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Speech On Self-Discipline And Its Importance for Students and Children

February 8, 2024 by Prasanna

Speech On Self-Discipline And Its Importance: The definition of self-discipline is to control one’s temptations and resist them. Also, to make decisions and do activities that would reflect positively.

Self-discipline is essential, and all humans should have it to some degree. There are ways in which you can carry that out. Self-discipline depends from person to person, from time to time.

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Long And Short Speeches On Self-Discipline And Its Importance for Kids And Students in English

Here we have provided you with two speeches on the topic of self-discipline and its importance. The long speech comprises of 500 words, and the short speech comprises of 150 words. There are also ten lines and fours Faqs on the same topic.

This speech and be used by children and kids in their school work, projects, essays, etc.

A Long Speech On Self Discipline And Its Importance is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech On Self Discipline And Its Importance is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Speech On Self-Discipline And Its Importance 500 Words In English

Good morning my fellow friends and teachers.

The topic of my speech is self-discipline and its importance.

First, I would like to address how self-discipline is essential and that all of us, irrespective of our age, should have self-discipline. Self-discipline is when you know how to utilize your time and not procrastinate. Sometimes, when we are enjoying ourselves, we seem to immerse ourselves in a fit of relaxation. And he chose to neglect other important work. We keep delaying doing that work, which would have been completed long ago if we were a bit more focused. Talking about focus, we often get distracted while we are doing something. Our mind seems to wander off, and we forget entirely what we were doing. With self-discipline, it wouldn’t be like that. We need to try to improve ourselves every moment. Bettering ourselves is also a part of self-discipline.

Children need to learn discipline from a very young age. We need to teach them basic ethics and mannerisms. That would include things like saying “sorry,” “please,” “I beg your pardon,” etc. Then things like opening a door from someone, respecting your elders, helping others out when they need your help.

Some people are self-disciplined naturally, while others have to put in some effort before achieving it. To achieve self-discipline, you should engage in meditation. Meditation helps to calm yourself and be cool-tempered. It helps you to control your urges and channels energy in the right direction.

Another way to achieve self-discipline is to set a routine and live according to that. You need to divide your day in such a way so that you have time for everything. You can study all the subjects and still have some extra time to revise or focus on the wrong subject. Or use that freedom to indulge yourself in a hobby.

Hobbies can help you relieve stress, and it is also a perfect way to learn something new and fun. You should try and learn how to control yourself from giving in to distractions. Due to the advancements in technology and the environment, things like television, mobile phone, video games, etc.

Take up a significant portion of our time. Instead of taking a nap or read a book, we get easily disturbed my social media notifications. Our generation is part of social media from a very young age.

There are both pros and cons to that. But we should deactivate once in a while and concentrate more on real life. We should not be overwhelmed by what we see on the internet. Instead, we should focus on bettering our own lives. Therefore, go to bed early, or read a storybook before going to bed instead of staying awake until unhealthy hours in the morning. It’s not good for our mental and physical health.

Self-discipline is crucial as it teaches us to be better humans. To be better versions of ourselves. To be decent, caring, and loving. Self-love is also a part of self-discipline. You are doing this not for others but yourself. To lead a healthy and correct lifestyle, self-discipline is quite essential. In today’s world, people are more occupied with other things, and they forget basic human manners.

Short Speech On Self-Discipline And Its Importance 150 Words In English

Short Speech On Self-Discipline And Its Importance 150 Words In English

Good morning my dear friends and teachers. Today, the topic of my speech is self-discipline and its importance.

Where do we first learn discipline? Well, at school. From a young age, children go to school not just for education but to be a decent human being. And to be a decent and kind human being, you need to be disciplined. Our parents do help us in the process, but we learn such things mostly at school, from our teachers and elders.

Self-discipline is essential for all humans. Because self-discipline aims at promoting better mental and physical health. To have better mental and physical health, you need to make better life choices.

We need to wake up early, have a routine, follow that routine, and sleep early. We need to work hard and be proud of what we have become. Taking breaks once in a while is okay. Just be happy, and do it for yourself. Not just to make others proud, you need to have self discipline for your benefit. In the end, you would want to be happy and lead a fit and joyous life.

10 Lines On Speech On Self-Discipline And Its Importance In English

  • You need to understand your strengths and weaknesses, and then try to develop a strategy to achieve self-discipline.
  • You have to understand what things are harmful to you, and are harming you.
  • Surround yourself with good people, people who are disciplined, and would help you to become better.
  • Try to manage the limited time you have to get higher output.
  • Note down the things you want to get done by the end of the week or by the end of the day, this way, you get reminded and can keep checking your activities.
  • When you are self-disciplined, you would see that you are doing better at school or work.
  • Self-discipline gives a sense of satisfaction as you do not have to be worried about the work you have not done.
  • It’s okay to take breaks, and you should do things you love when you don’t feel motivated enough to do your work.
  • Self-discipline helps you stick to your dreams and goals and makes the path to achieving those goals more manageable.
  • The sense of being in control would have a positive effect on your health.

10 Lines On Speech On Self-Discipline And Its Importance In English

FAQ’s On Speech On Self-Discipline And Its Importance

Question 1. What is the difference between self-discipline and discipline?

Answer: Self-discipline is a more developed form of discipline. Self-disciplined people are in charge of their urges and feelings, and they are fearless about their future.

Question 2. What are the three forms of discipline?

Answer: The three forms of discipline are preventive discipline, supportive discipline, and corrective discipline

Question 3. Should children be disciplined from a young age?

Answer: Yes, children should be disciplined from a young age as it would help them later in their life. The teachings would be instilled into their heart and brain, and they would not easily forget it.

Question 4. How do I discipline my child?

Answer: You should not use punishments while disciplining your child. Instead, make them understand what they are doing wrong, and lovingly ask them to do it. You should make the child understand the dangers of not being disciplined.

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Speech on Importance of Discipline

Discipline is like a magic key that opens doors to success. It helps you stay focused, manage your time, and reach your goals. Without it, life can become a jumbled mess.

Think about a well-oiled machine. That’s what your life can be with discipline. It’s not about harsh rules, but about creating a smooth path towards your dreams.

1-minute Speech on Importance of Discipline

Good morning everyone!

Today, I would like to talk about an essential key to success that we sometimes overlook – Discipline. It is the bridge between our goals and our achievements. It is the glue that binds inspiration with achievement, dreams with reality, and capabilities with results.

Discipline is the habit of acting according to certain rules. It ensures that we respond to life in ways that prioritize our highest values and goals. One might have all the resources, ideas, and plans, but without discipline, it is almost impossible to bring any of them to life.

In school, discipline helps us acquire knowledge and grow as individuals. It motivates us to stay focused on our studies, complete assignments on time, and interact respectfully with teachers and classmates. In the workplace, discipline is equally important. It helps us meet deadlines, build a career, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

To conclude, discipline is a critical component of success. It fuels our motivation and keeps us on the right pathway. It is a quality that helps us lead our lives in a productive, meaningful, and fulfilling way. So, let’s embrace discipline, let it guide our actions, and watch how it brings us closer to our dreams.

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2-minute Speech on Importance of Discipline

Good morning everyone, I am here today to talk about a topic that is fundamental to our success in both personal and professional life. The topic for today’s discussion is ‘Importance of Discipline’.

In our personal life, discipline plays a crucial role in shaping our character and attitude towards life. It curbs our impulses and reminds us to stay grounded. It helps us make the right decisions even when faced with adversity. It is discipline that helps us stick to our routines, to exercise regularly, eat healthily, wake up early, and live an organized life.

Moreover, discipline is not just about leading a well-structured life, it’s about self-control. It’s about being able to control our desires, our actions, and our reactions. A disciplined person doesn’t react impulsively; instead, he or she evaluates the situation and then responds in the best possible manner.

In the professional domain, discipline is equally, if not more, important. It is the backbone of any organization. It helps us to deliver our work on time, meet deadlines, abide by the rules, and maintain the decorum of the workplace. In the corporate world, discipline differentiates a leader from a follower. It is what drives innovation and growth.

Discipline is not just for personal benefit, it’s also for the good of society. A disciplined society is a harmonious society. When people abide by rules and regulations, it creates an environment conducive to growth and prosperity.

In conclusion, discipline is not a restriction but a tool for liberation. It frees us from the shackles of unproductive habits and impulsive behaviors. It’s the key to unlock the door to success and happiness. It is not something that restricts us, rather it is something that guides us towards a productive path, helping us make the most of our lives.

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Speech on Self Discipline and its Importance in English in simple and easy words

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Table of Contents

Speech on Self Discipline: Selecting engaging and relevant English speech topics is crucial for captivating your audience’s attention and delivering an impactful presentation. Self-discipline, often overlooked yet profoundly transformative, stands as a unique speech topic that not only resonates with students but also serves as a guiding principle, encouraging them to embrace consistency, prioritize their goals, and cultivate habits that lead to a fulfilling and successful journey through education and beyond. Self-discipline is an important aspect of everyone’s life. Self-discipline helps you achieve perseverance and the capability to win as well as resist temptations. Everyone knows its importance, yet from time to time, speeches and lectures are delivered on the topic. You may be required someday to deliver speech on self-discipline and its importance. We have shared here some sample speeches on self-Discipline and its Importance for you to take ideas and prepare your own Self-Discipline and its Importance Speech.

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Long and Short Speech on Self Discipline and its Importance in English

Our long speech on self-discipline and its importance can be delivered in colleges; universities and organizations while short speech on self-discipline and its importance can be delivered at schools; community programs, etc.

The language of the speeches is very simple but highly impactful and meaningful.

By going through these speeches on self-discipline and its importance, you would be able to understand the theme and share your own ideas when encountered with sudden situations where you may have to deliver speech on self-discipline.

Self Discipline and its Importance Speech 1

Good Morning Teachers, Parents and Dear Students,

First of all, I would like to welcome you to the 10 th summer camp organized by our school. Before we begin the programs, I would like to speak about self-discipline and its importance in one’s life.

I am sure, whenever someone wants you to be disciplined; it sounds more like a command, especially for students. Have you ever wondered why we hate or dislike to be disciplined? It’s because, we feel someone is controlling us. Then how can we ever become self disciplined? In order to become one, it is important that you understand the meaning of self-discipline and its importance in your life.

Discipline refers to code of conduct and behavior and self-discipline means the art and ability of controlling one’s own behavior, habit and etiquettes. It is important in one’s life as it helps in overcoming one’ weaknesses and lead a useful life. While, it is okay to pamper oneself sometimes and be little casual on weekends, etc; self-discipline is essential in helping you lead a successful and fruitful life. Discipline could be imposed externally, while self-discipline is more like a self resolve to stay disciplined. No matter how much harsh it may sound, discipline is an important part and parcel of our life since it is required at any age of life.

Discipline is not only imposed on children; it is also important for the grown-ups to be self-disciplined; whether one is at home, office, playground or gym or anywhere for that matter. It teaches us to respect our time as well as others’ time. Self-discipline is also important to be healthy in life since it requires us to eat and drink on time.

When children are small, they are required to be told everything to do, for instance, brushing, bathing, washing hands, eating, doing homework, etc. However when they grow up, they start doing all these things on their own, this is called self-discipline. Discipline helps in differentiating between the right and the wrong and it makes people sensible and respectful. Though, one needs to be disciplined always; the fundamentals of discipline can be taught only at a young age.

Children learn fast and if they are made aware of the benefits of being self-disciplined, they would stay positive and encouraged throughout their lives. They must be taught to behave properly in front of others. Small habits like sharing food, toys, chocolates, etc. would inculcate habit or respect in them for years to come.

It is not only the parents’ duty to teach their child to be disciplined, teachers must also work upon children and teach them good manners, especially the benefits of self-discipline while in school, playground, assembly hall, etc. Many kids are lured and bribed for behaving properly. This act must be avoided by the elders and being disciplined should not be projected as a choice; it must instead be portrayed as rule of lifetime. However, you must always appreciate your child if your child behaves well and remains disciplined when out or at home.

Self-discipline is good since it constructs character and develops unity, teamwork and strength. It develops the team work and leadership qualities in people. Good characters always help in achieving success in life and the more self-disciplined you are, the better it is for yourself and the people.

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Self Discipline and its Importance Speech 2

A very Good Morning to Everyone!

Today is the last day of our annual sports week. Last week had been very fun-filled, exciting and full of enticing sports competitions.

All through last week, I was surprised to see how disciplined children were. They had nicely displayed the art of self-discipline and team work and some of you exhibited great skills of leadership. Ever since I was young, I had been told by my parents, elders and teachers that self-discipline is a very important and one of the most useful skills that help everyone succeed in life. During those days, I used to think that only children are required to maintain self-discipline, but later I realized that self-discipline is an important aspect of everyone’s life whether some is working or non working individual, big or small, man or woman, young or old, or whether one is at office or home.

It is because self-discipline teaches us good habits and manners and it help us grow up as an individual that respects self and others. Self-discipline is usually considered being harsh towards self and boring in life; but it’s not at all true. Self-discipline is nothing but just following the right practices, punctuality, good eating habits and respect for time, self and others.

Self-discipline must be taught at the young age of life because young and fresh minds learn things fast and easily. Discipline when taught at young age becomes the habit of individuals and such kids do not need to be threatened or scolded while teaching or training. Students who want to pursue sports as their career are specifically required to be self-disciplined because only then can they be successful in their fields.

