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How to Write a Speech About Someone I Admire

Kimberley McGee

Tips on Writing a Welcome Address at a High School Graduation

It is an honor to be asked or to be able to write a speech about someone that you admire. When the task is to write a speech, it can feel like a daunting endeavor, particularly when the subject is someone you look up to or who had a large impact on your life. Whether it is for an award ceremony or a school assignment, family reunion or wedding anniversary, cobbling together a compelling speech about someone you admire can be a moving moment as well as an enjoyable experience.

Getting Started on Speech Writing

Before you reach for all the words, begin with just a few. Create an outline that will touch on your key points. Consider the person and jot down what comes to mind when you concentrate on the individual as well as how he or she has made an impact on you and others. If it is a family member, reach into the past and showcase some of his or her early experiences.

Once you have a relatively rough outline of what you hope to touch on, write your introduction. The introduction sets the tone and grabs your audience. Some ways to craft an attention-grabbing introduction is to start with a question, a well-known joke or anecdote. Make sure it is something that the entire audience can understand.

Person I Admire Speech Body Basics

When writing a speech about someone you admire, turn your attention not only to the person, but accomplishments, inflections of speech or other personal traits. There are two objectives when giving a speech, to make a good impression and leave the audience with a clear and informative understanding of your subject. Consider your audience before sitting down to write your speech. The missive should reflect the occasion, either light and jovial or stern and touching. Focus your audience’s attention on the main facts quickly by giving a preview in the opening descriptive paragraph. Establish goodwill from the beginning and grab the crowd’s attention with a pithy turn of phrase or poignant piece of literature.

Reach Out for Inspiration

Look at an example of a speech about someone who was admired for speech writing tips. Comedian and actress Maya Rudolph gave a gripping commencement speech in 2015 that focused on people that she admired. These included her family as well as people she admired in the industry, including Oprah Winfrey and Beyonce. If you need moments of inspiration while you are writing your speech about someone you admire, turn to those who have gone before you. Studying compelling speeches can help you understand how to convey emotion and impact through your carefully chosen words. If you are writing about family members, ask those who have given speeches in the past for encouragement.

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Kimberley McGee is an award-winning journalist with 20+ years of experience writing about education, jobs, business trends and more for The New York Times, Las Vegas Review-Journal, Today’s Parent and other publications. She graduated with a B.A. in Journalism from UNLV. Her full bio and clips can be seen at

How to Write a Speech About Someone I Admire

By lorraine ramirez / in science & education.

Tribute speeches are the time to recognise your subject's accomplishments.

Whether for a school assignment, an award ceremony, or a wedding or anniversary honouring a loved one or friend, you may be asked to make a tribute speech about a person that you admire. Prepare in advance, finding the right words to express your reasons for admiring your subject. Structure your written speech for the greatest impact and to make it memorable.

  • Whether for a school assignment, an award ceremony, or a wedding or anniversary honouring a loved one or friend, you may be asked to make a tribute speech about a person that you admire.
  • Structure your written speech for the greatest impact and to make it memorable.

Write an outline of your key points. Make a list of why you admire this person and others should too. Note their values, actions or accomplishments. For example, record ways your grandfather managed to become one of the first successful businessmen in his community or how your mother and father have stayed happily married together for 50 years while raising you and your siblings.

Write an introduction. Keep your audience in mind and adjust your level of formality depending on the situation. Start with an effective attention grabber - a question, anecdote, or joke - that introduces the subject of your speech. Use an attention grabber that your whole audience will understand and appreciate. Avoid inside jokes or obscure references.

Move along steadily. After the attention grabber, move into introducing your subject and giving some general overall reasons why this person deserves praise and recognition. Use a transition to bridge your introduction and body paragraphs, such as: "And therefore, I want to briefly mention a few reasons why I hold Mr. King in such high esteem."

  • Keep your audience in mind and adjust your level of formality depending on the situation.
  • After the attention grabber, move into introducing your subject and giving some general overall reasons why this person deserves praise and recognition.

