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The Most Important Research Skills (With Examples)

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Research skills are the ability to find out accurate information on a topic. They include being able to determine the data you need, find and interpret those findings, and then explain that to others. Being able to do effective research is a beneficial skill in any profession, as data and research inform how businesses operate. Whether you’re unsure of your research skills or are looking for ways to further improve them, then this article will cover important research skills and how to become even better at research. Key Takeaways Having strong research skills can help you understand your competitors, develop new processes, and build your professional skills in addition to aiding you in finding new customers and saving your company money. Some of the most valuable research skills you can have include goal setting, data collection, and analyzing information from multiple sources. You can and should put your research skills on your resume and highlight them in your job interviews. In This Article    Skip to section What are research skills? Why are research skills important? 12 of the most important research skills How to improve your research skills Highlighting your research skills in a job interview How to include research skills on your resume Resume examples showcasing research skills Research skills FAQs References Sign Up For More Advice and Jobs Show More What are research skills?

Research skills are the necessary tools to be able to find, compile, and interpret information in order to answer a question. Of course, there are several aspects to this. Researchers typically have to decide how to go about researching a problem — which for most people is internet research.

In addition, you need to be able to interpret the reliability of a source, put the information you find together in an organized and logical way, and be able to present your findings to others. That means that they’re comprised of both hard skills — knowing your subject and what’s true and what isn’t — and soft skills. You need to be able to interpret sources and communicate clearly.

Why are research skills important?

Research skills are useful in any industry, and have applications in innovation, product development, competitor research, and many other areas. In addition, the skills used in researching aren’t only useful for research. Being able to interpret information is a necessary skill, as is being able to clearly explain your reasoning.

Research skills are used to:

Do competitor research. Knowing what your biggest competitors are up to is an essential part of any business. Researching what works for your competitors, what they’re doing better than you, and where you can improve your standing with the lowest resource expenditure are all essential if a company wants to remain functional.

Develop new processes and products. You don’t have to be involved in research and development to make improvements in how your team gets things done. Researching new processes that make your job (and those of your team) more efficient will be valued by any sensible employer.

Foster self-improvement. Folks who have a knack and passion for research are never content with doing things the same way they’ve always been done. Organizations need independent thinkers who will seek out their own answers and improve their skills as a matter of course. These employees will also pick up new technologies more easily.

Manage customer relationships. Being able to conduct research on your customer base is positively vital in virtually every industry. It’s hard to move products or sell services if you don’t know what people are interested in. Researching your customer base’s interests, needs, and pain points is a valuable responsibility.

Save money. Whether your company is launching a new product or just looking for ways to scale back its current spending, research is crucial for finding wasted resources and redirecting them to more deserving ends. Anyone who proactively researches ways that the company can save money will be highly appreciated by their employer.

Solve problems. Problem solving is a major part of a lot of careers, and research skills are instrumental in making sure your solution is effective. Finding out the cause of the problem and determining an effective solution both require accurate information, and research is the best way to obtain that — be it via the internet or by observation.

Determine reliable information. Being able to tell whether or not the information you receive seems accurate is a very valuable skill. While research skills won’t always guarantee that you’ll be able to tell the reliability of the information at first glance, it’ll prevent you from being too trusting. And it’ll give the tools to double-check .

12 of the most important research skills

Experienced researchers know that worthwhile investigation involves a variety of skills. Consider which research skills come naturally to you, and which you could work on more.

Data collection . When thinking about the research process, data collection is often the first thing that comes to mind. It is the nuts and bolts of research. How data is collected can be flexible.

For some purposes, simply gathering facts and information on the internet can fulfill your need. Others may require more direct and crowd-sourced research. Having experience in various methods of data collection can make your resume more impressive to recruiters.

Data collection methods include: Observation Interviews Questionnaires Experimentation Conducting focus groups

Analysis of information from different sources. Putting all your eggs in one source basket usually results in error and disappointment. One of the skills that good researchers always incorporate into their process is an abundance of sources. It’s also best practice to consider the reliability of these sources.

Are you reading about U.S. history on a conspiracy theorist’s blog post? Taking facts for a presentation from an anonymous Twitter account?

If you can’t determine the validity of the sources you’re using, it can compromise all of your research. That doesn’t mean just disregard anything on the internet but double-check your findings. In fact, quadruple-check. You can make your research even stronger by turning to references outside of the internet.

Examples of reliable information sources include: Published books Encyclopedias Magazines Databases Scholarly journals Newspapers Library catalogs

Finding information on the internet. While it can be beneficial to consulate alternative sources, strong internet research skills drive modern-day research.

One of the great things about the internet is how much information it contains, however, this comes with digging through a lot of garbage to get to the facts you need. The ability to efficiently use the vast database of knowledge that is on the internet without getting lost in the junk is very valuable to employers.

Internet research skills include: Source checking Searching relevant questions Exploring deeper than the first options Avoiding distraction Giving credit Organizing findings

Interviewing. Some research endeavors may require a more hands-on approach than just consulting internet sources. Being prepared with strong interviewing skills can be very helpful in the research process.

Interviews can be a useful research tactic to gain first-hand information and being able to manage a successful interview can greatly improve your research skills.

Interviewing skills involves: A plan of action Specific, pointed questions Respectfulness Considering the interview setting Actively Listening Taking notes Gratitude for participation

Report writing. Possessing skills in report writing can assist you in job and scholarly research. The overall purpose of a report in any context is to convey particular information to its audience.

Effective report writing is largely dependent on communication. Your boss, professor , or general reader should walk away completely understanding your findings and conclusions.

Report writing skills involve: Proper format Including a summary Focusing on your initial goal Creating an outline Proofreading Directness

Critical thinking. Critical thinking skills can aid you greatly throughout the research process, and as an employee in general. Critical thinking refers to your data analysis skills. When you’re in the throes of research, you need to be able to analyze your results and make logical decisions about your findings.

Critical thinking skills involve: Observation Analysis Assessing issues Problem-solving Creativity Communication

Planning and scheduling. Research is a work project like any other, and that means it requires a little forethought before starting. Creating a detailed outline map for the points you want to touch on in your research produces more organized results.

It also makes it much easier to manage your time. Planning and scheduling skills are important to employers because they indicate a prepared employee.

Planning and scheduling skills include: Setting objectives Identifying tasks Prioritizing Delegating if needed Vision Communication Clarity Time-management

Note-taking. Research involves sifting through and taking in lots of information. Taking exhaustive notes ensures that you will not neglect any findings later and allows you to communicate these results to your co-workers. Being able to take good notes helps summarize research.

Examples of note-taking skills include: Focus Organization Using short-hand Keeping your objective in mind Neatness Highlighting important points Reviewing notes afterward

Communication skills. Effective research requires being able to understand and process the information you receive, either written or spoken. That means that you need strong reading comprehension and writing skills — two major aspects of communication — as well as excellent listening skills.

Most research also involves showcasing your findings. This can be via a presentation. , report, chart, or Q&A. Whatever the case, you need to be able to communicate your findings in a way that educates your audience.

Communication skills include: Reading comprehension Writing Listening skills Presenting to an audience Creating graphs or charts Explaining in layman’s terms

Time management. We’re, unfortunately, only given 24 measly hours in a day. The ability to effectively manage this time is extremely powerful in a professional context. Hiring managers seek candidates who can accomplish goals in a given timeframe.

Strong time management skills mean that you can organize a plan for how to break down larger tasks in a project and complete them by a deadline. Developing your time management skills can greatly improve the productivity of your research.

Time management skills include: Scheduling Creating task outlines Strategic thinking Stress-management Delegation Communication Utilizing resources Setting realistic expectations Meeting deadlines

Using your network. While this doesn’t seem immediately relevant to research skills, remember that there are a lot of experts out there. Knowing what people’s areas of expertise and asking for help can be tremendously beneficial — especially if it’s a subject you’re unfamiliar with.

Your coworkers are going to have different areas of expertise than you do, and your network of people will as well. You may even know someone who knows someone who’s knowledgeable in the area you’re researching. Most people are happy to share their expertise, as it’s usually also an area of interest to them.

Networking involves: Remembering people’s areas of expertise Being willing to ask for help Communication Returning favors Making use of advice Asking for specific assistance

Attention to detail. Research is inherently precise. That means that you need to be attentive to the details, both in terms of the information you’re gathering, but also in where you got it from. Making errors in statistics can have a major impact on the interpretation of the data, not to mention that it’ll reflect poorly on you.

There are proper procedures for citing sources that you should follow. That means that your sources will be properly credited, preventing accusations of plagiarism. In addition, it means that others can make use of your research by returning to the original sources.

Attention to detail includes: Double checking statistics Taking notes Keeping track of your sources Staying organized Making sure graphs are accurate and representative Properly citing sources

How to improve your research skills

As with many professional skills, research skills serve us in our day to day life. Any time you search for information on the internet, you’re doing research. That means that you’re practicing it outside of work as well. If you want to continue improving your research skills, both for professional and personal use, here are some tips to try.

Differentiate between source quality. A researcher is only as good as their worst source. Start paying attention to the quality of the sources you use, and be suspicious of everything your read until you check out the attributions and works cited.

Be critical and ask yourself about the author’s bias, where the author’s research aligns with the larger body of verified research in the field, and what publication sponsored or published the research.

Use multiple resources. When you can verify information from a multitude of sources, it becomes more and more credible. To bolster your faith in one source, see if you can find another source that agrees with it.

Don’t fall victim to confirmation bias. Confirmation bias is when a researcher expects a certain outcome and then goes to find data that supports this hypothesis. It can even go so far as disregarding anything that challenges the researcher’s initial hunch. Be prepared for surprising answers and keep an open mind.

Be open to the idea that you might not find a definitive answer. It’s best to be honest and say that you found no definitive answer instead of just confirming what you think your boss or coworkers expect or want to hear. Experts and good researchers are willing to say that they don’t know.

Stay organized. Being able to cite sources accurately and present all your findings is just as important as conducting the research itself. Start practicing good organizational skills , both on your devices and for any physical products you’re using.

Get specific as you go. There’s nothing wrong with starting your research in a general way. After all, it’s important to become familiar with the terminology and basic gist of the researcher’s findings before you dig down into all the minutia.

Highlighting your research skills in a job interview

A job interview is itself a test of your research skills. You can expect questions on what you know about the company, the role, and your field or industry more generally. In order to give expert answers on all these topics, research is crucial.

Start by researching the company . Look into how they communicate with the public through social media, what their mission statement is, and how they describe their culture.

Pay close attention to the tone of their website. Is it hyper professional or more casual and fun-loving? All of these elements will help decide how best to sell yourself at the interview.

Next, research the role. Go beyond the job description and reach out to current employees working at your desired company and in your potential department. If you can find out what specific problems your future team is or will be facing, you’re sure to impress hiring managers and recruiters with your ability to research all the facts.

Finally, take time to research the job responsibilities you’re not as comfortable with. If you’re applying for a job that represents increased difficulty or entirely new tasks, it helps to come into the interview with at least a basic knowledge of what you’ll need to learn.

How to include research skills on your resume

Research projects require dedication. Being committed is a valuable skill for hiring managers. Whether you’ve had research experience throughout education or a former job, including it properly can boost the success of your resume .

Consider how extensive your research background is. If you’ve worked on multiple, in-depth research projects, it might be best to include it as its own section. If you have less research experience, include it in the skills section .

Focus on your specific role in the research, as opposed to just the research itself. Try to quantify accomplishments to the best of your abilities. If you were put in charge of competitor research, for example, list that as one of the tasks you had in your career.

If it was a particular project, such as tracking the sale of women’s clothing at a tee-shirt company, you can say that you “directed analysis into women’s clothing sales statistics for a market research project.”

Ascertain how directly research skills relate to the job you’re applying for. How strongly you highlight your research skills should depend on the nature of the job the resume is for. If research looks to be a strong component of it, then showcase all of your experience.

If research looks to be tangential, then be sure to mention it — it’s a valuable skill — but don’t put it front and center.

Resume examples showcasing research skills

Example #1: Academic Research

Simon Marks 767 Brighton Blvd. | Brooklyn, NY, 27368 | (683)-262-8883 | [email protected] Diligent and hardworking recent graduate seeking a position to develop professional experience and utilize research skills. B.A. in Biological Sciences from New York University. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Lixus Publishing , Brooklyn, NY Office Assistant- September 2018-present Scheduling and updating meetings Managing emails and phone calls Reading entries Worked on a science fiction campaign by researching target demographic Organizing calendars Promoted to office assistant after one year internship Mitch’s Burgers and Fries , Brooklyn, NY Restaurant Manager , June 2014-June 2018 Managed a team of five employees Responsible for coordinating the weekly schedule Hired and trained two employees Kept track of inventory Dealt with vendors Provided customer service Promoted to restaurant manager after two years as a waiter Awarded a $2.00/hr wage increase SKILLS Writing Scientific Research Data analysis Critical thinking Planning Communication RESEARCH Worked on an ecosystem biology project with responsibilities for algae collection and research (2019) Lead a group of freshmen in a research project looking into cell biology (2018) EDUCATION New York University Bachelors in Biological Sciences, September 2016-May 2020

Example #2: Professional Research

Angela Nichols 1111 Keller Dr. | San Francisco, CA | (663)-124-8827 |[email protected] Experienced and enthusiastic marketer with 7 years of professional experience. Seeking a position to apply my marketing and research knowledge. Skills in working on a team and flexibility. EXPERIENCE Apples amp; Oranges Marketing, San Francisco, CA Associate Marketer – April 2017-May 2020 Discuss marketing goals with clients Provide customer service Lead campaigns associated with women’s health Coordinating with a marketing team Quickly solving issues in service and managing conflict Awarded with two raises totaling $10,000 over three years Prestigious Marketing Company, San Francisco, CA Marketer – May 2014-April 2017 Working directly with clients Conducting market research into television streaming preferences Developing marketing campaigns related to television streaming services Report writing Analyzing campaign success statistics Promoted to Marketer from Junior Marketer after the first year Timberlake Public Relations, San Francisco, CA Public Relations Intern – September 2013–May 2014 Working cohesively with a large group of co-workers and supervisors Note-taking during meetings Running errands Managing email accounts Assisting in brainstorming Meeting work deadlines EDUCATION Golden Gate University, San Francisco, CA Bachelor of Arts in Marketing with a minor in Communications – September 2009 – May 2013 SKILLS Marketing Market research Record-keeping Teamwork Presentation. Flexibility

Research skills FAQs

What research skills are important?

Goal-setting and data collection are important research skills. Additional important research skills include:

Using different sources to analyze information.

Finding information on the internet.

Interviewing sources.

Writing reports.

Critical thinking.

Planning and scheduling.


Managing time.

How do you develop good research skills?

You develop good research skills by learning how to find information from multiple high-quality sources, by being wary of confirmation bias, and by starting broad and getting more specific as you go.

When you learn how to tell a reliable source from an unreliable one and get in the habit of finding multiple sources that back up a claim, you’ll have better quality research.

In addition, when you learn how to keep an open mind about what you’ll find, you’ll avoid falling into the trap of confirmation bias, and by staying organized and narrowing your focus as you go (rather than before you start), you’ll be able to gather quality information more efficiently.

What is the importance of research?

The importance of research is that it informs most decisions and strategies in a business. Whether it’s deciding which products to offer or creating a marketing strategy, research should be used in every part of a company.

Because of this, employers want employees who have strong research skills. They know that you’ll be able to put them to work bettering yourself and the organization as a whole.

Should you put research skills on your resume?

Yes, you should include research skills on your resume as they are an important professional skill. Where you include your research skills on your resume will depend on whether you have a lot of experience in research from a previous job or as part of getting your degree, or if you’ve just cultivated them on your own.

If your research skills are based on experience, you could put them down under the tasks you were expected to perform at the job in question. If not, then you should likely list it in your skills section.

University of the People – The Best Research Skills for Success

Association of Internet Research Specialists — What are Research Skills and Why Are They Important?

MasterClass — How to Improve Your Research Skills: 6 Research Tips

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Sky Ariella is a professional freelance writer, originally from New York. She has been featured on websites and online magazines covering topics in career, travel, and lifestyle. She received her BA in psychology from Hunter College.

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What are research skills?

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Broadly, it includes a range of talents required to:

Find useful information

Perform critical analysis

Form hypotheses

Solve problems

It also includes processes such as time management, communication, and reporting skills to achieve those ends.

Research requires a blend of conceptual and detail-oriented modes of thinking. It tests one's ability to transition between subjective motivations and objective assessments to ensure only correct data fits into a meaningfully useful framework.

As countless fields increasingly rely on data management and analysis, polishing your research skills is an important, near-universal way to improve your potential of getting hired and advancing in your career.

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What are basic research skills?

Almost any research involves some proportion of the following fundamental skills:



Investigation and analysis

Creative thinking

What are primary research skills?

The following are some of the most universally important research skills that will help you in a wide range of positions:

Time management — From planning and organization to task prioritization and deadline management, time-management skills are highly in-demand workplace skills.

Problem-solving — Identifying issues, their causes, and key solutions are another essential suite of research skills.

Critical thinking — The ability to make connections between data points with clear reasoning is essential to navigate data and extract what's useful towards the original objective.

Communication — In any collaborative environment, team-building and active listening will help researchers convey findings more effectively through data summarizations and report writing.

What are the most important skills in research?

Detail-oriented procedures are essential to research, which allow researchers and their audience to probe deeper into a subject and make connections they otherwise may have missed with generic overviews.

Maintaining priorities is also essential so that details fit within an overarching strategy. Lastly, decision-making is crucial because that's the only way research is translated into meaningful action.

Why are research skills important?

Good research skills are crucial to learning more about a subject, then using that knowledge to improve an organization's capabilities. Synthesizing that research and conveying it clearly is also important, as employees seek to share useful insights and inspire effective actions.

Effective research skills are essential for those seeking to:

Analyze their target market

Investigate industry trends

Identify customer needs

Detect obstacles

Find solutions to those obstacles

Develop new products or services

Develop new, adaptive ways to meet demands

Discover more efficient ways of acquiring or using resources

Why do we need research skills?

Businesses and individuals alike need research skills to clarify their role in the marketplace, which of course, requires clarity on the market in which they function in. High-quality research helps people stay better prepared for challenges by identifying key factors involved in their day-to-day operations, along with those that might play a significant role in future goals.

Benefits of having research skills

Research skills increase the effectiveness of any role that's dependent on information. Both individually and organization-wide, good research simplifies what can otherwise be unwieldy amounts of data. It can help maintain order by organizing information and improving efficiency, both of which set the stage for improved revenue growth.

Those with highly effective research skills can help reveal both:

Opportunities for improvement

Brand-new or previously unseen opportunities

Research skills can then help identify how to best take advantage of available opportunities. With today's increasingly data-driven economy, it will also increase your potential of getting hired and help position organizations as thought leaders in their marketplace.

Research skills examples

Being necessarily broad, research skills encompass many sub-categories of skillsets required to extrapolate meaning and direction from dense informational resources. Identifying, interpreting, and applying research are several such subcategories—but to be specific, workplaces of almost any type have some need of:

Searching for information

Attention to detail

Taking notes


Communicating results

Time management

How to improve your research skills

Whether your research goals are to learn more about a subject or enhance workflows, you can improve research skills with this failsafe, four-step strategy:

Make an outline, and set your intention(s)

Know your sources

Learn to use advanced search techniques

Practice, practice, practice (and don't be afraid to adjust your approach)

These steps could manifest themselves in many ways, but what's most important is that it results in measurable progress toward the original goals that compelled you to research a subject.

Using research skills at work

Different research skills will be emphasized over others, depending on the nature of your trade. To use research most effectively, concentrate on improving research skills most relevant to your position—or, if working solo, the skills most likely have the strongest impact on your goals.

You might divide the necessary research skills into categories for short, medium, and long-term goals or according to each activity your position requires. That way, when a challenge arises in your workflow, it's clearer which specific research skill requires dedicated attention.

How can I learn research skills?

Learning research skills can be done with a simple three-point framework:

Clarify the objective — Before delving into potentially overwhelming amounts of data, take a moment to define the purpose of your research. If at any point you lose sight of the original objective, take another moment to ask how you could adjust your approach to better fit the original objective.

Scrutinize sources — Cross-reference data with other sources, paying close attention to each author's credentials and motivations.

Organize research — Establish and continually refine a data-organization system that works for you. This could be an index of resources or compiling data under different categories designed for easy access.

Which careers require research skills?

Especially in today's world, most careers require some, if not extensive, research. Developers, marketers, and others dealing in primarily digital properties especially require extensive research skills—but it's just as important in building and manufacturing industries, where research is crucial to construct products correctly and safely.

Engineering, legal, medical, and literally any other specialized field will require excellent research skills. Truly, almost any career path will involve some level of research skills; and even those requiring only minimal research skills will at least require research to find and compare open positions in the first place.

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What are Research Skills and why are they important?

Internet research skills

Most jobs actually require some level of problem-solving. You may come across an impediment and come up with a question that you must answer in order to proceed. To answer this question, you will almost certainly need to conduct some research. People with research skills can identify a problem, gather informational resources that can help address the problem, assess the quality and relevance of these resources, and come up with an effective solution to the problem.

By the way, to diversify your research paper process you can find unique research paper topics .

What is Research?

Internet Research is the practice of conducting research using Internet information, particularly free information on Internet-based educational resources (such as Internet discussion forums).

Simply put, research is the process of discovering new knowledge. This knowledge can be either the development of new concepts or the advancement of existing knowledge and theories, leading to a new understanding that was not previously known.

In fact, almost every profession or job necessitates some level of research and research skills. As long as you encounter a question, which is a natural occurrence in almost everything, you should encounter an opportunity to conduct research. When there is a need for research, strong research skills come in handy.

What are Research Skills?

Research skills enable you to focus on a specific goal, gather relevant information, and communicate your findings to others. We are taught from a young age to develop research skills, and for good reason.

Teachers in academia required answers to a series of topic-related questions in an essay. Similarly, your boss may eventually request that you investigate a work-related topic or figure out how to solve a problem.

Why are Research Skills Important?

