: Improving Running Efficiency
  • Altitude Training and Its Impact on Endurance Running Performance
  • Genetics: A Determining Factor in Running Ability and Performance
  • The Influence of Running Surfaces on Injury Risk and Performance
  • Power Development in Runners: The Role of Plyometric Training
  • Warm-Up and Cool-Down Protocols: Impact on Running Performance
  • Psychological Strategies of Elite Runners: Performance Enhancement Techniques
  • Sleep, Recovery, and Running Performance: Exploring the Connection
  • Footwear Technology: Effects on Running Performance and Injury Prevention
  • Cross-Training: Enhancing Running Performance Through Variation
  • Anaerobic Capacity in Runners: Effects of Interval Training
  • Running Economy and Performance: An Analysis of Distance Runners
  • Stretching and Flexibility Training: Influence on Running Performance
  • Physiological Adaptations in Long-Term Endurance Running Training
  • Fatigue and Overtraining in Runners: Contributing Factors

Water Sports Research Topics

  • The Impact of Water Sports on Physical Fitness and Health
  • Exploring the Economic Benefits of Water Sports Tourism
  • Environmental Conservation in Water Sports: Practices and Challenges
  • Investigating the Psychological Benefits of Water Sports
  • The Role of Gender in Water Sports Participation and Performance
  • Exploring the History and Evolution of Water Sports
  • Analyzing the Safety Measures in Water Sports Activities
  • The Influence of Technology on Water Sports Performance
  • Assessing the Social and Cultural Impacts of Water Sports Events
  • Understanding the Physiology of Water Sports Athletes
  • Investigating the Role of Nutrition in Enhancing Water Sports Performance
  • Exploring the Role of Coaching in Water Sports Training
  • The Effect of Water Sports on Cognitive Function and Mental Well-Being
  • Analyzing the Economic Viability of Water Sports Facilities
  • Investigating the Environmental Effects of Water Sports Equipment and Gear
  • The Impact of Water Sports on Coastal Ecosystems and Marine Life
  • Understanding the Psychological Challenges Faced by Water Sports Athletes
  • Exploring the Influence of Water Sports on Youth Development
  • Assessing the Role of Media in Promoting Water Sports
  • Analyzing the Cultural Significance of Traditional Water Sports
  • The Influence of Weather Conditions on Water Sports Activities

Soccer Sports Research Topics

  • Soccer Tactics Evolution: Analyzing the Impact of Formations on Team Performance
  • Influence of Home Field Advantage in Soccer: A Statistical Analysis
  • Roles of Mental Training in Enhancing Soccer Performance: A Case Study of Professional Players
  • Player Positioning and Goal-Scoring Efficiency in Soccer: An Analytical Study
  • Effectiveness of Different Training Methods for Developing Soccer Skills
  • Impacts of Playing Surface on Soccer Performance and Injury Rates: A Comparative Study
  • Psychological Factors Affecting Penalty Shootout Performance in Soccer: An Analysis
  • Nutrition and Diet: Enhancing Soccer Players’ Performance and Recovery
  • Relationship Between Soccer Team Diversity and Success: A Case Study of Professional Leagues
  • Impacts of Weather Conditions on Soccer Matches: A Comparative Analysis
  • Influence of Managerial Styles on Team Performance in Soccer: Exploring the Link
  • Technology’s Role in Enhancing Soccer Fan Engagement and Experience: An Overview
  • Economic Impacts of Major Soccer Events on Host Countries: Analyzing the Effects
  • Impact of Player Transfers on Team Performance in Professional Soccer: An Investigation
  • Relationship Between Soccer and National Identity: A Comparative Study
  • Soccer-Specific Physical Conditioning Programs: Effectiveness in Injury Prevention
  • Role of Soccer Academies in Player Development: A Comparative Analysis
  • Effectiveness of Video Analysis in Improving Soccer Tactics and Strategy: A Study
  • Impacts of Fan Behavior on Soccer Match Atmosphere and Player Performance: An Examination
  • Influence of Soccer Broadcasts on Fan Engagement and Support: Analyzing the Effects

Extreme Sports Research Topics

  • Exploration: Psychological Benefits of Extreme Sports
  • Analysis: Impact of Extreme Sports on Physical Fitness
  • Examining the Role of Risk-Taking in Extreme Sports
  • Investigating the Evolution of Equipment in Extreme Sports
  • Understanding the Sociocultural Significance of Extreme Sports
  • Exploring the Environmental Impact of Extreme Sports
  • Assessing the Role of Technology in Extreme Sports
  • Analyzing Economic Aspects of the Extreme Sports Industry
  • Investigating the Relationship Between Gender and Extreme Sports Participation
  • Examining the Influence of Extreme Sports on Youth Culture
  • Role of Media in Promoting Extreme Sports
  • Analyzing the Impact of Sponsorship in Extreme Sports
  • Physiology of Athletes in Extreme Sports
  • Understanding Roles of Fear and Adrenaline in Extreme Sports
  • Examining the Role of Extreme Sports in Overcoming Personal Challenges
  • Investigating the Impact of Extreme Sports on Mental Well-Being
  • Analyzing Cultural Appropriation in Extreme Sports
  • Exploring the Relationship between Extreme Sports and Natural Landscapes
  • Examining Safety Measures and Risk Management in Extreme Sports
  • Investigating the Impact of Extreme Sports on Tourism
  • Exploring Ethics of Extreme Sports

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Sports Dissertation Research Topics – Titles With Research Aim

Published by Grace Graffin at January 6th, 2023 , Revised On June 6, 2024

  The significance of a dissertation topic cannot be overlooked in the academic world. If your dissertation topic is unique, meaningful and intriguing, it is very likely that you will impress your readers and the supervisor. Your dissertation topic should be specific and focused so you address a real problem and contribute to the literature. Finding sports dissertation topics can be a little challenging because sports, unlike other academic subjects, is mostly based on physical activities even though it does involve sports sciences courses.

In this blog post, we have provided several sports dissertation topics to help you get started with your sports dissertation. These topics look at the significance and relevance of sports from different perspectives including nutrition, psychology, mental health, physiology and biomechanics. Without further ado, here are the best sports dissertation topics for you to consider for your research.

Also Read – Mental health dissertation topics , psychology dissertation ideas, physiotherapy dissertation topics , and healthcare dissertation topics .

List Of Latest Ideas For Your Sports Dissertation

  • What are the gender differences observed in the development of muscle strength among adolescent athletes?
  • What are the key nutritional considerations that can improve the physiology of football players?
  • How does vitamin D affect muscle function and performance in athletes?
  • How do strength training programs contribute to injury prevention in sports?
  • What are the effects of temperature regulation techniques on training outcomes in sports?
  • What is the optimal timing of nutrient intake to maximise sports performance?
  • What are the most effective rehabilitation strategies for athletes during the recovery process from sports injuries?
  • How does satellite cell therapy improve sports performance in the future?
  • How do sponsorship deals and athlete branding tactics affect the effectiveness of sports marketing?
  • What public health measures are useful in stopping infectious ailments during athletic occasions?

Sports Dissertation Research Topics & Ideas

Topic 1: the role of sports education in obesity prevention- a case of sports education at young age in british schools.

Research Aim: This research aims to find the role of sports education in obesity prevention. It will analyse the strategies and methods used by schools and other educational institutions to provide sports awareness to students of age to prevent them from obesity. It will find how much awareness level is necessary for young students to participate in sports activities. Lastly, it will recommend ways schools and other educational institutes can create an encouraging sports environment to make children more active from a young age.

Topic 2: Sports and Economy- The Role of Sports in Economic Growth and Human Development- A Case of Cricket in India

Research Aim: This study intends to analyse the role of sports in economic growth and human development. It will assess the role played by sports in a country’s gross domestic product (GDP), employment creation, investments, and human development index (HDI). It will use cricket in India as a case study. It will show how many households are associated with cricket. How much do they make and consume? What is the overall physical and online viewership of cricket? How does the cricket economy work in India?

Topic 3: Impact of Sports Psychology and Coaching on the Personality Development of the Athlete- An Exploratory Study Finding the Advantages and Disadvantages of Sports Psychology

Research Aim: This research finds the impact of sports psychology and coaching on the personality development of the athlete. It will find psychological factors which affect the athlete’s personality and performance. Moreover, it will show how sports psychology and coaching can improve these factors to improve athletes’ traits such as motivation level, confidence, performance, etc. Lastly, it will recommend enhancing athletes’ personalities through sports psychology and coaching in multiple ways.

Topic 4: The Role of Sports Diplomacy in Foreign Policymaking- A Case of Sports Relationship Between North and South Korea

Research Aim: This study sheds light on the role of sports diplomacy in foreign policymaking. It will show the importance of sports, global political economy, and international relations (IR) by analysing various IR and international sports theories. It will assess the role of sports in the diplomatic relationship between South and North Korea. It will show whether they incorporate sports diplomacy in their foreign policy to improve diplomatic ties with each other. Lastly, it will recommend lessons other countries learned from their relationship.

Topic 5: Are Sports Necessary or Business Making Ways? The Role of Sports Medicine in Enhancing Sports Performance- Assessing the Advantages and Disadvantages of Sports Medicine

Research Aim: This research assesses the role of sports medicine in enhancing sports performance. It will analyse the effects of these medicines on the health of athletes. Moreover, it will find the other advantages and disadvantages of these medicines. It will also show whether athletes need it or are just promoted by the businesses to increase their profits? Lastly, a clinical lens will recommend the correct use of these medicines.

Sports Dissertation Topics To Get You Started

Topic 1: physical exercise: a tool to develop the physical health of children.

Research Aim: This dissertation aims to analyse the benefits of regular physical exercise for children. It also focuses on how their physical health is developed through various exercises.

Topic 2: The Impact of Video Games upon Outdoor Games

Research Aim: This research paper will compare the technology-oriented virtual games and the traditional sports that are needed to play by engaging oneself physically. The negative impact of digital games on outdoor games is enormous as it ceases children’s physical development.

Topic 3: Chess: A Game to Enhance Intelligence Level

Research Aim: This topic aims to analyse the benefit of playing an indoor game like Chess, which develops a player’s intelligence level. Playing Chess needs high attention, which increases the genius level.

Topic 4: Yoga and Meditation: The New Dimensions in Sports

Research Aim: This dissertation intends to evaluate the importance of yoga and meditation as a physical and mental health coach. Generally, sports develop physical health and set the state of mind by increasing the attention level of the mind. Yoga and meditation are the parts of sports that make it possible.

Topic 5: The Relevance of Sports and Exercise with Biomedical Study

Research Aim: This research aims to determine the relevance of sports and exercise in a biomedical study. Sports act as a cure for human health. Biomedical research evaluates the importance of sports as medicine to human health.

Topic 6: Indoor Game vs Outdoor Game: A Comparative Study of Sports

Research Aim: The focus of this dissertation is to show a comparative study of indoor and outdoor games. Indoor games develop mental health and increase intelligence levels, whereas outdoor games are necessary for physical health.

Topic 7: Sports: As a Medium of Career Development

Research Aim: This research focuses on the importance of sports as a career developer. As many players are acquiring recognition at the national and international levels. It helps to drive their passion for their profession and also promotes sports worldwide.

Topic 8: Cricket: A Sport Establishes a Strong Bond Between Nations

Research Aim: This research paper aims to analyse the significance of cricket as a sport that creates a bond of mutual trust and friendship among different nations. It also shows the craze for sports within the public of a nation.

Topic 9: Sports: The Confidence Developer of Mind

Research Aim: This research paper focuses on the importance of sports as a confidence developer. Sports give mental pleasure and develop a kind of enthusiasm and confidence within the player’s mind. This rejuvenates a mind with the spirit of fighting and living life to its best.

Topic 10: Extracurricular Activities in School: The Relevance of Sports with Study

Research Aim: This research paper focuses on the importance of extracurricular activities and sports in education. In education, institutes, extracurricular activities, and sports are simultaneously needed with a good education. This helps in the all-around development of a student.

Topic 11: The Negative Impact of Social Media on Sports

Research Aim: This dissertation focuses on the negative impact of social media on sports. In this modern age, teenagers indulge in social media from a very young age, which diverts their minds from extracurricular activities, sports, and outdoor games. This creates an adverse impact as the necessary mental, and physical growth is disrupted.

Topic 12: Organising the Annual Sports Program in Schools: The Culture and its Benefit

Research Aim: This research paper aims to evaluate the importance of organising an annual sports program in schools. The culture of organising annual sports in schools makes the students understand the importance of sports and their benefits.

Topic 13: The Complementary Pairs: Sports and Nutrition

Research Aim: This research paper focuses on the relationship between sports and nutrition. Sports and nutrition are complementary parts as they help develop a healthy mind and body. Sports develop the human body, and nutrition gives the elements to the body for development.

Topic 14: Sports for Children with Disabilities

Research Aim: The dissertation focuses on the importance of sports in the lives of children with disabilities. The children who cannot use their body parts and minds appropriately are encouraged with various kinds of sports to not feel unequal and separated from the others. Sports give them mental strength and happiness.