Waking up early, doing exercise regularly, eating healthy and timely meals, drinking milk and juices, water, etc. in sufficient quantity, etc. are some of the very common expectations from such students. These practices are impossible to achieve if one is not self-disciplined in life. Self-discipline is also important as it helps people control their feelings and emotions and be practical in life because such people are focused in life.

Though self-discipline is required by everyone and at every phase of life but school and home are the best places to learn discipline because these are the foundations of our life. It is also the duties and responsibilities of the teachers at school to teach students about the importance and benefits of self-discipline along with studies, so that they become responsible in life.

It is also important in life as it gives individuals the right kind of attitude and approach towards life and helps sticking to one’s decisions through the thick and thin. People who are self-disciplined do not have fluctuating minds and such people achieve their goals in the long run. For instance, when a student decides to become a doctor; he/she would make study routines, attend coaching classes, do group or self study, eat, drink and sleep on time and hence he/she is self-disciplined. Self-discipline basically helps you strengthen your inner strength, overcome weakness, laziness, procrastination and addictions; instead, it helps you to stay agile, time bound and energetic.

Thus, self-discipline is one of the most important and most desired characteristics required in every phase of our life and don’t think that only young children or students require it. Self-discipline is required by everyone to stay fit, happy, active and successful.

Self Discipline and its Importance Speech 3

Respected Teachers, Parents and Dear Students – Welcome to our school auditorium!

It’s a grand day for all of us as our school has completed 25 years today. Our school is one of the most popular schools, especially for studies, games and discipline.

The school has produced many Doctors, Engineers and sportspersons only because it inculcates the habit of self-discipline in each student and it teaches students to be confident, disciplined and self dependent. Self-discipline is very important in everyone’s life as it not only builds character; it also widens unity and strength. It also teaches students about team work and develops feeling of co-operation. Self-discipline by many people and children is considered an obstacle to enjoyment, fun and playing. But it is not true, as self-discipline, in fact, makes a child perfect in everything they do. It must be inculcated in people from their childhood as it helps people in succeeding in life.

You must be thinking why self-discipline is so important in life. It is because, self-discipline teaches us to be punctual and utilize our time in the best manner and self-control. It also develops the talent of making good choices in life with zero procrastination. Self determination and perseverance and being focused with decent moral character are some of the core things you would learn, if you are self-disciplined. You would start observing ethics and morals in life and you would never be instructed to behave properly or do certain things in life, if you are self disciplined.

Many children dislike being disciplined as they miss on many pleasures, fun, play and enjoyment. However, gradually you would learn the talent to avoid momentary and instant pleasure and happiness, in order to gain some better advantages and more satisfactory results and you would start putting more time and effort to accomplish a task.

If you are self-disciplined, you would also gain the ability to follow your dreams and decisions without altering your mind; this would help you be successful in your later life and achieve all your goals. Self-discipline would help you to select and then stick with the thoughts, actions and behavior, leading to success and growth. It would also give you the ability and internal strength to conquer addictions, laziness and procrastination in life that are major hindrances in one’s life.

Life would always throw challenges and stresses; problems and issues, on the road to achievement and success. In order to overcome life’s challenges and issues, you must first control your emotions, stay calm and overcome life’s challenges with confidence and self-discipline. This would also help you fight many diseases in later life as you would be able to mend your addictions, eating disorders, bad habits such as drinking alcohol, smoking and all other unconstructive and harmful habits.

Almost everyone is aware of and acknowledges the benefits and importance of self discipline; but very few would take concrete steps to learn, enforce and strengthen it in life. Self-discipline can be taught, especially to children by presenting to them some examples and through persistent trainings. Along with self-discipline, children and young adults must also be taught to do regular exercises and mediation, etc. These would help them control their emotions and be self-disciplined in life.

Thus I appeal to everyone present here, to be self-disciplined and successful in life.

Self Discipline and its Importance Speech 4

Respected Principal Sir, Teachers, Parents and Dear Students!

Thank you for giving us an opportunity to conduct the show on self-discipline! Our institute not only demonstrates the importance and value of self-discipline in life, but we also conduct classes on it, especially during summer and winter holidays.

Self-discipline is one of the most important steps towards a person being a better individual. Though, self-discipline is seldom liked by most of the people but the truth is that only those people, who are self-disciplined, are successful. Many people think that self-discipline is important only for people who want to pursue their career in academics and want to become doctors, scientists, etc. But that’s not true; self-discipline is required by and important for every individual. Even if you are creative and want to become a singer, dancer, actor, painter or you may go in any field; you would need to be self-disciplined. Self-discipline is important for office goers as well as for those who stay at home.

Our mothers wake up early in the morning and prepare breakfast for us, pack our lunch, bag, bottle, etc. When we come back home, she feeds us, clean our uniform, irons it; she also helps us with our homework; prepares our dinner. She can achieve all these so beautifully because she is also self-disciplined. Basically, it teaches us to love and care others as well as ourselves. Though, it is important for everyone and at every phase of life; self-discipline can best be learnt at a young age. Young minds are fresh and have a zeal for learning; therefore, anything taught at this age becomes people’s habit at a later age. Many children however, do not like to be instructed; they feel that things are being imposed on them forcefully.

Hence, parents and teachers need to be extremely cautious while inculcating the habit of self-discipline in children. They must be taught the benefits and importance of self-discipline in one’s life with examples. Children and young adults are attracted towards actors, singers, sportspersons, etc. Instructors can quote the examples of famous personalities, sportspersons, actors, dancers, etc. and explain to them that their ideals go through rigorous training and practices in order to become popular and even when they become popular, they remain self-disciplined and focused.

Self-discipline is the only quality that can help people overcome hurdles and achieve success in life; because it teaches us to value time, resources and money. It also teaches us to be determined, dedicated and insistent. There is no particular framework or book that can guide you to be self-disciplined; it’s just in our mind. The time we decide to be self-disciplined, nothing can stop us from being one.

By understanding the importance of self-discipline in your life, you would not only strengthen your will power but your character would also get enhanced and your life would get real meaning. Self-discipline not only improves our eating and sleeping habits; it also reinforces our inner character and helps us overcome bad habits such as playing video games, watching TV continuously and being lazy all the time.

In the end, I would only say that self-discipline is not a rule; it’s just a way of living that helps us live a better, healthier, vigorous and successful life. Therefore, through this platform, I appeal to everyone sitting in the hall to be self-disciplined and love your life.

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How to Write a Speech on Discipline?


  • Updated on  
  • Dec 1, 2020

speech on discipline

The content for Speech writing varies for each topic. There are various kinds of speech like motivating speech, informative speech, entertaining speech, achievement speech and many more. Every type requires a unique and different structure and are used on different occasions. In this blog, we shall guide you through writing a speech on discipline which comes under the category of motivational speech.

Speech Writing Format 

The basic structure to write any speech includes 3 parts:

  • Introduction : Greet the audience and briefly describe your topic- discipline, by giving a quote or a story. Continue relating the story or quote you mentioned, and emphasize the importance of the soft skill. Add rhetorical questions to encourage proactive thinking among the audience. 
  • Body : In this part, mention how can you acquire discipline? How the manifestation of the skill varies from each individual. Further, describe how the people listening can begin implementing the soft skill. How can they work on their schedules and make their lives more organized? Give them reality-checks and examples that help them feel motivated towards being more disciplined in life.
  • Conclusion : In this part state why being disciplined is essential. Persuade the audience towards a collective decision of beginning with small steps for a disciplined life. Appreciate their active listening and conclude your speech.

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Points to Mention in a Speech on Discipline

While writing a speech on topics like discipline, it is important to keep these things in mind:

  • Since a topic like a discipline is often discussed by elders and teachers,  make sure you don’t use repetitive or mainstream information. 
  • Add interesting factual points.
  • Give realistic examples and procedures. Do not straight away tell your audience to be disciplined. Give them positive small goals that can add up to acquiring the soft skill. 
  • While writing a speech on any soft skill, add psychological angles and consequences to help them understand the cognitive functions of the skill.

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Sample Speech on Discipline

Good morning/afternoon respected professors and my fellow friends. Today I’ll be vocalizing on the very common, yet essential topic of Discipline. One of the greatest philosophers- Aristotle said, “Through self-discipline comes freedom.” 

It makes people wonder how an act which is often used to draw boundaries, gives humans freedom. Despite being perceived as a penalizing treatment, discipline is the name of the game in any field for people of any age. Everything in nature has a definite cycle at a given time. The sun rises at dawn and sets at dusk. Any action by nature that takes the place bar of their specific times is deemed as odd. In the same manner, humans must work according to their circadian rhythm and work on a specific schedule. Does a shabby and disorderly person ever come off as appealing? 

Discipline can be developed by various means. Induced discipline means developing the skill by extrinsic factors like watching or following the disciplined nature of your parents, teachers, or an ideal model.  Self-discipline comes from the intrinsic will to structure your days and work in an orderly manner. Both methods require a high level of patience and self-control. If we pick up any successful and celebrated individual, we’ll notice the amount of discipline they follow in their lives. From abstaining from procrastination to making productive use of your free time; your skill reflects greatly on your future self. However, being disciplined doesn’t mean you miss out on great gatherings and parties. Prioritize your work and time yourself for each task. Once you practice discipline, you’ll be surprised at how much free time you have left in the end. The process and methods of discipline can be different for each individual. One can never understand the external factors in anyone’s lives unless we’ve lived in their shoes. 

A disciplined person isn’t formed overnight. It requires a considerable amount of effort and motivation to become a better person than you were yesterday. You can start by simply writing what you do each day and then timing each task. Make a realistic plan that you believe will work for you. Reward yourself often for positive reinforcement and develop intrinsic motivation. Be consistent in your practice. There will surely come days where we all feel like skipping every task which is alright. But, make sure you keep a watch and don’t let momentary fatigue ruin your schedule. Read and educate yourself about great leaders and global personalities that have achieved greatness due to this simple skill. Practice and complete the tasks on the given time, and soon you will notice how your efforts brightly change into habits. 

Being disciplined means having a sense of control of your consciousness and desires. It helps you become more concentrated on your ambitions. These skills can help you polish your attitudes and be calmer and composed in difficult or risky situations. It also helps you think clearer and be better and efficient decision-makers. Uncertain events can cause deeper levels of stress and cognitive load. Having a disciplined lifestyle can also benefit you psychologically by reducing anxiety and stress. To conclude, let’s all make our minds to follow this valuable skill and build successful futures for ourselves. Thank you for lending me your time and ears. 

Hope this blog helped you through writing an effective speech on discipline. Let us know your views in the comment section below. Stay tuned with Leverage Edu for more such awesome content!

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Speech on Self discipline

Explore the world of self-discipline with our educational website! Dive into simple and engaging speeches that highlight the importance of making good choices, building habits, and achieving long-term goals. Perfect for students and individuals, our content provides practical tips for staying focused in school, work, and daily life. Join us on a journey to discover the power of self-discipline in a fun and easy-to-understand way. Start learning today for a brighter and more disciplined future

10 lines Speech on Self-discipline

Ladies and gentlemen,

Self-discipline is the cornerstone of personal growth and success. It is the ability to control one’s impulses, emotions, and actions in the pursuit of long-term goals. Without self-discipline, even the most brilliant talents may go to waste.

In every aspect of life, be it education, career, or personal relationships, self-discipline plays a pivotal role. It empowers us to make wise choices, resist temptations, and stay focused on our objectives. Without this virtue, achieving our dreams becomes a formidable challenge.

Self-discipline breeds consistency, turning good intentions into actions. It is the bridge between goals and accomplishments. When we cultivate self-discipline, we cultivate a life of purpose and direction.

It is not about depriving oneself of pleasure but about making choices that align with our aspirations. By practising self-discipline, we develop resilience and perseverance, essential qualities on the journey to success.

In conclusion, let us embrace self-discipline as a guiding principle in our lives. It is the key that unlocks the door to personal and professional fulfilment, paving the way for a more meaningful and purpose-driven existence. Thank you.

Easy Speech on Self discipline

Hello everyone,

Today, I want to talk to you about something very important—self-discipline. Now, I know that might sound like a big, grown-up word, but it’s something that can really help us, especially as students.

Self-discipline is like having a superpower that helps us do the things we need to do, even when they might be a little bit hard or not as fun as other things. It’s about making good choices and sticking to them.

Think about your homework, for example. Sometimes, playing video games or watching TV might seem way more exciting than doing math problems or reading a book. But when we have self-discipline, we can say, “Okay, I’ll do my homework first, and then I can enjoy my free time without any worries.”

Self-discipline also helps us in school projects. Instead of waiting until the last minute, we can plan our time, do a little bit each day, and finish with less stress.

It’s not about being strict with ourselves all the time. We can still have fun and enjoy things. Self-discipline is more like being the boss of ourselves, making choices that help us in the long run.

So, let’s try to be superheroes of self-discipline! Whether it’s finishing homework, practising a hobby, or being kind to others, remember that making good choices today helps us become even more awesome in the future.

Long Speech on Self discipline

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests,

Today, I stand before you to explore the profound concept of self-discipline—a virtue that serves as the backbone of personal development and success. In a world brimming with distractions and constant stimuli, the ability to exercise self-discipline has never been more crucial.

