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What is a research student?

I’ve red that some universities in Japan offer a non-degree program called research student. I want to know:

Why do students usually apply as a research student?

Do research students work on things that haven’t been done before? Or do they work on anything that interests them (of course) but that is not necessarily new?

How does a research student differ from a master student? What does a research student presents in his/her last year?

  • graduate-school
  • research-undergraduate
  • terminology

virmaior's user avatar

  • 10 Please provide the source from which you heard of the term "research student". –  Nobody Commented Jun 27, 2014 at 8:09
  • 1 A research student is one who is learning how to research by doing research under the supervision of a more senior academic. Of course, if you're not simultaneously a bachelor, Master, or PhD student, then you're not going to get any formal qualification out of it. –  Moriarty Commented Jun 27, 2014 at 8:34
  • @scaaahu, i've known about it from some Japanese universities websites... –  user3527764 Commented Jun 27, 2014 at 17:06
  • 1 Comment as this is about a different meaning of the term "research student": I'm chemist in Germany. Our bachelor and master courses include internships in research groups before the theses projects are started. Those students are sometimes referred to as "research student"/Forschungsstudent (also "research intern"/Forschungspraktikant) in analogy to "bachelor student" (= students currently doing their their thesis project). –  cbeleites Commented Jan 6, 2015 at 12:12

2 Answers 2

I've only encountered the term "research student" in Japan (研究生), most (all ?) graduate schools in Japan offer it (see for example the Graduate School of Information Sciences of Tohoku University ). As I understand it

A student will apply as a research student if they wish to conduct research at the university under the supervision of a faculty member, but are not interested in taking classes or obtaining a degree. You could want to do this for example as a "gap year" between undergrad and Master's (or Master's and Ph.D.), this could be a way to get some research experience under your belt, and perhaps improve your application for Masters or Ph.D.

Anything goes, as long as it is agreed between the student and supervisor.

You are not required to present anything. Since there is no degree to be obtained, there are no requirements to be fulfilled.

is subjective.

fkraiem's user avatar

  • 2 " I've only encountered the term "research student" in Japan ", this is what I suspect and why I asked the OP to identify the source (see my comment above). –  Nobody Commented Jun 27, 2014 at 8:43
  • You have mentioned that research student is not required to present anything , then on what basis he/she is going to be judged _ i mean if the research student did well or not? if he/she have agreed on a specific subject with his supervisor, then shouldn't he/she present what they have worked on during his/her stay in the university? –  user3527764 Commented Jun 27, 2014 at 18:47
  • 2 Whether the student "did well or not" is very subjective, and depends on what his or her goals are. It would be pointless to require the student to do anything, because what if they just don't do it? The university can't really say "you don't get the degree", because you were not supposed to get one in the first place. –  fkraiem Commented Jun 27, 2014 at 18:58
  • 1 That is also subjective. Different professors might have different standards (Shinichi Mochizuki requires anybody wanting to work with him to have studied all of Hartshorne's book first) and it probably also depends on your level. If you are applying right after undergrad, you will want at the very least to demonstrate that your subject of interest align with theirs (even better, to have a good term paper written about it). –  fkraiem Commented Jun 27, 2014 at 19:20
  • 2 I've studied in Japan as a "research student". I had a scholarship to immediately start study Japan, but (living outside of Japan and all) hadn't yet sat the entrance exam for the masters program. I spent the research student year taking classes, researching for my masters, and preparing for the entrance exam. (The supervisor liked my masters research proposal and took me on as a research student with the understanding I would pass the entrance exam in a year and go on to complete the masters.) –  Robin Commented Jan 12, 2019 at 21:52