Research skills are important in the workplace for a variety of reasons, including the ability for individuals and businesses to:

  • Develop new processes and outcomes. You don't have to be involved in research and development to improve the way your team works. Any sensible employer will value your efforts in researching new processes that will make your job (and those of your team) more efficient.
  • Personal Growth. People who have a knack and a passion for research are never satisfied with doing things the same way they've always done them. Organizations require independent thinkers who will seek their own answers and continually improve their skills. These employees will also learn new technologies more quickly.
  • Customer relationship management. In almost every industry, being able to conduct research on your customer base is critical. It's difficult to move products or sell services if you don't know what people want. It is a valuable responsibility to research your customer base's interests, needs, and pain points.
  • Cost Effective. Whether your organization is launching a new product or simply trying to cut costs, research is critical for identifying wasted resources and redirecting them to more worthy causes. Anyone who goes out of their way to find ways for the company to save money will be praised by their boss.
  • Competitor Analysis. Knowing what your top competitors are up to is crucial for any company. If a company wants to stay functioning, it must research what works for its competitors, what they do better than you, and where it may improve its standing with the least amount of resources.

Types of Research Skills

Experienced researchers understand that conducting a worthwhile investigation necessitates a wide range of abilities. Consider which research abilities you have naturally and which you could improve.

Goal Setting

You must first know what you're looking for before you can conduct any form of productive research. Setting goals is a skill just like any other. It will be lot easier to construct a path there if you can imagine the conclusion you're aiming to attain by investing effort into research. Goal-setting skills include:

  • Specificity
  • Time-Management
  • Planning ahead
  • Organization
  • Accountable

Data Collection

The collection of data is often the first thing to remember when thinking about the research process. It is a systematic process to collect and measure information on variables of interest that allows one to respond to research questions, to test hypothesis and to assess results.

Simply collecting facts and information on the internet can meet your needs for some purposes. More direct and popular research may be needed by others. You will be more impressive with your experience in different methods of data collection. Methods of data collection are:

  • Questionnaires and surveys
  • Observations
  • Documents and records
  • Focus groups
  • Oral histories

Evaluate and Analyze Information and Sources

In research, it is important to find reliable information suitable for your task. Some tasks may require the use of certain types of sources, such as primary or secondary sources or certain types of journals, like scientific journals. You may need to restrict the numbers sources you use for other assignments.

In all cases, the information contained in your assignments should always be assessed. Knowing how to assess information helps you with research tasks and with your life's bigger decisions. Knowing where to go for information that is relevant, credible, and accurate can assist you in making informed decisions about graduate school, a new car purchase, financial aid opportunities, daycare options, and other topics.

  • Published books
  • Encyclopedias
  • Scholarly journals
  • Library catalogs

Using the internet to gather information

Search engines are used to find the majority of information on the Internet. A search engine is an online service that employs web robots to query millions of web pages and compile an index of the results. Internet users can then utilize these services to search the web for information. While it is beneficial to consult different sources, today's research is driven by good online research skills.

One of the greatest things about the internet is how much information it holds; unfortunately, getting to the data you need requires sifting through a lot of rubbish. Employers value the ability to efficiently utilise the large reservoir of knowledge available on the internet without getting lost in the clutter. The following are some examples of internet research skills:

  • Source checking
  • Searching relevant questions
  • Exploring deeper than the first options
  • Avoiding distraction
  • Giving credit
  • Organizing findings

Due to the sheer size of the World Wide Web, and with the rapid growth of indexed web pages, finding relevant and reliable information demands specialized training and Internet research skills . We provide a centralized virtual platform for knowledge professionals that use the Internet as a primary source of information. This AofIRS is more than just a virtual collaboration and networking platform for researchers and knowledge professionals. The website is filled with free, up-to-date content and reference material that is ideal for research.


Some research projects may demand a more hands-on approach than relying just on online resources. In the research process, being prepared with great interviewing skills can be really beneficial. Interviews can be a good way to get first-hand knowledge for your research, and knowing how to conduct an effective interview can help you improve your research skills. Interviewing abilities include:

  • A plan of action
  • Specific, pointed questions
  • Respectfulness
  • Considering the interview setting
  • Actively Listening
  • Taking notes

Report Writing

Report writing skills can help you in both your employment and your academic studies. In any case, the overall goal of a report is to transmit specific facts to its audience.

Communication is crucial for effective report writing. Your supervisor, professor, or general reader should comprehend your findings and conclusions clearly. Skills in report writing include:

  • Formatting is important.
  • Including a synopsis
  • Keeping your focus on your main goal
  • Developing a plan
  • Proofreading\sDirectness

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking skills can help you a lot in the research process and in general as an employee. Your data analysis skills are referred to as critical thinking. When you're conducting research, you'll need to be able to interpret your findings and make rational judgments based on them. The following are examples of critical thinking skills:

  • Observation
  • Assessing issues
  • Problem-solving
  • Communication

Planning and Scheduling 

The development of baseline productivity and success standards is one of the most significant components of planning and scheduling. You won't know if you're meeting goals until you have a particular strategy in place with a specific desired outcome defined by a completion date.

It also makes time management considerably easy. Employers value planning and scheduling abilities because they suggest a well-prepared employee. Skills in planning and scheduling include:

  • Setting objectives
  • Identifying tasks
  • Prioritizing
  • Delegating if needed
  • Time-management


Research involves sifting through and taking in lots of information. Taking thorough notes ensures that you do not overlook any findings and allows you to communicate these findings to your coworkers. Being able to take good notes aids in the summarization of research. Here are some examples of note-taking abilities:

  • Using short-hand
  • Keeping your goal in mind
  • Emphasizing important points
  • Reviewing notes afterward

Time Management

Unfortunately, we only have 24 measly hours in a day. In a professional setting, the ability to effectively manage this time is extremely valuable. Hiring managers look for candidates who can complete tasks within a specific time frame.

Strong time management skills imply that you can organize a strategy for breaking down larger tasks in a project and completing them by a deadline. Improving your time management skills can significantly boost the productivity of your research. Time management abilities include the following:

  • Creating task outlines
  • Thinking strategically
  • Stress-management
  • Utilizing resources
  • Setting reasonable expectations
  • Meeting deadlines

Other Helpful Research Skills

The definition of research skills is broad, and there are many traits that could help you in the research process. Consider some of the additional research skills below.

  • Attention to detail
  • Reading and writing skills
  • Considering keywords
  • Competitor comparison
  • Multitasking
  • Summarization
  • Presentation

How to Improve Your Research Skills

The great thing about research skills is that many of us use them on a daily basis. When you use a search engine to find information on a topic, you are conducting research. However, there are more proactive ways to begin improving your research skills today:

  • Make a distinction between source quality. A researcher's worst source determines how good they are. Start paying attention to the quality of the sources you're using, and be wary of anything you read until you've double-checked the attributions and works cited. Examine the author's bias, the author's research's alignment with the greater body of confirmed research in the subject, and the journal that sponsored or published the research.
  • Verify information from several sources. It gets increasingly trustworthy when you can verify information from a variety of sources. If you want to strengthen your belief in one source, check if you can locate another that agrees with it. When you run into contradictions and conflicts in your study, you know you need to keep going until you reach a more definitive conclusion.
  • Don't be influenced by confirmation bias. Confirmation bias occurs when a researcher expects a specific result and then searches for data to support that hypothesis, ignoring any sources that contradict or invalidate the researcher's initial idea. Be ready for unexpected responses and keep an open mind. Also, keep in mind that you might not be able to discover a definitive answer. It's preferable to provide the important points of your research to someone (such as your employer) and explain that it didn't lead to a concrete plan of action than to alter your data and give the answer you or your boss want to hear.
  • Stay organized. You'll encounter a lot of material during the data gathering process, from webpages to PDFs to videos. To avoid losing something or not being able to properly mention something, it's critical that you maintain all of this information organized in some way. There are numerous methods for keeping your research project structured, but here are a few of the most common: Bookmarks in your browser, index cards, and an annotated bibliography that you update as you go are all useful tools.
  • Develop your research skills. Professional certification will help you improve your research skills. CIRS™ (Certified Internet Research Specialist), is by far the only professional credential that meets this challenge. Professional researchers owe it to themselves to seek structured certification programs and stay in touch with new materials and tools that are available to transform research problems from very difficult or impossible to quick and simple tasks. We have developed a CIRS Certification (Certified Internet Research Specialist) to educate and train Online Researchers that now form a significantly large group of people involved in digital information research work.
  • Get specific as you go. There's nothing wrong with commencing your investigation in a broad sense. After all, it's critical to become acquainted with the vocabulary and substance of the researcher's results before delving into the details. Orienting yourself to a new topic is an important step that will prevent you from being discouraged and working backwards.
  • Learn how to spot a reliable source. Because not all sources are trustworthy, it's critical to be able to distinguish between the good and the bad. To find a trustworthy source, utilize your critical thinking and analytical skills to ask yourself the following questions: Is this source consistent with other sources I've discovered? Is the author a subject matter expert? Is there a conflict of interest in the author's point of view on this subject?

If you're ready to conduct research to enhance your search efforts, the following resources will be useful:

  • Educational Search Engines for Students
  • Top 100  Academic Search Engines
  • 3 ways to help students do efficient online research

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  • SEP 20 CIRS Certification Internet Research Training Program Live Classes Online

World's leading professional association of Internet Research Specialists - We deliver Knowledge, Education, Training, and Certification in the field of Professional Online Research. The AOFIRS is considered a major contributor in improving Web Search Skills and recognizes Online Research work as a full-time occupation for those that use the Internet as their primary source of information.

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Research Skills: What they are and Benefits

research skills

Research skills play a vital role in the success of any research project, enabling individuals to navigate the vast sea of information, analyze data critically, and draw meaningful conclusions. Whether conducting academic research, professional investigations, or personal inquiries, strong research skills are essential for obtaining accurate and reliable results.

LEARN ABOUT:   Research Process Steps

By understanding and developing these skills, individuals can embark on their research endeavors with confidence, integrity, and the capability to make meaningful contributions in their chosen fields. This article will explore the importance of research skills and discuss critical competencies necessary for conducting a research project effectively.

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What are Research Skills?

Important research skills for research project, benefits of research skills.

  • Improving your Research Skills

Talk to Experts to Improve Skills

Research skills are the capability a person carries to create new concepts and understand the use of data collection. These skills include techniques, documentation, and interpretation of the collected data. Research is conducted to evaluate hypotheses and share the findings most appropriately. Research skills improve as we gain experience.

To conduct efficient research, specific research skills are essential. These skills are necessary for companies to develop new products and services or enhance existing products. To develop good research skills is important for both the individual as well as the company.

When undertaking a research project, one must possess specific important skills to ensure the project’s success and accuracy. Here are some essential research skills that are crucial for conducting a project effectively:

Time Management Skills:

Time management is an essential research skill; it helps you break down your project into parts and enables you to manage it easier. One can create a dead-line oriented plan for the research project and assign time for each task. Time management skills include setting goals for the project, planning and organizing functions as per their priority, and efficiently delegating these tasks.

Communication Skills:

These skills help you understand and receive important information and also allow you to share your findings with others in an effective manner. Active listening and speaking are critical skills for solid communication. A researcher must have good communication skills.


The ability to handle complex situations and business challenges and come up with solutions for them is termed problem-solving. To problem-solve, you should be able to fully understand the extent of the problem and then break it down into smaller parts. Once segregated into smaller chunks, you can start thinking about each element and analyze it to find a solution.

Information gathering and attention to detail:

Relevant information is the key to good research design . Searching for credible resources and collecting information from there will help you strengthen your research proposal and drive you to solutions faster. Once you have access to information, paying close attention to all the details and drawing conclusions based on the findings is essential.

Research Design and Methodology :

Understanding research design and methodology is essential for planning and conducting a project. Depending on the research question and objectives, researchers must select appropriate research methods, such as surveys, experiments, interviews, or case studies. Proficiency in designing research protocols, data collection instruments, and sampling strategies is crucial for obtaining reliable and valid results.

Data Collection and Analysis :

Researchers should be skilled in collecting and analyzing data accurately. It involves designing data collection instruments, collecting data through various methods, such as surveys or observations, and organizing and analyzing the collected data using appropriate statistical or qualitative analysis techniques. Proficiency in using software tools like SPSS, Excel, or qualitative analysis software can be beneficial.

By developing and strengthening these research skills, researchers can enhance the quality and impact of their research process, contributing to good research skills in their respective fields.

Research skills are invaluable assets that can benefit individuals in various aspects of their lives. Here are some key benefits of developing and honing research skills:

Boosts Curiosity :

Curiosity is a strong desire to know things and a powerful learning driver. Curious researchers will naturally ask questions that demand answers and will stop in the search for answers. Interested people are better listeners and are open to listening to other people’s ideas and perspectives, not just their own.

Cultivates Self-awareness :

As well as being aware of other people’s subjective opinions, one must develop the importance of research skills and be mindful of the benefits of awareness research; we are exposed to many things while researching. Once we start doing research, the benefit from it reflects on the beliefs and attitudes and encourages them to open their minds to other perspectives and ways of looking at things.

Effective Communication:

Research skills contribute to practical communication skills by enhancing one’s ability to articulate ideas, opinions, and findings clearly and coherently. Through research, individuals learn to organize their thoughts, present evidence-based arguments, and effectively convey complex information to different audiences. These skills are crucial in academic research settings, professional environments, and personal interactions.

Personal and Professional Growth :

Developing research skills fosters personal and professional growth by instilling a sense of curiosity, intellectual independence, and a lifelong learning mindset. Research encourages individuals to seek knowledge, challenge assumptions, and embrace intellectual growth. These skills also enhance adaptability as individuals become adept at navigating and assimilating new information, staying updated with the latest developments, and adjusting their perspectives and strategies accordingly.

Academic Success:

Research skills are essential for academic research success. They enable students to conduct thorough literature reviews, gather evidence to support their arguments, and critically evaluate existing research. By honing their research skills, students can produce well-structured, evidence-based essays, projects, and dissertations demonstrating high academic research rigor and analytical thinking.

Professional Advancement:

Research skills are highly valued in the professional world. They are crucial for conducting market research, analyzing trends, identifying opportunities, and making data-driven decisions. Employers appreciate individuals who can effectively gather and analyze information, solve complex problems, and provide evidence-based recommendations. Research skills also enable professionals to stay updated with advancements in their field, positioning themselves as knowledgeable and competent experts.

Developing and nurturing research skills can significantly benefit individuals in numerous aspects of their lives, enabling them to thrive in an increasingly information-driven world.

Improving Your Research Skills

There are many things you can do to improve your research skills and utilize them in your research or day job. Here are some examples:

  • Develop Information Literacy: Strengthening your information literacy skills is crucial for conducting thorough research. It involves identifying reliable sources, evaluating the credibility of information, and navigating different research databases.
  • Enhance Critical Thinking: Critical thinking is an essential skill for effective research. It involves analyzing information, questioning assumptions, and evaluating arguments. Practice critical analysis by analyzing thoughtfully, identifying biases, and considering alternative perspectives.
  • Master Research Methodologies: Familiarize yourself with different research methodologies relevant to your field. Whether it’s qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods research, realizing the strengths and limitations of each approach is crucial.
  • Practice Effective Time Management: Research requires dedicated time and effort. Develop good time management skills to ensure that you allocate sufficient time for each stage of the research process, including planning, data collection, analysis, and writing.
  • Embrace Collaboration: Collaborating with peers and colleagues can provide a fresh perspective and enrich your research experience. Engage in discussions, share ideas, and seek feedback from others. Collaborative projects allow for exchanging knowledge and skills.
  • Continuously Update Your Knowledge: Stay informed about your field’s latest developments and advancements. Regularly read scholarly articles, attend conferences, and follow reputable sources of information to stay up to date with current research trends.

There is plenty of information available on the internet about every topic; hence, learning skills to know which information is relevant and credible is very important. Today most search engines have the feature of advanced search, and you can customize the search as per your preference. Once you learn this skill, it will help you find information. 

Experts possess a wealth of knowledge, experience, and insights that can significantly enhance your understanding and abilities in conducting research. Experts have often encountered numerous challenges and hurdles throughout their research journey and have developed effective problem-solving techniques. Engaging with experts is a highly effective approach to improving research skills.

Moreover, experts can provide valuable feedback and constructive criticism on your research work. They can offer fresh perspectives, identify areas for improvement, and help you refine your research questions, methodology, and analysis.

At QuestionPro, we can help you with the necessary tools to carry out your projects, and we have created the following free resources to help you in your professional growth:

  • Survey Templates

Research skills are invaluable assets that empower individuals to navigate the ever-expanding realm of information, make informed decisions, and contribute to advancing knowledge. With advanced research tools and technologies like QuestionPro Survey Software, researchers have potent resources to conduct comprehensive surveys, gather data, and analyze results efficiently.

Where data-driven decision-making is crucial, research skills supported by advanced tools like QuestionPro are essential for researchers to stay ahead and make impactful contributions to their fields. By embracing these research skills and leveraging the capabilities of powerful survey software, researchers can unlock new possibilities, gain deeper insights, and pave the way for meaningful discoveries.

Authors : Gargi Ghamandi & Sandeep Kokane



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10 Research Skills and How To Develop Them

research skills

  • Updated December 25, 2023
  • Published August 8, 2023

Are you looking to learn more about Research skills? In this article, we discuss Research skills in more detail and give you tips about how you can develop and improve them.

What are Research skills?

Research skills refer to the ability to effectively and efficiently gather, analyze, and synthesize information to answer questions, solve problems, or contribute to a body of knowledge. These skills are essential for various fields and disciplines, ranging from academic and scientific research to business, journalism, and beyond. Effective research skills involve several key components:

Information Retrieval

Source evaluation.

  • Critical Thinking

Data Analysis

Problem formulation, organization and note-taking, synthesis and writing, ethical considerations, time management.

  • Adaptability

Top 10 Research Skills

Below we discuss the top 10 Research skills. Each skill is discussed in more detail, and we will also give you tips on improving them.

Information Retrieval is all about mastering the art of finding relevant and credible sources of information to support your research goals. This skill involves using various online and offline tools to locate the data, articles, studies, and materials that are most pertinent to your research topic. It’s like being a detective for knowledge – you’re trying to uncover valuable insights that will contribute to your research project.

To excel in Information Retrieval, you must become adept at effectively using search engines, databases, libraries, and other resources. It’s not just about typing keywords into a search bar; it’s about understanding how to refine your searches, use advanced search operators, and explore different databases and sources.

You’ll need to evaluate the quality and reliability of sources to ensure that the information you gather is trustworthy and accurate. This skill also requires critical thinking, as you’ll need to assess the relevance of sources to your research objectives.

How to Improve Information Retrieval

Improving your Information Retrieval skills involves a combination of practice, strategy, and awareness. Start by familiarizing yourself with different research databases and libraries relevant to your field. Experiment with various search terms and use advanced search operators to narrow down results. Take the time to evaluate the credibility of sources – look for peer-reviewed articles, authoritative authors, and reliable institutions. Keep track of your searches and results to refine your strategies over time.

Stay updated with the latest developments in search technology and research databases to optimize your information retrieval process. Remember, the more you practice and fine-tune your approach, the better you’ll become at uncovering valuable gems of information for your research endeavors.

Source Evaluation is about becoming a discerning judge of the information you encounter during your research journey. It involves assessing the credibility, reliability, and relevance of the sources you come across, ensuring that you’re building your work on a foundation of trustworthy and accurate information. Think of yourself as a gatekeeper, using only the most reliable and relevant sources to support your research.

You need to develop a critical eye to enhance your Source Evaluation skills. Begin by examining the authorship – who wrote the source, and what are their credentials? Peer-reviewed articles from established researchers are more reliable than anonymous blog posts. Consider the publication source – is it a reputable journal or website in your field?

Next, look for citations and references within the source – a well-researched work will often cite other credible sources. Additionally, evaluate the publication date – while older sources can provide historical context, ensure you’re using recent information for up-to-date insights.

How to Improve Source Evaluation

Improving your Source Evaluation skills requires a combination of awareness and practice. As you encounter new sources, ask questions about their credibility and relevance. Do evidence and references support the information? Does the author have any potential biases? Take advantage of critical thinking to analyze the source’s overall quality.

To further refine your skills, seek guidance from mentors, professors, or librarians who can provide valuable insights into evaluating sources. The more you engage with this skill, the better you’ll become at building a solid foundation for your research with credible and reliable materials.

Critical Thinking is the intellectual toolset that empowers you to analyze information objectively, discern patterns, and draw well-informed conclusions based on evidence. It’s like being a detective for ideas – you sift through data, identify biases, and unravel complexities to make informed judgments that drive your research forward with clarity and precision.

To hone your Critical Thinking skills, you need to cultivate a curious and analytical mindset. Start by questioning assumptions and biases in both your own thinking and the information you encounter.

When evaluating sources, consider multiple viewpoints and sources of evidence before forming conclusions. Develop the ability to identify logical fallacies or weak arguments that may distort the validity of your findings. Embrace open-mindedness and be willing to adapt your ideas when faced with compelling evidence that challenges your initial perspective.

How to Improve Critical Thinking

Improving your Critical Thinking skills requires practice and deliberate effort. Engage in discussions and debates within your field and beyond to expose yourself to diverse perspectives and sharpen your ability to analyze complex issues. Regularly challenge yourself to critically evaluate information, whether it’s a news article, a research paper, or a colleague’s argument.

Seek feedback from mentors or peers to refine your critical thinking process and identify areas for improvement. Remember, Critical Thinking is an ongoing journey that can be developed over time – the more you engage with it, the more adept you’ll become at navigating the intricate landscape of ideas in your research endeavors.

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Data Analysis is the art of processing, interpreting, and extracting meaningful insights from the raw information you’ve collected during your research journey. Think of it as deciphering a puzzle – you’re transforming numbers, observations, or qualitative data into a coherent narrative that answers your research questions and adds value to your work.

To excel in Data Analysis, you need to develop both quantitative and qualitative skills. For quantitative data, embrace statistical tools and techniques that help you identify trends, correlations, and patterns in your data sets. Practice using software like Excel, SPSS, or specialized tools for your field to perform statistical tests and visualize results effectively. For qualitative data, immerse yourself in the details, coding and categorizing themes to distill rich insights from textual or visual sources.

How to Improve Data Analysis

Improving your Data Analysis skills involves a combination of practice, learning, and refining your techniques. Start by immersing yourself in the basics of statistics and data analysis methodologies relevant to your research field. Engage in tutorials and online courses to familiarize yourself with various tools and software. As you analyze data, maintain clear documentation of your process and decisions, which will be crucial when presenting your findings.