Topic 15: Exercises for a Modern Techno-Oriented Generation: As a Reliever of Stress and Developer of Health

Research Aim: This research paper aims to analyse the benefits of exercise in this digital world for the modern generation. This modern generation passes its time mainly on technology, which gives much stress and hampers health. Exercises help to relieve stress and acts as a health developer.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find sports dissertation topics.

To find sports dissertation topics:

  • Explore niche areas in sports.
  • Investigate emerging trends.
  • Examine sports science literature.
  • Consider ethical or social aspects.
  • Analyse athletes’ well-being or performance.
  • Opt for a topic aligning with your passion and research expertise.

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Article Contents

Introduction, literature search, physeal injuries and growth disturbance, residual problems after injury in athletes, outcomes of operative management of common sports injuries, conclusions.

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Sport injuries: a review of outcomes

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Nicola Maffulli, Umile Giuseppe Longo, Nikolaos Gougoulias, Dennis Caine, Vincenzo Denaro, Sport injuries: a review of outcomes, British Medical Bulletin , Volume 97, Issue 1, March 2011, Pages 47–80,

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Injuries can counter the beneficial aspects related to sports activities if an athlete is unable to continue to participate because of residual effects of injury. We provide an updated synthesis of existing clinical evidence of long-term follow-up outcome of sports injuries. A systematic computerized literature search was conducted on following databases were accessed: PubMed, Medline, Cochrane, CINAHL and Embase databases. At a young age, injury to the physis can result in limb deformities and leg-length discrepancy. Weight-bearing joints including the hip, knee and ankle are at risk of developing osteoarthritis (OA) in former athletes, after injury or in the presence of malalignment, especially in association with high impact sport. Knee injury is a risk factor for OA. Ankle ligament injuries in athletes result in incomplete recovery (up to 40% at 6 months), and OA in the long term (latency period more than 25 years). Spine pathologies are associated more commonly with certain sports (e.g. wresting, heavy-weight lifting, gymnastics, tennis, soccer). Evolution in arthroscopy allows more accurate assessment of hip, ankle, shoulder, elbow and wrist intra-articular post-traumatic pathologies, and possibly more successful management. Few well-conducted studies are available to establish the long-term follow-up of former athletes. To assess whether benefits from sports participation outweigh the risks, future research should involve questionnaires regarding the health-related quality of life in former athletes, to be compared with the general population.

Participation in sports is widespread all over the world, 1 with well-described physical, psychological and social consequences for involved athletes. 2–5 The benefits associated with physical activity in both youth and elderly are well documented. 2 , 6–8 Regular participation in sports is associated with a better quality of life and reduced risk of several diseases, 1 , 9 allowing people involved to improve cardiovascular health. 10 , 11 Both individual and team sports are associated with favourable physical and physiological changes consisting of decreased percentage of body fat 12 and increased muscular strength, endurance and power. 13 , 14 Moreover, regular participation in high-volume impact-loading and running-based sports (such as basketball, gymnastics, tennis, soccer and distance running) is associated with enhanced whole-body and regional bone mineral content and density, 14 , 15 whereas physical inactivity is associated with obesity and coronary heart disease. 16 Sports are associated with several psychological and emotional benefits. 7 , 17 , 18 First of all, there is a strong relationship between the development of positive self-esteem, due to testing of self in a context of sport competition, 19 reduced stress, anxiety and depression. 20 Physical activities also contribute to social development of athletes, prosocial behaviour, fair play and sportspersonship 21 and personal responsibility. 22

Engaging in sports activities has numerous health benefits, but also carries the risk of injury. 7 , 23 , 24 At every age, competitive and recreational athletes sustain a wide variety of soft tissue, bone, ligament, tendon and nerve injuries, caused by direct trauma or repetitive stress. 25–35 Different sports are associated with different patterns and types of injuries, whereas age, gender and type of activity (e.g. competitive versus practice) influence the prevalence of injuries. 7 , 36 , 37

Injuries in children and adolescents, who often tend to focus on high performance in certain disciplines and sports, 24 include susceptibility to growth plate injury, nonlinearity of growth, limited thermoregulatory capacity and maturity-associated variation. 9 In the immature skeleton, growth plate injury is possible 38 and apophysitis is common. The most common sites are at the knee (Osgood-Schlatter lesion), the heel (Sever's lesion) and the elbow. 39 Certain contact sports, such as rugby, for example, are associated with 5.2 injuries per 1000 total athletic exposures in high school children (usually boys). These were more common during competition compared with training and fractures accounted for 16% of these injuries, whereas concussions (15.8%) and ligament sprains (15.7%) were almost as common. 40

Sports trauma commonly affects joints of the extremities (knee, ankle, hip, shoulder, elbow, wrist) or the spine. Knee injuries are among the most common. Knee trauma can result in meniscal and chondral lesions, sometimes in combination with cruciate ligament injuries. 37 Ankle injuries constitute 21% of all sports injuries. 41 Ankle ligament injuries are more commonly (83%) diagnosed as ligament sprains (incomplete tears), and are common in sports such as basketball and volleyball. Ankle injuries occur usually during competition and in the majority of cases, athletes can return to sports within a week. 42 Hip labral injuries have drawn attention in recent years with the advent of hip arthroscopy. 43 , 44 Upper extremity syndromes caused by a single stress or by repetitive microtrauma occur in a variety of sports. Overhead throwing, long-distance swimming, bowling, golf, gymnastics, basketball, volleyball and field events can repetitively stress the hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder. Shoulder and elbow problems are common in the overhead throwing athlete whereas elbow injuries remain often unrecognized in certain sports. 45 Hand and wrist trauma accounts for 3–9% of all athletic injuries. 46 Wrist trauma can affect the triangular fibrocartilage complex 47 or cause scaphoid fractures, 48 whereas overuse problems (e.g. tenosynovitis) are not uncommon. 49 Spinal problems can range from lumbar disc herniation, 39–42 to fatigue fractures of the pars interarticularis, 50 and ‘catastrophic’ cervical spine injuries. 51

Thus, in addition to the beneficial aspects related to sports activities, injuries can counter these if an athlete is unable to continue to participate because of residual effects of injury. Do injuries in children, adolescents and young adults have long-term consequences? What are the outcomes of the most commonly performed surgical procedures? The aim of this review is to provide an updated synthesis of existing clinical evidence of long-term follow-up outcome of sports injuries.

An initial pilot Pubmed search using the keywords ‘sports’, ‘injury’, ‘injuries’, ‘athletes’, ‘outcome’, ‘long term’, was performed. From 1467 abstracts that were retrieved and scanned we identified the thematic topics (types of injury, management, area of the body involved) of the current review, listed below:

Then a more detailed search of PubMed, Medline, Cochrane, CINAHL and Embase databases followed. We used combinations of the keywords: ‘sport’, ‘sports’, ‘youth sports’, ‘young athletes’, ‘former athletes’, ‘children’, ‘skeletally immature’, ‘adolescent’, ‘paediatric’, ‘pediatric’, ‘physeal’, ‘epiphysis’, ‘epiphyseal injuries’, ‘hip’, ‘knee’, ‘ankle’, ‘spine’, ‘spinal’, ‘shoulder’, ‘elbow’, ‘wrist’, ‘football players’, ‘football’, ‘soccer’, ‘tennis’, ‘swimmers’, ‘swimming’, ‘divers’, ‘wrestlers’, ‘wrestling’, ‘cricket’, ‘gymnastics’, ‘skiers’, ‘baseball’, ‘basketball’, ‘osteoarthritis’, ‘former athletes’, ‘strain’, ‘contusion’, ‘distortion’, ‘injury’, ‘injuries’, ‘trauma’, ‘drop out’, ‘dropping out’, ‘attrition’, ‘young’, ‘ youth’, ‘sprain’, ‘ligament’, ‘ACL’, ‘cruciate ligament’, ‘meniscus’, ‘meniscal’, ‘chondral’, ‘labrum’, ‘labral’, ‘reconstruction’, ‘arthroscopy’, ‘throwing’, ‘overhead’, ‘rotator cuff’, ‘TFCC’, ‘scaphoid’, ‘osteoarthritis’, ‘arthritis’, ‘long term’, ‘follow-up’ and ‘athlete’. The most recent search was performed during the second week of November 2009.

Osteoarthritis (OA) in former athletes

Spine problems in former athletes

Knee injury and OA

Ankle ligament injury and OA

Residual upper limb symptoms in the ‘overhead’ athlete

Meniscectomy and oa, meniscal repair in athletes.

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction and OA

ACL reconstruction in children

Ankle arthroscopy in athletes, hip arthroscopy in athletes.

Operative management of shoulder injuries in athletes (focusing on surgery for instability and labral tears)

Operative management of wrist injuries in athletes (focusing on triquetral fibrocartilage complex, TFCC, injuries and scaphoid fractures)

Given the different types of sports injuries in terms of location in the body, several searches were carried out. The search was limited to articles published in peer-reviewed journals.

From a total of 2596 abstracts that were scanned, 1247 studies were irrelevant to the subject and were excluded. The remaining studies were categorized in the topics identified earlier. We excluded from our investigation case reports, letter to editors and articles not specifically reporting outcomes, as well as ‘kin’ studies (studies reporting on the same patients' population). The most recent study or the study with the longest follow-up was included. In some topics of particular importance, such as the effect of knee injuries (given their frequency), we included long-term studies reporting not only on athletes, but also on the general population (usually in these studies a very high proportion on sports injuries is included). Regarding knee injuries in adults, we included articles with follow-up more than 10 years.

Given the linguistic capabilities of the research team, we considered publications in English, Italian, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese.

A concern regarding children's participation in sports is that the tolerance limits of the physis may be exceeded by the mechanical stresses of sports such as football and hockey or by the repetitive physical loading required in sports such as baseball, gymnastics and distance running. 52 Unfortunately, what is known about the frequency of acute sport-related physeal injuries is derived primarily from case reports and case series data. In a previous systematic review on the frequency and characteristics of sports-related growth plate injuries affecting children and youth, we found that 38.3% of 2157 acute cases were sport related and among these 14.9% were associated with growth disturbance. 24 These injuries were incurred in a variety of sports, although football is the sport most often reported. 53

There are accumulating reports of stress-related physeal injuries affecting young athletes in a variety of sports, including baseball, basketball, climbing, cricket, distance running, American football, soccer, gymnastics, rugby, swimming, tennis. 24 Although most of these stress-related conditions resolved without growth complication during short-term follow-up, there are several reports of stress-related premature partial or complete distal radius physeal closure of young gymnasts. 25–29 These data indicate that sport training, if of sufficient duration and intensity, may precipitate pathological changes of the growth plate and, in extreme cases, produce growth disturbance. 24 , 32

Disturbed physeal growth as a result of injury can result in length discrepancy, angular deformity or altered joint mechanics and may cause significant long-term disability. 33 However, the incidence of long-term health outcome of physeal injuries in children's and youth sports is largely unknown.

Based on the previously selection criteria, 20 studies 54–73 were retained for analysis (Table  1 ). Injury to the physis can result in limb deformities and leg-length discrepancy, the latter being more common after motor vehicle accidents, rather than sports participation.

Evidence on acute physeal injury with subsequent adverse affects on growth.