Self-discipline is not merely a set of rules to follow; it is a mindset, a conscious choice to align our actions with our long-term goals. It’s the silent force that empowers us to overcome challenges, resist temptations, and persist in the face of adversity. It is, in essence, the key to unlocking our full potential.

One of the fundamental aspects of self-discipline is the cultivation of good habits. By making consistent, positive choices, we lay the foundation for success. Whether in our academic pursuits, professional endeavors, or personal relationships, the impact of disciplined actions resonates across all aspects of our lives.

Consider the student diligently preparing for exams instead of succumbing to the allure of immediate gratification. Think about the professional who adheres to a disciplined work routine, consistently investing time and effort into their craft. These examples illustrate the transformative power of self-discipline in turning aspirations into achievements.

Self-discipline also plays a crucial role in time management. It teaches us the importance of prioritizing tasks, setting realistic goals, and staying focused on what truly matters. In a world where time is a precious commodity, disciplined individual optimizes their efforts, leading to increased productivity and a greater sense of accomplishment.

Furthermore, self-discipline instils resilience—the ability to bounce back from setbacks. Life is riddled with challenges, and it is our discipline that becomes the guiding light, steering us through stormy seas. When faced with difficulties, disciplined individuals do not waver; they persevere, learning from their experiences and growing stronger with each trial.

While the benefits of self-discipline are evident, it’s important to note that cultivating this virtue is a continuous journey. It requires self-awareness, a willingness to learn from mistakes, and a commitment to personal growth. It’s not about being rigid or restrictive but about making choices that align with our values and long-term objectives.

In conclusion, let us embrace self-discipline as a guiding principle in our lives. It empowers us to shape our destinies, make meaningful contributions to society, and lead lives filled with purpose. As we navigate the complexities of the modern world, may we all strive to be disciplined in our actions, thoughtful in our choices, and resilient in our pursuits. Thank you.

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Short Speech

Short Speech

Long And Short Speech For Everyone

Speech On Discipline

In the pursuit of personal development, discipline emerges as a powerful but often underestimated force. This article highlights the importance of discipline and how it impacts our journey towards self-improvement. Be it setting goals, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, or honing new skills, discipline plays a vital role in achieving success.

Discipline involves a series of habits and behaviors, including consistency, focus, and self-control. It requires a willingness to make sacrifices, overcome obstacles, and face challenges. By adopting discipline, we gain the power to break free from procrastination, eliminate distractions, and prioritize what really matters.

Studies have shown that discipline has a profound impact on personal development. It increases our ability to learn and retain information, builds resilience, and promotes a strong work ethic. Furthermore, discipline promotes a sense of responsibility, self-confidence, and inner strength. It empowers us to make positive choices, stay committed to our goals, and ultimately live a purposeful and fulfilling life.

Speech No.1: Speech On Discipline For Students

  • Speaker: School And College Student, Teacher
  • Audience: Students, Teachers, General Publi c

Good morning

Respected principal, teachers, and my dear school fellows

Although we are aware of what discipline is, do we understand what it actually means?

The definition of discipline goes well beyond simply respecting authority figures. Everyone, including non-living things and animals, should be disciplined. Every day’s sunrise in the east and every night’s sunset in the west are likewise forms of discipline.

In practically every aspect of life, including schools, homes, places of worship, playgrounds, and, in today’s world, even online, discipline is required. Being disciplined is essential for success. You need self-assurance and a high level of attention in order to thrive in life. And the only way to achieve these things is through discipline. Being punctual is the first indication of the subsequent discipline in life, which brings about a lot of changes in our daily lives.

You all are in uniform and sitting quietly and listening to me; isn’t that also a part of discipline?

Discipline is essential in all aspects of life. Life will be in shambles without it. In colleges and universities, discipline is really essential. Results won’t improve if students disregard the regulations set out by the headmaster and teachers for the benefit of all students. The students will eventually suffer. Such education, in my opinion, is pointless if it does not instill discipline.

Any country’s future is in its students, and discipline is essential to their growth and success. In order to develop a student’s character, demeanor, and behavior, discipline is crucial. It assists kids in developing into capable, accountable, well-organized, and goal-oriented people. Students who are disciplined also learn to respect authority, rules, and regulations.

In extracurricular activities like athletics, music, and drama, discipline is also crucial. Disciplined students are more likely to practice frequently, put in extra effort, and advance their abilities. This improves success in contests and events and fosters the growth of kids’ sense of leadership, teamwork, and sportsmanship. Following rules and regulations is only one aspect of discipline; another is forming positive habits and values. Disciplined students acquire traits like honesty, diligence, and timeliness.

However, there are so many people who are undisciplined. Our nation’s most urgent issue is indiscipline. When there is no discipline, corruption occurs.

In the words of Aristotle, “Discipline is the obedience to rules formed by society for the good of all.”

Therefore, it is the practice of following rules. It is prompt compliance with the ruling party’s instructions. We have to abide by certain rules everywhere we go. Man exists in society; it is only through society that he can advance. Therefore, the good of an individual must be for the benefit of society. An individual occasionally needs to put the interests of the community ahead of their own. Discipline achieves this.

In the end, discipline is necessary for success in both the personal and professional spheres of life. We can uncover hidden potential and achieve more than we ever imagined by fostering this characteristic within ourselves.

How do I maintain it?

By establishing specific objectives and developing a plan to reach them, one may maintain discipline. You’ll be able to focus and stay motivated by using this. Maintaining your regimen even when you don’t feel like it requires consistency. Distractions frequently cause our efforts to maintain discipline to fail. Distractions should be minimized or avoided altogether to prevent this.

Therefore, discipline is a crucial quality of life that aids people in achieving their objectives and leading successful lives. Disciplined students are more likely to succeed academically, form positive habits and values, and grow into mature, responsible adults.

As a result, it’s critical that children develop discipline in their lives from a young age and incorporate it into their daily routines.

Thank you for being disciplined.

Customize Speech on Discipline

Title for your speech.

  • The Power of Discipline: How It Shapes Successful Individuals
  • Mastering Self-Discipline: Key Strategies for Improved Performance
  • Why Discipline Matters: Unraveling Its Impact on Personal Growth
  • Unleashing the Benefits of Discipline: A Guide to Achieving Your Goals
  • The Psychology of Discipline: Understanding Its Importance in Modern Life

Sample of The Flow of Speech

  • Defining discipline: Understanding what discipline entails
  • The benefits of discipline: How discipline positively impacts personal growth
  • The role of discipline in achieving goals: How discipline helps in goal setting and achievement
  • Developing discipline: Strategies and techniques for cultivating discipline
  • Overcoming challenges in maintaining discipline: Common obstacles and how to overcome them
  • Discipline in different areas of life: Exploring discipline in relationships, health, and finances
  • Discipline and self-care: Balancing discipline with self-compassion and self-care
  • Discipline and long-term success: How discipline contributes to long-term personal growth and success
  • Conclusion: Emphasizing the importance of discipline as a catalyst for personal growth
  • The importance of discipline in personal growth
  • Discipline and goal achievement
  • Developing discipline in daily routines
  • The role of discipline in self-control and willpower
  • Overcoming challenges and maintaining discipline
  • The impact of discipline on time management
  • Discipline as a mindset for success
  • Cultivating discipline through habits and accountability
  • Conclusion: Harnessing the power of discipline for personal growth.
  • Understanding the concept of discipline
  • Discipline and goal-setting
  • Developing discipline through habits and routines
  • Discipline in different areas of life – work, relationships, health, etc.
  • Discipline vs. motivation – finding the balance
  • Tools and techniques for cultivating discipline
  • Conclusion: Embracing discipline for personal growth

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Speech on Discipline in English for Students and Children

Speech on Discipline in English for Students and Children

Points to Remember for Preparing a Speech on Discipline

10 line speech on discipline, short speech on discipline, long speech on discipline.

Discipline, often perceived as a set of rules, is indeed a ladder to reach the zenith of our potential. It’s a trait that not only shapes our academic journey but also our character. As students of life, you may come across opportunities to study discipline in detail and discuss it. To make learning easier, we have drafted some of the top speech examples on discipline for children. These speeches for school students aim to shed light on the significance of discipline and how it can be a guiding star in your journey of life. Let’s explore together, understanding why discipline is the silent force behind many success stories.

Delivering a speech on discipline is not just about sharing information; it’s about inspiring and motivating your audience. Whether you’re addressing students, educators, or a broader audience, the essence of your message should ignite a desire for self-improvement and a deeper understanding of discipline. Let’s explore some key points to consider while preparing your speech.

1. Define Discipline in a Relatable Context

Start by defining discipline in a way that resonates with your audience. Explain how it’s more than just following rules; it’s about self-regulation, commitment, and the pursuit of excellence. Use examples or stories to illustrate its importance in everyday life.

2. Highlight the Benefits of Discipline

Discuss the numerous benefits of being disciplined, such as improved academic performance, better time management, enhanced self-esteem, and greater life satisfaction. Make these benefits tangible and relatable to your audience.

3. Use Inspirational Examples

Incorporate stories or anecdotes of individuals who have achieved success through discipline. These can be historical figures, contemporary personalities, or even personal experiences. Such examples can serve as powerful motivators.

4. Address Common Challenges

Acknowledge the challenges in maintaining discipline, such as distractions, procrastination, and lack of motivation. Offer practical solutions or strategies to overcome these challenges, showing empathy and understanding.

5. Incorporate Interactive Elements

Engage your audience with questions, hypothetical scenarios, or quick exercises. This interaction makes your speech more engaging and helps in driving the point home more effectively.

6. Emphasize the Role of Discipline in Personal Growth

Discuss how discipline aids in personal development, character building, and the achievement of long-term goals. Highlight its role in shaping one’s future and its positive impact on various aspects of life.

7. Conclude With a Call to Action

End your speech with a compelling call to action. Encourage your audience to reflect on their personal discipline level and take steps towards improving it. Your conclusion should inspire and motivate them to make a positive change.

Crafting a concise yet impactful speech can be a challenging task. For young learners, especially those in classes 1, 2, and 3, it’s essential to keep the message simple and relatable. Here’s a 10-line speech, ideal as a 1-minute speech on discipline, tailored for young minds to grasp the essence of this vital attribute.

  • Good morning, everyone! Today, I want to talk about something very important – discipline.
  • Discipline is like a magic key that can help us be better at school and at home.
  • It means listening to our teachers and parents and doing our tasks on time.
  • When we are disciplined, we finish our homework, eat healthily, and go to bed on time.
  • It also means we are polite, don’t talk when others are talking, and wait for our turn.
  • Being disciplined helps us learn better and make good friends.
  • It’s not always easy, but when we try hard, we can do it!
  • Discipline is not just about rules; it’s about taking care of ourselves and respecting others.
  • Remember, even superheroes need discipline to be strong and kind!
  • Let’s all try to be a little more disciplined every day and see how it makes our lives better!

This short speech on Discipline for classes 1, 2, and 3 is designed to be engaging and easy for young students to understand, emphasizing the positive aspects of discipline in a fun and relatable manner.

In crafting a short speech on discipline, particularly for primary class students, it’s vital to strike a balance between simplicity and inspiration. The aim is to convey the message effectively within a limited timeframe. Here, we present two samples of speeches, each tailored for a duration of 2 to 3 minutes, perfect for engaging young minds in the concept of discipline.

Good morning, respected teachers and dear friends. Today, I want to share a few thoughts on a very special word – ‘discipline’. Discipline is the secret ingredient to doing well in school and life. It means doing our homework on time, listening to our teachers, and following the rules at school and home. But it’s not just about rules. It’s about setting a good routine, like going to bed early, eating healthy food, and keeping our things organized.

When we are disciplined, we find more time to play, study, and do fun activities. It helps us become better learners and friends. We feel proud and happy when we are disciplined. So, let’s promise to be disciplined, not just because we have to, but because it helps us grow into wonderful people. Thank you for listening, and let’s make discipline our best friend!

Good morning to all the teachers and my dear friends. Today, I am here to talk about something that helps us every day – discipline. Discipline is not just about following rules; it’s about self-control and responsibility. It means doing our schoolwork with care, being kind to our friends, and helping at home.

Imagine discipline as a magic tool that helps us do our best in everything. When we are disciplined, we wake up on time, finish our tasks, and even have time for playing and exploring new things. It makes us feel confident and proud. Being disciplined also means respecting others, waiting for our turn, and listening when others speak.

It’s like being the captain of a ship; we guide ourselves in the right direction. Sometimes, it can be hard, but remember, every great person we read about in books was disciplined. So, let’s try every day to be a little more disciplined. Let’s make it our superpower to achieve our dreams and be our best. Thank you for your attention, and let’s embark on this journey of discipline together!

These speeches, tailored as a 2 to 3-minute speech on discipline, are designed to be engaging and informative for primary class students, highlighting the importance of discipline in a manner that is both accessible and motivating.

Discipline Habits in kids

Delving into a long speech on discipline allows for a comprehensive exploration of this vital life skill. Such speeches are informative and transformative, providing insights and inspiring change. Whether addressing a student assembly or a broader audience, these speeches aim to illuminate the various dimensions of discipline. Below are two samples, each delving into different aspects of discipline, ideal for a detailed 5-minute speech on discipline.