Usually, students who go through a research program, aim for a research project or a project the output of which may be a research report or a scientific publication. As far as this program is only offered in a few number of universities or research centers; I just want to add some comment to the questions you asked. In some universities, non-degree programs are offered as some students want to attend to the university not going through the official class-attending programs. I mean, in a non-degree program, the student may not have to attend all the courses offered in a degree leading program. The student has the opportunity to choose the courses he likes and the ones mostly near the field of research he likes to do. It may be noted that in a degree program, the student may have to pass a few number of courses which may be chosen by the group or department; but in a non-degree program, he has the opportunity to choose from a wide range of different courses which he likes more. I insist that that because these programs may not lead to a degree, each university may have its own regulations and the student may or may not have the opportunity to choose as many different courses as he wants. It is better to check the universities' websites. The answer the your question about why students apply for such programs varies. Some students prefer to enjoy the freedom of the program, choosing a number of courses and pass them,while they do some research activity in the research institute. Some researchers prefer to apply for this programs as they have passed some courses before and they are coming with a good research background; so they apply for a non-degree program just to expand their researches and do some publications at the end of the research period. Some other students are the ones who work in industry and do not have enough time to attend a complete degree leading program and have a research topic in mind; so they apply for such program and do research in the field of their desire. When we are talking about research , It means that we are looking for something new. When something is done before and the researchers looks for it; it is called research but the output may be a Review Paper not a Research Paper. A non-degree program may differ as a matter of time. The research period may be three months, six month, one year or more. But as the research non-degree program student does research under supervision of a professor at the university; the output should be something like a publish paper, conference paper or a research report or book. If the person applies for a non-degree program and does not have any publication at the end of the research period, why does he attend the university? The research student may take most of the research period , by talking to the other researchers and students at the university. Go to some courses and read as much as papers and reports as he can. Develop new ideas for his future projects and gain ideas to make his work better.

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The status of visiting professor or researcher

research student definition francaise

French institutes of higher education encourage foreign professors and researchers to do research and teach in France with the status of visiting professor or via the chair programmes.

Le statut de professeur ou de chercheur invité

French research institutes can welcome professors or researchers using the "visiting" status. These stays, reserved for experienced professors and researchers, generally last from two months to one year.

Visiting professors, generally received into the universities, must usually do research and have teaching hours. When they are received into a research institutes (CNRS, INRA, INRIA, etc.), visiting researchers can devote themselves entirely to research , with the exception of having to direct a few seminars.

Below there is a (non-exhaustive) list of French establishments that offer visiting professor or researcher positions:

  • the Collège de France : ;
  • the RFIEA ( Réseau Français des Instituts d’Etudes Avancées French Network of Institutes of Advanced Studies): ;
  • The University of Paris 1 PanthéonSorbonne: ;
  • the University of ParisSaclay, with the Alembert programme: ;
  • AixMarseille University ;
  • the University of Paris 13: ;
  • the UPMC: .

The chair programmes

In addition to receiving visiting professors or researchers, many French universities and Grandes Ecoles have chair programmes to welcome researchers from around the world. These programmes are usually designed for specific scientific problems and last for a limited time. The Collège de France in particular has developed a programme of excellence in which many chairs are reserved for foreign researchers or professors. Find out more on the site .

Further, there are corporate chairs that enable foreign researchers to work with a company and research establishment for up to 2 years. This programme is financed by the French National Research Agency.

Comment financer votre équipe de recherche en France ?

Experienced researchers may request funding for their research team from the European Research Council (ERC) . A Consolidator Grant or Advanced Grant can finance all or part of your stay, as well as that of your team, for up to 5 years. These grants can reach 2.5 million euros.

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Définition de research en anglais

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  • He has dedicated his life to scientific research.
  • He emphasized that all the people taking part in the research were volunteers .
  • The state of Michigan has endowed three institutes to do research for industry .
  • I'd like to see the research that these recommendations are founded on.
  • It took months of painstaking research to write the book .
  • absorptive capacity
  • dream something up
  • ergonomically
  • modularization
  • nanotechnology
  • testing ground
  • the mother of something idiom
  • think outside the box idiom
  • think something up
  • study What do you plan on studying at university?
  • major US She majored in philosophy at Harvard.
  • cram She's cramming for her history exam.
  • revise UK I'm revising for tomorrow's test.
  • review US We're going to review for the test tomorrow night.
  • research Scientists are researching possible new treatments for cancer.
  • The amount of time and money being spent on researching this disease is pitiful .
  • We are researching the reproduction of elephants .
  • She researched a wide variety of jobs before deciding on law .
  • He researches heart disease .
  • The internet has reduced the amount of time it takes to research these subjects .
  • adjudication
  • have the measure of someone/something idiom
  • interpretable
  • interpretive
  • reinspection
  • reinterpret
  • reinterpretation
  • reinvestigate
  • reinvestigation

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Center for Educational Effectiveness | Office of Undergraduate Education

Center for Educational Effectiveness

Active learning, creating an engaging & inclusive environment ( read full series ), what is it.