Collaborate with peers or mentors who are experienced in data analysis to gain insights and feedback on your techniques. Remember, Data Analysis is about transforming data into knowledge – the more you engage with this skill, the better you’ll become at uncovering valuable insights that contribute to the depth and impact of your research.

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Problem Formulation is like setting the compass for your research journey – it involves defining clear and focused research questions or hypotheses that guide your entire investigation. Consider it the foundation of your work, as it shapes your approach, methods, and the ultimate impact of your research.

To master Problem Formulation, you need to become skilled in asking the right questions. Begin by thoroughly understanding the topic you’re exploring. What gaps or uncertainties do you notice in the existing knowledge? What specific aspect of the topic piques your interest? Craft research questions that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

If you’re developing hypotheses, ensure they are testable and grounded in existing theories or observations. Your skills in Problem Formulation also extend to identifying the scope and boundaries of your research – understanding what you’re including and excluding from your study.

How to Improve Problem Formulation

Improving your Problem Formulation skills requires practice and iterative refinement. Start by conducting a comprehensive literature review to understand the existing research landscape in your area. This will help you identify potential gaps and formulate questions that build upon existing knowledge.

Discuss with peers, mentors, or experts in your field to gain different perspectives and insights into potential research problems. As you develop your skills, be open to revising and refining your research questions based on new information or insights. Remember, Problem Formulation is the compass that guides your research journey – the more you invest in crafting clear and well-defined questions, the more impactful and focused your research will be.

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Imagine these skills as your research toolkit for maintaining order amidst the vast sea of information you encounter. Organization involves structuring and managing your research materials, while Note-Taking ensures you capture valuable insights and details for future reference. Together, they help you stay on track and prevent valuable information from slipping through the cracks.

To excel in Organization and Note-Taking, you need to develop strategies that work best for you. Start by creating a systematic folder structure on your computer to store digital documents, articles, and data sets. For physical materials, consider using labeled folders or binders. As you gather information, employ tools like reference management software to keep track of your sources and generate citations efficiently.

Simultaneously, practice effective Note-Taking during your readings and research. Jot down key points, ideas, and relevant quotes in a structured format, whether you’re using a physical notebook or a digital note-taking app.

How to Improve Organization and Note-Taking

Improving your Organization and Note-Taking skills requires a mix of discipline and adaptability. Establish consistent routines for organizing research materials, updating folders, and managing citations. Regularly review and reorganize your notes to keep them relevant and accessible. Experiment with different note-taking techniques, such as outlining, summarizing, or mind mapping, to find the approach that aligns with your learning style.

Remember, Organization and Note-Taking are your allies in navigating the sea of information – the more you refine these skills, the smoother your research journey will become and the more confident you’ll be in tackling complex topics.

Synthesis and Writing are your means of weaving together the threads of information and insights you’ve collected into a coherent and impactful narrative. Think of it as crafting a masterpiece from the puzzle pieces of your research – you’re presenting your findings, analysis, and conclusions in a way that informs and engages your audience.

To excel in Synthesis and Writing, you must become a data and idea storyteller. Begin by outlining your research paper or report. Organize your findings logically, building a structured framework that guides your reader through your research journey. Ensure each section flows smoothly, connecting the dots between concepts and evidence. While writing, focus on clarity and conciseness – avoid jargon and convoluted language that may confuse your readers. Use effective transitions to guide them from one point to the next.

How to Improve Synthesis and Writing

Improving your Synthesis and Writing skills requires both practice and revision. Start by breaking down the writing process into manageable steps – drafting, revising, and editing. Give yourself time between drafting and revising to approach your work with fresh eyes. Critically evaluate your writing for clarity, coherence, and accuracy during revision.

Consider seeking feedback from peers, mentors, or writing centers to gain insights into improving your writing style. Study well-written papers in your field to observe how experienced researchers present their ideas effectively. Remember, Synthesis and Writing are your tools for communicating your research’s impact – the more you refine these skills, the more effectively you’ll share your discoveries and contribute to the body of knowledge in your field.

Ethical Considerations encompass the principles and guidelines that ensure your research is conducted with integrity, respect for participants’ rights, and a commitment to transparency. Think of it as the moral compass that guides your research journey, ensuring that your work upholds ethical standards and contributes positively to society.

To excel in Ethical Considerations, you need to become a guardian of ethical integrity in your research. Begin by understanding the ethical guidelines and regulations specific to your field and your research type. This involves respecting participants’ autonomy by obtaining informed consent, protecting their privacy and confidentiality, and ensuring they’re treated with dignity. Additionally, uphold intellectual honesty by properly attributing sources, avoiding plagiarism, and disclosing any potential conflicts of interest.

How to Improve Ethical Considerations

Improving your Ethical Considerations skills involves a combination of awareness and vigilance. Regularly educate yourself on the ethical codes and regulations relevant to your field and research methods. When designing your research, carefully plan how you will address ethical concerns and potential risks.

As you conduct your research, stay attuned to any ethical dilemmas that may arise and be prepared to address them appropriately. Remember, Ethical Considerations are at the heart of responsible research – the more you cultivate these skills, the more your work will contribute positively to both your field and society as a whole.

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Time Management involves the art of effectively allocating your time to different research tasks, ensuring that you meet deadlines, stay on track, and maintain a balanced workflow. Think of it as your compass for navigating the often-intricate landscape of research – it helps you stay organized, productive, and in control of your research journey.

To excel in Time Management, you need to become a master of planning and prioritization. Start by breaking down your research project into manageable tasks and setting realistic goals for each stage. Create a schedule that allocates research, data collection, analysis, writing, and revision time. Be mindful of your energy levels – tackle complex tasks during your most productive hours. Embrace tools like to-do lists, calendars, and time-tracking apps to keep yourself accountable and stay aware of your progress.

How to Improve Time Management

Improving your Time Management skills requires consistent practice and self-awareness. Continuously assess your progress against your planned schedule, adjusting as needed to accommodate unexpected challenges or new insights. Develop the skill of saying no to distractions and non-essential tasks that can derail your focus.

Break larger tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks to prevent feeling overwhelmed. Regularly reflect on your time allocation and efficiency – what strategies are working well, and where can you improve? Remember, Time Management is a skill that can significantly impact your research journey – the more you refine it, the more you’ll find yourself navigating your work with greater ease and achieving your research goals with greater success.

Related :  10 Coordinating Skills and How to Develop Them

Adaptability is the ability to flex and evolve in response to changing circumstances, unexpected findings, and new information that arise during your research journey. Think of it as your compass for navigating the dynamic and ever-changing landscape of research – it empowers you to embrace uncertainty and adjust your course to ensure the best outcomes for your work.

To excel in Adaptability, you need to cultivate a mindset that embraces change and seeks opportunities within challenges. Start by acknowledging that research is often full of surprises and plans might need to shift. Develop a sense of resilience by staying open to revising your research questions, altering methodologies, or exploring unanticipated angles.

Being adaptable also means being resourceful – finding alternative approaches when things don’t go as planned. Embrace feedback from peers, mentors, or unexpected results, and be ready to integrate this feedback to improve the quality of your research.

How to Improve Adaptability

Improving your Adaptability skills involves practicing flexibility and embracing a growth mindset. Regularly reassess your research plan and objectives in light of new information or developments. Embrace failures and setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth rather than roadblocks. Seek out interdisciplinary perspectives and engage with new ideas that challenge your assumptions.

As you navigate through unexpected turns, continuously reflect on what you’ve learned and how you’ve adapted, so you can refine your approach in the future. Remember, Adaptability is the key to thriving in the dynamic landscape of research – the more you foster this skill, the better equipped you’ll be to tackle unforeseen challenges and emerge stronger from your research journey.

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Research Skills Conclusion

In the pursuit of knowledge and discovery, honing research skills is the linchpin that sets the stage for success. Throughout this exploration of various research skills and how to nurture them, one thing becomes evident: deliberate practice and continuous improvement are the bedrock of growth. Developing research skills is not merely a checkbox to mark; it’s a journey that empowers you to excel in your field, make meaningful contributions, and amplify the impact of your work.

Improving these skills isn’t just an option – it’s a necessity in today’s job market. The ability to gather information effectively, critically evaluate sources, analyze data, formulate problems, synthesize findings, and more, transforms the research process from a mere task into a dynamic and transformative experience. These skills serve as the pillars that uphold the credibility and validity of your work, ensuring that your contributions stand the test of scrutiny and time.

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Research skills allow you to find information and use it effectively. It includes creating a strategy to gather facts and reach conclusions so that you can answer a question.

Starting your research

think about your topic – don’t be too vague or too specific (try mind mapping or keyword searching).

read broadly around your subject (don’t just use Google and Wikipedia). Think about a research question that is clearly structured and builds on literature already produced.

find information using the subject databases. View the Database Orientation Program to learn about databases and using search strategies to refine your search and limit results. View our library tutorial on planning your literature search and look at our library subject guides for resources on your specific topic.

Another good starting point for finding information is our library catalogue Library Search  which allows you to search across the library's electronic resources as well as major subject databases and indexes.

carry out a literature review . You may want to include journals, books, websites, grey literature or data and statistics for example. See the list of sources below for more information. Keep a record and organise your references and sources. If you are intending to carry out a systematic review then take a look at the systematic review page on our Research Support library guide.

evaluate your resources – use the CRAAP test (Currency, Relevancy, Authority, Accuracy, Purpose - watch the video, top right). 

reach considered conclusions and make recommendations where necessary.

Your research journey

Your research journey.

Why do I need research skills?

they enable you to locate appropriate information and evaluate it for quality and relevance

they allow you to make good use of information to resolve a problem

they give you the ability to synthesize and communicate your ideas in written and spoken formats

they foster critical thinking

they are highly transferable and can be adapted to many settings including the workplace

You can access more in depth information on areas such as primary research, literature reviews, research methods, and managing data, from the drop down headings under Research Skills on the Academic Skills home page. The related resources in the right-hand column of this page also contain useful supporting information.

  • Conference proceedings
  • Data & statistics
  • Grey literature
  • Official publications

Books are good for exploring new subject areas. They help define a topic and provide an in-depth account of a subject.

Scholarly books contain authoritative information including comprehensive accounts of research or scholarship and experts' views on themes and topics. Their bibliographies can lead readers to related books, articles and other sources. 

Details on the electronic books held by the University of Southampton can be found using the library catalogue .

Journals are quicker to publish than books and are often a good source of current information. They are useful when you require information to support an argument or original research written by subject experts.  The bibliographies at the end of journal articles should point you to other relevant research.

Academic journals go through a "peer-review" process. A peer-reviewed journal is one whose articles are checked by experts, so you can be more confident that the information they contain is reliable.

The Library's discovery service Library Search  is a good place to start when searching for journal articles and enables access to anything that is available electronically.

Newspapers enable you to follow current and historical events from multiple perspectives. They are an excellent record of political, social, cultural, and economic events and history.

Newspapers are popular rather than scholarly publications and their content needs to be treated with caution. For example, an account of a particular topic can be biased in favour of that newspaper’s political affiliation or point of view. Always double-check the data/statistics or any other piece of information that a newspaper has used to support an argument before you quote it in your own work.

The library subscribes to various resources which provide full-text access to both current and historical newspapers. Find out more about these on the Library's Newspaper Resources page.

Websites provide information about every topic imaginable, and many will be relevant to your studies.

Use websites with caution as anyone can publish on the Internet and therefore the quality of the information provided is variable. When you’re researching and come across a website you think might be useful, consider whether or not it provides information that is reliable and authoritative enough to use in your work.

Proceedings are collections of papers presented by researchers at academic conferences or symposia. They may be printed volumes or in electronic format.

You can use the information in conference proceedings with a high degree of confidence as the quality is ensured by having external experts read & review the papers before they are accepted in the proceedings.

Find the data and statistics you need, from economics to health, environment to oceanography - and everywhere between - http://library.soton.ac.uk/data .

Grey literature is the term given to non-traditional publications (material not published by mainstream publishers). For example - leaflets, reports, conference proceedings, government documents, preprints, theses, clinical trials, blogs, tweets, etc.. 

The majority of Grey literature is generally not peer-reviewed so it is very important to critically appraise any grey literature before using it.

Most aspects of life are touched by national governments, or by inter-governmental bodies such as the European Union or the United Nations.  Official publications are the documentary evidence of that interest. 

Our main printed collections and online services are for British and EU official publications, but we can give advice on accessing official publications from other places and organisations. Find out more from our web pages  http://library.soton.ac.uk/officialpublications .

Patents protect inventions - the owner can stop other people making, using or selling the item without their permission. This applies for a limited period and a separate application is needed for each country.

Patents can be useful since they contain full technical details on how an invention works. If you use an active patent outside of research - permission or a license is probably needed.

researcher skills meaning

Related resources:

Checking for CRAAP - UMW New Media Archive

How to Develop a STRONG Research Question - Scribbr

Guide to dissertation and project writing - by University of Southampton (Enabling Services)

Guide to writing your dissertation - by the Royal Literary Fund  

Guidance on the Conduct of Narrative Synthesis in Systematic Reviews  - by ESRC Methods Programme

Guidelines for preparing a Research Proposal - by University of Southampton

Choosing good keywords - by the Open University

How to Write a Research Question  - an online guide produced by  the University of Leeds

Evaluating information - a 7 minute tutorial from the University of Southampton which covers thinking critically, and understanding how to find quality and reliable information.

Hints on conducting a literature review  - by the University of Toronto

Planning your literature search  - a short tutorial by the University of Southampton

Using Overleaf for scientific writing and publishing  -  a popular  LaTeX/Rich Text based online collaborative tool for students and researchers alike. It is designed to make the process of writing, editing, and producing scientific papers quicker and easier for authors. 

Systematic reviews  - by the University of Southampton. 

Create your own research proposal - by the University of Southampton

  • Last Updated: Aug 14, 2024 10:45 AM
  • URL: https://library.soton.ac.uk/sash/introduction-to-research-skills

Research Skills

Frequently Asked Questions

Final thoughts, research skills.

Updated May 20, 2024

Keira Waddell

Research skills are highly valued by employers in all industries, because employees with strong research skills can be invaluable to a company’s performance and growth.

While you may already possess research skills, you must be able to identify what these skills actually are, so that you can highlight them in your applications and interviews .

This article will explore what research skills are and why they are important, identify some core research skills and explain how you can develop them, and answer some frequently asked questions.

What Are Research Skills?

Research skills enable you to effectively find and gather appropriate information , then analyze and apply it to find solutions to solve problems .

Research skills are crucial for every industry and can be extremely useful in any role. They consist of a range of other soft skills that come together to be more than the sum of their parts.

Possessing research skills makes you very useful to an employer, as you can successfully research competitors, get information to form marketing or sales plans and spot potential problems in the business that require attention.

Some of these soft skills include attention to detail, communication and problem-solving, among others.

In Which Industries Are Research Skills Required?

No matter what your job is, or what industry you’re in, research skills will be extremely beneficial to you and the business .

For example, even if you work in a restaurant, it will be useful to research local competitors or exciting new ingredients to try on your menu.

Another example, within the retail sector, is that you may need to research to find out your customer satisfaction rate and therefore identify any issues with your team’s performance.

Further, research skills are essential to corporate or commercial roles, as these roles may require you to identify issues causing a drop in your team's performance and work out the tasks that must be completed to reach your goal.

Additionally, you may also be required to analyze large amounts of data and identify key issues and work out how to solve them.

What Are Considered Research Skills?

Collating and analyzing information from different sources.

The best research is conducted by analyzing data from online resources, books, surveys or other sources.

It’s important that you only use credible resources when you are collecting your data. Make sure that you’re not relying on largely opinion-based information or information from someone who lacks the right qualifications to be considered an authority.

You may also come across a lot of irrelevant data when you are conducting research. One important research skill is knowing how to discern the most relevant data and discard the rest.

Data Collection

Another important skill for research is data collection.

This is different from collating information from other sources, as data collection requires you to conduct your own research .

For example, you would run your own surveys on your customers or derive data from their social media, instead of relying on others to do so.

Many employers value this skill within their employees.

The ability to collect hard-to-find data is not one that everyone possesses and is often considered a more advanced skill.

It takes a great deal of know-how to be able to run efficient, effective and ethical research and to only collect relevant information to answer your questions.


Note-taking is more than it sounds – it is an essential skill for research.

It would be almost impossible to conduct a large amount of research and be able to recite the information from memory, or even be able to recall where to look for certain information.

Therefore, knowing how to take effective notes is a necessary skill. If you take your notes digitally , you can more easily search them later and share findings with others.

Why Are Research Skills Important?

Research skills are a factor that recruiters will look at because they are important; here are some reasons why.

Learn About Your Consumers and Better Meet Their Needs

Whatever your industry, you are likely selling something to consumers or providing a service, at least sometimes.

Further, no matter what your business model is, you have to keep on top of your customer satisfaction. Their word-of-mouth affects your future bottom line .

Using research skills to identify problems with your consumer satisfaction rate is, therefore, essential.

Such research will let you know where improvements need to be made and will provide you with the starting blocks of a plan to solve the issue.

Get Better Information About Your Competitors

By collecting information about your competitors, such as on their plan for the next quarter, you can alter your company or team's actions to counteract them and come out on top.

You can look into their sales tactics for a glimpse into their future plans, or look at online reviews their customers have left to find weak spots.

This information about your competitors can be implemented to identify key issues that your team or business needs to work on .

They Make You More Employable

Recruiters often look for strong research skills in candidates. Having them makes you more of a desirable employee.

These skills show them that you can take initiative and learn about new things .

This is considered a good quality in a candidate, because it means you can be left to your own devices more often without constant supervision and trusted to not only complete your work but also find ways to do it better .

They Enable You to Work More Efficiently and Productively

Having advanced research skills also enables you to improve your personal productivity and the general productivity of the company .

Research skills can be applied to improving a company’s processes to make them more efficient.

Additionally, you can research skills to find ways the company can improve its employees' satisfaction .

Core Research Skills

Here are some of the core skills required for conducting high-quality research.

Recording Information During Key Events or From Important Sources

Recording information, such as in the form of notes or, is an essential skill required for research.

Whenever you come across an important piece of information that is relevant to your research question, you must record it in some way. This will make it much easier when you come to analyze and report on what you have found.

Simply reading information will not be enough for it to sink into your brain sufficiently to actually be a useful and analyzable resource.

Note-taking is one way of doing this, particularly for pre-existing information that you are collating, such as when you are performing a business literature review for a white paper.

Making recordings of meetings is another way, as you can refer back to them in the future and may be able to distill new information from them.

Stick to Relevant Information

Another key skill here is knowing what information is important .

Make sure that you fully understand why you’re collecting your data and what question you are trying to answer.

This will ensure you only collect the necessary information in your research and don’t infringe on your participants’ right to privacy.

Additionally, when you are collating information from other sources, knowing what’s important means you don’t waste time following dead ends.

Collecting Data From External Sources

Another key skill is knowing how to find reputable, external sources and collect data.

A common mistake people make when researching is taking too much from one source : if you don’t stretch your feelers far enough, your data collection may be too narrow, biased and potentially inaccurate.

Using a wide range of resources is the real secret to strong research. Some sources you can use to extend your research are:

  • Published books
  • Reputable websites
  • Academic journals
  • Library catalogues

You must learn to judge whether each source is reliable to keep your research accurate. Note the authors and publishers of the books, websites and newspapers you use, and see what else they’ve published to find what biases they have.

Analyzing Data for Patterns and Trends

Data analysis is another advanced skill highly valued by recruiters.

The ability to spot patterns and trends in large amounts of data is an extremely useful skill to spot areas of weakness and strength within a team or a company.

It is a key component to work out areas that require development and where resources should be spent.

Research Skills: What They Are and Why They're Important (With Examples)

Online Research

Online research is a skill that many people believe they are already acquainted with.

But that is like equating someone who types ' What are REITs? ' into a search engine and reads a couple of articles with someone who digs deep into that initial information and derives key terms and search queries to find specific information about both the foundational and cutting-edge ideas of their topic.

Additionally, a skilled online researcher optimizes their time and energy to not be sucked into unreputable websites or to not waste a lot of time tracking down one specific piece of information.

Make sure that you familiarize yourself with which sources are credible and those which are not, so you don’t waste your time researching inaccurate information.

Lateral Thinking

Lateral thinking means solving problems using solutions that are usually creative, new and unexpected . Rarely are these immediately obvious and may not be thought of through traditional logic.

You may be required to be creative and use lateral thinking to discover how to find the answer to the problem you are facing.

This is because it is very rare that the answers are clear and right in front of us .

More often than not, you’ll have to be innovative and take on a new approach for your research, even to find what question you should be asking before you can begin.

How to Develop Research Skills

Establish context.

Before diving into something new, you should make an effort to understand the broader subject area surrounding your query.

You will become easily confused if you begin conducting your research without having a full understanding of the question you are trying to answer.

Be Selective About Your Sources

You must learn how to identify credible sources from untrustworthy ones .

Especially when you are conducting internet research, it’s easy to come across information from people who are not qualified to give it or from sources that have a hidden agenda.

Further, all sources have biases, and these must be accounted for when interpreting information from them.

Conducting your research on unqualified sources will likely lead to you analyzing incorrect data and coming to the wrong conclusion.

Be Open to Changing Your Mind

You may begin your research with an opinion already formed in your mind.

Be open to the fact that this might change as you do your research.

Sticking with one opinion often leads you to use sources biased only in one direction and therefore come to a biased conclusion.

Using sources that show different opinions will give you richer research and you’re more likely to end up with a well-rounded answer to your question.

Stay Organized; Record Your Sources of Information

Without keeping your information organized, you’ll wind up wasting a lot of time looking for information you’ve already come across.

A good way to keep track is to have a list of the sources you use and record the important information from that source.

This way you’ll easily be able to look up the information you’re looking for.

You can also note what else those sources may be useful for, as well as a section of the list for sources not necessary this time but may be in the future.

Keep Learning

Don’t just limit yourself to doing research for work or academic purposes.

Keep researching topics you find interesting or may come in useful later down the down.

You can try taking free online courses if you prefer a more guided approach.

This proactivity will not only develop your research skills but will also generally improve your knowledge base, making you more employable.

Learn to Summarize in a Report

A key skill of research is communicating your findings , often in the form of summarizing what you have found in a report.