StudyInjuryPatientsResidual deformities
Stephens . (retrospective case series)Struck by car; automobile accident; football; gymnastics; baseball; fall;20Varus/valgus deformity of knee (4/20); femoral shortening (9/18); limitation knee motion (4/20); ligament laxity (5/20)
Criswell . (retrospective case series)Football15Varus/valgus deformity of distal femur (5/15); shortening of injured leg (2/15)
Lombardo and Harvey (retrospective case series)Motor-vehicle accident; fall; football; bicycle accident34Limb-length discrepancy (>1 cm) (13/28); varus/valgus deformity of distal femur (11/33); limitation of knee motion (11/31); ligament laxity (8/33); quadriceps atrophy (5/30)
Goldberg and Aadalen (retrospective case series)Football; basketball; skateboard; skiing; gymnastics; ice skating53Ankle varus deformity (2/53); shortening of injured leg (12/53)
Burkhart and Peterson (retrospective case series)Motor-vehicle accident; sledding; bicycling; gymnastics football; basketball; hurdling; high jump; twist26Varus/valgus deformity of knee (7/26); limb-length discrepancy (4/26)
Cass and Peterson (retrospective case series)Automobile/motorcycle accident; lawnmower accident; fall; jumping; gymnastics; roller skating; skiing; inversion32Varus/valgus deformity of knee (5/18); limb-length discrepancy (10/18)
Ogden (retrospective case series)Birth trauma; child abuse; fall; vehicular accident14None
Landin . (retrospective case series)Sports injury; fall; traffic accident65Anterior angulation (5/65); dorsal angulation (1/65); valgus ankle deformity (1/65); varus ankle deformity (1/65); tibial shortening (1/65)
Hynes and O'Brien (retrospective case series)26Medial physeal arrest of distal tibia with varus deformity (3/26); central physeal arrest of distal tibia without deformity (2/26)
Krueger-Franke . (retrospective case series)Soccer; skiing; track and field; gymnastics; volleyball; basketball; horseback riding; skate boarding; field hockey; ice hockey; judo; wrestling85Valgus deformity of knee (2/49); leg-length discrepancy (4/49); femoral rotational deformity (1/49); varus ankle deformity (1/49)
Berson . (retrospective case series)Sports injury; fall; vehicular accident24Varus/valgus deformity (18/24); leg-length discrepancy (5/24); physeal bar without deformity (6/24)
Eid and Hafez (retrospective case series)Sport-related activities; road traffic accidents; falls151Femoral shortening (58/151); premature growth arrest (28/151); varus deformity (21/151); valgus deformity (14/151); recurvatum (2/151); flexion deformity (19/151); varus/valgus with flexion deformity (21/151); loss of knee motion (43/151); ligamentous laxity (21/151); thigh atrophy (42/151)
Cannata . (retrospective case series)163Radial shortening (8/157); ulnar shortening (5/157); radial growth arrest/ulnar overgrowth (2/157); radioulnar length discrepancy (38/157); ulnar styloid non-union (53/157); atrophy of forearm muscles (10/157)
Barmada . (retrospective case series)Fall; skateboard accidents; motor vehicle accidents; football; soccer; biking; baseball92Premature physeal closure of distal tibia with shortening and/or angular deformity (25/92)
Nietosvaara . (retrospective case series)Fall; ballgames or playground equipment; motor-vehicle accidents109Growth arrest (2/20); persistent symptomatic apex volar angulation exceeded 10° (2/20)
Lalonde and Letts (retrospective case series)Motor-vehicle accident; fall; sports activities12Leg-length discrepancy (>1 cm) (3/12); varus deformity (>5°) (4/12); physeal bar without deformity (6/12)
Nenopoulos . (retrospective case series)Falling down stairs; tripping over a step, or slipping or falling while roller skating or skateboarding; sports injury; traffic accident; direct violence83Varus deformity of ankle (7/83); overgrowth of medial malleolus (2/83); external rotation (3/83); angulation of distal fibula (1/83); growth disturbance (3/83)
Kawamoto . (retrospective case series)Sports injury; fall; traffic accident297Leg-length discrepancy (1/297); varus deformity (1/297); toe angulation (1/297); toe shortening (1/297); finger dorsal angulation (2/297); extention lag (1/297); metacarpal dorsal angulation (1/297)
Ilharreborde . (retrospective case series)Struck by cars; sports-related accidents (ski, soccer, judo); fall20Leg-length discrepancy (>1 cm) (5/20); varus/valgus deformity of knee (13/20); motion restriction (5/20)
Arkader . (retrospective case series)Motor vehicle accidents (including pedestrian versus motor vehicle) and sports-related injuries (most predominately football)83Physeal bar without deformity (7/73); leg-length discrepancy (9/73); angular deformity (8/73); loss of reduction (3/73); loss of range of motion (3/73); malunion (1/73)
StudyInjuryPatientsResidual deformities
Stephens . (retrospective case series)Struck by car; automobile accident; football; gymnastics; baseball; fall;20Varus/valgus deformity of knee (4/20); femoral shortening (9/18); limitation knee motion (4/20); ligament laxity (5/20)
Criswell . (retrospective case series)Football15Varus/valgus deformity of distal femur (5/15); shortening of injured leg (2/15)
Lombardo and Harvey (retrospective case series)Motor-vehicle accident; fall; football; bicycle accident34Limb-length discrepancy (>1 cm) (13/28); varus/valgus deformity of distal femur (11/33); limitation of knee motion (11/31); ligament laxity (8/33); quadriceps atrophy (5/30)
Goldberg and Aadalen (retrospective case series)Football; basketball; skateboard; skiing; gymnastics; ice skating53Ankle varus deformity (2/53); shortening of injured leg (12/53)
Burkhart and Peterson (retrospective case series)Motor-vehicle accident; sledding; bicycling; gymnastics football; basketball; hurdling; high jump; twist26Varus/valgus deformity of knee (7/26); limb-length discrepancy (4/26)
Cass and Peterson (retrospective case series)Automobile/motorcycle accident; lawnmower accident; fall; jumping; gymnastics; roller skating; skiing; inversion32Varus/valgus deformity of knee (5/18); limb-length discrepancy (10/18)
Ogden (retrospective case series)Birth trauma; child abuse; fall; vehicular accident14None
Landin . (retrospective case series)Sports injury; fall; traffic accident65Anterior angulation (5/65); dorsal angulation (1/65); valgus ankle deformity (1/65); varus ankle deformity (1/65); tibial shortening (1/65)
Hynes and O'Brien (retrospective case series)26Medial physeal arrest of distal tibia with varus deformity (3/26); central physeal arrest of distal tibia without deformity (2/26)
Krueger-Franke . (retrospective case series)Soccer; skiing; track and field; gymnastics; volleyball; basketball; horseback riding; skate boarding; field hockey; ice hockey; judo; wrestling85Valgus deformity of knee (2/49); leg-length discrepancy (4/49); femoral rotational deformity (1/49); varus ankle deformity (1/49)
Berson . (retrospective case series)Sports injury; fall; vehicular accident24Varus/valgus deformity (18/24); leg-length discrepancy (5/24); physeal bar without deformity (6/24)
Eid and Hafez (retrospective case series)Sport-related activities; road traffic accidents; falls151Femoral shortening (58/151); premature growth arrest (28/151); varus deformity (21/151); valgus deformity (14/151); recurvatum (2/151); flexion deformity (19/151); varus/valgus with flexion deformity (21/151); loss of knee motion (43/151); ligamentous laxity (21/151); thigh atrophy (42/151)
Cannata . (retrospective case series)163Radial shortening (8/157); ulnar shortening (5/157); radial growth arrest/ulnar overgrowth (2/157); radioulnar length discrepancy (38/157); ulnar styloid non-union (53/157); atrophy of forearm muscles (10/157)
Barmada . (retrospective case series)Fall; skateboard accidents; motor vehicle accidents; football; soccer; biking; baseball92Premature physeal closure of distal tibia with shortening and/or angular deformity (25/92)
Nietosvaara . (retrospective case series)Fall; ballgames or playground equipment; motor-vehicle accidents109Growth arrest (2/20); persistent symptomatic apex volar angulation exceeded 10° (2/20)
Lalonde and Letts (retrospective case series)Motor-vehicle accident; fall; sports activities12Leg-length discrepancy (>1 cm) (3/12); varus deformity (>5°) (4/12); physeal bar without deformity (6/12)
Nenopoulos . (retrospective case series)Falling down stairs; tripping over a step, or slipping or falling while roller skating or skateboarding; sports injury; traffic accident; direct violence83Varus deformity of ankle (7/83); overgrowth of medial malleolus (2/83); external rotation (3/83); angulation of distal fibula (1/83); growth disturbance (3/83)
Kawamoto . (retrospective case series)Sports injury; fall; traffic accident297Leg-length discrepancy (1/297); varus deformity (1/297); toe angulation (1/297); toe shortening (1/297); finger dorsal angulation (2/297); extention lag (1/297); metacarpal dorsal angulation (1/297)
Ilharreborde . (retrospective case series)Struck by cars; sports-related accidents (ski, soccer, judo); fall20Leg-length discrepancy (>1 cm) (5/20); varus/valgus deformity of knee (13/20); motion restriction (5/20)
Arkader . (retrospective case series)Motor vehicle accidents (including pedestrian versus motor vehicle) and sports-related injuries (most predominately football)83Physeal bar without deformity (7/73); leg-length discrepancy (9/73); angular deformity (8/73); loss of reduction (3/73); loss of range of motion (3/73); malunion (1/73)

OA in former athletes

Two studies investigated former top-level female gymnasts for residual symptoms (back pain) and radiographical changes. 74 , 75 Both studies reported no significant differences in back pain between gymnast and control groups; however, the prevalence of radiographical abnormalities was greater in gymnasts than controls in one study. 74

Lower limb weight-bearing joints such as the hip and the knee are at risk of developing OA after injury or in the presence of malalignment, especially in association with high impact sport. 76 Varus alignment was present in 65 knees (81%) in 81 former professional footballers (age 44–70 years), whereas radiographic OA in 45 (56%). 77 Others showed that prevalence of knee OA in soccer players and weight lifters was 26% (eight athletes) and 31% (nine athletes), respectively, whereas it was only 14% in runners (four athletes). 78 By stepwise logistic regression analysis, the increased risk is explained by knee injuries in soccer players and by high body mass in weight lifters. A survey in English former professional soccer players revealed that 47% retired because of an injury. The knee was most commonly involved (46%), followed by the ankle (21%). Of all respondents, 32% had OA in at least one lower limb joint and 80% reported joint pain. 79 Another study examined the incidence of knee and ankle arthritis in injured and uninjured elite football players. The mean time from injury was 25 years. 80 Arthritis was present in 63% of the injured knees and in 33% of the injured ankles, whereas the incidence of arthritis in uninjured players was 26% in the knee and 18% in the ankle. Obviously, it should be kept in mind that radiographic studies can only ascertain the presence of degenerative joint disease, which is just one of the features of OA. Clinical examination is always necessary to clarify the diagnosis, and formulate a management plan.

Ex-footballers also had high prevalence of hip OA (odds ratio: 10.2), 81 whereas in another study the incidence of hip arthritis was 5.6% among former soccer players (mean age: 55 years) compared with 2.8% in an age-matched control group. In 71 elite players it was higher (14%). Female ex-elite athletes (runners, tennis players) were compared with an age-matched population of women, and were found to have higher rates (2–3 fold increase) of radiographic OA (particularly the presence of osteophytes) of the hip and knee. 82 The risk was similar in ex-elite athletes and in a subgroup from the general population who reported long-term sports activity, suggesting that duration rather than frequency of training is important. An older study 83 is runners associated degenerative changes with genu varum and history of injury. A cohort of 27 Swiss long-distance runners was at increased risk of developing ankle arthritis compared with a control group. 84 Similarly elite tennis players were at risk of developing glenohumeral OA, 85 whereas handball players of developing premature hip OA, 86 and former elite volleyball players had marginally increased risk for ankle OA. 87 Interestingly a study that investigated the health-related quality of life (HRQL) in 284 former professional players in the UK found that medical treatment for football-related injuries was a common feature, as was arthritis, with the knee being most commonly affected. Respondents with arthritis reported poorer outcomes in all aspects of HRQL. 88

In summary, OA is more common among former athletes, compared with the general population. The lower limb joints are commonly affected, in association with high impact and injury.

Evidence from follow-up studies on spine of former athletes

Heavy physical work and activity lead to degenerative changes in the spine. Studies on different athletic disciplines and heavy workers have given variable degenerative changes and abnormalities in the lumbar spine. Even though sporting activity is regarded as an important predisposing factor in the development of spinal pathologies, 89–99 there are few studies on the late spinal sequelae of competitive youth sport. Any comparison in terms of back pain between top athletes and the general population is difficult. Experience of pain may be influenced by factors such as susceptibility, motivation and physical activity. Minor pain may be provoked by vigorous body movements that hamper athletic performance, thereby ascribing the pain a greater impact than in the general population. On the other hand, a well-motivated athlete may ignore even severe pain to maintain or improve his/her athletic performance. Also, varying rate/prevalence of osteophytosis has been reported in players associated with various disciplines of sports.

Efforts should be made to understand the aetiology of injuries to the intervertebral discs during athletic performance and thereby prevent them. 74

Based on the previously selection criteria, seven studies 74 , 89 , 98 , 100–103 were retained for analysis (Table  2 ). In summary, spine pathologies are associated more commonly with certain sports (e.g. wresting, heavy-weight lifting, gymnastics, tennis, soccer). Degenerative changes in the athlete's spine can occur, but they are not necessarily associated with clinically relevant symptoms of OA. Therefore, it cannot be determined whether it threatens the athlete's career, or whether it has a worse impact on athletes compared with the general population.

Evidence from follow-up studies on spine of former athletes.