Develop your general ideas in the body of your speech. Use your outline to guide you through your key points when writing your body paragraphs. Offer concrete supporting examples for each of your points. For instance, if you were talking about your English professor and wanted everyone to know how amiable he was, explain how on numerous occasions you would bombard him with concerns about your work and how he took the time and effort to help you, always with a smile. Be brief in your examples.

  • Develop your general ideas in the body of your speech.
  • Use your outline to guide you through your key points when writing your body paragraphs.

Add a conclusion. Don't re-list all your reasons, but briefly touch on your key points to reinforce them to your audience. Conclude your speech with as strong an impact as possible. For example, "Mr. King has been an invaluable resource to this company because of his many years of dedicated and loyal service, his incredible work ethic and innovative approach to generating exciting and new ideas for this company. It is with deep respect and gratitude that we honour him here tonight."

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Describe a person you admire, describe a person you admire..

  • who he/ she is
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  • what characteristics this person has

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A person you admire

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Hello and welcome to Learn English Vocabulary. My name is Jack and I’m making this podcast for you to learn or revise English vocabulary. You can find a transcript of this podcast on There’s a page for this podcast with the transcript, an activity and a task for you to do in the comments section.

Today, I want to talk about people I admire. You see, a little while ago, I made a podcast about negative adjectives , adjectives you can use to describe people you don’t like and I thought I should make a podcast that focuses on positive characteristics . So I’m going to focus on adjectives that you can use to describe people you like, adjectives you can use to describe a person’s character and not their appearance.

I’m going to present this language in five short interviews. In each interview, I’m going to be answering questions about a person I admire. The verb admire has two main meanings. The first means to find something attractive to look at. So you might admire a friend’s new car or perhaps on a trip to Rome, you admire the architecture and all the historic buildings. However, if you admire a person, it means you respect them and like the way they behave. The five people I want to talk about today are all people I respect and I admire them because of their personalities and characteristics.

After the podcast, I have created some speaking activities that you can do on Learn English Vocabulary that will help you practise using the language and that will help you develop your fluency and speaking skills. There is a link on the Learn English Vocabulary website on the side of this page where you can sign up to join the speaking lessons.

OK … let’s get started. 

Here’s interview one.

Tell me about a person that you admire., who are they and how do you know or know about them.

OK – someone I admire. Well, the first person that I admire is my grandfather. He was a very old fashioned man in many ways, but he had some characteristics that I think are quite rare these days.

Why do you admire him? What characteristics do you admire?

Well, he had integrity. He knew his own mind and was not prepared to compromise or change his principles. This was very important to him. He was straight-talking and completely honest. He was honourable in a way that you don’t often see these days. He was also a very intelligent man who managed to earn a degree without going to university. At least, that’s the story I was told. He managed to teach himself the knowledge required to sit the exams and passed, while working a full-time job.

Why do you think he was honourable?

This might sound strange, but he wasn’t ambitious and at work, he refused to suck up to his bosses. He did his job to the best of his ability, but at the end of the day, he put his pen down and went home. He would never have dreamed of lying or cheating anyone. But when he had done a fair days work, he stopped and went home to his family. I think he may have missed out on promotions because of this attitude, but I have always had a lot of respect for him because of it.

Interview number two

One person that I’ve always admired was a teacher at my school called Mrs Evans. She was my religious studies and theology teacher and she really taught me how to think. That sounds strange when I say it now, but it’s true. 

Why do you admire Mrs. Evans? What characteristics do you admire?

Mrs Evans was a great teacher. One of the things I admired was that she was really open-minded. If anyone brought up a strange or new idea in class, she would always treat the ideas with respect and consider them, even if they seemed silly. She never dismissed anything without thinking about it first or at least gave me and my classmates the chance to discuss it first. She was also really flexible. 

Why do you think she’s flexible?

Well, there was never a classroom situation that seemed to trouble her. If we were having a discussion and it went off in a strange direction and it would during most lessons, she would gently nudge and make suggestions until we were discussing the class material again. I think part of this was that she was very understanding. She could sense how people were feeling and offered help when they needed it and also challenged them when they needed it. She really challenged me a couple of times and it was difficult when it happened, but she was understanding enough to know that I needed it and could cope with it so I learnt a lot from the experience.