Active learning strategies are instructional activities that engage students in doing things as well as thinking about what they are doing (adapted from Bonwell and Eison, 1991).  Active learning approaches support the student-centered, co-construction of knowledge, skills, and values (more than the transmission of information from the instructor to the students).

The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) has followed the engagement experiences of thousands of college students since 2000. Their consistent results show that hands-on, integrative, and collaborative active learning experiences lead to high levels of student achievement and personal development (Kuh et al., 2017). Owens et al. (2017) found that active learning can positively impact student motivation. Reimer et al. (2016) found active learning to be particularly beneficial to first-generation college students in STEM courses, boosting both retention and passing rates. 

  • In a meta-analysis involving high enrollment lectures findings show that active learning increases student performance on exams by an average of 6%, and decreased failure rates from 34% to 22% (Freeman et al., 2014).

Teaching Strategies

  • Break up lectures for time to process, discuss, or practice. In a Think/Write-Pair-Share   activity, ask the class a question, and then give students a few minutes to think about or write down a response. Students then pair up and share their ideas.
  • Assess students’ understanding. In the Muddiest Point ask students (towards the end of class) to write a short note explaining which point from that day’s class is most unclear to them. This strategy helps to better assess student learning and helps students reflect on their learning process.
  • Implement reciprocal teaching activities. For a Gallery Walk, set up stations or displays throughout the room.  Organize so students rotate through each station (individually or in groups), completing a task or responding to a specific prompt at each station.
  • Organize and structure for inquiry-based learning.  Give student teams a Case Study describing a real world and/or field-related problem. Each team must then develop a solution to the problem, using course concepts, outside research, etc. 
  • Integrate writing-to-learn activities. Free writes, for example, are short, ungraded, in-class exploratory writing activities meant to get students engaged in a course topic.

Students say ...

  • “It really helps when instructors ask which parts of the lesson are still unclear and then actually reteach those parts at the start of the next class.”
  • “I really enjoyed the ‘practical’ aspect of applying what we learned in class to real-world case studies.”
  • How do you provide opportunities for students to think, process, or reflect after you disseminate content?
  • What proportion of time are you “doing” in class versus the proportion of time your students are “doing?”


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  1. Traduction research student en Français

    traduction research student dans le dictionnaire Anglais - Français de Reverso, voir aussi 'research, cancer research, market research, Medical Research Council', conjugaison, expressions idiomatiques. Traduction Context Correction Synonymes Conjugaison. Plus.

  2. research student

    research student - traduction anglais-français. Forums pour discuter de research student, voir ses formes composées, des exemples et poser vos questions. Gratuit.

  3. Traduction de "research student" en français

    A Ph.D., by definition, is an original contribution to knowledge. En tant qu'étudiant chercheur, vous ferez partie de notre communauté académique prospère.Un doctorat, par définition, ... Even as a research student he was a wonderful person to work with, ...

  4. What is a research student?

    1. A research student is one who is learning how to research by doing research under the supervision of a more senior academic. Of course, if you're not simultaneously a bachelor, Master, or PhD student, then you're not going to get any formal qualification out of it. - Moriarty. Jun 27, 2014 at 8:34.

  5. PhD

    Principales traductions. Anglais. Français. Doctor of Philosophy n. (highest university degree) doctorat en philosophie nm. Doctor of Philosophy n. (person holding PhD degree) doctorant en philosophie, doctorante en philosophie nm, nf.