Good morning to all. Today, I have the privilege of speaking about a topic that is fundamental to our success and personal development – discipline. Discipline is often perceived as a set of rules or restrictions, but in reality, it is the propellant that drives us towards our goals. The inner strength helps us overcome obstacles, maintain focus, and pursue excellence in all walks of life.

In the realm of education, discipline is the backbone of learning. It’s not just about adhering to school rules; it’s about cultivating a mindset of perseverance and commitment to your studies. Discipline is about setting goals, managing time effectively, and maintaining a balance between work and play.

However, the role of discipline extends far beyond the classroom. It’s a key ingredient in shaping one’s character. A disciplined individual exhibits qualities like punctuality, reliability, and self-control. These traits are essential in building a respectable persona and succeeding in various aspects of life, including personal relationships and professional endeavours.

Moreover, discipline is crucial in maintaining physical and mental well-being. It guides us to lead a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise, a balanced diet, or adequate rest. It also fosters mental resilience, enabling us to stay positive and steady even in challenging situations.

Before concluding, I would like to say that discipline is not about restrictions; it’s about liberation. It frees us from the shackles of procrastination, disorganization, and aimlessness. By embracing discipline, we open doors to endless possibilities and pave the way for a fulfilling and successful life. Thank you.

Good morning, everyone. I’m here to delve into a topic that shapes our lives in more ways than we often recognise – discipline. Today, we will explore various facets of discipline and how it profoundly impacts our personal, academic, and professional lives.

The Foundation of Academic Excellence

Discipline in academics is more than just about following school rules. It’s about creating a structured approach to learning, where you set goals, adhere to a study schedule, and actively engage in the learning process. This disciplined approach not only leads to academic success but also fosters a love for lifelong learning.

Building Character and Personal Growth

Discipline is instrumental in character building. It teaches us the value of hard work, persistence, and integrity. A disciplined individual is often seen as reliable and trustworthy, qualities that are highly valued in all spheres of life. It’s through discipline that we learn to control our impulses, make informed decisions, and act responsibly.

Enhancing Professional Skills

In the professional world, discipline is synonymous with efficiency and productivity. It involves meeting deadlines, maintaining a strong work ethic, and continuously striving for improvement. A disciplined professional is often a role model, inspiring others with their dedication and commitment.

Discipline as a Way of Life

In conclusion, discipline is more than just a set of rules; it’s a way of life. It molds us into better learners, professionals, and human beings. By embracing discipline, we equip ourselves with the tools necessary for success and fulfillment. Let’s all strive to incorporate discipline into our daily lives and witness its transformative power. Thank you for your attentive listening.

Please note. Both versions of the speech, while differing in length, effectively communicate the essence of discipline, highlighting its significance in various aspects of life and encouraging the audience to adopt a disciplined approach for personal and professional betterment.

1. What is the True Meaning of Discipline?

Discipline is the practice of training the inner self in obedience, self-control, and skill, guided by a set of rules or a code of behaviour, to achieve personal or professional goals.

2. How Does Discipline Affect Success in Life?

Discipline directly impacts success by fostering consistency, focus, and perseverance, which are crucial for achieving goals and overcoming challenges in various aspects of life.

3. Can Discipline Be Learned, or Is It an Inherent Trait?

Discipline can certainly be learned and developed over time. It involves cultivating habits and mindsets that promote self-control and orderliness, and it is not solely an inherent trait.

We must all remember that discipline is pivotal in shaping an individual’s journey towards success and personal fulfilment. It transcends mere adherence to rules, evolving into a lifestyle that enhances focus, perseverance, and self-improvement. Embracing discipline in various aspects of life leads to achieving goals and builds character and resilience, indispensable traits for a rewarding life.

Positive Discipline Techniques

a speech on self discipline


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  • Speech on Value of Discipline in Student Life


Discipline is defined as the practice of training oneself to obey rules or to be systematic in life. Discipline is important in all stages of life and if implemented properly could be the formula for success. It is important that students should learn discipline as early as possible in their lives.

Below two discipline speeches in English are given - a long speech on the discipline and a short speech on discipline. These speeches on discipline will help the students to understand the importance of discipline in life.

Long Discipline Speech in English

Good morning everyone! I would like to extend a warm welcome to everyone present over here and I want to thank all of you for giving me this opportunity to speak a few words about discipline in a student’s life.

Discipline is defined as the practice of training oneself to obey rules or to be systematic in life. It’s a word which we often hear every once in a while and many times we fail to understand its importance. Discipline is a practice of self-control that is reflected in a person’s actions. These controls cannot be forced on an individual but they should be cultivated from within. Hence discipline is considered to be spontaneous and not mere submissive to authorities in an obedient manner.

As early as possible children should incorporate discipline in their lives and parents should teach them self-discipline and self-control. Discipline will help them to resist temptations, delay gratification, and help them to tolerate the discomfort needed to achieve goals in their lives.

As we know, children learn things quickly as they observe them whether it’s good or bad. Children can learn self-discipline by observing their parents. So, if you are a parent who watches television continuously, procrastinate on doing things, and are lazy in life then you cannot expect your children to be self-disciplined in life. Parents should be a good example and teach their children about the value of discipline in life.

In schools, the principal and the teaching staff play an important role in applying discipline. The first thing students can do to be disciplined on school premises is to follow rules and regulations properly. Being disciplined at school is not complicated as it consists of doing small acts like wearing a clean uniform, respecting teachers, completing the task without delaying it, wearing poolish shoes, and so on.

Students who have been disciplined in their lives from an early age will help to be always organized which in turn will help them to succeed in life. If a student is indisciplined in completing his task and as a teacher, if you think punishing and imposing a strict penalty on him will help in cultivating discipline, then you are wrong.

If a child is having discipline in his life it does not mean it’s completely his fault. Sometimes it could be the fault of parents and teachers as well. Children learn by observing their surroundings whether it’s good or bad. So, the first step involves all the parents following discipline. The second step involves the parents to know their child’s daily activities or routine. It means to know if the child is going to school, doing his homework properly and if enjoying his life this will, in turn, help the parents to understand their child in a better way.

To conclude, I would like to say that it is important for students to be self-disciplined in life. It is considered to be the first step in being successful in life and if the students develop the habit of self-discipline and self-control it would help them to plan their life accordingly and succeed.

Short Speech on Discipline

Discipline is defined as the practice of training oneself to obey rules or to be systematic in life. It’s a word which we often hear every once in a while and many times we fail to understand its importance. It is important for everyone to learn discipline as it helps in organizing tasks properly. Discipline is a practice of self-control and it is reflected in a person’s actions. Hence discipline is spontaneous and should be cultivated from within.

It is most important for children to learn discipline. Parents play an important role in helping children learn self-control and self-discipline as it will help them to resist temptations and tolerate the discomforts needed to achieve goals in their lives. Children learn everything quickly by observing so it’s important that the parents should be disciplined.

In schools, the principal and the teaching staff play an important role in applying discipline. It is important for the student to be disciplined on school premises which include doing small acts like wearing clean clothes, polishing shoes properly, respecting teaching, and completing the assignments regularly. Students who have been disciplined in their lives from an early age will help to be always organized which in turn will help them to succeed in life.

10 Lines on Speech on Discipline

Discipline is defined as the practice of training oneself to obey rules or to be systematic in life.

Discipline is a practice of self-control that is reflected in a person’s actions.

Discipline is considered to be spontaneous and not mere submissive to authorities in an obedient manner. 

Discipline will help children to resist temptations, delay gratification, and help them to tolerate the discomfort needed to achieve goals in their lives. 

If a parent watches television continuously, procrastinates on doing things, and is lazy in life then don’t expect your children to be self-disciplined in life.

Parents should be a good example and teach their children about the value of discipline in life. 

In schools, the principal and the teaching staff play an important role in applying discipline.

Being disciplined at school is not complicated as it consists of doing small acts like wearing a clean uniform, respecting teachers, completing the task without delaying it, wearing poolish shoes, and so on.

Students who have been disciplined in their lives from an early age will help to be always organized which in turn will help them to succeed in life.

If the students develop the habit of self-discipline and self-control, it would help them to plan their life accordingly and succeed.


FAQs on Speech on Value of Discipline in Student Life

1. How does discipline help in the Academic Performance of Students?

Students who are chastened tend to get much better scores & get further benefit from their classes as well. In a pupil's life, discipline is veritably important for better education. Education becomes deficient without learning discipline. Classroom discipline helps students to hear the school teacher well. There are colourful other advantages of being chastened in life, i.e. coming to the academy on time, waking up beforehand in the morning, having a bath and breakfast on time. 

Discipline in Education is veritably important for better education. A disciplined pupil can achieve success. Likewise, an undisciplined school teacher can not be an ideal school teacher.

2. How does discipline help with time management in Student’s Life?

A disciplined person always takes out time to do redundant chores. It becomes hard to stay motivated in studies if one isn't chastened. Good discipline is important for students to complete their assigned tasks in time. 

Still, also everything piles over, and it becomes harder to perform the coming task If we miss work. So, it's easier to stay disciplined later on by staying chastened right from the launch of our studies.

There are colourful ways to bring discipline to the life of students. A disciplined person always sets a good example for others. 

It becomes delicate to live a happy & secure life without proper discipline. However, there will be indiscipline and chaos, If we try to live in our way.

3. Can discipline help to lead a stress-free life?

Yes, discipline will lead to a stress-free life. It becomes easier to stay in control of studies & particular lives as well. A well-chastened person always remains happy by relieving stress one faces pressure during examinations or diurnal routine work. This is inner pressure or unknown fear about the result of the work. 

Staying chastened helps to study well ahead of time and not just before examinations, so he remains stress-free. Because of discipline in a plant, the work is planned well and executed in time. Discipline helps one stay stress-free and also get out of depression.

4. Why is discipline important?

In the lifetime of a private, practice gives harmony and order. It teaches an individual to take responsibility and to display respect. Keeping well-defined laws is the foundation of civilization. However, people would do whatever they wished and commit crimes without first and foremost study, If the structure weren't developed. It facilitates positive mortal conduct to enhance humanity and make it a more straightforward place for us to work.

The capacity for a person to be tone- confined enables them to serve faithfully, strictly, and regulated. An absence of this capacity may cause catastrophe.

Suppose ethics medication is the critical element of doing sports, the rules of the game need to be followed by any platoon. That's why there are arbitraries and judges. Anyone who doesn't meet these instructions will be fined for violating the sport’s laws.

Largely professed individualities must regularly show healthy discipline situations; they can't only sputter; still, they believe they're set. A wise leader understands when to talk and when to hold his lingo. Tone- constitution and the exercise of discipline are supported to develop the mind and heart of a mortal.

5. Why is self-discipline the key to success?

You can’t achieve your pretensions without discipline, so condense your thing list with a tone- discipline list; it'll keep you concentrated on the actions and tasks demanded to achieve what you want.

Essay on Self Discipline for Students and Children

500+ words essay on self discipline.

Self-discipline means self-control, which gives you inner strength and a way to control yourself, actions, and reactions. It is one of the most important and useful skills to achieve success and everyone should possess this quality. Self-discipline comes naturally to some people. And some people can achieve it with some effort. The effort made is worth it as it changes life for the better. It just means exercising self- control. A person who stays in control has the ability to take charge of his/her actions and reactions.

success essay

Tips to Achieve Self-discipline

  • Set your goals: – The first step towards leading a disciplined life is to set goals. Goals give you a clear idea about what needs to be achieved. One must always set a timeline for your goals. This serves as a driving force and motivates you to work hard. It is a good idea to set both short term and long term goals and create a well thought out plan to achieve them.
  • Do meditation:- Meditation is one of the best ways to channel our energy in the right direction. It helps maintain focus, acquaints us with our inner self and furthers better self- control. It is the stepping stone for a disciplined life. Meditating for half an hour every day can help in inculcating self-discipline.
  • Set a Routine:- Those who set a routine and follow it daily lead a more disciplined life. It is suggested to list all the tasks that you require accomplishing in a given day. Write them in the order of their priority, set a timeline for each and act accordingly. This is a good way to lead an organized and disciplined life.
  • Stay away from distractions :- In this technology-driven world, there are numerous things that can distract us and take charge of our lives. Our mobile phones, television, and chatting apps are some of the new age things that are a big hindrance in practicing self-discipline. No matter how determined we are to study, work or sleep on time, we tend to get distracted at the beep of our phone. Social media platforms, chatting apps and web series are extremely addictive and hamper work. In order to practice self-discipline, it is important to stay away from these distractions. Put your phone on silent or keep it at a distance when you sit to study or work. Similarly, just put your phone away at bedtime and instead pick a book to read.
  • Reward yourself :- Reward yourself for every goal you achieve. This will motivate you to work harder to achieve more. This is a good way to trick your brain to inculcate self-discipline.
  • Take proper sleep :- You can inculcate self-discipline only when you are well-rested. So, it is essential to sleep for eight hours each night. Maintaining a good sleep cycle is also essential. This means that you should try sleeping and waking up at the same time each day. A power nap during the afternoon can help further.
  • Stay Positive : – Many people want to inculcate self-discipline but are unable to because they somehow believe that it is difficult to achieve. They feel that it is too much to ask for and that they shall not be able to practice it. This is the wrong approach. You can achieve anything in life if you stay positive and believe in yourself. So, you should stay positive. It is a pre-requisite for inculcating self-discipline.