StudySportJoint(s)PatientsSpine alterations
McCarroll . (retrospective case series)FootballLumbar spine145Spondylolysis (3/126)
Granhed and Morelli (retrospective case series)Wrestling; heavyweight liftering45 (wrestlers, 32; heavyweight lifters, 13)Disk height reduced (9/32 of wrestlers; 8/13 of lifters); spondylolysis (4/32 of wrestlers; 2/13 of lifters)
Burnett . (retrospective case series)CricketThoraco-lumbar spine19 (fast bowlers)Disc degeneration (11 of 19)
Lundin . (retrospective case series)Wrestling; gymnastics; soccer; tennisThoraco-lumbar spine134 (wrestlers, 28; gymnasts, 48); soccer players, 30; tennis players, 28)Spondylolysis, disc height reduction, apophyseal abnormalities, abnormal configuration of the vertebral bodies and osteophytes
Schmitt . (retrospective case series)Jawelin throwingLumbar spine21Spondylolisthesis (10/21); spondylolysis without spondylolisthesis (3/21); early ankylosis (1/21)
Baranto . (retrospective case series)DiversThoraco-lumbar spine18Reduced disc height (12/17); disc bulging (8/17); injury to the ring apophyses (1/17); Schmorl's nodes (7/17); abnormal configuration of vertebral body (3/17)
Ozturk . (retrospective case series)FootballLumbar spine70Disc height reduction; osteophytosis
StudySportJoint(s)PatientsSpine alterations
McCarroll . (retrospective case series)FootballLumbar spine145Spondylolysis (3/126)
Granhed and Morelli (retrospective case series)Wrestling; heavyweight liftering45 (wrestlers, 32; heavyweight lifters, 13)Disk height reduced (9/32 of wrestlers; 8/13 of lifters); spondylolysis (4/32 of wrestlers; 2/13 of lifters)
Burnett . (retrospective case series)CricketThoraco-lumbar spine19 (fast bowlers)Disc degeneration (11 of 19)
Lundin . (retrospective case series)Wrestling; gymnastics; soccer; tennisThoraco-lumbar spine134 (wrestlers, 28; gymnasts, 48); soccer players, 30; tennis players, 28)Spondylolysis, disc height reduction, apophyseal abnormalities, abnormal configuration of the vertebral bodies and osteophytes
Schmitt . (retrospective case series)Jawelin throwingLumbar spine21Spondylolisthesis (10/21); spondylolysis without spondylolisthesis (3/21); early ankylosis (1/21)
Baranto . (retrospective case series)DiversThoraco-lumbar spine18Reduced disc height (12/17); disc bulging (8/17); injury to the ring apophyses (1/17); Schmorl's nodes (7/17); abnormal configuration of vertebral body (3/17)
Ozturk . (retrospective case series)FootballLumbar spine70Disc height reduction; osteophytosis

Knee injury and OA in athletes

A population-based case-control study investigated the risk of knee OA with respect to sports activity and previous knee injuries of 825 athletes competing in different sports. They were matched with 825 controls. After confounding factors were adjusted, the sports-related increase risk of OA was explained by knee injuries. 104 Another study leads to the same conclusion: 23 American football high-school players were compared with 11 age-matched controls, 20 years after high-school competition. No significant increase in OA could be demonstrated clinically or radiographically. However, a significant increase in knee joint OA was found in the subgroup of football players who had sustained a knee injury. 105

A cohort of 286 former soccer players (71 elite, 215 non-elite) with a mean age of 55 years was compared with 572 age-matched controls, regarding the prevalence of radiographic features of knee arthritis. Arthritis in elite players, non-elite players and controls was 15%, 4.2% and 1.6%, respectively. In non-elite players, absence of history of knee injury was associated with arthritis prevalence similar to the controls. 106

An interesting study involved a cohort of 19 high-level athletes of the Olympic program of former East Germany. They sustained an ACL tear between 1963 and 1965. None were reconstructed, and all were able to return to sports within 14 weeks. Subsequent meniscectomies were necessary in 15/19 (79%) athletes at 10 years and 18/19 (95%) at 20 years, when in 18 of the 19 knees, arthroscopy was performed, 13 patients (68%) had a grade four chondral lesion. By year 2000 (more than 35 years after ACL rupture), 10/19 knees required a joint replacement. 107

The incidence of radiographic advanced degeneration (Kellgren–Lawrence grade 2 or higher) was 41% in a cohort of 122 Swedish male soccer players (from a total of 154) who consented to radiographic follow-up, 14 years after an ACL rupture. No difference was found between players treated with or without surgery for their ACL rupture. The prevalence of Kellgren–Lawrence grade 2 or higher knee OA was 4% in the uninjured knees. 108

Similar results were evident among Swedish female soccer players who were injured before the age of 20. The prevalence of radiographic OA was 51%, compared with 8% only in the uninjured knee, 12 years later. The presence of symptoms was documented in 63 of 84 (75%) athletes who answered the questionnaire, and was similar ( P = 0.2) in the two management groups (operative versus non-operative). The presence of symptoms did not necessarily correlate with radiographic OA ( P = 0.4). 109

In summary, knee injury is a recognized risk factor for OA. Injured athletes develop OA more commonly than the general population in the long term. Approximately half of the injured knees could have radiographic changes 10–15 years later. It is not clear whether radiographic changes correspond to presence of symptoms.

Ankle ligament injuries and OA in athletes

Ankle sprains are common sporting injuries generally believed to be benign and self-limiting. However, some studies report a significant proportion of patients with ankle sprains having persistent symptoms for months or even years. Nineteen patients with a mean age of 20 years (range: 13–28), who were referred to a sports medicine clinic after an ankle inversion injury, were followed for 29 months (average), and compared with matched controls. Only five (26%) injured patients had recovered fully, whereas 74% had symptoms 1.5–4 years after the injury. Assessments of quality of life using the short form-36 questionnaires revealed a difference in the general health subscale between the two groups, favouring the controls ( P < 0.05). 110

Similar conclusions were drawn from another study, regarding ankle injuries in a young (age range: 17–24 years) athletic population. 111 There were 104 ankle injuries (96 sprains, 7 fractures and 1 contusion), accounting for 23% of all injuries seen. Of the 96 sprains, 4 were predominately medial injuries, 76 lateral and 16 syndesmosis sprains. Although 95% had returned to sports at 6 weeks, 55% reported pain or loss of function. At 6 months, 40% had not fully recovered, reporting residual symptoms. Syndesmosis injuries were associated with prolonged recovery.

The association between ligamentous ankle injuries has been highlighted in a study that, retrospectively, reviewed data from 30 patients (mean age: 59 years, 33 ankles) with ankle osteoarthritis. 112 They found that 55% had a history of sports injuries (33% from soccer), and 85% had a lateral ankle ligament injury. The mean latency time between injury and OA was 34.3 years. The latency period for acute severe injuries was significantly lower (25.7 years), compared with chronic instability (38 years). Varus malalignment and persistent instability were present in 52% of those patients.

In summary, ankle ligamentous injuries in athletes can result in considerable morbidity, residual symptoms and arthritis 25–30 years later.

Shoulder injuries account for 7% of sports injuries and often limit the athlete in his or her ability to continue with their chosen sport. 113 Repetitive overhead throwing imparts high valgus and extension loads to the athlete's shoulder and elbow, often leading to either acute or chronic injury or progressive structural change and long-term problems in the overhead athlete. 45

Schmitt et al . 102 examined 21 elite javelin throwing athletes at an average of 19 years after the end of their high-performance phase (mean age at follow-up was 50 years). Five athletes (24%) complained about transient shoulder pain and three (16%) about elbow pain in their throwing arm affecting activities of daily living. All dominant elbows had advanced degeneration (osteophytes).

Elbow intra-articular lesions are recognized as consequences of repetitive stress and overuse. Shanmugam and Maffulli 9 reported follow-up (mean 3.6 years) of lesions of the articular surface of the elbow joint in a group of 12 gymnasts (six females and six males). This group showed a high frequency of osteochondritic lesions, intra-articular loose bodies and precocious signs of joint ageing. Residual mild pain in the elbow at full extension occurring after activity was present in 10 patients and all patients showed marked loss of elbow extension compared with their first visit.

Glenoid labral tears require repair, and shoulder instability is currently approached operatively more often. A review article found that conservative management of traumatic shoulder dislocations in adolescents was associated with high rates of recurrent instability (up to 100%). Therefore, surgical shoulder stabilization is recommended. The outcomes of surgical management are presented in the next section.

A distinct clinical entity is the ‘little league shoulder’, which is characterized by progressive upper arm pain with throwing and is more commonly seen in male baseball pitchers between ages 11 and 14 years. It is thought to be Salter-Harris type I stress fracture. Activity modification, education to improve throwing mechanics and core muscle training are recommended. It is not known how this condition behaves in the long term, regarding structural damage and development of degenerative changes.

Overhead athletes are plagued by shoulder and elbow injuries or overuse syndromes that can affect their performance and cause degeneration and pain in the long term.

The association between knee OA and meniscectomy has been well documented. In former athletes 114 – 116 it is associated with OA (Table  3 ). Meniscectomy in children and adolescents 117 – 123 has been associated with unfavourable results and radiographic arthritic changes in the long term (Table  4 ). However, radiographic criteria were not always clearly defined. To assess the long-term outcomes of meniscectomy, we also evaluated studies with a minimum follow-up of 10 years in the adult general population 106 , 124 – 129 (Table  5 ). Many of the ‘older’ studies providing the long-term outcomes represent results of open total meniscectomies. The overall message is that radiographic degeneration is common in meniscectomized knees, and patients are at risk of developing OA. The condition of the articular cartilage is a prognostic factor. However, clinical and radiographic findings do not always correlate. Resection should be limited to the torn part of the meniscus.

Menicectomy and osteoarthritis in athletes.

Muckle (retrospective case series)91 soccer players (50 professional)7–12 yearsMeniscectomyAll had arthritic changes
Jørgensen . (prospective case series)147 athletesAt median of 4.5 years; 14.5 yearsMeniscectomyResidual symptoms, 53% at 4.5 years; 67% at 14.5 years; radiographic arthritic changes, 40% at 4.5 years; 89% at 14.5 years; 46% had given up or reduced their sporting activity; 6.5% had changed their occupation
Bonneux and Vandekerckhove (prospective case series)31 athletes8 years (mean)Partial arthroscopic lateral meniscectomyTegner score dropped from 7.2 to 5.7; Lysholm score: 65% good/excellent; radiographic changes: 93%
Muckle (retrospective case series)91 soccer players (50 professional)7–12 yearsMeniscectomyAll had arthritic changes
Jørgensen . (prospective case series)147 athletesAt median of 4.5 years; 14.5 yearsMeniscectomyResidual symptoms, 53% at 4.5 years; 67% at 14.5 years; radiographic arthritic changes, 40% at 4.5 years; 89% at 14.5 years; 46% had given up or reduced their sporting activity; 6.5% had changed their occupation
Bonneux and Vandekerckhove (prospective case series)31 athletes8 years (mean)Partial arthroscopic lateral meniscectomyTegner score dropped from 7.2 to 5.7; Lysholm score: 65% good/excellent; radiographic changes: 93%

Menicectomy in children and adolescents.

Medlar . (prospective case series)26 skeletally immature8.3 years (mean)Total meniscectomyRadiographic arthritis: 22/26 (75%)
Zaman and Leonard (prospective case series)59 children7.5 years (mean)Total meniscectomyRadiographic early arthritic changes in 11/59 (19%)
Manzione . (prospective case series)20 children5.5 years (mean)Total meniscectomyRadiographic degeneration: 16/20 (75%)
Wroble . (retrospective case series)39 patients <16 years21 years (mean)Total meniscectomyAsymptomatic: 10/39 (27%); pain: 27/39 (71%); limitations in sports: 24/39 (62%); limitations at work: 4/39 (10%); radiographic degeneration: 35/39 (90%)
Dai . (prospective case series)24 children (7–16 years)16.1 years (mean)Total meniscectomyGood/excellent results: 15/24 (63%); radiographic degeneration: 21/24 (87%)
McNicholas . (retrospective case series)Cohort of 100 adolescents (10–18 years); 63 were reviewed at last follow-up30 years (mean)Total meniscectomyPatients' satisfaction: 45/63 (71%); radiographic findings (53 of 63 patients) in the operated versus contralateral knee: One patient underwent knee arthroplasty at age 42; compared with patients follow-up at 17 years, satisfaction rate had increased, ROM had decreased and joint narrowing had increased at 30 years
Medlar . (prospective case series)26 skeletally immature8.3 years (mean)Total meniscectomyRadiographic arthritis: 22/26 (75%)
Zaman and Leonard (prospective case series)59 children7.5 years (mean)Total meniscectomyRadiographic early arthritic changes in 11/59 (19%)
Manzione . (prospective case series)20 children5.5 years (mean)Total meniscectomyRadiographic degeneration: 16/20 (75%)
Wroble . (retrospective case series)39 patients <16 years21 years (mean)Total meniscectomyAsymptomatic: 10/39 (27%); pain: 27/39 (71%); limitations in sports: 24/39 (62%); limitations at work: 4/39 (10%); radiographic degeneration: 35/39 (90%)
Dai . (prospective case series)24 children (7–16 years)16.1 years (mean)Total meniscectomyGood/excellent results: 15/24 (63%); radiographic degeneration: 21/24 (87%)
McNicholas . (retrospective case series)Cohort of 100 adolescents (10–18 years); 63 were reviewed at last follow-up30 years (mean)Total meniscectomyPatients' satisfaction: 45/63 (71%); radiographic findings (53 of 63 patients) in the operated versus contralateral knee: One patient underwent knee arthroplasty at age 42; compared with patients follow-up at 17 years, satisfaction rate had increased, ROM had decreased and joint narrowing had increased at 30 years

Meniscectomy in adults / general popaltion—long-term outcomes.