You may have come across invaluable data, but that will be rendered useless if you are unable to effectively communicate what it means.

Reporting skills are a whole other skill on their own and are valued by employers.

Take time to develop good report writing skills and be open to feedback about the reports you have made at work and school.

Maintain Focus On Your Research Question

Conducting a lot of research can cause people to sway away from their research questions as new information comes to light or you uncover new areas that require deep research.

However, if this happens, keep notes of these areas so that you can return to them in the future and then move back to the question at hand.

Remember your main task and return your attention to your research question .

How Can I Demonstrate Research Skills?

When you’re applying for a role, always mention your research skills.

The key to doing this well is being specific . Give real examples of a time you used your research skills to provide some value to your team or the company.

For example:

“I used research skills to identify key problems within our customer satisfaction. I looked through our customer feedback and listened to customer calls to work out the areas we had to improve upon. My research identified weaknesses in our customer support team’s knowledge, so we implemented training and our customer satisfaction increased by 25% as a result”.

Where possible, include a metric showing objectively how much of a positive impact your research had.

How Can I Include Research Skills on My Resume?

Research skills should definitely be on your resume since they are valued by employers in every industry.

There are a few different ways that you can incorporate these into your resume.

If your skills are advanced and have been a primary duty in previous roles, you could dedicate a full section to research skills. Give detailed examples of the skills you possess and how they have served you within these roles.

If you possess some research skills but don’t have extensive examples of using them, then don’t spend as much space on them – include them in your skills section on your resume instead .

As long as they are listed on your resume somewhere, the recruiter will be aware of them.

What Should I Include in a Summary of My Research?

When summarizing your research, you should only include the most relevant information .

Remember to always refer to the original problem or question at hand and make the information easy to read and follow.

Your report should also include some next steps based on your findings.

Which Research Skill Is the Most Important?

The most important element to research is report writing .

Your research will be void if you are unable to compile the information clearly and communicate your findings.

Reporting is a skill that you will need to develop through practice .

Speak to your colleagues and ask for advice on how to improve your reporting techniques.

These skills can be invaluable and increase your employability.

How Can I Tell Good Sources From Bad Ones?

The ability to tell good sources from bad is one not everyone possesses.

However, it’s crucial to conduct high-quality research.

In general, you want to know who is telling you this information and why – what is their goal in telling you?

Further, you should aim to ascertain if they have any expertise in the area, either from certification , years of learning and practicing or lived experience.

You’re most at risk of accessing untrustworthy sources on the internet.

Anyone can post whatever information they like on the internet, and it can be very easy to come across.

Look out for the writer’s credentials at the bottom of the article to confirm its validity.

Also take a look at the publication's ‘About’ section to find out more about them and work out if you should use the information as authoritative.

Research skills are useful and transferable .

They make it possible to work smarter in the long term.

Adding them to your toolkit has a wealth of advantages, but they do require diligence and perseverance.

It’s crucial that you are aware of what good research skills are, so that you can put time and effort into improving them.

Additionally, take note of instances when you have used research skills to reach certain goals, whether it’s in school, at work or in your personal life.

As well as giving you examples to put on an application, this will also show you research skills are always beneficial .

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Research skills: Examples + how to improve them

No matter what career path you choose to take, research skills are one of the key graduate career skills that will help you impress employers in applications and support you throughout your entire working life. 

Research skills are essential in problem-solving; learning how to improve research skills is therefore a great way to prepare for the workplace and improve your overall skill set in your early career. In this article, you’ll find out what research skills are, how to improve your research skills and much more. 

  • What are research skills?
  • Examples of research skills
  • Jobs that require research skills
  • How to improve research skills

How to use research skills at your workplace

How to include research skills in a cv, how to include research skills in a cover letter.

  • How to demonstrate your research skills at a job interview

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What are research skills? 

Research skills refer to an individual’s ability to source information about a certain topic, and effectively extract and evaluate the information in order to answer questions or solve problems. 

Research skills are soft skills that are highly sought after by employers as they show a candidate’s ability to understand and analyse a variety of materials and sources. Whether you’re studying or already in the workplace, research skills are important transferable skills to have in any role or sector that you choose.

These skills can be constantly improved, and this is a great way to develop in your early career and prepare for the workplace. For example, your manager might ask you to conduct research or analysis for various projects, where these skills will be essential for your success. 

Learn how to develop your entire transferable skillset with this free online learning course. You'll also get a certificate once you complete the course that you can display on your CV and LinkedIn profile.

Examples of research skills 

During your time at school and university, you will have used a variety of research skills to complete projects and assignments. If you’re not sure what research skills look like in practice, here are some examples: 

Data collection 

Data collection is the process of systematically gathering information in order to solve problems, answer questions and better understand a particular topic. The information or data that you are collecting can be quantitative or qualitative; it can be collected through using surveys, interviews, reviewing existing materials and more to solve a particular problem.

At university, you would need to read broadly on a certain topic or conduct a literature review for a certain project. This is all data collection, and you can develop and use these experiences in your future role too. 

Critical thinking

Critical thinking is the ability to interpret and analyse information in order to form a particular judgement or evaluation. Someone who is a great critical thinker will be able to apply their knowledge (informed by evidence from, for example, data collection) to think rationally and come to a conclusion. Critical thinking is key in the workplace as it means you can analyse and evaluate strategically, to come to a judgement that will inform a particular action or idea.

Detail orientation 

Another key example of a research skill is detail orientation, or the ability to focus on small details. Someone who is detail-oriented will be able to notice small mistakes and will be able to deliver high-quality and accurate work. When solving problems, this is essential, as the ability to extract and evaluate information with accuracy is important for the validity of your research and will help drive high-quality results. 

Time management 

Time management is the ability to organise your time when planning different activities and projects. Effective time management means you’re able to balance your workload and ensure all tasks are completed within an allotted time. This is important for your research skills, as it means you are able to effectively delegate your time between data collection, analysis and evaluation.

Jobs that require research skills 

  • External auditors have great attention to detail to investigate organisations. In an external auditor role, you will need to research policies and regulations, analyse data provided by the organisation and draw conclusions for a report.
  • A strategist in the financial sector looks at an organisation’s finances to come up with plans for the future. You need great analytical and evaluative skills in order to understand the best options for your clients and turn a rational judgement into action. 
  • A role in the Civil Service involves researching, developing and maintaining policy in the UK. Being able to inform your decisions with evidence, and manage your time effectively, is key. 
  • In the role of a data scientist , you will need to conduct research to understand why a client or company needs a data scientist, and be able to analyse effectively to see big patterns in large amounts of data. 
  • Clinical scientists must carefully analyse and process large amounts of data, requiring strong research skills and detail orientation.

Not quite sure about the type of career you should pursue? Take our Career Path Test and get matched with the career paths and sectors that meet your interests. 

How to improve research skills 

  • Practise your time management and organisation skills: Whether you’re at university or in your early career, it’s important to start learning how to balance your time effectively to complete a number of tasks. For your next project, try setting out clear activities that need to be completed, how long you need to spend on each, and a timeline for when each task will be started and completed. 
  • Learn how to write reports: In any research process or project, you will need to summarise and evaluate your findings in a written report in a clear and concise way. Make sure to include the objective of your research, a summary of your findings, and the judgements you have made from the evidence you found. 
  • Read more widely: One of the core aspects of research and analysis is the ability to extract information from a variety of materials. Reading more widely will improve your data collection skills and will give you experience with forming judgements from a range of sources and on a number of topics.
  • Plan . Before you start a project at work, make sure you’ve taken time to plan what tasks you need to do, and how long each will take, to understand the timelines of the project. This allows you to set aside dedicated time for the research phase, for example, before analysing data or putting ideas into action.
  • Read about the topic . Whatever sector you’re in, and whatever project you’re working on, reading about your subject area is key to understanding your field ahead of any decisions being made. This will help you solve problems and answer any questions you need to be answered at the offset.
  • Compare your results . Following any research or data collection, it’s a good idea to compare your findings with colleagues to ensure consistency across the team. This will lead to greater accuracy for the project as a whole.
  • Present . Practising your presentation and communication skills is an essential part of developing your research skills. At the end of any research you’ve conducted, get into the habit of presenting your findings in a written report, and try presenting this to your line manager and wider team.

Once you’ve developed your research skills, it’s important that you know how to convey these effectively in applications – starting with your CV.

Read: How to write a CV | Advice & templates

Your CV is usually the first thing an employer sees of you, so you need to impress them from the offset. Highlighting your research skills, and how you’ve used them in your experience so far, is a great way to do this and will show your organisation, attention to detail and critical thinking.

Research skills should be included under the ‘skills and achievements section of your CV. This is where you include your technical and personal skills that relate to the role you’re applying for.

When talking about your research skills, remember to highlight how you’ve developed these in a concise way. For example, you might have developed research skills by writing a number of literature reviews at university. This might be phrased as “developed effective research skills through data collection and analysis when writing literature reviews for university projects.”

Another way to convey your research skills on your application and impress employers is through the cover letter. If an employer asks for one, it’s important to know how to structure a cover letter so that you can convey your skillset and interest in the role clearly and succinctly.

Your cover letter needs to be no more than one page and should highlight your competency for the role you’re applying for. Approach your application from the basis of ‘what I can do for you’ rather than ‘what you can do for me’. As research skills are transferable, this is a great chance to highlight how you can benefit the organisation and team you’re applying for, as it shows your ability to collect data, think critically, organise your time, analyse and more. Remember to apply these soft and transferable skills to what the job description says will be expected of you.

How to demonstrate your research skills at a job interview 

Interviews are another opportunity to impress employers with your skill set - including how you have developed strong research skills which you can use in the role you’re applying to. 

Ahead of your interview, you should be using your research skills to look into the company you’ve applied for. Get familiar with what they do, their company values and what they’re looking for in a candidate for your chosen role. 

You can also get prepared by practising to answer potential research skills questions like “give me an example of a time when you solved a problem using your research skills.” To answer this, make sure you’re identifying the specific research skills you have used, and explain a real example of when you have solved problems using them. Think about the impact using those research skills had in order to highlight how you have developed these skills effectively in practice. 

Research skills are essential for success in many different roles and fields. By learning how to improve your research skills, you are setting yourself up to impress employers at application and become an asset to a team when you enter the workplace. 

Research skills are soft skills that employers value, are essential for developing your problem-solving skills and are one of the key graduate career skills that recruiters look for. By adding ‘research skills’ to your CV, and highlighting your research capabilities at interviews, you are increasing your employability and chances for success.

Browse thousands of available graduate jobs, schemes and more and demonstrate to employers that you're able to use your research skills to succeed at interview and in your early career. 

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Research skills

On this page:.

  • Introduction
  • 1.1 Research seems to have been extremely high-impact historically
  • 1.2 There are good theoretical reasons to think that research will be high-impact
  • 1.3 Research skills seem extremely useful to the problems we think are most pressing
  • 1.4 If you’re a good fit, you can have much more impact than the average
  • 1.5 Depending on which subject you focus on, you may have good backup options
  • 2.1 Academic research
  • 2.2 Practical but big picture research
  • 2.3 Applied research
  • 2.4 Stages of progression through building and using research skills
  • 3.1 How much do researchers differ in productivity?
  • 3.2 What does this mean for building research skills?
  • 4.1 How to predict your fit in advance
  • 4.2 How to tell if you’re on track
  • 5.1 Choosing a research field
  • 6.1 Which research topics are the highest-impact?
  • 6.2 Find jobs that use a research skills
  • 7 Career paths we’ve reviewed that use these skills
  • 8 Learn more about research

researcher skills meaning

Norman Borlaug was an agricultural scientist. Through years of research, he developed new, high-yielding, disease-resistant varieties of wheat.

It might not sound like much, but as a result of Borlaug’s research, wheat production in India and Pakistan almost doubled between 1965 and 1970, and formerly famine-stricken countries across the world were suddenly able to produce enough food for their entire populations. These developments have been credited with saving up to a billion people from famine, 1 and in 1970, Borlaug was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Many of the highest-impact people in history , whether well-known or completely obscure, have been researchers.

Table of Contents

In a nutshell: Talented researchers are a key bottleneck facing many of the world’s most pressing problems . That doesn’t mean you need to become an academic. While that’s one option (and academia is often a good place to start), lots of the most valuable research happens elsewhere. It’s often cheap to try out developing research skills while at university, and if it’s a good fit for you, research could be your highest impact option.

Key facts on fit

Why are research skills valuable.

Not everyone can be a Norman Borlaug, and not every discovery gets adopted. Nevertheless, we think research can often be one of the most valuable skill sets to build — if you’re a good fit.

We’ll argue that:

Research seems to have been extremely high-impact historically

There are good theoretical reasons to think that research will be high-impact, research skills seem extremely useful to the problems we think are most pressing, if you’re a good fit, you can have much more impact than the average.

  • And, depending on which subject you focus on, you may have good backup options .

Together, this suggests that research skills could be particularly useful for having an impact.

Later, we’ll look at:

  • How to evaluate your fit for building research skills

How to get started building research skills

  • How you can use these skills to have an impact once you’ve started

If we think about what has most improved the modern world, much can be traced back to research: advances in medicine such as the development of vaccines against infectious diseases, developments in physics and chemistry that led to steam power and the industrial revolution , and the invention of the modern computer, an idea which was first proposed by Alan Turing in his seminal 1936 paper On Computable Numbers . 2

Many of these ideas were discovered by a relatively small number of researchers — but they changed all of society. This suggests that these researchers may have had particularly large individual impacts.

Dr Nalin helped to invent oral rehydration therapy

That said, research today is probably lower-impact than in the past. Research is much less neglected than it used to be: there are nearly 25 times as many researchers today as there were in 1930. 3 It also turns out that more and more effort is required to discover new ideas, so each additional researcher probably has less impact than those that came before. 4

However, even today, a relatively small fraction of people are engaged in research. As an approximation, only 0.1% of the population are academics, 5 and only about 2.5% of GDP is spent on research and development . If a small number of people account for a large fraction of progress, then on average each person’s efforts are significant.

Moreover, we still think there’s a good case to be made for research being impactful on average today, which we cover in the next two sections.

There’s little commercial incentive to focus on the most socially valuable research. And most researchers don’t get rich, even if their discoveries are extremely valuable. Alan Turing made no money from the discovery of the computer, and today it’s a multibillion-dollar industry. This is because the benefits of research often come a long time in the future and can’t usually be protected by patents. This means if you care more about social impact than profit, then it’s a good opportunity to have an edge.

Research is also a route to leverage. When new ideas are discovered, they can be spread incredibly cheaply, so it’s a way that a single person can change a field. And innovations are cumulative — once an idea has been discovered, it’s added to our stock of knowledge and, in the ideal case, becomes available to everyone. Even ideas that become outdated often speed up the important future discoveries that supersede it.

When you look at our list of the world’s most pressing problems — like preventing future pandemics or reducing risks from AI systems — expert researchers seem like a key bottleneck.

For example, to reduce the risk posed by engineered pandemics , we need people who are talented at research to identify the biggest biosecurity risks and to develop better vaccines and treatments.

To ensure that developments in AI are implemented safely and for the benefit of humanity, we need technical experts thinking hard about how to design machine learning systems safely and policy researchers to think about how governments and other institutions should respond. (See this list of relevant research questions .)

And to decide which global priorities we should spend our limited resources on, we need economists, mathematicians, and philosophers to do global priorities research . For example, see the research agenda of the Global Priorities Institute at Oxford .

We’re not sure why so many of the most promising ways to make progress on the problems we think are most pressing involve research, but it may well be due to the reasons in the section above — research offers huge opportunities for leverage, so if you take a hits-based approach to finding the best solutions to social problems, it’ll often be most attractive.

In addition, our focus on neglected problems often means we focus on smaller and less developed areas, and it’s often unclear what the best solutions are in these areas. This means that research is required to figure this out.

For more examples, and to get a sense of what you might be able to work on in different fields, see this list of potentially high-impact research questions, organised by discipline .

The sections above give reasons why research can be expected to be impactful in general . But as we’ll show below , the productivity of individual researchers probably varies a great deal (and more than in most other careers). This means that if you have reason to think your degree of fit is better than average, your expected impact could be much higher than the average.

Depending on which subject you focus on, you may have good backup options

Pursuing research helps you develop deep expertise on a topic, problem-solving, and writing skills. These can be useful in many other career paths. For example:

  • Many research areas can lead to opportunities in policymaking , since relevant technical expertise is valued in some of these positions. You might also have opportunities to advise policymakers and the public as an expert.
  • The expertise and credibility you can develop by focusing on research (especially in academia) can put you in a good position to switch your focus to communicating important ideas , especially those related to your speciality, either to the general public, policymakers, or your students.
  • If you specialise in an applied quantitative subject, it can open up certain high-paying jobs, such as quantitative trading or data science , which offer good opportunities for earning to give .

Some research areas will have much better backup options than others — lots of jobs value applied quantitative skills, so if your research is quantitative you may be able to transition into work in effective nonprofits or government. A history academic, by contrast, has many fewer clear backup options outside of academia.

What does building research skills typically involve?

By ‘research skills’ we broadly mean the ability to make progress solving difficult intellectual problems.

We find it especially useful to roughly divide research skills into three forms:

  • Academic research

Building academic research skills is the most predefined route. The focus is on answering relatively fundamental questions which are considered valuable by a specific academic discipline. This can be impactful either through generally advancing a field of research that’s valuable to society or finding opportunities to work on socially important questions within that field.

Turing was an academic. He didn’t just invent the computer — during World War II he developed code-breaking machines that allowed the Allies to be far more effective against Nazi U-boats. Some historians estimate this enabled D-Day to happen a year earlier than it would have otherwise. 6 Since World War II resulted in 10 million deaths per year, Turing may have saved about 10 million lives.

Alan Turing aged 16

We’re particularly excited about academic research in subfields of machine learning relevant to reducing risks from AI , subfields of biology relevant to preventing catastrophic pandemics , and economics — we discuss which fields you should enter below .

Academic careers are also excellent for developing credibility, leading to many of the backup options we looked at above, especially options in communicating important ideas or policymaking .

Academia is relatively unique in how flexibly you can use your time. This can be a big advantage — you really get time to think deeply and carefully about things — but can be a hindrance, depending on your work style.

See more about what academia involves in our career review on academia .

Practical but big picture research

Academia rewards a focus on questions that can be decisively answered with the methods of the field. However, the most important questions can rarely be answered rigorously — the best we can do is look at many weak forms of evidence and come to a reasonable overall judgement. which means while some of this research happens in academia, it can be hard to do that.

Instead, this kind of research is often done in nonprofit research institutes, e.g. the Centre for the Governance of AI or Our World in Data , or independently.

Your focus should be on answering the questions that seem most important (given your view of which global problems most matter) through whatever means are most effective.

Some examples of questions in this category that we’re especially interested in include:

  • How likely is a pandemic worse than COVID-19 in the next 10 years?
  • How difficult is the AI alignment problem going to be to solve?
  • Which global problems are most pressing?
  • Is the world getting better or worse over time?
  • What can we learn from the history of philanthropy about which forms of philanthropy might be most effective?

You can see a longer list of ideas in this article .

Someone we know who’s had a big impact with research skills is Ajeya Cotra. Ajeya initially studied electrical engineering and computer science at UC Berkeley. In 2016, she joined Open Philanthropy as a grantmaker. 7 Since then she’s worked on a framework for estimating when transformative AI might be developed , how worldview diversification could be applied to allocating philanthropic budgets, and how we might accidentally teach AI models to deceive us .

Ajeya Cotra

Applied research

Then there’s applied research. This is often done within companies or nonprofits, like think tanks (although again, there’s also plenty of applied research happening in academia). Here the focus is on solving a more immediate practical problem (and if pursued by a company, where it might be possible to make profit from the solution) — and there’s lots of overlap with engineering skills . For example:

  • Developing new vaccines
  • Creating new types of solar cells or nuclear reactors
  • Developing meat substitutes

Neel was doing an undergraduate degree in maths when he decided that he wanted to work in AI safety . Our team was able to introduce Neel to researchers in the field and helped him secure internships in academic and industry research groups. Neel didn’t feel like he was a great fit for academia — he hates writing papers — so he applied to roles in commercial AI research labs. He’s now a research engineer at DeepMind. He works on mechanistic interpretability research which he thinks could be used in the future to help identify potentially dangerous AI systems before they can cause harm.

Neel Nanda

We also see “policy research” — which aims to develop better ideas for public policy — as a form of applied research.

Stages of progression through building and using research skills

These different forms of research blur into each other, and it’s often possible to switch between them during a career. In particular, it’s common to begin in academic research and then switch to more applied research later.

However, while the skill sets contain a common core, someone who can excel in intellectual academic research might not be well-suited to big picture practical or applied research.

The typical stages in an academic career involve the following steps:

  • Pick a field. This should be heavily based on personal fit (where you expect to be most successful and enjoy your work the most), though it’s also useful to think about which fields offer the best opportunities to help tackle the problems you think are most pressing, give you expertise that’s especially useful given these problems, and use that at least as a tie-breaker. (Read more about choosing a field .)
  • Earn a PhD.
  • Learn your craft and establish your career — find somewhere you can get great mentorship and publish a lot of impressive papers. This usually means finding a postdoc with a good group and then temporary academic positions.
  • Secure tenure.
  • Focus on the research you think is most socially valuable (or otherwise move your focus towards communicating ideas or policy).

Academia is usually seen as the most prestigious path…within academia. But non-academic positions can be just as impactful — and often more so since you can avoid some of the dysfunctions and distractions of academia, such as racing to get publications.

At any point after your PhD (and sometimes with only a master’s), it’s usually possible to switch to applied research in industry, policy, nonprofits, and so on, though typically you’ll still focus on getting mentorship and learning for at least a couple of years. And you may also need to take some steps to establish your career enough to turn your attention to topics that seem more impactful.

Note that from within academia, the incentives to continue with academia are strong, so people often continue longer than they should!

If you’re focused on practical big picture research, then there’s less of an established pathway, and a PhD isn’t required.

Besides academia, you could attempt to build these skills in any job that involves making difficult, messy intellectual judgement calls, such as investigative journalism, certain forms of consulting, buy-side research in finance, think tanks, or any form of forecasting.

Personal fit is perhaps more important for research than other skills

The most talented researchers seem to differ hugely in their impact compared to typical researchers across a wide variety of metrics and according to the opinions of other researchers.