Interview number three

This time, I want to talk about a man called Michael. This is someone I have worked with for a long time now. Michael is a colleague of mine who actually interviewed me for a job almost 10 years ago.

Why do you admire Michael? What characteristics do you admire?

Michael is a really kind guy. He’s very open emotionally and is genuinely warm-hearted. He makes friends easily – he must have hundreds of friends, and he genuinely cares about all of them. He’s really generous with his time and money and loves being out with people. 

Why do you think he’s kind?

This is quite difficult to say. It’s not like he’s into charity or grand acts of generosity. But when you are with him, he talks about himself openly, he’s not guarded or closed and he asks about me and my family with real interest and concern. And later, he remembers what I have told him and always asks with concern after my family. He’s just a really kind person. 

Interview number four

OK – a person I admire is my wife. How do I know her? Well, I married her and we have two children. Being a parent with someone teaches you a lot about them.

Why do you admire your wife? What characteristics do you admire?

There are lots of characteristics that I admire. My wife is probably the bravest person I know. She has very protective instincts I think. She is also really sensitive. She’s a teacher as well, but mostly teaches young children and she has an incredible way of sensing how her pupils are feeling and getting on. She’s also incredibly supportive of me in my work and really patient.

Why do you think she’s brave and sensitive and supportive and patient?

Ha ha – OK. Years ago, we were living in Cairo in Egypt. We had been on holiday in Dahab on the Red sea and had just got back to Cairo. One of my colleagues had been there at the same time with her mum. As we were getting off the bus, we were crossing the street and My colleague’s mum fell over. Me and my colleague both looked up the road to see if any traffic was coming and there was a bus heading straight towards us. I looked back to my friend’s mum and my wife was already there, picking her up. While I was assessing the situation and the danger, my wife hadn’t hesitated. This might not sound like a big deal, but the streets in Cairo are scary and at the time I felt shame that I had not reacted sooner but also huge admiration for my wife. 

I think I explained why I think she is sensitive. She has a way with people, especially children and I think this is because she can sense or understands their feelings and needs. 

She’s supportive of me – I’ve been working in different places and on different projects and this has meant moving away from her family and just being there for me when I have been having problems with my own work

And she’s patient because … well, she has put up with me and wait for me and deal with my problems and she very rarely complains. I think she has to be really patient to do that.

Interview number five

The last person I want to talk about is an old friend. I’ve not seen or spoken to him for a very long time now and he’s a very private person so I’m not going to use his real name. Instead, I’m going to call him Eric.

Why do you admire Eric? What characteristics do you admire?

Eric is possibly the best company I’ve ever had. He’s incredibly charming. When he wants to, he can make a room full of people like him. Everybody wants to be his friend. 

He’s funny, he’s like a comedian. He doesn’t really tell jokes, he just has a funny way of looking at the world and he’s witty. This is like being funny, but it’s related to intelligence. So he makes clever funny comments and responds really quickly to funny situations.

Why do you think he’s charming?

I’m not sure. He’s not suave and sophisticated like James Bond, though he might like to think so. He’s got a bit of an attitude of not caring about things, like he’s a bit cool about most things so when he pays attention to you and wants to entertain you it makes you feel important or special in some way.  

In these interviews, I have described people who are intelligent , honest and honourable , open – minded , flexible and understanding , kind , warm – hearted and generous , brave , sensitive , supportive and patient and funny , witty and charming . 

I’m going to put an activity on the lesson page and a speaking activity together for people who want to join Learn English Vocabulary. These speaking classes are a new part of the Learn English Vocabulary website and at the moment, I’m going to offer some memberships for free, but in the future, there will have to be a small cost if they are popular as the platform and tools I’m using are not free. I would also really like to be able to work on these resources fulltime. 