Neyret . (retrospective case series)195 knees (93 ACL ruptures)20–35 years‘Rim preserving’ meniscectomyRadiographic OA; ACL deficient: 61% at 20–24 years and 86% if >30 years of follow-up; ACL intact: respective values were 40 and 50%
Rockborn and Gillquist (retrospective case series)33 patients, 43 knees12–15 yearsTotal meniscectomyRadiographic early OA: 62%; joint space narrowing: 42%; active in sports: 70%, compared with 90% preoperatively
Maletius and Messner (prospective case series)40 knees12–15 yearsPartial meniscectomyGood/excellent results: Radiographic joint space narrowing: Activity levels decreased equally in the two groups
Roos . (prospective case series)107 knees21 years (mean)Total meniscectomyMild radiographic changes: 71%; OA changes Kellgren–Lawrence grade >2: 48%; relative risk of 14.0 for developing OA, compared with age-matched controls
Schimmer . (prospective case series)119 patients12 years (mean)Arthroscopic partial meniscectomyGood/excellent results:
Rockborn and Messner (comparative study, non-randomized)60 patients13 years (mean)Arthroscopic partial meniscectomy ( = 30) versus repair ( = 30)No difference between in radiographic findings, knee function, subjective complaints, or examination findings; re-operation was needed in 20% of meniscectomies versus 23% of repairs
Anderson-Molina . (comparative study, non-randomized)36 patients14 years (mean)Total ( = 18) versus partial ( = 18) meniscectomyRadiographic degeneration rate higher after total meniscectomy (72 versus 33%); little influence on activity and knee function; Lysholm score >94 (normal) in 70%
Englund . (prospective case series)155 patients16 years (mean)‘Limited’ meniscectomyOA changes Kellgren–Lawrence grade >2: 43%; only 59% of knees with radiographic OA were symptomatic; in total 50% of knees were symptomatic; the relative risk for combined radiographic and symptomatic OA after post-traumatic meniscal tear was 7.0
Neyret . (retrospective case series)195 knees (93 ACL ruptures)20–35 years‘Rim preserving’ meniscectomyRadiographic OA; ACL deficient: 61% at 20–24 years and 86% if >30 years of follow-up; ACL intact: respective values were 40 and 50%
Rockborn and Gillquist (retrospective case series)33 patients, 43 knees12–15 yearsTotal meniscectomyRadiographic early OA: 62%; joint space narrowing: 42%; active in sports: 70%, compared with 90% preoperatively
Maletius and Messner (prospective case series)40 knees12–15 yearsPartial meniscectomyGood/excellent results: Radiographic joint space narrowing: Activity levels decreased equally in the two groups
Roos . (prospective case series)107 knees21 years (mean)Total meniscectomyMild radiographic changes: 71%; OA changes Kellgren–Lawrence grade >2: 48%; relative risk of 14.0 for developing OA, compared with age-matched controls
Schimmer . (prospective case series)119 patients12 years (mean)Arthroscopic partial meniscectomyGood/excellent results:
Rockborn and Messner (comparative study, non-randomized)60 patients13 years (mean)Arthroscopic partial meniscectomy ( = 30) versus repair ( = 30)No difference between in radiographic findings, knee function, subjective complaints, or examination findings; re-operation was needed in 20% of meniscectomies versus 23% of repairs
Anderson-Molina . (comparative study, non-randomized)36 patients14 years (mean)Total ( = 18) versus partial ( = 18) meniscectomyRadiographic degeneration rate higher after total meniscectomy (72 versus 33%); little influence on activity and knee function; Lysholm score >94 (normal) in 70%
Englund . (prospective case series)155 patients16 years (mean)‘Limited’ meniscectomyOA changes Kellgren–Lawrence grade >2: 43%; only 59% of knees with radiographic OA were symptomatic; in total 50% of knees were symptomatic; the relative risk for combined radiographic and symptomatic OA after post-traumatic meniscal tear was 7.0

Given the long-term problems associated with meniscectomies, preservation of the substance of the meniscus after injury is currently advocated. Based on this concept, arthroscopic meniscal repair techniques have been developed. 125 In the general population, encouraging clinical results with failure rates of 27–30% at 6–7 years follow-up have been reported. 130–132 One study 133 evaluated 45 meniscal repairs in 42 elite athletes followed for an average of 8.5 years. In 83% of them an ACL reconstruction was performed as well. Return to their sport was possible in 81% at an average of 10 months after surgery. They identified 11 failures (24%), seven of which were associated with a new injury. The medial meniscus re-ruptured more frequently compared with the lateral (36.4 versus 5.6%, respectively).

Mintzer et al . 134 retrospectively reviewed the outcome of meniscal repair in 26 young athletes involved in several sports at an average follow-up of 5 years (range: 2–13.5). No failures were reported, with 85% of patients performing high level of sports activities.

In general, the results of meniscal repairs in the general population, as well as in athletes, are encouraging.

ACL reconstruction and OA

Knee injuries can result in ligament ruptures and/or meniscal tears and are recognized as a risk factor of OA. A systematic review on studies published until 2006 135 reported on the prognosis of conservatively managed ACL injuries showed that there was an average reduction of 21% at the level of activities (Tegner score evaluation). ACL reconstruction is therefore a procedure frequently performed in athletic individuals, as they desire to maintain a high level of activities. However, does ACL reconstruction affect the incidence of knee degeneration and symptoms in the long term? We identified three studies 108 , 109 , 136 comparing operative versus non-operative management of ACL ruptures specifically in athletes, in regard to OA.

Two studies from Sweden investigating the prevalence of OA after ACL rupture in male 108 and female 109 soccer players were discussed earlier. Both found no difference in the incidence of radiographic arthritis between surgically and conservatively treated players, more than 10 years after their injury.

A comparative study 136 on high-level athletes with ACL injury showed no statistical difference between the patients treated conservatively or operatively (patella tendon graft) with respect to OA or meniscal lesions of the knee, as well as activity level, objective and subjective functional outcome. The patients who were treated operatively had a significantly better stability of the knee at examination.

Several studies present outcomes of ACL injuries in the general population. A recent systematic review included 31 studies (seven were prospective) reporting radiographic outcomes regarding OA, with more than 10 years follow-up after ACL injury. 137 The prevalence of OA in the injured knee varied from 1 to 100%, whereas in the contralateral knee it was 0–38%. Isolated ACL tears were associated with low OA incidence between 0 and 13%, whereas in the presence of additional meniscal injury, it was 21–48%. Meniscal injury and meniscectomy were the most frequently reported risk factors for OA. The authors scored the quality of the studies and found that studies scoring high reported low incidence of OA. Data extraction indicated that ACL reconstruction as a single factor did not prevent the development of knee OA. 137

There is lack of evidence to support a protective role of reconstructive surgery of the ACL against OA, both in athletes as well as in the general population.

ACL reconstruction in skeletally immature patients is a relatively new trend. 138 The concern is intra-operative epiphysis damage and growth disturbance, a complication which has been avoided in several studies. 139–143

The earliest published study 144 compared non-operative versus operative management of ACL ruptures in 42 skeletally immature athletes (age range: 4–17 years) followed for a mean of 5.3 years. They used a composite knee score based on clinical examination and a patient questionnaire and found superior results in the operatively treated patients. Age and growth plate maturity did not influence results. They recommended ACL reconstruction for active athletic children.

One of the early reports showed that there were no growth disturbances at a mean of 3.3 years after surgery in 9 children, however, with two re-ruptures. Those children could not return to athletic activities. 139

In a series of 57 ACL reconstructions, 15 patients had reached completion of growth when examined at follow-up, none had signs of growth disturbance, whereas clinical scoring was good or excellent in all patients. 142

Another study compared the outcomes of two management strategies in 56 children with ACL ruptures, namely ligament reconstruction in the presence of open physis, or delayed reconstruction after skeletal maturity. The ‘early’ reconstruction group had evidence of less medial meniscal tears (16 versus 41%), and no evidence of growth disturbances, at 27 months mean follow-up. 140

After 1.5–7.5 years follow-up of 19 ACL reconstructions in 20 athletic teenagers (age range: 11.8–15.6 years), all but one had returned to sports, none had tibiofemoral malalignment or a leg-length discrepancy of more than 1 cm, and the modified Lysholm score was 93 out of 95. 143

Finally, 55 children (ages 8 to 16 years, mean 13 years) were followed for a mean of 3.2 years (range: 1–7.5 years) after ACL reconstruction, with no evidence of growth disturbances. Clinical scores showed normal or almost normal values (higher than 90 out of 100 possible points) and 88% of the patients went back to normal or almost normal sports according to the Tegner score. 141

Overall, the clinical results are encouraging and iatrogenic epiphysis damage does not seem to be a problem, possibly because physeal sparing procedures were used. The study designs, however, are inadequate to answer the question of whether early or delayed ACL reconstruction results in the best possible outcome in skeletally immature patients.

Anterior impingement syndrome is a generally accepted diagnosis for a condition characterized by anterior ankle pain with limited and painful dorsiflexion. The cause can be either soft tissue or bony obstruction. Arthroscopic debridement is currently considered a routine procedure, and chondral lesions are now more frequently identified as causes of ankle pain. Few reports specifically in athletes are available 145–149 (Table  6 ). Short-term outcomes only are available. It is not known whether arthritis is a long-term consequence.

Ankle arthroscopy in athletes.

Saxena and Eakin (comparative study, non-randomized)46 athletes2–8 yearsCartilage lesions of talar domeArthroscopy and microfractures ( = 26) or arthrotomy and bone grafting ( = 20)Return to sports: 100%; excellent/good AOFAS score: 96%; no difference between the two methods
Rolf . (prospective case series)61 athletes (26 professional, 35 semi-professional), soccer, 49%, rugby, 14%2 years (mean) for 51/61 patientsCartilage lesionsArthroscopic debridementReturned to sports at 16 weeks (range 3–32); pre-injury level: 73% (37/51); reduced level: 24% (12/51); ended career: 4% (2/51); residual symptoms: 43% (22/51)
Baums . (prospective case series)26 athletes2–4 years (mean 2.6 years)Anterior ankle pain and limited dorsiflexion (soft tissue = 12, bony = 14)Arthroscopic debridementAthletes' satisfaction: 25/26 (96%); return to competitive sport: 100%; Tegner score improved from 3 to 8 (average); Karlsson ankle score improved from 66 to 92 (average)
DeBerardino . (prospective case series)61 athletes0.5–6 years (mean 2.3 years)Anterolateral soft tissue impingementArthroscopic debridementExcellent/good clinical results: 95% (58/61)
Jerosch . (prospective case series)35 athletes2.7 years (mean)Anterior synovitisArthroscopic debridementNot significant change in clinical scoring; same athletic activity: 26% (9/35); reduced athletic activity: 54% (19/35); stopped athletic activity: 20% (7/35); iatrogenic nerve damage: 17% (6/35)
Saxena and Eakin (comparative study, non-randomized)46 athletes2–8 yearsCartilage lesions of talar domeArthroscopy and microfractures ( = 26) or arthrotomy and bone grafting ( = 20)Return to sports: 100%; excellent/good AOFAS score: 96%; no difference between the two methods
Rolf . (prospective case series)61 athletes (26 professional, 35 semi-professional), soccer, 49%, rugby, 14%2 years (mean) for 51/61 patientsCartilage lesionsArthroscopic debridementReturned to sports at 16 weeks (range 3–32); pre-injury level: 73% (37/51); reduced level: 24% (12/51); ended career: 4% (2/51); residual symptoms: 43% (22/51)
Baums . (prospective case series)26 athletes2–4 years (mean 2.6 years)Anterior ankle pain and limited dorsiflexion (soft tissue = 12, bony = 14)Arthroscopic debridementAthletes' satisfaction: 25/26 (96%); return to competitive sport: 100%; Tegner score improved from 3 to 8 (average); Karlsson ankle score improved from 66 to 92 (average)
DeBerardino . (prospective case series)61 athletes0.5–6 years (mean 2.3 years)Anterolateral soft tissue impingementArthroscopic debridementExcellent/good clinical results: 95% (58/61)
Jerosch . (prospective case series)35 athletes2.7 years (mean)Anterior synovitisArthroscopic debridementNot significant change in clinical scoring; same athletic activity: 26% (9/35); reduced athletic activity: 54% (19/35); stopped athletic activity: 20% (7/35); iatrogenic nerve damage: 17% (6/35)

Only recently has the hip received attention as a recognized site of sports injuries, possibly as a result of the evolution of hip arthroscopy which allowed recognition of intra-articular pathology. 150 Acetabular labrum and chondral lesions can be addressed arthroscopically, and patients' satisfaction rates up to 75% have been reported. 44 One study evaluated the outcome of hip arthroscopy in 15 athletes (mean age: 32 years, range: 14–70) followed for 10 years. Nine were recreational athletes, four high school and two intercollegiate athletes. Diagnoses included cartilage lesion (8), labral tear (7), arthritis (5), avascular necrosis (1), loose body (1) and synovitis (1). The median improvement in the modified Harris hip score was 45 points (from 51 preoperatively to 96, on the 100-point scale), with 13 patients (87%) returning to their sport. All five athletes with arthritis eventually underwent total hip arthroplasty at an average of 6 years. 43 Long-term outcomes regarding progression of joint degeneration after traumatic chondral or labral damage are not available.

Operative management of shoulder injuries in athletes

Labral tears require repair, whereas shoulder instability is currently approached operatively more often. Conservative management of traumatic shoulder dislocations in adolescents is associated with high rates of recurrent instability (up to 100%), whereas recurrent dislocations were reported in up to 12%, at an average of 3 years after arthroscopic stabilization. Shoulder dislocations are particularly common in rugby, the characteristic mechanism of injury being tackling, whereas labral tears are common in the ‘overhead’ athlete'. Published results in athletes 151 – 162 (Table  7 ) show that operative stabilization of the shoulder is initially successful, but instability and pain can recur in the long term. Results of arthroscopic techniques in the management of intra-articular pathologies are promising, but long-term outcomes are unknown (Table  7 ).