  6. research

    faire des recherches v. The student researched the topic before writing her essay. L'étudiante a fait des recherches sur le sujet avant de rédiger son essai. Students have to research before writing an essay. Les étudiants doivent faire des recherches avant de rédiger un essai. less common:


    Translation for 'research student' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations.

  8. Traduction research en Français

    to research the market faire une étude de marché. vi faire des recherches. to research into sth faire des recherches sur qch. → She's currently researching into that historical period. modif. [agency, firm, group, staff, team, centre, facilities] de recherche, de recherches.

  9. RESEARCH in French

    RESEARCH translate: recherche [feminine], faire des recherches, (de) recherche, faire des recherches. Learn more in the Cambridge English-French Dictionary.

  10. student research assistant

    the tasks that are required for the course. [...] qui assure leur sécurité et le s aide à réaliser les travaux nécessaires dans le cadre du cours. Many translated example sentences containing "student research assistant" - French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations.

  11. researcher

    researcher n. (investigative scientist) chercheur, chercheuse nm, nf. Researchers in England confirmed the Russians' results. Les chercheurs en Angleterre ont confirmé les résultats des Russes. researcher n. (person who gathers information) chercheur, chercheuse nm, nf. Several outside researchers worked on the story.

  12. research translation in French

    research. → They are doing further research on human cloning. → Some of the money went into nuclear weapons research. He's doing research. Il fait de la recherche. She's doing some research in the library. Elle fait des recherches à la bibliothèque. → I'm doing a piece of research on language acquisition.

  13. The status of visiting professor or researcher

    Le statut de professeur ou de chercheur invité. French research institutes can welcome professors or researchers using the "visiting" status. These stays, reserved for experienced professors and researchers, generally last from two months to one year. Visiting professors, generally received into the universities, must usually do research and ...

  14. RefSeek

    Academic search engine for students and researchers. Locates relevant academic search results from web pages, books, encyclopedias, and journals.


    research définition, signification, ce qu'est research: 1. a detailed study of a subject, especially in order to discover (new) information or reach a…. En savoir plus.

  16. Traduction student en Français

    art student. n étudiant (e) m/f des beaux-arts. college student. n (=university student) étudiant (e) m/f. → More than one-half of college students are employed part time. exchange student. n étudiant (e) m/f en échange. → I first came to France as an exchange student. graduate student.

  17. French language

    French (français, French:, or langue française, French: [lɑ̃ɡ fʁɑ̃sɛːz]) is a Romance language of the Indo-European family.It descended from the Vulgar Latin of the Roman Empire, as did all Romance languages.French evolved from Gallo-Romance, the Latin spoken in Gaul, and more specifically in Northern Gaul.Its closest relatives are the other langues d'oïl—languages historically ...

  18. research

    research effort n. (work done in studying or investigating) effort de recherche nm. research facility n. (place for scientific experimentation) centre de recherche nm. research findings npl. (discoveries of an investigation or study) résultats (d'une recherche, d'une étude) nmpl.

  19. Active Learning

    Research. The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) has followed the engagement experiences of thousands of college students since 2000. Their consistent results show that hands-on, integrative, and collaborative active learning experiences lead to high levels of student achievement and personal development (Kuh et al., 2017).

  20. Definition of 'research student'

    A student studying for a doctoral award, that is, a PhD or an MPhil.... Click for English pronunciations, examples sentences, video.

  21. Traduction student en Anglais

    Ces travaux ont obtenu le Best student paper lors de la conférence ECS 2012.: The research won the Best Student Paper award at the 2012 ECS conference.: Best student paper de la conference EUCASS 2017: Best Student Paper Award of EUCASS 2017: Dance student: C'est assez difficile effectivement.: Dance student: It's quite difficult, actually.: 11341624 - High school student transporter des ...

  22. undergraduate student translation in French

    n - undergraduate student étudiant (e) m/f de premier cycle. → a 21-year-old history undergraduate. modif. [admissions, degree, studies] de premier cycle. → ... undergraduate degree programmes. [life, days] d'étudiant (e) de premier cycle. undergraduate courses cours mpl de premier cycle. Translation English - French Collins Dictionary.