For instance, when we surveyed biomedical researchers, they said that very good researchers were rare, and they’d be willing to turn down large amounts of money if they could get a good researcher for their lab. 8 Professor John Todd, who works on medical genetics at Cambridge, told us :

The best people are the biggest struggle. The funding isn’t a problem. It’s getting really special people[…] One good person can cover the ground of five, and I’m not exaggerating.

This makes sense if you think the distribution of research output is very wide — that the very best researchers have a much greater output than the average researcher.

How much do researchers differ in productivity?

It’s hard to know exactly how spread out the distribution is, but there are several strands of evidence that suggest the variability is very high.

Firstly, most academic papers get very few citations, while a few get hundreds or even thousands. An analysis of citation counts in science journals found that ~47% of papers had never been cited, more than 80% had been cited 10 times or less, but the top 0.1% had been cited more than 1,000 times. A similar pattern seems to hold across individual researchers , meaning that only a few dominate — at least in terms of the recognition their papers receive.

Citation count is a highly imperfect measure of research quality, so these figures shouldn’t be taken at face-value. For instance, which papers get cited the most may depend at least partly on random factors, academic fashions, and “winner takes all” effects — papers that get noticed early end up being cited by everyone to back up a certain claim, even if they don’t actually represent the research that most advanced the field.

However, there are other reasons to think the distribution of output is highly skewed.

William Shockley, who won the Nobel Prize for the invention of the transistor, gathered statistics on all the research employees in national labs, university departments, and other research units, and found that productivity (as measured by total number of publications, rate of publication, and number of patents) was highly skewed , following a log-normal distribution.

Shockley suggests that researcher output is the product of several (normally distributed) random variables — such as the ability to think of a good question to ask, figure out how to tackle the question, recognize when a worthwhile result has been found, write adequately, respond well to feedback, and so on. This would explain the skewed distribution: if research output depends on eight different factors and their contribution is multiplicative, then a person who is 50% above average in each of the eight areas will in expectation be 26 times more productive than average. 9

When we looked at up-to-date data on how productivity differs across many different areas , we found very similar results. The bottom line is that research seems to perhaps be the area where we have the best evidence for output being heavy-tailed.

Interestingly, while there’s a huge spread in productivity, the most productive academic researchers are rarely paid 10 times more than the median, since they’re on fixed university pay-scales. This means that the most productive researchers yield a large “excess” value to their field. For instance, if a productive researcher adds 10 times more value to the field than average, but is paid the same as average, they will be producing at least nine times as much net benefit to society. This suggests that top researchers are underpaid relative to their contribution, discouraging them from pursuing research and making research skills undersupplied compared to what would be ideal.

Can you predict these differences in advance?

Practically, the important question isn’t how big the spread is, but whether you could — early on in your career — identify whether or not you’ll be among the very best researchers.

There’s good news here! At least in scientific research, these differences also seem to be at least somewhat predictable ahead of time, which means the people entering research with the best fit could have many times more expected impact.

In a study , two IMF economists looked at maths professors’ scores in the International Mathematical Olympiad — a prestigious maths competition for high school students. They concluded that each additional point scored on the International Mathematics Olympiad “is associated with a 2.6 percent increase in mathematics publications and a 4.5 percent increase in mathematics citations.”

We looked at a range of data on how predictable productivity differences are in various areas and found that they’re much more predictable in research.

What does this mean for building research skills?

The large spread in productivity makes building strong research skills a lot more promising if you’re a better fit than average. And if you’re a great fit, research can easily become your best option.

And while these differences in output are not fully predictable at the start of a career, the spread is so large that it’s likely still possible to predict differences in productivity with some reliability.

This also means you should mainly be evaluating your long-term expected impact in terms of your chances of having a really big success.

That said, don’t rule yourself out too early. Firstly, many people systematically underestimate their skills . (Though others overestimate them!) Also, the impact of research can be so large that it’s often worth trying it out, even if you don’t expect you’ll succeed . This is especially true because the early steps of a research career often give you good career capital for many other paths.

How to evaluate your fit

How to predict your fit in advance.

It’s hard to predict success in advance, so we encourage an empirical approach: see if you can try it out and look at your track record.

You probably have some track record in research: many of our readers have some experience in academia from doing a degree, whether or not they intended to go into academic research. Standard academic success can also point towards being a good fit (though is nowhere near sufficient!):

  • Did you get top grades at undergraduate level (a 1st in the UK or a GPA over 3.5 in the US)?
  • If you do a graduate degree, what’s your class rank (if you can find that out)? If you do a PhD, did you manage to author an article in a top journal (although note that this is easier in some disciplines than others)?

Ultimately, though, your academic track record isn’t going to tell you anywhere near as much as actually trying out research. So it’s worth looking for ways to cheaply try out research (which can be easy if you’re at college). For example, try doing a summer research project and see how it goes.

Some of the key traits that suggest you might be a good fit for a research skills seem to be:

  • Intelligence (Read more about whether intelligence is important for research .)
  • The potential to become obsessed with a topic ( Becoming an expert in anything can take decades of focused practice , so you need to be able to stick with it.)
  • Relatedly, high levels of grit, self-motivation, and — especially for independent big picture research, but also for research in academia — the ability to learn and work productively without a traditional manager or many externally imposed deadlines
  • Openness to new ideas and intellectual curiosity
  • Good research taste, i.e. noticing when a research question matters a lot for solving a pressing problem

There are a number of other cheap ways you might try to test your fit.

Something you can do at any stage is practice research and research-based writing. One way to get started is to try learning by writing .

You could also try:

  • Finding out what the prerequisites/normal backgrounds of people who go into a research area are to compare your skills and experience to them
  • Reading key research in your area, trying to contribute to discussions with other researchers (e.g. via a blog or twitter), and getting feedback on your ideas
  • Talking to successful researchers in a field and asking what they look for in new researchers

How to tell if you’re on track

Here are some broad milestones you could aim for while becoming a researcher:

  • You’re successfully devoting time to building your research skills and communicating your findings to others. (This can often be the hardest milestone to hit for many — it can be hard to simply sustain motivation and productivity given how self-directed research often needs to be.)
  • In your own judgement, you feel you have made and explained multiple novel, valid, nontrivially important (though not necessarily earth-shattering) points about important topics in your area.
  • You’ve had enough feedback (comments, formal reviews, personal communication) to feel that at least several other people (whose judgement you respect and who have put serious time into thinking about your area) agree, and (as a result) feel they’ve learned something from your work. For example, lots of this feedback could come from an academic supervisor. Make sure you’re asking people in a way that gives them affordance to say you’re not doing well.
  • You’re making meaningful connections with others interested in your area — connections that seem likely to lead to further funding and/or job opportunities. This could be from the organisations most devoted to your topics of interest; but, there could also be a “dissident” dynamic in which these organisations seem uninterested and/or defensive, but others are noticing this and offering help.

If you’re finding it hard to make progress in a research environment, it’s very possible that this is the result of that particular environment, rather than the research itself. So it can be worth testing out multiple different research jobs before deciding this skill set isn’t for you.

Within academic research

Academia has clearly defined stages, so you can see how you’re performing at each of these.

Very roughly, you can try asking “How quickly and impressively is my career advancing, by the standards of my institution and field?” (Be careful to consider the field as a whole, rather than just your immediate peers, who might be very different from average.) Academics with more experience than you may be able to help give you a clear idea of how things are going.

We go through this in detail in our review of academic research careers .

Within independent research

As a very rough guideline, people who are an excellent fit for independent research can often reach the broad milestones above with a year of full-time effort purely focusing on building a research skill set, or 2–3 years of 20%-time independent effort (i.e. one day per week).

Within research in industry or policy

The stages here can look more like an organisation-building career , and you can also assess your fit by looking at your rate of progression through the organisation.

As we mentioned above , if you’ve done an undergraduate degree, one obvious pathway into research is to go to graduate school ( read our advice on choosing a graduate programme ) and then attempt to enter academia before deciding whether to continue or pursue positions outside of academia later in your career.

If you take the academic path, then the next steps are relatively clear. You’ll want to try to get excellent grades in undergraduate and in your master’s, ideally gain some kind of research experience in your summers, and then enter the best PhD programme you can. From there, focus on learning your craft by working under the best researcher you can find as a mentor and working in a top hub for your field. Try to publish as many papers as possible since that’s required to land an academic position.

It’s also not necessary to go to graduate school to become a great researcher (though this depends a lot on the field), especially if you’re very talented. For instance, we interviewed Chris Olah , who is working on AI research without even an undergraduate degree.

You can enter many non-academic research jobs without a background in academia. So one starting point for building up research skills would be getting a job at an organisation specifically focused on the type of question you’re interested in. For examples, take a look at our list of recommended organisations , many of which conduct non-academic research in areas relevant to pressing problems .

More generally, you can learn research skills in any job that heavily features making difficult intellectual judgement calls and bets, preferably on topics that are related to the questions you’re interested in researching. These might include jobs in finance, political analysis, or even nonprofits.

Another common route — depending on your field — is to develop software and tech skills and then apply them at research organisations. For instance, here’s a guide to how to transition from software engineering into AI safety research .

If you’re interested in doing practical big-picture research (especially outside academia), it’s also possible to establish your career through self-study and independent work — during your free time or on scholarships designed for this (such as EA Long-Term Future Fund grants and Open Philanthropy support for individuals working on relevant topics ).

Some example approaches you might take to self-study:

  • Closely and critically review some pieces of writing and argumentation on relevant topics. Explain the parts you agree with as clearly as you can and/or explain one or more of your key disagreements.
  • Pick a relevant question and write up your current view and reasoning on it. Alternatively, write up your current view and reasoning on some sub-question that comes up as you’re thinking about it.
  • Then get feedback, ideally from professional researchers or those who use similar kinds of research in their jobs.

It could also be beneficial to start with some easier versions of this sort of exercise, such as:

  • Explaining or critiquing interesting arguments made on any topic you find motivating to write about
  • Writing fact posts
  • Reviewing the academic literature on any topic of interest and trying to reach and explain a bottom-line conclusion

In general, it’s not necessary to obsess over being “original” or having some new insight at the beginning. You can learn a lot just by trying to write up your current understanding.

Choosing a research field

When you’re getting started building research skills, there are three factors to consider in choosing a field:

  • Personal fit — what are your chances of being a top researcher in the area? Even if you work on an important question, you won’t make much difference if you’re not particularly good at it or motivated to work on the problem.
  • Impact — how likely is it that research in your field will contribute to solving pressing problems?
  • Back-up options — how will the skills you build open up other options if you decide to change fields (or leave research altogether)?

One way to go about making a decision is to roughly narrow down fields by relevance and back-up options and then pick among your shortlist based on personal fit.

We’ve found that, especially when they’re getting started building research skills, people sometimes think too narrowly about what they can be good at and enjoy. Instead, they end up pigeonholing themselves in a specific area (for example being restricted by the field of their undergraduate degree). This can be harmful because it means people who could contribute to highly important research don’t even consider it. This increases the importance of writing a broad list of possible areas to research.

Given our list of the world’s most pressing problems , we think some of the most promising fields to do research within are as follows:

  • Fields relevant to artificial intelligence, especially machine learning , but also computer science more broadly. This is mainly to work on AI safety directly, though there are also many opportunities to apply machine learning to other problems (as well as many back-up options).
  • Biology, particularly synthetic biology, virology, public health, and epidemiology. This is mainly for biosecurity .
  • Economics . This is for global priorities research , development economics, or policy research relevant to any cause area, especially global catastrophic risks.
  • Engineering — read about developing and using engineering skills to have an impact .
  • International relations/political science, including security studies and public policy — these enable you to do research into policy approaches to mitigating catastrophic risks and are also a good route into careers in government and policy more broadly.
  • Mathematics, including applied maths or statistics (or even physics). This may be a good choice if you’re very uncertain, as it teaches you skills that can be applied to a whole range of different problems — and lets you move into most of the other fields we list. It’s relatively easy to move from a mathematical PhD into machine learning, economics, biology, or political science, and there are opportunities to apply quantitative methods to a wide range of other fields. They also offer good back-up options outside of research.
  • There are many important topics in philosophy and history, but these fields are unusually hard to advance within, and don’t have as good back-up options. (We do know lots of people with philosophy PhDs who have gone on to do other great, non-philosophy work!)

However, many different kinds of research skills can play a role in tackling pressing global problems.

Choosing a sub-field can sometimes be almost as important as choosing a field. For example, in some sciences the particular lab you join will determine your research agenda — and this can shape your entire career.

And as we’ve covered, personal fit is especially important in research. This can mean it’s easily worth going into a field that seems less relevant on average if you are an excellent fit. (This is due both to the value of the research you might produce and the excellent career capital that comes from becoming top of an academic field.)

For instance, while we most often recommend the fields above, we’d be excited to see some of our readers go into history , psychology, neuroscience, and a whole number of other fields. And if you have a different view of global priorities from us, there might be many other highly relevant fields.

Once you have these skills, how can you best apply them to have an impact?

Richard Hamming used to annoy his colleagues by asking them “What’s the most important question in your field?”, and then after they’d explained, following up with “And why aren’t you working on it?”

You don’t always need to work on the very most important question in your field, but Hamming has a point. Researchers often drift into a narrow speciality and can get detached from the questions that really matter.

Now let’s suppose you’ve chosen a field, learned your craft, and are established enough that you have some freedom about where to focus. Which research questions should you focus on?

Which research topics are the highest-impact?

Charles Darwin travelled the oceans to carefully document different species of birds on a small collection of islands — documentation which later became fuel for the theory of evolution. This illustrates how hard it is to predict which research will be most impactful.

What’s more, we can’t know what we’re going to discover until we’ve discovered it, so research has an inherent degree of unpredictability. There’s certainly an argument for curiosity-driven research without a clear agenda.

That said, we think it’s also possible to increase your chances of working on something relevant, and the best approach is to try to find topics that both personally motivate you and seem more likely than average to matter. Here are some approaches to doing that.

Using the problem framework

One approach is to ask yourself which global problems you think are most pressing , and then try to identify research questions that are:

  • Important to making progress on those problems (i.e. if this question were answered, it would lead to more progress on these problems)
  • Neglected by other researchers (e.g. because they’re at the intersection of two fields, unpopular for bad reasons, or new)
  • Tractable (i.e. you can see a path to making progress)

The best research questions will score at least moderately well on all parts of this framework. Building a perpetual motion machine is extremely important — if we could do it, then we’d solve our energy problems — but we have good reason to think it’s impossible, so it’s not worth working on. Similarly, a problem can be important but already have the attention of many extremely talented researchers, meaning your extra efforts won’t go very far.

Finding these questions, however, is difficult. Often, the only way to identify a particularly promising research question is to be an expert in that field! That’s because (when researchers are doing their jobs), they will be taking the most obvious opportunities already.

However, the incentives within research rarely perfectly line up with the questions that most matter (especially if you have unusual values, like more concern for future generations or animals). This means that some questions often get unfairly neglected. If you’re someone who does care a lot about positive impact and have some slack, you can have a greater-than-average impact by looking for them.

Below are some more ways of finding those questions (which you can use in addition to directly applying the framework above).

Rules of thumb for finding unfairly neglected questions

  • There’s little money in answering the question. This can be because the problem mostly affects poorer people, people who are in the future , or non-humans, or because it involves public goods . This means there’s little incentive for businesses to do research on this question.
  • The political incentives to answer the question are missing. This can happen when the problem hurts poorer or otherwise marginalised people, people who tend not to organise politically, people in countries outside the one where the research is most likely to get done, people who are in the future , or non-humans. This means there’s no incentive for governments or other public actors to research this question.
  • It’s new, doesn’t already have an established discipline, or is at the intersection of two disciplines. The first researchers in an area tend to take any low hanging fruit, and it gets harder and harder from there to make big discoveries. For example, the rate of progress within machine learning is far higher than the rate of progress within theoretical physics. At the same time, the structure of academia means most researchers stay stuck within the field they start in, and it can be hard to get funding to branch out into other areas. This means that new fields or questions at the intersection of two disciplines often get unfairly neglected and therefore provide opportunities for outsized impact.
  • There is some aspect of human irrationality that means people don’t correctly prioritise the issue. For instance, some issues are easy to visualise, which makes them more motivating to work on. People are scope blind which means they’re likely to neglect the issues with the very biggest scale. They’re also bad at reasoning about issues with low probability, which can make them either over-invest or under-invest in them.
  • Working on the question is low status. In academia, research that’s intellectually interesting and fits the research standards of the discipline are high status. Also, mathematical and theoretical work tends to be seen as higher status (and therefore helps to progress your career). But these don’t correlate that well with the social value of the question.
  • You’re bringing new skills or a new perspective to an established area. Progress often comes in science from bringing the techniques and insights of one field into another. For instance, Kahneman started a revolution in economics by applying findings from psychology. Cross-over is an obvious approach but is rarely used because researchers tend to be immersed in their own particular subject.

If you think you’ve found a research question that’s short on talent, it’s worth checking whether the question is answerable. People might be avoiding the question because it’s just extremely difficult to find an answer. Or perhaps progress isn’t possible at all. Ask yourself, “If there were progress on this question, how would we know?”

Finally, as we’ve discussed, personal fit is particularly important in research . So position yourself to work on questions where you maximise your chances of producing top work.

Find jobs that use a research skills

If you have these skills already or are developing it and you’re ready to start looking at job opportunities that are currently accepting applications, see our curated list of opportunities for this skill set:

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Career paths we’ve reviewed that use these skills

  • AI safety technical research and engineering
  • AI governance and coordination
  • Biorisk research
  • China-related AI safety and governance paths
  • Grantmaker focused on pressing world problems
  • Research into global priorities
  • Forecasting and related research and implementation
  • Historian of large societal trends, inflection points, progress or collapse
  • Expert in AI hardware

Specialist in emerging global powers

  • Investigate a potentially pressing but unexplored global issue
  • Research management
  • Think tank research
  • Research and advocacy promoting impactful climate solutions
  • Improving China-Western coordination on global catastrophic risks
  • Engineering
  • Economics PhDs
  • Machine learning PhDs
  • Biomedical research
  • Computer science PhDs
  • Data science
  • Philosophy academia

Learn more about research

  • High Impact Science by Carl Shulman
  • How to succeed as an early-stage researcher: the “lean startup” approach
  • Podcast: Luisa and Robert Long on how to make independent research more fun
  • A list of potentially high-impact research questions, organised by discipline

See all our articles and podcasts on research careers .

Read next:  Explore other useful skills

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Want to learn more about the most useful skills for solving global problems, according to our research? See our list.

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Notes and references

  • “Green Revolution technology saved an estimated one billion people from famine and produced more than enough food for a world population that doubled from three to six billion between 1960 and 2000.” Archived link , retrieved 5-Nov-2018. ↩
  • Turing, A. M. (1937). “ On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem “. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. 2. 42 (1): 230–265. ↩
  • See Figure 1 of Bloom et al, (2017) ↩
  • “We present a wide range of evidence from various industries, products and firms showing that research effort is rising substantially while research productivity is declining sharply. A good example is Moore’s law. The number of researchers required today to achieve the famous doubling every two years of the density of computer chips is more than 18 times larger than the number required in the early 1970s.” Bloom, N., Jones, C. I., Van Reenen, J., & Webb, M. (2017). Are ideas getting harder to find? National Bureau of Economic Research. ↩
  • The number of academics and graduate students in the world ↩
If Turing and his group had not weakened the U-boats’ hold on the North Atlantic, the 1944 Allied invasion of Europe — the D-Day landings — could have been delayed, perhaps by about a year or even longer, since the North Atlantic was the route that ammunition, fuel, food and troops had to travel in order to reach Britain from America. ↩
  • Open Philanthropy is 80,000 Hours’ largest funder, as of 2023 ↩

Sir Andrew McMichael, leading HIV vaccine researcher

For the good person whose CV you just described, would you prefer their CV landing on your desk or an extra grant?

“It’s not a simple choice. If they’re that good, they’ll probably get their own funding at some point. You can take them on without huge risk. I would always take the person.” How about if you could have half a million pound grant?

“It’s hard to turn down half a million pounds. I wouldn’t know many groups who would. You could buy another machine or do another project that would be too expensive otherwise. It depends on how much money I’ve got there already. It’s fantastic to get good people though, no question.”

Can good researchers always get funding?

“Yes, reasonably easily. Everyone can get bad patches. It’s unusual to always be on top of everything. For instance, you can get a dip at the end of a line of work, while you’re getting ready to start something else. But on the whole they can.”

John Todd, a Professor of Medical Genetics at Cambridge

Would you prefer £100,000 per year or [a good person] working for you?

“Definitely the guy”

How about £0.5mn per year?

“I’d still take the person at £0.5mn. By £5mn, I’d prefer the money! There’s a cut off somewhere between the two.”

Why would you pay so much?

“It’s very difficult to find brilliant people who have the true grit to get things done, even if it takes a long time. Most of them end up in the city.”

“The best people are the biggest struggle. The funding isn’t a problem. It’s getting really special people. I call them the one percenters…If you have a good person, it’s easy to get the grants for them. I don’t think there’s a really good researcher out there who couldn’t get funding from the MRC or Wellcome Trust.”

“One good guy can cover the ground of five, and I’m not exaggerating”

Katie Ewer, a cellular immunologist

Is your impression that it’s harder to find good researchers or additional funding?

“In order for research to progress, you need lots of different types of people within an organisation. You need people who are very methodical in what they do and are capable of doing large volumes of high through-put work, and then you need a few people at the top with the creativity to pull ideas out of the sky that nobody else would ever think of and convince Bill Gates to give you £1 million. I guess if you have somebody like that in your institution who is that creative and has that amazing ability and insight, then you can probably convince people to give you £1 million. But funding is always limited. We could proceed our field more quickly if we had as much funding as the HIV field.”

“If you are uniquely gifted in scientific research, then you should probably be a scientific researcher. But for the other 99.9% of the population, they’re probably best going and earning £1 million elsewhere and funding research.” ↩

  • “Differences in rates of scientific production are much bigger than differences in the rates of performing simpler acts, such as the rate of running the mile, or the number of words a man can speak per minute… a large number of factors are involved so that small changes in each, all in the same direction, may result in a very large change in output. For example, the number of ideas a scientist can bring into awareness at one time may control his ability to make an invention and his rate of invention may increase very rapidly with this number.” Shockley, W. (1957) On the statistics of individual variations of productivity in research laboratories . Proceedings of the IRE, 45(3), 279-290. ↩

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researcher skills meaning

Top 10 Qualities and Characteristics of a Good Researcher

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Year after year, people with different personalities and backgrounds step into the field of research eager to develop the key qualities of a good researcher , only to find themselves faced with anxiety and self-doubt. Becoming a good researcher is a challenging task that requires a combination of skills and attributes as well as time, dedication, and a lot of hard work.   