Owens . (prospective case series)39 athletes (40 shoulders)9–14 years (mean 11.7 years)First-time traumatic anterior shoulder dislocationsAcute arthroscopic Bankart repairRe-dislocations: 14% (6/40); subluxation: 21% (9/40); revision stabilization surgery: 14% (6/40); SF-36 (mean): 94.4 of 100; Tegner score (mean): 6.5 (3–10); patients' rating of shoulder function compared with pre-injury: 93%; would they recommend the surgery? VAS=9.1 of 10 (only three patients <7)
Baker . (prospective case series)40 athletes (43 shoulders)>2 years (mean 2.8)Multidirectional instabilityArthroscopic capsulorrhaphyClinical scores: mean >91 points out of 100; strength: 98% normal or slightly decreased; range of motion: 91% full or satisfactory; return to sport: 86%
Kartus . (prospective case series)71 patients (73% involved in ‘overhead’ sports)Median 9 yearsAnterior labrum (Bankart) lesionArthroscopic capsulorrhaphyShoulder instability: 37/71 (38%); re-dislocation: 16/71 (23%); Overhead sports participation: 45% (compared to 73% before the injury)
Radkowski . (prospective case series)98 athletes (107 shoulders)Mean 2.3 yearsUnidirectional (posterior) instabilityArthroscopic capsulorrhaphyGood/excellent clinical score in 89% of ‘throwers’ and 93% of ‘non-throwers’; return to pre-injury level: ‘throwers’ 55%; ‘non-throwers’ 71%
Bonnevialle . (prospective case series)31 Rugby players>5 yearsShoulder instabilityOpen stabilizationReturn to rugby: 97%; recurrence after trauma: 17%; patients' satisfaction: 88%; radiographic arthritis: 32%
Meller . (prospective case series)19 athletes>2 yearsShoulder instabilityOpen stabilizationSeveral clinical scores: good/excellent in all athletes; quality of life (SF-12): reduced by 9.2%; participation in sports: reduced ( < 0.05)
Mazzocca . (prospective case series)18 athletes, <20 years, 13 collision sports (football), 5 contact sports (wrestling, soccer)>2 years (mean 3.1 years)Anterior labrum (Bankart) lesionArthroscopic capsulorrhaphyAll returned to organized high school or college sports; re-dislocation: 2/18 (11%), both collision athletes
Hubbel . (comparative study, non-randomized)50 athletes>5 yearsShoulder instabilityOpen stabilization ( = 20); Arthroscopic ( = 30)Re-dislocations ‘open’ group: none; ‘arthroscopic’ group: 5/30 (17%); instability in collision sports athletes treated arthroscopically: 6/9 (75%)
Bottoni (RCT) . 24 athletes>2 years (mean 3 years)Acute traumatic dislocationNon-operative ( = 14); arthroscopic repair ( = 10)‘Non-operative’ group: 2 lost to follow-up, recurrence 9/12 (75%); ‘arthroscopic repair group’: 1 lost to follow-up, recurrence 1/0 (11%)
Martin and Garth 24 athletes (throwing sports)>3 years (mean 4 years)Glenoid labral tear, no ligamentous detachmentArthroscopic debridement without repairGood/excellent results: 21/24 (85%); competing at pre-injury level: 16/24 (67%)
Tomlinson and Glousman (prospective case series)46 ‘overhead’ athletes (30 baseball players)>1.5 year (mean 2.7)Glenoid labral tearArthroscopic debridement without repairGood/excellent results, all athletes: 25/46 (54%); professional baseball players: 12/16 (75%); non-professionals: 13/30 (43%)
Altchek . (prospective case series)40 patients involved in ‘overhead’ sports>2 years (mean 3.6)Glenoid labral tearArthroscopic debridement without repairPain relief at 1 year: 72%; pain relief at last follow-up: 7%
Owens . (prospective case series)39 athletes (40 shoulders)9–14 years (mean 11.7 years)First-time traumatic anterior shoulder dislocationsAcute arthroscopic Bankart repairRe-dislocations: 14% (6/40); subluxation: 21% (9/40); revision stabilization surgery: 14% (6/40); SF-36 (mean): 94.4 of 100; Tegner score (mean): 6.5 (3–10); patients' rating of shoulder function compared with pre-injury: 93%; would they recommend the surgery? VAS=9.1 of 10 (only three patients <7)
Baker . (prospective case series)40 athletes (43 shoulders)>2 years (mean 2.8)Multidirectional instabilityArthroscopic capsulorrhaphyClinical scores: mean >91 points out of 100; strength: 98% normal or slightly decreased; range of motion: 91% full or satisfactory; return to sport: 86%
Kartus . (prospective case series)71 patients (73% involved in ‘overhead’ sports)Median 9 yearsAnterior labrum (Bankart) lesionArthroscopic capsulorrhaphyShoulder instability: 37/71 (38%); re-dislocation: 16/71 (23%); Overhead sports participation: 45% (compared to 73% before the injury)
Radkowski . (prospective case series)98 athletes (107 shoulders)Mean 2.3 yearsUnidirectional (posterior) instabilityArthroscopic capsulorrhaphyGood/excellent clinical score in 89% of ‘throwers’ and 93% of ‘non-throwers’; return to pre-injury level: ‘throwers’ 55%; ‘non-throwers’ 71%
Bonnevialle . (prospective case series)31 Rugby players>5 yearsShoulder instabilityOpen stabilizationReturn to rugby: 97%; recurrence after trauma: 17%; patients' satisfaction: 88%; radiographic arthritis: 32%
Meller . (prospective case series)19 athletes>2 yearsShoulder instabilityOpen stabilizationSeveral clinical scores: good/excellent in all athletes; quality of life (SF-12): reduced by 9.2%; participation in sports: reduced ( < 0.05)
Mazzocca . (prospective case series)18 athletes, <20 years, 13 collision sports (football), 5 contact sports (wrestling, soccer)>2 years (mean 3.1 years)Anterior labrum (Bankart) lesionArthroscopic capsulorrhaphyAll returned to organized high school or college sports; re-dislocation: 2/18 (11%), both collision athletes
Hubbel . (comparative study, non-randomized)50 athletes>5 yearsShoulder instabilityOpen stabilization ( = 20); Arthroscopic ( = 30)Re-dislocations ‘open’ group: none; ‘arthroscopic’ group: 5/30 (17%); instability in collision sports athletes treated arthroscopically: 6/9 (75%)
Bottoni (RCT) . 24 athletes>2 years (mean 3 years)Acute traumatic dislocationNon-operative ( = 14); arthroscopic repair ( = 10)‘Non-operative’ group: 2 lost to follow-up, recurrence 9/12 (75%); ‘arthroscopic repair group’: 1 lost to follow-up, recurrence 1/0 (11%)
Martin and Garth 24 athletes (throwing sports)>3 years (mean 4 years)Glenoid labral tear, no ligamentous detachmentArthroscopic debridement without repairGood/excellent results: 21/24 (85%); competing at pre-injury level: 16/24 (67%)
Tomlinson and Glousman (prospective case series)46 ‘overhead’ athletes (30 baseball players)>1.5 year (mean 2.7)Glenoid labral tearArthroscopic debridement without repairGood/excellent results, all athletes: 25/46 (54%); professional baseball players: 12/16 (75%); non-professionals: 13/30 (43%)
Altchek . (prospective case series)40 patients involved in ‘overhead’ sports>2 years (mean 3.6)Glenoid labral tearArthroscopic debridement without repairPain relief at 1 year: 72%; pain relief at last follow-up: 7%

RCT, randomized controlled trial; VAS, visual analogue scale.

Operative management of elbow injuries in athletes

Elbow ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) insufficiency is one of the frequently recognized injuries in the overhead athlete, as a result of excessive valgus stress. It constitutes a potentially career threatening injury and requires surgical repair. 163 The use of a muscle-splitting approach, avoiding handling of the ulnar nerve, and the use of the docking technique for stabilization is recommended 164 , 165 (Table  8 ). Recent advantages in arthroscopic surgical techniques and ligament reconstruction in the elbow have improved the prognosis for return to competition for highly motivated athletes. The results of arthroscopic debridement 150 , 166 (Table  7 ) need to be evaluated in the long term.

Operative management of elbow injuries in athletes.

Vitale and Ahmad (systematic review of 8 retrospective studies)‘Overhead’ athletes>1 yearUCL injuryUCL repair Overall: good/excellent results: 83%; complication rate: 10%; ulnar neuropathy: 6%; muscle, splitting approach: better results and less complications; ulnar nerve transposition: less favourable results, higher neuropathy rate (9% versus 4%); docking technique: better outcomes
Savoie . (prospective case series)60 high school, college athletesMean 5 yearsUCL injuryDirect repair (suture placation with repair to bone)Good/excellent results: 93%; return to sports (pre-injury level) within 6 months: 97%; transient ulnar neuropathy: 5%; failures:
Rahusen . (prospective case series)16 athletes>2.5 years (mean 3.2)Posterior elbow impingementArthroscopic debridementExtension deficit: reduced from 8° to 2°; VAS in rest: reduced from 3 to 0; VAS during sports: reduced from 7 to 2 (all differences were significant, < 0.05)
Byrd and Jones (prospective case series)10 baseball playersMean 4 yearsOsteochondritis dissecans of the capitellumArthroscopic debridementExcellent clinical results; radiographs: Return to baseball: 4/10 athletes
Vitale and Ahmad (systematic review of 8 retrospective studies)‘Overhead’ athletes>1 yearUCL injuryUCL repair Overall: good/excellent results: 83%; complication rate: 10%; ulnar neuropathy: 6%; muscle, splitting approach: better results and less complications; ulnar nerve transposition: less favourable results, higher neuropathy rate (9% versus 4%); docking technique: better outcomes
Savoie . (prospective case series)60 high school, college athletesMean 5 yearsUCL injuryDirect repair (suture placation with repair to bone)Good/excellent results: 93%; return to sports (pre-injury level) within 6 months: 97%; transient ulnar neuropathy: 5%; failures:
Rahusen . (prospective case series)16 athletes>2.5 years (mean 3.2)Posterior elbow impingementArthroscopic debridementExtension deficit: reduced from 8° to 2°; VAS in rest: reduced from 3 to 0; VAS during sports: reduced from 7 to 2 (all differences were significant, < 0.05)
Byrd and Jones (prospective case series)10 baseball playersMean 4 yearsOsteochondritis dissecans of the capitellumArthroscopic debridementExcellent clinical results; radiographs: Return to baseball: 4/10 athletes

UCL, ulnar collateral ligament.

Operative management of wrist injuries in athletes

A review of the literature shows that 3–9% of all athletic injuries occur in the hand or wrist, and are more common in adolescent athletes than adults. 46 In this article, we focused on TFCC injuries and acute scaphoid fractures in athletes.

TFCC injuries are an increasingly recognized cause of ulnar-sided wrist pain, and can be particularly disabling in the competitive athlete. Advances in wrist arthroscopy made endoscopic debridement and repair of the TFCC possible. McAdams et al . 47 treated arthroscopically TFCC tears in 16 competitive athletes (mean age: 23.4 years). Repair of unstable tears was performed in 11 (69%) and debridement only in 5 (31%). Return to play averaged 3.3 months (range: 3–7 months). The mean duration of follow-up was 2.8 years (range: 2–4.2 years). Clinical scores (mini-DASH and mini-DASH sports module) improved significantly. No long-term outcomes are available.

Operative management of scaphoid fractures in athletes, even if undisplaced, is recommended if early return to sports is desired. One study followed 12 athletes treated operatively for a scaphoid fracture. They were able to return to sports at 6 weeks. At an average follow-up of 2.9 years, 9 of 12 athletes had range of motion equal to the uninjured side, and grip strength was equal to the unaffected side in 10 of 12 athletes. 49

Participation in sports offers potential benefits for individuals of all ages, such as combating obesity and enhancing cardiovascular fitness. 1 On the other hand, negative consequences of musculoskeletal injuries sustained during sports may compromise function in later life, limiting the ability to experience pain-free mobility and engage in fitness-enhancing activity. 167 Increasingly, successful management of sports-related injuries has allowed more athletes to return to participation. The knee is the joint most commonly associated with sports injuries, and therefore is most at risk of developing degenerative changes. It is not clear whether radiographic OA always correlates with symptoms and reduced quality of life. Furthermore, even effective management of meniscal or ACL injury does not reduce the risk of developing subsequent OA. 137 , 168 OA in an injured joint is caused by intra-articular pathogenic processes initiated at the time of injury, combined with long-term changes in dynamic joint loading. Variation in outcomes involves not only the exact type of injury (e.g. ACL rupture with or without meniscal damage), 137 but also additional variables associated with the individual such as age, sex, genetics, obesity, muscle strength, activity and reinjury. A better understanding of these variables may improve future prevention and treatment strategies. 169

In many of the long-term studies (the majority being retrospective case series), several methodological flaws have to be highlighted. A recent systematic review on OA after ACL injuries 137 suggested that some studies may overestimate the prevalence of long-term OA. The authors in several studies mention that a proportion of the index group of injured athletes were available for follow-up or consented for radiographic examination. One can argue that these patients were the ones with symptoms, therefore the prevalence of OA (after ACL rupture for example) may appear higher than it really is. Presentation of outcomes was not always based on robust criteria. Different clinical scores and radiographic classifications have been used, and therefore results between studies are not directly comparable. In the majority of the studies, it was not clarified whether radiographic appearance correlated with symptoms, and how important these were for the quality of life of the patients. Disabling arthritis requiring intervention may actually be delayed for more than 20–30 years. 107 , 112 Furthermore, long-term studies present outcomes of older techniques, not used any more in clinical practice (e.g. primary ACL repair or total meniscectomy). Evolution in surgical or rehabilitation techniques might have improved outcomes of certain injuries. Therefore, currently known ‘long-term outcomes’ may only reflect the results of techniques used in the past and not what we should expect in the future. Increasing awareness of athletes and trainers, new diagnostic and musculoskeletal imaging modalities, improved surgical and rehabilitation methods, but also analysis of injury patterns in different sports and development of injury prevention strategies might be beneficial to minimize the effects of sports injuries in the years to come.