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Self Discipline Benefits and Importance

Self-discipline helps you to overcome the bad habits by meditating regularly. It gives you the ability not to give up after failure and setbacks, develop self-control, provide the ability to resist distractions, helps you to motivate yourself until you accomplish your goals.

Achieving self-discipline may be difficult but in order to lead a healthy personal and professional life, it is very important. A self-disciplined person makes optimum use of the time. Hence, he can achieve more and do more work as compared to a person who is not self-disciplined. We should, therefore, make some efforts to achieve it.

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How to Be More Disciplined

10'000 Hours/DigitalVision/Getty Images

Self-discipline is the ability to control your behavior in a way that leads you to be more productive and/or have better habits. It is proven to lead to increased success. Learning self-control and discipline early in life is helpful for decades to come, but it is never too late to learn how to improve your self-discipline so that your future can be a better one.

If you've experienced frustration around having a lack of attention span , not achieving goals , or not knowing what to do with your life , you may be struggling with self-discipline. It takes some time to become more disciplined, but it's worthwhile!

How to Improve Your Discipline

Wondering where to begin? Let's break down how to become more self-disciplined step by step. You'll begin by discerning how you work best—and worst—and by the time you get to the final step, you should see significant improvement in your level of self-discipline.

For this process, you might want to use a journal to write out your answers to questions and to keep track of your progress as you go.

Discern How You Struggle—And How You Strive

Figuring out what does and does not work for you is key to understanding how to be more self-disciplined. Some people thrive when working around others, while some do better working alone. Some people are motivated by rewards, while others prefer consequences to keep them in line. That's called "carrot versus stick." Answer the following questions for yourself so that you can become clued in about what you need in order to succeed at self-discipline:

  • Does being around other people distract me or help me concentrate?
  • Do I feel more productive performing tasks inside or outside?
  • Does the idea of a reward for a job well done motivate me?
  • Does the idea of taking away a privilege or treat for not following through on a job motivate me?
  • Do I like to think about big picture goals or visualize small steps?
  • What do I see as my biggest blockages from being more disciplined?
  • What stops me from achieving my goals?

Once you've answered these questions, you should have a clearer idea about the right approach for you and your needs. next, you want to understand why discipline is important to you.

Know Your "Why"

We all have ideas that motivate us, but it's easy to lose touch with them. This is the opportunity for you to get in touch with your "why." Your "why" is your reason for wanting to achieve self-discipline. Do you want to make lots of money? Help humanity? Save animals? Explore your big life goals on a broad scale so that you get back in touch with why self-discipline will benefit you, and why you need it.

Clarify Your Goals of All Sizes

Now that you understand why self-discipline is important to you, what exactly do you want to achieve? Note big large and small goals: This can include everything from big steps in your career to small daily habits like taking walks more often. People who write down their goals are more likely to achieve them. The act of writing down your goals can also help you to get excited about them.

Be sure to include small goals that you can accomplish easily with discipline, rather than only large goals that take a long time to achieve.

Once you have clarified your goals, write down some preliminary habits you can use to achieve them. For example, if you want to go for a walk daily you could set an alarm for a certain time. if you want to make sure you get more work done, you could choose times of day to review your progress. Set small, regular reminders to keep you on track about your goals.

Find Accountability

Sharing your goals with someone you respect is directly correlated to a better chance of achieving them. Some people may share this with a mentor, but even telling a friend whom you have respect or admiration for will work.

It can be a simple as letting your friend know that you have decided to work on your self-discipline in general, or you can share some of your goals with them. The act of sharing about your journey will help you commit to it more strongly, in addition to improving your chances of succeeding.

Remove Distractions

You can't get distracted by something that isn't there, so the best way to handle distractions before you begin trying to be more disciplined is to remove them. If you pause working or studying to watch tv, put the remote in a different room.

If you tend to drop what you're doing to look at your phone, give it to a family member for a few hours at a time. If you eat a lot of junk food and you want to stop, don't keep it in your house. This step sets you up to succeed, instead of fail.

Start Small

Don't begin your daily work with self-discipline by trying to achieve something huge. This will take too much time to keep you on track and motivated. Instead, work on daily, weekly, and monthly goals. Acknowledge every day when you do what you set out to do, and know that it is moving you in the right direction.

Building new habits takes time. Every day that you do something, you are one step closer to it being a habit, and after awhile, it will become much easier and more second nature to you.

Forgive and Reward

Because we are all human, perfection isn't possible. We all make mistakes, and that's ok! When you behave in a way that isn't aligned with your quest to become more disciplined, forgive yourself . Review why and where things went wrong, and if possible, change your environment so that it doesn't happen again.

Even if you're more motivated by consequence than by rewards in general, it's important to acknowledge your milestones. Reward yourself in a way that involves self-care , because you deserve it and because it will help you stay on track. As much as it can be easy to let the little accomplishments slide, it's important to keep track of them and reward them because when you add them up, they become big accomplishments.

Review and Expand Your Goals

Every so often, you'll want to review you progress and your goals. Goals change over time, so you want to keep an open mind about what yours were previously and how they may have shifted since you first noted them. Additionally, stepping back from your situation allows you to view just how much you've accomplished!

Look back on how you've succeeded with your self-discipline, as well as areas where you still need to improve, and plan out the steps to take to continue on your path. Initially, you might want to do this once a week. As you become more and more adept at discipline, though, you can do it progressively less often.

Practice, Practice, Practice

You can only win if you don't give up! Self-discipline can take some people their entire lives to master, so don't be down on yourself if it's slow going at first. Keep at it, and if your goals all feel too big, make up some very easy small ones so that you can experience the feeling of success.

The more you practice self-discipline, the easier it will become. Eventually, you won't have to practice it at all. It will become a natural habit, and your days of feeling undisciplined will be far in the past.

Benefits of Being More Disciplined

There are many benefits to achieving a stronger level of self-discipline. These are some of the most common ones.

  • More control : Having self-discipline enables you to have more control over your own life. You're taking charge and improving yourself to be the best you possible, and this can lead to an increased self of control.
  • No more procrastinating : exercising self-discipline means that you're taking action. This means you aren't spending as much time procrastinating. In turn, you can get more done, and spend less time stressing over getting things done.
  • More satisfaction : increasing your self-discipline means you get more done, and that in turn means that you may end up more satisfied with what you do.
  • Goals get met : rather than just thinking about your dreams, you're living them! Self-discipline lets you do whatever is needed to accomplish your goals.

A Word From Verywell

If you're still feeling uninspired to begin improving your self-discipline even though you want to, you might be having an issue with motivation. Learn about what to do when you're having difficulties motivating, and how to overcome that.

Muraven M. Building self-control strength: practicing self-control leads to improved self-control performance. J Exp Soc Psychol. 2010 Mar 1;46(2):465–8. doi:10.1016%2Fj.jesp.2009.12.011

Lifelong impact of early self-control [Internet]. American Scientist. 2017

Share your goals – but be careful whom you tell [Internet]. Share your goals – but be careful whom you tell.

By Ariane Resnick, CNC Ariane Resnick, CNC is a mental health writer, certified nutritionist, and wellness author who advocates for accessibility and inclusivity.

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How to Develop Self-Discipline to Succeed

Success starts with self-mastery, and at the core of this mastery is self-discipline.

Did you know the most successful people have gotten to where they are today because they have learned to practice self-discipline?

Becoming a self-disciplined person involves understanding what self-discipline means, learning the skills to develop it, and making a consistent effort to apply it in all areas of your life.

Many of the most successful individuals credit their achievements to their ability to practice self-discipline, which has significantly contributed to their well-being and success.

If you’re ready to take control of your actions and thoughts, let’s explore self-discipline together and set the stage for your greatness.

What Is Self-Discipline?

Let’s start with the basics.

The word self-discipline is actually made up of two parts. The noun “discipline” means “training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character” ( Merriam-Webster Dictionary ).

The ‘self’ means you have the willpower to do these things on your own, without someone telling you to do them.

So self-discipline means you control your feelings and even do hard things so you can be better and have more prosperity.

More than one self-discipline definition can help us understand the concept better, though. Consider these dictionary definitions:

  • Self-discipline is “the ability to control one’s feelings and overcome one’s weaknesses; the ability to pursue what one thinks is right despite temptations to abandon it.” Oxford Languages Dictionary
  • Self-discipline is “the ability to control yourself and to make yourself work hard or behave in a particular way without needing anyone else to tell you what to do.”  Collins Dictionary

You can also use different words in place of self-discipline to better understand their meaning. Some synonyms are:

  • Self-control
  • Self-regulation
  • Self-mastery
  • Firmness of purpose
  • Self-restraint

My favorite definition of self-discipline, though, is this: “ Self-discipline is the ability to make yourself do what you should do when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.”

To be completely truthful, it is easy to do something when you feel like it. However, it’s when you don’t feel like doing something and you force yourself to do it anyway is when you move your life and career onto the fast track.

Controlling our feelings in the moment so we can have something better later takes hard work. It involves delayed gratification, which is not acting on your impulses.

It is doing what you have to do now so you can do what you want to do later.

As psychologist Arden Mahlberg explains in one of his self-discipline quotes: “Discipline really means our ability to get ourselves to do things when we don’t want.”

Disciplining one’s conduct leads to success in anything you want to accomplish. Apply the principles of self-discipline to both your personal and professional life.

The Importance of Self-Discipline

Mastering the art of self-discipline is a gateway to numerous advantages. When you demonstrate regular self-discipline, you streamline and focus your path toward achieving your aspirations. This focused approach minimizes distractions and paves the way for substantial progress towards your goals.

Self-discipline is beneficial because it:

  • Reduces stress and anxiety , which often come from procrastination, wasting time, or not having a plan to follow.
  • Makes you feel more confident in your abilities to accomplish things , which leads to living a happier life to becoming your best self.
  • Accelerates personal improvement in all areas of our lives , including physical and mental health, education, career, financial independence , and relationships.
  • Helps students gain more knowledge , make fewer careless mistakes, and perform better than those who do not, regardless of IQ,
  • Can help those in the workplace achieve higher income , the feeling of achievement in one’s career, and a higher rate of accomplishing one’s goals.
  • Enhances relationships and is seen to correlate with stronger, more enduring personal relationships.
  • Fosters resilience, enhancing your ability to recover from setbacks and further strengthening your control over impulses.

Recognizing the Signs of a Self-Discipline Deficit

So how do you know if you lack self-discipline?

There are some self-sabotaging behaviors to look for. One sign is that you find yourself making excuses for your behavior and falling short on things.

For example, promptness requires self-discipline. If you are often late to appointments, work, or other commitments but blame it on traffic, hitting the alarm too many times, or staying up late to finish a project, you likely lack self-discipline. Instead, you should take personal responsibility for leaving earlier, getting up on time, or not procrastinating at the start of your project.

Another sign you need to build self-discipline is if you give in to temptation and just can’t seem to reach your goals. That could be eating too much so you cannot make your ideal weight or not advancing in your career because you give in to the temptation of spending some of your free time on social media instead of taking an online course.

One more sign that you need to improve your self-discipline is that you wait to feel motivated before doing something. For example, if you want to write a book and are waiting until the right moment when you feel energized to do it, you will probably never accomplish it.

The power of self-discipline gets you out of your comfort zone and lets you soar to new and unimaginable heights.

7 Steps to Develop Self-Discipline

When you have the determination to improve self-discipline, you open up many doors to new opportunities.

But it takes more than willpower to improve your ability to achieve self-discipline within yourself. You need to develop skills by learning and training yourself to practice self-control until self-discipline becomes a habit.

Follow these seven steps to success.

1. Decide What You Want

You have a lot of ideas floating around in your head. The first step to improving your future self-discipline is to organize your thoughts and figure out what you want.

As Napoleon Hill puts it in one of his self-discipline quotes:

“Self-discipline begins with the mastery of your thoughts. If you don’t control what you think, you can’t control what you do. Simply, self-discipline enables you to think first and act afterward.”

Decide exactly what it is you want in each part of your life.

Do you need to increase your knowledge of the trends in your industry so you can advance to a higher position?

Do you want to adopt healthy habits like exercising and healthy eating so you feel better, improve your physical health, increase your self-confidence, and open yourself up to more opportunities?

Is learning a new language or skill something you want to do to open new doors professionally or personally?

Tap into your self-awareness and think about what you want to do and be. Become a “meaningful specific” rather than a “wandering generality.”

What decisions do you need to make today to start moving toward the top of your field?

Whatever it is, make a decision now, and then get started. This single act alone can change the whole direction of your life.

Understand that any new endeavor you take on will take effort and a willingness to delay gratification. But enduring temporary discomfort is always worth the reward of long-term gain.

2. Identify and Remove Temptations

Distractions are the enemy of accomplishment and discipline. Your ability to resist temptation will turn bad, unhealthy habits, into good habits.

One of the wisest things you can do to resist temptations is to simply remove temptations as much as possible.

If checking your social media feed has become a time-waster, reduce your screen time by setting limits on your smartphone, turning off notifications, scheduling specific times when you can check your accounts, or deleting the apps that do not contribute to your goals or overall well-being.

If you are easily distracted by how readily accessible entertainment is, remove things like television, video platforms, or subscription streaming services from your environment.

Do the same with tempting foods, people who are a negative influence, or anything else that is impeding your progress.

Your environment sets you up for success. Being honest with yourself about what those distractions are is key to your success.