So what are the qualities of a good researcher and how does one build these must-have characteristics? This article answers this by sharing the top 10 qualities of a good researcher that you must work to develop, strengthen, and apply on your journey to research success.   

Table of Contents

Top 10 qualities of a good researcher  

  • Curiosity:  A curious mind and an ability to look at things from different perspectives is what makes a good researcher better. Good researchers are observant about the world around them and open to new ideas and possibilities; they are always asking questions and looking for answers. This ability to see the bigger picture while being curious about the smaller details is what makes a good researcher explore new ideas, test hypotheses, and make new discoveries.
  • Critical thinking:  Successful researchers can think critically about the information they gather while reading about new developments in their own and related fields. This is an essential characteristic of a good researcher . Instead of simply accepting existing knowledge as fact, you need to have the ability to analyze and evaluate the validity and reliability of sources, consider alternative explanations for results you observe, and find connections between seemingly unrelated concepts.

researcher skills meaning

  • Creativity:  The qualities of a good researcher do not just include curiosity and critical thinking, but also thinking creatively when it comes to problem solving. Nurturing the ability to think outside the box and come up with novel and often unconventional solutions to challenges you face is how to become a better researcher. This allows you to come up with more ground-breaking research studies and results addressing issues that others might easily miss.
  • Objectivity:  Nurturing preconceived notions is detrimental to research. Avoid temptations to make unconclusive statements or introduce personal biases into research, which will impact your research and standing in the long run. Remember, building essential qualities of a good researcher means consciously keeping aside personal preferences and biases and applying sound judgement to your work even when under pressure.
  • Collaborative spirit:  An important characteristic of a good researcher is being able to work well with others. With a shift toward more collaborative research, successful researchers often connect with and work with peers to come up with innovative approaches to research problems. While sharing ideas and partnering with other researchers can lead to breakthroughs and boost your researcher reputation, it also opens the door for your work to reach and potentially benefit a wider audience.
  • Communication skills:  An added strength of a good researcher is being able to communicate your findings clearly and effectively, which is a key contributor to your success. This is applicable when writing your manuscripts, presenting at conferences, as well as when seeking funding for your work. Good researchers can explain their research to both specialists and non-specialists to ensure their work is understood and appreciated by a wider audience.
  • Attention to detail:  One of the key qualities of a good researcher is being meticulous in your work. Researchers need to pay attention to every detail, from the design of an experiment to the analysis of data, and further in writing and submitting their manuscript for publication. This crucial characteristic can help you ensure your research is accurate, testable, and reliable, and also gives your manuscripts a better chance of acceptance.
  • Time management:  To understand what are the characteristics of a good researcher , first ask yourself if you manage your time well. Most successful researchers organize, prioritize, and optimize their time efficiently, allowing them to not only keep up with their responsibilities but also make time for personal tasks. If you’re being pulled in different directions or overwhelmed with trying to manage your research, stay updated on your research reading, or meeting your writing deadlines, consider honing this skill as a prerequisite to becoming a good researcher.
  • Persistence & flexibility:  Research can be a long, difficult process with several hurdles and changes along the way. One of the key requirements to becoming a good researcher is being able to adapt to new technologies and changing circumstances and persevere despite setbacks and challenges that inevitably arise. Developing the qualities of a good researcher means anticipating problems, adjusting plans to tackle challenges head-on, and being patient while moving forward toward achieving your goals.
  • Focus on self-care:  Anxiety, stress, and mental health issues are common among academics. Successful researchers are better equipped to manage this by adopting a healthy balanced lifestyle. Understanding what works for you can also improve your efficiency and productivity. Being aware of your strengths and weaknesses and using this to your advantage is key to becoming a good researcher.

In conclusion, perfecting the characteristics of a good researcher is not quick or easy, but by working consistently toward developing or strengthening these essential qualities, you will be well on your way to finding success as a well-established researcher.  

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Research skills refer to the ability to search for, locate, extract, organise, evaluate and use or present information that is relevant to a particular topic. Academic research is a specific type of research: a process of detailed and methodical investigation into some area of study. It involves intensive search, investigation, and critical analysis, usually in response to a specific research question or hypothesis. It also usually involves a lot of reading. 

Here are some examples of research questions:

  • Does smoking cause lung cancer?
  • Are gender roles a product of nature or nurture?
  • Will genetic engineering ever make it possible for humans to grow new organs?

The point of all academic research is to be able to say something with authority about the subject in question. Most of your lecturers are also researchers who specialise in particular fields. Advanced academic research aims to contribute something new to the subject area, but at undergraduate level, you are usually expected to begin by researching other people’s ideas and contributions, mostly through reading.

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brought to you by CHOC Children's Hospital of Orange County

The effects of screen time on children: The latest research parents should know

Published on: August 27, 2024

Get an overview of the latest research on the impacts of screen time on toddlers, kids and teens.

Link: https://health.choc.org/the-effects-of-screen-time-on-children-the-latest-research-parents-should-know/

As technological innovations like cellphones and video games have become ever more prevalent over the past few decades, young people have been spending more and more of their time immersed in these gadgets. And too much screen time can have a deleterious impact on the development of young minds and bodies.

While various agencies offer guidelines on how much screen time kids should encounter in a day, Dr. Michelle Yang, a CHOC resident, wanted to know why these recommendations are in place and how helpful they really are. She discussed her research at a recent Grand Rounds talk at CHOC titled “Effects of Screen Time on Children and Adolescents.”

While the impact of unfettered access is negative, there are circumstances when screen time can help a child learn certain skills. And a little time on a device can actually help improve a child’s mental health.

How has screen time use changed among youth?

Recommendations are one thing, but Dr. Yang also knows that many young people often spend more time online than ever before. Teens now spend an average of eight hours a day on screens, two hours more than in 2015.

Preteens (children aged 8 to 12 years) spend about 5 ½ hours daily on devices, up an hour from a decade earlier. That means that some young people spend half of their waking day in front of a screen. Usage jumped in 2019 just before the COVID-19 pandemic started to spread.

At least half of those hours are spent on the TV, not just on phones or tablets, Dr. Yang says, but the studies looked at various types of media.

“I think it’s really important to understand why we give the recommendations we do and what the reasoning for it is,” Dr. Yang says.

What are the screen time recommendations for children and teens?

So, what are the recommendations? According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)  and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), they are:

  • Younger than 18 months: No screen time, except for video chatting with family and friends
  • 18 to 24 months: Only high-quality educational media with parental engagement
  • Ages 2 to 5 years: No more than one hour a day
  • Age 5 years and older: No more than two hours a day, while engaging in conversation with a parent or family member about what is being viewed
  • Pre-teens and teenagers: Varied effects on mental health, academic achievement, and social skills; importance of balancing screen time with physical activity and healthy habits.

Instead of children spending their days looking at monitors, the agencies suggest some simple age-appropriate alternatives: play a ballgame, ride a bike, do yard work, dance to some music, or take the dog for a walk.

Learn how to limit teens’ screen time.

What is the role of an adult’s presence during screen time?

Dr. Yang noted that limiting screen time is only part of the solution. It’s also important for adults to be active participants, especially for younger children.

“The studies overall have shown that there is definite improvement of learning when there’s a physical presence of adults in the room,” Dr. Yang says. “And that, of course, is very much what we would expect.”

For children younger than 18 months, researchers looked into whether including screen time along with adult supervision can impact development.

“What they found was having a background TV had a very negative effect on infants and their language development,” Dr. Yang says. “When there was background TV, parents tended to talk less. The tended to be more passive in their interactions with their children when the TV was on.”

This is especially true for the very young, even if they weren’t directly viewing the television.

“When the TV was on, it provided a very major distraction for the infants,” she says.

As children begin to develop motor skills, they can show signs of what Dr. Yang called a “video deficit effect,” wherein it took twice as long for them to learn or mimic an action if it was presented on video rather than in person. They also showed a lack of social skill development.

“When asked to reproduce that action, they weren’t able to reproduce it in real life with an adult in the room,” she says. “This is where they started to realize that perhaps these videos are categorized more as an imaginary concept rather than a real-world concept, and ultimately doesn’t become translated into their development.”

Yang said these studies show that infants should be kept away from electronic devices without adults being able to help interpret what they are seeing.

Learn about the impacts of screen time on vision.

How does screen time affect language skills?

Older children – those ages 12 to 24 months – who spent two hours a day in front of a

monitor show up to a six times more likelihood of language delay. And the problems compound if they started interacting with electronic devices earlier.

“Studies show that risks for language delay were worse if they started screen time before 12 months of age,” Yang said.

Other studies showed that television had a negative impact on children who were exposed to English as a second language while they were engaging in their primary language.

But there are indications that as children begin to develop a better understanding of the world around them – at about age 17 months – spending time with educational content with an adult present can help them with vocabulary development.

“If you looked at the data in the correct way, or used a different way to interpret the data,  perhaps it actually could help with vocabulary development,” Dr. Yang says.

Not all screen time is the same. Some early research shows that touch-screen devices such as tablets can have a more positive impact development than passive devices like television. But that too requires active adult direction and high-quality educational material.

“Quality versus quantity is what matters,” Dr. Yang says.

When is screen time OK for kids?

For children ages 2 to 5 years, the picture becomes a little hazier, but generally, at this age, there are many dangers associated with screen time. Exposing children at this age to two to three hours of screen time showed increased likelihood of behavioral problems, poor vocabulary, and delayed milestones. This is especially true for children with special needs.

But there are some circumstances when it can have a positive impact. Programs and shows designed specifically to teach children can help boost school readiness, even if no adult is present.

“For things like numbers, letters, colors, shapes, spatial size and red relations, they tended to score higher on these rather than their peers who watched more general adult TV,” Dr. Yang says.

Some research also indicates that educational screen time could potentially enhance social and language skills, especially in lower-income homes. This could be because these homes previously had more limited access to learning material.

There are studies that show that boys can react differently to electronic stimulation than girls at this age. For instance, more TV at the age of 4 years led to a lower level of emotional understanding in girls. And the studies also showed that time spent on computer games led to lower emotional understanding in boys. However, Dr. Yang cautions that the matter needs to be studied further.

“Unfortunately, this is also a very subjective study, so it’s not clear exactly why or how that that truly was correlated,” she says. “But based on a couple of studies and similar findings, they felt there was enough of a correlation to at least associate those.”


researcher skills meaning

Ages & Stages

researcher skills meaning

Newborns 1-3 months

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4-6 months 7-9 months 10-12 months

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1 year old 2 years old 3 years old

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4-5 years old 6-12 years old

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13+ years old

How does screen time affect preteens and teens?

As children grow older, studies become more subjective. The risks of excessive screen time can continue to impact their emotional and educational development.

For them, more screen time can be associated with higher anxiety, depression symptoms, lower quality of life, lower psychological well-being, lower school functioning, lower academic achievement, lower self-esteem, poor language achievement, and poor math achievement.

But the results largely depend on what kind of media is being consumed.

“Intuitively, we know it’s probably different watching a TV show versus watching a documentary, or playing a video game that you don’t have to think versus a video game that you have to work with other children and come up with a solution together on a problem,” Dr. Yang says.

Excessive screen time is also connected to an unhealthy diet, as well as weight problems. One study found that kids who spent two or more hours looking at a screen have a 42 percent greater risk of being overweight.

The studies found some unanticipated results. One paper found that screen time use on weekends had worse outcomes than weekday screen time use. This could be become weekend usage was more likely to be for entertainment, while weekday usage favored educational fare, she said.

When can screen time help?

Screen time isn’t all bad. In fact, researchers found that extremely low screen time actually tended to correlate with worse mental health scores. And as they increased the amount of screen time, that showed a moderate improvement in their mental health – but a limit does exist.

“After a certain point, it started worsening their mental health again,” Dr. Yang says,

A study from New Zealand indicates that spending time around the color green — from walks outside to plants in the classroom —can help reverse the negative effects of screen time.

They noted that the higher the amount of “green time,” regardless of screen time, showed an increased self-efficacy, positive identity and decreased anxiety in teenagers,” Dr. Yang says.

Another important way to counter the impact of screen time is to maintain a healthy lifestyle: get enough sleep, eat right and maintain physical activity.

Dr. Yang cautions that the studies she researched were not perfect and more work needs to be done. Many show an association between screen time and developmental issues, not direct causation.

Also, data was self-reported, meaning that parents reported the amount of screen time their children experienced.

Some parents can “feel like, ‘Oh, this really affecting my child, so I’m going to report higher scores or worse scores,” Dr. Yang says.

She stressed the importance of doctors recognizing children who are at risk and discussing these issues with them and their parents.

“It is important in certain kids to take the time to talk about that screen time they’re getting and how it’s affecting them,” Dr. Yang says.

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Lego Therapy for Autism: Definition, Benefits, How it Works

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Lego Therapy is a play-based intervention for autism. It uses materials of interest to address the social challenges associated with autism. This article will discuss Lego Therapy for autism in more detail, explaining how it works, what it addresses, and how to implement it.

What is Lego Therapy for Autism?

Lego Therapy was developed in the early 2000s by clinical neuropsychologist Daniel LeGoff. Dr. LeGoff knew that children with autism had difficulty engaging with their peers, but he observed that these same children interacted with peers more often when playing with Legos. Based on this, Dr. LeGoff developed a Lego based therapy for autism. 

Lego is a type of play therapy. Children learn best through play since play allows them to learn about others and their environment through observing, experimenting, imitating, interacting, and role playing. Children with autism play differently than their neurotypical peers and often need to be explicitly taught play and social skills. Lego therapy is a way to bridge the gap between existing interests and lacking play/social skills to build communication, imagination, and social skills.

The main goal of Lego Therapy is to teach social skills in a structured play setting that can then be generalized to a variety of other settings and interactions in daily life. Sessions are conducted in a small group so that children can learn social skills and practice using them in a structured setting. Children learn how to share, initiate interactions, communicate with others, solve problems, and collaborate. 

Benefits of Lego Therapy for Autism

There are numerous benefits to combining legos and autism for children in Lego Therapy:

  • Improved social skills : Individuals learn social skills such as sharing and taking turns during structured group activities. In turn, these skills can be transferred to other settings outside of Lego Therapy sessions. For example, children will learn to take turns in various types of unstructured play with others or during spontaneous conversation. 
  • Improved confidence : As children participating in Lego Therapy for autism complete projects and achieve success, they feel proud of their accomplishments. This positive reinforcement builds self-esteem in individuals who often struggle with feeling confident in many areas of life.
  • Improved fine motor skills : Children with autism often have weak motor skills. The physical component of Lego Therapy allows the opportunity to practice hand-eye coordination controlled grip of small items, and precise movements.
  • Improved executive function skills : Participants in this program have to follow directions, use problem solving skills when things don’t work as planned, come up with new plans, and work together to complete a plan. These tasks help develop critical thinking skills and creativity. 

How Does Lego Therapy Work?

Because children who participate in Lego Therapy need to work collaboratively with others, Lego based Therapy works best with children who are somewhat verbal and can follow basic instructions given visually and verbally. 

Roles in Lego Therapy

A Lego Group Therapy session typically consists of a group of 3-4 individuals working on a project together. There are three main roles that participants rotate through to learn different social skills.

  • Engineer : The engineer reads and gives the instructions to the others by requesting bricks from the supplier and directing the builder to construct the model. The individual in this role has to clearly communicate and provide specific step-by-step directions. 
  • Supplier : The supplier locates the correct bricks to use. The individual in this role must listen carefully to the instructions and fulfill requests from the Engineer. 
  • Builder : The builder creates the Lego model using the instructions from the engineer and the Lego pieces given by the supplier. The individual in this role also needs to follow directions and ask for repetitions or clarification of instructions when needed. 
  • Foreman: The foreman role can be introduced when there are four group members. The foreman ensures that the other members are doing what they are supposed to. The individual in this role helps others when needed and identifies problems that the group needs to solve. The foreman can also encourage and compliment the others. 

An adult such as a therapist or teacher facilitates the session. They guide the children and provide support as needed by encouraging problem-solving and communication among the members of the group. More than one facilitator may work together to target specific goals, such as an occupational therapist and a speech therapist targeting motor skills and language goals.

Guidelines for Getting Started with Lego Therapy

While Lego Therapy sessions can be structured in various ways, here are some general guidelines to follow when getting started. 

  • A typical Lego Therapy session consists of structured play with specific individual roles. In order to achieve the best outcomes, the same children should continue to work together for the duration of therapy. When grouping children, language skills, cognitive ability, personality, and any other specific goal areas should be considered. This means that each child should be assessed in order to determine their individual goals and who they should be matched with. This also becomes crucial when monitoring and assessing progress over time. 
  • Lego Therapy sessions typically run for about an hour a week for 10 weeks. A typical session may consist of 40 minutes of structured building time and 20 minutes of free play. Shorter 20-30 minute sessions may be more appropriate for younger children. Each group consists of 3-4 children and at least one adult. 
  • During each Lego Therapy session, a welcome and introduction time allows for the group to review the language, rules, and roles. Initial roles should be assigned, but these roles will rotate during the course of the session. The group will start with simple Lego models so the facilitator can get an idea of how long it takes the children to complete the builds.
  • Sessions also include free play time. This component can be just as beneficial as the structured portion of the sessions because it allows for increased creativity. It also allows children to use their newly learned social skills in a more relaxed and natural setting. 
  • It can be helpful to create and use a social story about Lego Therapy to review with the children during the first session. This allows you to introduce the specific terms and roles, as well as go over the rules for the sessions. Visuals are also helpful to introduce at this time. 

Lego Therapy can also be modified for varying ability levels. Younger children with weaker motor skills can use larger Lego blocks, can have simplified roles, and can have directions that are displayed as pictures instead of written out in words. Older children who may be working on more advanced communication skills might work together to complete more complicated Lego models or create their own designs. 

Research and Evidence Supporting Lego Therapy

There are a few studies and reviews that have shown the effectiveness of Lego Therapy as an intervention in targeting social skills in children with autism. 

According to a systematic review published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders in 2017, Lego interventions were shown to improve communication and social skills and reduce negative behaviors. 

When compared to children in a study in 2008 who participated in another social skills therapy program over the course of 18 weeks, the children who did Lego Therapy demonstrated more improvement on social interaction scores.

A study conducted by LeGoff and Sherman in 2006 looked at the long-term effects of Lego Therapy. When comparing children who received Lego Therapy to those who received a different therapy, those who participated in Lego Therapy demonstrated more significant improvement. It also showed long term maintenance of skills three years after receiving the therapy. 

How to Implement Lego Therapy at Home

Lego Therapy can be used in clinical therapy settings, educational settings, and in the home setting. When implementing Lego Therapy at home, there are several important things to keep in mind:

  • Set up a dedicated space. It is helpful to have an area that has few distractions so that children can focus on completing their Lego building projects.
  • Make Lego Therapy part of the daily routine. In addition to scheduling specific times for structured sessions, Lego activities or new materials can be used as rewards or positive reinforcement. 
  • Depending on how many people participate in the Lego Therapy session at home, some roles may need to be combined. When three people are involved, the roles of Engineer, Supplier, and Builder can each be assigned to one individual. If playing with two people, one person will need to take on two roles. For example, one person will be the Engineer and the other will be the Supplier and Builder. If playing with four people, the Foreman can be added. 
  • Use Lego Therapy as a complement to other therapies. This is a great intervention to use alongside speech therapy, occupational therapy, behavioral therapy, and/or social skills groups. With Legos, autism therapies can all be targeted simultaneously, which makes each one more effective. 

As a speech language pathologist, I believe home practice is essential for the carryover of speech and language skills taught during therapy sessions. The more consistently skills are used in daily life, the more likely the skills will be generalized sooner. In addition, combining other therapies with speech therapy makes speech therapy more effective, and vice versa. 

Using Forbrain in Lego Therapy

Forbrain is a brain training device that uses the auditory feedback loop to enhance the way one’s voice sounds. When the user wears the Forbrain headset, they hear their voice louder and more clearly through the auditory stimulation technology.

Forbrain complements Lego Therapy, and it can be used during or in between Lego Therapy sessions to further support the skills taught and targeted during these therapy sessions. The child simply wears the headset and participates in sessions as usual. As they speak and interact, their voice will be amplified in their ears. This increases self-awareness, which can increase the child’s motivation to participate and interact with their peers during Lego Therapy sessions. Using Forbrain in conjunction with Lego Therapy can also improve clarity of speech, attention, and memory. All of these are important components of successful social interactions. 

Final Words

Lego Therapy for autism can be an effective intervention for supporting and improving social skills. Lego Therapy has been shown to improve social skills and communication while reducing maladaptive behaviors in children with autism. Besides improved social interactions, Lego Therapy can support motor skills development, confidence building, and executive functioning. It can be implemented at home and used in conjunction with other therapies. It can also be paired with complementary tools and devices, such as Forbrain. 

Parents, caregivers, educators, and healthcare professionals should use the tips shared in this article to determine if Lego Therapy is a good fit for your child or student with autism. Review the article to learn how to implement it successfully.