What is the true incidence of arthritis in the long term? Will it be a disabling condition for the former athlete, in the coming decades? Currently, joint preserving procedures (e.g. microfractures, 145 mosaicplaty, 170 autologous chondrocyte implantation, 171 , 172 realignment osteotomies 173 and implant arthroplasties 174 ) have evolved and allow middle aged or older patients to live without pain and maintain an active life style. Meniscal transplantation shows encouraging results. 175 Should therefore an increased risk for developing musculoskeletal problems prevent children and adults from being active in sports? 176 Do the benefits of participating in sports outweigh the risks?

A survey in Sweden showed that 80% of former track and field athletes with an age range of 50–80 years felt they were in good health, compared with 61% of the referents, despite higher prevalence of hip arthritis in former athletes. Low back disorders were similar in the two groups, shoulder and neck problems were lower in former athletes, and knee arthritis was similar in the two groups. 177

No definite answer can be given to the previously addressed questions, based on available evidence. Future research should involve questionnaires assessing the HRQL in former athletes, to be compared with the general population. 27 , 178–181

Physical injury is an inherent risk in sports participation and, to a certain extent, must be considered an inevitable cost of athletic training and competition. Injury may lead to incomplete recovery and residual symptoms, drop out from sports, and can cause joint degeneration in the long term. Few well-conducted studies are available on the long-term follow-up of former athletes, and, in general, we lack studies reporting on the HRQL to be compared with the general population. Advances in arthroscopic techniques allow operative management of most intra-articular post-traumatic pathologies in the lower and upper limb joints, but long-term outcomes are not available yet. It is important to balance the negative effects of sports injuries with the many social, psychological and health benefits that a serious commitment to sport brings. 9

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53 Sports Dissertation Topics and examples in 2023

Table of Contents

Sports dissertation topics in domains have been found vital in the present-day situation. There is likewise a particular structure in the sports dissertation designs . There should be a specific combative tone in the introduction. Accurate information about the space of sports additionally requires concentrated research.

This service satisfies the entire customer base to have a total and organized sports dissertation . The most striking point of a sports dissertation is that there is a mix of the severe profundity of research alongside an adventurous sense. This blend requires the intervention of expert scientists and master journalists.

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Best Sports Dissertation Topics for college students

Find below some best ideas and examples for Sports Dissertation Topics:

  • Radio-Frequency Identification Sports Wearable Development
  • How Psychological Interventions and Skills can Improve Performance in Athlete’s sports
  • A Study of 18-24 Year Old-Males’ Engagement and Interactions with Sports Betting Advertising
  • Injury Experiences and Psychological Responses of Athletes as a result of Sports Injuries
  • Sports Statistical System for the English Premier-League
  • Sports Impact of UEFA-Prize Money on Football Clubs: Celtic Case Study
  • Effects of Re-Warming Up at Half-Time on Gaelic Footballers
  • Relationship Between Personality Type and Sports Performance
  • Effects of Personality Type on Sports Performance and Motivation
  • An Econometric-Evaluation of Racial Biases in the Premier-League Sport.
  • The impact of social media on the sports industry
  • The role of sponsorship in professional sports
  • The psychological effects of sports on athletes
  • The evolution of sport marketing strategies
  • The influence of sports on the development of national identity
  • The use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports
  • The business of professional sports leagues
  • The impact of technology on the sports industry
  • The sociology of sports fandom
  • The impact of sports on physical health and fitness
  • The history of sports medicine
  • The economic impact of major sporting events
  • The role of sports in promoting social change
  • The influence of sports on gender and sexuality
  • The impact of sports on mental health and well-being
  • The role of sports in the development of character and leadership skills
  • The impact of sports on education and academic achievement
  • The cultural significance of sports in different countries
  • The ethical issues surrounding the business of sports
  • The use of data analytics in sports performance and coaching
  • The role of sports in promoting international relations and diplomacy
  • The impact of sports on politics and government
  • The role of sports in building community and fostering social cohesion
  • The use of sports as a tool for promoting peace and conflict resolution
  • The impact of sports on the environment and sustainability
  • The role of sports in promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment
  • The use of sports as a means of promoting social inclusion and diversity
  • The impact of sports on the media and entertainment industry
  • The role of sports in the development of urban and rural communities
  • The use of sports as a means of promoting economic development
  • The impact of sports on the fashion industry
  • The role of sports in promoting religious and cultural tolerance
  • The impact of sports on the travel and tourism industry
  • The use of sports as a means of promoting cultural exchange and understanding
  • The role of sports in promoting social justice and human rights
  • The impact of sports on the healthcare industry
  • The role of sports in promoting intercultural dialogue and understanding
  • The impact of sports on the pharmaceutical industry
  • The use of sports as a means of promoting cross-cultural communication and collaboration
  • The role of sports in promoting social entrepreneurship and innovation
  • The impact of sports on the art and creative industries
  • The use of sports as a means of promoting personal and professional growth and development
  • The role of sports in promoting intergenerational exchange and understanding.

Above is the best list of research titles in sports if you are still searching for some more unique topics, fill out the form below and get sports dissertation topics brief from experts.

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Sports Research Paper Topics and Ideas


Table of contents

  • 0.1 Key Points
  • 1.1 You Don’t Have To Rehash The Same Old Ideas
  • 1.2 Choose A Topic With Plenty Of Sources
  • 1.3 A Sports Research Paper Needs To Be Relevant
  • 1.4 Use Evidence For Your Sports Paper
  • 1.5 Bring Something New To The Table
  • 2 Sports Management Research Topics
  • 3 Sports Psychology Research Topics
  • 4 Research Topics About Sports Medicine
  • 5 Research Topics on Exercise
  • 6 Research Topics on the History of Sports
  • 7 Research Topics on Sports Marketing
  • 8 Sports Research Topics on Sociology
  • 9 Research Paper Topics About Soccer
  • 10 Research Paper Topics about Basketball
  • 11 Research Topics on Athletic Training
  • 12 Sports Research Paper Topics: Key Takeaway

Writing about sports is as fun as playing it if you choose the right topic. But what to do if you’ve run out of ideas? No worries, we’ve got you covered with our selection of the most engaging sports research paper topics. One of them will help you to reveal your writing potential. Keep reading to find inspiration for an A-grade sports research paper.

  • Sports research paper topics include major league baseball, football fans, and mental health. Even topics like sports celebrities, extreme sports, science, and doping
  • Write about something that you’re passionate about and is in line with your essay brief
  • Make sure your research paper topic allows you to present useful content and narrow it down if it is too broad

Tips for Selecting Ideal Sports Research Topics

Good sports research topics make putting your essay together more enjoyable. When that happens, your writing flows better, and your readers will enjoy it too. Take a look at these tips that college students can use to select the perfect research paper topics.

You Don’t Have To Rehash The Same Old Ideas

Let’s be honest – researching and following methodology in a research paper is tedious. But if you’re doing it on a subject you enjoy, your passion for the topic should keep you motivated and engaged. And you’ll likely produce high-quality work.

Choose A Topic With Plenty Of Sources

At the same time, make sure it’s narrow enough to get specific and provide insight. You have to find the right balance. You want to have enough information to get stuck into the topic, but not so much that it’s overwhelming.

A Sports Research Paper Needs To Be Relevant

A trending or hot topic is much easier to write about. And your readers are going to thank you for it. As long as they relate to what you’re saying, you’re halfway there. Take a look at news coverage of the industry. Are there any current discussions or debates? Or has a particular sports personality tweeted something viral?

Use Evidence For Your Sports Paper

You’re going to need sources to back up your claims. Are there enough articles, books, and other sources on hand to conduct an extensive study? You’ll need research papers, journals, documentaries, or interviews with experts in the field.

Bring Something New To The Table

Instead of writing on something already well-covered, try and contribute something new. Think about finding practical applications or implications for the sporting industry. If originality isn’t your strong suit, there’s an option to buy a research paper to get excellent results. That way, you’re guaranteed high-quality, well-researched work created by experts in the field. The result will be a unique perspective that makes your sports paper stand out.

Sports Management Research Topics

Sports management degree matter looks at effective leadership, athlete management, and marketing. They provide valuable insights into global sports culture today. You’ll also get the chance to learn more and develop critical thinking skills.

  • Are Sports News Media Firms Necessary?
  • Management In Promoting Social Inclusion
  • Technology’s Impact on Management
  • The Evolution Of Management: From Amateur To Professional
  • Evaluating The Efficiency Of Management In Collegiate Athletics
  • The Effect Of Gender Equality In Management
  • Implications Of Mental Health Awareness In Management
  • Strategic Management In Professional Sports: A Case Study Approach
  • Ethics And Integrity In Management
  • A Comparative Study Of Management Practices Across Different Countries
  • An Overview Of Sports Management Duties
  • Sustainability In Management: A Road To Environmental Consciousness
  • The Economic Impact Of Major Sporting Events: A Management Perspective
  • Leadership Styles In Successful Management
  • The Future Of Management: Trends And Predictions

Sports Psychology Research Topics

Research paper topics on psychology explore human behavior and experiences. Write about any of the following sports topics, and you’ll have an impact. How? By understanding the psychological and physical factors that affect athletes. Ethical issues among college athletes are also on the rise. Making character development a vital aspect of research paper topics.

  • A Study Of Coaching Styles On Athletes’ Psychological Well-Being
  • Achieving Peak Performance And Self-Confidence
  • Psychological Techniques For Stress Management Physical Activity
  • Considering Group Dynamics On Sports Team Performance
  • The Psychological Effects Of Injury On A Sports Person
  • Psychology In The Rehabilitation Of Injured Athletes
  • The Cognitive And Behavioral Characteristics Of Mental Toughness
  • Psychological Impact Of Competitive Pressure On Athletes
  • Visualization Techniques In Enhancing Performance
  • Athletes’ Experiences With Mindfulness Training
  • Taking A Look At Physical Activity Participation On Mental Wellbeing
  • Should We Push Young Athletes To Do Better?
  • Psychological Aspects Of Retirement
  • A Team Approach: Psychologists In Promoting Positive Mental Health
  • The Effect Of Social Support On Athletes’ Performance And Well-Being

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Research Topics About Sports Medicine

In sports medicine research paper topics, you’ll look at the health of athletes. It includes diagnosing and treating injuries and training programs. Provide an in-depth analysis of how physical education sessions prevent sports related injuries. And if you want something juicier, how about drinking and drug abuse? Plus, such research paper topics address the specific needs of female athletes.

  • Medicine In Injury Prevention
  • Aspects Of Injuries On Young Athletes’ Long-Term Health
  • The Advancement Of Injury Treatments
  • The Use Of Platelet-Rich Plasma In Injury Recovery
  • Nutrition In Sports Injury Treatments And Prevention
  • A Look At Concussions On Athlete Health
  • Physiotherapy In Injury Rehabilitation
  • Evaluation Of Different Pain Management Techniques In Medicine
  • Medicine In Enhancing Athletes’ Performance
  • Health Effects Of Steroids On Athletes
  • Genetic Testing in Medicine: Implications
  • How Important Is Sleep For Athlete Performance And Recovery
  • Effects Of Overtraining On Athlete Health And Performance
  • Technology Advances In Injury Treatment
  • How Doping Affects Physical And Cognitive Functions

Research Topics on Exercise

Try writing a research paper about why exercise is good for you. You’ll look at how working out benefits physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The following interesting sports research paper topics promote understanding and healthy lifestyle habits. If you write about exercise, offer valuable evidence-based resources. You never know, your peers could use your research paper to educate others.