Fewer distractions have a tremendous impact on accomplishing your goals.

Self-denial may seem difficult at first, but when one’s desires are tempered, it allows for blossoming into a newer and better version of oneself.

Conduct a time audit to identify your temptations and time wasters. Over the next several days, keep track of what you do all day. Writing it down will allow you to analyze how you spend your time and change it into how you want to spend your time.

Removing temptations is liberating.

As Harvey Dorfman, a mental skills coach, puts it, “Self-discipline is a form of freedom. Freedom from laziness and lethargy, freedom from the expectations and demands of others, freedom from weakness and fear — and doubt.”

3. Find an Accountability Partner

Sometimes it’s hard to stay disciplined when you’re working in silence.

Having someone to share your goals and keep you accountable can help keep you on track and motivated to stay disciplined.

An accountability partner can help you overcome the challenge of making the changes you need to restrain your impulses and make better decisions.

Setting a specific goal makes you 10% more likely to achieve it. But committing to someone else that you will do it increases your success rate by 65%, and making an appointment to report back to that person raises it even higher to 95%.

An accountability partner is someone with whom you agree to help each other stay on track toward achieving your goals.

In your effort to improve self-discipline, knowing that you need to report your actions to someone else will help you stay motivated, and you will do the same for them.

An ideal accountability partner is someone who is working toward similar goals as you. For example, if your goal is to start your own business, choose an accountability partner who shares the same entrepreneurial goal. In this way, you can learn together, brainstorm solutions, and share helpful insights on the training each other is receiving.

You should also choose someone who wants to be held accountable — a person as interested in building self-discipline as you are.

The right accountability partner is trustworthy and will keep your discussions confidential. They are kind and encouraging yet will also ask you difficult questions and give constructive criticism to help you stay on track.

Share your goals with your accountability partner, be honest about your progress, and stay connected regularly. Set daily, weekly, and monthly check-in appointments, and keep these sessions short and on-topic.

Communicate in a way both of you are comfortable with, such as email, text, phone calls, in-person meetings, or a combination of several modes of communication.

The positive reinforcement and encouragement you receive from your accountability partner — and in turn, give to them — can make all the difference in overcoming the roadblocks you have been experiencing and catapulting you toward making your hopes and dreams a reality.

4. Write Your Goals Down

Always think on paper — or an electronic device. A goal that is not in writing is not a goal at all. It is merely a wish and it has no energy behind it.

Write your goals down, clearly and in detail. The most successful goals are SMART goals : specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Define your long-term goals, but then set small goals and work your way to bigger ones. Baby steps are easier to visualize and achieve. They help you overcome your challenges more effectively than focusing on broad goals that take time to reach.

Reaching your smaller goals will motivate you to continue on the road to progress.

If your goal is to eat healthier, for example, start by adding one new healthy food to your diet each week. You don’t have to eliminate all unhealthy food at once. Going slowly will help you stay motivated.

It takes a tremendous amount of willpower to make a total, sweeping change all at once. But making gains step by step will be training your mind to exercise self-control in manageable increments until it becomes a habit and you no longer have the desire to return to old ways.

Use these examples of SMART goals as inspiration to write down your own:

  • I will increase business sales from repeat customers by 5% by the end of the quarter by gathering contact information at the point of sale and following up with strategies that make them feel valued.
  • I will decrease the number of times I complain to once every other day by May 31st to improve my mental health by taking 10 seconds to think about my words before sharing them.
  • I will continue to lose weight by adding exercise to my morning routine by walking for 30 minutes before eating breakfast for the next three weeks.
  • I will learn to play the major chords on the guitar by my birthday by watching tutorial videos and practicing for 15 minutes per day.
  • I will improve my academic performance on class assessments by 10 percentage points by the mid-term exam by recording lectures, listening to them on my commute, and outlining notes from each lecture within two days of hearing them.

5. Make To-Do Lists

Keep yourself on track daily by making a to-do list of everything you can think of that you are going to have to do to accomplish your goal. This is one of the most important things you can do to help you be productive and feel happier.

Lists serve as visual reminders that you are on a path toward excellence. Checking off each task as you complete it provides instant motivation to keep moving forward.

When you think of new tasks and activities, write them on your list until your list is complete.

Revisit your goals regularly to make sure you are on track. If you need to change a word or sentence in your goal to make it more precise, relevant, or achievable, do so without compromising your progress. The key is to create and follow goals that will get you closer to the existence you want, never farther away.

At the end of each day, make your list for the next day. Small habits like this will keep your mind focused on taking the right actions toward exercising self-control.

Be sure to set deadlines for all of your goals and sub-goals. This will help you work hard and achieve results promptly.

6. Organize Your Lists

Organize your lists into a plan.

Decide what you will have to do first and what you will have to do second. Decide what is more important and what is less important. And then write out your plan on paper, the same way you would develop a blueprint to build your dream house.

Group the important tasks on your list into related items. This will help you save time and effort if you complete similar items in the same period. Your mind will be in tune and your workspace will be organized with what you need.

Avoid multitasking. While it may seem like you are busy doing more, multitasking actually serves as a distraction as you cannot devote the right amount of mental energy to a single task. Tackle one item at a time then move on to the next one.

The challenge of disciplining yourself will become easier as you develop purposeful routines like these.

7. Create an Action Plan 

Do something every single day that moves you in the direction of your most important goal at the moment.

Develop the time management discipline of doing something 365 days each year that is moving you forward. You will be absolutely astonished at how much you accomplish when you utilize this formula every single day.

Internalize Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s inspiring words on taking action: “If you can’t fly, run. If you can’t run, walk. If you can’t walk, crawl, but by all means, keep moving.”

Action is imperative to progress.

Research shows that those who use an implementation intention plan are more successful in creating new habits and becoming more self-disciplined.

An implementation intention is an if-then strategy used in disciplining oneself to make the right decisions at the moment. You plan for what you will do when faced with a temptation or distraction.

To use this strategy, complete this sentence with words that apply to what you are trying to overcome:

“When X situation arises, I will respond with Y. ”

Using this plan forces you to be more self-disciplined and cultivate mental toughness.

To help you stay on top of your action plan, consider remembering or writing down one of my favorite quotes that relate to self-discipline:

“Mental toughness is many things and rather difficult to explain. Its qualities are sacrifice and self-denial. Also, most importantly, it is combined with a perfectly disciplined will that refuses to give in.” ( Vince Lombardi )

Set Yourself Up For Success

Begin your path toward personal improvement by developing self-discipline today.

The power of self-control will propel you toward a better life and improved future self.

Setting goals is an important part of developing discipline. If you don’t know where to start, my 14-Step Goal Setting Guide includes more tips on how to set clear goals. The actionable advice in this resource will teach you how to achieve your goals faster than you ever thought possible.

Download the goal-setting guide and tap into your potential to accomplish a world of possibilities.

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About Brian Tracy — Brian is recognized as the top sales training and personal success authority in the world today. He has authored more than 60 books and has produced more than 500 audio and video learning programs on sales, management, business success and personal development, including worldwide bestseller The Psychology of Achievement. Brian's goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever imagined. You can follow him on Twitter , Facebook , Pinterest , Linkedin and Youtube .

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Speech on Discipline [1,2,3 Minutes]

Speech on Discipline: It is said that discipline can shape the future of a student, Obviously, it is true but not only limited to students. Discipline holds equal value for every human who follows it & can define anyone’s bright future. Actually, it is a part of any plan to achieve desired results.

If you have set a goal to achieve something, you should have proper planning. And to execute your plan, discipline plays a crucial role. Without following a discipline, you won’t be able to achieve what you planned to. That is why someone said, “if you failed to plan, you planned to fail”.

1 Minute Speech On Discipline

Reputable Principal, respected teachers and my dear friends! First of all, I would like to welcome all of you and also thank you all for having me a chance to deliver a speech on the importance of discipline.

No matter what your aim is, being disciplined will help you achieve that. With the help of discipline, one can plan their goals and achieve them without any uncertainty. A nation’s defence army is the best illustration of a disciplined environment.

Discipline refers to the practice of training your mind and body so that you control your actions and obey rules. It is the only system that is going to guide you for your entire life. Discipline is as vital for success as oxygen for humans to live life.

To sum it up, discipline is the key to achieving desired results out of your efforts. It equips us to achieve our goals. Self-Discipline is more important than anyone else’s. To master every area of life one needs to be disciplined.

Thank you for listening to my words. I hope you liked it.

1 Minute Speech On Discipline's Value in Life

2 Minute Speech On Discipline

Hello, all the people present here,

first of all, I would like to wish you all the best wishes for the day & also thank you all for having me a chance to speak a few words on the value of discipline.

“ Motivation gets you going but Discipline keeps you growing “. This quote teaches you the importance of discipline in one’s life. Discipline enables you to achieve what you have planned for. It also plays an important role in our personality development and prospects.

Discipline simply means controlling your mind just like a driver controls the vehicle. for example, If you are disciplined in your eating habits , means you are controlling yourself from eating junk and thus you will get a healthy & fit body.

The same applies to every other area you can imagine. Wherever you apply discipline you will clearly witness growth. Therefore, every student should be disciplined in his studies to perform outstandingly. Most noteworthy, some of us consider it a hard task but it is not.

Discipline does not snatch your enjoyment but it doubles it when you club it with time management. Discipline is definitely the ladder towards success. Moreover, discipline brings out the best in us. Most unusual, discipline keeps track of our  body, mind, and soul .

I stop my speech here. I hope you like my words.

3 Minute Speech on Discipline

Did you hear the term “Time Management”? Obviously, you did. But did you ever think of “MInd Management”? If not I want to let you know that Mind management is Discipline . And Time management is part of discipline.

When you start acting according to your wisdom rather than your mind, you can call it Discipline. For example, your mind tells you to eat fast food but wisdom informs you that junk food is not healthy and listening to wisdom, means you are disciplined in your eating.

In short, differentiating between what is right and what is wrong, is discipline. There are mainly two types of discipline that exist. The first one is induced discipline and the second one is self-discipline.

Induced discipline simply means when someone else takes control of your life and decisions. And self-discipline means when one oneself takes control of their life. What do you think? which one is better?

Absolutely, Self-discipline is better. When someone else controls you, it becomes irritating and you always try to get rid of it. But when you yourself control your life, you probably enjoy it.

Discipline is a staircase by which the person gets success. It helps a person to concentrate on his/her goals. Also, it does not let him/her distracted from the goal. Additionally, it causes perfection in a person’s life by educating and training the mind and body of the person to respond to the rules and regulations which helps him to be a better citizen.

Jim Rohn has correctly said that “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments”. Discipline is the key to achieving desired outcomes out of your efforts. It prepares us to achieve our goals . So, it is best to practice discipline from the early standards of our life. 

This is what I wanted to say about Discipline and its power. I hope you liked my speech.

3 Minute Speech On Discipline & its Importance

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40+ Benefits of Self-Control and Self-Discipline

benefits of self-control

There is a multitude of areas in everyday life where so many of us want to do better.

This is particularly evident given the millions of people (including almost half of Americans) who make New Year’s resolutions each year. Such resolutions often involve goals related to diet and fitness, finances, relationships, and the reduction of unhealthy behaviors (i.e., smoking).

Unfortunately, however; an 80 percent failure rate has been estimated for such resolutions (Luciani, 2015). Moreover, general efforts to change behaviors result in relapse over half of the time (Kottler, 2012).

Why are we so consistently disappointed by our failed efforts at self-improvement? For one thing, these objectives are not easy. Fulfilling one’s dreams “ takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort ” (Jesse Owens, brainyquote.com).

This article will look into the research behind self-control and self-discipline (terms to be used interchangeably); including the many benefits thereof and how to attain them. Several interesting research studies will also be described.

Before you continue, we thought you might like to download our three Self-Compassion Exercises for free . These detailed, science-based exercises will not only help you increase the compassion and kindness you show yourself but will also give you the tools to help your clients, students, or employees show more compassion to themselves.

This Article Contains:

What are the benefits of self-control and self-discipline, most interesting scientific findings, 22 things you can do to realize these benefits, a take-home message.

Let’s begin our inquiry by exploring the evidence supporting the many benefits of self-control to health and socioemotional wellbeing.

1. Weight, Fitness, and Health

It has been said that “ eating constitutes the greatest obstacle to self-control ” (Mahavira, brainyquote.com). Of course, the endless stream of weight loss-related advertising, including gym memberships, weight loss programs, and even weight loss surgery is ample evidence for the enormous business surrounding weight loss. Not to mention the personal weight-related struggles experienced by numerous people.

Losing weight is an all too common goal that is greatly enhanced by self-control. For example, in a 12-week diet and self-discipline exercise program among overweight adults (e.g., a body mass index of at least 25 kg/m2), researchers found higher levels of trait self-control among those who were more successful in achieving program goals.

More specifically, participants with relatively higher self-control ate fewer calories (including less fat), burned more calories, and achieved greater weight loss (Crescioni, Ehrlinger, & Alquist et al., 2011).

Several additional studies investigating self-control (also referred to as ‘ self-regulation ’) and weight loss have included youth participants, often with a particular interest in how early self-control might protect against and subsequent weight gain during adolescence.

This topic was researched in a large-scale longitudinal study, including ten U.S. sites (Francis, & Susman, 2009). Participants included 1061 children from age 3 to 12 years. Self-control and body mass index (BMI) were assessed at baseline, as well as at multiple time-points covering a total of 9 years.