If you have enjoyed this podcast, please leave me a comment or a rating or a review. I love to hear from you and any comments or suggestions you have. If there are any topics or songs or scenes from a film that you would like me to talk about or anything else you would like to hear, I would be delighted to make a podcast for you. So please visit and say hello.

Thanks for listening.

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Great work.

Seda Uludağ

thanks nice work

Thanks Jack!

Gisele Copatti

Hi, thank you for the lessons! For me, the best song of all the time is “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen. It’s full of meaning and so creative… could you make a lesson about it? Thank you!

Thank you…greatful!!

Hey Jake, I love your podcast. I learned a lot of words from you and still learning. Big thank you for helping me to learn English. After listening to this episode I want to say I admire you because you are a really nice and generous person. Also, your podcasts are really fun to listen to. I never get bored while I listen. Thank you very much I am grateful.

Thank you so much for all lessons. I really love to listen to them. And- the person who I admire is everyone who take the responsibility and has been already vaccinated. These people shows that they cares not only about theselves but they also cares for the others. I am from Bulgaria and unfortunately we have only 20 % vaccinated people here. Thank you again!

I really find this activity very useful. I have not find a listening like this to my students. They also like it. I would like to aply the speaking and the activities you mention . Thanks a lot !!

Hi Yenny I couldn’t make the technology work. I am building a new school which will be based around speaking practice. I’ll let you know when it’s ready. Thanks Jack

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presentation about admire person

01 IELTS speaking part 2 tips

  • Use an opener.
  • Answer the question by paraphrasing.
  • Use different tenses/structures .
  • Include fluency markers and linking words. 
  • Use some less common vocabulary (as seen below) 

02 Key topic vocabulary: A person you admire 

  • Inspiring (adj) - to make someone want to do something. (usually positive)

Eg. My father is very inspiring. He always encourages me to follow my dreams.

  • Influential(adj) - having the power to change things. 

Eg. Barack Obama is an influential man.

  • Legacy(n) - something that a person leaves when they die. 

Eg. The writer's legacy was his great books.

  • To follow in the footsteps (p) - to do the same thing as someone else did in the past.

Eg. I  followed in the footsteps of my mom and became a teacher.

  • To revolutionize (v ) - to change something a lot.

Eg. Apple revolutionized the computer industry.

  • Epitome of (n) - the best example of.

Eg.  New York is the epitome of a big city.

  • To strive to (v) – to try very hard to do something.

Eg. I strive to be good at my job.

03 Vocabulary Quiz

Now, take the quiz below. More than one answer may be possible. Choose the most appropriate answer.

04 Listen and fill in the blanks

Listen to the model answers by playing the below video. If you prefer to read the answers, keep on scrolling!

05 Sample answer & preparation

Now it's your turn! Prepare your own answer using what you learned. You can see our full sample answer below.

  • Who he/she is.
  • What he/she is like.
  • How you know about this person.
  • Why you admire this person.

If you found this useful , you should check out more of our free lessons here !  

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presentation about admire person

the person i admire

The Person I Admire

Sep 23, 2014

480 likes | 5.13k Views

The Person I Admire. Professor Charles Kao Kuen is known as Father of Fibre Optics. He was born in Shanghai on November 4, 1933. He liked radio transmission in his childhood.

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  • work harder
  • playing basketball
  • professor kao finished
  • professor charles kao kuen


Presentation Transcript

Professor Charles Kao Kuen is known as Father of Fibre Optics. He was born in Shanghai on November 4, 1933. He liked radio transmission in his childhood. At the age of 15, his family moved to Taiwan. Then they came back to Hong Kong. Professor Kao finished his high school education at St Joseph College. In his studies, he found out that fibre optics can be used for telecommunications and he presented it in December 1964. He became the vice-chancellor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1987 and retired in 1996. He has been suffering from Alzheimer’s disease since 2004. Prof Kao was awarded the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physics. His invention has brought great changes in our life.