Hummel, Kyle, & McKenna, Kate. (Accessed 2024, August 14). Lego-Based Therapy. Association for Science in Autism Treatment. https://asatonline.org/for-parents/learn-more-about-specific-treatments/lego-based-therapy/

Jade. (Accessed 2023, August 15). Lego Therapy. The Autism Page. https://www.theautismpage.com/lego-therapy/#google_vignette

Legoff, Daniel B., & Sherman, Michael. (2006, July). Long-Term Outcome of Social Skills Intervention Based on Interactive Lego Play. National Autistic Society, 10 (4).  https://doi.org/10.1177/1362361306064403

Lindsay, Sally, Hounsell, Kara Grace, & Cassiani, Celia. (2017, April). A Scoping Review of the Role of Lego Therapy For Improving Inclusion and Social Skills Among Children and Youth with Autism. Disability and Health Journal, 10 (2). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dhjo.2016.10.010

NeuroLaunch. (2024, August 11). Lego Therapy and Autism: Building Connections Through Play. NeuroLaunch. https://neurolaunch.com/lego-therapy-for-autism/

Owens, Gina, Granader, Yael, Humphrey, Ayla, & Baron-Cohen, Simon. (2008, June 20). Lego Therapy and the Social Use of Language Programme: An Evaluation of Two Social Skills Interventions for Children with High Functioning Autism and Asperger Syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38 (10). https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10803-008-0590-6

Rudy, Lisa Jo. (2023, August 28). Lego Therapy for Autistic Children. VeryWell Health. https://www.verywellhealth.com/lego-therapy-for-children-with-autism-4169865

Seath, Nicole. (2024, May 9). What is Lego-Based Therapy? Therapy Focus. https://therapyfocus.org.au/on-the-blog/what-is-lego-therapy/

Amanda Unrau

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  • Open access
  • Published: 28 August 2024

The design, implementation, and evaluation of a blended (in-person and virtual) Clinical Competency Examination for final-year nursing students

  • Rita Mojtahedzadeh 1 ,
  • Tahereh Toulabi 2 , 3 &
  • Aeen Mohammadi 1  

BMC Medical Education volume  24 , Article number:  936 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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Studies have reported different results of evaluation methods of clinical competency tests. Therefore, this study aimed to design, implement, and evaluate a blended (in-person and virtual) Competency Examination for final-year Nursing Students.

This interventional study was conducted in two semesters of 2020–2021 using an educational action research method in the nursing and midwifery faculty. Thirteen faculty members and 84 final-year nursing students were included in the study using a census method. Eight programs and related activities were designed and conducted during the examination process. Students completed the Spielberger Anxiety Inventory before the examination, and both faculty members and students completed the Acceptance and Satisfaction questionnaire.

The results of the analysis of focused group discussions and reflections indicated that the virtual CCE was not capable of adequately assessing clinical skills. Therefore, it was decided that the CCE for final-year nursing students would be conducted using a blended method. The activities required for performing the examination were designed and implemented based on action plans. Anxiety and satisfaction were also evaluated as outcomes of the study. There was no statistically significant difference in overt, covert, and overall anxiety scores between the in-person and virtual sections of the examination ( p  > 0.05). The mean (SD) acceptance and satisfaction scores for students in virtual, in-person, and blended sections were 25.49 (4.73), 27.60 (4.70), and 25.57 (4.97), respectively, out of 30 points, in which there was a significant increase in the in-person section compared to the other sections. ( p  = 0.008). The mean acceptance and satisfaction scores for faculty members were 30.31 (4.47) in the virtual, 29.86 (3.94) in the in-person, and 30.00 (4.16) out of 33 in the blended, and there was no significant difference between the three sections ( p  = 0.864).

Evaluating nursing students’ clinical competency using a blended method was implemented and solved the problem of students’ graduation. Therefore, it is suggested that the blended method be used instead of traditional in-person or entirely virtual exams in epidemics or based on conditions, facilities, and human resources. Also, the use of patient simulation, virtual reality, and the development of necessary virtual and in-person training infrastructure for students is recommended for future research. Furthermore, considering that the acceptance of traditional in-person exams among students is higher, it is necessary to develop virtual teaching strategies.

Peer Review reports

The primary mission of the nursing profession is to educate competent, capable, and qualified nurses with the necessary knowledge and skills to provide quality nursing care to preserve and improve the community’s health [ 1 ]. Clinical education is one of the most essential and fundamental components of nursing education, in which students gain clinical experience by interacting with actual patients and addressing real problems. Therefore, assessing clinical skills is very challenging. The main goal of educational evaluation is to improve, ensure, and enhance the quality of the academic program. In this regard, evaluating learners’ performance is one of the critical and sensitive aspects of the teaching and learning process. It is considered one of the fundamental elements of the educational program [ 2 ]. The study area is educational evaluation.

Various methods are used to evaluate nursing students. The Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is a valid and reliable method for assessing clinical competence [ 1 , 2 ]. In the last twenty years, the use of OSCE has increased significantly in evaluating medical and paramedical students to overcome the limitations of traditional practical evaluation systems [ 3 , 4 ]. The advantages of this method include providing rapid feedback, uniformity for all examinees, and providing conditions close to reality. However, the time-consuming nature and the need for a lot of personnel and equipment are some disadvantages of OSCE [ 5 , 6 ]. Additionally, some studies have shown that this method is anxiety-provoking for some students and, due to time constraints, being observed by the evaluator and other factors can cause dissatisfaction among students [ 7 , 8 ].

However, some studies have also reported that this method is not only not associated with high levels of stress among students [ 9 ] but also has higher satisfaction than traditional evaluation methods [ 4 ]. In addition, during the COVID-19 pandemic, problems such as overcrowding and student quarantine during the exam have arisen. Therefore, reducing time and costs, eliminating or reducing the tiring quarantine time, optimizing the exam, utilizing all facilities for simulating the clinical environment, using innovative methods for conducting the exam, reducing stress, increasing satisfaction, and ultimately preventing the transmission of COVID-19 are significant problems that need to be further investigated.

Studies show that using virtual space as an alternative solution is strongly felt [ 10 , 11 , 12 ]. In the fall of 2009, following the outbreak of H1N1, educational classes in the United States were held virtually [ 13 ]. Also, in 2005, during Hurricane Katrina, 27 universities in the Gulf of Texas used emergency virtual education and evaluation [ 14 ].

One of the challenges faced by healthcare providers in Iran, like most countries in the world, especially during the COVID-19 outbreak, was the shortage of nursing staff [ 15 , 16 ]. Also, in evaluating and conducting CCE for final-year students and subsequent job seekers in the Clinical Skills Center, problems such as student overcrowding and the need for quarantine during the implementation of OSCE existed. This problem has been reported not only for us but also in other countries [ 17 ]. The intelligent use of technology can solve many of these problems. Therefore, almost all educational institutions have quickly started changing their policies’ paradigms to introduce online teaching and evaluation methods [ 18 , 19 ].

During the COVID-19 pandemic, for the first time, this exam was held virtually in our school. However, feedback from professors and students and the experiences of researchers have shown that the virtual exam can only partially evaluate clinical and practical skills in some stations, such as basic skills, resuscitation, and pediatrics [ 20 ].

Additionally, using OSCE in skills assessment facilitates the evaluation of psychological-motor knowledge and attitudes and helps identify strengths and weaknesses [ 21 ]. Clinical competency is a combination of theoretical knowledge and clinical skills. Therefore, using an effective blended method focusing on the quality and safety of healthcare that measures students’ clinical skills and theoretical expertise more accurately in both in-person and virtual environments is essential. The participation of students, professors, managers, education and training staff, and the Clinical Skills Center was necessary to achieve this important and inevitable goal. Therefore, the Clinical Competency Examination (CCE) for nursing students in our nursing and midwifery school was held in the form of an educational action research process to design, implement, and evaluate a blended method. Implementing this process during the COVID-19 pandemic, when it was impossible to hold an utterly in-person exam, helped improve the quality of the exam and address its limitations and weaknesses while providing the necessary evaluation for students.

The innovation of this research lies in evaluating the clinical competency of final-year nursing students using a blended method that focuses on clinical and practical aspects. In the searches conducted, only a few studies have been done on virtual exams and simulations, and a similar study using a blended method was not found.

The research investigates the scientific and clinical abilities of nursing students through the clinical competency exam. This exam, traditionally administered in person, is a crucial milestone for final-year nursing students, marking their readiness for graduation. However, the unforeseen circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting restrictions rendered in-person exams impractical in 2020. This necessitated a swift and significant transition to an online format, a decision that has profound implications for the future of nursing education. While the adoption of online assessment was a necessary step to ensure student graduation and address the nursing workforce shortage during the pandemic, it was not without its challenges. The accurate assessment of clinical skills, such as dressing and CPR, proved to be a significant hurdle. This underscored the urgent need for a change in the exam format, prompting a deeper exploration of innovative solutions.

To address these problems, the research was conducted collaboratively with stakeholders, considering the context and necessity for change in exam administration. Employing an Action Research (AR) approach, a blend of online and in-person exam modalities was adopted. Necessary changes were implemented through a cyclic process involving problem identification, program design, implementation, reflection, and continuous evaluation.

The research began by posing the following questions:

What are the problems of conducting the CCE for final-year nursing students during COVID-19?

How can these problems be addressed?

What are the solutions and suggestions from the involved stakeholders?

How can the CCE be designed, implemented, and evaluated?

What is the impact of exam type on student anxiety and satisfaction?

These questions guided the research in exploring the complexities of administering the CCE amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and in devising practical solutions to ensure the validity and reliability of the assessment while meeting stakeholders’ needs.

Materials and methods

Research setting, expert panel members, job analysis, and role delineation.

This action research was conducted at the Nursing and Midwifery School of Lorestan University of Medical Sciences, with a history of approximately 40 years. The school accommodates 500 undergraduate and graduate nursing students across six specialized fields, with 84 students enrolled in their final year of undergraduate studies. Additionally, the school employs 26 full-time faculty members in nursing education departments.

An expert panel was assembled, consisting of faculty members specializing in various areas, including medical-surgical nursing, psychiatric nursing, community health nursing, pediatric nursing, and intensive care nursing. The panel also included educational department managers and the examination department supervisor. Through focused group discussions, the panel identified and examined issues regarding the exam format, and members proposed various solutions. Subsequently, after analyzing the proposed solutions and drawing upon the panel members’ experiences, specific roles for each member were delineated.

Sampling and participant selection

Given the nature of the research, purposive sampling was employed, ensuring that all individuals involved in the design, implementation, and evaluation of the exam participated in this study.

The participants in this study included final-year nursing students, faculty members, clinical skills center experts, the dean of the school, the educational deputy, group managers, and the exam department head. However, in the outcome evaluation phase, 13 faculty members participated in-person and virtually (26 times), and 84 final-year nursing students enrolled in the study using a census method in two semesters of 2020–2021 completed the questionnaires, including 37 females and 47 males. In addition, three male and ten female faculty members participated in this study; of this number, 2 were instructors, and 11 were assistant professors.

Data collection tools

In order to enhance the validity and credibility of the study and thoroughly examine the results, this study utilized a triangulation method consisting of demographic information, focus group discussions, the Spielberger Anxiety Scale questionnaire, and an Acceptance and Satisfaction Questionnaire.

Demographic information

A questionnaire was used to gather demographic information from both students and faculty members. For students, this included age, gender, and place of residence, while for faculty members, it included age, gender, field of study, and employment status.

Focus group discussion

Multiple focused group discussions were conducted with the participation of professors, administrators, experts, and students. These discussions were held through various platforms such as WhatsApp Skype, and in-person meetings while adhering to health protocols. The researcher guided the talks toward the research objectives and raised fundamental questions, such as describing the strengths and weaknesses of the previous exam, determining how to conduct the CCE considering the COVID-19 situation, deciding on virtual and in-person stations, specifying the evaluation checklists for stations, and explaining the weighting and scoring of each station.

Spielberger anxiety scale questionnaire

This study used the Spielberger Anxiety Questionnaire to measure students’ overt and covert anxiety levels. This questionnaire is an internationally standardized tool known as the STAI questionnaire that measures both overt (state) and covert (trait) anxiety [ 22 ]. The state anxiety scale (Form Y-1 of STAI) comprises twenty statements that assess the individual’s feelings at the moment of responding. The trait anxiety scale (Form Y-2 of STAI) also includes twenty statements that measure individuals’ general and typical feelings. The scores of each of the two scales ranged from 20 to 80 in the current study. The reliability coefficient of the test for the apparent and hidden anxiety scales, based on Cronbach’s alpha, was confirmed to be 0.9084 and 0.9025, respectively [ 23 , 24 ]. Furthermore, in the present study, Cronbach’s alpha value for the total anxiety questionnaire, overt anxiety, and covert anxiety scales were 0.935, 0.921, and 0.760, respectively.

Acceptance and satisfaction questionnaire

The Acceptability and Satisfaction Questionnaire for Clinical Competency Test was developed by Farajpour et al. (2012). The student questionnaire consists of ten questions, and the professor questionnaire consists of eleven questions, using a four-point Likert scale. Experts have confirmed the validity of these questionnaires, and their Cronbach’s alpha coefficients have been determined to be 0.85 and 0.87 for the professor and student questionnaires, respectively [ 6 ]. In the current study, ten medical education experts also confirmed the validity of the questionnaires. Regarding internal reliability, Cronbach’s alpha coefficients for the student satisfaction questionnaire for both virtual and in-person sections were 0.76 and 0.87, respectively. The professor satisfaction questionnaires were 0.84 and 0.87, respectively. An online platform was used to collect data for the virtual exam.

Data analysis and rigor of study

Qualitative data analysis was conducted using the method proposed by Graneheim and Lundman. Additionally, the criteria established by Lincoln and Guba (1985) were employed to confirm the rigor and validity of the data, including credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability [ 26 ].

In this research, data synthesis was performed by combining the collected data with various tools and methods. The findings of this study were reviewed and confirmed by participants, supervisors, mentors, and experts in qualitative research, reflecting their opinions on the alignment of findings with their experiences and perspectives on clinical competence examinations. Therefore, the member check method was used to validate credibility.

Moreover, efforts were made in this study to provide a comprehensive description of the research steps, create a suitable context for implementation, assess the views of others, and ensure the transferability of the results.

Furthermore, researchers’ interest in identifying and describing problems, reflecting, designing, implementing, and evaluating clinical competence examinations, along with the engagement of stakeholders in these examinations, was ensured by the researchers’ long-term engagement of over 25 years with the environment and stakeholders, seeking their opinions and considering their ideas and views. These factors contributed to ensuring confirmability.

In this research, by reflecting the results to the participants and making revisions by the researchers, problem clarification and solution presentation, design, implementation, and evaluation of operational programs with stakeholder participation and continuous presence were attempted to prevent biases, assumptions, and research hypotheses, and to confirm dependability.

Data analysis was performed using SPSS version 21, and descriptive statistical tests (absolute and relative frequency, mean, and standard deviation) and inferential tests (paired t-test, independent t-test, and analysis of variance) were used. The significance level was set at 0.05. Parametric tests were used based on the normality of the data according to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical test.

Given that conducting the CCE for final-year nursing students required the active participation of managers, faculty members, staff, and students, and to answer the research question “How can the CCE for final-year nursing students be conducted?” and achieve the research objective of “designing, implementing, and evaluating the clinical competency exam,” the action research method was employed.

The present study was conducted based on the Dickens & Watkins model. There are four primary stages (Fig.  1 ) in the cyclical action research process: reflect, plan, act, observe, and then reflect to continue through the cycle [ 27 ].

figure 1

The cyclical process of action research [ 27 ]

Stage 1: Reflection

Identification of the problem.

According to the educational regulations, final semester nursing students must complete the clinical competency exam. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the critical situation in most provinces, inter-city travel restrictions, and insufficient dormitory space, conducting the CCE in-person was not feasible.

This exam was conducted virtually at our institution. However, based on the reflections from experts, researchers have found that virtual exams can only partially assess clinical and practical skills in certain stations, such as basic skills, resuscitation, and pediatrics. Furthermore, utilizing Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) in skills assessment facilitates the evaluation of psychomotor skills, knowledge, and attitudes, aiding in identifying strengths and weaknesses.

P3, “Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the critical situation in most provinces, inter-city travel restrictions, and insufficient dormitory space, conducting the CCE in-person is not feasible.”

Stage 2: Planning

Based on the reflections gathered from the participants, the exam was designed using a blended approach (combining in-person and virtual components) as per the schedule outlined in Fig.  2 . All planned activities for the blended CCE for final-year nursing students were executed over two semesters.

P5, “Taking the exam virtually might seem easier for us and the students, but in my opinion, it’s not realistic. For instance, performing wound dressing or airway management is very practical, and it’s not possible to assess students with a virtual scenario. We need to see them in person.”

P6"I believe it’s better to conduct those activities that are highly practical in person, but for those involving communication skills like report writing, professional ethics, etc., we can opt for virtual assessment.”

figure 2

Design and implementation of the blended CCE

Stage 3: Act

Cce implementation steps.

The CCE was conducted based on the flowchart in Fig.  3 and the following steps:

figure 3

Steps for conducting the CCE for final-year nursing students using a blended method

Step 1: Designing the framework for conducting the blended Clinical Competency Examination

The panelists were guided to design the blended exam in focused group sessions and virtual panels based on the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) model [ 28 ]. Initially, needs assessment and opinion polling were conducted, followed by the operational planning of the exam, including the design of the blueprint table (Table  1 ), determination of station types (in-person or virtual), designing question stems in the form of scenarios, creating checklists and station procedure guides by expert panel groups based on participant analysis, and the development of exam implementation guidelines with participant input [ 27 ]. The design, execution, and evaluation were as follows:

In-person and virtual meetings with professors were held to determine the exam schedule, deadlines for submitting checklists, decision-making regarding the virtual or in-person nature of stations based on the type of skill (practical, communication), and presenting problems and solutions. Based on the decisions, primary skill stations, as well as cardiac and pediatric resuscitation stations, were held in person. In contrast, virtual stations for health, nursing ethics, nursing reports, nursing diagnosis, physical examinations, and psychiatric nursing were held.

News about the exam was communicated to students through the college website and text messages. Then, an online orientation session was held on Skype with students regarding the need assessment of pre-exam educational workshops, virtual and in-person exam standards, how to use exam software, how to conduct virtual exams, explaining the necessary infrastructure for participating in the exam by students, completing anxiety and satisfaction questionnaires, rules and regulations, how to deal with rejected individuals, and exam testing and Q&A. Additionally, a pre-exam in-person orientation session was held.

To inform students about the entire educational process, the resources and educational content recommended by the professors, including PDF files, photos and videos, instructions, and links, were shared through a virtual group on the social media messenger, and scientific information was also, questions were asked and answered through this platform.

Correspondence and necessary coordination were made with the university clinical skills center to conduct in-person workshops and exams.

Following the Test-centered approach, the Angoff Modified method [ 29 , 30 ] was used to determine the scoring criteria for each station by panelists tasked with assigning scores.

Additionally, in establishing standards for this blended CCE for fourth-year nursing students, for whom graduation was a prerequisite, the panelists, as experienced clinical educators familiar with the performance and future roles of these students and the assessment method of the blended exam, were involved [ 29 , 30 ](Table 1 ).

Step 2: Preparing the necessary infrastructure for conducting the exam

Software infrastructure.

The pre- and post-virtual exam questions, scenarios, and questionnaires were uploaded using online software.

The exam was conducted on a trial basis in multiple sessions with the participation of several faculty members, and any issues were addressed. Students were authenticated to enter the exam environment via email and personal information verification. The questions for each station were designed and entered into the software by the respective station instructors and the examination coordinator, who facilitated the exam. The questions were formatted as clinical scenarios, images, descriptive questions, and multiple-choice questions, emphasizing the clinical and practical aspects. This software had various features for administering different types of exams and various question formats, including multiple-choice, descriptive, scenario-based, image-based, video-based, matching, Excel output, and graphical and descriptive statistical analyses. It also had automatic questionnaire completion, notification emails, score addition to questionnaires, prevention of multiple answer submissions, and the ability to upload files up to 4 gigabytes. Student authentication was based on national identification numbers and student IDs, serving as user IDs and passwords. Students could enter the exam environment using their email and multi-level personal information verification. If the information did not match, individuals could not access the exam environment.

Checklists and questionnaires

A student list was prepared, and checklists for the in-person exam and anxiety and satisfaction questionnaires were reproduced.

Empowerment workshops for professors and education staff

Educational needs of faculty members and academic staff include conducting clinical competency exams using the OSCE method; simulating and evaluating OSCE exams; designing standardized questions, checklists, and scenarios; innovative approaches in clinical evaluations; designing physical spaces and setting up stations; and assessing ethics and professional commitment in clinical competency exams.

Student empowerment programs

According to the students’ needs assessment results, in-person workshops on cardiopulmonary resuscitation and airway management and online workshops were held on health, pediatrics, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, ethics, nursing diagnosis, and report writing through Skype messenger. In addition, vaccination notes, psychiatric nursing, and educational files on clinical examinations and basic skills were recorded by instructors and made available to students via virtual groups.

Step 3: CCE implementation

The CCE was held in two parts, in-person and virtual.

In-person exam

The OSCE method was used for this section of the exam. The basic skills station exam included dressing and injections, and the CPR and pediatrics stations were conducted in person. The students were divided into two groups of 21 each semester, and the exam was held in two shifts. While adhering to quarantine protocols, the students performed the procedures for seven minutes at each station, and instructors evaluated them using a checklist. An additional minute was allotted for transitioning to the next station.

Virtual exam

The professional ethics, nursing diagnosis, nursing report, health, psychiatric nursing, and physical examination stations were conducted virtually after the in-person exam. This exam was made available to students via a primary and a secondary link in a virtual space at the scheduled time. Students were first verified, and after the specified time elapsed, the ability to respond to inactive questions and submitted answers was sent. During the exam, full support was provided by the examination center.

The examination coordinator conducted the entire virtual exam process. The exam results were announced 48 h after the exam. A passing grade was considered to be a score higher than 60% in all stations. Students who failed in various stations were given the opportunity for remediation based on faculty feedback, either through additional study or participation in educational workshops. Subsequent exams were held one week apart from the initial exam. It was stipulated that students who failed in more than half of the stations would be evaluated in the following semester. If they failed in more than three sessions at a station, a decision would be made by the faculty’s educational council. However, no students met these situations.

Step 4: Evaluation

The evaluation of the exam was conducted by examiners using a checklist, and the results were announced as pass or fail.

Stage 4: Observation / evaluation

In this study, both process and outcome evaluations were conducted:

Process evaluation

All programs and activities implemented during the test design and administration process were evaluated in the process evaluation. This evaluation was based on operational program control and reflections received from participants through group discussion sessions and virtual groups.

Sample reflections received from faculty members, managers, experts, and students through group discussions and social messaging platforms after the changes:

P7: “The implementation of the blended virtual exam, in the conditions of the COVID-19 crisis where the possibility of holding in-person exams was not fully available, in my opinion, was able to improve the quality of exam administration and address the limitations and weaknesses of the exam entirely virtually.”

P5: “In my opinion, this blended method was able to better evaluate students in terms of clinical readiness for entering clinical practice.”