Interestingly, children with lower self-regulatory skills had higher BMI’s and more weight gain at each time-point. In other words, self-control had a significant impact on weight gain from childhood through early adolescence.

In a similar study by Duckworth, Tsukayama, and Geier (2010); self-control was assessed among fifth graders who were followed until eighth grade. This study found that fifth graders who were higher in self-control evidenced significantly decreased BMI’s over the following three years.

Finally, weight gain during the transition from childhood to adolescence was examined in another longitudinal study among 844 children (Tsukayama, Toomey, & Faith et al., 2010). This study, which included both parent and teacher ratings of self-control, indicated that those who were higher in self-control were less likely to be overweight at age 15.

The authors noted that the ability to control impulses and delay gratification represented significant factors affecting the avoidance of weight gain during adolescence. The combination of these studies provides compelling evidence for the power of self-control early in life to predict healthy weight over time— including during early and middle adolescence.

Along with weight, a more general measure of physical fitness has been examined concerning self-control. Specifically, in a cross-sectional (non-longitudinal) study including young male participants, various fitness-related outcomes were assessed including BMI, muscle fitness, aerobic fitness, and leisure time physical activity (Kinnunen, Suihko, & Hankonen et al., 2012).

Findings indicated that self-control was associated with lower BMI and higher levels of muscular and aerobic fitness. Interestingly, fitness indicators remained significantly related to self-control, even regardless of participants’ BMI measures.

Medical conditions in adulthood have also been linked to measures of self-control during adolescence. For example, in a compelling study by Miller, Barnes, and Beaver (2011), 9 out of 10 physical and brain-based health issues were significantly less likely among adults who were rated as higher in self-control during adolescence.

More specifically, lower self-control was predictive of a higher odds of experiencing depression, ADHD, other mental illnesses, poor hearing, stuttering speech patterns, asthma, cancer, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. These findings represent a powerful example of the benefits of self-control.

2. Academic and Career Success

Fred Rogers (e.g., ‘Mr. Rogers’) referred to discipline “ as the continual everyday process of helping a child learn self-discipline ” (brainyquote.com). He had a point.

Along with health-related outcomes, self-discipline also plays an important role when it comes to children’s education. For example, a longitudinal study, including 164 eight graders, found that self-discipline assessed in the fall was related to a variety of important educational outcomes measured in the spring (Duckworth, & Seligman, 2005).

This study indicated that self-control had a significant positive impact on grades, attendance, and time spent doing homework. Being higher in self-control was also related to fewer hours spent watching television.

The importance of self-discipline reported in this study was maintained after statistically adjusting for IQ and achievement test scores. This research lends support to parents who have consistently—and perhaps frustratingly— tried to impress upon their adolescents the importance of being disciplined when it comes to homework, screen time, and general study habits.

With rapid increases in technology related to office automation, large numbers of people are working from home. While telecommuting has several advantages for employees, such as increased flexibility; it also has its challenges.

Primarily, when employees work in a potentially distracting environment without in-person supervision, productivity may be negatively impacted. Indeed, employees require a certain degree of self-discipline and motivation to succeed in their jobs (Olson, 1983).

To address predictors of occupational success; Converse, Pathak, and DePaul et al. (2012) took a comprehensive look at self-control. The researchers conducted two studies, with the first one examining self-control among 249 full-time employees. In this study, self-control was related to higher salary and occupational prestige.

The second study consisted of an impressive longitudinal design and 1,568 participants whose self-control was assessed during childhood. After 20 years, those who were rated higher in restraint achieved greater career and occupational success (i.e., job satisfaction, salary, and prestige).

It was also reported that self-control benefited educational achievement; which, in turn, predicted higher wages and occupational prestige (Converse et al., 2012). These findings are particularly relevant for employers, given their implications regarding which employees will be most successful. And they are undoubtedly salient to telecommuters.

3. Risky and Problem Behaviors

Behavioral theories seeking to explain deviant, unhealthy, and risky behaviors often address the role of self-control. For example, Gottfredson and Hirschi’s (1990) self-control theory posits that inclinations toward criminal actions occur as a function of an individual’s ability to control his/her tendency to engage in such behaviors.

Those people who are higher in self-control are predicted to be better able to postpone immediate gratification in favor of long-term rewards. More specifically, “long-term consequences influence the actions of a person with ample self-control, whereas the elements of criminal behavior reflect easy and immediate gratification of universal, fundamental, human desires.

A person with adequate self-control is less likely to attend to, or invest in, these features of a situation than is how or her less-controlled counterpart” (Gibbs, Giever, & Martin, 1998, pgs. 41-42).

This theory was tested using a large sample (N = 1000) of American college students (Ford, & Blumenstein, 2012). Researchers found a higher risk of binge drinking, cannabis use, and prescription drug misuse among participants who were lower in self-control.

A review of risky behavior would be remiss if not addressing the period of adolescence. Adolescence is marked by substantial increases in dangerous behaviors such as fast driving, substance use, and risky sexual behavior— among others.

While it is not uncommon for youth to misjudge the risks involved in their actions (i.e., adolescent drivers tend to overestimate their driving skills), there are other factors at play when it comes to significant increases in preventable forms of death that occur during this period. One such factor is self-control; as holding-off on temptations can be particularly challenging among young people.

Consequently, several studies have investigated the various constructs (i.e., self-control) that predict dangerous behavior among adolescents. For example, self-control theory has been investigated concerning youth sexual behavior because of its potential for undesirable and unhealthy outcomes (i.e., unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease).

For example, Hope and Chapple (2004) examined data from a longitudinal study consisting of 709 participants who were between 15 and 17 years of age at the final assessment. A sub-sample of this group was also created, consisting of participants who had initiated sexual behavior (n = 223).

Researchers found that lower self-control significantly predicted having initiated sex, increased numbers of sexual partners, and a more casual (versus committed) relationship with sexual partners.

Research has similarly indicated that the lack of self-control is related to more impulsive or under-controlled sexual behavior, as well as the inability to resist engaging in sexual conduct with an individual who is not the primary sexual partner (Gailliot, & Baumeister, 2007).

Similarly, Wills and Stoolmiller (2002) followed a sample of 1,526 6th graders through 9th grade. A composite substance use score incorporating cigarette, alcohol, and marijuana use were created. Researchers found that increases in substance use over time were higher for those who were lower in self-control.

Finally, in a study examining criminal behavior and substance use among adolescent males already involved in the criminal justice system, a global scale of low self-control incorporating multiple subcategories was included as the predictor. Results indicated that the self-control sub-factors of risk-seeking and volatile temper were significant predictors of drug use, and both property and violent crimes (Connor, Stein, & Longshore, 2009).

4. Various Additional Outcomes Related to Self-control

Research addressing the benefits of self-control also has taken a look at broader spectrum outcomes. For example, in a study by Tangney, Baumeister, and Boone (2004); two extensive investigations were conducted using a new measure of self-control among college students.

Findings indicated that higher self-control was related to better relationships and interpersonal skills, higher grade point average, less binge eating, more secure attachments, and better adjustment as defined by less psychopathology and higher self-esteem (Tangney et al., 2004).

An additional study suggesting that self-control is related to a range of outcomes was conducted by de Ridder, Lensvelt-Mulders, and Finkenauer (2012). In their meta-analysis of 202 self-control studies, the investigators found positive relationships between higher self-control and the following outcomes: Happiness, good grades, committed relationships, and love.

Lower self-control was related to the following non-adaptive outcomes: Binge eating, alcohol use, occasional speeding, and lifetime delinquency. The authors further noted that the effect of self-control was about the same regardless of whether it was being examined as a risk or protective factor (de Ridder et al., 2012).

These findings are consistent with other research supporting a significant association between self-control and both happiness and general wellbeing (Hofmann, Luhmann, & Fisher et al., 2014). Overall, these studies provide convincing evidence for the impact of self-control across a range of critical psychosocial outcomes.

The secret to self control – Jonathan Bricker

In addition to the evidence explored above, we reflect on interesting findings that have come from research.

1. Processes, Measurement, and Moderators

Hofmann et al. (2014) conducted three studies aimed at explaining relationships between self-control and life satisfaction. Using adult participants in each study, a measure of relatively stable, trait self-control was examined in relation to life satisfaction ratings.

The authors reported evidence for a significant relationship between self-control and both positive emotions and life satisfaction. Perhaps more interestingly, high self-control, and positive outcomes were moderated by the ability to manage conflict.

More specifically, those with higher self-control also were able to act in a way that reduced conflict and distress. Moreover, individuals with high self-control were also better able to avoid temptations and thereby avoid ‘vice-virtue’ temptations (Hofmann et al., 2014).

This research suggests that there is more involved in how self-control affects outcomes, with conflict avoidance representing a key mechanism.

In the previously noted meta-analysis by de Ridder et al. (2012), additional interesting information about factors affecting the link between self-control and desired outcomes were also presented. Namely, the authors reported a stronger association between self-control and automatic behaviors versus more consciously control behaviors.

Automatic behaviors are those that are more habitual (i.e., writing pages in a novel each day as part of a routine); as opposed more controlled behaviors that require adjustments (i.e., trying to manage multiple competing resources to make time to work on a novel).

The authors suggest that self-control is not as related to resisting temptations as is often thought, but may instead be more about forming and breaking habits. Associations between self-control and outcomes have also been found to differ when it comes to real versus imagined behaviors.

Unlike actual behaviors, imagined behaviors consist of those “ that one intends to do, thinks one can do, or thinks one should do ” (de Ridder et al., 2012, p. 80). Imagined behaviors are more akin to wishful thinking (i.e., “I’m going to sail the world next year!”).

In a study by de Ridder and colleagues (2012), behaviors and self-control were more strongly associated with imagined versus real behaviors. The authors suggest self-control measures and constructs may be convoluted by the types of behaviors included, and how they are defined and measured.

Along with the need to unpack the nature of specific behaviors (i.e., real versus imagined; automatic versus control), the researchers also suggest that self-control is overestimated when only self-reports of behaviors are included.

In a research article by Duckworth and Gross (2014), self-control was examined in relation to grit. The authors define grit as “the tenacious pursuit of a dominant superordinate goal despite setbacks” (Duckworth, & Gross, 2014, p. 319).

Grit is thus more consistent with strength of character or perseverance in the face of adversity. The authors note that, while self-control and grit are indeed correlated; they represent distinct constructs that should not be used interchangeably. In other words, a person may have one, but not the other.

A person who is high in grit is described as someone who works persistently toward achieving a primary goal, perhaps even for years. He/she may be a highly productive person who can suppress conflicting lower order goals; as well as to deal with setbacks by creating alternative lower order goals and continuing to work tenaciously toward the primary goal (Duckworth, & Gross, 2014).

Consistent with this example, grit involves exceptional achievements that often cover a lengthy period to complete; whereas, self-control involves making decisions on more of a day-to-day basis (Duckworth, & Gross, 2014). Overall, this research and the proposed models provide important directions for future research addressing these concepts, as well as important treatment implications.

a speech on self discipline

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Treatment and Intervention

Intervention strategies that include self-discipline components have found some promising results, including within educational settings. For example, Cincinnati implemented a district-wide program aimed at helping instructors to teach self-discipline to K-12th-grade students (Brown, & Beckett, 2006).

Teachers were supported with tools needed to deal with disciplinary issues without removing students from the class. While there were multiple components to this large-scale intervention, promoting student self-discipline was an essential factor in achieving desired outcomes.

Impressively, the program resulted in reductions in both suspensions and expulsions within the Cincinnati school district (Brown, & Beckett, 2006).

Lastly, in a paper by Moffitt, Arseneault, and Belsky et al. (2011), the implementation of large-scale self-control programs are discussed. The authors propose that such programs could have significant societal benefits by improving health, wealth, and public safety.

Longitudinal, prospective studies that assessed self-control in children and followed them over time are presented. It is proposed that the multitude of positive outcomes predicted by increased self-control imply that large-scale self-control programs have the potential to realize important societal outcomes related to taxpayer costs and overall prosperity among citizens (Moffitt et al., 2011).

a speech on self discipline

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Happiness is dependent on self-discipline. We are the biggest obstacles to our happiness. It is much easier to do battle with society and with others than to fight our own nature.

Dennis Prager

While becoming more self-disciplined isn’t easy— as it often goes against our immediate desires and impulses, it is attainable.