A Person I Admire My dad is a person I admire. He is 40 years old. He is kind and hardworking. My dad is not a boring person. He loves making jokes. On Sundays, we like playing basketball in Tsing Yi Park. We are interested in basketball because we love sports very much. Every day, he goes to work very early. He is a good policeman. Last year, he caught a robber in Tsuen Wan. I was proud of him. After work, he helps me with my homework and helps my mum with the housework. I will try my best to work harder at school. I hope I could be a good policeman like my dad when I grow up.

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The person I admire - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

presentation about admire person

The person I admire

He, my favorite tennis player played tennis for 21 year. andr is married to a ... his wife, brooke shield, played tennis too so they are a tennis couple. ... – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • The person i admirer is André Agassi
  • He, my favorite tennis player played tennis for 21 year.
  • André is married to a beautiful women, they have two kids.
  • His wife, Brooke Shield, played tennis too so they are a tennis couple.
  • They have been first in the world for a long time
  • Now Brooke Shield is an actress.
  • André Agassi is probably working and playing tennis for sure.
  • André has been first in the world for half of his career and hes wife too. is a leading presentation sharing website. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use.

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    The verb admire has two main meanings. The first means to find something attractive to look at. So you might admire a friend's new car or perhaps on a trip to Rome, you admire the architecture and all the historic buildings. However, if you admire a person, it means you respect them and like the way they behave.

  9. Speaking skills: A person you admire

    The noun is admiration and the definition is: Admiration is the feeling of respect that you have for someone because of what they have done or a personal quality that they possess. We would like you to tell us about a person that you admire. This person can be a footballer, a sports person, a celebrity, a politician, someone in your family or ...

  10. IELTS Speaking tips

    IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe a person you admireIn this video, I am going to give you a list of 12 important things that we can admire people for. If you ...

  11. PDF A person to admire

    describe a person s life history and achievements brainstorm, select, and organize ideas into an outline learn about the parts of a good introduction and conclusion make effective note cards and use eye contact prepare and give a presentation about a person you admire UNIT GOALS 1 A person to admire Exploring the topic

  12. Ielts Speaking Part 2: Describe a Person You Admire

    In this lesson, you will review speaking part 2 tips, learn some key vocabulary related to a person you admire and listen to or read a sample answer for an IELTS speaking part 2 question related a person you admire. This lesson is divided into 4 steps. 01 Review part 2 tips. 02 Study key topic vocabulary. 03 Take vocabulary quiz.

  13. The Person I Admire The Most Essay

    Here are 100, 200 and 500-word essays on "The Person I Admire The Most". We all have someone or another whom we admire the most. We love the other person so much that we can do anything for the other person. They are the people who make us believe that good things do exist. We are blessed to have those people in our life.

  14. Presentation About A Person that Admire. by Anyi Diaz on Prezi

    Presentation About A Person that Admire. by Anyi Diaz on Prezi. Blog. July 25, 2024. Sales pitch presentation: creating impact with Prezi. July 22, 2024. Make every lesson count with these student engagement strategies. July 18, 2024. Product presentations: defining them and creating your own. Latest posts.

  15. PPT

    A Person I Admire Essay. An Image/Link below is provided (as is) to download presentation Download Policy: Content on the Website is provided to you AS IS for your information and personal use and may not be sold / licensed / shared on other websites without getting consent from its author. Download presentation by click this link. While ...

  16. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. The Person I Admire. Professor Charles Kao Kuen is known as Father of Fibre Optics. He was born in Shanghai on November 4, 1933. He liked radio transmission in his childhood. At the age of 15, his family moved to Taiwan. Then they came back to Hong Kong.

  17. The People I Admire the Most

    Title: The People I Admire the Most 1 (No Transcript) 2 The People I Admire the Most. are my Mom and Dad; 3 I Admire You. Because they are nice and sweet and they are kind to me; 4 We Do Things Together. Like we go to the mall and we go shopping together; 5 They Work Hard. Because they are hair stylist and they are good at it; 6 They Have Fun

  18. The person I admire

    Title: The person I admire. 1. The person I admire. The person i admirer is André Agassi. 2. Hes a tennis player. He, my favorite tennis player played tennis for. 21 year. André is married to a beautiful women, they have.