Outcomes evaluation

The study outcomes were student anxiety, student acceptance and satisfaction, and faculty acceptance and satisfaction. Before the start of the in-person and virtual exams, the Spielberger Anxiety Questionnaire was provided to students. Additionally, immediately after the exam, students and instructors completed the acceptance and satisfaction questionnaire for the relevant section. After the exam, students and instructors completed the acceptance and satisfaction questionnaire again for the entire exam process, including feasibility, satisfaction with its implementation, and educational impact.

Design framework and implementation for the blended Clinical Competency Examination

The exam was planned using a blended method (part in-person, part virtual) according to the Fig.  2 schedule, and all planned programs for the blended CCE for final-year nursing students were implemented in two semesters.

Evaluation results

In this study, 84 final-year nursing students participated, including 37 females (44.05%) and 47 males (55.95%). Among them, 28 (33.3%) were dormitory residents, and 56 (66.7%) were non-dormitory residents.

In this study, both process and outcome evaluations were conducted.

All programs and activities implemented during the test design and administration process were evaluated in the process evaluation (Table  2 ). This evaluation was based on operational program control and reflections received from participants through group discussion sessions and virtual groups on social media.

Anxiety and satisfaction were examined and evaluated as study outcomes, and the results are presented below.

The paired t-test results in Table  3 showed no statistically significant difference in overt anxiety ( p  = 0.56), covert anxiety ( p  = 0.13), and total anxiety scores ( p  = 0.167) between the in-person and virtual sections before the blended Clinical Competency Examination.

However, the mean (SD) of overt anxiety in persons in males and females was 49.27 (11.16) and 43.63 (13.60), respectively, and this difference was statistically significant ( p  = 0.03). Also, the mean (SD) of overt virtual anxiety in males and females was 45.70 (11.88) and 51.00 (9.51), respectively, and this difference was statistically significant ( p  = 0.03). However, there was no significant difference between males and females regarding covert anxiety in the person ( p  = 0.94) and virtual ( p  = 0.60) sections. In addition, the highest percentage of overt anxiety was apparent in the virtual section among women (15.40%) and the in-person section among men (21.28%) and was prevalent at a moderate to high level.

According to Table  4 , One-way analysis of variance showed a significant difference between the virtual, in-person, and blended sections in terms of acceptance and satisfaction scores.

The results of the One-way analysis of variance showed that the mean (SD) acceptance and satisfaction scores of nursing students of the CCE in virtual, in-person, and blended sections were 25.49 (4.73), 27.60 (4.70), and 25.57 (4.97) out of 30, respectively. There was a significant difference between the three sections ( p  = 0.008).

In addition, 3 (7.23%) male and 10 (76.3%) female faculty members participated in this study; of this number, 2 (15.38%) were instructors, and 11 (84.62%) were assistant professors. Moreover, they were between 29 and 50 years old, with a mean (SD) of 41.37 (6.27). Furthermore, they had 4 to 20 years of work experience with a mean and standard deviation of 13.22(4.43).

The results of the analysis of variance showed that the mean (SD) acceptance and satisfaction scores of faculty members of the CCE in virtual, in-person, and blended sections were 30.31 (4.47), 29.86 (3.94), and 30.00 (4.16) out of 33, respectively. There was no significant difference between the three sections ( p  = 0.864).

This action research study showed that the blended CCE for nursing students is feasible and, depending on the conditions and objectives, evaluation stations can be designed and implemented virtually or in person.

The blended exam, combining in-person and virtual elements, managed to address some of the weaknesses of entirely virtual exams conducted in previous terms due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Given the pandemic conditions, the possibility of performing all in-person stations was not feasible due to the risk of students and evaluators contracting the virus, as well as the need for prolonged quarantine. Additionally, to meet the staffing needs of hospitals, nursing students needed to graduate. By implementing the blended exam idea and conducting in-person evaluations at clinical stations, the assessment of nursing students’ clinical competence was brought closer to reality compared to the entirely virtual method.

Furthermore, the need for human resources, station setup costs, and time spent was less than the entirely in-person method. Therefore, in pandemics or conditions where sufficient financial resources and human resources are not available, the blended approach can be utilized.

Additionally, the evaluation results showed that students’ total and overt anxiety in both virtual and in-person sections of the blended CCE did not differ significantly. However, the overt anxiety of female students in the virtual section and male students in the in-person section was considerably higher. Nevertheless, students’ covert anxiety related to personal characteristics did not differ in virtual and in-person exam sections. However, students’ acceptance and satisfaction in the in-person section were higher than in the virtual and blended sections, with a significant difference. The acceptance and satisfaction of faculty members from the CCE in in-person, virtual, and blended sections were the same and relatively high.

A blended CCE nursing competency exam was not found in the literature review. However, recent studies, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, have designed and implemented this exam using virtual OSCE. Previously, the CCE was held in-person or through traditional OSCE methods.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, nursing schools worldwide faced difficulties administering clinical competency exams for students. The virtual simulation was used to evaluate clinical competency and develop nursing students’ clinical skills in the United States, including standard videos, home videos, and clinical scenarios. Additionally, an online virtual simulation program was designed to assess the clinical competency of senior nursing students in Hong Kong as a potential alternative to traditional clinical training [ 31 ].

A traditional in-person OSCE was also redesigned and developed through a virtual conferencing platform for nursing students at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. Survey findings showed that most professors and students considered virtual OSCE a highly effective tool for evaluating communication skills, obtaining a medical history, making differential diagnoses, and managing patients. However, professors noted that evaluating examination techniques in a virtual environment is challenging [ 32 ].

However, Biranvand reported that less than half of the nursing students believed the in-person OSCE was stressful [ 33 ]. At the same time, the results of another study showed that 96.2% of nursing students perceived the exam as anxiety-provoking [ 1 ]. Students believe that the stress of this exam is primarily related to exam time, complexity, and the execution of techniques, as well as confusion about exam methods [ 7 ]. In contrast to previous research results, in a study conducted in Egypt, 75% of students reported that the OSCE method has less stress than other examination methods [ 9 ]. However, there has yet to be a consensus across studies on the causes and extent of anxiety-provoking in the OSCE exam. In a study, the researchers found that in addition to the factors mentioned above, the evaluator’s presence could also be a cause of stress [ 34 ]. Another survey study showed that students perceived the OSCE method as more stressful than the traditional method, mainly due to the large number of stations, exam items, and time constraints [ 7 ]. Another study in Egypt, which designed two stages of the OSCE exam for 75 nursing students, found that 65.6% of students reported that the second stage exam was stressful due to the problem-solving station. In contrast, only 38.9% of participants considered the first-stage exam stressful [ 35 ]. Given that various studies have reported anxiety as one of the disadvantages of the OSCE exam, in this study, one of the outcomes evaluated was the anxiety of final-year nursing students. There was no significant difference in total anxiety and overt anxiety between students in the in-person and virtual sections of the blended Clinical Competency Examination. The overt anxiety was higher in male students in the in-person part and female students in the virtual section, which may be due to their personality traits, but further research is needed to confirm this. Moreover, since students’ total and overt anxiety in the in-person and virtual sections of the exam are the same in resource and workforce shortages or pandemics, the blended CCE is suggested as a suitable alternative to the traditional OSCE test. However, for generalization of the results, it is recommended that future studies consider three intervention groups, where all OSCE stations are conducted virtually in the first group, in-person in the second group, and a blend of in-person and virtual in the third group. Furthermore, the results of the study by Rafati et al. showed that the use of the OSCE clinical competency exam using the OSCE method is acceptable, valid, and reliable for assessing nursing skills, as 50% of the students were delighted, and 34.6% were relatively satisfied with the OSCE clinical competency exam. Additionally, 57.7% of the students believed the exam revealed learning weaknesses [ 1 ]. Another survey study showed that despite higher anxiety about the OSCE exam, students thought that this exam provides equal opportunities for everyone, is less complicated than the traditional method, and encourages the active participation of students [ 7 ]. In another study on maternal and infant care, 95% of the students believed the traditional exam only evaluates memory or practical skills. In contrast, the OSCE exam assesses knowledge, understanding, cognitive and analytical skills, communication, and emotional skills. They believed that explicit evaluation goals, appropriate implementation guidelines, appropriate scheduling, wearing uniforms, equipping the workroom, evaluating many skills, and providing fast feedback are among the advantages of this exam [ 36 ]. Moreover, in a survey study, most students were satisfied with the clinical environment offered by the OSCE CCE using the OSCE method, which is close to reality and involves a hypothetical patient in necessary situations that increase work safety. On the other hand, factors such as the scheduling of stations and time constraints have led to dissatisfaction among students [ 37 ].

Furthermore, another study showed that virtual simulations effectively improve students’ skills in tracheostomy suctioning, triage concepts, evaluation, life-saving interventions, clinical reasoning skills, clinical judgment skills, intravenous catheterization skills, role-based nursing care, individual readiness, critical thinking, reducing anxiety levels, and increasing confidence in the laboratory, clinical nursing education, interactive communication, and health evaluation skills. In addition to knowledge and skills, new findings indicate that virtual simulations can increase confidence, change attitudes and behaviors, and be an innovative, flexible, and hopeful approach for new nurses and nursing students [ 38 ].

Various studies have evaluated the satisfaction of students and faculty members with the OSCE Clinical Competency Examination. In this study, one of the evaluated outcomes was the acceptability and satisfaction of students and faculty members with implementing the CCE in blended, virtual, and in-person sections, which was relatively high and consistent with other studies. One crucial factor that influenced the satisfaction of this study was the provision of virtual justification sessions for students and coordination sessions with faculty members. Social messaging groups were formed through virtual and in-person communication, instructions were explained, expectations and tasks were clarified, and questions were answered. Students and faculty members could access the required information with minimal presence in medical education centers and time and cost constraints. Moreover, with the blended evaluation, the researcher’s communication with participants was more accessible. The written guidelines and uploaded educational content of the workshops enabled students to save the desired topics and review them later if needed. Students had easy access to scientific and up-to-date information, and the application of social messengers and Skype allowed for sending photos and videos, conducting workshops, and questions and answering questions. However, the clinical workshops and examinations were held in-person to ensure accuracy. The virtual part of the examination was conducted through online software, and questions focused on each station’s clinical and practical aspects. Students answered various questions, including multiple-choice, descriptive, scenario, picture, and puzzle questions, within a specified time. The blended examination evaluated clinical competency and did not delay these individuals’ entry into the job market. Moreover, during the severe human resource shortage faced by the healthcare system, the examination allowed several nurses to enter the country’s healthcare system. The blended examination can substitute in-person examination in pandemic and non-pandemic situations, saving facilities, equipment, and human resources. The results of this study can also serve as a model to guide other nursing departments that require appropriate planning and arrangements for Conducting Clinical Competency Examinations in blended formats. This examination can also be developed to evaluate students’ clinical performance.

One of the practical limitations of the study was the possibility that participants might need to complete the questionnaires accurately or be concerned about losing marks. Therefore, in a virtual session before the in-person exam, the objectives and importance of the study were explained. Participants were assured that it would not affect their evaluation and that they should not worry about losing marks. Additionally, active participation from all nursing students, faculty members, and staff was necessary for implementing this plan, achieved through prior coordination, virtual meetings, virtual group formation, and continuous reflection of results, creating the motivation for continued collaboration and participation.

Among other limitations of this study included the use of the Spielberger Anxiety Questionnaire to measure students’ anxiety. It is suggested that future studies use a dedicated anxiety questionnaire designed explicitly for pre-exam anxiety measurement. Another limitation of the current research was its implementation in nursing and midwifery faculty. Therefore, it is recommended that similar studies be conducted in nursing and midwifery faculties of other universities, as well as in related fields, and over multiple consecutive semesters. Additionally, for more precise effectiveness assessment, intervention studies in three separate virtual, in-person, and hybrid groups using electronic checklists are proposed. Furthermore, it is recommended that students be evaluated in terms of other dimensions and variables such as awareness, clinical skill acquisition, self-confidence, and self-efficacy.

Conducting in-person Clinical Competency Examination (CCE) during critical situations, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, is challenging. Instead of virtual exams, blended evaluation is a feasible approach to overcome the shortages of virtual ones and closely mimic in-person scenarios. Using a blended method in pandemics or resource shortages, it is possible to design, implement, and evaluate stations that evaluate basic and advanced clinical skills in in-person section, as well as stations that focus on communication, reporting, nursing diagnosis, professional ethics, mental health, and community health based on scenarios in a virtual section, and replace traditional OSCE exams. Furthermore, the use of patient simulators, virtual reality, virtual practice, and the development of virtual and in-person training infrastructure to improve the quality of clinical education and evaluation and obtain the necessary clinical competencies for students is recommended. Also, since few studies have been conducted using the blended method, it is suggested that future research be conducted in three intervention groups, over longer semesters, based on clinical evaluation models and influential on other outcomes such as awareness and clinical skill acquisition self-efficacy, confidence, obtained grades, and estimation of material and human resources costs. This approach reduced the need for physical space for in-person exams, ensuring participant quarantine and health safety with higher quality. Additionally, a more accurate assessment of nursing students’ practical abilities was achieved compared to a solely virtual exam.

Data availability

The datasets generated and analyzed during the current study are available on request from the corresponding author.

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We want to thank the Research and Technology deputy of Smart University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, the faculty members, staff, and officials of the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Lorestan University of Medical Sciences, Khorramabad, Iran, and all individuals who participated in this study.

All steps of the study, including study design and data collection, analysis, interpretation, and manuscript drafting, were supported by the Deputy of Research of Smart University of Medical Sciences.

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Authors and affiliations.

Department of E-Learning in Medical Education, Center of Excellence for E-learning in Medical Education, School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Rita Mojtahedzadeh & Aeen Mohammadi

Department of Medical Education, Smart University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Tahereh Toulabi

Cardiovascular Research Center, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Lorestan University of Medical Sciences, Khorramabad, Iran

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RM. Participating in study design, accrual of study participants, review of the manuscript, and critical revisions for important intellectual content. TT : The investigator; participated in study design, data collection, accrual of study participants, and writing and reviewing the manuscript. AM: Participating in study design, data analysis, accrual of study participants, and reviewing the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final version of the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Tahereh Toulabi .

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Mojtahedzadeh, R., Toulabi, T. & Mohammadi, A. The design, implementation, and evaluation of a blended (in-person and virtual) Clinical Competency Examination for final-year nursing students. BMC Med Educ 24 , 936 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-024-05935-9

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Received : 21 July 2023

Accepted : 20 August 2024

Published : 28 August 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-024-05935-9

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  • Clinical Competency Examination (CCE)
  • Objective Structural Clinical Examination (OSCE)
  • Blended method
  • Satisfaction

BMC Medical Education

ISSN: 1472-6920

researcher skills meaning


  1. Research Skills: What They Are and Why They're Important

    Critical thinking. Critical thinking refers to a person's ability to think rationally and analyze and interpret information and make connections. This skill is important in research because it allows individuals to better gather and evaluate data and establish significance. Common critical thinking skills include: Open-mindedness.

  2. What Are Research Skills? Definition, Examples and Tips

    Research skills are the ability to find an answer to a question or a solution to a problem. They include your ability to gather information about a topic, review that information and analyze and interpret the details in a way to support a solution. Having research skills is necessary to advance your career as they directly relate to your ...

  3. The Most Important Research Skills (With Examples)

    Research skills are the ability to find out accurate information on a topic. They include being able to determine the data you need, find and interpret those findings, and then explain that to others. Being able to do effective research is a beneficial skill in any profession, as data and research inform how businesses operate.

  4. Research Skills: What They Are and How They Benefit You

    Research skills are a set of abilities that allow individuals to find and gather reliable information and then evaluate the information to find answers to questions. ... Data may not mean anything until you analyse it qualitatively or quantitatively (using techniques like Excel or SPSS). For this reason, data analysis analysis is an important ...

  5. What Are Research Skills? Types, Benefits, & Examples

    Research skills are practically any skill used to investigate or analyze information relevant to a topic of interest.. Broadly, it includes a range of talents required to: Find useful information. Perform critical analysis. Form hypotheses. Solve problems. It also includes processes such as time management, communication, and reporting skills to achieve those ends.

  6. What are Research Skills and why are they important?

    Research skills enable you to focus on a specific goal, gather relevant information, and communicate your findings to others. We are taught from a young age to develop research skills, and for good reason. Teachers in academia required answers to a series of topic-related questions in an essay. Similarly, your boss may eventually request that ...

  7. Research Skills: What they are and Benefits

    Research skills are the capability a person carries to create new concepts and understand the use of data collection. These skills include techniques, documentation, and interpretation of the collected data. Research is conducted to evaluate hypotheses and share the findings most appropriately. Research skills improve as we gain experience.

  8. Research Skills and How To Develop Them

    These skills are essential for various fields and disciplines, ranging from academic and scientific research to business, journalism, and beyond. Effective research skills involve several key components: Information Retrieval. Source Evaluation. Critical Thinking. Data Analysis. Problem Formulation.

  9. Research Skills: Definition, Examples and Importance

    Research skills refer to the ability to find, organise, analyse and present relevant information about a specific subject. Being able to research requires having several soft and hard skills, including the ability to conduct investigations, make observations, draw inferences, perform analysis and derive solutions to a particular issue.

  10. Introduction to research skills: Home

    Research skills allow you to find information and use it effectively. It includes creating a strategy to gather facts and reach conclusions so that you can answer a question. Top tips. Starting your research. think about your topic - don't be too vague or too specific (try mind mapping or keyword searching).

  11. Research Skills: Definition and Examples

    Research Skills: Definition and Examples. Employers consider research skills essential. People with these skills help companies develop new products and services, identify the needs and wants of their customers, improve policies and procedures, keep up with changes and compete in their market. Knowing how to develop excellent research skills ...

  12. Research Skills: What They Are and Why They're Important

    Research skills enable you to effectively find and gather appropriate information, then analyze and apply it to find solutions to solve problems. Research skills are crucial for every industry and can be extremely useful in any role. They consist of a range of other soft skills that come together to be more than the sum of their parts.

  13. Research skills: definition and examples

    Research skills ensure that you have a deeper understanding of an industry or product to craft an interesting sales message. With research skills, it's easy to shape the path you would follow to accomplish a particular goal. Related: Primary research vs secondary research: a comparison Examples of research skills

  14. Research Skills: Examples + How to Improve

    Research skills refer to an individual's ability to source information about a certain topic, and effectively extract and evaluate the information in order to answer questions or solve problems. ... Time management skills: definition + examples Reading time: 9 mins. Top 10 leadership skills (+ examples) Reading time: 9 mins. 10 key career ...

  15. How to become a researcher

    By 'research skills' we broadly mean the ability to make progress solving difficult intellectual problems. We find it especially useful to roughly divide research skills into three forms: Academic research. Building academic research skills is the most predefined route. The focus is on answering relatively fundamental questions which are ...

  16. Research Skills

    4:00pm to 5:30pm. Location: Zoom - TBA. PART 1: R3 and Me: A Toolkit for Rigorous and Reproducible Research (Jelena Patrnogić, PhD, HMS Curriculum Fellows Program) 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM. There is a reproducibility crisis in research. In 2016, Nature reported results from a survey demonstrating that more than 70% of researchers...

  17. How to Improve Your Research Skills: 6 Research Tips

    How to Improve Your Research Skills: 6 Research Tips. Written by MasterClass. Last updated: Aug 18, 2021 • 3 min read. Whether you're writing a blog post or a short story, you'll likely reach a point in your first draft where you don't have enough information to go forward—and that's where research comes in.

  18. Research Skills: Definition, Benefits and How To Develop

    Here are six researching skills that can help you assist your company or advance your career: 1. Ability to search and assess information. All research involves the search for credible information that you can analyse and use to arrive at an answer or solution. In the workplace, the information you search for may help you complete projects and ...

  19. Research Skills for Your Resume: 40+ Examples

    Finally, the research you do will usually need to be shared with others in one way or another. Learning to communicate well, compose presentations and collaborate with others is critical to ensuring your research goes as far as it can. Communication skills for your resume: Collaboration. Active listening.

  20. 40 Examples of Research Skills

    Research skills are talents related to investigating, analyzing, formulating and communicating knowledge. These are foundational skills that can be applied to business, scientific and academic pursuits. Research often involves collecting and organizing information from sources and evaluating the credibility of each source.

  21. Top 10 Qualities and Characteristics of a Good Researcher

    Becoming a good researcher requires time, dedication, key skills and attributes, and a lot of hard work! (Image by cookie_studio on Freepik) Year after year, people with different personalities and backgrounds step into the field of research eager to develop the key qualities of a good researcher, only to find themselves faced with anxiety and self-doubt.

  22. Reading and Research Skills

    Research skills refer to the ability to search for, locate, extract, organise, evaluate and use or present information that is relevant to a particular topic. Academic research is a specific type of research: a process of detailed and methodical investigation into some area of study. It involves intensive search, investigation, and critical ...

  23. Qualitative Researcher Skills: Definition and Examples

    Qualitative research skills are the strengths that allow a researcher to produce insight and knowledge from information that doesn't involve numbers. The skills qualitative research requires often differ from those people use to perform other types of research. Quantitative research, for example, typically involves more data assessment than ...

  24. Conducting Research on Psychosocial Skills Associated with Academic

    In this paper, I present six points to consider in conducting research on psychosocial skills associated with talent development, and in particular, academic talent development. The six points are presented with an emphasis on examining ideas behind the questions of under what conditions, when, and for whom.

  25. The effects of screen time on children: The latest research parents

    Some research also indicates that educational screen time could potentially enhance social and language skills, especially in lower-income homes. This could be because these homes previously had more limited access to learning material. There are studies that show that boys can react differently to electronic stimulation than girls at this age.

  26. Lego Therapy for Autism: Build Legos & Social Skills

    Lego therapy is a way to bridge the gap between existing interests and lacking play/social skills to build communication, imagination, and social skills. The main goal of Lego Therapy is to teach social skills in a structured play setting that can then be generalized to a variety of other settings and interactions in daily life.

  27. The design, implementation, and evaluation of a blended (in-person and

    The primary mission of the nursing profession is to educate competent, capable, and qualified nurses with the necessary knowledge and skills to provide quality nursing care to preserve and improve the community's health [].Clinical education is one of the most essential and fundamental components of nursing education, in which students gain clinical experience by interacting with actual ...