Here are several ways to become more self-disciplined:

  • Be informed: Don’t jump into the idea of achieving an important goal without doing your research. While you may be excited and eager to get started; by understanding what it takes to be successful and the steps needed to get there, your objective will be much more obtainable.
  • Avoid labeling yourself: We all have that voice in the back of our head that repeats all sorts of nonconstructive information. If your voice is telling you things like “ That’s just not ‘you; ’” or “ you’re just not the type to succeed at that goal ” – it is essential that you learn and practice a more positive story about yourself.
  • Don’t put your life on hold: Sure, it’s better to attend that big reunion, wedding, or other meaningful events when you are looking your best. But don’t make living life contingent upon fulfilling all of your goals. Keep striving toward achieving them, but enjoy your life in the meantime.
  • Consider the timing: Be conscious of the timing in which you want to exercise more self-control. If certain times of year are more challenging (i.e., for many, the holidays are not the best time to initiate health and fitness plans), focus on a more reasonable period.
  • Don’t beat yourself up for perceived failures and setbacks: As you are on your journey toward better control, there will be occasional setbacks. Do not conceive of them as failures that define your entire attempts at self-improvement. All of your hard work thus far is not defined by one set-back today. Forgive yourself and get back in the program.
  • Identify your short- and long-term goals— and be specific: Simply stating “ I’m going to be more disciplined in how I deal with my finances ,” or “ I’m going to become more fit ,” won’t cut it. You need to write out the specific goals along the way, and to display such goals in a place where you will see them each day— like on a big piece of paper in on your kitchen wall.
  • Choose goals that are right for you; don’t succumb to others’ expectations: How you achieve self-control benefits is dependent upon your personal goals, abilities, and motivation. Pick objectives that are meaningful to you.
  • Aim for realistic goals: A sure way to fail at achieving self-control objectives is by choosing unattainable goals. If you’ve never run before, a marathon probably is not in your near future. Realistic goals are essential to success.
  • Don’t overdo it: As you are enthusiastically plunging forward with your new self-control program, if you notice that it’s wearing you down or impeding other areas of your life, you may be overdoing it. It is important to check-in with yourself regularly to make sure all is on track.
  • Self-monitor your progress: Self-monitoring means keeping a consistent record of your progress. Psychologists often include self-monitoring as part of intervention programs, not only as a way to collect data; but also because it is related to improved compliance with program objectives. How you monitor your progress is up to you (i.e., could be on your phone, your computer, or a piece of paper), the important thing is that you do it.
  • Share your plan with a friend: By sharing your new self-control objectives with others, you will be more likely to stick with them.
  • Seek help as needed: If your plan is proving exceedingly tricky because something is blocking or sabotaging your progress, it may be time to ask for help from a friend or professional.
  • Be optimistic; picture your end goal: It seems obvious, but by always imagining yourself in a positive light and having an upbeat attitude, you will be more likely to succeed.
  • Take breaks: Sometimes, a new self-discipline approach can become overwhelming and will cause the person to feel deprived. By giving yourself reasonable breaks (i.e., a person trying to lose weight may allow one day a week in which the demands are less stringent), you will be less likely to give up altogether.
  • Practice self-care: While you may be doing great toward achieving your goals, remember to take care of yourself in other areas, so that you remain well-rounded and healthy.
  • Don’t create new problems: Becoming more disciplined should not involve unreasonably expensive programs, foods, practitioners, classes, etc. For example, individuals attempting to achieve New Year’s resolutions may eat all sorts of unhealthy foods during the holidays, only to be followed by overly expensive healthy foods after the new year (Pope, Hanks, & Just et al., 2014).
  • Reward yourself: Don’t forget to reward yourself along the way. Small, but meaningful, rewards help maintain motivation.
  • Identify positive role models: As you venture toward your objective, be aware of individuals who either inspire or sabotage your efforts by their behaviors. Stick with the first group.
  • Avoid distractions and temptations: Along with timing, efforts at self-control are enhanced when you are not subjected to conditions that interfere with your progress (i.e., a kitchen full of junk food will not help someone working toward healthy eating).
  • Adjust goals, but only as necessary: If you are finding that your original goals were either too hard to be realistically met or not challenging enough, it’s okay to adjust them.
  • Share your successes: As you find yourself doing well with your plan, share your progress with others who will be proud of you. This will enhance your self-esteem and continued motivation.
  • Be IN for the long-haul: Remember, becoming more self-disciplined may be a new mindset for you; and mindsets can be difficult to change. Changing our behaviors and expectations is always challenging, and rewards take time to realize. But if you stick with it, while also framing your goals as lifestyle (as opposed to temporary) changes, you will be more likely to see results.
You must adopt the sort of lifestyle changes you can maintain for as long as you live. The same is true with any change you are prepared to initiate. This isn’t a sprint but a marathon.

Kottler, J. (2012, p. 15).

a speech on self discipline

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While becoming more self-disciplined is not easy, it is manageable. After all, “ emotional self-control is the result of hard work, not an inherent skill ” (Travis Bradberry). This idea leads to some important takeaways:

  • Research indicates that improving self-control is 100% worth it. There are a myriad of benefits of self-control that cover multiple domains of functioning (i.e., fitness, diet, risky behaviors, school and career success, happiness, etc.). Moreover, the benefits of self-control are evident among all age-groups.
  • You do have control over your self-control— you were not born lacking in it, and thus you can change it.
  • Along with intervention research indicating that self-control programs have shown effectiveness, there are many specific ways in which you can improve your efforts at achieving more self-control (i.e., realistic goals, appropriate timing, regular self-monitoring, and meaningful rewards— among many others).
  • From a research standpoint, self-control is not exactly straightforward. Researchers need to investigate both further how self-control is measured and researched; while also addressing important moderators that affect its relationship to outcomes. In doing so, readers will better understand what is meant by ‘self-control’ and what can be done to increase it and reap the benefits.

Consumers have access to a vast amount of useful information when it comes to increasing self-control and realizing aspirations. If you, like so many of us, have a specific self-improvement goal in mind or would like to be more disciplined in general, you can do it. Once you gather as much information as possible and devise your strategy; be excited and positive about the future— for you are on your way toward a more disciplined and fulfilled life.

We hope you enjoyed reading this article. Don’t forget to download our three Self Compassion Exercises for free .

  • Brown, L. & Beckett, K. (2006). The role of the school district in student discipline: Building consensus in Cincinnati. The Urban Review, 38 , 235-256.
  • Connor B., Stein J., & Longshore D. (2009). Examining self-control as a multidimensional predictor of crime and drug use in adolescents with criminal histories. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research, 36 (2), 137-149.
  • Converse, P., Pathak, J., DePaul-Haddock, A., Gotlib, T., & Merbedone, M. (2012). Controlling your environment and yourself: Implications for career success. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 80 (1), 148-159.
  • Crescioni, A., Ehrlinger, J., Alquist, J., Conlon, K., Baumeister, R., Schatschneider, C., & Dutton, G. (2011). High trait self-control predicts positive health behaviors and success in weight loss. Journal of Health Psychology, 16 (5), 750-759.
  • de Ridder, D., Lensvelt-Mulders, G., Finkenauer, C., Stok, F., & Baumeister, R. (2012). Taking stock of self-control: A meta-analysis of how trait self-control relates to a wide range of behaviors. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 16 (1), 76-99.
  • Dennis Prager. Retrieved from https://www.brainyquote.com/search_results?q=self-control
  • Duckworth, A., & Gross, J. (2014). Self-control and grit: Related but separable determinants of success. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 23 (5), 319-325.
  • Duckworth, A., & Seligman, M. (2005). Self-discipline outdoes IQ in predicting academic performance of adolescents. Psychological Science, 16 (12), 939-944.
  • Duckworth, A., Tsukayama, E., & Geier, A. (2010). Self-controlled children stay leaner in the transition to adolescence. Appetite, 54 (2), 304-308.
  • Ford, J., & Blumenstein, L. (2012). Self-control and substance use among college students. Journal of Drug Issues, 43 (1), 56-68.
  • Francis L., & Susman E. (2009). Self-regulation and rapid weight gain in children from age 3 to 12 years. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 163 (4), 297-302.
  • Fred Rogers. Retrieved from https://www.brainyquote.com/search_results?q=self-control
  • Gailliot, M., & Baumeister, R. (2007). Self-regulation and sexual restraint: Dispositionally and temporarily poor self-regulatory abilities contribute to failures at restraining sexual behavior. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33 (2), 173-186.
  • Gibbs, J., Giever, D., & Martin, J. (1998). Parental management and self-control: An empirical test of Gottfredson and Hirschi’s General Theory. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 35 (1), 40-70.
  • Gottfredson, M. & Hirschi, T. (1990). A general theory of crime. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  • Grasmick, H., Tittle, C., Bursik, R., & Arneklev, B. (1993). Testing the core empirical implications of Gottfredson and Hirschi’s general theory of crime. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 30 , 5-29.
  • Hofmann, W., Luhmann, M., Fisher, R., Vohs, K. & Baumeister, R. (2014). Trait self‐control and well‐being. Journal of Personality, 82 , 265-277.
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Thanks, article is really informative. content is also rich and comprehensive it helps alot for beginer learner.


Nice research, it is quite useful and resourceful to me. Fine woman.


I work with children, the article is useful to me. Thank you


fab resources, love it currently working on self-discipline, brain power, resilience, values, strengths, compassion infact all the areas in the contents bar, thankyou!

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Parent's Academy › Parenting Tips › Coping Skills › How to Teach Kids Self-Discipline: 4 Easy Ways

How to Teach Kids Self-Discipline: 4 Easy Ways

SAHM Blogger, Masters in Psychology , Dallas , Texas

Feb 5, 2022 Self-discipline is a learned skill that develops with time. But there are certain things you can do as a parent to teach your child self-discipline early on.

The term ‘self-discipline’ is also referred to as self-control.  A self-disciplined individual needs to control or ignore his or her own impulses to meet an end goal .  In simple terms: we ignore strong impulses for something we want in order to get something we want more.   

For children, self-discipline is not trying to control their behavior.  It’s about teaching them to control their own behavior .  A child showing signs of self-discipline can do their homework, chores, and more without nagging or pressure to completing essential life tasks.  

Children who lack self-discipline will continue to lack this important skill in adulthood that can affect managing . . .

  • Employment ,
  • Finances , or
  • Household chores/responsibilities .

important skills in adulthood

To help you get a better perspective of what self-discipline looks like in children, here are some examples of self-discipline versus no self-discipline situations.

No self-discipline: A 4-year-old interrupts conversations because he cannot wait his turn to speak.

Self-discipline: A 4-year-old asks for help from an adult about a peer taking his toy instead of resorting to hitting his peer in retaliation.

No self-discipline : A 5-year-old keeps getting out of bed because she cannot tolerate boredom while trying to fall asleep.

Self-discipline: A 6-year-old finishes breakfast and leaves the table to dress for school o n his own initiative .

The skill of learning self-discipline or self-control is a life-long process.  Many adults still struggle with self-control with all or some aspects of their lives.  But if an adult can work on self-discipline skills, so can children.  If some adults struggle with self-discipline, don’t expect your child to learn it overnight.  Thankfully, there are ways to help your child develop self-discipline over time.  

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Ways to Encourage Self-discipline

1. practice self-discipline.

This is by far the easiest way to teach self-discipline to your child.  Simply model it yourself! Children learn by watching. Even when you think they are not paying attention, you’re being watched.  

If your child sees you model self-discipline by completing household chores before sitting down to watch a movie, he/she will learn over time the same discipline is expected of them.

2. Give consequences and rewards

Sometimes as parents we want to shelter our children from any unpleasant emotion or situation. But when we do that children don’t learn the consequences of their own actions. For example, if you do your child’s homework for them, he/she won’t learn . . .

  • The subject they are studying,
  • Feeling proud of themselves for learning and completing a new assignment, or
  • The consequence of failing if they don’t complete the assignment.

Instead of avoiding challenging situations, let your child fail at something to learn the consequence of their actions when they lack self-discipline.  Some refer to this as “tough love.”  While a child needs to learn what results from the lack of self-discipline, they also need rewards for their hard work!

a speech on self discipline

If you notice your child completing household tasks like getting dressed or brushing their teeth without asking, reward them with a compliment or even a weekly reward like staying up an hour past their bedtime to watch a movie.

3. Provide structure

Providing structure in a child’s life is a fundamental step in learning self-discipline. If your child follows a daily routine, then they know what you expect of them regarding responsibilities. A daily routine like eating breakfast, dressing, and brushing their teeth creates a structure for self-discipline tasks a child can eventually perform themselves. 

Structure and daily routines set a child up for success when it comes to self-discipline. Plus, a structured environment will allow a child to feel proud and accomplished for completing everyday tasks by themselves. This, in turn, creates a reward system of “feel good” emotions because of self-discipline.

4. Let them know it will be challenging

Children are fast learners! Yes, they will learn fast from consequences, but it’s also crucial to let them know the challenges of a situation. Have you ever met a difficult situation or task and wish someone would have warned you how hard it would be?  

By warning or telling your child the truth about a difficult situation or task, it mentally prepares them for the challenge ahead.  Let’s look at an example!

Example:   Your child wants to start swimming lessons. For swim lessons your child needs to show an incredible amount of self-discipline to keep going to lessons, learning new swim techniques, and learning challenging techniques like diving.  


This example takes dedication and self-discipline from your child.  But swimming is also a very challenging sport to learn more than “doggie paddling.”  To help your child mentally prepare themselves for the self-discipline they need to display, sit your child down, and have a conversation about the challenges and rewards of swimming lessons.

Along with letting your child know about the challenges of swimming lessons, you also need to tell him/her about the rewards too!  If you only tell him/her the challenges of a situation, it will make swimming lessons unappealing and your child might not want to participate anymore. But if you state the rewards they will get from swimming, it tells them how demonstrating self-discipline can be rewarding in life.

The Bottom Line

Self-discipline or self-control is something that comes with time.  Even some adults still struggle with it!  While it’s possible to teach self-discipline to your child, the concept develops slowly over time .  However, if you start teaching while he/she is young, your child can grow into a self-disciplined adult! This one ability can determine whether young children become successful people later in life.

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