  • Benefits Of Regular Exercise On Mental Health
  • Chronic Diseases and Exercise
  • The Effects of Exercise on Stress Levels
  • Exercise Capacity and Age
  • The Impact of Exercise on Body Image
  • Cognitive Function In Elderly People: The Benefits Of Exercise
  • Exercise In Preventing Obesity
  • The Importance Of Physical Education In Schools
  • Insights Into Group Exercise’s Psychological Benefits
  • A Study On Exercise On Sleep Quality
  • Exercise As A Treatment For Depression
  • Do Personal Physical Exercises Improve Athletic Performance
  • A Review Of Exercise On Cardiovascular Health
  • High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Vs. Moderate-Intensity Continuous Training (MICT)
  • How Exercise Has An Impact On Women’s Health

Research Topics on the History of Sports

A great way to understand the impact of sports on society is to examine its evolution over time. Sports history research topics look at the origins of it. As well as contexts and the changes in equipment, rules, and player abilities. Through them, you’ll learn more about the sport you love. You’ll also learn what the sport is like today and the efforts of athletes and organizers over the years.

  • How Have Sports Developed In The Olympic Games
  •  Women in Athletics: A History
  •  Taking A Look At Racial Integration
  •  How Equipment Has Evolved Through The Ages
  •  Doping In Athletics: Then And Now
  •  How Transgender Affects Sporting Activities
  •  Changing Shapes Of Competition On National Identity
  •  Banned Dangerous Ritual Sports
  •  Why Do People Want To Ban Fighting In Ice Hockey?
  •  Historical Analysis Of The Paralympic Movement
  •  Aspects Of Competition In Cultural Exchange
  •  Insights From Playing Cricket In The Creation Of Softball Sports
  •  Incorporating Technology Into Competition
  •  Coaching Techniques: An Evolution
  •  The History Of Martial Arts As A Sports Competition

Research Topics on Sports Marketing

Sports research paper topics on marketing study advertising techniques in the sports industry. You’ll write about market structure, consumer behavior, sponsorship, and branding. All while evaluating the impact of different approaches in attracting and engaging fans. It’s a fascinating subject that goes into sport psychology. As well as the promotional events that drive revenue.

For those times when inspiration runs low, experts help save the day. Luckily, professionals at the research paper writing service are ready to advise on effective writing. They’ll guide you toward crafting a well-thought-out and relevant academic paper.

  • Using Social Media In Marketing
  •  Considering Brand Endorsements On Athletes’ Public Image
  •  How Marketing Has Evolved In The Digital Age
  •  Observations On The Effects Of Marketing On Consumer Behavior
  •  The Effectiveness Of Celebrity Sports Personalities In Advertising Campaigns
  •  An Overview Of Marketing In Promoting Diversity And Inclusion
  •  A Study On Sponsorship On Brand Recognition
  •  The Challenges Of Marketing In The Era Of Esports
  •  Strategies For Marketing To Generation Z
  •  The Ethical Implications Of Using Athletes In Advertising
  •  A Study Of Marketing On Youth Sports Participation
  •  Taking A Look At International Sports Events On Tourism Marketing
  •  Insights Into Viral Marketing
  •  Marketing’s Impact On The Popularity Of Lesser-Known Games
  •  A Look At Data Analytics In Sports Marketing Strategies

Sports Research Topics on Sociology

Sports research topics examine the relationship between sports and society. Here’s where ethical research topics come into play. Think about things like culture, values, media, politics, race, religion, and gender.

And by studying the connections, you’ll notice how competition shapes society. The reason is that physical games aren’t only about competition – they play a larger societal role. They help communicate cultural values, relieve stress, and contribute to social mobility.

  • How Competition Promotes Social Cohesion
  •  Taking Stock Of Societal Norms On Gender Roles
  •  Bringing Out The Best In Youth: Youth Development And Socialization
  •  Does Physical Competition Perpetuate Or Challenge Social Inequalities
  •  Bringing Race, Culture, And Athletics Together
  •  The Sociological Impact Of Sports Injuries
  •  A Study Of The Social Perception Of Professional Athletes
  •  A Look At How Games Foster Patriotism
  •  Incorporating Social Media Into Sporting Culture
  •  Doping in Physical Competitions: Societal Implications
  •  How Community Development Grows Through Games
  •  The Impact Of Athletics On Body Image And Self-Esteem
  •  Sports Rituals And Traditions Have Cultural Importance
  •  Commercialization and Societal Effects
  •  Taking A Closer Look At The Effects Of Celebrity Competition On Societal Values

Research Paper Topics About Soccer

A well-written research paper on soccer shows how well you assimilate knowledge. This means researching, analyzing, and explaining your conclusions. If you love soccer, then the following sports topics are for you. It’s amazing how easy it is to produce a good essay on something you’re interested in.

To make things a bit more exciting, narrow down your topic by choosing a niche soccer area to explore. Consider the impact of technology or the sports psychology of soccer moms.

  • Over The Decades: Soccer Strategies Over The Decades
  •  Incorporating Technology Into Soccer Officiating
  • Soccer Vs. American Football
  •  Considering International Politics On Soccer
  •  Youth Soccer Participation and Socio-Economic Factors
  •  The Effects Of Sports Nutrition And A Balanced Diet On Soccer Performance
  •  World Cup History And Significance
  •  Soccer Fan Behavior And Sports Club Culture
  •  The Dynamics Of Team Sports In Soccer Success
  •  An Analysis Of Coaching Style On Player Development In Soccer
  •  Insights Into Gender Equality Initiatives In Soccer
  •  Performance Of Soccer At Different Altitudes And Climates
  •  Incorporating Medicine In Soccer Injury Prevention
  •  The Commercialization Of Soccer: Benefits And Drawbacks
  •  Soccer’s Influence on International Diplomacy


Research Paper Topics about Basketball

Basketball research paper topics cover many subjects related to the sport. Its history, rules, psychology, sociology, and physiology are among them. Writing an essay on such a subject is an excellent way to explore the game and its impact on society.

And don’t think these topics won’t help you excel. You’ll still develop critical thinking skills and elevate your writing. Plus, basketball is very popular. In other words, there are plenty of resources for research and finding relevant info.

  • Basketball Rule Changes On The Evolution Of The Game
  •  Using Analytics In Modern Basketball Strategies
  •  Basketball Culture Around The World As Influenced By The NBA
  •  Basketball Performance And Physical Conditioning
  •  Basketball Participation And Socio-Economic Factors
  •  Insights Into Coaching And Mentorship In Basketball Player Development
  •  Physiotherapy And Medicine On Injury Prevention In Basketball
  •  Social Issues And Basketball
  •  College Basketball’s Growing Commercialization
  •  Basketball Success Depends On Team Chemistry
  •  The History And Significance Of The NBA Draft
  •  Basketball Performance And Nutrition
  •  Youth Development And Socialization Through Basketball
  •  A Study Of Gender And Race Within Basketball Culture
  •  Taking A Look At International Basketball Events On Global Diplomacy

Research Topics on Athletic Training

With training in sports research topics, you’ll be a part of something ground-breaking. Writing about the subject explores scientific advances and adds knowledge to the field. You’ll have the chance to prove your research, analytical, and communication skills. Skills that employers and academic programs appreciate.

Athletic training subjects are also a great way to develop your reasoning abilities. And another bonus is you’ll learn about the science behind competitive performance. Sports topics for research papers on athletic training cover medicine and athlete healthcare. Consider ideas you have on sports injury relief, performance enhancement, and sports nutrition.

  • A Look Sports Training In Injury Prevention
  •  How Nutrition Has Evolved In The Sporting Industry
  •  Different Training Regimens and Their Physiological Effects
  •  The Role Of Athletic Training Facility Units
  •  Coaching and Athletic Training Ethical Issues
  •  Incorporating Technology In Enhancing Athletic Training
  •  Effects Of Athletic Training On Long-Term Health And Wellness
  •  Athletes Need Recovery Strategies
  •  Athletic Training Methods Based On Age And Gender
  •  A Review Of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Benefits And Risks
  •  Introducing Medicine In Athletic Training
  •  Mental Health Effects Of Athletic Training
  •  Athlete Development: Strength And Conditioning
  •  Insights Into Athletic Training On Career Longevity In Professional Competition
  •  An Integrative Approach To Athletic Training Based On Sports Psychology

Sports Research Paper Topics: Key Takeaway

Whenever you choose research paper topics, make sure it’s something you’re enthusiastic about. Find out if there’s enough information available on Google and work from there. Remember that you’re still going to need relevant sources for your argument.

As for sports paper topics, there are so many to pick from. You can explore the psychological and physiological aspects of competition. And if you want to go more in-depth, think about the significance of volleyball injuries. With the right approach and a bit of creativity, you’ll find a topic to produce a paper you’re proud of.

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How and When to Talk About a Sports Injury in Your College Essay

sports injury dissertation topics

You’ve come up with the perfect essay topic: that sports injury that changed your life. Not only is it a compelling story, but it can also serve as a great metaphor for a larger life experience.

Unfortunately, many other students have the same idea. Sports injuries—and sports in general—are hugely popular topics for college essays. Students often feel compelled to discuss a single moment or event that changed or influenced their lives in these essays, and because so many high schoolers participate in athletics, quite a few have had similar experiences that fit this bill. As young people, college applicants generally have less life experience, so they may not have experienced many other events that affected them on a grand scale.

A sports injury can evoke a lot of emotions—pain and disappointment, to name a few. Recovering from your injury, and describing that recovery, can demonstrate determination, hard work, bravery, perseverance in the face of obstacles, and many other admirable qualities. It’s a natural topic to choose.

But because so many applicants have the same idea, you may not stand out to the admissions committee if you choose to write about a sports injury—and standing out in a large pool of applicants is essential.

Why Should You Generally Avoid Sports Injuries in Essays?

It may seem counterintuitive, but your essay isn’t just a space to talk about yourself. It’s also a tool you use to present yourself to admissions committees, so you need to think strategically. You’re competing against a vast pool of candidates for admission, and many of them have stellar grades and test scores. You need to find a way to stand out . While some other parts of your application are dedicated to your stats, your essay is a place to let your personality shine.

Clichés are not going to help your case. If you use one in your essay, it puts a damper on the whole work. It’s not going to be compelling or engaging if admissions officers have read similar stories many times before.

Creativity and originality are essential for admissions committees; they want to attract students who think innovatively and will develop new ideas, not students who just dutifully follow directions. Think about it: colleges want students who will be leaders in society and ultimately make them look good. Check out Ten Skills to Highlight in Your College Applications to learn more about characteristics colleges are looking for in applicants.

Realistically, most high school athletes won’t go on to play professionally . That’s why you need to hone some skills outside of sports. ( Extracurricular Activities for Student Athletes has some ideas to help you.) It’s also why you should try to discuss topics that are more relevant to your future career or intended major.

That doesn’t mean you must avoid discussing your injury altogether. It’s fine to mention it in your essay or other parts of your application—in fact, you may need to do so to provide context or explain a change of direction—but generally, you shouldn’t use it as your main essay topic.

What if You Really, Really Want to Use this Topic?

If you feel like it’s imperative to highlight your sports injury in your essay, you MUST be creative! Using a topic that’s a bit of a cliché is a huge risk, so you’d better make sure you have something unique to say about it. You also need to be specific. An essay about a general-sounding situation filled with platitudes about life lessons you’ve learned won’t be compelling.

You’re more likely to stand out if your situation is unusual in some way. For instance, if you play a lesser-known or less popular sport such as fencing, you have a better chance of standing out. You may also have a unique spin if you were truly a world-class competitor—we’re talking national teams or Olympic-level here.

Make sure your personality really comes through, and make your essay as personal as possible. Incorporate other topics that are important to you and show who you truly are. For instance, you might discuss how the sport you played is a significant part of your family or cultural history, or how a person you met while playing that sport is important to you.

Your essay must be thoughtful, and you’ll need to demonstrate a deeper interpretation of what this injury meant to you and your life. Don’t just make it a play-by-play account of what happened.

You should also avoid topics that are too controversial. For example, don’t use your injury to wax poetic on your political position , and leave out excessively graphic or gory descriptions of your injury. In other words, don’t make the admissions committee cringe. (That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be descriptive, though!) Also avoid playing the blame game. If you think your injury was someone else’s fault, such as a player on the opposing team, your essay is not a place to point fingers. If you do, you’ll risk coming off as immature and unwilling to accept responsibility for yourself.

Your essay should fit in with the overall picture you paint with your application; colleges want to see a cohesive representation of you and your passions, rather than a disparate jumble of facts. As always, you should demonstrate strong skills in written communication. Proofread, check for typos, ask others to read your essay , and otherwise take time to perfect it well before you hit submit.

For More Information

Your essay is an important piece of your college application. It’s a place where you can really convey your personality and passions to admissions committees. Make at as unique as possible, so you can really stand out. Even if you’re not a natural writer, there are still ways to craft a stellar essay. For more help, check out the posts below.

How to Develop a Personalized Metaphor for Your Applications

How to Come Up With an Idea for a Personal Statement

Where to Begin? 3 Personal Essay Brainstorming Exercises

What If I Don’t Have Anything Interesting To Write About In My College Essay?

How to Get the Perfect Hook for Your College Essay

Want help with your college essays to improve your admissions chances? Sign up for your free CollegeVine account and get access to our essay guides and courses. You can also get your essay peer-reviewed and improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays.

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